Evans Article Caries in Adult
Evans Article Caries in Adult
Evans Article Caries in Adult
In the absence of effective caries preventive methods, operative care became established as the means for caries control in
general practice. Water fluoridation resulted in a declining caries incidence which decreased further following the advent of
fluoridated toothpaste. The challenge today is to develop a non-invasive model of practice that will sustain a low level of
primary caries experience in the younger generation and reduce risk of caries experience in the older generations.
The Caries Management System is a ten step non-invasive strategy to arrest and remineralize early lesions. The governing
principle of this system is that caries management must include consideration of the patient at risk, the status of each lesion,
patient management, clinical management and monitoring. Both dental caries risk and treatment are managed according to
a set of protocols that are applied at various steps throughout patient consultation and treatment.
The anticipated outcome of implementing the Caries Management System in general dental practice is reduction in caries
incidence and increased patient satisfaction. Since the attainment and maintenance of oral health is determined mainly by
controlling both caries and periodontal disease, the implementation of the Caries Management System in general practice
will promote both outcomes.
Key words: Dental caries, risk, non-invasive management, fluoride, evidence-based care.
Abbreviations and acronyms: CPP-ACP = casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate; DEJ = dentino-enamel junction.
(Accepted for publication 19 June 2007.)
extensive white spot, or was cavitated).2 In this study of Both dental caries risk and dental caries treatment are
English children, about 50 per cent of the bitewing managed according to a set of protocols which refer
radiolucencies that extended to the dentino-enamel only to those interventions that are well supported by a
junction (DEJ), but not beyond, were associated with strong evidence base. The protocols are applied at
cavities, yet 50 per cent were not. A decade later in various steps throughout patient consultation and
Denmark, Bille and Thylstrup found among adolescents treatment, and have a twin focus on the primary
that cavities were associated with only around 20 per prevention of caries and its secondary prevention
cent of radiolucences that extended to the DEJ and only (arrest and reversal of early lesions) through non-
50 per cent of radiolucencies that were confined to the invasive measures. The system is not concerned directly
outer half of dentine.3 with the management of cavitated or symptomatic
Hence the dilemma; what sign at a particular point lesions other than recognizing their need for operative
in time indicates whether an approximal surface is care. Moreover, it is not concerned with the manage-
cavitated and in need of a restoration, or has a ment of patients suffering acute rampant caries due to
progressive lesion that cannot be arrested, or could be extreme salivary insufficiency.
arrested, or in fact, is already arrested? The Caries
Management System offers a structured evidence-based
The patient at risk of caries
strategy to address this problem.
The case history and clinical examination provides an
overview of unfavourable exposures to potential caries
risk factors, namely: sucrose intake, fluoride use, dental
The Caries Management System is a ten step non- plaque, tooth morphology, and salivary characteristics.
invasive strategy to arrest and remineralize early lesions
(Table 1). This system was developed for use by general
Diet assessment
practitioners according to a new Caries Management
Policy that had been adopted by the Faculty of One of the main risk factors for caries is frequent
Dentistry, University of Sydney, where learning and exposure to refined dietary sugar. However, this risk
teaching within the new curriculum was designed to be appears to have diminished in the face of better plaque
informed by evidence-based practice.4 control and better fluoride exposure in recent times.5
The governing principle of the Caries Management As part of the dental history, a Usual 24-hour Diet
System is that caries management must include consid- Questionnaire is completed (Table 2). A thorough
eration of: (a) the patient at risk; (b) the status of each analysis of the frequency of consumption of between-
lesion; (c) patient management; (d) clinical manage- meal sugar-containing snacks and beverages will give
ment; and (e) monitoring. an insight into the burden of diet-related caries risk.
16 11 26 16 11 26
Buccal Lingual
Date Score
46 41 36 46 41 36
Fig 1. Criteria and instructions for reporting the Plaque Index scores, and one panel of recording boxes for the scores. (Note: There are 13 panels of
boxes on an A4 sized form.)
Table 3. Criteria for scoring bitewing radiolucencies pragmatically. Risk of caries, according to the Caries
on occlusal and approximal surfaces (after Mejare, Management System, is determined at the first visit
1999) solely according to the clinical presentation of the
dentition (Table 4). At later follow-up appointments,
Criteria for Bitewing Radiolucency Scores
risk is determined according to the incidence rate of
C0 No radiolucency evident (not recorded) new lesions and progression status of existing lesions.
C1 Radiolucency is evident within the outer half of enamel
C2 Radiolucency extends to the inner half of enamel and
may reach the DEJ
C3 Radiolucency extends just beyond the DEJ Patient management
C4 Radiolucency is evident within the outer third of dentine
C5 Radiolucency extends to the inner two thirds of dentine The management of the patient at risk entails obtaining
and may reach the pulp cooperation to implement protocols that will deliver a
package of non-invasive measures designed to arrest
active non-cavitated lesions and, once arrested, to
Table 4. Criteria for assigning caries risk status maintain them in that condition.
Criteria for Caries Risk Status
Caries Risk New patient Recall patient Case presentation and treatment planning
Low 1. No clinical signs of caries 1. <1 new lesion per year The caries findings are presented to the patient in a case
2. May have bitewing 2. Or no progression of presentation and this is aided by reference to a Tooth
radiolucencies not greater existing radiolucencies
than C3 Decay information leaflet (Fig 3). The front side of this
Medium 1. No frank cavitation 1. 1 new lesion per year leaflet contains essential information regarding caries
2. May have sticky pits 2. And/or progression of (that the decay process involves demineralization and
or fissures existing radiolucencies
3. And/or bitewing remineralization, or natural repair, and that home care
radiolucencies not is the key to oral health) while other important
greater than C4 information is contained on the reverse side. The leaflet
High 1. Untreated frank cavities 1. >1 new lesion per year
2. And/or extensive white avoids dental terminology, instead utilizing words and
spot lesions phrases familiar to the Sydney population. This leaflet
3. And/or C5 bitewing serves as the principle patient educational material for
dental caries and provides a basis for obtaining informed
consent from patients regarding the treatment plan.
On this leaflet, the number of tooth surfaces show-
Assessment of the patient#s caries risk status
ing bitewing radiolucencies of varying depth is entered
Following the clinical examination and bitewing sur- as appropriate. Alongside is an explanation of the
vey, the caries risk status of the patient is determined diagnosis and related treatment need. The prime
85 84 83 73 74 75
Date of radiograph: / / 48 47 46 45 44 43 33 34 35 36 37 38
Read by: (Print name) .......................................... Other findings:
Date of reading: / / e.g. bone loss,
unerupted teeth
resorption, cysts, etc.
Signature: .............................................................
Fig 2. One panel of boxes on the Bitewing radiographic assessment form for recording bitewing findings. In this example, tooth 16 has a grade 4
radiolucency on the mesial surface and a grade 3 radiolucency on the occlusal surface. (Note: There are 3 such panels on an A4 sized form.)
86 ª 2008 Australian Dental Association
Caries management system for adults
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay, can be stopped, reversed, and prevented.
Just into Decay on this surface is just under the enamel Special home care
C3 dentine layer, but is probably not a hidden cavity. depending on risk.
Outer 1/3 Decay extends under the enamel layer, and it Special home care and,
C4 may or may not be a hidden cavity. depending on risk, filling.
of dentine
Inner 2/3 This deep decay needs urgent attention. Filling plus special
C5 of dentine home care.
responsibility of the dental practitioner is to ensure that diet-caries relationship, the probability that caries risk
patients understand the diagnosis and management will be reduced by reducing refined sugar is strong only
plan. in the case where there is close to complete absence of
sugar in the diet. But since sugar use is ubiquitous in
processed food, it cannot be avoided.5 Nevertheless,
Diet advice
dental practitioners accept responsibility for: (a) assess-
It is important that patients understand the diet-caries ing this dietary risk; (b) bringing this risk to the attention
relationship. However, because of the complexity of the of patients; and (c) providing appropriate advice.
ª 2008 Australian Dental Association 87
RW Evans et al.
Cheek side of upper teeth Biting surface of upper teeth Tongue side of upper teeth
(right & left) (right & left) (right & left)
Cheek side of lower teeth Biting surface of lower teeth Tongue side of lower teeth
(right & left) (right & left) (right & left)
Table 5. Protocol for the management of lesions when, following tooth separation, cavitation into
following caries diagnosis based on the bitewing dentine is confirmed.
radiographic survey
Lesion Management Protocol Benefits and safety of non-invasive management
Lesion score Treatment Provided that any cavities remain within enamel,
C1 Do not restore – apply topical fluoride and monitor the underlying dentine, although affected, remains
C2 Do not restore – apply topical fluoride and monitor uninfected and risk of rapid lesion progression is
C3 Do not restore – apply topical fluoride and monitor minimal. Radiographic analysis reveals that progres-
C4 Do not restore without further consideration
C5 Restore now – it is almost certain that the cavity has sion of lesions through enamel is usually very slow.
breached the DEJ For example, in Holland in 1966, at the height of the
Caries Risk Further consideration for surfaces scored C4 caries pandemic, it was estimated that the mean time
Low and • Restore only if the radiolucency extends
Medium fully 1/3 into dentine, or following tooth separation for lesion progression from enamel to dentine was
when cavitation is confirmed four years.16 In Australia today, where the use of
• Otherwise do not restore because it is most likely: fluoridated toothpaste is almost universal and where
s that the approximal surface is not cavitated, and
High • Restore now that lesion progression rates have also declined.
• Apply topical fluoride and monitor: Hence, there is no urgency for operative intervention
s to arrest and remineralise lesions not yet showing
on discovery of lesions scored C4. The C4 lesions are
radiographically, and
s to prevent recurrent caries
potentially arrestable and time is on the side of success
in boosting the natural repair mechanism of reminer-
alization. For low and medium risk patients, it is
According to the Caries Management System proto- beneficial and safe to defer the restoration of most C4
col, C4 lesions are scheduled for operative care only surfaces, either indefinitely or until cavitation is
where patients are rated as high risk or, for medium and proved, because the negative consequences of acting
low risk patients, only when the lesion depth extends on false positive diagnoses are minimized. That is, if
through fully one-third of the dentine thickness, or arrested C4 lesions are not restored, then there are no
Table 6. Professional care topical fluoride protocol for adults aged 18 years and over
Topical Fluoride Protocol for Professional Care
Low 1. Apply varnish or GIC to newly erupted wisdom teeth. At recall appointments to maintain lesion arrest.
2. Yearly applications on lesions until arrested
Medium 1. Apply varnish or GIC to newly erupted wisdom teeth. NOT APPLICABLE
2. Apply varnish to all lesions at each treatment session, then
3. 6-monthly varnish applications on lesions until patient becomes low risk.
High 1. Apply varnish or GIC to newly erupted wisdom teeth. NOT APPLICABLE
2. Apply varnish to all lesions at each treatment session, then
3. 3-monthly varnish applications on lesions until patient becomes medium risk.
Table 7. Home care topical fluoride protocol for adults aged 18 years and over
Topical Fluoride Protocol for Home Care
Low Twice daily using 1000 ppm Not applicable Not applicable
Medium Twice daily using 1000 ppm Once daily at a separate Not applicable
time from toothbrushing
High Twice daily using 5000 ppm Not applicable Not applicable
Very high* Twice daily using 5000 ppm Not applicable Once daily before bed
*For example, patients with hyposalivation, or who have active lesions on anterior teeth, or who have active lesions on buccal surfaces of posterior
Table 8. Recall protocol – schedule for monitoring caries activity and bitewing surveys
Recall Protocol
– oral hygiene
– fluoride therapy
s lesion progression has arrested/reversed and patient is
hygiene coaching and encouragement is necessary. The of caries and detailed options for preventive strategies
active demonstration of recording plaque or bleeding were reviewed.23
on probing, and reviewing serial findings at each visit, With regard to the management of existing lesions,
motivates patients to improve and maintain a high and taking into account the new understanding of
standard of oral hygiene. caries dynamics, the concept of minimal intervention
dentistry was developed, as reviewed by Tyas et al.24
Minimal intervention aims to conserve sound tissue
Fluoride exposure
whereas previously the removal of sound dental tissue
More than any other factor, the management of an was not only encouraged but incorporated into resto-
appropriate fluoride exposure is the key to caries ration design (extension for prevention). The main
control. In the absence of a positive response to caries emphasis of minimal intervention is upon techniques
arrest, fluoride exposure is increased since it is the that minimize collateral damage to sound tissues
intervention that the patient is most likely to manage during operative intervention.25 However, it fails to
well. Both professional and home care schedules are address the question of how to keep sound teeth
adjusted, as necessary, according to patient risk. sound.
While there is a theoretical basis for recommending
that dietary sugar should be reduced, both in relation to
caries26 and other health problems, it should be clearly
In this millennium, Kidd and Fejerskov issued a understood that effective diet counselling protocols
challenge to dental schools to accept responsibility aimed at reducing dietary sugar are scant, possibly non-
for changing the attitude of dental practitioners to existent.5 Studies suggest that use of sugar substitutes
reflect that the more important and complex aspect of would be effective in controlling caries and would
care is to arrest lesion progression and prevent cavity require people to change their diet, but most people do
development.18 One of the main reasons for the not change their diet, even to save their lives.27
current attitude is the confusion that is created through But, whatever the diet-related risk, the plaque-related
the use of the term "dental caries# for three different caries risk increases substantially as plaque thickness
entities: (a) the multifactorial, lifestyle-associated bac- increases.28 Since thick plaque indicates accessible sites
terial disease that affects individuals within the phys- where the toothbrush (and toothpaste) has not been
ical and social context; (b) the actual lesion affecting applied, and since an abundance of strong evidence
the dental hard tissues of enamel, dentine and cemen- supports the role of toothbrushing with fluoridated
tum; and (c) the dynamic process of demineralization toothpaste in caries risk reduction, a heavy emphasis is
and remineralization which, on becoming grossly placed on this measure in the Caries Management
unbalanced, leads to bacterial invasion of the pulp System.
tissues. The literature refers to dental caries in all three We have not focused on the adjunctive use of
contexts with much of the focus being on lesion chewing gum for adults because gum-chewing is not a
management as if this was the disease rather than its mainstream part of adult culture and, like diet, is a
manifestation. behaviour where it is extremely difficult to introduce
The Caries Management System is concerned with change.
interventions that are known to be effective in arresting In cohort studies, it has been demonstrated that
lesions and reducing caries risk in the individual. It is implementation of intensive preventive strategies results
not concerned with the management of dental erosion, in substantial reduction in new lesions,29,30 and arrest
which is another issue, unless this is associated with and remineralization of existing lesions.30,31 In general
caries. Not included, at this stage, are promising new dental practice, similar results have also been
materials containing casein phosphopeptide-amor- reported.30,32 Such results imply that patients under-
phous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP)19 which will be stand the benefits of a non-invasive approach and since
considered for inclusion once population clinical trails they do not enjoy having to endure operative care, are
report on its efficacy. motivated to maintain effective plaque control and
The challenge to reform dental caries management topical fluoride use.
has been taken up elsewhere. Anusavice20 published a The anticipated outcome of implementing the Caries
protocol on "how modern preservative dentistry can be Management System in general dental practice is
implemented# and new management principles, involv- reduction in caries incidence and increased patient
ing both preventive and operative strategies which satisfaction. Since the attainment and maintenance of
have since been described.21,22 In particular, the oral health is determined mainly by controlling both
principles and rationale for treating caries as a dental caries and periodontal disease, the implementa-
transmissible bacterial infectious disease were pro- tion of the Caries Management System in general
moted. The main focus was on the primary prevention practice will promote both outcomes.
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