The Six Cs of Effective Academic
The Six Cs of Effective Academic
The Six Cs of Effective Academic
The Six Cs of Effective Academic And Professional Communication
At the end of this module, you will be able to.
a. show mastery of the Cs of effective communication by recalling
specific terms;
b. use correct terms in structuring unbiased sentences;
c. identify appropriate words illustrating one of the Cs in communication.
describe as diplomacy. It means showing concern for the reader. It
promotes goodwill , a feeling of confidence based on honesty and reliable
Course Module
Develop the YOU attitude
After the second long test, I will fail all students Please protect your grades. Submit your term
who have not submitted their term papers. papers before the second long test.
We require a 50 pesos minimum balance for You will remain active on your accounts when
customers to remain active on their accounts. you maintain a 50 pesos minimum balance.
I will deposit your bonus to your ATM accounts. You will receive your bonus on your ATM
The participants will receive free snacks.
We will provide free snacks for the participants.
1. Avoid using colloquialisms, jargon, and any words or phrases that might be
2. Use YOU and YOUR instead of I and WE to establish friendly intentions.
3. Emphasize the benefits to the reader.
Requests for actions and unfavorable responses may promote goodwill when
the emphasis of the message is for the benefits of the reader. Here are the
examples illustrating how an unpleasant message can be courteous when
using the YOU attitude.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
The Six Cs of Effective Academic And Professional Communication
Never allow customers to shop Always greet customers as soon as they arrive.
Without first greeting them.
We do not make exchanges for purchases With your receipt, you may exchange any
without receipts. purchase.
Whether you like it or not, you are required to Please be informed that there will be a meeting
attend the meeting today at 2 PM, July 10, 2016, at 2 PM today, July 10, 2016, at the conference
at the Conference room. I will issue a memo for room. Attendance is a must. Thank you.
those who will not attend the meeting.
Course Module
Correct word choice and sentence structure can change the
negative tone into a positive tone. Another way of using positive
tone is structuring your sentences by stating on what can be done
rather than on what can’t be done. Refer to the examples below.
Using gender – free terms acknowledge equal status and respect to both
sexes. Stereotype terms that indicate bias against men or women is called
sexist language. Stereotypes regard any racial, ethnic groups, or individuals
with disabilities superior or inferior to others. Words that stereotype
others are offensive and may hinder goodwill . The table below shows and
an Gender-free terms used as alternative to sexist terms.
fireman firefighter
waitress server
Use a plural noun or a plural pronoun when referring to a category of people that
may include both men and women. Refer to Table 6 as examples.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
The Six Cs of Effective Academic And Professional Communication
The doctor should listen to his patients. Doctors should listen to their patients.
Treat the customer courteously so she will Treat customers courteously so they will continue
continue to shop in our store. to shop in our store.
In addition to Gender- free terms, using politically correct terms are less offensive to the receiver.
Instead of … Use…
Course Module
Read the fact about Japanese courtesy as part of their culture.
Clarity means writing easy – to- read and easy –to-understand messages. A
clear message sustains a listener’s or reader’s attention. Clarity of
message expresses a thought not impresses the reader or listener.
Compare the examples in the table below.
Capitalization, a punctuation tool, varies
The English language device known as
based on different language rules.
capitalization, using in printed matter
designated letters of larger size, not only is a
punctuation tool of considerable importance
but also is a tool whose function varies in
accordance with differing, prescriptive
language rules.
The letter address names the message
The self- explanatory purpose of the letter
receiver and specifies the delivery location.
address is both to designate the person to
whom the mailed correspondence is to be
received and to stipulate the location to which
the said mailed article of correspondence is to
be delivered.
Table 8: Prefer statements that express clarity.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
The Six Cs of Effective Academic And Professional Communication
Use dictionary to verify word meanings top avoid misleading the reader.
Unclear Antecedent : Felix called his agent while he was reading the script. (
Does he refer to Felix or to Felix’s agent?)
Clear Antecedent : While Felix was reading the script, he called his agent.
Felix called his agent, who was reading the script.
Course Module
Indefinite it : It is recommended that you label your clothes with a
waterproof marker.
Improved clarity : Please label your clothes with a water proof marker.
Indefinite marker: After the program ends, it is time for you to leave.
Improved clarity : After the program ends, you may leave.
The word there refers to a specific place . Remove there to improve clarity
and brevity.
Indefinite there: There are six steps you can use to ensure message clarity.
Improved clarity: You can use six steps to ensure message clarity.
Julia returned the support cast for her injured leg that she bought.
What did Julia buy? The support cast or her leg?
Julia returned the support cast that she bought for her injured leg. (correct)
Conciseness refers to the brevity of the message. Writing meaningfully in
just the
least possible words. Be precise. After writing the draft, edit your message
to eliminate unnecessary words.
Steps to develop concise message:
Eliminate unnecessary words.
Select action verbs and efficient words.
Use necessary modifiers.
Write in the active voice.
Avoid redundancy.
Select action verbs and Please make an agreement to Please agree to purchase the
efficient words. purchase the Marco system. Marco system.
Course Module
To avoid redundancy, use the following alternative expressions.
In reference to about
So silly ridiculous
The old car was painted by the The technicians painted the old car.
The overgrown trees were trimmed The power company trimmed the
by the power company overgrown trees.
In negative situations
Passive Voice: Alex cut the pattern Active Voice: The pattern was cut
too small. ( The focus is on Alex) too small by Alex. ( The focus is on
the pattern)
Course Module
Steps in writing concrete messages:
Some Quote an exact number of Manuel sold six ads for the
percentage. newspaper.
Too much State exactly how much Curt’s score on the math
variance occurred. test was three points
below the acceptable
Our new product will arrive soon. Our new product arrives October 1.
Take advantage of the very lowest prices Take advantage of the 50% discount off
you’ll ever find anywhere! our regular price.
(The typical customer does not believe
You should join our focus group. Please join our focus group.
I think the data would look better in table Please consider displaying the data in table
format. format.
Table 14 The following examples demonstrate the differences between opinions and request.
Our kit offers the ideal solution for accessing Our ZoomPorte, a complete Internet kit,
the internet. includes the V.34 external data fax modem
and $400 worth of software on one CD.
(Will everyone have the same concept of
Our holiday jewelry sale offers extraordinary Our 14kt gold pendants are $70.50, a savings
values on gold pendants. of 30 percent during the holiday sale.
(Will everyone define extraordinary in the
same way?)
Table 15
Refers to the accuracy of the details of the message. Details involve the
content and appearance of the message. It is important to proofread the
message written to check the its content and evaluate its appearance.
A dictionary
A thesaurus
A word division manual
A format guide
Course Module
How to achieve message correctness:
verify spelling.
Select correct words or phrases.
Insert appropriate punctuation.
Check names, places, dates, times, and amounts.
Evaluate message appearance.
Correct words and phrases requires checking for subject –verb agreement
and parallel structure. A parallel structure means using the same
grammatical form within a sentence.
Example :
The company ships good by land, The company ships goods by land, by
shipping and airplane. sea and by air. (all prepositional
Bill worries more about having a good Bill worries more about having a good
time than to make a living. time than about making a living.( both
Gerund phrases.)
Mr. Warner teaches physics and is the Mr. Warner teaches physics and
baseball team coach. coaches the baseball team.
Table 16
A complete message answers the questions who, what, where, when ,
why and how.
The writer ensures that the components of the message serve the
Develop a clear and complete message so the reader will
understand you.
The example below does not answer all the questions the reader needs to
Who – does not indicate the participants to the meeting or who is sponsoring
the meeting.
When – the meeting will begin at 5 p.m. but you don’t know which Thursday
to attend.
Where- does not indicate the location of the meeting.
Why – no reason provided.
Course Module
Brantley, C. and Miller, M. ( 2007) Effective Communication for
Colleges. Singapore. Thomson South Western
Dapat, JR, O( 2013) Applied English for Academic and Professional Services.