This study determined the degree of utilization of instructional strategies and materials in
teaching viewing as a macro- skill by the English teachers of Anda, Pangasinan. It is the latest
addition to the macro-skills of English language which is catered using different materials that are
print and non-print forms.
Descriptive method was used in the study during the school year 2017- 2018 with 34 teachers-
respondents. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The researchers used simple frequency
counts, a weighted mean for the utilization of instructional strategies and materials, and multivariate
test for the significant difference.
The researchers found out that many of the respondents are teaching in public schools in the
locality, bachelor’s degree holders, pure classroom teachers with no administrative functions, and
are just on their early years of service and who mostly attended division-level training relevant to
their specialization.
Instructional strategies and instructional materials are both often utilized by teachers in teaching
viewing as a macro-skill.
Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are hereby suggested: (1) the
teachers who are teaching English should venture on higher levels of training relevant to their
specialization especially on teaching viewing; (2) the teachers should maximize instructional
strategies especially mnemonic strategies; (3)strengthen the Internet connection and build more e-
classrooms and audio-visual rooms in schools for the teachers and the learners can have conducive
teaching-learning process and direct experience on discussing viewing; and (4) the teachers should
pursue on educational attainment as it contributes to the utilization of instructional strategies and
Keywords – English, macro- skill, materials, strategies, teaching, viewing
ISSN 2651-8414 (Print) ISSN 2651-8406 (Online)
Multidisciplinary Research Journal
learners to discern language communicated in crucial to improving comprehension of print and
spoken or written form. On the other hand, nonprint materials [3]. This is the skill to be
speaking and writing are productive skills that taught as the learners are exposed on multimedia.
demand learners to communicate in speech or To make it possible, they should have strong
text form [1]. The learners need to master the media and visual literacies.
skills for better communicative competence.
Schools and higher educational The teachers are on the verge that they
institutions allotted large concentration on these need to be versatile and knowledgeable about
macro skills for many years. It was evident as teaching viewing. Just like teaching the
there are thousands of books published tackling traditional macro-skills, educators encounter
these traditional skills. Then, the education sector difficulties in teaching viewing. Several factors
saw that books are effective if there are also may hamper them to teach the competencies
printed pictures and illustrations accompanying under this skill effectively.
the texts.
In the article “6 Technology Challenges
Visual aids became rampant as these Facing Education” published on,
effectively catch the learners’ attention. educators and school administrators in the United
Furthermore, graphs in different types and States encounter the following challenges based
graphic organizers are incorporated on topics. on "The NMC Horizon Report: 2013 K-12
Thus, the learners turned to learn concepts Edition," that are put together by the New Media
visually. Consortium as part of the Horizon Project: (1)
Professional development; (2) Resistance to
As the world entered the 1990s, the change; (3) MOOCs and other new models of
Internet was discovered [2] and it changed all the schooling; (4) Delivering informal learning; (5)
industries tremendously including the sector of Failures of personalized learning; and (6) Failure
education. Schools have integrated websites for to use technology to deliver effective formative
instructional and operational purposes. Aside assessments.
from that, the advancement of technologies
invaded the classrooms as computers and mobile It was mentioned in the article that inadequate
phones are used to attain competencies better professional development for teachers impede
according to the needs and demands of the them to use technology effectively resulting to
society. In addition, broadcast media are given unutilized instructional materials. Furthermore,
importance as the learners are deemed to be some teachers are defiant in incorporating
updated on current events that affecting them. technology into their lessons as they confirm with
“status quo” based on the report. The report
Videos and other multimedia materials strongly stated that technologies should be
became tools in delivering information. The provided for the teachers to provide personalized
learners in this period are called digital natives as learning [4].
they learned things with computers and other
gadgets. These natives are also called millennials In the local scene, the government is
as they spend more time online as they engage in ardent in improving its education programs. In
activities on social media sites. Because of the the implementation of the K to 12 Education
increasing demand for visual and social media in program of the Department of Education
the classrooms and beyond, viewing as a macro- (DepEd), our curriculum is now aligned with the
skill had its inception. global standards.
Viewing is the fifth macro-skill today. It DepEd wants that its learners to garner 21st
refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting, and Century skills including Information and
construction meaning from visual images and is Communication (ICT) skills that are viable for
ISSN 2651-8414 (Print) ISSN 2651-8406 (Online)
Multidisciplinary Research Journal
careers that are based on globalization. All As inadequacies on school facilities and
subjects in the enhanced curriculum needed to be learning materials remain the problem, it is
taught with the use of ICT materials. On the other interesting to know how teachers cope with the
hand, the learners, with the use of multimedia situations. Resourcefulness and versatility are
materials, should do activities in different some of the traits that teachers should cater to the
subjects respectively. In the English Curriculum competencies that learners should learn in a
guide, viewing comprehension is a competency grading period. There are remedies and materials
to be learned by the learners especially in Junior devised by the teachers to meet the demands of
High School [5]. the curriculum especially with the competencies
that require viewing and ICT materials.
To realize this goal, the Department launched
many programs like Learning Resources Schools District of Anda, Pangasinan is also
Management and Development System affected by these annual shortages. Its
(LRMDS), a portal that contains online teaching typography affects the availability of ICT
materials. The system is also created to solve the materials as well as the Internet connectivity
inadequacies of learning materials among the among the schools. Some national high schools,
learners. integrated schools, and private schools in Anda
experience unstable Internet connection that
The Department is trying its best to make hurdle teachers and students to access websites,
Internet available in all public schools across the social media sites, and video sharing sites
archipelago. These will make all learners to strongly. Teachers also struggle on how to teach
access nonprint information which is now viewing as a macro skill due to limited
popular and needed. The 2011 national strategy multimedia resources.
for improving Internet access of the government
includes the education sector. According to the With these situations, it is important to
plan, there should be 100 percent of secondary determine the practices of secondary school
schools and 80 percent of elementary schools to teachers of Anda in teaching viewing despite the
have Internet access in 2016. problems encountered. This research is created to
harness the strategies of the English teachers in
The government needs to work double time as teaching the newest macro skill.
it was reported by Arangkada Pilipinas last 2015
that almost 80 percent of public schools in the OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
country still do not have Internet access. This study aims to determine the
instructional strategies and materials utilized in
Alongside this predicament is the availability teaching viewing as a macro skill by English
of laptop and desktop computers that are needed teachers of Anda, Pangasinan during the school
in teaching viewing. DepEd acknowledges the year 2017- 2018.
fact the strategies and portals are not enough to
mitigate the problems [6]. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following
Inadequacies on materials are still apparent in
the education system in our country. Common
1. What is the profile of English teachers in
problems still occur in the public schools
terms of the following:
including materials and facilities [7]. With the
implementation of Senior High School in the a. school type;
enhanced curriculum, officials foresaw that these b. highest educational attainment;
happenings are still unavoidable. c. designation;
d. number of years in teaching; and
ISSN 2651-8414 (Print) ISSN 2651-8406 (Online)
Multidisciplinary Research Journal
e. seminars attended related to 2. There is no significant difference
instructional strategies and materials between the degree of utilization of
in English? instructional strategies and materials in
teaching viewing and perceived
2. What is the degree of utilization of knowledge and skills of English teachers
instructional strategies in teaching on instructional strategies and materials
viewing? in teaching viewing.
a. Real-life or Authentic Problem
b. Visual Processing;
c. Mnemonic Strategies;
d. Writing Strategies; Research Method
e. Hands-on Activities
f. Peer Teaching; The descriptive method of research was used
g. Active Review; in the study. The descriptive research describes
the existing conditions to be investigated.
h. Simulation and Role Plays;
According to Baraceros [8], the descriptive
i. Songs, Jingles, and Raps research aims at defining or giving a verbal
portrayal or picture of a person, thing, event,
3. What is the degree of utilization of group, situation, and the like. Good and Scates
instructional materials in teaching (1972) stressed that descriptive normative
viewing? surveys frequently made ascertain the normal or
a. Drawings/ visual aids, still pictures, typical condition, or to compare local results with
and infographics; a state of the national norm as cited by Villanueva
b. Blogs and Categorized websites; [9].
c. Social networking sites and
Respondents of the Study
News/information sites;
d. Video sharing sites; The respondents of the study were the 34
e. Digital books and Writers’ websites; teachers teaching English subjects from the six
f. Laptops, smartphones, and (6) secondary schools, three (3) integrated
televisions; schools, and two (2) private schools in Anda,
Pangasinan of the Schools Division Office I
g. Audiovisual rooms and e-
After the questionnaire is found as a valid (MANOVA).
instrument for research, the researcher asked
permission to conduct the research study to be To.
endorsed by the researcher’s school principal to
the Office of Schools Division Superintendent,
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan located in Mean
Lingayen. Then, the researcher sought the Scale
permission of the school heads and principals to
allow him to gather responses.
The retrieval of the questionnaires was done Number
by the researcher himself. Utmost care will be Code
observed both in the conduct and retrieval of the
questionnaire to be able to gather the most
relevant data needed in this research.
Statistical Treatment of Data
In order to elicit significant results and A
findings, appropriate statistical tools were
employed in the analysis of the data. This ensured
that the results depict the true picture of the Profile of English Teachers
situation or condition under study.
This section of the study presents the number
To answer problem No. 1 on the profile of
of respondents who teach English subject and
the teachers teaching English subject, that was
further described in terms of school type, highest
measured using simple frequency counts and
educational attainment, designation, number of
their corresponding
teaching years, and seminars related to
instructional strategies and materials in English.
To answer problem No. 1 on the profile of the
teachers teaching English subject, that was There were 34 respondents coming from the
measured using simple frequency counts and six (6) secondary schools, three (3) integrated
their corresponding schools, and two (2) private schools in Anda,
percentages. Pangasinan of the Schools Division Office I
In order to elicit significant results and
findings, appropriate To establish the profile of the English
teachers the frequency counts, percentages were
In problem No. 2, on the degree of utilization
used and ranked. Table 1 presents information
of instructional strategies in teaching viewing, the
about these teachers- respondents. The summary
average weighted mean computed using a table
of the table is the majority of the respondents are
mean scale values.
working in public school, most of them are
In problem No. 3, on the degree of utilization bachelor’s degree holder, many are assigned
of instructional materials in teaching viewing, the Teachers I and III, they are just starting their
average weighted mean computed using a table profession, and half of them attended division
mean scale values. level of seminars relevant to their specialization.
In problem No. 4 looks into the significant
difference in the degree of utilization of Table 1. Profile of English Teachers
instructional strategies in teaching viewing across
profile variables were tested using Multivariate Percenta Ran
Analysis of Variance Profile Variables F ge k
ISSN 2651-8414 (Print) ISSN 2651-8406 (Online)
Multidisciplinary Research Journal
School Type one (21) of them or 61.76% of the English
2 teachers attained bachelor’s degree. On the other
Public 6 76.47 1 hand, few of them have finished their graduate
Private 8 23.53 2 and postgraduate studies. Ten (10) are master’s
Highest Education degree holders while three (3) are doctorate
Attainment degree holders.
Bachelor's Degree 1 61.76 1
Number of Teaching Years
Master's Degree 0 29.41 2 Most of the respondents are in the early years
Doctorate Degree 3 8.82 3 of their teaching profession. Twenty or 58.82% of
them are teaching for 1 to 5 years. It is interesting
that the number of teachers who have been
Plain faculty 6 17.65 3
teaching for 21 years and above is higher than
Teacher 1 3 38.24 1 teachers who are teaching for six to twenty years.
Six (6) teachers are teaching for 21 years and
Teacher 2 4 11.76 4
1 above. The rest are represented in the following
Teacher 3 1 32.35 2 figures: two (6 to 10 years); four (11 to 15 years);
Number of teaching and two (16 to 20 years).
2 Seminars Attended
1 to 5 years 0 58.82 1 Most of the respondents have attended
6 to 10 years 2 5.88 4.5 seminars related to instructional strategies and
11 to 15 years 4 11.76 3 materials in English. Half of the respondents
16 to 20 years 2 5.88 4.5 (50%) reached division level. Next to that is nine
21 years and above 6 17.65 2 (9) teachers (26.47%) reached regional level.
Seminars Attended Only four (4) teachers (11.76%) attended national
None 2 5.88 4.5 level and two participated in international level of
1 seminars respectively. Only two respondents
Division 7 50.00 1 have no seminars yet related to English subject.
Regional 9 26.47 2
National 4 11.76 3 Degree of Utilization of Instructional
International 2 5.88 4.5 Strategies in Teaching Viewing
The researcher grouped the instructional
strategies into two major categories: (1)
individualized strategies and (2) pair/peers/group
strategies. The respondents are represented into
percentages. This section aims at how frequent
School Type
the strategies being used by teachers-
Majority of the respondents are working in respondents.
the public schools of District of Anda. The
number shows that 26 or 76.47% of them are
employed in national high schools and integrated
schools in the area. Meanwhile, the remaining
eight (8) or 23.53% of them are teaching in Table 2. Summary of Degree of Utilization of
private schools in the district. Instructional Strategies in Teaching Viewing
A. Individualized Instructional teachers are using a plethora of strategies that will
Strategies help them to deliver the lessons efficiently.
Real-life or Authentic Problem
Solving 4.19 O Degree of Utilization of Instructional
Visual Processing 4.19 O Materials in Teaching Viewing
Mnemonic Strategies 3.89 O
Writing Strategies 4.38 O This section of the study is concerned
Hands-on Activities 4.3 O with how much is the degree of utilization of
B. Instructional Strategies: instructional materials by the teachers-
respondents in teaching viewing as a macro- skill.
Peer teaching 4.14 O
The materials are hugely classified into two: print
Active Review 4.03 O
and nonprint materials. The respondents were
Simulation and Role Plays 4.16 O
asked up to what degree they use the materials in
Songs, jingles, Raps 4.36 O
previewing, during viewing, and post-viewing
Grand Mean 4.18 O
activities. In addition, the degree of the utilization
DR=Descriptive Rating A= Always
of gadgets and facilities were included in the
O=Often S=Sometimes R=Rarely N=Never
The table brings out the overall mean and
Table 3. Summary of Degree of Utilization of
grand mean of all the instructional strategies Instructional Materials in Teaching Viewing
utilized by English teachers in teaching viewing.
For the individualized instructional strategies, Instructional Materials WM DR
Print Materials (Drawings/visual aids,
writing strategies recorded the highest overall
still pictures, infographics) 4.01 O
mean of 4.38 or often. The rest of the strategies
under the grouping are being rated as often. Blogs and categorized websites 3.15 S
Social networking sites and
Mnemonic strategies appeared to have the lowest
news/information sites 3.73 O
overall mean of 3.89 or often.
Video sharing sites 3.69 O
For the pair/peers/group strategies, Digital materials and Writers’ websites 4.17 O
songs, jingles, and raps strategy gained the Gadgets (laptops, smartphones,
highest weighted mean of 4.36 or often. In televisions) 4.31 O
Facilities (Audio-visual room/e-
opposite, active review received the least
classrooms) 3.17 S
weighted mean of 4.03 or often.
Grand Mean 3.70 O
Comparing all the instructional WM=Weighted Mean DR=Descriptive Rating A=
strategies, writing strategies dominated while Always O=Often S=Sometimes R=Rarely
mnemonic strategies came last. The former is an
inevitable part of learning viewing as notes can
serve as supporting documents in gauging Table 3 shows the weighted means of all
learning, so this strategy should be considered in instructional materials and the grand mean. All
teaching viewing. Meanwhile, the latter should be the instructional materials are often utilized by
given much attention to this strategy type will the teachers except blogs and categorized
help the learners to master the basics. websites and facilities that are being described as
sometimes utilized. The figures support this idea
The grand mean in utilizing the as the former registered weighted mean of 3.15
instructional strategies adapted from Corpuz and while the latter recorded a weighted mean of 3.17.
Salandanan [10] by the English teachers-
respondents in teaching viewing as a macro- skill The figures entail that there is a need to
is 4.18 or often utilized. This means that the maximize the usage of blogs and categorized
websites and facilities. Blogs and categorized
ISSN 2651-8414 (Print) ISSN 2651-8406 (Online)
Multidisciplinary Research Journal
websites are rising platforms for learning as these materials in teaching viewing in terms of highest
sites are serving as a compendium of ideas that educational attainment.
teachers can use in teaching lessons. Meanwhile,
facilities are needed as some equipment cannot be
utilized inside the classroom. And, teachers
should be trained well in using the said facilities
to make them adept and reliable as assistance
needed by the learners arises. Table 4. Comparison of Profile Variables of
English Teachers on Instructional Materials and
It is observable that the respondents are Instructional Strategies Utilization
doing a variation in terms of using print and
nonprint materials. Drawings, visual aids, still Multivariate Tests
pictures, and infographics are often utilized by Eta
teachers despite the tremendous number of Profile Variables Wilk's Lamda Sig. Squared
laptops, smartphones, and televisions present in
School type 2.979 0.108 .427
schools. On the other hand, the figures show that Highest Educational
schools have teachers who are using computers Attainment 3.382* 0.035 0.458
and other electronically powered machines and Designation 1.772 0.169 0.399
gadgets in teaching. It is also noticeable that they
are doing their best to make smartphones aid in Years in teaching 1.697 0.175 0.459
learning and not a distraction. Seminars attended 1.519 0.226 0.432
*significant at .05 level of significance
Overall, the grand mean of the degree of
utilization of instructional materials in teaching There is a significant difference on the
viewing is still all right. There was recorded 3.70 utilization of instructional strategies and
or often in terms of utilization by teachers. materials in teaching viewing in terms of highest
educational attainment if considered jointly as
Difference on the Level of Utilization of revealed by the p-value obtained (0.035) which is
Instructional Materials and Instructional below the prescribed significance (.05). The
Strategies of English Teachers partial eta squared shows that 4.58 percent in the
variation on the dependent variable (level of
The difference in the degree of utilization utilization of instructional strategies and
of instructional materials and instructional materials) is attributed to the differences of the
strategy on their profile variables were measured group.
using Multiple Analysis of Variance
(MANOVA). The multivariate test displayed in
Table 4 test the hypothesis that the profile Table 5. Profile Variable Difference on the
variables do not differ significantly on the overall Degree of Instructional Materials and
degree of utilization of instructional materials and Instructional Strategies Utilization
instructional strategy. Furthermore, Table 16
presents the multivariate tests of significance for Test of Between-Subject Effects
the main effects of the between-groups variables Compare
(school type, highest educational attainment, Categorie
designation, years in service, seminars attended) s Partia
interaction. For all the five effects (profile (Dependen l Eta
variables), the observed significance levels are Profile t Squar
higher than .05 except on highest educational Variables variables) F Sig. ed
attainment. Thus, there is a significant difference School Type Instruction 0.17
al 2.121 9 0.191
on the utilization of instructional strategies and
ISSN 2651-8414 (Print) ISSN 2651-8406 (Online)
Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Strategies 0.07
Utilization 4.073 4 0.312 Summary
Highest al The study determined the instructional
Educational Materials 4.758 0.03 strategies and materials utilized in teaching
Attainment Utilization * 9 0.514
viewing as a macro skill by English teachers of
Anda, Pangasinan during the school year 2017-
Strategies 0.05 2018. The respondents of the study were the
Utilization 3.957 8 0.468 teachers teaching English subjects from the six
Instruction (6) secondary schools, three (3) integrated
al schools, and two (2) private schools in Anda,
Materials 0.19 Pangasinan of the Schools Division Office I
Designation Utilization 1.942 3 0.393
Pangasinan. A total of 34 English junior high
al school teachers served as respondents of the
Strategies 0.09 study.
Utilization 2.897 4 0.491
Instruction Findings
Years in Materials 0.18
Teaching Utilization 1.945 7 0.464 Analysis of the data made the researcher
Instruction to have the following significant findings of the
al study:
Strategies 0.10
Utilization 2.698 0 0.545
Instruction I. Profile of the English Teachers
Seminars Materials 0.08
Attended Utilization 2.891 6 0.562 As to school type. There are 26 teachers
Instruction (76.47%) who are employed in public schools
al while there are eight (8) teachers (23.53%)
Strategies 0.29 working in private schools.
Utilization 1.454 4 0.393
*significant at .05 level of significance As to the highest educational attainment.
There are 21 bachelor’s degree holders (61.76%),
Table 5 displays if the instructional ten (10) master’s degree holders (29.41%), and
materials and instructional strategies utilization three (3) doctorate degree holders.
are significantly different on their profile
variables (school type, higher educational As to designation. There is six (6) plain
attainment, designation, years in teaching, and faculty teacher (17.65%), 13 Teacher I (38.24%),
seminars attended). The results indicate no four (4) Teacher II, and 11 Teacher III (32.35%)
significant differences among the five profile being asked.
variables of the English Teachers as indicated by
the computed p-values that are greater than .05 As to a number of teaching years. There are
except on higher educational attainment which twenty teachers teaching for 1 to 5 years
has a p-value of 0.039 on the utilization of (58.82%), two (2) teachers teaching for 6 to 10
instructional materials. This entails that years, four (4) teachers teaching for 11 to 15
educational attainment contributes to the years, two (2) teachers teaching for 16 to 20
significant difference between teachers in terms years, and six (6) teachers teaching for 21 years
of using instructional materials. and above.
ISSN 2651-8414 (Print) ISSN 2651-8406 (Online)
Multidisciplinary Research Journal
networking sites and news information sites are
As for seminars attended. There are two (2) often utilized with a weighted mean of 3.73.
teachers who have no seminars attended (5.88%), Video sharing sites are often utilized as indicated
17 teachers with division-level seminars by an overall mean of 3.69. Furthermore, digital
(50.00%), nine (9) teachers with regional level materials and writers’ websites are often utilized
seminars (26.47%), four (4) teachers with with an overall mean of 4.17. Gadgets
national level seminars, and two (2) international specifically laptops, smartphones, and televisions
seminars. are often utilized with an overall mean of 4.31.
On the other hand, facilities are sometimes
II. Degree of Utilization of utilized by an overall mean of 3.17.
Instructional Strategies in
Teaching Viewing The grand mean of the degree of utilization
of instructional materials in teaching viewing is
As to individualized instructional strategies. 3.70 or often utilized.
Real-life or Authentic Problem Solving strategy
is often utilized with 4.19 overall mean. Visual
Processing strategy is often utilized with 4.19 IV. Difference on the Level of
overall mean. On the other hand, Mnemonic Utilization of Instructional
Strategies are often utilized with 3.89 overall Materials and Instructional
mean. Writing strategies are often utilized as Materials and Instructional
indicated by an overall mean of 4.38. Lastly, Strategies of English Teachers
Hands-on activities are often utilized with a 4.3
overall mean. Based on the results, computed p- values are
higher than .05 except on highest educational
As to pair/peers/group instructional attainment. Hence, the teachers have a significant
strategies. Peer- teaching strategy is often utilized difference on the utilization of instructional
with 4.14 overall mean. Active Review strategy strategies and materials in terms of highest
is often utilized with 4.03 overall mean. educational attainment.
Meanwhile, simulation and role play strategy is
often utilized with 4.16 overall mean. Songs, In testing the between-subject effects,
jingles, and raps strategy is often utilized as computed p-values are higher than .05 except on
indicated by an overall mean of 4.36. the utilization of instructional materials under
higher educational attainment with a p-value of
The grand mean of 4.18 states that the 0.039.
teachers- respondents often utilized the
instructional strategies in teaching as a macro- Conclusions
Many English subject teachers are working in
III. Degree of Utilization of public schools in Anda, Pangasinan. Majority of
Instructional Materials in them are bachelor’s degree holders, pure
Teaching Viewing classroom teachers with no administrative
functions, and are just in their early years of
As to print materials. Drawings, visual aids, service. Furthermore, teachers are attending
still pictures, and infographics are often utilized division level seminars relevant to their training.
by the respondents with a weighted mean of 4.01.
Instructional strategies are often utilized by
As for nonprint materials. Blogs and teachers in teaching viewing as a macro-skill.
categorized websites are sometimes utilized with
a weighted mean of 3.15. Meanwhile, social
ISSN 2651-8414 (Print) ISSN 2651-8406 (Online)
Multidisciplinary Research Journal
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