Bibliography of Jazz
Bibliography of Jazz
Bibliography of Jazz
A Bibliography
with the assistance of
much that is shoddy, poorly written and poorly conceived, and yet much
that brings an understanding not only of the music but of the cultural milieu
in which it has functioned for so many years. The cycles of Change in public
opinion alone are well worth a detailed interest, but it is the prevailing,
vigorous atmosphere, the emergence of defined lines of development, the
changes in attitude of musicians and writers alike that make jazz biblio-
graphy what it is* The
range of content is enormous from analysis and
appreciation of the music to the problem of women in jazz, from history
to personal controversies among jazz musicians, from discography to
cartoons and
this very diversity brings the vitality and enthusiasm of the
music the published literature.
itself to
x Preface
materials at hand. It is
fully as important to include a recent article des-
cribing a writer's idea of "jazz in 1850," when neither the word nor the fact
existed, as it is to document a sober analysis of the aesthetic values in jazz
by a contemporary philosopher; or to include a savage attack on jazz from
a racist viewpoint as it is a discussion of jazz as a magnificent contribution
of the American Negro to world artistic culture. Each one in its own way
the field as a whole; to select on the basis of "good" writing would exclude
most of what has been written; to leave out the foolish works by those who
knew nothing of the subject to which they brought their doubtful talents
would leave only a shell of the immensely vital story of jazz. Nor has there
been any attempt to include or exclude any particular author or authors; if
one appears in striking contrast to another it is the simple function of what
was available to the present author.
The bibliography makes no claim to completeness. It is, rather, a begin-
ning toward the orderly gathering of the tremendous literature which has
grown up around jazz music. Indeed, an arbitrary line was drawn at the end
of the year 1950 and no titles past that date were included in the present
The bibliography divided into three parts beginning with the individual
explanation of those categories which are not necessarily self-
explanatory must be made. "Analysis and Appreciation" includes entries
in which an attemptis made by the author to analyze or evaluate
jazz; this
may mean violent criticism as well as commendation. In designating the
various jazz styles, "Blues, Bop," etc., those terms which have received
serious usehave been accepted without consideration for controversy over
what Thus while one author may differentiate
constitutes a particular style.
New Orleans from Dixieland, another may not; what is important is that
enough authors have written about a particular style to make a bibliographic
entry practical. "Criticism" here refers only to criticism of actual perfor-
mance and to writing about the problems of critics and criticism, not to an
evaluation of jazz as a musical form. "Education" refers to entries concerned
with the teaching of jazz in various places and institutions. "Geographic
Subdivisions and Surveys" indicates those entries which describe the jazz
situation in certain specific locales delimited by the original writer; this may
be restricted to a single city or apply to an entire continent. "Influence of
Jazz" refers to entries in which the author has attempted to show how jazz
has affected other institutions, the manners and morals of a nation, or
"classical" music, for example. "Jazz Instruments" indicates discussions of
specific musical instruments and their uses in jazz, while "Language" refers
to studies of the special terminology of jazz. Finally, "Technical Equipment
Used in Jazz" indicates studies concerning the use of recording equipment,
example, comes under "Rev." Under "Ork" and "Pers" respectively, various
jazz orchestras and individuals are listed alphabetically by name; in the
case of the jazz performers reference is made not only to entries about them
but also to articles or books which they have written, for these works often
tell as much or more about the individual as those written about him by
others. The second index lists the various periodicals cited, followed by their
place of publication; thus the reader can find what has been published on
jazz in any of the magazines from which materials have been drawn.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance given by individuals and
institutions to the compilation of this bibliography. Several libraries lent
their facilities and often gave special priveleges to the author; these include
the Chicago Public Library; the John Crerar Library, Chicago; Deering
Library, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois; the Harper Library,
University of Chicago; the Library of Congress; Newberry Library, Chicago;
and the New York Public Library. Special acknowledgment must be made
the American Council of Learned Societies under whose auspices the author
first began the present work. Early in
1949 and again in the summer of the
same year, trips to Washington, D. C and the Library of Congress were made
possible by special grants from the ACLS in addition to an Advanced
Graduate Fellowship under which the author was studying. Many individu-
als have also given their willing cooperation in
collecting materials, and it
is with special appreciation that the author expresses his thanks to Bob
Anderson, Copenhagen; Alex Andrew, Glasgow; Albert Bettonville, Brus-
sels; Hans Bluthner, Berlin; Clyde H. Clark, Toronto; Jehangir Dalai,
present work have previously appeared in the Record Changer (IX, July-
Aug., 1950, 33-5) and Notes (X, Mar., 1953, 202-10), the editors of which
have kindly given permission for reproduction.
It is the hope that despite whatever limitations it may have this biblio-
graphy will serve both those who wish to obtain an idea of the scope of the
literature concerning jazz and those who have long hoped for the means by
which they could implement their knowledge of more restricted problems
within the same field. Jazz bibliography, however, must not stop here; the
following pages represent but a beginning toward the orderly presentation
of the writing, old and new, about jazz.
Evanston, Illinois
15 September, 1953
1. Adams, Berle. "Dance Tempo 'The Basic Principle' of Band Biz," Doztm Beat,
XXVII (May 19, 1950), 4. (J&D)
2. Adorno, T. W., with the assistance of Eunice Cooper. "Hobson, Wilder, Ameri-
can Jazz Music; Sargeant, Winthrop, 7^22 Hot and Hybrid" Studies in Philo-
sophy and Social Science, IX (1941), 167-78. (Rev)
3. ,
with the assistance of George Simpson. "On Popular Music," Studies in
Philosophy and Social Science, IX (1941), 17-48. (A & A)
4. Aldam, Jeff. "Mainly About Morton," Jazz Music, II (Feb.-Mar., 1944), 107-08.
(Disc, Pers)
5. AJdrich, Richard. "Drawing a Line for Jazz," New York Times, Dec. 10, 1922,
4:1-3. a &Q
6. Allen, Frederick Lewis. "When America Learned to Dance," Scribner*s, CII
(Sept., 1937), 11-17, 92. Condensed: Readers' Digest, XXXI (Oct., 1937),
104-07. (J & D)
7. Allen, Stuart S. Stars of Swing. London: British Yearbooks, 1946. 76 pp. (Pers,
8. . "A Weary Duke Errs by not Rehearsing with Ork," Down Beat, XV (July
28, 1948), 2. (Crit)
9. Alpert, Trigger. "Trigger Alpert on Bassists," Metronome, LIX (Oct., 1943), 31,
68. (Pers)
10. Altmann, Ludwig. "Untergang der Jazzmusik," Die Musik, XXV (July, 1933),
744-49. (A & A)
11. Anderson, Ernest (Ed). Esquire's 1947 Jazz Book. New York: Esquire, 1946.
90 pp.
12. Anderson, W. R. "Jazz and Real Music," (Ir) Musical Times, LXXIII (Oct.,
I93*)> 9 2 6~2 7- (A & A)
13. Andrico, Michel G. (Trans: Ian Munro Smyth). "Essay on the Harmonic Ele-
ment Hot Jazz," Jazz Hot,
in n
(Sept.-0ct., 1936), 9-14. (A & A)
14. Angell, Roger. "African Drumbeat; New Recordings Capture the Rhythms of
the Grandfather of American Jazz," Holiday, VIII (Dec., 1950), 6, 8, 9, ix, 12,
14. (Disc, Hist)
15. Anon. "'Accursed Jazz' An English View," Literary Digest, XCI (Oct. 2, 1926),
28-9. (A & A)
See: 17; 165; 406; 538; 559; 560; 2159; 2 337; 3 2 9-
16. . "Act of the Year: Art
Tatum," Metronome, LX
(Jan., 1944), 23. (Ork)
17. . to Jazz," New York Times, Sept. 17, 1926, 22:4. (A
"An Affront A) &
See: 15; 165; 406; 558; 559; 560; 2159; 2 3375 3 2 -
i I
2 A Bibliography of Jazz
21. Anon. "American Dancer Jazzing the 'Marseillaise' Angers Friendly Audience
in Paris Music Hall," New York Times, Jan. 31, 1926, 1:4. (J & C)
See: 782.
22. . "American Jazz Artists," Common Ground, VII (Autumn, 1946), 52-60.
23. . "America's Best Writers and Composers (Of Ragtime)," Tuneful Yankee,
I (Jan., 1917), 37, 39, 41. (Pers, Pic, Rag)
24. .
"Apollo's Girl," Time, LV
(Apr. 3, 1950), 70-1. (Pers)
25. . "The Appeal of the Primitive Jazz," Literary Digest, LV (Aug. 25, 1917),
28-9. (A & A)
26. . Anna Rothe (Ed). Current Biography 1944. New
"Louis Armstrong," in
York: H.W.Wilson, 1945. pp. 15-17. (Pers)
27. "Louis Armstrong Abroad," (lr) Disques, I (Feb., 1931), 535. (Pers)
28. "Louis Armstrong in Mardi Gras Role," Variety, CLXXIII (Jan. 12,
1950), 3. (Pers)
32. .
"Armstrong's Nostalgia Envelopes Bop City," Billboard, LXI (Sept. 3,
1949), 14. (Crit, Pers)
33. ."Arrangers of the Year: Eddie Sauter, George Handy," Metronome,
LXIII (Jan., 1947), 22. (Pers)
34. . "Arrivals of the Year: Warne Marsh, Terry Gibbs," in
Barry Ulanov and
George Simon (Eds). Jazz 1950. New York: Metronome, 1950. p. 12. (Pers)
35. "Arrivals of the Year: Bud Powell, Gerry Mulligan," in Barry Ulanov
and George Simon (Eds). Jazz .1950. New York: Metronome, 1950. p. 13. (Pers)
36. "Arte Novissima," Musica tfOggi, V (July, 1923), 220-21. (Gen)
on Prohibition and Jazz," New York Times, Nov. 9, 1926, 26:4. (Gen)
30. "Les Avis de.
. sur le Be-bop," Hot Club Magazine, 17 (May, 1947), 8-9.
. .
40. "B.G. and Bebop," Newsweek, XXXII (Dec. 27, 1948), 66-7. (A & A,
Bop, Ork)
41. . "B.G.
Swing King and Favorite," Metronome, LVI (Aug., 1940), 7, 15.
42. . "Bach So Oder So," Die Mekdie,
: III (1948/49), 7, 10-1 1. (A& A, J & C)
43. ."Bachaus Discusses Jazz," Musical Courier, LXXXVII (Aug. 16, 1923),
24. (A & A)
44. . "Back to Chicago,'' Time, XXXVIII (July 21, 1941), 40. (Chi, Ork)
45. . "'Bad Music'," Music Lover's Magazine, 1 (June, 1922), 5-6. (A & A,
46. . "Ban Against Jazz Sought in Ireland," New York Times, Jan. 7, 1934,
IV, 3:4. (Infl)
See: 328.
47. . "Ban on Jazz Sacrilege," New York Times, Nov. 4, 1922, 4:4. (J & C)
48. . "Band Business is on Way Up Again, Says Krupa," Down Beat, XVII
(Aug. 25, 1950), 3. (Pers)
Entries 21-96
49. Anon. "Band of the Year: Dizzy Gillespie," Metronome, LXIV (Jan., 1949),
17-18. (Ork)
50. . "Band of the Year: Lionel Hampton," Metronome, LX (Jan., 1944), 2I -
51. . "Band of the Year: Stan Kenton," Metronome, LXIII (Jan., 1947), 17-19,
44-6. (Ork)
52. . "Bands That Stay on Top And Why," Metronome, LI (Oct., 1935),
I9> 575 (N
ov -5 *935)> !
9 S 1 Pt H entitled: "Analyzing the Stylists." (Ork)
- -
53. .
William Count Basic," in Maxime Block (Ed). Current Biography 1942.
54. . "Count Basie," Look, VIII (Mar. 21, 1944), 78. (Pers, Pic)
55. . "Basie Discography," Down Beat, XVII (Nov. 17, 1950),
56. . "Count Basie Picks the 12 Best Pianists," Music and Rhythm, II '(Jan.,
1942), 19, 45. (Pers)
57. . "Battle of Bands; Yen to See Tooters Brings a New Boom to Broadway,"
Newsweek, XXI (May 10, 1943), 64. (Gen).
. "Beale Street's Hero," Time, XXVII
58. (May 25, 1936), 54, 56. (Pers)
59. . "'Beat'
Begins 'Bouquets for Living' Series," Down Beat, XVII (Aug. ir,
1950), 10. (Gen)
60. . "'Beat Me, Ivan'," Newsweek, XXX
(Aug. 4, 1947), 66. (Gen)
61. . "'Beat' Will Again Sponsor Ellington Chicago Concert," Down Beat,
XVII (Feb. 10, 1950), I. (Gen, Ork)
62. .
"Bebop: New Jazz School is Led by Trumpeter Who is Hot, Cool and
Gone," Life, XXV (Oct. 1 1,
1948), 138-42. (Bop,. Pers, Pic)
63. "Bebop Fashions; Weird Dizzy Gillespie Mannerisms Quickly Picked Up
As Accepted Style For Bebop Devotees," Ebony, IV (Dec., 1948), 31-3. (Bop,
Gen, Pers, Pic)
64. "Before Long They Will Protest," New York Times, Oct. 8, 1924, 20:5.
65. "Benny, Tommy, Gene, Lionel, Carney Swamp Contest; Bing Tops
68. "Billy Berg's; Hollywood Jazz Temple Draws Stars and Hoi Polloi,"
77. Anon. "Best Solos of the Year 1941," Music and Rhythm, II (Mar., 1942), 31.
78. .
"Big Apple," Time, XXXI (Sept. 13, 1937), 37, 38. Abr: Digest, I (Oct. 2,
1937), 22-3. (J&D, Pic)
79. .
"Barney Bigard Is Leaving Duke," Down Beat, IX (July 15, 1942), 2.
80. .
"Bird, Backed By Strings, Disappoints at Birdland," Down Beat, XVII
(Aug. 25, 1950), 4. (Grit, Ork)
81. . "Bird Wrong; Bop Must Get A Beat: Diz," Down Beat, XVI (Oct. 7,
1949), i, 12. (A & A, Bop)
82. . "Biz Should Set Up Emergencies Fund," Down Beat, XVII (Mar. 10.
1950), 10. (Gen)
83. . "The Blight of Jazz and the Spiritual," Literary Digest, CV (Apr. 12,
1930), 20.(A & A)
84. ."Blow! Joshua! Blow! The American People Do Not Enjoy Having
Their Beloved Melodies and Spirituals Carricatured," Etude, LIX (Apr., 104.1),
85. . "Blues!" Etude, XLV (June, 1927), 434. (A & A, Bl)
86. . "The Booking of Bands : Who Does It and What They're Like And Why," :
88. .
"Bopera on Broadway," Time, LII (Dec. 20, 1948), 63-4. (Bop)
89, . "Both
Jazz Music and Jazz Dancing Barred From All Louisville Episco-
pal Churches," New York Times, Sept. 19, 1921, 17 : 4-5. (Gen, J & D)
90. .
"Bouncy Blues Singer," Time, XLIX (Jan. 6, 1947), 63-4. (Pers)
91. "Brick's Boys Go Riding," Time, XLVI (July 30, 1945),
54. (Ork)
92. "British Bandman," Time,
(June 10, 1935), 58. (Pers)
93. "British Music Critic Excoriates Jazz," New York Times. Sept. 12, 1026,
i:6, 9 (A&A)
See: 15; 17; 165; 168; 233; 558; 5595 5&>; 2337; 3209,
94. "Broadcasters Favor 'Swinging' of Bach," New
. York Times. Oct. 28,
See: 621; 733; 742; 743.
95- "Broadway's Minstrel," Top Notes, I (May 10, 1930), 5, 8. (Pers)
9& "Brooklyn Academy Opens Its Door to Jazz; Paul Whiteman Concert
Marks Debut There," New York Times, Jan. 8, 1934, 21 : 3. (Crit)
97- "The Bulwark Against Jazz Flood," Pacific Coast Musician, XI (Sept.,
1922), 3. (Infl)
98. . "Bunk Discography," Down Beat, XVI (Aug. 26, 1949), 6. (Disc)
99- "Bunny, Like Bix, Will Soon Be a Myth," Metronome, LVIII (July, 1942),
9, 20-1. (Pers)
100. . "Burned Up By Hot Band, Hurls Instruments In Sea," New York
Times, May 17, 1939, 17 : 2. (Infl)
101. .
"Bury Jelly Roll Morton On Coast," Down Beat, VIII (Aug. r, 1941),
13. (Pers)
102. .
"'Buying American' In Music," Literary CXVIII
Digest, (Dec. 29, 1934),
24. (A & A)
103. .
"Bye-Bye Boogie; Hazel Scott Leaves Night Clubs and Moves To
Concert Stage," Ebony, I (Nov., 1945), 31-5.
(Pers, Pic)
104. . "Dr. Cadman Assails Jazz," New York Times, May 3, 1927, 19:5.
*5- "Cafe Society Concert," Musician, XLVI
(May, 1941), 86. (Crit)
*o6. . "Cabell
(Cab) Galloway III," in Anna Rothe (Ed). Current Biography
1945- New York: H. W. Wilson, 1946. pp. 84-6. (Pers)
Entries 77-138
107. Anon. "Calls America Still Savage Musically," New York Times, Oct. 1
i, 1922,
15 2. (A & A, Gen)
I0 g. . "Calls Jazz Musical Slang," New York Times, Aug. i, 1926, 14 : 2. (Gen)
I09. . "Car Crash Fatal To Hasselgard," Down Beat, XV (Dec. 15, 1948), i.
II0 . .
"Hoagland Howard (Hoagy) Carmichael," in Maxime Block (Ed). Cur-
rent Biography 1941. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1942. pp. 136-38. (Pers)
in. . "The Case Against Dave Matthews," Metronome, LX (Feb., 1944), 15.
(Crit, Pers)
112. . "Case History of an Ex-White Man," Ebony, II (Dec., 1946), 11-16.
(Pers, Pic)
113. "Ce Que la Presse Pense au Sujet du Livre 'Duke Ellington', par Jean
119. . "Chu's Golden Horn Is Stilled By Fatal Crash," Down Beat, VIII
(Nov. 15, 1941), 2, 20. (Pers)
120. . "Church Jazz Wedding Utilizes Saxophone," New York Times,Nov. 14,
1926, IX, 22 : 3, (Gen)
121. "El Circulo Jazz," Newsweek,
. XXIV (July 10, 1944), 92. (Gen)
122. "Claim French Don't Yet Get With Bop," Down Beat, XVI (Oct. 7,
First Issue, August 1942-Dec. 1947," Record Changer, VII (May, 1948), 22-3.
1 35. .
"Composer Sees Jazz as Feverish Noise," New York Times, Sept. 3, 1929,
24:6. (Gen)
136. "Composers Protest Jazzing the Classics," New York Times, Nov. 25,
137. "Concerning Ragtime," Musical Monitor, VIII (Sept., 1919), 619. (Rag)
138. "Concert and Opera," New York Times, July 24, 1938, IX, 5 : 8. (Gen, Sw)
Anon. XXXI
-- .
"Concerto for
Woody," George
in S.
(Mar. i, 1948), 74. (Gen, Pers)
Rosenthal (Ed). Jazsways. Cincin-
-- "Condemns Age
nati, 1946. p. 98. (Pers)
-- "Eddie Condon," AnnaNew
of Jazz,"
in New
Times, Jan. 27, 1925, 22 : 8. (Infl)
(Ed). Current Biography 1944.
York: H. W. Wilson, 1945. pp. 106-08. (Pers)
-- "Eddie Condon," X
-- "Condon Mob," George
. in
Look, (Sept. 17, 1946), 58-9. (Pers, Pic)
S. Rosenthal (Ed). Jazsxoays. Cincinnati, 1946.
-- "Eddie p
PP- 2 9-35-
( rk > ers)
Le Condon's Ad-Libbing by Old
Jazz Intellectuel: Inspired
Masters, Newsweek, XXIII (Jan. 24, 1944), 62. (Crit, Ork)
-- . "Conductors Biased, says
Henry Hadley an Lure
Finds Evil in Jazz,"
New York Nov.
-- .
Not Wanton
I, 1932, 23
5. (Infl)
Criticism," Seat, (Feb. 10,
1950), 10. (Crit)
-- . Queen
"Cornetist to Dead On Hearing Our Coney
Victoria Falls Island
Bands," New York 14, 1926, 1 6. (Infl)
-- "Count One For
Jazz June Times,
'Jazz'," Pacific Coast Musician,
.-"Crash Kills 'Bus' Etri, Barnet Guitar," VIII Beat, (Sept. 1, 1941),
4. (Pers)
. Beethoven With
"Credits New York Evolving Jazz," Times, Sept. 17,
9:1. (A & A)
Word," Down
"'Crewcut Contest's $1,000 XVI Beat, (Nov. 4, 1949),
I. (Lang)
See: 556.
-- "Crosby Band Breaks Up
. Seven Metronome, LIX
After Years," (Jan.,
-- "Damrosch
1943), 9, 34. (Ork)
. New York
Assails Jazz," 26:2. Times, April 17, 1928,
-- "Dance Bands
Dead," Metronome, LXVI
Aren't (Aug., 1950), 13, 20.
-- "Dance
Keeps Up," Down
Business XVII
Picking Beat, (Nov. 3, 1950),
-- "Dance PakceonTour,"#ww**, XVIII (Nov. 10, 1941), 80. (Gen, Pers)
-- "Dance.
. New York
Puzzle Stirs Teachers to Action," Apr. Times, 20,
-- "Dancebandom
Metronome, LVIII
Sure Misses Charlie Christian," (Apr.,
1942), II. (Pers)
160. -- "Dancing Boom
. Down XVII
Gains Speed," Beat, (Mar. 24, 1950), 10.
162. -- "Dark .
Angel Ebony,
Metronome, LXIII
of the Violin," III (Aug., 1948), 41-2. (Pers, Pic)
-- "Beryl
. Davis Champions
(July, 1947), 17, 40-1. (Pers)
Jazz," Melody, (Jan., 1924), 22-3, 25.
-- "Meyer Davis Thinks Symbolic America," Metronome, XXXIX
Jazz of
-- "Debunking (A&A)
(Sept., 19235,72, 171.
Jazz," Literary Digest, (A & A)
(Mar. 26, 1927), 26-7.
SMI 15; 17; 406; 558; 559; S^o; 2159; 2 3375 3209-
166. -- "The XXVII
Decline of Jazz," Musician,
-- .
New York
jazz Thinking',"
(May, 1922), i. (Gen, Infl)
17:3. Times, Feb. 15, 1925,
168. -- "Defend
. HitJazz Music; New York British Critic," Times, Sept. 13,
1926, 21 :
7. (A & A)
SMI 15; 17; 165; 406; 558; 559; 560; 2159; 2337; 3209.
Entries 139-197
169. Anon. "Defends 'Jazz Tempo'," Sheet Music News, II (Mar., 1924), 17. (J & C)
170. "Delving Into the Geneology of Jazz," Current Opinion, LXVTI (Aug.,
171. "The Descent of Jazz Upon Opera," Literary Digest, LXXXVIII (Mar.
!74. .
"Disapproved by Royalty," New York Times, Mar. 12, 1928, 20:6.
See: 422.
!7j. . "Disc Bootleggers are Waxing Fat on Stolen Goods," Down Beat, XVII
(June 16, 1950), 10. (Disc)
See: 37.
176. . "Disc Jockey of the Year: Jimmy Lyons," in Barry Ulanov and George
Simon (Eds). Jazz 1950. New York: Metronome, 1950. p. 15. (Pers)
177. .
"Discography: Leon Bismark (Bix) Beiderbecke," Recordiana, I (June-
July, 1944), 3-4. (Disc)
178. .
"Discography of Ragtime Recordings," Jazz Forum, 4 (Apr., 1947),
7-8. (Disc, Rag)
179. .
"Discography of the Year," in Barry Ulanov and George Simon (Eds).
Jazz 1950. New York: Metronome, 1950. pp. 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100,
xoi, 102. (Disc)
1 80. . "Dissonance Turns Tragic," Musician, XLVII (Jan., 1942), 10. (Gen)
181. . "Dixieland Bandwagon," Time, LV (Apr. 24, 1950), 104. (Dix)
182. . "Dixieland Shrine," Newsweek, XXIV (Oct. 16, 1944), 105-06. (Gen)
183. .
"Django Music," Time, XLVIII (Nov. 18, 1946), 53. (Pers)
!84. .
"DJs One Reason Men Are Jobless," Down Beat, XVII (June 2, 1950),
to. (Gen)
185. . "Do You Get It?" Time, LIII (May 23, 1949), 50-1. (Gen, Hist, Sw)
X 86. . "The Doctor Looks At Jazz," Literary Digest, XCIV (Sept. 3, 1927), 29.
187. .
"Johnny Dodds," Jazz Information, II (Aug. 23, 1940), 6-9, 24. (Pers)
!88. . "Docs Jazz Cause Crime?" Musical Observer, XXIII (Aug., 1924), 24.
189. . "The Dollar: Sign of Our Times," Down Beat, XVII (Apr. 7, 1930), 10.
!^o. . "Don't Stop Swinging the Classics Scott," Music and Rhythm, II
206. "The Duke Steps Out," Look, VII (Jan. 26, 1943), 54-5. (Pers, Pic)
207. . "Duke Sweeps '48 Band Poll," Down Beat, XV (Dec. 29, 1948), I, 12-13.
(Ork, Pers, Poll)
208. .
"Duke, T.D., B.G. Lead Year's Discs," Metronome, LIX (Jan., 1943),
16. (Disc)
1926,4:3, (Infl)
223. "The Ethics of Ragtime," Jacobs' Orchestra Monthly, III (Aug., 1912),
27-9. (Rag)
224. "Europe Violently Fer or Agin Stan's Music," Down Heat, XVI (Jan. 14,
(A & A, Geog)
1949), i.
225. "Factory Tests Show Swing Causes Many Girl Employees to Spoil
228. Anon. "Festival Is Opened of American Music," New York Times, May 5, 1937,
28 :
7. (Gen, Sw)
229. . New York Times, June 29,
"Finds Jazz the Rage With Caucasian Folk,"
1932, 18 :
4. (Geog)
230. "'First Nighters' of Songs," New York Times, Sept. 13, 1925, XIII,
23 : 4. (Gen)
231. "Ella Fitzgerald; Her Vocal Versatility Continues to Amaze Musicians,"
Revive Their Popularity," New York Times, July 12, 1925, II, 2 5. (J & D) :
237. "Founds Jazz Academy," New York Times, June 28, 1931, III, 4:6.
238. . "Four New Faces in All-Stars," Metronome, LVIII (Jan., 1942), 7, 20,
22-3, 38. (Pers, Poll)
239. .
"4000 Listeners Tell What They Prefer On Radio," New York Times,
Feb. 21, 1926, VIII, 17 : I. (Rad)
240. . "Fra Ragtime Til Be-Bop," Berlingske Tidende, Nov. 5, 1949, 9. (Gen)
241. . "A Fragment of 1924," Record Changer, IX (June, 1950), 6-9; (Sept.,
I95)> 9-; (
ct -> ^So), "-IS; (Nov., 1950), n. (Disc)
242. . "France Orders Our Jazz Players Expelled," New York Times, May 31,
1924, :
243. . "Frazier Names His Ail-Time All-Stars," Down Beat, XVII (Feb. 10,
1950), 2. (Gen)
244. . "French Find Our Jazz Too Soul-Disturbing," New York Times, Feb. 3,
247. "French Police Stop Jazz Band Burial; Dead Man Wanted It In Proces-
sion, But the Mourners Were Foxtrotting," New York Times, Oct. 18, 1923,
3:1. (Gen)
248. "Fresh Air on 52nd
St.," Time, XLVIII (Oct. 28, 1946), 55. (Ork)
249. . "From Jim Crow
to Jazz," British Musician, (Oct., 1934), 223-25; X
(Nov., 1934), 252-54. Pt. II entitled: "The 'Spiritual,' Its Public Debut." (Hist)
250. . "Fur und Wider den Jazz," Deutsche Musiker-Zeitung, LX (Nov. 30,
1929), 1018; (Dec. 7, 1929), 1041. (A A) &
251. . "Slim Gaillard et le
Vout-0-Reeney," Hot Club Magazine, 19 (Aug. 15,
1947), 9. (Lang, Pers)
252. "Eva Gauthier Comments on Her Experiment in Jazz," Musical
254. Anon. "A German Interpreter of Jazz," Literary Digest, LXII (Aug. 23, 1919),
255. ."Germans Would Oust American Jazz Bands," New York Times
Dec. II, 1924, 2 :
7. (Gen, Geog)
256. . "Girls Ban Jazz, Petting, Cigarettes," New York Times, Feb. 18, 1922,
4:3. (Gen)
257. .
"Godowsky Utters Kind Word on Jazz," New York Times, Oct. 10,
1924, 22 :
3. (Gen)
258. . "Good Music Gains Over Jazz Mania," New York Times, June 13, 1923,
31 :
5. (Gen)
250.. "Benjamin David (Bennie) Goodman," in Maxime Block (Ed). Current
266. .
"Gray Gives Shot In Arm to Coast Dance Business," Down Beat, XVII
(Sept. 8, 1950), 3. (Ork)
See: 1336.
267. "The Great American Composer Will He Speak In the Accent
. of
269. . "Green A Ventura Highspot," Down Beat, XVI (July 15, 1949), 2. (Pers)
270. .
"Group to Fight 'Jazzing' of the National Anthem," New York Times,
Dec. 21, 1938, 21 :
3. (Gen)
271. .
"John Hammond. , . A Critic and A Crew Haircut," Music and Rhythm,
II (Oct., 1941), 26. (Pers)
272. . "Lionel Hampton," Look, VII (June 29, 1943), 66. (Pers, Pic)
273. . "Lionel Hampton on Vibes et al," Metronome, LIX (Oct., 1943), 32, 68.
274. . "Lionel Hampton's Million-Dollar Band Business," Ebony, IV (Aug.,
1949), 20-4. (Ork)
275. . "William Christopher Handy," in Maxime Block (Ed). Current Bio-
graphy 1941. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1942. pp. 361-62. (Pers)
276. .
"Barling's New Jazz Opera," Christian Science Monitor, Sept. 25, 1926,
8. (Crit, J&O)
277. "Harty Hits At Jazz," New York Times, Oct. 3, 1926, VIII, 7 4. (Gen)
. :
282. . "He Calls It Progress," Time, LI (Mar. i, 1948), 34, 37. (Ork, Pers)
283. . "He Has No Scorn for Jazz ?" New York Times, Jan. 28, 1925, 16 : 5.
See: 1731.
Entries 25^-3^3 II
284. Anon. "He Sees a Change For the Worse," New York Times, Oct. 13, 1924,
18 :
5. (Infl)
See: 655.
285. . "Here's Capsule Record of 1942 Music World," Down Beat, X (Jan. i,
293. . "'Hit the Road' Now A Big Headache: Tire, Gas Shortage Makes
Location Stands Best Bet," Down Beat, IX (Mar. 15, 1942), i, 19. (Gen)
294. . "Hitler Frowns On Jazz," Literary Digest, CXVII (Mar. 24, 1934), 24.
(A & A)
295. . "Billie Holiday," Look, X (Sept. 3, 1946), 59. (Pers, Pic)
296. . "Billie Holiday Concert Makes Jazz History," Down Beat, XIII (Mar. 1 1,
1946), (Crit, Pers)
297. .
"Hollywood Debut for Pearl Bailey," Ebony, II (Apr., 1947), 38-9. (Pers)
298. . "The Home of Happy Feet," Ebony, I (Oct., 1946), 32-7. (Gen, Pic)
299. . "Home-Made Jazz for Italy," New York Times, July 16, 1926, 3 : 2.
300. .
"Honeysuckle Rose," New Torker, XIX (Dec. 1 1, 1943), 26-7. (Ed, Pers)
301. . "Horn of Plenty," Time, LII (Aug. 23, 1948), 50-1. (Pers)
302. . "Lena Home," in Anna Rothe (Ed). Current Biography 1944. New York:
H. W. Wilson, 1945. pp. 310-12. (Pers)
303. ."Lena Home Begins a New Movie," Ebony, I (Mar., 1946), 14-20.
(Pers, Pic)
304. . "Lena Home is Still on the Way Up," PM, Dec. 15, 1942, 19: 2-3.
305. . "Hot Drummers," Look, X (Mar. 5, 1946), 43-5. (Pers, Pic)
306. . "Hot Jazz Born When Dixieland Boys Wore Rompers," Metronome,
LII (Sept., 1936), 24. (Hist, Ork)
. "Hot
307. Jazz in Iceland," Jazzfnder, I (June, 1948), 5. (Geog)
308. . "Hot Music at
Carnegie," New
York Times, Jan. 18, 1938, 22 :
3. (Crit,
Ork, Sw)
See: 1289.
309. ."Hot Royalty," in George S. Rosenthal (Ed). Jazsways. Cincinnati,
1946. pp. 56-7. (Pers)
310. "Hot Society," Time, XXIX (May 17, 1937), 50, pise)
312. "How Deaf Can You Get?" Time, LI (May 17, 1948), 74. (Bop, Pers)
313. "How To Do the Bop Hop; Benny Goodman Band Introduces New-
Dance Steps On Its Tour," Ebony, IV (July, 1949), 23-5. (J & D, Pic)
12 A Bibliography of Jaxx
314. Anon. "Huge RCA Dance Band Buildup," Down Seat, XVII (Mar. 24, 1950), 2.
J & D)
315. .
"Hungary Protects Home Jazz by Barring Foreign Bands," New York
limes, Dec. I, 1925, 2 : 7. (Geog)
3I 6. . "An Idea From America," Musical Opinion, XLIII (May, 1920), 610.
^17. . "Immortals of Jazz," A Series of Biographical Sketches in Down Beati
"Louis Armstrong," VI (Dec. 15, 1939), 10.
"Mildred Bailey," VIII (July 15, 1941), 10.
"Count Basic," VIII (June 15, 1941), 10.
"Sidney Becliet," VII (July 15, 1940), 10.
"Bix Beiderbecke," VII (Aug. I, 1940), 10.
"Benny Carter," VII (Sept. 15, 1940), 10.
"Johnny Dodds," VII (Apr. I, 1940), 10.
"Jimmy Dorsey," VII (Sept. I, 1940), 10.
"Tommy Dorsey," VIII (May 15, 1941), 10.
"Roy Eldridge," VIII (Apr. 15, 1941), 10.
"Duke Ellington," VII (Jan. 15, 1940), 10.
"Bud Freeman," VIII (June I, 1941), 10.
"Benny Goodman," VII (Feb. 1, 1940), 10.
"Emmet Hardy," VII (Aug. 15, 1940), 6.
"Coleman Hawkins," VII (Feb. 15, 1940), 1 8.
"Fletcher Henderson," VI (Nov. 15, 1939), 23.
"Jay C. Higginbotham," VIII (Mar. 15, 1941), 10.
"Earl Hines," VII (July i, 1940), 23,
"Pete Johnson," VIII (July I, 1941), 10.
"Gene Krupa," VI (Nov. I, 1939), 20.
"Red McKenzie," VI (Oct. 15, 1939), 22.
"Wingy Manone," VIII (Aug. i, 1941), 10,
"Salvatore Massano (Eddie Lang)," VII (Oct. I, 1940), li .
Entries 314-351
320. Anon. "Index to Recent Records," in Orin Blackstone (Ed). Jazzfinder '49.
New Orleans:
Orin Blackstone, 1949. pp. 65-106. (Disc)
--. "Indians Abandon Tom-tom For the White Man's
Jazz," Metronome,
XXXVIII (May, 1922), 61. (Gen)
-- "The Influence of 'Jazz'," Monthly Musical Record, LVII (Aug. 1, 1927),
233. (Infl)
. "Influence of the Year:
Cole Trio," Metronome, (Jan., 1947),
23. (Ork)
. "Influence of the Year: Charlie Parker," Metronome,
(Jan., 1948),
22. (Pers)
-- "Die . Internationale
Republik des Jazz," Die Melodie, III (1948/49),
IV une
(J H-JS- (G
-- "The
92, 94-5. (Pers)
. Tin Pan
Inventors' of LI
Alley," Popular Mechanics, (Jan., 1929),
74-7. (Gen, Pers)
. "Irish New York Jazz," Times, Jan. 2, 1934, 17 :
4. (Gen)
See: 46.
-- "Is Jazz
. The American XXXIX
Soul' ?" Musical America, (Nov. 24,
& A)
1923), 10. (A
-- .
Going Hibrow? Hot
"I s Jazz Pianist
Dorothy Donegan Newest Is
Convert to the Classics," Ebony, I (July, 1946), 15-17. (Pers, Pic)
-- . Musical
"Is Jazz Music ?" XCVII Courier, (A & A) (Aug. 16, 1928), 20.
See: 807 5843; 845 52897.
-- . "Is
Jazz Our National Anthem New York ?" Times, Jan. 30, 1922,
(A &
11:3. A)
"Is Jazz the Pilot of Disaster ?" Etude,
-- .
-- (Gen)
. Pendulum
"Is the Back?" Down
Swinging XVII Beat, (Sept. 8, 1950),
-- (Gen)
. Music Waning
"Is the Popularity of Jazz VIII ?" Radio Broadcast,
-- Radio Dead End Negro Bands Music and Rhythm,
(Dec., 1925), 177-78. (Infl)
. "Is a For ?" II (Dec.,
-- A Rad) Wanting
1941), 15. (Gen,
. "It's Matter of Down XVII
to Live," Beat, (Jan. 27, 1950),
-- (Gen)
. Musical
"Italians Sign Petitions Against Jazz, Says Milhaud," America,
XXXVIII (Sept. 29, 1923), 4. (Geog, Gen)
"am!" Esquire, XXII (Dec., 1944), 107-14. (Pic)
341- am Session," Life, XV (Oct. u, 1943), 117-24. (Pic)
am Session," Look, VII (Aug. 24, 1943), 64-6. (Pic)
am Session in Movieland," Ebony I (Nov., 1945), 6-9.
> (Pic, Rad)
344. .
"Harry James (Haag)," in Maxime Block (Ed). Current Biography Ip43-
New York: H. W. Wilson, 1944. pp. 340-43. (Pers)
345. .
"Harry James," Look, VII (Feb. 9, 1943), 62. (Pers, Pic)
346. .
"Jazz," in Henry Suzzalo (Ed). The National Encyclopedia. New York:
P. F. Collier, 1932. pp. 578-79. (A & A)
"~ "~
*y, III
"Jazz," Opportunity,
352. Anon. " 'Jazz A State of Mind'," New York Times, Apr. 2, 1925, 23 3. (A & A) :
353. "Jazz Abroad," New York Times, May 20, 1928, VIII, 7 7. (J & D)
. :
3S4 .
"jazz Again," Musical Courier, LXXXVII (July 5, 1923), 21. (Ork)
355. "Jazz All Over Europe," New York Times, Apr. 30, 1929, 14:1 (Gen,
. .
356. .
"Jazz am Konservatoriuin," Der Auftakt, VII (1927), 317-19. (Ed)
357. .
"Jazz and the Disposition," New York Times, June 13, 1927, 18: 5.
(Gen, Infl)
See: 402.
358. .
"Jazz and Its Victims," New York Times, Oct. 7, 1928, V, 19. (Infl)
350. .
"Jazz and the Organist," American Organist, VI (Feb., 1923;, 113-14.
360. .
"Jazz and Ragtime Are the Preludes to a Great American Music,"
Current Opinion, LXIX (Aug., 1920), 199-201. (A & A, Infl)
361. .
"Jazz Artists Migrate," New York Times, Mar. 12, 1925, 9 1. (Gen) :
See: 451.
362. .
"Jazz as Folk-Music," Musical America, XLIII (Dec. 19, 1925), 18.
363. .
"Jazz As a Form of Art," Musical Leader, XLIV (Aug. 10, 1922), 130.
See: 1350.
364. .
"Jazz at the Fountainhead," New York Times, Apr. 12, 1929, 26:6.
365. "Jazz , at the Philharmonic," Scholastic, L
(Apr. 7, 1947), 36, (Pers, Ork)
366. "Jazz . at the Sorbonne," New York Times, June 20, 1926, VIII, 2: 2.
(Gen, Geog)
367. "Jazz . Back in Japan," Metronome, LXIII (Aug., 1947), 17. (Geog)
368. "Jazz . Bands Here and Abroad," New York Times, Dec. 12, 1924, 22 : 6.
369. .
"Jazz Bands Popular in Turkey," New York Times, Oct. 12, 1927,
27 : 2. (Geog)
370. .
"Jazz Beyond the Alps," New York Times, Mar.n, 1926, 20 : 6. (A&A)
371. .
"Jazz Bitterly Opposed in Germany," New York Times, Mar. II, 1928,
4. (Ed, Geog, Infl)
372. "Jazz, the Black Peril, and the Bigger Cheeses," Musical Opinion, L
375. "The Jazz Cannibal," Literary Digest, LXXXIV (Jan. 10, 1925), 36.
376. .
"Jazz Club Concert," New York Times, Sept. 7, 1947, 63 : 4. (NO, Pers)
377. .
"Jazz Comes to Stay," Current Opinion, LXXVII (Sept., 1924), 337-38.
378. .
"Jazz Coming On," Musical Courier, XCII (Jan. 7, 1926), 30. (Crit,
379. "Jazz Commission for Kahn," New York Times, May 19, 1927, 32 :
380. ."El Jazz, Con Sus Disonancias y Estridencias, Ha Conquistado Al
Mundo," La Razon, Jan. 3, 1942, 2, (Infl)
381. "Jazz Concert Heard," New York Times, May 17, 1945, 15 I. (Crit)
. :
382. "Jazz Concert in Public Park on Sunday Stirs Up London," New York
383. .
"Jazz Concerts," Ebony, 1 (Sept., 1946), 29-34. (Gen, Pic)
384. . "A Jazz Conference," Musical Leader, XLIII (Apr. 13, 1922), 364. (Gen)
Entries 350-4x1
385. Anon. "Jazz Conservatory for Prague," New York Times, Nov. 22, 1931, III
3:5. (Ed)
"Jazz Doomed and Dying'," New York Times, June 7, 1921, 10: 3.
-- "Jazz
. New York
Dying, Says Sheldon," Times, Sept. 26, 1926, 26: 8.
-- "Jazz
Laboratory For
Enters the News
Psychological Study," Science
-- "The
Letter, (July I, 1939), 12-13.
-- "Jazz Foundation
Jazz Fiddler," Etude,
New York Concert,"June
(June, 1923), 420-21.
23, 1945, 10: 3.
-- "Jazz
New York Nov. 24, 1928, 16: 5. (Infl)
-- "Jazz .
Frightens Bears,"
Ban," New York
Gains in Popularity as Soviet Lifts
May17, 1933, 15 : 2. (Geog)
-- "Jazz Grows
. Dance Record
Popular in China, New York Sales Reveal,"
Times, Nov. 16, 1929, 5 : 2. (Geog)
See: 398.
-- "The Hoot," New XXVI 1950), 21-2. (Pers)
-- "Jazz .
Hymns Draw
New York Aug.
2, 1925, 27 : 2. (Rad)
See: 438.
-- "Jazz . Musical LXXXVIII (June
in China," Courier, 26, 1924), 14.
-- "Jazz
Musical LI
in Italy," 8, 1926), to.
-- "Jazz .
-- "Jazz Compared Comic
. Is New York to Cartoon," Times, Feb. 18, 1927,
24:4. (A&A)
-- "Jazz Dead But Tang and
. is Color Will Survive in America's Future
Classicalism, Says Grofe, Founder of the 'New School'," Musical Courier, CIV
14, 1932), 9, 16. (Infl)
-- "Jazz
. is Not Music, Stresemann Asserts," New York Times, June 12,
1927, 19 .-4. (Gen)
See: 357.
-- "Jazz .
Mary Garden
Losing Caste, Finds," New York Times, Nov. 24,
1927, 28(A & A) 2.
-- "Jazz May Be Lowbrow,
See: 2719.
-- "Jazz Music and
Digestion," New York Times, May 13, 1927, 22 :
-- "Jazz
. and Music, Its Particular Sting," Musical Digest, X (Sept. 21,
1926), 7. (A&A)
"595 3.
See: 15; 17; 165; 168; 233; 558; 5595 5&>;
-- "Jazz Music Banned XLVII (June
2 337;
in France," Musical Leader,
407. 19, 1924),
(A & A,
-- "Jazz Upheld by Otto H. Kahn," New York
Aug. Times, 1 3,
17 : 6. (Gen)
-- "Jazz Not What Once Was,"
It Musical Leader, (July 24, 1924),
-- "Jazz Now
. Musical XLVIII
Syncopep," u, Leader, (Dec. 1924), 568.
-- "Jaz&
. VI
Obsequies or Otherwise?" Melody, (July, 1922), 7-8. (Hist)
16 A Bibliography of Jazz
415. .
"Jazz Opera in View for Metropolitan," New York Times, Nov. 18, 1924,
23 : I. (J& 0)
416. .
"Jazz Operas in Germany," Living Age, CCCXXXII (Apr. 15, 1927),
735- (J&O)
417. .
"Jazz Or," Musical Courier, LXXXVIII (Feb. 7, 1924), 36. (Gen,
4x8. .
"Jazz or 'Modern Popular Music' To Be Heard and Discussed at Com-
posers' League Lecture," Musical Courier, LXXXVIII (Feb. 7, 1924), 6. (Gen,
419. .
"Jazz or No Jazz?" Musical Standard, XXII (Dec. 15, 1923), 187. (J&C)
420. .
"Jazz Origin Again Discovered," Music Trade Revietv, LXVIII (1919),
32-3. (Hist)
421. .
"Jazz Overadvertized," Literary Digest, LXXIX (Dec. 15, 1923), 28-9.
(A & A)
422. .
"Jazz Pandemonium to Prince Joachim," New York Times, Mar. n,
i. (A & A, Infl)
1928, 10:
See: 174.
423. .
"Jazz Pianist Ammons Dies," Chicago Daily News, Dec. 3, 1949, 6:5.
424. .
"Jazz Played Out," Literary Digest, LXXII (Jan. 14, 1922), 27. (A & A)
425. ,
"Jazz Prize," Musical Courier, LXXXIX (July 17, 1924), 28. (Lang)
426. .
"Jazz Reduces Output of Tenors From Naples," New York Titties,
May 22, 1927, II, 8 : 2. (Infl)
427. "Jazz, Says Darius Milhaud, Is the Most Significant Thing in Music
429. ."Jazz Stems From Whites Not Blacks, Says LaRocca," Metronome,
LII (Oct., 1936), 20, 51, 53. (Hist, Ork)
430. ."Jazz? Swing? It's Ragtime," Time, XLVI (Nov. 5, 1945), 62-3.
(Ork, Pers)
431. .
"Jazz Symphony," Time, XXX
(Dec. 20, 1937), 44-5. (J & C)
432. .
"Jazz Takes Root in Classics, Asserts Sigmund Spaeth," Musical
America, XLI (Dec. 27, 1924), 23. (J & C)
433- Jazz Under Ban," Music and Musicians, VIII (Aug., 1922), 3. (Gen)
434. "Der 'Jazz' Vom Jazz," Deutsche Musiker-Zeitung, LXI (Apr. 26, 1930),
347. (A & A)
435. "'Jazz' Waits at This Church," Music Trades,
. LXIII (May 13, 1922),
44. (Gen)
436. .
Jazzando," Musical Courier, LXXXV, (Aug. 24, 1922), 20. (Infl)
437- "A Jazzed Discussion," Musical Courier, LXXXVIII (Apr. 17, 1924),
37- (Infl)
438. .
"Jazzed Hymns Called Off," New York Times, Aug. 3, 1925, 18:3.
SMI 395-
435. .
"Jazzing the Classics," New York Times, Dec. 7, 1927, 28 : 6. (J & C)
440. .
"Jazzu," Time, LIV (Aug. 8, 1949), 40-1. (Geog)
441. .
"Jack Jenny Dies Suddenly," Down Beat, XIII (Jan. I, 1946), 3. (Pers)
442. .
"'Jitterbug' Tunes Barred at Princeton Songfests," New York Times,
May 1, 1939, 25 : 7. (Gen)
443. .
"Jitterbugs at Play," New York Times, May 31, 1938, 18 : 2. (Gen)
Entries 412-475
444. Anon. " Jive Bombers," Scholastic, XLVIII (Feb. 4, 1946), 32. (A & A, Ork)
445. "Jive Papa," Ebony, I (Aug., 1946), 19-24. (Lang)
458. "Kahn Wants a Jazz Opera to Produce on Metropolitan Stage," Music
19. (Poll)
462. . "Stan Kenton Ork Set for New York Debut at Door," Down Beat, VIII
(Nov. i, 1941), I. (Pers)
463. . "Kenton Quits Music Business," Down Beat, XVI (Jan. 14, 1949), i.
4.64. . "Kenton Readies Ork for Concert Tour," Down Beat, XVI (Nov. 4,
1949), 2. (Ork)
465. .
"Kenton, Shearing Poll Winners: All-Star Band Gets New Faces,"
Down Beat, XVII (Dec. 29, 1950), I, 14-15. (Poll)
466. .
"Jerome Kern Hits at Jazz Orchestra," New York Times, Apr. 12, 1924,
18: I. (Gen)
467. . "Killian Killed in L. A. By Psychopathic Murderer," Down Beat, XVII
(Oct. 20, 1950), 9. (Pers)
468. .
"King Jazz and the Jazz Kings," Literary Digest, LXXXVIII (Jan. 30,
I9 2 $ 37-3, 41-2. (Pers)
469. .
"King Louis 1st," Look, VII (Mai. 23, 1943), 64-6. (Pers, Pic)
470. .
"King of the Jook-Box," Newsweek, XV (Jan. 15, 1940), 30-1. (Pers)
471. .
"King of the Ragtimers," Time9 LVI (Oct. 30, 1950), 48. (Rev)
472. . "Kreisler Is Here For Concert Tour Calls Jazz a Symptom ..." New
. . .
476. Anon. "Krupa: Into This World Again," Newsweek, XXIV (July 31, 1944), 69.
4.77. . "Gene Krupa Shows How to Play Drum in These Fantastic Sound
Pictures," Life, X (June 9, 1941), 81. (Inst, Pic)
478. . "Lac Bug vs. Jitterbug," Newsweek, XIX (Apr. 27, 1942), 59-60. (Disc)
479. . "Lambeth Walk and the Yam," Newsweek, XII (Sept. 12, 1938), 20-1.
480. . "Land of Oo-Bla-Dee," Time, LIV (Sept. 12, 1949), 77-9. (Pers)
481. . "Laud Jazz in High Places," New York Times, Aug. 16, 1921, 3 .-4.
482. . "Leave 'Jazz' Alone," Musical Courier, LXXXV (Oct. 26, 1922), 21.
(Gen, Infl)
See: 1151.
483. . "Franz Lehar on Jazz," Living Age, CCCXXVIII (Mar. 13, 1926),
601-02. (A & A)
484. . "Let Freedom 'Swing'," New York Times, Nov. 6, 1938, IX, 12:3.
See: 227; 1323; 1461.
485. . "Let's Face
It," Time, LIV (Sept. 26, 1949), 47-8. (Crit, Pers)
^86. . "Life Goes to a Party to Listen to Benny Goodman and His Swing
Band," Life, III (Nov. 1, 1937), 120-22; 124. (J & D, Ork, Pic)
487. . "Life Goes to a
Party At the Hotel Lincoln in New York City to Hear
Artie Shaw, Swing's Newest King," Life, VI (Jan. 23, 1939), 60-62. (J & D,
Ork, Pic)
488. "Links Concert and Jazz," New York Times, Apr. 13, 1924, II, 2
. : i.
489. . "List and Addresses of Recording Firms," Down Seat, XIII (June 3,
493. "Lopez To Put Jazz Into Stock Market," New York Times, Jan. 10,
49S- "Louis the First," Time, LIII (Feb. 21, 1949), 52-8. (Hist, Pers)
See:i%\ 1490; 1820; 2085.
496. "Louis, Babe Ruth Go Hand in Hand," Down Seat, XVII (July
1950), 10. (Pers)
497. .
"Louis, Shearing On Same Bill Enrich Bop City Till,'' Down Seat, XVI
(Oct. 7, 1949), 2. (Crit, Ork)
498. . "Louis Writes Life
Story," Down Beat, XVII (May 5, 1950), I. (Pers)
See: 859.
499. . "Low Taste," Time, XLVIII (Sept. 2, 1946), 41. (Ork)
500. . "Lutheran Church Bans Jazzy Organs," New York Times, Oct. 9, 1924,
23 :
4. (Inst)
501. . "Make Mine Music," Life, XX (Mar. 11, 1946), 56. (Pic)
502. . "Marche Funebre," Etude, XLIV
(Aug., 1926), 558. (Gen)
503. . "Kaiser Marshall," Record Changer, VII (Mar., 1948), 12. (Pers)
504. . "Meadowbrook Opens Up For Fall With Woody Ork," Down Beat, XVII
(Sept. 22, 1950), i.
505- . "A Medico On Jazz," Musical Courier, XCV (Aug. n, 1:927), 22. (Infl)
Entries 476-529
506. Anon. "Meet the Real Lena Home," Ebony, III (Nov., 1947), 9-14. (Pers, Pic)
507. "A Melodious Year," New York Times, Oct. 19, 1929, 18 4. (Gen)
. :
508. "Frank Melrose, Chi Pianist, Is Found Fatally Injured," Down Beat,
512. "Johnny Mercer," in Anna Rothe (Ed). Current Biography 1948. New
29. (Disc)
5x5. . "Metronome's All Stars (1946 Edition)," Metronome, LXIII (Jan., 1947),
24-5, 49. (Poll)
j!6. . "Metronome's All Stars," Metronome, LXIV (Jan., 1948), 24-5, 37-41.
517. . "Metronome's Hall of Fame," A Series in Metronome: (Pers)
"Louis Armstrong," LXIII (Jan., 1947), 26.
"Mildred Bailey," LXIII (Mar., 1947), 18.
"Will Bradley," LVI (Aug., 1940), 26.
"Charlie Christian," LXIII (Aug., 1947), 27.
"Roy Eldridge," LXIII (May, 1947), 25.
"Duke Ellington," LXIII (Apr., 1947), 18.
"Ziggy Elman," LVII (Apr., 1941), 22.
"Benny Goodman," LXIII (Feb., 1947), 22.
"Irving Goodman," LVII (Feb., 1941), 34.
"Wolffe Taninbaum," LVII (Sept., 1941), 26.
"Cootie Williams," LVII (June, 1941), 28.
"Teddy Wilson," LXIII (July, 1947), 20.
5x8. . "Metronome's Records of the Year," Metronome, LXIII (Jan., 1947),
28-9. (Disc)
519. "Mexican Students Ban Jazz As Aid in Spreading Our Rule," New
520. "The Mighty Mother of Jazz," New York Times, Jan. 8, 1923, 16 5.
. :
521. "Glenn Miller," in Maxime Block (Ed). Current Biography 1942. New
5, 9. (Pers)
523. . "Million Dollar Band," Look, X (Feb. 5, 1946), 28-32. (Ork, Pic)
524. . "Mixed Reaction on Kenton Band's First N. Y. Job," Down Beat, IX
(Mar. is, 1942), 2. (Crit)
525. .
"Montparnasse Jazz Is Stilled by Police," New York Times, Nov. 20,
1927, 2 5. (Gen, Geog)
526. . "More Good Swing and Sweet for V-Disc Listeners," Metronome, LXII
(July, 1946), 46. (Disc)
527. "More Hot and Dirty Breaks," Etude, XLV (May, 1927), 339. (Gen)
530. Anon. "Music and Dancing," New York Times, Oct. 21, 1926, 26:4. (Gen,
531. "Music Clubs Against Jazzing of Classics," New York Times, Dec.
1927,29:2. (J&C)
532. "Music is Music," Time, LV (May 22, 1950), 79. (Pers)
533. .
534. "Musical Slang," Etude, LII (July, 1934), 393-94- (A & A, J&C)
535- '^Musician is Driven to Suicide by Jazz; Wouldn't Play It, Couldn't Get
Employment," New York Times, Apr. 7, 1922, i 2. (Infl) :
536. "Musician of the Year: Stan Getz," in Barry Ulanov and George Simon
544. "Fats Navarro Dies in NYC," Down Beat, XVII (Aug. 1 1, 1950), i. (Pers)
. "Nazis Ban Concert
545. by Bruno Walter. 'Negro Jazz Prohibited. ."
. . .
See: 547.
546. . "Nazis Ban Swing Music As Not Fit For Germans," New York Times,
Nov. 27, 1938, 45 : 6.
See: 635.
547. . "Nazis Reject Jazz, New York Times, Mar. 18, 1933, 12 :
5. (Gen)
See: 545.
548. . "A Negro Explains Jazz," Literary Digest, LXI (Apr. 26, 1919), 28-9.
(A & A, Hist)
549. .
"Negroes," Life, V (Oct. 3, 1938), 58. (Pic)
550. . "New German Piano Now Jazzes Up Jazz," New York Times, June 8,
1924, II, 13 :
7. (Inst)
551. . "New Herd Sidemen Adept, Young, Solid," Down Seat, XV (Jan. 14,
1948), 4-5. (Pers)
552. . "New King," Time, XXXIV (Nov. 27, 1939), 56. (Pers)
553, . "New Orleans," Ebony, II (Feb., 1947), 26-31. (Pic, Had)
554. . "New Orleans Memories," Record Changer, VII (Oct., 1948), 6-7. (Pic)
555- "New Twist Marks Concert of Jazz," New York Times, Jan. 2, 1947,
2 3:S .(Crit)
556. . "New Word For Jazz Worth $1,000," Down Beat, XVI (July 15, 1949),
10. (Lang)
557. . "New York Jazz Club," Record Changer, VII (Feb., 1948), 12-13, (G^)
558. . "Newman Excoriates Jazz," Musical America, XLIV (Sept. 18, 1926),
16. (A & A)
See: 15; 17; 165; 168; 233; 559; 560; 2159; 2337; 3209.
. "Newman On
559. Jazz," Living Age, CCCXXXII (Feb. 15, 1927), 362-63.
See: 15; 17; 165; 168; 233; 558; 560; 2159; 2337; 3209.
Entries 530-589 21
560. Anon. "Newman Resumes Attack on Jazz," New York Times, Dec. 26, 1926, 1,
30:3. (A&A)
See: 15; 17; 165; 168; 233; 558; 559; 2159; 2 337;
- ~
561. . "Nice LI
Jumps," Time, (Mar. 8, 1948), 40. (Gen)
562. .
"1945 Jazz Poll," Jazz Session,, 7 (May- June, 1945), 3-15. (Poll)
563. .
"1947*8 Musicmen," Look, XI (Jan. 7, 1947), 68. (Pers, Pic)
564. . "No
Jazz on Russian Air," Literary Digest, CXIV (Aug. 27, 1932), 15-16.
565. . "NochEinmal: Jazzmusik," Deutsche Musiker-Zeitung, LXIII (Dec. 24,
1932), 622. (A & A)
566. . "Noise Upon Noise," New York Times, Dec. 29, 1938, 18:4. (Disc, Gen)
567. .
"Non-Stop Flights of Jazz," New York Times, Dec. 16, 1927, 24 : 6.
See: 582.
568. . "N'Orlans Disclaims Honor as Jazz Parent," Metronome, LII (Nov.,
1936), 27. (Hist)
569. .
"Obituary Thomas 'Papa Mutt' Carey," Jazz Journal, I (Nov., 1948),
10. (Pers)
577. .
"Opera and Concert Asides," New York Times, Dec. 25, 1938, IX, 9 : 8.
578. .
"Opera and Concert Asides," New York Times, June 1 1, 1939, IX, 5 : 8.
'"Opera* on Ferryboats is Displaced by 'Swing'," New York Times
Aug. 2, 1937,9:2. (Gen)
580. . "An Opinion on 'Jazz' by Leopold Godowsky," Metronome, XXXVIII
(June, 1922), 20. (Gen)
581. "Orchestra Heads Name 'Jazz Czar'," New York Times, Feb. 6, 1927,
12 2. (Gen)
582. . "Orchestra
Plays Jazz 33 Hours, Giving Poles the World Record," New
York Times, Dec. 14, 1927, 23 : 2. (Gen)
583. .
"Ordentling Salut," Ekstra&ladet, Nov. 14, 1949, 6. (Crit)
584. .
"Origin of 'Blues' Numbers," Sheet Music News, II (Oct., 1923), 8-9, 41.
585. "Origin of Rag-Time," Brainard's Musical, I (Autumn, 1899), "- (Rag)
See: 1174.
586. "Origin of Rag-Time," Metronome, XVII (Aug., 1901), 7. (Rag)
587. . "The
Origin of Ragtime," New York Times, Mar. 23, 1924, IX, 2 : 8.
588. "Origin of Term JAZZ," Jazz Session, 8 (July-Aug., 1945), 4-5. (Lang)
589. .
"Origin of the Word Jazz Traced to West Africa by Princeton Men
Preparing New Dictionary," New York Times, Oct. 15, 1934, 19 : 6. (Lang)
See: 2604; 2953, 3159.
22 A Bibliography of Jazz
590. Anon. "Kid Ory Comes Back to Bizz," Down Beat, IX (Sept. 1, 1942), 2. (Pers)
591. "Kid Ory, Famous Armstrong Trombonist, Returns to Active Duty,"
9 : 8. (Geog)
593. . "Our Jazz Symposium," Music News, XVI (Dec. 12, 1924), 3-5. (A & A,
594. . "Our Music Casts Much Influence," Down Beat, XVII (Sept. 22, 1950),
10. (Infl)
595. .
"Philadelphia Hears First Complete Jazz Symphony," Musical Courier,
XC (June 1 1, 1925), 5, 2 5- (Crit, J & Q
596. .
"Philly Faculty Reads Like All-Star Band," Down Beat, XIV (Dec. 17,
1947), 14. (Ed)
597. . "Phuff ?" Time, LIV (Oct. 31, 1949), 58. (Ork)
S9 8. . "The Plain Truth About Jazz," Musical Standard, XXXVIII (June,
!93 2) 97- ( & ) A A
595. . "Poll Shows Effect of Dance Revival," Down Beat, XVII (Dec. 29,
1950), 12. (J & D, Poll)
6co. . "Pollack Makes New
Discovery," Down Beat, IX (Sept. 1, 1942), 6. (Pers)
601. .
"Popular Music, A
Symposium," in Who's Who In Music, Lee Stern,
1941. pp. 513-14. (Hist, Sw)
602. .
Popular Music as a Career. Chicago: Institute for Research, 1940. 29 pp.
603. "Chano Pozo Killed by 7 Shots," Down Beat,
(Dec. 29, 1948), I. XV
604. . "Praises Broadway Music," New York limes, Jan. 1 1,
1926, 30:6.
605. . "Predict Bright Future for Music Called Jazz," Metronome, XL (Apr.,
1924), 79. (Gen)
606. . "Predicts Fall of Jazz," New York Times, Dec. 30, 1920, 3 : 2. (Gen)
607. . "Predicts National School of Music," New York Times, Jan. 2, 1925,
608. "Primitive Savage Animalism, Preacher's Analysis of Jazz,"
. New York
Times, Mar. 3, 1922, 15 : 7. (A & A)
609. . "The PrivateLife of Billy Eckstine," Ebony, IV (Mar., 1949), 54-9. (Pers)
610. . "The Professional Amateur," Time, LIII (Jan. 31, 1949), 40-4- (Pers)
611. . "Professor Explains Bop," Down Beat, XVI (Feb. 25, 1949), 3. (A & A,
612. "Professor of Jazz," Newsweek, XIX (May n, 1942), 73. (Pers, Rad)
613. "Puccini Wins Damages for 'Butterfly' Jazz," New York Times, Nov.
619. "Questions and Answers," Eude, XVI (Oct., 1898), 285; (Dec., 1898),
622. Anon. "Raeburn Band Great, But Forced to Call It a Day," Down Beat, XVI
(July 29, 1949), 13. (Ork)
623. "Rag-Time," Musician,
. V
(Mar., 1900), 83. (Rag)
624. "Ragtime," London Times, Feb. 8, 1913, II : 3-4. (Rag)
625. "Rag Time and Program Making," American Musician, XXVIII (Aug.
627. . "The Record Companies," Metronome, LXI (Oct., 1945), 23-5, 51. (Disc)
628. . "Record Companies Go All Out For Dixieland," Down Beat, XVII (Apr.
7, 1950), i. (Disc, Dix)
629. . "Record Labels in Jazz History," in Orin Blackstone (Ed). Jazzfinder
'49. New Orleans: Orin Blackstone, 1949. pp. 107-28. (Disc)
630. . "Records of the Year," Metronome, LX
(Jan., 1944), 24. (Disc)
631. . "Records of the Year," Metronome, LXIV (Jan., 1948), 23. (Disc)
632. . "Records of the Year: 49*8 Top 30," in Barry Ulanov and George Simon
(Eds). Jazz jp50. New York: Metronome, 1950. p. 18. (Disc)
633. . "Refuses to Decide
Jazz Is a Nuisance," New York Times, Oct. 29, 1925,
11:3. (Gen)
634. "Reich Bars Radio Jazz to Safeguard 'Culture',"
. New York Times,
Oct. 13, 1935, II & III, 3 : 7. (Gen)
635. . "Reich
City Bars 'Hot' Music," New York Times,Nov. 19, 1938,2 :
4. (Gen)
See: 546.
636. . "Relax! The Battle of RPMs is Settled," Down Beat, XVII (Feb. 10,
1950), 3- (Disc)
637. ."Remarks on Rag-Time," Musical Courier, LXVI (May 28, 1913),
22-3. (Rag)
638, .
"Respectablizing Jazz," Literary Digest, LXXIX (Nov. 24, 1923), 31.
639. . "Les Resultats du Referendum du H.C.B.," Hot Club Magazine, 10
(Oct., 1946), 10. (Poll)
640. . "Reverend Satchelmouth," Time, XLVII (Apr. 29, 1946), 47-8. (Pers)
641. . "Rex Spielt Bie Kerzenlicht," Die Melodie, III (1948/49), 5, 10. (Crit,
642. ."Rhythm, Rhythm; 'Arthur Alberts' West African Documentary',"
Record Changer, IX (Nov., 1950), 5-8, 17. (Disc)
643. .
"Rhythms In c Jazz' Traced to Indians," New York Times, Dec. 28,
1936, 19 (Gen) :
644. . "The Riotous Return of Mr.
Antheil," Literary Digest, XCIII (Apr. 30,
1927), 26-7. (Crit, J & C)
645. . "'Round and
Around," Literary Digest, CXXI (Apr. 4, 1936), 26. (Sw)
646. .
"Rugged Rugolo," Metronome, LXIII (Apr., 1947), 27, 46. (Pers)
647. . "Charles Ellsworth
(Pee Wee) Russell," in Anna Rothe (Ed). Current
Biography 1944* New York: H. W. Wilson, 1945. pp. 569-71. (Pers)
648. , "Sagfreren, Der Blev Altmuligmand," Berlingske Tidende, Oct. 22,
1949, 8-9. (Pers)
649. . "'Satchelmouth' Symbol of Best Negro Music," Down Beat, V (Mar.,
1938), 4. (Pers)
650. . "Satchmo Comes Back," Time, L (Sept. 1, 1947), 32. (A&A, Bop, Pers)
651. . "Satchmo Europe Trip Successful; Plan 2d Tour," Billboard, LXI
(Oct. 22, 1949), 13. (Gen)
652. . "'Satchmo' Hailed As King of Zulus at N.O. Mardi Gras," Billboard,
LXI (Mar. 21, 1949), 23. (Pers)
See: 18; 495; 1490; 1820; 2085.
24 A Bibliography of Jazz
653. Anon. "Satchmo Sock in Sweden; Italian Tour Mapped," Variety, CLXXVI
(Oct. 19, 1949), 43. (Crit)
654. .
"Say Jazz WillLive," New York Times,Dec. 23, 1923, VIII, 4 i. (A& A) :
655. ."Says Autos and Jazz Ruin American Youth," New York Times,
Oct. II, 1924, 16: 1. (Infl)
See: 284.
656. "Says Jazz Originated in Old French Music," New York Times, Mar. 25,
7. (A & A)
1928, 28 :
657. "Says Jazz Rules Europe," New York Times, Jan. 23, 1925, 9 3. (Geog)
. :
658. "Says Jazz Threatens Christian Civilization," New York Times, Dec. 16,
1934,17,2:7. (Infl)
659. "Says Jazz Will Play Itself Out," New York Times, Nov. 21, 1924,
16:1. (Gen)
660. "School Outlaws Jazz as Travesty on Music," New York Times, Jan. 1 1,
1926, 1 6. (Gen) :
661. "Scoffs at Fear of Jazz," New York Times, Mar. 4, 1922, 9: i. (Gen)
662, "Score Armistice Day of Jazz; British Want Quiet Celebration Weary
663. "Hazel
Dorothy Scott," in Maxime Block (Ed). Current Biography 1943.
" H.' W.
New York: ~ Wilson,
" ' 1944. pp. 677-79. (P ers)
664. "Hazel Scott,"
. Look,
i, T
VI (Dec. 15, 1942), 46, 48-9. (Pers, Pic)
665. "Raymond Scott," in Maxime Block (Ed). Current Biography 1941.
667. "Seek to Purify Jazz," New York Times, Apr. 6, 1927, 20 6. (Gen)
. :
668. "Sees No American Opera," New York Times, Dec. 26, 1926, I, 24: 7.
669. "Sees 'Swing' on Wane," New York Times, Sept. 14, 1939, 19 : 4. (Gen)
670. "7,000 Jitterbugs at Swing Session," New York Times, Aug. 25, 1938,
13:1. (Gen)
Sen 138; 727-
671. . "Several Close Fights on at Midway Mark in Band Poll," Down Beat,
XVII (Dec. 15, 1950), i, 2, 19. (Poll)
672. . "Artie Shaw," in Maxime Block (Ed). Current Biography 1941. New
York: H. W. Wilson, 1942. pp. 778-80. (Pers)
673. . "Shaw 'Through With Dance Bands'; To Play Longhair," Down Beat,
XVI (Feb. 25, 1949), * (P^s)
674. . "Shaw's Swing Symphony," Newsweek, XVIII (Sept. 8, 1941), 74.
& C, Pers)
675. .
"George Shearing," Metronome, LXV (Oct., 1949), 13, 36. (Pers)
676. .
"Shearing Proves Bop and Bach Combine Real Fine," Doton Beat, XVI
(June 17, 1949), 2. (Pers)
677. . "The Sheep in the Herman Herd," Metronome, LXI (Dec., 1945), 30-33.
(Ork, Pers)
678. . "Showcase of Harlem," Ebony, IV (July, 1949), 13-18. (Pic)
679. . "Showman of the Year: Buddy Rich," Metronome, LXIII (Jan., 1947),
20. (Pers)
680. . "Showmen of the Year: Frankie Laine, Mel Torme," Metronome, LXIV
(Jan., 1948), 21. (Pers)
681. "Frank Sinatra," in Maxime Block (Ed). Current Biography 1943.
. New
York: H. W. Wilson, I944.pp, 700-02. (Pers)
682. . "Sincere Sounds," Time, XLVIII (Dec. 23, 1946), 73. (Pers)
68*. .
"Singer of the Year: Peggy Lee," Metronome, LXIII (Jan., 1947), 21.
Entries 653-715
684. Anon. "Singer of the Year: Mary Ann McCall," in Barry Ulanov and George
Simon (Eds). Jazz 1950. New York: Metronome, 1950. p. 14. (Pers)
685. ."Singers of the Year: Herb Jeffries, Sarah Vaughan," Metronome,
LXIV (Jan., 1948), 20. (Pers)
686. New Jazz Messiahs," Down Beat,
. "Six (Mar. 24, 1948), 14. (Ork)XV
687. "Sixty
Years," Metronome, LIX (Oct., 1943), n. (Gen)
688. "Bessie Smith," Record Changer, VII (Mar., 1948), 6-7. (Crit, Pers)
692. . "Some Berlin Novelties," New York Times, Feb. 19, 1928, VIII, 8 3. (Ed) :
693. . "Some Further Opinions on Jazz' by Prominent Writers," Metronome,
XXXVIII (Aug., 1922), 27-8. (Infl)
694. .
"Something to Dance To," Time, LV (Apr. 3, 1950), 72, 73. (Ork)
695. . "A Song Is Born," Ebony, III (May, 1948), 41-3. (Pic, Rad)
696. .
"Songs of the Year," Metronome, LX (Jan., 1944), 28. (Gen)
697. .
"Soprano Sax in Comeback," Down Beat, VII (Apr. I, 1940), 2. (Inst)
698. . "Soulful Youths Buy Saxophones," New York Times, Jan. 25,1925,
VIII, 2 : 2. (Infl)
. It Is Truly American," New York
"Sousa Expects Jazz to Wane; Denies
Times, Apr. 26, 1928, 29 2. (Gen) :
700. "Sousa With a Floy Floy," Time, XLII (Sept. 6, 1943), 48-9. (Ork)
701. "The Soviet Cult Jazz Outlawed," New York Times, Jan. 8, 1928,
VIII, 8: 8. (Gen)
702. "Specht Urges Ban on Foreign Artists," New York Times, Mar. 24,
705. . "Stale Bread's Sadness Gave 'Jazz' to the World," Literary Digest,
LXI (Apr. 26, 1919), 47-8. (A A) &
706. . "State
Dept. Says 'Thanks, Louis'," Down Beat, XVII (July 14, 1950),
i. (Pers)
707. .
"Staying Qualities of Jazz," Pacific Coast Musical Review, XLIV (Sept.
2 9> I 9 2 3) (Gen)
708. . "The Stepin Fetchit of the Blues," Metronome, LIX (Sept., 1943),
709. . "Stowkowski Declares in Favor of 'Jazz'," Musical Leader, XLVII
(Apr. 24, 1924), 400. (Gen)
710. . "Stokowski Defends Jazz," New York Times, May 16, 1924, 22: 3.
711. . "Straton Says Jazz is 'Agency of Devil*," New York Times, May 7, 1926,
10:3. (A&A)
712. .
"Stravinsky as a 'Superman of Jazz' Is Local Commentator's View,"
New York Times, May 3, 1925, VIII, 6 6. (A & A) :
See: 2209.
713. . "Students in Arms
Against Jazz," Literary Digest, LXXII (Mar. 18,
*9 22) 35- (G en)
714. .
"Subject Index for Volume I," Music and Rhythm, I (Apr,, 1941),
98-9. (Bib!)
715. . A Subject of Serious Study," New York Times, Aug. n, 1924, 12: 6.
26 A Bibliography of Jazz
716. Anon. "Success of the Year: Erroll Garner," in Barry Ulanov and George
Simon (Eds). Javzigso. New York: Metronome, 1950. p. 16. (Pers)
717. . "Success of the Year: George Shearing," in Barry Ulanov and George
Simon (Eds). Jazz 1*950. New York: Metronome, 1950. p. 17. (Pers)
718. . "Success Story," Time, LVI (Oct. 23, 1950), 82, 85. (Pers)
719. . "Sufferers Before Our Time," New York Times, Nov. 20, 1927, HI, 4 : 6.
720. "Sunday Jazz for London," New York Times, June 5, 1925, 20 i. (Gen)
. :
721. "Sweet Corn at Glen Island," Time, XLIX (June 2, 1947), 69-70. (Ork)
Tunes Permitted," New York Times, Feb. 27, 1938, II, 1 3. (Gen) :
735. .
"Swing Music for Skaters Barred by New Rochellc," New York Times,
Jan. 28, 1939, 17:7. (Gen)
736. "Swing Music Held Degenerated Jazz," New York Times, July 27,
744. Anon. "Symphonic Jazz," Flutist, VI (Feb., 1925), 25-7. (Grit, Ork)
745. "A Symphony A Day," Etude, LVI (Nov., 1938), 705-06, 751, 766. (Gen)
746. "Syncopated Melody Not Negro Music," Music Trade Review, XLVIII
758. "Things
. to Come," Metronome, LXIV (Jan., 1948), 26-7. (A & A)
759. . "Thinks Ban on
Jazz is Insult to U.S.," New York Times, June 1, 1924,
II, 2 : 5. (Gen)
760. . "This Was Jazz in 1850," New York Times, June 22, 1924, IV, 15 :
761. . "Those Old Faces," Time, LI (Jan. 19, 1948), 51. (Gen, Pers)
762. . "The Three Flames," Time, L (July 28, 1947), 56. (Ork)
763. .
"3,000 at Hippodrome For Swing Concert," New York Times, May 30,
1939, 13:2. (Gen)
See: 728; 729.
764. . "Tin Pan Alley Changes Tempo," Business Week, 32 (Apr. 16, 1930),
34- (G en)
765. . "To Crusade Against Jazz," New York Times, Nov. 14, 1927, 21 :
766. . To Jazz' or To Rag'," Literary Digest, LXXIII (May 6, 1922), 37. (Rag)
767. . "To War on Jazz With Better Songs," Playground, XVI (Jan., 1923),
459-60. (Gen)
768. .
"Top Tenorists Evaluate Coleman Contribution," Down Beat, XVII
(Oct. 20, 1950), 3. (Pers)
See: 1809; 2052.
769. . "Dave Tough, 41, of Austin High Gang, Dies After Fall," Down Beat,
XV (Dec. 29, 1948), i. (Pers)
770. .
"Tracking Jazz to Its Lair," Musical America, XL (June 14, 1924), 17.
771. . "Frank Trumbauer Quits Music; Will Turn to Flying," Down Beat, VII
(July i, 1940), 13. (Pers)
772. .
"Turkey's Jazz King Dies," New York Times, June 17, 1928, 6:1.
773 . . "Two Decades With the Duke," Ebony, I (Jan., 1946), 11-19.
(Pers, Pic)
774. . "Undesirable Effects of Jazzmania," Pacific Coast Musical Review,
XLIV (Apr. 28, 1923), 3, 4. (A & A, Infl)
775. . "V Discs Still Present Lusty Lists of Records," Metronome, LXII (Apr.,
1946), 46-7. (Disc)
28 A Bibliography of Jazz
Newsweek, XXVIII
-- Rev)
. Favors New Rhythm," New York
"Virtuoso of Jazz Aug. Times, 31,
& D)
-- "A
1923, 15
4. (J
New York
Virtuous Revolt Against Jazz," Times, Feb. 2, 1926,
28 : 6. ( J & q
See: 21.
-- New York
-- "Voting Bans More
Jazz Records,"
Opens," Down
Lenient as 1950
Times, Jan. II, 1921,
: 2.
XVII 3, 1950), i, 18. (Poll)
--."S.Wagner (Nov.
New York Attacks Jazz," Times, Dec. 7, 1925, 19:2.
-- "Thomas Wright
. Maxime (Fats) Waller," in Block (Ed). Current Biog-
New York: H. W.
-- "Fats
Demonstrates WallerEven
Wilson, 1943, pp. 862-64. (Pers)
Metronome, LII
Swing, Defines It,"
(A &
-- "Wants
(Feb., 1936), 19, 33.
As An
New York
Legislation to Stop Jazz Intoxicant," Times,
Feb. 12, 1922, i 2. (Infl)
-- "War on .
Composers," Musical
Jazz Will Enlist Digest, III (Oct. 31,
-- "War on Rag-Time," American
1922), (Gen)
-- "Warns .
-- "Warns White Races They Must Drop
-- Waxeries Make Move Cut Out RPMs," Down XVII
9. (Pers)
to 78 Beat, (Aug. I x,
. New York
in Barred,"
31, 1949), 39. (Dix,
Times, 18, 1938,
-- "Welcome,"
7. (Gen)
-- 'Welsh Invoke Curfew
. Law As One Way
Time, (Nov.
New York
7, 1949), 44-6. (Pers)
to Stop Jazz,"
Times, Mar.
-- "What . With
7, 1926, VIII, 12:4. (Geog, Infl)
Matter Jazz ?" Musician, (Nov., 1928), 37.
800. -- "WhatJazzIs,"M^^/CottnVr,LXXXV(Nov.2,i922),2X.'(A&A,Gen)
801. -- "What Los .
Called For," Time,
the Matter (A &
(Nov. 28, 1949), 54-5. (Pers)
Jazz ?" Etude, (Jan., 1924), 6.
-- "What's Use.
-- "When
Sept. 7,1939,17:4.
America Went Dance Mad,"
XIII Newsweek, (Apr. 3, 1939),
806. -- "When European Composers
. XCVI Jazz," Literary Digest, (Mar. 17,
1928), 25-6. (J & C)
Entries 776-834
807. Anon. 'When the Masters 'Jazz'," Literary Digest, XCVIII (Aug. 11, 1928),
23. (A A) &
See: 331; 843; 845; 2897.
808. . "Where the Etude Stands on Jazz," Etude, XLII (Aug., 1924), 515.
809. "Where Is Jazz Leading America?" Etude, XLII (Aug., 1924), 517-18,
835. Anon. 'Wrong Way To Make Money On Dance Band Biz," Down Beat, XVII
(Dec. i, 1950), 10. (J & D)
836. . "Yazz und Grammophon im Gottesdienst," Zeitschrift filr Musik, XCVI
(Dec., 1929), 820-21, (Gen, Infl)
837. . "You Can't Tell the
Players Without A Scorecard," Down Beat, XVII
(Sept. 22, 1950), i, 3. (Disc)
838. . "You'll Never Walk Alone; Not With the Miller Tag," Down Beat, XVI
(June 17, 1949), 3. (Crit, Ork)
839. .
"Young Man With A Horn," Ebony, V (Dec., 1949), 51-5. (Rad)
840. . "Youth and Today's Music," Music Educators' National Yearbook, XXX
(1939-40), 63-8. (A & A)
See: 2542.
841. . Untitled. New York Times, Feb. 12,
1928, VIII, 8 : 6. (A & A)
842. Ansermet, Ernst-Alexandre. "Bechet and Jazz Visit Europe, 1919," in Ralph
deToledano (Ed). Frontiers of Jazz. New York: Oliver Durrell, I947.pp. 115-22.
(A & A, Ork)
843. Anthefl, George. "American Folk Music," (Ir) Forum, LXXX (Dec., 1928),
957-58. (A & A, J&C)
See: 331 5807; 845 52897.
844. .
Jazz," Querschnitt, II (Summer, 1922), 172-73. (Gen)
845. .
"Jazz Is Music," Forum, LXXX
(July, 1928), 64-7. (A & A)
See: 331; 807; 843; 2897.
846. Anthony, Ray. "Job of Revival Rests with Leaders: Anthony," Down Beat,
XVII (May 19, 1950) 16. (J D, Pers) &
847. Antrim, Doron K. "Josher and Jazzer. A
Close-Up of Ben Bernie," Metronome,
XLVII (July, 1931), 14, 40. (Pers)
848. . "The Ten Top Tunes of the Last Fifty Years," Metronome, L( Jan., 1934),
30-2. (Gen)
849. . "Tin Pan Avenue," Scrihner*s XCIX (Feb., 1936), 74-6. Condensed:
Readers' Digest, XXVIII (Apr., 1936), 83-5. (Gen)
850. . Paul Whiteman, Jimmy Dorsey, Rudy Vallee, Freddie Rich, Glen Gray,
Frank Skinner, Enric Madriguera, Jimmy Dale, Merle Johnston, Guy Lotnb&rdo,
Uriel Davis and Duke Ellington Give Their Secrets of Dance Band Success. New
York: Famous Stars, 1936. 87 pp.
851. Apold, Felix. "Die Jazzmusik," Signale, LXXXVII (Mar. 27, 1929), 428-30.
852. Arendt, Hans. "Triumphator Jazz ?" Deutsche Musiker-Zeitung, LXIH (Dec.
10, 1932), 598-99. (A & A)
853. Armitage, Jack. "Billie Holiday," Jazz Hot, IV (June- July, 1938), 9. (Pers)
854. Armitage, Merle (Ed). George Gershwin. New York: Longmans, Green, 1938.
252 pp. (Pers)
855. Armstrong, LiL "Lil Tells of 1st Time She Met Louis," Down Beat, XVII (July
14, 1950) 18. (Pers)
856. Armstrong, Louis. '"Berigan Can't Do No Wrong'..." Down Beat, VIII
(Sept. i, 1941), 7. (Pers)
857. . "Bunk Didn't Teach Me," Record Changer, IX (July-Aug., 1950), 30.
(Hist, Pers)
858. . "Care of the Lip," Record Changer, IX (July-Aug., 1950), 30. (Gen)
859. .
"Europe With Kicks," Holiday, VII (June, 1950), 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 14,
1 6, 1 8, 20, 22.
See: 498.
860. . "From Louis' Photo Album," Record Changer, IX (July-Aug., 1950),
28-9. (Pers, Pic)
86 1. . "Les Hite et Son Orchestre," Jazz Hot, IV (Dec.- Jan., 1937/38), 7. (Pers)
Entries 835-892
862. Armstrong, Louis. "Louis on the Spot," Record Changer, IX (July-Aug., 1950),
23-4, 44. (Pers)
863. .
"My Best On Wax," Down Beat, XVII (Apr. 7, 1950), n. (Disc)
864. .
"King Oliver Is Dead," Jazz Hot, IV (Apr.-May, 1938), 9. (Pers)
865. .
"Joe Oliver Is Still King," Record Changer, IX (July-Aug., 1950), 10-11.
866. . "6o-Year-01d 'Bunk'
Johnson, Louis' Tutor, Sits In the Band," Down
Beat, VIII (Aug. 15, 1941), II. (Pers)
867. "Storyville," True, XXI (Nov., 1947), 32-3, 100-05. (Hist)
868. Swing That Music. New York: Longmans, Green, 1936. 136 pp. (Pers)
869. "Swing That Music," (Extract From Book of Same Title) in Elie Sieg-
meister. The Music Lover's Handbook. New York: William Morrow, 1943. pp.
711-18. (Pers)
870. .
"Ulceratedly Yours; Louis Armstrong," Down Seat, XVII (July 14,
1950), 19. (Pers)
874. Asbury, Herbert. "Congo Square," in Herbert Asbury. The French Quarter.
Garden City: Garden City Pub.,
1938. pp. 237-53, (G en)
875. "Storyville," in Herbert Asbury. The French Quarter. Garden City:
893. Bach, Bob. "Babs' Three Bips and a Bop, Metronome, LXIII (May, 1947), 26.
894. . "Will Bradley Hasn't Quit," Metronome, LXIII (Aug., 1947), 36-7. (Pers)
895. . "Don't Forget Larry!" Metronome, LXIII (Oct., 1947), 34-5. (Pers)
896. . "He's Capitol!" Metronome, LXII (Aug., 1946), 18, 34-6, 40. (Pers)
897. .
"Hoagy: From Bix to Boyd," Metronome, LXIII (Jan., 1947), 27. (Pers)
898. . "Mel Is Well!" Metronome, LXIII (Aug., 1947), 25, 45-6. (Pers)
899. . "Quiet Riot!" Metronome, LXIII (Oct., 1947), 13-14, 32. (Pers)
900. . "Wha' Hoppeen, Noro? Rhumbop!" Metronome, LXIII (July, 1947),
22, 49. (Ork)
901. . "You Gotta Swing! Says the Count," Metronome, LXIII (May, 1947),
19, 46. (A & A)
902. Back, Jack. Triumph desjazz. Vienna: Alfa-Edition, c. 1949. 239 pp.
903. Bacon, Priest of Be-Bop: The Inimitable Mr. Monk," Record
Paul "The High
Changer, VIII (Nov., 1949), 9-11, 26. (Bop, Pers)
904, "One Man's Panorama," Record Changer, IX (Feb., 1950), 9, 14. (Disc)
905. "To Be or Not to Bop: Nard Griffin," Record Changer, VII (Nov., 1948),
15. (Rev)
906. Bagar, Robert. "Condon Says Hot Jazz Has Future," New York World Tele-
gram, July i, 1944, 8 : 6-8. (Pers)
907. "Fats Waller in Carnegie Hall," New York World Telegram, Jan.i5, 1942
14 4-6. (Crit)
908. Baihle, Gaston. "Jazz In *Cap and Gown'," School Musician, II (Jan., 1931),
14, 45. (Pers)
909. Baker, Dorothy. Toung Man With A Horn. New York; Houghton, Mifflin,
1938. 243 pp.; New York: Readers Club, 1943. 243 pp.; New York: Editions for
the Armed Services, 1943. 224 pp.; London: Victor Gollancz, 1938. (Fict)
910. Baker, John H. "Some Georgia and Texas Jazz," Jazzfinder, I (June, 1948),
18. (Disc)
91 1. D. "This Joyous Jazz," Musical Opinion, LVI (July, 1933), 852. (A& A)
Ball, E,
912. Ball, Jr. The Phonograph Record Industry. Boston: Bellman, 1947. 47 pp.
913. Ballanta-Taylor, Nicholas George Julius. "American Jazz Is Not African,"
New York Times, Sept. 19, 1926, X, 8 1. Reprinted: Metronome, XLII (Oct. I,
920. "Radio Announcer Looks at Jazz," Down Beat, X (Feb. I, 1943), 12.
921. Bannister, Lawrence H. (Ed). International Jazz Collectors Directory. Worcester-
Lawrence H. Bannister, 1948. 78 pp.
922. Barbour, Harriot B. and Warren S. Freeman. "Music of the Day," in Harriot
B. Barbour and Warren S. Freeman. How to Teach Children to Know Music.
New York: Smith & Durrell, 1942. pp. 180-96. (Disc)
923. Baresel, Alfred. ". .and His Boys. Das Moderne Orchester und Seine Musik,"
927. Barnard, Eunice Fuller. "Jazz Is Linked to the Factory Wheel," New York
Times, Dec. 30, 1928, V, 4-5. (Infl)
928. Barnet, Charlie. "'My Band Does Not Imitate Duke's'," Down Beat, VIII
(June 15, 1941), 2, 19. (Ork)
"You Made a Bad Error, Mix," Down Beat, XVI (July 15, 1949), I, 19.
See: 2061; 3270.
930. Barron, Blue. "Sweet Music Will Play at the Funeral of Swing!" Music and
Rhythm, II (Jan., 1942), 17. (A & A, Sw)
931. Barron, Ray. "Flanagan Debut in Boston Ballroom Pulls Full House," Down
Beat, XVII (Apr. 21, 1950), I, 19. (Ork)
932. Bath, Corner. "The Spirit of Jazz," Jacobs' Orchestra Monthly, (June, XX
1929), 6-7. (A A) &
933. Bauduc, Ray. "All Jazz Comes From the Blues," Down Beat, VII (June I,
1940), 19. (A & A, Bl)
934. Bauer, Marion. "L'Influence du Jazz Band'," Revue Musicale, (Apr., 1924), V
3 i-6.(A&A,Infl,J&9
"Jazz and American Music," in Marion Bauer. Twentieth Century Music,
New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1933. pp. 270-77. (J & C)
-- "A New American Idiom," Musical Leader, LVIII (Mar. 13, 1930), 6.
(A & A, J & C)
-- "New Light on Jazz'," Musical Leader, LI (Sept, 18, 1926), 6. (A & A)
-- .
by Gruenberg," Musical Leader, LVIII
"Orchestra Plays Jazz Suite
(Mar. 13, 1930), 6. (J&C)
-- . "Tradition: Real and Imported," Musical Leader, XLVIII (Aug. 21,
1924), 181. (J&C)
940. Beall, George E. "Forgotten Giants," Jazz Information, II (Dec. 20, 1940),
12-20. (Disc, Pers)
-- . "The New Orleans Rhythm Kings," in Ralph de Toledano (Ed). Fron-
tiers of Jazz. New York: Oliver Durrell,
1947. pp. 82-90. (Ork)
"Whoopee Makers," Jazz Hot, III (Aug.-Sept., 1937), 7-8. (Disc, Ork)
943. Bechet, Sidney, and others. "In Praise of Satchmo," Record Changer, IX
(July-Aug., 1950), 12-13. (Pers)
944. Beeler, Bruce. "A New Light on Jazz," Etude, LV
(June, 1937), 406. (A A) &
945. Bel, Andre de and Marcel Gumps. "Dizzy in Belgium," Hot Club Magazine, 25
(Mar., 1948), 5-7. (Crit, Pers)
946. Belaiev, Victor. "Stravinsky, Weill and Jazz," Christian Science Monitor,
May 1 8, 1929, 6. (J & C)
947. Beliard, Octave. "Defense et Illustration du Jazz," Les Annales Politiques et
Litteraires, CIV (Dec. 10, 1934), 255-58. (A A) &
948. Bell, Clive. "'Plus de Jazz'," New Republic, XXVIII (Sept. 21, 1921), 92-6.
Reprinted: Clive BelL Since Cezanne. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1928. pp.
213-30. (A & A)
949. Bell, Leslie R. "Music Education and Jazz," School, XXXI (May, 1943), 759-
62. (Ed)
950. Bellson, Louie. "The Musical Drummer," Down Beat, XVII (July 28, 1950),
16; (Sept. 8, 1950), 18; (Oct. 6, 1950), 18; (Nov. 3, 1950), 16; (Dec. I, 1950),
16. (Inst)
951. Beneke, Tex. "Swing Was Never King," Metronome, LXIII (Feb., 1947), 20-1,
37- (Sw)
See: 2171.
34 A Bibliography of Jazz
952. Bennett, Rodney. "The Ubiquitous Rag," Sackbut, VI (Nov., 1925), 99-101.
953. Benny, Milton. "California, Here I Come," Metronome, LIX (Oct., 1943), 39,
43. (Hist)
954. Benoist-Mechin, J. (Trans: Samuel Putnam). "Jazz Band," Musical Courier,
LXXXVIII (Feb. 21, 1924), 12. (A A) &
955. Berend, Dave. Swing Style for the Piano. New York: Amsco Music Sales, 1937.
63 pp.
in Orin Blackstone (Ed). Jazzfinderty.
956. Berg, Arne. "Scandinavia in Ferment,"
New Orleans: Orin Blackstone, 1949. pp. 40-4. (Geog)
957. Berger, Francesco.
"A Jazz Band Concert," Monthly Musical Record, XLIX
(Aug., 1919), 174-75. (Crit, Infl)
958. "Some English Observations Upon
. A
First Hearing of a Jazz Band
972. Berton, Ralph. "Blesh, Jazz, and Metronome," Jazz Record, 35 (Aug., 1945),
6-8, 14. (Gen)
973. Bettonvflle, Albert. "L'Arbre du Jazz," Jazz (Brussels), I (Aug., 1945), 3-5.
974. . "Autour de la Disparition du Major Glenn Miller," 3^22 (Brussels), I
981. Bettonvifle,
Albert. "Le King Cole Trio," Hot Club Magazine, (Nov., 1946), n
8-9. (Ork)
. "Collectionneurs et Amateurs," Hot Club Magazine, III
982. (Aug., 1948),
9, 10,
ii. (Disc)
983. . "Concerts Rex Stewart," Hot Club Magazine, 26 (Apr., 1948), 7-8. (Crit,
984. . "La Danse et le Jazz," Jazz (Brussels), I (Sept., 1945),
14, 15. (J D) &
985. . "En 1860, 'Blind Tom' Etait
1'Ancetre des Pianistes de Jazz," Hot Club
Magazine, I (Jan., 1946), 13, Reprinted: "En 1860 'Blind Tom' Era el Antepa-
sado delos Pianistas de Jazz," Ritmo y Melodia, IV (Sept., 1947), n. p. (Hist, Pers)
986. . "Raoul Faisant," Hot Club Magazine, 5 (May, 1946), n. (Pers)
987. . "Feuille de Temperature," Hot Club Magazine, 14 (Feb., 1947), 14. (Gen)
988. . "Nick Frerar et Son Big Band," Hot Club Magazine, 13 (Jan., 1947), 7. (Ork)
989. . "Lionel Hampton," Jazz (Brussels), I (Feb., 1946), 3, 4, 5. (Pers)
990. . "Coleman Hawkins," Hot Club Magazine, 8 (Aug., 1946), 6-7. (Pers)
991. . "Coleman Hawkins," Ritmo y Melodia, V
(May- June, 1948), n. p. (Pers)
992. . "Erskine Hawkins," Jazz (Brussels), I (Mar., 1945), 7. (Pers)
993. . "The Herman Herd," Jazzology, I (July, 1946), 5-7. (Ork)
994. .
Woody Herman 1946," Hot Club Magazine, 3 (Mar., 1946), n, 13. (Pers)
995. . "Bib HiMan,"MitfiV (Brussels), XV (July, 1939), 107; (Aug., 1939), 107.
996. . "Billie Holiday," Jazz (Brussels), I (July, 1945), 3-4. (Pers)
1009. . "Toots Thielemans Trio," Jazz Hot, XV (May, 1949), 17, 35. (Ork)
loio. .
"Vicky Thunus, Pianiste," Jazz (Brussels), I (Nov., 1945), 14, 15. (Pers)
ion. . "Fats Waller: Portrait," Jazz (Brussels), I (Mar., 1945), 14. (Pers)
1012. .
"Anny Xhofleer, Chanteuse de Jazz," Music (Brussels), XIV (Mar.,
1938), 49. (Pers)
1013. Betz, Betty. "Be-Bop, BG, and a Box of Bubble Gum," Down Beat, XVI
(Aug. 26, 1949), 2. (Geog)
1014. Bickart, Roger. "La Musique Par Disques," Musique, I (Oct. 15, 1927), 35-7.
1015. Bickford, Myron A. "Something About Ragtime," Cadenza, XX (Sept., 1913),
13; (Nov., 1913), IO-H. (Rag)
& Weber, 1922. 100 pp.
1016. Bie, Oskar. Das Ratsel der Musik. Leipzig: Durr
1017. Biederxnann, Felix. Jazz, Wiener Roman. Wien: E. Strache, 1925. 325 pp.
(Author's pseudonym, Felix Dormann, at head of title)
36 A Bibliography of Jazz
1018. Biemiller, Carl L. "Armstrong and His Hot-Noters Point A Trend," Holiday,
IV (Oct.,
1948), 13-14, 16. (Ork)
1019. Birchard, Clarence C. "America ... A Treasure House of Folk Music," Musician,
XXXVI (Sept., 1931), 7-8. (Gen)
1020. Black, Douglas C. Matrix Numbers Their Meaning and History. Melbourne:
Australian Jazz Quarterly, 1946. 24 pp.
1021. .
(Ed: William H. Miller). Matrix Numbers. Melbourne: Australian Jazz
Quarterly, 1946. 24 pp.
1022. Blackstone, Orin. "Big Eye Louis," Jazz Information, II (Dec. 20, 1940),
6-10. (Pers)
I0 23. "Bix and Carmichael," Jazzfinder, I (Mar., 1948), 18. (Disc)
1027. Blesh, Rudi. America's Contribution to Jazz. Bombay: United States Informa-
tion Service, 1949. 7 pp.
1028. ."Louis Armstrong Plays With Concert Group in Carnegie Hall Tops',"
New York Herald Tribune, May 4, 1948, 19 : 1. (Crit)
1029. ."Claude Boiling; New French Sensation," Record Changer, VIII (Feb.,
*949)> 7> 20 ( Pers)
!03o. . "In
Reply to Charles Delaunay," Record Changer, VIII (Apr., 1949), 9.
SMI1241; 1446.
1031. ."Jazz Begins," in George S. Rosenthal (Ed). Jazzways. Cincinnati,
1946. pp. 9-15, 116-18, 120. (A & A, Hist)
. "Willie Bunk
1032. Johnson, Last of the Olympians," Record Changer, VIII
(Sept., 1949), 12. (Pers)
1033. .
"Jelly Roll Morton's Washington Documentary," Jazz Record, 56
(June, 1947), 24-5. (Disc)
J034. . "On the
Riverboats," Record Changer, IX (July-Aug., 1950), 9, 43, 44.
(Pers, Hist)
1035. . "Shake
ThatThing," Record Changer, VII (June, 1948), 6. (A& A, J&D)
1036. .
Shining Trumpets, A
History of Jazz. New York : Alfred A. Knopf,
1946. 365 pp.
1037 . "Some Thoughts on the Jazz Revival," Record Changer, VII (Nov.,
1948), 14, 23. (A & A, NO)
1038. This is Jazz. San Francisco: Privately Printed, 1943. 36 pp. Reprinted:
1040. . and Harriet Janis. They All Playtd Ragtime. New York: Alfred A.
Knopf, 1950. 338 pp. (Rag)
1041. Blom, Eric. "The American Intoxicant," Sackbut, VII (Apr., 1927), 264-67.
See: 1178.
1042. .
"Ja-/z in the Concert Hall," Musical Opinion, XLIX (Feb., 1926),
485-86. (Crit, A&A)
. "Musical
1043. Hope for Musical Comedy," Christian Science Monitor, Sept.
10, 1927, 8. (Gen)
1044. Bloom, Mickey. "The World's Pace Setters on Swing Trumpet," Metronome,
LII (Mar., 1936), 17, 60. (Pers)
1045. Bluthner, Hans. "Stegreif-Musik: Jazz," Dionysos, 18 (Oct. 1, 1948), 5. (A & A,
Entries 1018-1072
5. (A&A)
1050. Bookman, J. "One Night Tour," Collier's, CVIII (Nov. 1, 1941), 22-3, 42-3. (Ork)
1051. Borel, Claude. "Connaissance du Jazz," Hot Club Magazine, 17 (May, 1947),
15-16. (A & A)
1052. Borneman, Ernest. "Again French Elan Drowns Out Jazz But Daunts None,"
Down Seat, XV (June 16, 1948), 1-2. (Gen)
11053. <Bop Will Kill Business Unless It Kills Itself First'
. Louis Armstrong,"
Down Beat, XV (Apr. 7, 1948), 2-3. (A & A Bop)
I05 4 . . "Both Schools of Critics Wrong," Down Beat, XIV (July 30, 1947), 16;
(Aug. 13, 1947), 16. (Crit)
1055. d
Critic Looks at Jazz. London: Jazz Music Books, 1946. 53 pp. Origi-
nally published in the Record Changer in serial form under title: "Anthropo-
logist Looks at Jazz."
6. .
"Diary 68 Hours Without Sleep," Down Beat, XV (Aug. 25, 1948),
6-7. (Pers)
IOS7 . . "Hussah! Hot Club's Quintet Rides Again," Down Beat, XIV (Dec. 17,
1947), 14. (Crit, Ork)
1058. .
"Jazz Cult: I. Intimate Memoirs of an Acolyte. II. War Among the
Critics," Harper's, CXCIV (Feb.-Mar., 1947), 141-47, 261-73. (A & A, Hist)
See: 3081.
1059. . "Nice Fete Melange of Fights, Gaiety, Occasionally Jazz," Down Beat,
XV (Mar. 24, 1948), 16-17. (Crit)
I06o. . "Rex Wows Parisians," Down Beat, XV (Jan. 14, 1948), 3. (Crit)
1061. . Tremolo. New
York: Harper, 1948. 224 pp. London: Jarrolds, 1948.
(Author's pseudonym, Cameron McCabe, at head of title). (Fict)
1062. Borsky, Arthur. 'Ripplin' Rhythm, Yes; But Why Apologise For Legitimate
9 "
Jazz Down Beat, VIII (Oct. 15, 1941), 18. (A & A)
1063. Bowles, Paul. "Anatomy of Jazz," Modern Music, XVI (May- June, 1939),
281-85. (Rev)
1064. . "Once Again, Le Jazz Hot," Modern Music, XX (Jan.-Feb., 1943),
140-42. (Rev)
1065. Bowman, James Cloyd. "Anti-Ragtime," (Ir) New Republic, V (Nov. 6, 1915),
See: 824; 1986; 2288.
1066. Boyce, David. "Special Arrangement," in Charles Harvey (Ed). Jazz Parody.
London: Spearman, 1948. pp. 50-6. (Fict)
1067. Boyer, Richard 0. "Bop," New Yorker, XXIV (July 3, 1948), 28-32, 34-7.
(Bop, Pers)
1068. . "The Hot Bach," New Torker, XX (June 24, 1944), 30-4, 37-8, 40, 42,
44; (Ny i> 1944). 2*732, 34; (July 8, 1944)* ^-.(Ork, pers> .
1069. Y% Band. Milan: Edizioni Corbaccio, 1929. 292 pp.
Anton Giulio. Jazz
r . ^t
1070. Braggiotti, Mary. "King of Jazz and His New Throne," New York Post.
. _ , , . -
1073. Brennan, William. "Artie Shaw is Now a Symphonic Sender," New York
World Telegram, Feb. 14, 1941, 16 :
1-4. (Pers)
1074. Breslaw, Lillian. "Swing: A Defense," (Ir) New York Times, Feb. 26, 1939,
IV, 9 7 .(Sw)
1076. Brockway, Howard. "Jazz," Review, I (May 24, 1919), 46. (A & A)
1077. Brody, lies. "Man the Kitchenette," Esquire, XXI (Feb., 1944), 93> H9-
1078. Bronner, Ed. "Star Studded Shellac," Record Changer,
VIII (May, 1949), u,
21. (Disc)
5: 2137.
1079. Broome, John. "On the Feather in Esquire's Bonnet," Jazz Record, 35 (Aug.,
1945), 4-5. (Gen)
1080. Biown, Ken, Ralph Venables and Jackson D. Hale. Collectors' Catalog. Glas-
gow: Ken Brown, 1943. 24 pp.
1081. Brown, Sterling A. "The Blues as Folk Poetry," in B. A. Botkin (Ed). Folk-
Say, A Regional Miscellany. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1930. (Bl)
1082. -- "Blues, Ballads and Social Songs," in 75 Tears of Freedom. Wash-
& A)
(June, 1946), 15. (A
Rainey," in Sterling A. Brown. Southern Road. New York:
Harcourt, Brace, 1932. pp. 62-4. (Poet)
1085. Brown, William E. "Driving Out Jazz," Musical Courier, CII (Mar. 28, 1931),
38-9. (A Sc A)
1086. Broyles, B. J. "Hails Jeri Southern As New Star," Down Beat, XVII (Feb. to,
1950), 2. (Pers)
1087. Brubeck, Dave. "Jazz' Evolvement As Art Form," Down Beat, XVII (Jan. 27,
1950), 12, 15; (Feb. to, 1950), 13, 18. (A 8c A)
1088. Bruynoghe, Yannick. "Defense du Duke," Hot Club Magazine, 6 (June, 1946),
14-15. (Disc, Pers)
See: 1229; 1230.
-- "52nd Re-Bop Street," Hot Club Magazine, 20 (Oct. 1, 1947), 10. (Bop)
-- .
dation of Ragtime and Jazz ?" Arts and Decoration, (Feb., 1924), 26, 62. XX
J & C)
& A,
-- .
"Ragtime and American Music," Opera Magazine, HI (Feb., 1916,)
17-19, 25. (J & C, Rag)
-- "Two Views of Ragtime. II. Ragtime and American Music," Seven
1108. Cadman, Charles Wakefield. "Rag-Time," (Lr) Musical Courier, LXIX (Aug.
12, 1914), 31. (Rag)
i log. Cain, Noble. "Choral Fads and Jitterbug Fancies," Music Educator's National
Tearbook, XXX (1939/40), 339-42. Reprinted: Music Educator's Journal, XXVI
(Sept., 1939), 26-7. (Ed, Inn)
mo. Calloway, Cab. The New Cab Galloway's Hepsters Dictionary. New York:
C. Calloway, 1944. 15 pp. (Lang)
I Simms. "Blues Are the Negroes' Lament," Esquire, XII (Dec.
II I. Campbell, E.
Ramsey, Jr. and Charles Edward Smith
1939), 100, 276-80. Reprinted: Frederic
(Eds). Jazzmen. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. pp. 101-17. (Bl)
IH2. "Homeland of Happy Feet," Esquire, V (Feb., 1936), 101-03. (J & D,
1113. .
"Jam in the Nineties," Esquire, X (Dec., 1938), 102, 200, 202, 207.
1114. .
"Swing, Mr. Charlie!" Esquire, V
(Feb., 1936), 100, 183. (J D) &
1115. Campbell, S. Brunson. "Early Great White Ragtime Composers and Pianists,"
Jazz Journal, II (May, 1949), 12-11. (Pers, Rag)
1116. "Looking Backwards," Jazz Journal, II (June, 1949), 9-10. (Hist)
XI i8. ."Ragtime Begins," Record Changer, VII (Mar., 1948), 8, 18. (Hist,
Pers, Rag)
1119. Canfield, Mary Cass. "Great American Art," in Mary Cass Canfield. Grotesques
and Other Reflections. New York: Harper, 1927. pp. 30-47. (Inn)
11 20. Caraceni, Augusto. // Jazz Dalle Origini ad Oggi. Milan: Edizioni Suvini e
Zerboni, 1937. 179 pp. Reprinted: Jazz. Roma: Zampardi, 1945. 173 pp.
1 121. Carew, Roy J. "Assorted Rags," Record Changer, VIII (Feb., 1948), 6. (Hist,
1122. . "Historic Corner," Jazz Forum, 4 (Apr., 1947), 9. (Hist)
1123. . "New Orleans Recollections," Record Changer, VII Pec., 1948), 12.
(Hist, Pers)
. "Random
1124. Recollections," Jazz Forum), 3 (Jan., 1947, 1-2, 32. (Hist)
1125. "Those Jelly Roll Songs," Jazzfinder, I (Aug., 1948), 3-4. (Pers)
1126. Carlile, Tom. "Prodigy Drummer in Kneepants," Pageant, II (Nov., 1946),
93. (Pers
1127. Carmichael, Hoagy. The Stardust Road. New York: Rinehart, 1946. 156 pp.
1128. Carpenter, John Alden. "Jazz Is Assuming Prominence as an American Music
Idiom," Musical Digest, XI (Nov. 23, 1926), 3. (A & A, Infl, J & C)
1129. Carter, Benny. "My Nine Lives," Swing Music, (May- June, 1936), 55, 71.
1130. Carter, Elliot. "Once Again Swing; Also 'American Music'," Modern Music,
XVI(Jan.-Feb., 1939), 99-100. (Sw)
1131. Casella, Alfredo. "Alfredo Casella Discusses Jazz," Musical Courier, C (Jan. 4,
1930), 7- (A & A)
40 A Bibliography of Jazz
1132. Casella, Alfredo. "Casella on Jazz," Musical Courier, LXXXVII (July 12,
1923), 22. (A & A)
1x33. .
"Jazz," Christian Science Monitor, Dec. II, 1926, 10. (A & A)
1134. ^
"ka ta Musicale Negli Stati Uniti," Critica Musicals, 5-6 (May- June,
1922), 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127. (Gen)
1135. Castillo, Lloyd G. del. "Jazz Is It Music or Something Else?" Jacobs'
Orchestra Monthly, XV (June- July, 1924), 8-9. (A & A)
1136. Castro, Fernando. "One Night in Havana," Metronome, LIII (Feb., 1937),
20, 22; (Mar., 1937), 29, 46. (Geog)
1137. Cayton, Horace R. "Social Significance
in Jazz Louses Good Stuff
Down Beat, XIII (Dec. 16, 1946), 8. (A & A)
1138. Cerrai, Vittoris. Guida Practica di Instrumentazience per Jazz. Roma: Officina
d'Arte, 1934.
1139. Cerri, Livio. Jazz, Musica tfQggi. Milan: Rodolfo Malfasi, 1948. 270 pp.
1140. Cesana, Otto. "Have Dance Orchestras Reached Their Peak ?" Down Beat, IX
(Mar. i, 1942), 9. (A & A)
1141. .
"Swing Is Well It's Here," Metronome, LII (June, 1936), 14. (A & A,
1142. Chandler, Ted. "Back Bay Shuffle," Jazz Quarterly, II (Summer, 1944),
14-15, 24. (Ork)
1143. Chasdel, J. "Swing from Paris," Hot Club Magazine, I
(Jan., 1946), lo-n.
(Crit, Geog)
1144. Chenette, Ed. "Town Clef Topics," Metronome, XXXIX (Mar., 192 }), 35.
(A & A)
1145. Chop, Max. "Jazz als Lehrfach," Signale, LXXXVI (Jan. n, 1928), 415-4.
(Ed, Infl)
1146. Chotzinoff, Samuel. "Jazz: A Brief History," Vanity Fair, XX (June, 1923),
69. (Hist)
1147. Ciardi,Anthony P. "The c-r-dex System for the Filing and Indexing of Phono-
graph Records," Record Changer, VIII (Feb., 1949), 11-12, (Disc)
1148. Clamer, Guilliam. "Freddy Moore," Record Changer, IX (Dec., 1950), 9, 10,
18. (Pers)
1149. Clark, Dave. "Educated Cat Stole My Mute Idea -Joe Oliver," Dmn Heat,
VII (Mar. I, 1940), 8. (Pers)
1150. . "Little Brother Montgomery Alive, Still Playing 88," Dawn J?AI/, VII
(Nov. 15, 1940), 10. (Pers)
1151. Clark, Kenneth S. (lr) Musical Courier, LXXXV
(Nov. 16, 1922), 47, 54. (Gen)
See: 482.
1152. Clark, Robert. "Music Education vs. Radio and Dance-Hall Rhythm/' Music
Educator's Journal, XXIII (May, 1937), 33-4. (Infl)
1153. Clarke, Francis. "Beastly Tunes," London Mercury, III (Mar., 1921), 510-20.
(A & A)
1154. Clinton, Larry. "Swing Grows Up, Good Housekeeping, CVII (Oct., 1938), 13,
92. (J & D, Sw)
1155. Clyne, Anthony. "Jazz," Sackbut, VI (Aug., 1925), 12-14. (A & A)
1156. Coeuroy, Andre. Histoire Generale du Jazz. Paris: Editions Denoel, 1942.
1157. >
an<i Andre Schaeffner. Lejazz. Paris: C. Aveline, 1926. 150 pp.
1158. Coffey, Jere. "Platter Stirs Memories of '01* Tom Cat of Keys'," Down Beat,
XII (Dec. 15, 1945), 5. (Pers)
1159. Coleman, Bill. "Accompanying Bessie Smith," Jazz //<?/, IV (Dec.- Jan.,
1937/38), S- (P)
1160. Collet, Henri. "Jazz et Musique," Menestrel, XCII (Oct 10, 1930), 427. (Gen)
. "Le
1161. Jazz Revelateur," IS Edition Musicale Pivant/9 IV (Oct., 1931),
7-9. (Gen)
Entries, x i 32-1188
1162. Combe, Edouard. "Jazz and Guitar," Living Age, CCCXXVIII (Feb. 6, 1926),
326-30. (A & A, Inst)
1163. Comfort, Iris Tracy. "Sauce for the Classicists," Etude, LXIV (Feb., 1946), 80,
113. (Gen)
1164. Condon, Eddie. "The Blue Blower," Record Changer, VII (May, 1048), 7.
1165. . "How Bands Are Made," Saturday Review of Literature, XXX (Aug. 30,
1947), sup. 8, 22. (Rev)
1166. We
. New York: Henry Holt, 1947. 341 pp. (Narration
Called. It Music.
by Thomas Sugrue).
1167. and Thomas Sugrue. "Brother Jazz," Colliers\ CXX (Aug. 23, 1947),
11-13, 38-40; (Aug. 30, 1947), 20-i, 56-7; (Sept. 6, 1947), 16-17, 68-9- C^rs)
1168. Connell, Tom. "B. G.: The King of Swing Abdicates," Metronome, LXII
(Aug., 1946), 41. (Pers)
1169. Cons, Carl. "Bunny Berigan Teams Up With Bix," Music and Rhythm, II
(July, 1942), 50. (Pers)
1170. . "The
Jargon of Jazz," (Ir) American Mercury, XXXVIII (May, 1936),
sup. 10. (Lang)
. "What Music and
1171. Rhythm Stands For," Music and Rhythm, II (May,
1942), 49. (Gen)
1172. and George von Physter. Destiny. Chicago: Down Beat Publishing
1938. n. p.
1173. Considine, Jim. "Pm Away Ahead of Peck Kelley," Down Beat, VII (July 15,
1940), 9. (Pers)
1174. Converse, C. Crozat. "Rag-Time Music,*' Etude, XVII (June, 1899), 185;
(Aug., 1899), 2 S6- (Rag)
See: 585.
1175. Cook, Will Marion. "'Spirituals' and 'Jazz'," flr) New York Times, Dec. 26,
1926, VII, 8 : 2.
(A & A)
1176. Cooper, Gypsie. "Can Women Swing?" Metronome, LII (Sept., 1936), 30.
1177. Copland, Aaron. "El Interludio del Jazz," in Aaron Copland. (Trans: Nestor
R. Ortiz Oderigo). Musica y Musicos Contemporaneos. Buenos Aires: Editorial
Losada, 1945. pp. 96-101. (A & A)
1178. "Jazz Structure and Influence," Modern Music, IV (Jan.-Feb., 1927),
9-14. (A & A)
See: 1041.
1179. Cort, Willy de. "Le Referendum du H. C. B.," Hot Club Magazine, 7 (July,
1946), 21. (Poll)
1 180. Cosmetto, Cleon. La Vraie Musique dejazz. Lausanne: J. F. Chastellain, 1945.
50 pp.
1181. Covarrubias. "Impossible Interview; Fritz Kreisler vs. Louis Armstrong,"
Vanity Fair, XLV
(Feb., 1936), 33. (Gen)
1182. Cowell, Henry. "Jazz Today," Trend, II (Nov., 1934), 162-64. (A A) &
1183. Crane, Burton. "Coda on Japan," Metronome, LIII (Jan., 1937), 17, S3- (Geog)
1184. Creelman, Eileen. "Harry James, Idol of the Paramount's Jitterbugs, Talks
of Swing and of the Movies," New York Sun, May n, 1943, 19 : 1-5. (Sw)
1183. Cresser, Lord. "Calypso and Jazz," Jazz Journal, II (Feb., 1949), 2-3, 9.
1186. Cressy, Paul. The Taxi-Dance Hall. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1932- 3 PP-
1187. Crichton, Kyle. "Peel that Apple!" Collier's, C (Dec. 4, 1937), 22, 48. (J & D)
1 1 88. Criel, Gaston.
Swing: Presentation de Jean Cocteau et Charles Delaunay. Paris:
Editions Universitaires Francaises, 1948. 92 pp.
42 A Bibliography of Jazz
1189. Crosby, Bing. "My Ten Favorite Vocalists," Music and Rhythm, II (Mar.,
1942), 8-9. (Pers)
1190. Crosby, Ted. The Story of Bing Crosby. Cleveland: World, 1946. 239 pp.
1191. Csida, Joseph. 'Why Victor Launched Dance Ork Series," Down Beat, XVII
(May 19, 1950), i, 27. (Disc, J & D)
1192. Cumps, Marcel "Rex Stewart a Bruxelles," Hot Club Magazine, 26 (Apr.,
1948), 9. (Crit, Ork)
1193. Cundall, Tom. "Spotlight on Spike," Jazz Journal, I (Oct., 1948), 2-3. (Pers)
Cuney-Hare, Maud. "Negro Idiom and Rhythm," in Maud Cuney-Hare. Negro
Musicians and Their Music, Washington: Associated, 1936. pp. 131-156. (Gen)
1195. Cunliffe, Ronald. "How to Treat Jazz-Mania," Music Teacher, VIII (Oct.,
1929), 567-68; (Nov., 1929), 645. (Inn)
n96. . "The
Jazz-Mad Pupil," Music Teacher, VIII (June, 1929), 331-32. (Infl)
1197. Cunningham, J. M. "Tilts at Carl Engel Over Jazz," (lr) Musical America,
XXXVI (May 13, 1922), 41. (A & A)
1198. Curran, Dale. "Vic Dickenson Trombone," Jazz Record, 22 (July, 1944), 4-5,
II. (Pers)
1199. .
Dupree Slues. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1948. 228 pp. (Fict)
1200. . "Hear That Ragtime Band," Jazz Record, 18 (Mar., 1944), 6-7. (Hist,
1201. . Piano In the Band. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1942. 261 pp.
1202. . "Three Brass, Four Rhythm," in George S. Rosenthal (Ed). Jazsways.
Cincinnati, 1946, pp. 18-24, 103-04. (Hist)
1203. Cuthbert, Clifton. The Robbed Heart. New York: L. B. Fischer, 1945. 219 pp.
1204. D. J.' 'For Better or For Worse," Musical Digest, V (Feb.5, 1924), 15. (A & A)
1205. Dabinett, Ward. "Not Commercial," in Charles Harvey (Ed). Jazz Parody.
London: Spearman, 1948. pp. 62-8. (Fict)
1206. DaCapo. "Jazz," Musical News and Herald, LVII (Oct. 4, 1924), 281. (A & A)
1207. Daems, Jacques F. "A Propos de In the Mood," Hot Club Magazine, 4 (Apr.,
1946), 15. (Disc)
1208. . "Considerations Sur les Sections Rhythmiques," Hot Club Magazine,
22 (Dec. I, 1947), 14-15. (Disc, Inst)
1209. . "Le Jazz et la Critique," Hot Club Magazine, 13 (Jan., 1946), 16.
1210. Dahlgren, Claes. "Sweden Spawning Top Modern Jazzmen," Down Beat, XVII
(Nov. 17, 1950), 3. (Geog)
1211. Dameron, Tadd. "The Case for Modern Music," Record Changer, VII (Feb.,
1948), 5, 16. (A & A, Bop)
1212. Damon, S. Foster. "American Influence on Modern French Music," Dial, LXV
(Aug. 15, !
9 i8), 93-5. (J & C, Rag)
1213. Dana, Robert W. "Cab Calloway," New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 1 1, 1943,
14: 4. (Pers)
1214. Dance, Stanley F. "The Emperor Montezuma, Mr. Jelly Lord, and Others,"
Jazz Music, II (Feb.-Mar., 1944), 117-18. (Disc)
. "Towards
1215. Criteria," Jazz Forum, I (n. d.), 2-5. (Crit)
1216. James Asman and Bill Kinnell (Eds). Jazz Notebook. Chilwell Notts.,
1227. David, Hans Th. "Abschied vom Jazz," Melos, IX (Oct., 1930), 413-17.
1228. David, Jean. Le Jazz et Les Hommes iPAujowrtfhui. Brussels: Editions de
TOnyx, 1946. 80 pp.
1229. Davies, Ron. "Lettre Ouverte aux Modernistes," Hot Chtb Magazine, 5 (May,
1946), 8-9. (Ork)
See: 1088; 1230.
1230. . "Nous Avons Encore Besoin d'Espoir," Hot Club Magazine, 8 (Aug.,
I94Q> 3-S; 8 (Aug., 1946), 3-5; 9 (Sept., 1946), 3-4; 10 (Oct., 1946), 3-4.
(Disc, Pers)
1232. . "Clarence Williams; A Suggested Discography," Jazz-finder, I (June,
1948), 8-15; (July, 1948), ?; (Aug., 1948), 9-18. (Disc)
1233. Davison, Wild Bill "Wild Bill Calls Tough 'Little Bludgeon Foot', Defends
Old Jazzmen," Down Beat, XIV (Mar. 26, 1947), n. (Gen)
See: 1595; 1597.
1234. Decsey, Ernst. "Jazz In Vienna," Living Age, CCCXXXIV (Mar. i, 1928),
441-45. (J&O)
1235. Degrois, Andre. "De PEvolution du Gout des Blancs Pour les Musiciens de
Leur Race," Hot Club Magazine, 20 (Oct. 1, 1947), 11-12. (Gen, Pers)
1236. Deiro, Pietro. (Ed: Elvera Collins). "Swing Music in Accordian Playing,"
Etude, LX (July, Sw)
1942), 491, 495. (Inst,
1237. Deitch, Gene and George Avakian. The Cat. New York: Record Changer,
1948. 32 pp.
1238. Dejonge, H. "Harry James," Jazz Hot, IV (Oct.-Nov., 1938), II. (Pers)
1239. Delage, Maurice. "La Musique de Jazz," Revue Pleyel, 31 (Apr., 1926), 18-20.
1240. Delaunay, Charles. "As I See It," Jazz Record, 55 (May, 1947), 14-16. (Crit)
dore Records, 1943. 416 pp. Reprinted as Hot Discografhie, 1943. Paris: Col-
lection du Hot Club de France, 1944. 538 pp. (Disc)
1244. .
"Jazz Abroad: France," Jazz Forum, I (n. d.), 13-14. (Geog)
1245. .
(Trans: Walter E. Schaap). "Jazz 1929," Jazz Hot, 31 (Apr.-May, 1939),
3-5- (A&A)
44 ^ Bibliography of Jazz
1246. Ddaunay, Charles. "Jazz 1946," Hot Club Magazine, 2 (Feb., 1946), 9-10. (Gen)
1247. (Eds: Walter E. Schaap and George Avakian).
New Hot Discograpby.
New York:
Criterion, 1948. 608 pp. (Disc)
1248. Demeuldre, Leon. "Luis Russell,"
Hot Club Magazine, 21 (Nov. I, 1947), 9.
Swing Drummers Blancs/'^ToiC/i^M^zjW, 12 (Dec., 1946), 7. (Pers)
1250. .
"Swing Drummers Noirs," Hot Club Magazine, 9 (Sept., 1946), 9, n.
1251. DeSantis, Tony. "Can't Make Loot on Jazz, Says Op," Down Seat, XVII
(May 19, 1950), 3. (J & D)
Desmond, John. "Making Catnip for the Repeats, New York Times, June 20,
5 '
1943, VI, 16-17, 37. (Ork)
1253. Deutsch, Hermann.
"Louis Armstrong," Esquire, IV (Oct., 1935), 70, 138.
(Fict, Pers)
1254. Dexter, Bruce. "Bunny Berigan: Giant of the Swing Era," Record Changer,
VIII (Nov., 1949), 7, 26. (Pers)
1255. Dexter, Dave, Jr. "Alto Comes Back;
Tenor Men Take a Back Seat," Down
Beat, VII (May 15, 1940), 19. (Inst)
1256. "Meyer Davis Made Dance Music a 'Big Business'," Down Beat, VIII
VIII (Jan. i, 1041), 8, 18; (Jan. 15, 1941), 8, 13. Pt. II entitled "Kaycee Local
627 Prospered During 1930 Boom Days." (KG, Ork, Pers)
1266. "Story of Emmet Hardy Told by New Orleans Musicians," Down Beat,
VII (May 15, 1940), 8-9, n; (June I, 1940), 8-9. Pt. II entitled "Hardy Wel-
comed Death by Playing the Blues." (Pers)
1267. "The Year's Best Records," Down Beat, IX (Jan. 1, 1942) 14. (Disc)
1268. "Your Band Can Make Money If Your Manager Knows How," Music
1274. Dodge, Roger Pryor. "The Hot Solo," Atlantic Monthly, CLXXIV (July, 1944),
120. (A & A)
1275. .
"Identification," Jazz (New York), I (June, 1942), 27-9. (A & A)
1276. .
229 (Oct., 1929), 32-5. (A & A)
"Negro Jazz," Dancing Times, n. s.
1277. "The Psychology of the Hot Solo," Jazz Forum, I (n. d.),
7^9. (A
& A)
1278. Dor, Nicolas. "A la Recherche du Jazz Perdu," Hot Club Magazine, 4 (Apr.,
1946), 11. (Gen)
1279. Dorsey, Jimmy. "My Twelve Favorite Altomen," Music and Rhythm, II
(Sept., 1941), 12-13. (Pers)
1280. Dorsey, Tommy. "Tommy Dorsey on Trombonists," Metronome, LIX (Oct.,
1943), 28. (Pers)
1281. . "The Ten Greatest Trombone Players," Music and Rhythm, II (June,
1942), 14. (Pers)
1282. Douglas, Gilbert. Lost Chords, the Diverting Story of American Popular Songs.
Garden City: Doubleday, Doran, 1942. 377 pp.
1283. Douglas, Paula. "Nichols Pennies and Jazz," Record Changer, IX (Apr., 1950),
5, 18. (Ork)
1284. Douglass, Archie. "Mrs. Hopkins Pays A
Call," in Charles Harvey (Ed). Jazz
Parody. London: Spearman, 1948. pp. 86-91. (Fict)
1285. Downes, Olin. "An American Composer," Musical Quarterly, IV (Jan., 1918),
23-36. (Rag)
1286. "American Popular Music in Europe," New York Times, Aug. i, 1926,
1289. "Goodman Is Heard In 'Swing' Concert," New York Times, Jan. 17,
1291. "A Study of Jazz," New York Times, May 21, 1939, X 5 1. (Rev)
. :
!298. "The.Castle Jazz Band," Record Changer, VII (Apr., 1949), 10. (Ork)
306. Dunlap, Orrin E., Jr. "Ragtime to Radio," New York Times, Apr. 25, 1937,
X, 12 : i. (Hist, Rad)
307. . "Seen From a Podium," New York Times, Mar. 26, 1939, X, 12 : 2.
308. Durand, Andre. "The Hot Club Quintet," Swing Music, 14 (Autumn, 1936),
28-9. (Ork)
309. Dutton, William S. "We've Got Rhythm," American Magazine, CXIX (Mar.,
1935), 5 2-3 126-28. (Ork)
310. EbeX Bud. "'Old Wolverines Couldn't Read So I Pulled Out'," Down Beat,
IX (June 15, 1942), 5. (Ork)
311. Edwards, Eddie. "Once Upon a Time," Jazz Record, 55 (May, 1947), 5-6, 34.
312. Edwards, Paul. Notions Elementaires Sur le Jazz. Belgium: 1940. 75 pp.
313. Egan, Jack. "Kenton Plan Seeks Spots Exclusively for Modern Jazz," Down
Beat, XV (Dec. 15, 1948), I, 5. (Gen)
314. . "New Curricula Covers Biz, But Not the Vital School of Hard Knocks,"
Down Beat, XVI (July 29, 1949), 18. (Ed)
315. . "Talk of Wee-Hour Band Travel Ban Causes Dither," Down Beat, XV
(Aug. 25, 1948), i. (Gen)
316. . "Webster in Royal Return to Duke," Down Beat, XV (Dec. 1, 1948), I.
317, Egg, Bernhard, Jasz-Fremdwdrterbucb. Leipzig: W. Ehrler, 1927. 47 pp.
318. Ehrlich, Evelyn. "Carnegie Concert. Has Below Par Ellington," Down Beat,
XIII (Jan. 28, 1946), 3. (Crit)
319. "Here's News Capsule of Music World for 1945," Down Beat, XIII
1333. Emge, Charles. "Jimmy Blanton Takes Last Ride," Down Beat, IX (Aug. 15,
1942), 12. (Pers)
1334. "Dixie Jubilee Once More Proves Boxoffice Bonanza," Down Beat,
3. (Hist, Pers)
I347 . <"YMWH' Film Has Pretty Incoherent Slant on Jazz," Down Beat,
1353. Ertegun, Nesuhi. "Benny Carter," Record Changer, VII (May, 1948), 5-6. (Pers)
. "New Orleans on the
1354. Air," 7*22 Record, 20 (May, 1944), 6-7. (Rad)
1355. Esterre, Neville d'. "A Syncopated Apology," British Musician, IV (Sept.,
1928), 174-77; (Oct., 1928), 202-04. (Gen)
1356. Estes, Stephen A. "The *New' Jazz," Music Lover's Magazine, I (Sept., 1922),
7- (J C) &
1357. Evans, C. S. "Life and Letters: Jazz Poetry," Music Teacher, II (Apr., 1923),
391. (Gen)
1358. Evans, Paul (Doc). "Dixieland, Twin City Style," Jazz Record, 35 (Aug., 1945),
lo-n, 14. (Hist)
1359. Evans, Robert. "The Jazz Age," in Charles Harvey (Ed). Jazz Parody.
London: Spearman, 1948. pp. 27-31. (Fict)
48 A Bibliography of Jazz
1360. Evans, Robert. "There's A Great Day," in Chalres Harvey (Ed). Jazz Parody.
London: Spearman 1948. pp., 77-85- (Fict)
1361. Ewen, David. Men of Popular Music. Chicago: Ziff-Davis, 1944. 213 pp. New
York: Editions for the Armed Services, 1944. 192 pp.
-- The Story of George Gershwin. New York: Holt, 1943. 21 1 pp. Reprinted
as: George Gershwin. Buenos Aires: Editorial Estuardo, 1947. 249 pp. (Pers)
-- "What Is This Thing Called Jazz?" Musical Courier, CIV (Feb. 20,
(Apr., 1947), 21, 44-5. (Bop, Pers)
Metronome, LXIII
"Boniface Faces the Future," (July, 1947), 15, 42.
"Esquire's All-American Jazz
Band, 1946," Esquire, XXV (Feb., 1946),
-- "Europe Goes
56-9. (Poll)
Metronome, LXIV (May,
-- "Facts
About Max," Metronome, LXIV
1948), 18-19, 35. (Ork)
(Nov., 1948), 26-8. (Pers)
-- "Leonard
Metronome, LX
Feather Says. . ." (Jan., 1944), 48. (Crit)
See: 2826.
-- . He Knocks Himself Out On
"Goffin: History, Ichthyology and Jazz,
Works With the Underground and Takes the A Train," Metronome, LX (Feb.,
1944), 18, 31- (Pers)
. "Heil
Hammond," (New Jazz York), I, no. 8 (n, d.), 14, 20. (Crit, Pers)
See: 1670; 3061.
I 3 8 5-
Be-Bop. New York:
-- "Javanese LIX
J. J. Robbins, 1949. 103 pp. (Bop)
--."Jazz Europe:Man,"SlowMetronome,
But Metronome, Pure,"
(Dec., 1943), 16, 29. (Pers)
LIX (Oct., 1943),
-- "Jazz Where You Find
46^. (Geog)
. Is XXI It," Esquire, (Feb., 1944), 35, 129-30.
(A & A, Sw)
Entries 1360-14x4
1389. Feather, Leonhard G. "Lombaido Grooves Louis !" Metronome, (Sepf LXV
1949), 18. (Pers)
1 390. -- . : XXV
"Louis King of the Zulus," Melody Maker, (Mar. 26, 1949), 3. (Pers)
See: 18; 28; 495; 1490; 2085.
-- "Men Behind Bands: William
. the Down VIII Moore, Jr.," Beat, (Feb.
15, 1941), 12. (Pers)
-- "Men Behind Bands:
. the Down VIIJiggs Noble," Beat, (Oct. 15, 1940),
-- "Men Behind Bands: Eddie
7. (Pers)
. the Down VII Sauter," Beat, (Mar. 1, 1940),
-- "Men Behind Bands: Lou
17. (Pers)
the Down VIII Singer," Beat, (Nov. 15, 1941),
-- "New Horns For
19. (Pers)
Barry Ulanov and
Old," in Simon George (Eds). Jazz
New York: Metronome,
1950. pp. 23-6. (Inst)
-- "Pops Pops Top on
"Pettiford-of-the-Month," Metronome,
Bop," LXV
Sloppy Metronome,
(Nov., 1943), 18. (Pers)
(Oct., 1949), 18, 25.
-- "The Rhythm
Section," Esquire, (Feb., 1946), 102, 145. (Gen)
See: 1399; 1400; 1410; 2262; 2263; 2264; 2877.
-- "The Rhythm
. Section: Dizzy, 2ist
Century XXIV
Gabriel," Esquire,
(Oct., 1945), 90-1. (Bop, Pers)
See: 1398; 1400; 1410; 2262; 2263; 2264; 2877.
--. "The
Rhythm Section: Red Norvo, Hot Prototype," Esquire, XXIV
(Aug., 1945), 96-7. (Pers)
See: 1398; 1399; 1410; 2262; 2263; 2264; 2877.
-- "The . Street Comes Back to Charlie Ventura," Metronome, LXIII
-- "Tempo Di
1947), 20, 48-9. (Pers)
Jazz," Musician, XLVI (May, 1941), 97; (June, 1941), 113;
(July-Aug., 1941), 129; (Sept., 1941), 144; (Oct., 1941), 162; (Nov., 1941), 178;
(Dec., 1941), 192; XLVII (Jan., 1942), 12; (Feb., 1942), 28; (Mar., 1942), 45;
(Apr., 1942), 59; (May-June, 1942), 76; (July, 1942), 99; (Aug., 1942), 124;
(Sept.-Oct., 1942), 144; (Dec., 1942), 172. (A & A)
-- "Three Years Behind the Blindfold," Metronome,
(Nov., 1949), LXV
28-9, 56-7. (Disc)
"Trumpeter's Jubilee," New York Times, Oct. 26, 1941, IX, 6 : 5-6.
-- "Sara Vaughan,"
-- "What's Happened Benny Goodman
(July, 1946), 21, 48-9. (Pers)
?" Esquire, XXV(Apr., 1946),
(A &
-- "When
loo, 179-80.
A, Pers)
Horn Sound
Bill Harasses His the Is Uncommon, A Real
-- "Woody Was A
Phenomenon," Metronome,
(Dec., 1945), 27, 45. (Pers)
-- "Yardbird
Natural," Metronome,
(Dec., 1945), 23-5. (Pers)
4 Jaaa
50 A Bibliography of Jazz
-- "Jazz At Random," New Republic, CIV (Feb. 24, 1941), 277-78. (Gen)
I4I g.
-- "The Man With
1422. .
1947. pp. 162-69. (Pers)
"Records; A on
Start New Jazz," Republic, CVI (Feb. 9, 1942), 205-07.
-- "Speaking
. New of Jazz," Republic, XCIX (Aug. 2, 1939), 363; C (Aug.
8- ev)
-- "The
l &> I 4 (R
. New
Spirit of Jazz," Republic, LXXXIX (Dec. 30, 1936), 269-71.
-- "Young Man With Horn," New
(Ork, Pers)
. a Republic, LXXXVII (July 29, 1936),
-- "Young Man With Horn
354. (Pers)
. a Again," New Republic, CIII (Nov. 18, 1940),
693-95. (Pers)
1427. Ferroud, Pierre Octave. "L'Evolution du Jazz," L'Edition Musicale Vivante,
II (Feb., 1929), 9-12; (Mar., 1929), 9-11; (Apr., 1929), 9-11. (A & A, Hist)
1428. Festissime. "In Praise of Jazz," Irish Monthly, LXII (Mar., 1934), 133-43.
(A & A)
1429. Fillmore, Henry. Henry Fittmore's Jazz Trombonist for Slide Trombone Bass
Clef. Cincinnati: Fillmore Music House, 1919.
1430. Filmer, Vic. Vic Filmer's Guide to Buskers. London: V. Filmer's Music Advice
Bureau, 1944. 24 pp. 2nd Edition, 1944.
Jive and Swing Dictionary. Penzance, England, 1947. 20 pp. (Lang)
1432. Finck, Henry T. "Jazz- Lowbrow and Highbrow," Etude, XLII (Aug., 1924),
527-28. (A & A, J&C)
1433. Fingerman, Charles. "Jazz, the Imposter," Crescendo, XXIV (Oct., 1931), 14.
1444. Finkelstein, Sidney. Jazz: A People's Music. New York: Citadel, 1948.
-- "Jazz Reaches Turning
278 pp.
. a Point," in Orin Blackstone (Ed). Jazzfinder
Orleans: Orin Blackstone, 1949. pp. 5-14. (A & A)
-- "Peace
In the Ranks," Record Changer, VIII (Mar., 1949), 11-12. (Crit)
See: 1030; 1241.
-- "The
Relation of the Blues to Bop," Record Changer, VIII (Nov., 1949),
1456. Fonollosa, Jose Maria. "El Jazz, Musica Sin Snobs," Club de Ritmo, 41 (Sept.,
1949). 3- (A A) &
1457. Fouad, Pierre and Hugues Panassie. (Trans: Ian Munro Smyth). "Alix Com-
beUe," Jazz Hot, III (Mar.-Apr., 1937), 8-9. (Pers)
1458. Fox, Charles."'Got the World In a Jug, Lawd!'" in Charles Harvey (Ed).
Jazz Parody. London: Spearman, 1948. pp. 99-110. (Fict)
1459. "The Claude Hopkins Orchestra," Jazz Forum, 3 (Jan., 1947), 7-8, 9.
1460. Fox-Strangways, A. H. "The Spirit of Jazz," British Musician, VII (June,
1931), 120-22. (A & A)
1461. Franco, Johan. "Against All 'Arrangements'," (lr)
New York f*ro*r,Nov. 13,
1938, IX, 8 3. (J & C)
42. (Hist)
1477. .
"Why Hate Glenn Miller's Music," Music and Rhythm, II (Mar.,
1479. Frederick, Lewis. "Why Glen Miller's Music Gets the Girls," liberty, XVII
(Oct. 26, 1940), 45-6. (Infl, Ork)
1480. Freedman, Marvin. "Black Music's On Top; White Jazz Stagnant," Down
Beat, VTI (Apr. 1, 1940), 7, 20. (A A) &
1481. .
"Wingy Declares: 'Musicians Today Are Just Kidding', Down Beat,
VII (Oct. 15, 1940), 8. (Pers)
1482. Freeman, Don. "Big City Blues," PM Magazine, May 9, 1943, 14 :
15 1-4. (Fict)
I483. . T11 Lead Strings in My New Band/ Says Barnet," Down Beat, XVII
(Dec. 29, 1950), i. (Pers)
1484. Freese, Myron V. "What Jazz Has Done to the Fretted Instruments," Ca-
denza, XXXI
(Feb., 1924), 3-7. (Infl)
1485. Fry, Alderson Francis, Max Kaplan and William C.
Love. Who's Who In Jazz
Collecting. Nashville: Hemphill, 1942. 52 pp.
1486. Fulling, Virgil. "Amateur Night on Beale Street," Scribner's, CI (May, 1937),
58-61. Abr: Readers' Digest, XXX (June, 1937), 79-81. (Gen)
1487. Fulton, Jack. "Swing: Agent of Peace," (lr)
New York Times, Oct. 16, 1938,
IV, 9: 7. (Infl)
1488. Furness, Clement. "Monotonous Musical Fare," New York Times, Jan. 6,
1927, 28 : 7. (Gen)
1489. Gabler, Milt. "Hot Renaissance of Dixieland Jazz," New
York Times Maga-
zine, Sept. 24, 1950, 26-7, 38. (Dix)
1490. Gagliano, Nick. "King Louis' Triumph Tempered," Down Beat, XVI (Apr. 8,
1949), 18.
See: 18; 28; 495; 1820; 2085.
1491. Galpin, Benjamin E. "'Pep' In Music," Etude, LIV (Nov., 1936), 686. (Gen)
1492. Ganfield, Jane. Books and Periodicals On Jazz From 1926 to 1932. Unpublished
MS, New York Public Library, 1933. II pp. (Bibl)
1493. Garbett, Arthur S. "Why You Like Jazz," Sunset, LII (Mar., 1924), 21-3,
62-4. (A & A)
1494. Garceau, PhiL "The Price of Swing," in Charles Harvey (Ed). Jazz Parody.
London: Spearman, 1948. pp. 69-76. (Fict)
1495. Gardner, Martin. "The Devil and the Trombone," Record Changer, VII (May,
1948), 10. (Fict)
1496. ."The Trouble With Trombones," Record Changer, VII (Oct., 1948),
10. (Fict)
1497. Gardner, Paul. "Jazz in Iceland Nice and Icy," Metronome, LX (Jan., 1944),
47- (Geog)
1498. Garroway, Dave. "Everyone Owes Debt to Louis, Says Garroway," Down
Seat, XVII (July 14, 1950), I, 19. (Pers)
1499. Gates, W. F. "Ethiopian Syncopation the Decline of Ragtime," Musician,
VII (Oct., 1902), 341. (Rag)
1500. Gautier, Madeleine. (Trans: Ian Munro-Smyth). "Notes Sur 1'Improvisation
Collective," Jazz Hot, 8 (May, 1936), 7. (A A) &
1501. .
(Trans: Walter E. Schaap). "Bessie Smith," Jazz Hot, 22 (Dec.- Jan.,
1937/38), 3, 5- (Pers)
1502. (Trans: Ian Munro Smyth). "Swing Bassistes," Jazz Hot, 12 (Nov.,
1506. Gayer, Dixon. "Gotta Feel the Blues To Play 'Em, Asserts T-Bone," Down
Seat, IX (Oct. 15, 1942), 5. (Bl, Pers)
. "Meet Mr.
1507. Moore," Ebony, I (Dec., 1945), 40-5. (Pers, Pic)
1508. "Strings Are the Bunk, Says Beat's New Critic," Down Beat, IX
13-14. (J&C,J&0)
1521. Gibbons, Frank J. "Pre-Jazz, Jazz, Post- Jazz," Metronome, (Sept., XXXIX
1923), 81, 88, 155. (A & A, Hist)
1522. Gilbert, Gama. "Higher Soars the Swing Fever," New York Times, Aug. 14,
1938, VII, 6-7, 19. (Lang, Sw)
See: 725; 1607.
1523. .
"Swing," New York Times, Nov. 19, 1939, VII, 14, 19. (A & A, Hist,
1524. .
"Swing: What Is It?" New York Times, Sept. 5, 1937, X, 5:1.
(A&A, Hist, Sw)
1525. "Swing It And Even In a Temple of Music," New York Times, Jan. 16,
. !
43. (A & A,
Disc, Ork)
I S45-
"Pops," Audio Engineering, XXXIV (July, 1950), 30, 32, 33, 35.
(Disc, Tech)
1546. "Pops," Audio Engineering, XXXIV (Aug., 1950), 24, 33, 34, 35, 36.
(Disc, Gen)
1547. "Pops," Audio Engineering, XXXIV (Sept., 1950), 22, 40, 41. (A & A,
1548. .
"Pops," Audio Engineering, XXXIV (Nov., 1930), 34, 66, 67, 68.
(Gen, Tech)
1549. .
"Pops," Audio Engineering, XXXIV (Dec., 1950), 36, 38, 39. (Pers,
1550. "Pops; Recording Criteria," Audio Engineering, XXXIV (Mar., 1950),
!553. "The
. Best Negro Jazz Orchestras," in Nancy Cunard (Ed). Negro.
London: Wishart, 1934. pp. 291-93. (Ork, Pers)
1554. "Bix at Lake Forest," Esquire, XXI (Mar., 1944), 59, 144-45. (Pers)
1558. Goffin, Rob. AuxFrontieres du Jazz. Paris Editions du Sagittaire, 1932. 256 pp.
1559. .
(Trans James F. Bezou). Horn of Plenty; The Story of Louis Armstrong.
New York: Allen, Towne & Heath, 1947. 304 pp. (Pers)
1560. ."Hot Jazz," in Nancy Cunard (Ed). Negro. London: Wishart, 1934.
PP- 378-79- ( & A > Hist)
1561. Jazz From the Congo to the Metropolitan. Garden City: Doubleday, 1946.
254 pp.; New York: Editions for the Armed Services, 1943. 384 pp. Reprinted
as: Histoire du Jazz. Montreal: Parizeau, 1945.
1562. .
"Jazzmen's Greatest Kicks," Esquire, XXII (Aug., 1944), 61, 142-43.
1563. .
"Milneburg," Hot Club Magazine, 13 (Jan., 1947), 4-6. (Extrait de <La
Nouvelle-Orleans'). (Gen)
1564. . Nouvette Histoire du
Jazz. BruxeUes: L'Ecran du Monde, 1948. 334 pp.
1565. . La
Nouvelle-Orleans, Capitale du Jazz. New York Editions de la Maison
32 pp. (Pers)
1571. .
George Gershwin, A
Study in American Music. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1931. 305 pp. (Pers)
See: 1576.
1572. ."Jazz," Forum, LXXXVII (Apr., 1932), 232-36. Reprinted: Louis
W. Jones and others (Eds). These United States. New York: R. Long and
Richard R. Smith, 1933. pp. 548-57. (A & A)
1573. Jazz Music; What It Is and How To Understand It. Girard: Haldeman-
IS76. . "Music
by Gershwin," Ladies' Home Journal, XLVIII (Feb., 1931),
12-13, H9> IS* 5 (M* r -> 1 9&> 20> 208-10, 212-13; (Apr., 1931), 25, 198-99- (P<*s)
See: 1571.
1577. Tin Pan Alley. New York: John Day, 1930. 341 pp.
1578. Goldman, Elliott. Clarence Williams Discography* London: Jazz Music Books,
1947. 24 pp. (Disc)
1579. Goldman, John. "Meade Lux Lewis," Swing Music, 14 (Autumn, 1936), 62-3.
1580. Goldsen, Mort. "Jazz Club Francais," Metronome, LXI (Oct., 1945), 27. (Geog)
1581. Gombosi, Otto. "The Pedigree of the Blues," in Theodore M. Finney (Ed).
Volume of Proceedings of the Music Teachers National Association, Fortieth
Series. Pittsburg: The Association, 1946. pp. 382-89. (A A, Bl, & BW)
1582. Gonzales, Babs and Paul Weston. Boptionary: What Is Bop ?
Capitol Records, 1949. 8 pp. (Bop)
1583. Goodbrod, R. M. "Conquering the Jazz Craze of Young Pianists," Etude, LII
(Feb., 1934), 82. (J & Q
1584. Goodman, Benny. "Jam Session," Pictorial Review, XXXIX (May, 1938), 15.
(Lang, Sw)
. "Now Take the CIII (Feb. 25, 1939), 11-13. (As
1585. Jitterbug," Collier's,
told to Ted Shane). (J & D, Sw)
A Bibliography of Jazz
1586. Godman, Benny. "When Swing Meets the Classics," ScribneSs Commentator -,
Handbook. New York: William Morrow, 1943. pp. 718-28. (Extract from book
of same title). (Pers)
1589. Goodrich, A. J. "Syncopated Rhythm vs. 'Ra^-Time'," Musician, VI (Nov.,
1901), 336. (Rag)
1590. Goodrich, Marti. "Criticising the Critics," Jazz Session, 7 (May- June, 1945),
18, 30. (Crit)
Dance Music," New York Times, May 2, 1939,
1591. Gordon, Gray. "Experiment in
22: 7 .(J&D)
1592. Gordon, H. S. "The Jazz Myth," Sackbut, VI (Nov., 1925), 116-17.
(A & A)
1593. Gordon, James. "Honey in the Jive," American Magazine, CXXXVIII
(Aug., 1944), 28-9. (Pers)
1594. Gorki, Maxim. (Trans: Marie Budberg). "The Music of the Degenerate," Dial,
LXXXV (Dec., 1928), 480-84. (A & A)
1595. Gottlieb, Bill. "Change Guard at Condon's Village Club," Down Seat, XIV
(Feb. 12, 1947), i. (Gen)
See: 123351597.
1596. .
"Chubby Plays 5th Dimensional Jazz," Down Beat, XIV (Apr. 23,
1947), 14. (Ork)
I597 . . "Condon Raps Tough for 'Re-Bop Slop'," Down Beat, XIII (Oct. 7,
1946), 4, 17. (Bop)
See: 1233; 1595.
1598. . "Dance Music, Harmony Included in Curriculum/' Down Beat, XIV
(July 2, 1947), 6. (Ed)
1599. .
"Delaunay Escapades With Gestapo Related," Down Beat, XIII
(Sept. 9, 1946), 13. (Pers)
1600. ."From Heebie Jeebies to Bebop," Saturday Review of Literature,
XXXI (Oct. 30, 1948), 50-1. (Inst)
1601. . "Tm Not Slipping' Duke Ellington," Down Beat, XIII (June 17,
1946), 4, 14. (A A, Ork) &
1602. . "Lion Tracked to His Lair Or Willie Smith's Story," Down Beat, XIV
(Jan. I, 1947), 14. (Pers)
1603. . "Louis Center of New Commotion," Down Beat, XIV (July 2, 1947),
3. (Pers)
1604. . "Mezz Blows Mess of Mellow Words," Down Beat, XIII (Nov. 4, 1946),
4-5- ^v)
1605. . "Thelonius Monk Genius of Bop," Down Beat, XIV (Sept. 24, 1947),
2. (Bop, Pers)
1606. .
"Tricky Sam Nanton, 42, Dies On Tour With Duke," Down Beat, XIII
(Aug. 12, 1946), 9. (Pers)
1607. Gould, Jack. "News of the Night-Clubs The Decline of Swing," New York
Times, Aug. 7, 1938, IX, 8 : 4. (Gen)
See: 725; 1522.
1608. Goursat, Georges Marie. La Ronde de Nuit. Paris: A. Fayard, 1923. 126 pp.
(Author's pseudonym, "Sem," at head of title).
1609. Grace, Harvey. "Jazz Goes Modern," Musical Times, LXXVI (Dec., 1935).
1094-97. (A & A) (Author's pseudonym, "Feste," at head of title)
1610. Graener, Paul. "Nie wieder Niggermusik," Neues Musikblatt,
(Jan., 1936). XV
3-4. (Gen)
Entries 1586-1637
1611. Grainger, Percy A. "Jazz," Musikblatter des Anbruch, VII (Apr., 1925),
210-12. (A & A)
1612. "Jazz and the Music of the Future," in James Francis Cooke. Great
Men and Famous Musicians on the Art of Music. Philadelphia: Theo. Presser,
1925. pp. 308-13. (A & A)
1613. "Never Has Popular Music Been As Classical As Jazz," Metronome,
24 pp. (Bop)
1635. Grove, Mary and Thurman Grove. "New Stars in the Making," in Orin
Blackstone (Ed). Jazzfinder '49. New Orleans: Orin Blackstone, 1949. pp. 15-24.
1636. Gruenberg, Louis. "Der Jazz Als Ausgangspunkt," Musikblatter des Anbruch,
VII (Apr., 1925), 196-99. Reprinted as: "Jazz As the Startbg Point," Metro-
nome, XLII i, 1926), 15, 56. (A & A, Infl)
1637. "Vom
Jazz und andern Dingen," in Hans Heinsheimer and Paul Stefan
(Eds).25jahreNeueMusik.Wiea: Universal-Edition, 1926. pp. 229-36. (Gen)
58 A Bibliograpby of Jazz
1668. Hamilton, Clarence G. "Jazz and Its Effects," Etude, XLII (Aug., 1924), 531.
1669. Hammond, John. "Bunny Was Never Happy," Music and Rhythm, II (July,
(Pers, Ork)
1672. .
"Why Has Benny Goodman Changed ?" Music and Rhythm, II (June,
!6 76. (Ed: Myles H. FeUowes). "The Heart of the Blues," Etude, LVIII (Mar.,
1678. Hapke, Walter. "Im Spiegel des Jazz," Zeitschrift fur Musik, XCVIII (Oct.,
1931), 888-89. (J&Q
1679. Harap, Louis. "The Case for Hot Jazz," Musical Quarterly, XXVII (Jan.,
1941), 47-61. Reprinted: Ralph de Toledano (Ed). Frontiers of Jazz. New York:
Oliver Durrell, 1947. pp. 3-12. (A & A)
1680. Harman, Carter. "Friday Evenings of Hot Jazz on Second Avenue," New York
Times, Oct. 15, 1950, II, 7: 1-4. (Gen)
1 68 1. "Revival of Interest in Dixieland Style and Swing Noted in Current
1694. Harris, Pat. "'Jazz Dead,' Says Teddy Powell, Trying Comeback," Down
Seat, XVII (June 16, 1950), 7. (Crit, Ork)
!6 9S . . "Let There Be No Further
Despair," Down Beat, XVI (Feb. 25, 1949),
6. (Ork, Pers)
rfifi. . "Red Mitchell 'An Amazing Bassist'," Down Beat, XVII (Apr. 21, 1950),
2. (Pers)
^97. .
"Nothing But Bop ?
'Stupid,' Says Miles," Down Beat, XVII (Jan. 27,
1950), 18-19. (Pers)
^98. . "Oscar Pettiford Now on Cello Kick," Down Beat, XVII (Dec. 29, 1950),
20. (Inst, Pers)
1699. . "Pres Talks About Himself, Copycats," Down Beat, XVI (May 4, 1949),
15. (Pers)
1700. .
"Russo, With Great Crew, Still Just Experimenting," Down Beat, XVI
(June 3, 1949), 4-5. (Ork)
1701. . "Scott Musicians Make Long Story Short," Down Beat, XV (May 5,
1948), 2. (Ork)
1702. .
"Stravinsky, Bird, Vibes Gas Roach," Down Beat, XVI (June 3, 1949),
6. (Pers)
1703. . "Studies
Bop, Returns to Original Love, Dixieland," Down Beat, XVII
(Apr. 21, 1950), 4. (Pers)
1704. "Think I'm Pioneering: Billy Bauer," Down Beat, XVII (Jan. 27,
1950), 2. (Pers)
I7 o6. .
"Woody, Basic Work With Small Units, Explain Why," Down Beat,
XVII (Mar. 24, 1950), 5, 6, 7. (Ork)
1707. Harrison, Richard G, "How Great A
Jazzman Was Bunny Berigan ?" Down
Beat, XIV (Mar. 12, 1947), 12. (A & A, Pers)
. "Room For Two Schools of Jazz Thought Today," Down Beat, XIII
(Nov. 4, 1946), 10, 13. (A & A)
1709. Harrison, Sidney. "Jazz The Music of Exile," Etude, LIX (Mar., 1941), 150.
1710. Harrisson, Mark. "Belgian Jive," Hot Club Magazine, 3 (Mar., 1946), 15. (Lang)
1711. Hart, Floyd T. "A Guide to Evaluating Jazz," Music Educator's Journal,
XXIX (Nov.-Dec., 1942), 43. (A & A)
1712. "The Relation of Jazz Music to Art," Music Educator's Journal, XXVI
1722. Haynes, Don C. "Cow Cow Davenport," Jazz Information, II (Oct. 25, 1940),
8-10. (Pers)
1723. . "Duke Draws Sell-Out Crowd Who Sit On Hands," Down Seat, XIII
(Feb. 11, 1946), i, 12-13. (Crit)
1724. "Productive Year For Musicians on Records," Down Beat, XIII
I, 1946), 12. (Disc)
1725. Hazel, Monk. "He Got Ideas Strictly From Emrnet Hardy," Down Beat, IX
(Mar. i, 1942), 8. (A & A, Pers)
See i 2636; 2637.
1726. Hearne, WiU Roy. "Gennett Records," Record Changer, IX (Dec., 1950), 12-
13. (Disc)
1727. Helander, Olle. Jazzens Fag, En Bok Om
Blues Qch Stomps. Stockholm:
Nordiska Musikforlaget, 1947. 346 pp.
1728. Henderson, Fletcher. "He Made the Band Swing," Record Changer, IX ( July-
Aug., 1950), 15-16. (Hist, Pers)
. "Henderson *Had To Get Louis' For Roseland
1729. Ork," Down Beat, XVII
(July 14, 1950), 4, 5. (Hist, Pers)
1730. Henderson, Harry and Sam Shaw. "AndNowWeGoBebop!"C0&Vr'j-,CXXI
(Mar. 20, 1948), 16-17, 88. (Bop)
1731. Henderson, W. J. "Ragtime, Jazz, and High Art," Scribner's, LXXVII (Feb.,
1925), 200-03. (A & A, J & C, Rag)
See: 283.
1732. Henry, Leigh. "Jazz In Relation to Chamber Music," in Walter Willson
Cobbett (Ed). Cobbetfs Cyclopedic Survey of Chamber Music. London: Oxford
University Press, 1930. Vol. II, pp. 31-4. (A & A, J & C)
1733. . "The Nature and Function of Jazz," Musical News and Herald, LXVII
(Aug. 2, 1924), 92. (A & A)
1734. . "What's Wrong With Jazz ?" Musical Opinion, L (Nov., 1926), 151-53.
1735. Henry, Lewis. "Is Jazz An Art ?" Canon, III (Jan., 1950), 353-55. (A & A)
1736. Henshaw, Laurie. "Europe Is Starved For Good Jazz," Metronome, LXI
(Oct., 1945), 26, 40. (Geog)
1737. Herman, Woody. (As told to Eddie Ronan). "Herman Attacks Mathematics
in Trogressivism'," Down Beat, XV
(May 5, 1948), i, 3. (A & A, Bop)
1738. Herment, Georges. (Trans: Ian Munro Smyth). **La Cote du Hot," Jazz Hot,
IV (Oct.-Nov., 1938), 7- (Cm)
1739. . "Un Grand Musicien Noir: Chick Webb," Presence Africaine, 3 (Mar.-
Apr., 1948), 505-12- (Pers)
1740. .
(Trans: Ian Munro-Smyth). "Hot the 6th Sense," Jam Hot, 9 (June,
1936), i3.(A&A,Infl)
1741. ."Perfection and Simplicity," Jazz Hot, IV (Apr.-May, 1938), 9. (A & A,
1742. .
(Trans: Ian Munro Smyth). "Poem and Chorus," Jazz Hot, 29 (Jan.,
1939), .9.": (A &A)_
3. Hers
1743. Hershey, Burnet. "Jazz Latitude," New York Times, June 25, 1922, III, 8-9.
1744. Hess> Harry. "Postgraduate Stuff," Esquire, XXVI (Oct., 1946), 129, 161-66.
1745. Hess, Otto. "Otto Hess' Scrapbook," Record Changer, IX (May, 1950), 8-9.
1746. Heyward, Du Bose. "Jasbo Brown," American Mercury, VI (Sept., 1925),
7-9. (Poet)
1747. Hibberd, Lloyd. "Jazz," in Willi Apel. Harvard Dictionary of Music. Cam-
bridge: Harvard University Press, 1946. pp. 374-79. (A & A)
62 A Bibliography of Jassz
1774- "Dream Boat," Metronome, LXV (Oct., 1949), 17, 34-5. (Pers)
1775- "The Haig," Metronome, LXVI (July, 1950), 17, 24. (Pers)
I77 6. "The Incredible Crosby," Metronome, LXIV (June, 1948), 13. (Rev)
1777- "Jolting Jo," Metronome, LXIV (July, 1948), 9-10, 21. (Pers)
1778. "Art Lund," Metronome, LXIII (Aug., 1947), II, 38. (Pers)
^779- "The Monroe Doctrine," Metronome, LXIII (Apr., 1947), 13-14. (Pers)
1780. "One Man's 'Count'. Is Another's 'Label'," Metronome, LXVI (Aug.,
. .
Entries 1748-1809
1781. Hodgkins, Barbara. "Patti Page,'* Metronome,l,XlV (Apr., 1948), 48-9. (Pers)
1782. .
"Peggy and Dave," Metronome, LXVI (Oct., 1950), 14-15. (Pers)
1783. . "A Real Gone
Gal," Metronome, LXIII (Dec., 1947), 18, 38-9. (Pers)
1784. "Starr Bright," Metronome, LXV (Aug., 1949), 13, 31. (Pers)
1785. 'We... Frankie Laine and Carl Fischer," Metronome, LXVI (Aug.,
1 8 10. Hoefer, George. "Haymer an njnacclaimed Great'," Down Beat, XVI (June
3, 1949), i, 13. (Pers)
. "Here's LP, 45 RPM Jazz List," Down Beat, XVII (May 5, 1950), 16;
(May 19, 1950), 6; (June 2, 1950), 6; (June 16, 1950), 6; (June 30, 1950), 6;
(Aug. 11, 1950), 18; (Aug. 25, 1950), 165 (Sept. 22, 1950), 16; (Nov. 3, 1950), 18;
22. (Disc)
(Dec. i, 1930), 18; (Dec. 15, 1950), 18; (Dec. 29, 1950),
!8i2. "Art Hodes Band Achieves a 'Rarely-Heard Unity'," Doom Beat, XVII
!8i6. .
"Jazzmen Past, Present Share Ail-Time Honors," Doton Beat, XVI
(Mar. n, 1949), n. (Pers)
1817. .
"'Jelly Roll* Rests His Case," Down Beat,Vlll (Aug. i, 1941), i, 4. (Pers)
Jelly Roll's Library of Congress Wax Date
!8i8. . World's Longest Session,"
Down Beat, XIV (Sept. 24, 1947), ii. (Disc, Pers)
1819. . "Richard Jones Chapter Added to Jazz Legend," Down Beat, XIII
(Jan. 14, 1946), 18. (Pers)
1820. .
"King Louis Elected King of Zulus for Mardi Gras," Down Beat, XV
(Dec. 29, 1948), n. (Pers)
5^: 18528; 49351490; 2085.
1821. .
"<Man, I Invented Jazz In' Claimed by More Folks!" Down Beat,
XVI (July i, 1949), n. (Hist)
1822. . "Fate Marable, 56, Riverboat Jazz King, Dies in St. Louis," Down
Beat, XIV (Feb. 12, 1947), 2. (Pers)
1823. . "Mole Recalls Capone; Bullet Hole in Tram," Down Beat, XV (Mar. 10,
1948), 12. (Pers)
1824. . Monk Getting Long Awaited Break," Down Beat,
"Pianist (Feb. 1 1, XV
1948), n. (Bop, Pers)
1825. ."N. 0. Jazz Revival Sparks Formation of Crack Crew," Down Beat,
XVII (Nov. 3, 1950), n. (Ork)
1826. ."Norvo Discography," Down Beat, XVII (Aug. ii, 1950), 18; (Aug. 25,
1950), 13; (Sept. 8, 1950), 165 (Sept. 22, 1950), 19. (Disc)
1827. .
"Pops Still Going Strong After 50 Years in Jazz," Down Beat, XVI
(May 6, 1949), 12. (Pers)
1828. . "Rare Morton Piano Roll Discovered in Junk Shop," Down Beat, XVII
(Nov. 17, 1950), 7. (Disc, Pers)
1829. .
"Re-Recording Etched of Picou 'High Society' Ride," Down Beat, XVII
(Sept. 22, 1950), 6, 7. pise, Pers)
1830. . "Scott
Experimenting With New Record Conceptions," Down Beat,
XVI (Aug. 26, 1949), n. (A & A, Tech)
1831. . "Kid Shots Dies Before Playing His New Cornet," Down Beat, XV
(Dec. i, 1948), II. (Pers)
1832. . "Souchon Contributes to New Orleans Jazz Lore," Down Beat, XVII
(Apr. 7, 1950), n. (Hist, Ork)
*833- "Stearns Completes Plans For a U.S. Jazz Institute," Down Beat,
XVI (June n. (Ed)
17, 1949),
1834. "Tkk College Jazz Group Made Up of Professors," Down Beat, XVI
(Oct. 7, 1949), 1 1- (Ork)
1835. .
"Tragedy Mars Comeback of a Former Blues Star," Down Beat, XVI
(Dec. 16, 1949), n. (Pers)
1836. . "Trombonist Lame's Life Like N. 0. Book," Down Beat, XV (Feb. 25,
1948), 13. (Pers)
Entries 1810-1862
1337. Hoefer, George. "Will the Louis Sides On Cylinder Ever Turn Up ?" Down
Beat, XVII (July 14, 1950), II. (Disc, Pers)
1838. Hoeree, Arthur. "Le Jazz," Revue Musicale, VIII (Oct. i, 1927), 213-41.
(A & A, Hist)
" Le et le Bisque," ^Edition Musicale Fivante, IV (Dec., 1931),
1839. I*22
7-15. (Disc)
1840. . "Le
Jazz et la Musique d'Aujourd'hui," Courrier Musical, XXX
(Dec. i,
1928), 671-72. (Infl)
. "Le
1841. Jazz et Son Influence Sur la Musique d'Aujourd'hui," Menestrel,
XCI (Aug. 16, 1929), 361-63. (Infl)
1842. Hoffman, Dan G. "The Folk Art of Jazz," Antiocb Review, V
(Mar., 1945),
110-20. (A & A, Hist)
1843. Holiday, Billie. "I'm Cured For Good," Ebony, IV (July, 1949), 26-7, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32. (Gen, Pers)
1844. Roll, Karl. "Jazz im Konservatorium," Melos, VII (Jan., 1928), 30-2.
1845. Hollis, Harold H. "Meet the Members of the Castle Band," Record Changer,
VIII (Aug., 1949), o-io. (Pers)
1846. Holloway, Jim. "Nice But Not Naughty," Metronome, LXIV (May, 1948),
20, 31. (Geog)
1847. "Quantity But Not Quality Expanded on BBC Jazz Shows," Metro-
5 Jazz
66 A Bibliography of Jazz
1863. Howard, John Tasker. '"Swing* And Its Performers," in John Tasker
Howard. Our Contemporary Composers. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1941.
pp. 290-95. (A & A, Pers)
1864. "To-Day," in John Tasker Howard. Our American Music.
. New York:
Thomas Y. Crowell, 1939. pp. 589-607. (A & A)
1865. Howe, Martin. Blue Jazz. Bristol: Perpetua, 1934. 33 pp.
1866. Howgate, George W. "Jazz," (lr) Forum, LXXX (Oct., 1928), 636-37. (A & A)
1867. Hoyle, Stanley. Jazzing the Classics: Syncopated Transcriptions for Piano.
London: Paxton, 1938.
1868. Hubbard, W. L. "A Hopeful View of the Ragtime Roll," Musician, XXV
(Aug., 1920), 6. (Pers, Rag)
1869. Hubner, Alma. "Of Chile and Jazz," Jazz Record, 14 (Nov., 1943), 6-7. (Geog)
. "Pee Wee's Soul Is
1870. Music," Jazz Record, 18 (Mar., 1944), 8-10. (Pers)
1871. Hughes, Langston. "Jazzonia," Survey, LIII (Mar. i, 1925), 665. (Poet)
1872. Hughes, Rupert. "A Eulogy of Ragtime," Musical Record, 447 (Apr., 1899),
157-59. (Rag)
1873. . "Music For the Man of Today," in James Francis Cooke. Great Men and
Famous Musicians on the Art of Music. Philadelphia: Theo. Presser, 1925.
pp. 138-40. (Gen)
^74. . "Will
Ragtime Turn to Symphonic Poems ?" Etude, XXXVIII (May,
1920), 305. (A & A, Rag)
1875. Hulsizer, Kenneth. "Jelly Roll Morton in Washington," Jazz Music, II (Feb.-
Mar., 1944), 109-16. (Pers)
1876. Hunt, Ted. Organizing and Conducting the Student Dance Orchestra. Chicago:
Rubank, 1941. 4 vols.
1877. Hurston, Zora Neale. "The Jook," in Nancy Cunard (Ed). Negro. London:
Wishart, 1934. pp. 44-6. (Hist)
1878. Hutschenruyter, Wouter. "Jazz," Caecilia en Het Mvziekcollege, LXXXV
(Oct. 16, 1928), 274-77. (A & A)
1879. Huxley, Aldous. "Popular Music," in Aldous Huxley. Along the Road. London:
Chatto & Windus, 1925. pp. 246-52. (Gen)
!88o. . "Silence is
Golden," in Aldous Huxley. Do What You Will. Garden
City: Doubleday, Doran, 1929. pp. 55-64. (Gen)
1881. Ichaso, Francisco. "Terapeutica de Jazz," Musicalia, I (Sept.-Oct., 1928),
95^5. (Infl)
1882. Iger, Artur. "Die Entwicklung der Jazz-Industrie," Zeitschrift fur Instru-
mentenbau, XLVI (June 15, 1926), 860-^62. (A & A, Inst)
1883. .
"Jazz-Industrie," Auftakt, VI
(1926), 222-25. (A & A)
1884. Irving, Carter. "Jazz Brings First Dance of the City," New York Times,
June 9 25,IV,9.(J&D)
14, I
1885. Jackson, Bee. "Hey! Hey! Charleston!" Collier's LXXX (Dec. 10, 1927), 12,
34- (J*D)
1886. Jackson, Chubby. "Sweden Hot!" Metronome, LXIV (Mar., 1949), 22, 24.
1887. Jackson, Edgar. Parlophone Rhythm Style. Hayes, Middx.: Parlophone, 1936.
1888. ,
and Leonard Hibbs. Encyclopedia of Swing. London: Decca, 1941.
83 pp.
1889. Jackson, Preston. "Lillian (Lil) Armstrong," Jazz Hot, V (Feb.-Mar., 1939),
13- (Pen)
1890. .
"King Oliver," in Ralph deToledano (Ed). Frontiers of Jazz. New York:
Oliver Durrell, 1947. pp. 75-81. (Pers)
1891. Jacobsen, Nils. "Norwegian Jazz Interest Revived in Private Clubs," Down
Beat, XV(July 28, 1948), 12. (Geog)
Entries 1863-1022
1892. Jacobson, Catherine. "Facts About Bud Hunter," Jazz (New York), I, no. 7
(n. d.), 20. (Pers)
. "The Inside Story of Paul Eduard Miller's Main Currents of
1893. Jazz,"
Jazz Session, 8 (July-Aug., 1945), 14-16. (Crit)
. "See
1894. Here, Mr. Miller," Jazz Session, 7 (May- June, 1945), 22-4. (Crit)
!8 9S . . "Oro 'Tut'
Soper," Jazz (New York), I (Dec., 1943), 8-9. (Pers)
1896. Jacobson, Ethel. "Air de Barrelhouse," New York Times Magazine, Aug. 18,
1940, 19. (Poet)
1897. James, Harry. "My Ten Favorite Trumpeters," Music and Rhythm, II (Dec.,
1941), 16-17. (Pers)
1898. , and others. "Happy Birthday, Louis, From ..." Down Beat, XVII
(July 14, 1950), 2-3. (Pers)
1899. Janin, Jacques. "La Musique Americaine Devant POccident," Courrier Musi-
cal, XXXI (Feb. 15, 1929), 93-4. (A & A)
1900. Jarecki, Tadeusz. "Jazzing Up the Symphony Orchestra," Cbesterian, VIII
(July-Aug., 1927), 262-68. (Infl, Inst)
jcpi. . "Polichromizm Instrumentow Perkusyjnych," Muzyka, VI (Oct.,
1929), 434-375 (Nov.-Dec., 1929), 508-10. (Infl, Inst, J & C)
1902. Jeanneret, Albert. "Le Negre et le Jazz," Revue Musicale, VIII (July, 1927),
24-7. (A A, Hist) &
1903. Jemnitz, Alexander. "Der Jazz Als Form und Inhalt," MusikblStter des An-
bruch, VII (Apr., 1925), 188-96. (A & A)
1904. Johnson, Bunk and
Frederick Ramsey, Jr. "I Am
Writing You This Letter,"
Jazz (New York), I (June, 1942), 6-8. (Pers)
1905. Johnson, George. "The Wolverines and Bix," in Ralph de Toledano (Ed).
Frontiers of Jazz. New York: Oliver Durrell, 1947. pp. 123-36. (Hist, Ork, Pers)
. "Wolverine
1906. Days," Swing Music, 14 (Autumn, 1936), 30-2, 86-8, 93.
(Hist, Pers)
1907. Johnson, Guy B. "Double Meaning in the Popular Negro Blues," Journal of
Abnormal and Social Psychology, XXII (Apr.- June, 1927), 12-20. (Bl, Lang)
1908. Johnson, James Weldon. "Preface," in James Weldon Johnson (Ed). The
Book of American Negro Poetry. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1931. pp. 10-17.
(A & A, Rag)
1909. Jones, Clifford (Ed). Black and White, Part i. London: Clifford Jones, 1945.
20 pp.
1910. . Black and White, Part 2. London: Clifford Jones, 1946. 20 pp.
1911. . Bob Crosby Band. London: Clifford Jones, 1946. 27 pp. (Ork)
1912. .
J. C. Higginbotbam. London: Discographical Society, 1944. 24 pp.
1913. . Hot Jazz. London: Discographical Society, 1944. 20 pp.
1914. .
Jazz In New York. London: Discographical Society, 1944. 24 pp.
1915. . New Orleans & Chicago Jazz. London: DiscograpMcal Society, 1944.
24 pp.
1916. Jones, Hinton. "Insists Jazz Is No Product of Machine Age, But Negroic,"
New York Times, Mar. 20, 1927, IX, 16 6. (A & A) :
1917. Jones, Isham. "American Dance Music Is Not Jazz," Etude, XLII (Aug., 1924),
526. (A & A)
1918. Jones, Max. Jazz Photo Album. London: British Yearbooks, 1947. 96 pp.
1919. . "Ferdinand Joseph Morton A Biography," Jazz Music, II (Feb.-
Mar., 1944), 86-101. (Pers)
1920. (Ed). Folk: Review of Peoplis Music, Part J. London: Jazz Music
Books, 1945. 32 pp.
1921. ,
and Albert McCarthy (Eds). Jazz Review. London: Jazz Music Books,
68 A Bibliography of Jazz
1922. Jones, Max. A Tribute to Buddie Ledbetter. London: Jazz Music Books, 1946.
26 pp. (Pers)
1923. Jones, S. Turner. "Appreciation Through Jazz," Educational Music Magazine,
XX (Jan.-Feb.,
1941), 53. (Infl)
of American Composers Reveal Relation of
1924. Judson, Arthur L. 'Works
Ragtime to Art-Song," Musical America, XV
(Dec. 2, 1911), 29. (A A, Rag) &
1925. K. W. G. "Popular Music in the School Room," Educational Music Magazine,
XX (Nov.-Dec., 1940), 19. (A & A, Ed)
Louis Arm-
1926. Kahn, H. "Bebop ? One Long Search
For the
Right Note, Says
strong," Melody Maker, XXV
(Nov. 12, 1949), 3. (Bop)
fallen, Horace M.
1927.. Kallen, JVL.
"Swing as burreaust
"bwing norace M.
Surrealist Music," in Horace m. j^auen.
Kallen. Art and .
1950), 6. (Ork)
1929. . "Stan Turns Minneapolis 'Innovations' Into Music Appreciation Ses-
sion," Beat, XVII (Apr. 21, 1950), 14. (Grit)
1930. Kaplan, Charles. "Edmond Hall," Jazz Session, 5 (Jan.-Feb., 1945), 2, 17.
1931. Karberg, Paul F. "Joe Sanders and His Nighthawks," Swing Music (May-
June, 1936), 57-8. (Ork)
1932. Karoley, Mary E. "Sidney Bechet," Jazz Information, II (Dec. 6, 1940), 8-16.
1933. Katz, Bernard and Lola Pergament. "Why They Go For Jazz," Parents'
Magazine, XXXVI (A & A, Infl)
(Jan., 1949), 30-1, 96-7.
1934. Kaufman, Helen L. "Blacks and Blues and Ragtime," in Helen L. Kaufman.
From Jehovah to Jazz. New York: Dodd Mead, 1937. pp. 240-54. (Bl, Rag)
.1935. "From Ragtime to Swing," Scholastic, XXXII (Apr. 30, 1938), 29-30,
man. From Jehovah to Jazz. New York: Dodd Mead, 1937. pp. 255-71- (A & A,
1937. Kaufman, Pete. "Champion Jack Dupree," Jazz Record, 58 (Sept., 1947),
24. (Pers)
1938. Kay; George W. "Ragged But Right," Record Changer, IX (Mar., 1950), 5,
(Disc, Rag)
1939. Kay, H. B. "8 To the Bar," Record Changer, VIII (May, 1949), 14, 20. (BW,
1940. Kaye, Joseph. "Says Jazz Would Galvanize American Opera," Musical
America, XXXVI (July 22, 1922), 23. (J & 0)
1941. Keartland, Eric F. "Discography of Tommy Ladnier," Jazz Forum, 3 (Jan.,
1947), 17-20. (Disc)
1942. . "Omer Simeon Discography," Hot Notes, II (Oct., 1947), 14-20. (Disc)
1943. Keepnews, Orrin. "The Big Band Period," Record Changer, IX (July-Aug.,
1950), 25-6. (Hist, Ork, Pers)
1944. .
'Changer' Editor Also Blasts Wolff," Down Beat, XVI (July 1 5, 1949)
12. (Crit)
See: 1947; 2070; 3294; 3295.
I945 . . "TheChesttmt St. Stompers," Record Changer, IX (Sept., 1950), 8. (Ork)
1946. . "Definition of Jazz," Record Changer, VII (Dec., 1948), 9. (Lang)
1947. . "Downbeat Article Forces A Restatement of Policy," Record Changer,
VIII (Aug., 1949), 5, 17. (Crit)
See: 1944; 2070; 3294; 3295.
. "The Evolution
1948. of Bop," Record Changer, VII (Mar., 1948), 9-10, 18.
(A &
A, Bop, Pers)
Entries 1922-1975
1949. Keepnews, Orrin. "Sonny Greer, Drums," Record Changer, VII (July, 1948),
14, 26. (Pers)
1950. .
"Roy King and His Komi-Kings," Record Changer, IX (May, 1950),
5. (Ork)
1951. .
"Lady Day Returns," Record Changer, VII (June, 1948), 8-9. (Pers, Pic)
1952. . "Thelonius Monk's Music May Be First Sign of Bebop's Legitimacy,"
Record Changer, VII (Apr., 1948), 5, 20. (A &
A, Bop, Pers)
. "On Piano:
1953. Joe Sullivan," Record Changer, VIII (May, 1949), 9-10,
22. (Pers)
" Orv
1954- Rhythm," Record Changer, VIII (Jan., 1949), 13, 21. (Ork, Pers)
1955. . "Sweet
Papa Jelly Roll," Record Changer, VII (Feb., 1948), 6-7. (Disc,
I95 6. . "The Tailgate Jazz Band," Record Changer, IX (Feb., 1950), 7, 16. (Ork)
1957. .
"Thompson's Thumpers," Record Changer, IX (Mar., 1950), 7, 19. (Ork)
I95 8. . "The Webfoot Jazz Band," Record Changer, IX (Apr., 1950), 7, 17.
I9S9 . . "Wilber's Wildcats," Record Changer, VII (May, 1948), 8-9. (Ork)
1960. Kellogg, J. F. "Benny Morton's Trombone Tips," Music and Rhythm, I (Apr.,
1941), 78-9. (Inst, Pers)
1961. Kempf, Paul, Jr. "Striking the Blue Note in Music," Musician, XXXIV
(Aug., 1929), 29. (Bl)
1962. Kendziora, Carl. "Behind the Cobwebs," Record Changer, VIII (Apr., 1949),
16, 24; (May, 1949), 12, 19; (June, 1949), 9, 16; (July, 1949), 11, 15; (Aug.,
1949), 8, i6;,(Sept., 1949), 15, 20; (Oct., 1949), 8, 15; (Nov., 1949), 23-4; (Dec.,
1949), 10, 19; IX (Jan., 1950), 10; (Feb., 1950), 8, 16; (Mar., 1950), 8; (Apr.,
1950), II ; (May, 1950), 10, 18; (June, 1950), 15, 17; (Nov., 1950), 13, 18;
(Dec., 1950), 6, 18. (Disc)
1963. .
"Benny Goodman Discography," Record Changer, VII (Apr., 1948),
9-10, 22-4; (May, 1948), 19-21; (June, 1948), 19-21; (July, 1948), 23-5; (Aug.,
1948), 16-18; (Sept., 1948), 17-18; (Oct., 1948), 17-18. (Disc)
1964: Kenton, Stan. "Sure, I Helped to Wreck the Dance Biz, Says Kenton," Down
Beat, XVII (May 19, 1950), i. (J.& D, Pers)
1965. Kers, Robert de. "Chronique de I'Orchestration," Hot Club Magazine, 4 (Apr.,
1946), 21 ; 5 (May, 1946), 21; 6 (June, 1946), 21. (Gen)
1966. Kidder, Margaret. "'Americana' in Paris," H. R. S. Society Rag, 4 (Jan.,
1939), 16-20. (Geog)
1967. Kiefner, Walter. "Singbewegung und Jazz," Singgemeinde, VIII (Aug.-Sept.,
1932), 162-69. (Infl)
1968. King, Alexander. "Benny Goodman," in George S. Rosenthal (Ed). Jazzways.
Cincinnati, 1946. pp. 42-5, 102. (Pers)
1969. Kingsley, Walter. "Enigmatic Folksongs of the Southern Underworld," Cur-
rent Opinion, LXVII (Sept., 1919), 165-66. (Bl, Pers)
1970. Kinnell, Bill (Ed). Jazz Orchestras. Chilwell, Notts.: 1946. 20 pp.
1971. Kirby, John. "My 10 Favorite Bass Players," Music and Rhythm, II (May,
1942), 10, 44. (Pers)
1972. Klemm, Gustav. "The Jargon of Jazz," Etude, LII (Aug., 1934), 455-56-
1973. Klonsky, Milton. "Along the Midway of Mass Culture," Partisan Review, XVI
(Apr., 1949), 362-64. (A & A)
1974. Knight, Vick. "How Many Zeds in Jazz," Esquire,XKVI (July, 1946), 104,
205-13. (Geog)
1975. Knowlton, Don. ^The Anatomy of Jazz," Harper's, CLII (Apr., 1926), 578-
Reprinted: Kendall B. Taft, and others (Eds). Contemporary Thought. New
ork: Houghton Mifflin, 1929. pp. 478-90. (A & A)
70 A Bibliography of Jazz
1976. Koebner, Franz Wolfgang. Jazz und Shimmy. Berlin: Eysler, 1921. 122 pp.
1977. Kolisch, Mitzi. "Jazz in High. Places," Independent,
CXVI (Apr. 10, 1926),
424. ( J C, J &
0) &
1978. Kolodin, Irving. "The Dance Band Business," Harper's, CLXXXIII (June,
1941), 72-82. (Gen)
1979. .
"Benny GoodmanIsn't Hungry Anymore," Music and Rhythm, II
1983. Koonce, Dave. "Late Jimmy Blanton Bassdom's Greatest," Metronome, LXII
(Aug., 1946), 48-9. (Pers)
1984. Korb, Arthur. How To Write Songs That Sell. New York: Greenberg, 1949.
179 pp.
1985. Kraeft, Norman. "Darnell Back to Music For Fifth Time," Down Beat, XV
(Dec. 29, 1948), 4. (Pers)
1986. Kramer, A. Walter. "Extols Ragtime Article," (lr)
New Republic, V (Dec. 4,
1915), 122. (Rag)
See: 824; 1065; 2288.
1987. . "I Do Not Think Jazz 'Belongs'," Singing, I (Sept., 1926), 13-14.
See: 1517; 1518.
1988. Kristensen, Sven M011er. Hvad Jazz Er. K0benhavn: .
Munksgaard, 1938.
94 pp.
1989. .
Jazzen Og Dens Problemer. K0benhavn: Anderson & Pedersen, 1946.
120 pp.
1990. Krupa, Gene. "Jazz Forum: Has Jazz Influenced the Symphony? No,"
(A & A, Infl, J & C)
Esquire, XXVII (Feb., 1947), 46, 118.
See: 969.
1991. . "Gene Krupa On Drummers," Metronome, LIX (Oct., 1943), 33, 67.
1992. .
"My Twelve Favorite Drummers," Music and Rhythm, II (Nov., 1941),
16. (Pers)
1993. Kyogoku, Takatoshi. "Jazz With a Classical Tint Rules Japan," Down Beat,
XV (Dec. i, 1948), 15. (Geog)
1994. L. "Jazz Analyzed," Commonweal, XXX
(Apr. 28, 1939), 22-3, (Rev)
1995. L. B. Unvarnished," Top Notes, I (May ip, 1930), 12. (J C) &
1996. Lachenbruch, Jerome. "Jazz and the Motion Picture," Metronome, XXXVIII
(Apr., 1922), 94. (A & A, Infl)
1997. Lafone, Peter. "Of Tenors, They're Top," Swing Music, 14 (Autumn, 1936),
19-20. (Pers)
1998. Lambert, Constant. "Jazz," Life and Letters, I (July, 1928), 124-31. (A & A,
. "The
1999. Spirit of Jazz," in Constant Lambert. Music Ho! London: Faber
and Faber, 1934. pp. 141-52. (A & A)
2003. Lang, Iain."The Background of the Blues," in Leonard Russell (Ed). The
Saturday Book 1941-42. London: Hutchinson, 1941. pp. 330-57. Expanded to:
Background of the Blues. London: Workers' Music Association, 1943. 55 pp.
Expanded to Jazz in Perspective; the Background of the Blues. London: Hutchin-
See: 2015; 2021; 2024; 2025; 2026; 2027; 2028; 3042; 3274.
2020. .
"'Jamming' With the Juniors," Christian Science Monitor Magazine,
Aug. 17, 1946, 6. (Ork)
2021. . "'Lab' Band Begins Rehersals," Down Beat, XVII (Jan. 13, 1950), I,
2. ( J & D, Ork)
See-. 2015; 2019; 2024; 2025; 2026; 2027; 2028; 3042; 3274.
2022. . "Mail Man Taught Tram to Harris," Down Beat, X
(Oct. 1, 1943), 15.
2023. .
"Pingatore's Band Had 7 Girl Singers," Metronome, LVII (Apr., 1941),
26. (Pers)
2024. ."Stevens Cuts for London," Down Beat, XVII (Mar. 10, 1950), 4.
(Disc, Ork)
See: 2015; 2019; 2021; 2025; 2026; 2027; 2028; 3042; 3274.
2025. .
"Roy Stevens Ork Pulls 800 First-Nighters to Dailey's Meadowbrook,"
Down Beat, XVII (Feb. 10, 1950), 1, 4. (J & D, Ork)
See: 2015; 2019; 2021; 2024; 2026; 2027; 2028; 3042; 3274.
72 A Bibliography of Jazz
2026. Lee,Amy. "Stevens Reviews Own Ork," Down Beat, XVII (Apr. 7, 1950), 2.
See: 2015; 2019; 2O2I 5
2024> 2O2 5> 2O2 7> 2028 > 34 2 3 2 74-
2027. . "Stevens Takes Stock as Dailey Date Nears End," Down Beat, XVII
(Mar. 24, 1950), 2, 16. (J & D, Ork)
See: 2015; 2019; 2021; 2024; 2025; 2026; 2028; 3042; 3274.
2028. "A Synopsis on Stevens to Date," Down Beat, XVII (Apr. 21, 1950),
10. (Ork)
See: 2015; 2019; 2O2 *; 2024; 2025; 2026; 2027; 3042; 3274.
2029. "Wettling Calls Chi. Jazz 'New Orleans'," Metronome, LVII (May, 1941),
22-3, 30. (Chi, Pers)
2030. .
"Wettling's Solid Tubbing Kicks With Any Size Ork," Down Beat, XI
(Feb. 15, 1944), 12. (Pers)
2031. . "Will
Keep Progressing: Woody," Down Beat, XVII (Nov. 3, 1950),
1, 2 > 3, 4- (Ork)
2032. Lee, George W. Beale Street, Where the Blues Began. New York: R. 0. Ballou,
1934. 296 pp.
2033. . River New York: Macauley, 1937. 275 pp.
2034. Leonard, Herm. "Picture Gallery," in Barry IJLanov and George Simon (Eds).
Jazz 1950. New York: Metronome, 1950. pp. 27-42. (Pic)
2035. Leonard, Howie. "Calls Pierce Band Tops in the East'," Down Beat, XVII
(Mar. 24, 1950), 14. (Ork)
2036. Levesque, Jacques-Henry. (Trans: John Garnett). "The Heart of Jazz," Jazz
Hot, IV (Feb.-Mar., 1938), 7, 9, n. (A A) &
2037. Levi, Ezio, and Gian Carlo Testoni. Introiuzione Alia V'era Musica Di Jazz.
Milan: Edizone Magazzino Musicale, 1938. 115 pp.
2038. Levick, A
M. B. "Free Trade in Jazz Becomes Mild Issue," New York Times,
Mar. 28, 1926, IX, 15 : i. (Gen)
2039. Levin, Alvin. "Four-Four Time on the High C's," Musician, XLIV (Mar.,
*939) 46, 55- (Hurt, Sw)
2040. .
"Swing Glories in Its Humble Origin," Musician, XLIV (Apr., 1939),
66, 68. (Sw)
2041. ."Swing Marches On," Musician, XLIV (Dec., 1939), 219. (Rev,
2042. Levin, Michael "Analyzing the Poll For 10 Year Period," Down Beat, XIV
(Jan. 15, 1947), I, 17. (Poll)
2043. . "Bad Year For Records, Says Mix," Down Beat, X (Jan. i, 1943), 8.
2044. . "Beat and Readers Come of Age," Down Beat, X (Jan. 15, 1943), 21.
2045. . "Burns' Work Seems Nearing a Fusion," Down Beat, XVI (Jan. 14,
1949), 2. (A&A, J&C)
2046. . "Calls
'Jazz Scene' Most Remarkable Album Ever," Down Beat, XVII
(Jan. 13, 1950), 14-15. (Disc)
2047. . "Duke Fuses Classical and
Jazz!" Down Beat, X
(Feb. 15, 1943), 12-13.
2048. .
"Ellington Fails to Top Himself!" Down Beat, XIII (Dec. 16, 1946),
2. (Crit, Ork)
2049. "Ellington Pleases Concert Crowd," Down Beat, XV
(Jan. 14, 1948), 3.
2050. . "Facts About the 1949 Band Poll," Down Beat, XVII (Jan. 13, 1950),
10. (Poll)
2051. . "Feather Does Good Job on Book, 'Inside Be-Bop'," Down Beat, XVI
(July 15, 1949), 8. (Rev)
Entries 2026-2077
2052. Levin, Michael. "'Coleman Hawkins One of Great Forces In Jazz 9 ," Down
Seat, XVII (Oct. 20, 1950), 2, 3, (Pers)
See: 768; 1809.
2053. . "Herman Herd Thrills Packed Carnegie Hall," Down Seat, XIII (Apr.
8, 1946), I, 15. (Crit, Ork)
2054. "Fatha Hines No Plaster-Footed Idol," Down Seat, XIV (Mar. 12,
1947), 18. (Pers)
2055. "J azz Is Neurotic Stan," Down Beat, XV (Jan. 14, 1948), I, 18-19.
(A & A, Bop)
2056. . "Lawrence Ork 'Pleasant Surprise'," Down Beat, XVII (Feb. 10, 1950),
5. (Crit, Ork)
2057, . "Mix Names Best Discs of Year," Down Beat, XVI (Dec. 30, 1949), 3.
2058. . "Most Bands Today Play Too Well Says Scott," Down Beat, IX
(May i, 1942), 4. (A & A)
2059. . "Noone's Energy vs BG's Finesse," Down Beat, IX (Oct. I, 1942), 8.
(A & A, Pers)
2060. . "Oscar Peterson Is One of Finest Things in Years: Mix," Down Beat,
XVII (Apr. 21, 1950), 5. (Pers)
2061. ."Reputation Shredded, Duke Should Disband," Down Beat, XVI
(June 17, 1949), i, 12. (Crit)
See: 929; 3270.
2062. . "Shaw's New Ork Proves 'Can't Turn Clock Back'," Down Seat, XVII
(Apr. 21, 1950), 8. (Crit, Ork)
2063. .
"Strings Are Dancedom's Daisy Mae!" Down Seat, XIII (June 17,
1946), 12-13. (Inst)
2064. .
"Thirty Years of Dancing in U.S." Down Seat, XVII (May 19, 1950),
2065. . "Tonne Not All Copa-Setic," Down Seat, XIV (June 18, 1947), 4. (Pers)
2066. . "Mel Torme Sings Just Like He Writes, Refreshing and Well," Down
Seat, XTV (Jan. I, 1947), 4. (Pers)
2067. "What Goes With Goodman ?" Down Seat, IX (Sept. 1, 1942), 8. (A &
A, Pers)
2068. .
"Why Did Mooney Quartet Fail ?" Down Beat, XVII (Feb. 10, 1950),
I, 19. (Ork)
2069. . "Alec Wilder
Replies to Charges of H. E. P.," Down Beat, IX (Aug. 15,
1942), 19. (Pers)
2070. . "Wolff's Article Is
Garbage," Down Seat, XVI (July 1, 1949), 1, 13. (Crit)
See: 1944; 1947; 3294; 3295.
Woody Hits Road After NYC Bow," Down Seat, XVII (June 2,
2071. .
16. (Crit,
2072. Levinson, Andre. "The Negro Dance Under European Eyes," Theatre Arts
Monthly, XI (Apr., 1927), 28^-93. Reprinted: Edith J. R. Isaacs (Ed). Theatre.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1927. pp. 235-45. (J & D)
2073. Levy, Newman. "The Jazz Formula," Modern Music, I (June, 1924), 24-5.
2074. "Towards Defining the Jazz Formula," Musical Digest, VI (July 8,
(A & A)
1924), 6.
2075. Lewerke, Jack. "Dave Dexter, Jr." Record Changer, VIII (Jan., 1949), 14.
2076. .
"1949 Dixieland Jubilee," Record Changer, VIII (Dec., 1949), 6-7.
(Crit, Dix)
2077. ,
and Albert M. Otto. "How Do Tou File Your Records ?" Record Cbanger9
VII (Oct., 1948), 8. (Disc)
74 A Bibliography of Jazz
2078. Lewis, Ted. "Denies Jazz Is Low Music," (lr) New York Times, Feb. 14, 1926
10:7. (Aft A)
2079. Liebling, Leonard. "The Crime of Ragtime," Musical Courier, LXXII (1916),
21-2. (Rag)
Variationettes," Musical Courier, LXXXIV (Mar. 30, 1922), 21. (Infl)
2080. .
2082. Lim, Harry. 'Way Down Yonder. . ." Metronome, LIX (Oct., 1943), 26, 38.
(NO, Pers)
2083. Litterscheid, Richard. "Das Ende des Jazz in Deutsciland," Die Musik,
XXVIII (Dec., 1935), 236-37. (Gen)
2084. "Nachruf Auf den Jazz," Die Musik, XXVIII (Jan., 1936), 321-27.
(A & A,
2085. Liuzza, Ted. "Satiny* a Natch in N. 0. Mardi Gras; B. 0. at {5,000,000,"
Variety, CLXXIII (Mar. 9, 1949), I, 63. (Pers)
&*: 18528; 495;
2086. Lloyd, Llewelyn C. "Jazz and the Modern Spirit," Monthly Musical Record,
(Nov., 1926), 327-28. (A A) &
2087. Loar, Lloyd. "Is Jazz' Constructive or Destructive ?" Melody, VIII (June,
1924), 3-4. (A A, Infl) &
2088. Locke, Alain L. "Blues and Worksongs," in Alain L. Locke. The
Negro and
His Music. Washington: Associates in Negro Folk Education, 1936. pp. 28-35.
"Classical Jazz and American Music," in Alain L. Locke. The
2089. Negro and
His Music. Washington: Associates in Negro Folk Education, 1936. pp. 106-17.
(J &Q
. "From
2090. Jazz to Jazz Classics," in Alain L. Locke. The Negro and His
Music. Washington: Associates in Negro Folk Education,
1936. pp. 93-105.
(A & A)
2091. "Jazz and the Jazz Age," in Alain L. Locke. The Negro and His Music.
Washington: Associates in Negro Folk Education, 1936. pp. 70-92. (A & A, Hist)
2092. "Ragtime and Musical Comedy," in Alain L. Locke. The Negro and His
VIII(Dec.i S , I94i),4.(A&A)
2097. "Sharon Pease Hits A Mean Groove Himself," Down Beat, IX (May I,
2103. Lomakin, Nicholas. Lomakin Pocket Fake List for Leaders, Musicians and
Singers. Pittsburg: N. Lomakin, 1944. 12 pp.
2104. Lomax, Alan. Mister Jetty Roll. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearse, 1950.
318 pp. (Pers)
2105. Lomax, John A. and Alan Lomax. Negro Folk Songs As Sung by Lead Belly.
New York: Macmillan, 1936. 242 pp.
2106. Long, Elizabeth Baker and Mary McKee. "Jazz Idiom," in Elizabeth Baker
Long and Mary McKee. A
Bibliography of Music For the Dance. Austin, 1936.
pp. 18-19. (J & D)
2107. Lopez, Vincent. "Contemporary Music," Collaborator, I (Sept., 1931), 5, 28.
2108. .''Vincent Lopez Comments on His Unique Experiment," Musical
Observer, XIII (May, 1924), 30. (Gen)
2109. .
"Lopez Speaking," Cottier's LXXVII (Mar. 13, 1926), 12-13. (Gen)
21 10. .(Ed: Mary Margaret McBride). "Lopez Speaking," Ladies' Home
Journal, XLVI (Mar., 1929), 12, 163. (Gen)
2111. Lorenz, Clarice. "Jazz tie Newest Musical Phenomenon," Melody, VIII
( July, 1924), 3-4. (A A) &
21 1 2. Love, William C. "Louis Armstrong's Discography," Jazz (New York), I
(Dec., 1943), 18-21. (Disc)
2113. "Johnny Dodds' Discography," Jazz (New York), I, no. 9 (n. d.),
23-6. (Disc)
2114. "Ma Rainey Discography," Jazz Information, II (Sept. 6, 1940), 9-14.
2115. Lowry, Helen Bullitt. "Putting the Music Into the Jazz," New York Times,
Feb. 19, 1922, III 8 : i. (A & A, Pers)
21 1 6. Lucas, John. "Dawn of Dixieland Famous Orks, Sidemen," Down Beat, XIII
(May 20, 1946), 12, 15; (June 17, 1946), 17, 23. Pt. II entitled: "Jazz Grows Up
to BG and Woody." (Dix, Hist)
2117. . "Follow the Bean, Saxmen's Aim," Down Seat, X (Feb. 15, 1943), 21.
2118. . "Great Piano Sparked Crosby Ork," Down Seat, X (Feb. I, 1943), 14.
2119. . "Hot Trumpets Come In Fours," Down Beat, IX (Oct. 15, 1942), 12.
2120. . "How Louis Has Influenced Jazz," Down Beat, XIV (Nov. 5, 1947), n.
(A & A, NO, Pers)
2X21. .
"Jazz Clarys, Henchmen of Kings," Down Beat, X (Mar. 15, 1943), 19.
21 22. . "Lots of Traditional Jazz Albums In Last I % Years," Down Beat, XVI
(Dec. 16, 1949), 3. (Disc)
2123. . "Lucas Hails Dixie Uprising," Down Beat, XVII (Nov. 3, 1950), 5.
(Dix, NO)
2124. .
"John Lucas Visits England," Down Beat, XVII (Sept 8, 1950), 15.
2125. ."1946-48 Era Produces 57 Significant Albums," Down Beat, XV
(June 2, 1948), 12. (Disc)
2126. .
"Nobody But Joe Venuti Would Think of Building Bonfire On the
Stand," Down Beat, X (Nov. I, 1943), 15. (Pers)
2127. . "Orleans
Jazz Greats a Real Who's Who," Down Seat, XII (Dec. 15,
1945), 12; XIII (Jan. i, 1946), 15; (Jan. 14, 1946), 14. Pt. II entitled: "Jazz
Clarinet and Tram New Orleans Perfected." Pt. HI entitled: "History of New
Orleans Jazz Greats Concluded." (Hist, NO, Pers)
2128. .
"Ragtime Revival," Record Changer, VII (Dec., 1948), 8. (Rag)
-4 Bibliography of Jazz
2136. MacKillop, Kenneth, Jr. "The Schillinger System," Down Beat, XVII (Sept.
22, 1950), 18; (Dec. 1, 1950), 8. (Gen)
2137. McAndrew, John. "Star Studded Shellac," Record Changer, IX (May, 1950),
14; (June, 1950), II ; (Oct., 1950), 10, 17; (Nov., 1950), 14, 18. (Disc)
Sir. 1078.
2138. McCarthy, Albert J. "Louis Armstrong; Discography," Record Changer, IX
(July-Aug., 1950), 37-42. (Disc)
2139. "Collectors' Notes," Jazz Forum, I (n. d.), 25-6. (Disc)
2140. "Discography of Big Bill Broonzy," Jazz Forum, 4 (Apr., 1947), 25-30.
2141. "Us Cherchaient Une Ville. . Notes Sur Les Styles Nouvelle-Orleans
. .
2144. .
"Jelly-Roll Morton Discography," Jazz Music, II (Feb.-Mar., 1944),
102-06. (Disc)
2145. .
"My Home Is A Southern Town," in Charles Harvey (Ed). Jazz Parody.
London: Spearman, 1948. pp. 57-61. (Fict)
2146. . "Ward Pinkett; A Neglected Jazz Great," Record Changer, VIII (Feb.,
1949), *3> 20. (Pers)
2147. ."Reflections on Leroy Carr," Jazz Forum, 4 (Apr., 1947), 13-14. (Persl.
2148. ."Report From Abroad," in George S. Rosenthal (Ed). Jazzways.
Cincinnati, 1946. pp. 4, 6-7. (Geog)
. The
2149. Trumpet In Jazz. London: Citizen Press, 1945. 82 pp.
2150. (Ed). The PL Yearbook of Jazz. London: Nicholson and Watson, 1946.
188 pp.
2151. , and Max Jones. Jazz Folio. London: Jazz Sociological Society, 1944.
24 pp.
2152. .
Jazz Miscellany. London: Jazz Sociological Society, 1944. 26pp.
2153. (Eds). Piano Jazz, No. I. London: Jazz Music Books, 1945. 28 pp.
2154. Piano Jazz No. 2. London: Jazz Music Books, 1945. 28 pp.
2155. McCord, Al G. "Cradle of Recorded Jazz," Record Changer, VIII (Mar., 1949),
6-7, 19. (Disc,, Hist)
2156. McCormick, Mack. "Chubby to Settle Down in Houston," Down Beat, XVII
(Feb. 24, 1950), i. (Pers)
2157. McCulloch, Lyle. "Intolerance and Jazz," Melody, VIII (Sept., 1924), 3.
(A oc A)
2158. Mclnnes, Graham Campbell. "Jazz," Canadian Forum,XV (Feb., 1936), 13-14.
(A & A, Hist)
Entries 2129-2183
2159. McMay, A. B. "A Defense of Jazz," New York limes, Sept. 18, 1926, 14: 7.
(A& A)
See: 15; 17; 165; 168; 233; 558; 559; 560; 2337; 3209.
2160. McKean, Gilbert. "Blues on 52nd Street," Esquire, XXIX (Jan., 1948), 91.
2161. . "French Hot Corner," Esquire, XXVII (Feb., 1947), 48, 154-55. (Geog)
2162. . "The Jazz Beat: The Best Band In the Land," Saturday Review of
Literature, XXXI (Apr. 24, 1948), 63. (NO, Ork)
2163. . "The Jazz Beat: Business in B," Saturday Review of Literature, XXXI
(Jan. 31, 1948), 50. (Disc)
2164. . "The Jazz Beat: Ellington the Nonpareil," Saturday Review of Litera-
ture, XXX (Nov. 29, 1947), 62. (Pers)
2165. . "The Jazz Beat: Memo: On Bebop," Saturday Review of Literature,
XXX (Aug. 30, 1947), sup. 18-19. (Bop, Disc)
2166. . "The Jazz Beat: Note on Small Bands," Saturday Review of Literature,
XXX (Sept. 27, 1947), 52. (Ork)
2167. ."The Jazz Beat: The Picaresque Ledbetter," Saturday Review of
Literature, XXX (Dec. 27, 1947), 47. (Pers)
2168. . "The Jazz Beat: The Progressive Movement," Saturday Review of
Literature, XXXI
(Aug. 28, 1948), 55. pise, Ork)
. "The
2169. Jazz Beat: Sic Transit Something or Other," Saturday Review of
Literature, XXXI (July 31, 1948), 52. (Gen)
. "The
2170. Jazz Beat: Snows of Yesterday," Saturday Review of Literature,
XXXI (Mar. 27, 1948), 53. (Gen)
2171. McKinley, Ray. "'Ooh, What You Said, Tex!'," Metronome, LXIII (Mar.,
1947), *9 39-4 1 - (Grit, Sw)
2172. McMahon, John R. "The Jazz Path of Degredation," Ladies' Home Journal,
XXXIX (Jan., J & D)
1922), 26, 71. (Infl,
2173. "Our Jazz-Spotted Middle West," Ladies9 Home Journal, XXXIX
2184. Maguire, Helena. "The Revolt Against Formalism," Musician, XXVII (Sept.,
1922), 26. (Infl)
2185. Maier, Guy. "Battle of Boogie Woogie," Etude, LXI (Nov., 1943), 710.
2186. Maine, Basil "For My Part," Musical Opinion, LV (Feb., 1932), 399. (A A) &
2187. Malkiel, Henrietta. "Scheherazade in West Virginia," Musical America, XLII
(Apr. 25, 1925), 3,26. (J&O)
2188. Mandeville, Ernest W. "Roger Wolfe Kahn From Riches to Rags," Outlook,
CXLIII (May 5, 1926), 34-6. (Pers)
2189. Manne, Shelly. "Track Star Manne After Own Band, Horse Farm," Down
Beat, XV (July 28, 1948), 18. (Pers)
2190. Manone, Wingy, and Paul Vandervoort II. Trumpet On the Wing. Garden
City: Doubleday, 1948. 256 pp.
2191. Mantler, J. Robert. "Red Beans Boston Style," Record Changer, VIII (May,
1949), 6-7- (Ork)
2192. Marcelli, N. "Unfortunate Trend in School Music," School and Society, LIX
(June 17, 1944), 428. (Infl, Sw)
2193. Margulis, Max. "RecordDate at Blue Note," Jazz Record, XX (May, 1944), 8-9.
2194. Marine, Robert. Robert Marine's Modern Method In Jazz Playing On the Violin.
New York: Robert Marine, 1927. 66 pp.
2195. Mario, Queena. "Confession of a Singer," New York Times, Mar. 31, 1927,
22 : 6. (Gen)
2196. Marshall, Kaiser. "Jimmy Harrisson," Jazz Hot, IV (Aug.-Sept., 1938), 3, 5.
2197. .
"Joe Smith," Jazz Hot, IV (Feb.-Mar., 1938), 12. (Pers)
2198. Martin, Donald. "The Origin of Boogie Woogie," Etude, LIX (July, 1941),
445,486. (BW)
2199. Martin, John. "Inquiry Into Boogie Woogie," New York Times Magazine,
July 16, 1944, 18, 46-7. (BW)
2200. Martin, Jose Reyes. Heroes of the
Jazz Age. New York: The Author, 1936.
212 pp.
2201. Mascagni, Pietro. "Tracizna
Jazzowa," Muzyka, VI (Mar. 20, 1929), 132-33.
(A & A, Infl)
2202. Maserow, Henry T.
"Jazz and South Africa," Jazz Forum, 4 (Apr., 1947), 12.
2203. Masin, Herman L. "Jazz Lovers' Paradise," Scholastic, XLIV (May r, 1944),
40, 42. (A & A, Ork)
2204. .
"Jive m
the Wax Works," Scholastic, XLVI
(Apr. 30, 1945), 32. (Disc)
2205. Mason, Daniel Gregory. "Concerning Ragtime," New Music Review and
Church Music Review, XVII
(Mar., 1918), 112-16. (Rag)
2206. . "Folk
Song and American Music," Musical Quarterly, IV (July, 1918),
323-32. (Rag)
See: 232.
2207. .
"Jazz For the Illiterate," American Mercury, LVII (Dec., 1943), 761.
(A & A)
See: 1324; 1325 52701.
2208. . "The Jazz Invasion," in Samuel Daniel Schmalhausen. Behold America.
New York: Farrar and Rinehart,
1931. pp. 499-513. (A & A, J & Q
2209. .
"Stravinsky As A Symptom," American Mercury, IV (Apr., r 1925),
46s-68.(A&A, J&C) .
See: 712.
2210. Mason, Jerry. "Man With Trumpet," New York Herald Tribune, May 30,
1943, IX, 10:3-4. (Pers)
Entries 2184-2241
2211. Mathews, Haydn M. Jazz Its Origin, Effect, Future," Flutist, V (Feb., 1924),
32-4. (Hist, Infl)
2212. Maxwell, Elsa. "Organized Dementia Praecox," New York Post, May 20,
1943, 12 : 1-2. (J & D, Pers)
2213. May, Earl Chapin. "The Reign of Reeds and Rhythm," Saturday Evening
Post, CXCVII (Jan. 10, 1925), 52, 54, 56. (A & A, Inst)
2214. . 'Where Jazz Comes From," Popular Mechanics, XLV (Jan., 1926),
97-102. (A & A, Hist)
2215. Meehan, Reg. "Til Go Back To Saloon If I Fail!',"A Down Beat, X (Feb. I,
1943), IS- (Ork)
2216. Melichar, Alois. "Walzer und Jazz," Die Musik, XX (Feb., 1928), 345-49.
2217. Mellers, W. H. "Searchlight on Tin Pan Alley," Scrutiny, VIII (Mar., 1940),
390-405. (Gen)
2218. Mellor, Richard N. 1000 and One Best Recordings. Aiiburndale, 1948. 51 pp.
2219. Mencken, H. L. "Music and Sin," in H. L. Mencken. Prejudices, Fifth Series.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1926. pp. 293-96. (Infl)
2220. Mendl, Robert William Sigismund. The Appeal of Jazz. London: P. Allan,
1927. 186 pp.
2221. Merriam, Alan. "The Dilemma of the Jazz Student Today," Record Changer,
VIII (Nov., 1949), 8, 27. (Ed, Gen)
2222. "Jazz University," Record Changer, IX (Mar., 1950), n, 12. (Ed)
388 pp.
2229. Mila, Massimo. "Jazz Hot," Pan, IV (Jan., 1935), 84-96. (Ork)
2230. Milhaud, Darius. "Development of the Jazz Band, and North American Negro
Music," Metronome, XLI (Dec. 15, 1925), 15-16. (A & A, Inst)
2231. . "Die
Entwicklung der Jazz-band und die Nordamerikanische Neger-
musik," Musikblatter des Anbruch, VII (Apr., 1925), 200-05. (A A, Inst) &
2232. "The Jazz Band and Negro Music," Living Age, CCCXXIII (Oct. 18,
2242. Miller, Charles. "New Orleans in New York," New Republic, CXV (Nov. 25,
1946), 694. (Bl, Ork, Pers)
2243. . "'Round the Bend'," New Republic, CXVI (June 9, 1947), 33-4. (Gen,
2244. .
"Swing Nostalgia," New Republic, CXVI (May 12, 1947), 35. (Gen)
2245. .
"Twilight of the Dance Band,"
New Republic, CXVI (Mar. 17, 1947),
40. (Gen, Hist, Ork)
2246. Miller, Fred R. "Breaking
In a New Pair of Shoes," Jazz Record, 35 (Aug.,
1945), 9, 17. (A & A, Disc)
2247. . "Old Bunk
Opens in New York," New Republic, CXIII (Oct. 22, 1945),
528-29. (NO, Ork, Pers)
2248. Miller, H. M. "New American Music Drama of Redemption Utilizes Jazz,"
Musical America, XLI (Apr. II, 1925), 3. (J & 0)
2249. Miller, Paul Eduard.
"Are the White Chicagoans of the '2o's Overrated ? Yes,"
Music and Rhythm, II (Oct., 1941), 45, 57- (Chi)
See: 3196.
2250. . "Classics of Jazz," A Series on Famous Jazz Classics in Music and
Rhythm: (Disc)
"Black and Tan Fantasy," II (Sept., 1941), 34.
"Just A Mood," II (Apr., 1942), 35.
"Keep the Rhythm Going," II (June, 1941), 57.
"Mugging Lightly," II (Aug., 1941), 49.
"Radio Rhythm," II (May, 1941), 60.
"Reminiscing in Tempo," I (Feb., 1941), 36.
"Riverboat Shuffle," I (Mar., 1941), 78.
"Sugar Foot Stomp," I (Jan., 1941), 37.
"West End Blues," I (Apr., 1941), 39.
2263. Miller, Paul Eduard. "The Rhythm Section: Richard M. Jones: Forgotten
Man of Jazz," Esquire, XXIV (Dec., 1945), 191-96. (Pers)
See: 1398; 1399; 1400; 1410; 2262; 2264; 2877.
2264. . "The
Rhythm Section: Max Miller: Champion of Good Jazz," Esquire
XXIV (Sept., 1945), 82-3. (Pers)~
See: 1398; 1399; H00 H 10
; ;
22O 2 ; 226 35 2877.
2265. . "A Tribute to Bunny Berigan," Down Beat, IX (July i, 1942), 14. (Pers)
2266. "Where Is Small-Band Jazz Going?" Music
. and. Rhythm, II (Dec.,
See: 3204.
. "White
2267. Jazzmen Today Are Superior to Negroes," Music and Rhythm,
II (Aug., 1941), 24-5. (A & A, Pers)
2268. (Ed). Downbeats Yearbook of Swing. Chicago: Downbeat, 1939. 183 pp.
2269. .
Esquire's Jazz Book. New York: Smith & Durrell, 1944. 230 pp.
2270. .
Esquire's 194$ Jazz Book. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1945. 256 pp. New
York: Editions for the Armed Services, 1945. 352 pp.
2271. .
Esquire's 1946 Jazz Book. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1946. 201 pp.
2272. ,
and George Hoefer. "Chicago Jazz History," Esquire, XXV
(Feb., 1946),
51-5. (Chi, Hist)
2273. Miller, William H. "The Blues," Jazz (New York), I, no. 7 (n. d.), 17. (Poet)
2274. . "The Coming Era of Specialization," Reprints and Reflections, 4 (June,
1945), 2. (Disc)
2275. . A Discography of the "Little" Recording Companies. Victoria: William
H. Miller, 1943. 20 pp. (Disc)
2276. .
"Jumpin' Pete! A Short Tribute to Pete Brown," Jazz (New York), I,
no. 7 (n. d.), 8-9. (Pers)
2277. . "Max Kamir&ky," Jazz Quarterly, II (Summer, 1944), 16-18,26-8. (Pers)
2278. . The Little Discography. Melbourne: William H. Miller, 1945. 61 pp.
2279. (Ed). Three Brass: Floyd O'Brien, Maxie Kaminsky, Shorty Sherock.
Melbourne: William H. Miller, 1945. 8 pp. (Pers)
2280. Milligan, Harold Vincent. "From Rag-Time to Classical," Woman's Home
Companion, XLVI (Nov., 1919), 26. ( J & Q
2281. Mfflstein, Gilbert. "For Kicks," New Yorker, XXII (Mar. 9, 1946), 30-4, 36,
38, 40; (Mar. 16, 1946), 34-8, 41-3. (Disc, Pers)
2282. ."The Twilight of a Zany Street," New York Times, Jan. I, 1950, VI,
12-13, 22. (Pers)
2283. .
"Very Good Night," New York Times, Oct. 15, 1950, VI, 41. (Pers)
2284. Mitchell, Bruce. "Sam Donahue Band Tasty," Down Beat, XV
(Dec. 1, 1948),
2. (Ork)
2285. Mitchell, Charles H. "Louis Armstrong," (Ir) Disques, I (Nov., 1930), 387.
(Disc, Pers)
2286. Mitchell, Donald. "Kurt Weill's 'Dreigroschenoper' and German Cabaret-
Opera in the 1920*8,"
_. Chesterian, . XXV(July, 1950),
l-^. (J & 0)
Mhs e T. H. and the Crosby Style. Chicago: Who Is Who
See: 1096.
2290. Modlin, Jules. "Notes Towards a Definition of Jazz," Needle, I (June, 1944),
20-1. (A & A)
82 A Bibliography of Jazz
2291. Moerman, Ernst. "Louis Armstrong," in Nancy Cunard (Ed). Negro. London:
Wishart, 1934, p. 295. (Poet)
2292. Mohr, Kurt. Discographie du Jazz. Geneva: Robert Vuagnat, 1945. 84 pp.
2293. M011er, B0rge J. C. Dansk Jazz Discografi. Copenhagen: Artum Musikforlag,
1945. 94 pp.
2294. .
Parlophone Bio-Discografi. Copenhagen: A/S L. Irich's Bogtrykkeri,
1946. 64 pp.
2295. Montani, Nicola A. "Says Operatic and 'Jazz' Influence Contaminate Our
Sacred Music," Musical America, XXXII &
(Aug. 21, 1920), 24. (Infl, J O)
2296. Moon, Bucklin. "Books Noted: 'Jazz Directory'," Record, Changer, IX
I9SO), 7, 18. (Rev)
2297. . "Books Noted: "They All Played Ragtime'," Record Changer, IX (Dec.,
1950), II. (Rev)
2298. . "Kenneth Lloyd Bright," Record Changer, VIII (Feb., 1949), 16, 20.
2299. . "Frontiers of Jazz: Ralph de Toledano," Record Changer, VII (Feb.,
1948), 8. (Rev)
2300. . "Good Diggin'," Record Changer, VII (Sept., 1948), 13. (Rev)
2301. . "The Horn Behind the Blues," Record Changer, IX (July-Aug., 1950),
14. (Bl, Disc, Pers)
2302. . "Index to Jazz, Orin Blackstone," Record Changer, VII (June, 1948),
18. (Rev)
2 33- "Mahalia Jackson: A Great Gospel Singer," Record Clhanger, VIII
I049)> 15-I& (Pe)
2304. . "Mr.
Jelly Roll," Record Changer, IX (Sept., 1950), 5, 15. (Rev)
2 35- "The New Hot Discography: Charles Delaunay," Record Changer, VII
(Nov., 1948), 15. (Rev)
, and Kenneth Lloyd Bright. "Last of the Tubas," Record
2306. Changer, VII
(May, 1948), n-12, 24. (Pers)
2 37- 9 and Ross Russell "Jazz : A
People's Music Sidney Finkelstein," Record
W. C. Handy (Ed). A Treasury of the Blues. New York: Charles Boni, 1949. PP-
1926), 9-32. (A & A, Bl, Hist)
2347. Niles, Abbe. "The Ewe Lamb of Widow Jazz,'* New Republic, XLIX (Dec. 20,
164-66. (Aft A, J&Q
2348. .
"Jazz 1928: AJI Index Expurgatorius," Bookman, LXVIII (Jan., 1929),
570-72. (Disc)
2349. "Lady Jazz in the Vestibule," New Republic,
. XLV (Dec. 23, 1925),
138-39. (A & A, J & C)
2350. "A Note on Gershwin," Nation,
. CXXVIII (Feb. 13, 1929), 193-94.
(A & A, Pers)
2351. "Sour Notes on Sweet Songs,"
. New Republic, L (Feb. 23, 1927), 19-20.
2352. Niles, John J. "Shout, Coon, Shout!" Musical Quarterly, XVI (Oct., 1930),
516-30. (Bl, Hist)
2353. Noble, HoUister. "Jazz Feels Surge of a Higher Order," New York Times
Magazine, Mar. 15, 1925, IV, 9. (A & A)
2354. "Sad, Raucous Blues Charm World Anew," New York Times, Sept. 26,
1926, IV, 2 : i, 16. (Bl)
2355. Noble, Peter. Transatlantic Jazz. London: Citizen, 1945. 96 pp.
2356. (Ed). Tearbook of Jazz. London: Citizen, 1945.
2357. NordeU, Rod. '"Danceable... Happy' Dixieland Jazz," Christian Science
Monitor Magazine, May 13, 1950, 16. (Dix, Pers)
2358. Norris, Frank. 'Wilder Hobson," H. R. S. Society Rag, 3 (Jan., 1939), 1-5.
(Pers, Rev)
2359. CTlie Killer-DiUer," Saturday Evening Post, CCX (May 7, 1938),
112, 113, 1 14. Reprinted: Ralph deToledano (Ed). Frontiers of Jazz. New York:
Oliver Durrell, 1947. pp. 148-61. (Ork, Pers)
2360. .
"Long Lives the King," Life, V
(Dec. 26, 1938), 48-53. (Pers, Pic)
2361. "The Music Goes 'Round and Around," New Republic,
29, 1936), 334-35- (A & A, Sw)
See: 1420.
2362. Oaldey, Helen. "Duke Ellington," Jazz Hot, 12 (Nov., 1936), 5-6. (Ork)
2 3 6 3- "Ellington to Offer 'ToneParallel'," Down Beat, X
(Jan. 15, 1943), 13.
2364. . "Frank Newton a POnyx Club," Jazz Hot, III (Aug.-Sept., 1937), u.
(Crit, Pers)
2365. Oathout, Melvin C. Bibliography of Jazz. Unpublished MS, Library of Con-
gress. 21 pp. (Bibl)
2366. Obispo, Simon (Bernard Heuvelmans). "L'Histoire Mysterieuse et Passionante
Jazz," Europe-Amerique, III (Nov. 20, 1947), 22-7; (Nov. 27, 1947), 20-3;
(Dec. 4, 1947), 18-22.
2367. Oehmler, Leo. "Ragtime," Musical Observer, XI (Sept., 1914), 14-15. (Infl,
2368. Offbeat. "Popular Records," New Yorker, XXI
(Nov. 24, 1945), 03-4. (Disc)
2369. O'Hara, John. "Take It!" New Republic, CI (Dec. 27, 1939), 287; CII (Feb. 12,
1940), 214-15. (Gen)
2370. Orem, Preston Ware. "Social Dancing and Its Music," Etude, LVI (July,
U Y'
2373. Ortiz Oderigo Nestor R. "Duke Ellington," El Sol, May 26, 1940, 9. (Pers)
2376. "Duke Ellington, Verdadero Rey del Jazz," La Razon, VI, no. 1905,
2377. . "En el Mundo del Jazz," Ritmo, XIX (Apr., 1949), 16; (May- June,
*949)> '95 (July-Aug., 1949), 19. (Gen)
2378. . "En el Mundo del
Jazz: Kid Rena Ha Fallecido en EE. UU." Ritmo,
XIX (Sept., 1949), 19. (Pers)
. "Una
2379. Expression Genuina del Folklore Negro: Los Blues," Pea y Lea,
IV (Mar. 17, 1949), 41-3, 60. (BI)
2380. . "Las Grandes Orquestas Interpretes de Blues," Ritmo y Melodia, V
(May, 1949), n. p. (BI, Pers)
2381. . "El Jazz y la Cultura Negra," Club de Ritmo, 28 (Aug., 1948), 1-2.
2382. . "El
Jazz y la Musica Folklorica Afroamericana," Ritmo y Melodia, IV
(Nov., 1947), n. p. (A & A)
. "El
2383. Jazz Ciudadano del Mundo," Vea y Lea, II (Oct. 14, 1948), 42-3,
54. (Hist)
2384. . "El
Jazz: Triunfo del Genio Musical del Negro," Vea y Lea, IV (Oct.,
1949), 19-21, 40-1, 60. (A & A, Hist, Infl)
2385. . "Lonnie
Johnson et la Guitare Dans le Jazz," Hot Club Magazine, 8
(Aug., 1946), 16-17. (Pc)
2386. "Musicos Blancos Interpretes de Blues," Ritmo y Melodia,
(Feb., V
1949), n. p. (BI, Pers)
2387. "Los Negros y el Jazz," Nosotros, VII (Apr., 1942), 71-5. (A & A)
2388. "Origen del Boogie Woogie," Vea y Lea, II (Mar. 4, 1948), 28, 40. (BW)
1947), n. p. (Pers)
2390. "Al Pratt in Buenos Aires," Playback, II (Aug., 1949), 5-6- (Geog)
(A & A, J & C)
. So This Is
2402. Jazz. Boston: Little, Brown, 1926. 258 pp.
2403. O'Steen, Alton. "Swing In the Classroom ?" Music Educator's Journal, XXV
(Feb., 1939), 25-7, (Ed, Sw)
2404. Otto, Albert S. "Dixieland Jubilee," Record Changer, VIII (Jan., 1949),
6-7. (Cm)
. "The Fabulous
2405. Collection," Record Changer, VIII (Apr*, 1949), 13-14.
86 A Bibliography of Jcasa
2412. . "The Story of Count Basic and His Band," Music and Rhythm, II
(Oct., 1941), 22-3, 57- (
rk> Pers)
24! 3. . "What's Wrong With Trombonists ?" Music and Rhythm, I (Jan., 1941)
17-21. (Disc, Pers)
2414. Pampel, Gottfried. "German Jazz Tries to Shuck Its Zickigkeit," Down Beat,
XV (Aug. 25, 1948), 7, (Geog)
2415. . "German Law Student Reveals Jazz' Status," Down Beat, XV (Apr. 7,
1948), 14. (Geog)
2416. Panassie, Hugues. "Alto Saxophonists," Jazz Hot, 13 (Dec., 1936), 3-6. (Pers)
2417. , "Louis
Armstrong," Presence Africaine, 4 (1948), 687-89. (Pers)
2418. , "Louis
Armstrong In the Past and Today," Jazz Information, II
(Feb. 21, 1941), 11-13. (Disc, Pers)
2419. has been omitted.
2420. , "Aural Evidence in Record Research," Jazzfinder, I (June, 1948),
15-16. (Disc, Gen)
2421. . "Count Basic and the Blues," Jazzjournal, I (Nov.,
1948), 2-4. (Bl, Pers)
2422. .
(Trans: Ian Munro Smyth). "A Call to Order," Jazz Hot, II (Sept.-
Oct., 1936), 5-6. (A & A)
2423. .
Discographie: Critique des Meitteurs Disques de Jazz. Geneva :-Ch. Gras-
set, 1948. 322 pp. (Disc)
2424. .
(Trans: Nicandra McCarthy). "Johnny Dodds," Jazz Forum, i
(n. d.),
24-5. (Pers)
2425. . Douze Annees dejazz (1927-1935) Souvenirs. Paris Correa, 1946. 281 pp.
2426. .
(Trans: Ian Munro-Smyth). "Andre Ekyan," Jazz Hot, 13 (Dec., 1936),
7-8. (Pers)
2427. .
"Teddy Hill's Orchestra," Jazz Hot, III (June- July, 1937), 3-4, 6. (Ork)
2428. .Histoire des Disques Swing. Geneva: Charles Grasset, 1944. 117 pp.
2429. . "Hot Musicians and Author's Rights," Jazz Hot, 13 (Dec., 1936), 9-8.
2430. .
(Trans: Margaret Kidder). "Impressions of America," Jazz Hot, V
(Feb.-Mar. 1939), 3, 5, 7, 9-10; (Apr.-May, 1939), 7-13. (Crit, Ork, Pers)
2431. . Le Jazz et la Danse," Formes et Couleurs, 4 (1948), n. p. ( J & D)
. "El
2432. Jazz y la Musica Clasica," Las Moradas, I, no. 2 (n. d.), 192-98.
2433- "Jazz-Hot," Revue Musicals, XIV (Feb., 1933), 152-55. (Disc)
2434. . "Le Jazz Hot," I? Edition Musicale Vvoante, III (Feb., 1930), 9-11.
(A & A, Disc)
243S- "Le Jazz 'Hot'," Revue Musicale, XI (June, 1930), 481-94. (A & A,
Disc, Pers)
2436. . Le Jazz Hot. Paris: Correa, 1934. 432 pp.
Reprinted as: Hot Jazz,""the
Guide to Swing Music. (Trans Lyle and Eleanor
: D _u New York: M. Wit-
mark, 1936. 363 pp.
Entries 2406-2462
2437. Panassie, Hugues. "Le Jazz Lukewarm," Saturday Review of Literature, XXX
Pec. 27, 1947), 39-40, 48. (A & A)
2438. "Looking at the World's Ace Swing Clarinetists," Metronome, LII
25-8. Reprinted: Ralph de Toledano (Ed). Frontiers of Jazz. New York: Oliver
Durrell, 1947. pp. 108-14. (Disc)
2441. .
"Jimmie Noone," Jazz Information, II (Mar. 21, 1941), 10-12, 30.
2442. .
(Ed: John D. Reid). 144 Hot Jazz Bluebird and Victor Records. Camden:
RCA, c. 1940. 43 pp. (Disc)
2443. . The Real Jazz. (Trans: Anne Sorelle Williams, and adapted by Charles
Edward Smith).New York: Smith & Durrell, 1942. 326 pp. Reprinted as: La
Veritable Musique de Jazz. Paris: R. Laffont, 1946. 298 pp. Condensed as: La
Musique de Jazz et le Swing. Paris: Correa, 1945. 172
2444. .
"Recordings of Tommy Ladnier; Milton Mezzrow," Jazz Hot, V (July-
Aug., 1939), 3-9; (Disc, Pers)
. Les Rois du
2445. Jazz, Notes Biograpbiques et Critiques Sur les Principaux
Musiciens de Jazz. Geneva: C. Grasset, 1944. 2 Pts., 252 pp.
. "Session Don
2446. Byas," Hot Club Magazine, 21 (Nov., 1947), II. (Disc,
2447. . "Session Tyree Glenn-Don Byas," Hot Club Magazine, 22 (Dec. I,
2450. .
"'Swinging the Blues'," Hot Club Magazine, ^ (Feb., 1946), 3, 5. (H,
2451. . "This Last Year's Best Recordings: 1937," Jazz Hot, IV (June- July,
1938), IS, 17- P^)
2452. . "Vive la Nouvelle Orleans," Saturday Review of Literature, XXXI
(June 26, 1948), (A & A) 50.
2453. "La Vraie Physionomie de la Musique de Jazz," Revue Musicale, XV
3te Hot, 8 (May, 1936), 3-55 9 (J U1*, 1936), 3-5. (Disc, Ork)
2455. .
"Teddy Weatherford," Jazz Hot, III (June- July, 1937), 9. (Pers)
2456. .
(Trans: Nicandra McCarthy). "Albert Wynn," Jazz Forum, 3 (Jan.,
1947), 13-14. (Pers)
2457. . and Andy Gurwitch. "Postwar Jazz in France," Saturday Review of
Literature, XXXI (Sept. 25, 1948), 51, 54. (Disc, Geog)
2458. Papo, Alfredo. "Le Jazz a Barcelone," Hot Club Magazine, 12 (Dec., 1946),
14. (Geog)
2459. Parker, D. C. "Its Vulgarity Lies Over the Land," Musical News, LXXIII
(Dec. i, 1928), 312. (A & A, J & Q
2460. . "The
Poverty of Jazz," Musical Standard, XXXVI (Aug. 9, 1930),
41-2. (A & A)
2461. Pascoli, Daniel. "France Rich in Young Musicians," in Oria Blackstone (Ed).
Jazz-finder '49. New Orleans: Orin Blackstone, 1949. pp. 31-6. (Geog)
2462. Patterson, Frank. "An Afternoon of Jazz," Musical Courier, LXXXVIII
--XVI"Bop Man Haig
(Apr. 8, 1949), 12. (Pers)
Serious Down
Well-Schooled," XVI (June Beat, 3,
-- "Dodo's Modern
(Oct. i, 1941), 16-17. (Pers)
. Given Pease
Style Is Down XIII
Analysis," Beat,
(Pec. 16,
1946), (Pers)
"English Gal's 88 Sparks Jazz Unit," XIV (June Beat, 4, 1947),
12. (Pers)
-- "Don
. Goes
Ewell New
'Back' to Rags," Down
Orleans XIII Beat,
4, 1946), 12. (Pers)
. One Most
"Fischer of Piano Men," Down
Versatile of XVII Beat, (Feb.
24, 1950), 12. (Pers)
-- . Was In New
"Froeba's First Training Down XIII
Orleans," Beat,
-- "Future
(Jan. i,
1946), 14. (Pers)
For Danny Kurd," Down
Brightens XIV Beat, (Mar. 26, 1947),
12. (Pers)
-- . A
"Erroll Garner, Down
Self-Trained, Creative 88er," XII Beat,
(Oct. i, 1945), 12. (Pers)
-- . Garner Does A Repeat Piano Example," Down
"Erroll XVII Beat,
(Apr. 21, 1950), 12. (Pers)
-- . Uses
"Guarnieri As Music
Various Styles Down XVI
Aids," Beat,
4, 1949), 12. (Pers)
-- "Hamp's
. Reared By Band," Down
Pianist X Beat, (Oct. I, 1943), 14,
-- "Health
17. (Pers)
. deo Brown
Better, For Comeback," Down
Set XII Beat,
1945), 12. (Pers)
-- "Horace
(July I,
. Band
Henderson's College Him To Top," Down
Started the
VII (Sept. i, 1940), 16. (Pers)
-- "Earl Hines 'Dean
. the Dance
of U.S. Down XVII
Pianists'," Beat,
1930), 12. (Pers)
-- "Ear
(Nov. 3,
-- "EarlHmes'PianoStyle,"MmV<W^
-- "'Keep That
(June, 1941), 84-5. (Pers)
. Bass Moving,'Says Smith," Down
Willie (the Lion) Beat,
IX (Feb. i, 1942), 16-17. (Pers)
Entries 2463-2517
2491. Pease, Sharon A. "Roy Krai Plays, Scores, Studies to Improve," Down Seat,
XV (Jan. 14, 1948), 12. (Pers)
2492. . "Lou
Levy One of Top Pianists In Bop Circles," Down Seat, XVI
(Aug. 26, 1949), 12. (Bop, Pers)
2493. . "Tom Lineham's Piano Style," Music and Rhythm, II (Jan., 1942),
3- (Pers)
2494. .
"Billy Maxted Studies Boogie Styles on Records," Down Beat, VIII
(Nov. i, 1941), 16. (Pers)
2495. .
"Mel, 25, Vet of More Than 9 Years in Music," Down Beat, XVI (Jan.
14, 1949), 14. (Pers)
. "Max Miller '88' Style, Harmonic Ideas Studied," Down XIII
2496. Beat,
(Mar. n, 1946), 14. (Pers)
2497. .
"Page Got Early Hints in 1937 Pease Columns," Down Beat, XV
(Dec. 15, 1948), 12. (Pers)
2498. .
"Avery Parrish 'Graduated' Into Erskine Hawkins* Band," Down
Beat, VIII (July I, 1941), 16. (Pers)
2499. . "Pianist
Inspired by Lombardo: Jimmy Rowles Then Turned to Teddy
Wilson," Down Beat, X
(Apr. I, 1943), 18. (Pers)
2500. . "Fats Pichon A
Video Star Now," Down Beat, XVII (Dec. I, 1950),
12. (Pers)
2501. . "Mel Powell Has Fuzz On His Chin, Perfect Pitch," Down Beat, VIII
(Sept. I, 1941), 16. (Pers)
2502. ."Sammy Price Career Colorful At All Times," Down Beat, XIII
(Apr. 22, 1946), 14. (Pers)
2503. . "Clarence Profit's Piano
Style," Music and Rhythm, II (Nov., 1941),
50. (Pers)
2504. .
"Ragtimer Ash, Busy With TV, Niteries, Radio," Down Beat, XVII
(June 2, 1950), 18. (Pers)
2505. . "'Rockin' Rhythm Pays Rocco Off," Down Beat, IX (Nov. I, 1942),
1 8. (Pers)
2506. . "Arnold Ross Busy With James & Wax," Down Beat, XIII (Oct. 7,
1946), 12. (Pers)
2507. ."Shearing Went Through Maze of Influence," Down Beat, XVII
(Jan. 13, 1950), 16. (Pers)
2508. .
"Taylor One of Creators Among Progressives," Down Beat, XVII
(Aug. 11, 1950), 12. (Pers)
2509. . "This
Guy Hops Around Like A Mexican Jumping Bean," Down Beat,
VII (Mar. i, 1940), 16. (Pers)
2510. "Training On Organ Gives Buddy Cole Unique Style on Box With
2528. Pesquinne, Blaise. "Le Blues, la Musique Negre des Villes; Naissance et
Avenir du Jazz," Revue Musicals, XV (Nov., 1934), 273-82. (M, Hist)
2529. "De Plmprovisation Dans
. le Jazz," Revue Musicale, XV (Sept.-Oct.,
1934), 177-88. (A & A)
2530. Peterson, Bill and Howard E. Penny. Good Diggin'. Portland: Portland Record
Collectors' Club, 1948. 80 pp.
2531. Petit, Georges. "Duke Ellington et Son Orchestre," Europe Nouvette, XVI
(Aug. 5, I933)> 74- (Crit, Ork)
2532. Petit, Raymond. "Forecast and Review," Modern Music, VII (Apr.-May,
1930), 37-8- (Rev)
2 533- Peyser, Ethel and Marion Bauer. "Jazz and the Dance," Pictorial Review,
XXVI (Aug., 1925), 92. (A & A)
2534. Poster, Herbert F. "Jazz Knocks in Vain At the Opera's Door," Musician,
XXXTV (Mar., 1929), 12, 30. (Crit, J & 0)
2535. Physter, George von. "Art a la Jazz," Record Changer, VII (Nov., 1948), 8-9.
2536. Pickering, Ruth. "The Economic Interpretation of Jazz," New Republic, XXVI
(May n, 1921), 323-24. (Gen, J & D)
2537. Pierce, Edwin H. "The Right Way and Wrong Way to Interpret Synco-
pation," Etude, XLIX (July, 1931), 472. (A & A)
2538. Pijper, Willem. De Quinten-Cirkel, Opstellen Over Muziek. Amsterdam: E.
Querido, 1929. 158 pp.
2539. Pimsleur, Solomon. "Jazzing the Classics," (lr) New York Times, Nov. 6,
93 2,IX,8:6.(J&Q
2540. Pinco, Joyce. "Music: Sweet Swing," (lr) New York Times, Feb. 19, 1939, IV,
9 :7.(Sw)
2541. Pinkett, M. Louise. "A Note on Ward Pinkett," Jazz Information, II (Nov.,
i%i), 39> 90. (Pers)
2542. Pitts, Leila Belle. "Modern Youth and His Musical Environment," Music
Educators' National Tearbook, XXX
(1939-40), 69-73. Reprinted: Music
Educator's Journal, XXVI (Oct., 1939), 18-19, 6 7-8 - ( & ) A A
See: 840.
2543. Podolsky, Edward. "Physical Effects of Musical Vibrations," Musician,
XLVII (May- June, 1942), 72. (Infl)
2544. Poling, James W. "Music After Midnight," Esquire, V (June, 1936), 92, 131,
132. (Hist, Sw)
Entries 2518-2571 m
2545. Poole, Gene. Encidoptdia de Swing. Buenos Aires: Academia Americana,
1939. 92 pp. (Lang)
2546. Porter, Keyes. "Jazz Is Different Today," Metronome, XLVII (Nov., 1931),
29, 40. (A & A)
2547. Poustochkine, C. "Le Livre de 'Mezz' Mesirow: Really the Blues," Hot Club
Magazine, 19 (Aug. 15, 1947), 14-15; 20 (Oct. i, 1947), 16; 21 (Nov., 1947),
13. (Pers, Rev)
2548. . Het
Vraagstukderjazzmuziek. Den Haag: J. P. Kruseman, 1948. 16 pp.
2549. Powell, Adam Clayton. "My Life With Hazel Scott," Ebony, IV (Jan,, 1949),
42-50. (Pers)
2550. Powers, J. F. "He Don't Plant Cotton," in Bucklin Moon (Ed). Primer For
White Folks. Garden City: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. pp. 236-45. Reprinted:
J. F. Powers. Prince of Darkness and Other Stories. Garden City: Doubleday,
Doran, 1947. pp. 101-17. (Fict)
2551. Praag, Joost van. "European Jazz Musicians," Swing Music, 14 (Autumn,
1936), 27-8. (Pers)
2552. "Bennie Goodman," Jazz Hot, 13 (Dec., 1936), 10-11. (Pers)
2553. (Trans: Ian Munro Smyth). "Jazz and Classical Music," Jazz Hot, V
(Jan.,i 939),5.(A&A,J&C)
2554. "Hilton Jefferson," Jazz Hot, 9 (June, 1936), 17. (Pers)
2555. "Frank Teschmaker," Jazz Hot, 8 (May, 1936), 9, 18. (A & A,Pers)
2556. (Trans: Ian Munro Smyth). "Mary Lou Williams and Andy Kirk's
Orchestra," Jazz Hot, IV (Apr.-May, 1938), 4-7; (June- July, 1938), 4-7. (Ork,
2557. Pragma. "In the Key of X
and Why," Melody, X
(Feb., 1926), 3-4. (A & A)
2558. Preston, Denis. Mood Indigo. Egham, Surrey: Citizen Press, 1946. 84 pp.
2559. Preussner, Eberhard. "Germany's New Music Literature," Modern Music,
VII (Feb.-Mar., 1930), 38-41. (Rev)
2560. Pridgett, Thomas. "The Life of Ma Rainey," Jazz Information, II (Sept. 6,
1940), 8. (Pers)
2561. Priest, Dann. "The Real Jazz by Hugues Panassie," Jazz (New York), I,
no. 7 (n. d,), 10-11. (Rev)
2562. Priestly, J. B. "On Not Hearing Whiteman's Band," Saturday Review, CXLI
(May i, 1926), 566-67. (A A) &
2563. Prunieres, Henry. "Chansons et Jazz," Revue Musicale, XIII (Jan., 1932),
78. (Gen, Pers)
2564. "'Le Jazz Hot In Paris," New York Times, Sept. 4, 1932, IX, 6 : i.
(A & A, Geog)
2565. . "La Musique Par Disques," Revue Musicale, VII (Aug., 1926), 181-82.
2566. Quinlisk, Robert. "Jazz Classics," Jazz Information, II (Aug. 23, 1940), 14,
24; (Sept. 20, 1940), 15, 29; (Oct. 4, 1940), n, 21; (Oct. 25, 1940), 12-13;
(Dec. 20, 1940), n, 32-4; (Feb. 7, 1941), 15-18; (Feb. 21, 1941), 19-21 ; (Mar. 21,
1941), 26-8; (Nov., 1941), 64-6, 68-73, 75-83. (Disc)
2567. Rackett, Arthur. "Syncopatedragtimejazzdeliriumtremens/' Melody, IX
(Sept., 1925), 3-5, 28. (Crit, Rev)
2568. R-adzitzky, Carlos de. "Louis Armstrong Vu par Robert Goffin et Hugues
Panassie," Hot Club Magazine, 20 (Oct. i, 1947), 13. (Pers)
2569. "Bilan d'un Concert," Hot Club Magazine, 12 (Dec., 1946), lo-n. (Crit,
2570. . "Dixieland Jazz in Brussels, "Hot Club Magazine, 2 (Feb., 1946), 6-7.
(Dix, Geog)
2571. .
"Dizzy's Discussion," Hot Club Magazine, 17 (May, 1947), 3-5.
92 A Bibliography of Jazz
Club Magazine, u
-- "Un Grand (Nov., 1946), 3-5. (Pers)
.Musicien Disparait... JoeTricky Sam' Nanton," Hot
Club Magazine, 9 (Sept., 1946), 5. (Pers)
-- "The Gut Bucket Five," Hot Club Magazine, 9 (Sept., 1946), 7. (Ork)
-- "Art Hodes un.
"Jazz Abroad: Belgium," Jazz I (n. d.),
-- "k J k* Homines Forum, un
e azz et de Jean
d'Aujourd'hui, Essai Sur
15-16. (Geog)
le Jazz,
14-15. (Rev)
Books andMaga2ines,"^^C6^Af^^in^,4(Apr.,
-- .
"Les Livres: Jazzbook 1947, par A. McCarthy.
1946^), 14.
3- (Gen)
"Encyclopedic du Jazz," Jazz (Brussels), I (Mar., 1945), 12, 13; (Apr.,
1945), 12, 13; (May, 1945), 12-13; (J*ae> *945)> i*-i3; (J^7 I945)> I*~I3;
(Aug., 1945), 12-13; (Sept., 1945), 12-13; (Oct., 1945), 12-13; (Nov., 1945), 12-
13; (Dec., 1945), 12-13; (Jan., 1946), 12-13; II (Mar., 1946), 13-14- Hot Club
Magazine, I (Jan., 1946), 19; (Feb., 1946), 19; (Mar., 1946), 19; (Apr., 1946), 19;
(May, 1946), 19; (June, 1944 19; (July, 1946), 17; (Aug., 1946), 15; (Sept.,
1946), 15; (Oct., 1946), 14; II (Mar., 1947), 14, 18; (June, 1947), 15-16; (Aug. 15,
1947), 15; (Nov. I, 1947), 15, 17; (Dec. I, 1947), 16; III (May- June, 1948), 15.
-- .
"Encyclopedic du Jazz: Boogie-Woogie," Hot Club Magazine, 2 (Feb.,
1946), 19; 3 (Mar., 1946), 19.
"Jam-Sessions Chez 1'Ange Gabriel," Jazz (Brussels), I (Oct., 1945),
3, 6, 18.
2590. Raes, Jack. "Que Pensez-Vous de Be-bop?" Hot Club Magazine, 17 (May,
1947), n, 13-14. (Bop)
2591. Ramsey, Frederic, Jr. Chicago Documentary, Portrait of a Jazz Era. London:
Jazz Sociological Society, 1944. 32 pp.
. "Contraband
Jelly Roll," Saturday Review of Literature, XXXIII
2 593--- "Deep Sea
(Sept. 30, 1950), 64. (Disc)
Rider," in Charles Harvey (Ed). Jazz Parody. London:
1948. pp. 39-49. (Fict)
"Discollecting," in
S. Rosenthal
(Ed). Jamoays. Cincinnati,
2597. Randolph, John. "Dewey Jackson's St. Louis Jazz," Record Changer, IX
(Oct., I 95 o), 7, 16. (Ork, Pers)
-- . "The St. Louis Labels:
Harmograph and Herwin," Playback, II (Aug.,
2599. Rathaus, Karol. Jazzdammerung ?" Die Musik, XIX (Feb., 1927), 333-36.
2600. Ray, Harry. Les Grandes Figures du Jazz. Brussels: Les Cahiers Selection,
1945. 46 pp.
2601. Raymond, Joseph. "Jitterbug Bites Jumping Bean!" Down Beat, (Apr. i, X
943)> r S- (Geog, Infl)
2602. Razaf, Andy. "Fats Waller," Metronome, LX
(Jan., 1944), 16. (Pers)
2603. Reddick, L. D. "Dizzy Gillespie in Atlanta," Phylon (First Quarter, 1949),
44-9. (Bop, Grit, Pers)
2604. Redway, Jacques Wardlaw. "History of Term 'Jazz' Reviewed," New York
Times, Oct. 21, 1934, IV, 5 2. (Lang)
1-4. (Pers)
Magazine, May 9, 1943, 21 : 1-4. (Gen)
2616. -- .
"Harry James,"
. "The
Story of the Life of Gene Krupa," PM
Magazine, June 20, 1943,
16-20. (Pers)
2617. Riesenfeld, Hugo. "Music As a Vocation for Americans," Outlook, CXXXVIII
2654. Rosenfeld, Paul. "Jazz and Music: Music in America," in Paul Rosenfeld.
An Hour With American Music. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1929. pp. 11-27.
2655. . "Musical
Chronicle," Dial, LXXV
(Nov., 1923), 518-20. (Gen)
2656. Rosenkainer, Eugen. "Jazz," Osterreiscbe Musiker-Zeitung, (Nov. 16, XXXV
1927), 101-02. (A & A)
2657. Rosenkrantz, Timme. Jazz Profiler. Copenhagen: J. A.Hansen's Forlag, 1945.
15 pp.
2658. . "Den Stolteste Dag I Mit Liv," Politiken Magasinet, Oct. 30, 1949, 3, 4.
2659. .Swing Photo Album 1939. Copenhagen: Timme Rosenkrantz, 1939.
37 PP-
2660. Rosenthal, George S. (Ed). Jazzways. Cincinnati, 1946. 120 pp. Reprinted:
George 8. Rosenthal and Frank Zachery, in collaboration with Frederic Ramsey,
Jr. and Rudi Blesh. Jazzways: New York: Greenberg, 1947.
2661. Rosenwald, Hans. "Speaking of Music," Music News, XLII (Mar., 1950), 9;
(Apr., 1950), 24. (Infl)
2662. Rottweiler, Hektor. "Uber Jazz," Zeitscbrift fur Sozialforscbung, (1936), V
23S-S9- (A&A, Gen)
2663. Rowe, John. Record Information. London: Jazz Tempo, 1945. 24 pp.
2664. Trombone Jazz. London: Jazz Tempo, 1945. 32 pp.
2665. Focal Jazz. London: Jazz Tempo, 1945. 24 pp.
2666. , and Ted
Watson. Junkshoppers Discography. London Jazz Tempo,. :
*945- 36 pp.
2667. Rowland, Sam. "Debunking Swing," Esquire, VI (Aug., 1936), 79, ill.
(A & A, Sw)
2668. Rubba, Joseph V. "Much Ado About Swinging," Metronome, LII (Aug., 1936),
9, 10.(A & A, Sw)
2669. Rueth, Marion U. "Can We Tame the Boogie-Woogie Bogey ?" Etude, LXVI
(Jan., 1948), 14, 50. (BW)
2670. Rundell, Wyatt. Jazz Band. New York: Greenberg, 1935. 246 pp.
2671. Russell, Ross. "Be-Bop Instrumentation," Record Changer, VII (Nov., 1948),
12-13, 22-3. (A & A, Bop, Inst)
2672. .
"Be-Bop: Reed Instrumentation," Record Changer, VIII (Apr., 1949),
6-7, 20. (A & A, Bop, Inst, Pers)
2673. .
"Bop Horn: A Discography," Record Changer, VIII (Feb., 1949), 10.
"B & A,
2674. P Rhythm," Record Changer, VII (July, 1948), 11-13, 28. (A
Bop, Inst)
2675. "Brass Instrumentation in Be-Bop," Record Changer, VIII (Jan., 1949),
2677. "Grandfather of Hot Piano James P. Johnson," Jazz Information, II
(Nov., 1941), 20-4. Reprinted: Ralph de Toledano. (Ed). Frontiers of Jazz. New
York: Oliver Durrell, 1947. pp. 170-76. (Pers)
2678. Russell, William. "Louis Armstrong," in Frederic Ramsey, Jr. and Charles
Edward Smith (Eds). Jazzmen. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. pp. 119-42.
2679. "Boogie Woogie," Jazz Hot, IV (June- July, 1938), 11-12; (Aug.-Sept.,
1938), n. (BW, Pers)
2680. "Mutt Carey," Record Changer, VII (Nov., 1948), 7. (Pers)
2682. Russell, William. "Play That Thing, Mr. Johnny Dodds," Jazz Information,
II (Aug. 23, 1940), lo-u. (Pers)
2683. Rust, Brian, "The Fletcher Henderson Band," Jazz Journal, II (Nov., 1949),
4-5. (Ork, Pers)
2684. . "Ferdinand
Jelly-Roll Morton: A
Discography," Jazz Journal, II (Aug.,
1949), 6; (Sept., 1949), 12; (Oct., 1949), 12, 14. (Disc)
2685. Sachs-Herbert, Hirsch. "Dangers That Lie in Ragtime," Musical America,
XVI (Sept. 21, 1912), 8. (Gen, Rag)
2686. Saenger, Gustav. "The Ambitions of Jazz in Artistic Form," Musical Observer,
(Jan., 1926), 5. (J & C)
2687. "The Musical Possibilities of Rag-Time," Metronome, XIX (Mar., 1903),
(Apr., 1903), 8. (Rag) ^
2688. Saerchinger, Cesar. "Business Depression Hits German Concert Life," Musical
Courier, LXXXVI (Apr. 5, 1923), 23, 41. (J & C)
2689. . "Is Jazz Coming or Going?" Metronome, XLII (Feb. I, 1926), 20, 26.
(A & A, Hist)
2690. .
"Jazz," Musikblatter des Anbruch, VII (Apr., 1925), 205-10. (Inst,
Hist, J&Q
2691. Saija, Leandro. "Italy Now A Potpourri of Long-Sought Jazz Writing, Discs,
Music," Down Beat, XV (July 28, 1948), 16. (Geog)
2692. Sales, Robert B. "Junk Pile," Hobbies, XLVI (Sept., 1941), 32; (Oct., 1941),
33; (Nov., 1941), 31, 32; (Dec., 1941), 22; (Jan., 1942), 19-20; (Feb., 1942), 19;
XLVII (Mar., 1942), 13-14; (Apr., 1942), 14-15; (May, 1942), 14; (June, 1942),
20. (Disc, Gen)
2693. Salinger, J. D. "Blue Melody," Cosmopolitan CXXV
(Sept., 1948), 50, 112-19.
2694. Sanborn, Pitts. "Jazz Worship," Independent, CXII (May 10, 1924), 262.
(Gen, Hist)
2695. Sanders, George H. "Is 'Jazz' American Music ?" Collaborator, I (Sept., 1931),
10. (Gen)
2696. Sandor, Arpad. "American Music and Its Future," Musical Courier. (Tan. CX
26, 1 9 3S), 6. (A & A)
2697. Sanjek, RusselL"Bunny Berigan: He Is Either Very Good or Very Lousy,"
Music and Rhythm, I (Nov., 1940), 37-9. (Disc, Pers)
2698. "Barney Bigard: Clarinet Colossus," Needle, I (June, 1944), 6-9, 29-30.
2699. Sargant, Norman and Tom Sargant. "Negro-American Music Or the Origin of
Jazz," Musical Times, LXXII (July, 1931), 653-55; (Aug., 1931), 751-52;
(Sept., 1931), 847-48. (A & A, Hist)
2700. Sargeant, Winthrop. "Esquire's Jdzz Book," Musical Quarterly, XXXI (Jan.,
1945), 120-22. (Rev)
2701. . "Is Jazz Music?" American Mercury, LVII (Oct., 1043), 4.03-00. Re-
printed: Needle, I (July, 1944), 12-18. (A & A)
See: 1324; 1325 52207.
2702. .
"Jazz," in Nicolas Slonimsky (Ed). International Cyclopedia of
Music and Musicians. New York: Dodd. Mead, Ed.,> 104.6
** DD
Jtt" 806-000 *^
2703. Hot and Hybrid. New York: Arrow, 1938. 234
Jazz, pp. Revised Edition:
2706. Saunders, R. Crombie. "Jazz and the Future," Swing Music, 14 (Autumn,
u-i2. (A& A)
2707. Savage. "Tower Ticker," Chicago Daily Tribune, May 5, 1949, 27 : 2-3. (A &
A, Bop, Lang)
2708. "Tower Ticker," Chicago Daily Tribune, May 12, 1949, 12. (A & A, Chi,
Hist, NO)
2709. Savitt, Jan. "Music: Blues Banned," (Ir) New York Times, Sept. 24, 1939,
IV, 9 -.7. (Inn)
2710. Scarborough, Dorothy. "Blues," in Dorothy Scarborough. On the Trail of
Negro Folk Songs. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1925. pp. 264-80.
. "The Blues As
2711. Folksongs," Publications of the Texas Folklore Society,
no. 2 (1923), 52-66. Reprinted: Coffee in the Gourd. Dallas: Texas Folk-Lore
Society, 1935. pp. 52-66. (Bl)
2712. Schaaf, Edward. "Jazz and the Picture House," Musical Advance, XVI (May,
1929^3. (A&A,Infl)
2713. Schaap, Walter. "Claude Luter et Son Orchestre," Record Changer, VII
(Sept., 1948), 6-7, 19. (Ork, Pers)
2714. Schaeffner, Andre. "Jack Hylton et Son Jazz," Revue Musicale, IX (Feb.,
1928), 67-8. (A & A, Ork)
2715. . "Le
Jazz," Revue Musicale, IX (Nov. 1, 1927), 72-6. (A A) &
. "Romantisme du
2716. Jazz," Revue Musicale, VII (Oct. I, 1926), 221-24.
2717. ,
and Andre Coeuroy. "Die Romantik des Jazz," Awftakt, VI (1926),
218-21. (A & A)
2718. Schafer, KarL "Etwas von Komponieren im AUgemeinen und vom Jazz im
Besonderen," Deutsche Musiker-Zeitung, LVII (Mar. 20, 1926), 269. (A & A)
2719. Schauffler, Robert Haven. "Jazz May Be Lowbrow, But ..." Cottier's, LXXII
(Aug. 25, 1923), 10, 20. (Inst)
2720. .
"Jazz May Be Lowbrow, But ..." Melody, VII (Oct.-Nov., 1923), 5,
7-8. (Inst)
See: 404.
2721. . "Where Have I Heard That Tune Before ?" Collier's, LXXVIII (July 3,
1926), 16-17. (Infl > J & P)
2722. . "Who Invented Jazz ?" Collier's, LXXV (Jan. 3, 1925), 38. (Gen, J & C,
2723. Schawlow, Arthur and Clyde H. Clark. "Jazz In Canada," Jazz Forum, 3
(Jan., 1947), 11-12. (Geog)
2724. Schenck, John T. "The Colorful Saga of Darnell Howard," Jazz Session, 6
(Mar.-Apr., 1945), 2-3, 8-9, 16-17. (Pers)
. "Lament for
2725. Snags," Jazz Record, 55 (May, 1947), 18, 34. (Pers)
2726. . "Life
History of Voltaire de Faut," Jazz Session, 8 ( July-Aug., 1945),
2-3, 13. (Pers)
2727. Schenke, Jean-Gustave. "Reflexions Sur le Khythme du Plain-Chant et du
Jazz-Band," Courrier Musical, XXVI (Nov. 1, 1924), 516-17. (A A) &
2728. Schiedt, Duncan. "Fats in Retrospect," Record Changer, IX (Dec., 1950), 7, 16.
2729. . "Fats
Waller," Record Changer, IX (Sept., 1950), 7, 12. (Pers)
2730. Schildberger, Hermann. Jazz-Musik," Die Musik, XVII (Sept., 1925), 914-
23. (A & A)
2731. Schillinger, Joseph. "At Long Last Here It Is An Explanation of 'Swing*,"
Metronome, LVIII (July, 1942), 19, 23. (A&A, Sw)
2732. Schillinger, Mort. "Dizzy Gillespie's Style, Its Meaning Analyzed," Down
Beat, XIII (Feb. II, 1946), 14-15. (A&A, Bop, Pers)
98 A Bibliography of Jazz
2733. Schleman, WS.ton'SL. Rhythm On Record. London: Melody Maker, 1936. 333pp.
2734. Schloezer, Boris de. "Musique Negre,"
Revue Pleyel, 41 (Feb., 1927), 159-61.
2735. Schmitz, E. Robert. "Jazz," Franco-American
Musical Society Bulletin, III
(Man, 1924), 20-2. (A & A)
2736. Schneider, Hans. "EineLanzefurdie ]2azmusik"OsterreichischeMusiker-Zei-
tung,XXXV (June 16, 1927), 65-6. (A & A)
2737. Schoen, Ernst. "Jazz und Kunstmusik," Melos,
VI (Dec., 1927), 512-19.
(A & A, J C)&
2738. Scholes, Percy A. "Jazz, t^e B.B.C., and Popular Taste,"
Musical Times,
LXXVII (Sept., 1936), 831-32. (Gen)
2739. .
"Ragtime and Jazz," in Percy A. Scholes. The Oxford Companion to
Music. London: Oxford University Press, 1947. pp. 775-79- (A & A)
2740. Scholl,Warren W. "The Complete Discography of Bix Beiderbecke," Ameri-
can Music lover, III (Oct., 1937), 207-10; (Nov., 1937), 251-53, 276. (Disc)
2741. Schontag, Werner. "Lebendige Musik," Melos,
IX (Jan., 1930), 12-13.
2742. Schuck, Karl "Jazz in America," Melos, VIII (Sept.-Aug., 1929), 391-93.
2743. Schuloff, Erwin. "Eine Jazz-Affaire," Auftakt, V
(1925), 220-22. (A & A)
2744. . "Der Mondane
Tanz," Auftakt, IV (1924), 73-7. (J & D)
10-13. (A & A)
2757. .
"Many People Think Pm Whacky'," Music and Rhythm, II (Sept.,
1941), ii. (Pers)
2758. Sebastian, John. "From Spirituals to Swing," New Masses, XXX (Jan. 3,
1939), 28. (Hist, Pers)
2759. Scruggs, Anderson M. "Meditation on Swing," Hygeia, XIX (Mar., 1941), 195.
2760. Secor, Ethan A. "Just What Really Is Swing Music?" Etude, LVIII (Apr.,
1940), 240. (A & A, Sw)
Entries 2733-2788
2761. Seiber, Matyas. "Jazz als Erziehungsmittel," Melos, VII (Tune, 1928), 281-86.
(A & A, Ed)
" und Neue Musik," Melos IX
2762. .
Jazz-Instrumente, Jazz-Klang , (Mar.,
1930), i22r-26. (Inst)
2763. Seldes, Gilbert. "The Incomparable Bing," Esquire, XXI (Feb., 1944), 38 -
2764. .
"Jazz and Ballad," New Republic, XLIII (Aug. 5, 1925), 293-94. (A &
A, Pers)
2765. "Jazz Music Not Such an 'Enfant Terrible' After All But Clever
(Crit, J&O)
2767. "No More Swing ?" ScribneSs, C (Nov., 1936), 70-1. (A & A, Hist, Sw)
coration, XX
(Apr., 1924), 21. Reprinted as: "A Jazz 'Characterization',"
Etude, XLII (Sept., 1924), 596. (A & A, J & C)
2769. . "Shake Your
Feet, the Charleston," New Republic, XLIV (Nov. 4,
1925), 283, 284. (J & D)
2770. . "Torch Songs," New LXV (Nov. 19, 1930), 10-20.
Republic, (A & A)
2771. .
"Toujours Jazz," Dial, LXXV (Aug., 1923), 151-66. (A & A, Orfc,
2772. . "What Happened to Jazz ?" Saturday Evening Post, CXCIX (Jan. 22,
1927), 25, 102, 107. (A & A, Gen)
2773. Sem. "La Jazz-Band," Monde Musical, XXXIV
(Aug., 1923), 259-60. (Gen)
2774. Seton, Grace Thompson. "The Jazzing Japanese," Metronome, (July, XXXIX
1923), 52-4. (Geog, Infl)
2775. Sexton, Susie. "Paul Whiteman Made Jazz Contagious," American Magazine,
XCVII (June, 1924), 74-5. (Ork)
2776. Shain, Cy. "The Frisco Jazz Band," Jazz Record, 55 (May, 1947), 17. (Ork)
2777. Shane, Ted. "Song of the Cuckoo," Cottier's CXVIII (Oct. 5, 1946), 21, 94, 96.
2778. Shaw, Artie. "String Music Helps . . .
Keep Our Sanity!" Music and Rhythm,
II (Dec., 1941), 12. (A & A, Pers)
2779. *&& Bob Maxwell. "Music Is
> A
Business," Saturday Evening Post,
CCXII (Dec. 2, 1939), 14-15, 66-8. (Gen)
2780. Shaw, Billy. "Satchmo Knows the Secret of Grosses, Says Booker Shaw,"
Down Beat, XVII (July 14, 1950), 16. (Pers)
2781. Shelly, Low (Ed). Repeats Jive Talk Dictionary. Derby: T. W. 0. Charles,
1945. 50 pp. (Lang)
2782. Sherlock, Charles Reginald. "From Breakdown to Rag-Time," Cosmopolitan,
XXXI (Oct., 1901), 631-39 (Rag)
2783. Shirley, Peter. "Drink and Be Merry," in Charles Harvey (Ed). Jazz Parody.
London: Spearman, 1948. pp. 32-8. (Fict)
2784. "Sweet and Hot," in Charles Harvey
(Ed). Jazz Parody. London:
Spearman, 1948. pp. 92-8. (Fict)
2785. Shore, Dinah. "My Ten Favorite Vocalists," Music and Rhythm, II (Apr.,
1942), II, 48. (Pers)
2786. Shubarsky, Zachariah. "Jazz In the Schools," (lr)
New York Times, May 22,
1937, 14:6. (Ed)
See: 290.
2787. Shultz, William J. "Jazz," Nation, CXV
(Oct. 25, 1922), 438-39. (A & A)
2788. Sidran, Louis. "Esquire's All-American Jazz Band, 1947," Esquire, XXVII
(Feb., 1947), 45, 124. (Poll)
IOO A Bibliography of Jazz
2803. . "The Fabulous Dorseys," Metronome, LXIII (Mar., 1947), 15-16, 32-3.
2804. . "Farnesio Dutra e Silva," Metronome, LXIII (Oct., 1947), 20, 36-7.
(Geog, Pers)
2805. . "The Future of the
Record," in Barry Ulanov and George Simon (Eds).
Jazz 7950. New York: Metronome, 1950. pp. 74, 76, 78, 80, 82. (Disc)
2806. .
"Jerry Gray Strikes Back," Metronome, LXVI (June, 1950), 17, 33.
2807. . "He Has Great Pride As He Follows the Miller Style But ... He's Not
Following Glenn At AD," Metronome, LXIV (May, 1948), 15-16. (Pers)
2808. .
"History of the Year," in Barry Ulanov and George Simon (Eds). Jazz
jp5o. New York: Metronome, 1950. pp. 4-9. (Hist)
2809. "If Red McKenzie Had Only Been Younger," Metronome, LXIV (Mar,,
James," Metronome, LXIV (July, 1948), 12, 17. (A & A, Ork, Pers)
2815. "Stan Kenton," Metronome, LVII (Nov., 1941), 14, 46. (Ork)
2817. "The Last Time I Heard Paris," Metronome, LXIV (May, 1948), 21, 31.
2818. . "Elliot Lawrence Wants To Jump!" Metronome, LXIII (Oct., 1947),
18, 44-6. (Ork, Pers)
2819. . "Glenn Miller Precise," Metronome, LVIII (Jan., 1942), 10, 25. (Ork)
Entries 2789-2850
2834. "Up For the Count," Metronome, LXIV (Nov., 1948), 18, 23. (Ork, Pers)
2836. .
Who Played What and When With Herman," Metronome, LXI (Dec.,
1945), 36, 54. (Ork, Pers)
2837. Woody Returns!" Metronome, LXIII (Dec., 1947), 13-15, 27. (Ork)
2838. Simon, Henry W. "Benny Goodman Grows Long Hair," PM, Dec. 13, 1940,
13 : 1-2. (Pers)
2839. Sinatra, Frank. "Frank Sinatra On Singers," Metronome, LIX (Oct., 1943),
34, 72. (Pers)
2840. . "Sinatra on Ulanov on Crosby," Metronome, LXIV (June, 1948), 14*
2841. Singleton, Zutty. "I Remember the Queen," Jazz Record, 58 (Sept., 1947),
lo-n. (Pers)
2842. .
"Zutty First Saw Louis in Amateur Tent Show," Dawn Beat, XVII
(July 14, 1930), 6. (Hist, Pers)
2843. Sisson, Kenn. "Modern Masters of Music; The Arrangers," Metronome, LII
(Feb., 1936), 36; (Mar., 1936), 37; (Apr., 1936), 34; (May, 1936), 31-2; (June,
1936), 27; (Aug. 1936), 22; (Sept., 1936), 47-8; (Oct., 1936), 24. (Pers)
2844. Skaarup, Victor and Martin Goldstein. Jazz. Copenhagen: E. Pedersen's
Forlag, 1934. 128 pp.
2845. Skerret, Frank. "A Guy Called Joe," Jazz Journal, I (Oct., 1948), 10-11.
2846. Skinner, Frank. Frank Skinner's New Methods for Orchestra Scoring. New
York: Robbins, 1935. 171 pp.
2847. Skinner, Jane. "When Chubby Runs Wit, Wisdom and Great Musical Ac-
complishment Run With Him," Metronome, LXI (Dec., 1945), 28. (Pers)
2848. Skinrood, C. 0. "Eva Gauthier Silences Hissing of Jazz Songs in Milwaukee
Recital," Musical America, XXXIX
(Feb. 23, 1924), 13. (Crit)
2849. Sklar, George. 2"i* Ttoo Worlds of Johnny fruro. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947.
372 pp. (Fict)
2850. Slate, Lane. "It Smacks of Showmanship With Reference to Sidney Cat-
lett," Jazz Session, 5 (Jan.-Feb., 1945), 14-15. (Crit, Pers)
IO2 A Bibliography of Jazz
1941, 4 :
1-4; 15 :
1-3. (Pers)
"Blues New XCVI
2859. Stanzas," Republic, (Sept. 21, 1938), 184. (Poet)
2860. . "The Chicken and the Egg," Record Changer, VIII (Aug., 1949), 7, 17;
(Sept., 1949), 13-14, 19. Pt.
II entitled "From Jelly Roll to Bop." (A &
A, Hist,
See: 3002.
2861. .
'Collecting Hot," Esquire, I (Feb., 1934), 79. (A A, Disc) &
2862, .
"Collecting Hot: 1944," Esquire, XXI (Feb., 1944), 27, 98-100. (A & A,
2863. . "Cultural Anthropology and the Reformed Tramp," Record Changer,
VII (June, 1948), 11-12, 24. (A & A)
2864. .
"Esquire's Jazz Bookshelf," Esquire, XXIII (Feb., 1945), 73, 138-43.
2865. Folk Music, the Roots of Jazz," Saturday Review of Literature, XXXIII
(July 29, 1950), 35-6, 48. (Disc)
2866. . "Hard
Liquor and Hot Jazz," Stage, XIII (Mar., 1936), 58-9. (Gen)
2867. "Heat Wave," Stage, XII (Sept., 1935), 45-6. (Hist, Ork)
2868. .
"'Hitch-Hiking' Has Hurt Hot Music," Down Beat, VII (June 1, 1940),
5 ; (June 15, 1940), 8. Pt. II entitled "Is There Really a 'New Orleans' Formula ?"
2869. .
"Jazz; Some Little Known Aspects," Symposium, I (Oct., 1930), 502-
17). (A * A)
2870. .
"Key Men in Harlem Piano," Esquire, XXIV (Aug., 1945), 56-7, 120,
122, 124. (Pers)
2871. . "The
Making of a King," Record Changer, IX (July-Aug., 1950),
19-21, 45, 46. (Hist, Pers)
2872. .
Jelly Rott Morton's New Orleans Memories. New York: Consolidated
Records, n. d, 16 pp. (Pers, Disc)
2873. . "New Orleans Comes to New York," Esquire, XXV (Mar., 1946),
93-4, 14. (NO, Pers)
2874. .
"Oh, Mr. Jelly," Jazz Record, 17 (Feb., 1944), 8-ro. (Pers)
2875. . "Over My Shoulder," Record Changer, VII (Oct., 1948), 13-14. (Gen,
2876. . "The Rag Time," New York Times Book Review, Oct. 15, 1950, VII,
7. (Rev)
2877. ."The Rhythm Section," Esquire, XXV
(Jan., 1946), 123-24, 126.
See: 1398; 1399; 1400,- 1410; 2262; 2263; 2264.
2878. "Some Like It Hot," Esquire, V (Apr., 1936), 42, 186, 188. (Disc,
Hist, Pers)
2879. "Swing," New Republic, XCIV (Feb. 16, 1938), 39-41. (Hist, Sw)
Entries 2851-3906
2880. Smith, Charles Edward. "Time Out of Hand," Record Changer, IX (Jan.,
1950), II. (Pers)
2881. . "Two Ways of Improvising on a Tune," Down Seat, V (May, 1938), 5,
27. (Pers)
2882. "Clarence Williams," Record Changer, VII (Apr., 1948), 6-7. (Pers)
2883. with Frederic Ramsey, Jr., Charles Payne Rogers and William Russell.
The Jazz Record Book. New York: Smith & Durrell, 1942. 515 pp.
2884. Smith, David Stanley. "The Other Side of Jazz," New York Herald Tribune,
June i, 1924, VII-VIII, 20 : 1-2. (A & A)
2885. Smith, Dick. "Who Said Jazz Ended in Oliver's Time ?" Down Beat, IX
(Feb. 15, 1942), 8. (A & A)
2886. Smith, S. Stephenson. "The Gayer Arts," in S. Stephenson Smith. The Craft
of the Critic. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1931, pp. 279-96. (A A, Bl, J C) & &
2887. "Benny Goodman
1949," International Musician, XLVIII (Oct.,
I949)> iS-rf- CCrit> Pers)
2888. . "The Grand Duke of Jazz," International Musician, XLVIII (Dec.,
1949), 14, 34. (Pers)
2889. . "The
Saga of Tommy Dorsey," International Musician, XLVIII (Nov.,
1949), 16. (Pers)
2890. Soby, Olaf. Jazz Kontra Europaeisk Musikkultur. Copenhagen: Levin &'
Munksgaard, 1935. 96 pp.
2891. Sommer, Reinhold. "Gesellschaftstanz und Tanzmusik," Die Musik, XXVIII
(May, 1936), 588-90. (J&D)
2892. Sonner, Rudolf. "GroBstadtische Volksmusik," Deutsche Musikkultur, I
(June- July, 1936), 84-90. (Gen)
2893. ."Jazz" Schweizerische Musikzeitung, LXIX (Oct., 1929), 633-39.
(A & A)
2894. Musik. und Tanz; Vom KulUanz zum Jazz. Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer,
1930. 124 pp.
2895. Soria, Massimo. "Prolegomeni del Jazz," Rivista Musical* Italiana, XL
(1936), 126-30. (A & A, Sw)
2896. Spaeth, Sigmund. "Dixie, Harlem, and Tin Pan Alley," Scribner's, XCIX
(Jan., 1936), 23-6. (Pers)
2897. .
"Jazz Is Not Music," Forum, LXXX (Aug., 1928), 267-71. (A & A,
See: 331; 807; 843; 845.
2898. .
"Jazzmania," North American Review, CCXXV (May, 1928), 539-44.
(A & A, Gen, J&C)
2899. .
"Ragtime to Jazz," in Sigmund Spaeth. A
History of Popular Music
in America. New York: Random House, 1948. pp. 369-424. (Hist)
2900. Spalding, L. "The Jazzing of Masterpieces," (lr) Musical News and Herald,
LXV (Nov. 24, 1923), 462. (J&C)
2901. Spanier, Muggsy. "Louis My Idol and Inspiration: Spanier," Down Beat,
XVII (July 14, 1950), 4. (Hist, Pers)
2902. .
"Why I Left the Bob Crosby Band," Music and Rhythm, I (Apr., 1941),
12-13. (P ers)
2903. Sparling, Earl. "Debutante's Delight," American Magazine, CXXVII (Mar.,
*939)> 36-7> I09- 12 - ( rk > Pers)
2904. . "Ghost Writer of
Jazz," Scribner's, XC (Dec., 1931), 594-600. (Inst,
2905. Specht, Paul. "American Popular Music and Its Progress," Melody,
(July, 1924), 7. (Gen)
2906. . "Good Jazz and Bad," (lr)
New York Times, Jan. 29, 1925, 20: 8
104 A Bibliography of Jazz
2907. Specht, Paul. How They Became Name Bands. New York: Fine Arts, 1941.
175 pp.
2908. ."Yankee Jazz Abroad," Jacobs
Orchestra Monthly, XVIII (Oct.,
9 2 7)> 9- 10- ( Ge
J g)
2909. Spelberg, E.D. "Jazz," De Smidse, II (Sept., 1927), 264-72. (Gen)
2910. Spencer, Onah. "First Blues Disc Was Made by Mamie Smith," Down Beat,
viii (June 15, 1941), 8. (M, Pers)
2911. '"Hog Mouth Was So Powerful He Could Play Your Name'," Down
2914. . "Mamie Smith First Girl to Record Blues," Down Beat, VII (May 15,
1940), 13. (Bl)
2915, .
"Trumpeter Freddie Keppard Walked Out On Al Capone!" Music
and Rythm, II (June, 1941), 13-17. (Pers)
2916. Sperling, Grace Dickenson. "Jazz Our Race Emotion," Musical Observer,
XXV (July, 1926), 15, 30-1. (A A) &
2917. Spivak, Charlie. "The Jazz of the Future Is Going
To Be Sweet," Music
and Rhythm, II (Nov., 1941), 28. (A A) &
2918. Spry, Walter. "What Effect Has Jazz Upon Present Day Music
and Compo-
sers ?" Etude, XLV (June, 1927), 420. (A & A, Infl) .
2926. , and Mike Levin. "Says Hot Jazz Is Commercial," Down Beat, IX
(Aug. 15, 1942), 18-19. (A & A, Geog)
See: 1510.
2927. Staley, S. James. "Is It True What They Say About China ?" Metronome,
LII (Dec., 1936), 17, 47-8. (Geog)
2928. Stannard, Douglas. "The Negro and Tin Pan Alley," New Statesman and
Nation, XXI
(Jan. 25, 1941), 82-3. (A & A, Hist)
2929. Stearns, Marshall (Pseud: Guy Sykes). "Almost Fair Enough," H. R. S.
Society Rag, 3 (Jan., 1939), 6-7. (Crit, Pers)
2930. . "Critic
Rapped; Crowds Pleased," Down Beat, (Feb. 25, 1948), 16. XV
(Crit, Pers)
2931. .
"Rebop, Bebop, and Bop," Harper's, CC (Apr., 1950), 89-96. Discus-
sion: Harper's, CC (June, 1950), 21, 22, 24.
(A A, Bop, Hist) &
2932. Stege, Fritz. "Gibt es eine 'Deutsche Jazzkapelle' ?" Zeitschrift fur Instru-
mentenbau, LVI (May i, 1936), 251-53. (Gen)
2 933- '^er Yazz in AuBerungen unserer Zeitgenossen," Zeitschrift fur Musik,
XCVI (July, 1929), 410-11. (A & A)
Entries 2907-2962
2934. Steig, Arthur. "Jazz, Clock and Song of Our Anxiety," Jazz Forum, 1 (n. d.),
5-6. (A &A)
2935. Steig, Henry Anton. "Alligators' Idol," New Yorker, XIII (Apr. 17, 1937),
27-30, 32, 34- (Gen, Pers, Sw)
293 6. . "Gertie and the Pied Piper," Esquire, XXIII (Feb., 1945), 44-5,
123-25. (Fict)
. Send Me Down. New York: Alfred A.
2937. Knopf, 1941. 461 pp. London:
Jarrolds, 1943. (Fict)
2938. Stein, Ruth. "Buddy Stewart From Ballads to Scat Singing," Down Beat,
XIV (Nov. 5, 1947), 4-5. (Pers)
2939. Steiner, John. "Kansas City Frank," Jazz (New York), I, no. 8 (n. d.), 5-8. (Pers)
2940. Steinhard, Erich. "Whitemans Jazzorchester in Paris," Auftakt, VI (1926),
221-22. (Crit)
2941. Stevens, Paul. "Back Bay Boogie," American Magazine, CXXXVIII (Dec.,
1944), 46-7. (Ork)
2942. Steward, Ollie. "What Price Jazz!" Southern Workman, LXTV (Mar., 1935),
78-81. (A & A, Inn)
2943. Stewart-Baxter, Derrick. "Lovie Austin Discography," Playback, II (Aug.,
1949), 14-18. (Disc)
2944. . "The Australian
Jazz Band, Graeme Bell," Record Changer, VII (July,
1948), 8-9, 29. (Ork)
2945. .
"Buddy Bolden," Hot Club Magazine, 14 (Feb., 1947), 3-4. (Pers)
2946. . "Bunk
Johnson: An Appreciation," Jazz Journal, II (Sept., 1949),
2-3. (Pers)
2947. .
"Humphrey Lytdeton and His Band," Record Changer, VIII (Mar.,
1949), 8-9. (Geog, Ork, Pers)
. "Un Portrait Garland Wilson," Hot Club Magazine, 18 (June 15,
1947), 13-14. (Pers)
. "Words on
2949. Vocal-Blues," Jazz Journal, II (Jan., 1949), 2-3. (Bl)
2950. Stilwell, Arnold. "Oh Didn't He Ramble," Record Changer, VII (Nov., 1948),
n. (Gen)
2951. . Record
Dating Chart, Part I. New York: Record Changer, 1948. (Disc)
2952. Stine, Jack. "American Jazz, 1949," Jazz Journal, II (Oct., 1949), 4-5.
(A & A, Bop, Geog)
2953. Stjernberg, Lydia Nilsson. "Finding Merit In Jazz," (ir)
New York Times,
Oct. 20, 1934, 14 -.7. (Gen)
See: 589; 2604; 3159.
2954. Stoddard, Hope, "Don't Look Now But You're Improvising!" International
Musician, XLVIII (Dec., 1949), 15-16, 34. (A & A, Pers)
2955. Stolz, Ernst. "Jazzkultur," Attgemeine Musik-2*itung, LIII (Mar. 19, 1926),
225-26. (A & A, Crit)
2956. Stone, Richard. "Basic and Bop," Record Changer, VII (Dec., 1948), 10.
(Bop, Ork)
2957. Stout, Clarence. "Red-Light Piano Men," Music and Rhythm, I (Dec., 1940),
17-18. (Hist, Pers)
2958. Straight, Charley. "Straight Fired Bix In a Hurry!" Down Beat, VII (Oct. 15,
1940), 24. (Pers)
2959. Strate, Marvin W. "Swing What Is It ?" Musical America, LVI (May 25,
1936), 6-7. (A &
A, Sw)
2960. Straus, Henrietta. "Jazz and 'The Rhapsody In Blue'," Nation, CXVIII
(Mar. 5, 1924), 263. (A & A, Hist)
2961. .
"Marking the Miles," Nation, CXIV (Mar. 8, 1922), 292, 294. (J & C)
2962. Strayhorn, Billy. "Billy Strayhorn On Pianists," Metronome, LIX (Oct., 1943),
29, 66. (Pers)
1 06 A Bibliography of Jazz
2963. Stringham, Edwin J. Jazz' An Educational Problem," Musical Quarterly,
XII (Apr., 1926), 190-95. (A & A, Infl)
2964. Strunsky, Simeon. "In the Matter of Jazz," New York Times, Feb. 8, 1925,
III, 4. (A & A)
2965. Stuart, Dave. "Kid Ory," Jazz Information, II (Nov. 22, 1940), 5-8. (Pers)
2966. Stubbs, G. Edward (Ed). "Ecclesiastical Music," New Music Review, XXI
(Mar., 1922), 127-28. (Infl)
2967. Stuckenschmidt, H. H. "Hellenic Jazz," Modem Music, VII (Apr.-May,
1930), 22-4. (J&O)
2968. Studebaker, J. W. "The Age of Jazz," Journal of Education, CIX (Jan. 21,
1929), 68. (A & A)
2969. Swift, Vincent. "A Word In Favour of Jazz," Musical Standard, XXX
(July 30, 1927), 43-4. (A & A)
2970. Sylvester, Robert. "Barefoot Boy and His Band," Saturday Evening Post,
CCXVIII (May 18, 1946), 16-17, 52, 54, 56. (Ork, Pers)
2971. "Music Union Contends 15,000 Jazzmen Can't All Be Wrong,"
. New
York Daily News, Dec. 15, 1949, 81 : 1-2. (Gen)
2972. "OF Satch and Horn in Best Jazz Concert of Town Hall Series,"
. New
York Daily News, May 19, 1947, 31 : 1-2. (Crit)
2 973- "Some Showmanship Gives Hampton Band A Terrific Lift," New York
Daily News, Dec.
13, 1949, 85 : 1-2. (Crit)
2974. Talmadge, I. D. W. "Communism and Jazz," Music and Rhythm, I (Nov.,
1940), 27-8. (Geog)
2975. Tanner, Peter. "American Impressions No. I," Hot Club Magazine, 21 (Nov. I,
1947), 7-6- (Gen)
2976. "American Impressions No. 2," Hot Club Magazine, 22 (Dec. I, 1947),
2977- A
(T raixs: - Bettonville). "'Big Jim', L'Histoire de Jimmy Harrisson,"
Hot Club Magazine, 14 (Feb., 1947), 10. (Pers)
2978. "The British Scene," Record Changer, VII (Apr., 1948), 8-9. (Geog)
2988. Taylor, G. R. Stirling. "Political Music," Outlook, LVTI (June 12, 1026),
y "
420. (Infl)
2989. Taylor, Peter and Geoffrey HefflwelL "A Discography of Johnny Dodds," Jazz
Journal, II (May, 1949), 8; (June, 1949), 15; (Nov., 1949), 8. (Disc)
2990. Teagarden, Jack. "The Ten Greatest Trombone Players," Music and Rhythm
II (June, 1942), 14.
Moods on Canvas," Record Changer, IX
2991. Terry, Margo. "Jazz (Jan., 1950)' ^
8-9, 16. (Gen)
Entries 2965-3020
2992. Terry, Sir Richard. "Voodooism in Music," in Sir Richard Terry. Voodooism
in Music and Other Essays. London: Burns Gates & Washbourne, 1934. pp. 1-17.
(A & A, Infl)
2993. Thiele, Bob. "The Case of Jazz Music," Jan. (New York), I, no. 9 (n. d.)
& A,
19-20. (A Pers)
"Rod Cless," Jazz (New York), I, no. 8 (n. d.), 10-11. (Pers)
2995.Thomas, Lagniappe. "Jazz and G-String Keep New Orleans' Vieux Carre
From Being Old in Anything But Name," Holiday, VII (May, 1950), 6, 8-9, 10,
II. (Gen)
2996. Thompson, Bob. "Jazz! Chicago! Muggsy!" Record Changer, VII (Oct., 194.8),
II, 19. (Chi, Pers)
2997. Thompson, Kay C. "Improvisation: The Fact and the Fable," Record Changer,
VIII (June, 1949), S ,i S .(A&A)
-- "An Interview With Sidney Bechet," Record Changer, VIII (July
1949), 9-10. (Pers)
"Lottie Joplin," Record Changer, IX (Oct., 1950), 8, 18. (Pers)
-- .
8, 43. (Hist, Pers)
"More on Ragtime," Record Changer, VIII (Oct., 1949), 9-10, 14. (Rag)
-- .
"Rag-Time and Jelly Roll," Record Changer, VIII (Apr., 1949), 8, 23.
(A &
A, Pers, Rag)
See: 2860.
-- "The Western
Heritage of Jazz," Record Changer, IX (Apr., 1950), 8,
(A & A, Hist)
3004. Thompson, Oscar. "Jazz, As Art Music, Piles Failure on Failure," Musical
America, XLIII (Feb. 13, 1926), 3, 23. (A & A, J & C)
-- "Jazz As a Diversion and the Subsidence of Hopes That It Might Mean
a New Musical Force," New York Evening Post, Dec. 21, 1929, III, 1 1 1 ( J & C)
-- "Much-Bruited Jazz Concerto Causes Stir When Given Orchestral
: .
"Jazz," Mercury, II (Aug., 1924), 465-67. (A & A, Inst,
-- "Swing. Modern Again", Music, XV (Mar.-Apr., 1938), 160-66. (A & A,
-- "Swing
. Modern Music," Music, XIII (May- June, 1936), 12-17. (A & A,
3014. Thoorens, Leon. Essai Sur le
Jazz. Liege: L'Horizon Nouveau, 1942. 36 pp.
3015. Thornes, Vernon M. Swing Music Art. Dewsbury, Yorks. : 1943. 24 pp.
3016. Tflford, William Roberts. "Swing, Swing, Swing!" Etude, (Dec., 1937), LV
777-78, 835. (Lang, Sw)
3017. Tillotson, Frederic. "The Place of Jazz," (lr) Musical America, XXXIX
(Apr. 5, 1924), 10-11. (Gen)
3018. Toledano, Ralph de. "Autobiography in Tone," Saturday Review of Literature,
-- (Jan. 31, 1948), 47. (Disc, Pers)
."Directions of Jazz," in Ralph de Toledano (Ed). Frontiers of Jazz.
New York: Oliver Durrell, 1947. pp. 66-71. (A & A)
-- "Eugene .
Williams," Record Changer, VII (July, 1948), 1 8. (Pers)
IO8 A Sibliograpby of Jazz
3021. Toledano, Ralph de (Ed). Frontiers of Jazz. New York: Oliver Durrell, 1947.
178 pp.
3022. Toll, Ted. "Ellington Lauded As All Time Greatest," Down Seat, VII (Sept. i,
94)> 3- ( rk)
3023. . "Men Behind the Bands: Ben Homer," Down Beat, VIII (June 15,
1941), 20. (Pers)
3024. Tonks, Eric S. "Discography of the Original Dixieland Jazz Band," Jazz
Forum, i (n. d.), 28-9. (Disc)
3025. "The Luis Russell Orchestra," Jazz Journal, II (Jan., 1949), 6. (Ork)
3026. Tonne, Mel. "Of Singing and Singers," Metronome, LXVI (May, 1950), 21-2,
30-1, 32. (Inst)
3027. .
(As Told to "Tonne Raps None, Advises All," Down
Ted Hallock).
Beat, XV (Apr. (A Be A, Pers)
21, 1948), 2, 16, 23.
3028. Toscana Pouchan, Mario A. "Glimpse of Argentina," in Orin Blackstone (Ed).
Jazzfinder '49. New Orleans: Orin Blackstone, 1949. pp. 45-8. (Geog)
3029. Toye, Francis. "Ragtime: The New Tarantism," English Review,
XIII (Mar.,
1913), 654-58. (Infl, Rag)
3030. Tracy, Jack. "Alvin Adds to Dixie Revival," Down Beat, XVII (June 2,
1950), 2. (Dix, Ork)
3031. . "Basic Best of What's Left?" Down Beat, XVII (Jan. 13, 1950), 21.
(Crit, Ork)
3032. .
"Gfflespie's Crew Great Again, But May Break Up," Down Beat, XVII
(June 16, 1950), i. (Crit, Ork)
3033. . "Guitarist Farlow 'One of Jazz Greats'," Down Beat, XVII (Dec. 29,
1950), 2. (Pers)
3034. . "Herman Discography," Down Beat, XVII (Nov. 3, 1950), 19. (Disc)
3035. .
"Jazz Being Plagued By a Cult: Chubby Jackson," Down Beat, XVII
(Oct. 20, 1950), i, 19. (Gen, Pers)
3036. . "Make Jazz Respectable, Asks Rodney," Down Beat, XVII (June 2,
1950), 3. (Pers)
3037. .
"Mendez, At Age 6, Faced Firing Squad," Down Beat, XVII (Apr. 21,
I95)> 3- (Pe)
3038. . "Must Raise Standards of Jazz, Insists Miller," Down Beat, XVII
(Nov. 3, 1950), 13. (A & A, Pers)
3039. . "New Jazz Stars 'A Swinging Group'," Down Beat, XVII (Feb. 10,
I9SOX 3- (Cnt, Ork)
3040. . "Red Norvo Trio 'Astounding, Impeccable'," Down Beat, XVII
(Nov. 17, 1950), 4. (Crit, Ork)
3041. . "Please Note: Terry Gibbs Is No Girl," Down Beat, XVII (Mar. 10,
1950), 19. (Pers)
3042. . "Stevens Well On Way to Hitting the Top Echelon," Down Beat, XVII
(Sept. 22, 1950), 3. (J&D, Ork)
See: 2015; 2019; 2021; 2024; 2025; 2026; 2027; 2028; 3274.
3043. . '"Ventura Could Climb
Right to Top'," Down Beat, XVII (May 19,
1950), 23. (Crit, Ork)
3044. Traill, Sinclair. "Armstrong Completes His Half-Century of European Con-
certs," Melody Maker, XXV (Nov. 12, 1949), 2. (Crit)
3045. . "Britain
Bounces," in Orin Blackstone (Ed). Jazzfinder '49. New
Orleans: Orin Blackstone, 1949. pp. 37-9. (Geog)
. "Bennie
3046. Moten; Histoire et Discographie du Celebre Orchestre de
Kansas City," Hot Club Magazine, 25 (Mar., 1948), 8-9; 26 (Apr., 1948), 10-11.
PISC, Ork, Pers)
3047. .
Way Down Tonder. London: Parade, 1949. 256 pp. (Fict)
3048. . "When Buddha Smiled," Record Changer, YLll (Aug., 1949), 6, 15. (Disc)
Entries 30213075 IOQ
3049. Trazegnies, Jean de. "Tommy Dorsey," Hot Club Magazine, 5 (May, 1946),
10. (Ork)
1924), 653-55. Reprinted: Etude, XLII (Oct., 1924), 670. (A A, J C) & & .
3077. Ulanov, Barry. "The Blues For the Times," Esquire, XXIII (Feb., 1945),
27, 93. (Bl)
3078. . "Bud Is A Free Man," Metronome, LXIII (Oct., 1947), 17, 40. (Pers)
3079. . "A Call to Anns and Horns," Metronome, LXIII (Apr., 1947), 15, 44,
3080. . "The Clarinet Comes Back," Metronome, LXIII (Dec., 1947), 17, 41.
3081. . "Critics and Criticism," Metronome, LXIII (Dec. , 1947), 19, 32-5.
See: 1038.
3082. . "Tad Dameron," Metronome, LXIII (Aug., 1947), 24, 35. (Pers)
3083. . "Don't Fluff Benny Carter's Stuff," Metronome, LXII (Aug., 1946), 22.
3084. . Duke
Ellington. New York: Creative Age, 1946. 322 pp. Buenos Aires:
Editorial Estuardo, 1946. 400 pp. (Pers)
3085. . "An
Evening in Philadelphia," Metronome, LXVI (Aug., 1950), 34.
3086. . "File for the Future: the Page Cavanaugh Trio," Metronome, LXIII
(Feb., 1947), 24. (Ork)
3087. .
"Flying Hampton," Metronome, LIX (Dec., 1943), 14-15. (Ork)
3088. . "The Four Men Who Made Modern Jazz," in Barry Ulanov and George
Simon (Eds). Jazz 1950. New York: Metronome, 1950. pp. 19-22. (Pers)
3089. . "The Function of the Critic in Jazz," Metronome, LXV (Aug., 1949),
16-17. (Crit)
3090. . "The Function of the Musician," Metronome, LXV (Oct., 1949), 16,
26. (A & A)
. "Goffin: His Book on
3091. Jazz is Bumptiously Self-Righteous, Pits Jazz
vs.Swing, Though They're Both the Same Thing," Metronome, (Feb., 1944), LX
19, 32. (Rev)
3092. "Coffin's Horn Fluffs A-Plenty," Metronome, LXIII (July, 1947), 38.
3093. . "A History of Jazz," Metronome, LXVI (July, 1950), 18-19; (Aug.,
1950), 14-15, 20. (Hist)
3094. . "The Hot War," Metronome, LXIV (May, 1948), 17, 30-1. (Crit)
3095. . "The Human Sarah," Metronome, LXV (Oct., 1949), 11-12. (Pers)
3096. . "In the Mud," Metronome, LXVI (May, 1950), 50. (Gen)
3097. . The Incredible Crosby. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1948. 336 pp.
3098. . "It'sNot the Book, It's the Attitude!" Metronome, LVIII (Mar., 1942),
II. (Rev)
3099. .
"Jazz in Chicago," Metronome, LXVI (May, 1950), 26-7. (Ork)
3100. .
"Jazz in Los Angeles," Metronome, LXII (Aug., 1946), 19-21. (Geog,
3101. "Jazz in San Francisco," Metronome, LXIII (Feb., 1947), 26, 46. (Geog)
3102. "The Jukes Take Over Swing," American Mercury, LI (Oct., 1940),
3104. "LP," in Barry Ulanov and George Simon (Eds). Jam JP50. New York:
3107. . "Miles and Leo," Metronome, LXIII (July, 1947), 19. (Pers)
3108. . "Mr. B.," Metronome, LXVI (July, 1950), 13-14. (Pers)
3109. . "Mitch the Goose Man," Metronome, LXVI (July, 1950), 34. (Pers)
Entries 3077-3141 III
3110. Ulanow, Barry. "Musicians Are Not Dope Fiends," Metronome, LXIII (Aug.,
1947), 12-13. (Gen)
3111. . "New York Jazz 1930-1950," in Barry Ulanov and George Simon
(Eds). Jazz jp5o. New York: Metronome, 1950. pp. 48-55. (Hist)
3112. . "... No Business Like ..." Metronome, LXVI (Oct., 1950), 34. (Pers)
3113. . "Not Just A Singer's Singer But Everybody's", Metronome, LXIV
(Apr., 1948), 19, 30. (Pers)
3114. . "Panassie Book Draws Reverse Rave," Metronome, LIX (Feb., 1943),
14, 21. (Rev)
3115. . "Andre Previn," Metronome, LXII (Apr., 1946), 20-1. (Pers)
3II 6. .
"Righto!" Metronome, LXVI (Oct., 1950), 16-17, 29. (Geog)
3117. .
"Jan Savitt," Metronome, LXIV (Nov., 1948), 17. (Pers)
3118. .
"Shining Trumpets," Metronome, LXIII (Jan., 1947), 52-3. (Rev)
3119. . "Smart Alec," Metronome, LXIII (May, 1947), 16-17, 41-2. (Pers)
3!2o. . "The Sound; Stan Getz, That Is, and That's Cool }WL? Metronome,
LXVI (June, 1950), 13-14. (Pers)
3121. . "The
Square Bear," Metronome, LXIV (Apr., 1948), 15, 36. (Geog)
3122. . "Thanks, Mr. Redman, For Modern Style," Metronome, LVII (June,
1941), 20-1, 25-6. (Pers)
3123. . "Those Good Old
Days," Metronome, LXIV (June, 1948), 42. (Hist)
3x24. .
3' s No Crowd: The Trios Have Taken Over In a Big Way," Metronome,
LIX (Nov., 1943), 14-15. (Ork)
3125. . "A
Trip to Toronto," Metronome, LXIV (Mar., 1948), 20, 26. (Geog,
3 1 2 6. . "The Twain Meet," Metronome, LXIV (July, 1948), 15. (Ork)
3127. ."U.S. Dominates Canadian Jazz," Metronome, LVII (Sept., 1941),
16-17* 35- (Geog)
. "When
3128. Ralph Burns the Herman Band Is Fired By Brilliant Modern
Manuscript," Metronome, LXI (Dec., 1945), 26, 48. (Pers)
3I29 . "Where There's a Will
. There's a Classical Way," Metronome,
. . . LXIV
(July, 1948), II, 18-19. (Pers)
3! 30. .
"Woody's New Band," Metronome, LXIV (June, 1948), 15, 27. (Crit,
3131. , and Dave
Banks. "Jerks or Jocks?" Metronome, LXIV (Mar., 1948),
16-17, 30. (Pers)
3132. ,
and Stan Kenton. "Stan Kenton Joins the New Jazz Society," Met-
ronome, LXVI (May, 1950), 25, 49. (Gen)
3133. ,
and George Simon (Eds). Jazz 1950. New York: Metronome, 1950.
3134. Valdez, Ildefonso P. "A Note on Blues," in Nancy Cunard (Ed). Negro. Lon-
don: Wishart, 1934. p. 377. (Bl)
3135. Valentine, Gamewell. "Jazz and Syncopated Music," (Ir) Musical Courier,
LXXXVIII (Feb. 21, 1924), 51. (A & A)
3136. Vallas, Leon. "Lettre d'Amerique. IV-L'Apotheose du Jazz," L'Edition
Musicals Vivante, III (Oct., 1930), 12-15. (Crit)
3137. Vallee, Rudy. Vagabond, Dreams Come True. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1930.
262 pp.
3138. Vassenhove, L. van. "'Jonny' Ou Le Triomphe du Jazz," Courrier Musical,
(Mar. I, 1928), 142-43. (J 0) &
3139. Vechten, Carl van. "The Black Blues," Vanity Fair, XXIV (Aug., 1925), 57,
86, 92. (A & A, Bl, Pers)
3140. ."Memories of Bessie Smith," Jazz Record, 58 (Sept., 1947), 6-7, 29.
3141. .
Nigger Heaven. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1926. 286 pp. (Fict)
112 A Bibliography of Jazz
3142. Venables, R. G. V. "Britain's Webb, London Hot Club Fold Together," Down
Beat, XV
(Feb. 25, 1948), 15. (Geog)
3143. "Discography Frank Teschmaker," Jazz Forum, I (n. d.), 27-8. (Disc)
3!^ "A Discography of the Cotton Pickers, Tennessee Tooters and Allied
2 -1
I947)j '
3 r 46. . "Fidl Discography of Ben Pollack and Band," Down Beat, XIII (Jan.
14, 1946), 19. (Disc)
7. . "Ed Lang on Race Records," Jazz (New York), I (Dec., 1943), 6. (Disc)
8. . "The Story of Sterling Boze," Reprints and Reflections, 4 (June, 1945),
i. (Pers)
3149. ,
and Clifford Jones (Eds). Six. London: Discographical Society, 1945.
24 pp. (Pers)
3150. . Cream of the White Clarinetists. London: Dicographical Society, n. d.
16 pp. (Pers)
3151. .
Eye Witness Jazz. London: Discographical Society, 1946. 24 pp.
3152. ,
and C. W. Langston White. A Complete Discography of Red Nichols and
His Five Pennies. Melbourne: Australian Jazz Quarterly, 1946. 15 pp. (Disc)
3153. Reminting the Pennies. Tilford, Surrey: 1942. 8 pp.
3154. Ventura, Ray. "Non Le Jazz Ne Meurt Pas! II Evolue. ." VEdition Musicale .
3200. . "Is the White Cornet Style Dead? ? ?" Music and Rhythm, II (Apr.,
1942), 19-^0. (A & A)
A Bibliography of Jaxz
3201. Withe, Bob. "Gene Krapa Studied to be a Priest!" Music and Rhythm, II
(May, 1942), 17, 47. (Pers)
3202. ,
"The Story of Jack Teagarden," Music and Rhythm, II (Mar., 1942),
11-12, 46. (Pers)
3203. . "The Truth About Trombonists," Music and Rhythm, II (May, 1942),
i6> 36; (June, 1942), 24, 38. (Pers)
3204. . "Where Is Small-Band Jazz Going?" Music and Rhythm, II (Dec.,
1941), 18. (A & A)
3205. White, C. W. Langston and R. G. V. Venables. "Spike Hughes and His Or-
chestra," Jazz Journal, I (Oct., 1948), 4. (Disc)
3206. White, William A. "A Sage Looks at Swing," Time, XXXV
(May 20, 1940),
(A & A)
3207. Whiteman, Paul. "All-America Swing Band," Cottufs, CII (Sept. 10, 1938),
9-12, 63-4. (Pers)
. "How
3208. Jazz May Influence Modern Orchestras," in James Francis
Cooke. Great Men and Famous Musicians on the Art of Music. Philadelphia:
Theo. Presser, 1925. pp. 440-46. (Inst, Pers)
3209. . "In Defense of
Jazz and Its Makers," New York Times, Mar. 13, 1927,
See: 15; 17; 165; 168; 233; 558; 559; 560; 2337.
3210. (Ed: Myles Fellowes). "Keep Jazz Within Its Limits," Etude, LXII
3227. Williams, Eugene. "Lu Watters' Yerba Buena Band," Jazz Information, II
(Nov., 1941), 37-9. (Ork)
3228. ,
and Marili Stuart. "Papa Mutt Carey," Jazz (New York), I, no. 7
(n. i), 5-7- (P<* s)
3229. Williams, Ned E. "Woody, Gastel Split Up; Still on Friendly Terms," Down
Beat, XVII (June 16, 1950), i. (Gen)
3230. Williams, How to Build a Band and Make It Pay. Chicago: Down
Ralph Rex.
Beat, 1940. 1 88
3231. Williams, Richard. "Basic Swing-lish," House Beautiful, (Feb., LXXXVI
1944), 27, 94-5. (Lang)
3232. Williams, Stewart. Jazz in Chicago. Cardiff, Wales, 1946. 24 pp.
3233. (Ed). Jazz Information. Cardiff, Wales, 1945. 24 pp.
3234. Junking in the Land of Jazz. Cardiff, Wales: Tom Cundall, 1946. 16 pp.
3235. ,
and Brian Rust. Jazz in New Orleans. Cardiff, Wales, 1946. 28 pp.
3236. Williamson, Ken. Jazz Quiz. Durham City: Panda Publications, 1945. 24 pp.
3237. Willis, George. Little Boy Blues. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1947. 223 pp. (Fict)
3238. .
Tangleweed. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. 182 pp. (Fict)
3239. . The Wild Faun. New York: Greenberg, 1945. 179
I79pp. (Fi<;
pp. (Fict)
3240. Willmott^Peter.J'Jazz and Society," Jazz Forum, 3 (Jan., 1947)^ 16. (A &A)
3241. Wilson, EarL "The Brothers Dorsey Get Along With Their Friends, But
Not Each Other," New York Post, Jan. 19, 1942, 3 : 2-4. (Pers)
3242. "'Just Kidded Around', That's How Lena Home Got Film Job,"
. New
York Post, Dec. 1942, 42 : 2-3. (Pers)
3243. . "Artie Shaw, Intellectual of Swing, Sees Some Ghosts," New York
Post, Aug. 2, 1941, 3 :
1-7. (Pers)
3244. Wilson, Edmund. "The Jazz Problem," New Republic, XLV (Jan. 13, 1926),
217-19. (Crit, J & C, J & 0)
3245. .
"Shanty-Boy Ballads and Blues," New Republic, XLVII (July 14,
1926), 227-29. (Rev)
3246. Wilson, John S. "Anthony Shifts to Face New Situation," Down Beat, XVII
(May 19, 1950), 8. (Crit,Ork) J & D,
3247. "Armstrong Explains Stand Against Bop," Down Beat, XVI (Dec. 30,
195)> 3- (Crit)
3249. "Bop at End of Road, Says Dizzy," Down Beat, XVII (Sept. 8, 1950),
i. (Bop, Pers)
3250. "Brew Brews Bop on Pres Kick," Down Beat, XVI (July i, 1949), 7.
3251. "Can Good, Pleasant Band Like Gene Williams' Make A Living in
These Times ?" Down Beat, XVII (Aug. n, 1950), 2. (Crit, Ork)
3252. "Cesana Forms Jazz Symphony Ork," Down Beat, XVII (Aug. 23,
I950), 7- (Ork)
3253. .
"Charges Against Jazzmen 'Bear Unpleasant Truths'," Down Beat,
XVII (Jan. 27, 1950), i, 2. (Gen)
3254. . "Collectors' Item Dept.," Down Beat, XVII (Jan. 13, 1950), 3. (Gen)
3255. .
"Complete Break With Past: Stan," Down Beat, XVII (Jan. 27, 1950),
i, 3. (A & A, Pers)
3256. . "Cornell Fared Well With 'It Isn't Fair'," Down Beat, XVII (Sept. 22,
1950), 2. (Pers)
3257. .
"Jimmy Dorsey 'On Way Back'," Down Beat, XVII (Mar. 24, 1950),
3, 7. (Crit, Ork)
3258. . "Eileen Didn't Know What Was Comin'," Down Beat, XVII (June 16,
1950), 2. (Pers)
1 16 A Bibliography of Jazz
3259. Wilson, John S. "Flanagan Ork' Gives Every Indication of Being a Hit," Down
Seat, XVII (May 5, 1950), i, 19. (Ork)
3260. . "Freeman's Talents Blossom on TV," Down Beat, XVII (Aug. n,
1950), 4. (Pers)
3261. .
"Heywood Back, Won't Change Style'," Down Beat, XVII (Mar. 10,
1950), 8. (Pers)
3262. . "Peanuts Hucko Big Cog in New Joe Bushkin Unit," Down Beat,
XVII (Dec. 1, 1950), I, 19. (Ork, Pers)
3263. . "Interest in
Flanagan Booming," Down Beat, XVI (Dec. 2, 1949), 6.
3264. . "Israel Is 'Promised Laud' for Jazzmen," Down Beat, XVII (Nov. 3,
1950), 7. (Geog)
3265. .
JATP' To Make European Jaunt," Down Beat, XVII (June 2, 1950),
I. (Ork)
3266. .
"Buddy Johnson Shows How To Keep a Band Working," Down Beat,
XVII (Dec. 29, 1950), 4. (Ork)
3267. "Memphis 5 Gives Dixie a
. Needed Shot in the Arm," Down Beat, XVI
(July i, 1949), 18. (Crit, Ork)
3268. . "Art Mooney Back to Playing Music," Down Beat, XVII (June 16,
1950), 12. (Crit, Ork)
3269. . "New Outlook on Life: Tonne," Down Beat, XVII (Apr. 7, 1930), I.
3270. . "NYC Radio Forum Calls Mix Insincere, Irrelevant." Down Beat, XVI
(July 15, 1949), i, 19. (Crit)
See: 929; 2061.
3271. "Our Success Due to TV, Says Stone 5," Down Beat, XVII (June 16,
i 9S
3272. "Pastor Crew 'A Competent But Undistinguished Ork'," Down Beat,
3276. .
"Serge, Pres, Enroll Head Birdland Bill," Down Beat, XVII (Feb. 24,
I9SO), 3- (Crit)
3277. .
"'Square' Produces Condon TV Shot," Down Beat, XVI (July 29,
1949), i. l6 - (Ra<*)
3278. . "The Street Just a Dead Alley Again," Down Beat, XVII (Feb. 10,
1950), i. (Gen)
3279. . "Sullivan Piano Shines At N. Y. Dixieland
Bash," Down Beat, XVII
Apr. 21, 1950), 18. (Crit, Pers)
3280. "TD's One of the Finest Dance Bands in Country,"
. Down Beat, XVII
(Sept. 8, 1950), 3. (Crit, Ork)
3281. . "Ventura Makes Bid As Dance Ork at Arcadia," Down Beat, XVII
(Sept. 8, 1950), i. (Ork)
3282. . "Vocalist Lists Horrors of Singing With Band," Down Beat, XVII
(Apr. 7, 1950), 2. (Pers)
3283. . "Weston: What Became of Music?" Down Beat, XVI (Dec. 30, 1949),
7. (A & A)
3284. .
"Why Barnet Had to Break Up," Down Beat, XVI (Dec. 2, 1949), I.
Entries 3*59-3307
3285. Wimble, Ronald. "Swing, Sight and Sound," Swing Music, 14 (Autumn,
(A & A)
I936). 25, 89.
3286. Winance, Yvan. "Le Hot Club au Congo Beige!!!" (Ir) Hot Club Magazine,
18 (June 15, 1947), 18. (Geog)
3287. Winn, Edward R. "Ragtime Piano Playing," Cadenza, XXI (Mar., 1915),
6-7; (Apr., 1915), 4-6; (Mby, 1915), 2^4; (June, 1915), 3-4; XXII (July, 1915),
2^-4; (Aug., 1915), 3-55 (Sept., 1915), 3-4; (Oct., 1915), 3-4; (Nov., 1915), 3-4;
(Dec., 1915), 2-5 ; (Jan., 1916), 2^3; (Feb., 1916), 2-3; (Mar., 1916), 3-4; (Apr.
1916), 3; (May, 1916), 3; (June, 1916), 3; XXIII (July, 1916), 3-4; (Aug-> J 9^),
3; (Sept., 1916), 3-4; (Oct., 1916), 3-4. (Ed, Rag)
3288. Wister, Isabel. "Yes, I Teach 'Em Jazz," J?ft^,XLVI (Aug., 1928), 588. (Gen)
3289. Witmark, Isidore. The Story of the House of Witmark\ From Ragtime to Swing-
time. New York: Furman, 1939. 480 pp.
3290. Wolff, D. Leon. "Are Critics Jazz' Worst Enemy?" Down Beat, XIV (Apr. 9,
1947), 15-16. (Crit)
"'Big Bands Phooey!'" Down Beat, IX (Oct. 15, 1942), 21. (A & A)
-- .
. "Bix
Half-Baked, Johnny Dodds Corny, Tesch Out of Tune," Down
Beat, VIII (June i, 1941), 8, 20. (A & A)
See: 1753.
-- "The . Are Dead!" Music and Rytbm,
Blues II (Jan., 1942), 8, 50.
-- "Bop Nowhere, Armstrong A Myth," Down
(A A,
Just Beat, XVI (June 17,
1949), *> 19- (Crit)
See: 1944; 1947; 2070; 3295.
-- . "Mix Hits Hysterical High," Down Beat, XVI (July 29, 1949), 12.
See: 1944; 1947; 2070; 3294.
-- "Muggsy and Men Blow A
. Questionable Storm," Down Beat, XV (Feb.
-- "The(A &Most
II, 1948), 6.
. 10
A, Crit, Pers)
Underrated Jazzmen Picked By Critic," Down Beat, X
(Feb. i, 1943), 17. (Pers)
3298. WoUff, Perry. "How Can We
Justify Jazz To Those Who Don't Like It?"
Down Beat, VIII (Aug. 15, 1941), 20. (A A) &
3299. Wood, Jasper. "The Blues in His Heart," Jazz Record, 22 (July, 1944), 9, u.
. "Great Dixie Band is Discovered," Down Beat, XIV (Nov. 5, 1947), 6.
3301. Wooding, Samuel. "Eight Years Abroad With A Jazz Band," Etude, LVH
(Apr., 1939), 233-34, 282- (Hist, Ork)
3302. Woodruff, Duane. "Barney Bigard Has Been Among the Topnotchers For 14
Years," Music and Ryihm, II (June, 1941), 52-5. (Disc, Pers)
-- . "Coleman Hawkins Is
Declining!" Music and Rhythm, I (Dec., 1940),
27-30. (Disc, Pers)
3304. Woodson, C. G. "Book Reviews," Journal of Negro History, XXXII (Apr.,
1947), 249-50. (Rev)
3305. Woodward, Elizabeth (Ed). "Shaggin'OnDown!" Ladies' Home Journal, LV
(Feb., 1938), 6. (J&D, Pic)
3306. Woolf, S. J. "Toscanini's Ideas on Music Old and New," New York Times,
Apr. 15, 1928, V, 3, 23. (A & A)
3307. WooHcott, Alexander. "The Story of Irving Berlin," Saturday Evening Post,
CXCVII (Jan. 24, 1925), 6-7, 113-14; (Jan- 3* I9 2 5)> i6-i7> *34 137-3; (Feb.
7, 1925), 32, 34, 174, 177-78; (Feb. 14, 1925), 26-7, 50, 52, 55; (Feb. 21, 1925),
34, 36, 96, 99, 101. Reprinted: The Story of Irving Berlin. New York: Putnam,
1925. 237 pp. (Pers)
1 18 A Bibliography of Jazz
3308. Y. Y. "Plus Que Jazz," New Statesman, XXIII (Oct. 4, 1924), 729-31. (A & A,
3309. Yaw, Ralph. "What Is Swing ?" Metronome, LII (May, 1936), 22, 35. (A & A,
3310. Ybarra, T. R. "'Jazz <Er Up!' Boradwa/s Conquest of Europe," New York
Times, Dec. 18, 1921, III, 3, 17. (Geog, Infl)
-- . "Treason on the Blue Danube," Outlook, CLII
(May I, 1929), 6. (Disc,
3312. Yoder, Robert M. "High-Note Harry," Saturday Evening Post, CCXVI
(July 24, 1943), 24-5, 40, 42. (Ork, Pers)
3313. Yohalem, Arthur E. "Peck Kelley Returns to First Club," Metronome, LVIII
(Feb., 1942), 10. (Crit, Pers)
3314. Yost, Gaylord. "Does Jazz' Typify the American Spirit ?" Musical Courier,
LXXXV (Aug. 24, 1922), 15. (A & A, Gen)
3315. Young, Stark. "Shoat", New Republic, LIX (June 26, 1929), 153-54. (Hist)
3316. Zacheis, Les. "'Bixie'," Jazz (New York), I, no. 9 (n. d.), 6-8. (Pers)
3317. Zahl, Wesley H. "Jazz: A
Blind Alley," Jacobs Orchestra Monthly, XXII
7, 1943), *4-5> 57, 59- (Ork, Pers)
. "Harlem's Great White
Father," Saturday Evening Post, CCXIV (Sept.
3322. Zweig, Arnold. "The First Jazz," Coronet, II (Sept., 1937), 153-54. (Gen)
3323. Zwonicek, Ernest. "All Jazz Is Dead in Europe!" Down Beat, IX (June 15,
1942), 14. (Geog)
3324. ,
and C. Dumont. "Armstrong in Switzerland," Melody Maker, XXV
(Nov. 5, 1949), 9. (Crit)
1. L'ACTUALITE (Revue du Jazz International et du Spectacle). Ed., Roland
Bd Adolphe Max, Bruxelles; monthly; 1944- ?
Dnrselen; Pub., 155
2. AD LIB. Ed., W. E. Reid; Pub., II Webster Ave., Toronto; monthly; ?-
July, 1947.
Devoted to jazz from May, 1946, to demise.
3. AMERICAN JAZZ REVIEW. Ed., J. Robert Mantler; Pub., 144-42 Northern
Blvd., Flushing, L. L; monthly; Nov., 1944-?
Supercedes the mimeographed AMERICAN JAZZ MONTHLY.
4. AUSTRALIAN JAZZ QUARTERLY (A Magazine For the Connoisseur of Hot
Jazz). Ed., William H. Miller; Pub., William H. Miller, Box 2440 V, G. P. 0.
Melbourne; quarterly; Autumn, 1946-date.
5. BALLROOM AND BAND. Ed., Eric A. C. Ballard; Pub., London; monthly;
6. BAND LEADERS. Ed., Walter H. Holze; Pub., Band Leaders, Mount Morris,
Illinois; quarterly (monthly from 1944); Apr., 1042-date.
7. BASIN STREET. Ed., Pat Speiss; Pub., New Orleans; monthly; Mar., 1945-?
8. THE BEAT. Ed., Mike Williams; Pub., Jazz Publications, 4 Notts Ave., Bondi
Beach, N. S.
W., Australia; monthly; Sept., 1949-date.
9. BLUE RHYTHM. Ed., John W. Rippin and Maurice Gerdeau; Pub., Mel-
bourne; monthly; Sept., 1942-Oct., 1942.
10. BULLETIN DU HOT CLUB DE GENEVE. Ed., Pierre Bourn; Pub., Hot
Club de Geneve, 7 PL Longemalle, Geneva; 8 issues per year; Jan., i95O-date.
11. CLEF. Ed., Albert S. Otto; Pub., Otto-Marble Pubs., 1458 Lincoln Blvd.,
Santa Monica, California; monthly; Mar., io,46-0ct., 1946.
12. CLUB DE RITMO. Ed., ?; Pub., Club de Ritmo, Granoflers, Spain; monthly;
13. COMBO (Nachrichtendienst fur Kiinsder in Tanz- und Unterhaltungs-Orche-
tern). Ed., H. Knorn; Pub., Combo Verlag, Munchen-Pasing; fortnightly;
Apr., I049--date.
Not exclusively devoted to jazz.
14. DIS-COUNTER. Ed., Roy Morser and Lester D. Wharton; Pub., 312 Powell
Ave., Evansville 9, Indiana; monthly; Jan., 1948-date.
15. DISCOGRAPHY (For the Jazz Student). Ed., Clifford Jones; Pub., no B,
High Road, Willesden, N. W. 10, London; fortnightly; Oct., 1942-1947. Publish-
ed fortnightly until Apr., 19^ irregularly thereafter. Merged with JAZZ
MUSIC in 1947.
16. THE DISCOPHILE. Ed., Derek Coller; Pub., 64 Romford St., Barking,
Essex, England; bi-monthly; Aug., 1948-date.
17. DOWN BEAT. Ed., Jack Tracy; Pub., Norman Weiser, 2001 Calumet Ave.,
Chicago 16; fortnightly; 1934-date.
1 8. ESTRAD. Ed., Nils Hellstrom; Pub., Soderman's Bogtryckeri AB, Stock-
122 A Bibliography of Jazz
20. HOT
CLUB MAGAZINE. Ed., Carlos de Radzitzky; Pub., Willy de Cort, 34
rae d'Arenberg, Bruxelles; monthly; Jan., 1946-Aug. i, 1948. Incorporated
in 1948.
21. HOT
JAZZ CLUB. Ed., Albino Peretti and Rodolfo Doval Fermi; Pub., Hot
Jazz Club, Sastre, Santa Fe, Argentina; quarterly; 1944-date.
22. HOT NEWS. Ed., Eric A. C. Ballard; Pub., London; weekly; 1935-? Ab-
sorbed by JAZZ MUSIC.
23. HOT NOTES. Ed., Eric Keardand; Pub., Eric Keardand, 81 Quay, Waterford,
Eire; bi-monthly; Mar., 1946-Spring, 1948.
24. HOT REVUE. Ed., Rene Langel; Pub., Editions de PEchiquier, Lausanne,
Switzerland; monthly; Dec., ig45-May, 1947.
Incorporated into JAZZ HOT.
25. HRS SOCIETY RAG. Ed., Charles Edward Smith, Heywood Hale Broun;
Pub., Hot Record New York, 827 Seventh Ave., New
Society, 303 sth Ave.,
York; quarterly, monthly; July, 1938-1942.
Three "preliminary" numbers issued July, 1938, Sept., 1938, Jan., 1939.
Monthly publication from Aug., iO4O-Mar., 1941.
26. JAZZ. Ed., Victor Skaarup and Martin Goldstein; Pub., E. Pedersen, Copen-
43. JAZZ MAGAZINE. Ed., Carlos L. Tealdo Alizieri and A. Cesar di Baja; Pub.,
Buenos Aires; monthly; Sept., 1945-Oct., 1946.
44. JAZZ MAGAZINE. Ed., James Asman and Bill Kinnell; Pub., Jazz Ap-
preciation Society, Chilwell, Notts., England; ?; ?
45. JAZZ MUSIC. Ed., Albert McCarthy and Max Jones; Pub., Jazz Sociological
Society, 140 Neasden Lane, Neasden, N. W. 10, London; monthly, bi-monthly;
Oct., 1942-Apr., 1944, July, 1946-?
Incorporates HOT NEWS.
46. JAZZ NEWS. Ed., Eddie Barclay; Pub., Blue Star Revue, 59-61 rue La-
Fayette, Paris; ?;
47. JAZZ NEWS. Ed., ?; Pub., Hot Club of Zurich, Zurich; irregular (about
two months); Dec., I94o-Mar., 1942.
48. JAZZ NEWS. Ed., Jacques Meuris; Pub., A. Detry, 100 rue de la Cathedrale,
Liege; bi-monthly; May, 1945-Oct., 1945.
49. JAZZ NOTES. Ed., John W. Rippin; Pub., Box 1482 G. P. 0., Adelaide, South
Australia; monthly; Jan., 1941-date.
BLUE RHYTHM. Ed., C. Ian Turner; Pub., Box 23747
G. P. 0., Melbourne; monthly; Jan., 1940-?
51. JAZZ PANORAMA. Ed., Marion Madgett; Pub., 22 Humberview Rd., To-
ronto 9; monthly, irregular; Dec. I, 1946-May, 1948.
52. JAZZ QUARTERLY. Ed., Take Trassell and Judy Downs; Pub., 1640 E.
50th St., Chicago; quarterly; Summer, 1942-1945.
53. JAZZ RAPPORTER. Ed., B0rge J. C. M0Uer; Pub., Frantz Christtreus Bog-
trykkeri, Copenhagen; monthly; July-Aug., 1943-1946.
54. THE JAZZ RECORD. Ed., Art Hodes; Pub., 236 W. loth St., New York 14;
monthly; Feb. 15, 1943-Dec., 1947.
55. JAZZ RECORD. Ed., James Asman and Bill Kinnell; Pub., Newark Notts.,
England; monthly; May, 1943-Apr., 1944.
56. JAZZ REVIEW. Ed., Max Jones and Albert McCarthy; Pub., Jazz Music
Books, 140 Neasden Lane, London, N. W. 10; monthly; Jan., 1948-?
57. JAZZ RIFFS. Ed., ?; Pub., Antwerp Jazz Club, 85 van de Wervestraat,
Antwerp; monthly; July, 1946-?
58. THE JAZZ SESSION. Ed., JohnT. Schenck; Pub., 1041 N. Rush St., Chicago
n; monthly, bi-monthly; Sept., 1944-Feb., 1946.
59. JAZZ TEMPO. Ed., John Rowe and Stan Wright; Pub., 39 Berkshire Gardens,
N. 13 London; fortnightly, every three weeks, monthly; Mar., 1943-Apr., 1944.
60. JAZZ TEMPO. Ed., Ross Russell; Pub., Hollywood, California; monthly;
Jan., 1946-?
61. JAZZ TIMES BULLETIN. Ed., John Gee; Pub., Society for Jazz Appreci-
ation in the Younger Generation, Adeyfield Rd., Hemel Hempstead, Herts.,
England; ?;
62. JAZZ WAX. Ed., Louis D. Brunton; Pub., Birmingham, England; monthly;
Aug., 1948-Oct., 1948.
63. JAZZETTE. Ed., Merrill Maynard; Pub., Beacon Jazz League, Boston; ?; ?
64. THE JAZZFINDER. Ed., Orin Blackstone; Pub., 439 Baronne St., New
Orleans; monthly; Jan., 1948-Dec., 1948.
Incorporated by PLAYBACK.
65. JAZZMEN NEWS. Ed., Vic Lewis; Pub,, London; monthly; 1945.
66. JAZZOGRAPHY. Ed., ?; Pub., Society for Jazz Appreciation in the Younger
Generation, 47 King St., Tring, Herts., England; ?; ?
67. JAZZOLOGY. Ed., Charles Harvey; Pub., PorthaU Press, 208 High St.,
Harlesden, London, N. W. 10; monthly; 1944-Feb., 1947.
68. JUKEBOX. Ed., E. J. Wansbone; Pub., Wright & Jacques, 52 Albert St.,
Auckland; monthly; Aug., 1946-Apr., 1947,
124 A Bibliography of Jazz
71. METRONOME (Modern Music and Its Makers). Ed., George Simon and Barry
Ulanov; Pub., Metronome, 26 W. 58th St., New York 19; monthly; Jan.,
Not originally devoted to jazz.
Kohn, Gerd P. Pick, Hans Bluthner; Pub., Berlin; three issues in photostat;
1943-Nov., 1943.
Secretly issued under the Nazi regime.
73. MUSIC (Le Magazine du Jazz). Ed., F. R. Faecq; Pub., 13 rue de la Madeleine,
Bruxelles; monthly; 1924-Dec., 1939.
74. MUSIC AND RHYTHM. Ed., Carl Cons and John Hammond; Pub., Music
and Rhythm Pubs., 203 Wabash Ave., Chicago; monthly; Nov., 1940-1945.
75. MUSIC MAKER. Ed., Jim Bradley; Pub., Nicholson's, 416 George St.,
Sydney; monthly; ?
Not exclusively devoted to jazz.
76. MUSICA JAZZ. Ed., Giancarlo Testoni; Pub., Galleria del Corso 4, Milan;
monthly; 1945-date.
77. MUSIK-ECHO (Zeitschrift fur Melodic und Rhythmus). Ed., Adalbert Schalin;
Pub., Albert! G. m. b. H. Berlin W. 50; bi-monthly; June, i93O-Mar., 1934.
78. MUSIK PARADE. Ed., ?; Pub., Imudico, Copenhagen; monthly; July, 1949-
79. THE NEEDLE. Ed., Robert Reynolds. Pub., 35-15 75th St., Jackson Heights,
New York; monthly; June, 1944-Summer, 1945.
80. NEW JAZZ TEMPO. Ed., Don Chester and Lee Wilder; Pub., Tempo Music
Shop, 5946 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, California; ?; ?
81. OH PLAY THAT THING. Ed., Howard Burton and Jack Souther; Pub.,
San Francisco Record Society, 645 Divisadero St., San Francisco; irregular;
July, 1948-?
ORKESTER JOURNALEN (Tidsskrift for Moderne Dansemusik). Ed., Harry
Nicolausson; Pub., Lindberghs Tryckeriaktiebolag, Stockholm; monthly; 1934-
83. PHILHARMONIC. Ed., Johnny James; Pub., DutchHotClub, Herenweg77D,
Heerastede, Holland; monthly; Jan., i95O-date.
84. PICKUP fThe Record Collector's Guide). Ed., Sinclair Traill and T. B. Denby ;
Pub., Pickup, 171 Quinton Road West, Harborne, Birmingham 32; monthly;
Jan., 1946-Sept., 1947.
85. PLATTER CHATTER. Ed., W. C. Boswell; Pub., 905 Second Ave., Seattle 4;
monthly; Sept., 1945- ?
86. PLAYBACK. Ed., Orin Blackstone; Pub., 439 Baronne St., New Orleans 12;
monthly; Jan., 1949-date.
87. PREHLED ROZHLASU. Ed., Emanuel Ugge (jazz section); Pub., Vilem
Prager, Praha; monthly; Mar., 1932- Jan. 14, 1939.
Not exclusively devoted to jazz.
88. RECORD ADVERTISER. Ed., Richard Turner; Pub., Northolt, Middx.,
England; monthly, bi-monthly; Jan., 1948-date.
89. THE RECORD CHANGER. Ed., William Grauer, Jr.; Pub., Changer Pubs.,
125 LaSalle St., New York 27; monthly; Feb., 1943-date.
Jazz Magazines 69-115 I2J
90. THE RECORD EXCHANGE. Ed., Harold Mills and Harold Tobin; Pub., 1681
Queen East, Toronto 8; monthly; Mar., ^S-date.
91. RECORDIANA. Ed., Jason G. Clark; Pub., P. 0. Box 162, Norwich, Con-
necticut; monthly, irregular; May, 1944-Oct., 1944.
REFLECTIONS. Ed., William H. Miller; Pub., Box 24407,
GPO, Melbourne; ?
93. LA REVUE DU JAZZ. Ed., Hugues Panassie; Pub., Paris; monthly; Dec.,
94. RHYTHM. Ed., Julien Vedey and Dan Ingman; Pub., London; monthly;
MELODIA. Ed., Francisco S. Ortega and Alfonso Banda; Pub.,
Barcelona; monthly; 1943-date.
96. RYTHMER. Ed., Victor Skaarup; Pub., Vilh. Hansen's Musikforlag, Copen-
hagen; monthly; 1936-1942.
97. RYTMI. Ed., Paavo Einio and Johan Vikstedt; Pub., Fredrikenkatu 68. A. 2,
Helsinki; monthly; Apr., 1934-1938, 1949-date.
98. SEAC JAZZ NEWS. Ed., Derek Coller; Pub., Colombo, Ceylon; irregular;
Nov., 1946- July, 1947.
99. SOLID SET. Ed., Jack Myers and Peggy Griggs; Herb Beckford; Pub., St.
Joseph, Missouri; monthly; i943~Aug., 1945.
100. SONG HITS. Ed., Lyle K. Engel; Pub., Song Lyrics, Inc., Dunellen, New
9 Jazz
13 A Bibliography of Jazz
BW Boogie Woogie 1581, 1939, 2185, 2198, 2861, 2862, 2865, 2872, 2878, 2925, 2943,
2199, 2313, 2388, 2588, 2669, 2679, 2681, 2951, 2981, 2984, 2989, 3018, 3024, 3034,
2852 3046, 3048, 3054, 3102, 3143, 3144, 3145,
3146, 3147, 3152, 3152, 3181, 3191, 3205,
Chi Chicago 44, 980, 1 504, 1 505, 1 509, 2029, 3218,3219,3302,3303,3311
2141, 2249, 2272, 2373, 2708, 2996, 3196,
3'97 Dix Dixieland 181, 628, 795, 1334, 1489,
1537, 2 7 6 , 2116, 2123, 2357, 2570, 2643,
Crit Criticism 8, 29, 30, 32, 80, 96, 105, 2802, 3030, 3074
in, 145, 147, 276, 296, 308, 378, 381, 390,
413, 448, 485, 497, 524, 555, 383, J95, 641, Ed Education 237, 290, 300, 356, 371, 384,
6445 653, 7<>3 7<>4, T26 , 744, 813, 830, 838, 385, 457, 542, 543. S7*> 596, 692, 756, 949,
97, 945 957. 95 8 , 9 8 3, 10^, 1042, 1054, 1109, 1145, 1300, 1314, 1598, 1833, 1844,
1057, 1059, 1060, 1143, "9 2 , I2I 5, I22 7, 1925, 2221, 2222, 2240, 2403, 2638, 2751,
1240, 1241, 1261, 1287, 1289, 1316, 1318, 2752, 2761, 2786, 3183, 3212, 3287
1324, 1332, 1334, 1339, J 34<>, 1382, 1384,
1419, 1446, 1463, 1468, 1472, 1538, 1590, Fict Fiction 882, 909, 1061, 1066, 1071,
1647, l662 , x ^7 I0"88, 1694, 1721, 1723, 1199, 1201, 1203, 1205, 1253, 1284, 1359,
1738, 1753. 1799* l8 3, 1812, 1848, 1850, 1360, 1364, 1458, 1482, 1494. 1495. *49*.
1893, 1894, 1929, 1944, 1947, 2012, 2047, 1715, 2145, 2181, 2233, 2550, 2593, 2693,
2048, 2049, 2053, 2056, 2061, 2062, 2070, 2783, 2784, 2849, 2936, 2937, 3047, 3141,
2071, 2076, 2100, 2129, 2171, 2175, 2177, 3187, 3 2 37, 3238, 3 2 39
2178, 2241, 2400, 2404, 2430, 2449, 2462,
2525, 2531, 2534, 2567, 2569, 2603, 2626, Gen General 20, 36, 37, 38, 57, 59, 60, 61,
2643, 2^46, 2766, 2792, 2799, 2848, 2850, % 73. 75* 82, 86, 89, I04, 107. 108, 116,
2887, 2929, 2930, 2940, 2955, 2972, 2973, 120, 121, 128, 135, 139, 149, 157, 166, 174,
3006, 3031, 3032, 3039, 3040, 3043, 3044, 180, 182, 184, 185, 189, 191, 209, 213, 214,
3061, 3081, 3089, 3094, 3130, 3136, 3184, 217, 226, 228, 230, 240, 242, 243, 246, 247,
3198, 3244, 3246, 3248/3251, 3257, 3267, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 268, 270, 277,
3268, 3270, 3272, 3274, 3276, 3279, 3280, 283, 285, 287, 289, 291, 293, 298, 316, 318,
3290, 3294, 3295, 3296, 3313, 3324 319, 321, 327, 328, 334, 335, 337, 338, 339,
35o, 355, 357, 359, 3*i, 3*4, 3*6, 368, 379,
Disc Discography and Record Information 382, 383, 384, 386, 387, 402, 408, 410, 412,
4, 14, 19, 55, 77, 98, 129, 131, 132, 136, 417, 418, 433, 435, 442, 443, 45', 454, 455,
*75 '77, 178, 179 202 * 2o8 , HI, **i, 3io* 456, 460, 466, 472, 482, 488, 492, 493, 502,
314, 320, 428, 478, 489, 514, 518, 526, 540, 507, 511, 519, 525, 527, 529, 530, 544, 546,
566, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 636, 642, 547, 557, 561, 5^4, 5 6 *, 5*7, 577, 579 580,
688, 775, 794, 837, 863, 886, 887, 888, 889, 581, 582, 593, 605, 606, 607, 614, 618, 620,
890, 892, 904, 910, 922, 940, 942, 976, 982, ^33, 6 34, 635, 643, 651, 659, 660, 661, 662,
999, 1014, 1023, 1025, 1033, 1046, 1078, 667, 669,670, 683, 696, 699, 701, 702, 707,
1088, 1147, 1191, 1207, 1208, 1214, 1218, 709, 713,720, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730,
1225, 1231, 1232, 1243, 1247, I2 57, i 2 67 734, 735,745, 75 2 , 759, 76*, 7*3, 7^4, 7^5,
1304, 1368, 1403, 1412, 1422, 1470, 1539, 767, 778,783, 789, 796, 800, 808, 814, 826,
1540, 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1550, 836, 844,848, 849, 858, 871, 874, 9 2 9, 972,
1578, 1620, 1621, 1633, 1641, 1651, 1 68 1, 987, 1003, 1019, 1030, 1043, 1048, 1052,
1683, 1724, 1726, 1756, 1758, 1786, 1788, 1077, 1079, 1090, 1105, 1134, 1151, 1 160,
1792, 1793, 1800, 1802, i8oj, 1807, 1809, 1161, 1163, 1171, 1176, 1181, 1194, 1233,
1811, 1813, 1818, 1826, 1828, 1829, 1837, 1235, I246, 1278, 1313, 1315, 1319, 1328,
'839* J 938, i94i, I942, i955 *9 62 , T 9 6 3, 1355, '357, 1398, 1410, 1415, W' '420,
2013, 2024, 2<>43, 2 4$, 2 57, 2077, 2099, 1486, 1488, 1491, 1515, 1534, 1546, 1548,
2112, 2113, 2114, 2122, 2125, 2137, 2138, 1562, 1563, 1595, 1607, 1610, 1637, 1646,
2139, 2140, 2144, 2155, 2163, 2165, 2168, 1658, 1680, 1714, 1767, 1843, 1854, 1873,
2182, 2183, 2193, 2204, 2237, 2246, 2250, 1879, l88 , *9 6 5,
1978, 2002, 2009, 2038,
2251, 2260, 2274, 2275, 2278, 2281, 2285, 2083, 2084, 2107, 2108, 2109, 21 10, 2131,
2292, 2301, 2326, 2330, 2332, 2341, 2345, 2136, 2160, 2169, 2170, 2185, 2195, 2217,
2348, 2368, 2396, 2405, 2413, 2418, 2420, 2221, 2243, 2244, 2245, 2311, 2312, 2314,
2423, 2428, 2433, 2434, 2435, 244o, 2441, 2339, 2 344, 2369, 2 377, 242o, 2429, 2523,
2442, 2444, 2446, 2447, 2451, 2454, 2457, 253 6 , 2 5 6 3, 2586, 2 5 8 7, 2608, 2615, 2617,
2516, 2517, 2520, 2526, 2565, 2566, 2592, 2640, 2642, 2655, 2658, 2662, 2685, 2692,
2594, 2598, 2607, 2622, 2623, 2653, 2673, 2694, 2695, 2705, 2722, 2738, 2748, 2772,
2684, 2692, 2697, 2733, 2740, 2749, 2805, 2773, 2779, 2791, 2821, 2824, 2831, 2866,
2875, 2879, 2892, 2898, 2905, 2909, 2932, 1996, 2o8o, 2081, 2087, 2135, 2172, 2173,
^935* 2950, 2953- 2971, 2975, 2 97*> 2 99*> 2174, 2184, 2192, 2201, 22X1, 22l6, 2219,
2995, 3017, 3035, 3067, 3096, 3110, 3132, 22 95, 2333, 2367,2384, 2408, 2543, 2601,
3158, 3161, 3162, 3188, 3210, 3213, 3216, 2635, 2649, 2661, 2705, 2709, 2712, 2721,
3225, 3229, 3253, 3254, 3278, 3288, 3314, 2752, 2753, 2754, 2774, 2918, 2942, 2963,
2966, 2988, 2992, 3029, 3214, 3310
Geog Geographical Subdivisions and Inst Jazz Instruments 292, 389, 477, 500,
Surveys 122, 224, 229, 244, 255, 299, 307, 520, 550, 697, 719, 873, 950, 966, 1149,
3i5* 3*5, 339* 3^6, 367, 369, 37i, 373, 3*2, 1162, 1208, I2IQ, 1236, 1255, 1395, 1448,
39^> 393, 39 6 > 397, 398, 47, 44, 5 2 5, 54$, 1467, 1484, 1508, 1529, 1600, 1614, 1677,
547, 564, 592, 634, 657, 662, 701, 750, 779, 1689, 1698, 1882, 1900, 1901, 1960, 1972,
782, 798, 919, 956, 966, 1013, 1104, 1136, 1982, 2063, 2132, 2194, 2213, 2230, 2231,
"43, "83, 1210, 1244, "69, 1302, 1366, 2340, 2397, 2463, 2671, 2674, 2675, 2690,
1387, H53, H97, I53i, 1580, 1643, 2719, 2720, 2745, 2762, 2904, 30x1, 3026,
1719, 1736, 1743, 1846, 1847, ^69, 1891, 3178, 3208
1966, 1974, 1993, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2124,
2148, 2161, 2175, 2202, 2390, 2410,2414, J & C Jazz and the Classics 5, 21, 42, 47, 84,
2415, 2457, 2458, 2461, 2564, 2570, 2578, 94, 123, 124, 136, 169, 172, 190, 195, 198,
2601, 2621, 2691, 2723, 2742, 2747, 2774, 267, 418, 419, 427, 431, 439, 484, 531, 534,
2804, 2813, 2829, 2853, 2908, 2926, 2927, 595, 613, 617, 621, 644, 674, 733, 742, 743,
2947, 2952, 2974, 2978, 2979, 3028, 3045, 782, 806, 821, 843, 884, 925, 934, 935, 936,
3072, 3100, 3101, 3116, 3121, 3125, 3127, 938, 939, 946, 9*4, 9 6 9* 984, 1092, 1093,
3142, 3155, 3165, 3179, 3226, 3264, 3286, 1094, 1095, 1099, 1128, X2I2, 1290, 1322,
3323 1323, 1356, I 37, H32, 1461, 15 16, 1520,
1547, i5 6 9, I 5 8 3, 1650, 1657, 1678, 1731,
Hist History 14, 185, 194, 234, 249, 306, 1732, 1750, 1751, 1857, 1901, 1977, 1990,
348, 411, 420, 429, 495, 548, 5 6 8, 570, 601, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2045, 2089, 2133, 2135,
857, 867, 875, 892, 915, 953, 960, 966, 971, 2208, 2209, 2280, 2308, 2318, 2336, 2347,
985, 1031, 1034, 1058, 1113, 1116, 1118, 2349, 2401, 2459, 2 5 22 * 2 539> 2 553, 262 ,
1 121, 1X22, 1123, 1124, 1146, 1200, 1202, 2635, 26*86, 2688, 2690, 2721, 2722, 2727,
1224, 1306, J3II, 1336, 1346, 1352, 1358, 2737, 2768, 2886, 2897, 2898, 2900, 2961,
1363, 13^7, 1373, HI5, 1427, H76, 1521, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3009, 3062, 3065, 3066,
1523, 1524, 1525, 1529, 1530, 1560, 1566, 3068, 3069, 3070, 3166, 3244, 3308, 33ix
1629, 1716, 1728, 1729, 1763, 1766, 1767,
1770, 1796, 1808, l82I, 1832, 1838, 1842, J & D Jazz and the Dance x, 6, 78, 89, 156,
1856, 1858, 1859, 1877, 1902, 1905, 1906, 158, 160, 236, 3x3, 314, 353, 452, 479, 486,
1935, I939> X 943, 2017, 2039* 2 9 X > 2 92 487, 491, 528, 530, 573, 599, 736, 781, 805,
2098, 2116, 2127, 2129, 2132, 2155, 2158, 835, 846, 1035, 1075, 11I2 IIJ 4, "54,
2211, 2214, 2236, 2243, 2245, ^T
2 , 2 3'3, 1187, 1191, 1251, 1303, 1375, r 54*, I5 8 5,
2346, 2352, 2364, 2374, 2383, 2384, 2392, 1591, 1673, 1717, 1756, 1884, 1885, 1964,
2 395, 2432, 2528, 2544, 2595, 2629, 2634, 1976, 20X1, 2015, 2019, 2021, 2025, 2026,
2689, 2690, 2694, 2699, 2708, 2722, 2758, 2027, 2064, 2072, 2106, 2172, 2173, 2174,
2767, 2801, 2808, 2822, 2823, 2825, 2826, 22X2, 2310, 2327, 2370, 2431, 2536, 2634,
2842, 2854, 2860, 2867, 2871, 2878, 2879, 2649, 2744, 2769, 2891, 30X1, 3042, 3064,
2899, 2901, 2911, 2912, 2928, 2931, 2957, 3071, 3246, 3273, 3305
2960, 3000, 3003, 3059, 3093, 3105, 3111,
J &O Jazz and Opera 72, 171, 265, 276,
378, 414, 4 X 5, 4i6, 459- W*. 779, "34,
Infl Influence of Jazz 45, 46, 71, 97, 100, 1452, 1464, 1520, 1940, 1977, 2187, 2248,
141, 146, 148, 154, 166, 186, 188, 222, 225, 2286, 2295, 2534, 2766, 2967, 3071, 3138,
264, 278, 284, 322, 333, 336, 348, 349, 357, 3184, 3244
358, 3^0, 37i, 372, 380, 39 1 , 399, 40i, 405,
407, 417, 422, 426, 436, 437, 481, 482, 505, Kansas City 1265, 2409
5i9, 535, 572, 594, 604, 655, 658, 693, 698,
737, 74i, 749, 774, 779* 788, 79 r > 79** 79 8 , Lang Language 152, 251, 425, 445, 541,
809, 810, 829, 831, 836,927,934,957,969, 55 6 588, 589. 739 770, i"* "7* Hifc
1047, 1109, 1119, 1128, 1145, "5 2 , "95, 1431, 1462, 1522, 1555, 1584, 1661, 1710,
1196, 1367, 1375, *479 '484, 1487, 1614, 7113, 1716, 1907, 1946, 1972, 2338, 2545,
1636, 1668, 1740, 1840, 1841, 1881, 1900, 2604, 2707, 2777, 2781, 3016, 3159, 3175,
1901, 1923, 1933, 1967, 1981, 1982, 1990, 3231
A Bibliography of Jazz
NO New Orleans 376, 1037, 10 39* I045 IO9 Gray, Glen 1625, 2102
1659, 20l6 ^^ 2I20 2I2 3> 2I2 7 2I 4 I Gray, Jerry 266, 1336, 2806
2162, 2324, 2868, 2873 Gross, Sidney 750
Gut Bucket Five 2576
Ork Jazz Orchestras Hampton, Lionel 50, 274, 2973, 3087
Academic Cats 1834 Harlem Hamfats 1411
Alvin, Danny 3030 Henderson, Fletcher 2684
Anthony, Ray 1848, 3246 Herman, Woody 504, 523, 551, 677, 832,
Armstrong, Louis 497, 583, 653, 830, *33> 834, 993. i54i, 1706, 2031, 2053,
1018, 1028, 1538, 1540, 1943, 2129, 2396 2071, 2836, 2837, 3034, 3128, 3130
Add, Georgie 2648 Hill, Teddy 2427
Barnes, George 1790 Hite, Les 861
Hornet, Charlie 925 Hodes, Art 1812
Basic, Count 55, 1533, 1706, 1791, 2412, Hopkins, Claude 1459
2450, 2*34, 2 95 6 ' 33 ! Hughes, Spike 3205
Basin Street 6 1825 Hutton, Ina Ray 1850
Bell, Graeme 2944, 3219 Hylton, Jack 2714
Beneke, Tex 721, 838, 2806, 2807 Intercollegiate Jazz Band 130
Bernie, Ben 968 ackson, Chubby 1596
Burkhart, Jay 1664 ames, Harry 203, 2641, 2811, 2814, 3312
Bushkin, Joe 3262 'azz at the Philharmonic 365, 3265
Buzzards 1928 'ohnson, Buddy 3266
Byrne, Bobby 1050 ohnson, Bunk 98, 376, 430, 2242, 2247
Callender, Red 3100 Kenton, Stan 51, 224, 282, 460, 461, 462,
Carter, Benny 3083 464, 465, 491, 524, 682, 1338, 1330, 1472,
Castle Jazz Band 1208, 1845 1478, 1544, 1662, 1718, 1929, 2168, 2215,
Cavanaugh, Page 3086, 3100 2234, 2799, 28l 5
Cesana, Otto 3252 King, Roy 1950
Chestnut St. Stampers 1945 Kirk, Andy 1473, 2556
Chocolate Dandies 1006, 3301 Krupa, Gene
Cole, Nat King 323, 981 Lawrence, Elliot 1685, 2056, 2818
Condon, Eddie 44, 144, 145, 2203, 2241, Lewis, Sabbjr 1142
2970, 2986, 3194 Lunceford, Jimmy 2439
Cotton Pickers 3144. Luter, Claude 2713
Crosby, Bob 153, 1469, 1911, 2118, 2317, Lyttleton, Humphrey 2947
2625, 2800, 2902 McKim, Walter 2941
Davis, Meyer 2903 Memphis 5 3265
Dude Dandies 3300 Miller, Glenn 262, 700, 1477, 1479, 2 ^ I 9
Dixieland Ohio Rhythm Kings 3008 Mitchell's Christian Singers 703
Dixieland Six 2597 Mooney, Art 3268
Donahue, Sam 2284 Mooney, Joe 248, 2068, 2166
Dorsey, Jimmy 1257, 3257 Morales, Noro 900
Dorsey, Tommy 208, 2832, 3280 Moten, Benny 1265, 3046
Dutch Swing College Jazz Band 2527 Mound City Blue Blowers 3145
Ellington, Duke 8, 61, 79, 200, 202, 203, New Jazz Stars 3039
204, 207, 208, 220, 221, 928, 1068, 1229, New Orleans Rhythm Kings 941
1316, 1318, 1601, 1723, 1803, 2013, 2047, New Orleans Stampers 1368
2048, 2049, 2061, 2252, 2362, 2525, 2531, Nichols, Red 3152
2647, 2930, 2 9 8 5 30^2, 3060, 3224, 3320 Norvo, Red 1342, 3040
Firehouse 5 Plus 2 751, 1631, 1849, 1851 Original Dixieland Jazz Band 306, 429,
Flanagan, Ralph 155, 694, 931, 2806, 3259, 2320, 2867, 3024
Ory ,Kid 1954, 2162
O .e, Brick or Paris, Norman 2817
Frerar, Nick 988 Parker, Charlie 80, 1705
Garry, Vivian 3100 Pastor, Tony 3272
Gillespie,Dizzy 49, 1380, 1688, 3032 Pierce, Nat 2035
Goldkette, Jean 2017, 2093 Pingatore, Mike 2023
Gonzales, Babs 893 Pollack, Ben 2823, 3146
Goodman, Benny 40, 67, 202, 208, 308, Powell, Teddy 1694
313, 448, 486, 730, 804, 1289, 1424, Quintette du Hot Club de France 1057,
1468, 2236, 2359 .
Raeburn, Boyd 622, 2923 1181, 1253, 1272, 1301, 1389, 1390, 1397,
Rainy City Jazz Band 686 1404, 1490, 1498, 1551, 1559, 1603, 1619,
Redman, Don 2569 1622, 1628, 1728, 1729, 1754, 1761, 1788,
Rozner, Eddie 499 1820, 1837, 1898, 1926, 1943, 2085, 21 12,
Russell, Luis 3025 2120,2129,2138, 2285,2301, 2325, 2395,
Russo, Bill 1700 2417, 2418, 2419, 2563, 2568, 2637, 2668,
Sanders, Joe 1931 2780, 2792, 2793, 2816, 2842, 2871, 2881,
Scobey, Bob 2407, 2776 2901, 2912, 2972, 3000, 3044, 3247, 3294,
Scott, Raymond 1255,
7ol > 33*4
Shapiro, Tommy 1664 Armstrong, Lucille 871
Shaw, Artie 67, 202, 487, 539, 674, 2062 Arnondin, Sidney J. 2526
Shaw, Bob 1007 Ash, Marvin 2504
Shearing, George 465, 497, 832, 1332, 1690 Austin, Lovie 1789, 2943
Six and Seven-Eights Band 1832 Bacon, Louis 2524
Snowden, Elmer 1671 Bailey, Mildred 317, 517
Southern Syncopators 842 Bailey, Pearl 297
Spanier,Muggsy 2827 Baquet, George 2630
Spasm Band 875 Barbour, Dave 1782
Stevens, Roy 2015, 2019, 2021, 2024, 2025, Bargy, Roy 1868
2026, 2027, 2028, 3042, 3274 Barnes, George 2340
Stewart, Rex 983, 1192 Barnet, Charlie 929, 1483, 3284, 3319
Stone, Kirby 3271 Barton, Eileen 3258
Tailgate Jazz Band 1624, 1956 . Basic, Count 53, 54, 56, 309, 317, 901,
Tatum, Art 16 1533,2412,2421,2834
Tennessee Tooters 3144 Bauduc,Ray933
Thielemans, Toots 1009 Bauer, Billy 1704,
Thompson's Thumpers 1957 Bean, Floyd 2509
Thornhill, Claude 2830 Bechet, Sidney 317, 753, 885, 943, 1557,
Three Flames 762 1758, 1807, 1932, 2262, 2607, 2998
Tuxedo Jazz Band 114 Beckett, Fred 3297
299th Army Ground Force Band 453 Beiderbecke, Six 99, 177, 317, 510, 722,
Van Damme, Art 1695 839' 8 97 IOOI > I02 3, "69, 1235, 1425,
Ventura, Charlie 2796, 3042, 3281 1426, 1554, 1630, 1725, 1786, 1798, 1905,
Waller, Fats 907, 2454 2325, 2636, 2637, 2650, 2740, 2881,
Watters, Lu 666, 1454, 2651, 3227 2958, 3i49 3*9** 33^
Webfoot Jazz Band 1958 Bellson, Louie 950
West, Alvy 3126 Beneke, Tex 952, 2171, 2807
Whiteman, Paul 96, 378, 413, 488, 744, Berigan, Bunny 69, 70, 99, 856, 1 1 69, 1254,
813, 1287, 1288,2400, 2562, 2567, 2775, 1669, 1707, 2265, 2697
2940 Berlin, Irving 71, 73, 468, 605, 3220, 3307
Whoopee Makers 942 Herman, Sonny 3076
Wilber's Wildcats 1959, 2191 Bernie, Ben 74, 75, 847, 908
Williams, Gene 3251 Berry, Chu 1 19, 575, 1997
Wolverines 1310, 1905, 1906 Berton, Ralph 612
General 52, 354, 444, 597, 795, 1309, 1553, Bethune, Thomas Green 985
i8<8, 2020, 2229, 2245, 2380, 2430, 2771, Bigard, Barney 79, 1793, 2698, 3302
3085, 399,. 3 1*4, Bishop, Wally 3297
Blake, Cece 3282
Pers Individual Personalities Blanton, Jimmy 1333, 1983, 3088
Allen, Ed 2391 Bolden, Buddy 2643, 2945
Alpert, Trigger 9 Boiling, Gaude 1029
Ammons, Albert 423, 1787, 2313, 2880 Borden, Bill 1262
Anderson, Ivie 2252 Boze, Sterling 2466, 3148
AntEbny, Ray 846 Badley, Win 517, 894, 3129
Armstrong, Lil 855, 1002, 1880 Braud, Wellman 1502
Armstrong, Louis 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, Bright, Kenneth Lloyd 2298
32* 39> 3i7> 4fy 495* 49 6 > 498> 5*7* 53*> Brooks, Stella 1744
640, 649, 650, 651, 652, Broonzy, Big Bill 2140
5> 856* 857, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, Brown, Cleo 2484, 2679
863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, Brown, Les 1331
871, 916, 917, 943, 1034, 1053, 1 102, Brown, Pete 2276
134 A Bibliography of Jazz
Brubeck, Dave 1087 Dorsey, Jimmy 192, 193, 317, 850, 1252,
Bruder, Rudy 978 1279, * 8 3 3241
Brunies, George 1511 2014 Dorsey, Tommy 65, 66, 157, 193, 317, 833,
Buckner, Milt 2483 1252, 1280, 1281, 1754, 2130, 2803, 2832,
Burns, Ralph 3128 2889, 3241
Burton, Billy 1268 Duchin, Eddy 199
Bushkin, Joe 718, 1102 Dupree, Champion Jack 1937
Butler, Jacques 88 1 Dutra e Silva, Farnesio 2804
Butterfield, Billy 3297 Eckstine, Billy 210, 609, 1332, 3108
Butterfield, Erskine 2469 Ekyan, Andre 2426
Byas, Don 979, 2446, 2447 Eldridge, Roy 317, 517, 1321, 3088
Calloway, Cab 106, mo, 1213 Ellington, Duke 66, 200, 201, 204, 205,
Carey, Thomas Papa Mutt 569, 2680, 206, 207, 218, 219, 220, 221, 309, 317,
3228 326, 5*7' 549* 773. 850, 1056, 1068,
Carle, Frankie 2470 1088, 1225, 12 3> I294 '3H r 3^5* *326,
Carmichael, Hoagy no, 648, 897, 1023, 13271 1384, 1670, 1671, 1754, 1757,
1633 1860, 2164, 2257, 2363, 2375, a 37^
Carney, Harry 65, 2371 2888, 2985, 2993, 3050, 3084, 3174, 3320
Carr, Leroy 2147 Ellis, Seger 1813
Carter, Benny 317, 1129, *353 2001 Elman, Ziggy 517
Catalano, Tony 1794 Etri, Bus 150
Catlett, Sidney 1455, 28 5 Evans, Dusty 3112
Cavanaugh, Page 2497 Evans, Herschel 3297
Chaloff, Serge 3276 Evans, Paul 1358
Chittison, Herman 117 Ewell, Don 2476
Christian, Charlie 66, 118, 159, 517, 3088 Faisant, Raoul 986
Christy, June 682, 1534 Farlow, Tad 3033
Clark, Buddy 2798 Farrell, Bill 1692, 1771
Gay, Shirley 940 Faut, Voltaire de 2726
Cless, Rod 125, 1200, 2994 Fischer, Carl 1785, 2477
Clinton, Larry 895, 1154, 2929 Fitzgerald, Ella 24, 231
Cole, Buddy 2472, 2510 Flanagan, Ralph 1451
Cole, Nat King 127, 2473 Foster, George 1827
Coleman, Bill 1159 Freeman, Bud 317, 1015, 3078
Collins, Dorothy 1687 Freeman, Stan 3260
Collins, Lee 040, 1271 Froeba, Frank 2478
Combelle, AHx 1457 Gabler, Milt 2281
Condon, Eddie 126, 142, 143, 724, 906, Gaillard, Slim 251
1165, 1167, 1595, 1597,2970,2986,3194 Gale, Moe 3321
Cornell, Don 3256 Garland, Ed 1954
Crosby, Bing 65, 1189, 1190, 1257, 2287, Garner, Enrol 716, 2480, 2481, 2676, 3276
2325, 2763, 3097 Gershwin, George 95, 854, 1226, 1362,
Crosby, Israel 1502 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1570,
Dale, Jimmy 850, 1263 i$7i> 1574, 1576, 2336, 2350, 3220
Dameron, Tad 1211, 3082 Getz, Stan 536, 3120
Davenport, Cow Cow 1722, 3299 Gibbs, Terry 34, 3041
Davis, Beryl 162 Gillespie,Dizzy 62, 63, 81, 88, 312, 381,
Davis, Meyer 163, 164, 425, 1256, 2101, 945* 97$, 1067, 1377, 1399, 1536, 2571,
25103 2603, 2732, 3181, 3249
Davis, Miles 1697, 3107 Glenn, Tyree 2447
Davis, Uriel 850 Goffin,Robert 1383
Davison, Wild Bill 1800 Goodman, Benny 41, 60, 65, 66, 259, 260,
Day, Doris 1772 261, 262, 263, 300, 317, 501, 517, 1168,
DeFranco, Buddy 1378 1252, 1406, 1424, 1584, 1585, 1586,
Delaunay, Charles 1599 1587* *$**> l6*7 1^72, 1754, 19 63> r 9 68 >
Desmond, Johnny 1773 1979, 2059, 2067, 2359, *55* *794> 2838,
Dexter, Dave Jr. 2075 2858, 2887, 2935, 2987
Dickenson, Vic 724, 1198 Goodman, Irving 517
Dodds, Johnny 187, 317, 2113, 2424, 2643, Gowans, Brad 1758
2682, 2989, 3199, 3292 Gray, Gilda 1969
Donegan, Dorothy 330 Gray, Glen 850
2386, 2413, 2416, 2430, 2435, 2445, 2463, II08, III5, III7, IIl8, XI2I, 1174, 1212,
2464, 2551, 2600, 2611, 2758, 2764,2771, 1285, 1369, 1370, 1499, 1589, 1731,1868,
2785, 2836, 2839, 2870, 2878, 2896,2957, 1872, 1874, 1908, 1924, 1934, 1938,1986,
2962, 2990, 3131, 3150, 3203, 3207 2079, 2092, 2128, 2205, 2206, 2288,2289,
2312, 2328, 2367, 2504, 2631, 2632,2685,
Pic Picture Stories 2687, 2753, 2782, 2860, 3001, 3002, 3029,
22, 23, 54, 63, 68, 78, 103, 112, 143, 144, 3163, 3287
161, 199, 201, 206, 210, 219, 260, 261,
272, 274, 279, 295, 298, 303, 305, 311, Rev Book Reviews
313, 330, 340, 341, 342, 343, 345> 373, 2, 113, 215, 47 1 * 780, 905, 952, 1063,
383, 412, 446, 449, 450, 453, 469, 475, 1064, no6, 1107, 1165, 1291, 1423,1604,
477, 4^6, 4*7> 50"* 5 6 5*3, 549> 553, 1615, 1628, 1642, 1644, 1645, 1652, 1653,
554, 5 6 3, 570, 664, 678, 689, 695, 722, 1693, 1720, 1760, 1762, 1776, 1994,2041,
724, 737, 773, 776, 828, 860, ni2, 1453, 205 1, 208 1, 2296, 2297, 2299, 2300, 2302,
1454, 1507, 1745, 1951, 2034, 2360, 2535, 2304, 2305* 2 3<>7, 2351, 2358, 2438,2532,
2822, 3226, 3305 2547, 2559* 2561, 2572, 2573, 2579, 2580,
2581, 2582, 2584, 2644, 2700, 2734,2812,
Poet Jazz Poetry 2840, 2864, 2876, 2982, 3049, 3075, 3091,
375, 1084, 1632, 1640, 1746, 1871, 1896, 3092, 3098, 3114, 3118, 3185,
2273, 2291, 2759, 2859
Sw Swing
Poll Jazz Polls 7, 94, ico, 138, 185, 225, 227, 228, 308,
65, 66, 133, 203, 207, 220, 221, 238, 262, 484, 528, 572, 578, 579, 601, 621, 645,
288, 461, 465, 515, 516, 562, 599, 638, 669, 670, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727,
671, 784, 832, 833, 1179, 1376, 1379, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735,
1556, 1624, 2042, 2050, 2583, 2788 736, 737* 738, 740, 74i, 742, 743, 763,
787, 804, 816, 817, 930, 951, 964, 1074,
Had Radio, Television, Movies and Jazz 1130, 1141, 1154, 1184, 1236, 1307, 1323,
64, 94, 115, 227, 239, 303, 337, 343, 395, 1388, 1461, 1487, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1525,
438, 484, 510, 553, 612, 620, 621, 688, 1584, 1585, 1607, 1625, 1660, 1716,1741,
695* 733, 74^* 743> 75 6 * 839, 9 20* l l*> 1763, 1854, 1863, 1927, 1935, 1981,2039,
i33o, *335 J 344, 1345, 1347* 1354, 1847, 2040, 2041, 2171, 2192, 2256, 2320, 2361,
1850, 2134, 2224, 2239, 2828, 2835, 3271, 2403, 2428, 2453, 2540, 2544, 2628, 2667,
3277 2668, 2731, 2749, 2760, 2767, 2829,2879,
2895, 2924, 2935, 2959, 3012, 3013, 3016,
Rag Ragtime 3102, 3192, 3216, 3309
23, 137, 178, 198, 223, 232, 360, 430, 533,
1 , 5 8 5,
S 8 *, 587, 6l 9. 623, 624, 625, Tech Technical Equipment Used In Jazz
6, 637, 746, 747, 766, 790, 824, 884, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1542, 1543, 1545,
1015, 1040, 1065, 1095, 1096, 1100,1101, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1830, 2406, 3104
Canon (Sydney) 1735
Allgemeine Musik-Zeitung (Leipzig) 1615, (London) 1452, 1900, 2286
Chicago Daily News 87, 423
American Magazine (New York) 1309, 1593, Chicago Daily Tribune 2707, 2708
Choir Leader (Dayton) 1072
2x01, 2775, 2903, 2941
American Mercury (New York) 1170, Christian Science Monitor (Boston) 276, 946,
1569, 1746, 2207, 2209, 2394, 2397, 2401, 1043, 1133, 2919, 2920, 3184, 3185
Christian Science Monitor Magazine (Boston)
2701, 3011, 3102
American Music Lover (New York) 2740 2020, 2357, 2852, 2858
American Musician (Chicago) 625, 790 Club de Ritmo (Granoilers) 1374, 1456, 2381,
American 2980
Orgajaist (New York) 359
American Sociological Review (Menasha, Collaborator (New York) 2107, 2695
Collier's (New York) 1050, 1167, 1187, 1302,
Wisconsin) 2854
American Speech (Baltimore) 739, 1713, 1305, 1585, 1730, 1859, 1885, 2109, 2313,
3175 2316, 23x7, 2612, 27x9, 2721, 2722, 2777,
Anbruch (Vienna See: Musikblatter des An- 3207
Common Ground (New York) 22
Annales Politiques et Litteraires (Paris) 947 Commonweal (New York) 1994
Antioch Review (Yellow Springs, Ohio) 1842 Coronet (Chicago) 3322
Ars Magazine (Buenos Aires) 399 Cosmopolitan (New York) 1627, 2 ^93 Z 7% 2
Arts and Decoration (New York) 1094, 2768, Courrier Musical (Paris) 194, 1840, 1899,
3064, 3220 2727,3138
Atlantic Monthly (Boston) 1274, 1350 Crescendo (Hartford) 1433
Audio Engineering (Lancaster, Perm.) 1542, Critica Musicale (Florence) x 134
Current Biography (New York) 26, 53, 69,
1543, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1549,
1550 74, xo6, xxo, 142, 193, 218, 259, 275, 280,
Auftakt (Prague) 356, 924, 1099, 1883, 2323, 302, 344, 459, 474, 512, 521, 647, 663, 665,
140 A Bibliography of Jazz
119, 122, 131, 132, 147, 150, 152, 156, 160, 2646, 2647, 2648, 2691, 2732, 2780, 2842,
175, 184, 189, 191, 192, 196, 207, 220, 221, 2868, 2881, 2885, 2901, 2910, 2911, 2912*
224, 235, 243, 262, 266, 269, 281, 285, 286, 2913, 2914, 2922, 2923, 2925, 2926, 2930,
293, 296, 314, 317, 334, 335, 338, 441, 460, 2938, 2958, 2979, 3022, 3023, 3027, 3030,
461, 463, 464, 465, 467, 489, 491, 496, 497, 3031, 3032, 3033, 3034, 3035, 3036, 3037,
498, 504, 5o8, 509, 524, 544, 551, 556, 590, 3038, 3039, 3040, 3041, 3042, 3043, 3059,
594, 596, 599, 600, 603, 611, 622, 628, 636, 3142, 3146, 3193, 3195, 3199, 3229, 3246,
. 671, r
. .673,676,686,697,706,748,754, 3247, 3248, 3249* 3250* 3251, 3252, 3253,
708, 769, 771, 784, 793, 794, 818, 832, 833, 3254, 3255, 3256, 3257* 3258, 3259* 3260,
835, 8 37, 838, 846, 855, 856, 863, 866, 870, 3261, 3262, 3263, 3264, 3265, 3266, 3267,
916, 918, 920, 928, 929, 931, 933, 950, 3268, 3269, 3270, 3271, 3272, 3273, 3274,
1013, 1052, io, 1054, 1056, 1057, 1059, 3275, 3276, 3277, 3278, 3279, 3280, 3281,
1060, 1062, 1086, 1087, II02 , II04 XI 37, 3282, 3283, 3284, 3290, 3291, 3292, 3294,
1140, 1149, 1150, 1158, 1173, 1191, 1210, 3295, 3296, 3297, 3298, 3300, 3323
1233, 1251, I2 55, I2 5 6 > I2 57, "59* I262 ,
1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1271, 1310,
1313, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1318, 1319, 1320,
i33o, 1331, 133*, 1333, 1334, 1335* '33*, Ebony (Chicago) 63, 68, 103, 112, 161, 201,
1337. 1338, i339 !34Q, 134*, 1343, 1344, 231, 274, 297, 298, 303, 313, 330, 343, 373,
1435, !346, 1347, i373 I39 1 , r 39 2 , J 393, 383, 428, 445, 449* 5 6 , 553 609, 678, 689,
1394, H5 1 , H68, 1469, 1470, H7 2 , H73, 6.95, 773, 7?6, 839, 1507, 1843, 2131, 2549
1474, 1478, 1480, 1481, 1483, 1490, 1498, Edition Musicale Vivante (Paris) 1161,
1505, 1506, 1508, !5o 9 , 1510, 1533, 1534, 1427, 1839, H34, 3136, 3154
S, '53^ 1537, 1538, i54<>, i54i, 1595. Educational
lucational Music Magazii
Magazine (Chicago)
*599, l6cl , l6 2 l6 3, '923, 1925, 3192
1604, 1605, 1606, 1625, 1642, 1644, 1645, Ekstrabladet (Copenhagen) 583
1661, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1685, l6 86, English Review (London) 2649, 3029
1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, Esquire (Chicago) 340, 96^, 1077, mi, 1112,
1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1113, 1114, 1253, 1376, 1379, 1388,1398
1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1399, I 4<>, 14^6, 1410, 1448, 1462, 1554
1708, 1720, 1721, 1723, 1724, 1725, 1729, i55 6 , *5 62, 1744, 1990, 2160, 2161,2253,
1737, 1753, 1754, 1761, 1786, 1787, 1788, 2262, 2263, 2272, 2544, 2628, 2667, 2763,
1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1794, 1795, 1796, 2788, 2855, 2856, 2861, 2862, 2864, 2870,
1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804,
1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 502,527,
1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, ^ . ._- __ ^9, 944,
1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1106, 1107, 1163, 1174, 1236, 1327, 1432
1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1491, i5 2 7, 1583, 1614, 1668, 1676, 1709,
1833, 1834, 1835, 1^36, x837, 1848, 1849, 1874, 1917, 1972, 1974, 2185, 2198, 2335,
1850, 1851, 1852, 1855, 1860, 1861, 1891, 2370, 2537, 2669, 2755, 2760, 2768, 2918,
1898, 1928, 1929, 1944, 1964, 1985, 1993, 3016, 3062, 3170, 3210, 3211, 3314, 3288,
2002, 201 1, 2015, 20l6, 20l8, 2019, 2021, 3301
2022, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2030, Europe Amerique (Brussels) 2366
2031, 2035, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2045, 2046, Europe NouveUe (Paris) 1365, 2531
2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051, 2052, 2053,
2054, 2055, 2056, 2057, 2058, 2059, 2060,
2o6l, 2062, 2063, 2064, 2065, 2066, 2067,
2068, 2069, 2070, 2071, 2093, 2094, 2095, Flair (New York) 91 7
2096, 2097, 2098, 2099, 2100, 2116, 2117, Flutist (AsheviUe, N.C.) 744, 2211
2Il8, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2I24 Formes et Couleurs 2431
2125, 2126, 2127, 2130, 2136, 2156, 2175, Fortune (New York) 326
2189, 2215, 2252, 2256, 2200, 226l, 2265, Forum (New York) 843, 845, 1572, 1866
2284, 2311, 2325, 2327, 2363, 2395, ** IO> 2897
2414, 2415, 2467, 2468, 2469, 2470, 2471,
France-Belgicjue (Brussels) 997
2472, 2473, 2474, 2475, 2476, 2477, 2478, Franco-American Musical Society Bulletin
2479, MO, 2481, 2482, 2483, 2484, 2485, (New York) 2735
2486, 2488, 2490, 2491, 2492, 2494, 2495,
2496, 2497, 2498, 2499, 2500, 2501, 2502,
2504, 2505, 2506, 2507, 2508, 2509, 2510,
2511, 2513, 2514, 2515, 2601, 2608, 2625, Gold Coast Review (London) 3168
2636, 2637, 2641, 2642, 2643, 2644, 2745, Golden Book (New York) 2224
Good Housekeeping (Holyoke, Mass.) 1154 2226, 2362, 2364, 2416, 2422, 2426, 2427,
Guide du Concert (Paris) 1092, 1532, 2750 2429, 2430, 2439, 2444, 2448, 2449, 345 J *
2454, 2552, 2553, 2554, 2555, 2556, 2679
H Jazz Information (New York) 187, 886, 889,
891, 940, 1022, 1659, 1722, 1793, 1797,
H. R. S. Society Rag (New York) 1416, 1419,
1932, 2114, 2315, 2329, 2330, 2331, 2418,
1966,2358,2929 2440, 2441, 2541, 2560, 2566, 2607, 2652,
Harper's (New York) 1058, 1270, 1975, 1978, 2653, 2677, 2682, 2965, 3225, 3227
1980,2931 Jazz Journal (London) 569, n 15, 11 16, 1 1
Harvard Graduates' Magazine (Boston) 1751 "85, 1193, 1858, 2326, 2421, 2622, 2623,
Harvard Musical Review (Cambridge) iioo 2683, 2684, 2845, 2946, 2949, 2952, 2981,
High Points (New York) 3 1 83 2989, 3025, 3176, 3205, 3219
Hobbies (Chicago) 1539, 2692
Jazz Music (London) 4, 1046, 1214, 1875,
Holiday (New York) 14, 859, 1018, 2995 1919, 2144, 2455
Hot Club Magazine (Brussels) 39, 113, 251,
Jazz Quarterly (Chicago) 1142, 1293, 1411,
*39* 945. 975* 97** 977* 979* 9 8 * 9 8l 2277
9 8 3* 9 8 5> 9 86> 9 8 7* 988, 99. 994, 999* Jazz Record (New York) 881, 885, 890, 972,
1006, 1049, 1051, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1033, 1079* IJ 98, 1200, 1240, 1311, 1354,
1143, 1179, 1192, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1229, 1358, 1413, 1766, 1767, 1769, 1770, 1869,
1230, 1231, 1235, I246, 1^48, 1249* I2 5*
1870, 1937, 2180, 2193, 2227, 2246, 2322,
1278, 1552, 1555, 1557, 1563, 1639, 1683, 2466, 2725, 2776, 2841, 2874, 3140, 3299
1710, 1965, 2013, 2141, 2142, 2385, 2446, Jazz Session (Chicago) 125, 510, 562, 588,
2447, 2450, 2458, 2524, 2547, 2569, 2570, !59* l8 93* '894 '930* 2613, 2724, 2726,
2571, 2572, 2573, 2574, 2575, 2576, 2577, 2850
2579, 2580, 2581, 2582, 2583, 2584, 2586, Jazzfinder (New Orleans) 307, 910, 1023,
2587, 2588, 2590, 2945, 2948, 2975, 2976, 1125, 1232, 2420, 2520, 2526
2977, 2982, 3046, 3049, 3051, 3052, 3053, Jazzology (London) 993
3054, 3286 Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology
Hot Notes (Waterford, Eire) 1942 (Albany) 1907
Hot Revue (Lausanne) 1002 Journal of Education (Boston) 2968
Hound and Horn (Cambridge) 1273 Journal of General Psychology (Worcester,
House and Garden (New York) 3221 Mass.) 3*73
House Beautiful (Chicago) 3231
Journal of Musicology (Greenfield, Ohio)
Musik (Berlin) lo, 923, 1515, 2083, 2084, 9*3, 927, 9 6 3, '048, 1074, 1075, 1175, 1252,
2218, 2599, 2730, 2891 1286, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292,
Musikblatter des Anbruch (Vienna) 1611, 1306, 1307, 1322, 1323, 1404, 1461, 1487,
1636, 1646, 1903, 2231, 2690, 3177, 3180 1488, 1489, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1591,
Musique (Paris) 1014 1607, 1628, 1680, 1682, 1719, 1743, 1884,
Muzyka (Warsaw) 1901, 2201 1916, 2038, 2078, 2115, 2135, 2159, 2195,
2282, 2283, 2310, 2337, 2339, 2354, 2522,
N 2539, 2540, 2564, 2604, 2709, 2786, 2876,
2906, 2953, 2964, 2984, 2987, 3056, 3065,
Nation (New York) 1650, 1652, 1653, 1655, 3156, 3158, 3I5& 3164, 3^6, 3209, 3306,
1656, 1657, 1760, 2350, 2746, 2787, 2960,
2961, 3071 New York Times Magazine 964, 971, 1896,
Needle (Jackson Heights, N.Y.) 1324, 2290, 21993 2 353> 2748, 2985, 2986
2698, 2701, 3190 New York World Telegram 823, 906, 907,
Neues Musikblatt (Berlin) 1610 1073
New Masses (New York) 1304, 2758 New Yorker (New York) 300, 394, 539, 1067,
New Music Review (New York) 1328, 1526, 1068, 2281, 2368, 2935, 3194
2966 Newsweek (New York) 40, 57, 60, 121, 139,
New Music Review and Church Music Review H5. *57, '82, 204, 374, 412, 470, 476, 478,
(New York) 1370, 2205 479, 528, 612, 674, 723, 732, 780, 805, 834
New Republic (New York) 948, 1065, 1368, North American Review (New York) 2898
1415, 1417, 1418, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423, Nosotros (Buenos Aires) 2372, 2387
1424, 1425, 1426, 1463, 1986, 2234, 2235, Nouvelle Revue (Paris) 2319
2236, 2237, 2238, 2239, 224, 2241, 2242, Nuova Antologia (Rome) 2133
2243, 2244, 2245, 2 *47, 2285, 2346, 2347,
2349* 235*. 2361, 2369, 2536, 2764, 2769,
2770, 2859, 2879, 3244, 3245, 3315
New Statesman (London) 3066, 3068, 3069, Opera Magazine (New York) 1095, noi
Opportunity (New York) 347
Osterjeichische Musiker-Zeitung (Vienna)
New Statesman and Nation (London) 2928
New York Daily News 2971, 2972, 2973 2656, 2736
Outlook (London) 348, 1093, 1367, 2188,
New York Daily Tribune 533
New York Evening Post 1070, 2212, 3005 2336, 2617, 2988, 3311
Overland (San Francisco) 1303
3241, 3242, 3243
New York Herald Tribune 1028, 1213, 2012,
2210, 2650, 2884
New York Sun 1184 Pacific Coast Musical Review (San Francisco)
New York Times 5, 17, 21, 38, 46, 47* *4, 7 1 , 707, 774
72, 73. 75 89, 93* 94. 9 6 > I0 , I04, i7 IQ 8, Pacific Coast Musician (Los Angeles) 97, 149
120, 130, 135, 136, 138, 141, 146, 148, 151, Pageant (Chicago) 1126, 1466, 1566, 2517
154, 158, 167, 168, 173, 174, 209, 222, 225, Pan (Milan) 2229
226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 236, 237, 239, 242, Parade (New York) 245
244, 246, 247, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 264, Parents' Magazine (Jamaica, N.Y.) 1933,
265, 270, 277, 283, 284, 287, 290, 291, 299, 1981
308, 315* 3i9 Partisan Review
328, 332, 352, 353* 355. 357. (New York) 1973
358, 361, 364, 3*6, 368, 369, 370. 37i. 376, Pauta (Buenos Aires) 2374
379. 38i, 3^2, 385, 386, 387, 390, 391, 392, Peabody Bulletin (Salem, Mass.) 2393
393, 395, 39*. 4oo, 402, 403, 405, 408, 4H, Phylon (Atlanta) 2603
415, 422, 426, 438, 439, 442, 443. 45', 452, Piano Trade Magazine (Chicago) 752
457, 466, 472, 473, 481, 488, 493, 500, 507, Pictorial Review (New York) 1584, 2533
5'3, 5i9, 520, 525, 529, 530, 531, 535, 543, Playback (New Orleans) 2300, 2598, 2943
545, 546, 547, 550, 555, S ^, 5 66 , 5*7, 57*,
6 Playground (New York) 767
577, 578, 579, 58i, 582, 587, 589, 592, 604, PM (New York) 304, 2838
606, 607, 608, 613, 614, 618, 621, 633, 634, PM Magazine (New York) 1482, 2614, 2615,
635, 643, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 2616
66r, 662, 667, 668, 669, Politiken
670, 692, 698, 699, Magasjnet (Copenhagen) 2658
701, 702, 704, 710, 711, 712, 715, 719, 720, Popular Mechanics (Chicago) 327
725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 733, 734, 735, Presence Africaine (Paris) 1739, 2417, 2525
736, 741, 742, 743, 749, 757, 759, 760, 763, Presto (Chicago) 214
7^5, 772, 778, 779, 78i, 782, 783, 785, 788, Proceedings of the Music Teachers National
79 1 , 792, 79 6 * 798, 804, 813, 814, 826, 841, Association (Pittsburg) 1581
144 A Bibliography of Jasz
Vanity Fair (New York) 1146, 1181, 2338, West African Review (Liverpool) 1568
3009, 3139 Westennanns Monatshefte (Brunswick)
Variety (New York) 28, 30, 653, 2085 Woman's Home Companion (Springfield
Vassar Brew (Poughkeepsie, New York)
Ohio) 2280
Vea y Lea (Buenos Z
Aires) 2379, 2383, 2384,
2388 Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenbau
Vida Musical (Madrid) 873 1882, 2333, 293*
Vogue (New York) 1763, 3010 Zeitschrift fur Musik (Leipzig) 829, 836,
1678, 2933
Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschung (Frankfurt
a. M.) 2662