A Review Paper On Optimization of Shield PDF

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© 2018 IJSRST | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X

Themed Section: Science and Technology

A Review Paper on “Optimization of Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Parameters for Welding of (Ms) Sa-516 Gr.70 Plate by Using
Taguchi Approach
Afnan Dadi*1, Proff. Bhupesh Goyal2, Mr. Hardik Patel3
* PG Fellow, Mechanical Engineering Department, Parul Institute of Technology, Vadodara, Gujarat, India

2 Faculty of Engg. and Tech., Mechanical Engineering Department, Parul Institute of technology, Vadodara,
Gujarat, India
3Quality Assurance/ Quality control Department, Ishan Equipments Pvt Ltd, Vadodara, Gujarat, India


Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) is the most used welding process in the small scale industries and for
repair work, because of low cost, flexibility, portability and versatility. Shielded metal arc welding uses
consumable electrode metal filler rod and is covered by flux coating that gives slag through burning of
electrode which will give shield gases to protect from atmospheric oxides. SMAW has various welding
parameters that affect the quality, productivity and cost of welding. Proper selection of process will give better
weld strength. The present work is to optimize the parameter of SMAW process of mild steel by using Taguchi
method and ANNOVA analysis. To fulfill this objective, selecting important welding parameters like welding
current, root gap and thickness of plate as per field experts suggestions and available literature. On the selected
parameters, trails have been conducted as per Taguchi method.
Keywords: Shielded metal are welding (SMAW), Optimization, Welding parameter, (MS) SA-516 Gr.70, ,
Tensile test, Hardness test Taguchi technique, Orthogonal array, ANNOVA analysis.

I. INTRODUCTION tanks that you see in an oil refinery or chemical plant.

There is a huge range of different chemicals and liquid
Low carbn steel is most common form of steel because that stored and processed under pressure. ASTM A516
of its low cost and provides material properties that Grade 70 is an excellent choice for service in lower
are used for different applications. Mild steel contain than ambient temperature application, has excellent
0.005 to 0.25% of carbon which give ductile and notch toughness and is used in both pressure vessels
malleable. Mild steel has low tensile strength because and industrial boilers. It offers a greater Yield and
of its low carbon content. Thick sections may require Tensile strength when compared to ASTM A516
preheating to reduce the cooling rate. Pressure vessel Grade 65 and can operate in lower temperatures. It’s
steel plate has a multiple range of steel grades that are ideally suited for high standard set by the oil, gas and
designed for pressure vessel, boilers, heat exchangers petrochemical industry.
and any other vessel that contains a gas or liquid at
high pressures. Familiar examples include gas This shielded metal arc welding process commonly
cylinders for cooking and for welding, oxygen used in construction/fabrication process. It has
cylinders for diving and many of the large metallic different names like, MMA or MMAW or stick

IJSRST1845381| Received : 05 April 2018 | Accepted : 20 April 2018 | March-April-2018 [ (4) 5 : 1536-1543]
Afnan Dadi et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 1536-1543

welding. Consumable electrode used for this welding At the welding current of 110amp the tensile strength
process. The flux burns and produces fumes to prevent was maximum for single V joint design in comparison
from atmospheric conditions. The current can be AC with weld carried out of 90amp, 100amp and 120amp.
or DC. Because of versatility and simplicity it is And also in comparison to other types of joint design,
widely used around the world, it is mostly used for i.e. double V (UTS 387.74MPa, YS 297.81MPa) and
repair and maintenance in the heavy steel industry. square butt joint (UTS 394.16MPa, YS 284.93MPa) the
The advantage is that, it is simple arc welding process ultimate tensile strength of single V joint design was
compare to other arc welding processes. The maximum. With the increase in welding current
equipment is portable in size and can be shift from which was taken as a variable parameter the ultimate
one place to the other. Equipment is less costly. The tensile strength 435.59MPa, yield strength 340.23MPa
heat required is obtain from touching a tip of and percentage elongation of 20.39 was recorded.
electrode to workpiece and lift it back to maintain the Maximum/optimum value of tensile strength of single
arc. The heat generated melts electrode and its coating V joint design was obtained when welding speed was
and the base metal in that weld region. Slag obtain to 157.80mm/min. The maximum UTS was obtained
protect the weld from oxides, nitrides, and inclusions. when the heat input rate was 919.63 J/mm. Hence it
Welding can be performed in all positions, can be can be concluded that the ultimate tensile strength in
used in shop and at site. Welded joints of sound case of the single V joint. was maximum as a result of
quality and adequate mechanical properties can be correct fusion between weld metal and base metal,
obtained by selecting proper electrodes and welding right joint design and edge preparation for this type of
procedures. material thickness. Also, it may be concluded that
with the increase in welding current the UTS will
increase until an optimum value. Increasing the
current beyond this optimum value will result in
decreasing UTS.

B S Praveen Kumar et al [2] explained on parametric

design of Shielded Metal Arc Welding to ensure no
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of SMAW leak to occur during the process. To achieve the
objective an attempt has been made to select
II. LITERATURE SURVEY important welding parameters like welding current,
welding speed, root gap and position of electrode.
Prof. Rohit Jha et al[1] Investigate the characteristics The results have indicated that leak proof joints can be
of weldment with respect to different types of weld produced in few specific operating conditions. Each
design and welding current. Mild steel plates of 6mm parameter towards the leak is also estimated by
were welded using different joint designs. Single V, ANOVA. For pipe diameter 60mm and 3mm thickness,
Double V and Flat surfaces were joined by Shielded 9 trail runs are conducted as per OA. Out of 9 trails 2
Metal Arc Welding process. Welding current was trails, run 2 and run 7 have given welding joints with
varied in all the cases. Mechanical properties such as no leak. This attributed to the fact that trail run 7 will
ultimate tensile strength, yield strength and run at higher current with relatively less welding
percentage elongation were evaluated. Results speed 3.5rpm ( 11mm per sec.). As contribution of
indicated that the single V joint design depict current is 54.64% and the contribution of welding
maximum UTS in comparison to other welding joints. speed is 22.96%. For pipe diameter 60mm and 4mm

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thickness, 9 trail runs are conducted as per OA. Out of current effect, voltage effect, arc length, welding
9 trails 2 trails, run 7 and run 8 have given welding speed and angle of welding on penetration and weld
joints with no leak. These trial runs are conducted at bead width on MS2062. An experiment runs by
150 Amps. automatic welding are conduct using on L27
orthogonal array for optimization of welding
Om Prakash Satyam et al [3] studied on the change of parameters level of current, voltage, speed, angle and
hardness, impact strength, tensile strength and electrode gap. A strong joint of mild steel is produced
microstructure at various process parameters is by using the SMAW technique. If amperage is
investigated. There is increase in hardness and small increased, weld bead width increases as well as
decrement in impact strength and tensile strength as penetration also increase. If voltage of the arc is
current increases. The microstructure also changes increased, welding bead width generally increases. At
with increase in current. Originally mild steel one best possible voltage the WBW minimum and
contains ferrite and pearlite at grain boundaries. As penetration is maximum. If travel speed is increased
current increases ferrite is converted in cementite and welding WBW generally decreases or penetration
martensite. There is small increase in hardness and generally decrease but a value gives best penetration.
increment in impact strength and tensile strength And the travel speed increase the electrode deposition
with increase in welding speed. There is small is decrease so electrode life is increase. The best Arc
increase in hardness and impact strength and tensile length is around equal to core diameter we use 3.15
strength with increase in arc force. There is small mm electrode we find best values of arc length at
increase in hardness and impact strength and tensile 3mm arc distance. Optimum values:- welding
strength with increase in heat input. Parameters :- current=100A,welding voltage=24V,angle=70 °& arc
welding current, welding speed, arc force, heat input. length=3mm.
Munish Kainth et al [4] investigated the effect of
mechanical vibrations on the mechanical properties of Pankaj Kumar et al [6] investigated to measure and
welded jointthey improved the mechanical properties analyze impact toughness value before and after post
of the weld metal through vibratory treatment. Finer weld heat treatment (PWHT) with three different
grain structures can be produced during the welding soaking temperatures. The specimens are welded by
of metals along with mechanical vibrations. During Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) process. Significant
manual butt weld joints, uniform long dendrites are improvement in impact toughness at 620°C of soaking
formed which shows that a uniform solidification temperature is recorded against risk of decrease in
process took place with uniform dendrites. Due to tensile strength. They found that when toughness of
auxiliary mechanical vibrations, long dendrites break material increases material become softer. From the
and form a new nucleation sites and a non-uniform results obtained, these conclude that the ductility of
solidification process took place. Tensile strength of the metal is increased because of the mechanical
the material AISI 1018 during vibration welding is property change in the microstructure. The phase for
18.25 % more as compared to the tensile strength of the metal is pearlite with ferrite and the metal is
same material during SMAW. Elongation of the heated below lower critical temperature of material.
specimen is 39.34 % more during vibration welding The pearlite is known for tougher, extremely strong
than SMAW. and highly deformed. After PWHT formation of
acicular ferrite were observed in weld zone which
Brijesh Sharma et al [5] explained the research work results in increase in impact toughness. Parameters:-
of Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) that shows the

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Afnan Dadi et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 1536-1543

welding current, welding voltage, welding speed, same conditions. Microstructural examinations
electrode stick out. conducted revealed that the cooling rate in different
media has significant effect on the microstructure of
Vijayesh Rathi , Hunny et al [7] explained on effect of the weldment. Pearlite and ferrite were observed in
controllable process variables on the heat input and the microstructure, but the proportion of ferrite to
the micro hardness of weld metal and heat affected pearlite varied under different conditions
zone (HAZ) are calculated and analysed. It is found
that the micro hardness of weld metal and heat R.A. Mohammed et al [9] investigated the mechanical
affected zone increased when low heat input is used. and metallurgical properties of medium carbon steel
In the multi pass welding process parameters directly using shielded metal arc welding process (SMAW)
affect the number of passes and total heat input. The with weld metal, heat affected zone and parent metal.
individual effect of current, voltage, speed on From the results, shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
hardness of weld and HAZ is higher. It is observed of medium carbon steel increased the strength of the
that the hardness is higher in the HAZ than the weld welded joint in particular the heat affected zone
metal. With increasing cooling rate, hardness (HAZ), as revealed by lower impact strength, higher
increases in the weld metal and HAZ at higher cooling tensile strength and hardness values as compared with
rate. Based upon the present study it is recommended the parent and weld metal which is attributed to the
that for the multi pass welding of J7 201SS using fine ferrite matrix and fine pearlite distribution as
SMAW process the low heat input should be preferred compared to the weld and parent metal. However,
because of the reason that it gives good hardness, there was a loss of ductility at the welded joint
toughness and ductility to the material. Bend test also resulting to brittleness of the material. The parent
turns positive for low heat input. metal (un-welded specimen) had the highest
toughness and is the most ductile as compared to the
M. A. Bodude1, I. Momohjimoh et al [8] investigated heat affected zone and the weld metal. The weld
the effect of heat input on the mechanical properties metal possessed an appreciable amount of hardness
of low-carbon steel was studied using two welding and a deep in toughness showing less ductility than
processes: Oxy-Acetylene Welding (OAW) and the parent metal, but more ductile than the heat
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). Two different affected zone. The heat affected zone possessed the
edge preparations on a specific size, 10-mm thick low- highest hardness, tensile strength and least impact
carbon steel, with the following welding parameters: strength showing that it is the most brittle as
dual welding voltage of 100 V and 220 V, various compared to the weld metal and the parent metal.
welding currents at 100, 120, and 150 Amperes and That shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) of medium
different mild steel electrode gauges of 10 and 12 were carbon steel increased the strength of the welded joint
investigated. The tensile strength, hardness and in particular the heat affected zone, as revealed by
impact strength of the welded joint were carried out lower impact strength, higher tensile strength and
and it was discovered that the tensile strength and hardness values as compared to the parent and weld
hardness reduce with the increase in heat input into metal.
the weld. However, the impact strength of the
weldment increases with the increase in heat input. Alay Shah et al [10] explained the mechanical
Besides it was also discovered that V-grooved edge properties of single v-groove, single pass welded joints
preparation has better mechanical properties as of ASTM A515 Grade 60 (group designation B) mild
compared with straight edge preparation under the steel using submerged arc welding (SAW) and

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shielded metal arc welding (SMAW). A backing was R H. Zoalfakar et al [12] studied the effect of welding
provided by Metal Active Gas (MAG) welding process parameters on mechanical and microstructural
on the first two specimens followed by a single pass of properties of St.37/2, St.44/2 and St.52/3 joints
SAW and SMAW (on the opposite side with a single produced by shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) was
v-groove) respectively. For the third specimen analyzed. Different heat inputs (H) were applied to
SMAW-Repair- was done over a 40% gouged SAW butt- welding joints by controlling current. The
coupon and a similar MAG welding backing was specimens were machined with different groove
initially provided.. These three specimens were then angles 40˚, 60˚, 80˚ and 100˚. In order to determine
tested for – Charpy Impact test and Vickers Hardness the effect of welding process on the local heat affected
test, and metallographic studies were conducted with zone (HAZ) thermal cycle during welding, three
a microscope in order to study the resulting different conditions were chosen, temperatures were
microstructures. The results of Hardness and Impact recorded by using K-type thermocouples and a data
test prove that the original toughness and hardness of acquisition system card of USB 6008, National
SAW specimen (Sample-2) are regained by the repair Instrument type. The mechanical properties were
SMAW performed on previously SAW specimen evaluated by means of micro hardness and tensile tests
(Sample-3). This clearly legitimizes the viability of at room temperature. Taguchi approach was applied to
performing SMAW repair on damaged SAW welded determine the most influential control factors which
joints in order to regain its lost mechanical properties. will yield better mechanical properties of the joints,
Significant grain growth was observed in Sample-3 where Taguchiʼs tools such as signal-to- noise ratio
HAZ. The toughness of Sample-3 is more than (S/N) have been used to observe the significant
Sample-1 and Sample-2 because during weld repair parameters and the optimal combination level of
further grain refinement takes place. VHN of Sample- SMAW parameters. In this study, the effect of
3 is quite similar to that of Sample-2. experimental parameters namely groove angle, C.E,
heat input, and preheating on UTS, elongation and
Dhananjay Kumar et al [11] investigated the effect of average hardness are investigated experimentally and
welding process on the distortion with 304L stainless statistically Taguchi technique and ANOVA. Specific
steel 12thk weld joints made by TIG (tungsten inert findings of this research include the followings: The
gas) and SMAW (Shielded metal arc welding) welding combined effect of both carbon equivalent and groove
process involving different type joint configuration. angle play an important role in improving tensile
12mm thick 304L stainless steel weld joints made by strength while keeping ductility at relatively high
different welding process with different angular level. In this annealing is effect to reduce the
distortion value. Double side TIG weld joints hardening effect during and after welding via
exhibited lower angular distortion value while double reducing crack susceptibility. The error between the
side SMAW weld joint exhibited maximum angular experimental results at the optimum settings and the
distortion value. The positive effect of angular predicted values for UTS, elongation%, and average
distortion takes place when length of plates and hardness (Hv) lie within 2.1, 3.1, and 4% respectively.
diameter of electrode increases. The negative effect of R.P. Singh et al [13] explained the effects of various
angular distortion takes place when current and time welding parameters on penetration in mild steel
gap between passes increases. The highest effect on having 5 mm thickness welded by shielded metal arc
angular distortion is observed on diameter of the welding. The welding current, arc voltage and
electrode using within the design range of parameters. welding speed were chosen as variable parameters.
The depths of penetration were measured for each

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specimen after the welding operations and the effects steel is found to be produced in this work by using the
of these parameters on penetration were researched. SMAW technique. If amperage is increased, welding
Welding currents were chosen as 90, 95,100, 105 and deposition area generally increases. If voltage of the
110 Ampere (A), arc voltages were chosen as 20, 21, arc is increased, welding deposition area generally
22, 23 and 24Volt (V), the welding speeds were increases. Weld voltage was found to be most
chosen as 40, 60 and 80 mm/min and external influencing variable to WDA. If travel speed is
magnetic field strengths were used as 0, 20,40, 60 and increased welding deposition area generally decreases.
80 Gauss for all experiments. It was observed that on The two level fractional half area fractional designs is
increasing welding current, the depth of penetration found to be very effective tool for quantifying to main
increased. In addition, arc voltage is another and interaction effects of variable on weld bead area.
important parameter for penetration. However, its J. O. Olawale et al [15] studied on process variables of
effect is not as much as current’s. The highest shielded metal-arc welding (SMAW) and post weld
penetration was observed for 100 A current, 22 V heat treatment on some mechanical properties of low
voltage, 40 Gauss magnetic field and 40mm/min carbon steel weld. Three hundred and sixty pieces of
welding speed. The welding speed was kept constant weld samples were prepared. The samples were
with the help of a lathe machine. Using the welded together using AWS E6013 electrodes with
experimental data a multi-layer feed forward artificial DC arc welding process. Varying welding currents of
neural network with back propagation algorithm was 100 A, 120 A, 140 A were used with a terminal voltage
modeled to predict the effects of welding input of 80V. The weld samples were prepared for hardness,
process parameters on weld bead geometry. A strong tensile and impact test. The prepared samples were
joint of mild steel is found to be produced in this work then subjected to normalising heat treatment
by using the SMAW technique. If amperage is operation at temperatures of 590°C, 600°C, 620°C,
increased, depth of penetration generally increases. If 640°C, 660°C, 680°C, and 700°C. It was observed that
voltage of the arc is increased, depth of penetration increase in welding current led to an increase in
decreases. If travel speed is increased, depth of hardness and ultimate tensile strength values of as-
penetration of weld decreases. If magnetic field is weld samples while impact strength de-creases. After
increased, depth of penetration of weld decreases. post heat treatment operation the hardness and
Artificial neural networks based approaches can be ultimate tensile strengths decreases while impact
used successfully for predicting the output parameters strength increases. From this outcome we conclude
like weld width, reinforcement height and depth of that there is correlation between the welding current
penetration of weld. and mechanical proper-ties of weld metal on one hand
and normalising temperatures and mechanical
Rajeev Ranjan et al [14] had studied to optimize properties on the other hand. As the cur-rent
various parameters for Shielded Metal Arc Welding increases the hardness and strength increases but
process, including welding voltage, welding current impact strength reduces, while hardness and strength
and welding speed. Factorial design approach has been continuously reduces but impact strength increases as
applied for finding the relationship between the normalising temperatures increases. There is
various process parameters and weld deposit area. The correlation between the welding current and
study revealed that the weld deposit area varies mechanical properties of weld metal. As the current
directly with welding voltage and welding current increases the hardness and strength increases but
and inverse relationship is found between welding impact strength reduces. Post welding normalising
speeds with weld deposit area. A strong joint of mild heat treatment operation reduces the weld metal

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