UoB B.A. & B.sc. Form (Private Students)
UoB B.A. & B.sc. Form (Private Students)
UoB B.A. & B.sc. Form (Private Students)
i) Candidates including female must attach four copies of his/her C.N.I.C. duly attested by the same
authority who has attested the form otherwise form will not be accepted. Paste one
ii) Candidates are directed to fill in the receipt, Examination & permission forms carefully. Incomplete forms Photograph
Important will not be entertained & will be returned forthwith. The forms will be considered to have reached the & one copy
University office when these are received complete in all respect. In all other cases late fee / double fee
etc. will be charged accordingly. of C.N.I.C.
iii) The forms must be filled in by the candidate in his/her own handwriting legibly. here
Dated: ______________________
4. Subject in which to be examined:-
(i) English Language (Compulsory)
(ii) Islamic Education (for Muslims) / Ethics (for non-Muslims)
(iii) Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) (iv) _____________ (v) ______________
(vi) Optional Subject _____________
(Mark the portion which is applicable)
Full Subjects Compartment Exemption
Division Improvement Additional Subject
5. Subject/s in which to be examined (Compartment Cases)
1. _______________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________
6. Old Roll No. ___________ Annual/Supplementary: 20_____.
(a) Amount of fee paid __________________________________________________
(b) If paid to Habib Bank, Challan No: ____________ Dated: ____/____/__________
I hereby declare that the particulars mentioned-above are correct and that in case of
difficulty arising out of inaccuracy there from. I shall be responsible for the consequences. It is
further declared that I have filled in my form by my own handwriting.
Signature of the Candidate
Permanent District: _______________________ Present Full Address: ___________________
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Dated: ____/____/_______ _____________________________________
Examination Form No. ________________
I certify that the candidate has remitted Rs. _________ in HABIB BANK, University Branch vide receipt
/ Challan No. _____________ dated: _______________ as Examination fee for the B.A. /B.Sc.
Examination to be held in ___________ 20_____. (Receipt / challan pasted on the back).
(Under no Circumstances shall any officer forward Examination form of any candidate to the
University office unless the candidate has satisfied him that he/she has remitted full fee to the
University office)
The Examination form from such a private candidate offering Subjects having practical, will not
be accepted i.e. private candidate offering subjects having practical, are not allowed.
_____________________ ____________________________
Name & Signature of the Seal or Office Stamp
Attesting Authority Principal / Headmaster / Headmistress
College / School
The attestor’s name designation should both be entered by the officer signing the form
Page 2 of 7
Candidate including female must attach four copies of his/her C.N.I.C. duly attested by the
same authority who has attested the form otherwise the form will not accepted.
Attach two
Before filling Examination form the candidates is to read & comply with the instructions Photographs
carefully printed on Page 7. & Two
copies of
Group: Arts: Science: Place of Exam: ______________ C.N.I.C. here
University of Balochistan, Quetta.
I certify that the candidate has remitted Rs. _________/- in Habib Bank vide Challan No. ________
dated: ___/___/______ as Examination fee for the B.A. /B.Sc. Examination 20____.
Under no circumstances shall any officer forward examination form of any candidate to the
University office unless the candidate has satisfied him that he/she has remitted the full fee to the University.
I certify that the above named candidate has satisfied me by the production of the University/Board
Certificate that he/she passed the ____________ Examination of the ____________ University/Board, in
the year ___________ under Roll No. _____________. He/She has filled in and signed the application
overleaf in my presence, and the particulars filled in by the candidate on the reverse are correct. He/She is
of good moral character.
Certified that the applicant: -
(i) Has not attended any college as a regular student at any time during the academic year
preceding the examination.
(ii) Is not the student of Double Course.
(iii) Has appeared in the B.A./B.Sc. Examination in 20___ under Roll No. ____________ and
was placed under Compartment/Exemption in _____________________ (Subject).
For Compartment/Exemption candidates only.
(iv) Roll No. ________ has been permitted under the illness status to appear in the next
B.A./B.Sc. Examination in the following subjects vide Controller’s Letter No. ___________
Dated: ___/___/______ Add, Opt.
(v) Desires to improve his/her division he/she obtained in B.A./B.Sc. Examination
Annual/Supplementary of _________ under Roll No ______ from institution/District
______________________ or he/she has already availed of one chance by appearing in
Annual/Supplementary Examination under Roll No. ______________ of _______________.
_________________________ Seal Office Stamp
Signature of the Attesting Authority Principal/Headmaster/Headmistress
College / School /
Head of Department
The attestor’s Name and Designation should both be entered by the officer signing the Form.
Page 5 of 7 (To be written by the
University Office)
Roll No.
Bring your own ink (blue/black) to the Examination Hall & write with a pen or penholder, attempting
the answer Book by Ball point / marker is not allowed.
i) The Candidate will be admitted to the Examination Hall on production & delivery of this
Attach One
Note Roll No. Slip. Copy of
: ii) The Candidate, must keep his / her Original National Identity Card with him / her in the Your
Examination Hall while taking the Examination. Photograph
& One copy
Annual / Supplementary: UNIVERSITY OF BALOCHISTAN, QUETTA. of CNIC here
___________, Exam: 20___ (Roll No. Slip for B.A. /B.Sc Annual Supplementary Examination 20_____)
Dated: ___/____/20___
Admit ______________________________________ Son / Daughter of __________________________
___________________ ____________________
Signature of Candidate Controller of Examination
University of Balochistan
Address given below should be within the territorial jurisdiction of the Balochistan University
No Correspondence shall be made outside the territorial limits of Balochistan, University.
Address for Despatch of Roll Number Slip
Roll No. ______________________________
Roll No. Slip of B.A. /B.Sc
Name. ________________________________
Address. ______________________________
Address for Despatch of Result Card
Roll No. ______________________________
Name. ________________________________
Address. ______________________________
Address for Despatch of Certificate, If successful
Roll No. ______________________________
Name. ________________________________
Address. ______________________________
Page 6 of 7
1. The order in which the candidates are seated will be forwarded to the Examiner should a candidate
be discovered to have copied from another, he/she will be externed from the Examination as well as the
candidate from whom he/she copied, If there is reason to suppose that the copying was conveyed to the
2. No Candidate, without special permission of the officer-in-charge shall leave his/her seat or the
examination room till the end of the Examination. No candidate shall speak without permission, if it be
necessary for the candidate to communicate with superintendent he/she shall stand up in his/her place and
the officer, in-charge will see to his/her wants.
3. Before beginning his/her answers, each candidate shall write on the title page of his/her answer-
book the following viz, the subject, the number of the paper and his/her Roll No. when the time allowed
has expired the answer-book must be delivered to the Superintendent, even though the candidate may not
have answered any parts of the paper.
4. No candidate shall give any mark of identification including his/her Roll No, Name, Name of
College or Centre of Examination in his/her answer-book except at specified places.
5. All candidates including females must keep with them the National Identity Card in the
Examination Hall and to be shown when desired be the Centre Superintendent of University authorities.
I have read the above instruction carefully and shall abide by them.
Signature of the Candidate
Page 7 of 7
Quote Examination form No. Permanent District shown in the Examination form, subjects offered
by him/her, Name of Centre, University, Fee Receipt No. and Date, Father’s Name in all
correspondence before the receipt of Roll No. Afterwards, Roll No. will be your reference Number.
Any correction made in the Form must be initialed by the candidate or by the officer attesting the
Column No. 5 at Page 3, (Religion) state whether Muslim, Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi, Christian,
or other No superfluous words should be added.
Centre at which to be examined: - Every candidate must write the place of Examination Centre
which is nearest to the place where he/she has been studying, at which he/she must appear. If,
however, under exceptional circumstances a candidate intends to appear at another center he/she
must submit an application on a prescribed form, obtainable from the office to this effect duly
attested by the officer signing the form, stating reasons for appearing at the Centre. If the reasons
given are considered adequate by the Controller of Examinations he/she will be allowed to appear
at the centre. The application must reach the C.E. at least 20 days before the commencement of
All candidates are directed to visit their respective centre of examination one day before the date
of commencement of examination (First Paper) to be sure of his/her seat in the Examination hall.
1. Application Fee for Change of Examination Centre: A candidate seeking change of examination
centre after the submission of examination form should apply on a prescribed form, which can be had
from this office. This should be submitted through the officer attesting the examination form. He/She
should also deposit or remit through Habib Bank, University Branch a fee or Rs. 1500/- for change of
Centre. The application for change of centre will not be entertained if it did not reach 20 days before
the commencement of Examination. Note: - The Change of Centre within the city is not permitted in any case.
2. Examination Centre of Late Fee Candidates: In case of candidate submitting the examination form
with late fee, the University reserves the right of allotting any centre to such candidates other, than that
asked for by them in their Examination forms. The candidates appearing beyond the territorial limits of
the University of Balochistan, will be allowed to appear at Quetta Centres, only.
3. Fee for a Duplicate Copy of Roll Number Slip: A candidate who has lost his/her Roll Number slip
before the commencement of Examination, can apply for a duplicate copy of the same through a well-
known officer. Fee for a duplicate copy of the Roll Number is Rs. _____/-, only.
4. Despatch Roll Number Slip: Roll number slips and date-sheet will be sent by post at least 15 days
before the commencement of Examination. If however, a candidate does not receive his/her Roll
Number slip at least 7 days before the commencement of Examination, he/she should at once send a
Registered letter giving the reference of his/her number, subject/s offered, name of centre & father’s
5. Intimation of Result: Every candidate will be informed of his/her result within 15 days after the
publication of the result on the address given by him/her for Despatch of Result card. Any change in
address must be communicated to this office not later than 20 days before the commencement of the
examination, so that intimation regarding result may not go astray. Telegraphic intimation regarding
results is not communicated by the officer.
6. Ordinarily change of subject is not allowed. In exceptional cases the candidates desiring change of
subject should apply for it. Such application must reach this office at least 20 days before the
commencement of examination. Application received after the above period will not be entertained.
Fee for change of subject is Rs. 500/-.