Fast Forward: Conference of Chiefs of Public Sector Banks On INFINET and Technology Upgradation
Fast Forward: Conference of Chiefs of Public Sector Banks On INFINET and Technology Upgradation
Fast Forward: Conference of Chiefs of Public Sector Banks On INFINET and Technology Upgradation
A Quarterly Newsletter
The Conference was organised by IDRBT at to banking and electronic commerce. He briefed the
Hyderabad on Tuesday, the 7th December 1999. The august gathering on the initiatives taken by IDRBT
Inaugural Function, held in the IDRBT Auditorium, for technology upgradation in the Banking Industry.
was attended by a large number of dignitaries, Dr.Gulati mentioned with pride that setting up of the
special invitees, delegates, the press and the INFINET, a nation-wide communication backbone for
electronic media. Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor of the the Banks and Financial Institutions, is a landmark
Reserve Bank of India graced the occasion as the achievement for IDRBT in particular and for the
Chief Guest. Industry in general. Nearly 337 VSATs have been
commissioned and a 100 more are to be
commissioned shortly, to spread the wings of
INFINET far and wide, he said.
A view of the delegates during the 3. IBA may act as a motivator and facilitator for
inaugural session. technology upgradation in member Banks.
were: Dr. A. Vasudevan, Executive Director, RBI, Dr. 4. INFINET CUG members will have the freedom
R.H. Patil, Managing Director, National Stock to choose their own email and messaging
Exchange, Mumbai, Shri S. S. Ghosh, Chairman & solutions with proper interface with MS-
Managing Director, CMC Ltd., Shri Shashi Ullal, Exchange, which is the messaging backbone
President & Managing Director, Hughes Escorts
on the Network.
Communications Ltd., Shri S. R. Mittal, Chief General
Manager, RBI, and Dr. V.P.Gulati, Director, IDRBT. 5. The central gateway at the RBI end would be
the IBM S/390 Mainframe system as far as
The discussions focussed attention on INFINET
National Clearing. Payment and Settlement
related issues, Payment Systems and Inter-bank and
Intra-bank applications that can be used on the Systems are concerned. Banks will have to
INFINET. The Panel members from NSE, CMC and keep this in mind while using or acquiring
HECL shared their experiences in technology hardware and software systems and solutions
upgradation and implementation issues. The group for inter-bank transactions, so that they will
took a closer look at the issues involved in have proper interfaces with the central
implementing the recommendations of the gateway.
National Seminar on E-Commerce for Financial Sector
(December 18, 1999)
IDRBT was the venue for an impressive National was attended by over 100 delegates who were
Seminar on E-Commerce for Financial Sector. This from Banks and Financial Institutions, Academicians,
one-day seminar was organised by CMC Ltd. and I.T experts and Service Providers.
IDRBT in collaboration with the Ministry of
This seminar was organised as part of the project,
Information Technology, Govt. of India. The seminar
which is currently on - "Technologies for E-
Commerce". This project, sponsored by the Dept.
of Electronics, Govt. of India, New Delhi has been
undertaken jointly by IDRBT and CMC Ltd.
Dr.V.P. Gulati, in his introductory remarks drew the flourish, he said. He emphasised the need for a
attention of the audience to the faster transition from sound, secure, reliable, efficient and technology
brick and mortar market zones to borderless virtual oriented financial system to support the
markets. All of us should work towards evolving open development of e-commerce.
standards for universal reach and connectivity, The inaugural function ended with a vote of thanks
scalability to grow with the global business volumes, by Dr.P. Dasgupta, ED, CMC Ltd.
reliability and security, he said and emphasised that
the primary purpose of the seminar was The Seminar had three sessions. Session I was
dissemination of knowledge in this area. chaired by Prof. D.B. Phatak, from IIT, Mumbai. and
the topics presented were:
Dr.A.K. Chakravarthi, Advisor and Head of I.T and
Telecommunications, Ministry of Information Communication Infrastructure: Plan and preparedness
Technology, spoke on the Govt. of India initiatives for e-commerce.
on e-commerce. He said that India has turned out
Shri. Amitab Kumar
to be a major destination for offshore services
Director (Operations), VSNL
and we can tap a significant share of the global
e-commerce market. Outlining the initiatives taken Web Hosting Services for E-Commerce: Options and
so far, he said that the telecom group on IT enabled Opportunities.
services was likely to submit its plan of action by - Shri. J. Avinash
the month-end. To extend the reach of Internet, 188 Head, Web Hosting Services, Satyam Infoway
licences have so far been given to ISPs in the private
E-Commerce: Opportunities & Challenges, General
sector, he mentioned.
Issues, Technology / Financial Sector.
In his Inaugural Address, Dr. Rangarajan lauded - Shri N.N.Murthy
IDRBT for the commendable progress it has Senior Project Manager, CMC Ltd
achieved, within a span of three years, in the INFINET Payment Systems Infrastructure for the
promotion of I.T. solutions for the efficient functioning Banks.
of the financial sector. Elaborating on the emerging - Shri. K.R. Ganapathy
trends in e-commerce, he said internet banking was Advisor, IDRBT
driven by four inter-linked factors, namely,
E-Commerce Application: Issues & Experiences in
accelerated customer demand, increased
Stock Exchange Sector.
competition, bankers' relentless drive for improving
- Ms. Deena Mehta
efficiency with cost reduction and the worldwide
Vice President, Bombay Stock Exchange
regulation of the financial market. He hoped that the
Government would chip in with amendments to Session 2 was chaired by Dr.S. Ramani, Director,
different acts such as the Negotiable Instruments Act, National Centre for Software Technology, Mumbai.
RBI Act and the Bankers Books Evidence Act. Among The Presentations were:
the recent Government initiatives, the I.T. Bill 1999 Approach to E-Commerce by Mutual Funds
is a comprehensive step that will provide a cyber - Shri A.K.Thakur
law framework for e-commerce to develop and Executive Director (Operations & Systems), UTI
Approach to E-Commerce by Banks. enrichment and fulfilment it provided at the end of
- Shri K.Seshasayee the day.
Chief General Manager, SBI
IDRBT wishes to place on record its sincere thanks
Approach to E-Commerce by Insurance Sector. to CMC Ltd., the Ministry of IT, New Delhi, Reserve
- Shri S. Krishnan Bank of India, the distinguished speakers, special
Manager-EDP, LIC of India, Mumbai invitees and all the delegates and their sponsors for
Session 3 was a Panel Discussion headed by their contribution and cooperation in making this
Shri.S.R. Mittal, Chief General Manager, RBI. Other seminar a grand success.
members on the panel were: Other Seminars and Events
Dr.P.G. Sarang, I.T. Consultant,Shri J. Satyanarayana, NetCom99
IAS, Secretary, Ministry of IT, Govt. of Andhra
Pradesh and Dr. Krishnaprasad, Addl. General IDRBT joined hands with the Management
Manager, CMC Ltd and Dr.A. Saxena, Faculty IDRBT. Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon and the India
Council of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers Inc.(IEEE) to organise an International
Seminar on E-Commerce Opportunities and
Challenges in India, on October 29, 1999 at Hotel
Le Meridien, New Delhi.
Executive Development
Data Mining in the Banking Industry
(October 4-9, 1999)
This programme was organised with the aim of
promoting technical and operational awareness for
implementing Data Warehousing and Data Mining
technologies in the banking industry. Prof. V. Rama Dr. A.Vasudevan, (centre) clarifying a point during the
Rao, Vice-Chancellor, University of Hyderabad and inaugural session.. He is flanked by Dr.V.P. Gulati and
Dr.R.B. Barman, RBI delivered keynote addresses Shri. R.S. Bakkannavar, Regional Director, AP, RBI and
Shri.S.R.Mittal, CGM, RBI, Central Office
in the inaugural session. There were 28 participants, and Dr.A.Saxena, Programme Coordinator.
including AGMs, DGMs and GMs from banks. A good
number of experts in the field of DW and DM were 13 eminent speakers and professionals were drawn
invited to address the participants, apart from our from various parts of the country and from abroad
own faculty.
apart from our own faculty, to address the participants
on the issues involved. Notable among them was
Prof. Dennis Longley, who came all the way from
Queensland University, Australia. (Read more about
him on page 4 in this issue.)
3. Multimedia.