1. The document provides instructions for calibrating and using pH/Redox combination electrodes. It describes filling the electrode with electrolyte, conditioning it, and calibrating it using buffer solutions of known pH or mV values.
2. Calibration involves first immersing the electrode in a pH 7 or 264 mV buffer solution. The meter is adjusted to match the buffer value. The electrode is then placed in a second buffer (pH 4 or 400 mV) and the meter again adjusted to match.
3. The electrode should be stored in saturated KCl solution when not in use to prevent drying out. Regular calibration is needed to ensure accurate measurements.
1. The document provides instructions for calibrating and using pH/Redox combination electrodes. It describes filling the electrode with electrolyte, conditioning it, and calibrating it using buffer solutions of known pH or mV values.
2. Calibration involves first immersing the electrode in a pH 7 or 264 mV buffer solution. The meter is adjusted to match the buffer value. The electrode is then placed in a second buffer (pH 4 or 400 mV) and the meter again adjusted to match.
3. The electrode should be stored in saturated KCl solution when not in use to prevent drying out. Regular calibration is needed to ensure accurate measurements.
1. The document provides instructions for calibrating and using pH/Redox combination electrodes. It describes filling the electrode with electrolyte, conditioning it, and calibrating it using buffer solutions of known pH or mV values.
2. Calibration involves first immersing the electrode in a pH 7 or 264 mV buffer solution. The meter is adjusted to match the buffer value. The electrode is then placed in a second buffer (pH 4 or 400 mV) and the meter again adjusted to match.
3. The electrode should be stored in saturated KCl solution when not in use to prevent drying out. Regular calibration is needed to ensure accurate measurements.
1. The document provides instructions for calibrating and using pH/Redox combination electrodes. It describes filling the electrode with electrolyte, conditioning it, and calibrating it using buffer solutions of known pH or mV values.
2. Calibration involves first immersing the electrode in a pH 7 or 264 mV buffer solution. The meter is adjusted to match the buffer value. The electrode is then placed in a second buffer (pH 4 or 400 mV) and the meter again adjusted to match.
3. The electrode should be stored in saturated KCl solution when not in use to prevent drying out. Regular calibration is needed to ensure accurate measurements.
calibration procedure should be done initially and
Trusted Name in Instrumentation repeated at intervals determined by the desired Direction for use measuring accuracy and the conditions of use of the for pH/ Redox Combination Electrodes electrode system. Redox Combination Electrode (KCl / Gel filled) : (KCl / Gel filled) Please follow instructions at Sr. No. 1, 3, 4 & 5 only 1. Remove the bottle/ protective cap at the bottom of and not others from “Direction for use”. the electrode. Calibration : 2. Shake the electrode gently to ensure that the Prepare a Redox Buffer solution for 264 mV & internal buffer solution covers the whole pH Bulb immerse the Redox Electrode in the same. After and no air bubbles are entrapped. putting the meter in mV mode the display of the meter 3. pH/ Redox Combination Electrodes should be should be brought to 264 mV by means of the filled with the appropriate electrolyte to a height of asymmetry potential adjustment pot. The electrode is about 1cm below the filling port. then removed from the buffer solution and washed 4. Wash off any salt film present on the exterior of pH/ with distilled water and then immersed in another Redox Combination Electrode, using distilled known buffer of 400 mV. If the reading now displayed water. is 400 ±25 mV then electrode is functioning correctly 5. To ensure pressure equalisation, the stopper of the & ready for use. filling port should be removed or perforated with a Important for pH/ Redox Combination Electrodes pin. (KCl / Gel filled): 6. Soak the electrode in 7pH Buffer or saturated KCI 10.a)Always keep the electrodes dipped in saturated for some hours (preferably overnight) before use. KCI solution, when not in use. 7. Electrode which have developed problem of slow b) Since the shelf life of the Redox buffer is very response due to drying out of the membrane or use short, for correct results it is strongly under extreme conditions, may be re-activated by recommended to use freshly prepared buffers soaking in 0.1 N Hydrochloric Acid for 8 to 10 for calibration. hours. c) Electrode should be kept in its box as per “arrow Electrode, which fails to respond to the above mark” when not in use, which means the bottle/ treatment can be further activated by dipping them protective cap side should be facing the ground to 2% Hydrofluoric Acid for 5-10 seconds and in its packed condition. immediately washing with distilled water. This Guide Lines for Replacement drastic treatment should however be applied only 1. pH / Redox Electrodes are very fragile in nature as last resort as it reduces the life of the electrode. and are tested before dispatch from the factory to 8. After conditioning the electrode as in (7) above, if it ensure that they function correctly. Any electrode is not to be used it should be kept in 7pH Buffer or that fails to work for the first time when supplied on saturated KCI. To prevent the entry of measuring FORD prices and when used in accordance with media through the diaphragm of the reference the instructions provided in the “Direction for use”, junction of pH Combination Electrode, the stopper would be repaired / replaced at company's sole of the filling opening/ port should be removed or discretion. perforated with a pin. Failure of electrodes if any, should be informed Calibration : within 30 days from the date of invoice, else no 9. The calibration of a pH measuring system is claim whatsoever will be entertained. described in the Instruction Manual of the meter. 2. In any case, kindly do not take any step not For convenience it is repeated below: mentioned in our “Direction for use” (Moreover, do The Electrode should be immersed in a buffer not remove the cap on top of the electrode which solution of known pH say 7pH. The display of the pH will make the electrode ineffective). meter is brought to the value 7 by means of the 3. It may kindly be noted that in case the above Guide asymmetry potential adjustment pot. The electrode is Lines for Replacement is not followed, FREE then removed from the buffer solution and washed REPLACEMENT will not be considered even if with distilled water and immersed in another known complaints are received within the period specified buffer say 4pH. The display of the pH meter is brought in (1) above. to the value 4 by means of slope adjustment pot. The display of the measuring instruments should now TOSHNIWAL INSTRUMENTS MFG. PVT. LTD., indicate this value and if it does so, the electrode is P.O. Gagwana 305023, Distt. Ajmer (Raj.) INDIA functioning correctly. Phone: +91-145-6450601/2/3, 3208147 The effect of temperature on the pH value of the buffer Customer Care: +91-9414006717 Email: info@toshcon.com, Website: www.toshcon.com solution must be considered. The preceding REGD. OFFICE: 401, Manish Chamber, Sonawala Cross Lane, Goregaon (E), Mumbai-63
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