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The document provides an overview of the roleplaying game Traveller: 2300, which is set 300 years after a global war on Earth. It explores the frontier of human space and includes detailed star systems within 50 light years.

The game includes a Player's Manual, Referee's Manual, Near Star Map, Star Catalog, forms booklet, and a beginning adventure.

The Near Star Map contains over 700 stars in over 500 systems within 50 light years of Earth, showing their locations, types, sizes, and other details. It also maps out the principal trade routes of human colonies.

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1.1' ~ ./Ft t FR'
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Journey across the light years exploring the uncharted systems of the frontier ; watch your two shadows
under a double star ; war against the unfathomable Kafers amid the exotic environments of alien worlds;
ride the beanstalk down to the towering cities of Earth, the economic center of an ever expanding human
civilization . Be a part of the new age in Traveller : 2300 — the state-of-the-art in science fiction role-playing.

History The Near Star Catalog Game Systems

Traveller: 2300 plays against a The Traveller : 2300 universe Playable realism . Many games
background of Earth 300 years after deals with star systems within 50 light which are realistic can ' t be played;
the cataclysm of the Third World years of Earth . Extensive research most playable games aren't terribly
War . Set in a world where nations still and analysis has produced the most realistic . Traveller: 2300 is both at
clash, civilization has crawled back to accurate star map ever made . Never once, balancing exquisite detail with
its pre-war levels, and then beyond. before has such a monumentous task simple, accurate game systems.
The world is dominated by the Third been undertaken, either in gaming or The heart of Traveller : 2300 is
French Empire . Earth ' s hundred na- in science fiction : over 700 stars in its task resolution system . With it, the
tions have colonies among the stars. over 500 systems, on a 22" x 25" referee has a plethora of examples
First contact happened long ago, and color map . Location, spectral type, and precedents to use in any situa-
commerce with aliens is now size, and magnitude are documented tion, and the players have a
commonplace. in a separate star catalog. reasonable idea of what their options
But exploration still goes on! The The local neighborhood of stars will be on any given task . Rules cover
conquest of the stars has just begun . contains white dwarves, red giants, all aspects of conflict resolution, from
and warm yellow stars like our own. arguments to all-out battles . Detailed
The map extends far beyond the fur character generation, starship opera-
thest reaches of human settlement, tions and combat, and economics
into the realms of aliens and the make Traveller : 2300 the state-of-
unexplored . Also printed on the map the-art in science fiction role-playing.
are the three principal trade routes of
human space . The Chinese arm from
Sol to Tau Ceti, the American arm Game Components
One Player 's Manual
from Sol to Ellis, and the French arm One Referee ' s Manual
from Sol to Xi Ursae Majoris. One full-color Near Star Map with ac-
Traveller : 2300 maps out the local companying Near Star List
One Forms Booklet
neighborhood in detail never before
One Beginning Adventure
accomplished, helping to make it The Tricolor 's Shadow
what it was designed to be—th One ten-sided and four six-sided dice
ultimate in playable realism .
Marc W. Miller, Frank Chadwick,
Timothy B . Brown
Loren K . Wiseman, Joe Fugate,
Gary Thomas, Kevin Brown,
Matt Renner
Art Direction:
Barbie Pratt
Cover Illustration:
Steve Venters

Since 1973
0 PO Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646
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In This Game
The future is an exciting place, and this box provides you with what you need to begin role-playing immediately.
Traveller: 2300 contains several separate items which provide information and background about the universe
of the future. Look them over and familiarize yourself with them.

Playe r ’s Man ua 1 The Player’s Manual is directed at the individual

players of Traveller: 2300, giving them
information they will find useful while playing the
game. It provides background on the future universe, describing what nations exist on Earth and what colonies
they have out among the stars. It covers character generation and the varieties of equipment that can be pur-
chased and used. The referee should also read the Player’s Manual.

Referee’s Manua I
The Referee’s Manual is directed at the
referee, providing basic game rules that
qovern Traveller: 2300. These rules
cover task resolution, starships, personal combat, and world generation, as well as other important topics.

Behind this cover sheet is a collection of blank forms which

Form s Book are used during the game. Each form can be photocopied and
then filled in with information drawn from the rules or generated
during play. Be careful to only use photocopies of the forms, keeping the originals for photocopies.

The Near Star Map shows the locations of stars

Near Star Map within 50 light years of Earth. Each is color-coded to
show its spectra and identified by name. Smaller maps
show the major exploration routes of Earth’s future: the French, Chinese, and American Arms.

The more than 750 stars on the Near Star Map are
Near Star List cataloged in the Near Star List. Stars are listed in
alphabetical order, and the listing includes spectral and
size data, magnitude, and XYZ coordinates. Data in this Near Star List is the most accurate information available
on stars within 50 light years of Earth.

To allow a referee to

The Tricolor’s Shadow ~ ~ ~ d ~ e

Tricolor’s Shadow is included as an introductory adventure set on Beta Canum 4. This adventure‘is an ex-

citing, challenging use of many concepts and rules from Traveler: 2300.
Game system examples for

Understanding 2300
a scenario for each, plus tips on creating your own adventures.
character and world generation, two
scenarios, two alien races and and

Traveller: 2300 requires dice as random number generators. Dice are important to the

Dice game because they make the outcome of events reasonable yet individually unpredictable.
This game includes four six-sided dice (D6) and one ten-sided die (D10).

Game Designers’ Workshop

PO Box 1646, Bloomington, Illinois 61702-1646 USA
Designers and Publishers of Fine Games Since 1973
Character Data
Name Nationality Homeworld Gravity Frontier/Core?

Gender Birthdate Mass Eyesight Hearing Body Type

Throw Range

Coolness Under Fire Encumbrance Native Language Other Languages

First Career

7 Second Career

0 Endur

List Possessions and Monev I

Character Data
Name Nationality Homeworld Gravity Frontier/Core?

Gender Birthdate Mass Eyesight Hearing Body Type

Throw Range Coolness Under Fire Encumbrance Native Language Other Languages

First Career Second Career


List Possessions and Money
Character Generation
1D 10 Core/frontier Frontier Core Gravity of Homeworld CHECKLIST
0 Core Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G Low-G Normal High-G 1. Select Homeworld.
1 Core Zero-G Zero-G Zero-G 0 +1 +l +4 A. Determine if core or frontier.
2 Core Low-G Normal LOW-G 1 - 0 +1 +2 B. Find homeworld gravity.
3 Frontier Low-G Normal Normal - 2 -1 0 +1 2. Select Body Type.
4 Frontier Low-G Normal High-G - 4 -2 -1 0 3. Generate Attributes.
5 Frontier Normal Normal A. Physical Attributes.
6 Frontier Normal Normal GRAVITY TABLE (DEXTERITY) 1) Size. 4D6-4.
7 Frontier Normal Normal Gravity of Homeworld 2) Strength. Size+physical attributes
8 Frontier High-G Normal Zero-G Low-G Normal High-G table.
9 Frontier High-G Normal Zero-G 0 -1 -2 -4 3) Dexterity. 4D6 - 4+ physical at-
This table is optional. The player may LOW-G 4 1 0 -1 -2 tributes table.
select specific homeworld gravity and Normal +2 +1 0 -1 4) Endurance. 4D6- 4+ physical at-
core/frontier iype instead. High-G + 4 +2 +1 0 tributes table.
B. Psychological Attributes.
BODY TYPE BACKGROUND SKILLS 1) Determination. 4D6 - 4.
1D 10 Zero Low Normal High Background skill points equal education 2) Intelligence. 4D6 4. -
1 Ecto Ecto Ecto Endo divided by 2 (round fractions up). 3) Eloquence. 4D6 - 4.
2 Ecto Ecto Ecto Endo Frontier Skills: Combat Rifleman, 4) Education. 4D6-4+education
2 Ecto Ecto Endo Endo Sidearm, Melee, Ground Vehicle, Hover modifiers.
4 Ecto Normal Endo Normal Vehicle, Sea Vehicle, First Aid, Survival, C. Rerolling. Any one physical and one
5 Ecto Normal Normal Normal Electronic, Mechanical, Riding, Prospect- psychological attribute may be rerolled and
6 Normal Normal Normal Normal ing, Swim, Vacc Suit. the old or the new die roll may be selected.
7 Normal Normal Normal Normal Core Skills: Computer, Ground Vehi- D. Determine strength and dexterity
8 Normal Meso Normal Meso cle, Hover Vehicle, Sea Vehicle, values in alternate gravities.
9 Normal Meso Meso Meso Bureaucracy, Information Gathering. 4. Background Skills.
10 Normal Meso Meso Meso A. Background skill points equal educa-
This table is optional. The player may SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES tion divided by 2.
select a specific body type, but only cor- Characters have special attributes: B. Select background skills.
responding to his gravity background. Mass: Mass (in kilograms) begins with 5. Career Skills.
a base of 50 plus 3 times size. If A. Select Career.
PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES B. Receive initial training.
mesomorph, add +35; if endomorph, add
Body Type Stren Dext Endur +20; if ectomorph, subtract - 20. C. Throw years to turning point (1 D10).
Mesomorph +4 -2 +2 Coolness Under Fire: Throw 1D6 1) Career skill points equals years.
Ectomorph -2 +3 0 and add + 1 for each turning point in a , 2) Apply career skill point modifiers.
Endomorph +1 -1 +3 military, law enforcement, field agent, or 3) Select skills.
Normal 0 0 0 extralegaI career . 4) Resolve turning point.
Throw Range: Strength times 8 gives 5) If success, go to next turning point.
EDUCATION MODIFIERS 6) If failure, go to character finalization.
throw range (for a 1 kg object) in meters.
If Intelligence or Change Encumbrance: Twice the sum of size 6. Character Finalization.
Determination is.. . Education by... plus strength is the limit of carying capacity A. Eyesight/Hearing/Appearance.
1 to 4 -4 i n kilograms. B. Consciousness and Life Level.
5or 6 -3 Money: Character has Lv1,OOO times C. Age. 18+years in careers; add 1 if
7or 8 -2 the number of years spent in service. character had two careers.
9 or 10 0 Nationality: Taken from any available D. Mass.
11 or 12 +1 on homeworld. E. Nationality and languages.
1 3 0 r 14 +2 F. Coolness Under Fire.
15to20 +4 SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES G. Throw Range (in meters).
Note: Consult this table once for in- 1 D IO EyesighVHearping Appearance H. Encumbrance (in kilograms).
telligence and once for determination. 0 Average Unattractive 1. Money.
1 Average Plain
A character receives one skill point for 3 Average GoodLooking Native language is determined by na-
each year spent prior to a turning point. 4 Average GoodLooking tionality. Government and civilian careers
If intelligence plus determination is less 5 Average GoodLooking also provide French. Mercantile, space
than 10, subtract two career skill points (but 6 Average GoodLooking militay, exploratory, and ship crew receive
the number available is never less than 1). 7 Excellent Attractive English. Academics receive one additional
Ifintelligence plus determination is more 8 Excellent Attractive language of choice. Linguistics provides
than 30, add two career skill points. 9 Exceptional Exceptional one language per level of skill.
Vehicle Data
Mass/ W ei ght Crew Armor

Zombat Movement Evasion Sensor Range Signature

Cargo Endurance Price


Ammunition Range

I l l I I I I I I
1 1 1 I( I I I l l
I l l I I I I I 1
1 1 1 1 I I I I I /
/ I / I I I I I 1
I l l I I I I I /
Starship Data
IShip Name 1 Class Movement

Registry (or Armed Force) Nationality Year Built

Sensor Operator Skill Level Passive Signature Passive Sensors

Active Signature Active Sensors

Hull Hit Capacity Sensors

Power Plant Hit Capacity Computer

Crew Remote


Screens Continuing

Damage Control
List characters and skill levels of damage control personnel.

List weapons with gunner skill, targeting bonus and damage

List remote objects and remote pilot skill.
1 1 16 10
2 1 17 11
‘3 2 18 11
4 3 19 12
5 3 20 13
6 4 21 13
7 4 22 14
8 5 23 14
10 6 25 16
11 7 26 16
12 8 27 17
13 8 28 18
14 9 29 18
15 9 30 19

Side B I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

GEODESIC MAP TRIANGLE NO. 0 -1 = 1000 kilometers

Star Data
Spectral Type, Sizc Companion Star Name I Spectral Type, Size

Magnitude Companion Orbit Radius Magnitude

Mass Radius Luminosity Mass Radius Luminosity

Life Zone: Inner Limit/Optimal/Outer Limii Life Zone: Inner Limit/Optimal/Outer Limit

Orbit Radius World Name World Type 1

World Core Type Diameter (km) Density (Earths) Mass (Earths) Gravity

Temperature Atmosphere Type MW Retained Atmos Pressure Oxygen Pressure Water Percentage

Population Nationality Settlement Character

Date Settled Bases


Colony/Outpost Data
Population Nationality Settlement Character

Date Settled Bases


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