VSSG/VSG Compressor: For Natural Gas and Process Gas Applications

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VSSG/VSG compressor

for natural gas and process gas applications

The World’s Best Compressors™

For Gas Compression
Why choose a Vilter™ single screw compressor?
Vilter’s VSSG/VSG single screw gas compressors deliver longer life, higher reliability and better energy efficiency than
twin screw compressors and have fewer moving parts than reciprocating compressors. The key to the single screw
compressor’s reliability is in its balanced design. At the core of the positive displacement rotary compressor is a single main
rotor intermeshed with two opposing gaterotors. The balanced design results in ultra-low bearing loads with significantly
decreased vibration and sound levels. The key to the single screw compressor’s high energy efficiency is Vilter’s exclusive
Parallex™ slide system allowing the compressor to run at optimum efficiency through its full range of capacity.

Part load energy consumption – Isentropic efficiency comparison

single screw vs. twin screw between variable and fixed volume

Applications Features and benefits

• Gas liquification •Displacements from 310 to 2,048 CFM
• Vapor recovery • Variable capacity control 10-100%
• Flare gas recovery • Variable volume ratios 1.2 – 7.0
• Coal bed methane recovery • Compression ratios 2 – 20
• Field and fuel gas boosting • Electronic actuators are weatherproof
• Wellhead recovery and conform to Class 1, Group C&D,
• Enhanced oil recovery Division 2 Classification
• Landfill gas recovery • Balanced main rotor with no axial or
radial loads
• LNG boil off
• Parallex™ slide system for maximum
• Gas gathering
operating efficiency
• BIO - gas
• Low bearing loads – no hydrodynamic bearings
• Digester
• High suction pressure capability is standard
• CO2
• Clockwise rotation models available
• Nitrogen
• Low noise levels
• Hydrogen
• Low maintenance costs
• Refrigerant
Parallex™ slide system
It’s the key to part load efficiencies far superior to twin screw compressors.
Capacity and volume slides move independently of each other based on
load, eliminating over or under compression and saving motor horsepower.
Allen-Bradley programmable controller
The CompactLogix programmable controller with an A-B PanelView 1000
graphic display provides high performance in a small footprint for stand
alone operation or for integrated system control.
Large capacity oil filter
Filters will remove all particles, 25 microns or larger, from the oil before the
compressor. Filter assemblies are equipped with transducers to measure
pressure drop and shut-off valves for isolation and servicing.
Oil cooling options
• Water cooled
• Air cooled
Unit features
Standard construction Injection oil circuit
• Main bearings – Roller and ball type angular contact • Oil prelube pump with TEFC motor.
thrust. • Oil cooler/temperature control valve – An oil cooler,
• Gaterotor bearings – Roller and ball type angular contact either air or water cooled, must be used to remove the
thrust. heat of compression from the oil stream. A two way
• Hand wheels or optical slide valve motor for capacity and temperature control valve is used to maintain precise oil
volume control. Suitable for Class 1, Group C+D, Div. II. injection temperature to the compressor VIA PID loop
• Variable vi - Independent volume control and capacity control in PLC
control for improving efficiencies. • Oil filtration – Filtration down to 25 microns nominal.
• Separate prelube oil pump with TEFC drive motor. Optional dual filters are recommended to allow
• Lube oil piping is carbon steel, using socket weld or butt replacement of one cartridge while the compressor
weld connections. Threaded connections are kept to a continues running with the other cartridge in service
minimum. • Oil heater –Oil heaters are supplied to maintain oil
• ASME designed oil separator with coalesing oil filter. temperature of at least 90°F when the compressor is
• CompactLogix programmable controller with an A-B not running
PanelView 1000 graphic display
• Separate stop and check valves for both suction and Available options
discharge lines. • Stainless steel lube oil circuit
• Suction bypass connection for fuel gas booster application
Process gas circuit • Dual oil pumps
• Suction gas stop and check valve. • Dual oil filters
• Suction line strainer – The strainer is stainless steel mesh • Water cooled or air cooled oil coolers
construction and suited to process gas applications. • High and low ambient temperature options
• Process gas/oil separator – The separator is capable of
removing the oil from the discharge gas stream and is an Note – Because the oil system on the VSSG/VSG compressor utilizes
discharge gas pressure as the means to move the injection oil through the
ASME-coded vessel which uses five stages of separation to system, it must be remembered that all components of the oil system are
achieve an oil loss of below 4 ppm. exposed to full discharge pressure and must be pressure rated accordingly.
• Discharge oil separator relief valve.

Flow Diagram (Figure 1)

Instrumentation Alarm and shutdown annunciation/indication
Pressure The control system for the VSSG/VSG compressor must
There are four pressure transducers to read system pressures protect the machine from running outside of normal
as listed below (Figure 1).
operating conditions. This is accomplished by providing
PT1 suction pressure transducer operators with alarms when operating parameters have
(-15.0 - 400 PSIG) measures the gas suction pressure into reached an abnormal condition, and by automatically
the compressor housing.
stopping the compressor before these conditions can
PT2 discharge pressure transducer cause a unit failure.
(-15.0 - 400 PSIG) measures the discharge pressure of the
process gas in the separator. Safety setpoints:
PT3 oil filter inlet pressure transducer • Low gas suction temperature
(-15.0 - 400 PSIG) measures the oil pressure as it enters the • High gas discharge temperature
oil filter canisters. • Low oil separator start temperature
PT4 oil manifold pressure transducer • Low oil separator run temperature
(-15.0 - 400 PSIG) measures the oil pressure downstream • Low oil injection temperature
of the oil filter as the oil is injected into the compressor. • High oil injection temperature
Additional pressure transducers may be required and installed by the cus- • Low suction pressure
tomer for pressure readings at customer specified points such as process gas • High discharge pressure
discharge pressure from the package boundary, cooling water pressure to
and/or from the oil cooler, etc. • Prelube oil pressure
• Low oil pressure
Temperature • High starting oil filter differential pressure
There are four temperature readings for processor control, as
listed below (Figure 1). • High running oil filter differential pressure
• High motor amperage limit
RTD1 suction temperature RTD
measures the temperature of the incoming suction gas. In most cases, the safety setpoints described will have
RTD2 discharge temperature RTD settings which are dictated by process requirements, and
measures the temperature of the gas/oil mixture as it is not necessarily mechanical constraints of the compressor.
discharged from the compressor housing. Process pressures and temperatures may vary considerably
RTD3 oil separator temperature RTD depending on the application of the compressor. The VSSG/
measures the temperature of the oil in the separator sump. VSG compressor is designed to operate in a broad range of
applications. Minimum and maximum values for each safety
RTD4 oil Injection temperature RTD
measures the temperature of the oil as it is injected into setpoint are provided, while precise settings for the safety
the compressor. setpoints must be derived for each installation.
Additional RTD’s may be required and installed by the customer for
temperature readings at customer specified points such as discharge gas
temperature from the package boundary, cooling water temperature to and/
or from the oil cooler, gas aftercooler temperature, etc.

Additional instrumentation
• Motor current transformer
• Optical actuators for capacity and volume slide indication

Other options
• Remote start/stop input
• Remote alarm/trip output
Application guidelines
To ensure the successful operation of the VSSG/VSG com- Injection oil temperature must be closely controlled for
pressor, the guidelines described below should be followed. optimum performance. Oil temperature must be maintained
a minimum of 15 - 20°F above the gas mixture dewpoint at
Proper lubrication is critical to the operation of the VSSG/
anytime to prevent condensation or liquid knockout from
VSG compressor. The compressor relies on the injected oil
occurring within the compressor.
to absorb and remove the heat of compression, to seal the
compression chambers formed in the flutes of the screw, Gas composition plays a role in the performance of the
and to lubricate all moving parts. For this reason, it is VSSG/VSG compressor as well. While the VSSG/VSG is
imperative that the oil chosen be of correct viscosity, and capable of handling a wide variety of gases, if H2S is present
that sufficient oil flow be provided at all times, using an in the process gas in any concentration, special oil additives
auxiliary oil pump when necessary. The oil chosen must be are required to protect the compressor from corrosion.
compatible with the process gas, to prevent absorption of Levels below 100 PPM of H2S allow the standard warranty
the gas into the oil, which would dilute the oil and reduce to apply.
the viscosity. Also oil filtration to 25 micron nominal
Typical gases handled: Natural gas, landfill gas, carbon
particle size is required to ensure that only clean oil is
dioxide, propane, helium, propylene and ammonia.
injected into the compressor. For assistance in choosing
Other gases will need to be reviewed for compatibility
the correct oil for the application and in sizing an auxiliary
and operational performance by Vilter.
oil pump, consult a Vilter representative.

VSG compressor capacity and design limitations - standard models

301 361 401 501 601 701 751 901 791 891 1051 1201 1301 1551 1851 2101 2401 2601 2801 3001

Rotor diameter (mm) 205 240 280 310 312 350 401 401
Gaterotor diameter (mm) 195 205 216 225 240 252 268 280 289 300 298 310 312 331 350 368 388 400 411 416
Max. HP 3600 RPM* 300 HP 500 HP 675 HP 2000 HP 675 HP 1000 HP 2000 HP
Max. allowable torque (ft. lbs.) 444 739 998 2958 998 1479 2958
Rotor speed (RPM) 1200-4200 1200-4000 1200-3800
CCW facing CW facing
Direction of rotation CCW facing drive end
drive end drive end
Drive type Direct drive, electric motor, gas engine
Built-in volume ratio 1.2 to 7.0 (Continuously variable automatic, or manual control)
Capacity range 10% to 100% (Continuously variable automatic, or manual control)
Bare comp. MAWP (psig)** 515 485 1100 485 535
Max. pressure differential
Min. inlet temp. (°F) -50°F
Max. inlet temp. (°F) 180°F
Max. disch. temp. (°F) 225° (Contact Vilter for increased temperature limits)
Max. oil temp. (°F) 190° (Contact Vilter for increased temperature limits)
*Higher limits are available. Consult Vilter Manuafacturing LLC.
**Higher discharge pressures are achievable. Consult Vilter Manuafacturing LLC. for approval.
***Higher differential pressures can be achieved. Consult Vilter Manuafacturing LLC. for approval.
Note: MAWP (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure). The relief valve setting must be below the MAWP. The relief valve is usually set 10% lower than the MAWP.
VSG unit dimensions and specifications
Models VSG 301-701

Models VSG 301-701, left, are

shown with a standard C-Flange
motor mount, single oil filter
D and standard water-cooled oil
A B cooler which is noted by the D
dimension on the drawing.

Models VSG 751-3001 Models VSG 751-3001 drawings

illustrate the optional dual oil
filter and the optional remote
mounted oil cooler which can
be air cooled.
It is important to note that all
VSG models can be fitted with
single or dual oil filters, water-
cooled oil cooler or remote
mounted oil cooler.


VSG unit dimensions

Standard connection size* Unit dimensions (approx.)*
Approx. shipping
Vilter model A B C D
Suction Discharge weight (lbs)**
Length Width Height Optional oil cooler
VSG-301 3” 3” 8’-10” 4’-2” 6’ 7-3/4” 7000
VSG-361 3” 3” 8’-10” 4’-2” 6’ 7-3/4” 7300
VSG-401 3” 3” 8’-10” 4’-2” 6’ 7-3/4” 7500
VSG-501 4” 3” 8’-9” 3’-8” 7’-6” 10-3/4” 8500
VSG-601 4” 4” 9’-10” 4’ 7’-10” 10-3/4” 8800
VSG-701 4” 4” 9’-10” 4’ 7’-10” 10-3/4” 9000
VSG-751 6” 4” 12’ 3’-7” 8’ 16” 14800
VSG-901 6” 4” 12’ 3’-7” 8’ 16” 15200
VSG-791 6” 4” 12’ 3’-7” 8’ 16” 14800
VSG-891 6” 4” 12’ 3’-7” 8’ 16” 15200
VSG-1051 6” 6” 13’-2” 4’-1” 8’-8” 16” 15500
VSG-1201 6” 6” 13’-2” 4’-1” 8’-10” 16” 16000
VSG-1301 6” 6” 13’-2” 4’-1” 8’-10” 16” 16000
VSG-1551 8” 6” 15’ 5’-8” 10’ 17” 18000
VSG-1851 8” 6” 15’ 5’-8” 10’ 17” 18200
VSG-2101 10” 6” 15’ 5’-8” 10’ 17” 18500
VSG-2401 12” 8” 17’-4” 7’-4” 11’-4” 17” 19000
VSG-2601 12” 8” 17’-4” 7’-4” 11’-4” 17” 19000
VSG-2801 12” 8” 17’-4” 7’-4” 11’-4” 17” 19200
VSG-3001 12” 8” 17’-4” 7’-4” 11’-4” 17” 19500
*Dimensions shown are approximate and should not be used for construction.
** Typical motor weight used, actual weight may differ.
VSSG unit dimensions and specifications
Models VSSG 291-601

Models VSSG 291-601 drawings il-

lustrate the optional dual oil filter
and the air cooled connections.
It is important to note that all
VSSG models can be fitted with
single or dual oil filters, wa-
tercooled oil cooler or remote
mounted oil cooler.


VSSG unit dimensions

Standard connection size* Unit dimensions (approx.)*
Vilter model D shipping
Suction Discharge Optional oil weight (lbs)**
Length Width Height
VSSG-291 3” 3” 8’-10” 4’-2” 6’ 7-3/4” 7000
VSSG-341 3” 3” 8’-10” 4’-2” 6’ 7-3/4” 7300
VSSG-451 3” 3” 8’-10” 4’-2” 6’ 7-3/4” 7500
VSSG-601 4” 4” 9’-10” 4’ 7’-10” 10-3/4” 8800
*Dimensions shown are approximate and should not be used for construction.
**Typical motor weight used, actual weight may differ.

VSSG compressor capacity and design limitations - standard models

291 341 451 601
Rotor diameter (mm) 240 240 240 240
Gaterotor diameter (mm) 220 225 225 240
Max. HP 3600 RPM* 500 HP
Max. allowable torque 739 ft. lbs.
Rotor speed (RPM)* 1200-4200
Direction of rotation CW Facing Drive End
Drive type Direct drive, electric motor, gas engine
Built-in volume ratio 1.2 to 7.0 (Continuously variable automatic, or manual control)
Capacity range 10% to 100% (Continuously variable automatic, or manual control)
Bare comp. MAWP (psig)** 535
Max. pressure differential
Min. inlet temp. (°F) -50°F
Max. inlet temp. (°F) 180°F
Max. disch. temp. (°F) 225° (Contact Vilter for increased temperature limits)
Max. oil temp. (°F) 190° (Contact Vilter for increased temperature limits)
*Higher limits are available. Consult Vilter Manuafacturing LLC.
**Higher discharge pressures are achievable. Consult Vilter Manuafacturing LLC. for approval.
***Higher differential pressures can be achieved. Consult Vilter Manuafacturing LLC. for approval.
Note: MAWP (Maximum Allowable Working Pressure). The relief valve setting must be below the MAWP. The relief valve is usually set 10% lower than the MAWP.
2012VM-17 R2 (7/13) Emerson and Vilter are trademarks of Emerson Electric Co. or one of its affiliated companies. ©2013 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Vilter Manufacturing LLC reserves the right to make changes in design and specifications without notice.

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