19-20 Syllabus Guidelines
19-20 Syllabus Guidelines
19-20 Syllabus Guidelines
Syllabus Guidelines
To meet the academic needs of all students, by continually motivating and encouraging students
to achieve the highest standards in academics, technology, and the arts by creating a climate of
excellence that will empower them to lead productive and fulfilling lives as lifelong learners and
responsible citizens.
Honor Code:
Students at Jefferson Davis Middle School, will be expected to uphold the four standards of our school
and place high value on intellectual rigor and academics.
Honesty – When students practice honesty, the result is fairness for everyone.
Responsibility – Responsibility is the quality of being accountable for our actions and accepting
the consequences of our actions.
Integrity – Integrity is a commitment to a value even when others are not present to witness it.
Enrollment at Jefferson Davis School requires a commitment to these principles. Students are expected to
acknowledge fully and in detail the work, thought, or ideas of another person if incorporated in work
submitted for assessment; to submit separate pieces of work in fulfillment of the requirements of different
components (i.e. research papers); to ensure that the work is their own and is never given to another
student in any version (hard copy or electronic) knowing that it might be submitted for grading as the
work of another student.
In order to prevent a student from gaining an unfair advantage, these behaviors will result in the
1) Grade of zero – all students involved will earn a zero for the work and/or referral to Dean
2) Documentation- the incident will be recorded and a parent conference will be held
Introduction and Course Description: Welcome to Civics! Over the course of this year, you will build on
the knowledge and skills that were learned in Law Studies to prepare for the CIVICS EOC exam that takes place at
the end of the school year. This course will be rigorous as students strive to develop and expand what they have
already learned in a more fun and collaborative way that prepares them for the EOC exam. In this course, the student
will be expected to come to class prepared with a respectful demeanor and a willingness to learn. The goal of this
class is to prepare you to be an active and informed citizen in our society.
Course Outline: Students will participate in discussions, readings, Cornell note taking, classroom
activites, quizzes, chapter tests and the State issued Civics EOC. Enrichment materials such as
photographs, videos, power points, handouts, and music will be incorporated into the course. Below is a
list of topics that will be discussed throughout the year.
3” Binder* Highlighters
8 Dividers * Pens/Pencils
Pencil Pouch w/3 holes to place inside Big Eraser
Binder* Headphones for laptop use
Spiral notebook Handheld Pencil sharpener
Colored pencils
* The binder, dividers, and pencil pouch are to be used for ALL classes! Students must bring all supplies
daily. Additionally, class donations are welcomed.
1. Listen to the teacher, and ignore others who try to distract you!
2. Follow directions.
3. Keep a positive attitude. Don’t judge a person, book, or assignment too soon.
4. Be proactive. You are responsible for your own learning .
5. Be prepared. Be on time. Be on task.
6. Respect.—Your teacher, the classroom, your peers, and yourself.
7. Ask for help. I can’t help you if you are silent when confused!
8. Keep all personal electronics put away.
Grading Policy:
**Students have the opportunity to redeem any grade during the tutoring session ONLY**
Civics EOC: This class is mandated by the State of Florida and each student is required to take
an End of Course Exam that will be 30% of their entire year grade. Excessive absenteeism or
tardies will make it difficult for your child to be successful on this exam.
Homework/Late Work Policy: Assignments will be posted on Focus. All required documents will be
passed out in class, if you are absent or misplace your copy you may print out another copy via Focus.
Any late work within a three day period will not be counted for full credit and will only receive
the highest grade of a 70%. Anything after the specified three days will only be eligible for 60%
as the highest scoreYou are responsible for all assignments, regardless of absences.
Make-up Work Policy: Regular attendance in each forty-five day grading period is necessary
for a student to be successful in school. Missing work shall be made-up for all absences,
including suspension. Make-up work shall be allowed for each day of absence. Your child may
earn up to full credit for such work submitted with acceptable time frame outlined within DCPS
Student Progression Plan.
Tutoring Schedule: Tutoring and make-up work opportunities will be available as needed by
appointment only on Tuesdays after school 4:30-5:30
**Students have the opportunity to redeem any grade during the tutoring session ONLY**
Communication: There are multiple ways in which I will be able to be reached throughout the
school year to include email, phone, website, and Remind.
Devin Woodmore
AVID Coordinator
Civics Instructor
(904) 573-1060 x 166