Letter - Mama
Letter - Mama
Letter - Mama
IN RE: Correction of Personnel Information in the 201 File/Service Records and Petition for
Reinstatement as Public School District Supervisor of Sibulan District, DEPED,
Division of Negros Oriental.
APPELLANT, by herself, unto this Honorable Office, under oath, most respectfully
register and submit this APPEAL and hereby manifest:
That, at the onset, this case stemmed from the letter of the Schools Division
Superintendent of the Division of Negros Oriental dated, April 6, 2010, informing the
undersigned, that she has reached the Mandatory Age of retirement of 65, effective March 26,
2010 and I was advised to report to the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent and
prepare the pertinent documents for my retirement;
That as I was gathering the requirements for my retirement, I discovered from the Local
Civil Registrar of the Municipality of Manjuyod, my place of birth, and from the National
Statistics Office that I was born on March 26, 1951 and not March 26, 1945, as reflected in my
Service Record or Personnel Record with the Department of Education;
That the Civil Service Commission in Manila, being CONVINCED by my request which
was fully loaded with Authentic Evidence and has also complied with the requirements ordered
by the Civil Service Commission regarding my request, the same was granted in the
Commission’s Resolution No. 1101139, promulgated in August 31, 2011. Copy of the said
Resolution No. 1101139 is hereto attached and marked as ANNEXES “B”, “B-1”, and “B-2”.
The said Resolution was signed by no less than the Chairman of the Commission, Francisco T.
Duque III and Commissioner Mary Ann Fernandez, directing the Office concern (THE DEPED)
to effect the necessary correction, but this order of correction fell in “deaf ears”;
That because the Commission’s Resolution No., 1101139 was not implemented by the
Department of Education in Region VII, Cebu City, hence, with all humility and in order to
pacify myself, I made an inquiry or Motion again with the Civil Service Commission regarding
my STATUS as to whether I can go back to work with the Department of Education in the
Division of Negros Oriental. Verily, the Civil Service Commission, Manila, in its Resolution No.
1200592, dated or promulgated on April 10 2012, the dispositive portion of which reads as
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A P P E A L, Elizabeth A. Anfone, Page (2).
That these two (2) Resolutions Nos. 1101139 and 120059 of the Civil Service
Commission in Manila Head Office, were received by the Regional Office of the Department of
Education, in Region, VII, Cebu City, long time ago, and if the said Office was not satisfied
with these two (2) Resolutions WHY did they did not file an Opposition, Comment or
Reconsideration of these two (2) Resolutions rather OPPRESSED the undersigned by defying
the ORDERS of the Civil Service Commission by rendering this questionable Resolution dated
September 19, 2012. Thus, the undersigned was left helpless, frustrated, and had experienced
sleepless nights under the prevailing circumstances;
LEGALLY, these two (2) Resolutions of the Civil Service Commission were based on
Authentic Documents coming from the Civil Local Registrars Office of Manjuyod, Negros
Oriental, the place of my birth and from the National Statistics Office in Manila, while the basis
of the Resolution of the OIC, Director III of the Department of Education, Region VII, Cebu City
was based on Secondary Evidence like the Personnel Records of the Department of Education.
What will prevail then in appreciating evidence, naturally, that of the Local Civil Registrar of
Manjuyod and that of the National Statistics Office in Manila. And actually, the ultimate Office
that will settle and determine as to these kind of cases and issues is the Civil Service
Commission. As I have said, the Department of Education in Region VII, should have protested
and opposed these two aforementioned Resolutions of the Civil Service Commission, upon
receipt thereof; hence these two resolutions became final and executory.
IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the undersigned with much faith on the authority
of the Commission, fervently PRAY from this Honorable Office to do justice in favor and
REVERSED the Resolution of CARMELITA T. DULANGON, Director III, OIC, of the
Department of Education for being contrary to law and evidence and that I will be given my
salaries at the time an order of my reinstatement was issued by the Civil Service commission and
this APPEAL be given due course.
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A P P E A L, Elizabeth A. Anfone, Page (3).
That I am the apellant herein and I that have cause the preparation of this appeal; that I
have read and understood the contents thereof; that the allegations therein are true and correct to
my own personal knowledge and based on authentic documents;
That I have therefore not commenced any other action or proceedings involving the same
issues as raised in the instant petition in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, or any other
tribunal or agency; to the best of my knowledge; no such action or proceedings are pending in
the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals or any tribunal or agency; if I should learn that a
similar action or proceedings has been filed or is pending before the Supreme Court, the Court of
Appeals or any tribunal or agency, I undertake to report to this Honorable Office and to the
agency where the original pleading and sworn certificate were filed within five days from
knowledge thereof.
CTC No. ____________
Issued on _____________2012_
At _____________________