Turkenkrieg Order of Battle

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The following lists indicate the Units, Auxiliaries, Artillery SPs, Leaders, and HQs; the same forces are available in each scenario,
subject to any special directions. Dispositions are given in the Scenario Deployment section.
Unless specifically assigned a role by the scenario, DP Units beginning a scenario in a Formed state may be deployed either as Units or
Auxiliaries, as the Imperial player sees fit.
This OoB book is virtually identical to the one found in Türkenkrieg. The only changes are the addition of the 9.0 Combined Game
scenario (which uses the same deployment as the 7.1 and 8.0 scenarios) and some of the case numbers.
6.21 Imperial Army Forces
6.211 Infantry & Cavalry Units 6.212 Mil. Border MZP = 35 SPs Notes:
Name Class DP IR = Infantrie Regiment
KR Lanthieri Heavy Cavalry No KR = Kuirassier Regiment
KR Johann Pálffy Heavy Cavalry No DR = Dragoner Regiment
KR Hohenzollern Heavy Cavalry No HR = Huzaren Regiment
KR Hohenembs Heavy Cavalry No
DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
KR Hautois Heavy Cavalry No
KR Hamilton Heavy Cavalry No A multiplier is used to indicate the number of
KR Diemar Heavy Cavalry No Unit counters with same name, except as follows.
KR Cordua Heavy Cavalry No
KR Wurmbrand Heavy Cavalry No All cavalry regiments are divided into 2 counters.
KR Carl Pálffy Heavy Cavalry No Cuirassiers have 1 affiliated Carabinier Auxiliary,
KR Portugal Heavy Cavalry No & Dragoons have an affiliated Horse Grenadier
KR Seher Heavy Cavalry No Auxiliary. These are not recorded elsewhere in
KR Podtzatazky Heavy Cavalry No the OoB. Exception: as indicated, KR Caraffa
KR Lubomirsky Heavy Cavalry No only has 1 Unit.
KR Lobkowitz Heavy Cavalry No Unless otherwise noted, all infantry regiments
KR Caraffa x1 Heavy Cavalry No consist of 3 (battalion) Units plus 2 Grenadier
DR Savoye Medium Cavalry No Auxiliaries. The latter are not recorded elsewhere
DR D’Ollone Medium Cavalry No in the OoB.
DR Bathyanÿ Medium Cavalry No
DR Althann Medium Cavalry No * Converged Grenadier unit (Ex. Rule 4.21). The
DR Würtemburg Medium Cavalry No 1st Class given is when used as a Unit, the 2nd
DR Lichtenstein Medium Cavalry No Class given is when used as an Auxiliary.
DR Koháry Medium Cavalry No
DR Khevenhüller Medium Cavalry No
DR Jörger Medium Cavalry No
DR Bayern Medium Cavalry No
DR Philippi Medium Cavalry No
HR Alte Desöffÿ Hussar Yes
HR Czáky Hussar Yes
HR Ghilyanÿ Hussar Yes
HR Károlÿ Hussar Yes
HR Pestwármegeÿ Hussar Yes
HR Splenÿ Hussar Yes
Geschwader Carabinier x4 Heavy Cavalry/Carabinier* Yes
Geschwader Grenadier x4 Medium Cavalry/Grenadier* Yes
IR Alt Würtemburg Line Infantry No
IR Alt Daun Line Infantry No
IR Karl Lotharingen Line Infantry No
IR Franz Lotharingen Line Infantry No
IR Wenzel Wallis Line Infantry No
IR Fürstenbusch Line Infantry No
IR Harrach Line Infantry No
IR Heister Line Infantry No
IR Jung Daun Line Infantry No
IR Marullÿ Line Infantry No
IR Müffling Line Infantry No
IR Ogilvi Line Infantry No
IR Baaden-Baaden Line Infantry No
IR Bayreuth Line Infantry No
IR Damnitz Line Infantry No
Name Class DP Notes:
IR Franz Wallis Line Infantry No
IR Göldÿ Line Infantry No IR = Infantrie Regiment
IR Möltke Line Infantry No KR = Kuirassier Regiment
DR = Dragoner Regiment
IR Max Hessen Line Infantry No
IR Sachsen-Hildeburghausen Line Infantry No HR = Huzaren Regiment
IR Königsegge Line Infantry No DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
IR Max Starhemberg Line Infantry No
IR Onelli Line Infantry No A multiplier is used to indicate the number of unit
IR Schmettau Line Infantry No counters with same name, except as follows.
IR Thüngen Line Infantry No All cavalry regiments are divided into 2 counters.
IR Vasquez Line Infantry No Cuirassiers have 1 affiliated Carabinier Auxiliary,
IR Alt Wölfenbuttel Line Infantry No & Dragoons have an affiliated Horse Grenadier
IR Wurmbrand Line Infantry No Auxiliary. These are not recorded elsewhere in
IR Schulemburg Line Infantry No the OoB. Exception: KR Caraffa only has 1 unit.
IR Seckendorff Line Infantry No
IR Walsegg Line Infantry No Unless otherwise noted, all infantry regiments
IR Wileczek Line Infantry No consist of 3 (battalion) units plus 2 Grenadier
IR Platz Line Infantry No Auxiliaries. These are not recorded elsewhere in
IR Reitzenstein Line Infantry No the OoB.
IR Salm-Salm Line Infantry No
* Converged Grenadier unit (Ex. Rule 4.21).
IR Jung Wölfenbuttel x2 & 2 Grenadier Line Infantry No
IR Witzler x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No §Military Border MZP forces (Ex. Rule 4.35).
IR Succow x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No See top of chart (page 1) for SP total. See also
IR Gylulaÿ x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No 4.45. These forces are a Frontier Contingent
IR Deutschmeister x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No (4.18).
IR de Vettes x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No
IR Traun x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No
IR Livingstein x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No
IR Diesbach x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No
IR Wachtendonck x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No
IR Alt Wallis x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No
IR Waldeck x1 & no Grenadiers Line Infantry No
Batallion Grenadier x8 Grenadier Foot Yes
Carstader Pandour Liccaner x6 Grenz§ Yes
Carstader Pandour Szuiner x2 Grenz§ Yes
Carstader Pandour Oguliner x2 Grenz§ Yes
Carstader Pandour Ottocaner x2 Grenz§ Yes
Warasdiner Pandour Creutzer x2 Grenz§ Yes
Warasdiner Pandour St. Georger x2 Grenz§ Yes
Slavonen Pandour Brooder x2 Grenz x1 Grenz Horse x1§ Yes
Slavonen Pandour Peterwaradiner x2 Grenz x1 Grenz Horse x1§ Yes
Slavonen Pandour Gradiscaner x2 Grenz§ Yes
Serbiener Pandour x6 Grenz§ Yes
Siebenburgen Land Miliz Kronstadt x1 Hussar§ Yes
Siebenburgen Land Miliz Hermanstadt x1 Hussar§ Yes
Slavonen Husaren x1 Hussar§ Yes
Maroser Banat Pandour x1 Grenz Horse§ Yes
Theißen Banat Pandour x2 Grenz Horse§ Yes
Bulgarische Land Miliz Grenz§ Yes
6.213 Auxiliaries Auxiliary Notes:
Name Class DP Multiplier indicates number of Auxiliaries with
Abteilung Ingenieur Korps x2 Pioneers No same name.
Abteilung Bergmänner Korps x2 Sappers No
Donau Tshaikisten x3 (A, B, & C) Boatmen No Boatmen match Gunboat Flotillas listed in 6.215.
Abteilung Pontonier Korps x2 Pontooneers No
Donau Flotille-Marinebatallion x1 Marines No
6.214 Artillery SPs Artillery Counters Notes:
Maximum number of Artillery SPs of each Class per
SPs Class Batterie Batallionkanone Battery Counters x12 HQ is 9. Arsenals may have an unlimited number of
12 Field Feldartillerie Field Artillery HQ markers x4 Artillery SPs.
3 Siege Belagerungartillerie Siege Artillery HQ markers x4 Artillery Markers are named by HQ.
SPs/Batteries from other Contingents are listed
separately; those SPs are not distinguished during
play except by their Battery Markers.
6.215 Available HQs & Other Items
Name Item Name Item
Die Kaiserliche Armee Grand Army HQ Garrison 1-20 Garrison HQ
Army von Serbien Army HQ Imperial Flotilla A, B, & C Gunboat Flotilla
Korps von Siebenburgen Army HQ
Korps von Bosnien Army HQ Gunboat SPs (for use in Flotillas) x12 total
Column A through D Column HQ

6.22 Bavarian Contingent & Reichsarmee Forces

Forces Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.32.
Name Class DP IR = Infantrie Regiment
DR Hohenzollern Medium Cavalry No KR = Kuirassier Regiment
DR Stulpnagel Medium Cavalry No DR = Dragoner Regiment
DR Kurfürsten Medium Cavalry No
IR Prinz Max-Josef Line Infantry No DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
IR Törring Line Infantry No A multiplier is used to indicate the number of Unit
IR Morawitzky Line Infantry No counters with same name, except as follows.
IR Minucci Line Infantry No
IR Trucheß Line Infantry No Bavarian DRs consist of a single-counter regiment
IR Preysing Line Infantry No & 1 horse Grenadier Auxiliary (not listed
IR Shärding Line Infantry No elsewhere).
Batallion Bayricher Grenadier x1* Grenadier Foot Yes Bavarian IRs consist of 1 (battalion) Unit & 1
Geschwader Bayricher Grenadier x1* Horse Grenadier Yes Grenadier Auxiliary (not listed elsewhere).
Bayricher Artillery SPs x3 (3 Batteries) Field No
IR Würzburg x1 & 1 Grenadier Line Infantry Reichsarmee No Reichsarmee forces (Ex. Rule 4.34) are Imperial
IR Kurkolnisches Leib x1 Guard Infantry Reichsarmee No Contingent but are received with the Bavarians.
IR Kurkolnisches Wildenstein x1 Line Infantry Reichsarmee No Kurmainz has 4 (battalion) Units; Kurtrier has 2
IR Kurmainz x4 & 1 Grenadier Line Infantry Reichsarmee No (battalion) Units. Neither has Grenadiers.
IR Kurtrier x2 Line Infantry Reichsarmee No
*Converged Grenadier unit (Ex. Rule 4.21).
Kurkolnisches Grenadier Companie Gren. Ft Aux. Reichsarmee No

6.23 Saxon Contingent

Forces Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.32.
Name Class DP IR = Infantrie Regiment
KR Kürprinz Heavy Cavalry No KR = Kuirassier Regiment
KR Maffey Heavy Cavalry No DR = Dragoner Regiment
KR Bestenbostel Heavy Cavalry No
DR Sonderhausen Medium Cavalry No DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
DR Chevalier de Saxe Medium Cavalry No A multiplier is used to indicate the number of unit
IR Sulkowsky Line Infantry No counters with same name, except as follows.
IR Saxe-Weißenfels Line Infantry No
IR Haxthausen Line Infantry No IRs consist of 2 (battalion) Units & 1 Grenadier
IR Rochau Line Infantry No Auxiliary (not listed elsewhere).
Batallion Sachsen Grenadier x1* Grenadier Foot Yes *Converged Grenadier unit (Ex. Rule 4.21).
Artillery SPs x3 (3 Batteries) Field No

6.24 Hessian Contingent

Forces Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.32.
Name Class DP IR = Infantrie Regiment
Hessen-Kassel Leib Reiter Regiment Heavy Cavalry No DR = Dragoner Regiment
DR von Lillenbrach Medium Cavalry No
IR Garde Regiment von Hessen-Kassel Guard Infantry No DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
IR Prinz Karl Line Infantry No A multiplier is used to indicate the number of unit
IR Calenwijk Line Infantry No counters with same name, except as follows.
IR Prinz Maximillian Line Infantry No
Batallion Hessen Grenadier x2* Grenadier Foot Yes Hessian IRs consist of 2 (battalion) Units & 2
Artillery SPs x2 (2 Batteries) Field No Grenadier Auxiliaries (not listed elsewhere).
*Converged Grenadier unit (Ex. Rule 4.21).
6.25 Montenegrin Contingent
Forces Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.323.
Name Class DP “DP” = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Montenegrin Pandour x3 Mountaineer Yes Multiplier indicates number of Units with same name.
Add 3 SPs to Imperial Muster Zone Pool when received.

6.26 Italian (Modenese) Contingent

Name Class DP Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.32.
IR della Palude x3 & 3 Grenadiers Line Infantry No
“DP” = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Artillery SPs x1 (1 Battery) Field No
Multiplier indicates number of Units with same name.

6.27 Leaders
Name Rank Faction Notes:
Großherzog Franz Stephan von Toscana Royal Lorraine
Feldmarshal Lothar J. Graf von Königsegge-Rothenfels Marshal Either At the start of a scenario,
Feldmarshal Georg O. Graf von Wallis Marshal Either determine the Faction to which
each Leader belongs, per Ex.
General der Cavallerie Ludwig A. Graf von Khevenhüller Marshal Either
General der Cavallerie Christian S. Graf von Wurmbrand Marshal Either Rule 3.4.
General der Cavallerie Johann C. Seherr Freiherr von Tost Marshal Either Note that a few Leaders only
General der Cavallerie Victor Graf Philippi Marshal Either belong to one Faction.
Feldzugmeister Georg C. Fürst von Lobkowitz Marshal Either
Feldzugmeister Samuel Freiherr von Schmettau Marshal Either Bavarian and Saxon Leaders are
Feldzugmeister Wilhelm R. Graf von Neipperg Marshal Either received with their respective
Feldzugmeister Joseph Fürst von Sachsen-Hildeburghausen Marshal Either Contingents.
Feldzugmeister Francesco Cavaliere Marullo Marshal Either See Ex. Rule 4.28 for the
Feldzugmeister Friedrich H. Graf von Seckendorff Marshal Either Admiral.
General der C. Alexander J. Graf von Sulkowsky (Saxon Contingent) Marshal Either
Feldmarshallieutenant F. Wenzel von Wallis General Either See Ex. Rule 3.22 for the Royal.
Feldmarshallieutenant Graf von Berlichingen General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Károlyi J. Fürst von Batthyány General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Carl H. Conte di Chauviray General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Karl Fürst von Lotharingen General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Willhelm Prinz zu Sachsen-Gotha General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Antonio Botta Conte d’Adorno General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Thügen General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Wenzel A. Fürst von Liechtenstein General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Ballayra General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Heinrich Ferdinand Müffling General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Freiherr von Stein General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Miglio General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Damnitz General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Peter Freiherr Göldÿ Fieffenau General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Chanclos General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Karl August F. Fürst zu Waldeck Graf von Pyrmont General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Jószef Graf Esterházy de Galantha General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Franz de Paula Herr und Freiherr von Stubenburg General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Julius Heinrich G. Friesen General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Johann D. Freiherr von Fürstenbusch General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Kavanagh General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Karl Sigismond F. W. Baron Leutrum General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Römer General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Guadagni General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Erst A. Freiherr von Petrasch General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Succow General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Styrüm General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Wittorff General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Wuscheletitz General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant Friederich A. Graf von Rutowsky (Saxon Contingent) General Either
Feldmarshallieutenant von Thörring (Bavarian Contingent) General Bavarian
Admiral Gian Luca di Pallavincini-Centurioni Admiral Either
For all scenarios, if no quantity is given for a regiment or other item, all elements with the same name are present (example: under 7.11
“at Vipolanka”, 1st item, “KR Cordua”. By the OoB, this consists of 2 Unit counters and a Carabinier Company Auxiliary. Since no
quantity is given, both Unit counters are located here, and the Carabinier is Available – thus placed in the Available Box or assigned to a
Converged Unit).
IR Alt Würtemburg x2 battalions
IR Seckendorff x2 battalions
7.1 THE SWORD OF ALI IR Marullÿ x2 battalions
The Balkan Campaign of 1737 IR Göldÿ x2 battalions
IR Jung Wölfenbuttel x2 battalions
7.11 von Seckendorff’s Command
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)
At Vipolanka (TK2/Titril/ESE7)
HR Alte Desöffÿ
KR Cordua HR Splenÿ
KR Portugal
KR Lobkowitz Historical Leaders
KR Hohenembs Franz von Lotharingen (Royal)
Seckendorff (Adlatus)
KR Wurmbrand
KR C. Palffy Philippi
KR Hohenzollern Wuschletitz
DR Althann W. Wallis
DR Würtemburg Petrasch
DR Bayern Styrüm
DR Lichtenstein Batthyany
IR Max Starhemberg x2 battalions Kavanagh
IR Schulemburg x2 battalions At Peterwardein (TK2/Titril/SW2)
IR Karl Lotharingen x2 battalions
IR Onelli x2 battalions IR Thüngen x1 battalion
IR Baaden-Baaden x 1 battalion At Belgrade (TK2/Titril/SSE8)
IR Harrach x1 battalion
IR Vasquez x2 battalions IR Alt Würtemburg x1 battalion
IR Franz Wallis x2 battalions IR Marully x1 battalion
IR Damnitz x1 battalion IR Göldÿ x1 battalion
IR Fürstenbusch x1 battalion
At Sabatz (TK2/Titril/SSW6)
IR Bayreuth x1 battalion
IR Heister x2 battalions IR Seckendorff x1 battalion
IR Müffling x2 battalions
IR Wenzel Wallis x2 battalions At Temesvár (TK2/Titril/NE7)
IR Königsegge x1 battalion IR Bayreuth x2 battalions
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role) At Alt Orsova (TK3/Ribnik/WSW10)
HR Czáky IR Wileczek x1 battalion
Historical Leaders At Neu Orsova (TK3/Ribnik/WSW9)
Wurmbrand IR Heister x1 battalion
Leutrum IR Onelli x 1 battalion
Miglio 7.12 von Sachsen-Hildeburghausen’s Command
At Gradiska (TK1/Sisak/SE7)
At Semlin (TK2/Titril/S4)
KR Diemar
KR J. Palffy DR Khevenhüller
KR Hamilton DR Jörger
KR Caraffa DR D’Ollone
KR Lanthieri IR Alt Wölfenbuttel x3 battalions
KR Seher IR Reitzenstein x3 battalions
DR Philippi IR Jung Daun x2 battalions
DR Bathyanÿ IR Möltke x2 battalions
DR Savoye IR Platz x2 battalions
IR Wileczek x2 battalions IR Franz Lotharingen x3 battalions
IR Ogilvi x2 battalions
IR Max Hessen x3 battalions
IR Schmettau x3 battalions
IR Königsegge x2 battalions
IR Thüngen x2 battalions
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role) 7.15 Auxiliaries
HR Károlÿ All Auxiliaries listed under 6.213 are in the Available Box.
Historical Leaders
Boatmen may be Tasked to Depôts during initial deployment.
Sachsen-Hildeburghausen Exceptions:
Succow DP Units not listed under 7.11-7.14 are initially assigned to the
Römer Imperial Muster Zone Pool and are not Formed. See 7.18.
7.13 Siebenburgen Command Grenadiers & Carabinier Companies belonging to the Cavalry
and Infantry regiments listed under 7.11-7.14 are available,
Restricted by Ex. Rule 4.33.
even if only one (1) of the Unit counters is in play. If none of
At any Fortifications in Transylvania the Unit counters are in play, that regiment’s associated
Auxiliaries are not in play either.
Historically, Army HQ, & in consequence most force concentrations,
were at Hermanstadt 7.16 Leaders
KR Podtzatazky All Imperial Leaders, per 6.27, in the Officers’ Mess, except as
KR Hautois noted below.
KR Lubomirsky
DR Koháry Saxon & Bavarian Leaders are received with their respective
IR Baaden-Baaden x2 battalions Contingents and not before.
IR Harrach x2 battalions
Franz Stephan is not in play at game start. He arrives per Ex.
IR Vasquez x1 battalion
Rule 3.22.
IR Franz Wallis x1 battalion
IR Damnitz x2 battalions 7.17 Artillery & Supply
IR Fürstenbusch x2 battalions
IR Müffling x1 battalion Artillery as listed under 6.214. Artillery SPs may be assigned to
IR Wenzel Wallis x1 battalion any Formed HQ(s), or remain in the Arsenal, as desired.

Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role) Gunboat Flotillas as listed under 6.215.

HR Ghilyanÿ 4 Depôts may be deployed at Full in any Friendly Fortifications

HR Pestwármegeÿ on the map.

Historical Leaders 7.18 Military Border MZP

F. Wallis
Fürstenbusch 35 SPs per 6.212
Associated counters listed at bottom of 6.211. The 6 Hussar
7.14 Adriatic Command Regiments (HR) listed on page 1 of the OoB are NOT included
in this pool (Ex. Rule 4.352).
Restricted by Ex. Rule 4.33.
These forces may deploy as Units, as Auxiliaries, or remain as
Hex references: Fiume (TK1/Sisak/WSW10) SPs in the pool, as desired.
Laybach (TK1/Sisak/NW10)
7.19 Reinforcements
At Trieste (off West TK Map edge 11 Road MPs from
Fiume) The following are available to be Formed (and may be Formed
during deployment):
IR Alt Wallis x1 battalion
IR Livingstein x1 battalion All HQs 6.215
IR de Vettes x1 battalion All Garrisons 6.215
IR Deutschmeister x1 battalion Batallion Grenadier (Converged Grenadier units) x8
Geschwader Carabinier (Converged Carabinier units) x4
At Fiume Geschwader Grenadier (Converged Grenadier units) x4
IR Diesbach x1 battalion Force Allocations
IR Succow x1 battalion
IR Watchtendonck x1 battalion A number of variable Reinforcements can be received. For each
of these, consult the Force Allocation Table (found at the end
At Gradisca d’Isonso (off West TK Map 6 Road MPs from of this booklet) after set up, but before commencing play. The
Laybach) procedures described in Ex. Rule 3.1 are followed, but for the
IR Traun x1 battalion arrival of forces, count the number of elapsed Turns as if the
FAT had been consulted on the last Turn of the previous Year
At Görz (off West TK Map 5 Road MPs from Laybach) (i.e. when it would have been consulted in a Campaign Game).
The following are the potential Reinforcements that may be
IR Gylulaÿ x1 battalion
1) The Saxons, as listed under 6.23, plus Leaders Sulkowsky &
Rutowsky. Historically, Arrive per FAT: their receipt has
already been confirmed – roll only to determine the Turn of
Historical Note: the corps had only reached Moravia by May; parts of 7.22 Winter Quarters Off Map
it arrived in time to assist with operations against Widdin. Sulkowsky
was the corps commander. Enter per scenario special rule (last paragraph of 7.2 special
2) The Montenegrins, as listed under 6.25 per Ex. Rule 4.323.
Pressburg & Upper Hungary Districts
3) Imperial Replacements. The Turns prior to scenario start are
not counted. KR Hamilton
KR J. Palffy
Campaign Game Add:
KR Seher
4) Additional Imperial Forces. All remaining Imperial Infantry KR Hohenzollern
Regiment (IR) Unit counters, including Units that belong to DR Savoye
Imperial IRs listed for this scenario, but not themselves listed in DR Lichtenstein
sections 7.11–7.14 may be Formed with Replacement SPs.. If a IR Karl Lotharingen x2 battalions
counter of an Imperial IR is entered as a Reinforcement for the IR Heister x2 battalions
first time, even if only 1 battalion is entered, all its associated IR Thüngen x2 battalions
Grenadier Auxiliaries are immediately added to the Available IR Göldÿ x2 battalions
Box. IR Schmettau x2 battalions
5) All remaining Contingents are available per Ex. Rule 3.1. Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)
Historical Note: as of 1736, IR Sachsen-Hildeburghausen was in Italy, HR Czáky
Walsegg & Salm-Salm in “the Reich”, Alt Daun & Wurmbrand in the HR Károlÿ
Austrian Netherlands. The remainder of the IR & the missing battalions
from some Italian-based regiments (not used at all in the game) Großwardein District
remained in the latter two locations throughout the war.
KR Hohenembs
The Banat, 1738 DR Althann
IR Schulemburg x1 battalion
7.21 Winter Quarters On Map IR Thüngen x1 battalion
Units may not be Subordinated to HQs, only to Garrisons. IR Max Starhemberg x1 battalion
IR Göldÿ x1 battalion
Anywhere in The Banat IR Platz x1 battalion
IR Schmettau x1 battalion
KR Lubomirsky
IR Alt Wölfenbuttel x1 battalion
KR Wurmbrand
IR Müffling x3 battalions Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)
IR Franz Wallis x3 battalions
IR Bayreuth x3 battalions HR Splenÿ
IR Wileczek x2 battalions Edenburg District
IR Heister x1 battalion
IR Onelli x 3 battalions KR Diemar
DR Khevenhüller
Within 4 Hexes of Semlin (TK2/Titril/S4) DR Philippi
KR Lanthieri DR Jörger
IR Ogilvi x3 battalions DR Bayern
IR Seckendorff x3 battalions IR Platz x2 battalions
IR Alt Würtemburg x3 battalions Ofen District
IR Marully x3 battalions
KR C. Palffy
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role) DR D’Ollone
HR Alte Desöffÿ IR Jung Wölfenbuttel x2 battalions
IR Alt Wölfenbuttel x2 battalions
Within 3 hexes of Semlin (TK2/Titril/S4) IR Max Starhemberg x2 battalions
KR Caraffa 7.23 Siebenburgen Command
IR Königsegge x3 battalions
IR Franz Lotharingen x3 battalions Restricted by Ex. Rule 4.33.

Anywhere in Slavonia At any Fortifications in Transylvania

DR Würtemburg KR Podtzatazky
IR Wileczek x1 battalion KR Hautois
IR Max Hessen x3 battalions KR Cordua
IR Möltke x3 battalions KR Portugal
IR Reitzenstein x3 battalions DR Koháry
DR Bathyanÿ
Anywhere in Croatia IR Baaden-Baaden x3 battalions
IR Jung Daun x3 battalions IR Harrach x3 battalions
IR Vasquez x3 battalions
IR Karl Lotharingen x1 battalion
IR Damnitz x3 battalions >>>>more
IR Fürstenbusch x3 battalions
IR Wenzel Wallis x3 battalions 7.27 Artillery & Supply

Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role) Artillery as listed under 6.214. Artillery SPs are assigned to the
HR Ghilyanÿ
HR Pestwármegeÿ Gunboat Flotillas as listed under 6.215.

7.24 Adriatic Command Up to 2 Depôts may be deployed at Reduced strength in any

Friendly Fortifications on the map.
Restricted by Ex. Rule 4.33.
7.28 Military Border MZP
Hex references: Fiume (TK1/Sisak/WSW10)
Laybach (TK1/Sisak/NW10) 35 SPs per 6.212

At Trieste (off West TK Map edge 11 Road MPs from Associated counters listed at bottom of 6.211. The 6 HRs listed
Fiume) on page 1 of the OoB are NOT included in this pool (Ex. Rule
IR Alt Wallis x1 battalion
IR Livingstein x1 battalion These forces are all in the pool.
IR de Vettes x1 battalion 7.29 Reinforcements
IR Deutschmeister x1 battalion
The following are available to be Formed:
At Fiume
All HQs 6.215
IR Diesbach x1 battalion All Garrisons 6.215
IR Succow x1 battalion Batallion Grenadier (Converged Grenadier units) x8
IR Watchtendonck x1 battalion Geschwader Carabinier (Converged Carabinier units) x4
At Gradisca d’Isonso (off West TK Map 6 Road MPs from Geschwader Grenadier (Converged Grenadier units) x4
Laybach) Important. No HQs may be Formed at scenario start.
IR Traun x1 battalion Force Allocations
At Görz (off West TK Map 5 Road MPs from Laybach) A number of variable Reinforcements can be received. For each
IR Gylulaÿ x1 battalion of these, consult the Force Allocation Table (found at the end
of this booklet) after set up, but before commencing play. The
7.25 Auxiliaries procedures described in Ex. Rule 3.1 are followed, but for the
arrival of forces, count the number of elapsed Turns as if the
All Auxiliaries listed under 6.213 are in the Available Box.
FAT had been consulted on the last Turn of the previous Year
Boatmen may be Tasked to Depôts during initial deployment.
(i.e. when it would have been consulted in a Campaign Game).
After Deployment, roll one (1) die. Randomly select that many The following are the potential Reinforcements that may be
Auxiliaries and place them in the Recovery Box. Dual-Purpose received:
units are not exempt, if they have been deployed in an
1) Additional Imperial Forces. All remaining Imperial Infantry
Auxiliary role.
Regiment (IR) Unit counters, including Units that belong to
Exceptions: Imperial IRs listed for this scenario, but not themselves listed in
sections 7.21–7.24 may be Formed with Replacement SPs.. If a
DP Units not listed under 7.21-7.24 are initially assigned to the counter of an Imperial IR is entered as a Reinforcement for the
Imperial Muster Zone Pool and are not Formed. See 7.28. first time, even if only 1 battalion is entered, all its associated
Grenadiers & Carabinier Companies belonging to the Cavalry Grenadier Auxiliaries are immediately added to the Available
and Infantry regiments listed under 7.21-7.24 are available, Box.
even if only one (1) of the Unit counters is in play. If none of 2) The Bavarians, as listed under 6.22, plus Leader Törring.
the Unit counters are in play, that regiment’s associated
Auxiliaries are not in play either. Historical Note: the negotiations over the use of Bavarian troops took
so long (involving the question of whether the rival Imperial candidate,
7.26 Leaders Franz Stephan, would step aside from command – he did) that they did
not arrive in theatre until the war was over – in the following year!
All Imperial and Saxon Leaders, per 6.27, in the Officers’
Mess. 3) The Saxons, as listed under 6.23, plus Leaders Sulkowsky &
Rutowsky. When determining starting CE values, apply the
Großherzog Franz von Lotharingen (Royal), with F.M. von same modifier as the Imperial Contingent.
Königsegge-Rothenfels as his Adlatus (Ex. Rule 3.324), are
automatically Posted to the Grand Army HQ when it is Formed 4) The other Contingents (Hessians, Montenegrins, &
(historically, at Temesvár). Modenese) are NOT available in this scenario.

The Bavarian Leader is received with his Contingent. 5) Imperial Replacements. The Turns prior to scenario start are
not counted.
7.3 TURKISH DELIGHT 7.32 Other Forces in Main Theatre
The Siege of Belgrade, 1739
At Temesvár, or In Garrison in Slavonia, Croatia,
7.31 von Wallis’ Command Hungary, the Banat, or Serbia
(Unless at Temesvár, forces to be In Garrison. Note that there
At Belgrade, In Garrison (TK2/Titril/SSE8) is Plague in the Banat that requires a Cordon to prevent
IR Ogilvi x2 battalions Spread. Forces at Temesvár may begin subordinated to HQs.)
IR Della Palude (Modenese) x1 battalion KR Lubomirsky
IR Alte Daun x2 battalions KR C. Palffy
IR Jung Daun x2 battalions KR Seher
IR Königsegge x1 battalion KR Hohenembs
IR Möltke x1 battalion DR Würtemburg
IR Marully x2 battalions DR D’Ollone
IR Jung Wölfenbuttel x2 battalions DR Khevenhüller
IR Schulemburg x2 battalions IR Salm-Salm x3 battalions
IR Bayreuth x2 battalions IR Onelli x3 battalions
IR Müffling x2 battalions IR Franz Lotharingen x1 battalion
Grenz Battalions x5 battalions§ IR Seckendorff x1 battalion
Historical Leaders‡ IR Göldÿ x1 battalion
IR Platz x1 battalion
Succow – Garrison Commander IR Schmettau x1 battalion
At Semlin (TK2/Titril/S4) IR Ogilvi x1 battalion
IR Reitzenstein x1 battalion
KR Hohenzollern IR Alt Wölfenbuttel x1 battalion
KR Wurmbrand IR Walsegg x1 battalion
KR J. Palffy IR Thüngen x1 battalion
KR Caraffa IR Karl Lotharingen x1 battalion
KR Diemar IR Max Hessen x1 battalion
KR Lanthieri IR Franz Wallis x1 battalion
KR Hamilton IR Schulemburg x1 battalion
DR Althann IR Bayreuth x1 battalion
DR Bayern IR Müffling x1 battalion
DR Savoye
IR Franz Lotharingen x2 battalions Saxons
IR Seckendorff x2 battalions KR Kürprinz
IR Marully x1 battalion KR Maffey
IR Heister x2 battalions KR Bestenbostel
IR Göldÿ x2 battalions DR Sonderhausen
IR Platz x2 battalions DR Chevalier de Saxe
IR Würtzburg x1 battalion IR Sulkowsky
IR Möltke x2 battalions IR Saxe-Weißenfels
IR Schmettau x2 battalions IR Haxthausen
IR Alte Daun x1 battalion IR Rochau
IR Jung Daun x1 battalion Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)
IR Reitzenstein x2 battalions
IR Königsegge x2 battalions HR Károlÿ
IR Alt Wölfenbuttel x2 battalions HR Czáky
IR Walsegg x2 battalions
At Temesvár In Garrison (TK2/Titril/NE7)
IR Thüngen x2 battalions
IR Della Palude (Modenese) x2 battalions DR Philippi
IR Karl Lotharingen x2 battalions IR Max Starhemberg x3 battalions
IR Max Hessen x2 battalions IR Heister x1 battalion
IR Franz Wallis x2 battalions
Grenz Battalions x6 battalions§ Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)

Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role) HR Alte Desöffÿ

Historical Leaders‡
HR Splenÿ
FzM Neipperg
Historical Leaders‡
FM Wallis
7.33 Siebenburgen Command 7.37 Military Border MZP
Restricted by Ex. Rule 4.33. 35 SPs per 6.212
At any Fortifications in Transylvania Associated counters listed at bottom of 6.211. The 6 HRs listed
on page 1 of the OoB are NOT included in this pool (Ex. Rule
KR Podtzatazky 4.352).
KR Hautois
KR Cordua These forces may deploy as Units, as Auxiliaries, or remain as
KR Lobkowitz SPs in the pool, as desired.
KR Portugal
DR Koháry Exception:
DR Bathyanÿ §5 Grenz Dual-Purpose units must be deployed In Garrison at
DR Lichtenstein Belgrade. 6 more must be deployed as units at Semlin. Subtract
IR Baaden-Baaden x3 battalions 11 SPs from the Muster Zone Pool.
IR Harrach x3 battalions
IR Vasquez x3 battalions 7.38 Auxiliaries
IR Damnitz x3 battalions All Auxiliaries listed under 6.213. No Modenese Auxiliaries
IR Fürstenbusch x3 battalions
are in play at start. Saxon Auxiliaries are.
IR Wenzel Wallis x3 battalions
*Plus the Grenadier & Carabinier Auxiliaries listed under each
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role) Command. These Auxiliaries have been divided by Command
HR Ghilyanÿ for historical interest only: there is one Available/Recovery
HR Pestwármegeÿ Box.
Historical Leaders‡ After Deployment, roll one (1) die. Randomly select that many
FM Lobkowitz Auxiliaries and place them in the Recovery Box. Dual-Purpose
F. Wallis units are not exempt, if they have been deployed in an
Fürstenbusch Auxiliary role.
7.39 Reinforcements
7.34 Adriatic Command
The following are available to be Formed:
Restricted by Ex. Rule 4.33.
All HQs 6.215
Hex references: Fiume (TK1/Sisak/WSW10) All Garrisons 6.215
Laybach (TK1/Sisak/NW10) Batallion Grenadier (Converged Grenadier units) x8
At Trieste (off West TK Map edge 11 Road MPs from Geschwader Carabinier (Converged Carabinier units) x4
Fiume) Geschwader Grenadier (Converged Grenadier units) x4

IR Alt Wallis x1 battalion Important. No HQs may be Formed at scenario start.

IR Livingstein x1 battalion Force Allocations
IR de Vettes x1 battalion
IR Deutschmeister x1 battalion A number of variable Reinforcements can be received. For each
of these, consult the Force Allocation Table (found at the end
At Fiume of this booklet) after set up, but before commencing play. The
IR Diesbach x1 battalion procedures described in Ex. Rule 3.1 are followed, but for the
IR Succow x1 battalion arrival of forces, count the number of elapsed Turns as if the
IR Watchtendonck x1 battalion FAT had been consulted on the last Turn of the previous Year
(i.e. when it would have been consulted in a Campaign Game).
At Gradisca d’Isonso (off West TK Map 6 Road MPs from The following are the potential Reinforcements that may be
Laybach) received:
IR Traun x1 battalion 1) Additional Imperial Forces & Modenese. All remaining
At Görz (off West TK Map 5 Road MPs from Laybach) Imperial Infantry Regiment (IR) Unit counters, including Units
that belong to Imperial IRs listed for this scenario, but not
IR Gylulaÿ x1 battalion themselves listed in sections 7.31–7.34 may be Formed with
Replacement SPs.. If a counter of an Imperial IR is entered as a
7.35 Leaders Reinforcement for the first time, even if only 1 battalion is
All Imperial Leaders, per 6.27, in the Officers’ Mess. entered, all its associated Grenadier Auxiliaries are
immediately added to the Available Box.
7.36 Artillery & Supply
2) The Bavarians, as listed under 6.22, plus Leader Törring
Artillery as listed under 6.214, plus the Modenese & Saxon Arrive per Reinforcement Request Table. NB. Per the table, the
SPs. Artillery SPs are assigned as desired. chances of the Bavarians becoming available are very slim.
Gunboat Flotillas as listed under 6.215. 3) The other Contingents (Hessians, & Montenegrins) are NOT
available in this scenario.
2 Depôts may be deployed at Full strength in any Friendly
Fortifications on the map. 3) Imperial Replacements. The Turns prior to scenario start are
not counted.
The Russo-Austro-Turkish War: Balkan Theatre
Grand Campaign 1737-39
Campaign Scenario deployment is identical to Scenario 7.1 (sections 7.11 through 7.19).
The Russo-Austro-Turkish War
Grand Campaign 1735-39
Campaign Scenario deployment is identical to Scenario 7.1 (sections 7.11 through 7.19) for all three scenario start dates.
Before the Imperial Side enters the game, consult the FAT on the Nov-Dec 1737 Turn to determine what Loaned Contingents may enter
play in 1737. Begin checking for their arrival on the first (1st) Turn of 1737. If any arrive before play begins, they may be deployed in any
locations containing Imperial Units (Auxiliaries, Leaders, etc. are deployed according to their nature). The Military Border MZP
Expeditionary Limits for 1737 are in force when the Imperial Side enters play. Replacements begin when the Imperial Side enters play.
1736 0-2 0 NA NA NA
1737 0-7 0-4 0 NA 0-2 **Special**
1738 0-8 0-2 0-3 0 0-4
1739 0-5 NA 0-7 0-3 0-7

Entry? 0-1 0-1 0-1 0 0-2 0-4


Nov-Dec – 2 2 1737 12
Dec-Jan – 3/1 3/1 1738 15
Jan – 3/1 3/1 1739 15
Jan-Feb – 3 2
Military Border expeditionary SPs = those
Feb-Mar – 3 2 SPs that may operate outside their MZP
Mar-Apr – 2 2 Territories. Limitation applies from
Apr-May – 2 1 calendar Year to calendar Year. Actual
May – 2 1 counters can vary throughout the Year so
May-June 1 1 1 long as SP limits are kept.
June-Jul 1 1 0
Jul-Aug 0 0 0 The following modifier applies to Imperial
Aug 0 0 0 Replacements: reduce SPs by one (1) to a
Aug-Sep 1 1 0 minimum of zero (0) if there is a Plague
Outbreak (Ex. Rule 3.54) on the TK maps.
Sep-Oct 2 1/1 1
Oct 2 1 1
Oct-Nov 2 1/1 1
Explanation: for Loaned Contingents, consult the upper table in the Reinforcement step of the Administrative Phase of each
November-December Turn. Cross-index the coming Year (not the current Year) and roll one (1) die for each Contingent. If
the result falls within the range given that Contingent has been received. Starting with the first (1st) Turn of the calendar Year,
consult the “Entry?” row each Turn during the Reinforcement step of the Administrative Phase, and roll one (1) die per
Contingent that has been received but that has not yet arrived. If the result falls within the given range, the Contingent arrives
this Turn and its forces may immediately enter a Reinforcements. Once a Contingent has been received it will eventually
arrive; keep checking each Turn until it does so.
For all Loaned Contingent receipt die rolls (not Entry? die rolls), take (Opposing Faction Influence – Player Faction
Influence)/2 and add the result to the die roll. If there is a Plague Outbreak on the TK maps add one (+1) to all Loaned
Contingent receipt die rolls.
**Montenegro. This Contingent is automatically received if the Imperial Side Controls Novi Pazar (TK6/Uzhice/SE7) or any
Town in Montenegro at the time the FAT is consulted. Note that the Imperial player must still check for their Turn of entry.
The SPs are added to the Imperial Frontier MZP, per Ex. Rule 4.323.
Imperial Replacements. This section is used to generate small numbers of Reinforcement SPs that can be used to Form Units
(or Auxiliaries) in the dead pile (including Imperial Contingent counters that have not yet entered play). SPs can be saved up
and spent in the Reinforcement step of any Administrative Phase. 1st number is Infantry, 2nd number (if any) is Cavalry.
Entry Locations: all new forces enter via the North or West TK map edges within the bounds of Imperial-Controlled
Territory. Exceptions: Military Border forces appear within the Military Border MZP Territories; non-Reichsarmee Imperial
Contingent Units may appear at any Friendly-Controlled Grade 6 Fortification in Imperial-Controlled Territory.

Türkenkrieg/Heirs of the Golden Horde Imperial OoB & Scenario Booklet ©2008 Red Sash Games & Ian Weir
Türkenkrieg – Heirs of the Golden Horde Ottoman OoB & Scenario Booklet ©2008 Red Sash Games & Ian Weir

The following lists indicate the Units, Auxiliaries, Artillery SPs, Leaders, and HQs; the same forces are available in each scenario, subject to any special
directions. Dispositions are given in the Scenario Deployment section. Dispositions are given in the Scenario Deployment section. Because historical
information about Ottoman forces is limited, the deployment information is very brief – reference the OoB lists for details. Unless specifically assigned a
role by the scenario, Dual-Purpose Units (4.27) beginning a scenario in a Formed state may be deployed either as Units or Auxiliaries, as the Ottoman
player sees fit. Units for each Frontier Defence/Provincial Army pool are listed with each Provincial Army’s forces and are the same in every scenario.

6.31 Kapikulu Askerleri (Regular Army) Forces

6.311 Infantry & Cavalry Units Notes:
* Converged Grenadier Unit (Ex. Rule 4.21)
Name TK HGH Class DP?
– see Auxiliaries section for “breakdowns”.
Müteferrikas Sipahi Alay 2 Guard Heavy Cavalry No ‡Cema’at Janissaries are part of the
Sipahiyan Oghlan Sipahi Alay 16 Heavy Cavalry No Kapikulu Askerleri Contingent, but are
Silâdaran Sipahi Alay 12 Heavy Cavalry No assigned to Eyâlet Askerleri MZPs because
Ulûfeciyan-i Yemin Sipahi Alay 1 Heavy Cavalry No
they are returned to those MZPs per Ex.
Ulûfeciyan-i Yesar Sipahi Alay 1 Heavy Cavalry No Rule 4.422. They are deployed as listed in
Gureba-i Yemin Sipahi Alay 1 Heavy Cavalry No the Eyâlet Askerleri sections (6.32-6.34).
Gureba-i Yesar Sipahi Alay 1 Heavy Cavalry No
§Eligible for Mutiny (Ex. Rule Ex. Rule
Mixed Sekban Janissary Ortas 6§ Line Infantry No 4.455+).
Elite Bölük Janissary Ortas 10§ Guard Infantry No TK/HGH columns indicate number of
Bölük Janissary Ortas 24§ Line Infantry No
counters provided in each game; these are
Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas 10‡§ 15‡§ Line Infantry No not deployment restrictions.
Humbarasi Alay 2 Grenadier Foot* Yes “DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).

6.312 Auxiliaries Notes:

TK/HGH columns indicate number of counters
Name TK HGH Class DP? provided in each game; these are n o t
Humbarasi Bölük 10 – Grenadier No
deployment restrictions.
Laghimçilars 2 1 Pioneers & Sappers No “DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Top Arabaçilari Levents 2 2 Marines No
Kayit Bulunamadi 2 1 Pontooneers No
Betakish 1 2 Dervish No
Deli Alay 3 3 Guide No

6.313 Artillery Item Notes:

Multiplier indicates number of counters with
SPs Class Top Batarya x14 Battery Counters same name.
14 Field Topshu Ocaghi x4 Field Artillery SP markers
6 Siege Humbaraçilar x4 Siege Artillery SP markers

6.314 Available HQs

Name Item
Padishah Ordu–in Rumeli Grand Army HQ
Kolordu–in Çok Tural Army HQ
Kolordu–in Silistre Army HQ
Kolordu–in Bosna Army HQ
Kol A through Kol F Column HQ
Wlach Coloana A (Wallachian) Column HQ
Wlach Coloana B (Moldavian) Column HQ
Bujak Tatar Tirkem (Bujak Horde) Column HQ
Kürtçe Kol (Kurdish) Column HQ
Dummy x2 Dummy Formation
Garrison 1-20 TK Garrison HQ
Garrison 21-30 HGH Garrison HQ

6.32 Ottoman Naval Forces

Balkan Gunboat Flotillas Black Sea Fleet Max SPs
Morava Flotilla Gunboat Flotilla Karadeniz Filo (Black Sea Fleet) 9 Naval Flotilla
Danube Flotilla Gunboat Flotilla Azakdeniz Filotilla (Azov Flotilla) 3 Naval Flotilla
Gunboat SPs (for use in Balkan Flotillas) 6 Total Naval SPs 12
6.33 Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri (Bosnian Provincial Army) MZP Frontier Contingent
Infantry & Cavalry Units Total SPs for the Army = 32 Notes:
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP? Sipahis are 2-counter regiments.
Bosnian Sipahi 14 Medium Cavalry No
Bosnian Süvari Alay 4 Irregular Horse Yes
Bosnian Azaps 2 Line Infantry No
Bosnian Tüfekçis 7 Mountaineer Yes
Bosnian Gönüllüyan 5 Mountaineer Yes

6.34 Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri (Silistrian Provincial Army) Frontier Contingent

Infantry & Cavalry Units Total SPs for the Army = 38 + 7 C.J. Notes:
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP? Sipahis are 2-counter regiments.
Silistrian Sipahi 14 Medium Cavalry No C.J. = Cema’at Janissary
Silistrian Süvari Alay 4 Irregular Horse Yes
Silistrian Azaps 4 Line Infantry No
Silistrian Tüfekçis 8 Irregular Yes
Silistrian Gönüllüyan 8 Irregular Yes

6.35 Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri (Rumelian Provincial Army) MZP Militia Contingent
Infantry & Cavalry Units Total SPs for the Army = 50 + 3 C.J. Notes:
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP? Sipahis are 2-counter regiments.
Rumelian Sipahi 18 Medium Cavalry No C.J. = Cema’at Janissary
Rumelian Süvari Alay 8 Irregular Horse Yes
Rumelian Azaps 6 Line Infantry No
Rumelian Tüfekçis 9 Irregular Yes
Rumelian Gönüllüyan 9 Irregular Yes

6.36 Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri (Anatolian Provincial Army) MZP Militia Contingent
Infantry & Cavalry Units Total SPs for the Army = 48 Notes:
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP? Sipahis are 2-counter regiments.
Anatolian Sipahi 12 Medium Cavalry No
Anatolian Süvari Alay 6 Irregular Horse Yes
Anatolian Azaps 6 Line Infantry No
Anatolian Tüfekçis 6 Irregular Yes
Anatolian Levends 8 Irregular Yes
Anatolian Yörüks 10 Mountaineers Yes

6.37 Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri (Ezerum Provincial Army) MZP Frontier Contingent
Infantry & Cavalry Units Total SPs for the Army = 42 + 15 C.J. Notes:
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP? Sipahis are 2-counter regiments.
Ezerum Sipahi 12 Medium Cavalry No C.J. = Cema’at Janissary. Cema’at Janissaries of the
Ezerum Süvari Alay 6 Irregular Horse Yes eastern provinces were at the disposal of the Bey of
Ezerum Azaps 4 Line Infantry No Trabezond (in the game, the Ezerum MZP) for use
Ezerum Tüfekçis 10 Mountaineer Yes in the Black Sea coastal garrisons. These SPs can be
Ezerum Levends 10 Mountaineer Yes located anywhere on the HGH maps (not just on the
6.38 Mezopotamya Eyâlet Askerleri (Iraqi Provincial Army) MZP Militia Contingent
Infantry & Cavalry Units Total SPs for the Army = 40 Notes:
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP? Sipahis are 2-counter regiments.
Mezopotamya Sipahi 8 Medium Cavalry No
Mezopotamya Süvari Alay 8 Irregular Horse Yes
Mezopotamya Azaps 4 Line Infantry No
Mezopotamya Tüfekçis 10 Irregular Yes
Mezopotamya Levends 10 Irregular Yes
6.39 Suriyeli Eyâlet Askerleri (Syrian Provincial Army) MZP Militia Contingent
Infantry & Cavalry Units Total SPs for the Army = 30 Notes:
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP? Sipahis are 2-counter regiments.
Suriyeli Sipahi 10 Medium Cavalry No
Suriyeli Süvari Alay 10 Irregular Horse Yes
Suriyeli Levends 10 Irregular Yes

6.3.10 Moldavian & Wallachian MZPs Frontier Contingents

Infantry & Cavalry Units Contingent Codes M & W Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.44.
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP?
Wlach Hospdarate 2 Medium Cavalry No Wlach SPs belong to the Walllachian MZP (Greater Wallachia)
Wlach Nomad 6 Hussar Yes
Moldova SPs belong to the Moldavian MZP (Moldavia)
Wlach Voynik 4 Irregular Yes

Moldova Hospdarate 2 Medium Cavalry No

Moldova Husarii 2 Hussar Yes
Moldova Voynik 6 Irregular Yes

6.3.11 Kurtçe (Kurds), Araps (Arabs), Misirli Memluks (Mamelukes) Loaned Contingents
Infantry & Cavalry Units Contingent Codes Ku, A, Ma Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.44.
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP? Sipahis, Süvari, & Mamelukes are 2-counter regiments.
Kurtçe Sipahi 4 Heavy Cavalry No
(b) = Bow-Armed
Kurtçe Süvari 8 Medium Cavalry (l) No (l) = Lance-Armed
Kurtçe Gönüllüyan 4 Mountaineer Yes

Arap Alay 4 Light Horse (b) Yes

Misirli Memluk Alay 6 Medium Cavalry (l) No

6.3.12 Bujak Horde MZP Frontier

Infantry & Cavalry Units Contingent Code Bu Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.48 for receipt.
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP? (b) = Bow-Armed
Bujak Tatar Ulus 1. 2 Light Horse (b) Yes
Bujak Tatar Ulus 2. – 7. 6 Light Infantry (b) Yes
Bujak Tatar Ulus 8. 2 Medium Cavalry (l) Yes
Bujak Tatar Ulus 9. 2 Medium Cavalry (b) Yes
Bujak Tatar Ulus 10. 2 Light Horse (l) Yes
Bujak Tatar Ulus 11. – 15. 10 Light Horse (b) Yes

6.3.13 Suç (Crimean) Tatars (For TK-only Scenarios) Loaned Contingent

Infantry & Cavalry Units Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.46 for receipt.
“DP?” = Dual-Purpose Unit? (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Name SPs Class DP?
Suç Tatar 5 Irregular Horse Yes
6.3.14 Leaders
Name Rank Faction
Grand Vizier Silâhdar Seyyid Mehmed Pasha 3-Tail Captain-General or Marshal Peace Notes:
Grand Vizier Muhsinzade Abdullah Pasha 3-Tail Captain-General or Marshal War *Admirals Ex. Rule 4.28.
Grand Vizier Yegen (Devil) Mehmed Pasha 3-Tail Captain-General or Marshal War
Grand Vizier Haci Ivaz Mehmed Pasha 3-Tail Captain-General or Marshal Peace § Bonneval Ex. Rule Ex. Rule
Mezhenitt Effendi 4-Tail Marshal Either 3.27.
Yeniçeri Aghasi Elgaki Ibrahim (Aga of the Janissaries) 3-Tail Marshal Either
Bölük Pasha (Chief of Staff) 3-Tail Marshal Either Grand Viziers Ex. Rule 3.23.
Hislun Apte Pasha 3-Tail Marshal Either
Bey-in Dziarcimenda (Ochzakov commandant) Tiaya Pasha 3-Tail Marshal Either Contingent Leaders Ex. Rule
Bey-in Bendery Veli-Pasha (Bender commandant) 3-Tail Marshal Either 3.35.
Kapikulu Kehaja 3-Tail Marshal Either
Jekup Pasha 3-Tail Marshal Either At the start of a scenario,
Beylerbeyi–in Silistre 2-Tail Marshal Either determine the Faction to which
Beylerbeyi–in Bosna Hekimoghlu Ali Pasha 2-Tail Marshal Either each Leader belongs, per Ex.
Beylerbeyi–in Rumeli 2-Tail Marshal Either Rule 3.5. Note that a few
Beylerbeyi–in Trabzon 2-Tail Marshal Either Leaders only belong to one
Beylerbeyi–in Kefe 2-Tail Marshal Either Faction.
Hussein Pasha 2-Tail Marshal Either
Bey-in Khotin Aali Kaltzchak Pasha 1-Tail General Either Tails & Ranks: More Tails
Serbad Aghasi–in Widdin (Frontier district commander) 1-Tail General Either outranks fewer Tails at the same
Serbad Aghasi–in Bosna Serai (Frontier district commander) 1-Tail General Either Rank; all Marshals still outrank
Aga Mahomet 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Bosna 1-Tail General Either
all Generals (all G only have 1
Bey–in Bihac 1-Tail General Either Tail anyway). Grand Viziers
Bey–in Izvornik Ebubekir Pasha 1-Tail General Either outrank 4-Tail Marshals even
Bey–in Hersek 1-Tail General Either though they only have 3-Tails
Bey–in Skopje 1-Tail General Either themselves, but the same Leader
Bey–in Selànik 1-Tail General Either only acting as a 3-Tail Marshal
Bey–in Serres 1-Tail General Either will be outranked by a 4-Tail
Bey–in Ochrid 1-Tail General Either Marshal.
Bey–in Monastir 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Drama 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Kavala 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Novi Pazar 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Kyüstendil 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Sophia 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Silistre 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Kirkliseh 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Roustchouk 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Dobruja 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Widdin 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Edirne 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Filibe 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Budjak 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Nish 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Pristina 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Pec 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Prizren 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Korca 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Debar 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Servia 1-Tail General Either
Bey–in Elbasan 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Azoph 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Kefe 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Trabzon 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Amasya 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Ezerum 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Aleppo 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Aydin 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Sivas 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Van 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Konya 1-Tail General Either
Bey-in Bursa 1-Tail General Either
Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja* 3-Tail Admiral Either
Humbaraci Ahmed (Bonneval) Pasha§ 3-Tail Marshal (Artillery) Either
Padishah-in Akkerman Islam Geraï (Sultan of Bielgorod) 3-Tail Marshal (Bujak Tatars) Either
Baban Mirza 2-Tail Marshal (Kurds) None
Wlach Voynuq Beyi 2-Tail Marshal (Wallachians) Either
Moldavian Hospodar Gregorius Jika 2-Tail Marshal (Moldavians) Either
For all scenarios, if no quantity is given for a regiment or other item, all elements with the same name are present. For Tatar forces in the
HGH-scenarios, check the Tatar OoB (6.5).

7.0 MINOR SCENARIOS Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri = 16 SPs including the 12 missing SPs.
Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri = 24 SPs; of these, 18 SPs start at
The Balkan Campaign of 1737
7.11 Initial Forces 7.12 Auxiliaries (6.312)
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs
In the Constantinople Box
Any allowed DP Units (DP Unit restrictions given above)
Padishah Ordu–in Rumeli Grand Army HQ with:
6x Humbarasi Bölük (Grenadier)
All Kapikulu Askerleri Cavalry Units (6.311) 2x Laghimçilars (Pioneers & Sappers)
2x Top Arabaçilari Levents (Marines)
All Kapikulu Askerleri Bölük & Guard Bölük Janissary Units 3x Kayit Bulunamadi (Pontooneers)
less 6x Bölük Janissaries (6.311) 2x Betakish (Dervish)
(the missing forces are on the Ukrainian Front) 3x Deli Alay (Guide)
3x Cema’at Janissaries (Rumeli)
7.13 Leaders (6.3.14)
6x Sekban Janissary Ortas
6x Misirli Memluk Alay SPs (Mamelukes) In the Officers’ Mess
14x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi SPs
4x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay SPs Wallachian Contingent Leader
6x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi All Ottoman Contingent Leaders except:
2x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay Jenlish Ali Pasha
4x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps Bey-in Dziarcimenda Tiaya Pasha
5x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Bey-in Bendery Veli-Pasha
9x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Gönüllüyan Beylerbeyi–in Trabzon
2x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay Beylerbeyi–in Kefe
2x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja
4x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Yörüks
No Contingent Leaders (Wallachian, etc.) are present.
DP Units may be deployed as Auxiliaries.
In the Constantinople Box
Optional: historically, the Sultan’s Army was deployed facing a
potential Russian thrust into Wallachia. By the time the Silâhdar Seyyid Mehmed Pasha Grand Vizier
scenario opens, the army is marching to the Balkans. There is
7.14 Artillery & Supply (6.313)
little information as to where the army was precisely, but one
logical location is at or near the town of Silistria, a key supply Artillery. All SPs less 3 Field SPs (off map)
port on the Danube. If choosing this deployment, place the
Grand Vizier, the Grand Army HQ, and all Constantinople Box All Artillery SP markers less the Kolordu–in Çok Tural
forces at Silistria (TK4/Flots/S7). markers (both Field and Siege)

Anywhere in Bosnia All Artillery SPs begin in the Arsenal.

In Garrison All Depôts may be deployed at Full in any hexes Friendly to

the Ottoman Side (no Depôt is required for Constantinople).
All Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri Units less Sipahi SPs x10 &
Tüfekçis SPs x2 (the missing forces are on the Ukrainian 7.15 Reinforcements
Front) 7.151 General Items
DP Units may be deployed as Auxiliaries. Available to be Formed
Anywhere in Bulgaria or at Nish (TK7/Bela- All Ottoman Contingent HQs except the Kolordu–in Çok Tural
Slatina/WSW12) Army HQ
In Garrison All Ottoman Dummies
Garrisons 1-20
Cema’at Janissaries x7 2x Humbarasi Alay (Converged Grenadiers)
All remaining Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri forces. may be deployed Ottoman Danube Gunboat Flotilla x6 SPs
In Garrison in any Fortifications in Bulgaria.
7.152 Asiatic Troops
DP Units may NOT be deployed as Auxiliaries: any DP Units
desired to be taken later as Auxiliaries must start in the Silistria May arrive at Constantinople as Reinforcements in any Turn(s)
MZP. Roll one (1) die per Contingent in each Administrative Phase
beginning with Turn One. On a “0-4” the Contingent arrives
Anywhere in Greater Wallachia immediately:
4x Wallachian SPs 16x Suriyeli Eyâlet Askerleri SPs
Frontier Contingent Limits (taken from the FAT) 14x Mezopotamya Eyâlet Askerleri SPs
7.153 Morava Gunboat Flotilla
In the Constantinople Box
Available per Ex. Rule Ex. Rule 4.29.
Yegen Mehmed Pasha Grand Vizier
The Banat, 1738
7.24 Artillery & Supply (6.313)
Artillery. All SPs less 6 Field SPs (off map)
7.21 Initial Forces
All Artillery SP markers less the Kolordu–in Çok Tural
In the Constantinople Box
markers (both Field and Siege)
All Kapikulu Askerleri Cavalry Units (6.311)
Field Artillery SPs may start assigned to HQs or remain in the
Kapikulu Askerleri 14x Bölük Janissaries (6.311) Arsenal, as desired. Siege Artillery SPs begin in the Arsenal.
Kapikulu Askerleri & 5x Guard Bölük Janissaries (6.311)
All Depôts may be deployed at Full in any hexes Friendly to
(the missing forces are on the Ukrainian Front)
the Ottoman Side (no Depôt is required for Constantinople).
3x Cema’at Janissaries (Rumeli)
6x Misirli Memluk Alay SPs (Mamelukes)
7.25 Reinforcements

Anywhere in Bosnia 7.251 General Items

Available to be Formed
All Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri Units less Sipahi SPs x10 &
Tüfekçis SPs x2 (the missing forces are on the Ukrainian All Ottoman HQs except the Kolordu–in Çok Tural Army HQ
Front) All Ottoman Dummies
DP Units may be deployed as Auxiliaries. Garrisons 1-20
2x Humbarasi Alay (Converged Grenadiers)
At Viden (TK7/Bela-Slatina/NW7) or In Garrison
anywhere in Bulgaria Ottoman Danube Gunboat Flotilla x6 SPs

All Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri SPs 7.252 Asiatic Troops

Eyâlet Askerleris: Rumeli, Anadolu, Suriyeli, Mezopotamya
In Garrison
Cema’at Janissaries x7 Use the FAT to calculate arrival Turns for each Contingent. It
is assumed that none have arrived in the first 3 Turns of the
DP Units may NOT be deployed as Auxiliaries: any DP Units Year; apply a beneficial “-1” DRM to all die rolls for Rumeli &
desired to be taken later as Auxiliaries must start in the Silistria Anadolu (only) to account for this.
20 SPs of Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive
Anywhere in Greater Wallachia 20 SPs of Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive
8 SPs of Suriyeli Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive
4x Wallachian SPs 7 SPs of Mezopotamya Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive
Frontier Contingent Limits (taken from the FAT) (the remainder are on the Ukrainian Front)

Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri = 20 SPs including the 12 missing SPs. 7.253 Kurtçe (Kurds) & Arabs

Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri = 24 SPs. The Kurds & Arabs (all SPs) are available. Use the FAT to
calculate the Turn each Contingent is received (neither have
7.22 Auxiliaries (6.312) arrived yet). K u r t ç e Contingent Leader received with
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs Contingent.

Any allowed DP Units (DP Unit restrictions given above) 7.254 Morava Gunboat Flotilla
4x Humbarasi Bölük (Grenadier) Available per Ex. Rule Ex. Rule 4.29.
2x Laghimçilars (Pioneers & Sappers)
2x Top Arabaçilari Levents (Marines) 7.255 WITHDRAW TURN 2 (Turn #5 March-April)
2x Kayit Bulunamadi (Pontooneers) Remove in the Administrative Phase:
2x Betakish (Dervish)
3x Deli Alay (Guide) 6x Misirli Memluk Alay SPs (Mamelukes)
10x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi SPs
7.23 Leaders (6.3.14) 6x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis SPs
In the Officers’ Mess
Wallachian Contingent Leader
All Ottoman Contingent Leaders except:
Jenlish Ali Pasha
Bey-in Dziarcimenda Tiaya Pasha
Bey-in Bendery Veli-Pasha
Beylerbeyi–in Trabzon
Beylerbeyi–in Kefe
Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja
7.3 TURKISH DELIGHT (TK SCENARIO) 7.33 Leaders (6.3.14)
The Siege of Belgrade, 1739
In the Officers’ Mess
7.31 Initial Forces
All Ottoman Contingent Leaders
In the Constantinople Box Wallachian Contingent Leader
Kapikulu Askerleri 12x Bölük Janissaries (6.311) In the Constantinople Box
Kapikulu Askerleri & 5x Guard Bölük Janissaries (6.311)
Haci Ivaz Mehmed Pasha Grand Vizier
(the missing forces are on the Ukrainian Front)
3x Cema’at Janissaries (Rumeli) 7.34 Artillery & Supply (6.313)
8x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi Artillery. All SPs less 6 Field SPs (off map)
8x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay
9x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Gönüllüyan All Artillery SP markers less the Kolordu–in Çok Tural
6x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi markers (both Field and Siege)
3x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay Field Artillery SPs may start assigned to HQs or remain in the
3x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Arsenal, as desired. Siege Artillery SPs begin in the Arsenal.
3x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps
4x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Levends All Depôts may be deployed at Full in any hexes Friendly to
5x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Yörüks the Ottoman Side (no Depôt is required for Constantinople).
Anywhere in Bosnia 7.35 Reinforcements
All Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri Units less Sipahi SPs x10 & 7.351 General Items
Tüfekçis SPs x2 (the missing forces are on the Ukrainian
Front) Available to be Formed

8x Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri Units may be placed at Viden (see All Ottoman HQs except the Kolordu–in Çok Tural Army HQ
below)* All Ottoman Dummies
Garrisons 1-20
DP Units may be deployed as Auxiliaries. 2x Humbarasi Alay (Converged Grenadiers)
Within two (2) hexes of Viden (TK7/Bela-Slatina/NW7) or Ottoman Danube Gunboat Flotilla x6 SPs
In Garrison anywhere in Bulgaria
7.352 Asiatic Troops
All SPs
10x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi Eyâlet Askerleris: Suriyeli, Mezopotamya
4x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay Use the FAT to calculate arrival Turns for each Contingent.
8x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis None have arrived yet.
8x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Gönüllüyan
8x Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri Units (player option)* 8 SPs of Suriyeli Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive
4x Wallachian SPs 14 SPs of Mezopotamya Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive
(the remainder are on the Ukrainian Front)
In Garrison
7.353 Kurtçe (Kurds)
Cema’at Janissaries x7
The Kurds are available. Use the FAT to calculate the Turn this
DP Units may NOT be deployed as Auxiliaries: any DP Units Contingent is received (it has not arrived yet). Kurtçe
desired to be taken later as Auxiliaries must start in the Silistria Contingent Leader received with Contingent.
7.354 Morava Gunboat Flotilla
Frontier Contingent Limits (taken from the FAT)
Available per Ex. Rule Ex. Rule 4.29.
Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri = 20 SPs including the 12 missing SPs.
7.355 Strategic Reserve (Scenario Special Rule)
Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri = 18 SPs including the 4 missing SPs.
In the Constantinople Box
7.32 Auxiliaries (6.312)
All Kapikulu Askerleri Cavalry Units (6.311)
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs
Any allowed DP Units (DP Unit restrictions given above)
4x Humbarasi Bölük (Grenadier)
2x Laghimçilars (Pioneers & Sappers)
2x Top Arabaçilari Levents (Marines)
2x Kayit Bulunamadi (Pontooneers)
2x Betakish (Dervish)
3x Deli Alay (Guide)
Yedisan Tatar Horde
The Dneister Campaign of 1738 Entire OOB per 6.54 (Tatar OoB book) begins in MZP
7.10.1 Initial Ottoman Forces Nogai Tatar Horde
At Khotin (HGH Map 5) Entire OOB per 6.52 (Tatar OoB book) begins in MZP
In Garrison Krim Tatar Horde
4x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta Entire OOB per 6.51 (Tatar OoB book) begins in MZPs
2x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps (Prekop & Krim)
3x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis
Kazyev Tatar Horde
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Entire OOB per 6.53 (Tatar OoB book) begins in MZP
4x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Levends
3x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Frontier Contingent Limits (taken from the FAT)
1x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Azap Bujak Horde = 12 SPs
At Bender (10/Akerman/NW8) Yedisan Horde = 20 SPs
Nogai Horde = 30 SPs
In Garrison Krim Horde = 30 SPs
Kazyev Horde = 12 SPs
4x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta
10x Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi 7.10.3 Auxiliaries (6.312)
2x Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis
2x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs
3x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Any allowed DP Units (DP Unit restrictions given above)
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis 6x Humbarasi Bölük (Grenadier)
4x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis 1x Laghimçilars (Pioneers & Sappers)
1x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Azap 2x Top Arabaçilari Levents (Marines)
1x Kayit Bulunamadi (Pontooneers)
At Akerman (HGH Map 10) 1x Betakish (Dervish)
In Garrison 3x Deli Alay (Guide)

2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta 7.11.4 Leaders (6.3.14)

2x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps
In the Officers’ Mess
3x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps All Ottoman Contingent Leaders
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis
4x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Levends Tatar Leaders (6.57 Tatar OoB book)

At Prekop (HGH/11/Karasbasar/NW8) Kalga-Sultan Terti-Gheraï

Seraskier Sultan Algin Geraï
In Garrison Sultan Jelamgitor
Nogai Tatar Khan
2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta
With the Karadeniz Filo (Black Sea Fleet)
DP Units must be deployed as Units.
Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja
At Kaffa (HGH11/Karasbasar/E5)
In Garrison 7.10.5 Artillery & Supply (6.313)

3x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta Artillery. 6 Field SPs

2x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis The Kolordu–in Çok Tural Field Artillery marker
2x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Azap
4x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Levends Field Artillery SPs may start assigned to HQs or remain in the
Arsenal, as desired. Siege Artillery SPs begin in the Arsenal.
At Any Fortifications in Circassia
Karadeniz Filo (Black Sea Fleet) x7 SPs
In Garrison
All Depôts may be deployed at Full in any hexes Friendly to
1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta the Ottoman Side (no Depôt is required for Constantinople).
1x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis
2x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Levends 7.10.6 Reinforcements
With any Ottoman Forces in Moldavia 7.10.61 General Items
4x Moldavian SPs. Available to be Formed
7.10.2 Tatar Initial Forces The Kolordu–in Çok Tural Army HQ
All Ottoman Dummies
Bujak Tatar Horde Garrisons 21-30
Entire OOB per 6.3.12 begins in MZP 2x Humbarasi Alay (Converged Grenadiers)
7.10.62 Scenario Turn 1 (Turn #8: April-May) 4x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Levends
Enter Administrative Phase South edge HGH Map 9 With any Ottoman Forces in Moldavia
14x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi 8x Moldavian SPs.
1x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay
12x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi 7.11.2 Tatar Initial Forces
6x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay Bujak Tatar Horde
6x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi
3x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay Entire OOB per 6.3.12 begins in MZP
5x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Yörüks
Yedisan Tatar Horde
4x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis
5x Elite Bölük Janissary Ortas Entire OOB per 6.54 (Tatar OoB book) begins in MZP
10x Bölük Janissary Ortas
Nogai Tatar Horde
6x Sekban Janissary Ortas
7.10.63 Scenario Turn 2 (Turn #9: May) At Bender

Enter Administrative Phase South edge HGH Map 9 20x Random Nogai Units per 6.52 (Tatar OoB book)

6x Misirli Memluk Alay SPs (Mamelukes) 7.11.3 Auxiliaries (6.312)

10x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi SPs In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs
6x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis SPs
Any allowed DP Units (DP Unit restrictions given above)
7.10.64 Asiatic Troops
6x Humbarasi Bölük (Grenadier)
Eyâlet Askerleris: Suriyeli, Mezopotamya 1x Laghimçilars (Pioneers & Sappers)
Use the FAT to calculate arrival Turns for each Contingent. 2x Top Arabaçilari Levents (Marines)
Apply a beneficial “-1” DRM each time. 1x Kayit Bulunamadi (Pontooneers)
1x Betakish (Dervish)
8 SPs of Suriyeli Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive 3x Deli Alay (Guide)
7 SPs of Mezopotamya Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive
7.11.4 Leaders (6.3.14)
The Moldavian Campaign of 1739 In the Officers’ Mess

7.11.1 Initial Ottoman Forces All Ottoman Contingent Leaders

Tatar Leaders (6.57 Tatar OoB book)
At Khotin (HGH Map 5)
In Garrison Kalga-Sultan Terti-Gheraï
Seraskier Sultan Algin Geraï
4x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta Sultan Jelamgitor
2x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps Nogai Tatar Khan
3x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps In the Constantinople Box
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Haci Ivaz Mehmed Pasha Grand Vizier
4x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Levends
3x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis With the Karadeniz Filo (Black Sea Fleet)
1x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Azap Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja
At Bender (10/Akerman/NW8)
7.11.5 Artillery & Supply (6.313)
In Garrison
Artillery. 6 Field SPs
4x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta
The Kolordu–in Çok Tural Field Artillery marker
10x Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi
2x Bosna Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Field Artillery SPs may start assigned to HQs or remain in the
4x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi Arsenal, as desired. Siege Artillery SPs begin in the Arsenal.
2x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps
3x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Karadeniz Filo (Black Sea Fleet) x7 SPs
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps All Depôts may be deployed at Full in any hexes Friendly to
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis the Ottoman Side (no Depôt is required for Constantinople).
4x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis
1x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Azap 7.11.6 Reinforcements
At Akerman (HGH Map 10) 7.11.61 General Items
In Garrison Available to be Formed
1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta The Kolordu–in Çok Tural Army HQ
2x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps All Ottoman Dummies
3x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis Garrisons 21-30
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Azaps 2x Humbarasi Alay (Converged Grenadiers)
1x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Tüfekçis
7.11.62 Scenario Turns 1-3 (Begin Turn #8: April-May) 6x Sekban Janissary Ortas
6x Misirli Memluk Alay SPs (Mamelukes)
Roll one (1) die each Turn:
7.11.63 Asiatic Troops
Turn Enter
1 0-3 Eyâlet Askerleris: Suriyeli, Mezopotamya
2 0-6
Use the FAT to calculate arrival Turns for each Contingent.
3 0-9
Apply a beneficial “-1” DRM each time.
Enter Administrative Phase South edge HGH Map 9
8 SPs of Suriyeli Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive
4x Silistre Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi 12 SPs of Mezopotamya Eyâlet Askerleri will arrive
10x Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi
7.11.64 Strategic Reserve (Scenario Special Rule)
12x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi
6x Ezerum Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay In the Constantinople Box
6x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Sipahi
3x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Süvari Alay All Kapikulu Askerleri Cavalry Units (6.311)
5x Anadolu Eyâlet Askerleri Yörüks Add Padishah Ordu–in Rumeli Grand Army HQ
5x Elite Bölük Janissary Ortas
12x Bölük Janissary Ortas
The Russo-Austro-Turkish War: Balkan Theatre
Türkenkrieg Grand Campaign 1737-39
Campaign Scenario deployment is identical to Scenario 7.1
During Play
1) No Naval SPs are in play during the scenario. The Morava Gunboat Flotilla can be received per Ex. Rule Ex. Rule 4.29.
2) Permanently remove 3 Field Artillery SPs. Increase this to 6 SPs on the first (1st) Turn of 1738.
3) When consulting the FAT each Year, halve (1/2) the number of SPs received for each Contingent. Exception: not the Kurtçe
(Kurds), Bosna Askerleri, or Silistre Askerleri.
4) The Mameluke Loaned Contingent has already been received (per the initial set up)
5) No Ezerum Askerleri forces may ever be received.
6) Do not retain any Militia Contingent SPs on map (Ex. Rule 4.432).
7) Halve (1/2) the number of Replacement SPs received each Turn, rounding Up. Cavalry SPs and Infantry SPs are not combined.
8) For Tatar forces, use only the TK-specific Contingent found on the Ottoman FAT (6.3.13).
9) Withdraw forces listed under 7.255 (Scenario 7.2) on the listed Turn in 1738.
10) 7.3 Special Rule pertaining to the Strategic Reserve (7.355) applies beginning with the first (1st) Turn of 1739.
11) Note that the various restrictions noted above may be increased due to Special Events.
The Russo-Austro-Turkish War
Grand Campaign 1735-39
Grand Campaign Scenario 1737 Start
1) Deployment combines Scenarios 7.1 (Danube Front) and 7.8 (Ukrainian Front). See the Tatar OoB book for Ottoman
deployments on the HGH map. Clarification: All HQs, Garrison HQs, and Depôts are available.
2) Any Eyâlet Askerleri Units not set up under 7.1 or 7.8 and not specifically listed as Reinforcements in either the 7.1 or 7.8
scenario, are placed in the Constantinople Box.
3) Other Contingents not in play (e.g. Kurds) begin in their holding boxes.
4) See the FAT for Frontier Contingent Expeditionary limits. NB. Subtract forces already deployed from the Expeditionary limits
to determine if any additional forces are available.
5) All Auxiliaries (but no DP Units) are placed in the Available Box.
6) All HQs, Garrison HQs, and Dummies are available and can be Formed at start.
7) All Leaders are placed in the Officers’ Mess except for those given specific starting locations. Other Leaders may also be
Posted as desired.
8) All Artillery SPs are in the Arsenal.
9) All Gunboat, and Naval SPs are available, per 6.32. Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja with the Karadeniz Filo (Black Sea Fleet)
Naval Flotilla.
10) All Depôts are available and may be deployed at start.
11) Replacement SP accumulation starts with Turn One.
Grand Campaign Scenario 1736 Start
1) All Kapikulu Askerleri forces are in the Constantinople Box. They may not leave until permitted by the FAT (i.e. these forces
cannot be used in 1736).
2) All Militia, Frontier, and Loaned Contingents are in their holding boxes; except as noted below. Loaned Contingents cannot be
received until the FAT check of Nov-Dec 1736 (i.e. they are not available in 1735 or 1736). Militia Contingents may be
received: before beginning play, check the FAT for the Nov-Dec 1735 Turn and then check for Turn entry per Contingent once
per notional Turn between the first (1st) Turn of the Year and the notional Administrative Phase just prior to game start. If any
arrive, add them to the Constantinople Box (including Rumeli Eyâlet Askerleri forces) and/or in any existing Garrisons on the
HGH maps (see list below). Continue rolling for Contingents that have not arrived as play progresses.
3) See the FAT for Frontier Contingent Expeditionary limits. NB. Subtract forces already deployed from the Expeditionary limits
to determine if any additional forces are available.
4) All Auxiliaries (but no DP Units) are placed in the Available Box.
5) All Leaders are placed in the Officers’ Mess.
6) All Artillery SPs are in the Arsenal.
7) All Gunboat, and Naval SPs are available, per 6.32. Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja with the Karadeniz Filo (Black Sea Fleet)
Naval Flotilla.
8) All Depôts are available and may be deployed at start.
9) Replacement SP accumulation starts with Turn One.
10) All HQs, Garrison HQs, and Dummies are available.
Initial Deployments
No forces are deployed on the TK maps.
On the HGH maps, deploy the following In Garrison:
At Prekop (HGH/11/Karasbasar/NW8) At Azov (HGH8/Taganrog/E4) At Koslov (HGH11/Karasbasar/WSW7)
2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas 3x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas 2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas
1x Ezerum Azap SP 2x Ezerum Azap 1x Ezerum Tüfekçis
1x Ezerum Tüfekçis SP 2x Ezerum Tüfekçis 1x Ezerum Azap
1x Ezerum Sipahi SP 1x Ezerum Sipahi

At Kaffa (HGH11/Karasbasar/E5) At Any Fortifications in Circassia At Kinburn (HGH10/Akerman/ENE10)

2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta 2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas 1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas
1x Ezerum Tüfekçis 1x Ezerum Tüfekçis 1x Ezerum Tüfekçis
1x Ezerum Azap 1x Ezerum Azap

At Dziarcremenda At Bender At Akerman (HGH Map 10)

(HGH10/Akerman/NE8) (HGH10/Akerman/NW8)
1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas 1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta 1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta
1x Anatolian Azaps 1x Anatolian Azap 1x Anatolian Azap
2x Anatolian Tüfekçis 1x Anatolian Tüfekçis 1x Anatolian Tüfekçis
Grand Campaign Scenario 1735 Start
1) All Kapikulu Askerleri forces are in the Constantinople Box. They may not leave until permitted by the FAT check of Nov-Dec
1736 (i.e. these forces cannot be used in 1735 or 1736).
2) All Militia, Frontier, and Loaned Contingents are in their holding boxes; except as noted below. None may be received until the
FAT is consulted in the Nov-Dec Turn of 1735. Loaned Contingents cannot be received until the FAT check of Nov-Dec 1736
(i.e. they are not available in 1735 or 1736). Halve (1/2) the SPs received from Militia Contingents due to the 1735 FAT check
(i.e. Militia Contingent SPs available in 1736 are halved). However, the portion of SPs that may remain in play per Ex. Rule
4.432 is not halved; if this number exceeds the halved value of the Reinforcements, no additional SPs are received.
3) All Auxiliaries (but no DP Units) are placed in the Available Box, but may not be used until the first (1st) Turn of 1736.
4) All Leaders are placed in the Officers’ Mess but may not be Posted until the first (1st) Turn of 1736. Exception: 1-Tail (General)
Leaders may be Posted to command Ottoman Garrison HQs as required.
5) All Artillery SPs are in the Arsenal and may not be used until the first (1st) Turn of 1736.
6) All Gunboat, and Naval SPs are available per 6.32 but may not be used until the first (1st) Turn of 1736. Capitan Pasha
Dgianum Codja with the Karadeniz Filo (Black Sea Fleet) Naval Flotilla.
7) No Depôts may be Formed until the first (1st) Turn of 1736.
8) All HQs, Garrison HQs, and Dummies are available.
Initial Deployments
No forces are deployed on the TK maps.
On the HGH maps, deploy the following In Garrison:
(None of these forces may voluntarily leave their Garrisons until the first (1st) Turn of 1736)
At Prekop (HGH/11/Karasbasar/NW8) At Azov (HGH8/Taganrog/E4) At Koslov (HGH11/Karasbasar/WSW7)
2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas 3x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas 2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas
1x Ezerum Azap SP 2x Ezerum Azap 1x Ezerum Tüfekçis
1x Ezerum Tüfekçis SP 2x Ezerum Tüfekçis 1x Ezerum Azap
1x Ezerum Sipahi SP 1x Ezerum Sipahi

At Kaffa (HGH11/Karasbasar/E5) At Any Fortifications in Circassia At Kinburn (HGH10/Akerman/ENE10)

2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta 2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas 1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas
1x Ezerum Tüfekçis 1x Ezerum Tüfekçis 1x Ezerum Tüfekçis
1x Ezerum Azap 1x Ezerum Azap

At Dziarcremenda At Bender At Akerman (HGH Map 10)

(HGH10/Akerman/NE8) (HGH10/Akerman/NW8)
1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Ortas 1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta 1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta
1x Anatolian Azaps 1x Anatolian Azap 1x Anatolian Azap
2x Anatolian Tüfekçis 1x Anatolian Tüfekçis 1x Anatolian Tüfekçis
0-2 – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3-4 – – No Yes Yes No Yes
5-6 – – No No Yes No No
7-9 – – No No No No No
Entry? 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-1 0-2 0 0-3


0 10 12 0 2 4 26 (20) 30 (15) None None None
1-2 10 12 4 4 6 34 (20) 40 (15) 20 (10) None None
3-4 16 18 8 4 8 34 (25) All (20) 30 (10) 8 (0) None
5-6 16 24 12 8 8 All (25) All (20) All (15) 16 (0) 14 (0)
7-8 20 24 12 8 10 All (25) All (20) All (15) 22 (0) 26 (0)
9 24 30 20 12 10 All (30) All (25) All (15) All All
Entry? Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto 0-3 0-3 0-2 0-1 0-1
Codes: BOS = Bosna; SIL = Silistre; BH = Bujak Horde; WAL = Wallachian; MOL =
Moldavian; EZE = Ezerum; RUM = Rumeli; ANA = Anadolu; SYR = Suriyeli; MEZ = KAPIKULU REPLACEMENTS
TURN 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739
Explanation: in the Reinforcement & Reorganisation segment of the Administrative
Phase of each November-December Turn, consult these tables. Roll one (1) die for each Nov-Dec – – 3/1 3/1 2/1
Contingent: Dec-Jan – – 3/1 3/1 2
Kapikulu Askerleri: are based in the Constantinople Box. Sipahis (all Cavalry of the Jan – – 3 3 2
Contingent) & Bölüks (Guard and Line) are always 100% available. Check for Sekban
availability. Use the “Entry?” row (see below for explanation) to determine the Turn(s) the Jan-Feb – – 2/1 2/1 1/1
Kapikulu Askerleri Contingent is “prepared to take the field” (note each element is Feb-Mar – – 2 2 1
checked for separately).
Mar-Apr – – 2 2 1
ALL Kapikulu Askerleri forces are Redeployed to the Constantinople Box per Ex. Rule
4.422. Apr-May – – 1 1 –

Loaned Contingents: either available or not, per die roll. Unlike other Loaned Contingents, May – – 1 1 –
the Kurtçe (Kurds) and the Suç Tatar Contingents are Redeployed per Ex. Rule 3.188. May-June – – – – –
‡The Suç Tatar Contingent is only received in TK-only scenarios.
June-Jul – – – – –
Frontier Contingents: number indicates the Expeditionary Limit (Ex. Rule 3.173). All
remaining SPs are always available for use within Home Territory. *Exception: for Jul-Aug – – – – –
Moldavia and Wallachia, number is total SPs available; Wallachian and Moldavian forces Aug – – – – –
may never leave their Home Territories.
Aug-Sep – 1 1 1 –
Militia Contingents: 1st number indicates SPs available for the Year. 2nd number (in
brackets) is number of SPs that may remain in play after Yearly Redeployment per Ex. Sep-Oct – 1/1 1/1 1/1 1
Rule 4.432. Remaining SPs must stay In Garrison until their Contingent returns to the Oct – 2 2 2 2
Constantinople Box again. SPs remaining in play count toward SPs received in a given
Year. Oct-Nov – 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/1
1st number is Infantry, 2nd number is Cavalry

Entry?: Starting with the first (1st) Turn of the calendar Year, consult the “Entry?” row each Turn during the Reinforcement step of the Administrative
Phase, and roll one (1) die per Contingent that has been received but that has not yet arrived. If the result falls within the given range, the Contingent
arrives this Turn and its forces may immediately enter a Reinforcements. Once a Contingent has been received it will eventually arrive; keep checking
each Turn until it does so. Those Contingents with “Auto” entry dates have on-map MZPs and are available as Reinforcements on first (1st) Turn of the
calendar Year.
For all receipt die rolls, take (Opposing Faction Influence – Player Faction Influence)/2 and add the result to the die roll.
Map entry hexes from the Constantinople Box are any hexes along the southern edge of TK maps “6”, “7” and “8”. Alternatively, forces may enter and
exit the box using Naval Movement (4.27). If there is a Plague Outbreak (Ex. Rule 3.54) anywhere add one (+1) to all receipt die rolls.
Kapikulu Askerleri Replacements: only this Contingent receives Replacement SPs that can be used to Form Units (or Auxiliaries) in the dead pile. The SPs
arrive on the Turns indicated. They can be saved up and spent in the Reinforcement step of any Administrative Phase.

Special Events (Ex. Rule 5.24):

1) Russian Progress (TK scenarios only) – no effect on the FAT (limits already placed on scenario forces)
2) Persian War – add one (+1) to the Kurtçe Contingent receipt die roll; subtract two (–2) from all Militia Contingent “available SPs” die rolls.
3) Internal Unrest – add one (+1) to all Kapikulu Askerleri Turn Entry die rolls
Türkenkrieg/Heirs of the Golden Horde Ottoman OoB & Scenario Booklet ©2008 Red Sash Games & Ian Weir

The following lists indicate the Units, Auxiliaries, Artillery SPs, Leaders, and HQs; the same forces are available in each scenario,
subject to any special directions. Dispositions are given in the Scenario Deployment section.
Unless specifically assigned a role by the scenario, DP Units beginning a scenario in a Formed state may be deployed either as Units or
Auxiliaries, as the Muscovite player sees fit.
6.41 Muscovite Regular Army Forces
6.411 Infantry & Cavalry Units Notes:
Name Class DP DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Okhrany Zhizni Polk Guard Heavy Cavalry (I) No Polk = Regiment
Kirasir Zhizni Polk (Lieb) Heavy Cavalry (I) No Starshini = Cossack regimental-equivalent
3rd Kirasira Polk (Münnich’s) Heavy Cavalry (I) No
Kurlandski Kirasira Polk**** Heavy Cavalry (I) No I = Irreplaceable (under Class column)
Kirasier Polk Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel Heavy Cavalry (I) No A multiplier is used to indicate the number of
Moskovski Draguna Polk Dragoon No Unit counters with same name, except as follows:
Troitzski Draguna Polk Dragoon No
Vladimirski Draguna Polk Dragoon No All Heavy Cavalry (exception: not Guard),
Novgorodski Draguna Polk Dragoon No Dragoon, Hussar, & Cossack regiments have 2
Olonetzski Draguna Polk Dragoon No counters except where noted.
Sibyrskiy Draguna Polk Dragoon No Dragoons have 1 affiliated Horse Grenadier
Pskovski Draguna Polk Dragoon No Company Auxiliary. These are not recorded
Tverski Draguna Polk Dragoon No elsewhere in the OoB.
Permski Draguna Polk Dragoon No
Viatzkiy Draguna Polk Dragoon No Unless noted by a multiplier, infantry regiments
Nizhegorodskiy Draguna Polk Dragoon No consist of 2 (battalion) Units. Each, unless
Rostovski Draguna Polk Dragoon No otherwise noted, has 2 Grenadier Company
Arkhangelogorodskiy Draguna Polk Dragoon No Auxiliaries. These are not recorded elsewhere in
Azovski Draguna Polk Dragoon No the OoB.
Ingermanlandski Draguna Polk Dragoon No
‡Preobrajenskiy has two (2) associated Grenadier
Narvski Draguna Polk Dragoon No
Auxiliaries and an associated Bombardier Battery
Ryazanski Draguna Polk Dragoon No
(Ex. Rule 4.641); Semenovskiy & Izmailovskiy
Astrakhanski Draguna Polk Dragoon No
each have an associated Grenadier Auxiliary and
Kievski Draguna Polk Dragoon No
an associated Field Artillery Battery (Ex. Rule
Sankt-Peterburgski Draguna Polk Dragoon No
4.641). Guard Grenadier Companies may not be
Kazanski Draguna Polk**** Dragoon No
Converged (Ex. Rule 4.642).
Loutzski Draguna Polk Dragoon No
Volodski Draguna Polk Dragoon No * * * * In 1740, the Kazan Dragoons were
Iambourski Draguna Polk Dragoon No converted into the Kurland Cuirassiers (Kazan
Tobolski Draguna Polk Dragoon No Cuirassiers in 1756). Until 1739, only the
Kargopolski Draguna Polk Dragoon No Kazanski Draguna Polk is available. On the 1st
Novotroitski Draguna Polk Dragoon No Turn of the Year of 1739 (or at the start of the
Riga Draguna Polk Dragoon No 1739 Minor Scenario), roll one (1) die; 0-3 ALL
Revel Draguna Polk Dragoon No counters belonging to the Kazanski Draguna Polk
Gruzhinsijj Polk Gusara (Georgian) Hussar∞ (I) Yes are permanently removed from play; eight (8)
Serbskijj Polk Gusara (Serb) Hussar∞ (I) Yes Turns later the Kurlandski Kirasira Polk arrives
Vengerskijj Polk Gusara (Hungarian) Hussar∞ (I) Yes as a Reinforcement.
Tchougouievski Starshini Cossack∞ (I) Yes
Chompaneilschick Starshini Cossack∞ (I) Yes ∞ The Hussars were still in a state of semi-
Hobodes Starshini x1 Cossack∞ (I) Yes organisation. The Cossacks were experimental
Trilutski Starshini x1 Cossack∞ (I) Yes “regular formations”, similarly in a state of flux.
Achtirk Starshini x1 Cossack∞ (I) Yes Unless specifically noted by a scenario’s
Mirgorod Starshini x1 Cossack∞ (I) Yes deployment, these Hussar regiments only have
Preobrajenskiy Lieb Garde x4 Guard Infantry‡ (I) No one (1) available counter. Similarly, in the Grand
Semenovskiy Lieb Garde x3 Guard Infantry‡ (I) No Campaign Scenario, only one (1) counter of each
Izmailovskiy Lieb Garde x3 Guard Infantry‡ (I) No of the Hussar regiments begins in play;
Ingermanlandski Polk x3 Line Infantry No furthermore, the Cossack regiments are not in
Kievski Polk x3 Line Infantry No play at all. Out of play counters may be
2nd Moskovski Polk x3 Line Infantry No purchased on the 1st Turn of any Year(s) by
Narvski Polk x3 Line Infantry No expending one (1) OP for every two (2) counters.
1st Moskovski Polk Line Infantry No They arrive as Reinforcements eight (8) Turns
Name Class DP
Azovski Polk Line Infantry No Notes:
Kazanski Polk Line Infantry No DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Sibyrskiy Polk Line Infantry No Polk = Regiment
Smolenski Polk Line Infantry No Starshini = Cossack regimental-equivalent
Voronejski Polk Line Infantry No
Butyrski Polk Line Infantry No A multiplier is used to indicate the number of
Nizegorodskiy Polk Line Infantry No Unit counters with same name, except as follows:
Chernigovski Polk Line Infantry No All Heavy Cavalry (exception: not Guard),
Ryazanski Polk Line Infantry No Dragoon, Hussar, & Cossack regiments have 2
Suzdalski Polk Line Infantry No counters.
Rostovski Polk Line Infantry No
Velikolutskiy Polk Line Infantry No Dragoons have 1 affiliated Horse Grenadier
Permski Polk Line Infantry No Company Auxiliary. These are not recorded
Belozerski Polk Line Infantry No elsewhere in the OoB.
Ladozskiy Polk Line Infantry No
Unless noted by a multiplier, infantry regiments
Koporskiy Polk Line Infantry No
consist of 2 (battalion) Units. Each, unless
Vyborgski Polk Line Infantry No
otherwise noted, has 2 Grenadier Company
Nevskiy Polk Line Infantry No
Auxiliaries. These are not recorded elsewhere in
Tobolski Polk Line Infantry No
the OoB.
Uglitski Polk Line Infantry No
Iaroslavlski Polk Line Infantry No * Converged Grenadier unit (Ex. Rule 4.21).
Novgorodski Polk Line Infantry No
Arkhangelogorodskiy Polk Line Infantry No Marines: only available per Ex. Rule 4.65.
Pskovski Polk Line Infantry No
Sankt-Peterburgski Polk Line Infantry No
Vladimirski Polk Line Infantry No
Muromski Polk (no Grenadiers) Line Infantry No
Vologdaski Polk (no Grenadiers) Line Infantry No
Astrakhanski Polk (no Grenadiers) Line Infantry No
Kexholmski Polk (no Grenadiers) Line Infantry No
Troitski Polk Line Infantry No
Schlüsselburgskii Polk Line Infantry No
Batal’on Strelka Artillerii x1 & no Gren. Line Infantry No
Morskojj Batal’on 1. – 3. Marine Yes
Batal’on Grenader 1. – 12.* Grenadier Foot Yes
Batal’on Grenader 1. – 7.* Grenadier Horse Yes

Nizovoi Corps (Ex. Rule 4.68) Contingent Code: “Ni”

Kabardinski Polk Line Infantry No

Bakuski Polk Line Infantry No
Apscheronski Polk Line Infantry No
Derbentski Polk Line Infantry No
Dagestanski Polk Line Infantry No
Salianski Polk Line Infantry No
Shirvanski Polk Line Infantry No
Nasheburgski Polk Line Infantry No
Nizovski Polk Line Infantry No
Teginski Polk Line Infantry No
Navaguinski Polk Line Infantry No
Kourinski Polk Line Infantry No
6.412 Auxiliaries Notes:
Name Class DP DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Saper Kompanija x2 Sapper No Multiplier indicates number of Auxiliaries with
Belgorodski Inzhener Sotnia x1 Pioneer/Sapper No same name.
Kievski Inzhener Sotnia x1 Pioneer/Sapper No
Sankt-Peterburgski Inzhener Sotnia x1 Pioneer/Sapper No Boatmen Matching Gunboat Flotillas (6.414)
Inzhener Mosta x2 Pontooneers No Dneprskaja Rechnaja = Dniepr Gunboat Flotilla
Oden’te Rechnuju = Don Gunboat Flotilla
Starets x3 Priest No
Dneprskaja Rechnaja Flotilija Boatmen No
Oden’te Rechnuju Flotiliju Boatmen No
6.413 Artillery SPs Artillery Counters Notes:
Maximum number of Artillery SPs of each Class
SPs Class Polevaja Batareja Artillerii Battery Counters x12 per HQ is 9. Arsenals may have an unlimited
12 Field Bombardira Sotnia Battery Counters x4 number of Artillery SPs.
4 Bombardier Polevaja Artillerija Field Artillery HQ Markers x3 Artillery Markers are named by HQ.
8 Siege Artillerija Osady Siege Artillery HQ Markers x3 SPs/Batteries from other Contingents are listed
Plus Guard Regiment Batteries (Ex. Rule 4.64): 1 Battery/SP Field each for Senemovskij separately; those SPs are not distinguished during
& Izmailovskij; 1 Battery/SP Bombardier for Preobrajenskiy play except by their Battery Markers.

6.414 Available HQs & Other Items

Name Item Name Item
Moskvich Velikaja Armija Grand Army HQ Garrison 1-20 Garrison HQ
Armija Dona (Don Army) Army HQ Dneprskaja Flotilija (Dniepr) Gunboat Flotilla
Armija Dnepra Army HQ Oden’te Flotiliju (Don) Gunboat Flotilla
Armija Ukrainy Army HQ Flot Chernogo Morja (BS Flot) Naval Flotilla
Kolonka A & B Column HQ
Kolonka Kalmyckijja A through D Column HQ Gunboat & Naval SPs: (Don/Dniepr/BS Flot)
Kolonka Kazaka D1 & D2 Column HQ 1735 3/2/0
Kolonka Kazaka M1 & M2 Column HQ 1736 6/3/1
Kolonka Kazaka Z Column HQ 1737 8/6/2
Kolonka Kazaka S Column HQ Gunboat & Naval SP Notes:
SPs per Year are Campaign Game starting values. See also the FAT.
Naval Flotilla SPs represent potential builds. See Ex. Rule 4.35.
Every 2 Gunboat SPs can convert to 1 Naval SP. Conversions are
permanent. See Ex. Rule 4.253.
6.42 Muscovite Garrison Army
Forces Contingent Code GA Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.66.
MZP Units SPs Class DP DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex.
Vnutrennjaja Garnizonnaja Brigada US§ x18 4ea Garrison Infantry No Rule 3.13).
Ostzeitskiy Garnizonnaja Brigada BZ* x8 4ea Garrison Infantry No Polk = Regiment
Rjaschski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No
Borisoglebski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No Many Garrison Army Units are
Brigade-sized; these have their
Slobodski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No
Gjelevskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No SPs indicated as well as the
Rylsk Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No number of Units.
Putilskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No There are 6x Ukrainskiy
Kursk Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No Landmilitz Grenadier
Seofskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No Companies. These may be
Bielogorodski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No Converged into the Ukrainskiy
Briansk Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No Landmilitz Grenadier Polk Unit.
Stariokolskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No Otherwise they are employed per
Novokolskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No Ex. Rule 4.21, except that any
Valuikski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No Company may be affiliated with
Lieveniskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No any Uk. Landmilitz Unit
Ielitzskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No (maximum of 1 each) and may
Voronezhski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No change affiliation as desired.
Tambovski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No
Iefremovskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No Elements of the Garrison Army
Duminski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No are organised in the following
Ivanenkoski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SU‡ x1 Garrison Infantry No MZPs:
Alexandrevski Zakamskaia Landmilitz Polk EZ∞ x1 Garrison Infantry No *Baltic Zone
Scheschminski Zakamskaia Landmilitz Polk EZ∞ x1 Garrison Infantry No ‡Sloboda Ukraine
Biljarski Zakamskaia Landmilitz Polk EZ∞ x1 Garrison Infantry No §Ukraine of Settlements
Sergivski Zakamskaia Landmilitz Polk EZ∞ x1 Garrison Infantry No ∞ Reserve Box
Mecklenburg Korpus US§ x3 Garrison Infantry No **Don Host Zone
Azovski Garnizonnyjj Polk Draguna DH** x2 Garrison Cavalry Yes
Kazanski Garnizonnyjj Polk Draguna EZ∞ x2 Garrison Cavalry Yes
Astrakhanski Garnizonnyjj Polk Draguna EZ∞ x2 Garrison Cavalry Yes
Voronejski Garnizonnyjj Polk Draguna EZ∞ x2 Garrison Cavalry Yes
Roslavl Ehskadron US§ x1 Garrison Cavalry No
Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Grenader Polk x1 Grenadier Foot Yes

Garrison Army SPs per MZP

Baltic 32 Sloboda Ukraine 20 *These SPs are not included in the Cossack
Reserve 10 Ukraine of Settlements 76 total below (6.43); they belong to the
Don Host 2* Azovski Garrison Dragoon Regiment.
Cavalry SPs & Infantry SPs are not
distinguished: SPs may be used for any
Units in the zone.
Historical Note: for simplicity, “Settlements”
forces include internal garrison forces of other
6.43 Cossack Hosts
Forces Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.6.12
Name MZP SPs Con. Code Class DP DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Oden’te (Don) Starshini DH* x44 D Cossack Yes Polk = Regiment
Malorusskijj Starshini US** x20 U Cossack Yes Starshini = Cossack regimental-equivalent
Slobodskijj Starshini SU*** x14 Sl Cossack Yes
Yaik (Ural) Starshini EZ‡ x12 Ya Cossack Yes All Cossack regiments comprise 2 Units each.
Terekskie Starshini EZ‡ x8 T Cossack Yes Cossacks not listed here (e.g. Tchougouievski
Zaporozhie Starshini ZH§ x16 Z & Zs Cossack Yes Starshini) are not part of a Host.

Force Pools *Don Host Zone

MZP SPs Notes **Ukraine of Settlements Zone
Don Host 44 SPs are for Cossack forces only; ***Sloboda Ukraine Zone
Sloboda Ukraine 14 for Garrison Army, see 6.43. ‡Reserve Box
Ukraine of Settlements 20 §Zaporozhian (Code Z) (Regiments 1-5) &
Zaporozhian Host 10 Zaporozhian Sich Host (Code Zs) (Regiments 6-8)
Zaporozhian Sich Host 6 MZPs
Reserve 20

6.44 Bashkir & Kabardian Forces

Forces Contingent Codes Ba & Ka Notes: see Ex. Rules 4.6.10 & 4.6.11
Name SPs Class DP DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Bashkir Polk 1.– 2. x4 Medium Cavalry No Polk = Regiment
Bashkir Polk 3. – 5. x6 Cossack Yes Starshini = Cossack regimental-equivalent
Kabardinski Sotnia 1. – 6. x6 Irregular Foot Yes Sotnia = Company; Kabardian coys. are large.
Kabardinski Kavalerija Polk 1. – 2. x4 Heavy Cavalry No
Bashkir regiments are composed of 2 Units each.
Kabardian Kavalerija regiments are composed of
2 Units each.
Total SPs: Bashkir MZP 10; Kabardian MZP 10

6.45 Kalmyk Horde

Forces Contingent Code K Notes: see Ex. Rule 4.69.
Name SPs Class DP DP = Dual-Purpose Unit (Ex. Rule 3.13).
Kalmykijj Polk Konnicy 1. – 6. x12 Heavy Cavalry No Kalmyk regiments are composed of 2 Units each.
Kalmykijj Polk Kazaka 7. – 20. x34 Light Horse (b) Yes (b) = Bow-Armed
Kalmykijj Polk Kazaka 21. – 25. x10 Cossack (l) Yes (l) = Lance-Armed
Total SPs in MZP: 56
6.46 Leaders
Name Rank Faction Notes:
General Feldmarshal Count Burkhart Christoph von Münnich Captain General Münnich
General Feldmarshal Knez I. Y. Trubetskoi Marshal © Either At the start of a scenario,
determine the Faction to
General Feldmarshal V. V. Dolgoruki Marshal © Either
Generalfeldzugmeister Ludwig Wilhelm Prinz von Hesse-Homburg Marshal Either which each Leader belongs,
General-anschef Knez V. A. Repnin Marshal Either per Ex. Rule 3.5.
General-anschef I. M. Shuvalov Starshiy Marshal © Either Note that a few Leaders only
General-anschef Count A. I. Rumyantsev Marshal Either belong to one Faction.
General-anschef Count P. von Lacy Marshal Either
General-anschef Lewascheff Marshal Either See Ex. Rule 4.28 for the
General-anschef A. B. Buturlin Marshal © Either Admiral.
General-anschef Count Weisbach Marshal Either See Ex. Rule 3.25 for the
General-anschef Knez A. M. Galitzine Marshal © Either Captain-General.
General-Poruchik Leontyev General Either
General-Poruchik Karl Biron General Either © = Coup Replacement
General-Poruchik Gustav Biron General Either Leader (Ex. Rule 5.23).
General-Poruchik Sagraïsky General Either
If a Leader is assigned to a
General-Poruchik Count P. S. Saltykov General Either
Contingent he is a
General-Poruchik Ishmaëlov General Either
Contingent Leader (Ex. Rule
General-Poruchik Baron de Louberas General Either
General-Poruchik Count Douglass General Either
General-Poruchik Löwendahl General Either Clarification: Leaders
General-Poruchik James Keith General Either named “Biron” may belong
General-Poruchik S. L. Ignatyev General Either to the Münnich Faction and
General-Poruchik I. I. Bibikov General Either may even start in that
General-Poruchik Bahkmetyev General Either Faction.
General-Poruchik Knez Y. Trubetskoi General Either
General-Poruchik N. Y. Trubetskoi General © Either
General-Poruchik Spiegel General Either
General-Poruchik Brilly General Either
General-Poruchik Count Jagouinsky General Either
Vice Admiral Piotr Bredal Admiral Either
Vice Admiral Simavin Admiral Either
Koschowoy Ataman Belitski (Zaporozhe Cossacks) General (Zap. Host) None
Voiskowoy Ataman Iestemoff (Don Cossacks) General (Don Host) None
Ataman Troloff (Don Cossacks) General (Don Host) None
Khan of the Kalmyks Don Duc-Olmo General (Kalmyk) None
Goldan Narma General (Kalmyk) None
Stapân Antiochus Cantimir General (Moldavian) None
Kil’miak-Abyz General (Bashkir) None
Hamza Bek General (Kabardian) None
For all scenarios, if no quantity is given for a regiment or other item, all elements with the same name are present (example: under 7.81
“At Fort Perewolozka”, 1st item, “Arkhangelogorodskiy Draguna Polk”. By the OoB, this consists of 2 Unit counters and a Grenadier
Company Auxiliary. Since no quantity is given, both Unit counters are located here, and the Grenadier is Available – thus placed in the
Available Box or assigned to a Converged Unit).

7.0 MINOR SCENARIOS DP Units listed above may set up as Auxiliaries or as Formed
DO NOT INVOLVE THE MUSCOVITE SIDE 7.44 Leaders (Muscovite only: 6.46)

7.4 CHASTISEMENT General-Poruchik Leontyev (Army Commander)

General Leontiev’s Crimean Campaign Posted to command Armija Dnepra Army HQ
October – November 1735 Leontyev may be replaced by any other General-Poruchik if he
is involuntarily removed from play.
SIDES’ FORCES ARE LISTED HERE. 7.45 Artillery & Supply (Muscovite-only: 6.413)
7.41 G-P Leontyev’s Command Artillery: None.
At Czariczenska (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W5) 1 Depôt may be initially deployed, at Full, in any Friendly
Fortifications within the play area. All Depôts are available
Armija Dnepra Army HQ, with:
during the scenario. The Armija Dnepra Mobile Depôt is not
12x Draguna Polk (any 12 regiments – 2 counters each) available.
1x Line Infantry Polk (any 1 regiment – 2 counters)*
*Do not Use Nizovoi Corps Units
7.46 Reinforcements
7.461 General Items
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)
Available to be Formed
Malorusskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x6 counters‡
Slobodskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x 6 counters‡ 4x Muscovite Garrison HQs
Zaporozhie Starshini (Cossacks) x 2 counters‡ 2x Muscovite Converged Horse Grenadier DP Units
Zaporozhie Starshini (Sich Cossacks) x2 counters‡
7.462 Random Krim Tatars (Enemy)
‡If setting up as Units these may deploy at Czariczenska
(HGH3/Sergewskoi/W5), or in their own MZP Territories, or Per Special Rule for scenario 7.4 (Exclusive Rulebook) 1d10-
anywhere within 3 hexes of their own MZPs. See 6.43 for worth at a time; the entire mix of Krim Tatar SPs (6.52 in the
Cossack Hosts. Tatar OOB Book) is available to draw from.

Historical Note: unfortunately, the names of the units taking part in this 7.5 AND QUIET FLOWS THE DON
operation are not readily available; the numbers are accurate, and The Azov-Kuban Campaigns of 1736
come from Manstein’s memoirs (see Bibliography). March – October 1736
7.42 Enemy Forces 7.51 GFM Lacy’s Command
At Prekop (HGH/11/Karasbasar/NW8) At Fort St. Anna (HGH8/Taganrog/E8)
In Garrison Armija Dona HQ, with:
These forces may not leave the Garrison during the Scenario.
2x Draguna Polk (any 2 regiments – 2 counters)
2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta Units 6x Line Infantry Polk (any 6 regiments – 2 counters)*
1x Ezerum Azap Unit *Do not Use Nizovoi Corps Units
1x Ezerum Tüfekçis Unit
1x Ezerum Sipahi Unit (1 counter only) Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)

DP Units must be deployed as Units. Azovski Garnizonnyjj Polk Draguna x2 counters‡

Oden’te (Don) Starshini (Cossacks) x8 counters‡
If necessary, any one (1) Ottoman Leader of 2-Tail Rank may
be randomly drawn to command at Prekop. ‡If setting up as Units these may deploy at Fort St. Anna
(HGH8/Taganrog/E8), or in their Home Territories, or
Deploy per 7.4 Special Rule #2 anywhere within 3 hexes of their Home Territories. See 6.43
In the Prekop Horde Territory on HGH Map #7 for Cossack Hosts.
Historical Note: as with the 1735 campaign, the names of the units
3x Krim Tatar Settlements taking part in this operation are not readily available; but the numbers
3x Dummy Settlements. are accurate, and again come from Manstein’s memoirs (see
7.43 Auxiliaries (Muscovite only: 6.412)
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs
1x Inzhener Mosta (Pontooneer Auxiliary)
Auxiliary Companies belonging to the Cavalry and Infantry
regiments chosen under 7.41 are available.
7.52 Auxiliaries (6.412) 7.553 Scenario Turn Two (Turn #6: April-May)
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs Oden’te Rechnuju Flotiliju (may start Tasked to a Depôt) with
associated Oden’te Flotiliju Gunboat Flotilla as listed under
1x Saper Kompanija 6.414.
Belgorodski Inzhener Sotnia
1x Inzhener Mosta The Flotilla has 6 SPs.
1x Starets
Auxiliary Companies belonging to the Cavalry and Infantry
Vice Admiral Piotr Bredal, with the Flotilla
regiments listed under 7.51 are available, even if only one (1)
of the Unit counters is in play. If none of the Unit counters are 7.554 Scenario Turn Three (Turn #7: May-June)
in play, that regiment’s associated Auxiliaries are not in play
either. At Fort St. Anna (HGH8/Taganrog/E8)

DP Units listed above may set up as Auxiliaries or as Formed 1x Draguna Polk (any 1 regiment – 2 counters)
Units. 2x Line Infantry Polk (any 2 regiments – 2 counters)*
*Do not Use Nizovoi Corps Units
7.53 Leaders (6.46)
7.555 Garrison Army, Cossacks, & Other Forces
General Feldmarshal Count Burkhart Christoph von Münnich
No Garrison Army or other forces are available as
General-anschef Count P. von Lacy (see below)
Reinforcements; except,
General-Poruchik Count Douglass
2) The Don Host Cossacks have 26 SPs out of their listed 44
All are in the Officers’ Mess, except:
(6.43) – the other 18 SPs are with the main army on the Dniepr
Münnich is the initial Armija Dona Army HQ Commander. He or in the Kuban. The 26 SPs are recorded in their MZP. 8 are
is automatically withdrawn from play in the Administrative immediately available per 7.51 (as DP Units). The remaining
Phase of Turn One and does not return; Lacy automatically & SPs (18 of the 26) cannot be used to Form counters, they only
immediately becomes the new Army Commander. Do not Post provide the defensive benefits outlined in 4.186. Eliminated
him to any other HQ in the interim. After this, Relief and Don Host Cossack SPs are returned to the MZP and cannot be
Posting follow normal procedure. cannot be re-Mustered during the scenario, but they do
contribute to their MZP’s defensive power.
7.54 Artillery & Supply (6.413)
Artillery: The Crimean Campaign of 1736
4x Field SPs. April – October 1736
2x Bombardier SPs.
7.61 GFM B. C. Münnich’s Command
4x Siege Artillery SPs.
At Czariczenska (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W5)
The Armija Dona Artillery SP markers.
Moskvich Velikaja Armija HQ, with:
Artillery SPs may start assigned to the Army HQ or remain in
the Arsenal, as desired. 12x Draguna Polk (any 12 regiments – 2 counters each)
15x Line Infantry Polk (any 15 regiments – 2 counters)*
2 Depôts may be deployed at Full in any Friendly Fortifications
10x Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Polk
within the play area.
*Do not Use Nizovoi Corps Units
7.55 Reinforcements Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)
7.551 General Items Vengerskijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)*
Available to be Formed Gruzhinsijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)*
Oden’te (Don) Starshini (Cossacks) x10 counters* (see 6.43)
All Muscovite Column HQs Zaporozhie Starshini (Cossacks) x 4 counters‡
All Muscovite Contingent Dummies Zaporozhie Starshini (Sich Cossacks) x2 counters‡
4x Muscovite Garrison HQs Malorusskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x4 counters‡
4x Muscovite Converged Foot Grenadier DP Units Slobodskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x 4 counters‡
1x Muscovite Converged Horse Grenadier DP Units
*If setting up as Units, these must deploy at Czariczenska
7.552 Scenario Turn One (Turn #5: March-April) (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W5)
At Fort St. Anna (HGH8/Taganrog/E8) ‡If setting up as Units, may deploy at Czariczenska
(HGH3/Sergewskoi/W5), and/or in their Home Territories,
1x Draguna Polk (any 1 regiment – 2 counters each) and/or anywhere within 3 hexes of their Home Territories.
2x Line Infantry Polk (any 2 regiments – 2 counters each)*
*Do not Use Nizovoi Corps Units Any Lines of the Ukraine (Ex. Rule 1.56) hexes

General-anschef Lewascheff added to Officer’s Mess Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Polk x5 counters

Kirasir Zhizni Polk
3rd Kirasira Polk (Münnich’s)
Historical Note: as with the 1735 campaign, the names of the units
taking part in this operation are not readily available; but again, the
numbers are accurate, and again come from Manstein’s memoirs (see
7.62 Auxiliaries (6.412) 7.652 Scenario Turn Five (Turn #10: July-August)
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs In Münnich’s or the Moskvich Velikaja Armija HQ’s current
Saper Kompanija x1
Kievski Inzhener Sotnia x1 5x Draguna Polk (2 counters each)*
Sankt-Peterburgski Inzhener Sotnia x1 *Associated Auxiliary Companies & Batteries in the Available
Inzhener Mosta x1 Box
Starets x2
7.653 Kinburn Assault Force (Special Rule #1)
Dneprskaja Rechnaja Flotilija (may start Tasked to a Depôt).
Auxiliary Companies belonging to the Cavalry and Infantry
1x Column HQ, 6x Cossack SPs, 20x Dragoon &/or Infantry
regiments listed under 7.61 are available, even if only one (1)
SPs, 1x Leader of General Rank. Removed from play per
of the Unit counters is in play. If none of the Unit counters are
Special Rule #1.
in play, that regiment’s associated Auxiliaries are not in play
either. 7.654 Garrison Army, Cossacks, & Other Forces
DP Units listed above may set up as Auxiliaries or as Formed Garrison Army (6.42) forces not listed above are available for
Units. Mustering (4.17) but may not leave their Home Territories; if
on the map and forced to leave their Home Territory, they
7.63 Leaders (6.46) become Unformed and their SPs are returned to their MZP.
General Feldmarshal Count Burkhart Christoph von Münnich Cossack Host SPs (6.43) other than those listed above are
General-anschef Count A. I. Rumyantsev available but must remain in their respective MZPs and may
General-Poruchik Leontyev only provide the defensive benefits outlined in 4.186.
General-Poruchik Ishmaëlov Eliminated SPs are returned to their respective pools and
General-Poruchik Knez Y. Trubetskoi cannot be re-Mustered during the scenario, but they do
Ataman Troloff (Don Cossacks) contribute to their MZP’s defensive power.
Koschowoy Ataman Belitski (Zaporozhe Cossacks)
All in the Officers’ Mess, except:
The Cleansing of the Kuban
Münnich is the initial Moskvich Velikaja Armija Grand Army April – December 1736
HQ commander.
7.71 Don Duc-Olmo’s Command
7.64 Artillery & Supply (6.413)
Enter Turn One anywhere on HGH Map East edge within
Artillery: the Kalmyk Horde and/or Circassia Territories
(Or place in Available Box, or assign to HQ as Auxiliaries)
8x Field SPs.
2x Bombardier SPs. The entire Kalmyk OOB (6.45)
4x Siege Artillery SPs.
7.72 Auxiliaries
All Artillery SP markers except those of the Armija Dona HQ.
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs
Artillery SPs may start assigned to HQs or remain in the
Arsenal, as desired. Kalmyk DP Units may set up as Auxiliaries or as Formed
Dneprskaja Flotilija Gunboat Flotilla as listed under 6.414,
with 3 SPs 7.73 Leaders (6.46)
2 Depôts may be deployed at Full in any Friendly Fortifications Don Duc-Olmo, Khan of the Kalmyks
within the play area. The Moskvich Velikaja Armija Mobile Posted to Command strongest (in SPs) Kalmyk HQ
Depôt may be used. It starts at full capacity. Goldan Narma, son of Don Duc-Olmo
Optional: do not use the Moskvich Velikaja Armija Mobile Posted to Command any other Kalmyk HQ, or may start in the
Depôt. Officer’s Mess

Historical Note: in 1736, Münnich experimented with a chain of 7.74 Artillery & Supply (6.413)
Palankas. Though successful, it was decided that they consumed too
much manpower and were a temptation to the Tatars. None

7.65 Reinforcements 7.75 Reinforcements

7.651 General Items 7.751 General Items

Available to be Formed Available to be Formed

All Muscovite HQs except the Armija Dona Army HQ Kolonka Kalmyckijja A through D Column HQs
All Muscovite Contingent Dummies All Muscovite Dummies
10x Muscovite Garrisons
4x Muscovite Converged Foot Grenadier DP Units
3x Muscovite Converged Horse Grenadier DP Units
Borisoglebski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz
7.752 Scenario Turn Five (Turn #9: June-July) Novokolskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz (Koslovskiy)
With Any Kalmyk HQ(s)
1st Moskovski Polk
May be Formed into new HQs or Subordinated to existing ones 2nd Moskovski Polk
Terekskie Starshini (Cossacks) x4 counters Arkhangelogorodskiy Polk
Oden’te (Don) Starshini (Cossacks) x8 released from MZP Astrakhanski Polk
Kabardinski Kavalerija Polk 1. – 2. Belozerski Polk
Kabardinski Sotnia 1. – 6. Butyrski Polk
Chernigovski Polk
DP Units may alternatively enter play as Auxiliaries, in the Iaroslavlski Polk
Available Box. Kexholmski Polk
See 6.43 for Cossacks, 6.44 for Kabardians. Kievski Polk
Koporskiy Polk
Leaders (Officers’ Mess) Ladozskiy Polk
Muromski Polk
Voiskowoy Ataman Petrov
Novgorodski Polk
Ataman Troloff
Permski Polk
Hamza Bek
Pskovski Polk
HQs Rostovski Polk (1 counter)
Kolonka Kazaka D1 & D2 Column HQs Sankt-Peterburgski Polk
Sibyrskiy Polk
7.753 Garrison Army, Cossacks, & Other Forces Smolenski Polk
Garrison Army (6.42) forces are not available. Suzdalski Polk
Tobolski Polk
Cossack Host SPs (6.43) other than those listed above are Troitski Polk
available but must remain in their respective MZPs and may Velikolutskiy Polk
only provide the defensive benefits outlined in 4.186. Vladimirski Polk
Eliminated SPs are returned to their respective pools and Vologdaski Polk
cannot be re-Mustered during the scenario, but they do Voronejski Polk
contribute to their MZP’s defensive power. Vyborgski Polk
Batal’on Strelka Artillerii
The Oczakov & Crimean Campaigns of 1737 Lines of the Ukraine (Ex. Rule 1.56)
7.81 GFM B. C. Münnich’s Command Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Polk x5 counters (any regiments)
Kirasir Zhizni Polk
At Fort Perewolozka (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8) 3rd Kirasira Polk (Münnich’s)
All elements of each regiment are present, except where noted
Kirasier Polk Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel
Moskvich Velikaja Armija HQ, with: Teginski Polk

Arkhangelogorodskiy Draguna Polk Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)

Azovski Draguna Polk
Vengerskijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)*
Ingermanlandski Draguna Polk
Gruzhinsijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)*
Kargopolski Draguna Polk Malorusskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x8 counters‡
Kievski Draguna Polk Slobodskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x 12 counters‡
Loutzski Draguna Polk
Zaporozhie Starshini (Cossacks) x 6 counters‡
Moskovski Draguna Polk Zaporozhie Starshini (Sich Cossacks) x4 counters‡
Narvski Draguna Polk
Novgorodski Draguna Polk *If setting up as Units, deploy at Fort Perewolozka
Novotroitski Draguna Polk (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8)
Olonetzski Draguna Polk ‡If setting up as Units, deploy at Fort Perewolozka
Permski Draguna Polk (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8), and/or in their own MZP Territories,
Revel Draguna Polk and/or anywhere within 3 hexes of their own MZP Territories.
Riga Draguna Polk
Ryazanski Draguna Polk 7.82 GFM Lacy’s Command
Sankt-Peterburgski Draguna Polk Within 1 hex of Fort Pawlawsk (Paulovsky)
Sibyrskiy Draguna Polk (HGH8/Taganrog/N2)
Tobolski Draguna Polk All elements of each regiment are present, except where noted
Troitzski Draguna Polk
Tverski Draguna Polk Armija Dona HQ, with:
Vladimirski Draguna Polk Astrakhanski Draguna Polk
Putilskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz
Iambourski Draguna Polk
Lieveniskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz
Kazanski Draguna Polk
Stariokolskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Nizhegorodskiy Draguna Polk
Iefremovskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Pskovski Draguna Polk
Seofskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz
Rostovski Draguna Polk
Briansk Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Viatzkiy Draguna Polk
Valuikski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Volodski Draguna Polk >>>>more
Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Polk x3 counters (any regiments) the Unit counters are in play, that regiment’s associated
Auxiliaries are not in play either.
Apscheronski Polk
Azovski Polk 2) DP Units listed above may set up as Auxiliaries or as
Bakuski Polk Formed Units.
Dagestanski Polk
Derbentski Polk 7.84 Leaders
Ingermanlandski Polk Entire Leader Pool (6.46), excepting Coup Leaders (Ex. Rule
Kabardinski Polk 5.23). All in Officers’ Mess, except:
Kazanski Polk
Kourinski Polk At Fort Perewolozka (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8)
Narvski Polk General Feldmarshal Count Burkhart Christoph von Münnich:
Nasheburgski Polk
CO Grand Army HQ
Navaguinski Polk
Nevskiy Polk At Fort Pawlawsk (Paulovsky) (HGH8/Taganrog/N2)
Nizovski Polk
General-anschef Count P. von Lacy: CO of Armija Dona Army
Rostovski Polk (1 counter)
Ryazanski Polk
Salianski Polk Historical Note. The actual leaders with Münnich were;
Schlüsselburgskii Polk Generalfeldzugmeister Prinz von Hesse-Homburg
Shirvanski Polk General-anschef Count A. I. Rumyantsev
Uglitski Polk General-Poruchik Leontyev
General-Poruchik Karl Biron
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role) General-Poruchik Gustav Biron
General-Poruchik Löwendahl
Azovski Garnizonnyjj Polk Draguna x2 counters* General-Poruchik James Keith
Voronejski Garnizonnyjj Polk Draguna x2 counters*
The actual leaders with Lacy were:
Oden’te (Don) Starshini (Cossacks) x16 counters* (see 6.43)
General-anschef Lewascheff
Terekskie Starshini (Cossacks) 1. – 2. (see 6.43) General-Poruchik Count Douglass
Kabardinski Kavalerija Polk 1. – 2. (see 6.44) General-Poruchik Spiegel
Kabardinski Sotnia 1. – 6. (see 6.44) General-Poruchik Brilly
Kalmykijj (Kalmyks) x28 counters (see 6.45). Draw randomly. Vice Admiral Piotr Bredal

*If setting up as Units, deploy within 1 hex of Fort Pawlawsk 7.85 Artillery & Supply (6.413)
(HGH8/Taganrog/N2) and/or in their own MZP Territories,
and/or anywhere within 3 hexes of their own MZP Territories. Artillery. All SPs.

Historical Note: this is the first campaign for which names of units are All Artillery SP markers.
available; this time, they come from General Brown’s history (see
Bibliography). They may also be taken as a guide for the forces
Artillery SPs may start assigned to HQs or remain in the
available in 1736, though in that year, the Nizivoi Corps was still Arsenal, as desired. If assigned to HQs, initial allotments are as
recuperating from its time in Daghestan). The following units are not follows:
listed in Brown’s OOB, but must have been present if Manstein’s
numerical list for the same campaign (which unfortunately does not
With Münnich’s Command (7.81):
include names) is correct. The exceptions are the Cuirassiers and one 8x Field SPs.
of the infantry regiments; these have been placed in the Lines of
2x Bombardier SPs.
Ukraine to give them something to do but they may have been on the
Baltic Front. The whole constitutes the entire Mobile Army, excluding 4x Siege Artillery SPs.
the rest of the Guard, which was at St. Petersburg. With Lacy’s Command (7.82):
Iambourski Draguna Polk
4x Field SPs.
Astrakhanski Draguna Polk
Kirasier Polk Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel 2x Bombardier SPs.
Teginski Polk 4x Siege Artillery SPs.
Narvski Polk
Nevskiy Polk
Oden’te Flotiliju Gunboat Flotilla as listed under 6.414, with 8
Ingermanlandski Polk SPs.

7.83 Auxiliaries Dneprskaja Flotilija Gunboat Flotilla as listed under 6.414,

with 6 SPs.
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs
All Depôts may be deployed at Full in any Friendly
2x Saper Kompanija Fortifications within the play area.
Belgorodski Inzhener Sotnia
Kievski Inzhener Sotnia 7.86 Reinforcements
Sankt-Peterburgski Inzhener Sotnia 7.861 General Items
2x Inzhener Mosta
3x Starets Available to be Formed
Dneprskaja Rechnaja Flotilija (may start Tasked to a Depôt)
All Muscovite HQs
Oden’te Rechnuju Flotiliju (may start Tasked to a Depôt)
20x Muscovite Garrisons
1) Auxiliary Companies & Batteries belonging to the Cavalry 12x Muscovite Converged Foot Grenadier Units
and Infantry regiments listed under 7.81 & 7.82 are available, 7x Muscovite Converged Horse Grenadier Units
even if only one (1) of the Unit counters is in play. If none of
7.862 Scenario Turn One at Fort Perewolozka 2) DP Units listed above may set up as Auxiliaries or as
(HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8) Formed Units.
Okhrany Zhizni Polk 7.94 Leaders
Preobrajenskiy Lieb Garde (1 Battalion)
Semenovskiy Lieb Garde (1 Battalion) Entire Leader Pool (6.46), excepting Coup Leaders (Ex. Rule
Izmailovskiy Lieb Garde (1 Battalion) 5.23). All in Officers’ Mess, except that Münnich must be
placed at Poltava (HGH3/Sergewskoi/NW8).
7.863 Garrison Army, Cossacks, & Other Forces
7.95 Artillery & Supply (6.413)
Garrison Army (6.42) forces not listed above are available for
Mustering (4.17) but may not leave their Home Territories; if Artillery. All SPs. All in the Arsenal.
on the map and forced to leave their Home Territory, they All Artillery SP markers.
become Unformed and their SPs are returned to their MZP.
All Depôts are available for creation. None start on the map.
Cossack Host SPs (6.43) other than those listed above are
likewise available but must remain in their respective MZPs 7.96 Reinforcements
and may only provide the defensive benefits outlined in 4.186.
Eliminated SPs are returned to their respective pools and 7.961 General Items
cannot be re-Mustered during the scenario, but they do Available to be Formed
contribute to their MZP’s defensive power.
All Muscovite HQs
7.9 HARVESTING THE STEPPE 20x Muscovite Garrisons
Grand Tatar Raid, February 1737 12x Muscovite Converged Foot Grenadier Units
7x Muscovite Converged Horse Grenadier Units
7.91 The Mobile Army
7.962 Garrison Army, Cossacks, & Other Forces
Anywhere on or North of the Lines of the Ukraine (Ex.
Rule 1.56) between the Dniepr and Donets Rivers, and/or at All remaining SPs belonging to the Ukraine of Settlements &
Izium (HGH3/Sergewskoi/NE9), and/or at any other Sloboda Ukraine MZPs, in their pools. They may be Mustered
Fortification and Urban hexes on the map normally during the course of the scenario. Vnutrennjaja
Garnizonnaja Brigada Units that are Formed during play must
In Garrison
enter the map via the North edge during the same
1x Guard Cavalry SP Administrative Phase, or in any of the Operational Impulses of
2x Cuirassier SPs the following Turn.
29x Dragoon SPs
The following Cossack Hosts are available to be Mustered
3x Guard Infantry SPs
normally (all SPs begin in their respective MZPs – see 6.43):
89x Line Infantry SPs
20x Malorusskijj Starshini SPs
7.92 The Garrison Army (6.42) 14x Slobodskijj Starshini SPs
Anywhere on or North of the Lines of the Ukraine (Ex. 10x Zaporozhie Starshini SPs
Rule 1.56), between the Dniepr and Donets Rivers, & at
Izium (HGH3/Sergewskoi/NE9)
1738: the Dniestr Campaign;
6x Vnutrennjaja Garnizonnaja Brigada (24 SPs in 6 Units) Lacy Ravages the Crimea (again);
6x Ukrainskiy Landmilitz SPs the Kalmyks Sweep the Kuban (again)
2x Zakamskaia Landmilitz SPs
7.10.1 GFM B. C. Münnich’s Command
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)
At Fort Perewolozka (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8)
Vengerskijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)* All elements of each regiment are present, except where noted,
Gruzhinsijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)* except all Line Infantry regiments in this location have only 2
*If setting up as Units, deploy on or North of the Lines of the
Ukraine, as above. Moskvich Velikaja Armija HQ, with:
7.93 Auxiliaries Kirasir Zhizni Polk (Lieb) (1 counter)
3rd Kirasira Polk (Münnich’s) (1 counter)
In the Available Box Arkhangelogorodskiy Draguna Polk
2x Saper Kompanija Ingermanlandski Draguna Polk
Belgorodski Inzhener Sotnia Kargopolski Draguna Polk
Kievski Inzhener Sotnia Kievski Draguna Polk
Sankt-Peterburgski Inzhener Sotnia Loutzski Draguna Polk
3x Starets Moskovski Draguna Polk
Narvski Draguna Polk
1) Auxiliary Companies & Batteries belonging to the Cavalry Novotroitski Draguna Polk
and Infantry regiments listed under 7.81 & 7.82 are available, Riga Draguna Polk
even if only one (1) of the Unit counters is in play. If none of Rostovski Draguna Polk
the Unit counters are in play, that regiment’s associated Ryazanski Draguna Polk
Auxiliaries are not in play either. Sankt-Peterburgski Draguna Polk
Sibyrskiy Draguna Polk
Tobolski Draguna Polk >>>>more
Tverski Draguna Polk
Volodski Draguna Polk At Dziarcremenda (HGH10/Akerman/NE8) and/or Fort
Reval Draguna Polk Kinburn (HGH10/Akerman/ENE10)

1st Moskovski Polk In Garrison

2nd Moskovski Polk Novgorodski Draguna Polk
Sankt-Peterburgski Polk Kievski Polk (1 counter – 3rd battalion)
Schlüsselburgskii Polk 2nd Moskovski Polk (1 counter – 3rd battalion)
Astrakhanski Polk Muromski Polk
Sibyrskiy Polk Permski Polk
Kexholmski Polk Smolenski Polk
Koporskiy Polk Suzdalski Polk
Narvski Polk Vyborgski Polk
Ladozskiy Polk
Nevskiy Polk 7.10.2 Lacy’s Command
Novgorodski Polk
At Bachmut (HGH4/Aidar/SW6)
Tobolski Polk
All elements of each regiment are present, except where noted,
Pskovski Polk
except all Line Infantry regiments in this location have only 2
Rostovski Polk
Belozerski Polk
Vologdaski Polk Astrakhanski Draguna Polk
Voronejski Polk Iambourski Draguna Polk
Butyrski Polk Kazanski Draguna Polk
Iaroslavlski Polk Nizhegorodskiy Draguna Polk
Vladimirski Polk Pskovski Draguna Polk
Chernigovski Polk Azovski Draguna Polk
Batal’on Strelka Artillerii Olonetzski Draguna Polk
Putilskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Permski Draguna Polk
Lieveniskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Troitzski Draguna Polk
Stariokolskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Vladimirski Draguna Polk
Iefremovskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz
Seofskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Apscheronski Polk
Briansk Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Azovski Polk
Valuikski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Bakuski Polk
Borisoglebski Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Dagestanski Polk
Novokolskiy Ukrainskiy Landmilitz (Koslovskiy) Derbentski Polk
Ingermanlandski Polk
Oden’te (Don) Starshini (Cossacks) x8 counters (see 6.43) Kabardinski Polk
Kazanski Polk
Any Lines of the Ukraine (Ex. Rule 1.56) hexes
Kourinski Polk
Ukrainskiy Landmilitz Polk x5 counters (any regiments) Nasheburgski Polk
Nizegorodskiy Polk Navaguinski Polk
Teginski Polk Nizovski Polk
Kirasier Polk Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel Ryazanski Polk
Kurlandski Kirasira Polk Salianski Polk
Kirasir Zhizni Polk (Lieb) (1 counter) Shirvanski Polk
3rd Kirasira Polk (Münnich’s) (1 counter) Uglitski Polk
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role) Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)
Vengerskijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)* Azovski Garnizonnyjj Polk Draguna*
Gruzhinsijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)* Voronejski Garnizonnyjj Polk Draguna*
Tchougouievski Starshini* Oden’te (Don) Starshini (Cossacks) x16 counters* (see 6.43)
Hobodes Cossacks x1 counter*
*If setting up as Units, deploy at Bachmut (HGH4/Aidar/SW6),
Trilutski Cossacks x1 counter*
and/or in their own MZP Territories, and/or anywhere within 3
Achtirk Cossacks x1 counter*
hexes of their own MZP Territories.
Chompaneilschick Cossacks x2 counters*
Malorusskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x6 counters‡ Historical Note: the OOB for this campaign is complied from Manstein
Slobodskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x8 counters‡ and Crawford; they are generally confirmatory. Crawford’s OOB
Zaporozhie Starshini (Cossacks) x6 counters‡ diagram is not exactly the same as the information found in his text.
Manstein as usual provides numerical data but no unit names. Only
*If setting up as Units, deploy at Fort Perewolozka Münnich’s command can be confirmed. It has been assumed that most
(HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8) of the units no longer present after the ’37 campaign are at Oczakov &
‡If setting up as Units, deploy at Fort Perewolozka Kinburn (the numbers are about right). Lacy obviously had to transfer
some of his units to Münnich’s command to make up the shortfall; if his
(HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8), in their own MZP Territories, or
remaining forces from ’37 are then assessed, the numbers work (30-
anywhere within 3 hexes of their own MZP Territories. 35,000 men including irregulars).
7.10.3 Don Duc-Olmo’s Command 7.10.6 Artillery & Supply (6.413)
Enter Turn One anywhere on East edge within the Kalmyk Artillery. All SPs.
Horde and/or Circassia Territories
All Artillery SP markers.
(Or place in Available Box, or assign to HQ as Auxiliaries)
The entire Kalmyk OOB (6.45) Artillery SPs may start assigned to HQs or remain in the
Arsenal, as desired. If assigned to HQs, initial allotments are as
7.10.4 Auxiliaries follows:
2x Saper Kompanija With Münnich’s Command (7.10.1):
Belgorodski Inzhener Sotnia
8x Field SPs.
Kievski Inzhener Sotnia
2x Bombardier SPs.
Sankt-Peterburgski Inzhener Sotnia
4x Siege Artillery SPs.
2x Inzhener Mosta
3x Starets With Lacy’s Command (7.10.2):
Dneprskaja Rechnaja Flotilija (may start Tasked to a Depôt)
Oden’te Rechnuju Flotiliju (may start Tasked to a Depôt) 4x Field SPs.
2x Bombardier SPs.
Auxiliary Companies & Batteries belonging to the Cavalry and 4x Siege Artillery SPs.
Infantry regiments listed under 7.10.1 & 7.10.2 are available,
even if only one (1) of the Unit counters is in play. If none of Oden’te Flotiliju Gunboat Flotilla as listed under 6.414, with 10
the Unit counters are in play, that regiment’s associated SPs.
Auxiliaries are not in play either. Dneprskaja Flotilija Gunboat Flotilla as listed under 6.414,
DP Units listed above may set up as Auxiliaries or as Formed with 10 SPs.
Units. All Depôts may be deployed at Full in any Friendly
Fortifications within the play area.
7.10.5 Leaders
Entire Leader Pool (6.46), excepting Coup Leaders (Ex. Rule 7.10.7 Reinforcements
5.23). All in Officers’ Mess, except: 7.10.71 General Items
At Fort Perewolozka (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8) Available to be Formed
General Feldmarshal Count Burkhart Christoph von Münnich: All Muscovite HQs (6.414)
CO Grand Army HQ 20x Muscovite Garrisons (6.414)
At Bachmut (HGH4/Aidar/SW6) 12x Muscovite Converged Foot Grenadier Units
7x Muscovite Converged Horse Grenadier Units
General-anschef Count P. von Lacy: CO of Armija Dona Army
HQ 7.10.72 Scenario Turn One (Turn #6: April-May) at Fort
Kalmyk Leaders (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8)
Don Duc-Olmo, Khan of the Kalmyks Okhrany Zhizni Polk
Posted to Command strongest (in SPs) Kalmyk HQ Preobrajenskiy Lieb Garde (1 Battalion)
Semenovskiy Lieb Garde (1 Battalion)
Goldan Narma, son of Don Duc-Olmo
Izmailovskiy Lieb Garde (1 Battalion)
Posted to Command any other Kalmyk HQ, or may start in the
Officer’s Mess 7.10.73 Scenario Turn Two (Turn #7: May) at Fort
MIA (optional)
Remove from the mix for the duration of the scenario:
Viatzkiy Draguna Polk
General-Poruchik James Keith (in Paris, recovering from a leg Velikolutskiy Polk
wound) Kievski Polk (2 counters)
Arkhangelogorodskiy Polk
Generalfeldzugmeister Ludwig Wilhelm Prinz von Hesse- Troitski Polk
Homburg (in St. Petersburg, recovering from a wedding party)
7.10.74 Scenario Turn Three (Turn #8: May-June) at Fort
Historical Note. The actual leaders with Münnich were;
Perewolozka (HGH3/Sergewskoi/W8)
General-anschef Count A. I. Rumyantsev
General-Poruchik Sagraïsky DP Units
General-Poruchik Karl Biron
General-Poruchik Gustav Biron Oden’te (Don) Starshini (Cossacks) x8 counters* (see 6.43)
General-Poruchik Löwendahl
Vice-Admiral Simavin *If Formed as Units, enter at Fort Perewolozka
The actual leaders with Lacy are not known but probably similar to the
year before (scenario 7.8).
hussars and 13,000 Cossacks, plus a large siege train (they were
7.10.75 Scenario Turn Four (Turn #9: June-July) expecting a long siege at Khotin.
With Any Kalmyk HQ(s) 7.11.2 Auxiliaries
May be Formed into new HQs or Subordinated to existing ones
2x Saper Kompanija
Terekskie Starshini (Cossacks) x4 counters Belgorodski Inzhener Sotnia
Kabardinski Kavalerija Polk 1. – 2. Kievski Inzhener Sotnia
Kabardinski Sotnia 1. – 6. Sankt-Peterburgski Inzhener Sotnia
DP Units may alternatively enter play as Auxiliaries, in the 2x Inzhener Mosta
Available Box. 3x Starets

See 6.43 for Cossacks, 6.44 for Kabardians. Auxiliary Companies & Batteries belonging to the Cavalry and
Infantry regiments listed under 7.11.1 & 7.11.2 are available,
Leaders (Officers’ Mess) even if only one (1) of the Unit counters is in play. If none of
Voiskowoy Ataman Petrov the Unit counters are in play, that regiment’s associated
Ataman Troloff Auxiliaries are not in play either.
Hamza Bek DP Units listed above may set up as Auxiliaries or as Formed
7.10.76 Garrison Army, Cossacks, & Other Forces Units.

Garrison Army (6.42) forces not listed above are available for 7.11.3 Leaders
Mustering (4.17) but may not leave their Home Territories; if Entire Leader Pool (6.46), excepting Coup Leaders (Ex. Rule
on the map and forced to leave their Home Territory, they 5.23). All in Officers’ Mess, except:
become Unformed and their SPs are returned to their MZP.
At Kiev (HGH2/Kanev/NE8)
Cossack Host SPs (6.43) other than those listed above are
likewise available but must remain in their respective MZPs General Feldmarshal Count Burkhart Christoph von Münnich:
and may only provide the defensive benefits outlined in 4.186. CO Grand Army HQ
Eliminated SPs are returned to their respective pools and Historical Note. The actual leaders with Münnich were;
cannot be re-Mustered during the scenario, but they do General-anschef Count A. I. Rumyantsev
contribute to their MZP’s defensive power. General-Poruchik Karl Biron
General-Poruchik Gustav Biron
7.11 MARCHE SLAV General-Poruchik Löwendahl
The Moldavian Campaign of 1739
7.11.4 Artillery & Supply (6.413)
7.11.1 GFM B. C. Münnich’s Command
Artillery. All SPs
At Kiev (HGH2/Kanev/NE8)
All elements of each regiment are present, except where noted. All Artillery SP markers.

Moskvich Velikaja Armija HQ, with: Artillery SPs may start assigned to HQs or remain in the
Arsenal, as desired.
10x Draguna Polk (any 10 regiments – 2 counters each)
23x Line Infantry Polks (any 23 regiments – 2 counters each) All Depôts may be deployed at Full in any Friendly
3x Guard Infantry Polk (1 counter from each regiment) Fortifications within the play area.
x9 Ukrainskiy Landmilitz (any regiments) 7.11.5 Reinforcements
Dual-Purpose Units (may begin in either role)
7.11.51 General Items
Vengerskijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)*
Available to be Formed
Gruzhinsijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)*
Serbskijj Polk Gusara (1 counter)* All Muscovite HQs
Tchougouievski Starshini* 20x Muscovite Garrisons
Hobodes Cossacks x1 counter* 12x Muscovite Converged Foot Grenadier Units
Trilutski Cossacks x1 counter* 7x Muscovite Converged Horse Grenadier Units
Achtirk Cossacks x1 counter*
Chompaneilschick Cossacks x2 counters* 7.11.52 Garrison Army, Cossacks, & Other Forces
Malorusskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x6 counters‡ Garrison Army (6.42) forces not listed above are available for
Slobodskijj Starshini (Cossacks) x8 counters‡ Mustering (4.17) but may not leave their Home Territories; if
Zaporozhie Starshini (Cossacks) x4 counters‡ on the map and forced to leave their Home Territory, they
Oden’te (Don) Starshini (Cossacks) x8 counters* (see 6.43) become Unformed and their SPs are returned to their MZP.
*If setting up as Units, deploy at Kiev (HGH2/Kanev/NE8) Cossack Host SPs (6.43) other than those listed above are
‡If setting up as Units, deploy at Kiev (HGH2/Kanev/NE8), likewise available but must remain in their respective MZPs
and/or in their own MZP Territories, and/or anywhere within 3 and may only provide the defensive benefits outlined in 4.186.
hexes of their own MZP Territories. Eliminated SPs are returned to their respective pools and
Historical Note: alas, for the final year, information is once again cannot be re-Mustered during the scenario, but they do
scanty. Manstein gives 3 squadrons of horse guards, 3 battalions of contribute to their MZP’s defensive power.
guards, 46 other foot battalions, 100 squadrons of dragoons, the
The Russo-Austro-Turkish War: Balkan Theatre
Grand Campaign 1737-39
The Russo-Austro-Turkish War
Grand Campaign 1735-39
Grand Campaign Scenario 1737 Start
1) Use Scenario 7.8 for initial deployment. Ignore 7.862 & 7.863. Clarification: All HQs, Garrison HQs, and Depôts are available.
2) All remaining Mobile Army Units in the Reserve Box. For the availability of the Nizovoi Corps, see the FAT and calculate
using the 1736 (not 1737) row. Entry Turn dated from Nov-Dec Turn of 1736 (not 1737).
3) All Guard SPs, Batteries, and Auxiliaries begin the game in the St. Petersburg Security Force Box.
4) Remaining Garrison Army, Bashkir, Kabardian, Kalmyk, and Cossacks in their holding boxes. See the FAT for the Garrison
Army, Bashkir, Kabardian, Kalmyk, and Cossack Expeditionary limits for the Year of 1737. The Bashkir Revolt has not
Ended, so the Bashkirs are not available. NB. Subtract forces already deployed per 7.8 from the Expeditionary limits to
determine if any additional forces are available.
5) Replacement SP accumulation starts with Turn One.
6) Naval SPs as listed under 6.414 for the Year 1737 (see also the FAT). Vice Admiral Piotr Bredal with the Flot Chernogo Morja
Naval Flotilla. NB. Naval SPs can be based at Taganrog.
Grand Campaign Scenario 1736 Start
1) Use Scenarios 7.5 & 7.6 & 7.7 for initial deployment. Ignore 7.552 through 7.555, 7.652 through 7.654, and 7.752 through
7.753. Clarification: All HQs, Garrison HQs, and Depôts are available. Optional: do not use Mobile Depôts until 1737.
2) All remaining Mobile Army Units in the Reserve Box. For the availability of the Nizovoi Corps, see the FAT and calculate
using the 1735 (not 1736) row. Entry Turn dated from Nov-Dec Turn of 1735 (not 1736).
3) Guard SPs, Batteries, and Auxiliaries begin the game in the St. Petersburg Security Force Box.
4) Remaining Garrison Army, Bashkir, Kabardian, Kalmyk, and Cossacks in their holding boxes. See the FAT for the Garrison
Army, Bashkir, Kabardian, Kalmyk, and Cossack Expeditionary limits for the Year of 1736. The Bashkir Revolt has not
Ended, so the Bashkirs are not available. NB. Subtract forces already deployed per 7.5/7.6/7.7 from the Expeditionary limits to
determine if any additional forces are available.
5) Replacement SP accumulation starts with Turn One.
6) There are no starting Naval SPs for 1736.
7) Muscovite Initial Operations. The Muscovite set up is divided into 3 Fronts: Münnich’s Command (Scenario 7.6), Lacy’s
Command (Scenario 7.5), and Don Duc Olmo’s Command (Scenario 7.7). DDO’s Command may conduct Operations on Turn
One. Lacy’s Command may not conduct Operations until Turn Two. Münnich’s Command may not conduct Operations until
Turn Three. No OPs are lost for the ACPs listed given to forces within these Commands until the end of the Turn in which the
Command may first conduct Operations.
Grand Campaign Scenario 1735 Start
1) Use Scenario 7.4 for initial deployment. Ignore 7.42 and all information regarding the Tatars (the Tatar player has his own
deployment instructions). Clarification: All HQs, Garrison HQs, and Depôts are available. Optional: do not use Mobile Depôts
until 1737.
2) All remaining Mobile Units in the Reserve Box. Mobile Army Units in the Reserve Box are not available until the FAT is
consulted on the Nov-Dec Turn of 1735. There are no Nizovoi Corps forces in play at scenario start.
3) All Guard SPs, Batteries, and Auxiliaries begin the game in the St. Petersburg Security Force Box.
4) Remaining Garrison Army, Bashkir, Kabardian, Kalmyk, and Cossacks in their holding boxes. See the FAT for the Garrison
Army, Bashkir, Kabardian, Kalmyk, and Cossack Expeditionary limits for the Year of 1735. The Bashkir Revolt has not
Ended, so the Bashkirs are not available. NB. Subtract forces already deployed per 7.4 from the Expeditionary limits to
determine if any additional forces are available.
5) Replacement SP accumulation starts with Turn One.
6) Artillery per 6.413, in the Arsenal and may not be used until the FAT is consulted in the Nov-Dec Turn of 1735
7) Auxiliaries per 6.412, in the Available Box, but may not be employed until the FAT is consulted in the Nov-Dec Turn of 1735.
8) Gunboat SPs per 6.414 (and the FAT). There are no starting Naval SPs for 1735.
1735 6 NA NA NA NA NA 6 6 2 2 NA NA NA NA NA
1736 12 NA 15 NA 2 26 4 4 4 2 NA 4 10 10 56
1737 4 NA 17 2 2 16 8 12 6 4 NA 4 10 10 28
1738 2 NA 14 4 2 24 6 8 6 NA 6 4 10 10 56
1739 – NA 14 4 2 16 8 12 6 2 8 4 10 10 28
Entry? NA 0-3 0-1 Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto 0-2 0-3 0-2 0-3 0-2
Explanation: in the Reinforcement step of the Administrative Phase of each November-December Turn, consult the FAT above. Cross-index the coming
Year (not the current Year) and roll one (1) die for each Contingent. If the result falls within the range given that Contingent has been received. Starting
with the first (1st) Turn of the calendar Year, consult the “Entry?” row each Turn during the Reinforcement step of the Administrative Phase, and roll one
(1) die per Contingent that has been received but that has not yet arrived. If the result falls within the given range, the Contingent arrives this Turn and its
forces may immediately enter a Reinforcements.
Once a Contingent has been received it will eventually arrive; keep checking each Turn until it does so. Those Contingents with “Auto” entry dates have
on-map MZPs and are available as Reinforcements on first (1st) Turn of the calendar Year. Exception: Garrison Army Sloboda Ukraine (SU) forces have a
built-in delay because they are a Militia Contingent.
For all receipt die rolls, take (Opposing Faction Influence – Player Faction Influence)/2 and add the result to the die roll.
Codes: NI = Nizovoi Corps; BZ = Baltic Zone; SU = Sloboda Ukraine; RB = Reserve; DH = Don Host; US = Ukraine of Settlements; YK = Yaik Host;
TK = Terek Host; ZH = Zaporozhian Host; ZHS = Zaporozhian Sich Host; BK = Bashkirs; KB = Kabardians; KM = Kalmyks
Minor Scenarios: only the forces listed in those scenarios are “expeditionary”; the remainder must remain within their MZP’s Territory or holding box.
State of Emergency: Ex. Rule 4.662 overrides the limitations of this table for the remainder of the current Quarter, and for one (1) full Quarter after that.
See also 4.663.
*Bashkirs: Bashkir Revolt Ends Special Event (Ex. Rule 5.26) must have occurred.
Nizovoi Corps = number of Units/SPs entering per Year per 4.68.


TURN 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 Muscovite Replacements.
SU & US: may appear within Sloboda Ukraine
Nov-Dec – 6 6 5 4 This section is used to generate or Ukraine of Settlements Territories
Dec-Jan – 6 6 5 4 Reinforcement SPs that can be (respectively) or enter along North edge of map
Jan – 6 6 5 4 used to Form Units (or
Auxiliaries) in the dead pile. within the appropriate Territory’s boundaries.
Jan-Feb – 5 5 4 3
The SPs arrive on the Turns DH: may appear within Don Host Territory or
Feb-Mar – 5 5 4 3
indicated. They can be saved up enter along North or East edge of map within
Mar-Apr – 4 4 3 2 and spent in the Reinforcement the Territory’s boundaries.
Apr-May – 4 4 3 2 step of any Administrative
May – 2 2 2 1 Phase. RB: may enter along North edge of HGH maps.
May- – 2 2 1 1 This includes Mobile Army Units.
Reduce SPs by one (1) to a
June minimum of zero (0) if there is a TK, YK, BK, KM: may enter along East edge
June-Jul – 2 2 1 0 Plague Outbreak (Ex. Rule 3.54) of HGH maps.
on the HGH maps.
Jul-Aug – 2 2 1 0
KB: may enter along East or South edge of
Aug – 2 2 1 0
HGH map #14.
Aug-Sep – 3 3 2 1
Sep-Oct 2 4/1 4/1 3/1 2/1 NI: stored in the Reserve Box
Oct 2 5 5 4 3
Oct-Nov 3 6/1 6/1 5/1 4/1 GUNBOAT & NAVAL SPs BY YEAR
1st number is Infantry, 2nd number is Cavalry YEAR DON GB DNIEPR GB BLACK SEA FLOT
On the 1st Turn of the Year of 1739 (or at the start of 1735 3 2 0
the 1739 Minor Scenario), roll one (1) die; 0-3 ALL 1736 +3 +1 +1
counters belonging to the Kazanski Draguna Polk are
permanently removed from play; eight (8) Turns later 1737 +2 +3 +1
the Kurlandski Kirasira Polk arrives as a 1738 +2 +4 +2
1739 +2 +4 +3
Cossack Revolt (Ex. Rule Notes: SPs are received on the first (1st) Turn of the Listed Year (1735 is
If Muscovite Prestige is currently One, ignoring PPs, starting pool). Builds are in addition to any GB SPs built with OPs and any
roll one (1) die per Cossack Contingent as the FAT is GB SP conversions to Naval SPs (conversions are 2 for 1). Naval builds
consulted for their EL or receipt. On a “0-1” the may only be taken & conversions made if Taganrog is a Naval Base (Ex.
Contingent Revolts and remains in Revolt for the rest Rule 4.35); SPs not taken before listed Year’s end are eliminated.
of the game.

Türkenkrieg/Heirs of the Golden Horde Muscovite OoB & Scenario Booklet ©2008 Red Sash Games & Ian Weir
Türkenkrieg – Heirs of the Golden Horde Tatar OoB & Scenario Booklet ©2008 Red Sash Games & Ian Weir


The following lists indicate the Units, Auxiliaries, Artillery SPs, Leaders, and HQs; the same forces are available in each scenario,
subject to any special directions. Dispositions are given in the Scenario Deployment section.
Dispositions are given in the Scenario Deployment section. Because historical information about Tatar forces is limited, the deployment
information is very brief.
Unless specifically assigned a role by the scenario, Dual-Purpose Units beginning a scenario in a Formed state may be deployed either as
Units or Auxiliaries, as the Tatar player sees fit.
Units are divided by Horde and by MZP; MZPs are listed at the top of each section & correspond to the number of Units associated with
that zone (since each Unit = 1 SP).
The Bujak Horde is an Ottoman Contingent and is found in that OOB booklet.
DP = Dual Purpose Units (Ex. Rule 3.13)
SPs = Strength Points = Units (i.e. at this scale – battalions of infantry, half-regiments of cavalry)
(b) = Bow-Armed
(l) = Lance-Armed

6.51 Suç (Crimean) Tatars

Krim Horde Territory MZP = 20 SPs Prekop Horde Territory MZP = 18 SPs Contingent Code C
Units SPs Class Home Territory DP?
Suç Tatar Sakchy Tïrkem 1. – 4. 4 Guard Infantry Krim Horde No
1. Suç Tatar Ulus 2 Light Horse (b) Krim Horde Yes
Suç Tatar Ulus 2. – 3. 4 Heavy Cavalry Krim Horde No
4. Suç Tatar Ulus 2 Medium Cavalry (l) Krim Horde Yes
5. Suç Tatar Ulus 2 Medium Cavalry (b) Krim Horde Yes
Suç Tatar Ulus 6. – 9. 4 Light Infantry (b) Krim Horde Yes
10. Suç Tatar Ulus 2 Light Horse (b) Krim Horde Yes
Suç Tatar Ulus 11. – 12. 4 Medium Cavalry (b) Prekop Horde Yes
Suç Tatar Ulus 13. – 18. 6 Light Infantry (b) Prekop Horde Yes
Suç Tatar Ulus 19. – 22. 8 Light Horse (b) Prekop Horde Yes
Suç Tatar Top Batarya Tabur 1. – 2. 2 Batteries Ex. Rule 4.53 NA
Settlements x3: 5 RPs – All initially deployed in Prekop Horde Territory, or as directed by the scenario
Notes: Prekop Horde & Krim Horde Suç Tatars all belong to the Crimean (Suç) Horde; they all have a Contingent code of “C”. The
division into “sub-Hordes” is made because the Horde has two (2) MZPs. The Batteries are not included in the MZP total, they are
assigned to the Tatar Arsenal or to the Suç Tatar Gjoskjor Army HQ in the normal manner (see Ex. Rule 4.53).
Historical Note: “Suç” corresponds to the Cossack “Sich” or “settlement”.

6.52 Nogai Tatars

Nogai Horde MZP = 40 SPs Contingent Code N
Units SPs Class Home Territory DP?
Nogai Tatar Ulus 1. – 2. 4 Heavy Cavalry Nogai Horde No
3. Nogai Tatar Ulus 2 Medium Cavalry (l) Nogai Horde Yes
Nogai Tatar Ulus 4. – 5. 4 Medium Cavalry (b) Nogai Horde Yes
Nogai Tatar Ulus 6. – 7. 4 Light Horse (l) Nogai Horde Yes
Nogai Tatar Ulus 8. – 10. 6 Light Horse (b) Nogai Horde Yes
Nogai Tatar Ulus 11. – 12. 4 Light Hose (l) Nogai Horde Yes
Nogai Tatar Ulus 13. – 20. 16 Light Horse (b) Nogai Horde Yes
Settlements x6: 10 RPs – deploy in Nogai Horde Territory, or as directed by the scenario
6.53 Kazyev (Kuban) Tatars
Kazyev Horde MZP = 16 SPs Contingent Code Kz
Units SPs Class Home Territory DP?
1. Kazyev Tatar Ulus 2 Heavy Cavalry Kuban Horde No
2. Kazyev Tatar Ulus 2 Medium Cavalry (l) Kuban Horde Yes
3. Kazyev Tatar Ulus 2 Medium Cavalry (b) Kuban Horde Yes
4. Kazyev Tatar Ulus 2 Light Horse (l) Kuban Horde Yes
Kazyev Tatar Ulus 5. – 8. 8 Light Horse (b) Kuban Horde Yes
Settlements x4: 5 RPs – deploy in Kuban Territory, or as directed by the scenario

6.54 Yedisan Tatars

Yedisan (Edisan) Horde MZP = 26 SPs Contingent Code Y
Units SPs Class Home Territory DP?
Yedisan Tatar Ulus 1. – 2. 4 Light Horse (1) Edisan Horde Yes
Yedisan Tatar Ulus 3. – 4. 2 Light Infantry (b) Edisan Horde Yes
Yedisan Tatar Ulus 5. – 6. 4 Medium Horse (l) Edisan Horde Yes
Yedisan Tatar Ulus 7. – 14. 16 Light Horse (b) Edisan Horde Yes
Settlements x3: 4 RPs – deploy in Edisan Horde Territory, or as directed by the scenario

6.55 Jetiskouli Tatars

Jetiskouli Horde MZP = 40 SPs Contingent Code J
Units SPs Class Home Territory DP?
Jetiskouli Tatar Ulus 1. – 2. 4 Heavy Cavalry Kuban No
Jetiskouli Tatar Ulus 3. 2 Medium Cavalry (l) Kuban Yes
Jetiskouli Tatar Ulus 4. – 5. 4 Medium Cavalry (b) Kuban Yes
Jetiskouli Tatar Ulus 6. 2 Light Horse (l) Kuban Yes
Jetiskouli Tatar Ulus 7. – 10. 8 Light Horse (b) Kuban Yes
Jetiskouli Tatar Ulus 11. – 12. 4 Light Horse (l) Kuban Yes
Jetiskouli Tatar Ulus 13. – 20. 14 Light Horse (b) Kuban Yes

Settlements x4: 6 RPs – deploy in Kuban Horde Territory or Circassia, or as directed by the scenario

6.56 Available HQs, Etc.

Name Item
Suç Tatar Gjoskjor Army HQ
Suç Tatar Tïrkem A & B Column HQ
Nogai Tatar Tïrkem A – C Column HQ
Kazyev Tatar Tïrkem A & B Column HQ
Jetiskouli Tatar Tïrkem A & B Column HQ
Dummy x2 Dummy Formation

6.57 Leaders
Name Rank
Padishah-in Suç Tatars Qaplan I Gheraï 4-Tail Pasha (Marshal)*
Padishah-in Suç Tatars Fetih II Gheraï 4-Tail Pasha (Marshal)* or 1-Tail General The Khans are listed in order of
Padishah-in Suç Tatars Meñli II Gheraï 4-Tail Pasha (Marshal)* or 1-Tail General potential succession.
Kalga-Sultan Terti-Gheraï 3-Tail Pasha (Marshal)
Seraskier Sultan Algin Geraï 2-Tail Pasha (Marshal) *3.24: note Qaplan has no
Sultan Jelamgitor 2-Tail Pasha (Marshal‡ corresponding General counter.
Bachta Geraï, Kazyev Tatar Khan 2-Tail Pasha (Marshal)‡ ‡Contingent Leaders (3.35)
Nogai Tatar Khan General‡
Jetiskouli Tatar Khan General‡
6.61 SPs & Units
Poland MZP = 40 SPs Contingent Code P
Units SPs Class Territory DP?
Skrzydlaty Huzar Pulks 1. – 4. 8 Hussar Poland Yes
Ulani Pulks 1. – 8. 8 Light Horse (l) Poland Yes
Huzar Pulk 1. – 2. 4 Hussar Poland Yes
Garnizon Brigada 1. – 10. 20 Garrison Brigade Unit 2 SPs each Poland No

6.62 Available HQs, Etc.

Name Item
Podolia Insurrectio Army HQ
Volhynia Insurrectio Army HQ
6.63 Leaders
Name Rank
Polish Hetman Jan Klemens Branicki General Notes: Polish Generals may command Army HQs and stacks
of Garrison Brigades (4.815)
Lithuanian Hetman M. K. “Rybenko” Radizwill General


All Polish forces available as a Frontier Contingent (Ex. Rule 4.18) but no Polish forces may ever voluntarily operate outside of Poland


0 0 SPs 0 SPs 0 SPs 4 SPs (2 counters) 0
1-3 0 SPs 2 SPs 0 SPs 8 SPs (4 counters) 0
4-7 2 SPs 2 SPs 0 SPs 12 SPs (6 counters) 1
8-12 2 SPs 4 SPs 2 SPs 16 SPs (8 counters) 1
13+ 4 SPs 4 SPs 2 SPs 20 SPs (10 counters) 2
Leaders are always available


–1 or less +2 PST/ Transit Rights Muscovite & Imperial ±2 secret OP bid
0 +1 PST/ Transit Rights Muscovite ±1 for 1-4 Violations
1 Transit Rights Muscovite ±2 for 5-7 Violations
2-7 No Effect ±3 for 8-9 Violations
8 Transit Rights Ottoman ±4 for 10+ Violations
9 +1 PST/ Transit Rights Ottoman
10+ +2 PST/ Transit Rights Ottoman & Tatar
Consult on the first (1st) Turn of the Year, during the Special Events segment of the Administrative Phase.
OP Bid: The Muslim and Christian Sides may secretly bid up to 2 Unassigned OPs before the die is rolled. Each OP = a
±1 DRM.
Violations: Keep a running total of all Violations of Polish Territory over the past Year. Determine the appropriate DRMs
for each Side: “+” DRMs against the Christian Side, “-“ DRMs against the Muslim Side. Add the results and apply the
net DRM to the table.
For all scenarios, if no quantity is given for a regiment or other item, all elements with the same name are present. For Ottoman forces
see 6.3 OoB booklet.

7.0 MINOR SCENARIOS 7.552 Scenario Turn Four (Turn #8: May-June)
Available per Special Rule #6.
DO NOT INVOLVE THE TATAR SIDE. SCENARIO 7.4 IS Ottoman Azakdeniz Filotilla (Azov Naval Flotilla) x3 SPs
6x Ezerum Levends
7.5 AND QUIET FLOWS THE DON 3x Ezerum Sipahi Units (2 counters each)
The Azov-Kuban Campaigns of 1736
March – October 1736 Auxiliaries
2x Top Arabaçilari Levents (in the Available Box).
7.51 Initial Forces
Nogai Horde
8 SPs (total) in the Nogai MZP. The entire Nogai countermix Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja, with the Azakdeniz Filotilla.
(6.52) is available to be drawn from (randomly). (The 7.6 TO THE END OF THE EARTH
remainder of the Horde is trying to deal with Münnich’s The Crimean Campaign of 1736
simultaneous advance down the Dniepr). April – October 1736
Note: Settlements are not used. 7.61 Initial Forces
Ottoman Garrison Forces Krim Tatar Horde
(Controlled by the Tatar player)
Entire OOB per 6.51 begins in MZPs (Prekop & Krim)
At Azov (HGH8/Taganrog/E4)
Nogai Tatar Horde
In Garrison
Entire OOB per 6.52, less 8 SPs, begins in MZP (Nogai)
3x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta (The remaining 8 SPs are unavailable; they are involved in
2x Ezerum Azap scenario 7.5; however, ALL Nogai counters are always
2x Ezerum Tüfekçis available for random drawing)
1x Ezerum Sipahi (1 counter only)
All Nogai Tatar SPs can be Formed or used as Auxiliaries
7.52 Auxiliaries within the Nogai Horde Territory. 20 SP Expeditionary limit.
DP Units listed above may deploy as Auxiliaries or as Formed Ottoman Garrison Forces
Units when taken from their MZPs. (Controlled by the Tatar player)
7.53 Leaders (6.56) At Prekop (HGH/11/Karasbasar/NW8)
Any Ottoman Leaders of 1-Tail Rank (General) may be In Garrison
randomly drawn as Garrison Commanders.
2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta
7.54 Artillery & Supply 1x Ezerum Azap
1x Ezerum Tüfekçis
1x Ezerum Sipahi (1 counter only)
DP Units must be deployed as Units.
7.62 Auxiliaries
No Depôts on map. Two (2) Ottoman Depôts are available and
will trace to the Ottoman Hub at Constantinople. Tatar DP Units listed above may deploy as Auxiliaries or as
Formed Units when taken from their MZPs. Ottoman DP Units
7.55 Reinforcements must start the scenario as Units.
7.551 General Items 7.63 Leaders (6.56)
Available to be Formed At Bacha Serai (HGH11/Karasbasar/SSW/5)
10x Ottoman Garrison HQs Padishah-in Suç Tatars Qaplan I Gheraï
All Tatar Dummies
In the Officers’ Mess
Fetih II Gheraï (General counter)
Meñli II Gheraï (General counter)
Kalga-Sultan Terti-Gheraï
Seraskier Sultan Algin Geraï
Nogai Tatar Khan
Any Ottoman Leaders of 1-Tail Rank (General) may be
randomly drawn as Garrison Commanders. At Any Fortifications in Circassia
In Garrison
7.64 Artillery & Supply
1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta
1x Ezerum Tüfekçis
Suç Tatar Top Batarya Tabur 1. – 2. per Ex. Rule 4.532. SPs 2x Ezerum Levends
start in the Tatar Arsenal.
7.72 Auxiliaries
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs
No Depôts on map. Two (2) Ottoman Depôts are available and
will trace to the Ottoman Hub at Constantinople. Any DP Units selected to be Auxiliaries.

7.65 Reinforcements 7.73 Leaders (6.56)

In the Officers’ Mess
7.651 General Items
Available to be Formed Kazyev Tatar Khan

10x Ottoman Garrison HQs Any Ottoman Leader of 1-Tail Rank may be randomly drawn
to command at any Fortification requiring a Garrison
Suç Tatar Gjoskjor Army HQ
Suç Tatar Tïrkem A & B Column HQs Commander.
Nogai Tatar Tïrkem A – C Column HQs 7.74 Artillery & Supply
All Ottoman & Tatar Dummies
7.652 Scenario Turn Five (Turn #9: June-July)
7.75 Reinforcements
At Kaffa (HGH11/Karasbasar/E5)
7.751 General Items
Azakdeniz Filotilla (Azov Naval Flotilla) x3 SPs
2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta Available to be Formed
2x Ezerum Tüfekçis
Kazyev Tatar Tïrkem A & B Column HQs
6x Ezerum Levends
All Tatar Dummies
3x Ezerum Sipahi Units (2 counters each)
5x Ottoman Garrisons
7.752 Scenario Turn Eleven (Turn #15: October-November)
2x Top Arabaçilari Levents (in the Available Box).
Jetiskouli Tatar Horde: entire OOB (6.55) enters South edge of
Leaders Map Panel 13 in the first (1st) Impulse of the Operations Phase.
May start Subordinated to HQs. DP Units may start as
Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja, with the Azakdeniz Filotilla. Auxiliaries and be placed in the Available Box or assigned to
Jetiskouli Horde HQs.
The Cleansing of the Kuban Leaders
April – December 1736
Jetiskouli Tatar Khan: Posted to command HQ
7.71 Initial Forces
Kazyev Horde
Jetiskouli Tatar Tïrkem Column HQ
16 SPs in the Kazyev MZP; no Formed Units or Auxiliaries at
start. See 6.53. These forces may Form and Unform freely 7.8 TATAR SAUCE
throughout the scenario. The Oczakov & Crimean Campaigns of 1737
7.81 Initial Forces
Tatar Hordes
Bujak Horde, Krim (& Prekop) Horde, Yesdisan Horde, Nogai
Horde (6.51, 6.52, 6.54) available to be Mustered. See the FAT
for Expeditionary limits.
Ottoman Garrison Forces
(Controlled by the Tatar player)
At Dziarcremenda (HGH10/Akerman/NE8)
In Garrison 20-22,000
4x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta
5x Bosnian Sipahi (2 counters each)
2x Bosnian Tüfekçis
3x Rumelian Sipahi (2 counters each)
2x Rumelian Süvari Alay
1x Rumelian Azaps >>>>more
2x Rumelian Tüfekçis
2x Anatolian Sipahi (2 counters each) 7.84 Artillery & Supply
2x Anatolian Süvari Alay Artillery
1x Anatolian Azaps
2x Anatolian Tüfekçis Suç Tatar Top Batarya Tabur 1. – 2. in Arsenal
4x Anatolian Levends Suç Tatar Gjoskjor Field Artillery SP Marker
At Kinburn (HGH10/Akerman/ENE10) Supply
In Garrison 2,000 No Depôts on map. Two (2) Ottoman Depôts are available and
2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta will trace to the Ottoman Hub at Constantinople.
1x Ezerum Tüfekçis
Karadeniz Filo (Black Sea Fleet) with 9 SPs
1x Ezerum Azap
At Bender (HGH10/Akerman/NW8) Azakdeniz Filotilla (Azov Flotilla) with 3 SPs

In Garrison 5,000 7.85 Reinforcements

2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta 7.851 General Items
1x Rumelian Azaps Available to be Formed
2x Rumelian Tüfekçis
2x Rumelian Süvari Alay All Tatar HQs except the Kazyev Tatar Tïrkem A & B and
2x Anatolian Azap Jetiskouli Tatar Tïrkem Column HQs (6.55)
1x Anatolian Tüfekçis All Tatar Dummies
All Ottoman Garrisons
At Akerman (HGH Map 10)
7.852 Budjak Tatar Horde
In Garrison (Controlled by the Tatar player)
1x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta All SPs (Expeditionary limit of 8 SPs)
2x Anatolian Süvari Alay
3x Anatolian Azap 7.853 Ottoman Relief Force
1x Anatolian Tüfekçis
Deployed at Bender (HGH10/Akerman/NW8).
2x Rumelian Süvari Alay Activates by Special Rule
At any Friendly-Controlled Ports in the Crimea (On or 6x Bölük Janissary Ortas
South of Prekop – HGH11/Karasbasar/NW8)
3x Rumelian Sipahi (2 counters each)
In Garrison 4x Anatolian Sipahi (2 counters each)
4x Anatolian Levends
2x Mixed Cema’at Janissary Orta 3x Ezerum Sipahi (2 counters each)
2x Ezerum Tüfekçis 4x Ezerum Levends
2x Ezerum Azap 6x Anatolian Yörüks
4x Ezerum Levends
3x Ezerum Sipahi Units (2 counters each) Artillery

7.82 Auxiliaries 3x Field Artillery SPs

In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs Kolordu–in Çok Tural Field Artillery SP Marker

Tatar DP Units listed above may deploy as Auxiliaries or as Ottoman Auxiliaries

Formed Units when taken from their MZPs. Ottoman DP Units Add to Available Box as soon as the Ottoman Relief Force
must start the scenario as Units. Activates

2x Ottoman Top Arabaçilari Levents 4x Ottoman Humbarasi Bölük

1x Ottoman Laghimçilars
7.83 Leaders (6.56) 1x Ottoman Betakish
3x Ottoman Deli Alay
In the Officers’ Mess
Ottoman Leaders
Padishah-in Suç Tatars Fetih II Gheraï
Meñli II Gheraï (General counter) Add to Officers’ Mess Box as soon as the Ottoman Relief Force
All other Tatar Leaders except Kazyev & Jetiskouli Khans Activates
Any Ottoman Leader of 1-Tail Rank may be randomly drawn Jenlish Ali Pasha
to command at any Fortification requiring a Garrison Bey-in Dziarcimenda Tiaya Pasha
Commander. Bey-in Bendery Veli-Pasha
Beylerbeyi–in Trabzon
Capitan Pasha Dgianum Codja with the Karadeniz Filo Beylerbeyi–in Kefe
(Ottoman Black Sea Fleet) Padishah-in Akkerman Islam Geraï
Important. Faction determination must be done prior to All 1-Tail Ottoman Leaders (Generals) are available
Posting any Ottoman Leaders. >>>>more
7.93 Leaders (6.56)
Posted to Command the Suç Tatar Gjoskjor Army HQ
Kolordu–in Çok Tural Army HQ
2x Ottoman Column HQs Padishah-in Suç Tatars Fetih II Gheraï
2x Ottoman Dummies
In the Officers’ Mess
Grand Tatar Raid, February 1737 Kalga-Sultan Terti-Gheraï
Nogai Tatar Khan
7.91 Initial Forces
7.94 Artillery & Supply
Enter anywhere along the South edge of HGH Map 3 in the
1st Impulse of Turn One, Subordinated to the Suç Tatar None.
Gjoskjor Grand Army HQ. 7.95 Reinforcements
60 SPs worth of Tatar Units, randomly chosen from the Krim 7.951 General Items
(& Prekop) and Nogai Hordes. Discard any Unit with less than
6 MPs and draw again. Available to be Formed

7.92 Auxiliaries Suç Tatar Tïrkem A & B

Nogai Tatar Tïrkem A – C
In the Available Box or Assigned to HQs All Tatar Dummies
Tatar DP Units chosen above may deploy as Auxiliaries or as
Formed Units.
The Russo-Austro-Turkish War: Balkan Theatre
Grand Campaign 1737-39
The Russo-Austro-Turkish War 1735-39
TK/HGH Grand Campaign Game
Grand Campaign Scenario 1737 Start
1) All Tatar forces are available per their OoB (6.5). Forces may remain in their MZP holding boxes and/or be deployed on map
within their Home Territories. Check FAT for Horde Expeditionary Limits for 1737.
2) All Settlements deployed per Ex. Rule 4.55 in their Home Territories (Krim Settlements may be in Prekop and/or Krim Horde
3) Suç Tatar Artillery begins in the Arsenal.
4) All HQs and Dummies are available and may be Formed at start.
5) Any DP Units may be taken as Auxiliaries and be assigned to Formed HQs within their Home Territories or placed in the
Available Box.
6) Leaders may be Posted to command HQs; otherwise store in the Officers’ Mess. The Khan is Fetih II Gheraï. Qaplan I Gheraï
is not available, except in extremis if all other Khans and potential Khans are eliminated (Ex. Rule 3.246).
Grand Campaign Scenario 1736 Start
1) All Tatar forces are available per their OoB (6.5). Forces may remain in their MZP holding boxes and/or be deployed on map
within their Home Territories. Check FAT for Horde Expeditionary limits for 1736. Exception: Jetiskouli Horde (see below).
2) Entire Jetiskouli Horde (6.55) enters as Reinforcements via the South edge of Map Panel 13 in the first (1st) Impulse of the
Operations Phase of Turn #15 of 1736. DP Units may start as Auxiliaries in the Available Box or assigned to Jetiskouli Horde
HQs. HQs, Dummies, & Contingent Leader available at the same time.
3) All Settlements deployed per Ex. Rule 4.55 in their Home Territories (Krim Settlements may be in Prekop and/or Krim Horde
Territories). Exception: Jetiskouli Horde Settlements deploy as Reinforcements in Circassia and/or Kuban Territory when their
Horde enters play.
4) Suç Tatar Artillery begins in the Arsenal.
5) All HQs and Dummies are available and may be Formed at start.
6) Any DP Units may be taken as Auxiliaries and be assigned to Formed HQs within their Home Territories or placed in the
Available Box.
7) Leaders may be Posted to command HQs; otherwise store in the Officers’ Mess. The Khan is Qaplan I Gheraï.
Grand Campaign Scenario 1735 Start
1) All Tatar forces are available per their OoB (6.5). Forces may remain in their MZP holding boxes and/or be deployed on map
within their Home Territories. Check FAT for Horde Expeditionary limits for 1735.
2) All Settlements deployed per Ex. Rule 4.55 in their Home Territories (Krim Settlements must start in the Prekop Horde
3) Suç Tatar Artillery begins in the Arsenal. It may not be used until the FAT is consulted in Nov-Dec 1735.
4) All HQs and Dummies are available and may be Formed at start.
5) Any DP Units may be taken as Auxiliaries and be assigned to Formed HQs within their Home Territories or placed in the
Available Box.
6) Leaders may be Posted to command HQs; otherwise store in the Officers’ Mess. The Khan is Qaplan I Gheraï.
7) Daghestan Forces. All Expeditionary SPs from all Hordes are removed from play. Do not determine CE for the removed Units
at this time. All remaining SPs may only operate within their Home Territories. The Expeditionary SPs are considered to be off
map in Daghestan. Also remove Khan Qaplan I Gheraï, the Kalga-Sultan Terti-Gheraï, and any three (3) other Leaders.
Remove the Suç Tatar Gjoskjor Army HQ and three (3) Column HQs. All Units are returned to their MZPs during the
Administrative Phase of Turn #15 (Nov-Dec) of 1735, prior to consulting the FAT. All returning Units have a CE of “E”. Place
Leaders in the Officers’ Mess (Khan at Bacha Serai – HGH11/Karasbasar/SSW5); then may then be Posted as needed. HQs can
be Formed as needed.


1735 14 SPs* 20 SPs* 8 SPs* 0 SPs* 8 SPs*
1736 14 SPs 20 SPs 8 SPs 16 SPs 8 SPs
1737 30 SPs 30 SPs 12 SPs 24 SPs 20 SPs
1738 30 SPs 30 SPs 12 SPs 24 SPs 20 SPs
1739 30 SPs 30 SPs 12 SPs 24 SPs 20 SPs
Notes: the FAT is used for all scenarios, but dispositions (initial or reinforcement) given in the scenarios override the FAT. Also, these
numbers assume a Horde has not been Subjugated; Subjugated Hordes are removed from play.
The Krim Horde includes the forces of the Prekop Horde MZP. Any mix of the two groups may be used.
The Bujak Horde is listed in the Ottoman OoB (6.3).
*All Expeditionary SPs in 1735 are off map and out of play for Scenario 7.4. For the Grand Campaign 1735 Start they arrive as
Reinforcements as described in the scenario set up instructions (point #7).

Türkenkrieg/Heirs of the Golden Horde Tartar OoB & Scenario Booklet ©2008 Red Sash Games & Ian Weir

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