The Master of Supplications by Mawlānā Shaykh ¿Abdullāh Al-Fā'iz Ad-Dāghestānī (May Allah Sanctify His Secret)
The Master of Supplications by Mawlānā Shaykh ¿Abdullāh Al-Fā'iz Ad-Dāghestānī (May Allah Sanctify His Secret)
The Master of Supplications by Mawlānā Shaykh ¿Abdullāh Al-Fā'iz Ad-Dāghestānī (May Allah Sanctify His Secret)
O our Lord! Make the beginning of this gathering goodness, its middle happiness, and its end
success. O our Lord! Make its beginning mercy, its middle bounty and its ending generosity and
forgiveness. All praise be to Allah who humbled everything before His Greatness, made all things
subservient before His Honor, brought low all things before His Kingship and made all things
submit to His Power. And all praise to Allah who made all things tranquil before His Majesty, and
made everything appear through His wisdom, and humbled all things before His Pride. O our Lord!
Wake us in the time most beloved to Yourself, O Loving One, O { Lord of the Throne of Glory, Doer
(without let) of all that He intends. as the story reached thee, of the forces Of Pharaoh and the Thamud? And
yet the Unbelievers (persist) in rejecting (the Truth)! But Allah doth encompass them from behind! Nay, this
is a Glorious Qur'an, (Inscribed) in a Tablet Preserved! } (al-Burūj, 85:15-22)
ﻹ ﹾﺧ ﹶﻮاﻧﹺﻨﹶﺎ ا ﱠﻟ ﹺﺬﻳ ﹶﻦ ﹶﺳﺒﹶ ﹸﻘﻮﻧﹶﺎ ﺑﹺ ﹾ ﹺ ﹶوا ﹾﻏ ﹺﻔ ﹾﺮ ﹶﻟﻨﹶﺎ ﹶو ﹺ ﹺ،ﺎء ﹺﻣﻨ ﹸﻬﻢ ﹶو ﹶاﻷﹶ ﹾﻣ ﹶﻮات ﹶاﻟﻸﺣﻴ ﹺ،اﳌﹸﺴﻠﹺﲈت
ﺎﻹ ﹶﻳﲈ ﹺن ﹶو ﹶﻻ ﹶ ﹾ
ﲡ ﹶﻌ ﹾﻞ ﹶ ﹾ ﹶ
اﲪﹺﲔوف ر ﹺﺣﻴﻢ ﻳﺎ ﹶأرﺣﻢ اﻟﺮ ﹺ
ﱠﻚ ﹶر ﹸؤ ﹲ ﱠ ﹲ ﹶ ﹶ ﹶ ﹶ ﹺﰲ ﹸﻗ ﹸﻠﻮﺑﹺﻨﹶﺎ ﹺﻏ ﹰﹼﻼ ﱢﻟ ﱠﻠ ﹺﺬﻳ ﹶﻦ آ ﹶﻣﻨﹸﻮا ﹶر ﱠﺑﻨﹶﺎ إﹺﻧ ﹶ
Allāhuma ’ghfir lī dhunūbī wa li-wālidayya kamā rabbayānī šaghīra wa li-jamī¿i ’l-mūminīna
wa ’l-mūmināti wa ’l-muslimīna wa ’l-muslimāti al-aħyā’i minhum wa ’l-amwāt. wa ’ghfir lanā
wa li-ikhwāninā ’Lladhīna sabaqūna bi ’l-īmāni wa lā taj¿al fī qulūbanā ghillan li ’Lladhīna
āmanū rabbanā innaka rā’ūfun raħīmun yā arħama ’r-rāħimīn.
O Allah forgive me my sins and my parents’ just as they raised me when I was small and to all
the believers, men and women, and all the Muslims, men and women, both the living among
them and the dead. And {”Forgive us, and our brethren who came before us into the Faith, and leave
not, in our hearts, rancour against those who have believed. Our Lord! Thou art indeed Full of
Kindness, Most Merciful.”} (al-Ħashr, 59:10) O Most Merciful of those who show mercy!
ﹶو ﺑﹺ ﹶﺠ ﹺﺎه ﹶأ ﹾوﻟﹺﻴﹶﺂ ﺋﹺ ﹶﻚ اﻟﻜﹺ ﹶﺮام ﹶو ﺑﹺ ﹶﺠ ﹺﺎه ﹶﺻ ﹶﺤﺎ ﹶﺑﺘﹺ ﹺﻪ،اﻟ ﱠﻠ ﹸﻬ ﱠﻢ ﺑﹺ ﹶﺠ ﹺﺎه ﹶﺣﺒﹺﻴﺒﹺ ﹶﻚ ﹶاﳌﹸ ﹾﺼ ﹶﻄ ﹶﻔﻰ ﹶو ﹶر ﹸﺳﻮﻟﹺ ﹶﻚ ﹶاﳌﹸﺮ ﹶﺗ ﹶﴣ
اﻏﺴﺘﹶ ﹺﺎﲏ و ﺳ ﹺ ﹺ و ﺑﹺﺠ ﹺﺎه ﺳ ﹾﻠ ﹶﻄﺎن ﹶاﻷﹶوﻟﹺﻴﺂ ﹺﺳ ﹺ،ﺨﺎم ﹺ
اﻟﺸﻴﺦ ﹸﳏ ﹶ ﱠﻤﺪﹲ ﻴﺪي ﹶ ﹶ ﹶ ﻟﺸﻴﺦ ﹶﻋﺒﺪﹶ اﷲﹺ اﻟ ﹶﻔﺎﺋ ﹶﺰ ا ﹾﻟﺪﹶ ﹶ ﹾ ﻴﺪي ﹶا ﹶ ﹾ ﹶ اﻟﻔ ﹶ ﹶ ﹶ ﹸ
ﹺﹺ ﹺ
ﹶو ﹶﻻ ﹶﻣﺮﻳﹺﻀ ﹰﺎ إﹺ ﹶﻻ،و ﹶﻻ ﹶدﻳﻨ ﹰﺎ إﹺ ﹶﻻ ﹶﻗ ﹶﻀﻴﺘﹶ ﹸﻪ، ﹶأن ﹶﻻ ﹶﺗ ﹶ،ﹶﻧﺎﻇﻢ ﹶاﳊﹶ ﹶﻘ ﹺﺎﲏ
ﺪع ﹺﰲ ﹶﳎ ﹾﻠﺴﻨﹶﺎ ﹶﻫ ﹶﺬا ﹶذ ﹾﻧﺒ ﹰﺎ إﹺ ﹶﻻ ﹶﻏ ﹶﻔﺮ ﹶﺗ ﹸﻪ ﹶ
ﹺ ﹺ ﹺ ﹺ
ﺾﻮر ﹶﻧﺎ ﹶوا ﹾﻗ ﹺ اﻟ ﱠﻠ ﹸﻬ ﱠﻢ ﹶﻳﴪ ﹸأ ﹸﻣ ﹶ.ﺎﺟ ﹰﺔ ﻣﻦ ﹶﺣ ﹶﻮاﺋﺞ ﹶاﻟﺪﹸ ﻧ ﹶﻴﺎ ﹶو ﹶاﻷﹶﺧ ﹶﺮ ﹶة إﹺ ﹶﻻ ﹶﻗ ﹶﻀﻴﺘﹶ ﹶﻬﺎ ﹶو ﹶﻳ ﹶﴪ ﹶ ﹶﲥﺎ ﹶو ﹶﻻ ﹶﺣ ﹶ،ﹶﺷ ﹶﻔﻴﺘﹶ ﹸﻪ
ﳘﻮ ﹶﻣﻨﹶﺎ ﹶو ﹶﻓ ﹺﺮج ﹸﻛ ﹸﺮو ﹶﺑﻨﹶﺎ ﹶو ﹶﺛﺒﹺﺖ ﹶأ ﹾﻗﺪﹶ ﹺاﻣﻨﹶﺎ ﹶو ا ﹾﻧ ﹸﴫ ﹶﻧﺎ ﻋﲆ ﹶأ ﹾﻧ ﹸﻔ ﹺﺴﻨﹶﺎ ﹶو ﻋﲆ ﹶاﻟ ﹶﻘﻮ ﹺم ا ﹾﻟ ﹶﻜﺎﻓﹺ ﹺﺮﻳﻦ ﹺ
ﹶو ﹶﻓ ﹺﺮج ﹸ ﹸ،ﹸد ﹸﻳﻮﻧﻨﹶﺎ
Allāhuma bi-jāhi ħabībika ’l-Mušţafā wa rasūlik al-murtaļā wa bi-jāhi awlīyā’ik al-kirām wa bi
jāhi šaħābatihi ’l-fikhām wa bi-jāhi sulţān al-awlīyā sayyīdī ash-shaykh ¿abdullāh al-fā’izi ad-
dāghestānī wa sayyīdī ash-shaykh muħammad nāƸim al-ħaqqānī an lā tad¿a fī majlisinā hadhā
dhanban illa ghafartahu wa lā daynan illa qaļaytahu wa lā marīļan illa shafaytahu wa lā
ħājatan min ħawā’ij ad-dunyā wa ’l-ākhirata illa qaļaytahā wa yassartahā. Allāhuma yassir
umūranā w’aqļi duyūninā wa farrij humūmanā wa farrij kurūbanā wa thabbit aqdāmanā
w’anšurnā ¿alā anfusinā wa ¿alā ’l-qawmi’l-kāfirīn.
O Allah for the sake of Your Beloved Chosen Prophet and your Prophet with whom You are
pleased, and for the sake of Your honoured saints and for the sake of the Prophet’s inestimable
companions and for the sake the Sultan of Saints our master Shaykh ¿Abdullāh al-Fā’iz ad-
Dāghestānī and my master Shaykh Muħammad Nazim al-Haqqānī do not leave anyone in this
gathering whose sins have not been forgiven, and no debt that has not been forgiven, and no ill
one who has not been cured and no need of this life or the Hereafter except that You have
judged it and made it easy. O Allah make our affairs easy, and pay off our debts and relieve our
distress and allay our concerns and make steadfast our feet and give victory over ourselves and
over the unbelieving enemies within.
اﻟ ﱠﻠ ﹸﻬ ﱠﻢ إﹺﻧﱠﺎ ﻧ ﹾﹶﺴ ﹶﺄ ﹸﻟ ﹶﻚ ﹺﻣ ﹾﻦ ﹶﺧ ﹾ ﹺﲑ ﹶﻣﺎ ﹶﺳ ﹶﺄ ﹶﻟ ﹶﻚ ﹺﻣﻨﹾ ﹸﻪ ﻧﹶﺒﹺﻴﱡ ﹶﻚ ﹸﳏ ﹶ ﱠﻤﺪﹲ ﹶﺻ ﱠﲆ اﷲ ﹸ ﹶﻋ ﹶﻠﻴﹾ ﹺﻪ ﹶو ﹶﺳ ﱠﻠ ﹶﻢ ﹶو ﹶﻧﺴﺘﹶ ﹺﻌﻴ ﹸﺬ ﹶك ﹺﻣﻦ ﹶ ﹺ
ب ا ﹶﻟﻌﺎﳌﹶﹺﲔ ﳊﻤﺪﹸ ﷲﹺ ﹶر ﹺ ﹺ ﹺ ﹺ
ﹶﻣﺎ اﺳﺘﹶ ﹶﻌﺎ ﹸذ ﹶك ﻣﻨ ﹸﻪ ﹶﺳﻴﺪ ﹶﻧﺎ ﹸﳏ ﹶ ﱠﻤﺪﹲ ﹶﺻ ﱠﲆ اﷲ ﹸ ﹶﻋ ﹶﻠ ﹾﻴﻪ ﹶو ﹶﺳ ﱠﻠ ﹶﻢ ﹶو ا ﹶ
ﻮر ﹺة اﻟ ﹶﻔ ﹺ ﹶ
ﺎﲢﺔ ﴎ ﹸﺳ ﹶ ﻠﻴﻪ ﹺ ﹺ
ﻟﺖ ﹶﻋ ﹺ ﹶر ﹶﺑﻨﹶﺎ ﹶﺗ ﹶﻘﺒﹶﻞ ﹺﻣﻨﱠﺎ ﺑﹺ ﹸﺤﺮ ﹶﻣ ﹺﺔ ﹶﻣﻦ أﹶ ﹶﻧﺰ ﹶ
Allāhuma innā nas’aluka min khayri mā sa’alaka minhu sayyīdinā muħammadin ÿ wa
nast¿īdhuka min sharri māsta¿ādhaka minhu sayyīdinā muħammad ÿ w’alħamdulillāhi rabbi’l-
¿ālamīn. Rabbanā taqabbal minnā bi-ħurmati man anzalta ¿alayhi sirr sūratu’l-fātiħah.
O Allah verily we ask of you the best of what our master Muħammad ÿ has asked of You and
we seek refuge in You from the evil of which our master Muħammad ÿ has sought refuge in
You and all praise is for the Lord of the Worlds. O our Lord accept from us for the sake of the
one on whom you revealed secret of the Opening Chapter of the Quran.