Arellano University: Graduate School of Nursing
Arellano University: Graduate School of Nursing
Arellano University: Graduate School of Nursing
68 yo with 2 days of LLQ abd pain, diarrhea, fevers/chills, nausea; vomited once at home
PMHx: HTN, diverticulosis
PSurgHx: negative
Meds: paracetamol, analgesic, Lomotil
No Known drug allergy
Social hx: no alcohol, tobacco or drug use
Family hx: non-contributory
Physical Exam
T: 37.6, HR: 100, BP 145/90, R: 19 O2sat 99% room air
Gen: uncomfortable appearing, slightly pale
CV/Pulmonary: normal heart and lung exam, no LE edema, normal pulses
Abd: soft, moderately TTP LLQ
Rectal: normal tone, guiac negative brown stool
1. Prepare power point presentation of the disease
2. Develop the concept map for your client by following guidelines below:
Include somewhere on the map:
o Risk factors
o Pathophysiology
o Medical diagnosis
o Assessment data (signs, symptoms, test results, pertinent history)
o Nursing diagnoses
o Goals and outcome criteria
o Nursing interventions
o Evaluation
a. Show the connections between the parts of the nursing process by drawing connecting
b. Utilize color coding in concept map