LSIB Level 3 Business and Management Specification

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Credits : 120
Duration : 6 months / 9 months

London School of International Business

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London School of International Business (LSIB)

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Entry Requirements 4

Progression 5

Level 3 Diploma in Business and Management 6

Unit Specifications 7

Managing Business Operations 8

Maximising Resources to Achieve Business Success 12

The Business Environment 16

Managing People in Organisations 19

Working in Teams 24

Effective Business Communication 27

London School of International Business


Entry Requirements

This qualification is designed for learners who are typically aged 16 and above.

The policy regarding access to our qualifications is that:

 they should be available to everyone who is capable of reaching the required standard
 they should be free from any barriers that restrict access and progression
 there should be equal opportunities for all those wishing to access The qualifications

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On successful completion of a Level 3 Diploma in Business and Management there are a number of
progression opportunities.

Learners may progress to:

 a level 4 qualification such as the Level 4 Extended Diploma in Management
 a degree programme

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Level 3 Diploma in Business and Management

The Level 3 Diploma in Business and Management is a 120 credit qualification. Learners must
complete the six mandatory units totalling 120 credits.

Unit Title Level Credit

Managing Business Operations 3 20

Maximising Resource to Achive Business Scuccess 3 20

The Business Environment 3 20

Managing People in Organisations 3 20

Working in Teams 3 20

Effective Business Communications 3 20

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Unit Specifications

Unit Format
Each unit is presented in a standard format. This format provides guidance on the
requirements of the unit for learners, tutors, assessors and external verifiers.

Each unit has the following sections:

Unit Title
The unit title reflects the content of the unit. The title of each unit completed will appear on a
learner’s statement of results.

Unit Aims
The unit aims section summarises the content of the unit.

Unit Code
Each unit is assigned a unit code that appears with the unit title on the Register of Regulated

All units and qualifications have a level assigned to them which represents the level of
achievement. The level of each unit is informed by the level descriptors.

Credit Value
The credit value is the number of credits that may be awarded to a learner for the successful
achievement of the learning outcomes of a unit.

Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes set out what a learner is expected to know, understand or be able to do as the
result of the learning process.

Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria describe the requirements a learner is expected to meet in order to
demonstrate that the learning outcome has been achieved. Command verbs reflect the level of the
qualification e.g. at level 4 you would see words such as analyse and evaluate

Unit Indicative Content

The unit indicative content section provides details of the range of subject material for the programme
of learning for the unit.

3.34 Managing Business Operations

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Unit aims This unit aims to introduce learners to key aspects of all
businesses and how they operate within the wider business
environment, as well as internally. Learners will explore the
important business areas of finance, customer service, planning,
decision making and operational control
Unit level 3
Unit code K/508/3605
GLH 120
Credit value 20
Unit grading structure Pass/Merit/Distinction
Assessment guidance Assignments in accordance with awarding organisation guidance

Learning outcomes. criteria.
The learner will: The learner can:
Pass Merit Distinction
1. Understand 1.1 Identify common 1 M1 Explain the
the key functions and advantages and
features of a divisions found in disadvantages of
business organisations each organisational
environment 1.2 Using examples, structure
describe different
structures within
1.3 Describe the key
differences 1 D1 Explain why an
between public, organisation may
private, voluntary choose to change its
sector, and public structure and the
service impact this may have
2. Know key 2.1 Explain key 2 M1 Interpret
financial accounting accounting
concepts used concepts information using
in 2.2 Describe the key accounting
organisations stakeholders who concepts
wish to 2 D1 Explain how
understand an stakeholders’
organisation’s interests might
financial situation influence an
2.3 Describe the kinds organisation’s
of business 2 M2 Explain how financial decision
information which and why budgets making
can be provided are monitored and
by budgets managed and the
processes used (3-

step budget

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management and

3. Understand 3.1 Explain the 3 D1Evaluate the

the importance importance of cost implications of
of customer excellent customer poor service to both
service to service to internal and external
business organisations customers
operations 3.2 Describe the
elements of 3 M1 Differentiate 3 D2 Propose
excellent customer between functional customer service
service and personal improvements in your
customer own organisation
expectations and
how an organisation
can ‘delight’ a
customer in both
4. Understand 4.1 Explain why
key aspects of business planning
planning to is important
ensure 4.2 Describe the
business importance of
success mission, vision,
business strategy
and organisational
objectives and
how they are used
in business
4.3 Explain the key
elements of a
business plan and
how it is created
5. Understand 5.1 Explain why an 5 M1 Identify the
the importance organisation different types of
of operational needs operational information which
control control enable managers to
5.2 Describe the have control and
systems how they use the
organisations use three stage control
to achieve loop
operational control
6. Understand 6.1 Describe different 6 M1 Describe good 6 D1 Evaluate own
the decision techniques that and poor business decision making skills
making managers can use decisions, based on in terms of
process to help decision their impacts on techniques used,
making business outcomes and

sensitivity to the culture of

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Indicative Content

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3.32 Maximising Resources to Achieve Business Success

The Structure of Organisations

 Organisational functions/divisions; organisational structures (simple, functional, matrix,

hierarchical, divisional); their differences; advantages and disadvantages, examples of their
use in different types of organisations, why organisations change structures
 Span of Control.
 Private, public, voluntary sector and public service organisations.

Financial Concepts (from Financial Stewardship and the Use of Budgets)

 Key accounting concepts (turnover, cash flow, profit & loss, break even, assets, liabilities,
balance sheet and liquidity).
 Stakeholders - who is interested in knowing about an organisation’s financial situation, and
 Reasons for changes to an organisation’s financial situation
 Definition; business information provided by a budget.
 Monitoring and managing budgets – why; the 3-Step Budget Management Process, the
Virement process, fixed and variable costs.

Putting Customers First

 The costs involved in losing customers; why it is important to keep customers.

 Internal and External Customers.
 Excellent customer service: definition; functional expectations and personal expectations;
delighting customers; Six Key Actions for Providing Excellent Customer Service; putting
Customers First within your own organisation.

Business Planning

 Importance; short-term, medium-term and long-term business planning.

 Five key planning questions
 Mission statement, organisational vision, organisational objectives, business
 Business planning.

Controlling Operations

 Monitoring and controlling.

 Elements that need to be controlled; the different types of information which managers need
to be able to control; three-stage control loop

The Decision Making Process

 Techniques for decision making: balance sheet technique, mind mapping process, the criteria
list technique, brainstorming
 Implications of different kinds of decisions; Own preferred approach to decision making.
 Use of appropriate decision-making technique to suit situations/circumstances; monitoring
outcome of decisions; recognising how cultural differences can impact on decision-making

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Unit aims Effective use of resources can be business critical. This unit aims
to ensure learners understand the range of resources businesses
need, why this must be monitored and how this can be achieved
through technology and other project management tools
Unit level 3
Unit code M/508/3606
GLH 120
Credit value 20
Unit grading structure Pass/Merit/Distinction
Assessment guidance Assignments in accordance with awarding organisation guidance
Learning outcomes. Assessment criteria.
The learner will: The learner can:
Pass Merit Distinction
1. Understand 1.1 Explain the 1 M1 Explain the
the importance resources needed impact of a shortfall
of resources to by organisations in in resources on
business different business business
success sectors of the performance
2. Know how 2.1 Explain how and 2 M1 Explain best 2 D1 Assess
organisations why resources must practice in terms of resource monitoring
monitor the be monitored resource monitoring in an organisation,
use of 2.2 Explain what is and usage recommending
resources meant by further
benchmarking and developments
how it is used by and/or corrective
organisations to action
monitor resources
2.3 Explain what is
meant by
indicators and how
they are used by
organisations to
monitor human
3. Know about 3.1 Describe new 3 M1 Explain how 3 D1 Assess the
new technologies new technologies risks faced by
technologies available to are impacting on organisations if they
used in organisations organisations do not protect their
organisations 3.2 Explain how new technology
technologies are
used by
4. Understand 4.1 Identify and explain 4 M1 Plan a project
the process of the key skills to manage or

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project needed by a monitor resources

management successful project using all the stages
and how it manager of project
contributes to 4.2 Describe the Three management
the efficient Stage-Project Cycle
use of 4.3 Explain why it is
resources important to identify
and rank a project’s
critical factors
4.4 Explain the tools
used for managing
4.5 Explain the purpose
and importance of
project evaluation
and review.
5. Understand 5.1 Explain the terms 5 D1 Evaluate the
how excellence and quality systems
organisations quality and the within an
work towards impact of these 13rganization and
‘best practice’ concepts on make
organisations recommendations
5.2 Describe tools and for improvement
techniques that are
used by
13rganizations to
ensure the quality
of their products
and services

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Indicative Content
Using and monitoring resources
 Resources which are necessary for any organisation to prosper and thrive; their
importance and purpose, how to maximise use of, manage and conserve
organisation’s resources.
 Monitoring resources: factors which need to be monitored on a regular basis; how to
monitor resources at work. Impact of not monitoring resources
 Efficient resource monitoring, identification of problems, appropriate corrective action.

Best Practice and Sound Policy

 Benchmarking: process benchmarking; performance benchmarking; strategic
benchmarking and internal benchmarking.
 What performance indicators are and how they are used.
 Best Practice; sound policy; why it is necessary to ensure best practice/create sound

Harnessing Technology
 Some of the most commonly used new technology words and phrases.
 The most popular and widely used computer software programmes.
 computer software programmes currently used in own workplace, and own current level of
skill and ability to use each one.
 ways in which skills and abilities can be developed to work with the computer
 software currently in use
 the Internet and how it works.
 Demonstrate, at work, confidence in your ability to work with new technology.
Project Management Skills
 project management skills
 the Three Stage-Project Cycle
o Identify and rank a project’s Critical Factors. o key dates/milestones (Gantt Chart)
o Analysis of project (e.g. SWOT Analysis Technique to identify project strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats.)
o possible causes of a project’s problems (e.g. Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram)
o project tasks and the order in which these should be completed (e.g.’

Critical Path Analysis

o Project Evaluation & Review
 Apply skills to manage projects

The Excellent Organisation

 The terms quality and excellence, why they are important to organizations
 Tools and techniques to implement quality in an organisation:
o Total Quality Management (TQM)
o 3-Step Quality Control process
o Right First Time
o Quality Assurance
o Continuous improvement (Kaizen

3.31 The Business Environment

Unit aims All businesses operate within a wider business environment – of

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which they must be constantly aware. This unit aims to introduce

learners to all aspects of that external environment and how an
organisation may choose to ‘position itself’ through marketing or
its ethical image. The unit also considers the impact of culture on
Unit level 3
Unit code T/508/3607
GLH 120
Credit value 20
Unit grading structure Pass/Merit/Distinction
Assessment guidance Assignments in accordance with awarding organisation guidance

Learning outcomes. Assessment criteria.

The learner will: The learner can:

Pass Merit Distinction

1. Understand 1.1 Describe external 1 M1 Using a 1 D1 Make
how external factors which may PESTLE analysis, recommendations for
factors can have an effect describe the dealing with the
impact on upon political, economic, external opportunities
organisations organisations social and and challenges
1.2 Explain why technological legal facing a specific
organisations and environmental organisation
carry out PESTLE factors facing a
analyses specific organisation
1.3 Describe the three 1 D2 Evaluate how a
step crisis specific crisis in an
management organisation was
procedure managed.
2. Understand why 2.1 Identify the factors 2 D1 Make
organisations which contribute recommendations to
need to be aware towards a specific
of their impact on environmental organisation to help
the environment damage and them reduce their
explain how these environmental impact
can be minimised
by organisations
2.2 Explain how lack
of care for the
environment can
impact on
profitability and

3. Understand key 3.1 Explain the 3 M1 Describe the

elements of function of elements of the
marketing marketing and marketing mix, using

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how it differs from examples from a

selling specific organisation
3.2 Describe the
purpose of a
marketing plan
and marketing
examples as
3.3 Explain the
between internal
and external data 3 M2 Describe how 3 D1 Evaluate a
and information organisations use specific marketing
3.4 Explain the the information campaign used by an
differences which has been organisation
between primary collected for
and secondary marketing purposes
4 Understand why 4.1 Describe the 4 M1 Using
organisations benefits to examples, explain
and individuals organisations of why individuals and
need to behave behaving ethically organisations might 4 D1 Review the
ethically make unethical ethical record of a
decisions or use named organisation
unethical business operating in the
practices private sector
5 Understand the 5.2 Explain the effect 5 M1 Explain how
impact of of organisational the management
organisational culture on style would vary in a
culture business, power, role, task
providing and person culture
examples from
different 5 M2 Assess which
organisations type of
culture you would
prefer to work in

Indicative Content
External Influences on Business

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 External factors which may have an impact on organization 17.

 How to use a PESTLE to identify the political, economic, social and technological, legal and
environmental factors which may cause problems for your organization; why they are
needed; possible solutions which could be used to deal with the external factors highlighted
by the PESTLE Analysis
 How to deal with external factors eg Three-Step Crisis Management Procedure; using
appropriate people for a crisis management team.

Environmental Awareness

 Environmental damage: what it is, how it is caused (the factors which can contribute
towards environmental damage); how lack of care for the environment can impact on
business profitability and global reputation
 Environmental awareness: why it is necessary for you/managers to understand the
importance of environmental awareness; methods to minimise environmental damage
within organisations17

Marketing : Marketing; the difference between marketing and selling; marketing objectives and
marketing plans

 the Marketing Mix and its application

 Information: the difference between Data and Information, internal and external
information, primary and secondary information; how they are all used in marketing
 problems you experience with the supply of information and possible
improvements to the way in which information is supplied
 database of sources of secondary information – how to compile, (important
elements, need for clean data)

The Ethics of the Organisation

 Business ethics: what an ethical organisation actually does and the benefits
 Why individuals and organisation might make unethical decisions/use unethical business
 How to introduce an ethical approach to an organisation.

Cultural impact

 The term ‘organisational culture’; types of cultures e.g. Power culture, Role culture,
Task culture, Person culture.
 Impact of culture; on management style, on individuals, on self (own preferred style)

3.34 Managing People in Organisations

Unit aims People are often considered to be the most important resource in
any organisation. This unit aims to give learners the knowledge

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and understanding about recruitment, performance management

3. 3.1 Explain the 3 M1 Using

and development.
Unit level 3
Unit code H/508/3604
GLH 120
Credit value 20
Unit grading structure Pass/Merit/Distinction
Assessment guidance Assignments in accordance with awarding organisation guidance

Learning outcomes. Assessment criteria.

The learner will: The learner can:
Pass Merit Distinction

1. Understand 1.1 Explain the 1 M1 Describe the 1 D1 Evaluate the

key elements recruitment difference between effect of legislation
of the methods and direct and indirect on the recruitment
recruitment processes used by discrimination and selection
and selection organisations process
process 1.2 Prepare a job
description and
specification for a
specified job
1.3 Produce
guidelines to
interviewers carry
out best practice
before during and
after an interview
2. Know how 2.1 Describe each
organisations stage of the seven
carry out step process for
performance Managing
management Performance
2.2 Using examples,
explain why 2 M1 Explain
standards are a performance 2 D1 Design an
necessary part of management and appraisal process
including examples
performance how it benefits of
management employees, the documentation
managers and required

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Know how difference between examples, describe

organisations training, coaching, different kinds of 3 D1 Evaluate
develop own the
develop people mentoring and opportunities which benefits of training,
counselling organisations use to counselling,
3.2 Describe the develop employees mentoring and
learning cycle coaching to
3.3 Describe a range of individuals and
psychometric tests organisations
and their uses
3 M2 Select
appropriate support
to offer to
individuals, using
diverse scenarios
4. Know how to 4.1 Explain the key 4 M1 Explain the
ensure employee elements of a purpose of a training
training is effective Learning needs analysis, and
Organisation how to carry one out
4.2 Describe the
elements of the 4 M2 For three 4 D1 Produce the
training cycle different training learning objectives
4.3 Explain the methods, describe for a work-related
characteristics of the advantages and training course
effective training disadvantages of
courses their use

5. Review own 5.1 Identify own

personal preferred learning
effectiveness style
5.2 Describe the
behaviours of
people who are
confident, lacking
in confidence and
over-confident, Set SMART
and relate to self personal and work- Devise solutions for
5.3 Explain the goal related goals handling non-
setting process productive ‘time
and the difference wasting’ activities
between long-term
and short-term
goals Prioritise own Use a range of tools
5.4 Assess own time workload and techniques to
management skills

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creativity at work

6. Know the 6.1 Explain the term 6 M1 Explain each

steps taken by workplace welfare step of the 5-Step
organisations 6.2 Describe Health & Safety
to ensure employers’ and Management
workplace employees’ health Procedure
welfare & safety
6.3 Explain how
organisations can
reduce the
occurrence of work-
related stress
7. Know how to 7.1 Explain why 7 M1 Explain the 7 D1 Assess own
manage organisations must Four-Step Change reactions to change
change embrace ‘change’ Management
7.2 Describe the most Process and how it
common reactions can help
to change organisations

Indicative Content
Recruiting the Right People
 Common recruitment methods

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3.35 Working in Teams

 Job descriptions and person specifications: content; layout

 The selection process: shortlisting, interviewing; best practice: what should happen
before, during and after interviews
 Direct and indirect discrimination

Managing Performance
 Performance management: what it is; why it is important; the benefits for individual members
of staff, managers and organisations.
 Standards: what they are and why they are necessary; the importance of realistic, work-
related Standards
 The Seven-Step Process for Managing Performance
 Staff appraisals: how to conduct theme to ensure they are effective

Developing and supporting people: Difference between training and development, different kinds of
development opportunities
 Learning Organisations; psychometric tests and their uses; the learning cycle, learning
 Supporting employees: coaching, mentoring, 21counseling; when to offer
 The coaching process

Making Training Work

 The training cycle; knowledge and skills gap; the training needs analysis
 Training courses: the importance of developing suitable training materials, i.e. at the right
level, relevant and applicable; Learning Objectives; different training methods (including
work-related training) their advantages and disadvantages,
 Learning styles; active and passive learning

Managing own performance

 Levels of confidence: the differences between people who are confident, lacking in
confidence and over-confident; own self confidence
 The goal-setting process; long-term and short-term goals, personal and work-related
goals, SMART goals
 Workload and time management; time pressures – planning, doing and dealing with
people; how to prioritise, time-wasting activities; solutions
 Tools and techniques to develop creativity at work

Workplace Welfare

 Workplace Welfare: employers’ and employees’ health & safety responsibilities

 The 5-Step Health & Safety Management Procedure, Safety audits, what they are and how to
carry them out; Risk assessments, what they are and how to carry them out
 Work-Related Stress; how to reduce incidence

Making Change Positive

 Why organisations change (internal and external reasons).

 Reactions to change, why people resist
 How to manage change - the Four-Step Change Management Process
 How to contribute positively to change

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Unit aims Good teamwork creates synergy within an organisation. This unit
introduces the learner to the skills of teamwork- learners will
explore the features of an effective team, motivation and
leadership and the importance of delegating, influencing and
developing excellent interpersonal skills.
Unit level 3
Unit code A/508/3608
GLH 120
Credit value 20
Unit grading structure Pass/Merit/Distinction
Assessment guidance Assignments in accordance with awarding organisation guidance

Learning outcomes. Assessment criteria.

The learner will: The learner can:

pass Merit Distinction

1. Understand 1.1 Describe
the key thequalities that
features of an make a team
effective team effective 1 M1 Discuss own 1 D1 Explain own
preferred team style approach to building
1.2 Describe different giving reasons for a successful team
Team styles their preference

2. Understand 2.1 Outline the role of 2 D1 Evaluate the

the key a team leader and 2 M1 Explain own team leadership skills
features of an the skills and Personal preferred of a specific
effective team qualities they leadership style individual
leader require
2.2 Describe different
leadership styles
3. Understand 3.1 Describe different
theories of theories of
motivation motivation

3.2 With reference to 3 M1 Assess own

leadership theory, personal motivating
identify those and demotivating
factors which are factors
considered to
demotivate and
motivate people in
the workplace

4. Know the 4.1 Explain the 4 M1 Describe the

principles of difference ‘Eight-step plan for
effective between successful
delegation to delegation and delegation’
team members

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abdication of
Describe the
4.2 benefits and risks
of delegation to
managers and
members of a

5. Know how to 5.1 Explain what

influenceothers influencing is

5.2 Describe the

actions and
behaviours of
people when they
attempt to
influence others

5.3 Explain the

6. Know how to 6.1 Explain the 6 M1 Analyse the 6 D1 Analyse the
build andmaintain importance of characteristics of characteristics of
interpersonal creating good good interpersonal effective feedback
relationshipswith interpersonal relationships with
colleagues relationships at work colleagues

6.2 Explain the

between positive, 6 D2 Evaluate
negative and feedback to assess
constructive its effectiveness
6 M2 Describe the
6.3 Describe the six-step conflict
indications and management
common causes process
of disagreement
work teams

6.4 Explain the

people use to
resolve conflict
situations in work

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Indicative Content
Working in Teams

 Definition; the qualities of an effective team.

 Team styles, personal/preferred team style.
 Making a team cohesive: how to establish unity of direction in a team; encouraging
positive teamwork in your own team.

The Art of Leadership

 The leadership role, the qualities and skills an effective leader needs to use, why leaders are
necessary; the connection between leadership and vision.
 leadership styles, own preferred leadership style
Motivating People

 What is motivation; motivation theories/what the leading thinkers have to say about
 Attitudes and behaviours which motivate/demotivate

Effective Delegation

 What is delegation; the difference between delegation and abdication of responsibility

 Benefits of delegation for a manager, and members of a team.
 Tasks most suitable for delegation
 How to delegate; the ‘Eight-step plan for successful delegation’.

Influencing Skills

 What is influencing; who you need to influence in your own working life.
 Actions you need to take and the behaviours you need to demonstrate when you are
attempting to influence others
 The negotiation process; a win/win situation, benefits of win-win

Build and maintaining interpersonal relationships

 Good interpersonal relationships; their importance, the main characteristics of good

interpersonal relationships with colleagues.
 Feedback: the difference between positive and negative feedback; constructive feedback;
how to give and receive positive and constructive manner
 Common causes of conflict at work, the signs which indicate conflict; the tactics used in
conflict situations at work

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3.36 Effective Business Communication

Unit aims Good communication skills are critical to all those working in
business. This unit explores the written and oral skills that
are needed in a variety of business contexts
Unit level 3
Unit code F/508/3609
GLH 120
Credit value 20
Unit grading structure Pass/Merit/Distinction
Assessment guidance Assignments in accordance with awarding organisation
Learning outcomes. Assessment criteria.
The learner will: The learner can:
Pass Merit Distinction
1. Understand key 1.1 Explain the
principles and importance of clear
methods of verbal communication and
communication in the impact of
business contexts unclear
communication to
1.2 Describe the key 1 M1 Assess own 1 D1 Demonstrate
elements of listening skills effective listening
effective listening and appropriate
1.3 Explain the purpose questioning skills
of different types of
1.4 Explain the different
1.5 Explain how 1 M2 Describe the
communication key elements of
skills can be used to assertive
develop rapport with communication
others and its impact 1 D2
1.6 Describe the Communicate
factors that make a clearly and
telephone call assertively using
effective appropriate
2. Understand key 2.1 Explain the 2 M1 Prepare
principles and importance to clear, concise and
methods of written 25rganizations of complete written
communication in clear, concise and business
a business context complete written communications.

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3. Understand key 3.1 Explain the

principles and importance of non-
methods of non- verbal
verbal communication
communication in including ‘personal
a business context space’
3.2 Explain the kinds of
non-verbal signals
they can send
through their own

4. Know how to run 4.1 Describe the 4 M1 Plan an 4 D1 Analyse the

an effective factors that effective virtual characteristics of
business meeting differentiate a business meeting effective meetings
productive meeting
from an
unproductive one
4.2 Differentiate
between a formal
and an informal
4.3 Describe the
purpose and
contents of the
meeting Minutes.
4.4 Describe the
responsibilities of a
4.5 Explain how to
make a positive
contribution to any
5. Know how to 5.1 Describe the
make an effective different work
business occasions which
presentation require information to
be presented to
5.2 Explain the
characteristics of an
5.3 Explain the 5 M1 Produce a 5 D1 Prepare and
difference between variety of visual deliver interesting
an effective (good) aids which can be and appropriate
visual aid, and an presentations

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ineffective (poor) used during a

visual aid presentation
6. Know how to deal 6.1 Explain the nature of 6 M1 Explain the
with problems common business six-step process of
faced by business problems analysing a
organisations problem and
finding the right

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Indicative Content
Verbal communication
 The importance of clear communication; impact of confused, unclear
 Effective listening
 Questions: open and closed questions; appropriate use
 Communication styles: aggressive, passive and assertive; the importance and elements
of assertive communication.
 Using communication skills to develop rapport with others.
 Effective telephone calls.

Written communication

 Importance of clear, concise and complete written communication.

Non-verbal communication

 Importance of non-verbal communication; including personal space.

 Body language signals; how to interpret those used by others; how to send body language
 Personal appearance and the non-verbal signals it sends

Effective Meetings

 Meetings: productive and non-productive meetings; the Seven-Step Process for

organizing productive meetings.
 Documents: agendas formal and informal; minutes, purpose and contents
 Responsibilities of a chairperson; how to chair a meeting
 Making a positive contribution to any meeting.

Presenting Information

 Types of presentation: when you could be called upon to present information to others.
 Key areas of every presentation: Content, Visual Aids, and Delivery;
o Content: Introduction, main message, summary and closure; how to
prepare content
o Visual aids: types; difference between an effective (good) visual aid, and an
ineffective (poor) visual aid; how to prepare visual aids
o How to deliver: positive actions to take, and the negative actions to avoid; how to
prepare to deliver

Analysing and Solving Problems

 the nature of problems; differences between maintenance and achievement

problems; urgent and non-urgent problems
 approaches to tackling a problem; the six-step process of analysing a problem and finding the
right solution.

London School of International Business

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