Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
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Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AC Alternating Current
ACP Audio Control Panel
ADC Air Data Computer
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADIZ Air Defence Interdiction Zone
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System
AGL Above Ground Level
AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System
AMU Audio Management Unit
AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
ASOS Automated Weather Observing System
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
AWG Aural Warning Generator
BL Butt Line
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority
CAS Crew Alerting System
CB Circuit Breaker
CBIT Continuous Built-In Test
CDI Course Deviation Indicator
CG Centre of Gravity
CLA Collective Lever Angle
CPA Closest Point of Approach
DACS Digital Audio Control System
DC Direct Current
DevCs Device Configuration Software
DGAC Directorate General for Civil Aviation
DH Decision Height
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Dr Dead Reckoning
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EDU Electronic Display Unit
EEC Electronic Engine Control
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay
EGNOS Service
EIS Engine Indication Strip
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
EMM Engine Maintenance Manual
EMS Emergency Medical Services
ESIS Electronic Standby Instrument System
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FCU Fuel Control Unit
FLTA Forward Looking Terrain Alert
FM Frequency Modulation
FMS Flight Management System
FPI Flight Path Indicator
FPL Flight Plan
GIA Garmin Integrated Avionics (unit)
GPU Ground Power Unit
GS Glide Slope
GSL Geodetic Sea Level
Hd Height Density
HEMS Helicopter Emergency Medical Services
HIS Horizontal Situation Indicator
HP High Pressure
HPA Hectopascal
HSDB High-speed Databus
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ICA Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ICS Intercom System
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETP Interactive Electronic Technical Publications
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IGE In Ground Effect
IIDS Interactive Instrument Display System
IIMC Inadvertent Instrument Meteorologist Condition
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue
ILS Instrument Landing System
ISS International Space Station
ITT Interturbine Temperature
KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LOC Localiser
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LTE Loss of Tail rotor Effectiveness
LVDT Line Variable Displacement Transducer
MAN Manual
MB Marker Beacon
MCL Master Caution Light
MCP Max Continuous Power
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MEC Mechanical Engine Control
MFD Multifunction Display
Acronyms and Abbreviations
MM Maintenance Manual
MOA Military Operations Area
MODTM Modulating Torque Motor
MOS Manual Override System
MPM Maintenance Planning Manual
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSTM Mode Select Torque Motor
MWL Master Warning Light
NASA National Aeronautical Space Administration
NDB Nondirectional Beacon
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
NOAA Administration
NOR Normal
NTA Nonthreat Advisory
NWS National Weather Service
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OES Optional Equipment Supplements
OGE Out of Ground Effect
OM Overhaul Manual
PA Proximity Advisory
PBIT Power-up Built-In Test
PFD Primary Flight Display
PLA Power Lever Angle
PRV Pressure Regulating Valve
PSU Passenger Service Unit
PTT Press To Talk
PTT Push-To-Talk
PTUM Pictorial Tools Usage Manual
RA Radar Altimeter
Acronyms and Abbreviations
SAR Search and Rescue
SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite
SAS Stability Augmentation System
SatCom Satellite Communication
SBAS Satellite Based Augmented System
SD Secure Digital
SRM Structural Repair Manual
STA Station
STC Supplemental Type Certificate
SVS Synthetic Vision System
SVT Synthetic Vision Terminology
TA Traffic Advisory
TAS Traffic Advisory System
TBI Time Before Inspection
TBO Time Before Overhaul
TCAS Traffic Collision and Avoidance System
TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheet
TFR Temporary Flight Restriction
TOP Take-off Power
UHF Ultra High Frequency
VCA Voice Call Out
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VG Vertical Gyro
Acronyms and Abbreviations
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WDM Wiring Diagram Manual
WOS Weight on Skids
WSR-88D Weather Surveillance Radar 1988, Doppler
XM Extended Module
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
Issue Record
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will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Airworthiness Limitations .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Airworthiness Limitations ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Description and Definition ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Documentation...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Maintenance Planning Manual ......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Areas of Applicability ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.3.1 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness .......................................................................................... 4
1.4 Compliance Verification ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.4.1 Maintenance Status Report .............................................................................................................. 6
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
Airworthiness Limitations
1 Airworthiness Limitations
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Description and Definition
Airworthiness limitations are those items mandated by airworthiness authorities during the
certification process. These items are set forth so that the certification design standards for
operations and safety are upheld. Examples of these items are:
• Specific inspections
• Procedures
• Replacements
• Retirements
• Overhauls
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
Airworthiness limitations for the AW119 series are mandated by a Type Certificate Data Sheet
(TCDS) which is issued at certification by the authorising airworthiness authority.
Airworthiness limitations are accomplished by maintainers. It is important for the pilot to know that if
any of the airworthiness limitations are not accomplished, then the aircraft is not airworthy.
No extensions or grace periods are authorised for the accomplishment of airworthiness limitations.
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
1.2 Documentation
1.2.1 Maintenance Planning Manual
Airworthiness limitations are a separate section of the MPM and should not be confused with other
MPM sections such as Approved Inspection Programs (ATA 05).
Maintainers track and then coordinate compliance with airworthiness limitations and endeavour to
schedule them during regular inspections.
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
• The avionics
The G1000H externally mounted equipment is likely to have its own RFM supplement and
associated ICA requirements. Examples of these mission related equipment are:
• Search lights
• Gyro cameras
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
Airworthiness Limitations ATA 04
Student Notes
Maintainers track the accomplishment of airworthiness limitations and can provide the pilot with a
maintenance status report that includes the airworthiness limitations status. The report should
specifically classify items as having an airworthiness limitations compliance mandate from MPM
Chapter 04.
The pilot should know how to obtain report information within their respective organisation in
accordance with its policies.
Avionic System Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
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Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
Issue Record
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will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Approved Inspection Programs ................................................................................................................................ 1
1 Approved Inspection Programs ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Approved Inspection Programs and Guidelines ................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 General Guidelines and the Manufacturer’s Approved Inspection Program .................................... 1
1.1.2 Inspection Programs and Maintenance Checks ............................................................................... 3
1.1.3 Extended Inspection Program .......................................................................................................... 4
1.1.4 Progressive Inspection Program ...................................................................................................... 5
1.1.5 Scheduled and Unscheduled Tolerances ......................................................................................... 6
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
AgustaWestland has continuously sought out and achieved approved inspection programs that put
safety and reliability at the forefront. The two approved inspection programs examined in this lesson
have these guidelines for operators:
• The inspection and maintenance of the engine, avionics, and other equipment must be
performed in accordance with the procedures required by relevant manufacturers and
incorporated into the operator’s overall maintenance program approved by their respective
airworthiness authorities.
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
An approved inspection program is also referred to in the regulatory sense as the manufacturer’s
approved inspection program. Regardless of which country’s airworthiness authorities prevail
(European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Directorate
General for Civil Aviation (DGAC), Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Civil Aviation Safety Authority
(CASA), etc.), the manufacturer’s approved program is always referred to as approved data, making
it acceptable for the operator to adapt it into their operations specifications.
In contrast, the operator’s other option of creating, writing and having to achieve an individual
inspection program approval is not necessary. The adaptability of AgustaWestland’s approach to
safety and operator flexibility gives the AW119Kx operator unprecedented choices in approved
inspection programs.
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
• The progressive inspection program (flexibility for annual utilisations at or above 400 hours per
The chosen option becomes the scheduled program and must include the MPM 05-70 lubrication
schedule. Optional equipment inspections in MPM 05-60 may have retirement life parts installed.
Refer to the Airworthiness Limitations section, MPM 04-00-00.
• Special inspections (a daily, a service milestone or component change when they occur)
• Conditional inspections (incidents such as overspeed, over torque, hard landing, lightning
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
With reference to MPM Section 05-20, the extended inspection program consists of:
• 12 months inspection.
The hourly inspections are mathematical multiples as the service life of the aircraft proceeds. The
calendar driven annual inspection occurs outside of the hourly multiples.
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
With reference to MPM Section 05-40, the progressive program of scheduled inspections consists
With reference to MPM 05-00-2, if an operator’s utilisation and scheduling should change, a
transition between programs is authorised from extended to progressive and from progressive to
extended. The MPM details what must be accomplished on the aircraft to comply with such a
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
Scheduled inspection tolerances as per the MPM (05-20 extended and 05-40 progressive
• Tolerances are authorised for the scheduled lubrication items in the MPM (refer to 05-00-00).
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
Unscheduled maintenance check tolerances include special inspection items with no tolerance
• New aircraft having five to 10 flight hours (or after reinstallation of major components)
Approved Inspection Programs ATA 05
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
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are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
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Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
Issue Record
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will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Environmental System .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Air Distribution System .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Air Distribution System ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Lower Cockpit and Cabin Ventilation ............................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Upper Cabin Ventilation .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.3 Windshield Defogging ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.4 Cockpit Ventilation and Side Windows Defogging ........................................................................... 6
2.1.5 Lower Passenger Cabin Diffusers .................................................................................................... 7
2.1.6 Upper Cabin Air Ventilation .............................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Ventilation Controls and Indications ..................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Fresh Air Ventilation Knob ................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.2 Cockpit Vent Switch ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.3 Ventilation System Operation ............................................................................................................. 11
2.3.1 Operational Check .......................................................................................................................... 11
3 Heating and Distribution System ................................................................................................................. 13
3.1 Heating System .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Heating System Components ............................................................................................................. 14
3.2.1 Shutoff Valve .................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.2 Mixing Valve ................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.3 Temperature Sensor ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.4 Over Temperature Switch ............................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Heating Controls and Indications........................................................................................................ 18
3.3.1 Heater System Controls ................................................................................................................. 18
3.3.2 Heater System Indications .............................................................................................................. 20
3.4 Heating System Operation ................................................................................................................. 21
3.4.1 Heater System Usage .................................................................................................................... 21
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
Environmental System
1 Overview
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 General
The environmental system provides ventilation, defogging and heating in two systems:
• An air distribution system having separate lower and upper subsystems of ducting and diffusers
• A ventilation fan motor to boost fresh air volume throughout the lower subsystem
• An engine bleed-air type heating system which uses the lower air distribution system of ducting
and diffusers.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
• For ventilation:
A vent knob, a vent motor and vent fan control switch
• For heating:
A shutoff valve and overhead control switch, a mixing valve and overhead control switch, a
temperature sensor and an over temperature duct monitoring switch
A thermostatic control knob on the overhead console for comfort settings, circuitry protection
and associated wiring complete the environmental system.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The aircraft has a lower and an upper ventilation system. Both are independent of each other and
not connected. The lower vent system provides fresh air for crew and passengers in addition to
• A vent knob
• Eight air diffusers (four for fresh air, four for defogging).
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The upper vent system provides passenger compartment ventilation only. The upper vent system
consists of the following:
Note: The upper vent system provides passenger cabin ventilation only and is not connected to the
lower ventilation system or heater system.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The windshield defogging system is part of the lower ventilation system. Each windshield has its
own diffuser and sources defogging air from the mixing box.
The air mixing box contains an internal cable actuating a gate valve which controls air flow from the
ram air intake. The vent knob is mechanically connected to the gate valve.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The air diffusers are used to distribute air though out the cockpit and to the side windows. There are
two types of air diffusers:
• Defoggers.
Gasper air vents are located on each side of the interseat console. The air flow can be controlled by
rotating the outer ring on the interseat console diffusers (open, close or vary the flow).
Window diffusers are also referred to as defoggers and are located next to the lower windows. They
direct air flow to the lower windows.
The airflow can be controlled by opening or closing the butterfly valves. The butterfly valves are
located in the lower door sills next to the outboard side of each pilot seat.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The lower cabin air diffusers are located below the rear facing passenger seats. They are used to
distribute fresh ventilation air or heated air throughout the cabin.
Note: The arch ducting above the cabin is part of the lower air distribution subsystem and not part
of the upper fresh air only system.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
Unlike the lower cabin ventilation air which is sourced at the lower forward fuselage intake, the
upper cabin air distribution system provides outside ram air for passenger cabin ventilation only and
consists of:
• An upper air intake located in the leading edge forward transmission cowling and always open
to outside air
• The gasper air diffusers located in the ceiling of cabin compartment, air flow can be controlled
by rotating the outer ring on the gasper air outlet.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
When pulled, the vent knob opens the gate valve of the air mixing box permitting ram air from the
forward lower intake to enter the cockpit defoggers, gasper outlets and the ducting of the lower
passenger compartment gasper outlets.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The air distribution system is provided with an electric motor fan to boost ventilation air through the
lower air distribution system. The fan motor is operated by the VENT CKPT switch. The switch
settings are:
When the VENT CKPT switch is in the LOW or HIGH position, the VENT ON advisory message
The fan motor is provided power from the main 28 Vdc (DC bus) by the VENT CKPT circuit breaker.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
Connect ground power. Set GEN switch to ON, Check for presence of airflow from windshield
ensure VENT CKPT circuit breaker is in. diffusers.
Pull vent knob out, set VENT CKPT switch to VENT ON advisory message appears.
Push vent knob in. Check that airflow from windshield diffusers
Set VENT CKPT switch to HIGH. Check that airflow from windshield diffusers
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
Set VENT CKPT switch to OFF. Check that windshield diffusers stop flowing.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The cabin heating system supplies warm air to the cockpit, cabin and defoggers for demisting and
The heating system provides warm air by mixing hot compressor bleed-air with fresh ambient air. It
ties into the lower air distribution system and consists of the following components and controls:
• A temperature sensor that receives settings from the TEMP CONT knob
Overhead console switches to power on the heater system, to close off the mixing valve and to shut
off bleed-air are incorporated as an ON/OFF switch, a MIX switch and a S/OFF switch respectively.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The cabin heating system is provided with a shutoff valve which is fitted on the engine bleed-air line.
The shutoff valve has a nonreturn device and a solenoid which controls the opening and the closing
of the valve. The valve is electrically operated and controlled by the S/OFF switch on the cabin
overhead console.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The mixing valve blends hot bleed-air with fresh ambient air (drawn in from a dedicated upper
fuselage air intake) and adjusts the cabin air flow temperature in response to the setting of the
temperature sensor.
The mixing valve incorporates a solenoid and cockpit switch to enable or disable the mixing valve
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The temperature sensor is a thermal pole expansion type and controls the discharge of hot air from
the mixing valve inlet port by altering the mixing valve internal pressure, thereby adjusting the mixed
air flow through the valve.
The temperature sensor settings are obtained by the operation of a TEMP CONT knob located on
the overhead console.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
An over temperature switch will interrupt the system operation if the air temperature becomes too
hot (above 127 °C).
When activated due to high temperature in the duct to the lower air distribution system, the over
temperature switch will shut down the heating system through a relay which in turn closes the
bleed-air shutoff valve and mixing valve.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
The heating controls are situated on the overhead console, they are:
• The HEATER SYSTEM ON/OFF switch - supplies 28 Vdc for system operation:
• The MIX switch - controls the solenoid fitted in the mixing valve:
o OFF - the mixing valve solenoid is not energised (valve closed). Mixing valve is inoperative
o ON - the solenoid of the mixing valve is open. The mixing valve is operative, energised.
• The S/OFF switch - controls the shutoff valve located on the engine bleed-air line:
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
• The TEMP CONT knob - adjusts the temperature of the heated air to the cockpit and cabin:
o Turn knob as a rheostat thermostat to the desired comfort level (increase or decrease).
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
There is only one Crew Alerting System (CAS) advisory message associated with the heating
system, HEATER ON . This message appears in the Primary Flight Display (PFD) CAS window
when the HEATER SYSTEM switch (a switchable circuit breaker) is placed to the ON position
(system operating).
The shutdown of the heater system due to a duct temperature being too high is automatic and does
not initiate other CAS messages or require pilot interface.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
In flight, the pilot ensures the vent knob is closed (pushed in), the HEATER SYSTEM switch is
selected to ON along with the MIX switch and S/OFF switch (verify HEATER ON advisory
message). The pilot then adjusts the TEMP CONT knob for the desired airflow temperature.
With the switches in the ON position, the airflow from the engine bleed-air port fills the inline venturi
and the shutoff solenoid moves to enable the flooding of the shutoff valve with hot air having a
controlled volume acceptable for mixing valve control.
Hot air proceeds to the inlet of the mixing valve past the mixing valve solenoid (controlled by the
MIX switch). The TEMP CONT knob has cable actuated the temperature sensor (a thermal pole
expansion type) that controls the discharge of hot air from the mixing valve inlet port via a sense
Warm mixed air exits the mixing valve and enters the lower air distribution system. The warm air is
supplied to the cockpit defogger diffusers and gasper outlets along with the lower gasper air outlets
of the passenger cabin.
The operational test of the heating system is found in the maintenance manual (MM 21-41-11) and
requires a ground run for source bleed-air.
Environmental System ATA 21
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
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Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Autoflight System ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Automatic Stabilisation System ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Helipilot System .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Modes of Operation .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 System Architecture ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Helipilot Major Components ................................................................................................................. 5
1.2.1 Helipilot Computer ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.2 Linear Actuators................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2.3 Force Trim Actuators ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.2.4 Vertical Gyros ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.5 Rate Gyro ....................................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.6 Control Position Synchros .............................................................................................................. 11
1.3 Helipilot Controls and Indications ....................................................................................................... 12
1.3.1 Power and Circuit Protection .......................................................................................................... 12
1.3.2 Controls .......................................................................................................................................... 14
1.3.3 Indications ....................................................................................................................................... 15
1.4 Helipilot System - Preflight ................................................................................................................. 17
1.4.1 Preflight Procedures ....................................................................................................................... 17
2 Malfunctions ................................................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 System Malfunctions .......................................................................................................................... 19
2.1.1 In-flight Identification and Indications Management ....................................................................... 19
2.1.2 In-flight Failure of One Helipilot SAS .............................................................................................. 21
2.1.3 Repeated Disturbances During Pitch, Roll or Yaw Operation ........................................................22
2.1.4 Oscillatory Malfunction During Pitch, Roll or Yaw Operation .........................................................23
2.1.5 Single Inverter Failure .................................................................................................................... 24
Annex A - Autoflight System Architecture ....................................................................................................... A1
Annex B - Autoflight System Power ................................................................................................................ B1
Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
Autoflight System
1 Automatic Stabilisation System
1.1 Helipilot System
1.1.1 Overview
The helipilot system in the aircraft is designed to relieve pilot workload. The system accomplishes
this by providing a concise control feel through the dampening of instabilities and by assisting pilot
attitude inputs. When desired, attitude commands can be maintained through the engagement of
the attitude hold function.
Described as a three-axes attitude command, attitude hold, flight control system, the pilot is enabled
to perform desired cockpit functions hands free. The system has a duplex architecture (dual
computers) for redundancy and provides control during all modes of flight, regardless of wind
conditions or centre of gravity.
The dual and redundant helipilot pitch, roll and yaw three axes system consists of:
Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
In normal SAS mode, with both system switches selected, a dampening effect to stabilise the
aircraft with respect to external forces (turbulent air, etc.) is automatic. Pilot initiated inputs are
sensed and not dampened therefore, the system does not interfere with attitude changes controlled
by the pilot.
In ATTD HOLD mode the system is capable of maintaining the attitude of the aircraft, providing the
pilot with limited hands off flying capabilities. The pilot is able to trim the aircraft by operating the
beeper trim selector switch on the cyclic stick.
Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
The autoflight system is also referred to as the SAS. This Sperry type helipilot model is an
automatic stabilisation system that consists of the following component items:
• One miscellaneous switch panel housing the force trim (F-TRIM) switch
Yaw input is made available only to the No. 1 computer in the SAS 1 which has one rate gyro, one
linear actuator and one force trim actuator.
Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
Indications are passed from the helpilot computers to the Garmin Integrated Avionics Unit (GIA) for
display on the Primary Flight Display (PFD) and Multifunctional Display (MFD).
Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
Two computers are located in the right side of the nose bay. The computer is the command centre
of each independent and separately powered SAS 1 (2).
The computer develops the appropriate steering commands for the linear actuators.
Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
All five linear actuators receive steering commands from the respective SAS helipilot computer and
report the actuator position to the computer.
During normal operation with both SAS 1 and SAS 2 engaged, each actuator drives 50% of the
computed input for an axis. In the event of a single SAS failure, the remaining actuator provides the
input at twice the normal rate which may result in a degradation of system performance.
The four pitch and roll linear actuators are assembled and installed in a tandem configuration in line
with (or linear) to the travel path of the control rods going to the mixing unit. Roll actuators and pitch
actuators are paired.
The yaw linear actuator is a single unit placed in tandem with a hydraulic servo for automatic yaw
stabilisation (dampening) in relation to attitude control.
The single yaw linear actuator is dedicated to helipilot computer 1. Therefore, SAS 1 is a three-axes
system and SAS 2 is a two-axes system.
In association with the pilot’s electric beep trim system, the linear actuators accomplish the trimming
off of undesirable flight control pressures.
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Force trim actuators are electrical motor driven actuators for pitch roll and yaw, which when
engaged, maintain a selected attitude enabling the pilot to fly hands free.
The electric motors inside the parallel actuators are used as anchoring points only and will never
move. They only maintain the flight controls by tying them to the internal parallel actuator anchoring
point, when the magnetic clutch (brake) is energized (force trim on) providing a "force feeling" and
"fly through" function, by the internal artificial feel unit (spring).
Autoflight System ATA 22
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These actuators are commonly referred to by their description and not by their system name.
The force trim actuators provide the anchoring point for the linear actuators. The system itself is
powered, controlled, and selected independently via the Miscellaneous Control panel..
All three force trim actuators are located under the pilot and co-pilot seat structure.
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Two VG in the SAS 1 and 2 are located on either side of the GIA-63H units in the nose bay.
The VG senses the combined attitudinal position of the aircraft in relation to both pitch and roll zero
references. The VG is a two degree of freedom gyro using electrical power for maintaining its spin
axis vertical.
Output signals are produced by gimbal angular displacements and sent to the respective helipilot
computer to measure both roll angle and pitch attitude.
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The yaw rate gyro is attached to an L-shaped bracket which is mounted on the forward nose
Yaw rate occurs swiftly in terms of time and the steering command must come equally as fast. A
rate gyro will sense the rate of angular change by measuring time. Output signals are produced and
sent to helipilot computer 1 to sense the yaw angle.
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The five control position synchro transmitter potentiometers are mounted on brackets within the
airframe allowing a tie rod to connect with a bellcrank in each of the pitch, roll and yaw flight control
systems. All five control position synchro transmitters are installed under the pilot and co-pilot seats.
Each synchro transmitter is dedicated solely to one axis of flight.
Helipilot computer 1 uses three synchros and helipilot computer 2 uses two synchros.
The purpose of the synchros is to measure the position of the cyclic and pedals and report those
positions to the respective helipilot computer.
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The SAS receives power and circuit protection from both AC and DC power sources as follows:
o VG 1 and VG 2
• 26 Vac bus:
o SAS 1
o Force trim
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• 28 Vdc bus:
o SAS 2.
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1.3.2 Controls
There are several controls and functions associated with the system. Locations include the helipilot
control panel, the cyclic stick and the miscellaneous switch panel.
Beeper trim selector switch - operative in the ATTD HOLD mode (and both helipilots ON) only.
Movement forward or aft permits longitudinal trimming of the aircraft. Movement right or left permits
lateral trimming of the aircraft.
F-TRIM push button switch - depressing switch causes a release of the cyclic and pedal magnetic
brakes in the force trim actuators. The magnetic brakes re-engage when the switch is released. The
system also drives the linear actuators to the centre position, restoring full authority.
F-TRIM power switch - OFF disengages the magnetic brakes in the force trim actuators, ON
engages the magnetic brakes. Switch is normally OFF during manual manoeuvring (SAS mode) to
relieve the force gradient spring load. Switch position is ON for normal operation (ATT mode).
SAS 2 PUSH button - when depressed, the PITCH/ROLL indicators show the position of the SAS 2
linear actuators when SAS 1 and SAS 2 are selected with the toggle switches.
SAS 1/SAS 2/ATTD HOLD switches - OFF de-energises the respective system/mode. Selecting the
system energises the respective system/mode.
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1.3.3 Indications
Helipilot system cautions are displayed on the Crew Alerting System (CAS) window on the Primary
Flight Display (PFD). The cautions are as follows:
ATT OFF No pitch and roll attitude retention Check ATTD HOLD switch
Probable switch failure
Proceed with flight
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FT OFF Force Trim is turned off Reflects the switch position and
lights when turned off.
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Once the engines are operating normally, part of the preflight procedures from the RFMS Section 2
System Check is to check the helipilot system. The procedure is:
Cyclic stick Motion will cause PITCH and ROLL indicator motion
Autoflight System ATA 22
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Cyclic stick Motion will cause PITCH and ROLL indicator motion
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2 Malfunctions
2.1 System Malfunctions
2.1.1 In-flight Identification and Indications Management
During operation of the duplex helipilot system, malfunctions may manifest themselves which
require pilot intervention:
To remedy the above situations, it is important to understand the functions and management of the
helipilot indicators:
• Turning SAS 1 OFF, the helipilot indicators will automatically switch and reference to SAS 2
• Following one of the two helipilot failures, attitude beep trim on the cyclic is inoperative.
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Note: In normal operations with SAS 1 and SAS 2 selected, the SAS 2 momentary push button
allows the indicators to reference SAS 2 without turning off SAS 1 to see the linear actuator
Autoflight System ATA 22
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Concern Procedure
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If/when experiencing repeated uncommanded disturbances in any axis of flight, the following
procedure should be carried out:
• Continue in accordance with the "Failure of one Helipilot" procedure (Section 3 of the RFMS).
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When experiencing uncommanded oscillatory movements in any axis of flight, the procedure is:
• Identify affected axis, isolate SAS 1 or SAS 2 by observing helipilot indicators, or switch SAS 1
• If SAS 1 disengagement eliminates the oscillation, disengage the failed system and proceed as
per "Failure of one Helipilot" RFMS procedure
• If oscillations occur in yaw, disengage helipilot 1 by switching SAS 1 off and proceed as per
"Failure of one Helipilot" procedure leaving SAS 2 on.
Landing should not be attempted while an oscillatory malfunction exists.
Note: SAS 2 pitch and roll linear actuator positions may be observed by pressing the "SAS 2
PUSH" push button on the helipilot control panel.
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The helipilot system is powered with AC and DC power. In the event of a single inverter failure the
pilot would immediately see the appropriate CAS warnings for the applicable inverter and the
subsequently affected SAS 1(2).
The pilot would follow the RFMS procedure to reset and restore AC power, however, if the failed
inverter remains off-line with the affected SAS the "Failure of one Helipilot" procedure in the RFMS
should be followed.
For reference purposes, the inverters power the SAS 1, SAS 2, VG 1 and VG 2 as follows:
VG 1 SAS 1 VG 2 SAS 2
Autoflight System ATA 22
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Autoflight System ATA 22
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Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
Autoflight System ATA 22
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
Communications ATA 23
Student Notes
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Communications ATA 23
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Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Communications ATA 23
Student Notes
Communications ATA 23
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Communications ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Communication Systems ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Capabilities and Options ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Radio Master Switch and System Protection ................................................................................... 3
1.1.3 System Architecture ......................................................................................................................... 4
2 Audio Integration............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Transceiver ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 GIA-63H Transceiver ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.1.2 Antenna Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 DACS ACP53-100 Audio Management System ................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Audio Management Unit ................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Intercom System Amplifier ................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.3 Remote Memory Unit ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.4 Audio Control Panel ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.3 Audio Control Panel Operation ........................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Self-tests ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Transceiver Audio Selection and Volume ...................................................................................... 12
2.3.3 Dead-Front Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.4 VOX Threshold Control .................................................................................................................. 14
2.3.5 Transmit Selector and TX ICS Switch Controls .............................................................................. 15
2.3.6 RX ICS Volume Control and ISO CALL Button .............................................................................. 16
2.4 Passenger Service Units .................................................................................................................... 17
2.4.1 Push-To-Talk Intercom Access ...................................................................................................... 17
3 Communication Systems Operation ............................................................................................................ 18
3.1 Transceiver Tuning ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.1.1 Press-To-Talk Options .................................................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 G1000 Transceiver Tuning ............................................................................................................. 19
3.2 System Failure .................................................................................................................................... 20
3.2.1 Intercommunication System ........................................................................................................... 20
3.2.2 Radio Master Switch ....................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.3 Failure of No. 1 Garmin Integrated Avionics Unit ........................................................................... 23
3.2.4 Failure of No. 2 Garmin Integrated Avionics Unit ........................................................................... 24
3.2.5 Communication Alerts and Annunciations ...................................................................................... 25
Annex A - Communication System Architecture ............................................................................................. A1
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1 Communication Systems
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Capabilities and Options
• Air-to-air - by Very High Frequency (VHF) means or optional Ultra High Frequency (UHF) and
Frequency Modulation (FM) equipment for specific missions
• Air-to-ground - by VHF means to Air Traffic Control (ATC) or optional UHF, FM, or Satellite
Communication (SatCom) equipment for data, text, voice and flight following
• Internal - between crew members and passengers by means of an Intercom System (ICS).
Air-to-air and air-to-ground communications by VHF means are integrated into the G1000H system
by two independent Garmin Integrated Avionics Unit (GIA)-63H Line Replaceable Units (LRU).
Optional UHF, FM and SatCom configurations are at the customer’s discretion.
Internal communications by means of the ICS are accomplished utilising a Cobham Digital Audio
Control System (DACS) ACP53-100 audio integration system.
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The overall communication system is a 28 Vdc architecture and includes these system controls and
• Antenna system
• Audio Management Unit (AMU) and Audio Control Panel (ACP) for audio integration.
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The radio master switch, located under the Master Caution Light (MCL) of the main console, is a
push button annunciator that controls a relay designed to apply or to disconnect electrical power
from the avionics radio equipment. The control relay is located inside the circuit breaker panel on
the overhead console.
Circuit protection for the radio master switch is provided by the RADIO MSTR circuit breaker on the
28 Vdc bus located on the overhead console.
The ICS is not selectable to OFF as it is a system. The Primary Flight Display (PFD) and the
Multifunction Display (MFD) have their respective annunciator push buttons to power on the GDU-
1040H screens for normal procedure checks, annunciations and engine start items needed prior to
the radio master being selected to ON for radio operations.
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• The selection of any radio system to transmit and receive or multiple systems to be used
• Aural messages to be heard from the AMU derived by the Aural Warning Generator (AWG)
• Communications between the flight crew and the passengers or to select intercom individuals
or groups (isolation functions).
The DACS installation is powered by the 28 Vdc bus. Backup system power is made available
through the battery bus. The primary components and controls of the DACS include:
• The ACP
• Two transceiver foot switches installed on both outboard sides of the cockpit floor.
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2 Audio Integration
2.1 Transceiver
2.1.1 GIA-63H Transceiver
The aircraft has two Garmin Integrated Avionics (GIA)-63H units incorporating two transceivers and
two VHF Omnidirectional Ranging (VOR) receivers fitted as standard. The VOR receivers will be
covered in more detail in the navigation lesson.
The GIA-63H transceiver frequency range is 118.00 to 136.975 MHz in 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz spacing
for 760 or 2280 channel configuration respectively with a minimum transmitting power of 16 W.
Power is supplied from the 28 Vdc bus for transceiver 1 (COM 1) and BAT bus for transceiver 2
(COM 2) and emergency bus for both 1 and 2. The transceivers are also connected to the radio
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The communications radios utilised are each connected to a specific antenna by coaxial cable. All
antenna elements are enclosed in the antenna fibreglass structure. Antenna specifications can vary
due to the frequency band being served. The factory configurations are described in the table
Dayton Granger VFS 10-90-2 No. 1 VHF Com L style, high speed
118.0 - 153.0 MHz
SatCom antennas for voice, text, data and flight following solutions are optionally installed at the
customer’s discretion. They are typically paired as blade and conformal type antennas set together,
mounted above the cockpit just aft of the crew overhead windows.
Configurations vary per customer capability desired and vendor equipment selected.
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The central component of the audio system is the AMU. The purpose of the AMU is to mix audio
signals, transmissions, warnings and intercom demands selected by the pilot. Connected to the
AMU are headsets, transceivers, receivers and the ACP. Should any single connection fail,
redundancy is provided for the power supply, amplifiers, microphones and headphones throughout
multiple modes of operation.
Power to the AMU is provided by two circuit breakers located on the overhead circuit breaker panel.
Primary AMU circuit protection is provided by the AMU PRIM circuit breaker located on the DC bus.
Secondary (emergency) circuit protection is provided by the AMU EMER circuit breaker located on
the BAT bus.
For normal operation the aircraft BUS switch must be in the ON position.
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The ICS amplifier is a remote mounted unit that communicates directly with the AMU providing the
amplification and distribution of radio and intercom for up to six passenger headsets.
There are four headset connections on the Passenger Service Units (PSU) within the cabin of the
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The RMU is located in the avionics compartment on the lower left side. It is designed to store the
ICS software configuration data. Storing the system configuration and aural alert files in the RMU
enables the replacement of the AMU without the need to download new configuration files.
This data can be modified by using a laptop computer running the Device Configuration Software
(DevCs) program and connecting it to the USB port.
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The ACP directs the mixing functions of the AMU according to the pilot desired selections. The ACP
are powered by the AMU. The pilot and co-pilot ACP are independent of each other so that any
failure of one does not compromise the operation of the other pilot communication station.
Two secondary power functions are provided for the ACP. Each ACP utilises a power switch
labelled EMER, BK-UP and NORM to select a suitable power function. The typical operational
switch position is NORM on both ACP.
The BK-UP position allows the pilot to manually select and direct the AMU from the normal power
supplied by the 28 Vdc bus to the BAT bus (AMU PRIM breaker to AMU EMER breaker). The AMU
has the ability to do this automatically if it loses contact with either ACP. In BK-UP mode,
communications to the passenger cabin will be lost. Aural alerts remain.
When the pilot has selected EMER position, functionality is significantly reduced as in BK-UP. The
pilot and co-pilot radio system architecture will be split. The pilot will command COM 2, NAV 2, and
up to three mission radios. The co-pilot will command COM 1, NAV 1, and up to three mission
radios. Audio is at preset factory levels (noise may be excessive in this mode). When in EMER
mode the pilot and co-pilot will have keyed ICS communications (no hot mic ICS function, cyclic ICS
trigger button use required).
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For the ACP to fully function, the power mode control switch must be in the NORM position.
Upon power-up, the ACP will enter a self-test Power-up Built-in Test (PBIT). All indicators will
illuminate for 3 seconds and then extinguish. If the ACP has not established connection to the other
units in the communications management system 3 seconds after power is applied, the ACP
indicator lights expected for normal use will remain extinguished until system connection is
Once sustained operation has been established, the ACP will run a Continuous Built-in Test (CBIT).
Should serial communication be lost for >0.5 seconds, the existing ACP indicator lights will
extinguish and remain off until connection is re-established.
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Along the top of the ACP there are eight audio selection and volume control knobs with
interchangeable, snap in, illuminated transceiver legends.
Each of these knobs has a push on, push off function to select the audio desired to the
headphones. Multiple radio selections can be made to hear simultaneous audio if desired.
Above each control knob is a transmit access indicator. When the associated transceiver is
selected, the respective indicator is illuminated in green.
The ACP can manage up to eight transceivers if so equipped. Blank legend positions can be
selected but the transmit access indicator will not illuminate.
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Three recessed window type operation annunciators are located on the ACP. The identity and
purpose of these annunciators, referred to as dead-front indicators is as follows:
• The transmit active indicator (TX) on the upper left of the ACP illuminates when the unit is
transmitting on any selected transceiver.
• The ISO dead-front indicator will illuminate when the isolation mode has been selected.
• The CALL dead-front indicator flashes to indicate that another user is calling when the system
is in ISO mode.
The CALL indicator will flash once per second for a normal call and at three times per second for a
high priority call. Selection of call types is only available on special mission aircraft from ACP to
ACP and not with PSU which are limited to an ICS PTT ability.
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• Sidetone - the voice threshold at which the speaking pilot’s voice can be heard into his own
headset, sometimes referred to as microphone sensitivity
The VOX control is a rotary knob used to select the VOX threshold or selectable detents of the
ACP. The VOX position is selectable by rotating the knob to the point where no audio can be heard.
Settings will vary with ambient noise conditions and the number of microphones connected to the
system. When rotated fully clockwise, the threshold is at a maximum.
When rotated fully anticlockwise, the threshold is at a minimum (easiest to hear sidetone activated).
The MIN detent position is also known as hot mic. Intercom audio is easily activated by voice.
When rotated anticlockwise into the first detent, the PRESET settings position has been selected.
These are the default installation settings for audio levels.
The PTT position is selected when keyed ICS functionality is desired (use of the cyclic ICS trigger
Receiver squelch is selected on or off by using the G1000H COM VOL/SQ knob (push on, push
Communications ATA 23
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The transmit selector is a nine-position rotary switch knob used to select the desired transceiver for
transmission. When turned fully anticlockwise, the switch is aligned with the ICS only position.
The ICS TX switch is designed as a three-position momentary use, spring-loaded toggle switch with
selection functions as follows:
• Held in the ICS position - the ACP will key all selected users of the intercom for ICS
• Centre - off
• Held in the TX position - the ACP keys the transceiver selected by the transmit selector switch
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The master RX ICS volume control is a dual concentric knob. The inner knob controls the ICS
volume and the outer knob controls the master receiver volume for the entire ACP. Clockwise
turning of either knob increases its respective volume.
ISO/CALL control is a momentary push button switch used to enter into the isolation (ISO) mode
whereby crew and passengers are separated into two intercom groups, neither hearing the other
but each having ICS capability. It allows normal intercom audio communication that does not
interfere with other radio communication. Only cockpit ACP can use ISO. For PSU only the CALL
function of the ISO/CALL button will be enabled as a passenger PTT.
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Intercom communications between pilots and the passengers are managed by PSU equipped with
PTT push buttons to key the ICS system.
The PTT switches are located on four overhead cabin PSU, collocated with the reading light and
headset plug in jack.
The PSU also has a READ switch that turns the reading lamp on/off.
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Unless the VOX setting is set to allow a hot mic, the pilots must select one of the PTT switches
before a transmission can be made on the intercom or radios.
The passengers can only use the PTT button on the PSU to talk on the intercom.
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The GIA-63H transceiver is tuned through the G1000H display. This will be covered in the indication
and display lesson.
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In the event of a failure that causes the loss of audio control functionality:
• The AMU has failed to automatically switch from the 28 Vdc bus to the BAT bus (AMU PRI to
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Result: COM 2, NAV 2 only, no hot Result: COM 1, NAV 1 only, no hot -
mic ICS, keyed only mic ICS, keyed only
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In the event of a RADIO MASTER switch failure to the OFF position, pull the RADIO MSTR circuit
breaker, then use the radio equipment as desired.
The switch could be either unlighted entirely, or mechanically will not switch to ON.
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The No. 1 GIA incorporates COM 1, NAV 1, GPS 1 and various Crew Alerting System (CAS) input
signals that display on the PFD. Indications of a failed No. 1 GIA are:
COM 1, NAV 1 windows blank with red COM 1, NAV 1 windows blank with red Message: TRAFFIC FAIL
X superimposed X superimposed
SAS 1 SAS 2 VG 1 VG 2
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The No. 2 GIA incorporates COM 2, NAV 2, GPS 2 and various CAS input signals that display on
the PFD. Indications of a failed No. 2 GIA are:
COM 2, NAV 2 windows blank with red COM 2, NAV 2 windows blank with red Not applicable
X superimposed X superimposed
Loss of switch functions: ENG PAGE (cyclic button), AWG TEST and AWG REGRADE,
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The following advisories are G1000H system related messages and are displayed in the PFD
message window below the CAS window:
COM 1 (COM 2) PTT Key stuck, unit will shut down in 35 Use other COM
COM 1 (COM 2) SERVICE Diagnostic fault detected COM may still be usable
COM 1 (COM 2) TEMP Over temperature, reduced transmit Use other COM
GIA1 (2) COOLING GIA unit has exceeded its temperature Use GIA fail procedure
Communications ATA 23
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Communications ATA 23
Student Notes
Communications ATA 23
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Electrical Power ATA 24
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Electrical Power ATA 24
Student Notes
Electrical Power ATA 24
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Electrical Power ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
1 System Architecture....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2 DC Electrical Power ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 DC System Components ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 DC Busbars ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Main Battery...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.4 External Power Receptacle .............................................................................................................. 7
2.1.5 Starter Generator .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.6 Generator Control Unit ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.7 DC Relay Box ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 AC Electrical Power ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.2.1 AC Power Distribution .................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Inverters .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.3 Sensing Relays ............................................................................................................................... 14
3 System Controls and Indications ................................................................................................................. 15
3.1 System Controls and Indications ........................................................................................................ 15
3.1.1 DC System Controls ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.2 DC System Warnings and Cautions ............................................................................................... 17
3.1.3 DC Power Indicators ....................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.4 AC Power Cautions and Indicators................................................................................................. 20
3.1.5 AC System Controls ....................................................................................................................... 21
4 System Operations ...................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1 DC System Initialisation ...................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.1 DC Buses Powered by the Main Battery ........................................................................................ 23
4.1.2 DC Buses Powered by an External Ground Unit ............................................................................ 25
4.1.3 External Ground Power Start.......................................................................................................... 27
4.1.4 DC Buses Powered by the Generator ............................................................................................ 29
4.2 AC System Initialisation ...................................................................................................................... 30
4.2.1 AC Buses Powered by the Inverters............................................................................................... 30
5 System Abnormals....................................................................................................................................... 32
5.1 Component Failures ........................................................................................................................... 32
5.1.1 Generator Failure............................................................................................................................ 32
5.1.2 Emergency DC Bus Failure ............................................................................................................ 35
5.1.3 Main Battery.................................................................................................................................... 38
5.1.4 Inverter Off-line ............................................................................................................................... 39
Annex A - Electrical Power Schematic .................................................................................................................. A1
Electrical Power ATA 24
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Electrical Power ATA 24
Student Notes
Electrical Power
1 System Architecture
1.1 General Introduction
1.1.1 Overview
The overall electrical system of the aircraft consists of two electrical systems:
• The 115 V-26 V 400 Hz, single phase Alternating Current (AC) system.
The electrical system installed on the aircraft is powered by single wire circuits with a common
ground return through the aircraft structure.
• 1 x generator
• 1 x battery
Electrical Power ATA 24
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To energise the AC system, the source is DC voltage which powers two static inverters for AC
Electrical Power ATA 24
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2 DC Electrical Power
2.1 DC System Components
2.1.1 Overview
The DC electrical system is the main electrical power supply system of the aircraft. The major
components of the DC system are the:
• DC busbars
• Battery
• Starter generator
• DC relay box.
In normal operations, the engine driven starter generator is the 28 Vdc primary source of power. It is
connected in parallel to the DC busbar distribution system.
Electrical Power ATA 24
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When in flight, with the generator failed, the battery furnishes the necessary power for the operation
of onboard systems so that the aircraft can make a safe emergency landing.
On the ground, with the generator off, the aircraft can be powered either by the battery or by a
ground power unit connected to the external power receptacle.
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2.1.2 DC Busbars
The 28 Vdc power supplied by the ground power unit, main battery or the engine driven generator,
is distributed to the individual DC electrical circuits through a busbar system composed of three
buses identified as:
The BATTERY bus is located inside the DC relay box. The 28 Vdc bus (DC bus) and the
EMERGENCY bus are both located inside the circuit breaker panel on the overhead console.
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Alternatively, a lead-acid battery of the same voltage and capacitance may be fitted as a customer
Battery power is used for limited ground operation or for engine starting when DC external power is
not available, or as an emergency source of power in the event of generator failure.
The negative terminal of the battery is grounded to the airframe structure and the positive terminal
is connected to the BATTERY bus through the battery relay. Connection between battery and
aircraft cabling is obtained by a quick disconnect plug.
The battery is connected to the BATTERY bus via a battery contactor relay, operated by the BAT
switch located on the overhead electrical switch panel. This circuit is protected by the BATT RLY
circuit breaker, located on the DC relay box.
Multifunction Display (MFD) voltmeter must be reading 24 V minimum for a battery start (Rotorcraft
Flight Manual Supplement (RFMS) Normal Procedures, Section 2).
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The external power system provides a ground means to supply the aircraft with 28 Vdc power. The
system consists of an external power receptacle, located on the right side of the nose and an
external power relay, located inside of the DC relay box.
The external power connector is of the tri-polar type. When external power is connected, the two
positive terminals (one short, one long) are energised. The short positive terminal energises the
external power relay coil closing the contacts and therefore provides power to the BATTERY bus
and the EMERGENCY bus.
When an external electrical power source is connected to the aircraft and the BUS switch is set to
ON, all aircraft buses are energised.
The access door of the external power receptacle actuates a microswitch, which causes the
EXT PWR ON caution light in the Crew Alerting System (CAS) window of the Primary Flight
Display (PFD) to illuminate. The Master Caution Light (MCL) will also illuminate and an aural alert
sounds (one chime).
Note: The EXT PWR ON annunciation does not necessarily mean that the aircraft is receiving
external power. External power is verified on the MFD voltmeter and must be at least 28 V. The
external power annunciation is a caution for the pilot to acknowledge that the door is not secure.
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One starter generator unit is installed on the engine accessory gearbox providing engine start when
operated as an electric starter motor. The starter motor function automatically disengages when N1
is approximately 43%.
After the engine start, the starter reverts to a generator, driven by the engine and controlled by the
GCU to provide the necessary 28 Vdc power output.
The generator is rated up to 200 A for continuous use with 200 A as a maximum output. A transient
output of 300 A is allowed for up to 5 seconds.
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The purpose of the GCU, located in the nose of the aircraft, is to control the starter generator in the
following functions:
• Starter control
• Voltage regulation
• Overvoltage protection
• Overexcitation protection
Precludes a generator field overvoltage
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The purpose of the DC relay box is to assemble vital relays in one location, where control of each
relay is accessible by crewmembers in the cockpit by means of pull type circuit breakers on the face
of the relay box.
The DC relay box is located to the right of the pedestal and under the instrument panel behind a
hinged cover.
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Electrical Power ATA 24
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The purpose of the AC system is to supply the aircraft with stable high frequency AC electricity.
There are two different voltages available (26 Vac and 115 Vac). Both are produced at 400 Hz, by
two static single phase inverters. Each inverter produces both 26 Vac and 115 Vac outputs.
The output of each inverter powers two separate AC buses. In total there are four fuse protected AC
• 26 Vac busbar 1
• 26 Vac busbar 2
There are provisions to power all four AC busbars by either inverter separately. The primary use of
AC power is for the Stability Augmentation System (SAS) actuators and gyros.
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2.2.2 Inverters
The AC is supplied by two separate 250 VA single phase static inverters, requiring 28 Vdc power
input supplied from the:
• DC EMERGENCY bus through the INV 1 circuit breaker and INV1 ON-OFF switch.
• The 28 Vdc bus (DC bus), through the INV 2 circuit breaker and the INV 2 ON-OFF switch.
The protective circuit breakers and control switches are located on the overhead console. Each
inverter supplies, via a dedicated sensing relay, 115 Vac and 26 Vac single phase, at 400 Hz to its
own 115 Vac and 26 Vac distribution buses.
In the event of one inverter failure, the dedicated sensing relay de-energises, connecting the failed
inverter buses to the other operating inverter.
If a single output failure in one inverter occurs (either 26 Vac or 115 Vac), the pilot can manually de-
energise connecting the inverter failed buses to the other operating inverter (a partially functioning
inverter would be switched to OFF).
Each AC busbar has a fuse, installed on the harness in the nose compartment to protect each AC
distribution busbar. In the event of a fuse failure, the corresponding busbar is lost.
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Sensing relays monitor the AC voltage output of each inverter. The sensing relay will affect an AC
load transfer in the event of:
• An inverter failure
The associated sensing relay paired to each inverter automatically transfers the AC system load to
the remaining inverter without pilot interface.
The sensing relays paired to the inverters are located under the nose avionics shelf.
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The DC system controls allow the crewmember to select and control the 28 Vdc power.
o ON: The generator is energised and with the N1 at 61% rpm, the generator feeds power to
the busbars
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o ON: The battery feeds power to the battery busbar and the EMERGENCY bus.
• The red hinged gang bar (electrical master) provides the following function:
o Simultaneous selection to OFF for the BAT switch and the GEN switch, thereby
disconnecting all power from the buses.
• The only control of the ground power is the actual connection of the ground power cable to the
o Connected: Ground power to the battery busbar and emergency bus (MFD verified, door
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The DC system indications allow the crewmember to be aware of the system status through visual
displays and messages. The voltage and current are displayed on the MFD and messages are
displayed in the CAS window of the PFD.
Warning messages:
The Master Warning Light (MWL) will illuminate with tone and aural warnings. A 900 Hz tone and
the word "WARNING" sounds for the following:
Warning Description
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Caution messages:
The MCL will illuminate and an aural single chime sounds for the following:
Caution Description
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DC system indications allow the pilot to monitor DC system performance for voltage (labelled VDC)
and current flow (labelled as AMP). The voltage and current are displayed on the MFD only.
• A digital window format having the voltage and amperage collocated below the FUEL PS
indication is most prevalent. This digital window format, on the lower left corner of the MFD is
used in almost every MFD page group (NAV, WPT, AUX, FPL, NRST).
• A dedicated MFD page group having one page in the group that displays a dual needle type
indicator, accompanied by digital readouts for voltage and amperage. This type of display is
available on the MFD Engine Information System (EIS) page group. The ELEC display on the
full page MFD EIS page presents the generator voltage and amp load with a colour coded dual
gauge with digital values (MFD large FMS knob to the EIS page group).
The ammeter:
The voltmeter:
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AC system cautions allow the pilot to status the system primarily through visual messages. Inverter
caution messages are displayed in the CAS window of the PFD.
Caution messages:
The MCL will illuminate and an aural single chime sounds for the following:
Caution Description
No needle type indicators or system performance indicator windows are on the MFD for the AC
power system. They are not required due to system redundancy, fused busbars protection,
dedicated inverter circuit protection and pilot selectable switching.
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AC system controls allow the pilot to select and control the source of AC power to the 115 Vac and
26 Vac AC buses through pilot selectable switching.
The protective circuit breakers and control switches are located on the overhead console. The
aircraft is flown with both inverters selected to ON (RFMS Section 2: Normal Procedures).
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Prior to take-off, the pilot accomplishes an AC electrical system control and operational test using
the inverter switches:
Switch Description
INV1 switch to OFF PFD CAS INV 1 OFF (MCL and single chime).
INV2 switch to OFF PFD CAS INV 1 OFF (MCL and single chime).
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4 System Operations
4.1 DC System Initialisation
4.1.1 DC Buses Powered by the Main Battery
are accomplished prior to initialisation of the DC system buses for the purposes of flight.
o The accessible circuit breakers are checked set to be IN (START RLY, IGN and CTL
o The BAT switch closes the battery relay contactor in the DC relay box
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o Battery current flows through the emergency relay contactor to the EMERGENCY bus.
o The bus tie relay contactor closes allowing current flow from the battery to the 28 Vdc bus
(DC bus)
o All three DC buses are now powered (BATT bus, EMERGENCY bus, and the DC bus).
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A battery start is an acceptable practice. However, a ground power start is a standard practice that
results in a faster start with a lower peak starting temperature.
o Ensure that the power unit starting amperage is not set above the capacity of the starter
o Switch on ground power to the aircraft (precluding possible injury and arcing)
o Verify that the ground power unit is supplying 28 Vdc power (MFD window or EIS page
• Circuitry functions:
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o When external power is applied, the short positive pin in the receptacle pulls the ground
power relay contactor closed. Power is then provided to all three DC buses and to the
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• The battery only voltage was previously verified and is 24 Vdc (ensuring that excessive heat
build-up due to low battery voltage does not become a factor when the generator is brought
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o The GCU to close the generator relay contactors (one contactor also causing the
emergency relay contactor to close)
o As the engine accelerates towards IDLE N1 RPM, it is no longer reliant upon starter motor
rotation. The starter motor disengages at 43% N1 automatically
o Starter motor disengagement is accomplished when the generator relay contactor opens
and thereby signals the emergency relay contactor to open as well
o The starter motor is off-line and all three DC buses are still externally powered.
• After idle is established (61% N1 ± 1%) and the Power Lever Angle (PLA) is verified in IDLE,
the pilot signals for external power to be removed:
o When the power from the external ground power unit is switched off, the small receptacle
pin opens the ground power relay contactor
o The external power door is verified closed and the door microswitch extinguishes the
EXT PWR ON caution message
o With external power removed and the GEN switch still selected OFF, the aircraft will revert
to powering the three DC buses with the battery
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With the starter motor requirement having been employed to start the engine, the generator must be
brought online to preserve battery power since the external power has been removed:
• GEN switch: ON
Circuitry functions:
o The GCU to close the generator relay contactors (one contactor also causing the
emergency relay contactor to close)
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With all three DC buses powered by the generator, the four AC system buses can be brought
Circuitry functions:
• The INV1 switch to ON allows EMERGENCY bus DC current flow to the input side of the No. 1
• The INV2 switch to ON allows 28 Vdc (DC bus) current flow to the input side of the No. 2
• No. 1 inverter internally converts the DC input into 26 Vac and 115 Vac outputs. The respective
voltage outputs go to the No. 1 sensing relay. The sensing relay in turn provides power to
energise the 26 Vac bus 1 and the 115 Vac bus 1.
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• No. 2 inverter internally converts the DC input into 26 Vac and 115 Vac outputs. The respective
voltage outputs go to the No. 2 sensing relay. The sensing relay in turn provides power to
energise the 26 Vac bus 2 and the 115 Vac bus 2.
Note: Sensing relays are interconnected allowing all four AC buses to be powered. If a sensing
relay detects an anomaly causing it to de-energise, the second sensing relay provides power.
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5 System Abnormals
5.1 Component Failures
5.1.1 Generator Failure
A generator failure will cause the electrical system to rely solely upon battery current.
In the event of a generator failure, the GEN switch would be moved into the momentary RESET
position and then switched to ON. If the generator failure is confirmed:
The amount of time the battery can sustain this condition is approximately 30 minutes.
The 28 Vdc (DC bus) will be load shed by the BUS switch being selected to OFF. The following
CAS caution messages will appear:
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• SAS 2
Note: The engine will be fed by the No. 1 fuel pump. It is imperative to land well within 30 minutes
before the battery discharges.
The following equipment and systems will be INOPERATIVE per RFMS Section 3: Emergency and
Malfunction Procedures:
• No. 2 inverter
• SAS 2
• COM 1
• Radar altimeter
• XM weather
• Heater
• Engine heater
• Position lights
• Chip burner
• SkyConnect™
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• Tail floodlights.
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A failure of the EMERGENCY bus is detectable through a combination of coincidental failures. The
coincidental failures are:
• SAS 1
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• If the bus resets, continue with the flight and monitor for another failure.
Fly manually and avoid flight in visible moisture or rain. Flight in autorotation is prohibited.
CAUTION fuel in the right tank, less than 120 kg, is no longer usable.
In the event of an EMERGENCY bus failure, the following systems are all INOPERATIVE:
• ITT compensation
• Fuel valve
• No. 1 inverter
• SAS 1
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• Anti-collision lights
• Pitot heat
Note: In the case of a RADIO MASTER switch failure to the OFF position, disengage the RADIO
MASTER circuit breaker, then use the radio equipment as desired.
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Electrical Power ATA 24
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In the event of a single inverter failure, the remaining inverter will automatically power the 115 Vac
and 26 Vac buses of the failed inverter without pilot interface.
Caution messages:
Electrical Power ATA 24
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Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
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Equipment and Furnishings ATA 25
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Issue Record
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will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Equipment and Furnishings ATA 25
Student Notes
Equipment and Furnishings ATA 25
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Equipment and Furnishings ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Furnishings .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Seats ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Crew Seats ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Passenger Seats .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Equipment............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.1 Passenger Step ................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Emergency Locator Transmitter .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Emergency Locator Transmitter ........................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Components ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Controls ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.4 Operation .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Equipment and Furnishings ATA 25
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Equipment and Furnishings ATA 25
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This aircraft utilises two crew seats, each installed on a set of seat guides, adjustable forward
and aft utilising rollers controlled by a lever and locking device.
Each crew seat utilises a four-point shoulder harness system outfitted with a centre quick-
release fitting.
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The passenger seat configuration on board the aircraft is based on requirements dictated by the
The standard configuration consists of three forward and three aft facing seats utilising a
standard safety belt/shoulder harness/inertial reel combination.
A variety of passenger or utility seat configurations are available for other missions such as
Search and Rescue (SAR) or Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS).
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1.2 Equipment
1.2.1 Passenger Step
A passenger step, mounted to the lower left side of the cabin is installed to facilitate passengers
entering the aircraft. The step is mounted in a fixed position.
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The purpose of the Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) is to help locate the aircraft after a
crash or an emergency landing.
The ELT emits a standard emergency tone on frequencies 121.5 and 243.0 MHz automatically
when a velocity change of 3.5 fps ±0.5 fps and/or when a sustained cross axis force of 30 g or
more is experienced. This emergency tone is emitted every 50 seconds for a duration of 520
The ELT is also equipped with the Search and Rescue Satellite (SARSAT) function. When the
ELT is activated, a signal is simultaneously transmitted over the 406.025 MHz frequency.
Broadcasted over this frequency is a digital message containing the transmitter serial number,
the country code and manufacturer. This information is decoded by ground computers which
translate the information received into the owner's name, address, telephone number and type
of aircraft, all of which get relayed to the Search And Rescue (SAR) team.
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2.1.2 Components
o The battery pack is composed of four rechargeable D-cell batteries designed to allow
transmission over a 72 hour continuous period.
o Fitted inside the vertical fin leading edge and located near the base of the fin.
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2.1.3 Controls
The ELT panel has a switch and an indicator light. The switch has two positions:
The "ON" position can be used to test the ELT operation. The test should be conducted under
the rules for the local area. The transmission can be monitored using the VHF radio.
Equipment and Furnishings ATA 25
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2.1.4 Operation
For flight operations, the cockpit instrument panel remote switch assembly should be in the
ARM position.
Under normal operation, the switch configuration for the ELT unit is the OFF position. Should
manual activation of the ELT be desired, gain access and simply place the switch to the ON
If the ELT is accidentally activated, the unit can be manually reset by placing the switch to ON,
then immediately back to ARM.
When the ELT is set to ARM, the G switch is designed to activate with a change of velocity of
3.5 fps ± 0.5 fps both under normal conditions and while being subjected to 30 G’s of cross axis
Equipment and Furnishings ATA 25
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Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
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subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
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Fire Protection ATA 26
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will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Fire Protection ATA 26
Student Notes
Fire Protection ATA 26
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Fire Protection .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Engine Bay Fire Detection System ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Fire Detection System .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 System Description and Operation ................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Fire Detector and Sensor ................................................................................................................. 3
1.1.4 Indications ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.5 Rotorcraft Flight Manual ................................................................................................................... 5
2 Cockpit and Cabin ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Cabin and Cockpit Fire Protection ........................................................................................................ 6
2.1.1 Portable Fire Extinguisher ................................................................................................................ 6
Fire Protection ATA 26
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Fire Protection ATA 26
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Fire Protection
1 Engine Bay Fire Detection System
1.1 Fire Detection System
1.1.1 Overview
The purpose of the fire detection system in the aircraft is to detect the presence of fire or
excessive temperature in the engine compartment. It employs a sense loop and detector to
relay information to the G1000H Crew Alerting System (CAS) and Aural Warning Generator
The pilot will need to instinctively know and react to the visual and aural warnings provided, in
accordance with the Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM) emergency procedures.
There is no fire detection system fitted in the cockpit or cabin on this aircraft.
Fire Protection ATA 26
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The fire detector is installed in the engine compartment and connected by means of a wiring
harness to the G1000H. The fire detector is a pneumatic type system and is composed of the
following main parts:
• Sensor circuit - the sensor element is a sealed 0.62" diameter tube (loop) which contains a
core material capable of releasing an extremely large volume of helium gas when it
exceeds a certain temperature.
• Pressure switch - when the gas pressure in the sensor element exceeds a preset value, a
snap action pressure switch is activated and a signal is sent to the G1000H CAS.
The system is powered by 28 Vdc bus through the FIRE DET circuit breaker on the overhead
Fire Protection ATA 26
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When excessive heat or flames occur at any point in the sense loop, the reaction of the core
material is to create large amounts of helium gas. The helium builds in volume and pressure to
a point in the detector whereby the snap switch moves to complete the electrical circuit to the
Fire Protection ATA 26
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1.1.4 Indications
The CAS is integral to the G1000H system and all visual and aural alerts are displayed on and
generated by the G1000H system. The system uses aircraft sensors, detectors and switches for
CAS generation. The CAS message window is presented on the Primary Flight Display (PFD) or
the Multifunction Display (MFD) if in reversionary mode.
• In the event of an engine overheat or fire being detected in engine compartment, the
G1000H will do the following:
o Master Warning Light (MWL) located on the right-hand side of the instrument panel will
o Aural alert to draw the pilot's attention to the ENG FIRE warning.
• In the event of engine fire detection system being inoperative, the G1000H will do the
o Master Caution Light (MCL) located on the right-hand side of the instrument panel will
o Aural alert to draw the pilot's attention to the FIRE DET caution.
Warnings are accompanied by an aural alert tone followed by a specific aural alert vocal
message (in this case "ENGINE FIRE"). Cautions are accompanied by a single aural alert tone.
Fire Protection ATA 26
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The RFM has three procedures that are associated with fire detection, they are:
Fire Protection ATA 26
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The aircraft is equipped with a portable, manually operated fire extinguisher installed on the
console between the pilot and co-pilot seats.
The mounting bracket is a quick-release type for rapid removal of the fire extinguisher. The
extinguisher agent is Halon 1211 and can be used against small fires, flammable liquid fires and
electrical fires.
Step Task
3. Direct and squeeze trigger, aiming for the base of the ignition source.
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
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Fuel System ATA 28
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Fuel System ATA 28
Student Notes
Fuel System ATA 28
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Fuel System .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Fuel System Architecture .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 1
2 The Fuel Storage System .............................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Storage System Components ............................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Upper Tank ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Lower Tanks ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Drain Valves ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.4 Fuel Tank Vents................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1.5 Supplementary Fuel Tanks............................................................................................................... 8
3 The Fuel Distribution System ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Fuel Distribution Components .............................................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 No. 2 Tank Transfer Pump ............................................................................................................... 9
3.1.2 No. 1 Tank Boost Pumps ................................................................................................................ 11
3.1.3 Ejector Units ................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.4 Pump Collector Assemblies ............................................................................................................ 13
3.1.5 Flapper Valves ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.6 Fuel Shutoff Valve .......................................................................................................................... 15
4 Fuel Indicating System ................................................................................................................................ 16
4.1 Fuel Indicating Components ............................................................................................................... 16
4.1.1 Fuel Computing Unit ....................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.2 Tank Quantity Probes ..................................................................................................................... 18
5 Fuel System Controls and Indications ......................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Control Panels .................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1.1 Fuel Management Control Panel .................................................................................................... 19
5.1.2 Miscellaneous Panel Test Switch ................................................................................................... 20
5.2 Indications ........................................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.1 Fuel Quantity .................................................................................................................................. 22
5.2.2 Fuel Pressure ................................................................................................................................. 23
6 System Operations ...................................................................................................................................... 24
6.1 System Operation ............................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.1 Tank Replenishment Sequence ..................................................................................................... 24
6.1.2 Fuel Distribution Functions ............................................................................................................. 25
6.1.3 Fuel Depletion Sequence ............................................................................................................... 26
7 System Abnormals....................................................................................................................................... 28
7.1 System Messages .............................................................................................................................. 28
7.1.1 FUEL LOW ..................................................................................................................................... 28
7.1.2 F LOW FAIL .................................................................................................................................... 30
7.1.3 FUEL PUMP 1 (2) ........................................................................................................................... 31
7.1.4 XFER PUMP ................................................................................................................................... 32
7.1.5 FUEL DRAIN 1(2) ........................................................................................................................... 33
Fuel System ATA 28
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Fuel System ATA 28
Student Notes
Fuel System
1 Fuel System Architecture
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 General
• Two main lower tanks (Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement (RFMS) designations: No. 1 left
and No. 2 right)
Fuel System ATA 28
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All three tanks are filled through one external, common filler cap located on the top right side of the
upper tank. A customer option to fit one or two aft cabin supplementary tanks is available for range
A shutoff valve, pump control switches and connecting lines complete the system, controlling and
moving the fuel. A fuel management panel is installed on the centre console for system control.
Fuel pressure, quantity and caution messages are integral to the G1000H Primary Flight Display
(PFD) and Multifunction Display (MFD) displays, each having different presentations.
Fuel System ATA 28
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All system tanks are a flexible bladder-type design constructed of rubberised fabric. The upper tank
is specifically located aft of the cabin rear wall and forward of the rear avionics bay.
• Is housed and supported by a combination of honeycomb composite panels and the upper
portion of the fuselage bulkhead
• Is flanged to both lower tanks and supplies both lower tanks (No. 1 left and No. 2 right) by
means of gravity feed
• Accommodates return flow lines from the engine flow divider and the engine supply shutoff
valve. Fuel quantity and level warning circuitry is routed to the connector plates located on the
top of the upper tank
Fuel System ATA 28
Student Notes
• Incorporates an anti-surge baffle laced into the upper tank to restrict fuel from shifting side to
side during flight (not shown for clarity)
• Is secured by the fuel filler cap flange located on the right upper side of the tank.
Fuel System ATA 28
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Two independent lower tanks are connected by flanges to the upper tank and located under the
cabin rear seats and cabin rear extension. The lower tank design features include:
• A longitudinal anti-surge baffle dividing it into forward and rear cells (a cell is a section within a
• A flapper valve installed on the bottom side of the anti-surge baffle of the lower tanks allowing
fuel transfer from the rear cell to the forward cell with a level or nose down attitude of the
aircraft, stopping fuel from moving aft in a nose high attitude
• The cells, forward and rear retained in shape by metal rings attached to the structure by nylon
• Fuel feeding and transfer lines routed through the flanges connecting the lower tanks with the
upper tank.
The tanks are secured to the structure by the pump attachment flange located on the lower side of
the forward cell and the drain valve attachment flange located on the lower side of the rear cells.
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The drain valves allow the pilot to sample the fuel from each of the four lower tank cells for colour,
clarity, contaminants and particulate matter.
Manual drain valves are located on the sumps of the left tank booster pumps and the right tank
transfer pump (forward cells of the lower tanks).
Electrically operated drain valves are installed on the lowest part of each rear cell of the lower
tanks. These valves allow draining of all the fuel from the tank cells and also allows fuel sampling.
The electrically operated drain valves are controlled by a panel having a three-position switch
accessible through the left fuselage step panel. The switch settings are:
• Off
Opening of the drain valves will illuminate the Crew Alerting System (CAS)
FUEL DRAIN 1(2) caution message.
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The tanks are equipped with a double venting system to equalise the inside and the outside
pressures in all operating conditions.
Two pipelines are connected to the top of the upper tank and routed separately across the top of
the tank and then down to the belly vent on opposite sides. The routing of the vent lines precludes
inadvertent syphoning. Fuel is also precluded from overflowing internally if over serviced and under
all normal flight operating conditions.
Each vent line is protected by an inline flame arrestor which prevents ignition of the fuel vapours
back to the upper tank in the event of a lightning strike or errant static source.
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The purpose of the supplementary fuel tanks is to increase the range of the aircraft. The tanks are
an optional installation providing up to 265 litres of additional capacity. Fuel transfer from the
supplementary fuel tanks to the main fuel tank is by gravity. The tanks consist of two separate and
independent rubberised fabric cells. The right tank capacity is 105 litres having a fuel weight of 84
kg. The larger left tank capacity is 160 litres, having a fuel weight of 128 kg.
The AW119Kx may be equipped with both the right and left supplementary fuel tanks or with the
right fuel tank only. Use of the larger left supplementary tank as a single installation is prohibited
(RFM Optional Equipment Supplement No. 9).
Each supplemental fuel tank is flanged directly to and above the onside lower fuel tank. Fuel feeds
directly to the respective lower tank by means of gravity through the flanged port. The tanks are
positioned behind the rear cabin seats.
Each tank is separately vented and is equipped with a dedicated fuel quantity probe that is
connected to the fuel computing unit.
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The purpose of the fuel distribution system is to provide fuel from the storage tanks to the engine.
The fuel transfer pump positions, or transfers the gravity fed fuel supply in the right lower No. 2 tank
into the left lower No. 1 tank. Specifically, the transfer pump moves the fuel from the forward cell of
the right lower tank to the rear cell of the left lower tank.
• Is installed on the sump in the forward cell of the right lower tank
• Has a pressure switch is fitted at the bottom. The pressure switch provides the caution
message X-FER PUMP .
• A direct mechanically pumped flow over to the No. 1 left lower tank rear cell
Fuel System ATA 28
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• A mechanically pumped additional flow to the ejector pump in the rear cell of the No. 2 right
lower tank to establish motive flow.
The motive flow of the ejector pump moves rear cell fuel into the forward cell of the No. 2 tank
across the anti-surge baffle for collection by the transfer pump. The fuel transfer pump is powered
through a dedicated circuit breaker on the EMERGENCY bus.
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Boost pumps send fuel from the forward cell of the No. 1 left lower tank to the engine. The boost
pumps additionally provide flow to the ejector pump in the rear cell of the No. 1 left lower tank to
establish motive flow.
The motive flow of the ejector pump moves rear cell fuel into the forward cell of the No. 1 left lower
tank, across the anti-surge baffle for collection by the boost pumps.
• Two redundant boost pumps installed on the pump drain sump in the forward cell of the left
lower tank
• Submersion-type boost pumps having a centrifugal flow that operate on 28 Vdc power
• A pressure switch fitted at the bottom of each boost pump. The pressure switch provides the
caution message FUEL PUMP 1(2) to indicate a boost pump failure (pressure less than 3.5
psi ± 0.5 psi).
The boost pumps are fuel system redundant and electrically redundant. Either boost pump can
supply the engine with a fuel amount that is greater than the engine requires at any power setting.
The pumps are electrically redundant since the No. 1 boost pump is powered by a dedicated circuit
breaker labelled FUEL PUMP 1 on the BATTERY bus and the No. 2 boost pump is powered by a
dedicated circuit breaker labelled FUEL PUMP 2 on the 28 Vdc (DC bus).
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The function of the ejector units in the fuel distribution system is to transfer fuel from the rear cell to
the forward cell of both lower tanks even when the aircraft is in a nose up attitude.
One ejector unit is installed on each rear cell of the lower tanks. Ejector units move the fuel into the
forward cell across the anti-surge baffle at a rate greater than the fuel consumption of the engine.
This prevents any fuel being trapped behind the baffle when the aircraft is in nose up attitude.
The ejector unit is powered by fuel sent under pressure, by the boost pumps (No. 1 tank) and
simultaneously, the transfer pump (No. 2 right tank) via their respective supply lines.
A check valve is installed on the supply line of the ejector unit in the No. 1 tank to prevent air being
drawn in when the booster pumps are stopped and the fuel level is below the ejector outlet.
Note: An ejector unit may also be referred to as a jet pump or motive flow pump. A jet flow being
induced by a mechanical pump through a venturi tube creates a suction that can be used by a
pickup line to scavenge fuel and distribute it to another cell or tank.
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Regardless of pump type, either boost pump or transfer pump, the pump output (supply) is received
by a collector.
• Collects the two pump supplies dividing them into the left ejector unit supply line and the engine
supply line flows
• Has check valves between the pump supply line and the inlet port of the collectors to prevent
fuel return in the event of a boost pump failure.
• Collects the pump supply line fuel and divides it into the fuel transfer supply line and the right
ejector unit supply line flows
• Has check valves between the pump supply line and the inlet port of the collector to prevent
fuel return to the right lower tank in case of transfer pump failure or any time the pump is not in
Fuel System ATA 28
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A flapper valve is installed on the lower portion of the anti-surge baffle in each lower tank. The
flapper valve in each tank has two purposes:
• During refuel operations, the flapper valve opens when the quantity of fuel in the aft cells of the
lower tanks is greater than in the forward cell of the tank due to the higher weight of the fuel
(head pressure). The flapper valve opens to allow the forward cell to fill. The flapper valve also
allows the forward and rear fuel cells to equalise in the event of an ejector pump failure whether
it was due to a clogged ejector, a boost pump failure or transfer pump failure.
• When closed, the flapper valves prevent fuel from flowing to the aft cells of the lower tanks in a
nose up attitude. This reduces the chance of uncovering either the boost pumps or transfer
pump inlets which during low levels could potentially allow air to enter the fuel system.
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The fuel shutoff valve provides a means to stop the flow of fuel from the storage tanks to the
engine. The valve is airframe mounted and located behind the right fuselage step panel for preflight
inspection and maintenance.
The shutoff valve is switch activated by the pilot and electrically actuated to the OPEN or CLOSED
position. It is protected by 28 Vdc 5 A circuit breaker located on the overhead console, on the
EMERGENCY bus and labelled FUEL SYS VALVE.
The shutoff valve assembly also incorporates a fuel pressure transmitter which provides a
continuous pressure signal to the fuel pressure indicator on the G1000H MFD.
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The fuel quantity indicating system consists of a fuel computing unit and the five quantity probes in
the upper and lower tanks.
The fuel computing unit calculates the quantity of available fuel. It embodies three independent
channels, each corresponding to the upper tank, left lower tank and right lower tank. The fuel
computing unit is installed in the aft electronics bay on the left side, forward of the baggage
compartment door.
• The gauging function processes the signal from the individual tank quantity probes
• The quantity signal coming from the upper tank channel is split and then added equally to the
left and right lower tank quantities for a presentation format (left, right and total)
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• The computing stage processes the signals sending the solution to both GIA 63H units which
deliver presentation information to the fuel quantity display of the PFD and MFD Engine
Indication Strip (EIS) page.
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The purpose of the fuel quantity probes is to measure the fuel in each cell and provide signals for
the fuel computing unit to analyse and display on the G1000H.
A total of five fuel quantity probes of the variable capacitance type are installed in the fuel indicating
system. Each lower tank cell has a dedicated probe and the upper tank has one probe.
The probe capacitance varies with the amount of the fuel contained in the tanks causing a
proportional variation of the electrical signal directed to the fuel quantity indicator via the fuel
computing unit.
The fuel quantity probe installed in the forward cell of the left lower tank incorporates a low level
sensor which provides the FUEL LOW caution message on the PFD CAS window when the fuel
drops to approximately 45 kg. If the low level sensor fails, the F LOW FAIL caution message will
be displayed on the CAS window. A single chime aural alert and flashing Master Caution Light
(MCL) accompanies all CAS caution messages. The indicating system is powered by the FUEL
SYS QTY breaker on the EMERGENCY bus.
Note: A capacitance-type quantity probe uses a ratio of change in an electrical DC current equal to
its full electrical potential (capacitance) less the level of the dielectric (fuel) along the probe length. A
dielectric is an insulator that causes capacitance to vary.
Fuel System ATA 28
Student Notes
The fuel system controls provide the pilot with the ability to activate or deactivate certain
components in the fuel system.
The fuel system controls consist of a number of switches housed on the fuel management panel
and the miscellaneous panel of the centre console. The fuel management panel switches have the
following functions:
• PUMP 1 - No. 1 boost pump is operating when selected to ON, not operating when selected
• PUMP 2 - No. 2 boost pump is operating when selected to ON, not operating when selected
• PUMP - transfer pump is operating when selected to XFER, not operating when selected OFF
• VALVE - shutoff valve is opened when selected to OPEN (red guard down, green confirmation
light illuminated) and is closed when selected CLOSED (red guard up, switch selected to OFF).
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The miscellaneous panel under the left collective contains a three-position, multisystem test switch
designated as TEST with the following selectable switch settings:
• FCU/FIRE - when momentarily selected up, initiates the first of two separate and sequenced
continuity, messaging and aural warning tests
• NORM - the switch remains in a spring-loaded to centre position after tests are completed
• LAMP - when selected down and held, illuminates the RADIO MASTER ON-OFF, PFD ON-
OFF and MFD ON-OFF master switches as a continuity test.
In the first test sequence, the AVN FAN FAIL and the FUEL LOW messages are displayed with
the ENG FIRE warning message, and the aural two tone alert and "ENGINE FIRE" alert are heard.
The MWL/MCL are activated but will automatically extinguish at the end of the test. As the test
procedes the AVN FAN FAIL and ENG FIRE will extinguish, followed by the FUEL
LOW message at the end of the test. If a failure occurs the MWL/MCL will not reset and a FIRE
DET or F LOW FAIL message is displayed dependent on the fault found. PFD and CAS
messages are tested (RFMS Section 2: Normal Procedures, ENGINE PRE-START CHECK).
In the second test sequence when the pilot again momentarily selects the FCU/FIRE position, the
left-hand fuel indication changes from white text on black background to black text on yellow
background . Both fuel quantity indications drop to zero. A reading of less than 10 kg is
acceptable. A reading below zero is a failure. The right-hand fuel quantity indication is covered by
XXX as soon as the indicated quantity decreases below 120 kg. Fuel quantity returns to normal
readings at the end of test. The fuel quantity system along with the cockpit indications of the PFD
Fuel System ATA 28
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and MFD EIS page are tested (RFMS Section 2: Normal Procedures, ENGINE PRE-START
The combination of the fuel management control panel and the miscellaneous panel TEST switch
provides the pilot with the means to both operate and test the fuel distribution and indicating
Fuel System ATA 28
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5.2 Indications
5.2.1 Fuel Quantity
The fuel quantity displays provide a digital readout of the fuel available in the fuel tanks (in kg).
There are two separate displays available on the G1000H:
• The fuel quantity display on the MFD (turn the outer FMS knob to the EIS page group). The full
page format provides a quantity gauge that shows AUX and MAIN tank quantities.
• A fuel quantity digital display always located at the top of the PFD EIS showing total fuel.
Fuel System ATA 28
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The fuel pressure indicator provides a continuous readout of the operating pressure in the engine
fuel supply line on the engine fuel distribution side of the of the fuel shutoff valve.
The pressure transmitter, physically mounted on the engine distribution side of the shutoff valve,
sends a signal to the G1000H system for cockpit display. There are two separate MFD fuel
pressure displays available:
• On the MFD EIS in digital format when using MAP, WPT, AUX, FPL and NRST page groups
• An MFD fuel pressure gauge display on the full page format of the EIS page group. The display
gauge shows a digital psi value and an indication needle with the following operating ranges:
The G1000H system (GEA 71H, No. 2 unit) monitors the indicated fuel pressure and if the supply
line pressure drops into the cautionary yellow band of 0-7 psi, the system will generate a
FUEL PRESS caution message on the PFD CAS window.
The pilot should land as soon as practicable unless the message extinguishes due to the pressure
having being recovered.
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6 System Operations
6.1 System Operation
6.1.1 Tank Replenishment Sequence
All tanks are filled through one filler port. Fuel is added through the filler port on the right side of the
fuselage with a manual control nozzle. Fuel is gravity fed through the upper tank to the rear cells of
both lower tanks. It also proceeds through the flapper valves into the forward cells of the lower
tanks. As the lower tanks fill and equalise, the level of the upper tank rises.
If supplemental tanks are installed (on the designated flanged ports), then the fuel will flow up into
the supplemental tanks from the lower tanks as the fuel level rises in the upper tank. Upper tank
head pressure moves fuel out of the lower tanks to fill the separately vented supplemental tanks.
Note: The fuel quantity digital readouts (left and right) will not be equal on each side with
supplemental fuel tanks installed (until the supplemental tanks are emptied).
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The fuel distribution system provides a means of assuring that the fuel in the forward cell of the right
lower tank and the rear cell of the left lower tank is moved into the forward cell of the left lower tank
so that the boost pumps can continuously feed the engine supply line.
The fuel transfer pump ensures that the fuel from the right forward cell is pumped into the rear cell
of the left lower fuel tank. The fuel transfer pump also provides motive flow to the ejector unit which
moves the aft cell fuel to the forward cell replenishing source fuel for the transfer pump inlet.
Upon reaching the left lower tank aft cell, the ejector unit installed there moves the fuel to the
forward cell of the lower left tank. Boost pumps in the forward cell of the left tank provide motive
flow to the aft cell ejector to replenish source fuel to the boost pumps inlet and also provide the
engine supply line with pressurised fuel.
The action of the distribution system is simultaneous and continuous until the storage system is
depleted or the transfer and boost pumps are selected to OFF.
Note: The ejector units in the rear cell of both lower tanks move the fuel into the forward tank cells
across the anti-surge baffles at a flow rate exceeding the fuel consumption of the engine.
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As the upper tank is exhausted, 244 kg of fuel will have been depleted making the new indications
to be:
• Left - 120 kg
• Right - 120 kg
As the 60 kg capacity of each right lower tank cell is depleted (2 x 60 kg = 120 kg), due to the
transfer into the aft cell of the left tank, the new indications would be:
• Left - 120 kg
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• Right - 0 kg (for teaching purposes – indication may be 4 kg, but would represent unusable
The left lower tank now being the only tank having usable fuel is then depleted until there is fuel
exhaustion or both boost pumps are selected off.
As the aft cell of the left lower tank empties, the indications would be approximately:
• Left - 60 kg
• Right - 0 kg
As the forward cell of the left lower tank is now depleting, the FUEL LOW caution message
appears on the PFD CAS (via the left tank forward cell probe having an attendant low level sensor).
Approximately 45 kg of fuel remains. The remaining 45 kg equates to 10 minutes of powered flight
at Max Continuous Power (MCP).
Sideways flight and hovering in a crosswind when the indicated fuel quantity is less than 10 kg must
be avoided (land immediately).
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7 System Abnormals
7.1 System Messages
7.1.1 FUEL LOW
Illumination of the FUEL LOW caution message means that there is a low fuel level (45 kg) in the
forward cell of the left lower tank that feeds the engine supply line.
• Avoid sideways flight and hovering in crosswind when the indicated fuel quantity is less than 10
kg (land immediately).
This message could illuminate at 90 kg of fuel being indicated on the left side of the fuel quantity
• If the ejector pump is not working because it is blocked or if the boost pumps are inoperative.
• If the aircraft is in a nose high attitude and the flapper valve may not open if the fuel has
collected in the aft portion of the aft cell.
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Fuel System ATA 28
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The G1000H system notifies the pilot if continuity is lost with the fuel low level sensor mounted to
the fuel quantity probe in the forward cell of the left lower fuel tank. Lost continuity will illuminate the
F LOW FAIL caution message.
If this caution message appears, the FUEL LOW caution message will be disabled. The pilot will
not receive a low fuel caution message.
Corrective action for a F LOW FAIL CAS caution is keep the fuel quantity level under control and
proceed with the flight.
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The failure of a fuel boost pump is indicated in the cockpit by the illumination of the
FUEL PUMP 1(2) caution message. The respective pump pressure switch is sensing 3.5 ± 0.5 psi
or less, pressure output coming from the failed pump. A single failed boost pump should not result
in a drop of fuel pressure to below normal levels.
The corrective action for this message is to switch the affected fuel pump to OFF. Land as soon as
In the event of a dual fuel booster pump failure, both FUEL PUMP 1-2 caution messages will
illuminate along with the FUEL PRESS caution message.
The corrective action for these messages is to switch the fuel pumps to OFF. Land as soon as
Anytime the fuel pressure drops to below 7 psi, the FUEL PRESS caution message illuminates.
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A failure of the fuel transfer pump is indicated by the XFER PUMP caution message due to low
pressure sensed at the pump pressure switch.
The consequence of the fuel transfer pump failing is that any fuel in the lower right tank becomes
unusable fuel. Unusable fuel is recognised on the G1000H fuel quantity indicators by three yellow
XXX symbols over the digital readout of the right side fuel quantity indication.
The corrective action for this caution message is to set the XFER PUMP switch to OFF.
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If either of the electric fuel drain valves are open, then the FUEL DRAIN 1(2) caution message is
Corrective action for this message is to close the valve before refuelling or taking off.
Note: With electrical power on the aircraft and the fuel shutoff valve OPEN, the fuel drains cannot
be in the OPEN position regardless of fuel drain switch position.
Fuel System ATA 28
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
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Hydraulic System ATA 29
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
Student Notes
Hydraulic System ATA 29
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ....................................................................................................................................................... i
Hydraulic System ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1 General Overview .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 System Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2 System Components ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Common Components of the Independent Hydraulic Systems .....................................................3
2.1.1 Hydraulic Reservoirs .................................................................................................................. 3
2.1.2 Ground Test Fittings and System Protection .............................................................................. 4
2.1.3 Hydraulic Pumps......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.4 Filter Groups ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.5 Pressure Transmitters ................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.6 System Accumulators ................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.7 Main Rotor Servos ....................................................................................................................10
2.1.8 Tail Rotor Servo Actuator .........................................................................................................11
3 Controls and Indications ........................................................................................................................12
3.1 Hydraulic Controls ........................................................................................................................12
3.1.1 Cockpit Servo Switch ................................................................................................................12
3.2 Hydraulic Indications ....................................................................................................................13
3.2.1 G1000H System Information Paths ..........................................................................................13
3.2.2 Cockpit Hydraulic Pressure Indications ....................................................................................14
3.2.3 Loss of One Hydraulic System in Flight ...................................................................................15
4 Operation and Maintenance Data..........................................................................................................17
4.1 No. 1 and No. 2 System Operation...............................................................................................17
4.1.1 Hydraulic Fluid Flow Paths .......................................................................................................17
4.1.2 System Ground Check .............................................................................................................18
Annex A - Hydraulic System Architecture ....................................................................................................... A1
Hydraulic System ATA 29
Student Notes
Hydraulic System
1 General Overview
1.1 System Overview
1.1.1 Overview
The hydraulic power system of the AW119Kx consists of two separate and independent hydraulic
systems to power the flight control servos. The systems are designated as No. 1 and No. 2 system
respectively. Each of the two independent systems has their own dedicated components.
• Reservoirs
• Filtration groups
• Pressure transmitters
• Accumulators
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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Each system has its own fluid and flow path circuit and powers the three main rotor servos in
tandem, one system powering, the other system prepared for redundancy if needed.
The tail rotor flight control inputs are boosted through a hydraulic servo, however, only No. 1 system
powers the tail rotor servo.
System selection control consists of a gated three-position SERVO switch on the miscellaneous
panel having a safety interlock to ensure pressure is available from at least one hydraulic power
The indicating components for each system are comprised of pressure transmitters interfaced to the
G1000H GEA 71H units for the display of hydraulic pressure on the Multifunction Display (MFD)
and cautions annunciation on the Primary Flight Display (PFD) Crew Alerting System (CAS).
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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2 System Components
2.1 Common Components of the Independent Hydraulic Systems
2.1.1 Hydraulic Reservoirs
Each reservoir supplies a source of clean, air-free fluid to its respective system. They are installed
on the right side of cabin roof. The forward reservoir is dedicated to No. 1 system. The reservoirs
are accessible through the inspection door or by removing the forward transmission fairing.
The reservoirs:
• Are fitted with connectors for the supply, return and pump bypass lines and for the 90° vent
Servicing of the reservoir is carried out through the filler cap. The level of hydraulic fluid is shown by
a sight gauge located to the right of the filler cap.
The filler cap is properly secured when the black band on the outer ring is aligned with the black
arrow on the inner ring.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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Both No. 1 and No. 2 systems have their individual ground test connections. The systems therefore
can be tested separately or simultaneously. Ground test fittings are a quick disconnect type used
exclusively by maintainers.
Protections are installed into each hydraulic system when ground test units are connected. These
• A pressure check valve - pressure is delivered to the respective filter group downstream from a
check valve on the pump inlet line of the filter group to prevent flow back to the hydraulic pump
• Flight control hydraulic system bypass valve - located on the return line out of the filter group,
the bypass valve allows hydraulic return fluid back to the reservoir if the return hose connected
to the ground test fitting is accidentally left disconnected.
The pilot should be knowledgeable enough to recognise a secured, flightworthy configuration after
maintenance is accomplished.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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Each transmission driven pump delivers system pressure to its respective filter group. Both system
hydraulic pumps are mounted on the left lower (No. 1 system) and right lower (No. 2 system) main
transmission case. The pumps are a self-regulating, axial piston type design which delivers
hydraulic fluid at a nominal pressure of 1550 psi.
The pump is provisioned with ports for the following line fittings:
Note: An additional pump seal drain line is fitted to the bottom of each pump to stop the potential for
transmission oil mixing with the hydraulic fluid should the pump seal be compromised.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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No. 1 and No. 2 systems each have a dedicated filter group assembly. The purpose of each filter
group assembly is to provide filtration of both pressure and return fluid. It incorporates these
• System selection
• Pressure relief
• Filter(s) bypass
Both filter group assemblies are collocated (piggybacked) together by an adapter plate then
secured to supports installed on the right side of the cabin roof.
• Two 15 micron reusable filters that are serviced by maintainers, one on the pressure line
coming from the system pump and one on the return line from the servos. The filters are each
equipped with a red button type filter clogged indicator that will pop out at 70 psid.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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• A shutoff valve that is controlled by the cockpit SERVO switch located on the miscellaneous
control panel (central console). The switch can be used to turn off one of the systems (system
selection function). The SERVO switch will allow a system selection to occur, but only if the
other system is operating at greater than 1138 ± 50 psi.
• A pressure switch that is installed on each of the filter group housings. The pressure switch
provides the electrical signal to illuminate the caution message SERVO 1(2) when the
pressure outlet of the filter drops below 1138 ± 50 psi.
• An overpressurisation valve to provide pressure relief to the return side of the filter group
system within a pressure range of 1640 - 1850 psi.
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The pressure transmitters are plumbed into the pressure lines coming out of the No. 1 and No. 2
filter groups utilising T-fittings that hold the transmitters. The transmitters are located just forward
and inboard of the No. 1 system reservoir.
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Each system has a dedicated accumulator which is plumbed into the pressure line going to the
servos. The No. 1 system accumulator is located on the transmission deck. The No. 2 system
accumulator is located on the box structure outboard of the filter groups.
The accumulators are precharged with nitrogen and designed to absorb pressure fluctuations,
ensuring smooth delivery of hydraulic fluid to the servo actuators.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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The No. 1 and No. 2 systems provide hydraulic power to the three main rotor servo actuators.
These three tandem type servo actuators are installed between the servo mount pads of the
transmission bell housing and the clevis ends of the arms on the fixed swashplate. All three
actuators are identical.
The servo actuators transmit collective and cyclic flight control inputs to the swashplate using the
hydraulic systems as a motive force. Each servo actuator consists of two independent, but
interconnected (through a common ram) upper and lower units that can be operated together (in
tandem) or individually by only one hydraulic system without any effect on control efficiency.
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The tail rotor servo actuator is provided with hydraulic motive force only by the No. 1 system. The
tail rotor servo augments the pilot’s pedal inputs for smooth and precise control.
The servo actuator is located behind the baggage compartment liner on the upper left side, just aft
of the baggage door. It is connected by a lever to the mechanical flight control tube system.
The tail rotor servo actuator is a single body type servo actuator that is connected to the No. 1
system via two hoses. Hydraulic pressure operates on the servo actuator piston causing its
retraction or extension depending upon the pilot’s control input to the servo actuator valve body via
the flight control tube.
The tail rotor servo actuator is fitted with two distribution valves (main and backup).
Hydraulic System ATA 29
Student Notes
The three-position hydraulic system SERVO switch is located on the miscellaneous control panel
and provides selections for the following control functions:
• 1 OFF - No. 1 system is turned off (this position cannot be selected if No. 2 system is faulty)
• 2 OFF - No. 2 system is turned off (this position cannot be selected if No. 1 system is faulty).
The hydraulic interlock safety function ensures at least one hydraulic system is always operative
(on). The respective shutoff positions will be inoperative if the alternate system does not have
suitable pressure ( SERVO 1 or SERVO 2 caution illuminated).
If the system in use fails while an operative system is turned off, the operative system will recover
automatically regardless of switch position.
Note: The Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement (RFMS) normal operations procedure is to operate
the aircraft with the SERVO switch in the NORM position.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
Student Notes
In general terms, the electrical hydraulic pressure information sent by the respective system
transmitter must be digitised. This information is sent to the engine and airframe unit (GEA 71H) for
processing and prioritisation for presentation on the MFD and PFD.
The cockpit hydraulic pressure indicator will always appear on the MFD only (whether a full engine
page display or in map mode as an Engine Information Strip (EIS) presentation).
The filter group mounted pressure switch follows the same indications path as the transmitters.
The GEA 71H units are the focal point of the indication paths. The No. 1 and No. 2 GEA units
support the MFD pressure indications and PFD caution messages for No. 1 and No. 2 systems
respectively. See RFMS section 3 - GEA 1 (2) ENGINE AIRFRAME UNIT – FAILURE.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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The hydraulic indicating system incorporates a single MFD display instrument having needle
depictions and digital windows for both No. 1 and No. 2 systems pressure monitoring. The dual
hydraulic pressure display provides a continuous readout of the operating pressure for both
The pilot should be aware of the systems operating limitations, they are:
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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As per the RFMS Normal Procedures section 2 - the aircraft is flown with the servo switch in the
NORM position.
The sequence of a flight control system hydraulic failure includes indications and actions.
• The Master Caution Light (MCL) on the right side of the instrument panel will flash
• An aural alert tone will sound (caution annunciations do not include voice alerts)
Pilot actions:
• Fly the aircraft - the hydraulic flight control system design will immediately and automatically
utilise the other operable system for redundancy (without the pilot taking any action
whatsoever). If it is a No. 1 system failure, then the only discernible control feel may be in the
pedals requiring a slightly stronger input to gain neutral pedal. Slow to 90 KIAS, limit bank
angles to 25° maximum.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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• Complete the RFMS checklist when ready - acknowledge annunciations (MCL reset) and
switch the failed hydraulic system to OFF using the servo switch under the collective on the
miscellaneous panel.
Note: The SERVO switch interlock safety function will preclude the pilot from inadvertently selecting
the operable system to OFF.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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Hydraulic fluid (MIL-PRF-5606 or MIL-PRF-83282) contained in the reservoir is both gravity fed and
drawn from the reservoir suction line to the pump which is gear driven by the main transmission.
Pressurised fluid is then supplied from the pump outlet to the pressure side of the filter group, and
further to the accumulator and servo actuators. The tail rotor servo is only served by the No. 1
Hydraulic fluid is returned from the servo actuators back to the return side of the filter group and
then to the reservoir return line.
A ground test stand flow path will use a pump check valve on the pressure side of each system to
prevent pump damage. A bypass valve on the return side of each system will return fluid back to the
reservoir if the aircraft return hose connected to the ground test fitting is accidentally left
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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The pilot may be asked by maintainers to perform a ground run systems check. The flight control
hydraulic systems check is to be performed in accordance with Section 2 (Normal Procedures) of
the RFMS.
The purpose of the systems check, whether performed before take-off or for maintainers, is to
• Proper operation of the servos and to detect possible servo valve jamming
Hydraulic System ATA 29
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SERVO switch, check at NORM Make small clockwise cyclic movements and collective
and pedal movements.
MFD Pressure drops must be equal for both systems and
should not exeed 70 psi.
SERVO switch set to 2 OFF Check operation of system No. 1 with same cyclic,
collective and pedal movements.
MFD Pressure should not exceed 70 psi and there should be
no force increase, discontinuity or cyclic/collective
SERVO switch set to 1 OFF Check operation of system No. 2 with same cyclic,
collective and pedal movements.
Note: Tail rotor boost pressure is supplied by system No. 1. When system No. 2 is being checked, it
is normal for the pedals to be unboosted.
Hydraulic System ATA 29
Student Notes
Hydraulic System ATA 29
Student Notes
Hydraulic System ATA 29
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Ice and Rain Protection System ............................................................................................................................... 1
1 Ice and Rain Protection System .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Systems Description ......................................................................................................................... 1
2 Pitot Tube Anti-ice System ............................................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Pitot Heater ........................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Pitot Component ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.2 Controls and Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 3
3 Windshield Wiper System .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Windshield Wiper .................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1.1 Wiper Description and Operation ..................................................................................................... 4
3.1.2 Wiper Controls .................................................................................................................................. 5
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
The aircraft uses two separate systems for ice and rain protection. It consists of a heated pitot
tube and two windshield wipers as Visual Flight Rule (VFR) operations are dependent upon
their functionality.
The pitot tube is used to provide dynamic and static pressures for the navigation system whilst
the windshield wipers are used to maintain visibility in rain and light snow.
The ice and rain protection system for the AW119Kx is not certified for flights in known icing
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
The pitot tube utilises an integral heating element that receives power from the 28 Vdc bus.
Operation is controlled by the PITOT toggle type circuit breaker on the overhead console.
There are is a WARNING and two CAUTION associated with the pitot heater, check the
Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement (RFMS) for full text.
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
The pitot heater is controlled by the pitot switch located on the overhead panel. The switch is a
two-position toggle utilising an ON or OFF function. When the switch is in the OFF position, the
heating element of the pitot tube is de-energised. When the switch is in the ON position, the
heating element of the pitot tube is energised.
When pitot heat is selected ON, an associated advisory message PITOT HEAT is displayed on
the Primary Flight Display (PFD) Crew Alerting System (CAS) indicating the system in turned on
and operational.
Should the pitot switch be set to ON and a pitot heat failure is detected, PITOT HTR FAIL will
be displayed in the CAS window.
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
The windshield wiper system consists of two identical systems (pilot and co-pilot). Each system
consists of a wiper blade actuated, through an arm, by an electric motor converter.
The windshield wiper system is powered by the 28 Vdc bus. Circuit protection is provided to
each wiper system by the wiper selection switches, labelled WIPER CPLT and WIPER PLT.
Each selection switch internally incorporates a 10 A fuseable circuit protection feature.
A CAUTION associated with the windshield exists, refer to the RFMS to view text about
operating on a dry windshield.
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
The pilot and co-pilot's windshield wipers are controlled by two toggle switches located on the
overhead control panel. Selections are ON or OFF.
A wiper speed selector switch is located on the pilot and co-pilot's cyclic stick grips which
control the wiper speed variation between LOW (slow) and HIGH (fast).
Ice and Rain Protection System ATA 30
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
Table of Contents
1 Indicating and Recording System ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Electronic Standby Instrument System ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 ESIS General ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 ESIS Display Components ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Attitude and Slip and Skid Displays ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Airspeed Display ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.3 Altitude Display ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.4 Heading Display.................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 ESIS Controls............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3.1 ESIS Soft Key Push Buttons ................................................................................................................ 8
1.3.2 Battery Indications .............................................................................................................................. 10
1.4 ESIS Messages ........................................................................................................................................ 13
1.4.1 Locations and Types .......................................................................................................................... 13
1.5 ESIS Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 15
1.5.1 Initialisation ......................................................................................................................................... 15
1.5.2 Brightness Adjustment ........................................................................................................................ 17
1.5.3 User Initiated Alignment ..................................................................................................................... 18
1.5.4 Baro Units Selection and Altimeter Settings ....................................................................................... 19
2 Crew Alerting System ...................................................................................................................................... 21
2.1 Warning Systems Overview ..................................................................................................................... 21
2.1.1 Crew Alerting System General ........................................................................................................... 21
2.2 Warning System Components ................................................................................................................. 23
2.2.1 Crew Alerting System ......................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.2 Master Warning and Master Caution Lights ....................................................................................... 24
2.2.3 Cyclic Master Reset ............................................................................................................................ 25
2.2.4 Audio Warning Generator ................................................................................................................... 26
2.3 CAS Controls and Indications .................................................................................................................. 27
2.3.1 Warning Indications and Audio Alerts................................................................................................. 27
2.3.2 Caution Indications and Audio Alerts.................................................................................................. 29
2.3.3 CAS Operating Advisories .................................................................................................................. 31
2.3.4 AWG Switch........................................................................................................................................ 32
2.3.5 Test Switch - FCU/FIRE and LAMP ................................................................................................... 33
3 Chip Detector System ..................................................................................................................................... 35
3.1 Chip Detector System Overview .............................................................................................................. 35
3.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 35
3.2 Chip Detector System Components......................................................................................................... 36
3.2.1 Chip Detectors .................................................................................................................................... 36
3.2.2 Power Module ..................................................................................................................................... 38
3.2.3 Chip Burner Switch ............................................................................................................................. 39
3.3 Chip Detector Controls and Indications ................................................................................................... 40
3.3.1 Caution Messages .............................................................................................................................. 40
3.4 Chip Detector System Operation ............................................................................................................. 41
3.4.1 Chip Burner Activation ........................................................................................................................ 41
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The ESIS is an L3 Avionics Systems ESI-2000 indicator (release version 1.2). It is located in the
forward instrument panel below the Primary Flight Display (PFD). It is a solid-state design and
provides standby digital displays of:
• Attitude
• Heading.
Attitude indications include pitch and roll with a skid and slip ball indicator to accommodate the yaw
axis. An external and dedicated magnetometer provides heading inputs.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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The internal battery consists of three rechargeable lithium-ion batteries wired in series and
monitored by a circuit board for discharge, recharge, temperature monitoring and failure modes.
The battery is charged by the aircraft electrical system. The ESIS provides flight data for at least
one hour after a primary power loss from the BATTERY bus (STBY IND circuit breaker).
A bezel mounted light sensor provides automatic dimming. Pilot selectable brightness is via the
menu access mode.
Maintainers inspect the ESIS in accordance with the G1000H Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness (ICA) document.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The ESIS ground and sky displays move up/down, clockwise and anticlockwise about the boresight
of the aircraft reference symbol in relation to pitch and roll. The ESIS provides a standard display
• Pitch indexes - the pitch ladder moves in relation to aircraft roll and scrolls up and down in
response to the aircraft pitch
• Roll indexes - presented as a roll scale and a roll pointer. The white scale lines are set at
standard 10°, 20°, 30°, 45°, and 60° index marks representing bank angle with a downward
white triangle representing the 0° index
• Aircraft reference symbology - located in the centre of the attitude display, the aircraft reference
symbol is a fixed square boresight with L-shaped wings on each side of the boresight
• A slip and skid ball indicator with a black background and a white border - the ball travel range
is more than adequate at ± 7° of centre.
Note: The AW119Kx ESIS is fitted with an independent external magnetometer (a flat mount MAG-
3100) that provides heading information to the ESIS display. When heading information is
displayed, the slip and skid indicator is located above the heading tape to the left of the heading
digital window. The absence of a magnetometer being installed would cause the slip and skid
indicator to appear in the centre.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The ESIS IAS will have the following characteristics and functions:
• Airspeed units descriptor - located in the lower left corner of the display. The descriptor
indicates the units being displayed on the airspeed tape and readout. The AW119Kx descriptor
will always indicate KTS (meaning Knots Indicated Airspeed (KIAS))
• Indicated airspeed tape - the KIAS tape is located on the left side of the display. The tape
scrolls up as aircraft speed decreases and scrolls down as aircraft speed increases. The
calibrated range of the KIAS tape is 20 KIAS through 350 KIAS
• Airspeed digital readout - the KIAS digital readout window is located in the centre of the
airspeed tape and does not move vertically
• Airspeed awareness colour bar - located along the left side of the airspeed tape. The colour bar
indicates critical reference airspeeds and operating ranges specific to the AW119Kx.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
A barometric pressure window is located at the top right of the display screen. The value shown is
used by the indicator to determine the current altitude.
The ESIS baro units can be changed using the menu screen and offers three pilot selectable unit
options (In Hg, hPa and mb).
• An altimeter tape, which is a baro-corrected altitude tape, is located on the right side of the
display. The tape scrolls up as aircraft altitude decreases and scrolls down as aircraft altitude
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
increases. Index marks are shown every 100 ft and numbered digits every 500 ft of altitude.
The tape has a viewable altitude as low as -2000 ft and as high as 56,000 ft.
• A digital altitude window is located in the centre of the altitude tape and displays the current
baro-corrected altitude in feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL). The readout can show a minimum
of -2000 ft MSL and a maximum of 56,000 ft MSL. A left justified minus sign (-) is shown when
altitude is less than 0 ft MSL.
• A metric digital altitude window may be configured ON or OFF. It is located on the right side of
the display beneath the MSL digital altitude window. The readout has a black background
surrounded by a white box with medium white digits. The readout provides baro-corrected
altitude in metres and has a range of -610 m to 17,070 m. A left justified minus sign (-) is shown
when altitude is less than 0 m.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The characteristics and functions of the ESIS heading display include the following.
• A heading tape is located at the bottom of the display. The tape moves left and right following
the direction of the aircraft and is a contiguous 360° linear scale. The tape is removed
whenever the menu window is opened or if an attitude exceeding ± 55° of bank or ± 55° of pitch
is encountered (unusual attitudes). The heading tape decluttering will also include recovery
• A heading digital window is located above the heading tape and displays the current heading
referenced to magnetic north. The heading value has a range of 001° to 360° with a resolution
of 1°. The digital heading readout is removed whenever the menu window is opened.
• A heading index, also known as lubber line, is a fixed downward pointing arrowhead located at
the bottom of the heading digital window. The heading index points to the current heading
shown on the heading tape and provides the digital value shown in the heading window.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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All ESIS soft key controls are located at the bottom of the ESIS indicator for both the pilot and the
maintainer. The controls include:
• A menu soft key push button (M) - pushing the menu button will remove the heading tape and
heading window. The menu window will appear. Successive pushes of the menu button will
scroll through the menu items in the following order, as shown for the purpose described:
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
• A select soft key push button (S) - acts as an enter button after a selection or adjustment has
been accomplished. It can also be used as a re-alignment command
• Decrement (- or ∨) and increment (+ or ∧) soft key push buttons - to scroll or to set barometric
parameters. Button labels may be of either symbol type.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
Battery indicators will appear on the top left side of the display. The indicators have three
• Discharge indicators
• Charging indicators
• Availability indicators.
Discharge indicators and charging indicators represent the general State of Charge (SOC).
Discharge indicators are green and amber. Charging indicators are amber and denote either a
charging process or the battery temperature limit has been reached. Cooling must take place before
recharging resumes. An amber discharge or charging indicator represents a battery with less than
one hour of run time capacity. A green discharge indicator represents a battery with at least one
hour of run time capacity.
The availability indicators represent the functional ability of the battery to discharge or charge. A
red X empty battery indicator represents a total battery failure whereby neither charging or
discharging can occur. Availability indicators are amber or red. During normal operation of the ESIS
(when it is powered by the BATTERY bus and the internal battery has at least one hour of capacity),
then no battery indicator or message is shown on the display.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
ESIS messages in general are self-explanatory notices or instructions and may appear in three
Centre screen messages are fail types (with red X displays) or self-test types (ALIGNING) and
may include initialisation messages regarding the system.
Messages above the heading tape are typically the named fault appearing in plain text.
ESIS status messages appearing in the menu window provide instructional details for:
• Continued operations of the indicator using the menus and backup battery
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Operationally, the pilot should not enter into a battery calibration since this will cause a discharge
process and a capacity meter calibration which may take upwards of 8 hours. The ESI-2000 will
function normally even when a BATT CAL REQUIRED IN XX DAYS temporarily appears during
each initialisation. At zero days remaining, the availability battery indicator for CAL DUE will appear.
The ESI-2000 will still function normally. Calibration is an annual requirement for maintainers to
accomplish. As the life of the battery comes to an end, the charge capacity of the battery gradually
reduces to a point whereby the battery indicator will show a 100% SOC, but is coloured amber
(indicating less than 1 hour run time). If this condition is observed, then the battery is worn out and
requires replacement.
Note: A specific text message will appear ultimately at the end of the battery life as a confirmation
during the initialisation process for 90 seconds and appear as BATT WORN OUT…REPLACE.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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When the BAT switch is selected ON, the ESIS will begin a routine of self-tests and internal Attitude
Heading and Reference System (AHRS) alignment. Pilot interface is not required for initialisation,
other than to ensure a complete display without battery indicators, messages or red X items.
The pilot would then use the M push button successively to access any desired menu function. The
following are pilot menu functions:
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Within 3 minutes of power being applied, the pilot may optionally select to view the SYSTEM
STATUS screen:
The SYSTEM STATUS screen retains each message during four power-up cycles. Older messages
are dim grey.
Note: When a menu item of any type is displayed and inactive for 5 seconds, the heading tape will
automatically re-appear.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Push the M button until the BRIGHT display is in view. When selected in the menu window, the
current brightness adjustment (0 to 100 units) is shown with 50 being the median normal setting.
Alternatively, the push buttons can be held for the visual result desired. The M push button can also
be held to increase brightness as a shortcut.
The last change to the brightness level will be saved into the system memory and applied again at
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Push the M button until the ALIGN START display is in view. When selected in the menu window,
pushing the S button will begin a user initiated re-alignment. The attitude will align within 1 minute if
the aircraft is on the ground and stationary. The heading will align within 2° within 3 minutes.
Reasons why the pilot may elect to accomplish a re-alignment may be due to:
• An ATTITUDE FAIL centre screen message replacing an ATTITUDE message. The failure
may be due to an overrate condition whereby the AHRS has experienced a movement greater
than 100° in less than 1 second in any axis.
Note: During the re-alignment during flight, the aircraft must be flown straight and level.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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• Push the M button until the Baro Units display is in view. When selected in the menu window,
the current barometric unit of pressure measurement is shown.
o In Hg
o hPa
o mb.
• The unit of pressure measurement will change in the upper right baro window as the units are
changed in the menu window.
• Push the M button until the BARO STD display is in view. When selected in the menu
window, the local atmospheric barometric pressure can be set.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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• A single push the increment (+ or ∧) or decrement (- or ∨) buttons to change the baro window
by 0.01 In Hg, or by 1 hPa, or by 1 mb.
• Holding a button will continuously change the value until released. The S button will auto set
29.92 In Hg or 1013 hPa or mb.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The aircraft contains a centralised warning system for the pilot consisting of these subsystem
components, displays and hardware:
The warning system is capable of prioritising the most important messages to be displayed first.
Warnings first in red, then cautions in yellow and last, advisory annunciations are green.
An aural warning system of alerts accompanies the red (warning) and yellow (caution) messages of
the CAS window. The combination of flashing MWL and MCL lights and aural alert sounds draw the
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
attention of the pilot(s) to the CAS window for the system appropriate corrective action to be
Green CAS advisory messages are also presented, but are without aural alerts.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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The CAS display is integral to the G1000H system. All of the visual aircraft systems annunciation
messages are displayed and generated by the G1000H system.
The G1000H uses the aircraft sensors, detectors and switches for CAS message generation as well
as internal signal processing to create some alerts and to suppress other alerts.
• A CAS window containing the system annunciation message appears to the right of the vertical
speed indicator on the PFD
• Up to 12 messages can be displayed simultaneously within the dimensions of the CAS window
• When the G1000H has placed more than 12 messages into the CAS window, the CAS softkeys
become available. Use the CAS up arrow and CAS down arrow softkeys to scroll up and down
through the CAS messages list.
Note: A ground condition during start operations is the most likely occurrence of an event where
more than 12 CAS messages may be encountered (reference ATA 80).
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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The red MWL and the yellow MCL correspond to the respective coloured red warning type and
yellow caution type CAS messages. The MWL and MCL direct the attention of the pilot to the
corresponding unacknowledged CAS message.
Both the MWL and MCL are collocated in a vertical arrangement allowing prioritisation to the MWL.
Each light is a push button switch. The initial illumination of either light will be in a flashing mode
caused by the advent of a warning message or caution message in the CAS window of the PFD.
Either light may be extinguished by a single push.
The MWL and MCL are independent of each other and each is turned off separately. When the pilot
turns off either or both lights, an acknowledgement of the warning or caution condition has taken
place. The system will then reprioritise any further messages based on the previous messages as
having been acknowledged by the pilot.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Either or both of the MWL and MCL lights can be acknowledged singularly or simultaneously by
pressing the MSTR RST (master reset) push button on the cyclic stick.
Using the MSTR RST push button will cause the CAS window messages to change from inverse
video to normal video and will also suppress the associated aural alert.
The message remains displayed as normal video thereafter in the CAS window.
The MSTR RST provides an advantage when retaining hands-on control or when both the MWL
and MCL can be acknowledged together.
Pushing the MWL or MCL or the MSTR RST is a pilot acknowledgement. Any pilot
acknowledgement using these controls will suppress the audible, convert the CAS message from
inverse video to normal video and extinguish the MWL and MCL as is appropriate.
Note: The ROTOR LOW warning is an exception as this visual CAS message and attendant
MWL cannot be reset and remains active until the condition no longer exists. Pressing the MSTR
RST will stop the audible in the headset but will not stop the rotor low horn audio or change the
CAS message to normal video.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The AWG is located in the left lower forward bulkhead of the cockpit, forward of the anti-torque
The appropriate AWG aural alert audio is initiated by the G1000H system and routed to the aircraft
audio system (unswitched audio) to the pilot and co-pilot's headphones. The volume is pre-set and
cannot be changed.
For red CAS window warnings - the AWG first produces a tone and then an audible message. The
typical aural alert for a warning is a 900 Hz tone followed by aural message "Warning". Some
variations apply.
For yellow CAS window cautions - whenever a new caution occurs, a single tone (chime) will be
generated. The same tone will be used for all cautions messages.
For green CAS window advisories - no tones are associated with advisory messages.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Some variation exists between audible warning message types. The following is a list of CAS
window warning messages, each with its respective audible:
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Note: See the Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement (RFMS) for recommended pilot actions.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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The following is a list of CAS window caution messages, each having a single tone (or chime) and
no audible spoken message:
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Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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The following is a list of CAS window advisory messages, none of which have any tone or aural
audible and always appear in normal video:
Note: See the RFMS for any system recommended pilot actions.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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The AWG switch is a three-position test switch located on the miscellaneous panel of the central
console under the pilot collective.
• REGRADE position - the activation of the "One hundred fifty feet" aural message is disabled
• TEST position (RFMS first test) - when momentarily pressed a verbal aural message "Aural
warning ok" is heard in the pilots' headsets
• TEST position (RFMS second test) - when held for more than 5 seconds the AWG is
commanded to provide in sequence, all aural messages ("Rotor low", "Engine out", "Engine
fire", "Warning", "Rotor high" and "One hundred fifty feet").
The AWG FAIL caution message activates on the PFD CAS at the beginning of the extended
test and extinguishes when completed.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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Instructor Text:
The TEST switch for checking the Fuel Computer Unit (FCU), fire warning system (FIRE) and
instrument panel annunciator lighting (LAMP), is located on the miscellaneous panel and is used
during the ENGINE PRE-START CHECK in RFMS Section 2: Normal Procedures. Three tests are
performed in the RFMS checklist in this order:
• LAMP - this test checks the lighted panel annunciator switches or other optional equipment
annunciator switches
• FCU/FIRE - the first of two built-in test sequences for this switch position. The first sequence
checks critical messages necessary before starting the aircraft and checks the low fuel sensor
• FCU/FIRE - the second test sequence for this same switch position. Checks the fuel quantity
system and provides a visual check of unusable fuel indications helpful to the pilot (simulating
the acknowledgment of transfer pump failure).
Refer to the tables included herein for the order, action and observances encountered during the
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
LAMP Press and hold as required to ensure the RADIO MASTER ON-OFF, PFD ON-
OFF and MFD ON-OFF annunciators are illuminated.
Note: The MWL and MCL will both automatically reset after a successful test. If
the FIRE DET or the F LOW FAIL message(s) remain, then the test is
unsuccessful and the MCL will not reset.
FCU/FIRE Momentarily press the TEST switch to the FCU/FIRE position again.
(Second test Verify the following sequences occur:
sequence) • The left fuel quantity indication changes from white text on black background
to black text on yellow background.
• The PFD Engine Information Strip (EIS) and Multifunction Display (MFD) -
both fuel quantity indications drop to zero (less than 10 kg is acceptable). A
reading of below zero is a failure.
• The right fuel quantity indication is covered by three yellow XXX symbols
when the indicated quantity decreases below 120 kg.
• Fuel quantity indication returns to normal when the test sequence is
• PFD and MFD at the end of the test automatically return to their previous
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The chip detector system enables the pilot to see (through caution messages) the presence of
metal particles which may present an operational concern to the component affected. The chip
detector system may also incorporate an additional chip burner circuit to burn off or dislodge
deposits on certain chip detectors.
• Chip detectors located in the transmission case, the coupling gearbox, engine gearboxes and
tail rotor gearbox
• The CHIP BURNER control switch, which is installed on the overhead console.
Associated wiring completes the system. The chip burner system is powered from the 28 Vdc (DC
bus) through the CHIP BURNER circuit breaker.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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One Upper transmission conical case just below the sight glass
Two Forward on the engine at the Accessory Gearbox (AGB), forward left lower
Aft on the engine at the Reduction Gearbox (RGB) nadir, forward side
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The magnetic field of a chip detector is designed to capture ferrous debris particles which can
bridge a gap between two electrodes. This bridging acts as a switch closure for a CAS caution
message, or chip light as it is known. Electrically pulsed chip detectors capable of burning off
ferrous debris are located in the main transmission, engine RGB and the tail rotor 90° gearbox.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The Eaton Tedeco™ power module is located up under the nose avionics shelf and primarily
supplies two channel electrical current (pulsed DC power) to the chip detectors. This action will
either burn off small ferrous debris (sometimes referenced as fuzz) or will dislodge slightly larger
The power module is not designed to burn off or dislodge larger metal slivers indicative of a failing
component with an unusually high wear rate. The functional purpose is to remove debris which
would otherwise cause a maintenance action due to a nuisance chip light.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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The CHIP BURNER switch, located on the overhead switch panel, is a momentary hold and return
switch that commands the power module to perform a burn activation of:
There are two circuits in the chip detector system. The first is a chip detection system of caution
messages which is automatic and does not involve pilot management. The second is the chip
burner system which is managed by the pilot to clear a message condition.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
The chip detector portion of the warning system circuitry is associated with these CAS caution
The pilot will hear a single tone (chime) in the headsets will accompany the advent of a chip CAS
caution message along with a flashing MCL.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
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A chip burn activation is accomplished by a momentary hold and release of the CHIP BURNER
It is permitted to activate the CHIP BURNER switch up to three times to clear a chip caution
If the message does not extinguish, reduce power and land as soon as possible. Maintenance
action is required before the next flight.
For an aircraft without a chip burner system, reduce power by lowering collective. Land as soon as
A chip burn activation is prohibited when either the engine or transmission oil pressure is below
limits (as applicable per CAS caution message). An initial caution message occurring on the ground
cannot be suppressed using an activation.
Indicating and Recording System ATA 31
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
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with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
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subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
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Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Lighting System ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
1 Interior Lighting .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Cockpit Lighting .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Instrument Panel Lights .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Overhead Panel and Control Panel Lights ....................................................................................... 3
1.1.3 Spot Lights ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Passenger Compartment Lights ........................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Passenger Lights Overview .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2.2 Cabin Lights ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.3 Advisory Lights ................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Baggage Compartment Lights .............................................................................................................. 8
1.3.1 Baggage Compartment Lights .......................................................................................................... 8
2 Exterior Lighting System ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Exterior Lights ....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Exterior Lights Overview ................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Position Lights ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.1.3 Anti-collision Lights ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.4 Landing Lights ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.1.5 Search Light.................................................................................................................................... 13
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
Lighting System
1 Interior Lighting
1.1 Cockpit Lighting
1.1.1 Instrument Panel Lights
Instrument panel illumination is controlled by utilising the INST PNL rheostat on the overhead
control panel. This rheostat also controls the intensity of the segment lights within the push button
switches of the:
The audio panel lighting is also controlled by this rheostat when the bus switch is selected to ON.
The G1000H displays and their backlight intensity are automatically balanced. Provisions for
manually setting the display and backlight controls for pilot preference are discussed in the
information systems lesson (ATA 46).
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
28 Vdc power is provided by the emergency bus with circuit protection supplied by the INST PNL
Circuit Breaker (CB).
Lighting System ATA 33
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The overhead panel and control lights ensure readability of the overhead panel, V NE placard and
collective lever switch box. Control is provided by the OVHD & CSL light rheostat.
The system receives power from the 28 Vdc bus. Circuit protection is provided by the OVHD CSL
CB on the overhead console.
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There are two spot lights located on either side of the overhead console.
• The right spot light - powered by the battery bus through the MAP LIGHT PILOT CB
• The left spot light - powered by the 28 Vdc bus through the MAP LT CPLT CB.
The controls for the spot light are located at the rear of each unit. The controls are:
• Rotating dimmer - when turned clockwise results in illumination of spot light. Adjustment of
knob left/right controls intensity setting
• Momentary illumination push button - length of time push button is held directly corresponds
with illumination of light
• Spot light shielded ring - rotation clockwise results in progressive shielding of lamp
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
The passenger compartment lighting system consists of the four cabin lights and two advisory
It is possible that illuminated EXIT placards will be fitted in the aircraft above each advisory light.
These exit lights will be controlled by the cabin light control and power supply.
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
Four cabin light assemblies are located on each Passenger Service Unit (PSU), located at the top
of each corner in the passenger cabin. Each PSU has:
• Reading lamp.
The cabin lights receive 28 Vdc power from the emergency bus CABIN LTS CB.
Cabin lights are controlled by a toggle switch labelled CABIN, located on the overhead control
panel. The toggle switch only has two settings, ON/OFF.
Lighting System ATA 33
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The cabin advisory lights are located on each side of the cabin roof, on the upper centre of the
passenger doors. The light, when illuminated will show the No Smoking and Fasten Seat Belt
The advisory lights receive 28 Vdc power via the PASS WRN toggle switch located on the overhead
control panel. The switch is a two-position toggle switch with settings, ON/OFF.
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
The baggage compartment lighting system consists of two lights located in the baggage
compartment roof.
The system receives 28 Vdc power through the BAG CB located under the LT SYS section of the
overhead CB panel.
Lighting System ATA 33
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The exterior lights help the pilot to see and to be seen. Some are a legal requirement and others
assist the crew in operating the aircraft safely and effectively. The following four types of lights are
fitted to the outside of this aircraft:
• Position lights
• Anti-collision lights
• Landing lights
• Search light.
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
The position light system utilises Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. There are two possible
configurations - three bulb assembly or two bulb assembly. The lights are located:
• White light:
o Two bulb assembly - situated at the aft end of their respective red and green horizontal
stabiliser mounts.
Regardless of which position light configuration is fitted to the aircraft, both receive power from the
28 Vdc bus through the POS toggle switch. The switch only has two positions, ON/OFF.
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
The anti-collision lights are red LED technology and consist of two assemblies that flash at
approximately 45 flashes per minute, but are not synchronised.
The lights are mounted on the transmission rear fairing and on the lower side of the tail boom.
The system receives power from the 28 Vdc bus through the A-COLL toggle switch. The switch has
two positions, ON/OFF.
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
There are two landing lights installed on the aircraft. The left (taxi) landing light points downward
and the right landing light points forward.
The system is powered from the 28 Vdc emergency bus. Two independent CB are utilised. Landing
light power protection is provided by the LDG LT PWR CB. Landing light control is provided by the
Landing light operation is controlled by the LDG LT switch located on the pilot collective lever switch
box. The control on the collective is a three-position switch:
When operating the landing lights, the standby magnetic compass indication is not reliable.
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
The search light consists of an electrical motor driven light assembly installed in the lower side of
the aircraft nose. The light can be extended up to 120° from the fully retracted position and is
capable of 360° rotation in either direction.
The search light receives power from the 28 Vdc bus. Circuit protection is provided through the CB
Two separate switches are utilised to control the search light, both located on the pilot collective
lever switch box:
Lighting System ATA 33
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
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Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Navigation ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1 VHF Navigation Resources ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 NAV Receiver Controls and Indications ............................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 G1000H VHF NAV Radio Overview ................................................................................................. 1
1.1.2 Manual Tuning, Transfer and Selection ........................................................................................... 3
1.1.3 Station Identifier Audio and ID Indicator ........................................................................................... 4
1.1.4 Automatic Tuning .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Navigation Receiver Operation............................................................................................................. 7
1.2.1 VOR Navigation ................................................................................................................................ 7
2 GPS Navigation Procedures .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 GPS Navigation Types ......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 The Direct-to Navigation Method ...................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 The Flight Plan Navigation Method ................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Flight Plan Procedural Management .................................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Store an Active Flight Plan ............................................................................................................. 13
2.2.2 Invert Flight Plans ........................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.3 Deletion of Flight Plans ................................................................................................................... 16
3 FMS Software Displays ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Flight Management System ................................................................................................................ 18
3.1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Navigation Mode Identification ....................................................................................................... 21
3.1.3 PFD Inset Map ................................................................................................................................ 22
3.1.4 MFD Navigation Map ...................................................................................................................... 23
3.1.5 Map Ranging Software ................................................................................................................... 25
3.1.6 Heli-placement Icon ........................................................................................................................ 26
3.1.7 FMS Windows ................................................................................................................................. 27
4 Operational Flight Management .................................................................................................................. 29
4.1 Flight Management Tools and Techniques ........................................................................................ 29
4.1.1 Map Panning................................................................................................................................... 29
4.1.2 Topography..................................................................................................................................... 31
4.1.3 Measuring Bearing and Distance ................................................................................................... 32
4.1.4 Airways Management ..................................................................................................................... 33
4.1.5 Ground Track Vector ...................................................................................................................... 35
4.1.6 Wind Vector Window ...................................................................................................................... 37
4.1.7 The NAV Range Ring ..................................................................................................................... 39
4.1.8 Fuel Range Rings ........................................................................................................................... 41
4.1.9 Synthetic Vision Field of View Display ........................................................................................... 43
4.1.10 Selected Altitude Intercept Arc ................................................................................................. 45
4.2 Flight Management Tools - Waypoints ............................................................................................... 47
4.2.1 Waypoints Overview ....................................................................................................................... 47
4.2.2 Waypoint Types, Access and Airport Information .......................................................................... 49
4.2.3 PFD and MFD Nearest Airports...................................................................................................... 51
4.2.4 Nearest Intersections Page ............................................................................................................ 53
4.2.5 Nearest Nondirectional Beacons Page .......................................................................................... 55
4.2.6 Nearest VOR Page ......................................................................................................................... 56
4.2.7 User Defined Waypoints ................................................................................................................. 57
4.3 Flight Management Tools - Airspace .................................................................................................. 60
4.3.1 Airspace Identification and Alert Settings ....................................................................................... 60
4.3.2 Airspace Altitude Buffer .................................................................................................................. 62
5 G1000H Operational Safety ........................................................................................................................ 63
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
1 VHF Navigation Resources
1.1 NAV Receiver Controls and Indications
1.1.1 G1000H VHF NAV Radio Overview
The G1000H VHF NAV radios (one in each GIA 63H) can be tuned over the 108.00 to 117.95 MHz
frequency range with 50 KHz spacing. The navigation frequency window is located to the left of the
navigation status bar providing the control and display of dual VHF Omnidirectional
Range/Instrument Landing System (VOR/ILS) receivers (NAV 1 and NAV 2). The displays
accommodate the following information:
Pushing the VOL/PUSH ID knob toggles the Morse code aural identifier of the station selected for
the pilot to verify. The appropriate NAV volume must be set on the audio control panel.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Note: The NAV 1 and NAV 2 station identifier indications will only be in view if the active NAV
frequency is valid and the Morse code signal is being received by the G1000H system.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
The VHF NAV frequency controls and frequency boxes are on the left side of the Multifunction
Display (MFD) and Primary Flight Display (PFD). A NAV receiver may be tuned on either the MFD
or PFD and the G1000H will cross-fill the information on both displays. Manually tuning a NAV
receiver is the same process as tuning a COM transceiver.
• Turn the large outer NAV knob and small inner NAV knob to tune the desired frequency in the
light blue NAV tuning box
• Push the frequency transfer key to transfer the frequency to the NAV active frequency field
• Adjust the volume level with the NAV VOL/ID knob (percentage level remains in view for 2
• Push the NAV VOL/PUSH ID knob to turn the Morse code identifier audio on and off.
• Push the small NAV knob to transfer the frequency tuning box and frequency transfer arrow
between the upper and lower radio frequency fields.
Note: Remember to set the appropriate NAV receiver volume on the audio panel to hear the
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
When the Morse code identifier audio is available for a NAV receiver, a white ID appears to the right
of the standby NAV frequency (the blue transfer arrow is replaced by a white ID indication).
Pushing the VOL/PUSH ID knob controls the Morse code audio only in the radio with the light blue
NAV tuning box.
The pilot can move the frequency tuning box to either NAV unit by pushing the small NAV knob in
order to:
The green coloured frequency and station identifier is an automated function of the G1000H system
for an active VOR frequency. The Morse code signal is continuously being monitored and enables
the pilot to see that the continuous identifier receive status is acceptable for navigation.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
NAV frequencies can be selected and loaded (autotuned) from the following MFD pages:
The MFD provides autotuning of NAV frequencies from Waypoint (WPT) and Nearest (NRST) page
groups. During en route navigation, the NAV frequency is entered automatically into the NAV
standby frequency field.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Generally, but not always, frequencies can be automatically loaded into the NAV tuning box from
pages in the NRST or WPT page group by selecting the desired page from the WPT or NRST
groups and highlighting the frequency with the MFD FMS knob. Push the ENT key. The NAV
frequency will appear in the blue NAV tuning box.
When a page has a list of navigational facilities (such as the NRST – NEAREST VOR page), the
pilot scrolls to the desired VOR facility. Scrolling will be contained to the VOR facilities list. The ENT
key will not load the VOR frequency. A MENU key will manage the options.
• Scroll to Select Frequency Window menu option and push ENT key
• The highlighted frequency for the VOR selected on the list will appear at the bottom of the page
• The selected VOR frequency will appear in the frequency tuning box in the standby NAV
frequency column
• Push the frequency transfer key (flip-flop) to make the VOR active if desired.
Note: When a FREQ softkey appears for any page, it may be used alternatively instead of the
MENU key approach to obtain a highlighted frequency for autotuning.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Approaching KPNE class D airspace, the tower requests a turn northbound and a track direct to the
Yardley terminal VOR (ARD). This will enable a clear departure corridor for jet traffic departing
KPNE runway 06. Just outside class D, the tower calls for the turn back to KPNE for a northeast
arrival, landing at the AWPC operations area.
Required actions:
• Turn northbound and either manually or autotune ARD 108.2 MHz and identify (push the
VOL/PUSH ID knob and adjust NAV 1 volume on the audio panel). Look for the white ID
symbol and green coloured ARD verification.
• Centre the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) by pushing the CRS knob and fly the new heading
inbound to ARD (the CDI will not keep centred if in a turn, expect to centre again).
• Set heading bug by turning or pushing the HDG knob to the inbound course, fly correction
angle for winds and set the heading bug for the desired ground track.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
o Turn, tune, centre the CDI, set the bug and fly the wind correction angle to PNE
o Tune NAV 2 to ARD, centre the CDI with a from indication to see the VOR 2 needle
indicate the outbound radial from ARD (or another VOR for a cross-check radial if desired
for an intersection identification or a position check during a cross-country).
• Track inbound with centred CDI and plan approach from the northeast to the AWPC operations
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
The Direct-to method of GPS navigation is the fastest way of setting a course to a single destination
waypoint. Once a Direct-to waypoint is activated, the G1000H establishes a point-to-point magenta
course line from the present position to the selected Direct-to destination.
• On either the PFD or MFD push the Direct-to key. The Direct-to window is displayed on the
PFD for entry and if the MFD key was pushed, the Direct-to page is displayed. The Direct-to
window or page will be displayed with the destination field highlighted.
• Turn the small FMS knob to enter the first letter of the destination waypoint identifier. The
destination waypoint may be an airport, VOR, Nondirectional Beacon (NDB), intersection or
user defined waypoint, as long as it is in the database or stored memory as a user defined
waypoint. Turn the large FMS knob to the right to move the cursor to the next character
• Repeat the first two entry actions to spell out the rest of the waypoint identifier.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
• Push the ENT key again to activate a Direct-to course to the selected destination.
• Move the map pointer using the joystick function until the desired airport, VOR or NDB is
highlighted and the identifier field automatically filled.
• Push the ENT key twice (once to confirm, once to activate as a destination waypoint).
Normally, the Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) CDI will be centred upon activation of a Direct-to
destination waypoint. When the HSI CDI is not centred, this means the course change to the
destination waypoint is greater than 30°. Turn to the new desired track, push the Direct-to key, then
the ENT key twice. The CDI will centre and a new magenta course line will be established.
Note: Do not centre the CDI using the method above if any instrument procedure is being used for
training or in the event an IIMC is encountered and an instrument procedure is selected. The Direct-
to centring technique will cancel the instrument procedure.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
The G1000H can create up to 99 different flight plans with up to 31 waypoints in each flight plan.
When activated, a flight plan will navigate according to the waypoint sequence the pilot builds. This
alleviates constant Direct-to entries each cancelling the previous.
The flight plan can be created or edited with the PFD or MFD Flight Management System (FMS)
controls. It is recommended that a flight plan be created using the MFD controls (if the PFD is used
the information will cross-fill, but have less options being confined to the same area as the PFD
inset map).
The Flight Plan (FPL) page group consists of these two individual pages used to create, edit and
save flight plans:
• FPL – ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN - page provides information and editing functions for the flight
plan currently in use for navigation
• FPL – FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG - page is used to create new flight plans.
• Turn the small FMS knob to display the FPL – FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG page.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
• Push the NEW softkey (or push the MENU key, highlight the Create New Flight Plan option,
push the ENT key to display a blank flight plan).
• Determine if the waypoint was previously used or if it is a waypoint requiring a manual input:
o If previously used - turn the small FMS knob one click anticlockwise and a submenu
window list of previously used waypoints will be displayed (highlight the desired waypoint,
push the ENT key once to place it on a WAYPOINT INFORMATION page for verification,
then push the ENT key again for flight plan entry). The submenu list is categorised and the
list of waypoints can be scrolled by FPL, NRST, RECENT and USER defined
identifications (turn the small FMS knob clockwise).
o If not previously used - identifier characters entry will be required. Turn the small FMS
knob one click clockwise and a blank WAYPOINT INFORMATION page will be displayed
(enter waypoint characters manually).
• Repeat the applicable entry method to enter each additional flight plan waypoint (every
waypoint may be manually entered if desired by the pilot).
• When all waypoints have been entered, push the small FMS knob allowing a return to the FPL
– FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG page. The new flight plan is now in the stored list.
• To activate from the FPL – FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG page: Highlight the flight plan desired,
push the ENT key once to verify, push again to activate. The most recent flight plan built will be
at the bottom of the list on the FPL – FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG page.
• Use caution if an active flight plan is currently in use. Activating a stored flight plan erases the
active flight plan and replaces it with the flight plan being activated.
If an entry mistake is made either in the waypoint sequence desired or the wrong waypoint was
entered the waypoint should be removed. To remove an unwanted flight plan waypoint, first
highlight the waypoint and push the CLR key. A confirmation window will display OK or CANCEL
options. OK will be highlighted. Push the ENT key.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
An active flight plan is not retained after shutdown. During a flight where the active flight plan was
modified or Air Traffic Control (ATC) has directed different routes, many waypoints not in the
original flight plan would be lost. The actual routing flown in high density areas is useful and can be
retained as a stored flight plan for future use.
• On the FPL – ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN page, highlight the active flight plan title.
• Push the MENU key and the flight plan options will be displayed.
• Highlight the Store Flight Plan option in the PAGE MENU window and push the ENT key.
• A confirmation window will appear with the assigned flight plan number for the active flight plan.
Retention of the active flight plan to a stored flight plan can be verified on the FPL – FLIGHT PLAN
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Any flight plan, whether active or stored, may be inverted (reversed in order of waypoint sequence).
This option makes for a quick turnaround during an out-and-back mission profile. An active flight
plan is inverted on the FPL – ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN page but a stored flight plan is inverted on the
• Push the FPL key to display the FPL – ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN page.
• Push the MENU key, highlight the Invert Flight Plan option in the PAGE MENU window.
• Select OK.
• Push the ENT key to invert and activate the active flight plan.
• Push the FPL key and turn the small FMS knob to display the FPL – FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
• Push the small FMS knob to activate the cursor. Turn the FMS knob to highlight the desired
flight plan to invert.
• Push the INVERT softkey (or MENU key), highlight the Invert & Activate FPL? option in the
PAGE MENU window and push the ENT key. (The Invert and activate stored flight plan?
window is displayed.)
• Push the ENT key to invert and activate the active flight plan.
From the MFD FPL – FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG page, highlight the flight plan to copy.
With OK highlighted, push the ENT key (the existing flight plan will be copied into the next
numbered slot on the MFD FPL – FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG page.
If the pilot decides during any procedure not to copy or invert a flight plan, push the CLR key or
highlight the CANCEL option and push the ENT key.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
An individual flight plan or all stored flight plans can be deleted from the system memory.
• Push the FPL key and turn the small FMS knob to display the FPL – FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG
• Push the small FMS knob to activate the cursor. Turn the FMS knob to highlight the desired
flight plan to delete.
• Push the DELETE softkey, push the CLR key (or push the MENU key, highlight the Delete
Flight Plan option and press the ENT key). The Delete Flight Plan XX? window is displayed for
• With OK highlighted, push the ENT key to delete the flight plan.
• Push the FPL key and turn the small FMS knob to display the FPL – FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
• Highlight the Delete All Flight Plans option in the window and push the ENT key. A Delete all
flight plans? confirmation window is displayed.
• With OK highlighted, push the ENT key to delete all flight plans.
To cancel the request, push the CLR key, or highlight the CANCEL option and push the ENT key.
The option to delete all stored flight plans is not available when the aircraft is in flight.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Flight management tools and techniques are made available to the G1000H pilot through the
G1000H FMS software.
For navigation purposes, the FMS system consists of the following display components which make
the listed tools and techniques possible:
Navigation mode PFD – identifies the phase of flight for the • Situational awareness
identification purposes of CDI scaling and situational • Verification of
awareness. Mode annunciations are continuous GPS
shown above the CDI deviation scale on operation.
the upper right of the HSI.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Inset map PFD – a separate map for the flight Can be ranged separately from the
instrument scan. MFD MAP – NAVIGATION MAP
Navigation map MFD – holds system products and data • All hazard avoidance
comparable to a sectional chart. systems
• GPS course lines
• Flight plan legs and
• Four methods to
display track
• Panning
• Topography
• Measuring bearing
and distance
• Decluttering
• Airspace information
• Ground track vector
• Wind track vector
• Synthetic Vision
System (SVS) field of
view display
• Nav range ring
• Fuel range rings
(reserve and total fuel)
• Altitude intercept arcs.
Map ranging PFD inset and MFD navigation map – The most frequently utilised tool of
provides zoom in and zoom out views for the G1000H providing the pilot
clarity of details. close in scale (PFD inset map) and
an overall scalable navigational
situation on the MFD.
Helicopter placement MFD and PFD inset – also known as the Visual substantiation of moving
icon aircraft symbol, the term Heli-placement position and bearing orientation. A
icon is more accurate since the reliable centre reference for the
programming is such that the icon will use of the NAV range ring. Of
always place itself in the correct position critical importance in the event of
and orientation on any map at any scale IIMC and an instrument procedure.
automatically. A focal point in the pilot’s scan to
minimise head-down time.
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Navigation windows: PFD – the four windows that the pilot must The most convenient and direct
• Direct-to know and manage to achieve any way to set up and load any desired
window navigational outcome. The nearest airport navigational outcome. Pilots who
• Flight window is displayed by the PFD NRST otherwise desire to use the MFD
Plan softkey. All other are accessed directly by FMS keys can obtain the same
window FMS keys. four windows however, the nearest
• Procedure airport page is part of the NRST
s window page group. This would require
• Nearest using the MFD FMS knobs to
Airport obtain (no NRST softkey on the
window MFD).
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o Departure (DPRT)
o En route (ENR)
o Terminal (TERM)
o Oceanic (OCN)
ENR, TERM and OCN are associated with Visual Flight Rules (VFR) operations.
Arrivals, approaches and missed approach operations are associated with Instrument Flight Rules
(IFR) operations for which the aircraft is not approved during IIMC.
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The inset map is a small version of the MAP – NAVIGATION MAP page and is displayed in the
lower right corner of the PFD.
The map range setting of the inset map will appear in the lower right corner of the map. The inset
map is capable of showing the same detail and hazards as the MFD map.
The inset map is effective in the terminal and airport environments for close in details without
needing to change the MFD map (by turning the PFD RANGE knob). Use caution with these
settings since traffic hazards may be off scale and not be viewable except on the MFD map.
Active (magenta) and next (white) navigation legs appear the same way on both the PFD inset map
and the MFD navigation map.
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• Aviation data:
o Airports
o VOR stations
o Airways
o Airspaces
• Geographic data:
o Cities
o Lakes
o Highways
o Borders
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• Topographic data:
The amount of displayed data can be reduced by selecting the DCLTR softkey. Each successive
push will delete map details and indicate the map condition as DCLTR-1, DCLTR-2 and DCLTR-3.
Push again to restore the map with all of its previous details.
• Push the MFD MENU key (Map Setup is the first highlighted option)
• Turn the small FMS knob to get the orientation selection desired
• Push the small FMS knob to clear window (fly according to new orientation set – TRACK UP
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There are 28 different map ranges (sizes) available from 500 ft to 2000 nm. The current range
setting is indicated in the lower right corner of the map and represents the top-to-bottom distance
covered by the map.
To change the map range on any map, turn the RANGE knob anticlockwise to zoom in (- index is
decreasing the map size), clockwise to zoom out (+ index is increasing the map size).
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The Heli-placement icon (aircraft symbol) is located on any display map at the location
corresponding to the calculated present position. The aircraft position and the flight plan legs are
based on GPS calculations.
• During manoeuvres the icon will orient itself to the map and show the relative direction.
• The relative position of the icon to the map features is not exact given some map ranges which
would place the icon out of proportion to range selected.
The leg of the active flight plan currently being flown is shown as a magenta line on the navigation
map. The other legs are shown in white.
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To achieve any navigational outcome the pilot must be familiar with these four FMS system
Displayed in the lower right corner of the PFD in the same space as the inset map, each window will
appear with a selection flashing. Scroll to the field desired and push the ENT key.
The purpose of the direct-to window is for immediate point-to-point navigation (manual entry
The flight plan window is for setting up multi-leg or multi-destinations (especially if the route will be
saved for future reference or use).
The procedures window is strictly for IFR operations and contains arrivals, approaches and
Navigation ATA 34
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The nearest airports window is made available to highlight the desired airport. Push the Direct-to
key followed by the ENT key (precludes the need of a manual entry as if using the direct-to
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• View parts of the map outside the displayed range without adjusting the map range
When the panning function is selected (by pushing the RANGE knob), the map pointer flashes on
the map display. A window also appears at the top of the map display showing the latitude and
longitude position of the pointer, the bearing and distance to the pointer from the aircraft’s present
position and the elevation of the land at the position of the pointer. Pilots who must fly to a dispatch
point can move the map pointer to a latitude and longitude matching the dispatch location for
medical rescue, forestry, law enforcement, etc.
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When the map pointer is placed on an object, the name of the object is highlighted (even if the
name was not originally displayed on the map). When any map feature or object is selected on the
map display, pertinent information is displayed.
When the map pointer crosses an airspace boundary, the boundary is highlighted and airspace
information is shown at the top of the display. The information includes the name and class of
airspace, the ceiling and floor in feet Mean Sea Level (MSL).
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4.1.2 Topography
All navigation maps can display various shades of topography colours representing land elevation,
similar to aviation sectional charts. Topographic data can be turned on or off by utilising the MAP
softkey and then selecting the desired TOPO softkey selection for on or off. The TOPO off selection
is primarily utilised during night flights.
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Distance and bearing from the aircraft’s present position to any point on the viewable navigation
map may be calculated using the measure bearing and distance selection from the navigation map
page menu (MENU key, scroll to select with large FMS knob, ENT key, drive pointer with RANGE
knob, read distance and bearing). This is similar to panning except the measure pointer will always
emanate from the aircraft’s present position.
When driving the pointer, the bearing and distance tool displays a dashed measurement line and a
measure pointer to aid in graphically identifying points with which to measure. Latitude and
longitude distance and elevation data for the measure pointer is provided in a window at the top of
the navigation map.
In the graphics shown, the pilot is determining the bearing and distance, along with what airspace
challenges will be ahead for an immediate course change to airport 31E (Eagle’s Nest NJ). This
allows both immediate navigation and communication with ATC prior to adding 31E to the GPS. The
pilot can work through restricted area R5002G or consider a descent option.
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Low altitude airways are drawn in grey (the same shade used for roads). High altitude airways are
drawn in green. When both types of airways are displayed, high altitude airways are drawn on top of
low altitude airways.
When airways are selected for display on the map, the airway waypoints (VOR, NDB and
intersections) are also displayed.
• MAP softkey
• AIRWAYS softkey
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Unless otherwise assigned for routing by ATC, or needed to avoid the flow of fixed wing traffic, or
part of a helicopter route map, only the low airways are utilised.
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The navigation map can display a track vector that is useful in minimising track angle error. The
track vector is a solid light blue line segment extended to a predicted location. The track vector look
ahead time is selectable (30 sec, 60 sec (default), 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20 min) and determines the
length of the track vector. The track vector shows up to 90° of a turn for the 30 and 60 sec time
settings. It is always a straight line for the 2 min, 5 min, 10 min and 20 min settings.
• Push the MENU key with the navigation map page displayed. The cursor flashes on the Map
Setup option.
• Select ON or OFF. Push the ENT key to accept the selected option. The flashing cursor
highlights the look ahead time field. Use the FMS knob to select the desired time. Push the
ENT key.
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• Push the small FMS knob to return to the navigation map page.
The 2 min look ahead straight line vector is useful to pilots for course corrections and intercepts.
Once the vector has been set, it typically is used continuously. Pilots may also prefer a longer look
ahead vector line provided by up the 5, 10 or 20 min look ahead settings in areas with terrain
Navigation ATA 34
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If desired, the map can display a wind vector arrow in the upper right-hand portion of the screen.
Wind vector information is displayed as a white arrow pointing the direction in which the wind is
moving. The window will actively indicate wind speeds greater than or equal to 1 kt, but only if the
aircraft is moving.
• Push the MENU key with the navigation map page displayed. The cursor flashes on the Map
Setup option.
• Select ON or OFF. Push the ENT key to accept the selected option.
• Push the small FMS knob to return to the navigation map page.
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Pilots typically choose to display the wind vector on the MFD as a virtual wind sock, whilst the PFD
will usually have the pilot preference to split the prevailing wind into separate crosswind and
headwind components (PFD softkey, WIND softkey, OPTN 1 softkey).
Essentially, the MFD wind vector is useful for approach planning and cross-country. The PFD wind
display is useful for hover, hover taxi and air taxi.
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The navigation range ring shows the direction of travel (ground track) on a rotating compass card.
The range ring is scaled to be 25% of the map range selected. The range ring will have a range
window which will indicate the ring range on any of the 28 selectable map ranges.
• Push the MENU key with the navigation map page displayed. The cursor flashes on the Map
Setup option.
• Select On or Off. Push the ENT key to accept the selected option.
• Push the small FMS knob to allow the return to the navigation map page.
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Pilots typically choose and retain this tool for continuous MFD display use. It can be used first to
quickly determine which destinations are within or beyond reach of the aircraft prior to choosing a
bearing and distance tool or to use map panning.
Note: A duplicate ring will also appear in the PFD inset map.
Navigation ATA 34
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The map can display a fuel range ring which shows the remaining flight distance. A dashed green
circle indicates the selected range to reserve fuel. A solid green circle indicates the total endurance
range. If only reserve fuel remains, the range is indicated by a solid yellow circle.
To display the fuel range ring and select a fuel range time:
• Push the MENU Key with the navigation map page displayed. The cursor flashes on the Map
Setup option.
• Select On or Off.
• Highlight the fuel reserve time field. This time should be set to the amount of flight time equal to
the amount of fuel reserve desired and will appear in the RSV ring window of the MFD. To
Navigation ATA 34
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change the reserve fuel time, enter a time (00:01 to 23:59). The default setting is 00:45
Prevailing winds and fuel consumption change the rings. This is a supplemental tool for advisory
Navigation ATA 34
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The map can display the boundaries of the PFD SVS lateral field of view. The field of view is shown
as two dashed lines forming a V shape in front of the aircraft symbol on the map.
• Push the MENU key with the navigation map page displayed. (The cursor flashes on the Map
Setup option.)
• Select On or Off. Push the ENT key to accept the selected option.
• Push the small FMS knob to allow the return to the navigation map page.
When the FIELD OF VIEW tool is used in conjunction with the TRACK VECTOR, WIND VECTOR
and NAV RANGE RING options, the pilot is able to convert the map page into a plotting solution.
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Pilots typically retain this configuration for every flight since situational awareness is enhanced
during multiple hazard avoidance operations (traffic, terrain, obstacles and weather).
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The map can display the location along the current track where the aircraft will intercept the
selected altitude. The location will be shown as a light blue arc when the aircraft is actually climbing
or descending.
If the climb or descent rate changes, the arc will move to correspond to the new altitude intercept
point. The arc will disappear when the target altitude is reached.
• Push the MENU key with the navigation map page displayed. (The cursor flashes on the Map
Setup option.)
• Select On or Off, push the ENT key to accept the selected option.
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Student Notes
• Push the small FMS knob to allow the return to the navigation map page.
The selected altitude intercept arc is the tool that will plot a crossing restriction solution for the pilot.
Used in conjunction with the other tools mentioned, the crossing restriction plot (arc) eliminates
vertical speed and distance calculations for the pilot. This tool is usually retained for all flights in
areas with complex airspace challenges.
The example shown is a flight plan leg from KACY (Atlantic City NJ) to KMMU (Morristown NJ). En
route, McGuire AFB Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) has approved flight into Alert Area A220
with a clearance through restricted areas R5001A and B. This is provided our aircraft can descend
and maintain 1500 ft MSL prior to entering KWRI class D airspace.
The pilot selects 1500 ft using the ALT knob and descends at a rate that keeps the intercept arc
from touching the McGuire AFB class D airspace ring. The descent rate chosen is adequate for the
crossing restriction. The descent rate could actually be diminished with the altitude intercept arc
currently plotted.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Waypoints are predetermined geographical positions (the G1000H internal database) or pilot
entered positions, and are used for all phases of flight planning and navigation.
Waypoints are most often entered using the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)
identifier with the highlighted cursor:
• Turn the small FMS knob to select the first alphanumeric needed.
• Turn the large FMS knob to the right which will move the cursor to the second letter or number
for entry with the small FMS knob.
• Continue these two steps until the last identifier letter or number is selected, then push the ENT
• Push the ENT key again when challenged to activate the waypoint for navigation.
A waypoint can be entered using the name of the facility, or by entering the city name. As a
waypoint identifier, facility name, or location is entered, the G1000H Spell’N’Find™ feature scrolls
through the database, displaying those waypoints matching the characters which have been
entered to that point.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
A direct-to navigation leg to the selected waypoint can be initiated by pushing the Direct-to key on
any of the waypoint pages.
If duplicate entries exist for the entered facility name or location, additional entries may be viewed
by continuing to turn the small FMS knob during the selection process.
If duplicate entries exist for an identifier, a Duplicate Waypoints window is displayed when the ENT
key is pressed.
Note: Prior to pushing the ENT key, verify map location and that the waypoint entered has a symbol
in agreement with the waypoint desired (KTEB is an airport therefore, the airport symbol is shown).
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Regardless of the waypoint type (intersection, NDB, VOR, or user-type), the information for any
waypoint is contained in the WPT page group and accessed with the large FMS knob, then selected
with the small FMS knob.
The airport information page is the first page in the WPT group and allows the pilot to view airport
information, load frequencies (COM, NAV, and lighting), review runways, and review instrument
procedures that may be involved in the flight plan.
• After engine start-up, the WPT - AIRPORT INFORMATION page defaults to the airport where
the aircraft is located.
• After a flight plan has been loaded, it defaults to the destination airport.
• During flight on a flight plan having multiple airports, it defaults to the airport which is the
current active waypoint.
In addition to displaying a map of the currently selected airport and surrounding area, the WPT -
AIRPORT INFORMATION page displays airport information in three boxes labelled AIRPORT,
RUNWAYS and FREQUENCIES. For airports with multiple runways, information for each runway is
available. This information is viewed on the airport information page by pressing the INFO softkey
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) directory information is viewed on the WPT –
AIRPORT DIRECTORY page by pushing the INFO softkey until INFO-2 is displayed.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
PFD window:
The system provides a NRST softkey on the PFD, which gives the pilot quick access to the nearest
airport information (first choice if an airport landing is possible). The NEAREST AIRPORTS window
displays a list of up to the 25 nearest airports (three entries can be displayed at one time). If there
are more than three they are displayed in a scrollable list. If there are no nearest airports available,
NONE WITHIN 200NM is displayed.
MFD page:
The NRST – NEAREST AIRPORTS page on the MFD (large FMS knob to NRST) is first in the
NRST pages group because of its potential use in the event of a land as soon as practicable
situation. In addition to displaying a map of the currently selected airport and surrounding area, the
page displays nearest airport information in five boxes labelled NEAREST AIRPORTS,
The first airport is indicated by a white arrow on the MFD page list, and a dashed white line is drawn
on the navigation map from the aircraft position to the nearest airport. Up to five nearest airports,
one runway, up to five frequencies, and up to five approaches are visible at one time. If there are
more than can be shown, each list can be scrolled.
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Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
The NRST - NEAREST INTERSECTIONS page is used to view information about intersections. In
addition to displaying a map of the currently selected intersection and surrounding area, the
intersection information page displays information for up to 25 nearest intersections in three boxes
The selected intersection is indicated by a white arrow. Up to eleven intersections are visible at a
time. If there are more than can be shown, the list can be scrolled. If there are no items for display,
text indicating that fact is displayed.
In high density traffic situations where a local VFR departure or arrival route is defined by
intersections, the G1000H pilot can simply highlight the intersection with the small FMS knob, push
the Direct-to key and push the ENT key twice to begin navigating to the intersection.
In the case where an intersection is published on a helicopter route chart or sectional for reference,
the G1000H pilot may choose the intersection as a waypoint to add into a flight plan as follows:
• Turn the small FMS knob for the WAYPOINT INFORMATION page and enter OWBIE
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• Push the ENT key, scroll to OWBIE on the flight plan list
In this example, the pilot must fly to OWBIE before proceeding back on course to KMMU
(Morristown NJ).
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Student Notes
The NRST - NEAREST NDB page is used to view information about NDB. In addition to displaying
a map of the currently selected NDB and surrounding area, the page displays NDB information in
three boxes labelled NEAREST NDB, INFORMATION and FREQUENCY.
The list only includes NDB waypoints that are within 200 nm. If there are no NDB in the list, text
indicating that there are NO NEAREST NDB is displayed. If there are no nearest NDB in the list, the
information and frequency fields are dashed. To access the page, turn the large FMS knob to the
NRST page group. Turn the small FMS knob to select the NEAREST NDB page.
The NRST – NEAREST NDB page can be used to quickly find a NDB close to the flight path. A
white arrow before the NDB identifier indicates the selected NDB. Up to eleven NDB are visible at a
time. If there are more than can be shown, the list can be scrolled (push the small FMS knob for the
cursor, then turn the small FMS knob to scroll down the page). The list runs from closest to furthest
from the flight path.
In VFR operations, the pilot can add the NDB to a flight plan or navigate direct-to an NDB. This is
helpful for diversions or where multiple airports in close vicinity to each other can be visually
misidentified, or as a way to deviate around certain airspace or weather using a reliable list of
waypoints close to the flight path intended.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
The NRST – NEAREST VOR page can be used to view information about VOR stations. If a VOR
station is combined with a TACAN station it is listed as a VORTAC on the NEAREST VOR
information page and if it includes only Distance Measuring Equipment (DME), it is displayed as
The NRST – NEAREST VOR page can be accessed by turning the large FMS knob to the NRST
page group. Then turn the small FMS knob to select the NEAREST VOR page.
In addition to displaying a map of the currently selected VOR and surrounding area, the NEAREST
VOR information page displays VOR information in three boxes labelled NEAREST VOR,
INFORMATION and FREQUENCY. The list only includes VOR waypoints that are within 200 nm.
A white arrow before the VOR identifier indicates the selected VOR. Up to eleven VOR are visible at
a time. If there are more than can be shown, the list can be scrolled. If there are no VOR in the list,
text indicating that there are NO NEAREST VOR is displayed. If there are no nearest VOR in the
list, the information is dashed.
The NEAREST VOR page is useful for autotuning a NAV frequency and also using it as a GPS
waypoint, thereby setting up a fail-safe navigation option and the ability to employ bearing pointers if
desired. To select a pointer use PFD softkey, BRG 1 or BRG 2 softkeys as required.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
The G1000H system can create and store up to 1000 user defined waypoints. Once a waypoint has
been created, it can be renamed, deleted, or moved. Temporary user waypoints are erased upon
system power down.
User defined waypoints may be any of four different types depending on how they are derived:
• Radial-Radial (RAD-RAD)
• Radial-Distance (RAD-DIS)
• Latitude-Longitude (LAT-LON).
• Select the WPT - USER WPT INFORMATION page using the FMS knob.
• Push the NEW softkey, (or push the MENU key and select Create New User Waypoint).
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• Push the ENT key twice (activation and confirmation). The current aircraft position is the default
location of the new waypoint.
To create the RAD-RAD, RAD-DIS and LAT-LON user defined waypoint options:
• Select the WPT - USER WPT INFORMATION page using the FMS knob.
• Push the NEW softkey, (or push the MENU key and select Create New User Waypoint).
• Define the type and location of the waypoint in one of the three following ways:
o Select RAD-RAD using the small FMS knob, push the ENT key, and enter the two
reference waypoint identifiers and radials into the REFERENCE WAYPOINTS window
using the FMS knobs
o Select RAD-DIS using the small FMS knob, push the ENT key, and enter the reference
waypoint identifier, the radial and the distance into the REFERENCE WAYPOINTS window
using the FMS knobs.
o Select LAT-LON using the small FMS knob, push the ENT key and enter the latitude and
longitude into the INFORMATION window using the FMS knobs.
INFO: AWPC operations entry ramp at taxiway J is: N 40° 04.97’, W 75° 00.29’. User
defined waypoint DURCAN is N 40° 34.16’, W 74° 29.20’.
• Or, to designate a NORMAL waypoint, push the MENU key, push the ENT key for Waypoint
Setup and push the ENT key for NORMAL.
• On the WPT – USER WPT INFORMATION page, in the USER WAYPOINT LIST block of the
page, highlight the user waypoint to be deleted.
• Push the DELETE softkey (or push the FMS CLR key).
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Selecting a waypoint position on the map using the joystick function of the RANGE knob will also
quickly yield a LAT-LON waypoint solution for entry. The data entry process is the same regardless
of how the user waypoint is defined. User defined waypoints appear as orange coloured square
blocks with their respective ID.
Note: In the graphics shown, a medical evacuation from Durcan Point Forestry Station was required
and it was not on a sectional or the navigation map. The pilot used a PP waypoint and then
adjusted the RAD-DIS based on dispatcher information for proper positioning in establishing the
user defined waypoint. The pilot then added it to his flight plan (FPL key, highlight KMMU, enter
DURCAN, push the ENT key).
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• Class B
• Class C
• Class D
• Alert areas
• Restricted areas
• Warning areas
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The NRST – NEAREST AIRSPACES page, the AIRSPACE ALERT portion of that MFD page and
the airspace alerts, viewed by pushing the MSG softkey on the PFD, (appearing on the PFD
messages window), provide additional information about airspace challenges and the location of the
aircraft in relationship to them.
The AIRSPACE ALERT portion of the MFD AUX – SYSTEM SETUP 1 page allows the pilot to turn
the controlled or special use airspace message alerts ON or OFF. This does not affect the alerts
listed on the NEAREST AIRSPACES page or the airspace boundaries depicted on the moving map
page. It simply turns on or off the warning provided when the aircraft is approaching or near an
Whilst the MFD NRST – NEAREST AIRSPACES page provides a list of airspace alerts, agency to
contact, vertical limits and appropriate frequencies, the PFD provides airspace message alerts on a
flight progression basis as follows:
Sequence of PFD Alert Displayed After Each Push of the Flashing MSG Softkey
Message Alerts
Navigation ATA 34
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An altitude alert buffer is provided to expand the vertical range above or below an airspace to give
the pilot additional alert margins:
Operational example:
If the buffer is set at 500 ft, and the aircraft is more than 500 ft above or below an airspace, an alert
message is not generated, but if the aircraft is less than 500 ft above or below an airspace and
projected to enter it, the pilot is notified with an alert message.
• Use the FMS knobs to obtain the AUX – SYSTEM SETUP 1 page.
• Push the small FMS knob for cursor and highlight ALTITUDE BUFFER.
• Use small FMS knob to change buffer to altitude desired (a four-digit field).
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Recommendation Consideration
Single Pilot Resource SRM is defined as the art of managing all the resources available (both
Management (SRM) Techniques on board and from outside sources) prior to and during flight, to ensure
a successful flight. Prior to flying the G1000H, it is recommended to:
• Set up the flight management tools discussed in this lesson
(PFD SVS view, user defined waypoints, an MFD wind
vector and a PFD wind display along with a navigation
range ring or fuel range ring as desired).
• The MFD AUX-SETUP 1 page is vital (airspace
identifications and alerts – all should be selected ON).
They are defaulted to OFF.
Navigation ATA 34
Student Notes
Recommendation Consideration
Single Pilot Resource The G1000H provides a large amount of display movement that has a
Management (SRM) Techniques tendency to catch the eye early on. Scan the PFD first and do not move
onto the MFD without a good outside scan first (develop a good scan
technique early).
Capabilities Growth While preferences are good, don’t learn only the day-to-day routine
functions of the G1000H. After experience is gained learn multiple ways
to accomplish a task (especially learning all three methods of creating
user defined waypoints).
Risk Management If you can’t see it, don’t go there! The XM weather, HTAWS and GTS
800 traffic are there to alert the challenges, not to enable closer
Type Rating Ground Course (TRGC)
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Integrated Flight Information Systems ATA 46
Student Notes - Pilot
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Integrated Flight Information Systems ATA 46
Student Notes - Pilot
Integrated Flight Information Systems ATA 46
Student Notes - Pilot
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Integrated Flight Information Systems...................................................................................................................... 1
1 G1000H Architecture ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 G1000H ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Identification of Line Replaceable Units ........................................................................................... 3
1.2 Line Replaceable Units (1) ................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 GDU 1040H Displays ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 GIA 63H Integrated Avionics Unit ..................................................................................................... 6
1.2.3 GDC 74H Air Data Computer ........................................................................................................... 8
1.2.4 GEA 71H Engine and Airframe Unit ................................................................................................. 9
1.2.5 GSC 46 Signal Conditioner ............................................................................................................ 10
1.3 Line Replaceable Units (2) ................................................................................................................. 11
1.3.1 GRS 77H Attitude and Heading Reference System ....................................................................... 11
1.3.2 GTX 33H Mode S Transponder ...................................................................................................... 12
1.3.3 GDL 69AH Satellite Datalink Receiver ........................................................................................... 14
1.3.4 GTS 800 Traffic Advisory System .................................................................................................. 15
1.3.5 LRU Failure Indications .................................................................................................................. 16
1.4 Externally Mounted Components ....................................................................................................... 17
1.4.1 Identification of Probes, Sensors and Antennas ............................................................................ 17
1.4.2 GA 36 and GA 37 GPS Antennas .................................................................................................. 18
1.4.3 GMU 44 Magnetometer Sensor...................................................................................................... 19
1.4.4 GA 58 Traffic Avoidance System Antenna ..................................................................................... 20
1.4.5 GTP 59 Outside Air Temperature Probe ........................................................................................ 21
2 G1000H Controls ......................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1 System Controls ................................................................................................................................. 22
2.1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.2 COM Group .................................................................................................................................... 24
2.1.3 Right Situational Management Group ............................................................................................ 25
2.1.4 Flight Management System Control Group .................................................................................... 27
2.1.5 Softkey Control Group .................................................................................................................... 30
2.1.6 Left Situational Management Group ............................................................................................... 32
2.1.7 NAV Control Group ......................................................................................................................... 33
2.1.8 Similar System Controls ................................................................................................................. 34
2.1.9 Secure Digital Database Card ........................................................................................................ 35
2.1.10 Operational Approach .............................................................................................................. 37
3 Display Modes, Flight Instrumentation, Supplemental Data........................................................................ 39
3.1 PFD Initialisation and MFD Power-up Modes .................................................................................... 39
3.1.1 Self-test and Database Verification ................................................................................................ 39
3.2 Display Modes .................................................................................................................................... 41
3.2.1 Normal PFD and MFD Display Modes ........................................................................................... 41
3.2.2 Reversionary Action and Presentation ........................................................................................... 42
3.3 Flight Instrumentation ......................................................................................................................... 43
3.3.1 Airspeed Indicator ........................................................................................................................... 43
3.3.2 Attitude Indicator ............................................................................................................................. 45
3.3.3 Altimeter.......................................................................................................................................... 46
3.3.4 Vertical Speed Indicator ................................................................................................................. 48
3.3.5 Horizontal Situation Indicator .......................................................................................................... 49
3.4 Additional Horizontal Situation Indicator Indications .......................................................................... 50
3.4.1 Alternative HSI 140° Arc Display .................................................................................................... 50
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The G1000H is an avionics integration platform employing digitally interfaced units that present:
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These major areas of integrated information are presented through two large format screens.
Whilst both screens have the same controls, they predominately have separate roles. The role of
the left screen is to function as a Multifunction Display (MFD) primarily delivering engine and
moving map data.
The role of the right screen is to function as a Primary Flight Display (PFD) delivering an integrated
picture of the flight condition, propulsion management and containing a Crew Alerting System
The PFD and MFD integrate outputs from internal, remote mounted Line Replaceable Units (LRU).
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Nine different types of internally mounted LRU are mounted in three locations in the aircraft:
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The GDU 1040H used for both the PFD and the MFD are identical units with identical controls.
Each screen is a diagonal 10.4 inch Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with a 1024 x 768 pixel resolution.
A configuration module within the GDU 1040H PFD back connector contains aircraft specific
backup configuration data.
Each GDU 1040H communicates with each other and with the onside GIA 63H integrated avionics
unit through a High-speed Databus (HSDB) connection.
A HSDB is a system for connecting the LRU of the G1000H to form a local area network, with
protocols to control the passing of information and to avoid simultaneous transmission by two or
more systems. Protocols on the HSDB are standards for LRU intercommunication commonly
referred to as RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 and ARINC 429 digital interface methods. All such LRU
digital interface is autonomous and without pilot interface.
The GDU 1040H screens use a lens coated with a special anti-reflective coating that is very
sensitive to skin oils, waxes, and abrasive cleaners. Cleaners containing ammonia will harm the
anti-reflective coating. It is very important to clean the lens using a soft, clean, lint-free cloth and an
eyeglass lens cleaner that is specified as safe for anti-reflective coatings.
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Each of the two installed GIA 63H units internally integrate and contain:
Each GIA 63H is paired with its respective GDU 1040H via a HSDB connection. The GIA 63H units:
The purpose of GIA 63H is to act as the main datalink communication hub, linking all LRU with the
respective onside GDU 1040H screens.
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Note: The GIA 63H units do not include Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) or Automatic
Direction Finder (ADF) capabilities due to obsolescence. The AW119Kx is Visual Flight Rules (VFR)
certified and therefore does not have Marker Beacons (MB) or a Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS) capability.
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The single GDC 74H ADC processes data from the pitot-static system as well as the Outside Air
Temperature (OAT) probe. This unit provides:
• Pressure altitude
• Airspeed
• Vertical speed
• Ambient temperature.
The GDC 74H communicates with each GIA 63H, GDU 1040H and GRS 77H AHRS using an
ARINC 429 digital interface. It interfaces directly with the GTP 59 OAT probe.
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The dual GEA 71H units receive and process signals from the engine and airframe sensors. These
units communicate with both GIA 63H using an RS-485 digital interface.
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The dual GSC 46 signal conditioners convert tachometer and engine torque information to a digital
format for use by the GEA 71H.
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The single GRS 77H provides aircraft attitude and heading information via ARINC 429 to both GDU
1040H units and both GIA 63H units.
The GRS 77H contains advanced sensors (including accelerometers and rate sensors) and
interfaces with the GMU 44 to obtain magnetic field information, along with the GDC 74H to obtain
air data, and then with both GIA 63H to obtain GPS information.
Note: The GRS 77H protrudes slightly into the baggage compartment since the AHRS must be
mounted within 13 ft (4.0 m) longitudinally and 6 ft 6 in (2.0 m) laterally of the aircraft centre of
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The single GTX 33H/ES is a solid-state, mode S transponder that provides interrogation replies for
modes A, C and S operations.
Mode A 4096 code capability, 1030 MHz interrogation, 1090 MHz reply
Mode C 4096 code capability, 1030 MHz interrogation, 1090 MHz reply with
altitude and heading reporting capability
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Mode S Referred to as a mode select beacon system (or mode S). It provides
selective mode reply technology to preclude traffic saturation and
masked replies on 1090 MHz. It Includes both A and C mode capability.
Squits (transmits) an aircraft identification code every second without
interrogation for surveillance use by controllers and other mode S
equipped aircraft, henace the need for mode S technology with traffic
avoidance systems (reference the GTS 800 traffic avoidance LRU)
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The single GDL 69AH satellite radio receiver communicates with the MFD via HSDB connection
and provides real-time weather information to the G1000H MFD (and, indirectly, to the inset map of
the PFD).
A subscription to the Extended Module (XM) satellite radio service is required to enable the GDL
69AH capability.
Note: XM (also referred to as no modulation) are digitised radio programs, compressed before
being transmitted to a geostationary satellite. The satellite in turn, reflects the signal back to special
XM antennas and receivers (datalink).
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The single GTS 800 TAS provides a graphical presentation of targets on the moving map display of
the MFD or inset map of the PFD. The GTS 800 TAS receives active interrogations from other
mode S and mode C transponders to provide Traffic Advisories (TA) to the pilot independent of the
ATC system. This is accomplished via the transponder surveillance (or extended surveillance)
system using squitter information.
The active interrogations referenced are transponder to transponder (aircraft to aircraft) and not the
result of an ATC radar interrogation. ADS-B is purposed to ultimately replace ground radars. ADS-B
has transmit (out) and receive (in) equipment requirements:
The AW119Kx meets the requirements for ADS-B out. Until ADS-B in standards are determined,
the GTS 800 TAS acts as an ADS-B receiver in a TA capacity only, with a single antenna.
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When an LRU or an LRU function fails, a large red X is typically displayed on windows associated
with the failed data. Upon G1000 power-up, certain windows will remain invalid as equipment
begins to initialise.
If any window remains flagged by a red X, then the G1000H system will require troubleshooting and
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Externally mounted probes, sensors and antennas that support the G1000H LRU operations are:
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The single GA 36 and the single GA 37 antennas are GPS SBAS antennas which are physically
The GA 36 antenna is a through mount (a permanent mount having a coaxial airframe penetration).
The GA 37 is a through mount antenna with the additional capability of XM/datalink interface
(reference note on the GDL 69AH LRU).
Note: An SBAS antenna is a GPS antenna with a WAAS capability. WAAS capabilities add
numerous features to GPS navigation and specifically, eliminate positional error allowing a variety
of GPS precision and nonprecision approach operations.
WAAS is the implementation of SBAS in the United States. WAAS covers virtually the entire
western hemisphere. SBAS antennas are fitted to the AW119Kx so as to be capable of
performance with other WAAS types as well, such as the European Geostationary Navigation
Overlay Service (EGNOS) covering Europe and Africa.
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The GMU 44 magnetometer measures the earth’s local magnetic field. Digital data is sent to the
GRS 77H AHRS for processing to determine the magnetic heading of the aircraft.
This unit communicates with, and receives power directly from the GRS 77H AHRS, using the RS-
485 digital interface.
Note: An aviation magnetometer is sometimes referred to as a flux gate or flux valve. This is
because the magnetometer employs electromagnetic wire coils to create magnetic fluctuations.
Magnetic flux occurs when the excitation and sense wire coils of the magnetometer cross lines of
force in the earth’s magnetic field. As the aircraft turns, measurable fluctuations increase, decrease
or stop (null) in the case of magnetic north alignment. Hence, this operation of the magnetometer
has been referred to as a flux gate or flux valve function.
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The single mount, dual blade GA 58 is a directional antenna for the GTS 800 TAS. One bottom
mounted directional antenna is fitted on the aircraft.
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The single GTP 59 probe provides OAT data to the GDC 74H ADC.
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2 G1000H Controls
2.1 System Controls
2.1.1 Overview
The PFD and the MFD screens have identical controls. The controls are in six groups as follows:
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Softkey 12 softkeys
Note: The G1000H control groups are not a conventional arrangement. The standard COM/NAV
and CRS/HDG controls are reversed.
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VOL/SQ knob To adjust receive Turn either direction to adjust com audio
volume and level (shown as a percentage in com
manage auto box). Push to enable or disable
squelch automatic squelch. Squelch level cannot
be adjusted.
Transfer key with left right arrows To select desired Push to move cyan box frequency into
frequency or active use (flip-flop frequency function).
EMERG frequency Press and hold for 2 seconds and
emergency frequency 121.5 MHz will be
tuned and selected.
COM knob with dual concentric VHF frequency Turn either direction to tune standby
large outer and small inner knobs selection transceiver frequency in cyan box. Outer
large knob tunes MHz and small inner
knob tunes KHz.
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Integrated Flight Information Systems ATA 46
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A map joystick to Push to view pointer then drive pointer
adjust the map with knob in four directions as desired to
view in any achieve desired view or to place pointer
direction (panning) over a map feature.
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Direct-to key Activates direct-to function. Allows Press Direct-to key, then the direct-to
entry of new identifier for direct-to window will appear. Enter each new
destination and course information. identifier letter using FMS/PUSH CRSR
(cursor) knob and press ENT key. Press
ENT key again when prompted to
activate the direct-to leg (a validation).
MENU key To give the pilot a list of content Press MENU key, then scroll cursor with
selectable options for access to FMS knob to desired content and press
features or to make preference ENT key. Follow prompts for
changes (settings). preferences.
FPL key Displays flight plan window for Press FPL key, then view current flight
review or entry. plan in window. Add to or build new flight
plan using FMS/PUSH CRSR knob and
ENT key.
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PROC key For access to Instrument Flight Press PROC key, select procedure type
Rules (IFR) procedures such as (DP, STAR, IAP) and press ENT. Scroll
departures (DP), arrivals (STARS) cursor to actual desired IFR procedure
and approach procedures (IAP) using FMS knob and press ENT. Press
and the ability to add the desired ENT for validation window which will add
procedure to an existing flight plan. the procedure to the flight plan.
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Integrated Flight Information Systems ATA 46
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Softkeys are a changing set of system intuitive choices presented to the pilot on the lower screen of
the PFD and MFD. The choices are generated by the system software. The pilot selections present
subsequent detailed choices which may proceed through three levels of changing softkeys in order
to achieve the desired outcome.
The pilot interfaces with the selection levels by use of the 12 lower bezel push buttons each
corresponding to a softkey choice.
Note: The pilot does not need to know the levels of softkey architecture to effectively use these
controls. For reference purposes, the three levels of softkey selection are provided in the G1000H
Integrated Flight Deck Pilot’s Guide.
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12 individual To allow the pilot an intuitive workload Push the bezel key immediately
bezel control system to manage: below the softkey choice to select the
mounted • System initialisation preference, feature, function, system,
buttons along display, message or guidance
• CAS window scrolling
the bottom of desired.
the PFD and • Temporary display preferences
MFD screens. • Temporary navigational display Softkey choices will change for each
preferences additional pilot input and selection.
• Transponder usage Push the requisite bezel button for
• Hazard systems usage each subsequent new level of
selection until the desired objective is
• System features and attendant displays achieved.
• Emergency guidance (NRST)
• System interface messaging (MSG) As each bezel button is pushed the
softkey choice selected will turn from
white text on black background to
black text on grey background and
remain this way until it is de-selected.
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HDG knob To set heading bug Turn either direction until bug is over
desired heading.
PUSH HDG SYNC To set heading due Push for sync window to left of HSI. Turn
to precession knob either direction for manual slaving.
ALT knob with concentric large To set desired Small inner/large outer concentric knob
outer and small inner knobs altitude for the operation:
operation • Turn large knob either direction to
contemplated increase or decrease altitude in
above the altimeter thousands of feet.
• Turn small inner knob either direction
to increase or decrease altitude in
hundreds of feet.
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VOL/PUSH ID knob To adjust NAV Turn either direction to adjust NAV audio
receive volume or level (shown as a percentage in NAV
to verify station box).
Morse code
identification Press to toggle Morse code identifier
audio ON. Press again to toggle OFF.
Transfer key with left right arrows To select desired Push to move cyan box frequency into
VOR frequency active use (flip-flop frequency function).
NAV knob with concentric large VOR/ILS/LOC NAV Turn either direction to tune receiver
outer and small inner knobs frequency selection frequency in cyan box. Outer large knob
tunes MHz and small inner knob tunes
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The NAV, COM, CRS/BARO, FMS and ALT knobs are concentric dual knobs, each having small
(inner) and large (outer) knobs. When either portion of a knob is not specified for a specific use
within a procedure, then either knob may be used. This is not likely with the NAV and COM
frequency controls.
More likely cases include scrolling where an information group may only contain one page or a
menu may have different functionality whereby either knob will operate a menu.
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The PFD and MFD data card slots use Secure Digital (SD) cards and are located on the top right
portion of the display bezels. Each display (PFD and MFD) bezel is equipped with two SD card
slots. SD cards are used for aviation database and system software updates as well as terrain
database storage.
Not all SD cards are compatible with the G1000H. Use only SD cards supplied by Garmin or
Only insert a SD card into a slot with the G1000H powered OFF.
Action Procedure
Install an SD card Insert the SD card into the slot, gently pushing until the internal spring
latch engages. Verify that the front of the card remains flush with the face
of the display bezel.
Remove an SD card Gently press on the SD card and the internal spring latch will disengage.
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Note: Typically, the lower SD slots are allocated for both Garmin and other approved optional
database information to support G1000H operations such as:
• Expanded Basemap™
• Terrain (Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS))
• Obstacle database
• Safe Taxi™
• Airport Directory™
• FliteCharts™ or ChartView™.
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It is normal for pilots transitioning from conventional instrumentation and avionics to have concerns
about translating the G1000H controls into a control flow.
The six control groups presented can be translated into three operational areas which support pilot
priorities during any flight.
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Situational Left situational management group Avoid fixation and distraction of the
awareness (HDG and ALT) vertical speed indicator movement. To
preclude excessive heads down time,
verify/set left situational management
group first (HDG and ALT).
Right situational management group Note: HDG bug is not coupled to the
(CRS/BARO and MAP) helipilot. Use ALT knob and ALT
window as an altitude alerter.
Setup COM control group Determine early which hand will set
NAV control group up COM and NAV frequencies and if
FMS control group a combination of PFD and MFD is
effective. The FMS can be set up
from either GDU 1040H.
Function selection Soft key buttons control group Do not study the three function levels
of the softkey buttons. The
transponder is the only radio
accessed. Only the:
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Upon application of external power or turning the BAT switch to ON, the PFD will automatically
begin an initialisation process to bring the LRU online. Verify PFD and MFD switches are ON if this
is not the case.
PFD initialisation:
PFD red X indications (symbolic of failed data) will disappear as LRU begin to provide
instrumentation for display. The AHRS (GRS 77H AHRS) will be last to align with the GIA 63H units
until a full flight display is presented.
MFD power-up:
Simultaneously, the MFD presents a power-up page presentation as it tests and presents the
following information for pilot verification:
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Aircraft model and software Must match current AgustaWestland software version and
identification number aircraft model.
List of databases with individual If expired, have current charts and supporting data required
expiration dates for safety of flight.
• Push the small FMS knob to show setup page.
• Push small FMS knob again to display cursor.
• Scroll cursor by turning the small FMS knob.
• Make selections using the ENT button.
• Use large FMS knob to change pilot profile pages.
To continue Recommendation:
Push the lower right softkey button two times in rapid
• Push the FMS ENT key twice.
The complete initialisation of the PFD and power-up of the MFD protocols should be complete for
pilot continuation in approximately 1 minute. In extreme cold conditions, this may take up to 10
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When the pilot has accomplished the appropriate initialisation and power verifications and elects to
continue, the G1000H system will present PFD and MFD normal displays.
This will not occur unless the system has acquired the correct amount of satellites. The system will
not place the helicopter symbol on the MFD map display until satellite acquisition has been
The normal display mode is the baseline presentation for operations. It is recognised as the first
display mode after the pilot pushes the continuation softkey twice to verify data and to select the
normal mode (MFD with map and secondary Engine Instrument Strip (EIS), the PFD with full flight
instrumentation, CAS and the primary EIS).
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A reversionary action is when the G1000H system automatically detects a GDU 1040H display
screen failure. Regardless of which screen has failed, the PFD normal mode information will
automatically transfer to the operating screen as a backup.
MFD map and secondary EIS displays will be lost (ENG OIL, XMSN OIL, HYD, FUEL PSI, AMP,
VDC). Access to COM 2 and NAV 2 will be lost and the failure indicated with a red X on the PFD
In the event of a system malfunction occurring within the secondary EIS systems, the appropriate
warning or caution message can be viewed on the PFD CAS.
Note: In the event that an automatic reversionary has taken place and the PFD in reversionary
mode begins to display further failures in airspeed, altitude, or heading, use the Emergency
Standby Instrument System (ESIS) display.
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• Ground speed
The airspeed indicator displays airspeed on a vertical moving tape with rolling numbers. The ground
speed is displayed in knots below the airspeed indicator.
Speed indications begin at 20 Knots Indicated Airspeed (KIAS). The indicated airspeed is displayed
inside the black pointer box. The pointer box remains black until reaching the never exceed speed
(V NE ), at which point it indicates white on red.
Colour coded speed strips (replace green and red arcs) are displayed on the moving tape. The
colours denote normal operating range and V NE .
The airspeed trend vector is a vertical, magenta line that appears to the right of the colour coded
speed range strip when airspeed is either accelerating or decelerating. One end of the magenta line
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is anchored to the tip of the airspeed pointer while the other end moves continuously up or down
corresponding to the rate of acceleration or deceleration. For any constant rate of acceleration or
deceleration, the moving end of the line shows approximately what the indicated airspeed value will
be in six seconds.
If the trend vector crosses V NE , the text of the actual airspeed readout changes to yellow. The trend
vector is absent if the speed remains constant or if any data needed to calculate airspeed is not
available due to a system failure.
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Attitude information is displayed over a virtual blue sky and a synthetic vision landscape with a
white horizon reference line. The attitude indicator displays the pitch, roll, and yaw (slip/skid
When the Synthetic Vision System (SVS) is installed, the pitch scale is reduced to 10˚ up and 7.5˚
The inverted white triangle indicates zero on the roll scale. Major index marks at 30˚ and 60˚ and
minor tick marks at 10˚, 20˚, and 45˚ are shown to the left and right of the zero. Angle of bank is
indicated by the position of the upright white triangle pointer on the roll scale (roll pointer).
The slip/skid indicator is the moving base (bar) beneath the roll pointer. The indicator bar moves
with the roll pointer and displaces laterally away from the pointer to indicate uncoordinated flight.
Slip (inside the turn) or skid (outside the turn) is indicated by the location of the bar relative to the
base of the pointer.
The conventional turn and bank indicator has been integrated into two separate instrument displays:
• The turn needle is integrated into the Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
• The slip/skid inclinometer (ball) has been integrated as shown on the attitude indicator.
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3.3.3 Altimeter
The altimeter displays 600 ft of barometric altitude scale on a rolling number tape. Numeric labels
with major index marks are shown at intervals of 100 ft. Minor tick marks are at intervals of 20 ft.
The current altitude is displayed in the black pointer box. The selected bug altitude is displayed
above the altimeter tape. The barometric setting is displayed at the bottom of the altimeter tape.
The ALT knob is used to set selected altitudes having a bug reference (used as a pilot reminder). If
the selected altitude exceeds the range shown on the tape, the bug appears at the corresponding
edge of the tape.
The BARO knob sets pressure. Inches of mercury, or changeable to Hectopascals (HPA), are also
referred to as millibars.
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Always accomplish both settings when the metric system of altitude indication is required.
A trend vector feature is also included in the altimeter presentation. A magenta altitude trend vector
extends up or down on the left side of the altitude tape (the end resting at the approximate altitude
to be reached in 6 seconds at the current vertical speed). The trend vector is not shown if altitude
remains constant or if data needed for calculation is not available due to a system failure.
For IFR approach operations, a Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) or a Decision Height (DH) can
also be bugged on the altimeter tape.
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The Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) displays the aircraft vertical speed on a fixed scale with numeric
labels and major indexes at 1000 and 2000 fpm.
Digits appear in the black pointer box when the climb or descent rate is greater than 100 fpm.
If the aircraft is climbing or descending at a rate greater than 2000 fpm, the VSI black pointer box
appears at the corresponding edge of tape and the rate appears inside the pointer.
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The HSI displays a rotating compass card in a heading up orientation. Letters indicate the cardinal
points with numeric labels every 30˚. Major index marks are at 10˚ intervals and minor tick marks
are at 5˚ intervals. A digital reading of the current heading appears on top of the HSI.
The current track is represented on the HSI by a magenta diamond connected to a grey dashed
line. The HSI also presents turn rate, course deviation, bearing and navigation source information.
The HSI is available in two formats, a 360˚ compass rose and a 140˚ arc.
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The arc HSI is a 140˚ expanded section of the compass rose. The arc HSI contains a course
pointer, combined to/from indicator, a Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) and a deviation scale. Upon
station passage, the to/from indicator flips and points to the tail of the aircraft, just like a
conventional to/from flag. Depending on the navigation source, the CDI on the arc HSI can appear
in two different ways, an arrowhead (GPS, VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR)) or a diamond
(Localiser (LOC)).
Adjustment of heading and course while using the 140° arc are still performed by selecting the
respective CRS or HDG knob. As the adjustments are changed, windows on either side of the HSI
will appear to display the results for pilot verification.
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• The CDI can be centred with one push on the CRS knob. The course pointer will also then
indicate the bearing to the active waypoint.
• The heading bug can be slewed to the current heading at any time with one push on the HDG
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The conventional turn needle from a turn and bank instrument has been integrated into the HSI of
the G1000H system. The turn rate indicator is located directly above the rotating compass card.
Tick marks to the left and right of the lubber line denote half-standard and standard turn rates (1.5°
and 3.0° per second). A magenta turn rate trend vector shows the current turn rate. The end of the
trend vector gives the heading predicted in 6 seconds, based on the present turn rate.
A standard rate turn is shown on the indicator by the trend vector stopping at the standard turn rate
tick mark.
At rates greater than 4° per second, an arrowhead appears at the end of the magenta trend vector
and the prediction is no longer valid.
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A bearing pointer is not selected for navigation such as a CDI would be. Bearing pointers are
typically used for cross-check navigational purposes and situational awareness.
Two bearing pointers and their associated bearing windows can be displayed on the HSI for NAV
and GPS sources by pressing the PFD softkey then a BRG softkey. The bearing pointers are light
blue and are single line (BRG 1) or doubleline (BRG 2).
A pointer symbol is shown in the bearing information windows to indicate the navigation source. The
bearing pointers never override the CDI and are visually separated from the CDI by a white ring.
Bearing pointers may be selected but not necessarily visible due to data unavailability.
When a bearing pointer is displayed, its associated information window is also displayed. The
bearing information windows are displayed to the lower sides of the HSI and display the following
• Bearing pointer
• Frequency (NAV)
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To remove the bearing pointer(s) and bearing window(s) push the BRG softkey.
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The CDI moves left or right from the course pointer along a lateral deviation scale to display aircraft
position relative to the course. If the course deviation data is not valid, the CDI is not displayed.
The CDI can display two sources of navigation, GPS or VOR/LOC (singularly). Colour indicates the
current navigation source, magenta for GPS and green for VOR and LOC. The full scale limits for
the CDI are defined by a GPS derived distance when coupled to GPS. When navigating using a
VOR or LOC, the CDI uses the same angular limits as a mechanical CDI. If the CDI exceeds the
maximum deviation on the scale (two dots) while navigating with GPS, the cross track error (XTK) is
displayed below the white helicopter symbol.
Note: Do not confuse bearing pointers with CDI navigation sources. A CDI navigation source is one
selected for tracking to or from. Bearing pointers are relational to navigational crosschecks and
situational awareness.
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The OAT is displayed to the left of the HSI in degrees Celsius (°C). The OAT window will always be
present unless data is invalid.
A Fahrenheit format is not available since vital performance data such as power checks, hover
performance and rate of climb are predicated upon degrees Celsius.
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Wind direction and speed (relative to the aircraft) in knots can be displayed in a window to the upper
left of the HSI. When the window is selected for display, but wind information is invalid or
unavailable, the window shows NO WIND DATA. Wind data can be displayed in three different
• Push one of the OPTN (1, 2, or 3) softkeys to change how wind data is displayed:
o OPTN 3: Wind direction arrow with headwind (H) or tailwind (T) and crosswind (X) speed
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The COM frequency box is the same on both the PFD and MFD. The frequency box can be tuned
by either the PFD or MFD COM control group.
The COM frequency box is composed of four numeric fields. The frequencies on the left are those
in the active field for COM 1 and COM 2. The frequencies on the right are those in the standby
fields for COM 1 and COM 2. The frequency tuning box is in light blue.
The desired transceiver for communication is selected by the Digital Audio Control System (DACS)
audio control panel. The DACS audio control panel selection uses the frequencies in the active field
only. The DACS audio panel selection (1 or 2) will mute the transceiver not selected.
There are two indications during COM operations that appear to the right of the active frequencies:
• TX - appears for the duration of a pilot transmission next to the selected active frequency
• RX - appears for the duration of any signal received next to the selected active frequency.
Note: In the normal display mode, the PFD and MFD will display the last frequencies used prior to
the previous shutdown of the G1000H system.
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Any type of frequency tuning for either COM transceiver is performed within a tuning box. The
tuning box can be positioned around either COM 1 or COM 2 standby frequencies. The tuning box
will always be in view. The tuning box also carries with it a light blue transfer arrow symbol.
To position the tuning box push the small COM knob until the tuning box is positioned over the
standby COM frequency desired for tuning.
• Turn the COM knobs to tune the desired frequency in the selected COM tuning box. The large
knob will tune MHz and the small knob will tune KHz.
• Push the frequency transfer key to transfer the frequency to the active field.
• Verify that the tuned COM transceiver has been selected on the DACS audio control panel.
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Pushing and holding the COM frequency transfer key for 2 seconds will automatically load the
VHF emergency COM frequency (121.500 MHz) directly into the active transceiver field of the COM
radio selected for tuning.
Since the frequency is loaded directly into the active field, the standby field and tuning box
frequency does not change. Either COM transceiver can perform this function.
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Autotuning a COM frequency is when a frequency can be highlighted and picked from a PFD
window or an MFD information page. It is then deposited into the standby COM frequency field for
transfer to the active field without the need for manual tuning.
Remember that autotune capabilities may be accomplished on the PFD or the MFD but each will
access either a window or page format respectively. Regardless of function, work windows on the
PFD and manage the pages on the MFD. The most useful PFD autotune window function (to
alleviate pilot workload) utilises the NRST softkey and picks frequency information from the nearest
airports window.
• Push the NRST softkey. This will open the nearest airports window on the lower right side of
the PFD.
• Turn the large FMS knob to scroll through the airport list. Push small FMS knob to highlight the
desired airport frequency (push FMS knob to highlight and cursor on are the same function).
• Push the FMS ENT key to load the COM frequency into the COM standby tuning box.
• Push the frequency transfer key to transfer the frequency to the COM active frequency field.
The PFD nearest airports window will have limited airport frequencies. To autotune COM
frequencies for airspace (centre, approach), weather services (Automated Weather Observing
System (ASOS), Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)) or any detailed airport information,
the MFD information pages will be utilised.
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The use of COM autotuning from the MFD first requires a brief understanding of the FMS MENU
The purpose of the key is to manage the PFD windows or MFD information pages (to view their
respective options lists). When the MENU key is pushed on the MFD, a context sensitive list of
options within a page menu will appear. The options list within the page menu allows the pilot to
access additional features or make setting changes which specifically relate to the currently
displayed page (or window on the PFD). Turn the outer and inner MFD FMS knobs to select a page
group and page prior to using the MENU key.
The G1000H does not use a master menu list. Some menus provide access to additional submenus
that are used for guidance to view, edit, select and review options. Menus will display NO OPTIONS
when there are no options for the current page (or PFD window) selected.
• Turn the FMS knob to scroll through a list of available options (a scroll bar appears to the right
when the options list is longer than the window)
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Push the CLR key to cancel an operation or push the small FMS knob to remove the menu from
sight (escape).
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On the MFD, frequencies can be autotuned to the COM frequency standby field using a menu key
approach or by pulling a frequency directly from a MFD page.
Unlike using a PFD window, the MFD uses full page displays of information and then the individual
page menu options are managed using the FMS MENU key.
MFD autotuning of a COM frequency from either the NRST or WPT pages:
• Push MFD FMS MENU key after desired page is displayed in the MFD
• Turn the large FMS knob to scroll through the menu options
• Scroll through the frequency selections with the small FMS knob
• Push the FMS ENT key to load the COM frequency into the standby field
• Push the COM control group frequency transfer key to make active.
Picking a frequency from a MFD information page already in view can be done by pushing the small
MFD FMS knob to show the cursor on page. Turn the FMS knob to place the cursor over the
desired frequency. Push the FMS ENT key and then the frequency transfer key to make active.
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Note: The menu approach allows direct access to the detailed information of the nearest airports,
nearest frequencies and nearest airspace menu options.
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The COM radios can tune either 760 VHF COM channels at 25 KHz spacing (118.000 to 136.975
MHz) or use 8.33 KHz spacing (118.000 to 136.990 MHz) which yields 3,040 VHF COM channels.
The COM displays always present the pilot with a six-digit frequency. To determine or change the
frequency spacing currently in use:
• Turn the large FMS knob to highlight the channel spacing field in the COM CONFIG box on the
• Turn the small FMS knob to select the desired channel spacing.
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It is recommended that the 8.33 KHz setting be used since it also incorporates all of the 760 25 KHz
Note: When the COM CONFIG box is selected on the AUX – system setup page 1, all system
softkeys will be blank.
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Squelch sensitivity of the COM audio signals received is set at the factory. The pilot may elect to
have the automatic setting ON or OFF.
To select a setting:
• Push the VOL/SQ knob to turn OFF the automatic squelch (steady static will be heard)
The COM radio volume level can be adjusted from 0 to 100% using the VOL/SQ knob. Turning the
knob clockwise increases volume, turning the knob anticlockwise decreases volume. When
adjusting volume, the level (in percentage) is displayed in the standby frequencies field. Volume
level indications remain for 2 seconds after any adjustment.
G1000H and DACS ACP53-001 audio control panel settings for audio balancing:
To obtain the optimal balance between sidetone and audio signals received volume, the following
checklist is recommended as a volume default setting:
Integrated Flight Information Systems ATA 46
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Automatic squelch On
DACS ACP53 audio panels Set COM 1 and COM 2 volume knobs to maximum (full clockwise
DACS ACP53 audio panels Set outer master receive volume knob to a midrange setting
Note: This recommendation allows the pilot to balance audio and set only one master control on the
ACP53 up or down from midrange for personal preference.
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COM abnormal operations typically involve a stuck microphone, a GIA 63H transceiver unit failure
or a tuning failure.
Stuck microphone:
If the cyclic Push-To-Talk (PTT) switch becomes stuck, the COM transmitter stops transmitting after
35 seconds of continuous operation. An alert appears on the PFD to advise the pilot of a stuck
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5 Transponder Procedures
5.1 GTX 33H ES Mode S Transponder
5.1.1 Controls
The transponder provides ATC with radar beacon, datalink and ADS-B out information.
Functional management of the transponder is accomplished and displayed using the softkeys of the
• When the CODE softkey is pushed, the number softkeys appear (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, IDENT,
• The digits 8 and 9 are not used for code entry. Pushing the numbered softkeys in squawk
sequence enters the transponder code. If an error is made, the code selection cursor can be
moved back to the left one digit with each push of the BKSP softkey.
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Alternatively, the code can also be entered with the FMS knob on the PFD in the event of a
nonfunctioning softkey. Code entry must be completed with either the softkeys or the FMS knob, but
not a combination of both.
After 45 seconds of transponder softkey inactivity, the system reverts to the top level softkeys.
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Mode selection is automatic in ground (GND) and altitude (ALT) modes. The G1000H will
automatically switch to ALT mode for the pilot when airborne. The pilot may manually select
standby, ON, and ALT modes. The STBY, ON, and ALT softkeys can be accessed by pushing the
XPDR softkey.
• Push the XPDR softkey to display the transponder mode selection softkeys.
GND mode is normally selected automatically when the aircraft is on the ground. The transponder
powers up in the last mode it was in when shut down. GND mode can be overridden by pushing any
one of the mode selection softkeys. A green GND indication and transponder code appear in the
mode field of the transponder data box. In GND mode, the transponder does not allow mode A and
mode C replies, but it does permit acquisition squitter and replies to discretely addressed mode S
When standby mode has been selected on the ground, the transponder can be returned to GND
mode by pushing the GND softkey.
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In standby, the transponder does not reply to interrogations, but new codes can be entered.
When standby is selected, a white STBY indication and transponder code appear in the mode field
of the transponder data box. In all other modes, these fields appear in green.
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Selection of ON mode generates mode A and mode S replies, but mode C altitude reporting is
With ON mode selected, a green ON indication and transponder code appear in the mode field of
the transponder data box.
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When the transponder sends replies to interrogations, a white R indication appears momentarily in
the reply status field of the transponder data box.
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The recommended method to enter a transponder squawk code is by the softkeys. In the event a
number softkey is not functioning, the PFD FMS may be utilised.
1. Push the XPDR softkey to display the transponder mode selection softkeys.
2. Push the CODE softkey to display the transponder code selection softkeys, for digit entry.
3. Push the digit softkeys to enter the code in the code field. When entering the code, the
next softkey in sequence must be pressed within 10 seconds, or the entry is cancelled and
restored to the previous code. Five seconds after the fourth digit has been entered, the
transponder code becomes active.
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1. Push the XPDR and the CODE softkeys to enable code entry.
2. Turn the small FMS knob on the PFD to enter the first two code digits.
3. Turn the large FMS knob to move the cursor to the next code field.
4. Enter the last two code digits with the small FMS knob.
Note: Pushing the CLR key or small FMS knob before code entry is complete cancels code entry
and restores the previous code. Waiting for 10 seconds after code entry is finished activates the
code automatically.
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To alleviate pilot workload, a VFR softkey is available. When the VFR softkey is pushed, the
preprogrammed 1200 VFR code is automatically displayed in the code field of the transponder data
The VFR code 1200 can be entered either manually or automatically by:
Pushing the VFR softkey again recovers the previous identification code if needed.
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Pushing the IDENT softkey sends a distinct identity indication to ATC. The IDENT softkey appears
on all control levels of transponder softkeys. When the IDENT softkey is pushed, a green IDNT
indication is displayed in the mode field of the transponder data box for a duration of 18 seconds.
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The G1000H provides an incredible array of operational safety choices for the pilot. Initially, this
may create a sensory overload effect for the pilot’s priorities unless the alerts, avoidance systems
and features of the G1000H are properly categorised in relation to the objectives of situational
awareness, setups and functional selection management.
To define the scope of hazard avoidance, consider the relation of pilot priorities to the three
divisions of system technology:
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Instrumentation Chevrons for recovery and deleted information for a clear screen
during an unusual attitude (PFD)
Traffic Traffic Information Service (TIS) and TAS. Presented on the PFD
and MFD
Safe Taxi™ Airport information for safe movement and positional awareness
as viewed on the MFD
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When a new message is issued, the MSG softkey flashes to alert the flight crew. It continues to
flash until pressed, which opens the system messages window and acknowledges the message(s)
which initiated the flashing.
When the window is open, messages for conditions which are no longer active turn grey. Messages
generated while the window is open are not automatically displayed, but cause the MSG softkey to
begin flashing again.
Pushing the MSG softkey while the system messages window is displayed, will close the window
unless the MSG softkey is flashing. The message window will overlay the PFD inset map while in
A complete list of G1000H system annunciations can be found in the Rotorcraft Flight Manual
Supplement (RFMS) (section 3).
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Traffic is displayed symbolically on the PFD inset map, the MFD navigation map page and various
other MFD page maps.
• A flashing black-on-yellow TRAFFIC annunciation appears to the top left of the attitude
indicator for five seconds and remains displayed until no TA are detected in the area
Note: The AW119Kx has TIS and a TAS. TIS is the map display of traffic information from mode A
and mode C transponders in real-time. TAS is a self-contained system (the GTS 800 LRU onboard)
that generates TA for the pilot.
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HTAWS annunciations, TERRAIN appear on the PFD to the upper left of the altimeter and are
accompanied by a TERRAIN, TERRAIN aural message.
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The ALT knob is used to place a selected altitude in the altitude bug window above the altimeter
tape on the PFD. The altitude alerting function provides visual and audio alerts when approaching
the selected altitude.
Whenever the selected altitude is changed, altitude alerting is reset. Altitude alerting is based on the
altitude information shown on the PFD.
• Upon passing through 1000 ft of the selected altitude, the bug box changes to black text on
light blue background, flashes for 5 seconds and an aural tone is generated.
• Upon passing within 200 ft of selected altitude, the bug box changes to light blue text on black
background and flashes for 5 seconds.
• Upon reaching the selected altitude, if the aircraft deviates ±200 ft, the bug box changes to
yellow text on a black background and flashes for 5 seconds. A single aural tone is generated.
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When the radar height is between zero and 2,500 ft, the current value is displayed in green to the
right of the heading window. Display of radar height becomes more sensitive as the height above
ground decreases.
A ground line is shown on the altimeter to display the aircraft’s height relative to the ground. If the
data becomes invalid, the message RA FAIL is displayed in yellow in place of the current radar
0 - 50 1 ft
50 - 200 5 ft
200 - 1500 10 ft
1500 - 2500 50 ft
Note: Radar height is the aircraft altitude above ground as detected by the Radar Altimeter (RA), (it
is also known as radar altitude.)
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When the aircraft enters an unusual pitch attitude, red chevrons pointing toward the horizon warn of
extreme pitch. The chevrons are displayed on the attitude indicator, starting at 50˚ above and 30˚
below the horizon line. Chevrons point the direction towards recovery from an unusual attitude.
If pitch exceeds +30˚/-20˚ or bank exceeds 65˚, some information displayed on the PFD is removed.
The altimeter, airspeed, attitude, vertical speed, and HSI remain on the display.
The bearing information (top of PFD), system alerts, and annunciation windows can be displayed
during such situations as applicable.
To give the pilot the clearest presentation for recovery, the following information is removed from
the PFD (and corresponding softkeys are disabled) when the aircraft experiences unusual attitudes:
Traffic annunciations
Inset map
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Wind data
System time
MDA/DH readout
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The GDL 69AH LRU is the satellite receiver that processes Sirius XM Weather™ information
originating from the National Weather Service (NWS). This service includes three products for the
Weather information and associated text is displayed on the MFD. The GDL 69AH operates in the
S-band frequency range to provide continuous reception capabilities at any altitude throughout
North America. Weather data is uplinked by ground stations to the satellites then downlinked for
pilot use.
The S-band is part of the microwave band in the electromagnetic spectrum. It is defined by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as those frequencies that range from 2 to 4
GHz. The S-band is used by weather radar, surface ship radar, and by National Aeronautical Space
Administration (NASA) to communicate with the International Space Station (ISS). Sirius XM
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Weather™ operates radar, graphics and text between 2.31 and 2.36 GHz.
Note: Next generation radar or NEXRAD has an official designation of WSR-88D meaning Weather
Surveillance Radar 1988, Doppler. WSR-88D is a series of 160 radar sites operated by the NWS as
part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
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The primary map for viewing Sirius XM weather information is the weather datalink (XM) page in the
map page group. This is the only map display capable of showing information for all available Sirius
XM weather products.
• Turn the large FMS knob to select the map page group
• Turn the small FMS knob to select the weather datalink (XM) page.
The Sirius XM weather service broadcasts weather products at specific intervals. If for any reason,
a product is not broadcast within the expiration time intervals, the system removes the expired data
from the display, and shows dashes instead of the product age. This ensures the displayed
information is consistent with what is currently being transmitted by the Sirius XM weather service.
If more than half of the expiration time has elapsed, the colour of the product age changes to
yellow. If data for a weather product is not available, the system displays N/A next to the weather
product symbol instead of the product age.
Softkeys control the display of weather information on most MFD pages. When a weather product is
selected for display, the corresponding softkey label changes to grey to indicate the product is
enabled. The softkeys will continue to change in order to narrow the search.
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Pushing the MFD MENU key will allow weather product ranges to be set up. It is recommended that
experience be gained before changing the default settings.
Setup menus for the navigation map page and the weather datalink (XM) page control the map
range settings above which weather products data are automatically de-cluttered from the display.
If a map range larger than the weather product map range setting is selected, the weather product
data is removed from the map. The page menus also provide a means in addition to the softkeys for
enabling/disabling display of weather products.
Note: Until preference is gained with XM weather products, utilise the weather datalink (XM) page
since it will subsequently have all of the products available with default ranges.
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• Aux pages.
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Additional information about the following weather products can be displayed by panning over to the
weather product symbol on the map:
• Echo tops
• Cell movement
• County warnings
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Look for the appropriate symbol on the map for the information desired and pan to it by:
• Tilting the RANGE knob side to side or up and down to drive pointer to desired position (a
joystick function).
Note: The map range is adjusted by turning the RANGE knob. If the map range is adjusted while
panning is enabled, the map is recentred on the map pointer.
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NOAA 12, 24, 36 and 48 hour prognostic forecast charts can be displayed on the MFD as graphical
weather depictions. The G1000H recognises these as Surface (SFC) analysis charts. Like many of
the other weather products on the weather datalink (XM) page, a softkey is provided for selection.
• Select the weather datalink (XM) page with the large MFD FMS knob
• Push the softkey representing the forecast time desired: CURRENT, 12 HR, 24 HR, 36 HR, 48
Note: A reminder and emphasis is placed on the weather datalink (XM) page since it carries all of
the weather products for display. Multiple products can also be displayed simultaneously on the
weather datalink (XM) page. All products are displayed either through panning or softkey selection.
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The maximum range of a single NEXRAD site is 250 nm. In addition to a wide array of services, the
NEXRAD network provides important information about severe weather and air traffic safety.
Because of the time required to detect, assemble, and distribute the NEXRAD weather product, the
displayed weather information contained within the product may be significantly older than the
current radar synopsis and may not depict the current weather conditions.
The NEXRAD weather product should never be used as a basis for making decisions to manoeuvre
in, near, or around areas of hazardous weather regardless of the information it contains.
Functionally, NEXRAD data cannot be displayed at the same time as turbulence, icing or terrain.
NEXRAD data can be displayed on the following maps:
• Nearest pages
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HTerrain – Synthetic Vision A MFD terrain proximity indication supported by a PFD terrain
System (SVS) display of forward landscape in synthetic vision with obstacles
(disengaged if HTAWS is installed).
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The GPS receiver in the GIA 63H and SVS software provides the aircraft horizontal position and
altitude. GPS altitude is derived from satellite position. GPS altitude is then converted to the height
above Geodetic Sea Level (GSL), which is the height above Mean Sea Level (MSL) alculated
geometrically. GSL altitude is used to determine terrain and obstacle proximity. GSL altitude
accuracy is affected by satellite geometry, but is not subject to variations in pressure and
temperature that normally affect pressure altitude sensors. GSL altitude does not require local
altimeter settings to determine MSL altitude.
Terrain and obstacle databases are referenced to MSL. Using the GPS position and altitude, the
HTAWS proximity feature portrays a 2D MFD picture and a 3D PFD picture of the surrounding
terrain and obstacles relative to the position and altitude of the aircraft. GPS position and GSL
altitude are used to calculate and predict the aircraft’s flight path in relation to the surrounding
terrain and obstacles. In this way, the pilot can view predicted dangerous terrain and obstacle
conditions. HTAWS in close proximity will also predict and display an impact point (not to be relied
upon for manoeuvring).
HTAWS uses black, yellow, and red to represent terrain information relative to aircraft altitude. The
colours of each obstacle are associated with the altitude of the aircraft.
The MAP- HTAWS page is primary for terrain and obstacle display information and management.
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During the G1000H power-up, HTAWS conducts a system test. An aural alert is issued at test
completion. HTAWS system testing is disabled when ground speed exceeds 30 kt. No terrain,
obstacle, or altitude VCO alerting is available while a system test is in progress.
HTAWS continually monitors several system critical items such as database validity, hardware
status and GPS status. If the terrain/obstacle database is not available, the system generates a
HTAWS failure aural alert and displays the HTAWS FAIL annunciation.
HTAWS requires a 3D GPS navigation solution along with specific vertical accuracy minimums.
Should the navigation solution become degraded or if the aircraft is out of the database coverage
area, the annunciation HAWS N/A is generated in the annunciation window and on the HTAWS
page. The aural alert HTAWS Not Available is also generated. When sufficient GPS signal is
received and the aircraft is within the database coverage area, the aural message HTAWS
Available is generated.
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The G1000H HTAWS system is always on unless otherwise inhibited by the pilot or the Reduced
Protection (RP) mode is selected. Both inhibiting the HTAWS and selecting the RP mode is
accomplished on the MFD through the use of softkeys.
• Rotate the large MFD FMS knob to select the HTAWS page.
Inhibiting HTAWS or using the RP mode should be carefully considered. Typically, the purpose of
using either control is to eliminate warnings and aural warnings when working in a known
operations area.
When RP mode is enabled, the system status annunciation RP MODE is shown on the PFD and on
the HTAWS page of the MFD. RP mode will enable the following:
• Terrain clearance is reduced to a maximum of 125 ft when ground speed is at least 60 kt and
reduced to zero feet at less than 60 kt
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• HTAWS reduces the distance of the projected flight path used to scan for terrain and obstacles
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Typically a pilot would be using the navigation map page. The sequence of HTAWS operation
would be:
• The Forward Looking Terrain Alert (FLTA) feature automatically identifies an obstacle or terrain
conflict and provides a PFD annunciation and an MFD pop-up alert window. Aural alert sounds:
WARNING, TERRAIN, TERRAIN. Warning will repeat until resolved, inhibited, muted by
softkey or RP mode is selected.
• Push the MFD ENT key and the reduced scale MAP - HTAWS page will appear showing the
conflict and potential impact points.
The MAP - HTAWS page is specialised to show terrain, obstacle, and potential impact point data in
relation to the aircraft’s current altitude, without clutter from the base map. It is the principal page for
viewing HTAWS information.
• If an obstacle and the projected flight path of the aircraft intersect, the display automatically
adjusts the map range to emphasise the closest potential impact point on the MAP - HTAWS
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• MFD softkey functions allow viewing in arc and 360° views. Push respective ARC softkey or
360 softkey.
Note: The operational sequence for a HTAWS obstacle conflict would be the same. Annunciations
would be OBSTACLE on the MFD window and PFD annunciation. The aural alert would be:
WARNING, OBSTACLE, OBSTACLE. The initial alert for terrain or obstacles may begin with
CAUTION instead of WARNING, depending upon the distance and forward looking features of the
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The FLTA feature of HTAWS is automatic and compares the projected flight path as derived from
GPS data with terrain features and obstacles from the terrain and obstacle databases. The system
automatically issues visual annunciations and aural alerts when the projected flight path conflicts
with terrain or obstacles. There are no pilot control options for this feature except RP mode.
HTAWS provides aural voice altitude advisory alerts as the aircraft descends. Referred to as VCO,
these alerts are based on radar altitude.
VCO alerts can be configured to occur for altitudes at and below 500 ft in increments of 50 ft down
to 50 ft. There are no display annunciations or pop-up alerts that accompany the VCO alert(s).
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There are two types of traffic conflict information for hazard avoidance, TIS and TAS.
A ground based service that requires contact TA and Traffic Collision and Avoidance System
with a ground station through a datalink radio in (TCAS) are self-contained. TAS uses its airborne
order to receive traffic information. Update rate is interrogator to give a half-second update.
dependent on datalink reception, altitude and
ATC radar (secondary surveillance). No altitude restrictions.
Can track up to eight targets. Not used on the Can track up to 45 targets and determine the
AW119Kx. highest threat potential.
The Garmin GTS 800 TAS enhances flight crew situational awareness by displaying traffic
information for transponder equipped aircraft. The system also provides visual and aural traffic
alerts including voice announcements to assist in visually acquiring traffic.
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Integrated Flight Information Systems ATA 46
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When the traffic system is in operating mode, the unit interrogates the transponders of intruding
aircraft while monitoring transponder replies. The system uses this information to derive the
distance, relative bearing, and if reported, the altitude and vertical trend for each aircraft within its
surveillance range.
The TAS then calculates a closure rate to each intruder based on the projected Closest Point of
Approach (CPA). If the closure rate meets the threat criteria for a TA, the system provides visual
annunciations and aural alerts.
The system monitors the airspace within ±10,000 ft of the aircraft. Under ideal conditions, the GTS
800 unit scans transponder traffic up to 22 nm in the forward direction. The range is somewhat
reduced to the sides and aft due to the directional interrogation signal patterns.
The GTS 800 uses three categories of symbology with varying characteristics to depict intruding
traffic. These are:
• TA
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A TA, displayed as a yellow circle or triangle, alerts the crew to a potentially hazardous intruding
aircraft, if the closing rate, distance, and vertical separation meet TA criteria. A TA that is beyond
the selected display range (off scale) is indicated by a half TA symbol at the edge of the screen at
the relative bearing of the intruder.
A PA, displayed as a solid white diamond or triangle, indicates the intruding aircraft is within ±1200
ft and is within a 6 nm range, but is still not considered a TA threat.
An NTA is shown as an open white diamond or triangle, is displayed for traffic beyond 6 nm that is
neither a TA or PA.
A solid white rounded arrow indicates either a PA or NTA with ADS-B directional information, but
the position of the traffic is shown with degraded accuracy.
Relative altitude, when available, is displayed above or below the corresponding intruder symbol in
hundreds of feet. When this altitude is above the aircraft, it is preceded by a + symbol, a minus sign
- indicates traffic is below own aircraft.
A vertical trend arrow to the right of the intruder symbol indicates traffic is climbing or descending at
least 500 fpm with an upward or downward pointing arrow respectively.
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Flight ID may also be displayed with traffic symbols. That display function is performed by pushing
the FLT ID softkey. If the data is available, the aircraft registration or call sign will be visible on the
top of the target symbology. Push the FLT ID softkey again to remove the flight ID.
The traffic system automatically adjusts its TA sensitivity level to reduce the likelihood of nuisance
TA alerting during flight phases likely to be near airports or heliports. Level A (less) TA sensitivity is
used when the RA indicates the aircraft is below 2000 ft Above Ground Level (AGL). If an RA is not
installed or has failed, the traffic system applies level A sensitivity when the ground speed is
The traffic system automatically suppresses the display of other altitude reporting aircraft on the
ground under either of the following conditions:
• Other on ground aircraft is equipped with a mode C transponder, and the RA is displaying 400
ft AGL or less.
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A Yes Intruder closing rate provides less than 20 seconds of vertical and
horizontal separation.
Intruder closing rate provides less than 20 seconds of horizontal
separation and vertical separation is within 600 ft.
Intruder range is within 0.2 nm and vertical separation is within 600 ft.
B Yes Intruder closing rate provides less than 30 seconds of vertical and
horizontal separation.
Intruder closing rate provides less than 30 seconds of horizontal
separation and vertical separation is within 800 ft.
Intruder range is within 0.55 nm and vertical separation is within 800
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When the traffic system detects a new TA, the following occurs:
• A single TRAFFIC aural alert is generated, followed by additional aural information about the
bearing, relative altitude, and approximate distance from the intruder that triggered the TA.
• A TRAFFIC annunciation appears at the top right of the airspeed tape on the PFD, flashes for
five seconds and remains displayed until no TA are detected in the area. The PFD inset map is
automatically displayed with TA traffic symbology.
• If the bearing of TA traffic cannot be determined, a yellow text appears in the centre of the MFD
traffic map page and in the lower left of the PFD inset map instead of a TA symbol. The text will
indicate TA followed by the distance, relative altitude, and vertical trend arrow for the TA traffic,
if known.
A TA will be displayed for at least eight seconds, even if the condition(s) that initially triggered the
TA are no longer present.
Note: If the RA indicates the aircraft is below 400 ft AGL, the GTS 800 automatically mutes traffic
aural alerts.
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The traffic system provides a system test mode to verify the system is operating normally. The test
takes ten seconds to complete. When the system test is initiated, a test pattern of traffic symbols is
displayed on the traffic map page. The aural alerts at the completion of the test are:
• Use the MFD FMS knobs to select MAP – TRAFFIC MAP page.
When the test is complete, the traffic system will be in standby mode.
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Note: Traffic surveillance is not available during the system test. Use caution when performing a
system test during flight.
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Traffic mode is annunciated in the upper left corner of the MAP – TRAFFIC MAP page.
Annunciations include TEST, OPERATING, STANDBY and FAIL.
Text and symbolic annunciations indicating the status of traffic information appear in the lower left
corner of the maps on which traffic can be displayed (such as the navigation page and the PFD
inset map).
If a failure occurs, an annunciation indicating the cause of failure will be displayed in the centre of
the MAP – TRAFFIC MAP page. An operating mode cannot be selected during failure.
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NO DATA Data is not being received from the GTS 800 traffic unit
DATA FAILED Data is being received from the traffic unit, but the GTS 800
is reporting a failure
FAILED Incorrect data format received from the GTS 800, or data
from the radar altimeter is lost
NO TRFC DATA Data is not being received from the GTS 800.
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The surveillance altitudes of traffic targets above and below the helicopter can be set by the pilot.
This is accomplished by pushing the ALT MODE softkey and then choosing one of the following
softkeys to obtain the desired setting:
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After the G1000H is initialised, the traffic system is in standby mode. The system must be in
operating mode for traffic to be displayed and for any TA to be issued.
TAS operation:
The MAP – TRAFFIC MAP page is the principal page for viewing traffic information and is obtained
with the MFD FMS knobs (large knob for page groups, small knob for page selection).
• Pushing the OPERATE softkey allows the system to switch from standby mode to operating
mode as necessary.
• Pushing the STANDBY softkey forces the unit into standby mode.
• The traffic map page shows surrounding traffic data in relation to the aircraft’s current position
and altitude, without other map clutter.
• Map range is adjustable with the RANGE knob from 2 to 12 nm, as indicated by the map range
rings. The traffic mode and altitude display mode are annunciated in the upper left corner of the
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The SVT is a visual software display with enhancements to the G1000H integrated flight deck. SVT
depicts a forward looking attitude display of the topography immediately in front of the aircraft.
• The field of view by design is 30° to the left and 35° to the right due to the PFD layout.
• The depicted imagery is derived from the aircraft attitude, heading and a GPS 3D position. The
output is a 6 arc-second database of terrain, obstacles and other relevant features.
• The terrain data resolution is the elevation contour that is stored in squares measuring 6 arc-
seconds on each side of the flight path and are required for proper operation of the SVT.
• Loss of any of the required data, including temporary loss of the GPS signal, will cause SVT to
be disabled until the required data is restored.
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Note: SVT is a software program of display characteristics and enhancements, whilst a SVS
considers all integrated software, hardware, indications and pilot procedures. Generally, they are
interchangeable in a user environment discussion.
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The characteristic SVT terrain display shows land contours, large water features, towers, and other
obstacles over 200 ft AGL that are included in the obstacle database. Features on the ground such
as roads, highways, railroad tracks, cities, and state boundaries are not displayed even if those
features are found on the MFD map.
The terrain display also includes a north–south east–west grid with lines oriented with true north
and spaced at one arc-minute intervals to assist in orientation relative to the terrain. The colours
used to display the terrain elevation contours are similar to that of the topographic map display.
The HTAWS is integrated within SVT to provide visual and auditory alerts to indicate the presence
of terrain and obstacle threats relevant to the projected flight path. Terrain contour alerts are
displayed in red and yellow shading on the PFD.
• Pathways
• Traffic display
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• Airport signs
• Runway display
• Terrain alerting
• Obstacle alerting.
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The pathways enhancement provides a 3D perspective view of the selected route of flight shown as
coloured rectangular boxes representing the horizontal and vertical flight path of the active flight
The box size represents 700 ft wide by 200 ft tall during en route, oceanic and terminal flight
phases. During an approach, the box width is 700 ft or one half full scale deviation on the HSI,
whichever is less. The height is 200 ft or one half full scale deviation on the vertical display
indicator, whichever is less.
The altitude at which the pathway boxes are displayed is determined by the selected altitude during
climb, cruise, and when the active leg is the final approach course prior to intercepting the glide
path or glide slope. During a descent (except while on the approach glide path or glide slope), the
pathway boxes are displayed at the selected altitude. Just prior to intercepting the glide path or
glide slope, the pathway boxes are displayed on the glide path or glide slope, or the selected
altitude, whichever is lower.
The colour of the rectangular boxes may be magenta, green, or white depending on the route of
flight and navigation source selected. The active GPS or GPS overlay flight plan leg is represented
by magenta boxes that correspond to the magenta CDI.
A LOC course is represented by green boxes that correspond to a green CDI. An inactive leg of an
active flight plan is represented by white boxes corresponding to a white line drawn on the inset
Integrated Flight Information Systems ATA 46
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To view pathways push PFD softkey, push SYN VIS softkey, push PATHWAYS softkey, and push
BACK softkey.
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The FPM, also known as a velocity vector or Flight Path Indicator (FPI), is displayed on the PFD at
ground speeds above 30 kt. The FPM depicts the approximate projected path of the aircraft
accounting for wind speed and direction in relation to the 3D terrain display.
The FPM is always available when the SVT synthetic terrain feature is in operation. The FPM
represents the direction of the flight path as it relates to the terrain and obstacles on the display,
while the helicopter attitude symbol represents the aircraft heading.
The FPM works in conjunction with the pathways enhancement to assist the pilot in maintaining
desired altitudes and direction when navigating a flight plan. When on course and altitude, the FPM
is aligned inside the pathway boxes.
The FPM may also be used to identify a possible conflict with the aircraft flight path and distant
terrain or obstacles. Displayed terrain or obstacles in the aircraft flight path extending above the
FPM could indicate a potential conflict, even before an alert is issued by HTAWS.
Another use for the FPM is in the event of an unintentional and Inadvertent Instrument
Meteorological Condition (IIMC). The pilot can use the FPM to maintain track during the approach
and be able to align the FMP with the LOC or GPS final approach course to avoid overshooting the
intercept inbound.
Note: The AW119Kx is not approved for IFR operations. The information supplied herein considers
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an IIMC condition in which an appropriately rated pilot cannot establish ground contact without
using IFR services.
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The zero pitch line enhancement is drawn completely across the display and represents the horizon
when the terrain horizon is difficult to distinguish from other terrain being displayed. It may not align
with the terrain horizon, particularly when the terrain is mountainous or when the aircraft is flown at
high altitudes. The zero pitch line is an automatic enhancement and is always visible.
The horizon heading enhancement is synchronised with the HSI and shows approximately 60° of
compass heading in 30° increments on the zero pitch line. Horizon heading tick marks and digits
appearing on the zero pitch line are not visible behind either the airspeed or altitude display.
Horizon heading is a situational awareness enhancement.
The horizon heading is activated and deactivated by pushing the HRZN HDG softkey.
SVT traffic symbol enhancements are displayed in their approximate locations as determined by the
related traffic systems. Traffic symbols are displayed in three dimensions, appearing larger as they
are getting closer and smaller when they are further away. Traffic within 250 ft laterally of the
aircraft will not be displayed on the SVT display.
Traffic symbols and colouring are consistent with that used for traffic displayed on the inset map or
MFD traffic page.
If the traffic altitude is unknown, the traffic will not be displayed on the SVT display.
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The airport signs enhancement provides a visual representation of airport location and identification
on the synthetic terrain display. When activated, the signs appear on the display when the aircraft is
approximately 15 nm from an airport and disappear at approximately 4.5 nm. Airport signs are
shown without the identifier until the aircraft is approximately 8 nm from the airport. Airport signs are
not shown behind the airspeed or altitude display.
Airport signs are activated and deactivated by pushing the APTSIGNS softkey.
The runway data enhancement provides situational awareness of runway location with respect to
the surrounding terrain. All runway thresholds are depicted at their respective elevations as defined
in the database. In some situations, where threshold elevations differ significantly, crossing runways
may appear to be layered.
As runways are displayed, those within 45° of the aircraft heading are displayed in white. Other
runways will be grey in colour.
When an approach for a specific runway is active, that runway will appear brighter and be outlined
with a white box, regardless of the runway orientation as related to aircraft heading. As the aircraft
gets closer to the runway, more detail such as runway numbers and centre lines will be displayed.
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Terrain alerting enhancements on the synthetic terrain display are triggered by FLTA. When an
obstacle becomes a potential impact point the colour of the obstacle matches the red or yellow X
displayed on the MFD MAP - HTAWS page.
In some instances, a terrain or obstacle alert may be issued with no conflict shading displayed on
the synthetic terrain. In these cases, the conflict is outside the SVT field of view to the left or right of
the aircraft.
Obstacle enhancements are represented on the synthetic terrain display by standard 2D tower
symbols as found on the MFD MAP - HTAWS page and charts. Obstacle symbols appear in the
perspective view with relative height above terrain and distance from the aircraft.
Unlike on the MFD MAP - HTAWS page, obstacles on the synthetic terrain display do not change
colours to warn of potential conflict with the aircraft’s flight path until the obstacle is associated with
an actual FLTA alert.
Obstacles greater than 1000 ft below the aircraft altitude are not shown. Obstacles are shown
behind the airspeed and altitude displays.
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SVT is activated from the PFD using the softkeys located along the bottom edge of the display.
Pushing the softkeys turns the related function on or off.
When SVT is enabled automatically on power-up, the PFD attitude pitch scale increments are
reduced to 10° up and 7.5° down (disabled: 20° up and 15° down).
SVT functions are displayed on three levels of softkeys. Pushing the PFD softkey leads into the
PFD function softkeys, including synthetic vision. Pushing the SYN VIS softkey displays the SVT
function softkeys. The SVT function softkeys include the following display enhancements:
• PATHWAY softkey - enables display of rectangular boxes that represent course guidance
• HRZN HDG softkey - enables horizon heading index marks and numbers
Pushing the BACK softkey returns to the previous level of softkeys. SVT must be active before any
other SVT feature may be activated.
HRZN HDG, APTSIGNS, and PATHWAY softkeys are only available when the SYN TERR softkey
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is pushed and activated (grey with black characters). After pushing the SYN TERR softkey, the
HRZN HDG, APTSIGNS, and PATHWAY softkeys may be pushed in any combination to display
desired features.
When system power is cycled, the last selected state (on or off) of the SYN TERR, HRZN HDG,
APTSIGNS, and PATHWAY softkeys is remembered by the system.
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SafeTaxi™ is an optional feature that gives greater map detail when viewing airports at close range.
The maximum map ranges for enhanced detail are pilot configurable. When viewing at ranges close
enough to show the airport detail, the map reveals taxiways with identifying letters, numbers, airport
hot spots and airport landmarks including ramps, buildings, control towers and other prominent
features. Resolution is greater at lower map ranges. When the MFD display is within the SafeTaxi
ranges, the rotorcraft symbol on the airport provides situational position awareness.
Designated hot spots are recognised at airports with many intersecting taxiways and runways, and
complex ramp areas. Airport hot spots are outlined to caution pilots of areas on an airport surface
where positional awareness confusion or runway incursions happen most often. Hot spots are
defined with a magenta circle or outline around the region of possible confusion.
A map page that displays the navigation view may be capable of showing the SafeTaxi™ airport
layout if so configured.
During ground operations, the aircraft’s position is displayed in reference to taxiways, runways, and
airport features.
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SafeTaxi™ data is an optional database subscription that can be viewed on many pages depending
on the customer configuration. The primary method is to:
• Turn RANGE knob to zoom in or out for clarity (panning provides selected zoom detail).
If SafeTaxi™ has been configured on the MAP – NAVIGATION page, a de-clutter (DCLTR) softkey
having three levels aids in reducing the amount of clutter on the display:
• DCLTR-1 - removes VOR and station ID, the VOR symbol, and intersection names if within the
airport plan view
• DCLTR-2 - removes the airport runway layout, unless the airport in view is part of an active
route structure
The SafeTaxi™ database is revised every 56 days. SafeTaxi™ is always available for use after the
expiration date.
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The MFD power-up page viewed during initialisation indicates whether the databases are current,
out of date, or not available.
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6.6.3 ChartView™
ChartView™ resembles the paper version of Jeppesen terminal procedures charts. The charts are
displayed in high-resolution. The MFD depiction shows the aircraft position on the moving map in
the plan view of approach charts and on airport diagrams. Airport hot spots are outlined in magenta.
The geo-referenced aircraft position is indicated by an aircraft symbol displayed on the chart when
the current position is within the boundaries of the chart. Inset boxes are not considered within the
chart boundaries. Therefore, when the aircraft symbol reaches a chart boundary line, or inset box,
the aircraft symbol is removed from the display.
ChartView™ is linked to the MAP – NAVIGATION MAP page, NRST – NEAREST AIRPORTS
page, and the FPL – ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN page. To access the link to the WPT – AIRPORT
INFORMATION page (which is primary) for ChartView™ selections:
• Pushing the SHW CHARTsoftkey displays the available terminal chart and advances to the
chart selection level of softkeys: CHRT OPT, CHRT, INFO-1/2, DP, STAR, and APR. The chart
selection softkeys already appear on the primary WPT – AIRPORT INFORMATION page.
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The AOPA and optional AC-U-KWIK™ airport directory databases offer detailed information
regarding services, hours of operation, lodging options, and more.
• The WPT – AIRPORT INFORMATION page is the first page when the WPT group is selected
• Pushing the INFO-2 softkey will return to the WPT – AIRPORT INFORMATION page (no BACK
Note: Consider the airport directory information as page 2 of the WPT – AIRPORT INFORMATION
page since it is only a matter of pushing the INFO-1 softkey to attain.
Integrated Flight Information Systems ATA 46
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Abnormal GPS display failures the pilot may see on the PFD and MFD are:
DR PFD HSI and MFD MAP: Dead Reckoning (DR) – the G1000H is
PFD HSI upper right of helicopter projecting a navigation position without
symbol and directly over the MFD GPS
helicopter symbol
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Areas of G1000H system limitations the pilot should be familiar with include:
• System software
• Equipment functionality
• Hazard avoidance: terrain (HTAWS), traffic (TAS), and weather (XM datalink).
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The LOI annunciation at the lower left side of the helicopter symbol on the HSI informs the pilot
that the GPS integrity is not sufficient. LOI can be due to signal quality, GPS areas of outage or the
required number of satellites needed is insufficient for the mode of flight.
The G1000H will immediately remove the HSI CDI and display a NO GPS POSITION message
across the centre of the PFD inset map and the centre of the MFD map. An HTAWS N/A
annunciation and failure of the PFD synthetic vision may occur if the LOI is prolonged.
Integrity OK:
The INTEG OK annunciation at the lower left side of the helicopter symbol on the HSI informs the
pilot that the GPS signal issue has been resolved. The G1000H will then restore the HSI CDI
needle. The INTEG OK annunciation will be removed after 5 seconds. PFD synthetic vision,
HTAWS, bearing and distance information is finally restored if previously lost.
Note: In general terms, an LOI annunciation is related to GPS signal quality whilst a DR
annunciation is related to onboard systems being unable to provide a GPS navigation solution (with
or without LOI).
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During the en route phase of flight, if the system detects an invalid GPS solution or is unable to
calculate a GPS position, the system automatically reverts to DR mode. In DR mode, the system
uses its last known position combined with continuously updated airspeed and heading data to
calculate and display the current estimated position of the aircraft.
• The estimated navigation data in DR mode may become increasingly unreliable and must not
be used as a sole means of navigation.
• If the airspeed, heading or both are unavailable during DR mode, the DR function may not be
capable of tracking the estimated position. The system may display a path that is different than
the actual movement of the aircraft.
• DR will only annunciate during the en route or oceanic phases of flight (ENR and OCN on the
HSI respectively).
• In all other modes such as terminal and approach (TERM and APR on the HSI respectively), an
invalid GPS solution produces a NO GPS POSITION annunciation on the MFD map and PFD
inset map.
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• PFD synthetic vision is likely to fail and will result in a HTAWS not available aural alert and a
HTAWS N/A caution annunciation.
Note: In most circumstances, a DR result is unusual and not prolonged. The G1000H system
automatically will continue attempting to restore the navigation solution without pilot interface. The
single pilot resource management practices of using all available resources would involve the use of
the VHF NAV 1 and NAV 2 VOR/LOC/GS resources. Push the PFD CDI softkey to immediately
view the VHF NAV 1 CDI. Push the PFD CDI softkey again to view the VHF NAV 2 CDI.
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The G1000H system must incorporate system software version 1705.05 or later approved revision.
RFMS Section 2: Normal Operations - Engine Pre-Start Check.
The pilot can verify the operating software version on the upper right side of the MFD prior to
completing the power-up of the system with the far right softkey.
Alternatively, the software and system status can be checked even when in flight as follows:
• Turn small MFD FMS knob to select the SYSTEM STATUS page.
Aircraft model, software version, configuration and system identifiers are viewed in the upper right
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The PFD and MFD must be operating prior to dispatch.
The use of training mode (TRNG MODE switch ON) is allowed for pilot training only. For all other
flight operations, the switch is to be OFF.
RFMS Section 2: Normal Operations - Engine Pre-Start Check.
Pilot visual verification during normal operations. TRNG MODE switch verified OFF unless selected
due to flight instruction.
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HTAWS limitation:
Manoeuvres based on HTAWS display or warnings are prohibited.
The pilot is to maintain visual contact with the ground or obstacle.
TAS limitation:
Manoeuvres based on the traffic display are prohibited.
The pilot is to obtain and maintain visual contact with the traffic.
Usage will be as an aid to locating traffic for the see and avoid method.
Datalink weather information is a reference tool that does not replace flight watch or flight service.
The pilot must be aware that datalink weather may be older than indicated.
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Documentation limitation:
The G1000H Integrated Flight Deck Pilot’s Guide for the AgustaWestland AW119Kx, P/N 190-
01514-00 Rev. A or later approved revision must be immediately available to the flight crew.
The Pilot’s Guide is secured in the cockpit within arm’s reach for ready reference.
It is not to be removed from the cockpit for any reason when the aircraft is operationally ready.
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Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
Doors ATA 52
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The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Doors ATA 52
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Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Doors ATA 52
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Doors ATA 52
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Doors ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1 Doors ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Doors Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Types and Security ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Pilot Doors ............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1 Cockpit Doors ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Emergency Door Release ................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.3 Jettison Mechanism Rod Engagement Check ................................................................................. 4
1.3 Passenger and Baggage Doors ........................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 Passenger Door ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3.2 Baggage Compartment Door ............................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Service Doors ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Service Door Types and Purposes ................................................................................................... 7
1.4.2 Service Step ..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.3 Utility Door ........................................................................................................................................ 9
1.4.4 Nose Compartment Fairing ............................................................................................................ 10
1.4.5 External Power Door ...................................................................................................................... 12
1.5 Crew Alerting System Messages ........................................................................................................ 13
1.5.1 Door Notifications ........................................................................................................................... 13
Doors ATA 52
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1 Doors
1.1 Doors Introduction
1.1.1 Types and Security
• Service doors.
The pilot should always ensure positive engagement and security of door latching mechanisms and
fasteners during the preflight inspection.
Should any door become unsecure in flight, reduce speed to 70 Knots Indicated Airspeed (KIAS). If
a door cannot be secured in flight, maintain a speed below 70 KIAS and land as soon as
Doors ATA 52
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The cockpit doors consist of an aluminium alloy box structure for strength and rigidity.
The doors are attached by two hinge fittings on the airframe. The rod pins within the hinge fittings
are part of the emergency door release system.
The door latching mechanism consists of two handles (one internal and one external) connected by
internal bellcranks and rods operating a roller assembly to latch and unlatch the doors for access.
Both cockpit doors incorporate a key locking provision.
The lower portion of the cockpit doors is supported by sealed pneumatic gas struts that keep the
doors open during aircraft boarding. Each strut is attached to the airframe and the door with
attaching plates. In high winds the pilot must hand guard open cockpit doors and not rely solely
upon the gas strut.
A microswitch is incorporated into the mechanism to provide the pilot with a notification if the door is
Doors ATA 52
Student Notes
The emergency door release mechanism consists of an independent set of rods, rod hinge pins and
a bellcrank connected to the back side of the release handle. Each cockpit door has its own door
release handle located on each windshield side post. The handle permits a quick-release of the
door by extracting the rod hinge pins from the door hinges.
The door release handle is rotated forward away from the pilot in the direction of the arrow on the
emergency door release placard. The lower door pneumatic strut should disconnect from its quick
disconnect ball attachment. If the strut impedes egress pull upward on the inboard ball end to
initiate the quick-release from the airframe attach plate.
Doors ATA 52
Student Notes
The cockpit door release mechanism can be checked for serviceability during the pilot’s preflight.
The purpose of the check is to ensure that the rod hinge pins are fully engaged in the door hinges.
Every aircraft is provided with a check tool for this purpose.
The check tool is stored in a canvas pocket attached to the inside of the baggage door. The check
tool is a simple rod with a smaller diameter length pin at the end which is inserted into the witness
hole in the side of the aircraft just above the upper hinge.
• If the smaller pin portion stops short of being fully inserted, the result is serviceable, if the
smaller pin portion is inserted completely with no visible portion remaining, the result is
Doors ATA 52
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The passenger compartment doors consist of a carbon fibre material structure, making the door
light but strong, with a window that is removable for emergency egress (reference ATA 56).
The doors slide on a special rail by means of rollers and are fitted with stops allowing them to be
kept in the open position. Each door is fitted with lock and key for security.
The door latch assembly consists of a hook which is inserted in the opening of the airframe latch
support. The hook is kept locked in the closed position by a return spring. The return spring is
overcome during the opening process by simple actuation of the inner or outer latch handles. The
hook and the outer handle forces can be adjusted by maintenance personnel utilising an adjustment
screw and stop provided in each passenger door latch assembly.
A microswitch is incorporated into the mechanism to provide the pilot with a notification if the door is
Before operating the passenger sliding doors, the operator must ensure that no items interfere with
door travel such as the utility step, fuel cap, ground equipment and that the door slide rails are
Doors ATA 52
Student Notes
The baggage compartment door is installed on the left side of the fuselage and is constructed with a
combination of an aluminium outer skin with a bonded composite back for added strength. The back
of the door accommodates the appropriate loading placards (reference ATA 08) and canvas pocket
storage for the cockpit door check tool.
The door is hinged on two forward points and fastened to the fuselage structure by two quick-
release push button latches on the aft side. Moisture entry is prevented by using two seals, a flat
seal on the door and a bulb seal on the airframe working in compression when the door is closed.
A door mounted guide pin and airframe receptacle bracket are provided to align the door with the
airframe during closure.
Always hand guard the door to avoid damage during opening against wind and excess travel.
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• Spring-loaded doors
• Access panels
Service doors include the quick-release latch type routinely accessed by the pilot for a preflight
inspection. The left and right service steps have a dual purpose, described later. Spring-loaded
doors such as handhold doors are aerodynamic in function.
Access panels are typically those fastened to the airframe with screws and removed by maintainers,
such as the cowling and other fairings that can be removed completely. Access panels allow the
exposure of larger areas of the airframe, engine and components for inspection and repair.
Doors ATA 52
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The service steps consist of aluminium layers and are a box type construction. They are hinged at
the bottom to fold out with the applied weight being supported by dual cables. They incorporate
fixed vents and contain a single sliding latch pin to secure the door at the top.
The primary purpose of the service step is to provide the pilot access to the upper deck for preflight
inspection without the need for ground support equipment. Left and right service steps provide
access to the upper deck from either side. Secondly, with both doors extended, a view from one
side to the other is provided for inspection.
• Ensure proper latch pin engagement with the latch pin plate to preclude opening in flight
• Place a foot inboard or partially on the airframe if systems routing is not disturbed
• Remember that an extended service step is an interference to the sliding passenger doors
• Never store items in the fuselage where the service doors provide access for inspections only.
Doors ATA 52
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The utility door is constructed of aluminium, hinged at the forward side and secured at the aft side
by a single quarter turn quick-release fastener. The door provides an aerodynamic cover for power
applications used in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) ground operations and aircraft preheat
systems if installed.
A microswitch is provided that will generate a caution message so that the pilot will have
confirmation that the door is not secured prior to take-off since the door may be operated by
personnel other than the pilot.
Doors ATA 52
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The nose fairing is a conical aerodynamic fibreglass assembly designed for easy swing down
access to the nose compartment equipment. The nose fairing is mounted to the airframe by two
lower hinge assemblies at the bottom and secured at the top by two quick turn indicating fasteners
• Releasing the upper quick turn fasteners that latch the fairing
The lower wire strike blade is not an interference item on the AW119Kx model. Always use caution
to slowly open the fairing and ensure:
• Fairing does not inadvertently snag any item or cabling in the equipment compartment
Doors ATA 52
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• A clear area exists under the aircraft to preclude impact damage to the paint and fibreglass
Doors ATA 52
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The external power door is constructed of aluminium, hinged at the top and secured at the bottom
by a quick-release latch. The door provides an aerodynamic cover for a standard 28 Vdc
A microswitch is provided that will generate a caution message so that the pilot will have
confirmation that the door is not secured prior to take-off during a ground crew assisted external
power start.
Doors ATA 52
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The Crew Alerting System (CAS) is the only form of notification the pilot has that the doors are
working and locked other than a manual check.
The CAS is integral to the G1000H system and all visual and aural alerts are displayed on and
generated by the G1000H system. If the cockpit, passenger compartment, baggage compartment,
external power and utility doors should open, the CAS will indicate the following:
• DOORS OPEN displayed if the pilot, passenger or baggage compartment doors are open.
The Master Caution Light (MCL) located on the right-hand side of the instrument panel will
illuminate and additionally, an aural alert (single chime) draws attention to the MCL and caution
message being displayed on the Primary Flight Display (PFD).
Doors ATA 52
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
Student Notes
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Fuselage Structures ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Fuselage Sections ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Fuselage Construction .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Nose Section .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Cabin Section ................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Rear Section ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.4 Tail Boom .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Aerodynamic Surfaces................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Aerodynamic Surfaces ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Upper and Lower Vertical Fins ......................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Horizontal Stabiliser ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.1.4 Tail Boom Strake ............................................................................................................................ 11
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
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Fuselage Structures ATA 53
Student Notes
Fuselage Structures
1 Fuselage Sections
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 General
The fuselage is the main structure of the entire aircraft and provides the attaching points for all
• Nose section
• Cabin section
• Rear section
• Tail boom.
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
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• An aluminium alloy spar, longitudinal intercostals and gussets supported by lateral and vertical
stiffeners to form a keelson box structure accommodating an aluminium honeycomb shelf. The
supporting structure under the shelf is attached to the forward fuselage bulkhead.
• The shelf plate is edge filled and employs a fibreglass layup allowing surface area for the
mounting and airframe bonding of electrical and avionics components.
• G1000H avionics equipment, helipilot gyros, computers and the main battery primarily occupy
the top of the shelf plate.
• The AC electrical system components are primarily mounted to the underside of the shelf plate.
• Lower secondary structures include mount brackets for the landing and taxi lights, avionics fan
and two lower pivot hinges for the fibreglass nose cone.
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
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The cabin structure is a metallic semi-monocoque construction covered in aluminium sheet with
upper load bearing cantilevered box beams. Honeycomb panels are used in the floor shell and
some side panels for strength.
The cabin includes the crew compartment (cockpit) and the passenger compartment, and is
comprised of:
• Primary structures:
o Cockpit and passenger floors, upper deck, forward and aft frames
o Main transmission
• Secondary structures:
o Two sliding composite built doors for access to the passenger compartment
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
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o Landing gear forward cross tube attachment points to the forward frame
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
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The rear section of the fuselage is a conventional structure consisting of nine vertical frames, two
continued upper cantilevered box beams, ribs, stringers and skin panels all made from aluminium
The rear section of the fuselage includes the fuel tank bays, aft avionics bay (located between the
vertical fuel tank bulkhead and the forward baggage area) and the baggage bay itself extending
rearward to the tail boom attachment frame. The two lower fuel tanks are below the floor and the
single vertical fuel tank is just aft in the structural cove. The aft avionics/electrical bay is accessed
through the baggage door by removing the forward baggage quick access composite panel to
reveal the remaining G1000H components and electrical controls.
The rear fuselage also makes provisions for these secondary structures:
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
Student Notes
The tail boom is a basic semi-monocoque structure of frames, stringers and skin made of aluminium
alloy. It is attached to the fuselage rear section with four bolts (two upper and two lower). The attach
bolts connect the four longerons in the tail boom for load bearing purposes.
Internally the tail boom makes provisions for secondary brackets supporting:
• The tail rotor pitch change push-pull tube, yaw servo and linear actuator
• Antenna cabling.
• A tail cone fairing for the 90° gearbox with optional position light
• Tail skid
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
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• An aerodynamic strake.
The top of the tail boom supports the tail rotor and the tail rotor drive system.
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
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2 Aerodynamic Surfaces
2.1 Aerodynamic Surfaces
2.1.1 Overview
• Lower fin
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
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The upper and lower vertical fins are separate secondary structures. Both are constructed of
aluminium alloy skin over airfoil shaped ribs.
The lower fin is attached by a base plate incorporating a longeron between the vertical spar and
false spar. The lower fin also incorporates the tubular steel tail skid attachment. The upper vertical
fin also has a similar attachment method but its spar connects to the tail boom canted bulkhead
inside the tail boom.
The upper and lower tail fins work together providing stability about the vertical axis to preclude
undesirable yaw in forward flight. In hovering and slow flight, the upper fin with its notch cut out of
the trailing edge decreases the area of obstructed tail rotor thrust against an otherwise typical full
size fin and allows increased tail rotor authority.
The tail skid is constructed of tubular steel and installed on the aft end of the lower fin. It acts as a
warning to the pilot upon an inadvertent tail low landing and aids in protecting the tail rotor from
Both the upper and lower fins incorporate inspection access holes behind the removable leading
edges for maintainers to inspect the internal structures.
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
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The horizontal stabiliser incorporates a box beam carry through spar for load bearing and strength.
The stabiliser uses airfoil shaped ribs and the overall assembly is covered in aluminium sheet. The
stabiliser is:
• Secured to the tail boom by means of four support brackets (two on each side)
• Comprised of two fixed inverse lift airfoil panels connected to the box beam spar
• The mounts for the navigation lights (red left and right green)
• Designed for removal by disconnecting the right elevator panel from the spar and sliding the
assembly out the left side
The purpose of the elevator function is to raise the aircraft nose during forward flight. The horizontal
stabilser (fixed elevator) accomplishes this with a design that places the aerofoil camber on the
lower surface, therefore the lift generated develops a downward force on the tail boom, thereby
raising the nose in forward flight.
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
Student Notes
The aerodynamic strake is fabricated from aluminium sheet and riveted to the left side of the tail
boom on the upper left longeron line. It is comprised of two riveted end caps and two equidistant
vertical stiffeners covered in a single span aluminium skin. The strake is permanently affixed to the
tail boom.
The purpose of the strake is to aerodynamically augment the authority of the tail rotor. In hovering
flight and slow flight, the strake breaks up the downward flow of air over the left side of the tail
boom. On the right side where there is no strake, the downward air flow across the curved tail boom
develops a sideward lift component due to the Coanda effect. The resulting lift vector on the right
side will add a tendency of the aircraft tail boom to move right making the nose move left.
This is a desirable effect to aerodynamically counteract the natural right nose turning tendency from
the torque of the main rotor. Therefore the strake increases the tail rotor efficiency which improves
yaw control and enhances hover performance both in and out of ground effect.
Pilots must be aware that the upper strake could hold temporarily placed but forgotten objects which
upon start would likely damage the tail boom skin or worse, be guided back to the tail rotor. On
preflight, touch the entire length of the strake upper side to ensure items have not been left behind.
Fuselage Structures ATA 53
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
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Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ....................................................................................................................................................... i
Main Rotor System ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Main Rotor Blades ................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Blade Components ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Construction and Design ............................................................................................................ 2
2.1.2 Blade Retention Bolts ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.3 Inspection ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Blade Maintenance Data ................................................................................................................ 7
2.2.1 Blade Tracking ............................................................................................................................ 7
3 Main Rotor Head...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Main Rotor Head Overview ............................................................................................................ 8
3.1.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Main Rotor Head Components ....................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Centre Hub ................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2.2 Tension Links............................................................................................................................10
3.2.3 Pitch Change Levers ................................................................................................................11
3.2.4 Hydraulic Dampers ...................................................................................................................12
3.2.5 Blade Flap and Droop Restraints .............................................................................................13
3.2.6 Elastomeric Bearings ................................................................................................................14
3.2.7 Preflight Inspection ...................................................................................................................16
4 Rotating Controls ...................................................................................................................................17
4.1 Rotating Controls Overview ..........................................................................................................17
4.1.1 General .....................................................................................................................................17
4.2 Rotating Control Components ......................................................................................................18
4.2.1 Pitch Change Links ...................................................................................................................18
4.2.2 Rotating Scissors ......................................................................................................................19
4.2.3 Fixed Scissors ..........................................................................................................................20
4.2.4 Swashplate Assembly ..............................................................................................................21
5 Indicating and Warning Systems ...........................................................................................................22
5.1 Indicating and Warning Systems Overview ..................................................................................22
5.1.1 General .....................................................................................................................................22
5.2 Rotor System Messaging .............................................................................................................23
5.2.1 Description and Limitations ......................................................................................................23
5.2.2 CAS Annunciations ...................................................................................................................25
5.2.3 Rotor Low .................................................................................................................................26
5.2.4 Rotor High .................................................................................................................................27
5.2.5 Miscompare Annunciation ........................................................................................................28
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
The main rotor assembly is a high inertia fully-articulated design allowing for flapping, feathering
and lead-lag motion of the main rotor blades. The main rotor head incorporates flapping and droop
restraint mechanisms to limit blade flapping throughout the operational RPM range. Droop stops
support the blade weight when the rotor is stationary.
Centrifugal loads from rotation are absorbed by the hub and tension links through elastomeric
bearings installed on the tension link, but situated between the tension link and the hub. The main
rotor system consists of these four sections:
• Rotating controls
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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Each of the four sealed blades have a full length fibreglass spar backed with a Nomex honeycomb
core, being covered with two cross ply carbon fibre skins and configured as follows:
• The blades are closed at the tip with a fibreglass tip cap, which like the blade leading edges, is
also protected to avoid erosion with a bonded nickel plated stainless steel leading edge strip.
• An aluminium alloy trim tab is bonded to each blade trailing edge for blade tracking purposes.
• The blades incorporate a droop snoot leading edge to both maximise lift coefficient and to
preclude large movements in the centre of lift along the chord line during varying angles of
• Blade thickness is tapered from root to tip, again optimising the lift coefficient across the rotor
disc throughout the blade pitch range. This also reduces noise level in combination with the
swept leading edge of the tip cap.
• The blades are statically balanced during construction by means of weights fitted at the blade
root and at the blade tip.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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The composite main rotor blades have a very long service life and, due to the static balancing of
each blade to a master blade as a final manufacturing process, they are individually
Note: Whilst the blades are interchangeable, certain maintenance requirements apply for tracking.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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Each of the blades is secured to the hub tension links with two titanium retention bolts. Each of the
blade retention bolts are hollow to accommodate weights used during hub balancing (both static
and dynamic). The bolt head has a cap plug to contain the weights.
The bolts are placed in shear due to tension from centrifugal force.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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2.1.3 Inspection
The main rotor blades are inspected for condition during preflight checks. Concerns to inspect for
• General damage:
• Skin damage:
o Tears, holes and nicks affecting one or more skin layers with broken fibres
• Debonding:
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Note: Consult a maintainer to evaluate allowable limits set forth in the Maintenance Manual (MM)
Section 62-11.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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Tracking is necessary so that all main rotor blades rotate in the same horizontal plane. After
balancing, the tracking of the aircraft rotor system is essential. Tracking reduces vibrations within
the airframe caused by:
• Main rotor
• Tail rotor
• Driveshafts
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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The main rotor design provides smooth and stable control responses in all flight conditions.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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The main rotor hub is fitted (splined and secured) to the mast by means of the lower split cones, the
upper conical ring, a special washer, a lock plate and a ring nut with eight bolts.
An aerodynamic cover completes the assembly, which also provides rain protection for the hub. The
aerodynamic cover is bolted to the lock plate.
The main transmission drives the rotor mast which in turn rotates the rotor head assembly at the
centre hub.
Attached to the centre hub are the components required to retain and move the rotor blades
(tension links, elastomerics, hydraulic dampers and a droop stop floating ring at the bottom of the
centre hub).
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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The rotor head tension link connects the blades to the hub. Each tension link transmits centrifugal
forces from rotation to the elastomeric bearings. The tension link is a composite assembly having a
metal external strap.
The metal external strap is bonded on its external inboard end, allowing for the installation of the
elastomeric bearing. Four larger holes on the outboard end are used for the installation of the pitch
change lever and the blade.
The blade retention bolts are inserted downwards through the tension link, pitch change lever and
blade root. The retention bolt is then secured by washers, castellated nut and cotter pin.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
The pitch change levers are aluminium alloy having the provisions to allow three functions:
• On its internal side, the pitch change lever houses the blade flapping limiter stop.
• The pitch change levers accept the inputs of the pitch change links from the rotating
• The pitch change levers accept the rod end portion of the hydraulic damper to limit blade lead
and lag.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
The hydraulic damper is attached to the pitch change lever and the centre hub. The purpose of the
hydraulic dampers is to provide the necessary dampening of the main rotor blades for lead-lag
movement (rotor start, rotor brake application and flight manoeuvres).
The damper includes a cylinder body, a ram with a piston, one fluid reservoir, one sight glass oil
level indicator, two check valves, two relief valves, a charging valve and two bleed plugs.
The damper operation consists of a movement of the internal piston which flows the fluid from one
chamber to another through the relief valves. The two check valves serve to transfer fluid from the
charging valve.
The damper rotational stops must be in place and the sight glass must show damper serviceability
prior to blade rotation.
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Student Notes
The flap and droop restraint mechanisms limit blade flapping and support the blade when the rotor
is stationary. The two separate mechanisms are located in different places of the main rotor head:
• Is installed in between both the blade tension link and the pitch change lever.
• Consists of a loaded spring and an inertia weight fixed to a bracket which is also used to install
the elastomeric bearing and a stop limiter that is installed on the pitch change lever.
• Allows a variable blade flapping range based on rotor speed. A faster rotation moves the inertia
weight up to increase the flapping range. As the rotor slows, the spring tension brings the
weight back into position thereby limiting the blade flapping range.
• Consists of a ring that can move inside of a groove in the lower centre hub (a floating ring).
Contact plates are fixed to the blade tension links.
• Operates when the blades droop and the tension link contact plates are supported by the
floating ring.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
The spherical elastomeric bearings are designed to contend with the torque and tension loads
imparted by a fully articulating rotor head. The elastomeric bearing provides the blade three
degrees of freedom in lead-lag, flapping and feather movements (feather being otherwise referred
to as pitch).
Advantages of the elastomeric design allow exacting flight control inputs and the elimination of
numerous metal bearings requiring frequent lubrication.
Made of alternating rubber and metallic shims bonded together, the elastomeric bearings require a
different inspection approach to detecting potential issues. Essentially, each elastomeric bearing is
inspected by the pilot for:
• Delamination
• Bulging
• Crazing
• Blowing
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
• Presence of crumbs.
Note: A helpful preflight procedure is to examine the bearing along the mould lines. If the mould line
direction is changed or rippled, then a closer examination between the mould lines in the rubber and
shim layers may yield the discrepant conditions listed.
The circumferential distance of any condition (usually between two mould lines) will determine a
failure arc in degrees. Maintainers measure the depth and degrees of the failure arc for any
condition discovered. It is then compared to the MM 62-21-51 for a pass-fail airworthiness
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
The pilot would generally inspect the following rotor head components prior to the first flight of the
• Main rotor cover, visible hub attachments and blade tops for condition (free of frost, snow and
• Main rotor tension links for condition and damage (separation or exposure of layers)
• Main rotor elastomeric bearings for cracking, separation of shims, blowing, rubber powder
• Main rotor dampeners for correct fluid level and rotational stop bumpers installed
• Bonding wires for security (damper to hub and damper to pitch lever)
• Pitch levers for condition along with retention bolts, bolt head plugs and blade roots
Note: The sequence listed employs a suggested top down progression using a centre and outward
scanning technique. This method ensures coverage to continue down through the rotating controls.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
4 Rotating Controls
4.1 Rotating Controls Overview
4.1.1 General
The rotating controls convert commands from the flight controls into movement of the blades and
consist of the:
• Rotating scissors
• Fixed scissors
• Swashplate assembly.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Located between the rotating swashplate and the pitch lever of the rotor head, the four pitch change
links translate control inputs to the main rotor blades.
Accomplished only by maintainers, pitch change links are adjustable in length (primarily to rig the
blade pitch angles for the appropriate rotor RPM in normal and autorotation flight envelopes).
A rod end bearing on each end of the pitch link are the attach points secured by bolts, washers
(steel and composite), castellated nuts and cotter pins.
As the fixed swashplate tilts due to servo control inputs, that motion is replicated by the rotating
swashplate. As the rotating swashplate revolves, the pitch change links are moved either up or
down which in turn moves the pitch control levers, changing the pitch of the blades.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Located between the main rotor hub flange bracket and the rotating swashplate outer ring, the
rotating scissors drive the swashplate outer rotating ring.
The scissors allow the outer rotating ring of the swashplate to tilt and move vertically in response to
the cyclic and collective controls.
The scissors, consisting of two aluminium hinged links, transfer the rotation motion of the hub down
to the swashplate outer rotating ring.
Note: For discussion purposes, the swashplate outer ring is synonymous with the rotating
swashplate. The swashplate inner ring is synonymous with the fixed swashplate.
Other terms pilots may be familiar with are a fixed star and a rotating star. Another common
reference is an upper swashplate (rotating) and a lower swashplate (fixed).
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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An additional set of scissors are installed to prevent the pivot sleeve (uniball) from rotating. Unlike
the rotating scissors, these scissors are fixed and mounted between the pivot sleeve and the
transmission top case.
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The swashplate assembly is mounted to the top of the main transmission case by means of a
swashplate support. The support is composed of a fixed and a rotating swashplate. The purpose of
the swashplate is to translate linear flight control inputs into rotational controls for main rotor pitch
control of the blades.
The fixed swashplate does not rotate. It receives pilot flight control inputs via three main rotor servo
actuators. As the main rotor servo actuators extend or retract, the fixed swashplate will tilt in relation
to the servo actuators.
The rotating swashplate is mounted above the fixed swashplate and is connected to the hub by the
rotating scissor assembly. The rotating scissor assembly transfers the rotation motion of the hub to
the rotating swashplate.
In between the two swashplates is a spherical pivot (commonly referred to as a uniball) that guides
the tilting movements and keeps the rotating swashplate from becoming misaligned.
A magnetic pickup and interrupter are installed on the swashplate for main rotor balance and
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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• The main rotor warning and caution annunciations and aural alerts.
The NR uses a conventional dual tachometer type gauge display on the G1000H Multifunction
Display (MFD) Engine Indication Strip (EIS) full page format and the Primary Flight Display (PFD)
EIS strip at the bottom left.
The main rotor warning and caution system for the pilot consists of three possible annunciations
that could appear on the PFD Crew Alerting System (CAS):
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
The NR indicating system displays the rotational speed of the main rotor in a percent value of the
maximum rating.
The system consists of a two indicators providing a dual presentation of NR and engine N2 speed
(both in percent).
Source information is transmitted from the NR tachometer generator mounted on the lower left side
of the main transmission (N2 speed is sourced from the N2 tachometer generator of the reduction
The G1000H GSC 46 (number 1 signal conditioner) converts NR tachometer generator signals for
display on the PFD and MFD EIS full page format.
Note: The Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement (RFMS) makes a distinction between NR POWER-
ON and NR POWER-OFF limitations. The limitation symbols of the NR indicator are those for NR
NR is always on the inner scale of the dual tachometer display having the following POWER-OFF
operation limitations:
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Red radial index mark Represents 90% NR and is the minimum NR.
POWER-ON NR limitations:
Type of NR NR
Operational Speed
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Note: The MISCMP-P annunciation means MISCOMPARE – PRIMARY. Two separate monitoring
paths for N1, N2, NR and ITT (designated primary instrumentation) use dual redundancy sensors
and circuitry. The G1000H performs the comparative function.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
Student Notes
Failure description:
• The aural message is continuously repeated until the failure condition is corrected or MWL is
• An aural tone and verbal repeating message states: ROTOR LOW, ROTOR LOW.
Note: With rotor RPM between 80 and 96%, a cabin acoustic signal is activated in addition to that in
the pilot’s headset.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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Failure description:
• The rotor RPM are above the designated limit (108% NR).
• An aural tone and verbal repeating message states: ROTOR HIGH, ROTOR HIGH.
• The aural message is continuously repeated until the failure condition is corrected or the MWL
is reset.
Main Rotor System ATA 62
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The caution message MISCMP-P means there is a miscompare of primary instrumentation data.
The G1000H performs a comparison function by monitoring each of the dual inputs for differences
outside of a preset threshold:
• Reduce power to reduce risk of exceeding limits. Autorotation is prohibited due to NR indication
• PFD: check torque, N1, N2, NR and ITT for indications within normal operating range.
• If indications are stable and within normal ranges proceed with flight while monitoring N1, N2,
NR and ITT indications.
If indications are anomalous, land as soon as practicable.
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
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subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
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Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Main Rotor Drive System.......................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Main Rotor Drive ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Main Rotor Drive Overview ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Driveshafts ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.1 Main Driveshaft ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.2 Fan Driveshaft .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Main Transmission................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3.1 Main Transmission General .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3.2 Accessory Gearbox .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.3 Reduction Gearbox ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.4 Reduction Gearbox External Components ....................................................................................... 9
1.3.5 Bell Housing.................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.6 Transmission Installation ................................................................................................................ 11
2 Transmission Lubrication ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.1 Transmission Lubricating System....................................................................................................... 12
2.1.1 Oil Circulation ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.1.2 Dual Pump Assembly ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.3 External Oil Filter ............................................................................................................................ 15
2.1.4 Oil Cooler ........................................................................................................................................ 16
2.2 Transmission Lubricating CAS Messages .......................................................................................... 17
2.2.1 Oil Chips Caution Message ............................................................................................................ 17
2.2.2 Cockpit Indications.......................................................................................................................... 18
2.2.3 Oil Pressure Warning Indication ..................................................................................................... 19
2.2.4 Oil Pressure Caution Indication ...................................................................................................... 20
2.2.5 Oil Hot Warning Indication .............................................................................................................. 21
3 Rotor Brake System..................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 Rotor Brake System Overview ........................................................................................................... 22
3.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Rotor Brake Components ................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.1 Rotor Brake Lever........................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.2 Rotor Brake Pump .......................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.3 Disc and Calliper Assembly ............................................................................................................ 26
3.2.4 Rotor Brake Warning ...................................................................................................................... 27
3.2.5 Rotor Brake Caution Message ....................................................................................................... 28
3.3 Rotor Brake System Operation ........................................................................................................... 29
3.3.1 Operational Cautions ...................................................................................................................... 29
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
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Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
• A main driveshaft
• A fan driveshaft
The drive from the engine output shaft is transmitted to the main transmission accessory gearbox
through the main driveshaft. The transmission accessory gearbox transmits the drive to the main
transmission lower case and also translates (through reduction gears), the necessary drive to turn
the fan driveshaft which in turn, drives the oil cooler blower assembly.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The self-contained rotor brake system consists of a brake disc installed on the fan input drive quill.
A brake calliper is fitted to the accessory gearbox and is provided hydraulic pressure by a dedicated
remote pump and reservoir unit when the rotor brake handle is selected to ON in the cockpit.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
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1.2 Driveshafts
1.2.1 Main Driveshaft
The main driveshaft is a steel tube assembly installed between an adapter on the engine reduction
gearbox and the input drive quill of the transmission accessory gearbox.
The driveshaft employs Thomas coupling assemblies on both ends to provide flexibility and
alignment retention.
Note: The main driveshaft is directly affected by the sprag clutch within the reduction gearbox
acting on the reduction gearbox output shaft and output shaft drive adapter (reference ATA 71:
Engine General).
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
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The fan driveshaft is a flanged aluminium tube assembly installed between the accessory gearbox
fan quill and the oil cooler fan drive.
The fan driveshaft transmits main transmission accessory gearbox drive to the oil cooler fan.
The fan driveshaft also utilises Thomas couplings on both attachment ends which provide a small
amount of fore and aft flexibility.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
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Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The accessory gearbox is bolted to the main case and transmits engine drive to both the main case
and the oil cooler blower shaft quill. The accessory gearbox is the sump of the transmission oil
• A chip detector
Note: The aft facing lower sight gauge is provided for maintainer usage and is not a pilot preflight
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The first stage of reduction is provided by a combination of the input pinion driving a much larger
bevel reduction gear. The bevel reduction gear is bolted to a shaft which turns inside of a fixed
support housing (otherwise referred to as a Gleason shaft and Gleason crown).
The second stage of reduction is provided by a combination of a centre sun gear which is splined to
both the Gleason crown shaft and the lower planetary gear assembly, driving the planetary gears to
rotate. The rotating planetary gears drive the spider plate which is splined to the mast.
• Sun gear lower portion is installed in the internal splines of the Gleason crown shaft which is
driven by the bevel reduction gear.
• Individual rotating planetary gears in turn, drive the spider plate which is centre splined to the
main rotor mast. The spider plate and mast have no connection to the Gleason crown shaft or
sun gear.
Note: The Gleason crown shaft rotates, not the entire Gleason crown assembly. The Gleason
crown bolts down to a flange inside the main case. The fixed outer planetary gear case holds the
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
outer fixed ring gear and sits on top of the Gleason crown. The planetary gears outer case picks up
the same mount studs that join the main and upper cases together.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The externally mounted components on the reduction gearbox main case are:
The independent hydraulic system pumps provide servo system pressure (reference ATA 29).
The NR tachometer generator provides a rotor speed signal to the G1000H for processing and
display on the NR cockpit gauge (reference ATA 62).
The RPM sensor is a magnetic pickup type that provides signal information to the Electronic Engine
Control (EEC), reference ATA 73/76.
Note: All of the aforementioned components are driven by, or use the bevel reduction gear of the
Gleason crown assembly for pinion drive gearing or sensing in the case of the RPM sensor.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The main rotor mast and attendant support bearings are installed in the main transmission bell
housing (upper case). The upper case is bolted to the upper side of the reduction gearbox (main
The upper case serves as the reservoir for the transmission oil system and utilises an internal oil
passage with two oil jets, providing lubrication to the main rotor mast, associated bearings and the
planetary assembly. Also incorporated into the upper case are a filler cap, sight level gauge and a
chip detector.
• The lower bearing consists of a single row double thrust ball bearing race which absorbs all
static and lift loads.
• The upper bearing at the top of the bell housing is a single row roller type for support and
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The main transmission is installed with an anti-torque plate supported by two forward tubes and two
aft solid links, all made of aluminium alloy.
An anti-torque plate, made of aluminium alloy, is bolted to the underside of the main case and is
fitted with bolts, washers and nuts to the cabin roof.
The bell housing accommodates the upper transmission support tubes and links whilst the lower
attachment fittings are fastened to the airframe by means of nuts and bolts to structural gusset type
brackets which tie into both the box structure and cabin roof.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
2 Transmission Lubrication
2.1 Transmission Lubricating System
2.1.1 Oil Circulation
The transmission throughout all three cases employs a spray and splash system delivered by oil
jets fed by internal passage ways as follows:
• The lubrication oil contained in the upper bell housing flows to the pressure pump portion of the
dual pump mounted on the forward side of the accessory case.
• Pressure flow proceeds from the pump past the temperature switch and temperature
• Pressure flow to and through the external oil filter is protected against clogging with a bypass
• Pressure flow proceeds through the check valve into the oil jet manifold of passage ways
throughout all three cases.
• Drained oil accumulates in the accessory case sump and is picked up by the scavenge pump
portion of the dual pump and under pressure, is sent to the external oil cooler.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
• Cooled oil exiting the oil cooler is returned to the bell housing reservoir for recirculation.
The Gleason crown assembly also utilises an internal oil passage with an oil jet for lubrication of the
Gleason crown duplex bearing and the sun gear.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The gear type oil pump is driven by the accessory gear box idler gear and consists of two
independent sections, the pressure pump and the scavenge pump, bolted together.
The pressure pump suctions oil from the bell housing reservoir and sends it under pressure to the
oil jet system of internal passage ways.
The scavenge pump picks up oil which has completed the spray and splash cycle and has drained
into the sump of the accessory case. The scavenge pump provides the pressure for the oil to
proceed to the external airframe mounted oil cooler.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The external oil filter has a paper replaceable element in a metal filter body and incorporates:
• A temperature switch.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The oil cooler is airframe mounted to the cabin roof aft of the transmission accessory case.
A thermostatic bypass valve is located on the cooler to control the oil flow, allowing the oil to bypass
the cooler when the oil temperature is low.
When the oil temperature is below 54 °C, the valve is completely open and the oil flows directly to
the bell housing reservoir.
The valve starts to close when the oil temperature rises above 54 °C. From 54 °C the thermostatic
bypass valve allows a passage of oil to the cooler proportional to the oil temperature increase.
When the oil temperature is 78 °C, the valve closes and all of the oil flows through the oil cooler. In
case of oil cooler obstruction, the valve works also as a bypass, to prevent oil flow interruption.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
If metal particles are detected in the main transmission oil, one or both chip detectors located on the
bell housing and accessory gearbox sump will send a signal to GEA No. 1 and GEA No. 2.
Once the G1000H receives the signal it will generate a XMSN OIL CHIPS caution message on the
Note: Aircraft equipped with a chip burner system would proceed according to Supplement No. 15:
Pulsed Chip Detectors operational data.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The transmission oil pressure indicating system consists of the oil pressure transmitter, installed on
the accessory gearbox of the main transmission and provides a signal to the G1000H GEA No. 2.
The transmission oil pressure indication is displayed on the Multifunction Display (MFD) Engine
Indication Strip (EIS) and the EIS full format page.
The transmission oil temperature indicating system consists of an oil temperature transmitter,
installed on the external filter, and provides a signal to the G1000H GEA No. 1. The transmission oil
temperature indication is displayed on the MFD EIS strip and the EIS full format page.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The oil pressure warning circuit consists of a pressure switch installed on the transmission
accessory gearbox. When the transmission oil pressure lowers to approximately 30 PSI, the
XMSN OIL PRESS warning displays on the PFD CAS with a 900 Hz aural tone and Master
Warning Light (MWL).
• Reduce power
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
On the ground, if the transmission oil pressure holds and resides between 55 and 70 PSI, the
G1000H will generate a XMSN OIL PRESS caution message on the PFD CAS with a tone. This
alert may be triggered on start-up. The pilot should allow time for the oil to warm up and pressure to
drop before proceeding.
• Allow time for the oil to warm and pressure to drop as this may be triggered at startup.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The transmission oil temperature warning circuit consists of a temperature switch installed on the
external filter. When the transmission oil temperature exceeds the maximum (115 °C), the
XMSN OIL HOT warning displays on the PFD CAS with a 900 Hz aural tone and MWL.
• Reduce power
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The rotor brake system is used to stop rotor rotation on the ground, after engine shutdown. The
rotor brake must only be operated below 40% rotor RPM (NR).
The system consists of a two-position (ON, OFF) control lever installed on the right side of the
overhead console.
The rotor brake control lever is attached to a cable connected to a hydraulic pump and self-
contained reservoir installed on the left side of the fuselage box beam.
The pump sends oil pressure to a brake calliper installed over the brake disc but bracketed to the
transmission accessory gearbox. The disk is mounted to the fan driveshaft quill adapter.
When the brake control lever is operated, the brake calliper pads quickly stop the disc and as a
result, the rotor. The rotor brake is also applied for aircraft parking.
The warning and caution annunciations are sourced from four microswitches installed in pairs on
both sides of the calliper.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
Note: The rotor brake system is Optional Equipment Supplement (OES) No. 10 in Rotorcraft Flight
Manual (RFM) Section 5.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The rotor brake lever is located on the right side of the overhead switch panel. The rotor brake lever
has two positions (ON and OFF) and is not utilised in any other position.
The lever positions have locking detents for the lever pins to fit assuring a secure lever position. To
move the brake lever from one position to another requires the lever pins to be retracted from the
positional detent. This is achieved by grasping the lever and pulling down on the its T-bar to retract
the pins prior to moving the brake lever.
Always ensure the lock pins are fully engaged in the detent slots of the position desired. The visual
verification of pins in detents will prevent undesired inadvertent operations.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The rotor brake hydraulic pump is installed on the left side of the transmission deck on the structural
box beam. It has a self-contained reservoir and pump body. With the rotor brake lever set to the
OFF position, the sight plug should be predominately full (reference ATA 12 for servicing).
The rotor brake lever operation of the cable actuates the pump to direct hydraulic pressure to the
rotor brake calliper.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
The rotor brake system permits a rapid deceleration of the main rotor after engine shutdown. The
rotor braking assembly itself is a conventional disc brake configuration having a hydraulic calliper
assembly fitted over a steel disc.
The hydraulic calliper assembly has four microswitches used to sense operation or a degraded
The calliper resides over the disc with friction pads, but is mounted to the transmission accessory
The disc is mounted to the transmission accessory gearbox drive adapter for the fan shaft.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
With the rotor brake lever is ON, a RTR BRK ON warning message will be displayed on the PFD
CAS along with a 900 Hz aural tone and MWL.
• If the lever is not in the OFF position, set it to OFF and land immediately.
• If the lever is in the OFF position, shut down the engine immediately
• If the lever is not in the OFF position, set it to OFF and shut down the engine immediately.
Note: The rotor brake is never applied while the engine is operating. Maintenance action is required
in the event this warning annunciation is seen while the engine is operating (regardless of the lever
position found).
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
Should a degraded state exist with the rotor brake system, the ROTOR BRK caution message will
be displayed on the PFD CAS, indicating the rotor brake should not be used.
• Refer the condition to maintainers for the appropriate maintenance manual actions.
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
Two operational cautions in rotor brake operations must be known to the pilot:
• The rotor brake must be disengaged before starting and never be engaged with the engine
• In the event that the rotor brake was used beyond the limitation of 40% NR, then further use of
the system is prohibited until the appropriate maintenance inspections have been
accomplished and the aircraft has been returned to service.
Note: Refer to RFM Section 5: OES (Supplement 10) for preflight, starting and shutdown
Main Rotor Drive System ATA 63
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
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with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Tail Rotor .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Tail Rotor Assembly....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Tail Rotor Blades .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.1 Construction...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Tail Rotor Hub....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Pitch Change Mechanism ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.4.1 Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4.2 Lower and Upper Levers ................................................................................................................ 10
1.4.3 Bearings and Bearing Housing ....................................................................................................... 11
1.4.4 Internal Control Rod ....................................................................................................................... 12
1.4.5 Rotating Scissors and Scissors Sleeve .......................................................................................... 13
1.4.6 Crosshead and Pitch Change Links ............................................................................................... 14
1.4.7 Inspection ....................................................................................................................................... 15
1.4.8 Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
Tail Rotor
1 Tail Rotor Assembly
1.1 General
1.1.1 Overview
The purpose of the tail rotor is to produce an aerodynamic force to counteract the torque reaction
caused by the main rotor during flight.
• A hub assembly
The tail rotor blades are a composite structure employing fibreglass and graphite materials. The
blades use weights for static balance near each root and near the blade tips (two locations on each
The hub assembly (through an internal trunnion) is splined to the 90° gearbox driveshaft for
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
rotational drive. The hub also retains the tail rotor blades through a retention strap design.
The pitch change mechanism is a pedal actuated push-pull tube control, moving control arms which
in turn move a slider shaft inside of the 90° gearbox driveshaft. Connected to a crosshead having
pitch change links, each blade is moved collectively.
The tail rotor is a semi-rigid (flapping, teetering or see-saw) design. The flapping axis is designed to
form a delta three hinge providing automatic flapping and feathering of the blades to counteract
dissymmetry of lift.
Whilst dissymmetry of lift is routinely associated with the main rotor disk, this aerodynamic condition
also affects the tail rotor disk. A delta three hinge design will allow both flapping to reduce
dissymmetry of lift, but will also include blade feathering through the pitch links.
This effect is achieved by having the blade pitch horns on a different geometric plane than the
flapping hinge, which will then mechanically change the pitch angle of the blade as it flaps. This
design dramatically reduces the amount of flapping the tail rotor must endure and allows a shorter
driveshaft for tail boom clearance. The delta three hinge design has also been referred to as:
• A K-link design.
The delta three hinge effect can be demonstrated on preflight by gently moving a tail rotor blade
through its flapping range and observing the slight pitch angle changes due to pitch link movement
caused throughout the flap range travel. It is best viewed if the blades can be turned to a vertical
advancing and retreating position to see the larger pitch angle of the retreating blade and the
smaller pitch angle on the advancing blade.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
The tail rotor blades are constructed of composite weave material in an epoxy resin matrix.
Each blade consists of a full length spar, manufactured with fibreglass and graphite straps, covered
with anti-torque fibreglass (cross ply skin layups to resist rotational force, delamination and to
enhance the nomex honeycomb core stability).
The internal spar root is machined to accommodate two aluminium bushings and two elastomeric
bearings (acting as pitch change bearings). Each is secured by a common retainer ring. The
bushing and elastomeric bearing which provides the connection for the blade retention strap is
riveted to the blade spar.
The spar root is bonded to the pitch arm assembly. The pitch arm assembly utilises two Chinese
weights which run perpendicular to the blade chord and apply centrifugal force to counteract a
tendency of the blades to remain in zero pitch, thereby easing the forces required for pitch changes.
Smaller additional weights are used in two places near the blade root and on the blade face near
the blade tip. The former providing a chordwise static balance provision and the latter, a spanwise
static balance provision. Each of these balance weight locations provides stability in the zero pitch
return moment of the blade, therefore reducing pitch control loads imparted to the blades.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
The leading edge of the blade spar is protected by an anti-abrasion strip, manufactured with electro
deposited nickel alloy plating.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
1.2.2 Inspection
The tail rotor is inspected for general condition prior to the first flight of each day:
• Cleanliness - the blades are free of snow, ice, frost and the paint system is intact.
Erosion of the leading edge can be expected as long as it does not proceed beyond the
protective strip. If protective polyurethane leading edge tape is installed, it should not exceed
length limits for a wrinkle or a broken area per the maintenance manual criteria.
• Damage - free from nicks, scratches, scoring and dents (or the damage noted is or was
previously deemed acceptable by maintainers in accordance with maintenance manual
inspection procedures).
• Voids - composites will be free of voids, delamination in general and trailing edge delamination,
or be referred to maintainers for an inspection analysis per the maintenance manual.
• Obvious deformation
• One or more scratches, dents and corroded areas developing from or extending into a
previously repaired area or which exceeds damage limits.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
The tail rotor hub provides the means of attaching the assembly to the output driveshaft of the 90°
gearbox. The hub incorporates the automatic flapping and pitch changing hinges (a delta three
hinge design).
• A trunnion
• A yoke
• Retention straps.
The trunnion is a machined steel forged part, housed internally within the yoke. It forms the
attachment point for the hub to the tail rotor driveshaft and is the pivot for the flapping hinge. The
centre hole of the trunnion is splined internally to engage with the external splines of the 90° tail
rotor gearbox driveshaft. Master splines ensure correct alignment. The outboard ends of the
trunnion form the flapping hinge spindles. Machined studs at the ends of the spindles are utilised for
retention and to centre the trunnion in the yoke.
The yoke is a one-piece machined steel forging having four arms (or spindles). Two provide the 45°
offset attachment for the blade pitch arms working in conjunction with the trunnion spindles to
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
accommodate the flapping hinge (blade flap travel). This forms the delta three offset hinge
configuration. The pitch link attachment on the blade pitch arm maintains the same offset thereby
allowing simultaneous feathering and flapping (the delta three hinge effect).
Retention straps (or blade straps) connect the rotor blade assembly to the hub assembly. The
straps distribute axial (centrifugal) loads between the hub and blades. The straps are stacks of
individual steel bands (approximately 30) to allow for torsional forces in addition to centrifugal
forces. The strap stack is retained in the yoke spindle by a captured plug and placement pin. The
blade pitch arm end of the retention strap stack is captured by a through-bolt and the bolt is secured
by a washer and castellated nut arrangement having a cotter pin.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
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1.3.2 Inspection
The hub should easily and smoothly travel throughout the entire flapping range.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
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The pitch change mechanism, installed on the tail rotor gearbox, consists of the following major
• Crosshead
Tail Rotor ATA 64
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The lower lever receives input from the flight control rod connected with the tail rotor servo actuator.
The lower lever is connected through linkage with the upper lever and provides a linear movement
of the internal control rod inside the gearbox driveshaft.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
Connected with the lower and upper levers, the bearing housing encompasses two ball bearings
(referred to as a duplex bearing arrangement) which provide the split between the levers for linear
actuation of the internal control rod.
The outer races are contacting the duplex bearings housing while the inner races are contacting the
internal control rod. A boot between the housing and tail rotor gearbox protects the bearings.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
The internal control rod runs through the tail rotor gearbox driveshaft (a shaft in a shaft design) and
is centred and supported by a bushing located in the outboard side.
The internal control rod is connected to the bearings on one side (right side of the aircraft) and on
the opposite side (left side) it is locked with the crosshead where it receives rotation from the
gearbox driveshaft via scissors links.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
Two rotating scissors, offset 180°, provide connection and rotation to the crosshead. Two links,
each having a lug end and a clevis end, form one scissors hinge. Scissor link connections are by
bolt washer nut and cotter pin.
The inboard portion of both scissor links are connected to the scissors sleeve. The scissor sleeve is
in turn installed on the splines of the tail rotor gearbox driveshaft. The scissors sleeve is secured
with the same nut used to lock the tail rotor hub.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
The crosshead provides the attachment to two pitch change links. It is directly connected in the
centre to the internal control rod with a nut. A protective boot is installed between the inboard side
of the crosshead and the hub locknut to protect the translating control rod.
Two pitch change links provide the connection between the crosshead and the pitch change horns
of the blade pitch arms.
Each pitch change link utilises a self-aligning bearing at each end. Axial movements of the
crosshead are converted into blade pitch change through the links.
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
1.4.7 Inspection
Components Inspection
Tail Rotor ATA 64
Student Notes
1.4.8 Operation
The amount of aerodynamic force produced by the tail rotor can be varied by changing the
collective pitch of both tail rotor blades through the flight control system and the pitch change
The flight control rod from the tail servo imparts movement to the lower and upper arms of the pitch
change mechanism as a result of pilot pedal movement.
The arms move an internal control rod inside the tail rotor driveshaft in a linear fashion.
The internal control rod is connected to the centre of a crosshead having four attachment lugs.
Two attachments of the crosshead lugs are attached to and driven by rotational scissors. The
scissors connect to the scissors sleeve of the tail rotor gearbox driveshaft to gain rotational force.
Two other attachment lugs of the crosshead are attached to pitch links which in turn are connected
to the blade pitch horns.
The linear motion of the internal control rod allows the crosshead to translate collective force
through the pitch change links which will induce the blade pitch arms to rotate about the hub
spindles either increasing or decreasing aerodynamic force through increased or decreased angle
of attack on the blades.
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
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Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ....................................................................................................................................................... i
Tail Rotor Drive System ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Tail Rotor Drive System ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Components ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Tail Rotor Driveshafts ................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Tail Rotor Gearbox ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Indications ....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Chip Detection ............................................................................................................................ 6
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
The tail rotor is driven from an output shaft on the engine Reduction Gearbox (RGB), back to the tail
rotor through two tail boom mounted driveshafts connected to a 90° gearbox.
The 90° gearbox (tail rotor gearbox) changes the drive direction in a right angle with the tail rotor
gearbox driveshaft connecting the drive force to the tail rotor hub.
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
1.2 Components
1.2.1 Tail Rotor Driveshafts
Two aluminium alloy driveshafts, each having a damper, are both supported by a single hanger
bearing and connected by three Thomas couplings.
The forward driveshaft is connected to the RGB sliding adapter and to the rear shaft flange by
means of two flexible Thomas couplings, bolts, nuts and washers.
The rear driveshaft is connected to the forward shaft and to the tail rotor gearbox sliding adapter by
means of a flexible Thomas coupling, bolts, nuts, and washers.
Each longitudinal driveshaft has a dedicated damper, acting on the middle section of each shaft.
At the centre of the damper assembly is a Teflon flanged ring, fitted to an aluminium alloy support
with bolts, nuts, washers and springs.
The Teflon ring can slide vertically on the support surface to dampen driveshaft movements.
The damper functioning limits the shaft oscillations at low rotor Revolutions Per Minute (RPM),
during engine starting or shut down for the respective shaft it is installed upon.
The single hanger bearing is a standard main line ball type bearing to support the entire two shaft
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
A Thomas coupling is a flexible disc type attachment. Thin steel discs are stacked and bolted
between two offset connecting flanges and allow flexure and return of driveshaft movements.
Thomas coupling connections are strong in torsion.
Benefits from the Thomas coupling design include no lubrication, long life, visual inspection, a wide
temperature and torque variation range, along with low restoring forces (backlash).
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
• A reduction of input shaft RPM down to a rate whereby the tail rotor blades become
aerodynamically effective and the tail rotor rotational forces do not become a hub fatigue factor.
• A mounting sleeve
• A case assembly
The tail rotor gearbox is bolted to the aft tail boom bulkhead at six points through the mounting
sleeve. The case assembly incorporates a vented filler cap, an oil level sight gauge, a magnetic
chip detector, an oil drain plug and the mounting lugs for the tail rotor pitch change mechanism
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
The tail rotor gearbox incorporates a wet sump oil system, which utilises the case as a reservoir and
provides splash oil to lubricate gears and bearings.
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
1.3 Indications
1.3.1 Chip Detection
The caution message T/R BOX CHIPS is displayed on the Crew Alerting System (CAS) when
enough metal particles contained in the tail rotor gearbox oil close the magnetic chip detector
electrical circuit.
For aircraft equipped with a pulsed chip detector system per RFMS 15:
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
The chip burner cannot be used while on the ground in order to suppress a caution message.
Maintenance action is required before the next flight.
Tail Rotor Drive System ATA 65
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
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Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Power Plant .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Design and Construction ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Engine Sections .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Compressor Section ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Accessory Gearbox Section ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2.3 Hot Section ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.4 Reduction Gearbox ........................................................................................................................... 9
2 Engine to Airframe Provisioning .................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Engine Installation .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.1 Cowling Installation ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Engine Mounts ................................................................................................................................ 13
2.1.3 Engine Firewalls ............................................................................................................................. 14
3 Operations ................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Engine Operation ................................................................................................................................ 15
3.1.1 Gas Path Flows .............................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.2 RGB Freewheeling Unit .................................................................................................................. 17
3.1.3 Hover Power Assurance Check...................................................................................................... 19
3.1.4 Level Flight Power Assurance Check ............................................................................................. 21
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
Power Plant
1 Design and Construction
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 General
The PT6B-37A power plant incorporates four major sections with two internally disconnected spools
in a lightweight free turbine design having:
• A compressor - turbine rotor spool consisting of three axial stages of compression with a
compressor impeller driven by a compressor turbine, all turning in a clockwise direction
• A power turbine rotor spool driven freely by the downstream hot gas path generated from the
compressor turbine spool, rotating in an anticlockwise fashion to balance rotational forces
• A cold (or compressor air) section from the inlet screens back to the impeller air exiting the
diffusers. It includes the axial compressor wheels and impeller which are shafted to the
Accessory Gearbox (AGB) section
• A hot (or combustion gases) section from the impeller diffuser exhaust to the hot gases being
exhausted into the atmosphere. It includes two igniters, 14 fuel nozzles, a combustion liner, a
compressor turbine stator and wheel, and a power turbine stator and wheel.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
The power turbine is shafted to the Reduction Gearbox (RGB) input which accomplishes a two-
stage reduction of input Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) and houses an internal sprag clutch
between the freewheel shaft and the output shaft which drives the main rotor and tail rotor.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
The engine compressor section provides compressed air at the right pressure and temperature to:
• Cool hot section components (combustion chamber liner, stators and turbine blades)
• Assist in the operation of the Fuel Control Unit (FCU) and governors
• Inlet case
• Compressor case
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
A compressor bleed valve is mounted to the bottom of the gas generator case to prevent
compressor stalls and surges below 91% N1. At low speed, the axial stages of the compressor
produce more air than the centrifugal stage of the compressor can move radially. The bleed valve
dumps this excessive volume of interstage compressor air (P2.8) into the atmosphere and then
automatically closes at higher N1 speeds when the impeller is more efficient and can move all of the
axial flow air supplied.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
The AGB, which is driven by the compressor turbine, has an internal set of gears and gear shafts to
drive the:
• Starter generator
• N1 tachometer generator.
• Fuel heater
• Fuel filter
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
• P3 filter
• Oil filter
• Starter generator
The cavity between the inlet case and AGB forms the engine oil tank.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
The engine hot section extracts energy from the hot expanding gases to drive the:
• RGB.
Whilst the compressor turbine drives the compressor, it is appropriately named a compressor
turbine since it facilitates the continued compression of combusted gases into a convergent
pathway less than half the size of the combustion chamber.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
• Exhaust case.
The hot section is accessed by maintainers after engine removal by splitting it at the C flange to
perform a Hot Section Inspection (HSI). The turbines are not connected, therefore the power turbine
section will pull away from the gas generator case. The parts listed are inspected and repaired, fuel
nozzles are flowed and the igniters are tested and measured for serviceability.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
The RGB reduces the power turbine speed from the input shaft down to a speed suitable for the
main rotor and tail rotor.
One end of the bottom output shaft will drive the main rotor head transmission and the other end of
the output shaft will drive the tail rotor 90° gearbox.
The RGB, which is driven by the power turbine, has a set of gears and gear shafts to drive the:
• N2 mechanical governor
• N2 tachometer generator.
• Internal torquemeter
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
The aerodynamic covering for the power plant is a cowling system having five airframe assemblies:
The air intake cowling may have an optional inlet barrier system installed and the pilot should
consult the Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM) operating supplement for additional preflight check items
such as bypass doors position and filtration indicators denoting serviceability. Filtration system
performance can affect power assurance checks.
The engine exhaust ejector stacks, one on each side, protrude between the forward engine cowling
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
and rear engine cowling, but are bolted directly to the engine exhaust case and not part of the
cowling system.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
There are three engine mounts that connect the engine to the airframe:
The forward engine mount is located on the bottom side of the engine and it has two rods
connected to the AGB by means of a crosshead clevis. The mount is bolted to the steel airframe
fitting (hard point) through a pivoting lever.
The aft engine mount (bipod) is on the left-hand side of the RGB. The aft engine mount (tripod) is
on the right-hand side of the RGB.
The bipod and tripod mounts are connected to the airframe through bolts in steel clevis fittings
acting as airframe hard points, in turn connected to primary roof structure at the front mount and
primary box structure for both rear mounts.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
The engine uses three titanium firewalls having high temperature edge fire seals to separate the
engine hot section from the cold section and the hot section from the RGB.
The forward firewall also protects the AGB components from inlet air.
The middle firewall protects the inlet air from being heated by the gas generator case.
The firewalls are part of the engine and each one is made with two sections for maintainer
convenience, each having:
• An upper section
• A lower section.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
3 Operations
3.1 Engine Operation
3.1.1 Gas Path Flows
Gas path flow begins at the engine inlet case as ambient air is drawn in through the inlet screen
across the three axial stages of compression and then turned radially by the centrifugal stage of
compression provided by the impeller.
The impeller directs the gas path into the diffuser tubes (ends cut away for clarity) which pressurise
the gas generator case. Air enters the combustion chamber via small holes in the liner. Two
igniters, located in the combustion chamber, fire in anticipation of fuel introduction.
At the proper compressor speed, atomised fuel is sprayed into the combustion chamber through
fourteen fuel nozzles (one shown for clarity) and the gas path is ignited.
The combusted gas path is ducted towards the convergent area of the compressor turbine stator
where the stator vanes direct the hot gas path to impinge efficiently upon the compressor turbine
blades to drive the compressor and AGB.
At a stabilisation point, the igniters cease firing since a flame front is established in the combustion
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
The hot gases leaving the compressor turbine are accelerated as they enter the divergent
interturbine area and are directed by the power turbine stator vanes to impinge efficiently upon the
power turbine to drive the RGB. The exhaust gas path exits to the atmosphere via the exhaust case
and ejector stacks.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
Whilst the terms freewheeling unit or over running clutch are routinely used by pilots, they more
often describe the conditional characteristics of a sprag clutch mechanism.
An automatic acting sprag clutch mechanism is installed between the freewheel shaft and the
output shaft which drives the main rotor and tail rotor driveshafts. Without the clutch arrangement,
the engine would be driven by the main rotor any time an autorotation is attempted. In addition, any
seizure of the engine would prevent the possibility of the autorotation.
The sprag clutch assembly consists of a certain number of sprags having a somewhat figure of
eight shape due to different radiuses at the top and bottom which will allow them to pivot vertically
or pivot into a canted position.
The vertical height of each sprag is slightly greater than the gap formed between the freewheel gear
shaft (outer race) and the output gear shaft (inner race).
Each sprag is held in a cage, spring-loaded to a more vertical position (or drive engaged position).
The drive engaged position places the sprags against both the outer and inner races.
Rotation from the engine power section on the freewheel gear shaft forces a lock of the spags (an
interference fit) between the outer and inner races to drive the output shaft.
Disengagement of the spag clutch comes when the output shaft attempts to drive the engine
(referred to as an over running condition).
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
During disengagement, the higher output shaft speed will cause the sprags to ride along their
bottom radius into a canted position whereby the sprag is not touching the outer or inner race (a
freewheeling condition – rotors and engine disengaged).
The clutch is then fully disengaged to support an autorotation or to prevent the rotors from being
affected by a seized engine.
In the event of an autorotation with a power recovery, the freewheel gear shaft would again be
powered to run much faster than the output shaft and the sprags would pivot back into the locked
position immediately and automatically.
If referred to as a freewheeling unit or an over running clutch, it is still the sprag clutch that makes
both conditions possible.
Note: Designers strive to employ the maximum amount of sprags over a given race circumference
to transmit the engine torque with a minimum of friction wear to the sprags.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
Power Assurance Check (PAC) charts are used to determine if the engine power available is within
the limits established by the flight manual. A PAC is a daily recommendation. Additional checks
should be performed when:
• A degradation of charted values occurs over a span of time that may be a trend.
If the engine does not meet the requirements of the PAC, the published performance data is likely
to be unachievable (refer to the Pratt and Whitney Engine Maintenance Manual (EMM)). The cause
of engine power loss (excessive Interturbine Temperature (ITT) or N1 rpm) should be determined
as soon as practical.
The pilot may choose to perform a PAC in level flight, rather than in a hover. Regardless of the
procedure performed, the pilot should plan a safe procedure and consider:
• Passenger load
• An acceptable area in which to accomplish the PAC (hover area and in-flight terrain)
The hover check is performed prior to take-off under the following conditions:
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
• Heater - OFF
• NR 102 %.
Increase collective until light on skids or attain a Do not exceed an ITT of 755 °C or an N1 of
hover at 3 ft. 100.1% or a torque of 100%.
• Entering the chart at the engine torque recorded, then move down to the line intersecting the
recorded pressure altitude
• Move laterally on the chart until intersecting with the recorded OAT. Move up to read the
maximum allowable ITT value
• Move laterally again from the previous OAT intersection until intersecting the same OAT value
for maximum allowable N1. Read directly upwards to determine the maximum allowable N1 %
Compare the recorded data against the chart maximum allowable values.
If the data for ITT or N1 exceeds the charted values, repeat the hover check stabilising power for 3
minutes. If the engine still exceeds the maximum allowable ITT or N1, published performance data
may not be achievable (refer to the EMM).
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
There are two types of in-flight PAC charts used to determine if the engine can produce the required
power specified in the flight manual:
The 130 KIAS level flight check is performed for periodic monitoring of engine performance.
The 100 KIAS level flight check is performed when 130 KIAS in level flight is not attainable due to
the Maximum Continuous Power (MCP) limitations, or a VNE limitation is encountered in high, hot
The 130 KIAS level flight check is performed under the following conditions:
• Heater - OFF
• NR 102 %.
Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
Attain 130 KIAS in stabilised level flight. Do not exceed an ITT of 755 °C or an N1 of
100.1% or a torque of 100%.
Stabilise power for 1 minute. Record OAT, pressure altitude, torque, ITT and
• Entering the chart at the engine torque recorded, then move down to the line intersecting the
recorded pressure altitude
• Move laterally on the chart until intersecting with the recorded OAT. Move up to read the
maximum allowable ITT value
• Move laterally again from the previous OAT intersection until intersecting the same OAT value
for maximum allowable N1. Read directly upwards to determine the maximum allowable N1 %
Compare the recorded data against the chart maximum allowable values.
If the data for ITT or N1 exceeds the charted values, repeat the PAC stabilising power for 3
minutes. If the engine still exceeds the maximum allowable ITT or N1, perform a hover PAC.
The procedures and conditions for the 100 KIAS level flight check are identical to the 130 KIAS
procedure described. However, a designated and separate 100 KIAS PAC chart is used to check
recorded data against the maximum allowable chart values.
Example: RFMS Section I: Limitations, Figure 1-1: Airspeed Limitations – VNE (power on or off):
• Temperature: 32 °C
The appropriate pilot option would be to use the 100 KIAS PAC with virtually no altitude restriction
limiting the VNE.
Note: The pilot may use a hover PAC in lieu of a level flight PAC. If either the 130 KIAS PAC or the
100 KIAS PAC is unacceptable, the pilot is mandated to perform a hover PAC.
No 1.0 02/02/2015
Annex C1
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Power Plant ATA 71
Student Notes
No 1.0 02/02/2015
Annex C2
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Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
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Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Engine Fuel and Control ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Engine Fuel and Control Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Engine Fuel and Control System .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2 System Components ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Components (1) .................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 P3 Filter ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1.2 Fuel Heater ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.3 Fuel Control Unit Filters .................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.4 Fuel Control Unit ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.5 Fuel Control Unit Fuel Pump ............................................................................................................ 8
2.1.6 Fuel Flow Divider .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.7 Fuel Nozzles ................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.8 Electronic N2 Speed Sensor .......................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Components (2) .................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2.1 Electronic Engine Control Unit........................................................................................................ 12
2.2.2 Electronic N2 Governor .................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.3 Collective Linear Variable Differential Transducer ......................................................................... 15
2.2.4 Mechanical N2 Governor ................................................................................................................ 16
2.2.5 N2/NR Droop Compensation Actuator ........................................................................................... 18
2.2.6 Twist Grip Rotary Variable Differential Transducer ........................................................................ 19
2.3 Component Locations ......................................................................................................................... 20
2.3.1 Aft Avionics Bay and Engine Accessory Gearbox .......................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Reduction Gearbox and Gas Generator Case ............................................................................... 21
2.4 Engine Fuel System Architecture ....................................................................................................... 22
2.4.1 Engine Fuel Delivery ...................................................................................................................... 22
3 Engine Fuel System Controls ...................................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Modes of Control ................................................................................................................................ 24
3.1.1 Introduction to Operations .............................................................................................................. 24
3.1.2 Automatic and Manual Operation ................................................................................................... 25
3.1.3 Twist Grip Power Lever Angle ........................................................................................................ 26
3.1.4 EEC Mode Droop............................................................................................................................ 28
3.2 Pilot Considerations During Modes of Control ................................................................................... 29
3.2.1 Electronic Engine Control Failure ................................................................................................... 29
3.2.2 MEC Mode N2/NR Droop Compensation ....................................................................................... 30
3.2.3 MEC Mode NR TRIM Mismatch ..................................................................................................... 31
3.2.4 MAN Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 32
3.2.5 Fuel Control Unit Failures ............................................................................................................... 34
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The purpose of the engine fuel system is to provide the engine with clean fuel at the required
pressure, metered in a flow, to permit the control of engine power.
The control of engine fuel for power management is accomplished through both electronic and
mechanical means, with one electronic path and two teleflex cable actuated paths. Three pilot
selectable paths of engine control are available. These control paths, referred to as control modes,
are the:
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
• P3 filter
• Fuel heater
• Fuel nozzles
• EEC unit
• Electronic N2 governor
• Mechanical N2 governor
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
2 System Components
2.1 Components (1)
2.1.1 P3 Filter
The purpose of the P3 filter assembly is to remove minute particles from the incoming bleed-air flow
before sending it onto the pneumatic control side of the FCU.
P3 air entering the filter assembly travels through a filter element having a 10 micron rating before
moving to the pneumatic section of the FCU.
The filter is metallic and easily removed for cleaning by removal of the filter bowl. At the bottom of
the filter bowl is a maintenance drain valve to eliminate moisture. The drain valve filter element
servicing is accomplished by maintainers.
Note: A micron is 1/1000 of one millimeter or 0.000039 of one inch. The fingertips can discern
particles of ≥ 5 microns. The human eye can see particles of ≥ 40 microns.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The purpose of the fuel heater is to prevent fuel filter obstruction due to ice crystal formation.
The fuel heater is a heat exchanger that uses hot engine oil to heat fuel. It incorporates an internal
thermal element (thermostat) that reacts to fuel temperature and actuates an internal sliding valve
to control the amount of hot oil flowing into the heat exchanger portion.
Cold fuel from the left lower tank boost pump enters the fuel heater and surrounds the thermal
element. The cold thermal element contracts and the sliding valve allows engine oil to travel across
the heater portion. Heat from the oil transfers to the fuel and the fuel temperature starts to rise.
At 20 °C, the thermal element begins to expand and pushes the sliding valve to bypass inlet oil,
progressively precluding flow to the heater portion. The thermal element actuator is constantly
reacting to fuel temperature changes to regulate the amount of oil needed to heat the fuel.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
Two filters are integral to the FCU pump section. These filters are:
The purpose of the FCU inlet filter is to provide a secondary filtration of the low pressure fuel prior to
the fuel entering the HP pump.
The purpose of the HP fuel filter is to provide filtration of the fuel prior to metering.
Fuel travels from the low pressure filter (10 micron rating) to the FCU inlet filter. The FCU inlet filter
has a 74 micron rated wire mesh strainer to protect the HP pump and can bypass (self-relieving) at
a 1.5 psi differential pressure.
Fuel is then sent into the HP FCU pump where, upon exit, it is filtered again prior to entering the
metering section of the FCU. The FCU HP filter is a 10 micron paper element and will bypass at 20
psi differential pressure if clogged.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The design purpose of the hydromechanical FCU is to establish the proper fuel scheduling for the
engine according to inputs from:
• N2 governor inputs.
The FCU not only schedules the fuel, but also provides a clean HP supply of fuel to the flow divider
under any set scheduled condition (either set manually by the pilot or automatically by a governor).
The term hydromechanical, in regard to a FCU, is a design having a pneumatic section and a
hydraulic (fuel) section. The pneumatic section contains sense and control bellows. Twist grip
settings and external governor units (either mechanical or electronic) will act upon the bellows
which in turn, move the FCU mechanical internals of the hydraulic section.
The primary internal mechanical control in the hydraulic section is the main metering valve. Other
hydraulic functional internals include:
• A bypass valve to ensure a steady state between HP pump pressure and metered pressure
(not to exceed a differential of 15-18 psi of value)
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
• A fuel temperature compensator (an automatic function to allow for adjustments in fuel density)
• An acceleration dome used by maintainers to make adjustments for acceleration response time
• A minimum pressure valve to maintain a minimum fuel pressure of fuel flow in the FCU
• A fuel cut-off valve which sends metered fuel into bypass when seated, closing off all fuel to the
flow divider.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The purpose of the FCU HP fuel pump is to provide fuel at the required pressure and flow to the
The FCU HP pump is a single stage, positive displacement gear type pump driven by the accessory
gearbox of the engine. As such, the flow and pressure of the HP pump would vary according to N1
rotation. For reference, a starting N1 of 12% would result in a pump flow of 150 pph and indicate a
fuel pressure of approximately 75 psi. At 100% N1, the flow would become 1200 pph and indicate
approximately 900 psi.
Should the aircraft boost pump fail, the FCU HP pump is capable of drawing required fuel from the
aircraft system. The FCU HP pump must be overhauled if operated more than 10 hours without any
boost pump pressure.
Fuel from the fuel filter enters the FCU HP pump and passes through the inlet filter and then into the
gear chamber. HP fuel flow is delivered to the FCU HP fuel filter, then into the metering unit of the
FCU hydraulic section.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The purpose of the fuel flow divider is to divide the fuel flow between the primary and secondary
The flow divider contains a valve assembly having a primary valve and a secondary valve function,
both of which operate on fuel pressure. The primary valve opens at a fuel pressure of 10-15 psi for
starting. The secondary valve opens at a fuel pressure of 35 psi.
Fuel enters the flow divider and pushes against the primary and secondary valve assembly. When
fuel pressure reaches primary spring tension, the primary valve opens and allows fuel to flow only to
the primary manifold. As N1 speed increases, the fuel pressure builds up against the secondary
valve spring tension. The secondary valve moves inside of the primary valve allowing fuel to flow to
the secondary manifold.
When the engine is shut down, the fuel pressure drops and both the primary and secondary springs
slowly push the valves towards the closed position allowing fuel to drain into the dump line (which is
plumbed to the upper fuel tank).
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The purpose of each fuel nozzle is to deliver and atomise (a spray pattern) of metered fuel into the
combustion chamber. There are 14 fuel nozzles, each having two transfer tubes corresponding to
the primary and secondary manifolds.
The fuel nozzles respond to the operation of the flow divider. During operation, the 14 fuel nozzles
receive fuel from the flow divider and deliver it to the combustion chamber.
On start, the flow divider sends fuel to the primary manifold (transfer tubes). The fuel nozzles then
deliver atomised fuel to the combustion chamber through their primary orifices.
An increase in N1 causes fuel pressure to increase and the flow divider allows secondary manifold
flow of fuel into the transfer tubes until the secondary orifice in the nozzles are delivering atomised
fuel to the combustion chamber.
Both primary and secondary nozzle orifices in all 14 nozzles are simultaneously in use.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
As part of the EEC mode governance system, the N2 speed sensor measures the speed of the
power turbine wheel.
The N2 speed sensor is a multi-coil magnetic pickup type sensor which sends its signal by wiring
harness to the EEC unit. The sensor generates output frequencies used for conversion into power
turbine speed.
Note: The N2 speed sensor is utilised solely by the EEC unit in EEC mode and does not provide
G1000H N2 display data.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The purpose of the EEC unit is to provide autonomous and automatic N2 governance requiring no
pilot interface.
The EEC unit is an electronic airframe mounted component which accepts signal inputs for control
monitoring and generates outputs for commands of the electronic N2 governor which in turn affects
changes to the hydromechanical FCU.
Note: Even though the EEC unit is automatically providing governance in EEC mode, the MEC
mode controls are still in motion in the event of EEC mode failure.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The purpose of the N2 electronic governor is to accept the commands sent from the EEC unit and
then provide the appropriate reset air pressure (Pg) to the pneumatic section of the FCU for N2
The N2 electronic governor accepts two pneumatic sources and two electrical currents. The
pneumatic sources are:
The electronic governor receives two electrical currents from the EEC unit for two torque motors to
manage the pneumatic sources (Pr and Pg). The motor designations are:
• Mode Select Torque Motor (MSTM) which accepts the pilot selection of EEC mode through the
EEC unit. Conversely, this motor also accepts the command to deselect EEC mode in the
event of an EEC mode failure or a pilot selection from EEC mode to MEC mode.
• Modulating Torque Motor (MODTM) is commanded by the EEC unit to continuously change (or
modulate) the reset air (Pg) to the FCU for N2 governance. The source Pg air line from the
mechanical governor is always charged if EEC mode fails or MEC mode is selected.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
Note: It could be said that the benefit of the electronic governor in the EEC mode is the realisation
of automatic and near immediate compensation for N2/NR droop without pilot interaction.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The purpose of the LVDT is to provide an electrical signal to the EEC unit which is proportional to
the Collective Lever Angle (CLA).
The LVDT is airframe mounted below the left seat structure and mechanically attached to the
collective torque tube utilising a clamp.
During EEC mode operation, when the pilot pulls upwards on the collective, the LVDT sends a
proportional signal to the EEC unit as it extends. This is essentially a power request to the EEC unit
based on a known collective position so that the EEC unit can command the N2 electronic governor
appropriately, so as to prevent N2/NR droop as the collective is raised (all other EEC unit inputs
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The N2 mechanical governor employs a conventional centrifugal force, flyweight system which is
mounted to and gear driven from the reduction gearbox section. The function of the flyweight
position against an opposing spring pressure, along with other internals (and a N1 signal) causes
either a build-up, or bleed off of pneumatic pressure (Py) though an orifice and seat assembly in the
This build-up or bleed off of Py air pressure in the governor changes the pressure in the bellows
portion of the FCU pneumatic section, which in turn changes the FCU fuel metering valve position.
The effect on the engine is:
• Governor Py orifice opening - bleed off of Py by the governor will cause a reduction of power
The N2 mechanical governor is sometimes referred to as a droop governor. This is because its
speed setting (flyweights) characteristically decrease (or droop) when the power output is
increased. This droop characteristic must be compensated in order to maintain rotor RPM (NR).
A teleflex cable connected to the pilot’s collective system provides droop compensation. When the
collective pitch is increased, the teleflex cable increases the spring tension via the N2 mechanical
governor speed set lever to eliminate the droop.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
Other externals include an N2 tach generator for the G1000H dual tach indicator.
Note: Py air to the N2 mechanical governor originates from the N1 governor air regulator. The N1
governor on the accessory gearbox and the N2 mechanical governor on the reduction gearbox both
provide governance via Py air. The N2 mechanical governor during its operation creates a source of
reset modulated air (Pg) which is plumbed forward on the engine as a input source for the electronic
N2 governor. The electronic N2 governor governs the FCU with Pg air changes in relation to the
regulated air (Pr) provided from the FCU.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
In MEC mode only, the purpose of the droop trim compensation actuator is to allow adjustment of
N2 speed without moving the collective pitch lever.
The linear droop compensation actuator is an electrical switch activated unit, which either extends
or retracts a teleflex cable. The teleflex cable is routed to the speed lever of the N2 mechanical
The actuator control switch is collective mounted and labelled as NR TRIM with selections for INC
and DECR:
• DECR - the pilot may decrease NR from an existing setting down to 93%.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The purpose of the twist grip RVDT is to measure the angle (position) of the engine power lever,
commonly referred to as the Power Lever Angle (PLA) position.
The teleflex cable which is routed from the twist grip to the engine power lever on the FCU, contains
an internal transducer (RVDT) which measures the rotary motion (position) of the engine power
lever. The RVDT can measure and correspond to the following twist grip settings:
• MAN.
When the engine power lever on the FCU does not correspond to the selected position of the twist
grip, then the PLA position is incorrect.
In this situation, a PLA POS caution annunciation occurs on the Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Crew Alerting System (CAS). In flight, the pilot would switch to MEC mode from EEC mode. On the
ground, the engine would be shut down and the cause investigated. Refer to the AW119Kx
Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement (RFMS), Section 3.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The components of the engine fuel and control system are all located on the engine except for the
EEC module which is located in the airframe to the right of the aft avionics bay.
The engine fuel system and control components located on the accessory gearbox are:
• P3 filter
• Fuel filter
• Fuel pump
• Fuel heater
• Electronic N2 governor.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
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The engine fuel system control components located on the reduction gearbox are:
The engine fuel system distribution components located on the gas generator case are:
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
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Fuel is fed from the left lower fuel tank through a pilot selectable shutoff valve into the following
engine mounted fuel system components:
• Fuel/oil heater
• Flow divider
• Fuel nozzles.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
• HP FCU filter.
Note: The FCU inlet filter does not bypass but self-relieves inline at a pressure of 1.5 psi over
normal pressure.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
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Three pilot selectable modes of engine control are available. Each corresponds to a control path.
EEC Mode
This is the normal setting for an aircraft in flight. The EEC mode is a wiring harness path based
upon the collective LVDT, N2 speed sensor, EEC unit and changes to N2 accomplished by the
electronic N2 governor acting upon the FCU.
MEC Mode
It is a teleflex cable path, initially using the collective output from the mixing unit with an inline droop
compensation actuator, with the cable terminating at the N2 mechanical governor for N2
governance upon the FCU.
MAN Mode
It is a teleflex cable path from the twist grip, terminating at the engine power lever on the FCU. This
path does not include a governor to act upon the FCU.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
• MEC.
In EEC mode, N2 is kept constant (selector switch in EEC position). N2 is controlled by the EEC
unit through an MODTM in the electronic N2 governor. EEC mode is considered as the usual mode
of all flight operations.
In MEC mode, N2/NR is controlled by the mechanical N2 governor, with a pilot adjustable switch.
The NR TRIM switch located on the collective activates the droop trim compensator actuator
changing a cable input to the N2 mechanical governor (selector switch in MEC position).
Manual operation is used in the event of a fuel control malfunction. The pilot can use the FCU
Manual Override System (MOS) to pilot govern engine fuel flow. This is achieved by sliding the
MAN/NOR guard to MAN and the pilot matches N2/NR with the twist grip.
Note: The MAN/NOR sliding guard is not an electrical switch. In the NOR (normal position) it guards
or limits the twist grip travel. This understanding is important to preclude an inadvertent selection
and the subsequent consequential possibilities for torque, temperature and NR exceedances.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
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Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
The PLA is a term associated with a twist grip position corresponding to the actual angle of the
engine power lever connected to the FCU, as measured in degrees of rotation by the RVDT.
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In the EEC mode, N2 governing is accomplished by the EEC unit signalling the torque motor in the
electronic N2 governor to increase or decrease as necessary to maintain the N2 constant.
The resulting N2/NR adjustment is automatic requiring no pilot action in EEC mode.
Note: The electronic automatic correction occurs so quickly, the pilot may not even notice a full 1%
droop. A normal droop correction is likely to be ½%. The G1000H will only indicate a 1% change.
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Pilot recognises Master Caution Light (MCL) and refers to EEC mode annunciations:
Note: The pilot may experience a slight corresponding droop of power during flight when the MSTM
of the electronic engine governor is commanded by the EEC unit to stop EEC mode governing of
the FCU. Whilst the MEC mode N2 mechanical governor takes over automatically, the existing NR
TRIM setting of the droop compensation actuator may not be synchronised to the same setting of
power as that which the EEC mode was maintaining.
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Pilot increases pull on collective control and N2/NR droop occurs while in MEC mode:
Note: The pilot can use the NR TRIM switch at any time for any droop (INC) or overspeed tendency
noticed (DECR), but only while in MEC mode.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
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Pilot Significant droop occurs: Compensate droop with the NR TRIM switch
selects N2/NR deceases to 97% (INC) increase to 102%.
Note: The droop experienced could be both detrimental and avoidable. Detrimental depending
upon what phase of flight the pilot might select the MEC mode and avoidable since the pilot must
expect performance changes due to weight and density altitude. Setting MEC mode NR TRIM prior
to flight can preclude a mismatch droop when selecting between EEC and MEC modes and is found
in the Normal Procedures section of the RFMS (Section 2: Engine Start).
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
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Pilot observes significant in-flight droop of N2/NR setting in either of EEC or MEC modes.
Pilot Pilot now has N2/NR governance control Increase N2/NR setting back to 102% by
selects responsibility utilising the collective and primarily, the
MAN twist grip. Use caution to prevent N2/NR
needle split.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
Note: When using MAN mode, the engine response is directly related to the rate at which the twist
grip is rotated. Additional care is required during acceleration to prevent exceedances of engine and
rotor limitations. Refer to RFMS Emergency procedures, Section 3.
Engine Fuel and Control ATA 73-76
Student Notes
FIXED FCU internal 102% decays to 98% and 1. Slide MAN/NOR guard to
(N2/NR frozen) failure remains at 98% MAN.
2. Pilot must continuously
manage twist grip to preclude
N2/NR split.
Note: N2 values for HIGH and LOW failures are transitory and could continue trending.
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
Student Notes
Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Ignition Distribution System ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Ignition Distribution System ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Description ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Component Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Ignition Exciter Location ................................................................................................................... 3
1.1.4 Ignition Cables Location ................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.5 Igniter Plugs Location ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Controls and Indications ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Ignition Switch Positions ................................................................................................................... 6
Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
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Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
Student Notes
The PT6B-37A ignition distribution system provides the engine with a quick light up over a wide
temperature range. The system composes of the following components:
• Ignition exciter
• Ignition cables
• Igniter plugs.
The purpose of the system is to provide a spark that ignites the fuel/air mixture in the engine.
Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
Student Notes
o Bolt
o Washer
o Spacer
• Ignition cables
o Gasket.
Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
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The ignition exciter is located beneath the engine in the engine bay. It receives its electrical power
from the aircraft's 28 Vdc supply and operates in the 9-30 Vdc range.
Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
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The ignition cables are located between the ignition exciter and igniter plugs.
Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
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The two igniter plugs are located on the engine’s gas generator case, one at the 11 o’clock position,
and one at the 4 o’clock position.
Ignition Distribution System ATA 74
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The ignition switch is identified as IGN and located on the electrical control panel. It has three
• OFF - selected when securing the aircraft or when performing a dry motoring run of the engine
• AUTO - selected prior to the start checklist and utilised for most flight operations
• CONT - selected in precipitation or when the pilot has determined a flameout risk exists.
When the ignition switch is set to AUTO, the igniter plugs will cease operation after the start cycle is
When the ignition switch is set to continuous operation (CONT), the igniter plugs will continue to
fire, the Primary Flight Display (PFD) Crew Alerting System (CAS) shall indicate IGNITER ON and
the engine automatic starter feature will be armed.
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
document is intended for educational purposes only and may be shared within each recipient’s internal organization only
with this notice included. AgustaWestland reserves all patent, copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights to this
document, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights
are expressly granted to others. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is
subject to change at any time, without notice. Use, reproduction, disclosure, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part,
in any form, and in any format, of this document without prior written approval of AgustaWestland is strictly prohibited.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Engine Indicating ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Indicating Subsystems ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 System Overview .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 System Components ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.1 Source Information Components ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 N1 Tach-generator............................................................................................................................ 4
1.2.3 N2 Tach-generator............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.4 Oil Pressure Transducer ................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.5 Low Oil Pressure Switch ................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.6 Oil Temperature Bulb ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.7 Engine Torque Transducer ............................................................................................................... 9
1.2.8 Interturbine Temperature ................................................................................................................ 10
2 Controls and Indications .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Controls and Indications ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 MFD Engine Indicating System Controls ........................................................................................ 11
2.1.2 N1 Indicator .................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.3 N2 Indicator .................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.4 Oil Pressure Indicator ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.5 Oil Temperature Indicator ............................................................................................................... 15
2.1.6 Engine Torque Indicator ................................................................................................................. 16
2.1.7 ITT Indicator.................................................................................................................................... 17
3 Operations ................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 System Abnormals.............................................................................................................................. 19
3.1.1 Engine Oil Pressure Below Normal Range .................................................................................... 19
3.1.2 ENG OIL HOT Warning Message .................................................................................................. 21
3.1.3 Loss of No. 1 Signal Conditioner Unit ............................................................................................ 22
3.1.4 Loss of No. 2 Signal Conditioner Unit ............................................................................................ 23
3.1.5 Loss of No. 1 Engine – Airframe Unit ............................................................................................. 24
3.1.6 Loss of No. 2 Engine – Airframe Unit ............................................................................................. 26
Engine Indicating ATA 77
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Engine Indicating
1 Indicating Subsystems
1.1 System Overview
1.1.1 General
• Torque (TRQ %)
Each is presented as an indicator format on the full page Multifunction Display (MFD) EIS format
(MFD EIS page group).
Engine Indicating ATA 77
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Only the N1, N2, TRQ and ITT indicators are displayed on the Primary Flight Display (PFD) EIS
strip. The N1 indication on the PFD EIS strip is a digital reading and not in an indicator format.
When the MFD full page format is not in view, the MFD EIS strip displays engine oil temperature
and pressure along with indications from certain other airframe systems.
Note: For discussion purposes, the N1 % may be referred to as a compressor speed. However, the
compressor turbine arrangement in the PT6 free turbine design generates the combustion gases
which turn the power section of the engine. The other common reference made to N1 % is as a gas
generator speed. Ultimately, the compressor and compressor turbine disk operate at the same
speed (N1 %).
Engine Indicating ATA 77
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The information for each cockpit indicator in each subsystem is sourced from the following engine
mounted components:
Note: The T5 thermocouples, harness junction and terminal blocks are engine mounted. The trim
compensator box is airframe mounted within the engine compartment.
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1.2.2 N1 Tach-generator
The N1 tach-generator converts the rotational speed of the gas generator into an electrical signal
that is sent to the G1000H No. 2 Signal Conditioner (GSC 46) where the electrical signal is digitised
for acceptable usage by the No. 2 Garmin Engine and Airframe (GEA 71H) input/output unit.
The GEA 71H processes the conditioned signal for indication purposes sending it to the GIA 63H
before final display on the MFD and PFD (GDU 1040H screens).
Engine Indicating ATA 77
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1.2.3 N2 Tach-generator
The power turbine (N2) tach-generator senses the rotational speed of the power turbine and
provides an electrical signal feed to the G1000H No. 2 Signal Conditioner (GSC 46) where the
electrical signal is digitised for acceptable usage by the No. 2 Garmin Engine and Airframe (GEA
71H) input/output unit.
The GEA 71H processes the conditioned signal for indication purposes sending it to the GIA 63H
before final display on the MFD and PFD (GDU 1040H screens) which it displays as N2 speed.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
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The oil pressure transducer is located on the lower left side of the AGB. It is inserted into the AGB
case and incorporates the low oil pressure switch in its assembly.
The oil pressure transducer senses oil pressure and converts that pressure into an electrical signal
that goes to the G1000H No. 1 Garmin Engine and Airframe (GEA 71H) input/output unit.
The resulting signal is sent to the No. 1 GIA 63H and is subsequently displayed on the ENG OIL
PSI split indicator of the MFD GDU 1040H.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
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The two-level low oil pressure switch is located within the oil pressure transducer assembly inserted
into the AGB.
The oil low pressure switch is the last resort indicator of dropping oil pressure. It consists of a
pressure switch that is set at two pressure levels to signal the No. 1 GEA 71H, which in turn
provides a signal to the PFD Crew Alerting System (CAS) messaging system through the No. 1 GIA
If the oil pressure is in the yellow caution band (40 – 80 psi) on the engine oil indicator, the
ENG OIL PRESS CAS message along with the Master Caution Light (MCL) will illuminate until the
pressure rises above the yellow band into the green band.
When engine oil pressure is at or below the lower red radial (40 psi or less) on the oil pressure
indicator, the pressure switch will signal the No. 1 GEA 71H for an ENG OIL PRESS CAS
message through the GIA 63H and the Master Warning Light (MWL) will illuminate.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
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The oil temperature bulb is inserted inside the AGB left lower case.
It measures the engine oil temperature through emersion in the oil stream. It sends an electrical
signal to the No. 2 GEA 71H. The resulting signal is sent to the No. 2 GIA 63H and is subsequently
displayed on the ENG OIL ° C split indicator of the MFD GDU 1040H.
Oil temperature sensing occurs downstream of the oil pressure switch and oil pressure transducer
when oil under pressure is being sent to the main line bearings and the bearings in the RGB.
Note: The AGB engine temperature bulb should not be confused with the oil temperature switch
which is installed on the return line of the airframe mounted oil cooler assembly.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
• A torquemeter which is internal to the RGB consisting of an oil chamber and moving oil control
valve acted upon by a piston
• A torque transducer externally mounted and calibrated to the changing torquemeter oil
chamber pressure constantly being sampled.
As engine power is increased causing a torque on the output shaft and the freewheel shaft, the
internal torquemeter gear shaft is designed to move slightly aft. This movement against the
torquemeter piston moves the control valve aft.
When the control valve is moved rearward it opens an orifice allowing engine oil pressure to push
on the piston against the torquemeter helical gear. The original aft movement stops when metered
oil pressure in the oil chamber balances the rearward force of the torquemeter helical gear. With the
oil pressure and mechanical aft movement always being counterbalanced throughout the travel,
then the oil pressure reading can be directly related to the torque produced by the power section.
The torquemeter oil chamber pressure being sampled by the externally mounted torque transducer
converts chamber oil pressure into an electrical signal. RGB case static air is routed to the
transducer to prevent abnormally high torque readings. The transducer signal is conditioned by a
GSC 46 and then sequenced to the appropriate GEA 71H and GIA 63H units for the PFD EIS strip
and the MFD full page format indications.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Source sensing for ITT is generated by eight chromel-alumel thermocouples inserted into the power
turbine stator case, upstream of the stator vanes. This position places the thermocouples directly
between the compressor turbine disk and the power turbine disk.
The thermocouple harness is junctioned and then attached to a trim compensator. The trim
compensator averages the eight thermocouple voltages and adjusts (trims) the sensed voltage to
match a predetermined value. The trim compensator is an airframe mounted box in the engine
compartment having an adjustable range setting for calibration.
The appropriate GSC 46 provides the signal conditioner interface to a GEA 71H and onward for the
cockpit display shown in °C on the ITT indicator of the PFD EIS strip and the MFD full page format.
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The PFD continuously displays an EIS strip, whilst the MFD has controls for changing EIS views:
Cyclic ENG PAGE button Push to change the MFD EIS from a strip format to a full page
format having all available indicators in view
MFD FMS knob Turn to the right until the EIS page group is selected which displays
the full page format. Turn to the left or back to other page groups to
see the MFD EIS strip view
ENGINE softkey on MFD Push successively to change back and forth between the EIS full
page format and the MFD EIS strip
Note: During engine start or if the engine N1 is below 51%, the MFD automatically reverts to the full
page EIS format.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
2.1.2 N1 Indicator
The gas generator rotational speed is displayed as N1 on the EIS strip of the PFD (digitally) and on
the MFD full page EIS format as an indicator.
The N1 indicator consists of segmented arcs and radial indexes signifying operational limitations.
Red radial indexes 51% and 103.2% Minimum and maximum operating limits
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
2.1.3 N2 Indicator
The power turbine rotational speed is displayed as part of the dual tach indicator for N2 on the EIS
strip of the PFD and on the MFD in the EIS full page format.
The N2 indicator consists of segmented arcs and radial indexes signifying operational limitations.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
The ENG OIL split indicator is displayed on the MFD EIS strip and on the MFD EIS full page format.
Oil pressure in psi is displayed on the left side of the split indicator.
The ENG OIL pressure indicator consists of segmented arcs and radial indexes signifying
operational limitations.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
The ENG OIL split indicator displays the engine oil temperature in °C. If the oil temperature exceeds
115 °C for more than 2 seconds then a CAS message ENG OIL HOT is displayed on the PFD
CAS. In addition to the CAS message, a 900 Hz tone and an aural " WARNING", verbal message
will be heard with a flashing MWL.
The ENG OIL pressure indicator consists of segmented arcs and radial indexes signifying
operational limitations.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Engine torque is displayed on the PDF EIS strip and the MFD EIS full page format.
The TRQ indicator consists of segmented arcs and radial indexes signifying operational limitations.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
ITT is displayed as °C on the PDF EIS strip and on the MFD EIS full page format. There are two
different ITT display formats:
• The start format presents the temperature limitations for the starting sequence
• The cruise format presents the temperature limitations for N1 speeds > 51%.
The ITT indicator will automatically switch at 51% N1 from the start format to the cruise format,
having the following ITT limitations:
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Minimum N1 is 51%. Therefore, in the event of an engine failure in flight, the MFD will revert to a full
page EIS format having a start ITT format.
Note: ATA 80 Engine Starting - AW119Kx details the exact sequence of procedure, events and
start indications.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
3 Operations
3.1 System Abnormals
3.1.1 Engine Oil Pressure Below Normal Range
Pilot procedure for determination of action when the engine oil pressure is below the normal range
is as follows:
ENG OIL PRESS When N1 is above 72% and engine oil pressure is between 40 and
80 psi(yellow arc):
• Cyclic - as required to obtain level attitude
• Collective - reduce power by lowering
• Airspeed - 60 to 70 Knots Indicated Airspeed (KIAS),
level flight
Engine Indicating ATA 77
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Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Pilot procedure when the engine oil temperature is 115 °C or greater is as follows:
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Pilot procedure during a loss of the No. 1 Signal Conditioner Unit (GSC 46) is as follows:
aural alert.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Pilot procedure during a loss of the No. 2 Signal Conditioner Unit (GSC 46) is as follows:
aural alert.
From a CAS message standpoint, the distinction between the failure of either No. 1 or No. 2 GSC
46 is difficult to determine except for the indications lost.
The immediate concern is to be sure the momentary ENG OUT warning message has no basis
and has extinguished. The flight outcome regardless of indication loss, or which unit has failed,
remains the same - land as soon as practicable.
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Pilot procedure during a loss of the No. 1 Engine – Airframe unit (GEA 71H) is as follows:
Engine Indicating ATA 77
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Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Pilot procedure during a loss of the No. 2 Engine – Airframe unit (GEA 71H) is as follows:
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Engine Indicating ATA 77
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
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Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Engine Oil ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1 Engine Oil Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Engine Oil Overview ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Oil Pressure System ...................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Pressure Oil .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Pressure Oil Description and Flow ................................................................................................... 2
3 Oil Scavenge System .................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Scavenge Oil ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Scavenge Oil Description and Flows ................................................................................................ 4
4 Oil Breather System....................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Oil Breather System ............................................................................................................................. 6
4.1.1 Oil Breather System Description and Flow ....................................................................................... 6
5 Chip Detection System .................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Engine Oil Chip Messaging .................................................................................................................. 8
5.1.1 Accessory and Reduction Gearboxes .............................................................................................. 8
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
Engine Oil
1 Engine Oil Overview
1.1 Engine Oil Overview
1.1.1 General
The purpose of the engine oil system is to provide a regulated flow of filtered oil to the accessory
gearbox, gas generator section, power section and reduction gearbox to cool, clean, and lubricate
bearings and gears.
Note: The engine oil system also provides oil pressure for the torquemeter indicating system
(reference ATA 77: Engine Indicating).
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
The engine oil pressure system is designed to distribute a pressurised flow of filtered oil.
Previously scavenged oil gathered in the backside of the accessory gearbox case (which acts as
the engine oil reservoir) is pumped by means of a gear type pump through an adjustable spring type
Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV).
The oil is then directed under pressure through the oil filter.
At the oil filter outlet, the pressure oil supply splits into several paths simultaneously:
• The forward main line compressor turbine spool bearing (No. 1) and all accessory gearbox
items are supplied with pressure oil through cored passageways and transfer tubes.
• Pressure oil is supplied for the oil to fuel heater via the minimum pressure valve then returned
after heating the fuel, to the accessory gearbox case reservoir.
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
• Pressure oil is directed out the bottom left side of the engine down a transfer tube to supply the
aft main line support bearing for the compressor turbine spool (No. 2) and reduction gearbox
areas (output bearing, torquemeter and gear bearings).
• Pressure oil is then directed to the top of the reduction gearbox to supply the power turbine
spool forward and aft main line bearings via a check valve (No. 3 and No. 4).
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
After the pressure oil system has distributed the oil supply, the scavenge oil system collects the oil
having been used to lubricate and cool the various bearings and gears. The scavenge oil system
also returns the oil supply back to the accessory gearbox engine oil reservoir.
The scavenge oil system employs four gear type pumps (two gear type pumps inside the accessory
gearbox case and two externally mounted on the accessory gearbox).
Scavenge oil from the No. 1 bearing is gravity fed back to the accessory gearbox sump.
The No. 2 bearing scavenges into the accessory gearbox sump by a pump equipped with a relief
valve to prevent flooding of the bearing cavity.
Bearings No. 3 and No. 4 scavenge into the accessory gearbox sump by a dedicated external
The reduction gearbox bearings No. 5 through to No. 15 and gear oil is pumped into the accessory
case sump by a dedicated external pump and if necessary, is cooled by directing it through the
airframe oil cooler on its way back to the oil reservoir.
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
The accessory gearbox sump scavenges into the accessory case oil reservoir by a dedicated pump
via the airframe oil cooler (external line and hose assemblies routing).
The airframe engine cooler routing works on the basis of a thermostatic bypass valve. The
thermostatic bypass valve is calibrated for both temperature and pressure actuation. The
thermostatic bypass valve on the airframe oil cooler is set to accept oil at 80 – 90 °C. Oil flow will
bypass the airframe oil cooler if the internal cooler flow is restricted and pressure builds to a range
between 35 – 52 PSID.
The thermostatic valve of the airframe oil cooler essentially prevents cold oil from being cooled and
also allows the oil to bypass a clogged cooler core, returning to the accessory case oil reservoir.
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
The breather oil system separates oil particles from the scavenged air oil mixture in the accessory
gearbox. The oil that has been scavenged by this system is returned to the oil tank and the breather
air is vented out to the atmosphere after the oil has been separated from it.
The breather system uses a small centrifugal impeller mounted on the starter generator gear shaft
to separate the air oil flow. The starter generator is protected by a carbon seal.
The impeller slings outward the oil particles which drain to the sump for a return to the reservoir and
simultaneously routes the air out of the top of the accessory gearbox case into the external breather
tube which terminates at the left engine exhaust stack (the air being vented into the exhaust gas
• The oil scavenge system returns an air oil mixture back to the accessory gearbox.
• The pressure in the accessory gearbox forces the air oil mixture inside the centrifugal impeller.
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
• The centrifugal impeller forces (slings) the heavier oil particles back into the accessory gearbox
sump and helps separate the oil and the breather air.
• The breather air then flows through the centre of the centrifugal impeller, through the overboard
breather vent, breather tube, and eventually out to the atmosphere.
Note: The input shaft has been deleted from the illustration for clarity.
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
Two chip detectors, one located in the accessory gearbox and the other in the reduction gearbox,
detect ferrous metal particles within the oil system.
If enough ferrous material is collected to bridge the gap between the magnets of the chip detector,
an electrical signal is created and the appropriate caution light is displayed in the cockpit.
The ENG AGB CHIPS and ENG RGB CHIPS caution messages are displayed in the Crew
Alerting System (CAS) message window on the right side of the Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
ENG AGB CHIPS Metallic particles in the engine Reduce power, lower collective
accessory gearbox lubricating oil
Land as soon as possible
ENG RGB CHIPS Metallic particles in the engine Reduce power, lower collective
reduction gearbox lubricating oil
Land as soon as possible
Note: For aircraft equipped with pulsed chip detectors, refer to Optional Equipment Supplement
(OES) No. 15. Other oil system indications and warning messaging may be referenced in ATA 77:
Engine Indicating.
Engine Oil ATA 79
Student Notes
Avionic Systems Maintenance Type Training
The information contained in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the confidential and proprietary
property of AgustaWestland Ltd and other companies in the AgustaWestland Group (collectively “AgustaWestland”). This
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Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
Issue Record
The latest issue number shown below wholly defines the standard of this document. Changes to this document
will be made by re-issue of the document in its entirety or by amendment list action that will raise the issue.
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
Table of Contents
Issue Record ............................................................................................................................................................. i
Engine Starting ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Structure and Procedure References ................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 RFMS Location ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Sequential Compliance ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Prior Procedure Checklists ............................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Starting Procedure - Final Equipment Verifications.......................................................................... 4
1.3 Rotorcraft Flight Manual Checks .......................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 Starting Procedure - Initialisation...................................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Starting Procedure - Idle Stabilised .................................................................................................. 6
1.3.3 Starting Procedure - FLT Detent ...................................................................................................... 7
2 Start Cautions ................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Start Cautions ....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Interturbine Temperature .................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.2 No Engine Light Off Obtained......................................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 Dry Motoring Run............................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.4 Engine Starter Limitations .............................................................................................................. 12
3 Additional Start Information ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Additional Start Information ................................................................................................................ 13
3.1.1 CAS Advisories ............................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.2 Cold Weather Effects on N1 Speed................................................................................................ 14
3.1.3 Cold Weather Effects on Engine Oil ............................................................................................... 15
3.1.4 Cold Weather Effects on Transmission Oil ..................................................................................... 16
3.1.5 Controls Positioning ........................................................................................................................ 17
4 Hot Start Malfunction ................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Hot Start Malfunction .......................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.1 Causes of a Hot Start ..................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.2 Pilot Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 19
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
Engine Starting
1 Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement
1.1 Structure and Procedure References
1.1.1 RFMS Location
The Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement (RFMS) is divided into two parts and nine sections:
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
• RFMS Section 3: Emergency and Malfunction Procedures (for hot start malfunction procedure).
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
Sequential step compliance using the pilot’s preflight (first flight of the day and every flight) check
and engine pre-start checks will accomplish these objectives prior to a start:
• The G1000H Primary Flight Display (PFD), Multifunction Display (MFD) and Electronic Standby
Instrument System (ESIS) systems are powered
• All controls and switches are set and in the correct position.
Human factors during the start process having a potential for serious consequences usually involve:
• Time pressures
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
The basic steps to establish the engine start, up to the idle detent, are as follows:
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
The starting sequence after selecting idle is automatic and requires the following pilot observances
and actions:
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
After idle is established (with start on external or battery), the pilot powers up the electrical system,
avionics, and moves the engine twist grip to the FLT detent with these steps:
INV 1 and 2 switches ON, check INV 1(2) OFF caution message out
Engine twist grip Rotate to FLT position PLA POS (Power Lever Angle Position)
PFD caution message out
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
The basic normal start procedure has been completed. After checking the Electronic Engine Control
(EEC) and Mechanical Mode of Operation (MEC) functions, the pilot proceeds to the Systems
Check section of the RFMS normal procedures.
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
2 Start Cautions
2.1 Start Cautions
2.1.1 Interturbine Temperature
The maximum starting ITT limitations are found in Section 1 of the RFMS. Allowable limits are a
function of an increasing start temperature over a certain duration of time in transient above either
of two exceedance temperature points.
Temperature Time
Consult the Engine Maintenance Manual (EMM) if these ITT limits are exceeded.
• Area A - perform visual inspection via boroscope of compressor turbine vane and rotor
assemblies. Visually inspect power turbine rotor and vane assemblies through exhaust. Record in
engine log book.
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
The pilot must see a rising ITT and N1 within 10 seconds of rotating the engine twist grip to the idle
detent. In the event that ITT and N1 are not rising within that time, the following actions should be
Engine twist grip Roll to OFF detent by disengaging twist grip bushing lock
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
If a light off is not obtained, and the initial start sequence is aborted, then the following procedure is
used to clear the engine of internally trapped fuel and vapour, or if there is any evidence of fire
within the engine:
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
As noted in the RFMS Section 1 (Engine Starter Limitations), the engine starter duty cycle is the
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
The ENG START and IGNITER ON advisory messages may not be seen in the CAS window if
the number of messages exceeds 12.
If there are more than 12 messages in the CAS window, the pilot will need to scroll down using the
CAS soft key until the ENG START and IGNITER ON advisory messages are found.
There are two CAS soft keys to scroll the CAS window up or down. Only one soft key will appear at
a time so the pilot will know in which direction the obscured messages can be located.
The CAS soft keys are first level but will not appear unless messages are obscured.
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
A low N1 idle speed may occur during a cold start. The following corrective action should be taken:
• If N1 is greater than 51% but less than 61%, a warm-up period of 3 minutes should restore the
correct N1 idle setting
• If after the second 3 minute period the N1 is not 61% ± 1%, then shut down the engine and
consult the EMM.
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
During cold starting conditions, the engine oil pressure can temporarily exceed 110 psi. The oil
pressure will decrease as the oil temperature increases.
With engine oil temperature below 10 °C, leave the engine twist grip in the idle detent until the
engine oil temperature reaches 10 °C.
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
If the transmission oil temperature is still at 0 °C when the engine oil is at 10 °C, the engine twist
grip may be rotated smoothly to the FLT position to prevent exceedance of the transmission oil
pressure maximum limit.
During twist grip rotation to the FLT position (throttle increase), if the transmission oil pressure is still
below the green arc, the XMSN OIL PRESS warning message activates. No corrective action is
required provided the oil temperature is in the green arc.
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
During the start procedure, the control should be in the following position:
• Cyclic - avoid any cyclic movement below 85% NR except to prevent hitting blade stops
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
A hot start malfunction is a rapid and excessive temperature rise beyond the transient ITT starting
A hot start malfunction can occur due to any single or combined occurrence of the following
• An excess accumulation of fuel in the combustion chamber, which has pooled and become
partially ignited with inadequate air flow
• A delay in light off, then occurring suddenly, typically causing flames to be emitted from the
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes
If the pilot suspects the potential for the ITT transient limits to be exceeded, the start is aborted as
Engine Starting ATA 80
Student Notes