VSSG/VSG Compressor: For Natural Gas and Process Gas Applications
VSSG/VSG Compressor: For Natural Gas and Process Gas Applications
VSSG/VSG Compressor: For Natural Gas and Process Gas Applications
Additional instrumentation
• Motor current transformer
• Optical actuators for capacity and volume slide indication
Other options
• Remote start/stop input
• Remote alarm/trip output
Application guidelines
To ensure the successful operation of the VSSG/VSG com- Injection oil temperature must be closely controlled for
pressor, the guidelines described below should be followed. optimum performance. Oil temperature must be maintained
a minimum of 15 - 20°F above the gas mixture dewpoint at
Proper lubrication is critical to the operation of the VSSG/
anytime to prevent condensation or liquid knockout from
VSG compressor. The compressor relies on the injected oil
occurring within the compressor.
to absorb and remove the heat of compression, to seal the
compression chambers formed in the flutes of the screw, Gas composition plays a role in the performance of the
and to lubricate all moving parts. For this reason, it is VSSG/VSG compressor as well. While the VSSG/VSG is
imperative that the oil chosen be of correct viscosity, and capable of handling a wide variety of gases, if H2S is present
that sufficient oil flow be provided at all times, using an in the process gas in any concentration, special oil additives
auxiliary oil pump when necessary. The oil chosen must be are required to protect the compressor from corrosion.
compatible with the process gas, to prevent absorption of Levels below 100 PPM of H2S allow the standard warranty
the gas into the oil, which would dilute the oil and reduce to apply.
the viscosity. Also oil filtration to 25 micron nominal
Typical gases handled: Natural gas, landfill gas, carbon
particle size is required to ensure that only clean oil is
dioxide, propane, helium, propylene and ammonia.
injected into the compressor. For assistance in choosing
Other gases will need to be reviewed for compatibility
the correct oil for the application and in sizing an auxiliary
and operational performance by Vilter.
oil pump, consult a Vilter representative.
Rotor diameter (mm) 205 240 280 310 312 350 401 401
Gaterotor diameter (mm) 195 205 216 225 240 252 268 280 289 300 298 310 312 331 350 368 388 400 411 416
Max. HP 3600 RPM* 300 HP 500 HP 675 HP 2000 HP 675 HP 1000 HP 2000 HP
Max. allowable torque (ft. lbs.) 444 739 998 2958 998 1479 2958
Rotor speed (RPM) 1200-4200 1200-4000 1200-3800
CCW facing CW facing
Direction of rotation CCW facing drive end
drive end drive end
Drive type Direct drive, electric motor, gas engine
Built-in volume ratio 1.2 to 7.0 (Continuously variable automatic, or manual control)
Capacity range 10% to 100% (Continuously variable automatic, or manual control)
Bare comp. MAWP (psig)** 515 485 1100 485 535
Max. pressure differential
Min. inlet temp. (°F) -50°F
Max. inlet temp. (°F) 180°F
Max. disch. temp. (°F) 225° (Contact Vilter for increased temperature limits)
Max. oil temp. (°F) 190° (Contact Vilter for increased temperature limits)
*Higher limits are available. Consult Vilter Manuafacturing LLC.
**Higher discharge pressures are achievable. Consult Vilter Manuafacturing LLC. for approval.
***Higher differential pressures can be achieved. Consult Vilter Manuafacturing LLC. for approval.
Note: MAWP (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure). The relief valve setting must be below the MAWP. The relief valve is usually set 10% lower than the MAWP.
VSG unit dimensions and specifications
Models VSG 301-701