Phase Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Heterophasic Polypropylene - Ethylene/propylene Copolymers Systems

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POLIMERY 2005, 50, nr 4 279


Phase behavior and mechanical properties of heterophasic

polypropylene — ethylene/propylene copolymers systems

Summary — In the following study the interactions between the phases, the
morphology development and the resulting mechanical performance of the
heterophasic polypropylene—ethylene/propylene copolymers (PP/EP) sys-
tems were investigated with respect to EP composition and matrix and dis-
persed phase molecular weights. It was shown that the compatibility between
the components forming the matrix and the dispersed phase, as well as the
dimensions of the dispersed domains were primarily controlled by ethylene
content in EP. The decrease of ethylene content in ethylene/propylene copoly-
mer was found to produce a strong refinement of the dispersed particle size
and accordingly a reduction of the brittle to ductile transition temperature
(TBDT) of the materials, as defined by conventional impact testing. However,
the general fracture energy level was found to be governed by the molecular
weights of the blend components. Increasing molecular weight of EP as well
as of PP showed a beneficial effect on the toughness of the investigated
Key words: polypropylene, ethylene/propylene copolymers, blends, hetero-
phasic systems, dynamic mechanical analysis, morphology, impact strength.

The continuous growth and extension of the applica- T a b l e 1. Materials characteristics*)

tion field of the impact modified polypropylene requires
improved understanding of the structure-property rela-
tionship concerning these materials. The microstructure ethylene
content MFRtotal IV
as well as the compatibility of the phases have been con- MFRmatrix
(of XS)
sidered playing the decisive role for the morphology de- symbols
in EP g/10 min wt. % µm
(calculated min dl/g
velopment and subsequently for the end-use properties values)
of the blends of polypropylene with ethylene-propylene wt. %
rubber [1]. This is also valid and even amplified for the PP/EP82 82 ~20 4.7 20.4 3.4 4.50
materials where the structure heterogeneity of the dis- PP/EP70 70 ~20 8.1 20.5 2.4 1.59
persed phase should also be taken into account. In this PP/EP50 50 ~20 9.35 20.3 2.5 1.40
study the phase behavior and impact properties of PP/EP30 30 ~20 11.1 19.2 2.4 1.02
polypropylene heterophasic polypropylene-ethy- PP/EP17 17 ~20 9.7 25.2 1.6 0.20
lene/propylene copolymers (PP/EP) systems were in- PP/EPL 50 ~25 20 17.2 1.5 0.40
vestigated with respect to EP composition as well as to PP/EPM 50 ~25 11.5 18.8 2.4 1.37
PP-matrix and dispersed phase (EP) molecular weights. PP/EPH 50 ~25 7.9 18.2 4.5 1.32
The compatibility and the interactions between the ma- PPL/EP 50 ~85 44 13.6 2.5 1.60
trix and the dispersed phase were discussed in connec- PPM/EP 50 ~30 21 13.6 2.7 1.35
tion with the observed mode and state of dispersion of PPH/EP 50 ~22 12 13.7 3.3 1.30
EP and the resulted mechanical performance of the ma- *)
MFRtotal — melt flow rate of the blend, determined according to ISO
terials. 1133; MFRmatrix — melt flow rate of the matrix; XS — xylene soluble
fraction; IV — intrinsic viscosity value, measured in decalin at 135 oC;
Dw — weight average particle diameter.
Materials Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Materials
Science, D-06099 Halle (Saale), Germany.
Dow Olefinverbund GmbH, D-06258 Schkopau, Germany.
The heterophasic systems used in this study are re- *)
Corresponding author: e-mail: Hans-Joachim.Radusch@iw.uni-
search materials provided by Dow Chemical. They were
280 POLIMERY 2005, 50, nr 4

produced by a sequential polymerization process in a trix, amorphous ethylene/propylene copolymer and,

reactor cascade by means of commercial fourth genera- depending on EP composition, also some amount of
tion Ziegler-Natta catalyst. The characteristics of the in- crystallizable ethylene/propylene copolymer. The latter
vestigated materials are summarized in Table 1. is favored at high ethylene contents and was found to
The molecular parameters of PP matrix and EP are influence strongly the phase behavior and interfacial ad-
reflected by MFRmatrix and intrinsic viscosity (IV) values, hesion between the matrix and the dispersed phase.
while the indexes L, M and H indicate low, medium and In this study, the compatibility and the interaction be-
high molecular weight respectively. The amount of ethy- tween the blend components were evaluated by means of
lene/propylene copolymer is roughly illustrated by the dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The effect of EP
amount of xylene soluble fraction (XS). For the sake of composition on the mechanical relaxation profile (G‘, G“
systematics, only a single parameter was varied within and tan δ) of the heterophasic systems is demonstrated in
each of the series, namely ethylene content in EP, mo- Fig. 1. The effect of ethylene content on glass transition
lecular weight of EP and molecular weight of PP. temperature of EP part of the studied heterophasic blends
After the synthesis step the materials were com- defined as a maximum in tan δ (see Fig. 1) is presented in
pounded with a standard additive package in PlastiCor-
der PL2100 single screw extruder (Brabender) with
screw speed of 100 rpm and barrel zone temperatures
from 210 to 230 oC. The test specimens were produced
using BA 100 injection molding machine (Battenfeld) at
barrel temperature of 200 oC and mold temperature of G’, MPa
40 oC.

Method of testing
The mechanical relaxation behavior of the blends and 100 PP/EP82
the glass transition temperatures (Tg) of the components
G’’, MPa

were measured by means of Mark II dynamic mechani- PP/EP30

cal analyzer (Rheometric Scientific). Rectangular bars PP/EP17
with dimensions 40 × 10 × 4 mm were tested using tor-
sion pendulum at frequency of 1 Hz and heating rate of
1 K/min. The storage (G‘) and loss moduli (G“) as well 10
as the loss tangent (tan δ) were determined in the tem-
perature range of -100 to 150 oC.
Impact testing was performed using conventional
tan δ

Charpy device type 5102 (Zwick) equipped with 4 J pen-

dulum according to DIN EN ISO 179. In order to obtain
the brittle to ductile transition (TBDT), the test was per-
formed at least at five different temperatures for each 0,01
-100 -50 0 50 100 150
material and the temperature of step growth of notched
Temperature, °C
impact strength (aCN) was found.
Morphology observations were accomplished by Fig. 1. Storage (G‘), loss (G”) moduli and loss tangent (tan δ)
means of scanning electron microscope JSM 6300 (Jeol). of the blends as a function of EP composition (DMA)
Micrographs were taken from sections of the injection
molded dumbbell specimens. The sections were sub-
jected to permanganic etching in order to degrade the Fig. 2a in comparison with the literature data for neat
amorphous ethylene/propylene copolymer and were ethylene/propylene copolymers [5, 6]. As indicated, the
gold-coated before viewing. two curves fit reasonably well, exhibiting a minimum
value at intermediate EP compositions. For higher ethy-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION lene content an increase in glass transition temperature is
observed. This result suggests that Tg of ethylene-rich co-
Phase behavior and dynamic mechanical properties polymer seems to refer more likely to β transition of
PE-LD or even to α transition of PE-HD.
In previous studies [2—4] it has been demonstrated Propylene-rich copolymer also shows a shift in its
that the structure of the “in reactor” produced blends glass transition towards higher temperature, namely to-
was rather complex, comprising a wide range of frac- wards the glass transition temperature of neat polypro-
tions of different compositions. The main constituents of pylene. In the materials being the subject of the present
these materials could be identified as polypropylene ma- work, decreasing ethylene content in EP phase leads to
POLIMERY 2005, 50, nr 4 281

a) Literature data for neat EP copolymers and propylene-rich dispersed phase and subsequently
Experimental data for PP/EP copolymers to better interaction between the components resulting
20 20 in higher compatibility of the blends.
It has been detected that the intensity of PP glass
transition peak, which is associated with the relaxation

0 0
Tg of the EP phase, °C



G’, MPa
-20 -20

100 PP/EP L
-40 -40 PP/EP M

G’’, MPa
-60 -60
0 20 40 60 80 100
Ethylene content of the EP phase, wt. %
tan δ

20 20

0 0 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Tg of the PP/EP, °C

Temperature, °C

-20 -20 1000

G’, MPa

-40 -40 10
PP 100 PP L/EP
G’’, MPa

-60 -60
0 20 40 60 80 100
Ethylene content of the EP phase, wt. %
Fig. 2. Effect of EP composition on: a) Tg of EP phase as 10
compared to the literature data of neat ethylene/propylene co-
polymers [5, 6], b) Tg of PP and EP phases in PP/EP systems 0,1
tan δ

a simultaneous shifting of glass transition temperature

of both the dispersed phase and the matrix towards each
other (Fig. 2b). 0,01
The extent of shifting was used in order to evaluate -100 -50 0 50 100 150
the compatibility between the polypropylene matrix and Temperature, °C
ethylene/propylene copolymer dispersed phase. Ac- Fig. 3. Storage (G‘), loss (G”) moduli and loss tangent (tan δ)
cording to the results, the increase of propylene content of the blends as a function of: a) EP molecular weight level, b)
in EP leads to better chemical affinity between PP matrix PP molecular weight level
282 POLIMERY 2005, 50, nr 4

occurring in the amorphous regions of the polypro-

pylene, increases with increasing propylene content in
EP (tan δ in Fig. 1). Taking into account that the magni-
tude of each peak is characteristic for the relative concen-
tration of the respective phase in the blend it could be
concluded that a certain amount of propylene/rich EP
copolymer is partially dissolved in the amorphous re-
gion between polypropylene lamellae. Further on, the
material PP/EP17, showing the highest propylene con-
tent, exhibits single glass transition at temperature inter-
mediate to the glass transition temperatures of PP and
EP phases, respectively. The result suggests a high de-
gree of compatibility of the blend components. However,
despite the apparent homogeneity of this material, a
nanoscale dispersion of EP is still visible at SEM mi-
crographs as will be discussed below.
The effects of the molecular weights of the matrix and
the dispersed phase on the mechanical relaxation beha-
vior of the reactor blends have been studied as well. Glass
transition temperatures (mechanical relaxation profile) of
both the blend components, in spite of the slight fluctua-
tions, remained generally independent on the variation
of the molecular weights either of the matrix or of the
dispersed phase of the heterophasic systems (Fig. 3).
However, a clear trend of increasing area under the peak
of tan δ at glass transition i.e. increasing strength of mo-
lecular relaxations is observed for EP (Fig. 3a) and PP
(Fig. 3b) phases with increasing of their molecular
weights (i.e. with increasing IV of XS and lowering
MFRmatrix). This is an indication of high energy absorp-
tion capacity and could be attributed either to the higher
amount of molecular entanglements in the mostly amor-
phous, at this ethylene content, EP or to an increase in the
tie molecule density in the semi-crystalline matrix with
increasing molecular weight, respectively. Moreover, the Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of: a) PP/EP17, b) PP/EP50, c)
strength of the molecular relaxations was found to corre- PP/EP82
late with the mechanical performance, especially with the
fracture toughness of a given material [7, 8] as will be region between PP lamellae as it was suggested by the
confirmed also in this study. dynamic mechanical investigations and from the other
side to the decreased interfacial tension between the ma-
Morphology trix and the high propylene containing ethylene/propy-
lene copolymer [9]. Furthermore, it should be empha-
The studied blends reveal typical heterophasic mor- sized that several orders of magnitude reduction of the
phology consisting of EP domains embedded in poly- size of dispersed EP particles took place. The material
propylene matrix. The crystallizable fragments of ethy- PP/EP82 (Fig. 4c) exhibits a very coarse texture with
lene/propylene copolymer, when present, were found to average domain size of 3 µm and its morphology ap-
be incorporated as inclusions into the amorphous EP do- pears like a co-continuous. At the other concentration
mains, because of interfacial energy considerations edge, ethylene/propylene copolymer with the highest
(Fig.4b—c). However, the overall blend morphology as propylene content (Fig. 4a) organizes itself in nanoscale
well as the internal morphology of the composite dis- dispersion with average particle size of 0.20 µm. The
persed phase particles showed to be highly influenced domains are regularly distributed both by shape and
by the ethylene/propylene copolymer composition. Ac- size. The phenomenon is ascribed to the very high de-
cording to the results, the size of the dispersed domains gree of compatibility between the matrix and the propy-
decreases strongly with decreasing ethylene content in lene-rich dispersed phase as estimated by the single
EP (Table 1, Dw values). glass transition temperature that this material exhibit at
The effect is ascribed from one side to the high degree DMA investigations. Parallelly with the variation of the
of solubility of the propylene-rich EP in the amorphous dispersed domain size, the microstructure of EP do-
POLIMERY 2005, 50, nr 4 283

core itself appears to be composed of crystalline lamellae

with amorphous material entrapped between them.
The molecular weights of the dispersed phase and
the matrix were considered playing a very important
role in determining the structure as well as the mode and
state of dispersion of the minor component in the poly-
mer blends (Fig. 5). Most of the studies reported a steady
increase in the dispersion coarseness with increasing
molecular weight of the minor phase. However, the ad-
vantage of the blends discussed is that mixing between
the components could be obtained relatively inde-
pendently on their molecular weights. For the studied
materials it was observed that despite the continuous
increase in IV (increasing molecular weight) of EP, at
constant composition and PP molecular weight only an
initial increase in the dispersed particle size followed by
a plateau was noticeable (Fig. 5 and Dw in Table 1). Ne-
vertheless, a systematic reduction of the aspect ratio of
ethylene/propylene copolymer domains with increas-
ing molecular weight was observed.
Varying molecular weight of the matrix at constant
composition and molecular weight of EP also produces a
variation in the viscosity ratio and thus in the size of the
dispersed domains. Decrease in the molecular weight of
the matrix gives a raise to a slight but continuous in-
crease in the size of the dispersed phase domains (Table
1) in accordance with the increased viscosity ratio of the
blend. However, it should be indicated for the materials
studied that the changes in the sizes of the dispersed EP
domains caused by variation of the molecular weights
either of the matrix or of the dispersed phase are taking
place in a much smaller scale than those produced by
variation of the ethylene/propylene composition.

Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of: a) PP/EPL, b) PP/EPM, c) Mechanical properties

For a comprehensive characterization of the struc-
mains varies with the ethylene/propylene copolymer ture-property relationship in the investigated materials,
composition as well. The heterophasic materials with the impact performance of the blends is discussed in
ethylene content above 50 wt. % demonstrate composite relation on to the observed phase behavior and morpho-
EP particles comprising an amorphous shell with incor- logy. Fig. 6 demonstrates the notched impact strength
porated polyethylene-like semi-crystalline inclusions. (aCN) as a function of the temperature and compositions
For the materials PP/EP50 and PP/EP70 mainly two of the materials studied.
types of structure could be discerned (Fig. 4b—c). The decrease in ethylene content in EP leads to a sig-
Smaller particles exhibit core-shell structures with single nificant enhancement of aCN of the studied blends (Fig.
inclusions while “salami-like” structures with multiple 6a). The effect is in accordance with the demonstrated
inclusions are observed for larger particles. It is sug- improvement of the compatibility between components
gested that some of the larger particles are formed as a forming the matrix and the dispersed phase, respec-
result of the coalescence of smaller particles. The number tively. The systematic decrease in the brittle to ductile
and size of the inclusions were found to correlate with transition temperature (TBDT) with decreasing ethylene
ethylene content in EP. The material showing the highest content in EP in conjunction with the observed reduction
ethylene content (Fig. 4c) exhibits completely different of the sizes of the dispersed domains (Dw), complies
internal structure of the dispersed particles. Both the with the predictions of the critical interparticle distance
small and the large EP domains manifest a core-shell theory [10]. Despite the dimension, ethylene content in
structure, with a large core of semi-crystalline ethylene/ ethylene/propylene copolymer was found to control
propylene copolymer surrounded by a very thin layer of also the microstructure (Fig. 4) and subsequently the
amorphous ethylene/propylene copolymer shell. The stress distribution around the dispersed particles [11,
284 POLIMERY 2005, 50, nr 4

a) PP b) PP
50 PP/EP82 50 PP/EP L
40 PP/EP17 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature, °C Temperature, °C
c) Fig. 6. Notched impact strength (aCN) as a function of the
temperature and: a) EP composition, b) EP molecular weight,
50 PPM /EP
c) PP molecular weight

40 attributed to the high deformation and energy absorp-

tion capacity of the high molecular EP and PP, respec-
tively, and are correlating with the strength of the mo-
lecular relaxations, namely the areas under the glass
transition peaks of the both blend components deter-
mined by DMA.


The phase interactions, structure evolution and the

resulted impact properties of heterophasic PP/EP sys-
tems as influenced by ethylene/propylene copolymer
composition as well as by the matrix and dispersed
phase molecular weights have been investigated. It was
0 demonstrated that ethylene/propylene ratio of EP is the
0 20 40 60 80 100
main parameter governing the phase compatibility of
Temperature, °C
the investigated materials, as estimated by dynamic me-
chanical analysis. Further on, ethylene content in ethy-
lene/propylene copolymer was found to dominate the
12]. For the studied materials, the role of the composite interfacial tension between the matrix and the dispersed
EP particles with ethylene content above 70 wt. % as phase and respectively the size as well as the internal
stress concentrators and impact modifiers is highly im- morphology of EP domains. A reduction of the particle
paired because of the existence of a very large semi-crys- size with several orders of magnitude down to the nano-
talline polyethylene-like core. scale with increasing propylene content in EP has been
The overall impact energy level of the investigated observed. Accordingly, increasing propylene content in
materials was found to be governed mainly by the mo- ethylene/propylene copolymer was found to exert also a
lecular weights of the dispersed phase (Fig. 6b) and the beneficial effect on the impact strength and the brittle to
matrix (Fig. 6c), respectively. An increase in both the mo- ductile transition temperature of the materials. The in-
lecular weights of ethylene/propylene copolymer and fluence of the molecular weights of the matrix and ethy-
polypropylene produces a pronounced improvement of lene/propylene copolymer on the phase structure and
aCN and a decrease in TBDT (Fig. 6a—b). The results are the impact performance of the heterophasic materials
POLIMERY 2005, 50, nr 4 285

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