0-1knapsack Problem Using Backtracking
0-1knapsack Problem Using Backtracking
0-1knapsack Problem Using Backtracking
We are given a certain number of objects and a knapsack. We shall suppose that we have n
types of object and that an adequate number of objects of each type are available. This does
not alter the problem in any important way. For i = 1, 2,…, n, an object of type i has a positive
weight and a positive value . The knapsack can carry a weight not exceeding W. Our aim is
to fill the knapsack in a way that maximizes the value of the included objects while respecting
the capacity constraint. We may take an object or to leave it behind, but we may not take a
fraction of an object.
Suppose for concreteness that we wish to solve an instance of the problem involving
four types of objects, whose weights are respectively 2, 3, 4 and 5 units, and whose values are
3, 5, 6 and 10. The knapsack can carry a maximum of 8 units of weight.
This can be done using backtracking by exploring the implicit tree shown below.
Here a node such as (2, 3; 8) corresponds to a partial solution of our problem. The figures to the
left of the semicolon are the weights of the objects we have decided to include, and the figure
to the right is the current value of the load. Moving down from a node to one of its children
corresponds to deciding which kind of object to put into the knapsack next. Without loss of
generality, we may agree to load objects into the knapsack in order of increasing weight.
Initially, the partial solution is empty. The backtracking algorithm explores the tree as in
a depth-first search, constructing nodes and partial solutions as it goes. In the example, the first
node visited is (2;3), the next is (2,2;6), the third is (2,2,2;9) and the fourth (2,2,2.2; 12).
After visiting these four nodes, the depth-first search is blocked: node (2, 2, 2, 2; 12) has
no unvisited successors (indeed no successors at all), since adding more items to this partial
solution would violate the capacity constraint. Since this partial solution may turn out to be the
optimal solution to our instance, we memorize it. Moreover, The depth-first search now backs
up to look for other solutions. At each step back up the tree, the corresponding item removed
from the partial solution.
In the example, the search first backs up to (2, 2, 2; 9), which also has no unvisited
successors; one step further up the tree, however, at node (2, 2; 6), two successors remain to
visit. After exploring nodes (2, 2, 3; 11) and (2, 2, 4; 12), neither of which improves on the
solution previously memorized, the search backs up one stage further, and so on. Exploring the
tree in this way, (2, 3, 3; 13) found to be a better solution than the one we have, and later (3, 5;
15) is found to be better still. Since no other improvement made before the search ends, this is
the optimal solution to the instance.
function backpack(i, r)
{Calculates the value of the best load that can construct using items of types i to n and whose
total weight does not exceed r }
for k ← i to n do
if w[k] ≤ r then
return b
Now to find the value of the best load, call backpack (1, W).