United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,367,365 B1: Weickert Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 9, 2002

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,367,365 B1

Weickert et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 9, 2002

(54) HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT RE30,403 E * 9/1980 Bitonti ..................... 91/447 X

5,182,909 A * 2/1993 Stellwagen .................. 60/426
(75) Inventors: Thomas Weickert, Karsbach; Erich 5,209,063 A 5/1993 Shirai et al................... 60/422
Adlon, Wiesthal, both of (DE) 5,271,227 A * 12/1993 Akiyama et al. ............. 60/422
s s 5,813,311 A * 9/1998 Toyooka et al. .......... 60/422 X
(73) Assignee: Mannesmann Rexroth AG, Lohr (DE) 6.289,675 B1 * 9/2001. Herfs et al. ................... 60/422
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 DE 2O59556 A 6/1972
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. DE 28 OO 814 A1 7/1979
DE 40 27 O47 A1 3/1992
(21) Appl. No.: 09/720,484 DE 41 22 164 C1 1/1993
DE 4234 036 A1 4/1994
(22) PCT Filed: May 31, 1999 DE 19646 427 A1 5/1998
EP O 284 831 A 10/1988
(86) PCT No.: PCT/DE99/01591 EP O 566 449 A1 10/1993
S371 Date: Jun. 4, 2001 WO WO95/32364 11/1995

S 102(e) Date: Jun. 4, 2001 * cited by examiner

(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO00/00747 Primary Examiner John E. Ryznic
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Oliff & Berridge, PLC
PCT Pub. Date:Jan. 6, 2000
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Jun. 29, 1998 (DE) ......................................... 198 28.963 An LUDV-circuit for controlling at least one of a lower-load
consumer and a higher-load consumer is disclosed, wherein
(51) Int. Cl." ........................... F15B 11/08; F16D 31/02 a metering orifice and a downstream pressure compensator
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 91/447; 60/422 for maintaining constant the pressure drop acroSS the meter
(58) Field of Search .......................... 60/422, 426, 494; ing orifice constant are associated with each consumer. The
91/446, 447, 448 preSSure compensator of the lower-load consumer is asso
ciated with a bypass channel capable of being controlled
(56) References Cited open, whereby the pressure compensator of this consumer
may be bypassed.
4,002.220 A * 1/1977 Wible ....................... 60/422 X 9 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 1 of 4 US 6,367,365 B1

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U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 2 of 4 US 6,367,365 B1


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U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 3 of 4 US 6,367,365 B1
U.S. Patent Apr. 9, 2002 Sheet 4 of 4 US 6,367,365 B1

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US 6,367,365 B1
1 2
HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT In order to eliminate this drawback, a control arrange
ment is disclosed in WO95/32364 to the same applicant, by
The invention relates to a hydraulic circuit for controlling means of which only the load pressure of the lower-load
at least one lower-load consumer and one higher-load con hydraulic consumer is reported to the load-Sensing regulator
Sumer in accordance with the preamble of claim 1. of the variable displacement pump when a limit load pres
Such circuits (also termed load-sensing circuits) are i.a. Sure is exceeded. This limit load preSSure is Selected Such
used for controlling mobile machines, for example excava that the Supply for the additional hydraulic consumer is
tors. By means of the central circuit, hydraulically actuated ensured. In the subject matter of WO95/32364 this is
units of the machine, for example a rotating mechanism, the achieved in that the Spring cavity of the pressure compen
travelling mechanism, a Shovel, an arm or clamping means Sator of the lower-load consumer may be connected to the
mounted on the excavator boom are controlled.
Aload-sensing circuit of this type is, for example, known reservoir via a pressure control valve arrangement. When a
from EP O 566 449 AS. This circuit includes a variable limit load pressure is exceeded, the pressure control valve
displacement pump which may be controlled Such as to opens the connection to the reservoir, So that the Spring
generate at its output a pressure which exceeds the highest cavity of the pressure compensator of the lower-load con
load pressure of the hydraulic consumer by a specific 15 Sumer is relieved of pressure, and the control piston is taken
differential amount. For the purpose of regulation a load into its open position wherein the load pressure of this
Sensing regulator is provided which may receive application consumer is reported in the load pressure reporting line.
of the pump pressure in the direction of reducing the Stroke It is a drawback in this control arrangement that a partial
Volume, and the highest pressure at the consumers, as well Volume flow is discharged towards the reservoir and thus is
as a preSSure Spring in the direction of increasing the Stroke not available for consumer control. The efficiency of this
Volume. The difference between the pump pressure and the control is accordingly comparatively low. It is another
highest load pressure which occurs in the variable displace drawback that owing to hydraulic fluid being returned
ment pump corresponds to the force of the aforementioned towards the reservoir, heat is generated in the System and
preSSure Spring. thus pump power is dissipated.
To each one of the consumers an adjustable metering 25 In contrast, the invention is based on the object of
orifice including a pressure compensator arranged down furnishing a control arrangement whereby Sufficient Supply
Stream thereof is associated, whereby the pressure drop at of all consumerS is ensured at minimum expense in terms of
the metering orifice is maintained constant, So that the device technology.
amount of hydraulic fluid flowing to the respective con This object is attained through a hydraulic circuit having
Sumer depends not on the load pressure of the consumer or the features of claim 1.
the pump preSSure but on the cross-section of opening of the Owing to the measure of providing a bypass channel
metering orifice. In the case in which the variable displace through which the pressure compensator downstream from
ment pump conveys at maximum volume while the hydrau the metering orifice may be bypassed, it is not necessary to
lic fluid flow nevertheless is not sufficient for maintaining establish a lower Setting of the pressure compensator, or
the predetermined pressure drop across the metering 35 discharge hydraulic fluid into the reservoir in order to limit
orifices, the pressure compensators of all actuated hydraulic the System preSSure. The manifesting System pressure may
consumers are adjusted in a closing direction, So that any be predetermined by corresponding Selection of the bypass
flow of hydraulic fluid to the individual consumers is croSS-Section. On account of the reduced System pressure,
reduced by an identical proportion. Namely, in the case of a the lower-load consumer may be Supplied with a greater
downstream pressure compensator, the Volume flows 40 amount of hydraulic fluid which may be utilized, for
towards the consumers will always be proportional with the example, for increasing a Velocity of a boom or the like.
croSS-Section of opening of the metering orifices. Owing to A circuit having a particularly simple construction is
this load-independent throughput distribution (LUDV), all obtained if the metering orifice upstream from the preSSure
controlled consumerS move with a Velocity reduced by an compensator is formed by a proportional directional control
identical percentage. 45 Valve, with the bypass channel being capable of being
The variable displacement pump mentioned at the outset controlled open in accordance with the valve spool position
is customarily equipped with a pressure control and with a of the proportional directional control valve. Due to the fact
power control whereby the maximum possible pump pres that the bypass channel is controlled open in dependence on
Sure or the maximum power capable of being output by the control of the proportional valve, the individual-pressure
Variable displacement pump (excavator power), 50 compensator acts merely in the fine control range where
respectively, may be adjusted. These pressure and power comparatively low hydraulic fluid volume flows pass
controls are Superseded to the load-Sensing regulation. through the pressure compensator.
In the case of a control arrangement of the above The construction may be simplified further if the bypass
described type, problems may occur when a hydraulic channel is formed in the valve spool of the proportional
consumer works against a practically infinite resistance. 55 directional control valve and may be controlled open by a
This may, for example, be the case if the hydraulic consumer control land of the valve spool bore.
is a Shovel being actuated against a Stop. In the case of In order to prevent return flow from the consumer
actuation against a stop, a pressure about corresponding to through the bypass channel, a check valve arrangement is
the maximum pressure (excavator power) predetermined by provided in the latter.
the pressure control builds up at the corresponding hydraulic 60 In a preferred variant of the invention, two work ports of
consumer. If, now, an additional hydraulic consumer, for a consumer are controlled through the proportional valve. In
example a travelling mechanism or a boom is activated, the Some cases, e.g., in the case of double-action hydraulic
latter may only be displaced with a lower Velocity, for Owing cylinders, it is Sufficient if the bypass channel is associated
to the high pressure at the former consumer (shovel), the with only one of the work ports, so that a flow through the
power control of the variable displacement pump already 65 bypass takes place, for example in the lifting function. It is,
responds at low flows of hydraulic fluid to the other hydrau of course, also possible to associate bypass channels to both
lic consumer (travelling mechanism). work ports.
US 6,367,365 B1
3 4
AS was already mentioned above, it may be advanta Control of the adjustable metering orifices 14a, 14b is
geous if the bypass channel is controlled open only follow achieved through manually operable control means 30a, 30b
ing a specific Stroke of the proportional valve, So that no which are in operative connection with the metering orifices
bypass flow is engendered at the beginning of the control. 14a and 14b, respectively.
The valve spool of the proportional directional control Thanks to a circuit of the above described type a classical
Valve is preferably designed to include a central Velocity “LUDV circuit is realized, wherein the pressure drop across
component and two external directional components each the metering orifices 14a, 14b is maintained constant inde
asSociated with one port of the consumer. The bypass pendent of load pressure with the aid of pressure compen
channel in this case extends inside the valve spool from the sators 16a, 16b. When the full pump performance is
Velocity component towards the directional component, So exhausted, the Settings of both pressure compensators 16a,
that the pressure compensator is bypassed. 16b customarily are reduced, so that the hydraulic fluid
The pressure loSS in the bypass channel may be mini volume flow towards the two consumers 4, 6 is reduced by
mized if the latter has oblique and radial bores opening into an identical percentage. AS was already described at the
the outer periphery of the valve spool. outset, a problem may occur in these circuits whenever the
Other advantageous developments of the invention are 15
higher-load consumer (shovel 4) is actuated against a stop,
Subject matters of the further appended claims. So that the load pressure of this consumer is located in the
In the following, preferred embodiments of the invention range of the maximum pump pressure. If, now, an additional
shall be explained in more detail by referring to Schematic lower-load consumer is added on, the volume flow of the
drawings, wherein: lower-load consumer Subsides to a value which is predeter
FIG. 1 is a Switching diagram of a circuit according to the mined by the maximum pump capacity. A large part of the
invention which includes a bypass channel; power is dissipated in the reducing pressure compensator of
FIG. 2 shows a valve disc of a valve block for a circuit this consumer.
in accordance with FIG. 1; In order to prevent this, a bypass channel 32 allowing for
FIG. 3 is a sectional view of a valve segment for a circuit bypassing the pressure compensator 16a is associated to the
in accordance with FIG. 1; lower-load consumer b in the control represented in FIG. 1.
FIG. 4 is a detail representation of the valve segment of 25 The bypass channel 32 branches off downstream from the
FIG. 3; and metering orifice 14a and opens into the work line 24a
FIG. 5 is a diagram elucidating the System pressure towards the consumer 6. Inside the bypass channel 32,
Structure in the cases of controlling a higher-load consumer suitable control means 34 are provided which block the
and a lower-load consumer.
In FIG. 1, a part of a Switching diagram for a hydraulic bypass channel 32 in the basic position and control it open
circuit for controlling a mobile work tool, e.g. an excavator, in dependence on the cross-section of opening of the meter
is represented. This excavator has Several consumerS Such ing orifice 14a. On account of this circuit, the hydraulic fluid
as, for example, a boom, a shovel, an excavator arm, a volume flow towards the consumer 6 is not reduced by the
travelling mechanism drive and a rotating mechanism drive, pressure compensator 16a, So that a lower System pressure
which are supplied with hydraulic fluid by a variable dis in comparison with a System without a bypass channel 32
placement pump 2. In the embodiment represented in FIG. 35 will occur. This makes it possible to extend the boom 6 with
1, a cylinder 4 for actuation of a shovel and a cylinder 6 for a higher Velocity. The Switching means designated by ref
actuation of the excavator boom are represented as consum erence numeral 34 may be any means Suitable for blocking
CS. the bypass channel 32 and controlling it open in accordance
An adjustment of the stroke volume of the variable with control of the metering orifice 14a.
displacement pump is carried out by means of a load-sensing 40 In FIG. 2 the Switching diagram of a valve disc 35 of a
regulator 8 which regulates the stroke volume of the variable valve block for realizing the circuit depicted in FIG. 1 is
displacement pump as a function of the pump pressure on represented. The valve disc 35 contains the pressure com
the one hand, and of the highest load pressure at the pensator 16a, a proportional valve 36 with a Velocity com
consumers 4, 6 and the force of a pressure Spring 10 on the ponent forming the metering orifice 14a, and the bypass
other hand. The hydraulic fluid supplied by the variable 45 channel 32, and the other connection lines of the hydraulic
displacement pump is conveyed to the two consumerS4 and elements described in more detail in the following. In the
6, respectively, via a pump line 12 including branch lines embodiment represented in FIG. 2, a directional component
12a, 12b. for controlling the consumers A, B, as well as controlling the
In each branch of the pump line 12 (12a, 12b) an bypass channel 32 are furthermore integrated in the propor
adjustable metering orifice 14a, 14b is formed. As shall be 50 tional valve 36 apart from the metering orifice 14a.
explained in more detail, these metering orifices 14a, 14b The proportional valve 36 includes a pump port P, two
are designed as Velocity components of a proportional valve. work ports A, B which are connected with the cylinder
Downstream from each metering orifice 14a, 14b, one cavities of a differential cylinder b or with a hydraulic motor.
respective pressure compensator 16a, 16b is arranged. The In addition an output port P1 towards the pressure compen
control piston of these 2-way pressure compensators 55 Sator 16a, a bypass port U, two input ports R, S of the
receives the pressure downstream from the metering orifice directional component, and a reservoir port T are formed on
14a, 14b in an opening direction via a control line 18, and the proportional valve 36.
the highest load preSSure tapped by a load pressure reporting The two front sides of the valve spool 38 of the propor
line 22 in a closing direction via a load control line 20. tional valve 36 are biased into their basic positions by two
Through the latter, the highest load pressure is also passed 60 preSSure Springs 41a, 41b. In this basic position, the ports P.
on to the load-sensing regulator 8. A, B, U and 5 are blocked while the ports P1 and R are
From the output port of the pressure compensator 16a, connected to the reservoir.
16b a work line 24a, 24b leads to the respective consumers The front surfaces of the valve spool 38 receive a control
4 and 6. The load pressure of the consumers 4, 6 is tapped preSSure Ps, whereby it may be moved out of its Spring
via branch lines 26a, 26b and passed on to a shuttle valve 28 65 biased basic position.
having its output connected to the load pressure reporting The output port P1 is connected to the input port Q of the
line 22. preSSure compensator 16a via the pump line 12a. AS was
US 6,367,365 B1
S 6
already explained above, there branches from the pump line 58b, respectively, which are connected to the Spring cavity
12a the control line 18 through which the pressure down 64a or 64b, respectively, of the proportional valve 36 via
stream from the metering orifice 14a (proportional valve 36) control lines. In the control line between the control ports
to the left-hand front side of the pressure compensator 16a 58a, 54b and the spring cavities 64a and 64b, respectively,
in the representation of FIG. 2 is reported. The load pressure a nozzle including a check valve is formed, enabling attenu
of the consumer 6 is connected with the load pressure ation of the valve spool movement.
reporting line 22 via the load reporting line 20 and conveyed The control collar 60 is provided in the range of its front
to the Spring Side of the pressure compensator 16a. The surfaces with a multiplicity of control notches 64 or 66,
output port C of the pressure compensator 16a is connected respectively, through which pressure medium may be con
with the input ports R and S, respectively, of the directional veyed from an annular chamber 68 connected with the pump
component through lines 40, 42. Inside the lines 40, 42 there port P to the input port Q, So that the pressure downstream
are two check valves 56a, 56b which prevent a return flow from the metering orifice may be applied to the lower front
of the hydraulic fluid from the directional component Surface of the control piston 72 of the pressure compensator
towards the pressure compensator 16a. 16a in the representation of FIG. 3.
The reservoir port T is connected to the reservoir through 15
Upon displacement of the directional control valve spool
a reservoir line 44. With the aid of the pressure compensator 38 to the right (FIG. 3), the metering orifice 14a is formed
16a, the preSSure drop acroSS the metering orifice 14a is by co-operation of the control notches 64 with the one
maintained constant independent of load when controlling control land of the land 62, whereas upon a displacement to
the proportional valve 36, so that the volume flow towards the left, the control notches 66 control the connection from
the consumer 6 is proportional to the croSS-Section of the annular chamber 68 towards the pressure compensator
opening of the metering orifice 14a. 16a open.
When a control pressure P is applied, for example, to The input port Q of the preSSure compensator 16a is
the left-hand front surface of the proportional valve 36, the designed as an axial port, So that the fluid pressure also acts
Valve spool 38 is displaced to the right, So that the metering on the lower front surface 70 of the control piston 72. The
orifice 14a is controlled open in order to connect the ports output port C has the form of a radial port and opens into the
P., P1. In the fine control range, i.e. in the first part of the 25 lines 40 and 42, respectively. Inside these lines 40, 42 the
Valve spool Stroke, the connection towards the bypass chan load holding valves 56a, 56b are arranged which prevent a
nel port U is still blocked. The hydraulic fluid is conveyed return flow from the valve spool 38 towards the pressure
via the work line 12a to the input port Q and via the control compensator 16a and enable flow in the opposite direction.
line 18 to the left-hand front side of the control piston of the Connection of lines 40, 42 with the work ports A and B,
preSSure compensator 16a, So that the latter is shifted into its respectively, or the reservoir port T is realized by means of
control position for maintaining the preSSure drop acroSS the a directional component of the valve spool 38. Namely, to
metering orifice 14a constant. each work port A, B a directional component is associated
The hydraulic fluid flow adjusted in this way is then whereby the one work port A or B may be connected with
conveyed via the line 40, the ports R, A to the work port of a line 40, 42 or with the reservoir T.
the consumer 6, while the hydraulic fluid is returned from 35 The directional component for port B formed on the right
the consumer 6 to the reservoir via the work port B and the side in the representation of FIG. 3 includes three control
reservoir line 44. Port S is closed. collars 74, 76 and 78 formed at an axial distance. The control
When the metering orifice 14a is controlled open further, collars 76 and 78 are each provided with a control notch 80
the bypass channel 32 is controlled open by the valve spool or 82, respectively, which open towards the radially Stepped
38, so that the hydraulic fluid flows directly into the line 40. 40 back portion arranged between these control collars 76, 78.
The volume flow towards the pressure compensator 16a is The directional component of the valve spool 38, which
reduced or even blocked altogether, So that a higher Volume is associated with work port A, is formed by two spaced
flow is conveyed towards the consumer 6. This increase of control collars 84, 86 only. In control collar 86, control
the Volume flow results in a dropping System pressure even notches 88 are formed which functionally correspond to the
when the higher-load consumer 4 is actuated against a stop. 45 control notches 80 of the control collar 78.
FIG. 3 shows a sectional view of a directional control At the outer periphery at an axial distance from the
valve segment whereby the circuit represented in FIG. 2 is right-hand front surface of the control collar 86, several
realized. The directional control valve Segment includes a oblique bores 90 open which are distributed over the periph
valve plate 52 wherein reception bores-for the valve spool ery and connected with a common axial bore 92. The latter
38, the pressure compensator 16a, two pressure control 50 extends through the control collar 8 as far as the left-hand
valves 54a, 54b and the two check valves, or load holding end portion of valve spool 38. In the represented variant, the
valves 56a, 56b are formed. In the valve plate 52, moreover, limit atop 94 of the valve spool is screwed into the axial bore
the two work ports A, B, two control ports 58a, 58b for 92 so that the left-hand end portion thereof is closed.
controlling the proportional valve 36, a pump port P, at least FIG. 4 shows a detail representation of the valve spool 38
one port for the load pressure reporting line 22, and a 55 in the central region of this axial bore 92.
reservoir port are provided. Accordingly, in the axial bore 92 a retainer valve is
The fundamental construction of this directional control provided, the valve body 96 of which is biased against a
Valve Segment is already known from the prior art and is, valve seat 98 by a pressure spring 97.
e.g., described in the above mentioned WO95/32364. A radial bore star 100 and an oblique bore star 102 open
The valve spool 38 has in its central range a control collar 60 downstream from the valve body 96. The radialbore star 100
60 forming the metering orifice 14a in co-operation with a is blocked by a land 104 of the reception bore 103 of valve
land 62 of the valve bore. In the representation in accordance spool 38. The oblique bore star 102 opens an the radially
with FIG. 3, the valve spool 38 is biased by the two pressure stepped-back portion between control collars 84 and 86. The
Springs 41a, 41b into its basic position wherein flow through valve body 96 biased against the valve seat 98 prevents
the metering orifice 14a does not take place. 65 inflow of hydraulic fluid from port A into the axial bore 92.
Controlling the proportional valve 36 is effected by Flow in the opposite direction is practically not prevented
applying a control pressure at the two control ports 58a and owing to the pressure Spring 97 being weak.
US 6,367,365 B1
7 8
The geometry of the radial bore star 100 and of the preSSure drops from System pressure pses to a lower level p.
oblique bore Star 102 is Selected Such that upon a displace It is possible to adjust the pressure level p through Suitable
ment of valve spool 38 to the left, the connection from work Selection of the bypass channel diameter, So that the preSSure
port A to reservoir port T may be controlled open with the will, e.g., drop from a pressure of 240 bar to a pressure p
aid of these stars 100, 102. As an alternative it would, of of 200 bar.
course, also be possible to use control notches in the At the beginning of controlling the lower-load consumer,
right-hand front surface range of the control collar 84 for the preSSure p will not be influenced as the bypass channel
controlling open. is not controlled open yet at the beginning of controlling.
If, now, a control pressure is applied to control port 58a, The invention is, of course, in no way restricted to the
the valve spool 38 is displaced towards the right in the bypass channel 32 being integrated in the proportional valve
representation of FIG. 3, so that the control notches 64, in 36. Other solutions are equally conceivable, wherein the
co-operation with land 62, control the connection from bypass channel is realized through external circuits.
pump port P to the input port Q of the pressure compensator What is disclosed is an LUDV-circuit for controlling at
Open. least one of a lower-load and a higher-load consumer,
The front surface 105 of the control piston 72 located on 15 wherein a metering orifice and a downstream preSSure
top in the representation of FIG. 3 receives the force of a compensator for maintaining constant the pressure drop
control Spring 106 and of a load pressure which is tapped via acroSS the metering orifice are associated with each con
a control land and an angular bore 108 in the control piston Sumer. The pressure compensator of the lower-load con
72 by a peripheral groove 110. Due to the pressure down Sumer is associated with a bypass channel capable of being
Stream from the metering orifice 14a applied to input port Q, controlled open, whereby the pressure compensator of this
the control piston 72 is displaced in an upward direction, and consumer may be bypassed.
output port C is controlled open until an equilibrium of What is claimed is:
forces is realized above the control piston 72. The load 1. A hydraulic circuit for controlling at least one of a
holding valve 56a is opened, and the hydraulic fluid is lower-load consumer and a higher-load consumer (4, 6),
conveyed through the line 40 and the control collar 86 25 including a variable displacement pump (2) the Setting of
including control notches 88 to work port A. At the same which is variable as a function of the load pressure of the
time, the connection between work port B and reservoir port Consumers (4, 6), with an adjustable metering orifice (14a,
T is controlled open above the control collar 76 associated 14b) comprising a downstream pressure compensator (16a,
with work port B and the control notches 82, so that the 16b) being provided between said variable displacement
hydraulic fluid may flow back from the consumer into the pump (2) and each consumer (4, 6), the control piston (72)
reservoir. In this fine control range, the oblique bores 90 of of which may be acted on in a closing direction by the load
the bypass channel 32 are not controlled open yet by the pressure of the associated consumer (4, 6) and in an opening
control land 107. direction by the pressure downstream from Said metering
Upon further displacement of the valve spool 38, the orifice (14a, 14b), characterized by a bypass channel (32)
control land 107 controls open the bypass channel 82, so that 35 connecting the metering orifice output (P) with at least one
the hydraulic fluid or at least a partial volume flow is work port (A) for the lower-load consumer (6) while bypass
conveyed to work port A. The System pressure drops, So that ing said associated individual-pressure compensator (16a).
the lower-load consumer 6 may be actuated with a higher 2. The hydraulic circuit in accordance with claim 1,
Velocity. characterized in that said metering orifice (14a, 14b) is
When the valve spool 38 is actuated in the reverse 40 formed by a proportional valve (36) whereby the work port
direction, the bypass channel has no function, for reverse (A, B) may be connected with said pump port (P) or a
flow from A to the input port Q of the pressure compensator reservoir (T), and in that said bypass channel (32) may be
16a is prevented by the valve body 96 resting on the valve controlled open in accordance with the valve spool position
seat 98. of said proportional valve (36).
In the above described embodiment, the bypass channel 45 3. The hydraulic circuit in accordance with claim 2,
32 is only associated to the work port A which is required for characterized in that said bypass channel (32) is formed in
the lifting function of the consumer. It is, of course, also said valve spool (38) and may be controlled open by a
possible to associate a further bypass channel with the other control land of said proportional valve (36).
work port B, which further bypass channel would then have 4. The hydraulic circuit in accordance with claim 1,
a construction identical with the one of the above described 50 characterized in that in Said bypass channel (32) a check
work port. valve (96, 97, 98) is arranged which prevents a hydraulic
In the diagram in accordance with FIG. 5 the pressure fluid flow from said consumer (6) to said metering orifice
and Volume flow ratioS of the above described processes are (14a).
represented over time. It is assumed that initially a higher 5. The hydraulic circuit in accordance with claim 2,
load consumer, for example a shovel, is actuated against a 55 characterized in that said proportional valve (36) includes
Stop. The corresponding pressure development is repre two work ports (A, B) for said consumer (6), and in that a
sented by continuous lines in FIG. 5. Accordingly, the load bypass channel (32) is associated to each work port (A, B).
preSSure at this consumer rises very quickly and reaches a 6. The hydraulic circuit in accordance with claim 2,
maximum predetermined by the pump capacity P at the characterized in that said bypass channel (32) is controlled
time t1. 60 open only following a predetermined Stroke of Said valve
After attaining this maximum pressure, a lower-load spool (36).
consumer, e.g. a boom, is controlled closed. In control of the 7. The hydraulic circuit in accordance with claim 2,
proportional valve 36 associated with this consumer, the characterized in that said valve spool (38) includes a veloc
bypass channel 32 is controlled open in the above described ity component having an approximately central arrangement
manner, so that the hydraulic fluid flow Q to the lower-load 65 and forming said metering orifice (14a), as well as two
consumer rises (dashed line). Owing to this rise of the directional components through which the hydraulic fluid
hydraulic fluid volume flow to the lower-load consumer, the may be conveyed from Said output port (Q) of said pressure
US 6,367,365 B1
9 10
compensator (16a) to a work port (A, B) or from Said other oblique bore star (102) downstream from said check valves
work port (A, B) to a reservoir port (T), respectively, (96, 97, 98) in the range of a directional component on the
wherein said bypass channel (32) extends from Said Velocity other hand.
component to one of Said directional components. 9. The hydraulic circuit in accordance with claim 1,
8. The hydraulic circuit in accordance with claim 4, 5 characterized in that said variable displacement pump (2) is
characterized in that said bypass channel (32) opens via preSSure and power controlled.
oblique bores (90) in the range of said velocity component
on the one hand, and via a radial bore star (100) and/or an k . . . .

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pFad v3 Proxy

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