MACA Travel
MACA Travel
MACA Travel
A. Name of the Firm
B. Location
C. Descriptive Definition of the Project
D. Project’s Long-Range Objectives
E. Feasibility Criteria
F. Highlights of the Project
G. Major Assumptions and summary of Finding and Conclusion
CHAPTER 2 Introductions
Introduction/Background of the study
Objectives of the study
Scope and limitations
Definition of terms
Product Description
1. Properties of the Product
2. Uses of the product
3. Major uses of the product
4. Geographical areas of dispersion
Demand-Supply analysis
Price Study
Factors affecting the market
Marketing Program
Remarks on the mathematical method of projection
CHAPTER 4 Technical Feasibility
5. The Product(s)
6. Manufacturing process
7. Plant size and production schedule
8. Machinery and equipment
9. Plan location/plant layout
10. Building and facilities
11. Raw materials and supplies
12. Utilities
13. Waste disposal
14. Production cost
15. Labor equipment
MACA Travel & Tours Agency
The word “MACA” was used as my business name due to the following reason.
I was encouraged to use my initial because of its uniqueness. The logo and name has its
own meaning that uphold for the success of the propose business. The quality service and
costumer satisfaction will lead to MACA Travel and tours Agency to its progress of
The logo of MACA travel and tours Agency reflect to my personality of being sincere,
friendly and nature lover and adventurous person. I love going to different places that’s
why I decided to take BS Tourism Course and dreaming to become a successful flight
I choose the shade of yellow as the background of my logo for its symbolize my
eagerness of becoming successful flight attendant and career business women. The shade
of green as the color of free reflects my desire to travel different places and experience
the wonder of nature. The calmness of the sky tells me the unending journey of my life.
The site is located at St. Eugene de Mazenod Avenue Community Center Building which
is formerly known as 11th venue Grace Park Caloocan City. At present the site has a
quicker access true LRT Monumento Station and Rizal Avenue Manila. And beside the
location, is Our Lady of Grace Church in Caloocan City, to the North is the Manila
Central University and on the Southern portion is going to Rizal Avenue, Manila. The
site is located within big establishments in Caloocan like Grand Central, Uniwide,
- The total Land Area of the site of the proposed MACA Travel & Tours
This site is strategically located near the Central business districts of Caloocan City about
2 kilometers and 4 kilometers respectively. The major roads & highways like Rizal
The place is the one of the largest commercial areas in the entire Metro Manila
MACA Travel & Tours Agency provides booking & ticketing for travel needs. We offer
service & facilities for domestic only. The flight reservation system of ABACUS is the
one being used by the business. The other services offered are travel assistance &
consultation for costumers, canceling booked services, and serve as center for the regular
Market Feasibility:
This study determines the project rationale and operational strategy that should be made
to improve sales. Based on government statistics, the improved perception of the country
will sustain a continued influx of tourist arrivals will grow by at least ten percent on a
Technical Feasibility:
Technical feasibility provides information about services and production. The production
Requirements are capable of addressing market demand in all conditions. By using the
Capability of the internet, booking is now online-real time. And also see the website of
www.MACA travel & for online booking. The initial outlay requirements
Actual and personal observation was conducted to obtain the following information:
Existing features.
A map and a photographic camera was used to capture those important features of the
site, its surrounding areas, landmarks and other relevant features for better visual
All the gathered data were arrranged accordingly following a given outline for the
proposal. The assumption and interpretation were carried out objectively to present
honest view of the environment and its problem; data were analyzed according to their
significance of the study. Irrelevant information was set aside and whole important details
were summarized. The proponent also encounterec several problems like; school
expenses and financial constraints, in scheduled meetings it was noticed that some of the
office workers always came late, and some were gossiping and eating every now and
This establishes the type of organizational structure and culture that must in order to
insure the success of the proposed business. The type of business is unilateral
business is simple and it provides harmonious relationship between the employees and
management. Included in this chapter are the selection, hiring, work requirements,
Financial Feasibility:
The financial aspect of the business is described in this chapter. Here the capability of the
proposed business is ascertained. Based on the figures, it was noted that this project is
practical and financially sound. Moreover, the financial analysis point to a positive
Socio-Economic Impact:
opportunities. The project also will contribute to local tourism development not only
through the payment of local taxes but also promoting and selling local tourist destination
Business travel is the mainstay of travel agency operation. Eventually, flight reservations,
ticketing and or booking is 75% for business which also include government servants
traveling on official work. About 80% of the travelers are foreigner such as Indians,
Koreans, Americans, Taiwanese, Japanese, and other foreign travelers promoting travel &
tours is successful tourism management. The following principles have to be kept in mind
to wit.
1. Setting clear – cut guidelines for ticketing, booking and flight reservation;
2. Travel agency staff must be well – trained to change travel itinerary upon short
3. From time to time, there should be a review of the existing rules and
procedures to develop effective system both in the interest of the agency and other
To conduct research, the proponent surfed the net to gather informational materials.
An ocular inspection was made to establish the site location. A survey and interview of
Some travel agencies were also made to support the secondary data gathered. Library
MACA Travel & Tours Agency
Sustainable tourism development is one of the major issues facing the world travel and
tourism industry in the 1990’s. Not only tourism becoming more concerned aboout
different forms of environmental pollution in their holiday destination. There are also a
tourism income. As far as a new travel agency development is concerned, the problems
are perhaps less a cure-but only the condition that concerned efforts are made on the part
of both local and national government. And the operating sector to ensure an integrated
approach in the development. Only this way will the development be sustainable and
avoid placing under stress in the carrying capacity on the travel and tour agencies.
Developing tourism of a different kind encourages investors to come and that emphasizes
not the number of arrivals but protections of the environment, preservation of the
country’s rich history and heritage, promotion of its goods and services. As a matter of
Roughly grouped into three, these have to do with people, place and culture. The people
who have a direct influence on the resort design are the tourists. Taken with equal
importance and in combination, these influences the design of the Travel and Tour
MACA Travel & Tours Agency
Management Feasibility:
This establishes the type of organizational structure and culture that must in order to
insure the success of the proposed business. The type of business is unilateral
business is simple and it provides harmonious relationship between the employees and
management. Included in this chapter are the selection, hiring, work requirements,
Financial Feasibility:
The financial aspect of the business is described in this chapter. Here the capability of the
proposed business is ascertained. Based on the figures, it was noted that this project is
practical and financially sound. Moreover, the financial analysis point to a positive
Socio-Economic Impact:
opportunities. The project also will contribute to local tourism development not only
through the payment of local taxes but also promoting and selling local tourist destination
Caloocan is a Global City because it is a commercial where you can find a lot of
establishment, factories and better site for this kind of business. On this site will rise the
proposed project entitled “MACA Travel & Tour Agency”. This will certainly create a
domestic class infrastructure capable in meeting the demands needed by both local and
business aspirants of time. The project will serve as passive bookings and ticketing
services provider. Considering the strategic location of the area, there is a potential
market in this part of the (well establish location) to serve the hospitality industy needs of
Caloocan clients. Nowadays, there is a growing awareness among the costumers the need
of hiring the services of travel agents for flight bookings and travel destinations.
The project objectives of the MACA Travel & Tours aim to answer the following:
proposed project?
5. How financially viable is the project in terms of operating ratio and net profit
The Travel Agency business does not have a long history. Although one of the largest in
the world in volume sales, it was a sheer coincidence that brought this business into
being. On June 9, 1841, Thomas Cook walked fifteen miles to a temperance meeting at
Leicester in England. On this journey, he conceived the idea of hiring a train to take his
experiment was unique as it was the first time that an agent bought railways tickets in
bulk and resold them to members of his group. The arrangements were made on a no
profit basis. Each participant had to pay only one shilling for a journey of twenty – two
miles. Although Cook undertook this project as a no – profit service, he soon realized its
commercial potentials. He started a full – time excursion agency in 1845. The Railway
Company agreed to give him five percent commission which, however, was not enough
to make the business worthwhile. Cook had, therefore, to diversity his business in other
Cook started making his tours interesting. In 1845, he arranged the first all inclusive tour
from Leicester to liver pool. For the purpose of his tour, he invented hotel coupons,
which are now a common phenomenon in travel agency business all over the world. In
1846, he took 350 people by train and steamship on a tour of Scotland. The first guide
book on his tour was also published by cook. He later moved to London. In 1851, over 1,
50,000 people used Cook’s lodging and transportation service to go to London for the
first world exposition at Crystal Palace. This was followed by a number of grand circular
tours of Europe including visits to different countries. Soon after the American Civel War,
his son, John M. Cook, led a group of tourists to New York, Washington and other places
connected with the battlefields of the American Civil War. In 1882, Cook started his first
around – the – world tour. The tour took 220 days. It inspired Jules Verne to write his
Cook’s tours went every where – to Egypt, to see the pyramids and to avoid the English
chill, to the Holy Land for pilgrimage. Cook was hired by the British government o
transport 18,000 men up the Nile River to relieve General Gordon at Khartoum. In the
late seventies of the nineteenth century, Cook arranged a deluxe tour of India with the P
& O steamship line. On arrival in Bombay, the travelers were moved to the spacious
compartments of Indian railways to see the Taj Mahal. Meals were served in the travelers’
cabin in the train. Cook also arranged travel to the valley of Kashmir. In 1874, he
provided another service which was the beginning of the present day traveler’s cheques.
These coupons were called circular notes came to be known as “traveler’s cheques” and
were adopted by the American express company. The travelers cheque has been a unique
phenomenon which greatly helped the development of tourism in the world. It is insured
against loss. The issuing company makes little money on selling travelers cheques, but it
can use the noney acquired from the sale of such cheques by investing it or by loaning it
on interest. The people who buy travelers cheques do not use the money for along time.
Thomas cook
became blind in his old age. His only son, John, inherited the business and continued the
work of his father. In 1878, he became the manager of the firm. The Cooks realized that a
bulk use of transport and accommodations could reduce the cost of travel and thus
increase the demand. They provided personalized service. The Cook’s tours throughout
the second half of the nineteenth century were quality tours escorted by a tour leader -
frequently by John or one of his three sons. Mark Twain, who traveled all over the world
on his own was most impressed and he caricatured such tours. It seems some enterprising
and unscrupulous man has devised the project of conducting some forty to fifty persons
from London to Naples and back for a fixed sum. He contracts to carry, theatricals,
sculpture, carved wood, frescoes, washing and roulette. You see them forty in number,
pouring along the street with a director, now in front, now in the rear, circling them like a
sheep – dog. In 1898, the management of the firm passed on to John’s three sons. At the
time of his death at the age of 83, the Cook’s tours became more and more sophisticated
and easy for travelers. The travelers were net on arrival by a car. Cook’s agents went in
the customs lounge to assist the travelers through formalities and to arrange their sight-
seeing tours. In those days, most of the were group tours. The era of all – inclusive tours
had started.
MACA Travel & Tour Agency
Booking - A reservation booking code. The code used to make a booking on a GDS
and various other accommodations at the other end of the airline ticket.
Insurance – travel agencies offer insurance policies to cover death, disablement, loss or
damage of baggage.
Itineraries – A travel agent advises people on the type of itineraries which they should
select for their holiday or business Travel. He also advises them where
they should go for a holiday.
Tour Operator – is responsible for delivering the services. Some tour operator own
Travel Agent – besides selling prepaid package tours, also prepares individual itinerary
and a retailer who sells independent tour or tour packages created by tour
Visa – A document or, more frequently, a stamp in a passport authorizing the bearer to
visit a country for specific purposes and for a specific length of time.
The proposed MACA Travel and Tours Agency will serve both local and foreign
clienteles in booking and ticketing services through the internet for local flight
reservations and travel destinations. A random survey pretest on site at Caloocan City will
be conducted to serve as basis for the market survey variables. Secondary data will be
MACA Travel & Tour Agency
This study is states the descriptions of the quantities of the product, and presenting the
process flow chart. The objective of this study is to explain the technical concept about
Technical Aspect:
degree of skill and organizational capacity at MACA Travel & Tour Agency.
Airline Ticketing/Booking:
The airline ticketing/booking and other activities in the specified area is centrally located,
preferably in the business area and easily acceptable to the general public and it is also
maintains ethical standard of business in dealing with the clients and the principal.
In this preparation the MACA Travel & Tour Agency would provide
to international standards.
B. Travel Assistance/Consultation
The Product
Passive Booking, Ticketing are the main products of this project, including canceling
tickets and Travel Assistance/ Consultation to all clientele. The agency shall ensure the
arrangements flight bookings, the actual carrier of services booked is made clear to the
customer. This is very important for coded-shared flights. Though, there are also
competitors offering the same products and services such that of MACA Travel & Tour
The MACA Tour & Travel Agency shall keep accurate records covering all reservations
The data based or a figure on the comparative projected study of yearly clientele over a
period of five (5) years, from 2008 up to 2012. Table 1.1 Weekly Flight Reservations,
Booking and Ticketing, Consultation and other services below show this:
MACA Travel & Tours Agency
TOTAL 75 100%
The Table I showed demand for the product which are most likely good quality. 39 or
(52%) percent respondent said yes. It is noticed that the majority of the respondents want
Class A 18 %
Class 2 35%
B 6
2 31
Class C 3 %
not returned 8
The table F show, status living in the area, 18 respondents or (24%) percent of the class A
(higher Class), 26 or (35%) percent of the class B (Middle Class) and 23 or 31% percent
Favorable and good services 39 52%
Unfavorable and uncomfortable 0 0
Did not return 36
The table H showed of size and characteristics of the market. 39 or (52%) favor of
the area in favor respondents good services and zero respondents and
TOTAL 75 100%
The Table I showed demand for the product which are most likely good quality. 39 or
(52%) percent respondent said yes. It is noticed that the majority of the respondents want
Yes 24 32%
No 23
No answer 28
TOTAL 75 100%
The Table L showed respondents who always traveled 24 or (32%) and 23 or (31%) did
not travel a lot. This situation says that those respondents who had the means loves to
Economy 31 42%
TOTAL 75 100%
The above table indicated that people in the area are practical when it comes to the type
of travel. Respondents preferred air travel via company class with 42% approvals due to
limited budget.
The MACA travel & tours agency gives a discount of those students going traveled. It is
also give a low fare price for the children’s. I’ll advertise the agency from process such as
These packages are available for groups of 2-3 persons only. All rates are subject to
Maribago Blue-Water Single- PhP - Valid for local and expatriates only
8,000 - AC local:PhP500.00
Twin- PhP 6,000 - AC international: USD $10.00
Triple- PhP 5,000
Bookings and/ or ticket reservations, plane tickets and travel assistance and consultation
per customer within the agency, a first class domestic flight is higher fare than those 2nd
class and third class domestic flight. But market of small domestic flight will also be
The list below shows a sample list of the Place of Departure, Date of Departure and
Table 1.1
Weekly Projection
Flight Reservation, Booking and Ticketing, Consultation and Other Services
MACA Tours & Travel Agency
Cebu 5 Koreans 10 Americans 10 Japanese 10 Koreans 10 Taiwanese
5 Indians
This study is states the descriptions of the quantities of the product, and presenting the
process flow chart. The objective of this study is to explain the technical concept about
Technical Aspect:
degree of skill and organizational capacity at MACA Travel & Tour Agency.
Airline Ticketing/Booking:
The airline ticketing/booking and other activities in the specified area is centrally located,
preferably in the business area and easily acceptable to the general public and it is also
maintains ethical standard of business in dealing with the clients and the principal.
In this preparation the MACA Travel & Tour Agency would provide
to international standards.
D. Travel Assistance/Consultation
The table above depicts the timetable of the activities before commercial operations of
Financial Feasibility- Tangible vs. intangible costs and benefits
(In Philippine Pesos)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
The objective of this study is to determine the manpower requirement and to be able to
establish the organizational structure, and to develop the system to analyze the procedures
The form of business ownership is single proprietorship in which the business is owned
and usually managed by one person. For MACA Travel & Tour Agency, the proponent is
start. It is simple to operate because the owner can make decisions freely.
The capital of the proposed project is P300,000.00, the personal saving of the proponent.
This amount initially will cover the operating capital to start up the business. Other
funding will be sourced from suppliers and avail of their term payments.
Legal requirements
The regulatory requirement are needed before its business operation commences like
certifications from Bureau of Domestic Trade, Social Security System, Bureau of Internal
Revenue, Pag-ibig and mayor’s permit from the local government unit.
This organizational chart is a line and staff type. The set up fits the simple
In pursuit of each objective, MACA Travel & Tour Agency will engage in following
4. To serve as center for the regular customers ( either foreign or local tourist ) in
the agency.
The Managing Director of the MACA Travel & Tour Agency will implement and
manage the business. Although a team work approach or task- sharing approach with the
staff in the agency will mostly be observed through out each conduct, the managing
Direction: Please fill up the following questions below to enable the firm to identify a
specific market segment where there is an opportunity for profit and growth:
C. Status:____________________
D. Sex:______________________
E. Income Bracket: