Indian Ethos in Management 1
Indian Ethos in Management 1
Indian Ethos in Management 1
Class: - B.B.A. VI Semester
Unit-IV Indian Ethos: Values and Ethics; Requisites for Ethics Globally
45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
UNIT – 1
Business ethics is nothing but the application of ethics in business. Business ethics is the application of
general ethical ideas to business behavior. Ethical business behavior facilitates and promotes good to society,
improves profitability, fosters business relations and employee productivity. The concept of business ethics
has come to mean various things to various people, but generally it‘s coming to know what it right or wrong
in the workplace and doing what‘s right - this is in regard to effects of products/ services and in relationships
with stakeholders.
Business ethics is concerned with the behavior of a businessman in doing a business. Unethical practices are
creating problems to businessman and business units. The life and growth of a business unit depends upon
the ethics practiced by a businessman. Business ethics are developed by the passage of time and custom. A
custom differs from one business to another. If a custom is adopted and accepted by businessman and public,
that custom will become an ethic. Business ethics is applicable to every type of business. The social
responsibility of a business requires the observing of business ethics. A business man should not ignore the
business ethics while assuming social responsibility. Business ethics means the behavior of a businessman
while conducting a business, by observing morality in his business activities.
According to Wheeler – Business Ethics is an art and science for maintaining harmonious relationship with
society, its various groups and institutions as well as reorganizing the moral responsibility for the rightness
and wrongness of business conduct.
According to Rogene. A. Buchholz ―Business ethics refers to right or wrong behavior in business decisions.
As it is said earlier, management is a universal process in all organized activates. Management pays a very
paramount role in a business firm, government enterprise, education and health service and military
organization etc.
‘Management is a multi-purpose organ that manages a business, manage manager and manage workers and
work’ – ‘P.Drucker’ “The practice of management.”
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
Functions of Management
i) Planning iv) Leading
ii) Organizing v) Motivating
iii) Staffing vi) Controlling
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
Social Responsibilities
Social issues with which business corporations have been concerned since the 1960s may be divided into
three categories:
a. Social problems external to the corporation that were not caused by nay direct business action like
poverty, drug, abuses, decay of the cities and so on.
b. The external impact of regular economic activities. For example pollution caused by production, the
quality, safety, reliability of goods and services, deception in marketing practices, the social impact of
plant closures and plant location belong to this category.
c. Issues within the firm and tied up with regular economic activities, like equal employment
opportunity, occupational health and safety, the quality of work life and industrial democracy.
“Corporate Social Responsibilities is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethical and
contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as
well as of the local community and society at large.”
Corporate Social Responsibility is an integrated combination of policies, programs, education, and practices
which extend throughout a corporation’s operations and into the communities in which they operate.
Corporate Social Responsibility is achieving commercial success in ways that honour ethical values and
respect people, communities, and the natural environment.
Companies implement CSR by putting in place internal management systems that promote
Adherence to labor standards by corporations and their business partners;
Respect for human rights;
Protection of the local and global environment;
Reducing the negative impacts of corporations operating in conflict zones;
Avoiding bribery and corruption; and;
Consumer protection.
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
overall direction to the enterprise with the aim of satisfying legitimate expectations for accountability and
regulation by interest beyond the corporate boundaries. All companies need governing as well as managing.
Nature of Governance –
All human societies need governing, where power is exercised to direct, control and regulate activities that
affect people’s interests. Governance involves the derivation, use and limitation of such powers. It identifies
rights and responsibilities, legitimizes actions and directions, accountability. Corporation governance is
concerned with the process by which corporate entities are governed; that is, with the exercise of power over
the direction of the enterprise, the supervision and control of executive actions.
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
The primary objective of the committee was to view corporate governance from the perspective of the
investors and shareholders and to prepare a ‘Code' to suit the Indian corporate environment.
The committee had identified the Shareholders, the Board of Directors and the Management as the three
key constituents of corporate governance and attempted to identify in respect of each of these constituents,
their roles and responsibilities as also their rights in the context of good corporate governance.
Corporate governance has several claimants –shareholders and other stakeholders - which include suppliers,
customers, creditors, and the bankers, the employees of the company, the government and the society at
large. The Report had been prepared by the committee, keeping in view primarily the interests of a particular
class of stakeholders, namely, the shareholders, who together with the investors form the principal
constituency of SEBI while not ignoring the needs of other stakeholders.
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
Mandatory Recommendations:
Applies To Listed Companies With Paid Up Capital Of Rs. 3 Crore And Above
Composition Of Board Of Directors – Optimum Combination Of Executive & Non-Executive Directors
Audit Committee – With 3 Independent Directors With One Having Financial And Accounting
Remuneration Committee
Board Procedures – Atleast 4 Meetings Of The Board In A Year With Maximum Gap Of 4 Months
Between 2 Meetings. To Review Operational Plans, Capital Budgets, Quarterly Results, Minutes Of
Committee's Meeting. Director Shall Not Be A Member Of More Than 10 Committee And Shall Not Act
As Chairman Of More Than 5 Committees Across All Companies
Management Discussion And Analysis Report Covering Industry Structure, Opportunities, Threats,
Risks, Outlook, Internal Control System
Information Sharing With Shareholders
Non-Mandatory Recommendations:
Role Of Chairman
Remuneration Committee Of Board
Shareholders' Right For Receiving Half Yearly Financial Performance Postal Ballot Covering Critical
Matters Like Alteration In Memorandum Etc
Sale Of Whole Or Substantial Part Of The Undertaking
Corporate Restructuring
Further Issue Of Capital
Venturing Into New Businesses
As per the committee, the recommendations should be made applicable to the listed companies, their
directors, management, employees and professionals associated with such companies, in accordance with the
time table proposed in the schedule given later in this section. Compliance with the code should be both in
letter and spirit and should always be in a manner that gives precedence to substance over form. The ultimate
responsibility for putting the recommendations into practice lies directly with the board of directors and the
management of the company.
The recommendations will apply to all the listed private and public sector companies, in accordance with the
schedule of implementation. As for listed entities, which are not companies, but body corporate (e.g. private
and public sector banks, financial institutions, insurance companies etc.) incorporated under other statutes,
the recommendations will apply to the extent that they do not violate their respective statutes, and guidelines
or directives issued by the relevant regulatory authorities.
The Committee recognizes that compliance with the recommendations would involve restructuring the
existing boards of companies. It also recognizes that some companies, especially the smaller ones, may have
difficulty in immediately complying with these conditions.
The recommendations were implemented through Clause 49 of the Listing Agreements, in a phased manner
by SEBI.
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
UNIT – 2
Task of marketers is to influence the behaviour of customer. Ethics are standards of moral conduct. Virtually
all people prefer to act ethically.
Marketing executive face the challenge of balancing their own best interests in the form of recognition, pay,
and promotion, with the best interest of customers, their organizations, and society into a workable guide for
their daily activities. In any situation they must be able to distinguish what is ethical from what is unethical
and act accordingly, regardless of the possible consequences.
The Guidelines have implicitly recognized with consumer rights, which were made explicit in the Charter of
Consumer International as follows –
Right to basic needs Right to safety
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
Ethics in Advertising
Commercial advertising is sometimes defined as a form of ‘information’ and an advertiser as “one who gives
information”. This definition fails to explain advertisements from the advertisement, which ‘compare, test and
objectively evaluate the durability, safety, defects and usefulness of various products. Advertisements often do
not include much objective information for the simple reason that their primary function is not that of
providing unbiased information. The primary function of commercial advertisements rather, is to sell a
product to prospective buyer.
Some ads improperly claim about the benefits of using the products or mislead/ misrepresented the facts, and
thud, go against scientific evidence. The other important ethical issue is projecting women as sex control
symbol. For example, showing in men shaving products is quite unwarranted. In the VIP men’s undergarments
as, a man is shown with lipsticks marks all over the body. Here, the advertisement indirectly/ directly and
unfairly shows women as stereo type sex symbol. Various other ads also involve the women as sex symbol.
The issue under discussion here it that how far it is ethical can proper to show women in irrelevant products.
The advertising agencies should come to a common platform to debate and address these problems in a
matter manner.
Advertising economics says that it provides information, maintains brand equity, supports the media,
provides employment, reduces distribution costs, provides product utility and stimulates introduction of new
products. Ethical issues include undue claims, wrong information and misrepresentation of facts. The basic
45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
questions, which can be raised across all countries, are such as the following –
1. Does advertising manipulate? (Motivation research and subliminal advertising of coke can be an
example of that)
2. Degree of emotional appeals (Complete man-Raymond’s fairness cream products and beauty claims of
Godrej fair-ever etc.)
3. Too much over exposure of advertising-privacy intrusion-SMS-TV-Telemarketing).
4. Creative teams of ad-agencies sometimes miss utilized in creative efforts.
5. Advertising to children- (Too much exaggeration of fantasy in products use like energy drink of
glucose etc.)
6. Effects on values and life style such as materialism etc., (quality of life, Raymond’s complete man
In the backdrop of the above six issues in the modern society regarding the advertising, the United Nations’
UNESCO organization for example, put together a 16 member commission to study “the totality of
communication problems in modern society”. The commission’s report which became known as Mac bridge
report (named after the Irish diplomat Sean MacBride who headed the Commission) produced 82
recommendations directed largely at eh potential danger of advertising and the needs for controls on
advertising practices. The issues have been in three areas –
1. The relationship of advertising to materialism (is defined as too much tendency to give undue
importance to material interests which may raise consumption of FMCGs and consumer durable
goods more).
2. The role advertising has played in creating harmful stereotypes of women and ethnic minority
(Keeping pace with joins type of personality).
3. The possible contribution of advertising in promoting harmful products (hype in creating macho
figure, by using alcohol, and cigarettes products).
Spiritual Needs
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
The fundamental principle of Secularism is that in his whole conduct, man should be guided exclusively by
considerations derived from the present life itself. Anything that is above or beyond the present life should be
entirely over looked. Whether God exists or not, whether the soul is immortal or not, is questions which at
best cannot be answered, so they should be ignored.
Work Ethics
Ensuring the presence of sound values and ethics is a vital and ongoing part of good governance in
organizations and an integral part of good management practices. “Work place ethics” is how one applies
values to work in actual decision making – a set of right and wrong actions that directly impact the
The Individual
An ethical issue is an identifiable problem, situation or opportunity that requires a person to choose from
several actions which could be evaluated as right or wrong. For example, should a salesperson omit the fact of
frequent of the filter while selling a kitchen chimney to as prospective customer? When does offering a gift to
a customer become a bribe rather than a sales promotion? There are no easy answers. An individual’s ethical
behaviour affects not only his or her reputation within the company, but may also contribute to the way in
which the company is perceives by others. Values reflect enduring beliefs that one holds that influences
attitudes, actions and the choices one makes. As individuals, our values are shaped by our personal beliefs.
Values developed in childhood and youth are constantly tested and on-the-job decisions reflect the employee
understands of ethical responsibility. Various socio-psychological factors could be responsible why individuals
could develop negative attitudes or lose personal motivation.
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
Organizational Causes
1. Rethinking Companies 7. Role Ambiguity
2. Changing operations 8. Work Overload and Work Under load
3. Encountering New Work Cultures 9. Responsibility for Other
4. Reaching the Limits 10. Changes in Working Conditions
5. Occupational Demand 11. Lack of Involvement in Excisions
6. Role Conflict
Group causes
1. Lack if Group Cohesiveness 3. Conflict
2. Lack of social Support
Personal Factors
1. Life and career Changes 4. Cultural Differences
2. Personality Type 5. coping with Daily life
3. Career Development
45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
UNIT – 3
The business generally interacts with owners, investors, employees. Supplier’s customers, computers,
competitors, government and society. These are called interest groups because by each and every activity of
business, the interest of these groups is affected directly or indirectly.
45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
What is Trusteeship?
Trust is a fund or asset created to specific purpose. A wealthy person may set aside some funds for specific
purpose and appoint a trustee to manage it and make sure that the benefits are made available to the
specific beneficiaries. The beneficiaries are mentioned.
The trustee is entitled to take a fee for his services. He is expected to take care of the fund on his own but he
must not take advantage of the fund for his personal benefit.
Trusteeship of Gandhiji
In the first instance, everything must be surrendered to God and then out of it one may use only that
which is necessary for the service of God's creation, according to one's strict needs.
When an individual had more than his respective portion, he became a trustee of that portion
for God's people.
Gandhi suggested this doctrine as an answer to the economic inequalities a kind of nonviolent way
of resolving all social and economic conflicts.
Therefore man's dignity and not his material prosperity.
Aims at a distribution of material prosperity keeping only human dignity in view
Besides, trusteeship aims at the rising of the morale of the people by giving them a sense of security in
the hands of the trustees.
According to Gandhi, trusteeship is the only ground on which he can work out an ideal combination of
economics and morals. It is as follows:
(i) Trusteeship provides a means of transforming the present capitalist order of society into an egalitarian
one. It gives no quarter to capitalism, but gives the present owning class a chance to reform itself. It is based
on the faith that human nature is never beyond redemption.
(ii) It does not recognize any right of private ownership of property except so far as it may be permitted by
society for its own welfare.
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
(iii) It does not exclude legislation of the ownership and use of wealth.
(iv) Thus under state regulated trusteeship, an individual will not be free to hold or use his wealth for selfish
satisfaction in disregard to the interests of society.
(v) Just as it is proposed to give a decent minimum living wage, a limit should be fixed for the maximum
income that would be allowed to any person in society. The difference between such minimum and maximum
incomes should be reasonable and equitable and variable from time to time, so much so that the tenancy
would be towards the obliteration of the difference.
(vi) Under the Gandhian economic order, the character of production will be determined by social necessity
and not by personal greed.
"Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your
thoughts and everything will be well.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Political Environment
Politics as a term is generally applied to the art or science of running governmental or state affairs, including
behavior within civil governments. It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics and the
analysis of political systems and political behavior. It consists of "social relations involving authority or
power" and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.
In a democracy, there is always a conflict between the slow rates of social pay off. True leadership is the ability
to reconcile the two and promote long-term public good. A far more dangerous threat is the loss of purpose
for leadership.
Political ethics
• Political ethics are a set of codes
• Political ethics balance the needs of situations with ethical questions
• Politics can involve a wide variety of ethical issues
45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
UNIT – 4
This is the first truth thought to every child. Even a poor uneducated man living in a hut knows that God is in
everybody and therefore there is sameness in all.
The second truth is about a holistic universe. Where at a level of pervading consciousness everything is
interconnected at VYASTHI LEVEL (Individual level) my limbs, hands, legs, ears, eyes, heart, lungs. Everything
are me. I live in all of them. Their sorrows and joys are my sorrows and joys. Similarly at SAMASTHI level (the
whole universe) I am not a single individual but I am a part of the whole universe just as my limbs are part of
Modern science has accepted that in this holistic universe all minds and matters are interconnected at a
deeper level. The basic unity of life cannot be broken. Love, sacrifice therefore emerge as the only for a
meaningful living. On the basis of this holistic vision, Indians have developed work ethos of life. They found
that all work, physical or mental, managerial oradministrative have to be directed towards single purpose.
The manifestation of the divinity in man by working for the good of others, for the happiness of others. These
Indian ethos are required all over the world in present scenario in managing business and industry
effectively and efficiently. Some of these ethos are as follows:
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
Serve your personal interest but do not forget others Shankaracharya has given the concept to gain
perfection in individual life as well as the welfare of the whole world.
Indian Ethos is more vital to modern management than any other management theory for the simple reason
that it takes into account a ‘whole’ man rather thanapproaching man in a partial fashion as the othertheories
do. Each and every situation can be met effectively if one takes time to reflect over it.
Reflection with a tranquil mind helps in drawing out solutionsfrom within. Such guidance from within helps a
manager looks at the perceived problem situation in a creative manner. It leads to a more coherent and
complete understanding.
India belongs to feminine – collectivistic category. In feminine oriented culture co-operation and sharing are
the basic ethics and human actions are governed by the giving orientations. Feminine collectivistic managers
are softness oriented.
For them “Caring and Sharing” comes first. Such managers tend to take a highly humanistic approach to
management, and have a greater ability to inspire people. By taking care of subordinates, they are able to
ensure achievement for them.
45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100,
B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
Indian culture is predominantly a Spiritual and Inward looking culture. It has a socio centric vision. The
orientation of the spiritually dominated culture is that of welfare, the social good or the good of the
greater members. Simple living and high thinking is the characteristic feature of our culture.
One of the dominant features of the Indian culture is the Joint Family System. The values that are
particular to our society are extremely important in the context of management, where group effort
rather than an individual Endeavour is more important. Living in a joint family, an individual Endeavour
is more important Living in a joint family, an individual is brought up in a system of management, which
may be termed the KARAT style of management. Karta in a joint family is a fatherly figure. Everyone in
the family reposes confidence in him, he is respected and he is open to constructive and respectful
criticism. There is the warmth of relationship, closeness, consideration for others and a feeling of
sacrifice for the larger family interest.
The characteristics of Indian culture are that attends to be pervasive and enduring. When
an international company is setting up business in India, it will have to
look for the acceptability of their management in its present form in the Indian situation.
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
In the above diagram, the basic or the fundamental requirement for a manager is his ‘VISION’ and attitude
towards the environment in its totality i.e. Cosmic view based on cultural values. Next comes the emotional
stability of the manager. He must be a self-controlled and self-propelled man. This can come by the heavy
input of sattvic gunas and the constantpractice of niskam karm. Job skills are the last input. This though
important, is not the ‘Core Requirement’ as the westerners view it. Hence any international company should
imbibe above mentioned features seeking the business in India.
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
UNIT – 5
Nudging one’s self towards ones’ Higher Self can be accomplished if a person realizes the need for holistic
and ethical approach to management by a paradigm shift from western principles to an enlightened
philosophy of life based on Yoga, Siddha and Samadhi. Yoga is the way to lead oneself to Higher Self, Siddha is
the appropriate knowledge which has been proved or accomplished and Samadhi means a state of
equanimity of the mind or intellect.
Management is not merely the art of directing the activities of men so as to make the best use of money and
materials, but it is the skill of enterprise based on experience, intuition and wisdom. While the task of
managing material and financial resources may not be difficult for an experienced manager, it is an entirely
matter when it comes to directing human resources. The difficulty arises simply because animate is quite
different from inanimate.
For example, one can polish a rough diamond and cut to make it sparkle so as to enhance its beauty and hence
its monetary value. The same does not apply in precisely the same manner when it comes to training,
whereby he can have the opportunity to acquire skills. When finally placed in a business or industrial
organization, such a person may initially show great promise. However, his efficiency, morale, commitment
and loyalty may not necessarily be non-variable phenomena. The modern world of business and industry
abounds with examples that show that mere salary, training and handsome perks do not necessarily
guarantee wisdom or loyalty of the same degree from all such employees.
Therefore, the need of the day is to provide the right kind of environment for all the levels of employees to
think for themselves in regard to the values and principles of proper and efficient work. ‘Qualitative sincerity’
and not ‘quantitative variety’ should be the guiding motto not only for an organization, but for each and every
employees, whether he is a laborer, a supervisor, a middle level manager or a personality belonging to the top
management. Development of the individual not merely for promoting the productivity of the organization
but essentially for the ‘good of the individual self’ is to be emphasized as the most relevant work-philosophy
for any organization.
The requisite holism of an employee as an individual existing and conscious of self as:
Physical person respectively, implementing active techniques to gain physical balance,
Mental entity, enriching sentiment, perception, mind and will power by life balancing techniques,
Social entity, building quality communication with others by the techniques of professional and
working development and social integrity,
Spiritual entity, longing after self actualization and the sense of life, carrying it into effect by the
techniques of spiritual development,
Economic entity, striving to satisfy her material needs as a person, family member, coworker, and as a
member of a wider society.
In this way the behavior of individuals, who are willing to practice interdisciplinary cooperation, becomes
socially responsible. It offers a possible answer to crisis; hence the individuals evolve from being merely
owners to requisitely holistic creators, who enjoy subjective and objective welfare more than the others.
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
For the enterprises to solve their possible socio-economic problems the neo-liberal economic measures can
hardly work, because the problems have been caused by such measures, unless the given enterprise is very
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B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management
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