HG3 95mm Clear Glue Sticks: Safety Data Sheet
HG3 95mm Clear Glue Sticks: Safety Data Sheet
HG3 95mm Clear Glue Sticks: Safety Data Sheet
This is not a controlled document. To obtain the most recent MSDS please go to teaching.com.au
Based on available information, this material is not classified as hazardous according to criteria of Safe Work
Not classified as Dangerous Goods by the criteria of the “Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods
by Road & Rail” and the “New Zealand NZS5433: Transport of Dangerous Goods on Land”.
If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre (Phone Australia 131 126, New Zealand 0800
764 766).
Inhalation: Remove victim from exposure - avoid becoming a casualty. Remove contaminated clothing and
loosen remaining clothing. Allow patient to assume most comfortable position and keep warm. Keep at rest until
fully recovered. Seek medical advice if effects persist.
Skin Contact: If skin or hair contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin and hair with running
Product Name: HG3 95mm Clear Glue Sticks Reference No: BOS0079501
Issued: 2016-11-19 Version: 4.0 Page 1 of 6
Safety Data Sheet
This is not a controlled document. To obtain the most recent MSDS please go to teaching.com.au
Eye contact: If in eyes wash out immediately with water. In all cases of eye contamination it is a sensible
precaution to seek medical advice.
Ingestion: Rinse mouth with water. If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give a glass of water to drink.
Never give anything by the mouth to an unconscious patient. If vomiting occurs give further water. Seek medical
Suitable extinguishing media: If material is involved in a fire use water fog (or if unavailable fine water spray),
alcohol resistant foam, standard foam, dry agent (carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder).
Fire fighting further advice: On burning or decomposing may emit toxic fumes. Fire fighters to wear self-
contained breathing apparatus and suitable protective clothing if risk of exposure to vapour or products of
combustion or decomposition.
Wear protective equipment to prevent skin and eye contamination. Avoid inhalation of vapours or dust. Wipe up
with absorbent (clean rag or paper towels). Collect and seal in properly labelled containers or drums for disposal.
Clear area of all unprotected personnel. Slippery when spilt. Avoid accidents, clean up immediately. Wear
protective equipment to prevent skin and eye contamination and the inhalation of dust. Work up wind or increase
ventilation. Cover with damp absorbent (inert material, sand or soil). Sweep or vacuum up, but avoid generating
dust. Collect and seal in properly labelled containers or drums for disposal. If contamination of crops, sewers or
waterways has occurred advise local emergency services.
Handling: Avoid eye contact and repeated or prolonged skin contact. Avoid inhalation of dust.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place and out of direct sunlight. Store away from foodstuffs. Store
away from incompatible materials described in Section 10. Store away from sources of heat and/or ignition.
Keep container standing upright. Keep containers closed when not in use - check regularly for spills.
National occupational exposure limits: No value assigned for this specific material by Safe Work Australia.
Biological Limit Values: As per the “National Model Regulations for the Control of Workplace Hazardous
Substances (Safe Work Australia)” the ingredients in this material do not have a Biological Limit Allocated.
Product Name: HG3 95mm Clear Glue Sticks Reference No: BOS0079501
Issued: 2016-11-19 Version: 4.0 Page 2 of 6
Safety Data Sheet
This is not a controlled document. To obtain the most recent MSDS please go to teaching.com.au
National occupational exposure limits: Natural ventilation should be adequate under normal use conditions..
Wear safety shoes, overalls, gloves, safety glasses.Available information suggests that gloves made from nitrile
rubber should be suitable for intermittent contact. However, due to variations in glove construction and local
conditions, the user should make a final assessment. Always wash hands before smoking, eating, drinking or
using the toilet. Wash contaminated clothing and other protective equipment before storing or re-using.
Hygiene measures: Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs. When using do not eat, drink or
smoke. Wash hands prior to eating, drinking or smoking. Avoid contact with clothing. Avoid eye contact and
repeated or prolonged skin contact. Avoid inhalation of dust. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers
are close to the workstation location.
Form: Solid
Colour: Clear
Odour: N Av
Chemical stability: This material is thermally stable when stored and used as directed.
Hazardous decomposition products: Oxides of carbon and nitrogen, smoke and other toxic fumes.
No adverse health effects expected if the product is handled in accordance with this Safety Data Sheet and the
product label. Symptoms or effects that may arise if the product is mishandled and overexposure occurs are:
Acute Effects
Product Name: HG3 95mm Clear Glue Sticks Reference No: BOS0079501
Issued: 2016-11-19 Version: 4.0 Page 3 of 6
Safety Data Sheet
This is not a controlled document. To obtain the most recent MSDS please go to teaching.com.au
Ingestion: Swallowing can result in nausea, vomiting and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Eye contact: May be an eye irritant. Exposure to the dust may cause discomfort due to particulate nature. May
cause physical irritation to the eyes.
Acute toxicity
Inhalation: This material has been classified as non-hazardous. Acute toxicity estimate (based on ingredients):
>5 mg/L
Skin contact: This material has been classified as non-hazardous. Acute toxicity estimate (based on
ingredients): >2,000 mg/Kg
Ingestion: This material has been classified as non-hazardous. Acute toxicity estimate (based on ingredients):
>2,000 mg/Kg
Corrosion/Irritancy: Eye: this material has been classified as not corrosive or irritating to eyes. Skin: this
material has been classified as not corrosive or irritating to skin.
Sensitisation: Inhalation: this material has been classified as not a respiratory sensitiser. Skin: this material has
been classified as not a skin sensitiser.
Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure): This material has been classified as non-hazardous.
Chronic Toxicity
Reproductive toxicity (including via lactation): This material has been classified as non-hazardous.
Specific target organ toxicity (repeat exposure): This material has been classified as non-hazardous.
Acute aquatic hazard: This material has been classified as non-hazardous. Acute toxicity estimate (based on
ingredients): >100 mg/L
Long-term aquatic hazard: This material has been classified as non-hazardous. Non-rapidly or rapidly
degradable substance for which there are adequate chronic toxicity data available OR in the absence of chronic
toxicity data, Acute toxicity estimate (based on ingredients): >100 mg/L, where the substance is not rapidly
degradable and/or BCF < 500 and/or log Kow < 4.
Persons conducting disposal, recycling or reclamation activities should ensure that appropriate personal
protection equipment is used, see “Section 8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection” of this SDS.
If possible material and its container should be recycled. If material or container cannot be recycled, dispose in
accordance with local, regional, national and international Regulations.
Not classified as Dangerous Goods by the criteria of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG
Code) for transport by sea.
Not classified as Dangerous Goods by the criteria of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous
Goods Regulations for transport by air.
Literary reference
This MSDS has been prepared by Chemical Data Services Pty Ltd (chemdata.com.au) on behalf of its client.
Material Safety Data Sheets are updated frequently. Please ensure that you have a current copy.
This MSDS summarises at the date of issue our best knowledge of the health and safety hazard information of
the product, and in particular how to safely handle and use the product in the workplace. Since Bostik Australia
Pty Ltd cannot anticipate or control the conditions under which the product may be used, each user must, prior to
usage, review this MSDS in the context of how the user intends to handle and use the product in the workplace.
Product Name: HG3 95mm Clear Glue Sticks Reference No: BOS0079501
Issued: 2016-11-19 Version: 4.0 Page 5 of 6
Safety Data Sheet
This is not a controlled document. To obtain the most recent MSDS please go to teaching.com.au
If clarification or further information is needed to ensure that an appropriate assessment can be made, the user
should contact this company.
Our responsibility for product as sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions, a copy of which is sent to
our customers and is also available upon request.
Product Name: HG3 95mm Clear Glue Sticks Reference No: BOS0079501
Issued: 2016-11-19 Version: 4.0 Page 6 of 6