Ekdahl 2010
Ekdahl 2010
Ekdahl 2010
Lena Ekdahl RN, RM, MSc (Nurse)1,2 and Kerstin Petersson RNT, PhD
(Associate Professor)2,3
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Centrallasarettet, Växjö, Sweden, 2Kronoberg Unit for Research and Development, Växjö,
Sweden and 3Department of Nursing, Section of Caring Sciences, Lund university, Sweden
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Back pain during pregnancy is considered by some to be The study population comprised healthy pregnant wo-
a welfare problem. MacLennan (1991) suggested that it is men who presented with low back and pelvic pain at
more common in Scandinavia than elsewhere in the world maternity health care centres within an area in southern
(13). On the other hand, a study by Björklund and Sweden. The expected response was achieved after four to
Bergström (2000) showed that, in socio-economic terms, five treatments. All forms of treatment involve certain
there were no geographical differences. The frequency of risks, and to minimise side effects the exclusion criteria
pelvic pain in pregnancy was 49% in Uppsala, Sweden and were: treatment with cortisones, anticoagulants or
66% in Rufiji, Tanzania, 77% in Jakobstad, Finland immunosuppressive drugs, heart disease, diabetes, pace-
and 81% in Zanzibar Town, Zanzibar, with comparable site makers, epilepsy, hepatitis, HIV or AIDS, acute infection,
and severity of pain (14). psychiatric disease, haematological disorders, renal disease,
To experience pain involves a deal of suffering for the premature contractions and needle phobia (18).
individual. Should that pain endure, there is a risk of
development of a chronic situation, which influences daily
life (15). It is therefore important to understand how pain
influences the will to work, family life, company, leisure Midwives’ experience from care of pregnant women with
time and sleep (16). An important development in health low back and pelvic pain influenced the choice of instru-
care for women is to be able to use both medical and ments for data collection, being both clinically and scien-
nonmedical care to complement alternative treatment tifically approved (19–22).
such as acupuncture, and to measure results using quality- Pain-O-Meter (POM) is a small instrument, which
of-life instruments (17). measures pain dimensions: intensity, quality, locality and
As we saw tendencies of improvements of quality of life duration. A 10 cm visual analogue scale (VAS) is located
for the pregnant women turn of less pain, improved by POM (POM-VAS) which shows pain intensity where 0
mobility, better night sleep and an over all improved describes ‘no pain whatsoever’ and 10 ‘worst possible
general health, therefore the hypothesis was to start the pain’. This measuring method is adjusted for application
treatment with acupuncture already in pregnancy 20. in clinical work. There is also a list reflecting different
The aim of this intervention study was to describe dimensions of pain’s 12 sensory and 11 emotional
women’s experience of acupuncture to alleviate low descriptive terms on POM (POM-VAS), which are scored
back and pelvic pain in week 20 and 26 of pregnancy 0–5. POM measures both the sensory and emotional pain
respectively. intensity and quality. There was a high correlation be-
tween POM-VAS (r = 0.88) och POM-WDS (r = 0.84) in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with initial or
repeated pain intensity (test–retest reliability) (19). In this
study only POM-VAS is shown. The Short Form McGill
Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) is constructed around three
The study included a total of 40 pregnant women from the word groups: sensory, emotional and appraisal; which
same demographic area of which 20 commenced therapy patients use to describe their experience of pain. It has
in gestational week 20 (group 1) and 20 in week 26 (group shown itself to be able to measure the result of thera-
2). The experience gained by the acupuncture team since peutic treatments and therefore this instrument was
coming into operation in 1997 suggested that the pregnant chosen for this study. SF-MPQ measures pain quality and
woman sought treatment often several weeks, (median intensity by using 15 descriptors where the sum of the
gestational age 31.5 weeks, range 26–34) after the on intensity rank values of the words is graded from 0–3, the
come of pain, (median gestational age 22 weeks, range maximum total being 45 (20, 21). The formula has been
18–28) hence these group divisions. tested for reliability and validity on patients with RA and
When the woman had been diagnosed, a request was fibromyalgia (21). The Short Form-36 Health Survey
forwarded to the acupuncturist at the hospital where Questionnaire (SF-36) is a short questionnaire that is
randomisation to one or other of the groups was carried used internationally (22) and consequently it was chosen
out. The women were notified by telephone as to when for this study. SF-36 contains 36 questions, which mea-
they would begin their course of treatment after ultra- sure eight health dimensions; physical function (PF), so-
sound examination and receipt of expected date of cial function (SF), function limitation due to physical
delivery. problems (RP), function limitation due to emotional
At the acupuncture unit the midwife took a clinical problems (RE), mental health (MH), vitality (VT), pain
history of the pregnant woman prior to start of therapy. (BP) and general health (GH). Analysis has shown that
Individual advice and instruction was given concerning SF-36 is able to distinguish between psychological and
posture correction and how to avoid asymmetrical physical ill health, and between positive and negative
movements. health (22).
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Acupuncture treatment of pregnant women 177
Tape recorded telephone interviews concerning experi- 16–18. This meant that treatment could begin at the ear-
ences of acupuncture treatment and daily life were carried liest in week 20.
out with the women 2–3 months after delivery. The treatment options traditionally available have been
the trocanter belt, physiotherapy and sickness certificate
(10). Acupuncture treatment was therefore limited to eight
sessions so as to be able to offer patients those alternative
Pain measurement using POM-VAS and SF-MPQ was car- treatment forms both prior to and after acupuncture
ried out prior to treatment in the acupuncture unit. SF-36 treatment.
was carried out prior to commencement of treatment and at The women received acupuncture for 6 weeks, divided
every fourth and eighth treatment session. The author (LE) into eight sessions of 30 minutes each. In the first 2 weeks,
conducted 22 consecutive telephone interviews (11 in each two treatments per week were received and there after once
group) 2–3 months after delivery during the period April– per week. Case notes were kept of all procedures and an
September 2001. The interviews dealt with the experienced appraisal was carried out after each treatment occasion. The
quality of life of pregnant women concerning pain, sleep and initial response was expected after four to five treatments
mobility after acupuncture treatment. An interview guide (18). The first session lasted 20 minutes and the number of
was used on a total of five open questions. The goal was to get needles was limited to five. Subsequent sessions were of
a deeper understanding of the state of being of a pregnant 30 minutes duration and the number of needles limited to
woman and to determine whether it was correlated with 10. All women received the same treatment. Foetal sound
the health questionnaire answers. Each interview took was measured before and after each treatment occasion.
20 minutes. Interviews and analysis of material ran in par- Indications for the use of acupuncture in obstetrics have
allel and in the absence of any new category arising, which been described with beneficial results with both clinically
changed the overall content a maximum of 22 interviews and scientifically accepted data (12, 24–26). Using known
was considered to be sufficient (23) (Fig. 1). anatomical sites as reference points the acupuncture sites
are defined, more easily if they are tender (18). Needle
sensitivity is called ‘deqi’ in Chinese and means ‘arrival of
energy’ and according to western research deqi-sensitivity
All women were informed by midwives at their respective is due to stimulation of deep muscle afferent’s. Once the
maternity health care centres prior to gestational week 20, needle has been placed and the specific needle sensitivity
after a physician’s diagnosis of back and pelvic pain, of the (deqi) has developed the needle is left in place 20–
possibility of taking part in the study. The diagnostic test 30 minutes (16). Since the 70’s it has been recognised that
used was the provocation test of the posterior pelvis (3). the body produces morphine-like substances – endorphins,
The test was carried out with the patient lying on her back and that the pain relieving effect of acupuncture is in part
and with 90 inflection of the sacroiliac joint on the side similar to prolonged muscle use (18).
being investigated. The investigator stabilised the pelvis
with one hand while carefully pressing on the femurs long
Statistical analysis
axis with the other hand, which produced a posterior
pelvic pain which the patient recognised (10). The collected data was analysed in the SPSS program (Sta-
An acupuncture course of therapy consists of eight to 12 tistical Package for Social Sciences) version 11.0 (SPSS Inc.,
treatments (18) given by a midwife trained in acupuncture Chicago, IL, USA). Mean between the groups and within
technique. After an interval, the treatment can be repeated the groups were compared with modified t-test on the
if required. Acupuncture is considered to be relatively instruments POM-VAS and SF-MPQ. For each of the eight
contraindicated during the first trimester, where there is a SF-36 scales the differences between and within the groups
perception that acupuncture can initiate premature labour were tested with the Friedman test. The Mann–Whitney
pains that lead to miscarriage. Later on during pregnancy, U-test was used for testing differences between groups for
when low back and pelvic pain normally occurs, the risks each SF-36 scale at every measurement occasion. Differ-
are most probably diminished (18). ence within groups between visits was tested when a sig-
Acupuncture treatment was offered during pregnancy nificant difference occurred, using Wilcoxon test.
after routine ultrasound examination in gestational week
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6 Pain intensity
The population 4
The mean ages of groups 1 and 2 were 28.6 and 27.9 years 3
respectively. In both groups the majority of the women 2 Group 1 n = 16
were employed in health care, service and administration.
1 Group 2 n = 16
The mean for onset of pain was gestational week 14 in
group 1 and week 13 in group 2. The provocation test was 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
positive in 16 (produced posterior back pain) and negative
in four. Of the four women with a negative test, two had Number of treatments
symphiolysis (anterior pelvic pain) and two awoke with Figure 3 Estimation of pain intensity by Pain-O-Meter and visual
pain on turning in bed. In group 2, 15 were positive and analogue scale (POM-VAS). Means for both groups treated by
five negative. Of the five with negative tests two had acupuncture on eight occasions.
symphiolysis and the remaining three awoke with pain on
turning in bed.
Pain experience
Internal noncompliance
Group 1: two women terminated their treatment, one due 15
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The qualitative method consisting of data collection from pain experienced a relief of pain during the study period,
telephone interviews was analysed with the help of con- compared with the control group (24). Guerreiro da Silva
tent analysis (23). Telephone interviews were conducted et al. (2004) concluded that acupuncture alleviated low
by appointment with the women to avoid or minimise back and pelvic pain during pregnancy. Furthermore the
disruptions. The interview guide was used as an aid during requirement for drugs (paracetamol) diminished and the
the telephone interviews. As the woman could get follow capacity for certain physical activities increased compared
up questions like ‘what do you mean?’ and ‘how did you with the control group undergoing conventional treatment
feel?’ during the interview, the significance of the answers (paracetamol and hyoscine) (25). In a study by Lund,
was deepened and thus raised the credibility of the mate- Lundeberg, Lönnberg and Svensson (2006), were pregnant
rial (23). All interviews were taped and this allowed the women with low back and/or pelvic pain randomised to
interviewer to concentrate fully in the knowledge that the one of two alternative modes of acupuncture stimulation,
conversation was being documented, in the interests of superficial or deep in late pregnancy (gestational age: 22–
credibility and confirmation (23, 28). 36 weeks). Reported significant changes in pain intensity,
In using telephone interviews, several advantages are but the study did not provide enough evidence to conclude
present: (i) data collection is relatively easy from the any difference in effects between the two modes of acu-
appropriate informants, (ii) the interviews can be organ- puncture stimulation (26).
ised to suit both parties, (iii) the relative anonymity with In telephone interviews it was established that there
the interviews are comfortable for many informants, and was no great difference in the experience of acupuncture
(iv) it is an economic method of data collection (28). treatment between the two groups in terms of limitations
Citations in the text were chosen to support the results in daily life due to low back and pelvic pain. During the
from this study. analysis three independent experts in the field and the
This study has limitations; the number of participants study mentor reviewed the material and coding before a
was small. However, the women were chosen randomly final decision was made about the categories, which
and telephone interviews were carried out 2–3 months supports the validity and reliability of the study (23).
after delivery. There is no medical tradition, and few Four of the 22 women interviewed were able to work
studies are published nationally or internationally, of throughout their pregnancies in spite of low back and
acupuncture treatment of pregnant women with low back pelvic pain. The results showed that, to be able to feel
and pelvic pain. the joy of pregnancy and at the same time experience
pain such that day-to-day life is disrupted, is a complex
phenomenon. By ensuring that all pregnant women re-
Result discussion
ceive information at an early stage from the maternity
The study showed that the patients in both groups expe- health care centre a proportion of back-ache problems
rienced pain relief after acupuncture treatment, both pain can be prevented. At registration the midwife can point
intensity (POM-VAS) and pain experience score (SF-MPQ) out that a proportion of women will suffer from back-
showed a reduction, more in group 2 than in group 1. The ache during their pregnancies. This early information for
study also showed that SF-MPQ was able to measure the which the physiotherapist can be responsible ought to be
result of therapeutic interventions and can beneficially be given prior to the ultrasound examination as many
used in investigations, which require more information women experience back-ache before week 16–17. The
than that provided by VAS-pain 0–10 and PPI-scale most important part of treatment is a regime that teaches
(Present Pain Intensity) 1–5 (19, 20). Results from SF-36 the women to avoid all asymmetrical movements. Many
indicated a marked amelioration of pain in both groups women in our study were awoken at night by pain
and this affected results of other quality-of-life dimensions, when turning in bed. With simple measures such as
particularly within group 2. Here, significant improvement reducing pelvic strain by placing a pillow between the
in general health, VT and social function were recorded in knees to support the upper leg when lying on her side,
spite of increased physical limitations. The study showed or placing an extra pillow under her stomach (9). For
that the women did not experience any improvement women with recurring or excessive periods of pain,
concerning physical function and function limitation due acupuncture can be helpful. Acupuncture can further-
to physical problems, but this was perhaps to be expected. more alleviate pain psychologically – the so-called pla-
As there was no control group, the results may be viewed cebo effect (18).
as descriptive with individual comparisons highlighted.
However, Wedenberg et al. (2000) showed that acupunc-
ture produced a better effect on function impairment than
physiotherapy when measured by Disability Rating Index The result suggests that acupuncture treatment of women
(12). In a study by Kvorning et al. (2004), the majority of in group 2 produced greater pain relief than it did for
women receiving acupuncture for low back and pelvic women in group 1. Mean pain intensity and mean pain
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Research Foundation. Scand J Rhematol 1994; 23: spective, quasi-randomised, controlled study. Acupunct Med
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surement Scales. 1997, Open University Press, Buckingham. pregnant women¢s pelvic pain after acupuncture: a ran-
23 Polit D, Hungler B. Nursing Research. Principles and Methods. domized controlled single-blind study. Acta Obstet Gynecol
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24 Kvorning N, Holmberg C, Grennert L, Åberg A, Åkeson J. 27 Flaherty SA. Pain measurement tools for clinical practice and
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25 Guerreiro da Silva JB, Nakamuram MU, Cordeiro JA, Kulay method. Nurse Educ Today 1994; 14: 67–72.
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