Temp Density Pressure
Temp Density Pressure
Temp Density Pressure
Air Density
Atmospheric Pressure
Pressure gradient
Review Questions
Measuring Temperature
Simply stated, temperature is the measure of the internal heat energy of a substance. Adding or subtracting heat changes temperature and the
degree of change is dependent on the molecular make-up of the substance. For example, for the same heat input, a land surface gets hotter than
a water surface. The effect becomes obvious when comparing temperatures over bitumen and grassy verges on a hot day. Such contrasting
surface temperatures have significant impact on the development of weather systems.
Changes in air temperature affect air density and hence aircraft performance.
Temperature scales are based on two internationally agreed fixed points: the freezing point and the boiling point. The ice point or freezing point
is the temperature at which pure ice melts under a pressure of one standard atmosphere. The boiling point is the temperature at which pure
water boils at a pressure of one standard atmosphere.
Common temperature scales are the Celsius scale on which the ice point is 0°C and the boiling point 100°C, and the Fahrenheit scale on which
the ice point is 32°F and the boiling point 212°F.
In scientific literature reference is sometimes made to the Kelvin temperature scale. On this scale, the ice point is at 273.16 Kelvin. As the
divisions of the Kelvin scale are the same as the Celsius scale, conversion is achieved by subtracting 273 from the Kelvin temperature, i.e. 280
Kelvin is 7°C.
On the other hand, in desert regions in the interior of continents, surface air temperatures may vary by 26°C from day to night. In Figure 3.1, a
typical inland diurnal change of temperature is depicted ranging between A and B. Near the coast, however, the diurnal variation of
temperature depends on the direction of the wind, being largest if the wind is off the land and small if it is from the sea. Local land and sea
breezes also tend to reduce the range of temperature variations near the coast.
The diurnal variation of surface air temperature tends to be greatest if calm conditions prevail. If it is windy, mixing of the air occurs through a
deeper layer. Mixing within the atmosphere enables the gain of heat by day and the loss by night to be shared by more molecules of the
atmospheric gases. As a result, the diurnal range of temperature is reduced during windy conditions.
Cloudiness also reduces the diurnal range of temperature. During the daytime clouds reflect radiation back to space while at night they act like
a blanket keeping the air near the earth's surface warmer. Diurnal variation of surface air temperatures is therefore relatively small during
cloudy conditions.
The type of surface (open fields, forests, deserts and oceans) and the ability of the underlying material to conduct heat to or from the
atmosphere affects the diurnal range of air temperature in the lower layers. However, the nature of the neighbouring terrain is also important,
because the temperature at a particular place may be affected by the flow of warm or cold air from adjacent areas.
Thin layers of air in contact with the ground, if heated by conduction and radiation from very hot surfaces will have lapse rates far exceeding
the average. For example, a temperature of 44°C at 1.25 m above a runway surface temperature of 81°C has been observed at Melbourne
Airport. In such conditions the lapse rate would be extreme within a few centimetres of the ground. However, because air is a poor conductor
of heat, extreme lapse rates are not sustained to any depth. Similarly, shallow layers of air in contact with very cold surfaces may have extreme
reversed lapse rates (temperature warms with height).
When temperatures increase with altitude an inversion is said to occur across the affected layer, i.e. the normal change of temperature in the
troposphere has been inverted or reversed (Figure 3.1 line B to C).
Inversions limit vertical development of cloud and trap pollutants resulting in reduced visibility. They also constrain or trap air within confined
boundaries and therefore are often associated with turbulence and wind shear.
The troposphere, where the vast majority of weather develops, is contained by the tropopause inversion as illustrated previously in Figure 1.1.
Isothermal layers
When temperatures do not change with altitude (the temperature lapse rate is zero) the affected layer is said to be isothermal, i.e. the
temperature remains the same for some vertical distance as illustrated by the line between D and C in Figure 3.1.
Air Density
Air density is a major factor in aerodynamic performance and engine efficiency. Increases in air temperature, humidity or altitude are coupled
to decreases in air density.
All three reduce climb rates and can drastically reduce maximum take-off weight. Also, all other factors being equal, lower air densities require
longer take-off and landing distances for fixed wing aircraft.
For dry air the density is related to pressure and temperature by the
fundamental gas equation: D = P/RT, where:
The density of dry air will increase as pressure increases (as air is
compressed it occupies a smaller volume);
Surface pressures normally range between 1040 hPa and 970 hPa. However, extreme values of 1084 hPa and 870 hPa have been recorded. The
variations of pressure are closely related to the generation of wind and changes in the weather. The intimate relationship between pressure and
height is utilised by the pressure altimeter for determining the height of aircraft.
Pressures from numerous stations, adjusted to MSL pressure, are used for the production of weather charts. The weather charts comprise
smooth curved lines of mean sea level pressure called isobars (lines of equal atmospheric pressure). Isobars depict weather systems such as
highs and lows.
Variations of surface pressure
Atmospheric pressure at a given locality varies continually. The
variations may be irregular or regular.
In the tropics, the diurnal variation of pressure is more evident than in higher latitudes. Figure 3.4 illustrates the diurnal pressure variations
(about 5 hPa) for a typical September day at Darwin, Australia.
Pressure gradient
The rate of change of pressure between locations is termed the
pressure gradient. Isobar spacing on weather maps reflects the
pressure gradient. Isobars close together are indicative of strong-
pressure gradients and strong wind. Conversely, isobars far apart are
indicative of weak-pressure gradients and light wind.
Altimeter settings
Figure 3.6: Altitude, elevation and height.
An aircraft’s altimeter uses a similar operating principle to an aneroid
barometer. On an altimeter, the pilot will set a known pressure in the barometric subscale (for a particular datum), and the pointers will indicate
the height above that datum.
The QNH pressure setting is the mean sea level pressure for a location or area that has been calculated assuming ISA conditions. This is the
altimeter pressure setting that aircraft in Australia use when operating up to and including 10,000 feet. This is the pressure value given in all
meteorological forecasts and observations and in the Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS).
An altimeter set to QNH while an aircraft is on the ground will indicate the height of the aicraft above sea level, or in other words, the
aerodrome's elevation. When an accurate local QNH is available at an aerodrome, the pilot is required to perform a check of the accuracy of the
altimeter prior to departure by comparing the known aerodrome elevation with that displayed on the altimeter.
In flight the QNH will indicate the aircraft's altitude, ie. the height above mean sea level.
1013 hPa
1013 hPa is the mean sea level pressure in the ISA. An altimeter with this pressure setting will
indicate the aircraft height above the 1013 hPa level. This is known as pressure altitude. The
1013 pressure setting is sometimes referred to as QNE.
In Australia, pilots of aircraft passing through 10,000 ft on climb change the altimeter setting
from the QNH to 1013 hPa. Pressure altitudes above 10,000 feet are generally quoted in hundreds
of feet and called flight levels. For example, the pressure altitude of 12,500 feet is FL125 (read as
flight level one two five); 41,000 feet is FL410 (read as flight level four one zero).
QFE is the station level pressure, or more simply the pressure at ground level. Figure 3.7: Altimeter.
An altimeter set to QFE will read zero when the aircraft is on the runway. In flight, the QFE setting will indicate the approximate height of the
aircraft above the aerodrome. QFE is generally not used in Australia, although a pilot may choose to set QFE for local operations such as when
performing low-level aerobatics or crop dusting.
If the pilot of an inbound aircraft incorrectly sets a QNH is 1031hPa when in fact it is actually 1013hPa, the altimeter would over-read by 540
feet; that is, the pilot would think the aircraft was 540 feet higher than it actually is. If the aircraft is operating close to terrain without visual
reference to the surrounds, the consequences could be disastrous.
Accurate pressure information is vital for the safety of aircraft operations.
Pressure Altitude & Density Altitude
Aircraft manufacturers use the ISA sea-level Pressure and Temperature (1013.25 hPa and 15°C) as a baseline for determining aircraft
performance parameters such as take-off and landing distance requirements, climb and cruise profiles, and power settings.
But what happens when the ambient conditions vary from the ISA?
Pilots must have a way of determining how an aircraft will perform over a wide range of atmospheric conditions. Changes in pressure and
temperature will change the number of air molecules available for a power-plant to produce power, for a propeller to produce thrust, and for a
wing to produce lift. Under extreme circumstances the air may not be dense enough for an aircraft to become airborne with the runway distance
available, or alternatively once airborne, it may not be able to achieve the required climb gradient to clear nearby obstacles, particularly in the
event of the loss of an engine of an mutli-engine aircraft.
Pressure Altitude
Pressure altitude within the atmosphere is the altitude in the International Standard Atmosphere with the same pressure as the part of the
atmosphere in question. Calculating the pressure altitude is one of the steps a pilot takes to determine expected aircraft performance when the
sea-level pressure varies from the ISA.
For every 1 hPa variation in the ambient pressure from 1013 hPa, a 30 foot change occurs to the pressure altitude. A simple formula can be
Aerodrome elevation is 550 ft, and the mean sea-level pressure (QNH) is 998 hPa.
= 550 + 15 x 30
= 550 + 450
= 1000 ft
What does this mean? - For departure at this aerodrome, the pilot will use a pressure altitude of 1000 ft in the take-off/climb-out performance
Note that for a QNH greater than 1013 hPa, the pressure altitude will be a lower value than the elevation (or altitude) in question.
Density Altitude
The variation in temperature from ISA has a much greater effect near sea-level than pressure variations in terms of aircraft performance. The
density altitude calculation accounts for this.
Density altitude is the pressure altitude corrected for temperature deviation from the ISA. It is computed from the pressure altitude and the
outside air temperature. A high density altitude value equates to low air density, and a low density altitude value equates to high air density.
An approximate method for calculating density altitude is to add 120 feet to the pressure altitude for each degree Celsius that the actual
temperature is above the ISA standard for that level.
Using the Pressure Altitude example above, we will now consider the effect of temperature for the aircraft departure.
Aerodrome elevation is 550 ft, and the mean sea-level pressure (QNH) is 998 hPa - Calculated Pressure Altitude is 1000 ft. The temperature at
the aerodrome is 31°C
At a Pressure Altitude of 1000 ft, the ISA Temperature is 13°C (ISA temperature at sea-level of 15°C and a lapse rate of 2°C per 1000 ft)
If the actual temperature is 31°C then the ISA Temperature deviation is 31 - 13 = 18°C.
= 1000 + 2160
= 3160 ft.
What does this mean? - For departure at this aerodrome, the pilot will use a density altitude of 3160 ft in the take-off/climb-out performance
calculations. Another way of thinking about it is the aircraft will perform as though it is at an altitude of 3160 ft rather than the aerodrome
elevation of 550 ft.
Note that if the ISA temperature deviation is a negative value (that is, the actual temperature is colder than the ISA temperature for that
pressure altitude), then the density altitude will be a lower value than pressure altitude.
High density altitudes are a particular problem in Australia during summer. Some extreme values for Australian aerodromes are shown in Table
3.3. An aircraft leaving Alice Springs when the temperature is 43°C and the station level pressure is 941.4 hPa will effectively be taking off at
an aerodrome 3579 feet higher than indicated by standard ISA pressure values and performance will thus be lower than indicated by ISA
standards. In comparison an aircraft leaving Canberra on the -8°C day will have higher performance than indicated by ISA conditions.
Accurate pressure and temperature measurements are vital for accurate aircraft performance calculations.
➞ Answer
2. What is the term given to a layer of the atmosphere where the temperature remains constant with an increase in height?
➞ Answer
3. What is the approximate pressure lapse rate near mean sea level?
➞ Answer
4. What is the density of dry air at sea level in the international standard atmosphere?
➞ Answer
5. Above what datum will the pointers of an altimeter indicate with the altimeter subscale set to QNH?
➞ Answer
6. For the same temperature and pressure, which is less dense – very dry air or very moist air?
➞ Answer
7. What is the relationship between a decrease in air density and aircraft take-off performance?
➞ Answer
8. Find the Pressure Altitude and Density Altitude for the following:
Temperature: 26°C
➞ Answer