Agl Rules
Agl Rules
Agl Rules
LIST OF SPONSORS.................................................................................................16
v 1.1
3 4
The Organizer is responsible for: the same person. If they are not, the Organizer is bound by
the rulings of the Referee like any other participant, both in RULES The number of Tournament Rounds per tournament depends
• Ensuring that the rules of the event and the game rules are matters of game rules and conflict resolution. on the number of players, as shown in this table:
• Informing Corvus Belli of the results of the event, as To prevent conflicts of interest, it is advisable—but not BASIC RULES Players Tournament Rounds
indicated in the rules for that type of event. mandatory—for the Referee to abstain from participating in 4-8 3
• Ensuring all participants are registered in the AGL before the event as a player. As Official Events, all Tournaments must comply with the Basic
9-16 4
the event takes place. Players can register using the form Rules of AGL. In case of discrepancy between these rules and
available at the Basic Rules, this document takes precedence. 17+ 5
• Establishing the times and duration of each game. RANKINGS
• Manage and provide the prizes, if there are any, as well as
informing all participants before the event begins about how Every Official AGL event counts towards Aristeia! Player FORMAT OF THE EVENT Treat this table as a guideline. The Organizer decides the
those prizes will be distributed to avoid any misunderstanding. Rankings. Rankings rate players according to their performance number of Tournament Rounds a tournament will have, but
• Providing an adequate venue for the event, as well as in officially sanctioned events, as indicated by their AGL Rating. This is the basic AGL format for tournaments. This format there must never be fewer than 3.
anything else required to play: pits 4 or more players in one-to-one games over 3 or more
» One chair for each participant. Players start the season with an AGL Rating of 1000. Their Tournament Rounds.
» One game table big enough to allocate all the game performance in each Official AGL event they take part in KEEPING SCORE
components for every two participants. modifies that Rating, depending on whether the result was
» A game board, like the ones included in the Tournament better or worse than expected as predicted by an Elo rating STARTING LINEUP Ranking during a tournament is determined by the player’s
Kits, for every two players. system. Tournament Points score.
» Enough Control Sheets and pens for all participants, if Every player has to build a Starting Lineup before the
they are needed in the event. The amount by which the AGL Rating of a player varies with Tournament. During the tournament, players won’t be allowed After each Round, players are awarded Tournament Points
» At least one copy, accessible to everyone, of all the needed each event depends on the event’s K factor, as follows: to use any Characters outside that Starting Lineup. depending on their game’s outcome. The decisiveness of a
reference documentation: the Reference Guide included player’s victory and its associated Tournament Points reward
in the Aristeia! Core Box, FAQs, Official Rules Errata, AGL Event Type K Factor There are different ways to choose the Starting Lineup, is measured by the difference in Victory Points scored by each
Basic Rules (this document), and any special rule events, depending on the Tournament Mods chosen by the Organizer. player, as per this table:
if there are any. The most updated version of those Interplanetario 38 For more details, see ‘Tournament Mods’ below.
documents can be found in Regional 36 Tournament
Outcome Difference in Victory Points
Total 3 Difference of 5 or more
Open 8 Victory Victory Points.
During events, Referees are the ultimate authority in matters Players have to choose exactly one Sponsor from the ones
of game rules, which is why they are expected to make fair they have available before the Tournament. All players can Victory 2 Difference of 4 or less Victory
rulings and to devote all the time necessary to solving the At the end of the season, the winner of the Ranking will receive choose any of the two Basic Sponsors, and may unlock Special Points.
players’ doubts. To make the Referee’s job easier, players are the following prizes: Sponsors as a prize for their performance during Aristeia! Tie 1 Difference of 0 Victory Points.
encouraged to try to solve their disputes in a friendly manner, Official Events.
and only turn to the Referee if an agreement cannot be • A guaranteed seat in the 7th Interplanetario Tournament, Defeat 0 Any Victory Points difference
reached. Once requested, the Referee’s rulings are final. including lodging throughout the event. Players can only choose a Special Sponsor if they in favor of the opponent.
• An official 2nd AGL Season trophy. have unlocked that Sponsor on their AGL profile, and fulfilled
In the same way, the Referee can establish the sanction he • Taking part in the design process of a new Aristeia! any other requirements imposed by choosing that Sponsor. NOTE: If both players get the same Victory Points at the end
considers appropriate if a player doesn’t follow the rules character. of a scenario, the player who has won more Frags will be the
determined by the Organizer. Players cannot change their Sponsor during a Tournament. winner and it will count as a Victory. If both players get the
same Victory Points and Frags, it will be considered a final tie.
TOURNAMENT CONTROL SHEET Example 1: Player A scored 7 Victory Points during this
Tournament Round, while her opponent, Player B, scored 3
At the start of the event, each player receives a Tournament Victory Points. The outcome of the game was a Victory for
Control Sheet. Players must write down their name, Corvus Player A, since the difference between their scores was 4 (7
PIN, Sponsor, and eight starting Characters on their sheets. – 3 = 4), and a Defeat for Player B, since the difference was in
favor of his opponent. Player A gets 2 Tournament Points this
During the tournament, players are required to use their round and Player B gets none.
sheet to write down the score of their game at the end of
each Tournament Round. They must also use their sheet to Example 2: Both Player A and Player B get 7 Victory Points.
make note of their Characters Lineup and composition of their Player A made 5 Frags while Player B only made 3. Player A is
Tactics Deck for each Tournament Round, so that they can be the winner of this duel and will win 2 Tournament Points per
validated by their opponents or by the Referee when needed. Victory.
5 6
Example 3: Both Player A and Player B get 7 Victory Points. In When players take a bye, they must make a note of it in their CARANO MOD
addition, both Player A and Player B made 4 Frags. As there is Tournament Control Sheet. SEASON 2 This Tournament Mod is not compatible with any other Mods.
no way to decide the winner, the result is considered a Draw, The Starting Lineup consists of four Characters. Players
and both Players win 1 Tournament Point. Once the last Tournament Round ends, players who were given During the Season 2 the following rules are applied: cannot change the Characters chosen for their Teams for the
a bye follow these steps: duration of the Tournament. However, Players may change
the Character Tactics in their decks at the beginning of each
FINAL SCORES 1. Add up all Victory Points the player earned during the FIRST BLOOD Tournament Round.
Once the last Tournament Round has finished, it is the duty 2. Multiply the result by the number of Tournament Rounds of Only one Player can get First Blood. At the end of the game,
of the Organizer to rank the players according to their total the tournament. and only in the case of a tie in Victory Points and Frag tokens, MOD AGL CIRCUIT
Tournament Points scores. 3. Divide the result by the number of Tournament Rounds the victory will be awarded to the player with the First Blood.
played (one less than the total Tournament Rounds of the The Organizer chooses a single stadium in which to hold the
The winner of the tournament is the player who ranked first, tournament) and then round up. • The first Player to send an Enemy Character to the Infirmary event. Each stadium offers a different effect or rule that
that is, the one with the highest Tournament Points score. will get First Blood. is available to all players participating in the event in each
The end result is their final Victory Points score. In the event of • The First Blood allows a player to draw an additional Tactic. Tournament Round:
If two or more players are tied for the same position, they are a tie, repeat the process with the player’s Frags. • If two rival Characters go to the Infirmary during the same
ranked according to their accumulated Victory Points. Activation, the First Blood will be given to the Active Player. TUNGUSKA STADIUM | NOMADS
All the characters gain 1 Movement Point at the start of the
If both their Tournament Points and Victory Points scores BUILDING TEAMS CRITICAL SUCCESS Actions Step of your Activation.
are equal, players are ranked according to their accumulated
Frags. If this fails to break the tie, players are ranked according Each player submits a Starting Lineup consisting of four or One of the possible results on a red die is the Critical Success, SAIF TRADERS | HAQQISLAM
to the sum total of the Victory Points accumulated from all eight Characters, depending on the Tournament Mods chosen represented by the 8 symbol. All Characters have access to the following Switch:
their opponents in the tournament. by the Organizer.
• In a Face to Face Roll, a Critical Success cannot be nullified 33 : Remove a Status token that you have been assigned.
Each player must bring two printed copies of their Starting by any 1 results on the opponent’s Roll.
PAIRINGS Lineup and give one to the Organizer before the first • The only way to nullify a 8 is by using a 7 to Nullify your OMADON ARENA | NEOTERRA
Tournament Round begins. opponent’s red die completely. Once per Round, players can re-roll any number of dice on a
Pairings for the first Tournament Round are assigned at • At the beginning of the Roll’s Switches Step, each 8 adds Roll where no Symbol has been obtained.
random. one 2 to the total amount of Symbols rolled.
BUILDING TEAMS AT THE BEGINNING • You may use a 8 to activate Switches. When this is done, it
From the second Tournament Round on, a Swiss system OF EACH TOURNAMENT ROUND counts as a 2. SHAOSHANG-T (SHAOSHANG STADIUM) | YU JING
is used. Players are ranked according to their Tournament Once players have been paired up with their opponents, All Characters have access to the following Switch:
Points scores, and ties are broken by comparing accumulated and the Scenario has been announced at the beginning of a TOURNAMENT MODS
Victory Points scores. If the tie persists, compare the players’ Tournament Round, they will build their Teams following these 13 : Draw 1 Tactic.
accumulated Frags and, if this fails to break the tie, the steps: There are five Tournament Mods available to Organizers to
total Victory Points from all their previous opponents in the choose from. Organizers can choose more than one Mod for
tournament. Once all players are ranked, opponents are 1. Choose the Initial Player. Players choose randomly, tossing a their Tournament, unless the Mod says otherwise. MOD FINAL BOSS (SEMY 2.0.)
assigned in descending order of ranking (first against second, coin, which of them will be Player A. The other player will be
third against fourth, etc.). Player B.
2. Player A chooses one Character. KOORIE QUEEN MOD CREATING THE TEAMS
3. Player B chooses two Characters. The Starting Lineup consists of eight Characters. At the
ODD NUMBER OF PLAYERS (BYES) 4. Player A chooses two Characters. beginning of each Tournament Round, after choosing the The initial line up consists of eight Characters. At the start
5. Player B chooses two Characters. Initial Player, players ban one Character from their opponent’s of each Tournament Round, each player makes a team of six
If the number of players in the tournament is not even, each 6. Player A chooses one Character. Starting Lineup before forming their Teams:
Tournament Round one of the players will have to wait for the Characters. Follow this system for selection:
next Tournament Round to play; that player is said to be “given DECKBUILDING 1. Player A bans a Character from Player B’s Starting Lineup.
a bye”. A player who takes a bye is awarded a Victory (worth Once both teams are built, players secretly choose two Tactics 2. Player B bans a Character from Player A’s Starting Lineup. 1. Choose the Initial Player. Players are determined at random,
2 Tournament Points), 0 Victory Points and 0 Frags for that from each of their Characters to form the 18 Tactics Deck. - by tossing a coin, for example - which of the two players will
Round. Once both players have chosen and banned a Character from be player A, and which one of the players will be Player B.
their opponent’s Starting Lineup, they choose their Characters 2. Player A chooses a Character from the Initial Character List.
The Organizer must make sure that a single player is never as stated in the ‘Building Teams’ section, above. 3. Player B chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
given more than one bye during a tournament. List.
4. Player A chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
For the first Tournament Round, the player given a bye is ZLAVIN MOD List.
determined at random. In subsequent Tournament Rounds, the The Starting Lineup consists of eight Characters. At the 5. Player B chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
player with the lowest ranking takes a bye, unless that player beginning of each Tournament Round, while building their List.
had already taken a bye in one of the previous Tournament Teams, Characters a player has chosen are blocked so that 6. Player A chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
Rounds. In that case, the player with the next lowest ranking they’re not available for their opponents to choose. List.
who had not previously taken a bye is given the bye. 7. Player B chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
8. Player A chooses a Character from the Initial Character List.
7 8
RESERVE ZONE ASK FOR A CHANGE AGL: OPEN TOURNAMENT After each Round, players are awarded Tournament Points
Each Player will designate an area next to their Control Panel Once per Round, Players may voluntarily substitute one of the depending on their game’s outcome. The decisiveness of a
to place their miniatures, their Team Characters, and Initiative Characters on their Team at the end of the States Step of his RULES player’s victory and its associated Tournament Points reward
cards when they’re not playing. activation and that are in the HexaDome, and exchange one is measured by the difference in Victory Points scored by each
of them for any Characters in the Reserve Zone. A Character player, as per this table:
cannot be substituted if it is Adjacent to an Enemy. BASIC RULES
UNDERDOG Tournament Difference in Victory
To decide who is going to be the Underdog, each player adds Steps to follow to substitute one Character for another in the As Official Events, all Tournaments must comply with the Basic Outcome
Points Points
together the YInitiatives of their six Characters. Reserve Zone: Rules of AGL. In case of discrepancy between these rules and
Difference of 5 or more
the Basic Rules, this document takes precedence. Total Victory 3
Victory Points.
1. Place the substituted Character in the Reserve Zone.
FORM THE TACTICS DECK 2. Remove all State, Wounds and Markers tokens from the
Victory 2
Difference of 4 or less
Tactics decks are comprised of 18 Tactics (composing of 10 Character card. FORMAT OF THE EVENT Victory Points.
General Tactics [009 to 018] and 8 Tactics from their selected 3. Remove the Taunted tokens of the substituted Character Difference of 0 Victory
Characters) with the restriction that each Character cannot from other Character cards. This format is designed for casual AGL tournaments. This Tie 1
contribute more than 2 Tactics to the deck. It is possible to 4. Remove all Smoke tokens from the substituted Character format pits 4 or more players in one-to-one games over 1 or
select a Character who doesn’t contribute Tactics to the deck. that was in the HexaDome. more Tournament Rounds. Any Victory Points
Defeat 0 difference in favor of the
5. The opponent draws a Tactic.
6. The opponent wins the same Victory Points if there is an
DEPLOYMENT opportunity to score by placing an Enemy in the Infirmary. TOURNAMENT CONTROL SHEET
The players deploy as indicated by the scenario, leaving two 7. Select a Character from the Reserve Zone and place it in the For example, Player A scored 7 Victory Points during this
characters undeployed. These Characters become reserves at Infirmary. At the start of the event, each player receives a Tournament Tournament Round, while her opponent, Player B, scored 3
the end of Deployment. The miniatures, Character cards, and 8. Exchange the Character and Character Initiative cards with Control Sheet. Players must write down their name, Corvus PIN, Victory Points. The outcome of the game was a Victory for
Initiative of the Reserve Characters are placed in the Reserve those of the Character that comes into play. Sponsor (if it’s needed), and starting Characters (if it’s needed) Player A, since the difference between their scores was 4 (7
Zone. on their sheets. – 3 = 4), and a Defeat for Player B, since the difference was in
favor of his opponent. Player A gets 2 Tournament Points this
SCENARIOS During the tournament, players are required to use their round and Player B gets none.
SUBSTITUTIONS sheet to write down the score of their game at the end of
At the beginning of the Nanotherapy Step, during the Recovery The Organizer must choose an Official AGL Scenario for each each Tournament Round. They must also use their sheet to
Phase of each Round, the Players can exchange any number Tournament Round. The Organizer must make the chosen make note of their Characters Lineup and composition of their FINAL SCORES
of Characters in Reserve Zone for Characters that are in the Scenarios known when the tournament is first announced so Tactics Deck for each Tournament Round, so that they can be
Infirmary. that players can take them into account when building their validated by their opponents or by the Referee when needed. Once the last Tournament Round has finished, it is the duty
Starting Lineups. of the Organizer to rank the players according to their total
When a Character from the Reserve Zone replaces another in Tournament Points scores.
the Infirmary, the Miniatures, the Character card, and Initiative NUMBER OF TOURNAMENT ROUNDS
card of that Character needs to be exchanged with the AGL RATING The winner of the tournament is the player who ranked first,
Character they are replacing. The Initiative card of an Incoming The number of Tournament Rounds per tournament depends that is, the one with the highest Tournament Points score.
Character is placed in the same position as the Outgoing Players’ AGL Ratings change depending on their results in on the number of players, as shown in this table:
Character. each tournament’s rounds, as well as the event’s K factor, as If two or more players are tied for the same position, they are
detailed in the AGL Basic Rules document. Players Tournament Rounds ranked according to their accumulated Victory Points.
The incoming Characters will receive, therefore, the -2e State 4-8 3
when going to the Bench during this step. If both their Tournament Points and Victory Points scores
are equal, players are ranked according to their accumulated
17+ 5 Frags. If this fails to break the tie, players are ranked according
In order to update the AGL Ranking with the results of a to the sum total of the Victory Points accumulated from all
tournament, Organizers must report those results using the their opponents in the tournament.
Official Tournament Manager found at Treat this table as a guideline. The Organizer decides the
number of Tournament Rounds a tournament will have.
Should you encounter any problems during the reporting PAIRINGS
process, please contact us at
KEEPING SCORE Pairings for the first Tournament Round are assigned at random.
Ranking during a tournament is determined by the player’s From the second Tournament Round on, a Swiss system
Tournament Points score. is used. Players are ranked according to their Tournament
Points scores, and ties are broken by comparing accumulated
Victory Points scores. If the tie persists, compare the players’
accumulated Frags and, if this fails to break the tie, the
total Victory Points from all their previous opponents in the
tournament. Once all players are ranked, opponents are
assigned in descending order of ranking (first against second,
third against fourth, etc.).
9 9
Players cannot change their Sponsor during a League. For example, Player A scored 7 Victory Points during this
League Round, while her opponent, Player B, scored 3 Victory
Points. The outcome of the game was a Victory for Player A,
LEAGUE CONTROL SHEET since the difference between their scores was 4 (7 – 3 = 4), and
a Defeat for Player B, since the difference was in favor of his
At the start of the event, each player receives a League opponent. Player A gets 2 League Points this round and Player
Control Sheet. Players must write down their name, Corvus B gets none.
PIN, Sponsor, and starting Characters on their sheets.
During the League, players are required to use their sheet to FINAL SCORES
write down the score of their game at the end of each League
Round. They must also use their sheet to make note of their Once the last League Round has finished, it is the duty of the
Characters Lineup and composition of their Tactics Deck for Organizer to rank the players according to their total League
each League Round, so that they can be validated by their Points scores.
opponents or by the Referee when needed.
The winner of the League is the player who ranked first, that is,
the one with the highest League Points score.
If two or more players are tied for the same position, they are
ranked according to their accumulated Victory Points.
10 11
If both their League Points and Victory Points scores are equal, BUILDING TEAMS CRITICAL SUCCESS SAIF TRADERS | HAQQISLAM
players are ranked according to their accumulated Frags. If All Characters have access to the following Switch:
this fails to break the tie, players are ranked according to the Each player submits a Starting Lineup consisting of four or One of the possible results on a red die is the Critical Success,
sum total of the Victory Points accumulated from all their eight Characters, depending on the League Mods chosen by represented by the 8 symbol. 33 : Remove a Status token that you have been assigned.
opponents in the League. the Organizer.
• In a Face to Face Roll, a Critical Success cannot be nullified OMADON ARENA | NEOTERRA
Each player must bring two printed copies of their Starting by any 1 results on the opponent’s Roll. Once per Round, players can re-roll any number of dice on a
PAIRINGS Lineup and give one to the Organizer before the first League • The only way to nullify a 8 is by using a 7 to Nullify your Roll where no Symbol has been obtained.
Round begins. opponent’s red die completely.
Pairings for the first League Round are assigned at random. • At the beginning of the Roll’s Switches Step, each 8 adds
one 2 to the total amount of Symbols rolled. SHAOSHANG-T (SHAOSHANG STADIUM) | YU JING
From the second League Round on, a Swiss system is used. BUILDING TEAMS AT THE BEGINNING • You may use a 8 to activate Switches. When this is done, it All Characters have access to the following Switch:
Players are ranked according to their League Points scores, OF EACH LEAGUE ROUND counts as a 2.
and ties are broken by comparing accumulated Victory Points Once players have been paired up with their opponents, and 13 : Draw 1 Tactic.
scores. If the tie persists, compare the players’ accumulated the Scenario has been announced at the beginning of a League TOURNAMENT MODS
Frags and, if this fails to break the tie, the total Victory Points Round, they will build their Teams following these steps:
from all their previous opponents in the League. Once all There are five Tournament Mods available to Organizers to MOD FINAL BOSS (SEMY 2.0.)
players are ranked, opponents are assigned in descending choose from. Organizers can choose more than one Mod for
order of ranking (first against second, third against fourth, 1. Choose the Initial Player. Players choose randomly, tossing a their Tournament, unless the Mod says otherwise.
etc.). coin, which of them will be Player A. The other player will be CREATING THE TEAMS
Player B.
2. Player A chooses one Character. KOORIE QUEEN MOD The initial line up consists of eight Characters. At the start
ODD NUMBER OF PLAYERS (BYES) 3. Player B chooses two Characters. The Starting Lineup consists of eight Characters. At the of each Tournament Round, each player makes a team of six
4. Player A chooses two Characters. beginning of each Tournament Round, after choosing the
If the number of players in the League is not even, each 5. Player B chooses two Characters. Initial Player, players ban one Character from their opponent’s Characters. Follow this system for selection:
League Round one of the players will have to wait for the next 6. Player A chooses one Character. Starting Lineup before forming their Teams:
League Round to play; that player is said to be “given a bye”. A 1. Choose the Initial Player. Players are determined at random,
player who takes a bye is awarded a Victory (worth 2 League DECKBUILDING 1. Player A bans a Character from Player B’s Starting Lineup. - by tossing a coin, for example - which of the two players will
Points), 0 Victory Points and 0 Frags for that Round. Once both teams are built, players secretly choose two Tactics 2. Player B bans a Character from Player A’s Starting Lineup. be player A, and which one of the players will be Player B.
from each of their Characters to form the 18 Tactics Deck. 2. Player A chooses a Character from the Initial Character List.
The Organizer must make sure that a single player is never Once both players have chosen and banned a Character from 3. Player B chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
given more than one bye during a League. their opponent’s Starting Lineup, they choose their Characters List.
SEASON 2 as stated in the ‘Building Teams’ section, above. 4. Player A chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
For the first League Round, the player given a bye is List.
determined at random. In subsequent League Rounds, the During the Season 2 the following rules are applied: 5. Player B chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
player with the lowest ranking takes a bye, unless that player ZLAVIN MOD List.
had already taken a bye in one of the previous League Rounds. The Starting Lineup consists of eight Characters. At the 6. Player A chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
In that case, the player with the next lowest ranking who had FIRST BLOOD beginning of each Tournament Round, while building their List.
not previously taken a bye is given the bye. Teams, Characters a player has chosen are blocked so that 7. Player B chooses two Characters from the Initial Character
Only one Player can get First Blood. At the end of the game, they’re not available for their opponents to choose. List.
When players take a bye, they must make a note of it in their and only in the case of a tie in Victory Points and Frag tokens, 8. Player A chooses a Character from the Initial Character List.
League Control Sheet. the victory will be awarded to the player with the First Blood.
Once the last League Round ends, players who were given a • The first Player to send an Enemy Character to the Infirmary This Tournament Mod is not compatible with any other Mods. Each Player will designate an area next to their Control Panel
bye follow these steps: will get First Blood. The Starting Lineup consists of four Characters. Players to place their miniatures, their Team Characters, and Initiative
• The First Blood allows a player to draw an additional Tactic. cannot change the Characters chosen for their Teams for the cards when they’re not playing.
1. Add up all Victory Points the player earned during the • If two rival Characters go to the Infirmary during the same duration of the Tournament. However, Players may change
League. Activation, the First Blood will be given to the Active Player. the Character Tactics in their decks at the beginning of each
2. Multiply the result by the number of League Rounds of the Tournament Round. UNDERDOG
League. To decide who is going to be the Underdog, each player adds
3. Divide the result by the number of League Rounds played together the YInitiatives of their six Characters.
(one less than the total League Rounds of the League) and MOD AGL CIRCUIT
then round up.
The Organizer chooses a single stadium in which to hold the FORM THE TACTICS DECK
The end result is their final Victory Points score. In the event of event. Each stadium offers a different effect or rule that Tactics decks are comprised of 18 Tactics (composing of 10
a tie, repeat the process with the player’s Frags. is available to all players participating in the event in each General Tactics [009 to 018] and 8 Tactics from their selected
Tournament Round: Characters) with the restriction that each Character cannot
contribute more than 2 Tactics to the deck. It is possible to
TUNGUSKA STADIUM | NOMADS select a Character who doesn’t contribute Tactics to the deck.
All the characters gain 1 Movement Point at the start of the
Actions Step of your Activation.
12 13
DEPLOYMENT SCENARIOS AGL: OPEN LEAGUE RULES After each Round, players are awarded League Points
The players deploy as indicated by the scenario, leaving two depending on their game’s outcome. The decisiveness of a
characters undeployed. These Characters become reserves at The Organizer must choose an Official AGL Scenario for each player’s victory and its associated League Points reward is
the end of Deployment. The miniatures, Character cards, and Tournament Round. The Organizer must make the chosen BASIC RULES measured by the difference in Victory Points scored by each
Initiative of the Reserve Characters are placed in the Reserve Scenarios known when the tournament is first announced so player, as per this table:
Zone. that players can take them into account when building their As Official Events, all Leagues must comply with the Basic
Rules of AGL. In case of discrepancy between these rules and Difference in Victory
Starting Lineups. Outcome League Points
the Basic Rules, this document takes precedence.
Difference of 5 or more
At the beginning of the Nanotherapy Step, during the Recovery AGL RATING Victory Points.
Phase of each Round, the Players can exchange any number FORMAT OF THE EVENT Difference of 4 or less
of Characters in Reserve Zone for Characters that are in the Players’ AGL Ratings change depending on their results in Victory 2
Victory Points.
Infirmary. each tournament’s rounds, as well as the event’s K factor, as This format is designed for casual AGL Leagues. This format
detailed in the AGL Basic Rules document. pits 4 or more players in one-to-one games over 1 or more Difference of 0 Victory
Tie 1
When a Character from the Reserve Zone replaces another in League Rounds.
the Infirmary, the Miniatures, the Character card, and Initiative Any Victory Points
card of that Character needs to be exchanged with the REPORTING RESULTS Defeat 0 difference in favor of the
Character they are replacing. The Initiative card of an Incoming LEAGUE CONTROL SHEET opponent.
Character is placed in the same position as the Outgoing In order to update the AGL Ranking with the results of a
Character. tournament, Organizers must report those results using the At the start of the event, each player receives a League
Official Tournament Manager found at Control Sheet. Players must write down their name, Corvus For example, Player A scored 7 Victory Points during this
The incoming Characters will receive, therefore, the -2e State PIN, Sponsor (if it’s needed), and eight starting Characters (if League Round, while her opponent, Player B, scored 3 Victory
when going to the Bench during this step. Should you encounter any problems during the reporting it’s needed) on their sheets. Points. The outcome of the game was a Victory for Player A,
process, please contact us at since the difference between their scores was 4 (7 – 3 = 4), and
During the League, players are required to use their sheet to a Defeat for Player B, since the difference was in favor of his
ASK FOR A CHANGE write down the score of their game at the end of each League opponent. Player A gets 2 League Points this round and Player
Once per Round, Players may voluntarily substitute one of the Round. They must also use their sheet to make note of their B gets none.
Characters on their Team at the end of the States Step of his Characters Lineup and composition of their Tactics Deck for
activation and that are in the HexaDome, and exchange one each League Round, so that they can be validated by their
of them for any Characters in the Reserve Zone. A Character opponents or by the Referee when needed. FINAL SCORES
cannot be substituted if it is Adjacent to an Enemy.
Once the last League Round has finished, it is the duty of the
Steps to follow to substitute one Character for another in the NUMBER OF LEAGUE ROUNDS Organizer to rank the players according to their total League
Reserve Zone: Points scores.
The number of League Rounds per tournament depends on the
1. Place the substituted Character in the Reserve Zone. number of players, as shown in this table: The winner of the League is the player who ranked first, that is,
2. Remove all State, Wounds and Markers tokens from the the one with the highest League Points score.
Character card. Players League Rounds
3. Remove the Taunted tokens of the substituted Character 4-8 3 If two or more players are tied for the same position, they are
from other Character cards. ranked according to their accumulated Victory Points.
9-16 4
4. Remove all Smoke tokens from the substituted Character
that was in the HexaDome. 17+ 5 If both their League Points and Victory Points scores are equal,
5. The opponent draws a Tactic. players are ranked according to their accumulated Frags. If
6. The opponent wins the same Victory Points if there is an this fails to break the tie, players are ranked according to the
opportunity to score by placing an Enemy in the Infirmary. Treat this table as a guideline. The Organizer decides the sum total of the Victory Points accumulated from all their
7. Select a Character from the Reserve Zone and place it in the number of League Rounds a League will have, but there must opponents in the League.
Infirmary. never be fewer than 3.
8. Exchange the Character and Character Initiative cards with
those of the Character that comes into play. PAIRINGS
Pairings for the first League Round are assigned at random.
Ranking during a League is determined by the player’s League
Points score. From the second League Round on, a Swiss system is used.
Players are ranked according to their League Points scores, and
ties are broken by comparing accumulated Victory Points scores.
If the tie persists, compare the players’ accumulated Frags and,
if this fails to break the tie, the total Victory Points from all their
previous opponents in the League. Once all players are ranked,
opponents are assigned in descending order of ranking (first
against second, third against fourth, etc.).
14 14
The Organizer must make sure that a single player is never The Organizer must choose an Official or homemade Scenario
given more than one bye during a League. for each League Round. The same Scenario cannot be played You cannot take a mulligan at the beginning of the game.
Oxyd Basic
twice during a League. The Organizer must make the chosen Your Starting Hand has a size of 5 Tactics instead of 4.
For the first League Round, the player given a bye is Scenarios known when the League is first announced so
determined at random. In subsequent League Rounds, the that players can take them into account when building their
player with the lowest ranking takes a bye, unless that player Starting Lineups. If there are any homemade Scenarios, the Aigletech Special You may take a second mulligan at the beginning of the game.
had already taken a bye in one of the previous League Rounds. Organizer has to publish the details when the League is first
In that case, the player with the next lowest ranking who had announced.
not previously taken a bye is given the bye. At the beginning of the Deployment Phase, choose an Enemy Character. Your
Accesstel Special
rival must tell you the Tactics chosen from that Character.
When players take a bye, they must make a note of it in their AGL RATING
League Control Sheet. You cannot take a mulligan at the beginning of the game.
Players’ AGL Ratings change depending on their results in each
Tequian PSN Special Your Starting Hand has a size of 6 Tactics instead of 4. Choose 2 of those
1. Once the last League Round ends, players who were given a League’s rounds, as well as the event’s K factor, as detailed in
Tactics and return them individually to the top or the bottom of your deck.
bye follow these steps: the AGL Basic Rules document.
2. Add up all Victory Points the player earned during the
League. At the beginning of the Deployment Phase, you choose the Deployment
Shangmei Special
3. Multiply the result by the number of League Rounds of the REPORTING RESULTS Zones, instead of the Underdog.
In order to update the AGL Ranking with the results of a
At the beginning of the first Round, and every time there’s a tie in Victory
Divide the result by the number of League Rounds played (one League, Organizers must report those results using the Official Keller Resources Special
Points, you receive the Underdog token.
less than the total League Rounds of the League) and then Event Manager found at
round up.
Should you encounter any problems during the reporting
Compass Transportation Special At the beginning of the “Build Your Team” step, you may choose who is Player A.
The end result is their final Victory Points score. In the event of process, please contact us at
a tie, repeat the process with the player’s Frags.
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