Clean-iX® Pilot Plant For Recycling Water From Woodman Point WWTP
Clean-iX® Pilot Plant For Recycling Water From Woodman Point WWTP
Clean-iX® Pilot Plant For Recycling Water From Woodman Point WWTP
Final Report
14 October 2008
In order to gain an understanding of the potential of the technology to help achieve Western
Australia’s water recycling objectives, a pilot plant trial was conducted under the auspices of
the Premiers Water Foundation and with the support of trial partners Water Corporation and
HIsmelt. The pilot plant was established at the Woodman Point waste water reclamation plant
in Western Australia.
The performance of the pilot plant was derived from the following system attributes:
The performance uplift exhibited by the pilot plant compared to standard (batch) ion exchange
and membrane-based alternatives is principally derived from resin structure and robustness.
A sustainable advantage derives from the synergies between more durable resins, the design
of the processing vessels and novel methods of operation. The continuous counter current
flows of resin and influent delivers a low capex, low power use, low waste stream volume, low
footprint and a high recovery system compared to the micro filtration and reverse osmosis
Table 1: 670 m /h Water Treatment Model
The Clean-iX pilot plant trial demonstrated that a continuous counter current ion exchange
water purification system has an array of applications in recycling and desalination of brackish
waters to produce high quality water. In particular, the system demonstrated significant
advantages over alternative technologies in the treatment of secondary effluent from the
Woodman Point waste water treatment plant.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ..................................................................... 4
3 Aim .................................................................................. 4
4 Method ............................................................................ 4
6 Findings .......................................................................... 8
7 Conclusion .................................................................... 12
A pilot plant to test the capabilities of a continuous counter current ion exchange water
treatment system was established. The plant was sited adjacent to the Woodman Point
Waste Water Treatment Plant at the northern end of the Kwinana Industrial Precinct.
2 Outline Project
To establish whether the Clean-iX® WWTPWR flowsheet can be a cost-effective alternative
to reverse osmosis for large scale recycling of water from municipal WWTPs.
3 Aim
The aim of the project was stated in the following terms:
In partnership with HIsmelt Pty Ltd and the Water Corporation, Clean
TeQ will design, build, operate and trial a pilot plant capable of
processing 2m /hour of WWTPW to industrial feed water standards.
4 Method
As originally planned, the project was to be directed at performing three trials: waste water
treatment plant effluent, scheme water and cooling tower blowdown water purification.
On consideration of the project steering committee a decision was taken to restrict the scope
of the project to waste water treatment plant effluent. As a consequence, the project was
directed solely to waster water treatment plant effluent purification.
The pilot plant required 500 L of each of Clean TeQ’s strong acid cation resin (SAC) R101
and weak base anion resin (WBA) R502. R502 showed an unacceptable selectivity in long
term operation and was subsequently replaced with R503 to provide broader selectivity and
higher loading capacity per unit volume of resin. Resins were prepared in the appropriate
ionic form and submitted to Clean TeQ’s standard QA analysis. This involved checking the
resin’s particle size distribution, strength and loading capacity.
Equipment and materials were sourced to meet design specifications, following consultation
with the Water Corporation with respect to standard requirements for certain equipment
categories. The manufacturing component consisted largely of pre-assembly and pre-
commissioning. This allowed the project team to ensure that all components were in good
working order prior to shipment to site.
The pre-commissioned equipment were shipped to site and assembled in the designated
location. The site was cleared and prepared to receive the pilot plant and various tie-ins (eg
feed stream, power). Induction and briefing activities were also conducted.
Three trials were conducted to test the central hypothesis that WWTPE can be treated to an
agreed specification for industrial water reuse. The final trial was run for four weeks to allow
sufficient time to achieve steady-state operation.
At the end of the trials, the pilot plant was dismantled and removed from site, returning the
location to its original state.
7. Documentation
Documentation was prepared throughout the project. In the early stages, design documents
(drawings, lay-outs etc) and R&D protocols were produced. During the procurement and
manufacturing stage, attention was focused on installation, commissioning and ongoing
operating procedures. As the trials unfolded, a log book was kept and laboratory data
tabulated and analysed.
At the outset of the pilot plant project it was proposed that the project would be deemed to be
successful if it resulted in a clear transition from R&D to commercialisation for the Clean-iX®
WWTPER flowsheet. To that end, the specific technical objectives were to:
To facilitate a clear and impartial assessment of the degree to which the project delivered its
objectives and obtained its measures of success, an independent engineering report was
commissioned from WorleyParsons Limited.
The typical feed and product water specifications delivered by the Clean-iX® plant in steady
state operations were found to be as follows:
Legend: Physical
The pilot plant results indicate that the resin bed reduces total suspended solids from 55 to 5
mg/l and turbidity from 6 to 2.2 NTU. The total dissolved solids at the feed water inlet were
670 mg/l and the Clean-iX® pilot plant demonstrated the ability to reduce this to less than 14
mg/l. WorleyParsons commented that in contrast to the Clean-iX® approach a reverse
osmosis system would require significant pre-filtration to ensure feed TSS/turbidity is
There is considerable room for improvement in the solids removal ability of the Clean-iX®
process through more stringent control of the removal of precipitated humic acid in the
WorleyParsons Report Section 4.2.2 page 12
All inorganic ions other than Fe were removed by the Clean-iX® plant with a very high
percentage reduction. For Fe the Clean-iX® plant removed 60% of the load.
WorleyParsons report that by using the Clean-iX® system the BOD and COD of the product
water can be reduced from 10 to less than five and 58 to less than 10 mg/l respectively.
Macroporous ion exchange resins, such as those employed in the Clean-iX® plant, like
activated carbon, have the ability to adsorb dissolved organic matter.
According to WorleyParsons , the waste desorption solutions contained high concentrations
of organics, thus demonstrating a highly reversible binding capacity thus minimising organic
fouling. WorleyParsons observed that in reverse osmosis systems the TOC must be
removed in pre-treatment as it causes fouling and reduces the water product flux and
membrane element life.
The validity of the control strategy was addressed by the engineering report in Section 6 on
pages 18 and 19.
• pH control
• Resin transportation
• Residence time
• Flow rates
• Acid/caustic pumps
WorleyParsons states :
Control system reliability was delivered principally through system design as illustrated by the
major system control points highlighted below:
• The main control of the plant is based on the ratio between water and resin flow rates.
Resin flow rates were continuously controlled via a programmable logic controller (PLC).
• The key quality parameters of the product water was delivered by monitoring the readings
delivered a simple pH sensor which ensures the integrity of intermediate product water
and the optimisation of chemical consumption during the resin regeneration process step.
• Robust level indicators measure and control the amount of resin transferred into and out
of the sorption columns.
ibid, Section 4.4.3 page 14
idid, Section 4.4.4 page 15
ibid, Section 4.4.4 page 15
ibid, Section 4.4.2 page 12
ibid, Section 6 page 19
The simplicity and robustness of the system and its control delivered reliable performance
during the trial including the ability to operate the Woodman Point plant remotely from
The pilot plant employed sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide as desorption reagents.
We managed the flow rate of the desorption chemicals directly to the resin flow rate using
resin to desorption chemical ratios selected based on plant performance and controlled this
via PLC.
The desorption rate for the anionic circuit (sodium hydroxide) was set based on the theoretical
required volumes and concentrations that were determined in the mini laboratory pilot plant
trial performed before construction and operation of the pilot plant.
The cationic circuit desorption flow rate (sulphuric acid) was determined by the minimum
required volume to ensure that the calcium and sulphate in the desorption stream did not
combine to cause gypsum. This provided sufficient desorption reagents as it was in excess of
what was theoretically required to desorb the resin if there were no issues with gypsum
The actual recoveries achieved during the operation of the pilot plant were approximately
95%± 4%. Variation in recovery was experienced due to minimal automation being used in
the wash water area of the plant to minimise capital costs. Despite this variation, the pilot
plant successfully demonstrated the ability of the system to consistently achieve 95%
recovery over extended periods of time.
From observation of the Woodman Point Pilot Clean-iX® Plant, the mechanical reliability and
operability of the Clean-iX® WWT process was a function of several variables. These include:
• Hydraulic throughput: Based on typical waste water salt loads, and a conservative
structural design of columns, a single Clean-iX® train is capable of processing
approximately 250 m /hr. In the event that volumes above this limit required treatment
additional capital expenditure would be required due to column sizes reaching a limit and
the requirement for parallel systems.
ibid, Section 1 page 5
• Feed water turbidity: the plant was able to continue to perform in the presence of
particulates in the feed stream. The plant operated with a feed water turbidity of
approximately 4 NTU, with no apparent impact on performance.
• Power Requirements: Pumps account for the majority of the power required for the
plant. Therefore, the power requirements were a function of plant size and throughput.
The Clean-iX® process is conducted at atmospheric pressure which means that there is a
low power draw in operating the system.
• Recovery: The pilot plant data indicates that the recovery of the Clean-iX® system (ratio
of product water to feed water) is about 95%. Product recovery is a function of the inlet
salt concentration with recovery decreasing proportionally with increasing salt
• Resin loading capacity: the loading capacity dictates the achievable resin to feed water
flow rates, which in turn dictates the system’s economic performance. Higher loading
capacities allow the resin to be cycled through the system at a slower rate, which hence
requires less desorption reagents. Further improvements in this area will lead to
downward pressure on operating costs.
• Resin Attrition: the Clean-iX® process has very low resin attrition arising from the resin
recirculating system. No resin loss was observed. Resin consumption records for the
plant indicated no substantial loss of resin.
• Efficiency: the Clean-iX® plant was found to be capable of producing ultra pure water.
The pilot plant trials demonstrated the ability to produce water of less than 20µs/cm
conductivity when operating within its operating limits. Large economic gains may be
realised if the columns were operated close to the sorption breakthrough parameters.
Operating in this regime brings the following benefits:
The power requirement for the Clean-iX® system is less than 20% of the power needed for a
similar sized Reverse Osmosis system. Further, the recovery of an RO system is typically
between 75-90% compared to 95% for the Clean-iX® plant. The Clean-iX® pilot plant
achieved similar ionic rejection to what would be expected from a reverse osmosis system.
The plant operated well with feed water much more turbid than a RO system could tolerate.
According to the trials and documentation, the flexibility and robustness of the Clean-iX® ion
exchange process indicates that this technology will lend itself to a broad range of water
management strategies and recycling applications.
Of particular interest is the potential for Clean-iX® to provide cost-effective solutions for
wastewater treatment from large-scale metropolitan to small regional systems, reuse of
WWTP effluent for industrial applications, treatment of aquifer water in remote communities,
reduction of impurities such as nitrogen-containing ions (nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia),
phosphates and sulphates, and capture and use of stormwater.