The Bible: Authorship, Inspiration and Human Limitation, Interpretation
The Bible: Authorship, Inspiration and Human Limitation, Interpretation
The Bible: Authorship, Inspiration and Human Limitation, Interpretation
Word of God
- Holy – sacred scripture or sacred writing.
- historically accurate
Book of Truth
- to prove something by some people to their own satisfaction
- a “proof text” which is not because we cannot pick out isolated quotations, lines or
verses to support a point of view
- Greek word “biblia” which means “books”
Catholic Church
- God inspired the human authors of the Bible to write using their own talents, abilities
and styles.
- a native of Ur which is an ancient city north of the Persian Gulf
- migrated to Haran (near present-day Turkish-Syrian border) along with his family
- received a call from God to move to Canaan (the promised land)
- changed his name from Abram to Abraham
- his wife changed her name from Sarai to Sarah
- Isaac, their son, became the father of Jacob who eventually had 12 sons
- in 1720 B.C., Jacob and his family moved to Egypt where their descendants, the
Hebrews, became Slaves.
- Hebrew
- in 1250 B.C., he heard God telling him to guide his people to the promised land of
Canaan where there is freedom
- he received the 12 Commandments in Mt. Sinai
- wandered through the desert with the Israelites for 40 years
- died before reaching the promised land
- in 1020 B.C., he brought the tribes together
- king
- went insane and was killed in battle
- replaced Saul
- young soldier
- united the tribes and made Jerusalem the center of his government
- son of David
- succeeded him as king
- built a temple in Jerusalem
- worshipped false gods
- ghosted his people and left them with taxes and forced labor
- continued what his dad (Solomon) did
- south
- Jerusalem as its capital
721 B.C. – Israel was attacked by Syria, citizens were slaughtered or exiled
- Assyrians who intermarried with Israelites
587 B.C. – Judah was conquered by Babylon, survivors were exiled in Babylon
- king of Persia
- defeated Babylon
- allowed Israelites to return home in 44 B.C.
- family of warriors who resisted the Syrians’ prosecution of the Jews
- succeeded in 142 B.C. but their independence only lasted until 63 B.C. until the
Romans conquered Jerusalem.