CBCCs in The Asian Banking System

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CBCCs in the Asian

Banking System

Hardik Mittal, BFIA 2nd Year, SSCBS Ashutosh Gupta, BFIA 2nd Year,
hardik29hm@gmail.com ashutoshgupta1299@gmail.com

9540233101 7011185951

Soumya Solanki, BFIA 2nd Year, SSCBS



The existing approach to cross-border payments is slow and expensive, tying up large
amounts of liquidity. Moreover, payment processes are often opaque, creating pricing
uncertainty and increasing fraud and counterparty risk.
Foreign exchange payments currently rely on so-called Nostro accounts – accounts held at
other banks in those banks’ local currencies – or on correspondent banking networks.
A major cost that arises here is the need to reconcile transactions between different centrally
maintained ledgers. Financial institutions today trust costly back-office processes to reconcile
centralised ledgers and accounting systems.

Centralised intermediaries concentrate risks and often are able to collect significant economic
rents. The 2008 financial crisis is but the latest reminder of the long history of concentrated
risk in the financial sector. As such, current methods for clearing and settling transactions,
though vastly improved from earlier generations, remain costly with many reconciliation and
counterparty risks. Furthermore, many financial products have high transaction costs and
financial inclusion is uneven in many parts of the world.

So, in an effort to address these various costs, one of the most feasible inclusions of
cryptocurrency and blockchain technology and the source code i.e. the Distributed Ledger
Technology, is integrating the interbank settlements through DLT and blockchain. In our
view, use of blockchain technology’s most radiant feature, i.e. peer to peer transactions,
without involving any central authority to perform the transactions, can significantly reduce
the cost, time and efforts involved in these interbank wholesale settlements.

This research paper ponders on the feasibility and scalability of a new single cryptocurrency,
AIBScoin ( Asian InterBank Settlement Coin), for the purpose of cross border and cross
currency payments amongst banks of Asian countries, developed, maintained(supply, to curb
volatility) by an association of the central banks. This coin, overcomes the cons of traditional
cryptocurrencies as it will be a bank only settlement currency, not to be used by the masses,
and will be backed by the strong Asian currencies like Yuan (China), Indian Rupee (India),
Yen (Japan), Dirham (United Arab Emirates), Riyal (Qatar) and many more.

Among investment banks, blockchain technology could reduce reconciliation and other
infrastructure costs by $8–12 billion a year. Incumbent firms and institutions nowadays are
constantly looking for the technology that can help them lower costs and risks, particularly
for back-office or post-trade functions.

There are social and economic benefits from encouraging sensible innovation in blockchain
technology that is consistent with established public policy goals. Properly introduced, the
technology can mitigate the ‘cost of trust’, which manifests itself in numerous ways within
the financial system and the economy. In doing so, it could lower overall costs, reduce
economic rents and create a more secure and fairer financial system.


Overhauling traditional approach of international settlements with AIBScoin, would require

analysis at a fundamental level, mainly because it works on a peer-to-peer basis, which
requires decentralisation pertaining to foreign transactions only.
So one may assess the benefits of using a blockchain (or other distributed ledger, which is a
base for any cryptocurrency) technology, by asking:

 What are the benefits to managing banks in a distributed manner as opposed to

centrally? To reiterate, What costs imposed by the trusted intermediaries in a
particular banking system – in the form of delay in intrinsic transfer, currency
fluctuations for example – can be eliminated by transitioning to a blockchain or
distributed ledger? Or what security benefits may be achieved by decentralisation?

 Which inefficiencies and technical limitations of the existing systems –capacity

constraints, governance challenges, privacy – pose particular challenges for banks’
functioning? Can those constraints be sufficiently addressed while preserving some of
the benefits of decentralisation?

 Are the gains to be derived from moving a given process to a blockchain sufficiently
large as to compensate for the switching costs(i.e., to overcome entrenched network

Secure, verifiable transactions can significantly reduce operational and counterparty risk – no
more waiting multiple days to ensure if counterparty actually pays or not. Hence, the
objective of this research paper is to analyse the existence of a single, wholesale CBCC, i.e.
AIBScoin , to aid international fund transfers of any nature, between any banks covered by
the Asian economy.

Research Methodologies
To determine if the said, AIBScoin, would be feasible and actually better for the banking
systems of the Asian economy, it is important to ascertain the gaps that it will fill, how, and
what will be the monetary surplus in that sense.

An integrated risk analysis of the current estimate is conducted using the resource-loaded
project schedule (for daily international fund transfers). Then, the schedule is simulated using
Monte Carlo techniques wherein:

 The time-dependent costs cost more if their activities take longer because of risks
to schedule.For example, paucity of funds with the donor bank, would mean
greater cost. These include labor-type resources assigned to the activities and
supporting resources such as the Central banks of respective national economies.
 Time dependent costs may be uncertain even if the schedule is fixed since the
daily exchange rate may vary for reasons of hourly rates or uncertain resource
loads i.e. funds.

Using this framework the Monte Carlo simulation of resource-loaded and cost schedules will
produce estimates of completion dates and costs that may or may not be consistent with the
ones involving the new crypto currency, which will answer our question.
Technical design elements
DLT arrangements can be designed in a number of ways and can support some or all parts of
a transaction flow. Such arrangements typically involve several key technical design
concepts that specify the information to be kept on the ledger and how the ledger is to be

Maintaining information on the ledger

Ledgers that maintain records and other information are at the core of DLT arrangements.
In payment, clearing and settlement use cases, a distributed ledger is employed to record
ownership or balances of digital assets or digital representations of physical assets. Digital
assets that originate on the ledger are typically referred to as “native assets” (also known as
“native tokens”), while assets that are represented electronically on the ledger are typically
referred to as “non-native assets” (also known as “non-native tokens”). The exact form of
record keeping varies by arrangement but all specifications employ a digital ledger that
includes a summary of transactions or balances corresponding to participants.7
Ledgers maintain either a history of all transactions or a set of account balances. One
example of a ledger that maintains a history of transactions is a blockchain. As previously
noted, in a blockchain implementation, transactions are recorded in batches, known as
blocks. Once a block is confirmed as valid, it is linked (or chained) to all previous
transactions on the ledger. However, a blockchain is just one type of distributed ledger, not
all distributed ledgers necessarily employ blocks or chain transactions. An alternative
approach might be more similar to standard bookkeeping which updates only the balance of
users’ accounts.
In some cases, a ledger may be used to retain more than the ownership records of assets.
For example, a distributed ledger may act like a central repository for financial contracts by
retaining the terms of an actual contract or a copy of it. Some DLT arrangements go a step
further and allow for “automated contract tools” which permit users to include self-
executing code on the ledger to automate the fulfilment of contract terms. Examples
include the execution of interest and principal payments on certain dates, collection or
distribution of funds based on certain events occurring or automatic termination of
contracts based on agreed upon terms. This type of functionality is often referred to by the
industry as a “smart contract“. 8

Updating the ledger

A notable property of DLT is the distribution of responsibilities for updating the ledger by
multiple nodes. These nodes can be deployed across multiple sites, institutions or even
jurisdictions, as discussed later. Figure 1 provides a stylised depiction of the multiple nodes
that update a ledger. In this example, all the nodes are connected and have their own
identical copy of the ledger. Depending on the arrangement’s rules, changes to the ledger
can be reflected in all copies within a certain time span (latency).9
The term “participants” is used in this report to broadly describe users of a DLT

Validation and consensus

In order to update a synchronised distributed ledger, an arrangement typically uses a
number of protocols for communication between nodes and for facilitating consensus
among nodes about the current state of the ledger as well as its historical record.
Cryptography Cryptographic tools, such as public key cryptography and public key
infrastructure,10 play an important role in DLT by identifying and authenticating approved
participants, confirming data records and facilitating consensus on ledger updates.
Participants proposing changes to the ledger, authenticate themselves by providing their
cryptographic digital signatures for the proposed change. Validators will use cryptographic
tools to verify whether the participant has the proper credentials to do so. Cryptographic
tools may also be used to restrict access to data so that only approved parties can see the

The consensus mechanism is the process by which the nodes in a network agree on a
common state of the ledger. This process typically relies on cryptographic tools, a set of
rules or procedures reflected in the protocol, and either economic incentives (applicable to
any network configuration) or governance arrangements. Consensus generally involves two
 Validation: each validator identifies state changes that are consistent according to
the rules of the arrangement (that is, assets are available to the originator, and the
originator and beneficiary are entitled to exchange the assets). In order to do so,
each validator needs to rely on a record of previous states, either as a “last agreed
state” or as a “chain of previous states”.
 Agreement on ledger updates: nodes agree to state changes to the ledger. This stage
of the consensus process involves mechanisms or algorithms that resolve conflicting
changes to the

Technical roles of nodes (differentiated or not differentiated)

Nodes in the network may play a variety of technical roles. Examples of those roles, which
are not mutually exclusive, include:12
 System administrator: the gatekeeper that controls access to the system and
provides certain services for the arrangement, including the notary function, dispute
resolution, standard-setting and regulatory reporting.
 Asset issuer: node permissioned to issue new assets.
 Proposer: node permissioned to propose updates to the ledger.
 Validator: node permissioned to confirm the validity of proposed state changes.
 Auditor: node permissioned to view the ledger but not make updates.
Further, nodes may vary in their ability to see the records stored on the ledger. For example,
it is possible that a node is permissioned to see only the transactions to which it is a
counterparty or one of its clients has a relevant interest, even if it maintains a copy of the
complete encrypted ledger.
2.3 Institutional design elements
A DLT arrangement’s technical configuration is complemented by its institutional design.
Arrangements typically involve decisions regarding what roles the various institutions play,
including responsibility for operation of and access to the arrangement.
2.3.1 Operation of the arrangement
A key institutional design element of a DLT arrangement is what entity or entities are
responsible for managing the arrangement, including modifying or updating the protocol
and source codes, granting access and assigning permissions for other entities to perform
certain roles. At one extreme, a single entity could host and operate all the nodes in an
arrangement on behalf of participants and be the sole entity responsible for the
maintenance of the ledger. Alternatively, maintenance could be shared across many
entities, each responsible for having a copy of the ledger and performing prescribed tasks.
2.3.2 Access to the arrangement (unrestricted or restricted)
Arrangements can be designed to accommodate any number of participants. Unrestricted
arrangements are designed in such a way that there are no restrictions concerning access to
the arrangement or to the roles of nodes within the arrangement. In arrangements where
access is completely open, the entities operating the nodes are not likely to know each
other. Such arrangements may be difficult to govern and the entire set of rules governing
interactions among nodes needs to be primarily “on-ledger” (encoded in the computer
protocol). By contrast, restricted platforms allow control over participants’ access to the
arrangement. Because access is controlled, the set of rules governing interactions can also
be “off- ledger”.

At the most basic level, an arrangement needs to balance the pros and cons of having
unrestricted versus restricted access. For instance, unrestricted arrangements could open
up services to new types of participant and reduce the tiering of relationships in payment,
clearing and settlement processes. However, unrestricted access might cause scalability and
information security issues because of the inherent challenges of reaching consensus
between large numbers of participants that are unknown to each other. Anonymous
participation also calls for security measures mitigating cyber-attacks or illicit activities to be
incorporated into the design and rules of the arrangement (that is, to be resolved “on-
ledger”). These issues are significant enough that current DLT implementations for payment,
clearing and settlement activities are focused on restricted arrangements, which more
closely fit within existing legal and regulatory frameworks.
Assigning particular roles to a broad range of entities and their nodes may introduce other
important issues. For example, if only certain nodes are delegated to achieve consensus, it
may be easier (and faster) to reach consensus on the state of the ledger; however, it may
also be easier for any one of these nodes to compromise the integrity of the ledger. Thus, it
is important that such an entity is known and trusted by participants. Increasing the number
of nodes may improve the overall resilience of the network but it may also lengthen latency.
DLT arrangements characterised by a larger number of distributed roles may raise important
questions related to governance, settlement and operational risk management. As a result,
the choice of specific protocols for validation and consensus are driven primarily by access
rules and the defined roles played by entities and their nodes.
The range of approaches to DLT is an indication that a one-size-fits-all approach is not
appropriate to address the broad range of challenges in payment, clearing and settlement.
Arrangements such as the ones in the first column of Table 1 represent change that is more
incremental in nature and reflect opportunities to record information through a single
entity, much as is done today. This contrasts with the final column of Table 1, which
represents bitcoin-like arrangements. Models such as these would represent more radical
changes because of their completely decentralised nature. In the middle is a variety of other
possible arrangements. The ongoing experimentation of different design choices reflects
attempts to realise some of the benefits of DLT while recognising the specific constraints of
a particular use case.
3. Analyticalframework
This framework is designed to help central banks and other authorities understand DLT
arrangements for payment, clearing and settlement activities by providing a structured
approach to analysing their potential benefits and risks. The framework is based on four
core components: (i) scope: understanding the arrangement (see Section 3.1), which
includes its functionality and nature of service, and the factors for its effective
implementation; (ii) efficiency: analysing the arrangement’s implications for efficiency (see
Section 3.2); (iii) safety: analysing the arrangement’s implications for safety (see Section
3.3); and (iv) broader implications: analysing the arrangement’s broader financial market
implications (see Section 3.4).
The framework should be viewed as a starting point for understanding DLT arrangements to
identify a range of issues that are of interest to authorities and other stakeholders. The
framework is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive; nor does it address every possible DLT
or payment-, clearing- and settlement-related issue. For arrangements at an early stage of
development, which may not have concrete answers to some questions, the framework is
intended to identify areas where further work is required. In addition, the framework does
not prescribe or suggest particular design elements.


3.1 Understanding the arrangement

DLT arrangements vary significantly based on their functionality, nature of service, design,
technology and processes. In order to analyse these types of arrangement, it is useful to
apply a structured approach to understand the functionality and nature of a given service,
and the key factors for its effective implementation.
3.1.1 What is the functionality and nature of the arrangement?
At the core of DLT is a ledger that maintains information. An arrangement will typically
perform one or more of the following functions relating to maintenance of the ledger: (i)
record keeping; (ii) transfer of assets or updating of balances; and (iii) use of automation
tools. Other ancillary services or functions such as data lookups, screening and analytics may
also be incorporated as features. In understanding the functionality and nature of the
service, it may be useful to understand the improvement the arrangement is trying to
effect, what part (or parts) of the value chain is affected, how it is designed and which
participants and users will be impacted by it.

Identifying problems, inefficiencies or improvements that it is addressing

Part of understanding the functionality and nature of the arrangement requires
understanding how DLT can facilitate a solution to a problem or improve upon existing
services or processes. For example, the arrangement could simplify processes, improve
information flows, reduce operational costs, expand access to financial services and
improve financial inclusion.18 As discussed below, the arrangement may reduce the need
for human involvement through automation, thus increasing efficiency and accuracy. This
exercise should also identify the primary benefits that the arrangement can realise while
taking into account its costs and newly introduced risks. The arrangement may need to
balance resilience and efficiency benefits to achieve a particular outcome. In doing so, it is
important to understand the potential trade-offs involved.
Identifying the affected part or parts of the value chain
Identifying which part or parts of the value chain the arrangement is affecting and to what
extent it brings a new concept to the marketplace (disruptive innovation) or improves
current offerings (incremental innovation) will bring greater clarity on the functionality and
nature of the service. The value chain can be categorised in a number of ways, including:
 Customer identification: processes associated with digital identities and compliance
with know- your-customer rules, anti-money laundering requirements and counter-
terrorist financing regulations.
 Pre-transaction: processes associated with creating, validating and transmitting
payments, transfer instructions or other obligations, including verifying asset
holdings and linking data for clearing and settlement.
 Clearing: processes associated with transmitting, reconciling and, in some cases,
confirming transactions as well as potentially including the netting of transactions
and the establishment of final positions for settlement.

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