Hospital Management System: Project
Hospital Management System: Project
Hospital Management System: Project
Submitted to:-
Prepared by:-
A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized
staff and equipment. Hospitals are usually funded by public sector by health
organisations (for profit or non-profit), by health insurance companies, or by
charities, including direct charitable donations. Hospitals have a range of
departments (e.g., surgery, and urgent care etc).
1.1. Purpose:-
The main purpose of our system is to make hospital task easy and is to develop
software that replaces the manual hospital system into automated hospital
management system. This document serves as the unambiguous guide for the
developers of this software system.
1.2. Scope:-
The document only covers the requirement specification for the hospital
management system. This document does not provide any references to the other
component of the hospital management system. All the external interfaces and the
dependencies are also identified in this document.
1.3. Feasibility Study:-
The overall scope of the feasibility study was to provide sufficient information
to allow a decision to be made as to whether the hospital management system project
should proceed and so, its relative priority in the context of the other existing hospital
management system.
The feasibility study of this project had undergone through various steps
which as describe as under:
a) Identify the origin of the information at different level.
1.5. Reference:-
1) An integrated approach to software engineering, Third edition by Pankaj
2) OOP in C++ – E Balaguruswamy
3) Software engineering By Ian Sommerville
1.6. Overview:-
Hospital Management System is a process of implementing all the activities
of the hospital in a computerized automated way to fasten the performance.
This project is to maintain the patient details, lab reports and to calculate the
bill of the patient. You can also manually edit any patient details and issue bill receipt
to patient within few seconds.
2.1. Product perspectives:-
This project gives the procedural approach how a patient gets treatment,
details about date of treatment and finally depending on different criteria like room
allocated, lab reports, treatment and medicine taken…..etc,how billing is calculated.
During billing health card facility is also considered.
2.2. Product Function:-
The data represented in hospital management application will perform the
following major function:-
Patient Details: - It includes inpatient and outpatient details.
Billing Details:-This software will help to calculate the bill much quicker and
simpler way. This enables the organization to keep the information in efficient
and systematic way.