CBSE Class 5 EVS Worksheet Safety and First Aid: Get Free Worksheets On
CBSE Class 5 EVS Worksheet Safety and First Aid: Get Free Worksheets On
CBSE Class 5 EVS Worksheet Safety and First Aid: Get Free Worksheets On
2. Choose the correct option: In case of sting apply to neutralize the effect of sting.
A) salt
B) baking soda
C) coconut oil
D) ice
5. State true or false: If person gets honey bee bite, then press the area around the bite and try to remove
the sting.
A) true
B) false
7. State true or false: It is a good practice to apply ice pack on bee bite.
A) true
B) false
8. If a person's leg is twisted suddenly, then how will you help him?
10. What is the first aid to be given on occurrence of minor scratch while riding a bicycle?
12. State true or false: When LPG cylinder is leaking, switch on fan.
A) true
B) false
14. Why water should not be thrown over burning petrol or kerosene?
16. State true or false: On animal bite, tetanus injection should be taken to avoid spreading poison in
A) true
B) false
17. Fill in the blanks: A should not be kept on floor to avoid accidental fire.
A) kerosene stove
B) Gas cylinder
C) Television
D) washing machine
18. How will you help a person whose clothes catch fire?
20. Fill in the blank: First day the sprained joint should be soaked in water.
A) cold
B) hot
1. Option A
2. Option B
3. A splint is a piece of wood, or cardboard which is used to prevent the dislocation of a broken bone. A split is
tied as a support against the broken bone. It is used to prevent the unnecessary movement of a broken bone
and help the bone to heal.
4. First aid is the immediate care given to the victim at the time of injury or emergency before taking the victim
to the doctor.
5. Option A
6. Option B
7. Option A
8. 1. Do not move sprained part. 2. Wrap elastic bandage to avoid movement in sprained part. 3. apply ointment
lightly over sprained part.
9. Option B
10. A minor scratch while riding a bicycle is minor wound. Hence first aid given would be 1. Clean the wound.
2. Apply antiseptic with sterile cotton. 3. If bleeding is still not stopped then tie a tight bandage.
11. Option B
12. Option B
Solution: When LPG is leaking switch off all electrical switches around to avoid explosion or fire.
14. Because petrol/ kerosene are lighter than water. Hence they float over water and keep burning.
15. 1. Timely check up of electrical gadgets. 2. Use insulation tapes on cut on electrical wires. 3. Wires and
electrical gadgets should be away from water. 4. Timely switch off of electrical gadgets when not in use.
16. Option A
17. Option A
18. If a person catch a fire, help can be given in the following ways:- 1. We should not allow him to run around
because it can increase flames and result in severe burns to the body. 2. We should make him roll on the
ground. 3. We should cover him with a thick blanket because this can put off the fire by cutting oxygen
19. Option C
20. Option A