Calorimetry - Experiment A Enthalpy of Formation of Magnesium Oxide

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This experiment has three primary objectives:

1. Find the heat capacity (Cp) of a calorimeter and contents (calibration).

2. Determine the Hrxn, the enthalpy of reaction, in kJ/mol for several different
reactions, including the reaction of an unknown with a solution of HCl.
3. Calculate the Hf, the enthalpy of formation, of MgO using Hess’ Law (in
We will assume that the energy exchanged between the calorimeter and the surroundings
during and following the reactions is small and at a slow, constant rate. You will become
familiar with calorimetry concepts, computer data collection, and calculations.

Calorimetry measures the energy that a reaction produces or consumes. For example, the
major difference between gasoline grades is the octane number. Unleaded gas has an
octane of 86, while Super Unleaded gas has a higher octane. Calorimetry could be used to
measure the heat or energy produced when gasoline is burned. More heat (energy) would
be produced by the super unleaded gas so it would have a higher enthalpy compared to
just unleaded gas. Calorimetry could be used to see if a gasoline station is selling the
grades of gasoline it advertises.
The calories in food have also been measured by calorimetry (hence the term calories).
Usually this is a measurement of calories (cal) per gram of food. Remember that calories
are easily convertible to joules (J) and grams can be converted to moles if it is a pure
Enthalpy, represented by the symbol H, is a property chemists use to describe the heat
flow into or out of a system in a constant-pressure process. This is often the case since
most processes that are carried out are exposed to the atmosphere as are the reactions
carried out in this course. The enthalpy of a reaction, Hrxn, is defined as the difference
between the enthalpies of the products and the enthalpies of the reactants. In other words,
it is the change in energy for a given amount of a given reaction. The enthalpy of
formation, Hf is defined as the enthalpy or heat change that results when one mole of a
compound is formed from its elements. The standard enthalpy of formation is defined
as the enthalpy of formation measured at 1 atm such that the elements are in their
standard state.
If a reaction is exothermic, heat will be released, and the temperature of the system or
reaction mixture will rise. (In this experiment the heat and temperature rapidly increase
and then slowly decrease as heat is lost to the surroundings.) For endothermic reactions
heat will be absorbed or used and the temperature will decrease. In this experiment we
will use the experimentally measured enthalpy of reaction for a series of exothermic

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reactions and Hess' Law to determine the heat of formation for magnesium oxide (MgO).
We will also determine the enthalpy of reaction for an unknown metal oxide with an acid.
For this experiment pressure will be constant so Enthalpy of Reaction and Heat of
Reaction (Hrxn) are assumed to be the same.
The enthalpy of reaction, Hrxn, can be calculated using the equation:
−(𝐶𝑝)(∆𝑇) −( )(℃) −𝑘𝐽

∆𝑯𝒓𝒙𝒏 = = = A-1
𝑛 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑙
Where n is the moles of limiting reagent, T (C) is the change in temperature in of the
calorimeter’s contents, and Cp (kJ/C) is the heat capacity of the calorimeter. The value
for n can be determined knowing the amounts of starting material. The T for a reaction
can be calculated using the temperatures before and after the reaction or the initial and
final temperatures. The heat capacity, Cp, of the calorimeter has to be experimentally
determined by doing a reaction where the Hrxn is known. The heat capacity of the
calorimeter is primarily due to the solution in the cup.
Heat capacity (Cp) has units of kJ/C. Physically, this means that it takes the value of the
Cp in energy to raise the calorimeter by 1C. For example, if a calorimeter has a Cp of
0.200 kJ/C, the calorimeter, including its contents, must absorb 0.200 kJ of energy to
increase 1C. A 20 kJ/C calorimeter increases 1C with one hundred times more energy,
or 20 kJ. Cp varies depending on the substance or system and describes how much energy
is needed to change the temperature of that substance or system. The Cp of an ocean is
huge (compared to a drop of water) such that the oceans of the world maintain the earth
at temperatures that support life.
In this experiment, the calorimeter is defined as two nested styrofoam cups, the lid,
magnetic stir bar, and the temperature probe tip, plus the 60.0 mL of the reaction mixture
(mainly water). In order for the heat capacity of the calorimeter to remain constant, all of
these must be present.
Figure A-1 Calorimeter Apparatus (ignore B-1)

NOTE: If less than 60 mL of reaction mixture was added, it would take less energy to increase the
calorimeter and contents by 1C. In other words, the heat capacity would decrease. If more than 60 mL of
the mixture was added, more energy would be needed to increase the calorimeter and contents by 1C. The
heat capacity is then increasing.

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Most importantly the volume of reaction mixture must remain constant because of
the large heat capacity of water. We want the Cp to remain constant because it is the
standard by which we can calculate unknown Hrxn values in reactions 1, 2, and 4. The
Cp is determined in the reaction of HCl with NaOH, using the known enthalpy
(energy/mole) for a strong acid/strong base reaction:
H+ (aq) + OH- (aq)  H2O (l); Hrxn = -55.90 ( mol ) at 25C A-2

Rearranging equation A-1 we can use this Hrxn to solve for Cp.
−(∆𝐻𝑟𝑥𝑛 )(𝑛) (55.90 )(𝑚𝑜𝑙) 𝑘𝐽
𝑪𝒑 = = = A-3
∆𝑇 ℃ ℃

A value for T in C can then be determined for a known amount of moles (n). Once the
Cp is known we can use it to calculate Hrxn for other reactions where T has been
experimentally determined. Please look in your textbook under calorimetry or
thermodynamics for more information on these concepts. The explanation to determine
T is in the experimental section below.

This experiment essentially has three parts. In the first lab period, the data to determine
the enthalpy of reaction for Mg + HCl and MgO + HCl will be collected (one trial on
each). During the second lab period, data will be collected to calculate the Cp using the
reaction of NaOH with HCl (two trials). Also, the enthalpy of reaction for the Exp. An
unknown reacting with HCl will be determined (two trials). The trials for the Cp and
unknown should be run in the same lab period.
Be sure to label each graph carefully with your name, section, date, reaction & trial, mass
of reactant, etc. Note that the Hrxn is not done until after Cp is determined the second
week. Tape graphs into your notebook as you print them.


1. Temperature probe connected to computer via analog to digital interface box

2. Vernier Data Logger software
3. Calorimeter (two nested styrofoam cups and lid labeled with your bin number)
4. Thermometer
5. Stirrer-hot plate and teflon stir bar
6. Spatula and electronic balance
7. 25 mL graduated cylinder (or 25 mL pump dispenser)
8. Various sizes of beakers and erlenmeyer flasks
9. 10 mL volumetric pipet or 10 mL pipettor
10. Wash bottle filled with pure water

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1. 3.0M Hydrochloric acid (3033) HCl - about 200mL needed

2. ~5.0M Sodium Hydroxide (3034) NaOH - see carboy for exact concentration, about
30 mL needed
3. Magnesium (0220) Mg turnings - about 0.20g needed
4. Magnesium oxide (1011) MgO - about 1.0 g needed
5. Unknown A-xxxx (1012) in your unknown packet - need at least 2-3 grams


Risk Assessment-Moderate to High (due to corrosive liquids)

1. The HCl and NaOH are corrosive. The unknown and MgO are mildly corrosive and
some are powders so avoid contact with solids and dust. Avoid contact, wear eye
protection at all times when working with these chemicals, and wash hands after
handling them. Do not rub your eyes when using these chemicals. Any small spills
should be cleaned up immediately with a damp sponge.
2. Any contact with HCl or NaOH should be rinsed for 15 minutes with water.
3. All solid and liquid chemical waste should be disposed of in the “Corrosive Liquids”
4. Goggles required. Lab coat or apron and gloves are recommended but not required.



The Determination of Hrxn of Mg with HCl and MgO with HCl

Calibration of the Temperature Probe:

NOTE: If these links are
not present, click on the
Startup procedure
icon, "Vernier Programs"
and then “Data Logger”.  Select “Start”, “Programs”, “Chemistry Applications” and
Change the time to 400 then click on “CHM152L-A Calorimetry”.
Calibration Check Procedure
NOTE: Use the same,
calorimeter, computer-  Find your thermometer and three beakers 100mL or bigger.
temperature probe, and The beakers do not need to be clean.
thermometer for every lab  Fill one beaker 2/3 full with ice and add cold water to make
period if possible.
a slush.
 Fill another beaker 2/3 full with hot tap water.
 Put the temperature probe tip and thermometer bulb
together so they touch and place them into the hot beaker
and let sit for one minute. The temperature can be

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read below the graph. You do not need to click on the

A two point calibration collect button. Record the temperatures. If the temperatures
will need to be done using
hot and ice water if either are not within  0.5C, see your TA.
the temperature of hot or  Put the temperature probe and thermometer into the cold
ice water are not within beaker and let sit for one minute. You do not need to push
0.5C of the temperature the collect button. Record the temperatures. If the
measured with the temperatures are not within  0.5C, see your TA.
thermometer. Your TA
 Be sure to check the calibration again at the beginning of
will provide with a
procedure to calibrate the the second lab.
temperature probe.
Mg Reaction. Determining the Enthalpy for Reaction
(Hrxn) of Mg with HCl (H+):

Mg(s) + 2 H+(aq)  Mg2+ + H2(g)

NOTE: Only one trial is  Clean a teflon stir bar, 50 mL beaker, 25mL and 50mL
needed for this reaction. graduated cylinder and wash bottle.
 Add 25.0 mL of 3.0 M HCl (use pump dispenser, ok to
check volume with 25mL graduated cylinder) and 35.0 mL
of pure water to the calorimeter.
 Put the temperature probe in through the lid and place the
lid on the calorimeter. Secure the probe with a clamp so
that its tip is in the water and off the calorimeter
Avoid adding extra heat bottom. Don’t allow the stir bar to hit the probe tip (see
from hands, hot plate- fig.A-1).
stirrer; make sure the hot  Stir the solution with a teflon stir bar (Do not heat.) Set
plate heat is turned off. stirrer so the solution is mixed vigorously but slow enough
so that it is not splashed.
 Put between 0.15 to 0.20 g (not 1.5) of Mg metal turnings
into a clean, dry 50 mL beaker. Record both the beaker’s
mass and the mass of the beaker and Mg.
 Click the "Collect" button at the top of your screen to start
graphing the temperature. Do not add Mg turnings yet.
 After about one minute, add the metal Mg turnings without
removing the temperature probe from the solution. (Crack
the lid open, add Mg (s), and then close the lid, it is ok if
residual Mg sticks to the inside of the beaker since you will
reweigh it later to see how much Mg was added to the
calorimeter). If any Mg is stuck on the sides of the
Why should you measure calorimeter above the liquid carefully swirl the solution
the mass of Mg this way?
(holding the cup in your hand) to dissolve it.
 Reweigh and record the mass of the beaker that
contained the Mg turnings. Subtract this mass from the
mass of the beaker and Mg to get the mass of Mg used.

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NOTE: If data gathering  Continue graphing data until a linear line (part 3 in Figure
stops before reaching 350- A-2) is made. (At about 350 to 400 seconds.)
400 seconds click on
“Collect” and then
 Adjust graph scale (autoscale) and then do a linear fit (refer
“Append to Latest” to to Figure A-3). Generate line 2 by selecting the linear part
restart collecting data. Do of the graph and doing a linear fit. Under analyze use the
not move the calorimeter interpolate tool to find the starting time of the reaction and
or delete or stop the the corrected temperature at this time. The time could also
program! You can also
get help from your TA!
be used for x in y=mx+b to determine the final temperature
(Tf). The following graphs explain this process.
 Point the cursor at the flat part of the graph before the
reaction starts to determine Ti and subtract this from Tf to
determine the change in temperature, Tf - Ti = T.
Calculate these values for every graph done for exp. A.
 Label the graph by clicking on the graph title. Edit the title
to include your last name, experiment title-Reaction Mg
+ HCl, date, section letter, and exact mass of Mg used.
 Save the graph on your “Z” drive, my documents, or a
thumb drive using a logical file name and print it.
 Write the values for Tf, Ti, and T directly on this printed
 Clean and dry the calorimeter, temperature probe, and the
50 mL beaker.

Explanation of the Graph: Below is a general temperature vs. time graph representative
for all reactions trials done for this experiment. (Figure A-2) It is divided into three parts.

NOTE: the dark band between Part 2 and

Part 3 is a transition area that is not
usable for data analysis. The linear
regression is done on part 3 to the right
of this dark area!

Figure A-2. A general temperature vs. time graph

Part 1. This is the initial temperature. Only one reactant is in the solution
and so our reaction is not happening. (For example, for Mg, only 25.0 mL
of HCl and 35.0 mL of water are in the solution.) Between part 1 and part
2 the reactants are mixed together.
Part 2. The temperature is changing rapidly. Both reactants are now in the
solution and are reacting to give off heat. (For example, for Mg, this is

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because the Mg turnings are added to the solution.) Somewhere within the
blocked out region the reaction stops.

Part 3. The reaction has already stopped. Since the calorimeter isn’t a
perfect insulator, heat is lost to the environment and, as a result, the
temperature decreases. The temperature should be constantly decreasing.
(For example, for Mg, all of the Mg has been converted to Mg2+.)

How do you get Temperature Change (T) in C? T is equal to the

extrapolated final temperature minus the solutions initial temperature so
T = Tf – Ti. Below is the same general graph from figure 1, but it has
been extrapolated to find Tf (Figure 2). Tf can also be determined by doing
a linear regression on the linear, right hand side of the curve (part 3) to
determine the slope and y-intercept of line 2 and then solving for the
temperature using the time at the start of the reaction (line 1).

Figure A-3. Extrapolation of a Temperature vs. Time Graph to Find T.

Line 1. This line represents the time when the reactants were mixed and so the
start of the reaction.

Line 2. This line helps us model what the final temperature would be if the
reaction and temperature measurement were instantaneous. It compensates
for the heat lost from the calorimeter so that we can determine the final
temperature if the reaction and temperature measurement were
instantaneous. This line is important because it compensates for heat lost
to the environment while temperature is measured during and after the

Line 3. This line is drawn at a right angle to line 1 to intersect the point
where lines 1 and 2 meet. It is there to help read the final temperature, Tf,
at the y-axis. The interpolate function can also be used to get Tf.

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Calculation: Temperature Change (T) in C and mol of Mg

IMPORTANT: For nearly all calculations in this manual the value you are
calculating will be in bold print.
In this reaction you were trying to find the Hrxn for reaction of Mg with HCl.
Unfortunately all of the calculations cannot be done until the Cp in equation
A-1 is found after doing the NaOH reaction. The limiting reagent is Mg, so find
the moles of Mg.

𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑀𝑔 (𝑔) 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑀𝑔 𝑔 𝑀𝑔

𝑛=| | |= = 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑀𝑔 A-4
𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑀𝑔 (𝑔) 𝑀𝑀 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑔

where g Mg is grams of Mg and MM of Mg is the molar mass of Mg (g/mol).

Now n is found. Find T by as noted earlier but you should be able to do the
extrapolation using a printed graph as shown in figure A-3 draw all lines with a
pen and a ruler. Label Ti (initial), Tf (final), and T on your graph. All
temperatures are in C. Do not convert to Kelvin (K)!

MgO Reaction. Determination of the Enthalpy for Reaction

(Hrxn) of MgO with HCl:

MgO(s) + 2 H+ (aq)  Mg2+(aq) + H2O(l)

NOTE: Only one trial is
needed for the MgO  Add 25.0 mL of 3.0 M HCl and 35.0 mL of pure water to the
reaction. calorimeter.
 Clean the temperature probe by thoroughly spraying with
your wash bottle into a large waste beaker.
 Put the temperature probe in the calorimeter as was done
before and vigorously stir the solution (but don't splash) with
a Teflon stir bar. (Do not heat)
 Put between 1.0 to 1.2 g of MgO powder into a clean, dry 50
mL beaker. Record the mass of both the beaker and the
beaker with MgO.
NOTE: Never click on  If Data Logger is open close it and select “Start”,
“New Graph” when “Programs”, “Chemistry Applications” and then click on
starting a new trial.
Instead just close the
“CHM152L-A Calorimetry”.
program and then  Click the “Collect” button at the top of the screen to start
reopen it. If you do click graphing the temperature. Do not add MgO powder yet.
on “New Graph” the  After about one minute, add the white MgO powder without
time scale will decrease removing the temperature probe from the solution. (Crack the
to 200 seconds. Do not
move the calorimeter
lid open, add MgO(s), and then close the lid. If any MgO is
or delete or stop the stuck on the sides of the calorimeter above the liquid
program if it does stop carefully swirl the solution (holding the cup in your hand) to
early! Get help from dissolve it). It’s ok if a residual amount of powder remains in
your TA! the beaker since it will be reweighed later to determine the
amount transferred to the calorimeter.

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 Reweigh the beaker (with traces of MgO powder not

transferred) and subtract this from the mass of the beaker and
MgO to determine the actual amount of MgO transferred to
the calorimeter.
 Continue graphing data until a linear line (part 3 of figure A-
2) is made, then click on Stop at the top of the screen. (at
about 350 to 400 seconds.)
 Adjust scale of graph, do a linear fit, and find the T as was
done for Mg rxn.
 Label the graph by clicking on the graph title. Include your
last name, experiment title-Reaction MgO + HCl, date,
section letter, and mass of MgO used.
 Save the trial on your “Z” drive, my documents, or a thumb
drive and print it.
 Clean and rinse all glassware, the calorimeter and
temperature probe.
 Before leaving, trim graphs to size and tape into the
notebook, and have TA sign and date notebook.


These are the same calculations as described for the Mg reaction.

The calculations are now for the reaction of MgO (s) with
HCl(aq). The limiting reagent is MgO so find the moles of

g MgO
n  mol MgO  A-5
MM of MgO

Now n (mol of MgO) is found using the mass of MgO (g MgO)

and the molar mass of MgO (MM of MgO). Extrapolate your
printed graph to find T.


NOTE: Check the Determination of the Cp and Hrxn of an unknown with HCl
calibration of
temperature probe and NaOH + HCl Reaction. Determination of Cp:
calibrate if needed.
NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq)  H2O (l) + NaCl (aq)
Remember: 10.00 mL is
more precise than
 Clean a 25 mL graduated cylinder, 10 mL volumetric pipet, a
25.0 mL. (cont.)
spatula, a 50 mL beaker, and a wash bottle.
 Add 25.0 mL pure water and 10.00 mL of NaOH to the
calorimeter and measure its temperature.

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(cont.) What kind of  Put the temperature probe in the calorimeter and stir the
glassware should you solution with a teflon stir bar. (Do not heat)
use for this? _______  Click the Collect button at the top of the screen to start
graphing the temperature probe. Do not add HCl solution yet.
NOTE: Never click on  After about one minute, add the 3.0 M HCl without removing
“New Graph” to start the temperature probe from the solution. (Crack the lid open,
a new trial. Instead add HCl(aq), and close the lid.)
just close the program  After about 10 seconds, briefly swirl the solution.
and then reopen it. If
you do click on “New
 Continue graphing data until a linear line (Figure A-2: see
Graph” the time scale part 3 of this figure) is made. (At about 350 to 400 seconds.)
will decrease to 200  Adjust scale of graph, do a linear fit, and find the T as was
seconds. Do not move done before.
the calorimeter or  Label the graph by clicking on the graph title as before. Enter
delete or stop the
program if it does stop your last name, experiment title, date, section letter, and
early! Get help from NaOH with HCl, Trial 1 or 2, and molarity of NaOH.
your TA!  Save the run on your “Z” drive, my documents, or a thumb
drive and print it.
NOTE: Be sure to
 Clean, rinse, and dry the calorimeter and temperature probe.
record the exact NaOH
molarity of the carboy.  Repeat this once.

NOTE: At least two Cp

trials need to be done.
Avoid adding extra heat
from your hands or hot
Enthalpy of Reaction (Hrxn) of HCl with an Unknown Metal
plate. Oxide:

 Add 25.0 mL of 3.0 M HCl and 35.0 mL of pure water to the

 Clean the temperature probe by rinsing well with your wash
NOTE: At least 2 trials bottle into a 600 mL beaker.
also need to be done for  Put the temperature probe in the calorimeter and vigorously
reaction of HCl with the stir the solution with a teflon stir bar but avoid splashing.
unknown. Avoid adding
extra heat from hands,
(Make sure the heat is off)
hot plate, etc  Before using your unknown, make sure it is a powder. If it is
clumpy, grind it up in a clean, dry mortar and pestle. Put
between 1.0 to 1.2 g of unknown powder into a clean, dry 50
NOTE: If your mL beaker. Record mass of beaker & contents.
unknown is sticky see
your TA.
 Click the "Collect" button at the top of your screen. Your
temperature probe will display the data it is collecting on the
graph. Do not add the unknown yet.
NOTE: The unknown
metal oxide is assumed
to have a formula
weight of 120.0 g/mol !

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 After about one minute, add the white unknown powder

without removing the temperature probe from the solution
(Crack the lid open, add the weighed unknown, and then
close the lid. If any the unknown is stuck on the sides of the
calorimeter above the liquid carefully swirl the solution,
holding the cup in your hand, to dissolve it). It is ok if a
residual amount of powder remains in the beaker since it
will be reweighed later to determine the amount transferred
to the calorimeter.
NOTE: Never click  Reweigh the beaker with unknown powder not transferred
on “New Graph” to
start a new trial.
into the calorimeter. Continue graphing data until a linear
Instead just close the line (part 3 in fig A-1) is made and then click on "Stop".
program and then (At about 350 to 400 seconds.)
reopen it. If you do  Adjust the scale of graph, do a linear fit, and find the T as
click on “New Graph” was done before.
the time scale will
decrease to 200  Label the graph by clicking on the graph title. Enter in your
seconds. Do not last name, experiment title, date, section letter, Unknown
move the with HCl, Trial 1 or 2, & mass unknown.
calorimeter or delete  Save the run on your “Z” drive, my documents, or a thumb
or stop the program drive and print it.
if it does stop early!
Get help from your  Do a second trial after cleaning the cup and probe.
TA!  Clean and rinse all glassware and the temperature
 Before leaving, trim graphs to size and tape into the
notebook, and have TA sign and date notebook.

Calculation: Cp
The calibration of the calorimeter is now complete! Cp can now be calculated and
used for all other calculations. First solve for the moles of NaOH (limiting reagent).
(mol/L NaOH) * (L NaOH) = mol NaOH = n
Where M is molarity (exact molarity on carboy) and L is liters of NaOH that was
used. (You need to convert from mL). Now that we have n (mol of NaOH) plug it into
equation A-3. Also called the enthalpy of neutralization (Hrxn) of a strong base by a
strong acid is a constant –55.90 kJ/mol at 25C. This is shown by reaction A-2.
H+ (aq) + OH- (aq)  H2O (l); Hrxn = -55.90 (kJ/mol) at 25C A-2
With this value, the moles of limiting reactant (n), and after determining T from
your graphs by extrapolation, the equation A-3 becomes a simple plug and chug.

−(∆𝐻𝑟𝑥𝑛 )(𝑛) (55.90 )(𝑚𝑜𝑙) 𝑘𝐽
𝑪𝒑 = = = A-3
∆𝑇 ℃ ℃

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Repeat this calculation for the second trial and calculate the median, range, and
relative percent range (see p. I-18) for your Cp.

Calculation: Heat of Reaction (Hrxn) for Mg and MgO

Use the mean (average) Cp value for the calculation of Hrxn for both Mg and
MgO. If the two Cp values differ by more than 0.02 you may want to run a third trial to
determine a more precise value. Calculate the median of the Cp values. Now the Enthalpy
for Reaction (Hrxn) of Mg with HCl can be calculated using the T and moles of Mg
previously calculated and plugging them into the equation below using the Cp determined
−(𝐶𝑝)(∆𝑇) −( )(℃) 𝑘𝐽

∆𝑯𝒓𝒙𝒏 = = = A-1
𝑛 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑙

Now repeat this calculation using the data for MgO to determine the Hrxn of MgO.

Calculation: Molar Enthalpy of Formation of Magnesium Oxide, Hf:

Using Hess’ Law to combine the calculated Hrxn values and a known Hrxn
(-285.8kJ/mol), the Hf (MgO) can be calculated:
Mg(s) + 2 H+(aq)  Mg2+(aq) + H2 (g) Hrxn= ___________
MgO(s) + 2 H (aq)  Mg (aq) + H2O(l)
+ 2+
Hrxn= ___________
H2 (g) + /2O2 (g)  H2O (l)
Hrxn= -285.8 (kJ/mol)
Mg (s) + 1/2 O2 (g)  MgO (s) Hf= ___________
Example: Let say the Hrxn for the below equations was determined experimentally.
A + 2B  C + D Hrxn= -2 kJ/mol
2B  2C + 3D Hrxn = -5 kJ/mol
3A + 4B  C Hf (C) = ________
When the first equation is multiplied by three, and the second equation is flipped around,
this equation becomes solvable.
3A + 6B  3C + 3D Hrxn= 3(-2 kJ/mol) = -6 kJ/mol
2C + 3D  2B Hrxn = -1(-5 kJ/mol) = 5 kJ/mol
3A + 4B  C Hf (C) = (-6) + (5) = -1 kJ/mol
Notice how chemical D and some of B and C cancel out because they are on opposite
sides of the first and second chemical equation.
Once the Hf (MgO) is calculated look up the literature value (Hf , the Standard Molar
Enthalpy of Formation for MgO(s),) using your textbook or the internet and calculate the
error and percent error (see p. I-18) and record in your notebook and on the unknown
report sheet.

Revised 6/2018

Calculation: Heat of Reaction (Hrxn) for Unknown

The unknown metal oxide is assumed to have a molar mass of 120.0 g/mol. These are
the same calculations as described in the reaction of Mg. The calculations are now for the
reaction of unknown with HCl(aq). The unknown is the limiting reagent.

𝑔 𝑢𝑛𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛
𝑛= = 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑢𝑛𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛
𝑔 𝑢𝑛𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛
𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑢𝑛𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛

Now use the value for n (mol of unk), the T determined from the graph, the Cp and the
equation below to calculate the enthalpy of reaction for the unknown with HCl:
−(𝐶𝑝)(∆𝑇) −( )(℃) 𝑘𝐽

∆𝑯𝒓𝒙𝒏 = = = A-1
𝑛 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑙

Calculate this value for each trial and report the median, range, and relative % range.

Fill out the unknown report sheet at the end of this experiment making sure to put
the unknown number list on the unknown vial that you used (A-xxxx where xxxx is you
unknown number). DO NOT use the hazard code at the bottom of the label (HC-1012).
Make sure that all calculations are done in your laboratory notebook using dimensional
analysis and that the report sheet is complete. Be sure to complete a calculation check!
When doing the calculation check, be aware that the heat of reaction is the same as
enthalpy of reaction and that these values are negative numbers for exothermic reactions.
Get a printout of the calculation check and staple it to the unknown report sheet. Points
will be taken off for incomplete report sheets or resubmission/repeats of the unknown.
Have your regular TA review the report sheet, sign and date it and give it to them for
grading. The report sheet for the unknown must be turned in by the deadline listed in the
syllabus to avoid late points. This same process will be used for the unknowns done in
experiments D, E and F.

Revised 6/2018

POST LAB QUESTION (In your lab notebook):

Do you trust your results?

Use the following information to answer this question:
 Your calculated range and relative percent range for the Cp and Heat of
Reaction or Enthalpy (Hrxn) for the unknown.
 Your calculated error and relative error for the Molar Enthalpy of
Formation of Magnesium Oxide, Hf.
 Possible limitations or error in the measurement of temperature and mass,
experimental procedure, and graph interpretation.
 Do not say ‘Human Error”, “Calculation Error”, or “Instrument/Machine
Error” in your answer. These are too broad and nonspecific. Instead, be
specific, for example: “It was difficult to choose which points to do the linear
regression on since the graph for MgO was not very linear resulting is a
possible error in the measurement of Tf”.

Revised 6/2018


STUDENT'S NAME_______________________ ID#_______________ Dana ID_____

SECTION______ WORKSTATION #______ DATE______ UNKNOWN # A-_______

TEACHING ASSISTANT____________________ INSTRUCTOR_________________

This report sheet should be turned in to your TA. Do not write the hazard code, which has
the form HC-xxxx, for the unknown number. The unknown number can be found on the
top of vial label containing the unknown in the format A-xxxx. The unknown number can
also be found in the section blue book. Be sure to attach the calculation check to this
sheet before submitting for grading.
Staple the original report sheet to the back of the new one for repeats of unknowns.

I. Calibration of Calorimeter – Section Workstation # on Calorimeter_________

Cp Values ____________ ______________ kJ/oC

Median Cp ____________ kJ/oC

Range in Cp_________ kJ/oC Relative Percent Range in Cp________% (see p. I-18)

II. Enthalpy or Heat of Reaction: Mg(s) + 2 H+(aq)  Mg2+(aq) + H2(g)

____________ kJ/mol

III. Enthalpy or Heat of Reaction: MgO(s) + 2 H+(aq)  Mg2+(aq) + H2O(l)

____________ kJ/mol

IV. Enthalpy or Heat of Formation MgO __________ kJ/mol

Literature Value________ kJ/mol Error________kJ/mol Percent Error______%

V. Enthalpy or Heat of Reaction: Unknown Oxide + HCl

Values for Each Trial _________ ___________ kJ/mol

Median Value ____________kJ/mol for Unknown # A-____________

Range for Unknown_________ kJ/mol Relative Percent Range Unknown_______%

TA Signature for Review of This Report Sheet______________________ Date_______

Revised 6/2018

Revised 6/2018

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