Outline MET-362 Statics
Outline MET-362 Statics
Outline MET-362 Statics
Course Outlines:
General Principles
Force Vectors
a) Add forces and resolve them into components using the Parallelogram Law,
b) Express force and position in Cartesian vector form and determine vector’s magnitude and direction
c) Introduce dot product to determine the angle between two vectors or projection of one vector onto another
Equilibrium of a Particle
a) Introduce concept of a particle free body diagram, solve particle equilibrium problems
b) Force System Resultants a Calculate moment of a force in two and three dimensions.
c) Find the moment of a about a specified axis, Define the moment of a couple.
d) Determine the resultants of non-concurring force systems.
e) Reduce a simple distributed loading to a resultant force.
Structural Analysis
Internal Forces
a) Discuss the concept of center of gravity, center of mass, and the centroid
b) Determine the location of the center of gravity and centroid for a system of discrete particles
c) Find the area and volume for a body having axial symmetry using the Pappus and Guidinus theorems
d) Find the resultant of a general distributed loading and apply it to finding the resultant force of a pressure loading from a
Moments of Inertia
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