Adabas Manual

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This document applies to Adabas for UNIX, Windows and OpenVMS Version 6.3.1.

Specications contained herein are subject to change and these changes will be reported in subsequent release notes or new editions.
Copyright © 1987-2013 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA, Inc., Reston, VA, United States of America,
and/or their licensors.

Detailed information on trademarks and patents owned by Software AG and/or its subsidiaries is located at

Use of this software is subject to adherence to Software AG's licensing conditions and terms. These terms are part of the product doc-
umentation, located at and/or in the root installation directory of the licensed product(s).

Thissoftwaremay includeportions of third-party products.For third-party copyrightnotices andlicense terms, pleaserefer to "License
Texts, Copyright Notices and Disclaimers of Third-Party Products". This document is part of the product documentation, located at and/or in the root installation directory of the licensed product(s).

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Table of Contents
Adabas Utilities  ............................................................................................................... vii
1 Conventions  ..................................................................................................................... 1
Use of character fonts  ................................................................................................. 2

Syntax conventions 
Upper-Case Conversions  .................................................................................................... 2
........................................................................................... 4
Symbols used in control parameter summaries  ........................................................ 6
Order of parameters  ................................................................................................... 6
Numeric Values  .......................................................................................................... 6
Maximum Values  ..................................................................................................... 10
Syntax diagrams in the HTML documentation  ......................................................... 7
Obsolete Parameters  ................................................................................................... 7
2 Overview  ......................................................................................................................... 9
3 ADABAS (Starting The Database Nucleus)  .................................................................. 15
Functional Overview  ................................................................................................ 16
Procedure Flow  ........................................................................................................ 17
Control Parameter  .................................................................................................... 18
4 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)  ....................................................... 19
Functional Overview  ................................................................................................ 20
Procedure Flow  ........................................................................................................ 22
Checkpoints  .............................................................................................................. 24
Control Parameters  .................................................................................................. 25
Restart Considerations  ............................................................................................. 37
5 ADACLP (Command Log Report)  ................................................................................ 39
Functional Overview  ................................................................................................ 40
Procedure Flow  ........................................................................................................ 41
Checkpoints  .............................................................................................................. 42
Control Parameters  .................................................................................................. 42
Specifying Multiple Selection Criteria  ..................................................................... 48
6 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)  ................................................................................ 49
Functional Overview  ................................................................................................ 50
Procedure Flow  ........................................................................................................ 51
Checkpoints  .............................................................................................................. 52
Control Parameters  .................................................................................................. 52
Output  ...................................................................................................................... 64
Report  ....................................................................................................................... 65
Restart Considerations  ............................................................................................. 65
7 ADADBA (DBA Workbench)  ........................................................................................ 67
Functional Overview  ................................................................................................ 68
Procedure Flow  ........................................................................................................ 69
8 ADADBM (Database Modication)  .............................................................................. 71
Functional Overview  ................................................................................................ 72
Procedure Flow  ........................................................................................................ 74
Checkpoints  .............................................................................................................. 76

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 Adabas Utilities

Control Parameters  .................................................................................................. 77

Restart Considerations  ........................................................................................... 100
9 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)  .......................................................................... 101
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 102
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 103
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 104
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 105
Input and Output Data  ........................................................................................... 113
Restart Considerations  ........................................................................................... 114
10 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)  ........................................................................ 115
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 116
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 117
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 118
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 118
11 ADAERR (Error File Report)  ..................................................................................... 127
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 128
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 129
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 129
Control Parameter  .................................................................................................. 129
Example  .................................................................................................................. 130
Rejected Data Records  ............................................................................................ 130
12 ADAFDU (File Denition)  ......................................................................................... 131
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 132
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 133
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 135
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 135
Examples  ................................................................................................................  149
13 ADAFIN (File Information Report)  ........................................................................... 151
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 152
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 153
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 154
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 154
14 ADAFRM (Format And Create A New Database)  .................................................... 167
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 168
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 169
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 170
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 170

Restart Considerations  ........................................................................................... 174

Control Statement Examples  .................................................................................. 174
15 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists) ................................. 175
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 176
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 177
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 178
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 179
Restart Considerations  ........................................................................................... 188

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 Adabas Utilities

Examples  ................................................................................................................ 189
16 ADAMON (Monitoring The Database Nucleus) ....................................................... 195
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 196
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 197
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 197
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 198
17 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)  ........................................................................... 203
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 204
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 205
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 208
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 209
Restart Considerations  ........................................................................................... 215
SORT Data Set Placement  ....................................................................................... 215
TEMP Data Set Placement  ...................................................................................... 215
Examples  ................................................................................................................ 216
18 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Dening Nucleus Parameters) .......................... 217
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 218
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 220
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 222
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 222
Summary of ADANUC Parameters  ....................................................................... 241
19 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)  ...................................................................................... 245
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 246
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 247
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 248
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 248
20 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files) ................................... 285
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 286
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 287
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 289
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 289
Restart Considerations  ........................................................................................... 298
Examples  ................................................................................................................ 298
21 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)  ........................................................................... 301
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 302
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 303
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 304

Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 304

ADAPLP Output  .................................................................................................... 313
22 ADAPRI (Print Adabas Blocks)  ................................................................................. 317
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 318
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 319
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 320
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 320
23 ADAREC (Recovery Of Database Or Files)  ............................................................... 323

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 Adabas Utilities

Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 324

Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 325
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 327
ADAREC Input Data  .............................................................................................. 327
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 327
Examples  ................................................................................................................  333
ADAREC Restart Considerations  ........................................................................... 340
24 ADAREP (Database Report)  ...................................................................................... 341
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 342
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 343
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 343
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 344
25 ADASCR (Security Functions)  ................................................................................... 357
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 358
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 359
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 360
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 360
26 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)  ..................................................................... 377
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 378
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 379
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 379
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 380
27 ADAULD (File Unloading)  ........................................................................................ 395
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 396
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 398
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 400
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 401
Examples  ................................................................................................................  407
TEMP Data Set Space Estimation  ........................................................................... 408
Restart Considerations  ........................................................................................... 408
28 ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)  .................................................................. 409
Functional Overview  .............................................................................................. 410
Procedure Flow  ...................................................................................................... 411
Checkpoints  ............................................................................................................ 412
Control Parameters  ................................................................................................. 412
Examples  ................................................................................................................  417
A Appendix A - Example Utility Input Files   ................................................................. 419

B Appendix B - prilogc  ................................................................................................... 423

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Adabas Utilities

This manual describes the Adabas utilities. The database administrator (DBA) uses the Adabas
utilities to create and maintain Adabas databases. For each utility, the following information is

■ a description of the purpose of the utility;

■ a functional overview of the utility;
■ a description of the utility's control parameters;
■ examples to illustrate the use of the utility, where appropriate.

This manual is intended principally for the DBA. Certain Adabas utilities contain functionality
for modifying or deleting existing database information, so caution is advised when these utilities
are used. Some utilities, such as ADAREP, provide status information only, and can be used freely
 by the end user.

Note:   The Adabas utilities also contain some undocumented features that can be invoked
using syntax that is not documented (this also includes the FDT syntax as described in the
 Administration documentation). Software AG strongly recommends that you do not use
such undocumented features; there is no guarantee that undocumented features will work
correctly and that they will not have negative side eects on the general behaviour of

The Overview provides a summary of the utilities available and their purpose.

The subsequent documents describe the individual utilities in detail, with one utility per document.

 Appendix A  contains a description of the demo utility input les provided with the Adabas kit.

 Appendix B  contains a description of the example program prilogc, which is used for printing a
command log that is created with the nucleus parameter CLOGLAYOUT set to 6.

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1   Conventions

■  Useof character fonts  ........................................................................................................................ 2

■  Syntax conventions  ........................................................................................................................... 2
■  Upper-Case Conversions  .................................................................................................................... 4

 Symbols used in control parameter summaries  ....................................................................................... 6
■  Order of parameters  .......................................................................................................................... 6
■  Numeric Values  ................................................................................................................................ 6
■  Maximum Values  ............................................................................................................................. 10
■  Syntax diagrams in the HTML documentation  ......................................................................................... 7
■  Obsolete Parameters  ......................................................................................................................... 7 9/431
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The following conventions have been used in this manual:

Use of character fonts

References to other manuals are shown in  italics.

References to documents or sections within documents are shown in  bold face.

Examples of utility output and le contents are shown in a typewriter font, for example:

%ADADBM-I-OPENED, ds DATA2, file DATA2.001 opened

%ADADBM-F-DSSTALL, allocation error DSST

In examples which show both user input and utility output, the typewriter font is used for the
whole example:

adadbm: add_container = data, size = 35

%ADADBM-I-OPENED, ds DATA2, file DATA2.001 opened
%ADADBM-F-DSSTALL, allocation error DSST

Syntax conventions

The syntax of the utility control parameters is as follows.

Items shown in UPPERCASE letters are keywords and must be entered exactly as shown. You can
enter any keyword with uppercase or lowercase letters.

Items shown in lowercase letters indicate that you have to replace the item by a value of your
choice. If the item is "number", you can specify any decimal number. Only positive numbers or 0
can be specied, no negative numbers are allowed. If the item is "string", you can specify a text
string, i.e. any number of alphanumeric characters. For numbers or strings, it is also possible to
specify hexadecimal values preceded by "0x", "0X". "^x" or "^X"; for numbers specied as hexa-
decimal values, leading zeroes may be omitted. Other items are possible, for example "descriptor",

in which case your input must be a descriptor name.

Items enclosed in square brackets ("[", "]") are optional.

Items enclosed in curly brackets ("{", "}") are mandatory.

A vertical bar ("|") separates items which are alternatives, i.e. you can enter one item or the other
 but not both.

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The ellipsis ("...") indicates that you can repeat the immediately preceding element of the syntax
as often as you like.

If an ellipsis is preceded by a comma, i.e. ",...", this means that you can repeat the immediately
preceding element of the syntax as often as you like, with a comma preceding each repetition.

If round brackets are used for a list of elements and only one keyword is supplied, the round
 brackets may be omitted if only one element is supplied.

Example 1


Here the string value has been specied as a hexadecimal string; it consists of printable characters
equivalent to the ASCII character string "3DUf".

Example 2

DBID = number

This means that you must type in the keyword "DBID" (using uppercase or lowercase letters or
any combination thereof), followed by the "=" character, followed by a decimal number, for example:

DBID = 27

Example 3

RABN = number [ - number]

This means that you must type in the keyword "RABN" (using uppercase or lowercase letters or

also combination thereof),
provide a hyphen ("-")followed
bythe "=" character,
another decimal followed by athis
number, but decimal
is notnumber.
required.You can
are a few examples of input that corresponds to this syntax:

RABN = 25
RABN = 1000 - 1125

Example 4

RABN = 0x400

Here the value is specied as a hexadecimal value; it is the equivalent to specifying

RABN = 1024
Example 5

SORTSEQ = { descriptor | ISN }

This means that you must type in the keyword "SORTSEQ" (using uppercase or lowercase letters
or any combination thereof), followed by the "=" character, followed by either a descriptor value
or the keyword "ISN", for example:

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Example 6

number[-number] [,number[-number] ] ...

This example shows ]".

"[,number[-number] theThis
use means
of the ellipsis
that you("..."). Here, the
can repeat thisellipsis
as syntax
often aselement
you like in
your input line. Here are a few examples of input that corresponds to this syntax:


Example 7

As an alternative to example 4, the following syntax specication using the ",..." construction is
also possible:

{ number[-number] },...

This syntax allows all of the combinations shown in example 4.

Example 8


Valid input examples for this syntax are.

123 - only one list element, so brackets can be omitted

Upper-Case Conversions

Parameter names that are specied are always converted to upper case.

For most utility control parameters, the specied parameter values are also converted to upper
case, but this is not always desirable. Starting with Adabas Version 6.1.6, a new convention for
upper-case conversion of control parameter values has been introduced:

■ If you specify “ parameter=value”, the value is converted to upper case.

■ If you specify “ parameter:value”, the value is not converted to upper case.

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Although the option of specifying a colon or an equals sign after a parameter name has been intro-
duced generally via the parser for all parameters, Software AG recommends that you specify a
colon only for those parameters where it is explicitly described in the syntax, because the behaviour
described above is only guaranteed for these parameters; due to compatibility reasons with previous
Adabas versions, the upper-case conversion is handled dierently for some other parameters.


Assume the following syntax:


If you specify


The parameter value for NAME is set to "PRODUCTION".

If you specify

The parameter value for NAME is set to "Production".

However, some utility input is not provided as "parameter{=|:}value", for example eld, descriptor
or referential constraint denitions. The specications are converted to upper case by default,
unless the parameter LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES has been specied before the denitions.

Note:  After specifyingLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES, noneof the denitions are converted

to upper case; then you must specify keywords, for example eld options, in upper case.


Without LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES, the eld denition


is correct and is equivalent to


With LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES, however, this eld denition is invalid; in order to dene

the eld "aa", you must specify

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Symbols used in control parameter summaries

The description of each utility contains a table which summarizes the syntax of the control para-
meters that are available for that utility. Some control parameters are preceded by the letter "M"
or the letter "D".

The letter "M" indicates "mandatory", i.e. the you must specify this parameter in your input to the
utility otherwise the utility cannot run. If the letter "M" is not present, the parameter is optional,
i.e. you do not have to specify it.

The letter "D" indicates that the control parameter has a default value. This means that if you do
not specify this parameter explicitly in your input, the utility will use a preset value for the para-

Order of parameters

The parameters of the utilities are listed in this documentation in alphabetical order, but in some
cases, there are restrictions on the order in which they can or must be specied. Usually, the DBID
parameter has to be specied rst, and depending on the utility, there may be more restrictions.

Numeric Values

Numeric values may be specied in the following ways:

■ number
■ number[K], where the value is 1024*number
■ number[M], where the value is 1024*1024*number

number[K] and number[M] are only allowed in cases in which large numeric values are expected.

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Maximum Values

Maximum values for numeric parameters are only mentioned if there is a xed limit that is given
 by restrictions within Adabas. They are not mentioned if they result from the fact that a 4 byte
signed or unsigned integer is used to store the variable: in this case, the limit may be dened a
little smaller than the maximum possible integer, for example 4000 M.

Syntax diagrams in the HTML documentation

There is a syntax diagram at the start of each utility description, and these diagrams contain links
to the detailed descriptions of the keywords and parameters that are available. The hyperlinks in
these syntax diagrams are underlined in order to make them visible, but please note that the un-

derlining is not a part of the syntax.

Obsolete Parameters

Sometimes, utility or nucleus parameters will become obsolete when a new version of Adabas is
released. Usually, the obsolete parameters are still accepted by the utility of the nucleus, but you
will receive a PAROBS warning, for example:

%ADANUC-W-PAROBS, parameter NH has become obsolete

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2   Overview

This chapter gives an overview of the Adabas utilities, which provide all of the functions necessary
to manage an Adabas database.

Start the database nucleus (for Windows only)

This utility starts the database nucleus with the required environment.
Backup and restore database or les

The Adabas backup utility dumps/restores the contents of the database (or a specic le or
les) to/from a sequential data le. The utility can also be used to copy an Adabas backup
Command log report

This utility prints the command log.

Compression of data

The compression utility compresses user data. The compressed data is used as input for the
mass update utility ADAMUP. The input for this utility is the raw data together with the data
denitions that describe the structure of the data provided.
DBA Workbench

This utility provides functionality for operating and maintaining Adabas databases and les
via a graphical user interface.
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The ADADBM utility consists of the following functions which can be used to make modic-
ations to the database:
■ The ADD_CONTAINERfunction adds a new container le to theAssociator or Data Storage
data set;

The ADD_FIELDS function appends one or more new elds to the end of a le's FDT;
■ The ALLOCATE functions increase the Normal Index, Upper Index, Address Converter or
Data Storage space assigned to a le. The DEALLOCATE functions are the inverse;
■ The CHANGE function changes the standard length of a eld in the FDT;
■ The CHANGE_FIELDS function changes a eld denition;
■ The DEFINE_REFINT function denes a new referential constraint;
■ The DELCP function deletes old checkpoint records from the checkpoint le in the specied
range of dates;
■ The DELETE function deletes an Adabas le or a range of les from the database;
■ The DISPLAY function displays the UCB;
■ The DROP_FIELDS function marks the specied elds as not existing, which means that
they can no longer be accessed;
■ The DROP_LOBFILE function is the inverse function of ADAFDU ADD_LOBFILE;
■ The DROP_REFINT function drops an existing referential constraint;
■ The EXTEND_CONTAINER function extends the last container le dened for the database;
■ The NEW_DBID function changes the identier of the database in use;
■ The NEWWORK function allocates and formats a new Adabas WORK data set;
■ The PGM_REFRESH function is used to disable or enable refreshing an Adabas le inside
an application program with an E1 command;
■ The RECOVER function returns lost space to the FST;
■ The REDUCE_CONTAINER function reduces the size of the last container le dened for
the database;
■ The REFRESH function resets a le or a range of les to the state of zero records loaded;
■ The REMOVE_CONTAINER function deletes a container le;
■ The REMOVE_DROP function, used in conjunction with a subsequent REFRESH, removes
dropped elds from the FDT;
■ The REMOVE_REPLICATION function stops all replication processing and deletes the
replication system les;
■ The RENAME function changes the database name or the name of a loaded le;
■ The RENUMBER function renumbers a loaded le or exchanges the numbers of loaded les;

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■ The REPLICATION_FILES function creates the systems les required for Adabas - Adabas
■ The RESET function removes entries from the UCB;
■ The RESET_REPLICATION_TARGET function resets the replication target ag of Adabas

■ The REUSE function controls the reuse of data storage space or ISNs by Adabas;
■ The SYFMAX function species the maximum number of values generated for a system
generated multiple-value eld in the le specied.
Decompression of data

The ADADCUutility decompresses records to be used with a non-Adabas application program,

or as input for the compression utility ADACMP. The le to be decompressed must be unloaded
from the database (unload utility ADAULD) before it can be used as input for this utility. With
ADADCU, complete records can be decompressed, elds can be rearranged within a record,
default lengths can be changed, some types of elds can be truncated, formats can be changed
and space can be allocated for the addition of new elds.
Disk space management (UNIX only)

This utility consists of several functions for managing the disk space to be used by Adabas. It
can be used to preallocate space for a database.
Error le report

The ADAERR utility displays the contents of the error les generated by various utilities.
File denition

The le denition utility ADAFDU denes a le in the database. It only loads the FCB and the
FDT into the database and allocates the requested space for ASSO and DATA for the specied
File information report

The ADAFIN utility displays information about one or more les, e.g. FDT, descriptor statistics
and the ll percentage of blocks in the Data Storage, Normal Index and Upper/Main Index.
Format and create a new database

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The formatting utility ADAFRM allocates and formats the les that are used by Adabas (Asso-
ciator, Data Storage, WORK, TEMP and SORT). It can also format les which have been
preallocated by ADADEV.
Creating, removing and verifying inverted lists

The invert utility ADAINV creates, reinverts or removes inverted lists for a loaded le in a
database or validates specied descriptors.
This utility monitors the performance of an Adabas nucleus and displays statistics on a terminal.
Mass add and delete

The ADAMUP utility adds or deletes large numbers of records to/from a le in the database.
Starting the database, dening nucleus parameters

The ADANUC utility starts the database for online operations and denes the runtime envir-
Operator utility

The operator utility is used to operate the Adabas nucleus.

Reorder database or les, export/import les

The reorder utility ADAORD provides functions to reorganize a database or les within a
database (REORDER function) and to migrate les between databases (EXPORT and IMPORT
Protection log printout

This utility prints the protection log.

Print Adabas blocks

The ADAPRI utility prints the contents of a block or a range of blocks in the Associator, Data
Storage, WORK, TEMP or SORT for maintenance or auditing purposes.
Recovery of database or les

This utility reapplies updates made to the database (REGENERATE function).

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Database report

The ADAREP utility produces the database status report. This report contains information
about the current physical layout and logical contents of the database.

The information in this report includes the following: the amount and location of the space
currently allocated for the Associator and Data Storage; the amount and location of unused
space available for Associator andData Storage; database le summary; checkpoint information;
information about each le in the database (space allocation, space available, number of records
loaded, MAXISN setting, eld denitions).
Security functions

The security utility ADASCR creates, modies and deletes le protection levels and user
passwords, and enables the record locking capabilities of individual passwords (by using value
criteria for individual database les) to be set or modied. Additionally, the utility is used to
display le and password security information.
Issuing Adabas commands

This utility issues commands to an Adabas nucleus.

File unloading

The unload utility ADAULD unloads a le from a database or an Adabas backup copy and
produces compressed records with the same format as those produced by the compression
utility ADACMP. Unloaded records may be used as input for the decompression utility
ADADCU or with the mass update utility ADAMUP. Records can be unloaded from a database
in the sequence in which they are currently stored in Data Storage, in the sequence of a
descriptor or in ISN sequence. However, records can only be unloaded from a backup copy
in the order in which they were stored by the utility.
Database consistency check

This utility checks the consistency of the database. The General Control Block (GCB) is validated
together with each File Control Block (FCB) and each Field Denition Table (FDT) of the loaded
les. The index structure and Data Storage are validated. If specied, ADAVFY also looks for
lost RABNs.

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3   ADABAS (Starting The Database Nucleus)

■  Functional Overview  ........................................................................................................................ 16

■  Procedure Flow  ............................................................................................................................... 17
■  Control Parameter   ........................................................................................................................... 18

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 ADABAS (Starting The Database Nucleus)

This chapter describes the utility "ADABAS".

Note:   This utility is only available on Windows platforms.

Functional Overview

The utility ADABAS is used to start the database nucleus with the nucleus parameters that are
specied in the database initialization le (DBxxx.INI ) - if you start the database nucleus ADANUC
directly without parameters, the DBxxx.INI le is not evaluated, and the default values of the
nucleus parameters are used.

Note:   Control parameters and values cannot be entered interactively, and must be entered
at the command prompt when the utility is started.

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 ADABAS (Starting The Database Nucleus)

Procedure Flow

1. ADABAS reads the global initialization le %ADADIR%\ETC\ADABAS.INI to get the database
initialization le of the database to be started.
2. ADABAS reads the database initialization le to get the nucleus parameters of the database to
 be started.
3. ADABAS starts ADANUC with the parameters read.

Note:  Please refer to the Extended Operations section for further information about the database
initialization les.

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 ADABAS (Starting The Database Nucleus)

Control Parameter 

The following control parameter is available:

M [DBID =] number


[DBID =] number

This parameter selects the database to be used.


Database 20 can be started by entering either

adabas dbid=20


adabas 20

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4   ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

■  FunctionalOverview  ........................................................................................................................ 20
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................... 22
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................... 24

 Control Parameters  .......................................................................................................................... 25
■  Restart Considerations  ..................................................................................................................... 37

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

This chapter describes the utility "ADABCK".

Functional Overview

The backup utility ADABCK provides protection against database corruption by creating Adabas
 backup copies. ADABCK should be used at regular intervals.

The utility dumps or restores a database or selected les from/to a database.

Making use of the internal structure of the database, this utility provides optimum performance.
Unused blocks do not have to be read and can be omitted when dumping. Even though such
 blocks are not included in the Adabas backup copy, they can be re-created during a restore.

The backup copy can be directly assigned to tape: this option supports consecutive tapes (see  Ad-
ministration , Using Utilities).

Furthermore, a backup copy may be directed to stdout in order to support the piping of the backup
data (this feature is only available on UNIX platforms). This feature is enabled by setting the en-
vironment variable (BCK001) to '-' (minus). In this case, the output messages are directed to stderr.
The RESTORE and OVERLAY functions can also be used in this way, i.e. a backup copy can be
read from stdin. In this case, the ADABCK control statements must be given in the command line
(see Administration , Using Utilities).

The following functions are available:

■ The COPY function copies an Adabas backup copy;

■ The DUMP function dumps a database or selected les from a database to one or more sequential
les, which is called an Adabas backup copy. The nucleus may be active and parallel updates
are permitted on the les to be dumped while the dump is in progress;
■ The EXU_DUMP function dumps a database or selected les from a database to one or more
sequential les, which is called an Adabas backup copy. Only ACC users are permitted on the
les to be dumped while the dump is in progress;
■ The IOSTAT function prints information about the data transfer rate and the I/O waiting times.
■ The OVERLAY function restores selected les or a database. The les to be restored may already
 be loaded in the database: ADABCK performs an implicit delete before restoring such les;
■ The READ_CHECK function checks the readability (i.e. absence of parity errors) and completeness
of the Adabas backup copy. These checks ensure that the dump le can be read by the RESTORE
or OVERLAY function;
■ The RESTORE function restores a database or selected les from an existing Adabas backup
copy. If there are no security denitions for the les in the target database, the corresponding
entries (as they were dened at the time the les were dumped) are set up in the security table
when the le is restored;

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

■ The list functions CONTENTS, FILES and SUMMARY display information about an Adabas
 backup copy. When the list functions are used, the DBID does not have to be entered rst; the
exception to this is when the backup le is in a raw section. In this case, the DBID is required,
 but the database itself does not have to be present (UNIX platforms only).

The functions
one of DUMP,
them may EXU_DUMP,
be executed duringOVERLAY
a single runand RESTORE
of this are mutually
utility. The exclusive
list functions andbe
can only only
together with the READ_CHECK, RESTORE or OVERLAY function.

If you perform the RESTORE or OVERLAY function and the database is too small or database
containers are missing, ADABCK will automatically increase the size of the database or create the
missing containers.

Note:   The RESTORE and OVERLAY functions can process backup les created with earlier
Adabas versions, but not backup les created with later Adabas versions.

Caution:   If you don't use the Adabas INI les, but instead use environment variables to
specify the container le names, and if you forget to assign the environment variables/logical
names before you start ADABCK, a copy of the database will be created in the database
directory. If you perform a le overlay or restore when the Adabas nucleus is active, and
the database has to be extended, the database is extended by the nucleus, and not by AD-
ABCK. In this case, the nucleus extends the database even if OPTION=AUTOEXPAND was
NOT specied. If you use environment variables to specify the database containers, you
must consider the following when a new container has to be created for the restore/overlay:
it is important that the nucleus was started with the correct environment variable settings
for the new container - because the new containers are created by the nucleus, specifying
the environment variable for the ADABCK process has no eect.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

Procedure Flow

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Backup copy BCK00n Disk, Tape (see note 1) Output of
stdin/ DUMP/EXU_DUMPfunction,
SYS$INPUT (see note 2), input for other functions
SYS$OUTPUT (see note 3)
BCKOUT Disk, Tape (see note 1) Output of COPY function
Data storage DATAx Disk
Control statements stdin Utilities Manual

ADABCK messages stdout/ Messages and Codes

SYS$OUTPUT (see note 4),
SYS$ERR (see note 5)
Work WORK1 Disk

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)


1. A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (UNIX platforms only, see  Administration ,
Using Utilities for details).
2. For functions other than DUMP or EXU_DUMP (BCK001 only).
3. For DUMP or EXU_DUMP (BCK001 only).
4. If BCK001 is not stdout/SYS$OUTPUT.
5. If BCK001 is stdout/SYS$OUTPUT.

The sequential les BCK00n can have multiple extents. For detailed information about sequential
les with multiple extents, see  Administration , Using Utilities.


The following table shows the nucleus requirements for each function and the checkpoint written:

Function Nucleus must be active Nucleus must NOT be active Nucleus is NOT required Checkpoint written

DUMP X(see note 1) X SYNX
EXU_DUMP X(see note 1) X SYNX
OVERLAY X(see note 2) X(see note 3) SYNP
RESTORE X(see note 2) X(see note 3) SYNP


1. Nucleus only required when AUTORESTART is pending at the end of this function.

2. For restore of database or system les.

3. For restore of les.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:


COPY [= number]

M DBID = number

DUMP = {*|(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}
[,BLOCKSIZE = number [K|M]]
D [{,DRIVES = number} |
D {,[NO]DUAL } ]
[,ET_SYNC_WAIT = number]
EXU_DUMP = {*|(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}
[[,BLOCKSIZE = number [K|M]]
D [{,DRIVES = number} |
D {,[NO]DUAL} ]

FILES = { * | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}


OVERLAY = {*|(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}
[,FMOVE [=(number [,number [-number]]...)]]
[,FORMAT = (keyword [,keyword])]
[,NEW_DBID = number]
[,RENUMBER = (number[-number] [,number [-number]]...)]]

PARALLEL = keyword


RESTORE = {*|(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}
[,FMOVE [=(number [,number [-number]]...)]]
[,FORMAT = (keyword [,keyword])]
[,NEW_DBID = number]
[,RENUMBER = (number[-number] [,number [-number]]...)]]


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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)



This parameter displays a list of les in an Adabas backup copy created with the DUMP or
EXU_DUMP function.


adabck: contents

Database dumped on 14-JUL-2005 14:49:17

Database 76, DOKU-DATABASE

File 1, CHECKPOINT-FILE , loaded on 12-JUL-2005 14:57:05

File 2, SECURITY-FILE , loaded on 12-JUL-2005 14:57:05
File 3, USER-DATA-FILE , loaded on 12-JUL-2005 14:57:05
File 9, EMPLOYEES-FILE , loaded on 12-JUL-2005 14:57:08
File 11, EMPLOYEES-NAT , loaded on 12-JUL-2005 14:57:09
File 12, VEHICLES , loaded on 12-JUL-2005 14:57:11
File 13, MISCELLANEOUS , loaded on 12-JUL-2005 14:57:10


COPY [= number]

This function creates a new le from an existing Adabas backup copy. The input le (BCK0xx)
and the output le (BCKOUT) may be on either disk or tape, where xx is either the specied
number, or 01 if no number is explicitly specied.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.


DUMP = { * | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}
[,BLOCKSIZE = number [K|M]]
[ {,DRIVES = number} |
{, [NO]DUAL } ]
[,ET_SYNC_WAIT = number ]

At the le level, this function dumps the les specied by the numbers in the list. LOB les specied
are ignored, but the LOB les assigned to all base les are dumped too. An asterisk '*' species

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

that the complete database is to be dumped. Parallel updates are permitted on the les to be
dumped while the dump is in progress.

If the nucleus is running in parallel (online backup), ADABCK must ensure that all transactions
aecting the dumped les are completed by all users before ADABCK terminates. This is called

ET synchronization
information. - please arefer
If you perform dumpto the section
at the  ET Synchronization
le level  Administration for
with the option inNONEW_PLOG, thefurther
ET syn-
chronization is performed at the le level; otherwise the ET synchronization is performed for the
complete database.

If you specify les with referential constraints, all les connected to these les via referential
constraints must also be specied in order to maintain referential integrity.

BLOCKSIZE = number[K|M]

This parameter can be specied to change the I/O transfer blocksize. If PARALLEL is specied,

the default
1MB, 2MB, blocksize is 512
... 12MB. The KB. The specied
blocksize followingwill
values can beinspecied:
be used 64KB,RESTORE
a subsequent 128KB, 256KB, 512KB,

DRIVES = number 

This parameter limits the maximum number of output devices to be operated in parallel. It can
 be used to split a backup le into several extents. The output is sent to BCK0xx.

The default value is 1 and the maximum value is 10.

The parameters DRIVES and DUAL are mutually exclusive, and only one of them may be specied
in a given call of the DUMP function.


DUAL species that two physical copies of the dumped information are to be created. The output
is sent to BCK001 and BCK002.

The default is NODUAL.

The parameters DUAL and DRIVES are mutually exclusive, and only one of them may be specied
in a given call of the DUMP function.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

ET_SYNC_WAIT = number 

This parameter denes the time (in seconds) that ADABCK waits for ET-logic users to come to ET
status at the end of the DUMP function.

If this parameter is omitted, the value currently in eect for the database nucleus (ADANUC
parameter TT) is taken.

The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 32767.


This option species whether or not to close the protection log le and create a new log le at the
end of the DUMP function.

The default for a database dump is NEW_PLOG, and for a le dump it is NONEW_PLOG.

Caution:   Before V6.3 SP1 Fix 13, the default for a le dump was NEW_PLOG. In most cases,
this change is of no consequence, but if you really need the PLOG switch, you must specify
NEW_PLOG explicitly.


EXU_DUMP = {*|(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}
[,BLOCKSIZE = number [K|M]]
[ {,DRIVES = number} |
{,[NO]DUAL} ]

At the le level, this function dumps the les specied by the numbers in the list. LOB les specied
are ignored, but the LOB les assigned to all base les are dumped too. An asterisk '*' species
that the complete database is to be dumped. Only ACC users are permitted on the les to be
dumped while the dump is in progress. ET-synchronization is not required.

If you specify les with referential constraints, all les connected to these les via referential
constraints must also be specied in order to maintain referential integrity.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

BLOCKSIZE = number[K|M]

This parameter can be specied to change the I/O transfer blocksize. If PARALLEL is specied,
the default blocksize is 512 KB. The following values can be specied: 64KB, 128KB, 256KB, 512KB,
1MB, 2MB, ... 12MB. The blocksize specied will be used in a subsequent RESTORE function.

DRIVES = number 

This parameter limits the maximum number of output devices to be operated in parallel. It can
 be used to split a backup le into several extents. The output is sent to BCK0xx.

The default value is 1 and the maximum value is 10.

The parameters DRIVES and DUAL are mutually exclusive, and only one of them may be specied
in a given call of the DUMP function.


DUAL species that two physical copies of the dumped information are to be created. The output
is sent to BCK001 and BCK002.

The default is NODUAL.

The parameters DUAL and DRIVES are mutually exclusive, and only one of them may be specied
in a given call of the DUMP function.


This option species whether or not to close the protection log le and create a new log le at the
end of the EXU_DUMP function.

This option must not be used if dumping single les.

The default is NEW_PLOG for EXU_DUMP=*.

Examples 1-3

In the examples below, the les 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 13 are loaded in the selected database.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

Example 1

adabck: dump = * , drives = 2

The database is dumped with two output devices operating in parallel.

Example 2

adabck: exu_dump = 8 , dual

File 8 is dumped and two physical copies are created. Only ACC users are allowed on le 8 while
the dump is in progress.

Example 3

adabck: dump = (8-11,13,6,1-4), et_sync_wait = 5

Files 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 13 are dumped. ADABCK allows a maximum of 5 seconds for ET-logic
users to come to ET status.


FILES = { * | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}

This parameter displays status information of the specied les in a dump le.



If this parameter is specied, the data transfer rate and the I/O (waiting) times on the various
devices are printed at the end of ADABCK processing.


adabck db=36 parallel=multi_process dump=\* drives=3 iostat

Dump Method : parallel
Blocksizes : DB: 512 KB BCK: 512 KB
DB I/O time : total: 27.09 sec average: 8084 us
BCK 1 I/O time : total: 1.16 sec average: 7606 us
BCK 2 I/O time : total: 0.00 sec average: 944 us
BCK 3 I/O time : total: 1.24 sec average: 1375 us
Wait rates : waits nowaits rate mreq
DB : 1439 1898 43% 8

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

Transfer rate : 15215 KB/sec


%ADABCK-I-IOCNT, 2 IOs on dataset WORK

%ADABCK-I-IOCNT, 3147 IOs on dataset DATA
%ADABCK-I-IOCNT, 229 IOs on dataset ASSO
%ADABCK-I-IOCNT, 153 IOs on dataset BCK001
%ADABCK-I-IOCNT, 2 IOs on dataset BCK002
%ADABCK-I-IOCNT, 906 IOs on dataset BCK003

The IOSTAT statistics display the following information:

Dump Method
Either parallel or non-parallel, depending on the setting of the PARALLEL parameter.
DB I/O time
The total I/O time in seconds and the average time per I/O operation in microseconds for the
access to the ASSO and DATA containers.
BCK n I/O time
The total I/O time in seconds and the average time per I/O operation in microseconds for the
access to the backup les.

Note:   The I/O time measured is the time required for the I/O system functions. This may be
dierent from the physical I/O times actually required to accessing the disks because of
caches in the operating system or in the storage system and because of usage of asynchronous

Wait rates (only for dump method parallel)

Fora parallel backup/restore, theI/Os for the database containers are performedasynchronously.
The wait rate shows for how many ASSO or DATA I/Os a wait operation is required. mreq is
the maximum number of parallel I/O requests for database containers.

Note:  Only the I/Os for the real backup or restore are counted. During the startup phase
of ADABCK, some additional I/Os are required; therefore the sum of wait and nowait
I/Os is less than the sum of ASSO and DATA I/Os.

BF sync count (only for a backup in online mode)

In the case of a backup in online mode during a buer ush, synchronization with the nucleus
is required in order to guarantee that the modied database blocks written to disk by the
 buer ush are also written to the backup le(s). The BF sync count is the number of these
 buer ush synchronizations.
ET sync time (only for a backup in online mode)
At the end of a backup in online mode, an ET synchronization is required, i.e. ADABCK must
wait until all ET logic users come to ET status. The ET sync time is the time required for this
ET synchronization.
Transfer rate
This is the number of kilobytes read from or written to the backup le(s) per second.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)


1. For the transfer rate, only the pure backup/restore time is taken into consideration, but not
the time required for the preparation of the backup/restore. Therefore, the transfer rate may
 be higher than the transfer rate you would get if you compute the transfer rate based on
the total elapsed time of ADABCK.
2. In the case of small backups, rounding errors may occur in the computation. Therefore, for
very small backups the transfer rate is not displayed, because the value would be too inac-
3. Because usually many database blocks are not lled completely, and because only the net
data are copied to the backup le(s), the transfer rate is less than the rate you would get if
you consider the processed database space.


OVERLAY = {*|(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}
[,FMOVE [=(number [,number [-number]]...)]]
[,FORMAT = (keyword [,keyword] ) ]
[,NEW_DBID = number]
[,RENUMBER = (number[-number] [,number [-number]]...)]]

This function restores the les specied by the numbers in the list at le level. LOB les specied
are ignored, but the LOB les assigned to all base les are restored too. The les to be restored
may already be loaded in the database. ADABCK performs an implicit delete before restoring
such les. If only one le of a LOB group is overlaid, the other le of the LOB group is also deleted.
An asterisk ('*') species that a restore is to be made at the database level. Exclusive control over
the database container les is required.

Only the specied les are overlayed, even if there are referential integrity constraints to other
les; these referential integrity constraints are removed.

FMOVE [=(number [,number [-number]]...)]

If this keyword is specied, ADABCK reallocates all les to be overlayed or the specied subset
rather than attempting to restore them in the same block ranges as in the backup. Using this
keyword reduces the number of le extents as much as possible.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

FORMAT = (keyword [,keyword])

The keywords ASSO and/or DATA may be specied. This parameter is used to format Associator
and/or Data Storage blocks. When restoring at the le level, only blocks contained in the unused
areas of the les' extents are formatted.


If this parameter is specied, ADABCK tries to keep the allocation of the le as it currently is in
the database, as opposed to restoring it with the same block ranges as on the backup. This keyword
can, for example, be used when a le has been reorganized since the backup was made or also if
more space has since been preallocated to the le. If the le on the backup has more blocks allocated
than are currently available in the database, the remaining blocks will be allocated in an arbitrary
location. This keyword can only be used in conjunction with a le list.

NEW_DBID = number 

This parameter can be used to change the identier of the database to be restored. This parameter
can only be specied when restoring a complete database.

A new identier can be used to restore a backup copy of an active database into a dierent set of
container les. The new identier may not be identical to that of another active database.

If this parameter is omitted, the database identier remains unchanged.

RENUMBER = (number[-number] [,number [-number]]...)

RENUMBER is used to renumber the les to be overlayed in the target database. The following
restrictions and requirements apply:

■ There must be a 1:1 relationship between the les specied in the OVERLAY le list and the
RENUMBER le list.
■ If you specify a range in the OVERLAY le list, the corresponding range in the RENUMBER
le list must be the same size.
■ Normally it is not necessary to specify LOB les in the OVERLAY le list. However, if the LOB
le is also to be renumbered, the LOB le must also be specied.
■ Files may occur more than once in the OVERLAY le list, for example: (11-55),(44-99). In this

case, you are not allowed to specify dierent target le numbers for the same source le numbers.
For the example le list, it is correct to specify RENUMBER=(1011-1055,1044-1099), whereas
RENUMBER=(1011-1055,2044-2099) is incorrect.
■ It is not allowed to renumber more than one le to the same target le number.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)


PARALLEL = keyword

This parameter can be specied to increase processing speed when creating/restoring from backups
on slow devices (e.g. tape drives) by using parallel devices. The keyword MULTI_PROCESS can
 be used. If PARALLEL=MULTI_PROCESS is specied, the default value of the BLOCKSIZE
parameter changes to 512 KB.

The ADABCK operation is only performed in parallel if the number of backup les (ADABCK
subparameter DRIVES for DUMP or EXU_DUMP) is greater than 1.


1. If it is to be used, PARALLEL must be specied after the DBID parameter and before the DUMP,

2. The PARALLEL parameter is not supported on Windows platforms.

3. It is possible to pass the output of ADABCK DUMP or ADABCK EXU_DUMP to named pipes,
which can be directly used as input for an ADABCK RESTORE or ADABCK OVERLAY in order
to copy a database or some les from one database to another database.
4. The PARALLEL parameter does not improve the performance of the READ_CHECK function.



This function checks the readability (i.e. absence of parity errors) and completeness of the Adabas
 backup copy. These checks are made to ensure that the dump le can be used to restore the database
or les with the RESTORE or OVERLAY function of this utility.


RESTORE = {*|(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}
[,FMOVE [=(number [,number [-number]]...)]]
[,FORMAT = (keyword [,keyword] ) ]
[,NEW_DBID = number]
[,RENUMBER = (number[-number] [,number [-number]]...)]]

This function restores the les specied by the numbers in the list at the le level. LOB les specied
are ignored, but the LOB les assigned to all base les are restored too. If a le list is given, the
les to be restored must not be loaded in the database. An '*' species that a restore is to be made
at the database level. In this case, the les may already be loaded in the database and will implicitly
 be deleted or substituted by les in the dump with identical le numbers. Exclusive control over
the database container les is required.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)

Only the specied les are restored, even if there are referential integrity constraints to other les;
these referential integrity constraints are removed.

Note:   You can only use RESTORE=* if the dump le was created with DUMP=* or

FMOVE [=(number [,number [-number]]...)]

If this keyword is specied, ADABCK reallocates all les to be restored or the specied subset
rather than attempting to restore them in the same block ranges as in the backup. Using this
keyword reduces the number of le extents as much as possible.

FORMAT = (keyword [,keyword])

The keywords ASSO and/or DATA may be specied. This parameter is used to format Associator
and/or Data Storage blocks. When restoring at the le level, only blocks contained in the unused
areas of the les' extents are formatted.
NEW_DBID = number 

This parameter can be used to change the identier of the database to be restored. This parameter
can only be specied when restoring a complete database.

A new identier can be used to restore a backup copy of an active database into a dierent set of
container les. The new identier may not be identical to that of another active database.

If this parameter is omitted, the database identier remains unchanged.

RENUMBER = (number[-number] [,number [-number]]...)

RENUMBER is used to renumber the les to be restored in the target database. The following re-
strictions and requirements apply:

■ There must be a 1:1 relationship between the les specied in the RESTORE le list and the
RENUMBER le list.
■ If you specify a range in the RESTORE le list, the corresponding range in the RENUMBER le
list must be the same size.
■ Normally it is not necessary to specify LOB les in the RESTORE le list. However, if the LOB
le is also to be renumbered, the LOB le must also be specied.
■ Files may occur more than once in the RESTORE le list, for example: (11-55),(44-99). In this
case, you are not allowed to specify dierent target le numbers for the same source le numbers.
For the example le list, it is correct to specify RENUMBER=(1011-1055,1044-1099), whereas
RENUMBER=(1011-1055,2044-2099) is incorrect.
■ It is not allowed to renumber more than one le to the same target le number.

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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)


It is assumed that none of the les specied in the DUMP examples above are loaded in the selected

adabck: restore = *

The complete database is restored. The output of DUMP=* or EXU_DUMP=* may be used as input
for this example. The nucleus must be inactive.

adabck: restore = 8

File 8 is restored. The output of any of the DUMP/EXU_DUMP examples above can be used as
input for this example. The nucleus may be active (assuming that le 8 is neither the checkpoint
le nor the security le).

adabck: restore = (11-13, 1, 4-8)

Only the outputs of the rst and last DUMP/EXU_DUMP example could be used. The output of
the last example would restore les 1, 4, 6, 8, 11 and 13, whereas that of the rst example would
restore les 7 and 12 as well.



This parameter displays general information and physical layout of the database in the Adabas
 backup copy created by a previous run of the DUMP/EXU_DUMP function.


adabck: summary

Database dumped on 14-JUL-2005 14:49:17

Database 76, DOKU-DATABASE

Summary of Database 76 14-JUL-2005 14:49:18



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 ADABCK (Dump And Restore Database Or Files)



Container Device Extents in Blocks Number of Block Total Size

File Type from to Blocks Size (Megabytes)

ASSO1 file 1 1,536 1,536 2KB 3.00 MB

DATA1 file 1 768 768 4KB 3.00 MB

WORK1 file 1 1,365 1,365 3KB 4.00 MB

10.00 MB

Restart Considerations

ADABCK has no restart capability. An abnormally-terminated ADABCK execution must be rerun

from the beginning.

An interrupted RESTORE/OVERLAY of one or more les will result in lost RABNs which can be
recovered by executing the RECOVER function of the utility ADADBM. An interrupted RE-
STORE/OVERLAY of a database results in a database that cannot be accessed.

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5   ADACLP (Command Log Report)

■  FunctionalOverview  ........................................................................................................................ 40
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................... 41
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................... 42

 Control Parameters  .......................................................................................................................... 42
■  Specifying Multiple Selection Criteria  ................................................................................................... 48

39 47/431
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 ADACLP (Command Log Report)

This chapter describes the utility "ADACLP".

Functional Overview

The ADACLP utility prints the command log with a line width of 132 characters.

Note:   ADACLP can only process command logs of nucleus sessions that were started with
the ADANUCparameter CLOGLAYOUT=5 (5 is the default value). Please refer to ADANUC ,
CLOGLAYOUT for further information.

A record is written in the command log for each Adabas command issued. Command logging
must be enabled during Adabas startup with the nucleus parameter LOGGING, or when the
nucleus is already active with the ADAOPR parameter LOGGING.

Note: For performance reasons, the Adabas nucleus determines thecommand start timestamp
only if command logging has been enabled. For this reason, the command start date and
the command duration are not displayed for Adabas commands that are already active but
not yet nished when command logging is switched on.

Any of the ADACLP parameters selects a subset of the command log information.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADACLP (Command Log Report)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Command log CLPCLG Disk, Tape (* see note) Utilities Manual,

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADACLP report stdout/ Messages and Codes

Note:   (*) A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (not on OpenVMS, see Adminis-
tration , Using Utilities for details).

The sequential les CLPCLG can have multiple extents. For detailed information about sequential
les with multiple extents, see  Administration , Using Utilities.

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 ADACLP (Command Log Report)


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:


CLASS = (keyword[,keyword]...)

CLOG = (number[,number])
COMMAND = (keyword[,keyword]...)

DATE = ([absolute-date][,[absolute-date]])

DBID = number

D DISPLAY = (keyword[,keyword]...)

D ES_ID [=number]

D FILE = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)


D LOGIN_ID = string

NODE_ID = string

D PAGE = number

D RECORDS = number[-number]

RESPONSE = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

D USER_ID = string

D WIDTH = number

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 ADACLP (Command Log Report)



This option can be used to display the Additions 2 eld instead of the command ID.

The default is NOADDITIONS_2.


CLASS = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This parameter selects the log records whose command codes belong to the specied command
class. All records are selected if neither the CLASS parameter nor the COMMAND parameter is

CLASS and COMMAND are mutually exclusive.

The following keywords can be used:


CONTROL Selects control commands such as `open' and `close';

FIND Selects nd commands;
READ Selects read commands;
UPDATE Selects update commands.


adaclp: class = find

The log records of the commands S1, S2, S4, S8 and S9 are selected.


CLOG = (number [,number])

This parameter is required if the command log is within a raw section. It is optional if the command
log is within a le system. The CLOG number and the extension count can be specied. If no ex-
tension count is specied, Adabas will open subsequent extents as necessary. If an extent count
is specied, then only the specied extent will be processed.

Note:   This parameter applies to UNIX platforms only.

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 ADACLP (Command Log Report)


COMMAND = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This parameter selects the log records with an Adabas command code specied by the keywords.
Up to ten keywords can be dened. If neither the COMMAND parameter nor the CLASS parameter
is specied, all records are selected.

COMMAND and CLASS are mutually exclusive.

All valid Adabas commands (A1...S9) can be used as keywords (see Command Reference for further


DATE = ([absolute-date] [,[absolute-date]])

This parameter
strings selects thetolog
must correspond therecords in the
following range specied
absolute date and by theformat:
time optional date strings. The date


Leading zeroes in the date and time specication may be omitted. Any numbers not specied are
set to 0, for example 28-jul-2012 is equivalent to 28-jul-2012:00:00:00.

By default, all log records are selected.


adaclp: date = 8-aug-2012

The log record written on 8-AUG-2012 00:00:00 is selected

adaclp: date = (8-aug-2012:12,)

All log records written from 8-AUG-2012 12:00:00 onwards are selected.

adaclp: date = (,8-aug-2012:12:34)

All log records written up to 8-AUG-2012 12:34:00 are selected.

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 ADACLP (Command Log Report)


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used. This parameter must be specied when the CLOG
to be used is on a raw device.

Note:   This parameter applies to UNIX platforms only.


DISPLAY = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This parameter is used to display various kinds of information from the command log. The
keywords shown in the following table are available. Information for these keywords can only be
displayed if corresponding data was logged during the nucleus session.


CB   ■  Command log record number

■  Starting date and time of the command
■  Duration of the command in microseconds
■  User ID specied in the corresponding OP command
■  Node ID
■  Login ID or, if ES_ID was specied, environment-specic ID
■  Selected elds of the control block

 '*' in column 'X' indicates utility or exclusive le usage
■  The thread which processed the command
■  I/O statistics

Note:  For command logs created with versions lower than Version 6.3 SP1, the duration of
the command is displayed in milliseconds.
FB Format buer.
FULL_CB All elds of the control block. Other information shown for DISPLAY=CB is not shown here.
IB ISN buer.
IO IO list.
RB Record buer.
SB Search buer.
STATISTICS Command statistics of the selected records.
VB Value buer.

The default is DISPLAY = CB.

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 ADACLP (Command Log Report)


ES_ID [ = number]

This parameter causes the environment-specic ID to be displayed instead of the login ID.

If a number is specied, only records with information for the specied environment-specic ID
(process ID) will be selected.

By default, all records are selected.


FILE = (number [- number] [,number [- number]]...)

This parameter selects the log records with commands that reference the le(s) specied by
number or range of numbers. A maximum of 20 les may be specied.

By default, all records are selected.



If this parameter is set to HEXADECIMAL, the record buer and value buer are displayed in
hexadecimal format (when DISPLAY=RB or DISPLAY=VB is specied).

The default is NOHEXADECIMAL.

LOGIN_ID = string

This parameter selects all records with the specied login ID.

By default, all records are selected.


NODE_ID = string

This parameter selects the log records from the specied node.
The node identication shown while processing ADAOPR with the parameter DISPLAY = UQ
must be used.

This parameter is valid only if ENTIRE NET-WORK is installed.

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 ADACLP (Command Log Report)


PAGE = number

This parameter denes the page size, in lines, used for the printout.

The default is 59 lines.


RECORDS = number [-number]

This parameter selects the log records in the specied range of log record numbers. Log record
numbers start with 1 after the log is switched on.

By default, all records are selected.


RESPONSE = (number [- number] [,number [- number]] ... )

This parameter selects the records with the specied response code or range of response codes.


USER_ID = string

This parameter selects the records with the user ID specied in `string'.

By default, all users are selected.


user_id = *adarep

All records that represent commands issued from the utility ADAREP are selected.

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 ADACLP (Command Log Report)


WIDTH = number

This parameter selects the output line width. Valid values are 80 and 132.

The default is 132.

Specifying Multiple Selection Criteria

If multiple selection criteria are specied, they are combined by a logical AND, e.g.

command = l3, file = 5

This selects all L3 commands on le 5.

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6   ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

■  FunctionalOverview  ........................................................................................................................ 50
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................... 51
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................... 52

 Control Parameters  .......................................................................................................................... 52
■  Output  ........................................................................................................................................... 64
■  Report  ........................................................................................................................................... 65
■  Restart Considerations  ..................................................................................................................... 65

49 57/431
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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

This chapter describes the utility "ADACMP".

Functional Overview

The compression utility ADACMP compresses user raw data into a form which can be used by
the mass update utility ADAMUP.

The input data for this utility must be contained in a sequential le. LOB eld values can also be
provided in separate les.

The logical structure and characteristics of the input data are described by a eld denition table
(FDT). These statements specify the level number, eld name, standard length and format together
with any denition options that are to be assigned to the eld (descriptor, unique descriptor,
multiple-value eld, null value suppression, xed storage, periodic group). See  Administration ,
FDT Record Structure for more detailed information about the layout of the le in the database and
characteristics of the input data.

Each eld in the input record without the option SY (system generated) is compressed. Compression
consists of removing trailing blanks from alphanumeric elds and leading zeros from numeric
elds. Unpacked and packed elds are checked for correct data. Fields dened with the xed
storage option are not compressed. A user exit is provided to allow additional editing of each input
record with a user-written routine.

System generated elds are either regenerated or decompressed, depending on the keyword
specied for the ADACMP parameter SYFINPUT.

This utility creates three types of output les:

■ Compressed data.
■ Descriptor values.
■ Records with errors.

The sizes of the descriptor values of all descriptors are listed at the end of execution.

If the utility writes records to the error le, it will exit with a non-zero status.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

Procedure Flow

The sequential les CMPDTA, CMPDVT and CMPERR can have multiple extents. For detailed
information about sequential les with multiple extents, see  Administration , Using Utilities, Adabas

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

Sequential Files, Multiple Extents  . CMPLOB is a directory that contains les which may be stored
as LOB values in the database.

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium

Logical Name
Associator ASSOx Disk
Compressed data CMPDTA Disk, Tape (* see note) output by ADACMP
Descriptor Value Table CMPDVT Disk, Tape (* see note) output by ADACMP
Rejected data CMPERR Disk, Tape (* see note) output by ADACMP
Input data FDT CMPFDT Disk, Tape (* see note) Utilities Manual
User input data CMPIN Disk (* see note) Utilities Manual
User LOB input data CMPLOB Disk Utilities Manual
ADACMP stdin/ Utilities Manual

control statements SYS$INPUT

ADACMP messages stdout/ Messages and Codes

Note:   (*) A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (see Administration , Using Utilities,
 Adabas Sequential Files, Using Named Pipes for details).

If the SINGLE_FILE option is set, the Descriptor Value Table (DVT) and the compressed user data
are written together to the logical name CMPDTA.


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

DBID = number



FIELDS {uncompressed_field_definition | FDT}...{END_OF_FIELDS | . }

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

FILE = number




D MUPE_C_L = {1|2|4}


D NUMREC = number


SEPARATOR = character | \character



SKIPREC = number

D SOURCE_ARCHITECTURE = (keyword[,keyword][,keyword])

D SYFINPUT = keyword

D TZ {=|:} [timezone]



D WCHARSET = char_set


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database that contains the le to be specied by the FILE parameter.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)



The parameter DST is required if a daylight saving time indicator is provided for date/time elds
with the option TZ. The daylight saving time indicator must be appended behind the date/time
value as a 2-byte integer value (format F) that contains the number of seconds to be added to the
standard time in order to get the actual time (usually 0 or 3600).

Without the parameter DST, it is not possible to dene time values in the hour before the time is
switched back to standard time.

The default is NODST.


1. The DST parameter is ignored if the FIELDS parameter is specied. In this case, you must specify
a D element for elds with the daylight saving time indicator.
2. The DST parameter is not compatible with the RECORD_STRUCTURE = NEWLINE_SEPAR-
ATOR parameter because the daylight saving indicator in format F contains non-printable


A DT eld has the following denition: 1,DT,8,P,DT=E(DATE_TIME),TZ

The following values must then be specied for this eld:

The local date/time value corresponding to the edit mask DATE_TIME as an 8-byte packed
■ The daylight saving time indicator, usually 0 for standard time and 3600 for summer time as a
2-byte xed point value

Case 1 (DT has a date/time value with daylight saving time): 0x0200910250230000E10
Case 2 (DT has a date/time value with standard time): 0x0200910250230000000



If this parameter is the rst parameter that is specied, ADACMP reads the FDT information
contained in the sequential le CMPFDT. If it is specied in conjunction with the DBID and FILE
parameters, the FDT of the specied le is displayed.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)


FIELDS {uncompressed_field_definition | FDT}...{END_OF_FIELDS | . }

This parameter is used to specify a subset of elds given in the FDT and their format and length.
This means that the input records do not have to contain all of the elds given in the FDT, or that
elds can be provided with a dierent format or length. The syntax and semantics are the same
as for the format buer, with the exception that you can also specify an R-element (for LOB refer-
ences) if the decompressed record contains the name of a le containing the LOB value instead of
the LOB value itself. See  Administration , Loading and Unloading Data, Uncompressed Data Format for
more detailed information.

While entering the specication list, the FDT function can be used to display the FDT of the le
to be decompressed. The specication list can be terminated or interrupted by entering
END_OF_FIELDS or `.'. The `.' option is an implicit END_OF_FIELDS and is compatible with the
format buer syntax. FIELDS or END_OF_FIELDS must always be entered on a line by itself,
whereas the `.' may be entered on a line by itself or at the end of the format buer elements.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESparameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.


FILE = number

This parameter species the le from which the FDT information is to be read. This parameter
can only be specied after the DBID parameter.


If LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES is specied, Adabas eld names are not converted to upper

case. If NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESis specied, Adabas eld names are converted to upper
case. The default is NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES.

This parameter must be specied before the FIELDS parameter.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)



This parameter species whether LA and LB eld values are to be stored in a LOB le after loading
the compressed data into the database:

■ If the parameters DBID and le number have been specied, this parameter is ignored, and the
eld is handled as described below;
■ If the parameters DBID and le number have not been specied and LOBS is specied, eld
values for LA and LB elds are prepared for storage in a LOB le, except the eld is dened as
a descriptor.
■ If the parameters DBID and le number have not been specied and NOLOBS is specied, eld
values for LA and LB elds are prepared for storage in the base le. In this case, the length of
eld values for LA and LB elds must not exceed 16381 bytes and the compressed record must
t into a 32 KB DATA block.

Please note that LA and LB elds which are descriptors or parent elds of a derived descriptor,
e.g. a super descriptor, are always handled as described for the NOLOBS parameter.

Default behaviour is as follows:

■ If the parameters DBID and le number have been specied and the le is a base le with cor-
responding LOB le, LOBS is default.
■ If the parameters DBID and le number have been specied and the le is not a base le with
corresponding LOB le, NOLOBS is default.
■ If the parameters DBID and le number have not been specied, LOBS is default.



This parameter species the maximum size of a decompressed record in bytes, kilobytes or
megabytes, depending on the specication of "K" or "M" after the number. This parameter is inten-
ded to recognize invalid CMPIN les as early as possible.

The default is 65536. This is also the minimum value.


1. This parameter does not include the size of LOB values stored in separate les.
2. The exact denition of this parameter is the size of the I/O buer required for the largest decom-
pressed record. Only multiples of 256 bytes are used for the I/O buers, which means that you
must specify a value greater than or equal to the largest decompressed record (including the
preceding length eld) rounded up to the next multiple of 256.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)


MUPE_C_L = {1|2|4}

If the uncompressed data contain multiple-value elds or periodic groups, they are preceded by
a binary count eld with the length of MUPE_C_L bytes.

The default is 1.



The parameter NULL_VALUE is required if you are compressing data according to the standard
FDT and the status values of the NC option elds are given in the input data. Normally, such input
data is generated by ADADCU with the NULL_VALUE option set.

The default is NONULL_VALUE.


The denition in the FDT for the eld AA is: 1, AA, 2, A, NC

Case 1 (AA has a non-NULL value): input record (hexadecimal) = 00004142

Case 2 (AA has a NULL value): input record (hexadecimal) = FFFF2020


NUMREC = number
This parameter species the number of input records to be processed. If this parameter is omitted,
all input records contained on the input le are processed.

Use of this parameter is recommended for the initial execution of ADACMP if the input data le
contains a large number of records. This avoids unnecessary processing of all records in cases
where a data denition error or invalid input data results in a large number of rejected records.

This parameter is also useful for creating small les for test purposes.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)



This parameter species the type of record separation used in the input le with the environment
variable CMPIN. The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning

ELENGTH_PREFIX The records in the CMPIN le are separated by a two-byte exclusive length eld.
E4LENGTH_PREFIX The records in the decompressed data le are separated by a 4-byte exclusive
length eld.
ILENGTH_PREFIX The records in the CMPIN le are separated by a two-byte inclusive length eld.
I4LENGTH_PREFIX The records in the decompressed data le are separated by a 4-byte inclusive
length eld.
NEWLINE_SEPARATOR The records in the CMPIN le are separated by a new-line character. This
keyword may only be specied if the eld values do not contain characters
interpreted as new-line (i.e. if there are only unpacked, alphanumeric and
Unicode elds, and the alphanumeric and Unicode elds contain only printable
characters). This keyword and the USERISN parameter are mutually exclusive.
RDW The records in the CMPIN le contain data that has been transferred from an
IBM host using the FTP site rdw option. ADACMP is able to process such data
without having to use  cvt_fmt rst (in previous versions, the unsupported tool
cvt_fmt was used for such format conversions). For example:

% ftp IBM-host
ftp> binary
200 Representation type is Image
ftp> site rdw
200 Site command was accepted
ftp> get decomp
% setenv CMPIN decomp
% adacmp fdt record_structure=rdw source=(ebcdic,high)

RDW_HEADER Like RDW, for data decompressed on a mainframe with HEADER=YES.

VARIABLE_BLOCKED The variable blocked format from BS2000 or IBM.

The default is ELENGTH_PREFIX.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)


SEPARATOR = character | \character

If you specify this option, ADACMP expects the elds in the raw data record to be separated by
the character specied. You can omit the apostrophes round the character specication if the
character has no special meaning for the Adabas utilities. The same elds in dierent records are
then permitted to be of dierent lengths.

If a format buer is specied using the FIELDS parameter, the order of the specied eld names
must correspond with the order in which the elds are specied in the FDT. A mismatch results
if this is not the case.

If the FDT contains multiple value elds or periodic groups, a format buer must be specied
with the FIELDS parameter. Members of periodic groups must be ordered by 1) periodic group
index and 2) eld sequence in the FDT (see example 2 below).

Because no binary data is expected in the input le using the SEPARATOR option, the RE-
CORD_STRUCTURE parameter will be set to NEWLINE_SEPARATOR.

Example 1

FDT: 1, AA, 2, U
1, AB, 8, U
1, AC, 2, A

CMPIN: 12;12345678;AA


or for UNIX

adacmp fdt separator=\\\;


adacmp fdt separator='\;'

In this example, 2 records are compressed with the default FDT, the separator character is the
semicolon, and the default record structure is NEWLINE_SEPARATOR. Note that the semicolon
must be preceded by a backslash, otherwise it would be treated as the start of a comment. If you
enter the parameters under UNIX directly from the command line, it is necessary to precede the
 backslash and the semicolon by additional backslashes or to put them in quotes or double quotes
since they are special characters.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

Example 2

FDT: 1, XX, PE
2, AA, 8, A
2, AB, 8, U
1, YY, 2, A

Correct: CMPIN: aaaa,1,bbbb,2,yy

Command: adacmp fdt separator=, fields AA1,AB1,AA2,AB2,YY.

First, the field values for the periodic group index 1 are
specified, and then the field values for periodic group index 2.

Invalid: CMPIN: aaaa,bbbb,1,2,yy

Command: adacmp fdt separator=, fields AA1-2,AB1-2,YY.
The fields specification is invalid because the 2nd value of
AA is specified before the 1st value of AB; you will get
the error SEPINV.

In this example, 1 record with elds given in the format buer is compressed, the separator char-
acter is the comma.

Example 3

FDT: 1, AA, 8, A
1, MA, 1, A, MU

CMPIN: aaaa%2%A%B

adacmp dbid=9 file=15 separator=%, fields "AA,MAC,1,U,MA1-N"

In this example, 2 records with elds given in the format buer are compressed, the occurrence
count or the multiple value eld MA is dierent in dierent records. The separator character is
the percent character.



that is specied, it is possible to omit elds at the end of the decompressed record
contain null values.

The default is NOSHORT_RECORDS.

You can only omit complete elds; it is not possible to truncate the last value:

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)


Assuming you have specied the parameters for a le containing alphanumeric elds AA and


Then the following record is allowed:

"Field AA "

The following record is not allowed:

"Field AA"



If the SINGLE_FILE option is set, ADACMP writes the Descriptor Value Table (DVT) and the
compressed user data to a single le (CMPDTA) instead of writing them to separate les.

The default is NOSINGLE_FILE.


SKIPREC = number

This parameter species the number of records to be skipped before compression is started.


SOURCE_ARCHITECTURE = ( keyword [,keyword [,keyword] ] )

This parameter species the format (character set, oating-point format and byte order) of the
input data records. The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Group Valid Keywords

Character set ASCII

Floating-point format IBM_370_FLOATING


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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

Keyword Group Valid Keywords



If no keyword of a keyword group is specied, the default for this keyword group is the keyword
that corresponds to the architecture of the machine on which ADACMP is running.

Note:   The FDT is always input in ASCII format.


If the input records that are to be compressed are in IBM format, the user must specify the following:



SYFINPUT = keyword

This parameter species the input used for the compression of system generated elds. The fol-
lowing keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning

SYSTEM The system generated eld values are regenerated by the system in ADACMP.
USER The system generated eld values are taken from the decompressed le.

The default is SYFINPUT = USER.


TZ {=|:} [timezone]

The specied time zone must be a valid time zone name that is contained in the time zone database
known as the Olson database ( If a time zone has been
specied, this time zone is used for time zone conversions of date/time elds with the option TZ.

The default is UTC, which is used internally to store date/time elds with option TZ; no conversion
is required.

If you specify an empty value, no checks are made to ensure that date/time elds are correct.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

Note:   The time zone names are le names. Depending on the platform, these le names
may or may not be case sensitive. Also, the time zone names, depending on the platform,
may or may not be case sensitive.



This is correct on all platforms.


With this specication, TZ is converted to upper case EUROPE/BERLIN.This is correct on Windows,

 because le names are not case sensitive on Windows, but it is not correct on Unix, because Unix
le names are case sensitive.


This option species whether a user exit is to be taken or not. If USEREXIT is specied, the envir-
onment variable ADAUEX_6/logical name ADABAS$USEREXIT_6 must point to a loadable user-
written routine.

See Administration , User Exits and Hyperexits for more details.

The default is NOUSEREXIT.


If this option is set to USERISN, the ISN for each record in the input le will be assigned by the

If USERISN is specied, the user must give the ISN to be assigned to each record as a four-byte
 binary number immediately preceding each data record.

ISNs may be assigned in any order and must be unique (for the le). The ISN must not exceed the
maximum number of records (MAXISN) specied for the le (see the le denition utility
 ADAFDU  for more detailed information).

ADACMP does not check for unique ISNs or for ISNs which exceed MAXISN. These checks are
performed by the mass update utility ADAMUP (if an error is detected, the ADAMUP run termin-
ates with an error message).

If this option is set to NOUSERISN, the ISN is assigned by Adabas.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

The default is NOUSERISN.


WCHARSET = char_set

This parameter species the default encoding used in the decompressed le based on the encoding
names listed at - most of the character sets listed
there are supported by ICU, which is used by Adabas for internationalization support.

The default is UTF-8.


The ADACMP utility outputs three les:

1. Compressed data
2. Descriptor values
3. Records with errors

Compressed Data Records

The data records which ADACMP has processed, modied and compressed are output together
with the FDT information to a sequential le. This le is used as input for the mass update utility

If the output le contains no records (no records on the input le or all records rejected), the output
may still be used as input for the mass update utility ADAMUP.

Descriptor-Value Table File

This le contains the descriptor value tables (DVT).

Compressed data records and descriptor value tables are written to one le if the SINGLE_FILE
option is specied.

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 ADACMP (Compression Of Data)

Rejected Data Records

Any records rejected by ADACMP are written to the ADACMP error le. The contents of this error
le should be displayed using the ADAERR utility. Do not print the error le using the standard
operating system print utilities since the records contain unprintable characters.

See the ADAERR utility for further information.


The ADACMP report begins with a display of the eld denition entered if CMPFDT is used for
input. Any statement which contains a syntax error will be printed with a message immediately
following the statement.

Following the display of the data-denition statements, a descriptor summary, the number of input
records processed, the number of input records rejected, and the number of input records com-
pressed are printed.

Restart Considerations

ADACMP does not have a restart capability. An interrupted ADACMP run must be re-started
from the beginning.

ADACMP does not change the database; therefore, no considerations need to be made concerning
database status before restarting ADACMP.

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7   ADADBA (DBA Workbench)

■  Functional Overview  ........................................................................................................................ 68

■  Procedure Flow  ............................................................................................................................... 69

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 ADADBA (DBA Workbench)

This chapter describes the utility "ADADBA".

Functional Overview

The DBA Workbench is a graphical user interface that is used to create, operate and maintain
Adabas databases and les on the local node.

The Adabas Workbench is no longer supported starting with Version 6.2. On those platforms for
which the DBA Workbench was delivered for Version 6.1, the Workbench will still be delivered,
 but the functionality is frozen to the functionality that was available with Version 6.1. New features
that were introduced for Version 6.2, such as date/time elds, are not supported.

The DBA Workbench can be started either from the command line in the same manner as any
other utility (UNIX and Windows), or by clicking the icon for the DBA Workbench in the Adabas
folder on the desktop (Windows only).

Additional information is available as context-sensitive online help when the DBA Workbench is

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 ADADBA (DBA Workbench)

Procedure Flow

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8   ADADBM (Database Modification)

■  FunctionalOverview  ........................................................................................................................ 72
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................... 74
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................... 76

 Control Parameters  .......................................................................................................................... 77
■  Restart Considerations  ................................................................................................................... 100

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

This chapter describes the utility "ADADBM".

Functional Overview

The ADADBM utility consists of the following functions which may be used to make modications
to the database:

■ The ADD_CONTAINER function adds a new container le to the Associator or Data Storage
data set;
■ The ADD_FIELDS function adds new elds to the end of a le's FDT;
■ The ALLOCATE NI, UI, AC or DS function increases the Normal Index, Upper Index, Address
Converter or Data Storage space assigned to a le;
■ The CHANGE function changes the standard length of a eld in the Field Denition Table
■ The CHANGE_FIELDS function modies one or more eld specications in a le;
■ The DEALLOCATE functions are the inverse functions of ALLOCATE. The NI, UI, AC or DS
function returns the Normal Index, Upper Index, Address Converter or Data Storage space
which is no longer required by a le to the free space table (FST);
■ The DELCP function deletes old checkpoint records from the checkpoint le in the specied
range of dates;
■ The DELETE function deletes a single Adabas le or a range of Adabas les from the database;
■ The DISPLAY function displays the utility communication block (UCB);
■ The DROP_FIELDS function marks the specied elds as not existing, which means that they
can no longer be accessed ;
■ The DROP_LOBFILE function is the inverse function of ADAFDU ADD_LOBFILE;
■ The DROP_REFINT function drops an existing referential constraint;
■ The EXTEND_CONTAINER function extends the last container le dened for the database;
■ The NEW_DBID function changes the identier of the database in use;
■ The NEWWORK function allocates and formats a new Adabas WORK data set;
■ The PGM_REFRESH function enables or disables refreshing an Adabas le inside an application
program with an E1 command;
■ The RECOVER function returns lost space to the free space table;
■ The REDUCE_CONTAINER function reduces the size of the last container le dened for the
■ The REFRESH function resets a single le or a range of les to the state of zero records loaded;

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

■ The REMOVE_CONTAINER function removes a container le from the Associator, or Data
Storage data set;
■ The REMOVE_DROP function, used in conjunction with a subsequent REFRESH, removes
dropped elds from the FDT;

system les; stops all replication processing and deletes the replication
■ The RENAME function changes the database name or names of loaded les;
■ The RENUMBER function renumbers a loaded le or exchanges the numbers of loaded les;
■ The REPLICATION_FILES function creates the system les required for Adabas - Adabas rep-
■ The RESET function removes entries from the UCB;
■ The RESET_REPLICATION_TARGET function resets the replication target ag of Adabas les;
■ The REUSE function controls the reusage of Data Storage space or ISNs by Adabas;
■ TheSYFMAXfunction species themaximum number of values generatedfor a system generated
multiple-value eld in the le specied.

This utility is a multi-function utility.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

Procedure Flow

Online Mode

If the Adabas nucleus is active, ADADBM calls the nucleus to modify the database containers. For
some tasks, no checkpoints are written, but the activity is logged in the database log, and in the
case of a recovery, the activity is re-executed automatically.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

Offline Mode

If the Adabas nucleus is not active, ADADBM itself modies the database containers.

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Data storage DATAx Disk
Control statements stdin Utilities Manual
ADADBM messages stdout Messages and Codes
Protection Log NUCPLG Disk Utilities Manual:
(online mode only) ADANUC, ADAPLP
Temporary storage TEMP1 Disk New WORK data set for the NEWWORK function. After this
(oine mode only) function is performed, the Work environment variable/logical
name must be changed to point to the new Work data set.
Work WORK1 Disk

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)


The following table shows the nucleus requirements for each function and the checkpoints written:

Function Nucleus must Nucleus must NOT Nucleus is NOT Checkpoint written
be active be active required


SYNX (online)

SYNX (online)

SYNX (online)

SYNX (online)

NEW_DBID X (see note 1) SYNP
NEWWORK X (see note 1) SYNP

SYNX (online)
(see note 2)

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

Function Nucleus must Nucleus must NOT Nucleus is NOT Checkpoint written
be active be active required


SYNX (online)


1. Function requires exclusive access to the database container les

2. In addition, ADADBM or ADAFDU checkpoints are generated (also in oine mode) to indicate
the system le numbers deleted or generated.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

D [,BLOCKSIZE=number[K] ]
,SIZE = number [B|M]

ADD_FIELDS = number {field_specification|FDT} ... END_OF_FIELDS

ALLOCATE = keyword, FILE = number [,RABN = number],

SIZE = number [B|M]

CHANGE = number, FIELD = string, LENGTH = number

CHANGE_FIELDS = number {field_specification|FDT} ... END_OF_FIELDS

M DBID = number

DEALLOCATE = keyword, FILE = number [,RABN = number],

SIZE = numberB

DEFINE_REFINT = number constraint_specification

DELCP = { * | ([absolute-date] [,[absolute-date]]) }

DELETE = (number [-number][,number[-number]]...)


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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

DROP_FIELDS = number {field_name|FDT} ... END_OF_FIELDS


DROP_REFINT = number, NAME {=|:}constraint_name

EXTEND_CONTAINER = keyword, SIZE = number [B|M]


NEW_DBID = number

NEWWORK [,BLOCKSIZE=number[K] ], SIZE = number [B|M]

PGM_REFRESH = keyword, FILE = number


REDUCE_CONTAINER = keyword, SIZE = number B

REFRESH = (number [-number][,number[-number]]...)




RENAME = number, NAME {=|:} string

RENUMBER = (number, number)

REPLICATION_FILES = (file1, file2, file3, file4)

RESET = UCB, IDENT = { (number [,number]...) | * }


REUSE = (keyword [,keyword]), FILE = number

SYFMAX = number, FILE = number

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)


[,BLOCKSIZE=number[K] ]
,SIZE = number [B|M]

The ADD_CONTAINER function adds a new container le to an existing Associator or Data
Storage dataset in accordance with the keyword used. The keyword can take the values ASSO or

The new container le may be allocated on the same device as the current container les or it may
 be allocated on a dierent device type.

The placement of the new container le depends on the environment variable/logical name ASSOx
or DATAx. This has to be set to a legal le name with its whole path name. If ASSOx or DATAx
is not set, the container les are created in the current directory.


1. If you add a new DATA container, free space is required on the existing Associator for the Data
Storage Space Table (DSST): 1 byte is required for each new DATA block. Therefore, you should
add a new ASSO container rst if the existing Associator is full.
2. If you add a new container while the Adabas nucleus is active, the container is not added by
ADADBM, but by ADANUC. In this case, you should consider the following, depending on
the way the container les are specied: if the container les are specied as environment
variables/logical names, you can only add the new container if you have already dened the
corresponding environment variable/logical name for the current nucleus session. If you haven't,
you have to terminate the current nucleus session before you can add the new container. If, on
the other hand, the container les are specied in the  DBnnn.INI  les (which, for example, are
generated if you use the Workbench to administrate Adabas), you can enter the new container
in the le just before you add the container, since the nucleus re-reads the le before the con-
tainer is added (please refer to the  Adabas Extended Operation  for further information about the
DBnnn.INI  les).

BLOCKSIZE = number[K]

This parameter species the block size in bytes (or in kilobytes, if "K" is specied after the number)
of the new container le.

Adabas rounds up the value you specify to the next multiple of 1K. The minimum block size is
1K and maximum block size is 32K.

The default value for BLOCKSIZE is the block size of the last container le of the dataset in question
that is currently present in the database.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

SIZE = number [B|M]

This parameter species the number of blocks (B) or megabytes (M) to be allocated for the new
container le. By default, the size is given in megabytes.


adadbm: add_container=data, size=10

%ADADBM-I-CREATED, dataset DATA2 , file /FS/fs0395/Adabas/adadb/db076/DATA2 created
%ADADBM-I-FUNC, function ADD_CONTAINER executed

A new container le of 10 megabytes is added to the Data Storage. The block size is the same as
the block size of DATA1.


ADD_FIELDS = number {field_specification|FDT}... END_OF_FIELDS

The ADD_FIELDS function adds one or more new elds to the end of the le dened by `number'.
Specifying a LOB le is not permitted. The function is completed by entering END_OF_FIELDS.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES parameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when theLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.

Note:   It is not possible to add derived descriptors using ADADBM - you should use the

utility ADAINV to do this instead.


The eld specication list is entered in the same way as the FDT input in ADAFDU:

level-number, name [,length] [,format] [(,option)...]

The rst eld to be added must be a level-one eld.

The NN option is not permitted. DE is only permitted when the Adabas nucleus is active and to-
gether with the NU or NC option. Otherwise use the ADAINV utility to give the new elds
descriptor status. UQ is only permitted together with the DE option.

Note:  When you add system-generated elds (elds with the eld option SY) to a le, these
elds have null values in the records that are already in the database - this is the same be-
haviour as for elds without the SY option.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)


This parameter displays the FDT of the le to which the elds are to be added.


adadbm: add_fields=12
adadbm: fdt

Field Definition Table:

Level I Name I Length I Format I Options I Flags

1 I AA I 15 I A I DE,UQ,NU I
1 I AB I 4 I F I FI I
1 I AC I 8 I A I DE I

12 I AD
I CD II 20 I
2 I AE I 20 I A I NU I
2 I AF I 10 I A I DE,NU I
1 I AG I 2 I U I NU I SP
1 I AH I 1 I A I DE,FI I
1 I AI I 1 I A I FI I
1 I AJ I 6 I U I NU I SP
1 I AK I I I I
2 I AL I 3 I A I NU I
2 I AM I 4 I P I NU,MU I
Type I Name I Length I Format I Options I Parent field(s) Fmt
SUPER I AN I 4 I B I NU I AJ ( 5 - 6 ) U
I I I I I AJ ( 3 - 4 ) U
SUPER I AO I 22 I A I NU I AG ( 1 - 2 ) U
I I I I I AD ( 1 - 20 ) A

adadbm: 01,dd,1,a
adadbm: 01,gr
adadbm: 02,g1,20,a,fi
adadbm: fdt
Field Definition Table:

Level I Name I Length I Format I Options I Flags

1 I AA I 15 I A I DE,UQ,NU I
1 I AB I 4 I F I FI I
1 I AC I 8 I A I DE I

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1 I CD I I I I
2 I AD I 20 I A I DE,NU I SP
2 I AE I 20 I A I NU I
2 I AF I 10 I A I DE,NU I
1 I AG I 2 I U I NU I SP
1 I AH I 1 I A I DE,FI I
1 I AI I 1 I A I FI I
1 I AJ I 6 I U I NU I SP
1 I AK I I I I
2 I AL I 3 I A I NU I
2 I AM I 4 I P I NU,MU I
1 I DD I 1 I A I I
1 I GR I I I I
2 I G1 I 20 I A I FI I
Type I Name I Length I Format I Options I Parent field(s) Fmt
SUPER I AN I 4 I B I NU I AJ ( 5 - 6 ) U
I I I I I AJ ( 3 - 4 ) U
SUPER I AO I 22 I A I NU I AG ( 1 - 2 ) U
I I I I I AD ( 1 - 20 ) A

adadbm: end_of_fields
%ADADBM-I-FUNC, function ADD_FIELDS executed


ALLOCATE = keyword, FILE = number [,RABN = number], SIZE = number [B|M]

Depending on the keyword specied (AC, DS, NI or UI), the ALLOCATE function increases the
Normal Index (NI), Upper Index (UI), Address Converter (AC) or Data Storage (DS) by a given
size. Each extent for the required type is checked to see whether it can be extended or not. A new
extent is created if none of the current extents can be extended.

This function lets the DBA override the automatic extension method and can be used to preallocate
smaller or larger extents. This can be useful when adding a large number of records. Exclusive
control of the le is NOT required for this function.

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FILE = number 

This parameter species the le to be extended.

RABN = number 

This parameter species the allocation start RABN. For NI or UI allocation for a LOB le, the block
size of the RABN specied must be less than 16 KB. For DS allocation for a LOB le, the block size
of the RABN specied must be 32 KB.

SIZE = number [B|M]

This parameter species the size of the expansion area. If a 'B' is appended to size, the size is in
 blocks, otherwise it is in megabytes.


adadbm: allocate=ni, file=11, size=100b

%ADADBM-I-ALLOC, 100 NI blocks allocated (611 - 710)

adadbm: allocate=ds, file=11, size=10

%ADADBM-I-DEALLOC, 2560 DS blocks allocated (245 - 2804)


CHANGE = number, FIELD = string, LENGTH = number

This function changes the standard length of a eld in the le specied by number. Specifying a
LOB le is not permitted. The length of xed storage elds (option FI) and oating point elds
(format G) cannot be changed.

Changing the length of a eld does not lead to any modications within the Data Storage, but
may aect programs that use the standard length.

Fields dened with the option SY=OPUSER cannot be changed.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

FIELD = string

This parameter species the eld whose standard length is to be changed. The eld must be dened
in the Field Denition Table for this le.

LENGTH = number 

This parameter denes the new standard length of the eld.


adadbm: change=12, field=ac, len=11

%ADADBM-I-FUNC, function CHANGE executed


CHANGE_FIELDS = number {field_specification|FDT}... END_OF_FIELDS

The CHANGE_FIELDS function modies one or more eld specications of the le dened by
`number'. The function is completed by entering END_OF_FIELDS.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES parameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when theLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.

The changes that are allowed depend on the existence of records in the le. The following restric-
tions apply to all les:
■ The eld level number must not change;
■ A group must either remain a group or may be converted to a periodic group if it is dened on
level 1;
■ A periodic group must either remain a periodic group or may be converted to a non-periodic
■ A eld that is not a group or periodic group must not be converted to a group or a periodic

The following additional restrictions apply to non-empty les:

■ Field length: the new length must be compatible with the new eld format and eld options.
Such a change changes the behaviour of adabas commands in which the eld length is not
specied in the format buer;
■ Field format: A may be changed to W and vice versa. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure
that the eld contains UTF-8 values if the format is changed from A to W. After changing the

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

format from W to A, the eld will contain UTF-8 values. Please note that the format specied
in the format buer of Adabas commands must be identical to the format in the eld denition
for A and W elds - therefore it may be necessary to adapt existing programs accordingly.
Other changes of the eld format except for the change between A and W are not allowed.
■ Field options: it is not allowed to add or remove the options DE, FI, MU and UQ.

The following eld option changes are allowed:

Old Field Options New Field Options Comments

DT not set DT set, TZ not set or No check is made to see whether the values in the database
set are compliant with the date/time edit mask specied. TZ may
not be set for edit mask names DATE, TIME and NATDATE.

Caution:  Usually, the semantics of the eld values dened

with the TZ option and the eld values dened without the
TZ option are dierent: the eld without the TZ value usually
contains local time values, whereas the eld with the TZ value
contains UTC values. The eld values are not updated
automatically; it is the user's responsibility to ensure that
necessary updates are made.
DT set DT not set Specifying a date/time edit mask for the eld in the format
 buer is no longer allowed.
HF set HF not set The behaviour of cross-platform calls changes.
HF not set HF set
LA and LB not set LA or LB set The behaviour of calls accessing the eld with variable length
LA set LA not set, LB set changes.

LB set LB not set, LA set Only allowed if there is no LOB le dened for the le or if
the eld is a descriptor of the parent of a derived descriptor.
The behaviour of calls accessing the eld with variable length
NB not set NB set
NC and NN set FI, NC, NU and NN After this change, the eld is no longer mandatory in the
not set format buer for N1/N2 commands; if not specied, the eld
gets the Adabas null value.
NC and NN set NC set, NN not set After this change, the eld is no longer mandatory in the
format buer for N1/N2 commands; if not specied, the eld
gets the SQL null value.
NU set NC set Empty values are converted to NULL values. Note that NC
set -> NU not set because NU and NC are mutually exclusive.
NV set NV not set The behaviour of cross-platform calls changes.
NV not set NV set

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

Old Field Options New Field Options Comments

SY not set SY set The behaviour of A1, N1 and N2 commands changes. The eld
format must be compatible with the SY option. Note that no
check is made to ensure that the existing values are reasonable.
SY set SY not set The behaviour of A1, N1 and N2 commands changes.
TR not set TR set
TZ not set DT set TZ set, DT unchanged Values in the database will be converted from UTC to local
time when you specify a date/time edit mask.
TZ set TZ not set Values in the database are no longer converted from UTC to
local time when you specify a date/time edit mask.


The eld specication list is entered in the same way as the FDT input in ADAFDU:

level-number, name [,length] [,format] [(,option)...]

The rst eld to be added must be a level-one eld.


This parameter displays the FDT of the le to which the elds are to be added.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.

Note:   Utility functions which require or allow the nucleus to be shut down need logical as-
signments for the data sets.


adadbm: dbid=76
%ADADBM-I-DBOFF, database 76 accessed offline

adadbm: dbid=76
%ADADBM-I-DBON, database 76 accessed online

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DEALLOCATE = keyword, FILE = number [,RABN = number],

SIZE = numberB


Depending on the keyword specied (AC, DS, NI or UI), this function releases a given amount of
space from the Address Converter (AC), Data Storage (DS), Normal Index (NI) or Upper Index

If too much space is allocated to an extent, either automatically or manually, the DBA can release
this space and return it to the Free Space Table (FST).

Deallocation is done for only one extent at a time. To release space from multiple extents, DEAL-
LOCATE has to be called several times.

FILE = number 

This parameter species the le.

RABN = number 

This parameter species the rst RABN to be deallocated. If this parameter is omitted, deallocation
starts at the end of the last extent.

SIZE = numberB

This parameter species the size of the area to be deallocated, in blocks.


adadbm: deallocate=ni, file=11, size=110b

%ADADBM-E-VALUP, value has to be less-equal 100
%ADADBM-I-ABORTED, 14-NOV-2002 14:44:01, elapsed time: 00:00:00

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adadbm: deallocate=ni, file=11, size=100b

%ADADBM-I-DEALLOC, 100 NI blocks deallocated (611 - 710)

adadbm: deallocate=ni, file=11, size=10b

%ADADBM-I-DEALLOC, 10 NI blocks deallocated (323 - 332)


DEFINE_REFINT = number constraint_specification

This function adds a referential constraint to the le 'number', which contains a foreign key. The
syntax for the constraint is the same as that used in the FDT le for ADAFDU and is described in
 Administration , FDT Record Structure, Referential Constraints. The constraint is also included in the
FDT of the primary le, therefore, the constraint name must not already be dened in the primary

Adding a referential constraint is not allowed if the le specied as the primary le is dened

If there are violations of the referential integrity, adding of the constraint will fail - no updates are
performed on the data of the le in order to establish referential integrity.


DELCP = { * | ([absolute-date] [,[absolute-date]]) }

This function deletes checkpoint records from the checkpoint le.

If an asterisk '*' is entered, all checkpoint records are deleted.


adadbm: delcp=13-NOV-2006:15:09:48
%ADADBM-I-DELCP, 1 record deleted from CHECKPOINT file

adadbm: delcp=(13-NOV-2006:15:09:48,)
%ADADBM-I-DELCP, 81 records deleted from CHECKPOINT file

adadbm: delcp=(,14-NOV-2006:14:37:24)
%ADADBM-I-DELCP, 41 records deleted from CHECKPOINT file

adadbm: delcp=(14-NOV-2006:14:37:25,14-NOV-1996:14:38:15)
%ADADBM-I-DELCP, 42 records deleted from CHECKPOINT file

adadbm: delcp=*
%ADADBM-I-DELCP, 20 records deleted from CHECKPOINT file

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DELETE = (number [-number][,number[-number]]...)

The DELETE function deletes one or more les or ranges of les from the database and returns
all space which was allocated for this le to the Free Space Table (FST). LOB les specied are ig-
nored, but the LOB les assigned to all base les specied are deleted too. There must not be a
referential constraint between a le that is to be deleted and another le, which is not specied.

ADADBM does not request conrmation of the les to be deleted, i.e. care should be taken when
entering the le numbers.


adadbm: delete=(4-11,14)
%ADADBM-I-DELETED, file 11 deleted

%ADADBM-I-DELETED, file 14 deleted



The DISPLAY function displays the utility communication block. This function can also be executed
during a pending AUTORESTART.


adadbm: display=ucb

Date/Time Entry Id Utility Mode Files

--------- -------- ------- ---- -----
14-NOV-2006 14:38:40 233 adaopr UTO 11
14-NOV-2006 14:38:42 234 adabck ACC *

The display shows the following items:

■ DATE/TIME shows the date and time on which the given les were locked.
■ ENTRY ID shows the allocated identication of the entry.
■ UTILITY shows the name of the utility.
■ MODE shows the mode in which the les are being accessed.
■ FILES shows the le numbers of the les that are locked.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)


DROP_FIELDS = number {field_name|FDT}... END_OF_FIELDS

The DROP_FIELDS function drops one or more elds from the le dened by `number' - the
specied elds are marked as no longer existing and they cannot be accessed. Specifying a LOB
le is not permitted. The function is completed by entering END_OF_FIELDS.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES parameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when theLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.

If you specify a group or a periodic group, all of the elds that belong to the group or periodic
group are dropped. You must not specify a eld that is a descriptor or from which a descriptor is
derived - if you want to drop such a eld, you must rst release all corresponding descriptors
with ADAINV.

Once the DROP_FIELDS function has been executed, you can redene the names of the dropped
elds, for example using ADADBM's ADD_FIELDS function.


1. The DROP_FIELDS function does not physically remove the elds. You should not drop and
then add elds repeatedly, since this can cause the data records or the FDT of the le in question
to overow.
2. ADAMUP is not able to load data into a le that contains the same visible elds but which
contains dierent dropped elds.


This parameter displays the FDT of the le from which the elds are to be dropped.


DROP_LOBFILE = number ↩

The number must specify the le number of a base le with an empty assigned LOB le to be de-

DROP_LOBFILE is not allowed if the assigned LOB le is not empty.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)


DROP_REFINT = number, NAME {=|:} constraint_name

The function removes a referential constraint from the le specied by 'number', which contains
the foreign key. The constraint is also removed from the FDT of the primary le.


EXTEND_CONTAINER = keyword, SIZE = number [B|M]

The EXTEND_CONTAINER function extends the last Associator, Data Storage or WORK container
le dened for the database in accordance with the keyword used. The keyword can take the
values ASSO, DATA or WORK.

Note:   The WORK container can only be extended in the oine mode.

SIZE = number [B|M]

This parameter species the size of the expansion area in blocks (B) or megabytes (M). By default,
the size is in megabytes.



If LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES is specied, Adabas eld names are not converted to upper

case. If NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESis specied, Adabas eld names are converted to upper
case. The default is NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES.
This parameter must be specied before theADD_FIELDS, CHANGE_FIELDS or DEFINE_REFINT


NEW_DBID = number

This function is used to change the identier of the database in use. The new identier may not
already be in use by another active database.

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adadbm: new_dbid=77
%ADADBM-I-FUNC, function NEW_DBID executed


NEWWORK [,BLOCKSIZE = number[K] ], SIZE = number [B|M]

This function removes the existing WORK1 container le and replaces it with a new WORK1
container le. The new WORK1 container le is allocated and then formatted, if required.

Before a new WORK can be created, the nucleus and all utilities using the database must have
 been successfully terminated. Since this function requires the current WORK, it must not be deleted
 before NEWWORK has been executed. TEMP1 must point to the new work le when this function
is used.

Note:   The new WORK can be directed to a disk section or to a le system. If TEMP1 points
to the same disk section as WORK1, then ADADBM tries to extend/reduce the existing
WORK le. In each case the name of the new WORK container le is WORK1. If the function
completes successfully, the old WORK1 gets deleted.

BLOCKSIZE = number[K]

This parameter species the block size in bytes (or in kilobytes, if "K" follows the number) of the
new container le.

Adabas rounds up the value you specify to the next multiple of 1024.
The minimum block size allowed is 3072 and the maximum block size allowed is 32768.

In addition to these minimum and maximum values, the following size restrictions apply in gen-
eral to the block sizes for ASSO and WORK:


where MAX(ASSOBLS) represents the largest ASSO block size and WORKBLS represents the
WORK block size.

The default value for BLOCKSIZE is the block size of the old WORK le.

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SIZE = number [B|M]

This parameter species the number of blocks or megabytes to be allocated for the new WORK
le. By default, the size is in megabytes. The minimum value is 200 blocks or the equivalent value
in megabytes.


PGM_REFRESH = keyword, FILE = number

This function is used to disable or enable refreshing an Adabas le inside an application program
with an E1 command (ISN = 0, CID = BLANK). Specifying a LOB le is not permitted. The keyword
can take the values YES or NO. It is not allowed to set PGM_REFRESH=YES for les that are
primary les of referential constraints.

FILE = number 

This parameter species the le for which refreshing is to be enabled/disabled.



This function returns lost space within the Associator and Data Storage to the Free Space Table

Space can be lost by a non-successful termination of an Adabas utility.


adadbm: recover
%ADADBM-I-FUNC, function RECOVER executed


REDUCE_CONTAINER = keyword, SIZE = number B

The REDUCE_CONTAINER function deallocates free space at the end of the Associator or Data

can takecontainer
the valuesdened forDATA.
ASSO or the database in accordance with the keyword used. The keyword

The requested number of blocks must not be in use at the end of the container specied. If the
complete space of one or more container extents is to be released, the container extents are removed.
Note that the message informing you that a container extent is removed is not displayed by
ADADBM if ADADBM is executed online - instead, it is included in the nucleus log.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

If less blocks than requested are free at the end of the container, all free space at the end of the
container is deallocated, and the following warning is displayed:

%ADADBM-W-PREDCONT, not all requested blocks removed

SIZE = number B
This parameter species the size by which the container is to be reduced, in blocks.


REFRESH = (number [-number][,number[-number]]...)

This function resets the les specied by `number' to the state of zero records loaded. Only the
rst extents for Normal Index, Address Converter and Data Storage are kept. The remaining extents
are returned to the Free Space Table (FST). The Upper Index is rebuilt and the unused Upper Index

extents are then

les assigned returned
to all to the
base les Free Space
specied Table. LOB
are refreshed too.les
primary are ignored,
le of but theintegrity
a referential LOB
constraint may be refreshed only if the foreign le of the referential constraint is also refreshed.

ADADBM does not request conrmation of the les to be refreshed, i.e. care should be taken when
entering the le numbers.

This function is useful for clearing a test le in a test environment. This method is faster than de-
leting and reloading the le.

Files using the ADAM feature cannot be refreshed.

If the REMOVE_DROP function has been specied, dropped elds are removed from the FDT.

adadbm: refresh=13
%ADADBM-I-REFRESH, file 13 refreshed



This function removes the last database container le from an existing Associator or Data Storage
data set in accordance with the keyword used. The keyword can take the values ASSO or DATA.

The container le to be removed must not be in use when this function is executed, i.e. all of the
 blocks in the le must be free.

The container le will be deleted from the le system or from the raw disk section.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

Before a container le can be removed, the nucleus and all of the utilities using the database must
have terminated successfully.


adadbm: remove_container=data
%ADADBM-I-DMCONREM, container DATA2 removed



If you specify REMOVE_DROP, subsequent REFRESH functions will remove dropped elds from
the FDT.

If you specify NOREMOVE_DROP, subsequent REFRESH functions will not remove dropped
elds from the FDT.
The default is NOREMOVE_DROP.


adadbm: remove_drop
adadbm: refresh=2
%ADADBM-I-REFRESH, file 2 refreshed
adadbm: refresh=3
%ADADBM-I-REFRESH, file 3 refreshed
adadbm: noremove_drop
adadbm: refresh=4
%ADADBM-I-REFRESH, file 4 refreshed

File 2 has been refreshed and dropped elds have been removed from the FDT. File 3 has been
refreshed and dropped elds have been removed from the FDT. File 4 has been refreshed and
dropped elds have not been removed from the FDT.



This function stops all replication processing and deletes all replication system les.

Note:   This function is only relevant for customers who are using the Adabas Event Replic-
ator with Adabas - Adabas replication.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)


RENAME = number, NAME {=|:} string

This function changes the name of a le or a database. `number' is the number of the le whose
name is to be changed. If `number' is 0, the name of the database is changed.

NAME {=|:} string

`string' is the new name of the specied le or database. If you specify an equals sign, the value
given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion
is performed.


adadbm: rename=11, name=employee-file

%ADADBM-I-FUNC, function RENAME executed


RENUMBER = (number, number)

This function changes the le number of a loaded Adabas le. If, however, the le's new number
already belongs to a loaded le, the numbers of these les are exchanged.

The rst `number' is the le number currently assigned to the le. The second `number' is the new
le number to be assigned to the le.


adadbm: renumber=(12,14)
%ADADBM-I-RENUM, File 12 renumbered to 14
%ADADBM-I-RENUM, File 14 renumbered to 12


REPLICATION_FILES = (file1, file2, file3, file4)

This functions performs all of the necessary initialization steps for the Adabas - Adabas replication
and creates the replication system les.

The metadata le.
The replication transaction le.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

The replication command le.
LOB le for the replication command le.

Note:   This function is only relevant for customers who are using the Adabas Event Replic-
ator with Adabas - Adabas replication.


RESET = UCB, IDENT = { (number [,number]...) | * }


This function removes one or more entries from the utility communication block (UCB). This option
can also be used during a pending AUTORESTART.

The UCB is used to control access to certain resources (the whole database, one or more les, etc.)
within a database. It saves information about the Adabas utilities processing the database and the
resources attached to them.

An entry is made in the UCB each time a utility is granted access to a resource. This entry contains
information about the utility and the resources it locks. The utility automatically removes the entry
when the resource is no longer required. Please refer to the DISPLAY=UCB function of this utility
for information about how to display the contents of the UCB.

However, certain special conditions (e.g. an aborted ADAMUP) can cause entries to remain in the

UCBand keep allocated resources locked. The RESET function releases these resources by removing
one or more entries from the UCB.

Resetting a UCB entry also removes the associated entry from the user queue and returns lost
 blocks to the free space table if the nucleus is active. Otherwise, the resource can be returned to
the free space table by using the RECOVER function.

IDENT = { (number [,number]...) | * }

This parameter species the unique ID of the entry to be removed. '*' removes all entries.

If the RESET UCB function is used oine, only `*' may be specied.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)


adadbm: reset=ucb, ident=233

%ADADBM-I-RESUCB1, 1 entry deleted from UCB

adadbm: reset=ucb, ident=(235,234)

%ADADBM-I-RESUCB, 2 entries deleted from UCB

adadbm: reset=ucb, ident=*

%ADADBM-I-RESUCB1, 1 entry deleted from UCB



This function resets the replication target ag of Adabas les, after which they are handled as
normal les again. If you specify 0, the replication target ag of all replication target les is reset;
if you specify a le number, the replication target ag of the le with this le number is reset.


1. This function is only relevant for customers who are using the Adabas Event Replicator with
Adabas - Adabas replication.
2. After performing this function, a replication to this replication target is no longer possible - if
the replication to this replication target is still active, a new update transaction on the replication
source will set the replication to status Error. If you want to replicate data to this replication
target again, a new initial state processing is required.


REUSE = (keyword [,keyword]), FILE = number

The REUSE function controls the reuse of Data Storage space or ISNs by Adabas.

The File Control Block (FCB) for the specied le is modied to indicate the type of allocation
technique to be used when adding new records or moving updated records.

The valid keywords are [NO]DS and [NO]ISN.

If the DS keyword is specied, Adabas scans the Data Storage Space Table (DSST) in order to
locate a block with sucient space. In this case, the rst block found with sucient space is used.

If the NODS keyword is specied, then all newly-added records, together with records that have
to be moved to another block (as a result of record expansion caused by updating), are placed in

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

the last used block in the Data Storage extent allocated to the le. If there is not sucient space in
this block, the next block is used.

DS and NODS are mutually exclusive. The default is REUSE = DS.

If the ISN keyword is specied, Adabas may reuse the ISN of a deleted record.

If the NOISN keyword is specied, Adabas does not reuse the ISN of a deleted record for a new
record. Each new record will be assigned the next-highest unused ISN.

ISN and NOISN are mutually exclusive. The default is REUSE = NOISN.

FILE = number 

This parameter species the le.


adadbm: reuse=nods, file=11

%ADADBM-I-FUNC, function REUSE executed

adadbm: reuse=(ds,isn), file=12

%ADADBM-I-FUNC, function REUSE executed


SYFMAX = number, FILE = number

This parameter species the maximum number of values generatedfor a system generatedmultiple-
value eld in the le specied. There is no explicit maximum value, but you should bear in mind,
that you can get a record overow if the value is dened too high; the compressed data record
should also t into one DATA block is SYFMAX values are dened for system generated multiple-
value elds. If the SYFMAX value is decreased and a record contains more values for system
generated elds than the new value of SYFMAX, the excess values are removed during the next
update operation for this record.

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 ADADBM (Database Modification)

FILE = number 

This parameter species the le.

Restart Considerations
ADADBM has no restart capability. At the end of each function, however, the system reports
whether execution was successfully completed or not. If it is not successfully completed, the
function has to be re-started.

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9   ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 102
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 103
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 104

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 105
■  Inputand Output Data  .................................................................................................................... 113
■  Restart Considerations  ................................................................................................................... 114

101 109/431
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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)

This chapter describes the utility "ADADCU".

Functional Overview

The decompression utility ADADCUdecompresses records produced by the ADACMP, ADAMUP

and ADAULD utilities.

The output of the decompression utility ADADCU can be used as input for a program using
standard operating system le access methods.

It can also be used as input for the compression utility ADACMP once any required changes have
 been made to the data structure or once the data denitions of the le have been changed. A
warning message is issued if the decompressed output le (DCUOUT le) created by the utility
is empty.

ADADCU also decompresses les produced with the SINGLE option of the utilities ADAULD
and ADACMP, but no parameter is required since this can be determined by the utility.

With ADADCU, the following functions are available:

■ Complete records can be decompressed to the formats and lengths described in the FDT. A one-
 byte count eld precedes each multiple-value eld or periodic group in the output record.
■ LOB eld values can also be stored in separate les; the generated le names are put into the
decompressed records.
■ Several elds can be decompressed.

If several elds are decompressed, the elds can be re-arranged within a record, i.e. the record
structure may be changed as follows:

■ Field lengths can be changed;

■ Field formats can be changed;
■ Space can be allocated for subsequent addition of new elds using the literal element or blank

If the utility writes records to the error le, it will exit with a non-zero status.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)

Procedure Flow

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)

DCULOB is a directory where LOB values are stored in separate les. The sequential les DCUDTA
and DCUERR can have multiple extents. For detailed information about sequential les with
multiple extents, see Administration, Using Utilities.

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Compressed DCUDTA Disk, Tape (* see note) Output of ADACMP or ADAULD

data records
Rejected data DCUERR Disk, Tape (* see note) Output of ADADCU
Output data FDT DCUFDT Disk, Tape (* see note) Output of ADADCU
Utilities Manual
Decompressed records DCUOUT Disk, Tape (* see note) Utilities Manual
LOB data DCULOB Disk Utilities Manual
Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADADCU messages stdout/ Messages and Codes

Note:   (*) A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (not on OpenVMS, see Adminis-
tration ,  Using Utilities for details).


The utility writes no checkpoints.

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:




FIELDS {field_specification | FDT},...{END_OF_FIELDS | .}



D MUPE_C_L = {1|2|4}



D NUMREC = number


SKIPREC = number

D TARGET_ARCHITECTURE = (keyword[,keyword[,keyword]])


TZ {=|:} [timezone]


WCHARSET = char_set

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)



If this option is set to DCUFDT, the FDT information of the decompressed records is written to
the sequential le DCUFDT. The default is NODCUFDT.

If you have used the FIELDS parameter (see below), the elds are written to the sequential le
DCUFDT in the order specied in FIELDS. Thus, the elds in DCUFDT might be in a dierent
order to those in the original FDT.



The parameter DST is required if a daylight saving time indicator is to be provided for date/time
elds with the option TZ. The daylight saving time indicator will be appended behind the date/time
value as a 2-byte integer value (format F) containing the number of seconds to be added to the
standard time to get the actual time (usually 0 or 3600).

This parameter is required if there are records containing date/time values with the option TZ in
the hour before the time is switched back to standard time, otherwise these values are written to
the error le.

The default is NODST.


1. The DST parameter

a D element is ignored
for elds with theifdaylight
the FIELDS parameter
saving is specied. In this case, you must specify
time indicator.
2. The DST parameter is not compatible with the RECORD_STRUCTURE = NEWLINE_SEPAR-
ATOR parameter because the daylight saving indicator in format F contains non-printable



This parameter displays the FDT of the le containing the compressed records.

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)


FIELDS {field_specification | FDT},...{ END_OF_FIELDS | . }

This parameter is used to specify a subset of elds given in the FDT and their format and length.
This means that the decompressed records created do not have to contain all of the elds given
in the FDT, or that elds can be decompressed with a dierent format or length. The syntax and
semantics are the same as for the format buer, with the exception that you can also specify an R-
element (for LOB references) if the decompressed record contains the name of a le containing
the LOB value instead of the LOB value itself. See Administration ,  Loading And Unloading Data,
Uncompressed Data Format for further information.

While entering the specication list, the FDT function can be used to display the FDT of the le
to be decompressed. The specication list can be terminated or interrupted by entering
END_OF_FIELDS or `.'. The `.' option is an implicit END_OF_FIELDS and is compatible with the
format buer syntax. FIELDS or END_OF_FIELDS must always be entered on a line by itself,
whereas the `.' may be entered on a line by itself or at the end of the format buer elements. Pro-
cessing may be continued after setting any option or parameter by entering FIELDS.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESparameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.


adadcu: fields
adadcu: ; This is a comment line
adadcu: AA,AB,6,A,AC,P ; - inline comment -
adadcu: AD,AF,CBC,CB1-N . ; implicit END_OF_FIELDS

Field AA is output with default length and format, eld AB with 6 byte alphanumeric and eld
AC with default length packed. Fields AD and AF are output in default length and format, followed
 by the one-byte binary multiple eld count of eld CB and all its occurrences.



If LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES is specied, Adabas eld names are not converted to upper

case. If NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESis specied, Adabas eld names are converted to upper
case. The default is NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES.

This parameter must be specied before the FIELDS parameter.

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)



This parameter species the maximum size of a decompressed record in bytes, kilobytes or
megabytes, depending on the specication of "K" or "M" after the number. This parameter is inten-
ded to prevent very large decompressed record les from being created unintentionally (if you
didn’t consider that a le contained LOB data).

The default is 65536. This is also the minimum value.

Note:  The exact denition of this parameter is the size of the I/O buer required for the
largest decompressed record. Only multiples of 256 bytes are used for the I/O buers, which
means that you must specify a value greater than or equal to the largest decompressed record
(including the preceding length eld) rounded up to the next multiple of 256.


MUPE_C_L = {1|2|4}

If the data contain multiple-value elds or periodic groups, they are preceded by a binary count
eld with the length of MUPE_C_L bytes in the decompressed data.

The default is 1.



This parameter is used to print a list of all multiple elds and periodic groups together with their
maximum occurrence. Such information is important because the decompressed data can become
very large; if the range specied is too large, it is even possible to exceed the limit for the size of
a decompressed record.


The FDT of the le containing the compressed records is as follows:


MUPE_OCCURRENCES might produce something of the form:

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)

Name Max occurrence

PE 4
PB 8
MM 12

%ADADCU-I-DCUREC, Number of decompressed records: 5023

%ADADCU-I-DCUIR, Number of incorrect records: 0

The le can then be decompressed as follows:

adadcu fields "AA,PA1-4,PB1-4(1-8),MM1-12,P,X1" ↩

Note:   A record is considered to be incorrect if it has too many occurrences of a periodic

group containing an MU eld, and thus causes an internal overow. It is not possible to
decompress this record including the periodic group.


This parameter can be used to decompress records according to the standard FDT if the record
contains NC option elds and their status values (S-elements). It is required if one or more elds
have the null value, otherwise these records are put in the error le.


If the FDT entry for eld AA is: 1, AA, 2, A, NC, the eect of NULL_VALUE is as follows:

■ NULL_VALUE: 1st output record (in hex) 00004141 (AA has a value), 2nd output record (in
hex) FFFF2020 (AA has the null value).
■ NONULL_VALUE: 1st output record (in hex) 4141 (AA has a value), 2nd output record (in hex)
AA is null, therefore the record will be put into the error le.

The default is NONULL_VALUE.


NUMREC = number

This parameter species the number of records to be read from the input le and decompressed.
If NUMREC is not specied and SKIPREC is also not specied, all records are processed.

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)


adadcu: numrec = 100

100 records are read and decompressed.



This parameter species the type of record separation used in the output le with the logical name
DCUOUT. The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning

ELENGTH_PREFIX The records in the DCUOUT le are separated by a two-byte exclusive length

eld. There is no separator character and the use of this format is not subject to
any restrictions.
E4LENGTH_PREFIX The records in the decompressed data le are separated by a 4-byte exclusive
length eld.
ILENGTH_PREFIX The records in the DCUOUT le are separated by a two-byte inclusive length
eld. There is no separator character and the use of this format is not subject to
any restrictions.
I4LENGTH_PREFIX The records in the decompressed data le are separated by a 4-byte inclusive
length eld.
NEWLINE_SEPARATOR The records in the DCUOUT le are separated by a new-line character. If the
DCUOUT le is to be used as input for ADACMP, this keyword can only be
specied if the eld values of the output do not contain the new-line character
(i.e. if there are only unpacked, alphanumeric and Unicode elds, and if the
alphanumeric and Unicode elds only contain printable characters).
This keyword and the USERISN parameter are mutually exclusive.
RDW The records in the DCUOUT le are formatted such that they can be transferred
to an IBM host using the FTP  site rdw  option.
RDW_HEADER Like RDW, for decompressed records that can be compressed on a mainframe
VARIABLE_BLOCKED The records are stored as blocks. Each record begins with an inclusive four-byte
length eld.

The default is ELENGTH_PREFIX.

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)


SKIPREC = number

This parameter species the number of records to be skipped before decompression is started.


TARGET_ARCHITECTURE = (keyword[,keyword[,keyword]])

This parameter species the format (character set, oating-point format and byte order) of the
output data records. The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Group Valid Keywords

Character set ASCII

Floating-point format IBM_370_FLOATING




If no keyword of a keyword group is specied, the default for this keyword group is the keyword
that corresponds to the architecture of the machine on which ADADCU is running.

Note:   The FDT is always output in ASCII format.


If the output records are to be decompressed into IBM format, the user must specify the following:


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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)



This option enables or disables the truncation of alphanumeric eld values.

NOTRUNCATION is the default. In this case, all the records with truncated alphanumeric eld
values are written to the error le.

Numeric values may not be truncated, and the value must t into the standard or specied length.
If truncated numeric values occur, the records concerned are written to the error le.


TZ {=|:} [timezone]

The specied time zone must be a valid time zone name that is contained in the time zone database

known as this
specied, the Olson database
time zone (
is used ). If a time
for time zone conversions of date/time elds with zone has been
the option TZ.

The default is UTC, which is used internally to store date/time elds with option TZ; no conversion
is required.

If you specify an empty value, no checks are made to ensure that date/time elds are correct.

Note:   The time zone names are le names. Depending on the platform, these le names
may or may not be case sensitive. Also, the time zone names, depending on the platform,
may or may not be case sensitive.



This is correct on all platforms.


With this specication, TZ is converted to upper case EUROPE/BERLIN. This is correct on Windows,
 because le names are not case sensitive on Windows, but it is not correct on Unix, because Unix
le names are case sensitive.

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)



This parameter indicates whether the ISN is to be output together with each decompressed record
or not. The user can specify whether the ISN currently assigned to the record is to be output with
the decompressed data or whether it is to be omitted. If the user intends to reload the le with the
same ISNs, the USERISN option must be set.

This parameter cannot be speciedif RECORD_STRUCTURE=NEWLINE_SEPARATOR is specied.

If this parameter is omitted, the ISN is not output with each record.

NOUSERISN is the default.


adadcu: userisn

The ISN is output with each record.


WCHARSET = char_set

This parameter species the default encoding used in the decompressed le based on the encoding
names listed at - most of the character sets listed
there are supported by ICU, which is used by Adabas for internationalization support.

Input and Output Data

The input for ADADCU must be a le containing compressed records such as those output by the
unload utility ADAULD or by the compression utility ADACMP.

ADADCU decompresses each input record in accordance with the FIELDS specications and
writes the resulting record to the le with the logical name DCUOUT. The records are written in
variable-length format. By default, the records are separated by a two-byte exclusive length eld
(see the parameter RECORD_STRUCTURE in this section for more detailed information).

If USERISN is specied, the data record is preceded by its ISN in the form of a four-byte binary

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 ADADCU (Decompression Of Data)


The sequential le DCUFDT (eld denition information of the decompressed records) can be
used as input for the le denition utility ADAFDU or for the compression utility ADACMP.

Rejected Data Records

Any records rejected by ADADCU are written to the ADADCU error le. The contents of this error
le should be displayed using the ADAERR utility. Do not print the error le using the standard
operating system print utilities since the records contain unprintable characters.

See the ADAERR utility for further information.

Restart Considerations

ADADCU does not have a restart capability. An interrupted ADADCU run must be re-executed
from the beginning.

ADADCU does not update the database, therefore, no considerations regarding the status of the
database need to be made before re-executing an interrupted ADADCU execution.

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10   ADADEV (Disk Space Management)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 116
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 117
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 118

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 118

115 123/431
7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)

This chapter describes the utility "ADADEV".

Note:   This utility only applies to UNIX platforms.

Functional Overview

The ADADEV utility provides several functions for managing disk space to be used by Adabas
via the raw disk I/O interface.

ADADEV requires READ/WRITE access to the specied disk-section device le. See  Installation ,
Installing Adabas for information about raw disk-section usage in your system.

Each disk section used by Adabas must be initialized once with ADADEV. Preallocation for
Adabas container les or for Adabas sequential les is not necessary, but can be useful sometimes.

Disk space
creating is allocated
Adabas automatically
sequential les with anwhen creating
Adabas container
utility. If spaceextents
has notwith
beenADAFRM or when
preallocated, a best-
t algorithm is used for container extents. For Adabas sequential les, one half of the largest
available free space is allocated if it is larger than 1 MB. If the allocated space is exceeded, an
automatic extension is performed if the immediate right neighbour is a free space area.

The number of container extents and sequential les per raw section is limited to 338.

This utility is a multi-function utility.

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Medium Additional Information


Control statements stdin Utilities Manual

ADADEV messages stdout Messages and Codes
Adabas sequential le DEVxyz (see note 1) Disk, Tape (see note 2)


1. xyz = PLG, CLG, 00n, OUT, ERR, LOG, EXP, DTA, DVT.
2. A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (see Administration, Using Utilities for details).

DEVDVT and DEVLOG can have multiple extents. For detailed information about sequential les
with multiple extents, see Administration , Using Utilities.

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

ALLOCATE = keyword[,START_SECTOR = number]

[,BLOCKSIZE = numberKB] ,SIZE = number [B|M]

CHANGE = (keyword,keyword)

COMBINE = keyword, DESTINATION = string

COPY = keyword, DESTINATION = string

DBID = number

DEALLOCATE = {*|keyword}





MOVE = keyword, DESTINATION = string

NEW_DBID = (container-name, new-dbid)

REALLOCATE = {*|keyword}


M SECTION = string

UNLOCK = keyword

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)


ALLOCATE = keyword[,START_SECTOR = number]

[,BLOCKSIZE = numberKB] ,SIZE = number [B|M]

In accordance with the keyword specied, this function allocates space for an Adabas container
le or Adabas sequential le. The space is allocated using a best-t algorithm if no start sector is
specied. The keyword can take the values ASSOx, DATAx, WORKx, TEMPx and SORTx (where
x is a number between 1 and the maximum number of extents allowed, as described in  Adminis-
DTA or DVT. The DBID parameter must be set before space can be allocated to an ASSO, DATA
or WORK le, or to PLG, CLG, BCK, BCKOUT or RECOUT.

The DBA can use this function to preallocate container les or Adabas sequential les. Reasons
for using it include performance aspects, avoiding fragmentation (by specifying the start sectors)
and reserving space for a database that is to be created in the future.

If ADADBM or ADAFRM are used to create a container le in a disk section, the preallocated
space is taken if it is available. If there was no preallocation made, the allocation is made using a
 best-t algorithm. The same sizes must be used when preallocating and creating container les.

START_SECTOR = number 

This parameter species the sector at which allocation is to start.


Values up to 32KB can be used to specify the container block-size when the allocation is being
made in blocks. The defaults are 2KB for ASSO container les, 4KB for all other container les and
1 KB for Adabas sequential les.

SIZE = number [B|M]

This parameter species the size of the area to be allocated in blocks or megabytes. If 'B' is appended
to the number, the size is in blocks. By default, the size is given in megabytes.

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)


CHANGE = (keyword, keyword)

This function changes the type of the container le or Adabas sequential le specied by the rst
keyword into the type specied by the second keyword.

The following keyword combinations are allowed:

From To



RECOUT PLG (* see note)
BCKOUT BCK (* see note)

Note:   (*) If RECOUT [BCKOUT] is a copy of PLG.n [BCK00n], the new Adabas sequential
le name will be the corresponding name.

The DBID parameter must be set before the keywords WORK1, RECOUT or BCKOUT are used.

The WORK1 container of a given database can only be changed to a SORT or TEMP container if
there is no autorestart pending.


COMBINE = keyword, DESTINATION = string

This parameter combines multiple Adabas sequential le extents into a single extent. The keyword
can take the values PLG.n, CLG.n, BCK00n, BCKOUT, RECOUT.n, ERR, MUPLOG, ORDEXP,
DTA or DVT. The keywords can also be followed by an extent label (m). In some cases, the DBID
parameter must be set (see ALLOCATE for further information).

A COMBINE can start at an arbitrary extent, but must end with the nal (end-of-le) extent. All

subsequent extents
DEVxyz is set, can extent
the rst be specied interactively,
is taken or by path
from the default predened
name. environment variables.
If DEVxyz is not If
set, Adabas
looks in the current disk section to nd the rst extent.

`string' is either the path name of the device le that represents the raw interface of a disk section,
the path name of a tape device, the (path) name of a non-existent le of a le system or a period

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)

See Administration , Using Utilities for further information.

Example 1:

In this example, PLOG 2 of database 100 consists of 3 extents that are all located at the same disk
section /dev/rdsk/c4d0s2.

Environment Variable Setting

DEVPLG /dev/rdsk/c4d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c4d0s2

The ADADEV commands are as follows:

adadev: section=/dev/rdsk/...
adadev: dbid=100
adadev: combine=plg.2(1)
adadev: destination=PLOG_2

All extents of PLOG 2 are combined into one le which will be written into the le system under
the name PLOG_2. The section must be specied twice in DEVPLG so that it can ip-op.

Example 2:

In this example, PLOG 3 of database 100 consists of 9 extents, and the extents 5 to 9 are distributed
across four disk sections:

Environment Variable Setting

DEVPLG /dev/rdsk/c3d0s2 # contains PLG.3(5) and PLG.3(9) EOF

DEVPLG2 /dev/rdsk/c4d0s2 # contains PLG.3(6)
DEVPLG3 /dev/rdsk/c5d0s2 # contains PLG.3(7)
DEVPLG4 /dev/rdsk/c6d0s2 # contains PLG.3(8)

The ADADEV commands are as follows:

adadev: section=/dev/rdsk/...
adadev: dbid=100
adadev: combine=plg.3(5)
adadev: destination=PLOG.3(5)
Extents 5 to 9 of PLOG 3 are combined into one extent in PLOG 3 with the extent number 5 and
the EOF label. The combined PLOG extent is created in the current directory under the name

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)


COPY = keyword, DESTINATION = string

This function copies a container le (ASSO1, DATA1, etc.) or an Adabas sequential le (RECOUT,
DVT, etc.) from its present location to a specied destination (DESTINATION=string).

Valid keywords for the container les are ASSOx, DATAx and WORKx, where x is a number
 between 1 and the maximum number of extents allowed, as described in Administration , Using

Valid keywords for the Adabas sequential les are PLG.n, CLG.n, BCK00n, BCKOUT, RECOUT.n,
ERR, MUPLOG, ORDEXP, DTA, and DVT. The `n' extension on the Adabas sequential le keywords
designates an extent number.

If a container le is to be copied, you must rst set the appropriate environment variable (e.g.
ASSO1) to the source location before the copy is attempted.

If an Adabas sequential le is to be copied into the current disk section, as specied by the SECTION
parameter (e.g. SECTION=/dev/c5d0s2), the environment variable DEVxyz (where xyz may take
the values PLG, CLG, 00n, OUT, ERR, LOG, EXP, DTA, and DVT) must be set to the Adabas se-
quential le or device le.

The DESTINATION keyword may be specied as either a path name for a raw disk section, a path
name of a tape device, a path name of a non-existent le in the le system, a named pipe or a
period `.', which indicates that the le will be copied into the current disk section.

In some cases, the DBID must be specied in order to uniquely identify the le before the COPY
function can be executed: please refer to the ALLOCATE function for a list of those les that require
the DBID.


adadev: section=/dev/rlv02
adadev: dbid=23
adadev: copy=WORK1, destination=/FS/fs0395/SAG/ada/db023/WORK1.023

WORK1 is copied from a raw device to a le system.

The environment variable WORK1 has the value /FS/fs0395/SAG/ada/db023/WORK1.023.

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)

adadev: section=/dev/rlv02
adadev: dbid=023
adadev: copy=WORK1, destination=.

WORK1 is copied from a le system to the currently-selected raw device.


DBID = number

This parameter species the database of an ASSO, DATA or WORK container le, or of a PLG,
CLG, BCK, BCKOUT or RECOUT Adabas sequential le.


DEALLOCATE = { * | keyword }

In accordance with the keyword specied, this function deallocates space from an Adabas container
le or Adabas sequential le, or from all of the extents of a given database (DEALLOCATE=*).
The keyword can take the values ASSOx, DATAx, WORKx, TEMPx , SORTx, NUCTMPx and
NUCSRTx (where x is a number between 1 and the maximum number of extents allowed, as de-
scribed in Administration ,  Using Utilities), PLG, PLG.n, PLG*, CLG, CLG.n, CLG*, BCK, BCK00n,
Adabas sequential le keywords can also be followed by an extent label (m) or (*). In some cases,
the DBID parameter must be set (see ALLOCATE for further information).

The DBA can use this function to deallocate space from container les, e.g. when a database is no
longer required or e.g. when a PLOG extent is saved to tape. The deallocated space is managed
as free space and can be allocated to other containers.



This function displays the areas of free space on the current disk section. It is a subset of the
LAYOUT function. In order to make it easier to allocate space in units of the default block sizes,
this function also lists the size of the free areas in units of 2KB and 4KB.

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)



Some sectors at the beginning of each disk section are used to manage the allocated and free space
areas. This function initializes this management part. Each disk section to be used by Adabas must
 be initialized beforehand. When a disk section is accessed for Adabas purposes, the rst step is
for the management part to be veried. A disk section can only be initialized if this verication



This function provides a summary of the disk section usage. It lists the container and Adabas se-
quential areas as well as the free space areas. It also displays the status of a container area (allocated
or created). Adabas sequential les can also have the status "during creation". This means that the
Adabas sequential le is growing: some of the allocated space has been used up, but some of it is
still free.

Following a power failure, TEMP and SORT containers may be locked for read or write (status:
rlocked or wlocked). Please refer to the UNLOCK function in this section for further information
about unlocking container les.



parameter. If achecks if a le
le system is system is mounted
mounted, ADADEVonterminates.
the disk specied in
This check
can be skipped if NOMOUNTCHECK is specied before the SECTION parameter is used.

The default is MOUNTCHECK.


MOVE = keyword, DESTINATION = string

MOVE is essentially the same as COPY, however, with the dierence that the source le is removed
(see COPY for further information).

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)


NEW_DBID = (container-name, new-dbid)

This function changes the DBID of Adabas les within raw sections (for example, when the number
of a database has been changed and the PLOGs are to be applied to the database with the new

The following can be specied for container-name:

■ all containers/sequential les with an associated database ID (ASSO, DATA, PLG ...)
■ wildcard character '*' with PLOG and CLOG (PLG*, CLG*) to change all les within the section
■ when specifying a given PLOG (e.g. PLG.175) and there are sequential le extents (PLG.175(1)
etc.), all these occurrences are changed

The following cannot be specied for container-name:

■ containers without a DBID (SORT, DTA, ...)

■ specic PLOG le extents (e.g. "PLG.175(1)")


The following example shows how to change the DBID from 1 to 2:

adadev section=xxx dbid=1 new_dbid=(asso1,2)

adadev section=xxx dbid=1 new_dbid=(plg.175,2)
adadev section=xxx dbid=1 new_dbid=(plg\*,2)


REALLOCATE = { * | keyword }

This function deallocates space and directly allocates it in a single step. The keyword can take the
same values as for the DEALLOCATE function. Adabas sequential le areas that are <=50 KB are
always deallocated.

This function can be used as a short cut when deallocating a container le and then allocating it
again at the same location. It is particularly useful if ADAFRM aborts while creating a database,
with some container les already created and preallocated at given start sectors.

There is a ag for each container in a disk section, which indicates whether the container or Adabas
sequential le has actually been created or whether the space has only been allocated for it. For
security reasons, an existing container or Adabas sequential le cannot be overwritten just by
creating it again: it must be deallocated or reallocated rst.

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 ADADEV (Disk Space Management)



The management part of the current disk section is set to binary zero if the section is initialized.
This function is used if a disk section which has the same start sector as an overlapping, initialized
disk section is to be initialized.



If a new, overlapping disk section is used with the same start sector as the current disk section,
this function updates the size of the section to the size of the new section. The new section can be
larger or smaller than the current section. If it is larger, the free space at the end of the section is
increased. If it is smaller, existing free space at the end of the section is decreased.

SECTION = string

This parameter selects the disk section to be used. The (path) name of the device le that represents
the raw I/O interface of the disk section must be specied.


UNLOCK = keyword

This parameter is used to unlock a container of an abnormally terminated utility (for example kill
-9). The keyword can take the values TEMP1, SORT1 or SORT2.

Following a power failure, locked container les must be unlocked using the UNLOCK function
in order to use them further. If an Adabas sequential le consists of more than one physical extent,
the last extent is marked with EOF in the status eld.

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11   ADAERR (Error File Report)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 128
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 129
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 129

 Control Parameter   ......................................................................................................................... 129
■  Example  ...................................................................................................................................... 130
■  Rejected Data Records  ................................................................................................................... 130

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 ADAERR (Error File Report)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAERR".

Functional Overview

The ADAERR utility displays the contents of error les generated by the utilities


This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADAERR (Error File Report)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Medium Additional Information

Logical Name

Error data ERRIN Disk, Tape (* see note)

Error messages stdout/

Note:   (*) A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (not on Open VMS, see Adminis-
tration , Using Utilities for details).

The sequential le ERRIN can have multiple extents. For detailed information about sequential
les with multiple extents, see  Administration , Using Utilities.


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameter 

The following control parameter is available:


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 ADAERR (Error File Report)



If NODUMP is specied, only a description (length of record, ISN of the record etc.) of each error
record will be output, but not the actual record content. See the section Rejected Data Records in
this section for information on the contents of the error records.

If DUMP is specied, the record content will be dumped in addition to the record description. For
ADACMP, thedecompressed record will be dumped, whereas for ADADCUthecompressed record
will be dumped.

The default is NODUMP.

$ adaerr

%ADAERR-I-STARTED, 11-OCT-2006 18:59:20, Version 6.1.1

%ADAERR-I-RECNOTF, Record NOT found for ISN 317 in file 49
%ADAERR-I-PLOGRB, from record 1 in block 6 on PLOG 1
%ADAERR-I-IOCNT, 1 IO on dataset ERRIN
%ADAERR-I-TERMINATED, 11-OCT-2006 18:59:20, elapsed time: 00:00:01

Rejected Data Records

Any records rejected by the following utilities are written to the error le in variable-length format.


The structure of the error records is contained as a header le in the Adabas distribution kit -
$ADADIR/$ADAVERS/inc/iodesam.h on Unix, %ADADIR%\%ADAVERS%\..\inc\iodesam.h
on Windows.

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12   ADAFDU (File Definition)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 132
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 133
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 135

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 135
■  Examples  ..................................................................................................................................... 149

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAFDU".

Functional Overview

The le denition utility ADAFDU denes a new base le and/or a LOB le in a database. It does
not require the Adabas nucleus to be active.

The eld denitions for a base le, including special descriptor denitions and referential integrity
denitions for foreign keys, are read from the sequential le FDUFDT; the eld denition of a
LOB le is predened. Additional input for ADAFDU is provided by parameters.

See Administration ,  FDT Record Structure for information about the syntax and use of the data
denitions to dene the logical structure of the le in the database.

See Administration , Loading And Unloading Data, File Space Estimation for information about formulae
for calculating the Associator and Data Storage space requirements for a le.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)

Procedure Flow

Offline Mode

If the nucleus is not active, ADAFDU itself creates the new le in ASSO and DATA

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)

Online Mode

If the nucleus is active, ADAFDU calls the nucleus to create the new le in ASSO and DATA. In
this case, no checkpoint is written, but the le creation is logged in the database log, and in case
of a recovery, the le is created automatically.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Data storage DATAx Disk
Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADAFDU messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
FDT information FDUFDT Disk,Tape (* see note)
Protection Log NUCPLG Disk Utilities Manual

Note:   (*) A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (not on OpenVMS, see Adminis-
tration , Using Utilities for details).


The utility writes a SYNP checkpoint if it is performed oine. If the utility is performed online,
the le denition is written to the PLOG, a SYNX checkpoint is written.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:


ACRABN = number

ADAM_KEY = key


ADD_LOBFILE = (number,number)

D ASSOPFAC = number



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 ADAFDU (File Definition)

D CONTIGUOUS = ([AC], [,DS] [,NI] [,UI])

D DATAPFAC = number

M DBID = number


DSRABN = number

D DSSIZE = number[B|M]


FILE = number


LOBFILE = number [,LOBSIZE = number[B|M]]


D MAXISN = number

D NAME{=|:} string

NIBLOCKSIZE = numberK|(numberK,numberK)

NIRABN = number|(number,number)

D NISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])


D REUSE = (keyword [,keyword])

SYFMAX = number

UIBLOCKSIZE = numberK|(numberK,numberK)

UIRABN = number|(number,number)

D UISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)



This parameter allows you to specify a block size for the allocation of the address converter extent.


acblocksize = 6k

The address converter will be allocated with a block size of 6 kilobytes.

If the database does not contain enough space with this block size, ADAFDU aborts.


ACRABN = number

This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for the Address Converter is to

This parameter can be used to allocate the Address Converter to a given container le extent.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAFDU assigns the starting RABN.


ADAM_KEY = key

If this parameter is specied, the le is dened as an ADAM le. The key can be either a descriptor
name or the keyword `ISN'. If an ADAM key is used, it must be dened with the UQ option in
the FDT. It must not be a sub-, super-, phonetic or hyperdescriptor. It must not be a multiple-value
eld or a eld within a periodic group. It must not have the NU/NC option.



This parameter species the number of DATA overow blocks for the le. Overow blocks are
required in case ADAM-calculated blocks get full. The overow blocks are taken from the end of

the le's DATA blocks.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)

At least one overow block must be allocated.

The maximum is DSSIZE - 1.

Note:   When checking the maximum value, and DSSIZE is specied in megabytes, it is as-
sumed that the Data Storage block size is 32 - independent of the actual value. If you want
to specify a larger value for ADAM_OVERFLOW, which is possible with a smaller Data
Storage block size, DSSIZE must be specied in blocks.

The default is 1.



This parameter species the number of consecutive ISNs to be stored in one block if the keyword
`ISN' is specied for the ADAM_KEY parameter.

If the ADAM key is a descriptor with xed-point format, the parameter species the number of
consecutive values for one block. For other key formats, it species an oset into the values. See
Administration for more information.

A value may be specied in the range 1 to 10000.

The default value is 8.


ADD_LOBFILE = (number, number)

The parameter ADD_LOBFILE is used to create a LOB le and assign it to an existing base le
that is specied by the rst number, the base le must not yet have an assigned LOB le. A LOB
le, with the le number specied by the second number, is generated and assigned to the base
le, and the base le is enabled for LOB processing. A le with the specied le number must not
yet exist. The maximum number that can be specied is 32000. You can specify the parameters
describing the data storage, the address converter, the normal and upper index of the LOB le,
 but the following should be taken into consideration:

■ The block size for LOB le data blocks must be 32 KB.
■ The block size for LOB NI and UI blocks must be < 16 KB.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)

It is not possible to specify FILE if you specify ADD_LOBFILE, and vice versa.

Because there are some predened requirements for a LOB le, not all the other ADAFDU para-
meters make sense in connection with ADD_LOBFILE, for example the ADAM_* parameters.
These parameters are ignored by ADAFDU when the LOB le is added.


ASSOPFAC = number

This parameter species the padding factor to be used for the le's index. The number specied
is the percentage of each index block which is not to be used by a subsequent run of the mass update
utility ADAMUP. This padding area is reserved for future use if additional entries have to be added
to the block by the Adabas nucleus. This avoids the necessity of having to relocate overow entries
to another block.

A value may be specied in the range 0 to 95.

A small padding factor (0 to 10) should be specied if little or no descriptor updating is expected.
A larger padding factor (10 to 50) should be specied if there is a large amount of descriptor up-
dating in which new descriptor values are created.

You can change the padding factor at a later time using the utility ADAORD.

The default padding factor is 5.


If NOBT is specied, this le will be a no-BT le, which means that modications to this le are
not made within normal transaction logic, and all modications are kept in the database even if
a transaction is backed out.

BT is the default.

Note:   The following points should be considered if the nucleus crashes:

■ All database modications for a no-BT le issued before the last ET command are applied to
the database.
■ It is not dened whether database modications for a no-BT le issued after the last ET command
are applied to the database or not.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)



This option can be used to enable or disable data record ciphering.

Ciphering prevents the unauthorized analysis of Adabas container les. If ciphering is enabled,
data records are ciphered when they are stored in a database by either the Adabas nucleus or by
the mass update utility ADAMUP. The data records are then deciphered when they are requested
 by a user or application: this means that the ciphering is completely transparent to the user or
application. See Administration , Adabas Security Facilities  for further information about ciphering.

The default is NOCIPHER.


CONTIGUOUS = ( [AC] [,DS] [,NI] [,UI] )

This parameter is used to control ADAFDU's space allocations. If specied, ADAFDU ensures
that only the rst logical extent of the types specied is used.

By default, ADAFDU makes contiguous-best-try allocations.


DATAPFAC = number

This parameter species the padding factor to be used for the le's Data Storage. The number
specied is the percentage of each data block which is not to be used when subsequently adding
new records to the le with the mass update utility ADAMUP or with the Adabas nucleus. This
padding area is reserved for future use if any record in the block requires additional space as a
result of record updating by the Adabas nucleus. This avoids the necessity of having to relocate
the record to another block.

A value in the range 0 to 95 may be specied.

A small padding factor (0 to 10) should be specied if there is little or no record expansion. A larger
padding factor (10 to 50) should be specied if there is a large amount of record updating which
will cause expansion.

You can change the padding factor at a later time using the utility ADAORD.
The default padding factor is 5.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.



This parameter allows you to specify a block size for the allocation of the data storage extent.


dsblocksize = 6k

Data storage will be allocated with a block size of 6 kilobytes.

If the database does not contain enough space with this block size, ADAFDU aborts.


DSRABN = number

This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for Data Storage is to start.

This parameter can be used to allocate Data Storage to a given container le extent.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAFDU assigns the starting RABN.


DSSIZE = number [B|M]

This parameter species the number of blocks or megabytes to be assigned to Data Storage. By
default, the size is given in megabytes.

The value specied for DSSIZE determines the size of the logical extent allocated to Data Storage
for the le.

A contiguous-best-try allocation is made unless CONTIGUOUS=DS has been specied.

This parameter is mandatory for ADAM les - the dependencies between the parameters
ADAM_OVERFLOW and DSSIZE are described for the parameter ADAM_OVERFLOW.

For non-ADAM les, this parameter can be omitted; in this case Adabas calculates a reasonable
number of blocks to be used for Data Storage. If the size that is actually required is larger, the le
is automatically increased.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)



If this parameter is specied, the FDT contained in the sequential le FDUFDT is displayed.


FILE = number

This parameter is required when a base le is to be created; it species the le number to be assigned
to the le.

The `number' specied must not be currently assigned to another le in the database and must
not exceed the maximum le number dened for the database. The maximum number that can
 be specied is 32000.

File numbers can be assigned in any sequence.

It is not possible to specify FILE if you specify ADD_LOBFILE, and vice versa.



This option is used to control whether the RABNs allocated for the le's index and Data Storage
are to be formatted or not. The RABNs of the le's Address Converter are always formatted.

The default is NOFORMAT.


LOBFILE = number [, LOBSIZE = number[B|M]]

If LOBFILE is specied, a LOB le with the specied number is generated and assigned to the
 base le to be created, and the base le is enabled for LOB processing. A LOB le with the specied
le number must not already exist. The maximum number that can be specied is 32000. You
should take the following into consideration:

■ The block size for LOB le data blocks will be 32 KB.
■ The block size for LOB NI and UI blocks will be < 16 KB.
■ LOBSIZE species the size in Data storage of the LOB le, analogously to the parameter DSSIZE.
■ Adabas calculates reasonable sizes for the Address converter, the normal and upper index of
the LOB le. If you want to specify these values yourself, you should create the base le rst
without specifying LOBFILE, and then you should call ADAFDU again and add the LOB le
with the ADD_LOBFILE parameter.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)



If LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES is specied, Adabas eld names are not converted to upper

case. If NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESis specied, Adabas eld names are converted to upper
case. The default is NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES.


MAXISN = number

This parameter species the highest ISN expected in the le. The le denition utility ADAFDU
uses this parameter to determine the amount of space to be allocated for the le's Address Con-
verter (AC). The default value for MAXISN is 5000.

A contiguous-best-try allocation is made unless CONTIGUOUS=AC has been specied.

Note:   The value is rounded up to the number of ISNs that t into the Address converter
 blocks required to store MAXISN ISNs in the Address converter, the exact value used as
MAXISN for the le is:
(MAXISN specied / (Address converter block size / 4) + 1) * (Address converter block size
/ 4) -1. For example, using an Address converter with a block size of 4KB, the default value
of 5000 is increased to (5000 / (4096 / 4) + 1) * (4096 / 4) -1 = 5119.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)


NAME {=|:} string

This parameter species the name to be assigned to the le. This name will appear together with
data about this le in the database status report produced by the report utility ADAREP. A max-
imum of 16 characters are permitted. If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will
 be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed

The default value is FILE-n, where n is the le number.


NIBLOCKSIZE = numberK|(numberK,numberK)

This parameter allows you to specify a block size for the allocation of the Normal Index. Note that
the Normal Index requires a block size >= 16 KB for large index values > 253 bytes, while a smaller
 block is allocated for descriptors with smaller descriptor values. The following must be taken into

■ If you specify one block size, the le is created with all normal index blocks having this size.
■ If you specify two block sizes, one value should be < 16K, and one value should be >= 16K. You
should also specify two values for NISIZE; the rst value for NIBLOCKSIZE corresponds to the
rst value of NISIZE, and the second value for NIBLOCKSIZE corresponds to the second value


niblocksize = 6k

The normal index will be allocated with a block size of 6 kilobytes.

niblocksize = (8k,32k)
nisize = (1000b,10m)

The normal index will be allocated with 1000 blocks of block size 8 KB and 10 MB of block size 32

If the database does not contain enough space with this block size, ADAFDU aborts.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)


NIRABN = number|(number,number)

This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for the Normal Index is to start.
This parameter can be used to allocate the Normal Index to a given container le extent.

If two RABNs have been specied, one should have a block size < 16KB, and the other should
have a block size of >= 16KB.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAFDU assigns the starting RABNs.

If both NIBLOCKSIZE and NIRABN are specied, the block sizes of the RABNs specied as
NIRABN must be equal to the values specied as NIBLOCKSIZE.


NISIZE = number [B|M]|(number [B|M],number [B|M])

This parameter denes the number of blocks or megabytes to be assigned to the Normal Index.
By default, the size is in megabytes.

If the block size cannot be derived from the NIBLOCKSIZE or the NIRABN parameter, the rst
value for NISIZE is used for blocks < 16KB, and the second value is used for blocks >= 16KB.

A contiguous-best-try allocation is made unless CONTIGUOUS=NI has been specied.

If this parameter is omitted, Adabas calculates a reasonable number of blocks to be used for the
normal index.


adafdu: nisize = 100b

If the block size cannot be derived from the NIBLOCKSIZE or NIRABN parameter, 100 blocks
with block size < 16KB are allocated for the Normal Index.

adafdu: nisize = (10m,1000b)

If the block size cannot be derived from the NIBLOCKSIZE or NIRABN parameter, 10 MB of blocks
with block size < 16KB and 1000 blocks of block size >= 16KB are allocated for the Normal Index.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)



If PGM_REFRESH is specied, the le can be refreshed by an E1 command (reset to a state of zero
records loaded) when it is loaded.

The default is NOPGM_REFRESH.


REUSE = ( keyword [,keyword] )

The REUSE parameter controls the reuse of Data Storage space or ISNs by Adabas.


 block causes all newly-added
a result records,
of record expansion together
caused with records
by updating) that
to be have to
placed in be
themoved to another
last used block in
the Data Storage extent allocated to the le. If there is not sucient space in this block, the next
 block is used.

If the DS keyword is specied, Adabas will scan the Data Storage Space Table (DSST) in order to
locate a block with sucient space. In this case, the rst block found with sucient space will be

The le control block for the specied le is modied to indicate the type of allocation to be used
when adding new records or moving updated records.

The default value is DS.


If REUSE is set to NOISN, Adabas does not reuse the ISN of a deleted record for a new record.
Each new record will be assigned the next-highest unused ISN.

The ISN keyword species that Adabas may reuse the ISN of a deleted record.

The default value is NOISN.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)


adafdu: reuse = (isn, ds)

ISNs of deleted records can be reassigned to new records. The DSST is scanned for free space when
a record is added to the database or when an updated record is moved in the database.

adafdu: reuse = isn

Reuse of data storage and ISNs is allowed.

adafdu: reuse = <cr>

Reuse of data storage and no reuse of ISNs is specied. This is the default setting.


SYFMAX = number

This parameter species the maximum number of values generatedfor a system generatedmultiple-
value eld. There is no explicit maximum value, but you should bear in mind, that you can get a
record overow if the value is dened too high; the compressed data record should also t into
one DATA block is SYFMAX values are dened for system generated multiple-value elds.

The default value is 1.


UIBLOCKSIZE = numberK|(numberK,numberK)

This parameter allows you to specify a block size for the allocation of the Upper Index. Note that
the Upper Index requires a block size >= 16 KB for large index values > 253 bytes, while a smaller
 block is allocated for descriptors with smaller descriptor values. The following must be taken into

■ If you specify one block size, the le is created with all normal index blocks having this size.

If you specify
should two block
also specify sizes, one
two values value should
for UISIZE; be value
the rst < 16K,for
and one value should
corresponds toYou
rst value of UISIZE, and the second value for UIBLOCKSIZE corresponds to the second value

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)


uiblocksize = 6k

The upper index will be allocated with a block size of 6 kilobytes.

uiblocksize = (8k,32k)
uisize = (1000b,10m)

The upper index will be allocated with 1000 blocks of block size 8 KB and 10 MB of block size 32

If the database does not contain enough space with this block size, ADAFDU aborts.


UIRABN = number|(number,number)

This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for the Upper Index is to start.
This parameter can be used to allocate the Upper Index to a given container le extent.

If two RABNs have been specied, one should have a block size < 16KB, and the other should
have a block size of >= 16KB.

If both UIBLOCKSIZE and UIRABN are specied, the block sizes of the RABNs specied as UIR-
ABN must be equal to the values specied as UIBLOCKSIZE.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAFDU assigns the starting RABN.


UISIZE = number [B | M]

This parameter denes the number of blocks or megabytes to be assigned to the Upper Index. By
default, the size is in megabytes.

If the block size cannot be derived from the UIBLOCKSIZE or the UIRABN parameter, the rst
value for UISIZE is used for blocks < 16KB, and the second value is used for blocks >= 16KB.

A contiguous-best-try allocation is made unless CONTIGUOUS=UI has been specied.

If this parameter is omitted, Adabas calculates a reasonable number of blocks to be used for the
upper index.

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)



adafdu: dbid = 1, file = 6, maxisn = 20000, dssize = 100B,

adafdu: assopfac = 10, datapfac = 10,
adafdu: uisize = 20b, nisize = 5

File 6 is to be loaded. The maximum number of expected records preset for the le is 20000. 100
 blocks are allocated for Data Storage. The Associator and Data Storage block padding factors are
 both 10 percent. 20 blocks are allocated for the Upper Index and 5 megabytes for the Normal Index.
The Normal Index ISN size is implicitly set to 2.


adafdu: dbid = 1, file = 7, maxisn = 350000,

adafdu: assopfac = 5, datapfac = 15,
adafdu: dssize = 100,
adafdu: uisize = 2, nisize = 30

File 7 is to be loaded. The maximum number of expected records preset for the le is 350000. The
Associator padding factor is 5 percent. The Data Storage padding factor is 15 percent. 100 megabytes
are allocated for Data Storage. The Normal Index ISN size is implicitly set to 4.


adafdu: dbid = 1, file = 8,

adafdu: maxisn = 10000, dssize = 20,
adafdu: uisize = 10b, nisize = 50b

File 8 is to be loaded. The maximum number of expected records preset for the le is 10000. 20
megabytes are allocated to Data Storage. The padding factor for both the Associator and Data
Storage is 5 percent (default).

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 ADAFDU (File Definition)


adafdu: dbid = 1, file = 9, maxisn = 55000, dssize = 2000b, dsrabn = 30629,

adafdu: uisize = 50b, nisize = 300b,
adafdu: assopfac = 20, datapfac = 10

File 9 is to be loaded. The maximum number of expected records preset for the le is 55000. 2000
 blocks are allocated for Data Storage. The Data Storage allocation will start at RABN 30629. 50
 blocks are allocated for the Upper Index. 300 blocks are allocated for the Normal Index. The padding
factor for the Associator is 20 percent. The padding factor for Data Storage is 10 percent.


adafdu: dbid = 1, file = 10, maxisn = 20000

File 10 is to be loaded. The maximum number of records expected for the le is set to 20000. All
space allocation will be calculated by Adabas.

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13   ADAFIN (File Information Report)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 152
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 153
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 154

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 154

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAFIN".

Functional Overview

The le information utility ADAFIN displays

■ the FDT,
■ descriptor information, and
■ the number of blocks in the Data Storage, Normal Index or Upper Index and their usage

of one or more selected les.

This utility is a multi-function utility.

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Data storage DATAx Disk

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual

ADAFIN messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
Work WORK1 Disk

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

ADAM_DS = keyword

M DBID = number

DESCRIPTOR = { = | : }{ * | (string [,string]...) }


M FILE = { * | (number [-number] [,number [-number]]...) }


USAGE = (keyword [,keyword [,keyword]])


ADAM_DS = keyword
This parameter can be used in conjunction with USAGE=DS for ADAM les. It selects the data
section of the ADAM le for which information is to be displayed. The following keywords can
 be used:

Keyword Meaning

FULL All of the DS space is selected

ADAM Only the ADAM area is selected
OVERFLOW Only the ADAM overow area is selected

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.


DESCRIPTOR = { = | : }{ * | (string [,string]...) }

This function denes the list of descriptors for which information is to be displayed. If more than
one le is selected, information may only be requested for all descriptors (DESCRIPTOR = *).

The DESCRIPTOR function can only be executed if the selected les are not opened for update
with the nucleus running. This function can only be selected in conjunction with the FILE parameter.

The DESCRIPTOR function does not synchronize against parallel updates (for example ADAINV


adafin: file=13, descriptor=ca

Database 76, File 13 (MISCELLANEOUS ) 27-OCT-2006 08:08:17

Descriptor CA , Format: A , Options: NU

min max ave

Length 1 233 20.59
ISNs per value 1 2 1.08

Values: different: 86 total: 93

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 2 UI: 1

adafin: file=(11,12), descriptor=*

Database 1, File 11 (EMPLOYEES-NAT ) 27-OCT-2006 08:09:39

Descriptor AA , Format: A , Options: UQ

min max ave
Length 8 8 8.00
ISNs per value 1 1 1.00

Values: different: 1,107 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 5 UI: 1

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

Descriptor AE , Format: A , Options: None

min max ave

Length 3 17 6.78
ISNs per value 1 19 1.37

Values: different: 804 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 4 UI: 1

Descriptor AH , Format: P , Options: NC

min max ave

Length 4 4 4.00
ISNs per value 1 43 1.20

Values: different: 921 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 4 UI: 1

Descriptor AJ , Format: A , Options: NU

min max ave

Length 3 20 8.52
ISNs per value 1 141 3.60

Values: different: 307 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 3 UI: 1

Descriptor AO , Format: A , Options: None

min max ave

Length 6 6 6.00
ISNs per value 1 99 6.62

Values: different: 167 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 2 UI: 1

Descriptor AP , Format: A , Options: NU

min max ave

Length 2 25 12.56
ISNs per value 1 75 4.67

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

Values: different: 237 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 3 UI: 1

Descriptor AZ , Format: A , Options: NU,MU

min max ave

Length 3 3 3.00
ISNs per value 1 843 86.28

Values: different: 21 total: 1,812

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 2 UI: 1

Super-Descriptor H1 , Format: B , Options: NU

Parent field(s): AU ( 1 - 2) U
AV ( 1 - 2) U

min max ave

Length 4 4 4.00
ISNs per value 1 93 4.17

Values: different: 259 total: 1,081

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 2 UI: 1

Phonetic-Descriptor PH , Format: A , Options: None

Parent field(s): AE A

min max ave

Length 3 3 3.00
ISNs per value 1 33 1.82

Values: different: 608 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 3 UI: 1

Sub-Descriptor S1 , Format: A , Options: None

Parent field(s): AO ( 1 - 4) A

min max ave

Length 4 4 4.00
ISNs per value 1 208 85.15

Values: different: 13 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 2 UI: 1

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

Super-Descriptor S2 , Format: A , Options: None

Parent field(s): AO ( 1 - 6) A
AE ( 1 - 20) A

min max ave

Length 9 23 12.78
ISNs per value 1 5 1.05

Values: different: 1,052 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 6 UI: 1

Super-Descriptor S3 , Format: A , Options: NU,PE

Parent field(s): AR ( 1 - 3) A
AS ( 1 - 9) P

min max ave

Length 12 12 12.00
ISNs per value 1 25 2.15

Values: different: 1,567 total: 3,383

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 10 UI: 1

Highest PE-occurrence: 5

Database 1, File 12 (VEHICLES ) 10-OCT-2006 14:30:39

Descriptor AA , Format: A , Options: UQ,NU

min max ave

Length 6 10 7.91
ISNs per value 1 1 1.00

Values: different: 772 total: 772

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 4 UI: 1

Descriptor AC , Format: A , Options: None

min max ave

Length 1 8 7.74
ISNs per value 1 24 1.16

Values: different: 662 total: 773

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 3 UI: 1

Descriptor AD , Format: A , Options: NU

min max ave

Length 2 14 6.63
ISNs per value 1 179 17.17

Values: different: 45 total: 773

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 1 UI: 1

Descriptor AF , Format: A , Options: NU

min max ave

Length 3 10 4.95
ISNs per value 1 135 11.36

Values: different: 68 total: 773

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 1 UI: 1

Descriptor AH , Format: A , Options: FI

min max ave

Length 1 1 1.00
ISNs per value 169 329 257.66

Values: different: 3 total: 773

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 1 UI: 1

Super-Descriptor AO , Format: A , Options: NU

Parent field(s): AG ( 1 - 2) U
AD ( 1 - 20) A

min max ave

Length 4 16 8.63
ISNs per value 1 45 4.29
Values: different: 180 total: 773
ASSO-Blocks: NI: 2 UI: 1

Total of 18 descriptors

Information about all descriptors in the specied les is displayed.

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)



This parameter displays the Field Denition Tables (FDTs) of the les selected with the FILE
parameter. This function can only be selected in conjunction with the FILE parameter.


adafin: file=9, fdt

Database 1, File 9 (EMPLOYEES ) 27-OCT-2006 08:11:42

Field Definition Table:

Level I Name I Length I Format I Options I Flags I Encoding


I 8 I
2 I AC I 20 I W I NU I I
2 I AE I 20 I W I NU I SP I
2 I AD I 20 I W I NU I I
1 I AF I 1 I A I FI I I
1 I AG I 1 I A I FI I I
1 I AH I 8 I U I DE I I
1 I A1 I I I I I
2 I AI I 20 I W I NU,MU I I
2 I AJ I 20 I W I DE,NU I I
2 I AK I 10 I A I NU I I
2 I AL I 3 I A I NU I I
1 I A2 I I I I I
2 I AN I 6 I A I NU I I
2 I AM I 15 I A I NU I I
1 I AP I 25 I W I DE,NU I I
2 I AR I 3 I A I NU I SP I
2 I AS I 5 I P I NU I SP I
2 I AT I 5 I P I NU,MU I I
1 I A3 I I I I I
2 I AU I 2 I U I I SP I
2 I AV I 2 I U I NU I SP I
2 I AX I 8 I U I NU I I
2 I AY I 8 I U I NU I I
Type I Name I Length I Format I Options I Parent field(s) Fmt

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

SUPER I H1 I 4 I B I NU I AU ( 1 - 2 ) U
I I I I I AV ( 1 - 2 ) U
SUB I S1 I 4 I A I I AO ( 1 - 4 ) A
SUPER I S2 I 26 I A I NU I AO ( 1 - 6 ) A
I I I I I AE ( 1 - 20 ) W
SUPER I S3 I 12 I A I NU,PE I AR ( 1 - 3 ) A
I I I I I AS ( 1 - 9 ) P


FILE = { * | (number [-number] [,number [-number]]...) }

This parameter selects one or more les from a database and displays information about these
les in accordance with the following parameter. Specifying FILE = * selects all les.



If the HISTOGRAM option is selected, a graphical overview of the descriptor-value length distri-
 butions will be provided in all the information that is subsequently displayed by the DESCRIPTOR

If HISTOGRAM is used, it must be specied before the DESCRIPTOR parameter.

Using the HISTOGRAM option does not lead to additional I/Os on the data sets.

The default is NOHISTOGRAM.

Example (with HISTOGRAM)

adafin: file=9, histogram, descriptor=ap

Database 1, File 9 (EMPLOYEES ) 27-OCT-2006 08:12:44

Descriptor AP , Format: W , Options: NU

min max ave

Length 2 26 12.71
ISNs per value 1 75 4.61

Values: different: 240 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 3 UI: 1

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

Histogram of descriptor value length for descriptor AP

Length | 25% 50% 75% 100%| Frequency

2 |* | 1
3 |* | 22
5 |* | 7
6 |* | 26
7 |****** | 124
8 |**** | 83
9 |****** | 117
10 |****** | 119
11 |*** | 67
12 |**** | 83
13 |* | 23
14 |** | 47
15 |** | 46
16 |** | 46
17 |* | 29
18 |***** | 101
19 |* | 27
20 |* | 29
21 |* | 33
22 |* | 17
23 |* | 20
24 |* | 21
25 |* | 5
26 |* | 14


The information that is displayed has the following meaning:

Keyword Meaning

Length Each value n shown in this column indicates that there is a descriptor value with a length of n
 bytes in the le.
The range of values in this column lies between the minimum (column "min") and maximum
(column "max") values shown in the table before the histogram.
Frequency The value shown in this column indicates the number of descriptor values for the given descriptor
The sum of the values in the frequency column is equal to the total number of values for the
descriptor in question.

If all of the descriptor values are of the same length, the histogram will be of an unusual type, e.g.:

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

adafin: file=9, histogram, descriptor=aa

Database 1, File 9 (EMPLOYEES ) 27-OCT-2006 08:15:16

Descriptor AA , Format: A , Options: UQ

min max ave

Length 8 8 8.00
ISNs per value 1 1 1.00

Values: different: 1,107 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 5 UI: 1

Histogram of descriptor value length for descriptor AA

Length | 25% 50% 75% 100%| Frequency

8 |************************************************************| 1,107

This histogram shows that the le only contains descriptor values that have a length of 8 bytes.
The le contains a total of 1107 values for the descriptor AA.

Example (with NOHISTOGRAM)

adafin: file=9, histogram, descriptor=ap

Database 1, File 9 (EMPLOYEES ) 27-OCT-2006 08:14:24

Descriptor AP , Format: W , Options: NU

min max ave

Length 2 26 12.71
ISNs per value 1 75 4.61

Values: different: 240 total: 1,107

ASSO-Blocks: NI: 3 UI: 1

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)


USAGE = (keyword [,keyword [,keyword]])

Depending on the keyword specied, this parameter displays the percentage of used blocks in
the le.

Keyword Meaning

DS Displays statistics of used blocks in the Data Storage;

NI Displays statistics of used blocks in the Normal Index;
UI Displays statistics of used blocks in the Main/Upper Index.


adafin: file=13, usage=ds

Database 76, File 13 (MISCELLANEOUS ) 27-OCT-2006 08:16:18

DS - Blocks allocated = 50 , used = 49 , unused = 1

Records: Number = 179

Length: max = 1,991 , min = 260 , avg = 997.47

0%: 0 blocks
5%: 0 blocks
10%: 0 blocks
15%: 0 blocks
20%: 0 blocks
25%: 0 blocks
30%: 0 blocks
35%: 0 blocks
40%: 0 blocks
45%: 0 blocks
50%: 0 blocks
55%: 0 blocks
60%: 0 blocks
65%: 0 blocks
70%:**** 2 blocks
80%:** 0
1 blocks
85%:************* 6 blocks
90%:***************************** 13 blocks
95%:************************************************************* 27 blocks
100%: 0 blocks

Information about the used data blocks of le 13 in database 76 is displayed. 50 DS blocks are al-
located, of which 49 are in use and 1 is unused. The total number of records is 179, with the record

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 ADAFIN (File Information Report)

length varying between a maximum of 1991 and a minimum of 260. The average record length is
997.47. The following lines give an overview of the number of blocks that are used up to a given
level. The majority of the blocks (27) is used up to between 90% and 95%.

Example (for ADAM file)

adafin: file = 8
adafin: adam_ds = full
adafin: usage = ds

Database 30, File 8 (ADAM_FILE ) 11-OCT-2006 12:08:57

ADAM key = FF ADAM parameter = 5 ADAM_DS = FULL

DS - Blocks used for ADAM = 94

Total overflow blocks = 1, used = 1
Records: Number = 3863
In ADAM area= 3860 , ovfl = 3
Length: max = 9 , min = 9 , avg = 9.00

0%: ******** 10 blocks

5%: *** 4 blocks
10%: 0 blocks
15%: 0 blocks
20%: 0 blocks
25%: 0 blocks
30%: * 1 block
35%: 0 blocks
40%: 0 blocks
45%: 0 blocks
50%: * 1 block
55%: 0 blocks
60%: 0 blocks
65%: ************************************************** 74 blocks
70%: 0 blocks
75%: 0 blocks
80%: 0 blocks
85%: 0 blocks
90%: 0 blocks
95%: *** 3 blocks
100%: * 2 blocks

Information about all data blocks of le 8, which is an ADAM le, is displayed. The ADAM
parameter is set to 5. 94 blocks are used for the ADAM area, with 1 block reserved for overow.
The ADAM area contains 3860 records, and 3 records are in the overow area.

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14   ADAFRM (Format And Create A New Database)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 168
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 169
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 170

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 170
■  Restart Considerations  ................................................................................................................... 174
■  Control Statement Examples  ............................................................................................................ 174

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 ADAFRM (Format And Create A New Database)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAFRM".

Functional Overview

The utility ADAFRM creates the container les (ASSO, DATA, WORK) assigned to the database
and establishes the database including the database system les. It can also be used to format the
TEMP and SORT les.

For the raw device interface, the utility ADADEV can be used if placement control is required.
Raw devices and les in the le system may be used for database container les.

You can create up to 255 ASSO and 255 DATA container les. You can add more containers later
using ADADBM's ADD_CONTAINER function.

After ADAFRM creates the container les, it initializes the global Adabas blocks, inserts the 3
Adabas system les (checkpoint le, ET data le, security le) and allocates space for them. The
checkpoint le is allocated 3000 records, the ET data le is allocated 3000 records and the security
le is allocated 200 records.

Block sizes from 1 kilobyte to 32 kilobytes may be used for database container les.

If you try to reformat a container le, the utility terminates with an error message. This ensures
that the database is not accidentally overwritten.

Note:  On OpenVMS, container les are allocated using the contiguous-best-try method. For
this reason, you should ensure that your disk space is as defragmented as possible in order
to avoid reduced performance.
This utility is a single function utility.

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 ADAFRM (Format And Create A New Database)

Procedure Flow

If a database is to be formatted:

Data Set Environment Storage Medium Additional Information

Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Data storage DATAx Disk

Control statements stdin/

SYS$INPUT Utilities Manual

ADAFRM messages stdout/ Messages and Codes

Work WORK1 Disk

If a TEMP or SORT is to be formatted:

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 ADAFRM (Format And Create A New Database)

Data Set Environment Storage Medium Additional Information

Logical Name

Sort storage SORTx Disk

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADAFRM messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
Temporary storage TEMPx Disk


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are only used when establishing a new database:

D ASSOBLOCKSIZE = (number[K] [,number[K]] ... )

M ASSOSIZE = (number[B|M] [,number[B|M]]...)

D DATABLOCKSIZE = (number[K] [,number[K]] ... )

M DATASIZE = (number[B|M] [,number[B|M]]...)

DBID = number

D NAME {=|:} string

M SORTSIZE = (number[M] [,number[M]] ... )

D SYSFILES = (number, number, number)

M TEMPSIZE = (number[M] [,number[M]] ... )


M WORKSIZE = number[M | B]

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 ADAFRM (Format And Create A New Database)


ASSOBLOCKSIZE = (number[K] [,number[K]] ... )

This parameter species the block sizes that are to be used for the Associator container le(s). The
rst block size corresponds to ASSO1, the second to ASSO2 etc.

If block sizes are not specied, the default of 4K will be used.

For ASSO1, only blocks sizes from 2K to 8K can be specied. For ASSO2 to ASSOn, block sizes
 between 1K and 32K are permitted.

Note:   The ASSOBLOCKSIZE parameter should be specied once for each ASSOSIZE that
is specied, i.e. these parameters should be specied in pairs. If ASSOSIZE is specied more
frequently than ASSOBLOCKSIZE, then the last specied block size will be used for the
containers that do not have a block size specied. The default value will be used if ASSOB-
LOCKSIZE is not specied at all.


ASSOSIZE = (number[M|B] [,number[M|B]]...) ↩

This parameter species the number of blocks or megabytes to be assigned to the Associator.

If the Associator is to be contained in more than one physical le, the size of each le must be

If a `B' is appended to the number, the size is in blocks, otherwise it is in megabytes.


DATABLOCKSIZE = (number[K] [,number[K]] ... )

This parameter species the block sizes that are to be used for the Data Storage container le(s).
The rst block size corresponds to DATA1, the second to DATA2 etc.

If block sizes are not specied, the default of 32K will be used.

Note:  The DATABLOCKSIZE parameter should be specied once for each DATASIZE that
is specied, i.e. these parameters should be specied in pairs. If DATASIZE is specied
more frequently than DATABLOCKSIZE, then the last specied block size will be used for
the containers that do not have a block size specied. The default value will be used if
DATABLOCKSIZE is not specied at all.

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 ADAFRM (Format And Create A New Database)


DATASIZE = (number[B|M] [,number[B|M]]...) ↩

This parameter species the number of blocks or megabytes to be assigned to the Data Storage.

If the Data Storage is to be contained in more than one le, the size of each le must be specied.
If a `B' is appended to the number, the size is in blocks, otherwise it is in megabytes.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be created.

The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 255.

Note:   This parameter only needs to be set when formatting ASSO, DATA and WORK. It
must not be entered when formatting only SORT or TEMP.


NAME {=|:} string

This parameter species the name to be assigned to the database. This name will appear in the
title of the database status report produced by the report utility ADAREP. If you specify an equals
sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you specify a colon, no upper-
case conversion is performed.

A maximum of 16 characters may be specied.

If this parameter is omitted, a default value of `GENERAL-DATABASE' is assigned.


SORTSIZE = (number[M] [,number[M]] ... )

This parameter species the number of megabytes to be assigned to the SORT dataset.

If the SORT dataset consists more than one extent, the size of each extent must be specied. Up
to 50 extents can be specied. The SORT dataset can be formatted independently.

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 ADAFRM (Format And Create A New Database)


SYSFILES = (number, number, number)

This parameter species the le numbers to be reserved for the Adabas system les. These le
numbers must not be used subsequently for user les.

The rst value species the le number of the checkpoint le.

The second value species the le number of the security le.

The third value species the le number of the user data le.

The default setting is SYSFILES=(1, 2, 3).


TEMPSIZE = (number [M] [,number[M]] ... )

This parameter denes the number of megabytes to be assigned to TEMPx.

If the TEMP dataset is to be contained in more than one physical le, the size of each le must be

This component may be formatted independently.



This parameter species the block size that is to be used for the WORK le.

If no block size is specied, the default of 16K will be used.


WORKSIZE = number [B|M]

This parameter denes the number of blocks or megabytes to be assigned to WORK1.

If a `B' is appended to the number, the size is in blocks, otherwise it is in megabytes.

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 ADAFRM (Format And Create A New Database)

Restart Considerations

ADAFRM does not have a restart capability. An interrupted ADAFRM run must be restarted from
the beginning. Associator, Data Storage and WORK must be formatted together.

The les created during an earlier run have to be deleted rst.

Control Statement Examples

Example: Formatting a database

adafrm: dbid = 1, name = DATABASE_1

adafrm: assosize = (200M, 100M), assoblocksize = (2K, 4K)
adafrm: datasize = (500M, 500M, 2M), datablocksize = (4K, 16k)
adafrm: worksize = 50M, workblocksize = 16K

A new database is established with the number 1 and the name "DATABASE_1". Two ASSO con-
tainer les are created: ASSO1 has a size of 200 megabytes and a blocksize of 2 kilobytes, and
ASSO2 has a size of 100 megabytes and a blocksize of 4 kilobytes. There are three DATA containers.
DATA1 and DATA3 have a blocksize of 4 kilobytes, DATA2 has a blocksize of 16 kilobytes. There
is a single WORK container le with a block size of 16 kilobytes. The le numbers 1, 2 and 3 will
 be used for the 3 system les.

Example: Formatting SORT and TEMP

adafrm: sortsize = (10M,10M)

adafrm: tempsize = 10M

Explanation: Two container les, each 10 megabytes in length, are to be formatted as SORT1 and
SORT2. A container le, 10 megabytes in length, is to be formatted as TEMP1.

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15   ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 176
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 177
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 178

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 179
■  Restart Considerations  ................................................................................................................... 188
■  Examples  ..................................................................................................................................... 189

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAINV".

Functional Overview

The inverted list utility ADAINV creates, removes and veries inverted lists for loaded les in a
database. It does not require the Adabas nucleus to be active. The nucleus may, however, be active
or shut down while ADAINV is running. The following functions are available:

■ The INVERT function establishes new descriptors;

■ The REINVERT function performs an implicit RELEASE and INVERT;
■ The RELEASE function removes existing descriptors;
■ The RESET_UQ function removes the unique status from descriptors;
■ The SET_UQ function establishes a unique status for existing descriptors;
■ The SUMMARY function displays the descriptor space summary for the specied descriptors
and the required sizes to process these descriptors;
■ The VERIFY function checks the integrity of inverted lists.

A LOB le can only be specied for the functions REINVERT, SUMMARY and VERIFY.

These functions are mutually exclusive and only one of them may be executed each time this
utility is run.

If the utility writes records to the error le, it will exit with a non-zero status.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

Procedure Flow

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

The sequential le INVERR can have multiple extents. For detailed information about sequential
les with multiple extents, see  Administration , Using Utilities.

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium

Logical Name
Associator ASSOx Disk
Data storage DATAx Disk
Rejected data INVERR Disk, Tape (* see note) output of ADAINV
Sort storage SORTx Disk Administration Manual, temporary working
TEMPLOCx space
Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADAINV messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
Temporary storage TEMPx Disk
Work storage WORK1 Disk

Note:   (*) A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (not on OpenVMS, see Adminis-
tration, Using Utilities for details).

In cases without an active nucleus and no pending AUTORESTART, the WORK may be used as
TEMP by setting the environment variable/logical name TEMP1 to the path name or raw disk
section of a WORK container.



The following table shows the nucleus requirements for each function and the checkpoints written:

Function Nucleus must Nucleus must NOT be Nucleus is NOT Checkpoint written Nucleus operations
be active active required allowed

REINVERT X(* see note) X SYNP
VERIFY X(* see note) X SYNX R

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

Note:   (*) When processing an Adabas system le.

R: read operations allowed for the processed le.

W: read und write operations allowed for the processed le.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

M DBID = number

INVERT = number,
FIELDS {field_name [,UQ] [,TR] | derived_descriptor_definition | FDT},
D [,LWP = number[K]]
D [,UQ_CONFLICT = keyword]


REINVERT = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}
D [,LWP = number[K]]
D [,UQ_CONFLICT = keyword]

RELEASE = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}

RESET_UQ = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}

SET_UQ = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}
D [,UQ_CONFLICT = keyword]

SUMMARY = number,
{descriptor_name | derived_descriptor_definition | FDT},

 Adabas Utilities 179 187/431
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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

VERIFY = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}
D [,ERRORS = number]
D [,LWP = number[K]]

DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.


INVERT = number,
FIELDS {field_name [,UQ] [,TR] | derived_descriptor_definition | FDT},
[,LWP = number[K]]
[,UQ_CONFLICT = keyword]

This function establishes new elementary, sub-, super-, hyper-, phonetic and collation descriptors
at any time after a le has been initially loaded. `number' species the le containing the elds to
 be inverted. You are not allowed to specify the number of a LOB le.


This parameter displays the FDT of the selected le. This option may be specied before or within
the eld specication list.

FIELDS {field_name [,UQ] [,TR] | derived_descriptor_definition | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]

This parameter species elds to be inverted. It can contain one or more

■ eld name,
■ phonetic descriptor or
■ sub-, super-, hyper- or collation descriptor

specications, each starting on a separate line. See  Administration ,  FDT Record Structure for valid
specications of eld names, phonetic, sub-, super-, hyper- or collation descriptors.

The options UQ and TR are used to specify whether the eld in question is a unique descriptor
or whether index truncation will be performed. See  Administration ,  Denition Options  for further
information about the UQ and TR options.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

Note:   Only elds for which the values are stored in the base le can be used as descriptors
or parent elds of derived descriptors. For this reason, an invert function will be aborted
if a eld to be inverted or a parent eld of a derived descriptor to be created has the LA or
LB option and values are stored in the LOB le. LA and LB elds can be used as descriptors
or parent elds of derived descriptors, but then all values are limited to 16 KB – 3, and the
 base record including these LA or LB eld values must t into one data block.
If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESparameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.

LWP = number[K]

This parameter species the size of the Work Pool in bytes or in kilobytes (K) to be used for the
sort while creating the inverted lists.

You can use the SUMMARY function to determine the required value for this parameter.

The minimum size is 0 bytes and the default size is 0 bytes.

UQ_CONFLICT = keyword

This parameter determines which action is to be taken when duplicate values are found for a
unique descriptor. `keyword' may take the values ABORT or RESET. If ABORT is specied,
ADAINV terminates execution and returns an error status if duplicate UQ descriptor values are
found. If RESET is specied, the UQ status of the descriptors in question is removed and processing

The default is UQ_CONFLICT = ABORT.



If LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES is specied, Adabas eld names are not converted to upper

case. If NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESis specied, Adabas eld names are converted to upper
case. The default is NOLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES.

This parameter must be specied before the FIELDS parameter.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)


REINVERT = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}
[,LWP = number[K]]
[,UQ_CONFLICT = keyword]

This function performs an implicit RELEASE and INVERT. This reduces the probability of a typing
error, especially for sub- and superdescriptors.

Note: The purpose of ADAINV REINVERT is to recreate a descriptor if the index tree becomes
unbalanced as a result of a large number of updates, or if an index error occurred. Descriptors
are always recreated with the same denition as before; if you want to change the denition
of a descriptor, for example a superdescriptor, you must perform ADAINV RELEASE fol-

lowed by ADAINV INVERT with the new descriptor denition.


This parameter species that all descriptors of the selected le are to be released/inverted.


This parameter displays the FDT of the selected le. This option may be specied before or within
the elds specication list.

FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]

This parameter species the descriptors to be released/reinverted. It can be followed by one or
more eld names, each starting on a separate line. See  Administration , FDT Record Structure  for a
description of valid eld name specications.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES parameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when theLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)


If a descriptor is released or reinverted, the new index created is generally smaller than the old
index and requires less disk space. The FORMAT option can be used to format the blocks that are
no longer used by the index but which are still allocated to the le.

The default is NOFORMAT.

LWP = number[K]

This parameter species the size of the Work Pool to be used for the sort. This is an internal sort
to recover lost index blocks when rebuilding the upper index.

You can use the SUMMARY function to determine the required value for this parameter.

The minimum size is 0 bytes and the default size is 0 bytes.

UQ_CONFLICT = keyword

This parameter determines which action is to be taken when duplicate values are found for a
unique descriptor. `keyword' may take the values ABORT or RESET. If ABORT is specied,
ADAINV terminates execution and returns an error status if duplicate UQ descriptor values are
found. If RESET is specied, the UQ status of the descriptors in question is removed and processing

The default is UQ_CONFLICT = ABORT.


RELEASE = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}

This function removes elementary, sub-, super-, hyper-, phonetic and collation descriptors from
the le specied by `number'. You are not allowed to specify the number of a LOB le.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)


This parameter species that all descriptors of the selected le are to be released.


This parameter displays the FDT of the selected le. This option may be specied before or within
the elds specication list.

FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]

This parameter species the descriptors to be released. It can be followed by one or more eld
names, each starting on a separate line. See  Administration , FDT Record Structure for a description
of valid eld name specications.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES parameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when theLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.


If a descriptor is released or reinverted, the new index created is generally smaller than the old
index and requires less disk space. The FORMAT option can be used to format the blocks that are
no longer used by the index but which are still allocated to the le.

The default is NOFORMAT.


RESET_UQ = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}

This function removes the unique status from elementary, sub-, hyper-, super- and collation
descriptors dened in the le specied by `number'. You are not allowed to specify the number
of a LOB le.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)


This parameter species that the unique status is to be removed from all unique descriptors in the
specied le.


This parameter displays the Field Denition Table (FDT) of the selected le. This option may be
specied before or within the elds specication list.

FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]

This parameter species the descriptors that are to have unique status removed. It can be followed
 by one or more eld names, each starting on a separate line. See  Administration , FDT Record
Structure for a description of valid eld name specications.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESparameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.


SET_UQ = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}
[,UQ_CONFLICT = keyword]

This function establishes the unique status for elementary, sub-, hyper-, super- and collation
descriptors dened in the le specied by `number'. You are not allowed to specify the number
of a LOB le.


This parameter species that the unique status is to be established for all elementary, sub-, hyper-
 , super- and collation descriptors dened in the specied le.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)


This parameter displays the FDT of the selected le. This option may be specied before or within
the elds specication list.

FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]

This parameter species the descriptors for which the unique status is to be established. It can be
followed by one or more eld names, each starting on a separate line. See  Administration ,  FDT 
Record Structure for a description of valid eld name specications.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES parameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when theLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.

UQ_CONFLICT = keyword

This parameter determines which action is to be taken when duplicate values are found for a
unique descriptor. `keyword' may take the values ABORT or RESET. If ABORT is specied,
ADAINV terminates execution and returns an error status if duplicate descriptor values are found.
If RESET is specied, the UQ status of the descriptors in question is not established and processing

The default is UQ_CONFLICT = ABORT


SUMMARY = number,
{descriptor_name | derived_descriptor_definition | FDT},

This function displays the descriptor space summary (DSS) for the specied descriptors and the
required sizes to process the descriptors.

Note: Processing the exact size would be too complicated. It may be that sizes a little smaller
than those displayed are sucient. If the le is updated during or after the SUMMARY
function, the displayed values might also be too small.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)


This parameter species that all descriptors of the selected les are to be checked.


This parameter displays the FDT of the selected le. This option may be specied before or within
the elds specication list.

FIELDS {descriptor_name | derived_descriptor_definition | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]

This parameter species the descriptors for which the unique status is to be established. It can be
followed by one or more eld names, phonetic descriptors, subdescriptors, superdescriptors, hy-
perdescriptors or collation descriptors, each starting on a separate line. You can specify elds that
are descriptors or elds that are not descriptors. See  Administration , FDT Record Structure  for a
description of valid eld name specications.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMESparameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.


If this is specied, each descriptor is displayed along with the sizes that are required for the
descriptor. This can be helpful if not all of the specied elds are to be processed.


VERIFY = number,
{ALL_FIELDS | FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]}
[,ERRORS = number]
[,LWP = number[K]]

This function checks the integrity of inverted lists of the le specied by `number'.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)


This parameter species that all descriptors of the selected le are to be checked.

ERRORS = number 

This parameter species the number of errors that have to be reported in order to terminate the
verication of a descriptor.

The default is 20.


This parameter displays the FDT of the selected le. This option may be specied before or within
the elds specication list.

FIELDS {descriptor_name | FDT}, ... [END_OF_FIELDS]

This parameter species the descriptor elds to be veried. It can be followed by one or more eld
names, each starting on a separate line. See  Administration , FDT Record Structure for a description
of valid eld name specications.

If the eld denitions are terminated with the END_OF_FIELDS parameter, this parameter must
 be specied in upper case when the LOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES parameter is used. In addition,
the FDTparameter must also be specied in upper case when theLOWER_CASE_FIELD_NAMES
parameter is used.

LWP = number[K]

This parameter species the size of the Work Pool to be used for the sort while verifying the inverted

You can use the SUMMARY function to determine the required value for this parameter.

The minimum size is 0 bytes and the default size is 0 bytes.

Restart Considerations

ADAINV has no restart capability. However, it may or may not be possible to re-start an abnormally
terminated ADAINV from the beginning.

If ADAINV terminates abnormally, it can usually be restarted from the beginning. However, if
ADAINV has modied the index, the following points have to be considered:

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

■ The function REINVERT ... FIELDS is the same as the function RELEASE ... FIELDS followed
 by the function INVERT ... FIELDS. So if ADAINV has aborted in the INVERT phase, perform
the function INVERT ... FIELDS to restart the operation.
■ If ADAINV is performed oine, there is a very small amount of time where a few records that
together form a logical unit are written to disk. If ADAINV terminates after the rst of these
records has been written and before the last has been written, ADAINV cannot be restarted. In
this case, the function REINVERT ... ALL_FIELDS is required. This cannot happen if ADAINV
is performed online.
■ If ADAINV terminates abnormally, it can happen that some index blocks are lost. These index
 blocks can only be recovered by the function REINVERT ... ALL_FIELDS or by using the utility
ADAORD or by using the utilities ADAULD and ADAMUP.


Example 1

adainv: dbid=1
adainv: invert=10, fields
adainv: HO

The elementary eld HO in le 10 of database 1 is inverted.

Example 2

adainv: dbid=1
adainv: invert=10
adainv: lwp=600k
adainv: fields
adainv: ph=phon(na)
adainv: sp=na(1,3),yy(1,2),uq
adainv: bb,uq

Three new descriptors are established for le 10 in database 1. PH is a phonetic descriptor based
on the eld NA. SP is a unique superdescriptor derived from bytes 1 to 3 of eld NA and bytes 1
to 2 of eld YY. The elementary eld BB is changed to descriptor status and the unique ag is set.
The size of the work pool to be used for the sort is increased to 600 K.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

Example 3

adainv: dbid=1
adainv: release=10
adainv: fields
adainv: ho
adainv: ph

The two descriptors HO and PH from the examples above are released.

Example 4

adainv: dbid = 1, verify = 10

adainv: errors = 5
adainv: fields
adainv: sp
adainv: na
adainv: end_of_fields

The descriptors SP and NA are veried. The descriptor value table entries generated for descriptor
NA are checked against the decompressed values of this eld. Verication is terminated if more
than ve errors are reported for each descriptor.

Example 5

adainv: dbid = 1, reinvert = 10

adainv: fields
adainv: na

The descriptor NA in le 10 of database 1 is to be reinverted (this may be necessary if errors are
reported in example 4).

Example 6

adainv: db=12
adainv: reinvert=9
adainv: all_fields
The complete index is recreated for le 9 in database 12.

The following output is produced:

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)


%ADAINV-I-UIUPD, upper index being modified

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor KA

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor KA

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor S3

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor S3

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor S2

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor S2

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor PA

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor PA

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor FB

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor FB

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor AA

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor AA

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor BC

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor BC

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor CN

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor CN

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor JA

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor JA

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor H1

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor H1

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor EA

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor EA

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor LC

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor LC

%ADAINV-I-SORTDESC, sorting descriptor S1

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor S1

loading descriptor
descriptor AC

%ADAINV-I-NULLDESC, no values for descriptor IJ

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor IJ

%ADAINV-I-NULLDESC, no values for descriptor IB

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor IB

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

%ADAINV-I-NULLDESC, no values for descriptor FI

%ADAINV-I-LOADDESC, loading descriptor FI

%ADAINV-I-UIUPD, upper index being modified

%ADAINV-I-DSPASSES, data storage passes : 17
%ADAINV-I-REMOVED, dataset SORT1, file C:\Program Files\Software AG\Adabas/db012
\SORT01_3664.012 removed
%ADAINV-I-IOCNT, 1 IOs on dataset SORT
%ADAINV-I-IOCNT, 85 IOs on dataset DATA
%ADAINV-I-IOCNT, 49 IOs on dataset ASSO


1. The message NULLDESC indicates that no descriptor values exist for this descriptor. This may
happen for elds dened with option NU or NC if the eld contains the null value/SQL null
values for all records.
2. The message DSPASSES shows how often the data records of the le were read. In this case the
number of data storage passes is 17, i.e. the data records were reread for each descriptor, because
no TEMP container was dened where descriptor values can be saved. The number of data
storage passes can be reduced by dening a TEMP container. This is recommended in particular
for large les, because it reduces the number of required I/O operations signicantly. The
ADAINV parameter SUMMARY can be used to nd out which size is useful for the TEMP
3. The message REMOVED shows that a temporary SORT container created by ADAINV was
deleted. You can also use a persistent SORT container, which is not created and deleted by
ADAINV (see ADAFRM for further details).

Example 7

adainv: dbid = 1, set_uq=10

adainv: fields
adainv: na
adainv: end_of_fields
adainv: uq_conflict=reset

The unique status is to be established for the descriptor NA in le 10 of database 1. If there is more
than one ISN per descriptor value, the conicting ISNs are written to the error log and the unique
status is removed.

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 ADAINV (Creating, Removing And Verifying Inverted Lists)

Example 8

adainv: dbid = 1, reset_uq=10

adainv: fields
adainv: sp

The unique status is to be removed from the descriptor SP in le 10 of database 1.

Example 9

adainv: db=33
adainv: summary=112
adainv: fields
adainv: ab
adainv: ae
adainv: s1=ap(1,1),aq(1,1),ar(1,1)
adainv: s2=ac(1,3),ad(1,8),ae(1,9)
adainv: s3=ao(2,3)

This produces the following output:

Descriptor summary:

Descriptor AB : 1,194,469 bytes, 581,209 occ

Descriptor AE : 3,605,545 bytes, 538,769 occ
Descriptor S1 : 1,566,501 bytes, 581,209 occ
Descriptor S2 : 1,520,169 bytes, 72,389 occ
Descriptor S3 : 1,340,949 bytes, 446,983 occ

Required sizes to process these descriptors:

- LWP for incore sort = 13,230 KB
- TEMPSIZE (1 pass) = 24 MB
- TEMPSIZE (2 passes) = 13 MB
- TEMPSIZE (recommended minimum size) = 5 MB

%ADAINV-I-IOCNT, 1710 IOs on dataset DATA

%ADAINV-I-IOCNT, 3 IOs on dataset ASSO
%ADAINV-I-TERMINATED, 24-NOV-2006 14:15:06, elapsed time: 00:04:03

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194 202/431
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16   ADAMON (Monitoring The Database Nucleus)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 196
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 197
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 197

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 198

195 203/431
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 ADAMON (Monitoring The Database Nucleus)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAMON".

Note:   This utility is not available on Windows platforms.

Functional Overview

The ADAMON utility is used to monitor an Adabas session with the aim of collecting performance
data. The type of information collected is determined by the setting of the DISPLAY parameter;
the information is usually displayed on a "per second" basis. The information collected can be
presented as a set of numbers or as a basic graphical output. An ADAMON session is terminated
 by typing CTRL/C, or when the value specied for the LOOP parameter has been reached - then
a statistical summary of the monitored session is displayed.

This utility is a multi-function utility.

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 ADAMON (Monitoring The Database Nucleus)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Variable/ Storage Medium Additional Information

Logical Name

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual

ADAMON stdout/ Messages and Codes
messages SYS$OUTPUT


The utility writes no checkpoints.

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 ADAMON (Monitoring The Database Nucleus)

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:


M DBID = number

D DISPLAY = keyword


D INTERVAL = number

D LOOPS = number



If this parameter is set to DATETIME, each monitoring line with non-graphical output will be
preceded by the current date and time. The default is NODATETIME.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used. The database must be active for all functions with
the exception of DISPLAY = BACKUP.


DISPLAY = keyword

This parameter displays database information in accordance with the keyword specied. The
display is refreshed at intervals specied by the parameter INTERVAL (default of 3 seconds).
Please refer to the DISPLAY examples in the section ADAOPR for explanations of the information

The following keywords are available:

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 ADAMON (Monitoring The Database Nucleus)

Keyword Meaning

ACTIVITY Displays the throughput of a database, for example the number of commands per second.
This keyword is the default if the nucleus is active.
BACKUP Displays a graph which monitors the execution of an ADABCK DUMP or RESTORE
function. The values displayed are normalized to full blocksizes, which can be dierent
from the real backup/restore space because of 'used size compression'. The output is always
graphically oriented. This keyword can also be used if the nucleus is not active. This
keyword is the default if the nucleus is not active.
HIGH_WATER Displays some important highwater values. The output is always graphically oriented.
The bold line gives the current value in percent, the dashed line shows the highwater
value. If there is only a bold line, the current and the high water values are identical. The
'Write Limit' line shows the number of modied blocks in percent until the ush limit is
reached - at 100%, usually a buer ush will be started. The number given within the line
shows the modied space in bytes. The 'WP1 Flush' line shows the number of modied
WORK part 1 blocks from the most recent buer ush record- if the 100% point is reached,
a buer ush will be started. The 'Hit rate' lines show the overall hit rate (dashed line)

and the current
'DATA' rate
lines thatthe
show occurred during used
ratio between the measured
and totalinterval (bold
allocated line). The
container 'ASSO'
space. The
'PLOG' line shows the ratio between the used and allocated space for the protection log.
The numbers in these data set lines are either given in KB, MB or GB units. Note that the
PLOG on le system always shows 100%
INDEX Displays some counters and exceptions that occurred during index update (for internal
IO Displays the number of physical I/Os of the specic Adabas container les, per second.
For each container type (ASSO, DATA) only the rst 10 extents can be displayed. I/Os to
upper extents are collected in ASSOx or DATAx.

Furthermore, if an exceptional
ation is displayed situation
on the screen. is detected during
In the non-graphical modecollection of the data,
it is displayed additional
in the inform-
nal column, in
the graphical mode, the status is shown in the base line. The following status information can be

A buer ush is in progress.
Threads waiting for work pool space on complex commands.
The nucleus is in ET_SYNC mode, which means no new transactions will be started.
The nucleus is executing a hyperexit.
The nucleus is executing a user exit.
The internal work pool is so large that it extends into the buer pool.

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 ADAMON (Monitoring The Database Nucleus)

Nucleus shutdown in progress.
Nucleus shutdown completed.
Nucleus abnormally terminated.

If an AUTORESTART is executing, ADAMON can monitor and display the phase number (1, 2,
3 or 4) and the number of processed blocks. Usually, phase 3 takes the most time, and the percentage
of processed blocks is displayed. This is done independently of the selected function. When the
AUTORESTART completes, it PT_RETs to the function requested.



Setting this option to GRAPHICAL switches the output to the graphical format. For the display
functions BACKUP and HIGH_WATER, only the graphical format is supported. The default is


INTERVAL = number

This parameter species the data-collection sampling interval in seconds.

The default interval is 3 seconds.


LOOPS = number

This parameter limits the number of data collection loops.

By default, ADAMON loops continuously. Data collection can be terminated with CTRL/C.

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 ADAMON (Monitoring The Database Nucleus)


Example 1:

adamon dbid=1
Display the activity of database 1.

Example 2:

adamon dbid=2
adamon display=high_water

Display the high-water marks of database 2.

Example 3:

adamon dbid=3
adamon display=io graphical

Display the I/O activity of database 3 with graphical output.

Example 4:

adamon dbid=4
adamon interval=10

Display the activity of database 4, and refresh the content of the screen every 10 seconds.

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202 210/431
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17   ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 204
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 205
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 208

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 209
■  Restart Considerations  ................................................................................................................... 215
■  SORT Data Set Placement  .............................................................................................................. 215
■  TEMP Data Set Placement  .............................................................................................................. 215
■  Examples  ..................................................................................................................................... 216

203 211/431
7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAMUP".

Functional Overview

The mass update utility ADAMUP adds records to, or deletes records from a le in a database. It
does not require the Adabas nucleus to be active.

The output les produced by the compression utility ADACMP or the unload utility ADAULD
may be used as input for a mass add.

Note:   The ADAMUP ADD function can process MUPDTA/MUPDVT les created with
earlier Adabas versions, but not MUPDTA/MUPDVTles created with later Adabas versions.

Input les produced by ADACMP or ADAULD with the SINGLE_FILE option or from a previous
run of ADAMUP using the DELETE function with the LOG option can also be used.

Input les produced without descriptor value tables (SHORT option in ADAULD or LOG=SHORT
option in ADAMUP) can be processed if the database le to be processed does not contain any

The input for the DELETE function is provided in an input le. Each record contains one or more
ISNs or ISN ranges.

Records may be both added to and deleted from a database le during a single run of ADAMUP.

If the utility writes records to the error le, it will exit with a non-zero status.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

Procedure Flow

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

The sequential les MUPDTA, MUPDVT, MUPTMP, MUPLOB and MUPERR can have multiple
extents. For detailed information about sequential les with multiple extents, see  Administration ,
Using Utilities.

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Data storage DATAx Disk
Compressed input MUPDTA Tape, Disk
Descriptor values MUPDVT Tape, Disk
Rejected data MUPERR Disk, Tape (* see note)
LOB data MUPLOB Disk, Tape Temporary working space, will be deleted
again when ADAMUP terminates
Normal index MUPTMP Disk, Tape Temporary working space, will be deleted
again when ADAMUP terminates
Sort storage SORTx Disk Administration Manual, temporary working
TEMPLOCx space
Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADAMUP messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
Temporary storage TEMPx Disk
Work WORK1 Disk

Note:   (*) A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (not on OpenVMS, see Adminis-
tration ,  Using Utilities for details).

In cases without an active nucleus and no pending AUTORESTART, the WORK may be used as
TEMP by setting the environment variable/logical name TEMP1 to the same value as WORK1.

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

The sequential les MUPTMP, MUPLBI, MUPLOG and MUPERR can have multiple extents. For
detailed information about sequential les with multiple extents, see Administration , Using Utilities.

 Adabas Utilities 207 215/431
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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Data storage DATAx Disk
Rejected data MUPERR Disk, Tape (* see note)
ISNs to be deleted MUPISN Disk, Tape
LOB ISNs MUPLBI Disk, Tape Temporary working space, will be deleted
again when ADAMUP terminates
Compressed data MUPLOG Disk, Tape
Normal index MUPTMP Disk, Tape Temporary working space, will be deleted
again when ADAMUP terminates
Sort storage SORTx Disk Administration Manual, temporary working
TEMPLOCx space

Control statements stdin/

SYS$INPUT Utilities Manual

ADAMUP messages stdout/ Messages and Codes

Work WORK1 Disk

Note:   (*) A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (not on OpenVMS, see Adminis-
tration ,  Using Utilities for details).

The following table shows the nucleus requirements for each function and the checkpoints written:

Function Nucleus must be active Nucleus must NOT be active Nucleus is NOT required Checkpoint written

UPDATE X(* see note 1) X(* see note 2) X(* see note 3) SYNP


1. When deleting records in a le with LOB data.

2. When updating an Adabas system le.
3. Except when deleting records in a le with LOB data.

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

M DBID = number



UPDATE = number [,FDT]

[ADD [,add_keywords]]
[DELETE [,delete_keywords]]
D [LWP = number[K]]


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.



This parameter displays the Field Denition Table (FDT) of the selected le in the database. If re-
cords are to be added to a le, the FDT of the sequential input le containing these records can
also be displayed. This parameter may also be used in an ADD/DELETE specication.

Depending on the context in which the FDT parameter is used, the Field Denition Table contained
in the sequential input le MUPDTA and/or the Field Denition Table contained in the selected
database le is displayed.



This parameter displays the Descriptor Space Summary (DSS) on the sequential input le that
contains the compressed records. This display is identical to the one at the end of the ADACMP,
ADAULD or ADAMUP run which generated this input le, and can be used to estimate the space
required in the index.

Because the information has to be obtained from the last block of the input le on magnetic tape,
a mechanical fast wind is required and some delay should be expected.

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

Additionally, the following information is displayed:

■ required SORT size (for default LWP)

■ recommended TEMP size (the size required to do the index update in one pass)
■ current size of SORT (if present)
■ LWP needed for memory-resident sort
■ Recommended size of LWP and SORT (if LWP is large enough to allow a smaller SORT size to
 be used).

Note:   If the default LWP is large enough to do a memory-resident sort, SORT sizes are not


UPDATE = number [,FDT]

[ADD [,add_keywords]]
[DELETE [,delete_keywords]]
[LWP = number[K]]

This function species the le to which records are to be added/deleted. Since ADAMUP requires
exclusive control of the le, it cannot be used for an Adabas system le while the nucleus is active.
You are not allowed to specify a LOB le.


[,DE_MATCH = keyword]
[,NUMREC = number]
[,SKIPREC = number]
[,UQ_CONFLICT = keyword]
[,RI_CONFLICT = keyword]

This parameter indicates that records are to be added to the le specied by the UPDATE para-

The input for mass add is produced by the compression utility ADACMP, the unload utility
ADAULD or by a previous run of the mass update utility ADAMUP using the DELETE function
with the LOG option set.

ADAMUP compares the FDT in the sequential input le that contains the compressed records
with the FDT of the database le specied. The FDTs must have identical layouts and must use
the same eld names, formats, lengths and options.

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

Descriptors in the database le can be a subset of the descriptors dened in the FDT in the sequential
input le, but the input le must contain descriptor value table (DVT) entries for all descriptors
dened in the database le. Therefore, input les produced without descriptor value tables (SHORT
option) can only be processed if there are no descriptors currently dened in the database le to
 be updated.

If the input for mass update contains LOB data, the Adabas le must have an assigned LOB le.

DE_MATCH = keyword

This parameter is used to indicate which action is to be taken if a descriptor provided with the
input data is not a descriptor in the actual FDT of the le. If keyword = IDENTICAL, ADAMUP
terminates processing and returns an error message. If keyword = SUBSET, ADAMUP ignores a
descriptor which is in the input le, but which has been removed from the database le.

The default is DE_MATCH=IDENTICAL.

If NEW_FDT is specied, the FDT of the le is replaced by the FDT of the MUPDTA le. NEW_FDT
can only be specied if the le is empty when ADAMUP is started.

NEW_FDT must be specied if the FDT of the le in the database and the FDT of the MUPDTA
le are dierent - a mass update is not possible if the FDTs are dierent and the le is not empty.

The default is NONEW_FDT.

NUMREC = number

This parameter species the number of records to be added. If NUMREC is specied, ADAMUP
terminates after adding the predened number of records, unless an end-of-le condition on the
input le causes ADAMUP processing to end. If NUMREC is omitted and SKIPREC is not specied,
all records in the input le are added.

SKIPREC = number

This parameter species the number of records in the input le to be skipped before starting to
add records.

UQ_CONFLICT = keyword

This parameter is used to indicate which action is to be taken if duplicate values are found for a
unique descriptor. 'keyword` may take the values ABORT or RESET. If ABORT is specied,
ADAMUP terminates execution and returns an error status if duplicate UQ descriptor values are
found. If RESET is specied, conicting ISNs are written to the error log, the UQ status of the
descriptors in question is removed and processing continues.

The default is UQ_CONFLICT=ABORT.

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)


This parameter is used to indicate which action is to be taken if referential integrity is violated.
'keyword` may take the values ABORT or RESET. If ABORT is specied, ADAMUP terminates
execution and returns an error status. The index is marked as not accessible. If RESET is specied,

the violated constraint is removed. In both cases the violating ISNs are stored in the error log.
The default is RI_CONFLICT=ABORT.


This option indicates whether the ISN to be assigned to each record is to be taken from the input
le or not.

This option should be set to USERISN if the user wants to control ISN assignment for each record
added to the database le. Each ISN provided must be:

a four-byte binary number immediately preceding each data record;
■ within the current limit (MAXISN) for the le - the le's Address Converter is not automatically
■ unique within the specied le.

Otherwise ADAMUP terminates execution and returns an error message.

Note that problems could arise if this option is set to USERISN for an input le created by an unload
that is based on a descriptor which is a multiple-value eld. This is because the same record may
have been unloaded more than once. Please refer to the ADAULD utility, SORTSEQ parameter
for more information.

If this option is set to NOUSERISN, the ISN for each record is assigned by ADAMUP. However,
the ISN of a DVT record that has been previously re-vectored by a hyperexit will not be changed

The default is NOUSERISN.



[,FDT] = keyword]
[,ISN_NOT_PRESENT = keyword]
[,LOG = keyword | ,NOLOG]

This parameter indicates that records are to be deleted from the le specied by the UPDATE
parameter. The ISNs of the records to be deleted are given in an input le.

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

DATA_FORMAT = keyword

This parameter denes the data type of the records in the input le containing the ISNs to be de-
leted. Each record contains one or more ISNs or ISN ranges.

Valid ISNs are within the range 1...MAXISN.

In accordance with the formats supported, `keyword' may take the following values:

Keyword Meaning

BINARY A single ISN is contained in a 4 byte binary value, an ISN range is contained in two consecutive
 binary values, with the high-order bit set in the second value.

Blocks in this le start with 2 byte exclusive length eld.

Note:   ISNs >= 2**31 (2147483648) cannot be deleted with DATA_FORMAT=BINARY.

DECIMAL Each record has the following layout:

[number[-number] [,number[-number]]...] [;comment]

where `number' is decimal number with 1 to 10 digits.

ADAMUP validates all input records in a rst step. ADAMUP displays the line number and the
oset for each error that is detected. If an error is detected, ADAMUP terminates execution once
the input le has been completely parsed.

The default is DATA_FORMAT = BINARY.


This parameter indicates the action to be taken when an ISN given in the input le of records to
 be deleted is:

■ not within the current limit (MAXISN) for the le;

■ not in the le's Address Converter.

`keyword' may take the following values:

Keyword Meaning

ABORT ADAMUP aborts execution and returns an error message if a conicting ISN is detected.
IGNORE ADAMUP writes the conicting ISNs to the error log and continues processing.


LOG = keyword

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)


LOG=keyword indicates that the deleted records are logged in a sequential le. The records are
written in compressed format and are identical to those produced by the compression utility
ADACMP and the unload utility ADAULD. Because each data record is preceded by its ISN, these

ISNs can be
described used as user ISNs when reloading or mass-adding this le (see the USERISN option

`keyword' may take the following values:

Keyword Meaning

FULL The descriptor values which are required to build the index, are included in the output le.
SHORT The descriptor values which are required to build the index, are omitted from the output le.

ADAMUP writes both the compressed data records and the descriptor values generated to a single

The default is NOLOG.


This option may be used to format blocks at the end of the le's Normal Index (NI) and Upper
Index (UI) extents if the new index (after the modications have been made) requires less space
than the old index did. This may be the result of deletions within the index, recovery of lost index
 blocks or re-establishing the padding factor.

Because these blocks are returned to the le's unused blocks, there are no side-eects if the data
stored in these blocks is not deleted. If this option is set to FORMAT, ADAMUP overwrites these
 blocks with binary zeros.

The default is NOFORMAT.

LWP = number[K]

This parameter species the size of the Work Pool to be used for the sort during ADAMUP execu-

The minimum size and the default size is 0 bytes.

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)

Restart Considerations

ADAMUP has no restart capability. An abnormally terminated ADAMUP must be rerun from the

If the Data Storage space becomes exhausted, ADAMUP will not abort, but will attempt to build
the index for the records that have already been loaded; this means that the le is consistent, and
the remaining records can then be loaded with the SKIPREC option after additional Data Storage
space has been allocated.

SORT Data Set Placement

It is recommended that the SORT data set does not reside on the same volume as the Associator
and the input le that contains the Descriptor Value Tables.

The SORT data set may be omitted when adding only small amounts of data. ADAMUP then
performs an in-core sort.

Use the SUMMARY function to get information about the required SORT and LWP sizes.

TEMP Data Set Placement

It is recommended that the TEMP data set does not reside on the same volume as the input le
that contains the Descriptor Value Tables and the SORT. Although the size of TEMP is closely related
to the performance when loading the Normal/Main Index, successful execution does not depend
on a given size or the presence of a TEMP.

Use the SUMMARY function to display the recommended TEMP size.

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 ADAMUP (Mass Add And Delete)


Example 1:

adamup: dbid=1
adamup: update=10
adamup: add, userisn

File 10 of database 1 is updated by adding new records. The ISN given with each input record is

Example 2:

adamup: dbid=1
adamup: update=10
adamup: delete

The records identied by the ISNs provided on the input le are to be deleted from le 10 of
database 1. The ISNs to be deleted are in binary format.

Example 3:

adamup: dbid=1
adamup: update=10
adamup: add, skiprec=1000
adamup: delete, data_format=decimal, log=full

New records are to be added while old ones are deleted from le 10 of database 1. The rst thousand
records found on the input le are not added. The ISN for each record added is assigned by
ADAMUP. The ISNs of the records to be deleted are supplied in decimal format on the input le.
All records which have been deleted are logged on an output le. The values required to re-create
the inverted list when reloading are included in the log.

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18   ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus

■  FunctionalOverview  ....................................................................................................................... 218
■  Procedure Flow  ............................................................................................................................. 220
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 222
■  Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 222
■  Summary of ADANUC Parameters  .................................................................................................... 241

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)

This chapter describes the utility "ADANUC". ADANUC is the database nucleus task.

Functional Overview

The nucleus parameters are used to dene the Adabas nucleus runtime environment.

The nucleus parameters are set during nucleus startup.

The nucleus parameters provide the following information:

■ The database to be used;

■ The setting of various Adabas session parameters, such as the maximum Adabas buer size
and the transaction and user non-activity time limits;
■ The type andamount of command data to be logged during theAdabas session. These parameters
apply to statistical information and not to the logging of database updates on the Adabas data
protection log.

This utility is a single-function utility.


1. If ADANUC terminates with a stop error during nucleus startup, e.g. STP055 or STP997, the
reason is probably that there are not enough operating system resources (for example memory)
available in order to start the nucleus with the specied parameters. You can prevent the stop
error from occurring by reducing the values of some nucleus parameters (for example NT or

2. At the start of the rst nucleus session after a database has been created or restored, the Adabas
nucleus initializes all of the blocks of the WORK container. For a large WORK container this
may take a few minutes. The database will only be available after the initialization of the WORK
container has nished.
3. The default values for the nucleus parameters can be used if there are not more than 20 users
who perform Adabas calls with relatively small Adabas buers. The following hints describe
conditions under which it may be necessary to use other nucleus parameter values:
■ If you temporarily have bad response times for Adabas commands (during an Adabas buer
ush), or if you get I/O errors during asynchronous I/Os even though your hardware is OK,
consider setting BFIO_PARALLEL_LIMIT.
■ If Adabas commands with large adabas buers are performed, e.g. for LOB processing, con-
sider increasing the value for LAB and LBP.
■ If there are multi-threaded applications performing Adabas calls, consider increasing the
NCL parameter.
■ If the number of parallel Adabas sessions is greater than 20, increase the NU parameter.

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)

■ If it is important that the autorestart time after a nucleus crash is short, set WRITE_LIMIT to
a small positive value, especially if you are using a large buer pool.
4. You can run a database in read-only mode by either removing the write permissions from the
Adabas containers or by specifying OPTIONS=READ_ONLY. If you run the database in read-
only mode, the temporary working space on disk is only created if you specify its location ex-
plicitly (environment variables TEMPLOCn or entries TEMPORARY_LOCATION in the DBnnn.INI le).
For further information, see Administration , Temporary Working Space.
5. If the previous Adabas session was not terminated normally with SHUTDOWN or CANCEL,
Adabas performs an Autorestart: All transactions that were active when the nucleus crashed,
are rolled back, and all missing database updates are written to ASSO and DATA. For this
purpose, all update operations have been logged on the WORK container. Additionally, all
update operations are logged in the NUCPLG le, which is required to recover the current state
of the database, if one or more of the database containers has been corrupted, for example, be-
cause of a disk failure. In case of a nucleus crash, it is necessary that both logs contain the same
information, otherwise the database could contain additional transactions, or transactions could
 be lost if you perform a restore/recover later. In order to check this, the PLOG le must still be
available with the same name when an autorestart is performed. If you have renamed the PLOG
le, or moved it to another location, you get the following warning:

%ADANUC-W-PLNOF, Last plog not found, so consistency check is not possible. New ↩

backup required.

If you get this warning, your database is still consistent, but if you perform a restore/recover
later, it may be that your database then becomes inconsistent. If you create a new backup to be
used as a base for restore/recover, the consistency of the restore/recover is guaranteed again.
6. You can dene the nucleus parameters in the Adabas INI les via the DBA Workbench (not on
OpenVMS). However, these parameters are not used when you execute ADANUC directly. If
you want to start the nucleus with the nucleus parameters that are dened in the Adabas INI
les, without using the DBA Workbench, you can use the Adabas Extended Operation command
adastart (see Adabas Extended Operations , Administration Commands). On Windows platforms,
there is also the utility ADABAS for starting ADANUC with the nucleus parameters in the
Adabas INI les.
7. On UNIX platforms, the IPC resources allocated by the Adabas nucleus are not removed if the
nucleus is not shut down normally with ADAOPR SHUTDOWN or ADAOPR CANCEL. The
nucleus can only be restarted after these resources have been removed, and for this reason the
nucleus executes the command showipc -k <dbid>. Important: if Adabas was not installed as
recommended by user "sag", group "sag", it is necessary to set the environment variable SIPUSER
and/or SIPGROUP. For further information, see Administration , showipc. On Windows platforms,
the operating system automatically removes IPC resources that are no longer used.

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)

Procedure Flow

The sequential les NUCPLG and NUCCLG can have multiple extents. For detailed information
about sequential les with multiple extents, see  Administration , Using Utilities.

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)

Data Set Environment Storage Medium Additional Information

Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Command log NUCCLG Disk, Tape Utilities Manual,
Data storage DATAx Disk
Protection log NUCPLG Disk Utilities Manual,
Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADANUC messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
Work WORK1 Disk
CSA dump ADA_CSA_DUMP Disk Adabas CSA dump
Temporary working space TEMPLOCx Disk Administration Manual (see Temporary
(NUCTMPx, NUCSRTx) Working Space)


1. In the environment variable/logical name ADA_CSA_DUMP, the directory in which the Adabas
CSA dump is to be created must be specied.
2. The default directory for the Adabas CSA dump le is the database directory. For the layout
of the le names for Adabas CSA dumps, see ADAOPR, parameter CSA.
3. For further information about the Adabas CSA dumps, see also the ADAOPR parameters
4. In the environment variable/logical name SMP_DUMPFILE, the name of the SMP_DUMPFILE
itself (not a directory) must be specied. An existing le is overwritten.
5. If the SMP_DUMPFILE is not specied, the SMP dump is written into the Adabas CSA dump
directory with the le name (UNIX),
and SAGSMP-xxx-hh-mm-ss (OpenVMS) where xxx is the database ID and hh:mm:ss/hh-mm-
ss is the nucleus start-time.

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)


The following table shows the checkpoints written by the nucleus:

Function Checkpoint written

Nucleus startup SYNC

Nucleus termination SYNC

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:


D AR_CONFLICT = keyword



D CLOGBMAX = number [K | M]

D CLOGLAYOUT = [5 | 6]

M DBID = number

D LAB = number [K | M]

D LABX = number [K | M]

D LBP = number [K | M]

D LOGGING = (keyword [,keyword]...)

D LPXA = number

D LWP = number [K | M]

D MGC = number

D NCL = number

D NISNHQ = number

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)

D NT = number

D NU = number

D OPTIONS = (keyword[,keyword]...)

D READ_PARALLEL_LIMITS = (records,blocks,total)

D TNAA = number

D TNAE = number

D TNAX = number

D TT = number

D TZ = ['timezone']

D UNBUFFERED = ALL | CLEAR | (keyword [, keyword [, keyword]])

USEREXITS = (number[,number]...)

D WRITE_LIMIT = number



If ADABAS_ACCESS = ALL is specied, all users may perform Adabas calls.

If ADABAS_ACCESS = GROUP is specied, only those users that belong to the group of the user
starting Adabas, for example  sag  , may perform Adabas calls.

The default is ALL.

Please refer to Administration , Database Security Overview, Using the UNIX Group Concept for further
information about using the ADABAS_ACCESS parameter.

Note:   This parameter only applies to local Adabas calls in UNIX environments.

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)


AR_CONFLICT = keyword

This parameter species the action to be taken if a restart detects that the last system crash was
during a buer ush. The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning

ABORT no restart is performed

CONTINUE the system tries to perform a restart

It is recommended to keep the setting AR_CONFLICT=ABORT. Only if the nucleus does not come
up due to an interrupted buer ush, then temporarily AR_CONFLICT=CONTINUE should be

Note:   You should be aware of the possibility of inconsistencies in the case of a restart with

AR_CONFLICT=CONTINUE. Consistency should be checked with the ADAINV VERIFY

function in this case.

The default is ABORT.



This parameter is used to limit the number of parallel I/O requests by a buer ush and to allow
earlier processing of concurrent I/Os from other threads. A large buer ush, for example, can

cause thebe
I/Os) can I/Oenqueued
queue to forbe very busy,
a long time,and other down
slowing I/Os (such as buer
command pool readand
throughput I/Os and WORK
possibly causing
applications to stall if a buer ush is active.

If BFIO_PARALLEL_LIMIT is specied, the buer ush sets up the specied number of I/Os and
waits until these have been processed before issuing the next packet. The maximum value for
´number´ is dened by the operating system, for example by the UNIX kernel parameter
AIO_LISTIO_MAX. Specifying a value of 0 is equivalent to specifying the maximum value allowed.
The default value is 50.

Note:   If the value of BFIO_PARALLEL_LIMIT is too high (or equal to 0), this can result in

an I/O the
is that error duringavailable
memory asynchronous
the(utility error
operating message:
system ADRERR). The
for asynchronous reason
I/O for this
is exhausted.
You can imagine that the required memory is at least the size of the blocks to be written to
the database plus some additional space. The maximum value for BFIO_PARALLEL_LIMIT
for which you can be sure that this ADRERR error will not occur, depends on the operating
system conguration and on the other processes that are active on the same machine. 50
seems to be a useful value for BFIO_PARALLEL_LIMIT; if the ADRERR error occurs nev-
ertheless, you should check your operating system conguration.

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)


adanuc: bfio_parallel_limit = 20

Twenty parallel I/O requests are permitted for a buer ush.

adanuc: bfio_parallel_limit = 0

The number of buer ush I/Os is unlimited.



This option is used to specify whether before images are written to the PLOG (BI) or not (NOBI).

The before images on the PLOG are used during a regenerate in order to verify the data consistency
(for example, whether the appropriate PLOG is being used). If NOBI is set, the PLOG is smaller,
 but the consistency verications cannot be performed.

The default is BI.

Note that if you specify NOBI, this will reduce the amount of consistency checking possible when
using the ADAREC REGENERATE function. See ADAREC for more details.


CLOGBMAX = number[K | M]

This parameter species the maximum Adabas buer length that is logged in the command log.
If an Adabas buer is larger than the value specied, the buer is truncated in the command log.
0 means that the complete buers are always logged.

The default is 0 (the complete buers are logged).


adanuc: clogbmax = 4k
The logging of Adabas buers is limited to the rst 4 kilobytes of each buer.

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)



If you specify CLOGLAYOUT=5, the command log has the same layout as for Adabas Version 5
when command logging is enabled. Since this layout does not support the ACBX interface, only
the subset of information that is also available in the old ACB interface is logged for ACBX calls.
The command log can be evaluated with the ADACLP utility that already existed in old versions
of Adabas.

If you specify CLOGLAYOUT=6, the command log is generated in the new layout that is supported
 by Adabas Version 6. For evaluating the command log, an example program prilogc is provided
– for details see  Appendix B.

The default value is 5.


DBID = number

This mandatory parameter selects the database to be used. `number' is in the range from 1 to 255.


adanuc: dbid = 2

Database 2 is used.


LAB = number[K | M]

This parameter species the size of the attached buer area to be used during the Adabas session.
The attached buer area is used for allocating the user buers during command execution.

Adabas rounds up the given value to the next multiple of 32 kilobytes to allocate the attached
 buer area.

The high water mark for this parameter can be displayed using the DISPLAY parameter in

The minimum value is 1 megabyte, the default value is 1 megabyte, however, if the value specied
is less than the value of the NCL parameter in kilobytes, the value for LAB is automatically increased
to that value.

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)


1. The attached buers must be large enough to contain, for each local client thread, the maximum
total size of user buers for an Adabas call performed by this thread. Additional space may be
required for the administration of the user buers and for waste resulting from the dierent
sizes required for dierent threads.
2. Attached buers > 64 KB are allocated in the separate attached buer extension area (see para-
meter LABX).


LABX = number[K | M]

This parameter species the size of the attached buer extension area to be used for LOB processing
or for other Adabas calls that use large Adabas buer areas. While the regular attached buers
remain allocated during the whole Adabas session of the users, the attached buer extensions are
allocated before each Adabas call that requires more than 64 KB of attached buer space, and they
are released again at the end of the call.

The attached buer extension area was introduced because storing large buers in the regular
attached buer area requires much more space because of fragmentation.

Adabas rounds up the given value to the next multiple of 32 kilobytes to allocate the attached
 buer area.

The high water mark for this parameter can be displayed using the DISPLAY parameter in

The minimum value is 1 megabyte, the default value is 20 megabytes.


LBP = number[K | M]

This parameter species the size in bytes of the Adabas buer pool during the session.

The high water mark for this parameter can be displayed using the DISPLAY parameter in

The minimum value is 16 megabytes, the default value is 100 megabytes.

Note:  The actual size of the buer pool also depends on the NT parameter: if the size specied
for LBP is less than NT * 2M, it is automatically increased to NT * 2M.

There are the following reasons for using a buer pool in Adabas:

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■ If the same database block is accessed more than once, physical I/Os for rereading the block can
 be avoided;
■ Commands that update the database can be nished before all of the corresponding database
 blocks have been written to the disk.

If the buer pool is too small, you have a larger number of I/Os than you would when performing
the same database operations with a sucient buer pool size. In some cases, it may even occur
that Adabas cannot successfully process an Adabas command, in which case the command will
get a response code 162 (buer pool too small).

In particular, if you process LOBs, it is recommended that you increase the size of the buer pool;
it should be possible to put the LOBs into the buer pool without removing too many other
database blocks. On the other hand, the buer pool should not be too large, since there is no ad-
vantage in having buer pool I/Os replaced by operating system paging I/Os.

You can use the ADAOPR parameter DISPLAY=BP_STATISTICS in order to help you nd the
optimum size for the buer pool.

adanuc: lbp=16m

16 megabytes are allocated to the Adabas buer pool.


LOGGING = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This parameter species logging of the buers as dened in the keyword list.

The following keywords may be specied in the keyword list:

Keyword Meaning

CB log Adabas control block

FB log format buers
RB log record buers
SB log search buer
VB log value buer
IB log ISN buer
ABD log Adabas buer descriptions
IO log I/O activity
OFF perform no logging

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Logging parameters may also be specied while a session is executing by using operator commands
as described in the section on the utility ADAOPR.


adanuc: logging=(cb)

Command logging is performed for the current Adabas session; all of the Adabas control blocks
will be logged.


LPXA = number

This parameter species the number of blocks reserved for data protection information on the
Adabas WORK in the XA context if OPTIONS=XA is specied. These blocks are used to save
protection information for transactions which run in the XA context and are in the pending state
(prepared but not yet committed) at nucleus shutdown or for a long time. Each such transaction
uses at least one of these blocks. If there are no free blocks in this area, Adabas will heuristically
commit such transactions.

The minimum value is 1, and the default value is 10.


LWP = number[K | M]

usedparameter species
for the Adabas the size
nucleus of the Adabas work pool, which is a work area in memory to be

The Adabas work pool area is used to store the following:

■ Descriptor value table (DVT);

■ WORK I/O areas during command execution.

The high water mark for this parameter can be displayed using the DISPLAY parameter in

The default value is 16 M, the minimum value is 500 K.

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adanuc: lwp=750k

The size of the Adabas work pool is 750 Kbytes.


MGC = number

This parameter species the maximum group-commit count. This denes the maximum limit of
ET command grouping before the PLOG buers are written back to disk. If this limit is reached,
and the nal I/O has been performed, all remaining users will be posted.

The high water mark for this parameter can be displayed using the DISPLAY parameter in
The minimum value is 1, the default value is 50 and the maximum value is 500.


adanuc: mgc=80

The maximum group-commit count is 80.


NCL = number

This parameter species the number of client threads locally accessing the database.

The minimum value is 2. The default value is the value for the NU parameter but at least 50. There
is no xed maximum value for this parameter, it is only limited by the IPC resources that are
available for the operating system.

Note that Net-Work Version 7 also uses several threads to access the database; please refer to the
Net-Work documentation for further details.

Note:   The value specied for the NCL parameter should not be too high. When Adabas
sessions are terminated correctly with a close command, the associated message queues are
removed, but if the sessions are terminated abnormally without a close command, the
message queues are not removed. A cleanup of the message queues is only performed when
the number of client message queues is equal to the value specied for the NCL parameter
- therefore, it may happen that Adabas attempts to create more message queues than it is
allowed to do by the system, if the value for the NCL parameter is too high, even though

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the actual number of active Adabas users is very small. If this happens, the Adabas com-
mands receive a response 255 (see  Messages and Codes  for further information).


NISNHQ = number
This parameter species the maximum number of records that can be placed into hold at any time
 by a single user.

If a user attempts to place more records in the hold status than permitted, he will receive a non-
zero response code, even though there may still be space in the hold queue.

The high water mark for this parameter can be displayed using the DISPLAY parameter in

The minimum value is 0 - where 0 means unlimited, the default value is 0 (unlimited).


adanuc: nisnhq=50

The maximum number of records which can be in the hold status for a single user is 50.


NT = number

This parameter species the number of threads to be established for the Adabas session.

Each Adabas command is assigned to a thread. A thread is released when the command has been

The high water mark for this parameter can be displayed using the DISPLAY parameter in

The minimum value is 1, the maximum value 100 and the default value is 6.


1. It is strongly recommended to use an NT parameter value greater than 1, because some internal
commands can only be executed if NT > 1. If NT is 1, some utilities or applications, such as SQL
Gateway, which use these internal commands, may fail.
2. NT = 1 only makes sense in some special situations, for example, if support requests an ADANUC
trace and you want to have the trace of all Adabas commands in one le.

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3. Increasing the NT parameter usually implies an overhead, which may reduce the performance.
Therefore, it usually doesn't make sense to use an NT parameter value that is signicantly
higher than the number of hardware threads; if you have a large number of hardware threads,
the performance may even be better if NT is less than the number of hardware threads, because
the Adabas nucleus is not the only program running on the machine and using CPU time.
4. One reason to increase the value of the NT parameter is if there are several complex commands
in parallel that require a long time to complete. If all nucleus threads are blocked by such
commands, it can happen that short running commands cannot be scheduled for a long time,
and as a result the overall performance of Adabas becomes very low.
5. With previous versions of Adabas, it was possible that short running commands could no longer
 be scheduled because complex, long-running commands blocked all threads, which resulted
in very poor overall performance. In order to avoid this situation, now only NT/2 threads can
 be used to process such long-running commands in parallel. As a consequence of this, it may
 be that you can see several free threads even though there are sucient commands in the
command queue waiting to be scheduled.


adanuc: nt=8

Eight threads are established for the session.


NU = number

This parameter species thenumber of user queue elements to be established for the Adabas session.

A user queue element is assigned to each active Adabas user. A user queue element is assigned
when the user issues an OP command or when the rst Adabas command is issued. A user queue
element is released when the user issues a CL command or when the user queue element is deleted
on a timeout.

The high water mark for this parameter can be displayed using the DISPLAY parameter in

The minimum value is 2, the default value is 20.

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adanuc: nu=100

The Adabas user queue consists of 100 elements.

Note:   The NU parameter is used for two dierent purposes:

■ the number of user queue entries

■ the number of communication blocks

For single-threaded applications, the number of required communication blocks is not larger than
the number of user queue elements, but for multi-threaded applications you need one communic-
ation block for each thread of an application that performs Adabas calls. Therefore the required
value of the NU parameter may be much higher than the number of Adabas users.


OPTIONS = (keyword[,keyword]...)

This parameter is used to dene the mode(s) in which the nucleus is started.

The following keywords are permitted:

Keyword Meaning

AUTO_EXPAND If AUTO_EXPAND is selected, the database will increase the existing container
extents or create a new container extent if there is no free space available for
increasing an existing Adabas le or for adding a new Adabas le. See the section
Container Files in the Administration section for further information.
AUTORESTART_ONLY The AUTORESTART_ONLY keyword shuts down the nucleus immediately
after its startup sequence has completed. If an autorestart is pending, the
autorestart will be performed. No user commands or utility calls will be accepted
 by the nucleus.
FAULT_TOLERANT_AR When FAULT_TOLERANT_AR is selected, the nucleus behaviour in the event
of an Adabas error during autorestart can be controlled. If an error occurs for a
given le, a detailed entry is made in the nucleus log, but the autorestart
continues. When the autorestart completes, the DBA can restore and regenerate
the le by using ADABCK RESTORE and ADAREC REGENERATE for the
aected le. If however the error occurred for the index of a le, it is sucient
to rebuild the le's index by using the REINVERT function of ADAINV. If
FAULT_TOLERANT_AR is not selected, Adabas aborts an autorestart if an error
is detected, and this can cause the database to be in an inconsistent state.
LOCAL_UTILITIES If LOCAL_UTILITIES is selected, ADANUC rejects all remote utility calls, i.e.
the Adabas utilities cannot be run from a remote node across a network. This
setting is recommended if security is important in your operating environment.

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Keyword Meaning

LOCAL_UTILITIES and UTILITIES_ONLY can be dynamically enabled or

disabled without having to shut the database down (see  ADAOPR for further
OPEN_REQUIRED If OPEN_REQUIRED is selected, an open (OP) command must be issued as the
rst command of a user session.
This option should be set if lnk_set_adabas_id is used when calling Adabas from
application servers, and also when using Net-Work, otherwise in these cases
Adabas cannot guarantee transaction integrity following an ADANUC restart.
READONLY The READONLY option causes ADANUC to run in read-only mode. Refer to
the Administration Manual for more details.
TRUNCATION The TRUNCATION keyword controls the truncation of alphanumeric elds. If
TRUNCATION is set, alphanumericelds are truncated if necessary and response
code 0 is returned. If TRUNCATION is not set, response code 55 is returned if
truncation occurred.

UTILITIES_ONLY If UTILITIES_ONLY is selected, all calls other than for utilities will be rejected,
giving the DBA exclusive control over all of the les in the database. Note,
however, that this restriction only applies to new users; users who were already
active when OPTIONS=UTILITIES_ONLY was specied can continue processing
normally. If you want exclusive utility control over les or the entire database,
use the LOCK function of ADAOPR instead.

LOCAL_UTILITIES and UTILITIES_ONLY can be dynamically enabled or

disabled without having to shut the database down (see ADAOPR in this manual
for further information).
XA The keyword XA indicates that the server will support distributed transaction
processing according to the X/Open XA specication. If the Adabas XA interface
is to be used by an application, OPTION=XA must be used. See  Administration ,
XA Support for further information.

The default is that no option is set.


adanuc: options = utilities_only

All non-utility calls are rejected and the DBA has exclusive control over all database les.

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PLOG species which protection log is to be switched on.

The database cannot be regenerated if the disk is physically damaged and if there is no protection
log. In this case, the database has to be restored using the last database dump. All updates made
since this last dump was taken are then lost.

PLOG is the default.


READ_PARALLEL_LIMITS = (records,blocks,total)

For sequential commands, Adabas tries to increase the performance by reading the database blocks

required for the

striping, and thefollowing
sequencerecords in advance
of I/Os can and in Signicant
be optimized. parallel. This lets you take
performance advantage of disk
improvements can
only be expected when the physical I/O rate is high. A typical case where the READ_PARAL-
LEL_LIMITS parameter can improve the performance is the execution of a batch program in which
a complete large le is read, and this le contains a large number of database blocks that are not
in the buer pool when the program is started. However, this prefetching of database blocks can
also have a negative impact on the performance:

■ Checking which blocks are required for the next records requires a certain amount of CPU time,
and this is superuous if all blocks are already in the buer pool.
■ If you don’t read the next records of the command sequence, the overhead for reading blocks
for this command sequence is superuous.
■ If I/Os for too many blocks have been initiated, an I/O required for another command performed
in parallel may be delayed signicantly.

The READ_PARALLEL_LIMITS parameter lets you control the read-ahead behaviour. You can
specify 3 numbers with the following meanings:

The maximum number of records to be processed next in a command sequence, that are checked
for blocks that are not yet in the buer pool. The maximum value that can be specied is 65,535.

The maximum number of blocks read in advance for one command sequence. The number
specied for blocks must be <= the number specied for records, the maximum value is oper-
ating-system dependent.
The maximum total number of blocks read in advance at the same time for the whole database.
The number specied for total must be >= the number specied for blocks, the maximum value
is operating-system dependent.

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The default is (0,0,0), i.e. no read-ahead is performed.

Note:   If the value of the number specied for total is too high, this can result in an I/O error
during asynchronous IO (utility error message: ADRERR). The reason for this is that the
memory available within the operating system for asynchronous I/O is exhausted. You can

imagine that the required memory is at least the size of the blocks to be written to the
database plus some additional space. The maximum value for total for which you can be
sure that this ADRERR error will not occur, depends on the operating system conguration
and on the other processes that are active on the same machine.


adanuc: read_parallel_limits = (100,20,50)

When sequential commands are processed, the next up to 100 records of a command sequence are
checked for required blocks that are not yet in buer pool. The search for blocks to be read is

read 20
byblocks are found, or
other commands is when the anumber
50. Then offor
read I/O blocks found
these plus
blocks the number of blocks
is initiated.


TNAA = number

This parameter species the maximum elapsed time (in seconds) that an access-only user may be
active without issuing an Adabas command. This value can be changed dynamically with the
ADAOPR utility.

The OP command allows you to override this value. See Command Reference , OP command for details.

See Command Reference , Time Limits for a table with timeout conditions.

Note that the gure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance,
the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the default value is 900 and the maximum value is 2592000.


adanuc: tnaa=180

The non-activity time limit for access-only users is 180 seconds.

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TNAE = number

This parameter species the maximum elapsed time (in seconds) that an ET logic user may be
active without issuing an Adabas command. This value can be changed dynamically with the
ADAOPR utility.

The OP command allows you to override this value. See Command Reference , OP command for details.

See Command Reference ,  Time Limits for a table with timeout conditions.

Note that the gure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance,
the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the default value is 900 and the maximum value is 2592000.


adanuc: tnae=180

The non-activity time limit for ET logic users is 180 seconds.


TNAX = number

This parameter species the maximum elapsed time (in seconds) that an exclusive update user
who does not use ET logic may be active without issuing an Adabas command. This value can be
changed dynamically with the ADAOPR utility.

The OP command allows you to override this value. See Command Reference , OP command for details.

See Command Reference ,  Time Limits for a table with timeout conditions.

Note that the gure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance,
the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the default value is 900 and the maximum value is 2592000.

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adanuc: tnax=180

The non-activity time limit for exclusive update users is 180 seconds.


TT = number

This parameter species the maximum elapsed time (in seconds) permitted for a logical transaction
issued by an ET logic user. This value can be changed dynamically with the ADAOPR utility.

The OP command allows you to override this value. See Command Reference , OP command for details.

The time measurement for a logical transaction starts when the rst command that places a record
in hold status is issued, and terminates when an ET, BT, or CL command is issued. Adabas takes
the following action when this time limit is exceeded:

1. All database updates made during the transaction are backed out;
2. All records held during the transaction are released;
3. All Command IDs for the user are released;
4. Response code 9 is returned on the next call issued by the user.

This time limit does not apply to non-ET logic users. The value specied for TT directly inuences
the required size of the Adabas Work data set.

The high water mark for this parameter can be displayed using the DISPLAY parameter in

Note that the gure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance,
the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the default value is 300 and the maximum value is 2592000.


adanuc: tt=50

The transaction time limit for ET logic users is 50 seconds.

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TZ = ['timezone']

The specied time zone must be a valid time zone name that contained in the time zone database
known as the Olson database ( If a time zone has been
specied, this time zone is used for time zone conversions of date/time elds with the option TZ,
unless a user has specied his own time zone in the OP command.

The default is none. If no time zone is specied, a time zone conversion can only be done for users
who specied a time zone in the OP command - other users get an Adabas response code 48.


UNBUFFERED = ALL | CLEAR | (keyword [, keyword [, keyword]]) ↩

This parameter is relevant only for UNIX platforms, and if database containers or the protection
log are stored in a le system. Usually, write I/Os are buered by the le system. However, if you
specify the O_DSYNC option for the corresponding open call, write I/O operations are performed
unbuered. This may improve the performance, in particular, if specied for WORK and PLOG,
as it is required that the corresponding log information is really on disk at the end of a transaction.
With the parameter UNBUFFERED, the usage of the O_DSYNC operation may be dened.

Note:   Usage of this parameter only has impact on the performance of Adabas; which actual
setting of the UNBUFFERED parameter results in the best performance depends on the
operating system and the storage system used - the integrity of the database is guaranteed
for all values of the UNBUFFERED parameter.

The following keywords may be specied in the keyword list:

Keyword Meaning

DATABASE ASSO and DATA containers in a le system are opened with the option O_DSYNC.
NODATABASE ASSO and DATA containers in a le system are not opened with the option O_DSYNC.
WORK A WORK container in a le system is opened with the option O_DSYNC.
NOWORK A WORK container in a le system is not opened with the option O_DSYNC.
PLOG A protection log in a le system is opened with the option O_DSYNC.
NOPLOG A protection log in a le system is not opened with the option O_DSYNC.

The keyword ALL is equivalent to (DATABASE, WORK, PLOG).

The keyword CLEAR is equivalent to (NODATABASE, NOWORK, NOPLOG).

The default is (NODATABASE, WORK, PLOG).

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adanuc: unbuffered=(nowork)

O_DSYNC is not used for ASSO and DATA containers because NODATABASE is the default.

O_DSYNC is not used for WORK container because NOWORK has been specied.

O_DSYNC is used for protection logs because PLOG is the default.


USEREXITS = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This parameter, used in conjunction with the user exit facility, species one or more user exits.
The specied user exit(s) must be loadable at execution time.

The keyword can take the values 1, 2, 4, 11 and 14.


1. User exit 1 and 11 are mutually exclusive.

2. User exit 4 is only activated if CLOGLAYOUT=5 is specied. User exit 14 is only activated if
CLOGLAYOUT=6 is specied.

See Administration , User Exits and Hyperexits for further information about the user exits available.


WRITE_LIMIT = number

This parameter species the percentage of modied blocks permitted in the buer pool before an
implicit buer ush is taken.

A number in the range from 0 to 70 may be specied; 0 means that Adabas will dynamically choose
an appropriate value.

Note:   If you have a large buer pool, it is useful to specify a small value for WRITE_LIMIT
in order to reduce the time required for an auto restart of the nucleus: during an auto restart,

ADANUC must read the update log in the WORK container and reapply all changes in the
database that had not yet been written to disk. A smaller value for WRITE_LIMIT means
a smaller amount of data not yet written to disk, and therefore less updates to be made
during the auto restart.

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adanuc: write_limit=40

An implicit buer ush is taken when 40% of the blocks in the buer pool have been modied.

Summary of ADANUC Parameters

Parameter  Use Min. Max. Value Default Dynamic

Value (see note

ADABAS_ACCESS Restrict user access for

making Adabas calls
AR_ Restart after crash during ABORT No
CONFLICT  buer ush
BFIO_PARALLEL_LIMIT Limit of parallel buer 0 None (see 0 Yes
ush IOs note 4)
[NO]BI Write before image to BI No
CLOGBMAX Length of Adabas buers 0 (complete) No
CLOGLAYOUT Select layout of CLOG 5 No
DBID Database 1 255 None No
LAB Attached buer area 1MB None 1MB
LABX Attached buer extension 1MB None 20MB
LBP Maximum Adabas 16MB None (see 100MB No
Buer Pool Size note 1)
LOGGING Command Logging OFF Yes
LPXA XA data protection area 1 block 65535 blocks 10 blocks if the No
size XA option is set
LWP Length of Adabas 16 MB None 500 KB No
Work Pool
MGC Maximum Group- 1 500 50 No
Commit Count
NCL Number of local client 2 None =NU, but at least No
threads 50
NISNHQ Maximum Number of ISNs 0 None 0 Yes
in Hold per User

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)

Parameter  Use Min. Max. Value Default Dynamic

Value (see note

NT Number of Threads 1 100 6 No

NU User Queue Size 2 users None 20 users No
OPTIONS Various Options No option Some
[NO]PLOG Protection Logging PLOG No
READ_PARALLEL_LIMITS Optimize read-ahead I/O (0,0,0) 65535 for (0,0,0) Yes
performance records. The
values for
 blocks and
total depend
on the
TNAA Non-Activity 20 2592000 900 Yes
Time Limit seconds
(ACC Only Users)
TNAE Non-Activity 20 2592000 900 Yes
Time Limit seconds
(ET Logic Users)
TNAX Non-Activity 20 2592000 900 Yes
Time Limit seconds
(EXU,EXF Users)
TT Transaction 20 2592000 300 Yes
Time Limit seconds
option (UNIX platforms WORK, PLOG
USEREXITS User Exit(s) None No
to be used
WRITE_ Buer Pool 0 70 None (see note 2) Yes
LIMIT Modication Limit


1. A limit may be given by the operating system, for example via the maximum size of a shared
memory segment.
2. If not specied, Adabas dynamically chooses an appropriate value.
3. If the value of a dynamic parameter is changed using ADAOPR, the new value takes eect
immediately, without the nucleus having to be restarted. In the case of non-dynamic parameters,
the nucleus must rst be stopped and restarted for the new value to take eect.

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 ADANUC (Starting The Database, Defining Nucleus Parameters)

4. A value of 0 means there is no limit.

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19   ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 246
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 247
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 248

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 248

245 253/431
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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAOPR".

Functional Overview

The DBA uses this utility to operate the Adabas nucleus.

This utility is a multi-function utility.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Medium Additional Information

Logical Name

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual

ADAOPR messages stdout/ Messages and Codes

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


The following table shows the nucleus requirements for each function and the checkpoint written:

Function Nucleus must be active Nucleus must NOT be active Nucleus is NOT required Checkpoint written


Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:



CLEAR_FILE_STATS = (number [- number] [, number [- number] ] ... )

CSA = string

DBID = number

DISPLAY = (keyword [,keyword]...)

ES_ID = number



FEOF = (keyword [,keyword])

FILE = number

FREE_CLQ = number

ID = number


ISN = ( number [- number] [,number [- number] ] ... )

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

[UN]LOCK = (number [,number]...)

LOGGING = (keyword [,keyword]...)

LOGIN_ID = number

MGC = number
NISNHQ = number

NODE_ID = string

OPTIONS = (keyword [,keyword]...)

READ_PARALLEL_LIMITS = (records,blocks,total)

RESET = keyword


RESPONSE_CHECK = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

SET_FILE_STATS = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)


STATUS = (keyword [,keyword]...)

STOP = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

TNAA = number

TNAE = number

TNAX = number

TT = number

USER_ID = string

WRITE_LIMIT = [number]

XA_RESPONSE_CHECK = (keyword [,keyword]...)

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)



This function terminates the Adabas session immediately. All command processing is immediately
stopped. The session is terminated abnormally with a pending AUTORESTART.

ABORT causes the following les to be written to the databases's default directory:

■ The CSA dump le, which contains status information from the adabas nucleus. The name of
the le is (UNIX), (Windows) or ADABAS-
xxx-hh-mm-ss (OpenVMS),where xxx is the database ID and hh:mm:ss (or hh-mm-ss) is the
time at which the le was created. ADAOPR can also display the same information that you
can get for a running nucleus for a CSA dump le if you specify the CSA parameter.
■ The SMP dump le, which contains some diagnostic information. The name of the le is (UNIX), (Windows) or SAGSMP-xxx-hh-mm-
ss where xxx is the database ID and hh:mm:ss (or hh-mm-ss) is the time at which the le was



This function sets the number of parallel I/O requests by a buer ush, allowing earlier processing
of concurrent I/Os from other threads. A large buer ush, for example, can cause the I/O queue
to be very busy, and other I/Os (such as buer pool read I/Os and WORK I/Os) can be enqueued
for a long time, slowing down command throughput and possibly causing applications to stall if
a buer ush is active.

If BFIO_PARALLEL_LIMIT is specied, the buer ush sets up the specied number of I/Os and
waits until these have been processed before issuing the next packet. The maximum value for
´number´ is dened by the Adabas system, If a value of 0 is specied, the number of buer ush
I/Os is unlimited.



This function terminates the Adabas session immediately. A BT command is issued for each active
ET user and the session is terminated.
The communication link to the database is cut but the shared memory is still held. In this case,
display functions are still possible with ADAOPR but parameter modication commands are no
longer permitted.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


CLEAR_FILE_STATS = (number [- number] [, number [- number] ] ... )

This function disables the collection of I/O statistics enabled by SET_FILE_STATS for the specied


CSA = string

`string' is a le specication of a le containing status information from an Adabas nucleus, a so-
called CSA dump le. This le may be created by an ADAOPR ABORT function, by an abnormal
termination of Adabas, or by response check trapping (refer to the RESPONSE_CHECK function
for further information).

The following naming conventions are used for the le:





(with the NORESPONSE_ABORT option set), where

■ `xxx' is the three digit database ID;

■ `yyy' is the trapped three digit response code;
■ `hh:mm:ss' is the time the le was created (UNIX),
■ `hh-mm-ss' is the time the le was created (Windows and OpenVMS)

For example, if the database ID is 5, and the le creation was initiated by a trapped response code
113, the le name will start with ADABAS.005.RSP113, and then the time of creating will be ap-
pended, e.g. ADABAS.005.RSP113.12:16:50 (UNIX) or ADABAS.005.RSP113.12-16-50 (Windows)
or ADABAS-005-RSP113.12-16-50 (OpenVMS).

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

The le will be created in the directory that is pointed to by the environment variable/logical name
ADA_CSA_DUMP. The default is the directory from which the nucleus was started. If a le with
the same name already exists in this directory, it will be overwritten.

The DBID and CSA parameters are mutually exclusive.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to which all subsequent ADAOPR commands apply. Multiple
DBIDs are supported within one session.

The DBID and CSA parameters are mutually exclusive.


adaopr: dbid=1
adaopr: shutdown
adaopr: dbid=2
adaopr: shutdown
adaopr: dbid=3
adaopr: shutdown
adaopr: quit


DISPLAY = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This parameter displays various information during an Adabas session.

The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning

ACTIVITY Database activities display.

BP_STATISTICS Buer pool statistics display.
COMMANDS Command table display.
CQ Command queue display.
DYNAMIC_PARAMETERS Dynamic nucleus parameters display.
FILE_IO File I/O display.
FP_STATISTICS Format pool statistics display.
HIGH_WATER High water marks display.
HQ Hold queue display.
ICQ Internal command queue display.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

Keyword Meaning

IO_TIMES Container I/O times display.

PLOG_STATISTICS Protection log statistics.
REPLICATIONS Adabas - Adabas replications.

STATIC_PARAMETERS Static nucleus parameters display.

TT Thread table display.
UCB Utility communication block.
UQ User queue display.
UQ_FILES User le list display.
UQ_FULL Full information about user queue element.
UQ_TIME_LIMITS User time limits display.

The following examples show the information produced by the various keywords, together with
explanations of the information that is displayed.

Some of the following displays include percentages. The corresponding values are always truncated.
An undened value (divided by 0) is specied with " *%" and an overow with "***%".


adaopr: display=activity

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Activity on 22-JAN-2010 13:19:30

I/O Activity Total Throwbacks Total

------------ ----- ---------- -----
Buffer Pool 5,440 Waiting for UQ context 87
WORK Read 728 Waiting for ISN 53
WORK Write 647 ET Sync 0
PLOG Write 194 DWP Overflow 0
NUCTMP 1,600

Pool Hit Rate Total Interrupts Current Total

------------- ----- ---------- ------- -----
Buffer Pool 99.6% WP Space Wait 0 0
Format pool 98%

The information has the following meaning:

■ I/O ACTIVITY shows the total numbers of:

■ physical buer pool I/Os (physical read I/Os + physical write I/Os);

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

■ read and write I/Os for WORK and PLOG.

■ I/Os for NUCTMP and NUCSRT
■ INTERRUPTS shows the current and total number of workpool space waits;
■ POOL HIT RATE shows:
■ the buer pool hit rate. This is the relationship between the logical read I/Os and the physical
read I/Os. The buer pool hit rate is calculated using the following formula:

hit rate (in %) = ((logical read I/Os - physical read I/Os) * 100)
/ logical read I/Os

■ the format pool hit rate. This is the relationship between the number of format buer requests
(required FBs) and the required format buers already translated in the format pool (translated
FBs). The format pool hit rate is calculated using the following formula:

hit rate (in %) = ((translated FBs * 100) / required FBs)

■ the numberof commands waiting forsession context because internal commands were running;
■ the number of commands waiting because ISNs are held by another user;
■ the number of commands waiting for ET synchronization;
■ the number of commands thrown back because of dynamic work pool overow.


adaopr: display=bp_statistics

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Buffer Pool Statistics on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

Buffer Pool Size : 524,288,000

Pool Allocation RABNs present

--------------- -------------
Current ( 14%) : 73,517,056 ASSO : 11,909
Highwater ( 14%) : 73,517,056 DATA : 3
Internal ( 3%): 15,728,640 WORK : 2,766
Workpool ( 0%) 881,664 NUCTMP : 0

I/O Statistics Buffer Flushes

-------------- --------------
Logical Reads : 98,201 Total : 1
Physical Reads : 11,914 To Free Space : 0

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

Pool Hit Rate : 87.9%

Write Limit ( 5%): 26,214,400
Physical Writes : 2,711 Modified ( 2%): 11,329,536

The information is interpreted as follows:

■ the size in bytes and percentage of the buer pool that is currently in use;

■ the size in bytes and percentage of the buer pool high water mark (see also the display for
■ RABNs PRESENT shows:
■ the number of ASSO, DATA and WORK RABNs currently in the buer pool.
■ the total number of logical and physical buer pool read I/Os (both numbers are required in
order to calculate the buer pool hit rate);
■ the buer pool hit rate (please refer to the example for DISPLAY=ACTIVITY for the buer
pool hit-rate formula);
■ the total number of physical buer pool write I/Os.
■ the total number of buer ushes;
■ the total number of buer ushes that were made in order to get free space;
■ the size in bytes and percentage of the buer pool write limit. If the modied bytes in the
 buer pool reach this limit, an automatic buer ush is started. The buer pool write limit
is automatically adjusted if not explicitly set in ADANUC or ADAOPR;
■ the size in bytes and percentage of the currently modied bytes in the buer pool.


adaopr: display=commands

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Commands on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

ADABAS Commands: 9,884

A1 892 L2 553 OP 25
BT 736 L3 1,124 RC 89
C1 40 L4 569 RE 0
C3 0 L5 420 RI 0
C5 10 L6 436 S1 1,511

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

CL 32 L9 456 S2 81
E1 1,006 LF 20 S4 12
ET 72 MC 0 S8 230
HI 0 N1 877 S9 50
L1 643 N2 0

This command displays the total numbers of Adabas commands issued in the current session. For
MC commands, the value displayed is the number of MC calls plus the number of single Adabas
commands contained in the MC calls.

A read command that is issued while the multifetch option is set is counted as a single command.

Updates made by utilities are not included in the display.

Note:   The command counts can be reset by ADAOPR RESET=COMMANDS.


adaopr: display=cq

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Command Queue on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

No Node Id Login Id ES Id Cmd File Status

-- ------- -------- ----- --- ---- -----
1 sunxxx01 miller 21243798 E1 12 Ready to run
2 sunxxx01 jones 21231788 E1 12 Running
3 sunxxx01 smith 21230756 L2 12 Ready to run
4 sunxxx01 miller 21227398 S1 12 Running
5 sunxxx01 smith 21247630 S1 12 Running
6 sunxxx01 jones 21246388 A1 12 Ready to run
7 sunxxx01 jones 21219466 S1 11 Ready to run
8 sunxxx01 smith 21237160 L6 11 Ready to run
9 sunxxx01 miller 21246610 A1 11 Running
10 sunxxx01 miller 21246896 S1 11 Running
11 sunxxx01 dba 21244730 U0 0 Running

Selected: 11, Used: 11, Queue Size: 20

This display shows the current command-queue entries:

■ NODE ID shows the node identication string.

■ LOGIN ID shows the login user identication string;

■ ES ID shows the environment-specic identication (for example, the process ID);
■ CMD shows the command string;
■ FILE shows the le number;

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

■ STATUS shows the status of the command-queue entry.

The nal line of the display shows how many command queue entries were selected according
to the currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total in the command

The possible status values are shown in the following table:

Status Meaning

Completed Command processing completion;

Marked For Deletion Command is marked for delete, user is no longer active;
New Command is ready to be inserted in the scheduling queue;
Ready To Run Placed in queue and ready for scheduling;
Running Running in a thread (see DISPLAY=TT);
Waiting For Complex Complex command is waiting to run;
Waiting For Et Sync Waiting for ET synchronization;
Waiting For Group Commit Waiting for group ET. No entry in thread table;
Waiting For Isn <isn> Waiting for ISN in le shown in column "File" in the display. No entry in
thread table;
Waiting For Space Waiting for working space. No entry in thread table.
Waiting For Uqe Waiting for user queue entry. The required entry is locked by an active internal

Note:   The display may show command codes such as "U0", which are only used internally
 by Adabas (for example, during a utility run).
The "RUNNING" and "COMPLETED" values may dier even if the user has not specied
an explicit selection criterion.


adaopr: display=dynamic_parameters

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Dynamic Parameters on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

Resources: NISNHQ : 100 WRITE_LIMIT: -

Time Slices: TNAA : 900 TNAX : 900

TNAE : 900 TT : 300

Group Commit: MGC : 50

Logging: CLOG : OFF

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

Read limits: 200, 10, 30

Response check with ABORT : 84,160,164-182,243,251-252

This display shows the current values of the dynamic nucleus parameters.

adaopr: display=file_io

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 File I/O on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

Reads Hit
File Logical Physical Rate Writes
---- ------- -------- ---- ------
11 145,341 180 99% 2,869
12 99,070 148 99% 2,149

This display shows the logical and physical reads, their hit rate and the writes the buer pool
manager has made for every le since the le I/O statistiscs for the le in question were enabled
(ADAOPR SET_FILE_STATS) - les for which the I/O statistics have not been enabled or for which
no I/Os were performed are not displayed.


1. The formula for the hit rate value is given in the description of DISPLAY=ACTIVITY.
2. A write operation is only counted if the block was not yet marked as modied. This means that
the physical write I/Os either already done in a previous buer ush or still pending to be
performed in the next buer ush are counted.


adaopr: display=fp_statistics

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Format Pool Statistics on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

Maximum Local Pool Size: 251,656

Maximum Global Pool Size: 251,656

Pool Allocation Pool Contents

--------------- -------------

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7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

Local Current ( 22%) : 57,540 Local Format Buffers: 162

Local Highwater ( 27%) : 70,000 Global Format Buffers: 1

Global Current ( 0%) : 84

Global Highwater ( 0%) : 84

Pool Statistics Local Global

--------------- ----- ------
Scans 11,780 3
Hits 11,547 2
Hit Rate 98% 66%

Replacements 0 0
Overflows 0 0

This display shows the format pool statistics:


■ the size in bytes and percentage of the local and global format pools that are currently in use;

■ the size in bytes and percentage of the local and global format pool high water marks.
■ the total number of scans and hits of valid format buers in the format pool (both numbers
are required in order to calculate the format pool hit rate);
■ the format pool hit rate (please refer to the example DISPLAY=ACTIVITY for the format pool
hit-rate formula);
■ the total number of valid format buers that are overwritten in the format pool (replacements).
■ Overows. This is the number of times that a format buer exceeded the format pool size,
resulting each time in a response 42.
■ the number of valid local format buers in the format pool;
■ the number of valid global format buers in the format pool.


adaopr db=076 display=high_water

ADANUC Version <Version number>

Database 76 High Water Marks on 19-JAN-2010 10:52:08

Area/Entry Size In Use High Water % Date/Time

---------- ---- ------ ---------- - ---------
User Queue 100 14 14 14 19-JAN-2010 10:50:48
Command Queue - 11 11 - 19-JAN-2010 10:50:54

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

Hold Queue - 100 100 - 19-JAN-2010 10:46:04

Client Queue 50 1 5 5 19-JAN-2010 10:46:13
HQ User Limit 100 - 83 83 19-JAN-2010 10:47:26
Threads 6 6 6 100 19-JAN-2010 10:45:54
Workpool 16,777,216 0 4,194,320 25 19-JAN-2010 10:46:04
ISN Sort 2,097,152 - 2,095,784 99 19-JAN-2010 10:51:58
Complex Search 2,097,152 - 126,324 6 19-JAN-2010 10:45:54
Attached Buffer 98,304 67,584 67,584 68 19-JAN-2010 10:52:17
Buffer Pool 6,291,456 1,627,136 1,627,136 25 19-JAN-2010 10:52:08
Protection Area 1,000
Active Area 300 - 146 48 19-JAN-2010 10:50:58
Group Commit 50 0 1 2 19-JAN-2010 10:45:46
Transaction Time 300 - 158 52 19-JAN-2010 10:50:28

This display shows the high water marks for the current session:

■ SIZE shows the size in bytes of pools and buers. For queues, threads and hold queue user

limit, it shows the number of entries.

■ IN USE shows the size in bytes or number of entries currently in use.
■ HIGH WATER shows the maximum quantity required simultaneously for the given area/entry.
■ % shows the relationship between the high water mark and the size. If the high water mark ex-
ceeds the size, the value in this column can be larger than 100 %. For example, this can occur if
the value is decreased by ADAOPR, or if the original area has been dynamically increased. This
is normal Adabas behaviour, and no changes of Adabas parameters are required.
■ DATE/TIME shows the date/time at which the high water mark occurred for the rst time. There
is no output in this column if the high water mark is 0.

The entries in the column AREA/ENTRY correspondto the ADANUCparameters NU (user queue),
NCL (client queue), NISNHQ (hold queue user limit), NT (threads), LWP (workpool), LBP (buer
pool), LAB (attached buer), MGC (group commit), TT (transaction time). The hold queue and
the command queue have no predened size and are increased dynamically if required.

The entry "ACTIVE AREA" is the largest part of WORK part 1 that can be used by a single trans-
action. If a transaction's protection information spans more space than allowed by "Active Area",
it receives a response 9 (LP), the nucleus displays a PLOVFL message and a value of more than
100 in the "%" column of the highwater display.

Users who have set user-specic timeout values in their OP call are not included in the values for
Transaction Time.

Note:   1. Values for Attached Buer and Command Queue are not displayed correctly if the
nucleus cannot be contacted by ADAOPR (for example, if the ADAOPR parameter CSA is
2. Threads are used in a round-robin manner. Therefore, the high water mark for threads
will be the same as the value shown in the Size column in most cases.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


adaopr: file=11, display=hq

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Hold Queue on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

Id Node Id Login Id ES Id User Id File ISN Locks Flg

-- ------- -------- ----- ------- ---- --- ----- ---
15 sunxxx01 miller 6974 *adatst 11 2,222 X M
19 sunxxx01 smith 7056 *adatst 11 2 X

Selected: 2, Used: 8, Queue Size: 160

This display shows the current hold-queue entries:

■ ID shows the internal user identication of the user holding the ISN;
■ NODE ID shows the node identication string. The local node is represented by an empty string;
■ LOGIN ID shows the login user identication string;
■ ES ID shows the environment-specic identication (for example, process ID);
■ USER ID shows the user identication. Adabas utilities use the utility name preceded by an
asterisk as the USER ID;
■ FILE shows the number of the Adabas le in which the ISN is located;
■ ISN shows the number of the ISN in hold;
■ LOCKS shows the kind of lock for the ISN, where X = exclusive lock , S = shared lock.

Note:   S is displayed for shared locks starting with Adabas version 6.3 SP 1; in previous
releases R is displayed.

■ An M for FLG indicates that the record has been modied.

The nal line of the display shows how many hold queue entries were selected according to the
currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.

Entries are displayed in unsorted sequence.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


adaopr: display=icq

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Internal Command Queue on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

Id Node Id Login Id ES Id Command Status

-- ------- -------- ----- ------- ------
00000002 *system 00000000 SHUT Running

Selected: 1, Used: 1, Queue Size: 101

This display shows the internal command queue:

Command Meaning

AR Autorestart
BT Back out transaction
BTCL Back out open transaction and close user
CANCEL Cancel nucleus
DELUQE Release le list and delete user queue element
ETSYNC Start an ET-SYNC status check after a global transaction has received a timeout
SHUT Shut down nucleus

TIMEOUT Non-activity timeout

The status of internal commands can be READY TO RUN, RUNNING, WAITING FOR ET SYNC

The nal line of the display shows how many internal command queue entries were selected ac-
cording to the currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.


adaopr: display=io_times
ADANUC Version <version number>
Database 76 IO Statistics on 19-NOV-2010 12:16:48

Number of IOs Maximum IO time Average IO time

------------- --------------- ---------------
ASSO Read : 735574 14397 1

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7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

ASSO Write : 12136 2 1

DATA Read : 2023257 13910 1
DATA Write : 444 1 1
WORK Read : 4 1 1
WORK Write : 660 2 1
NUCSRT Read : 4060 940 1
NUCSRT Write : 4060 1 0
NUCTMP Read : 30 1 1
NUCTMP Write : 896 1 1

The number of IOs shows the number of physical read and write I/O accesses to ASSO, DATA,

The maximum IO time shows the maximum duration of a single I/O read and write access to
ASSO, DATA, WORK, NUCSRT and NUCTMP in microseconds.

The average IO time shows the average time of a single I/O access to ASSO, DATA, WORK,
NUCSRT and NUCTMP in microseconds.

Logging of I/O times is only available if ADAOPR IO_TIME is enabled..


adaopr: display=plog_statistics

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 PLOG Statistics on 19-JAN-2010 14:59:41

PLOG Environment
NUCPLG (active) : /FS/fsxxxx/sag/ada6180102/ada/db076/NUCPLG

Active PLOG
Session Number : 37
Extent : 2

Active Since : 19-JAN-2010 14:59:41

Duration : 00:00:01

Allocated Space : 24,683 KB

Used Space ( 0%) : 32 KB
Average Growth Rate : 115,200 KB/h

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7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


adaopr: display=replications
ADANUC Version <version number>
Database 34 Replications on 27-JUN-2012 09:47:48

ID From FNR To DB To FNR Status Remark

-- -------- ----- ------ ------ ------
1 111 37 111 Inactive
86 86 37 86 Active

2 transactions pending:

To DB Transactions
----- ------------
37 2

5 commands pending:

From FNR Commands

-------- --------
86 5
111 0

This display shows the Adabas - Adabas replications currently dened. This is only relevant for
customers who are using the Adabas Event Replicator with Adabas - Adabas replication.
Note:  Replications to other replication targets, for example SQL databases, are not displayed.
Such replications can only be displayed with the administration tools of the event replication.

The display shows the following information:

■ “ID” is the ID of the replication that is also used in the replication administration.
■ "From FNR” is the le number of the le to be replicated to another Adabas le.
■ “To DB” and “To FNR” are the database ID and le number of the target le for the replication.

"Status" can have the following values and meanings:

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Status Meaning

Inactive Currently no data are replicated to the target le, and at the moment no activities have
 been made to initiate the replication.
Prepare This status indicates that it is planned to perform the initial state processing for the
replication. This status is the prerequisite for creating a backup of les to be replicated via
ADABCK with parameter REPLICATION.
Initialization This status indicates that ADABCK with parameter REPLICATION is running and creates
a backup containing the initial state of les to be replicated.
Recording Adabas is currently recording the update transactions within the replication command le
and the replication transaction le, but currently does not replicate the update operations
to the target database.
Active The replication is active; all modications of the source le are replicated to the target le.
Error An unexpected error occurred during replication. In order to continue replication, a new
initial state processing is required.

■ “Pending Transactions” is the number of transactions that have not yet been replicated to the
target le.


1. The number contains both transactionsthat have already been committedbut not yet replicated
to the target database, and transactions that are still open and which can only be replicated
after an end of transaction.
2. If a transaction contains commands to be replicated to more than one target database, the
transaction is counted only once, independent of the number of target databases. Therefore

the total number of pending transactions can be smaller than the sum of the transactions for
the dierent target databases.
■ “Pending Commands” is the number of commands that have not yet replicated to the target


1. The number contains both commands belonging to transactions that have already been
committed but not yet replicated to the target database, and commands belonging to transac-
tions that are still open and which can only be replicated after an end of transaction.

2. If a le is replicated to more than one target le, database modication commands of the
source le are counted only once, independent of the number of target les to which a com-
mand has to be replicated.

If ADAOPR DISPLAY=REPLICATIONS is executed in non-interactive mode, ADAOPR returns

one of the following exit status values:

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Value Meaning

0 At least one replication has been dened, and no replication is in status Error.
12 There is a replication in status Error.
15 Replication has not been activated, or no replication has been dened.


adaopr: display=static_parameters

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Static Parameters on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

Resources: LAB : 98,304 NT : 6

LBP : 6,291,456 NU : 100
LWP : 170,000 NCL : 50
Logging: PLOG, BI

Cloglayout: 5

This display shows the static nucleus parameters.


adaopr: display=tt

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 Thread Table on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

No Cmd Count File Cmd Status

-- --------- ---- --- ------
1 10,566 0 U0 Update , active
2 21,475 11 S1 Complex, active
3 10,382 12 S1 Simple , active
4 2,516 12 S1 Simple , active
5 3,782 11 A1 Update , active
6 1,713 12 E1 Update , active

This display shows the entries in the thread table. Thenumber of displayed entries is simultaneously
the high water mark for threads.

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■ CMD COUNT shows the total number of Adabas commands processed from the corresponding
thread context. The sum of these counts will normally dier from the sum shown by DIS-
PLAY=COMMANDS, because internal commands are also counted.
■ FILE shows the le number of the Adabas command that is currently being processed from the
corresponding thread context. The le number is 0 if the corresponding thread context is not
active, or if the command is a global one which is not linked to a particular le.
■ CMD shows the command string of the Adabas command that is currently being processed
from the corresponding thread context. There is no output in this column if the corresponding
thread context is not active.
■ STATUS shows the command type and the status of the corresponding thread context.

Possible command types are:

■ Update
■ Simple
■ Complex

Possible entries for the thread status are shown in the following table:

Status Meaning

free available for allocation

ready ready to run
active running
waiting for io waiting for I/o completion of block

<rabn>/<block type> <rabn>

waiting for waiting for access/update synchronization of
<rabn>/<block type>  block <rabn>
waiting for space waiting for <size> bytes of work pool
<size> bytes space

The block type can be ASSO, DATA, WORK, FILE or PLOG.


adaopr: display=ucb

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 UCB on 19-JAN-2010 14:59:45

Date/Time Entry Id Utility Mode Files

--------- -------- ------- ---- -----
19-JAN-2010 14:59:41 42 adaopr UTO 13

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This display shows the utility communication block.

■ DATE/TIME shows the date and time on which the given les were locked.
■ ENTRY ID shows the allocated identication of the entry.
■ UTILITY shows the name of the utility.
■ MODE shows the mode in which the les are being accessed. The possibilities are:
■ ACC open for access
■ UPD open for update
■ EXU open for exclusive update (parallel access allowed)
■ UTO open for utilities only
■ UTI open for exclusive access (no parallel access or update allowed)
■ Files shows the le numbers of the les that are locked.


adaopr: display=uq

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 User Queue on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

Id Node Id Login Id ES Id User Id Type Status

-- ------- -------- ----- ------- ---- ------

23 sunxxx01
sunxxx01 dba
smith 4473
3075 *adaopr UT
20 sunxxx01 jones 3178 ET I
19 sunxxx01 jones 1946 ET IE
18 sunxxx01 smith 4689 ET
16 sunxxx01 smith 4661 ET
17 sunxxx01 jones 4638 ######## T
14 sunxxx01 miller 4379 ET R
13 sunxxx01 dba 3967 *adatst AC
12 sunxxx01 dba 3651 *adatst EX,ET E
11 sunxxx01 dba 4025 DBADMIN EX RU

Selected: 11, Used: 11, Queue Size: 100

This display shows the current user queue entries.

■ ID shows the internal user identication;

■ NODE ID shows the node identication string;
■ LOGIN ID shows the login identication string;
■ USER ID shows the user identication;

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■ TYPE shows the user type:

■ AC access only user
■ ET ET user
■ EX exclusive update user
■ EX,ET exclusive update user with ET logic
■ UT utility user.
■ STATUS shows the status of the user:
■ E user at ET status
■ G global timeout (XA)
■ I user session started with an implicit OPEN
■ P pending ET (XA)
■ R restricted le list
■ T user has received a time-out
■ U user specic timeout interval value

The nal line of the display shows how many user queue entries were selected according to the
currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.


adaopr: display=uq_files

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 User Files on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

Id Type Mode Files

-- ---- ---- -----
26 UT
23 ET UPD 11-12
20 ET UPD 11-12
19 ET UPD 11-12
18 ET UPD 11-12
16 ET UPD 11-12
14 ET UPD 11-12
13 AC
12 EX,ET EXU 14
11 EX ACC 11
EXU 13

Selected: 10, Used: 11, Queue Size: 100

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This display shows the le lists for active users.

■ ID shows the internal user identication;

■ TYPE shows the user type (please refer to the DISPLAY=UQ example for more information).
■ MODE shows the mode in which the les are being accessed:
■ ACC open for access
■ EXF open for exclusive access (no parallel access or update allowed)
■ EXU open for exclusive update (parallel access allowed)
■ UPD open for update
■ UTI open for exclusive access (no parallel access or update allowed)
■ UTO open for utilities only
■ FILES shows the Adabas le list of the user entry. If the list is too large to be displayed in one
line, several lines will be used: le numbers are not omitted.

The nal line of the display shows how many user queue entries were selected according to the
currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.


adaopr: file=13, display=uq_full

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 34 Full User Queue Entry on 9-MAR-2010 11:20:43

User Entry: Id : 7 ES Id : 14251

Node Id : sunxxx05 Login Id : dba
User Id : *adaopr

User Type : UT User Status :

Time Stamps: Session Start : 9-MAR-2010 11:20:43

Trans. Start :
Last Activity :

Time Limits: TT : 0 TNA : 0

Resources: ISN Lists : 0 ISNs Held : 0

Open Files : 0

Activity: ADABAS Calls : 1 Transactions : 0

Settings: User Encoding : UTF-8


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User Entry: Id : 6 ES Id : 13462

Node Id : sunxxx05 Login Id : smith
User Id : SMITH001

User Type : ET User Status :

Time Stamps: Session Start : 9-MAR-2010 11:20:23

Trans. Start : 9-MAR-2010 11:20:23
Last Activity : 9-MAR-2010 11:20:23

Time Limits: TT : 3,600 TNA : 900

Resources: ISN Lists : 0 ISNs Held : 3

Open Files : 1

Activity: ADABAS Calls : 21 Transactions : 1

Settings: User Encoding : UTF-8

Time zone : Europe/Berlin

This display shows detailed information about user queue elements.


adaopr: display=uq_time_limits

ADANUC Version <version number>

Database 76 User Time Limits on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

TNAA Interval : 00:15:00 TNAX Interval : 00:15:00

TNAE Interval : 00:15:00 TT Interval : 00:05:00

Id St Limit Timeout Interval Remaining Time Start Date/Time

-- -- ----- ---------------- -------------- ---------------
23 TNAE 00:15:00 00:15:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10
TT 00:05:00
22 TNAE 00:15:00 00:15:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10
TT 00:05:00
21 TNAE 00:15:00 00:15:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10
TT 00:05:00 00:05:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

TT 00:15:00
00:05:00 00:15:00
00:05:00 19-JAN-2010
19-JAN-2010 14:58:10
19 TNAE 00:15:00 00:15:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10
TT 00:05:00
18 TNAE 00:15:00 00:15:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10
TT 00:05:00 00:04:50 19-JAN-2010 14:58:00
17 TNAA 00:15:00 00:15:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10
16 TNAE 00:15:00 00:15:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10
TT 00:05:00 00:05:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

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14 TNAE 00:15:00 00:15:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10

TT 00:05:00 00:05:00 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10
13 TNAA 00:15:00 00:10:01 19-JAN-2010 14:53:11
12 TNAE 00:15:00 00:10:01 19-JAN-2010 14:53:11
TT 00:05:00
11 U TNAX 00:40:00 00:34:57 19-JAN-2010 14:53:07

Selected: 12, Used: 14, Queue Size: 100

This display shows the current timeout limits for the user queue entries.

■ ID shows the internal user identication;

■ ST shows the status of the entry. Possible values are:
■ U user specic timeout value
■ T a timeout is pending, response 9 has not been collected yet by the client.
■ LIMIT describes the timeout type;
■ TIMEOUT INTERVAL shows the current active timeout intervals.
■ REMAINING TIME shows the amount of time remaining until the next timeout mark.
■ START DATE/TIME shows the starting date and time of the entry.

The nal line of the display shows how many user queue entries were selected according to the
currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.


ES_ID = number

This function inuences the output of the DISPLAY options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES,
UQ_FULL, UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries with the specied environment-specic ID are dis-



This option controls the behaviour of the FEOF=PLOG function. It must be specied before spe-
cifying FEOF=PLOG. Refer to the FEOF=PLOG function for more information.

The default is NOET_SYNC.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)



This function is used to backup a database using an external backup system, which can be consid-
erably faster with very large databases than using ADABCK.

The keyword PREPARE prepares the database for backup. During this phase, the following restric-
tions apply:

■ new transactions will be stalled

■ no updating utility functions (e.g. ADADBM) can be started
permitted once the EXT_BACKUP = PREPARE call has nished processing
■ all non-activity timeout checks are disabled

The keyword CONTINUE is used to resume normal database operations following completion
of the external backup. The following actions are performed:

■ open a new PLOG with a new session number

■ re-enable non-activity timeout checks
■ re-enable update utilities
■ wake up all waiting users (start of new transactions)

The keyword ABORT is used to abort an external backup for which a PREPARE has already been
issued. In this case, the PLOG isn't switched and no checkpoint is written.


The following scenario shows a backup and restore using a third-party backup tool (tar is not a
real alternative, and is used for demonstration purposes only):

Dumping the database

% adaopr dbid=37 ext_backup=prepare

%ADAOPR-I-STARTED, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:30, T-Version (Solaris 64Bit)

Database 37, startup at 14-NOV-2012 16:18:10

ADANUC T-Version, PID 15245

%ADAOPR-I-EXTBPREP, preparing for external backup, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:30

%ADAOPR-I-TERMINATED, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:30, elapsed time: 00:00:00

% tar cvf $BACKUPDIR/backup.tar ASSO* DATA* # external dump
<external backup output>
% adaopr dbid=1 ext_backup=continue
%ADAOPR-I-STARTED, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:45, T-Version (Solaris 64Bit)

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Database 37, startup at 14-NOV-2012 16:18:10

ADANUC T-Version, PID 15245
During ET Sync (phase 2), for external backup

%ADAOPR-I-EXTBCONT, continue from external backup, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:45

%ADAOPR-I-TERMINATED, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:45, elapsed time: 00:00:00

Restoring and recovering the database

% tar xvf $BACKUPDIR/backup.tar # external restore

% adastart 37
% setenv RECPLG plog.0017 # Set RECPLG for ADAREC (C shell)
% adarec dbid=37 regenerate=* plog=17

The external backup is logged in the ADANUC log le

%ADANUC-I-DBSTART, Database 37, session 16 started, 14-NOV-2012 16:17:10

%ADANUC-I-EXTBPREP, preparing for external backup, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:30
%ADANUC-I-DBSTART, Database 37, session 17 started, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:45
%ADANUC-I-PLOGCRE, plog NUCPLG, file 'plogs/plog.0017' created
%ADANUC-I-EXTBCONT, continue from external backup, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:45


FEOF = (keyword [,keyword])

In accordance with the keywords specied, the log le(s) are closed and a new log le is created.

Keyword Meaning

CLOG closes command log le.

PLOG closes protection log le.

This depends on the [NO]ET_SYNC option:

If ET_SYNC is specied:
The current protection log le (PLOG) will be closed when all currently active ET logic users have
come to ET status, and a new PLOG is created with the next higher PLOG number.

If NOET_SYNC is specied:
The current PLOG extent will be closed when the next PLOG block is written, and a new extent
of the same PLOG will be created. The PLOG number is not incremented and the users do not
have to be synchronized at ET status.
Example (PLOG is on raw device): if the current PLOG is PLG.5, then the command "adaopr db=1
et_sync feof=plog" results in the PLOGs PLG.5 and PLG.6, whereas the command "adaopr db=1
noet_sync feof=plog" results in the PLOGs PLG.5(1) and PLG.5(2).
Example (PLOGis in le system): if the current PLOG is NUCPLG.0005, then the command "adaopr
db=1 et_sync feof=plog" results in the PLOGs NUCPLG.0005 and NUCPLG.0006, whereas the

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Keyword Meaning

command "adaopr db=1 noet_sync feof=plog" results in the PLOGs NUCPLG.0005(1) and

The FEOF command will be rejected if the keyword PLOG is used while running ADAREC RE-
GENERATE = * (see ADAREC for more detailed information).

FILE = number

This inuences the output of the DISPLAY options HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES, UQ_FULL and
UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries related to the specied le number are displayed.


Normally, obsolete entries in the client queue are released automatically when the client queue is
full. With ADAOPR FREE_CLQ, you can enforce the client queue cleanup before the client queue
 becomes full.


ID = number

This function inuences the output of the DISPLAY options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES,
UQ_FULL and UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries related to the specied internal ID are displayed.



The parameter IO_TIME enables logging of the I/O times for the ASSO, DATA, WORK, NUCSRT
and NUCTMP containers. The times are given in microseconds.

If logging of I/O times is already enabled, enabling it again resets all I/O time and I/O counter

The default is NOIO_TIME.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


ISN = ( number [- number] [,number [- number] ] ... )

This function inuences the output of the DISPLAY option HQ. Only entries related to the specied
ISNs are displayed.


[UN]LOCK = (number [,number]...)

The le(s) specied by the le number(s) are locked or unlocked. The specied les are locked
for all non-utility use; Adabas utilities can use the le(s) normally.

For users who have one or more les to be locked in their open le list, a STOP <user-ID> command
is issued internally. Refer to the description of the ADAOPR STOP parameter for more details.


1. You can also lock non-existent le numbers; if you subsequently create les with these numbers,
the les are locked.
2. Locking a LOB le does not prevent users from storing LOB data in the LOB le; disabling the
access to LOB data in the LOB le is part of locking the corresponding base le. Locking a LOB
le is only useful if you plan to use this le number for a base le at some time in the future.


LOGGING = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This parameter starts command logging for the buers specied in the list of keywords.

The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning

CB Enables logging of control block

FB Enables logging of format buers
RB Enables logging of record buers
SB Enables logging of search buer
VB Enables logging of value buer
IB Enables logging of ISN buer
ABD Enables logging of Adabas buer descriptions
IO Enables I/O list logging
OFF Stops logging of all buers, but keeps the command log le open

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If the nucleus was started with LOGGING=OFF and buer logging is requested, then the CLOG
le will be created.


LOGIN_ID = number
This function inuences the output of the DISPLAY options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES,
UQ_FULL and UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries with the specied login ID are displayed.


MGC = number

This parameter species the maximum group-commit count. This denes the maximum limit of
ET command grouping before the PLOG buers are written back to disk. If this limit is reached,
and the nal IO has been performed, all remaining users will be posted.

If the specied value is less than the corresponding high-water value, a warning is issued.

The minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 500.


NISNHQ = number

This parameter species the maximum number of records that can be placed into hold at any time
 by a single user.

If the specied value is less than the corresponding high-water value, a warning is issued.

The minimum value is 0, where 0 means unlimited.


NODE_ID = string

This function inuences the output of the DISPLAY options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES,
UQ_FULL and UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries for the specied node are displayed.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


OPTIONS = (keyword[,keyword])

The available keywords are:

Keyword Meaning

[NO]LOCAL_UTILITIES If LOCAL_UTILITIES is specied, the nucleus rejects all remote utility calls, i.e.
the Adabas utilities cannot be run from a remote node across a network.
[NO]UTILITIES_ONLY If UTILITIES_ONLY is selected, all calls other than for utilities will be rejected.
Note, however, that this restriction only applies to new users; users who were
already active when OPTIONS=UTILITIES_ONLY was specied can continue
processing normally. If you want exclusive utility control over les or the entire
database, use the LOCK function of ADAOPR instead.

These options can be disabled using the prex `NO', e.g. OPTIONS=NOUTILITIES_ONLY.


READ_PARALLEL_LIMITS = (records,blocks,total)

This parameter is used to modify the nucleus parameter READ_PARALLEL_LIMITS. Please refer
to the description in ADANUC for further information.


RESET = keyword

RESET=HIGH_WATER resets the high water mark values to the value currently in use.
RESET=COMMANDS resets thecommand counts displayed by ADAOPR DISPLAY=COMMANDS.



If response checking is enabled with the RESPONSE_CHECK parameter of ADAOPR, the RE-
SPONSE_ABORT option determines whether the nucleus aborts when one of the specied responses
occurs (RESPONSE_ABORT), or whether the nucleus resumes operation and a database section

le is written to disk (NORESPONSE_ABORT).

The setting of the [NO]RESPONSE_ABORT option can only be changed before the RE-
SPONSE_CHECK parameter. The same applies for XA_RESPONSE_CHECK (not on OpenVMS).

The default is NORESPONSE_ABORT.

Refer to the RESPONSE_CHECK parameter for further information.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


RESPONSE_CHECK = [(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)]

This function enables the DBA to gather information if one of a list of Adabas response codes occurs.
The information written may be used to analyze possible problems in the database's operation. If
a response check for an Adabas response code is enabled, the database section le is written to
disk if this response code occurs.

Depending on the setting of the RESPONSE_ABORT option, the nucleus either aborts or continues

■ if the RESPONSE_ABORT option is set, the database section le ( [UNIX],
or [Windows] or Adabas-xxx-hh-mm-ss [OpenVMS]) is written to the
database's default directory. The database section le is also called the CSA dump le. See
ADANUC and the environment variable ADA_CSA_DUMP for more information.

When the CSA dump le is written, the SMP dump le is also written (UNIX platforms only);
the name of the SMP dump le is SMPPOS.APP:hh:mm:ss.
■ if the NORESPONSE_ABORT option is set (default setting), the nucleus continues running and
the database section le ( [UNIX], or
ss [Windows] or Adabas-xxx-RSPyyy-hh-mm-ss [OpenVMS]) is written to the database's default
directory. See ADANUC and the environment variable ADA_CSA_DUMP for more information.
Only one dump is generated for one response code; if a response code occurs, the RE-
SPONSE_CHECK option is deactivated for that response code, but if it has been activated for
other response codes, it remains active for the other response codes.

Refer to the RESPONSE_ABORT action for further information.

By default, no response is trapped and the nucleus continues operation.

To disable response trapping, use "RESPONSE_CHECK =" without arguments.

Note:   Some response codes can be generated outside the nucleus (e.g. by ADALNK and
ENTIRE NET-WORK). If this happens, they cannot be trapped by Adabas. The response
codes in question for ADALNK are: 9, 17, 22, 40, 146-154, 241, 252, 255.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


SET_FILE_STATS = [(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)]

This function enables the le level I/O statistics for the specied les. Only these les will be dis-
played by DISPLAY = FILE_IO.



This function terminates the Adabas session normally. No new users are accepted. ET-user updating
is continued until the end of the current transaction for each user. When all update activity has
ended as described above, the Adabas session is terminated.

The communication link to the database is cut but the shared memory is still held. In this case,
display functions are still possible with ADAOPR but parameter modication commands are no
longer permitted.

STATUS = (keyword [,keyword] ,... )

This function inuences the output of the DISPLAY parameter options HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES,
UQ_TIME_LIMITS, UQ_FULL. Only entries in the specied state will be displayed.

The valid keywords are:

Keyword Meaning

[NO]TIMEOUT User without or with "T" status.

[NO]ET_STATUS Users at "ET" status with open transactions.
[NO]PENDING_ET Users without or with "P" status.


STOP = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

This parameter terminates the user with the specied ID (internal identication). The ID can be
retrieved with DISPLAY = UQ.

The message "Stop handling started for n users" is displayed, where "n" is the number of users
who will be stopped.

Note:  Utilities cannot always be stopped in this way.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

The actions that Adabas takes when a user is stopped depend on the user type, and also whether
the nucleus requires an explicit OP (open) command at the start of a user session, as shown in the
following table.

The abbreviation SUQE used in the table means "Stop user queue element", and consists of the

user type, actions: release
set response allthe
9 for Command
next call.IDs, scratch the le list, scratch the user ID, scratch the

User Type Adabas Actions without ADANUC Adabas Actions with ADANUC

ACC For ID user: SUQE session closed

For non-ID user: session closed

ET, ET Status For ID user: SUQE session closed

For non-ID user: session closed

ET, no ET Status Backout transaction, SUQE Backout transaction, session closed

EX SUQE, CLSE checkpoint session closed
EX, ET with ET status SUQE, CLSE checkpoint session closed
EX, ET, no ET status Backout transaction, SUQE, CLSE checkpoint Backout transaction, session closed
UT session closed session closed

If a STOP command is issued for a user while running


it will be rejected (see  ADAREC in this manual for more information).


TNAA = number

This parameter sets the non-activity time limit (in seconds) for access-only users who have not
explicitly specied a TNAA value in the OP command (see  Command Reference ,  OP command).

Note that the gure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance,
the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the maximum value is 2592000.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


TNAE = number

This parameter sets the non-activity time limit (in seconds) for ET logic users who have not explicitly
specied a TNAE value in the OP command (see Command Reference , OP command).

Note that the gure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance,
the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the maximum value is 2592000.


TNAX = number

This parameter sets the non-activity time limit (in seconds) for EXU and EXF users who have not

explicitly specied a TNAX value in the OP command (see  Command Reference , OP command).
Note that the gure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance,
the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the maximum value is 2592000.


TT = number

This parameter sets the transaction time limit for ET logic users who have not explicitly specied
a TT value in the OP command (see  Command Reference , OP command).
If the specied value is less than the corresponding high-water value, a warning is issued.

Note that the gure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance,
the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the maximum value is 2592000.


USER_ID = string

This function inuences the output of the DISPLAY parameter options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ,
UQ_FILES, UQ_TIME_LIMITS, UQ_FULL. Only entries in the specied user ID will be displayed.

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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


WRITE_LIMIT = [number]

This parameter species the percentage of modied blocks permitted in the buer pool before an
implicit buer ush is taken.

Note that "WRITE_LIMIT=" (keeping the equals sign but omitting the number) is equivalent to

The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 70; 0 means that Adabas will dynamically
choose an appropriate value.


XA_RESPONSE_CHECK = (keyword [,keyword] ,... )

This function
(not on enables
OpenVMS). theinformation
The DBA to gather information
written if onetoofanalyze
may be used a list ofpossible
XA response codes
problems inoccurs
database's operation. If a response check for an XA response code is enabled, the database section
le is written to disk if this response code occurs.

Depending on the setting of the RESPONSE_ABORT option, the nucleus either aborts or continues

■ if the RESPONSE_ABORT option is set, the database section le ( is

written to the database's default directory;
■ if the NORESPONSE_ABORT option is set (default setting), the nucleus continues running and
the database section le ( is written to disk (refer to the ADAOPR
FILE parameter for further information).

By default, no response is trapped and the nucleus continues operation.

Refer to the RESPONSE_ABORT option for further information.

To disable response trapping, use "XA_RESPONSE_CHECK =" without arguments.

The following keywords are supported:


 Adabas Utilities 283 291/431
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 ADAOPR (Operator Utility)


For more information, see  Administration ,  XA Support.

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20   ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 286
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 287
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 289

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 289
■  Restart Considerations  ................................................................................................................... 298
■  Examples  ..................................................................................................................................... 298

285 293/431
7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAORD".

Functional Overview

The reorder utility ADAORD provides functions to reorganize a whole database (REORDER) and
to migrate les between databases (EXPORT/IMPORT).

Depending on the function selected, ADAORD produces or requires a sequential le (ORDEXP).

The main reasons for running ADAORD are:

■ To changethe layout of a complete database. This includes increasing or decreasing the maximum
number of les permitted;
■ To change the space allocation or placement of a le, to reduce the number of logical extents

assigned to its index, Address Converter or Data Storage and to change or re-establish the
padding factors;
■ To create one or more test les that all contain the same data. This procedure requires a le to
 be exported and then imported using a dierent le number;
■ To archive and subsequently reestablish a le, independent of its original placement and the
database device types used.

When exporting les from a database, the Adabas nucleus is not required. If a system le is pro-
cessed, the nucleus must be inactive. For detailed information, please refer to the table of nucleus

When importing les into a database, the Adabas nucleus is not required to be active. The nucleus
may be either started or shut down during this procedure.

When reordering the database, the nucleus must be inactive.

Note:   The IMPORT and IMPORT_RENUMBER functions can process export les created
with earlier Adabas versions, but not export les created with later Adabas versions.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

Procedure Flow

The sequential le ORDEXP can have multiple extents, but only if you are using raw devices. For
detailed information about sequential les with multiple extents, see Administration , Using Utilities.

 Adabas Utilities 287 295/431
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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

The sequential le ORDEXP can have multiple extents, but only if you are using raw devices. For
detailed information about sequential les with multiple extents, see Administration , Using Utilities.

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Data storage DATAx Disk
Export copy ORDEXP Disk, Tape (* see note) Export (out),
Reorder (in/out),
other functions (in)

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual

ADAORD messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
Work storage WORK1 Disk

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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

Note:   (*) A named pipe cannot be used for this sequential le (see Administration , Using
Utilities for details).

The following table shows the nucleus requirements for each function and the checkpoints written:

Function Nucleus must be active Nucleus must NOT be active Nucleus is NOT required Checkpoint written

EXPORT X(* see note) X SYNX
IMPORT X(* see note) X SYNP
IMPORT_ X(* see note) X SYNP

Note:   (*) When processing an Adabas system le

In the case of the EXPORT function, ADAORD writes a single checkpoint and removes the UCB
entry when all of the specied les have been exported and the sequential output le (ORDEXP)
has been closed.

In the case of the IMPORT function, ADAORD writes a checkpoint and informs the nucleus that
the le has been loaded every time a le is successfully imported.

The UCB entry is removed when all of the specied les have been imported. When the utility is
executed oine, writing multiple checkpoints increases the probability of a checkpoint block
(CPB) overow. The checkpoint le should, therefore, always be present to allow the Adabas
nucleus to be started in order to empty the CPB.

In the case of the REORDER function, ADAORD writes a single checkpoint and removes the UCB
entry when the function terminates.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:


DBID = number

 Adabas Utilities 289 297/431
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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

EXPORT = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)
D [,SORTSEQ = ({descriptor_name|ISN|PHYSICAL},...)]

FILES = (number[[-number], number[-number]] ...)

IMPORT = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)
[,ACRABN = number]
[,ASSOPFAC = number]
[,DATAPFAC = number]
[,DSRABN = number] [,DSSIZE = number[B|M] ]
[,LOBACRABN = number]
[,LOBDSRABN = number]
[,LOBNIRABN = number]
[,LOBSIZE = numberM]
[,LOBUIRABN = number]
[,MAXISN = number]
[,NIRABN = number|(number,number)]
[,NISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])]
[,UIRABN = number|(number,number)]
[,UISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])]

IMPORT_RENUMBER = (number, number[,number])

[,ACRABN = number]
[,ASSOPFAC = number]
[,DATAPFAC = number]
[,DSRABN = number] [,DSSIZE = number[B|M] ]
[,LOBACRABN = number]
[,LOBDSRABN = number]
[,LOBNIRABN = number]
[,LOBSIZE = numberM]
[,LOBUIRABN = number]
[,MAXISN = number]
[,NIRABN = number|(number,number)]
[,NISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])]
[,UIRABN = number|(number,number)]
[,UISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])]




This function displays the list of les contained in the sequential output le (ORDEXP) created
 by a previous run of the EXPORT function.

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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.


EXPORT = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)
[,SORTSEQ = ({descriptor_name|ISN|PHYSICAL},...)]

This function exports (copies) one or more les from the database to a sequential output le (OR-
DEXP). In order to maintain referential integrity in the export copy, all les that are connected via
referential constraints to a specied le are also exported. The le numbers specied are only
taken into consideration if they are the le numbers of base les; the corresponding LOB les for

the selected
EXPORT les are
consists exportedeach
of copying automatically with thetogether
le's Data Storage, base leswith
without having to be
the information specied.
that An
is required
to reestablish its index. All of the les to be processed are written to ORDEXP in the sequence in
which they are specied. Overlapping ranges and numbers are removed.

Note:   If the checkpoint le is included in the le list, it will be processed last.


This parameter displays the FDT of the le to be processed.

SORTSEQ = ({descriptor_name|ISN|PHYSICAL} ,... )

This parameter controls the sequence in which the Data Storage is processed. If species either
the eld name of a descriptor, subdescriptor or superdescriptor, or the keyword `ISN' or `PHYS-

The default is physical sequence.

The following values can be specied:

Value Sequence

descriptor_name If the name of a descriptor, sub- or superdescriptor is specied, the data records are
processed in ascending logical sequence of the descriptor values to which the eld name

A eld with the MU, MC or NU option or one that is contained in a periodic group or a
sub- or superdescriptor derived from such a eld must not be specied.

Logical sequence can be used only if a single le has been selected.

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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

Value Sequence

ISN If ISN is specied, the data records are processed in ascending ISN sequence.
PHYSICAL If PHYSICAL is specied or if the SORTSEQ parameter is omitted, the data records are
processed in the physical sequence in which they are stored in the Data Storage.

The performance when processing in logical sequence and ISN sequence is better if the database
is online (provided that the buer pool is large enough).

If one value is specied for SORTSEQ, that value is valid for all les. If more than one value is
specied, the number of values must be the same as the number of le ranges specied for the
EXPORT parameter. In this case, the rst le range is exported in the rst specied sort sequence,
the second le range is exported in the second specied sort sequence, and so on.


EXPORT = (1, 20-30, 40)


File 1 is exported in the sequence of descriptor AA, les 20-30 are exported in physical sequence
and le 40 is exported in ISN sequence.


FILES = (number[[-number], number[-number]] ...)

This parameter is used to display information concerning the status of the specied les contained
on the sequential input le (ORDEXP).


IMPORT = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)
[,ACRABN = number]
[,ASSOPFAC = number]
[,DATAPFAC = number]
[,DSRABN = number] [,DSSIZE = number[B|M] ]
[,LOBACRABN = number]
[,LOBDSRABN = number]
[,LOBNIRABN = number]
[,LOBSIZE = numberM]
[,LOBUIRABN = number]
[,MAXISN = number]
[,NIRABN = number|(number,number)]
[,NISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])]
[,UIRABN = number|(number,number)]
[,UISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])]

This function imports one or more les into a database, using the data on the sequential le (OR-
DEXP) produced by a previous run of ADAORD. In order to maintain referential integrity, all

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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

les connected via referential constraints to a specied le are also imported. The le numbers
specied are only taken into consideration if they are the le numbers of base les; the correspond-
ing LOB les for the selected les are imported automatically with the base les without having
to be specied. The le numbers specied are sorted into ascending sequence. Overlapping ranges
and numbers are removed.

The le numbers specied must not be loaded in the database.

By default, ADAORD controls the le placement and the allocation quantities. The parameters
that can be used to overwrite these defaults may be used only if a single le has been selected.

Please refer to the  IMPORT_RENUMBER function for the description of the parameters.


IMPORT_RENUMBER = (number, number[,number])

[,ACRABN = number]
[,ASSOPFAC = number]
[,DATAPFAC = number]
[,DSRABN = number] [,DSSIZE = number[B|M] ]
[,LOBACRABN = number]
[,LOBDSRABN = number]
[,LOBNIRABN = number]
[,LOBSIZE = numberM]
[,LOBUIRABN = number]
[,MAXISN = number]
[,NIRABN = number|(number,number)]
[,NISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])]

= number|(number,number)]

This function imports a le into a database, using the data on the sequential le (ORDEXP) produced
 by a previous run of ADAORD. It is not possible to import and renumber a le that is connected
to another le via referential integrity. Constraints must either dropped before exporting the les,
or the les must be imported without renumbering and be renumbered later (ADADBM RENUM-
BER). The rst number given denes the base le to be imported, and the second number is the
new le number to be assigned to the le. The third, optional number is the new le number for
the LOB le. If the third number is not specied, the LOB le number (if it exists) remains un-

The new le number must not be loaded in the database.

Unless otherwise specied, ADAORD controls the le placement and the allocation quantities.

 Adabas Utilities 293 301/431
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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

ACRABN = number 

This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for the Address Converter (AC)
is to start.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD assigns the starting RABN.

ASSOPFAC = number 

This parameter species the new padding factor to be used for the le's index. The number specied
is the percentage of each index block which is not to be used by ADAORD or a subsequent run of
the mass update utility ADAMUP. This padding area is reserved for future use if additional entries
have to be added to the block by the Adabas nucleus. This avoids the necessity of having to relocate
overow entries to another block.

A value may be specied in the range of 0 to 95.

A small padding factor (0 to 10) should be specied if little or no descriptor updating is expected.
A larger padding factor (10 to 50) should be specied if a large amount of descriptor updating is
expected in which new descriptor values are created.

If this parameter is omitted, the current padding factor in eect for the le's index is used.

DATAPFAC = number 

This parameter species the new padding factor to be used for the le's Data Storage. The number
specied is the percentage of each data block which is not to be used by ADAORD. This padding
area is reserved for future use if any record in a block requires additional space as result of record
updating by the Adabas nucleus. This avoids the necessity of having to relocate overow entries
to another block.

A value may be specied in the range of 0 to 95.

A small padding factor (0 to 10) should be specied if there is little or no record expansion. A larger
padding factor (10 to 50) should be specied if there is a large amount of record updating which
will cause expansion.

If this parameter is omitted, the current padding factor in eect for the le's Data Storage is used.

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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

DSRABN = number 

This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for the le's Data Storage (DS)
is to start.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD assigns the start RABN.

DSSIZE = number[B|M]

This parameter species the number of blocks (B) or megabytes (M) to be initially assigned to the
le's Data Storage (DS). By default, the size is given in megabytes.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD calculates the size based on the old number of blocks alloc-
ated and the dierence between the old and new padding factor.


This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for the LOB le's Address Con-
verter (AC) is to start.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD assigns the start RABN.


This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for the LOB le's Data Storage
(DS) is to start.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD assigns the start RABN.


This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for the LOB le's Normal Index
(NI) is to start.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD assigns the start RABN.


This parameter species the number of megabytes to be initially assigned to the LOB le's Data
Storage (DS). The AC size, NI size and UI size for the LOB le are derived from this size.
If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD calculates the size based on the old number of blocks alloc-
ated and the dierence between the old and new padding factor.

 Adabas Utilities 295 303/431
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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)


This parameter species the RABN at which the space allocation for the LOB le's Upper Index
(UI) is to start.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD assigns the start RABN.

MAXISN = number 

This parameter species the highest permissible ISN for the le. ADAORD uses this parameter
to determine the amount of space to be allocated for the le's Address Converter (AC).

Because there is no automatic extension of the initial allocation, a value that is smaller than the
le's current rst free ISN will cause ADAORD to terminate execution and return an error status
if there are ISNs outside the Address Converter.

If this parameter is omitted, the value of MAXISN currently in eect for the le's Address Converter
is used.
A contiguous-best-try allocation is used.

NIRABN = number|(number,number)

This parameter species the RABN(s) at which the space allocation for the le's Normal Index
(NI) is to start. Adabas usually stores small descriptor values (<= 253 bytes) in small index blocks
(block size < 16 KB) and large descriptor values in large index blocks (block size >= 16 KB. For this
reason, it is possible to specify 2 RABNs - if you specify 2 RABNs, one must have a block size <
16 KB, and the other must have a block size >=16 KB.

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD assigns the start RABN.

NISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])

This parameter species the number of blocks (B) or megabytes (M) to be initially assigned to the
le's Normal Index (NI). By default, the size is given in megabytes. If two values are specied and
the NIRABN parameter is also specied, the rst value corresponds to the rst value of the NIRABN
parameter, and the second value corresponds to the second value of the NIRABN parameter. If
two values are specied and the NIRABN parameter is not specied, the rst value species the
size of small normal index blocks (< 16 KB), and the second value species the size of large NI
 blocks (>= 16 KB).
If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD calculates the size based on the old number of blocks alloc-
ated and the dierence between the old and new padding factor.

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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

UIRABN = number|(number,number)

This parameter species the RABN(s) at which the space allocation for the le's Upper Index (UI)
is to start. Adabas usually stores small descriptor values (<= 253 bytes) in small index blocks (block
size < 16 KB) and large descriptor values in large index blocks (block size >= 16 KB. For this reason,

andis possible
the othertomust
have2 RABNs - if you
a block size >=16specify
KB. 2 RABNs, one must have a block size < 16 KB,

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD assigns the start RABN.

UISIZE = number[B|M]|(number[B|M],number[B|M])

This parameter species the number of blocks (B) or megabytes (M) to be initially assigned to the
le's Upper Index (UI). By default, the size is given in megabytes. If two values are specied and
the UIRABN parameter is also specied, the rst value corresponds to the rst value of the UIRABN
parameter, and the second value corresponds to the second value of the UIRABN parameter. If

two of
size values
smallare specied
upper indexand the(<
blocks UIRABN parameter
16 KB), and is not
the second specied,
value thethe
species rst value
size species
of large the
UI blocks
(>= 16 KB).

If this parameter is omitted, ADAORD calculates the size based on the old number of blocks alloc-
ated and the dierence between the old and new padding factor.



This function is used to change the layout of a whole database. It rearranges the database's global
areas, eliminates fragmentation in the DSST and the les' Address Converter, Data Storage, Normal
Index and Upper Index extents by physically changing their placement. It also re-establishes the
les' padding factors. Exclusive control of the database container les is required.

A REORDER database implicitly exports the les, deletes them from the database and then re-
imports them. The sequential le (ORDEXP) that is created during the REORDER is kept.

Note:   ADAORD uses a best-t algorithm for the allocation of the disk space for the les.
Therefore, it may occur that the rst container of a given type remains empty if it is followed
 by another container with adequate block size which is smaller than the rst one.

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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

Restart Considerations

ADAORD has no restart capability.

An abnormally terminated EXPORT must be rerun from the beginning.

An abnormally terminated IMPORT of one or more les will result in lost RABNs for the last le
 being imported. These RABNs can be recovered by executing ADADBM's RECOVER function.
The les preceding the one being processed when the interrupt occurred will be available in the
database. Therefore, the IMPORT function should be rerun starting with the le number at which
the interrupt occurred.

An abnormally terminated IMPORT_RENUMBER will result in lost RABNs for the le being im-
ported. These RABNs can be recovered by executing ADADBM's RECOVER function. The IM-
PORT_RENUMBER function has to be rerun from the beginning.

An abnormally terminated REORDER at the database level may result in a database that cannot
 be accessed if the interrupt occurred while reordering the database's global areas (GCB, FST, DSST,
etc.). In this case, either a new empty database has to be created using ADAFRM or the old database
has to be reestablished from an Adabas backupcopy, using ADABCK's RESTORE database function.
If the interrupt occurred during the re-import phase, it will result in lost RABNs for the last le
 being imported. These RABNs can be recovered by executing ADADBM's RECOVER function.
The les preceding the one being processed when the interrupt occurred will be available in the
database. The remaining les can be obtained from the sequential work le (ORDEXP) by using
ADAORD's IMPORT function.


In the examples below, the les 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 25 are loaded in database 1. Database
2 contains les 3, 6 and 11.

Example 1

adaord: dbid = 1
adaord: export = (1-4,7,10-25)
Files 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 25 are exported from database 1.

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 ADAORD (Reorder Database Or Files, Export/Import Files)

Example 2

adaord: dbid = 2
adaord: import = (1-10,12)

Files 1, 2, 4, 7, 10 and 12 are imported into database 2. It is not possible to specify " import=(1-12)"
 because ADAORD rst checks to see if one of the les to be imported is already loaded , and if it
is, then the whole import is rejected - in this case le 11 is already loaded.

Example 3

adaord: dbid = 2
adaord: import_renumber = (11,19), acrabn = 131, datapfac = 20

File 11 is imported into database 2 using a new le number of 19 (because 11 is already in use).
The le's Address Converter (AC) is to be allocated at ASSO RABN 131. The new padding factor
for the Data Storage (DS) is 20 percent.

Example 4

adaord: dbid = 1
adaord: reorder = *

The whole database is reordered.

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300 308/431
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21   ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 302
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 303
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 304

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 304
■  ADAPLP Output  ............................................................................................................................ 313

301 309/431
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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAPLP".

Functional Overview

The ADAPLP utility prints the Protection Log or WORK.

This utility is a multi-function utility.

Note:   LOB values are split into several records in a LOB le; when LOB values are stored
in the database, the Protection Log contains the log records for the modications of the LOB
le. This means that ADAPLP does not display the LOB values as one value, but rather it
displays the modications of the corresponding records in the LOB le instead. It is not
possible to decompress the LOB le records because the LOB records are too large to t
into one block, and the continued Protection Log records cannot be decompressed.

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Protection log PLPPLG Disk, Tape Utilities Manual
Protection log (last extent) PLPLEX Disk Only required if you process a PLOG with an
extension count > 1 and if you use the
DECOMPRESS or DELTAoption: you must provide
the last PLOG extent before the PLOG extent to be
Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADAPLP report stdout/ Messages and Codes
Work storage WORK1 Disk

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

The sequential le PLPPLG can have multiple extents. For information about sequential les with
multiple extents, see Administration , Using Utilities.


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

M DATASET = keyword

DBID = number




FILES = (number [-number][,number [-number]]...)


INTERNAL_ID = number

ISN = (number [,number] ... )




PLOG = (number [,number])

M RABN = {*|number[-number]}

RECORD ={*| (number [- number] [, number [- number]]...) }

SEQ = number


304  Adabas Utilities 312/431
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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

THREAD = number

TSN = number

D TYPE = (keyword [,keyword]...)

USER_ID = string


DATASET = keyword

This parameter selects the le containing the Protection Log information to be processed. The
keyword can take the values PLOG or WORK. The parameter PLOG must be specied rst if
DATASET=PLOG is to be specied and the protection log is located on a raw device.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.

This parameter must be used when DATASET=WORK is requested, or if DATASET=PLOG and

the protection log is within a raw section. This parameter must be the rst parameter to be specied.
Otherwise, if this parameter is not specied, the DBID stored in the PLOG is used.



This option indicates whether for each selected DATA record from a protection log, one line per
eld is printed with the eld name and its decompressed value in hex (DECOMPRESSED) or not

For an inserted record, an after image containing the eld values of the record after the insert is

For an updated record, a before image containing the eld values before the update, and an after
image containing the eld values of the record after the update are displayed.

For a deleted record, a before image containing the eld values before the delete operation is dis-

If you specify DECOMPRESSED and NONULL, no output is produced for the following:

■ Fields with NU or NC option with null-value;

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

■ MU elds with NU or NC option without a value that is not the null-value;

■ PE groups containing only elds with NU or NC option without a value that is not the null-
■ Group names if the group is not PE.

The default is NODECOMPRESSED.

Note:  Decompression (DECOMPRESSED output) is not possible for CONTINUED records.

CONTINUED records are created if a PLOG record plus the block header is larger than 32
KB in the PLOG or larger than the block size used for WORK.

Example output for DECOMPRESSED (without NONULL option)

>>> After Image <<<

Length = 20, ISN = 2

Field : AA: ^30372E31322E3034
Group : AB
Field : AC: ^2020202020202020202020202020202020202020
Field : AE: ^2020202020202020202020202020202020202020
Field : AD: ^2020202020202020202020202020202020202020
Field : AF: ^20
Field : AG: ^20
Field : AH: ^0000000C
Group : A1
MU-field : AI, count = ^01

Field : AI( 1): ^2020202020202020202020202020202020202020

AJ: ^2020202020202020202020202020202020202020
Field : AK: ^20202020202020202020
Field : AL: ^202020
Group : A2
Field : AN: ^202020202020
Field : AM: ^202020202020202020202020202020
Field : AO: ^202020202020
Field : AP: ^20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020
PE-group : AQ, count = ^01
PE index (1)
Field : AR: ^202020
Field : AS: ^000000000C
MU-field : AT, count = ^01
AT( 1): ^000000000C
End of PE-group : AQ
Group : A3
Field : AU: ^3030
Field : AV: ^3030
PE-group : AW, count = ^01
PE index (1)

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

Field : AX: ^3030303030303030

Field : AY: ^3030303030303030
End of PE-group : AW
MU-field : AZ, count = ^01
AZ( 1): ^202020

Example output for DECOMPRESSED (with NONULL option)

>>> After Image <<<

Length = 15, ISN = 2

Field : AA: ^30372E31322E3034

Field : AF: ^20
Field : AG: ^20



This parameter indicates that only changed elds after an update are displayed.

For an inserted record, the same output is produced as with the options DECOMPRESSED,

For an updated record, a Delta containing the modied eld values is displayed. Note that for
MU/PE elds, the value count displayed can be smaller than the displayed MU/PE indices if the
MU/PE count has been decreased - this is because all eld values have been set to the null value.

If a record is deleted, no output is produced, however, you can see the deletion if you display
protection log entries of the type CE.

Note:   Decompression (DELTA output) is not possible for CONTINUED records. CONTIN-
UED records are created if a PLOG record plus the block header is larger than 32 KB in the
PLOG or larger than the block size used for WORK.



This option indicates whether the variable part of a Protection Log record is included in the printout
(DUMP) or not (NODUMP).

If DUMP is specied, the variable part of each Protection Log record is displayed in both hexa-
decimal and uninterpreted ASCII format.

DUMP implicitly resets SHORT.

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

The default is NODUMP.


FILES = (number [-number][,number [-number]]...)

The Protection Log records are only displayed if they belong to the le(s) specied by this para-

Only records of the types DA, DV, EXT, INDEX and FCB are displayed.

Please refer to the tables at the end of this section for a description of the various types of Protection
Log records.



This option indicates whether for each block of the Protection Log a header is displayed (HEADER)
or not (NOHEADER).

The default is HEADER.


INTERNAL_ID = number

This option displays only the records with the specied internal ID.


ISN = (number [,number] ... )

The Protection Log records are only displayed if they belong to the ISNs specied by this parameter.
Only records of the types DA and DV are displayed. Please refer to the tables at the end of this
section for a description of the various types of Protection Log records. This parameter can only
 be used in conjunction with the FILE parameter.

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)



This option displays only the records in which modications for the specied RABN are logged.

Please refer to the tables at the end of this section for a description of the various types of Protection
Log records.



This keyword species that record types that are independent of le numbers (for example ET
and BT records) will be displayed in addition to the record types that are bound to le numbers.


adaplp dbid=6 file=25 type=(da,dv,et,bt) nofiletype

The DA and DVT records of le 25 together with all ET and BT records will be displayed.



The NONULL parameter is only relevant if the DECOMPRESSED parameter is also specied.
Please refer to the DECOMPRESSED parameter for further information.


PLOG = (number[,number])

This parameter is required if DATASET=PLOG is specied and the protection log is within a raw
section. It is optional if the protection log is within a le system. The PLOG number and the exten-
sion count can be specied. If an extension count is specied, then only the specied extent will
 be processed. If no extension count is specied, Adabas will open subsequent extents when neces-
sary. The parameter PLOG must be specied before DATASET=PLOG is specied.

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)


Section layout

250000 260000 10001 30 PLG.36 created

377000 378000 1001 30 PLG.36(3) created

adaplp: plog=36
adaplp: dataset=plog

PLG.36 will be opened

adaplp: plog=(36,3)
adaplp: dataset=plog

PLG.36(3) will be opened.


RABN ={*| number [- number] }

This parameter selects one block or a range of consecutive blocks on the WORK or Protection Log
le. The information contained in the specied blocks is displayed.

If you specify "*", all blocks are displayed.

Note:   If you start ADAPLP without specifying RABN, the utility will run, but will not pro-
duce any output.


adaplp: rabn = 123

adaplp: rabn = 123 - 1246

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)


RECORD ={*| (number [- number] [, number [- number]]...) }

This parameter selects the records or ranges of records to be printed. All of the records are printed
if `*' or nothing is specied.


adaplp: record = (2-5,9,11)

The records 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 are written while printing one or more PLOG blocks.


SEQUENCE = number

This option displays only the records written by the specied sequence number.



This option indicates whether only Protection Log block headers are printed out (SHORT), or
whether all the records in each block are included in the display (NOSHORT).

SHORT implicitly resets DUMP.

By default, the Protection Log block header is displayed followed by all of the records contained
in the block.

The default is NOSHORT.


THREAD = number

This option displays only the records with the specied thread.

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)


TSN = number

This option displays only the records with the specied transaction sequence number (TSN).

Only records of the type BT, C5, CL, DA, DV, ET and XA (not on OpenVMS) are displayed.
Please refer to the tables at the end of this section for a description of the various types of Protection
Log records.


TYPE = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This option displays only the protection log records specied by the given keyword(s). Each
keyword corresponds to one or more protection log record types, as shown in the following table.

Keyword Protection Log record type

ASSO the record type AC and all record types that are selected by the keywords EXT, FCB and INDEX
C1 C1
C5 C5

DATA all record types that are selected by the keywords BT, CE, DA, DV, ET and OP.


XA all record types that are selected by the keywords YB, YD, YF and YP
YB YB (not on OpenVMS)
YD YD (not on OpenVMS)

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

Keyword Protection Log record type

YF YF (not on OpenVMS)
YP YP (not on OpenVMS)

Please refer to the tables at the end of this section for a description of the various types of Protection
Log records.

The default is to display all protection log record types.


USER_ID = string

This option displays only the records which start with the specied user ID.

Only records of the type BT, C1, C5, CL, DA, DV, ET, FCBDS, FCBIX, INDEX and XA are displayed.

Please refer to the tables at the end of this section for a description of the various types of Protection
Log records.



This option alternates between the WORK part 1 ring buer (NOWXA) and WORK part 1 XA area

The default is NOWXA.


Each block of the Protection Log or WORK is preceded by a header, which consists of the following:

■ the block sequence number;

■ the size of the block;
■ the number of the session that the block belongs to (identical to the PLOG number);
■ the time stamp showing when the block was created (internal time stamp for WORK).
The output for a record consists of the following entries:

■ a record sequence number (starting at 1 for each block);

■ the internal length of the record;
■ the command sequence number (uniquely identies a command);

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

■ the type of PLOG record (see the following table for more information);
■ the number of the thread that executed the command.

In addition, most records also have the following entries:

the internalthat
command user identication
opens (in hexadecimal notation) that is uniquely assigned for each
a transaction.

The table below shows the types of PLOG records:

Type Description

AB logs WORK wrap around (WORK only).

AC logs the relocation of a record during backout transaction (WORK only).
ACEXT logs the extension of the address converter (WORK only).
AT logs the adding of a eld (ADADBM).
BE logs the end of a buer ush (WORK only).
BF logs the start and end of a buer ush (WORK only).
BS logs the start of a buer ush (WORK only).
BT logs the start of BT processing.
C1 log record from a C1 command. Contains the checkpoint name (PLOG only).
C5 log record from a C5 command (PLOG only).
CE indicates the last entry of a command (last entry with this sequence number). If the command
was a delete operation, the le number and the ISN of the deleted record is displayed.


>>> DELETE FILE 10 ISN 2 <<<

CF logs the creation of an FDT (ADAFDU).

CL logs the CLOSE of a user.
CT logs the creation of a le (ADAFDU).
DA logs a data record change. The le, RABN, and ISN of the data record are displayed. The record
is either an after image (AI), a before image (BI), or a delta image (DI) and is displayed when
DUMP is enabled. `TSN' is an internal transaction sequence number. All entries that originate
from one transaction have the same TSN (see also the description of the ET command in the
Command Reference Manual). The output of `WB' is only displayed if DATASET=WORK has
 been specied. It shows the WORK block where the previous PLOG record of the same TSN can
 be found. A `clu' value that is not zero indicates an exclusive or privileged user.
DC logs the dropping of a eld (ADADBM).
DSEXT logs the extension of data storage (WORK only).
DT logs the deletion of a le (ADADBM).

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 ADAPLP (Protection Log Printout)

Type Description

DV logs a descriptor update (should always be preceded by a DA record). The entries for the le,
ISN, TSN, clu, and WB are the same as for the DA record type.
ET log entry from an ET command. The ET TSN gives the TSN of the last user data written by an ET
FCBDS logs an FCB change for data storage (WORK only).
FCBIX logs an FCB change for the normal index (WORK only).
FE logs a change of an index block's rst entry (WORK only).
IB logs an index block that is modied (WORK only).
INDEX logs an index block that is split (WORK only).
INSRU logs the insertion of an index block into a reusage chain (WORK only).
NIEXT logs the extension of the normal index (WORK only).
OP logs the OPEN of a user.
REMRU logs the deletion of an index block from a reusage chain (WORK only).
SPISN logs changes in ISN reusage or space reusage.
UIEXT logs the extension of the upper index (WORK only).
YB logs the backout of a transaction within the XA protocol (not on OpenVMS).
YD logs the discarding of a heuristically terminated transaction within the XA protocol (not on
YF logs the nal commit of a transaction within the XA protocol (not on OpenVMS).
YP logs the preliminary commit of a transaction within the XA protocol (not on OpenVMS).

There are also several ags that may be displayed with DA or DV records:

Flag Description

AI the data of this PLOG record contain an after image of the data record (record type DA).
BACKOUT indicates that the record was written during a backout within a single command.
BI the data of this PLOG record contain a before image of the data record (record type DA).
BT indicates that the record was written during the backout of a transaction.
DI the data of this PLOG record contain a delta image of the data record (record type DA).
FDATA indicates that this is the rst DA record of this command.
FIRST_ENTRY indicates that this is the rst record with a given sequence number.

HIMERGE merge of the highest index level.

HISPLIT split of the highest index level.
USERD transaction carries user data.

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316 324/431
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22   ADAPRI (Print Adabas Blocks)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 318
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 319
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 320

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 320

317 325/431
7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAPRI (Print Adabas Blocks)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAPRI".

Functional Overview

The ADAPRI utility prints the contents of a block (or range of blocks) in the Associator, Data
Storage, WORK, TEMP, or SORT for maintenance or auditing purposes.

The output is in hexadecimal and ASCII format. Subsequent identical lines and blocks are sup-

This utility is a multi-function utility.

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 ADAPRI (Print Adabas Blocks)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Data storage DATAx Disk
Sort storage SORTx Disk
Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADAPRI output stdout/
Temporary storage TEMPx Disk
Work storage WORK1 Disk

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 ADAPRI (Print Adabas Blocks)

Assignments to the ASSO container les are required in order to be able to process the DATA or
WORK container les.


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

DATASET = keyword

DBID = number

RABN = number [- number]


DATASET = keyword

This parameter species the part of the database to be dumped. Valid keywords are:

Keyword Meaning
ASSO Associator
DATA Data Storage
SORT Sort Area
TEMP Temporary Area
WORK Work Area


adapri: dataset = asso, rabn = 123 - 321

The Associator is dumped from RABN 123 to RABN 321

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 ADAPRI (Print Adabas Blocks)


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.

This parameter is not required if DATASET = TEMP or SORT.


RABN = number [- number]

This parameter species one RABN or a range of RABNs to be dumped.


adapri: dbid = 1, dataset = data, rabn = 123

DATA RABN 123 of database 1 is to be dumped.

adapri: dataset = sort, rabn = 123 - 129

The RABNs from 123 to 129 on the data set SORT are to be dumped.

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322 330/431
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23   ADAREC (Recovery Of Database Or Files)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 324
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 325
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 327

 ADAREC Input Data  ....................................................................................................................... 327
■  Control
Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 327
■  Examples  ..................................................................................................................................... 333
■  ADAREC Restart Considerations  ...................................................................................................... 340

323 331/431
7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAREC (Recovery Of Database Or Files)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAREC".

Functional Overview

The ADAREC utility consists of the following database recovery functions:

■ The CLOSE function writes a clean end-of-le to an abnormally-terminated Protection Log le
within a disk section (UNIX platforms only).
■ The LIST function lists information about a Protection Log.
■ The REGENERATE function re-applies all of the updates made between two specied check-
points. The checkpoints used are normally the result of a checkpoint command (C1) but may
also be internal checkpoints taken by OP commands from EXU users or utility actions. If the
whole database is to be regenerated, certain les may be excludedby using the EXCLUDE_FILES
option. The les specied with this option are not regenerated, and the updates that are excluded
are reported.

If REGENERATE terminates at a SYNP checkpoint, ADAREC "looks ahead" on the current PLOG
to nd an alternative restart point for the next run of this PLOG. The utility then displays a list of
other utility functions that have to be executed before ADAREC can be restarted. If one or more
SYNP checkpoints were found, ADAREC terminates with status 14 (setting the status to 14 was
introduced with version - previous Adabas versions terminated with status 0). The calculated
restart point can be reset or overridden by entering BLOCK = or CHECKPOINT =. Refer to the
database report utility ADAREP in this manual for a description of the possible system checkpoint

Normally, REGENERATE completes all fully-logged and conrmed transactions. This function
is most frequently used when the database (or one or more les) has been restored to a previous
status with the RESTORE function of the ADABCK utility.

If the utility writes records to the error le, it will exit with a non-zero status.

Note:   If ADAREC is used more than once at the same time to regenerate les, you should
rst increase the value of the nucleus parameter LBP - this is because ADAREC performs
a large number of database updates, and failure to provide a large enough value of LBP
may lead to an Adabas response code 162 being returned.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADAREC (Recovery Of Database Or Files)

Procedure Flow

(UNIX platforms only)

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable Medium

Protection log RECPLG Disk (* see note)

Note:   (*) The CLOSE function works only on protection log les in raw disk sections.

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Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual

ADAREC messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
Rejected data RECERR Disk, Tape (* see note) Output of ADAREC
Protection log RECPLG Disk, Tape

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Note:   (*) A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (not on OpenVMS, see Adminis-
tration , Using Utilities for details).

The sequential le RECPLG can have multiple extents. For detailed information about sequential
les with multiple extents, see  Administration , Using Utilities.


The following table shows the nucleus requirements for each function and the checkpoints written:

Function Nucleus must be active Nucleus must NOT be active Nucleus is NOT required Checkpoint written



ADAREC Input Data

Data protection information, in the form of `before' and `after' images of all updated records, is
written to the Protection Log during each Adabas session. This information is needed to regenerate
the updates.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

CLOSE = PLOG-number[(extent-number)]

M DBID = number

LIST = keyword

(number[-number] [,number[-number] ] ... ) } |
(number[-number] [,number[-number] ] ... )
PLOG = number
[,BLOCK = ([number][,number])
,CHECKPOINT = ([string][,string])]
D [,ON_ERROR = keyword]

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CLOSE = PLOG-number[(extent-number)]

The CLOSE function writes a clean end-of-le to an abnormally-terminated Protection Log le
within a disk section. This function must be executed before such a Protection Log le can be used
as input for the REGENERATE function.

The CLOSE function may be run when an AUTORESTART is pending or after theAUTORESTART
has been performed.

This function can still be used even if subsequent Adabas sessions have created other Protection
Log data les.

PLOG-number and extent-number specify the Adabas Protection Log number and the extent
number of the Protection Log le to be closed. These numbers are displayed by the LAYOUT
function of ADADEV.

Note:   This function only applies to UNIX platforms.


adarec: db=1
%ADAREC-I-DBON, database 1 accessed online
adarec: close=93

Protection log 93 - 20-JUL-2005 13:12:54 closed successfully

The CLOSE function closes Protection Log 93 of database 1.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.

Note:   Program functions which do not require the nucleus to be running need the environ-
ment variables/logical names set for the container les.

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[PLOG=number,] LIST = keyword

Valid keywords are BRIEF, FULL and RESTART. BRIEF lists the Protection Log number and its
creation date. FULL lists additional information about the records on the Protection Log, e.g. the
checkpoints, the number of modications for each le, etc. RESTART displays the restart points
that ADAREC writes when it encounters checkpoints while processing.

The LIST=FULL function also checks the structure of the Protection Log to ensure that it is internally
consistent. If a structural error is detected, a message is output indicating the error type as well
as the record and block numbers.

If the Protection Log is within a disk section, the PLOG parameter must be set before LIST can be


adarec: list=brief

Protection log 1 - 26-OCT-2006 11:39:03

The creation date of PLOG 1 is displayed.


This function is used to regenerate a whole database or les within a database.

Database Regeneration

REGENERATE = *, PLOG = number

[,EXCLUDE_FILES = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)]
[,BLOCK = ([number][,number]),
CHECKPOINT = ([string][,string])]
[,ON_ERROR = keyword]

This optioncertain
to exclude of the REGENERATE function regenerates
les from the regenerate. ET logic is asupported.
database. A le exclusion list can be used

During REGENERATE processing, ADAREC sets the database to utility-only mode. Processing
terminates if a SYNP checkpoint is encountered. In this case, ADAREC inspects the Protection
Log in order to calculate an alternative restart point. This restart point is then displayed together
with a list of utility functions that must be executed before processing can be continued. The next
call to REGENERATE automatically sets up at this point. The use of the calculated restart point

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 ADAREC (Recovery Of Database Or Files)

can be overridden by specifying "BLOCK=" or "CHECKPOINT=" (that is, supplying empty values
for these keywords). This procedure is repeated until the end of the PLOG is reached. After
ADAREC has terminated, the database remains in utility-only mode, because more calls to RE-
GENERATE may follow. After the database regeneration has nished, you can enable the database
for normal processing with the ADAOPR command OPTIONS=NOUTILITIES_ONLY.


If this option is set to BI_CHECK, ADAREC checks the consistency of the before images in the
Protection Log against the data in the database (is the ISN in use; does the record exist; is there a
 before image mismatch?). If a mismatch is encountered, ADAREC issues messages containing the
relevant information and does not perform the update.

If this option is set to NOBI_CHECK, the consistency check is still made and the ERROR_LOG is
implicitly enabled; however, on nding a BI inconsistency, the update is made and the mismatch
is reported to the ERROR_LOG (see below). If errors are encountered, only the rst error for each
le will be displayed, all subsequent errors are logged to the ERROR_LOG. Note that the index
might become inconsistent in this case.

However, if the PLOG was written with the NOBI option of the nucleus, it will not contain any
 before images and the BI_CHECK option cannot be set.

The default is BI_CHECK.

BLOCK = ([number][,number])

This parameter species the numbers of the blocks in the Protection Log les that contain the
corresponding checkpoint names. The block numbers can be taken from ADAREC LIST=FULL.

CHECKPOINT = ([string][,string])

This parameter species the starting and ending checkpoint names. The checkpoint names can be
taken from the ADAREP database status report or ADAREC LIST=FULL.

If processing is to start at the beginning of the Protection Log le, the rst parameter must be


Setting this option to ERROR_LOG enables the automatic logging of any BI inconsistencies that
may be detected when using the NOBI_CHECK option. The contents of the error le produced
can be examined using the ADAERR utility. Do not print this error le using the standard operating
system print utilities, since the records contain nonprintable characters. See  ADAERR for further

The default is NOERROR_LOG.

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 ADAREC (Recovery Of Database Or Files)

EXCLUDE_FILES = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

This parameter species the les to be excluded when regenerating a complete database. The up-
dates that are excluded are written to a report.

ON_ERROR = keyword

Valid keywords are ABORT and EXCLUDE. The keyword used determines what action to take if
ADAREC detects non-fatal errors during processing (e.g. response code 17, le not loaded). ABORT
abnormally terminates regenerate processing, and EXCLUDE excludes the le in question from
the regenerate if Data Storage errors occur (nucleus response codes 17, 49, 75, 77 and 113).

If, however, an error occurs while updating a le's index (nucleus response codes 75, 76, 77, 98,
165, 166, 167 and 176), only the regeneration of the Data Storage for this le will continue. When
the regeneration process is complete, the index of this le is marked as invalid. The ADAINV
REINVERT function with the ALL_FIELDS option then has to be run for this le (please refer to
the ADAINV utility in this manual for more detailed information). If index errors occur and if the
regenerate includes several Protection Logs, all of the Protection Logs should be processed before
reinverting the index. Reinverting the index each time a Protection Log results in index errors
would waste considerable amounts of time and computer resources.

The default is ON_ERROR=EXCLUDE.

PLOG = number

This parameter species the log number of the Adabas Protection Log to be used as input for the
REGENERATE function. This number can be found with ADARECusing theLIST = BRIEF function.

File Regeneration

REGENERATE = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...), PLOG = number

[,BLOCK = ([number][,number]),
CHECKPOINT = ([string][,string])]
[,ON_ERROR = keyword]

This option of theREGENERATE function re-applies all updates in a Protection Log for the specied
les or ranges of les. LOB les specied are ignored, but the LOB les assigned to all base les

specied are dumped too.

During regenerate processing, ADAREC locks the les for exclusive use. The regenerate terminates
if a SYNP checkpoint is found while processing a protection log. In this case, ADAREC inspects
the Protection Log in order to calculate an alternative restart point. This restart point is then dis-
played with a list of utility functions that must be executed before processing can be continued.
The next call to REGENERATE automatically sets up at this point. The use of the calculated restart
point can be overridden by specifying "BLOCK=" or "CHECKPOINT=" (that is, supplying empty

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 ADAREC (Recovery Of Database Or Files)

values for these keywords). This procedure is repeated until the end of the Protection Log is

The les remain locked, because more calls to REGENERATE may follow. After the les regener-
ation is nished, you must unlock the les with the ADAOPR command UNLOCK.

The following functions are not allowed while ADAREC is active:


■ ADAOPR STOP to a sub-user while the associated ADAREC user exists


If this option is set to BI_CHECK, ADAREC checks the consistency of the before images in the
Protection Log against the data in the database (is the ISN in use; does the record exist; is there a

 before image
relevant mismatch?).
information If a mismatch
and does is encountered,
not perform the update. ADAREC issues messages containing the

If this option is set to NOBI_CHECK, the consistency check is still made and the ERROR_LOG is
implicitly enabled; however, on nding a BI inconsistency, the update is made and the mismatch
is reported to the ERROR_LOG (see below). If errors are encountered, only the rst error for each
le will be displayed, all subsequent errors are logged to the ERROR_LOG. Note that the index
might become inconsistent in this case.

NOBI_CHECK improves performance at the expense of possible loss of data consistency. We advise
you therefore not to use NOBI_CHECK for mission critical databases.

The default is BI_CHECK.

BLOCK = ([number] [,number])

This parameter species the blocks in the Protection Log les that contain the corresponding
checkpoint names. The block numbers can be taken from ADAREC LIST=FULL.

CHECKPOINT = ([string] [,string])

This parameter species the starting and ending checkpoint names. The checkpoint names can be
taken from the ADAREP database status report.

If processing is to start at the beginning of the Protection Log le, the rst parameter must be
omitted. However, if the rst checkpoint name is supplied, it must be found in the rst Protection
Log le.

If processing is to stop at the end of the last Protection Log le, the second checkpoint name must
 be omitted.

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Setting this option to ERROR_LOG enables the automatic logging of any BI inconsistencies that
may be detected when using the NOBI_CHECK option. The contents of the error le produced
can be examined using the ADAERR utility. Do not print this error le using the standard OpenVMS

utilityutilities, since the
in this manual forrecords contain information.
more detailed non-printable characters. Please refer to the ADAERR

The default is NOERROR_LOG.

ON_ERROR = keyword

Valid keywords are ABORT and EXCLUDE. The keyword used determines what action to take if
ADAREC detects non-fatal errors during processing (e.g. response code 17, le not loaded). ABORT
abnormally terminates regenerate processing, and EXCLUDE excludes the le in question from
the regenerate if Data Storage errors occur (nucleus response codes 17, 49, 75, 77 and 113).

If, however, an error occurs while updating a le's index (nucleus response codes 75, 76, 77, 98,
165, 166, 167 and 176), only the regeneration of the Data Storage for this le will continue. When
the regeneration process is complete, the index of this le is marked as invalid. The ADAINV
REINVERT function with the ALL_FIELDS option then has to be run for this le (please refer to
the ADAINV utility in this manual for more detailed information). If index errors occur and if the
regenerate includes several Protection Logs, all of the Protection Logs should be processed before
reinverting the index. Reinverting the index each time a Protection Log results in index errors
would waste considerable amounts of time and computer resources.

The default is ON_ERROR=EXCLUDE.

PLOG = number
This parameter species the log number of the Adabas Protection Log to be used as input for the
REGENERATE function. This number can be found with ADARECusing theLIST = BRIEF function.


Example 1

In this example, database 2 is to be regenerated using the Protection Log 2. File 12 is to be excluded
from the regenerate.

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adarec: regenerate=*,plog=2
adarec: exclude_files=12

Protection log 2 - 26-OCT-2006 11:48:59

Block 3 - checkpoint SYNC - 11:49:00 - USERID ADANUC <version>

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored

The following utility functions were executed in the original session:

Block 4 - checkpoint SYNP - 11:50:02 - USERID ADADBM REFRESH=13

Block 5 - checkpoint SYNX - 11:50:03 - USERID ADADBM RESET=UCB,IDENT=7

Block 6 - checkpoint SYNP - 11:50:03 - USERID ADADBM RECOVER

Re-execute all SYNP utility functions starting from block 4.



Processing of theProtection Log terminated at the SYNP checkpoint in block 4. However, no updates
were found on looking ahead and processing can be continued from the calculated restart point
in block 6. ADAREC displays a list of the utility functions that must be executed before processing
continues. The next call to REGENERATE=* will automatically continue at this calculated restart

adarec: regenerate=*,plog=2
%adarec-I-restartp, calculated restart point - block=6,checkpoint=synp
adarec: exclude_files=12

Protection log 2 - 26-OCT-2006 11:48:59.86

Block 6 - checkpoint SYNP - 11:50:03.86 - USERID ADADBM RECOVER

%ADAREC-I-CHKSTP, starting checkpoint
1 modifications in file 11
1 modifications EXCLUDED from file 12

4 ET commands issued

Block 7 - checkpoint SYNC - 11:52:38.98 - USERID ADANUC SHUTDOWN

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored

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Protection log 2 processed

Processing of the Protection Log continues at the calculated restart point. The regenerate terminates

Example 2

In this example, database 2 is to be regenerated using the Protection Log 2. Processing is to start
at the checkpoint SYNP in block 6 of the Protection Log. If Data Storage errors occur, the le in
question will be excluded from the regenerate. If index errors occur, the le's index will be excluded
from the regenerate and marked as invalid.

adarec: regenerate=*,plog=2,block=6,checkpoint=synp
adarec: on_error=exclude

Protection log 2 - 26-OCT-2006 11:48:59.86


%ADAREC-W-RECUPD, Updates performed between Nucleus and REGENERATE'S startup
%ADAREC-W-RECCMD, 1 N1 command(s)

Block 6 - checkpoint SYNP - 11:50:03.86 - USERID ADADBM RECOVER

%ADAREC-I-CHKSTP, starting checkpoint

1 modifications in file 11

3 ET commands issued

%ADAREC-E-ISNINUSE, ISN 774 in use in file 12

%ADAREC-I-PLOGRB, from record 14 in block 7 in PLOG 2
%ADAREC-I-UPDEXC, ALL following updates in file 12 will be EXCLUDED

1 modifications EXCLUDED from file 12

1 ET command issued

Block 7 - checkpoint SYNC - 11:52:38.98 - USERID ADANUC SHUTDOWN

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored


Protection log 2 processed

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An ISN conict occurred in le 12 and all subsequent updates to this le were excluded. The cause
of the error has to be investigated. However, the nucleus was started without `OPTIONS=UTILIT-
IES_ONLY' and an N1 command was issued before the regenerate was started.

The Protection Log was processed to its end, the abort system message is used only to indicate a

fatal error.
Example 3

This example is similar to the previous one, with the exception that processing will abort if Data
Storage or index errors are encountered.

adarec: regenerate=*,plog=2,block=6,checkpoint=synp
adarec: on_error=abort

Protection log 2 - 26-OCT-2006 11:48:59.86

%ADAREC-W-RECUPD, Updates performed between Nucleus and REGENERATE'S startup
%ADAREC-W-RECCMD, 1 N1 command(s)

Block 6 - checkpoint SYNP - 11:50:03.86 - USERID ADADBM RECOVER

%ADAREC-I-CHKSTP, starting checkpoint

1 modifications in file 11

3 ET commands issued

%ADAREC-E-ISNINUSE, ISN 774 in use in file 12

%ADAREC-I-PLOGRB, from record 14 in block 7 in PLOG 2

An ISN conict occurred in le 12 and further processing was aborted.

Example 4

In this example, database 2 is to be regenerated using the Protection Log 3. The before images in
the Protection Log will be checked against the data in the database andmismatches will be displayed
on the terminal.

adarec: regenerate=*,plog=3

Protection log 3 - 26-OCT-2006 12:10:25.12


Block 1 - checkpoint SYNC - 12:10:25.12 - USERID ADANUC 3.2/0 PL 0

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 ADAREC (Recovery Of Database Or Files)

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored

1 ET command issued

%ADAREC-E-RECMIS, Before image mismatch for ISN 3 in file 11

%ADAREC-I-PLOGRB, from record 7 in block 2 in PLOG 3
%ADAREC-I-UPDEXC, ALL following updates in file 11 will be EXCLUDED
1 modifications EXCLUDED from file 11
1 modifications in file 12

3 ET commands issued

Block 2 - checkpoint SYNC - 12:11:44.30 - USERID ADANUC SHUTDOWN

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored


Protection log 3 processed

One before image mismatch occurred during processing. As a result, one update was excluded
from le 11.

Having restored the les, the same example can be rerun with no consistency check of the before
images and with BI error logging enabled.

The Protection Log was processed to its end, the abort system message is used only to indicate a
fatal error.

adarec: regenerate=*,plog=3,nobi_check

Protection log 3 - 26-OCT-2006 12:10:25.12


Block 1 - checkpoint SYNC - 12:10:25.12 - USERID ADANUC 3.2/0 PL 0

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored

%ADAREC-I-PLOGRB, Before image7mismatch
from record in blockfor ISN
2 in 3 in
PLOG 3 file 11

1 modifications in file 11
1 modifications in file 12

4 ET commands issued

1 BI_CHECK error in file 11

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Block 2 - checkpoint SYNC - 12:11:44.30 - USERID ADANUC SHUTDOWN

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored


1 BI_CHECK error in file 11

Protection log 3 processed

One BI_CHECK error occurred during processing.

The Protection Log was processed to its end, the abort system message is used only to indicate a
fatal error.

The source of the errors is written to an error le which can be displayed using the ADAERR
utility. The rst error is logged and also written to the error le. All subsequent errors are written

The following error le was produced:

%ADAERR-E-RECMIS, Before image mismatch for ISN 3 in file 11

%ADAERR-I-PLOGRB, from record 7 in block 2 in PLOG 3

Example 5

In this example, database 2 is to be regenerated using the Protection Log 3.

adarec: regenerate=*,plog=3

Protection log 3 - 26-OCT-2006 12:10:25.12


Block 1 - checkpoint SYNC - 12:10:25.12 - USERID ADANUC 3.2/0 PL 0

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored

%ADAREC-E-ERRIUP, Error response 165 during index update

%ADAREC-E-Adabas_165, * Invalid descriptor name in DVT
%ADAREC-I-DESNAM, Descriptor name XA
%ADAREC-I-ISNFILE, from ISN 3 in file 11
%ADAREC-I-PLOGRB, from record 7 in block 2 in PLOG 3
%ADAREC-I-REINVERT, REINVERT all descriptors to re-establish INDEX
%ADAREC-I-REGDAT, Regenerating ONLY data-storage for file 11

1 modifications in file 11

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1 modifications in file 12

4 ET commands issued

Block 2 - checkpoint SYNC - 12:11:44.30 - USERID ADANUC SHUTDOWN

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored


Protection log 3 processed

An invalid descriptor name was encountered during processing. As a result, only the data storage
of le 11 was regenerated. All of the descriptors will have to be reinverted in order to reestablish
the index.

The Protection Log was processed to its end, the abort system message is used only to indicate a
fatal error.
If index errors occur and if the regenerate includes several Protection Logs, all of the Protection
Logs should be processed before reinverting the index. Reinverting the index each time a Protection
Log results in index errors would waste considerable amounts of time and computer resources.

Example 6

In this example, database 2 is to be regenerated using the Protection Log 4 after the regenerate
processing of Protection Log 3 resulted in an index error.

adarec: regenerate=*,plog=4

Protection log 4 - 26-OCT-2006 12:12:00.15

Block 1 - checkpoint SYNC - 12:12:00.15 - USERID ADANUC <version>

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored

%ADAREC-E-FCBNAC, file 11's index not accessible

%ADAREC-I-REGDAT, Regenerating ONLY data-storage for file 11

1 modifications in file 11
1 modifications in file 12

4 ET commands issued

Block 2 - checkpoint SYNC - 12:12:19.35 - USERID ADANUC SHUTDOWN

%ADAREC-I-CHKIGN, Checkpoint ignored

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 ADAREC (Recovery Of Database Or Files)


Protection log 4 processed

The index error that occurred while processing Protection Log 3 (see example 5) means that le
11's index is no longer accessible. Only the Data Storage of le 11 is regenerated, whereas both
the Data Storage and the index of le 12 are regenerated.

The Protection Log was processed to its end, the abort system message is used only to indicate a
fatal error.

ADAREC Restart Considerations

An interrupted ADAREC run which leaves a UCB entry has to be re-started from the beginning.
Because modications have already been made, a RESTORE database or RESTORE le has to be
executed before re-starting ADAREC. However, if there is no UCB entry, the database has not
 been modied and ADAREC can be re-started.

An abnormally terminated ADAREC (RESTORE/RECOVER) leaves the database in a consistent

state, although it is not possible to tell exactly in which state. ADAREC cannot determine which
transactions have already been recovered, so it is necessary to repeat the RESTORE operation and
restart the ADAREC from the beginning in order to ensure that everything is recovered.

Having performed the rst update, ADAREC writes a `started' checkpoint to the checkpoint le,


SYNX 22-MAR-2007 16:49:46 192 ADAREC REG STARTED

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24   ADAREP (Database Report)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 342
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 343
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 343

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 344

341 349/431
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 ADAREP (Database Report)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAREP".

Functional Overview

The ADAREP utility generates the database status report. This contains information about the
current physical layout and logical contents of the database. Unless otherwise stated, the functions
can be executed when the nucleus is active or inactive.

The information contained in this report includes:

■ The amount and location of space currently allocated for the Associator and Data Storage;
■ The amount and location of unused space available for the Associator and Data Storage;
■ Database le summary;

Checkpoint information;
■ Information about each le in the database (space allocation, space available, number of records
loaded, MAXISN setting, eld denitions, etc.);

Only the CHECKPOINTS control parameter (see description below) requires the nucleus to be

This utility is a multi-function utility.

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 ADAREP (Database Report)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual
ADAREP report stdout/ Messages and Codes,
SYS$OUTPUT Utilities Manual


The utility writes no checkpoints.

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 ADAREP (Database Report)

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

CHECKPOINTS = { * | ( [absolute-date] [,[absolute-date] ] ) }



M DBID = number


FILES = { * | (number [-number][,number[-number]]...) }






CHECKPOINTS = { * | ( [absolute-date] [,[absolute-date]] ) }

This function displays selected information from the checkpoint list and requires the nucleus to
 be active.

Five types of system checkpoints (SYNP, SYNC, SYNX, OPEN and CLSE) are written to the
checkpoint le and to the protection log, together with the user checkpoints written by C1 com-

SYNC indicates a checkpoint made during nucleus initialization, shutdown or cancel processing;
during the ADAOPR function FEOF = PLOG; or due to ADABCK NEW_PLOG processing.

SYNP indicates a checkpoint made by an Adabas utility that requires privileged control, i.e. the
module can make updates without using the nucleus. A SYNP checkpoint is, for example, written
at the end of an ADAMUP UPDATE run.

SYNX indicates a checkpoint made by a utility that requires exclusive control of one or more les.
A SYNX checkpoint is, for example, written by ADAULD.

An OPEN checkpoint is written by the OP command of EXU/EXF users.

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 ADAREP (Database Report)

A CLSE checkpoint is written by the CL command of EXU/EXF users.

Note:   If the ADAREC `REGENERATE' function is executed using the Protection Log, this
utility stops at each SYNP checkpoint since DBA intervention is required.

If an asterisk `*' is entered, all checkpoints are displayed.

The date strings must correspond to the following absolute data and time format:


Leading zeroes in the date and time specication may be omitted. Any numbers not specied are
set to 0, for example 28-jul-2006 is equivalent to 28-jul-2006:00:00:00.

The following table shows the possible values for parameter CHECKPOINTS,and the corresponding
checkpoints displayed by this value:

Value specified for parameter  Checkpoints displayed for this specification


* or (,) All checkpoints

absolute-date Only the checkpoints written exactly at the date and time specied
(absolute-date,) Checkpoints written from date and time specied onwards
(,absolute-date) Checkpoints written up to the date and time specied
(absolute-date,absolute-date) Checkpoints writtenfrom rst dateand time valuespecied onwards
up to the second date and time value specied


adarep: checkpoints=*

Name Date/Time Session User Id / Function

---- --------- ------- ------------------
SYNP 28-JUL-2006 12:50:34 8 ADADBM DELCP
SYNX 28-JUL-2006 12:50:36 8 ADABCK DUMP=* STARTED
SYNX 28-JUL-2006 12:50:37 8 ADABCK DUMP=*
OPEN 28-JUL-2006 17:23:53 8 otto
OPEN 28-JUL-2006 17:24:15 8 otto
CLSE 28-JUL-2006 17:24:24 8 otto

All checkpoints are displayed.

The column "User ID / Function" contains

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 ADAREP (Database Report)

■ for user checkpoints created via OP/CL commands for EXU/EXF users or via C1 command: the
user specied in the Additions 1 eld of the relevant OP command;
■ for utility checkpoints: the utility function executed.

Taking the output of the example above (checkpoints=*), the selection criteria can be used to lter
the checkpoints selected as shown below.


will produce the following output:

Name Date/Time Session User Id / Function

---- --------- ------- ------------------
SYNX 28-JUL-2006 12:50:36 8 ADABCK DUMP=* STARTED



will produce the following output:

Name Date/Time Session User Id / Function

---- --------- ------- ------------------
SYNX 28-JUL-2006 12:50:36 8 ADABCK DUMP=* STARTED
SYNX 28-JUL-2006 12:50:37 8 ADABCK DUMP=*
OPEN 28-JUL-2006 17:23:53 8 otto
OPEN 28-JUL-2006 17:24:15 8 otto
CLSE 28-JUL-2006 17:24:24 8 otto



will produce the following output:

346  Adabas Utilities 354/431
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 ADAREP (Database Report)

Name Date/Time Session User Id / Function

---- --------- ------- ------------------
SYNP 28-JUL-2006 12:50:34 8 ADADBM DELCP
SYNX 28-JUL-2006 12:50:36 8 ADABCK DUMP=* STARTED


checkpoints=(28-jul-2006:17, 28-jul-2006:17:24)

will produce the following output:

Name Date/Time Session User Id / Function

---- --------- ------- ------------------
OPEN 28-JUL-2006 17:23:53 8 otto



This function displays information about all referential constraints in the database that you specify
with the DBID parameter.


adarep: constraints

Primary file Foreign file Name Action

9 (AA) <--- 12 (AC) HO DX UX

The referential constraint HO links the primary key eld AA in the primary le 9 with the foreign
key eld AC in the foreign le 12. The associated actions are delete no action (DX) and update no
action (UX).



This function displays information about the les in the database that you specify with the DBID

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 ADAREP (Database Report)


adarep: contents

Content of Database 76 25-AUG-2006 12:51:06

Index Extents Pad % flags

File Filename loaded on Top ISN level N U A D A D AISCP
1 CHECKPOINT-FILE 25-AUG-2006 4 3 1 1 1 1 5 5 S
2 USER-DATA-FILE 25-AUG-2006 0 3 1 1 1 1 5 5 IS
3 SECURITY-FILE 25-AUG-2006 0 3 1 1 1 1 5 5 IS
11 EMPLOYEE-FILE 12-AUG-2006 72 3 20 12 4 9 5 5 I
12 VEHICLES 12-AUG-2006 171 3 1 1 5 9 5 5 IS
13 MISCELLANEOUS 12-AUG-2006 179 3 2 1 1 1 3 5 IS

Allocated blocks Unused blocks

File Filename NI UI AC DS NI UI DS
1 CHECKPOINT-FILE 1 1 5 32 1 0 31
2 USER-DATA-FILE 24 2 5 57 24 1 56
3 SECURITY-FILE 2 2 1 5 2 1 4
11 EMPLOYEE-FILE 109 26 4 68 97 13 64
12 VEHICLES 40 20 6 48 30 12 44
13 MISCELLANEOUS 113 100 3 50 33 32 1

Total 289 151 24 260 187 59 200

The column `Extents' shows the number of logical extents currently assigned to the Normal Index
(N), the Main/Upper Indices (U), the Address Converter (A) and Data Storage (D).

The column `Pad' shows the block padding factors in percent dened for the Associator (A) and
Data Storage (D) (please refer to the ASSOPFAC and DATAPFAC parameters of ADAFDU,
ADAMUP or ADAORD for more detailed information).

The column `Flags' contains the following information:

Subcolumn Flag Meaning

A A Indicates an Adam le
L L File is a LOB le
B File is a base le with a corresponding LOB le
R R ISN and space reusage enabled for the le
I ISN reusage, but no space reusage enabled for the le

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 ADAREP (Database Report)

Subcolumn Flag Meaning

S Space reusage, but no ISN reusage enabled for the le

C C Ciphering enabled for the le
P P Program Refresh enabled for the le

If ISNs are to be reused, the ISNs of deleted records can be reassigned to new records. If space is
to be reused, the space released within a block as a result of deleting a record can be reused for a
new record (please refer to the REUSE parameter of ADADBM or ADAFDU for more detailed

The second table shows the number of blocks allocated for Normal Index (NI) Main/Upper Indices
(UI), Address Converter (AC) and Data Storage (DS) for each le. The remaining columns show
the number of unused blocks in the Main/Upper Indices (UI) and Data Storage (DS).


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used. Multiple DBIDs are supported within one session.

The DBID parameter must be the rst ADAREP parameter specied.


adarep: dbid = 1, contents

adarep: dbid = 2, contents
adarep: dbid = 3, contents



If this parameter is set to FDT, the Field Denition Tables (FDTs) will be included in the status
information subsequently displayed by the FILES function.

The default is NOFDT.

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 ADAREP (Database Report)


FILES = { * | (number [-number][,number [-number]]...) }

This function displays status information for the les selected.


adarep: fdt
adarep: file=9
Database 1, File 9 (EMPLOYEES ) 28-JAN-2010 14:15:54

Highest Index Level: 3 Padding Factors: ASSO 5%, DATA 5%

Top ISN: 1,272 Maximum ISN expected: 8,191
Records loaded: 1,272 Corresponding LOB file: 14
Last FDT Modification: 11-NOV-2009 13:53:32.447000

ISN reusage: Enabled, inactive Space reusage: Enabled

Program refresh: Disabled Ciphering: Disabled

Container Block Extent Extents in Blocks Allocated Unused

  File Size Type from to Blocks MB Blocks MB

  2 32KB AC 2,562 2,562 1 0 0 0
  1 4KB NI 63 152 90 0 35 0
  1 4KB UI 153 167 15 0 0 0

  1 32KB DS 14 45 32 1 23 0


Field Definition Table:

  Level I Name I Length I Format I Options I Flags I Encoding

  1 I A0 I I I I I
  23 I
I 4 I
  3 I AD I 8 I B I NU,HF I I
  3 I AE I 0 I A I NU,NV,NB,LA I I
  1 I B0 I I I I I
  2 I BA I 40 I W I NU I I
  2 I BB I 40 I W I NU I I
  2 I BC I 50 I W I DE,NU I SP I
  1 I CA I 1 I A I FI I I

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 ADAREP (Database Report)

  1 I DA I 1 I A I FI I I
  1 I EA I 4 I P I DE,NC I I
  1 I F0 I I I PE I I
  2 I FA I 60 I W I NU,MU I I
  2 I FB I 40 I W I DE,NU I I
  2 I FC I 10 I A I NU I I
  2 I FD I 3 I A I NU I I
  2 I F1 I I I I I
  3 I FE I 6 I A I NU I I
  3 I FF I 15 I A I NU I I
  3 I FG I 15 I A I NU I I
  3 I FH I 15 I A I NU I I
  3 I FI I 80 I A I DE,NU,MU I I
  1 I I0 I I I PE I I
  2 I IA I 40 I W I NU,MU I I
  2 I IB I 40 I W I DE,NU I I
  2 I IC I 10 I A I NU I I
  2 I ID I 3 I A I NU I I
  2 I IE I 5 I A I NU I I
  2 I I1 I I I I I
  3 I IF I 6 I A I NU I I
  3 I IG I 15 I A I NU I I
  3 I IH I 15 I A I NU I I
  3 I II I 15 I A I NU I I
  3 I IJ I 80 I A I DE,NU,MU I I
  1 I JA I 6 I A I DE I SB,SP I
  1 I KA I 66 I W I DE,NU I I
  1 I L0 I I I PE I I
  2 I LA I 3 I A I NU I SP I
  2 I LB I 6 I P I NU I SP I
  2 I LC I 6 I P I DE,NU,MU I I
  1 I MA I 4 I G I NU I I
  1 I N0 I I I I I
  2 I NA I 2 I U I I SP I
  2 I NB I 3 I U I NU I SP I
  1 I O0 I I I PE I I
  2 I OA I 8 I U I NU I I
  2 I OB I 8 I U I NU I I
  1 I PA I 3 I A I DE,NU,MU I I
  1 I QA I 7 I P I I I
  1 I RA I 0 I A I NU,NV,NB,LB I I
  12 I
I S0
SA II 80 I
  2 I SB I 3 I A I NU I I
  Type I Name I Length I Format I Options I Parent field(s) Fmt
 COLL I CN I1,144 I I NU,HE I BC de@collation=phoneb

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 ADAREP (Database Report)

 SUPER I H1 I 5 I B I NU I NA ( 1 - 2 ) U
  I I I I I NB ( 1 - 3 ) U
 SUB I S1 I 2 I A I I JA ( 1 - 2 ) A
 SUPER I S2 I 46 I A I NU I JA ( 1 - 6 ) A
  I I I I I BC ( 1 - 40 ) W
 SUPER I S3 I 9 I A I NU,PE I LA ( 1 - 3 ) A
  I I I I I LB ( 1 - 6 ) P
  Referential Integrity
  Type I Name I Refer. I PrimaryI Foreign I Rules
  I I file I field I field I

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ↩

The FILES parameter displays the le number and le name, the highest index level, the padding
factors for ASSO and DATA, the highest and maximum ISNs, the number of records loaded, the
corresponding base le number or LOB le number if it exists, as well as the switches for ISN re-
usage, space reusage, program refresh and ciphering. The time and date of the last FDT modication
are also displayed.

The layout of the ASSO and DATA elements of a le are displayed: the block size on which the
various list elements are stored, the location of these extents and the number of corresponding
 blocks/megabytes allocated or unused.

In addition, the FDT function displays the Field Denition Table of the le.

The ags which can be displayed in the Field Denition Table are as follows:

Flag Meaning

HY the eld is part of a hyperdescriptor

P the eld is phoneticized

SB part of this eld is subdescriptor

SP part of superdescriptor

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 ADAREP (Database Report)



This function displays a summary of free blocks in ASSO and DATA. This is a subset of the inform-
ation that is displayed by the LAYOUT function.


adarep: free_space

Free space of Database 76 28-NOV-2006 12:51:24

Container Extents in Blocks Number of Block

File from to Blocks Size

1-2 611 1,546 936 2,048

1 245 768 524 4,096
2 769 868 100 3,072
3-4 869 888 20 6,144



If FULL is specied together with FDT, dropped elds will be included in the display of the FDT
information (but without the eld names).

The default is NOFULL.



This function displays a summary of the blocks in ASSO and DATA and reports lost blocks. Lost
 blocks are blocks that are not listed in the Free Space Table (FST) and are not allocated to a le,
the DSST or the database's global area. This function also reports double-allocated blocks.

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 ADAREP (Database Report)


adarep: layout

Layout of Database 76 28-NOV-2006 12:51:24

Container Extents in Blocks Number of Block Extent File

File from to Blocks Size Type Number

1 1 30 30 4,096 CB
1 31 31 1 4,096 FCB 1
1 32 32 1 4,096 FDT 1
1 33 35 3 4,096 AC 1
1 36 36 1 4,096 UI 1
1 37 37 1 4,096 NI 1
1 38 38 1 4,096 FCB 2
1 39 39 1 4,096 FDT 2
1 40 40 1 4,096 AC 2
1 41 42 2 4,096 UI 2
1 43 43 1 4,096 NI 2
1 44 44 1 4,096 FCB 3
1 45 45 1 4,096 FDT 3
1 46 48 3 4,096 AC 3
1 49 50 2 4,096 UI 3
1 51 62 12 4,096 NI 3
1 63 152 90 4,096 NI 9

1 153
168 167
168 15
1 4,096
4,096 UI
1 169 169 1 4,096 FDT 9
1 170 170 1 4,096 NI 14
1 171 172 2 4,096 UI 14
1 173 173 1 4,096 FCB 14
1 174 174 1 4,096 FDT 14
1 175 264 90 4,096 NI 11
1 265 279 15 4,096 UI 11
1 280 280 1 4,096 FCB 11
1 281 281 1 4,096 FDT 11
1 282 321 40 4,096 NI 12
1 322 341 20 4,096 UI 12
1 342 342 1 4,096 FCB 12
1 343 343 1 4,096 FDT 12
1 344 393 50 4,096 NI 13
1 394 403 10 4,096 UI 13
1 404 404 1 4,096 FCB 13
1 405 406 2 4,096 FDT 13
1 407 2,560 2,154 4,096 FREE
2 2,561 2,561 1 32,768 DSST

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 ADAREP (Database Report)

2 2,562 2,562 1 32,768 AC 9

2 2,563 2,563 1 32,768 AC 14
2 2,564 2,572 9 32,768 AC 11
2 2,573 2,581 9 32,768 AC 12
2 2,582 2,582 1 32,768 AC 13
2 2,583 2,880 298 32,768 FREE

1 1 4 4 32,768 DS 1
1 5 5 1 32,768 DS 2
1 6 13 8 32,768 DS 3
1 14 45 32 32,768 DS 9
1 46 170 125 32,768 DS 14
1 171 202 32 32,768 DS 11
1 203 212 10 32,768 DS 12
1 213 222 10 32,768 DS 13
1 223 640 418 32,768 FREE

LAYOUT provides a summary of all blocks in ASSO and DATA. The locations and lengths of
sections of contiguous blocks, the block size, the type of usage and the numbers of the corresponding
les are displayed. These blocks may be free (FREE) or used for the Global Blocks (CB), the File
Control Block (FCB), the FCB extension (FCBE), the FCB Root Block (FCBR), the Field Denition
Table (FDT), the Free Space Table (FST), the Data Space Storage Table (DSST), the Normal Index
(NI), the Upper/Main Index (UI), the Address Converter (AC) or the Data Storage (DS).

Note:   The rst FCBR block and the rst FST block are part of the global blocks. For this
reason, the layout only displays FCBR and FST blocks if the database contains more than
one of these blocks.



SUMMARY provides general information about the database and the physical layout of ASSO,


adarep: summary

Summary of Database 76 28-NOV-2006 12:51:24



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 ADAREP (Database Report)


Container Device Extents in Blocks Number of Block Total Size

File Type from to Blocks Size (Megabytes)

ASSO1 file 1 1,536 1,536 2,048 3.00

ASSO2 raw 1,537 1,546 10 2,048 0.02

DATA1 file 1 768 768 4,096 3.00

DATA2 raw 769 868 100 3,072 0.29
DATA3 file 869 878 10 6,144 0.06
DATA4 file 879 888 10 6,144 0.06

WORK1 file 1 1,365 1,365 3,072 4.00


The device type can be "raw" (raw section), "le" (le system) or "worm" (write once, read many
device. e.g. optical disk).

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25   ADASCR (Security Functions)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 358
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 359
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 360

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 360

357 365/431
7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADASCR (Security Functions)

This chapter describes the utility "ADASCR".

Functional Overview

The security utility ADASCRcreates, modies and deletes le protection levels anduser passwords,
and enables the security capabilities of individual passwords. Additionally, the utility is used to
display le and password security information. The output of the export functionality of ADASCR
can be used to apply some of all of the security denitions of a database to another database.

Access to this utility should be strictly limited to the person or persons responsible for database
security (DBA).

Multiple functions may be specied within a single run of ADASCR. There is no restriction on the
number of functions which may be specied.

The aected database(s) must be online.

All updates resulting from ADASCR take eect immediately.

This utility is a multi-function utility.

Note:   To copy existing security denitions from one hardware architecture or operating
system to another you must use the EXPORT control parameter. You cannot copy the security
denitions from one hardware architecture to another by using ADAULD/ADADCU and
ADACMP/ADAMUP - this is because the data stored in the security le are stored in a
platform-dependent internal format.

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Logical Name/ Storage Medium Additional Information

Environment variable

Control Statements stdin/ Utilities Manual

ADASCR Messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
Exported Security Denitions SCROUT Disk Utilities Manual

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

CHANGE {=|:} (string, string)

M DBID = number

DELETE = string
PERMISSIONS, PASSWORD = {* | string} |
FILE = {* | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)} |

PASSWORD = {* | string} |
FILE = {* | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)} |
FILE = {* | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)}
PASSWORD = {* | string}}

INSERT {=|:} string, FILE = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

,ACCESS = (number[,number]...)
,UPDATE = (number[,number]...)

PROTECT = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)
,ACCESS = (number[,number]...)
,UPDATE = (number[,number]...)

SECURITY_BY_VALUE {=|:} string, FILE = number

,SEARCH_BUFFER = string *
,VALUE_BUFFER = string *
,SEARCH_BUFFER = string *
,VALUE_BUFFER = string *

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)

*The search/access buer string parameters must be followed by <Newline> with no preceding


CHANGE {=|:} (string, string)

This function changes an existing password.

The password specied by the rst string must be an existing password.

The value specied by the second string must not be the same as an existing password. A password
may be between 1 and 8 characters long. If less than 8 characters are specied, trailing blanks are
added. The password may not contain any special characters or embedded blanks.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

All entries in eect for the password specied by the rst string remain in eect for the new


adascr: change = (oldpw1,newpw1)

The password OLDPW1 is changed to NEWPW1.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the current database.

Note:  The nucleus must be running.


adascr: dbid = 155

The database currently being used is database 155.

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)


DELETE = string

This function deletes the existing password specied by the string, together with its associated
permission levels and Security by Value criteria.


adascr: delete = userpw1

The password USERPW1 is deleted.


DISPLAY = [PASSWORDS | PASSWORD = {* | string} |

FILE = {* | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)} |

This function shows current security information for les and passwords, as dened by the
ADASCR utility.

Details of le protection levels, passwords, password permission levels and Security by Value
criteria may be displayed.

FILE = {* | number[-number][,number[-number]]...}
The FILE parameter provides the list, range or ranges of les for which the preceding DISPLAY
function is to be applied.


The PASSWORDS parameter prints a list of the passwords currently contained in the security le
in ascending, alphanumeric sequence.

362  Adabas Utilities 370/431
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 ADASCR (Security Functions)


adascr: display = passwords

List of defined passwords for Database 155 ("ALPHA-TS")


Total of 4 defined passwords


The PERMISSIONS parameter prints a list of the access and update capabilities of the specied
password for each currently loaded le, by comparing the password permission information
against the current le protection levels.

Where respective access or update capability is granted, this is shown by the letter Y; conversely,
where the capability is not granted, this is shown by the letter N.

Where access or update permissions for a given le are granted and additional Security by Value
restrictions apply to that le, this is indicated by enclosing brackets, i.e. (Y).


adascr: display = permissions, password = fortytwo

Password : "FORTYTWO"


1 | N | N
2 | Y | N
3 | N | N
4 | N | (Y)
6 | Y | Y
10 | (Y) | (Y)

( ) Further value restrictions apply where brackets shown.

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)


The PROTECTIONS parameter prints le protection information for the specied range of les,
irrespective of whether or not the les specied are currently loaded.


display = protections, file = (4-10)


4 | 1 | 3
6 | 0 | 0
10 | 3 | 6


The VALUE_CRITERIA parameter prints all Security by Value criteria currently dened for the
specied password.


display = value_criteria, password = *

Password : "FORTYTWO"

| File | Security by Value criterion


| |
| | VALUE_BUFFER=01001599MS

Password : "G6MON"

| File | Security by Value criterion

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)


No value criteria defined for password "USERPWD1".

No value criteria defined for password "VOYAGER".


PASSWORD = {* | string} |
FILE = {* | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)} |
FILE = {* | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)},
PASSWORD = {* | string}}

This function exports the current security settings (password denitions, le protection levels and
security by value criteria) to the sequential le SCROUT. The output in the le SCROUT can be
used as ADASCR input in order to import the security denitions into another database.
The security denitions may be exported either in mainframe syntax to import them on to main-
frame platforms or in open systems syntax to import them on to open systems platforms.

The following examples for the EXPORT parameter assume that the following security denitions
have already been made:





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 ADASCR (Security Functions)





PASSWORD = {*|string}

The PASSWORDS parameter exports password permission levels (access and update) and the
associated le or le list for the given password/passwords.

The TARGET_ARCHITECTUREparameter denes the syntax of the target platform. The following
keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning

MAINFRAME Export the dened password/passwords in mainframe syntax.

OPEN_SYSTEMS Export the dened password/passwords in open systems syntax.


The PASSWORD parameter species the password for the security settings have to be exported.

also possible
for thistoparameter.
export all dened passwords in the database - this can be done by specifying

Example (export for open systems):

adascr: export = passwords, target_architecture = open_systems

adascr: password = mysecret

This results in the following output for SCROUT:


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 ADASCR (Security Functions)

Example (export for mainframe):

adascr: export = passwords, target_architecture = mainframe, password = mysecret

This results in the following output for SCROUT:



FILE = {*|(number[-number][,number[-number]]…)}

The PROTECTIONS parameter exports the protection levels of the given le, le range or ranges.

The TARGET_ARCHITECTUREparameter denes the syntax of the target platform. The following
keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning

MAINFRAME Export the dened password/passwords in mainframe syntax.

OPEN_SYSTEMS Export the dened password/passwords in open systems syntax.


The FILE parameter species the les for which protection levels are to be exported.

Example (export for open systems):

adascr: export = protections, target_architecture = open_systems, file = (9,12,13)

This results in the following output for SCROUT:


Example (export for mainframe):

adascr: export = protections, target_architecture = mainframe, file = (9,12,13)

This results in the following output for SCROUT:

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)

ADASCR PROTECT FILE=9,12,13,ACC=7,2,4,UPD=11,2,4


TARGET_ARCHITECTURE = (keyword [,keyword]),
FILE = {*|(number[-number][,number[-number]]…)},
PASSWORD = {*|string}

The VALUE_CRITERIA parameter exports dened security-by-value settings for a specic le,
for the password specied by ‘string’.

The TARGET_ARCHITECTURE parameter denes the syntax and also the byte order of the target
platform. The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Group Valid Keywords



The default byte order corresponds to thearchitecture of the machine on which ADASCRis running.

Note:   If you export security-by-value denitions from open systems to mainframe platforms,
a warning will be issued if the search buer contains W-formatted elds. This is because
W-formatted elds are not supported on mainframe platforms in security-by-value deni-
tions. Any search buer that contains W-formatted elds will not be exported.

The FILE parameter species the le list or range(s) of les for which security-by-value denitions
are to be exported. Multiple specications of the same le number are not permitted.

The PASSWORD parameter species the password for which security-by-value denitions are to
 be exported. If you specify an asterisk, the export will be for all dened passwords.

Example (export for open systems):

adascr: export = value_criteria

adascr: target_architecture
file = 9 = (open_systems, low_order_byte_first)
adascr: password = mysecret

This results in the following output for SCROUT:

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)


Example (export for mainframe):

adascr: export = value_criteria

adascr: target_architecture = mainframe
adascr: file = 9
adascr: password = mysecret

This results in the following output for SCROUT:




This example shows how to export of existing security settings of a Windows Adabas database
33 in order to subsequently import them into a Unix Adabas database 34.

The export function of ADASCR is used as follows:

set SCROUT=scrout.txt
adascr: db=33
adascr: export=passwords,password=MYSECRET
adascr: export=protections, file=(9,12,13)
adascr: export=VALUE_CRITERIA,target_architecture=(open_systems,

The le “scrout.txt” can now be edited as required, for example, to secure more les other than
the ones exported with the given password.

Now copy the exported text le “scrout.txt” to the desired target platform, in this case to a Unix
platform. Import the exported security settings using ADASCR with the following statement:

adascr db=34 + < scrout.txt

%ADASCR-I-DBON, database 34 accessed online

%ADASCR-I-PWINS, password "MYSECRET" inserted
%ADASCR-I-FILPRO, protections (access 7, update 11) set for file 9
%ADASCR-I-FILPRO, protections (access 2, update 2) set for file 12
%ADASCR-I-FILPRO, protections (access 4, update 4) set for file 13
%ADASCR-I-SEVINS, Value criteria for file 13 added to password "MYSECRET"

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)

%ADASCR-I-SEVINS, Value criteria for file 12 added to password "MYSECRET"

%ADASCR-I-SEVINS, Value criteria for file 9 added to password "MYSECRET"

You can check the imported security settings with the DISPLAY control parameter of ADASCR:

adascr: dbid=34 display=passwords

List of defined passwords for Database 34 ("GENERAL_DATABASE")


Total of 1 defined password

adascr: dbid=34 display=permissions,password=MYSECRET

password : "MYSECRET"


1 | Y | Y
2 | Y | Y
3 | Y | Y
9 | (Y) | (Y)
11 | N | N
12 | (Y) | (Y)
13 | (Y) | (Y)
14 | N | N

( ) Further value restrictions apply where brackets shown.

Adascr: db=34 display=protections,file=(9,12,13)


9 | 7 | 11
12 | 2 | 2
13 | 4 | 4

adascr: db=34 display=value_criteria,password=MYSECRET

password : "MYSECRET"

| File | Security by Value criterion


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 ADASCR (Security Functions)

| | VALUE_BUFFER: "195201011952020160000000"
| | VALUE_BUFFER: 0x33000C
| | VALUE_BUFFER: 0x50000C
| | VALUE_BUFFER: 0x01000000
| | VALUE_BUFFER: 0xFF0201


INSERT {=|:} string, FILE = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

,ACCESS = (number[,number]...)
,UPDATE = (number[,number]...)

This function inserts a password specied by 'string' into the password table.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

The password may be between 1 and 8 characters long. If less than 8 characters are specied,
trailing blanks are added. The password may not contain any special characters or embedded

ACCESS = (number[,number]...)

The ACCESS parameter species the access protection levels to be associated with the les or le
ranges specied in the FILE parameter. Each protection level corresponds to one le or one le
range. A value may be specied in the range 0 - 14. The protection levels must be specied in the
same order as the corresponding les or le ranges in the FILE parameter.

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)

FILE = (number[-number[,number[-number]]...)

The FILE parameter species the le list or range(s) of les for which permission levels are being
provided. Multiple specications of the same le number are not permitted.

UPDATE = (number[,number]...)

The UPDATE parameter species the update protection levels to be associated with the les or
le ranges specied in the FILE parameter. Each protection level corresponds to one le or one
le range. A value may be specied in the range 0 - 14. The protection levels must be specied in
the same order as the corresponding les or le ranges in the FILE parameter.


adascr: insert = userpwx, file = (1,2,3),

access = (7,7,7), update = (0,8,8)

adascr: insert = userpwy, file = (1,2,3),

access = (7,2,2), update = (8,0,0)

adascr: insert = userpwz, file = (1-3,5),

access = (2,3), update = (4,6)


PROTECT = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)
,ACCESS = (number[,number]...)
,UPDATE = (number[,number]...)

This function inserts (or updates) the access and/or update protection levels for the le, list or
range(s) specied. Multiple specications of the same le number are not permitted.

ACCESS = (number[,number]...)

The ACCESS parameter species the access protection levels to be associated with the les or le
ranges specied in the PROTECT parameter. Each protection level corresponds to one le or one
le range. A value may be specied in the range 0 - 15. The protection levels must be specied in
the same order as the corresponding les or le ranges in the PROTECT parameter.

Note that the maximum protection level for access for the PROTECT function is 15, whereas the
INSERT function allows a maximum of only 14. Therefore, with ACCESS=15, a le can be protected
to prevent any user from accessing it.

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)

UPDATE = (number[,number]...)

The UPDATE parameter species the update protection levels to be associated with the les or
le ranges specied in the PROTECT parameter. Each protection level corresponds to one le or
one le range. A value may be specied in the range 0 - 15. The protection levels must be specied

in the same order as the corresponding les or le ranges in the PROTECT parameter.
Note that the maximum protection level for update for the INSERT function is 14, whereas the
PROTECT function allows a maximum of 15. Therefore, with UPDATE=15, a le can be protected
to prevent any user from updating it.


adascr: protect = 25, access = 7, update = 11

adascr: protect = (1,2,3), access = (7,7,7), update = (8,8,8)
adascr: protect = (4-6), access = 10, update = 12

If the le number of a security-protected le is subsequently changed as a result of running the
RENUMBER function of the ADADBM utility, the PROTECT function has to be reexecuted in order
to reestablish the security protection levels for the le. The passwords also have to be reestablished,
since they reect the old le number.


SECURITY_BY_VALUE {=|:} string, FILE = number

,SEARCH_BUFFER = string *
,VALUE_BUFFER = string *
,SEARCH_BUFFER = string *
,VALUE_BUFFER = string *

* The search/access buer string parameters must be followed by <Newline> with no preceding

This function inserts (or updates) the Security by Value criteria for a specic le, for the given
password specied by `string'. The password must already have been inserted into the security
le, using the INSERT function. Each password can have Security by Value criteria dened for a
maximum of 99 les.
If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)


The ACCESS_CRITERION keyword must precede the search buer and value buer which will
dene the criterion for restricting access to data using the provided password.

In order for the access value criterion to be specied, the ACCESS password permission level for
the le must also have previously been set (i.e. non-zero); in the case where the level is not set,
the ACCESS_CRITERION keyword cannot be specied.

FILE = number 

The FILE parameter species the le for which the value criteria are to be dened. Exactly one le
must be specied and the le must be currently loaded in the database.


The UPDATE_CRITERION keyword must precede the search buer and value buer which will
dene the criterion for restricting the update of data using the provided password.

In order for the update value criterion to be specied, the UPDATE password permission level
for the le must also have previously been set (i.e. non-zero); in the case where the level is not set,
the UPDATE_CRITERION keyword cannot be specied.


The SEARCH_BUFFER parameter is used to provide the search expressions for the access/update
criterion. Syntax and examples of search buer construction are provided in  Command Reference ,
Calling Adabas, Search and Value Buers.

Certain restrictions apply to the search buer when used for dening Security by Value criteria;
soft coupling and sub-, super-, hyper- and phonetic descriptors are not supported.

If the required criterion is that no restrictions should apply, then the associated search buer
should be specied containing only the terminator, i.e.:


In this case, the VALUE_BUFFER parameter is not required and does not need to be supplied.

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 ADASCR (Security Functions)


The VALUE_BUFFER parameter is used to provide the corresponding values for the search ex-
pressions for the access/update value criterion, specied in the preceding search buer. The string
may be specied either directly, as an alphanumeric string or as a string using hexadecimal notation.


adascr: security_by_value = fortytwo, file = 10,

access_criterion, search_buffer = CA,4,U,LT.
adascr: value_buffer = 1707
adascr: update_criterion, search_buffer = A,4,S,CA,4,D,AA,O,AA.
adascr: value_buffer = 01001599MS

adascr: security_by_value
access_criterion, = g6mon, file =
search_buffer = 3
adascr: update_criterion, search_buffer = AC,3.
adascr: value_buffer = HAM

If the either the access or update protection level for the specied le is zero, the associated value
criterion will not be tested when the password is used for accessing/updating records for that le.

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26   ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 378
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 379
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 379

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 380

377 385/431
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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)

This chapter describes the utility "ADATST".

Functional Overview

The ADATST utility is used to ll the control block and the necessary buers in order to issue
Adabas commands.

Both theoldACBAdabas command interface andthe newACBX command interface are supported.
For more information on the command interfaces please refer to the Command Reference document-
ation. Note that the ACB interface can be considered as a subset of the ACBX interface: Fields in
the old ACB Adabas control block are also contained in the new ACBX control block (or the ABDs
– the Adabas buer descriptions) with the dierence that some ACB elds are smaller then the
corresponding elds in the new interface. In particular the buer lengths have been increased that
now Adabas buers greater than 64 KB are possible. Switching between the interfaces is possible,

 but when you switch back to the old ACB interface you must be aware of the restrictions of the
old ACB interface.

This utility is a multi-function utility.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual

ADATST messages stdout/ Messages and Codes


The utility writes no checkpoints.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)

Control Parameters

Note:   In the following, "string" is an ASCII string or 0x followed by hexadecimal data.

The following control parameters are available:

A1 {=|:} string

A2 {=|:} string

A3 {=|:} string

A4 {=|:} string

A5 {=|:} string

A6 {=|:} string


ALOOP [= number]



CC = string

CID = string

CO1 = string

CO2 = string

CO3 = string

CO4 = string

CO5 = string

CO6 = string

CO7 = string

CO8 = string

M DBID = number

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)



ERRORS = number

EXECUTE = { number | ISNQ }

FB [{=|:} string]

FB2 [{=|:} string]

FB3 [{=|:} string]

FBL = number

FB2L [= number]

FB3L [= number]

FILE = number

GO [= { number | ISNQ } ]

IB [= (number [,number]...)]

IBL = number

D INTERFACE = keyword

ISN = number

ISND = number

ISNI = number

ISNL = { number | ISN }

ISNQ = number


MB = (number_buffers, number_isns)



OVERWRITE_RB2 = string

OVERWRITE_RB3 = string

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)

RB [{=|:} string]

RB2 [{=|:} string]

RB3 [{=|:} string]

RBL = number
RB2L [= number]

RB3L [= number]

READ_RB = string

READ_RB2 = string

READ_RB3 = string

RESPONSE = number

SB [{=|:} string]

SBL = number



VB [{=|:} string]

VBL = number

D WAIT [= [time]]

WRITE_RB = string

WRITE_RB2 = string

WRITE_RB3 = string


A1 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 1 eld.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)


A2 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 2 eld.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


A3 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 3 eld.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


A4 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 4 eld.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


A5 {=|:} string
This parameter sets the Additions 5 eld.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


A6 {=|:} string

This parameter sets the Additions 6 eld.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)



This parameter is available only after specifying INTERFACE=ACBX. It displays the Adabas buer
denitions for the Adabas buers that are currently dened.


ALOOP [= number]

This parameter opens a loop to add more lines. `number' is a line number. If a line number is
specied, new lines are added from that point, overwriting existing lines; if no number is specied,
new lines are added at the end. Close the loop with ELOOP.


This function displays the contents of the control block.

If the parameter INTERFACE=ACB is specied, only the elds contained in the old ACB Adabas
control block are displayed.

If the parameter INTERFACE=ACBX is specied, the elds contained in the new ACBX Adabas
control block but not in the old ACB Adabas control block are also displayed.



This function dumps the control block in hex.


CC = string

This parameter species the command code.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)


CID= string

This parameter species the command ID.


CO1 = string

This parameter sets the command option 1.


CO2 = string

This parameter sets the command option 2.


CO3 = string

This parameter sets the command option 3.


CO4 = string

This parameter sets the command option 4.


CO5 = string

This parameter sets the command option 5.


CO6 = string

This parameter sets the command option 6.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)


CO7 = string

This parameter sets the command option 7.


CO8 = string

This parameter sets the command option 8.


DBID = number

This parameter species the database to be used.



This function displays a saved command loop.



This function terminates a loop.


ERRORS = number

This parameter species the number of errors permitted before termination occurs.


EXECUTE = { number | ISNQ }

This parameter executes a loop `n' times, where `n' is specied by `number' or by ISNQ. Enter
CTRL/C to terminate a loop.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)


FB [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the rst format buer or enter data into the format buer. The
length is set implicitly.


FB2 [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the second format buer or enter data into the format buer.
The length is set implicitly.


FB3 [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the third format buer or enter data into the format buer. The
length is set implicitly.


FBL = number

This parameter denes the rst format buer length in the control block.


FB2L = number

This parameter denes the second format buer length in the control block.


FBL3 = number

This parameter denes the third format buer length in the control block.

 Adabas Utilities 387 395/431
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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)


FILE = number

This parameter species the le number.


GO [= { number | ISNQ } ]

This function calls Adabas once or `n' times, where `n' is specied by `number' or ISNQ. Enter
CTRL/C to terminate a loop.


IB [= (number [,number]...)]

This parameter is used to display the ISN buer or enter ISNs. The length is set implicitly.

IBL = number

This parameter species the ISN buer length in the control block.


INTERFACE = keyword

This parameter is used to switch between the old and new Adabas command interface. Valid
keywords are ACB and ACBX. The default is ACB. After INTERFACE = ACB has been specied,
Adabas calls are performed with the old ACB Adabas interface - any elds that are only contained
in the newACBX Adabas control block andadditional format buers andrecordbuers are ignored.
You can switch between the old and the new Adabas interface in one Adabas session.


ISN = number

This parameter sets ISN with the number supplied.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)


ISND = number

This parameter subtracts `number' from ISN.


ISNI = number

This parameter adds `number' to ISN.


ISNL = { number | ISN }

This parameter is used to set the ISN lower limit with the number supplied, or to move the ISN

from the control block into the ISN lower limit.


ISNQ = number

This parameter species the ISN quantity with the number supplied.



This function denes the start of a loop. All commands that follow will be saved until an ELOOP
is entered.


MB = (number_buffers, number_isns)

This parameter denes the number of multifetch buers and the number of IS entries that can be
stored in a multifetch buer. number_buers may be a number between 0 and 3. number_isns
must be a number >0.

The MB parameter
multifetch canpure
buers are onlyoutput
be specied after
buers, it isINTERFACE
not possible =toACBX
enter has beeninto
content specied.. Since
the multifetch

Once multifetch buers have been specied, you can display their contents with the RB, RB 2 and
RB3 parameters.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)



If this option is set to NOOUTPUT, no messages are output when calling Adabas `n' times. Only
error messages will be printed.

The default is OUTPUT.



This parameter species the name of an existing le to which the contents of the rst record buer
are written. The current contents of the le will be overwritten.


OVERWRITE_RB2 = string

This parameter species the name of an existing le to which the contents of the second record
 buer are written. The current contents of the le will be overwritten.


OVERWRITE_RB3 = string

This parameter species the name of an existing le to which the contents of the third record
 buer are written. The current contents of the le will be overwritten.


RB [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the rst record buer or enter data into the rst record buer.
For input to a le, the length is set implicitly.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

MB you display the
parameter, therst
rstrecord buer,
multifetch and at
buer leastdisplayed.
is also one multifetch buer has been dened with the

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)


RB2 [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the second record buer or enter data into the second record
 buer. For input to a le, the length is set implicitly.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

If you display the second record buer, and at least two multifetch buers have been dened with
the MB parameter, the second multifetch buer is also displayed.


RB3 [{=|:} string]

This parameter
For input is used
to a le, to display
the length is setthe third record buer or enter data into the third record buer.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.

If you display the third record buer, and at three multifetch buer have been dened with the
MB parameter, the third multifetch buer is also displayed.


RBL = number

This parameter species the rst record buer length in the control block.


RB2L = number

This parameter species the second record buer length in the control block.


RB3L = number
This parameter species the third record buer length in the control block.

 Adabas Utilities 391 399/431
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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)


READ_RB = string

This parameter species the name of a le that is read into the rst record buer.


READ_RB2 = string

This parameter species the name of a le that is read into the second record buer.


READ_RB3 = string

This parameter species the name of a le that is read into the third record buer.


RESPONSE = number

This parameter displays the error text for the given nucleus response code.


SB [{=|:} string]

This parameter is used to display the search buer or enter data into the search buer. The length
is set implicitly.
If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


SBL = number

This parameter species the search buer length in the control block.

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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)



This function marks the current time, and displays the dierence between this and the last time



This option traces execute loops.

The default is NOTRACE.


VB [{=|:} string]
This parameter is used to display the value buer or enter data into the value buer. The length
is set implicitly. If `string' equals RB, the record buer is moved into the value buer.

If you specify an equals sign, the value given for 'string' will be converted to upper case; if you
specify a colon, no upper-case conversion is performed.


VBL = number

This parameter species the value buer length in the control block.


WAIT [= seconds]

This parameter causes ADATST to wait for a given period. The waiting time is entered in seconds.
Once the time is set, you can wait for the same period by entering 'WAIT' without any additions.

The default time is 10 seconds.

 Adabas Utilities 393 401/431
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 ADATST (Issuing Adabas Commands)


adatst: wait = 15

ADATST waits for fteen seconds.


WRITE_RB = string

This parameter species the name of a le to which the contents of the rst record buer are
written. The record buer is only written if a le with the specied name does not already exist.


WRITE_RB2 = string

This parameter species the name of a le to which the contents of the second record buer are
written. The record buer is only written if a le with the specied name does not already exist.


WRITE_RB3 = string

This parameter species the name of a le to which the contents of the third record buer are
written. The record buer is only written if a le with the specied name does not already exist.

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27   ADAULD (File Unloading)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 396
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 398
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 400

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 401
■  Examples  ..................................................................................................................................... 407
■  TEMP Data Set Space Estimation  ..................................................................................................... 408
■  Restart Considerations  ................................................................................................................... 408

395 403/431
7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAULD (File Unloading)

This chapter describes the utility "ADAULD".

Functional Overview

The utility ADAULD unloads an Adabas le, i.e. records are retrieved from a database or an
Adabas backup copy, and written to a sequential le.

The main reasons for unloading a le are:

■ To change the space allocation, to reduce the number of logical extents assigned to the index,
Address Converter or Data Storage, and/or to change the padding factor. In this case, the le
has to be unloaded, deleted and reloaded. These features are also available with ADAORD;
■ To create one or more test les, all containing the same data. This procedure requires a le to
 be unloaded and then reloaded using a dierent le number. This feature is also available with
■ To extract data from a le for subsequent input to ADAMUP. This is useful for moving records
from a production database to an archive database;
■ To re-establish a le that has been archived on an Adabas backup copy.

When unloading a le from a database, the records may be unloaded in:

Logical sequence
The records are unloaded in an ascending sequence based on the values of a user-specied

ISN sequence
The records are unloaded in ascending ISN sequence;
Physical sequence
The records are unloaded in the order in which they are physically located in Data Storage.

Unloading in logical or ISN sequence requires the nucleus to be active. The nucleus is not required
when unloading in physical sequence, provided ADAULD has access to the database container

When unloading from an Adabas backup copy, the records are unloaded in the sequence in which
they were stored by ADABCK. This is generally in ascending data RABN sequence. However, this
sequence cannot be guaranteed when the DRIVES option was used or when the dump was made
online (please refer to the DRIVES option of the utility ADABCK for more detailed information).

The unloaded records are output in compressed format and are identical to the records produced
 by the compression utility ADACMP. Since each data record is preceded by its ISN, these ISNs
can be used as user ISNs when reloading the le (please refer to the USERISN option of the utility
ADAMUP for more detailed information).

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)

The user can specify that the descriptor values required to recreate the index for the le are omitted
during the UNLOAD process (SHORT option). This reduces the unload processing time. This
option must not be used if the output is intended as direct input for ADAMUP.

After completion, ADAULD returns one of the following exit status values:

Records have been successfully unloaded, and no database corruption was detected.
The unload was successful, but corrupted data records were detected, which were not unloaded.
It is recommended that you run ADAVFY in order to obtain more information about the
database corruptions.
The unload was successful, but no records were unloaded. In scripts, you can check for this
status value if further activities are required only after unloading at least one record.

Unload was not successful.

This utility is a single-function utility.

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)

Procedure Flow


The sequential les ULD00n, ULDDTA, ULDDVT can have multiple extents. For detailed inform-
ation about les with multiple extents, see  Administration , Using Utilities.

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)

DBID Function

Thesequential les ULDDTA, ULDDVTcan have multiple extents. For detailed information about
les with multiple extents, see Administration, Using Utilities.

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk, Tape see note 2

Data storage DATAx Disk, Tape see note 2
Backup copy ULD00n Disk, Tape Outputof ADABCK's DUMP function,
input for ADAULD
Unloaded data ULDDTA Disk, Tape (see note 1)
Unloaded descriptor values ULDDVT Disk, Tape (see note 1)
Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual

 Adabas Utilities 399 407/431
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 ADAULD (File Unloading)

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

ADAULD messages stdout/ Messages and Codes


Temporary storage TEMPx Disk, Tape see note 3 and 4

Work storage WORK1 Disk, Tape see note 2


1. A named pipe can be used for this sequential le (not on OpenVMS) see  Administration , Using
Utilities for details).
2. Required by oineunload. Will also increasethespeed of online unloadusing physical sequence.
3. Only required if unloading from a backup copy with the online option being used. If the utility
is executed oine, WORK may be used as TEMP if there is no Autorestart pending, by setting
the environment variable TEMP1 to the same value as WORK1.
4. The ADAULD BACKUP_COPY function does not read the DBxxx.INI le to nd TEMP,
therefore you must specify TEMP via environment variables.


The following table shows the nucleus requirements for each function and the checkpoint written:

Function Nucleus must be active Nucleus must NOT be active Nucleus is NOT required Checkpoint written
DBID X(see note 1) X(see note 3) X(see note2) SYNX


1. When unloading in logical sequence or ISN sequence or when the database container le cannot
 be accessed by ADAULD (e.g. when unloading from a remote node). Alsoapplies if a le contains
LOB data, because LOB data must be unloaded in logical sequence. Also applies if the search
 buer and value buer are provided.
2. When unloading in physical sequence and ADAULD has access to the database container les.
3. When unloading an Adabas system le.

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

BACKUP_COPY = number, FILE = number

[,NUMREC = number]
[,SKIPREC = number]

DBID = number , FILE = number

[,NUMREC = number]
[,SEARCH_BUFFER = string, VALUE_BUFFER = string]
[,SKIPREC = number]
[,SORTSEQ = { string | ISN } ]
[,STARTISN = number]


BACKUP_COPY = number
[,FDT]= number
[,NUMREC = number]
[,SKIPREC = number]

This function unloads records from an Adabas backup copy. You are not allowed to specify a LOB
le. "BACKUP_COPY=number" species the ID of the database from which the backup copy was
derived, and "FILE=number" species the le number. Both oine and online backup copies can
 be used. If a LOB le is assigned to the le specied, a partial reload using the ADAMUP parameters
NUMREC, SKIPREC is not possible.

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)


This parameter displays the FDT of the le to be unloaded.

FILE = number 

This parameter species the le to be unloaded.

NUMREC = number 

This parameter limits thenumber of data records retrieved from the le when unloading. All records
are unloaded if NUMREC is omitted and SKIPREC is not specied. You cannot use NUMREC if
a LOB le is assigned to the le to be reloaded.


le tooption indicates whether the backup copy might contain online data storage blocks for the
be unloaded.

If the backup copy is expected to contain online data storage blocks, two passes are made when
processing the backup copy. This is because the most recent version of each data storage block
has to be found. Setting this option to NOONLINE unloads in one pass and saves a considerable
amount of processing time, at the risk of ADAULD terminating with an error message if an online
data storage block is detected.

The default used depends on whether or not the Adabas nucleus was active when the backup was


This option indicates whether the descriptor values used to build up the index should be included
in the output or omitted.

If SHORT is specied, no descriptor values are unloaded.

If the output is intended as direct input for the mass update utility, the le must be unloaded in

SHORT and SINGLE_FILE are mutually exclusive.

NOSHORT is the default.

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)


If this option is set to SINGLE_FILE, ADAULD writes the DVT and DATA information to a single
data set (ULDDTA).

SINGLE_FILE and SHORT are mutually exclusive.

The default is NOSINGLE_FILE.

SKIPREC = number 

This parameter species the number of records to be skipped before unloading is started. You
cannot use SKIPREC if a LOB le is assigned to the le to be reloaded.


A user-written routine is dynamically loaded. A pointer to an input parameter block and a pointer
to an output parameter are passed with each call (please see the include le adauex.h for more
information). For each record retrieved from the database, the decision can be made whether to
unload the record (write it to the unload le), skip it or terminate execution immediately.

The environment variable/logical name ADAUEX_7 must point to a user-written routine.

See Administration , User Exits and Hyperexits for more details.

NOUSEREXIT is the default.


DBID = number
,FILE = number
[,NUMREC = number]
[,SEARCH_BUFFER = string]
[,SKIPREC = number]
[,SORTSEQ = { string | ISN }]
[,STARTISN = number]
[,VALUE_BUFFER = string]

This function unloads records from the specied database.

 Adabas Utilities 403 411/431
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 ADAULD (File Unloading)


This parameter displays the FDT of the le to be unloaded.

FILE = number 

This parameter species the le to be unloaded. You are not allowed to specify a LOB le.


If this option is set to LITERAL, leading blanks and lower case characters can be specied in the
value buer and remain relevant in the string, i.e. they are not removed or converted to upper
case. If NOLITERAL is set, lower case characters will be transformed to upper case, and leading
 blanks will be suppressed except when the value is specied as a hexadecimal value.

NOLITERAL is the default.

NUMREC = number 

This parameter limits thenumber of data records retrieved from the le when unloading. All records
of the le are unloaded if NUMREC is omitted and SKIPREC or STARTISN are not specied.


This parameter is used to restrict the unloaded records to those which meet the selection criterion
provided. The selection criterion must be provided according to the syntax for search buer entries
as described in the Command Reference Manual.

The maximum length of this parameter is 200 bytes. For complex entries, use the following

adauld: search_buffer=aa,20,a,d,\
> ab,10,a.

ADAULD will concatenate this to:


The values which correspond to the selection criterion are provided by the VALUE_BUFFER

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)


This option indicates whether the descriptor values used to build up the index should be included
in the output or omitted.

If SHORT is specied, no descriptor values are unloaded.

If the output is intended as direct input for the mass update utility, the le must be unloaded in

SHORT and SINGLE_FILE are mutually exclusive.

NOSHORT is the default.


If this option is set to SINGLE_FILE, ADAULD writes the DVT and DTA information to a single
data set (ULDDTA).
SINGLE_FILE and SHORT are mutually exclusive.

The default is NOSINGLE_FILE.

SKIPREC = number 

This parameter species the number of data records to be skipped before unloading is started.

When used together with the STARTISN parameter, positioning is carried out before skipping.

SORTSEQ = string

This parameter controls the sequence in which the le is unloaded. If specied, it may either
contain the eld name of a descriptor, sub- or superdescriptor (1) or the keyword `ISN' (2). The
default is physical sequence (3).

1. Logical sequence

If a string species a eld name of a descriptor or sub/superdescriptor, the records are unloaded
in ascending logical sequence of the descriptor values to which the eld name refers. The eld
name must not refer to a descriptor contained within a periodic group.

If the eld name refers to a descriptor which is a multiple-value eld, the same record may be
unloaded more than once (once for each dierent descriptor value in the record). Therefore, it
is not recommended to use this type of descriptor to control the unload sequence.

If the eld name refers to a descriptor dened with the NU or NC option, the records with a
null value for the descriptor are not unloaded.

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)

2. ISN sequence

If `ISN' is specied, the records are unloaded in ascending ISN sequence.

3. Physical sequence

which parameter
they are stored in theisData
omitted, the records are unloaded in the physical sequence in

If a search buer has been specied and the SORTSEQ parameter has been omitted, the records
are unloaded in ascending ISN sequence.

STARTISN = number 

If the SORTSEQ = ISN option is used or a search buer is provided, the STARTISN parameter may
 be specied to start unloading at a given ISN rather than from the lowest ISN in the le. If the
specied ISN does not exist, unloading starts at the next highest ISN found.


A user-written routine is dynamically loaded. A pointer to an input parameter block and a pointer
to an output parameter are passed with each call (please see the include le adauex.h for more
information). For each record retrieved from the database, the decision can be made whether to
unload the record (write it to the unload le), skip it or terminate execution immediately.

The environment variable/logical name ADAUEX_7 must point to a user-written routine.

See Administration ,  User Exits and Hyperexits for more details.

NOUSEREXIT is the default.


If a selection criterion is specied with the SEARCH_BUFFER parameter, this parameter is used
to supply the values which correspond to the selection criterion. The maximum length of this
parameter is 2000 bytes.

Note:   See also [NO]LITERAL, which controls the conversion of the value buer to upper

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)


Example 1

adauld: backup_copy = 3, file = 6

File 6 on the backup copy of database 3 is unloaded. A TEMP data set and two passes through the
 backup copy may be required, depending on the default setting of the [NO]ONLINE option.

Example 2

adauld: backup_copy = 3, file = 6

adauld: single, noonline

The same le is unloaded. Both data records and descriptor value table entries are written to the
same output le. The backup copy is processed in one pass as no online blocks are expected. No
TEMP data set is required.

Example 3

adauld: dbid = 3, file = 6, skiprec = 100

File 6 in database 3 is unloaded. The records are unloaded in the physical sequence in which they
are stored in the Data Storage. The rst 100 records found are not written to the output les.

Example 4

adauld: dbid = 3, file = 6

adauld: numrec = 10
adauld: sortseq = ab
adauld: short

Ten records from le 6 in database 3 are unloaded. The values of the descriptor AB are used to
control the sequence in which the records are retrieved. The values required to re-create the inverted
list when reloading are omitted.

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 ADAULD (File Unloading)

Example 5

adauld: dbid = 3, file = 6, sortseq = isn, startisn = 123

File 6 in database 3 is unloaded. The records are unloaded in ascending ISN sequence starting at
ISN 123.

TEMP Data Set Space Estimation

When unloading from an Adabas backup copy without the NOONLINE option set, the TEMP
data set is required to accumulate information about online block occurrences.

The formula TRH=DRH/1000 can be used as a rough estimate with the default TEMP block size
(4 kilobytes).

The following formula may be used to calculate the exact requirements:

X = ENTIRE ((DRH / BSTD) * 4)

TRH = X + ENTIRE (X / BSTD / 8) + 1


the next highest integer

TEMP block size in bytes.
highest Data Storage RABN in the database on the backup copy. The SUMMARY function of
the ADABCK utility can be used to obtain this number.
highest RABN required on TEMP.

Restart Considerations

ADAULD has no restart capability. An interrupted ADAULD run must be re-executed from the

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28   ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)

■  Functional
Overview  ....................................................................................................................... 410
■  ProcedureFlow  ............................................................................................................................. 411
■  Checkpoints  ................................................................................................................................. 412

 Control Parameters  ........................................................................................................................ 412
■  Examples  ..................................................................................................................................... 417

409 417/431
7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)

The following topics are covered:

Functional Overview

The ADAVFY utility checks the consistency of the database. The General Control Block (GCB) is
validated together with each File Control Block (FCB) and each Field Denition Table (FDT) of
the loaded les. The index structure and Data Storage are validated. ADAVFY can also search for
lost RABNs.

Running ADAVFY against an active nucleus, or running in parallel with utilities that perform
database updates, may result in errors being reported. This is because further updates can be made
 before the utility terminates and some of these updates are only reected in the nucleus buer
pool. ADAVFY does not require the Adabas nucleus to be active; it processes the database oine.

In general, ADAVFY only displays consistency errors that it detects and it does not modify the
database. However, the following error will be corrected if it is detected: the FCB contains a record
counter for the number of records in the le, and if this counter has an incorrect value, it will be

This utility is a multi-function utility.

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 ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)

Procedure Flow

Data Set Environment Storage Additional Information

Variable/ Medium
Logical Name

Associator ASSOx Disk, Tape

Data storage DATAx Disk, Tape

Control statements stdin/ Utilities Manual

ADAVFY messages stdout/ Messages and Codes
Work WORK1 Disk, Tape

 Adabas Utilities 411 419/431
7/18/2019 adabas 6.3.1 utils

 ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:



M DBID = number

D ERRORS = number



D FILES = { * | (number [-number][,number[-number]]...) }

FROM = number - number


D LEVEL = number





This function validates from the Address Converter to the Data Storage and checks that records
can be found in the specied Data Storage for the les specied with the FILES parameter (see
also DATA).

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 ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)



This function veries the referential integrity constraints for the les specied with the FILES



This function veries Data Storage for the specied le number(s). This function validates from
the Address Converter to the Data Storage and from the Data Storage to the Address Converter
for the les specied with the FILES parameter.


DBID = number
This parameter selects the database to be veried.


ERRORS = number

This parameter species the number of errors to be reported before the verication of a single le
terminates. The minimum number allowed is 1. The default value is 20.



This function validates the le control block together with the Field Denition Table for the les
specied with the FILES parameter (see also INDEX).



This function validates the Data Storage. It checks the record structure and validates the contents
of unpacked, packed and oating point values for the specied les.

 Adabas Utilities 413 421/431
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 ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)


FILES = { * | (number[-number][,number[-number]]...) }

This parameter species the les to be veried. If an asterisk `*' is entered, all les will be veried.
The FILES parameter is required for all functions except the LOST function.

The default is no les.

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 ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)


FROM = number - number

The values specied are used in conjunction with the LEVEL option to print various structures.
Please refer to the LEVEL parameter in this section for more detailed information.



This function veries the complete index to level 1 (Normal Index). This includes verication of
the FCB and FDT.

ADAVFY also counts the number of used, free, reusable and lost NI (Normal Index, index level
1), MI (Main Index, index level 2) and UI (Upper Index, index level 3 or greater) blocks.

  %ADAVFY-I-INDSTR, Index verification
%ADAVFY-I-INDCNT, NI: used: 210, free: 1773, reusage: 17, lost: 0
%ADAVFY-I-INDCNT, UI: used: 1, free: 87, reusage: 2, lost: 1
%ADAVFY-I-INDCNT, MI: used: 9, free: 87, reusage: 2, lost: 1
%ADAVFY-I-INDEND, Index verification completed ↩


1. Used index blocks are index blocks that are currently in use.

2. Free index blocks are index blocks that have not yet been used.
3. Reusable index blocks are index blocks that already have been used, but that have become
empty again and were included in the reusage queue. These blocks can be used again.
4. Lost index blocks are index blocks that are not currently used and that are missing in the reusage
queue, and therefore cannot be used again. A value of 1 lost block is normal - this can happen
after running ADAINV REINVERT.
5. The number of free, reusable and lost MI and UI blocks is the same, because these blocks are
taken from the same logical extent. Please note that the numbers displayed are the numbers for
MI and UI together - if you use additional space for MI blocks, this also reduces the number of
space available for UI blocks.

 Adabas Utilities 415 423/431
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 ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)


LEVEL = number

This parameter species how much information ADAVFY should output concerning the internal
structures. Specifying this parameter does not aect the degree of verication performed. If this
parameter is used, it must be specied before the function in question.

The default value is the highest possible index level plus 1.

with INDEX function

Level n prints information about index level n and higher

Level 0 prints more detailed structure of the index blocks

The FROM option is used to specify an index RABN range. Only the RABNs specied will be

with AC/DATA/RECORD/FIELD functions

Level 2 prints which RABNs processed

Level 1 prints record structure (when RECORD or FIELD is used) or where each ISN points (when DATA
or AC is used)
Level 0 dumps elds within records

with LOST function

Level 0 dumps the physical structure of the database



If this option is specied, ADAVFY searches for lost RABNs in the database. If any lost RABNs
are found, the space can be recovered by using the RECOVER function of ADADBM.

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 ADAVFY (Database Consistency Check)



This function validates the Data Storage and checks the structure of each record for the specied
les (see also FIELD).


Example 1

adavfy: dbid=3,file=*,data,field,index

All les of database 3 are validated using the functions DATA, FIELD and INDEX. This combination
of functions gives the maximum degree of validation.
Example 2

adavfy: dbid=3, file=7, level=1, field

File 7 of database 3 is validated. The record structure in Data Storage is validated, as well as the
contents of unpacked, packed and oating point elds. ADAVFY prints a list of the RABNs which
have been processed and, for each record processed, its oset in the corresponding RABN, its
length and its ISN.

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 A    Appendix A - Example Utility Input Files

The Adabas kit contains example utility input data - this allows you to try out some of the Adabas
utilities, and to load example data into the database so that you can gain experience of using

The following Adabas demo les are provided with the Adabas kit:

File Number  Adabas File Name Description

9 EMPLOYEES File used for the C example program (see Command Reference)
11 EMPLOYEES-NAT File used as example le by Natural containing employees data
12 VEHICLES File used as example le by Natural containing vehicles data
13 MISCELLANEOUS Example for a le containing a large number of elds

14 LOBFILE of 9 Lob le of the Adabas le EMPLOYEES


1. On OpenVMS, le 9 is still the old Employees le without the LOB le 14. Please note that the
C example delivered on OpenVMS is still the old version of the example program that corres-
ponds to this old example le, which is dierent to the new version delivered for Windows
and Unix and which is listed in the Command Reference document.
2. For creating the Adabas demo database (an Adabas database containing the Adabas demo les)
on UNIX the command crdemodb <dbid> is available, on Windows there is an icon "Create

when youAlso thea DBA
create workbench allows you to specify that the demo les are to be

The Adabas kit contains the following utility input les in the directory $ADADIR/$ADAVERS/de-
modb (UNIX) or %ADADIR%\%ADAVERS%\demodb (Windows):

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 Appendix A - Example Utility Input Files

File Name Description

LoadDemo.bsh (UNIX) Script to load all demo les provided via ADAFDU, ADACMP and ADAMUP
loadall.bat (Windows)
loadle.bat Script to load one of the demo les via ADACMP and ADAMUP – called by
(Only Windows) loadall.bat
emp.cmp ADACMP parameters for the EMPLOYEES le
emp.cmpin Decompressed demo data to be loaded via ADACMP and ADAMUP in the
emp.fdt FDUFDT le containing the FDT of the EMPLOYEES le
emp.fdu ADAFDU parameters for the EMPLOYEES le
emp_nat.cmp ADACMP parameters for the EMPLOYEES_NAT le
emp_nat.cmpin Decompressed demo data to be loaded via ADACMP and ADAMUP in the
emp_nat.fdt FDUFDT le containing the FDT of the EMPLOYEES_NAT le

emp_nat.fdu ADAFDU parameters for the EMPLOYEES_NAT le

mis.cmp ADACMP parameters for the MISCELLANEOUS le
mis.cmpin Decompressed demo data to be loaded via ADACMP and ADAMUP in the
mis.fdt FDUFDT le containing the FDT of the MISCELLANEOUS le
mis.fdu ADAFDU parameters for the MISCELLANEOUS le
napp_backup.csh Example script for External Backup on Network Appliance lers
(Only UNIX)
napp_conf Example conguration le for External Backup on Network Appliance lers
(Only UNIX)
napp_restore.csh Example script for External Restore on Network Appliance lers
(Only UNIX)
ordexp.demo ORDEXP le containing all Adabas demo les. This le is used if you click on
Load Demo Files when creating a database with ADADBA
veh.cmp ADACMP parameters for the VEHICLES le
veh.cmpin Decompressed demo data to be loaded via ADACMP and ADAMUP in the
veh.fdt FDUFDT le containing the FDT of the VEHICLES le
veh.fdu ADAFDU parameters for the VEHICLES le

For OpenVMS, the directory ADABAS$EXAMPLES contains the following:

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 Appendix A - Example Utility Input Files

File Name Description

demo.exp Demo data to be loaded into the les EMPLOYEES-NAT, VEHICLES and MISCELLANEOUS

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B   Appendix B - prilogc

prilogc is an example program for printing a command log that is created with the nucleus para-
meter CLOGLAYOUT set to 6.

The Adabas kit does not contain an ocial utility for creating printable output from a command
log created with the ADANUC parameter CLOGLAYOUT=6, but there is an example C program
prilogc , which can be modied by the user to adapt the output. This program is not ocially
supported by Software AG - and it is not guaranteed that it will also be provided with future
versions of Adabas.

The source le prilogc.c is stored in $ADADIR/$ADAVERS/examples/server on UNIX, and in

%ADADIR%\%ADAVERS%\..\examples\server on Windows. This directory also contains a
make le makele to build the executable; the usage is described in the make le. The required
header les can be found in $ADADIR/$ADAVERS/inc on UNIX, and in %ADADIR%\%ADA-
VERS\..\inc on Windows.

The executable of prilogc is provided in $ADATOOLS on UNIX, and in %ADATOOLS% on Win-

dows, which is included in the PATH setting provided by the Adabas installation. 431/431

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