Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
1. When lithium is irradiated with light, one finds a stopping potential of 1.83 V for λ = 3000Å and 0.80 V for λ
= 4000Å. From the data, calculate (a) Planck’s constant, (b) threshold frequency, and (c) work function of Li.
2. Given  = d/dx and Ê = x2, show (a) Â2f(x) ≠ [Âf(x)]2 and (b) ÂÊf(x) ≠ ÊÂf(x) for arbitrary f(x).
3. Identify which of the following functions are eigenfunctions of the operators d/dx and d2/dx2: (a) eikx (b) cos
kx (c) k (d) kx (e) e–ax2. Give the corresponding eigenvalue where appropriate
4. Find the eigenvalue in the following cases
∂2 ∂2 ∂2
5. Show that (cos ax)(cos by )(cos cz ) is an eigenfunction of the operator ∇ 2 = + + which is known
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
as the Laplacian Operator
Q are operators? Under what conditions will this result be equal to P2 – Q2?
9. (a) Find [d/dx, x], [z3, d/dz], [d2/dx2, ax2 + bx + c], and [a, a#] where a = (x + ip)/√2 and a# = (x – ip)/√2. (b)
Determine whether the operators SQR and SQRT commute.
[ ]
10. Evaluate the commutator Aˆ , Bˆ , where  and B̂ are given below
d d
(a) −x +x
dx dx
d2 d
(b) −x + x2
dx 2 dx
15. Normalize the following wavefunctions to unity: ( ∫ x n e −ax dx = n!/ a n+1 )
⎛ r ⎞
16. Two (unnormalized) excited state wavefunctions of the H-atom are (i) ψ = ⎜⎜ 2 − ⎟⎟ exp(− r ) and (ii)
⎝ a0 ⎠
ψ = r sin θ cos φ exp⎛⎜ − r a ⎞⎟ . Normalize both functions to 1. Now show that these 2 functions are mutually
⎝ 0⎠
17. Which of the following candidates for wavefunctions are normalizable over the indicated intervals?
Normalize those that can be normalized.
(a) exp − x
) ⎡ ⎛ x 2 + y 2 ⎞⎤
(-∞, ∞) (b) ex (0, ∞) (c) exp(iθ) (0, 2π) (d) xex (0, ∞) (e) exp ⎢− ⎜⎜
⎝ 2
⎟⎟⎥ (x,y: 0, ∞)
1 1 3+i 2
18. The wave function for a system can be written as ψ ( x) = φ1 ( x) + φ2 ( x) + φ3 ( x) with φ1 ( x) , φ2 ( x)
2 4 4
and φ3 ( x) being normalized eigenfunctions of the kinetic energy operator with eigenvalues E1, 3E1 and 7E1
respectively. (a) Verify that ψ(x) is normalized. (b) What are the possible values of KE you will obtain in
identically prepared systems. (c) What is the probability of measuring each of these eigenvalues? (d) What is the
average value of kinetic energy that you would obtain from a large number of measurements.
[(c) 1/4, 1/16, 11/16 ; (d) E = 5.25 E1 ]