Applied Energy: Shuo Zhang, Rui Xiong, Fengchun Sun
Applied Energy: Shuo Zhang, Rui Xiong, Fengchun Sun
Applied Energy: Shuo Zhang, Rui Xiong, Fengchun Sun
Applied Energy
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An integrated power management for a PHEV with multi-energy sources was proposed.
A model predictive controller was used to regulate the power allocation of the HESS.
The robustness of the proposed approach was verified by three typical driving cycles.
The results show that the proposed control strategy can promote fuel economy greatly.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The fuel economy performance of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) strongly depends on the power
Received 18 August 2015 management strategy. This study proposes an integrated power management for a PHEV with multiple
Received in revised form 19 November 2015 energy sources, including a semi-active hybrid energy storage system (HESS) and an assistance power
Accepted 8 December 2015
unit (APU). The HESS consists of battery packs and ultracapacitor packs. In the integrated control strategy,
Available online 28 December 2015
the output power between the battery packs and ultracapacitor packs is regulated by the model predic-
tive control strategy, while the output power between the APU and HESS is allocated by the rule-based
strategy. In the model predictive control process, a period of the future velocity will be predicted, and the
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
Hybrid energy storage system
dynamic programming algorithm will be applied to optimize the control strategy accordingly. The
Assistant power unit robustness of the proposed approach is verified by three typical driving cycles, including the
Model predictive control Manhattan cycle, CBDC cycle and UDDSHDV cycle. The results show that the proposed control strategy
Dynamic programming can promote fuel economy compared with the original control strategy, especially in the charge sustain
Power management mode under the MANHATTAN driving cycle (21.88% improvement).
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction of the vehicle is low, the engine can be turned off and the vehicle
can be driven by the electric power system, which is helpful for
Fossil fuel depletion and serious air pollution have greatly improving the efficiency performance. Moreover, the application
encouraged the development of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles of a hybrid energy storage system (HESS), a combination of a bat-
(PHEVs) [1,2]. Compared with the pure electric vehicles, PHEVs tery and an ultracapacitor, can effectively reduce the charging/dis-
have a longer driving range because, when the battery’s state of charging rate of the battery and prolong the battery life. For a
charge (SoC) is low, the engine can keep the vehicle working for series PHEV system with HESS, the fuel economy performance
an additional driving range similar to that of a conventional vehi- highly depends on how the output power from the assistant power
cle. Conversely, when the vehicle speed or the power requirement unit (APU), battery packs and ultracapacitor packs is allocated.
This paper was presented at the 7th International Conference on Applied Energy 1.1. Literature review
(ICAE2015), March 28–31, 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Original paper title: ‘‘Design and
evaluate of optimal control strategy for hybrid power system used in plug-in hybrid Much valuable work involving the power management of elec-
electric vehicle” and Paper No.: 88).
⇑ Corresponding author at: National Engineering Laboratory for Electric Vehicles, tric vehicles has been widely conducted by many researchers [3,4].
School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, The most basic and widely applied power management strategy is
China. Tel./fax: +86 (10) 6891 4070. the rule-based control strategy [5], including fuzzy logic-based
E-mail address: (R. Xiong). control strategy [6,7] that can be recognized as a combination of
0306-2619/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 185 (2017) 1654–1662 1655
different control rules. Ref. [6] proposed a fuzzy logic-based control 1.2. Motivation and innovation
strategy for parallel hybrid vehicles to determine the output power
of the engine and motor/generator, and the results showed poten- This study proposes an integrated power management system
tial improvements. The merit of the rule-based control strategy is for PHEVs that includes three power sources: battery packs, ultra-
its easy implementation, but the performance of this type of con- capacitor packs and an APU. In the new control strategy, an MPC-
trol strategy usually depends on the engineering experience of based controller was integrated with the original control strategy.
the designer, and its robustness cannot be guaranteed. To further The output power of the engine and HESS is determined according
improve the performance of the power management for electric to the original control rules, and the control of the battery packs
vehicles, various intelligent algorithms have been introduced and ultracapacitor packs will be realized by the MPC controller.
[8,9]. In Ref. [8], particle swarm optimization algorithm was The integrated control strategy will be verified by three different
employed for the power management of a hybrid electric vehicle types of driving cycles: Manhattan drive cycle, CBDC drive cycle
and great improvement was obtained. In Ref. [9], the simulated and UDDSHDV drive cycle.
annealing algorithm was applied to determine the engine power
and maximum current coefficient for power-split plug-in hybrid 1.3. Organization of the paper
electric vehicles. Though the promotion of the efficiency perfor-
mance can be achieved, the optimal performance in real-time via The organization of this study is as follows: Section 2 illustrates the
an intelligent algorithm-based control strategy can hardly be modeling of the system and the original control strategy. Then, the
guaranteed. integrated control strategy and MPC formulation will be presented
Some researchers have attempted to optimize the power man- in Section 3. After that, the verification and discussion will be illus-
agement by various optimization algorithms such as convex opti- trated in Section 4. Finally, conclusions are provided in Section 5.
mization algorithm and PSO algorithm [10,11], dynamic
programming optimization (DP) [12–14] and Pontryagin’s mini-
mum principle (PMP) [15,16], among which the most powerful 2. System modeling and original control strategy
method is DP. The DP algorithm can locate the global optimal con-
trol strategy, but because DP-based power management requires 2.1. PHEV configuration and modeling
future road and vehicle speed information, this algorithm cannot
be applied directly. Moreover, when the model is complex, the cal- Many different types of topologies for the HESS have been devel-
culation time for the DP algorithm will be unacceptable. Another oped, including active HESS topologies, semi-active HESS topologies
popular optimization algorithm is PMP where an optimal control and passive HESS topologies [29–32]. In this study, a semi-active
strategy can be obtained by minimizing a Hamiltonian function HESS topology is applied in our target system, as displayed in
[15]. Though the PMP-based method cannot ensure the global opti- Fig. 1 [19]. The battery packs and ultracapacitor packs compose
mization, the control performance from PMP is sometimes similar the HESS, and the engine and generator compose the APU system.
to the performance from DP [16]. However, as the co-states in the The output power of the battery packs can be controlled by a DC/
Hamiltonian function are determined by a trial-and-error method, DC converter, while the output power of the ultracapacitor packs
the PMP-based method cannot be applied directly [17,18]. is controlled passively. To describe the dynamic performance of
To propose a robust and implementable control strategy, driv- the PHEV, a simplified but sufficiently complex backward simula-
ing pattern recognition (DPR)-based power management strategies tion model was constructed, including battery packs, ultracapacitor
have been developed [19]. For DPR-based methods, researchers packs, DC/DC converter, APU, vehicle and transmission system.
have attempted to design different control strategies according to
different driving conditions, and once the driving condition is iden- (1) Battery pack. To analyze the dynamic performance of a bat-
tified by the DPR module, the corresponding control strategy will tery pack, the Thevenin battery lumped parameters model
be applied [19,20]. Thus, the performance of DPR-based power has been selected, and its operation process can be given
management strongly depends on the identification precision. by the following equation [33]:
However, as the DPR module usually identifies the current driving (
condition according to historical driving information and assumes U_ D ¼ C D1RD U D þ C1D iL
that the driving condition will not change, misidentification cannot U t ¼ U oc U D iL Ri
be avoided [21]. Some researchers have attempted to design the
power management via model predictive control (MPC), which will where UD and Ut denote the diffusion voltage and terminal
predict a period of vehicle velocity and then apply various opti- voltage for the battery pack, respectively, CD and RD denote
mization methods to design the control strategy based on the pre- the diffusion capacitance and the diffusion resistance for an
dicted velocity. The vehicle velocity could be predicted by an RC network, which is used to represent the dynamic voltage
artificial neural network algorithm [22], torque requirement expo- performances and the mass transport effects, iL denotes the
nentially decreasing model [23] or Markov Chain-based velocity battery output current, Uoc denotes the open circuit voltage,
predictor [24], and the control strategy optimization methods and Ri denotes the electrical resistance of various battery
could be the PMP algorithm [25], DP algorithm [26], nonlinear pro- components. The battery packs include 138 LiMn2O4
gramming algorithm [27] or quadratic programming algorithm lithium-ion battery cells, and they are connected in series.
[28]. The nominal capacity of the battery cells is 77 Ah, and the
Most of the above work focuses on the power management nominal voltage is 3.7 V. The upper and lower cutoff voltages
strategy for the vehicles only with two power sources, and few are 4.2 V and 3.0 V, respectively. The identification results for
of them for the PHEVs with three or more power sources, including these parameters including Uoc, CD, RD and Ri under different
battery packs, ultracapacitor packs and an APU. Though an adap- SoC levels are presented in Fig. 2 (the identification method
tive control strategy for a PHEV containing three energy sources comes from Ref. [34]).
has been studied in Ref. [19], the HESS is regarded as a single (2) Ultracapacitor pack. The ultracapacitor pack is modeled as a
source during its operation process. Because the output power of series combination of an idle capacitor and resistance Rc
the battery and ultracapacitor was determined by rule-based con- [32]. The operation process of the capacity can be expressed
trol once the required power is deterministic. by the following equation:
1656 S. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 185 (2017) 1654–1662
Engine Generater
Battery DC/DC
converter Transmission
pack Motor
0.15 which indicates that the APU can always work according
to its optimal fuel rate line and is not limited to the current
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 driving conditions. The optimal fuel rate line is developed by
0.4 combining the efficiency map of the engine and generator as
RD (Ω)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 C ar A 2 dM dua ua
Pn ¼ Mgf cosðaÞ þ Mg sinðaÞ þ ua þ
SoC 21:15 3:6 dt 3:6gT
Fig. 2. The identified parameters of the battery pack. ð3Þ
Table 1
Efficiency map of the DC/DC converter [32].
2.2. Original control strategy In this study, an integrated power management is proposed as
displayed in Fig. 4. In the new strategy, the MPC is integrated with
For the power management of the PHEV, a type of Charge-Dep the above original control strategy to realize the power manage-
leting/Charge-Sustaining (CD/CS) strategy is applied in the original ment for the HESS (allocating the output power of the batteries
control strategy. In the CD condition, the PHEV will firstly work like and ultracapacitor when the output power of the HESS is deter-
a battery electric vehicle, and when the battery SoC (BSoC) depletes mined). For the operation of the APU, the original control rules will
to a predetermined level (where BSoC is 0.35), the PHEV will work still be applied. Specifically, the integrated control process includes
like a conventional HEV (the BSoC will be sustained at approxi- three main control procedures: power allocation control, lower
mately 0.3). The detailed original control strategy is displayed control and MPC control. For the power allocation control, the con-
below. troller will determine the output power between the APU and HESS
according to the original control rules. The MPC control will predict
(1) CD operation mode: when BSoC > 0.35, the vehicle is working the future power requirement for HESS, optimize the control strat-
with the CD mode in which the APU stops working (PAPU = 0) egy for HESS and output the control command IL to the lower con-
and the HESS provides the entire power requirement troller. The lower controller will control the APU controller and
(PHESS = Pn). For the HESS, the control rules of the battery HESS controller according to the received control command. To
are as follows: avoid frequent charging/discharging of the battery pack and make
If PHESS < 0 and USoC > USoCH, then Pb = PHESS and Puc = 0; the ultracapacitor work more efficiently, the lower controller will
If PHESS < 0 and USoC 6 USoCH, then Pb = 0 and Puc = PHESS; control the HESS according to two conditions: when the power
If 0 6 PHESS < PL, USoC > USoCL and BSoC > BSoCL, then Pb = - requirement of the HESS exceeds PL, the lower controller will con-
PHESS and Puc = 0; trol the HESS controller according to the control command from
If PL < PHESS, USoC > USoCL and BSoC > BSoCL, then Pb = PL and the MPC controller; and when the power requirement for the HESS
Puc = PHESS- PL; is lower than PL, the lower controller will control the DC/DC con-
If 0 6 PHESS, USoC 6 USoCL and BSoC > BSoCL, then Pb = PHESS verter to make the battery output the required power of the HESS,
and Puc = 0; which is similar to the original control. In this study, a series of
If 0 6 PHESS, BSoC 6 BSoCL and USoC > USoCL, then Puc = PHESS braking strategy was applied, which will make the HESS absorb
and Pb = 0; the braking energy as much as possible, and when the braking
If 0 6 PHESS, BSoC 6 BSoCL and USoC 6 USoCL, then Puc = 0 and power exceeds the absorption ability of HESS, the conventional
Pb = 0; friction braking mechanism will act and consume the remaining
where USoC denotes the SoC of the ultracapacitor, USoCH and
USoCL denote the upper and lower control thresholds of the
3.2. MPC formulation
ultracapacitor and are initialized to be 0.99 and 0.51, respec-
tively, BSoCL denotes the battery control threshold for the bat-
The performance of the MPC-based control strategy highly
tery (set as 0.2), Pr denotes the rated power of the APU (75 kW)
depends on the prediction precision of the vehicle velocity. This
and PL denotes the power threshold (38.16 kW) for HESS.
study attempts to predict the future vehicle velocity by assuming
that the driver torque demand will decrease exponentially over
(2) CS operation mode: when BSoC 6 0.35, the vehicle is working
the prediction horizon and can be expressed by the following equa-
with the CS mode, in which the APU will work according to
tion [23]:
the following rules:
If Pn < 0, then PAPU = 0 and PHESS = Pn; ðis DtÞ
T Wheel ðk þ jÞ ¼ T Wheel ðkÞe d j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; HF ð4Þ
If Pn > Pr, then PAPU = Pr and PHESS = Pn PAPU;
If 0 6 Pn 6 Pr and BSoC 6 0.25, then PAPU = Pr until where Twheel denotes the driver torque demand acting on the
BSoC > 0.35 and PHESS = Pn PAPU; wheels of the vehicle (positive for acceleration and negative for
If 0 6 Pn 6 Pr and BSoC > 0.25, then PAPU = 0 and PHESS = Pn; deceleration), j denotes the time index in the prediction horizon,
Dt denotes the sample time and is set to be one second, sd denotes
It is worth noting that, in the CS condition, the control rules for the the decay coefficient and is set to be seven, and HF denotes the
HESS are the same as with the CD condition when PHESS is given. length of the prediction horizon and is set to be ten in this study.
Then, the predicted speed can be expressed by the following
3. Integrated power management
T wheel ðkþjÞ
Mgf cosðaÞ Mg sinðaÞ 21:15
C ar A 2
3.1. Control logic of the integrated control strategy Vðk þ j þ 1Þ ¼ Vðk þ jÞ þ
To improve the fuel economy performance for the PHEV, the j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; HF ð5Þ
MPC algorithm was applied to the new control strategy. The power
management strategy based on the MPC algorithm usually con-
tains three modules: the velocity prediction module, control strat- BSoC CSoC U D
where Rtire denotes the radius of the wheel. Based on the predicted U D ðk þ 1Þ exp Dt
0 U D ðkÞ
velocity, the control strategy for the HESS can be optimized. In this ¼ RD C D
BSoCðk þ 1Þ 0 1 BSoCðkÞ
study, the DP algorithm was applied to optimize the control strat- 0 1 ð6Þ
egy in the MPC controller. As the MPC control strategy is only used 1 exp RD C D RD
for the power management for the HESS, we only need to consider þ@ AiL ðkÞ
the state for the battery pack and ultracapacitor pack in the DP opti- 3600Q b
(B) CBDC where N denotes the length of the optimization horizon, Lb denotes
the battery electricity consumption and LU denotes the ultracapac-
20 itor electricity consumption. To ensure safe and reasonable opera-
0 tion for the battery packs and ultracapacitor packs, some
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
constraints are necessary, as displayed below:
Speed (km/h)
> BSoC min 6 BSoCðkÞ 6 BSoC max
50 >
> USoC min 6 USoCðkÞ 6 USoC max
0 L;min 6 iL ðkÞ 6 iL;max
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 ð9Þ
> ic;min 6 ic ðkÞ 6 ic;max
Time (s)
> U t;min 6 U t ðkÞ 6 U t;max
Fig. 5. The three different driving cycles. :
1.5 0.5
1600 1650 1700 1410 1450 1490 1530
1 1
0 5000 10000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
600 200
(a2) 100
0 (b2) 100
400 400 0
Ib (A)
Ib (A)
500 1600 1650 1700 500 1410 1450 1490 1530
0 0
-500 -500
0 5000 10000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 6. Comparisons with the CD operation mode: The ultracapacitor SoC, the battery current and the ultracapacitor current under the Manhattan driving cycle are shown in
(a1), (a2) and (a3), respectively; and those are under the UDDSHDV driving cycle are shown in (b1), (b2) and (b3), respectively.
S. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 185 (2017) 1654–1662 1659
where BSoCmin and BSoCmax denote the constraints for battery SoC and U(k) denote the state variables and control variables as dis-
and are set as 0.2 and 1, respectively; USoCmin and USoCmax denote played below:
the constraints for ultracapacitor SoC and are set as 0.5 and 1,
XðkÞ ¼ ½BSoCðkÞ; USoCðkÞ; U D ðkÞ; PAPU ðkÞ
respectively; iL,min and iL,max denote the constraints for battery out- ð11Þ
put current and are set as 154 A and 154 A, respectively; and ic,min UðkÞ ¼ ½AC ðkÞ; iL ðkÞ
and ic,max denote the constraints for ultracapacitor output current where Ac(k) denotes the APU on/off command, respectively. It could
and are set as 500 A and 500 A, respectively. be set to 1 or 0 to describe the on or off status of the APU.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed integrated control
strategy, we need to define another cost function, which will
4. Verification and discussion
consider the fuel economic performance containing the electricity
consumption from the HESS and fuel consumption from the APU.
The performance of the proposed integrated control strategy
The function is displayed below:
will be verified by three different types of driving cycles, the Man-
8 hattan driving cycle, UDDSHDV driving cycle and CBDC driving
> X
N1 X
cycle, as displayed in Fig. 5. The Manhattan driving cycle and
> J¼ CðXðkÞ; UðkÞÞ ¼ C B ðXðkÞ; UðkÞÞ þ C APU ðXðkÞ; UðkÞÞ
> UDDSHDV driving cycle are extracted from software of the ADVI-
k¼0 k¼0
SOR [35,36], and the CBDC driving cycle is presented in Ref. [30].
< þC ðXðkÞ; UðkÞÞ U
The comparison between the new control strategy and original
C B ðXðkÞ; UðkÞÞ ¼ ðiL ðkÞU t ðkÞ þ iL ðkÞ Ri ðkÞ þ U 2D ðkÞ=RD ÞAe
> control strategy is carried out with two conditions: CD operation
> C ðXðkÞ; UðkÞÞ ¼ ði ðkÞU ðkÞ þ i ðkÞ2 R ðkÞÞA
> mode and CS operation mode. As the battery parameters vary
U c ct c c e
: _ under different SoC conditions, to ensure that the SoC variation
C APU ðXðkÞ; UðkÞÞ ¼ mðkÞA f
range includes all SoC conditions, twelve Manhattan driving cycles,
ð10Þ four UDDSHDV driving cycles and six CBDC drive cycles are applied
under both CD operation mode and CS operation mode. In this
where C(X(k), U(k)) denotes the usage costs (including the battery study, the highest speed of the target PHEV is 80 km/h, so when
cost CB (X(k),U(k)), ultracapacitor cost CB(X(k),U(k)), and APU cost the vehicle speed is higher than 80 km/h, the speed is recognized
CAPU(X(k),U(k))), Ae and Af denote the electric price and fuel price as 80 km/h. The maximum output/input power of the HESS will
(Ae is set to be 0.799 RMB per kWH, and Af is set to be 8.9908 be limited to 150 kW according to the vehicle company limit.
RMB per kilogram), mðkÞ denotes the fuel consumption rate and is The comparison between the new control strategy and original
a function of the APU output power as displayed in Fig. 3. X(k) control strategy under the CD operation mode is presented in
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6(a2) and (a3) show the output current of the battery pack
Table 2
and ultracapacitor pack under the Manhattan drive cycle. The com-
Fuel economy comparison with the CD operation mode.
parison of the ultracapacitor current indicates that the new control
12 MANHATTAN 6 CBDC 4 UDDSHDV strategy can use the ultracapacitor more frequently than the orig-
Original control 21.206 RMB 21.509 23.735 RMB inal control strategy, especially when the required power is regen-
strategy RMB erative power. On the contrary, the battery packs in the original
New control strategy 18.118 RMB 20.901 23.815 RMB
control strategy are more frequently used. As the new control
Improvement 14.56% 2.83% 0.34%
strategy tends to use ultracapacitor packs instead of battery packs,
150 -60
250 (a3) 600 (a4) 100
200 50 0
PUltra (kW)
150 -100
1000 1100 1200 200 1000 1100 1200
50 0
0 5000 10000 0 5000 10000
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 7. Comparison with the CS operation mode under Manhattan driving cycle.
1660 S. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 185 (2017) 1654–1662
PBat (kW)
0.5 200 -50
0.4 650 700 750 800 850 100 650 700 750 800 850
0.3 0
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
200 100
(a3) 400 (a4) 50
50 0
150 300
PUltra (kW)
0 200 -100
100 650 700 750 800 850 650 700 750 800 850
50 0
0 2000 4000 6000 2000 4000 6000
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 8. Comparison with the CS operation mode under the CBDC driving cycle.
0.5 -50
0.3 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
80 (a4) 100
200 (a3)
60 600
PUltra (kW)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 9. Comparison with the CS operation mode under the UDDSHDV driving cycle.
the SoC of the ultracapacitor packs is usually sustained at a lower energy in the ultracapacitor is easily exhausted (as displayed in
level than that of the original control strategy, as displayed in Fig. 6 Fig. 6(b1)). Then, the battery packs have to provide all the power
(a1). The lower USoC level causes the ultracapacitor in the new requirement for the HESS, and the battery packs tend to work at
control strategy to have a greater potential to absorb the regener- high output current conditions more frequently than in the original
ative energy than that in the original control strategy. As the resis- control strategy (as displayed in Fig. 6(b2)). Although with the new
tance of the ultracapacitor packs is much lower than that of the control strategy the ultracapacitor packs can absorb the regenera-
battery packs and DC/DC converter, the frequent use of the ultraca- tive energy more effectively (as displayed in Fig. 6(b3)), the braking
pacitor is helpful for the promotion of the efficiency performance frequency under UDDSHDV driving condition is much lower than
for the PHEV. Table 2 shows that the efficiency performance of that under Manhattan condition. Moreover, the battery packs and
the system is promoted by 14.56% under the Manhattan driving DC/DC converter have a greater probability to work in a low effi-
condition. However, under UDDSHDV driving conditions, as the ciency condition, which causes the advantages and disadvantages
vehicle speed is usually high and the duration is usually long, the of the new control strategy to cancel each other out. That is why
S. Zhang et al. / Applied Energy 185 (2017) 1654–1662 1661
Table 3 work, the robustness of the proposed control strategy will be fur-
Fuel economy comparison with the CS operation mode. ther tested by real driving cycles collected in Beijing. After that
12 MANHATTAN 6 CBDC 4 UDDSHDV the strategy will be tested through bench test.
Original control 65.152 RMB 60.402 61.081 RMB
strategy RMB Acknowledgements
New control strategy 50.896 RMB 54.808 56.905 RMB
Improvement 21.88% 9.26% 6.84% This work was partially supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51507012), the National
Science & Technology Pillar Program (2013BAG05B00), the Excel-
the performance of the new strategy and original strategy is almost lent Young Scholars Research Fund of the Beijing Institute of Tech-
the same (the gap is only 0.34%, as displayed in Table 2). nology and Beijing Institute of Technology Research Fund Program
In the CS operation mode, the APU can work together with the for Young Scholars. Any opinions expressed in this paper are solely
HESS according to the battery SoC and vehicle power requirement. those of the authors and do not represent those of the sponsors.
The battery SoC fluctuates around 0.3. The performance compar-
ison between the new control strategy and original control strat- References
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