Basic Haul System Student Guide

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The key takeaways are that the course covers basic rope rescue techniques including how to construct haul systems of varying mechanical advantages and that safety is the top priority in rope rescue operations.

The objectives of the Basic Haul Systems course are for students to understand rope rescue terminology and equipment, recognize all components of a haul system, describe mechanical advantage, and perform a rescue operation using a haul system while meeting safety and performance standards.

The components of a haul system include a static kern mantle rope, an anchor point, pulleys, carabiners, and prussic cords or mechanical cams.

Basic Haul Systems:

Rope Rescue for First Responders

3 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Table of Contents

Page 2 …….…………………………………………………………………..Course Content

Page 28 ………………………………………………………...Course Content References

Page 29 ……………………………………………...…Appendix A: Student Written Exam

Page 33 ………………………………………Appendix B: Student Performance Checklist

Page 35 …………………………………………Appendix C: Course Instructor Evaluation

4 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Course Learning Outcome:

The students of this course, after successful comple-

tion, shall be able to successfully use rope, rope hardware,
webbing and anchors to successfully establish a basic haul
Note: This is a basic knowledge course covering low
angle applications. However, the techniques and tools
learned during this course will act as a basis for future ad-
vanced and high angle rope rescue courses.

Course Objectives:

The student, upon completion of this course, shall:

⇒ Be able to understand and use rope rescue
terminology and equipment.
⇒ Be able to list many uses of rope and rope
⇒ Be able to recognize and list all safety con-
siderations associated with rope rescue op-
⇒ Recognize and list all components of a haul
⇒ Be able to describe and calculate mechani-
cal advantage.
⇒ Be able to describe proper basic mainte-
nance and care of rope and rope equip-
⇒ Be able to describe and tie basic life safety
⇒ Perform a rescue operation utilizing a rope
rescue haul system.

So that 100% of the critical items on the per-

formance checklist are achieved, and that a mini-
mum score of 70% is achieved on a written exam.

This course is offered in compliance with the following

NFPA Standards:
• NFPA 1983 - Standard for life safety ropes and safe
working loads
• NFPA 1006 - Standard and recommended practices
for Rescue Technicians
5 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Haul Systems Defined:

Haul Systems: Simple or compound rope systems, la-

beled by their mechanical advantage, used to forcibly pull or
haul an object over certain distance.

Haul Systems

⇒ Consist of a static kern mantle rope, an anchor point, pul-

leys, carabineers and prussic cords or mechanical cams.
⇒ Haul systems must utilize ½ inch static kern mantle rope,
meeting NFPA 1983 specifications.

NFPA 1983

The standard for life safety rope and safe working loads

⇒ A single person working load is 300 lbs.

⇒ Two person working loads by are 600 lbs.
⇒ Rescue Rope should always utilize a 15:1 safety ratio
(load x 15).
⇒ Two person working load: (600 x 15 = 9000 lbs.).

Common Rope Construction

⇒ Laid Rope - made of multiple strands of naturally occur-

ring materials such as manila and hemp. These fibers
are five to 14 ft. in length and twisted together to form a
length of rope.
⇒ Braided - cotton fiber ropes are constructed by braiding
the strands into a single length of rope.
⇒ Braid-on-braid - used in the marine trades, braid-on-
braid utilizes a hollow core.
⇒ Kernmantle– two component design
◊ The kern, is a high strength inner core constructed
of a continuous synthetic material that runs the
entire length of the rope.
◊ The mantle, is a braided outer cover or sheath
which protects the kern from abrasions and cuts.
◊ The core of kernmantle rope makes up 75% of the
rope’s overall strength.
6 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Static vs. Dynamic Kernmantle

Kernmantle rope can be made of parallel filaments or fila-

ments spiraled into cords.
⇒ Dynamic – stretches 20% to 40% its length when under
a load.
⇒ Static - stretches only 2% to 3% its length when under a

Types of Rope

⇒ Utility Rope – Any rope used for applications other than

life safety.
⇒ Water Rescue Rope – made of polypropylene, water
rescue ropes cannot be used for rappelling.
⇒ Life Safety Rope – any rope meeting the NFPA stan-
dard 1983 for life safety applications.

Factors That Affect Rope Strength

⇒ Any bend, hardware or knot weakens overall rope

⇒ Water - nylon and manila both absorb water and there-
fore loose strength when wet.
⇒ Extreme temperatures or chemical exposure will cause
ropes to break down and fail.
⇒ Abrasives such as rocks, tree bark and concrete will also
affect rope strength, especially when under a load.

Care and Maintenance

⇒ Ropes should be inspected for abrasions or eviscera-

tions after every use.
⇒ Use mild soap and water for cleaning ropes or approved
rope cleaners.
⇒ Never wash ropes while lying on the ground or in top
loading wash machines.
⇒ Machine wash ropes only in approved extractors, making
sure to daisy chain ropes prior to washing them.
⇒ DO NOT DRY ROPES IN THE SUN - Hang ropes in an
area that will allow them to air dry naturally.
7 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Rope Storage

⇒ Rope should be stored in bags away from abrasives and

chemicals which could break the rope down.
⇒ Rope should be stored away from sunlight.
⇒ Ropes should be taken out periodically and inspected for
tears or avulsions.
⇒ Pre-packed haul systems should be taken out and rebuilt


⇒ Webbing is made of nylon and primarily used for anchor

⇒ There are two type of webbing
◊ Tubular – the strongest type of webbing, tubular
webbing form a tube and rated at 4,000 lbs end to
end. Each time tubular webbing is doubled, it’s
strength doubles.
◊ Edge Stitched – never to be used for life safety.
◊ Anchor Straps – Used for anchoring haul systems.
Anchor Straps are double edge stitched webbing
that is rated at 5,000 lbs end to end and 9,000 lbs
when doubled up.


⇒ Carabiners - metal components that link the different

components of a rescue system together.
⇒ There are five basic parts to a carabiner: spine, latch,
gate, lock sleeve and hinge pin.
⇒ Locking carabiners should be double checked that they
are locked prior to putting them under a load.
⇒ Carabiners are made of Steel or Aluminum
◊ Aluminum carabiners
1. Used for sport type applications.
2. Lighter, less expensive.
3. Do not rust or wear out like steel.
◊ Steel Carabiners
1. Should ALWAYS be used for rescue.
2. Stronger, less susceptible to abrasion.
3. More expensive.
4. Require more maintenance.
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Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Carabiners Cont’d

⇒ Aluminum carabiners have a breaking strength up to

6,000 lbs.
⇒ Steel carabiners have a breaking strength between 9,000
and 13,000 lbs.

Descent Control Devices

Descent control devices provide control of a ropes

movement using variable levels of friction.

⇒ Figure-8
1. Designed as descent or rappelling device.
2. Only for rappels of 100ft. or less.
In applications over 100 ft. the rescuer must push the
rope through a Figure-8 device.
⇒ Rescue Figure-8
1. Has “ears” which prevents the rope from slipping
up, creating a girth hitch in the device
2. Can be tied off, preventing slipping of the rope.
⇒ Rappel Racks - consists of several steel or aluminum
bars mounted on a U-shaped rack.
1. Rope is threaded through the various bars on the
rack creating variable degrees of friction.
2. Because the rope is threaded straight through the
rack, this eliminates the “turning” found in using
Figure-8 devices.

⇒ NFPA 1983 requires that general use DCDs with stand a

2,400 lbs load without damaging the rope.
⇒ DCDs must withstand 5,000 lbs loads without failure.

Ascending Devices

Ascending devices are used for “one-way” movement

of a rope and are also used for climbing ropes.

⇒ Examples of ascending devices

1. Cam ascenders
2. Handled ascenders
3. Prusik ascenders
9 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes ⇒ Mechanical Ascenders

1. Can be applied to any rope system.
2. Work by applying pressure perpendicular to the
3. Mechanical ascenders can “de-sheath” ropes with
as little as 1,000lbs of pressure.
⇒ Prusik cords
1. Can be used as “soft rope grabs.”
2. Handle up to 3,000 lbs.
3. Can be used under shocked loads without fear of
“de-sheathing” the rope.


⇒ In rope rescue, pulleys are used to:

1. Change direction of force on a running rope.
2. Reduce friction.
3. Create mechanical advantage for haul systems.
⇒ Pulley Sheaves are the part of the pulley that the rope
runs on and should be large enough for minimum rope
strength loss as it bends around the pulley
⇒ Pulley Side Plates should be moveable so that the pulley
can be placed anywhere in the system.
⇒ Pulley Axles should be attached with rounded bolts to
prevent damage to other equipment
⇒ Pulley Bearings should be sealed ball-bearing type so as
to move freely and not get contaminated with dirt.
⇒ NFPA 1983 requires that general-use pulleys withstand a
static test loading of 5,000 lbs. with out distortion and
8,000 lbs with out failure.

Special Pulleys

There are some pulleys specially designed to solve

technical rope rescue problems.

⇒ Prusik-minding pulleys work with prusiks to make a self-

tending brake system safety lines and ratchets for me-
chanical advantage pulley systems
⇒ Knot-passing pulleys allow knots to pass through the
pulley. (This is important when two lines are tied together)
⇒ Double or Triple Sheave Pulleys have multiple pulleys
within a single unit.
10 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Edge Protectors

Up to 90% of all rope failure is due to improper

edge protection!

Edge Protectors
1. Are used to reduce abrasion on ropes.
2. Static protectors may be canvas tarps, turnout
coats, commercial rope covers or even carpet
3. Dynamic protectors are used where the rope is
moving across the surface and can be roof rollers
or edge rollers.
4. Dynamic protectors can also help reduce friction
applied to the rope.


NFPA 1983 provides classification and construction

specifications for harnesses used in rescue.
All NFPA harnesses must have permanent labeling
with harness class, date of manufacture and sizing informa-
⇒ NFPA Class I Harnesses
1. Seat style harnesses
2. For emergency escape or one person loads.
⇒ NFPA Class II Harnesses
1. Seat style harnesses for rescue.
2. Can handle two person loads.
⇒ NFPA Class III Harnesses
1. Full body harnesses.
2. Used for rescues in which inversion may occur.
3. One or two person loads
4. Requires no prior knowledge on the part of the pa-
tient once in the harness.
⇒ NFPA Ladder/Escape Belts
1. Waist belts.
2. May be used as positioning devices or
3. For emergency self rescue devices only.
11 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Rescue Knots

Knot Terms:

⇒ Running end
The part of the rope used for work such as hauling,
pulling or belaying.

⇒ Working end
The part of the rope used to tie a knot.

⇒ Standing part
The part of the rope between the running end and the
working end.

⇒ Bight
Formed by making a U-shaped curve in the rope with
out crossing the ends.

⇒ Round Turn
Made when the ends of a bight’s “U” are crossed.

⇒ Bend
A knot used to tie two ropes of equal or greater
diameter together.

⇒ Hitch
A knot used to fasten a rope to an object
⇒ Anchor
An immoveable object.

⇒ Safety
A knot used to prevent the running end from untying
the knot, such as an overhand knot or fisherman’s

⇒ Whip
A wrap done at the end of a rope to keep the end
from unraveling.
12 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Tying Rescue Knots


Each of the following knots are use for rope rescue

and each knot must be successfully completed for this

⇒ Overhand Knot - used as a safety knot to prevent rescue

knots from coming untied

⇒ Figure 8 Knot - also called the “stopper knot” this knot is

the basis for many of the life safety knots used in rope

⇒ Figure 8 On-a-bight - this knot forms a loop and can be

used to attach to an anchor point.

⇒ Figure 8 Bend - this knot is used for joining two ropes..

13 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes ⇒ Figure 8 Follow-through - also called the Figure 8 re-

weave this knot is used for tying the figure eight around
an object.

⇒ Clove Hitch - this hitch can be tied and dropped over and

⇒ Water Knot - a re-weaved overhand knot, this is the only

knot use for tying webbing.
14 LaPlant
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Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide


⇒ Munter Hitch - a belay knot that turns over on itself allow-

ing the rope to travel in either an up or down direction.

⇒ Tensionless Wrap - A wrap used for tying to anchor

points that cinches tighter to the anchor as a load is ap-
15 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Prusik Knots

⇒ Double Fisherman’s Knot - this knot is used for tying the

ends of a rope together, including prusik cords.

⇒ Double Wrap Prusik

⇒ Triple Wrap Prusik

16 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Student Activity #1 : Knot Tying

Given lengths of rope, students will break up in to

groups of four. Each group member shall tie each of the
knots listed on pages 10 - 14.
Students are encouraged to work with their peers
who are having difficulties in tying the prescribed knots.
17 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Anchor Points

Types of Anchor Points

⇒ Type I - Natural anchor points

1. trees
2. boulders
3. root systems
4. rock outcroppings

⇒ Type II - Manmade anchors such as vehicles (tow eyes,

frame members), guard rails, utility poles, fire escapes or
fixed ladders and structural members of buildings.

Anchor Considerations

⇒ How much is the anticipated load?

⇒ Is the anchor suitable given the direction of the load?
⇒ Does the anchor have sharp edges?
⇒ Is the anchor rusted, rotten or broken? - NEVER AS-
⇒ How will you attach to the anchor?
⇒ Does the anchor have sufficient mass?

Attaching to an Anchor

When establishing anchor points, there are several key

points that must be observed

⇒ Anchors can be attached to using 1” tubular webbing

joined at the ends by a water knot.
⇒ Be sure to double up the webbing to maintain proper
break strength.
⇒ A Figure 8 follow through can also be used to form a
fixed loop around the anchor.
⇒ The angle the rope or webbing approaches the anchor
must not exceed 120 degrees as this increases the load
on the anchor significantly.
⇒ While a 0 degree angle is best, 90 degrees is considered
optimal for field use.
18 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

⇒ A tensionless wrap can be used to attach to an anchor
as well, by wrapping the mainline around the anchor at
least five times and tying the rope back into itself using a
carabiner or a figure eight follow through.
⇒ Use a 15:1 safety ratio in case of a system shock.
⇒ Anchors should only be used if they are “Bomb Proof” –
an anchor should be able to withstand a close proximity
blast without faltering
⇒ Anchor points should always weigh the same or more
than the anticipated shock load
⇒ Trees should only be used if the have a diameter greater
than four inches
⇒ Vehicles:
- Vehicles should only be used as a last resort!
- When anchoring to vehicles, keep anchor straps
and rope away from hot surfaces such as exhaust
pipes and sharp edges
- When anchoring to a vehicle:
1) Chock all wheels.
2) Shut off the engine. (to prevent inadvertent
3) Remove the keys, shut off batteries.
4) Post a “guard” at the vehicle to ensure it will
not be moved.
All anchors, regardless of type or location should be
edge protected.

Secondary Anchors

If an anchor appears it could be inadequate, the an-

chor can be “backed up” with a secondary anchor.

⇒ Run the mainline from the primary anchor to the secon-

dary anchor and tie it off.
⇒ Secondary anchors should be as close to in-line with pri-
mary anchors as possible
⇒ Two anchors parallel to one another may be used to-
gether as a primary anchor, these two anchors will split
the overall load.
19 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Terrain

When raising, lowering or hauling victims, the type of

rescue being performed is defined by the angle of the ter-

⇒ Flat Terrain
1. Terrain with an angle of 0 to 15 degrees.
2. Rescuers may carry litter by hand with no assis-
3. No external rope systems required to move pa-
4. No need for rescuers to be tied in to maintain foot-
5. No technical equipment or training required.
⇒ Low Angle
1. Terrain with an angle of 15 to 40 degrees.
2. Rescuers may carry litter with difficulty due to in-
cline or environmental conditions (i.e. weather,
footing, etc.).
3. Tag line or anchored haul system required stabi-
lize or move litter.
4. Rescuers are not required to tie in to litter
5. Risk of further injury to rescuer or patient due to
⇒ Steep Angle
1. Terrain with an angle of 40 to 65 degrees.
2. Anchored haul system required to move patient.
3. Rescuers unable to carry litter unassisted.
4. Any failure of a haul system would have catastro-
phic results to rescuers or patients.
5. Rescue load is shared by rescuers and patients.
6. Rescuers required to tie into litter.
⇒ High Angle or Vertical
1. Terrain with an angle of 65 to 90 degrees.
2. An attendant is required to tie into litter.
3. Rope system for raising and lowering litter and at-
tendants is required.
4. Attendant is suspended on a line separate from
the litter bridle.
5. Failure of rope system would likely result in seri-
ous injury or death
20 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Mechanical Advantage

⇒ Haul systems are labeled by their mechanical advantage.

⇒ Mechanical advantage is defined in ratios; i.e. 3:1, 4:1
⇒ Each turn built into a haul system, using pulleys, will give
you one unit of mechanical advantage.
⇒ In a 3:1 haul system; for every one unit of input force you
put into it, you gain three units of output force.
⇒ Conversely, for every three feet of rope you pull, the load
will only move one foot.
⇒ Simple haul systems should never exceed a 5:1 me-
chanical advantage

* Compound systems should be utilized for applications requiring

more than a 5:1 mechanical advantage – Compound Systems will
not be covered in this course

Haul System Uses

Haul Systems have many uses from low angle and high
angle terrain applications to vehicle rescue and water rescue

⇒ Auto rescue
⇒ Heavy Machinery
⇒ Trench and Confined Space
⇒ Water Rescue
⇒ Structural Collapse
⇒ Train Rescue

Components of a Haul System

The following is a list of the most basic Haul System compo-


⇒ Carabiners
⇒ Pulleys
⇒ Prusiks or Cams
⇒ Anchor Point
⇒ Rescue Rope
⇒ Load
21 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Constructing a “Z-Rig” 3:1 Mechanical Advantage


⇒ The 3:1 “Z-rig” is the most common mechanical advan-

tage haul system used.
⇒ To construct a “Z-Rig” perform the following steps:
1. Lay out your rope in the shape of a “Z”
2. Place a pulley in the two bends of the “Z”
3. Establish an anchor using an anchor strap or 1” tubular
4. Using a carabiner, attach the anchor to the pulley directly
in line with the “load”
5. Tie a triple wrap prusik around the mainline below the
pulley attached to the anchor.
6. Hook the prusik’s loop into the carabiner that is attaching
the anchor to the pulley.
7. Tie a second triple wrap prusik to the mainline near the
8. Attach the second prusik to the second pulley using a


Single Sheave Pulley

Haul Prusik

Ratchet Prusik

Single Sheave Pulley

(Prusik Minding)

Carabiner/Rigging Plate

22 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Student Activity #2 : Constructing a 3:1 “Z” rig

Given the necessary equipment, students will break

up into their groups of four. Each group shall construct a 3:1
“Z” rig and become familiar with the workings of the system
as well as the systems advantages.
Students are encouraged to work with their peers to
build team confidence for practical examination.
23 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Hauling a Victim

Once the haul system has been established, the pa-

tient must be moved in a manner in which spinal precautions
can be taken. In order facilitate successful movement of a
patient without causing further harm, a litter basket, back-
board or SKED should be employed.

Direct Tie -in method (Litters & Backboards)

1. Tie a Figure 8 and leave approx. four feet of run-

ning end from the knot.
2. String the running end through the angled hand-
grip at the patient’s head.
3. Run the running end under the backboard and
through the opposite hand grip.
4. Reweave the running end through the Figure 8
and tie a safety completing a Figure 8 Follow
Through knot.
5. Be sure to protect the rope under backboards with
some type of edge protection. (Old fire hose a can
be cut to two foot lengths and serve as excellent
edge protection.)
24 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Bridle Method

1. Tie a piece of 1” tubular webbing 10 to 12 feet in

length into a fixed loop.
2. Form the webbing into a bight and weave the
webbing in a spiral fashion across the top of the
litter basket (form a girth hitch through the top of
the hand holds for plastic litters)
3. Clip the two ends of the webbing together using a
locking carabiner.
4. Tie a Figure 8 On-a-bite in the end of the haul line.
5. Clip the bight into the carabiner as well.

Haul Line


1” Tubular Webbing

Litter Basket

The bridle method provides ease of disconnecting the

haul system from the litter and provides an even pull, which
eliminates “binding” with the Direct Tie-in method.
25 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Securing the Patient


Once the haul system has been built, properly an-

chored and the haul line attached to the litter, the patient
should then be packaged for the haul.

Litter Basket

1. Secure the patient on a backboard using C-spine precau-

2. Wrap a piece of 1” webbing around both patient’s feet,
forming stirrups, and lash the running ends to each side
of the litter basket to immobilize the patient’s feet, leaving
no slack in the webbing.
3. Apply an “exterior lashing” by making a girth hitch in the
center of the top rail or bar at the foot of the litter using a
25 to 30 foot piece of 1” webbing or rope.
4. Weave each of the running ends of the webbing or rope
around the top rail of the litter in an X pattern up to the
top of the patient’s chest
5. Lash the webbing to the top rail even with the patient’s
6. Make a girth hitch with a separate piece of webbing in
the center of the webbing crossing the patient’s chest.
7. Using a half hitch, weave the running end around the top
rail and lash the webbing to the rail on each side of the
patient’s head.
26 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Student Activity #3 : Securing a patient

Given the necessary equipment, students will break

up into their groups of four. Each group shall choose one
member to be a victim.
Students will perform the necessary tasks to properly
secure a patient in a litter basket. Students will also perform
the Direct Tie-in and Bridle Methods for attaching a litter to a
haul system.
27 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes Haul System Safety Considerations

All personnel operating with or around Rope Rescue

Equipment should always follow these safety rules.

⇒ Establish a plan prior to building or loading a haul system

⇒ Be completely familiar with all of the equipment involved
⇒ Operating commands and principles
⇒ Mechanical Advantage
⇒ Limitations and shock loads
⇒ Ensure enough manpower is on scene prior to attempt-
ing a rescue with a haul system
⇒ Never use mechanical devices such as winches or vehi-
cles to haul patients or rescuers.

Rope Safety Considerations

⇒ Follow specific manufacturers guidelines for all aspects

of Rope Rescue Equipment:
◊ Maintenance
◊ Storage
◊ Service life
⇒ Keep all equipment clean and away from abrasives,
sharp edges, corrosive chemicals and open flames or
⇒ Always have an adequate length of rope and hardware
available for the task before initiating rope operations.
⇒ Rope hardware should be taken out of service immedi-
ately if dropped from a height of approx. waist level.
⇒ Remove all knives, keys and dangling jewelry
⇒ Pads made of a thick rubber, canvas, hose, roller assem-
blies or a turnout coat should always be employed to pro-
tect ropes
⇒ Use one rescuer designated as the “edge man” to watch
the ascent/descent and give commands to the haul team
⇒ Watch for signs of falling rocks, landslides, fraying ropes
or other obstructions
⇒ The haul team should only follow commands from the
“edge man”
⇒ Never let go of the mainline until the system is set and
the “set” command is given by the “edge man
28 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Verbal Commands While Hauling


⇒ The following is a list of commands that should be used

when hauling a victim.
⇒ These commands should only be given by the “edge
man or edge officer” to the haul team.
⇒ The only person the haul team should obey commands
from is the “edge man.”

Verbal Commands

⇒ On Belay - Litter is attached to the system and ready for

⇒ Belay on - Response given by a belay person or signify-
ing he is ready to catch the load.
⇒ Prepare to Haul - Haul team should have haul line in
hand awaiting the command to haul.
⇒ Haul - The haul team should begin to pull the haul line
through the system.
⇒ Set - Haul team stops hauling, and the safety is set to
prevent the load from slipping.
⇒ Safety is set - The haul team may let go of the haul line
without the load slipping and prepare to haul again.
⇒ Slack - The safety has been set and the haul system
may be reset to it’s fullest possible length in preparation
for another haul.
⇒ STOP - The only command any member may use - All
activities cease immediately and any problems are identi-
⇒ Off belay - The litter has reached the desired location
and has been removed from the system.
⇒ Belay off - The belay person is no longer tending the
29 LaPlant
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Guide

Notes References

Merrick, Claire eds. (1998) Rescue Technician: Operational Readiness

for Rescue Providers, St. Louis: Mosby, Inc.

Murnane, Lynne eds. (1998) Essentials of Fire Fighting, fourth edition,

Oklahoma: Fire Protection Publications Oklahoma State University

Irish Climbing News Page, “Knot Dictionary,”


Rescue Response Gear, “Tips on Techniques”


Ropes and Rigging Techniques, prod. Working Fire Training, 59 min.,

Spirit Sports, 2004, DVD
Appendix A:

Student Written Test

Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Test

Name: _______________________________ Date:_____________________

Score: __________

Follow the instructions for each section.

A minimum of 70% is required to successfully pass this exam

True/False: Read the following statements, and circle true or false to the left of the
question. (5 points)

1) True or False: According to NFPA 1983, a single person working load is 300 lbs.

2) True or False: Static Kernmantle rope is known for it elasticity, stretching 20% to
40% it’s length when under a load.

3) True or False: Up to 90% of all rope failures are due to inadequate edge

4) True or False: Terrain is considered low angle when it has an incline of 0 to 15


5) True or False: A 10:1 safety ration should be employed when establishing anchor
points in case of shock.

Multiple Choice: Read the following statements and circle the answer that correctly
completes the statement. (5 points)

6) According to NFPA 1983, a two person working load is ______________.

a. 300 lbs. b. 1,200 lbs. c. 600 lbs. d. 11,000 lbs

7) The type of rope construction in which cotton fiber ropes are constructed by braiding
the strands into a single length of rope is called ______________.

a. braid b. braid on braid c. kern mantle d. laid

8) Descent control devices provide control of a ropes movement using variable levels
of _____________.

a. speed b. pressure c. heat d. friction

Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Test

9) The Munter Hitch is a useful knot because it ____________.

a. acts as a safety
b. takes the place of mechanical cams
c. turns over on itself allowing rope travel in two directions
d. joins two rope of unequal length

10) The knot which can be tied and dropped over an object is the __________.

a. clove hitch b. girth hitch c. tensionless wrap d. overhand knot

Fill in the blank: Read the following statements and fill in the correct answer.
(5 points)

11) The NFPA standard for rescue ropes is _______________.

12) Rescue ropes should on be cleaned with mild soap and water or cleaners ap-
proved by the ______________.

13) Using the _________ method, the rope is woven through the litter without a bridle
of webbing.

14) Rope rescue hardware should be taken out of service immediately if it is dropped
from _______ level.

15) ____________ is the verbal command that signals the litter is attached to the sys-
tem and ready to be hauled.

Matching: Correctly match the following terms with their definitions in the space pro-
vided. (5 points)

___16) A small piece of cord used as a rope grab or ascender. A. Cam

___17) A device used to connect rope to hardware. B. Pulley

___18) A mechanical device used as a rope grab or ascender. C. Utility Strap

___19) A device used for change in direction. D. Prusik

___20) A piece of webbing used to attach to anchor points. E. Carabiner

F. Swivel
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Test

Essay: Explain in your own words how mechanical advantage systems are labeled
and what those labels mean. (5 points)
Appendix B:

Skills Checklist
Basic Haul Systems
Rope Rescue for First Responders
Student Skills Checklist

Name: _______________________________ Date:_____________________

Please write PASS or FAIL in the box provided. All items are considered critical, there-
fore students are required to achieve 100% PASS rate on the items
listed. PASS/FAIL

Given a locking carabiner, the student will name each of it’s parts, the material of which
it is constructed and describe how to properly load a carabiner

Given a length of rope successfully tie a Figure 8 On-a-Bite with a safety.

Given a length of rope and a carabiner; successfully tie a Munter Hitch.

Given a length of rope; successfully tie a Figure 8 Follow Through around an object.

Given a length of rope; successfully tie a clove hitch around an object.

Given a length of prusik cord; successfully tie a Double Fisherman’s knot creating a Pru-
sik ascender.

Given a length of prusik and a length of rope; successfully triple wrap a prusik around
the rope to facilitate a soft rope grab.

Given a length of rope and a carabiner; successfully tie a tensionless wrap.

Given a length of 1” tubular webbing; successfully tie a water knot.

Given all the necessary equipment; construct a 3:1 “Z” rig and successfully complete a
mock low angle rescue scenario with a haul of no less than 100 feet.

Instructors Signature:___________________________________Date: ____

Appendix C:

Course and Instructor Evaluations

Class Evaluation

Class attended: Basic Haul Systems: Rope Rescue for First Responders
Location: ___________________________________________________________
Instructor: ______________________________ Date: _______________________

Please circle the appropriate number provided in the boxes below. If there are any ad-
ditional comments you would like to make, please use the space provided below.

Not Strongly Dis- Strongly

Class Applicable Agree Agree Unsure agree Disagree
Activities were helpful 0 5 4 3 2 1
Class content was informational 0 5 4 3 2 1
Practical exercise was educational 0 5 4 3 2 1
Practical exercise was realistic 0 5 4 3 2 1
Handout was useful 0 5 4 3 2 1
Visual aids were useful 0 5 4 3 2 1
Class size was appropriate 0 5 4 3 2 1
Classroom was appropriate 0 5 4 3 2 1
Practical evolution sight was appropriate 0 5 4 3 2 1

Not Strongly Dis- Strongly

Instructor Applicable Agree Agree Unsure agree Disagree
Was knowledgeable 0 5 4 3 2 1

Encouraged class participation 0 5 4 3 2 1

Answered questions completely 0 5 4 3 2 1

Made class objectives clear and under-

standable 0 5 4 3 2 1
Stayed on track with subject material 0 5 4 3 2 1


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