Severe Systemic Cytomegalovirus Infection in An Immunocompetent Patient Outside The Intensive Care Unit: A Case Report
Severe Systemic Cytomegalovirus Infection in An Immunocompetent Patient Outside The Intensive Care Unit: A Case Report
Severe Systemic Cytomegalovirus Infection in An Immunocompetent Patient Outside The Intensive Care Unit: A Case Report
Background: Cytomegalovirus is responsible for an opportunistic infection that can be life threatening in
immunocompromised patients, while it is usually mild or completely asymptomatic in immunocompetent subjects.
In the recent years, however, some cases of severe cytomegalovirus infection in immunocompetent patients have
been reported, showing this to be a less rare occurrence than previously reported.
Case presentation: We report the case of an 83-year-old man, admitted to our hospital for gastroenteritis,
complicated by dehydration and severe prothrombin time prolongation due to oral anticoagulant therapy
accumulation, who developed hospital-acquired pneumonia; neither of these illnesses responded to several lines of
antibiotic therapy. All microbiologic tests were negative, except cytomegalovirus DNA test in blood, which showed
high viral load. Antiviral therapy with ganciclovir was then started and a quick favourable response followed. A state
of immunodeficiency was excluded, based on normal CD4 count and patient’s clinical history.
Conclusion: Different risk factors for severe cytomegalovirus disease in immunocompetent patients may exist,
besides the ones already known, which could be responsible for severe cytomegalovirus disease in
immunocompetent patients; thus, these patients should be tested for cytomegalovirus infection, if the clinical
picture is compatible, to avoid delay in diagnosis and allow prompt start of specific therapy.
Keywords: Cytomegalovirus, Immunocompetent, Colitis, Pneumonia, Valganciclovir
stage IIIb chronic kidney disease, chronic gastritis, gastric performed and they all were negative: two more blood
resection for perforated gastric ulcer in 1975, cholecystec- culture sets (obtained during temperature spikes), two
tomy for cholelithiasis in 2009, benign prostatic hyperpla- more stool cultures, stool ova and parasite test and
sia, recent bacterial pneumonia (four months earlier). The Clostridium difficile toxin assay, urine culture, serology
patient was admitted to the Department of Internal for Chlamydia, Legionella and Mycoplasma, Legionella
Medicine. and Pneumococcal urinary antigen, serum galactoman-
At presentation the patient was febrile (37.5 °C); phys- nan assay, stool cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
ical examination revealed abdominal distension, diffused and Quantiferon. Echocardiography was negative for
tenderness and bloating. No stool passage had been vegetations. Colonoscopy was also performed to investi-
observed since the previous day. Blood tests confirmed gate persistent diarrhoea and showed a single linear
severe prolongation of PT (22.48, with normal liver erosion in front of the ileocecal valve, compatible with
function tests), and showed an increase of C reactive infectious colitis, with no abnormal findings in the
protein (CRP, 12.54 mg/dl), normal leucocyte and terminal ileum; two biopsies of the caecum were
neutrophil count with mild lymphopenia (860/mm3) and performed.
monocytosis (1040/mm3), acute kidney failure with Antibiotic therapy was repeatedly modified: initial
creatinine 1.7 mg/dl, no acidosis nor increase in lactic therapy with piperacillin-tazobactam, metronidazole and
acid. Chest X-ray showed mild pulmonary congestion. levofloxacin was replaced with cefepime and linezolid,
Abdominal X-ray showed small intestine loop dilation then with meropenem, linezolid and azithromycin, lastly
and air-fluid levels, suggesting intestinal obstruction; ab- with meropenem and ceftaroline. None of these changes
dominal computed tomography confirmed these findings resulted in clinical improvement.
and showed wall thickening of the terminal ileum, which At the same time, the patient’s general conditions
the radiologist described as compatible with either worsened: heart failure progressed with development of
inflammatory bowel disease or intestinal ischemia. No anasarca, respiratory function was impaired so that
surgical indication was established by the general respiratory support by non invasive continuous positive
surgeon. airway pressure was needed. Furthermore, consciousness
We deemed inflammatory bowel disease unlikely be- was progressively compromised, with the onset of
cause of the advanced age and the acute onset; intestinal delirium.
ischemia was also considered improbable because of the After almost three weeks of persistent fever, samples
intestinal region involved (terminal ileus, with no appar- were then collected for Adenovirus and Rotavirus stool
ent involvement of the caecum and ascending colon) test, assays for detection of influenza from nasal and
and because of normal lactate levels. An acute intestinal throat swabs, Brucella and Leishmania serology, CMV
infection was considered the most likely diagnosis. DNA detection in blood. CMV DNA test was positive,
Samples for blood cultures, stool cultures, stool ova and with 57,679 copies/ml, while all other tests were nega-
parasite test and Clostridium difficile toxin assay were tive. The patient was then assessed for risk factors for
collected. Empirical antibiotic therapy with metronida- immunodeficiency: HIV serology was negative, CD4
zole and piperacillin-tazobactam was started at admis- count was normal (925/mm3) and the patient had never
sion and vitamin K was administered. been on immunosuppressive drugs and had no history
We observed an initial favourable response to therapy: of organ transplantations or malignancy. CMV serology
the patient became afebrile, CRP levels decreased (from showed low immunoglobulin M (IgM) titre and high
12.54 mg/dl to 5.11 mg/dl); constipation resolved, with immunoglobulin G (IgG) titre, suggesting reactivation of
appearance of loose stool, that rapidly progressed to CMV infection. To assess the patient for further organ
overt diarrhoea. Microbiologic tests all came back nega- involvement, ophthalmologic evaluation was performed
tive. This positive trend was however transient, and on and no ocular manifestations of CMV infection were
the fifth day since admission, the patient developed fever detected. Histological examination of colon biopsies
(38.2 °C) and a drop in peripheral oxygen saturation was showed mild non-specific chronic inflammation, but no
observed. Samples for blood and urine cultures were CMV-induced cytopathic alterations; immunohisto-
collected and came back negative; chest X-ray showed a chemical study was negative for CMV antigens and PCR
basal opacity of the right lung. Levofloxacin was then on biopsy specimens was negative for CMV.
added to ongoing therapy. No response to therapy was Antibiotic therapy was then stopped and the patient
observed and during the next three weeks the patient was started on antiviral therapy with ganciclovir. Quick
was persistently febrile, respiratory function progres- defervescence followed, the patient remained stably
sively worsened and bilateral opacities appeared at the afebrile and consciousness steadily improved. Over the
chest X-ray controls; furthermore, the stool remained next three weeks, we observed a progressive recovery in
loose or liquid. Several microbiologic tests were respiratory function, with almost complete resolution of
Carpani et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2019) 19:34 Page 3 of 4
lung opacities, and a decrease in watery diarrhoea, al- widely described condition, in which the usefulness of
though it did not resolve completely during hospital antiviral treatment has not been established yet [4].
stay. CMV DNA was no longer detected in blood after Nonetheless, the steady recovery of our patient’s general
14 days since the start of antiviral therapy. The patient conditions, followed by a marked improvement of re-
was kept on intravenous therapy with ganciclovir for a spiratory function and decrease of diarrhoea, suggests
month and was then discharged from hospital in stable CMV infection as the primary cause of the described
and globally improved clinical conditions, with the indica- clinical picture, together with compatible symptoms and
tion to continue antiviral therapy with oral valganciclovir, signs [2, 5, 6]. Furthermore, all microbiologic tests were
which was prosecuted for at least three and a half months negative, except CMV DNA in blood.
until admission to the Neurology Department for a ser- Only a few elements have been suggested as possible
ious ischemic stroke. The patient was then lost to follow risk factors for severe CMV disease in immunocompe-
up. Our patient experienced mild elevation of alkaline tent patients, and only steroid use and recent blood
phosphatase (up to 199 U/l) and gamma-glutamyl trans- transfusions were reported as independent risk factors
ferase (up to 83 U/l) as the only side effects of ganciclovir, for development of CMV colitis in the immunocompe-
without indication to interruption of antiviral therapy. A tent host [7]. Many cases of severe CMV disease have
spontaneous decrease of both was later observed, with a been reported in immunocompetent critically ill patients
progressive return to normal levels. [4]; however, even in subjects admitted in the Intensive
Care Units (ICU), few risk factors have been reported,
Discussion and conclusions the only ones described being sepsis, blood transfusions,
We presented here a case of presumptive severe CMV corticosteroid use, acute respiratory distress syndrome
disease in a seemingly immunocompetent patient, who [8] and degree of inflammation [9]. In our patient
recovered only with the use of antiviral therapy. In the clinical manifestations of CMV infection appeared at
recent years, some cases of severe CMV disease in home, aggravated during hospitalization in the Internal
immunocompetent patients have been reported; how- Medicine Department and the whole course of the
ever, it is still a rare event, even though more common disease was spent outside the ICU.
than it was considered in the past. In our opinion, our Considering the increase in reports of severe CMV
patient’s clinical picture might entirely be explained by disease in immunocompetent subjects, it is likely that
multi-organ involvement by CMV disease, with affection further risk factors exist, even in non-ICU patients,
of bowel (terminal ileum and colon) and lungs. Both which can trigger or facilitate CMV reactivation and
sites are possible targets of CMV infection, even in im- have yet to be identified. Our patient suffered from stage
munocompetent subjects; colon, in particular, appears to IIIb chronic kidney disease, which might be a possible
be the organ most commonly involved, while CMV and so far unrecognized risk factor for reactivation of
pneumonia has been reported as a rarer occurrence [2]. CMV infection. Chronic kidney disease is associated
In our patient, high viral load in blood was detected, with a reduction in immune function, and this may be
but we could not find any direct signs of end organ the case, even in the presence of a normal CD4 count. It
involvement. Microscopic examination of colon biopsies is known that chronic kidney disease can cause retention
did not reveal typical cytopathic alterations of CMV in- of metabolites that can exert an inhibitory effect on
fection. However, this might be due to insufficient activation of immune system cells; furthermore, it can
sampling of colonic mucosa (only two samples were impair the barrier function of intestinal mucosa and
drawn, considering the mild endoscopic manifestations reduce the number of circulating lymphoid cells [10].
of the inflammatory process). As for pneumonia, the However, with the exception of an increased risk of
patient was not clinically stable enough to undergo tubercolosis in patients with end-stage renal failure [11],
bronchoscopy and we could not isolate CMV from bron- in our knowledge, renal insufficiency has not yet been
choalveolar lavage fluid. This procedure might have sped described as a risk factor for a specific bacterial or viral
up the diagnostic process, possibly allowing us to avoid infection. Moreover, our patient’s CD4 count was nor-
further attempts at antibiotic therapy, which were later mal, which reflects a preserved cell-mediated immunity,
proven to be unnecessary, and to start antiviral therapy normally involved in the protection against CMV
earlier. Likewise, CMV PCR on sputum was not per- infection reactivation, regardless of kidney function. It
formed, as the patient was not able to expectorate at the appears indeed unusual that, in the presence of a normal
time when CMV DNA was detected in blood. Since end CD4 count, the infection could reactivate and, possibly,
organ involvement by CMV infection could not be con- cause severe disease with end organ involvement.
firmed, it might be argued that, in our patient, viremia In conclusion, we deem that CMV infection should also
might have been a consequence of reactivation of CMV be suspected in non-immunosuppressed patients, when
infection in a critically ill subject, a well known and the clinical picture is compatible with or suggestive of this
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Availability of data and materials
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated
or analysed during the current study.
Authors’ contributions
GC collected and analysed the data, reviewed the literature and wrote the
manuscript. SF contributed to acquisition of data (provided infectious
disease consultation) and reviewed the manuscript. RD searched the
literature and reviewed the manuscript. GG provided analysis and
interpretation of data and reviewed the manuscript. MB contributed to
acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data and writing of the manuscript.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Author details
Department of Medicine and Surgery, Clinica Medica, University of
Milano-Bicocca, San Gerardo Hospital, Via G.B. Pergolesi 33, 20900 Monza,
Italy. 2Division of Infectious Diseases, San Gerardo Hospital, Via G.B. Pergolesi
33, 20900 Monza, Italy.
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