Be - Pars
Be - Pars
Be - Pars
2017 -2018
This is to certify that the seminar report entitled
Submitted by
Guide Head
Department of Computer Department of Computer
Engineering Engineering
Dr. A. V. Deshpande
Smt.KashibaiNavaleCollege of Engineering Pune 41
The main aim of designing and developing this Online banking System
J2EE primarily based banking project is to provide secure and
efficient net banking facilities to the banking customers over the
internet. Java Server Pages, J2EE, Java, Enterprise Beans, Mysql
database used to develop this bank application where all banking
customers can login through the secured web page by their account
login id and password. Users will have all options and features in that
application like deposit money to bank account , withdraw money from
account, money transfer to others account without going into the bank
customer can perform all the functionalities of the bank over the web
2 Literature Survey 3
5 System Design 17
5.1 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2 Component Digram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.3 UML Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.4 State Chart Digram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.5 Activity Digram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6 Other Specification 22
6.1 Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.2 Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7 Future Enhancement 23
9 Annex A: Assignments 25
Software Requirements Speci cation
3.1 Introduction
Online Bank Management System is very simple and entry level project developed in java
using spring technology. I have used database to store all the details of customer account in a
table. This system is a simple project and useful for those who want to learn jsp with spring.
I have implemented most of the feature of online banking in it. User can login,do withdrawal,
Request a Deposit amount, Transfer amount from one account to another account, check
his/her current balance, and view reports of all the transaction.
The scope of this project is limited to the activities of the operations unit of the banking system
which includes opening of Account, Deposit of funds, Online funds transfer, Cheque balance and
daily transaction statement.
previous likings and reviews) and/or location before providing a recom-
mendation. The application will take the users search request and
provide the relevant recommendation
1. Welcome page
2. Registration form
3. Login Page
4. Search Restaurant
5. Output Recommendation page
For good performance most of the RAM should be used for our appli-
cation. JVM should be tuned on mobile to provide extra address space
to application. Application should use multithreading to complete its
task in short time
Quality attributes are the overall factors that affect run-time behavior,
system design, and user experience. They represent areas of concern
that have the potential for application wide impact across layers and
tiers. Some of these attributes are related to the overall system design,
while others are specific to run time, design time, or user centric issues.
The ex-tent to which the application possesses a desired combination of
quality attributes such as usability, performance, reliability, and
security indicates the success of the design and the overall quality of
the software applica-tion.
1. Reusability:
Reusability defines the capability for components and subsystems
to be suitable for use in other applications and in other scenarios.
Reusability minimizes the duplication of components and also the
implementation time.
2. Availability:
Availability defines the proportion of time that the system is func-
tional and working. It can be measured as a percentage of the total
system downtime over a predefined period. Availability will be af-
fected by system errors, infrastructure problems, malicious attacks,
and system load.
DFD Level 0
1. Users:
2. Application infrastructure:
Mopnar Algorithm:
MOPNAR is an extension of multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
(MOEA). It helps in mining with a low computational cost a reduced set of
positive and negative QARs that are easy to understand and have good
tradeoff be-tween the number of rules, support, and coverage of the dataset.
It reads the data from the input files and parse all the parameters from the
param-eters array
c. User Profile:
User profile contains user personal details and navigation to search for
Restaurant page, recommendation page, and profile page etc.
The most important part of system. All the user data that needs to gen-
erate recommendation results is stored here. The amount of data is an
important factor to consider: too few data may lead to inaccurate recom-
mendations, whereas too much data may lead to useless processing. In
addition, data description may vary in terms of depth (degree of precision)
and breadth (variety of description). The risk with superficial description
is to propose items to users that do not correspond exactly to what they
expect. This leads to processing cost and may need to filter data.
Each and every review is processed for both user and restaurants.
Ratings depend on the user/hotel review count which is distributed
amongst five parameters.
Along with user details it has an extra-ordinary feature of graphically
representing the users liking based on the reviews written by the user
Graphical bar chart display representation of restaurant parameters
of Taste, Service, Ambience, Cost which is calculated on reviews.
This recommender system is recommendate nearby restaurant.
This was helpful for the user who is new in that city like tourist.
It allows users to find restaurant by area or find where a specific food
item is best served which is rated by other fellow users, and also to find
a restaurant by category of food even without logging-in ie..
6.2 Disadvantages
User can give false reviews so rating of that restaurant can decreases.
Only that user access the website who has internet access in his sys-
User is well known about English language.
Considering the technical aspects, as the data will increase and the scal-
ability of the system would be under question, it will be very affordable
and time efficient, as our system has the capability to have shards (nodes).
Therefore all of the data will be distributed amongst these nodes, and
there will be no need to transfer data from the existing machine to a
higher powered machine. And a persons craving for a specific food
item in their vicinity would be satisfied in a very true sense. This will
help in increas-ing business, as the system would be able to provide the
user with exactly what the user wants in majority of the cases, and this
will help in boosting business.
This study is carried out to check the economic impact that the system
will have on the organization. The amount of fund that the company can
pour into the research and development of the system is limited. The ex-
penditures must be justied. Thus, the developed system as well within the
budget and this was achieved because most of the technologies used are
freely available. Only the customized products had to be purchased.
This study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is, the
technical requirements of the system. Any system developed must not
have a high demand on the available technical resources. This will lead
to high demands on the available technical resources. This will lead to
high demands being placed on the client. The developed system must
have a modest requirement, as only minimal or null changes are
required for implementing this system.
P Problem:
NP Problem:
NP Hard Problem:
NP Complete Problem:
NP-complete problems are in NP, the set of all decision problems whose
solutions can be veried in polynomial time. A problem p in NP is NP-
complete if every other problem in NP can be transformed (or reduced) into
p in polynomial time. Example: The graph isomorphism problem,
Input1: Ip1 = Username , Password
Input2: Ip2= Data
Output1: Op1 =Login
Output2: Op2 = User Data and Location Information
Output3: Op3 = Recommendate Restaurant
Functional Dependency:
Function 1 = F1 =Registration
Function 2 = F2 =Login
Function 6 = F6 =Logout
[3] Greg Linden, Brent Smith, and Jeremy York “ Rec-
ommendations Item-to-Item Collaborative Filtering”2014 IEEE
International Conference on Computer and Information Technology.