More Than Values-VF
More Than Values-VF
More Than Values-VF
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July 2019
As evidence mounts that the financial performance of sustainability reports to help them allocate
of companies corresponds to how well they contend capital and engage companies more effectively.
with environmental, social, governance (ESG), While these findings might not surprise readers
and other nonfinancial matters, more investors involved with sustainable investing or sustainability
are seeking to determine whether executives reporting, it was striking to learn that investors also
are running their businesses with such issues in support legal mandates requiring companies to
mind. When companies report on ESG-related issue sustainability reports (Exhibit 1). In this article,
activities, they have largely continued to address we offer executives, directors, and investors a look
the diverse interests of their many stakeholders—a at how sustainability reporting has evolved, what
long-standing practice that involves compiling further changes investors say they want, and how
extensive sustainability reports and filling out stacks investors can bring about those changes.
of questionnaires. Despite all that effort, a recent
McKinsey survey uncovered something that should
concern corporate executives and board members: Reporting today: Externality focused
investors say they cannot readily use companies’ and inconsistent, yet informative
sustainability disclosures to inform investment The current practice of sustainability reporting
decisions and advice accurately.1 developed in the 1990s as civil-society groups,
governments, and other constituencies called on
What’s unusual and challenging about companies to account for their impact on nature and
sustainability-focused investment analysis on the communities where they operate. A milestone
is that companies’ sustainability disclosures was passed in 2000, when the Global Reporting
needn’t conform to shared standards in the way Initiative (GRI) published its first sustainability-
their financial disclosures must. Years of effort reporting guidelines. The following year, the World
by standard-setting groups have produced Business Council for Sustainable Development
nearly a dozen major reporting frameworks and and the World Resources Institute released the
standards, which businesses have discretion to Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The same period also
apply as they see fit (see sidebar “A short glossary saw the creation of voluntary initiatives, such as
of sustainability-reporting terms”). Investors the UN Global Compact and the Carbon Disclosure
must therefore reconcile corporate sustainability Project (now CDP), encouraging corporations
disclosures as best they can before trying to draw to disclose information on sustainability. Since
comparisons among companies. the financial crisis, additional frameworks and
standards have emerged to help companies and
Corporate executives and investors alike recognize their investors develop a greater understanding
that sustainability reporting could improve in of the risks and benefits of ESG and nonfinancial
some respects. One advance that executives factors. For example, the International Integrated
and investors strongly support, according to Reporting Council (IIRC) advocates integration of
our survey, is reducing the number of standards financial and nonfinancial reports, the Sustainability
for sustainability reporting. Many executive Accounting Standards Board (SASB) identifies
respondents said they believe this would aid their material sustainability factors across industries,
efforts to manage sustainability impacts and and the Embankment Project for Inclusive
respond to sustainability-related trends, such Capitalism assembles investors and companies to
as climate change and water scarcity. And many define a pragmatic set of metrics to measure and
investors said they expect greater standardization demonstrate long-term value to financial markets.
For this research, we conducted a survey of 107 executives and investors, representing 50 companies, 27 asset managers, and 30 asset
owners. The survey, carried out in January and February of 2019, covered Asia, Europe, and the United States. We also conducted interviews
with 26 representatives of asset managers, asset owners, corporations, standard-setting organizations, nonprofit organizations, and
academic institutions.
2 More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want
More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want
Exhibit 1 of 4
Exhibit 1
Investors and executives say that reducing the number of sustainability-reporting standards
would be beneficial—and even that there should be legal mandates for reporting.
Respondents who agree with statement, %1
% of investors who agree or strongly agree that more standardiza- % of executives who agree or strongly agree that more standardiza-
tion of sustainability reporting would do the following1: tion of sustainability reporting would do the following1:
enhance my
help my firm help my firm help my company
company’s ability
allocate capital manage risk benchmark itself
to create value
more effectively more effectively against its peers
or mitigate risk
85 83 80
Respondents who answered “agree” or “strongly agree.” For investors, n = 57; for executives, n = 50.
Source: McKinsey Sustainability Reporting Survey
Given the proliferation of reporting frameworks increased disclosure about how companies address
and standards, companies have had to decide for opportunities and risks related to sustainability
themselves which ones to apply. These frameworks trends, such as climate change and water scarcity,
and standards allow businesses considerable which can meaningfully affect a company’s assets,
freedom to choose their sustainability disclosures. operations, and reputation.
Many companies select their disclosures by
consulting members of stakeholder groups— The scope and depth of these disclosures differ
consumers, local communities, employees, govern- considerably as a result of the subjective choices
ments, and investors, among others—about which companies make about their approaches to
externalities, or impacts, matter most to them and sustainability reporting: which frameworks and
then tallying the stakeholders’ interests in some standards to follow, which stakeholders to address,
way. More recently, stakeholders have asked for and which information to make public. According
More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want 3
A short glossary of sustainability-reporting terms
In this article, we use the following can be a stand-alone document or a topics and disclosures a sustainability
terms for certain elements of sustain- component of the annual report. report should cover. The International
ability reporting: Integrated Reporting Framework,
—— Sustainability-reporting published by the International
—— Sustainability disclosure. This requirement. This requirement is Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC),
disclosure is an item of qualitative a mandate from an authority (such is one example.
or quantitative information about as a regulator, a stock exchange,
a company’s performance on a or a civil-society group) about a —— Sustainability-reporting standard.
topic not addressed by standard sustainability report’s content and This standard is a set of specifications
financial and operational disclosures. nature. Some requirements apply to for measuring and disseminating
Sustainability disclosures ordinarily all companies in a given jurisdiction— sustainability disclosures. Examples
relate to environmental, social, and for example, Directive 2014/95/EU include the Global Reporting
governance matters, including of the European Parliament and the Initiative’s GRI Standards and the
companies’ sustainability impacts and European Council, requiring some 77 industry-specific standards
responses to external sustainability large companies to issue nonfinancial published by the Sustainability
trends. These disclosures sometimes disclosures. Others, such as the Accounting Standards Board.
encompass other topics, too, such as UN Global Compact, apply only to
HR and intellectual property. companies that have voluntarily
pledged to abide by them.
—— Sustainability report. This report
is a document containing a set of —— Sustainability-reporting
sustainability disclosures from an framework. This framework is a set
organization for a period of time. It of guidelines for determining what
to the executives and investors we surveyed, the to sustainability issues but compare and rank
diversity of these disclosures is a defining feature of businesses as well.
sustainability reporting as we know it—and a source
of difficulty, as we explain in the following section of Analysts in academia, government, and the
this article. private sector have also used these sustainability
disclosures to examine the link between sustain-
Nevertheless, 30-odd years of sustainability ability performance and financial performance. A
reporting have produced a trove of useful data. substantial body of research shows that companies
Stakeholders can use this information to track the that manage sustainability issues well achieve
relative sustainability performance of companies superior financial results.2 (Researchers have shown
from year to year. By aggregating data from many only that these two phenomena are correlated, not
companies, stakeholders can not only discern that effective sustainability management leads to
patterns and trends in companies’ responses better financial outcomes.)
Alexander Bassen, Timo Busch, and Gunnar Friede, “ESG and financial performance: Aggregated evidence from more than 2000 empirical
studies,” Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 2015, Volume 5, Issue 4, p. 210–33; Robert G. Eccles, Ioannis Ioannou, and George
Serafeim, “The impact of corporate sustainability on organizational processes and performance,” Management Science, 2014, Volume 60,
Issue 11, pp. 2835–57; Gordon L. Clark, Andreas Feiner, and Michael Viehs, From the stockholder to the stakeholder: How sustainability can
drive financial outperformance, a joint report from Arabesque and University of Oxford, March 2015,; “Sustainability:
The future of investing,” BlackRock, February 1, 2019,
4 More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want
Investors want companies to provide
more sustainability disclosures that are
material to financial performance.
Global Sustainable Investment Review 2012 and Global Sustainable Investment Review 2018, Global Sustainable Investment Alliance,
“Sustainability: The future of investing,” BlackRock, February 1, 2019,
“Sustainable signals: Asset owners embrace sustainability,” Morgan Stanley, June 18, 2018,
More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want 5
Consistency of greenhouse-gas emissions) with performance
With so many reporting frameworks and guidelines scores calculated by methods the services don’t
to choose from, and so many potential stakeholder reveal. Research shows a low level of correlation
interests to address, companies rarely make among the data providers’ ratings of performance
sustainability disclosures that can be compared on the same sustainability factor.6
as neatly as their financial disclosures can. This
circumstance makes the job of investors more difficult, Similarly, proprietary indexes and rankings
as they indicated in response to our survey (Exhibit 2). of sustainable companies, which some asset
As the head of sustainable investing at a major asset managers use to construct index-fund portfolios,
manager explained, “We have positions in over 4,500 can also diverge greatly. It is not unusual for a
companies. Unless [sustainability information] is company to be rated a top sustainability performer
comparable, hard data, it is of little use to us.” by one index and a poor performer by another.7 And
some data services fail to include sustainability data
Inconsistencies among sustainability disclosures, companies have disclosed. 8
which arise through no fault of the companies
producing them, can also create problems for the Reliability
many investors that obtain sustainability data As the head of responsible investing for one of the
from third-party services rather than individual world’s five largest pension funds put it, “Many
sustainability reports. These services use different companies do not have the systems in place to
GES 2019
methods to estimate missing information, so there collect quality data for [sustainability] reporting.”
More than values:are
The value-based
discrepancies among sustainability
data sets. Somereporting
services that investors
For certain want
tangible sustainability factors, such
Exhibit 2 of 4 normalize sustainability information, replacing as greenhouse-gas emissions, performance-
actual performance data (such as measurements measurement systems are generally well
Exhibit 2
Investors report that the main shortcomings of current sustainability-reporting practices are
inconsistency, incomparability, and lack of alignment in standards.
Top challenges associated with current sustainability-reporting practices,1 mean rating on 1–5 scale, where 5 is
most challenging
Inconsistency, incomparability,
or lack of alignment in standards 3.47
0 1 2 3 4 5
n = 57.
Source: McKinsey Sustainability Reporting Survey
Gregor Dorfleitner, Gerhard Halbritter, and Mai Nguyen, “Measuring the level and risk of corporate responsibility—an empirical comparison of
different ESG rating approaches,” Journal of Asset Management, 2015, Volume 16, Issue 7, pp. 450–66. The correlation between ratings of the
same performance factor is typically less than 0.6 and can fall to as low as 0.05. By comparison, credit ratings are highly correlated (0.9).
James Mackintosh, “Is Tesla or Exxon more sustainable? It depends whom you ask,” Wall Street Journal, September 17, 2018,
“Sustainability: The future of investing,” BlackRock, February 1, 2019,
6 More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want
established. For other factors, such as corporate and standards. When we asked survey respondents
culture, human capital, and diversity and inclusion, to assess the challenges of sustainability reporting,
clear ways to gauge performance are more elusive. executives and investors both rated “inconsistency,
incomparability, or lack of alignment in standards”
Investors also harbor doubts about corporate as the most significant challenge. A majority of
sustainability disclosures because few of them respondents to our survey—67 percent—said
undergo third-party audits. Nearly all the investors there should be only one standard, and an additional
we surveyed—97 percent—said that sustainability 21 percent said there should be fewer than exist now.
disclosures should be audited in some way, and
67 percent said that sustainability audits should be The investors and executives who participated in
as rigorous as financial audits (Exhibit 3). our research also described several benefits of
making reporting frameworks and standards more
uniform. Investors expect greater uniformity to help
GES 2019the practice of companies disclose more consistent, financially
More than values:reporting
The value-based material data, thereby enabling investors to save
sustainability reportingone
In our survey and interviews, thatpriority for
investors time on research and analysis and to arrive at
improving sustainability reporting stood out: ironing better investment decisions. Some efficiency
out the differences gains would accrue as third-party data providers
Exhibit 3 of 4 among reporting frameworks
begin aggregating sustainability information
as consistent as the information they get from
Exhibit 3 corporate financial statements.
More investors believe that sustain- Most of the investors we surveyed—63 percent—
ability reports should be audited and also said they believe that greater standardization
that the audits should be full audits, will attract more capital to sustainable-investment
similar to financial ones. strategies. However, about one-fifth of the surveyed
investors said that uniform reporting standards
Respondents who agree with statement, %1 would level the playing field, diminishing their
Sustainability reports Sustainability reports opportunities to develop proprietary research
should undergo some audit should undergo full audit, insights or investment products (Exhibit 4).
similar to a financial audit
Executives made clear, in our conversations,
88 that they devote excessive effort and expense
to answering numerous specialized requests
for what is essentially the same information, such
67 as greenhouse-gas emissions data that must
be tabulated in different ways to conform to
different standards.
More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want 7
More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want
Exhibit 4 of 4
Exhibit 4
Many investors believe that harmonized sustainability-reporting standards will attract more
capital to sustainable investors, though some express concern about losing an edge.
Investors who agree with statement about effect of harmonized standards, % of respondents1
63 19 15
Note: Figures may not sum to 100%, because of rounding.
Respondents who answered “agree” or “strongly agree”; n = 57.
Source: McKinsey Sustainability Reporting Survey
queries or concerns that the main mechanism didn’t participation. Active investors are likelier to do
cover.) Establishing one or two reporting standards so, since they pay more attention than index
would also simplify the task of auditing sustainability investors to the sustainability disclosures of
disclosures, making it more economical for companies individual companies. Until investors clarify which
to have their reports independently verified. sustainability disclosures they want and help to
rationalize frameworks and standards, sustainability
reports might continue to deliver less material
How investors can help effect change information than they would like.
Reducing the number of reporting frameworks
and standards will probably involve several more Investors can do several other things to make
years of effort by businesses, investors, and better use of the sustainability-related information
standard-setting organizations—which have companies now make available. First, they can
begun to identify gaps and redundancies among articulate the sustainability disclosures that matter
disclosures—and by other stakeholders, such as most for their investment decisions and convey
civil-society groups and regulators. As it is, many these interests to businesses. Going a step further,
investors avoid participating in standard-setting more investors could engage companies (through
efforts. Some we interviewed said they distance direct dialogue and shareholder voting) about their
themselves because they feel that standard setting approach to managing sustainability issues.
should address their needs as a matter of course.
Yet some standard setters told us they assume More investors could also adopt the still-uncommon
that investors can readily obtain the sustainability practice of collecting and analyzing data from
information they value and therefore focus on the sources other than corporate sustainability reports
interests of other stakeholders. and disclosures. Some investors have developed
algorithms that automatically gather nonfinancial
Our conversations lead us to believe that there’s data from public sources (such as government
some truth to both viewpoints. Yet our survey databases of health and safety incidents or websites
findings and interviews also suggest that investors where people post comments about their employers)
could make valuable contributions to standard- and scan these data for patterns that relate
setting efforts if they chose to increase their meaningfully to corporate financial performance.
8 More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want
to financial performance, difficult to compare from
one company to another, and less than reliable.
As the market for sustainable investments expands, Investors who take part in efforts to improve
more investors are taking a keen interest in sustainability-reporting practices could gain an
sustainability reports from companies. Yet the edge over their more detached peers. Executives
information these investors find seldom meets and board members should stay attuned to these
their expectations. From an investor’s standpoint, efforts, and even participate in them, to maintain
sustainability disclosures tend to be loosely related their companies’ standing with shareholders.
Sara Bernow is a partner in McKinsey’s Stockholm office, where Charlotte Merten is a consultant; Jonathan Godsall is a
partner in the New York office; Bryce Klempner is a partner in the Boston office.
The authors wish to thank Lisen Follin, Conor Kehoe, and Taylor Ray for their contributions to this article.
More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want 9