Analysis of Energy Consumption of Crushing Processes - Comparison of One-Stage and Two-Stage Processes
Analysis of Energy Consumption of Crushing Processes - Comparison of One-Stage and Two-Stage Processes
Analysis of Energy Consumption of Crushing Processes - Comparison of One-Stage and Two-Stage Processes
2, 2017
DOI: 10.1515/sgem-2017-0012
Abstract: This paper presents experimental comparison of two machine crushing technologies: one-stage and two-stage. The study
was carried on a model double-toggle jaw crusher which allows crushing forces, energy and toggle displacement to be measured.
The main aim of the work was to determine the energy consumption of crushing process assuming a given level of fragmentation.
Studies were performed on three rocks: granite “Strzegom”, limestone “Morawica” and sandstone “Mucharz”. The material tested
had a cubic shape and average dimension of 90 mm. One-stage crushing was carried out for outlet slot er = 11 mm, and two-stage
crushing for er = 24 mm and 11 mm. In the tests special design of variable profile moving jaw was used and fixed jaw was flat. The
analysis of the results shows that taking into account energy consumption, it is better to use two-stage crushing process. For given
materials energy consumption in the two-stage crushing process was reduced by 30%.
Key words: rock crushing, jaw crusher, crushing efficiency, two stage crushing process
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18 P. CIĘŻKOWSKI et al.
(a) (b)
the working chamber), nip angle (angle between the et al. [5]). The purpose of the experiments carried out
surfaces of the fixed and moving jaw in the reverse in this work is to compare the comminution of the feed
position, when the moving jaw is as close as possible in a two-stage and a single-stage crushing process and
to the fixed one), the angular velocity of the drive to determine technological parameters of the latter, i.e.,
shaft n (no-load running), the dimension of the outlet performance, effective energy and crushing forces.
slot er, the cross and longitudinal profiles of crushing
plates (Kobiałka and Naziemiec [12], Zawada and
Pawlak [17]). Under industrial conditions, the outlet 2. EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY
slot er and the moving jaw displacement s are regulat-
ed. Other parameters are selected at the design stage
for a given process line (Gawenda [8]). The object of the study was a double-toggle jaw
The present paper is a continuation of the work on crusher (Ciężkowski (ed.) [6]). The test machine fully
optimization of the crushing process at the Institute corresponds structurally and functionally to double-
of Construction Machinery Engineering (Ciężkowski toggle jaw crushers used for industrial purposes, dif-
Strength parameters
Limestone Sandstone Granite
Young’s modulus E [GPa] 23.13 16.96 9.73
Cohesion c [MPa] 20 31.82 18.91
Internal friction angle [] 56 34 44
Uniaxial tensile strength Sr [MPa] 8.03 11.05 8.74
Uniaxial compressive strength Sc [MPa] 158.45 122.78 95.09
Fig. 2. Examples of feed specimens from mines in Poland with average dimension of 90 mm used in the tests:
(a) limestone “Morawica”, (b) sandstone “Mucharz”, (c) granite “Strzegom”
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Analysis of energy consumption of crushing processes – comparison of one-stage and two-stage processes 19
fering from them almost exclusively by dimensions. It crushing stage (C, B). After the first stage of crush-
is characterized by the following technical parameters: ing, the material was sieved in order to perform our
the dimension of the inlet slot a b = 100 200 mm, analysis of the product grain. To complete sieve
height of the crusher’s working chamber h = 250 mm, analysis a set of control sieves was used.
the outlet slot er = 20÷30 mm, the angular velocity of A set consisting of 10 screens of mesh square size 0.063,
the drive shaft (no-load running) n = 388 rpm, moving 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31.5 mm was placed on
jaw displacement s ≈ 6 mm, gear ratio of V belt 3.2, a mechanical shaker WSU-BB according to Polish
rated engine power (type SZJe 34b) Nzn = 4 kW. Standard (PN-EN 933-1: 2012). Feed used in the
The material used in the tests (feed) was a lime- second stage had grain sizes of 8, 16, 31.5 mm (C)
stone “Morawica”, sandstone “Mucharz” and gran- and 16, 31.5 mm (D). The final stage of the research
ite “Strzegom” from mines in Poland (Fig. 2) with was sieve analysis of the product. The second crush-
strength parameters given in Table 1. ing process proceeded in a single step (A), shown
Figure 3 shows research testing scheme. The first schematically in Fig. 3b. For this process, the outlet
crushing process (Fig. 3a) was implemented in two slot was set to er = 11 mm. The feed used in both pro-
crushing stages, with outlet slot dimension er = 24 mm cesses had a similar mass (~10 kg) and particle size
(B) in the first stage and er = 11 mm in the second d = 90 mm.
0,063÷31,5 [mm]
0,063÷31,5 [mm]
0,063÷8 [mm]
fraction 8÷31,5 [mm]
fraction 16÷31,5 [mm]
C C: crushing
IInd D: IInd crushing
stage, er = 11 [mm] stage, er = 11 [mm]
product: fraction 0÷8 [mm]
0,063÷8 [mm]
0,063÷8 [mm]
product: fraction
0÷4 [mm]
product: fraction 0÷8 [mm] product: fraction 0÷8 [mm]
(a) (b)
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20 P. CIĘŻKOWSKI et al.
Figure 4 a shows a view of crusher’s working The results of product sieve analysis are given in
space. In this work flat crushing plate for fixed jaw Tables 2–4 and Figs. 5–7. Tests were performed on
and moving plate with variable pitch and triangular four series. Results of product particle size distribution
profile were used. This set is advantageous for reasons are averaged from all tests. The tables show values
of performance and energy consumption of the ma- of masses each fraction for one-stage process A, B
chine crushing process (Ciężkowski and Maciejewski with the dimension of the outlet slot of consists of er =
[4]). During the experiments, moving jaw displace- 11 mm and er = 24 mm and for second stage of crush-
ment and crushing forces were recorded by measure- ing process C and D for feed size d = 8÷31.5 mm and
ment of forces on toggle plate 3a, shown in Fig. 1. d = 16÷31.5. Columns labeled as 1 and 2 contain
a summary results of each two-stage crushing process
B + C and B + D. The final results of the one- and
two-stage sandstone, limestone and granite crushing
3. RESULTS processes are compared in Figs. 5–7. Product particle
size distribution analysis shows that the one-stage
process has a similar composition as two-stage pro-
Product particle size distribution is one of the most cess B + C, where in the second stage the feed size
important indicator of the process. The percentage of d = 8÷31.5 mm was used. In the case of B + D pro-
each product fraction is defined as cess (feed d = 16÷31.5 mm) there are many more
mn fractions of d = 8 mm in relation to one-stage process A
fn (1) or two-stage B + C.
In order to compare the effects of one- and two-
where m – specimen mass, mn – mass of fraction “n”. stage processes, a group of indicators was introduced.
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Analysis of energy consumption of crushing processes – comparison of one-stage and two-stage processes 21
Fig. 5. Sieve analysis. Comparison of one-stage and two-stage sandstone crushing process
Fig. 6. Sieve analysis. Comparison of one-stage and two-stage limestone crushing process
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22 P. CIĘŻKOWSKI et al.
Fig. 7. Sieve analysis. Comparison of one-stage and two-stage granite crushing processes
values of forces are similar to results obtained for one-
120 Fj‐1 stage process A despite the significant difference
Fj of feed size (A d = 90 mm, C – d = 8÷31.5 mm,
D = 16÷31.5 mm). Comparing the effective energy of
Le both processes, we see that the two-stage process is
advantageous compared to the single one. Two-stage
sj sj‐1
process B + C, where in the second stage a fraction
si 1 si‐1
of 8÷31.5 mm was crushed, gives 8.8% lower energy
0 2 3 4 5
Moving jaw displacement s [mm]
consumption for sandstone and 40% for granite but
5% higher for limestone.
Fig. 8. Selected work cycle of sandstone crushing by In the case of two stage process B + D the ad-
flat plates. Force vs. displacement diagram vantage in terms of energy is much larger, and is
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Analysis of energy consumption of crushing processes – comparison of one-stage and two-stage processes 23
equal to 22% for sandstone, 26% for limestone and case of crushing sandstone and granite, the force is
45% for granite. three times less for er = 24 mm (process B) than
A comparison of technical performance shows that for process A, where er = 11 mm. For limestone
the two-stage process is preferred. The technical per- crushing, the force is 7 times less for er = 24 mm
formance of the process (B + D) is 30% higher rela- (processes C and D).
tive to the one-step process A. Comparing the effective energy of both processes,
we see that the two-stage process is advantageous
compared to the single one. In the analysed pro-
4. CONCLUSIONS cesses energy consumption was lower from 8 to
45% in the case of two-stage processes.
The technical performance of the two-stage pro-
In the paper, the experimental comparison of two cess (B + D) is 30% higher relative to the one-step
machine crushing technologies – one-stage and two- process A or two-stage process B + C.
stage was presented. The laboratory tests were carried The results were obtained using the laboratory
out on a model double-toggle jaw crusher on the three jaw crusher, with a special design of the jaw with
rocks: granite “Strzegom”, limestone “Morawica” and variable profile and pitch. In earlier studies (Ciężkow-
sandstone “Mucharz”. ski et al. [5]) it was demonstrated that this type of
Analyzing the result, the following conclusions jaws is preferred due to the force value and energy
can be drawn: consumption.
Product particle size distribution analysis shows Since the results obtained in this research are prop-
that the one-stage process A has a similar compo- mising, its continuation is fully justified.
sition to two-stage process B + C, where in the
second stage the feed size d = 8÷31.5 mm was
used. In the case of two-stage process B + D (feed
size d = 16÷31.5 mm) there are many more frac-
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