Lecture 22: Tellegen's Theorem: Lecturer: Dr. Vinita Vasudevan Scribe: Shashank Shekhar
Lecture 22: Tellegen's Theorem: Lecturer: Dr. Vinita Vasudevan Scribe: Shashank Shekhar
Lecture 22: Tellegen's Theorem: Lecturer: Dr. Vinita Vasudevan Scribe: Shashank Shekhar
In this class we will take break from “Parameters” and look at an important theorem
known as Tellegen’s Theorem
Tellegen’s Theorem
Consider the following two circuits
2 i4 2 φ4
1 3 1 3
i2 φ2 φ3
i3 i5 φ5
Circuit 1 Circuit 2
Although the circuit 1 and 2 are totally different in terms of their components and in their
response, both the circuits are topologically same. That is, they have the same number of
branches and nodes connected in exactly the same way (graph of the cicuit is the same). For
solving a circuit, we need 1) KVL 2) KCL 3) Branch relationship
Apply KCL for circuit 1 (Assume currents leaving the node are positive)
node 1 − i1 + i2 + i6 = 0
node 2 − i2 + i3 + i4 = 0
node 3 − i4 − i5 − i6 = 0
−1 1 0 0 0 1 i
0 −1 1 1 0 0 3
= 0
0 0 0 −1 −1 −1 4
| {z } i5
A i6
Matrix with entries 1, -1 and 0 is known as “Reduced incidence matrix” in which row i
represents the coefficient of KCL equation at node i and column j represents the branch j
and have entries 1 (current leaves) , -1 (current enters) or 0 (branch is not connected to that
node). Both circuits are different, but have same reduced incidence matrix. If A represents
reduced incidence matrix and Ib is the vector containing branch current then KCL gives
AIb = 0
Now, apply KVL for circuit 1. According to KVL, the branch voltage equals the difference
of node voltages.
v1 = −vn1
v2 = vn1 − vn2
v3 = vn2
v4 = vn2 − vn3
v5 = −vn3
v6 = vn1 − vn3
where vn1 , vn2 , vn3 are node voltages and v1 , v2 ... are branch voltage, (Voltage drop along the
direction of current)
−1 0 0 v1
1 −1 0 v
vn1 2
0 1 0 v = v3
0 1 −1 n2 v
v 4
0 0 −1 n3 v5
1 0 −1 v6
AT VN = Vb
AIˆb = 0 AIb = 0
AT V̂N = V̂b AT VN = Vb
VbT Ib = V̂bT Ib = 0 = Iˆb Vb = IbT Vb
V̂bT Ib , Iˆb Vb don’t have any physical meaning but both are mathematically correct.
Example 1 :
R1 R2
i2 i4
v1 = vp + C1 i5
− N
i1 i3
R1 R2
î2 î4
C1 + v̂5 = vq
î1 − N̂
v̂1 i1 − v1 î1 + v̂2 i2 − v2 î2 + v̂3 i3 − v3 î3 + v̂4 i4 − v4 î4 + v̂5 i5 − v5 î5 = 0 (3)
Consider N and N̂ as two port network then all interior branches containing R, L, C are
identical in N and N̂
Therefore, v̂k = Z îk and vk = Zk ik =⇒ v̂k ik = Zk ik îk = vk îk . Thie means that the contribution
of the internal branches to equation (3) is zero.
v̂1 i1 − v1 î1 + v̂5 i5 − v5 î5 = 0
v̂1 = 0, v1 = vp , v̂5 = vq , v5 = 0
− vp î1 + vq (−i5 ) = 0
Hence, we have
−i5 î1
vp vq
The internal network in N and N̂ are exactly the same; Therefore the y-matrix for both
networks is the same. From the above equation, we conclude y21 = y12 .
In general, if the network contains only R, L and C as internal elements, this will be true.
Such networks are called as “Reciprocal Networks”