Islamic Values Ed-II Body

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Islamic Values

Education 2
Learner’s Book
for Grade Two

Department of Education

All praises be to Allāh for He has permitted the

refinement of this book, an instrument to impart knowledge
to our Muslim children. The refinement process was
launched by the Department of Education (DepEd) to
enhance the existing materials in our schools to better
provide our children with the education that is responsive to
their needs.

During this entire process, we were guided by one very

important statement which is the vision of a Madrasah
learner. In this endeavor, we, the writers, together with all
the Filipino Muslims, express our deep gratitude to everyone
who has shown their genuine concern for the education of
our children.

To Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for

issuing Executive Order No. 368 which transferred the
functions of the Madrasah Development Coordinating
Committee to the Department of Education and her
steadfast support to the Madrasah Education Program;

To the late Dr. Mahid Mutilan, former Regional Secretary

for Education and Vice Regional Governor – Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao who envisioned a Madrasah
education in the country;
To former DepEd Secretary Jesli A. Lapus, who has given
unwavering support to the programs and projects of
Madrasah Education especially in the refinement of the
Madrasah curriculum framework and learning materials;

To Dr. Manaros B. Boransing, Department of Education

Undersecretary for Muslim Affairs, for his vision,
leadership, and commitment to upgrade the quality of
education of our Muslim brethren;

To the members of the Project Steering Committee for

their guidance in the many undertakings of the Project;

To SEAMEO INNOTECH for taking on the challenging task

of managing the Project on the Refinement of the Madrasah
Curriculum Framework for the Elementary Level and its
Learning Materials and the Development of the Leaning

To the Muslim experts who have shared their knowledge and

expertise during the refinement process.

Shukran Jazīla! May Allāh’s blessings be upon you all!

Team of Authors
Workshop 1 (Mar 15 – 29, 2010) : Hassanor Alapa, Albaya
Badrodin, Alivic Bilon and Ombra Imam
Workshop 2 (Apr 7 – May 4, 2010) : Abdulgafur Abdulhamid,
Ansary “Aboanas” Abdulmalik, Rigan Alam, Hassanor Alapa, Rajad
Basri, Abdulhadi Daguit, Abdulkahar Guiambangan, Guialaluddin
Mohammad Ishak, Amena Macabero, Sarida Matug, Wahab Omar,
Eco Panulong and Badrana Yusop
Workshop 3 (May 5 – June 17, 2010) : Hassanor Alapa, Guialaluddin
Mohammad Ishak (May 7 – 20, 2010), Eco Panulong and Alinor Umpara
(May 17 – June 17, 2010)

Project Madrasah Team

Project Management Team:
Dr. Erlinda C. Pefianco (Center Director); Philip Purnell (Overall
Team Manager); Debbie Lacuesta (Project Coordinator); Katherine
Torralba, Ainilhaya Panulong, Alinor Umpara, Gloria Lucero
(Members); Hazzel Escaran, Jocelyn David, Naisam Panulong, Sittie
Norjana Daluma, Imadodin Dimao, Muhiddin Daguit, Amenoding
Makarimbang, Usamah Ali (Layout Artists); Cesar Casas, Jayvee
Velasquez, Norjanah Ansari, and Engelbert Paloma
(Illustrators/Photoshop Artist); Moammarkhadafe Esmael
(Learning Guides Reviewer); and Hermilinda Bulong, Marivic
Duterte and Edleen Guanko (Copy Editors)

We give glory to Allāh , the Creator. His peace and

blessings be unto Muhammad , His Prophet then until

Our efforts have been directed by a vision of you, dear

pupil- a Muslim child who is maka-Diyos, makabayan,
makatao, makakalikasan, knowledgeable in Arabic, and lives
the Islamic way of life.

This Second Edition of the book is intended to make your

learning easier and more suited to your needs. We hope that
you will enjoy reading the stories and discovering new ideas
found in this book. May you find the Islamic values you will
learn through this material to be the first among the many
that will guide you in your journey through life.

“Iqra’.” This was the first revelation given to the Prophet .

We trust that you will treasure this teaching as the Prophet
has. Through this one simple step, may Allāh guide you
to be good Muslims of this country and the world.

Team of Authors
A Message to the Pupil

We give praises to Allāh ! With His help and consent, the

Madrasah Education Program is being implemented by public
schools and private madaris across the country.

The Department of Education (DepEd) started this program

with the end in view of achieving peace and providing quality
basic education to all Muslim learners. For this, a curriculum
that is Islamic-friendly was developed and learning
materials were provided.

This book was especially written for you, dear pupil. We

hope that you will appreciate the Islamic teachings you will
find inside. Islam teaches so many beautiful things like
peace, love, responsibility, and valuing knowledge among

May you imbibe these Islamic values and live up to them in

your life. May these guide you to be proud and peace-loving
Muslim citizens of this country!

Dr. Manaros B. Boransing

Undersecretary for Muslim Affairs
Department of Education
Table of Contents

Unit 1 Building Closeness to Allāh …………………… 1

Lesson 1 Allāh the Bestower of Islam ……………… 2

Lesson 2 Character Traits of Prophet
Muhammad …………………………………………… 7
Lesson 3 Performing Ŝalāĥ……………………………………… 11
Lesson 4 Sūraĥ al-Māûūn (Charity) ……………………… 15
Lesson 5 Sūraĥ Quraysh (Quraysh Tribe) …………… 17
Lesson 6 Sūraĥ Fīl (The Elephant) ………………………… 19
Lesson 7 Sūraĥ al-Ĥumazaĥ (The Backbiter) ……… 21
Lesson 8 Sūraĥ al-Âŝr (The Afternoon) ……………… 23
Lesson 9 Sūraĥ at-Takathūr (Hoarding) …………… 25
Lesson 10 Sūraĥ al-Qāriâĥ (The Shocker) …………… 27
Lesson 11 Sūraĥ al-Âdiyāt (The Gallopers) …………… 29
Lesson 12 The Divine Protection of the Ka’baĥ……… 32
Lesson 13 Obedience to Parents………………………………… 35
Lesson 14 Why Do Muslims Pray?................................. 38
Lesson 15 The Story of the People of the
Elephant …………………………………………………… 41
Lesson 16 Doing Good Deeds……………………………………… 44
Lesson 17 The Virtues of Prayer……………………………….. 49
Lesson 18 The Accepted Prayer………………………………… 52
Lesson 19 Supplication (Du’âā) When Putting New
Clothes On………………………………………………… 54
Lesson 20 Supplication When Traveling………………… 56
Lesson 21 Supplication When Seeing Good and Bad
Things………………………………………………………… 58
Lesson 22 Supplication during a Thunderstorm…… 61
Lesson 23 Supplication When One Feels Unsafe in
a Certain Place and Time………………………… 63

Unit 2 Developing Good Relationships…………………… 66

Lesson 1 The Second Home……………………………………….. 67

Lesson 2 Prophet Muhammad as an Orphan………… 70
Lesson 3 Saying As-salāmu Âlaykum………………………… 76
Lesson 4 Teachings of Ŝalāĥ……………………………………… 79
Lesson 5 Sharing Wealth……………………………………………. 83
Lesson 6 Making More Friends………………………………….. 85
Lesson 7 Cleanliness and Proper Behavior……………….. 89
Unit 3 Helping Our Society…………………………………… 93

Lesson 1 The Other Values of Prayer…………………… 94

Lesson 2 Islam as a Religion of Peace…………………… 97
Lesson 3 In Defense of the Ka’baĥ………………………… 101
Lesson 4 The Childhood of the Prophet ……………. 108

Unit 4 Caring for the Environment………………………… 112

Lesson 1 The Wonders of Allāh’s Creations………. 113

Lesson 2 Caring for Allāh’s Creations………………….. 116
Lesson 3 Effects of Natural Events………………………… 119
Lesson 4 Prophet Muhammad as a Shepherd …… 123
Lesson 5 The Early Works of Prophet
Muhammad ………………………………………………. 127
Unit 1

Building Closeness
to Allāh

Lesson 1

Allāh the Bestower of Islam

Allāh is the source of everything. He created the

sun, moon, stars, mountains, and the skies. He also created
the plants, fish, and animals. These are Allāh’s gifts to us.

Allāh also created the humans. We are His best


We should always thank Allāh for all the great gifts
He provided us.

The greatest gift of Allāh to us is our religion, Islam.

Through Islam, we would have a happy life in this world and
in the hereafter. Allāh sent Prophet Muhammad to
mankind as a model.

Allāh said in the Holy Qur’ān, “This day have I

perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon
you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." (Sūraĥ
al-Mā’idaĥ 5:3)

Let’s Do This

A. Complete each sentence. Choose your answer from the

words inside the box. Then, write it on the blank.

Allāh gifts humans

Islam world hereafter

1. _________ created the sun, moon, stars, mountains,

sky, and animals.

2. Allāh also created __________.

3. The greatest gift of Allāh to human beings is


4. Islam provides us a happy life in this world and in

the _________________.

5. We should thank Allāh for all the great

__________ He has given us.
B. Group yourselves into three. Then, sing the song


Subhānallāĥ wal hamdulillāĥ wa lā ilāĥa illallāĥ (3x)

Every time when I’m awake all things that I see

I know it’s hard to believe but it's from the Almighty
When the leaves fall from the tree
Every plant that grows on land
When the waves flow in the sea
It's by His command


To Allāh do I return, paradise is what I’ll earn

If I work hard and pray to my Lord every day
So Allāh give me the strength
Show me the way the Prophet went
Let me hold tight to your rope
Without Islam there is no hope


Yā Allāh I thank you for my clothes and my food

As I live throughout this test
I’ll remember I’ve been blessed
Yā Allāh hear my du’âā’ (prayer)
Please help your ummaĥ (followers)
So that we can all unite
And praise you day and night.

Chorus 2x

Value in Focus
Gratefulness to Allāh

Lesson 2

Character Traits of Prophet Muhammad

Do you know something about the character of Prophet

Muhammad ?

Prophet Muhammad was a religious and kind prophet.

He would always pray every night. He would stand to thank
Allāh until his own feet would collapse in pain. He would
always greet people kindly. And he remembered their names.
Māshā Allāh!

One could not even find seven Dirĥams in the house of
the Prophet . He would always spend all of it immediately
in charity. He would even take off his shirt and give it away
to those in need.

Do you know how humble the Prophet was?

According to a hadīth of Ibn Mas’ūd, a man spoke to

the Prophet on the opening of Makkaĥ day. The man was
very nervous that his body began to shake. The Prophet
noticed this. He said to him, “Please calm down. I am but the
son of a woman of Quraysh, who used to eat dried meat.”

Let’s do this

A. How will you describe Prophet Muhammad ? What are

his traits? Write them on the four boxes around his


B. Prophet Muhammad had excellent traits. To develop
similar traits, you must do good deeds. Below are some
things that you can do. Put a check () if you plan to
apply it immediately or in the future.

I will apply I will apply in

immediately the future
1. Performing ŝalāĥ five
times a day
2. Being kind to parents,
siblings, and other
3. Thanking one’s parents
for their love
4. Being humble to
classmates, teachers,
and other people
5. Sharing food to
classmates and friends

Values in Focus
Fear of God Humility in prayers
Kindness to others
Gratefulness to Allāh

Lesson 3

Performing Ŝalāĥ

Muslims show reverence to Allāh by praying five

times a day. These prayers are Ŝubh, Ẑuĥr, Āŝr, Maghrib,
and Ḙshā’.

There is a correct order in performing ŝalāĥ. This

ensures that Allāh accepts it. The illustration below
shows the correct order of performing ŝalāĥ.

1.) 2.)







Let’s do this

A. Write ‫ َص ِحيح‬if the statement is correct. Write ‫طأ‬

َ ‫ َخ‬if it
is wrong.

______ 1. Praying five times a day is following the

order of Allāh .
______ 2. Performing prayer in the correct order
is necessary for Allāh to accept our
______ 3. The last tashaĥĥud is done on the first
______ 4. Face right first when saying “as-salāmu
âlaykum” after the last tashaĥĥud.
______ 5. Saying “samiâllāĥu liman hamidaĥ” is done
after standing up from rukū’.

Values in Focus
Fear of God

Lesson 4

Sūraĥ al-Mā’ûūn

ِ ُ‫سورةُ اْلماَع‬
‫ون‬ َ ُ

Let’s do this

A. Listen twice to an audio on how to read Sūraĥ al-

al-Māûūn correctly. Follow your ustāḋ in reciting the
sūraĥ with correct tajwīd.

B. Group yourselves into five. Then, recite Sūraĥ al-Māûūn

observing correct tajwīd.

Values in Focus

Lesson 5

Sūraĥ Quraysh
(Quraysh Tribe)

‫ورةُ قُ َريْش‬
َ ‫ُس‬

Let’s do this

A. Listen twice to an audio on how to read Sūraĥ Quraysh

correctly. Follow your ustāḋ in reciting the sūraĥ with
correct tajwīd.

B. Group yourselves into five. Then, recite Sūraĥ Quraysh

observing correct tajwīd.

Values in Focus

Lesson 6

Sūraĥ al-Fīl
(The Elephant)

‫ورةُ ال ِْف ْي ِل‬

َ ‫ُس‬

Let’s do this

A. Listen twice to an audio on how to read the Sūraĥ al-Fīl

correctly. Follow the ustāḋ in reciting the sūraĥ with the
correct tajwīd.

B. Group yourselves into five. Then, recite Sūraĥ al-Fīl with

the correct tajwīd.

Values in Focus

Lesson 7

Sūraĥ al- Ĥumazaĥ

(The Backbiter)

‫ورةُ ال ُْه َم َزِة‬

َ ‫ُس‬

Let’s Do This

A. Listen twice to an audio on how to read Sūraĥ al-

Ĥumazaĥ correctly. Follow the ustāḋ in reciting the
sūraĥ with the correct tajwīd.

B. Group yourselves into five. Then, recite Sūraĥ al-

Ĥumazaĥ with the correct tajwīd.

Values in Focus

Lesson 8

Sūraĥ al- Âŝr

(The Afternoon)

‫ص ِر‬
ْ ‫ورةُ ال َْع‬
َ ‫ُس‬

Let’s Do This

A. Listen to your ustāḋ recites the sūraĥ with the correct

tajwīd. Follow after him/her.

B. Form a group with five members. Then, recite Sūraĥ al-

Âŝr with the correct tajwīd.

Values in Focus

Lesson 9

Sūraĥ at-Takāthur

‫ورةُ التَّ َكاثُ ِر‬

َ ‫ُس‬

Let’s Do This

A. Listen to your ustāḋ recites the sūraĥ with the correct

tajwīd. Then, follow after him/her.

B. Form a group with five members. Then, recite Sūraĥ at-

Takāthur with the correct tajwīd.

Values in Focus

Lesson 10

Sūraĥ al-Qāri’âĥ
(The Shocker)

‫ورةُ الْ َقا ِر َع ِة‬

َ ‫ُس‬

Let’s Do This

A. Your ustāḋ will recite the sūraĥ with the correct tajwīd.
Listen to him/her carefully. Then, follow after him/her.

B. Form a group with five members. Then, recite Sūraĥ al-

Qāri’âĥ with the correct tajwīd.

Values in Focus

Lesson 11

Sūraĥ al-Âdiyāt
(The Gallopers)

ِ ‫ادي‬
‫ات‬َ ‫ورةُ ال َْع‬
َ ‫ُس‬

Let’s Do This

A. Your ustāḋ will recite the sūraĥ with the correct tajwīd.
Listen carefully. Then, repeat after him/her.

B. Divide the class into groups. Each group must have 3 to

5 members. Then, recite Sūraĥ al- Âdiyāt with the
correct tajwīd.

Values in Focus

Lesson 12

The Divine Protection of the Ka’baĥ

Allāh protects the Ka’baĥ because it is the worship

center of the Muslims. It was the center since the beginning
of Islam. And it will remain until the end of this world. The
Quraysh are the dwellers of Makkaĥ. They are the
guardians of the Sacred Ka’baĥ. Most Quraysh are traders.
They go to Shām (Syria) and Yemen to trade. They go there
during summer and winter.

Allāh commanded the Quraysh to worship Him. Allāh
is the Lord of the Sacred House. He gives them security.
He takes away their fear during their stay and journey for
trade. The Quraysh are the dwellers and neighbors of the
House of Allāh . Because of this, Arabs have high regard
for them.

As Muslims, Allāh protects us and provides for all our

needs. He protects us during our travel as He protected the
Quraysh tribe.

We should always be grateful to Allāh . We should

always say, “alhamdulillāĥ”.

Let’s Do This

A. Think of the good things that you did yesterday. Before

going to school, list them down. Prepare to share this to
the class.

B. Look for a partner. Share your list with him/her. After

this, share the things you have listed to the whole class.
Say, “alhamdulillāĥ” after doing all those things.

Values in Focus
Fear of God

Lesson 13

Obedience to Parents

It was Saturday morning. Fātimaĥ and Ūmī are busy

cleaning their house and backyard. This is a time for helping
their parents.

Omar is busy reading his book. His father said, “My son,
please help Ūmī clean our backyard.”

Omar replied, “Abī, I still have many things to study.

Our ustāḋ assigned me to read my kitāb.”

His father said, “But today is Saturday. You still have
time to do your assignment. Didn’t your ustāḋ teach you
about obedience to parents? Allāh rewards those who
obey their parents.”

Omar answered, “Sorry, Abī. Yes, our ustāḋ taught us

to obey our parents. Allāh favors children who are
obedient to their parents. I will just fix my things. Then, I
will help Ūmī clean the backyard.”

“Thank you, my son,” his father replied. “We will go to

the mall with Fāṫimaĥ and Ūmī after you are done cleaning.”

Let’s Do This

A. List down the things you do on Saturdays to help your

parents. Share this to your classmates by reporting to
the class.

B. Write true if the statement is correct. Write false if it

is wrong.
_______1. Obedience to parents is a way of obedience
to Allāh .

_______ 2. A child should follow all orders of his/her


_______ 3. Allāh rewards a child for obeying his/her


_______ 4. Allāh punishes a child for not obeying

his/her parents.

_______ 5. Obey your parents next to your friend.

Value in Focus

Lesson 14

Why Do Muslims Pray?

Allāh orders all Muslims to pray five times a day. We

call these prayers ŝalāĥ. It is the second pillar of Islam.

Praying five times a day is the first step to worship

Allāh . It is the key to enter Paradise. When a Muslim
prays, he/she talks to his creator—Allāh .

Let’s Do This

A. Look for a partner. Be ready to read the dialog below in

front of the class. If you were not chosen, listen
attentively and observe.

Pupil A: As-salāmu âlaykum warahmatullāĥ.

Pupil B: Wa âlaykumussalām wa rahmatullāĥ.
Pupil A: How are you today?
Pupil B: I am fine, alhamdulillāĥ.
Pupil A: How did you prepare yourself for the day?
Pupil B: I woke up early. Then, I prayed Ŝalātul Fajr
with my father in the masjid. How about you?
Pupil A: Māshā Allāh! I also woke up early and prayed
Ŝalātul Fajr. Then, I read the Holy Qur’ān. I
read the verse which says that prayer (ŝalāĥ)
prevents one from doing bad deeds.
Pupil B: Māshā Allāh! It’s great to learn that from
you, my friend. Let us tell our classmates to
obey Allāh  by performing ŝalāĥ.

B. Write true if the statement is correct. Write false if
the statement is wrong.

__________ 1. All people should perform ŝalāĥ.

__________ 2. Ŝalāĥ makes one perfect.

__________ 3. Ŝalāĥ is part of Islam.

__________ 4. Ŝalāĥ makes a person avoid doing wrong


__________ 5. Performing ŝalāĥ means obedience to

Allāh .

Value in Focus

Lesson 15

The Story of the People of the Elephant

Allāh helped the Quraysh against the People of the

Elephant (Aŝ-hābul Fīl) who planned to destroy the Ka’baĥ.
Allāh sent many birds with three small stones against
these people.

These birds came, gathered, and threw stones on the

heads and bodies of those men. Then Allāh sent a severe
wind that carried the stones and increased their force.

Thus, the People of the Elephant were all destroyed.

Let’s Do This

A. Group yourselves into five. Then, identify the things

that Allāh used to protect the Quraysh from the
People of the Elephant. The group that can identify the
most becomes the winner.

B. Allāh is merciful. He protects us from calamities.

Below are some examples. Write the creations of Allāh
that protect us from these calamities. Choose from
the words inside the box. Then, copy them on the

big trees water mountains rainwater

1. fire : _________________
2. El Niño : _________________
3. flood : _________________
4. tsunami : _________________

Value in Focus
Gratefulness to Allāh

Lesson 16

Doing Good Deeds

During the rule of Ûmar bin al-Khaṫṫāb, he used to walk

around the village. He did this to know the problems of his

One day, he heard a mother and her daughter arguing.
The mother wanted her daughter to add water to the milk
they were selling. The mother told her daughter to do it
while Ûmar was not around.

However, the daughter refused. She told her mother

that although Ûmar was not around, the God of Ûmar, Allāh
, was watching them.

As a reward, the ruler Ûmar had his son marry this

God-fearing girl. He knows that she will have a good future.
He was right in his prediction. Caliph Ûmar bin Âbdilâzīz was
from her progeny.

Let’s Do This

A. Choose the best answer to each of the question. Put a

check () inside the box opposite your chosen answer.

1. How did Ûmar know the problems of his people?

a. He visited their houses.

b. He walked around the village.

c. He bought things for them.

d. He shared stories with them.

2. How did the mother and her daughter earn a living?

a. They sold milk.

b. They sold silk.

c. They bought goats.

d. They owned a store.

3. Why didn’t the girl follow her mother?

a. She loved her mother.

b. She was God-fearing.

c. She was afraid of Ûmar.

d. She wanted to marry Ûmar’s son.

4. How did Ûmar reward the girl?

a. He had his son marry her.

b. He married her mother.

c. He gave her money.

d. She was put to prison.

5. What have you learned from the story?

a. Ûmar was not a good ruler.

b. Allāh rewards those who are God-fearing.

c. The daughter did not like to get married.

d. She was not a happy person.

B. Read each sentence. If it shows fear of God, put a

check () on the blank. If not, write (X).

1. ______ I pray only when my father tells me to pray.

2. ______ I share food with my friend without telling

it to other people.

3. ______ I read Qur’ān to please my friends.

4. ______ I study my lessons to learn and become a

good Muslim.

5. ______ I say, “Bismillāĥ” before doing anything.

Value in Focus
Fear of God
Gratefulness to Allāh

Lesson 17

The Virtues of Prayer

Ŝalāĥ (prayer) performed sincerely has unlimited

virtues and benefits. Make sure to perform it with humility
and submission to Allāh .

It is the noblest expression of faith. It is the surest

way of thanking Allāh for His countless favors. It is the
way to obtain Allāh's mercy, kindness, and blessings. It is
also a sure way to paradise.

Allāh says in the Holy Qur’ān, “Prosperous indeed are

the believers who are humble in their prayers.”
- Qur'ān 23:1-2

(Natif Jama Adam,

The Book of Prayer)

Let’s Do This

A. Choose a partner. Tell him/her what you did when you

heard the Aḋān. What activities did you leave to
perform ŝalāĥ? Be ready to share this to the whole

B. How often do you do the things listed below? Put a
check () under the correct column.

Always Often Never

1. I wake up early in the morning
upon hearing Aḋān.
2. I stop playing when the time for
prayer comes.
3. I stop watching television and
pray when I hear the Aḋān.
4. I invite my friends and
classmates to go to the masjid.
We pray when the time for
prayer comes.
5. I feel that I obey Allāh when
I pray.

Values in Focus
Fear of God
Obedience to Allāh

Lesson 18

The Accepted Prayer

Muslims must pray the way Prophet Muhammad

prayed. He said, “Pray as you are seeing me praying.” In this
way, our prayers will benefit them and are accepted by Allāh
Allāh says, “Verily, as -Ŝalaĥ (the prayer) is enjoined
on the believers at fixed hours.” (Sūraĥ an-Nisā: 103).

Allāh also says, “Prosperous indeed are the believers

who offer their ŝalāt (prayers) with all solemnity and full
submissiveness." (Sūraĥ al-Mu’minūn: 1-2).
Let’s Do This

A. Be ready to be called by your ustāḋ to show how you

perform prayer with punctuality and sincerity.

B. If you agree with the statement, write Yes on the blank.

If you disagree, write No.

________ 1. All Muslims must perform ŝalāĥ.

________ 2. In performing ŝalāĥ, a Muslim must think
of Allāh alone.
________ 3. Allāh accepts the ŝalāĥ of a Muslim if
he/she is sincere in performing it.
________ 4. It is good for a Muslim to perform ŝalāĥ
at the last minute.
________ 5. Islam makes ŝalāĥ difficult for Muslims.

Values in Focus

Lesson 19

Supplication (Du’âā’)
When Putting New Clothes On

Allāĥumma lakal-hamdu anta kasawtanīĥi,

as-aluka min khayriĥi wa khayri mā ŝuni-‘â laĥu
wa aûḋu bika min sharriĥi
wa sharri mā suniâ laĥu.

O Allāh , praise is to You.

You have clothed me.
I ask You for its goodness.
And the goodness of what it has been made for.
And I seek Your protection from the evil of it.
And the evil of what it has been made for.

Let’s do this

A. Listen to an audio of the du’âā’ with the correct tajwīd.

Recite the du’âā’ as guided by your ustāḋ.

B. Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if it

is wrong.

________ 1. Saying du’âā’ is part of following the action

of Prophet Muhammad .
________ 2. One way of showing trust to Allāh is
reciting du’âā’.
________ 3. A Muslim should praise Allāh for the
new clothes he/she wears.
________ 4. Du’âā’ is a shield of Muslims.
________ 5. Du’âā’ can be best said in one’s language
and not in Arabic.

Value in Focus

Lesson 20

Supplication When Traveling

Allāĥu Akbar, Allāĥu Akbar, Allāĥu

Akbar.Subhānallaḋī sakh-khara lanā
hāḋā wamā kunnā laĥu muqrinīn, wa
innā ilā rabbinā lamunqalibūn.

Allāh is the Most Great, Allāh

is the Most Great, Allāh is the
Most Great. Glory is to Him Who
has provided this for us, though we
could never have had it by our
efforts. Surely, unto our Lord we
are returning.

Let’s Do This

A. Listen to an audio of the du’âā’ with the correct tajwīd.

Recite the du’âā’ as guided by your ustāḋ.

B. Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if it

is wrong.

________ 1. One way of traveling safely is to recite a

________ 2. Allāh protects a Muslim when he/she
travels through his/her du’âā’.
________ 3. When a Muslim recites du’âā’ while
traveling, he/she puts his/her trust in
Allāh .
________ 4. Saying du’âā’ is one of the practices of a
good Muslim.
________ 5. It is best to say du’âā’ in Arabic

Value in Focus

Lesson 21

Supplication When Seeing

Good and Bad Things


Let’s Do This

A. Listen to an audio of the du’âā’ with the correct tajwīd.

Recite the du’âā’ as guided by your ustāḋ.

B. Use the correct du’âā’ in each situation. Choose from the

two du’âā’ below. Write it on the blank.

A’ûūḋubillāĥi minas-shayṫānir-rajīm

1. I passed by a cockfight.

2. I saw beautiful flowers.


3. I saw a diving dolphin.


4. I watched an eclipse for the first time.

5. I passed by a group of men gambling.


Value in Focus

Lesson 22

Supplication during a Thunderstorm

Subhānallaḋī yusabbihur
ra’du bihamdiĥī wal malā-
ikatu min khīfatiĥi
Allāĥumma lā taqtulnā
bigadhabika wa lā tuĥliknā
bi’aḋābika wa âāfinā qabla

Let’s do this

A. Listen to an audio of the du’âā’ with the correct tajwīd.

Recite the du’âā’ as guided by your ustāḋ.

B. Read each statement. If you believe it, put a check ()

on the blank. If you don’t believe it, write (X).

____ 1. Thunder stops when you make noise.

____ 2. Thunder is part of the power of Allāh .
____ 3. Allāh can protect us from the danger of
____ 4. A Muslim should put his/her trust in Allāh at
all times especially during natural events.
____5. Saying du’âā to Allāh makes a Muslim feel
calm during a thunderstorm.

Value in Focus

Lesson 23

Supplication when One Feels Unsafe

in a Certain Place and Time

A’ûūḋu bikalimātillāĥit Tāmmāti min

gadhabiĥi wa ‘ḙqābiĥi wa sharri
‘ḙbādiĥi wa min ĥamazātis shayātīni
wa an yahdhurūn

Let’s Do This

A. Listen to an audio of the du’âā’ with the correct tajwīd.

Recite the du’âā’ as guided by your ustāḋ.

B. Read each situation. If you can do it, color . If you

cannot, color .

  1. Your parents asked you to buy medicine

at a store that is far from your house. It is
already 7 o’clock in the evening.
  2. Your parents had to leave your house. They
asked you to stay with your sleeping sister.
  3. You got lost in the market. A policeman
came and told you to stay where you are.
He went to your mother who was looking for

  4. Your mother asked you to sleep in the
other room alone.
  5. It was so dark because of brownout. You
have a small flashlight. Your father asked
you to get his slippers from their bedroom.

Value in Focus

Unit 2

Developing Good Relationships

Lesson 1

The Second Home

Your school is your second home. Your teachers serve

as your second parents. Your classmates and schoolmates
serve as your second relatives. They are the persons whom
you ask for help. You share with them your problems in

They expect you to respect them at all times. They
also expect you to be kind, polite, and honest. Allāh
prohibits any person from saying mean things to or about
other people. You learned from Sūraĥ al- Ĥumazaĥ that
Allāh will punish those who commit ĥumazaĥ (slander) and
lumazaĥ (backbiting).

Let’s Do This

A. Get a partner. Share with him/her how you can show

respect to each other. Be ready to share this with the
whole class.

B. Read each statement. If it is correct, encircle the

number. If not, cross out (X) the number.

1. You should respect your teachers and classmates as

you respect your parents.
2. When you respect others, they will also respect you.
3. When others do not show you respect, do not respect
them either.
4. You should respect your teachers to get higher
5. Islam loves people who are kind to both Muslims and

Values in Focus

Lesson 2

Prophet Muhammad as an Orphan

Muhammad returned to live with his mother in
Makkaĥ when he was four years old. Two years later, Āminaĥ
decided to take her son to visit his uncles in Yathrib. They
stayed in Yathrib for a month and Muhammad enjoyed the
visit with his cousins.

The climate there was very pleasant and he learned how

to swim. He also learned how to fly a kite. However, on their
way back to Makkaĥ, Āminaĥ became ill and died. She was
buried in a place called al Abwā’. It was between Madīnaĥ
and Makkaĥ.

Muhammad returned sadly to Makkaĥ. He was with

his grandfather Âbdulmuṫṫalib and Ummu Ayman, his
mother’s maid. He was six years old then. He had already
lost both his parents. When he became an orphan, his
grandfather, who loved him dearly, adopted him. He kept
the young Muhammad by his side at all times.

It was the custom of Âbdul Muṫṫalib to sit on a blanket
near the Ka’baĥ. There he was always surrounded by people
who would come to speak to him.

No one was allowed to sit on the blanket with him

except his grandson, Muhammad . This shows how close
they were. Many times, Âbdul Muṫṫalib was heard saying,
“This boy will be very important one day.”

Two years later, Âbdul Muṫṫalib became ill and

Muhammad stayed by him constantly. He told his son, Abū
Ṫālib, to adopt Muhammad after his death. Abū Ṫālib
obeyed his father. He had many children of his own. But
Muhammad immediately became part of his family. He
even became the favorite child.

Let’s Do This

A. Describe how Âbdul Muṫṫalib and Abū Ṫālib loved Prophet

Muhammad . Write the things they did to show their
love for him.

Love for the Prophet

Âbdul Muṫṫalib Abū Ṫālib

B. How do you treat the members of your family? Check
the appropriate column to describe your attitude
towards them.

Yes No
1. I share my food with my brothers and
2. I love my cousin who lives with us as I
love my own brothers and sisters.
3. I respect my father and mother. I say
nice things to my brothers and sisters.
4. I get jealous when my mother takes
care of my sick brother and sister.
5. I am very proud that I am the favorite

Values in Focus

Lesson 3

Saying As-salāmu Âlaykum

Saying “as-salāmu âlaykum wa rahmatullāĥ” is one of the

best greetings we can give to another person. It is wishing
another person to be in good condition, happy, and safe from
any danger. Among the people we like to be happy are our
family, neighbors, and relatives.

So when we get home, the first phrase we say to our

family is, “as-salāmu âlaykum wa rahmatullāĥ”. We expect to
hear them answer, “wa âlaykumussalām wa rahmatullāĥ”.

Let’s Do This

A. Your ustaḋ will read a passage and say, “as-salāmu

âlaykum warahmatullāĥ” when appropriate. He/She may
also say, “wa âlaykumussalām wa rahmatullāĥ.”

I came late at night. The gate was already closed. I

knocked at the door and said, “__________________

It seemed nobody heard me and I repeated my greeting,


Then, I observed that the light was switched on. I said

once again, “___________________________.” And
I heard the response, “____________________

B. Read each statement. Do you agree or disagree with it?
Check () the appropriate column.

Agree Disagree
1. I say, “as-salāmu âlaykum wa
rahmatullāĥ” to express my being
friendly to another person.
2. Saying “as-salāmu âlaykum wa
rahmatullāĥ ” is a form of love for
another person.
3. I require myself to say “wa
âlaykumussalām wa rahmatullāĥ ”
when greeted.
4. Saying “as-salāmu âlaykum wa
rahmatullāh ” is equivalent to
greeting good morning.
5. When I hate a person, I don’t
respond to his/her greetings.

Values in Focus
Kindness to Family Members

Lesson 4

Teachings of Ŝalāĥ

Among the virtues of ŝalāĥ are self-discipline and

punctuality. Ŝalāĥ teaches a person to do his/her work even
without being told. It disciplines a person to wake up early
in the morning for Ŝubh prayer. One goes to the washing
area first before standing up for prayer.

This practice is very important. It teaches us to be
disciplined in our daily tasks such as in doing our school

Another good teaching of ŝalāĥ is punctuality. The best

prayer is performed at its specified time. It teaches a
person to finish his/her work on time like doing school
projects. Through ŝalāĥ, you will be disciplined to arrive
early or on time. You should never be late for the flag
ceremony or your class. At night, you should go to bed early
to get enough rest.

Let’s Do This

A. (Suggested activity)
Get a partner. For one week, observe your father when
they perform the Ŝubh prayer. Log the time they
started and the time they finished performing the ŝalāĥ.
Use the table below. Then, share it with your partner
and the whole class after a week.

Days of the Week Time Started Time Finished


My Father’s Name:
Number of Days He Performed the Ŝubh Prayer: ______

B. What do these ŝalāĥ practices teach you? Do you learn
self-discipline, punctuality, or both? Check () the
appropriate column.

Self- Punctuality discipline
discipline and
1. Performing ŝalāh
when Aḋān is called
2. Performing prayer
five times a day
3. Making sunnaĥ
before and/or after
4. Following the actions
of the imām in prayer
5. Going to the masjid
during Âŝr prayer
after taking a snack

Values in Focus

Lesson 5

Sharing Wealth

Islam gives importance to charity especially to the

orphans and the needy. Allāh gives big rewards to a
person who shares his/her wealth. But He punishes one who
keeps his/her wealth and does not give what is due to the
orphans. He also punishes those who discourage the feeding
of needy people.

Allāh describes such people who reject the Day of

Judgment in Sūraĥ al-Māûūn.

Let’s Do This

A. Your teacher may ask you to bring things you want to

give away to orphans. He/She may organize a gift giving
activity for them. Be happy to participate. Allāh
rewards those who show kindness to orphans and the

B. Put a check () inside the box if the statement is true.

If it is wrong, cross it out (X).

1. I share my baon with my classmate who has no

2. When I give, Allāh gives something in return.
3. When I give food to a classmate, I expect
something from him/her in return.
4. I love to help my needy classmates.
5. I list down all the things I give to my friends
and classmates.

Values in Focus

Lesson 6

Making More Friends

Friends are among the most important people in our

lives. Outside our home, they are the ones we have fun with.
They help us when we have problems. And they share in our

Sometimes, our friends may do things that hurt us. Or
we may do things that hurt them. But that will not make
them our enemies.

Islam tells us to be more patient especially to fellow

Muslims. If we are patient, we will have more friends and
avoid trouble. Patience will make us succeed in this world
and in the hereafter as Allāh said in Sūraĥ al- Âŝr.

Let’s Do This

A. Think of situations wherein members of your family

showed being patient. Please describe.

B. Check the appropriate column that shows your being
patient to your playmates.

Always Sometimes Never

1. If I get angry with a
playmate, I say bad
2. When I play with my
classmates, I try not to
hurt them.
3. I give my classmates time
to talk when we discuss.
4. I walk out when I
disagree with my
classmates’ opinion.
5. I offer salām first when
I get in trouble with my

Values in Focus

Lesson 7

Cleanliness and Proper Behavior

Islam is a complete way of life. It covers all human

activities from simple to complex. In Islam, every activity
that pleases Allāh is considered worship. For example,
when a Muslim enters a bathroom and offers supplication,
Allāh rewards him/her for that.

One of the most important features of Islam is

cleanliness. Prophet Muhammad said the following
ahādīth on cleanliness: “Religion is founded on cleanliness,”

“Cleanliness is the key to prayer,” and “Cleanliness is
one-half of belief.”

Another important feature of Islam is good manners

such as kindness, righteousness, modesty, and more. On the
other hand, when one is cruel even to an animal, he/she will
be thrown into hell. The Prophet Muhammad said, “No
father can give his/her child anything better than good

Let’s Do This

A. List down the things you do to clean yourself before

going to school.






B. List down the names of people and animals you have been
kind to.






Values in Focus
Proper behavior

Unit 3

Helping Our Society

Lesson 1

The Other Values of Prayer

Performing prayer teaches many things to Muslims. It

makes us closer to Allāh . It teaches punctuality,
cleanliness, and modesty.

There are established rules that all Muslims should

follow when praying. Obeying these rules teach us to become
law-abiding. This means that we should also follow the rules
and regulations in school.

Let’s Do This

A. Get a partner. What are the values that you learned

from performing ŝalāĥ? Write them inside the empty

of Ŝalāĥ

B. Read each sentence. If you agree with it, write ‫ﻥﻉﻡ‬on
the blank. If you don’t, write ‫ال‬.

_____ 1. I wake up early to perform the Ŝubh prayer.

_____ 2. I study my lessons regularly as I stand for
prayer five times a day.
_____ 3. I observe school regulations as I observe acts
in prayer accordingly.
_____ 4. I miss to do my assignment as I miss to pray
Ḙshā’ prayer.
_____ 5. I follow my ustāḋ’s rules inside the class as I
learned from performing ŝalāĥ.

Values in Focus

Lesson 2

Islam as a Religion of Peace

Ustāḋ: What is Islam?

Pupil A: Islam is a religion of peace.

Ustāḋ: Māshā Allāh! How is that so?

Pupil B: Islam is a religion of peace because the one
practicing it establishes peace with Allāh . He
also establishes peace with fellow human beings,
and with other creations. These may include
animals, plants and everything in nature.

Ustāḋ: Māshā Allāh! Very well said! What else?

Pupil C: Islam is a religion of peace because even if they

are angry with some of their brothers and sisters,
they still wish them peace. They greet them, “As-
salāmu âlaykum.” Allāh will reward them for
doing it.

Ustāḋ: Māshā Allāh! Excellent answer! Now, can you greet

your enemy, “As-salāmu âlaykum”?

Pupils: Inshā Allāh, we can do it.

Let’s Do This

A. Be ready to role-play the script above.

B. What will you do in each situation? Put a check () under
the right column.

I will I will answer, I will

greet, “Wa be
“As- âlaykumussalām. silent.
salāmu ”
1. Meeting my
father’s enemy
and greeting me
as-salāmu âlaykum
2. Entering the room
of a classmate I
got in trouble with
3. Meeting a person
talking against me
4. Meeting an
opponent in school
competition saying
nothing to me
5. Hearing greetings
of a person with
whom I quarreled
while I was inside
the toilet

Values in Focus

Lesson 3

In Defense of the Ka’baĥ

Abraĥaĥ, the ruler of Yemen, built a church called al-

Qullayŝ. He ordered the Arabs to do their pilgrimage in this
church instead of Ka’baĥ. The Arabs rejected this and
Abraĥaĥ set a plan to destroy the Ka’baĥ (House of Allāh).

Abraĥaĥ prepared himself and set out with a huge and

powerful army. Along with him was a great and powerful
elephant named Mahmūd sent to destroy the Ka’baĥ.

The army settled at a place known as al-Mughammas
near the Ka’baĥ. They captured camels and grazing animals
of the Makkans. These included those of Âbdul Muṫṫalib
which numbered 200.

Âbdul Muṫṫalib went to Abraĥaĥ to get his camels.

Abraĥaĥ returned the camels. Other Arab chiefs who
accompanied Âbdul Muṫṫalib offered wealth to Abraĥaĥ to
withdraw his plan but he refused.

Âbdul- Muṫṫalib then returned to his people and

ordered them to leave Makkaĥ. He told them to seek
shelter at the top of the mountains. He was fearful of the
excesses that might be committed by the army against

Then, Âbdul Muṫṫalib called upon Allāh to give them
victory over Abraĥaĥ and his army. He prayed, “There is no
matter more important to any man right now than the
defense of his livestock and property. So, O my Lord,
defend Your property! Their cross and their cunning will not
be victorious over Your cunning by the time morning comes.”

In the morning Abraĥaĥ prepared to enter the town.
He put armor on his elephant and drew up his troops for
battle. He intended to destroy the Ka'baĥ and then return
to Yemen. At that moment, however, the elephant knelt
down and refused to get up, no matter how much the
soldiers tried to get it to move by beating it. But when they
turned its face in the direction of Yemen it immediately got
up and started off. In fact, it did the same in any other
direction, but as soon as they pointed it towards Makkaĥ it
knelt down again.

Suddenly, flocks of birds appeared from over the sea.
Each bird carried three stones as small as peas and they
dropped them on Abraĥaĥ’s army. The soldiers suddenly fell
ill. Even Abraĥaĥ was hit by the stones and fled in fear with
the rest of his army back to Yemen, where he later died.

On seeing their enemy flee the Arabs came down from

the mountains to the Ka’baĥ and gave thanks to Allāh .

Let’s do this

A. What are the fruits of having faith and trust in Allāh

? Write them inside the empty circles.

Fruits of
Faith and
Trust in

B. Write the word that would best complete each sentence.
Write either faith or trust on the blank.

1. I have _____ in Allāh that He can save us from


2. I _______ that Allāh takes cares of all His


3. Muslims should maintain strong ________ in Allāh

wherever he/she goes.

4. __________ in Allāh is a manifestation of strong

belief in Allāh’s  capacity to help us in times of our

5. Those who have no _________ in Allāh find it hard

to call Allāh during calamity.

Values in Focus

Lesson 4

The Childhood of the Prophet

When Prophet Muhammad was six years old, his

mother Āminaĥ died. His grandfather, Âbdul Muṫṫalib loved
him dearly and kept him. Two years after, the Prophet’s
grandfather got sick and died. Before he died, he told his
son Abū Ṫālib to adopt Prophet Muhammad after his
death, which Abū Ṫālib did.

Under the care of his uncle Abū Ṫālib, Prophet
Muhammad grew up as a shepherd. He spent his childhood
shepherding the flocks of his uncle in the desert hill. It was
difficult but the Prophet never complained.

Indeed, Prophet Muhammad was so obedient to his

uncle during his entire childhood.

Let’s Do This

A. Get a partner. In column A, list down the rules in your

school. The other column is for your partner to write
the school rules he/she knows of. Compare your
answers. Which of you know more rules?

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.

Let’s try this!

A. Check the appropriate column that describes your

obedience to authorities.

Always Sometimes Never

1. I don’t throw my garbage
2. I conserve water in public
3. I don’t pick flowers in the
4. I speak loudly in the library.
5. I bring toys inside the

Value in Focus
Following public rules

Unit 4

Caring for the Environment

Lesson 1

The Wonders of Allāh’s Creations

Look around you. What can you see? How important are
they to humans? The sky is like a big dome without any
single pillar. Early in the morning, you see the rising of the
sun that gives light to all living things. Later in the day, you
see it set and turn day into night. You marvel at the perfect
light of the full moon. You also gaze upon the twinkling stars.

On earth, you see and enjoy different creations. There
are plants, animals, rivers, mountains, forests, and many
more. Have you tried asking yourself who created all these
things? Can humans create them? Of course the answer is
no. Only Allāh has the power to create them and give
them to us.

Allāh said in the Holy Qur’ān, “Indeed your Lord is

Allāh , Who created the heavens and the earth in six days,
and then He rose over (Istawā’) the Throne (really in manner
that suits His Majesty). He brings the night as a cover over
the day, seeking it rapidly, and (He created) the sun, the
moon, the stars subjected to His Command. Surely, His is
the Creation and Commandment. Blessed is Allāh , the
Lord of the Âlamīn (mankind, jinn, and all that exists)!”
(Sūraĥ al-A’rāf 7:54).

Let’s Do This

A. Form three groups. Each group will draw pictures of the

earth, moon, and sun.

B. Write Subhānallāĥ if the thing was created by Allāh .

If humans created it, write Māshā Allāh.

Things Expression Things Expression

Sun Cave
Jeepney Flowers
Television Computer
Forest Stars
Waterfalls Moon

Value in Focus
Appreciation of Allāh’s creations

Lesson 2

Caring for Allāh’s Creations

Islam is a perfect religion for all creatures. It enjoins

all Muslims to be kind not only to his/her fellowmen but also
to other creations. Allāh appointed man as His caretaker
on earth. Animals, trees, fish, birds, waters, and others
were created purposely for man. Allāh said, “It is He
Who created for you all things that are on earth.” (al
Baqaraĥ :29).

We must only slaughter animals or catch fish for food.
We must only cut trees if we would be using them to build
houses, masjid, bridges, and others. Also, we must plant
more trees to replace those that we cut. Hunting birds and
putting them in prison without purpose is not allowed by
Sharīâĥ. One should not throw garbage and waste into the
river and sea. These are some of the ways by which we take
care of Allāh’s creations.

Let’s Do This

A. Form a group with five members. Choose one of Allāh’s

creations. Then, show the class how you can take care of

B. Check () the item if it shows the correct way of caring

for Allāh’s creations.

1. Putting plants inside 6. Maintaining trees for

the room as birds
2. Giving time for 7. Letting wild animals be
working animals to in the forest
3. Feeding our pets with 8. Treating animals like
everything we eat human beings
4. Throwing garbage into 9. Using fish hook in
the waste can fishing
5. Watering plants 10. Using water wisely

Values in Focus
Caring for Allāh’s creations

Lesson 3

Effects of Natural Events

Rain, thunderstorm, earthquake, and similar natural

events are Allāh’s will. Every Muslim must recognize that
all these happen according to the will of Allāh . Muslims
are enjoined to make supplications to avoid the bad things
that these events may bring. Muslims are not allowed to
associate the occurrence of these natural events to the
work of jinns or mankind.

Prophet Muhammad  taught us to recite, “Allāĥumma
sayyiban nāfi’ân (O Allāh , bring beneficial rain clouds),”
when it rains so that we will get the blessings it brings on
earth. Rain makes our crops grow, flowers bloom, and gives
water for animals to drink. It also cleans our environment
from waste of animals and man.

Let’s Do This

A. Form a group with five members. Then, draw three

flowers on a piece of paper. Color the flowers green,
yellow, and red. Under the green flower, list activities
for which rainwater is used frequently. Under the yellow
flower, list occasional uses of rainwater. Under the red
flower, list the rare uses of rain water.

B. Choose your answer from the box to complete the
statement below.

will cleans provides

du’âā’ benefits

1. Natural events happen due to the _______ of

Allāh .

2. Allāh brings down rain to give _________ to us.

3. We should make _______ when it rains, when

there is lightning, and during natural events.

4. One benefit of rain is that it ______our environment.

5. Another benefit of rain is that it _______ water to

other living things.

Values in Focus
Respect for other creations

Lesson 4

Prophet Muhammad as a Shepherd

Before becoming a messenger, Prophet Muhammad’s

first job was taking care of his uncle Abū Ṫālib’s animals.
Aside from his uncle’s animals, other people in Makkaĥ also
asked the Prophet to take care of their animals.

The Prophet spent his childhood as a sheperd.

During his time, he was the best caretaker because not one

of the animals got lost or managed to get out of the
Prophet’s control. He was also very patient that he never
caused pain to the animals. He did for a number of years
with full responsibility, dedication, and care.

Let’s Do This

A. Form a group. Choose one of the situations below. Then,

do the activity described.

1. Your ustāḋ assigned your group to plant vegetables in

the school garden. Enumerate the things you need to
do to have a successful garden.

2. Your ustāḋ assigned your group to maintain the

flowering plants outside the classroom. Describe how
you can take care of the flowering plants.

3. Your ustāḋ assigned your group to maintain cleanliness

of the classroom. Describe how you maintain a clean
and orderly classroom.

B. Check the appropriate column that describes the
statement on the first column.

Stewardship Responsibility
1. Watering plants every
2. Feeding chickens and ducks
3. Cutting grass every
4. Throwing garbage in the
waste can
5. Taking care of goats

Values in Focus

Lesson 5

The Early Works of Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad was a caretaker of his uncle Abū

Ṫālib’s animals and those of other Makkans. It showed his
love for other creatures like animals. The Prophet was
very patient with the animals under his care. He allowed
them to eat grass until they were full.

The Prophet’s care for the animals also tested his
perseverance. He later used this to deal with the behaviors
of his people. Doing a good job and his obedience to his uncle
developed in him love, affection, and care for other
creations of Allāh .

Let’s Do This

A. List down at least three things you do to help your

parents, elder sister, or brother during weekend.

B. How often do you do these activities? Check () the
appropriate column.
Always Sometimes Never
1. I throw my garbage
2. I help my classmates in
watering plants.
3. I tell my classmates not to
waste water in the toilet.
4. I ask permission from the
owners when I pick flowers.
5. I plant trees to help save
the environment.

Values in Focus
Observing rules
Caring for the environment


al-Mubarakputri, Saifur Rahman. Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr: Ar-

Raheeq Al-Makhtūm (The Sealed Nectar) Abridged.

al-Qahtāni, Sa’id bin Wahf (2007). Fortress of the Muslim:

Invocations from the Qur’ān and Sunnah: 6th Edition.
Riyadh: Darussalām.

Dimaro, Mustafa Lomala (1995). A Guide to Values

Education in Islam. Iligan City: Ivory Printing and
Publishing House.

Parekh, Shaikh Âbdulkarim. The Easy D Allāh  Dictionary

of the Qur’ān (Compiled in the order of recitation).

Picthall, Marmaduke, The Noble Qur’ān: English Translated


The Life of the Prophet Muhammad.


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