Is Of: April, 2019
Is Of: April, 2019
Is Of: April, 2019
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Departnent of Higher Education
ICR Division
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 4t April,2019
2. And whereas, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the UGC Act,
1956, the Cental Governmen! vide its Notificadon No.9-34/2007-U3(AJ dated
22.07.2008, on the advice of UGC, had declared Christ College (Autonomous),
Bangalore, Karnataka as an lnstitution deemed to be University in t}le name & style of
'Christ University' for the provisional period of five years. Furthe[ pursuant to the
direction of Hon'ble Supreme Court, the name of 'Christ University' has been changed
to 'Christ' by deleting the word 'Universip' from its name. Subsequently, on the advice
of UGC, tlre Central Governmen! vide its Notification No. 9-34/2OO7-U3(A)Pt1 dated
08.06.2018, extended the deemed to be University status to Chris! Bengaluru upto
30.06.20 19 with certain conditions.
4. And further whereas, UGC constituted an Expert Committee for on the spot
assessment of the infrasfucture and other facilities available at the proposed Off-
Campus Cente. Simultaneously, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) also
constituted an Expert Committee to visit the proposed Off-Campus. Both the
Committees visited the Institute on 24.10.2018. The Commission, in its 537s meeting
fltem No.2.02) held on 10,12.2018, considered the reports of Expert Committees and
recommended that Letter of Intent (Lol) may be issued to the Christ (Deemed to be
UniversityJ, Bengaluru for starting of an Off-Campus Centres at Ghaziabad (Uttar
PradeshJ subject to the compliance of the suggestions given by UGC and AICTE Expert
File No.10r'U20r8-U3(A)
i Departrnent of Economics
ii Departnent of Psychology
iii Deparunent of Commerce
i. This declaration shall be effective from the academic year 20L9-20 provided t}rat
the status of Deemed to be University of Chris! Bengaluru is extended beyond
ii. Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru shall start Courses in the fields of
Management & Law at the Ghaziabad Campus only after approval of the
respective Statutory Councils.
iii, The over-all performance of Ghaziabad Campus shall be monitored by the
Commission biennially for six years and subsequendy as per the provisions of
the existing Regulations and whose directions on management academic
development and improvement shall be binding on the Constituent Institution.
iv. All the earlier conditions that were stipulated in this Minisuy's Notifications shall
be adhered to by t}le Institution deemed to be University.
v. The entire moveable and immovable assets/properties as well as the existing
manpower of the Ghaziabad Campus shall be registered in t}te name of Christ
(Deemed to be UniversityJ, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
vi. There shall be no diversion of assets or funds/revenues of the Insdtution
Deemed-to-be-University/or of its Off-Campus(es), without prior permission of
the UGC.
vii. Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, Karnataka as well as its Off-
Campus(esJ shall not engage or indulge in any activities t}tat are of commercial
and profit making in nature.
File No.1 0/{1201 8-U3(A)
viii. The academic programmes offered /to be offered at the Off-Campus(es) of the
Instihrtion deemed to be University shall conform to the norms and standards
prescribed by the UGC and other Statutory Councils concerned.
ix. The Institution deemed to be University shall take appropriate steps to
commence research programmes as well as doctoral and innovative academic
programmes at all its Off-Campuses.
x. All the prescribed norms and procedures of the UGC and other Statutory
Councils concerned in the matter of admission of students, intake capacity of
students, renewal of approval to the academic course / programme, revision of
intake capacity of shrdents, starting of new courses / programmes, etc. shall
continue to be in force, and shall be adhered to by Christ (Deemed to be
University), Bengaluru, Karnataka and its Off-Campus (es).
xi. As and when necessary, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, Karnataka
shall update or revise or modiff its Memorandum of Association (MoAJ / Rules
in accordance with the UGC finstitutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations,
2016, as amended from time to time.
xii. Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, Karnataka shall adhere to the
' instructions of the UGC as contained in the UGC (lnstitutions Deemed to be
Universities) Regulations, 2019, as amended from time to time.
oint Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 011-2338772L
The Manager,
Government of India Press,
Minto Road, New Delhi - 110002.
5. The Member Secretary, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Nelson
Mandela Marg, Vasant Kuni, New Delhi-110070.
6. The Member Secretary, National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), Hans
Bhawan, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi-110002.
7. The Secretary Bar Council of India IBCIJ, 21, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110002.
8. Press Information Bureau, Shasfi Bhawan, New Delhi.
9. The Secretary General, Association of Indian Universities, AIU House, 16, Kotla
Marg, New Delhi-2.
10. Web Maste4 DeparEnent of Higher Education, Shasti Bhavan, New Delhi. It is
requested that CMIS Unit may kindly be insEucted to display the Notification on
the website (Home siteJ of the Departrnent
1 1. Guard file / Notification file.
,"1"o.,"4 {o^Nr^
(Subrat Kumar PradhanJ
Deputy Secretary to the GovL of India
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