The Wayland News September 2019
The Wayland News September 2019
The Wayland News September 2019
Watton In
Every year during Spring or Summer the
committee members of the Watton Society
look at the gardens of Watton that can be
seen from the road and show a good
display of colour. A short list is prepared
and the winner and highly commended
chosen, usually by the current Mayor of
Watton, who is also the President of the
Watton Society. This is not always an
easy decision and this year the Mayor
made several visits to gardens on the short
list before making her decision. When we
inform the winners and highly
commended they are delighted that their
gardens have been noticed and maybe
appreciated by passers by to add to the
pleasure of the gardeners!
A highly commended certificate was also
awarded to the Town Council for the
lovely displays in the High Street.
Our photograph shows the winners, Mr
and Mrs Donegan of Sharman Avenue,
receiving the winners salver from Watton
Town Mayor Pat Warwick and Watton
Society Chairman John Kerr.
perform. Family and friends have always Do not despair! Help is on its way, in
Tempting Fête shown strong support but, as word has
spread, people are now coming from
the shape of the Wayland Players!
The Players, Watton’s original Theatre
With only 7 weeks to go, disaster almost
struck The Boo & Hiss Theatre further afield. Ticket prices have only Society which celebrates its 70th
Company of Watton. In their latest gone up once, and only by £1, since the anniversary this year, would like to invite
production of Tempting Fête, which they group’s first show, back in 2006, so it’s you to be a part of the November
will be performing at the end of still a great value night out. production. From the 14th to the 16th
September, one of the cast members had The show dates are 26th, 27th and 28th we shall be performing Wind in the
to suddenly pull out of the show. Her September, at the Queens Hall, Watton, Willows, based upon Kenneth
character has a feeling of “impending and tickets are available now from Grahame’s wonderful book. The
doom” and, in an ironic twist of fête (see Mullenger & Co. Estate Agents in the adventures of loyal Mole, stout fellow
what I did there?), the actress High Street. Rat, grumpy but lovable Badger and
unfortunately suffered a broken foot due totally bonkers Toad and all the creatures
(and the odd human too) that they
to a fall. But another actress very kindly
stepped in to take her place and
Unleash Your encounter will make the winter evenings
immediately threw herself into the role. a bit warmer for a while, but we need
After all, the show must go on, as they Inner Weasel! loads more people to do it!
say in the business. Are you bored? Tired of watching So - if you’ve been harbouring a secret
Ticket sales are already going well and endless repeats on the box and being desire to dress up as a furry animal (or
the group members are hoping for a sell- unable to find anything remotely maybe a judge or a train driver) then
out show like they have achieved in inspiring on any of the five hundred here’s your chance to Unleash Your
previous years. The group is made up of different channels? Is Facebook turning Inner Weasel!! Or there’s plenty to do
local people and has a loyal audience your brain to soup of a very tedious backstage as well (accidentally painting
who return year after year to watch them flavour, with no croutons to vary it a bit? your trousers, hitting your thumb with a
Morning at
Call into All Saints Church Threxton
for a coffee and a chat. On Saturday
21st September we are holding a coffee
morning from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and
everyone is welcome.
We will have delicious homebakes for
sale along with crafts, bric-a-brac and a
large selection of books. All proceeds
will go to our restoration project and to
improve facilities at the Church.
The Wayland News September 2019 Page 3
Another lovely time was has by all at our and a Tombola stall and Pick A Peg at the becoming a member to meet our other
Annual Cream Tea & Quiz afternoon on 21st Town Council Fireworks event, November members socially please contact me by
July which was a beautiful sunny day. we have a Tombola Stall at the Christmas telephone or e.mail below for a chat and more
On 12th June our members and friends Market event. information.
thoroughly enjoyed the Ten Pin Bowling We now have a new Chairman of the Twinning membership is just £10 per year
afternoon which included a meal at The Twinning Club in Weeze. He is much for a family and £7 for a single adult. We
Strike Dereham and agreed that we should do younger than the retiring Chairman and he hold 5 or 6 events a year some to just
it again in the future. We shall also have taken and his wife and 2 children, a boy aged 12 socialize together and others such as a Cream
part in the Benjamin Trust and Dog Show and a girl aged 9 are looking for and needing Tea, Games Afternoon, Carnival, Oktoberfest
event on Sunday 4th August at the Youth a likewise family to twin with in Watton or and Christmas Festive Market to raise funds
Centre Harvey Street. On 15th September we one of the surrounding villages. If you or for when our Weeze friends come to Watton,
shall be having a Tombola stall, Pick A Peg anyone you know would be interested in always a most enjoyable time whether you
and some Twinning information leaflets at hosting this family please let me know by have guests staying with you or just joining
the Carnival and on 22nd September a Games ‘phone or e.mail for more information. in. Tel:- 01953 883317 or
Afternoon, October we have our 4th If you are interested in joining us and making
Oktoberfest at The Olde Bell, Saham Toney a link with a German family in Weeze or just Margaret Devine (Chair)
current trend among high earners, such as Grown in Cornwall’. This bit of superfluous
A Quick Look Members of Parliament, financial heads,
barristers between court cases, and business
and obvious information reminded me of
when I first moved to this area, thirty or so
Round tycoons, of wearing expensively tailored
suits, but with open-necked shirts,
years ago and purchased a walking stick,
which has served me well ever since, but
By Orbiter particularly annoying. Personally I am most which bears, several inches from the top, a
Well there goes another month, one that often in an open-necked shirt, but only with deeply embossed little tag showing the two
started off with such a bang, sports-wise, casual wear. words ‘Walking Sticlk’’.
with World Cup competitions in football, If the fore-going remarks label me as an old- With its curved handle, my stick could in no
cricket, netball,, hockey and so on, with the fashioned fuddy-duddy, then so be it, we are way be mis-identified as, say, a broomstick
excitement of the close matches at all entitled to our own opinions. or a snooker cue, so I can only assume the
Wimbledon, and the battle of the F1 cars at You probably noticed that towards the end maker was indulging his sense of humour,
Silverstone. of July we had some warm weather, and in and, indeed, over the years it has raised a
Now it is back to the football season and fact some record high temperatures were chuckle or two when I have shown it
wondering how Norwich will fare, back in recorded in various parts of the country, and around.
the top division. in East Anglia in particular. With Qn rhe same subject a further memory
But one thing impressed me especially in impeccable timing I had managed to choose comes to mind, of when a dozen years or so
this feast of top sport was that the the same week for a well earned break on later, when the stick was beginning to show
Wimbledon bosses had insiste4 that the rule the coast, but when I returned home I signs of wear, I happened to be shopping in
about players wearing white apparel was discovered that, behind my back, there had Rudlings, the erstwhile Watton hardware
strictly obeyed. On what is recognised as the been a change of Prime Minister. Boris, as store. I asked the manager if he knew where
most important tennis tournament in the we are encouraged to call him, has promised I could buy a new ferrule, and he replied
world, the occasion should not be to get the Brexit thing sorted by the end of “have you tried the sweet shop ?” I exited
cheapened by any whims on behalf of October, and it will be interesting to see if the shop feeling a bit irked that my request
individuals, such as the time, quite a few this actually takes place. had elicited such sarcasm, but when in the
years ago, when the lace- trimmed knickers One must feel sorry for Mrs. May, who had next shop a similar question received the
of Gussie Moran commanded far more spent many months trying to satisfy the same reply, I began to wonder if I had
reportage than the tennis that year. No doubt wishes of the country, as displayed by the inadvertently blundered into some local in-
there was no intention involved, other than result of the referendum, but her efforts joke, to which I might become the butt.
to interest those in the world of fashion, but were doomed to failure as the EU ministers Nevertheless I ventured ib to the shop
it did start a trend towards making the event could see that her government contained too mentioned and tentatively approached the
less to do with sport than appearance. many Remainers, who would not give her smiling lady behind the counter. “This may
On the same subject, colour; I was the support she needed. Perhaps Boris, by seem a completely daft request in a sweet-
disappointed to see the victorious England appointing his own supporters in the shop” I said,,” but do you happen, by any
World Cup cricket team adorned in appropriate posts, will be successful. But chance, to stock rubber ferrules for walking
uniforms of light blue, which, to me, gave we should not be lulled into thinking that the sticks?”
the impression they were members of a completion of Brexit will be the immediate “Of course we do, sir. What size would you
seaside concert party. I know that what answer to all our problems, for there are like ?”
matters is how the game is played, but white many aspects to be covered, and the full I pondered over the whole episode for a
has always been the colour for cricket for benefits may be a long time coming. minute, and then I realised - I was in
me, and the return to traditional dress for the On a personal note, I bought some spuds at Norfolk !
next match was very welcome. the local supermarket and on the bag were Good afternoon.
Still on the subject of dress, I find the printed the words ‘Cornish New Potatoes.
The Wayland News September 2019 Page 4
remove the weeds that will be hiding probably have enough material to minutes meaning 'recharging'
In your garden in amongst the plants and put a bit of start compost off and once you have throughput is much higher than is at
With Lotta Potts mulch on the soil. If it’s a large area made some you will be pleased with present possible on electric vehicles.
It doesn’t seem long since last why not try a green manure? This the results it brings. You can also I would love to drive an electric
September, never mind that we comes in seed form, sown in late add kitchen waste except anything vehicle – much better in so many
sloshed through winter, spring went summer/early autumn and dug in in cooked, bread or meat. These ways. But I am not sure its going to
by in a blur and summer is spring. Having suggested this before encourage rodents. Avoid roots and happen for me!
alternately summer and autumn. At I am at last having a go and found a seed-heads of perennial weeds like STOP PRESS: As the paper was
the end of July and through early packet of seed in a shop locally. dandelions as the average domestic being readied for press the following
August all we’ve heard from the There are various sorts but as they heap or bin will not get hot enough to news item came through from
weather forecasters is that the wind is are now supplied in normal seed kill them. Breckland Council:
even higher than in a ‘normal’ packets for the gardener as opposed It all seems a bit energetic but if Cowper Car Park in Dereham and
October and hot weather is rapidly to the farmer or small-holder the you can get the rubbish out of the Pedlars Lane Car Park in Swaffham
followed by biblical wet. It could be contents will be manageable and not way the garden will look good now have rapid charging points
worse. We could be in Whaley run everywhere. That’s the theory through until spring and remember installed, funded by Highways
Bridge. So let us be grateful for the and we shall see. On the other hand that tall stems of things like grasses England. It is part of an initiative to
rain when it comes (less frequently once the annuals are out you have a and perennials look wonderful install new charging points along key
than in other parts) even if it’s stair- space to treat yourself to a new plant covered in frost. If this doesn’t last roads in East Anglia and in support
rods rather than the gentle type we or bulbs – right time of year for and they go soggy, cut them down! of Government initiatives to increase
gardeners would prefer. planting a lot of bulbs – and there However diligent you have been the number of electric vehicles and
So bearing in mind we could get any are some that will flower this when tidying up you will miss reduce the sale and use of
sort of weather what should we be autumn. The colchicums and some so keep weeding. conventional petrol and diesel cars
doing? Holidays? Why not. This is autumn crocus are favourites as in the UK.
not a bad time to choose unless you they give an instant bit of colour. The rapid chargers are capable of
are waiting for a bumper harvest and This is the month to plant daffodils Letter to the charging two cars at a time and can
have worked very hard to produce it. and hyacinths and others for substantially recharge the battery of
If you have veg to pick that don’t Christmas flowering. I believe I Editor an electric vehicle (EV) in just 30
need your constant supervision it touched on this last month but this is Electric Vehicles minutes. Users will be able to pay via
should be easier to persuade a friend definitely ‘last orders’ as any later May I comment on the remarks contactless debit/credit card or use
or neighbour to call in a couple of and they won’t flower until January. Orbiter made in August Edition their existing Swarco E-Connect
times to gather it in. The schools are As there are a lot of bulbs flowering regarding electric cars? network account.
back and the days are getting now, it might be worth checking out My recent (April) magazine tells me With the Dereham and Swaffham
noticeably shorter with chillier the catalogues in spring as not all of that of 15 most popular electric cars rapid charging points now operating
evenings even after the odd hot day. them can be planted now for none need 2 hours to charge. and new charging points in
Prices should be lower so go for it! flowering this year. For instance Twelve need under one hour, three Attleborough set to go will live in
For those of us staying at home there’s Schizostylis coccinea which only 30 minutes. September and Thetford later on this
there’s quite a lot to do and it’s looks like a refined gladiolus in However it is true that your £66k year, Breckland is becoming more
frustrating if you work full-time and shades of pink and will go on from plus Jaguar will take 1 hr 25minutes. accessible to electric vehicle owners.
only have (very) short evenings and now until November. It needs moist There are now more charging The new network of charging points
weekends to keep on top of all the but not boggy soil, sun or light shade. stations than there are fuel stations, will help with the uptake of the
gardening. First of all carry on dead- No mention of alkaline or acid, rich and the major oil companies are technology and encourage visitors to
heading. The modern roses will or sandy soil type. I keep seeing gradually installing charging points the area.
carry on through the summer and on pictures of this and resolve to check too. It is estimated that 65% of home I am bound to observe of course that
into autumn as long as you keep dead it out to see if it will flower here. I owners could charge overnight. if you have an EV in Watton you are
-heading them. Perennials need dead must admit I have not seen it around Given that the average return journey somewhat disadvantaged!
-heading as well and at the same time but did spot the lovely yellow is 17 miles (although perhaps not in
save the seed of any you wish to
increase without dividing small
Sternbergia lutea that resembles
daffodils fairly locally so when the
this area), this would mean charging
once a week. Some can often charge
clumps. By the end of this month catalogues come in for spring at work or at the supermarket while Healthcare
quite a few of them will have planting I will try to remember these shopping on the way home. The fear
finished so cut these hard back to for forward planning. Not that I am that power stations will not cope has Morning
neaten them and discourage pests noted for such. been disproved. On Saturday July 20th the Watton
from over-wintering in them. If the The lawn may have stopped Yes, as Orbiter says, there is some Patients Participation Group, in
clumps are too big this is a good time growing if we’ve had a lengthy way to go and things are changing partnership with Watton Medical
to dig them up and split them. If the period of dry, warm weather but rapidly. There will be technical Centre ,held a General Healthcare
middle is a bit bare this shows it is once it gets rained on it will be off improvements and the prices will Morning at the Watton Surgery.
definitely time to get the whole again. Now is the time to give it a come down. Just as they did with Patients who attended were able to
clump up and divided. This is bit of tlc and rejuvenation. It Diesel cars in the 1960s when I was see not only a Doctor & Clinician
normally done every three years so is depends how heavy the use has an apprentice motor mechanic! from the practise but also a number
manageable. If, on the other hand, been during the summer but it Trevor Thompson. of support groups who were
you are like me, you decide the basically means mow it and collect ED: I was surprised at the charge present on the day. These included
flowering is going on longer so leave the cuttings. Rake out the moss timings quoted by Trevor's magazine Age Concern, the local support
it year after year and are then faced and low-growing weeds that so I checked data with a company group of Diabetes Uk, the Well
with a fairly major digging job after normally pass under the mower. called podpoint (, a Being Service, the Daisy
five years or so. This is entirely due Mow it again at right-angles to the company who sell charging Programme, Errant Plus , A local
to being selfish and wanting to keep first pass. Spike it: every three or equipment and the picture is not quite Pharmacist and the Veteran’s
the flowers as long as possible. Bad four years should be adequate but as rosy as the magazine implies. Pathway which was represented by
move. So, you have the clump out of with heavy family use it needs to As of September 2018, the the local branch of the Royal
the ground and the middle is bare. be done every year. Feed with Mitsubishi Outlander P-HEV is the British Legion. Also in attended
Chop the clump in half with a spade autumn formula feed to toughen up all-time top selling plug-in car in was the Research Nurse from the
or do as the experts say and put in the grass rather than left over spring the UK almost 37,000 units Breckland Alliance Group.
two forks back to back. Who has or general feed. These will registered, followed by the Nissan Members of the Patient
two forks? Alternatively get an old encourage soft growth guaranteed to Leaf nearly 24,000 units. Participation Group provided
bread-knife and use that to cut die in winter cold. Now top-dress it. The Nissan Leaf Nissan LEAF has a refreshments and were able to talk
through the rootball. Once you have This is necessary on our sandy soil. 40kWh battery with a “podpoint to patients while they waited to be
disposed of the dead middle you can It just amounts to a thin layer of fine, confidence range” of 143 miles. For seen and discuss any suggestions
divide the clump halves into as many sifted topsoil or ready-made turf full range it takes 11 hours to charge they had on how the surgery could
new plants as you wish. You may dressing to add some body. If you at home on a 3.7kW charger and improve its services to the local
end up with more than you bargained are in a pocket of heavy clay use takes 6 hrs on a 7kW home charger. community.
for (just make sure each piece has gritty horticultural sand. Whatever Which is the usual maximum power The reception staff confirmed that
roots and a decent shoot) but you will your dressing brush it in with a stiff for a home charger (bigger facilities over 100 patients had attended with
Dance-Away at find a friend willing to do a swap or
just take the rest off your hands.
brush so it goes down the holes you
made when spiking it. If you now
such as a 50kW rapid charger can
charge in one hour but needs a 3
33 making appointments to be seen
on the day or later.
The Queens Hall When planting it’s worth putting a bit
of compost in the hole as the soil
have lost the will to live just think –
no need for that expensive gym
phase mains supply.)
The Mitsubishi Outlander P-HEV
The Chairman of the PPG, Mr Tom
Thurston, said he would like to
may be depleted. Don’t use fertilizer subscription and you don’t need to only has a 13.8kW battery and the thank all the surgery staff, support
Saturday September 7th at this stage as it will encourage lots do it all at once if time or strength time for a 24 mile full charge is 4 group members & PPG members
Saturday October 5th of soft growth that will succumb to forbids. hours at home and 40 minutes on a who had came in to support the
the first hard frost. Do water well. Once you have all that 50kW rapid charger. event. Looking to the future it is
7.30pm - 10.30pm Annuals, too, should have been dead- accumulation off the lawn and the There are more charging points than hoped to make this and the Walk-in
headed through the summer (me dead-heads and prunings why not fuel stations. But of course a fuel Flu Vaccination Clinic in the
Ballroom, Latin & Sequence neither) so may have a last hurrah make a compost heap or invest a station usually has many petrol Autumn annual events.
Bar - Raffle this month. If so dig them all out, few quid in a plastic bin? You will pumps which can refuel a car in
The Wayland News September 2019 Page 5
who play a form of Quidditch NB with advised that "we have really seen an
St George's out flying broomsticks. improvement in our visitor numbers by PLEASE MENTION
For August we are reading Pompei by undertaking this novel way of
Alternative Robert Harris and in September, advertising to visitors to the Broads. THE WAYLAND NEWS
hopefully, This Is Going to hurt by Ken's Fish and Chip shop Manager, WHEN SHOPPING WITH
Flower Festival Adam Kay, doctor turned comedian. Michael, advised: “We thought this
September 14th was a great idea and offers our OUR ADVERTISERS
You are invited to take part in St customers something a bit different and
George's Church (Saham) Alternative Saham Toney we are teaming up with a great local
Flower Festival on the 14th September visitor attraction so it’s a win win for
and/or the Up-Cycling Event on 28th Neighbourhood us both! The look of surprise on
September when we will be supporting peoples' faces when they see their order
the Wells Cole Community Centre, Plan Update with the outer "news print" wrapping is
Harvest Event. Shaping the future of Saham Toney! priceless!!! Customers have even come
Your entry can be colossal or a As you read this the second formal into the shop just to get a wrapper to
miniature but please put on your consultation on the Neighbourhood read!!”
thinking caps, get together or singly, Plan will be underway. The The “newspaper” chip paper has been
and have fun producing an entry for consultation commenced on 19th designed and printed by Century
others to see. August and will continue until 13th Printers in Stalham.
Using material that you would normally October 2019. This is two weeks longer Lynn Kerslake continued: "The
throw in the re-cycling bin please have than the six weeks required. Museum is celebrating being open for
ago at making a model, for example our Every household in Saham that receives 25 years this year and a Celebration
local school had a wonderful igloo a copy of the Saga magazine will also Day is being organised for September
made by a member of the community. receive a 16-page pamphlet giving a to mark the occasion. We are
They have also produced a 2.13m (7 summary of the Plan with the continually working on developing our
foot) recycled Angel which was shown September edition. Our thanks to the collection, and our Tornado cockpit
at Norwich Cathedral. Saga delivery team for making sure will soon be available for visitors to
A CD dragon from St George’s will be every household gets one of those! actually sit in for the first time!!!
making an appearance and for more If you live in the Saham Toney parish, The Museum is a great place to visit for
ideas look online at Pinterest which has please take the time to read the a day out in Norfolk and is fun for all
many fun ideas. If we can galvanise pamphlet. It should certainly be an the family. There are over 25 exhibition
enough sponsorship then more than one easier read than the full Plan, which rooms as well as outdoor exhibits and
prize will be awarded. runs to nearly 150 pages, and perhaps it over 10,000 items to view.
We hope to have enough large models will whet your appetite to read all or All entry tickets are valid for 12 months
to place around the Harvest Event so part of the full version, and one or more as many visitors arrive not realising
that people can see and judge them. of the 12 supporting documents. how much there is to see and do here,
There will be a prize for the best entry. Whichever version you read, what let alone sampling our home-made
Please parents, carer's, grandparents would help most is if you could let us treats and eats from our onsite cafe,
could the children paint and decorate a know what you think of the latest Crumbs".
tin, plastic container, (beans, peas, version of the Plan. A huge amount of
drinks etc) no bigger than 11cms high work has gone into improving it since
and 7cms wide with whatever they last year’s consultation, with landscape Time limits
fancy then plant it with real plants. The studies, a village design guide and the
most attractive will win a £5 prizes at allocation of sites among the highlights. introduced on
the Harvest Event. Any constructive feedback is welcome.
We want the flowers to be made from Of course, we would like to hear that some Swaffham
re-cycled material any size, shape, the village supports what we have done,
colour or material its whatever you but if you disagree with anything, we Car Parks
want to work with. Last year we had are just as keen to find out what that is, Time limits on some car parks in the
poppies made by a member of the and why. There is a simple comments centre of Swaffham are set to be
community for Remembrance from form on our website introduced as part of a trial which aims
plastic bottle bases, and they were (, which has far less to boost the town's economy.
superb, so have a go and let’s see what to fill in than at the previous From Monday, August 19th, drivers in
wonderful ideas you can all come up consultation. Swaffham will be limited to parking for
with. Unravel an old jumper and knit If you prefer to do things with pen and a maximum of two hours in Market
flowers, cut up card from cereal boxes paper, let us know and we’ll get a blank Place, Pedlars and Pit Lane car parks.
and shape into flowers and paint. But form to you. These Breckland Council-owned car
what ever you do remember to have fun You can find all the documents on our parks will remain free to use for 2
then bring it to the church on Friday website. In addition, paper copy of the hours with no return within 1 hour, but
13th between 10am and pm to set it up. Plan itself is on display at the Wells drivers will be required to display a
Adults and Children are invited to Cole Community Centre throughout the ticket in their car and people who
enter. consultation. exceed the two hour limit will be liable
We are also seeking Sponsorship for As usual, if you have any comments or to pay a fixed penalty notice. Theatre
the competitions and if you feel you questions on any of this, or anything Street Car park is not involved in trial
could help with this please contact me else to do with the Neighbourhood and remains free to use with no time
on the contact details below. Plan, or if you'd like to be added to our restrictions.
Please contact Mrs B Harrold mailing list, please get in touch with Breckland Council agreed to introduce or phone Andrew Walmsley on 01953 884759 or the enforced time limits on a trial basis
01953 883394 at after being approached by Swaffham
Town Council. It is hoped that
introducing maximum stays will make
Shipdham & The RAF Radar parking spaces more readily available and
encourage more people into the town,
District Book Museum has providing a boost to local shops, cafes,
down a further byroad to Peddar’s Way 7th September (Entries must arrive
The Thompson Run before returning to the Green for the finish. between 11.00am and 1.00pm at the
Join us on 22nd September for the The minimum age for entry is 12 years or Bradenham Village Hall) are as follows:
annual Thompson run. above for the 5km run and 15 years and Class 1 Potatoes white x 4; Class 2
For a number of years the village of over for the 10km. Potatoes coloured x 4; Class 5 Longest
Thompson has organised a charity run Chip timing will be provided for all, so runner bean x ; Class 6 Tomatoes any ripe
giving everyone, from keen club runners you will get an accurate time for your race. x 6; Class 15 Trug of mixed vegetables
to those wishing to shed a few pounds, the All finishers will receive a medal. (may include salad and herbs); Class 16
opportunity to enjoy running on the paths Race headquarters will be at the Apples dessert x 4; Class 25 Miniature
and by-ways of this attractive Wayland Thompson Community Hall (IP24 1PY if garden 60x50cm Children aged 6-10
village. It is hoped that this will not only you’re using satnav). The modern facilities inclusive; Class 26 Miniature garden
attract adults, but young people too (see here include excellent toilets! 60x50cm Children aged 11-14 inclusive;
below for age limits). The race is run Refreshments will be provided throughout Class 27 Flowering pelargonium x 1;
under UK Athletics rules, licence number the morning, so bring your friends to cheer Class 29 Vase of 5 stem assorted annual
2019-38147. you on. Baggage can be left in the hall. flowers (not including dahlias, gladioli,
Could you beat last year’s winner of the St John Ambulance will be providing first roses, fuchsias or pelargoniums); Class 30
10km race, Michal Wegrzyn, who set an aid, so in the unlikely event that you need Single stem of any flower (not including
impressive time of 35 minutes and 51 medical help, you are assured of dahlias, gladioli, roses, fuchsias or
seconds? The leading lady was Louise professional attention. pelargoniums); Class 31 5 Single fuchsia
White in a time of 41 minutes and 9 There will be a selection of delicious flower heads arranged on a plate; Class 33
seconds. Michal has won the race for the homemade cakes on offer for weary Jar of grapefruit marmalade x 1; Class 34
last two years. Can you challenge him? runners and enthusiastic supporters and for Jar of homemade rhubarb and ginger jam;
This year the Thompson run, in aid of the those seeking something a little more Class 40 Piece of jewellery any design
Thompson Millennium Green charity, is fortifying, The Chequers, our excellent and/or materials (a pair of earrings counts
being held on Sunday 22nd September local pub is only a step away. We hope to as one entry); Class 41 A collage no larger
starting at 10am. You can register either see you on the day. than 15x15 inches
by going to Eventbrite and searching on You will get help with arranging your
‘Thompson run’, or on the day. We have a entries. Members can enter all the Classes
maximum of 300 places so book early in
Bradenham and should plan their entries now using the
case we are full before the day of the run. Horticulture and Club Schedule. Please come and join us as
We are offering a measured 10k course an entrant (only 20p for each entry) or to
that goes in a figure of eight around the Garden Club view the show at Bradenham Village Hall
village, centred on the Millennium Green. On August 15th we held our first Open at 3.30pm when you can see who has won
If you would prefer a shorter course, then Garden Safari, where some brave and enjoy a high tea.
we offer a 5k route that takes in the first members opened their gardens to visitors. Our next Thursday evening Club event is
half of the 10k course. Start and finish for Refreshments we served refreshments and on 21st November at the Bradenham
both distances are on the Green. one garden even had a working steam Village Hall 7.30pm, when we will be
The route starts on the Green using tracks railway! The day ended with a BBQ at running a quiz. Come and join us then.
across farmland and byroads. Runners will Highfield Leys Farm for our members. Details of how to become a member or
pass our newly-restored church, St The day was a great success and we hope any information available from Chairman,
Martin’s, before joining the Griston Road, to repeat the idea next year. Barbara Steward
passing the Chequers pub before returning We are looking forward to our annual ( or
to the Green. For the 5k runners, this is the Autumn Show . The classes open for Secretary, Helen Parnell-Cook(h.parnell-
finish, but for the 10k, the runners go non-members at the next Autumn Show on
It's The End Of The Year for the Inner Wheel PLEASE SAY YOU
Not the end of the calendar year of course, but about this as it gets underway. Pennyless , a trio of musicians who play fiddle,
the end of the Inner Wheel activities until The other occasion in July was to celebrate bass and guitar with storytelling and folk lore.
everything starts again in September. Not that Norfolk Day on July 27th. This year about 30 of Original music played with wit and style and rip
July passed without activity. us with our husbands and partners had a cream -roaring piratical songs! An event not to be
It was the first meeting for new President Carole tea at Bawdeswell Garden Centre. A little retail missed!. As ever tickets costing £6 including a
which she held on a lovely warm evening in her therapy to start with and then a really excellent light lunch will be available from Mullengers in
garden. We all enjoyed an excellent supper and selection of sandwiches, savouries and cakes Watton High Street at the beginning of
were pleased to meet Chris Elliot from The served on some very pretty china was consumed September.
Benjamin Foundation which is Carole's charity by all as we celebrated the fact that we all enjoy Inner Wheel is an International womens
for her year. He was most informative and told so much of what it is that makes Norfolk such a organisation devoted to the three F's… Friendship,
of us of the many ways the organisation helps special place to live in. Fun and Fundraising. If you are interested in
young people at a troubled time in their lives. We have a date for your diaries when the first of finding out more please ring me, Brenda on 01953
There is the intention of a youth project being our popular Lunchtime Concerts takes place on 881792 or our secretary Pam on 01953 884090,
supported by the Benjamin Foundation in the 23rd October in the Queens Hall from 11.30 we would be delighted to hear from you. Brenda
Watton and we look forward to hearing more – 1.30. The concert sees another visit from Davis Club Correspondent.
by the Town Mayor and Town Crier near On the 8th August we re-inducted Norman contact us via our website at
the Wayland Hall. Pic shows Charlie Brown as a member of the club.
crossing the High Street to the finish line. September sees 2 more fundraising events: Also for diaries is Watton Rotary Club’s
At the time of writing it is thought that a repeat of last year’s Umbrella Festival, 25th biannual Jazz at the Queens Hall on
Charlie has raised enough for a ShelterBox with judging on 14th September, and the Friday 4th October. Featuring DixieMix,
through her website, and possibly another Parade as part of Watton Carnival on East Anglia’s leading jazz sextet for the
4 or 5 boxes by association through direct Sunday 15th September. Have you got 22nd time; tickets at £12.50 (incl light
donations from the Church, schools and your white umbrella to decorate? It’s not supper) are available in Adcocks (from
individuals. too late for early readers of this article: see 1st September).
A thoroughly worthwhile venture the write up elsewhere in this paper or Martin Anscombe
After a successful concert
enjoyed by a near capacity
audience our photo shows
members of the Diss Guitar
Ensemble, Karen Allen (mezzo-
soprano) accompanied by pianist
Ann Scott and Archangel, an
acapella quartet who performed
at a concert at St Martin's
Church Thompson as part of
their Heritage week-end
The Wayland News September 2019 Page 13
Watton Churches Together September Wayland Mens Shed, Social Group
St. Mary’s Church, Watton The Old School House, Church Walk, Watton Follow us @StMarysWatton A request from Watton Town Council to assist at the Antiques Fair on
If I can be of help to you please do not hesitate to contact me, the 7th July to marshal the road closures was eagerly taken up by
on 01953 881439, I can then several of our members welcoming the opportunity to wear their new
email or telephone you back or arrange to meet up with you. 1st. September. Eleventh Sunday after Trinity HiViz waistcoats and do their bit to help the town. Thursday 25th July
Thank you: Your Vicar, Revd Gerry Foster. was our long awaited visit to The Cromer Pier Show, with 44 members,
10:30am. United Holy Communion. St Margaret's, Breckles partners and friends, little did we know that the day would turn out to
1st, 3rd & 4th Wednesday at 9.30am Holy Communion
2nd Wednesday Morning Worship 8th. September. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity be the hottest day of the year (so far), fortunately for us our coach was
Thursdays 7.30-8.00am, 5.00pm - 5.30pm Parish Prayers 10:30am. United Holy Communion. Holy Cross. Caston air conditioned making our trip to Cromer and back more comfortable
Saturdays 9.30am - 10.00am Parish Prayers 15th. September. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity even if the walk to the pier and back proved to be a challenge for some
5.00pm - 6.00pm Prayer & Praise 10:30am. United Holy Communion. Holy Trinity. Gt Hockham of our members in the heat of the day, our pre-arranged meal at the pier
Sundays 10.00am-11.30am ADventure-free for 0-16 yr restaurant went down well and then it was a short walk to the pier
22nd September. Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity theatre for two hours of very enjoyable entertainment, the day ended
term time only
Breakfast - Crafts - Games - Faith in Jesus Teaching 10:30am. United Holy Communion. St Peter & St Paul, Griston with many of us somewhat exhausted from the heat of the day but
Church Office opens Tues, Wed & Thurs 9am-12 noon 6:00 pm. Harvest Songs of Praise. St Peter & St Paul, Griston enjoyed by all.
Tel: 01953 881252 email: Please Note. Due to repairs scheduled to start at Griston, Tuesday the 30th July was another of our regular visits to "Strikes" in
The Church will be open Wed 10.30-3.00pm & Thurs 10- it is possible that the location of these services may have Dereham for an afternoon of 10 pin bowling, with some members away
12.00 noon. You are welcome to come into church to enjoy to be altered. our numbers on this occasion was down by half with 7 of our members
the peace and tranquillity, say a prayer & light a candle, or 29th. September. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity attending and one Lady guest to keep an eye on the boys! who I'm told
just to look round. Church members will welcome you and 10:30am. Harvest Festival. St Margaret's. Breckles were all complete gentlemen?
serve refreshments. Friday 9th of August was another of our eagerly awaited now infamous
3:00pm. Harvest Festival. Holy Cross, Caston "Quiz & Chips" evenings hosted by none other than Mr Malcolm
Sun 1st 8.00am Holy Communion BCP
10.00am Holy Communion The service at Caston will be taken by the Venerable Ian Trayhorn, rumour has it that our Mr Trayhorn is soon to be awarded the
Sun 8th 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Bentley - the the Arch Deacon of Lynn Chuckle Trophy for his regular infliction of corny jokes upon the
10.00am Informal Holy Communion For Pastoral visits, requests for Baptisms, Weddings, Home unsuspecting public, but that aside it was another successful evening
Sun 15th 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Communions and support for those who have been bereaved. with some 58 attending. Wednesday 31st July we were treated to a very
10.00am Holy Communion Contact Revd. Adrian Bell -- The Interim Parish Priest to the interesting talk by Mr Terry Skinner on cyber security, Mr Skinner is an
(with Commemoration of Battle of Britain) Wayland Benefice. 01760 627039. expert in this field and his talk was very interesting and informative,
Sun 22nd 8.00am Holy Communion BCP e-mail many thanks to him for his valuable time. Back at our Hall in Church
10.00am 4th Sunday at 10 Adrian's day off is Monday. Walk our kitchen area is undergoing a revamp, a donation of pre-owned
6.30pm Choral Evensong kitchen units have been refurbished and are now being fitted to replace
Sun 29th 8.00am Holy Communion BCP the tired old counter unit we have been using for the last 3 years, Many
3.30pm Group Service of Confirmation & Fountain of Life Church thanks to our workshop supervisor & carpenter John Rush for all his
Renewal of Baptismal Vows with hard work. Regrettably our Trip to the Whisky Distillery in East
1 September 10:00 Harling on 15th August has had to be cancelled - due to lack of
Rt Rev’d Jonathan Meyrick, Bishop of Lynn
8 September 10:00 18:00 support!!, No I'm not joking and we are investigating this worrying
Watton Methodist Church 15 September 10:00 15:00 occurrence. Future events have yet to be organised but we may be 22 September 10:00 18:00 having a visit to RAF Marham, no date has been agreed at this time.
Every Wednesday the Church is open for quiet reflection and 29 September 10:00 18:00 With so much going on it not difficult to forget something but im sure
prayer between 10.15am & 11.30am. It’s your quiet place. The Well Christian Centre, Swaffham Road, Ashill I've covered most of what we have been up to over the past four weeks,
At 10.30am there is a half-hour Midweek Service in the Large if you are passing by our Hall in Church Walk why not pop in for a
Vestry led by the Minister or a Church Member. cuppa tea or coffee, no charge have one on us. any enquiries you can e
mail: or like I said just pop in; we're
Sun 1st 10.30am Mr J Hull
6.30pm Mrs E Warby What’s on at St Mary’s open: Monday & Wednesdays 9.30 am to 1pm or Fridays & Saturdays
Sun 8th 10.30am Deacon J Woodfin 10am to 1pm. Cheers for now. Richard
6.30pm Revd J Horton Church, Watton
Sun 15th 11.00am Carnival Service (Town Centre) Coffee and Chat. Thursday 5th September 10.00am – 12noon. The Ovington Crower by Boy Sid
6.30pm Mr A Warby A social coffee morning at St Mary’s Church, all welcome. Thas gitten a rare jorb a ritten tew yew, cos we’re gitten busy on tha
Sun 22nd 10.30am Rev J Horton Sundays 10.00am-11.30am ADventure - free for 0-16 years at farm, tha barley hev bin got in an now we’re startin on tha wheat an thet
6.30pm Local Arrangement St Mary’s Church, restarting 8th September Breakfast – look like that mite be a marstaful crop tha year.
Sun 29th 10.30am Local Arrangement Crafts – Games – Faith in Jesus Teaching. (term time only) We dint rekkun thet wood be so good cos tha ole wetha hev bin a bit up
6.30pm Mrs J Semmons Story Bags restarts, Monday 9th and continues on,, 16, 23rd, an down since tha start of tha year.
& 30th September 9.30am – 10.45am at We dint meark a start tha wikend as tha ole forcast warnt tew
Roman Catholic Community St Mary’s Church for parents and preschool children each
Each Sat 5.00pm Mass at Watton Methodist Church promising, so we orl went an hed a look at thet daft ole Wacky Rearces
Monday term time only. down Chuch Rood.
St. Nicholas’ Church, Ashill Watton Rainbow Brownies. Mondays 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th I gotta give the ole parish cowncil a bit o credit cos thar wukked hard an
Sun 1st 10.00am Lay Led Sunday Funday September 4.30-5.45pm at St Mary’s Church Rooms for girls put on a reel gud show, an gooin by tha duzzins o peepal thar, thet
Sun 8th 9.30am Family Holy Communion aged 5-7 years. The Rainbows will be meeting each Monday seems tew be popla wi moost folk. I think moost onnem are hoopin fer
Sun 15th 9.30am Morning Worship at St Mary’s Church during term time. sum reel crashes an tearkin a look at sum o tha carts afore they set orf I
Sun 22nd 9.30am Holy Communion or look on Facebook wos sprised enny onnem meard it tew tha end of tha corse. Wun or tew
Sun 29th 3.30pm Group Service * Saturday Coffee Morning. Saturday 21st September 10.00am cum a croppa as thar hossed oova sum o tha bits an bobs tha cowncil
– 12noon A social coffee morning at St Mary’s Church on the hed put alonga tha way down. No wun got hart, which is wot moost o
St. George’s Church, Saham Toney 3rd Saturday of each month. All welcome. those watchin were hoopin for, nuthin like a bitta blud ter keep ‘em orl
Sun 1st 11.00am Holy Communion Watton Community Cinema. Friday 27th September 6.00pm intrested.
Sun 8th 11.00am Family Holy Communion for 6.30pm start, at St Mary’s Church. Horry thort he orta enta inter tha spirit o things an he stuck a cuppla
Sun 15th 11.00am Morning Worship “Oh What a Lovely War”. You are invited to a special wheels orf an ole pony cart on his barra an took it up tha horl fer tha
Sun 22nd 11.00am Harvest Festival screening of this iconic film, all seats will be available on a judgis ter teark a look. Tha wunt tew happy cos he hent got enny brakes
Sun 29th 3.30pm Group Service * first come first served basis. Refreshments available before an they coont see enny way of steerin tha thing. Horry he say “Yew
the screening from 6.00pm and after the film. Donations dunt heffta steer a barra, yew jist tun it tew where yew wonta goo, an
Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church, Carbrooke towards the Families Matter Keyworker for Watton can be thet dew hev brearks, cos yew jist shove a broom handle inta tha spooks
Sun 1st 10.30am Holy Communion made before and after the film show. on a wheel, yew’ll sune stop yew ole partna”
Sun 8th 10.30am All Age Worship The August Winners of the 150 Draw: £50 - number 84 I think tha judgis give up arta thet a jist let him hev a goo, he dint git
Sun 15th 10.30am Holy Communion Maxine MacLean, £25 - number 61. Cherry Watts. very far cos he hent rekkuned on tha gret ole ramp thar hed ter git ‘em
Sun 22nd 10.30am Ley Led orl started. He cum orf tha end gooin like hell an shot streart thru tha
Sun 29th 3.30pm Group Service * hidge, he giv up arta thet an hed sum o tha beer heed got in tha bottom
Hareton’s Trail o his barra, which hent brook cos heed gottem in a sack o straw, he
St John the Evangelist Church, Ovington Saturday 27th July to Saturday 3rd August. Hareton has a think of evrathin does Horry.
Sun 1st 9.30am Holy Communion busy summer ahead & got off to a great start on Norfolk day Tha ole Cowncil Chairmawtha wos runnin tha show an she hed wun o
Sun 15th 10.30am Harvest Festival with his trail around ten High Street shops. The challenge those ole lowd speekas on har back an I rekkun thar cud hear har ova
Sun 22nd 6.00pm Hymns for a Summer Evening was to decipher his hidden message and a huge well done to tew Saham. Give har har dew she kep evra thing gooin an nowun dasnt
Sun 29th 3.30pm Group Service * everyone who did, #lovewatton, absolutely! argyew agin har, she wos orl oova me cos she sed I orta rite gud things
Thanks to all the shops that took part and donated prizes for abowt har an har cowncillors, so thas wot Ire dun.
* Group Confirmation service St Mary’s Church Watton the trail and to Anglian Water for donating 10 re-usable and I forgot tew menshun but tha boys an gels from tha willage horl layed
refillable water bottles. on gret loods o grub, wi cearks of orl scripshuns an wun of them bar b
Hareton is off again already with his Watton Carnival kews in tha yard, thet hooly smooked but tha sosiges ware pretty good
adventure along the High Street, keep an eye out for his many an not orl bunt up like sum I’ve hed. So thet ware a gud ole day an tha
All Saints Church, Threxton guises, how many can you find? Horl meard a bob or tew I rekkun. Tha chairmawtha sed thar goont ter
If you would like more information please contact Sue Dent dew ir orl agin next year an we hent betta fergit, cos she’ll be cumin on
Our next service at All Saints Church Threxton details as follows Sue Dent, Events & Projects Support us like a tun o bricks iffen we dunt tun up agin. Well thas time fer me
will be on Sunday 1st September at 10.30am Officer, Swaffham and Watton Town Council. 07776 507658, tew shut up an let yew git on, so fare yew well tergitha, an dew yew kip
A warm welcome to all. a troshin, Boy Sid
The Wayland News September 2019 Page 14
for, the vast number of people involved was amazing.
Watton Society A truly memorable visit, well worthwhile, highly
Watton Society's July Outing was to the Thursford
Collection. A large group of members were met by Our next meeting is back at the Watton Christian
the catering manager who showed us to reserved Community Centre on Wednesday 18th September at
tables for a very enjoyable lunch. We then gathered 7.45pm when our speaker will be Roger Jones from
for a back stage tour where Mr. John Cushing himself the Norfolk Wildlife Trust speaking about "Roadside
met us and began explaining how it all started. Nature Reserves". Looking forward to seeing
His father collected steam engines when they were everyone on that date, everyone welcome.
becoming redundant, diesel taking over from steam Pictured Right: Mr John Cushing who is the CEO of
Then became the problem, how to care for the the Thursford Collection, running the whole complex
engines, money was needed, so began the Christmas as a visitor attraction through the summer months and
shows. Seeing all the costumes, how they are cared produces and directs the spectacular Christmas Shows.
Wildlife Trust,
Local Group
At the time of writing, we have yet to
have our walk at Ashwellthorpe Wood,
Great Hockham led by Anne Edwards, a very entertaining
and knowledgeable scientist.
On Sunday September 8th from 6pm, we
Gardening Club are hosting a BBQ, Bat and Moth evening
Yeoman’s Cottage Garden at Weeting Heath, IP26 4NQ. This is a
Our last outdoor visit of this season was to visit a garden at social event with optional BBQ, details Swallowtail at Wheat Fen photographed
the heart of Rockland All Saints. Guess what? The weather on booking. This proved very popular last by Local group member.
was inclement. Of the four outdoor visits we schedule in our year and is a good way for the group to
summer programme; two wet, one cancelled due to the wet get to know it’s supporters. Charge is £2 0SU.We have had some trouble finding a
and the best one, nearly wet. So it’s been a wet summer. If members, £3 non-members, BBQ extra. leader for this walk and were very
only! At home we have a simple rain gauge to give us an idea Booking essential, ring Lesley on 01953 pleased when Jonathan Revett of Norfolk
as to how much we need to water. This year, a typical rain 717227. Fungi Group, agreed to do it for us. His
event, while being perfectly adequate to annihilate any The last outdoor event this year will be charge is £5 per head and this will be the
thought of outdoor activities, has not amounted to a hill of on Sunday October 20th at 10.30 am. only cost. Booking essential with Lesley
beans when it comes to effective levels of irrigation. Stuff in Venue: Brandon Country Park, IP27 on 01953 717227.
the garden is turning up its toes and going to the wall. In
Hockham woods, where there were almost year long muddy
example, Crocosmia 'Hell Fire', Begonia to us all when we see the devastation that
areas, it’s now permanently dry. We have an old well; it’s at
'Glowing Embers', Tagetes patula has befallen her and her partner. It must
least four feet lower than normal. The
'Burning Embers', Coleus ‘Bonfire'and have been a life-changing blow. Our
nearby river where our old bull terrier
Salvia 'Embers Wish'. Our visit heart goes out to them.
liked to cool off is now just a dribble.
concluded in time-honored tradition with Our next meeting is the highlight of the
How bad can it get? Well, in the scheme
tea and cakes, Karen being ably assisted year: our AGM. Finally, the news you
of things, what I have just been
by Jill and her dog, Fellie, both having have all been waiting for: the afternoon’s
whingeing about is not on the same scale
just flown in from Canada. precipitation only produced a miserable 5
as having your home virtually destroyed
Throughout our visit Karen was the millimetres of rain.
by fire. In June 2018, Yeoman’s Cottage,
epitome of cheerfulness. An inspiration Edward Szczepanowski.
the 17th century grade II listed home of
Karen Rosebury and Paul Rutter was
seriously damaged by fire. Since then the Pictures
couple have been living temporarily at Lower right: Karen Roseberry
the home of another Hockham resident Lower left: Jill and her dog,
and have only recently moved back in. Fellie
Repairs are far from complete, but a Right: Club member enjoying
large part of the ground floor was spared tea and cakes
along with much of the garden – and the
log pile.
In spite of all this, and the rain, Karen
was able to give sixteen of our club
members a conducted tour. There were
many separate ‘rooms’ to the garden,
which were separated one from another
by shrubbery. There were several
unusual trees and a small arboretum with
the trees in pots all grown from seeds. As
you might expect from a professional
artist, Karen’s garden included many
quirky constructions. Of particular
interest was a bespoke garden table
executed in scaffold boards and
supported on old motorcycle wheels. She
was at pains to point out the many
varieties of plants she has collected: for
The Wayland News September 2019 Page 15
Umbrellas at the Ready!!
The work of Nelson’s Journey, our own Norfolk
children’s charity, has increased hugely in the past
few years. The expansion has been managed with
immense skill and care, so the Rotary Club is most
happy to publicise and support its work - in this case
through this year’s Umbrella Festival.
Of course, beyond its serious, underlying purpose, the
Festival is meant to be FUN !.....witness all those
delighted children who ‘had a go’ on the special
Rotary stall on market days in August!
It is also a challenge of an unusual, artistic kind for
adults and children alike. After last year, we are well
aware that there is abundant artistic talent in the town,
gifts to be seen, not hidden.
It is still not too late to buy an umbrella - contact any
member of the Rotary Club, or go to one of the
addresses below.
Judging of the the public....will take
place in the Christian Community Centre on Saturday
Sept. 14th in the afternoon. The winners will be
announced at a cheese and wine party in the evening,
and all entries , weather permitting, will be paraded in
the carnival on Sunday 15 September.
To see a town’s talents on display is a great thing.
(Stockists...Either Ivan Chubbock Garage
Services 01362 820416 Or Bowles-Walker,
Breckland Business Park, 01953 885294 )
The West Norfolk In August, a few more of us set off for the Norfolk
Aviation Society's & Suffolk Aviation Museum at Flixton. Most of
us had been there before but, with so much to see,
summer frolics interest was maintained for the whole five hours
As the Mundford Bowls Club need their premises we were there. Whilst sitting aboard a Vickers
for its own activities at this time of the year, our Valetta – which served suitably as a reception
club took to the road in July and August and centre – we were briefed by Steve, the chairman of
headed to The Imperial War Museum at Duxford the museum, who gave us an extensive and early radar wizardry. We owe both chaps a debt of
where we were treated to displays of fighter and entertaining account of the initial and continuing thanks for their attentiveness and tolerance
training aircraft which were rehearsing for the developments of the project which functions towards our ribaldry and banter. Best wishes to
weekend’sair show. Between the pauses in the almost entirely on volunteer support and public you all at Flixton; you deserve it.
flying displays we viewed the exhibits in the Land donations. Steve then took us on a private tour of To read more about the West Norfolk Aviation
Warfare Building and visited the workshops where some of the exhibits and even allowed the lucky Society's past and future programmes, please go
the vintage aircraft are restored. few an opportunity to perform a simulated flight in to:
The combination ofthe fine weather, excellent a converted Bristol Sycamore helicopter. Another If our pursuits raise your interest in the group,
flying, interesting exhibits and convivial company member of the crew, Ray, a wartime avionics please join us at our next meeting in Mundford.
made the day memorable and worth repeating next expert, endowed some of us with his knowledge of You will be made very welcome.
Free Ladies’
Self Defence
Saracen Martial Arts are putting on a
free Ladies Self defence session at
the Watton Sports Centre on
Saturday September 14th, 10am – 12
Noon, we would request that those
interested pre-book their place by
contacting Debbie Hughes on 07887
937930 or email
The course will be run by Saracen’s
Alan Gill, who will be assisted by
Debbie and Tony Hughes, Dina De
Sousa and Master Michelle
We are now in the summer holiday
period and would remind everyone
that we continue teaching the Martial
Art of Tae kwon do all through the
summer break period and beyond.
For more information on Tae Kwon
Do classes in Watton and the regarding aspects of diet and Diabetes. They winter period being held in the heated
surrounding area please call Ian were able to help with things like Badminton Hall, our summer period will be
Soame (7th Dan Master) on 07739 carbohydrates, fats, protein and the diet of a held in the main hall.
589253. diabetic person in general. Although our Our sessions are; Tuesday mornings ( 3 x
Seen above right is 2nd Dan members know a lot about healthy eating, 45 min roll ups) 9.30am to
Instructor Debbie Hughes applying a there are always things to learn. How type 1 12.30pm,please arrive by 9.15am to get
‘finish move’ on a would be attacker. and type 2 diabetes differ, food labels, blood signed in, and Thursday evenings to
glucose testing, exercise and diabetes in 9pm ( 2 x 45min roll ups) please arrive by
remission were discussed, as well as food 6.45pm to get signed in. we will have a
Ovington and diet information. Our dietitians were 15min break between each roll up, you
warmly thanked and may well be back again can choose how many roll ups you would
Carpet Bowls next year.
Our next meeting will be on Monday 9th
like to do, and during the break Tea,
Coffee or refreshments will be available
We seem to read recently of carpet
bowls clubs springing up around September, 10.15am, and our speaker will from the Sports Centre bar if required.
the area like daffodils in spring. be Mike Wabe and he will be entertaining us As from Saturday 31st August and thru
Readers may be interested to know with "From Twang to Bang"! We will be the winter period we have been invited to
that the people of Ovington have meeting at the Pentecostal Church, Watton join our colleagues from the "Loch
been playing carpet bowls in our and out thanks go to them for the generous Neaton Outdoor Bowls Club" in their club
wonderful Village Hall for over use of their facilities. house for a regular Saturday coffee
thirty years. For details of any of our meetings, please morning social get together, and many
We are not overly competitive, just phone 01953 884713 and leave a message, thanks to them for inviting us to join them
enjoy good company and a relaxed or email in future social events.
game or two. So if you would like So why not come along on a Tuesday
to come along and join our merry morning or Thursday evening and meet us,
throng we meet in Ovington Loch Neaton say hello and give it a go!. A FREE session
Village Hall every Monday at 1.45 for new members and loan of equipment, we
pm. Refreshment are provided at Short Mat Bowls look forward to seeing you.
half time to ensure the players are at Watton Sports Centre
not exhausted by their efforts to get After several weeks of organising and or
their bowls somewhere near the preparation it was good to finally have our Tel: 07748245496
Jack. Look forward to seeing you first open evening on Thursday 1st August,
Grace Rumsby.
some 18 members and some potential new
members turned up for what will be our Ovington Coffee
regular "Thursday evening" roll up, likewise
our regular weekly "Tuesday morning" Morning
Diabetes UK session was also busy with several more St John’s Church, Ovington are holding a
At our August meeting we were interested members of the public attending Coffee Morning on Saturday 21st
lucky enough to have two Dietitians our roll up to learn more about our friendly September from 10 - 12 in the Village Hall.
as our speakers. Hannah and her sport of "Short Mat Bowls". We will be There will be a Raffle, Tombola, Crafts,
colleague, from NNUH, came to see holding regular weekly sessions throughout Cakes and Refreshments. Come along and
us and answer some questions the year, summer and winter, with out meet your friend.
PLEASE READ!!! Page space is allocated strictly on a first
come, first served basis. 12 Noon on the 15th of the
month preceding publication is the last date and time
that copy will be CONSIDERED for inclusion. Arrival of
your copy before deadline does not guarantee inclusion,
if you wish to be certain your entry gets published, then
please make sure it arrives in plenty of time otherwise
you may still be disappointed.
You can contact Julian by ringing (01953) 858908.
The e-mail address is
Views expressed in articles in The Wayland News are those of the
contributors and not the views of the publisher or printers.
While every care and effort has been taken to ensure accuracy,
the publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions.
This issue of the The Wayland News was published by:
Julian Horn, 32 High Street, Watton IP25 6AE
and printed by:
Sharman & Company Ltd, Newark Road
Peterborough PE1 5TD. Phone: 01733 424 949