NSCP 2015
NSCP 2015
NSCP 2015
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NSCP C101 15
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First Printing, 2016
Nationai Structuraé Cocie of the Philippines Volume I, Ytia Ediiion, 15‘ Printing, 2016
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Copyright @ 2015, The Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASE?)
All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission
of the Association Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP).
4 E
ISSN No; 2094-5477
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Association of Structurai Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)
Suite 7'13 Future Point Plaza Condominium V/as‘2:2
112 Panay Avenue, Quezon City, .Q .
I100 Philippines
Telephone Nos. : (+632) 4l0—0483
Facsimile No. : (+632) 41}-8606 %I
E-mailaddress : aseponline@gmail.com
Website : http://wwwxascponline.org
The Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP) is a professional Association founded in I961 to /
represent the structural engineering community nationwide. This document is published in keeping with the assoclation’s 2
objectives: s
Maintenance of high ethical and professional standards in the practice oi’ structural engineering; <
Print History \,
First Edition, E972
Second Edition, 1981
Third Edition, 1987
Fourth Edition, 1992 €$<<I
Fifth Edition, 2001
Sixth Edition, 2010 %
Seventh Edition, 20l6
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)
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The Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP) exists to advance the structural engineering practice, a proactive
voice in the development of codes and standards, and contributes to nation building by advocating pubiic safety and welfare, and
sustainability of the built environment. For more than four decades now, ASEP has been the sole provider, recognized by the
Department of Public Works and I-lighways, of the National Structural Code of the Philippines, a referral code of the National
Building Code.
The rst edition of the Nationai Structural Code for Buildings (NSCB) was published by ASEP in 1972. It was continuously
updated considering the latest design principles, technologies, and major calamities experience worldwide. A second edition was
released in I982, third edition in I987, fourth edition in 1992, itii edition in 2001, and sixth edition of the National Structural Code
of the Philippines (NSCP) in 2010.
Upon-the onset of the climate change phenomena, the Philippines was greeted with numerous natural disasters: Typhoon
lietsana/Ondoy (165 kph) and Typhoon Parrna/Pepeng (250 kph) in 2009, Typhoon Megi/Juan (295 kph) in 2010, Typhoon
Nesat/(Pedring (215 kph) in 2011, Typhoon Boplia/Pablo (280 kph) and Negros Occidental Earthquake (l\/16.7) in 20i2, Bohoi
i Earthquake (M7.2) and Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda (315 kph) in 2013. In 2014, ASEP Board, under the presidency of Engr. Carlos
1 M. Villaraza, decided that an update of the NSCP was essential to address the effects of environmental changes. Thus, the task of
making the 7"‘ Edition of the NSCP C101»i0 for Buildings, Towers and other Vertical Structures was set in motion.
The National Structural Code of the Philippines, 7"‘ Edition has still maintained its complete technical substance, updated to the
latest editions of applicabie reference code counterparts. Major changes are noted in the seismic loading calculations, which now
takes into consideration a near-source factor for 2km and below, as well as to adapt the latest fault maps provided by PHIVOLCS.
For the wind load calculations, wind zone maps are replaced by wind contour maps specific to the Philippine geography. It has been
a product of sustained effort of ASEP and realization of this endeavor has nally come to fruition during my incumbency.
On behalf of the Association of Structurai Engineers of the Philippines, inc., iet me express our grateful thanks to the 20l4-2015
Q ASEP Board of Directors, 2015-2017 ASEP Board of Directors, the Committee on Codes and Standards chaired by Engr. Emilio M.
Morales, Managing Director Renaldo S. Ison, all committee members, the Editorial Review Board, and ASEP Secretariat for their
hard work and dedication in coming out with this update.
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National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 1“ Printing, 2016
ASEP recognizes the need for an up-to-date structural code addressing the design and installation of structurai systems
through requirements emphasizing performance. The new National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP Volume i) is ad
designed to meet these needs through various model codes/regulations, generally from the United States, to safeguard the
pubiic health and safety nationwide.
This‘ updated Structural Code establishes minimum requirements for structural systems using prescriptive and
performance-based provisions. It is founded on broad~bascd principles that make possible the use of new materials and
new building designs. Also, this code refiects the latest seismic design practice for earthquake-resistant structures.
In its drive to upgrade and update the NSCP. the ASEP Codes and Standards Committee initially wanted to adopt the latest
editions of American code counterparts. However, for cases where available local data is limited to support the upgrade,
then some provisions and procedures of the NSCP 7"‘ edition were retained. W
t". American Iron and Steel Institute AISI S100~2007 iifui‘ 1. =3;
% 1:.
g. Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook of America
1:/.1.»C .1;1:.
h. Concrete Masonry Handbook, 6th Edition .»~<~:>:¥
Churches, Mosque and other related religious structures are under the special occupancy
category Section 104~Design Requirements.
The provision for de ection of any structural member under the serviceability requirement is
deleted. This requirement for concrete and steel is speci ed in Chapters 4 and 5 respectiveiy. /.
New requirements are added to the design review section.
a.3 Section 105 — Posting and Instrumentation
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The changes made in this chapter are the following:
94 Section 203 — Combination of Loads
¢¢ The load factors and load combinations are revised particularly the load combinations
including wind load.
Section 205 — Live Loads
2, Additional loads are incorporated in the tabie for minimum uniform and concentrated ioads
particularly the parking garage and ramp live load.
5 Section 207 ~ Wind Loads
t Wind load provisions, which were previously based on ASCE7-05, are updated based on
$ ASCE7-10. In this edition, three different wind contour maps for the entire Rhilippine
2s archipelago are generated and provided for determining the basic wind speeds for different
categories of building occupancies as defined in Table E03-l. These maps provide basic wind
> speeds that are directly applicable for determining pressures for design strength. Strength
design wind load factor is 1.0; whereas, allowable stress design wind load factor is 0.6.
Generally, basic wind speeds correspond to 3%, 7% and 15% probability of exceedance in 50
years (MRI = l700,700 and 300 years, respectively). Four (4) permitted procedures in
determining the design wind loads for main wind-force resisting systems (MWFRS), for other
< structures and building appurtenances and for components and cladding (C&C) are provided
4 such as;
0 directional procedure for buildings of all heights,
0 envelope procedure for low-rise buildings,
I directional procedure for other structures and building appurtenances and
analytical procedure for components & cladding, and
= wind tunnel procedure
The ANSI EEA/TIA-222-G-2005 and ANSI EIA/TIA-222G-1-2007 are now fully referenced
for computing wind loads on steel antenna towers and antenna supporting structures.
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition. 1 SI Printing, 20Ԥ6
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0.2 The section on footings is amended to incorporate provisions for differential settieinent,
design loads and vibratory toads;
c.3 The section on pile foundations is amended to incorporate new provisions on splicing of
concrete piles; and
c.4 The section on special foundations, slope stabilization and materials of construction are added.
c.5 Provisions for construction in Zone 4 pertaining to reinforcement of Precast Prestressed Piles
have been revised to ensure consistency with ACI 318.
c.6 The gure for cut slopes has been amended for clarity;
c.7 The gure for ll slopes has been amended for ciarity and some provisions have been
modi ed;
c.8 A table on the minimum required number of borehoies has been added to the section on
foundation investigation; v7
c.9 Provisions pertaining to minimum dimensions of ditches have been modified; ZҤ
c.'l0 The section on excavations and lls has been amended to incorporate provisions for scouring '1?
and erosion protection as well as support of excavations and open cuts;
. l ‘?/I
c.lE Provision pertaining to general pile requirements have been expand to include design of piles 1%
and pile groups subjected to lateral loads.
c.i2 A Section on MSE Structures and Similar Reinforced Embankinents and Filis has been added. /'
' $2?
Chapter 4 - Structural Concrete
To reflect the reorganization of AC1 318-E4 which contained a number of signi cant technical changes, the -:?I-as
AS£P adopted simiiar changes in the NSCP 20l5 7th Edition. The latest AC1 318 was reorganized as a member- §r
based document, i. e., particular member type, such as beam, column, or slab will have separate sub-sections for 1
alt requirements to design that particular member type. This will eliminate the need to ip through several 9
Sections to comply with ail the necessary design requirements for a particuiar structural member, as was :'.¢'.<>2.
d.l Section 40 E: General
Generai information regarding the scope and applicability of NSCP 2015, Vol. E is provided. Additional sub- as
section on interpretation is included to help users better understand Chapter 4, Structural Concrete.
the possibility that it will not be adequately interiocked and because the heads couid become disengaged under
complex loadings welt into the non-linear range of response. It is now de ned as a closed tie or continuously
wound tie, made up of one or several reinforcement elements, each having seismic hooks at both ends. ?"%>zy
A de nition for special seismic systems, a term used in Sections 418 and 419, has been added.
d.3 Section 403: Referenced Standards ‘t~»><€;a$~.<>» '».-t§~>s\
The following referenced specifications have been added to Section 4032.4:
0 ASTM A370-14, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products Qximrammxewe
Q ASTM A1085-13, Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded Carbon Steel Hollow
Structural Sections (HSS)
= ASTM C173/Cl73M-14, Standard Test Method for Air- Content of Freshiy Mixed Concrete by
Volumetric Method >:&ts£r/A1L\&*2>.i/A*2£‘)§ "z&\
Association of Structurai Engineers of the Philippines, inc. (ASEP)
iuan svamk-A
Severai referenced standards and specifications have been updated, as in most cases with every edition
of the NSCP. Note that the edition of every referenced standard is important. The NSC? does not
necessarily adopt new editions of referenced standards unless they are vetted before the publication of
4 each edition of the standard.
d.4 Section 404: Structural System Requirements
This new Section has been added to Chapter 4 to introduce structurai system requirements.
< This Section contains Sub-sections on Materials, Design Loads, Structural System and Load
Paths, Structurai Anaiysis, Strength, Serviceability, Durability, Sustainability, Structural
Integrity, Fire Resistance, Requirements for Speci c Types of Construction, Construction and
Inspection, and Strength Evaluation of Existing Structures. Most of these Suh-sections refer to
the other Sections in the NSCP. The Sub-section on construction and inspection, for instance,
3 refers to Section 426. In the areas for Sustainability and Fire Resistance, the NSCP does not
have speci c requirements. This Sub-section on Sustainability allows the iiccnsed design
professional to specify in the construction documents, sustainabiiity requirements in addition
to the strength, serviceability, and durability requirements of the NSCP. The strength,
4 serviceability, and durabiiity requirements are required to take precedence over sustainability
considerations, though these requirements are generally in harmony with sustainabie
structures. In the Snb~section on Fire Resistance, the NSCP refers to the re-protection
t requirements of the NSCP Chapter 4, Sub~section 420.6. l. However, if the National Building
Q Code of the Philippines requires a greater concrete cover, such greater thickness shall govern.
d.5 Section 405: Loads
<2 The following modi cation has been made in the provision for live load reduction because
there are still unincorporated areas where there may not be included in the previous editions of
the NSCP. The 7'1‘ Edition, Sub-section 4052.3 — Live load reductions shall he permitted in
accordance with the National Building Code of the Philippines, or in its absence. in
1 accordance with ASCE/SE] 7.
é For many Code revision cycles, ACl 318 retained provisions for service-levei earthquake
\ forces in the design load combinations. In 1993, ASCE/SEI 7 converted earthquake forces to
strength-level forces and reduced the earthquake load factor to 1.0, and the model building
National Structural Code of the Philippines Voiume I. 7th Edition, 1“ Printing, 2016
codes foliowed suit. In modern building codes around the world, earthquake loads are now
strength-levei forces. Any references to service-level earthquake forces have been deleted. 2
(b) For frames or continuous construction, it shall be permitted to assume the intersecting member
regions are rigid.
Previous NSCP 6"‘ Edition has been silent on the use of nite clement analysis (PEA), though it is now
frequently used. Sub-section 406.9 now has provisions that are intended to explicitly ailow the use of
PEA and to provide a framework for the future expansion of FEA provisions, but not as a guide toward
the selection and use of FEA software. The new Sub-section on diaphragms and collectors makes
explicit reference to the use of FEA, which makes it imperative that the NSCP 7"‘ Edition recognize the
acceptability of its use.
systems with unbonded tendons only. The structural integrity requirements in AC1 318M-14 M5
Section (corresponding to the NSCP 2015. Sub-section 408.7.5.6) now apply to two-
way post-rensioned slab systems with bonded as well as unbonded tendons.
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d.8 Section 409: Beams i
The use of open web reinforcement for torsion and shear in slender spandrel beams by the
precast concrete industry as an alternative to the closed stirrups traditionally mandated by this 2%’ as
Code. Eliminating closed stirrups is desirable because they cause reinforcement congestion; 14%
production costs also increase signi cantly because pre-tensioning strand must be threaded ea
go. ;
through the closed stirrups. $5?
A new relevant Sub-section 409.5.4.7 for solid precast sections is added to the NSCP 7"’
(c). Diaphragms that comprise precast elements with end strips formed by either a cast-
in-place concrete topping slab or edge beams
2i?§)1‘€Xw5$I/§>‘e’X¢r'+»‘*3§~’¢%$?5‘>F92<‘kl>»§Z¥?$’J5%l?&§ 3‘:Q2l§$N3?'t
e (ci). Diaphragms of interconnected precast elements without cast~in-place concrete
Column con nement » The ability of the concrete core of a concrete reinforced column to sustain compressive
strains tends to increase with con nement pressure. Con nement requirements for columns of special moment
frames, and for columns not designated as part of the seismic-force-resisting system in structures assigned to
seismic zone 4 (similar to ASCE 7-10 Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F), with high axial load or high
concrete compressive strength are signi cantly different.
Transverse reinforcement - One important new requirement for special moment frame columns are included in
Sub-sections 41 and 4l8.7.5.4. There are new restrictions on the use of headed reinforcement to make up
Special moment frame beam-column joints — For beam-column joints of special moment frames, clari cation of
the development length of the beam longitudinal reinforcement that is hooked, requirements for joints with
headed longitudinal reinforcement, and restrictions on joint aspect ratio are new. For beam-coiumn joints of
special moment frames, clari cation of development length of beam Eongitudinal reinforcement that is hooked,
requirements for joints with headed longitudinal reinforcement, and restrictions on joint aspect ratio are new.
tasinreu simat>r<»vsm\x=:>r2eatisx musaeiwn
Special shear walls - Subsection 418.10 (equivaient to ACl 318-14M-14 Section 18.10, previously
ACI 318M-El Section 21.9), has been extensively revised in view of the performance of buildings in the Chile
earthquake of 2010 and the Christchurch, New Zealand, earthquakes of 2011, as weils as full~scalc reinforced
concrete building tests. in these earthquakes and laboratory tests, concrete spalling and vertical reinforcement
buckling were at times observed at wall boundaries.
For ASTM A615 Grade 420 bars used as longitudinal reinforcement in special moment frames and special shear
walls, the NSCP 7"‘ Edition now requires the same minimum elongation as ASTM A706 reinforcement.
£1.11 Section 419: Concrete: Design and Durability Requirements
Quite a few changes have been made in concrete durability requirements, which are now located in this Section.
d.12 Section 420: Steel Reinforcement Properties, Durability and Emhedments
The definition of yield strength of high-strength reinforcement for Grade 420 (Grade 60) in this Section is now,
for the first time, the same as that in ASTM speci cations, except for bars with less than 420 MPa, the yield
strength shalt be taken as the stress corresponding to a strain of 0.35 percent.
Deformed and plain stainless steel wire and welded wire conforming to ASTM AEO22 is now permitted to be
used as concrete reinforcement.
Sub-section 420.2.2.5 requires “Deformed non-prestressed longitudinal reinforcement resisting earthquake
moment, axial force, or both, in special moment frames, special structural walls, and all the components of
special structural walls including coupling beams and wall piers“ to be ASTM A706 Grade 420 (Grade 60),
ASTM 615 Grade 275 (Grade 40) or Grade 420 (Grade 60) reinforcement is permitted if two supplementary
requirements are met, which are already part of the ASTM A706 speci cation. A third supplementary
requirement is now added for ASTM A615 (Grade 60) reinforcement to be permitted for use in special moment
frames, special structural walls. The minimum elongation in 200 mm (8”) must now be the same as that ASTM
A615 (Grade 60) reinforcement.
One aspect of the Code compliance that the Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines is cautioning
Designers and Constructors alike, is the introduction of ASTM 615 Grade 520 (Grade 75) in the Philippine
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 1“ Printing. 2016
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' market. Since this was not covered by previous editions of the NSCP Vol. l, it creates an impression of an
unregulated use of a new high-strength reinforcement grade. NSCP 7"‘ Edition. as
To put it clearly, Sub-section 420.2.2.5, corresponding to AC1 318M-14 Section, speci es the ea 1
use of deformed non-prestressed Eongitudinal reinforcement resisting earthquake-induced moment,
axial force, or both, in special moment frames, special structural walls, and all components of special
structural walls, including coupling beams, and wall piers which shali be in accordance with (a) or (b): vat ‘
(tn. ASTM A706l\/I, Grade 420
(b). ASTM A6l5M, Grade 230
There was no mention that ASTM A615M, Grade 520, was allowed, although the use of micro-alloyed 7%
ggg .,
high-strength reinforcement may be allowed in the future through the issuance of a new ASTM or
updated standard, and with proper validation by the Department of Trade and lndnstry‘s Bureau of
Standards. It will be premature to aliow its use for special moment frames, speciai structural walls, and
all components of special structural walls, including coupling beams, and wail piers for Buildings
located in areas of high seismicity (zone 4). The same restrictions indicated in Sub-section 420."/K6, on Isaat?‘
the use of €§L1€nClt€(i—t€tTlp6t'6(l thermo-mechanically treated (QT/TMT) reinforcing bars in structures
located in seismic zone 4 for Grade 420 reinforcement, shali aiso be applied to Grade 520, unless
proven in subsequent studies and tests.
the required tail extension of a 90-degree or 'l35- degree standard hook, subject to a minimum of 75 1»-~;~' ::;~'
I33‘; f.
mm (3”).
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Mechanical or welded splices with strengths below l25% of the yieid strength of the spiiced reinforcing
bars are no longer permitted. The associated stagger requirements have been deleted. Thus there is no
longer a need to specify “full” mechanical or “full” welded splices.
d.'15 Section 426: Construction Documents and inspection 59%;: 3:»
In this section, the user will probably require some time to get used to, it starts with the "following: \~¢
a *1 :
426.1.i This Sub-section addresses (a) through (c): > ”(\t»"
(a) Design information that the licensed design professional shall specify in the construction ‘%‘
(b) Compliance requirements that the licensed design professional shall specify in the
construction documents, %¢%”@¥<
(c) inspection requirements that the licensed design professional shall specify in the
construction documents,
Thus, construction and inspection requirements have been consolidated, and they are now related to
construction documents. The construction requirements are designated either as “design information” or 2;%1”<
“compliance requirements.“ These are largely existing material that has been rearranged. The
\\ _~.‘~
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP) ' \“$*¢ ‘ 4
inspection requirements in Sub-section 426.13 are taken from Chapter 17 of the 2015 Interumioiml
Bzti/ding Code (IBC) and were previously not part of ACE 318.
Provisions in AC1 318-11 and earlier editions, which explained basic statistical considerations
in mixture proportioning, are no longer found in AC1 318-14. Instead, AC1 30E-E0,
Specf cationsfor Structural Concrete, is referenced.
These are some other changes in the makeup ofNSCP 2016 7"‘ Edition that should be noted:
1. There are two new Sections: Section 404, Structural System Requirements and
Section 412, Diaphragms.
2. Section 422, Structural Plain Concrete, now Section 414.
3. Section 423, Anchoring to Concrete, is now Section 417, with no significant
4. Section 421, Earthquaite~Resistant Structures, now Section 418.
5. Section 427, Strut-and-Tie Models is now Section 423, with no signi cant
e.l The entire Structural Steel chapters are streamlined placing all chapter de nitions under one
Definition heading, tables are immediately shown where they are rst mentioned, gures drawn
larger, equation are all in boldface, extraneous user notes are removed, essential in-text de nitions
italicized and in-text equation terms are written in boldface for easy reference.
Q e.2 Change of headings and terms.
5013.5 Filter Metai and Flux for Welding to 501 .3.5 Consumabies for Welding
5l0.i 0.3 Web Crippling to Web Local Crippling
557.5 Special Fabrication Requirements. Wetd tabs changed to Run-oft‘ tabs under
a Exception.
// A-6.3 Beams changed to Beams Bracing
‘Sea! 1. ,.~
3» ..;>
A- Thermal Elongation is created under A-4.2.3 Material Strengths at Eievated -35$
Temperatures w
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Chapter 6: Wood. _>>¢n55¢,s<
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f.l Section 616 — Design Provisions and Equations: The NBS 2015 Chapter 3 is adopted :?:22i%2
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1 .
f.3 Section 618 ~ Structural Glued Laminated Timber: The NDS 2035 Chapter 5 is adopted %"
almost in its entirety; ya
f.4 Tabies 6l9.i—3 and 619.1-4 are revised based on NDS 2015; and
f.5 Other Sections affected are adjusted accordingly.
Chapter 7: Masonry
The revisions made in this chapter are the following:
g.l The specified yield strength of steel reinforcement is 420MPa instead of 413 MPa I 415 MPa;
sxrzsx / A</5\\\
e g.2 Section 7106.3 and Section 7l0.7.l
2 10mm diameter instead of No.9 gage wire
2e g.3 Section 7l3.9.1
20mm diameter instead of 19-gage
s 25mm diameter instead of 24-gage
2 Acknowledgment Q
The ASEP Codes and Standards Committee are indebted to Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
(PHIVOLCS) and to Dir. Renato V. Solidum, Ph. D. for his unsei sh contribution speci cally on Section 208 of
this code.
if ASEP acknowledges the contribution of Dr. Teresito C. Bacolcol and Ms. Madeline Cabologan of PHIVOLCS for
£ the seismic maps used in this code.
ASEP acknowledges the contribution of Engr. Carlos M. Viiiaraza for his unsel sh contribution on Chapter 2
Seismic/Earthquake Chapter.
The contributions of ASEP members and other users of this code who have suggested improvements, identi ed
§ errors and recommended items are recognized.
ASEP also acknowledges the contribution of the industry partners, companies and individuals, who continue to
support ASEP’s numerous undertakings.
- The ASE? Codes and Standards Committee also acknowledge Arch. Avigaile Genota Riola who designs the covers
t ofthe NSCP Volume 1, 2010 Edition and NSCP Volume l, 2015 Edition.
National Structural Code of the Philippines Voiume I, 7th Edition, 15’ Printing, 2016
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v Chairman
€w VKRGILIO B. COLUMNA.\1F1ng., :=.,\si11=.i l
§ Chapter 1, Chapter 2& Chapter 4
W< VVILFREDO S. LOPEZ,\|c.\|_ F,,\$|-1|‘, 1»_1»_
Chapter 2
ARIEL P. SANTOS.m-:ng.r..\s£§'
» ChapIer3
Chapter 4
ALLAN B. BENOGSUDAN.-uses.ai..\si-:i-
M Chapter 5
MARK ELSON C. LUCl0.\mse|-
Chapter 6
CESAR C. .PABA.LAi\‘,m.a=.;;.r..\si:s-.I-.i-.
Chapter 7
Work Group Members
r Nationai Structural Code of the Phiéippines Volume I, 7th Edition. 1°‘ Printing, 2016
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offers this to the Membership, the General public as well as students in the allied professions.
This would not have been possible without the sel ess efforts of the various ASEP NSCP Code Committee
Chairmen and Members as well as the ASEP Editorial Board and the Secretariat.
This NSCP 2015 Edition is not just a reprint as it contains important changes speci cally in Earthquake and Wind
loading provisions as well as in the Qualifieci Use of Quenched Tempered (QT) or Therm0- Mechanically Treated
Reinforcement (TMT). (Subsection 420.7.6 - Structural Concrete)
In the case of the earthquake provisions, the ASE? board in an en bane session has decided to include the 2 .1 \~‘(-‘
kilometer Nearness Factors to the Provisions due to fairly recent instrumented records showing large increases in
Earthquake velocity and acceleration within the two kilometer distance near the causative fault. (Subsection lvlinimum Design Load) Wt...
The wind loading provisions have also been revised with a more concise color coded map of wind velocities as
well as lso~contours '~'v¢ //it
In the case of QT/TMT reinforcing bars, the quali cations on the use of these reinforcing bars have been .-;\
V \/.(>‘>x<a‘<.
highlighted to warn the public on the ordinary construction practices and procedures normally applicable to Micro
alloyed rebars, which would not be applicable to QT/TMT REBARS as these would serve to weaken the rebar 3%?
and downgrade its strength properties to that of the core material. '
In addition, such use in critical structures, where premature bond failure could result, would result in failure of the
structural element. The ASEP has preceded this publication with numerous lectures and symposia on the
detrimental effects of the use of QT/TMT reinforcing bars in critical structures and high rise buildings speci cally
in Seismic Zone 4. . .4
We have also seen t to provide anti-l’iracy Provisions in this Edition in order to protect the lntellectual Property
rights of our organization. With this, it would be harder for unscrupulous individuals or organizations to replicate
and print unauthorized copies. We shall also be notifying sales outlets for the NSCP 2015 to accept only
authorized versions. The features will also make unauthorized copies easily detected, from the cover and allow it
your Organization to prosecute offenders.
Submitted by:
lit t‘ E,MSCE a=i@§s §i‘£§ is x<§asrel_las»rssrsni
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President Presiderrr
Vice-Presidem‘ Vice-Presia'enr
Secr'etarj»* Secretary
Treasurer‘ Trea.rz1rer
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s National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, ls‘ Printing, 2016
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Pursuant to the General Powers given to the Secretary of Public Works and Highways vested in
him by 5ection 203 of Presicientiai Decree 1096, otherwise known as the National Building Code
of the Fhilippiries, the National Structurai Code of the Phi ppines (NSCP) Seventh Edition, 2915
as prepared by the Association of Structurai Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP), is hereby :2: /:
adopted as a Referrai Code of PD 1096.
Approved in the City of Manila, Philippines
This 26*‘ day of August in the year of our Lord
Two Thousand and Fifteen
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Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc.
Suite 713, Future Point Plaza Condominium 1 or “Rue 7'
112 Panay Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines I100
Tel. No. = (+632) 41041433
FEX N0. 2 (+632) 411-3505
Email: asegonline@<gmaiE.c0m
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Website:http://www.aseponline.org V @”’"""“‘@
Nationai Struclurai Code of the Philippines Volume E, 7th Edition, 2015
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CHAPTER 1 - General Requirements 1-1
Tabie of Contents
to safeguard life or limb, property and public welfare by investigate the data so submitted, to require tests if any, and 25%,
regulating and controliing the design, construction, to formulate rules governing design and construction of '»~ we
quality of materials pertaining to the structural aspects of such systems to meet the intent of this code. These rules, 1; "'“‘t;’n_»\,_,
§t'1; ~‘~,
ail buildings and structures within this jurisdiction. when approved and promulgated by the Building Official, we
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jurisdiction. _, ;.<a.a~¢
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Special structures such as but riot iimited to single family
dwellings, storage silos, iiquid product tanks and 11%‘
hydraulic ood control structures, should be referred to ~
-.-,=_/, A
special state of practice literature but shall refer to
provisions of this code as a minimum wherever -’.'.~' <-->‘¢~
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CHAPTER 1 - General Requirement 1-3
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single condition, but typicaliy, failures result from a LIMITED LOCAL COLLAPSE is a failure of a :5.-'-1?,’/A5;
combination of mistakes. oversights, miscommunications, structural member without affecting the adjacent members ,, V
niisnnderstandings, ignorance, lapses, slips, incompetence, (e.g. destruction of one or two coiumns in a multi-bay <;i;i;s.j
to a structural engineer when it should have been sent to the other structures or part thereof, is used or intended to be
architect), conclusions based on faulty assumptions, an used. cw
employees “iaziness, ignorance, or malevolent urge,” $2 8
fatigue from excessive woridoad, inadequate training, “lime PERIODIC STRUCTURAL INSPECTION is a in
»\' _z‘<~“
boxing" practices used to minimize fees to a client, structural inspection where the inspections are made on a
.s\ \~iZ'§I.' .~'.-: ma ,
periodic basis and satisfy the requirements of continuous zéélié“
overreliance on computer-aided design and drafting ~ Ila
(CADD). faiiure to understand and deliver client inspection, provided this periodic scheduled inspection is i2i:is»/
. .;i V, ./re
Q? ‘e%~
requirements. time pressures to a deliver a project by performed as outiincd in the inspection program prepared \@i;.§;..
‘Nil’ t1
GRADE is the verticai location of the ground surface. SOILS ENGINEERING See Geotechnical Engineering.
.:,~ QM
GRADING is an excavation or till or combination thereof. STRUCTURE is that which is built or constructed, an aw
edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work i?§‘_'¢%
KEY is a designed compacted fill placed in a trench artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in 1.
excavated in earth materiai beneath the toe of a slope. some definite manner. V si
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CHAPTER 1 - General Requirement 1-7
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'i~8 CHAPTER 1 — General Requirements
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104.31 Self-Straining Forces The foliowing may also be veri ed, that there are no major ~,§ =53
errors in pertinent calcuiations, drawings and speci cations . $12
Provisions shall be made for anticipated self-straining and may also ensure that the structure as reviewed, meet gal 5
forces arising from differential settlement of foundations minimum standards for safety, adequacy and acceptable
and from restrained dimensional changes due to standard design practice. .\~$l == ,,
'/~ H,
104.33 Anchorage structural engineer doing the review that the above review ran,
has been performed and that minimum standards have been
Anchorage of the root‘ to walis and columns, and of walls met.
and columns to foundations shall be provided and
See Section for design review recguirements
adequately detailed to resist the upiift and sliding forces
that result from the application of the prescribed forces. when nonlinear time-history analysis is used for earthqnaire
Concrete and masonry walls shall be anchored to all oors,
roofs and other structural elements that provide lateral in keeping with the ethical standards of the profession, the .,_,w
' we
support for the wall. Such anchorage shall provide a reviewer or reviewers shall not suppiant the engineer-of- %i&§
positive direct connection capable of resisting the record as engineer»of~record For the project. The design 1.4%: '
horizontal forces speci ed in Chapter 2 but not less than review shali not in any way transfer or diminish the
the minimum forces in Section 206.4. responsibility of the engineer-of-record. .../r
i i:-;<== €‘51£?£‘=?1
The design caiculations, drawings, speci cations and
other design-related documents for buildings, towers and :.==:<;, ,
v _;1f5/“
other verticai structures with irreguiar con guration in
Occupancy Categories I, ii or Ill within Seismic Zone 4,
structures under Alternative Systems in Section 101.4, and
Unde ned Structural Systems not listed in Table
208-ll, shall be subject to a review by an independent wliaaara
recognized structural engineer or engineers to be employed !%§i”'ll% 4'
by the owner in accordance with the ASEP Design Peer séggilll
in >44»
The design review shall, as a minimum, verify the general 'i""%i- *8?- Q
compliance with this code which shall include, but not be ..,¢ .
van}; i~
limited to, the review oi‘ the design load criteria, the sail
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CHAPTER t - General Requirement 1-9
as -;’.';'.-'41.’-.;';'.»"
All owners of existing structures selected by the 2. Strengths or designations of materials to be used.
authorities having jurisdiction shall provide accessible
space for the installation of appropriate earthquake- 3. Design strengths of underlying soil or rock. The soil
recording instruments, determined by a Structural Engineer. or rock pro le, when available, shall be provided.
Z=’ 2~‘:>"\~‘§/>2»
551% National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition. 2015
. - - _tt t t t t t t t t . __
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1-10 CHAPTER 1 —Genera! Requirements zit .—=;
5 ;
t ~
5. Seismic design basis inciuding the total base shear vmwem
abbreviations used in the drawings. civil engineers with experience in structural construction, it
who shail undertake competent inspection during all mass?
9. Engineer-of~Record’s professional license number construction on the types of work iisted under Section 5%
and expiration date of the current Professional l07.5, shall be employed by the owner or the engineer~of- sxl
cl l
Regulation Commission registration (PRC). record acting as the owner's agent. l
l ll ‘ ,
i06.3.2.2 Structural Concrete E.t"cep!i0n: ‘tall 2
V::%i l‘i
i. Speci ed compressive strength (11) of concrete at The Building Q icial may waive the reqzriremem‘ for the T_
stated ages or stages of construction for which eachpart employment ofa .5‘!/rrctuml inspector if the constrzrcrimz is
of structure designed. The 28~day compressive strength ofa minor nature. aww miaw mw
2. Anchorage einbedment lengths or cut-off points of shall be performed when recguired by Section 107.9. W
V wt’
3. Type and location of welded splices and mechanical See Section l02 for de nitions.
connections of reinforcement. ii?
107.3 Structurai Inspector 1-i-zz ;
4. Magnitude and location of prestressing forces \
including prestressed cable layout 107.3.1 Quali cations K
5. Minimum concrete compressive strength (fci:)at time The structurai inspector shall be a registered civil engineer V
7. Detaiis and location of all contraction or isolation 107.3.2 Duties and Responsibilities
joints speci ed for piain concrete in Chapter 4.
The structural inspector shall observe the work assigned for
conformance to the approved design drawings and >76
8. Statement if concrete slab is designed as a structural /
diaphragm, as speci ed in Sections 421.94 and speci cations. Any discrepancy observed shall be brought
421.95. to the immediate attention of the constructor for correction,
then, if uncorrected, to the owner, engineer—of-record
and/or to the Building Official. <»:
i CHAPTER 1 — General Requirement 1-11
The structural inspector shall also submit a nal report duly 1075.3 Special Moment-Resisting Concrete Frame
signed and sealed stating whether the work requiring
§ structural inspection was, to the best of the inspector's For special moment-resisting concrete frame design seismic
knowledge, in conformance to the approved plans and load in structures within Seismic Zone 4, the structural
speci cations and the applicabie workmanship provisions inspector shall provide reports to the engineer-of-record
s of this code. and shall provide continuous inspection of the placement of
the reinforcement and concrete.
107.4 Inspection Program
1075.4 Reinforcing Steel and Prestressing Steel
The structural inspector shall prepare an appropriate testing Tendons
and inspection program that shall be submitteci to the
owner, engineer-of-record and/or to the Building Official. l07.5.4.l During all stressing and grouting of tendons in
He shall designate the portions of the work that requires prestressed concrete.
structural inspections.
l07.5.4.2 During placing of reinforcing steel and
§%§~z§<>:\ r§‘\'<>r\*s&§w;{§ &>% $§
When structural observation is required by Section 107.9, prestressing tendons for all concrete required to
the inspection program shall describe the stages of have structural inspection by Section l07.5.l.
construction at which structural observation is to occur.
~</I E.rct=prion.' .
The inspection program shall include samples of inspection
The srructzrrrrl inspector need not be present‘ corrrirruorisly
$13 reports and provide time limits for submission of reports.
during placing‘ of reirgforcing' steel and pi‘-air»-anaig
107.5 Types of Work for inspection iendons. provided lire struc'!m'al r'nspec'!or has inspeciecifoi~
conformance to the approved plans prior to the closiiigof
Except as provided in Section 107.1, the types of work forms or the delivery ofconcrete to lhejolisile.
listed beiow shall be inspected by a structural inspector.
107.55 Structural Welding
21$? ‘
1075.1 Concrete
:- 107.5.5.l General
During the taking of test specimens and placing of
’/at concrete. See Section l07.5.l2 for shotcrete. During the welding of any member or connection that is
designed to resist loads and forces required by this code.
Exceptions.‘ j N A _
I. Concreie for fozlrzdarions of residential lmilclings
E-treaties‘ . _ .
acco/nmodatirlg 10 or fewer persons, or buildings 1.- Welding dON£i'.,iilI_(1fI approved zbr-icarorf's.isiriopiiiin
ziling under. Category V; of Tablel j-1, providrsdithe m:’r;'or'r1ar2c@_ wit/1iSacfi0'n 107.6. ~ » ~ i~
. wag Building Q icial nds that ci structural hazrzrd does 2. AT/re sitmctmfal inspector need not lie,’ (roirtii1ig’oiis’l>,v
rzote.rist.- A . . » . ,» ,,, _ present dzirz'rzg welding of the illiiwingi i;’iirieriI.r:,
.2. For ”jEiziirdotioi: :coirc'réte,’ S otlzer rhain“ cost-in’-place provided the materials, qiitrlificarionsi ’oj‘T5fi+‘el(1irig
drilledpiles or-"eais'sons, where the slriictzrral design is procedures and H='tZ’l'd€2i'§f are verified pi'I'0I3iit)’i{Fr_e3;Sl€Ilf{
based on I1féI10fgf‘r?£?iC’i" ?L? 17 MP0. of work." perfior c inspecliriris are" rirodei
- p_rogre.s's; mid 'crjui.r1ir1I_ iiz'specfioir_
3. Non-strzrctziml slabs on gracle, inclzrdmg preslressed . ~ prior‘: ,ZoI;i.,oorizpletioi2 or pi'iorf
slabs on grade when cg izciive prestress in concrete is - ' Weldlllg-l i" " ' -_ '- ii.
.' '73".-'-ii‘i';.3"Ez=iii;:i-
le-.r.r than I0 MP0. .
a Siimle-' " an rllétwela!s* '1-wolf jerceeciih 5;-"Elliiiiii._'igi'3iIii'i}%§§*§§§1§iiii‘
4. Site work concrete fzrltlv supported on earth and
concrete where no special hazai'o' exists. b) Floor and roofdeck welcfirzgtj" -I;‘:1 1"; ii iii:-I5}?-Q;IJ;§§».;.fi*g;;;1,,.
. .;/by
153$ National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume l, 7th Edition, 2015
. 122?
142 CHAPTER1 -General Requirements .._;,»< i
» 1%
lw For Fully grouted open-end hollow-unit masonry Special Moment-Resisting Steel Frames during preparation and taking of any required prisms or test
. 1
specimens, at the start of laying units, after the placement ..><“i
During the non-destructive testing (NDT) of welds of reinforcing steel, grout space prior to each grouting Rs\x?&§
speci ed in Section 107.8 of this code, the use of certi ed operation, and during all grouting operations.
welders shall be required for welding structural steel “y
sh i ts?
connections for this type of frame. Critical joint Exception.‘ ~‘..¢ri -I,’
connections shall be subjected to non~destructive testing I ‘e
using certi ed NDT technicians. Slrnctuml inspection as r'cqzn'r'eo' in .S'r2t"tions 107.17.] and /er t 2.
107.5. 7.2 need no! be provided when design stresses have
107.5.$.3 Welding of Reinforcing Steel been aujusted as speci ed in Chapter 7 to perniit /all -_= .
noncontinnous inspection.
During the non-destructive testing of welds.
1075.8 Reinforced Gypsum Concrete
1075.6 High»Strength Bolts r
When cast~in~place Class B gypsum concrete is being I:
The inspection of high-strength A325 and A490 bolts shall mixed and placed. . \Ӣ
'.~~’v<‘ 3
be in accordance with approved internationally recognized ‘/“X
standards and the requirements of this section. While the 1075.9 Insulating Concrete Fill . jIif§i lV'!seWis?-_xl<ms§aeusi'msmaetiéat
work is in progress, the structural inspector shall determine
that the requirements for bolts, nuts, washers and paint; During the application of insulating concrete ll when used
bolted parts; and installation and tightening in such as part of a structural system.
.4”. z
standards are met. Such inspections may be performed on
a periodic basis as de ned in Section i07. Exception.- . 51.2
. §3~§
. :2
_ E’ _,g.*).7’:.$:}‘,’,;$§~§»‘_;< .1’E_"§i§:._":_'-
. 4. .,.~.>,'.<'~.<e1e.:..v-<z=;=Esis-.'
-“st 7 1 ~‘/5k;.\vi-§,(:§_.’.-r:$:».*.~T.’.~
CHAPTER 1 — Genera; Requirement ‘i-t3
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4 1:.
In Seismic Zone 4, welded, Fully-restrained connections nondestructive testing is not required; for this welding,
between the primary members of special moment-resisting continuous structural inspection is required.
frames shall be tested by nondestructive methods fa
performed by certi ed NDT technicians for compliance Base metal thicker than 40 min, when subjected
with approved standards and job speci cations. This testing to through-thickness weld shrinkage strains, shali be
shall be a part of the structural inspection requirements of ultrasonically inspected for discontinuities directly behind
Section 107.5. A program for this testing shall be such welds alter joint completion.
established by the person responsible for structural design PI
and as shown on pians and speci cations. Any material discontinuities shall be accepted or rejected
on the basis of the defect rating in accordance with the
(larger re ector) criteria of approved national standards.
107.8.3 Others
The structural engineer may accept or require in place non-
destructive testing of concrete or other materials and
assemblies to supplement or replace conventional tests.
. 107.9 StructuralObserva en
l07.9.1 General
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Copyright© 2015
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc (ASEP)
Suite 713 Future Point Plaza Condominium 1
112 Panay Avenue Quezon City
E100 Phiiippines
About ASEP
The Association of Structurai Engineers of the Philippines inc (ASEP) 1S the recognized organization ofStn1ctu1al
Engineers of the Philippines. Established in 1961 ASEP has been in existence for more than 50 sohd years
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Print History
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Challenges have arisen but ASEP has remained steadfast and committed in furthering its aim "to advance structural engineering, ‘
uphold high ethical values, and promote national and international professional collaborations ...." 1%
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Design peer review is incorporated in the National Structural Code of the Philippines to provide the means for professional
discussion and evaluation of special structural system design that is beyond the Code's standard provisions. This review is
critical to con rm the design or resolve problems that might be encountered in the structural system behavior and building _
safety at large. The Filipino structural engineers excel not only in the local but in the international eld as well. They are
recognized not as competitors but as global partners for the bene t of humanity. W
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The Recommended Guidelines on Structural Design Peer Review of Structures eventually will evolve further as the need arises 343
to improve the means to promote life safety and share the structural engineering advancement.
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We are grateful to those who have shared their knowledge and time in the formulation of these Guidelines both past and present 5%
Committee members. It required one‘s unseifish devotion that often calls for self-sacri ce - be it time, physical presence, or the ~:81
sharing of expertise.
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Ct11‘iOS M. iil8.1’8Z3, yr,/\sr5;1
ASEP President (20l4—20l 5)
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The advocacy of the Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippine (ASEP) is to uphold the high standards in structural
engineering practice in the Philippines. ASEP has achieved this by updating the Phitippine structural design codes and ensure
that these are at par with international standards, as well as adapt them for Lise in the Philippine setting.
This Design Peer Review Manual is the latest update which shall supplement the National Structural Code of the Philippines
(NSCP). The purpose of this manual is to provide an independent review of the structurat design of a structure, and to assure
that it conforms with the requirements of the latest edition of the NSCP and related technical standards to promote life safety
and sound engineering design practices.
The provisions in the Manual does not require the conduct ofpeer review on all types of structures but rather on certain features
f of structures (i.e. importance, occupancy, vulnerability to earthquake). However, the owner may use this Manual as reference
n if peer review of their structure is preferred. The use of this Manual is intended to promote exchange of design principles and
y innovative ideas, and to practice good professional ethics among the Owner, Engineenof-Record, and Peer Reviewer.
This Manual shall only be used as intended and as stipulated in its objectives.
-.,\ - This l\/lanuai is a product of the dedication, knowledge, and efforts of the ASEP Committee on Design Peer Review.
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:1-' Acknowledgements
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Sincere thanks to past presidents Adam C. Abinales, Anthony Viadimir C. Pimentel, Christopher P. T. Tamayo , Miriam Lusica-
Tamayo, Renaldo S. ison, Carlos M. Villaraza, past director Rico P. Gomez, and to the rest of ASEP members who provided
their inputs and guidance in the completion of this guide. The names and affiliations of ali who assisted are included in the
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Participants List at the end of this guide.
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Secretary Secretary
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Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lnc. (ASEP) ~/
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APPLICATION OF ASE? PEER REVIEW GUIDELINES ................................. I~A9
',*'/‘i 1 H
EXPECTED RESULTS OF DESIGN REVIEW: ...... ......................................... I-A10
9:/1' STRUCTURES TO BE REVIEWED . ................. . .. ................. .... .. .. .. .. ........... .. .. .. .. .... I~A1l)
REVIEWER’S QUALIFICATION.. ......... .. ........... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............... .. .. .. .. ........... .. .. I-A11
,1 SCOPE OF REVIEW................................................................................................................................................. I—A11
INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED TO PEER REVIEWER................................................................................. I-All
\§2 ITEMS TO BE REVIEWED .................................... ............................................................................................... I-A 12
/‘ /
METHODOLOGY AND DETAILS OF REVIEW ........................................................................................................ I-A15
Design Basis Review................ ....................................................................................................................................... ..1~A15
-1” __
Fozmdation Review ..................................................................................... .. .................................................................. ..1-A I6
-P: .2
Pre~Tender Design Review ............................................................................................................................................. .. I-A16
MINIMUM REPORT REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... I~A16
Language /0 be Used ...................................................................................................................................................... .. I-.417
/ Mark-zip and Conzirients ................................................................................................................................................. .. I-A17
Examples ofRevie wer 's Comrnems/Wordings................................................................................................................ ..1-A18
C.:1 .;.;
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................................ .. I-A18
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Recommended Guidelines on Structural Design
Peer Review of Structures 2015
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1A-6 »
Abbreviations 7 77 77 \
' ' ' l 1
*' " i * * * *l /
_7 NSCP _l National Structural Code of the i>hiLigpines 7 7
_7 PAGASA _ Piiiligpine Atmospheric, Geop_hysical 8; Astronomicai Services Administration
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C _1 Pliiligpine CInstituteC of Volcanology
CC CC and Seismology _
i PR _i77 7 7 7 l?ee1'Rev7iewei" 7 _
PRC Professional Regulations Commission 77}
T' ' ' " ' 7 l
\ SE 7 7 77 Structural Engineer
SEC Security and Exchange Commissions 7 IQ;
UBC Unifonn Building Code \
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Design review is incorporated in most building codes to provide the means for professional discussion and evaluation of
structural design of projects. Thus, these reviews are the eye openers for the resolution of problems encountered before a critical
is phase of the construction project. Design review truly enhances the ideas for public safety overall and quality assurance.
Furthermore, it disseminates innovation through sharing of information.
Earthquake for instance is a phenomenon that man has been trying to study for centuries but up to present time is still
unpredictable. We, as structural engineers, are faced with the greatest challenge offorinulating procedures on how to lessen if
511/ not eliminate destruction and casualties due to this. We want to make sure that the intent of our design is carefully followed
and carried out in the most professional manner. The burden of setting up and observing rules on how to achieve what has been
planned rest upon our shoulders. Design review can be a valuable tool faced with this challenge.
, This document establishes the guidelines for peer review. Since protecting lives and properties are the paramount goals of the
4 Association of Structural Engineers ofthe Philippines (ASEP), the only way perhaps to realise these goals is to establish ground
rules for all our practicing civil engineers, structural engineers and consultants to follow strictly the Code provisions and
¢ standards parameters.
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__ e; 1 It is essential to good engineering practice to conduct independent peer review to achieve a concept of structural system and
design tolerant to the crucieness in seismological predictions. The independent review of structures shall be deemed as the
.:i5:{ means to promote life safety, achieve excellence in structural design and front of quality, iinprovement/advancement and
dissemination of structural engineering knowledge in the country.
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Q Advancement of structural engineering knowledge; ill
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0 Promotion of good public and private clientele relationships, development of fellowships among CE and SE and .7 lllli
encouragement of professional relations with other allied technical and scientific organizations. YY re
/ <3 l l
These objectives are focused on these three major areas: ;ll ll
s I” .
One of the committees created for the Codes and Standards is the Committee on Design Peer Review. The National Structural . v . C ..;~
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Code of the Philippines (NSCP) 1992 Edition touches on independent design review under the section “A Design and //’
.C I,
Construction Review", which defines the structures required for the review considering seismic zones and occupancy --'7:1£</gr‘ ;
C ..,c. C-_ ,;;{
categories. However, the scope, procedures and documentation of the review process are not mentioned. Thus, this paper will
include guidelines on the implementation of the design peer review.
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The same committee was revived. . by the President
. of the Board of Directors
. . for 2009-2010,
. Adam. . C. Abinales, from the point
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of view of engineering practitioners, to improve and expand the guidelines to incorporate additional parameters and etnca . .1 » Cr- 5.42
rules as well as enhance the practice of peer review. The committee's activities have continued under the administration of the ‘~54 %
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The Committee on Design Peer Review is composed of the following: >~‘»=r~ l <5
Ernesto F. Cruz
Gabriel Ursus L. Eusebio
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Members l
Alden C. Ong ll
Marie Christine G. Danao lli
Edmondo D. San Jose all i 4
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Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lnc. (ASEP) :
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The Peer Review aims to carry out positive results in the following areas:
0 To comply structural engineering design, drawings and speci cation with the minimum requirements of NSCP and other
acceptable established codes and standards;
e To improve and maintain the high standards in the practice of structural engineering;
0 To promote exchange of information and innovative ideas between the designers and reviewers;
e To inform the Owner-Client on the bene ts of this exercise and any possible cost implications resulting from the review;
IA-10 1 /.1
Em L,“:~u1"i
jdxpected Results of Design Review; 7 7 7 77 7
~ .—
e As professionals, independent design reviewers and EOR shall not engage in unfair practices. Both shall 55
.:I,(eZ§ .
observe fairness and professionalism in the practice of independent review. This shall not by any means be a
channel to conduct criticism nor be a means to discredit the reviewer or the EOR, and disenfranchise them of
the contract service they are awarded.
e There will be good understanding of the structures and relationships between the Owner-Client and the
structural engineering community resulting to enhanced programs of future developments and projects.
e There will be good relationships between designers and reviewers by improving the design through constructive
e The review will be conducted smoothly in the light of fairness and professionalism, without unfair practice and
criticism to neither discredit nor disenfranchise any of the reviewer or EOR.
e The review will bring assurance to the Owner-Client of compliance to codes and standards, assurance of better
engineering of the proposed structure, the improvement in design and safety as well as improvement in 5%?
construction implementation and program, elimination of unsafe design and possible work delays from
unwanted and costly repairs, among others.
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Structures to be reviewed shaii consist of all proposed new structures and addition to structures which shall be deemed crucial
to life safety and/or health of the pubiic and peace if such structures or buiidings would incur damage or failure or both. ¢
1. Ail structures more than 75-meter high (whichever is higher) from the exterior ground level. W
@219 .
2. Buildings, towers and other vertical structures with irregularity in configuration (vertical and horizontal irregularity) under
occupancy Category l, ll, and Ill (as per section l03.l NSCP VI edition) within the seismic zone 4.
. A
3. Structures designed under alternative system (as per section 101.4 NSCP VI Edition) that intends to use other structural ’~;;/>
materials, design approach and construction methodoiogy not prescribed by the latest existing, structural Code (NSCP Vi /V
5. Essential facilities such as hospitals re & police stations, emergency vehicle and equipment shelters and garages.
structures and equipment in coinmunication center, aviation control towers, private and public school buildings, water
supported structures and designated evacuation center, also buildings and structures for national defense. . at
6. Hazardous Faciiities and the Eike structures housing, supporting or containing sufficient quantities of toxic or explosive
substances dangerous to the safety of the general public ifreieased due to damage or excessive deformation.
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Review/er’s Quali cation
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The independent PR shall be nominated by the Owner-Client. The independent PR shail not be the design EOR or engineer
3.’/3 35 2 appointed by Buiider/Contractor. In the case of Turnkey or Design and Buiid projects whose design is initiated by the
Contractor or Deveioper, the Contractor at his own expense shall appoint an independent recognized structural engineer to
is}; conduct the services of design peer review.
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The independent PR shall have the following quali cations:
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1, Civii engineer registered with the Professional Regulation Commission of the Philippines with more than 20 years of
\‘\yi P77 related structural engineering experience similar to the structure to be reviewed.
:l§(a§iZ 4. Knowledgeabte in current design software, tools, and other acceptable current computer programs.
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“Q 5. I-iave competitive knowledge or experience in actual structural construction.
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The review documents should be checked for completeness and timeliness of the design documents submitted per relevant
7 items recommended in this guide. The PR should assess the review documents received and report immediately to the Owner-
4 Client and/or his duly appointed representative for the following:
_}3 2 . 2:.
. ..
~ I f any of the design documents submitted are not sufficient for him to proceed with the review such that an entire document
is missing, for example the design criteria document is not included and the drawings do not re ect the design
»,/r -
parameters/information completely; or
ljxt n‘-j
iw .
= The documents given and received may enable him to start and work immediately but the PR have to stop soon for some
items of works as some documents are given as partial only; or
' The documents received are of poor quality such as illegible, faintly printed, blurred, torn, and or unacceptabiy dirty or
iaced with hazardous materials.
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~ The PR shall also report if the items received were not delivered in good condition that may not enable him to proceed at \~ e
alt; e.g. the documents are wet due to improper handling, incomplete or inadequate protection from packaging materiais, :¢5}?
4 1-zri
The following items are to be furnished by the Owner-Client as applicable:
35% »~
: l l 1 ‘&'c%=
Printed copies or PDF/DWFx format of complete set of architectural and structural drawings; l >>’.£\‘¢*
General building narrative (number of stories, gross building area, estimated construction cost, unique features, among
others); “Ia aw,-5,‘,
Geotechnical engineering report; % it J, ,
ll Wind Tunnel Test report (if any); ll
ab’ *1‘
Vi Site-speci c spectra and ground-motion time histories (if any);
ti Major equipment or special loadings; . ll .:,,}__ ..
Ki Existing building drawings/data if impacted by or impacting the threshold structure; l-l 52%;’
ill Analysis models including User’s Guide of software used by EOR (e.g. STAAD, ETABS, SAP, SAFE and midasGen). l
it is recommended to include also interoperable files such as .$ET, .ANL, .S2l( and .F2K to facilitate conversion of M
data.; ...,-wt
ll 3D modei/BlM' file or *.ifc2 le (ifany);
ta 2 *%"r
[.3 Design basis; 0:,
5] Design criteria;
W ,~
:15 2
E} Structural systems design narrative (including wind and seismic design parameters); =.~ /4
items to be Reviewed g W g ,4
' Building information Model (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and ftmctionai characteristics ofa structure. As such it serves as
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a shared knowledge resource for information about a structure forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle from inception .' -$1543,
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1 Industry Foundation Classes (.ifc) — A le format developed by the lAi. IFC provides an interoperability solution between IFC-compatible
ll 4/’»
software applications in the construction and facilities management industry. The format has established, international standards to import
and export building objects and their properties. 5%,
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Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lnc. (ASEP)
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new Speci c Design ChegcI_rs_@ be Carried Out
_ Wind loadings design parameters and comfort criteria. 7
;‘*°é‘>_> “§
“/AZ" Appropriateness to tlie C1ient’s technical brief and functional requiretnents; 7
»<; ~,1;1*,.;~=.£1I2:=-=...fE:I;=-5
/7/‘Z 5i.l'MAethods, Conformance to the governing codes used in the analysis and aesigiif
;§_;'yiStiai1dards and
2~:f"I'33 1'.. f3=;i$peci cations
J§3':lB2 fiii“:._.!\'|-i-Tr}*er&"1$\»s\
lnput and output data including geoinetiy, material constants, properties, loadings, assignments and
siij .1 ' i ; models
<~<¢>,<;:=-=r~ -1‘
-- parameters used in software used.
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T Ffoundation A Appropriate values of deadjiiyei windjand seismic loads used. 7
<11/;§\'_t>,-air;-5" “' "
‘e»*~;\ ‘i2\:\x ~\\§“*\» lloads
Sgi é/_IZ}§\L$‘§&‘5./AW/4>"_ (Column loads have been appropriatelywcomputed and compared to resuits of analysis model. _
siili " Effects of wind and notional loads on the building or structure have been checked. 7iiiiiiiiiiiiit
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I-';Piies Pile capacities have been designed for compressive axiai load by appiicabie skin friction and end bearing
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Z7}$IsY>.., ‘l Review if the type of pile reactions used in the analysis models are appropriate/appiicable.
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Piles were checked if required/applicable for combiniediiiiickliiiig.
1;2»';g,>Q:'§;> K Piles have been designed for Eate1'alioaLdTs and benidingiinoment.
M »<==\-:_=~\::
1% d(_4‘\\‘ Pile ioints_l}aye been designed for anchorage and embedment length of reinforceinents, fogrwconcrete piie.
s _g7i’ilesg_liave been designed for uplift. g
Soeketing has been designed for piles W*i§i]V§Vi]QV1:tVV13Bl1BtTElliOI1 deptiisiiiiiiiiiii A 7
Piles have been designed for_7negatig\{e__s_kin friction.
1 Isolated Pads/’
. 3 Combined Checked for punching shear and bending moments.
E5 >>;;-».\- '3
» Footingsl
“Tied Footings
_Appropi'iate aiiowable bearing capacity of soil has been assumed_in design.
Appropriate moduhis of sub-grades reaction of the soii has been assumed in design.
i :<.--;...:;-' .. .-
l= Appropriate mode! used for structural analysis of the raft. WW A if i
W .=I;.1I: 15.111. - The raft has been designerd to resist punching shear from columns. _ ___g_ W
The building or structure has been designed to cater for probabie differential and total settle1nent.WWW i
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13:5 f.-'..-1 .
V pllateral The presence in theiistructiiral framing of any plan and/or vertical inegiilaiiiues mentioned in iisciiiiibiii
‘V 1*" 13;; jg Resisting _governing7codes.
5 Ar i Framing i Limitations of Eaterai toad resisting framing systems by NSCP, or by the Owner-Clientwprefeired code and
H Systems as l standards and or from any p1'evailing_lgca7l7 ordinange_a_nd__r§gulagtions in the vicinity ofthe proposed structure.
assumed 111 the Details of seismic-resistant concrete structure were checked.
Design Basis!
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5-Zéi-i‘§Z3l§E1€:§i5I§§§%§.1I'51551 H
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Siender W gtifegctiye height__lga_s_b_ecn computed according to code.
Columns Bending momen’t about minor axis has been designed for. 7” 7
Additional bending moment due to slendemessliaibeen designed for. W
Y‘/Iel Biaxiai bending moment hasbeen designed__for._ _
” r<
Reguireinent_fo1j_dugt_igl y such as strong~column weak beam is provided or complies with thegcoder.iiiiit
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supporting Designed for bending moment due to frame action including effects of special load combination per cocie.
transfer beams
.4, ~ 1/’
[mm A 77 Specific Desigl177Chccks to be77Carried Out
Coiumns W
supporting long Designed for bending moment due to frame action.
777span beams al
Columns ‘ Fl”;% i ii
»\» t.-
supporting Designed for bending moment due to frame action. .5);
cantiiever ¢‘ >3;
beams 3,1 l‘
Columns in iii. Designed forihorizontai load and moment acting on columns77due"to arched ojpitchedroof. A 7 -
‘ two column i Designed for bending moment and shear at the column base inciuding777connections7. 7 ‘X
frame system Designed for bending moment due to frame action. $3,, ,1
‘*4, >'
;l Cantilever A Cantilever support has been designed to resist bending moment and shear including minimum uplift loads
beams from wind and seismic loads. 7 7 77 7 7 7 77 7 _
Designed for lateral stability of beam. 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 7_,
Designed to meet allowable span depth ratio; else de ection against allowable limit per code inciuding long- , ..
l ».
? term effects.
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sass t\~t,‘iti ‘
Long span Torsional rigidity of beam has been checked. 7 _
beams iDesigncci for iaterai restraint of beams. 77 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7
l Designed for support and member connections. 7 77 77 7 77 7 7 7 T\4Ti-\“\
Designed to meet aiiowable span depth ratio; eise de ection against allowable limit per code including long- 1 .ssaassssg
_ term ei'fect7s. 77 7 7 7 7 7 15> Z4
.\\ ,,
Designed for all relevant upper floor loads on the beam including effects of special load combinations per \ ,1 4'/’
we 7
V5 3 —:;
code. 7 7 _7 7 7
A‘ Designed for iateral restraint of beam. »:
./cg. '5‘
Structural Consistency of design loading with the criteria and the equipment supplier/vendors data, finishes, plus the
calculations possible construction method requirements, effects of foreseen ten‘iporary works and activities during »<;\1%
it Usage of correct wind/seismic load parameters for analysis and design with regards to the structures lateral ‘Q
toad resisting framing system, seismic zone, material type anclstructurai framing man or vertical irregularity. ‘Xe
Seismic load analysis if requiring P-delta effects and/or dynamic method as to height limitations and .;;., i
i irreguiarities. 77 77 7 77 7 77 77 7 77 7 7 7 77
S L7oad7coinbinations and speciai load combinations as required and prescribed by the code. 7
:49 ‘
Structural geometric modei for completeness of the structures vertical load carrying elements and for
_ . consistency with the basis andcriteria. 7 7 77 7 7 7 77 77 7 _ ,
v <1”
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Q item i W Speci c Ciiecks to be Carried Out My "W
W Member and eiement checks such as minimum reinforcements and details, strength requirements,
.v< 3 slenderness effects, joints forces checks and connection requirements.
»-1.‘ .
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Methodology and Detaiis of Review
‘Q The PR Should agree with the Owner-Ciient and the EOR on the methodology of review. The review shali cover for
~ completeness and timeliness of the design documents submitted per relevant items listed in this Guide.
% The PR should assess the review documents with regards to the agreed number of elements to be checked with the Owner-
\ Client and/or his representative, if at random, seiected or full review of the structure and any limited procedure.
Review may be agreed also for each phase or entirety on the tinai detailed design phase of the structure for review. White a
nal detailed design review is basically economical, a phased review from the beginning may be better in order to avoid the
errors from the beginning and save also vaiuable time in re-work.
i'?4 2. Assess assumptions made by the EOR; and
3% .
3. Review the proposed frame system/s and load path for verticai toad-carrying elements.
:4 r -
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Foundation Review
I’ l Lg ' 5*
The PR should do the following:
Establishes foundation loads via independent analysis. Alternatively, obtain foundation loads from EOR contingent upon 4.14%
subsequent verification. The PR should obtain soil design parameters from geotechnical engineering report.
Perform independent analysis of representative foundation elements including spread footings, pile caps, foundation walls,
‘at§=%a~, - :i~
grade beams and piles, among others. Review of foundation elements is recommended, depending on the relative nature
or complexity of the project. %,.
L ,..;-/
Review speci cation sections pertaining to foundation system including earthwork, piles, concrete work, among others. .§ ii
Review performance criteria for contractor-designed components such as slope protection systems, mini piles, tie~down all
’§Ke.~ r ‘
, .,
.:=;.<.¢,, ., :,§{4,./V
presence of the Owner and/or his representative in order to resolve as many issues as possible. //~¢
:.-;<;> .
Content . at
.%~ >3
'i:’:\I‘l r
The following items shail be included in the nai peer review report: sew
ll ~
i ,7
List of the documents on which the review was based; .’ ..(.
¢£> pi
Building Codes and Standards on which the peer review was based; 5 Z’-Z
List of software/analysis tools used with descriptive statements about software, tools and other computer programs used ‘l ).
in the review;
/My /
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» lA~l7
...,,§ _ _
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\<.;. Terms of Review Procedure and Methodology to be Used
1*? ;
The review analysis and design criteria must meet the requirement of the Owner-Client as de ned in his design brief inciuding
any applicable item in the Terms of Reference which form part of their agreement with the EOR.
Preferably, the PR shalt use the same design criteria and standards specified by the EOR. Deviations from the said criteria and
standards must be done only with the permission of the EOR.
Software to be used in the review shoutd preferabiy be the same software used by the EOR (e.g. the same editions or versions).
The difference of versions shouid be agreed upon but a difference of one level may be considered acceptable unless the more
recent versions euipioy a different analysis procedures or features that are almost entirely different to the EOR’s software
procedures or features.
.,§ :--
Language to be Used
-. t5-
The manner of reporting shall always be factual. Numerical values and status to be presented must be taken purely from the
nal design review documents submitted and from the results of the independent review's analysis and assessments per
€~/ applicable codes and standards.
The terms and phrases to be included in reporting any issue arising from the design review must be written carefully and re ect
professionalism. The PR must not use offensive nor malicious words or phrases. Thus, the report must be factual and
eniightening for the EOR and PR.
*3 The assessment of each part of the report should avoid terms like erroneous, in error and misses, among others. Reporting
shouid preferably be neutral, for example, statement for bars needing additional quantity may be stated “underestimated” and
t, bars in element with quantities that maybe reduced may be stated that “bars are overestimated by as much as 25%”.
The PR shall make comments that are clear, legible and complete so that the EOR will easily understand it. Clear comments
2*?‘-i ‘ <1 .-
’ _.1;~.. .. will eliminate confusion and reduce time spent in back-check.
Mark-up and Comments
Ifpossible, the PR shouid use words which would apply to numerous drawings so that the comments do not need to be repeated
on each drawing.
é When the PR makes the same speci c comments at many different details, the comments should be identi ed by either creating
\ a standard, numbered iist of comments with the comment numbers referenced at each detail, or by marking the comments on
\'* each detail.
The PR may use ‘paste-on‘ comments where applicable to save time and to maintain uniformity of comments.
_..;- .
Recommended Guidelines on Structural Design
;._...>;.1 Peer Review of Structures 2015
'1 11:1 _. .
'3I~"$l r‘1:i":1"l.:-. -i --
=> /. , .. :-:-- .-
1 ;.:'¢\= ..
lA~18 \ V, -7
y> "
’-5?? ~2 32¢»
Examples of Reviewer’s Comments/Wordings
¢ Use speci c comments such as: “Show complete delails in accordance with your calczilarion in pages 1 7 to 24. “ .¢<"’=
i .,<;~
.... -.;
v Do not use vague comments such as: "Clari]fi> welding. "
= Avoid personaiized wording such as: “Your ccrlcnlarionsfor this connection is in error. " 1»
= Provide code references for comments whenever possible: “Provide additional lath Support at liorizontal sof ts per. . .” 1 54.?
» .”//3,..=. l ';><
= If the properties of an element were improperly used in calculations and the element is overstressed, the PR should write ’=’/c I 1 l Y/3
a comment on the sheet where the overstressed element is shown such as:"l/V18 .1" 36 over-s!re.s'sed. Reclzeclr Section 1%
.».. 1 l =<,<
Modulus used in calculation. See Al.S'Cpcige.... andyour calculation sheer F~l 9. ” ice;
0 The l°R can make independent calculations when portions of the design professional’s calculations are difficuit to foilow
~ ;»L 3.-v
or interpret: "Shear wall is oversfressco’ along Gricllinc-A, wall shears is in excess" to allowable by [3 lcN/in. ” ifs’
0 If the PR does extensive independent caiculations, then he or she must number the calculations in sequence and mark the 3.. 1
calculation page number on the comment to facilitate the back-check: Composite beam ovcrsrressecl, recheck design loads.
See page 28. ”
References, W g _
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lnc., Rccormnendecl Guidelines on Siructzwal Design Peer Review of
Siructiires. ASEP Committee on Design Peer Review 1999-2000 ll
Association of Structurai Engineers of the Philippines, inc., National SIruc'1‘ural Code of the Philippines 1992, Volume 1,
Fourth Edition -Y
- P2‘
Association of Structural Engineers of the Phiiippines, lnc., National Structural Code ofIlre Philippines 2001, Volume 1, Fifth
Edition .. _./< »» 7
as i '21’,
. 3".-57$ >7
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lnc., Nari0nalS1ruc!m-al Code ofthe Pliilippines 2010, Voiume l, Sixth
Edition .. /\
1.944» -Ii-
American Council of Engineering Companies of Connecticut - Structural Engineers Coaiition. Rccommenclcci Guidelines for
Pci_"forrning an Independent Sfrzrctural Engineering Review in the Stare of Connecticut. Document SEC/CT30i ~08.
'.=.->331 3 ’
American Concrete Institute, ACE 3l8 (2008). Building Code Reqi-rircmenfs for Structural Concrete (AC1 318-08) and 5:7/<1
(l _ 5.,
American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE 7 (2005), Minimunr Design Loadsfor Buildings and Other" Sirncizrres (ASCE/SE1 .. Q2. , I
" .
American Society of Civii Engineers, Ethics: Gzudelinesjor Professional Conducifor Civil Engineers. January 2008
Autodeslt, lnc., Ravi! Structure 2011 User 's Guide. I
CTBUH 8"‘ World Congress 2008, The Role ofPR in the Foimdotion Design of the World ’s Tallest Bzrilclings, Baker, Kiefer, % C
1» r,
Nicoson and Fahoum.
D. l\/Iatthew Stuart, Project Spec ic Peer Review Guidelines — /l Professor Oo'yssey, Structure Magazine August 2010.
Internationai Code Council, Uniform Building Code E997.
if 1,
IPENZ Practice Note O2, Peer Review »- Reviewing the work ofanother Engineer. ‘ '
l. I
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Report No. 2010/O5, Guiclelincsfor Peifoi-ii1aizce—Basccl S6'l.S'ITIlC Design of
/ .u=2'." .':+=a'i:_
Tall Buildings, Version LO, November 2010. . in.
>1 =1 it
.. "'5'
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APPENDEX I-B — Guicieiines and lmpiementing Rules on Earthquaite Recording instrumentation for Buildings I-B1
, "1’-;':€§I.:'§'.. 1/n(_ /_,\.,,.,,M\./_,._..,\ tn, __..,,,,. .\_._t _,. ,, ~_,,,_ ,_ ..‘_ .. x. , ,_ -r ,,\.. _,., .< Y .. \,,\-\\¢-_/-. ,.,_.__,_.-,.>,.v/,, .<,,<t,.,c,. ».,,t.///v..,4-ta/,t\.~t\_.W ,“,_\_,\W_>\_,,.
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e various types of buildings or relevant provisions in the
. -- -
Technology on building instrumentation for seismic NSC? have been amended, the waiver stated above is
#1 12%;? , ' monitoring has improved tremendously in the Past decade. temporarily suspended and buildings indicated in Table l
[‘\}§.......... . The purpose of this Guidelines and Implementing Rules on shall be provided with earthquake recording instruments.
Earthquake Recording Instrumentation for Buildings is to
~ ' ~I:- 4"; 5
it provide information on the specifications and uses of ASEP therefore deemed it necessary to improve our
<9 I
, u£-.~
earthquake recording instruments or buildings as provided understanding of the building response based on real
in Section 105.2 of the National Structural Code of the seismic event from local earthquake generators by
Philippines 2010 Volume l, Sixth Edition [NSCP 2010]. promoting earthquake recording instrumentation for
at é
-is .:;:=1:-1_
buildings as the NSCP provision was reiterated in the 2001
¢,,,,$- . -3- . The Guidelines and Implementing Ruleson Earthquake and 2010 Editions. Due to more recent developments in
Recording instrumentation for Buildings provide building instrumentation technology» a number of
earthquake instrumentation schemes for certain buildings instrumentations are available to obtain the building
to record building response during major seismic events for response, and satisfy and compiy with the objective of the
subsequent analysis. Adequate analysis of building NSCP Section 105 provisions. Hence, the requirement for
response during earthquake is an important parameter in three (3) acceierographs is further enhanced and modi ed
1._.:> building safety evaiuation in the con rmation and to consider the latest and economical building instruments,
resumption of operations. thus, the combination or combinations of accelerographs,
1;’ €:>?I
'2 accelerometers, velocity meters and data loggers are
instaiiation of earthquake recording instruments rst considered. To measure building response due to long
appeared in the National Structural Code ofthe Philippines period earthquakes and distant sources normaiiy critical to
‘ii 1992 Edition. At that period, structurai engineers were tall buildings, the addition of velocimeters is necessary.
sis mostly interested in the strength design capacity of the
W - buiidings based on seismic parameters provided in the To further address the disaster management effort in the
6 Uniform Building Code (UBC) of the United States, a country, essential facilities such as hospitais and some
/\‘ t
referral standard of the NSCP. This provision in the 1992 government buildings, which are important facilities in
>1 : NSC-P, however, was not enforced. Code developers disaster response, are recommended to be instrumented. in
.- ».1=E¢'. started to recognize the importance of not only strength but addition, with this new provision, building response from
255312;." serviceability in buildings as weil. The experiences from low-rise structures can be obtained to determine building
»_;-2,. .. the 1994 Northridge Earthquake in the US and the 1995 behavior due to near source or short period earthquakes.
\7 l 1‘-31'-. ‘---1'
Kobe Earthquake in Japan gave credence to these
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l-E52 APPENSIX l-8 - Guideiines and implementing Rules on Earthquake Recording Instrumentation for Buildings %>
--.~,./ , __
Section 102 of the National Building Code of the ACCELEROGRA?I~i are accelerograph records the
*'*‘?=i l 1
Philippines (PD 1096) states that “lt is hereby declared to acceleration of particles on the surface of the earth as at
be thepolicy ofthe State to sa egzlard life, health, property, function of time, which is called an accelerogram. The isféil
andpublic welfare, consistent with the principles ofsound accelerograph generally records three mutually st
environmental management and control; and to this end, perpendicular components of motion in the vertical and :2???
make it tliepzirpose ofthis Code to providefor all buildings two orthogonal horizontal directions.
and structures, a framework of mi:-zimuln standaroh and ‘?§l
t,/X _
reqzlirements to regulate and control their location, site, ACCELERATION is the rate at which the velocity of a 7/
design, quality of materials, construction, use, occupancy, particle changes with time.
and maintenance.” dl
ACCELEROiVIET.ER is an instrument used to measure 'E$”4'
in conformance thereto and as provided in the NSCP 2010, acceleration in the vertical and two orthogonal horizontal gl
5-2 -,
these Guidelines and Implementing Rules on Earthquake directions. An accelerometer has no built~in data recording
Recording instrumentation for Buiidings is developed to capacity and is attached to a multi-channel data logger or
improve the understanding of the actual dynamic behavior an accelerograph to record measured acceleration.
of buildings under earthquake loading and con rm the
design according to the NSCP. The recorded data can be ACCREDITED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER (ASE) is
used to improve the structural code thereby reducing toss a civil engineer with special quali cations to practice
l l
of lives and limbs as well as properties during future structural engineering with special training in earthquake v ll l
damaging earthquakes. The response data from several engineering and certi ed by ASEP. '1.~,,<ll
;{-e , l.l
buiidings in a particular area or several areas will also be wvlll
DAMPING is the energy dissipation properties of a
material or system under cyclic stress. ,,/ ,
!»(< I
DATA LOGGER is a data iogger is an electronic device t;§ll ‘
sell .
that records data over time or in relation to location either syn
w .
with a built in instrument or sensor or via external 4 l
an ..
"ll l
iii lll
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, inc. (ASEP) 1
grit 1
v:.~>*.v| .
rs APPENERX l-5 - Guicleiines and implementing Rules on Earthquake Recording instrumentation for Buildings i-B3
‘\’f .
DIS?LACEI\/IENT is the measured distance travelled by NATURAL FREQUENCY is the number ofwave cycles
3 particle from an initial position. per second which a system tends to oscillate in the absence
ir. fT>f§
Y/,3 of any driving or damping force.
y. ! 2»;.:;:
.34; re»
_ - ENViRONMENT is the aggregate of surrounding things,
V ;*
12/2 .,=;-4, .== . -
lg conditions, or in uences that may affect the operability of PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION {PGA} is the
.- a ‘T3
a?a.r/~:i: .*:;‘-:;*-'- .- i.
‘r i iv»'--j-“;-1;-'-
an instrumentation device such as accelerograph, maximum ground acceleration at a speci c location for the
i-;,-.....;- -
velocimeter, etc. time interval.
i ‘I
21.2: I
ERI. Earthquake Recording instruinentations. PERIOD is the time interval required for one fuil cycle of
is . =.=.
l ii a wave.
I“ FFT. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a numerical
egg: .
algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DPT) REFUGE AREA is an area inside a buiiding where people
and it’s inverse. Fourier analysis converts time to evacuate or assemble during a disaster or emergency i.e.
frequency and vice versa; an FFT rapidly computes such re, but not for earthquake.
transformations by factorizing the DPT matrix into a
product of sparse Factors. RESPONSE SPECTRUM is a plot of the peak or
amplitude of steady-state response (dispiacement, velocity
GALS is the unit measure of acceleration equivalent to or acceleration) of a series of oscillators of varying natural
. ,3‘(E
(l/l000)*g. Note that 1000 gals = lg. frequency that are forced into motion by the same base
vibration or shock.
g is acceleration due to gravity equais to 9.81 IT]/S2 or 32.2
ft/s2. SIR. Seismic Instrumentation Room.
-:':;;/z‘. ..
.~. .
:5: ; INTENSITY is a number (written as a Roman numeral) STRONG MOTiON is a ground motion of sufficient
describing the severity of an earthquake in terms of its amplitude to be of interest in evaluating the damage caused
effects on the earth‘s surface and on humans and their by earthquakes or nuclear explosions.
v TIME HISTORY is the sequence of values of any time-
INYENSZTY METER is an intensity meter records and varying quantity (such as a ground motion measurement)
-- " '.=';‘»-:1‘
< stores the various data that are associated with the reckoned at a set of {usually} equal time intervais.
i.»wa :2 ::-.1:_»‘.-.':r.-
€= ?:I>I'i ',.‘:’-1."-*' earthquake and that it can notify those data to host system
:' .1:
as it equips data communication function. In addition, it VELOCIMETER is an instrument used to measure
makes the “Earthcguake Eariy Warning System” workable velocity of a particle.
‘ with creating a system network by making use of optional
~( / “earthquake early detecting function.” VELOCITY is a measure ofthe rate ofmotion ofa particle
/ expressed as the rate ofchange of its position in a particular
i-B4 APF’ENDl>< I-B - Guidelines and implementing Rules on Earthquake Recording instrumentation €0r Buiidings / ,
f 5
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APPENUEX l~B ~ Guidelines and implementing Rules on Earthquake Recording Instrumentation for Buildings I-B5
‘ ~efe :<-’§.2’<’»“,?‘.
Floor / Lowest Basement; / lowest basement shall be 35
Middle Floor; and Floor Below installed. Output data to
Roof include velocity response s
spectra and pseudo velocity E?
Hospitals with 50-bed One (1) accelerograph or one (l) response spectra. Data logger
11. ii
5%-. i=
=2‘ i= capacity or more and accelerometer connected to a data to be part of the system. a
1— ..
Schools with 20 classrooms logger at Ground Fioor / Lowest With GPS capability.
I, or more but not less than Basement
\/NI1 three (3) storey high
\ ¥
C Commercial Buildings with One (1) accelerograpii or one (i)
occupancy of at ieast one accelerometer connected to a data
thousand (1,000) persons or logger at Ground Floor / Lowest
gross floor area of at least Basement QI>4.0VN\¢'Wl!f<£".V9'!Y:*t<¢I(./1
..~ s
ten thousand (10,000) a
square meters
Table l shows the types of buildings required to be i
I installed with earthquake recording instrumentation. The
»a---1---=. ..
requirements for installation of accelerograph are for
Q.l .. . .
‘$32! -j.=._ ;.- - _
buildings located in cities and municipalities within a 200 2
km radius from a Type A faults as speci ed in the NSCP
2010 and as indicated from the active fault maps issued by
the Philippine institute of Seismology and Volcanology
-4 -<
National Structural Code of the Phiiippines Volume l, 7th Edition, 2015
\, 1 ..,//w¢:>?;!;~{,:»--;
rs; ‘/
|~B6 AP¥=’END%>< I-B - Guidelines and implementing Rules on Earthquake Recording Instrumentation for Buildings
%~ '2 I:°_
For clustered buildings with completely similar design and For new buildings, the installation ofthese instruments
construction, it shall have a minimum of eighteen (18) shall form part of the requirements for Certi cate of is,“ l‘
ll Ԥ
channels with a common data logger. The location of the Occupancy issued by the Building Official. mi
3. Instrumentation of Selected Building. All owners of lter (50 Hz typical: l Hz=l cycle per second). Plots
existing buildings listed in Table i shall provide of the corrected acceleration, velocity, and 'I""'?’
accessible space for the instailation of appropriate displacements for each channel of recording are 2‘
earthquake recording instruments. Location of said prepared.
instruments shall be determined by an Accredited
Structural Engineer. 2. Response spectra are calculated for periods up to about
half of the long-period limit. Linear plots of relative-
For proposed buildings, the Accredited Structural acceleration response spectra and plots of pseudo- ..»:.q\~*..3 9.
Engineer shall include the layout, instrument acceleration response are prepared if speci ed to the
speci cations, instailation requirements, and location instrument supplier.
of the instrument in the structural plans submitted for
, ,:
building permit purposes. 3. Fourier amplitude spectra, calculated by Fast Fourier
Transform {FFT), are presented on linear axes and log- ‘lit
The actual installation of the instruments shall be log axes. These sets of processed data are then :,._,._i
veri ed by the Building Official. provided to the user for evaluation, assessment of »-Z’ ¢.
facilities and structures, and research. .-
For existing buildings without ERI, the installation of ril
these instruments shall form part of the requirements tilit
of the Annual Certi cate of Inspection issued by the ll
Building Official. ‘saints
» ;,4.>~ ;< ’:~z2‘
VJ .il
For existing buildings with ERI, the building owner .‘*!*-¢
shall be required to submit a certi cation from ASE ll
that the existing ERl conform to these guidelines. If Illr
t. E
the existing ERI do not conform to these guidelines, -3"’.-. ii
the building owner shall upgrade such ERI. ..
Association of Structural Engineers ot the Philippines, lnc. (ASEP) Isis:
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APPENDIX I-B — Guidelines and lmpiementing Rules on Earthquake Recording instrumentation for Buitdings -B
s» r~ jf}
STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS! - Continuous Monitoring: Capable for
‘RZ l E-
REQUIREMENTS FOR EARTHQUAKE continuous recording by minimum one (I)
" I7; ‘
.41‘ \
“bi 5¢ The foilowing are the minimum speci cations for = AD converter: 24 bit or better.
Q‘ --3;;
j1;;;- .j-'j
{$5 §;,._...t;-:»,.__»
cg 2
- - -. . Earthquake Recording Instruments to be used for
el i buildings listed in Table l. Timing.
Accelerographs/Accelerometers: 0 interval: Hair’ second or less.
’§’/ é‘_:‘_.€_;.:__::.:“‘.
§“ ' ._ ..
\ s_
0 Accuracy: Pius or minus 0.2 second per 100
"1? f
\<; ~;n¥'
o Minimum design life: Ten (10) years and seconds.
§¢-:.i:~>~1'---.- should be demonstrated and certi ed to have
a 40,000-hour mean time (minimum) 0 Type: GPS or NTP server.
yr between failures.
4i/< Triggering.
/A l i%‘(/>1 I Minimum of three (3) components - Verticai,
we age ~ .
Longitudinai and Transverse
Q Method: Pendulum or other device using
e Natural frequency: Above 50 Hz. earthquake motion as exciting force.
ii .“.I_i-=3-31331:‘
e Damping: Approximately 60 to 70 percent 0 Level: Acceierograph: 0.5 to 100 gals,
11%’ critical. nominal / Velocimeter: 0.005 mm/s to l
‘£' .
..> l
- = Sensitivity: i2000 gals or i2g (full scale/V)
i ?-2:alli ;:}‘:*1§'1:--I- ‘-1.
v Time: Fuil operation of acceierograph /
qr -l 0 Bandwidth: DC to 100 Hz velocimeter in not over 0.1 second after
X ,1j;=;;:I:§;:.--.1 I _.
= Environment: IP67 or better activation.
..I‘_:‘?Ey\¢4/V¢1 ea
e input Range: i2g - i6g Power.
Velocimeters 0 Battery maintained by trickle charger from
AC power and capable of powering the
ta: III
-2»,/, t
e Minimum of three (3) components - Verticai, acceierograph and veiocimeter for two (2)
II-./ 1, .-,=: ;=
-i-<=~ ’:=>====:sv5==;¢:;-2>&=1»..
Longitudinal and Transverse days after loss of power.
" >11‘? ii
.43 0 Natural frequency: Above 501-12.
» Cominunication
= Damping: Approximately 60 to 70 percent
/ ,. _
7” <;; ~.;
we 1; <:s.;.
critical. 0 Ethernet: 10 base~T or 100 base-TX
= Sensitivity: i2 m/s Q Protocol: TCP/ll” FTP/SFTP
.-1,1,: ,,, I .
= Bandwidth: 0.1 H2 to i00 H2
Records. When media is used for recording, a
4 s Environment: IP67 or better new media load shall be placed in the instruments
when the media remaining is Eess than i/3 of
\;~: -.
1" C. Data Logger / Recording. (Common for original load. For instruments, memory should be
‘A . . ..
Acceierographs/Accelerometers and Velocimeters ) copied out and emptied when the remaining
<1. amount is less than 1/3 ofthe original capacity.
116 ,~. -
1%?» -: -- = Sampting Frequency: A minimum of 100
:1 ..-,;.
samples per second. Refurbishing and Replacement. When the
instrument suppiier nds that the instrument must
= Time: From at least 20 seconds before the be removed from the building for repair, the
ground shaking begins until 30 seconds after instrument shall be replaced by a temporary
“Q '4‘>
1., . the last triggering level motion. identical instrument, and the permanent
Q RMS Noise: System noise shalt be iess than instrument shail be returned and made operative
.-\».-- 40 ug’s measured over 0 — 30 Hz. within 60 days from the removal date.
l-B8 APBENDIX l-B - Guidelines and Implementing Rules on Earthquaite Recording Instrumentation {or Buildings K55
i}'I'}\.~/A1: ..
4. Battery Inspection. The instrument shall be tested IX DATA RETRIEVAL AND ,/
The instrument shall be located so that access by Accredited Structural Engineer. The retrieval and
quali ed technical personnel is maintained at all times interpretation of the data shall be performed by an
and is unobstructed by room contents. A sign stating Accredited Structural Engineer. The data and
“MAINTAIN CLEAR ACCESS TO THIS interpretation of the building shall be submitted by the “A _
lNSTRU.MEN'I”’ shaii be posted in a conspicuous Owner to the DPWH for storage, post-earthquaire
location. N0 instruments shall be located in refuge safety evaluation of the building, and for emergency wet
response. 1 4%
The preferred locations of the instruments are in small, X DATA STORAGE AND ARCHZVING
seldom-used rooms or closets near a column (in a Z '
vertically aligned stack), with adequate space to Data storage and archiving shall be at the DPWH
securely mount the instrument and an approved Central Of ce or other data centers designated by the E
protective enclosure attached securely to the floor. The DPWH. The ASEP, upon written request to the . 71¢
locations shall be marked on the submitted structural DPWH, shall be provided the said data.
and architectural oor plans, and properly approved. I
Buildings with three (3) or more - -‘:$(>.4/
ground floor ievel. The locations of the instruments are Recording Instrumentation. The Certi cate must be
selected to provide the maximum information of the posted at the room/s where the instrument is located
building response from a major earthquake. Such and in a conspicuous place, properly
information wouid form part of the valuable data in protected/secured, in the ground floor lobby of the
understanding the building’s behavior during major building.
seismic event.
All instruments shall be installed with the same Building Owner, Building Official, and Supplier shall >121"
W5 ‘i
inspect, test, and commission the seismic monitoring ‘
orientation relative to the building, with the orientation 1
chosen such that the reference or long dimension of system together to ensure that the systems are in :<<2;l
the instrument is aiigned with a major axis of the proper operational condition and compiy with the
building. The orientation of the instrument shall be requirements of these guidelines. The Supplier must ”’§
clearly marked on the submitted structural plans. The submit a certi cate from the manufacturer that the
supplier-installer shall certify that the instruments are instrument is in good working condition.
*.~’}‘ .
oriented as per plan. I
The Building Owner shall be responsible for the
protection and maintenance of the site of the ERI as i 1<.
prescribed in these guidelines. /zl
..,.. .
APPENDIX I-B - Guidelines and Implementing Rules on Earthquake Recording Instrumentation for Buildings I B9
The seismic monitoring system shall have a
. . , l a4§=>§i§;i:=*‘335 maintenance clearance as per the requirement of the
=v.<=:g-: --.,;;_
., ~
i l§;._,.._..,__ . National Structural Code of the Philippines under
t- :o§
'."3:. ‘.
Section 105.2. "Maintenance and service shall he
provided by the owner of the building.”
1 . i:_:.___:. ‘I: ._ XiV. REFERENCES
1. D Skoiniket. al. A Quantitative Basis for Building
“Z Instrzimeniaifon Specz cations, NSF CMMI Research
Q and Innovation Conference, 2009 (Hawaii).
2~ M. Ceiebi. Seismic Instrumentation of Buildings:
5-*>-~ Special GSA/USGS PROJECT (2002).
We ‘E
:»v~\ 5
»‘~\“ 1; 3?
2 ' i£5i;fi:5¢:i=:I:j=.5¢-‘»::
.3- Guideline for ANSS Seismic Monitoring of
Engineered Civil Systems — Version 1.0.
4. National Building Code ofthe Philippines, PD 1096.
5 . National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP),
I Volume I, Buildings, Towers and Other Veitical
1; Structures, Sixth Edition, 20i0.
>1“/55 93‘I5r:I=,._.».-1
W/,~;~,; . ,
-:,.='-* ~;.1"
('.=/ ;
igj. 3:,-Z,‘
?tB‘:<§:1'i-‘.'i£€2 -:-
’ -»"I:=--.
7%‘ - =-<~..-.:-
-‘li éi ’
_..t.\ ‘ ‘>3? 1
. -333$
"=zl“/ ;:.~.-1:-;
->;>=§¢.<s<>=~i; . National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume E 7th Edition, 20€5
. ».» .1 , ';~\-&;\y¢+:!':1;~»:\::»»~»
"’~"'"»"'<'—""~" we " -1 " "="»»'=.-aw-t-,c, .-.. ‘N - ,. .»~ .1 MI/J¢-I/>\'-»~w 4-00¢! 1-Y~>Y ..w.....»..~ a /-M" _. W
IA/_ih>):’,‘I’H"f“_h/N3‘EI;:éH_hgWw4z_lL:/iu¥_YHI“‘_"$25_‘kK_W_ _»W
_ _ _ ;_:En/_ €A‘_
, p‘V%Ej¥u?"AY\"‘>I_i§€_Yd p
I;$7 ‘I:i'f"k/1H‘;I_;
;_ v“_‘"III{K_§:Jr“(_,1
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~ r
‘.E?.=f;‘¢' 5-
l.5 -=;""515
. .:1 NSCP C1 01 -1 5
_: “ '-
» '
<_=Zfg.;_._ --.::._;;; j'- $L 7 ——— W‘
~ _->;;j1~"'-:-;;_ -;.
3.1..” - , ..
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11.xii/<1:s‘ "'3‘QM
J!-< -'1.1-
5'!-:’»,1 - I
“gs?.',"’°~ %'9£IN\9‘9"
I. Emaii: §§Q()i‘|liE1E:((I}g_ j8ll.€OITl o ml 0
Website:http://www.asepon1ine.org %""~@"‘*“@
/,.~ l
WW . . .
--EIIM . 1. I: ' '
.=' J‘. .: -: .
I: , - =1 .
§If/ aw“
WImyw ,“ /\”u__ 0,“/4\K
,Ill‘‘ILi‘! 1
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.<»~e' A 0, .. .
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-’l
-~</. V 2 .~:
‘ ».~> Table of Contents
\ E 2'sEs£:;'r',-:= -- =~I'.--
i HO N 205 ........................................................................................................................................................................ .. 15
» =" _;LI¥ E LOADS.................................................................................................................................................................. .. vvvvv n 15
/2 1General ............................................................................................................................................................... .. 15
Critical Distribution of Live Loads .................................................................................................................... .. 15
/\ %szzz'»=.i:E:¢1.1&:1»1,'1€.
.3 Floor Live Loads ............................. .. . . . 15
,. §.=i€iziz:i:.£=;$5;-=1.%5=%i ‘ :i205.4 Roof Live Loads ................. 19
;¢ ::-::.::.-:::»':-:_-._.
V2 3'.'§§'§’§»§§§}3»:§5§§3I.3
Reduction of Live Loads .................... E9
~ 23£:£E:2=’:=:'-'5.1“=‘"-
;ats.=-I;:-s:;=s=.1.='_5;,':-_,'-=.-:_.,1_'-,:_1 Alternate Floor Live Load Reduction................................................................................................................. .. 20
as ';$'!;f|-1:11}-1:?-I-Z":I-2‘ :.-
"=‘%fs‘EcT1oi~i 206 .............................. ................ 21
5: ...
OTHER MIN£MUM LOADS ................................................................................................................................................. 21
--I’='£" 2
General ...................................................................................................................................................................... ..
Other ........................................................................................ ..
206.3 Impact Loads ................................................ ........................................................................................ ..
206.4 Anchorage of Concrete and Masonry Wa1ls.........
206.5 Interior Wali Loads ................................................................................................... ..
v 206.6 Retaining Walls ......................................................................................................... ..
‘fl l ., .,
~)7/l‘l‘ia ._ -- ' 2:.1;, ._.- 206.7 Water Accumulation ................................................................................................................................................. .. l\Jt\Ji\Ji\Ji\Jl\>i\) -.»m~».- ,-»
6, 2;;-:;..
W .. . -. 2.06.8 Uplift on Floors and Foundations .............................................................................................................................. .. 22
_ Crane Loads .................................... 22
$206.10 Heliport and ilelistop Landing Areas...... .............................................................................. 22
SEC Z ION 207 ................................................................................................................................................................. .. ----- -- 23
*~;,._. _ - = ='-
» E
Vi IND LOADS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
._,, lg. .
2~2 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
207D Wind Loads on Other Structures and Building Appurtenanccs - MWFRS i 19 ’:§?_g\\. , ”
207D.2 General Requirements ............................................................................ ..
207D.3 Velocity Pressure ..................................................................................................................................................... .. l l9 .-mi
207D.4 Design Wind Loads ~ Solid Freestanding Walls and Soiid Signs......... 122 ». M.
207D.5 Design Wind Loads——Other Structures......................................... .......................................................................... .. \
207D.6 Parapets ................................................. ......................................................................... ..l23 -slim ‘
20713.8 l\/Einimurn Design Wind Loading ........................... 126
2075 Wind Loads — Components and Cladding (C&C) ............................................................................ .. .\/
..~.¢,b. %'.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lnc. (ASEP) E5
"— ,_
4,;/_ . -- v,\q;}_.,-,,\_=;.\...
'=~ < "$<‘~*,‘f‘.
' :'‘ w
iv/Q2 * De nitions ............................... ....................... ...................... ..................... ................ 184
, ,2 ~ \;='\»
»:;v,,<”< E Symbois and Notations........ . .................... ...................... ................ .. . .184
-w e ->5»
1 Basis for Design ............................................................................................................................ .. 185
11-‘ <33‘?-:1-9;Y“‘:N f‘
»» ll
Minimum Design Lateral Forces and Related E1°fects...... . ....................................................... .. 2l2
Earthquake Loads and Modeling Requirements....... . . .......... ..2l9
293'-,7 Detailed Systems Design Requirements ............................ .... . ......22l
Non-Building Structures .................................................................................
e Lateral Force on Elements of Structuies, Nonstiucturai Components and Equipment Supported by Structures......23I
, W? '-
‘ensii 0 Alternative Earthquake Load Procedure.................................................................................................................. ..236
4 TIO’\l
i 209 .... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... 236
'.§;'Q?'¢ I
it ,, V K»/f
LATERAL LOADS........... .... ...... . . . .. ...... .... ..............236
it (Q/~,;<-\§~.,,., .
xiiil W Generai . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . ..236
. Q§ll Y ' '
l ‘I -.
..... ..... .... .... ....... ..... ..... 238
l I 1%Ȥy;=;;>.;-;.;-;;--.-.---:-. -. = .-
135% 1l it %a /~)\,-.:-r,\‘\‘E'-"'.
3:"i‘%"i i ‘ :
_ji;g}giNL0Ans........... .... ..... ...... ...... .... .... ..... ....... .................23s
\\\ l
Qa; 7¢)§\,\jE§l5;E _
RoofDminage . .. . . ............................................................................ ..238
1"-F-<_~¢ .~ :§f'2= 1.9- l
. W Design Rain Loads .. . .. .................................................238
d"/I-\-‘L:-r'\:1;'~'=§'~§:-5: -‘-I-Z102
.. ..~ l ii
fi¥‘¥?i='P9i3 Ponding Enstabiiity ............................. .. . . ..
Controlled Drainage ........................................................
- l ' 5Msw-'.<--.
I N. t_
.1.’ Q. l
' ;z¢,;=:i
;sSECTION .... ...... .... ....
-.1»-i T; ‘ 5,2§:s:;:~:s_~:v;’£:-1-I
:"@=~ ;\~¢;~@=;>='.-'=\~v;<»=¢
LOADS ..... ...... ..... ....
,V <_.//&i.\.:Y=;:e$$:==<.:»;_:;:::
; ~¢_~;=;?,r<e;=~=_»><=:=.-=-;=,=.
,._>.i, i — -//:<s »'->-:\=~:<i¢';*»‘: 1's.=;z
211%: i M. \=:.-¢:~.~=-.».»=-.v.,\. Geuerai ............ . .. . . .. ....................... .. ... ......238
_ 1 :,',i_=¢.~\>./.~_-,.'.~'_;»~,;»,-,.'_».'.»;
De nitions ...... .... .. . ... ......................... ........ ..238
. .~,@:».>,’¢,~:;:_~.-:;:.'.».»;¢.-V.
i /135' —' ¢ \~.\\-:<.~;;;.-kt,-,:.\-s,;;¢=.--,.~.» g
is ‘-
w*to Design Requirements ............... . . .. . ... . . .....239
Loads During Flooding . .. .. .. . . .....24O
. ~/ t-/>.»»*\/,-=t"~’!.~.. .. Establishment of Flood Hazard Areas ............... ...................... ....................... . .....242
_ /, Wm. Design and Construction ......... ........................ ..................... .......................... ....242
/st / v ‘
6< Flood Hazard Documentation.................................... .................... ........................ ........................... ...... ..242
/», /Ni: I.» 1,
Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents . . ....................... .. ....................... ......... .. 243
\‘,, * §\
;~:~»~’s;:: ’ . .. v
~ \\* ~s 2
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¢/51%! "_ ;, s . .. . 1 .
I“"“"’iE72i11iW¢“~$‘~*¢-’~7,’ '~ ,‘;'>Z§\-\.\ .\.\
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2 I.".{j.I,. *@~£w+~4».~w~/A-;~:\ ~
E /*
.>< \ \.-.-.-,. -/=‘_: .:.:_;_;_,:v.:.
V \ _ \ ,, l , \ \
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/ \~
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; -¢:.~:1:*<.-
. gs?
1-.3>€\T\ *3l
" “El
» §/Y
fi‘-‘I5-2:-ii ‘I
._ .4,‘
. \/\4
= -15%;:
.- erg,
' *YI3="I?:=-: :1 '
'- 3%
.. » vi.»
in above the ground in Exposure C (see Section 207'A.7.3) 3%
as determined in accordance with Section 207A.5.l and 5f\ .3
associated with an annual probability of 0.02, (i.e. 50-year
<1 1
mean recurrence interval). »\
1:’ I
BEARING WALL SYSTEM is a structural system that
=9?/-1 '
does not have a compiete vertical load-carrying space
frame. See Section l
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lnc. (ASEP) ,1; -:_ l
CHAPTER 2 »- Minimum Design Loads 2-5
.. ,_
I-2% . a-,-;
...f ',’»:>;/';'»===r»=.== E611-‘...
< 2» .. . . .
. ']fB()UNi)ARY ELEMENT is an element at edges of percentage of openings in the balance of the building
. ..“'i§ enings or at perimeters of shear walls or diaphragms. envelope does not exceed 20 percent.
- ’ p
.- .: .
.-W ‘K:
-@ir1'5i‘==:'-';1=;1£.1z;;: z:.= BRACEI) FRAME is essentially a vertical truss system of These conditions are expressed by the following equations:
:53 1,;-... . . ‘the concentric or eccentric type that is provided to resist
flateral forces. l. A0 > 1. 10140;
_, . -. ' /BUILDING FRAME SYSTEM is essentially a complete 2. A0 > smaller of (0. 5 m2 or 0. 01/lg)
‘space frame that provides support for gravity loads. See
é~‘>-5”" ‘=55? .. 2 '
Section 20S.4.6.2. 3. A0,/Agi g 0.20
seen; BRACED WALL LINE is a series of braced wall panels
. See symbois and notations.
-in a single storey that meets the requirements of Section
A .
_,_ .
z =é>~.~.~-:1 '* "
i .
:~I:1'i'i§E3II:I? "31
/El is
liter i?»:>‘>}~:"‘-:1
pf’ L~:'\':*‘l'. .
National Structurai Code of the Philippines Volume l, 7th Edition, 2015
2~6 CHAPTER 2 ~ ¥\/linimum Design Loads .i;’».§" ~. 1%.
.1->~ .i
:s :6
‘_<}§i »
the top of the foundation to the underside of fioor framing edge nailing at supporting members only. Biociting -A l
for the lowest occupied level. between supporting structural members at panel edges is ?
DECK is an exterior floor system supported on at least two DUAL SYSTEM is a combination of moment-resisting ~/
. W/r“
opposing sides by an adjacent structure and/or posts, piers, frames and shear waiis or braced frames designed in
accordance with the criteria of Section 208/1.6.4. l
or other independent supports.
DESIGN BASES GROSND MOTION is that ground EAVE HEIGHT is the distance from the ground surface
motion that has a .10 percent chance of being exceeded in adjacent to the building to the roof cave line at a paiticuiar é’
50 years as determined by a site-speci c hazard analysis or wail. If the height of the cave varies along the wall, the 5?
average height shaii be used. A =2
may be determined from a hazard map.
DESIGN FORCE is the equivaient static force to be used ECCENTR§CALLY BRACED FRAME (EBF) is a ii,»
in the determination of wind loads for open buiidings and steel-braced frame designed in conformance with Section Z
-I.Ii=1'>~',, 4/2'»
other structures. 528. >9
DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRUM is an elastic EFFECTIVE WIND AREA is the area used to determine 4'”
'==.~;$ ~./
response spectrum for 5 percent equivalent viscous GCP. For cladding fasteners, the effective wind area shall ..,~,;
~'-we E;
damping used to represent the dynamic effects of the not be greater than the area that is tributary to an individuai -2 ’.':':é\ t
Design Basis Ground Motion for the design of structures in fastener. '_~,\<§/'/ i
accordance with Sections 208.5 and 208.53. I:5.?s?l
ELASTIC RESPONSE PARAMETERS are forces and .;\7§ l
DESIGN SEISMIC FORCE is the minimum total deformations determined from an elastic dynamic analysis =::<5'§, 1
strength design base shear, factored and distributed in using an unreduced ground motion representation, in
accordance with Section 208.5. accordance with Section 11$“
DESIGN PRESSURE is the equivalent static pressure to ESCARPMENT, also i<nown as scarp, with respect to \<
be used in the determination of wind loads for buildings. topographic effect in Section 20"/‘A.8, is a cliff or steep A »el1.,
slope generally separating two levels or gently sloping F?st
DIAPHRAGM is a horizontai or nearly horizontal system areas (see Figure 207A-8-1).
acting to transmit iaterat forces to the vertical resisting
seaa eatse ism tenaerx‘
wi ._
elements. The term "diaphragm" includes horizontal ESSENTIAL FACILITiES are buildings, towers and war
bracing systems. other verticai structures that are intended to remain
operational in the event of extreme environmental loading
l Wk
DIAPHRAGM, BLOCKED is a diaphragm in which all from wind or earthquakes. heit
sheathing edges not occurring on framing members are /3%‘
supported on and connected to blocking. FACTORED LOAD is the product of a load speci ed in
Q l
Sections 204 through 208 and a load factor. See Section si zii lt
‘§1Ve§ €6>$A\<§Y §£
A ssoctation
' ' otStructura| En gt‘nears ofthe Phil‘ipp ine s, |nc.(/XSEP} i_._
#§ §$§;\YR\§
» ‘ii-i§f|§§LEXIBLE ELEMENT or SYSTEM is one whose HILL, with respect to topographic effects in Section
..\"a‘i >?”{%"<{$‘§*4? ‘§~‘§~ Ztj<’~I§:\? Z }-:=‘Z'=.!{ i.s/ '.:1<>ec<.-»:;>a:~4, g;-i1».:*,”“<I‘»~1»;i‘~.-<4I!°»'=
=ii1.t‘;liit2lT)i'l11£1il()I‘l under iateral load is significantiy larger than 207/\.8, is a land surface characterized by strong relief in
~;?3§ ; I Qjj
'l§:fIfI;: iljoiitiiig parts of tbe system. Limiting ratios for de ning any horizontal direction (Figure 207A.8-2).
l_' W1;-:s=,.\;;
i, i .., ,_ §i§3;speci c exible elements are set forth in Section 208.5. l .3.
/gi l
ti .,.'g\ =»_ -; .
wall '.;;j'1?'OREST enonucrs nesaancn AND truss system that serves the same function as a diaphragm.
/,*7 ll
Vgxfgxv. ;.§_:;_1;jev'nL0PMENT INSTITUTE (FPIGJI) is the
~\ l
I /in it
iijiepartiiieiit of Science and Technology’s (DOST’s) Il\/I£’ACT-RESISTANT COVERING, is a covering
as l
_"--.=.:'-,:-fesearcli and development arm on forest products designed to protect glazing, which has been shown by
e \, -Iutilization. It is mandated to conduct basic and applied testing in accordance with ASTl\/i E1886 and ASTM
;i 55;}?
iesearcii to heip the wood»using industries disseminate E1996 of other approved test methods to withstand the
~15 l
ask it
""i:ii3l’()I'I‘l‘l21lIl()i‘l and technologies on forest products to end impact or wind-borne debris missiles likely to be generated
LlS€I‘S. in wind~bo1'ne debris regions during design winds.
II :4 ATREEROOF is a roof with a con guration generally IMPORTANCE FACTOR is a factor that accounts for
a{$1134 i§,_cont'orming to those shown in Figures 20713.4-4 through
' the degree of hazard to human Eife and damage to property.
~.=;;:,;;.~;__;;§:2@7B.4-6 (monoslope, pitched, or troughed) in an open
{building with no enclosing walls underneath the roof INTERMEDIATE MOMENT RESISTING FRAME
‘$19.1-.. ' =~ 1' 1.1 i$Ui‘i‘i1CB.
.:,)~l,_ >1»-~ ~.: (IMRF) is a concrete frame designed in accordance with
1-aw: - .
Section 412.
Q3, \,.
CARAGE is a building or poition thereof in which motor
. veliicie containing fiammabie or combustible liquids or gas LATERAL-FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM is that part
. ._ in its tank is stored, repaired or kept. of the structurai system designed to resist the Design
éVa Seismic Forces.
‘§Ij"?3I1§:'i‘3§:GARAGE, PRIVATE, is a building or a portion of a
zbuilding, not more than 90m2 in area, in which only motor LIMIT STATE is a condition beyond which a structure or
gveliiclesused by the tenants of the building or buildings on member becomes un t for service and is judged to be no
it -qthe premises are kept or stored.
longer useful for its intended function (serviceability limit
state) or to be unsafe (strength limit state).
-.-av , GLAZING is a glass or transparent or translucent plastic
sheet used in windows, doors, skyiights, or curtain walls. LIVE LOADS are those ioads produced by the use and
' /1
‘ occupancy of the building or other structure and do not
GLAZING, §MPAC'I‘-RESISTANT is a giazing that has inciude dead load, construction ioad, or environmental
ea been tested in accordance with ASTM EE886 and ASTM loads.
i - -‘Z3121
E1996 or other approved test methods to withstand the
5-! . .. impact of wind-borne missiles likely to be generated in LOADS are forces or other actions that result from the
wind-borne debris regions during design winds. weight of all building materials, occupants and their
possessions, environmental effects, differential
GLUED BUILT-UP MEMBERS are structural elements, movements, and restrained dimensional changes.
\\\\\\xx the section of which is composed of built-up lumber, wood Permanent loads are those loads in which variations over
structural panels or wood structural panels in combination time are rare or of small magnitude. All other loads are
with lumber, ail parts bonded together with structural variable loads.
.5 adhesives.
GRADE (LUMBER) is the classification of lumber in (LRFB) METHOD is a method of proportioning and
it regard to strength and utiiity in accordance with the designing structural elements using ioad and resistance
grading rules of an approved lumber grading agency. factors such that no appiicable limit state is reached when
the structure is subjected to all appropriate load
combinations. The term “LRFD" is used in the design of
<, steel structures.
-sag. 1-. . -.
staph .
»'/\\~ 5
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume E, 7th Edition, 2015
NOMINAL LOADING is a design load that stressed a RIDGE, with respect to topographic effects in Se
member or fastening to the fuli allowable stress tabuiated 20'/‘A 8, 1S an eiongated crest of a hlii characterire
in this chapter. This ioading may be applied for strong relief in two directions (see Figure 207A 8 l)
approximately IO years, either continuously or
cumulatively, and 90 percent of this load may be applied ROTATION is the torsional movement of a diaph
for the remainder of the life of the member or fastening. about a vertical axis
NOMINAL SIZE (Lumber) refers to the commercial size SHEAR WALL is a wait designed to resist lateral I
designation of width and depth, in standard sawn iumber parallel to the plane of the wall (sometimes referred
and glued iaminated lumber grades; somewhat larger than verticai diaphragm or structural wall)
the standard net size of dressed iumber.
OPENINGS are apertures or holes in the building uses combinations of shear walls and frames desig r
envelope that allow air to flow through the building resist lateral forces in proportion to their reiative rigi t
envelope and that are designed as “open” during design considering interaction between shear waits and frain
winds as defined by these provisions.
ESIIEATHING is a iayer of boards or ofother wood or fiber STRUCTURE is an assenibiage of framing members
it rmaterintg applied to the outer studs, joists, and rafters of a designed to support gravity loads and resist iaterai forces.
ini Structures may be categorized as building structures or
building to strengthen structures and serve as a base for an
g:,<;==:_-.-_. . .- exterior
» weatiierproofcladding. nonbuilding structures.
‘SHEATHING, WALL is a layer of boards or of other STRENGTH DESIGN is a method of proportioning and
- F’-Ii-1":=' ' if wood or " ber materials used to cover the wall studding. designing structural members such that the computed
forces produced in the members by the factored load do not
fl STRUCTURAL GLUEI)-LAMINATED TIMBER is exceed the member design strength. The term strength
.i .. . - any member comprising an assembly of laiuinations of design is used in the design of concrete structures.
I /
“lumber in which the grain of all laininations is
5:93;‘ '2; .- ‘:-
“approximately parallel longitudinally, in which the TOWERS AND OTHER STREECTURES are
- laminations are bonded with adhesives. nonbuilding structures including poles, masts and
billboards that are not typicaliy occupied by persons but are
35;‘ SUBDIAPHRAGM is a portion of a diaphragm used to also covered by this code.
transfer wall anchorage forces to diaphragm cross ties. It
\Y$€ Wreas aiso refers to a portion of a larger wood diaphragm TREATED WOOD is wood treated with an approved
§~>§>"i-1: - - designed to anchor and transfer Eocal forces to primary preservative under treating and quality control procedures.
Eeis ii
diaphragm struts and the main diaphragm.
. SOFT STOREY is one in which the lateral stiffness is less frame designed to carry verticai gravity loads.
than 70 percent of the stiffness of the storey above. See
WA$ Table 208-9. WALL ANCHORAGE SYSTEM is the system of
eiements anchoring the wall to the diaphragm and those
.7 SPACE FRAME is a three-dimensional structural system, eiements within the diaphragm required to develop the
Q: without bearing wails, composed of members anchorage forces, including sub-diaphragms and
N interconnected so as to function as a complete self- continuous ties, as speci ed in Sections and
contained unit with or without the aid of horizontal 208."/.2.8.
/A ’diaphi-agms or oonhracing systems.
<.¢ WALL, BEAR1NG is any wali meeting either of the
/.» lSPEC¥AL CONCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME following classi cations:
,2 ;:‘==‘.=E1=:';==':; " 5 . .
f(SCBF) is a steei-braced frame designed in conformance
'2-f_.witl1 the provisions of Section 526. l. Any metal or wood stud wall that supports more than
1.45 i<N/in of vertical load in addition to its own
_ ~»~
jis a moment-resisting frame specially detailed to provide
ductiie behavior and comply with the requirements given 2. Any masonry or concrete wall that supports more than
in Chapter 4 or 5. 2.90 kN/in of vertical load in addition to its own
moment-resisting frame specially detailed to provide WALL, EXTERIOR is any wall or eiement of a wall, or
at ductile behavior and comply with the provisions of Section any member or group of members, that de nes the exterior
525. boundaries or courts of a building and that has a slope of
60 degrees or greater with the horizontal plane.
STOREY is the space between ievels. Storey x is the
.58? storey beiow level x. WALL, NONBEAIEENG is any wall that is not a bearing
STOREY DRIFT RATIO is the storey drift divided by
g-I the storey height. WALL, PARAPET is that part of any wall entirely above
the roof line.
STOREY SHEAR, Vx, is the summation of design lateral
Q .<
' -4‘;
se‘ Ea
forces above the storey under consideration. WALL, RETAINING is a wall designed to resist the
/e;|2i§--.1-:~.:--::;:;. 5 ;.= :- lateral dispiacement of soil or other materiais.
_.3T_RENGTH is the capacity of an eiement or a member to
~~j.~i;,es1st factored load as speci ed in Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and WEAK STOREY is one in which the storey strength is
¢ L... .. . _.
less than 80 percent of the storey above. See Table 208-9.
~~2:ra _ .
’” National Structural Code of the Philippines \/oiume l, 7th Edition, 2015
z ~ _\~ : v,::::.:-.
;=’£i>§;23;§,;;:-:-._‘ _ _
:§»7;;‘Z ~12: .1
1; :—
2-10 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
l. Within 1.6 km of the coastal mean high water line 203.1 General ‘E
side on which it occurs is heartwood. Recognized species 203.2 Symbols and Notations i =-
D = dead load qg
¢ Termite resistant: Narra, Kainagong. can be developed in the structure as set forth iE=
in Section 208.6.l I
WOOD STRUCTSRAL PANEL is a structural panel F x load due to uids with well-defined
product composed primarily ofwood and meeting the UBC pressures and maximum heights
\e‘>g‘Y:».\~’i -t.'m:{‘"'“'m,°=\=i.-. -
Standard 23—2 and 23-3 or equivalent requirements of H x ioad due to lateral pressure of soil and water (21:1 aeg- F151:-2
Philippine National Standards (PNS). Wood structurai in soil =
.~.-/1 ,..~ —§;ri;'
panels include all-veneer plywood, composite panels L = live ioad, except roof live load, including ,
containing a combination of veneer and wood-based any permitted live load reduction jg?
'.-*ii:'§~"<‘i 5*
material, and mat-formed panel such as oriented stranded L,. = roof live load, including any permitted live \-E éi
,, ,
board and wafer board. load reduction / v
P m ponding load /
WYTHE is the portion of a wall which is one masonry unit R 2 rain load on the undeflected roof
in thickness. A collar joint is not considered a wythe. T 7. self-straining force and effects arising from
¢I'1f\‘,\'.:'.<:-3/($4.,.7;4q¢;::/gag/,~»\-34,._:/,_./#4‘~g,‘~<l-}q¢_;;,-.-<..§;¢/§<¢~y—:»;\< ';,\~<~,~qr~_*~::t=:~:v~s:51*>':a2r:'~$_;4$r::{</51%
contraction or expansion resulting from ~
>.r-;;<::"-¢;i>i~‘¢.::\sv;";§, ~:‘=, -;-<1-.;.».-1,-,§,»'~-;2:,,__,_t ?< ~ 1. ,5, ; ~'i%_1.{I_\ :~;»>. is
s =-_;:;<»:,_~~;;=.,;»:.\,t§:;;;=
6/ ,;=-1%»;-: 5.}/(¢\—v:‘1$//:N‘rv’§~§}i)~;;'->'!¢'\:;,:/Pf,Z ., ;_ty;;_.»“Mac v~ ,- temperature change, shrinkage, moisture /
change, creep in component materials, V
movement due to differential settlement, or
combinations thereof =>-,£ - ;‘=;—
3 L,
..¢"\~; :=
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.1,»5,- - i».|.
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' -\,;_l~ ‘l '
N751 K‘5
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it E
i .i
at 1'
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vlg 2
Association of Structural Engineers ofthe Philippines, lnc. (ASEP)
‘:1:. l
wt/4-W _
=;=,=r- “'1 elm; (
,// t rs/A
\ Load Combinations using Strength Design or No increase in allowable stresses shall be used with these
-'E'Z'}'!‘ '1 =1
é Load and Resistance Factor Design load combinations except as specifically permitted by
Section 203.4.2.
as 4;/E33 -'3 -1
Basic Load Combinations
,/ 203.4.2 Alternate Basic Load Combinations
design or load and resistance factor design
WW lg"/'
structuies and all poitions thereof shall resist the In lieu of the basic load coiribinations specified in Section
effects from the following combinations of 203.4.l, structures and portions thereof shall be penriitted
» 1* /{ \R~:?€?‘
.¢*-¢£-~'@='P./:»i;‘:r.\'~¢>_=' ;-'
-' -- -.
loadsr to be designed for the most critical effects resulting from
¢W/ ' .=;--
- the following load combinations. When using’ these
V ,1/>::s;:, :- _ _ alternate basic load combinations, a one-third increase
/:1“ li% M f ‘ '
shall be permitted in allowable stresses for all
l ii? combinations, including W or E.
5%’ i ii‘
4% ill (203-2)
@‘ it
we X“! ‘I
i>+H+i=+o.7s[L+i'.,(0.owm~ é) (20343)
.:-u iii;/
~,% axis" ’s‘
W (203—3)
o. 6D + 0. ow + H (203-14)
l-.zn + 1. ow + fl]. + 0. srt, or R)
lliil (203-4)
‘ii \4Il\‘§.'E-E‘,-»$31351-=-:==.
- - . .-
:~ =-:--.: 1 -. - ..-'--::- '-
‘ E +11
14- (203-15)
~ "¢"<<\\7 I "->'¥"~ . . .
»i~ 1. on + fl]. (203-5)
iil%~¢“/ , . . . (203%) D-l~L+(Lr0rR)
‘W (203-16)
_, are/5 * ~\
+ 1. ow + 1. on
>. 97?‘
.,.\_,4' i
:.\~,/5 .
W ‘¢»’;>’///’/131131/i; ) .
D+L+0.6W (203—l7)
=s»».-~:t,g/.-1. _ - + 1. GE + 1.61; (203-7) E
:15? D + L +14
-- ( 203-18 )
7% ' l%<7'>2.\‘7"' /K" '.(~".;'§-<\’I = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, E.rcepz‘icn~1.'
for live ioads in excess of 4.8 kPa, and for
A‘ garage live load, or Crane hook loads need not be com hinezi’ will: rooflive load
.9 0.5 for other live loads or with more than one-/zalfofthe wind load.
. {Q
,, ll ,:,t .I\;f\_;};;‘.':?
" - ,;sf';§~:5<<i;'~2~'
-'»'>‘ll‘ >"~¢\»"\w./\
iill >§1;:*.::'.‘-
Basic Load Combinations For both allowable stress design and strength design for
i we-.~.a:-/~§~=».-~:1~11"'* “ =
l concrete, and Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
- \/ allowable stress or allowable strength design is and Allowable Strength Design (ASD) for steel, the
;>.:-=~“/E31 X and all portions thereofshall resist the most following special load combinations for seismic design
l effects resulting from the following combinations shall be used as specifically required by Section 208, or by
Chapters 3 through 7.
~</all 1
(203-8) 1.21) + fit + 1. 05,, (203-19)
. W . . +H+F+L+T (203~9) 0.90 + 1. oi2,,, (203-20)
. wi " - --‘:3
. -.2»i§
i; “Kilt
..~.,-<2.-/W W
. as i
——'.~‘&% I
// M
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I. 7th Edition, 20t 5
\~.-Z~.~ "
ea i \,'~e.w£;,~y'
@139 1;; '~ '\‘
' 1'/'Z;¢£’;
'=‘-W .21 '>ze@.-'55,;. “way:-
1..i:r.¢ss.<.;;,;/,,:;. 5/~"’:-"-I " -- »_- , .
where ..$.lF%€?Tl9?ii3@4...i
f1 = 1.0 for oors in places of public assembly, ‘DEADILQAQSi€i’i'M" "
for live loads in excess of 4.8 l<Pa, and for 204 1 Gene! al
garage live load, or
0.5 for other live loads Dead loads consist of the weight of all materials
am= the maximum effect of horizontal and construction incorporated into the building or
vertical forces as set forth in Section 208.6.l structure, including but not limited to walls, floors,
ceilings, stairwa)/S, built-in Partitions, nishes,
and other similarly incorporated architectural
structural items, and xed service equipment including
weight of cranes.
Exception :
, kt/I
31-Z’-,1‘. 5
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lac. (ASEP) .-.\/\
. '."§€*W
-‘mg./~, .~
~ \<;.\$4,;_t-,._» V
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<4 </ \
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CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-13
we '
s; ~s,\.~,v:=,w.<'.;¢=,=;-.=...t;===..<==
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11. Table 204-l Minimum Densities for Design Loads from Materials (1(NlIT13)
T3?’ .
* 1 , __;iJiiiJfJ- -
r rrrrrW * ,
, l‘l _ DC1'1Si1.y Material Density
i ,.
26.7 Lime
,3 l §?;¢¢'5&.é'><§‘»,»\€7i“-‘-ii,”/. ‘ .“32:' I Hydrated, loose 5.0
all E2.7 Hydrated, compacted 7.1
3E‘=‘I§_§-;.;zf;:-:;',Graphite 21.2 Masonry, Ashlar Stone
Granite 25.9
Petro1eum,crude 8.6 Li1nesto11c,ctysta§iinc 25.9
Petroleum, re ned 7.9 Limestone, oolitic 21.2
{Q E 2~/1,. ->.»-~ -Petroleum,benzinc 7.2 Marble 27.2
Petroleum. gasoline 6.6 Sandstone 22.6
.,.st, Pitch ........ 10.8 Masonry, Brick
fur 11.8 Hard, low absorption 20.4
Medium, medium absorption l8.l
’ -i<-’>\‘.-‘.‘.»\‘.\*,‘-»'--. 86.7 Soft, high absorption E5.7
:é"§;jgi"gt§sto§1e masonry (cement. stone, sand)
-' 22.6 Masonry, Concrete (solid portion)
: ':t_Ien_ict1t. portland. loose 14.1 Lightweiglil units .... 16.5
.§& ,‘ l é . ;?_:_£?e~ttmictla¢ 23.6 Medium weight units 19.6
:;_§i}iarcoal 1.9 Normal weight units 21.2
/., _ -,=<_ ..;_<. -: ~;t_§§in:ders.dry.it1b11lk 7.1 Masonry grout 22.0
-.’/.7’- ./--\==;<-\;;:;--,.
1‘\£\* ..
,:;~- -1 ,...~./-.;-3;
Masonry, Rubble Stone
2 ;’<&>),\ Anthracite, piled 8.2 Granite 24.0
Bituminous, piled 7.4 Limestone, crystalline 23.1
.< Limestone, oolitie
Lignite, piled ...... .. 7.4 21.7
. /.... . Marble 24.5
Peat. dry, piled 3.6
Sandstone 0 ¢ ...... 21.5
plain Mortar, cement or lime
; 1 \ ...... 20.4
' »:4>.»;‘<=»:»"*.’;>>>~=.:=\-:.".-2"
':1.’{.~‘§i- 1 iixpandcchslagaggregate . 15.7 Particle board 7.1
'— Plywood . 5.7
lilayditebumed-clay aggregate 14.1
4 Riprap, not submerged
t4<=~_ 1< -.-=.'=:=-,_: .
\ :.., ; , 22.6 Limestone 13.0
sf 5
Vermiculite and perlite aggregate, nonload-bearing .....3.9-7.9 Sandstone 14.1
:. r '
:Ot1u:r tight aggregate, toad bearing ................... ..l 1.0-36.5 Sand
' reinforced Clean and dry l4.l
‘ ~. = - /y;-s>>:ii*:.~:.~:.»>;-.-.-.-<.:=;:;.;;¢=,;.;=,;;:.
~==>>i _-
'.~*:r2¢ ' ' 1 7.4 River, dry 16.7
Stone, includinggravel 23.6
. <’44:I'.~:§;§r;:s:::s::g;:;:;:=5
Bank l 1.0
.»~,W; . 4»...-_..,.,..,....,...,,..-..
87.3 Bankscrccnings . , 17.0
vvmvrvml 2-2 Machine l5.l
not submerged Sand 8.2
.:v:' .
-\/- 1
\.”‘ Clay. dry . 9.9 27.0
-- W
Clay, damp 37,3 Steci,cold»drawn 77.3
Clay and gravel, dry 15.7
2.11, >2 ‘J-::.,¢ Stone, quarried, piled
$,.{\ .; 2': Silt, moist, loose 12.3
Basalt, granite, gneiss 15.1
Silt, molshpackeci 15,3
Limestone, marble, quartz 14.9
1:1.-s<t l Silt. flowing 17.0 Sandstone
..’.< 12.9
Sand and gravel, dry, loose 15.7
Shale ..... 14.5
l Sand and gravel, dry, packed 17.3
Greenstonc,l1ornblencle 16.8
Sand and gravel, 18.9
;/.... Terracotta, architectural
/i /...<‘Ei:1. . Efllllll Submerged
\ . Voids lled .......... 18.9
Clay 12.6
i Voids un lled . 1 1.3
'~/:"~%li S011 E1_(]
Iiiiz ll Rivermud E41 72.1
Sand or gravel 9.4 Water
-' .- - -. . Sand orgravel and clay 10.2 9.3
:-;_ . _.
-= - Glass
"'»-4.\~‘?>t-i-I-~5-::-:1: :;"
’-:>-:-=l?'$:?'5I:-5'5‘. .
' 170$-' 1 Fiwvcl. dry - 16.3 Wood (sec Chapter 6 for relative densities for Philippine wood)
...,,@ l ...at-.21;-F :==. ‘ Gifp um. loose 11,0 Zinc, rolled sheet 70.5
,,N>;;._.<.-._. .> §Ypsum,u-allboartl 7,9
Ice ........................ .. 9.0
’~ 3. Cast .. 70.7
5¢§&\:‘:1. Wrought __ 75,4
if.*z=z_>-.~;;:‘-..- 1
I1'-.12-‘,K2521 s.\.;\.~..~ .
<'.:;iszl ~ >:.\;~.:. .~ National Structntal Code of the Philippines Volume 1. 7th Edition, 2015
>::.~i ¢§'.
.5 .~/.‘,,\.....
.,, M‘,/. ..
"$2.9 _
/ :»..=.»..¢-
/,5; <<»~.<;..>»..-;<..;.,.
Q3-.__ __ Wyn
..> .
1::-r 2-
1-» , \
I~:< 41'"-=1:< “e
.4 -
: W,
Table 204-2 Minimum Design Dead Loads (kPa) _ ,.: ‘A
BR -- 1
roo ng....................................0.E9 Wood block (75 mm) on mastic, lhiogroiut 1.24 >—- U-I J3- 1.72 ==¢;~;,;= i
Deck, metal 20 gage no ll .................................... ..0.48 O0 o0 U1~.o ;._- Ll I‘-7 2.25 ;
1* ' .~>¢";>;"\~;$;;»i/k
»~ a~ v‘:
Deck, metal, 18 gage ................ ..0.l4 Wood block (75 mm) on 13-mm 600 i '0 <3 i 1 2.44 Z2
Fiberboard, 13mm ...... mortar base ........................... ..0.77 400 1.98 = 2.11 2.82 33..
=3» ~ :-:-as-.==;;
Gypsum siieathing, 13 mm ....... ..0. 1 0 FRAME PARTITIONS Full ; 2.69 E 2.32 3.88 :1’-I>.S > MW.
Insulation, roof boards (per mm Movable partitions........................ 0.24 ‘_ 21.2-_kN/1r13 Density ofUnit
1,“ ;. ..:-<q;;=..Z-“$47?
W‘.5. ..
Q 1
thickness) i 1.44 1.87 -" V,‘/4'
Movabie partitions (stcei) ........... .. 0.19 1_l§i<> swat l 1-39 I
Cellular glass 0.0013 Wood or steel studs, 13 mm gypsum $00 at T3114 - 2.39 _
5 4»»»».~‘
tliickness)............................0.0057 _v.;j~
Wood shingles .......................... ..0. 14
gt 31
we .4 "I . -12%
1. » ~
Association of Structural Engineers of the Phiiippines, lnc. (ASEP) 5 .. ._,y,1
i $133}
C1-lAPTER 2 - Nliniinurn Design Loads 2-15
tuiai members are airanged to create Provision shali be made in areas where vehicles are used or
inbeis shall be designed using the loading stored for concentrated loads, L, consisting of two or more
Fliicli would cause maximum shear and loads spaced 1.5m nominally on center without uniform
ieiits This requirement may he satis ed in live loads. Each load shall be 40 percent ofthe gross weight
itli the provisions of Section 2053 2 or of the maxiinuin size vehicle to be accommodated. Parking
garages for the storage of private or pleasure-type motor
vehicles with no repair or refueling shrill have a floor
rI..ive Loads system designed for a concentrated load of not less than
9 kN acting on an area of 0.015 1112 without uniform live
loads. The condition of concentrated or uniform iive load,
combined in accordance with Section 203.3 or 203.4 as
e designed for the unit live loads as set foitli appropriate, producing the greatest stresses shail govern.
1 These ioads shall he taken as the minimum
to rizontai 131‘O]BClI10 to be used in the design 2053.4 Special Loads
oi the occupancies listed and loads at least
zissunied for uses not listed in this section but Provision shall be made for the special vertical and lateral
accommodates similai ioadings loads as set forth in Table 205-2.
Catwalk for mamtenance £ l
1.9 [.3
Corndots above ground oor 3.8 4.5 ..9:
7 '
Readmg rooms 2.9 4.5 2;.
, —z::<>-er»-16» ~x;: §==
:»~:>»~.” “**'»' ,.,€.'<¢o/.o,;.;§,,-;.._<;--,
;>~»»/>~'/’,/2 \ ._
v \ %.;~;z»_.$e;:=1.--=====:-
-1: s
-2, ‘< *.Z~w~'»~.- .=.,.=,‘:-;2. -;;
. Ya
9;; \"’-;~¢;.¢~¢»<7<.<,->-.=§1=.::<1:
Cl—lAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-17
/2' °~r'é1§§.‘.{»"_9,>'£',5Z1’54Z1'I~*,._.'
*-J ~ ¢>.>~‘-zit.-;.:"e:---.--.
,. Table 205-1 Minimum Uniform and Concentrated Live Loads (coiinii-ii-iecl)
: -1-; ;;._
"va”~/5 '¥"i“"‘l ’
(5.124, \_..-;,.~->_=.'
.~/,y/@.,'2e;;.i==r‘:=:- Other offices 2.4 9.0 -’
i “//f//” 5-;*-.¢=;. _»'=. ,:-: l
=~rw”//»->=ei.~s:-,---=.\-~ --. - --
a=;->"‘5=f5I -=5. .='= = ‘ Press rooms 915.2 11.0 I
J“/‘Z1 i>rinting plants
,//;=~/@.\ >-<-:=:-.- '==:- Composing and linotype rooms 4.8 9.01
4“; l .
5%‘ Basic floor area 1.9 0"
“re//.<'~': :=
Exterior balconies 2.9 "' W0”
"$575? -.-=13 - Residential‘
lg .\$:=>.¢~;-1. '-
. QR, l, . Decks 1.9”’ 0
ll; . .
Storage 1 .9 7 WW‘ 0
/1-/\w/<<>:=:‘.~.----.. . -
Restrooms "
(rm--2 1 1-.
Reviewing stands,
.’r.& ?-. .1’-:'.<>.\\<
. .... " .-. . grandstzirids, bleachers, and ‘ -- 4.8 0
;’~~\//,\>\\;\'---~ .--- .-= folding end teiescoping sezitiriirgil _ V W l____ _ _
. __- .-
£1118. Roof decks Same as area sewed or occupancy
—. we/,\/.\._.s;._»:...»:. .. . ~. Classrooms 1.9 4.5 3
' ' i;=Ps£§=; :s:;= K) Schools Corridors above ground floor 3.5 4.5
% "-2 -I-
P:x _.. .:1. .\
...‘. if
-. I
Ground floor corridors 4.8 4.5
" 1* Z"/»”$§>3:I§§v<~‘Ei’/7 ==
-. ¢ =52--1 Sidewalks and driveways Public access 12.0 __7 C
. .~<y-.s.§~\,.‘..,,,,,~. ..
1:1»? '1 =‘ ' Light 6.0
Storage —- ******~
. _»€_ -5 -~
5:1"-5'1: 1:‘:-=:' Heavy 12.0 1 -~ ‘
Retail 4.8 4.5 2
Stores - - —
Wiioiesale 6.0 . 13.43
redestrian bridges and
1-fr-5"? '' r waikways H I _ _ i “ 4.s 1 --
;‘\%\ 4:3?/4
’ Noiesfoi‘ Table 205-]
_ _ _ _
:’-154$ A See Seciioii 20.5..) for live load recliictioiis. liidivirliial stair‘ irerirls shall be desigiied lo .rzippoi'l a 1.3 N
coiiceiiirared [arid placed iii a position that would cause
See Seciioii 2013.3, firs! pni'rigi'apli, for area of load
iiraxlmiiiii siress. Slaii' sli'i'iigei'.s' iiiay be rlesigiied for the
-.‘.}~..‘ applfcalioii.
tl iiii{fbi"iii load .s‘¢’!f0i‘!li in llie fable.
~§;>'>'.._.--r--,.. »1&i"Eriil>l_i-' areas incliicle siicli occiipaiicies as dance I10/ls, drill
‘em-£14._ _~;1-ea See Secllon, secoiid priragi'ripli, n‘ coiiceiilmiecl
-as !'00l'H.S‘, g_viiziizisi'iiiiis. playgroiiimls, plazas. rei'i'aces ciiiclsi'iiiilar
§v\‘-/ :1.-.
gm;-1 loads. See Table 205-Zfor vehicle lJ6ll'I'l€i'S.
' ‘W22
acciipmicies Ilia! are geiiei-ally accessible ro the public.
22%! _-. Resldeiiifal occiipriiicies iiiclzide private dwelliiigs, '[7l’1l"li'N£'lIlS
For special-piii-pose roo r, sac Section
W. //,
j=§i 2&5-~":<;:<<.
and hotel g.llt:‘.S‘! )'0() lS.
Exi‘i‘facili'i'i'es sliall liiclzicle such uses as C'(JI‘!'l£l0.l"S serviiig an
Resfrooiii loads sliall nor be less lliaii Ilie load for the
5% occiipanr land of10 or niorc persons, exterior exit balcoiiies,
occiipziiicy with wliicli Ilrey are associated, but need not exceed
srrii'iwqi‘.r. fire escapes mid Slmllfil‘ -rises.
2.4 kPa.
... .t<’#..1-r
,\/’\\ 1»;-:¢;.
V. 1.8‘;
.,,§ ‘ ...
ya? .'E;N:_
l%,=>;:i: '-1 .
_:l:_.. .
V .l ..,m.._
1»--:. .
< !1 $.12"-
Nationai Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
gt '
=2-;=s ‘~*~.;\1-=;.,-._,
Mum’ _ '_ _
V. .,=
2~i8 Cl~l;?\PTER 2 ~ Minimuni Design Loads . ~,.
~¢ -
. WI _
..,\ ~ "
i i"Rx
so I§/,5‘
Over stages l.0 - ”%
4 Ceiling framing (iive load) Al lseg xcept Over“ O C i ”
7 Cranes (dead and live loads)
( _
T°.‘a‘ load. imimding
impact 1l'lCl€£iS€
3 .25"‘totai loadj p
0. l 0*total load“
1 _ V
V. as aaa
Exit facilities serving an
occupant load greater - 0.75 l<N/m 7
A iamlpi-i'iinm1ntr>lr:r (kN/m) to he applied hori::0nmil'_v at right angles to the mp rail. W
X sss\
intermediate rai.'_r, pmicijillcm" and their c0nncr:!itm.s‘ .\'hr.-ii he m_:mhir' of i\'iih$tuiidiiig a land cf J .2 kPri applicr! horizmilailv at right ungl:_=.\' over the wrtirr' ti'iimtm~_i- area,
inchrding opeiiin_g$ and .s'pucc.s" be-tiveeir i-riiis. Reactions rim‘ in this ioatliiig need not he cuinhineci with those QfN0te 7.
/I hm'i:on.'nl loud uPP lied at rt‘S’ht an.5Yics to the vehicle barrier at 0 hei.8Yht 0 450 mm above the Imi'kiu5' .i'm' ace. The orcc mm-'
. be riistriimrecl over (1 3tiO~min xiI HHFO’.
The mozmtiiig ofiirluclmils shah’ be .s-ircii that the coinpicierl liandmii‘ and .mppoi'Iing .rtructurL* are cc.-pubic 0fu'1thsIanri'ing u load ofrrl hurt 890 N app|'ir_'zi in any dirvclioir
nl any point on the raii. These loath" .1'i'mii rm! be £t.§Sll|tl£'t1' to act cunmlativc-l_i' with Note 9.
yC,-;;m/ ”"””bgf_\' (_1_f3l0|'(1gL’ rnrits shall be pr0tectc'c[ 'om impact _fa:'c'ex ofopcruting cqiiipment, or racks‘ shall be zlarigiied so thmfaii'urt' ofrme \‘Ci‘|'f('t1|' riicmher will /10!
curt-sc collapse (Jfnmrc timn the buy or i'm_\'3‘ (h'i'ccti'y .\'itpp0rlL'd by that I116’!!!/10!‘. /‘i
§ A.
:1-ilw‘ I‘<8-£'$;,4.":/-E'\.\.:,;:.-,::;;v:; ‘
r. .. ~,.»M4./-.<.-.-...
'4 :1
11»-.=;.c :3 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Sesign Loads 2-‘I9
.-:':,\',¢:: 22 ‘A
? I g1.<::as:=i:=s;>.:
.. ~> '
1:-E; LII T];-9 [.1-/o’v'lrm(I|'.s to bc'r1p_tJIicd ta any .riirg!cji.~'e rpi'1'.nhit'r .rup_1mrt point hm‘ notsinm[t<1ne0it.s"[i' to all slip/)0:-tj0int.r.
"' t .
... .>~s»., wes..;..=-:3; - 505,4 Roof Live Loads 205.4.4 Special Roof Loads
l .»:
§2iO5.4.l General
.. >
la »,
Roofs to be used for speciai purposes shall be designed for
appropriate loads as approved by the building official.
:~y@l‘ %<=~.»~:¢:
~1li?.ioofs shali be designed for the unit live loads, L,., set forth
Greenhouse roof bars, purlins and rafters shall be designed
1-29:4 ‘tiff Table 205-3. The live toads shall be assumed to act to carry a 0.45 kN concentrated load, LT, in addition to the
-—-‘name //
.-:9 l a=;\ uniform iive load
. .
l s" t
;.,..=;.,vertically upon the area projected on a horizontal plane.
-2054.2 Distribution of Loads 205.5 Reduction of Live Loads
g‘ *1‘ 1-"
$/‘TQ7 -.0§€~'§_*:[§:_..:'{j:.
--flit/lzere uniform roof loads are involved in the design of The design live load determined using the unit live loads as
=.~,, ;>
structural members arranged to create continuity, set forth in Table 205-l for oors and Tabie 205~3, Method
.v\<ll %=;'~:.;:E;=i; ‘
consideration may be limited to fuii dead loads on all spans 2, for roofs may be reduced on any member supporting
at iinlconibination with full roof iive loads on adjacent spans more than 15 ml, including flat slabs, except for floors in
on alternate spans. pieces of public assembly and for live loads greater than
4.8 kPa, in accordance with the following equation:
\"iYk’€Y)>': Z\{€§}S‘]?<_,
‘,1-=... . spans in combination with the most criticai one of the R = 2s.1(1 + D/L) (205-2)
< ..
fdlloiitiiig superimposed loads:
1 \ where
The uniform roof live load, Lr, set forth in Tabie 205-
."1*P‘9Q:'; Va \-NQ
st», 3 on all spans. A E area of oor or roof supported by the member, ml
....~e,-\ e '
I;'./“\‘/ '
D = dead load per square meter of area supported by the
4 .1.;:»;=;=. . ._.-:1 ,-; _. =2} A concentrated gravity load, L,., of9 kN placed on any member, i<Pa
:5»-.-;‘~>'-:5. 3 ,_ span supporting a tributary area greater than l8 m3 to L -e unit live load per square meter of area supported by
"<3 create maximum stresses in the member, whenever the member, kPa
"iiflél this loading creates greater stresses than those caused R = reduction in percentage,
--ls:-\=-1-~~.-.= ff by the uniform live toad. The concentrated Eoad shall r = rate of reduction equal to 0.08 for floors. See Table
is/;I=-=€.‘ "-1--
be placed on the member over a Eength of 0.75 11‘! along 205-3 for roofs
the span. The concentrated load need not be applied to
more than one span simultaneously. For storage loads exceeding 4.8 kPa, no reduction shall be
1.534% ;< ..
Q, 4
made, except that design live loads on columns may be
33‘. Water accumulation as prescribed in Section 206.7. reduced 20 percent.
_. .._§é , ..,..__ ._
2ll5.4.3 Unbalanced Loading The live load reduction shail not exceed 40 percent in
./ml garages for the storage of private pleasure cars having a
~'.»~\ §.\;=..'.:,
.~\\ l .%5r§.I-;;;~ -I-_~ ' _Ul1l)r'.tlZil1CE(l loads shall be used where such loading wiil capacity of not more than nine passengers per vehicle.
gresult in larger members or connections. Trusses and
"M l §;‘=‘,':"»‘§:3=I:5' iirclies shall be designed to resist the stresses caused by unit
,e\~., xv>*<
£12 §\1$<=E"'..-I"-I--
live loads on one-half of the span if such loading results in
§ rpverse stresses, or stresses greater in any portion than the
gw,\§‘.§(\<~’=;=; ,_. .. ..
'}?¢§ ,
stresses produced by the required unit live load on the
.,ii5i_¢htirespan. For roofs whose structures are composed of a
.2 i l
iii '1-1"-=-. $.i.lT¢ssed shell, framed or solid, wherein stresses caused by
I "~:=1a~; point loading are distributed throughout the area of the
the requirements for unbalanced unit live load design
-- §\ l,~,>,;~.-:..~;i_.-
be reduced 50 percent.
V :mlil ¢:;~'~.-.c;:.-
" _‘ National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume E, 7th Edition, 2015
_'I:~v(¥3£ >.'<»..>~
5.5;;-1-19* 1 =
. C
‘“>'’ , .'=;.:,,<1~'1~;-'4
~'¢:r 4;>;<.~.~.
\ ;:;e»¢;<¢.a=
.:§:~ 2
having an influence area of 40 ml’ or more. of the span and the fuii ange width for a precast T-beam.
’$ 1 I/'>’..»~-“
1 The reduced live load shall not be less than 50 percent of *'*“'.»2»‘?:
L = L9 {(3.25 + 4. 57 (2053) the unit live load L0 for members receiving load from one
J7?’ ll
i 4;» -ag.
level only, nor less than 40 percent of the unit live load Lo ll
where for other members.
;\a<.s:».=e1s<§;ée§’.is; §,
Table 205-3 Minimum Roof Live Loads’ I"/4
... ll
Method l Method 2 p G p '.'§I',’.//
. 9 l ¢c%.#~'
Tribtitary Area (nil) S S Maximum . it
' »#$~5~
om 20 ll 20 to soil ova 60) Uniform
Load "
Rate of t R8dLlCi1OI1
Reduction, R
ROOF SLOPE . _. . . i , . '¥.¢»'r*'=’»~
< ' ',:w~%»
5 ,. .
Uniform Load (l<Pa) (i<Pa) r (percentage .,~,»:r¢/‘:=
_l , _ l ,, — 2%“
—;$»</1* . _
--re ~ ~;;¢¢=;»._..
: :='ZZ\'*».‘-€??
3. Rise l-unit vertical in l-unit horizontal 0.60 0.60 0.60 . ii}
0.60 _'3--..
(l00% slope) and greater". Arch or ..T 9
agricultural buiidings. 5 -i.‘:.\:.=;.i:5; l;4;4; "2;
‘»~* “1»,
I as l
For special-purpose roofs, see Section 205.4/I. 277;?
N '7 ‘ lli 054':
. };;:I/ -.
_ Jd l li = <12‘:
2 "Ti?!
See Sections 205.5 and 205.6for' live-load reductions. The rate ofreduction T in Equation 205 1 shall be as indicate
in the toble. The maxinnmz reduction, R, shall not exceed the value indicated in tlte table. eel
2 A at roof is any roofwith a slope less than I-unit vertica l tn
‘ 48 nit horizontal (2% slope). The live loadfor at roofs ’
.. Y‘
is in addition to the poncling load requirecl by Section 206.7.
-1 See de nition in Section 202.
'::Z ‘. f
<-¢>.‘>~>\\ ~’;~:.
.-at ;.r,,.,. '-a>\~.-@,.~,_;;--:>..'=;=:z;.:=_
21¢ =2» L”
1': f ,v~.~> Cl~lAP'iER 2 - tvllnimurn Design Loads 2-21
, 3%?‘-f<\”»1'<>.:».Y.:;Y»<\=:;=1-";===z=z==-. =1-
ngcx @s1<.\.»,,-=,.-¢<»<.\~>...
‘ ROY; =ts~;:>>:
206.4 Anchorage of Concrete and Masonry Walls
.-.1 4 -= §$»w=»/wz:
r :.»?.~c;,.s;§;;.::
-;[4L-/, ji .\{§l?’/“ Concrete and masonry walls shall be anchored as required
an by Section 1043.3. Such anchorage shall be capable of
W: p . f; ' .;
— I_“:-;:;.j' -_ .-
resisting the load combinations of Section 203.3 or 203.4
to the other design loads speci ed in this using the greater of the wind or earthquake loads required
i sfn .
j>%(<i structures shall be designed to resist the loads by this chapter or a minimum horizontal force of 4 kN/m
.< ;‘ -><>:‘;::~v.‘-:;'~""'-;:;; . _ _.
in this section and the special loads set forth in of wall, substituted for E.
a if.2 205~2. See Section 207 for design wind loads and
3:§"§§§'=¢_a'cltion 208 For design earthquake loads.
an 206.5 interior Wall Loads
\. - -
~>¢e< l e-»..<,-;§\;~.-.1.-».
. -y
/ i
. ». ~..=;.». .: - 33:06.2 Other Loads interior walls, permanent partitions and temporary
‘:>1E’<li, 3 / ‘
partitions that exceed 1.8 in in height shall be designed to
W jji fiiildiiags and other structures and portions thereof shall be
/ resist all loads to which they are subjected but not less than
~;;€§:“ll ‘-5'"¢_{§z_,='fi:signed to resist all loads due to applicable uid
" a load, L, of 0.25 kPa applied perpendicular to the walls.
.%llll! w(&‘5:-
§§i;§_=@~_é_é;5nr'es, F, lateral soil pressures, H, pending loads, P, The 0.25 kPa load need not be applied simultaneotzsly with
‘ll forces, T. See Section 206.7 for ponding wind or seismic loads. The deflection of such walls under
ea l
I001‘ I‘OOfS. a load of 0.25 k'Pa shall not exceed l/240 of the span for
"S.spyall1 *~;§P“1.~:=»‘;j.
.: -¢ .- .--;_ " .
Q. - ;. walls with brittle finishes and 1/120 of the span for walls
' impact heads with flexible finishes. See Table 208-I3 for earthquake
~¢ as
design requirements where such requirements are more
live loads speci ed in Sections 205.3 shall be assumed restrictive.
allowance for ordinary impact conditions.
3151111 l
Iszei‘ ‘§;.__l?.'__l"(IlViSi0l'lS shall be made in the structural design for uses Exception.‘
aw l
iifaa— fa1id_ loads that involve unusual vibration and impact forces.
,. a2 :.§»;,=,<;»~;-: .=; s;-._=;;.jr:s»..-.
2.4 E ,0 ...,,,
Section 206.93 For impact loads for cranes, and Flexible, folding orporrable partitiotis are not requirecl to
206. l0 for heliport and helistop landing areas. meet the load and deflection criteria but must be anclzored
\ ,
to the sztppoi ng structure to meet the provisions of this
.~.=.\~.- \ T3 >*%~2Q6.3.l Elevators code.
. ..’.\ ~~.
.-4\ \
.7 _
, elevator loads shall be increased by 100% for impact.
21 206.6 Retaining Walls
5 ’.v.\~/-..'
Machinery Retaining walls shall be designed to resist loads due to the
4 lateral pressure of retained material in accordance with
:1-‘vgz »
.,;. 1:;@~=;~».a~t=ftir the purpose of design. the weight of machiner and accepted engineering practice. Walls retaining drained soil,
.g;;.;-;..;;- ;-
shall be increased as follows to allow for where the surface of the retained soil is level, shall be
‘/1. tinfipact: designed for a load, H, equivalent to that exerted by a lluid
weighing not less than 4.7 kPa per meter of depth and
;>_s§~§¢$iyA ;i
ll, Elevator machinery E00% having a depth equal to that of the retained soil. Any
._.».~ A
surcharge shall be in addition to the equivalent uid
12.22 Light machinery, shaft- or motor-driven 20% pressure.
g3; Reciprocating machinery or power-driven units 50% Retaining walls shall he designed to resist sliding by at
.4, least 1.5 times the lateral force and overturning by at least
.. ii
Hangers for oors and balconies 33% 1.5 times the overturning moment, using allowable stress
design loads.
weto illll percentages shall be increased where speci ed by the
._ _ 3 :2. ..
I E_Il'l€ll'1llf£iClTi.ll'€I'. 206.7 Water Accumulation
\. <
~ J»/6,; /
-' _ '/6°
1; _ .. \ mu-~,....
/ .,
'§\” V
M” 31:1 '
water, where applicable, shall be taken as the fuil the rated capacity of the crane and the weight of the hoist.>34“
at =
hydrostatic pressure applied over the entire area. The and trolley. The lateral force shali be assumed to act?
hydrostatic load shall be measured from the underside of horizontally at the traction surface of a runway beam. int
the construction. Any other upward loads shall be included either direction perpendicular to the beam, and shall be: \(;\</;.\~l,¢;>,;t\» l
tt > '41‘
in the design. distributed with due regard to the lateral stiffness of the§i€gi ‘
' we
runway beam and supporting structure. lt »a=.¢>a
Design loads for the runway beams, including connections In addition to other design requirements of this cliaptergg
and support brackets of moving bridge cranes and monorail heliport and helistop landing or touchdown areas shall
cranes shall inciude the maximum wheel loads of the crane designed for the following loads, combined in ‘I
and the vertical impact, Eaterai, and iongitudinal forces with Section 203.3 or 203.4: '— :»Z‘eZ¢1‘
-. . 5,.» . ;=:*;“¢;1
'T.Z3?.N3 "3
induced by the moving crane.
l. Dead load plus actual weight of the helicopter. 12‘1>'4>‘!’
206.9.2 Maximum Wheel Lead 15:’/"
V 1?:/4;,
The maximum wheel loads shalt be the wheel loads covering 0.10 mi of 0.75 times the fully loaded
produced by the weight of the bridge, as applicable, plus of the helicopter if it is equipped with
the sum of the rated capacity and the weight of the trolley shock absorbers, or 5.5 times the fully loaded _"¢¢/7,44‘
with the trolley positioned on its runway where the of the helicopter if it is equipped with a rigid or
resulting load effect is maximum. type landing gear. '1’ ,».~»
' were‘
- >=»1;:-.<§/
w, I
206.93 Vertical Impact Force The dead load plus a uniform live load, 1., of 4.8 law. -- -..~,.¢
aw, ._
required live load may be reduced in accordance
The maximum wheel loads of the crane shall be increased Section 205.5 or 205.6. i
by the percentages shown beiow to determine the induced 1/ *1‘)
,s~‘\.~!‘_, '
vertical impact or vibration "force: ,2 _, M M \_ _.>\;..\>:=:e».;.(/,4.
\.:~ l Y-{£395
/J ii???’
l. Monorail cranes (powered) 25% l
2. Cab-operated or remotely operated bridge
cranes (powered) 25%
i I?-:§¢,>=1
l 7,-315;
,. l
‘“ I ~/
» '§Egygzv
ow/,,,$ »/~’ ,(,_;,N~
» << . " '
$0 31; w v sW4’ 3.\A1*1“‘§§ \»\
; , :,;,»,;;
. ~.'==», . ‘W‘-5%/1ssII1'»:::,l.’-=2 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-23
,5 __,»» ,\&‘_*;:5'.4¢/;'¢,,>*1:s;
' < ,;__t’ 0‘
~ — .»» %2€::;e;:;,-=;=a1:===;._'
*\»¢£<;-:c‘ty;s¢:s~>».-;=:l~. '=;-
-- =1 --
; {F 7/
wi ,‘:\¢?,Q¢¢,,<,..¥-\N_ . _ .._'==;2:=. .. ,1-:
5 <1 t :==;;}:I;-.,}-::._;-
’4\l \»¢~,’\;»\~.»»»-,K,-—~—-—,..;,3;<»— . ._: \; » we,» , ,.
1+ s, Y M! ~ '~ ~W
2\ /(4 ~41 /~ "’e" §§*”<*@-7’ ~93‘ (2%?@' ;\ 0 ct '/Iv - 1 N /1: A//4 =11:-‘
’-~:‘~:_»=>’ V’/ / (W ¢\\ M -=’=§-V’
/'/~/<1 ,»z, -'1“ /-'('1 V V enclosed simple a'ioph_ragm_lntllditzgselessjtlran 18,01
> ’ n W */¢;?>§;€2=‘“'17§1i‘\~ii7’3¥:@§Zw@$%'v:=xt+>¢ggz}‘xZo$e\\\Z»§§®v4<<§§s-&~?q%@@’1w§§4¢Q&g@@ ¢;;y¢<;g\
was—? * . _. ¢ . inlzeight.-~,1 ' .- - -. 1
' - 1;‘ 1 -1- " ‘:3 l.
re ll
% =1-2 Specr cattons " Section 20_7D discusses Other Str't:clur'es and Building
,s*.<('v»;~'.‘3€v;-/V:-,\;,;o4~\ . .
Appza'tenances: A - single section. is dedicated» Ito
%4§: "i{/
J ,'<v:~\~*'/¢::.,4-:.
Q e
and other vertical structures shall be designed determining wind loads on nombullding: structures
to resist wind loads as speci ed and ; such as signs, rov op strztctnres, and towers... ~ » >
-. ._ . .-
in Sections 207A through 2071?
l ' Section -207E. 1 discusses about Componem's:- and
I,1‘ v/¢:§\;< - = -
ia::~i;;ite"m;a towers and antenna supporting structures shall be 1 Cladding.--Tints code.-addresses the determination of
Mgr‘ /7"
l x,’
5 and constructed to resist wind loads as speci ed
v ; component. and cladding loads in a singlet section.
,, "‘E_;;:§:' ; 3:Ei_"' : _"presented in ANSI/TIA-222-G-2005, entitled as Analvticol and simplified methods are provided based
Q?/4' l
{l§‘lit!t3ll!t’CIl Stcmdarcls for Steel Antenna Towers and on the building height. Provis1'orzs for open lmildirzgs
i? §fl'n:ife:_-oia Supporting Structw'es and ANSi/TIA—222-G~l- and building appurtenances are also addresseo’.
entitled as “Structural Standards for Steel Antenna
2:53 lé and Antenna Sztpporting Structures — Addentlum 1. I Section 207F discusses about Wino’ Tunnel Procedure.
lll . :1 -.'- -_='. - -.- - ‘I
General Requirements 207A.1 Procedures
, 207A.l.l Scope
l ~* <~;~:¢
“ ~‘:'Z~:
W\,__‘I \\,~
layout ofthe wind load provisions‘ in this Buildings and other structures, including the Main Wind-
‘sight/lcantly r‘et*ised_/hornsNSCPIZOOI and Force Resisting System (MWFRS) and all components and
ll 1‘/itk-ts“
The ' goal was to improve the cladding (C&C) thereof, shall be designed and constructed
c-lazily, and use of the wind loadprovisions to resist the wind loads determined in accordance with
.$ R
V I_ /7‘\!:(;€>\<¥:>\‘~\:>|
,sYi<‘-'=:2:;Y;s:.::’F:I5-3" 1'1
,_ /'\l;:v\:::;§§§'~l)'::~:‘_::_>: - -= "Sill?-'.5eCll0f7S
organized according to Section 207A through 207F. The provisions of this section
/~ ».1 2; >»;->-i->:>=;»~.¢<<:.-;-.;-. ..,-. r_naj0r'~_ Isubject at eas. f The: iwiznrlp, load de ne basic wind parameters for use with other provisions
n¢n_>; presented in Sections 207,4‘ through contained in this code.
Q v .. to‘ priofeclitiorrs, wlvwrevthepifotiislons
iizosirzgle secrtlon. .~ "
Ceweertletzv-5 . ,,,
'=‘7?~Ez ‘Z3 \ .>;=.<E§i:3$E:E'*I"3
<i ~/Z / »\ .. ., _. . .
. »
.C'}/:‘- '1 ‘7 755-’I:'.‘§3-3 ,
§~ ---1:-=;=;--. .=- = -= ‘ " » ‘ V 3’ V“ " ‘ ‘-
— \~\ ~ ==;’r:§:=5Ii
= ~\ ‘ :2§_1}:¢rEE:r:§E;£;_.~
' > *’~\
" \.\
provides" the béiSi¢t'§fwih‘d§;15*'2léS‘i§r1 1"hAe};}~plfo‘ceo’hr;fes“ speci ed in this code p’:foi§tde§»v’1vi1td
-.=>'§§1> ,
Az\’-s:4‘5.i-Z- --
that are applicable to prfe,§5;.1i'cS.A.nr'1dfa1fcesforithe design ofMWFRS’antl_)'orptl1e
¢~\c;* — A“ “§;%;f§§;j:;-§f: zleterniirzatiorz methodologies» outlinetl t;;rsé_¢ii£>*m bf_‘¢:o»;1pi@tAtg§;1ts1;~Zclzrcldirig.’ (C&C)o ht/iltlings'
~ 12; fthrozlgh 2(l7F;» Items] covered iri;Se’etion1'i'2Ol7A f .§'trttctztr‘-es; ‘I do The -_ - p/'oce;lro~es p p involve» i the
<.-441 *5I de nitions, -basic iwinds e.i'posilre itlefetflnirpration '0fn{t'7zd cli:'ection'all1jy_antl velocityp1'csszh'c_.
sass? . ' - §categoi'1'es,' ihtermwl 7 i pressm'es, 1 » I enclosure the selection or Adotct'iiit'rzl_cz_t;1_'orz_ oni_ippj'opt~iate’gz»1st gjecr
5 éox.---,.;_---,__ _
ti.jcltt:¢sg'ficalio;r,"'g1.tst-e E2cts,- and» topographic factors, factor, andztlre selection _jqf'¢.~p'p;=@p,_~za;ei’p;=¢s;¢m-er;by-_;2»3<;-e
l l§$r;_2._;~»,.; .
,;;;;;;;;;z@.;5;;;>1olgat/1.»;-is.-A gerreral description ofeach sectlorzlts coe lclenIs.,. The, p_r_oceq'm'e_' allows ll‘... the lpevelfof
~ i~‘i;;1,"...,'i?l7lft3!Wded
. b elow: - 2 » » 4 » i Sn-ucmmz "relictl1'illty"requirfeclu ;11'@"@-jjem-orZlg'f ?rfhzg wind
Iki lg/Q
.4 l£§ITl‘§i':7,.. . *1-.. . . . . - - - - - ‘ > exposz‘hfes,A the speed-zrp_; effects. "of. certain 'topogmpl1ic
'7 I
fl-L”Sec'_llo'n ' 30 _7_B_ t_j1_i_s'ensses ab_oz1t_ Directionpal Procedure j'Z:'c;tz‘t.-‘es such as hills anal esctirpm_enI_s,_ _tznd._t/zeisifze and
@5223» ‘;.-§‘i‘:]fljllf- E-"ncl0s'ed, Partially 'En'c'l0sed,-'an'ol “Open Bnildirzgs swvrelis ,of":t=¢ building '-of alto ‘sh-1.r¢-r2.n'-t»"» under
my; fl e: 4}- ’%=%%;':;f i; 11;:-_:i~g:;f",¢_IllHeights." heprocedzae tltefot'.r_ner “buildings consideration. The procedure dijj’ererzti_ates betwee_n rigid
: ,,.., VW . .
g;:j;.;i;_---_.'=_ all he_ig_l_zts m'etl1o__tjl.I"_: in _lYSCP-.2010: (ASCE 7-O5), andjle.>:ihle htrtldirzgs ahgl_o'll2ei' s'!1fttcttlifcs:;l'ar2cl tl;'e::l'e§si1lts
r/)3“ ‘E . . iii;'§5'.'1‘h1eetlzb_d 2.' A '.mni>lt @d' '1>>~a'¢¢:t”>e,."'£m¢d on lithe gene:-alli» envelop the ‘m'"¢>§¢'-"<»=1:z5uz ‘toss-¢s;¢a;tto_'n12>";-_the
zlzq:3:1, »_-;-
VW go I;;E'._I-1.;.;_D_lrectt<mol Pr_ocedz_u'e. is p»'-_t$1>t;~1@'¢ifor lbnildirtgsup to design of1l4ll’Fl€Sas_if¢ell as C&C. _. = . ' 5;.-‘;'-.3‘-I
*l3:mn-/:eig1tr...-;- . . "-
The pressure anrlforce coef czenn-pjt-m;ta@z;'-_'il1';'_se¢ygiq;g;v
»/Z; It
§'c_'ctl0rz 207C discrtssies altont Enitelope..Pr_oce_¢lza-efor
';:_En'closea' ond Par-t_ta_ll;l* Enclosed Low-Rise Bzu'la'ings:
the zozct 20211 207/~: h€".’.5’.lP€’¢l .'fl35Télt1l2l§?€li .f¢l ?1
the ~ latest hot1nd¢_n§{-la}?e;"'3 f.ii':i1.tcl_-_tz.in_ne_l;‘ohcl~ rll_-§_s§f_alé'-
,,. lls
_- proc_e_n'ure is t_he___ Jrn_rer_'_?‘lofnf¢_ifise' bililvclings and.1‘,1;-an pre1;'io1'tsl_ _ot*oilable'_litel'itrt:zh'Z2.-'
in "3_Ol0._(21SQE 7-U.5:).Metlrod 2. This b_0i{r1tlt1r}*»la}5et' :wlncl~tm}_zn'el r'eshlts'I"-__'it*e}'e._ I-'t"}l:"t_';"'z:_z‘_ri<;f¢;l.,vj}v’Z)r'
;"__:;-sectiolz also in_c0rpor'ates NSCP 2010 (EISCE 7405) speci c tvpes of b'z:tl_dir'zg,- '-'sz'tcll=_"; ;'1;§;5'j=I_1@"tt1_i‘:;-"255-5 l7igh¥r'lse
.1 1-. . ' Method 1 for MWFRS applicable to the MWFRS of buila'irigs and bi-lildirigs l2cévir'zg;"spee'i e '"t_'tj!5'e§*f ofsti cttltzzl
L‘ s
~s . £~????7-‘ii-5\l"§»'5.=I:‘
,4? »
,v“- , .-
2-24 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
anzing systenis, the designer is cautioned against 207C, Part 2) and the Amilvtical Procedure
indiscriminate interchange of values among the gures Components and Cladding (Section 207E).
and tables.
Limitations. The provisions given under
297A.1.2 Permitted Procedures 207/1.l..? apply to the majority of site locations
buildings and structures, but for some projects,
The design wind loads for buildings and other structures, provisions may be inadequate. Exan-zplcs of
including the MWFRS and C&C elements tiiereo shall be locations and buildings and structures (or
determined using one ofthe procedures as speci ed in this thereo that may require other approved
article. An outline of the overall process for the special studies using applicable recognized
determination of the wind loads, including section pertaining to wind effects, or using the wind
references, is provided in Figure 207A. 1-i. procedure ofSection 207F include:
2. Envelope Procedure for Low-Rise Buildings 3. Buildings with response characteristics that
(Section 207C) in substantial vortex-induced and/or
dynamic e ects, or dvnamic e ects resulting
3. Directional Procedurefor Building Appurtenances aero-elastic instabilities such as utter
and Other Structures (Section 207D) galloping. Such dvnamic ejjects are dz iczilt
anticipate, being dependent on many factors,
4. Wind Tunnel Procedurefor-All Buildings and Other should be considered when any one or more of
Structures (Section 2071?) following apply:
For Components and Cladding: i. The height ofthe building is over 120 in.
ii. The height of the building is greater than
1. Analytical Procedure for Buildings and Building
times its minimum effective width Bm,-,1,
Appurtenances (Section 207E)
cle tzed below.
2. Wind Tunnel ProcedureforAll Buildings and Other iii. The lowest natural cquency of the
Structures (Section Z0 7F) is less than 111 = 0.25 Hz.
iv. The reduced velocity
A "Si;'npli ecl method“for which the designer can select
wind pressures directly rom a table without any V1
calculation, when the building meets all the
requirements )i' application of the method, is provided
for designing buildings using the Directional Procedure
(Section 2073, Part 2), the Envelope Procedure (Section
5 />3?/}$,'\;k1’:§¢~'.-ii
; >'l<=:=§->$»;»>">:i=e;=s:;>==-=
E ~*/,»1<i;'=~;~.».;-:-:=:~=ii;>’s:.2i££5 Ci-lAP"i"ER 2 — iviinirnum Design Loads 2-25
5 /.*.I'7,;i7;}>i
4~t_ _
<,\\ V. --
.,. . . .. - ;' _- 4. Wind Tunnei Procedure for all buiidings and all other
,; W, cs »
. . .. 0.611 , structures as speci ed in Section 207R
-E . ., 2 I; . .1» -
. 1» .~,e»\. A‘
"Z -.: the mean hourly velocity at height 2 207/A.1.2.2 Components and Cladding
' risslgé " " “"“=s¢~\
viiieo iéiii
~: e . - 1
. , i %:>.=§»-;:¢i:_-1.‘ -=1
1' j‘-ifjéf-‘[15:__='t?ill:ZlI32ZliH effective width Bn-,5,‘ is defined» as the Wind loads on components and cladding on all buildings
- -; .~1;5}}§i}§"[';};1ii’ir '1-inlue of X hiBi/X hi“ ‘amide;-tiig all _wincl and other structures shall he designed using one of the
.- :\,.;(1;< § ...".--H£}_i¢pTCt?‘{)r-?$§I The summations are peiformecl over, the following procedures:
5 ie the lmildingfor eaclz wind direction, hi, is the
I 1~§
grade oflevel i, and Bi is the width at level l. Analytical Procedures provided in Parts l through 6,
3.1;:-~ =3"iiiiifi'i"iii'r_il to the wind direction. as appropriate, of Section 20713; or
as , ‘
wl§te::=.=~:-i-: '-
~2;§ l cranes, electrical transmission -" lines, 2. Wind Tunnel Procedure as speci ed in Section 207?.
\/< ; 5
Kit a _;_._:;:-pg-1 ;_Ifi:;I.§-'=€é};',¢1>erlmasts, highway signs _anc_l lighting sttitctuifes,
.~:'§\€ »
3"i3‘:::"I'f.:"I'-.'lé‘_lr>t?0ri2trzunication towers. trritl gpoles. V 207A.2 Definitions
-. .-/as g
:1. itndertalcing detailed studies" of the ‘dvnomic The foliowing de nitions apply to the provisions of
5\ _ ‘~;§1jij;§l;:§*';j_(_):,it.§*(: to witidforces, the n-ic_lon-ieiittil equencies of Section 207:
-. ..-so
~‘*§**< l
i§_:"§§§‘_flg‘{t_:?;' Si!‘tIC'Ilti‘8 in each direction tinder considemtion
\~/Q’ i
;.;§;,1];Qi_;t¢1 [20 established using lire-structural pr0pertic.s' APPROVED is an acceptable to the authority having
EY~)=:~:'I=.: .:=‘~=1 ~21--:. clr.j‘brnmt_ional clinrcictei~istics of V the resisting jurisdiction.
l “‘~1i%;ifif§§§§fele_iriants in or pt'0pcr'ly stilistaiitioted otzal/vsis', and not
appi'ob;ir_iiate cqiiritions based on height. l ' BASIC WIND SPEED, V is a three-second gust speed at
.31’-/"I; 10m above the ground in Exposure C (see Section
II >/~ : ;_;1~.;=Ql hielrlirtg. Due to the laclc of reliable atmlvtical 20'7A.7.3) as determined in accordance with Section
.:.:.1s>f\’% I
'1 :_.g;§;5if§3§_’t2tltii'Q.S for predicting the ‘effects of shielding 207A.5.l.
'.;§/l 1 //‘.0. .
by bztildirzgs and other st/‘z.tctttr'es. or by
:;.=.~.=;iIQ,Q__Ggi'£IplilC features, realizations in velocity pressure BUILDING, ENCLOSED is a building that docs not
f~\. to shielcling are not permittedwider‘ the proiiisioizs comply with the requirements for opcn or partially
\,<€ c'l1z:ptei'. However, this does not preclude the
enclosed buiidings.
@211: 1
Q/‘shielding e ecls and the corresponcling
in ‘velocitv pressziie by means of the wind BUILDING ENVELOPE is a cladding, roofing, exterior
, ;— . .». . procedmc in Section 207F. "
15 /,..~X;,,;_ ,..-...‘
Y *;\/\‘-\“\v 1:2. ..i:''-:. -1'-:1:-.
. ' walls, glazing, door assemblies, window assemblies,
. \_ ,
5 4% >;<t_w.a H
:==== skylight assemblies, and other components enclosing the
1:5-::>»’¢+' '
/ "._-:-:;.
Main Wind-Force Resisting System building.
1 .-"
: -
». 4;»/<
loads for MWi-‘RS shaii be determined using one of are slender buildings and other structures that have a
following procedures: fundamental natural frequency less than 1 H2.
I ii‘/2~::v~‘~‘ 1:1;
1 1&3; ,
Sirectional Procedure for buildings of all heights as BUlLDING, L()W»RISE are enclosed or partially
I = ~.¢;;,\;;>,_;_-3‘ speci ed in Section 20'/‘B for buildings meeting the enclosed buildings that comply with the following
... \. ..
l 2' .':_»\.:.
requirements speci ed therein; conditions:
. .. .~.,/aktl %
. I .:".’~€§7ll
-1:1-3 '
.;i%<§} , It-,_ Envciopc Procedure for low-rise buildings as speci ed 1. Mean root‘ height h less than or equal to 18m.
<¢;,:,;:>. . . -I._;' . _-
;=>*g~ii . \ ,§¢~.\v,.
in Section 207C for buildings meeting the
*7 /I‘ ,/ \ ==requirements speci ed therein; 2. Mean roof height h does not exceed least horizontal
E2£s~:':r-::~.-=-=': ,
Directional Procedure for Building Appuitenances
(rooftop structures and rooftop equipment) and Other BUILIHNG, OPEN is a building having each wall at least
Structures (such as solid freestanding waiis and solid 80 percent open. This condition is expressed for each wall
freestanding signs, chimneys, tanks, open signs, lattice by the equation Au 3 0. 8Ag.
frameworks, and trussed towers) as speci ed in
¢/-- ¢,.=¢.::"-''\~
Section207D; or
kw »\ :-- .
."-3:1-:?Z;§ 2 \
~. ;.~<§,;g National Structorai Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
'~z@: 2¢;t/ :>,;z ;<,;>;-: :=.;-..
. I
‘H ' ' wt.'n"t';;;;is on ii; t;i'w'nt's s;;§"s.; u it ‘Wind ‘tan 5;; tit; ¢;t&-5 as he l
tic tc rrnm
' ed by: determined by:
, u
CHAPEER 2 ~— Minimurn Design toads 2-29
i be part of the MWFRS when they act as For typical door and window systems supported on three
roof diaphragins, but they may aiso be or more sides, the effective wind area is the area of the door
dual components. The engineer needs to or window under consideration. For simple spanning doors
endings for design of components, which (e.g., horizontal spanning section doors or coiling doors),
)ain components
. to be designed for more iarge speciaity constructed doors (e.g., aircraft hangar
f ioading, for example, long-span roof doors), and specialty constructed giazing systems, the
b e designed for loads associated with effective wind area of each structural component
5 ividuai members of trusses should also be composing the door or window system should be used in
nponerit and cladding loads (Melita and calculating the design wind pressure.
n Exampies of cladding
_. p include
. . wali
walls, roof cover ings, exterior windows MAIN WiND-FORCE RESIST1NG SYSTEM
J le) and doors, and overhead doors. (MWFRS) can consist of a structural frame or an
assemblage of structural elements that work together to
in wind load applications has been added transfer wind loads acting on the entire structure to the
1, . . . _
his definition, for the case of untopped ground. Structural elements such as cross-bracing, shear
rs somewhat from the de nition used in walls, roof trusses, and roof diaphragins are part of the
ASCE 7~l0 because diaphragms under l\/Iain Wind-Force Resisting System (MWFRS) when they
tpected to remain essentially elastic. assist in transferring overall loads (Mehm and it/farsliall
’IND AREA, A is an effective wind area
b . . p . _
uilding surface used to determine (GCP) WIND-BORNE DEBRIS REGIONS are de ned to alert
i t necessarily
' correspond
' to the area ofthe the designer to areas requiring consideration of missile
ontributing to the force being considered impact design. These areas are located within tropical
tn the usual case, the effective wind area cyclone prone regions where there is a high risk of glazing
l to the area tributary to the force failure due to the impact of wind-borne debris.
considered. For example, for a cladding
e wind area may be equal to the total area 207A.3 Symbols and Notations
a ciadding fastener, the effective wind
F . .
cladding secured by a single fastener. A The following symbols and notation apply onty to the
ive wind om severai cladding panels. In provisions of Section 207A through 207F:
ct. . _ . . .
ive wind area is the area associated with
t is transferred to the mullion. A = effective wind area,inm2
A; = area of open buildings and other
arises where components such as roo ng structures either normal to the wind
s, oi. roof
trusses are spaced ciosely direction or projected on a plane
a served by the component may become normai to the wind direction, in I112
To better approximate the actuai load the gross area of that wall in which A0
c h cases, the width of the effective wind is identi ed, in ml
rate (GCP) need not be taken as less than Ag,- the sum of the gross surface areas of
I _ . . . .
tii of the area This increase in effective the buiiding envelope (walls and root)
1 . .
e effect of reducing the average wind not including Ag, in n12
1 _ ' . .
the component Note, however, that this A0 = total area of openings in a wall that
a should only be used in deternnning the receives positive external pressure, in
20'7E.4~l through 20715.4-6 and 207E.4- I112
in d load shouid be apptied over the actual A0, = the sum of the areas of openings in the
h e component being considered. building envelope (walis and roof) not
including A0, in m2
of systems, the effective wind area is the /log = totai area of openings in the building
ion board (or deck panel if insulation is envelope in 1112
) ards are fully adhered (or the membrane AS 2 gross area of the solid freestanding
Y to the deck). If the insulation boards or wall or solid sign, in mi
chanically attached or partially adhered, a 2 width of pressure coefficient zone, in
area is the area of the board or iriembrane in
rle fastener or individual spot or row of
ta.=~ I>' erIf \\._\3,i¢¢s4,\/>,t-‘W<,;_._
~,a,,,r. C|~iAPTE§ 2 ~ iviinirnum Design toads 2-31 Mswsin v
\.#1’ es» '==; r
,3 4 ~ /~-¢~<~»~r;;§.s{§‘§Z,=E1¢;"
5v/é!‘/>'I / w ....“ ~-_>. ,--,. a
W ,1 -~
is *04'‘ »<, <§<‘>/$¢~’»/4&5:-/=>."$~3I~‘I.
m »~;;: simplified design wind pressure for ,6 = damping ratio, percent critical for
.' i' Exposure B at h = 10 1T1 and buiidings or other structures -<»-
l ‘
I # 1.0 from Figure 207C.6-l, in 5 Z ratio of solid area to gross area for
:Z<<\ av/~ .
» %“ /~&-?z§1.‘tZ»';‘ : -- N/mg solid freestanding wall, solid sign,
wind pressure acting on windward open sign, face of a trussed tower, or
/./ :;§"L'~’$/>‘57,4j-§}{‘i(i§‘:‘:"::. -- - -r. I
*‘<;1¢l ‘ "3-51?’/‘£11 ‘I
face in Figure 2(}7B.4-8, in N/mi lattice structure
Q background response factor from E = integral iengtb scale power law
Equation 207A.9-8 exponent in Equation 207A.9-9 from ._, ¢.», .~nita»,¢
.v.u~ i ~¢_¢.~-~2<s-_f:1_;-1; i
;T:a_I:!_€; i§—_il- i i-W veiocity pressure, in N/I112 Table 207A.9-i
I I1
, . ,,\-‘//I». ézz velocity pressure evaluated at height it = adjustment factor for building height
N‘ i
- z = h, in N/m2 and exposure from Figures. 20'/C.6-l
[ .
velocity pressure for internal pressure and 207E.5-l
1' qr ,1 =
determination, in N/mi value used in Equation 207‘A.9-l5
‘ ‘d lit
Jigs? l
ii =v~a>,> -=:=
(see Section 20'7A.9.4)
an» 1i .,Vr//~:»:;~-;~=>_:-- " - velocity pressure at top of parapet, in
-1 -' qr 6 = angle of plane of roof from horizontal,
\ MW ,~7’*=¢>‘~I' ‘ N/ml
-s‘>3;*i JV \ \ velocity pressure evaluated at height 2 in degrees
5%: 1*’ ' Q2
=-W?" W4:
§f\\ t \<:~ ~';.~::-_\ .
above ground, in N/mi
. \%‘ sci <~-
» ll
. R resonant response factor from 207A./-1 General
"=:~>\\»< far)‘/~ ;:<.\-::~ ---
.90‘ Equation 207A.9-12
l "- 1 .1-1
Rh! RI. 3
vaiues from Equations 207A.9-l5 207A.4.1 Sign Convention
:3 Ri reduction factor from
".1 \>“‘*Zl
., \é'. =a»e.e~:>\‘=.»QI»'"-: Equation 207A.l l~i Positive pressure acts toward the surface and negative
'=::ZZ$; — f5~;ni;<~‘5%§§~r:R‘-=:i~-‘I333 "
- <31 ‘;'is¢I:r‘~'~ --
Rn value from Equation 207A.9-13 pressure acts away from the surface.
‘ \ - -. .
‘ S vertical dimension of the solid
=;.»>"/sit freestanding wail or solid sign from 207A.4.2 Critical Load Condition
-» "~,<a=,-»:=;=;:==>~:-=:
éw ‘ .;>4~>‘.:>L':»=r-» Figure 2070.4-1, in m
:;:-.1<~€-5» ,1: _ T‘ rise-to-span ratio for arched roofs Vaiues ofexternal and internal pressures shall be combined
.r.,\/ "‘tti<*';'>>
g ;.,,_.,s... .-; 3- - - P iieight-to~width ratio for solid sign aigebraically to determine the most critical load.
?c’:s V basic wind speed obtained from
Figure 207A.5-IA through 207A.5~ 207A.4.3 Wind Pressures Acting on Opposite Faces of
», (»}\f; I>.'~‘:‘~?I:f,'7,>‘>.‘l\‘>'<:':1:i111=:I7I--:-'
. .»<r,'_z;,»:?~=’:1:i-"-’-7=:‘i.<==,=: :
lC, in in/s. The basic wind speed Each Buiiding Surface
at-:> s I é, corresponds to a 3-s gust speed at 10
1.-,;~.=z~s=,~ t,—_,_= ’/*1-‘/it/Yz~'»';»_~t-=-:
:->t$:§g/ ; >-.\/.-./...~- V
m above the ground in Exposure In the calculation ofdesign wind loads for the MWFRS and
, _ _,'r¢==,-,.sa>=.>-_r-.=,-== ;
Category C for components and cladding for buildings, the algebraic
.- . _U _ \
Kr unpartitioned internal voiume, mi sum of the pressures acting on opposite faces of each
.-..»;.o» t ,._.,
=— ; ./.=>.a->»:>»:~,.~.'
/\ .
V2 mean hourly wind speed at height 2 building surface shali be taken into account.
,:.=.>,-22¢ 5,
: : '»i»:1'</~ . in/s
width oi’ building in Figures 207E.-4-3 C01nmem‘nry.' 1 T ..
ii and 20713.4-SA and 207E.4-5B and
width of span in Figures 207E.4~4 and Section 207A-.4.3' is inclrided" in the code to ensure that
207E.4-6, in in internal and external pr'esszri'es acting on a buildiiig
distance upwind or downwind of crest sm vce are taken into rrcc'ozm't by dererrriiraiizg er net
--~/crqjl a t..
l s
in Figure 20'7A.8-l, in in pressure -om the crlgebrm'c'szm1 of those presszrrrzs. For
,= ’.,,~>g>t...<.. -~ ~
N height above ground ievel, in in additional irrformalion Ion the-iapplicati0r2_ of the net
equivalent height of structure, in in components and cladding".wind-prfessurc "acting across a
nominal height of the atmospheric multilayered lmilrling i envelope systcrrz,-= inclziding
boundary layer used in this code. air-per-nzeable cladding, refer I0 Section C20 7E. J.5.
‘W r1§‘.="::‘3
' Values appear in Table 207A.9-l
~ , .B\_\:\' ._:..4
-' 2
= exposure constant from Table
II 3-s gust-speed power law exponent
from Table 20'7A.9-1
ii reciprocai of tr from Table 207A.9~l
zyéé ;|\\~»\':\'~ .- E mean hourly wind-speed power law
I~:z- l?.."'i1-1: exponent in Equation 207A.9-16 from
i§,~_<~<.-it Tabie 207A.9-1
National Structurai Code of the Philippines \/oiume 1, 7th Edition, 20% 5
rt t , .
- sy;
- 524;‘,;,~- .=.== ., .. - -.;
.>>.»r'.\\ I
UV”/\6$‘»--:5">: "-'
//‘~ ,¢¢6»
:W<:Qf‘4I;¢/?wQ‘\g<;,\\ j, -
2~32 Cl~|APT§R 2 - Minimum Design ioads
=».~.~ .> \
;l~‘»,¢v-<t9 W,»,~§;,,i
4;;/’ em §t»=;=.§=;.
M \~".1/ »
W U,
1% __ ,1
,~,\,.\\.».\.._... 2; C§~iAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-33
7 W \;$&v%,\,.i, .
/,~;~ _ \ ,.. <\ . .. ,.
/».- 0
" - 1;w<=.'@.\~:.'¢~;~“4§/.<";:¢:.~t<=~ ~- ' ..__ X ___.....-...;;;-"T . -- . .. _ ~ _t.___ ‘ _'_.r. .._ _ _W,_\
; 1 ‘
5%}. 1 e%/3.,§;e,_\4,\..<..t,-
3%” ,
y ~,
‘;\\ ' W f‘i"*“**i\
L -e }_.._.,._T1_ 4.:-¢.:¢-(4_-.-.---»—=
1 '
,_._~..¢_...~Z.,.~~J>g=,- g»__,5.-_;
H i % i
,K: ‘
-- :
.9 -
1r ,_....- 5i 1 ...“i ; 1= I_‘ ‘I| il§ l Il0I-I
#IlIiI\'|% = -_.~at r...;:2 -~t ...> H..
\ »/1-“ .\ i i . t = <- i IQL
*9 - 5' 1
_ 1 !\ _..\,.....i-,,m.“......j,.m... ,,,,
‘Mg ,,,,_H1|.. ‘....-.-.-....-N---‘ii--<,.-um
1‘ ‘ $0 >¢<
;<~“>%i ‘ \ vi/~//» A ‘Mil
‘ it <-E W._.[_
‘MW; 1 W, y _ _ "
-"""""""""'E“"‘“""i?"“F 3 ‘ ,.=,,==,=..,_ ___- _,,,.. M m,m'
J e <1" 1 _ _,_! 5.3..
= _, l ...}. ...-Q;-;:=
3 1 1; $*“
‘gt E ,3»-1I~./,='/Z<Z-=l:;'~,:.=;;:_
1 . t I ‘ I
,1_ 1 at \ : I ‘ 1 ‘l
.: - _ _.<=@=»~¢uu-£5-=-=»--9.-1."-A-=;_.J».--~.~...u~.w--U-__l
E ‘ i ‘ ,__.!._.a.....,-..;;..............-.-.-;-._._>...:t..--,-1.-
1 \< ¢ -.'§/;\'»-5':
4 _¢_~_ §‘§i‘\‘=
;< V
:\~§'/i ii? .
. = 1 .1 i E \ I \ g
Y l 1 12%‘
F !\ t =
I i ‘i
~_: 54$
.v)\\ 1-r \yY/ ..
iiie” ' %i_Le_e__. NlDbil * “F W.t.._.___. L.’ 3T“ t.s~.,i;.%t.........ti.....t,m.=...t,.;@....~.,;
i g 1%.“ 1 3
1-ass‘ *r-v ~I“»'"4
.--=t~,\% :
I ~\(,
To_ 1_ I
»; W
5 .___i. t llllumm/II:
/‘<1 \ 4:1
"'?<7» -' ;
.\\>»$ 1.0 _ i \ T [QT F: iil W r’.___l,___ i %%1:~__;_7_f_V,Vg_V!_V‘V;_____‘
5 [0. 36 + 0. '.i1n(12T)] (C207/1.5-2) probability of().OUl4.
t Q
5’ is the return period in years and VT is the T- The inzportancefactor used in Section 207 NSCP 2010
period wit idspeed. The strength design wind and earlier jot" the computation of wind loads for the
=:M: .
oc_?enrs when.‘
design of Oecupamjv Category 1 and II structures is
1 ‘%‘:~1~;<~<<,=<;:’“ '" = -' de ned so that the nominal 5O-year return period non-
I ~/
. -:/*3‘ gge,/.,-,._»
.'~- 0,»:/5 m CFV€UWLF (C207/1.5-5) tropieal cyelone wind speed is increased to be
gti representative of a 100-year return period vctlue.
‘I ?+%:::~'»~':~-:2;
‘$1; ' ""I:?""§"3‘:§:'II ':' Following the approach used above to estimate the
st;i -:§:;iZ:"l_i'es; - resulting e{‘ective strength design return period
‘xx \\,
associated will: a 50-year basic design speed, in the case
Ӥ> ,
:1-eel‘ 76,
[0. as + 0. 111412T)] (C207A.5~4) of the I00-year return period basic wind speed in the
. ::§-. E"; " ‘,2-_ ' = non-tropical cyclone-prone regions, we nd that: -
T w 00228 exp[10(V10D/V50),/Wm] KCZOYA-5-6)
- :i’5%“*\
55 §;‘$~';i7sI:‘--~'-:
we 115:4;
V~ ($0
t3-\~::-"=;~=-- National Stiucturai Code oi the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edéiion, 2015
l’:>I3 !"¥§‘3;. :__
Qi ge
-' =>;,\<4i =
'-'?1::(:?>»-'-'@$;,»,,_ M
2-34 Cl-IAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
wherefor V100/V5“ computedfrom Equation C207A.5- Sinzilarlv, if a wind speed is based upon Pa = 0.001 4i
4 with Wu: = 1.6, we find T = 1,697 _vears. ln the (700-year mean recurrence interval), there exists t
dgvtglgptnenl of Equation C207A.5-6, the term 3.5% probabilitv that this speed will be equaled 0;
(V100 /V59 )WLF replaces the Wm used in exceeded during a 25-year period, and a 6.9”A
Equation C207/1.5-5. e ectivelv resulting in a higher probabilit_1' of being equaled or exceeded in a 50-yea I
load factor for Occupancy Category I, ll and [ll period.
structures equal to WLF(V100/V50)2. Thus for
Occupanc_v Categorv I and ll structures, the basic wind Some products have been evaluated and test method:
speed is associated witli a return period of 1, 700 years, have been developed based on design wind speeds tho.
or an annual exceedance probability of 0.000588. are consistent with the unfactored load ef zcts tvpicallJ
Sltnilai'ly, the 25-year return period wind speed used in Allowable Stress Design. Table C307A.5- C
associated with Occupancv Categorv lll, IV and I/' provides conversion own the strength design-basec.
buildings equates to a 300»__vear return period wind design wind speeds used in the ASCE 7-10 design win:
speed with a wind loadfactor of 1.0. speed maps and the Section 207 NSCP 2010 design wine
speeds used in these product evaluation reports and tes.
Wind Speeds. The wind speed maps ofFigure .?07A.5-1 nzethods. A colunzn of values is also provided to allo 11
present basic wind speeds for the entire archipelago of coordination with ASCE 7-93 design wind speeds.
the Philippines. The wind speeds correspond to 3-sec
gust speeds at l 0 in above groundjor exposure category 207A.5.2 Special Wind Regions
Mountainous terrain, gorges, and special wind regio:
Serviceability Wind Speeds. For applications of shown in Figure 207A.5-I shall be examined for unusu
serviceabilit_v, design using maxiinutn likely events, or wind conditions. The authority having jurisdiction shall.
other applications, it may be desired to use wind speeds necessary, adjust the values given in Figure 20'/'A.5»l ‘
associated with mean recurrence intervals other than account for higher local wind speeds. Such adjustme
those given in Figures 207/4.5-1A to 207/1.5-1C. To shall be based on meteorological information zmci 1'
accomplish this, previous editions of NSCP 2010 estimate of the basic wind speed obtained in accordan (
provided tables with jactots that enabled the user to with the provisions of Section 207A.5.3.
ad/ust the basic design wind speed (prcviousl_,v having a
return period of50_vears to wind speeds associated with Cotntnentatjv:
other return periods.
Although the wind speed map 0fFigure 30721.5-l is val
For applications" of serviceabilitlf. design using for most regions of the countrv, there are special regioi
maxinnun lihelv events, or other applications, Appendix Hi ‘W'htch '. wind~" speed l CllI0tt1Gll¢S ‘J ate
' llnoivn
'* to erist
.1. Sonic I
Cpresents maps ofpealc gust wind speeds at 10 m above these
- 1 ' special ' l£’giOH$‘
I . ate noted Ht Figui e -707/I . 5-I . lltiti I
ll). 25, 50, and l00years. 1 ll(3__l‘S H7 these special I egtons can develop speeds that ul,
.' . ' ‘ ' ' ' - ' ..
ooM .....
~ ¢;1F<?*, ¢’y " ,'~§§§Z=E=4éII£=;I":= "I
::>7~’¢ :-’
w_+;'t_'o';”/i»\‘~<1:"I1.-.-=;:££:-= "
.,&g/e <,d“/}v;t—;s\; -‘ -
=>,,.~ <;§Ztf§>$.Z=:<=>r5:1,::==s£=.'
. 4; y1v ,1? w,»y;<;_:.~;<.-,<;>--;==:-
‘€+'§>v,,. /..\_<<\‘£,,:-A -;,_
¢,,/ <§’*='s~¢l~a~-<>e-:.;-
Q's/§;\;,;/,,;. .\ -- CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads M - go G1
/ »@%I<'Ir>~
.7;/.. e:
£55» iits:7 -<§¢z'.»:»./:*,;»¢/.~\~.4‘i--:>,~., 1- _--1- ;-.
, , \\}~'2\¢“§>_/’/\\/»/‘%/r\,"/\'~{,“(~.
by Figure .207A.8-J (Applied Research If meteorological data are used to jiistifv a~ wind speed
‘>3 -'.- lower than 1 77~lan/Ii 700-yrpeak gust at 10 iii, an analysis
' ofsampling error is required to demo:-zstrate that tlzefwind
Estimation of Basic Wind Speeds from record could not occur by chance. This can wbe
1% l ‘i accoriiplislied by showing that the d zrence lietweeii
tan lit‘“f“,“'"ff‘ff”‘ “ '
9610113 ]Cl lm atcData
1 =
‘Sim l l
pI'€(llCf€£l speed and J77 kin/h contains two to three
l ll , tropical cyclone-prone regions, regional standard deviations ofsampling error (Siiniu and Scanlari
1-)‘ \/'
l" 1996). Other eqziivalent methods inqv be used" ' ”
shall only be used in lieu of the basic wind
in Figure 2.07A.5-l when (1) approved
statistical-analysis procedures have been 207A.5.4 Limitation
"~15-/’ l‘ in reducing the data; and (2) the length of record,
11% l
14% ‘
error. averagrng time, anemonieter height, data Tornadoes have not been considered in developing the
xi: 4
terrain exposure of the anemoinetei have been basic wind-speed distributions.
ll _into
account. Reduction in basic wind speed below
>’ l 207A.5-l shall be permitted. 20'lA.6 Wind Directionality
y ‘ll
il ,» .-::1¢>:--5 .= I-I
.:z~és§* “
c»€¢-’;‘/<.~:/\~:"~=<i':»- cyclone-prone regions, wind speeds derived The wind directionality factor, Kd, shall be determined
techniques shall only be used in lieu of the from Table 207A.6-1. This directionality factor shall only
age“' ‘il, I-/;\2f;%:-1>:=:1;~
@ -Ls-1. _ . . .
~==»~?§ ll
ill; $%¥<:'éé::'<'.¢:==‘=:\
l ;.1YlnCl speeds given in Figure 20'/’A.5~l when be included in determining wind loads when the load
‘I-7’/5 ed simu ation an extreme Va ue statistica ana ysls combinations speci ed in Sections 2.3 and 2.4 are used for
t ll" are used. the design. The effect ofwind directionality in determining
~:.staQ {lllll
§"~%" 4/Jii '- I
wind loads in accordance with Section 207F shall be based
51 :11=§s;:;~_7¢~<a;;
tropical cyclone-prone regions, when the on an analysis for wind speeds that conl’orms to the
speed is estimated from regional climatic data, requirements of Section 207A.5.3.
-...-a, /-;/.;.:;.\._;=/..»;:..
. r‘l ee.g 1 '5$1\*";f{?/"\~£»’
W,~...-4 Z»\\~;--,2 wind speed shall not be less than the wind speed
.=s.-.31» . —
with the speci ed mean recurrence interval, and Coiiiiiientaij/.' V ‘V Q V '_ u VV V V V V V
. W t, V.
shall be adjusted for equivalence to a 3-s gust
at 10in above ground in Exposure C. The data 7"Vliel??1't1¢I loadfactor].3 in ASCE 7-9V5‘ z'nVcli,idccl llll’ll1£l
is r'
be performed in accordance with this section. diiectioiiialitit. factor” of 0.85 tetlingwaatt1»9¥aV1]§@ni<t
— . /.~._~g-:;-/;e:.\<-.~::»,.-:'.~-=:=.
\ <1 .:- .- Ellinglwoodijjet,i_al..‘_j.i1982). This factor"acVco’il’;it;§,§.foiftwo
.1 ,.
1 <\...~,~ ’
\5* I'
. .
redttcecl probability of
- - --. -1.. - » > .. .
‘,1 u
~/\ "/\4-€\~'1i*?-1'§_<::;.--2_‘.‘-:.“.- .. .‘ a’trecti0n and (3)
climatic‘ data in accordance with the piiolttilnilitjt-,‘oftlie ,Viizai‘irtiuri2 pressure paj@;7t¢ie~lt locclurriizg
;; Section 207/1.5.3 and in lieu ofthe liasic; wind for any give; _;1i»~¢¢ti¢§l2; The wind dii'ectiotiValitvfactor
Figzae 20751.5-l , the user is cazttioned that (ia'enti ed as Kg in the codeji istahzilated in Tattle 2()7A.6-
>2; -:
.\. . > _ >f:~ 1".‘ \-w_,v~/ ,- .1?‘ 1- i»'el0cit§v pi'ess11tre exposure coe icients, I for tliffel_'6ttt_Stt'ttcfttti‘e .tr;<-ml; researclr becomes
pressure coefficients, and” force available, this faVc:t0r_can ditfecthfmodified. Values for
¢/"¢'.11.~/,»::->~» :$-=-I
are inteiidea’jbr use with the 3-s thefactor were establisliedfrom '1-'e_/breiiccs in the literature
W3 -;t~,_-::
l)nz'-above gifoztnd in open country. It is and collective COl'I_It?Illli2€jiitlgii_ietit._ The Kd iralziefor rozitid
I-;i>\‘3i;<»'\-t l
. “' “l
regional climatic data based on Cfr7llIl1I”l£?_1;1S“,‘f£2t1l€.§', and siinilar_strilctztres_ is gnieiz as in
ai time, for €JVt‘(U7l])lC?, hoiirlv mean or recogriitioii of the fact that the ltllild load t'e.s'iStaiice tnay
to re ectpeak gust Speed? at Om not be ¢»<..»'l.;.-try the satire trial! direct_i0_ns as iii-iplied by a
., ‘<9 l
-15*-‘Iv li
lisw l
value of 1.0. A i{ali_te of0_85 niiglzt be more appi'opi'iate if
a triangular i'rus'sed '_aine'isshroi:a’ed in a round cover. A
ftlatai it should be emphasizedI that saiiipliizg value of" I10 might. he moi-ei apj_2ropri_ate_for_ 'a_ round
§a§a“ '" " to large uizcertainties in specification ofthe chimney having a la1"l2ral'load resistance eqiial in all
%\ ~"\~‘?‘ ,
errors are the errors associated with directions. The desigigeif is C _ItllOI_1€Cl_l)y_lll_§3 foo_tn0_te_ to
Ygl )}3‘/‘x 4:.\ /->.->4--.»-.---- --
- -- -
- -
data samples (years Tal>le'207}'l.:6~'l and the statéinent in Section 207AL6,' where
extremes). It is possible to have a reference is inade 't_@'___ the _tliis_';_fac_t_oi_'_ l.§‘VV0l_l'l]}’ to
iiiziid speed at an mclividzial station with a used in _ coizjiaictioii_ with: _th'e' loacl"co_n'zhiiiatioi1s' sp'e_cifViecl
'?\Z'%8~li 7//*1\4< .
‘efg l;
tears While local records Of limited in Sections__2.'3 ai1d3.4'0f/ISCE 7410.-_" 7' " ' ' '
1 3%’: l
V .;@§ll
'1 -. ”"§//lfll
‘lg be used to de ne niitzdlspeeds ind special
l Cat-e
- and coiiservatism
_ should he. exercised
.V . in
/ .
'z~,<Ie£ll ./A<*~i>5>:~~»-;e=~=;--<¢:\~ss:<:.---2-»~ -- --=:==-. - ' ' . --
;....\ \..
- =:§é§ll
:- anit
‘ an .
wt.’ National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition. 2015
..:-~\y< l
tr; t -\
l €-§~\.\\~
=14 . »-=~e‘{5:f‘€'@'-.~-. ‘-1 -
£2. _—.:~.~.’¢,>_=,»A; ¢
».,:§;:-:.>’,4; ~w\u§,/,3. _
2-36 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
1:.{=\ 1.1 K .~ /“/ .,
2G7A.7 Exposure coe icient actually decreases (i.e., the sea surface
becomes aet'othv1tar2tict1ll_v smoother) as the wind speed
$01‘ each wind direction considered, the upwind exposure increases trtlzer (Powell et al. 2003) or as the tropical :-" vi 4;.>"
.. ; 5 WN x‘
shall be based on ground surface roughness that is cyclone radius decreases (Viclterv et al. 200812). The fa»>E3. ‘ »
‘F22 , g i
determined from natural topography, vegetation, and consequences of these studies are that the surface
constructed faciiities. roughness over the ocean in a tropical cyclone is . 1’/is 3%’
consistent with that ofexposure D rather titan exposure wot?\»>~> ~> Q
Conzntontatjv: C. C0nsequentl_v, the use of exposure D along the ‘ "~¥~’*”F;7:-”§"‘\
tropical c_vclone coastline is now required.
The descriptions of the surface roughness categories .,~> X30 ¢
and exposure categories in Section 207A.7 have been For Exposure B the tabulated values of KZ correspond A
expressed asfar as possible in easily understood verbal to Z0 = 0.2 tn, which is below the typical value of0.3 tn, xd W
ee¢~=s§t»~: \
terms that are suificiently precise for most practical whereasfor Exposures C and D the_v correspond to the §%§>§%‘*“‘i*{,§>*
applications. Upwind surface roughness conditions a/=s~sMw,/.-, \
titpical value ofz,,. The reason for the difference in
required n‘ Exposures B and D are shown
schetnalicallv in Figures C207/i.7~l and C207A.7~».?,
respectively. For cases where the designer wishes to
Exposure B is that this categotjv of terrain, wlzich is
applicable to suburban areas, o en contains open
I or
It “We?Y
patches, such as higltwa_vs_. parking lots, and playing ‘1$?t’~*"l’z
i poo
M\7@%v:g$Q /s‘§#1~':‘¢‘<&'z’.{y‘L<,>,~_ V
make a more detailed assesstnent of the sutjliee elds. These cause local increases in the wind speeds at /~
roughness categotjv and exposure categorv, the their edges. By using an exposure coejjicient /\/\
.- /i
= =w»;e;uexst:==:
<9 --,-.news» "12" eggs.
following more mathematical description is offeredfor corresponding to a lower than typical value ofZ0, some
at ~We
i e»,,/
Ii $\//'j‘%b>%€=5E=?
guidance (ll‘H=‘lJ1 2006). The ground surface roughness is allowance is madefor this. The alternative would be to @, -sate wt’/,$§‘2
Iv” 7/‘-'/vosiiisv
."\~2\~£ “<'z»r“i
best measured in terms ofa roughness length parameter introduce a number of exceptions to use ofExposure B
// 4 ,-.1 ====»,.~,2~e/>\,-3,35%
st» i A /V ¢,,<<\~ 55'
-= =ais~"""‘sa~
’% ZW 44:3
culled Z0. Each of the sur tce roughness categories B in suburban areas, which would add an undesirable v,;~;1 . . _.;,§&§,,t;’;%{".._i.__.
': ' —.-: :£:¢s:r- ///'>”‘s=i"§.-:
through D correspond to a range of values of this level ofcomplexity. as
v»/." '- i3'~
V-—='. \~//Ivvr/A5515:
parameter, as does the even rougher categotjv A used in ' 7'7
1;; t-\'>/W’. ,W
\=\ .~,.»./s.f=~\1~E
previous versions of the code in heavil_1> built»up urban The value ofzofor aparticular terrain can be estimated Q
/; _ ,:
>1 7 ~.%$'r'/’~’a’~4'~i
on values ofzg in dt hrent types ofterrain can befound 2,, = 0. snob (c2024.?-1) »~.-..:, 4;’ 1~s=;e<'="¢W-"-*:~;=;tt;
1‘<'i:t =1
0 tt§.v.~rs_<,~?/~.~1
in Sintiu and Scanlan (1996) and Table C207/4.7-2 “i‘35’~“X"'; ‘Q'Z4"5t3é17\iE
based on Davenport et al. (.2000) and Wieringa et al. ‘:':~$'</+4_~,r'€'~‘/'~<i=‘t:I¢1
Hob : the average height of the roughness in
(2.001). The roughness classifications in Table C207.»l. 7-
the upwina' terrain -»~\ 7.: :~§~V,,§‘;'1/Q",/§Av'
2 are not intended to replace the use of exposure as'—.;—i
...? 'E&;»$'(>T'1‘~,;§‘<»/’I5E=§‘~I‘¢
sob = the average vertical ontal area per
categories as required in the codefor structural design "U F;
_, 1‘2~I1
obstruction presented to the wind
purposes. However, the terrain roughness =v=»@1c//9,-./~;i;:,t
A01: 2 the average area ofground occupied by ;/ t)
classi cations in Table C207/1.7-2 may be related to ’:‘»~'¥ >- .
14> ’;
WM ~:§%:;-»~<<Y:s».~»:»
..t/ct~ 1 — .
-t .1»:
,~.~. 5‘ .4- CPIAPTER 2 — F\/linirnum Design Loads 245?
determination is defined as an "open patch. " An open 1
an example. if the upwind etch consists priinarily of patch is de ned as an opening greater than or equal to x.r
- W /(-‘\'\.~ .
‘_-;_“§,;g[e family homes with typical height Hob = 6m, approximatelv 50 7?] on each side (i.e., greater than 5
2113;;-tieal_ 'oi1tal area (including some trees on each lot) 50 in by 50 tn). Openings smaller than this need not be
>-1(tOnr’, and ground area per home of 1,000nr’, then considered in the determination of the exposure 1
is calculated to be Z0 = 0.5 >< 20 >< 100/1,000 = categotjv.
,. I -~.~,"'I-5. I
==7'(‘)f_5'nz, whichfalls into exposure categotjv B according to
3”‘ ix "
1; .~:~1Ti;i=t » c2024. 1->1.
The e ect ofopen patches ofsurface roughness C or D
M V l ‘w
. on the use of exposure category B is shown pictoriallv ii
’ l; l~<
.. and bashes are porous and are deformed by in Figures C207/1. 7-3 and C207A. 7~4. Note that theplan
winds, which reduce their effective ontal areas location of any open patch may have a different e ect
>:_“>;\!‘l ~-r,\1<~;.::-;>..:=-':'
>§»i<‘it .. ' _-
_ 1993). For conifers and other evergreens no for different wind directions. x
w» l re/, ,, I
¢. ¢ , » : ' < =>: = . ~ : . r : = -: " =I . ' - . 1. than 5U percent of their gross rontal area can be t
7% l __;;'ttiheti to be e ctitie in obstructing the wind. For Aerial photographs, representative of each exposure
*atV c‘ w ---deéciiittous trees and bushes no more than 15 percent of type, are included in the commentary to aid the user in
- --<:==_thet_r gross 'ot-ital area can be taken to be e ectzve in establislzing the proper exposure ar a given site.
we >.~u‘l at/<.- , -.
2-.'i?h$*it‘iictit?g the wind. Gross ‘0ntal area is ti f fled in Ohviouslv, the proper assessment of exposure is a
~J§7.»’?l1l h // ~ -. -
~.,c<_11"tli'ic§§Fcontext as the projection onto a vertical plane matter of good engineering judgment. This fact is
‘Q lii ~“3i¥§§’;$t';‘\’33"1;5I1:I1 -. .1 '1
e it he ~;I '
13- :1:,_:(fiiiit_'iIi£Il to the wind) of the area enclosed by the particularly true in light of the possibility that the
. 4/,,>,.~_ ~
1434:‘: ll‘ %f” ~‘%1§~,§§ht>eltJ;2e
. ofthe tree or bush. p ' exposure could change in one or more wind directions
‘:'-milill -:=:-'3'
' - - '- - : - Y' ' ' due to tture demolition and/or development.
992) estimated that the rizajm-ity ofv buildings
§~.é;‘<iIl~>;.1:> iigetijlttipcs as nit-lch as 60 percent to SO per'cent) have an
¢~:~ ’*/3 w
5%‘? ~ ‘1~%<‘,}’_'~‘>I§;¥<-'5‘-:.:‘
._ - category corresponding tovExposni'e B; While 207A.7.1 Wind Directions and Sectors
velv simple definition in the code will normally
formost practical applications, o entittles the For each selected wind direction at which the wind loads
is in need of additional information, are to be determined, the exposure of the building or
with regard to tlze'e)j‘"e‘ct of large openiiigs structure shall be determined for the two upwind sectors
.».-r.. :
;.».-:.:‘ 1; . \~/"~"5;::Y:!/<3"~'.:~i»Z
(e.g., large parking lots, _fi'eeways,.» or tree extending 45° either side of the selected wind direction.
,; sftao//<_~,~:.~>-'->1,/=:.~
.~ »-/4‘ ~. ; ,~,.~<§‘/4~ /Z‘}$=1"-L-:.-Z:-:
1~ ‘\ee\:t<>v,~.».~c»,~
¢/*7-<’~*»>61§2“‘1= in the otherwise “nornial " The exposure in these two sectors shall be determined in
accordance with Sections 207A.7.2 and 20'7A.7.3, and the
~"/»'~l‘i /;>’.'~2:¢.z<:;.\';:=ii=;:='z§;I=.¢
;-:’;~§I:~/ _ ’ ; if V “ 1 I’ if-it exposure whose use would result in the highest wind loads
=§¢;$s-.I‘5=-=2;ii:..:.-:-:;,_. . . W ‘ shall be used to represent the winds from that direction.
$3,’ s
6/ definition ofExposure B given Ill the body of
using the surface roughness category
_~_».,»_.» »o<=
-<;.- ' < -‘"~V
isshown pictorially in Figure C2»07A;v7-l.
1’/I ,%~§'\*/T\¢A=4EE?1~§'-"~‘.':'-
A / ké ;-ode/inition
appliesfor the surface roztghness7.iB
or , s “A ~>f~'.»>/>'>.=~'~"'=
prevailing 800 m upwzndwzth tnsu icterzt
";1~>€=: 7: I‘?1:.~ ~/Ivo .~‘I£lt'°1.'-
patches" as de ned in the following text»-to
use ofExposure B_.:_ _ j. _
. ;.,<':,.
in the surface roughness B large enough to
e ct on. the exposure category
., 1% t <./
‘~I3;‘$\" li:
lll xtyf 4, -/\~ -.
~>,¢4“ t ~ \ ~ -
. AW
Mg ‘ '
.;“,Q<v»¢-,~./.-e/---w§:_"- -
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cw /~- National SlFUClU§'8| Code of the Philippines Volume 1, an Edition, 2015
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2-38 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
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tn 4 _ _~“‘1‘L ¢
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J 4""
*- ?“"~§?..\§
1. Values are nominal design 3-second gust wind speeds in kilometers per hour at 10 m above ground for Exposure C category.
Linear interpolation between contours is permitted.
Islands and coastal areas outside the last contour shall use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area
Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions.
Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 15% probability of exceedance in 50 years (Annual Exceedance Probability = 0.00333, MRI = 300 ye
_0\u-boom Results are from PAGASA.
Figure 207A.5-1A Basic Wind Speeds for'Occupancy Category III, IV and V Buildings and Other Structures
w..‘~ .
4 -
__i;_;' _ -. _ it
ca‘ "
4;: ‘#"4*—""
i -'5?
‘ Lt‘Ii:
__-5%,.' 5%‘
_ I ‘A
3 1. r
1 Values are nominal design 3-second gust wind speeds in kilometers per hour at 10 m above ground for Exposure C category.
Linear interpolation between contours is pen-nitted.
Islands and coastal areas outside the last contour shall use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area.
Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions.
Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 7% probability of exceedance in 50 years (Annual Exceedance Probability = 0.00143, MRI = 700 years).
<hu|:>u-Ito Results are from PAGASA.
Figure 207A.5-1B Basic Wind Speeds for Occupancy Category II Buildings and Other Structures
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
__ _______g_
2-40 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
*’ |
d 6
1.. e
; =
... ~+"> ~ > - 3 J‘
: 1'
H , L ‘kg
Il- 1H4':9
. pg”F “Ci)4
I 1_l.".'
l. Values are nominal design 3-second gust wind speeds in kilometers per hour at l0 m above ground for Exposure C category.
2. Linear interpolation between contours is permitted.
Islands and coastal areas outside the last contour shall use the last wind speed contour of the coastal area.
Mountainous terrain, gorges, ocean promontories, and special wind regions shall be examined for unusual wind conditions.
il -lib-I Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 3% probability of exceedance in 50 years (Annual Exceedance Probability = 0.000588, MRI = 1700
6 Results are from PAGASA.
Figure 207A.5-lC Basic Wind Speeds for Occupancy Category I Buildings and Other Structures
1 _,__
—%¢i f<»’/"¢.~" es-¢~<~/x_<>=».1::==:=;:-...
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~>:~<>: 11.»:
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.- CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-41
vi '
mi? = ;§§;i- ,'*‘%!\E?:_é;3§":I:.-11:;
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‘ e‘*~>,//fr‘-e/ft‘-:-:-.'-'.
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r 1 \\s¢§//’/»<P4' ::_.4_,,.__I-I- ' I wIN0 F '1 5 *8"l- d1 2 456 Y“ oraea sraucrurae
1:— For h > 18m d1 2 greater of 790 m or 20h
rm 1:.-.~
4% >*"
. A2-/:=~/:>.?<-:.1_~.;;.;, .- -
...,\ As l ..;~:~5/”»Z' ?<¢<~,_'s-;..§-;-;'.' .
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;->s<»~ l ¢3i§%;-:.\‘v‘-:--"r: '-: - -.- '--
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Figure C20 iA.7-1
§f{>Z§_:lll§4< My ..
1" ]§=§'\"<I:£IE
rf li};§=:¢>2t¢=-.<~:=~
Upwind Surface Roughness Conditions Requires for Exposure B.
Q31» ill
. W,.~.<~s-;.,‘,
l ll g./ts:->..t...;;;
1,,~t 4,1“ :
34/;g:~,~;<‘:~<1~‘>=¢: --
‘"~1Q/.»;...>__/ - '7.‘I-I'- 5 :.-
s ***** 0 BUILDING OR
W;N9 I all 2 greater of 1500 m or 20h i OTHER STRUCTURE
ll \-\_
i ‘5:,\\\\‘.\
\ '2-*1" ' '
M, '1"; I‘
(CV: I\'IJ'.~
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A l 5'29-‘-:-‘r;"~>2.1-
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r ~~<.
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.7 /
' -’ »‘
.. ~.
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N’) __ _.W
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. _ d 2 greater Of ITI OI and
\ W] N D
ti: 5 greater of 180 m or 20h
é \
/~/4 E?
55 la.
4. ..
?‘\$~{':*"_'j ' :_- _
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Ii'l>¥rI1 F2/<=:¢=:;'-1:
.' Mi
' '\ Figute C207A.7-2
- 3%
i '-:;-: Upwind Surface Roughness Conditions Required for Exposure D, for the Cases with
(a) Surface Roughness D Immediateiy Upwind of the Building, and (b) Surface Roughness B and/or C immediately
.3.‘:l§“ . _. Upwinci of the Building
. ,\_< F<
. . %l . 251.»./.._
" ::;.://3
l rig“
s :._:_.._
0.90 .l * /;»~&;f;»1;<~.vax<
Square lll
Hexagonal 0.95 l
Round 0.95 l
' 451$‘ 's"~;.\.-/ 1
Solid Freestanding Wails and Solid
0.85 . .
l Freestanding and Attached Signs
I Open Signs and Lattice Framework 0.85 l
/\/,\/ i
Trussed Towers :.1.»
‘f q: _-7. =92‘/1’:<#¢:.'
x<».,~,.,tat\ :<~<£i»
._>4~>./» .
Triangular, square, rectangular 0.85 ' *1/ .7—' . »i¢,"m\*.§€%
,_~,~,/\.~ M
A ground Surface Roughness within each 45° sector shall Exposure B: For buildings with a mean roof height of less
be determined for a distance upwind of the site as de ned than or equal to 9 m, Exposure B shall apply where the
in Section 207A.7.3 from the categories de ned in the ground surface roughness, as de ned by Surface ‘Liz-s W“. .» <
following text, for the purpose of assigning an exposure Roughness B, prevails in the upwind direction for a .;_.s§, - {e4»»mw,
category as de ned in Section 207A.7.3. distance greater than 450 m. For buildings with a mean roof -1 ‘¢?>‘<"<§ l‘:».-;'s‘j”»~<<<s~.»
F "A7
N,Wws~s.....~ _. _ _:;l'
,/ .s,y:;§4"* "
.< _<.,,3¢/¢ M7(¢//“ ...,
.»=.'; =-»s
at w\/~>:&§,=-1:.-;=:»;:;»:;;=_:
CHAPTER 2 -~ Ivlininwurn Design Loads 243 ‘
hit;W 4/
D conchtzon as de ned 1n the ptevtous ofsectors one or two is used to determine tll
loading individually. and then 75 percent qf:tt@se’_’t¢;nt§f»§§
t.. ._ ;' " 1ii\\ ~-I////'7“‘i:"';l'7'1i~2--I - ‘ ‘
. are to be applied in each direction at the .sat>tte“'tittie5.5 “$
located in the transition zone betweenexposure according to the requirements of Section 207B.-1.6 and
the categmy resulting 21'] the largest wand forces Figure 20713.4-8. The procedure de ned in this section
" Q. -
for determining wind loads in each design direction is
1% -
not to be con ised with the determination of the wind
4 ' ' directionalityfactor K4. The K,1factor determined rom
~ ;=
-. -' -- _- -- -
Section 207/1.6 and Table 207/L6-1 applies t.-' all
design wind directions. See Section C207/L6.
Wind loadsfor cladding and low—rt'se buildings elements
are determined using the upwind exposzirefor the single
.. t;=e§\w¢<,»w==~.\.~'=.¢ < \ t
. sraswe.-¢t?‘->“/.==>.\Y.-%’s-rrf"‘- . surface roughness in one of the eight sectors of
"-1 .1 . =
Exposure Requirements Figure C207/1.7-5 that gives the highest cladding
- _. ¢ w~»e>»>~,“,'~T<v1:l1?;‘Ye'?\=:='i‘;",-_-'--1;.
“/"\§(/§"~*»‘%‘.\\ .-t=-4 . - .-
/ %\<7a".¢,%»fQ;%_, . . . .
tn Section 207A.5.1 requires that a 8 1
be designed for winds from all directions. A
7 '1".
to determine directional wind loads -1I t-
. .
, .. .5.
Q‘ ,_.
Wind load for bmidings using Section Q
§ O OQ
.~:1:=:t' ‘Q
5;-'<t‘_+ G?o?:>'~n0-tr0~u'0'4‘V
-0‘ O‘1 >:.:o':Q0‘:Q‘0 v =
,5.» '- -
and> Figures 2075.4-1, 20719._ 4-2 _ or 207B. 4-3O _ Zsit fia. .1}s§I’ee 'o*~‘t»\*~
Q ‘ w . m ,
0 * - t~"u*a: ~ : H I
'0! _ 3 EAST
n‘ eight wind 'dlt'6C[tOt'tS lat 45 “:“ '2
u.v.~‘Ot 0an ..4.O:Q:4: :\‘
.O‘§‘5."‘. 5‘ C
"v4»"I0 ;¢:~Z*Z*I*Z“'e$'e'.\‘¢‘*»
.i‘i it
suttnme on
in Fignre C207A.7-5. For each of the eight 5 3 on-ten smuctuae
upwind exposure ts. determinedfor each of 5 4
one on each side of the wind direction
with the exposure giving highest loads
to de ne wind loads for that direction. For
for winds 'otn the north, the exposure 'om Figure C207/M7-5
or eight, whichever gives the higher load, is
Determination of Wind Loads
o'_t;;witt¢l the east, the
exposure -‘om sector from Different Directions
whichever‘ gives the highest load, is used.
coming otn the northeast, the most exposed
lg t-~==»em»,:¢< ,w~,=<_;.~/=~.'.~
e.l >7 ;,..~ -
Mt we 4/ ts..>~:/~:>.-1."
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./V tt
/*4: ;\\¢~¢,‘<\\~;L,.\c.~.~,t/£,~..-.5;
(/'1»\,\ ~y/~, \ _
2/ t
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7' til =%v;~\,<1sA.,¢,,/..~ »- V.
we >==:a~-=-.
it g
, m.
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Q» “V
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;"' .\~~
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume L 7th Edition, 20% 5
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y//=..~.~,,,.,,._ ,<=:¢.
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_ 1 2§£<x'>‘\"3t-il~'?.=:»:',::I'-
“OPEN PATCHES” — OPENINGS 2 50 m X 50 m -.»:==~;-Q: ‘I ",_~ ,~ .-.~\\~<.~;;».;.:-.. >43
;:i>\\* '
~x~ , 1'3:
Figure C»207A.7-3 1 - 19:'<==_§:»_5.g..{..;;
Exposure B with Upwinci Open Patches ;
.- =_ ;
.»»-N . ;’~4(;~,;\:>¢:.-, ,
/ 14.247- Q;/¢;;»»\.:¢2;:.'»'
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6: CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2 45
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. 4/\ \
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.=(»@= ii
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‘I, I: ,,, ',~.;f:4¢/‘R11/'0-~l"£ CONSIDERED.
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—':$4‘ <~ . /, _~
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1 1
~"~'->/" .-5.1; \\¢V<.§»;:>-:.\~ -I ¢/1:
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;. i
; .-.;,‘.>€_\\~(
. :..;Z~/
. igure 7A.7~4
. .-.~,~s.I Exposure B with Open Patches
-. 29% ; W-.=;,;,,;¢ ,
.-.'. ~:==~:~/\<
Na ional Siructurai Code ofthe Philippines Voiume I, 7th Edition. 2015
‘ :.11'::¢\,;
.3:?;.i§;’g% =5; .»=~;;-:&\‘S;‘.1;:‘I>
my H >
For each wind direction considered, wind loads for the ;./,\~, . .<;.~.-.> . »
design of the MWFRS of enclosed and partially enclosed A wind tunnel stuclv by Means ct ol. (I 996) and observation iW
207/8.7.3. Wind loads for the design ofopen buildings with (5) was changed to 4.5 in in E.\'posurc C. . '1“ 1%?
monoslope, pitched, or troughed free roofs shall be based
on the exposures, as de ned in Section 207A.7.3, resulting Buildings sired on the upper half of ah isolated hill or r/ ll [ 145.1»:
W. :»>*‘s‘ ~
(II ~
in the highest wind loads for any wind direction at the site. cscurpment mqv experience sigm cohily higher wind N
l so-»_-> I
.. Q ‘E »
speeds than lniildiugs siluotcd on level ground. To account ,
r §l/
I ’,$';{ .~
207A.7.4.2 Envelope Procedure (Section 207C) for these lziglzcr wind speeds, the velocity pressure '>\/so runs .»~
buildings designed using the Envelope Procedure of factor, K2,, determined by Equation 207/1.8-l. The , 4* /(‘Q
Section 207C shall be based on the exposure category topographic fcorurc (2~D ridge or escarpment, or 3-D I
resuiting in the highest wind loads for any wind direction a.\'is_vmmetricol hill) is described by two poromelers, H and om,
;:.»3”»~ —.=.~;>,2. .
(such as soiid freestanding walls and freestanding signs, distance upwind or downwind of the crest, and K3 /Q 7 9,. -=-=..
chimneys, tanks, open signs, lattice frameworks, and accounts for the reduction in .s'pced~up with height above 5
trussed towers) as speci ed in Section 207D shall be based the local ground suifacc. f$=v*
be based on the exposure category resulting in the highest shown that hills with slopes of less {huh ohout 1:2»t V /.~'§==:=;_rs=
0.10 (H/Ln < 0.20) are zmlilrelv lo produce signi cant '\»~‘<€> rx»».:.==::»
..<¢o. .
wind loads for any wind direction at the site. Y >f:’~ 1'
As on aid lo the designer, this section was rewritten in K3 given in Figure 20734.8-l. Tlzcrqrorc, values of K2,
ASCE 7-98 Io specijfil when topographic effects need to be obtaincd -'oin Figure 207/1.8-I are intendedfor use with ‘»/’ r>\§.»'. »
oppllcd to 0pCli"llC‘Zll(1l‘.S'li'HC'lZll‘€ rather thou when they do vclocitjv pressure exposure C0(::1flCl(€J7lS, Ki, and KZ, which
ho! as in the previous version. In on c brt lo exclude are based on gust speeds.
situations where little or no topographic cjjhct exists,
Condition (.2) was added to include the fact that the It is not the intent ofSection 2()7A.8 to ocldrcss the general \<,{A(
topographic rarurc should protrude sigiu cuntl_v above case 0fw1'uo'_ otv over hz'll_v or complex terrain for wliich W I2
(by ofoclor oftwo or more) upwind lerroihfcaturcs before engineering judgment, expert advice, or the Wind Tunnel ;,..i_.i:<;,~.>, -.<;‘{~/4 <
Procedure as described hr Section 207F may be required. S
it hccomcs o factor. For example, lfo Slglfl lll upwind
icrroin -2ot1ir'e has o hcighl of1 0 m above its hose elevation Background material on topographic speed-up e zcrs may 1v~”A§1 5??‘
and has u lop elevation of3O m above mean sea level then hefozmd in the literature (Jackson and Hunt 1975, Lcmelin
the topogroplu'cfcol1ire (hill, ridge, or escarpment) mus! ct al. I988, and Wolrrislcy cl al. 1986). ,;%/fag -‘~:.\<
._ ‘C
s ‘Qz.<¢l..:‘/>-s';»;a:=::;;;;:;.
Ci~§AP'i”ER 2 ~ Minimum Design toads 2-47
»...-.<,.< ;'
designer is cautioned that, at present, the code 2. The hili, riclge, or escarpment protrudes above the
:1.- ..
. .4 (M.».»~,-
- '
- “;iiE5i1I41ins' no provision for vertical wind speed-up because
height of upwind terrain features within a 3.2-km
e<-a l. radius in any quadrant by a factor of two or more.
/csgj l y“2~\1\\:“-51.}. -
i‘}ji'I_rj"[(JpOgl'Gp/7iC effect, even though this phenomenon is
14' i >51:--;.-I‘ I;
I;j3];"noiiirz to e.=:r'.s*f and can cause odclitioriol uplift an roo .
\ 3. The structure is located as shown in Figure 207A.8-1
ll ' iilcfdiiioncil research is reqm'r'ed to qzrarilg t this ejfecf
in the upper one-half of a hill or ridge or near the crest
l f§~3¢1j?,4‘I§.l~'-E-. '-1:1; "?‘l;‘L§foi‘e'if can be incorporated into the code.
‘ as l
of an escarpment.
VA M. pg; 5 '2li7A.8.1 Wind Speecl~Up over Hills, Ridges, and
l e<
Be 1:::1"\:-“z- - - Escarpments 4. H/Lu 2 0.2.
la :-- - .
iilgora . __-
‘ {I _;;,;~.- ¢.-_
‘Wind speed-up effects at isolated hills, ridges, and 5. H is greater than or equal to 4.5 in for Exposure C and
¢.,...n_.. _ _
t l‘i i>%>§s'::~:“ .. -- -- :§".;escarpments constituting abrupt changes in the general D and 18 in for Exposure B.
ll;‘.:~L~'.>;.'.<-,:_. _‘ :..;.- ."-__If0pOgl'E§])lly, located in any exposure category, shall be
'\»°'<: ll]i ~ 4,\-::.-= .. -.
~:<~Z~*1*¢ l ?-’,EE>§{=‘»-."::=--- :-
-’;§/Ya? ill “iincluded in the design when buiidings and other site 207A.8.2 Topographic Factor
l 41%, ~’$~*:./=-:;;:'.._ -. '
< we\( il l,
are iconditions and locations of structures meet all of the
i ll 2%"
- =' ijfollowing conditions: The wind speed-up effect shall be included in the
calculation of design wind loads by using the factor KH:
1'?>”°Z§ l
fil. The hill, ridge, or escarpment is isolated and
X . ~,.
§",,:, /
unobstructed upwind by other similar topographic K2, = (1+K1+K2 +K3)2 (20'lA.8-1)
aw")! W “M \\\_:\_.,
j features of comparable height for l00 times the height
l =;'_<~/Ix»-;(;~,;...~_.
1 of the topographic feature (100H) or 3.2 km, where K1, K2. and K3 are given in Figure 207A.8~l.
! A1,, ., V
1 whichever is less. This distance shall be measured
" ~/ml;-\-... - .‘ horizontally from the point at which the height H of If site conditions and iocations of structures do not meet ail
the hill, ridge, or escarpment is determined. the conditions speci ed in Section 207A.8.l then
KZ, = 1. 0.
N V \‘/
F?/i-Y‘$“ "
._ .:/.,<s,;.~.,,.._.,._»..,,.
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National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume l. 7th Edition. 2015
V EA . w~»;~;>:§>~;~‘- -
.5! <-*;~/'41»
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..4- », > -
‘“</~?j' , .
1 V ;e.¢1.2/.4.
4 60$
“ tit»
22 ';.::et»z.':;,/9
Table 207A.8-1 10
Topographic Multipliers for Exposure C ».;>' .’,;,_ . ._» W
‘first. -:>-1
K1 Multiplier KZ Multiplier *1“4»:"::»;
K3 Multiplier re <>;»1;. '
H/Lh 2-D 2-D
Axisytn. x/Ln 2-
D All 1 3-D 0 ‘ '0' 525.3’: * *
0.20 ‘ 0.29 ‘1 0.17 0 21 1 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4/.s~2/».=»;:»¢»
»\\‘:t. » .
0.25 0.36 0.21 0.26 0.50 _. 0.07 g g g 0.10 0.74 0.78 0.07 _ “""<$~(4~,’
0439 0.43 1 92?... 0.32 1.00 1 0.75 0.33 _-..Q.20. 015.5. W0-61 1 0-45 .1U../
0.35 0.51 0.30 91.37 W L50 0 0.03 0.00 0.30 1‘ 0.41 0.47 0 . 30 /a:2/
0.40 0.58 1 0.34 0.42 3.00 0.50 0.00 0.40 ‘ 0.30 0.37 0.20 sh;
new sister»./tn:
0-45 . 916.5. .8
03 0.47 .
250 0.38 L110. 00 0. 50 ._
0'72 0-9
7 0.14 “.9 §i€’;:}//»5':.§§: FY
0.50 0.72 0.43 0.53 1 300 0.25 0.00 0.17 022 009 V‘/'
e,w?:.» ~’$¢
l. For values of H/L1,, x/L“ and z/Li, other than those shown, linear interpolation is permitted. ivég J2% ‘¢>i»0,,<:j.;.
2. Forg > 0.50, 3SSllmCz{i' = 0. 50 For evaluating K, and substitute 2H tor Li, for evaluating K2 and K3. as
3. 1Vlllll§pilCl‘S arc based on the assumption that wind approaches the lull or escarpment along the direction oi maximum slope.
4. Notation: "
W ¢'S
H = Height of hill 01' escarpment relative to the upwind tenain, in meters.
Lil = Distance upwind ol'crest to where the difference in ground elevation is hallitiic height ol‘hill or escarpment, in meters.
K1 = Factor to account for shape of topographic icntiire anal maximum speed-up effect. $1
K2 = Factor to account for reduction in speed-iip with distance npwincl or downwind of crest.
K3 = Factor to account For reduction in speed-up with height above local temiin. '
x = Distance (upwincl or downwind) from the crest to the biiilcllng site, in meters.
Z = Hcigiii above ground surface at building site, in meters.
'1 = Horizontal attcnuati on factor. 5
3;./>~3; ,5 - .~';.~=:.;=-.=.
Y = Height attenuation factor. 5? ~.»
KZ, = (1 + K1 4- K2 4- K3)? 1;~>s~» ~J.<<-=;=-
K1 deleriniiied from table below
4 _E I 411:.’ .
K2 _ (1 /AL’)
[(3 K 3-H/Li. I",<.».~»._<(/¢;.,
?-I>;s *1’;
~44?1;’, . //-’:‘\<\».»
t:<s.».».;; 3
e "\
K1/(H/Lb)ggggup _ H_ A2 l 3-,>.~.,
H in Q0”
1. »
2-dimensional escarpinents 0.75 0.85 1 0.95 2.50 L50 4.00 >-<.»@~. >
~.i '§;“»:i:;
or e
3-dimensionalaxisynimetricalhill 0.95 1.05 i 1.15 4.00 1 1.50 1.50 ‘
Figure 207A.8-2 i?
Parameters for Speed~Up Over Hills and Escarpments ..rrz1¢;‘
~/~ $1». .4
/ l 2» "
$1232 '
':% .
134 Viz
In \ ";..¢~>
ta .n“/Q .
’ ~- - . ,.~,.M...M.-_.._.
v7~ v:-.~/~
5 3*’ 1»
7: '
Gust Effects ¢(z) = the mdamental model shape
.1-;;zrI._~.;.,¢» er *
.-»;::-my e:- Q /§~t.f<;-z>4,
'. M » i ¢ ~ t‘\
= (Z/I1)‘
E = the anode exponent
- "I’3‘%”Z i --
»§.5Il-I*‘,Tv 15'1""/<Y:..-= -
p = air density
».»; ;:1:,e;~;x<
M \ ‘l 12001 contains a single gust e ectfactor of 0.85
» ;j;_:~>i-;‘,~f§ ‘{ §;¢w,.<.s<-~.;-
/ _.;.; Cfx = mean along-wind force coefficient
'1. lg? . \ ' "
‘:§i.jE;Af;‘}:1j';3'i-igid buildings. As an option, the designer can ml = modal mass
lo \ §§“.':;“;"1"(;:(‘)'t'll)0t'£?lL’ speci c features of the wind environment la
-j§§ f1_¢’l§lniildiizg size to more accuratelv calculate a gust = L t1(Z)<t>2(z)dz
factor. One such procedure is located in the bodv
:;;z;gH:2 ,
‘1:"'--bfillitigstat-idard (Solari 1993a and 1993b). A procedure ,u(z) = mass per unit height
/M'<§~§“$& g
~\*~\¢ i %/¢;;;,=-=1-:1.
~ “>3/,;<\ , . . i;;:§§§:i@~§-5’also-includedfor calculating the gust e ectfactorfor
K = (1.65)"‘/( +E+1)
--'-=:-<:1: i Eve.- 1;
s 11;- '
i /Kt»,
,6’ ’;’_i§§M_tLviiizi1z11 Along-Wind Displacement. The maximum
-. _ g;
l » where T = the length of time over which the minimum
':§i§l_lQltg-1Vlt7d displacement X,,mx(z) "as a mction of
acceleration is computed, usually taken to be 3, 600 s to
f.1.~¢”:lli-1r~;- ~t-,..'~.-. Zlieiglzt above the ground sui ree is given by:
43¢./Y»",-1..-. ' .'.
'~”” 1,
:+t:>:z»>..;=-;.. represent I hour.
v~ ,\ . .. .
We _-=
Approximate Fundamental Freaziencry. To estimate the
._. ...,
E"‘~1‘~~~‘ r[1(z)pBlzCf\.l7§
.‘j;§;;.-f§§:;.frmax(z) = no (C2024. 9-1) dynamic response of structures, lcnowledge of _t_he
5 W<‘<:
I;/.15‘ 7/<<4;\l*I =-: mdatnental equency (lowest natural 'equenc_y); ofthe
‘ :1"
structure is essential. This value would ahsofzassistv in
'-F -
T iwhere determining the dynamic response mitt)-tutti; are
-11-. ~::<;5I i 1 -.
necessaijv. Most computer codes used in the aizalvsis of
“. I :- " =‘
National Structural Code of the Phiiippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
.. ‘gs.< ,. -
V; . 1
Ii 4
- ~=¢~'='-"
v "5 I: Z €j,1I‘:‘~" <
\,~ \~
1’ ~75
’ 1%==§1ét~*/
4/ 0., 2
of the building is most important; hence the 53135-I, *3 ' ‘<‘§€"Z4L"""‘-"3
structures would provia'e estimates of the natural
31$‘ /55
freqntencies of the structure being analyzed. However. weighted average is appropriate. This method is an if?»
<1 Q6/an
n‘ the preliniinart-i design stages some empirical appropriate rst-order equation for atldressiizgii 55:1, , eh». / * 1%
_» %‘>~e->" /Q
relationsl1ips_fbt' building period Ta (Ta = I/111) are buildings with setbacks. Explicit calculation of
available in the earthquake chapters of ASCE 7. ejfectfactor per the other methods given in Section 1
However, it is noteworthy that these expressions are 207/1. 9 can still be peiformed. 1
based on recommendations for earthqualte design with lei
inherent bias toward higher estimates of iitdairzerztal Observationfrom wind tunnel testing ofbuildings where';: , \<~/' /’\\(
equencies (Gael and Chopra 1997 and 1998). For eqztency is calculated using analysis software reveals \. C \ -t»\v~¢<
wind design applications these values may be the following expression forji"equenc_v, appropriate for
.3 iii‘- ~w¢;/»»;~t
unconservative because an estimated eqztency higher buildings less than about 120 in in height, applicable to ” i 3:»: ’$F‘l'l \-
than the actual equency would yield lower values of all buildings in steel or concrete." I=IZE¢§\>\>;‘;_‘533
: .¢
' ' :-if :1-‘>3,/,%\
the gust e ect factor and concomitantlv a lower design ~' =
wind pressure. However. Goel and Chopra (1997 and '.>i M;
, 52-s~w4§1t,<~‘.1
1998) also cite lower bound estimates ofji‘et]z:enc_v that n1 w 100/H (in) average value (C207A.9-6)
.. .=~*/we/'
_v-/’§,<\"\4/~¢';> ~ . ?\f
are more suited for use in wind applications. These
_.- <.:.~
lower-bound expressions are now given in Section A2” 1
=~’»%,’»>//,4;\'~*;' s,’/W)
2071/l.9.2,' graphs of these expressions are shown in n1 = 75/H (tn) lower bound value (C207/1.9-7) *3\\
. ~17/V
Figure C207/1. 9»! . Because these expressions are based .‘»<w
V9; '2
z}$‘\\ '
“mi 1; it 1
__ ———— “,1;
:90 —:» .»:,\~\,.->._,-.'.. ,/tax
/~.~ 0%
V M. Z» £<\\‘:V_<~<;./¢;.;:=-
*‘;»’ 5‘ 4*'{e4’t’:2¢t.~'.=;::"
_, ; N Q/\\~l§§> 2?-Qé$
/- .5 :K’<~‘*e-'%>$~i::;:¢ '1./~W»'
~ Elli:
"ts--———_ —=—---—»-. - \ ""‘/" ' —’ \¥§»4'4§v~i:;V;-z:::;.---
>4 _
i?§z“£"1 .5
4 W/he-.4»:>;\:::15
: /,»~~¢./»..~¢,._~ €"&
, . e-~\~t._¢\~<;;e.=='-
,2 J rv,/,.,v,.
._ z.W,t-i\-,.>.-..
" ~>,/»/za-,@‘is-ss=2:I
::;,~¢ ~2 ,1
1;» sit/$4,‘/:.=:§'.»:z:§=».
t 6m~” ii’ A‘ 1
1_,______T‘ wM_
‘ ‘ *"-"E qua.1‘10!] 207A.9-2:22.2tH"0.S . .;>;.,»§ .1 s--.~'<,,»~».~,.»-.
i;E;‘§§ 1;
».:;~‘;;,~.~ -'
. »
i “i ----Equation 207A.9-3:43.5lH"‘ .9 1»/@<~“>
5:;/$;~ I ~ ~§/3%..-/t=,;=.;.-'_:;;
,~.=Z1§ .
ilk * "
\ ,4/.\.. .',».».».».;.
”: %¢i<¢’E=::;2=:-::
" I 7'7 N./,/¢.>=-...,..
(I11) 1; """""“Equ:|ti0n 207A.9-4:751!-I ':\>~ .¢ -<:».-,-;.»~
*~‘ .< V;
45 i; . " 1;».
\ i 1% 22$
-I 1'1’ ‘
ght 30 _____ __ \ ii\ \ h __1___ . i _%_,_,__, ‘_ ______ _,__w __
/A-sit . $
»~/“v lr»:*~/l¢.\»1‘ ~ -
s i i
Buil \,\ t i a ‘{<»;.,.,\.Q
-:-ti:/~1:>' .~ r ' lg
\» ~ '\ ‘
. is v' Q
5 i . es 1
15-_?...............“..................- "" _ _ \ .......................~........ ‘
\ =¢¢~%;;';»s>;. E
‘ ‘iv-.~‘\ " In -t . _ :=
‘H» X
z=§.¢§1§ \
ii] ;.=\¢‘>;:::-*»t'
J \\
_I ,7‘ I . .. '____iL__.‘_____f_:__‘ .
hiit way},
2/ ».‘<<
$3’ .v
/“Ag ,w<.<a$_.'
W it 2%/~”‘
“ ¢T<<“;:?.'1
Association of Structural Engineers of the Phiiippines, lnc. (ASEP)
1;. £__ ‘W. "~'i&1{= .'. ~’
A ,-. wsv-*¢.=.
V iniii ‘<"5‘2$°1;5s:-. m/-.
1'37"’ 3?»!
74;: :»=;»“" “@,>.'>~* *-
W“, s»
’; V~»
‘ ~ -.7‘,~;'4‘/,';1=‘:‘;“{S\T~:'-?',»‘:‘»‘V5
Eto- ‘ ‘\'-4'=~‘~‘§Z¢‘“e‘\L-'~‘?::j=::;=‘
,.\-+. $4/»>.-=>==¢
E‘ i:*5$%>~‘4&>:>:>= CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-61 F/i
It“. ,»
; -‘ z;
tr V ' K-P?/$/V.~ t/“.'~; '
for the lower bound value is §1fQ.
. ks» -\// \~
—= »»~»;;/»:¢\:v:;\~.V.'-.11.... .. .. .. . .
* ’ “ i ” nil-= [»1/(Z1t.l1.*_)3\/(E!/m) i V .(<F2°.?4%?*»1 §
me'aszn'ements ofbuildings under the where h is the heigl_1t,= and E, I, and at-eiealcziilated 2
i‘ “A
<%'Ȥv( 1 e/.<~,ioi%x>,,7;~.'._
\~\,¢ wind, thefollowzng e.rpress1on~ has been for the cross-section at the base, A depends on lltewall
1'»,/JV I/<~/ .
' f»‘§§"<f¢{=»,o1,;.\Z1'.:t= ~ - _wind_nf-applications (Zhozt and Kareem tlzicknesses at the tip and base, et and eh; and_esteri1al
Z M ‘ gsz.~¢V..V,._~ 1:13:75? V .-
1.";-;I‘Z[;_qy@_Kiiewshi; and Kareeni2002)':= 1 V p ’ diameter at the tip and base," dtand d1,, accordingtotlie
>‘i»>.%E, followingfoi'mula.~ - -_ _- ' '. -1- . ' 1 " .V
4}’/'5?I¥“"‘~‘Y->51‘ ""113:
’=. 15¢/H. r s were-9-8) ‘l
Km [1._98Xp
-H-.' —.4;-dz
'. .5.65_.-I"
li -1-=-_t~..V,-e;-;>_;.-A-=.
kww/;I~.< t\ .=.-
><\->---= " expression is based on older buildings
it ’*»\-’x£1:-;§2¢¢’~‘I‘>-i=;I.'=§ ;:
the" -equency connnoir in‘ U.S. - -I -I Q79-.“*?('é'},'l_-7
for smaller bui_la’ings' less than. 120 in in
inore acczirate for tall- buildings . .. (C207A.9-13) 2
i i‘ ‘we:-V (A.-E:"~‘
*4???‘ ext;-;=. -- = 20 nz In height. The Australian and New
L AS_/NZS I I 70.2; z_1_rocode_ENV1 991- Equation C207A.Q— I2 reduces to Equation C207A.9-I I
V _a..<s:s for zmijbrnz rnasts. For ee-standing lattice towers
3% Kong.-' Code of Practice‘ on Wind Ejfects Pr\<I.‘“>’|“w-<»>w<
<> sh i. (without added ancillaries. such as antennas or lighting
laws i
<1‘? it §§§3}*'ll;fl4);§""aiitl'others have adopted Equation C207/1.9-8
‘em H
35$’) I/ .. and all heights. _" . , . fl‘ t.It(:’S) (Standards Australia I994)" - - »
5 = -. - - V V i
i_n'J'apan _ir2i{oluii1g it suite of buildings f. wt; e 1_5t):'<iw;,'/_r_;? - _tc1f07/1.9-14) 5
ii -;‘ I~§§;i§:i;;1§jifI?;§lo’w4aiiiplitzide_ e:ccitati0ns.- have V led to the
..:"0~ “"
‘ii ‘E4.-.-: s
. it
=\ :'-2 for natural equencies of 5
.\-, J
It W, :--
-:- etal. 2003)." V‘ be vi V V " where W; is the_‘average' width ofthe structure in 111 and 2
~$<-‘$335 _ f;4;‘»<-\:¢§».=t=;.~»
: — O§’»‘.~’i:5~"7»§§':‘~3}‘~’->1
V 4/€'V\;;,:..»‘, V». ‘
h is’ tower height. ‘An alternative formula for lattice
. . 7 ,a.¢,-\.¢<;<\V\s-;.;,_,.,.,..
~ i _.~ - .~a%£o»~x-.»--‘
W, towers (withaddedancillaries) (Wyatt I984) is.‘ 1
W. =
.-;/. 1.;--;-;;'-1,. _' - - - _ -. ' V ' . .;
. , ~ \
based on Japanese’
-»-~02, N vane/./a~>:=~.<-=>.=:>.=¢:V'.:V
=>.>jg . ,,~=.~$~,..~<
2 I;/.%%:f§.,Q,;§.,§%Zt.Zg%liet*tj
. - _ ‘equencii
- . -_ estimates than those 0btainedfi'o/nthe’
. » ~», V .. - - . - Azqweiis; oi_.~~23() nzfortriangular towet's.
?'expt‘essiotz given in .Equations’ C207Al9V-*6
C2‘0A7A.9~<S’, particularly since. the Japanese Strttctural Dantpittggl Strz_tc_tural _dainping is 'a nzeasztre
hastlinzited observations for the more ejtible ofett_et'gy' dissipation in a Vibi‘atiiigstructareitliat reisults
:;:'.’»$¢~ LP -11%
.—: ~'%\~‘,,<-.'::.~<.-==-~- -- to" wind effects and Japanese in bringing‘. the structure __to__ _a_ __quiescent state. i The
tendsto be sti er.-' i . i i ' damping is tléflttelcll as't_l_1e rfatiaofthe energy dissipated
at /A\..¢,._e_,,.» _ \
-¢c-»‘/4s": in one oscillation. cycleto the ‘ii-ma.-imamfiimttgimr of
iii\ "*
A-,4,~.,,;,..,\V.;~, ,_ masts orpoles ofuniform cross-section energy in the stt'uctur_e'in tl1at'cj'c'le. het'e_are as iinany
ii i zli~t‘s/4\”1'%£f->‘)I?_4..-.
s<<->’=,z:¢;~:~>; .V bending
action donzinates): , ii i » . structural dainpirig: nt_eel_tanisnis as" there 'ii;>¢_m¢u¢S; of
he >.<1V':-»-:‘:.:-;11
it converting- ineclianical _in_t_o'I'
h'_eat.'_ The. H1051
,. 4%
1‘@0ttV9-111 iniportant_ nniecltaizisrns in-'i.>'._ material'- da1nping___’and
tittet/@@iqrsd¢»wg; ‘=
- i \4II ‘I-
_,..~ ~ Av»
,1 -
' .-a ~?f2>2:§seI=:::--=
(/'5:I -=
1- km
V/xv '22”2:3-ax w,$::-
4 if
F »t2i~,i§;5
iv». . 52-
', .».~;<'=>>:a
:.*>= EL’ ‘V
éiw 7
i ,
while ISO (I997) suggests l percent and l.5 percentfor earthquake engineering, is usedfor the wind loads, as it .-L5 e<-21%»: .
»:¢&r<> :11‘: ».
steel and concrete, respectivel_v. Damping values for is less sensitive to deviations om a linear mode shape 2
?:%1: '11:»
. it
steel support structurcsfor signs, chimneys, and towers while still providing a gust e ect factor generally equal , '»‘.,5’>I
may be much lower than buildings and may fall in the to the gust factor calculated by the Section Z07 NSCP
range of0. I5 percent to 0.5 percent. Damping values of 2010 standard. This equivalence occurs only for
\ &:"‘
special structures like steel stacks can be as low as 0.2 structures with linear mode shape and uniform mass
percent to 0. 6 percent and 0.3 percent to I .0 percentfor distribution, assumptions tacitly implied in the previous
unlined and lined steel chimneys. respectively (ASME formulation ofthe gust e ectfactor, anal therebyperm its
199.? and CICIND I999). These values may provide a smooth transition om the existing procedure to the
some guia'ancefor design. Damping levels used in wind formulation suggested here. For a more detailed
load applications are smaller than the 5 percent discussion on this wind loading procedure, see ISO
W . A/‘/~,.
damping ratios common in seismic applications because (I 997) and Sataka ct al. (2003).
';:eE:§ '
lntilzlings subjected to wind loads respond essentiallv
elasticallv whereas buildings subjected to design level Along-Wind Equivalent Static Wind Loading. etsi =:>\-_:~
-'\.;E§.- 1:‘eY.<»1' ' ,
eartlngualces respond inelasticallv at higher damping The equivalent static wind loading for the mean.
levels. background, and resonant components is obtained using
the procedure outlined in thefollowing text.
Because the level of structural response in the
serviccabilitv and survivability states is ditferent, the Mean wind load component lij at the 1”‘ floor level is .v./vw _ ..
clamping values associated with these states may di 'et'. given by: ' .'/“N
Further, due to the number of mechanisms responsible P; w qj-><Cp><A,-><G (C.?07A.9-16) gt 11m"; 1
for damping, the limited tll-scale data ritaitifest a
dependence onfactors such as material, height. and type $4‘. ;.- '~.~ Y‘
'1~ Ii /iii I
ofstructural system andfoundation. The Committee on '$t""/='3,y:,"j. .
Damping ofthe Architectural lnstitute o lapan suggests j = oor level -
cli ’ct'ent damping values for these states based on a Z; = height of the 1"‘ oor above the ground /-at Ti "1
large damping database described in Sataka et al. level 7 hém "1 M,
have a di 'erent distribution with height than the mean bending moment response to each level
' .
wind loads or the loads clue to the direct actions ofgusts
.;.,;Iq fs ..11‘
'w:"/E‘ K
’~€\'/ 1‘ /~‘.~' .
W '3
’<:V’$~ ;
:2 WK"
??»9< "WW5-;;:;."r:.’z1
'2 .¢ ‘w ,‘J V.
:-75$ "2
~;-1-11"‘ " "*¢.:5¢-#,;:~*»:>1‘=';‘$5::1Z=
A»/~'<\a¢».;.=:§=,~,.».-.-= CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-53
;<,>;"~ V:. .~<-->¥~4¢,/.->:¥V>;:».V.=V;
/‘" "E 'v:%~'->\::»'.~*.<’<»~;==:=;s,.;:;.=2
:3 \i~é>Y?¢,
.w¢V§*'~5’:>~s.-<;~»:»,<;~<=-\>;:-:1-.-=; :;
' E_= :¢.V_1y,~,,~;§;~:=:::
<»,>» ,
'1‘/'9” ..’:’1~'Z?x:»'; the building height. Additforral ba'c_kgr'0und can be éurrd
in ISO ('1 997) an_dSq_fqka_'_e_t_'al. (Z003). _ . , ’ ’ ;; ‘Z
_.~‘.-»;<<_\.~,. .
k '1,-5,} '- - (0207/1 5419)
% ,;;: 1-x-.1:-:;:;':.-.-;'
Iw Va/=12
,4-3-q\-~'» ;.~z
Emmplé.-~ 1The - following exar}2plé'- isf p_re§9eniéd 10“
A/qv . x
illzqstr-at‘e_ the_ _c(';l<_jz;l_a'tior'z of th}; giz;t'e]fi‘Z3ctfdEt0}', Table
C207A. 911 :11.-,~_es ‘ the gjvén ir;fo';'m'aiio}1 '_ to '0bt§1ir'z- _1-';filzi<2’s
rm (CM-9V2@» lm Tdb'lé .20_7_A.'9-_1'._- --_T;ib1e__._c2_07z1._9=2_1 P»-exggiwzire
ctIlé'1_:lal‘@_d val2iés.- Table * C207/1.923--;<1mmim'-izég. the
calézllaied di.§pfac'*e)rrér1ts' In -I_d@b_E§l§:'affb '§'- I_.'.Zi-
‘V :';:_~,"iE;£;'3_.-.
'. _= F1_'Zi7
' " "(ct-.I='0_7A'._9-j.21)
Givén Valuesf .. -_ . .
£33 s§>i
V§;‘;2-K 11
H 39".‘? “f""_’.""1’.‘?*"1-f“'.*?'@f@'*?5‘F’5_-- _ "
he:gh_t¢n_exp0sure_C - .
J50 A-mu/‘--h. --
<%: M
Cft.:_- -_ -_ - _.- 5- ]_3-.'
-' =" vert1’c'dl _l0_ad c1isirib'ution fzéctof ' _
H 1;. :_;_- -I MR _ - - = pe£1k"'r'es0f1_arzf cOn2p0nént_ “of. the base Dtlmping ratio “H u ' =' 0-01 -
1:, _- l>_er2dirzg:1é1oirz'¢n';‘respQns_e_‘;. -' ' Y '
1 .. _
W].-; - =-.- p"0»#;_1w;§;z j ‘of j'zli@-_;¢5'¢a1' gr_z1'w‘:y 1Qdai¢f*z11e ‘A;Ibde‘Z?.xipz:)ri}3rzf ;'; " = -.
i I * §,)§§‘5~'V3-i‘V{;";_:: _ "_
bziildi g'lo¢‘ci_ted61§'dgsignezitd'léi1éIj V
' ff};-p3_0f_e.\pOsz_1r'e ; 3 '- "'1. B.
1x;5 ;._ _ _ 5 . i0z¢il§r_@;j_é;¢__';>f;h¢_1»'1;s_2dgngI=-'"V“Vi - i I _ V ' " Building height h_ ._ " 7 " -' i ' 183;»:V V V
'5' 3 __ I ._=_' .']fiiiS"f1§‘ii‘Z(Qf1dI' l_f 0d€_SI2'Zip'E?Pféliléf dtvlé elli‘
;;;1;;;~.§;M_=; I = " kizéafz'Ij5'§f§$?e_'__bé1z'q7ir2g prfbdzrvcvedi by vr‘irvr‘eT¢zVrvz_v Building width B- : -. "= '30.5"»1f
§'3?.‘.'7<1l','?3dew’: ~ V V
V::\>Z:>'>,:,‘_~'< -»
\ ~.
V;<.;-/ . ':V_ ,:»<¢<r~ ' -- .V '
_ 3 = . O; ---ir----‘—
V V t Iiyiléiirrg .-'Wf1~.'él '¢q:¢¢ @y_ #11" -= _ V0.2 Hz , <
i§5‘y’n(5 — ,-;=.<==
4 — &>;<v:¢'
\ .->;===
V R‘
I 1 * +1-'i78'vI5
!3¢%il<1="*8d@'*$i11<**li;. 121w’
' ' <>.L§->‘;’i=2E=.====
1 .- 1;. "_—f_; 1 V is _“ti_1é’ 1_5esb1zvczrvrfVf c(§r>épv0r1ehfvV’vofxlhé 1?-?~.Q<?l
'; -. -.
.. M -,_.»,,=;,~ .-.-;:--,=.-_- - , _ , _ . V , -
.. . _ - _
. _ _ _ V V V ..V» :,. , . ;. .:, .» .. . . V .. V 2 ;. .
/ g’/'11ii%TVi‘VE 1- * I
.-;-.-:V.»,~V/aw; - " ' ' "
> $1 ~
T/~fwghAV ‘-.4ifidéyisim,‘-;=_.‘_:_.~1 'V
kg/ri1"V’ ;if??»V*,5*;
I?h@*1P8“/iibllildiiié ’
§=§i§i?"@¢If@?' can lé¢@1>fmdb>>V;
$§:3f;',i;E'3Ef.¢rEII-'.{3::1;"l§:I=}':':'.':' ' : . : - . - -- » » V V-
V:.><i;§ 1 x
/ 11 V ....=..- ...
.-.V.-..y/\‘=; __
>.<..\:_.-. . - -::
1 §"}‘:""~"V":- I-
E1 ~Z<V;-*1
M;1:?2->> /A M
M ,»
.1’:L4‘/ —;
.I::>.>»/ .52,.7», is V
2~54 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
11 0.852 V 0!
/‘ §?$ \es’/’~
Ԥ'> \/\ 1.
. c 1
Table 207.4. 9-3 / '1
Wc \
0 0 0 0 0 0 E 1/'Z¢??<$f71I
.V=.~~ “‘
0 0 ~.§,"-W.‘/‘ :. W
IV.v~w - -,.\;,-.;
.5 18.29 0.10 0. 03 0. 00 0.41 0. 02 1.6 .;~'¢;.-.
Aer'oclywan1ic Loads on Tall Buildings-—An across-wind and torsional responses in the earlv design
Interactive Database. Under the action of wind tall stages. The database consists of high equency base -:»;:‘!tZ
buildings oscillate simultaneously in the along~wind, balance measurernents involving seven rectangular
across-wind, and torsional directions. While the along- building models, with side ratio D/B, where D is the '»:.;7>~")i
wind loads have been sztccess illy treated in terms of depth of the building section along the oncoming wind
gust loading factors based on t]1l(ISl-.S'lt.’(tt.lv and strip direction) om 1/3 to 3. three aspect ratios for each
theories. the across-wind and torsional loads cannot be building model in two approach ows, namely, .
treated in this manner. as these loads cannot be related BL1(Fl = O. 16) and BL; (E = O. 35) corresponding to
in a straightforward manner to uctuations in the an open and an urban ei1vii'ontnent. The data are
approach flow. As a result, most current codes and accessible with a user- iendly Java-based applet
.2 .. ‘. ..
standards provide little guiclarzce for the across-wind through the worldwide lnternet community at .
and torsional response ISO (1997) and Satalca et al. itttp://aerodata. ce.nil. edu/’inteijace/interface. htrnl. ,. go:
(2003). ...3»
Through the use of this interactive portal, users can
To provide some guidance at the preliminary design select the geortzetty and diinensions ofa model building
stages of buildings, an interactive aerodvnanzic loads from the available choices and specify" an urban or .3344 i¥:~_
database for assessing afvnamic winddnduced loads on suburban condition. Upon doing so. the aerodvnanzic
a suite of generic isolated buildings is introduced. load spectra for the along—wind. across-wind, or
Altlzozigli the arralysis based on this experimental torsional directions is displayed with a Java interface
database is not intended to replace wind tunnel testing permitting users to specify a reduced frequency
"::»~Z i
in the nal design stages, it provides users a (building 'eqttenc_v >< building ditnensionl wind
metlrodologv to approximate the previously untreated velocity) of interest and automatically obtain the
==W»aW-a..--- _ ‘
, ~_.~\~:>,».;...-,-
_,, \ M.-2
<1 we ,>t~>=
»:. =\~»~»e»_<'.;e._...\-
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-55 :1;
> —:
spectral value. When coupled with the Low-Rise Buildings, as de ned in 207A.2, are p6I‘mit€€Cl to §}1§‘§
=“‘>4»1 < -T-;~ Il.‘t%i.g;;;1pot'tit1g Web documentation, examples, and concise be considered rigid. it-I
>-,6; aw» 4 \ -:
-:§f:;"éf'1‘;i1(1["|!§,l,§' procedure, the database provides a t
go/\ ,. .71
xi;/;1-j\’~~;,:,i '-
‘-=.;f,§finusrelzensive tool for computation of wind~induced 207A.9.2.1Limitations for Approximate Natural x
n <,-,-,..- .A V. .-
‘_=;;.:[ig;§[;UIIS£’ qftall buildings, suitable as a design guide in Frequency
*/~\~§%g,tY'<';;:.*< 1?
W e/ preliminatjv stages.
>1//. 1:7--t>¢-. *3 As an alternative to performing an analysis to determine
." _
;;55jj3-Z§,tiztir;2le.‘ An example tall building is used to n1, the approximate building natural frequency, 111, shall
,\ ,3 ‘
§ ’ 'iirieinonstrate the analysis using the database. The be permitted to be calculated in accordance with Section
z ‘-§:§;;‘h_itilclit1g is a square steel tall building with size H >< W1 207A.9.3 for structural steel, concrete, or masorny
,4;‘An4”mm4 %I<\€*3\R§<x 0‘./,-C\»4¢);/12 4- -- - - _l/l/'2
= 200 >4 40 >4 40 in and an average radius of buildings meeting the following requirements:
$3 5;_§_;E;ii3i5crtiori o_/'18 tn.
l Qu V /~;:.5;=:.~=_-.-
~;\i»;< - l. The buiiding height is less than or equal to 91 m, and
l w»/,\\~\,t\~t~;~ ~. t gtjj-j{"l:'c three mdaniental mode equencies, f1, are 0.2.
l "_§;j:'-it-'2, and 0.35 ll: in X Y, and Z directions. respectivelv; 2. The building height is less than 4 times its effective
t l‘
illr l‘ §; y.~4,\-_t mode shapes are all linear, or ,8 is equal to 1.0, and
I. length, Le”.
l \’\$vr~*‘ 3;‘-.~ -:
_i§§fft;’1_er'e is no modal coupling. The building densitv is equal
Til Wm
'I'§§"'itoi250 /tg/ nrl. This building is located in Exposure A or
The effective length, Le”, in the direction under
1 il
~i:fii;i§f'i:t;».se to the BL; test condition of the Internehlzased consideration shall be determined from the following
H “Wk-v.\YA>€W ~~¢/\t~vs_-
_ s={j""-~_rla_tc1hase (Zhou et al. 2002). In this location
l! ~-_iil?§‘@i:;2<ts‘ttt'e A), the reference 3-sec design gust speed at a
< ~>ms:\~zs>:mmsm
5I~‘ 5155§§f§:(l-;}*L?(It' recurrence interval is 63 iii/S [ASCE 7-98],
*'”/0 >/
32%/‘é~1' < s\T/;;=;\~>;2:I: - i§%;5f' ;ivl:iclt is equal to 18.9 tit/S upon conversion to 1-11 mean Zii=1 hale
L eff = ——-—-~»--~ 207A.9-l )
l r 1 ‘"%>~;5;§i’_it?cl speed with 50-1-tr MR1 (20 7 >< 0.30 = 62 in/s). For z?=1 hi (
3 are evaluated and the results are presented in 207A.9.3 Approximate Natural Frequency
C20 7/1. 9-4. This table includes base moments and
J hliéiw“/1*~>~:.~;~'g,~;;;=;;:.';
response in the along-wind direction The approximate lower-bound naturai frequency (nu), in
by the procedure in A-S'C'E 7~02. Also the Hertz, of concrete or structural steel buildings meeting the
:_\-v»>3¢;1,<<:<A¢.:1~ - -;:;;:;l?'1iilclitzg experiences much higher across-wind load
,1 -"v/owl?//,<.;-;;-,'.=:-:
conditions of Section 207A.9.2. 1 , is permitted to be
when compared to the along~wind response for deterinined from one ofthe following equations:
?Ei*<‘V ';;.;_iltl§r,Aexartz;)le, which reiterates the signi cance ofwind
r5 =-‘eon/,>u~*1;---1"
II:207A.9.l Gust Effect Factor nu = 22. 2/I1” (207A.9~2)
-'i?_07A.9.2 Frequency Determination 11,1 w 43. 5/h°'9 (207A.9~3)
'2~<;4,»* ‘, y
\:{’~:>5==s-=:-:- .-
<"?‘i~>~'=:=-1; .
100 " h. 2 At -» 2
CW 2 “A B Z
(hi) K 1+0.83 1,2 2 g (207A.9-9)
rr Q7§15:
:.w/;.; V
In Sl: t .
where e $1 /Kl
<;§:>. V
2 E‘
‘E - 1” (Ia)
:3 \(
G = 0.925 ( 11J’+1'1-7gQI’Q)
(207/\.9-6) gq and gv shall be taken as 3.4 and gn is given by: *3
Q -'m'I§P»-J';."
gn = v/2ln(3600n1) 2
L __: C (§fl)1/6 (207A.9-7) + 0-577 (207A.9-11) ~€\~
Z 2 "< ,.<,:
./2 ln(3600n1) ~>2;§>><»
in Si: »»/\
.14 lg/ t’:
R, the resonant response factor, is given by: ,2»:
>5 = ;.\
10 1/“
12 = cl;-l R ~»= \l—R,1R,lRB(0.53+0.47RL) (207A.9-12)
~.- ll t»
=1] éa
0. 6h, but not less than 2",“, for all building heights h. Zmin R “ = --»-Z--—
(1 + 10. 3Ni)5/3
(207A.9-13) ZN l]:
V ‘»~>
l *1»:
l V“
and c are listed for each exposure in Table 207A.9—l; 80
and g,, shall be taken as 3.4. The background response Q l
is given by: N1 = R»-»-‘L2 (20'7A.9-14) Q 1
¢ 1*’
l a
~>=<1:K /P
Ts:~. <
is mm‘
Aggociatign of structural Engineers of the Philippines, inc. (ASEP) Xi;¢
2: a
e-it Ly. ll ':
i 2 ;:¢;;</;J' ,4
R’ “ 17 2112 '7 ' Commciitai;i>.' g
R, = 1 for I1 e 0 (207A.9-l5b) Accordingly, the code 1'r':‘(]Zlll‘8S that a detei-minotioii be
i ,-
3* ’§%'/p<§;l€Q<'§,/.\f.\. .- .
made of the amount ofopenings in Ilie envelope to assess
M {iv-liere the subscript it’ in Equation 20'/‘A.9-15 shall be taken enclosure clossi catiorz (enclosed, parlfally enclosed, or
i W
lz_ B, and L, respectively, where h, B, and L are de ned open). "Openings" are specifically de ned in this version
Section 207A-3- ofthe code as "apertures or holes in the building envelope
;-.-;."n1 = fundamental natural frequency which allow air to ow llI?'Ol!gl1 tlic bzrildiizg envelope mid’
‘~' /R3/lfi/4é17:‘.v1:;_.;I;;;':-_: -QR‘, = Rh setting I] = 4-. 6n1h/V, which are designed as "open" during design winds."
;i--sfgé, = RB setting 11 = 4. 6n1B/V3 Examples include doors, operable wiiidows, air intalre
exhausls n" air conditionlizg and or ventilatioii systcnis,
QR, = RL setting?) = 15.4~n1L/V2
\”‘;“ “*:‘:‘-,5;;:;';§;'
-: ' 1
gaps arozmd doors, deliberate gaps in cladding, and
' I3’ = damping ratio, percent of critical (i.e. for 2%
exible and operable lozivers. Once the enclosure
use 0.02 in the equation)
clossi colion is lrnoi-vn, the L'l8Slgf2€1"EHl€l‘S Table 207/1.] l~
ld l Ii gg
: mean hourly wind speed (in/s) at height 2
5 I i =_ Z l to select the appropriate l7ll€i’i'2£7lpl'€.S'SlU'€ coej cicnr.
N w .4’ 5'
" determined from Equation 20'lA.9-16:
~;s\>.ox zv»a(4\>.‘xv o u
/\5: '
‘ ~ m_ _
-_-..- 207A.9—l6
This version of the code lias four terms applicable to
fl i enclosure: Wlllfl-b0i‘I1€ debris regions, glozirig, impact-
5 resislarrl glazing, and impact protective system. “Wind-
3 ~ bornc debris regions ” are specified to alert the designer to
H Q‘ /
11 ln Sl:
é‘ areas reqzrii'ii~zg coiisideroriorz ofmissile impact design and
5 12%$t
potential openings in the lmildifng envelope. "Glazing" is
__;E».~ »<<.;,y,{<~t~»: » . Z
dqiired as “any glass or trctnsparent or minslucem‘ plastic
slice! used in windows, doors, slqaliglzts, or cm'tciirz.walls. "
"Impact i“8.S‘lSl£1'lIl- glazing" is speci cally de ned as
iiiivl1ei'e b and Er are constants listed in Table 20'/'A.9-l and
"glazing that has been shown by testing to witlisiaiid the
is the basic wind speed in km/h. impact oftest mi-ssilrzs. ‘T .“lmpact protective Systems if over
glazing can be sl_u_rtlei_'s or screens designed to lt{lll?Sl fl¢l
Rational Analysis
wind—boi'ne' deb_r'ls_3,impact. Impact icsistarlrclo; oflgglrizirzg
aiidpi~¢i¢>¢rivejsj».iriijm;. can be tested using llliellésl mrzthod
lieu of the procedure defined in Sections 207A.9.3 and LE1886-2 O05 (2005), 5 lwith 5 missiles,
-: Y ii W ~
determination of the gust-effect factor by any inrpoct pceds; .a'i1d;poss@‘ail ci'iterfio gspecl ed irl ' ASTM
analysis de ned in the recognized literature is
permitted. EI.9961-Z0091- (2009)i""I:;.Qll1@'.f§i @PPf?Q,i%¢<l, W i "id/=v¢1s we
accepralilel ‘O‘l_'lglI_‘lS_ ofriiissila. impactpro visions contained
i‘' ~ ll’-~41<~,c in these staiidards ore :szoriirzoi'ized_in Minor‘ (1,994) and
2tl7A.9.7 Limitations Twisdole elol. (I996).-=w -_ _ .. ;
,, i
$333} '
.3: 1... Where
combined gust-effect factors and pressure Attention is drawn to Section .207/1.10.3, which: rer]uires
Ql ' coefficients
(GCp), (GCP,-), and (GEM) are given in
5' glazing in Category. I, ll, Hl, and IV lmildings lI’l>Wl>l1(l-
I1*:~ 3"‘. = gures and tables, the gust~effect factor shall not be
bornc debris regions to be protected wz'th' cm impact
~ determined separately. protective system or to be made ofimpact resistarzt glozing.
*3 '
'11- 1
1 1. '- The oplion ofunprolecled glazing was eliminatedfor iiiost
%.\, »v~452§>‘;:/4;/~¢E‘[;
“"s~ ;.;,/('1'-,».>='.;=
séd ~"/5E‘;:3t.f
'\. .
buildings in the 2005 edllioiz of lllé‘ standard to i_:¢di.i_¢_ei the
$1/Agi *=_~§:;i/§\'.>c-: amount of wind, and water damage to bl-rildings-=dzri'i'izg
d design wind storm events. - - - . ’
-/’ I/~ A/,-\,\ .
i “---,~_~..--i.
/ ~
li. ;§;;“y;~>$:‘_'st-i 1 =:--
§;/ ag//»fi;<x§’
§ l§?r\<;<<.;<->:\:=1;<
§l \ :3;-:.:‘
ll .- .- .
s ~. '
Nationaé Structural Code of the Philippines Volume i. 7th Edition, 2015
%;g<5;.g¢ ,, ,
1 .\~s>.iW< s>is \s \s; If »“h‘/;/w\~:|- -.
3 I' <3?/‘ w»,,>»».\».:. "1 r1'
2&2. - ..
,7 '4? 545;:
4;; t =
v.,.,> W1, é
es. <'Z~>>s.
':t~/Q, t--I»;
»»t-<' ¢ -,- \</fen;-;
1 Azgf/55:1
2-58 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads ‘ox
to s 1 ~ -/</\.-2:
, “.;i
" F‘
‘Z;;¢»<*-1 p w,/,.=
».s¢@;/ ;
,\ . 55'/>11
' 9 ~1- ,/92%
Tabie 207A.9-l ».~,-
.t ‘/“I
_ .,\,*
K \ ,,. >
Terrain Exposure Constants 1-on
W ¥ . o
:~_._] 365 76 _. ‘*~. “J 0 be 4 TL :3‘O .9-5LI! .°us cs 97.54 1/31505 so E. ,/4.,
i ,he .
,6 “$41: 1‘? C
O 2°(=J1 774 32 1/9.5 E O0 I/6 5 0.65 0.20 I wlN -lb \—- P‘c:>
‘- .4=-U1 -J //85:’;
Qj“, 5
D j 11.; 513136 ht/11.5 h 55555"[5 1/9'0 080” 53‘ ._. L11 © 9° E3 >—l F” Q
“"~. I\J z...t DJ ~=$M‘ . §§>\.~ 1
*Zmi,, = tninzmurn height used to ensure that the equivalent height Z IS greater of O.6h or zmin. For buildings Will! no 4x2113.
h 5 zmm, 2 shall be taken as zm,-,1. -11% t .\
, ._ i,
-=.>~q;g>’ e~:~>.~:
W .
'\"/'4’-"12" W6»
.-»-we ~ »¢;.»
other cases, potential sources ofdebris may be present, -;.\~@~ -;:. 3741.,
-==;>\g., .;
Prior to the 2002 edition of the standard. glazing in the but extenuating conditions can lower the risk. These ._-:<’~‘K"
A '
.>~">: v, V /Q’
lower lb’ in of Categotjv ll, Ill, or IV buildings sited in extenuating conditions include the type ofmaterials and ,
wind~horne debris regions was required to be protected surroztnding construction, the level ofpi otection oj_’fered e.
with an impact protective systettt, or to be made of by surrounding e.x'pos2tre conditions, and the design ._.\. ./
- ~-re? *,~
‘ Y/=11»
impact-resistant glazing. or the area of the glazing was windspeed. Therefore, the risk ofimpact may a'm"er 'otn .-=:-as it
assumed to be open. Recognizing that glazing higher those postulated as a result ofthe conditions specificallv
than 18 Iii above grade may be broken by wind-borne enumerated in the code and the referenced impact ./ ‘i
debris when a debris source is present. a new provision standards. The committee recogni:-:es that there are 4;; ~t
.;1<¥ s/'
building need to be evaluated. For example. roof parameters that are not tllv considered in developing *-:,.v;"/
~\/’ %ea<t.
W ' 1»/(aw
aggregate, including gravel orstone used as ballast that standardized debris regions or referenced impact
is not protected by a sztf cientlv high parapet should be criteria. ,/;¢
»/,4 7,-4;/»':.
considered as a debris source. Accordingly, the glazitzg :~”>‘/
.» 1 <1 "" " “
in the new building. om 9 tn above the source building Recognizing that the definition ofthe wind-borne debris f
/,»~' 1
,1 \~t§,,,v;¢.',.
to grade would need to be protected with an impact regions given in NSCP 2001 (ASCE 7-98) through \<-?/ 2 v
protective system or be made of impact-resistant NSCP 2010 (ASCE 7-05) was largely based on
/¥>/\ r: i‘ \"'f4Z.lZ5t'->2
glazing. ifloose roofaggt egate is proposedfor the new engineering judgment rather than a risk and reliability , g
E19 ~~"}»"-$131‘-‘I
building, it too should be considered as a debris source analysis, the de nition ofthe wind-borne debris regions ,. to
V’ it ,. .
ts ‘
» $;E':E,:'_
because aggregate can be blown off the roof and be in ASCE 7-IO for Occupancy Category Ill and IV ..-/. \»?¥;Q'
=;;>2~i' c \\~
propelled into glazing on the leeward side of the buildings and structures has been chosen such that the »;;*e‘,» ;.<4,,>.... »,v>».;=.-2
~>§f.,,/ 1; \,3==<..-.-.
building. Although other types ofwind-borne debris can coastal areas included in the wind-borne debris regions ' wl/Ȣ\
:€%1 * —¢
impact glazing higher than 18 in above grade, at these de ned with the new wind speed maps are , 1
:ji;‘Q5¥\ \
1, »/\ .
higher elevations, loose roof aggregate has been the approximately consistent with those given in the prior
predominate debris source in previous wind events. The editionsfor this risk categotjv. Thus, the new wind speed »..\~.=.r" — :s;~:>=~
requirement_]2n- protection 9 nz above the debris source contours that de ne the wind-borne debris regions in L7/gist
"3 s;e,-3»;
is to account ar debris that can be li]‘Ited during ight. Section 207./ are not direct conversions of the ;,e
The tllowing references provide trther information wind speed contours that are defined in NSCP 2010 <E> ¢ .\
’\\§t;»,,. ’
regarding debris damage to glazing: Beason et al. (ASCE 7~O5) as shown in Table C207A.5-6. As a result "¢§§%\°/321
(1984), Minor (1985 and 1994), Kareem (1.986), and of this shift, aajiustments are needed to the Wind Zone * W tip/2"
Behr and Minor (1 994). designations in ASTM E 1996for the determination of Ye =W34
be sited away from lilcelv debris sources that would zone based on the basic wind speed asfollows.‘
1: V
generate significant risk ofimpacts similar in magnitude
to pea gravel (i. as simulated by 2 grain steel balls in 9 {-0 2. l Wind Zone 1 -— 210 lqah 5 basic wind speed < . '/N/-1 ;;?t“§§ t
impact tests) or butt-on 2 X 4 impacts as required in 225 kph. ."tZ1¢;i§v'>
: .~’=‘.M .
impact testing criteria. This situation describes a /0.9.9 KW/\"1.
/;\~n-:4 i%c.~>\..,~
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Designi1».oads'1
;;:=‘ \,,/1v¢~\'<$1'.;1?i:'-§§I§5.'
~»7:4 we .-:1
>' \; e@>4.1. =:.>>.=.-.=- >»'=:
f-. /¢:,‘w#$'%-“~l:‘.=.',";I_j. 207A.10.3 Protection of Glazed Openings E1;
Y '.;;.';_
.. to1
__ ~ “N,
-v</, 4. .- 1--.
W .
i§tj.3.2.2 Wind Zone 2 — 225 kph E basic wind speed < 240 Glazed openings in Occupancy Category I, H, Hl or IV §
_ ‘._31§'i;pl1 at greater than 1.6 kin om the coastline. The buildings located in tropical cyclone-prone regions shall be Q
protected as speci ed in this Section. 5
, <~‘;\4/}’§/§5“§‘.3""' 31-.‘ "3
1. >’“§§,Fv,{;' :~§:i'»I'1.-;_
Q//§~‘?;<.~>;_‘ f-I '--11;. ==Z*-oastline shall be measured om the mean high water 5t
7;:iitttt‘k. E,
’ *'>~‘;€:"Z2E:F<2"3
207A.10.3.1 Wind-borne Debris Regions ti
‘ Z
ii; Wind Zone 3 - basic wincl speed 2 240 kph, or EI’
l{l:¢:,sit' wind speed 2 225 ltph and within 1.6 km of the Glazed openings shall be protected in accordance with L
; \\:j-.-_-.-I-I 1}
m4t /\t-,.
-flgzoastline. The coastline shall be measured '0m the Section 207A.l 0.3.2 in the following locations:
~,_',’i,£€/;;1¥2;?7E‘:--I - "
inzean high water mark. '<»t¢w<\~m
":6§>.~,--.. - . - i
\ <‘(,1-£<f»’<(,j:;-:~'-.;.
A01 / / '
l. Within 1.6 km of the coastal mean high water tine ll
to . "
lll ~
F ltowever, While the coastal areas inclztded in the wind» where the basic wind speed is equal to or greater than
€ <o§;:1Y<<';§; ~:-E3333"-.':
5 ll mg "i‘il;<_'ii'r1e a’ehris regions a'e/ined in the new wind speed 58 mls, or g
';-; maps for Risk Category II are appro.\'imatel_v consistent
:"i--‘rltlllli those given in NSCP 2010 (ASCE 7~O5_), signi cant 2. In areas where the basic wind speed is equal to or
wtv 1/'>‘:<-:=-.. -.'- 1'
reditctions in the wincl-borne debris regionsfor this risk greater than 63 in/s.
mu .~:§.\'w-:'-.-
<;»(f4i\Es£§<,"I//‘, , Y,z~)~ . -:-
atall x /~11 2;. -_ 1" ‘liftcategory 1: occur in the area aroztndJaclcsonville, Florida,
the Florida Panhandle, and inland '0rn the coast of For Occupancy Category ill and IV buildings and
illllé"'"wt25;?‘ RV.
nwx¢&Im.»1\'< \>z
“:~j§Vot'tl2 Carolina. structures, except health care Facilities, the wind-borne
k l §zi.§»,,~//,..l~-
w¢2~2>;~.-<=::=-.. debris region shall be based on Figure 207A.5-1A. For
~iiThe introduction of separate risk-basecl maps for Occupancy Category Ill health care facilities and
/ K Occupancy Category Ii buildings and structures, the wind-
z- ‘M /¢”“>‘} £3}li]ffei'ei1trisk categories provides o means for achieving
- -
; . Ifa more rislr-consistent approach for defining wind- bornc debris region shall be based on Figure 207A.5~lB.
-‘C 1: »~
/4:4‘/./~{~47!i'~§¢; 15- :- ‘§hc2r'tte a'crl>ris regions. The approach selected was to link Occupancy Categories shall be determined in accordance
iw-i*1~=4»~*>=:s~: -::, =. »
7]tlie geographical de r-titiotz of the wine!-borne debris with Section 103.
7 »‘~’\, \lifregions to the wind speed COiifOlII'S in the maps that
o,~€¢<~>:;.-/.1-£>' ;3E',::¢I--E‘
2; ;_'
$1~' 1;o;/.'f;'§-:.<<=:=;=.:»:= is§’c:orrespontl to the particzilar risk category. The resulting
5% 7:;E, Ii?-.<i.x1t)ctits'ioii of the wind-borne debris region for
. ii i§}§_('7c?cz1‘zicrircj1-* Categotjv I and H bttildirzgs and stritctures
»;o;v,>;a»~>ss:>.:;:>;>:>:>;V iiiltwinahhorne debris regions in Figure 207A.5-I C that
lW.-1_,. -0,_.im-.w_ t
a 5§or'e not part ofthe wincl-borne debris regions de ned in
~*' ;.~
ll }1~§Figure 207A.5-1B} was considered appropriatefor the ta fw
wt jii_I,112es of buildings incluclecl in Occupancy Category I
;Ye :1: lfktiitl H. A review of the types ofbuildings anc1'stri:cttn'es 207A.l0.3.2 Protection Requirements for Glazed
-4 ..' 1"»-.
e ..,15 »${'u~,.» ,. . .. §"‘;,cz1i'r'e1‘1tly izrclztdecl in Occupancy Category H1 suggests Openings
@\- E
A I1?
V; so .
\-,\.,.\\'.~- .' Y .'
%§_that life safety issues ‘ll=‘OltlLl be most important, in the
1% g,m}7.\.~,;_.." '
(‘$573.-‘:'i‘.:“‘ :"::£’.\'])(ll1C{l>’£l wind-borne debris region. for health care Glazing in buildings requiring protection shall be protected
E ~\
\ ... f teilities. Consequently, the committee chose to apply with an irnpact—protective system or shall be impact-
l‘ 2“ 4 l /
theexpanded Wino’-borne debris protection requirement rcsistant glazing.
fto this type of Occupancy Category IIIfacilities and not
toall Occupancy Category HI lniildings and strztctures. Impact-protective systems and impact-resistant glazing
I/ll‘/l“‘ t- --
lll x;/.<\< -.;=~. .. = shall be subjected to missile test and cyclic pressure
p Q» V’ »
207A.10.1 General differential tests in accordance with ASTM E1996 as
it F‘
:i¢.~\.\’3Ii -
l %¢I~,i'~;$,~i‘~‘:*=* -I applicable. Testing to demonstrate compliance with ASTM
For the purpose of determining internal pressure E1996 shall be in accordance with ASTM E1886. Impact-
mg; ‘‘ cocf cicnts, all buildings shall be classi ed as enclosed, resistant glazing and impact protective systems shall
partially enclosed, or open as de ned in Section 207A.2. comply with the pass/fail criteria of Section '7 of ASTM
W .
1 </~':5$,2~5:_‘.!~2 ‘.'
EE996 based on the missile required by Table 3 or Table 4
Q wt“/:_\V\* \I . ..
éc 207A.10.2 Openings of ASTM E1996.
<é>< 1%-t .
llll §?§ a§‘€§‘<"\P€~‘\_-".
i \r:>7»;c:";.-":-==-
liwa-¢<=ir~:~~ -1. A determination shall be made of the amount of openings
ll ~'
in the building envelope for use in determining the
enclosure classi cation.
ll , " j
I w7?'7i1;z3I
*e~<ax==~:~ ~=
3-» '_ ‘i~,--;'.~-1. .-
212!-;’4/> > ~.-»::~- w
_ ;;;;:;?¢§A:>.,”":-\<::1,;-\., -.
‘*1-*‘>£Qh>I~J»Y»“JQm*;:‘:li‘1“}_‘:P'§§_)2JJ€~'.......,, __ ______ _
U 3 _~W;.;
0 CHAPTER 2 - i\/linimum Design Loads Q‘:/' »>";Z"
'1? 5,
izing and impact-protective systems in buildings and pressure coefficients can reach values Qfilitii (or ],1oss'ila;’}.=
ictures classi ed as Occupancy Category I in even higher on the negative side). ,
otclance with Section 103 shall compiy with the
hanced protection” requirements of Table 3 of ASTM For partially enclosed lntildiitgs eontainiiig a largo ".»
>11‘/3, ,,,
’» ;¢:o»,s,,,».»<
~ » _:»
»-»:>: we ~»
996. Glazing and ll1]p£1C’[*pI‘Oi;€CIl\/‘C systems in all other unpartitioned space, the response time of the internal Sysi
ictures shall comply with the “basic protection” pressure is inereaseo’, and this inerease reuluces the aliility
uireinents of Table 3 of ASTM E1996. of the internal pres:;1n'e to respond to rapid changes in
f _ pressure at an opening. The gust ictor applicable to the
.../. , ’»..» ’$"'N'|$" " we />1 I; __,-—-'-—~
internal pressure is therefore retlueetl. Equation 207A. l l~
ser Note.‘ 1, wlzieh is based on VlCh'C’lj‘ and Bloxham (1993) and '=-<._~
§j‘$=' ./A
J 5,
- ?¢,§§/"—¢»2'
3, --"~;::.> »2*.»» __,__..---—
classi ed as an “enclosed” building. pressznze may result, which can overloacl the cladding or
st/~ucl1n'e if the higher pressure was not ft("C‘0Itlil tl il‘ in
?A.l1 internal Pressure Coefficient the design. Bmocltitig of glazing can also result in a
signi cant amount of water infiltration. l1‘l1l(‘l1 t_1yn'eall_v .£
results in Ccmsizleralile dmnuge to the bztilzli/lg and its ‘~'
""‘4 E7 f'é’<'I~1
we '\= <3“*'#i:es'-
tontents (Sz1i'1;tiett1l. 1977, Reinhold I982, Ul1tlSlHl)lJ.\’ and '2:
. ;
Peri111 1993). .$§=;§‘I~§<> of/"‘
2 internal pressure coefficient values in 11‘sI»*L:l '5
File 207/1.11»! were obtciinecl t)/21 wiml tunnel tests 1;‘:_% e JV‘
1*,»< ¢ . ..
szthopoulos et al. 1979) and tll-scale clam (Yeats and The irg ztence ofcontour‘tmentulim/ion on the distrilnition \~,;3 »;=.»=.
1-.<\-\ '1 ‘V-.
,V-~<*;;>».- For
'hta I993). Even though the wind tunnel tests were qfinereasecl internal pressure has not been researelieu'. If ‘ E’Q?»/""*;-E-i’
W5’ unp:
~4 »./<:::-
the space beln'na' breac'l2eo' glazing is sepo1'utezl 'oin the coei
zdzietecl prirnaril1,' n‘ lou-'-rise buildings, the internal ,3
'ssure coefficient values are assnnted to be valid jor reniaina'er of the building by a snf)‘ic'ieiJtli' Strong unil .g:<<$: .i_ redt
reasonably airtight compartment. the iitereoseil internal 1 1! ¢»y<‘?;§':.-II
’lclt'ngs ofany heiglit. The values (GCW) = +0.18 and
pressure would lilteli-' he c'on 1ietl to that C(J1I!]7tIi'lIJIL’l1l.
18 ore tr enclosed lnzilclii-zgs. It is assunted that the 1:.V: :.:» Rt
I-lou-‘ever, if the eompartinent is breovelzetl (e.g., in‘ an open §'\,»=~';~\~>» .
hling has no dominant opening or opet-tings and that the corridor door or by collapse ofthe ootnpcntrnent wall), the ¢%;»~==::.»
~.-;~e§;, 1,/:\~=,~\~¢t,
all leakage paths that do exist {JI'C’ essenttallv tint’/brinl_r
ittct'eo'secl internal pressure will spread buyoml the initial xvi:-t _ -1 Z\.
tribztted over the building 's envelope. The internal .':i<:7:\/ " /../7 >i~»TI.’
eonzpctrtinent quite rapitll_v. The next compartment i?7(I_i-' Isl; 1
?s,5*ztre coef eient valuesfor portiall1' enelosecl liuilclings
eontain the higher pressure. or it too eould be brecu:‘ltecl. »>:zt=:‘ get;-9I*~ .
‘ume that the h1.n'lu'ing lnts o doniiimnt opening or thereby allowing the high internal pressure to Continue to
;>n1'ngs. For such a building, the internal p/'e.\‘st-are is l :
propagate. Beeause ofthe great amount ofair leakage that
‘lured by the exterior pressure at the opening and is
Q/ten oeeztrs cit large liangar doors, rlesigtiers of hangars
'ieall_1' increased sulistantiallii as a result. Net loctch, that
should consider utilizing the internal pressure eoef eients
the eoniliirialton of the internal and exteriorp1'essIrt't1S‘. l,=£1‘¢-:-*;,,'-
forpartially enelosea’ lntilclings in Table 20 7.4 . l l-l . » Y
r therefore also sigtzi eatrtlv ii-1creus=e¢l on the building -
_ ,//
\,/" \
_' tc'es that do not contain the opening. Therefore, higher /‘ ~.
207A.11.1 internal Pressure Coefficients
Cpi) values of-H155 and —0.55 are applicable to this
te. These values include a rea'uetion tetor to account
Internal pressure coefficients, (GEM), shail be determined
' the lack ofpetfeet correlation between the internal -' <:e=s
wv/.I~< El <.~ .:\w.
assure and the e.\:ternol pressures on the buihling from Table 207A.ii~l based on building enclosure -sosié
1 .~/;<~>.
‘awe 1i= ‘:.i,,;,
- -uvgii l§\~»~*;
classi cations determined from Section 207A.l0. sew.’ ,2;/$51".
j}’iieex not containing the opening (Irwin I 987 and Beste -..>‘a~¢
.."¢<~ 4 ~%~r"=.~:' ~Y
i '>\/ i
Assooiatioo of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lrzo, (ASEP) ll
<,‘&:>; ,
‘i ,J‘~?¢:»'.;
M »V»
“I3? *1’
55)” .
~,~, 5-;_ ;2;<,,-~ meg
W~_s..t,._,.~.~.~.. _ _ _ ff“ "“"‘*i<¢» f".'~;~/it
5» #1
CHAPTER 2 - l\/iinimom Design Loads 2-bi
f” z
iv F; 1"‘;
V‘-. Table 207A.i i-l 207B Wind Loads On Buildings»-l\/IWFRS
Internal Pressure Coefficient, (GCW) (Directional Procedure)
a_ .
»<e:,1.. \ .».~. .. “
-, -
»»~/' . WM\.....:.., ~. '1
{X9 i,~w~.-§->»_c-><».- C0n1n1rmfar'_v:
Main Wind Force Resisting
s s is s
1 System and Components and All Heights
1% Cladding , Wg The Directional Procedure is lite former "buildings nfcrll
we .. \.. "
l1e1'ghts" provision in Method 2 of NSCP 2010 (ASCE 7-
l ‘U Enclosed, Partially Enciosed, and walls & Roofs
1/?’/~41‘//,--,.\ .:-;_ i g Open Bniitlgingsw H ,_ 05) for MWFRS. A simpliffied method based on this
f Enclosure Classificaiion (Ggdpi) i Directional Procedure is provia'ed_f0r liuildings up Io 49 m
sif g §>§‘~“ §1 1-31
V“¢»“??"*?I¢.\.~.“: . in height. The Direcz‘ional Pr0cc*dm'e is cor-rsidei'er-2‘ the
\<~:~»\4(/ R ..:_ 1 Open Buiidingsn gW 0.0Q” g traditional approach in that the pressure coe ic-iczzts
we \ ;,:-..-
' 5
év aéyziszie
Partially Enclosed Buildings re ect the actttcrrl loading on each Sl!I_‘ 7C€ ofthe buildir-zg
Q’/x» W‘y,
jZfiz:C_§Z'~ 4_--:--
as 0 mction of 1-rind directiorz, nrrmelv. wirrtfs
as , g Enclosed Buiidings Pi; perpci-m'r'cz1lar or parallel to lhe ridge line.
l‘m‘1=-i~a;'~'<'¢.-='=;I=:.. .
are ~ J coefficient, (GC,,;), shaii be multiplied by the foilowing
_ gm/\ §. .
"¢_:;=, — ‘ ‘?,§/$»v»;;;;!;:*::.'..'_-_.._,. reduction factor, R,-: A building whose design wind loads are determined in
'2; accordance with this chapter shall comply with ail of the
.7 ‘Q ..
{<5 1
er:-:1./>\=s ~ following conditions:
lit §;/ , R5 = 1.0 or
l‘ 1» a
l -
i 2 ~sz~;¢-z/.>.-:_~~-1.-.-. 1. The building is a regular-shaped buiiding or structure
l >:_-‘-1. “
it ‘-
as defined in Section 20'7A.2.
ops» a,=o.s 1+ < 1.0 (207A.l 1-1) 2, The building does not have response characteristics
f/(_;f 4 . . .
V. making it subject to across-wind loading, vortex
‘ f?<~:4?/ 1 __l_ siiedding, instability due to galloping or flutter; or it
4/1% 35/
I +7A%
5»* -/ ><»->1-Z does not have a site location for which channeling
x43?PM M-.=.~ ' '.
;;-¢f/%\i=i 5:‘~'i‘-- " effects or buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions
sag /" ;z.~:'-=I~;:l»=1Iz5‘- .
\ ~/'
I /14225;:
1a ;,,l¢,..~_;.;._--.-
where warrant special consideration.
M \»
Aug = total area of openings in the building
19"‘? ,,,,,\. ., .-.
enveiope (walls and root), in m2
, ~’ -
“’“ 1*-1? .- V, * unpartitioned internal volume, in m3
_, ~.~‘<'.»~=>.:,\~.~-=.--..
2% gc(ȢW>.,, ._
was tl ”"§;'<~/::r.:
¢ v
National Structural Code of the Phiiippines Volume i, 7th Edition, 20t5
L“_,. ”a/xv \-<:~>.~
is "
as Lii i i
‘c *~a§>;;>
47¢ .
' i';:;,i \ ..
2‘ :;==»7»29
arse: 1; ;?;¢:>_'{9$ ~\/
»:'c~.1:r»5g;. \/<
/ —
5“? 1/.
/I .,\ 1
, {X
2-62 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design ioacis ,.» 0..I . A/K
‘<7, dyes
':I:>g4<1‘ ... »~>
207B.l.3 Limitations Part 1: Enclosed, Partially Enclosed, and Open Q $121
' “
.,¢.., ,
apparent shielding afforded by buildings and other open building with any general plan shape, bzrildirrg .1-45 I», "/Q/,\",\~ <
/’~ ':.
\\l . ';~:T,\\‘“' .F\**.»i -. (,,(V..-‘(...
W ac
structures or terrain features. height or roof geomehgr rhar matches the figures ‘ >;4¢*i- 5:3 Wane ~
‘f ”"*6»$/15’/‘; 1/’
3/V ,»,,;e,;.'\
-, :§*’Z€"~*P‘3/:
applicable lo each building surface. .. .-V. ;. -: .\\,__/,///V
"-7/Q 34 =~¢ =s~v>w2<; ,r
7=- :‘£='
. .. . .. . ....._.......W..., . ;; 3
‘,2, ->~—~/- ~-' ‘<
9 a
i ‘=rw,~=<\-:<:< ‘$4,:
2 .1:;i;@~
The following wind Eoad parameters shall be determined in
accordance with Section 207A:
‘ '1
\/‘ . :V.1 51>? \
'£ Is 1~.~’<»,>
Q Enclosure classi cation (Section 20'/'A.l0) W . w» 5' 15:1.‘
r -.:>.»a:s='¢= 2 K\$%§‘si
0 Internal pressure coefficient, (GCPE) _ Q“,
-; ’~‘»~, ‘07.> .- . : ~r>1»
. ,.
(Section 207A.l l) - I;
2073.3 Velocity Pressure -1
,/\§vM». >,~\4., ..
»<~'~‘r‘/1,-<;<:5:“:= "
*::.~;/;f/1% vs“ CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-63
,=<.2<»1#.»/ ».-,~. "\\*_;~%l~E~,Z:1IiE§-, '-35:‘
Table 2()7B_'J-1
1Step3 to Determine MWFRS Wind Commentary‘
for Enclosed, Partially Enclosed and Open §
1t ¢-91‘
4,? “.6
M/Q Buildings of All Heights The velocity pressure exposure coe icient K, can be \
%/a saw, ire" obtained using the equation.‘
»a .. .1 .
Determine risk category of building or other
, 4' at
‘"3! structure, see Table 103-1
Z 2/a
Determine the basic wind speed, V, for the
'9 For 4.57221 S (C2078.
1 1-/ ,, ..
applicable risk category, see Figure 207A.5-
2. 01 (Z) Z 5 Z5, 3~l)
1A, B or C ‘ K Z g
I 1521‘/’»‘“ f$%$.@:\':t:-~ -=--;= .
mom iii? 3: Determine wind Eoad parznneters:
2_ (}1
4. 57 2/ Forz < 4.57 Hi
(C @715)
3* Wind directionality factor, Kd , see zg "-
:.¢ #24
.1 __ /\,Q;L,~n»,§;~¢v,,.,<\_.- ..
Section 207A.6 and Table 20'7A.6-1
5 lax--""-"=-.==.
‘ Q-1.
Exposure category, see Section 207A.7 in which values Qficr and zg are given in Table Z0 7A. 9-I.
P Topographic factor, KZt, see
,, (‘Z
,.,.._ These equations are now given in Tables 3073.3-I,
Section 207A.8 and Table 207A.8~l
207C.3-I, 2l)7D.3-1, am12(l7E.3-1 to aid the user.
3* Gust Effect Factor, G, see Section 207./\.9
9,, 3'» Enclosure classi cation, see
Changes were irnplemetrted in NSCP 2001 (ASCE 7~98),
6 - -:1‘
» aw,,*“”"“/9\
//W’-,. .. Section 207A. E 0
5'2 ~\‘¥;;;/4 irtclttcling t1~'tmc'ation of KZ values for E.\'}JOSiH‘t3,5‘ A and B
" \X3i*3"\~
\r$%¢<“ \ ‘r Internal pressure coef cient, (GCW), see
¢=, is
e iii-\ "” ,'.‘~s1=~=:=
‘ ~ <./-~, I..- . - below heights Qf30 in and 9 in, rtwpectivelv, applicable to
W /
*' i £2 $==%~><§.-‘~~->-
> 1’..~ \’s\<;’/W -=- . - Section 20”/‘A.l E and Table 207A.l l~l Components and Cladding and the Envelope Procedure. t
,"’ t=-Ra\<
‘92'>Y””*"l5”’, _@-
,.~4 N
.» ;i=ma~.~/~-,¢='.,/est,s 5 ~-_ »>
g, 4 Determine velocity pressure exposure Exposure A was eliminated in the 2002 edition of/iSCE 7.
/e ~,/,;;,;;;;;;§§%y,g¢,¢<.~|at - .
,. »~=.-=~.%"‘ E |
y» '¢<»\ ~=====,~.-~*,.¢%;si;
W.»/.~=\ .,\.~.
\.X¢;;< » _ .
coef cient, K, or Kn, see Table 207B.3—1
<. “=“=£‘:“'~‘
5 Determine velocity pressure qz or qh In the NSCP 2010 (ASCE 7-05} standard, the KZ
* ;-*
,1 ;»
,»/- ,»:2e:=“<*?".i*<* ;=-:~"-' .' - Equation 2078.3-1 expressions were zmchangea'fi'om NSCP 2001 (ASCE 7~
96:). However, the possihilitfv of interpolating between the
»"f ‘ii“i“"~r’<,'»,,‘Y\<\/ 44'" " 1
6 Determine external pressure coefficient, Cp or
staizdarc! exposmtes using a rational method was aa"dea' in
“:1 ~
CN the NSCP 2010 (ASCE 7-05) edition. One rational inethocl
, / ~
%,§<2‘ ~ Figure 207B.4-1 for walls and flat, gable, is provicled in thejollowing text, i
' ;/
, ,,,»@~/ -1;;-. - hip, monoslope or mansard roofs
Ié »»~ l=il‘i¥- “Kw >> =‘-"%.’4‘s2=:=I~ ‘P Figure 207B.4-2 for domed roofs To a r'easoriahlé oppir‘o.x'lmation, the empirical exponent or
I 1;;<a w¢:~W
=~1iss ~ l 1=&=:2:i1"= ::::'="=‘
and Qfadieitt ' ltetghilizg in the prececlihg i expressions
/ :1==.-= -- ‘P Figure 207B.4-3 for arched roofs
' e1 =71‘-~‘:~ -11' -. '- Y, Figure 20713.4-4 for monosiope roof, (Equations ' C.207B.3-I and . C307'B.3-2) for exposure
’~V 4 =.»~>>.~¢/%/t-->v~-_;i;-» -
¢ .51‘
.» epgyv ,;-';.1: ' . - .-
‘f -11¢.
open building ooe icieiit KZ may lieielaitéd to the roughness length 20
9' ,:it;'¢§?;'¢;~,”':»,'w£~',<=:<¢=
‘r Figure 20713.4-5 for pitched roof, open (where Z0 is de ned in S€C'li_0H _C.?07A. 7) by the relations
'“ '
E >* M//,-.~_-é/,\:_.~\¢_~...; building
. /v .
Figure 20713.4-6 for troughed roof, open
<* ,2/W" \ -
M4511»/‘£'$-,”€-9\’¢",‘;/"j<,\Z$, 5:’?-.
4/ 1
=. . at = c12'0"°'133 (’C207B.3-3)
aw: =.$$\~ ,»
\/~¢/7‘/xvi//i-\\‘ »
.<\\ \ ,/4
s\iw \»;/ 1-1; I
,,/f ‘ti ~@~»*‘v,:<-/~~ ~<=,-.=.,:; -. ‘P Figure 207B.-4-7 for along~ridge/valley
l "»"<~%¢1's¢>’f;»>>;3~.-ix» and
wind load case for monoslope, pitched or
troughed roof, open building
zg: (_'2z0o'125 (CZ(l7B.3-4)
{Step 7i Caiculate wind pressure, p, on each building
at /"'‘clay-“v=5;:.~::.~
£‘Z7iTf%~/,:t)“,'i’»:7. .=_; surface
where i i i
Equation 20713.4-1 for rigid buildings
W» 4\. Equation 20713.4-2 for exible buildings
)/:"?»/ I:-' ‘t?'\’?\F' Equation 207B.4-3 for open buildings Units of29, zg - c1- _. .1 0?
V:~A"4<*, ~ - ., in 5.65“ "450
-~" "
%'”§", ¢
ti.» t
' The pt'ec'edt'r1g r'elation.s'lz1)7s are l2ase_'a' _o_rz_=_hzatchii1g. the
.l-]*\j?%§f§ ~ / \\ ESDU bottirclaijy Jaye)‘ model (Hai'i‘is ar1'_a'_Dea:v_es i l__96’I and
l '-
ESDU 1990 and 1993) _e1npii'icfall}§'with-._'1‘lz_e_'-poiiver law
lll o§§e:‘/?~‘>TF‘ '
r'elati0nslzl]*J in Equations'C207B.3ll and ClZ'07B.'3~2, the
ESDU model being applied at latitude 35° ivitlr a gradient
>w l by l ..» \.</..;~; _
l 7‘I‘<‘5\5:\¢_‘=§;
National Structural Code of the Phiiippines Volume l, 7th Edition, 2015
ll 5 X 0/
W/(~/‘ --
‘l {.\,:j"~<'~7i(}\'/"¢~‘I-
Yw e:.>r\~<=“ .
v yj,
l l
~oI,>X5' I$§ci.:i-1:-111..
s’ l > \ ‘z
z~."'£"“~ '
W %:§=§?¢i=?Z‘..~”
. .\ I-:1 1 1 2 ;;=¢;a=??*"’
ta» -V-::_ ;—:1:<=,;4*'
» ,;_>,/ >.» "’“.>'z§';="
-¢,*%'~ "4-452*»:-fs=L: -a‘
i'£’ltIIllJt1Sl1l]JS does not align exactly with that described in ~v<\<\/“\’1 ;~'‘//* -,,-
X0 = 5-3><}() -(K3341- K33.1; )2-23 (C3075 i *5‘)-W “ "~*\”<\
Q§*If~/¢, >7,“»~:.> ,,»t;,
- -' &\\
the coinii~ieiitai;i-' to ASCE 7-95 and 7-98. However, the / st: '-7»
M ., .§ §§
a't)f)‘£>i'eiiees are i'ei'ati\-'elv small and not of praetieal \ Q.“W.
3, ML\J »»¢& ‘“\/vVI;:@/QYY
'//$»\<'(f;§I»9§.'>"’§‘ so
coiiseijiieiiee. The ESDU lnoiindaijv l¢i_vei' niodel has also The constant C3 = 1.0 kin. The lt-,’t7gllt3C1 = l ll lttn i
K33_d < K3331 ("wind going oin sii-ioothei' teiiciiii <\~ t '5
been used to £lt.’l‘lV€ tlte illowiitg siinpli/Foil inethocl (lrwiii Ii’;
2006} ofevahiating K2 iltowing a lt'(1llSlllOt'1_ll'0tti' one l0i‘0ltgl7(ft'!é?l't'(;iltt£l(Hi‘JZ1-1-'ltJ£ll(7-F351 = 100 lon)_foi'K33_d ii *'@:§z‘.»>»i¢ 1
.siii_' ice rozighness to £7l?Ollt|1’t‘. For more precnis-e estimates K 33'“ (wind going _/i'oin roiighei' tei-raiii zipwintl M ,ii A; “\\ 4%» ;
the t'eoa'ei' is t'£.ff€t'i‘L’(l to the original ESDU nioa’et' (Hai'i‘is S/I10(JI'llL’t' !ei'i'ain clo1rim'iiitl). 1 1,; %"
- =~§;\s¢W_-i-.- »
and Deoves 1981 and ESDU l 990 and 1993). = ,~;~/J»A.\~.' V
The above ilesei'i'ptioii IS in teivns of a single i'<iiigltt"te5;;;;j>;;
lit iini arin f£.’i'l‘£Zll?. the wind [I‘t71’€’l.§‘ a sii)_’jt'ic-ieiit distance change. The inethoa’ can he extenileit to multiple t'0ttgltitet§E§}§§f 3 K» V
over the lEt'f‘t7ltIf0t‘ the plaiietaiji--* h0ziiiilt'iij_i' la_1'ei' to reacli ehanges. The (.’.\'l€t?5ll)H ofthe It1£’ll1(7Ll is host clesei-ibecl _
‘ “'% i “gt;
an L’qli'lllt'7t‘lttll"i state. The e.\'posiii'e c'tie)flii'ieiit value; in an example. Figiiiv C2(77B.3-l S.ll(JWS wind witli an '4"
Table 20719.3-1 are i'iiteiideil n' this eoiiditioni Suppose pro le (‘lttIt‘tI(’l(3t‘l.$‘lll;' of E.\'pOSttI‘£? D L’t1t.‘OttltI£?t'It'?‘;' .;_ fv,
/‘ T
that the site is a ihstanee x miles ilon-‘i-iwiiztl ofa change in expiiiise of B i'0ii<1/iiiesx.
Q1 followett hv - a . fiii-ther £.’.\')CItI$<?
I tifitf~ 2‘"’
.._,}>(§/ ,
iCt‘i’tlit1'. The eqiiilibritiin 1-’t?l1tL’ ofthe e.\'posiii"e coefficient D t‘tJtlglttI(~.’,5'S and then some more B roiiglzizesx "
- ;<
at height 2 for the l£’t‘i‘ 'itI rozigliiiess dowiiu-'iiii"i’ of the hi;f 1i'e it (II‘t'l1-‘ES at the hiiililing site. This" .§'lltt£Tll()t2
elmnge will he denotetl by KM, and the eqiiilihritiin value t‘t;’]7t'£.’S£’t7l(tll1'(? ofn-i'nit_ -oiii the ._\‘ea_flowing over an Ax '= ‘
n the terrain i'oiighne.s"s ttp‘i1’ll"I(l of the ehange will he 5ti'i1n of land, their a coastal n'atei'wi"i_1', aiitl their %
*7 ""<%.=~“s::'l:I.-.I-
denoted by Km. The efffect of the ehange tn terrain Sitl7I!t'l)£NI l'tJltglItI€SS be/hi-e at'i‘i\-‘trig at the briililiiig / 2;
l'OltglH1£’SS on the exp0siit'e eoeffieieiit at the site can be The above met/ioo'_ >i' a si'i~1gi'e i'oiiglniess eliaiigge is .fI1-.§ti;§§;§;3 A)!‘
i'epi'esetzteo' by atliii.s'ti'iig Km liy an ltlCi'L’ttl£’ttI AK, t/ms used to cotnpiite the pro le of K2 at station i‘ in »
=~ ~,-N, ,-:a;i=.-:~=;:
arriving at a eoi'i'eetetl value I{z_ n' the site. C2()7B.3-1. Call this [2i"QftlC’ ‘ I(§.1). The value of'AKfoi‘ “/ K; M #7/v
Z1» ~*
/_ /
ti'ansiti0n between stations 1 and 2 IS then (l£’l€f'tttltt€6l=¢§§.<*i .:c . ~ _~
. , -, .>;\.
/, 1» ,
.114 <».‘§\<w&t».~*/'
value QfAK is then aa'ti'ea' to the eqiiilihriiiiii 1'ahie Kg) ;;;,;$, ,1
,-.»=.-».'.»¢'.~ ~
In this €.’.\‘pt‘£?S.S’lOtt AK is oalczilatea’ rising: t
the exposzire coi§f t.'ieiit_f0i' the rmighness between ~ -'~:1z'.~?<:»=.I-*2
1 and 2 to obtain the pro/ile Q/‘K, at station 3, wltieli we 1
(2) 2 43 1 ,"»-.v,~'<->.-.-».':;;
A7»&/ . » 1' :»;y5,-/,~:;v;.».1;»;.=~
will call KZ . Note however, that the value of Kg ) in this v/ ';
K 1 . iii » /
AK = (Km - Km)»,-§FiK<x>
(C2075-3-6) wo'_1=’ cannot he any lower than K ). The pl'0CL S'.S’ IS ll28iZ’»:1;»f»’»i /
i"epeotea'joi- the traii.\"1'tioii hetween stations 2 anal 3. Tliiis, /
AK n‘ the traiisition rnn station 3 to station 3 is , ,,-M, /"»¢>’Y\-:_‘z==
, / \4
*’u~.i "
<i »~
Association of Structural Engineers ofthe Philippines, lnc. (ASEP) 4/;j¢;;.I:::I'_
:61“ /\“"
vv, é
M wt
<4 2
¥ 0‘ 62-1><=1o—(0.62-1.00)?‘-—2.3 zlil
® ® Build’mg £2»:
Site = 0.00241 mi
£'|3‘L!‘LF‘l-I15‘? r\.nr1.r1ri.l—|.ru'u1.i'i.nru"i.ru\.n Froin Equation C2(i7B.3-7
ezgteiee Rozzgtmess Rcnsghress
3 D B 6.21 6.21
Figure C207B.3~I
‘”e*'<"> = ‘°g1"(m)/*°g1"(at“sa""2i*"i"l = “$6
'.'Miiltiple Roughness Changes Due to Thei"efoi'e '0in Equation C207B.3~6
Coastal Waterway
AK = (1.00— 0.67)6--890.36 = 0.15
' 1 . sineleioiis_/Ines 5*“ than L.‘ Suppose the lniilcling §<~as
'- -7 -h - -5-”
K» ' and. its
i lot at KWit t ozinihi-igs
. are siilnirhan with it
v luigtli
T Z0 = 0.3 in. l"lon'evei'. the site is (161011
Note that beeaitse |AK[ is 0.15, which i's less than the 0.38
it of the eclge of the SItl7ltt‘l)S, he_1'ond whieli the
valzie of |K33|u — K33|d|, 0.15 is retainecl. Finallv, oin *\W<:’W\Y:"'‘ts
'ain is eliai'aetei'istie of open eozintiy with Z0 = s\
Front Etjiiatioi-is C.3()7B.3-1, C'2(i7'B.3-3, and Eqiiation C'207B.3-5, the value of Kz is:
-4,jor the open tei'i'ain
I{zwKZ,,+ AK=0.82+0.15=0.9'7
De“-133 = 6.62 =0.5
><0.066-“T133 <'\-‘sXt.\*-?:>¢.t»*:s‘',§\S
Becrtiiise the value 0. 9 7for K, lies l7€lii-‘£’(-’lI the values 0. 88 is
509425 = 1, 273 = 276 in and 1.16, whieli wozilil he clei'ivecl_ "oii1 Tahle 20 719.3-I for 2
><O. 0660425 Exposiiies B and C i'espei:tivelv, it is an acceptable
intei'polation. if it ills l?t.’lO1'v‘ the E.xpo.s'1n'e B value, then
?, tipplviitg Eaziation C2()7B.3-l at 20 in and I0 the Expo.s'tit'e B value ofKZ is to he iisecl. The value K2 =
0.97 inay he eontparea' with the value 1.16 that would be 3‘)€\QY.*‘~'X$<¢\"§“7/'$!:
reqziiied l1_v the simple 792 in jetcli length i'eqiziii~'en1ent of m
66 2/9.5 ’ Section Z117/1. 7.3.
Km = g_ Q1 = 1.16 and
The most common ease ofa single ioiighness change Wli£3’t‘(:’ mamswmwm-
66 2/6.19
Km = 2_(]1 = (1.77 and wt’-iere x is in i1'1ll£?.8', and Kzd is co/npiiteil using ct = 6.62.
I{zB and Kzc are the exposiire cr0eflic‘ic’iit.9 in the stat-ia'ai'ci
33 2/6.62 E.\'p0siii'es C and B. Figiire C.2()7B.3-2 illustrates the
K =_ Z =06? transition from terrain l'01tgl?tI(.’SS C to tet‘t'ain roiighness B
33"‘ 201(1,273l oin this expression. Note that it is acceptable to use the
tjijpical Z0 rather than the lower liinit for Exposiire B in
iation C207B.3-8 deriving this fort-nzila heeaiise the rate of transition of the -<._ . . ,€._ ,. »w-~Wi
parking lots and playing elds, are covczrccl by using the where the &'.\']70.S'llJ'é’ coefficient is required at the .,; 3,‘... QM
and passes over a strip of lanai 1.61 km wide, which is E.\'posurc' C. which would he 1.09. \/V a
= 2’4;7-,“1-§:
’-‘-:7 Z?‘, 1 Tm}
~. ' 3 “ms :=$';.~Y'<',w,::1"?
covered in buildings that pi'0a'iic'e l__1y9ic‘al B {me r0ziglines.$'_. *4
' >’-fa-§=.* »
-.3/$4. '
i.e. 20 = 0. 3 Tn. It tlwn passes over a 3.2.2-kn: wide strip ,.: -
of coastal W(Jl€é'i'WCI__1-’ 1-vlzere the’ roziglzness is again I'.‘.:¢5$E§
. ,-:%E= ,3 a ---5~"»'~:~\,-._. Noi
cliarac:tc>ri:ea' liy the open water value Z0 = 0. 003 m. It '- (~14;-~<»~,
$3 *;*:'1 \=;a;»>_jz->,'-
1' :< E2»m ~:’$'s~‘§..i
then travels over 0.16 km Qf1'o1igl1m:.s's type B (Z0 = 0.3 m 1'01;
" /I<~'..\._
' -1%
licgfbre arriving at the site, station 3 in Figzirc C207B.3~1__ '.'i-/.'¢¥¢:
/ M» . /rel!
,-g ;».
=; =~Q,¢~.¢,;...
=-1: :§/
.X- ~ lav 1 ~\\ ' '0.l
Q/' ...r,;
~ .'~ ~ %<~;r;s<:'
,-I /*~_.,,‘.\..
1 ’»\v‘$' $?'4*5,'-/,'21'.
- *1;j, 563;.
..~¢ »¢
<4» ‘,,- zw 20"?
'= § _: i"' '1'" ’1 .5
*4» $7/sl’~*.~<s:
300 . . ! 2. ! €*.;‘.rv1g.,@¢;-L 1i;.*_; 1:/'5; ,» “(\(§' .
EXP. C, x = 0 km
lg >. ‘~1,~/>,;;'
/¢. --. 36/»¢,v'.,~
&/ $1
I Z0 = 0.02 m TO _,,._ M caic
~"§ ;=: <}¢~‘f7>~\:1
»;‘t *1‘2‘ éxfwl
..- Z9=0.30m /‘
"._ Tf; -/‘A i .._‘!* x = 0.08 km /x»
» _, ~w~/,-.'.. q.
1 1 Ii, z I T
1 .....,,_..,
l ill .:
.\§~» ( ..»;,
1 ' 1 <4~/»/
‘1»‘o€’ »’/’ 1
[TI x=03 l' w
E. ‘Q;“*4i5~.§V;;=.
x I l _, =2/M4
wo ‘7:I g ’-~”_:-
| i. g_ __ \~ ~/ :1.
D M. * two.5 2» aw‘;//<»%1=.:'r
/~ .> I
A I_ * I‘ ..r Q ' -1
G if
ff? J’ A I»- ll
In ::;\
i ..__..___.__ i]""“**i:,_; "
t Q} ,_J__s
x = 0.80 km ¥¢:¢\'/S‘
; gas; "
‘¢* L1? \.'37’.."?51Ii
E .l -_ Q‘ .
; .54/,->
1 4 ~E~.ws--~..--.
2I£§:>$,3',1»*4 ,1,
mm.. §§\
‘ x=1.6Dkm ZE1'?7/"?~/ 5
. g * '
=..:::~4 _. \Q//</¢".§:‘;‘;..
K, "/'~»‘< »» 11:
J,»/:;§\ ,_ 7%’;_, :1'55,
A u\
V>\\7- 1. .
.~.3\_:~$\ 1
3 s *3?
».~>, ' - I /11I*’:T:3:'
Figure C207B.3-2 .&§~
.~»:;\-:0» ~¢>'»%:~\>"'$
wsz <>.~ T
Tl'£it1Slll()t1jl‘0tfl Terrain Roughness C to Terrain Roughness B, Equation C20 713.3. 1-9 = ,<¢~<z\<».
=1-szi-“Q4 L
-'5-‘aw .
' ='=Z~”r?é~
~94 a
¢;¢4'~» 2
' . ~*~~="'2@
' ;-ii»*§>‘?§P~%L¢/: /.//Iii ,
' -‘fk . §$?*%“~§?M/V
.:¢,~Az _:;;;
-";\';\\‘/» ac/v...
'=:.=;;> *<;4; .';
-ea’/=:x i ,,_;y,~»,,,
15'?’/§_¥~ V .
, ms.‘
1 -'.- -,/‘T,’-'4: It v
\ <»_m\
>’~ <-?~‘Z>.
. A<x»<>i4~//7'5 ’.'51'»,'
.' Table C307B.3-I
Talmlatecl Exposure Coe icients .
‘h iw
W"‘>-‘owl,/’,<'i\“,'=. " E1--'
1-‘ - EJ}-at1siti0n 'oni sea to station 1 Kw.“ i<;1;.;i K1 5,4 -Flini;-'2 AK1s 1 l Kiri Z
"I"/<,,~ ,\.».:. ‘.
.3 1.215 0. 66 7 0. 758 (1.-22(l:".' I 0.137 0.895
ewe M? t =' "Transitionfrom
A sea to station 2 K10,u Kind K15_,d 1 TTFKKAKIS Km Z
“?3§ § ®Z3$&’~
> M le
1. 7 . 0.667 1.215 1.215 i - 0.324 5"; '_1_'-I-‘-ya-_i9(i i 1.111
V 1-:
I- - j Transition '0m sea to station 3 1 Kmu K1011 K154 Ki?’
Y 1.215 0. 667 0.667 f-'1:-E0310‘= 1.067
' -'
‘/i //
W???V»X »~//“/ »i/5>j<~*.:. . -2-'_;Vote: The é?Qtlllll)t‘l1lIt'i values of the exposure coe icierzts. Kmu, Kmd and 1(15_d (dowtrii*in§l-:_ei'iliie’;_EofK3. at 15 nt), were
iletiliriilatetljinn: Eqriation C2073-1 rising or and zg values obtainecl oin Eqziations with the
t'tJZtgl1tIe'SS values given. ‘Then FAX is calcrnlatecl using Equations C207B~7 and C2078-8, and tliei_ift1i_e:.£§iiliie_'oft1K at 15 in
1-height, AK15, is calculatecl --om Equation C2075-6. Finally. the exposure CO£f[flCi€Jli at 15 isohtaine
-\ f?§ 'oiiz Eejnation C2075’-5. -
»¢<-"21s~=.1¢- -=- -
5--_; ‘
» ¢
qz = 0. 613nZicz,Kdv2(i\i/m2);v lri RT!/S (20733-1)
..,_.Z¢//. . The constant 0.613 re ects tlte-_'_rnass;'ileiis'iity;;QfTiair:for
wmv‘Q3 \////
#9 whore the standard atmosphere, that is.-jtenipeiftitvitie.(if °C
and sea level presszire of101".325v:v1i1?a§;citiclidinicnsions
¢ :1
Kd = wind directionality factor, see associated with winci speed i1z'1iri/3x‘v"1T1ie .i:onvstrit’1t'.V is
\~. Section 207A.6 obtained aSf0lloii-*s.' V
KZ = velocity pressure exposure coefficient, see
.i iii__z,1,~,.7.t ;.>. ;.~,<,;=--
Section 207B.3.l constant = 1/2[(1.225 >1
i ¥’~°‘I",%f$7'-’.{"5,-‘.13 Kzt '1 topographic factor de ned, see [(m/.s)]3[9.8l N/kgj» I ,; 1
, 5%,.’ . ..
Section 2071-\.8.2 = (1.613
V : basic wind speed, see Section 207A.5
‘ flz “ vciocity pressure calculated using
Equation 20715.3-1 at height z
. qzt = velocity pressure calculated using
Equation 20713.3-1 at mean roof height h
o, W/ v ..
- The numerical coefficient 0.613 shall be used except wliere
sufficient climatic data are available to justify the selection
§ W; ,. of a different value of this coefficient for a design
‘€8Pilm' gzggeisgi.
'1 2- . -:
2 so/.~¢s1:'.
;»c,/;.;;\§--,; -1;.
E '
= W;
5%/"4s¢:\ '
I Z”/E\;'I*:I-*i~‘--;._'
- V"$"=>
ié;—$*Y/%Ir::>-=: "I-1-
National Structural Code of the i°hiiippines Volume 1, 7th Edition, 2015
:3./4“:;'(:v\‘\'E:4 .
=i5, ,NV_,,_..\. .
<.4.,.: ~19?"/.<::>;-‘»';::.-’»’»’i=»
'5. .
5 =:;>='2~
1*/25?. 2? 525
Z9\§'v* W1...
.::é;;f '2;
' :»:'.»:/
5;; ~/;;.¢,,::¢.-,-
2-68 Cl-IAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads .,% é $5» My.-<
. ~<»y\"
size '5 55:;
M 3,
;1.:»;.;< 31;»
, .< ‘M
.»,=,- Z>
207B.4 Wind Loads-—1\/Iain Wind Force-Resisting Table 20713.3-1 N
(m) B C D 9 /V »
\ :A(<f/‘ av’.
Design wind pressures for the MWFRS of buildings of all 1.03
heights shall be determined by the following equation: 0 - 4-5 295.7. 0.85 W ége, »
12.0 1 0.76 1.04 1.22 _= . --.}~K\ ,
_1___5.0 1 0.81 1.09 _ 1.27
q Z qz for windward waits evaluated at 18.0 1 0 . 85 W 1 . 13 1 31 V? 4 .,1"
:2 ‘a-(sire).
. W, .
height z above the ground 21.0 0.89 1.17 1.34 .,- 2 =' 6 ./
q 2 qh for leeward wails, side walls, and 24.0 __* 0.93 1.2r 1.38 9 13;
k/ ;Pvswl
‘2'S iw
4, .1 = i
roofs, evaluated at height It
qh for windward walls, side walls,
0.06 1124.. . 1.40 “
the highest opening in the building that 105.0 1.41 1.64 1 E78 I 8 1:s'~¢u¢/.<‘
couid affect the positive internal
pressure. For buildings sited in wind~
120.0 1.47 r69 . 1 v ‘.4 » W47:-¢;i:1:=:
Figures 20713.4-1, 207B.4-2 and 207B.4- §$</
__ _
..1“=“-“............*...,m._ =12»; /.3.
,5 ,¢;;;,1=;e.~'.
153:‘/1 ‘t’ ‘t CHAPTER 2 - Mini FT? um Desi Q n Loads 2-G9
not qr. For Positive internal Pressure andjzidgrnent '0m wind tunnel studies have been used
= . .
(1; tnay (L‘0l'?St3l'1-‘£7111-’€l)" be evaluated at height to specify either zero or slightlv negative pressures
h).For low lniildiiigs this does not make much (~0.18) depending on the negative pressure coe icient. Z
1 butfor the example ofa 90-in tall building H1 These values require the designer to consider a zero or
B 1-Hill a highest opening at 18 m. the slightlv positive net wind pressure in the load "9
lieneeen qgg and qm represents 5.9 percent conibiiiations ofSection 203. WW?
Accoi'dit1gl}’, qt = ‘tn fol’ 1J0$iliW? Amliierit Air Density Valuesjor Various Altitttdes >1
pressiire evaluation in partiallv enclosed 1:
where height z is de ned as the level of the . . 1
av‘/. >
\@~::’~c\ Altitude - Ambient Air Temperature
1 1 in the bziildiiig that could a ect the
11 i'i-zternal
pressure. For bziilchfngs sited in wind~
Mininiiiin Average Maximiiin
'1’ regions, with glazing that is not impact Meters
1H or protected with an impact protective system. (kg/tn’) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
be treated on the assumption there will be an
§, \\ A1 .595
0 1.1392
1.2720 1%
est M -2' 207B- 4-1 ~ The Pressure coe icieiits for 610 1.0800 1.1520 1.2288 E
_ 151113 -
1 ’
\/ ‘ 4 RSs are separated it-ito two
’ categories: 1 914 1.0512 1.1184 1.1888
V we,.=<</»:/;.s-.-. ' 1000 1.0432 1- 1,985‘ ”}Ti?76
Z J; V
»~.: : - P;-Qcedii;-Q for bltlldli-zgs of all heights 1219 1.5236 1.0848 1.1488 !
... ;t=<.M-,»;.:_';...;-._
1z=>.@-;.~<e;.<;;tt__ 207B.4~ 1) as speci ed in Section Z0 7B for 1524 0. 9984 1.0544 1.1120 1
» .1
===='$<='4/»/.~-.~:;:: -'
iii:_:_'si_i1ibztttlclirigs nieetiiig the requi'rements speci ed 1829
0. 9728
0. 9584
- 3"” 9”"
2134 0. 94 72 0. 9920 __1. 0400 2
Procediire ar low-rise buildings having 2438 0. 9232 0. 9632 1.0048 1
_/A ..‘.,.i.»\.~.~.,»;i...;,¢..,
less than or equal to 18 in (Figure 207C. 4- 27438 c"¢a§gq 0. 9344 8016712 7
ii» 1:il\::5'~‘.“"€"":4'§~*‘-{gff-\’,I_1 spect ed in Section 207C for buildings 3000 0. 8784 0.9104 0. 9456
the requirements speci ed therein. 3048 0.8752 0.9072 0. 9408
M W\
;;¢"‘.. 1t
41.2, “Z5_/‘53'A/$‘4‘/‘:’1'"i§l2'»'$:'.1$.71.-E1512-\.* 1
these coef cients, two distinctly different
used. For the pressure coef ci'ents §
f 1'gure 20713.4-1, the more tradltiotialapproach, Ir
and the pressure coe ictents
on each Stt1 1C€>Qf’ the lmildirig;axial
bfwind direction; namely, windspei7)etidiciilcii'
to the ridge line. _ObS(?1'vt’!IlOllS>liZtttltldllltiiti l
3 » ’“e ~
that areas ofvery low negative pressure and
§\ positive pressure can Occur in all roof
3:1 particularly as the distance vm the
edge increases and the wind streams reattach
These pressitres-car-z occur even ir
\\ 1
* or low
at slope roof structures. E.7C]}l3l‘l@t1C8
, ;::‘\£”~"e\~;3<1~'1'~:::.~'-i.‘I-
7' i;:e§@»\~f~Z=:~;/.¢.- - »
1 ..w»~
1,, A ~
\‘/"'4/{~:-=:~*. '
1» ~:~'--
:?~\%;@c¢7 l
\ 1
l;i‘i";‘i§'i__'__ i s'<.;:"»~>’:>>3:~:~ --
/<¢4,;...:;. -1.
National Structural Code of the Philippines \/oiurne I, 7th Edition, 2015
¢ 1»; ¢4@~,;z<;._\--
wee; ~
\/V vw 41 >..
1 '.'\»¢~:::-\.¢-~"
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~/" /...
E.~ '=*-1;
:1: —§::I§£ ’ /"Q/~§,{’~.f§’3’.»‘;=:'
‘ .9?»
2-70 Cl~lA?TER 2 - Minimum Design Loads .e ., /~".
“’ 1 tw ,.»/ IE1‘
‘*4’ \‘¢~’“¢'»w5'<'\~*=./.*-1-v
mi e-
..4 iv»
3»-1 ;.e‘“;?¢\$;€7e_):>.;.-;.».
.. =-*»}>_:
, ;=',';.=,.:
11>" ,*
. +766 Pa 5 \1~
.-= . _ 1 :».-. =5"?
' 2';- e §2=:@.:2~::.\‘;"
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,2 W
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Q .~
" - <..-¢ ~
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., '13 .l
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' i‘§-Y»
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l;¢9¢w;~,./.»W~ .
V6‘? 4 V
Flgiire CZ07B.4~1
Application of Mininntni Wind Load
Z5 »
z/)5‘ V V
. ~<-._<;;..~ .-
.W ‘“'i“ tifi
Va‘ _:
Figure 207B. 4-2. Franie loads on dome roofs are adapted Figure 207B.4~3. The pressure andforce coe icient values, " :sme\_s~:z:;:-=
if i
_/i'0n-i the Eiirocode (1995). The loads are hosed on data in these tables are unc/ianged__ 'onz ANS] A581-1972. The
obtained in a modeled atmospheric l?0llli£7'(.7l:}‘-lEI_1r‘l?l’ ow coelf cients speci ed in these tables are based on wind- ..:Iz
1,. .,.x r ':YJ';/:E‘:1<::.’>
that does not fiillv coinplv with requirements for ~.»vind- tzmnel tests conducted‘ under conditions of uniform flow 5??
timnel testing speci ed in this code (13lessinan 1971). and low ll£t'l1Zll£?i'1CG, and their validitv in tiirbiilent V
H 8 . Q4 P.
Loads for three domes (hp/D = 0. S,f/D = G. 5),(hD/ boiit2iiin;v-lave:-flows has yet to be completely established. . ,;
.4da'itional pressure CO(?_ ll,"ll;?ttlS for conditions not 1 Q4» “r 1; Vi
D = 0,f/D = 0.5), and (l1D/D = 0,f/D m 0.33) are liéév r
roughly consistent with data of Taylor (1991), who used an speci ed herein tna__v be found in SIA (1956) and ASCE ’ 1 *4 V. 1..
V '. es
1N ;
ofpressure 'oni A to B as in the Eurocode (1995) and one 2€}7B.4.2 Enclosed and Partially Enclosed Flexibie » t.VKV.» '1 ‘£6
~§:-4'11 ‘€~:1;.-;-$'
z ;s='.-r:-
in which the pressure at A is held constai-tt 'ont 0° to 25°; Buildings /\” "re
‘ 8’. - \\.
;.;¢-.;_1 ~.//~..».t\:».
these two cases are based on comparison ofthe Ezirocode
provisions with Taylor‘ (1991). Case A (the Eiirocode Design wind pressures for the MWFRS of exible ~
calciilation) is necessaijv lti1J1t'lit__1-‘CtISL’S to de ne tiiaxiiizzirii buildings shail be determined from the following equation: its
upli ‘. Case B is necessaijv to properlv de ne positive .~ V .
{V V5
pressures for some cases. wliicli cannot be isolated with
current in irniation. and which result in maxinnini base
p = qe,c,, - q;(GC,,i) (N/ml) (20734-2) »~ M
\\-<>.' 5 §\2‘ Ii§(‘:Q'l*\...
< -sags,
shear. For domes larger than 60 tn in diameter the =§%@\'>»r
designer should consider use of wind-tunnel testing. where q, qi, Cp, and (atpi) are as de ned in Section -ix?‘/'
"/1(V * rҤ=;2:'
mo '
wzvM ms,-,.,v_..,\.,.v.v
Yztg 11:‘
'> :
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, inc. (ASEP) 32¢-Z4/Q’ “~
cg- ;w;a/.''
size‘ *
" = »¢,Q/>:§r;.:.
'9./~ ~>’ _
=.>.~;4~ .
w »v‘; e::..»'j3"
_::Z 4%?‘ V/"».-"/.’,l£é§
Y :55,/7 sjg
implies little (less than 50 percent) or no portion ofthe
,2/,1» ;§. cross-section below the roof is blocked. Option ps2
<1» *
" 0 ' p = q;,GCN (N/ml) (207B.4-3) _(0bslrueiea' wind ow) implies that a signi cant portion’
= . (more than 75 percent is typically referenced in the
"- ~'(/ Q10‘i ? -t--::'
34%.” .\ _. .
<*.~/1§§t~"s.: "
1.1" where literature) of the cross-section is bloc/red by goods
\, W<//r 4,;
W ~,'c»:--.- -;
‘see»:/222::-:---. .. . -
flit * velocity pressure evaluated at mean roof materials below the roof Clearly, values would change
Free;/i<~"<:<r-1 -. '
height h using the exposure as defined in om one set ofcoefficieiits to the 0tlier'_following some
Section 207A.7.3 that results in the highest sort of smooth. but as yet unknown, relationship. In
wind loads for any wind direction at the developing the provisions included in this code. the
Q“ 4 / /v
t<“<:<5; .';<i:. site 50 percent bloekcige value was selectedfor Option l.
/ §\§,»~y;o.
“mi; , r'.,t,f~
\ =-
'>;~<,,_-1; -13:51-
:</’*”t-r-; gust-effect factor from Section 207A.9 with the expectation that it represents a somewhat
net pressure coefficient determined from conservative irmisitlon. lfthe designer is not clear about
~ I _- 1 l. CA1 Z
Figures 207B.4-4 through 207B.4-7 usage of the space below the roof or if the usage could
change to restrict 'ee air ow, then design loads for
t/:.@.»<z;@s,~;=\;:~.;:. --
M stn4s litmastiib
sx anizs both options should be used.
lie 1"‘:>’-"\‘”~' §7:\::=..---
;Net pressure coefficients, CN. include contributions from
£9; Q1
I ~/~_[_,:;7y/._~_c/- ztop and bottom surfaces. All load cases shown for each roof
.z1¢~£:cm‘// ~:<-:-i-~‘--.
‘angle shall be investigated. Plus and minus signs signify
i?:-‘::‘5~’</.~‘v-i\\'l'-‘~'-.‘I- 207B.4.4 Roof Overhangs
“pressure acting toward and away from the top surface of
. \E1-v",~'»,4¢‘;'1':=\<~.,;._.~._ . .
the roof, respectively.
I1 1'
The positive external pressure on the bottom surface of
3, ».=',>§*,>w¢>/¢;‘;<-->>».:>--"
free roofs with an angte of plane of roof from windward roof overhangs shall be determined using
6 less than or equal to 5° and containing fascia C], == 0.8 and combined with the top surface pressures
2.,,. ,Ji1!‘§(£"”'
i ex»-M-».\t-.~
('/"~'3?‘I§3'-'fi;:;:':1 ..1-:
My". '<\, .-'.;.».»>:=:-:'=.-:='= the fascia panel shall be considered an inverted determined using Figure 207B.4-1.
.1. .e¥;~,, =
1: 1- parapet. The contribution of loads on the fascia to the
?fFMWFRS loads shall be determined using Section 20'7B.4.5 2t}7B.4.5 Parapets
7' < ifwitii qp equal to qh.
P’ The design wind pressure for the effect of parapets on
~' ‘i¢w~»-,i;.\/;:\;z=-rzza»-.==:v
j;jj3j._Con'iinento1;v: MWFRS of rigid or exible buildings with flat, gable, or
hip roofs shall be determined by the following equation:
It t335’5i?'15Flgi‘ir'es
2078.4-4 through 207B.4~6 and 2()7E.8~l
¢- -Y
r Lihrozigli 207E.8-3 are presented for wind loads on
‘¢'9‘é£'~’5*:/}‘<»=1¢==‘._- --I
pp = q,,(oc,,,.) (N/ml) 20713.4-4
1?.'I"~5ii%ili-’FRSs and components and cladding of open
- 3 illlllllltllillgs with roojs as shown, respectively. This work is
s <2, --; _
\ 11 "‘"=~=azna1*@n the Australian Standard ASI I 70. L/K2000, Part
M J/’(;(\é;4\,\\\‘”'
. .
Actions, with rnodi calions to the MWFRS pp Z combined net pressure on the parapet due
Il 1:: based on recent studies (Altman to the combination of the net pressures
I Uematsu and Srathopoulos 2003). r from the front and back parapet surfaces.
l m,~§a\<<t-s=.-\-. Plus (and minus) signs signify net
in/<z;.=~ "1-:
»¢;‘.~%/4/c\»:.~‘.. - -.
. - eases, Anand B, are given in Figures 207B.4»4 pressure acting toward (and away from)
/‘ /as ,,, r.,.._._,
:ij';§§l__l1l;:d)llgl1 207B.4~6. These pressure 'distrilmtions provide the front (exterior) side of the parapet
-:-n '1' '- -'f%:-iliiigiielr that envelop tlieresults ora detailed wind-tunnel
to~;x(~Z\.\\,_,». qp = velocity pressure evaluated at the top of
4 4/ ..
1-Ij"tiiea.sz1i'eineiits of sinrultarzeous normal forces and the parapet
“$0, I 5 - ."""i'"i
:rI3 lllJlil£?iilS. Application of both load eases is required to (GEM) e combined net pressure coefficient
/o\l"’1\:‘<'lII~<];‘,:"'-‘-. - _ the combinations of maximzim normal forces = +1.5 for windward parapet
wt/._~_ 4.; - qnoirieiits that are-appropriate for the particular = —l.0 for leeward parapet
_ _ {ill-TQQfslttrpe and blockage £'0n gura'tlon. Vr ‘
/ §~';:1- National Structural Code of the Philippines Voiume I, 7th Edition, 2015
€‘ x:+§_\\
,3 . -
Aw >1
e , /c/\
20’/'B.4.6 Design Wind Load Cases more under ill (not reduced) base shear. The clesigncr »-W “/*{/>9 *(’»"((7\'
ta y~”4i ,-1*.
may wislz to apply this level of eccentricitv at tll wind. E111
- />1;
‘N4 _~'<.,»
The MWFRS of buildings of all heights, whose wind toads loadingfor certain more critical buildings even though it ' a
Z» \e-;,>>.
have been determined under the provisions of this chapter, is not rcqziit-ed by the code. The present more moderotei
shall be designed for the wind load cases as de ned in torsional load rcqziircrnents can in part bejusti/icd by the
>14/» V’»§<>‘:>"<*>¢‘?’:EE
Figure 20713.4-8. fact that the design windforces tend to be upper—bound12»- '~t 4*‘
/t» :»
most common building shapes.
W E> M’/:/71;. \ .»
In buildings with some structural systenrs, more severe
Bttildiugs rtteetitig the I’£’€[Zllt‘€fli?€f'llS Q1’Section £31.! of loading can occur witch the resultant wind load acts .:
<$?:~'A ,
, {
/ippcndix D, )’1§S!(:-‘TIE: F-10 need only be (l€lS’lgtI(?él}fZPt‘ Case I diagonally to the building. To account n" this effect and -as, ;W-*$n’~*' 4-:<; ~
and Case 3 ofFigure ZO?l3.4-8. thcfact that man}: buildings cxlribit niaxinizun response in “Q v/w»\ ~'
the across~wind direction (the standard currentlti has no new -
'/i Q1/suit, ,
1 “W3/:~:'
The eccentricity e for rigid structures shnli be measured analrtical proccdurcfor this case). a structure should be ;
from the geometric center of the building face and shalt be capable of resisting 7.5 percent of the design wind load “it aw .
considered for each principal axis (eX,ey). The applied simultaneousl_v along each principal axis as
. EM 4; _ ’ \~¢%a=:l.'.''1
eccentricity e for exible structures shall be determined required by Case 3 in Figure 2073.4-8. -V217"
'.,~,s .-V
from the following equation and shall be considered for _ WW 1.
‘$/”.i"¥\L.-‘ V .
» <“zI%‘/‘>1 Y
each principal axis (ex, ey): For _/lexible lntildings, afvnatnic eff/cots can increase via g,
1.» .~' to l
torsional loading. Additional torsional loading can occur »;v>,-*>\ i
\$\ K 4%/er»:
where 20734.6 are now applicable to buildings ofall heights. ,, '9 .v»>¢:s=:-:->»,:
> ',.;»,=-:-Y
‘v,-9'3“ 24<
eQ E eccentricity e as determined for rigid As discussed in Section 207F, the wind tunnel procedure »:\~j,f J 1»
:»\>\~\. ~ ;‘\l1£~‘X/?~.'»T<55:‘-3.3
structures in Figure 20'/'B.4-8 should ali~vays be c01~tsiclc;'cd for buildings with unusual ,\,
BR distance between the elastic shear center
= sliapcs, rectangular buildings with larger aspect ratios,
and center ofinass of each oor and alvnanticalli-t sensitive buildings. The effects of torsion =»1 :%r*;‘.£‘v\».»a;.-.
1;, gQ, Q, gn, and R shall be as de ned in Section Wr,.~..
__ ‘ ~,.r=='<s»;I'1»‘
can more accuratcl_v be determinedfor these cases andfor ' 3?-v
» *1:§*€ 1 a
207A.9 the more normal building shapes using the wind tunnel tg/2: 1., 3,-;'~1:;-;>,‘:'.
procedure. W
The sign of the eccentricity e shall be plus or minus, 2»
whichever causes the more severe load effect. 207B.4.7 Minimum Design Wind Loads ‘ was(
I’/:13 i §/
Conuncntarji': The wind load to be used in the design of the MWFRS for W '1\<}Y:/ti\~’»
\' \»
an enclosed or partially enclosed buiiding shall not be less <"-t. %
~..7».:' Q
~75» 3
.:‘1¢'.i¢< N/M
».»;/as %<a\<r;».
Wind tunnel research (Isyumov 1983, Boggs ct al. 2000, than 0.77 kNlm2 multiplied by the wall area of the building rs
lsymnov and Case 2000. and Xie and lrwin 2000) has and 0.38 kN/ml multiplied by the roof area of the building
shown that torsional load is caused by non-undorm projected onto a vertical plane normal to the assumed wind
-M ,
"st %€~
pressure on the dif ncnt faces of the building ji-om wind direction. Wail and roof loads shall be applied
_/low around the building, .intcr ?rcnce e ccts of nearby simultaneously. The design wind force for open buildings ~ e»
= Eggtg
5» ii/’z/
buildings and terrain, and by clvnainic affects on more shall be not less than 0.77 kN/ml multiplied by the area Af.
flexible buildings. Load Cases 2 and 4 in Figure 2075.4-8
specifics thc torsional loading to I5 percent eccentricity Comntcntatj1,>.' M i, (
under 75 percent of the niaximum wind shear for Load
Case 2. Although this is more in line with wind tunnel This section specifies a minimum wind load to be applied
" as§Q’2 s.\2 1?,1;#.s< v
experience on square and rectangular buildings with horizonlallv on the entire verticalprojection ofthe building
aspect ratios up to about 2.5, it may not cover all cases, as shown in Figure C207B.4-J. This load case is to be i4
even for s_wnrnctric and common building shapes where applied as a separate load case in addition to the normal an its
larger torsions have been observed. For exanlple, wind load cases speci ed in other portions ofthis chapter.
tunnel studies often show an eccentricity of 5 percent or use
i .1
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, lnc. (ASEP) Y.
Q9 i V’!/>211‘
/W El
' 'y“\%“ £1 :*
14> l at
> I _- ‘\<x~;~;_
'1../ >* }\ . ..\,
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51 ~ Fivure 2078 4 1 Ki
§ EXterna E P I“essure Coef cients , C , Walis and Roofs Enclosed, Partiaiky Enclosed Busldmgs ;
E Nationai Struciurai Code of the Phiiippmes Volume |, 72h Edition. 2015
i ,'
I.;,_‘ <¢=.,;:>.4:-
¢>;_, .1
1 i‘:<?'>2¢». 2 -
' ii 5
r ii r ,
/>: ~32 22:
' '73:; —;;:¢~,
:1;;. Av/~:>.-.-=»
2-74 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads .-v '~:‘ .
s ' $1.2’
'~=»~'<:, ,-6253' 5 ‘>\»¢
xv/\': =,:=1
41*’ N;-.'/
1 4’i’§<
Side Wall i
Ail va l U65
wwwii rjifé ii iii
-0.7 qh l "‘/$
. . /.~;~= /3/"
. ' /
4; i -we/»
’\/ ~
\<\~. :
3 t
»~sz¢;;:: »
Roof Pressure Coefficients, Cp, for use with qh
Wind Windward Leeward
. . Angle,6(de recs) Angle, 6 (degrees)
D‘“’°t‘°“i 11/ L i3 i0 l5 20 25 30 35 -I5U! 260 i0 I _ _0
15 | >0 \~/:’”w w.
';',<W va./
..;a_~-- ‘ --»=@.<-.<.=;r'.
to ridge g Area (m2) Reduction Factor
/reQ W,,;.\\,..
Notes: ;1;:s;,§".s ;.
;:w,~=.a. v r: .»,yv:=-'"-
I Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively
1 .3
2. Linear interpolation is permitted for values of L/B , h/L and 9 other than siiown . Interpolation shall onl y be carried on t /:~:~'s:':.--
between values of the same sign. Where no value of the same sign is given, assume 0.0 for interpolation purposes. ~>¢..»
.-we. 1 .-
» »~/s.\.=:-21
3 Where two values of Cp are iisted, this indicates that the windward roof slope is subjected to either positive or negative x '. -&§.~:>‘:“-
» .~,.r\/t l 1-:
pressures and the roof structure shail be designed for both conditions. Interpolation for intermediate ratios of h/L in this .~..»,/A x»»;;\=.
case shall only be carried out between CF values of like sign. r W“ \..,
For monoslope roofs, entire roof surface is either a windward or leeward surface. :?>Yig>,. ' s*<§5:<1»r
>\» @>"I
For exible buildings use appropriate Gf as determined by Section 207B.9.4. rm‘ '
. 1.», r \z.\~z<1
Refer to Figure 20713.4-2 for domes and Figure 20713.4-3 for arched roofs.
some Notation:
B horizontai ciiniension of building, iri, measured normal to wind direction. sew
»:»-an " zs‘e§.<@~>:::.
8. For mansard roofs, the top horizontal surface and leewarci inclined surface shall be treated as leeward surfaces from the
.:~%'I’>z=1”'. ;
9. Except for MWFRS at the roof consisting of moment resisting frames, the total horizontal shear shall not be less than that
determined by neglecting wind forces on roof surfaces. ~ a ilr/»
“l,~;:“/' 1 .~.~~
10 . For roof slopes greater than 80°, use Cp = 0.8 ‘a;~é;<v;~;
~M».».»...i...‘................,..._._..c M..W--~ _ _-
V J” .
1» $~§;>r,<5;./:1-=.1.¢::.'=
mm, f
A e c
; _».&\,,»,
3 is HQ’
F D 4 B
X1»;--..-; ;
A on m= 025;
~ “"*’§\*2»» ‘-
5 \=1?f"-
M I i "l
~ e ((((be ‘iv,-An@m.a1.o)
W #54; ‘
.» ‘W
/.»“/ 5 l tVC(%m= ,
ti. .-
‘ ___l__.___. ____ __ _____ _B§;
c‘~$~t¢1;<:>f-1 -.1
-: i
_ _mL_
I it
* to I
L 3-e_\<;‘/s(n,,m=ei
‘ l‘ 'Q“-4~<~
*~*/-‘-i‘;:=..-- -1 ExtremaPres ureCoeifcien‘LC9
2iii ,- '' W“l soW_:.,?__ix q/Boomer-5)
=4 friw »;, ~ .- .15 V, , c4c ic\@-écévloiol l:
, ~>~~‘
_ - :=/\*"/$7-??fi‘1'¢.‘:$--Z1
I 5:3/"’ ¥~‘I:'1Y;!3E;’-‘5'I
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 I
t’ ‘=
Case B: CI, shall be the constant value ofA For B 5 25°, and shall be determined by linear interpolation from 25° to B and from B to C.
' ’ ""4‘m>§*";»;I'.._"
1l Values denote Cp to be used with qmm whore hD + f is the height at the top ofthe dome.
Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively.
1 ll W"4' e 2?: 4:~w:_; Cp is constant on the dome surface for arcs ofcirckzs perpendicular to the wind direction; for example, the arc passing through 13-B-B and all arcs parailel
-.ii Q. /
§"g>\;:"£\\.:...» - . =
to B»B»B.
’w-<<,- e For values of hD/D between those listed on the graph ctrrvcs, linear interpolation shall be permitted.
i . 9 = 0° on dome spring line, 9 = 90° at dome center top point. Fis rneasurcd from spring line to top.
O The total horizontal shear shall not be less than that determined by neglecting wind forces on roof surfaces.
?'°f"‘F“‘-" For f/D values less than 0.05, use Figure 207B.4-1.
MM":WWW“&%< Figure 207B.4-2
ll Externai Pressure Coefficients, Cp, Domed Roofs Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings
I vW.,~,t..;
1 § /
K* i;¢@~<?;x»
1 % »;<;;i»,t:;.';
1: /'1
\1,’jII:‘_:l-‘. 11-
es» »\~/;:>;.--.=
5 _E‘;.f;:¢/Q:
3; ;::.:;x¢-r.
‘/riii ' :;,,,;~*4 ’
2-76 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads ” 2-”; :1‘:/.>.’ <.
zz, .<'.:. . 4
** ':;@*%'/l».
‘Ie’; ffxii
<~s "~
».==.<7*. n 5-33%
, ‘A
Conditions Rise-to~span V W Cp (
1’350» T Windward 7 Center Leovvard
( W ”_ quarter 7__(l}_a(lf quarter ( as//e’
Roofon elevated 0 < 1» < 0.2 -0.9 I -9.77-rs -0.55 .,;=/
structure 0.2 5 r < 0.3 * 1.51" — 0.3 —0.'7-T _ -0.5 ( (_
0.3 5 1" s 0.6 7 12.751‘ - 0.7 -0.111» W_ -0.5 W ‘=-
: ,¢*/’<Z§
Roof springing from O < T S OI6 1.4? -0.7-T _0_5 rg:
ground level W H( l_ W _ //
=.-2?? //>/$05
*When the rise-to-span ratio is 0. 2 5 r 5 0.3, allenzare coe icients given by 6r — 2.1 shall also be usez1'f0."
the w:'ncI'ward qzrar!e.".
Notes: =1w~»:
I. Values listed are for the determination of average loads on main wind force resisting systems.
""1" ~41
2. Pius and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively. ' 9; =:m\”Y%
For wind directed parallel to the axis of the arch, use pressure coef cicms from Figure 2()7B.4-l with wind directed parallel to ridge.
-3=?". For components and cladding: ll) At roof perimeter, use the external pressure coe icicms in Figure 207E.4-2A. B il é C with 6 based on S]JI‘lHg—]ll‘§c e
slope and (2) for remaining roof areas, use external pressure coefficients ofthis table multiplied by 0.87‘.
'>.<~a<_. ,~
..<e>::.~;; .=
, is/I»'~?»I
" »'
1-1=f »~\~i5:-5 s 54‘
.~',-'5V~A-‘ Q :1 :é,,»<?:{,~*
/v A i1 f
4 '1
/ 1
,.1 ¢~u<.w
3 \»<//we
' V 5;:/$2
. "é
»> >: /14/
» ‘.»=5”/4%
.~/:,.~;‘ s/_<..l,.@ \
-- -.~Z s
» %,:,»’?.\§
...,” ~,»_<~>,V\
' :?<@,‘® ‘i;¢~$‘_<”»‘;\>';:
l sfzé é
'-$f~_/M 2z33<€4i~f2
-~:_~’ -/‘('2/7:~
L ' L
053.. 053., 0.51. 0.51..
<-——---w» <------+
0,)!’ 0' W
and CM; denote net pressures (contributions From top and bottom surfaces) for windward and leeward half oi‘ roof surfaces, respectively.
wind ow denotes relatively unobstructed wind flow with blockage less than or equal to 50% Obstructed wind ow denotes objects below roof
itl rig wind I1ow{> 50% blockage) .
:1 Iues oft? between 7.5" and 45“, linear interpolation is permitted. For values off? less than 7.5“, use load coe icicnts for 0“.
in d minus signs signify pressures acting towards and away from the top roofsurface, respectively.
ad cases shown for each roofrmgle shall be investigated.
Figure 2078.4-4
Net Pressure Coefficient, (IN Monoslope Free Roofs 19 3 45°, y = 0°, 180°
0.25 S h/L S 1.0 Open Buildings
-»;\-~.r> 2 x/>~<"3’;
. ,5“;
'\’$”\l ¢== ig$;,»;<Z,~
, ’*
'Z"§, >42
..>, W .
_ .3“ 4
',._ as
.\~\\ ..=., /4'
5 ~\Y~?¢
Roof ‘ Wind Direct1on,_]/
' = 0°, 180° ,
"§»/' V;,$;<‘.':
Angle Load , i Clear Wind Flow _ Obstructed Wind Flow
2% 1- :=, 4,35‘:
8 Case CNW on l,
v '15:»-. , <7w::
3> l 1.1 “-0.3 l -1.6 l -1 i
'7. 5° f 0.2 -1.2 -0.9 -1.7 4
U3 , _
L1 ':'"1:‘1;?:" 1
>- -0.4 -1.2 ~i .5-:;:;,;g~ ‘ ';
15° 0.1 -1.1 -0.6 -1.6
3> 7 2.1 0,1 7 -1.2 ~l.2 '-'v£i£:»,~’. -
~1-is/. I 5 #~=:>=;
22.5” _Q.; -0.8 -0.8 -1.7
i 30° 11>
U3 it l
0.3 Ml
-0.9, l
-0.2, i
, -0.7
l .‘»‘$=f:1>'/_l- { ~ ~ ~ur:»
II> *:
* 3'7. 5° C-U -0.2 -0,6 <03 -0.9 _ r ,2
l. CNW and CM denote net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces) for windward and icewartl half of roof surfaces, respectively.
2. Clear wind Flow denotes relatively unobstructed wind flow with blockage less than or equal to 50%. Obstructed wind ow denotes objects below roof =
inhibiting wind ilow (> 50% bioekuge). »»;<-vi"
1% 2 ~éT<.‘ i
‘Z-bf’I ~Tr}§.‘
3. For values of 9 between 7.5” and 43", linear istterpoiation is permitted. For values oft? Eess than '7.5°,t1sc monosiope roof load coefficients. » . .. ../
_5»@l*4 "‘\‘/ .
r we
4. Plus and mines signs signify pressures acting towards and away from the top roof surface, respectively. l
5. All load eases shown for each roof angle shall be investigated. sf ,
6. Notation:
horizontal dimension of roof, measured in the along wind direction, m ».,/A
4\ \
Q 44
mean roofieeight, in ea-Q A
direction of wind, °
2'E1‘!" angle ofpiane of roof from horizontal, ° . ’: l*0‘?
Figure 207B.4—5
Net Pressure Coefficient, CN Pitched Free Roofs 9 5 45°, y = 0°, 180° law
0.25 5 h/L S 1.0 Open Buildings '.;=~:~
. Y \¢"
.....¢A'\\ My
V ~.*</ \.'
V (WK. ..
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, inc. (ASE?) KW, s<>_I1" V':
. »_.
‘We e .-
~ ;==s=;,
1 '5 :1 ;@
<“ /-.-.-»-
Cl-IAPTER 2 - Minimum Design seen; "2iT'k§’;f‘1
,. _ _ L __ ?_
a' rk‘
I .515;
» ¢s\ ;&»s'}>i*k
Wind . = .
Direction ‘ "
I53" .'
Y m on h 9 4 git?
§g,°$,>,~. ~I:-I;
e; --
7/7777/777777/T/7' 5
-Ȣw-<<.==s-;-- -.
Roof 1 _ Wind Directi0n,7,}[7=¢,,0°,180” __
1 Angie Load W%Clear Wind Flow Obstructed Windfloiv
Kw’/5 \-Yr? :-
\ .
§17<-"m' -~"é1:_.
-l.l 0.3 -1.6 -0.5
T4 UK e
U3} -0.2 12 -0.9 -0.8 l
3> -1.1 0.4 , -1.2 l -0.5 7
ED,, 0.1 l 1,1 _ -0.6” -as f
, I1> -Li , or »1.2 O -0.6
=%é~Z#"‘S;”::’<Z':l§E€:?:;=- 215° U3 0.1 0.8 -as -0.8
;:.-€»e»:,<->:'./>I=»,1,=;¢:;:.-::- .'J> -1.3 ~0.3 -1.4 -0.4
30° -0.2 l -0.5 l
QM//-<6".;’-};_»jE;§7;’.='I.‘;1,‘» U7 W -oji 0.9
-.%,¢/,--='=:;. > ZS W 10.6 l -1.4 my -0.3 P
375° W W iiiiit
U7 0.2 0.6 P ~0.3 -0.4 l
l ‘
>- l -1.1
___, _
-0,9 _.
1.2 -0.3,
U3 0.3 0.5 -0.3 it -0.4
¢s=e-.»<-%;:<:-.-=.<=.' Nmesr
°» \-.'/1» ;:=.-
l. CNW and CNL denote net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces) for windward and ieeward ln1l{’oi'rool‘surl"aces, respectively.
7'. Clear wind [low denotes relatively unobstructed wind ow with blockage less than or equal to 50%. Obstructed wind Flow denotes 0b_]€CiS below root
2%; ,..,\. . inhibiting wind ow (> 50% blockage).
3. For values of B between 7.5“ and 45“, linear interpolation is permitted. For values of6 less than 7.5“, use monoslope roofload coefficients.
- 1
4. Plus and mines signs signify pressures acting towards and away from the top roof surface, respectively.
%"' ‘ 5. All load cases shown For each roof angle shall be investigated.
6. Notation:
My z;;;i.._=r- =
horizontal dimension of roof, measured in the along wind direction, m
X‘~‘$\ ;$‘;tZ‘=’»:='=
me<::-.- moan roof height, in
$§’*/,»,;>;~.»;-. '1
2“l> }>? direction ofwind, °
K“ /
. <b‘<i3‘t"- angle ofpianc ofroof from horizontal, °
W~% /
1'Q Figure 207B.4-6
§“>§ e~/z \
(M ~¢3~‘3¢,<§:};_"'._ '
. Net Pressure Coefficient, CN Troughed Free Roofs H S 45°, 1/ m 0°, 180°
A WV .. 0.25 5 h/L 5 1.0 Open Buildings
5:’ §i~3?3:.-‘:11
, -,9<\'i;iil::I5:. I
M /\\\
W”w ,/.,,
I .. _ _.
3\ \~
v<4’e->:<<c=> _
/‘3@§§> *2?
"9 \,%as\%Ԥ'3>.
ti \‘L“»M’; ‘~I5=-1'-I
'>e;>;;->;l:._ - _
Q4.»-<.<, s;=..- I
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
.4 \"‘~\€€€:-->.>r:..
Q2?’ \ '61. =1.--= -.
er.“ “i'~§;¥:;:'='.. ' -
iii 5 .
' ea §§§¢§i‘>gZ_.'M '~:1:>,-,;
~ é/»¢»v».~.... ._, .. _ __ i i
I“-{W 4
' ms, /
' ’
:*1?:2 "
' '5
2~80 Ci-IAPYER 2 — Minimum Design Loads ' »
~§; __:,=,.t
t » \.W.-.
..4 -qt
‘M54 ‘Ii\
»./e;< W/<5»
1%? 1'§:<:
. L 7 L /+---------
L 7/ . ‘'>/_(“’\ 31
i /""“”_7 ‘.9
hi. hi hi: 1*’/"'-:.'~
\»:@;,~ ,
9»? ‘s’
Monoslopc ed Trough »\~@,§ "44,,
“A <~» .
4 Q
Distance Distance -. =,-/19.»
Windward Wintiwarei . ?Z;€:\ ~-
_..,./\_‘ \~,-
9 Edge Edge 9 .J Edge
it .
Wind Direction
-7: # 90° it Wind Dirwion 'y~=90° W
Wiiad Direction
_, KM
vi A-
</1? §?.
to @-
*<',€ W
..t;,V, 1 /(av
was —
"»g \/ t
Horizontal .5»? » ; iiv
Clear Wind Obstructed .; M.
from Wind Flow
Rooféxngle Load Case ‘ now j , :
Windwar tl ‘
Edge CNW Cit]; it
/ I
All Shapes i_ ( > H-0.8 1 .2 _- ¢;\....
. ./~ ~ /\:.
Sh 13.5 i
'wft' ,. .
/lv V/-(....
>h<Zh i 0.5
’_ 9?-4.5” U3
~03 1 __ ».».:/.~//;\
/~. . ,1;ex
~.\v,~ .,» %,'
_ Ail Shapes _ 11> _ -0.6 :t :=¢{;t;~ t~‘/"§2=I
>2h 0.3
.-;"»:>: : ‘~'-:11
it/Z/=2‘; ' '27:21:
B S 45° _ CU 0.3 l
Notes: i;¢:=¢¢g§;;/
V P . -\.
.351/ts —4 >447‘ .~
inhibiting wind flow (> 50% blockage}.
:1-»~;‘.' Q
3 Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting towards and away from the top roofsurfaee, respectively. »,.. ,~.,“\.»-
»2;>;=§~ I %'w.»,>?2i
gs §;;<.;,-I
4 All load cases shown For each roofangle shat] be investigated.
.\;:/L», . “ 4
5 For monosiopc roofs with theta less than 5 dcgrccs, CN values Sil0W1‘l apply also for cases where gainma = 0 degrees and 0.05 less than or equal to It/L Z
less than or equal to 0.25. Sec Figure 20713.4-4 for other I1/L values. - %§:»;s’>
;:';m\.~ _
6 Notation: it/%§>,
=>;~ '
horizontal dimension ofroof, measured in the along wind direction, tn »\‘»:»*")
V 0 .- 1.»,.»- ..
mcnn roofheight , in . Sce Figures 20713 . 4-4, 207B . 4 » 5 or _7078 . 4 - 6 for u graphical dc p iction of this dimension.
direction ofwind, ° ‘ "'”"~ $1~
angle ofplane ofrool’ from horizontal, ° .%’/<§;;\
‘~11;~/“"1 -—— ,
,-_~¢%‘ : V
//i‘ K/W .
.,/ .. v~’;ZZ;2¥:.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Phiiippines, lnc. (ASEP) '1./w,. IE
7 v€‘~‘£-/1.‘
i i i?
-1' /M<~<-;.’~ -
ri-' cw./‘/2‘~.
\,1"/*¥»' Z -,1-. -. I‘--
:zs-<~\&<.~~ as
‘.'-r ‘
M\ . '
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‘zg V"/\<(A
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22 t
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/’\,1-/L; V
i‘>.‘:.t§ \i€t<$s “a2%
/\ Wu
§§§%% ;. .
;* . CASE1 CASE 3
\V, \(1. ..
M/- \
~/ea»,-t:-~;\;==. :‘--35 1
* Q°s‘/-.1‘-sw1:??=:I:I'*
~i%' ~
., .
-rut) $1 ix,I E
1¢§s.=,,.x arr?“ X E l 1 k Hs.7st=;_y sap”? R$‘3Pz.x'
moaAns. ‘l4?£\3i'¥i91"$i',:Y;";*"_'7fEi 5-553PLy
I iirif = 0. (;);;:x’§‘PLt)Bx8_y érff m 0. (P§»}"i‘1)_(_;JByef My = (PH,if+PL3_;’B‘f€_y "i‘ (P5’y+P1_y)By€y
- '1;;’
p,:'Wi*§‘/~<‘-‘ .“‘3I§'?I~I:I.. ~ ~. €,\r=:i=U.15B;r €y=i0.I53;' €_g'==§=t'l1§B;( €y=$0.15By
. '2-'.;.'.»=»
\. '5'
"‘ ‘E-.,_¢-sr/~<.-:=;t;:;:;-.
‘z#*'$>¢-"_~’~=~7.¢’/11;:-: CASE 2 CASE 4
t 1
; _i\ Q25
g V, I‘.
Z ~.
Case 1: Full design wind pressure acting on the projected area perpendicular to each principal axis of the structure, considered
separately along each principal axis.
.., urn:/-_-/<<§:».. .<
—: ===zw»-;m<»= "
Case 2: Three quarters of the design wind pressure acting on the projected area perpendicular to each principal axis of the
structure in conjunction with a torsional moment as shown, considered separately for each principai axis.
Case 3: Wind loading as de ned in Case l, but considered to act simultaneously at 75% of the speci ed value.
g =w%,£<.;<;¢.-:.~.-:_.§-_
/ ¢'\"»‘%rw>‘.»‘;‘:-».- 1 .-
';‘ 4/?” /
Case 4: Wind loading as de ned in Case 2, but considered to act simultaneously at 75% of the speci ed value.
£< " 44’;
¢ - Notes:
Q .§/'/W:/3;/3a.;-._:_-_:..
1. Design wind pressures for winclward and leeward Faces shall be determined in accordance with the provisions oi’207B.4.l and ’.Z0"il3.4.2 as applicable
1 for building ofall heights.
1 it 2. Diagrams show pian views of building.
i ”=?@‘/;->.-I
Ax;//1':.;; - 3. Notation:
>‘"l%/>‘=I..»’-1.--I‘ .
PH-'X!PWY = Windward face design pressure acting in the x, y principal axis, respectively.
* =u-.w.~¢.».-1
PLXaPLY = Leeward face design pressure acting in the x, y principal axis, respectively.
\~/‘/50v 9(9x- er} = Eccentricity for the x, y principal axis of the structure, respectively.
MT 2 Torsional moment per unit height acting about a vertical axis of the building.
\\\>>>§>‘I(»§Q‘Z<’£"»§‘£»\ \'>4&3
Figure 207B.4~8
.4 \\
£31.31*< <\£~i/23/€,;%§;‘:'.;<
-' Design Wind Load Cases All Heights
4 ‘4newt
_' asnswl , ‘/
Q =1:-'
Q M<>,~;<£E " -.
r,~ ii \~w./.~‘
4 ii
c»><,-¢;-.-=~.~-- . -..
t i ¢s~>-/.<-:>->=-=-
“/” . -- .
" ‘g
E at=~ -2 - ~_
Nationat Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
buildings up to lreiglit it = 48171. Two classes ofbuildings of MWFRS wind loads of enclosed simple diaphragm .42
1 0 to allow the designer to establish the lines ofresistance buildings are shown in Tabie 20'/'B.5-1.
ofthe MWFRS in each direction so that the torsional load =
cases ofFigure .207B.4-8 need not be considered. Class 2
- ,5.
buildings" have 18m < h 3 46’ til with plan aspect ratios User Note.‘
of L/B between 0.5 and 2.0. Cases A through E of . :z%‘~t>:~/.4
Appendix D, ASCE 7-10 are described to allow the Part 2 of Section 20713’ is a simplified tnethod for .4” .~;
determining the wind pressures for the MWFRS of -5
designer to establish the lines ofresistanee ofthe MWFRS ~’:“/e‘>(<6~>1»=
so that the torsional load cases of Figtire 207B.4-8 need enclosed, simple diaphragm buildings whose height‘ %‘4~$t
not be considered. 1 lr is 5 4 tn. The wind pressures are obtained directlv l Y /'1/,’\'»;
/ Y;
om a table. The building may be of any general plan
For the tjvpe of buildings covered in this method, the shape and roof geometry that matches the speci ed -A 9»
>-$7’ 4W r
internal building pressure cancels out and need not be gures. This method is a simplification ofthe traditional -4
consideredfor the design ofthe MWFRS. Design net wind "all heights" method (Directional Procedure) .“//” ac:
pressures n‘ roofs and walls are tabulated directly in contained in Part l ofSection 207B.
Tables 2073.6-I and 207B.6~2 using the Directional
Procedure as described in Part l . Guidelines for
determining the exterior pressures on windward, leeward, ‘EN .. .-_v../t>>_~¢_¢.
.1 :<>:(¢,I,,~ ¢/q<
and side walls are provided in footnotes to Table .?07B.6- _
,2 l , . '~
wind speeds divided by 1. 6 as contained in the NSCP 2010 -"vii; i;;,~";s;~:»: =>/1pet
(1/ISCE 7-05) wind speed map. Because Class l buildings ’~»¢~:;'
are limited to it 5 18m. the building can be assumed to
be rigid as de ned in the glossary, and the Gust Effect ‘;{_(<;1»§“/J“/V
;ss *~ ls~$i~>1\'<~;~9-<
*-»1/<4’ <<;/we
, £2 ’\~?\‘~'i
./2’/‘ ‘?
at ‘e ////
1¢»,t~,<t Qf/ \
~» Q
.@>>>t_ V ‘J9,»
’e 1% /
'~>f~tV 1 ski/~’z'e3€*¢‘$
'7/' Ci -' AV Y”. ‘s/*4
‘<1;J *
/$3 vb'1Z 5;‘
é?v: ,¢,;;:~§
/$ aw’
" \¢~
; *'-~‘<~r¢
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design toads 2-83
_ ~_ /,4» .' *1/$‘..».» .
,W __
.-.»?.t;i{» ‘I155
"» Q
».~..=.§= ~ "2
I -
,5’, "'4'.
i"-Q -Sr! CHAPTER 2 - Mlniniuin Design toads ,,<.. . ., ‘M
l .,~,; it,
».<:-..€gi’2;1,z; tat
wall surface is i'eqzifr'ccl, iiileriml pi'es.sm'c imisi‘ =.~.¢<¢\a /.1 >233
20713.6 Wind Loads—i\/Iain Wind Force-Resisting ;:‘>a">ee
"; 1:
System incliided as de ned in Parr 1 ofSection 20 7B. :{?
'\‘:-'\@3 2‘ tr 4 ,/<'\t
207B.6.1 Wall and Roof Surfaces—Clnss 1 and 2 The a'is!ribziti0n of wall pI‘(.’SS1I.F'C‘S bclu--‘cert windwarcl rmcl »i:<;<s€i :1 4
»~&<.:;1;/ e‘ :
Buildings leeward wall surfaces is zisq ilfor the design Qf oor anal .~>>>' » ,. *:»;»;~§2* Z . c // Z ~»“/'»:/
roof rliap/nugnz cleriients like drag strut collector l>cc:iri.s*;‘ J1: RM»
JW/\:; .v -. kw
Net wind pressures for the walls and roof surfaces shall be as well £1Sf0i' MWFRS wall £.’lC’I?Z£’iillS. The values de ned iii ¢:»§%*;-t"e
;.:»>,&>t,2» r=
determined from Tables 20713.6-1 and 207’B.6~2, Note 4 of Table 2()7B.6~l are olitaii-zed as_f0ll0w.s'.' Tliéf, Ii1=»>rt»Zs“.= 3:‘ <
' ¢ §;<r;€
». .1’ cw».
respectively, for the applicable exposure category as external p!'£’SSi!I‘(2 coe icieril f0!‘ rill ll’lHLll1-’Gl‘(l walls is .3;-:~,~zi> ."/' ’ ’<'»>./gs‘
determined by Section 207A.7. Cp = l7.3_/bi‘ all L/B values. Tl1i?leeii'ti'i'd wall Cp i-’£JlIl££' ~\~ \ ,~‘
.,\;-5 '4 . I93»?
(~().5)f0r L/B’ valzicsfroin 0.5 10 1.0 midis (—0.3_) for L/Bi » : nit»,
For Class E building with L/B values iess than 0.5, use = 2.0. Noting that the l(;‘(.’ll-'Ol'(lll‘Gll171‘@S.S'IH'£J is coiislcuif iij ' 1 2 * nit,
$7 ' \¢y"i,
wind pressures tabulated for L/B = 0.5. For Class l lhe ill lieiglil of the bzii'lcling, the leewartl 1l'£Ill pr'c.r.s=z.ir'r§; "
building with L/B values greater than 2.0, use wind can be c'ulculater.'l iris £1 percentage of {he ph value in tlre; , “"1<~‘~’* "ii ’=.<.5f5C*T
pressures tabulated for L/B = 2.0. table. The p£’l‘C€l1ltLlg£.? is 0.5/(0.8 + 0.5) >< 100 = 38°/i fo
L/B == 0.5 to 1.0. The pci'cciii‘agc> is 0.3/('0.8~l~O.3) x ltlfl ' ' /J E
designed for the wind load cases as de ned in Figure percentage is (J. 7/(0.8 4- 0.5) >< 100 = 34%. Fowl./B = '
207.B.4~8. the pert.-enlngo is ().7/_(l).8 0.3) x I00 = 64%. Note llirilg ~42»
The forsioncil /cud crises in Figiire 20.§’.li14—8 (“Crista 2 cirzcil The p/'e.s'szir'cs l(Il11ll(UL’¢l jbr this mclliod are based .»..,..M, tan,
Cc_i,,s'e' 4) /creed not be eon,s'irlcrcrljEJr*' birilrljlizgs whicli meet simplzf_vilig L‘Ol1S(’.l'\-lllllvl.’ asszmiptions made to the zll wenli i ..,,.,,,.\,,s.~ >
the rec/ziii'e:izei1i.r of/1,l3[)i?IltfllJC D. ASCl':7 ?-1 0. [7i’€.S‘.$‘1ll't.’ corqf/lciclit (GCP) cases ralmlated in Flgllm:
20719.4-1, irhic/1 is the basisfor the tmrlitloiicil all liciglifs
C'0ri1r21eiilmj_t>.‘ buildiiig procedure (dcj nerl as the Directioiiril Pmr.'crliu*€ »-;s'//\>/ .~
in this code) that has been a purl of the stcnidrml sirzcet /5 ¢ as ~;=
Wall and !'0Q/‘net [7l‘L?SSI-!.l‘£”S are sliown in Tables 2073.6-I I 972. The c.\'lei'm1lpressure cotff ciciils CI, for roofs lirilté‘ ~.\»,,W-.@
and 2073.6-2 and m"i:.> culcziltitccl using the artcmal been miiltiplicd by ().h'_‘i', ri r'ea_r0nablc gt1.s're ’ec!,fi1ct01' ?l§ .;(¢:/7“\<;
pi'csszu'e coef criel-its in Figure 2078.4-1. Along wiml net mos! can-mioii roof wizirig, and ll2£’I1 combined trill: rift l I14?/\<\V$2§§i
wall pr'essui'es are applied to the projcctccl area of the in(ei'iialprc.rsure c0q;j‘ic'icnI n-' eiicrloswrl bziilcliizgs (plus {Jr}, ».\>g»>§i§ r4~.»t~s»~»
lmildfng i-rolls in the (lli"t“.’t'll(H'I of {he irlnd, ciwrl e.rrer'i0i' minus 0.18) to obtain ti ncl pressure c'0c(fic"feizt Z0 serve as
~ »jj»>\>/’w<~ =»1>»"<.‘l\‘I>.
sidewall pi'cssm'cs are ripplicd to the pmjcclccl urea ofthe the l7i£1SlJl'_flJl‘]lli"@S.S‘lll'(3 calculation. The linear l1‘£Ill])f'€i'F.S‘?£I‘é » I»/ya
3 :a>:€/5»x--° 4
. /,€\» d B» Mia»?
biiildilig walls l10l'HI£1l to tlic dircr.-tioii ryftlitr wind actirig diagram has been conceived so Ilia! the applied pI"'(’S5IlI'£Z.f. ~~
0iirii‘ai'cil. .rilmilraire0zi..rl_i* with the roof pres.riire.r -om vm the fable prozlucc the smite ovci't:irni'i-lg l220!)1i3l"Il as Iliéi
Table 2073.6-2. Distrilizition of the net wall pi'c.rsrii'c.r more exact prc.s'sui'es _fi'0m Part I of Section 3073. Fifi-f‘ ~ */.§.>v,~V
beliveen whirlward and lecwarrl imll stii iccs is dtj nerl in cletcrn-iinalion Qfllic wall prcs.s'm'c.r mbzilc ecl. the aci‘irril_§ .;»=‘\*J/’
..>‘@s V, ate-0
Note 4 Qf Table 2073.6-l. Tlic ii-rag:-ii't1ide of cx1‘cr‘i0r gust qfect factor has been calculated '0m Eqz.mlir)it.
siclewall prcs.s'zii'e is ¢letei'ii-ziimrl '0iri Note 2 of Table 207A. 9-IO based on building height, wind spcccl, e.t'p0szii’(£§
2(l7B.6~l. ll is to be noted that all mbzilafccl presszii'cs arc 'ec]1iericy. and the asszmzctl damping valtic. it As‘/\’,,7»v :~t\~~.,t~.~
de ned without COl'1SldGl‘lIll0l'? of irzternal ]Jl"€SSZH'£’S § €~: <\\
liecazise internal p1'essw'es cancel our when considering 1 1.4; g;§x_g~.j:
v *“=?'I¢1'§:£E'.1'§I.§{
Parapets C0nzmenta1j_1t.'
~‘_/T2 / Q:
t 4/aw
/"" "
Q; E
ffhe effect of horizontal wind loads applied to all vertical The effiect of vertical wind loading on a windward roof ‘ii’
ghrhtces of roof parapets for the design of the MWFRS overhang is spec ied in Section 2073.4/I of Part I. A R
tai-"»»~e54=~Z<§=<--‘---.. hhail be based on the application of an additional net positive pressure coe icient of +0.8 is speci ed. This Y’:
horizontal wind pressure applied to the projected area of compares to a net pressure coe]j‘icient tabulated for the ;.
> ‘t/¢\Z
ie parapet surface equal to 2.25 times the wail pressures windward edge zone 5 of -1.06 (derived from 3, .
1% 5 iillltliilt ti in Table 207B.6-i for L/B = 1.0. The net 0.85 >< -l.3 >< 0.8 — 0.18). The 0.85 factor represents the
€ speci ed accounts for both the windward and gustfactor G, the 0.8 multiplier accounts for the e ective
= ( / ;_;/)Y t
. leeward parapet loading on both the windward and leeward
V »
,4///it '
wind area reduction to the 1.3 value of C], specified in 2
»,~ 'A-{building surface. The parapet pressure shalt be applied
Figure 2078.4-I of Port 1, and the -0.18 is the interncil
"*v?§&=st1~‘.:'=. ' siniultaiieously with the speci ed wait and roof pressures pressure contribution. The ratio ofcoe icients is 0.8/1.06 -qnm., .,
3’; Q:/<3, “shown in the table as shown in Figure 20713.6-2. The height = 0.755. Thus, C? multiplier of 0. 75 on the tabulated
¢=» ,,»:s.1',>\<:1~
1 h used to enter Table 207B.6-1 to determine the parapet pressurefbr zone 3 in Table 2073.6-2 is specified. I>S':<
"".§¥If"3:E1>1il%"-51:31 1 pressure shall be the height to the top of the parapet as
V ‘s-s5*‘6II>:t:.--: '
2 Kh V shown in Figure 2078.642 (use it = hp).
5 ;i?‘t\
I Elm»
l % sass“-5:;-1:
it \\\» a Crittriirtriztatjx"
(\ _.
Ivxwe-»!s<~t*>¢'!4Q" z7vF>'r‘\
-~ Z“>4<¢.=::.-. -=' "."
@ e{fZ’ctQfpz1t'apet loading on the M‘WF1-ZS is specified in
Q2" I ,_
A% <\ 1-
% .~§i1:~I:I' 'f,S_t%ctiz2ti 20734.5 ofPart l. The net pressure coe ‘i¢*ietit_f0:'
windwai'dparcipet is +1.5 ctndfor the leewardparopet
‘V '7
5x i
I‘ ,
£1 Q’ The combined effect of both produces a net
of +2.5 applied to the windward sznface, to
15;; 4/
Z” for the cumulative c ect on the MWFRS in a
it V dinphrczgm building. This pre.s'sure co¢'ffj‘icient
to (1 net p]'@SSU}‘Q cotfj cient of 1. 3G,-for the
horizontal wall pressure pk at the top of the
ii§5:»:‘:'<:/,s=:;s2=;=;: Assuming a loii-er‘-bound gust tctor
= €). 85, the ratio of the parapet pressure to the wall
>1» =1~$*€~‘~ez¢<~'\::.1:¢s.-1'2;
, 1, is 2.5/(0.85 K1 .3) = 2.25. Thus, a value of2.25 is
~ §§?l~<»<
I as a reasonable constant to appl1’ to the tabulated
pressure 11;, to account at tie a ttiona parapet
I ’ea on the MWFRS.
,\~¢ I»;-<1-= ,-.-.. -
- i ‘?2£7-II*Q.'».»tE:'I" r207B.6.3 Roof Overhangs
: » V12“ ~,~. \:
'"’1°‘4¢:<;r- 51- '-
Ti"he effect of vertical wind loads on any roof overhangs
‘%R<.(\~,.'. -.
> 4»/§\
‘shall be based on the application of a positive wind
iv.‘-5 .-
Aé pressure on the underside ofthe windward overhang equal
h /»~>~( 4\’ "~.>;l'-::;_ '
' .10 75% of the roof edge pressure from Table 2()7B.6-2 for
, ~aw 1 Zone 1 or Zone 3 as applicable. This pressure shall be z
7 X’ t
. 1 /»
A r
apptied to the windward roof overhang only and shall be 1
‘ ’<//\ \ --
¢’" ',;-':}:- .
V “' . . ........ea.s_..es...,._»i_._».\_...s.,+MM,.,=.su.s.. . . ..
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\/A /V»
2~86 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
» ».=»gr;x<\;
0.21, 5 B 5 51. /a
3 M-/
“Q L?" /2
Q zé
'45 \
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i ‘ h = 18 to 48 m \/
Figure 20713.5-1
Building Geometry Requirements Building Class, h i 48 m
Enclosed Simple Diaphragm Buildings ?.
. '15; Z1;
.... ,,,,,,,,,,>_
494 I 1
3/ V;/ ~
¢ s CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-87
;»_{,v; ,
~, §
\ \\
\/J‘ A ~.
~.V .»1 ,~ \
SEE HGURE 2078.6-2 FOR
‘ ,/\
SEE TABLE 2073 6~2
4/» J
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SEE TABLE 2075.6-1 5 h i
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3:?/“J ' §"»‘.1‘:>3:'-i:E";:',1:
—— <»>_v:;;=.=;::= Figure 2078.6-l
Application of Wind Pressures Wind Pressures ~ Walls and Roof, h 5 48 m
=Zi3'/"§ _ .
\/W *3: Enciosed Simple Diaphragm Buildings
, _
4 WY
->~'=»:';< ' ,-a',<1
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4 ig c‘
i National Structural Code of the Phiiippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
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Figure 20713.6-3 ii
'5 we‘/\ Application of Roof Overliang Roof Overhang Wind Loads, h E 48 m
'-‘i’ '1
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Enclosed Simple Diaphragm Buildings
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1.16 1.16 0.97 2.23 2.25 1.39 3.33 3.76 3.19 5.92W_?5.77 4.39 3.66 3.36W4.39
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36 1
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1.39 1.39 1 1.23 2.65 2.63 3.-.326 4.39 4.33 7 73.92 1 6.69 6.59 5.98 9.63 9.51 5.937
1.08 1.09 0.90 2.06 2.04 1.97 3.41 3.37 2.89 5.20 5.11 747.41 7.50 1 7.29 4.41 1: "
1.37 1.36 1.20 2.55 2.44 2.27 4.21 3.76 6.40 6.31 5.73 9.17 1 3.62 5.73
30 ~ 73.3 1 4.97 4.30 7.26 7.14 4.30
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. 1.04 1.07 0.87 1.92 1.91 143 3.12 3.10 2.67 4.70 1 4.66 4.05 @173- 6.61 4.05 291$’.
1 1.23 1.21 1.06 1224 22411.93 3.63 3.62 3.24 5.45541 4.39 7.75 7.67 4.39
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‘ 0.92 0.92 . 9.178 1.65 1.65 1.41 2.60 2.60 2.25 3.80 3.79 73.730 5.28 5.24 3.30
1 1.01 0.90 0.78 1.60 1.60 13312.55 2.53 2.40 36513.65 3.13 4.69 4.92 3.18
0.87 0.87 0.76 1.58 1 1.58 136 2.4 9 2.43 ‘ 2.37 1‘360 6
3.0 313 491 4.97 3.13
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CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design ioacis 2-93
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.2, 2. E-:41 --
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53/ iv Table 207B.6—l
5» 4
'1’75’ .. MWFRS — Part 2: Wind Loads - Walls (kN/ml)
1 32
4%. '. 3/......-. __ Exposure D
7" ..
>3’ .% 5‘ ‘2<."W=$~'¢‘
.4 »
.34 <‘
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6'2’-=<"2‘Y9:‘:'i-I‘ ' 11.130 1.80 1.59 3.50 3.45 3.08 1 5.87 5.75 5115 1 9.00 1 3.79 7:36 12.98 12.66 11.27
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. - . .3‘-- L77 1.76 1.56 1 3.42 3.37 3.01 5.72 5.61 1 5.02 13.76 8.56 7.67 12.63 12.30 11.04
1 1.37 1.37 1.15 2.66 2.62 2.22 1 4.44 4.36 3.70 6.80 6-92.- 5.65 9.83 95 8.13
. _...-~.-.
*6‘ $44 -1 -
7 ~52
1.74% 1.73 1.53 3.33 3.29 2.94 5.56 5.46 1 4.39 8.51 8.33 7.46 12.26 1 11.99 10.73
?/6,1 71.36 1.36 1.13 2.611 2.58 2.19 4.36 4.28 3.65 6.66 6.52 5.561 9.56 9.36 7.97
f 2
‘i .
1 . 4'
7 1.69 1-52 11.49 3.24 3.21 2-89.- 5.40 5.31
4.76 8-33.
3.59% 6.52
8.08 .177.25 1 11.83 11.61 10.39
1 :~.'=-"-- ."
1.34" 1.29 1.12 2.57 2.54 2.16 4.27 6.39 . 5.46 9.4 9.23 7.82
9~ 4 ‘36
1.64 1 1.65 1.45 ‘ 3.15 3.12 2.73 1 5.23 5.15 4.62 7.97 7.82 7-02 11.46 11.21 . 10.07 ‘
4.6.2631 221:‘ 1.31 1 1.17"” 1.13 2.52 2.49 2.12 1 74.1 3 4.12 1 3.52 6.37 6.25 715.36 9.17 9.07 "7.67
, 4-
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// z 4% 1.25 1.26 1.06 1 2.35 2.35" 2.01 1 ( 3.88 3.84 3.32 5.87 5.79 5.02 8.35 8.26 7.14 1
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1 1.43 1 .47 1.28 1 2.75 2.74 2.43 4.49 4.45 3.98 6.76 6.68 6.01 9.62 9.51 8.60
£6 24
2 ».. ‘4.21’
2 »~./
-9 - 1 1.25 1.24 1.05 1 2.31 2.30 1.97. 3.73 3.75 3.24 5.69 5.62 4.89 8.07 7.94 6.95
2.64 2163 2.32 1 423 3.30 1 6142
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\~ 1 '~
.9 ' 1.37 1.39 1.20% i 2.52 1 2.52 2.22 4.07 1 4.05 3.60 6.07 6.03 5.40 8.57 1 8.517 7.68
1. _’
1.20 1 1.19 1.00 2.21 172.20 1.88 3.56 3.54 5.31 5.27
3.06 39> 1 7.52 7.45 6.56 1
8/ 1. - 1.313 1.32 1.14 2.40 2.40 2.10 3.85 3.33 339 5:79; 5157 5.06 7.99 7.98 17.161
7' 1.19 1.17 100*! 2.15 2.14 1.84 3 .44 343 2.97 5.10 5.08 ‘ 4.43 7.17 7.13 6.26
‘ 1.26 1.24 .1 .08 1 2.27 2.27 1.97 3161 3.61 3.16 5.31 5.30
7.40 7.38 6-6.00<30
~42 ‘1 1.16 1.14 0.98 ‘ 2.0 9 2.09 1 .79 3.36 3.32 1 2.87 4.89 4.26 6.60 6.82
3:3,? 72.92
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A1," Naiional Structural Code of the Phiiippines Volume 1, 7th Ediiion, 2015
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2-94 CHAPTER 2 - Mininusnw Sesign Loads ..:,/
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Notes to RoofPressure Table 207B.6~2: Siffzzk 2
»».;--z; -~ 5,;
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I. From table for Exposure C, V, it nod roofslopc, determine roof pressure ph for each roofzonc shown in the gures for the applicable roof form. For J
other exposures B or D, multiply pressures from table by appropriate exposure adjustment factor as determined from gure below. »:£:-/ V. 5?»;
2. Where two load eases are shown, both load cases shall be investigated. Load case 2 is required to investigate maximum overturning on the building from ' -:
root’ pressures shown.
3. Appiy along-wind net wall pressures to the projected area ofthe building wails in the direction ofthe wind and apply exterior side wall pressures to the
pT0j6C[Cd area ofthe building walls normal to the direction ofthe wind acting outward, simultaneously with the roof pressures From Table 20713.6-2.
4. Where a value of zero is shown in the tables For the at roofcase, it is provided for the purpose ofintcrpolation. :- ;4;r;».;»
5. lnlerpoiation between V, h and roof slope is permitted. w
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Figure 20713.6-2 ,,¢§§’:I»I;.»
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Table 2078.6-2 £5 1
MWFRS - Part 2: Wind Loads ~ Roof (kN/mg) 41
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-2.44 - 1-*2 -4.62 -4.12 -3.38 -1.23 -1.55 -2.38 -2.12 -1.1412
6:12 (26.6°) '"""'!*’
:1 . ' 1.8‘) - L -:> 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 ..P.""Ln-1-ILn-12- 0.00 11.511“ 6 0.00
6» \ -.> 1 La o - P’ @ . . - -462 -4.12 -3.321 -0.121-1.55 -2.5?’-2.12000 W-1'14
($1 ,W N 9211 (3(1.9°) J 2.27 1 1:- -1- F’Qc 0.00 0.00 1:: 11061 P1W_V____
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- '-If
12=12 145.0“)
. .9-.|00 - 1"c -4.62 -4.12 i-3.38,” f :1Jf~ _W§W-1.5 VII V_;2.:5 % -2.12 -1.74
$4W. 4,
“N \‘ 2-4;‘ -531$. .
\)»—- 1.27 -1.44 0.00 0.00 0.011 1 1.11 110.11 000 0.00 0.110
13?: ~21 ‘ :~=.-_. =:_= NA -4.40 .1011 VNA j -2. ua 4; -2 .09 1 14
F1111 < 2=12 (0.466 Z> ...N!}.._
5'\§'>Yw -. ls) NA NA " "*ij§1)1jf”__ __0.o0 0.00 2> NA 11.00 0.110 E
r ' \ 2-»v.:l~:§.=-3:-. " .4 3170112 119 -4.49 -4.110 -3.29 | -2.30 -1.56 -2.34 -2.09 -1.7]
3:12 114.0“) 01153 ” 01011,,” W606’ Pco
J 0.00 0.33 -0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00
l3.t{2"” "-2.92 -4.40 -4.00 -3.29 -1.89 -1.5:» -2.34 -2.1111 -1.16"?
4: 12 {lS.4°)
001.25’ -1.20 P 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.65 1 .°
c\ -4 0.011 0.00 "11.0-5
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2 100 C1-iAP"TE¥Q 2 - Minimum Desigm Loads
Tabfe 207B.6-2
MWFRS ~ Pan 2: Wind Loaés - Roof(kN/ml)
MWFRS - Roof, V w 150 -250 kph, h = 27-36 m
Exposure C
_ V 1&1“) 1 1511 QQ
Zone 3:Zone Zone
h m R001‘ Slope
1A 1N
NA -1.26
1.:-I .4...
I I ~.:
1 L.) -:- EJ Q
Y 1 PO \2 NA AW___ 0 2
Fiat < 231201.46“)
I NA NA 0.00 0.00 NA 1 Z> > S O C) 0 33» 0 NA
3:12 (l4.0°)
I-1.23 -0.62 1
. 1Q - -0.02 *11.51 iuQ 53Q '~J -2.73 - 2 -/1 -2 4 1
W010 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.1‘) 0. 39 - ‘ 0 0 _ 00
4: 12 ( 111.4“)
_ E1 _() be |\-1 . i'16 1 -0.92 - 1.08 -0.87 ~l.3-I -1.20 -0.‘\. -.1 -2.25 2 10 -2 4 -
IQ 0.35 _ Q0120 0.00 .0Q Q 0.37 .5Q Q 0.78
511212202) -0.32 1 1.9112’ T120 - 1 0.86 1 11¢
15.1 -1.80
fJ— 0.40 40.1" 0.50 -0.41 NA 0.00 0.00 1 .04 0 U0
-0.05 -0.112 @520 C151 J__ -0.6‘) -0.87 -1.34 -1.20 Q1.-15 1}’;
l\-7 4.10 -0311 I 0.00 ,_]j.f010:” 0.55 Z‘> 1.14
9:12 (3(>.‘)°)
-0.37 :5.5 -12 s=.i-95Lu
11-Q97 'S Cg;\ C
1_. 0.40 -0.87 -1.34 -2.20 -0.07 -0.34 Q
!-J 0.62 1 .9ua as 0.00 .500 0.65 F9 QQ 1.37
12712 (-15.9“)
E’ -0.21 -0.112 -1.20 - 0.23 La -$4 1 .='0=\1 -0.47 S‘
\J E1070 -03$ 0.00 0.05 . 1| Q.-111 2 M1 2> 1.37
$1111 < 2:12 (‘).46° 1.. . . ___I§1,A NA I 23 - 5 NA 1‘A 1.» E NA NA -_ -2 44 --
NA A 000 NA G1 NA A 00 0 11]
»—-r-2 . .22 -.10
Q --. »1.23 L52:
;=_'_Q'Q_O_.QC 1.28 -11.63 :1 1 _'> 30*
l‘—J 0.17 -0.25 0.00” 0 S@ Q 0.17 0.3‘)
-1: 12 (18.4°)
OC9 -0.02 -1.23 . 5 1.06 -0.85 -1.33 -1.151 -0.00 L221
,_-J . Q.“.02 - s= LR LII 0.00 0.00 .- .-1 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 "0.17
33 5:lZ(11.(1°) --
-0.50 -0.82 - i-A W . E -0.110 £0.35’ . . - .9ca an -1.33 -11s -0 -1.77
0.46 -0.38 F’QQ 0.00 0.4‘) 1.02
0=:212o.0°> --4 -0._c3_ -0.02 - iu Lu -1.10 -<>.<»11§1.-¢11 0»; "01 (‘J VJ -1.4.’! -4 DJ 4‘-
__,1 1‘I u 0.38 O 5 F’ )0 0.00 0.5-1 -P:- 5:’ (71.12 QQQ
0=12 130.0") -0.30 A A-0.85’ 5 -0.8‘) -0.3‘) $ .'ozv 1. ; 1 5: Q c:~ _1.- -0.02 _.Q._¢; ~.1co~.1o<> '/Ju:ou90¢/J J:.13.19
['J"" F‘ G\ 10. 103 DO Pl-.Q.Q13 _ PL-00 E 0.0 Qi H 0.65 _ Q . .1=._- 9.Q. 1.34
P IQ -. Q DC I\-3 . .-_,.1»; -1.10 E -0.8‘) ~().22 -0.5 bl U) 573 1
1 . S:41Q
12:13 145.0“)
14 S3 C‘ -0.31: 0.00 0.00 *1“0.00 | 0.05 __~:0.41. 0.00 $9 QQ P QQ 1.34W i if *0 1111
__I§i/-\ NA -1.21 »1.08 I-0.s<>| NA NA -130 . 5 P ~c1.» NA 7 I8 7 3 1
F101 =4 2:12 (“L46”) NA NA O no
1 F’ 6 0.00 "N/1',__ NA 0.00 S3 5 0.00 NA N/\ 01 _Qll1
- 3 1 5:‘
‘u-11-9 -1.21 -1.08 53 Z "O '.11 --. Q -2.63 1 5 11* 7 ‘
{J 0.11 1 -0.24 |_:0._00 0.00 QQ
.0 P 5; 0.38 -0 I) 0 0 00
4: 12118.4“) -0.08 -0.10 1 4.21 1.-1.03 -0.8‘) -1.05 -0.34 -L30 -1.10 9.95 -2.10 Z 6 2 ‘ 7 1
Id -141 -0.35 | 0.00 111,00 0.00 0.36 Q. C.<=1 0 0.75 E
-0.79 -0.70 -121$-1.08 0.84 1 .- ual<3. . 3 - C K: an -$.74
30 5:12( 22.6°)
L) 0.11 .030 000 1 0.00 0.00 0.48 -0.40 0.00 P$1<71 000 I .00 -0 S4 00 10
6:12 136.6”)
-0.03 -0.70 -1.21*1-1.011 41.03:: A .. ._- DJ Q 1 3 -Q
0.50 -0.311 0.00 0.007 0.00 9-54 411159 C ._. 1,-_=.,--Q
0:12 (36.9"1 "
-—:-1 -0.30 -0.70 -1.21 -1.00 1:50.00 -0.38 -0.84 -1.30 - —.°~_=:~ Q9 . Q5301C‘. -0.1::_’_ -174 _~._;0 21 _ ,
I.) _ 0.571 - 0.00 0.00 "~64? .-SW1 .11-110 GQ :0 DC 1».'1 __ 00 0 01
12:12 (45.0°)
-0.20 .121 -1.0:: ~0..'!2 1.- Q ‘s= -0.40 -11-1 -21 _2 _ 01,_
.1 0. s1Q~.. -.
Q5215: 1..>-.1‘wnew :3 .011 __ 0’[6E1"" 0.1~_1Q 0.6-1 .<'=s'=
0.00 __0.00 0.00
J-'7.‘- C-F» 1.32 4 10 010 01
F111 <3 2:11 (‘J.-16°]
Z> NA Z E;5 .001 NA -- NA
ms - 1.14 -004 NA NA 272
ta NA NA 9QQ 0.00 0.00 NA? NA 0.00 0.00 0. 00 NA NA
3:12 (14.0°)
-1.17 -0.57 . 3 Q Lh -0.1:? _.1.2j5"'1 -0.03 E -1.20 -1-14 -11.-2-'1 -2.-1.1.- - 2 __':g 1
:41 C: .11 -0.24 F3 S Q 0.00 0.00 0.13” 40.25 1 0.00 S3 5 0.00” 0.311 I-054
4; 12113.4“) ~1 I 1 -1.05 »0..<:1 -1.03 ;0;03T -1.211 I 22;
J _ '2'30~
0.33 -J31;
I. $3 Q :1 0.00 0.00 0.35 _»0,s-1 I 0.00 .0Q Q PQQ 0.76 - QEQB‘
5; 12 122.021 * T010
0 ___ ”"-10;???’ -1. :1 - '2 5 -0.117 -.21
04 O8 W-1.-
1 1.:er:
~. E -0.04 -13011 ___ 1.16.167 .. 4
-J 0.361: ”0I00_ 0.00 0 .47 .0Q Q P QQ Q Q
6:12 (26.6“)
-0.03 » 53 1-47 :1 -1.0s_ 5:’x -1 -0.66 I ~ $3 ~.'>:- . '5 _ 37-1 -9 1 1
h.) 0.40 -0.31 1s== C. S 000 0.00 -0.08 -0.30 0 " C1 C . 1.12 - 000 _000 W
9:12 (36.9“)
0.35 1 .9~: "J 1 11: j fj;110:s:" "i0f.w -0.37 -1.28 -1.14 -0.94 -0.82 - ..-1 7 - ‘Q
_Q NA -0.31’ .9E 0 O1 0.00 0.63 . .5L.» Q 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.20 -0115 | 000 _ 0_
12:12 (45.0°) -—-
-0.21 -011 - -.5
<:>1;_ 0:11 _,-0.2.1 _0.s3 -1.2s -1.1; -I- -0.40 - -2 _ 2 .
__,_\_. 10.57 .03 ~.1 2; --.:
‘C1- F’QQ ‘ if; 1_1_ .==IQ PO s= S 1-= @ _1.33 1-00>; 00010001 00
Table 20713.6-2
MWFRS - Part 2: Wind Loads — Roof (KN/mg) 20
MWFRS -—R00f, V w 300 — 350 kph, h = 2'7 — 36111 £\
Exposure C Z.
h (In)
- 1.74
2 _ NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA N.ԤW10.0G 0.00 0.00
44.03 -3.30 -5.03 -4.40 -3.02 _-;.§§" “$11.50; -2.30 -2.12 - 1.74
31121140") A000.71 -LOU
0.00 0.00 0.00 0._3+1.__ 41.41 0.00 0.00 0
3 4.49 ’I3Ti’" .01 -1.55 -2.38 -2.12 1 14 E
41121104") 1 32?
o.00___10.00 ~ "(S1 ‘L
W000 0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 01.007
1 36 5:l2(22.(1“)
-26 -5”.“~0-s -5.03 -4.4-)_.._ 1 P’ <'.\U‘ . Ln .0. - Ln u' -230 . 1.. ~11.4
N:.1 2"‘-113'”Aca‘
-.1 —l.57 0.00" Pc>O 0.00 F3’ GO (JO 1 P -_.1 -1;
S c: .0 | 0.00 0.00
‘ 6112 (20.0%
-2.62 -3.20""-5.003; -4.41\.¢ -3.00 -1.23 -1.551-2.ss"'1’"-2.120’ -1.74
2.00 7-1’fS'i__ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 -0.74 0.00111 0.00 0.00
1 9:12 (36.1?)
-1.51"’ "-3,_?§,__ -5.03 -4.40 -3.00 -0.12 -2.55 -2,3_s_ -2.12 -1.74
.._|._._)._. “iii ~15? 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.07 -0.600" 0.00 0.00 0.00 .Mw_.~-WM0.,_“v<-.M1
10.0?’ .....__ "-3.20 -5.03 -4.40 -3.00 -0.40 ""Z1.ss 0 0 -2.30 -2.12 -1.74
12:12 145.0“)
ic-~_1 -l 1-» U1 0.00 0.00 0.001 1.11_1__1o.'14 0.00 0. DO 0.00
NA NA 4.04 4.40 3.(>lW'1WNA1... NA 1-2.34 -2.00 - 1.71
Flat < 2:12 (9.4(>°) NA 0.00 0.00 *7») NA NA 1 0.00 0.00 1 ..9 55 1
NA 5;. as:
-4.85 -3.30 4.-11 "Z1110" 1.15*’1@ - P’ O -1.>1s -2.34 -2.00 1 .1311}
3:12 (]4.l)“) 0.00" 110.00 0.00 0.33 -0.47 0.00 {1.00 ().(}(1
!~)\" -) 0.70 -0.98
-3.00 -3.2; "~7i1.94 -4.40 -3.61 -£519 -1.53 -2.34 "I2;09 _ 1.7]
42 l.-'2 {§3.4°}
1.38 -1.4 0.00 0.00 [1.00 0.65 -0.07 0.00 [1.00 0 .00 i
—~I\J -3.20 173.2 -4.94 -4.40 -3.61 -1.52 -. an w _11I N1. :> -2.09 -1.71 b)l
33 s=12(22.a°1 3.84—~l—“.l 54~— 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _-{E31} G-"9 0.00 G110 5
\—l\J -2.57 1 -3.22 4.04 -4.40 | -3.01 -1.22 1:17.53 1 -2.34 -2.00 1 -1.11 §
01121200") K) 2.03 E -L54 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 -0.13 0.00 0.00 W; 0.00
-1.4‘) -3.22 -4.04 14.40 1-3.e1_”:01i10 -1.53 -2.34 -2.09 E -1 71
IQ 2.42 -1 .54 00010.00 0.00 1.15 -0.13 0.00 10.00 | 0510
-0.84 ~3.22 -4.04 3 -4.40"";§}E»1 -0.40 -1.53 -g,,34 -2 00 -171
l2:12(45.0°) uQ 2.42 ';'l’54 t
0.00 1 0.00 0.00 G . 5: -.1no 0.00 (1.00 0.00
NA "NA E -4.s?1""44.32 -3.54 NA NA___ 1 Pu 1 -2.00" ~10; 1
Fl:1l< 2:12 (9.46°) N1'9 F’c>Q {0.00 0.00 1
I\J NA NA "0.00 0.00 0.00 NA
-4.75 1 -3.23 4.84 -4.32 -3.54 -12.31 -1.54 _¢g_._s1 02.00 -1001
1.. . . IQ 0.00 ’ -0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 -0.35 0.00 0.00 0.110
-3.0] ~3.!5 -4.04 1 -1.32 ~3 S4 0 -§ h 0 -1.50 "-2.31 -2.00 -1 .(_19_
4: 12 (18.1?) ~J ’ 13s -1.30 0.00 1__.0.0_0_ 0.05 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.00
-1 1 5-1. U -3.14 -4.,§~LJ -131 . Zr- “$1 vi D1 o -2.31 -2.06 -1.6‘)
1 30 5:§2(22.6“)
1-: M c> -1.51 1 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 1 0.24 -0:/2 0.00 0.017I 0.00
"I -.3__1s -484
. ' ___g
- .32 13541
Ti” - 120
. - 150
. 31 -20<>1;_100
. (1:12 {26.6°} 1.00 ~1.s0 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.05 -0.72 1.0.00 0.00 1 0.00
1 0:12 (3<>.0==; 1-1.4; "-3.15 -4.83’ 4.32 -3.54 -0.10 -1_.__s0_ -2.31 -2.00" ";1.c1<>
Q»-¢ 2.38 -1.s1’"'0.00 0.00 0.00 1.13 41.72 0.00 00.00 0.00
. {mi
010.02 -3.15 4.84 -4.32 -3.54 -_0§9_ -1.501-2.31 -2.00 -1.00
12:12 (4S.0°)
2.33 -1.51 1 0.00 000* P <3 Q b~:> -0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
NA NA 14.74 -4.22*”l31i1c»41 INA NA -2.21 -2.03 _-1.-99.
Fl:1t< 2:12 (9.46°) " NA 0.00 "BT00 A 10.0 1 NA NA 0.00 1 0.00 0.110
3:12 (I4.U°)
-—1\> -4.65 -3.16 -4.74’ "_}'{1_.22 -3.46 -2.23 -1.52 -2.27 -2.03 ’3.ilfif1_1....
IQ 0.67 -0.94 10100 _0.00 0.00 0.32 -0.01 0.00 0.00" 0.00
-3.82 -3.08 34:74 -4.22 -3.46 -1.83 1 11>co -2.2? -2.03 -1.66
4: 12 (13.4?)
1.32 -1.305’ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 -[1.65 0.00 (1.00
_ 1 0:12 136.0“) 1.. 1...__j -1.42 -3.08 1 :1“\1 .1> -4.22 -3.40 -0,g0__ -1.40 -2.21 -2.03 -100
_ 232 -.4 17 0.00 0.00 ”0f00, 5 . .5-.1 0.00 0.00 0.00
-0.20 -3.08 1 4.14 -4.2f”;3.40 - -1.40 -2.27 -2.03 _;1.er{
12:12 (45.0°)
1 IQ
2.32 -1411000
. 0.10”-
0 0001 35°'->~s -12.5 00 1 0.0 I 0.01
2 102 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
T211316 2078.6-2
MWFRS - Part 2: Winci Loads — Roof (kN/ml)
MWFRS —— RO0f, V I 159 -250 kph, 11 = 39 — 48111
Exposure C
v11q>111 .11" it 1 150 T A 200
2 Z Z Zone
h m Ro0!'S10pc
Load Wei
1 Case
] NA
I-1.34 I
1 -1.20 -0,9;
U! 1 Pi
A -2
-2 2 "~11 J1-
T101 < 2:12 (9.-46°)
2 NA NA NA 0.01) 0.00 NA NA 0.00 (1.00 2 <3
4.121104“) 21.08 ,_~0.11:1|_1.3<1 -1.20 -0.07 -1.01 -1.55 -2.30 _1v-14 2 -- -s1_
IQ 0.37 9 w -2 Z I? .91:, 0 0.00 (1.66 0.68 . O O01}
41.36 -0.87 -1.34 -1.20 -(1.97 -1.54_ -1 22- " 42
5:121 22.6"’) nee r\'r/1 1 nnn (1 U -
..-.2 0.511} -0.41 NA 0.00 0.00
-0.69 -0.37 -1.34 I -1.20 -01 J
6:12 (26.(1°) (11
.. 0.55 9-.0". . .. .
._._; -0.40 -0.01 | -1.3;17_[T-1.120 . :9-9L *9-73 vu--1L1-A -2 .3
9:12 (3l'1.‘)“) 0.00 1.07 0 (11)
u 0.65 %
6:12 (26.0°)
-0.65 —(1‘J|-22 - 2 - 1
14 S3 O 96 U01
. ‘D v4 -11
‘1:12(36.9°) 1
{J 7 0.65 J
-(1.22 ‘)1 60
11:12 (45.0°) )0
IQ 0.65
1‘|:1t< 2:12 (9.4(>°) J
.. NA
-157 S ‘a -22 - _"!
3:12 (14.0°1
EJ _ 0.10 Q DQ 00 - 0
-1.05 I1 52>: W: _|:_1 S W1 Q L-2 Uu - -22
41121104“) IQ ’ 0.30 Q SG (G11 C3 0
~{).84 5 I 21 J ua \.)\
1 5:12 ( 22.6°) G OG - Q U
IQ 0.48 C ZE
2% 5?
.@ Q
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..» \’¢,./<'S;:'~if.¢£==I- CHAPTER 2 ~ Minimum Design Loads 2 103
1. . >
,\,',,§<, /-;§;:s;;2:1¢:¢:,:
,4;/_ .. "- Table 207B.6-2
'4 1
/, />‘ //
w 4
MWFRS - Part 2: Wind Loads — Roof (kN/ml)
’ d
MWFRS - Roof, V m 300 -— 350 kph, h = 39 — 48 m
';> » Exposure C
,1‘Q -/
*= v (11911) I 1 ’ 300 350
M . 1 Load Zoncww VV Zone ___
h(m)1 R00fSl0e i I 2 } 3 4 5 I 2 3 4 5
wk)» 1 P Case "
\~\; ?;
“cw ...»... I
W L ,0 .. .. - 1 F13; < 2; |'_7_ (q_,;60} "535 1 :"‘=4 ~_| ' P‘ Q NA W W 2 >5 FJ1
RA ('43 1~> 5 -L74
2.21>§> ¥\lg§_ V 0.00 9Q<:> P00 NA NA 0.0 c: 0.0 O 0.00
.4 1» -W€¢4"Z1'*':‘1i‘1.
3:12 H40,.) _._,_ -P‘ M v» 03.50". -s,s(sW__- :"“ -_| "J 1 P’ Q -2.33 -1.51; 1.: Q1 -2.1..u -1.74
J_ 0.76 -L06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34’6.’fi'""' 9199...- 5:4:-A 7 0.00 Q
/ 2
vi-. 1- - 2“us -3.41; ~s.3s -4.111 -3.0; 1 '0 - D1 u1-_: -2.30 122.. . -1.74
-? ‘ .(,.,~. “"2“8"“°} no 1.49 -1.53 0.00 _0_.”_0'0"’| 0.00 0.00 - 53<2so 0.00 0.00 0.{)0m
, W/:,/--;>,
1’. 48 5:12 ( 21.6")
-3.46 - 5*‘:- -.v1 Lu ; 4.71 53.01U) U: -1.55 -2.38 -2.12 I15=4:.
Zh;;.<,7¢§~/11. = .
" ~.\ 1:-=:' {J _ 1.00 ~11» 0.00 0.00 0.00”? ,_. . m.WK -0.74 0.00 0.00 P 2:Q
.~ 2*’ 3 - Inas 0.00 0.00 __q.00 . . u. 4 0.00 1 .6-4l.»-I 0.00 0.00 0.00
J 1;" =.<<"» ’ .m2(3M,,) ~1.s0
1- 4
-3.43 ~s.21 -4.70 -3.80 ”;0.11_.__ 1 ib\ w 0 LuJ.- _')l
E. 50
=1; V :=~¢">;fw>§§.'
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.3 ~ 1=
.1 §’<‘.»/(".'.-€:>7>*
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J z.5¢>"f_;_1_.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 -0313 0.00 .9
@ Q»- P.1-oQ2.’
4 -‘ :1
31/ l2:m45_0.,} -0.00 -3.43 -5.21 1. . +1.70 -3.00 -0.40” -1.53 _-2.34 -2.00 La
2.50 -1.114 0.00 4&5 0.00 0.00 1.15 _ -0.73 0.00 0.00 1F’ Q Q
000 (Ll7:10 0 Z>. NA_| -2.3: 7§_;;.00 -1.09
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. 000
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CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-105
Section 207A. l 0
User Note:
See Commentary Figure C207C.4-Ifor guidance on hip
roo .
Step 7: Calculate wind pressure, p, from
Equation 207C.4-1
2 106 CHAPTER 2 Minimum Design Loads
components (bending moment, shear, and thrust) to be seem to indicate that sortie reduction in pressures for
resisted, independent of wind direction. buildings located in Exposure B is justified. The ASCE
Task Committee on Wind Loads believes it is desirable to
The original set of coefficients was generated for the design buildings for the exposure conditions consistent
framing ofconventional pre-engineered buildings, that is, with the exposure designations defined in the standard. In
single-storey moinent-resisting frames in one of the the case of low buildings, the effect of the increased
principal directions and bracing in the other principal intensity of turbulence in rougher terrain (i.e., Exposure A
direction. The approach was later extended to single- or B vs. C) increases the local pressure coefficients.
storey moment-resisting frames with interior columns Beginning in NSCP 2001 (ASCE 7-98) the effect of the
(Kavanagh et al. I983). increased turbulence intensity on the loads is treated with
the truncated pro le. Using this approach, the actual
Subsequent wind tunnel studies (Isyumov and Case I995) building exposure is used and the pro le truncation
have shown that the (GCM) values ofFigure 207C.4-1 are corrects for the underestimate in the loads that would be
also applicable to low-rise buildings with structural obtained otherwise.
systems other than moment-resisting frames. That work
examined the instantaneous wind pressures on a low-rise Figure 20 7C. 4-I is rnost appropriatefor low buildings with
building with a 4:12 pitched gable roof and the resulting width greater than twice their height and a mean roof
wind-inducedforces on its MWFRS. Two different MWFRS height that does not exceed 10 m. The original database
were evaluated. One consisted = of shear walls and roof included low buildings with width no greater than five
trusses at di/ferent spacing. The other had moment- times their eave height, and eave height did not exceed
resisting frames in one direction, positioned at the same I Om. In the absence of more appropriate data,
spacing as the roof trusses, and diagonal wind bracing in Figure 207C.4-1 may also be usedfor buildings with mean
the other direction. Wind tunnel tests were conductedfor roof height that does not exceed the least horizontal
both Exposures B and C. Thefindings of this study showed dimension and is less than or equal to 18m. Beyond these
that the (GCM) values of Figure 207C.4-1 provided extended limits, Figure 207B. 4-I should be used.
satisfactory estimates of the windforces for both types of
structural systems. This work confirms the validity of All the research used to develop and re ne the low-rise
Figure 207C.4-1, which reflects the combined action of building method for MWFRS loads was done on gable-
wind pressures on different external surfaces ofa building roofed buildings. In the absence ofresearch on hip-roofed
and thus takes advantage ofspatial averaging. buildings, the ASCE committee has developed a rational
method ofapphring Figure 207C.4-1 to hip roo " based on
In the original wind tunnel experiments, both B and C its collective experience, intuition, and judgment. This
exposure terrains were checked. In these early suggested method is presented in Figure C207C.4-2.
experiments, Exposure B did not include nearby buildings.
In general, the force components, bending moments, and Research (Isyumov I982 and Isyumov and Case 2000)
so forth were found comparable in both exposures, indicated that the low-rise method alone underestimates
although (GCM) values associated with Exposure B the amount of torsion caused by wind loads. In
terrain would be higher than that for Exposure C terrain ASCE 7-02, Note 5 was added to Figure 207C.4-1 to
because of reduced velocity pressure in Exposure B account for this torsional eyfect and has been carried
terrain. The (GCM) values given in Figures 207C.4-1, forward through subsequent editions. The reduction in
loading on only 50 percent of the building results in a
207E.4-I, 207E.4-2A, 27E.4-2B, 27E.4-2C, 27E.4-3,
torsional load case without an increase in the predicted
27E.4-4, 27E.4-5A, 27E.4-5B, and 27E.4-6 are derived
base shearfor the building. The provision will have little
from wind tunnel studies modeled with Exposure C terrain.
or no effect on the design of MWFRS that have well-
However, they may also be used in other exposures when
distributed resistance. However, it will impact the design
the velocity pressure representing the appropriate
ofsystems with centralized resistance, such as a single core
exposure is used.
in the center ofthe building. An illustration ofthe intent of
the note on two of the eight load patterns is shown in
In comprehensive wind tunnel studies conducted by Ho at
Figure 207C.4-1. All eight patterns should be modified in
the University of Western Ontario (I992), it was
this way as a separate set ofload conditions in addition to
determined that when low buildings (h < 18 m) are
the eight basic patterns.
embedded in suburban terrain (Exposure B, which
included nearby buildings), the pressures in most cases are
Internal pressure coefficients (GC,,,) to be usedfor loads
lower than those currently used in existing standards and
codes, although the values show a very large scatter on MWFRS are given in Table 207A.II-I. The internal
because ofhigh turbulence and many variables. The results pressure load can be critical in one-storey moment-
_i ?
si-Si. nun
I, .
I‘; I vkg. 1‘ Q
V“ 111111
tn 11111111
Figure C207C.4-1
Unsteady Wind Loads on Low Buildings for Given Wind Direction (After Ellingwood 1982)
Design wind pressures for the MWFRS of low-rise q,, (ccpn) (N/m2) (20704-2)
buildings shall be determined by the following equation:
v = qi[(G¢pr) — (“ail (N/m’) @070-4-1) pP combined net pressure on the parapet due
to the combination of the net pressures
where from the front and back parapet surfaces.
qh F velocity pressure evaluated at mean roof Plus (and minus) signs signify net
height h as de ned in Section 207A.3 pressure acting toward (and away from)
external pressure coef cient from the front (exterior) side of the parapet
(acvfl : velocity pressure evaluated at the top of
Figure 207C.4-1 qv
internal pressure coef cient from the
(Gerri) T parapet
Table 207A.1l-l
(6%) combined net pressure coef cient
207C.4.l.l External Pressure Coef cients (GCM) +1.5 for windward parapet
—1 .0 for leeward parapet
The combined gust effect factor and external pressure
coef cients for low-rise buildings, (GCM), are not
permitted to be separated.
0 9 .
\k° 9
_ . "-
. -\ 0
»‘ ® H \ »' I
o l»
Load Case A """""" Load Case 3 *
Figure C207C.4-2
[In ll
Hip Roofed Low-Rise Buildings
I. Adapt the loadings shown in Figure 207C.4-1 for hip roofed buildings as shown above. For a given hip roof pitch use the roof coefficients from the Case A table for both
Load Case A and Load Case B.
2. The total horizontal shear shall not be less than that determined by neglecting the wind forces on roof surfaces.
\_m_®I C
M 9 6_____
gp mMg
/%:__ _1\___:”
_I§’_ _ _
WM §@__\
F my ur € 2 0 7 C A 1
t 1
_ tS
E n C M S e d, P 3n M W E n C M C d B _m
M _mg S’ h
S <_ 1 8 m L OW qB C E 3 n d RO O "E
A S S O C G t b H O f S t r U Ct U r u E H g _m 8 G r S O ‘I t h 8 PN _m p _m 6 SI m Q MS E P )
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-111
." :12:
- .~¥.\\.\"S‘3\§ ..~
E; “l=‘ i ==....E
1 =
. --ii=1|l 1 : J. 3-,
U !I | |I ll I 1'1" ‘-=~‘\*§-_\ >\\‘"-¥'t-.'\\‘-:--\>>\.--‘-ear:-‘ .
'\\.§-;-q?_\'-\-._ 3 -.'~;¢ \:-.Q\ ‘ 1 - ;- /IE‘
x .
rt /“list
». -.7.-.”
Cast-:A Torsion up .
Case B Torsion
Ilil il IAN!
KZ = 0. 70
'r_ii‘{’.\'.\'i'tl‘{’ l>cr'oiiir*s- ;m.s'i'ti'i'r* and a negative internal KZ, = 1. 0
p,|'¢'.§'.\'£i't‘t' tt.\'i;’-fl iii l.miil ( '1 isc 2 in the table may produce Pressure coetficients are om Figure 207C.4-1.
ti criiiti'ril'liri_!; (‘i'i'.\‘i'.’. l*'i'rmi 25° to 45°, both positive and
negative internal pressure cases (Load Cases 1 and 2, Wall elements resisting two or more simultaneous wind-
respectively) must be checkedfor the roof induced structural actions (e.g., bending, uplift, or
shear) should be designedfor the interaction ofthe wind
For the designer to use this methodfor the design ofthe loads as part of the MWFRS. The horizontal loads in
MWFRS, the building must conform to all of the Figure 207C.6-1 are the sum of the windward and
requirements listed in Section 207A.8.2,' otherwise the leeward pressures and are therefore not applicable as
Directional Procedure, Part 1 of the Envelope individual wall pressures for the interaction load cases.
Procedure, or the Wind Tunnel Procedure must be used. Design wind pressures, ps for zones A and C, should be
This method is based on Part 1 of the Envelope multiplied by +0. 85for use on windward walls and by —
Procedure, as shown in Figure 207C.4-1, for a specific 0. 70 for use on leeward walls (the plus sign signi es
group of buildings (simple diaphragm buildings). pressures acting toward the wall surface). For side
However, the torsional loadingfrom Figure 207C.4-1 is walls, ps for zone C multiplied by ~0. 65 should be used.
deemed to be too complicatedfor a simpli ed method. These wall elements must also be checked for the
The last requirement in Section 207C. 6.2 prevents the various separately acting (not simultaneous) component
use ofthis methodfor buildings with lateral systems that and cladding load cases.
are sensitive to torsional wind loading.
Main wind-force resisting roof members spanning at
Note 5 of Figure 207C.4-1 identi es several building least from the eave to the ridge or supporting members
types that are known to be insensitive to torsion and may spanning at least om eave to ridge are not required to
therefore be designed using the provisions of be designedfor the higher end zone loads. The interior
Section 207C.6. Additionally, buildings whose lateral zone loads should be applied. This is due to the
resistance in each principal direction is provided by two enveloped nature of the loads for roofmembers.
shear walls, braced cames, or momentframes that are
spaced apart a distance not less than 75 percent of the 207C.5 General Requirements
width ofthe building measured normal to the orthogonal
wind direction, and other building types and element The steps required for the determination of MWFRS wind
arrangements described in Section 207B.6.1 or loads on enclosed simple diaphragm buildings are shown
207B. 6.2 are also insensitive to torsion. This property in Table 207C.5-1.
could be demonstrated by designing the building using
Part I of Section 207C, Figure 207C.4-1, and showing
that the torsion load cases defined in Note 5 do not User Note.‘
Section 207C.
207C.5.1 Wind Load Parameters Speci ed in Section
Values are tabulatedfor Exposure B at ll = 9.0 m, and
KZ, = 1.0. Multiplying factors are provided for other
exposures and ‘heights. The following values have been
The following wind load parameters are speci ed in
used in preparation ofthe gures:
Section 207A: F
Exposure B
( pi) = i 0.18 (enclosed building) 0 Basic Wind Speed V (Section 207A.5)
ll = 9.0m 0 Exposure category (Section 207A.7)
K, = 0.85
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume l, 7th Edition, 2015
2-114 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Simpli ed design wind pressures, ps, for the MWFRS of The load effects of the design wind pressures from Section
[ow-rise simple diaphragm buildings represent the net 207C.6.3 shall not be less than a minimum load de ned by
pressures (sum of intemal and external) to be applied to the assuming the pressures, ps, for zones A and C equal to
horizontal and vertical projections of building surfaces as +766 Pa, Zones B and D equal to +383 Pa, while assuming
Shown in Figure 207C.6-1. For the horizontal pressures ps for Zones E, F, G, and H are equal to 0.0 Pa.
(Zones A, B, C, D), p, is the combination of the windward
and leeward net pressures. p, shall be determined by the
following equation:
Ps = /lKz:Ps30 (207C-6'1)
A adjustment factor for building height and
exposure from Figure 207C.6-1
Kl, topographic factor as de ned in
Section 207A.8 evaluated at mean roof
height, h
Psso simpli ed design wind pressure for
Exposure B, at h = 9 m from Figure 207C.6-
2- l ‘I6 CHAPTER 2 — |\/liiiiniuni Design Loads '
1'I E# ii
A g ‘ ‘illl
gt‘ i
_ 5,:
i $i",f;i ‘ ~ "" j
| r l
\\\\ \\
\\\\\‘\ H25..
-% \ r -
/% ’ liizlg _ _§ D
is ® if S’,
coma Q,
lleighl " Wiruii-\an.l
l. Pressures shown are applied to the horizontal and vertical projections, for exposure B, at h = 9 m. Adjust to other exposures and height
with adjustment factor A.
2. The load patterns show shall be applied to each comer ofthe building in tum as the reference comer. (See Figure 207C.4-1)
3. For Case B use 9 = 0°.
4. Load cases 1 and 2 must be checked for 25“ < 0 5 45“. Load case 2 at 25" is provided only for interpolation between 25” and 30“.
5. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the projected surfaces, respectively.
6. For roof slopes other than those shown, linear interpolation is permitted.
7. The total horizontal load shall not be less than that determined by assuming ps = 0 in zones B and D. '
8. Where zone E or G falls on a roof overhang on the windward side of the building, use E0" and G0“ for the pressure on the horizontal
projection ofthe overhang. Overhangs on the leeward and side edges shall have the basic zone pressure applied.
9. Notation:
10% ofleast horizontal dimension or 0.4/1, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% ofleast horizontal dimension or 0.9 m
Mean roof height, in meters, except that eave height shall be used for roof angles < 10°.
PF‘ Angle of plane of roof from horizontal, in degrees.
Figure 207C.6-1
Main Wind Force Resisting System — Method 2.Design Wind Pressure
Enclosed Buildings h 3 18 m Walls and Roofs
.--'-fiif "iii
511511 Zones , __ i
- R f
' speed
wmd 00
Angle Load 7 Horizontal Pressures Vertical Pressures l Overhangs p
(degrees) _\ Case‘ A B _ C _M_ D E i FmG_HiEOH con
EL‘) l 066 034 ‘044 02 079
7 01050 i -0.45 -0.55 I -0.35 -1.11 -0.87 H
10° 1 0.74 -0.31 0.49 -0.18 -0.79 -0.48 -0.55 _, -0.37 ,_ -1.11 _ -0.87 _,
15° 1 0.83 -0.27 0.55 -0.16 -0.79 -0.52 -0.55 -0.39 ,_ -1.11 _‘__-0.87 _,
20° W i 0.91 -0.24 , 0.61 -0.13 -0.79 -0.55, -0.55 -0.42 -1.11 -0.87 A
1-1 0.83 0.13 0.6 0.14 -0.37 -0.5 -0.27 -0.41 L -0.68 fl -0.58 i
[Q 0 0 0 0 -0.14 -0.27 -0.04 i
-0.181 0 0 _ I
>_n 0.74 0.51 0.59 0.41 0.06 -0.45 0.02 \ -0.39 -0.26 -0.3 |
30 to 45°
l\) 0.74 0.51 _ 0.59 0.41 0.29 -0.227 0.25 I-0.16 -0.26 -0.3 l
0to5° >_¢ 1.17 -0.61 i 0.78 -0.36 -1.41 -0.8 -0.98 -0.62 -1.97 -1.54 _\
10°i1 1.32 -0.55 0.88 -0.32 -1.41 -0.86 , -0.98 i -0.67 -1.97 -1.54 gi
15° 1 1.48 -0.48 0.98 -0.28 -1.41 -0.92 1 -0.98 -0.7 -1.97 -1.54
20° 1 1.62 -0.43 1.08 -0.23 -1.41 -0.98 V. -0.98 -0.74 -1.97 -1.54
1 1.48 0.23 1.07 0.25 -0.65 -0.89 -0.47 -0.72 -1.22 -1.03 1
2 0 0 0 0 -0.25 -0.48 -0.07 _ -0.32 0 0
1 1.32 0.9 1.05 0.72 0.1 -0.8 0.03 -0.68 -0.46 -0.53 i
30 to 45°
2 1.32 0.9 1.05 0.72 0.51 -0.39 0.44 -0.28 , -0.46 1 -0.53
\_ 0to5° 1 1,83 -0.95 1.22 -0.57 -2.2 -1.25 -1.53 , -0.97 -3.08 -2.41
_ _19_° __, 1 2.06 -0.86 1.37 -0.49 -2.2 -l.34i -1.53 -1.04 -3.08 -2.41 1
15° 1 2.31 -0.76 i 1.53 -0.44 -2.2 -1.44 -1.53 -1.09 -3.08 C-2.41%
2.53 -0.67 1 1.69 -0.37 2.2 7 -1.53 -1.53 -1.16 -3.08 ___-2.41_
i 25°
1 2.31 0.37 1.67 0.39 -1.02 -.139, - 0 .74 -113
. 1 -1.9 -1.62
2 0 0 0 0 -0.39 -0.76- -0.11 (-0.49 _ 0 0
1 2.06 1.41 1.64 1.13 0.16 -1.25 0.05 , -1.07 -0.72 -0.83 _
30 to 45°
2 2.06 1.41 1.64 1.13 0.79 -0.62 0.68 -0.44 -0.72 -0.83 _
Figure 207C.6-1
Main Wind Force Resisting System — Method 2 Design Wind Pressure
Enclosed Buildings h 5 18 m Walls and Roofs, Simpli ed Design Wind Pressure, psi“, (Pa)
(Exposure B at h = 9.0 m with I = 1.0
2-118 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Wind Vertical Pressures 1 Overhan
Angle. Load , Horizontal Pressur
(kph) (degrees) j Case A B _ C E_F G H EOH
2.63 i -137 175 _-3.17, -1.8 -2.2 -1.39 _ -4.44
207D Wind Loads on Other Structures and Building designed using recognized literature documenting such
Appurtenances - MWFRS wind load effects or shall use the Wind Tunnel Procedure
speci ed in Section 207F.
207D.1 Scope
207D.1.4 Shielding
207D.1.l Structure Types
There shall be no reductions in velocity pressure due to
This section applies to the determination of wind loads on apparent shielding afforded by buildings and other
building appurtenances (such as rooftop structures and structures or terrain features.
rooftop equipment) and other structures of all heights (such
as solid freestanding walls and freestanding solid signs, 207D.2 General Requirements
chimneys, tanks, open signs, lattice frameworks, and
trussed towers) using the Directional Procedure. 207D.2.1 Wind Load Parameters Speci ed in
Section 207A
The steps required for the determination of wind loads on
building appurtenances and other structures are shown in The following wind load parameters shall be determined in
Table 207D.1-l. accordance with Section 207A:
0 Basic Wind Speed V (Section 207A.5)
User Note:
O Wind directionality Factor Kd (Section 207A.6)
Use Section 207D to determine wind pressures on the
MWFRS of solidfreestanding walls, eestanding solid 0 Exposure category (Section 207A.7)
signs, chimneys, tanks, open signs, lattice frameworks
and trussed towers. Wind loads on roo op structures 0 Topographic factor Kl, (Section 207A.8)
and equipment may be determined from the provisions
ofthis chapter. The windpressures are calculated using
0 Enclosure classi cation (Section 207A.10)
speci c equations based upon the Directional .
207D.3 Velocity Pressure
’ €a—
2-120 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
207D.3.2 Velocity Pressure Table 207D. 1-1
Steps to Determine Wind Loads on MWFRS Rooftop
Velocity pressure, qz, evaluated at height Z shall be Equipment and Other Structures
calculated by the following equation: ‘_ __
Step 1 : Determine occupancy category of building or
(207113- other structure, see Table 103-1
qz = 0. 613K,KZ,KdV2 (N/m2); V in m/s 1)
Step 2: Determine the basic wind speed, V, for the
where applicable risk category, see Figure 207A.5-
wind directionality factor, see 1A, B or C
Section 207A.6 Step 3: Determine wind load parameters:
K, velocity pressure exposure
> Wind directionality factor, Kd, see
coef cient, see Section 207D.3.1
Section 207A.6 and Table 207A.6-1
Kn topographic factor de ned, see
Section 207A.8.2 > Exposure category B, C or D, see
V basic wind speed, see Section 207A.5 Section 207A.7
qn velocity pressure calculated using
Equation 207D.3-1 at height h > Topographic factor, Kzt, see
Section 207A.8 and Figure 207A.8-1
The numerical coef cient 0.613 shall be used except i > Gust Effect Factor, G, see Section 207A.9
where suf cient climatic data are available to justify the
selection of a different value of this factor for a design Step 4: Determine velocity pressure exposure
application. coef cient, KZ or Kh, see Table 207D.2-1
Step 5: Determine velocity pressure qz or qh, see
Equation 207D.3-1
Step 6: Detennine force coef cient, Cf:
> Solid freestanding signs or solid
freestanding walls, Figure 207D.4-1
> Chimneys, tanks, rooftop equipment
Figure 207D.5-1
> Open signs, lattice frameworks
Figure 207D.5-2
> Trussed towers Figure 207D.4-3
Step 7: Calculate wind force, F:
> Equation 207D.4-1 for signs and walls
> Equation 207D.6-1 and Equation 207D.6-
2 for rooftop structures and equipment
> Equation 207D.5-1 for other structures
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-121
Commentary; the local mean net pressure coe icient data for wind
direction 45 °) from the referenced wind tunnel studies
See commentary, Section C207B.3.2. to generateforce coefficientsfor square regions starting
at the windward edge. Pressures near this edge increase
Figure 207D.4-1. The force coe icients for solid significantly as the length ofthe structure increases. No
freestanding walls and signs in Figure 207D.4-1 date data were available on the spatial distribution of
back to ANSI A58.1-1972. It was shown by Letchford pressures for structures with low aspect ratios (B/s <
(2001) that these data originated from wind tunnel 2).
studies performed by Flachsbart in the early 1930s in
smooth uniform ow. The current values in Figure The sample illustration for Case C at the top of
207D.4-1 are based on the results of boundary layer Figure 207D.4-1 is for a sign with an aspect ratio
wind tunnel studies (Letchford 1985, 2001, Holmes B/s = 4. For signs ofdi ering B/s ratios, the number
I986, Letchford and Holmes 1994, Ginger et al. 1998a of regions is equal to the number offorce coe icient
and 1998b, and Letchford and Robertson 1999). entries located below each B/s column heading.
A surface curve fit to Letchford's (2001) and Holmes 's For oblique wind directions (Case C), increasedforce
(1986) area averaged mean netpressure coejficient data coe icients have been observed on aboveground signs
(equivalent to mean force coe icients in this case) is compared to the same aspect ratio walls on ground
given by thefollowing equation (Letchford 1985, 2001 and Ginger et al. 1998a). The
ratio offorce coefficients between above-ground and
1.563 + 0. 0042 ln(x) - 0. 0614831 on-groundsigns (i.e., s/h = 0. 8 and 1.0, respectively)
C, +0. 009011[ln(x)]Z - 0. 2603312 /0. 3 is 1.25, which is the same ratio used in the Australian /
-0. 08393y[ln(x)] New Zealand Standard (Standards Australia 2002).
Note 5 of Figure 207D.4-1 provides for linear
wherex = B/s andy = S/h interpolation between these two cases.
The 0.85 term in the denominator modifies the wind For walls and signs on the ground (s/h = 1), the mean
tunnel-derivedforce coe icients into aformat where the vertical center ofpressure ranged om 0. 5h to 0. 6h
gust e ect factor as defined in Section 207A.9 can be (Holmes 1986, Letch ard 1989, Letchford and Holmes
used. 1994, Robertson et al. 1995, 1996, and Ginger et al.
1998a) with 0. 55h being the average value. For
Force coe icients for Cases A and B were generated above-ground walls and signs, the geometric center best
from the preceding equation, then rounded o ‘ to the represents the_expected vertical center ofpressure.
nearest 0.05. That equation is only valid within the
range ofB/S and s/h ratios given in the gurefor Case The reduction in Cf due to porosity (Note 2) follows a
A and B. recommendation (Letchford 2001). Both wind tunnel
and full-scale data have shown that return corners
Of all the pertinent studies, only Letchford (2001) signi cantly reduce the net pressures in the region near
specifically addressed eccentricity (i. e., Case B). the windward edge of the wall or sign (Letchford and
Letchford reported that his data provided a reasonable Robertson 1999).
match to Cook's (1990) recommendation for using an
eccentricity of 0. 25 times the average width of the sign.
However, the data were too limited in scope to justify
changing the existing eccentricity value of 0.2 times the
average width ofthe sign, which is also used in the latest
Australian / New Zealand Standard (Standards
Australia 2002).
2-122 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
207D.4 Design Wind Loads - Solid Freestanding Walls turbulent boundary-layer flows has yet to be completely
and Solid Signs established. Additional pressure coe icientsfor conditions
not specified herein may be found in two references (SIA
207D.4.1 Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid
Freestanding Signs
With regard to Figure 207D.5-3, tiieforce coe_[)’ir.'ieiit.r are
a refinement of the coefficients specified in ANSI 1158.1-
The design wind force for solid freestanding walls and
1982 and in ASCE 7-93. The force rrrie icierits s,i:c-cg‘/ieri
solid freestanding signs shall be determined by the
are offered as a simplified procedure that may be usedfor
following formula:
trussed towers and are consistent with force coe icients
given in /iNS1/EMfT1A—222—E- 1991. .S'trm'tui'u1 Steiiiciaidr
F = q,,cc,A, (N) (207D.4-1) for Steel Antenna Toivers and Aritemia Supporting
Sri'iicmi'es. and force i coe icients recorrimemiecl by
where Working Gl"0Il‘;‘} No. 4 (Rec-onimeiidcitioi"i.s jbr Giryed
Masts), liiternotioncil /issoci'ai'i'on _/En" Shell and S,oatial
qh = velocity pressure evaluated at height h Structures (1981).
(de ned in Figure 207D.4-1) as determined
in accordance with Section 207D.3.2 It is not the intent of this code to exclude the use of other
G = gust-effect factor from Section 207A.9 recognized literature for the design of special structures,
Cf = net force coef cient from Figure 207D.4-1 such as transmission and telecommunications towers.
As = the gross area of the solid freestanding wall Recommendations for wind loads on tower guys are not
or freestanding solid sign, m2 proi=ia'ed as in l‘B\*llOl£S editioris of the code. Recognized
1itei'i:mii'e should be i'efer'eiiceci' for the r1e.i'ign of these
207D.4.2 Solid Attached Signs specicil structiii'es' as is i-ioterl in Section 2071). 1.3. 1'"oi' the
design ofjlagpoies. see ANSI/NAAMM FP1001-9.7, 4!)‘:
The design wind pressure on a solid sign attached to the Ed. Giiide S]J£’Ci C{l1f0t1Sf0l"128.912‘?! ofMetal F'logpole.s'.
wall of a building. where the plane of the sign is parallel to
and in contact with the plane of the wall, and the sign does 207D.5 Design Wind Loads—Other Structures
not extend beyond the side or top edges of the wall, shall
be determined using procedures for wind pressures on Tlie design wind force for other structures (chimneys,
walls in accordance with Section 207E, and setting the tanks, rooftop equiprnent for h>60° , and similar
internal pressure coef cient (GCp,) equal to 0. structures, open signs, lattice frameworks, and trussed
towers) shall be deierniiiied by the following equation:
This procedure shall also be applicable to solid signs
attached to but not in direct contact with the wall, provided
the gap between the sign and wall is no more than 0.9 m
F = qzGCfAf (N) (207D.5-1)
and the edge of the sign is at least 0.9 m in from free edges
of the wall, i.e., side and top edges and bottom edges of where
elevated walls. q, = velocity pressure evaluated at height z as
de ned in Section 207D.3, of the centroid
Commentary: of area Af
G = gust-effect factor from Section 207A.9
Signs attached to walls and subject to the geometric Cf = force coef cients from Figures 207D.5-1
limitations of Section 207D.4.2 should experience wind through 207D.5-3
pressures approximately equal to the externalpressures on As = projected area normal to the wind except
the wall to which they are attached. The dimension where Cf is speci ed for the actual surface
requirements for signs supported by frameworks, where area, m2
there is a small gap between the sign and the wall, are
based on the collective judgment ofthe committee.
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-123 i
207D.5.l Rooftop Structures and Equipment for areas that are relatively small with respect to that of the
Buildings with h 5 18 m buildings they are on. Because GCr is expected to
approach I .0 as Af or A, approaches that of the building
The lateral force Fh on rooftop structures and equipment (Bh or BL), a linear interpolation is included as a way to
located on buildings with a mean roof height h 5 18 m avoid a step function in load if the designer wants to treat
shall be determined from Equation 207D.5-2. other sizes. The research in Hosoya et al (2001) only
treated one value ofAf (0. 04-Bh). The research in Kopp
F, = q,,(cc,)/i, (N) (207115-2) and Traczuk (2008) treated values of Af = 0. 02Bh and
0. 03Bh, and values ofA, = 0. 0067BL.
In both cases the research also showed high upl1'fts on the
(GC,) = 1.9 for rooftop structures and equipment top ofrooftop. Hence uplift load should also be considered
with A; less than (0.1Bh). (GCT) shall be by the designer and is addressed in Section 20 7D. 6.
permitted to be reduced linearly from 1.9
to 1.0 as the value ofAf is increased from 207D.6 Pa rapets
(0.1Bh) to (Bh)
qh = velocity pressure evaluated at mean roof Wind loads on parapets are speci ed in Section 207B.4.5 li
height of the building for buildings of all heights designed using the Directional
Af = vertical projected area of the rooftop Procedure and in Section 207C.4.2 for low-rise buildings
structure or equipment on a plane normal designed using the Envelope Procedure.
to the direction of wind, m2
The vertical uplift force, F,,, on rooftop structures and
equipment shall be determined from Equation 207D.5-3. Prior to the 2002 edition ofthe standard, no provisionsfor
the design ofparapets had been included due to the lack of
F, = q,,(GC,_)A, (N) (207115-3) direct research. In the 2002 edition of this standard, a
rational method was added based on the committee's
Where collective experience, intuition, andjudgment. In the 2005 l"
2-124 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
turn be the windward and leewardparapet and, therefore, The internal pressure that may be present inside a parapet
must be designedfor both sets ofpressures. is highly dependent on theporosity ofthe parapet €I’Iv€I0pe_
In other words, it depends on the likelihood of the wall
For the design ofthe MWFRS, the pressures used describe surface materials to leak air pressure into the internal
the contribution ofthe parapet to the overall wind loads on cavities of the parapet. For solid parapets, such as
that system. For simplicity, thefront and backpressures on concrete or masonry, the internal pressure is zero because
the parapet have been combined into one coe icient for there is no internal cavity. Certain wall materials may be
MWFRS design. The designer should not typically need the impervious to air leakage, and as such have little or no
separate ont and backpressuresfor MWFRS design. The internal pressure or suction, so using the value ofGCpi for
internal pressures inside the parapet cancel out in the an enclosed building may be appropriate. However,
determination ofthe combined coe icient. The summation certain materials and systems used to construct parapets
of these external and internal, ont and back pressure containing cavities are more porous, thusjustijying the use
coefficients is a new term GCW, the Combined Net of the GCM values for partially enclosed buildings, or
Pressure Coe icientfor a parapet. higher. Another factor in the internal pressure
determination is whether theparapet cavity connects to the
For the design of the components and cladding, a similar internal space of the building, allowing the building’s
approach was used. However, it is not possible to simpli}y internal pressure to propagate into the parapet. Selection
the coe icients due to the increased complexity of the ofthe appropriate internalpressure coe icient is left to the
components and cladding pressure coefficients. In judgment ofthe design professional.
addition, the ont and back pressures are not combined
because the designer may be designing separate elements
on each face of the parapet. The internal pressure is
reqiiired to determine the net pressiires on the windward
and leeward surfaces of-the parapet. The provisions guide
the designer to the correct GCp and velocity pressure to
use for each surface, as illustrated in Figure C207D. 7-1.
Interior walls thatprotrude through the roof such as party
walls and re walls, should be designed as windward
parapetsfor both MWFRS and components and cladding.
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2 125
. i
IIII Iii. i
:55: §$s§i. = i
I vs _I-
I'll g§§§s
. '.u....' 311;: 1 r .. 11- . \-
"" "7 r"-.:, _*-1 .;'.""T'.""-' .u"'.'.:"'1
2 E
E Illu PII IB(+I-)
Figure C207D.7- 1
Design Wind Pressures on Parapets
Wind loads on roof overhangs are speci ed in This section speci es a minimum wind load to be
Section 207B.4.4 for buildings of all heights designed horizontally on the entire verticalprojection ofthe
using the Directional Procedure and in Section 207C.4.3 or other structure, as shown in Figure C207B 4-]
for low-rise buildings designed using the Envelope load case is to be applied as a separate load case in
Procedure. addition to the normal load cases specified in afher
portions ofthis chapter.
207D.8 Minimum Design Wind Loading
The design wind force for other structures shall be not less
than 0.77 kN/m2 multiplied by the area Ar.
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-127
0 I I
“III _
‘ ' cnec
aauinouvav ,qFf Lu‘ __ .4. . |__..|
: F KI
F In
—iT,, _ ..-‘I
F F F F .-
€ "KW
- .
gem! .-u-_
pm-| llIII=IlHu.lh
kph: lib
i 1 I 8 7 """""U| I! 1-Ii
Dbl Z3 119' 110' 3.56‘
as Obi LN’ LN‘
lbb LII Z00 225 111 lbh IN ZS
Blah 1.15 1.1) I.‘ 156 L5 I.7l_)_ Si
_. bh ZN 1.‘
[.10 Ml 1K 1.M IN § Shh 1.5 LS
huh us 1.5
h . @Il!lEII_IEI
.' ' 1 a ZIKI3
2 Signs with openings comprising less than 30% of the gross area are classi ed as solid signs. Force coefficients for solid signs with
openings shall be permitted to be multiplied by the reduction factor (1 — (1 — r-:)1 5).
3 To allow for both normal and oblique wind directions, the following cases shall be considered:
For s/ h < 1:
CASE A: resultant force acts normal to the face of the sign through the geometric center.
CASE B: resultant force acts normal to the face of the sign at a distance from the geometric center toward the windward
edge equal to 0.2 times the average width ofthe sign.
For B/s 2 2, CASE C must also be considered:
CASE C: resultant forces act normal to the face of the sign through the geometric centers of each region.
For s/ h = 1:
The same cases as above except that the vertical locations of the resultant forces occur at a distance above the geometric
center equal to 0.05 times the average height of the sign
For CASE C where s/h > 0.8, force coef cients shall be multiplied by the reduction factor (1.8 — s/h).
Linear interpolation is permitted for values of s/h, B/s and L,/s other than shown.
B horizontal dimension of sign, m; £2 ratio of solid area to gross area;
h height of the sign, m Lrz horizontal dimension of return corner, m
s vertical dimension of the sign, m;
Figure 207D.4-1
Design Wind Loads Force Coef cients (Cf) Other Structures
All Heights of Solid Freestanding Walls & Solid Freestanding Signs
The design wind force shall be calculated based on the area ofthe structure projected on a plane normal to the wind direction The
force shall be assumed to act parallel to the wind direction
Linear interpolation is permitted for h/D values other than shown
D diameter of circular cross-section and least horizontal dimension of square, hexagonal or octagonal cross-sections at elevation
under consideration, in meters,
D depth of protniding elements such as ribs and spoilers, m and
h height of structure, m, and
q, velocity pressure evaluated at height z above ground N/m2
For rooftop equipment on buildings with a mean roofheight ofh 3 18 m, use Section 207D 5 1
Signs with openings comprising 30% or more ofthe gross area are classi ed as open signs
The calculation of the design wind forces shall be based on the area of all exposed members and elements projected on a plane
normal to the wind direction Forces shall be assumed to act parallel to the wind direction
The area A; consistent with these force coef cients is the solid area projected normal to the wind direction
Tower Cross Section Cf ,
Notes: ‘
l. For all wind directions considered, the area A; consistent with the speci ed force coef cients shall be the solid area of a tower face ii
projected on the plane of that face for the tower segment under consideration.
2. The speci ed force coef cients are for towers with structural angles or similar at sided members. i
3. For towers containing rounded members, it is acceptable to multiply the speci ed force coef cients by the following factor when
determining wind forces on such members:
0. 5162 + 0. 57, but not > 1.0
4. Wind forces shall be applied in the directions resulting in maximum member forces and reactions. For towers with square cross-sections,
wind forces shall be multiplied by the following factor when the wind is directed along a tower diagonal:
1 + 0.756, but not > 1.2
5. Wind forces on tower appurtenances such as ladders, conduits, lights, elevators, etc., shall be calculated using appropriate force '
coef cients for these elements.
6. Notation: _
6: ratio of solid area to gross area of one tower face for the segment under consideration.
Figure 207115-2 I
Other Structures Force Coef cients, Cf Trussed Towers of All Heights
—- ik.
207E Wind Loads — Components and Cladding indicate that some reduction in pressures for components 1.1
(C&C) and cladding of buildings located in Exposure B is
justified. Hence, the code permits the use of the applicab[e
Commentary: exposure category when using these coe cients.
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-131
There shall be no reductions in velocity pressure due to The design wind pressures derived from Section 207E
apparent shielding afforded by buildings and other represent thepressure differential between the exterior and
structures or terrain features. interior surfaces of the exterior envelope (wall or roof
system). Because of partial air-pressure equalization
207E.1.5 Air-Permeable Cladding provided by air-permeable claddings, the components and
cladding pressures derived from Section 207E can
Design wind loads determined from Section 207E shall be overestimate the load on air-permeable cladding elements.
used for air-permeable cladding unless approved test data The designer may elect either to use the loads derivedfrom
or recognized literature demonstrates lower loads for the Section 207E or to use loads derived by an approved
type of air-permeable cladding being considered. alternative method. Ifthe designer desires to determine the al
2-132 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
D In
l: :". . : : .
Figure C207E.l-l
Distribution of Net Components and Cladding Pressure Acting on a Building Surface
(Building Envelope) Comprised of Three Components (Layers)
207E.2.4 External Pressure Coef cients 207E.4-2C. The pressure coefficient values provided in
these gures are to be usedfor buildings with a mean roof
Combined gust effect factor and external pressure height ofI8 m or less. The values were obtainedfrom wind-
coef cients for components and cladding, (GCP), are tunnel tests conducted at the University of Western Ontario
given in the gures associated with this chapter. The (Davenport et al. 1977, 1978), at the James Cook
pressure coef cient values and gust effect factor shall not University ofNorth Queensland (Best and Holmes I978),
be separated. and at Concordia University (Stathopoulos 1981,
Stathopoulos and Zhu I988, Stathopoulos and Luchian
207E.3 Velocity Pressure 1990, 1992, and Stathopoulos and Saatho “ 1991). These
coe icients were refined to re ect results of 4ll-scale tests
conducted by the National Bureau ofStandards (Marshall
207E.3.1 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coef cient
I 977) and the Building Research Station, England (Eaton
and Mayne 1975). Pressure coe icients for hemispherical
Based on the exposure category determined in
domes on the ground or on cylindrical structures were
Section 207A.7.3, a velocity pressure exposure coef cient
based on wind-tunnel tests (Taylor I991). Some of the
KZ or Kh, as applicable, shall be determined from
characteristics ofthe values in the gure are asfollows:
Table 207E.3-l. For a site located in a transition zone
between exposure categories, that is, near to a change in 1. The values are combined values of (GCP). The gust
ground surface roughness, intermediate values of KZ or e ect factors from these values should not be
Kh, between those shown in Table 207E.3-l, are permitted, separated.
provided that they are determined by a rational analysis
method de ned in the recognized literature. 2. The velocity pressure qh evaluated at mean roof
height should be used with all values of (GCp).
Commentary: 3. The values provided in the gure represent the upper
bounds of the most severe values for any wind
See commentary, Section C207B.3.1. direction. The reduced probability that the design
wind speed may not occur in the particular direction
207E.3.2 Velocity Pressure for which the worst pressure coe icient is recorded
has not been included in the values shown in the
Velocity pressure, qz, evaluated at height z shall be gure.
calculated by the following equation:
4. The wind-tunnel values, as measured, were based on
the mean hourly wind speed. The values provided in
qz = 0.613KzKf;5:dV2 (N/m2);V in (207E_3_1) the gures are the measured values divided by (1.53)2
(see Figure C207A.5-1) to ac ust for the reduced
pressure coe icient values associated with a 3-s gust
where speed.
Kd = wind directionality factor, see Section
Each component and cladding element should be designed
for the maximum positive and negative pressures
KZ = velocity pressure exposure coef cient, see
(including applicable internal pressures) acting on it. The
Section 207E.3.1
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
2-134 CHAPTER 2 - l\/linimum Design Loads
pressure coe icient values should be determinedfor each Figure 207E.6-1. The pressure coefficients shown in this
component and cladding element on the basis of its gure re ect the results obtained from comprehensive
location on the building and the e ective area for the wind tunnel studies carried out (Stathopoulos and
element. Research (Stathopoulos and Zhu I988, I990) Dumitrescu-Brulotte I989). The availability of more
indicated that the pressure coe icients provided generally comprehensive wind tunnel data has also allowed a
apply to facades with architectural features, such as simpli cation of the zoningfor pressure coe icients, at
balconies, ribs, and variousfacade textures. In ASCE 7-02, roofs are now divided into three zones, and walls are
the roof slope range and values of (GCP) were updated represented by two zones.
based on subsequent studies (Stathopoulos et al. I999,
2000, 2001). The external pressure coe icients and zones given in
Figure 207E.6-1 were established by wind tunnel tests on
Figures 207E.4-4, 207E.4-5A, and 207E.4-5B. These isolated "box-like " buildings (Akins and Cermak 1975 and
gures present values of (GCP) for the design of roof Peterka and Cermak I 975). Boundary-layer wind-tunnel
tests on high-rise buildings (mostly in downtown city
components and cladding for buildings with multispan
gable roofs and buildings with monoslope roo ". The centers) show that variations in pressure coe icients and
the distribution of pressure on the different building
coe icients are based on wind tunnel studies (Stathopoulos
facades are obtained (Templin and Cermak I 978). These
and Mohammadian 1986, Surly and Stathopoulos 1988,
variations are due to building geometry, low attached
and Stathopoulos and Saatho 1991).
buildings, nonrectangular cross-sections, setbacks, and
sloping surfaces. In addition, surrounding buildings
Figure 207E.4-6. The values of(GCP) in this gure arefor
contribute to the variations in pressure. Wind tunnel tests
the design of roof components and cladding for buildings indicate that pressure coe cients are not distributed
with sawtooth roofs and mean roof height, h, less than or symmetrically and can give rise to torsional wind loading
equal to I8 m. Note that the coe icients for corner zones on the building. ,
on segmentA dijfer om those coe icientsfor corner zones
on the segments designated as B, C, and D. Also, when the
Boundary-layer wind-tunnel tests that include modeling of
roofangle is less than or equal to 10°, values of (GCP) for surrounding buildings permit the establishment of more
regular gable roofs (Figure 207E.4-2A) are to be used. The exact magnitudes and distributions of (GCP) for buildings
coe icients included in Figure 207E.4-6 are based on wind
that are not isolated or ”boxlike ” in shape. l
tunnel studies reported by Saathojf and Stathopoulos
Table 207E.3-1
Velocity Pressure Exposure Coef cients, Kh and K2
1. The velocity pressure exposure coef cient KZ may be determined from the following formula:
For4.57m$z$zg Forz<4.57m
2-136 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
For the determination of the design wind pressures on the Use Part I ofSection 207E to determine windpressures
components and claddings using the provisions of on C&C of enclosed and partially enclosed low-rise
Section 207E.4.2 the conditions indicated on the selected buildings having roof shapes as speci ed in the
gure(s) shall be applicable to the building under applicable gures. The provisions in Part I are based
consideration. on the Envelope Procedure with wind pressures
calculated using the specified equation as applicable to
each building surface. For buildings for which these
provisions are applicable this method generally yields
the lowest wind pressures of all analytical methods
contained in this code.
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-137
Step 2 Determine the basic wind speed, V, for the 0 Low-rise building (see de nition in Section 207A.2)
applicable risk category, see Figure 207A.5-
1A, B or C I Building with ll S 18 m 1
Step 3 Determine wind load parameters: The building has a at roof, gable roof, or hip roof. The 1
> Wind directionality factor, Kd, see steps required for the detennination of wind loads on i
Section 207A.6 and Table 207A.6-1 components and cladding for these building types are I
shown in Table 207E.5-1.
> Exposure category B, C or D, see Section
207A.7 207E.5.l Conditions
> Topographic factor, Kzb see Section
207A.8 and Figure 207A.8-1 For the design of components and cladding the building
shall comply with all the following conditions:
> Enclosure classi cation, see Section
207A.10 1. The mean roof height h must be less than or equal to
> Internal pressure coef cient, (Gflpi), see 18 m (i.e. h S 18 m).
Section 207A.11 and Table 207A.11-1
2. The building is enclosed as de ned in I
Step 4: Determine velocity pressure exposure Section 207A.2 and confonns to the wind-borne debris
coef cient K, or Kh, see Table 207E.3-l provisions of Section 207A.10.3.
Step 5 Determine velocity pressure, qh, see
Equation 207E.3-1 3. The building is a regular-shaped building or structure
as de ned in Section 207A.2.
Step 6 Determine external pressure coef cient,
(6%) 4. The building does not have response characteristics
making it -subject to across wind loading, vortex
> Walls, see Figure 207E.4-1
shedding, or instability due to galloping or utter; and
> Flat roofs, gable roofs, hip roofs, see it does not have a site location for which channeling
Figure 207E.4-2 effects or buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions
> Stepped roofs, see Figure 207E.4-3 warrant special consideration.
> Multispan gable roofs, see Figure 207E.4-
5. The building has either a at roof, a gable roof with
0 3 4-5°, or a hip roofwith 0 S 27°.
> Monoslope roofs, see Figure 207E.4-5
> Sawtooth roofs, see Figure 207E.4-6
> Domed roofs, see Figure 207E.4-7
> Arched roofs, see Figure 207B.4-3
Step 7: Calculate wind pressure, p, Equation 207E.4-1
_ _
2-138 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-139
percent increase in internal pressure. This is unrealistic negative internal pressure evaluation in
and represents an unnecessary degree of conservatism. partially enclosed buildings a
Accordingly, qi = qz for positive internal pressure qi ' qz for positive internal pressure evaluation in
evaluation in partially enclosed buildings where height z partially enclosed buildings where height z is
is de ned as the level ofthe highest opening in the building de ned as the level of the highest opening in
that could a ect the positive internal pressure. For the building that could affect the positive
buildings sited in wind-borne debris regions, glazing that internal pressure. For positive internal
is not impact resistant or protected with an impact pressure evaluation, qi may conservatively be i
protective system, qi should be treated as an opening. evaluated at height h(qi = qh)
(GCP) = Extemal pressure coef cients given in:
207E.6 Building Types 0 Figure 207E.6-1 for walls and at roofs
0 Figure 207B.4-3, footnote 4, for arched
The provisions of Section 207E.6 are applicable to an roofs
enclosed or partially enclosed building with a mean roof 0 Figure 207E.4-7 for domed roofs
height h > 18 m with a at roof, pitched roof, gable roof, 1
0 Note 6 of Figure 207E.6-1
hip roof, mansard roof, arched roof, or domed roof. The (gfpi) I lntemal pressure coef cient given in
steps required for the determination of wind loads on I
Table 207A.11-1
components and cladding for these building types are
shown in Table 207E.6-l. q and qi shall be evaluated using exposure de ned in
Section 207A.11-1
207E.6.1 Conditions
For the determination of the design wind pressures on the
component and cladding using the provisions of In buildings with a mean roofheight h greater than I8 m
Section 207E.6.2, the conditions indicated on the selected and less than 27.4 m, (GCP) valuesfrom Figures 207E.4-
gure(s) shall be applicable to the building under
1 through 207E.4-6 shall be permitted to be used rf the
height to width ratio is one or less.
User Note.‘
—— >’ Z i
2-140 CHAPTER 2 ~ Minimum Design Loads
Design wind pressures on the designated Zones of walls Part 4 of Section 207E is a simpli ed method /or
and roofs surfaces shall be determined from determining wind pressures for C&C ofenclosed and
Table 207E.7-2 based on the applicable basic wind speed partially enclosed buildings with h 5 49 m. having roof
V, mean roof height h, and roof slope 0. Tahulated shapes as specified in the applicable gures. These
pressures shall be multiplied by the exposure adjustment provisions are based on the Directional Procedurefrom
factor (EAF) shown in the table if exposure is different Part 3 with windpressures selected directlyfrorn a table
than Exposure C. Pressures in Table 207E.7-2 are based on and ac usted as applicable.
an effective wind area of 0.93 m2. Reductions in wind
pressure for larger effective wind areas may be taken based Table 207E.7-l
on the reduction multipliers (RF) shown in the table. Steps to Determine C&C Wind Loads
Pressures are to be applied over the entire zone shown in Enclosed Building with h > 48.8 in
the gures. Final design wind pressure shall be determined
from the following equation:
Determine risk category, see Table 103-1 1
P = ptable(EAF)(RF)Kzt (2075-7-1)
Step Determine the basic wind speed, V, for the
where 2: applicable risk category, see Figure 207A.5-
1A, B or C
RF = effective area reduction factor from
Table 207E.7-2 Step Determine wind load parameters;
EAF I Exposure adjustment factor from 3:
Table 207E.7-2 > Exposure category B, C or D, see Section
Kzt = topographic factor as de ned in 207A.7
Section 207A.8 Step Enter Table 207E.7-2 to determine pressure on
4: walls and roof, p, using Equation 207E.7-1.
207E.7.1.2 Parapets Roof types are:
Design wind pressures on parapet surfaces shall be based > Flat roof (0 < 10")
on wind pressures for the applicable edge and corner zones > Gable roof
in which the parapet is located, as shown in
Table 207E.7-2, modi ed based on the following two load > Hip roof
cases: _ > Monoslope roof
0 Load Case A shall consist of applying the applicable > Mansard roof
positive wall pressure from the table to the front Step Determine topographic factors, K2,, and apply
surface of the parapet while applying the applicable 5: factor to pressures determined from tables (if
negative edge or corner zone roof pressure from the applicable), see Section 207A.8
table to the back surface.
0 Load Case B shall consist of applying the applicable Pressures in Table 207E.7-2 are based on an effective wind
positive wall pressure from the table to the back of the area of 0.93 m2. Reduction in wind pressure for larger
parapet surface and applying the applicable negative effective wind area may be taken based on the reduction
wall pressure from the table to the front surface. factor shown in the table. Pressures are to be applied to the
parapet in accordance with Figure 207E.7-l. The height h
to be used with Figure 207E.7-l to determine the pressures
shall be the height to the top ofthe parapet. Determine nal
pressure from Equation 207E.7-l.
2-142 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
e_ .g\
it§§ .0 J?
-H;. -.. Monoslope Roof °“o
o».- lr
Hlp Roof
Mansard Roof ® ®
°p g
Figure 207E.7-2
C & C Zones C&C Wall and Roof Pressures, ll S 48 m
Enclosed Buildings
R0 0 f a n d W ma P Fe S S U reS £ O m pO H€ n tS 3 nd C M d d _mg
4 3 32 ]1l9638529630741852
= = =—=_ =:_-=_ _=:===
= =S=- ===:-:_
_ _-=E=-= =-___==============
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W::-:==-_:-:_-=5_ =_=-:_=__==__E__
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=_=_ =_:E=_ "=EH_ -_==_E=_|M=_=====
=5:= '_=m:=_ =_- =E_:_=-==-:=_-::-:===
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_=-:E=:-:: -=:.-W-:_: _::-
_==_ 4 _3 _32 _|]_=964=-_= = ___
===m____ ___ _________m= AEQ0_ Q0u_ 0 _p0_==_
A_‘( 1 Eu _ O__m_ mne__== ______HEu“
MEWM_ _ _ ___;D_ _ _ _ _ _ -E.I
IiiII I -I-I I-I-EI_I_--iiI
IIEI I I I-I I I = -5: _ = _ =:_ = E-:=_ -=_E =_ _ =H_n“_
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S n
8 O9 l 1 l3
05 16
m 8
w_ :_=_ m_ 96 12l
92 L l 25
86 28
8 l l 32
75 L l37
68 M
60 L 1 47
N 54
M 1M
29 17l
l3 L l 83
92 20 1
7_= _=1 m
=- 4
E ___
___ E _= _= _=
0 6_5 0 7_0 0 7_5 0 80 0 B5 0 90 095 0_O 0_5 Ll0 l_ 1 5 20 1 25
1 F Or € 3C
h rO O f pm r m EXp O S Ur6 C V 3 Hd h d6 t€ M _m G r O O f 3M W 31 1 C 1 ad d _mg p m S S U m S cm r h e 3 _w3b R Z O H S cm m t a b 1 6 S t W
a b O V €_ F O r O th S r C Xp O S U r 6 S B O r D m u M my W D__ r G S S u r € S m
a b M b y t h € 3 p p r O p _n
3 6 6 X p O S U r 6 3 my_U S m 6 H fW t O r d e t 6 I m _mG d
t t t
f mm g U re 3__D O V AM
fM 3H y do V e H V
m O M On bCt
W6 SU h
_m h 6
‘m S S _w p
_h__ O W H 3b O V NM
WMm F O r p T6 w u C M Mh er S T V V3 M 6 m Hn m O W n _m m e mb E, m m _mW m __D 1 C
S V 3 _m C
t t 3 3S S
P rS S S uTC M d C S H S d V __ p r 6 S S U r6 f mm t 3b E M V ‘X V [ Z V 12
d e S __he d
1 W h 6 r€ WM 3 d C 3 S 6 S 8r6 S
_h__ O W H, __D O h p O S Hm V 6 3n d H C g a W
_ e t t p IS S S u T 6 S S h 3 1 1 b 6 C O H S M C r6 d
4“ Pr 6S S Ur C S M6 S
hO W n rm aH 6 MUw _h__V C W _md 3m 3 __ 0 9 3 r
2mF O T 1 8rg e r G E W t _ |_ V 6 W _md 3 r C 3 S, um e p rG S S u rC w O Wn m W b6
T a b E 2 0 7 E 7_ 7__ ( C 0 n _n u e d )
AS S O C B _ 0_ H O f S t r U C t U r m E H g _m 8 8 r S Of t h 9 PM _m p _m 8 S‘ m 0 M S E m
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-145
Reduction Factors
Effective Wind Area
=-= IiillI
Iiiiill=!.l .i .:
3 DEEP is llili
"M E,WIIVII -HW l_sI % -+
Reduction Factors
Effective Wind Area
Roof_Form Sign Pressure Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zo_ne 4 Zone 5
Flat Minus D D D C E
Flat Plus NA NA __ NA D D
Gable, Mansard Minus C
Gable, Mansard Plus WW W WO . UO UW
I {P Minus
Monoslope Minus
Monoslope Plus 01> OW GU UO UW
Overhangs Au l> 21> W NA NA
Table 207E.7-2 (continued)
C & C Effective Wind Area C&C Wall and Roof Pressures, h 3 48 m
Enclosed Buildings
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
2-146 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Table 207E.7-2
Components and Cladding A Part 4
C&C, V = 150 -200 kph, h I 4.5 - 15111
150 200
Load Zone Zone _
hm R°°fF°"“ 1 2 3 4 1 5 1 1 2 3 4 1 s
-1 5579 -2.445 L:-I -3.3328 -1.0649 -1.9523 -2.7696 -4.3473 -5.9249 -1.8932 -3.4708
NA NA NA 1.0649 " 1.0649 NA NA NA 1.8932 1.8932
1635 1 -1.9523 -2.9384 -1.2621 -1.9523 -2.0685 -3.4708 -5.2238 -2.2438 -3.4708
;\)_. 6705 0.6705 1 0.6705 1.1635 1 1.0649 1.1920 1.1920 1.1920 2.0685 1.8932
0649 1.8537 1-2.7412 -1.2621 -1.9523 —1.8932 -3.2955 -4.8732 -2.2438 1 -3.4708
|\)_ 6705 .6705 0.6705 1.1635 1 1.0649 1.1920 1.1920 1.1920 2.0685 1 1.8932
3607 .7551 1-3.0370 -1.2621 -1.9523 -2.4191 -3.1202 -5.3990 -2.2438 -3.4708
|\)_. 5719 5719 1 0.5719 1.1635 1.0649 1.0167 1.0167 1.0167 2.0685 1.8932
4865 .3332 1-3.1799 -1.0161 -1.86281 -2.6426 -4.1479 -5.6531 -1.8063 -3.3116
[\)_ NA NA NA 1.0161 1.0161 NA NA NA 1.8063 1.8063
1101 .8628 1-2.8036 -1.2042 -1.8628 -1.9736 -3.3116 -4.9841 -2.1408 ‘ -3.3116
[\;_ 6397 6397 0.6397 1.1101 1 1.0161 1.1373 1.1373 1.1373 1.9736 1.8063
0161 -1. 7687 1-2.6154 -1.2042 -1.8628 -1.8063 -3.1444 -4.6496 -2.1408 -3.3116
|\_)._ 6397 6397 1 0.6397 1.1101 1 1.0161 1.1373 1.1373 1.1373 1.9736 1 1.8063
2983 .6746 1-2.8977 -1.2042 -1.8628 -2.3081 -2.977] -5.1514 -2.1408 -3.31 16
|\)_ 0 5457 5457 1 0.5457 1.1101 1 1.0161 0.9701 0.9701 0.9701 1.9736 1.8063
4007 -2. 1986 1 -2.9964 -0.9574 1 —1.7553 -2.4901 —3.9086 -5.3270 -1.7021 —3.1206
|\)1_ NA NA 0.9574 0.9574 NA NA NA 1.7021 1.7021
-1 0461 .7553 -2.6418 -1.1347 -1.7553 -1.8597 -3.1206 -4.6966 -2.0173 1 -3.1206
|\)_ 0 6028 0.6028 1 0.6028 1 1.0461 1 0.9574 1_1.0717 1.0717 1.0717 1.8597 1.7021
-0 9574 .6667 1 -2.4645 -1.1347 -1.7553 -1.7021 -2.9629 -4.3814 -2.0173 -3.1206
[\)._. 0 6028 0.6028 1 0.6028 ‘ 104g 1 0.9574 1_1.0717 1.0717 1.0717 1.8597 1.7021
-12234 -17.5780 1-2.7305 -1.1347 -1.7553 -2.1749 -2.8053 -4.8542 7-2.01738 —3.1206
[\)_. 05142 0.5142 1 0.5142 1.0461 1 0.9574/0.9141 0.9141 0.9141 1.8597 1.7021
-1 3435 -2. 1088 1 -2.8741 1-0.9184 -1.6837 -2.3885 —3.7490 -5.1096 -1.6326 -2.9932
[\)_ NA NA NA 0.9184 0.9184 NA NA NA 1.6326 f 1.6326
-1 0034 -1.6837 1 -2.5340 -1.0884 -1.6837 -1.7838 -2.9932 -4.5049 -1.9350 ‘ -2.9932
|\_)_ 0 5782 0.5782 1 0.5782 1.0034 1 0.9184 1.0280 1.0280 1.0280 1.7838 1 1.6326
-0 9184 -1.5986 1 -2.3639 1—1.0884 1 -1.6837 -1.6326 -2.8420 -4.2025 -1.9350 ‘ -2.9932
[\)_. 0 5782 0.5782 1 0.5782 1 1.0034 0.9184 1.0280 1.0280 1.0280 1.7838 16326
-1 1735 -1.5136 -2.61901-1.0884 -1.6837 —2.0862 -2.6908 -4.6561 -1.9350 -2.9932
|\_)_ 04932 0.4932 0.4932 1.0034 0.9184 0.8768 0.8768 0.8768 1.7838 1.6326
-12864 -2.0191 1 -2.7518 -0.87931 -1.6120 -2.2869 -3.5895 -4.8921 -1.5632 -2.8658
|\)_ NA NA NA 0.8793 0.8793 NA NA NA 1.5632 1.5632
-0 9607 -1.6120 1-2.4262 -1.0421 -1.6120 -1.7079 -2.8658 -4.3132 -1.8526 -2.8658
|\)_ 0 5536 1 0.5536 0.5536 1 0.9607 0.8793 0.9842 0.9842 0.9842 1.7079 1.5632
0 8793 1 -1.5306 1 -2.2633 1-1.0421 -1.6120 -1.5632 -2.7211 -4.0237 -1.8526 -2.8658
y\;_. 0 5536 0.5536 0.5536 1 0.9607 0.8793 0.9842 0.9842 0.9842 1.7079 1 1.5632
-1 1235 -1.4492 -2.5076 -1.0421 -1.6120 -1.9974 -2.5763 -4.4579 -1.8526 -2.8658
[\)_. 04722 0.4722 1 0.4722 1 0.9607 1 0.8793 0.8395 0.8395 0.8395 1.7079 1 1.5632
-12149 -1.9069 1-2.5990 -0.83041-1.5225 -2.1598 -3.3901 -4.6204 -1.47631 -2.7066
[\_)_ NA NA 1 NA 0.8304 0.8304 NA NA NA 1.4763 1.4763
-0 9073 -1.5225 1 -2.2914 -0.9842 1 -1.5225 -1.6130 -2.7066 —4.0736 -1.7497 -2.7066
|\)_ 0 5229 0.5229 0.522910.9073 0.8304 0.9295 0.9295 0.9295 1.6130 1.4763
-0 8304 -1.4456 -2.13761-0.9842 -1.5225 -1.4763 -2.5699 -3.8002 ‘ -1.7497 -2.7066
|\)_. 0 5229 0.5229 0.5229 1 0.9073 1 0.8304 0.9295 10.9295 0.9295 1.6130 1.4763
-10611 -1.3687 -2.3683 -0.9842 -1.5225 -1.8864 -2.4332 1 -4.2103 -1.7497 -2.7066
|\)_. 04460 0.4460 0.4460 0.9073 0.8304 0.7928 0.7928 1 0.7928 1.6130 1.4763
Table 207E.7-2
Components and Cladding — Part 4
C&C, V I 250 -300 kph, h I 4.5 - 15 m
Exposure C
V (kph) 250 1 300 _
Load Z009 1 Zone
h m Roof Form 1 1 ‘E
Case 1 2 1 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 5
-4.3276 -6.7926 -9.2577 -2.9581 -5.4232 -6.2317 -9.7814 -13.3311 -4.2596
NA NA 2.9581 1 2.9581 NA 1 NA NA 4.2596
-3.2320 1-5.4232 -8.1621 -3.5059 -5.4232 -4.6541 1-7.8093 -11.7534 -5.0485
[\)._- 1.8625 1 1.8625 1 1.8625 13.2320 2.9581 2.6820 12.6820 2.6820 4.6541
-2.9581 -5.1493 -7.6143 -3.5059 -5.4232 -4.2596 -7.4149 -10.196461 -5.0485
[\)>- 1.8625 1.8625 1.8625 3.2320 2.9581 2.6820 2.6820 2.6820 4.6541
-3.7798 -4.8754 -8.4360 -3.5059 -5.4232 -5.4429 -7.0205 -12.1479 -5.0485
[\)._- 1.5886 1.5886 1.5886 3.2320 2.9581 2.2876 12.2876 2.2876 4.6541
-4.1291 -6.4810 -8.8330 -2.8224 ‘ -5.1744 -5.94581 -9.3327 -12.71961 -4.0642
pg»- NA NA 2.8224 NA NA NA 1 4.0642
-3.0837 -7.7877 ‘ -3.3451 -5.1744 -4.4406 -7.4511 -11.2143 -4.8169
|\)-- 1.7771 1.7771 2.8224 2.5590 2.5590 2.5590 4.4406
-2.8224 -7.2650 -3.3451 -5.1744 -4.0642 -7.0748 1-10.4617 -4.8169
[\)>_- 1.7771 1.7771 2.8224 2.5590 2.5590 2.5590 4.4406
-3.6064 -8.0490 -5.1744 -5.1932 -6.6985 -11.5906 -4.8169
N).- 1.5157 1.5157 2.8224 2.1826 2.1826 2.1826 4.4406
-3.8908 -8.3234 -4.8759 -5.6028 -8.7943 -11.98581 -3.8298
|\)u— NA NA 2.6596 NA NA 1 NA 3.8298
-2.9058 -7.3384 -4.8759 -4.1844 -7.0212 -10.5673 -4.5390
|\)_ 1.6745 1.6745 2.6596 12.4113 2.4113 2.4113 4.1844
-2.6596 -6.8459 -4.8759 1-3.8298 -6.6666 -9.8581 -4.5390
|Q_ 1.6745 1.6745 2.6596 2.4113 2.4113 2.4113 4.1844
-3.3983 -7.5847 -4.8759 -4.8936 -6.3120 -10.9219 -4.5390
[Q1-4 1.4283 1.4283 2.6596 2.0567 2.0567 2.0567 4.1844
-3.7320 -7.9837 -4.6768 -5.3741 -8.43531-11.4965 -3.6735
[\)>—~ NA NA 2.5510 NA NA NA 3.6735
-2.7872 -7.0389 -4.6768 -4.0136 -6.7347 -10.1360 -4.3537
|\)>- 1.6062 1.6062 2.5510 2.3129 2531291 2.3129’ 4.0136
-2.5510 -6.5665 -4.6768 -3.6735 -6.3945 -9.4557 -4.3537
|\)>—l 1.6062 1.6062 2.5510 2.3129 2.3129 2.3129 4.0136
-3.2596 -7.2751 -4.6768 -4.6939 1-6.0544 -10.4761 -4.3537
|\)>- 1.3700 1.3700 2.5510 1.9728 1.9728 1.9728 4.0136
-3.5732 -7.6440 25 -4.4778 ‘ -5.1454 -8.0764 -11.0073 -3.5171
|\)>- NA NA 5 2.4425 NA NA NA 3.5171
-2.6686 -6.7394 8 -4.4778 -3.8428 -6.4481 -9.7047 -4.1685
|\)>—n 1.5378 1.5378 6 1 2.4425 2.2145 2.2145 2.2145 3.8428
-2.4425 -6.2871 48 -4.4778 -3.5171 -6.1224 -9.0534 -4.1685
[\)v—~ 1.5378 1.5378 86 2.4425 2.2145 2.2145 2.2145 3.8428
-3.1209 -6.9655 48 -4.4778 -4.4941 1-5.7968 -10.03031 -4.1685
|\)>- 1.3117 1.3117 686 2.4425 1.8888 1 1.88881 1.8888 3.8428
-3 .3 747 0 -7.2193 68 -4.2291 -4.8596 -7.6277 -10.3958 -3.3217
[\)c— NA NA 68 2.3068 NA NA NA 3.3217
-2.5204 91 -6.3650 339 -4.2291 1-3.6293 -6.0899 -9.1655 -3.9369
[\)_. 1.4524 4 1.4524 04 2.3068 2.0915 2.0915 2.0915 3.6293
-2.3068 5 -5.9378 339 -4.2291 -3.3217 -5.7823 -8.5504 -3.9369
|\)»—l 1.4524 4 1.4524 204 2.3068 12.0915 2.0915 2.0915 3.6293
-2.9475 9 -6.5785 .7339 -4.2291 -4.2444 -5.4747 -9.4731 -3.9369
|\)_. 1.2388 8 1.2388 204 2.3068 1.7839 1.7839 1.78391 3.6293
Table 207E.7-2
Components and Cladding — Part 4
C&C, V = 350 kph, h = 4.5 - 15 m
Exposure C
v (kph) 350 1
Load Zone 1
h (m) Roof Form Case 12314 5
1 1 -8.4820 -13.3136 -18.1451 -5.7978 -10.6294
Flat Roof
2 NA NA NA 5.7978 1 5.7978 1
Gable Roof 9-6.3347 -10.6294 -15.9978 -6.8715 -10.6294
Mansard Roof [\)_. 3.6505 3.6505 3.6505 6.3347 5.7978
-5.7978 -10.0925 -14.9241 -6.8715 -10.6294
Hip Roof
|\)_- 3.6505 3.6505 3.6505 1 6.3347 5.7978 1
Monoslope -7.4084 -9.5557 -16.5346 -6.8715 -10.6294
Roof l\)u—~ 1 3.1137 3.1137 3.1137 6.3347 5.7978 1
-8.0929 -12.7029 -17.31281 -5.5319 -10.1418
Flat Roof
|\)_. NA 1 NA NA 15.5319 5.5319
Gable Roof -6.0441 -10.1418 -15.2639 -6.5563 -10.14181
Mansard Roof [\)>- 3.4830 3.4830 1 3.4830 6.0441 5.5319 1
12 P -5.53191-9.6296 -14.23951 -6.5563 -10.1418
Hip Roof 1
|\_)- 1 3.4830 1 3.4830 3.4830 1 6.0441 5.5319
Monoslope -7.0685 -9.1174 -15.7761 -6.5563 1-10.14181
1 Roof [\)>—A 2.9708 2.9708 2.9708 6.0441 5.5319 1
1-7.6260 -11.97001T16.31391 -5.2127 -9.5567
Flat Roof 1
1 |\)_ NA NA NA 5.2127 5.2127
11 Gable Roof 1 -5.6954 1 -9.5567 -14.38331 -6.1781 1 -9.5567
1 Mansard Roof l\)>—4 3.2821 3.2821 3.2821 5.6954 1 5.2127 1
9 -5.2127 -9.0740 -13.4180 -6.1781 -9.5567
Hip Roof
[\)>—1 *1 3.2821 1 3.2821 3.2821 5.6954 5.2127
Monoslope 1 -6.6607 -8.5914 -14.86601 -6.1781 -9.5567
1 Roof \ )>—1 2.7994i 2.7994 2.7994 5.6954 f 5.2127 1
-7.3148 -11.4814 -15.6481 -5.0000 -9.16661
Flat Roof
|\)_ NA NA NA 1 5.0000 5.0000
Gable Roof -5.4629 -9.1666 -13.7962 -5.9259 -9.1666
Mansard Roof [\)\-4 3.1481 3.1481 3.1481 5.4629 5.0000 i
7.5 -5.0000 -8.7037 -12.8703 -5.9259 -9.16661
Hip Roof
[\)>—~ 3.1481 3.1481 3.1481 5.4629 5.0000 1
Monoslope 1 -6.3889 -8.2407 -14.2592 -5.9259 -9.1666
1 Roof |\)>-4 2.6852 2.6852 1 2.6852 1 5.4629 5.0000 _
-7.003s 1-10.9929‘ -14.9822 C -4.7872 1 -8.7766 ‘
Flat Roof
[~_)>- NA NA NA 4.7872 1 4.7872 1
06616 Roof 1 1 -5.2305 1 -8.7766 -13.20921 -5.6737 -8.7766
6 Mansard Roof [Qu— 1 3.0142 1 3.0142 3.0142 1 5.2305 4.7872
-4.7872 -8.33331-12.3226 -5.6737 -8.7766
Hip Roof
§)>—A 3.0142 3.0142 1 3.0142 5.2305 1 4.7872
Monoslope 1 1-6.11701-7.8900 -13.6524 -5.6737 -8.7766
Roof [\)>—l 12.570912.5709 2.5709 5.2305 4.7872
-6.6l44 -10.3821 -14.1498 -4.5213 -8.2890
Flat Roof
|\)>—l NA NA 1 NA 4.5213 4.52131
Gable Roof -4.9399 -8.28901-12.4753 -5.3585 -8.2890
Mansard Roof |\)u— 2.8467 1 2.8467 2.8467 4.9399 4.5213 1
4.5 1
-4.5213 -7.8703 -11.6380 -5.3585 -8.2890
1 Hip Roof
[\)>—4 2.8467 2.8467 2.8467 4.9399 4.5213
Monoslope -5.7772 -7.4517 -12.8939 -5.3585 -8.2890
Roof [\)>—n 2.4281 1 2.4281 2.4281 4.9399 1 4.5213 1
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-149
Table 207E.7-2
Components and Cladding — Pait 4
C&C, V I 150 -200 kph, h = 18 - 33111
Exposure C
v (kph) 150 200
Load Zone 1 Zone
h (m) Roof Form Case
1 1 -2.8940
-1.8438 -3.9443 -1.2603 -2.3106 -3.2778 -5.1450 -7.0121 -2.2405 1 -4.1077
Flat Roof
2 1 NA NA 11* NA 1.2603 1.2603 NA NA NA 2.2405 2.2405
Gable Roof -1.3770 -2.3106 -3.4775 -1.4937 -2.3106 -2.4480 -4.1077 -6.1822 -2.6555 -4.1077
Mansard Roof |\)-_ 0.7935 0.7935 0.7935 1.3770 1.2603 1.4107 1.4107 1.4107 2.4480 2.2405
-1.2603 -2.1939 1 -3.2441 1-1.49371 -2.3106 -2.2405 -3.9002 -5.7673 -2.6555 -4.1077
Hip Roof
q\)._- 0.7935 0.7935 1 0.7935 1 1.37701 1.2603 1.4107 1.4107 1.4107 2.4480 2.2405
Monoslope -1.6104 -2.0772 -3.5942 -1.49371 -2.3106 -2.86291 -3.6927 -6.3897 -2.6555 -4.1077
Roof |\)_. 0.6768 0.6768 0.6768 1.3770 1.2603 1.2033 1 1.2033 1.2033 2.4480 2.2405
-1.8009 -2.8267 -3.8526 -1.2310 -2.2568 -3.2016 -5.0253 -6.8490 -2.1884 -4.0121
Flat Roof
|\)._. 1 NA NA 1 NA 1.2310 1.2310 11 NA 1 NA 11 NA 2.1884 2.1884
Gable Roof -1.3450 -2.2568 -3.3966 -1.4590 -2.2568 -2.3911 -4.0121 -6.0385 -2.5937 -4.0121
Mansard Roof |\_)>_- 0.7751 0.7751 1 0.7751 1.3450 1.2310 1.3779 1.3779 1.3779 2.3911 2.1884
-1.2310 -2.1428 -3.1687 -1.4590 -2.2568 -2.1884 -3.8095 -5.6332 -2.5937 -4.0121
Hip Roof
|\)>- 0.7751 0.7751 1 0.7751 1.3450 1.2310 1.3779 1.3779 1.3779 2.3911 2.1884
Monoslope -1.5729 -2.0289 1 -3.5106 1-1.4590 -2.2568 -2.7963 -3.6069 -6.2411 -2.5937 -4.0121
Roof [\)_ 0.6611 0.6611 0.6611 1.3450 1.2310 1.1753 1.1753 1.1753 2.3911 2.1884
-1.7723 -2.7819 -3.7914 -1.2115 -2.2210 -3.1508 -4.9455 -6.7403 1 -2.1537 -3.9485
Flat Roof
[\)_ NA NA NA 1.2115 1.2115 NA NA NA 2.1537 2.1537
Gable Roof -1.3236 -2.2210 -3.3427 -1.4358 -2.2210 -2.3531 -3.94851-5.9426”T2.5525 -3.9485
Mansard Roof |\)_ 0.7628 0.7628 0.7628 1.3236 1.2115 1.3560 1.3560 1.3560 2.3531 2.1537
Hip Roof
-1.2115 -2.1088 -3.1184 -1.4358 -2.2210 -2.1537 -3.7490 -5.5438 -2.5525 -3.9485
[\)._u 0.7628 0.7628 0.7628 1.3236 1.2115 1.3560 1.3560 1.3560 2.3531 2.1537
Monoslope -1.5480 -1.9967 1 -3.4549 -1.4358 -2.2210 -2.7520 -3.5496 -6.1420 -2.5525 ‘-3.9485
Roof [\)_. 0.6506 0.6506 0.6506 1.3236 1.2115 1.1566 1.1566 1.1566 2.3531 2.1537
-1.7294 -2.7146 -3.6997 -1.1821 -2.1673 -3.0746 -4.8259 -6.5772 -2.1016 -3.8529
Flat Roof
|\)_. NA NA NA 1.1821 1.1821 NA NA NA 2.1016 2.1016
Gable Roof -1.2916 -2.1673 -3.2619 -1.4011 -2.1673 -2.2962 -3.8529 -5.7988 -2.4908 -3.8529
Mansard Roof |\)_ 1 0.7443 0.7443 0.7443 1.2916 1.1821 1 1.3232 1.3232 1.3232 2.2962 2.1016
-1.1821 1-2.0578 -3.0429 -1.4011 -2.1673 -2.1016 -3.6583 -5.4097 -2.4908 -3.8529
Hip Roof
[\_)_. 0.7443 0.7443 0.7443 1.2916 1.1821 1.3232 1.3232 1 1.3232 2.2962 2.1016
Monoslope -1.5105 -1.9484 -3.3713 -1.4011 -2.1673 -2.6854 -3.4637 -5.9934 -2.4908 -3.8529
Roof I\)>—- 0.6349 0.6349 0.6349 1.2916 1.1821 1.1286 1.1286 1.1286 2.2962 2.1016
-1.6723 -2.6248 -3.5774 -1.1431 -2.0956 -2.9729 -4.6664 -6.3598 -2.0321 -3.7256
Flat Roof
|\)>- NA NA NA 1.1431 1 1.1431 NA NA NA 2.0321 2.0321
Gable Roof -1.2489 -2.0956 -3.1540 -1.35471-2.0956 -2.2203 -3.7256 -5.6072 -2.4084 -3.7256
Mansard Roof |\)>- 0.7197 0.7197 0.7197 1.2489 1.1431 1.2795 1.2795 1.2795 2.2203 2.0321
-1.1431 -1.9898 -2.9423 -1.35471-2.0956 -2.0321 -3.5374 -5.2308 -2.4084 -3.7256
Hip Roof
[\)>- 0.7197 0.7197 0.7197 1.2489 1.1431 1.2795 1.2795 1.2795 2.2203 2.0321
Monoslope 1-1.4606 -1.8839 -3.2599 ‘ -1.3547 -2.0956 -2.5966 -3.3492 -5.7953 -2.4084 -3.7256
Roof |\)>—n 1 0.6139 0.6139 1 0.6139 1 1.2489 1.1431 1.0913 1.0913 1.0913 2.2203 2.0321
-1.6151 -2.5351 -3.4551 -1.1040 -2.0240 -2.8713 -4.5068 -6.14241-1.9626 1 -3.5982
Flat Roof
\ I>—- NA NA NA 1.1040 1 1.1040 NA NA NA 1.9626 1.9626
Gable Roof -1.2062 -2.0240 -3.0462 -1.3084 -2.0240 -2.1444 -3.5982 -5.4155 -2.3261 -3.5982
Mansard Roof l\)>—~ 0.6951 0.6951 0.6951 1.2062 1.1040 1 1.2357 1.2357 1.2357 2.1444 1.9626
-1.1040 -1.9218 -2.8417 -1.3084 -2.0240 -1.96261-3.4165 -5 .0520 -2.3261 -3.5982
Hip Roof
[\)>—4 1 0.6951 0.6951 0.6951 1.2062 1.1040 1.2357 1.235711.2357 2.1444 1.9626
Monoslope -1.4107 -1.8195 -3.1484 -1.3084 -2.0240 -2.5078 -3.2347 -5 .5972 -2.3261 1 -3.5982
Roof |\)>- 0.5929 0.5929 0.5929 1.2062 1.1040 1.0540 1.0540 1 .0540 2.1444 1 1.9626
._ M-1
2-150 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Table 207E.7-2
Components and Cladding — Part 4
C&C, V = 250 -300 kph, h = 18 - 33 m
V (kph) 250 1
Load . Zone Zone
h m) Roof Form
1123451112 1
FUR f I -5.1216 -8.0390 -10.9564 -3.500 6.4182 -7 3751 11 5761 -15 7772 -5 0412 -9 2422
5 0412 5 0412
i a °° 1 2 1 NA NA 1 NA 13.5009 3.5009
Gable Roof 1-3.8250 -6.4182 -9.6598 -4.1492 -6.4182 5 5080 9 2422 13 9100 5 9748 9 2422
Mansard Roof |q._. 2.2042 2.2042 2.2042 13.8250 3.5009 31741 31741 31741 1 5 080 5 0412
1 1-3.5009 -6.0941 1 -9.0114 -4.1492 -6.4182 5 0412 8 7755 12 9765 5 9748 1 9 2422
Hip Roof .5009 31741 31741 31741 5 5080 5 0412
|\_)-- 2.2042 2.2042 2.2042 3.8250
Monoslope 1-4.4733 -5.7699 -9.9839 1-4.1492 -6.4182 6 4416 8 3087 14 3768 i 5 9748 9 2422
Roof |\_)-- 1.8801 1 1.8801 1.8801 3.8250 .5009 2 7073 2 7073 2 7073 5 5080 5 0412
-5.0025 -7.8520 -10.70161-3.4194 .2690 7 2036 11 3069 15 4103 4 9240 -9 0273
Flat Roof 4194 4 9240 4 9240
|\)>- NA NA NA 3.4194
Gable R001 1 -3.7360 -6.26901 -9.4351 -4.0527 2690 -5 3799 -9 0273 -13 5866 -5 8358 -9 0273
Mansard Roof |\)_ 2.1530 2.1530’ 2.1530 13.7360 .4194 3 1003 3 1003 3 1003 5 3799 4 9240
1-3.41941 -5.9524 i -8.8019 -4.0527 2690 -4 9240 1 -8 5714 -12 6747 -5 8358 -9 0273
Hip Roof 4194 3 1003 3 1003 3 1003 5 3799 4 9240
[\)- 2.1530 2.1530 2.1530 3.7360
Monoslope -4.3693 -5.6357 -9.7517 -4.0527 2690 -6 2918 -81155 -14 0425 -5 8358 1-9 0273
Roof [\_)>- 1.8364 1.8364 1.8364 3.7360 .4194 2 6444 2 6444 2 6444 5 3799 4 9240
-4.92311 -7.7274 -10.5317 -3.3652 1695 -7 0893 11 1275 1 -15 1656 -4 8458 -8 8840
Flat Roof .3652 4 8458 4 8458
[\)>_n NA NA 1 NA 3.3652
Gable Roof -3.6767 -6.1695 -9.2853 -3.9883 1695 -5 2945 -8 8840 13 3709 -5 7432 -8 8840
Mansard Roof [\)._ 12.1188 2.1188 2.1188 3.6767 652 30511 30511 30511 15 945* 48458
1’-3.3652 -5.8579 -8.6622 -3.98831 1695 -4 8458 -8 4353 -12 4735 K-5 7432 1 -8 8840
Hip Roof 652 30511 30511 30511 52945 48458
|\;_ 2.1188 2.1188 2.1188 3.6767
Monoslope -4.2999 -5.5463 -9.59691—3.9883 695 -6 1919 -7 9866 -13 8196 -5 7432 -8 8840
Roof |\_)_ 1.8072 1.8072 1.8072 3.6767 652 2 6024 2 6024 2 6024 5 2945 4 8458
-4.8040“ -7.5404 -10.2769 13.2837 202 -6 9178 10 8582 -14 7987 -4 7286 -8 6691
Flat Roof 4 7286 4 7286
|\)>- NA NA NA 3.2837 837
Gable Roof 1 -3.5878 -6.02021 -9.0607 -3.8918‘ 202 -5 1664 -8 6691 -13 0474 -5 6043 -8 6691
Mansard Roof |\)>—- 2.0675 2.0675 2.0675 3.5878 837 2 9773 2 9773 2 9773 5 1664 1 4 7286
1-3.2837 -5.7161 -8.45261-3.8918 202 -4 7286 1 -8 2313 -1217171 -5 6043 -8 6691
Hip Roof
{\_)»- 2.0675 2.0675 2.0675 3.5878 837 2 9773 2 9773 2 9773 5 1664 4 7286
Monoslope -4.1959 -5.4121 -9.3647 -3.8918 202 -6 0421 -7 7934 -13 4852 -5 6043 -8 6691
Roof [\_)-_- 1.7635 1.7635 1.7635i 3.5878 37 2 5394 2 5394 2 5394 5 1664 4 7286
-4.64521-7.2912 -9.9372 -3.1752 212 -6 6891 -10 4993 -14 3095 -4 5723 -8 3825
Flat Roof 752 4 5723 4 5723
|\)_ NA NA NA 3.1752
Gable Roof 1-3.4692 -5.8212 1 -8.7612 1-3.7632 212 49956 83825 12616 54190 83825
Mansard Roof |\_)>- 1.9992 1.9992 1.9992 3.4692 52 2 8788 2 8788 1 2 8788 4 9956 4 5723
-3.1752 -5.5272 -8.1732 -3.7632 12 4 5723 -7 9591 11 7694 5 4190 -8 3825
Hip Roof 52 2 8788 2 8788 2 8788 4 9956 4 5723
[\)>—~ 1.9992 1.99921 1.9992 3.4692
Monoslope -4.05721-5.2332 -9.0552 -3.7632 12 5 8423 7 5358 13 0394 5 4190 8 3825
Roof |\)>- 1.7052 1 1.7052 1 1.7052 3.4692 1 52 2 4555 2 4555 2 4555 4 9956 4 5723
-4.4864 -7.0419 -9.5974 -3.0666 -5.62 22 6 4604 1 101403 13 8203 1 4 4160 8 0959
Flat Roof 66 4 4160 4 4160
|\)>- 1 NA NA NA 130666
Gable Roof —3.3506 -5.6222 -8.4616 -3.6345 -5.62 22 -4 8248 -8 0959 -12 1848 -5 2337 -8 0959
Mansard Roof [\_)>—A 1.9308 1.9308 1.9308 3.3506 3.0666 2 7804 2 7804 2 7804 4 8248 4 4160
1-3.0666 -5.3382 -7.8937 -3.6345 - 5.62 22 -4 4160 -7 6870 -11 3670 -5 2337 -8 0959
Hip Roof 3.0666 2 7804 2 7804 2 7804 4 8248 4 4160
[9- 1.93081 1.9308 1 1.9308 3.35061
Monoslope -3.9185 -5.0543 -8.7456 -3.6345 - 5.6222 -5 6426 7 2782 -12 5937 1 -5 2337 -8 0959
Roof [\)>- 1.6469 1.6469 1.6469 13.3506 3.0666 23715 23715 23715 48248 44160
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-151
Table 207E.7-2
Components and Cladding — Part 4
C&C, V=350 kph, h= 18 - 33 m
Exposure C
1/ (kph) __ 1 350
h(m)1 R00fForm 162:: 1 1 . 2 gm 1 4 1 5 1
p_ 2 1 NA
NA 1
6.8617 6.8617 1
-8.1323 1 -12.5797
33 MansardRo0f1 1 4.3203 4.3203 4.3203 1 7.4970 6.8617 il
1_11pRoof 1 -6.8617 -11.9444 -17.6624 -8.1323 -12.5797
4.32031 4.3203 4.3203 7.4970 6.8617 l
Monoslope 1 1 -8.7677 1 -11.3090 -19.5685 -8.1323 -12.5797 |l
Roe ""1 IQ-—~l\)-—~l\)-—* 3.68501 3.6850 3.6850 7.4970 6.8617
1 -9.8049 1 -15.3900 -20.9751 -6.7021 -12.2872
Flat Roof
NA NA NA 6.7021 6.7021
1 06111611661 1 -7.32271 -12.2872 -18.4928 -7.9432 -12.2872
Mansard Roof 4.2198 4.2198 4.2198 7.3227 6.7021
Hip Roof
-6.7021 -11.6666 -17.2517 -7.9432 -12.2872
4.2198 4.2198 1 4.2198 7.3227 6.7021
Monoslope —8.5638 -11.0460 -19.1134 -7.9432 -12.2872
R00f l\J—l\)—I\)—-l\I>—- 3.5993 3.5993 1 3.5993 7.3227 6.7021
-9.6493 -15.1457 1 -20.6421 -6.5957 -12.0921
Flat Roof
NA NA I NA 6.5957 _ 6.5957
Gable Roof -7.2064 -12.0921 -18.1993 -7.8171 -12.0921
27 Mansard Roof 4.1529 4.1529 4.1529 7.2064 _ 6.5957 1
H1pRo0f -6.5957 -11.4814 -16.9778 -7.8171 -12.0921
4.1529 4.1529 4.1529 1 7.2064 6.5957
Monoslope -8.4279 -10.8707 -18.8100 1 -7.8171 -12.0921
Roof l\I—I\)—l\J—l\J-— 3.5421 3.5421 3.5421 7.2064 6.5957
-9.4158 -14.7793 -20.1427 1 -6.4361 -11.7996
Flat Roof
NA NA NA 6.4361 6.4361
Gable Roof —7.0321 ~11.7996 -17.7590 -7.6280 -11.7996 1
24 Mansard R00f 1 1 4.0524 4.0524 1 4.0524 7.0321 6.4361 1
Hip Roof 1 -6.4361 -11.2036 -16.5671 -7.6280 -11.7996
4.0524 4.0524 4.0524 7.0321 6.4361 i
Mgngslgpe 1 -8.2240 -10.6077 -18.3549 -7.6280 1 -11.7996
R00f I\)>—‘l\J>—*l\J>—*l\)—' 3.4564 3.4564 3.4564 7.0321 6.4361
-9.1046 -14.2907 -19.4768 -6.2234 -11.4095
Flat Roof
NA NA NA 6.2234 1 6.2234
Gable Roof -6.7996 -11.4095 -17.1719 -7.3758 -11.4095
Mansard R0011 3.9184 3.9184 3.9184 6.7996 6.2234
-6.2234 -10.8333 -16.0194 -7.3758 -11.4095
Hip Roof
3.9184 3.9184 3.9184 6.7996 6.2234
Monoslope -7.9521 -10.2570 -17.7481 1 -7.3758 -11.4095
Roof [\)>-[\)>—~l\)|-\)>- 3.3422 3.3422 3.3422 6.7996 6.2234
-8.7933 -13.8021 -18.8110 -6.0106 -11.0194
Flat Roof
Gable Roof
1 NA
18 MansardR00f 3.7845 3.7845 3.7845 1 6.5671 l 6.0106
Hip Roof 1 -6.0106
-10.4629 1-15.4717
3.7845 3.7845
6.0106 l
MQn0$lQpe 1 -7.6802 -9.9064 -17.1414 -7.1237 -11.0194
R0011 [\)>-[\)>—~l\J>-[\)>- 3.2279 3.2279 3.2279 6.5671 1 6.0106
Table 207E.7-2
Components and Cladding — Part 4
C&C, V =150 -200 kph, h = 36 - 48 1T1
Exposure C
V (kph) 150 1 200
1 Load Zone Zone
h (m) 1 Roof Form
1 Case 1213145121345
-1.9867 -3.1184 -4.2501 -1.3580 -2.4897 -3.5319 -5.5438 -7.5556 -2.4142 -4.4261
1 Flat Roof
[\)>—A NA NA 1 NA 1.3580 1.3580 NA NA NA 2.4142 2.4142
Gable Roof -1.4837 -2.4897 -3.7471 -1.6095 -2.4897 -2.6378 -4.4261 -6.6615 -2.8613 -4.4261
Mansard Roof |\).- 0.8550 0.8550 0.8550 1.4837 1.3580 1.5201 1.5201 1.5201 2.6378 2.4142
-1.3580 -2.3639 -3.4956 1-1.6095 -2.4897 -2.4142 -4.2025 -6.2144 -2.8613 -4.4261
Hip Roof i
l\J>—¢ 0.8550 0.8550 0.8550 1 1.4837 1.3580 1.5201 1.5201 1.5201 2.6378 2.4142
Monoslope -1.7352 -2.2382 -3.8728 -1.6095 -2.4897 -3.0848 -3.9790 -6.8850 -2.8613 -4.4261
Roof |\)-_- 0.72931 0.7293 0.7293 1.4837 1.3580 1.2965 1.2965 1.2965 2.6378 2.4142
1~1.97241 -3.0959 -4.2195 -1.3482 -2.4718 —3.5065 -5.5039 -7.5013 -2.3969 -4.3942
1 Flat Roof
|\).-.1 NA NA NA 1.3482 1.3482 NA NA NA 2.3969 2.3969
Gable Roof 1-1.4731 -2.4718 -3.7201 -1.5979 -2.4718 -2.6188 -4.3942 -6.6136 -2.8407 -4.3942
1 Mansard Roof |\)-_ 0.8489 0.8489 0.8489 1.47311 1.3482 1.5091 1.5091 1.5091 1 2.6188 2.3969
-1.3482 -2.3469 -3.4705 -1.59791-2.4718 -2.3969 -4.1723 -6.16971-2.8407 -4.3942
Hip Roof
q\)_. 10.8489 0.8489 0.8489 1.47311 1.3482 1.5091 1.5091 1.5091 *1 2.6188 2.3969
Monoslope 1-1.7227 -2.2221 -3.8450 -1.5979 -2.4718 -3.0627 -3.9504 -6.8355 -2.8407 -4.3942
Roof |\)_ 10.7241 0.7241 0.7241 1.4731 1.3482 1.2872 1.2872 1.2872 L2.6188 2.3969
-1.94381-3.0511 -4.1583 -1.3287 -2.4359 -3.4557 -5.4241 -7.3926 -2.3621 -4.3306
F lat Roof
[\_)_ NA f NA NA 1.3287 1.32871 NA NA NA 2.3621 12.3621
Gable Roof -1.4517 -2.4359 -3.6662 -1.5747 -2.4359 -2.5808 -4.3306 -6.5177 -2.7996 -4.3306
Mansard Roof |\)_ 0.8366 0.8366 1 0.8366 1.4517 1 1.3287 V 1.48731 1.4873 1.4873 2.5808 2.3621
42 .
-1.3287 -2.3129 1-3.4202 7-1.57471-2.4359 -2.3621 -4.1118 -6.0803 -2.7996 -4.3306
Hip Roof
[\)>- 0.8366 0.8366 1 0.8366 1.45171 1.3287 1.4873 1.4873 1.4873 2.5808 2.3621
Monoslope -1.6978 -2.1899 1 -3.7892 -1.5747 -2.4359 -3.01831-3.8931 -6.7364 -2.7996 -4.3306
Roof |\)_ 0.7136 0.7136 0.7136 1.4517 1.3287 1.26851 1.2685 ’1.2685 2.5808 2.3621
-1.9l52 -3.0062 -4.0972 -1.3092 -2.4001 -3.4049 -5.3444 -7.2839 -2.3274 1-4.2669
Flat Roof
|\_)1— NA NA NA 1i1.3092 1.3092 1 NA NA V NA 2.3274 12.3274
Gable Roof -1.4304 -2.4001 1-3.61231-1.5516 -2.4001 1-2.5429 -4.2669 -6.4219 -2.7584 1-4.2669
Mansard Roof |\)- 0.8243 0.8243 0.8243 1.4304 1.3092 1.4654 1.4654 1.4654 2.5429 12.3274
1 39
-1.3092 -2.2789 -3.3699 -1.5516 -2.4001 -2.3274 -4.05141-5.9909 -2.7584 -4.2669
Hip Roof
|\)._- 0.8243 0.8243 0.8243 11.4304 1.3092 1.4654 1.4654 1 1.4654 2.5429 2.3274
Monoslope -1.67281 -2.1577 -3.7335 -1.5516 -2.4001 -2.9739 -3.8359 -6.6374 -2.7584 -4.2669
1 Roof |\)>- 0.70311 0.7031 0.7031 11.4304 1.3092 1.2499 1.2499 1 1.2499 2.5429 2.3274
1 -1.87241 -2.9389 -4.0054 -1.2798 -2.3464 -3.3287 -5.2247 -7.12081 -2.2753 -4.1713
Flat Roof
|\)>- 1 NA 1 NA NA 1.2798 1.2798 NA NA 1 NA 2.2753 2.2753
Gable Roof -1.3984 -2.3464 -3.5314 -1.5169 -2.3464 -2.4860 -4.1713 -6.2781 -2.6966 -4.1713
Mansard Roof l\.7>—- 0.8058 0.8058 0.8058 1.3984 1.2798 1.4326 1.4326 1.4326 2.4860 2.2753
36 1
-l.2798 -2.2279 -3.2944 -1.5169 -2.3464 -2.2753 -3.9607 -5.8567 -2.6966 -4.1713
Hip Roof
|\)>- 0.8058 0.8058 0.8058 1.3984 1.2798 1.4326 1.4326 1.43261 2.4860 2.2753
Monoslope ._- -1.6354 -2.1094 -3.6499 -1.5169 -2.3464 ~2.9073 -3.7500 -6.48881-2.6966 -4.1713
Roof IQ 0.6873 0.6873 0.6873 1.3984 1.2798 1.2219 1.2219 1.2219 2.4860 2.2753
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-153 1
1 1
Table 207E.7-2
Components and Cladding — Part 4
C&C, V = 250 -300 kph, h = 36 - 48 m
Exposure C
V (kph) 250 300
Load Zone Zone
h (m) Roof Form
1 Case 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 2 3 4 5
-5.5186 -8.6622 -11.8057 -3.7722 -6.9158 -7.9468 -12.4735 -17.0002 -5.4320 -9.9587
Flat Roof
[Q_. NA NA NA 3.7722 3.7722 NA NA NA 5.4320 5.4320 ‘
Gable Roof -4.12151 -6.9158 K-10.4086‘ -4.4708 -6.9158 -5.9350 -9.9587i~l4.9883 -6.4379 -9.9587 1
48 1
Mansard Roof N).. 2.3751 2.3751 2.3751 4.1215 3.7722 ‘3.4202 3.4202 3.4202 5.9350 1 5.4320 1
1-3.7722‘ -6.5665 -9.7100 -4.4708 -6.9158 1-5.4320 -9.4557 -13.9824 -6.4379 -9.9587
Hip Roof
|\)_ 2.3751 2.3751 2.3751 4.1215 3.7722 3.4202 3.4202 3.4202 5.9350 5.4320
Monoslope -4.8201 -6.2172 -10.7579 -4.4708 -6.9158 -6.9409 -8.9528 -15.4913 -6.4379 -9.9587
Roof |\)-_- 2.0258 2.0258 2.0258 4.1215 3.7722 2.9172 2.9172 2.9172 5.9350 5.4320
~5.4789 -8.5998 -11.7208 -3.74511-6.8660 ~7.8897 ‘-12.3838 1-16.8779 -5.3929 -9.8871
Flat Roof
[\)_ NA NA NA 3.7451 l 3.7451 NA NA NA 5.3929 5.3929
Gable Roof -4.0919 -6.8660 -10.3337 -4.4386 -6.8660 -5.8923 -9.8871 -14.8805 -6.39161-9.8871
Mansard Roof 1 |\_)_ 2.35801 2.3580 2.3580 1 4.0919 3.7451 3.3956 3.3956 3.3956 1 5.8923 15.3929
45 1
-3.74511-6.5192 -9.6402 -4.4386 -6.8660 -5.3929 -9.3877 -13.8818 -6.3916 -9.8871‘
Hip Roof
|\)_. 2.3580 2.3580 2.3580 4.0919 3.7451 3.3956 3.3956 3.3956 5.8923 5.3929
Monos lope -4.7854 -6.1725 -10.6805 -4.4386 -6.8660 -6.8910‘ -8.8884 -15.3799 -6.3916 -9.8871 1
Roof |\)_. 2.0113 2.0113 12.0113 4.0919 3.7451 2.8962 2.8962 2.8962 5.8923 5.3929 1
-5.3995 -8.4752 -11.5509 -3.6908 -6.76651-7.7753 -12.2043 -16.6333 -5.3148 -9.7438 1
Flat Roof
|\_)_. NA NA NA 3.6908 3.6908 NA NA NA 5.3148 5.3148
1 1 1
Gable Roof -4.0326 -6.7665 -10.1839 -4.3743 -6.7665 -5.8069 -9.7438 -14.6649 -6.2990 -9.7438
Mansard Roof {Q1-4 2.3238 2.3238 2.3238 4.0326 3.6908 3.3463 3.3463 3.3463 5.8069 5.3148
42 *
-3.6908‘ -6.4248 -9.5004 -4.3743 -6.7665 -5.3148 -9.2517 -13.6806 -6.2990 K -9.7438
Hip Roof
|\)>- 2.3238 2.3238 2.3238 4.0326 1 3.6908 3.3463 3.3463 1 3.3463 5.8069 1 5.3148
Monoslope l-4.7160 -6.0830 -10.5257 -4.3743 -6.7665 -6.7911 -8.7595 -15.1570 -6.2990 -9.7438
Roof [\)>-4 1.9821 1.9821 1 .9 821 40326
. 36908
. 28542
. 2.8542 2.8542 5.8069 5.3148 1 1
-5.3201 -8.3506 ‘-11.3810 -3.6365 -6.6670 -7.6610 -12.0248 -16.3887 -5.2366 -9.6005 1
Flat Roof
[\)>- NA NA NA 3.63651 3.6365 NA NA 1 NA 5.2366 _5.23_6i61 '
Gable Roof ‘-3.9733‘ -6 .6 670 .
-100342 .
-43100 .
-66670 .
-57215 -9.6005 -14.4492 -6.2064 -9.6005
Mansard Roof |\)>- 2.2897 2.2897 1 2.2897 1 3.9733 3.6365 3.2971 3.2971 3.2971 5.7215 5.2366
-3.6365 -6.3303 -9.3607 1 -4.3100 -6.6670 -5.2366 -9.1156 -13.4794‘ -6.2064 -9.6005
Hip Roof
lg»-4 2.2897 2.2897 2.2897 3.9733 3.6365 3.2971 3.2971 3.2971 5.7215 5.2366
Monoslope -4.6467 -5.9936 -10.3709 -4.3100 -6.6670 -6.6912 -8.6307 -14.9341 -6.2064 -9.6005
Roof [\)>-4 1.9530 1.9530 1.9530 3.9733 3.6365 12.8123 2.8123 2.8123 5.7215 1 5.2366 1
1-5.2010 -8.1636 -11.1262 -3.5551‘-6.5177 -7.4895 -11.7556 -16.0218 -5.1194 -9.3855
Flat Roof
|\)_ NA NA NA 3.5551 3.5551 NA NA NA 5.1194 5.1194
0 Gable Roof -3.8843 -6.5177 -9.8095 -4.2135 -6.5177 -5.5934 -9.3855 -14.1257 -6.0674 -9.3855
Mansard Roof |q_ 2.2384 2.2384 2.2384 3.8843 3.5551 3.2233 3.2233 3.2233 5.5934 5.1194
-3.55511-6.1886 -9.1512 -4.2135 -6.5177 -5.1194 -8.9115 -13.1777 -6.0674 -9.3855
Hip Roof
[\)_ 2.2384‘ 2.2384 1 2.2384 3.8843 3.5551 3.2233 3.2233 3.2233 5.5934 5.1194
Monoslope -4.5427 -5.8594 -10.1387 -4.2135 -6.5177 -6.5414 -8.4375 -14.5997 -6.0674 -9.3855 1
Roof -4»-4 1.90921 1.9092 1.9092 3.8843 3.5551 2.7493 1 2.7493 2.7493 5.5934 5.1194 ‘
i 1
2-154 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
Table 207E.7-2 .
Components and Cladding - Part 4 1
C&C, V = 350 kph, h = 36 - 48 m
Exposure C
1 V (kph) 350
1 h (m) Roof Form Load
1 Case 11213one 45 1
I -10.81651-16.9778 -23.1392 -7.3936 -13.5549
Flat Roof
1 2 NA NA NA 7.3936 7.3936
Gable Roof l -8.0782 -13.5549 -20.4008 -8.7628 -13.5549
Mansard Roof [ge- 4.6552 4.6552 1 4.6552 8.0782 1 7.3936
48 .
-7.3936 -12.8703 -19.0316 -8.7628 -13.5549
Hip Roof ‘
|\)>_- 1 4.6552 4.6552 1 4.6552 8.0782 7.3936
1 1-9.4474 -12.1857 -21.0854 -8.7628 -13.5549
Monoslope Roof
|\)_. 1 3.9706 3.9706 3.9706 8.0782 7.3936
‘-10.7387 -16.8557 -22.9727 -7.3404 -13.4574
1 Flat Roof
|\)>- NA NA NA 7.3404 7.3404
Gable Roof -8.0201 -13.4574 -20.2540 -8.6997 -13.4574
I Mansard Roof |\)>- 4.6217 4.6217 4.6217 8.0201 7.3404
45-‘ ‘ -7.3404 1 -12.7777 -18.8947 -8.6997 -13.4574
‘ Hip Roof |\)>- 4.6217, 4.6217 4.6217 1 8.0201 7.3404 1
1 .
-9.37941-12.0980 -20.93371 -8.6997 -13.4574
Monoslope Roof
|\)-- 3.9421 3.9421 3.9421 1 8.0201 7.3404
-10.5831 -16.6114 -22.6398 -7.2340 -13.2623
Flat Roof
l\.)>- NA NA NA 7.2340 7.2340
Gable Roof l ?-7.903s A-13.26231 -19.9605 1 -8.5736 -13.2623‘
Mansard Roof |q>- 4.5547 4.5547 4.5547 7.9038 . 7.2340
-7.2340 -12.5925 -18.6209 -8.5736 -13.2623
Hip Roof
|\).- 4.5547 4.5547 1 4.5547 7.9038 7.2340
-9.2435 -11.9227 j-20.6303 -8.5736 -13.2623
Monoslope Roof
1 l\)>-A 3.8849 3.8849 3.8849 7.9038 7.2340
-10.4274 -16.3671 -22.3068 -7.1276 -13.0673
Flat Roof
|\)_. NA NA NA 7.1276 7.1276
Gable Roof -7.7876 -13.0673 -19.6670 -8.4476 -13.0673
Mansard Roof |\)_ 4.4878 4.4878 4.4878 7.7876 7.1276
-7.12761-12.4073 -18.3470 -8.4476 -13.0673
Hip Roof
|\)_. 4.4878 4.4878 4.4878 7.7876 7.1276
G-9.1075 -11.7474 -20.32691 -8.4476 -13.0673
Monoslope Roof1
[\)- 3.8278 3.8278 3.8278 7.7876 7.1276
110.1940 -16.0007‘ -21.80741 -6.9680 -12.77481
1 Flat Roof
[Qw- NA NA NA 6.9680 6.9680
Gable Roof -7.6132 -12.7748 -19.2267 -8.2584 -12.7748
Mansard Roof [\)>- 4.3873 4.3873 4.3873 7.6132 6.9680
36 -1 l-6.9680 -12.1296 -17.9363 -8.2584 -12.7748
Hip Roof
l\)>—~ 1 4.3873 4.3873 4.3873 7.6132 6.9680
-8.9036 -11.4844 -19.8718 -8.2584 -12.7748
Monoslope Roof
[qh- 3.7421 3.7421 3.7421 7.6132 6.9680
Part 5: Open Buildings Net pressure coefficients C11, include contributions from top
and bottom surfaces. All load cases shown for each roof
Commentary: angle shall be investigated. Plus and minus signs signify
pressure acting toward and away from the top surface of
In determining loads on component and cladding elements the roof, respectively.
for open building roofs using Figures 207E.8-I, 207E.8-2
and 207E. 8-3, it is importantfor the designer to note that
User Note:
the net pressure coe icient CN is based on contributions
from the top and bottom surfaces of the roof This implies
Use Part 5 of Section 207E for determining wind
that the element receives load from both surfaces. Such
would not be the case if the surface below the roof were pressures for C&C of open buildings having pitched,
separated structurally from the top roof surface. In this monoslope or troughed roofs. These provisions are
case, the pressure coe icient should be separatedfor the based on the Directional Procedure with windpressures
effect oftop and bottom pressures, or conservatively, each calculated from the specified equation applicable to
each roofsurface.
surface could be designed using the CN valuefrom Figures
207E.8-1, 207E. 8-2 and 207E.8-3.
Table 207E.8-1
207E.8 Building Types Steps to Determine C&C Wind Loads
Open Buildings
The provisions of Section 207E.8 are applicable to an open
building of all heights having a pitched free roof,
monosloped free roof, or troughed free roof The steps Step 1 Determine risk category, see Table 103-1
required for the determination of wind loads on Step 2 Determine the basic wind speed, V, for the
components and cladding for these building types is shown applicable risk category, see Figure 207A.5-
in Table 207E.8-1. 1A, B or C
The net design wind pressure for component and cladding > Gust effect factor, G, see Section 207A.9
elements of open buildings of all heights with monoslope, Step 4 Determine velocity pressure exposure
pitched, and troughed roofs shall be determined by the coef cient, K, or Kh, see Table 207E.3-1
following equation:
1 Step 5 Determine velocity pressure, qh,
see Equation 207E.3-1
p = q,,GC,1, (207E.8-1)
Step 6: Determine net pressure coef cients, CN
Where > Monosloped roof, see Figure 207E.8-1
qh = velocity pressure evaluated at mean roof > Pitched roof, see Figure 207E.8-2
height h using the exposure as de ned in
Section 207A.7.3 that results in the highest > Troughed roof, see Figure 207E.8-3
Wind loads for any wind direction at the site Step 7 Calculate wind pressure, p, see Equation
G = gust-effect factor from Section 207A.9 207E.8-1
C11, = net pressure coef cient given in:
0 Figure 207E.8-1 for monosloped roof 1 1
I Figure 207E.8-2 for pitched roof
0 Figure 207E.8-3 for troughed roof
2-156 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Part 6: Building Appurtenances and Rooftop 0 Load Case B: Leeward Parapet shall consist of
Structures and Equipment applying the applicable positive wall pressure from
Figure 207E.4-1 (h £ 18 m) or Figure 207E.6-1
207E.9 Parapets (h > 18 m) to the windward surface of the parapet,
and applying the applicable negative wall pressure
The design wind pressure for component and cladding from Figure 207E.4-1 (h 3 18 m) or Figure 207E.6_1
elements of parapets for all building types and heights, (h > 18 m) as applicable to the leeward surface. Edge
except enclosed buildings with h $ 48 m for which the and corner zones shall be arranged as shown in the
provisions of Part 4 are used, shall be determined from the applicable gures. (GC,,) shall be determined for
following equation: appropriate roof angle and effective wind area from
the applicable gures.
p = q,,[(cc,,) - (ac,,,)] (207E.9-1) If internal pressure is present, both load cases should be
evaluated under positive and negative intemal pressure.
qp = velocity pressure evaluated at the top of the The steps required for the determination of wind loads on
parapet component and cladding of parapets are shown in Table
(6611,) = external pressure coef cient given in 207E.9-1.
0 Figure 207E.4-1 for walls with h > 18 m
0 Figures 207E.4-2A to 207E.4-2C for at User Note:
roofs, gable roofs, and hip roofs
0 Figure 207E.4-3 for stepped roofs Use Part 6 of Section 207E for determining wind
0 Figure 207E.4-4 for multispan gable roofs pressures for C&C on roof overhangs and parapets of
0 Figure 207E.4-5A and 207E.4-5B for buildings. These provisions are based on the
monoslope roofs Directional Procedure with wind pressures calculated
0 Figure 207E.4-6 for sawtooth roofs from the specified equation applicable to each roof
0 Figure 207E.4-7 for domed roofs of all overhang or parapet surface.
0 Figure 207E.6-1 for walls and at roofs
with h > 18 m
0 Figure 207B.4-3 for footnote 4 for arched
(GCW) = internal pressure coef cient from
Table 207A.11-1, based on the porosity of the
parapet envelope
—~ i
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-157
2-158 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
The steps required for the determination of wind loads on 207E.1l Rooftop Structures and Equipment for
components and cladding of roof overhangs are shown in Buildings with h 3 18 m
Table 207E.10-1.
The components and cladding pressure on each wall of the
Table 207E.10-1 rooftop structure shall be equal to the lateral force
Steps to Determine C&C Wind Loads determined in accordance with Section 207D.5.l divided
Roof Overhangs by the respective wall surface are of the rooftop structure
and shall be considered to act inward and outward. The
1 components and cladding pressure on the roof shall be
Step 1: Determine risk category, see Table 103-1 equal to the vertical uplift force detennined in accordance
Step 2: Determine the basic wind speed, V, for the with Section 207D.5.l divided by the horizontal projected
applicable risk category, see Figure 207A.5- area of the roof of the rooftop structure and shall be
1A, B or C considered to act in the upward direction.
. i
1 1
1 1
’ '1
9 *-
3.3 _.._
,_ ,. -.i
-1.4 -1.4
GCp -1.2 1 4
ient, -0.s -0.8
ef c -0.4
Co -0.2
ressur +0.4
P +0.6
+0.8 1* i - i
+1.0 +1.0 1
xternal +1.2 1 i
E 01 0.9 1.9 4.6 9.3 18.6 46.5 92.9
Vertical scale denotes GCP to be used with q,,.
Horizontal scale denotes effective wind area, m2.
Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively.
Each component shall be designed for maximum positive and negative pressures.
Values of G0,, for walls shall be reduced by 10% when 0 3 10 ° .
.°‘*":"°’!°'-‘ Notation
a 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0. 4-h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension or 0.9 m.
h mean roof height, m, except that eave height shall be used for 8 3 10 ° . 1
0 angle of plane of roof from horizontal
Figure 207E.4-1
External Pressure Coef cients, GCp Walls, h 3 18 m Enclosed
Partially Enclosed Buildings
L .
2-160 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
'10l1* "10-1*
G9 151 1:) 31
'_ *—_‘_-/"
<@_ _ _ _
-0» l
.22 3-1 El_ L_ _ §$______
ent, -20 2
f ("2ci -16 1
30 _ I —Overhang 1
12 1
ure {>._._. oo-
1049 19 3 3
0 l 09 1 9 46 93 18 6
10% of least horizontal dimension or O 4h, whichever is smaller but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension or 0 9 m
eave height shall be used for 0 3 10
angle of plane of roof from horizontal,
Figure 207E 4-2A
External Pressure Coef cients, GCp Gable Roofs 0 3 7° h 3 18 m
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-161
xtern +0.5
E +0.6 - 1 -1 - 1
-12> H). 8
Q l O9 I 9 46
9 3 5 e~
4 6. 5 92.9
1111;"l°1l"_ "10! 011"- 1Q1
1-er Effective Wind Area, m2
T 5+ o
-33 (1)33 1 .._ 3.3333
-3.6 _ _ 4 13$/@g_ '”
ef cient _32 ._
6 o- C --
.23 . _ _ 5 _.
___@ ___§1_ SSUTC .2 4 3,/-\_ . .. 1 ....3 3
1'6 -2:2 . 1 -2.2
l_ ,11-11_E_1-EZ§_E: -20--
1 01
(1 1
Figure 207E.4-2B
External Pressure Coef cients, GCp Gable/Hip Roofs 7° < 19 3 27°, h 3 18m
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
cient, -0.4
.()_2 ,-
(5 @G3 @ +0.6 —-
+0. S /‘" E Zif A Z +
i i
+1 H rig;
res ure
'o.| 0.9 |.9 4.6 9 .3 "1.6 46.5 92.9
_ _@_ _, _@ _ _ ,_ _ @ _,
Lof Q;_,_,_ ExtPernal
Effective Wind Area, m2
@399 Q
-2.s l l -,~ l
t,G _ ,Overhang_
GI] -2.4 » ‘ ,
ci -2.2 ,
oef 2.0
-I-8 _
6 t t 16 . i i
i i
res ure
-1.2 i
-1.0‘0.1 0.9
i l
. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively.
Each component shall be designed for maximum positive and negative pressures.
. Values of GC, for roof overhangs include pressure contributions from both upper and lower surfaces.
O‘\U|:bLnJl\)I—~ Notation:
a : 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0. 4-h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension 0.9 m.
h : mean roof height, m
9 = angle of plane of roof from horizontal, ° I
Figure 207E.4-2C
External Pressure Coef cients, GCp Gable Roofs 27° < 6 5 45°, h £ 18 m
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings
h _ _
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-163
ig- 1
>-,—_,-:—| -1
m ..4
_‘ W| J: W2 i
O 30 to 0.70
r< W i
0 25 to 0.75
"L wi *' ‘ W2 W: "
I I W "I
On the lower level of at, stepped roofs shown in Figure 207E.4-3, the zone designations and pressure coef cients shown in Figure 207E 4 2A shall
apply, except that at the roof-upper wall intersection(s), Zone 3 shall be treated as Zone 2 and Zone 2 shall be treate d as Zone l Positive values of GC
equal to those for walls in Figure 207E.4-1 shall apply on the cross-hatched areas shown in Figure 207E.4-3.
Figure 207E.4-3
External Pressure Coef cients, GCp Stepped Roofs, h S 18 m
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings
2-164 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
-HuP-- duP—- uE- l
'1 L Q1 31 Qi L K3].
1 l
<1) <0 l‘
T 5 i_
L _ _._ :_@_ _ L_ ______g______,/h _ _ _ @H_i_ _ PLAN AND ELEVATION OF A SINGLE SPAN MODULE
<1 m
-3.0 ‘i _3_0 -1 1 1 1
O _ 28 1 1
.16 -E 1° < '9 5 30° 2" _,_6 30?< 0 5 45° -2.6
-0.4 _ 1 -o.4 1 1
-0.2 1 I _0.2 — — l
0 r e * I e‘ * 0
0.2 I l 1 1 +02 1 1 1
+0.4 l 1 ~ I
ri ~ +0.4 +0.4 l i . .
l 2
ExtPrCoesfrncuialern +0.8 +0.8 1- '1‘ '5 I-3 +0.5
0.1 0.9 1.9 4.6 9.3 18.6 46.5 92.9 ExtPrCoefGCp
esrnucalrient, +1 _ +11,
N - . .
°‘°S' Effective Wind Area, m2 “-2 l-
. Vertical scale denotes GC11, to be used with qh. 0'1 0'9 1'9 4'6 93 1&6 46's 929
Horizontal scale denotes effective wind area A, m2 Effective A1-ea m2
. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respective y. ‘ ’
Each component shall be designed for maximum positive and negative pressures.
. For 9 5 10°, values of GC1, from Figure 207E.4-2A shall be used.
O\UI:§b)[\)>—* Notation:
= 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0. 4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension or 0.9 m.
= mean roof height, m, except that the eave height shall be used for 6 5 10“
= building module width, m
q>§=-m = angle of plane of roof from horizontal, °
Figure 207E.4-4
External Pressure Coef cients, GCp Multispan Gable Roofs, h S 18 m
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-165
= l
26 l -2.6
P 2.4
/l\J\ \.:-' 2"» P)-
‘ 2L C ‘-2.2 ‘ 1
(3‘) T ‘Tl
l ' ‘—!°iwo 0 l l ‘
L .
. _g~_.. Q»
-1‘ —l.8
__J l l
. <¥———- 1
- .Q -Q
Coefurecient, t. 0
Z 1
- @ lo) ii
-0.6 I
GM ___!_._
+0.2 +0.2
Exte +0.4
+0.8 .l l
0.1 0.9 1.9 4.6 9.3 18.6 46.5 92.9
Vertical scale denotes GC1, to be used with qh.
Horizontal scale denotes effective wind area A, m2
Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively.
Each component shall be designed for maximum positive and negative pressures.
For 0 5 3“, values of GCP from Figure 207E.4-2A shall be used.
_O\LIl:PU3l\7I—- Notation
10% of least horizontal dimension or 0. 4-h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension or 0.9 m.
eave height shall be used for 0 5 10°
building width, m
=:§=-in angle of plane of roof from horizontal,
Figure 207E.4-5A
External Pressure Coefficients, GC1, Monoslope Roofs, 3° < 19 5 10°,h 5 18 m
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings
2-166 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
30 E
“*2<1 <1 "" -2.s _ _ '2’
l -2.4 i 1l
§i_- P 20
T’ -1.6
em g§__l__g.>__l__ l________@____
+0.4 liH
CoefExtercniealntP,Gres uCre +0.8
= 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0 4h whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension 0 9 m
= mean roof height, m
= building width, m
q=§=-in = angle of plane of roof from horizontal
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-167
lT Tl°‘T k.
.1l.. ....
. 1 1i
__'\_a_ -4.0 ?
_3,g Il .
:%,- (D (2)5
-1.2 5 -3.2
_ -3 .0
_2_ L L 1
_ _@_ _ 4: (SPAN
B.C& oi -2.6
-, _‘L
ii 1° ‘ ‘
._§.3'___ <2) E3
-l.8 V
II| -1.1
-1 I
- I .0
-l.6 V -l.6
-l.4 E
-i.2 w
? -1.0
|_ W _| -0.2
+0.4 ._ 40 .4
A B c 5% 1,,
-+0.6 I P-"
I nd
__ _--j-1-is
i ll +0.7
I - W” Q - -1 \-
0.1 0.9 l.9 4.6 9.3 18.6 46.5 92.9
Vertical scale denotes GCp to be used with qh.
Horizontal scale denotes effective wind area A, m2
Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively.
Each component shall be designed for maximum positive and negative pressures.
For 0 5 10“, values of GC1, from Figure 207E.4-2A shall be used.
10% of least horizontal dimension or 0. 4-h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension or 0.9 m.
mean roof height, m, except that the eave height shall be used for 9 5 10°
building module width, m
Q§="nI angle of plane of roof from horizontal, °
Figure 207E.4-6
External Pressure Coef cients, GCp Sawtooth Roofs, h 5 18 m
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings
L D _l
. Values denote GCp to be used with q(,,D+f), where hp + f is the height at the top of the dome.
. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively
. Each component shall be designed for maximum positive and negative pressures.
Values apply to 0 5 I11;/D 5 0. 5, 0.2 5 f/D 5 0.5.
. 0 = 0° on dome springline, 9 = 90“ at dome center top point. f is measured from spring line to top
Figure 207E.4-7
External Pressure Coef cients, GC11, Doomed Roofs, All Heights
Enclosed, Partially Enclosed Buildings and Structures
_ 1|
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
/"' ‘\\x
Av ‘ ./.111
\ /'>;..
/"7/<31 \_\\‘ , ,/
. ./ /"')1‘.
7 \-.
, /.
‘t ,7
\ >>/
"<>>/ ’*%>>’
Gable Roof (0 5 7°) Gable Roof (7° < 0 5 45°) 7
El Interior Zones
Roofs - Zone l/Walls — Zone 4
- End Zones
Roofs — Zone 2/Walls A Zone 5
-Corner Zones
Roofs — Zone 3
Pressures shown are applied normal to the surface, for exposure B, at h = 9 m. Adjust to other conditions using Equation 207E.5- 1.
Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively.
For hip roofs with 0 5 Z5“, Zone 3 shall be treated as Zone 2.
For effective wind areas between those given, value may be interpolated, otherwise use the value associated with the lower effective wind area.
a 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0. 4-h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimension or 0.9 m.
h mean roof height, m, except that the eave height shall be used for 0 < 10"
6 angle of plane of roof from horizontal, °
Figure 207E.5-1
Design Wind Pressures Walls and Roofs, h 5 18 m
Enclosed Buildings
2-170 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Net Design Wind Pressure, pnet (kPa) (Exposure B at h = 10 m with I = 1.0 and Kd = 1.0)
Effective Basic Wind Speed V (kph)
Zone wind area -1
1 (§q_ m_) 150 1 200 250 300 1 350
,-t 1.0 0.30 0.54 0.84 1.22 1.65
i-i 2.0 0.28 0.51 0.79 1.14 1.55
i-l 4.5 0.26 0.46 0.72 1.04 1.41
EOS I-1 9.5 0.24 0.43 0.67 0.96 1.31
gr IQ 1.0 0.30 0.54 0.84 1.22 1.65
2.0 0.28 0.51 0.79 1.14 1.55
7de b-I
(0 l-I 4.5 0.26 0.46 0.72 1.04 1.4]
fl] N 9.5 0.24 0.43 0.67 0.96 1.31
U3 1.0 0.30 0.54 0.84 1.22 1.65
Roo 1.55
lo) 2.0 0.28 0.51 0.79 1.14
B) 4.5 0.26 0.46 0.72 1.04 l.4l
D) 9.5 0.24 0.43 0.67 0.96 1.31
p-A 1.0 0.43 0.77 1.20 1.72 2.34
y-A 2.0 0.39 0.70 1.09 1.57 2.14
CS 0-A 4.5 0.34 0.61 0.95 1,37 1.86
Pl 9.5 0.31 0.55 0.85 1.23 1.67
egre 1.20 1.72 2.34
d no 1.0 0.43 0.77
Z7 no 2.0 0.39 0.70 1.09 1.57 2.14
to to 4.5 0.34 0.61 0.95 1.37 1.86
to 9.5 0.31 0.55 0.85 1.23 1.67
f ua 1.0 0.43 0.77 1.20 1.72 2.34
R00 bl 2.0 0.39 0.70 1.09 1.57 2.14
bl 4.5 0.34 0.61 0.95 1.37 1.86
bi 9.5 0.31 0.55 0.85 1.23 1.67
i-t 1.0 0.68 1 .22 1.90 2.74 3.72
p-ii 2.0 0.66 1.18 1.85 2.66 3.62
65 I-I 4.5 0.64 1.14 1.78 2.56 3.48
bl 9.5 0.62 1.10 1.72 2.48 3.38
d N 1.0 0.68 1.22 6lT 1.90 2.74 3.72
45 no 2.0 0.66 1.18 1.85 2.66 3.62
4.5 0.64 1.14 1.78 2.56 3.48
7to l~J
l-I 9.5 0.62 1.10 1.72 2:48 3.38
f> ua 1.0 0.68 1.22 1.90 2.74 3.72
R00 bl 2.0 0.66 1.18 1.85 2.66 3.62
IA 4.5 0.64 1.14 1.78 2.56 3.48
U) 9.5 0.62 1.10 1.72 2.48 3.38
-B 1.0 0.75 1.33 2.08 2.99 4.07
-B 2.0 0.72 1.27 1.99 2.86 3.90
-Ii 4.5 0.67 1.19 1.86 2.68 3.65
-B 9.5 0.64 1.13 1.77 2.55 3 .46
JR 46.5 0.56 0.99 1.55 2.23 3.03
Ul 1.0 0.75 1.33 2.08 2.99 4.07
Ul 2.0 0.72 1.27 1.99 2.86 3.90
(II 4.5 0.67 1.19 1.86 2.68 3.65
(ll 9.5 0.64 1.13 1.77 2.55 3.46
46.5 0.56 0.99 1.55 2.23 3.03
Note For e ective areas between those given above the load may be interpolated otherwise use the lrmcl associated with the lower e ective
area The nal value, including all permitted reductions, used in the design shall not be less than that required by Section 207E 2 2
. _i
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-171
Adjustment Factor
for Building Height and Exposure, A
0919' .6_ _
as i
L -_ _t, g -
- 3.4
- 3.2
T’ 7
* r
- i
—'l—r‘" - 28
- 16 i i i '“ "
@a _ i i I-
__E§ '1=—it i l ._
i r‘ _
I‘ —P°°¢=
-,_;_-_.--v |-1 Zo
ll i iii! GO!-I - i-IUID
M)-I- i l o
'|' [L2
+ I14 \
+ I16 -l-
'l- QQ ran
CoPreExtfescieunretn, al 4- ELK if i
han Q) +1.0
no in -iii 03120465919
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-173
Top parapet
r g [
pi —
P2 pa P4 "l
P5 1,6
—> l
Windward Parapet
Load Case A
1. Windward parapet pressure (p1) is determined using the positive wall pressure (p5) zones 4 or 5 from Table 207E.7-2.
2. Leeward parapet pressure (p2) is determined using the negative roof pressure (p7) Zones 2 or 3 from Table 207E.7-2.
Leeward Parapet
Load Case B
1. Windward parapet pressure (p3) is determined using the positive wall pressure (p5) zones 4 or 5 from Table 207E.7-2.
2. Leeward parapet pressure (p4) is determined
' using
' the negative
' wall pressure (p6) zones 4 or 5 from T abl e 207E.7-2.
Figure 207E.7-1
Parapet Wind Loads Application of Parapet Wind Loads, h S 48.8 m
Enclosed Simple Diaphragm Buildings
2-174 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
pov i
1. p,,,,,, = roof pressure at overhang for edge or comer zone as applicable from gures in roof pressure table.
2. pm," from gures includes load from both top and bottom surface of overhang.
3. Pressure p, at sof t of overhang can be assumed same as wall pressure, pw.
Figure 207E.7-2
Roof Overhang Wind Loads Application of Overhang Wind Loads, h 3 48 m
Enclosed Simple Diaphragm Buildings
\ |-i L?
5 S
L *|“l*L'-
Roof Effective i CN
Angle Wind Area Clear Wind Flow Obstructed Wind Flow
, 9 Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1 Zone 3 i Zone 2 Zone 1
S212 2.4 -3.3 1.8 -1.7 , 1.2 -1.1 1 -3.6 0.8 i -1.8 0.5 -1.2
2 _ l ‘
0" <4>0:,' 1.8 -1.7 1.8 -1.7; 1'2 1'1,0.s -1.8 0.8 -1.8 0.5 -1.2
l >4.0a2 1.2 -1.1 l 1.2 , -1.1 2 1.2 -1.1 0.5 -1.2 0.5 -1.2 0.5 l-1.2 l
S a2 3.2 -4.2 2.4 -2.1 1.6 -1.4 1.6 -5.1 1.2 -2.6 0.8 -1.7
7.5" li S403,
>32, 2.4 ‘ -2.1 l, 2.4 li -2.1 1.6 'l -1.4 1.2 -2.6 1.2 l
-2.6 0.8 -1.7
>4.0a2 1.6 -1.4 1.6 , - 1.4 1.6 -1.4 0.8 -1.7i 0.8 i -1.7 0.8 -1.7
S212 3.6 -3.8 2.7 i -2.9 1.8 -1.9 . 2.4 -4.2i 1.8 -3.2 1.2 i -2.1
2 - _
15" <4>0:,' 2.7 -2.9 2.7 -2.9 1'8 1'9,1.s -3.2 1.8 -3.2 1.2 2'1
>4.0a2 1.8 ,1-1.9 __1.8, -1.9 1.8 -1.9 1.2 -2.1 1.2 -2.1 1.2 -2.1
Sa2 5.2 -5 l 3.9 , -3.8 2.6 2.5 3.2 -4.6 2.4 -3.5 l 1.6 -2.3
2 _
30" <4>0:,' 3.9 -3.8 3.9 \ -3.8 2'6 2'5 2.4 -3.5 2.4 -3.5 1.6 2'3
>4.0a2 2.6 -2.5 2.6 ‘ -2.5 2.6 2.5 1.6' -2.3 1.6 -2.3 1.61-2.3
Sa2 5.2 -4.6 3.9 -3.5 2.6 2.3 4.2 -3.8 3.2 -2.9‘ 2.1 -1.9
3 -
45° <4>0:,' 3.9 -3.5 3.9 -3.5 2'6 2'3 3.2 -2.9 3.2 -2.9 2.1 1'9
>4.0a2 , 2.6 -2.3 2.6 -2.3 2.6 2.3 2.1 -1.9 2.1 -1.91 2.1 -1.9 i
1 CN denotes net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces).
2 Clear wind ow denotes relatively unobstructed wind ow with blockage less than or equal to 50%. Obstructed wind ow denotes objects below roof
inhibiting wind ow (>50% blockage).
For values of 0 other than those shown, linear interpolation is permitted.
Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting towards and away from the top roof surface, respectively.
Components and cladding elements shall be designed for positive and negative pressure coef cients shown.
= 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4-h, whichever is smaller but not less than 4% of least horizontal dimension or 0.9 m.
= mean roof height, m
= Horizontal dimension of building, measured in along wind direction, m
%P~§"DI = angle of plane of roof from horizontal, °
Figure 207E.8-1
Net Pressure Coef cient, CN Monoslope Free Roofs, 6 S 45°, 0.25S h/L S 1.0 +
Open Buildings
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume l, 7th Edition, 2015
2~176 CHAPTER 2 »- Minimum Design Loads
l‘%Li‘l l T1
3- s * Z L '7"
3 —- 2 2 __
’ 1 1
1 1 l
1'1 " "m
_ 3
= _ ,_
1 /' / /7—.. /77.7777
Figure 207E.8-2
Net Pressure Coef cient, CN Pitched Free Roofs, 9 S 45°, O.25S h/L S 1.0
Open Buildings
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-177
6>10° 9>10° ,
, ‘i 1‘ "1 iv? L S 'l ,
S_ — T2 T1
77777///'/7/ / ///,7?/T7/7
Roof l Effective 1 CN
Angle Wind Area , Clear Wind Flow , Obstructed Wind Flow
9 l Zone 3 } Zone 2 Zone 1 Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1
<3 2 i 24 ‘ _ 33 l 18 l _ 17 12 _ 11 1 136_ 08 _ 18l‘ 05 _ 1.2
Z 1 . 1 1 _ 1 1 l
0" >1" 1, 1.8 1 -1.7 . 1.8 1 -1.7
S 4.Oa2
1'2 1'1 0.8 1-1.8 0.8 -1.8 1 0'5 -1.2
>4.0a2 1.2 ,-1.1 1.2 l 1.1 1* 1.2 1.1 0.5 1.2 0.5 1 1.21 0.5 1.2
S a2 2.4 -3.3 1.8 1.7 1.2 1.1 1 -4.8 0.8 -2.4 0.5 1.6
2 1 ' 1.2
7.5" >2’
S 4.0a2
1.8 1.1 1.8 1.7 1'1 0.8 -2.4 0.8 -2.4 0.5 1.6
>4.Oa2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1 1.1 1.2 1.1 0.5 1.6 1l 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.6
$.32 "2.2 -2.2 1.7 -1.7 1.1 -1.1. 1 -2.4 1 0.8 1 1.8 0.5 1.2
15° $403,
>a2' 17. 17. 17. 17. 1'1 pi 1'1 , 0s. 181081-
. . , 1.8 0.5
1'2 l
>4.052 1.1 -1.1 ‘ 1.1 -1.1 1.1 -1.1 0.5 1.2 0.5 1.2 0.5 1.2
g a2 1.8 -2.6 1.4 »2 0.9 -1.3 1 -2.8 0.8 -2.1 0.5 -1.4 i,
30" >1“ 1.4?. -2 ., 1.4 -2 0'9 1'3 0.8. -2.1 0.8 2'1 0'5 1 '4 -
2 1 - - -
S 4.0a2 i ,
>4.0a2 0.9 pl 1.3 0.9 -1.3 0.9 -1.3 0.5 1.4 0.5 _-1.4 0.5 1.4 , |l
g Saz 1.6 -2.2 1.2 -1.7 0.8 - 1.1 1 -2.4 0.8 1.8 0.5 12. I‘l
S Ma, 1.2 1.7 1.2 ‘ -1.7 0.8 -1.1 0.8 1
1.8 0.8 -1.8 0.5 -1.2
7> 4-.0a2 0.8 -1.1 0.8 1.1 0.8 1.1 0.5 -1.2 0.5 , -1.2 , 0.5 -1.2 '1
1 CN denotes net pressures (contributions from top and bottom surfaces).
2 Clear wind ow denotes relatively unobstructed wind ow with blockage less than or equal to 50%. Obstructed wind ow denotes objects below roof
inhibiting wind ow (>50% blockage).
For values of 9 other than those shown, linear interpolation is permitted.
Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting towards and away from the top roof surface, respectively.
Components and cladding elements shall be designed for positive and negative pressure coef cients shown.
o\\JI:I>La) Notation: l
a = 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4-h, whichever is smaller but not less than 4% of least horizontal dimension or 0.9 m.
Dimension “a” is as shown in Figure 207E.8-1.
h : mean roof height, m
L = Horizontal dimension of building, measured in along wind direction, m i
0 = angle of plane of roof from horizontal, ° if
Figure 207E.8-3
Net Pressure Coef cient, CN Troughed Free Roofs, 6 S 4-5°, O.25S h/L S 1.0 -11-
Open Buildings l
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
— _ W
2-178 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
pi pz P3 P4
s p6
Windward Parapet
Load Case A
1. Windward parapet pressure (pl) is detennined using the positive wall pressure (p5) zones 4 or 5 from the applicable gure
2. Leeward parapet pressure (P2) is determined using the negative roof pressure (p7) zones 2 or 3 from the applicable gure
Leeward Parapet
Load Case B
1. Windward parapet pressure (p3) is determined using the positive wall pressure (p5) zones 4 or 5 from the applicable gure.
2. Leeward parapet pressure (p4) is determined using the negative wall pressure (p6) zones 4 or 5 from the applicable gure.
User Note:
Figure 207E.9-l
Parapet Wind Loads C&C — Part 6, All Building Heights All Building Types
Notes: .
l. Net roof pressure pwh on roof overhangs is determined from interior, edge or comer zones as applicable from gures.
2. Net pressure pm, from gures includes pressure contribution from top and bottom surfaces of roof overhang.
3. Positive pressure at roof overhang sof t p, is the same as adjacent wall pressure pw.
2 180 Cl l/\P'l'[T.R 2 l\/linimum Dostlgn I OTIGS
207F Wind Tunnel Procedure accelerations. Each of these models, together with a mode]
of the surroundings (proximity model), can provide
Wind tunnel testing is specified when a structure contains information other than wind loads, such as snow loads on
any of the characteristics de ned in Sections 207B.l.3, complex roofs, wind data to evaluate environmental impgc;
207C.l.3, 207D.1.3, or 207E.1.3 or when the designer on pedestrians, and concentrations of air-pollutant
wishes to more accurately determine the wind loads. For emissions for environmental impact determinations,
some building shapes wind tunnel testing can reduce the Several references provide detailed information and
conservatism due to enveloping of wind loads inherent in guidance for the determination of wind loads and other
the Directional Procedure, Envelope Procedure, or types of design data by wind tunnel tests (Cermak 1977,
Analytical Procedurefor Components and Cladding. Also, Reinhold I982, ASCE 1999, and Boggs and Peterka 1989).
wind tunnel testing accounts for shielding or channeling
and can more accurately determine wind loads for a Wind tunnel tests frequently measure wind loads that are
complex building shape than the Directional Procedure, significantly lower than required by Sections 207A, 207B,
Envelope Procedure, or Analytical Procedure for 207C, 207D, and 207E due to the shape ofthe building, the
Components and Cladding. It is the intent of the code that likelihood that the highest wind speeds occur at directions
any building or other structure be allowed to use the wind where the building ’s shape orpressure coe icients are less
tunnel testing method to determine wind loads. than their maximum values, speci c buildings included in
Requirements for proper testing are given in Section a detailed proximity model that may provide shielding in
207F.2. excess of that implied by exposure categories, and
necessary conservatism in enveloping load coefficients in
It is common practice to resort to wind tunnel tests when Sections 207C and 207E. In some cases, aojacent
design data are required for the following wind-induced structures may shield the structure sufficiently that
loads: removal of one or two structures could significantly
increase wind loads. Additional wind tunnel testing without
1. Curtain wall pressures resulting rom irregular specific nearby buildings (or with additional buildings if
geometry. they might cause increased loads through channeling or
buffeting) is an effective method for determining the
2. Across-wind and/or torsional loads. in uence ofadjacent buildings.
3. Periodic loads caused by vortex shedding. For this reason, the code limits the reduction that can be
acceptedfrom wind tunnel tests to 80 percent of the result
4. Loads resulting om instabilities, such as utter or obtained rom Part I of Section 207B or Part I of Section
galloping. 207C, or Section 207E, ifthe wind tunnelproximity model
included any specific in uential buildings or other objects
Boundary-layer wind tunnels capable of developingflows that, in thejudgment ofan experienced wind engineer, are
that meet the conditions stipulated in Section 207F.2 likely to have substantially in uenced the results beyond
typically have test-section dimensions in the following those characteristic of the general surroundings. If there
ranges: width of2 to 4 m, height of2 to 3 m, and length of are any such buildings or objects, supplemental testing can
I5 to 30 m. Maximum wind speeds are ordinarily in the be performed to quanti t their effect on the original results
range of 10 to 45 m/s. The wind tunnel may be either an and possibly justijy a limit lower than 80 percent, by
open-circuit or closed circuit type. removing them from the detailed proximity model and
replacing them with characteristic ground roughness
Three basic types ofwind-tunnel test models are commonly consistent with the adjacent roughness. A speci c
used. These are designated as follows: (1) rigid Pressure in uential building or object is one within the detailed
Model (Pill), (2) rigid high-frequency base balance model proximity model that protrudes well above its
(H-FBBl\/I), and (3) Aero-elastic Model (Alll). One or more surroundings, or is unusually close to the subject building,
of the models may be employed to obtain design loads for or may otherwise cause substantial sheltering effect or
a particular building or structure. The PMprovides local magni cation of the wind loads. When these supplemental
peak pressures for design of elements, such as cladding test results are included with the original results, the
and mean pressures, for the determination ofoverall mean acceptable results are then considered to be the higher of
loads. The H-FBBM measures overall uctuating loads both conditions.
(aerodynamic admittance) for the determination of
dynamic responses. When motion ofa building or structure However, the absolute minimum reduction permitted is 65
in uences the wind loading, the AM is employedfor direct percent ofthe baseline resultfor components and cladding,
measurement of overall loads, de ections, and and 50 percentfor the main windforce resisting system. A
higher reduction is permitted for MWFRS, because
(LHAP I l—1l-< 2- l\/linirnum l)esiqn Loads 2-I81
half or less of the drag coe icient for the rectangular rise buildings), Section 207D (MWFRS for all other
prisms that form the basis of Section 207B, 207C, and structures), and Section 207E (components and cladding
207E. for all building types and other structures).
6. Reynolds number effects on pressures and forces are Database-Assisted Design. Wind-tunnel aerodynamics
minimized. databases that contain records of pressures measured
synchronously at large numbers of locations on the
7‘. Response characteristics of the wind tunnel exterior surface ofbuilding models have been developed by
instrumentation are consistent with the required wind researchers, e.g., Simiu et al. (2003) and Main and
measurements. Fritz (2006). Such databases include data that permit a
designer to determine, without specific wind tunnel tests,
207F.3 Dynamic Response wind-induced forces and moments in Main Wind Force
Resisting Systems and Components and Cladding of
Tests for the purpose of determining the dynamic response selected shapes and sizes ofbuildings. A public domain set
of a building or other structure shall be in accordance with of such databases, recorded in tests conducted at the
Section 207F.2. The structural model and associated University of Western Ontario (Ho et al. 2005 and St.
analysis shall account for mass distribution, stiffness, and Pierre et al. 2005) for buildings with gable roofs is
damping. available on the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) website: www.nist.gov/wind.
207F.4 Load Effects Interpolation softwarefor buildings with similar shape and
with dimensions close to and intermediate between those
207F.4.1 Mean Recurrence Intervals of Load Effects included in the set of databases is also available on that
site. Because the database results are for generic
The load effect required for Strength Design shall be surroundings as permitted in item 3 of Section 207F.2,
determined for the same mean recurrence interval as for the interpolation or extrapolationfrom these databases should
Analytical Method, by using a rational analysis method, be used only if condition 2 of Section 207B.l.2 is true.
de ned in the recognized literature, for combining the Extrapolations from available building shapes and sizes
directional wind tunnel data with the directional are not permitted and interpolations in some instances
meteorological data or probabilistic models based thereon. may not be advisable. For these reasons, the guidance of
The load effect required for Allowable Stress Design shall an engineer experienced in wind loads on buildings and
be equal to the load effect required for Strength Design familiar with the usage ofthese databases is recommended
divided by 1.6. For buildings that are sensitive to possible All databases must have been obtained using testing
variations in the values of the dynamic parameters, methodology that meets the requirements for wind tunnel
sensitivity studies shall be required to provide a rational testing specified in Section 207F.
basis for design recommendations.
207F.4.3 Limitations on Loads
Loads for the main wind force resisting system determined
Examples of analysis methods for combining directional by wind tunnel testing shall be limited such that the overall
wind tunnel data with the directional meteorological data principal loads in the x and y directions are not less than 80
or probabilistic models based thereon are described in percent of those that would be obtained from Part 1 of
Lepage and Irwin (1985), Rigato et al. (2001), Isyumov et Section 207B or Part 1 of Section 207C. The overall
al. (2003), Irwin et al. (2005), Simiu and Filliben (2005), principal load shall be based on the overtuming moment
and Simiu and llliyata (2006). for exible buildings and the base shear for other buildings.
207F.4.2 Limitations on Wind Speeds Pressures for components and cladding determined by
wind turmel testing shall be limited to not less than 80
The wind speeds and probabilistic estimates based thereon percent of those calculated for Zone 4 for walls and Zone
shall be subject to the limitations described in Section 1 for roofs using the procedure of Section 207E. These
207A.5.3. Zones refer to those shown in Figures 207E.4-1, 207E.4-
2A, 207E.4-2B, 207E.4-2C, 207E.4-3, 207E.4-4, 207E.4-
Commentary: 5A, 207E.4-5B, 207E.4-6, 207E.4-7, and 207E.6-1.
Section 207F.4.2 speci es that the statistical methods used The limiting values of 80 percent may be reduced to 50
to analyze historical wind speed and direction data for percent for the main wind force resisting system and 65
wind tunnel studies shall be subject to the same limitations percent for components and cladding if either of the
specified in Section 207F.4.2 that apply to the Analytical following conditions applies:
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-183
Cl-l/\PTER 2 Minimum Design Loads 2-185
(2,, ' Seismic Force Ampli cation Factor, which is Facilities l 1'25 1'50
required to account for structural over-strength III. Special
and set forth in Table 208-1 1 Occupancy 1.00 1.00 \
Structur_es 1
208.4 Basis for Design IV. Standard
Occupancy 1.00 1.00
208.4.1 General Structures
V. Miscellaneous 1'00 1'00
The procedures and the limitations for the design of structures
structures shall be determined considering seismic zoning, ' See Table I 03-1 for occupancy category listing
site characteristics, occupancy, con guration, structural
2 The limitation of Ip for panel connections in Section
system and height in accordance with this section.
Structures shall be designed with adequate strength to 208. 7.2.3 shall be 1.0for the entire connector
withstand the lateral displacements induced by the Design 3 Structural observation requirements are given in Section
Basis Ground Motion, considering the inelastic response of 107.9
the structure and the inherent redundancy, over-strength 4 For anchorage ofmachinery and equipment requiredfor
and ductility of the lateral force-resisting system. life-safety systems, the value of Ip shall be taken as 1.5
The minimum design strength shall be based on the Design 208.4.3 Site Geology and Soil Characteristics
Seismic Forces determined in accordance with the static
lateral force procedure of Section 208.5, except as Each site shall be assigned a soil pro le type based on
modi ed by Section properly substantiated geotechnical data using the site
categorization procedure set forth in Section 208.4.3.l.l
Where strength design is used, the load combinations of and Table 208-2.
Section 203.3 shall apply. Where Allowable Stress Design
is used, the load combinations of Section 203.4 shall apply. Exception:
Allowable Stress Design may be used to evaluate sliding When the soil properties are not known in sujficient detail
or overtuming at the soil-structure interface regardless of to determine the soil profile type, Type SD shall be used
the design approach used in the design of the structure, Soil Pro le Type SE or SF need not be assumed unless the
provided load combinations of Section 203.4 are utilized. building official determines that Type SE or SF may be
present at the site or in the event that Type SE or SF is
established by geotechnical data.
_ M1
2-186 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads Soil Pro le Type The criteria set forth in the de nition for Soil Pro le
Type SE requiring site-speci c evaluation shall be
Soil Pro le Types SA, SE, SE, SD and SE are de ned in considered. If the site corresponds to these criteria, the
Table 208-2 and Soil Pro le Type SE is de ned as soils site shall be classi ed as Soil Pro le Type SE and a
requiring site-speci c evaluation as follows: site-speci c evaluation shall be conducted.
Soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under Site Categorization Procedure
seismic loading, such as lique able soils, quick and
highly sensitive clays, and collapsible weakly Scope
cemented soils.
This section describes the procedure for determining Soil
Peats and/or highly organic clays, where the thickness Pro le Types SA through SE as de ned in Table 208-2.
of peat or highly organic clay exceeds 3.0 m.
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-187 vs, Average Shear Wave Velocity 208.4.3.l.l.2.4 Rock Pro les, SA and SE
vs shall be determined in accordance with the following The shear wave velocity for rock, Soil Pro le Type SE,
equation: shall be either measured on site or estimated by a
geotechnical engineer, engineering geologist or
U Z 22;, <1. seismologist for competent rock with moderate fracturing
and weathering. So er and more highly fractured and
S Zn (208-1)
i=1 vsi weathered rock shall either be measured on site for shear
wave velocity or classi ed as Soil Pro le Type SE.
di = thickness of Layer i , m The hard rock, Soil Pro le Type SE, category shall be
vs, = shear wave velocity in Layer i , m/s supported by shear wave velocity measurement either on
site or on pro les of the same rock type in the same N, Average Field formation with an equal or greater degree of weathering
Standard Penetration Resistance and and fracturing. Where hard rock conditions are known to
Nah, Average Standard Penetration be continuous to a depth of 30 m, sur cial shear wave
Resistance for Cohesionless Soil velocity measurements may be extrapolated to assess vs.
Layers The rock categories, Soil Pro le Types SA and SE, shall
not be used if there is more than 3 meters of soil between
the rock surface and the bottom of the spread footing or mat
N and Nd, shall be detennined in accordance with the
following equation: foundation. ii
The de nitions presented herein shall apply to the upper
N _ Z221 dt 30 m of the site pro le. Pro les containing distinctly
-F 5 (208-2) different soil layers shall be subdivided into those layers
i=1 Ni designated by a number from 1 to n at the bottom, where
there are a total of n distinct layers in the upper 30 m. The
ds symbol i then refer to any one of the layers between 1 and
Nth = T,1, (208-3) n.
_ _.i
2-188 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
208.4.4 Site Seismic Hazard Characteristics Table 208-4 - Seismic Source Types
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-189
Vs. zone 4
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CHAPTER 2 -l\./liniiniim Design Loads 2 191
Earthquake Source:
Active Fault:
7 lmillro-unnullcvruni _
Dltiiodhne-tilceilnpprnllnillo /-' Fl
Appmxrmlll o lliovcovogoiaaovi _ J “=-. _
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Figure 208-2B Distribution of Active Faults in Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume l, 7th Edition, 2015
2-192 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Earthquake Sources
Ac vo Flulll
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i ‘
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Figure 208-2C Distribution of Active Faults and Trenches in Region 1
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-193
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2-194 CHAPTER 2 -Minimum Design Loads
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Figure 208-2E Distribution of Active Faults in Region 3
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CHAPTER 2 — l\/linirnum Design Loads 2~201
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Figure 208-21 Distribution of Active Faults and Trenches in Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)
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CHAPTER 2 —— lVliniiniim Design loads 7-203
*3, __ wt!
Earttiquako Source:
l Active Fltllll
l — Soil In - nnolouhn
--~—- Dllhodlim-lnoatlqpronnlh
Anvpvumbtn album wopciovi
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Earthquake Sources
Active Fault:
Sulii ie-I-rlmllmrtlhi
-~~—~ Deeliedllne-tn talppmxlimn
— —— — Appieatinateotlehuepreieetion
Convergence Zone
' -M» mm
v Capital CllyIMu|\idpaHq
I|l.IIIIl6III\nl onuwuinwcv Alnsltau v
Inn uumi
iu_|::|'|=&nn IE3-»u
(THAPT ER 2 Minimum Design Loads rQ ro0 an
Earthquake Sources I
I -.. :| Active Faults
~ 7 SnliO|ine~lreeernoertam
- - - - - ieehe - I1 I tent
I Appvnuvilte ollhore urqedinn
- 0-mi Oily/Muriideelilv
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R ' am
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\:@-Z w U
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2-206 CI IAPTER 2 Minimum Design loads
Earthquake Soureee
XJ 1-
Tannin up-mun
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CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2--207
I Seismic Zone 4 Near-Source Factor 4. The exceptions to Section 5l5.6.5 shall not apply,
except for columns in one-storey buildings or columns
In Seismic Zone 4, each site sliall be assigned near-source at the top storey ofinultistorey buildings.
factors in accordance with Tables 208-5 and 208-6 based 5. None of the following structural irregularities is
on the Seismic Source Type as set forth in Section
present: Type 1, 4 or 5 of Table 208-9, and Type l or 4 0fTable 208-10.
For high rise structures and essential facilities within Seismic Response Coefficients
2.0 km ofa major fault, a site speci c seismic elastic design
response spectrum is recommended to be obtained for the
Each structure shall be assigned a seismic coef cient, Ca,
specific area.
in accordance with Table 208-7 and a seismic coef cient,
CU, in accordance with Table 208-8.
Table 208-5 Near-Source Factor Na '
Seismic Closest Distance To Table 208-7 Seismic Coef cient, Ca
Source Known Seismic Sourcez
Soil Pro le Seismic Zone Z
p Type <2km <5km Zl0kin p
A I 5 1 2 l 0 Type z=0.2 z=0.4
,__ B 1.3 1.0 1.0 5,, 0.16 0.32Na
1 C 1.0 1.0 1.0 s,_.,. 0.20 0/LONG
sc 0.24 0.40iv,,
Table 208-6 Near-Source Factor, NV I SD 0.28 0.44Na
SE 0.34 0.44Na
T Seismic Closest Distance To
SF See Footnote 1 ofTable 208-8
Source Known Seismic Sourcez p
Type <2km 5km I 10km I 215km
A 20 16 | 12 10 Table 208-8 Seismic Coef cient, CU
B H 1.6 12 Soil Pro le Seismic Zone Z
C _ 1.0 >—¢ @ i—~i—~ $@ >—~i- $3
Type z=0.2 z=0.4
Notesfor Tables 208.5 and 208.6: 5,, 0.16 0.32NV
I The Near-Source Factor may be based on the linear _sB _ 0.20 0.40Nt
interpolation of values for distances other than those 0.32 0.56m
shown in the table. 0.40 T T T 0.64NV
2 The closest distance to seismic source shall be taken
0.64 0.96NV
as the minimum distance between the site and the area
Vil ain!/a'?lY1‘lU1\ See Footnote T1 ofTable 208-8
described by the vertical projection of the source on ' Site-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site
the surface (i.e., surface projection offault plane). The response analysis shall be performed to determine
surface projection need not include portions of the seismic coefficients
source at depths of] 0 km or greater. The largest value
of the Near-Source Factor considering all sources 208.4.5 Con guration Requirements
shall be usedfor design.
Each structure shall be designated as being structurally
The value of Na used to determine Ca need not exceed 1.1 regular or irregular in accordance with Sections
for structures complying with all the following conditions: and
l. The soil pro le type is SA, SB, SC or SD. Regular Structures
2. p = 1.0.
Regular structures have no signi cant physical
3. Except in single-storey structures, residential building discontinuities in plan or vertical con guration or in their
accommodating 10 or fewer persons, private garages, lateral-force-resisting systems such as the irregular features
carports, sheds and agricultural buildings, moment described in Section
frame systems designated as p3.I'lI of the lateral-force-
resisting system shall be special moment-resisting
frames. I- I
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015 J
7 ii
2-208 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
CHAPTER 2 ~ Minimum Design Loads 2-209
— l 7 _
2-210 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads
CHAPTER 2 ~ Minimum Design Loads 2-211
analysis shall include the effects ofthe soils at the site 1. Dynamic response characteristics,
and shall conform to Section 20853.2, Item 4. 2. Lateral force resistance,
3. Over-strength and strain hardening or softening, Alternative Procedures
4. Strength and stiffness degradation, General
5. Energy dissipation characteristics,
Alternative lateral-force procedures using rational analyses 6. System ductility, and
based on well-established principles of mechanics may be
used in lieu of those prescribed in these provisions. 7. Redundancy.
_ 17’-
2-212 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-213
from horizontal torsion where diaphragms are not exible. Table 208-9 or plan irregularity Type 4 in Table 208-10,
The most severe load combination for each element shall concrete, masonry, steel and wood elements supporting
be considered for design. such discontinuous systems shall have the design strength L
_ ml
2-214 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
4‘ -
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-215 Structure Period distribution. The elastic de ections, 6,, shall be calculated
using the applied lateral forces, f,.
The value of T shall be determined from one of the
following methods: Vertical Distribution of Force
1. Method A: The total force shall be distributed over the height of the
structure in conformance with Equations 208-15, 208-16
For all buildings, the value T may be approximated from
and 208-17 in the absence of a more rigorous procedure.
the following equation:
2-216 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads Ground Motion 4. For structures on Soil Pro le Type SF, the following
requirements shall apply when required by Section
The ground motion representation shall, as a minimum, be,1tem 4:
one having a 10-percent probability of being exceeded in
50 years, shall not be reduced by the quantity R and may 4.1 The ground motion representation shall be
be one of the following: developed in accordance with Items 2 and 3.
l. An elastic design response spectrum constructed in 4.2 Possible ampli cation ofbuilding response due to
accordance with Figure 208-3, using the values of Ca the effects of soil-structure interaction and
and C1, consistent with the speci c site. The design lengthening of building period caused by inelastic
acceleration ordinates shall be multiplied by the behavior shall be considered.
acceleration of gravity, 9.815 m/secz. 5 The vertical component of ground motion may be
de ned by scaling corresponding horizontal
2. A site-speci c elastic design response spectrum based accelerations by a factor of two- thirds. Altemative
on the geologic, tectonic, seismologic and soil factors may be used when substantiated by site-
characteristics associated with the speci c site. The speci c data. Where the Near-Source Factor, Na, is
spectrum shall be developed for a damping ratio of greater than 1.0, site-speci c vertical response spectra
0.05, unless a different value is shown to be consistent shall be used in lieu of the factor of two-thirds.
with the anticipated structural behavior at the intensity
of shaking established for the site.
Control Periods
L . T, = CV/2.5C,,
ta‘) To =0.2T,
Q _ Li r I 1 I I | I I I I 1 1 i
0 012 1 2 3 4 5
To/Ts Period (T/Ts)
Figure 208-3
Design Response Spectra
CHAP'l‘l-—'R 2 I\/Iinimuni Design I orirls 2 21/ Mathematical Model for the modes considered, at least 90 percent of the
participating mass of the structure is included in the
A mathematical model of the physical structure shall calculation of response for each principal horizontal
represent the spatial distribution of the mass and stiffness direction.
of the structure to an extent that is adequate for the
calculation of the signi cant features of its dynamic Combining Modes
response. A three-dimensional model shall be used for the Tl
dynamic analysis of structures with highly irregular plan The peak member forces, displacements, storey forces,
con gurations such as those having a plan irregularity storey shears and base reactions for each mode shall be
de ned in Table 208-l0 and having a rigid or semi-rigid combined by recognized methods. When three-
diaphragm. The stiffness properties used in the analysis dimensional models are used for analysis, modal
and general mathematical modeling shall be in accordance interaction effects shall be considered when combining
with Section 208.6.2. modal maxiina.
The ground motion representation shall be in accordance 3. For all irregular structures, regardless of the ground
with Section The corresponding response motion representation, Elastic Response Parameters
parameters, including forces, moments and displacements, may be reduced such that the corresponding design
shall be denoted as Elastic Response Parameters. Elastic base shear is not less than 100 percent of the base shear
Response Parameters may be reduced in accordance with determined in accordance with Section 208.5.2.
The corresponding reduced design seismic forces shall be
The base shear for a given direction, determined using used for design in accordance with Section 203.
dynamic analysis must not be less than the value obtained
by the equivalent lateral force method of Section 208.5.2. Directional Effects
In this case, all corresponding response parameters are
adjusted proportionately. Directional effects for horizontal ground motion shall
conform to the requirements of Section 208.6. The effects Number of Modes of vertical ground motions on horizontal cantilevers and
pre-stressed elements shall be considered in accordance
The requirement of Section that all signi cant with Section 208.6. Alternately, vertical seismic response
modes be included may be satis ed by demonstrating that may be determined by dynamic response methods; in no
- ii _
2-218 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
case shall the response used for design be less than that Elastic Time History Analysis
obtained by the static method. I
Elastic time history shall conform to Sections, Torsion,,,,,, and
The analysis shall account for torsional effects, including and 208.6.6.l. Response parameters from elastic time_
accidental torsional effects as prescribed in Section history analysis shall be denoted as Elastic Response
208.5.l.4. Where three-dimensional models are used for Parameters. All elements shall be designed using Strength
analysis, effects of accidental torsion shall be accounted for Design. Elastic Response Parameters may be scaled in
by appropriate adjustments in the model such as adj ustinenl accordance with Section
of mass locations, or by equivalent static procerlui-cs such
as provided in Section 208.5.l.3. Nonlinear Time History Analysis
analyzed using either the procedures of Section data or substantiated analysis, considering the Importance I
CHAPIFR 2 -- Minimum Design I oads 2-219
208.6 Earthquake Loads and Modeling rma, is defined as the largest of the element storey shear
Requirements ratios, Ti, which occurs in any of the storey levels at or
/_ below the two-thirds height level ofthe building.
208.6.1 Earthquake Loads
For braced frames, the value ofr, is equal to the maximum
Structures shall be designed for ground motion producing horizontal force component in a single brace element
structural response and seismic forces in any horizontal divided by the total storey shear.
direction. The following earthquake loads shall be used in
the load combinations set forth in Section 203: For moment frames, T, shall be taken as the maximum of
the sum of the shears in any two adjacent columns in a
moment frame bay divided by the storey shear. For
E = pE,, + E, (208-18) columns coninion to two bays with moment-resisting
connections on opposite sides at Level i in the direction
Em = Q,,E,, (208-19)
under consideration, 70 percent ofthe shear in that column
where may be used in the column shear summation.
E t the earthquake load on an element of the For shear walls, r, shall be taken as the maximum value of
structure resulting from the combination of the product of the wall shear multiplied by 3/lw and
the horizontal component, E,,, and the divided by the total storey shear, where lw is the length of
vertical component, E,, the wall in meter.
Eh = the earthquake load due to the base shear,
V, as set forth in Section 208.5.2 or the For dual systems, r, shall be taken as the maximum value
design lateral force, Fp, as set forth in of r, as de ned above considering all lateral-load-resisting
Section 208.9 elements. The lateral loads shall be distributed to elements
Em t the estimated maximum earthquake force based on relative rigidities considering the interaction of
that can be developed in the structure as set the dual system. For dual systems, the value of p need not
forth in Section 208.6.1, and used in the exceed 80 percent of the value calculated above.
design of speci c elements of the structure,
as speci cally identi ed in this section p shall not be taken less than 1.0 and need not be greater
Ev = the load effect resulting from the vertical than 1.5. For special moment-resisting frames, except
component of the earthquake ground when used in dual systems, p shall not exceed 1.25. The
motion and is equal to an addition of number of bays of special moment-resisting frames shall
0.5C,,ID to the dead load effect, D, for be increased to red_uce 1', such that p is less than or equal
Strength Design, and may be taken as zero to 1.25.
for Allowable Stress Design
Q0 = the seismic force ampli cation factor that is Exception.‘
required to account for structural AB may be taken as the average oor area in the upper
overstrength, as set forth in Section setback portion of the building where a larger base area
208.4.10.l exists at the groundfloor.
p = Reliability/Redundancy Factor as given by
the following equation: When calculating drift, or when the structure is located in
6.1 Seismic Zone 2, p shall be taken equal to 1.0.
P = Z — ——; (208-20)
rmax AB
The ground motion producing lateral response and design
seismic forces may be assumed to act non-concurrently in
where the direction of each principal axis of the structure, except
rmax = the maximum element-storey shear ratio. as required by Section 208.7.2.
For a given direction of loading, the
element-storey shear ratio is the ratio of the Seismic dead load, W, is the total dead load and applicable
design storey shear in the most heavily portions of other loads listed below.
loaded single element divided by the total I
design storey shear. I. In storage and warehouse occupancies, a minimum of
25 percent of the oor live load shall be applicable.
For any given Storey Level i, the element-storey shear ratio
is denoted as r,. The maximum element-storey shear ratio
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
2-220 CHAPTER 2 ~ Minimum Design Loads
1. Stiffness properties of reinforced concrete and The Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, AM, shall
masonry elements shall consider the effects of cracked be computed as follows:
AM = 0. vim, (208-21)
2. For steel moment frame systems, the contribution of
panel zone deformations to overall storey drift shall be Exception:
Alternativeb/, Am may be computed by nonlinear time
history analysis in accordance with Section
208.6.3 PA Effects
The analysis used to determine the Maximum Inelastic
The resulting member forces and moments and the storey
Response Displacement AM shall consider PA effects.
drifts induced by PA effects shall be considered in the
evaluation of overall structural frame stability and shall be
208.6.5 Storey Drift Limitation
evaluated using the forces producing the displacements of
AS. PA need not be considered when the ratio of secondary
moment to primary moment does not exceed 0.10; the ratio Storey drifts shall be computed using the Maximum
may be evaluated for any storey as the product of the total Inelastic Response Displacement, AM.
dead and oor live loads, as required in Section 203, above
the storey times the seismic drift in that storey divided by Calculated
the product of the seismic shear in that storey times the
height of that storey. In Seismic Zone 4, PA need not be Calculated storey drift using AM shall not exceed 0.025
considered when the storey drift ratio does not exceed times the storey height for structures having a fundamental
0. 02 /R. period of less than 0.7 sec. For structures having a
fundamental period of 0.7 sec or greater, the calculated
208.6.4 Drift storey drift shall not exceed 0.020 times the storey height.
M; »_
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-221
the structural frame or shall have such equipment In Seismic Zones 2 and 4, provision shall be made for the
detailed to accommodate the additional drift. Walls effects of earthquake forces acting in a direction other than
that are laterally supported by the steelframe shall be the principal axes in each of the following circumstances:
designed to accommodate the drift in accordance with
Section 208. 7.2.3. l. The structure has plan irregularity Type 5 as given in
Table 208-10. Limitations
2. The stmcture has plan irregularity Type 1 as given in
The design lateral forces used to determine the calculated Table 208-l 0 for both major axes.
drift may disregard the limitations of Equations. 208-ll
and 208-10 and may be based on the period determined 3. A column of a structure forms part of two or more
from Equations. 208-14 neglecting the 30 or 40 percent intersecting lateral-force-resisting systems.
limitations of Section
208.6.6 Vertical Component
Ifthe axial load in the column due to seismicforces acting
The following requirements apply in Seismic Zone 4 only. in either direction is less than 20 percent of the column
Horizontal cantilever components shall be designed for a axial load capacity.
net upward force of 0. 7CalWP.
The requirement that orthogonal effects be considered may
be satis ed by designing such elements for 100 percent of
In addition to all other applicable load combinations,
the prescribed design seismic forces in one direction plus
horizontal pre-stressed components shall be designed using
30 percent of the prescribed design seismic forces in the
not more than 50 percent of the dead load for the gravity
perpendicular direction. The combination requiring the
load, alone or in combination with the lateral force effects.
greater component strength shall be used for design.
Alternatively, the effects of the two orthogonal directions
208.7 Detailed Systems Design Requirements may be combined on a square root ofthe sum ofthe squares
(SRSS) basis. When the SRSS method of combining
208.7.1 General directional effects is used, each term computed shall be
assigned the sign that will result in the most conservative
All structural framing systems shall comply with the result.
requirements of Section 208.4. Only the elements of the
designated seismic-force-resisting system shall be used to
resist design forces. The individual components shall be
designed to resist the prescribed design seismic forces
acting on them. The components shall also comply with the
speci c requirements for the material contained in
Chapters 4 through 7. In addition, such framing systems
and components shall comply with the detailed system
design requirements contained in Section 208.7.
’22 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
872 Structural Framing Systems of the Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, AM,
considering PAEleffects determined in accordance with
ur types of general building framing systems de ned in Section or the deformation induced by a storey
ction 20846 are recognized in these provisions and drift of 0.0025 times the storey height. When computing
awn in Table 208-ll Each type is subdivided by the expected deformations, the stiffening effect of those
ies of vertical elements used to resist lateral seismic elements not pait of the lateral-force-resisting system shall
ces Special framing requirements are given in this be neglected.
tion and in Chapters 4 through 7
For elements not part of the lateral-force-resisting system,
8721 Detailing for Combinations of Systems the forces inducted by the expected deformation may be
considered as ultimate or factored forces. When computing
r components common to different structural systems, the forces induced by expected deformations, the
more restrictive detailing requirements shall be used restraining effect of adjoining rigid structures and
nonstructural elements shall be considered and a rational
8722 Connections value of member and restraint stiffness shall be used.
Inelastic deformations of members and connections may be
innections that resist design seismic forces shall be considered in the evaluation, provided the assumed
signed and detailed on the drawings calculated capacities are consistent with member and
connection design and detailing.
8723 Deformation Compatibility
For concrete and masonry elements that are part of the
l structural framing elements and their connections, not lateral- force-resisting system, the assumed exural and
iuired by design to be part of the lateral-force-resisting shear stiffness properties shall not exceed one half of the
stem, shall be designed and/or detailed to be adequate to gross section properties unless a rational cracked-section
iintain support of design dead plus live loads when analysis is performed. Additional deformations that may
l)_]6Ct8(l to the expected deformations caused by seismic result from foundation exibility and diaphragm
rces PA effects on such elements shall be considered de ections shall be considered. For concrete elements not
pected deformations shall be determined as the greater part of the lateral-force-resisting system, see Section 421.9.
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-223
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015 i
2-224 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
_ I
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-225
7 - —J
2-226 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads Adjoining Rigid Elements connections and fasteners in accordance with the following
Moment-resisting frames and shear walls may be enclosed
by or adjoined by more rigid elements; provided it can be 1. Connections and panel joints shall allow for a relative
shown that the participation or failure of the more rigid movement between stories of not less than two times
elements will not impair the vertical and lateral- load- storey drift caused by wind, the calculated storey drift
resisting ability of the gravity load and lateral-force- based on AM or 12.7 mm, whichever is greater.
resisting systems. The effects of adjoining rigid elements
shall be considered when assessing whether a structure 2. Connections to permit movement in the plane of the
shall be designated regular or irregular in Section 208.4.5. panel for storey drift shall be sliding connections using
slotted or oversize holes, connections that permit
movement by bending of steel, or other connections Exterior Elements
providing equivalent sliding and ductility capacity.
Exterior non-bearing, non-shear wall panels or elements
3. Bodies of connections shall have suf cient ductility
that are attached to or enclose the exterior shall be designed
and rotation capacity to preclude fracture of the
to resist the forces per Equation 208-27 or 208-28 and shall
concrete or brittle failures at or near welds.
accommodate movements of the structure based on AM and
temperature changes. Such elements shall be supported by
means of cast-in-place concrete or by mechanical
CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-227
4. The body of the connection shall be designed for the other elements of the lateral-force-resisting system. For
force determined by Equation 208-28, where RP = Allowable Stress Design, the design strength may be
3.0 and ap = 1.0. determined using an allowable stress increase of 1.7 and a
resistance factor, 0, of 1.0. This increase shall not be
5. All fasteners in the connecting system, such as bolts, combined with the one-third stress increase permitted by
inserts, welds and dowels, shall be designed for the Section 203.4, but may be combined with the duration of
forces determined by Equation 208-28, where Rp = load increase permitted in Section 6l5.3.4.
1.0 and ap = 1.0. Concrete Frames
6. Fasteners embedded in concrete shall be attached to,
or hooked around, reinforcing steel or otherwise Concrete frames required by design to be part of the lateral-
terminated to effectively transfer forces to the force-resisting system shall conform to the following:
reinforcing steel.
1. In Seismic Zone 4 they shall be special moment- Ties and Continuity resisting frames.
All parts of a structure shall be interconnected and the 2. In Seismic Zone 2 they shall, as a minimum, be
connections shall be capable of transmitting the seismic intermediate moment-resisting frames.
force induced by the parts being connected. As a minimum,
any smaller portion of the building shall be tied to the Anchorage of Concrete or Masonry Walls
remainder of the building with elements having at least
strength to resist 0. 5CaI times the weight of the smaller Concrete or masonry walls shall be anchored to all oors
portion. and roofs that provide out—of-plane lateral support of the
wall. The anchorage shall provide a positive direct
A positive connection for resisting horizontal force acting connection between the wall and oor or roof construction
parallel to the member shall be provided for each beam, capable of resisting the larger of the horizontal forces
girder or truss. This force shall not be less than 0. 3Cal speci ed in this section and Sections 206.4 and 208.9. In
times the dead plus live load. addition, in Seismic Zone 4, diaphragm to wall anchorage
using embedded straps shall have the straps attached to or Collector Elements hooked around the reinforcing steel or otherwise
terminated to effectively transfer forces to the reinforcing
steel. Requirements for developing anchorage forces in
Collector elements shall be provided that are capable of
diaphragms are given in Section Diaphragm
transferring the seismic forces originating in other portions
deformation shall be considered in the design of the
of the structure to the element providing the resistance to
supported walls.
those forces. 'l
4. When elements of the wall anchorage system are not accordance with Section 208.5.2 using a R not
loaded concentrically or are not perpendicular to the exceeding 4.
I wall, the system shall be designed to resist all
components of the forces induced by the eccentricity. Diaphragms supporting concrete or masonry walls
shall have continuous ties or struts between diaphragm
5. When pilasters are present in the wall, the anchorage chords to distribute the anchorage forces speci ed in
force at the pilasters shall be calculated considering Section Added chords of subdiaphragms
the additional load transferred from the wall panels to may be used to form subdiaphragms to transmit the
the pilasters. However, the minimum anchorage force anchorage forces to the main continuous crossties. The
at a oor or roof shall be that speci ed in Section maximum length-to-width ratio of the wood structural, Item 2. sub-diaphragm shall be 2'/2:1.
6. The strength design forces for steel elements of the Where wood diaphragms are used to laterally support
wall anchorage system shall be 1.4 times the forces concrete or masonry walls, the anchorage shall
otherwise required by this section. conform to Section In Seismic Zone 2 and
4, anchorage shall not be accomplished by use of
7. The strength design forces for wood elements of the toenails or nails subject to withdrawal, wood ledgers
wall anchorage system shall be 0.85 times the force or framing shall not be used in cross-grain bending or
otherwise required by this section and these wood cross-grain tension, and the continuous ties required
elements shall have a minimum actual net thickness of by Item 4 shall be in addition to the diaphragm
63.5 mm. sheathing.
3. Design seismic forces for exible diaphragms The strength and stiffness of the framing between the base
providing lateral supports for walls or frames of and the foundation shall not be less than that of the
masonry or concrete shall be determined using superstructure. The special detailing requirements of
Equation 208-22 based on the load determined in Chapters 4, 5 and 7, as appropriate, shall apply to columns
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-229
supporting discontinuous lateral-force-resisting elements When applicable, design strengths and other detailed
and to SMRF, IMRF, EBF, STMF and MMRWF system design criteria shall be obtained from other sections or their
elements below the base, which are required to transmit the referenced standards. The design of non-building
forces resulting from lateral loads to the foundation. structures shall use the load combinations or factors
speci ed in Section 203.3 or 203.4. For non-building Building Separations structures designed using Section 208.8.3, 208.8.4 or
208.8.5, the Reliability/Redundancy Factor, p, may be
All structures shall be separated from adjoining structures. taken as 1.0.
Separations shall allow for the displacement Am. Adjacent
buildings on the same property shall be separated by at When applicable design strengths and other design criteria
least AMT where are not contained in or referenced by this code, such criteria
shall be obtained from approved national standards.
AMT = \l(AM1) + (AM2)2 (208'23)
208.8.l.3 Weight W
and AM1 and AM2 are the displacements of the adjacent
buildings. The weight, W, for non-building structures shall include all
dead loads as de ned for buildings in Section 208.6.1. For
When a structure adjoins a property line not common to a purposes of calculating design seismic forces in non-
public way, that structure shall also be set back from the building structures, W shall also include all normal
property line by at least the displacement AM of that operating contents for items such as tanks, vessels, bins and
structure. piping.
Smaller separations or property line setbacks may be The fundamental period of the structure shall be
permitted when justified by rational analyses based on determined by rational methods such as by using Method
maximum expected ground motions. B in Section
208.8.1 General The drift limitations of Section 208.6.5 need not apply to
non-building structures. Drift limitations shall be Scope established for_structural or nonstructural elements whose
failure would cause life hazards. PA effects shall be
Non-building structures include all self- supporting considered for structures whose calculated drifts exceed
structures other than buildings that cany gravity loads and the values in Section 208.6.3.
resist the effects of earthquakes. Non-building structures
shall be designed to provide the strength required to resist
the displacements induced by the minimum lateral forces
speci ed in this section. Design shall confonn to the
applicable provisions of other sections as modi ed by the
provisions contained in Section 208.8. Criteria
Table 208-12 R and an Factors for Non-building calculated member forces and moments does not exceed
Structures 2.8.
In Seismic Zone 4, structures that support exible 208.8.5 Other Non-building Structures
nonstructural elements whose combined weight exceeds 25
percent of the weight of the structure shall be designed Non-building structures that are not covered by Section
considering interaction effects between the structure and 208.8.3 and 208.8.4 shall be designed to resist design
the supported elements. seismic forces not less than those determined in accordance
with the provisions in Section 208.5 with the following
208.8.2 Lateral Force additions and exceptions:
Lateral-force procedures for non-building structures with 1. The factors R and 9,, shall be as set forth in Table
structural systems similar to buildings (those with 208-12. The total design base shear determined in
structural systems which are listed in Table 208-1 1) shall accordance with Section 208.5.2 shall not be less than
be selected in accordance with the provisions of Section the following:
v = 0. 56C,,IW (208-25)
Additionally, for Seismic Zone 4, the total base shear
Intermediate moment-resistingframes (IMRF) may be used shall also not be less than the following:
in Seismic Zone 4 for non-building structures in
Occupancy Categories III andIV if(1) the structure is less
than 15 m in height and (2) the value R used in reducing 1. eziv i w
v = T” (208-26)
CHAPTER 2 -- Minimum Design Loads 2 231
2. The vertical distribution of the design seismic forces 208.9.2 Design for Total Lateral Force
in structures covered by this section may be I
determined by using the provisions of Section
The total design lateral seismic force, Fp, shall be or by using the procedures of Section determined from the following equation: I
The values for total lateral force and total base overturning hx I the element or component attachment
moment used in design shall not be less than 80 percent of elevation with respect to grade.
the values that would be obtained using these provisions. _ hx shall not be taken less than 0.0.
hr = the structure roof elevation with respect to
208.9 Lateral Force on Elements of Structures, grade.
Nonstructural Components and Equipment ap = the in-structure Component Ampli cation
Supported by Structures Factor that varies from 1.0 to 2.5.
2-232 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
~ _~-__ _ _ _i
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-233
Table 208-13 Horizontal Force Factors, ap and Rp for Table 208-13 (continued)
Elements of Structures and Nonstructural Components
. I Element or
and Equipment Category Component (1,, RP Footnote
Element or I I 2. 1 Exterior and interior omamentations
Category Component lap Rp Footnote‘ Nonstructural and appendages.
1 Elements of 1. Walls including the following , Components 8.. Laterally
T—- ii
2-234 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Table 208-13 (continued) Table 208-13 (continued)
Element or Element or
I Category Footnote R Footnote I
Categoly Component at’ P
3. Equipment 1 Tanks and 4. Other 1. Rigid
vessels Components components
(include with ductile 1.0 3.0 I
contents), material and
including attachments. I
support 2. Rigid ‘I
systems. components
2 Electrical, 1.0 1.5 l
mechanical 5,10,
material or
and plumbing 11,12,
attachments I
equipment and 13,14, m
3. Flexible
associated 15,16
components I
conduit and
with ductile 2.5 3.0 I
ductwork and
material and
‘ 3 Any exible 4. Flexible
equipment components
laterally with
2.5 1.5 I
braced or nonductile
anchored to 5, I0, material or
the structural I4, attachments. ,
frame at a I5, I6
Notesfor Table 208.13
point below l
See Section 208.2 for de nitions offlexible components
their center of and rigid components.
mass 2
See Section 208. 8. 7.2.3 and 208. 7.2. 7for concrete and
I4. Anchorage of masonry walls and Section 208.9.2 for connections for
panel connectors for panels.
power supply 3
systems and Applies to Seismic Zones 2 and 4 only.
essential Ground supported steel storage racks may be designed
communicatio using the provisions of Sections 208.8. Load and
ns equipment. resistance factor design may be usedfor the design of
Anchorage cold-formed steel members, provided seismic design
and support forces are equal to or greater than those speci ed in
systems for 17,18 Section 208. 9.2 or 208. 8.3 as appropriate.
battery racks Only anchorage or restraints need be designed.
and fuel tanks 6
Ceiling weight shall include all lightfixtures and other
necessary for equipment or partitions that are laterally supported by
operation of the ceiling. For purposes of determining the seismic
emergency force, a ceiling weight ofnot less than 0.2 kPa shall be
equipment. used.
See also 7
Ceilings constructed of lath and plaster or gypsum
Section board screw or nail attached to suspended members
208.7.2 that support a ceiling at one level extending from wall
I 5 Temporary to wall need not be analyzed, provided the walls are not
containers over I 5 meters apart.
with 1.0 3.0 19 s Light fixtures and mechanical services installed in
ammable or
metal suspension systems for acoustical tile and lay-in
panel ceilings shall be independently supported from
Q-M _
- - _J
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2--235
the structure above as specified in UBC Standard 25-2, expansion anchors, the design forces for the anchors
Part III. calculated by Equations. 208-27, or 208-28 (including
9 WP for access floor systems shall be the dead load of limits), shall be additionally multiplied byfactor of2. 0.
the access floor system plus 25 percent of thefloor live I5
Equipment anchorage shall not be designed such that
load plus a 0.5 kPa partition load allowance. loads are resisted by gravity friction (e.g., friction
"' Equipment includes, but is not limited to, boilers, clips).
chillers, heat exchangers, pumps, air-handling units, '6 Expansion anchors, which are required to resist
cooling towers, control panels, motors, switchgear, seismic loads in tension, shall not be used where
transformers and life-safety equipment. It shall include operational vibrating loads are present.
major conduit, ducting andpiping, which services such '7 Movement of components within electrical cabinets,
machinery and equipment and fire sprinkler systems. rack-and skid-mounted equipment andportions ofskid-
See Section 208.9.2 for additional requirements for mounted electromechanical equipment that may cause
determining ap for nonrigid or exibly mounted damage to other components by displacing, shall be L;4 M
equipment. restricted by attachment to anchored equipment or
' ' Seismic restraints may be omittedfrom piping and duct support frames.
supports ifall thefollowing conditions are satisfied: '8 Batteries on racks shall be restrained against
"' Lateral motion of the piping or duct will not cause movement in all direction due to earthquakeforces.
damaging impact with other systems. '2 Seismic restraints may include straps, chains, bolts,
" 2 The piping or duct is made of ductile material with barriers or other mechanisms that prevent sliding,
ductile connections. falling and breach of containment of ammable and
' ' 3 Lateral motion of the piping or duct does not cause toxic materials. Frictionforces may not be used to resist
impact offragile appurtenances (e.g., sprinkler heads) lateral loads in the restraints unless positive uplift
with any other equipment, piping or structural member. restraint is provided which ensures that the friction
forces act continuously.
" " Lateral motion of the piping or duct does not cause
loss ofsystem vertical support.
208.9.3 Specifying Lateral Forces
" 5 Rod-hung supports of less than 300 mm in length
have top connections that cannot develop moments.
Design speci cations for equipment shall either specify the
" 6 Support members cantilevered up rom the floor are design lateral forces prescribed herein or reference these
checkedfor stability. provisions.
'2 Seismic restraints may be omitted from electrical
raceways, such as cable trays, conduit and bus ducts, if 208.9.4 Relative Motion of Equipment Attachments
all the following conditions are satisfied:
'2' Lateral motion of the raceway will not cause For equipment in Categories I and II buildings as de ned
damaging impact with other systems. in Table 103-1, the lateral-force design shall consider the
'2 2 Lateral motion of the raceway does not cause loss of effects of relative motion of the points of attachment to the
system vertical support. structure, using the drift based upon AM.
'2 2 Rod-hung supports of less than 300 mm in length
have top connections that cannot develop moments. 208.9.5 Alternative Designs
'2 4 Support members cantilevered up from the floor are
checkedfor stability. Where an approved national standard or approved physical
test data provide a basis for the earthquake-resistant design
'3 Piping, ducts and electrical raceways, which must be
of a particular type of equipment or other nonstructural
functional following an earthquake, spanning between
component, such a standard or data may be accepted as a
different buildings or structural systems shall be
basis for design of the items with the following limitations:
sufficiently exible to withstand relative motion of
support points assuming out-of-phase motions.
1. These provisions shall provide minimum values for
'4 Vibration isolators supporting equipment shall be the design of the anchorage and the members and
designedfor lateral loads or restrained om displacing connections that transfer the forces to the seismic-
laterally by other means. Restraint shall also be resisting system.
provided, which limits vertical displacement, such that
lateral restraints do not become disengaged. ap and 2. The force, FP, and the overtuming moment used in the
Rp for equipment supported on vibration isolators shall design of the nonstructural component shall not be less
be taken as 2.5 and 1.5, respectively, except that if the than 80 percent of the values that would be obtained
isolation mounting frame is supported by shallow or using these provisions.
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
2-236 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Basement walls extending not more than 2.4 m below grade
and supporting exible oor systems shall be permitted ta
be designedfor active pressure.
- Q _*_.-A
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2~237
Table 209-1 - Soil Lateral Load govern. Submerged or saturated soil pressures I
shall include the weight of the buoyant soil plus l
. Design Lateral
the hydrostatic loads.
Description of Uggiiled ‘ Soil Load “
Back ll Material . kPa per m depth Unsuitable as back ll material.
C Classr cat . e - The de nition and classi cation of soil
ion Active At-rest
1_pressure _pressure materials shall be in accordance with ASTM
Well-graded, D 248 7.
clean gravels; GW 5 10
__gravel-sand mixes
Poorly graded
clean gravels; GP 5 10
_gravel-sand mixes
Silty gravels,
poorly graded GM 6 10
gravel-sand mixes
Clayey gravels, l
poorly graded
GC 7 10
mixes *7
clean sands; I
SW 5 10 l
gravelly sand
Poorly graded
clean sands; sand-
_gravel mixes
SP 5 10 l
Silty sands, poorly l
graded sand-silt SM 7 10
Sand-silt clay mix
SM-SC 7 16
with plastic nes l
Clayey sands,
poorly graded SC 10 I6
sand-clay mixes
Inorganic silts and
ML 7 16
clayey silts
Mixture of
inorganic silt and ML-CL 10 16
clay l
Inorganic clays of
low to medium CL 10 16
Organic silts and
silt clays, low OL Note b Note b
Inorganic clayey
MH Note b Note b
silts, elastic silts
Inorganic clays of
CH Note b Note b \
l high plasticity
Organic clays and
OH Note b Note b
silty clays
" Design lateral soil loads are given for moist
conditions for the specified soils at their
optimum densities. Actualfield conditions shall
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Edition, 2015
_ __ -.
2-238 CHAPTER 2 ~ Minimum Design Loads
21/0.1 Roof Drainage
211.1 General
Roof drainage systems shall be designed in accordance
with the provisions of the code having jurisdiction in the Within ood hazard areas as established in Section 211.3,
area. The ow capacity of secondary (over ow) drains or all new construction of buildings, structures and portions
scuppers shall not be less than that of the primary drains or of buildings and structures, including substantial
scuppers. improvement and restoration of substantial damage to
buildings and structures, shall be designed and constructed
210.2 Design Rain Loads to resist the effects of ood hazards and ood loads. For
buildings that are located in more than one ood hazard
Each portion of a roof shall be designed to sustain the load area, the provisions associated with the most restrictive
of rainwater that will accumulate on it if the primary ood hazard area shall apply.
drainage system for that portion is blocked plus the
uniform load caused by water that rises above the inlet of 211.2 De nitions
the secondary drainage system at its design ow.
The following words and terms shall, for the purposes of
this section, have the meanings shown herein.
R = 0. 009(8d, + dh) (210-1)
where BASE FLOOD refers to ood having a 1-percent chance
of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
dh = additional depth of water on the unde ected
roof above the inlet of secondary drainage BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE) is the elevation of
system at its design ow (i.e., the hydraulic the base ood, m, including wave height, relative to the
head), mm datum to be set by the speci c national or local government
d, = depth of water on the unde ected roof up to agency.
the inlet of secondary drainage system when
the primary drainage system is blocked (i.e., BASEMENT is the portion of a building having its oor
the static head), mm subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.
R = rain load on the unde ected roof, kPa
DESIGN FLOOD is the ood associated with the greater
When the phrase “unde ected roof’ is used, de ections of the following two areas:
from loads (including dead loads) shall not be considered
when determining the amount of rain on the roof. l. Area with a ood plain subject to a I-percent or greater
chance of ooding in any year; or
210.3 Ponding Instability
2. Area designated as a ood hazard area on a
For roofs with a slope less than 6 mm per 300 mm, the community’s ood hazard map, or otherwise legally
design calculations shall include veri cation of adequate designated.
stiffness to preclude progressive de ection.
210.4 Controlled Drainage of the “design ood,” including wave height, m, relative to
the datum speci ed on the community’s legally designated
Roofs equipped with hardware to control the rate of ood hazard map. The design ood elevation shall be the
drainage shall be equipped with a secondary drainage elevation of the highest existing grade of the perimeter of
system at a higher elevation that limits accumulation of the building plus the depth speci ed on the ood hazard
water on the roof above that elevation. Such roofs shall be map.
designed to sustain the load of rainwater that will
accumulate on them to the elevation of the secondary DRY FLOODPROOFING is a combination of design
drainage system plus the uniform load caused by water that modi cations that results in a building or structure,
rises above the inlet of the secondary drainage system at its including the attendant utility and sanitary facilities, being
design ow determined from Section 210.2. Such roofs water tight with walls substantially impermeable to the
shall also be checked for ponding instability in accordance passage of water and with structural components having
with Section 210.3. the capacity to resist loads as identi ed in the code.
L .___._._||
EXISTING CONSTRUCTION refers to buildings and construction means the rst placement of permanent
structures for which the “start of construction” commenced construction of a building (including a manufactured
before the effective date of the ordinance or standard. home) 011 a site, such as the pouring of a slab or footings,
“Existing construction” is also referred to as “existing installation of pilings or construction of columns.
structures.” Permanent construction does not include land preparation
(such as clearing, excavation, grading or lling), the
EXISTING STRUCTURE See “Existing construction.” installation of streets or walkways, excavation for a
basement, footings, piers or foundations, the erection of
FLOOD or FLOODING is a general and temporary temporary forms or the installation of accessory buildings
condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or
land from: not part of the main building. For a substantial
improvement, the actual “start of construction” means the
1. The over ow of inland or tidal waters. rst alteration of any wall, ceiling, oor or other structural
part of a building, whether or not that alteration affects the
2. The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of external dimensions ofthe building.
surface waters from any source.
SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE refers to damage to any
FLOOD DAMAGE-RESISTANT MATERIALS are origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of
construction material capable of withstanding direct and restoring the structure to its before-damaged condition
prolonged contact with oodwaters without sustaining any
would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of
damage that requires more than cosmetic repair. the structure before the damage occurred.
FLOOD HAZARD AREA refers to the greater of the
SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT refers to any repair,
following two areas: reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition or improvement of
a building or structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds
1. The area within a ood plain subject to a l-percent or 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the
greater chance of ooding in any year. improvement or repair is started. If the structure has
2. The area designated as a ood hazard area on a sustained substantial damage, any repairs are considered
community’s ood hazard map, or otherwise legally substantial improvement regardless of the actual repair
designated. work performed. The term does not, however, include
VELOCITY-WAVE ACTION refers to area within the I. Any project for improvement of a building required to
ood hazard area that is subject to high velocity wave correct existing health, sanitary or safety code
action. violations identi ed by the building of cial and that
are the minimum necessary to assure safe living
FLOODWAY is the channel of the river, creek or other conditions.
watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be
reserved in order to discharge the base ood without 2. Any alteration of a historic structure provided that the
cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more alteration will not preclude the structure’s continued
than a designated height. designation as a historic structure.
LOWEST FLOOR refers to the oor of the lowest 211.3 Design Requirements
enclosed area, including basement, but excluding any
un nished or ood-resistant enclosure, usable solely for 2l1.3.1 Design Loads
vehicle parking, building access or limited storage
provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the Structural systems of buildings or other structures shall be
structure in violation of this section. designed, constructed, connected, and anchored to resist
otation, collapse, and permanent lateral displacement due
START OF CONSTRUCTION refers to the date of to action of ood loads associated with the design ood
permit issuance for new construction and substantial (see Section 2113.3) and other loads in accordance with
improvements to existing structures, provided the actual the load combinations of Section 203.
start of construction, repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation,
addition, placement or other improvement is within 180
days after the date of issuance. The actual start of
2-240 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
The effects of erosion and scour shall be included in the Dynamic effects of moving water shall be determined by
czilculation of loads on buildings and other structures in detailed analysis utilizing basic concepts of ui:
ood hazard areas. mechanics. 1
The loading at which breakaway walls are intended to V = average velocity of water, m/s
collapse shall not exceed 0.96 kPa unless the design meets g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s 2
the following conditions: a = coef cient of drag or shape factor (not less
than 1.25)
1. Breakaway wall collapse is designed to result from a
ood load less than that which occurs during the base The equivalent surcharge depth shall be added to the DFE
ood. design depth and the resultant hydrostatic pressures applied
to, and uniformly distributed across, the vertical projected
2. The supporting foundation and the elevated portion of area of the building or structure that is perpendicular to the
the building shall be designed against collapse, ow. Surfaces parallel to the ow or surfaces wetted by the
permanent lateral displacement, and other structural tail water shall be subject to the hydrostatic pressures for
damage due to the effects of ood loads in depths to the DFE only.
combination with other loads as speci ed in Section
203. 211.4.4 Wave Loads
211.4 Loads During Flooding Wave loads shall be determined by one of the following
three methods: (1) by using the analytical procedures
211.4.1 Load Basis outlined in this section, (2) by more advanced numerical
modeling procedures, or (3) by laboratory test procedures
In ood hazard areas, the structural design shall be based (physical modeling).
on the design ood.
Wave loads are those loads that result from water waves
211.4.2 Hydrostatic Loads propagating over the water surface and striking a building
or other structure. Design and construction of buildings and
Hydrostatic loads caused by a depth of water to the level of other structures subject to wave loads shall account for the
the DFE shall be applied over all surfaces involved, both following loads: waves breaking on any portion of the
above and below ground level, except that for surfaces building or structure; uplift forces caused by shoaling
exposed to free water, the design depth shall be increased waves beneath a building or structure, or portion thereof;
by 0.30 m. Reduced uplift and lateral loads on surfaces of wave run-up striking any portion of the building or
enclosed spaces below the DFE shall apply only if structure; Wave-induced drag and inertia forces; and wave-
provision is made for entry and exit of oodwater. induced scour at the base of a building or structure, or its
foundation. Wave loads shall be included for both V-Zones
and A-Zones. In V-Zones, waves are 0.91 m high, or
higher; in .coastal oodplains landward of the V-Zone,
waves are less than 0.91 m.
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-241
Nonbreaking and broken wave loads shall be calculated Breaking Wave Loads on Vertical Walls
using the procedures described in Sections 211.4.2 and
21l.4.3 that show how to calculate hydrostatic and Maximum pressures and net forces resulting from a
hydrodynamic loads. normally incident breaking wave (depth-limited in size,
with Hb = 0. 78ds) acting on a rigid vertical wall shall
Breaking wave loads shall be calculated using the be calculated by the following:
procedures described in Sections through Breaking wave heights used in the procedures Pm,“ = Cpywds + 1. 2y,,,d, (211-5)
described in Sections through shall be
calculated for V-Zones and Coastal A-Zones using and
Equations 211-2 and 211-3. Ft = 1.1C,,y,,,d§ + 2.4-y,,,d§ (211-6)
j =i ti —
Cp = dynamic pressure coef cient (1. 6 < Cp < 211.5 Establishment of Flood Hazard Areas
3.5) (see Table 211-1)
, ya, = unit weight of water, kN/m3, = 9.80 kN/m3 To establish ood hazard areas, the governing body shall
for fresh water and 10.05 kN/m3 for salt adopt a ood hazard map and supporting data. The ood
water hazard map shall include, at a minimum, areas of special
ds = still water depth, m at base of building or ood hazard where records are available.
other structure where the wave breaks
211.6 Design and Construction
2l1.4.4.3 Breaking Wave Loads on Non-vertical
Walls The design and construction of buildings and structures
located in ood hazard areas, including ood hazard areas
Breaking wave forces given by Equations 211-6 and 21 1-7 subject to high velocity wave action.
shall be modi ed in instances where the walls or surfaces
upon which the breaking waves act are non-vertical. The 211.7 Flood Hazard Documentation
horizontal component of breaking wave force shall be
given by The following documentation shall be prepared and sealed
by an engineer-of-record and submitted to the building
Fm, = Ftsinza (211-8) of cial:
where 1. For construction in ood hazard areas not subject to
Fm, = horizontal component of breaking wave high-velocity wave action:
force, kN/m
F, = net breaking wave force acting on a vertical 1.1 The elevation of the lowest oor, including the
surface, kN/m basement, as required by the lowest oor
or = vertical angle between non-vertical surface elevation.
and the horizontal
1.2 For fully enclosed areas below the design ood
211..4.4.4 Breaking Wave Loads from Obliquely elevation where provisions to allow for the
Incident Waves automatic entry and exit of oodwaters do not
meet the minimum requirements, construction
Breaking Wave forces given by Equations 211-6 and 211-7 documents shall include a statement that the
shall be modi ed in instances where waves are obliquely design will provide for equalization of hydrostatic
incident. Breaking wave forces from non-norrnally ood forces.
incident waves shall be given by
1.3 For dry ood-proofed nonresidential buildings,
F0, = Ftsinza (211-9) construction documents shall include a statement
that the dry ood-proo ng is designed.
F0, = horizontal component of obliquely incident 2. For construction in ood hazard areas subject to high-
breaking wave force, kN/m velocity wave action:
a = net breaking wave force (normally incident
waves) acting on a vertical surface, kN/m 2.1 The elevation of the bottom of the lowest
horizontal structural member as required by the
21l.4.5 Impact Loads lowest oor elevation.
Impact loads are those that result from debris, ice, and any 2.2 Construction documents shall include a statement
object transported by oodwaters striking against buildings that the building is designed, including that the
and structures, or parts thereof. Impact loads shall be pile or column foundation and building Of
determined using a rational approach as concentrated loads structure to be attached thereto is designed to be
acting horizontally at the most critical location at or below anchored to resist otation, collapse and lateral
the DFE. movement due to the effects of wind and ood
loads acting simultaneously on all building
components, and other load requirements Of
Section 203.
—-— -i@-—-i
CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads 2-243
Vertical Wall
Dynamic pressure
|_2 4, i Crest of incident wave
0.55 J;
\- -_¢-
u _ ._ _.-.. -. ._ -. _._-..
_ _ _.-_ .- . - _ ._ _-. -. . - -_..-_ . _. ._ _-.-. __3._____ -..- -. -_..._
.-.-... ..... I-lydmltatic pressure
. _- -_.- _ ..._ . -. _ Q._ _-. -_
Ground elevation
Figure 211-1
Nonnally Incident Breaking Wave Pressures Against a Vertical Wall l
(Space Behind Vertical Wall Is Dry)
..i li-t
2-244 CHAPTER 2 — Minimum Design Loads
Vertical Wall
Dynamic pressure
l.2d_. i-Crest of incident wave
0 -
0.55 d,
.. ....
- - . . -.
. _ . _ . _ . _ . _ ._ "
Stillwater Tevel
.M ‘:_,_._..
>14: .2.‘
I 1
:1 51-
. ..,.. , Net hydrostatic pressure
MM '2
;‘V -_ _- __ _- -_. _ _ _ _ _- ..- - ._ - -. -.-.-,- 4_. ;-_ --
—I-uI_In—I ._1I —l —}Q—QI| -l ncl -Q
mm. . . .5
g_ Ground elevation
Figure 211-2
Normally Incident Breaking Wave Pressures Against a Vertical Wall
(Still Water Level Equal on Both Sides of Wall)
_ . I
CHAPTER 2 — Ivlinirnum Design Loads 2 245
NSCP C1 O1-1 5
The Wind Loads Subcommittee would like to express its sincerest gratitude
To the following DLSU undergraduate and post-graduate students who have helped and contributed in the
preparation of the tables and gures, proofreading and editing of the contents of the whole Section 207 - Wind
Loads under the supervision of Engr. Adam C. Abinales and Dr. Lessandro Estelito O. Garciano who are faculty
members of the Civil Engineering Department, Gokongwei College of Engineering, De La Salle University.
Undergraduate students:
Graduate students:
AND most especially to Ms. THELMA A. CINCO, Assistant Weather Services Chief, Impact Assessment and
Applications Section, Climatology and Agrometeorology Division and her staff at the Philippine Atmospheric
Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) under the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) who provided the historical data needed to develop the wind contour maps.
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. 96
Suite 713, Future Point Plaza Condominium 1 We i
112 Panay Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines 1100 i
Tel. No. = (+632) 410-0483
Fax No. = (+632) 411-8606 CIA
I %I 8*'is|n\9\‘$
Email: aseponlinz-:@gmail.com . .
ii j 7 —
— LII-
NSCP C1 01 -1 5
Chapter 3
L-K_ _
CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations 3-1
Table of Contents
301.3 Allowable Bearing Pressures.................. .......................................... ..
301.4 De nitions .......... ..
Lawwin mwww
SECTION 302 - EXCAVATION AND FILLS .............................................................................
302.1 General .......... ----...---....."........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . - i . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . - . - . . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . - . . . . . . t . . , . . . . . . . . . .-
302.2 Cuts .............. ..
302.4 Fills .....
302.5 Setbacks .............. ..
302.6 Drainage and Terracing.................................... ..................................... ..
302.7 Erosion Control
". "1" .'°‘7°" “° -.¢c~o\u1u:w
SECTION 303 - FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION .................................................
303.1 General ............... ..
303.2 Soil Classi cation
303.3 Questionable Soils ..3-9
303.4 Liquefaction swdy'IIIIfIII............................. If.'IIIIIII.'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIffIIIII ..3-9
303.5 Expansive Soils
303.6 ..3-9
Compressible Soils ............................................. ..
303.7 Reports .............. ..
303.8 Soil Tests ............ ..
303.9 Liquefaction Potential and Soil Strength Loss
303.10 Adjacent Loads.....
303.11 Drainage ............. ..
303.12 Plate Load Test.....
wsavauauauauq _ ,-> -Jr t*~Jt*~Jt-l JIQO O
304.1 From Geotechnical Site Investigation and Assessment ..............................
304.2 Presumptive Load-Bearing and Lateral Resisting Values ...................... .. 3-I2
304.3 Minimum Allowable Pressures .............................................
304.4 Foundations Adjacent to Existing Retaining/Basement Walls
SECTION 305 - FOOTINGS . . . .. . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . ..
----------------------------------- 6. 3-14
305.1 General ............... ..
305.2 Footing Design
305.4 Stepped Foundations
305.5 Footings on or Adjacent to Slopes..................................
305.6 Foundation Plates or Sills ............................................. ..
305.7 Designs Employing Lateral Bearing
305.8 Grillage Footings..
305.9 Bleacher Footings.
laib-)UJl»3La-i n-JL;-JL|-I ,-.' L,'_._. ‘_\|.1o_\. u-J:r-.:=.
3-2 CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations
CHAPTER 3 - Earthworks and Foundations 3-3
This chapter sets forth requirements for excavations, lls, Excavation or lls for buildings or structures shall be
footings and foundations for any building or structure. constructed or protected such that they do not endanger life
or property. Reference is made to Section 109 of this code
301.2 Quality and Design for requirements goveming excavation, grading and
earthwork construction, including lls and embankrnents.
The quality and design of materials used structurally in
excavations, lls, footings and foundations shall conform to 302.2 Cuts
the requirements speci ed in Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7.
302.2.1 General
301.3 Allowable Bearing Pressures
Unless otherwise recommended in the approved
Allowable stresses and design formulas provided in this geotechnical engineering report or engineering report, cuts
chapter shall be used with the allowable stress design load shall conform to the provisions of this section. In the
combinations speci ed in Section 203.4. absence of an approved geotechnical engineering report,
these provisions may be waived for cuts 3 m or less in
301.4 De nitions height, involving intact rock or hard soil, that are not
intended to support structures.
See Sections 102 and 202.
302.2.2 Slopes
302.3 Excavations
302.3.1 Footings
302.3.2 Protection of Adjoining Property 302.3.3 Support of Excavations and Open Cuts
J The following provisions shall apply unless prevailing local Excavations or open cuts in excess of 1.5m in depth shall
laws are deemed more stringent from an engineering have adequately designed shoring or support to protect
standpoint: against collapse.
1. Before commencing the excavation, the person making
or causing the excavation to be made shall notify in
writing the owners of adjoining building not less than
10 days before such excavation is to be made and that
the adjoining building shall be protected. The condition
of the adjoining building shall be documented to
include photographs prior to excavation. Technical
documents pertaining to the proposed underpinning
and excavation plan shall be provided the owner of the
adjacent property.
7 7 Wm-r
H‘ Eh:
|_._5_._i ,,W=,
l-U’! but | A1
I 0.50111 rnln.l X60»
hul need
l"°‘6.0m I
1 -
..L l-2“-l-2’-I—sr—-I
Natural or Finish Grade Properly designed interceptor
drains with outfalls spaced at
- _ é i - regular Intervals
FOR: e) H = height of slope
b) w. - min of mime
. J
CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations 3-5
302.4.2 Preparation of Ground All lls shall be compacted in Iitls not exceedilig 20 cm in
thickness to a minimum oi’ 90 percent oi’ maxirnum density
The existing ground surface shall be adequately prepared to as determined by ASTM Si'anda:'d D-1557. in-place density
receive ll by removing any deleterious materials, shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D-I556,
non-complying ll, topsoil and other unsuitable materials, D-2167, D-2922, D-3017 or equivalent. For clean granular
and by scarifying to provide a bond with the new ll. materials, the use of the foregoing procedures is
inappropriate. Relative density criteria shall be used based
Where the natural slopes are steeper than l unit vertical in on ASTM D5030-04. A minimum of three tests for every
5 units horizontal (20% slope) and the height is greater than 500 m2 area should be performed for every lift to verify
1.5 m, the ground surface shall be prepared by benching compliance with compaction requirements.
into sound bedrock or other competent material as
determined by the geotechnical engineer. The bench under 302.4.5 Slope
the toe of a ll on a slope steeper than 1 unit vertical in
5 units horizontal (20% slope) shall be at least 3 m wide. The slope of ll surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for
the intended use. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than 1 unit
The area beyond the toe of ll shall be sloped to drain or a vertical in 2 units horizontal (50% slope) unless
paved drain shall be provided. When ll is to be placed substantiating data justifying steeper slopes are submitted
over a cut, the bench under the toe of ll shall be at least and approved.
3 m wide but the cut shall be made before placing the ll
and acceptance by the geotechnical engineer as a suitable
foundation for ll.
5. Provisions for the control of surface subsurface waters. Building pads shall have a drainage gradient of 2 percent
toward approved drainage facilities, unless waived by the
302.5.4 Modification of Slope Location Building Of cial.
CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations 3-7
302.7.1 Slopes The angle of internal friction for the back ll material shall
not be less than 34°.
The faces of cut and ll slopes shall be prepared and
maintained to control against erosion. This erosion control The assigned cohesion value during the design stage for the
may consist of biotechnical or geosynthetic intervention back ll material within the reinforced zone shall not exceed
adapted to the local conditions. The protection for the 5 kPa.
slopes shall be installed as soon as practicable and prior to
calling for nal approval. Where cut slopes are not subject The soils should be compacted to no less than 95% MDD
to erosion due to the erosion-resistant character of the determine according to AASHTO T 99 Method C or D and
materials, such protection may be omitted. corrected for oversized material according to AASHTO T
99, Note 9.
302.7.2 Other Devices
The material shall have a Plasticity Index of not more than
Where necessary, check dams, cribbing, riprap or other 15 for rigid faced MSE structures, and not more than 20 for
devices or methods shall be employed to control erosion exible or ductile faced MSE structures, as determined by
and provide safety. AASHTO T 90.
A550 l
50<A§500 2
A Z500 2 + (A/l000)**
(Rounded Up to Nearest
,— -
CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations 3-9
Soil classi cation shall be based on observation and any 303.5.l Design for Expansive Soils
necessary tests of the materials disclosed by borings or
excavations made in appropriate locations. Additional Footings or foundations for buildings and structures
studies may be necessary to evaluate soil strength, the effect founded on expansive soils shall be designed in accordance
of moisture variation on soil-bearing capacity, with Section l805.8.1 or 1805.8.2.
compressibility, liquefaction susceptibility and expansion
potential. Footing or foundation design need not comply with Section
303.5.3 or 303.5.4 where the soil is removed in accordance
303.3 Questionable Soils with Section 303.5.4, nor where the building of cial
approves stabilization of the soil in accordance with Section
Where the classi cation, strength or compressibility of the 303.5.5.
soil are unknown, or where a load bearing value superior to
that speci ed in this code is claimed, the Building Of cial 303.5.2 Foundations
shall require that these be veri ed through the necessary
geotechnical study stipulated in Section 303.1. Footings or foundations placed on or within the active zone
of expansive soils shall be designed to resist differential
303.4 Liquefaction Study volume changes and to prevent structural damage to the
supported structure. De ection and racking of the supported
A liquefaction susceptibility assessment in accordance with shall be limited to that which will not interfere with the
accepted practice is warranted if both conditions below are usability and serviceability of the structure.
discovered during the course of the geotechnical
investigation: Foundations placed below where volume change occurs or
below expansive soil shall comply with the following
1. Shallow ground water, 2 m or less.
2. Unconsolidated saturated sandy alluvium (N < 15)
1. Foundations extending into or penetrating expansive
soils shall be designed to prevent uplift of the
supported structure.
2. Foundations penetrating expansive soils shall be
designed to resist forces exerted on the foundation due
to soil volume changes or shall be isolated from the If wide, massive loads within the structures to be built on
expansive soil. compressible ne-grained soils are to be expected for
prolonged periods of time, the settlement effects on existing
303.5.3 Slab-on-Ground, Foundations adjacent structures should be evaluated as well.
Moments, shears and de ections for use in designing slab- 303.7 Reports
on-ground, mat or raft foundations on expansive soils shall
be determined in accordance with WR1/CRSI Design of The soil classi cation and design-bearing capacity shall be
‘Slab-on-Ground Foundations or PTI Standard shown on the plans, unless the foundation conforms to
Requirements for Analysis of Shallow Concrete Table 305-1. The building of cial may require submission
Foundations on Expansive Soils. Using the moments,
shears and de ections determined above, non-prestressed
of a written report of the investigation, which shall include,
but need not be limited to, the following information:
slabs-on-ground, mat or raft foundations on expansive soils
1. A plot showing the location of all test borings,
shall be designed in accordance with PTI Standard
surroundings and/or in-situ tests and excavations.
Requirements for Design of Shallow Post-Tensioned
Concrete Foundations on Expansive Soils. It shall be 2. Technical descriptions and classi cations of the
permitted to analyze and design such slabs by other materials encountered.
methods that account for soil-structure interaction, the
3. Elevation of the water table, if encountered.
deformed shape of the soil support, the place or stiffened
plate action of the slab as well as both center lift and edge 4. Recommendations for foundation type and design
li conditions. Such altemative methods shall be rational criteria, including bearing capacity, provisions to
and the basis for all aspects and parameters of the method mitigate the effects of differential settlements and
shall be available for peer review. expansive soils, provisions to mitigate the effects of
liquefaction and soil strength loss, provisions for
303.5.4 Removal of Expansive Soils special foundation solutions, provisions for ground
improvement measures, and effects of loads on and due
Where expansive soil is removed in lieu of designing to adjacent structures.
footings or foundations in accordance with Section 302.3.2,
5. Expected total and differential settlement.
the soil shall be removed to a depth suf cient to ensure a
constant moisture content in the remaining soil. 6. Laboratory test results of soil samples.
Fill material shall not contain expansive soils and shall
7. Field borehole log containing the following
comply with Section 302.3.3.
Exception." a. Project location I
Expansive soil need not be removed to the depth of constant b. Depth of borehole
moisture, provided the con ning pressure in the expansive
c. Ground elevation
soil created by the fill and supported structure exceeds the
swell pressure provided that the con ning pressure d. Ground water table elevation
resulting from the fill and structural dead loads exceed the
e. Date started and nished
swell pressure by 20%.
The soil classi cation and design-bearing capacity shall be
303.5.5 Stabilization shown on the plans, unless the foundation conforms to
Table 305-1.
Where the active zone of expansive soils is stabilized in lieu
of designing footings or foundations in accordance with When expansive soils are present, the Building Of cial
Section 306.2, the soil shall be stabilized by chemical, may require that special provisions be made in the
dewatering, pre-saturation or equivalent established foundation design and construction to safeguard against
techniques. damage due to this expansiveness. The building of cial I I
may require a special investigation and report to provide L
303.6 Compressible Soils these design and construction criteria. I
If the borehole data show that the proposed structures are to 303.8 Soil Tests
be built above compressible ne-grained soils (with N< 6 ),
it is recommended that consolidation tests be performed in Tables 303-2 and 303-3 summarize the commonly used
accordance with ASTM D 2435 to determine the settlement eld and laboratory tests needed in determining the in-situ
parameters for the site.
soil parameters for use in foundation design and analysis. Table 303-3 Geophysical Tests
3-12 CHAPTER 3 - Earthworks and Foundations
The potential for liquefaction and soil strength loss shall be c. Factual report on the in-situ and laboratory tests
performed to characterize the site (See Section 303.7
evaluated for a site peak ground acceleration that, as a
minimum, conforms to the probability of exceedance
for a list of in-situ and laboratory tests commonly
speci ed in Section 208.6.2. Peak ground acceleration may
carried out for geotechnical site characterization);
be determined based on a site-speci c study taking into d. Disclosure of the assumptions and the applicable
account soil ampli cation effects. analytical or empirical models used in estimating the
allowable foundation and lateral pressures;
In the absence of such a study, peak ground acceleration
may be assumed equal to the seismic zone factor in‘ e. Calculations carried out and Factor of Safety (FS)
Table 208-3. assumed in arriving at the recommended allowable
foundation and lateral pressures; and
303.10 Adjacent Loads f. Evaluation of existing potential geologic hazards and
those that may be induced or triggered by the
Where footings are placed at varying elevations, the effect constructionlinstallation of the structure.
of adjacent loads shall be included in the foundation design.
The geotechnical site investigation and assessment shall be
performed by a geotechnical engineer.
303.11 Drainage
A geotechnical investigation and assessment shall be
Provisions shall be made for the control and drainage of
presented in a report. The report, together with a brief
surface water around buildings. (See also Section 305.5.5.)
resume and a swom statement of accountability of the
and ensure that scour will not threaten such structures.
geotechnical engineering consultant who prepared it, shall
be included in the submittals to be reviewed and examined
303.12 Plate Load Test
by the building of cial or government authority in charge
of issuing the relevant permits such as environmental
The plate load test is generally used for determination of
compliance certi cate and/or building permit.
soil subgrade properties for rigid foundations. If used for
building foundations, it must be emphasized that the Depth
of In uence is only up to twice (2B) the width (B) of the
test plate. Care must be used when extending the results to
deeper depths as well as layered soils and variable
subsurface conditions.
CHAPTER 3 - Earthworks and Foundations 3-13
304.2 Presumptive Load-Bearing and Lateral For clay, sandy clay, silty clay and clayey silt, in no case
1/ Resisting Values shall the lateral sliding resistance exceed one-half the dead
When no exhaustive geotechnical site assessment and
investigation is performed, especially when no in-situ or 304.3 Minimum Allowable Pressures
very limited tests are carried out, the presumptive load-
bearing and lateral resisting values provided in Table 304-1 The recommended allowable foundation and lateral values
shall be used. Use of these values requires that the shall be with the allowable stress design load combinations
foundation design engineer has, at the least, carried out an speci ed in Section 203.4.
inspection of the site and has become familiar with the
predominant soil or rock characteristics of the site. 304.4 Foundations Adjacent to Existing
Retaining/Basement Walls
Presumptive load-bearing values shall apply to materials
with similar physical characteristics and dispositions. Mud, ln cases where the adjacent building will have more
organic silt, organic clays, peat or unprepared ll shall not basements than the proposed building, the foundation of the
be assumed to have a presumptive load-bearing capacity proposed building should be designed so as not to impart
unless data from a geotechnical site assessment and additional lateral earth pressures on the existing building.
investigation to substantiate the use of such a value are
Table 304-1 Allowable Foundation and Lateral Pressure
Allvwa bl Bearing Lateral Sliding‘
- I Foundation Below Natural
Class of Materials _ Pressure, Grade; I p
(kPa) (kPa/m of Coef cient; Resistance‘
depth) (kPa)
" Lateral sliding resistance value to be multiplied by the contact area. In no case shall the lateral sliding resistance exceed one-half the dead load.
3-14 CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations
_ i -
CHAPTER 3 -- Earthworks and Foundations 3-15
l Top of Slope
| | H
\ I HI3al10r.idnoth0
-1‘- F" ~/,v-- lossthm 3.0m but
nood notoxmod 9.0m
Properly deoignecl interceptor
F°R‘ a) |~| = height of slope drains with outfits spaced at
p l b) W, = width ofterraoe proper intervals (whenever possible)
Figure 305-l Setback Dimensions for Building Clearance for Stable Natural Slopes on Firm and Intact Ground
305.5 Footings on or Adjacent to Slopes 305.5.3 Footing Setback from Descending Slope
305.5.1 Scope
Footings on or adjacent to slope surfaces shall be founded
The placement of buildings and structures on or adjacent in rm material with an embedment and setback from the
to slopes steeper than l unit vertical in 3 units horizontal slope surface suf cient to provide vertical and lateral
(33.3% slope) shall be in accordance with this section. support for the footing without detrimental settlement.
Except as provided for in Section 305.5.6 and
305.5.2 Building Clearance from Ascending Slopes Figure 305-1, the following setback is deemed adequate
to meet the criteria. Where the slope is steeper than l unit
In general, buildings below slopes shall be set a suf cient vertical in 1 unit horizontal (lOO% slope), the required
distance from the slope to provide protection from slope setback shall be measured from an imaginary plane 45
drainage, erosion and shallow failures. Except as degrees to the horizontal, projected upward from the toe
provided for in Section 305.5.6 and Figure 305-l, the of the slope. '
following criteria will be assumed to provide this
protection. Where the existing slope is steeper than l unit 305.5.4 Pools
vertical in l unit horizontal (lOO% slope), the toe of the
slope shall be assumed to be at the intersection of a The setback between pools regulated by this code and
horizontal plane drawn from the top of the foundation and slopes shall be equal to one half the building footing
a plane drawn tangent to the slope at an angle of 45 setback distance required by this section. That portion of
degrees to the horizontal. Where a retaining wall is the pool wall within a horizontal distance of 2 meters
constructed at the toe of the slope, the height of the slope from the top of the slope shall be capable of supporting
shall be measured from the top of the wall to the top of the water in the pool without soil support.
the slope.
305.5.5 Foundation Elevation
3-16 CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations
The Building Of cial may approve alternate setbacks and 305.7.2.1 Non-constrained
clearances. The building of cial may require an
investigation and recommendation of a quali ed engineer The following formula may be used in determining the
to demonstrate that the intent of this section has been depth of embedment required to resist lateral loads where
satis ed. Such an investigation shall include no constraint is provided at the ground surface, such as
consideration of material, height of slope, slope gradient, rigid oor or rigid ground surface pavement.
load intensity and erosion characteristics of slope
'2 1 1+4'3h
A (3051')
305.5.7 Reinforced Slopes
/Static axial compressive pile load test shall be in Consideration shall be given to the reduction of allowable
accordance with ASTM Standard D-l I43. The building pile load when piles are placed in groups.
of cial may require that the test be conducted under the
supervision of a geotechnical engineer experienced and Where soil conditions make such load reductions
knowledgeable in the practice of static pile load testing advisable or necessary, the allowable axial and lateral
loads determined for a single pile shall be reduced by any
When the allowable axial compressive load of a single rational method or formula submitted to the building
pile is determined by a static load test, one of the of cial.
following methods shall be used:
306.8 Lateral Loads
Method 1. It shall not exceed 50 percent of the yield
point under test load. The yield point shall be de ned as The design of piles subjected to lateral loads shall be
that point at which an increase in load produces a consistent with the design rules given Sections 306.]
disproportionate increase in settlement. through 306.7, where applicable. For foundations
involving piles subjected to lateral, the investigation and
Method 2. It shall not exceed one halfofthe load, which report provisions of Section 303 shall be expanded to
causes a net settlement, after deducting rebound, of include, but not be limited to:
0.03 mm/kN of test load, which has been applied for a
l. Allowable lateral load capacity of recommended pile
period of at least 24 hours. type.
Method 3. It shall not exceed one half of that load under 2. Resulting lateral displacements at allowable lateral
which, during a 40-hour period of continuous load load.
application, no additional settlement takes place.
3. Lateral pile load test requirements.
306.5 Dynamic Load Test 306.8.l The design resistance of piles subjected to lateral
loads, should be assessed based on one of the following
High-strain dynamic load test may be used to determine failure mechanisms:
the bearing capacity of piles, in accordance with
ASTM Standard D-4945. The building of cial may I. For short piles, rotation or translation as a rigid body
require that the test be conducted by a geotechnical
engineer experienced and knowledgeable in the practice 2. For long slender piles, bending failure‘ of the pile,
of dynamic load testing. accompanied by'local yielding and displacement of
the soil near the top ofthe pile.
306.6 Column Action
306.8.2 Pile Groups
All piles standing unbraced in air, water or material not
capable of lateral support shall conform with the The group effects shall be considered when assessing the
applicable column formula as speci ed in this code. Such resistance of laterally loaded pile groups.
piles driven into rm ground may be considered xed and
laterally supported at l.5 m below the ground surface and 306.8.3 Group interaction effects as well as head xity
in soft material at 3 m from the ground surface unless shall be accounted for when deriving the lateral resistance
otherwise prescribed by the building of cial after a of pile groups from results of load tests performed on
foundation investigation by an approved agency. individual piles.
CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations 3-19
Where piles are driven through subsiding lls or other The allowable loads based on soil conditions shall be
subsiding strata and derive support from underlying established in accordance with Section 306.
rmer materials, consideration shall be given to the
downward frictional forces, which may be imposed on the Exception:
piles by the subsiding upper strata.
Any uncased cast-in-place pile may be assumed to
Where the in uence of subsiding lls is considered as develop a ictionrrl r'c.w'.rrarrce equal to one sixth of the
imposing loads on the pile, the allowable stresses bearing value ofthe soil rrrcrte rrl at minimum depth as set
speci ed in this chapter may be increased if satisfactory forth in Table 305-1 but not to exceed 25 kPa unless a
substantiating data are submitted. greater value is allowed by the building official a er a
foundation investigation as speci ed in Section 303 is
306.10 Water Jetting s'ubmitted. Frictional resistance and bearing resistance
shall not be assumed to act simultaneously unless
Installation of Piles by water shall not be used except recommended after a foundation investigation as
specified in Section 303.
where and as speci cally permitted by the building
of cial. When used, jetting shall be carried out in such a
manner that the carrying capacity of existing piles and 306.13 Use of Higher Allowable Pile Stresses
structures shall not be impaired. After withdrawal of the
jet, piles shall be driven down until the required resistance Allowable compressive stresses greater than those
is obtained. speci ed in Section 307 shall be permitted when
substantiating data justifying such higher stresses are
306.10 Protection of Pile Materials submitted to and approved by the building of cial. Such
substantiating data shall be included in the foundation
Where the boring records of site conditions indicate investigation report in accordance with Section 306.1.
possible deleterious action on pile materials because of
soil constituents, changing water levels or other factors,
such materials shall be adequately protected by methods
or processes approved by the geotechnical engineer.
Except where untreated piles are permitted, wood piles 307.3 Metal-Cased Concrete Piles
shall be pressure treated. Untreated piles may be used
only when it has been established that the cutoff will be 307.3.l Material
below lowest groundwater level assumed to exist during
the life of the structure. Concrete used in metal-cased concrete piles shall have a
speci ed compressive strength of not less than
307.l.2 Allowable Stresses 17.5 MPa.
The allowable unit stresses for round woodpiles shall not 307.3.2 Installation
exceed those set forth in Chapter 6.
Every metal casing for a concrete pile shall have a sealed
The allowable values listed in, for compression parallel to tip with a diameter of not less than 200 mm.
the grain at extreme ber in bending are based on load
sharing as occurs in a pile cluster. For piles which Concrete piles cast in place in metal shells shall have
support their own speci c load, a safety factor of 1.25 shells driven for their full length in contact with the
shall be applied to compression parallel to the grain surrounding soil and left permanently in place. The shells
values and 1.30 to extreme ber in bending values. shall be suf ciently strong to resist collapse and
suf ciently watertight to exclude water and foreign
307.2 Uncased Cast-In-Place Concrete Piles material during the placing of concrete.
307.2.1 Material Piles shall be driven in such order and with such spacing
as to ensure against distortion of or injury to piles already
Concrete piles cast in place against earth in drilled or in place. No pile shall be driven within four and one-half
bored holes shall be made in such a manner as to ensure average pile diameters of a pile lled with concrete less
the exclusion of any foreign matter and to secure a full- than 24 hours old unless approved by the -geotechnical
sized shaft. engineer.
The length of such pile shall be limited to not more than 307.3.3 Allowable Stresses
30 times the average diameter. Concrete shall have a
speci ed compressive strength f2 of not less than Allowable stresses shall not exceed the values speci ed in
17.5 MPa. Section 307.2.2, except that the allowable concrete stress
may be increased to a maximum value of 0.40fL for that
Exception: portion of the pile meeting the following conditions:
The length of pile may exceed 30 times the diameter l. The thickness of the metal casing is not less than
provided the design and installation of the pilefoundation 1.7 mm (No. l4 carbon sheet steel gage).
is in accordance with an approved foundation 2. The casing is seamless or is provided with seams of
investigation report. equal strength and is of a con guration that will
provide con nement to the cast-in-place concrete.
3. The speci ed compressive strength shall not
exceed 35 MPa and the ratio of steel minimum
speci ed yield strength Fy to concrete speci ed
compressive strength shall not be less than 6.
4. The pile diameter is not greater than 400 mm.
— _ ___._._..-J
CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations 3-21
307.4.1 Materials Ties or spiral reinforcement shall not be spaced more than
75 mm apart, center to center, for a distance of 600 mm
Precast concrete piles shall have a speci ed compressive from the ends and not more than 200 mm elsewhere.
strength of not less than 20 MPa, and shall develop a
compressive strength of not less than 20 MPa before At each end ofthe pile, the rst ve ties or spirals shall be
driving. spaced 25 mm center to center.
307.4.2 Reinforcement Ties For piles having a diameter of 600 mm or less, wire shall
not be smaller than 5.5 mm (No. 5 B.W.gage).
The longitudinal reinforcement in driven precast concrete
piles shall be laterally tied with steel ties or wire spirals. For piles having a diameter greater than 600 mm but less
Ties and spirals shall not be spaced more than 75 mm than 900 mm, wire shall not be smaller than 6 mm
apart, center to center, for a distance of 600 mm from the (No.4 B.W.gage).
ends and not more than 200 mm elsewhere. The gage of
ties and spirals shall be as follows: For piles having a diameter greater than 900 mm, wire
shall not be smaller than 6.5 mm (No.3 B.W.gauge).
l. For piles having a diameter of 400 mm or less, wire
shall not be smaller than 5.5 mm (No. 5 B.W.gage).
307.5.3 Allowable Stresses
2. For piles, having a diameter of more than 400 mm
and less than 500 mm, wire shall not be smaller than Precast prestressed piling shall be designed to resist
6 mm (No.4 B.W.gage). stresses induced by handling and driving as well as by
loads. The effective prestress in the pile shall not be less
3. For piles having a diameter of 500 mm and larger,
than 2.5 MPa for piles up to l0 m in length, 4 MPa for
wire shall not be smaller than 6.5 mm
piles up to l5 m in length, and 5 MPa for piles greater
(No.3 B.W. gage).
than l5 meters in length.
307.4.3 Allowable Stresses
The compressive stress in the concrete due to externally
applied load shall not exceed:
Precast concrete piling shall be designed to resist stresses
induced by handling and driving as well as by loads. The
fc = 0. 33]‘; — 0. 27f,,C (307-1)
allowable stresses shall not exceed the values speci ed in
Section 307.2.2. where -
fpc = effective prestress stress on the gross
307.5 Precast Prestressed Concrete Piles
Effective prestress shall be based on an assumed loss of
307.5.1 Materials 200 MPa in the prestressing steel. The allowable stress in
the prestressing steel shall not exceed the values speci ed
Precast prestressed concrete piles shall have a speci ed in Section 418.6.
compressive strength f2. of not less than 35 MPa and shall
develop a compressive strength of not less than 27 MPa 307.5.4 Splicing
before driving.
Where required, splicing for concrete piles shall be by use
307.5.2 Reinforcement of embedded and properly anchored thick steel plates at
the ends being joined which shall then be fully welded, or
307.5.2.l LongitudinalReinforcement by use of adequate sized dowel rods and steel receiving
sleeves. The dowels and the faces shall then be joined by
The longitudinal reinforcement shall be high-tensile structural epoxy. Metal splice cans are not allowed.
seven-wire strand conforming to ASTM Standards.
Longitudinal reinforcement shall be laterally tied with
steel ties or wire spirals.
30116.1 Material The allowable axial stresses shall not exceed 0.35 of the
minimum speci ed yield strength Fy of the steel or 0.33
Structural steel piles, steel pipe piles and fully welded of the speci ed compressive strength of concrete,
steel piles fabricated from plates shall conform to one of provided Fy shall not be assumed greater than 250 MPa
the material speci cations listed in Section 501.3. for computational purposes.
307.6.2 Allowable Stresses Exception:
The allowable axial stresses shall not exceed 0.35 of the When justified in accordance with Section 306.12, the
minimum speci ed yield strength Fy or 85 MPa, allowable stresses may be increased to O. 50 Fy.
whichever is less.
307.7.3 Minimum Dimensions
When justified in accordance with Section 306.12, the Driven piles of uniform section shall have a nominal
allowable axial stress may be increased above 85 MPa outside diameter of not less than 200 mm. _
and O. 35Fy, but shall not exceed O. 5Fy.
307.7.1 Material
_ 4
CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations 3-23
For piles required to resist upli forces or provide 308.5.l Precast Concrete Piles
rotational restraint, design of anchorage of piles into the
pile cap shall be provided considering the combined effect Where a structure is assigned to Seismic Zone 4, a
of axial forces due to uplift and bending moments due to minimum longitudinal steel reinforcement ratio of 0.01
xity to the pile cap. Anchorage shall develop a minimum shall be provided for precast non-prestressed concrete
of 25 percent of the strength of the pile in tension. piles. The longitudinal reinforcing shall be con ned with
Anchorage into the pile cap shall be capable of closed ties or equivalent spirals of a minimum 3/8 in
developing the following: (10 mm) diameter. Transverse con nement reinforcing
shall be provided at a maximum spacing of eight times the
I. In the case of uplift, the lesser of the nominal tensile diameter of the smallest longitudinal bar, but not to
strength of the longitudinal reinforcement in a exceed 6 in. (152 mm), within three pile diameters of the
concrete pile, or the nominal tensile strength of a bottom of the pile cap. Outside of the con nement region,
steel pile, or the pile uplift soil nominal strength closed ties or equivalent spirals shall be provided at a 16
factored by 1.3 or the axial tension force resulting longitudinal-bar-diameter maximum spacing, but not
from the load combinations of Section 203. greater than 8 in. (200 mm). Reinforcement shall be full
2. In the case of rotational restraint, the lesser of the
axial and shear forces, and moments resulting from For Site Classes D through F, Transverse con nement
the load combinations of Section 203 or development reinforcement consisting of closed ties or equivalent
of the full axial, bending and shear nominal strength spirals shall be provided in accordance with
of the pile. Sections through of ACI 318 for the full
length of the pile.
308.4.2 Design Details for Piers, Piles and Grade
Beams In other than Site Classes E or F, the speci ed transverse
con nement reinforcement shall be provided within three
Piers or piles shall be designed and constructed to pile diameters below the bottom of the pile cap, but it is
withstand maximum imposed curvatures from earthquake permitted to use a transverse reinforcing ratio of not less
ground motions and structure response. Curvatures shall than one-half of that required in Section 2l.6.4.4(a) of
include free- eld soil strains modi ed for soil-pile- ACI 318 throughout the remainder of the pile length.
structure interaction coupled with pier or pile
deformations induced by lateral pier or pile resistance to
structure seismic forces. Concrete piers or piles on soil
type SE or SF sites, as determined in Section 208.43,
shall be designed and detailed in accordance with
Sections 410 within seven pile diameters of the pile cap
and the interfaces of soft to medium stiff clay or
lique able strata. Grade beams shall be designed as
beams in accordance Section 4. When grade beams have
the capacity to resist the forces from the load
combinations in Section 203.
CHAPTER 3 — Earthworks and Foundations 3-25
The hoops and cross ties shall be equivalent to deformed SECTION 309
bars not less than 10 mm in size. Rectangular hoop ends
shall terminate at a corner with seismic hooks.
Outside of the length of the pile requiring transverse MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION
con nement reinforcing, the spiral or hoop reinforcing
with a volumetric ratio not less than one-half of that 309.1 Special Foundation Systems
required for transverse con nement reinforcing shall be
provided. Special foundation systems or materials other than
speci ed in the foregoing Sections may be introduced
308.6 Cast-In-Place Concrete Foundations provided that such systems can be supported by
calculations and theory to be providing safe foundation
Where a structure is assigned to Seismic Zone 4 a systems and when approved by the Engineer of record.
minimum longitudinal reinforcement ratio of 0.005 shall Materials for incorporation into the foundation should
be provided for uncased cast-in-place drilled or augered have proven track record of successful usage in similar
concrete piles, piers or caissons in the top one-half of the applications.
pile length a minimum length of 10 feet (3,048 mm)
below ground or throughout the exural length of the pile, 309.2 Acceptance and Approval
whichever length is greatest. The exural length shall be
taken as the length of the pile to a point where the
Structure support on improved ground using such special
concrete section cracking moment strength multiplied by systems or proprietary systems may be approved subject
0.4 exceeds the required moment strength at that point. to submittal of calculations and other proof of acceptance
There shall be a minimum of four longitudinal bars with and successful usage.
transverse con nement reinforcement provided in the pile
within three times the least pile dimension of the bottom
309.3 Specific Applications
of the pile cap. A transverse spiral reinforcement ratio of
not less than one-half of that required in Section 410 for
Specialty foundation systems may be applied or used
other than Soil Pro le Type SE, SF or as determined in speci cally to address any or combinations of the
Section 208.4.3 or lique able sites is permitted. Tie following: Bearing Capacity Improvement, Liquefaction
spacing throughout the remainder of the concrete section mitigation, slope stability enhancement, control and/or
shall neither exceed 12-longitudinal-bar diameters, acceleration of Consolidation settlements or immediate
one-half the least dimension of the section, nor 12 inches settlements, increase in soil shear capacity, increased
(305 mm). Ties shall be a minimum of 10mm bars for pullout or overturning capacity, special anchors in soil
piles with a least dimension up to 20 inches (508 mm), and rock and other bene cial effects. Controlled low
and 12 mm bars for larger piles. strength materials (CLSM) to reduce ll loads may be
allowed for use where applicable.
NSCP C1 01-1 5
Chapter 4
112 Panay Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines 1100
.-|-I—§_ ' 4-
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)
I “
CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete 4-1
Table of Contents
SECTION 401 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS . ... .. . . . . ... .... . . ... .. . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .... . .. .. .. 7
401.1 Scope . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . .... . . . . . .... .... . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . ..
401.2 General .................................................................... ..
401.3 Purpose ....
401.4 Applicability........ ........................................................................... ..
401.5 Interpretation........................... ........................................................................... ..
401.6 Building Of cial ....................
401.7 Licensed Design Professional .............................................................................. ..
401.8 Construction Documents and Design Records.............................................................................. ..
401.9 Testing and Inspection.............................................................................................................. ..
401.10 Approval of Special Systems of Design, Construction, or Altemative Construction Materials .................................. ..
401.11 Provisions for Earthquake Resistance ......................................... .................................... .. \DO\O\O O O O\I\I
SECTION 402 .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .... .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. ..... . . .. . .. .. . . . .... ... . . . .. ... . . . . .. ..9
NOTATION AND TERMINOLOGY... .. . . ... . . .. .. ... . . .. .. ... .. .. . .... ... . . . . .. . .... . . .. .. 9
402.2 Notation ....... ............................................................... 9
402.3 Termino1ogy........ 20
SECTION 403 ........................................................................................................................................................................ ..28
REFERENCED STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................. 28
403.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................................... ..28
403.2 Referenced Standards .........................................................................................................................................
SECTION 404 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31
STRUCTURAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... .. 31
404.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................................... .. 31
404.2 Materials ................................................ .. ' .......................................................... .. 31
404.3 Design Loads ......................................... .. 31
404.4 Structural System and Load Paths ............... .. 31
404.5 Structural Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32
404.7 Serviceability.......... 32 l
404.8 Durability 32
404.9 Sustainability ....... 33
404.10 Structural Integrity 33
404.11 Fire Resistance
404.12 Requirements for Speci c Types of Construction.......... 33
404.13 Construction and Inspection ................................. 34
404.14 Strength Evaluation of Existing Structures ............................................................................................................... .. 34
SECTION 405 ........................................................................................................................................................................ .. 34
LOADS ................................................................................................................................................................................... .. 34
405.2 General ...................................................................................................................................... -- 34
405.3 Load Factors and Combinations ................................................................................................................................ .. 34
SECTION 406 ................... .............................. .......................................................................................... .. 36
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................................ .. 36
_ _1 ‘
i I i_
406.1 Scope
406.2 General
406.3 Modeling Assumptions..
406.4 Arrangement of Live Load
406.5 Simpli ed Method of Analysis for Non-Prestressed Continuous Beams and One-way Slabs
406.6 First-order Analysis .... ..
406.7 Elastic Second-order Analysis
406.8 Inelastic Second-Order Analysis
406.9 Acceptability of Finite Element Analysis
SECTION 407 ........................... ..
ONE-WAY SLABS ................... ..
407.1 Scope
407.2 General ........
407.3 Design Limits
407.4 Required Strength ........ ..
407.5 Design Strength
407.6 Reinforcement Limits ....
407.7 Reinforcement Detailing
SECTION 408 ..........
408.1 Scope ....
408.2 General ....
408.3 Design Limits .....
408.4 Required Strength
408.5 Design Strength ........... ..
408.6 Reinforcement Limits
408.7 Reinforcement Detailing
408.8 Non-Prestressed Two-Way Joist Systems
408.9 Li -slab Construction....
408.10 Direct Design Method
408.11 Equivalent Frame Method
BEAMS ............
409.1 Scope
409.2 General ....
409.3 Design Limits
409.4 Required Strength
409.5 Design Strength
409.6 Reinforcement Limits
409.7 Reinforcement Detailing
409.8 Non-Prestressed One-way Jotst Systems
409.9 Deep Beams..................
SECTION 410 ............................
COLUMNS ............................... ..
410.1 Scope .......................... ..
410.2 General
410.3 Design Limits .......
410.4 Required Strength
410.5 Design Strength
410.6 Reinforcement Limits
CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete 4~3
4-6 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
40l.1.1 This section addresses (a) to (h): 401.2.6 Modi cations to this Code that are adopted by a
particular govemment agency or local government are
a. General requirements of this Chapter; part of that organization’s requirements, but are not part
of this Code.
b. Purpose of this Chapter;
40l.2.7 This chapter provides the minimum requirements
c. Applicability of this Chapter; for the materials, design, construction, and strength
evaluation of structural concrete members and systems in
d. Interpretation of this Chapter; any structure within this Code.
h. Approval of special systems of design, construction, 401.3.2 This chapter does not address all design
or alternative construction materials. considerations.
For structural concrete, fQ shall not be less than 17 MPa. 401.4.4 Design and construction of structural concrete
No maximum value of shall apply unless restricted by slabs cast on stay-in-place, non-composite steel deck are
a speci c code provision. governed by this chapter.
401.2.3 This chapter is in English, with SI units, 401.4.5 Design and construction of one- and two-
published by the Association of Structural Engineers of family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings
the Philippines, Inc. (townhouses) and their accessory structures may be
designed until such time provisions of the National
401.2.4 In case of con ict between this edition and other Structural Code of the Philippines, Volume III, Housing is
earlier versions, this latest version govems. published.
National Structural Code of the Pl'llllppll'l6S Voiume l, 7 i'_';CilllOTl, 2615
-_»— ___-—-.
4-8 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
401.4.6 This chapter does not apply to the design and 401.5.5 The following words and terms in this section
installation of concrete piles, drilled piers, and caissons shall be interpreted in accordance with (a) through (e):
embedded in ground except as provided in (a) or (b):
a. The word “shall” is always mandatory;
a. For portions in air or water, or in soil incapable of
providing adequate lateral restraint to prevent b. Provisions of this section are mandatory even if the
buckling throughout their length. See also Sect. word “shall” is not used;
c. Words used in the present tense shall include the
b. For structures in region of high seismic risk or future;
assigned to high seismic performance or design
categories d. The word “and” indicates that all of the connected
items, conditions, requirements, or events shall apply;
401.4.7 This chapter does not govem design and
construction of slabs-on-ground, unless the slab transmits e. The word “or” indicates that all of the connected
vertical loads or lateral forces from other portions of the items, conditions, requirements, or events are
structure to the soil. alternatives, at least one of which shall be satis ed.
401.4.8 For unusual structures, such as arches, tanks, 401.5.6 In any case in which one or more provisions of
reservoirs, bins and silos, blast-resistant structures, and this Chapter are declared by an appropriate court to be
chimneys, provisions of this section shall govem where invalid, that ruling shall not affect the validity of the
applicable. For tanks and reservoirs refer also to ACI 350, remaining provisions of this Chapter, which are severable.
ACI 334.lR, and ACI 372R. The ruling of the court shall be effective only in that
court’s jurisdiction, and shall not affect the content of
401.4.9 This chapter does not govern the composite interpretation of this Chapter in other jurisdictions.
design of structural concrete slabs cast-in-place,
composite steel form deck. Concrete used in the 401.5.7 If con icts occur between provisions of this
construction of such slabs shall be governed by Sections code and standards and documents referenced in Section
401 to 406 of this chapter, where applicable. Portions of 403, this Chapter shall apply.
such slabs designed as reinforced concrete are govemed
by this chapter. 401.6 Building Of cial
_ _
40i.8.2 Calculations pertinent to design shall be tiled 402.1.1 This section de nes notation and terminology
with the construction documents if required by the used in this chapter.
building ollicial. Analyses and designs using computer
programs shall be permitted provided design assumptions. 402.2 ‘ Notation
user input. and computer-generated output are submitted.
Model analysis shall be pennitted to supplement a = shear span, distance between
calcuintions. concentrated load and face of
supports, mm.
401.9 Testing and Inspection a = depth of equivalent rectangular stress
block, mm.
401.9.l Concrete materials shall be tested in av = shear span, equal to distance from
accordance with the requirements of Section 426. center of concentrated load to either:
(a) face of support for continuous or
401.9.2 Concrete construction shall be inspected in cantilevered members, or (b) center
accordance with the general building code and in of support for simply supported
accordance with Sections 417 and 426. members, mm.
A = area of that part of cross section
401.9.3 Inspection records shall include information between exural tension face and
required in Sections 417 and 426. center of gravity of gross section,
401.10 Approval of Special Systems of Design, Ab = Area of an individual bar or wire,
Construction, or Alternative Construction mmz.
Materials Abrg = net bearing area of the head of stud,
anchor bolt, or headed defonned bars,
40l.10.1 Sponsors of any system of design, mmz.
construction, or altemative construction materials within AC = area of concrete section resisting
the scope of this Chapter, the adequacy of which has been shear transfer, mmz. '
shown by succcssliil use or by analysis or test, but which = area of contact surface being
does not conform to or is not covered by this Chapter, investigated for horizontal shear,
shall have the right to present the data on which their mmz.
design is based to the building of cial or to a committee AC; = greater gross cross-sectional area of
of competent structural engineers appointed by the the slab-beam strips of the two
building of cial. This committee shall have the authority orthogonal equivalent frames
to investigate the data so submitted, require tests, and intersecting at a column of a two-way
lbrmulate mics goveming design and construction of such slab, mmz.
systems to meet the intent of this Code. These rules, when Am = cross-sectional area of a member
approved by the building of cial, and promulgated, shall measured to the outside edges of
be of the same force and effect as the provisions of this transverse reinforcement, mmz.
Code. Aq, = area enclosed by outside perimeter of
concrete cross section, mrnz.
401.11 Provisions for Earthquake Resistance AC, = cross-sectional area at one end of a
strut in a strut-and-tie model, taken
401.11.1 In regions of moderate (seismic zone 2) or perpendicular to the axis of the strut,
high seismic risk (seismic zone 4), provisions of Section mmz
418 shall be satis ed. Ac, = area of that part of cross section
between the exural tension face and
centroid of gross section, mmz
CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete 44 i 1
A1 loaded area for consideration of Ca’ min = minimum distance from center of an
bearing strength, mmz. anchor shaft to the edge of concrete,
A2 maximum area of the portion of the mm.
supporting surface that is Cal I distance from the center of an anchor
geometrically similar to and shaft to the edge of concrete in one
concentric with the loaded area. direction, mm. If shear is applied to
A2 the area of the lower base of the anchor, Cal is taken in the direction
largest frustum of a pyramid, cone, or of the applied shear. If tension is
tapered wedge contained wholly applied to the anchor, cal is the l
within the support and having its minimum edge distance. Where
upper base equal to the loaded area. anchors subject to shear are located
The sides of the pyramid, cone, or in narrow sections of limited l
tapered wedge shall be sloped one thickness, See Section 4l7.5.2.4.
vertical to two horizontal, mmz. r
cal = limiting value of cal where anchors l
b width of compression face of are located less than 1.5Ca1 from
CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete 4~’l3
4-14 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
KJ1 i?'i 1,34». Stru<:iural i.',Zr1r@i:.se:te. Y 3
members, with or without axial load, Tl. modular ratio of elasticity, but not
determined using the properties ofthe less than 6
member at the joint faces assuming a
tensile strength in the longitudinal Tl number ofitems, such as, bars, wires,
bars of at least 1.25fy and a monostrand anchorage devices,
strength-reduction factor ¢ of 1.0, N- anchors or shearhead arms.
mm. T11 number of longitudinal bars around
MSH maximum moment in wall due to the perimeter of a column core with
service loads, excluding PA effects, rectilinear hoops that are laterally
N-mm. supported by the corner of hoops or
MSC factored slab moment that is resisted by seismic hooks. A bundle of bars
by the column at ajoint, N-mm. is counted as a single bar.
Mslab portion of slab factored moment N design axial load normal to cross
balanced by support moment, N-mm section occurring simultaneously
Mu factored moment at section, N-mm. with V; to be taken as positive for
Mua moment at the mid-height section of compression, negative for tension,
the wall due to factored lateral and and to include effects of tension due
eccentric vertical loads, not including to creep and shrinkage.
PA effects, N-mm. number of bars in a layer being
My moment resistance contributed by spliced or developed at a critical
shearhead reinforcement, N-mm. section.
M1 lesser factored end moment on a N tension force acting on anchor or
L .
design shear stress, MPa.
Stress corresponding to nominal two-
way shear strength provided by
nominal shear strength, N.
nominal horizontal shear strength, N. l
VP vertical component of effective
concrete, MPa. prestress force at section, N.
Vn equivalent concrete stress Vs nominal shear strength provided by
corresponding to nominal two-way shear reinforcement, N.
shear strength of slab or footing, Vsa
nominal strength in shear of a single
MPa. anchor or group of anchors as
vs equivalent concrete stress governed by the steel strength, N.
corresponding to nominal two-way Vu factored shear force at section, N.
shear strength provided by Vua
factored shear force applied to a
reinforcement, MPa. single anchor or group of anchors, N.
vu Maximum factored two-way shear Vua,g total factored shear force applied to
stress calculated around the perimeter anchor group, N.
of a given critical section, MPa. Vua,i factored shear force applied to most
vug factored shear stress on the slab highly stressed anchor in a group of
critical section for two-way action anchors, N.
due to gravity loads without moment Vuh Factored shear force along horizontal
transfer, MPa. interface in composite concrete
V design shear force at section exural member, N.
shear force acting on anchor or Vus factored horizontal shear in a storey,
anchor group, N. N.
VJ_ applied shear perpendicular to the We density, unit weight, of nonnal-
edge, N. weight concrete or equilibrium
Vii applied shear parallel to the edge, N. density of lightweight concrete, kg/
Vb basic concrete breakout strength in m3.
shear of a single anchor in cracked W1 factored live load per unit area.
concrete, N. Wu factored load per unit length of beam
Vt: nominal shear strength provided by or one-way slab, N/mm.
concrete, N. ws width of a strut perpendicular to the
Vcb nominal concrete breakout strength in axis of the strut, mm.
shear of a single anchor, N. Wr effective height of concrete
Vcbg nominal concrete breakout strength in concentric with a tie, used to
shear of a group of anchors, N. dimension nodal zone, mm.
Vci nominal shear strength provided by wt,max maximum effective height of
concrete where diagonal cracking concrete concentric with a tie, mm.
results from combined shear and w/ cm maximum water-cementitious
moment, N. materials ratio.
Vq, nominal concrete pryout strength of a W effect of wind load.
single anchor, N. Wa service-level wind load, N.
4-18 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
h_i .
position of the structure at the 2,), = value of net tensile strain in the
beginning ofthe second test, mm. extreme layer of longitudinal tension
I ATP increase in stress in prestressing reinforcement used to define a
reinforcement due to factored loads, compression-controlled section.
MPa. 6 :
angle between axis of strut,
Arm stress in prestressing reinforcement at compression diagonal, or
service loads less decompression compression eld and the tension
stress, MPa. chord of the members.
Afrvt Z difference between the stress that can A : correction factor related to unit
be developed in the strand at the weight of concrete.
section under consideration and the A : modi cation factor to re ect the
stress required to resist factored reduced mechanical properties of
bending moment at section, Mu/¢, lightweight concrete relative to
ATIIIZX measured maximum de ection, mm.
normal-weight concrete of the same
compressive strength. tL;
An calculated, out-of-plane de ection at /1,, : modi cation factor to re ect the
mid-height of wall corresponding to reduced mechanical properties of
nominal exural strength, Mn, mm. lightweight concrete in certain
A, = relative lateral deflection between the concrete anchorage applications.
top and bottom of a storey due to /1, = multiplier used for additional
Vus, mm. de ection due to long-term effects.
A, = residual deflection measured 24 hours 2‘ I coef cient of friction.
after removal of the test load. For the 27 I number of identical arms of
rst load test, residual de ection is shearhead.
measured relative to the position‘ of lip I post-tensioning curvature friction
the structure at the beginning of the coef cient.
rst load test. For the second load g : time-dependent factor for sustained
test, residual de ection is measured load.
relative to the position of the p I ratio of non-prestressed tension
structure at the beginning of the reinforcement.
second load test, mm. p 2
145/ (lwd)
rmax ‘ measured residual de ection, mm. P ratio ofAS to bd
A, : maximum de ection at or near P’ = ratio of compression reinforcement,
midheight due to service loads, mm A’, to bd.
A, I out-of-plane de ection due to service Pb : reinforcement ratio producing
loads, mm. balanced strain conditions.
A, I calculated out-of-plane de ection at Pr I ratio of area of distributed
mid-height of wall due to factored longitudinal reinforcement to gross
loads, mm. concrete area perpendicular to that
A, = design storey drift of storey x, mm. reinforcement.
A1 : maximum de ection, during rst Pp I ratio of prestressed reinforcement,
load test, measured 24 hours alter Apsto bdp.
application of the full test load, mm. Ps = ratio of volume of spiral
A2 = maximum de ection, during second reinforcement to total volume of core
load test, measured 24hours after con ned by the spiral, measured out-
application of the full test load. to-out of spirals.
Deflection is measured relative to the
Pr : ratio of area of distributed transverse
position of the structure at the reinforcement to gross concrete area
beginning of second load test, mm. perpendicular to that reinforcement.
maximum usable strain at extreme ratio of tie reinforcement area to area
Pb =
concrete compression ber. of contact surface.
2, = net tensile strain in extreme layer of A,, ,l
longitudinal tension reinforcement at Pb :
nominal strength, excluding strains
Pw I ratio of tension reinforcement, As to
due to effective prestress, creep, bwd.
shrinkage, and temperature. ¢ : strength-reduction factor.
- ~_#
. l
;‘V| 1, ., I,__ »i __
er A
-_\.1al1.1,r,1siJ i; ll , k F ‘ll
ANCHOR, HOOKED BOLT is a cast-in anchor ANCHORAGE DEVICE in post-tensioned members, the
anchored mainly by bearing of the 90-degree bend (L- hardware used to transfer force from prestressed
bolt) or 180-degree bend (J-bolt) against the concrete, at reinforcement to the concrete.
its embedded end, and having a minimum eh equal to
an anchorage device used with any single strand or a
ANCHOR, HEADED STUD is a steel anchor single 16mm. or smaller diameter bar that is in accordance
conforming to the requirements of AWSDl.lM and with Sections 425.8.l,425.8.2 and 425.9.3.la.
af xed to a plate or similar steel attachment by the stud
arc welding process before casting. ANCHORAGE DEVICE, BASIC MULTISTRAND is
an anchorage device used with multiple strands, bars, or
ANCHOR, HORIZONTAL OR UPWARDLY wires, or with single bars larger than l6 mm diameters
INCLINED is an anchor installed in a hole drilled that satis es Sections 425.8.l, 425.8.2 and 425.9.3.lb.
horizontally or in a hole drilled at any orientation above
horizontal. ANCHORAGE DEVICE, SPECIAL is an anchorage
device that satis es tests required in Section 425.9.3. lc.
ANCHOR, POST-INSTALLED, is an anchor installed
in hardened concrete; adhesive, expansion, and undercut, ANCHORAGE ZONE in post-tensioned members,
anchors are examples of post-installed anchors. portion of the member through which the concentrated
prestressing force is transferred to the concrete and
ANCHOR, ADHESIVE is a post-installed anchor, distributed more uniformly across the section; its extent is
inserted into hardened concrete with an anchor hole equal to the largest dimension of the cross section; for
diameter not greater than l.5times the anchor diameter, anchorage devices located away from the end of a
that transfers loads to the concrete by bond between the member, the anchorage zone includes the disturbed
anchor and the adhesive, and bond between the adhesive regions ahead of and behind the anchorage device.
and the concrete.
ATTACHMENT is a structural assembly, external to the
ANCHOR, ADHESIVE-STEEL ELEMENTS are steel surface of the concrete that transmits loads to or receives
elements for adhesive anchors include threaded rods, loads from the anchor.
deformed reinforcing bars, or internally threaded steel
sleeves with extemal defonnations. B-REGION is a portion of a member in which it is
reasonable to assume that strains due to exure vary
ANCHOR, EXPANSION is a post-installed anchor, linearly through section.
inserted into hardened concrete that transfers loads to or
from the concrete by direct bearing or friction or both. BASE OF STRUCTURE is a level at which the
horizontal earthquake ground motions are assumed to be
ANCHOR, UNDERCUT is a post-installed anchor that imparted to a building. This level does not necessarily
develops its tensile strength from the mechanical interlock coincide with the ground level.
provided by undercutting of the concrete at the embedded
end of the anchor. Undercutting is achieved with a special BEAM is a member subjected primarily to exure and
drill before installing the anchor or altematively by the shear, with or without axial force or torsion; beams in a
anchor itself during its installation. moment frame that forms part of the lateral-force-resisting
system are predominantly horizontal members; a girder is
ANCHOR GROUP is a number of similar anchors a beam.
having approximately equal effective embedment depths
BOUNDARY ELEMENT is a portion along wall and
with spacing s between adjacent anchors such that the
protected areas overlap. diaphragm edge, including edges of openings,
strengthened by longitudinal and transverse
corresponding to the anchoring device or a major
BUILDING OFFICIAL is a term used in a general
component of the device sliding out from the concrete
building code to identify the person charged with
without breaking out a substantial portion of the
administration and enforcement of provisions of the
surrounding concrete.
building code. Such term as building inspector is a
variation of the title, and the term “building of cial” as
used in this Code, is intended to include those variations, CONCRETE, NON-PRESTRESSED is a reinforced
asayvell as others that are used in the same sense. concrete with at least the minimum amount of non-
prestressed reinforcement and no prestressed
CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS are materials that reinforcement; or for two-way slabs, with less than the
have cementing value if used in concrete either by minimum amount of prestressed reinforcement.
themselves, such as portland cement, blended hydraulic
cements, and expansive cement, or such materials in CONCRETE, NORMALWEIGHT is a concrete
combination with y ash, raw or other calcined natural containing only aggregate that conforms to ASTM C33.
pozzolans, silica fume, and slag cement.
CONCRETE, PLAIN is a concrete with no
COLLECTOR is an element that acts in axial tension or reinforcement or with less reinforcement than the
compression to transmit forces between a structural minimum amount speci ed for reinforced concrete.
diaphragm and a vertical element of the seismic-force-
resisting system. CONCRETE, PRECAST is a concrete element cast
elsewhere than its nal position in the structure.
COLUMN is a member, usually vertical or predominantly
vertical, used primarily to support axial compressive load, CONCRETE,PRESTRESSED is a concrete in which
but that can also resist moment, shear, or torsion. Columns intemal stresses have been introduced to reduce potential
used as part of a lateral-force-resisting system resist tensile stresses in concrete resulting from service loads.
combined axial load, moment, and shear. Refer to moment
frame. CONCRETE, REINFORCED is a concrete reinforced
with at least the minimum amounts of non-prestressed or
COLUMN CAPITAL is an enlargement of the top of a prestressed reinforcement required by this Code.
concrete column located directly below the slab or drop
panel that is cast monolithically with the column. CONCRETE, SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT is a concrete
containing only nonnal weight ne aggregate that
COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS is a construction- conforms to ASTM C33M and lightweight coarse
related Code requirements directed to the contractor to be aggregate that confonns to ASTM C330M.
incorporated into construction documents by the licensed
design professional, as applicable. CONCRETE, STEEL FIBER-REINFORCED is a
concrete containing a prescribed amount of dispersed,
COMPOSITE CONCRETE FLEXURAL MEMBERS randomly oriented, discontinuous deformed steel bers.
are concrete exural members of precast or cast-in-place
concrete elements, constructed in separate placements but CONCRETE STRENGTH, SPECIFIED
connected so that all elements respond to loads as a unit. COMPRESSIVE is a compressive strength of concrete
used in design and evaluated in accordance with
COMPRESSION-CONTROLLED SECTION is a provisions of this Code, MPa. Whenever the quantity f2
cross section in which the net tensile strain in the extreme is under a radical sign, square root of numerical value
tension reinforcement at nominal strength is less than or only is intended, and result has units of MPa.
equal to the compression-controlled strain limit.
COMPRESSION-CONTROLLED STRAIN LIMIT is corresponding to a volume of concrete surrounding the
a net tensile strain at balanced strain conditions. anchor or group of anchors separating from the member.
CONCRETE are mixture of portland cement or any other CONCRETE PRYOUT STRENGTH is a strength
hydraulic cement, ne aggregate, coarse aggregate and corresponding to formation of a concrete spall behind
Water, with or Without admixtures. short, stiff anchors displaced in the direction opposite to
the applied shear force.
concrete containing only lightweight coarse and ne CONNECTION is a region of a structure that joins two
aggregates that conform to ASTM C330. or more members; a connection also refers to a region that
joins members of which one or more is precast.
containing lightweight aggregate and an equivalent CONNECTION, DUCTILE is a connection that
density, as detennined by ASTM C567, between 1440 experiences yielding as a result of the earthquake design
and 1840 kg/m3. displacements.
K \\\’\£\~
C S Q_er r =. 11:4 i'~._.__ _@
#Ilt€,l+\-5:,-S} ifs
CONNECTION, STRONG is a connection between DISTANCE SLEEVE is a sleeve that encases the center
one or more precast elements that remains elastic while part of an undercut anchor, a torque-controlled expansion
adjoining members experience yielding as a result of the anchor, or a displacement-controlled expansion anchor,
earthquake design displacements. but does not expand.
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS is a written and graphic DROP PANEL is a projection below the slab used to
documents and speci cations prepared or assembled for reduce the amount of negative reinforcement over a
describing the location, design, materials, and physical column or the minimum required slab thickness, and to
characteristics of the elements of a project necessary for increase the slab shear strength.
obtaining a building permit and construction of the
project. DUCT is a conduit, plain or corrugated, to accommodate
prestressing reinforcement for post-tensioning
CONTRACTION JOINT is a formed, sawed, or tooled applications.
groove in a concrete structure to create a weakened plane
and regulate the location of cracking resulting from the DURABILITY is an ability of a structure or member to
dimensional change of different parts of the structure. ll
resist deterioration that impairs performance or limits
service life of the structure in the relevant environment X.
COVER, SPECIFIED CONCRETE is a distance considered in design.
between the outermost surface of embedded
reinforcement and the closest outer surface of the EDGE DISTANCE is a distance from the edge of the
concrete. concrete surface to the center of the nearest anchor.
EXPANSION SLEEVE is an outer part of an expansion JACKING FORCE In prestressed concrete, temporary
agchor that is forced outward by the center part, either by force exerted by device that introduces tension into
applied torque or impact, to bear against the sides of the prestressing reinforcement.
predrilled hole. Refer to anchor, expansion.
JOINT is a portion of structure common to intersecting
of prestressed or non-prestressed reinforcement that is the
farthest from the extreme compression ber. LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL is an
individual who is licensed to practice structural design as
FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS is a numerical de ned by the statutory requirements of the Professional
modeling technique in which a structure is divided into a Regulation Commission (PRC) or jurisdiction in which
number of discrete elements for analysis. the project is to be constructed and who is in responsible
charge of the structural design.
FIVE PERCENT FRACTILE is a statistical term
meaning 90 percent con dence that there is 95 percent LOAD are forces or other actions that result from the
probability of the actual strength exceeding the nominal weight of all building materials, occupants, and their
strength. possessions, environmental effects, differential movement,
and restrained dimensional changes; pennanent loads are
HEADED DEFORMED BARS is a defomred those loads in which variations over time are rare or of
reinforcing bars with heads attached at one or both ends. small magnitude; all other loads are variable loads.
HEADED SHEAR STUD REINFORCEMENT is a LOAD, DEAD is the weight of the members, supported
reinforcement consisting of individual headed studs or structure, and pennanent attachments or accessories that
groups of studs, with anchorage provided by a head at are likely to be present on a structure in service; or loads
each end, or by a head at one end and a common base rail meeting speci c criteria found in the general building
consisting of a steel plate or shape at the other end. code; without load factors.
HOOP is a closed tie or continuously wound tie. A closed LOAD, FACTORED is a load, multiplied by appropriate
tie, made up of one or several reinforcement elements, load factors.
each having seismic hooks at both ends. A closed tie shall
not be made up of interlocking headed deformed bars. LOAD, LIVE is a load that is not permanently applied to
Section 425.7.4. a structure, but is likely to occur during the service life of
the structure (excluding environmental loads); or loads
INSPECTION is an observation, veri cation, and meeting speci c criteria found in the general building
required documentation of the materials, installation, code; without load factors.
fabrication, erection or placement of components and
connections to detennine compliance with construction LOAD, ROOF LIVE is a load on a roof produced during
documents and referenced standards. maintenance by workers, equipment, and materials, and
during the life of the structure by movable objects, such as
INSPECTION, CONTINUOUS is the full time planters or other similar small decorative appurtenances
observation, veri cation, and required documentation of that are not occupancy related; or loads meeting speci c
work in the area where the work is being perfonned. criteria found in the general building code; without load
INSPECTION, PERIODIC is the part-time or
intennittent observation, veri cation, and required LOAD, SERVICE are all loads, static or transitory,
documentation of work in the area where the work is imposed on a structure or element thereof, during the
being perfonned. operation of a facility, without load factors.
ISOLATION JOINT is a separation between adjoining LOAD PATH are sequence of members and connections
parts of a concrete structure, usually a vertical plane, at a designed to transfer the factored loads and forces in such
designed location such as to interfere least with combinations as are stipulated in this Code, from the point
perfonnance of the structure, yet such as to allow relative of application or origination through the structure to the
movement in three directions and avoid formation of nal support location or the foundation.
cracks elsewhere in the concrete and through which all or
part of the bonded reinforcement is interrupted. MANUFACTURER’S PRINTED INSTALLATION
INSTRUCTIONS (MPII) published instructions for the
. ___._J
K Ct >utirrzgi
irufx1- -t ~ C 4si_,;i.ii5i L-Liil it S » 1\
correct installation of the anchor under all covered POST-TENSIONING is a method of prestressing in
installation conditions as supplied in the product which prestressing reinforcement is tensioned after
packaging. concrete has hardened.
cieiiiuii i2-r*'._--.4‘ =-.-4* 5* A .-at ‘,- Ft-tr:
ht: u=cIt.rT<.1l CD-rte: UT 2. /<~(\ \ ’- ‘-1.-_ -
r’tir:i§J@;i‘le-S \/Ultail L l ” ‘ fC, t “""~
J‘ ,_J ‘-
4-26 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
1 1
t‘_§\-l§‘j=_L§iL>E~ 1*
~\..;.=¢ --LL \ e ,
\-\:t4 1kt\ 1 ;
STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY is an ability ofa structure TENDON, EXTERNAL is a tendon external to the
through strength, redundancy, ductility, and detailing of member concrete cross section in post-tensioned
reinforcement to redistribute stresses and maintain overall applications.
stability if localized damage or signi cant overstress
occurs. TENDON, UNBONDED is a tendon in which prestressed
reinforcement is prevented from bonding to the concrete.
STRUCTURAL SYSTEM interconnected members The prestressing force is pemianently transferred to the
designed to meet performance requirements. concrete at the tendon ends by the anchorages only.
4-28 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
Standardl Section .
. . Title
_ Designation ‘_
Section 4'23 of Speci cations for Structural Concrete
AC1 301-10
l Building Code Requirements for
AC1 318244 , ' cciicieic Thin Shells
i Residential Code Requirements for
AC1 332-14 Structural Concrete and Commentary
I Quali cation of Post-Installed
ACI 355.2-07 Mechanical Anchors in Concrete and
. Comrnentary
Quali cation of Post-
ACI 355.4-11 Installed Adhesive Anchors in
Concrete _
Acceptance Criteria for Moment
AcI374'l'O5 Frames Based on Structural Testing
‘ Speci cation rci uiibcndea Single-
ACI 4237-07 Strand Tendon Materials
l Acceptance Criteria for Special
Unbonded Post-Tensioned Precast
AC1 ITG_5'1_O7 Structural Walls Based on Validation
Testing _
ASTM International
Designation 1 Tm“
Bars for Concrete
Standard Speci cation for
Uncoated High-Strength Steel
Standard Speci cation for 1 |l
A36/A36M-121 Bars for Prestressing Concrete
Carbon Structural Steel 1 Standard Speci cation for Zinc-
Standard Speci cation for Pipe, A767/A767M-09 Coated (Galvanized) Steel Bars
A53/A53M-12 Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, for Concrete Reinforcement \
Zinc-Coated, Welded and 1 Standard Speci cation for
Seamless A775/A775M-07b Epoxy-Coated Steel
Standard Speci cation for 1 Reinforcing Bars
A184/Al 84M-06 Welded Deformed Steel Bar ‘ Standard Speci cation for Steel 1 l
(201 1) Mats for Concrete A820/A82OM-1 1 Fibers for Fiber-Reinforced
Reinforcement ' Concrete
A242/A242M-O4 Standard Speci cation for High-’ Standard Speci cation for l
(2009) Strength Low-Alloy Structural A884/A884M-12 Epoxy- Coated Steel Wire and
_ Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement
Standard Speci cation for Standard Speci cation for Cl
A307-12 Carbon Steel Bolts, Studs, and A934/A934M-O7 Epoxy- Coated Prefabricated
Threaded Rod, 420 MPa Tensile 1 Steel Reinforcing Bars
Strength ' Standard Speci cation for ‘
Standard Speci cation for l _ C1 Deformed and Plain Stainless-
A416/A4l6M-12a Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven- A955/A955M_12 Steel Bars for Concrete
Wire for Prestressed Concrete Reinforcement
Standard Speci cation for 1 l Standard Speci cation for
Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Headed Steel Bars for
A421/A421M-10 Wire for Prestressed Concrete Concrete Reinforcement ‘
including Supplementary A970/A-970M-12
including Annex A1
Requirement I, Requirements or Class HA
Low- Relaxation Wire 1 Headed Dimensions
Standard Speci cation for 1 1 _ Standard Speci cation for
Cold- Formed Welded and A992/A992M'11 Structural Steel Shapes
A500/A50OM-10a Seamless Carbon Steel Standard Speci cation for Rail-
Structural Tubing in Rounds Steel and Axle-Steel Deformed
and Shapes A996/A996M-09b
Bars for Concrete
Standard Speci cation for Hot- l Reinforcement
A501-07 Formed‘ Welded and Seamless 1 Standard Speci cation for
Carbon Steel Structural Tubing Deformed and Plain Stainless
1 Standard Speci cation for 1 A1022/AlO22M-07
Steel Wire and Welded Wire
High- Strength Low-Alloy l for Concrete Reinforcement
Co1umbium- Vanadium
Structural Steel
4-30 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
Designation ri T'tl
1 e
Standard Speci cation for STRUCTURAL SYSTEM
Mixing Water Used in the
Production of Hydraulic Cement
1 Concrete 404.1 Scope
Standard Test Method for
Flexural Performance of Fiber- 404.1.1 This section shall apply to design of structural
C1609/Cl609M-l2 Reinforced Concrete (Using
concrete in structures or portions of structures de ned in
Beam With Third- Point Section 401.
l 1 Standard Test Method for
404.2 Materials
D5164 1 __ Sulfate Ion in Water
Standard Test Method for 404.2.1 Design properties of concrete shall be selected
D4130-08 Sulfate Ion in Brackish Water, to be in accordance with Section 419.
Seawater, and Brines
404.2.2 Design properties of reinforcement shall be 1
403.2.5 American Welding Society (AWS)
selected to be in accordance with Section 420. l
1 Title 404.3 Design Loads
A WS D1 .4/D1.4M: Structural Welding Code
404.3.1 Loads and load combinations considered in
2011 Reinforcing Steel
design shall be in accordance with Section 405.
AWS D1 . 1/D1.lM: Structural Welding Code
2010 Steel ‘
404.4 Structural System and Load Paths
403.2.6 Australian Standard (AS) and New Zealand
404.4.1 The structural system shall include (a) through
Standard (NZS)
(g), as applicable:
a. Floor construction and roof construction, including
_ Designation T1116
one-way and two-Way slabs;
Steel Reinforcing
AS/NZS 4671: 2001 Material
b. Beams and joists;
NZS 3101:2006 Concrete Structures Standard
Part 1& Part2 Design of Concrete Structures
c. Column;
NZS 3109 Welding of Reinforcing Steel
Amendment 2
d. Wall;
A /NZ 554. :20 Structural
. Steel
. Welding-
S SPart
1 33 08 Welding of Reinforcing Steel
e. Diaphragms;
f. Foundations;
~ —._.. _-l
4-32 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
404.4.4 The structural system shall be designed to resist 404.4.7.4 Diaphragms shall be designed to resist
the factored loads in load combinations given in Section applicable lateral loads from soil and hydrostatic pressure
404.3 without exceeding the appropriate member design and other loads assigned to the diaphragm by structural
strengths, considering one or more continuous load paths analysis.
from the point of load application or origination to the
nal point of resistance. 404.4.7.5 Collectors shall be provided where required to
transmit forces between diaphragms and vertical
404.4.5 Structural systems shall be designed to elements.
accommodate anticipated volume change and differential
settlement. 404.4.7.6 Diaphragms that are part of the seismic-force-
resisting system shall be designed for the applied forces.
404.4.6 Seismic-Force-Resisting System In structures assigned to seismic zone 4, the diaphragm
design shall be in accordance with Section 418.
404.4.6.1 Every structure shall be assigned to a seismic
zones 4, or 2, in accordance with the general building 404.5 Structural Analysis
code or as determined by the authority having jurisdiction
in areas without a legally adopted building code. 404.5.1 Analytical procedures shall satisfy
compatibility of deformations and equilibrium of forces.
404.4.6.2 Structural systems designated as part of the
seismic-force-resisting system shall be restricted to those 404.5.2 The methods of analyses given in Section 406
systems designated by the general building code or as shall be pennitted.
determined by the authority having jurisdiction in areas
without a legally adopted building code. 404.6 Strength
404.4.6.3 Structural systems assigned to seismic zone 2 404.6.1 Design strength of a member and its joints and
shall satisfy the applicable requirements of this Code. connections, in terms of moment, axial force, shear,
Structures assigned to seismic zone 2 are not required to torsion, and bearing, shall be taken as the nominal
be designed in accordance with Section 418. strength Sn, multiplied by the applicable strength
reduction factor
404.4.6.4 Structural systems assigned to seismic zone 4
shall satisfy the requirements of Section 418 in addition to 404.6.2 Structures and structural members shall have
applicable requirements of other sections of this Code. design strength at all sections, ¢S,,, greater than or equal
to the required strength U calculated for the factored
404.4.6.5 In structures assigned to seismic zone 4, loads and forces in such' combinations as required by this
structural members assumed not to be part of the seismic- Section or the general building code.
force-resisting system shall be pennitted, provided their
effect on the response of the system is considered and 404.7 Serviceability
accommodated in the structural design. Consequences of
damage to structural and nonstructural members that are 404.7.1 Evaluation of performance at service load
not a part of the seismic-force-resisting system shall be conditions shall consider reactions, moments, torsions,
considered. shears, and axial forces induced by prestressing, creep,
shrinkage, temperature change, axial deformation,
404.4.7 Diaphragms restraint of attached structural members, and foundation
404.4.7.1 Diaphragms, such as oor or roof slabs, shall
be designed to resist simultaneously both out-of-plane 404.7.2 For structures, structural members, and their
gravity loads and in-plane lateral forces in load connections, the requirements of Section 404.7.1 shall be
combinations given in Section 404.3. deemed to be satis ed if designed in accordance with the
provisions of the applicable member sections.
404.4.7.2 Diaphragms and their connections to framing
members shall be designed to transfer forces between the 404.8 Durability
diaphragm and framing members.
404.8.l Concrete mixtures shall be designed in
404.4.7.3 Diaphragms and their connections shall be accordance with the requirements of Sections 4l9.3.2 and
designed to provide lateral support to vertical, horizontal, 426.4, considering applicable environmental exposure to
and inclined elements. provide required durability.
. -iii;
404.8.2 Reinforcement shall be protected from 404.12 Requirements for Specific Types of
corrosion in accordance with Section 420.6. Construction
Precast Concrete Systems
404.10.1 General
404.11.1 Structural concrete members shall satisfy the 404.12.2.2 Provisions shall be made for effects on
re protection requirements of the general building code. adjoining construction of elastic and plastic deformations,
de ections, changes in length, and rotations due to
404.1l.2 Where the general building code requires a prestressing. Effects of temperature change, restraint of
thickness of concrete cover for re protection greater than attached structural members, foundation settlement, creep,
the concrete cover speci ed in Section 420.6.l, such and shrinkage shall also be considered.
greater thickness shall govern.
404.12.2.3 Stress concentrations due to prestressing
shall be considered in design.
a. Garages;
b. Areas occupied as places of public assembly;
. |
— l
c. Areas where L is greater than 4.8 kPa. 405.3.8 Iflateral earth pressure H is present, it shall be
included in the load combination equations of Section
405.3.4 If applicable, L shall include (a) through (f): 405.3.l in accordance with (a), (b), or (c):
a. Concentrated live loads; a. IfH acts alone or adds to the primary load, it shall be
included with a load factor of 1.6 in Eq. 405.3.1a
b. Vehicular loads; through 405.3.le;
Tm -{I |_| l
4436 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
406.2.4 Additional analysis methods that are permitted b. 0.30 times the dimension in the direction stability
include Sections 406.2.4.l through 406.2.4.4. is being considered for rectangular columns;
CHAPTER 4 ~~ Stnlctural Concrete 443?
surrounding a structural steel core shall be permitted to be 0. Sbw and an effective ange width less than or equal to
used in calculating ASX and ISX. 4-bw.
406.3.1 General
406.4.2 For one-way slabs and beams, it shall be
permitted to assume (a) and (b):
406.3.1.l Relative stiffnesses of members within
structural systems shall be based on reasonable and
a. Maximum positive Mu near midspan occurs with
consistent assumptions.
factored L on the span and on alternate spans;
406.3.l.2 To calculate moments and shears caused by ll
b. Maximum negative Mu at a support occurs with
gravity loads in columns, beams, and slabs, it shall be
factored L on adjacent spans only.
permitted to use a model limited to the members in the
level being considered and the columns above and below
406.4.3 For two-way slab systems, factored moments
that level. It shall be permitted to assume far ends of
shall be calculated in accordance with Section 406.4.3.l,
columns built integrally with the structure to be xed. '
406.4.3.2, or 406.4.3.3, and shall be at least the moments l
resulting from factored L applied simultaneously to all
406.3.1.3 The analysis model shall consider the effects
of variation of member cross-sectional properties, such as
that due to haunches.
406.4.3.l If the arrangement of L is known, the slab
406.3.2 T-beam Geometry system shall be analyzed for that arrangement.
406.3.2.1 For non-prestressed T-beams supporting 406.4.3.2 IfL is variable and does not exceed 0. 75D, or
monolithic or composite slabs, the effective ange width the nature of L is such that all panels will be loaded
simultaneously, it shall be permitted to assume that
bf shall include the beam web width bw plus an effective
maximum MU at all sections occurs with factored L
overhanging ange width in accordance with Table
applied simultaneously to all panels.
406.3.2.1, where h is the slab thickness and SW is the
clear distance to the adjacent web.
406.4.3.3 For loading conditions other than those
de ned in Section 406.4.3.l or 406.4.3.2, it shall be
Table 4 0 Dimensional Limits for Effective
permitted to assume (a) and (b):
Overhanging Flange Width for T-Beams
a. Maximum positive MU near midspan of panel occurs
Flange location ‘ Effective overhanging ange
width, beyond face of web with 75 percent of factored L on the panel and
altemate panels;
Each side of web Least of:
b. Maximum negative MU at a support occurs with 75
percent of factored L on adjacent panels only.
One side of web Least of:
406.5 Simpli ed Method of Analysis for Non- l
0,, /12 Prestressed Continuous Beams and One-way l
406.3.2.2 Isolated non-prestressed T-beams in which the
ange is used to provide additional compression area 406.5.1 It shall be permitted to calculate MU and V” |
shall have a ange thickness greater than or equal to due to gravity loads in accordance with this section for
National Structural Code of the Ptiiippines v 0 | urne l , “edit
i" e 201'
ion, - a
4-38 CHAPTER 4 — Structural Concrete
d. There are at least two spans; 406.5.5 Floor or roof level moments shall be resisted
by distributing the moment between columns immediately
e. The longer of two adjacent spans does not exceed above and below the given oor in proportion to the
the shorter by more than 20 percent. relative column stiffnesses considering conditions of
406.5.2 Mu due to gravity loads shall be calculated in
accordance with Table 406.5.2. 406.6 First-order Analysis
Table 406.5.2 Approximate Moments for Non- 406.6.1 General
Prestressed Continuous Beams and One-Way Slabs
406.6.1.1 Slendemess effects shall be considered in
,iMoment L Location if Condition Mu accordance with Section 406.6.4, unless they are allowed
Discontinuous end
integral with wu{’f,/ 14 to be neglected by Section 406.2.5.
End span 5uPl3°1’t ‘
Positive Discontinuous end l 2
406.6.1.2 Redistribution of moments calculated by an
unrestrained W“€"/11 elastic rst-order analysis shall be permitted in
Interior 2 accordance with Section 406.6.5.
Lipans i ‘i/\ll wu{’,,/16
CHAPTER 4 — Structural Concrete 4-39
406. Floor Moment of inertia and cross-sectional 406.6.3.2 Service Load Analysis
area of members shall be calculated in accordance with
Tables 406.6.3.l.1(a) or 406.6.3.l.l(b), unless a 406.6.3.2.l Immediate and time-dependent de ections
more rigorous analysis is used. If sustained lateral loads due to gravity loads shall be calculated in accordance with
are present, I for columns and walls shall be divided by Section 424.2.
(1 + B4,) where [ids is the ratio of maximum factored
sustained shear within a storey to the maximum factored 406. It shall be pennitted to calculate immediate
shear in that storey associated with the same load lateral de ections using a moment ofinertia of 1.4 times I
combination. de ned in Section 406.6.3.l, or using a more detailed
analysis, but the value shall not exceed lg.
Table 4 0 Moment of Inertia and Cross-
Sectional Area Permitted for Elastic Analysis at 406.6.4 Slenderness Effects, Moment Magni cation
Factored Load Level Method
Member Moment of Cross-Sectional 406.6.4.1 Unless Section 406.2.5 is satis ed, columns
and condition Inertia Area
and stories in structures shall be designated as being
Columns 0.70Ig nonsway or sway. Analysis of columns in nonsway
Uncracked 0.70Ig frames or storeys shall be in accordance with Section
Walls 406.6.4.5. Analysis of columns in sway frames or storeys
Cracked 0.3515 1.0/lg
shall be in accordance with Section 406.6.4.6.
Beams 0.35lg '
406.6.4.2 The cross-sectional dimensions of each .
Flat plates and at slabs 0'25Ig
member used in an analysis shall be within 10 percent of i
the speci ed member dimensions in construction
documents or the analysis shall be repeated. If the i
Table 406. Alternative Moments of Inertia I
stiffnesses of Table 406.6.3.l.l(b) are used in an analysis,
for Elastic Analysis at Factored Load the assumed member reinforcement ratio shall also be
within 10 percent of the speci ed member reinforcement
[L Alternative Value of I for Elastic Analysis in construction documents.
Memberl Minimum I I Maximum
andwans 0.351g ( 0.s0+25 3)
Ag (1 _Puh_ 0.sP0)1,
5 0.8751g 406.6.4.3 It shall be permitted to analyze columns and
stories in structures as nonsway frames if (a) or (b) is l
at b
satis ed:
plates, 0'25Ig (0.10 + 25p) (1.2 - 0.2 ?"’) 1, 0'5Ig
and at a. The increase in column end moments due to second
slabs order effects does not exceed 5 percent of the rst
Note: For continuous exural members, I shall be permitted to be taken order end moments;
as the average of values obtained for the critical positive and negative
moment sections. Pu and Mu shall be calculated from the load b. Q in accordance with Section 406.6.4.4.l does not
combination under consideration, or the combination of Pu and M“ that
produces the least value of I. exceed 0.05.
406. For factored lateral load analysis, it shall be 406.6.4.4 Stability Properties l
permitted to assume I = 0. 51g for all members or to
calculate I by a more detailed analysis, considering the 406. The stability index for a storey, Q, shall be
reduced stiffness of all members under the loading calculated by:
Q = __2
P"A° (406.
406. For factored lateral load analysis of two-way VUSBC
slab systems without beams, which are designated as part
of the seismic-force-resisting system, I for slab members where ZIP“ and V“, are the total factored vertical load
shall be de ned by a model that is in substantial and horizontal storey shear, respectively, in the story
National Structural Code oi the Philippines Volume l, vlh '7
1 Edition, 4.015 I‘
4<4O CHAPTER 4 »- Structural Concrete
a. 0. 4EcIg
(E1)e” = Q (406. 406. M2 in Eq. 406.6.4.5.l shall be at least
11$ M2,,,,,,, calculated according to Eq. 406. about
each axis separately.
b. 0. 25 1 + E 1
(Ei),,,, = _;t-i—"- (406.
1 + Bdns
M,,,,,,, = P,,(15 + 0.03h) (406.
°. E1
(r~:i),,, = -172,-;
(406. If Mz,,,,i,, exceeds M2, Cm shall be taken equal to 1.0 or
calculated based on the ratio of the calculated end
moments M1/M2, using Eq. 406.
where Bdns shall be the ratio of maximum factored
sustained axial load to maximum factored axial load 406.6.4.6 Moment Magni cation Method: Sway
associated with the same load combination and I in Eq. Frames
406. is calculated according to Table
406.6.3. l .1(b) for columns and walls. 406. Moments M1 and M2 at the ends of an
individual column shall be calculated by (a) and (b).
406. For composite columns, (EI)e” shall be
calculated by Eq. 406., Eq. 406., or from a a. M1 = M1,, + s,M,, (406.6.4.6.la)
more detailed analysis.
b. M2 = M2,, + a,M2, (406.6.4.6.lb)
0. 22 r
(Ei),,,, = g l + E,i,, (406.
406. The moment magni er 68 shall be
calculated by (a), (b), or (c). If 8, exceeds 1.5, only (b) or
406.6.4.5 Moment Magni cation Method: (c) shall be permitted:
Nonsway Frames
406. The factored moment used for design of a. 5, = T_—Q 2 1 (406.
columns and walls, M,, shall be the rst-order factored
moment M2 ampli ed for the effects of member
curvature. 1
b. 5-= = ii
_ >3», Z 1 (406.
M, = 8M2 (406.6.4.s.1)
c. Second-order elastic analysis.
: Magni cation factor 6 shall be calculated
:5 ~ Sir’i ...
\iIl_i l'F'1i?1’:#‘Gié3
\_»k/l|\_lL'LL~* 1 Rll ll
where E Pu is the summation of all the factored vertical 406.7 Elastic Second-order Analysis
loads in a storey and Z PC is the summation for all sway
resisting columns in a storey. PC is calculated using Eq. 406.7.l General
406. with k determined for sway members from
Section 406. and (EI),,” from Section 406. 406.7.1.l An elastic second-order analysis shall consider
or 406. as appropriate with Bds substituted for the in uence of axial loads, presence of cracked regions
Bdns" along the length of the member, and effects of load
duration. These considerations are satis ed using the
406. Flexural members shall be designed for the cross-sectional properties de ned in Section 406.7.2.
total magni ed end moments ofthe columns at thejoint.
406.7.1.2 Slendemess effects along the length of a
406. Second-order effects shall be considered column shall be considered. It shall be permitted to
along the length of columns in sway frames. It shall be calculate these effects using Section 406.6.4.5.
permitted to account for these effects using Section
406.6.4.5, where Cm is calculated using M1 and M2 from 406.7.1.3 The cross-sectional dimensions of each
Section 406.6.4.6. l. member used in an analysis to calculate slenderness
effects shall be within l0 percent ofthe specified member
406.6.5 Redistribution of Moments in Continuous dimensions in construction documents or the analysis
Flexu ral Members shall be repeated.
406.6.5.] Except where approximate values for moments 406.7.1.4 Redistribution of moments calculated by an
are used in accordance with Section 406.5, where elastic second-order analysis shall be permitted in
moments have been calculated in accordance with Section accordance with Section 406.6.5.
406.8, or where moments in two-way slabs are
determined using pattern loading specified in Section
406.4.3.3, reduction of moments at sections of maximum
negative or maximum positive moment calculated by
Section Properties
406.6.5.4 The reduced moment shall be used to calculate 406.8 Inelastic Second-Order Analysis
redistributed moments at all other sections within the
spans such that static equilibrium is maintained after 406.8.1 General
redistribution of moments for each loading arrangement.
406.8.l.l An inelastic second-order analysis shall
406.6.5.5 Shears and support reactions shall be consider material nonlinearity, member curvature and
calculated in accordance with static equilibrium lateral drift, duration of loads, shrinkage and creep, and
considering the redistributed moments for each loading interaction with the supporting foundation.
406.8.1.2 An inelastic second-order analysis procedure
shall have been shown to result in prediction of strength
in substantial agreement with results of comprehensive
H7 _ —__i k M
4~42 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
Table 407.3.1.l Minimum Thickness of Solid 407.3.3 Reinforcement Strain Limit in Non-
Non-Prestressed One-Way Slabs Prestressed Slabs
Support condition Minimum hll] 407.3.3.1 For non-prestressed slabs, st shall be at least
Simply supported {’/20 0.004.
One end continuous F/Z4
Both ends continuous Z/28 407.3.4 Stress Limits in Prestressed Slabs
Cantilever 3/10
H i Expression applicable for normal weight concrete and fy= 420 MPa. 407.3.4.1 Prestressed slabs shall be classi ed as Class U,
For other cases, minimum h shall be modi ed in accordance with T, or C in accordance with Section 424.5.2.
Sections 407.3.l.l.l through 407.3. 1.1.3, as appropriate.
407.3.4.2 Stresses in prestressed slabs immediately after
407.3.l.l.l For fy other than 420 MPa, the expressions transfer and at service loads shall not exceed the
in Table 407.3.l.l shall be multiplied by (o.4+ permissible stresses in Sections 424.5.3 and 424.5.4.
407.4 Required Strength
407. For non-prestressed slabs made of
lightweight concrete having WC in the range of 1440 to 407.4.1 General
1840 kg/m3, the expressions in Table 407.3.l.1 shall be
multiplied by the greater of (a) and (b): 407.4.1.l Required strength shall be calculated in
accordance with the factored load combinations in
a. 1.65—0.0003w, Section 405.
4-44 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
a. Slab reinforcement perpendicular to the beam shall 407.6.2.3 For slabs with unbonded tendons, the
be designed to resist the factored load on the minimum area of bonded deformed longitudinal
overhanging slab width assumed to act as a reinforcement, As, min, shall be:
A,_m;,, 2 0. 004-Ac, (407.6.2.3)
b. Only the effective overhanging slab width in
accordance with Section 406.3.2 need be considered. Fl
where Ac, is the area of that part of the cross section
between the exural tension face and the centroid of the
407.5.3 Shear gross section.
407.5.3.1 Vnshall be calculated in accordance with 407.6.3 Minimum Shear Reinforcement
Section 422.5.
407.6.3.1 A minimum area of shear reinforcement,
407.5.3.2 For composite concrete slabs, horizontal shear A1,, min shall be provided in all regions where Vu > ¢V,.
strength, Vnh, shall be calculated in accordance with
For precast prestressed hollow-core slabs with untopped
Section 416.4.
h > 315mm, A,,_mi,, shall be provided in all regions
where Vu > 0.5¢Vcw.
CHAPTER 4 » Sti'uctt.tral Concrete 445
407.6.3.2 If shown by testing that the required Mn and 407.7.2 Reinforcement Spacing
V" can be developed, Section 407.6.3.1 need not be
satis ed. Such tests shall simulate effects of differential 407.7.2.1 Minimum spacing s shall be in accordance
settlement, creep, shrinkage, and temperature change, with Section 425.2.
based on a realistic assessment of these effects occurring
in service. 407.7.2.2 For non-prestressed and Class C prestressed
slabs, spacing of bonded longitudinal reinforcement
407.6.3.3 If shear reinforcement is required, A,,_m,-,,, closest to the tension face shall not exceed s calculated in
shall be in accordance with Section 409.6.3.3. accordance with Section 424.3.
407.6.4.1 Reinforcement shall be provided to resist 407.7.2.4 Spacing of reinforcement required by Section
shrinkage and temperature stresses in accordance with 407.5.2.3 shall not exceed the lesser of Sh and 450 mm.
Section 424.4.
407.7.3 Flexural Reinforcement in Non-Prestressed
407.6.4.2 If prestressed shrinkage and temperature Slabs
reinforcement in accordance with Section 424.4.4 is used,
Sections 407.6.4.2.l through 407. shall apply. 407.7.3.1 Calculated tensile or compressive force in
reinforcement at each section of the slab shall be
407.6.4.2.l For monolithic, cast-in-place, post-tensioned developed on each side of that section.
beam-and-slab construction, gross concrete area shall
consist of the total beam area including the slab thickness 407.7.3.2 Critical locations for development of
and the slab area within half the clear distance to adjacent reinforcement are points of maximum stress and points
beam webs. It shall be permitted to include the effective along the span where bent or terminated tension l
force in beam tendons in the calculation of total prestress reinforcement is no longer required to resist exure.
force acting on gross concrete area.
4' Reinforcement shall extend beyond the point
407. If slabs are supported on walls or not cast at which it is no longer required to resist exure for a
monolithically with beams, gross concrete area is the slab distance at least the greater of d and 12d,,, except at
section tributary to the tendon or tendon group. supports of simply-supported spans and at free ends of
cantilevers. _
407. At least one tendon is required in the slab
between faces of adjacent beams or walls. 407.7.3.4 Continuing exural tension reinforcement
shall have an embedment length at least Ed beyond the
407.7 Reinforcement Detailing point where bent or terminated tension reinforcement is
no longer required to resist exure.
407.7.1 General
407.7.3.5 Flexural tension reinforcement shall not be l
407.7.1.1 Concrete cover for reinforcement shall be in terminated in a tension zone unless (a), (b), or (c) is l
accordance with Section 420.6.l. satis ed:
4-46 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
407.7.3.6 Adequate anchorage shall be provided for 407.7.4 Flexural Reinforcement in Prestressed
tension reinforcement where reinforcement stress is not Slabs
directly proportional to moment, such as in sloped,
stepped, or tapered slabs, or where tension reinforcement 407.7.4.1 External tendons shall be attached to the
is not parallel to the compression face. member in a manner that maintains the speci ed
eccentricity between the tendons and the concrete
407.7.3.7 In slabs with spans not exceeding 3 m, welded centroid through the full range of anticipated member
wire reinforcement, with wire size not exceeding MW30 de ections.
or MD30, shall be permitted to be curved from a point
near the top of slab over the support to a point near the 407.7.4.2 If non-prestressed reinforcement is required to
bottom of slab at mid-span, provided such reinforcement satisfy exural strength, the detailing requirements of
is continuous over, or developed at, the support. Section 407.73 shall be satis ed.
a. 8,1 3 (1.3Mn/Vu + Ba) if end of reinforcement is b. At least 8,,/6 on each side of the face of support.
con ned by a compressive reaction;
407.7.5 Shear Reinforcement
b. 8,1 3 (Mn/Vu + fa) if end of reinforcement is not
con ned by a compressive reaction. 407.7.5.1 If shear reinforcement is required, transverse
reinforcement shall be detailed according to Section
where Mn is calculated assuming all reinforcement at the 409.7.6.2.
section is stressed to fy and Vu is calculated at the
section. 407.7.6 Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement
At a support, fa is the embedment length beyond the 407.7.6.1 Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement in
center of the support. accordance with Section 407.6.4 shall be placed
perpendicular to exural reinforcement.
At a point of in ection, la is the embedment length
beyond the point of in ection, limited to the greater of d 407.7.6.2 Non-Prestressed Reinforcement
and 12111,.
407. Spacing of defonned shrinkage and
407. At least one-third of the negative moment temperature reinforcement shall not exceed the lesser of
reinforcement at a support shall have an embedment 5h and 450 mm.
length beyond the point of in ection at least the greatest
of d, 12d;,, and fn/16.
CHAPTER 4 » Structural Concrete #4?
407. If spacing of slab tendons exceeds l.4 m., 408.1.1 This section shall apply to the design of non-
additional deformed shrinkage and temperature prestressed and prestressed slabs reinforced for exure in
reinforcement conforming to Section 424.4.3 shall be two directions, with or without beams between supports,
provided parallel to the tendons, except Section 424.4.3.4 including (a) through (d):
need not be satis ed.
a. Solid slabs;
In calculating the area of additional reinforcement, it shall
be permitted to take the gross concrete area in Table b. Slabs cast on stay-in-place, non-composite steel deck;
424.4.3.2 as the slab area between faces of beams. This
shrinkage and temperature reinforcement shall extend c. Composite slabs of concrete elements constructed in
from the slab edge for a distance not less than the slab separate placements but connected so that all
tendon spacing. elements resist loads as a unit;
408.2 General l
4-48 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
408.25 A shear cap, where used to increase the critical Table 408.3.l.1 Minimum Thickness of
section for shear at a slab-column joint, shall project Non-Prestressed Two-Way Slabs without
below the slab sof t and extend horizontally from the Interior Beams (mm.) U]
face of the column a distance at least equal to the
thickness of the projection below the slab sof t. _ Without drop panels [3] With drop panels I3]
408.2.6.3 Materials, design and detailing requirements [I] l’,,is the clear span in the long direction, measured face-to-face of
supports (mm.).
for embedments in concrete shall be in accordance with
Section 420.7. [2] For fy between the values given in the table, minimum thickness
shall be calculated by linear interpolation
[3] Drop panels as given in Section 408.2.4.
408.2.7 Connections to Other Members
[4] Slabs with beams between columns along exterior edges. The value
of 11/ for the edge beam shall be calculated in accordance with
408.2.7.1 Connections of two-way slabs to supporting Section 408.l0.2.7. Exterior panels shall be considered to be without
members shall be in accordance with Section 415. edge beams if 0!; is less than 0.8.
408.3 Design Limits V 408.3.1.2 For non-prestressed slabs with beams spanning
between supports on all sides, overall slab thickness h
408.3.l Minimum Slab Thickness shall satisfy the limits in Table 408.3.l.2, unless the
calculated de ection limits of Section 4083.2 are
408.3.1.1 For non-prestressed slabs without interior satis ed.
beams spanning between supports on all sides, having a
maximum ratio of long-to-short span of 2, overall slab Table 408.3.1.2 Minimum Thickness of Non-
thickness h shall not be less than the limits in Table Prestressed Two-Way Slabs with Beams Spanning
408.3.1.1, and shall be at least the value in (a) or (b), between Supports on All Sides
unless the calculated de ection limits of Section 408.3.2
are satis ed: afmll] Ii’ Minimum h, mm K J T
afm 5 0-2 Section 408.3.l.l applies i (a) i
a. Slabs without drop panels as given in Section 408.2.4
.................................................................... .. 125 mm. Greater
fr (°-8 Th)
—i'i—" (b)
0.22 < am s 2.0 of 36 + sB(a,,,, - 0.2)
125 (9)
b. Slabs drop panels as given in Section 408.2.4 _
100 1’1’lI"l'1. Greater {’,,(0.8[L)
llfm > 2.0
_ 1,400
as + 9p (d) [2][3]
l 90 l (e >
arm is the average value of af for all beams on edges of a panel
and oz, shall be calculated in accordance with Section 408.l0.2.7.
[2] £’,, is the clear span in the long direction, measured face-to-face of
beams (mm.).
[3]]? is the ratio of clear spans in long to short directions of slab.
13HAPTEFl 4 e~ Structural Concrete 4-~49
monolithically with the oor slab, or if the oor nish is 406. Altematively, the provisions of Section 408.10 for
designed to be composite with the oor slab in the direct design method shall be permitted for the
accordance with Section 416.4. analysis of non-prestressed slabs and the provisions of
Section 408.11 for the equivalent frame lnethod shall be
408.3.1.4 If single- or multiple-leg stirrups are used as permitted for the analysis of non-prestressed and
shear reinforcement, the slab thickness shall be suf cient prestressed slabs, except Sections 408.ll.6.5 and
to satisfy the requirements for d in Section 422.6.7. 1. 408.1 1.6.6 shall not apply to prestressed slabs.
408.3.2 Calculated De ection Limits 408.4.l.3 For prestressed slabs, effects of reactions
induced by prestressing shall be considered in accordance
408.3.2.l Immediate and time-dependent de ections with Section 405.3.l 1. l
shall be calculated in accordance with Section 424.2 and l
shall not exceed the limits in Section 424.2.2 for two-way 408.4.1.4 For a slab system supported by columns or
slabs given in (a) through (c): walls, dimensions C1, C2, and 3,, shall be based on an
effective support area. The effective support area is the
a. Non-prestressed slabs not satisfying Section 408.3. 1; intersection of the bottom surface of the slab, or drop
panel or shear cap if present, with the largest right circular
b. Non-prestressed slabs without interior beams cone, right pyramid, or tapered wedge whose surfaces are
spanning between the supports on all sides and located within the column and the capital or bracket and
having a ratio of long-to-short span exceeding 2.0; are oriented no greater than 45 degrees to the axis of the
c. Prestressed slabs.
408.4.1.5 A column strip is a design strip with a width
408.3.2.2 For non-prestressed composite concrete slabs on each side of a column centerline equal to the lesser of
satisfying Sections 408.3.l.l or 408.3.l.2, de ections 0.251’; and 0. Z581. A column strip shall include beams
occurring after the member becomes composite need not within the strip, if present. l
be calculated. De ections occurring before the member
becomes composite shall be investigated, unless the pre- 408.4.l.6 A middle strip is a design strip bounded by
composite thickness also satis es Sections 408.3.1.l or two column strips. l
408.4.1.7 A panel is bounded by column, beam, or wall
408.3.3 Reinforcement Strain Limit in Non- centerlines on all sides.
Prestressed Slabs
408.4.1.8 For monolithic or fully composite construction
408.3.3.1 For non-prestressed slabs, 8, shall be at least supporting two-way slabs, a beam includes that portion of
0.004. slab, on each side of the beam extending a distance equal
to the projection of the beam above or below the slab,
408.3.4 Stress Limits in Prestressed Slabs whichever is greater, but not greater than four times the
slab thickness.
408.3.4.1 Prestressed slabs shall be designed as Class U
with ft 3 0.50‘/E. Other stresses in prestressed slabs 408.4.1.9 Combining the results of a gravity load
immediately after transfer and at sen/ice loads shall not analysis With the results of a lateral load analysis shall be
exceed the permissible stresses in Sections 424.5.3 and permitted.
408.4.2 Factored Moment
408.4 Required Strength
408.4.2.1 For slabs built integrally with supports, Mu at
408.4.1 General the support shall be permitted to be calculated at the face
of support, except if analyzed in accordance with Section
408.4.1.1 Required strength shall be calculated in 408.4.2.2.
accordance with the factored load combinations in
Section 405. 408.4.2.2 For slabs analyzed using the direct design
method or the equivalent frame method, Mu at the
408.4.1.2 Required strength shall be calculated in support shall be located in accordance with Section
408.10 or 408.11, respectively.
accordance with the analysis procedures given in Section
Natiorlal Structural Code of the Philippines Volume l, 7"“ Edition, 2015
1 4 “ 4 17"-—\‘>";\f
" “tar l'1_l"~ er cc e K an 1i ,Jrat_,i'<;i.£»
Yf : 2 b1
(40s. V“ at that critical section if (a) through (c) are satis ed:
CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete 4~5l
408.4.4.1 for two-way shear. quantity of reinforcement in the panel shall be at least l
that required-for the panel without the opening; l
408.5.1.2 ¢ shall be in accordance with Section 421.2.
b. At two intersecting column strips, not more than 1/8
408.5.1.3 If shearheads are provided, Sections 422.6.9 the width of column strip in either span shall be
and 408.5.1.1(a) shall be satis ed in the vicinity of the interrupted by openings. A quantity of reinforcement
column. Beyond each arm of the shearhead, Section at least equal to that interrupted by an opening shall
408.5.1.1(a) through (d) shall apply. be added on the sides of the opening;
Table 408.6.2.3
408.6 Reinforcement Limits Minimum Bonded Deformed Longitudinal
Reinforcement A,,,,,;,, in Two-Way Slabs
408.6.1 Minimum Flexural Reinforcement in Non- with Bonded or Unbonded Tendons
Prestressed Slabs
. Calculated ft after _ 1 V
408.6.1.1 A minimum area of exural reinforcement, Region all losses, MPa As'""" mm
Aslmin shall be provided near the tension face in the
Positive )1 s 0.17‘/E Not rplquired (=1)
direction of the span under consideration in accordance
with Table 408.6.l.l. Moment 0.17\/1? < f, 5 0.5‘/Ii é (b)n1.t21t41
Table 408.6.1.l
A s, mln for Non-Prestressed Two-Way Slabs m°‘;°m ft 5 0,5‘/7; 0.00075/ta, (C) [31-I41
\ Reinforcement I fy, MPa Amnm mm_z [1] The value of fy shall not exceed 420 MPa.
type [2] NC = the resultant tensile force acting on the portion of the
Deformed bars < 420 0.0020Ag concrete cross section that is subjected to tensile stresses due
to the combined effects of service loads and effective
Deformed bars Greater “"9015- X 420 prestress.
or welded wire 2 420 of [3] Aq = greater gross cross-sectional area of the slab beam strips
reinforcement ' ()n0014Ag of the two orthogonal equivalent frames intersecting at a
column of a two-way slab.
[4] For slabs with bonded tendons, it shall be permitted to reduce
408.6.2 Minimum Flexural Reinforcement in Asymln by the area of the bonded prestressed reinforcement
located within the area used to determine NU for positive
Prestressed Slabs moment, or within the width of slab de ned in Section
408.7.5.3(a) for negative moment.
408.6.2.1 For prestressed slabs, the effective prestress
force Apsfsc shall provide a minimum average 408.7 Reinforcement Detailing
compressive stress of 0.9 MPa on the slab section
tributary to the tendon or tendon group. For slabs with 408.7.1 General
varying cross section along the slab span. either parallel
or perpendicular to the tendon or tendon group, the 408.7.1.1 Concrete cover for reinforcement shall be in
minimum average effective prestress of 0.9 MPa is accordance with Section 420.6.1.
required at every cross section tributary to the tendon or
tendon group along the span. 408.7.1.2 Development lengths of deformed and
prestressed reinforcement shall be in accordance with
408.6.2.2 For slabs with bonded prestressed Section 425.4.
reinforcement, total quantity of A, and Am shall be
adequate to develop a factored load at least 1.2 times the 408.7.1.3 Splice lengths of deformed reinforcement shall
cracking load calculated on the basis of fr de ned in be in accordance with Section 425.5.
Section 4l9.2.3.
408.7.1.4 Bundled bars shall be detailed in accordance
408. For slabs with both exural and shear design with Section 425.6.
strength at least twice the required strength, Section
408.6.2.2 need not be satis ed. 408.7.2 Flexural Reinforcement Spacing
408.6.2.3 For prestressed slabs, a minimtnn area of 408.7.2.1 Minimum spacing s shall be in accordance
bonded deformed longitudinal rein i'oi'cement. A,_,,,;,,, shall with Section 425.2.
be provided in the pre-compressed tensile zone in the
direction of the span under consideration in accordance 408.7.2.2 For non-prestressed solid slabs, maximum
with Table 408.6.2.3. spacing s of deformed longitudinal reinforcement shall be
the lesser of 2h and 450 mm at critical sections, and the
lesser of 3h and 450 mm at other sections.
CHAPTER 4 ~~ Strttctura! Concrete 453 t_
groups of tendons in at least one direction shall be the a. Positive moment reinforcement shall extend to the
lesser of 8h and 1.5 m. edge of slab and have embedment, straight or
hooked, at least 150 mm. into spandrel beams,
408.7.2.4 Concentrated loads and openings shall be columns, or walls;
considered in determining tendon spacing.
b. Negative moment reinforcement shall be bent,
408.7.3 Corner Restraint in Slabs hooked, or otherwise anchored into spandrel beams,
columns, or walls, and shall be developed at the face
408.7.3.1 At exterior corners of slabs supported by edge of support.
walls or where one or more edge beams have a value off
greater than 1.0, reinforcement at top and bottom of slab 408. Where a slab is not supported by a spandrel
shall be designed to resist Mu per unit width due to corner beam or wall at a discontinuous edge, or where a slab
effects equal to the maximum positive Mu per unit width cantilevers beyond the support, anchorage of
in the slab panel. reinforcement shall be permitted within the slab.
408. Factored moment due to corner effects, Mu, 408. For slabs without beams, reinforcement
shall be assumed to be about an axis perpendicular to the extensions shall be in accordance with (a) through (c):
diagonal from the corner in the top of the slab and about
an axis parallel to the diagonal from the corner in the a. Reinforcement lengths shall be at least in accordance
bottom of the slab. with Figure 408.7.4.l.3(a), and if slabs act as primary
members resisting lateral loads, reinforcement
408.7.3.l.2 Reinforcement shall be provided for a lengths shall be at least those required by analysis;
distance in each direction from the corner equal to l/5 the
longer span. b. If adjacent spans are unequal, extensions of negative
moment reinforcement beyond the face of support in
408.7.3.l.3 Reinforcement shall be placed parallel to the accordance with Figure 408.7.4.l.3(a) shall be based
diagonal in the top of the slab and perpendicular to the on the longer span;
diagonal in the bottom of the slab. Alternatively,
reinforcement shall be placed in two layers parallel to the
sides of the slab in both the top and bottom of the slab.
c. Bent bars shall be permitted only where the depth-to ll
span ratio permits use of bends of 45 degrees or less.
—- i_,_-.- |lZD
4-54 CHAPTER 4 »- Structural Concrete
§ ll
Pnoca 5"
M33111, 0.201,, . ,
§ l"'—""-.
ll. .‘
l __1._ -it
l comma A---.
[TIP l l
150 mm—-ii’ 5"
l -+1 '“--150rnrn
- crwkeashalt mi-———[————————~ ‘l
conlonn ic4nti.1.4.2 - i
F ' .
r -l ‘tt
l 0.222., 0.22:. ~_---l-~- oar, P—* I
TOP 153%
,&_ --p
_, W41
Q‘ l.
Cieerepan-I, °1"""i ll l"‘ Glearspan-£,, he
tiran -
Face of support
Center to center spun
r - *'“ a_
- to center span
Gamer l ;d".
. l
l ‘E Q ‘E
Exltorlcrsupoorl lntariorsupoori Earlerlursunltl fl ,~
rm slab mn nuny} rcmirmnv pi-uvteeai 7 p rm ass continuity‘
Figure 408.7.4.l.3(a)
Minimum Extensions for Deformed Reinforcement in Two-Way Slabs without Beams
7 I W- I
Punching shear crack —
intercepted by top l 0'3!"
reinforcement I
(a) Slab of normal proportions
Figure 408.
Punching Shear Cracks in Slabs with Reinforcement Extensions Consistent with Figure 408.7.4.l.3(a)
l |
CHAPTER 4 AA Structural Concrete 455
408. At least two of the column strip bottom bars 408.7.5.5 Termination of Deformed Reinforcement
or wires in each direction shall pass within the rcgion in Slabs with Unbonded Tendons
bounded by the longitudinal reinforcement of the column
and shall be anchored at exterior supports. 408. Length of deformed reinforcement required
by Section 408.6.2.3 shall be in accordance with (a) and
408. In slabs with shearheads where it is not (b)I
practical to pass the bottom bars through the column in
accordance with Section 408., at least two bottom a. In positive moment areas, length of reinforcement
bars or wires in each direction shall pass through the shall be at least In/3 and be centered in those areas;
shearhead as close to the column as practicable and be
continuous or spliced with full mechanical, full welded, or b. In negative moment areas, reinforcement shall extend
Class B tension splices. At exterior columns, the bars or at least 8,,/6 on each side ofthe face of support.
wires shall be anchored at the shearhead.
408.7.5.6 Structural Integrity
408.7.5 Flexural Reinforcement in Prestressed
Slabs 408. Except as permitted in Section 408.,
at least two tendons with 12 mm. diameter or larger strand
408.7.5.1 External tendons shall be attached to the slab shall be placed in each direction at columns in accordance
in a manner that maintains the speci ed eccentricity with (a) or (b):
between the tendons and the concrete centroid through the
full range of anticipated member de ections. a. Tendons shall pass through the region bounded by
the longitudinal reinforcement of the column;
408.7.5.2 If bonded deformed longitudinal reinforcement
is required to satisfy exural strength or for tensile stress b. Tendons shall be anchored within the region bounded
conditions in accordance with Eq. 408.6.2.3(b), the by the longitudinal reinforcement of the column, and
detailing requirements of Section 407.7.3 shall be the anchorage shall be located beyond the column
satis ed. centroid and away from the anchored span.
408.7.5.3 Bonded longitudinal reinforcement required by 408. Outside of the column and shear cap faces,
Eq. 408.6.2.3(c) shall be placed in the top of the slab, and the two structural integrity tendons required by Section
shall be in accordance with (a) through (c): 4() shall pass under any orthogonal tendons in
adjacent spans.
a. Reinforcement shall be distributed between lines that
are 1. 5h outside opposite faces of the column 408. Slabs with tendons not satisfying Section
support; 408.7.5.6.l shall be permitted if bonded bottom deformed
reinforcement is provided in each direction in accordance
b. At least four deformed bars, deformed wires, or with Sections 408. through 408.
bonded strands shall be provided in each direction;
408. Minimum bottom deformed reinforcement
c. Maximum spacing S between bonded longitudinal As in each direction shall be the greater of (a) and (b):
reinforcement shall not exceed 300 mm.
_ _ 7i 7-ii T — I l
c. 1/2 the bar diameter of the exural tension 408.8.1.4 Clear spacing between ribs shall not exceed
reinforcement. 750 mm.
408. Headed shear stud reinforcement location and 408.8.1.5 Vcshall be permitted to be taken as 1.1 times
spacing shall be in accordance with Table 408.7.7. l .2. the values calculated in Section 422.5.
CHAPTER 4 » Structural Concrete 4-57
408.8.l.7 Reinforcement area perpendicular to the ribs 408.l0.l.2 Variations from the limitations in Section
shall satisfy slab moment strength requirements, 4lJ8.|ll.2 shall he permitted if rlenionstrated by analysis
considering load concentrations, and shall be at least the that et|nilih|'ium and geometric compatibility are satis ed.
shrinkage and temperature reinforcement area in the design stnzngtli at cvcry section is at least eqiial lo the
accordance with Section 424.4. . required strength, and scrviccahility conditions. including
limits on de ection, arc incl.
408.8.1.8 Two-way joist construction not satisfying the
limitations of Sections 408.8.l.l through 408.8.l.4 shall 408.l0.l.3 Circular or regular polygon-shaped supports
be designed as slabs and beams. shall be treated as square supports with the same area.
408.8.2 Joist Systems with Structural Fillers 408.10.2 Limitations for Use of Direct Design
408.8.2.l If permanent bumed clay or concrete tile
llers of material having a unit compressive strength at 408.10.2.1 There shall be at least three continuous
least equal to fé in the joists are used, Sections spans in each direction.
408.8.2.l.l and 408.8.2.l.2 shall apply.
408.l0.2.2 Successive span lengths measured center-to
408. Slab thickness over llers shall be at least center of supports in each direction shall not differ by
the greater of l/l2 the clear distance between ribs and more than one-third the longer span.
40 mm.
408.10.2.3 Panels shall be rectangular, with the ratio of
408. For calculation of shear and negative longer to shorter panel dimensions, measured center to
moment strength, it shall be permitted to include the center of supports, not to exceed 2.
vertical shells of llers in contact with the ribs. Other
portions of llers shall not be included in strength 408.10.2.4 Column offset shall not exceed l0 percent of
the span in direction of offset from either axis between
centerlines of successive columns.
408.8.3 Joist Systems with Other Fillers
408.10.2.5 All loads shall be due to gravity only and
408.8.3.1 If llers not complying with Section 408.8.2.l uniformly distributed over an entire panel.
or removable forms are used, slab thickness shall be at
least the greater of l/ 12 the clear distance between ribs 408.10.2.6 Unfactored live load shall not exceed two
and 50 mm.
times the unfactored dead load.
408.9 Lift-slab Construction 408.10.2.7 For a panel with beams between supports on
all sides, Eq. 408.l0.2.7a shall be satis ed for beams in
408.9.1 In slabs constructed with li -slab methods the two perpendicular directions.
where it is impractical to pass the tendons required by
Section 408.7.5.6.l or the bottom bars required by Section
408.7.4.2 or 408. through the column, at least two
post-tensioned tendons or two bonded bottom bars or 0.2 s -“L: s 5. o (408.l0.2.7a) I
“[231 l
wires in each direction shall pass through the lifting collar
as close to the column as practicable, and be continuous
where an and an are calculated by
or spliced with full mechanical, full welded, or Class B
tension splices. At exterior columns, the reinforcement
shall be anchored at the lifting collar. a, = EEl/’
-1*__ _4
L - -
4-53 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
408.10.3.2 The absolute sum of positive and average 408.l0.4.5 Negative Mu shall be the greater of the two
negative Mu in each direction shall be at least: interior negative Mu calculated for spans framing into a
common support unless an analysis is made to distribute
2 the unbalanced moment in accordance with stiffnesses
Mo = if (40s.10.3.2) ofadjoining elements.
408.10.3.2.l In Eq. 408.l0.3.2, En is the clear span length 408.l0.4.6 Edge beams or edges of slabs shall be
in the direction that moments are considered, shall extend designed to resist in torsion their share of exterior
from face to face of columns, capitals, brackets, or walls, negative Mu.
and shall be at least 0. 6531.
408.10.5 Factored Moments in Column Strips
408. In Eq. 408.l0.3.2, if the transverse span of
panels on either side of the centerline of supports varies, 408.l0.5.1 The column strip shall resist the portion of
£2 shall be taken as the average of adjacent transverse interior negative Mu in accordance with Table 408.l0.5. l.
Table 408.l0.5.1
408. In Eq. 408.lO.3.2, if the span adjacent Portion of Interior Negative Mu in Column Strip
and parallel to a slab edge is being considered, the
distance from edge to panel centerline shall be substituted L. 1'1/iii _.,
for F2. “fl £2/£1 T 0.5 1.0 2.0
0 P 0.75 0.75 0.75
408.10.4 Distribution of Total Factored Static 21.0 0.90 0.75 0.45
Moment T\Iote:T.i|1uar interpolations shall be made between values shown.
408.10.4.1 In an interior span, Mo shall be distributed 408.l0.5.2 The column strip shall resist the portion of
as follows: 0. 65M,, to negative moment and 0. 35M,, to exterior negative Mu in accordance with Table
positive moment. 408.l0.5.2.
Table 408.l0.5.2
408.10.4.2 In an end span, Mo shall be distributed Portion of Exterior Negative Mu in Column Strip
inaccordance with Table 408.l0.4.2.
Table 408.10.4.2 4’ I
11/132/31 2/ 1
Distribution Coefficients for End Spans B‘ _05 1.0 20
0 0 10 10 10
Slab Slab without Exterior 22.5 0.75 0 75 .0\1U1
with beams between edge fully
beams interior su orts restrained
0 1.0 10 10
Exterior between Without With 22.5 0.90 0.75 | 0.45
edge all edge edge Note: Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown. B, is
unrestrained supports beam beam calculated using Eq. 408.10.5.2a where C is calculated using Eq.
Interior 408.l0.5.2b.
negative 0.75 0.70 0.70 l 0.70 l 0.65
Positive 0ox La-J 0 (II \1 0.52 [ 0.50 l 0.35 — E”"C
B,-ZECSIS ( 4081052)
. . . a
negative o 0 . . Ox 0.26 l 0.30 l 0.65
C = g (1 _ 0_ 63 (408.l0.5.2b)
408.10.4.3 Modi cation of negative and positive
factored moments by up to 10 percent shall be permitted
if the total factored static moment for a panel, Mo, in the 408.10.5.3 For T- or L-sections, it shall be permitted to
direction considered is at least that calculated by Eq. calculate the constant C in Eq. 408.l0.5.2b by dividing
408.l0.3.2. Moment redistribution in accordance with the section, as given in Section 408.4.l.8, into separate
Section 406.6.5 is not permitted. rectangular parts and summing the values of C for each
408.10.4.4 Critical section for negative Mu shall be at
the face of rectangular supports. 408.10.5.4 If the width of the column or wall is at least _
408.]0.5.5 The column strip shall resist the portion of 408.l0.7 Factored Moments in Columns and Wa||s l
positive Mu in accordance with Table 408. 10.5.5.
408.l0.7.1 Columns and walls built integrally with a
Table 408.10.5.5 slab system shall resist moments caused by factored loads
Portion of Positive Mu in Column Strip on the slab system.
slab portion of column strips shall resist column strip
moments not resisted by beams.
where qDu', 192', and 19,1’, refer to the shorter span.
408.10.5.7 Factored Moments in Beams 408.l0.7.3 The gravity load moment to be transferred
between slab and edge column in accordance with Section
408.l0.5.7.1 Beams between supports shall resist the 408.4.2.3 shall not be less than 0. 3M0.
portion of column strip Mu in accordance with Table
408.10.8 Factored Shear in Slab Systems with Beams
408.10.6.3 A middle strip adjacent and parallel to a wall —"lr'r- ' ' ' ' '-
:-_._ -._ : _.- _, _-_.-_ _,-_
,_,4 -r-1,=- -l.,.I'
supported edge shall resist twice the moment assigned to _r+.._. ...i+._. _. ,_
_u,.._. - . _ _
. _ ,
the half middle strip corresponding to the rst row of
interior supports. Figure 408.10.8.1
Tributary Area for Shear on an Interior Beam
i\fOltlt?l§ t. L‘ it:
_ _ ___..~ -t—-n1-i11_._- l
¢ ri.. tTii"i'_3.:'ilIi"~1f‘i
.. . I i V‘ if ~ ifivifi rm ' Cl 0 ‘
408.l0.8.2 In addition to shears calculated according to loading, a separate analysis of each floor or roofwith the
Section 408.10.8.1, beams shall resist shears caused by far cnds of columns considered xcd is permitted.
factored loads applied directly to the beams, including the
weight ofthe beam stem above and below the slab. 408.ll.2.6 If slab-beams are analyzed separately, it
shall be permitted to calculate the moment at a given
408.10.8.3 Calculation of required slab shear strength support by assuming that the slab-beam is xed at
based on the assumption that loads is distributed to supports two or more panels away, provided the slab
supporting beams in accordance with Section 408.10.8.1 continues beyond the assumed xed supports.
shall be permitted. Shear resistance to total Vu occurring
on a panel shall be provided. 408.ll.3 Slab-Beams
408.11 Equivalent Frame Method 408.ll.3.1 The moment of inertia of slab-beams from
the center of the column to the face of the column,
408.11.1 General bracket, or capital shall be assumed equal to the moment
of inertia of the slab-beam at the face of the column,
408.l1.1.1 All sections of slabs and supporting bracket, or capital divided by the quantity (1 — c2/£’2)2,
members in two-way slab systems designed by the where C2 and F2 are measured transverse to the direction
equivalent frame method shall resist moments and shears of the span for which moments are being determined.
obtained from an analysis in accordance with Sections
408.1 1.2 through 408.1 1.6. 408.11.3.2 Variation in moment of inertia along the
axis of slab-beams shall be taken into account.
408.11.1.2 Live load shall be arranged in accordance
with Section 406.4.3. 408.ll.3.3 It shall be permitted to use the gross cross-
sectional area of concrete to determine the moment of
408.11.1.3 It shall be permitted to account for the inertia of slab-beams at any cross section outside ofjoints
contribution of metal column capitals to stiffness, or column capitals.
resistance to moment, and resistance to shear.
408.1l.4 Columns
408.ll.1.4 It shall be permitted to neglect the change in
length of columns and slabs due to direct stress, and 408.11.4.1 The moment of inertia of columns from top
deflections due to shear. to bottom of the slab-beam at a joint shall be assumed to
be in nite.
408.11.2 Equivalent Frames
408.11.4.2 Variation in moment of inertia along the axis
408.l1.2.1 The structure shall be modeled by equivalent of columns shall be taken into account.
frames on column lines taken longitudinally and
transversely through the building. 408.11.4.3 It shall be permitted to use the gross cross-
sectional area of concrete to determine the moment of
408.ll.2.2 Each equivalent frame shall consist of a row inertia of columns at any cross section outside ofjoints or
of columns or supports and slab-beam strips bounded column capitals.
laterally by the panel centerline on each side of the
centerline of columns or supports. 408.11.5 Torsional Members
408.11.2.3 Frames adjacent and parallel to an edge shall 408.11.5.1 Torsional members shall be assumed to have
be bounded by that edge and the centerline of the adjacent a constant cross section throughout their length consisting
panel. of the greatest of (a) through (c):
408.ll.2.4 Columns or supports shall be assumed to be a. A portion of slab having a width equal to that of the
attached to slab-beam strips by torsional members column, bracket, or capital in the direction of the
transverse to the direction of the span for which moments span for which moments are being determined;
are being calculated and extending to the panel centerlines
on each side ofa column. b. For monolithic or fully composite construction, the
portion of slab speci ed in (a) plus that part of the
408.11.2.5 Analysis of each equivalent frame in its transverse beam above and below the slab;
entirety shall be permitted. Alternatively, for gravity
' 1
408.ll.6.3 At exterior supports with brackets or 409.2.1.l Design properties for concrete shall be
capitals, the critical section for negative Mu in the span selected to be in accordance with Section 419.
perpendicular to an edge shall be taken at a distance from
the face of the supporting element not exceeding one-half 409.2.1.2 Design properties for steel reinforcement shall
the projection of the bracket or capital beyond the face of be selected to be in accordance with Section 420.
the supporting element.
409.2.l.3 Materials, design, and detailing requirements
408.l1.6.4 Circular or regular polygon-shaped supports for embedments in concrete shall be in accordance with
shall be assumed to be square supports with the same area Section 420.7.
for location of critical section for negative design
moment. 409.2.2 Connection to Other Members
408.ll.6.5 Where slab systems within limitations of 409.2.2.1 For cast-in-place construction, beam-column
Section 408.lO.2 are analyzed by the equivalent frame joints shall satisfy Section 415.
method, it shall be permitted to reduce the calculated
moments in such proportion that the absolute sum of the 409.2.2.2 For precast construction, connections shall
positive and average negative design moments need not satisfy the force transfer requirements of Section 416.2.
exceed the value obtained from Eq. 408.l0.3.2.
409.2.3 Stability
408.11.6.6 It shall be permitted to distribute moments at
critical sections to column strips, beams, and middle strips 409.2.3.l If a beam is not continuously laterally braced,
in accordance with the direct design method in Section
408.10 provided that Eq. 408.l0.2.7a is satis ed.
(a) and (b) shall be satis ed: J
a. The overhanging ange width shall include that 409.3.l.2 The thickness of a concrete oor finish shall
portion of slab on each side of the beam extending a be permitted to be included in h if it is placed
distance equal to the projection of the beam above or monolithically with the beam, or if the oor finish is
below the slab, Whichever is greater, but not greater designed to be composite with the beam in accordance
than four times the slab thickness; w-ith Section 416.4.
b. The overhanging anges shall be neglected in cases 409.3.2 Calculated De ection Limits
where the parameter Apz/pep for solid sections or
Apz/pep for hollow sections calculated for a beam 409.3.2.1 For non-prestressed beams not satisfying
Section 409.3.l and for prestressed beams, immediate and
with anges is less than that calculated for the same
time-dependent de ections shall be calculated in
beam ignoring the anges.
accordance with Section 424.2 and shall not exceed the
limits in Section 424.2.2.
409.3 Design Limits
409.3.2.2 For non-prestressed composite concrete beams
409.3.1 Minimum Beam Depth
satisfying Section 409.3.l, de ections occurring after the
member becomes composite need not be calculated.
409.3.l.1 For non-prestressed beams not supporting or
De ections occurring before the member becomes
ttttttched to partitions or other construction likely to be composite shall be investigated unless the pre-composite
darnagetl by large de ections, overall beam depth h shall depth also satisfies Section 409.3.l.
satisfy the limits in Table 4l}0.3.l.l, unless the calculated
de ection limits ol’ Section 409.32 are szttislietl.
409.3.3 Reinforcement Strain Limit in
Non-Prestressed Beams
Table 409.3.1.1
Minimum Depth of Non-Prestressed Beams
409.3.3.1 For non-prestressed beams with Pu <
0.10fQAg , st shall be at least 0.004.
Support Condition Minimum hm
Simply supported F/16 409.3.4 Stress Limits in Prestressed Beams
One end continuous 19/ 18.5
Both ends continuous 1?/ 2 1 409.3.4.l Prestressed beams shall be classi ed as Class
Cantilever | {’/ 8 U, T, or C in accordance with Section 424.5.2.
~~ Concrete
of support.
409.5.1.2 ¢shall be determined in accordance with
Section 421.2.
409.4.3.2 Sections between the face of support and a
critical section located d from the face of support for non-
409.5.2 Moment
prestressed beams and h/Z from the face of support for
prestressed beams shall be permitted to be designed for
409.5.2.1 If Pu < 0. 10f§Ag , Mn shall be calculated in
Vu at that critical section if (a) through (c) are satis ed:
accordance with Section 422.3.
a. Support reaction, in direction of applied shear,
409.5.2.2 If Pu 2 0. 10fQAg , Mn shall be calculated in
introduces compression into the end region of the
beam; accordance with Section 422.4.
b. Loads are applied at or near the top surface of the 409.5.2.3 For prestressed beams, external tendons shall
beam; be considered as unbonded tendons in calculating exural
strength, unless the external tendons are effectively
c. No concentrated load occurs between the face of bonded to the concrete along the entire length.
support and critical section.
409.5.3 Shear
409.4.4 Factored Torsion
409.5.3.1 Vn shall be calculated in accordance with
409.4.4.1 Unless determined by a more detailed analysis, Section 422.5.
it shall be permitted to take the torsional loading from a
slab as uniformly distributed along the beam. 409.5.3.2 For composite concrete beams, horizontal
shear strength Vnh shall be calculated in accordance with
409.4.4.2 For beams built integrally with supports, Tu at Section 416.4.
the support shall be permitted to be calculated at the face
of support. 409.5.4 Torsion
409.4.4.3 Sections between the face of support and a 409.5.4.1 If Tu < ¢T,h where Tm is given in Section
critical section located d from the face of support for non- 422.7, it shall be permitted to neglect torsional effects.
prestressed beams or h/2 from the face of support for The minimum reinforcement requirements of Section
464 4 Sti‘ttct;;§1ai
409.6 Reinforcement Limits 409.6.3.2 If shown by testing that the required Mn and
Vn can be developed, Section 4()9.6.3.l need not be
409.6.1 Minimum Flexural Reinforcement in Non- satis ed. Such tests shall simulate effects of differential
Prestressed Beams settlement, creep, shrinkage, and temperature change,
based on a realistic assessment of these effects occurring
409.6.1.1 A minimum area of exural reinforcement in service.
Asnninshall be provided at every section where tension
reinforcement is required by analysis. 409.6.3.3 If shear reinforcement is required and torsional
effects can be neglected according to Section 409.5.4.1,
Annnn shall be in accordance with Table 409.6.3.3
409.6.1.2 Asnnin shall be the greater of (a) and (b),
except as provided in Section 409.6.l.3. For a statically
determinate beam with a ange in tension, the value of
bw shall be the lesser of bf and Zbw.
Table 409.6.3.l
Cases Where Annnin is not Required 0. 42,/fgAn, A fyt
if0. s¢v, < V, 5 ¢v, 3.. 4- fy (S) fy
—if phi
409.6.4 Minimum Torsional Reinforcement 409.7.2.2 For non-prestressed and Class C prestressed
beams, spacing of bonded longitudinal reinforcement
409.6.4.l A minimum area of torsional reinforcement closest to the tension face shall not exceed s given in
shall be provided in all regions where Tn2¢T,n Section 424.3.
accordance with Section 422.7.
409.7.2.3 For non-prestressed and Class C prestressed
409.6.4.2 If torsional reinforcement is required, beams with h exceeding 900 mm., longitudinal skin
minimum transverse reinforcement (An + 2A,),n;n /s reinforcement shall be unifonnly distributed on both side
shall be the greater of (a) and (b): faces of the beam for a distance h/2 from the tension
face. Spacing of skin reinforcement shall not exceed s
b given in Section 424.3.2, where cc is the clear cover from
a. 0. 062,/KIT‘: the skin reinforcement to the side face. It shall be
J’ pennitted to include skin reinforcement in strength
0. 35 fyt
- calculations if a strain compatibility analysis is made.
409.7.3 Flexural Reinforcement in Non-Prestressed
409.6.4.3 If torsional reinforcement is required,
minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement Ahnin shall 409.7.3.1 Calculated tensile or compressive force in
be the lesser of (a) and (b): reinforcement at each section of the beam shall be
developed on each side of that section.
409.7.3.2 Critical locations for development of 409. At simple supports and points of in ection,
reinforcement are points of maximum stress and points db for positive moment tension reinforcement shall be
along the span where bent or terminated tension limited such that 4’ for that reinforcement satis es (a) or
reinforcement is no longer required to resist exure. (b); If reinforcement terminates beyond the centerline of
supports by a standard hook or a mechanical anchorage at
409.7.3.3 Reinforcement shall extend beyond the point least equivalent to a standard hook, (a) or (b) need not be
at which it is no longer required to resist exure for a satis ed.
distance equal to the greater of d and 1211,, , except at
supports of simply-supported spans and at free ends of a. Ed S (1.3Mn/Vn +l’n) if end of reinforcement is
cantilevers. con ned by a compressive reaction;
409.7.3.4 Continuing exural tension reinforcement b. in £ (Mn/Vn + En) if end of reinforcement is not
shall have an embedment length at least Ed beyond the con ned by a compressive reaction.
point where bent or terminated tension reinforcement is
no longer required to resist exure. Where: Mn is calculated assuming all reinforcement
at the section is stressed to fy and Vn is calculated at
409.7.3.5 Flexural tension reinforcement shall not be the section. At a support, Ba is the embedment length
terminated in a tension zone unless (a), (b), or (c) is beyond the center of the support. At a point of
satis ed: in ection, En is the embedment length beyond the
point of in ection limited to the greater of d
a. Vn 5 (2/3)¢Vn at the cutoff point; and .
b. For 36 mm ¢ bars and smaller, continuing 409. At least one-third of the negative moment
reinforcement provides double the area required for reinforcement at a support shall have an embedment
exure at the cutoff point and Vn S (3/4-)¢Vn. length beyond the point of in ection at least the greatest
of d, 1211,, , and En/16.
c. Stirrup or hoop area in excess of that required for
shear and torsion is provided along each terminated 409.7.4 Flexural Reinforcement in Prestressed
bar or wire over a distance 3 /4d from the Beams
termination point. Excess stirrup or hoop area shall
be at least 60bws/fnt. Spacing s shall not exceed 409.7.4.1 External tendons shall be attached to the
member in a manner that maintains the speci ed
eccentricity between t_he tendons and the concrete
409.7.3.6 Adequate anchorage shall be provided for centroid through the full range of anticipated member
tension reinforcement where reinforcement stress is not de ections.
directly proportional to moment, such as in sloped,
stepped, or tapered beams; or where tension 409.7.4.2 If non-prestressed reinforcement is required to
reinforcement is not parallel to the compression face. satisfy exural strength, the detailing requirements of
Section 409.73 shall be satis ed.
409.7.3.7 Development of tension reinforcement by
bending across the web to be anchored or made 409.7.4.3 Termination of Prestressed Reinforcement
continuous with reinforcement on the opposite face of
beam shall be pennitted. 409. Post-tensioned anchorage zones shall be
designed and detailed in accordance with Section 425.9.
409.7.3.8 Termination of Reinforcement
409. Post-tensioning anchorages and couplers shall
409. At simple supports, at least one-third the be designed and detailed in accordance with Section
maximum positive moment reinforcement shall extend 425.8.
along the beam bottom into the support at least 150 mm.,
except for precast beams where such reinforcement shall 409.7.4.4 Termination of deformed reinforcement in
extend at least to the center of the bearing length. beams with unbonded tendons
409. At other supports, at least one-fourth the 409. Length of deformed reinforcement required
maximum positive moment reinforcement shall extend by Section 409.6.2.3 shall be in accordance with (a) and
along the beam bottom into the support at least 150 mm. (b)I
.;l-iski--'r 1- it Pl ;:n,-||.;<1.,-;.|
.- ll l
1 I J
a. At least En/3 in positive moment areas and be be continuous with longitudinal reinforcement and, if
centered in those areas; extended into a region of compression, shall be anchored
d/2 beyond mid-depth ofmember.
b. At least Fn/6 on each side of the face ofsupport in
negative moment areas. Table 409. Maximum Spacing of Shear
409.7.5 Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcement
Maximum s, mrn
409.7.5.1 If torsional reinforcement is required,
longitudinal torsional reinforcement shall be distributed VS Non-
prestressed Prestressed
around the perimeter of closed stirrups that satisfy Section beam
425.7. 1 .6, or hoops with spacing not greater than 300 mm.
The longitudinal reinforcement shall be inside the stirrup d 3h
or hoop and at least one longitudinal bar or tendon shall 5 0.33\/Yzbwd Les? 5 I
be placed in each corner.
I 600
409.7.5.2 Longitudinal torsional reinforcement shall
have a diameter at least 0.042 times the transverse
l ‘ A d an I.
reinforcement spacing, but not less than l0 mm. > 0.33,/jrfbwd L652? 4 8
409.7.5.3 Longitudinal torsional reinforcement shall ..l
extend for a distance of at least (b, + d) beyond the point 409.7.6.3 Torsion
required by analysis.
409.7.6.3.l If required, transverse torsional reinforcement
409.7.5.4 Longitudinal torsional reinforcement shall be shall be closed stirrups satisfying Section 425.7.l.6 or
developed at the face of the support at both ends of the hoops.
409. Transverse torsional reinforcement shall
409.7.6 Transverse Reinforcement extend a distance of at least (b, + d) beyond the point
required by analysis.
409.7.6.1 General
409. Spacing oftransverse torsional reinforcement
409. Transverse reinforcement shall be in shall not exceed the lesser of pn/8 and 300 mm.
accordance with this section. The most restrictive
requirements shall apply. 409. For hollow sections, the distance from the
centerline of the transverse torsional reinforcement to the
409. Details of transverse reinforcement shall be in inside face of the wall of the hollow section shall be at
accordance with Section 425.7. least 0.5A,,n/pn.
P §.»..';, X<;A‘\% =Q.t,.., _%;|x-r g re,“-2,“. ,\_I il'L\ , .\.\ :E->1Jt.l*‘z ‘, f 5- '-T;.~~,t»
=a\— |t,: _ '—~\
i\t:§LtQlt{§l \Ji_i ;1CtLitri: Lziikéii all LIFE lei; '_l}t~=aL:: ‘_- if
4~68 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
b. l2 mm ¢ for longitudinal bars 36 mm (I) and larger 409.7.7.3 Longitudinal structural integrity reinforcement
andfor longitudinal bundled bars. shall pass through the region bounded by the longitudinal
reinforcement of the column.
409.7.7.1 For beams along the perimeter of the structure, 409.8.l.l Non-prestressed one-way joist construction
structural integrity reinforcement shall be in accordance consists of a monolithic combination of regularly spaced
with (a) through (c): ribs and a top slab designed to span in one direction.
a. At least one-quarter the maximum positive moment 409.8.1.2 Width of ribs shall be at least 100 mm at any
reinforcement, but not less than two bars or strands, location along the depth.
shall be continuous;
409.8.1.3 Overall depth of, ribs shall not exceed 3.5
b. At least one-sixth the negative moment reinforcement times the minimum width.
at the support, but not less than two bars or strands,
shall be continuous; 409.8.1.4 Clear spacing between ribs shall not exceed
750 mm.
c. Longitudinal structural integrity reinforcement shall
be enclosed by closed stirrups in accordance with 409.8.1.5 Vn shall be permitted to be taken as 1.1 times
Section 425.7.l.6 or hoops along the clear span of the the value calculated in Section 422.5.
409.8.1.6 For structural integrity, at least one bottom bar
409.7.7.2 For other than perimeter beams, structural in each joist shall be continuous and shall be anchored to
integrity reinforcement shall be in accordance with (a) or develop fy at the face of supports.
409.8.1.7 Reinforcement p.erpendicular to the ribs shall
a. At least one-quarter the maximum positive moment be provided in the slab as required for exure,
reinforcement, but not less than two bars or strands,, considering load concentrations, and shall be at least that
shall be continuous; required for shrinkage and temperature in accordance
with Section 424.4.
b. Longitudinal reinforcement shall be enclosed by
closed stirrups in accordance with Section 425.7.l.6 409.8.1.8 One-way joist construction not satisfying the
or hoops along the clear span of the beam. limitations of Sections 409.8.l.l through 409.8.1.4 shall
be designed as slabs and beams.
*1 ‘—-—-Q‘ t"
l Q
\‘m I I \ I K
409.8.2.l If permanent burned clay or concrete tile 409.9.3.l Distributed reinforcement along the side faces
fillers of material having a unit compressive strength at ofdeep beams shall be at least that required in (a) and (b):
least equal to fé in the joists are used, Sections
409.8.2.l.l and 409.8.2.l.2 shall apply.
a. The area of distributed reinforcement perpendicular
to the longitudinal axis of the beam, An shall be at
409.8.2.l.l Slab thickness over llers shall be at least
least 0.0025bws, where s is the spacing of the
the greater of l/l2 the clear distance between ribs and 40
distributed transverse reinforcement;
b. The area of distributed reinforcement parallel to the
409.8.2.l.2 For calculation of shear and negative
longitudinal axis of the beam, Ann, shall be at least
moment strength, it shall be permitted to include the
0.0025bws2, where S2 is the spacing of the
vertical shells of llers in contact with the ribs. Other
distributed longitudinal reinforcement.
portions of llers shall not be included in strength
409.9.3.2 The minimum area of exural tension
reinforcement, Asnn,-n , shall be determined in accordance
409.8.3 Joist Systems with Other Fillers
with Section 409.6.1.
409.8.3.l If llers not complying with Section 409.8.2.l
409.9.4 ReinforcementDetailing
or removable forms are used, slab thickness shall be at
least the greater of l/12 the clear distance between ribs
409.9.4.1 Concrete cover shall be in accordance with
and 50 mm.
Section 420.6. l.
409.9 Deep Beams
409.9.4.2 Minimum spacing for longitudinal
reinforcement shall be in accordance with Section 425.2.
409.9.1 General
409.9.4.3 Spacing of distributed reinforcement required
409.9.1.1 Deep beams are members that are loaded on
in Section 409.9.3.l shall not exceed the lesser of d/5
one face and supported on the opposite face such that
and 300 mm.
strut-like compression elements can develop between the
loads and supports and that satisfy (a) or (b):
409.9.4.4 Development of tension reinforcement shall
account for distribution of stress in reinforcement that is
a. Clear span does not exceed four times the overall
not directly proportional to the bending moment.
member depth, h;
409.9.4.5 At simple supports, positive moment tension
b. Concentrated loads exist within a distance Zh from
reinforcement shall be anchored to develop fy at the face
the face of the support.
of the support. If a deep beam is designed using Section
423, the positive moment tension reinforcement shall be
409.9.1.2 Deep beams shall be designed taking into
anchored in accordance with Sections 423.8.2 and
account nonlinear distribution of longitudinal strain over
the depth of the beam.
409.9.4.6 At interior supports, (a) and (b) shall be
409.9.1.3 Strut-and-tie models in accordance with
satis ed:
Section 423 are deemed to satisfy Section 409.9.l.2.
a. Negative moment tension reinforcement shall be
409.9.2 Dimensional Limits
continuous with that of the adjacent spans;
409.9.2.1 Deep beam dimensions shall be selected such
b. Positive moment tension reinforcement shall be
continuous or spliced with that of the adjacent spans.
v,, g 0.as¢,/Eb,/1 (409.9-2-1)
i 1 l af‘ Til T 4T i:1D\ ‘F *3
4l0.2.1.3 Materials, design, and detailing requirements 410.3.1.6 For composite columns with a concrete core
for embedments in concrete shall be in accordance with encased by structural steel, the thickness of the steel
encasement shall be at least (a) or (b):
Section 420.7.
410.2.2 CompositeColumns
a. b fl for each face ofwidth b;
4l0.2.2.1 If a structural steel shape, pipe, or tubing is
used as longitudinal reinforcement, the column shall be
designed as a composite column.
b. h for circular sections of diameter h.
410.2.3 Connection to Other Members
410.3.1.1 For columns with a square, octagonal, or other 410.4.2.1 Pn and Mn occurring simultaneously for each
shaped cross section, it shall be permitted to base gross applicable factored load combination shall be considered.
area considered, required reinforcement, and design
strength on a circular section with a diameter equal to the
least lateral dimension of the actual shape.
c. ¢Vn 2 Vn b. 0.353
d. ¢Tn 2 Tn
410.7 ReinforcementDetailing
410.5.1.2 ¢ shall be determined in accordance with
Section 421.2.
410.7.1 General
410.5.2 Axial Force and Moment
410.7.1.1 Concrete cover for reinforcement shall be in
accordance with Section 420.6.l.
410.5.2.1 Pn and Mn shall be calculated in accordance
with Section 422.4. _
410.7.1.2 Development lengths of deformed and
prestressed reinforcement shall be in accordance with
410.5.2.2 For composite columns, forces shall be
Section 425.4.
transferred between the steel section and concrete by
direct bearing, shear connectors, or bond in accordance to
410.7.1.3 Bundled bars shall be in accordance with
the axial strength assigned to each component.
Section 425.6.
410.5.3 Shear
410.7.2 Reinforcement Spacing
4l0.5.3.1 Vn shall be calculated in accordance with
4l0.7.2.1 Minimum spacing s shall be in accordance
Section 422.5.
with Section 425.2.
410.5.4 Torsion
4l0.7.3 LongitudinalReinforcement
410.5.4.1 If Tn 2 ¢T,n, where Ttn is given in Section
410.7.3.1 For non-prestressed columns and for
422.7, torsion shall be considered in accordance with
prestressed columns with average fne < 1.60 MPa, the
Section 409.
minimum number of longitudinal bars shall be (a), (b), or
410.6 Reinforcement Limits (.<=)r
a. Three within triangular ties;
410.6.1 Minimum and Maximum Longitudinal
Reinforcement b. Four Within rectangular or circular ties;
410.6.1.1 For non-prestressed columns and for c. Six enclosed by spirals or for columns of special
prestressed columns with average fn, < 1.6 MPa, area of moment frames enclosed by circular hoops.
longitudinal reinforcement shall be at least 0. 01Ag but
shall not exceed 0. 08Ag. 4l0.7.3.2 For composite columns with structural steel
cores, a longitudinal bar shall be located at every corner
410.6.1.2 For composite columns with a structural steel of a rectangular cross section, with other longitudinal bars
core, area of longitudinal bars located within the spaced not farther apart than one-hall" the least side
dimension of the composite column.
transverse reinforcement shall be at least 0.01(Ag—
An), but shall not exceed 0. 08(Ag - An).
National Structural Cede of the Philippines Volume l, 7”‘ Edition, 2016
4l0.7.4 Offset Bent Longitudinal Reinforcement Table 4l0. Tension Lap Splice Class
a. For tied columns, where ties throughout the lap splice 410. Details of transverse reinforcement shall be
length have an effective area not less than 0. 0015hs in accordance with Section 425.7.2 for ties, Section
in both directions, lap splice length shall be permitted 425.7.3 for spirals, or Section 425.7.4 for hoops.
to be multiplied by 0.83. Tie legs perpendicular to
dimension h shall be considered in calculating 410. For prestressed columns with average
effective area;
Section 425.7.2.1, but not exceed 0.5 times the least
dimension of the composite column. Deformed wire or
welded wire reinforcement of equivalent area shall be
.___ ‘
CHAPTER 4 e Structural Concrete 4-73
Framing at
column and Extension requirements
Beams or brackets Extend to the level of the lowest
frame into all sides of horizontal reinforcement in members
the column sttgporlcd above.
Extend to the level of the lowest
Beams or brackets do horizontal reinforcement in members
not frame into all sides supported above. Additional column
of the column ties shall extend above termination
of spiral to bottom of slab, drop
_panel, or shear cap.
Extend to the level at which the
Columns with capitals diameter or width of capital is twice
that of the column.
' I_
41l.1.3 Design of plain concrete walls shall be 411.3.1 Minimum Wall Thickness
in accordance with Section 414.
41l.3.1.1 Minimum wall thicknesses shall be in
411.1.4 Design of cantilever retaining walls shall be accordance with Table 41l.3.l.l. Thinner walls are
in accordance with Sections 422.2 through 422.4, with permitted if adequate strength and stability can be
minimum horizontal reinforcement in accordance with demonstrated by structural analysis
Section 411.6.
Table 411.3.1.1
411.2 General Minimum Wall Thickness, h
Wall type _l Minimum thickness, hr
411.2.1 Materials l
Bearingn] I Sfreater 100 mm al
41 Design properties for concrete shall be 1/25 the lesser of
selected to be in accordance with Section 419. unsupported b
length and
411.2.1.2 Design properties for steel reinforcement shall unsupported
be selected to be in accordance with Section 420. I height
_.-i_.i_ _
“Q ‘I '1 ‘F 2 A
L.: .'~‘-.1“ % ~ St;.~1._e
:.1z;1t attr‘
Li.71\.fiF=?i€_‘. " ,‘{ 1
c. ¢Vn 2 Vu
4ll.5.4.2 For in-plane shear design, is h thickness of 4l1.5.4.8 Vs shall be provided by transverse shear
wall and d shall be taken equal to 0. 8l’w. A larger value reinforcement and shall be calculated by:
of d, equal to the distance from extreme compression
ber to center of force of all reinforcement in tension,
shall be permitted if the center of tension is calculated by vs = f‘_~_%£E (411.5.4.s)
a strain compatibility analysis.
411.5.4.3 V" at any horizontal section shall not exceed 4ll.5.5 Out-of-plane Shear
0. 83,1 fghd.
4l1.5.5.1 V" shall be calculated in accordance with
Section 422.5.
411.5.4.4 Vn shall be calculated by:
4l1.5.4.7 Sections located closer to wall base than a p, 2 0. 0025 + 0. s(2. 5 - nw/ew)(p, - 0. 0025)
distance 8,,/2 or one-half the wall height, whichever is (411.6.2)
less, shall be permitted to be designed for
VC calculated using the detailed calculation options in b. pt shall be at least 0.0025
Table 411.5.4.6 at a distance above the base of 0“,/2 or
one-half the wall height, whichever is less.
0 p (c)
0.27/l\/ hd + - (<1)
Tension or
#w(0.1,1\/if + 0.2
Detailed Lesser of: [0.05A\/E + ——iM—,%"’—-1 hd
7.. ' 7 (e)
Equation shall not apply if (Mu/14, —{’W/2) is
411.7.4 Lateral Support of Longitudinal 411.8.2.2 Concentrated gravity loads applied to the wall
_. Reinforcement above any section shall be assumed to be distributed over
a width equal to the bearing width, plus a width on each
4ll.7.4.l If longitudinal reinforcement is required for side that increases at a slope of 2 vertical to l horizontal,
axial strength or if AS, exceeds 0.01Ag, longitudinal but not extending beyond (a) or (b):
reinforcement shall be laterally SLlppO1'l6d by transverse
a. The spacing of the concentrated loads;
b. Wall is tension-controlled for out-of-plane moment where IC, shall be calculated by:
Es Pu h t’w‘3
c. ¢M,, is at least MET, where MC, is calculated using 1 C, =_
EC( A ,+fy2d)(d
__ _ c) 1 + _
3 (411.8.3.1 C)
fr as provided in Section 419.2.3;
d. Pu at the mid-height section does not exceed and the value of ES / EC shall be at least 6.
b. By direct calculation using:
e. Calculated out-of-plane de ection due to service
loads, As, including PA effects, does not exceed Mull
t’,_./ 150. Mu = spur», (411.8.3.1d)
411.8.2 Modeling
411.8.2.l The wall shall be analyzed as a simply- 411.8.4 Out-of-Plane De ection — Service Loads
supported, axially-loaded member subject to an out-of-
plane uniformly distributed lateral load, with maximum 411.8.4.1 Out-of-plane de ection due to service loads,
moments and de ections occurring at mid-height. As, shall be calculated in accordance with Table
411.8.4.1, where Ma is calculated by Section 41
Table 411.8.4.1Calculati0n of As 1
Ma = M5,, + PSAS (41 c. Diaphragms that comprise precast elements with end
strips fonned by either a cast-in-place concrete
41l.8.4.3 Ac, and An shall be calculated by (a) and (b): topping slab or edge beams;
412.1.2 Diaphragms in structures assigned to seismic
zone 4 shall also satisfy requirements of Section 418.12.
b. A =5L’% (411.8431))
" 4854,, 412.2 General
411.8.4.4 I6, shall be calculated by Eq. 41 4l2.2.1 Design shall consider (a) through (e):
412.2.2 Materials
4-80 CHAPTER 4 -— Structural Concrete
a. A rigid diaphragm model if the diaphragm can be 4l2.5.1.4 It shall be permitted to use pre-compression
idealized as rigid; from prestressed reinforcement to resist diaphragm forces.
b. A exible diaphragm model if the diaphragm can be 412.5.1.5 If non-prestressed, bonded prestressing
idealized as exible; reinforcement is designed to resist collector forces,
diaphragm shear, or tension due to in-plane moment, the
c. A bounding analysis in which the design values are value of steel stress used to calculate resistance shall not
the envelope of values obtained by assuming upper exceed the lesser of the speci ed yield strength and 420
bound and lower bound in-plane stiffnesses for the MPa.
diaphragm in two or more separate analyses;
412.5.2 Moment and Axial Force 412.5.3.4 For a diaphragm that is entirely cast-in-place,
cross-sectional dimensions shall be selected to satisfy Eq.
4l2.5.2.l It shall be permitted to design a diaphragm to 412.5.3.4.
resist in-plane moment and axial force in accordance with
Sections 422.3 and 422.4.
vu s 0. 66¢/16,,‘/E (412.5.3.4)
412.5.2.2 It shall be permitted to resist tension due to
moment by (a), (b), (c), or (d), or those methods in where the value of \/E used to calculate V" shall not :-
combination: exceed 8.3 MPa.
a. Deformed bars conforming to Section 420.2.l; 412.5.3.5 For diaphragms that are cast-in-place concrete
topping slabs on precast elements, (a) and (b) shall be
b. Strands or bars conforming to Section 420.3.l, either satis ed:
prestressed or non-prestressed;
a. Vn shall be calculated in accordance with Eq.
c. Mechanical connectors crossing joints between 4l2.5.3.3, and cross-sectional dimensions shall be
precast elements; selected to satisfy Eq. 4l2.5.3.4. AC1, shall be I.
calculated using the thickness of the topping slab for
d. Pre-compression from prestressed reinforcement. non-composite topping slab diaphragms and the
combined thickness of cast-in-place and precast i
412.5.2.3 Non-prestressed reinforcement and mechanical elements for composite topping slab diaphragms. For
connectors resisting tension due to moment shall be composite topping slab diaphragms, the value of f}
located within h/4 of the tension edge of the diaphragm, in Eqs. 412.5.3.3 and 412.5.3.4 shall not exceed the
where h is diaphragm depth measured in the plane of the lesser of fé for the precast members and fé for the
diaphragm at that location. Where diaphragm depth topping slab;
changes along the span, it shall be permitted to develop
reinforcement into adjacent diaphragm segments that are b. Vnshall not exceed the value calculated in accordance
not within the h/4 limit. with the shear-friction provisions of Section 422.9
considering the thickness of the topping slab above
t 412.5.2.4 Mechanical connectors crossing joints between
precast elements shall be designed to resist required
joints between precast elements in non-composite
and composite topping slab diaphragms and the
reinforcement crossing thejoints between the precast
tension under the anticipated joint opening.
412.5.3 Shear
4l2.S.3.6 For diaphragrns that are interconnected precast
412.5.3.1 This section shall apply to diaphragm in-plane elements without a concrete topping, and for diaphragms
shear strength. that are precast elements with end strips lbrmed by either
a cast-in-place concrete topping slab or edge beams, it
I 412.5.3.2 (I) shall be 0.75, unless a lesser value is shall be permitted to design for shear in accordance with
required by Section 421 .2.4. (a), (b), or both.
412.5.3.3 For a diaphragm that is entirely cast-in-place, a. The nominal strength of grouted joints shall not
V" shall be calculated by Eq. 4l2.5.3.3. exceed 0.55 MPa. Reinforcement shall be designed to
resist shear through shear-friction in accordance with
Section 422.9. Shear-friction reinforcement shall be
in addition to reinforcement designed to resist tension
v,, = AC,,(0. 17/1‘/E + p,f,) (4125.33) due to moment and axial force;
where Am, is the gross area of concrete bounded by b. Mechanical connectors crossing joints between
diaphragm web thickness and depth, reduced by void precast elements shall be designed to resist required
areas if present; the value of \/E used to calculate V" shear under anticipated joint opening.
shall not exceed 8.3 MPa; and pt is distributed
reinforcement oriented parallel to the in-plane shear.
1‘ 81 7.. 71 4 U Structtstcel tilocc
412.5.3.7 For any diaphragm, where shear is transferred 412.6.3 Reinforcement designed to resist diaphragm
from the diaphragm to a collector, or from the diaphragm in-plane forces shall be in addition to reinforcement
or collector to a vertical element of the lateral-force- designed to resist other load effects, except reinforcement
resisting system, (a) or (b) shall apply: designed to resist shrinkage and temperature effects shall
be permitted to also resist diaphragm in-plane forces
a. Where shear is transferred through concrete, the
shear-friction provisions of Section 422.9 shall be 412.7 Reinf0rcementDetailing
satis ed;
412.7.1 General
b. Where shear is transferred through mechanical
connectors or dowels, effects of uplift and rotation of 412.7.1.l Concrete cover for reinforcement shall be in
the vertical element of the lateral-force-resisting accordance with Section 420.6.l.
system shall be considered.
412.7.1.2 Development lengths of deformed and
412.5.4 Collectors prestressed reinforcement shall be in accordance with
Section 425.4, unless longer lengths are required by
412.5.4.1 Collectors shall extend from the vertical Section 418.
elements of the lateral-force-resisting system across all or
part of the diaphragm depth as required to transfer shear 412.7.1.3 Splices of deformed reinforcement shall be in
from the diaphragm to the vertical element. It shall be accordance with Section 425.5.
permitted to discontinue a collector along lengths of
vertical elements of the lateral force-resisting system 4l2.7.l.4 Bundled bars shall be in accordance with
where transfer of design collector forces is not required. Section 425.6.
a. The length required to develop the reinforcement in 412.7.3 Diaphragm and Collector Reinforcement
4l2.7.3.1 Except for slabs-on-ground, diaphragms that
b. The length required to transmit the design forces to are part of oor or roof construction shall satisfy
the vertical element through shear-friction in reinforcement detailing of one-Way slabs in accordance
accordance with Section 422.9, through mechanical with Section 407.7 or two-way slabs in accordance with
connectors, or through other force transfer Section 408.7, as applicable.
412.7.3.2 Calculated tensile or compressive force in
412.6 Reinforcement Limits reinforcement at each section of the diaphragm or
collector shall be developed on each side of that section.
4l2.6.l Reinforcement to resist shrinkage and
temperature stresses shall be in accordance with Section 412.7.3.3 Reinforcement provided to resist tension shall
424.4. extend beyond the point at which it is no longer required
to resist tension at least Zd, except at diaphragm edges
4l2.6.2 Except for slabs-on-ground, diaphragms that and at expansion joints.
are part of floor or roof construction shall satisfy
reinforcement limits for one-Way slabs in accordance with
Section 407.6 or two-way slabs in accordance with
Section 408.6, as applicable.
413.2.8.3 Critical sections for development of b. For reinforcement in the short direction, a portion of
reinforcement shall be assumed at the same locations as the total reinforcement, ys/ls, shall be distributed
given in Section 4l3.2.7.1 for maximum factored moment uniformly over a band width equal to the length of
and at all other vertical planes where changes of section short side of footing, centered on centerline of
or reinforcement occur. column or pedestal. Remainder of reinforcement
required in the short direction,(1 — ys)/ls, shall be
413.2.8.4 Adequate anchorage shall be provided for distributed uniformly outside the center band width
tension reinforcement where reinforcement stress is not of footing, where ys is calculated by:
directly proportional to moment, such as in sloped,
stepped, or tapered foundations; or where tension Z
reinforcement is not parallel to the compression face.
413.3 Shallow Foundations where B is the ratio of long to short side of footing.
CHAPTER 4 — Structural Concrete 4<85
4~86 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
b. Members in non-building structures such as arches, 414.2.1.1 Design properties for concrete shall be
underground utility structures, gravity walls, and selected to be in accordance with Section 419.
shielding walls.
414.2.l.2 Steel reinforcement, if required, shall be
414.l.2 This section shall not govem the design of selected to be in accordance with Section 420.
cast-in-place concrete piles and piers embedded in
ground. 414.2.1.3 Materials, design, and detailing requirements
for embedments in concrete shall be in accordance with
4l4.1.3 Plain concrete shall be permitted only in cases Section 420.7.
(a) through (d):
414.2.l Connection to Other Members
a. Members that are continuously supported by soil or
supported by other structural members capable of 414.2.2.1 Tension shall not be transmitted through
providing continuous vertical support; outside edges, construction joints, contraction joints, or
isolation joints of an individual plain concrete element.
b. Members for which arch action provides compression
under all conditions of loading; 414.2.2.2 Walls shall be braced against lateral
c. Walls;
414.2.3 Precast
d. Pedestals.
414.2.3.1 Design of_precast members shall consider all
414.1.4 Plain concrete shall be permitted for a loading conditions from initial fabrication to completion
structure assigned to seismic zone 4, only in cases (a) and of the structure, including fonn removal, storage,
(b)! transportation, and erection.
a. Footings supporting cast-in-place reinforced concrete 414.2.3.2 Precast members shall be connected to transfer
or reinforced masonry walls provided the footings are lateral forces into a structural system capable of resisting
reinforced longitudinally with at least two continuous such forces.
reinforcing bars. Bars shall be at least l2 mm ¢ and
have a total area of not less than 0.002 times the 414.3 Design Limits
gross cross-sectional area of the footing. Continuity
of reinforcement shall be provided at corners and 414.3.1 Bearing Walls
414.3.1.1 Minimum bearing wall thickness shall be in
b. Foundation elements (i) through (iii) for detached accordance with Table 414.3. 1 . 1.
one- and two-family dwellings not exceeding three
storeys and constructed with stud bearing walls:
414.3.2.1 Footing thickness shall be at least 200 mm. 414.4.1.3 No exural continuity due to tension shall be
assumed between adjacent structural plain concrete
4l4.3.2.2 Base area of footing shall be determined from elements.
unfactored forces and moments transmitted by footing to
soil and perinissiblc soil pressure selected through 4l4.4.2 Walls
principles of soil mechanics. I
4l4.4.2.1 Walls shall be designed for an eccentricity
4l4.3.3 Pedestals corresponding to the maximum moment that can
accompany the axial load but not less than 0.10h, where
414.3.3.1 Ratio of unsupported height to average least h is the wall thickness.
lateral dimension shall not exceed 3. i
414.4.3 Footings i
414.3.4 Contraction and Isolation Joints '
414.4.3.1 General
414.3.4.l Contraction or isolation joints shall be
provided to divide structural plain concrete members into 414. For footings supporting circular or regular
exurally discontinuous elements. The size of each polygon-shaped concrete columns or pedestals, it shall be
element shall be selected to limit stress caused by restraint pennitted to assume a square section of equivalent area
to movements from creep, shrinkage, and temperature for detennining critical sections.
414.4.3.2 Factored Moment
414.3.4.2 The number and location of contraction or
isolation joints shall be determined considering (a) 414. The critical section for Mu shall be located
through (f): in accordance with Table 4l4.
f. Construction techniques.
4~88 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
414.4.3.3 Factored One-Way Shear 414.5.1.4 Flexure and axial strength calculations shall be
based on a linear stress-strain relationship in both tension
414i’ For one-way shear, critical sections shall be and compression.
located h from (a) and (b) where h is the footing
thickness. 414.5.l.5 A for lightweight concrete shall be in
accordance with Section 4l9.2.4.
a. Location de ned in Table 4l4.;
414.5.l.6 No strength shall be assigned to steel
b. Face of concentrated loads or reaction areas. reinforcement.
414. Sections between (a) or (b) of Section 414.5.1.7 When calculating member strength in exure,
414. and the critical section for shear shall be combined exure and axial load, or shear, the entire cross
permitted to be designed for Vu at the critical section for section shall be considered in design, except for concrete
shear. cast against soil where overall thickness h shall be taken
as 50 mm less than the speci ed thickness.
4l4.4.3.4 Factored Two-Way Shear
414.5.1.8 Unless demonstrated by analysis, horizontal
4l4.4.3.4.l For two-way shear, critical sections shall be length of wall to be considered effective for resisting each
located so that the perimeter bo is a minimum but need vertical concentrated load shall not exceed center-to-
not be closer than h/2 to (a) through (c): center distance between loads, or bearing width plus four
times the wall thickness.
a. Location de ned in Table 4l4.4.3.2.l;
414.5.2 Flexure
b. Face of concentrated loads or reaction areas;
414.5.2.1 Mn shall be the lesser of Eq. 414.5.2.la
c. Changes in footing thickness. calculated at the tension face and Eq. 4l4.5.2.1b
calculated at the compression face:
414. For square or rectangular columns,
concentrated loads, or reaction areas, critical section for Mn = 0421‘/Esm (4l4.5.2.la)
two-way shear shall be permitted to be calculated
assuming straight sides.
Mn = 0.85fLSm (414.5.2.lb)
414.5 Design Strength
where Sm is the conesponding elastic section modulus.
4l4.5.1 General
4l4.5.3 Axial Compression
4l4.5.1.l For each applicable factored load combination,
design strength at all sections shall satisfy ¢S,, 2 U, 414.5.3.1 P" shall be calculated by:
including (a) through (d). Interaction between load effects
shall be considered.
, 0 2
a. ¢M,, 2 Mu
P" = 0. 6of,Ag [1 - (414.5.3.1)
b. ¢P,, 2 Pu
414.5.4 Flexure and Axial Compression
c. ¢V,, 2 V“
414.5.4.1 Unless permitted by Section 414.5.4.2, member
dimensions shall be proportioned to be in accordance with
d. ¢B,, 2 Bu
Table 4l4.5.4.1, where Mn is calculated in accordance
with Section 4l4.5.2.l(b) and P" is calculated in
414.5.l.2 ¢ shall be detennined in accordance with
accordance with Section 4l4.5.3.1.
Section 421.2.
e Z
pn = 0_45f;,4g [1 - (414.5.4.2)
414.5.5 Shear
Sh .
AcE2:1 Nominal shear strength, Vn
414.5.6 Bearing
rrsc Qclitt‘ P e
415.3 Transfer of Column Axial Force through the 415.4.2.2 For beam-column joints, the spacing of the
Floor System transverse reinforcement s shall not exceed one-half the
depth of the shallowest beam.
415.3.1 If f} ofa column is greater than 1.4 times that
of the oor system, transmission of axial force through 415.4.3 If longitudinal beam or column reinforcement
the floor system shall in accordance with (a), (b), or (c): is spliced or terminated in a joint, closed transverse
reinforcement in accordance with Section 4l0.7.6 shall be
a. Concrete of compressive strength speci ed for the provided in the joint, unless the joint region is restrained
column shall be placed in the oor at the column in accordance with Section 4l5.2.4 or 4l5.2.5.
location. Column concrete shall extend outward at
least 600 mm. into the floor slab from face of column 415.4.4 Development of longitudinal reinforcement
for the full depth of the slab and be integrated with terminating in the joint shall be in accordance with
oor concrete; Section 425.4.
4l6.2.1.8 Integrity ties shall be provided in the vertical,
longitudinal, and transverse directions and around the
perimeter of a structure in accordance with Section
MEMBERS 4l6.2.4 or 4l6.2.5.
416.1.1 This section shall apply to the design ofjoints 416.2.2.1 Required strength of connections and adjacent
and connections at the intersection of concrete members regions shall be calculated in accordance with the factored
and for load transfer between concrete surfaces, including load combinations in Section 405.
(a) through (d):
416.2.2.2 Required strength of connections and adjacent
a. Connections ofprecast members; regions shall be calculated in accordance with the analysis
procedures in Section 406.
b. Connections between foundations and either cast-in-
place or precast members; 41 6.2.3 Design Strength
c. Horizontal shear strength of composite concrete 416.2.3.1 For each applicable load combination, design
exural members; strengths ofprecast member connections shall satisfy
416.2.1.1 Transfer of forces by means of grouted joints, 4l6.2.3.3 At the contact surface between supported and
shear keys, bearing, anchors, mechanical connectors, steel supporting members, or between a supported or
reinforcement, reinforced topping, or a combination of supporting nrernlner and an intermediate bearing element,
these, shall be permitted. nominal bearing strength for concrete strrtaccs, B", shall
416.2.l.2 Adequacy of connections shall be veri ed by
be calculated in accordance with Section 422.3. BR shall l
he the lesser ofthe nominal concrete bearing strengths for
analysis or test. the supported or supporting member surface, and shall not
exceed the strength of intermediate bearing elements, if
416.2.1.3 Connection details that rely solely on friction present.
caused by gravity loads shall not be permitted.
416.2.3.4 If shear is the primary result of imposed
416.2.1.4 Connections, and regions of members adjacent loading and shear transfer occurs across a given plane, it
to connections, shall be designed to resist forces and shall be permitted to calculate V" in accordance with the
accommodate deformations due to all load effects in the shear friction provisions in Section 422.9.
precast structural system.
4l6.2.4 Minimum Connection Strength and
416.2.l.5 Design of connections shall consider structural Integrity Tie Requirements
effects of restraint of volume change in accordance with
Section 405.3.6. 416.2.4.1 Unless where the provisions of Section 4l6.2.5
govern, longitudinal and transverse integrity ties shall
416.2.1.6 Design of connections shall consider the connect precast members to a lateral force-resisting
effects of tolerances speci ed for fabrication and erection system, and vertical integrity ties shall be provided in
of precast members. accordance with Section 4l6.2.4.3 to connect adjacent
oor and roof levels.
4l6.2.1.7 Design of a connection with multiple
components shall consider the differences in stiffness, 416.2.4.2 Where precast members form floor or roof
strength, and ductility of the components. diaphragms, the connections between the diaphragm and
those members being laterally supported by the
diaphragm shall have a nominal tensile strength of not
less than 4.4 kN per linear n1.
. K ,. ,\ . $21 ;—< . ., l
or Rtrtrrrrtirnes ‘rfclurne i, I‘ edition. ‘
' l
i.7— T
416.2.4.3 Vertical integrity ties shall be provided at 4l6.2.5.2 Vertical integrity ties shall satisfy (a) through
horizontal joints between all vertical precast structural (0)1
members, except cladding, and shall satisfy (a) or (b):
a. Integrity ties shall be provided in all wall panels and
a. Concrete connections between precast columns shall shall be continuous over the height of the building;
have vertical integrity ties, with a nominal tensile
strength of at least 1. 4-Ag, in N, where Ag is the gross b. Integrity ties shall provide a nominal tensile strength
area of the column, mm . For columns with a larger of at least 44 kN per horizontal meter of wall;
cross-section than required by consideration of
loading, a reduced effective area based on the cross c. At least two integrity ties shall be provided in each
section required shall be permitted. The reduced wall panel.
effective area shall be at least one-half the gross area
of the column; 416.2.6 Minimum Dimensions at Bearing
b. The Connections between precast wall panels shall
have at least two vertical integrity ties, with a 416.2.6.1 Dimensions of bearing connections shall
nominal tensile strength of at least 44 kN per tie. satisfy Section 4l6.2.6.2 or 4l6.2.6.3 unless shown by
analysis or test that lesser dimensions will not impair
416.2.5 Integrity Tie Requirements for Precast performance.
Concrete Bearing Wall Structures Three
Storeys or More in Height 4l6.2.6.2 For precast slabs, beams, or stemmed
members, minimum design dimensions from the face of
4l6.2.5.1 Integrity ties in oor and roof systems shall support to end of precast member in the direction of the
satisfy (a) through (f): span, considering speci ed tolerances, shall be in
accordance with Table 4l6.2.6.2.
a. Longitudinal and transverse integrity ties shall be
provided in oor and roof systems to provide a Table 4l6.2.6.2
nominal tensile strength of at least 22 kN per meter Minimum Design Dimensions from Face of
of width or length; Support to End of Precast Member
b. Longitudinal and transverse integrity ties shall be Member type Minimum distance. mm.
provided over interior wall supports and between the Solid or hollow-core t‘ /180
oor or roof system and exterior walls; Slab ‘ Greater of: 50
Beam or stemmed 4’ /180
c. Longitudinal and transverse integrity ties shall be member Greater of: 75
positioned in or within 600 mm. of the plane of the
oor or roof system; 416.2.6.3 Bearing pads adjacent to unannored faces shall
be set back from the face of the support and the end of the
d. Longitudinal integrity ties shall be oriented parallel to supported member a distance not less than l2 mm. or the
oor or roof slab spans and shall be spaced not chamfer dimension at a chamfered face.
greater than 3.0 m on center. Provisions shall be
made to transfer forces around openings; 416.3 Connections to Foundations
e. Transverse integrity ties shall be oriented
4l6.3.1 Genera]
perpendicular to oor or roof slab spans and shall be
spaced not greater than the bearing wall spacing;
416.3.1.1 Factored forces and moments at base of
columns, Walls, or pedestals shall be transferred to
f. Integrity ties at the perimeter of each oor and roof, supporting foundations by bearing on concrete and by
within 1.2 m of the edge, shall provide a nominal reinforcement, dowels, anchor bolts, or mechanical
tensile strength of at least 71 kN.
€».%\;;;r11*§:p 5 R <\ 2| r.
\§ . t -. ‘Ct n< tn Concrete
a. Compressive forces that exceed the lesser of the and shall not exceed the strength of intermediate bearing
concrete bearing strengths of either the supported clements, ifpresent.
member or the foundation, calculated in accordance
with Section 422.8; 416.3.3.5 At the contact surface between supported
member and foundation, Vn shall be calculated in
b. Any calculated tensile force across the interface. accordance with the shear friction provisions in Section
422.9 or by other appropriate means.
4l6.3.1.3 At the base of a composite column with a
structural steel core, (a) or (b) shall be satis ed: 4l6.3.3.6 At the base of a precast column, pedestal, or
wall, anchor bolts and anchors for mechanical
a. Base of structural steel section shall be designed to connections shall be designed in accordance with Section
transfer the total factored forces from the entire 417. Forces developed during erection shall be
composite member to the foundation; considered.
b. Base of structural steel section shall be designed to 416.3.3.7 At the base of a precast column, pedestal, or
transfer the factored forces from the steel core only, wall, mechanical connectors shall be designed to reach
and the remainder of the total l'actut'ctl Forces shall be their design strength before anchorage failure or failure of
transferred to the foundation by compression in the surrounding concrete.
concrete and by reinforcement.
416.3.4 Minimum Reinforcement for Connections
416.3.2 Required Strength Between Cast-In-Place Members And
Founda on
4l6.3.2.1 Factored forces and moments transferred to
foundations shall be calculated in accordance with the 4l6.3.4.1 For connections between a cast-in-place
factored load combinations in Section 405 and analysis column or pedestal and foundation, As crossing the
procedures in Section 406. interface shall be at least 0. 005Ag, where Ag is the gross
area of the supported member.
416.3.3 Design Strength
416.3.4.2 For connections between a cast-in-place wall
416.3.3.1 Design strengths of connections between and foundation, area of vertical reinforcement crossing
columns, walls, or pedestals and foundations shall satisfy the interface shall satisfy Section 41 1.6.1.
Eq. 4l6.3.3.l for each applicable load combination. For
connections between precast members and foundations, 416.3.5 Details for Connections between Cast-in-
requirements for vertical integrity ties in Section Place Members and Foundation
4l6.2.4.3 or 4l6.2.5.2 shall be satis ed.
416.3.5.1 At the base of a cast-in-place column,
¢Sn 2 U (4l6.3.3.l) pedestal, or wall, reinforcement required to satisfy
Sections 4l6.3.3 and 4l6.3.4 shall be provided either by
where Sn is the nominal exural, shear, axial, torsional, extending longitudinal bars into supporting foundation or
or bearing strength of the connection. by dowels.
4l6.3.3.2 ¢ shall be determined in accordance with 4l6.3.5.2 Where moments are transferred to the
Section 421.2. foundation, reinforcement, dowels, or mechanical
connectors shall satisfy Section 4l0.7.5 for splices.
416.3.3.3 Combined moment and axial strength of
connections shall be calculated in accordance with 416.3.5.3 If a pinned or rocker connection is used at the
Section 422.4. base of a cast-in-place column or pedestal, the connection
to foundation shall satisfy Section 4l6.3.3.
416.3.3.4 At the contact surface between a supported
member and foundation, or between a supported member 416.3.5.4 At footings, it shall be permitted to lap splice
or foundation and an intermediate bearing element, 40 mm ¢ and 58 mm ¢ longitudinal bars, in compression
nominal bearing strength, Bn, shall be calculated in only, with dowels to satisfy Section 4l6.3.3.l. Dowels
accordance with Section 422.8 for concrete surfaces. 13,, shall satisfy (a) through (c):
shall be the lesser of the nominal concrete bearing
strengths for the supported member or foundation surface, a. Dowels shall not be larger than 36 mm ¢;
4-94 CHAPTER 4 ~- Structural Concrete
C. Dowels shall extend into the footing at least Pd, of 4l6.4.3.2 ¢ shall be determined in accordance with
the dowels. Section 421.2.
416.3.6 Details for Connections between Precast 4l6.4.4 Nominal Horizontal Shear Strength
Members and Foundation
416.4.4.l If V“ > ¢(3. Sbvd), Vnh shall be taken as Vn
416.3.6.1 At the base of a precast column, pedestal or calculated in accordance with Section 422.9.
wall, the connection to the foundation shall satisfy
Section 416.2.4.3 or416.2.5.2. where, by is the width of the contact surface, and d is in
accordance with Section 416.4.4.3.
4l6.3.6.2 If the applicable load combinations of Section
4163.3 result in no tension at the base of precast walls, 4l6.4.4.2 If Vu 5 ¢(3. 5b,,d),V,,h shall be taken as V"
vertical integrity ties required by Section 4l6.2.4.3(b) calculated in accordance with Table 4l6.4.4.2, where
shall be permitted to be developed into an adequately
Avlmin is in accordance with Section 416.4.6, b,, is the
reinforced concrete slab-on-ground.
width of the contact surface, and d is in accordance with
Section 4l6.4.4.3.
416.4 Horizontal Shear Transfer in Composite
Concrete Flexural Members
416.4.4.3 In Table 416.4.4.2, d shall be the distance
from extreme compression ber for the entire composite
4l6.4.1 General
section to the centroid of prestressed and non-prestressed
longitudinal tension reinforcement, if any, but need not be
416.4.1.1 In a composite concrete exural member,
taken less than 0. 80h for prestressed concrete members.
horizontal shear forces shall be provided at contact
surfaces of interconnected elements.
416.4.4.4 Transverse reinforcement in the previously
cast concrete that extends into the cast-in-place concrete
416.4.1.2 Where tension exists across any contact
and is anchored on both sides of the interface shall be
surface between interconnected concrete elements,
permitted to be included as ties for calculation of Vnh .
horizontal shear transfer by contact shall be permitted
only where transverse reinforcement is provided in
accordance with Sections 416.4.6 and 416.4.7. 416.4.5 Alternative Method for Calculating Design
Horizontal Shear Strength
416.4.1.3 Surface preparation assumed for design shall
be speci ed in the construction documents. 416.4.5.1 As an altemative to Section 4l6.4.3.l, factored
horizontal shear Vuh shall be calculated from the change
in exural compressive or tensile force in any segment of
416.4.2 Required Strength
the composite concrete member, and Eq. 416.4.5.l shall
be satis ed at all locations along the horizontal interface:
416.4.2.1 Factored forces transferred along the contact
surface in composite concrete exural members shall be
calculated in accordance with the factored load ¢v,,,, 2 v,,,, (416.4.5.1)
combinations in Section 405.
Nominal horizontal shear strength, Vnhs shall be
4l6.4.2.2 Required strength shall be calculated in calculated in accordance with Section 416.4.4.l or
accordance with the analysis procedures in Section 406. 4l6.4.4.2, where area of contact surface shall be
substituted for b,,d and Vuh shall be substituted for Vu.
416.4.3 Design Strength Provisions shall be made to transfer the change in
compressive or tensile force as horizontal shear force
4l6.4.3.l Design strength for horizontal shear transfer across the interface.
shall satisfy Eq. 416.4.3.l at all locations along the l
horizontal interface in a composite concrete exural 416.4.5.2 Where shear transfer reinforcement is
member, unless Section 416.4.5 is satis ed: designed to resist horizontal shear to satisfy Eq. 416.4.5. 1,
the tie area to tie spacing ratio along the member shall
Table 416.4.4.2
Nominal Horizontal Shear Strength
4l6.5.2.3 N0 part of the bearing area on a bracket or 4l6.5.3.4 Horizontal tensile force acting on a bracket or
corbel shall project farther from the face of support than corbel shall be treated as a live load when calculating
(a) or (b): Nut, even if the tension results from restraint of creep,
shrinkage, or temperature change.
z|. End of the straight portion of the primary tension
reinforcement; 4l6.5.3.5 Unless tensile forces are prevented from being
applied to the bracket or corbel, Nuc shall be at least
b. Interior face of the transverse anchor bar, if one is 0.ZVu.
416.5.4 Design Strength
416.5.2.4 For normal-weight concrete, the bracket or
corbel dimensions shall be selected such that Vu/4) shall 416.5.4.1 Design strength at all sections shall satisfy
not exceed the least of (a) through (c): ¢$n 2 U, including (a) through (c). Interaction between
load effects shall be considered.
416.5.3.1 The section at the face of the support shall be 416.5.5 Reinforcement Limits
designed to resist simultaneously the factored shear Vu,
the factored horizontal tensile force NM, and the factored 416.5.5.1 Area of primary tension reinforcement, A“,
moment Mu given by [Vua,, + Nu,(h. — d)]. shall be at least the greatest of (a) through (c):
CHAPTER 4 ~~ Structural Concrete 4-97
4i7.2.1 Anchors and anchor groups shall be designed 4l7. Where the tensile component of the strength-
for critical effects of factored loads as determined by level earthquake force applied to a single anchor or group
elastic analysis. Plastic analysis approaches are permitted of anchors is equal to or less than 20 percent of the total
where nominal strength is controlled by ductile steel factored anchor tensile force associated with the same
elements, provided that deformational compatibility is load combination, it shall be permitted to design a single
taken into account. anchor or group of anchors to satisfy Section 417.4 and
the tensile strength requirements of Section 4l7.3.l.l.
4l7.2.1.1 Anchor group effects shall be considered
wherever two or more anchors have spacing less than the 417. Where the tensile component of the strength-
critical spacing as follows: level earthquake force applied to anchors exceeds 20
percent of the total factored anchor tensile force
Failure Mode Under associated with the same load combination, anchors and
Investigation l Critical Spacing their attachments shall be designed in accordance with
Concrete breakout in tension 3he_f Section 4l7. The anchor design tensile strength
shall be determined in accordance with Section
Bond strength in tension 2cNA 4l7.
Concrete breakout in shear Zcal
417. Anchors and their attachments shall satisfy
one of options (a) through (d):
Only those anchors susceptible to the particular failure
mode under investigation shall be included in the group. a. For single anchors, the concrete-governed strength
shall be greater than the steel strength of the anchor.
417.2.2 The design strength of anchors shall equal or For anchor groups, the ratio of the tensile load on the
exceed the largest required strength calculated from the most highly stressed anchor to the steel strength of
applicable load combinations in Section 405.3. that anchor shall be equal to or greater than the ratio
of the tensile load on tension loaded anchors to the
417.2.3 Seismic Design concrete-governed strength of those anchors. In each
417.2.3.1 Anchors in structures assigned to seismic zone
4 shall satisfy the additional requirements of Sections i. The steel strength shall be taken as 1.2 times the
4l7.2.3.2 through 4l7.2.3.7. nominal steel strength of the anchor;
417.2.3.2 The provisions of this section do not apply to ii. The concrete-governed strength shall be taken as
the design of anchors in plastic hinge zones of concrete the nominal strength considering pullout, side
structures under earthquake forces. face blowout, concrete breakout, and bond
strength as applicable. For consideration of
4l7.2.3.3 Post-installed anchors shall be quali ed for pullout in groups, the ratio shall be calculated for
earthquake loading in accordance with ACI 355.2 or ACI the most highly stressed anchor.
355.4M. The pullout strength Np and steel strength in
shear Vs“ of expansion and undercut anchors shall be In addition, the following shall be satis ed:
based on the results of the ACI 355.2 Simulated Seismic
Tests. For adhesive anchors, the steel strength in shear iii. Anchors shall transmit tensile loads via a ductile
V,“ and the characteristic bond stresses tum. and re, steel element with a stretch length of at least
shall be based on results of the ACI 355.4M Simulated eight anchor diameters unless otherwise
Seismic Tests. determined by analysis; i
b. The anchor or group of anchors shall be designed for anchors is equal to or less than 20 percent of the total
the maximum tension that can be transmitted to the factored anchor shear force associated with the same load
anchor or group of anchors based on the development combination, it shall be permitted to design the anchor or
of a ductile yield mechanism in the attachment in group of anchors to satisfy Section 417.5 and the shear
tension, flexure, shear, or bearing, or a combination strength requirements of Section 4l7.3.l.l.
of those conditions, and considering both material
overstrength and strain hardening effects for the 417. Where the shear component of the strength-
attachment. The anchor design tensile strength shall level earthquake force applied to anchors exceeds 20
be calculated from Section 4l7.; percent of the total factored anchor shear force associated
with the same load combination, anchors and their
c. The anchor or group of anchors shall be designed for attachments shall be designed in accordance with Section
the maximum tension that can be transmitted to the 4l7. The anchor design shear strength for resisting
anchors by a non-yielding attachment. The anchor earthquake forces shall be determined in accordance with
design tensile strength shall be calculated from Section 417.5.
Section 4l7.;
4l7. Anchors and their attachments shall be
d. The anchor or group of anchors shall be designed for designed using one of options (a) through (c):
the maximum tension obtained from design load
combinations that include E, with E increased by Q0. a. The anchor or group of anchors shall be designed for
The anchor design tensile strength shall satisfy the the maximum shear that can be transmitted to the
tensile strength requirements of Section 4l7. anchor or group of anchors based on the development
of a ductile yield mechanism in the attachment in
417. The anchor design tensile strength for exure, shear, or bearing, or a combination of those
resisting earthquake forces shall be determined from conditions, and considering both material
consideration of (a) through (e) for the failure modes overstrength and strain hardening effects in the
given in Table 417.3. l.l assuming the concrete is cracked attachment;
unless it can be demonstrated that the concrete remains
uncracked: b. The anchor or group of anchors shall be designed for
the maximum shear that can be transmitted to the
a. ¢Nm for a single anchor, or for the most highly anchors by a non-yielding attachment;
stressed individual anchor in a group of anchors;
c. The anchor or group of anchors shall be designed for
b. 0. 75¢NCb or 0. 75¢NC,,g, except that Nd, or Ncbg the maximum shear obtained from design load
need not be calculated where anchor reinforcement combinations that include E , with E increased by Q0. I
satisfying Section 4l7.4.2.9 is provided; The anchor design shear strength shall satisfy the
shear strength requirements of Section 417.3. l.l.
c. 0. 75¢Npn for a single anchor, or for the most highly HIl
stressed individual anchor in a group of anchors; 4l7. Where anchor reinforcement is provided in
accordance with Section 4l7.5.2.9, no reduction in design
shear strength beyond that speci ed in Section 4l7.5.2.9
d. O.75¢Nsb or 0.75¢NSbg;
shall be required.
e. 0. 75¢Na or 0. 75¢N,,g.
417.2.3.6 Single anchors or groups of anchors that are
subjected to both tension and shear forces shall be
where q) is in accordance with Section 4l7.3.3. designed to satisfy the requirements of Section 417.6,
with the anchor design tensile strength calculated from
Section 41
4-100 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete it
l l
417.2.3.7 Anchor reinforcement used in structures c. Pullout strength cast-in, post-installed expansion, or
assigned to seismic zone 4 shall be deformed undercut anchor in tension (Section 4l7.4.3);
reinforcement and shall be limited to ASTM A6l5M
Grades 280 and 420 satisfying the requirements of d. Concrete side-face blowout strength of headed
Section 420.2.2.5(b) or ASTM A706M Grade 420. anchor in tension (Section 4l7.4.4);
417.2.4 Adhesive anchors installed horizontally or e. Bond strength of adhesive anchor in tension (Section
upwardly inclined shall be quali ed in accordance with 417.4.5);
ACI 355.4M requirements for sensitivity to installation
direction. f. Steel strength of anchor in shear (Section 4l7.5.l);
417.2.5 For adhesive anchors subjected to sustained g. Concrete breakout strength of anchor in shear
tension loading, Section 4l7.3.l.2 shall be satis ed. For (Section 4l7.5.2);
groups of adhesive anchors, Eq. 4l7.3.l.2 shall be
satis ed for the anchor that resists the highest sustained h. Concrete pryout strength of anchor in shear (Section
tension load. Installer certi cation and inspection 4l7.5.3).
requirements for horizontal and upwardly inclined
adhesive anchors subjected to sustained tension loading In addition, anchors shall satisfy the required edge
shall be in accordance with Sections 4l7.8.2.2 through distances, spacings, and thicknesses to preclude splitting
417.8.2.4. failure, as required in Section 417.7.
417.2.6 Modi cation factor 1,, for lightweight 417.3.1.1 The design of anchors shall be in accordance
concrete shall be taken as: with Table 4l7.3.l.l. In addition, the design of anchors
shall satisfy Section 4l7.2.3 for earthquake loading and
Cast-in and undercut anchor concrete failure ........ .. 1. 01 Section 4l7.3.l.2 for adhesive anchors subject to
sustained tensile loading.
Expansion and adhesive anchor concrete failure 0. 8).
4l7.3.l.2 For the design of adhesive anchors to resist
Adhesive anchor bond failure per Eq. 4l7.4.5.2 0. 6}. sustained tensions loads, in addition to Section 4l7.3.1.l,
Eq. 4l7.3.l.2 shall be satis ed.
where A is detenrrined in accordance with Section
4l9.2.4. It shall be permitted to use an altemative value of 0. 55¢1v,,,, 2 1v,,,,,, (417.3.1.2)
11,, a where tests have been performed and evaluated in
accordance with ACI 355.2 or ACI 355.4M.
where Nba is determined in accordance with Section
4l7.2.7 The values of fg used for calculation purposes 4l7.4.5.2.
in this chapter shall not exceed 70 MPa for cast-in
anchors, and 55 MPa for post-installed anchors. Testing is 417.3.l.3 When both Nu“ and Vua are present,
required for post-installed anchors when used in concrete interaction effects shall be considered using an interaction
with f2 greater than 55 MPa. expression that results in computation of strength in
substantial agreement with results of comprehensive tests.
417.3 General Requirements for Strength of This requirement shall be considered satis ed by Section
Anchors 417.6.
4l7.3.1 Strength design of anchors shall be based 417.3.2 The nominal strength for any anchor or group
either on computation using design models that satisfy the of anchors shall be based on design models that result in
requirements of Section 4l7.3.2, or on test evaluation predictions of strength in substantial agreement with
using the 5 percent fractile of applicable test results for results of comprehensive tests. The materials used in the
the following: tests shall be compatible with the materials used in the
structure. The nominal strength shall be based on the 5
a. Steel strength of anchor in tension (Section 4l7.4.l); percent fractile of the basic individual anchor strength.
For nominal strengths related to concrete strength,
b. Concrete breakout strength of anchor in tension modi cations for size effects, the number of anchors, the
(Section 4l7.4.2); effects of close spacing of anchors, proximity to edges, 1
Bond strength of adhesive anchor intension [Section 4l7.4.5) l ¢Nn 2 Nun ¢Nag 2 Nua,g
Steel strength in shear (Section 417.5.1) ¢l{m 2 V,,_£,__ ¢Vsa 2 Vua,i
Concrete breakout strength in shear (Section 417.52] ¢VC,, 2 Km ¢l/cbg 2 “mg
Concrete pryout strength in shear (Section 4l7.5.3) ¢Vq, 2 Mm (pl/cpg 2 l4ta.g
['1 Required strengths for steel and pullout failure modes shall be calculated for the most highly stressed anchor in the group.
' 1
4~"|O2 CHAPTER 4 » Structural Concrete
417.4 Design Requirements for Tensile Loading 4l7.4.2.2 The basic concrete breakout strength of a
single anchor in tension in cracked concrete, Nb, shall not
4l7.4.1 Steel Strength of Anchor in Tension exceed
Nb = kC;1a\/Ehefl-5 (4l7.4.2.2a)
417.4.1.1 The nominal strength of an anchor in tension
as governed by the steel, Nsa, shall be evaluated by
calculations based on the properties of the anchor material where kc = 10 for cast-in anchors, kc = 17 for post-
and the physical dimensions of the anchor. installed anchors.
417.4.1.2 The nominal strength of an anchor in tension, The value of kc for post-installed anchors shall be
Nsa, shall not exceed permitted to be increased above 17 based on ACI 355.2 or
ACI 355.4M product-speci c tests, but shall not exceed
Nsa = Aserlvfum (4l7.4.l.2) 10.
4l7.4.2.4 The modi cation factor for anchor groups
Ncb = ‘ped,N>¢c,N>¢cp,NNb (417-4-2-la) loaded eccentrically in tension, 1/18,,” , shall be calculated
b. For a group of anchors; 1/Iealv = + (4l7.4.2.4)
Ncbg = i ¢€C,N>¢8d,N11pC,N1¢Cp,NNb but 1/Jul” shall not be taken greater than 1.0. If the
loading on an anchor group is such that only some
(417.4.2.1b) anchors are in tension, only those anchors that are in
tension shall be considered when determining the
eccentricity ejv for use in Eq. 4l7.4.2.4 and for the
Factors I/JECIN, I/Jedi”, I/JCIN, and 11161,,” are de ned in calculation of Ncbg according to Eq. 4l7.4.2. lb.
Sections 4l7.4.2.4, 417.4.2.5, 4l7.4.2.6, and 4l7.4.2.7,
respectively. ANCis the projected concrete failure area of a In the case where eccentric loading exists about two axes,
single anchor or group of anchors that shall be the modi cation factor, 111%” shall be calculated for each l
approximated as the base of the rectilinear geometrical axis individually and the product of these factors used as
gure that results from projecting the failure surface
1/rec,” in Eq. 417.4.2.lb.
outward 1. She; from the centerlines of the anchor, or in
the case of a group of anchors, from a line through a row 417.4.2.5 The modi cation factor for edge effects for
of adjacent anchors. AN, shall not exceed nANC,,, where n
single anchors or anchor groups loaded in tension, 111%”,
is the number of anchors in the group that resist tension.
shall be calculated as:
nANc,, is the projected concrete failure area of a single
anchor with an edge distance equal to or greater than l
If Calm!-n 2 1. she/', then Wl'1€1'l I/)ed'N = 0
1. She;
A,,,,,, = 911,,’ (417.4.2.1¢)
-— M —
CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete 4-103
If ¢,,,,,,,,, < 1.5n,,,, then 1/»,,,,,,,, = 0. 7 + 0. 3%v, - 417.4.2.8 Where an additional plate or washer is added
' 8 at the head of the anchor, it shall be permitted to calculate
c (417.4.2.5b) the projected area of the failure surface by projecting the
failure surface outward 1. She; from the effective
417.4.2.6 For anchors located in a region of a concrete perimeter of the plate or washer. The effective perimeter
member where analysis indicates no cracking at service shall not exceed the value at a section projected outward
load levels, the following modi cation factor shall be more than the thickness of the washer or plate from the
permitted: outer edge of the head of the anchor.
a. lIJc'N= 1.25 for cast-in anchors;
4l7.4.2.9 Where anchor reinforcement is developed in
accordance with Section 425 on both sides of the breakout
b. II)c'N= 1.4 for post-installed anchors, where the value surface, the design strength of the anchor reinforcement
of kc used in Eq. 4l7.4.2.2a is 17; shall be permitted to be used instead of the concrete
breakout strength in determining ¢N,',. A strength
Where the value of kc used in Eq. 4l7.4.2.2a is taken reduction factor of 0.75 shall be used in the design of the
from the ACI 355.2 or ACI 355.4M product evaluation anchor reinforcement.
report for post-installed anchors quali ed for use in both
cracked and uncracked concrete, the values of kc and 417.4.3 Pullout Strength of Cast-In, Post-Installed
1/1,,” shall be based on the ACI 355.2 or ACI 355.4M Expansion and Undercut Anchors in
product evaluation report. Tension
Where the value of kc used in Eq. 4l7.4.2.2a is taken 417.4.3.1 The nominal pullout strength of a single cast-
from the ACI 355.2 or ACI 355.4M product evaluation in, post-installed expansion, and post-installed undercut
report for post-installed anchors quali ed for use in anchor in tension, Np", shall not exceed
uncracked concrete, I/1,,” shall be taken as 1.0. '
Np" = 1/JQPNP (417.4.3.l)
When analysis indicates cracking at service load levels, J44;:_15
' m in *“'
4-1@4 CHAPTER 4 » Structural Concrete
Np = 0.9fCeNda (4l7.4.3.5)
Nag : A 1I)ec,Nar ¢ed,Nav ¢cp,Nal Nba
where da S eh S 4-. Sda. Nao
If Caz for the single headed anchor is less than 30,11, the W = 10,1, l';L;’ (417.4.5.1d)
value of NN, shall be multiplied by the factor
(1 + Caz/6,11)/4 where 1. 0 S ca;/cu S 3.0.
and constant 7.6 carries the unit of MPa.
4l7.4.4.2 For multiple headed anchors with deep
embedment close to an edge (he; > 2.5ca1) and anchor 4l7.4.5.2 The basic bond strength of a single adhesive
anchor in tension in cracked concrete, NM, shall not
spacing less than 6ca1, the nominal strength of those
anchors susceptible to a side-face blowout failure Nsbg
shall not exceed:
1v,,,, = ,1,,r,,na,,n,,, (4l7.4.5.2)
1v,,,g = (1 + i)1v,,, (4l7.4.4.2)
6ca1 The characteristic bond stress, rm shall be taken as the 5
percent fractile of results of tests performed and evaluated
where s is the distance between the outer anchors along according to ACI 355.4M.
the edge, and NSb is obtained from Eq. 4l7.4.4.l without
modi cation for a perpendicular edge distance. Where analysis indicates cracking at service load levels,
adhesive anchors shall be quali ed for use in cracked
417.4.5 Bond Strength of Adhesive Anchor in concrete in accordance with ACI 355.4M.
For adhesive anchors located in a region of a concrete
4l7.4.5.1 The nominal bond strength in tension, N,1 of a member where analysis indicates no cracking at service
single adhesive anchor or Nag of a group of adhesive load levels, tum, shall be permitted to be used in place of
anchors, shall not exceed 1,, in Eq. 4l7.4.5.2 and shall be taken as the 5 percent
fractile of results of tests performed and evaluated
a. For a single adhesive anchor: according to ACI 355.4M.
b. For a group of adhesive anchors: a. Anchors shall meet the requirements of ACI 355.4M;
e. Concrete temperature at time of anchor installation 417.4.5.5 The modi cation factor for adhesive anchors
shall be at least 10°C. designed for uncracked concrete in accordance with
Section 41 without supplementary reinforcement to
control splitting, I/)Cp'Na, shall be calculated as:
Table 4l7.4.5.2 Minimum Characteristic Bond
If Ca,min 2 Cara
Moisture Peak in
Installation content
and of concrete service
then 1/;q,,,,,,, = 1. 0 (4l7.4.5.5a)
Temperature 1'”, MPa r “"9"
service at time of MPa
environment anchor of concrete,
°C If ca,min < Cam
Dry to fully
f saturated 79 1.4 4.5 Cumin
then 1[1,,¢N,, = 0. 7 + 0. 3? (4l7.4.5.4b)
Indoor Dry 43 l 2.1 7.0 Na
['1 Where anchor design includes sustained tension loading, multiply values of I”
and rung, by 0.4. 4
but 1,lJc,,,Na determined from Eq. 4l7.4.5.5b shall not be
[Z1 Where anchor design includes earthquake loads for structures assigned to taken less than cN,,/can where the critical edge distance,
seismic zone 4, multiply values of tn. by 0.8 and rune, by 0.4.
car, is de ned in Section 4l7.7.6. For all other cases,
1/)q,,Na shall be taken as 1.0.
417.4.5.3 The modi cation factor for adhesive anchor
groups loaded eccentrically in tension, 1/Jec,Na, shall be 417.5 Design Requirements for Shear Loading
calculated as:
1 417.5.1 Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear
¢ec,Na = F
+ (417.4.5.3)
417.5.1.1 The nominal strength of an anchor in shear as
governed by steel, Vsa, shall be evaluated by calculations
but I/),,C,N,, shall not be taken greater than 1.0. based on the properties of the anchor material and the
physical dimensions of the anchor. Where concrete
If the loading on an adhesive anchor group is such that breakout is a potential failure mode, the required steel
only some adhesive anchors are in tension, only those shear strength shall be consistent with the assumed
breakout surface.
adhesive anchors that are in tension shall be considered
when determining the eccentricity eN for use in Eq.
4l7.4.5 .3 and for the calculation of Nag according to Eq. 417.5.1.2 The nominal strength of an anchor in shear,
Vs“, shall not exceed (a) through (c):
a. For cast-in headed stud anchor;
In the case where eccentric loading exists about two
orthogonal axes, the modi cation factor, I/)ec|N,,, shall be
calculated for each axis individually and the product of
vm = Ase',,fu,a (4l7.5.l.2a)
these factors used as 1[)eC,Na in Eq. 4l7.4.5. lb.
where Aselv is the effective cross-sectional area of an
417.4.5.4 The modi cation factor for edge effects for anchor in shear, mmz, and fun, shall not be taken greater
single adhesive anchors or adhesive anchor groups loaded than the smaller of 1. 9fy,, and 860 MPa.
in tension, 1[)ed|Na, shall be calculated as: b. For cast-in headed bolt and hooked bolt anchors and
for post-installed anchors where sleeves do not
If ca,min 2 cNaa extend through the shear plane;
VS“ = ()_6Ase‘,,fum (4l7.5.l.2b) edge for a single anchor or a group of anchors. It shall be
permitted to evaluate AVG as the base of a truncated half-
pyramid projected on the side face of the member where
where Asely is the effective cross-sectional area of an the top of the half-pyramid is given by the axis of the
anchor in shear, mmz, and fun, shall not be taken greater anchor row selected as critical. The value of cal shall be
than the smaller of 1. ‘Jfya and 860 MPa. taken as the distance from the edge to this axis. Ave shall
not exceed nAyb,,, where n is the number of anchors in
c. For post-installed anchors where sleeves extend the group.
through the shear plane, Vm shall be based on the Ayco is the projected area for a single anchor in a deep
results of tests performed and evaluated according to member with a distance from edges equal or greater than
ACI 355.2. Altematively, Eq. 4l7.5.l.2b shall be 1. Scbl in the direction perpendicular to the shear force. It
permitted to be used. shall be permitted to evaluate Am, as the base of a half
pyramid with a side length parallel to the edge of 36,11
417.5.l.3 Where anchors are used with built-up grout and a depth of 1. 5ca1
pads, the nominal strengths of Section 4l7.5.l.2 shall be
multiplied by a factor 0.80. Am = 4. 5(ca1)’ (4l7.5.2.la)
417.5.2 Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Where anchors are located at varying distances from the
Shear edge and the anchors are welded to the attachment so as
to distribute the force to all anchors, it shall be permitted
4l7.5.2.1 The nominal concrete breakout strength in to evaluate the strength based on the distance to the
shear, Vcb of a single anchor or Vbbg of a group of farthest row of anchors from the edge. In this case, it shall
anchors, shall not exceed: be permitted to base the value of cm on the distance from
the edge to the axis of the farthest anchor row that is
a. For shear force perpendicular to the edge on a single selected as critical, and all of the shear shall be assumed
anchor; to be carried by this critical anchor row alone.
A 4l7.5.2.2 The basic concrete breakout strength in shear
Vcb = ,,—”“=/1..l,v.=/1.,v.1/»l.,V. Vb (411.5-2-la)
Vco of a single anchor in cracked concrete, Vb, shall be the
smaller of (a) and (b):
b. For shear force perpendicular to the edge on a group 8 0.2
Factors lllecy, 1/Jedy, I/Icy, and lllhyy are de ned in 417.5.2.3 For cast-in headed studs, headed bolts, or
hooked bolts that are continuously welded to steel
Sections 4l7.5.2.5, 4l7.5.2.6, 4l7.5.2.7, and 4l7.5.2.8,
attachments having a minimum thickness equal to the
respectively. Vb is the basic concrete breakout strength
greater of 10 mm. and half of the anchor diameter, the
value for a single anchor. AVG is the projected area of the
basic concrete breakout strength in shear of a single
failure surface on the side of the concrete member at its
A -
4-108 CHAPTER 4 — Structural Concrete
417.5.3.1i The nominal pryout strength, Vcb for a single Minimum spacings and edge distances for anchors and
anchor or Vbbg for a group of anchors, shall not exceed: minimum thicknesses of members shall conform to
Sections 4l7.7.l through 4l7.7.6, unless supplementary
a. For a single anchor;
reinforcement is provided to control splitting. Lesser
values from product-speci c tests performed in
Vbb = kbbNCb (4l7.5.3.la)
accordance with ACI 355.2 or ACI 355.4M shall be
For cast-in, expansion, and undercut anchors, Ncb shall be
taken as Nbb determined from Eq. 417.4.2.1a, and for 4l7.7.l Unless determined in accordance with Section
adhesive anchors, Nbb shall be the lesser of Na 4l7.7.4, minimum center-to-center spacing of anchors
determined from Eq. 41 7.4.5.la and Nbb determined from shall be 4d,, for cast-in anchors that will not be torqued,
Eq. 4l7.4.2.1a. and 6d,, for torqued cast-in anchors and post-installed
b. For a group of anchors: anchors.
T CHAPTER 4 ~ SiL|’UClJf'é3l Concrete 4409
of 2/3 of the member thickness, ha, and the member 4l7.8.2.l For adhesive anchors, the construction
thickness minus 100 mm. documents shall specify proof loading where required in
accordance with ACI 355.4M. The construction
417.7.6 Unless determined from tension tests in documents shall also specify all parameters associated
accordance with ACI 355.2 or ACI 355.4M, the critical with the characteristic bond stress used for the design
edge distance, cac, shall not be taken less than: according to Section 4l7.4.5, including minimum age of
concrete; concrete temperature range; moisture condition
Adhesive anchors ............................................ .. Zhef of concrete at time of installation; type of lightweight
concrete, if applicable; and requirements for hole drilling
Undercut anchors ...................................... ..2. Sher and preparation.
Torque-controlled expansion anchors ........... .. 4-he; 417.8.2.2 Installation of adhesive anchors horizontally or
upwardly inclined to support sustained tension loads shall
be performed by personnel certi ed by an applicable
Displacement-controlled expansion anchors 4-he;
certi cation program. Certi cation shall include written
and performance tests in accordance with the ACI/CRSI
417.7.7 Construction documents shall specify use of Adhesive Anchor Installer Certi cation program, or
anchors with a minimum edge distance as assumed in equivalent.
417.8.2.3 The acceptability of certi cation other than the
417.8 Installation and Inspection of Anchors ACI/CRSI Adhesive Anchor Installer Certi cation shall
be the responsibility of the licensed design professional.
417.8.1 Anchors shall be installed by quali ed
personnel in accordance with the construction documents 417.8.2.4 Adhesive anchors installed in horizontal or
and, where applicable, manufacturer’s instructions. The- upwardly inclined orientations to resist sustained tension
construction documents shall require installation of post- loads shall be continuously inspected during installation
installed adhesive anchors in accordance with the by an inspector specially approved for that purpose by the
Manufacturer’s Printed Installation Instructions (MPII).
building of cial. The special inspector shall furnish a
Installation of adhesive anchors shall be performed by report to the licensed design professional and building
personnel trained to install adhesive anchors. of cial that the work covered by the report has been
performed and that the materials used and the installation
417.8.2 Installation of anchors shall be inspected in procedures used confonn with the approved construction
accordance with Section 401.9 and the general building documents and the Manufacturer’s Printed Installation
code. Adhesive anchors shall be also subject to Sections Instructions (MPII).
4l7.8.2.l through 4l7.8.2.4.
11 1 L1 ’“ .41 F1 -lb» »C»oziore1.e
a. Structural systems designated as part of the seismic- e. Special moment frames shall satisfy Sections 418.2.3
force-resisting system, including diaphragms, through 4l8.2.8 and 418.6 through 418.8;
moment frames, structural walls, and foundations;
f. Special moment frames constructed using precast
b. Members not designated as part of the seismic-force- concrete shall satisfy Sections 4l8.2.3 through
resisting system but required to support other loads 418.2.8 and 418.9;
while undergoing deformations associated with
earthquake effects. g. Special structural walls shall satisfy Sections 418.2.3
through 418.2.8 and 418. 10;
418.1.2 Structures designed according to the
provisions of this chapter are intended to resist earthquake h. Special structural walls constructed using precast
motions through ductile inelastic response of selected concrete shall satisfy Sections 418.2.3 through
members. 418.2.8 and4l8.11.
4l8.2.1.2 All members shall satisfy Sections 401 to 417 418.2.2 Analysis and Proportioning of Structural
and 419 to 426. Structures assigned to seismic zones 4, or Members
2, also shall satisfy Sections 418.2.1.3 through 418.2.1.7,
as applicable. Where Section 418 con icts with other 4l8.2.2.l The interaction of all structural and
sections of this Code, Section 418 shall govern. nonstructural members that affect the linear and nonlinear
response of the structure to earthquake motions shall be
418.2.1.3 Structures assigned to seismic zone 2 shall considered in the analysis.
satisfy Sections 41 8.2.2 and 4l8.2.3.
418.2.2.2 Rigid members assumed not to be a part of the
418.2.1.4 Structures assigned to seismic zone 4 shall seismic force-resisting system shall be permitted provided
satisfy Sections 418.2.2 through 4l8.2.8 and Sections their effect on the response of the system is considered in
4l8.l2through 418.14. the structural design. Consequences of failure of structural
and nonstructural members that are not a part of the
418.2.1.5 Structural systems designated as part of the seismic-force-resisting system shall be considered.
seismic-force-resisting system shall be restricted to those
designated by the general building code, or determined by 418.2.2.3 Structural members extending below the base
other authority having jurisdiction in areas Without a of structure that are required to transmit forces resulting,
legally adopted building code. Except for areas of low from earthquake effects to the foundation shall comply
seismic risk, for which Section 418 does not apply, (a) with the requirements of Section 418 that are consistent
through (h) shall be satis ed for each structural system with the seismic-force-resisting system above the base of
designated as part of the seismic-force-resisting system, in structure.
addition to Sections 418.2.1.3 through 418.2.1.5:
‘ Y —w—
5§i~iA?TER ~ Structure! Corcreie it
4l8.2.5 Concrete in Special Moment Frames and 418.3.1.1 This section shall apply to ordinary moment
Special Structural Walls frames forming part of the seismic-force-resisting system.
4l8.2.5.1 Speci ed compressive strength of concrete in 4l8.3.2 Beams shall have at least two continuous bars I
special moment frames and special structural walls shall at both top and bottom faces. Continuous bottom bars
be in accordance with the special seismic systems shall have area not less than one-fourth the maximum area T
requirements of Table 419.2. l.l. of bottom bars along the span. These bars shall be
anchored to develop fy in tension at the face of support.
4l8.2.6 Reinforcement in Special Moment Frames
and Special Structural Walls 418.3.3 Columns having unsupported length 3,, 3 5C1
shall have (/JV" at least the lesser of(a) and (b):
418.2.6.1 Reinforcement in special moment frames and
special structural walls shall be in accordance with the a. The shear associated with development of nominal
special seismic systems requirements of Section 420.2.2. ‘
moment strengths of the column at each restrained
4l8.2.7 Mechanical Splices in Special Moment
Frames and Special Structural Walls
end of the unsupported length due to reverse
curvature bending. Column exural strength shall be I
418.2.7.1 Mechanical splices shall be classi ed as (a) or
calculated for the factored axial force, consistent with
the direction of the lateral forces considered,
(b)1 resulting in the highest exural strength;
a. Type 1 — Mechanical splice conforming to Section b. The maximum shear obtained from design load
combinations that include E, with QUE substituted
for E .
b. Type 2 — Mechanical splice conforming to Section
425.5.7 and capable of developing the speci ed
tensile strength of the spliced bars. 418.4 Intermediate Moment Frames
- M _ 'i '1 I M
J K5 ii ~~ §€i.|‘ur:i.r.§rai “re re
negative nor the positive moment strength at any section b. The maximum shear obtained from factored load
along the length of the beam shall be less than one- fth combinations that include E, with SIDE substituted
the maximum moment strength provided at the face of for E.
418.4.3.2 Columns shall be spirally reinforced in
4l8.4.2.3 ¢V,, shall be at least the lesser of (a) and (b): accordance with Section 410 or shall be in accordance
with Sections 4l8.4.3.3 through 4l8.4.3.5. Provisions of
a. The sum of the shear associated with development of Section 4l8.4.3.6 shall apply to all columns supporting
nominal moment strengths of the beam at each discontinuous stiff members.
restrained end of the clear span due to reverse
418.4.3.3 At both ends of the column, hoops shall be
curvature bending and the shear calculated for
provided at spacing so over a length £0 measured from
factored gravity loads; the joint face. Spacing so shall not exceed the smallest of
(a) through (d):
b. The maximum shear obtained from design load
combinations that include E , with E taken as twice a. 8 times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bar
that prescribed by the general building code. enclosed;
418.4.2.4 At both ends of the beam, hoops shall be b. 24 times the diameter ofthe hoop bar;
provided over a length of at least Zh measured from the
face of the supporting member toward mid-span. The rst c. One-half of the smallest cross-sectional dimension of
hoop shall be located not more than 50 mm from the face the column;
of the supporting member. Spacing of hoops shall not
exceed the smallest of (a) through (d):
d. 300 mm.
a. d/4;
Length 8,, shall not be less than the largest of (e), (f), and
b. Eight times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal (g)r
bar enclosed; e. One-sixth ofthe clear span ofthe column;
c. 24 times the diameter of the hoop bar; f. Maximum cross-sectional dimension of the column;
418.4.2.5 Transverse reinforcement spacing shall not 418.4.3.4 The first hoop shall be located not more than
exceed d/2 throughout the length of the beam. so/2 from thejoint face.
4l8.4.2.6 In beams having factored axial compressive 418.4.3.5 Outside of length 4'0, spacing of transverse
force exceeding AgfQ/ 10, transverse reinforcement reinforcement shall be in accordance with Section
required by Section 418.4.2.5 shall conform to Section 4l0.
425.7.2.2 and either Section 425.7.2.3 or 425.7.2.4.
418.4.3.6 Columns supporting reactions from
418.4.3 Columns discontinuous stiff members, such as walls, shall be
provided with transverse reinforcement at the spacing, so,
418.4.3.1 ¢V,, shall be at least the lesser of (a) and (b): in accordance with Section 418.4.3.3 over the full height
beneath the level at which the discontinuity occurs if the
a. The shear associated with development of nominal portion of factored axial compressive force in these
moment strengths of the column at each restrained members related to earthquake effects exceeds Agf§/ 10.
end of the unsupported length due to reverse If design forces have been magni ed to account for the
curvature bending. Column exural strength shall be overstrength of the vertical elements of the seismic-force-
calculated for the factored axial force, consistent with resisting system, the limit of AgfQ/10 shall be increased
the direction of the lateral forces considered,
to Agfé/4. Transverse reinforcement shall extend above
resulting in the highest exural strength;
and below the column in accordance with Section
4l8.4.4.l Beam-column joints shall have transverse 418.5.2.1 In connections between wall panels, or
reinforcement conforming to Section 415. between wall panels and the foundation, yielding shall be
restricted to steel elements or reinforcement.
418.4.5 Two-Way Slabs without Beams
4l8.5.2.2 For elements of the connection that are not
4l8.4.5.1 Factored slab moment at the support including designed to yield, the required strength shall be based on
earthquake effects, E, shall be calculated for load 1. SS}, ofthe yielding portion ofthe connection.
combinations given in Eq. 405.3.le and 405.3.lg.
Reinforcement to resist Mu shall be placed within the 418.5.2.3 In structures assigned to seismic zone 4, wall
column strip de ned in Section 408.4.1.5. piers shall be designed in accordance with Section
41 8.10.8 or 418.14.
4l8.4.5.2 Reinforcement placed within the effective
width given in Section 408. shall be designed to 418.6 Beams of Special Moment Frames
resist yfMsC. Effective slab width for exterior and corner
connections shall not extend beyond the column face a 418.6.1 Scope
distance greater than C, measured perpendicular to the
slab span. 418.6.l.l This section shall apply to beams of special
moment frames that form part of the seismic-force-
4l8.4.5.3 At least one-half of the reinforcement in the resisting system and are proportioned primarily to resist
column strip at the support shall be placed within the exure and shear.
effective slab width given in Section 408.
4l8.6.1.2 Beams of special moment frames shall frame
418.4.5.4 At least one-quarter of the top reinforcement at into columns of special moment frames satisfying Section
the support in the column strip shall be continuous 418.7.
throughout the span.
418.6.2 Dimensional Limits
418.4.5.5 Continuous bottom reinforcement in the
column strip shall be at least one-third of the top 418.6.2.1 Beams shall satisfy (a) through (c):
reinforcement at the support in the column strip.
a. Clear span, in, shall be at least 4-d;
418.4.5.6 At least one-half of all bottom middle strip
reinforcement and all bottom column strip reinforcement
b. Width, bw, shall be at least the smaller of 0. 3h and
at mid-span shall be continuous and shall develop fy at
250 mm;
the face of support as de ned in Section 408.
— 7'
.»;-/\:\,~=\' it
.:j_l/[Fl iiift ~ ’.//Jarar:ir::‘;;i
W. iionr L 4
4l8.6.3.3 Lap splices of deformed longitudinal a. Over a length equal to twice the beam depth
reinforcement shall be permitted if l1()()p or spiral measured from the face of the supporting column
reinforcement is provided over the lap length. Spacing of toward mid-span, at both ends ofthe beam;
thc transverse reinforcement enclosing the lap spliced
bars shall not exceed the smaller of d/4 and 100 mm. Lap b. Over lengths equal to twice the beam depth on both
splices shall not be used in locations (a) through (c): sides ofa section where exural yielding is likely to
occur as a result of lateral displacements beyond the
a. Within thejoints; elastic range of behavior.
b. Within a distance of twice the beam depth from the 418.6.4.2 Where hoops are required, primary longitudinal
face ofthe joint; reinforcing bars closest to the tension and compression
faces shall have lateral support in accordance with Section
c. Within a distance of twice the beam depth from 425.7.2.3 and 425.7.2.4. The spacing of transversely
critical sections where exural yielding is likely to supported exural reinforcing bars shall not exceed 350
occur as a result of lateral displacements beyond the mm. Skin reinforcement required by Section 409.7.2.3
elastic range of behavior. need not be laterally supported.
4l8.6.3.4 Mechanical splices shall conform to Section 418.6.4.3 Hoops in beams shall be permitted to be made
4l8.2.7 and welded splices shall conform to Section up of two pieces of reinforcement: a stirrup having
4l8.2.8. seismic hooks at both ends and closed by a crosstie.
Consecutive crossties engaging the same longitudinal bar
418.6.3.5 Unless used in a special moment frame as shall have their 90-degree hooks at opposite sides of the
permitted by Section 418.9.2.3, prestressing shall satisfy exural member. If the longitudinal reinforcing bars
(a) through (d): secured by the crossties are con ned by a slab on only
one side of the beam, the 90-degree hooks ofthe crossties
a. The average prestress, fpc, calculated for an area shall be placed on that side.
equal to the smallest cross-sectional dimension of the
beam multiplied by the perpendicular cross-sectional 418.6.4.4 The rst hoop shall be located not more than
dimension shall not exceed the lesser of 3.5 MPa and 50 mm from the face of a supporting column. Spacing of
fl/10; the hoops shall not exceed the smallest of (a) through (c):
=l§i~€»'1PTEF3 4 V» Strt2ctur;i- 1 3.rP*e‘\3 4 i '15
having cover not exceeding 100 mm and spacing not 418.7.3.2 The exural strengths of the columns shall
exceeding 300 mm shall be provided. satisfy
The design shear force, Ve, shall be calculated from EM,“ = sum of nominal exural strengths of
consideration of the forces on the portion of the beam columns framing into thejoint, evaluated at
between faces of the joints. It shall be assumed that the faces of the joint. Column exural
moments of opposite sign corresponding to probable strength shall be calculated for the factored
exural strength, Mpr, act at the joint faces and that the axial force, consistent with the direction of
beam is loaded with the factored tributary gravity load the lateral forces considered, resulting in
along its span. the lowest exural strength.
b. The factored axial compressive force, Pu, including Flexural strengths shall be summed such that the column
earthquake effects is less than Agfé/20. moments oppose the beam moments. Equation 418.7.3.2
shall be satis ed for beam moments acting in both
directions in the vertical plane of the frame considered.
418.7 Columns of Special Moment Frames
418.7.3.3 If Section 41813.2 is not satis ed at a joint,
418.7.1 Scope
the lateral strength and stiiT|1ess of the columns framing
into that joint shall be ignored when calculating strength
418.7.1.1 This section shall apply to columns of special
and stiffness of the structure. These columns shall
moment frames that form part of the seismic-force-
conform to Section 418.14.
resisting system and are proportioned primarily to resist
exure, shear, and axial forces.
418.7.4 LongitudinalReinforcement
418.7.2 Dimensional Limits
418.7.4.1 Area of longitudinal reinforcement, A“, shall be
at least 0. 01Ag and shall not exceed 0. 06/lg
418.7.2.1 Columns shall satisfy (a) and (b):
a. The shortest cross-sectional dimension, measured on 418.7.4.2 In columns with circular hoops, there shall be
at least six longitudinal bars.
a straight line passing through the geometric centroid,
shall be at least 300 mm; 418.7.4.3 Mechanical splices shall conform to Section
4l8.2.7 and welded splices shall conform to Section
b. The ratio of the shortest cross-sectional dimension to 4l8.2.8. Lap splices shall be permitted only within the
the perpendicular dimension shall be at least 0.4. center half of the member length, shall be designed as
tension lap splices, and shall be enclosed within
4l8.7.3 Minimum Flexural Strength of Columns transverse reinforcement in accordance with Sections
418.7.5.2 and 418.7.5.3.
418.7.3.1 Columns shall satisfy Section 4l8.7.3.2 or
44 'i 6 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
418.7.5 Transverse Reinforcement b. Six times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal
4'l8.7.5.1 Transverse reinforcement required in Sections
418.7.5.2 through 4l8.7.5.4 shall be provided over a c. so as calculated by
length £0 from each joint face and on both sides of any
section where exural yielding is likely to occur as a
result of lateral displacements beyond the elastic range of so = 100 + 350 - h (4rs.7.5.3)
behavior. Length 8,, shall be at least the largest of (a)
through (c):
The value of so from Eq. 4l8.7.5.3 shall not exceed 150
a. The depth of the column at the joint face or at the
mm. and need not be taken less than 100 mm.
section where exural yielding is likely to occur;
4l8.7.5.4 Amount of transverse reinforcement shall be in
b. One-sixth of the clear span of the column; accordance with Table 41
c. 450 mm. The concrete strength factor, kf, and con nement
effectiveness factor, kn, are calculated according to Eq.
418.7.5.2 Transverse reinforcement shall be in 4l8.7.5.4a and 4l8.7.5.4b.
accordance with (a) through (t): I
a. f + 0_5 2 1_ 0
kf = FE (4l8.7.5.4a)
a. Transverse reinforcement shall comprise either single
or overlapping spirals, circular hoops, or rectilinear
hoops with or without crossties;
I). kn = E (4l8.7.5.4-I3)
b. Bends of rectilinear hoops and crossties shall engage
peripheral longitudinal reinforcing bars;
where n, is the number of longitudinal bars or bar bundles
c. Crossties of the same or smaller bar size as the hoops around the perimeter of a column core with rectilinear
shall be permitted, subject to the limitation of Section hoops that are laterally supported by the corner of hoops
425.7.2.2. Consecutive crossties shall be alternated or by seismic hooks.
end for end along the longitudinal reinforcement and
around the perimeter of the cross section; 4l8.7.5.5 Beyond the length £0 given in Section
4l8.7.5.l, the column shall contain spiral or hoop
d. Where rectilinear hoops or crossties are used, they reinforcement satisfying Sections 425.7.2 through
shall provide lateral support to longitudinal 425.7.4 with spacing, s, not exceeding the smaller of six
reinforcement in accordance with Sections 425.7.2.2 times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal column
and 425.7.2.3; bars and 150 mm., unless a larger amount of transverse
reinforcement is required by Section 418.7.4.3 or 418.7.6.
e. Reinforcement shall be arrange such that the spacing
hx of longitudinal bars laterally supported by the 4l8.7.5.6 Columns supporting reactions from
corner of a crosstie or hoop leg shall not exceed 350 discontinued stiff members, such as walls, shall satisfy (a)
mm around the perimeter of the column; and (b):
f. Where Pu > 0.3/lg)‘; or fé > 70 MPa in columns a. Transverse reinforcement required by Sections
with rectilinear hoops, every longitudinal bar or 418.7.5.2 through 4l8.7.5.4 shall be provided over
bundle of bars around the perimeter of the column the full height at all levels beneath the discontinuity if
core shall have lateral support provided by the comer the factored axial compressive force in these
of a hoop or by a seismic hook, and the value of hx columns, related to earthquake effect, exceeds
shall not exceed 200 mm Pu shall be the largest value AgfQ/ 10. Where design forces have been magni ed
in compression consistent with factored load to account for the overstrength of the vertical
combinations including E. elements of the seismic-force-resisting system, the
limit of Agfé/10 shall be increased to Agfé/4;
4l8.7.5.3 Spacing of transverse reinforcement shall not
exceed the smallest of (a) through (c): b. Transverse reinforcement shall extend into the
discontinued member at least 8,, of the largest
a. One-fourth of the minimum column dimension; longitudinal column bar, where Id is in accordance
. L
with Section 4l8.8.5. Where the lower end of the the largest longitudinal column bar at the point of
column tenninates on a wall, the required transverse termination. Where the column terminates on a
reinforcement shall extend into the wall at least Id of footing
Table 4l8.7.5.4
Transverse Reinforcement for Columns of Special Moment Frames
418.7.6 Shear Strength b. The factored axial compressive force, Pu, including
earthquake effects is less than Ag)’;/20.
418.7.6.1 Design Forces
418.8 Joints of Special Moment Frames
418.7.6.l.1 The design shear force Ve shall be
calculated from considering the maximum forces that can 418.8.1 Scope
be generated at the faces of the joints at each end of the
column. These joint forces shall be calculated using the 4l8.8.1.1 This section shall apply to beam-column joints
maximum probable exural strengths, MW, at each end of of special moment frames fonning part of the seismic-
the column associated with the range of factored axial force-resisting system.
forces, Pu, acting on the column. The column shears need
not exceed those calculated from joint strengths based on 418.8.2 General
Mp, of the beams framing into the joint. In no case shall
Ve be less than the factored shear calculated by analysis 418.8.2.1 Forces in longitudinal beam reinforcement at
of the structure. the joint face shall be calculated assuming that the stress
in the exural tensile reinforcement is 1. 25fy.
—— ; -1
is __~. ...: CO 4V tT3oiii'?i‘eie
4l8.8.3.2 Where beams frame into all four sides of the 418.8.4.3 Effective cross-sectional area within a joint,
joint and where each beam width is at least three-fourths l
A,-, shall be calculated from joint depth times effective l
the column width, the amount of reinforcement required
joint width. Joint depth shall be the overall depth of the l
by Section 4l8.7.5.4 shall be permitted to be reduced by
column, h. Effective joint width shall be the overall width
one-half, and the spacing required by Section 4l8.7.5.3
of the column, except where a beam frames into a wider
shall be permitted to be increased to I50 mm within the
column, effective joint width shall not exceed the smaller
overall depth h of the shallowest framing beam.
of (a) and (b):
4l8.8.3.3 Longitudinal beam reinforcement outside the
a. Beam width plus joint depth;
column core shall be con ned by transverse
reinforcement passing through the column that satis es
b. Twice the smaller perpendicular distance from
spacing requirements of Section 4l8.6.4.4, and
longitudinal axis of beam to column side.
requirements of Sections 4l8.6.4.2, and 4l8.6.4.3, if such
con nement is not provided by a beam framing into the
joint. 4l8.8.5 Development Length of Bars in Tension
418.8.3.4 Where beam negative moment reinforcement 418.8.5.1 For bar sizes 10 mm ¢ through 36 mm ¢
is provided by headed deformed bars that terminate in the terminating in a standard hook, fdh shall be calculated by
joint, the column shall extend above the top of the joint a Eq. 4l8.8.5.l, but Bah shall be at least the larger of Sdb
distance at least the depth h of the joint. Altematively, the and 150 mm. for normal-weight concrete and at least the
beam reinforcement shall be enclosed by additional larger of 10:1,, and 190 mm. for lightweight concrete.
vertical joint reinforcement providing equivalent
con nement to the top face of the joint. 0,”, = f,a,,/(s.4,t §) (4rs.s.5.r)
The value of/I shall be 0.75 for lightweight and 1.0 for
normal-weight concrete.
4l8.8.4.1 Vn of the joint shall be in accordance with 418.8.5.2 For headed deformed bars satisfying Section
Table 418.8.4.1. 420.2.1.6, development in tension shall be in accordance
7 —
with Section 425.4.4, except clear spacing between bars a. Requirements of Sections 418.6 through 418.8 for
shall be permitted to be at least Sdb or greater. special moment frames constructed with cast-in-place
418.8.5.3 For bar sizes 10 mm ¢ through 36 mm ¢, Pd,
the development length in tension for a straight bar, shall b. Provision Section 418.6.2.l(a) shall apply to
be at least the larger of (a) and (b): segments between locations where exural yielding
is intended to occur due to design displacements;
a. 2.5 times the length in accordance with Section
418.8.5.1 if the depth of the concrete cast in one lift c. Design strength of the strong connection, ¢S,,, shall
beneath the bar does not exceed 300 mm; be at least Se;
4l8.8.5.4 Straight bars terminated at a joint shall pass e. For column-to-column connections, ¢Sn shall be at
through the con ned core of a column or a boundary least 1.4-Se, ¢Mn shall be at least 0.4-Mp, for the
element. Any portion of 8,1 not within the con ned core column within the story height, and ¢Vn shall be at
shall be increased by a factor of 1.6. least Ve in accordance with Section 4l8.7.6.1.
418.8.5.5 If epoxy-coated reinforcement is used, the 418.9.2.3 Special moment frames constructed using
development lengths in Sections 418.8.5.l, 418.8.5.3, and precast concrete and not satisfying Section 418.9.2.1 or
418.8.5.4 shall be multiplied by applicable factors in 4l8.9.2.2 shall satisfy (a) through (c):
Section 425.4.2.4 or 425.4.3.2. '
a. ACI 374.1;
418.9 Special Moment Frames Constructed Using
Precast Concrete b. Details and materials used in the test specimens shall
be representative of those used in the structure;
4l8.9.1 Scope
c. The design procedure used to proportion the test
418.9.1.1 This section shall apply to special moment specimens shall de ne the mechanism by which the
frames constructed using precast concrete forming part of frame resists gravity and earthquake effects, and shall l
the seismic-force resisting system. establish acceptance values for sustaining that
mechanism. Portions of the mechanism that deviate
418.9.2 General from Code requirements shall be contained in the test
specimens and shall be tested to determine upper
418.9.2.1 Special moment frames with ductile bounds for acceptance values.
connections constructed using precast concrete shall l
é ___u-1'
4~'l 20 CHAPTER 4 » Structural Concrete
except that if V“ does not exceed 418.10.4.4 For all vertical wall segments sharing a
0.083A,vA\/f—.§, pl and p, shall be permitted to be common lateral force, Vn shall not be taken larger than
reduced to the values in Section 411.6. Reinforcement 0.66AC,,\/TI, where Am, is the gross area of concrete
spacing each way in structural walls shall not exceed 450 bounded by web thickness and length of section. For any
mm. Reinforcement contributing to V" shall be one of the individual vertical wall segments, V" shall not
continuous and shall be distributed across the shear plane. be taken larger than 0. 83AM,/f}, where Acw is the area
of concrete section of the individual vertical wall segment
4l8.10.2.2 At least two curtains of reinforcement shall considered.
be used in .1 wall if V, > 0.17A,,,.1,/E or nw/rw 2
2.0, in which hw and [W refer to height and length of 4l8.l0.4.5 For horizontal wall segments and coupling
entire wall, respectively. beams, Vn shall not be taken larger than 0.83/16w‘/_f_§,
where Acw is the area of concrete section of a horizontal
418.l0.2.3 Reinforcement in structural walls shall be wall segment or coupling beam.
developed or spliced for fy in tension in accordance with
Sections 425.4, 425.5, and (a) through (c): 418.10.5 Design for Flexure and Axial Force
a. Longitudinal reinforcement shall extend beyond the 418.l0.5.1 Structural walls and portions of such walls
point at which it is no longer required to resist exure subject to combined exure and axial loads shall be
by least 0. 88",, except at the top ofa wall; designed in accordance with Section 422.4. Concrete and
developed longitudinal reinforcement within effective
b. At locations where yielding of longitudinal ange widths, boundary elements, and the wall web shall
reinforcement is likely to occur as a result of lateral be considered effective. The effects of openings shall be
displacements, development lengths of longitudinal considered.
reinforcement shall be 1.25 times the values
calculated for fy in tension; 418.l0.5.2 Unless a more detailed analysis is perfonned,
effective ange widths of anged sections shall extend
c. Mechanical splices of reinforcement shall conform to from the face of the web a distance equal to the lesser of
Section 418.2.7 and welded splices of reinforcement one-half the distance to an adjacent wall web and 25
shall conform to Section 4l8.2.8. percent of the total wall height.
Ft.‘ * rztsrs
niitai .~. \~ ~;r Pt
7 r-r\. er ii ._.r;)irr_j.rgiQ
. /I ij
design displacement 8,, Ratio 6,,/hw shall not be reinforcement spacing limit of Section 4l8.7.5.3(a)
taken less than 0.005. shall be one-third of the least dimension of the
boundary element;
b. Where special boundary elements are required by (a),
the special boundary element transverse f. The amount of transverse reinforcement shall be in
reinforcement shall extend vertically above and accordance with Table 41 8.l0.6.4(f).
below the critical section at least the larger of PW and
Mu/4Vu, except as permitted in Section Table 418.10.6.4(l)
4l8.10.6.4(g). Transverse Reinforcement for
Special Boundary Elements
418.10.6.3 Structural walls not designed in accordance
with Section 418.l0.6.2 shall have special boundary “—|r44%
Transverse A licable ex ressions
elements at boundaries and edges around openings of reinforcement pp p
structural walls where the maximum extreme ber ASH Ag fc’
compressive stress, corresponding to load combinations
— 0.3 (— - 1) — l
Sbc Greater Ach fvr (a) I
including earthquake effects, E, exceeds 0.2f§. The F or rec t'l'
r rnear of Ologfi'
special boundary element shall be permitted to be
discontinued where the calculated compressive stress is hoop fyt lb) .
less than 0.15fQ. Stresses shall be calculated for the 0.45 - (C) L
factored loads using a linearly elastic model and gross 1 ps Greater ‘
For spiral or of 0-12 L’
section properties. For walls with anges, an effective
ange width as given in Section 418.l0.5.2 shall be used. l circular hoop fyt <d> j
418.10.6.4 Where special boundary elements are g. Where the critical section occurs at the wall base, the
required by Section 4l8.10.6.2 or 4l8.l0.6.3, (a) through boundary element transverse reinforcement at the
(h) shall be satis ed: wall base shall extend into the support at least Ed, in
accordance with Section 418.10.2.3, of the largest
a. The boundary element shall extend horizontally from longitudinal reinforcement in the special boundary
the extreme compression ber a distance be at least
the larger of c—0.1£’w and c/2, where c is the
element. Where the special boundary element
terminates on a footing, mat, or pile cap, special
largest neutral axis depth calculated for the factored boundary element transverse reinforcement shall
axial force and nominal moment strength consistent extend at least 300 mm into the footing, mat, or pile
with 81,; cap, unless _a greater extension is required by Section
l l
b. Width of exural compression zone b over the
horizontal distance calculated by Section h. Horizontal reinforcement in the wall web shall extend
4l8.10.6.4(a), including ange if present, shall be at to within 150 mm of the end of the wall.
least hu/ 16; Reinforcement shall be anchored to develop fy
within the con ned core of the boundary element
c. For walls or wall piers with hw/B", 2 2.0 that are using standard hooks or heads. Where the con ned
effectively continuous from the base of structure to boundary element has suf cient length to develop the
top of wall, designed to have a single critical section horizontal web reinforcement, and Asfy/S of the
for exure and axial loads, and with C/lw 2 3/8, horizontal web reinforcement does not exceed
width of the exural compression zone b over the
Asfy,/s of the boundary element transverse
length calculated in Section 418.l0.6.4(a) shall be
reinforcement parallel to the horizontal web
greater than or equal to 300 mm;
reinforcement, it shall be permitted to terminate the
horizontal web reinforcement without a standard
d. In anged sections, the boundary element shall
hook or head.
include the effective ange width in compression and
shall extend at least 300 mm. into the web;
418.10.6.5 Where special boundary elements are not
required by Section 4l8.l0.6.2 or 4l8.10.6.3, (a) and (b)
e. The boundary element transverse reinforcement shall shall be satis ed:
satisfy Sections 4l8.7.5.2(a) through (e) and Section
4l8.7.5.3, except the value hx in Section 4l8.7.5.2
a. If the longitudinal reinforcement ratio at the wall
shall not exceed the lesser of 350 mm and two-thirds
boundary exceeds 2.8/fy, boundary transverse
of the boundary element thickness, and the transverse
7 T" * *
4-‘i 22 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete 4423
the design shear force from the wall pier into the adjacent
ii) _ 0. 3sbc (5 - 1) Q wall segments.
* Ash fyt
4l8.l0.9 Construction Joints
Longitudinal spacing of transverse reinforcement shall not
exceed the smaller of 150 mm and 6db of the smallest 418.10.9.1 Construction joints in structural walls shall be
diagonal bars. Spacing of crossties or legs of hoops both speci ed according to Section 426.5.6, and contact
vertically and horizontally in the plane of the beam cross surfaces shall be roughened consistent with the condition
section shall not exceed 200 mm. Each crosstie and each selected in Section 422.9.4.2.
hoop leg shall engage a longitudinal bar of equal or
greater diameter. It shall be permitted to con gure hoops 418.10.10 Discontinuous Walls
as speci ed in Section 4l8.6.4.3.
418.10.10.1 Columns supporting discontinuous structural
418.10.8 Wall Piers walls shall be reinforced in accordance with Section
4l8.10.8.1 Wall piers shall satisfy the special moment
frame requirements for columns of Sections 418.7.4, 418.11 Special Structural Walls Constructed Using
4l8.7.5, and 4l8.7.6, withjoint faces taken as the top and Precast Concrete
bottom of the clear height of the wall pier. Alternatively,
wall piers with (fw/bw) > 2.5 shall satisfy (a) through 4l8.11.1 Scope
418.11.1.l This section shall apply to special structural
a. Design shear force shall be calculated in accordance walls constructed using precast concrete forming part of
with Section 418.7.6.l with joint faces taken as the the seismic-force resisting system. ll‘
top and bottom of the clear height of the wall pier. If
the general building code includes provisions to 418.11.2 General
account for overstrength of the seismic-force-
resisting system, the design shear force need not 418.1l.2.1 Special structural walls constructed using I
exceed S1,, times the factored shear calculated by precast concrete shall satisfy Section 418.10 and 4l8.5.2.
analysis of the structure for earthquake load effects;
418.11.2.2 Special structural walls constructed using
b. V" and distributed shear reinforcement shall satisfy precast concrete and unbonded post-tensioning tendons
Section 418.10.4; and not satisfying the requirements of Section 418.11.2.1
are pennitted provided they satisfy the requirements of
c. Transverse reinforcement shall be hoops except it ACI ITG 5.1.
shall be permitted to use single-leg horizontal
reinforcement parallel to £’w where only one curtain 418.12 Diaphragms and Trusses
of distributed shear reinforcement is provided.
Single-leg horizontal reinforcement shall have 180- 418.12.1 Scope
degree bends at each end that engage wall pier
boundary longitudinal reinforcement; 4l8.l2.1.1 This section shall apply to diaphragms and
collectors forming part of the seismic-force-resisting
d. Vertical spacing of transverse reinforcement shall not system in structures assigned to seismic zone 4.
exceed 150 mm;
4l8.12.1.2 Section 4l8.12.ll shall apply to structural
e. Transverse reinforcement shall extend at least 300 trusses forming part of the seismic-force-resisting system
mm. above and below the clear height of the wall in structures assigned to seismic zone 4.
418.12.2 Design Forces
f. Special boundary elements shall be provided if
required by Section 418.10.6.3. 418.12.2.1 The earthquake design forces for diaphragms
shall be obtained from the general building code using the
418.l0.8.2 For wall piers at the edge of a wall, horizontal applicable provisions and load combinations.
reinforcement shall be provided in adjacent wall segments
above and below the wall pier and be designed to transfer
Natloiiai Structural Code oi the Phiilppines Voiume l._ ‘Fth Edition, 2Q'i5
.___ ‘
p—=" i ___Z___
the design shear force from the wall pier into the adjacent
.. A f’ wall segments.
ll) ;_0. 3sbc - 1) g
4l8.l0.9 Construction Joints
Longitudinal spacing of transverse reinforcement shall not
exceed the smaller of 150 mm and 6d,, of the smallest 4l8.10.9.1 Construction joints in structural walls shall be I
diagonal bars. Spacing of crossties or legs of hoops both speci ed according to Section 426.5.6, and contact
vertically and horizontally in the plane of the beam cross surfaces shall be roughened consistent with the condition
section shall not exceed 200 mm. Each crosstie and each selected in Section 422.9.4.2.
hoop leg shall engage a longitudinal bar of equal or
greater diameter. It shall be permitted to con gure hoops 418.10.10 Discontinuous Walls
as speci ed in Section 418.6.4.3.
418.10.10.1 Columns supporting discontinuous structural
4l8.10.8 Wall Piers walls shall be reinforced in accordance with Section
418.10.8.1 Wall piers shall satisfy the special moment
frame requirements for columns of Sections 418.7.4, 418.11 Special Structural Walls Constructed Using
4l8.7.5, and 418.7.6, withjoint faces taken as the top and Precast Concrete
bottom of the clear height of the wall pier. Alternatively,
wall piers with (PW/bw) > 2.5 shall satisfy (a) through 4l8.11.l Scope
4l8.11.1.1 This section shall apply to special structural
a. Design shear force shall be calculated in accordance walls constructed using precast concrete forming part of
with Section 4l8.7.6.1 with joint faces taken as the the seismic-force resisting system.
top and bottom of the clear height of the wall pier. If
the general building code includes provisions to 418.11.2 General
account for overstrength of the seismic-force-
resisting system, the design shear force need not 418.11.2.1 Special structural walls constructed using
exceed 9.0 times the factored shear calculated by precast concrete shall satisfy Section 418.10 and 418.5.2.
analysis of the structure for earthquake load effects;
418.11.2.2 Special structural walls constructed using
b. V" and distributed shear reinforcement shall satisfy precast concrete and unbonded post-tensioning tendons
Section 418.10.4; and not satisfying the requirements of Section 418.11.2.1
are permitted provided they satisfy the requirements of
c. Transverse reinforcement shall be hoops except it ACI ITG 5.1.
shall be permitted to use single-leg horizontal
reinforcement parallel to Bw where only one curtain 418.12 Diaphragms and Trusses
of distributed shear reinforcement is provided.
Single-leg horizontal reinforcement shall have 180- 4l8.12.1 Scope
degree bends at each end that engage wall pier
boundary longitudinal reinforcement; 418.12.1.1 This section shall apply to diaphragms and
collectors forming part of the seismic-force-resisting
d. Vertical spacing of transverse reinforcement shall not system in structures assigned to seismic zone 4.
exceed 150 mm;
418.12.1.2 Section 418.12.1l shall apply to structural
e. Transverse reinforcement shall extend at least 300 trusses forming part of the seismic-force-resisting system
mm. above and below the clear height of the wall in structures assigned to seismic zone 4.
418.12.2 Design Forces
f. Special boundary elements shall be provided if
required by Section 418.10.6.3. 418.12.2.1 The earthquake design forces for diaphragms
shall be obtained from the general building code using the
418.l0.8.2 For wall piers at the edge of a wall, horizontal applicable provisions and load combinations.
reinforcement shall be provided in adjacent wall segments
above and below the wall pier and be designed to transfer
T? J
4->124 4 A Stiticiurei Concrete
418.l2.4.l A cast-in-place composite topping slab on a 4l8.12.7.5 Collector elements with compressive stresses
precast oor or roof shall be permitted as a structural exceeding 0.2)’; at any section shall have transverse
diaphragm, provided the cast-in-place topping slab is reinforcement satisfying Sections 4l8.7.5.2(a) through
reinforced and the surface of the previously hardened 418.7.5.2(e) and 4l8.7.5.3, except the spacing limit of
concrete on which the topping slab is placed is clean, free Section 418.7.5.3(a) shall be one-third of the least
of laitance, and intentionally roughened. dimension of the collector. The amount of transverse
reinforcement shall be in accordance with Table
4l8.12.5 Cast-in-Place Non-Composite Topping Slab 4l8.12.7.5. The speci ed transverse reinforcement is
Diaphragms permitted to be discontinued at a section where the
calculated compressive stress is less than 0. 15ft.
418.12.5.1 A cast-in-place non-composite topping on a
precast oor or roof shall be permitted as a structural If design forces have been ampli ed to account for the
diaphragm, provided the cast-in-place topping slab acting overstrength of the vertical elements of the seismic-force-
alone is designed and detailed to resist the design resisting system, the limit of O. Zfé shall be increased to
earthquake forces. 0.5fQ, and the limit of 0.151’; shall be increased to
418.12.6 Minimum Thickness of Diaphragms
Table 418.12.7.5
418.12.6.1 Concrete slabs and composite topping slabs Transverse Reinforcement for Collector Elements
serving as diaphragms used to transmit earthquake forces
shall be at least 50 mm thick. Topping slabs placed over Transverse I . . l
reinforcement Applicable expressions
precast oor or roof elements, acting as diaphragms and
not relying on composite action with the precast elements A
to resist the design earthquake forces, shall be at least 65
mm thick.
5 C
rectilinear hoop 7
418.12.7 Reinforcement
pf Greater
1) fyf b
, ( )
418.l2.7.1 The minimum reinforcement ratio for for spiral or of f, i
diaphragms shall be in conformance with Section 424.4. circular hoop 012 __
C (C)
Except for post-tensioned slabs, reinforcement spacing fyi
each way in oor or roof systems shall not exceed 450
mm. Where welded wire reinforcement is used as the 418.12.7.6 Longitudinal reinforcement detailing for
distributed reinforcement to resist shear in topping slabs collector elements at splices and anchorage zones shall
placed over precast oor and roof elements, the wires satisfy (a) or (b):
parallel to the joints between the precast elements shall be
spaced not less than 250 mm on center. Reinforcement a. Center-to-center spacing of at least three longitudinal
provided for shear strength shall be continuous and shall bar diameters, but not less than 40 mm, and concrete
be distributed uniformly across the shear plane.
F-I — _ -
clear cover of at least two and one-half longitudinal 41812.10 Construction Joints
bar diameters, but not less than 50 mm;
4l8.l2.10.1 Construction joints in diaphragms shall be
b. Area of transverse reinforcement, providing A1, at speci ed according to Section 426.5.6, and contact
least the greater of 0.062,/fQ(bws/fyt) and surfaces shall be roughened consistent with the condition
0.35bWs/fyt, except as required in Section selected in Section 422.9.4.2.
418.12.l1 Structural Trusses
4l8.12.8 Flexural Strength
4l8.l2.11.1 Structural truss elements with compressive
4l8.l2.8.l Diaphragms and portions of diaphragms shall stresses exceeding 0.2fQ at any section shall have
transverse reinforcement, in accordance with Sections
be designed for flexure in accordance with Section 412.
4l8.7.5.2, 4l8.7.5.3, 418.7.5.7, and Table 4l8.l2.1l.l,
The effects of openings shall be considered.
over the length ofthe element.
418.12.9 Shear Strength
Table 418.12.11.1
Transverse Reinforcement for Structural Trusses
4l8.12.9.1 Vn of diaphragms shall not exceed:
v,, = A,,,(0.17,1\/E + p,f,) (418.1291) .
licable ex ressions
A l
where A1,; is the total area of shear friction reinforcement 418.13.1.1 This section shall apply to foundations
within the topping slab, including both distributed and resisting earthquake-induced forces or transferring
boundary reinforcement, that is oriented perpendicular to eaithquake-induced forces between structure and ground
joints in the precast system and coef cient of friction, [1, in structures assigned to seismic Zone 4.
is 1.01, where A is given in Section 419.2.4. At least
one-half of Av; shall be uniformly distributed along the 418.13.1.2 The provisions in this section for piles, drilled
length of the potential shear plane. The area of distributed piers, caissons, and slabs-on-ground shall supplement
reinforcement in the topping slab shall satisfy Section other applicable Code design and construction criteria,
424.4.3.2 in each direction. including Sections 401.4.5 and 40l.4.6.
418.l2.9.4 Above joints between precast elements in 418.13.2 Footings, Foundation Mats, and Pile Caps
non-composite and composite cast-in-place topping slab
diaphragms, Vn shall not exceed the limits in Section 418.13.2.l Longitudinal reinforcement of columns and
422.9.4.4, where Ac is calculated using only the thickness structural walls resisting forces induced by earthquake
ofthe topping slab. effects shall extend into the footing, mat, or pile cap, and
shall be fully developed for tension at the interface.
12:51!-\:zz:=.l § LU
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CHAPTER: 4 4 Strt:ott.2ra! Concrete
4l8.13.2.2 Columns designed assuming xed-end a structural diaphragm and part of the seismic-force-
conditions at the foundation shall comply with Section resisting system.
4l8.13.2Tl and, if hooks are required, longitudinal
reinforcement resisting exure shall have 90-degree 4l8.13.4 Piles, Piers, and Caissons
hooks near the bottom of the foundation with the free end
of the bars oriented toward the center of the column. 4l8.13.4.1 Piles, piers, or caissons resisting tension loads
shall have continuous longitudinal reinforcement over the
4l8.l3.2.3 Columns or boundary elements of special length resisting design tension forces. The longitudinal
structural walls that have an edge within one-half the reinforcement shall be detailed to transfer tension forces
footing depth from an edge of the footing shall have within the pile cap to supported structural members.
transverse reinforcement in accordance with Sections
4l8.7.5.2 through 4l8.7.5.4 provided below the top of 4l8.13.4.2 Where tension forces induced by earthquake
the footing. This reinforcement shall extend into the effects are transferred between pile cap or mat foundation
footing, mat, or pile cap a length equal to the development and precast pile by reinforcing bars grouted or post-
length, calculated for fy in tension, of the column or installed in the top of the pile, the grouting system shall
boundary element longitudinal reinforcement. have been demonstrated by test to develop at least
1. 25]‘), ofthe bar.
4l8.13.2.4 Where earthquake effects create uplift forces
in boundary elements of special structural walls or 418.l3.4.3 Piles, piers, or caissons shall have transverse
columns, exural reinforcement shall be provided in the reinforcement in accordance with Sections 4l8.7.5.2(a)
top of the footing, mat or pile cap to resist actions through (e), 4l8.7.5.3 and 4l8.7.5.4 excluding
resulting from the factored load combinations, and shall requirements of (c) and (1) of Table 4l8.7.5.4 at locations
be at least that required by Section 407.6.l or 409.6.1. (a) and (b):
4l8.13.2.5 Structural plain concrete in footings and :1. At the top of the member for at least ve times the
basement walls shall be in accordance with Section member cross-sectional dimension, and at least 1.8 m
414.1.4. below the bottom of the pile cap;
418.13.3 Grade Beams and Slabs-on-Ground b. For the portion of piles in soil that is not capable of
providing lateral support, or in air and water, along
418.l3.3.1 Grade beams designed to act as horizontal the entire unsupported length plus the length required
ties between pile caps or footings shall have continuous 1n (a).
longitudinal reinforcement that shall be developed within
or beyond the supported column or anchored within the 418.13.4.4 For precast concrete driven piles, the length
pile cap or footing at all discontinuities. of transverse reinforcement provided shall be suf cient to
account for potential variations in the elevation of pile
418.l3.3.2 Grade beams designed to act as horizontal tips.
ties between pile caps or footings shall be sized such that
the smallest cross-sectional dimension shall be at least 418.l3.4.5 Concrete piles, piers, or caissons in
equal to the clear spacing between connected columns foundations supporting one- and two-story stud bearing
divided by 20,\but need not exceed 450 mm. Closed ties wall construction are exempt from the transverse
shall be provided at a spacing not to exceed the lesser of reinforcement requirements of Sections 418.13.4.3 and
one-half the smallest‘ orthogonal cross-sectional 4l8.l3.4.4.
dimension and 300 mm.
418.13.4.6 Pile caps incorporating batter piles shall be
418.13.3.3 Grade beams and beams that are part of a mat designed to resist the full compressive strength of the
foundation subjected to exure from columns that are part batter piles acting as short columns. The slenderness
of the seismic-force-resisting system shall be in effects of batter piles shall be considered for the portion
accordance with Section 418.6. of the piles in soil that is not capable of providing lateral
support, or in air or water.
418.13.3.4 Slabs-on-ground that resist earthquake forces l
from walls or columns that are part of the seismic-force-
resisting system shall be designed as diaphragms in
accordance with Section 418.12. The construction
documents shall clearly indicate that the slab-on-ground is
Association otSta't1eit;ral Engineers the
Philipgéiiies, inc {. 1.SEP}
is — e" —-r
CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete 4427
418.14 Members Not Designated as Part of the 4l8.l4.3.3 Where the induced moments or shears exceed
_ Seismic-Force-Resisting System ¢M,, or ¢Vn of the frame member, or if induced
moments or shears are not calculated, (a) through (d) shall
4l8.l4.1 Scope be satis ed:
418.l4.1.1 This section shall apply to members not a. Materials, mechanical splices, and welded splices
designated as part of the seismic-force-resisting system in
shall satisfy the requirements for special moment
structures assigned to seismic zone 4.
frames in Sections 4l8.2.5 through 4l8.2.8;
b. Durability requirements
. . Minimum Maximum
Application Concrete l f2,MPa fL,MPa
General and 17 None
moment Normal-wei ght 21 None
and special
structural Lightweight 2l 35
[ll The limit is permitted to be exceeded where demonstrated by
experimental evidence that members made with lightweight
concrete provide strength and toughness equal to or exceeding those
of comparable rnembers made with normal weight concrete of the
same strength.
é 4
CHAPTER 4 ~~ Structural Concrete 4-129
419.2.1.3 Unless otherwise speci ed, fé shall be based 4l9.2.4.3 If the measured average splitting tensile
on 28-day tests. If other than 28 days, test age for fé shall strength of lightweight concrete, fat, is used to calculate
be indicated in the construction documents. A, laboratory tests shall be conducted in accordance with
ASTM C33OM to establish the value of fa and the
419.2.2 Modulus of Elasticity corresponding value of fm and A shall be calculated
419.2.2.1 Modulus of elasticity, EC, for concrete shall
be permitted to be calculated as (a) or (b):
/hisfa 1-0 4t9.2.4.3
0.56./f,,,, ( )
a. For values of wt between 1440 and 2560 kg/ 1113
The concrete mixture tested in order to calculate A shall
EC = W61-50_043\/T; (in MPa) (4l9.2.2.1.a) be representative of that to be used in the Work.
Additional requirements
Exposure Maximum Minimum - 1 Limits on cementitious
Class w/cmm fQ, MPa Air content ‘ materials
1 F0 N/A 17 N/A N/A
F1 0.55 24 Table 419.3.3.1 N/A
F2 1 0.45 31 Table 419.3.3.1 N/A
F3 I 0.40 1”‘ | 35"] Table 419.331 Section 426.4.2.2(b)
1 Cementitious materials m - Types
i ASTM ASTM ASTM Calcium chloride admixture
‘A clsolvi 1 C595M C1l57M
No Type No Type No Type No restriction
S0 N/A 17 . . . . . .
restriction restriction restriction
Types IP,IS, or
s1 \ 0.50 28 11 “"51 ITwith (MS) MS No restriction
l designation .
Types IP,IS, or
S2 0.45 31 v [51 ITwith (HS) HS Not permitted
Types IP,IS, or 1
V plus IT“/ith (HS) HS plus
pozzolan . . pozzolan or Not permitted
S3 0.45 31 designation
or slag slag cement
[6] plus pozzolan or [6]
1 cement _ slag cementm
W0 N/A 17 None
W1 0.50 28 None
Maximum water-soluble chloride ion
(Cl-) content in concrete, percent by weight of
1 cement 7] Additional provisions
7 Non- restressed
cgncrete Prestressed concrete
_ l
C0 1 N/A S 17 1.00 I 0.06 None
. c1 | N/A 17 0.30 J 0.06
_ c2 [_ 0.40 35 0.15 | 0.06 Concrete cover IR]
['1 The maximum w/cm limits in Table 4l9.3.2.l do not apply to lightweight concrete.
[2] For plain concrete, the maximumw/cm shall be 0.45 and the minimum ff, shall be 31.0 MPa.
[3] Alternative combinations of cementitious materials to those listed in Table 419.3.2.1 are permitted when tested for sulfate resistance and meeting the
criteria in Section 426.4.2.2(c).
[4] For seawater exposure, other types of portland cements with tricalcium aluminate (C;A) contents up to 10 percent are permitted if the w/cm does not
exceed 0.40.
[5] Other available types of cement such as Type I or Type III are permitted in Exposure Classes S1 or S2 if the C;A contents are less than 8 percent for
Exposure Class S1 or less than 5 percent for Exposure Class S2.
The amount of the speci c source of the pozzolan or slag cement to be used shall be at least the amount that has been determined by service record to
[6] improve sulfate resistance when used in concrete containing Type V cement. Alternatively, the amount of the speci c source of the pozzolan or slag
cement to be used shall be at least the amount tested in accordance with ASTM C1012 and meeting the criteria in Section 426.4.2.2(c).
[7] Water-soluble chloride ion content that is contributed from the ingredients including water, aggregates, cementitious materials, and admixtures shall be
determined on the concrete mixture by ASTM Cl218M at age between 28 and 42 days.
[8] Concrete cover shall be in accordance with Section 420.6.
r _ ;
CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete 4~l 31
a. Material properties;
Nominal maximum Target air content, percent
aggregate size, mm. Fl F2 and F3
10 6 7.5 b. Properties to be used for design;
12 5.5 7
20 5 6 c. Durability requirements, including minimum
25 4.5 6 speci ed cover requirements.
40 4.5 5.5
50 4 5 420.1.2 Provisions of Section 420.7 shall apply to
75 3.5 4.5 embedments.
419.3.3.2 Concrete shall be sampled in accordance with 420.2 Non-Prestressed Bars and Wires
ASTM C172, and air content shall be measured in
accordance with ASTM C231M or ASTM C173M. g 420.2.1 Material Properties
419.3.3.3 For [Q exceeding 35 MPa, reduction of air 420.2.1.1 Non-prestressed bars and wires shall be
content indicated in Table 4l9.3.3.1 by 1.0 percentage deformed, except plain bars or wires are permitted for use
point is permitted. in spirals.
419.3.3.4 The maximum percentage of pozzolans, 420.2.1.2 Yield strength of non-prestressed bars and
including y ash and silica fume, and slag cement in wires shall be determined by either (a) or (b):
concrete assigned to Exposure Class F3, shall be in
accordance with Section 426.4.2.2(b). a. The offset-method, using an offset of 0.2 percent in
accordance with ASTM A370;
419.3.4 Alternative Combinations of Cementitious
Materials for Sulfate Exposure b. The yield point by the halt-of-force method, provided
the non-prestressed bar or wire has a sharp-kneed or
419.3.4.1 Alternative combinations of cementitious well-de ned type of yield point.
materials to those listed in Section 419.3.2 are permitted
when tested for sulfate resistance. Testing and acceptance 420.2.1.3 Deformed bars shall conform to (a), (b), (c),
criteria shall conform to Table 426.4.2.2(c). (<1), <>r(@)-
419.4 Grout Durability Requirements a. ASTM A6l5M — carbon steel;
419.4.1 Water-soluble chloride ion content of grout for b. ASTM A706M — low-alloy steel;
bonded tendons shall not exceed 0.06 percent when tested
in accordance with ASTM C1218M, measured by mass of c. ASTM A996M — axle steel and rail steel; bars from
chloride ion to mass of cement. rail steel shall be Type R;
;_ .
é »--<- -
U .1
420 2.1.4 Plain bars for spiral reinforcement shall 420.2.2.4 Types of non-prestressed bars and wires to be
COnf0ITl1 to ASTM A6l5M, A706M, A955M, or speci ed for particular structural applications shall be in
AlO35M. accordance with Table 420.2.2.4(a) for deformed
reinforcement and Table 420.2.2.4(b) for plain
420.2.1.5 Welded deformed bar mats shall conform to reinforcement.
ASTM Al84M. Deformed bars used in welded deformed
bar mats shall conform to ASTM A6l5M or A706M. 420.2.2.5 Defomied non-prestressed longitudinal
reinforcement resisting earthquake-induced moment, axial
420.2.l.6 Headed deformed bars shall conform to ASTM force, or both, in special moment frames, special
A970M, including Annex A1 requirements for Class HA structural walls, and all components of special structural
head dimensions. walls including coupling beams and wall piers shall be in
accordance with (a) or (b):
420.2.l.7 Defonned wire, plain wire, welded deformed
wire reinforcement, and Welded plain wire reinforcement a) ASTM A706M, Grade 420;
shall conform to (a) or (b), except that yield strength shall
be determined in accordance with 420.2.1.2: b) ASTM A6l5M Grade 280 reinforcement if (i) and
are satis ed and ASTM A6l5M Grade 420
a. AlO64M — carbon steel; reinforcement if (i) through (iii) are satis ed.
b. Al022M — stainless steel. i. actual yield strength based on mill tests does not
exceed fy by more than 125 MPa;
420.2.1.7.l Deformed wire sizes MD25 through MD200
shall be permitted. ii. ratio of the actual tensile strength to the actual
yield strength is at least 1.25;
420. Deformed wire sizes larger than MD200
shall be permitted in welded wire reinforcement if treated iii. minimum elongation in 200 mm shall be at least
as plain wire for calculation of development and splice 14 percent for bar sizes 10 mm ¢ through 20
lengths in accordance with Sections 425.4.7 and 425.5.4, mm gb, at least 12 percent for bar sizes 25 mm ¢
respectively. through 36 mm (I), and at least 10 percent for bar
sizes 40 mm ¢ and 58 mm ¢.
420. Except as permitted for welded wire
reinforcement used as stirrups in accordance with Section 420.3 Prestressing Strands, Wires, and Bars
425.7.1, spacing of welded intersections in welded wire
reinforcement in direction of calculated stress shall not 420.3.1 Material Properties
exceed (a) or (b):
420.3.l.1 Except as required in Section 420.3.l.3 for
a. 400 mm for welded deformed wire reinforcement;
special moment frames and special structural walls,
prestressing reinforcement shall conform to (a), (b), (c),
b. 300 mm for welded plain wire reinforcement. or (d):
420.2.2 Design Properties a. ASTM A4l6M — strand;
420.2.2.1 For non-prestressed bars and wires, the stress b. ASTM A42lM — wire;
below fy shall be Es times steel strain. For strains greater
than that corresponding to fy, stress shall be considered c. ASTM A42lM — low-relaxation wire including,
independent of strain and equal to f3,. Supplementary Requirement S1 “Low-Relaxation
Wire and Relaxation Testing”;
420.2.2.2 Modulus of elasticity, Es, for nonprestressed
bars and wires shall be pennitted to be taken as 200,000 d. ASTM A722M — high-strength bar.
420.3.1.2 Prestressing strands, wires, and bars not listed
420.2.2.3 Yield strength for non-prestressed bars and in ASTM A4l6M, A42lM, or A722M are permitted
Wires shall be based on the speci ed grade of provided they conform to minimum requirements of these
reinforcement and shall not exceed the values given in speci cations and are shown by test or analysis not to
Section 420.2.2.4 for the associated applications. impair the performance of the member.
W u——— 7
) .m
420.3.1.3 Prestressing reinforcement resisting beams and wall piers, cast using precast concrete shall ‘l
.ea1-thquake-induced moment and axial force, or both, in comply with ASTM A4l6M or A722M. 1
special moment frames, special structural walls, and all
components of special structural walls including coupling
Table 420.2.2.4(a)
Non-Prestressed Deformed Reinforcement
Maximum Applicable ASTM Speci cation
value off}, or fy,
Usage APP|i¢ li0Il permitted for Deformed Deformed Welded
Welded wire
design calculations, Bars Wires deformed
MPa bar mats
Flexure, axial Refer to Not
seismic 420 Not permitted Not permitted
force, and Sect. 420.2.2.5 permitted
systems l
shrinkage and
temperature Other A6l5M, A706M, A 1 064M, Al064M,
550 Al84M[l]
A955M, A996M A l 022M Al022M
Special A6l5M, A706M,
seismic 700 A955M, A996M,
A1064M Al 064M[2], Not permitted
Lateral support systems A1035M
A 1 022M A1022Ml2]
of longitudinal A6l5M, A706M,
bars or concrete Spirals 700 Al064M,
A955M, A996M, Not permitted Not permitted
con nement , Al022M
A1035M 1
Others 550
A61 5M, A706M,
A955M, A996M
Not permitted l
A6l5M, A706M, Al064M,
Seismic 420 Not permitted Not permitted
A955M, A996M Al022M
Spirals 420
A615M,A706M, I A 1 064M, Al064M,
A955M, A996M Not permitted
A 1 022M Al022M 1
shear Shear A1064M and
A6l5M, A706M, Al064M,
420 Al022M welded Not permitted
friction A955M, A996M Al022M
plain wire
Stirrups, ties, Al064M and
A6l5M, A706M, . Al064M,
550 Al022M welded Not permitted
hoops A955M, A996M A 1 022M
deformed wire
A6l5M, A706M, Al064M, A 1 064M,
Torsion and 420 Not permitted
. transverse A955M, A996M Al022M A 1 022M
him Welded deformed bar mats shat] be permitted to be assembled using A6l5M or A706M deformed bars.
[2] ASTM A1064M and Al022M are not permitted in special seismic systems where the weld is required to resist stresses in response to con nement,
lateral support of longitudinal bars, shear, or other actions.
4-134 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
Maximum 1 Applicable 1
value of fy or fy, ASTM 1
Usage Application
permitted for design p Speci cation 1 1 i
‘ calculations, MPa Plain Bars Plain Wires
A6l5M, 1
Spirals in special A706M, A1 064M,
seismic systems A955M, Al022M
Lateral support of A1035M
longitudinal bars or
Concrete I
con nement A6 1 SM,
A706M, Al064M,
Spirals 700
A955M, Al022M
A l 035M
1 ‘ A6l5M, ‘
Shear Spirals 420
A706M, A] 06411/1,
A955M, Al022M
Torsion in 1 A6l5M, ‘
A706M, A 1 06411/1, 1
Non-prestressed Spirals 420
A955M, Al 0221/1
E A1035M
Table 420.3.2.2 Prestressing Strands, Wires, and Bars
Association of Structural Engineers ofthe Philippines, lnc. (ASEP) I1
% — _ ___, _ _,
CHAPTER 4 — Structural Concrete 4-135 1
> ——— ‘
4-136 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
CH/iPTEF€ 4 -- Si1‘tlct1ii‘81 tlilrltzrete 51- 1 Cs?
Speci ed b. 50 mm.
Concrete Member Reinforcement cover,
exposure mm. and for concrete cast against and permanently in contact
40 mm ¢ and 58 mm ¢>
with ground, the speci ed cover shall be 75 mm.
bars; tendons larger 40,
than 40 mm diameter
36 mm ¢ bars and
420.6.l.3.5 For headed shear stud reinforcement,
Walls smaller; speci ed concrete cover for the heads or base rails shall
MW200 and MD200 be at least that required for the reinforcement in the
wire and smaller; member.
tendons and strands 40
Exposed mm ¢ and smaller
to 420.6.l.4 Speci ed Concrete Cover Requirements
40 inm qb and 58 mm ¢> for Corrosive Environments
bars; tendons larger 50
or in
than 40 mm ¢
contact 420. In corrosive environments or other severe
20 mm ¢ through 36
with exposure conditions, the speci ed concrete cover shall be
mm <1) bars; tendons
ground increased as deemed necessary. The applicable
and strands larger than 40
All other 16 mm ¢ through 40 requirements for concrete based on exposure categories in
mm ¢ Section 419.3 shall be satis ed, or other protection shall
16 mm <;b bar, MW200 be provided.
or MD200 wire, and
smaller; tendons and 32 420.6.l.4.2 For prestressed concrete members classi ed
strands 16 mm ¢ and as Class T or C in Section 424.5.2 and exposed to
smaller corrosive environments or other severe exposure
40 mm ¢ and 58 mm ¢> categories such as those given in Section 419.3, the
bars; tendons larger 45
speci ed concrete cover for prestressed reinforcement
than_40 mm <1) _
Slabs, shall be at least 1.5 times the cover in Section 420.6.l.3.2
Tendons and strands 40
joists, 1 20 for cast-in-place members and in Section 420.6.l.3.3 for
mm ¢ and smal_ler
Not and walls precast members.
36 mm ¢ bar, MW200
or MD200 wire, and 16
smaller 420. If the pre-compressed tensile zone is not in pl
1 Greater of tension under sustained loads, Section 420.6.l.4.2 need
or in
contact db not be satis ed.
and 16
with columns,
Primary reinforcement mm and 420.6.2 Non-Prestressed Coated Reinforcement
ground pedestals,
need not
exceed 40
tension 420.6.2.1 Non-prestressed coated reinforcement shall
ties conform to Table 420.6.2.1.
Stirrups, ties, spirals,
and h°°PS Table 420.6.2.1
Non-Prestressed Coated Reinforcement
420.6.l.3.2 Cast-in-place prestressed concrete members
shall have speci ed concrete cover for reinforcement, Type“ App 1'1C8 bleASTM Sp eci cations
ducts and end ttings at least that given in Table Coating
420.6.l.3.2. Bar Wire
420.6.l.3.3 Precast non-prestressed or prestressed Zinc-coated A767M Al060M
concrete members manufactured under plant conditions A775M
shall have speci ed concrete cover for reinforcement, Epoxy-coated or A884M A884M
ducts, and end ttings at least that given in Table A934M
420.6.l.3.3. Zinc and Not
epoxy dual Al055M permitted
coated ,
R ——
4-138 CHAPTER 4 -- Structural Concrete 1
420.6.2.2 Deformed bars to be zinc-coated, epoxy- 420.7 Embedments
coated, or zinc and epoxy dual-coated shall conform to
Sections 420.2.1.3 (a), (b) or (c). 420.7.1 Embedments shall not signi cantly impair the
strength of the structure and shall not reduce re
420.6.2.3 Wire and welded wire reinforcement to be protection.
epoxy-coated shall conform to Section 420.2.l.7(a).
420.7.2 Embedment materials shall not be hannful to
420.6.3 Corrosion Protection for Unbounded concrete or reinforcement.
Prestressing Reinforcement
420.7.3 Aluminum embedments shall be coated or
420.6.3.1 Unbonded prestressing reinforcement shall be covered to prevent aluminum-concrete reaction and
encased in sheathing, and the space between the strand electrolytic action between aluminum and steel.
and the sheathing shall be completely lled with a
material formulated to inhibit corrosion. Sheathing shall 420.7.4 Reinforcement with an area at least 0.002
be watertight and continuous over the unbonded length. times the area of the concrete section shall be provided
perpendicular to pipe embedments.
420.6.3.2 In corrosive environments, the sheathing shall
be connected to all stressing, intermediate, and xed 420.7.5 Speci ed concrete cover for pipe embedments
anchorages in a watertight fashion. with their ttings shall be at least 40 mm for concrete
exposed to earth or weather, and at least 20mm for
420.6.3.3 Unbonded single-strand tendons shall be concrete not exposed to weather, or not in contact with
protected against con'osion in accordance with ACI 423.7. ground.
420.6.4 Corrosion Protection for Grouted Tendons 420.7.6 Use of Quenched Tempered Thermo-
Mechanically Treated (QT/TMT)
420.6.4.1 Ducts for grouted tendons shall be grout-tight Reinforcing Bars in Structures Located in
and non-reactive with concrete, prestressing Seismic Zone 4
reinforcement, grout, and corrosion inhibitor admixtures.
420.7.6.1 (NZS 3101 Reinforcing bars to
420.6.4.2 Ducts shall be maintained free of water. comply with AS/NZS 4671. Reinforcement shall be
manufactured using either the micro-alloy process or the
420.6.4.3 Ducts for grouted single-wire, single-strand, or in-line quenched and tempered process. However, where
single-bar tendons shall have an inside diameter at least the in-line quenched and tempered process, or equivalent
6mm larger than the diameter of the prestressing is used, the restrictions of Section 420.7.6.2 shall apply.
420.7.6.2 (NZS 3101 Restrictions on In-line
420.6.4.4 Ducts for grouted multiple wire, multiple Quenched and Tempered Reinforcement:
strand, or multiple bar tendons shall have an inside cross-
sectional area at least two times the cross-sectional area of Reinforcement bars manufactured by the in-line quenched
the prestressing reinforcement. and tempered process shall not be used when welding,
galvanizing, hot bending, or threading of bars occurs.
420.6.5 Corrosion Protection for Post-Tensioning
Anchorages, Couplers, and End Fittings 420.7.6.3 (NZS 3101 C5.3.2)
420.6.5.1 Anchorages, couplers, and end ttings shall be It is important to note that any process involving heat e.g.
protected to provide long-term resistance to corrosion. welding, galvanizing, hot bending can adversely affect the
mechanical properties of quenched and tempered
420.6.6 Corrosion Protection for External Post- reinforcing bars by modi cation of the micro-structure.
Threading of quenched and tempered bar removes some to
420.6.6.1 External tendons and tendon anchorage all hardened outer layer resulting in a disproportionate loss
regions shall be protected against corrosion. of strength.
E 4R-'-IR)‘
CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete 4-139 l
420.7.6.4 (NZS 3109 Amendment 2) SECTION 421
Quenched and tempered reinforcing bars shall not be
straightened or rebent. FACTORS
420.7.6.5 (AS/NZS 1554.3:2002) 421.1 Scope
Quenched and tempered reinforcing bars cannot be 42l.1.1 This section shall apply to the selection of
welded without strength loss. It is recommended that a strength reduction factors used in design, except as
suitable waming be added to the standard to this effect. pennitted by Section 427.
This is covered in the amendment to NZS 3101.
421.2 Strength Reduction Factors for Structural
420.7.7 Restrictions in the Use of Quenched Concrete Members and Connections
Tempered Thermo-mechanically Treated
(QT/TMT) Reinforcing Bars in Structures 421.2.1 Strength reduction factors, ¢, shall be in
Located in Seismic Zone 4 accordance with Table 421.2.1, except as modi ed by F.
Sections 42l.2.2, 42l.2.3, and 42l.2.4.
420.7.7.1The restrictions prohibit the use of quenched
tempered (QT) and thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) 421.2.2 Strength reduction factor for moment, axial
reinforcing bars speci cally where: force, or combined moment and axial force shall be in
accordance with Table 421 .2.2.
1. There is preheating greater than 275°C;
T - '
1 1
4-140 CHAPTER 4 » Structural Concrete 1
Table 42l.2.l
Strength Reduction Factors, (I)
Table 42 1.2.2
Strength Reduction Factor, (I), for Moment, Axial Force, or Combined Moment and Axial Force
421.2.2.2 For all prestressed reinforcement, spy shall be 421.2.4 For structures that rely on elements in (a), (b),
taken as 0.002. or (c) to resist earthquake effects, E, the value of
¢ for shear shall be modi ed in accordance with Sections
421.2.3 For sections in1 pretensioned members where 421.2.4.1 through 421.2.4.3
strand is not fully developed, ¢ shall be calculated at each
section in accordance with Table 421.2.3, where 4'" is a. Special moment frames;
calculated using Eq. 421.2.3, 8,“, is the debonded length
at the end of the member, fSe is the effective stress in the b. Special structural walls;
prestressed reinforcement after allowance for all losses,
and 8,, is given in Section 425.4.8.1. c. Intermediate precast structural walls in structures
assigned to seismic zone 4.
— ".___ _
CHAPTER 4 — Structural Concrete 4-141
421.2.4.l For any member designed to resist E, 421.2.4.3 For beam-column joints and diagonally
¢ for shear shall be 0.60 if the nominal shear strength of reinforced coupling beams, 4) for shear shall be 0.85.
the mémber is less than the shear corresponding to the
development of the nominal moment strength of the
member. The nominal moment strength shall be
calculated considering the most critical factored axial
loads and including E.
['1 Stress calculated using gross cross-sectional properties in extreme concrete ber of pre-compressed tensile zone under service loads after allowance
for all prestress losses at section under consideration.
[2] It shall be permitted to use a strength reduction factor of 0.75.
l 1
f. Bearing;
a = B16 (422.
g. Shear friction.
422. Distance from the ber of maximum i
compressive strain to the neutral axis, C, shall be
422.l.2 Sectional strength requirements of this chapter measured perpendicular to the neutral axis.
shall be satis ed unless the member or region of the
member is designed in accordance with Section 423. 422. Values of B1 shall be in accordance with
Table 422.
422.1.3 Design strength at a section shall be taken as Table 422.
the nominal strength multiplied by the applicable strength Values of B1 for Equivalent Rectangular Concrete
reduction factor, ¢, given in Section 421.
Stress Distribution
7 ---—- -—-—~—?-i
CHAPTER 4 \~ Siructurai Concrete 4443
nominal exural strength, fps, shall be calculated in 422.4 Axial Strength or Combined Flexural and
accordance with Section 420.3.2.3. Axial Strength ii
422.2.4.2 For members with unbonded prestressing 422.4.1 General
reinforcement conforming to Section 420.3.l, fns shall be
calculated in accordance with Section 420.3.2.4. 422.4.1.l Nominal exural and axial strength shall be
calculated in accordance with the assumptions of Section
422.2.4.3 If the embedded length of the prestressing 422.2.
strand is less than Ed, the design strand stress shall not
exceed the value given in Section 425.4.8.3, as modi ed 422.4.2 Maximum Axial Compressive Strength
by Section 425.4.8.l(b).
422.4.2.l Nominal axial compressive strength, Pn, shall
422.3 Flexural Strength not exceed Pnlmnx, in accordance with Table 422.4.2.l,
where P0 is calculated by Eq. 422.4.2.2 for non-
422.3.l General prestressed members and composite steel and concrete
members, and by Eq. 422.4.2.3 for prestressed members.
422.3.1.1 Nominal exural strength Mn shall be
calculated in accordance with the assumptions of Section Table 422.4.2.l
422.2. Maximum Axial Strength
_____, M,—__.
4-144 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
422.4.2.4 Tie reinforcement for lateral support of 422.5.1.8 Effect of axial tension due to creep and
longitudinal reinforcement in compression members shall shrinkage in restrained members shall be considered in
satisfy Sections 410.7.6.2 and 425.7.2. calculating Vn.
422.4.2.5 Spiral reinforcement for lateral support of 422.5.1.9 Effect of inclined exural compression in
longitudinal reinforcement in compression members shall variable depth members shall be permitted to be
satisfy Sections 4l0.7.6.3 and 425.7.3. considered in calculating Vn.
422.4.3.1 Nominal axial tensile strength of a non- 422.5.2.1 For calculation of V6 and V, in prestressed
prestressed, composite, or prestressed member, Pnt, shall members, d shall be taken as the distance from the
not be taken greater than Pnmnnx , calculated by: extreme compression ber to the centroid of prestressed
and any non-prestressed longitudinal reinforcement but
need not be taken less than 0. 8h.
Pnt,max : fyAst + (fse + Afp)/‘pt (422-4-3-1)
422.5.2.2 For calculation of VC and V, in solid, circular
sections, d shall be permitted to be taken as 0.8 times the
where (fse + Afn) shall not exceed fny, and An, is zero diameter and bw shall be permitted to be taken as the '1
for non-prestressed members. diameter. l
422.5 One-way Shear Strength 422.5.3 Limiting Material Strengths
422.5.1 General _ 422.5.3.l The value of \/E used to calculate VC, Va,
and Van, for one-way shear shall not exceed 8.3MPa,
422.5.1.1 Nominal one-way shear strength at a section, unless allowed in Section 422.5.3.2.
Vn, shall be calculated by:
422.5.3.2 Values of \/E greater than 8.3MPa shall be
vn = V, + V, (422.5.1.1) permitted in calculating Vc, Va, and Vcn, for reinforced or
prestressed concrete beams and concrete joist construction
422.5.1.2 Cross-sectional dimensions shall be selected to having minimum web reinforcement in accordance with
satisfy Eq. 422.5.l .2. Section 409.6.3.3 or 409.6.4.2.
vn s ¢(v, + 0.67,/7Zb,,,a) (422.5.1.2) 422.5.3.3 The values of fy and fyt used to calculate V,
shall not exceed the limits in Section 420.2.2.4.
in-M _
7 _
CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete 4445
Detailed Method for Calculating V, where Nn is negative for tension, and V, shall not be less
than zero. ‘l
Vd [ll
Least of (0.161,/E + 17pW bwd 422.5.8 V, for Prestressed Members L}
(11), (b), '*
and (0.16/1./'f," + 17pw)bwa
422.5.8.1 This section shall apply to the calculation of
(°)" 0.29,i,[}‘,7bWd V, for post-tensioned and pretensioned members in
Mn occurs simultaneously with Vn at the section
regions where the effective force in the prestressed
reinforcement is fully transferred to the concrete. For
regions of pretensioned members where the effective
422.5.6 V, for Non-Prestressed Members with Axial
force in the prestressed reinforcement is not fully
transferred to the concrete, Section 422.5.9 shall govem
the calculation of V,.
422.5.6.1 For non-prestressed members with axial
compression, V, shall be calculated by;
422.5.8.2 For prestressed exural members with
A,,,f,, 2 0.4(A,,,f,,, + A,f,), V, shall be calculated in
N accordance with Table 422.5.8.2, but need not be less
v, = 0.17 1 + —"
14,4, A,/ bwa (422.5.6.1) than the value calculated by Eq. 422.5.5.l. Alternatively,
it shall be permitted to calculate V, in accordance with
Section 422.5.8.3.
unless a more detailed calculation is made in accordance
with Table 422.5.6.1, where Nn is positive for Table 422.5.8.2 aJ
compression. Approximate Method for Calculating V,
ox)‘, (0.05/1,/E + 4.8 bwd (a)
and (0.05/1,/FZ + 4.8) bwd (b) 1
(c): 0.42.1,/Ei>,,a
’ (C)
['1 Mn occurs simultaneously with Vn at the section considered
i - I
4446 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
422.5.8.3 For prestressed members, V, shall be 422.5.9 V, for Pretensioned Members in Regions of
permitted to be the lesser of V,, calculated in accordance Reduced Prestress Force
with Section 422.5.8.3.l and V,n, calculated in accordance
with Section 422. or 422. 422.5.9.1 When calculating V,, the transfer length of
prestressed reinforcement £’,,., shall be assumed to be
422.5.8.3.l The exure-shear strength, V,,, shall be the 50db for strand and 10011,, for wire.
greater of (a) and (b):
422.5.9.2 If bonding of strands extends to the end of the
member, the effective prestress force shall be assumed to
a. V,, = 0. 05,1,/ bwa + V, + it vary linearly from zero at the end of the prestressed
Mmax reinforcement to a maximum at a distance 3,, from the
(422.5.8.3.la) end of the prestressed reinforcement.
a. Where the centroidal axis of the prestressed cross b. The reduced effective prestress force shall be used to
section is in the web, the principal tensile stress shall calculate V, in accordance with Section 422.5.8.3;
be calculated at the centroidal axis;
c. The value of V, calculated using Section 422.5.8.2
b. Where the centroidal axis of the prestressed cross shall not exceed the value of V,w calculated using
section is in the ange, the principal tensile stress the reduced effective prestress force.
shall be calculated at the intersection of the ange
and the web. 422.5.10 One-way Shear Reinforcement
422. In composite members, the principal tensile 422.5.l0.l At each section where Vn > ¢V,, transverse
stress in Section 422. shall be calculated using the reinforcement shall be provided such that Eq. 422.5.l0.l
cross section that resists live load. is satis ed.
V, 2 g - V, (422.5.10.1)
CHAPTER 4 » Structural Concrete 4447
422.5.l0.2 For one-way members reinforced with 422. For each rectangular tie, stirrup, hoop, or
trans\_/erse reinforcement, V, shall be calculated in crosstie, A, shall be the effective area of all bar legs or
accordance with Section 422.5.l0.5. wires within spacing S.
422.5.10.3 For one-way members reinforced with bent- 422.5.l0.5.6 For each circular tie or spiral, A, shall be
up longitudinal bars, V, shall be calculated in accordance two times the area of the bar or wire within spacing s.
with Section 422.5.l0.6.
422.5.l0.6 One-Way Shear Strength Provided by
422.5.10.4 If more than one type of shear reinforcement Bent-Up Longitudinal Bars
is provided to reinforce the same portion ofa member, V,
shall be the sum of the V, values for the various types of 422. The center three-fourths of the inclined
shear reinforcement. portion of bent-up longitudinal bars shall be permitted to
be used as shear reinforcement in non-prestressed
422.5.l0.5 One-way Shear Strength Provided by members if the angle or between the bent-up bars and the
Transverse Reinforcement longitudinal axis of the member is at least 30 degrees.
422. In non-prestressed and prestressed members, 422. If shear reinforcement consists of a single
shear reinforcement satisfying (a), (b), or (c) shall be bar or a single group of parallel bars having an area A,,,
permitted: all bent the same distance from the support, V, shall be
the lesser of (a) and (b):
a. Stirrups, ties, or hoops perpendicular to longitudinal
axis of member;
a. V, = /1,1, sina (422.5.lO.6.2a)
b. Axial welded wire reinforcement with wires located
perpendicular to longitudinal axis of member; b. V, = 0.25 ,/Ebwa (422.
c. Spiral reinforcement.
where a is the angle between bent-up reinforcement and
longitudinal axis of the member.
422.5.l0.5.2 Inclined stirrups making an angle of at least
45 degrees with the longitudinal axis of the member and
crossing the plane of the potential shear crack shall be 422. If shear reinforcement consists of a series
permitted to be used as shear reinforcement in non- of parallel bent-up bars or groups of parallel bent-up bars
prestressed members. at different distances from the support, V, shall be
calculated by Eq. 422. l
422. V, for shear reinforcement in Section
422.5.l0.5.l shall be calculated by: 422.6 Two-Way Shear Strength
A d 422.6.1 General
vs = % (422.5.10.3)
422.6.1.1 Provisions Sections 422.6.l through 422.6.8
apply to the nominal shear strength of two-way members
where s is the spiral pitch or the longitudinal spacing of
with and without shear reinforcement. Where structural
the shear reinforcement and A, is given in Section
steel I- or channel-shaped sections are used as shear
422. or 422.5.l0.5.6.
heads, two-way members shall be designed for shear in
accordance with Section 422.6.9.
422. V, for shear reinforcement in Section
422.5.l0.5.2 shall be calculated by: i
422.6.1.2 Nominal shear strength for two-way members l
without shear reinforcement shall be calculated by I
where a is the angle between the inclined stirrups and the 422.6.1.3 Nominal shear strength for two-way members
longitudinal axis of the member, s is measured parallel to with shear reinforcement other than shear heads shall be
the longitudinal reinforcement, and A, is given in Section calculated by
M. 7 ; 'ai-if iéi M; l
4-"l-48 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
422.6.1.5 v, for two-way shear shall be calculated in 422.6.4.2 For two-way members reinforced with headed
accordance with Section 422.6.5. For two-way members shear reinforcement or single- or multi-leg stirrups, a
with shear reinforcement, 12, shall not exceed the limits critical section with perimeter b, located d /2 beyond the
in Section 422.6.6.l. outermost peripheral line of shear reinforcement shall also
be considered. The shape of this critical section shall be a
422.6.1.6 For calculation of 11,, A shall be in accordance polygon selected to minimize b,.
with Section 4l9.2.4.
422.6.4.3 If an opening is located within a column strip
422.6.1.7 For two-way members reinforced with single- or closer than 10h from a concentrated load or reaction
or multiple-leg stirrups, v, shall be calculated in area, a portion of b, enclosed by straight lines projecting
accordance with Section 422.6.7. from the centroid of the column, concentrated load or
reaction area and tangent to the boundaries of the opening
422.6.1.8 For two-way members reinforced with headed shall be considered ineffective.
shear stud reinforcement, 12, shall be calculated in
accordance with Section 422.6.8. 422.6.5 Two-way Shear Strength Provided by
422.6.2 Effective Depth
422.6.5.1 For non-prestressed two-way members, 11,
422.6.2.1 For calculation of 17, and 17, for two-way shall be calculated in accordance with Section 422.6.5.2.
shear, d shall be the average of the effective depths in the For prestressed two-way members, v, shall be calculated
two orthogonal directions. in accordance with (a) or (b):
422.6.3.1 The value of ,/E used to calculate v, for two- 422.6.5.2 v, shall be calculated in accordance with
way shear shall not exceed 8.3MPa. Table 422.6.5.2.
422.6.3.2 The value of fy, used to calculate v, shall not Table 422.6.5.2
exceed the limits in Section 420.2.2.4. Calculation of v, for Two-way Shear
422. For square or rectangular columns, 422.6.5.3 The value of a, is 40 for interior columns, 30
concentrated loads, or reaction areas, critical sections for for edge columns, and 20 for comer columns.
two-way shear in accordance with Section 422.6.4.l(a)
4 Structural Ccn-zzrere Q-iii-ii
Sections 408.6.2.3 and 408.7.5.3;
c. Effective prestress, fn,, in each direction is not less 422.6.7 Two-way Shear Strength Provided by
than 0.9 MPa. Single- or Multiple-leg Stirrups
422.6.5.5 For prestressed, two-way members 422.6.7.1 Single- or multiple-leg stirrups fabricated from
conforming to Section 422.6.5.4, 17, shall be permitted to bars or wires shall be permitted to be used as shear
be the lesser of (a) and (b): reinforcement in slabs and footings satisfying (a) and (b):
the value of \/E shall not exceed 5.8 MPa. where An is the sum of the area of all legs of
reinforcement on one peripheral line that is geometrically
422.6.6 Maximum Shear for Two-way Members similar to the perimeter of the column section, and S is
with Shear Reinforcement the spacing of the peripheral lines of shear reinforcement
in the direction perpendicular to the column face.
422.6.6.l For two-way members with shear
reinforcement, the value of 17, calculated at critical 422.6.8 Two-way Shear Strength Provided by
sections shall not exceed the limits in Table 422.6.6.l. Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement
Headed shear 0
stud 0.25/1 ,/ff (C) I 0.17/1 ,/E
where A, is the sum of the area of all shear studs on one
peripheral line that is geometrically similar to the
422.6.6.2 For two-way members with shear
perimeter of the column section, and S is the spacing of
reinforcement, effective depth shall be selected such that
the peripheral lines of headed shear stud reinforcement in
17“ calculated at critical sections does not exceed the
the direction perpendicular to the column face.
values in Table 422.6.6.2
M - l
4-150 CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete
422.6.8.3 If headed shear stud reinforcement is provided, b. Change in Mn in column strip over the length 1’,
11,,/s shallsatisfy: stirrups;
422.6.9.5 The ratio an between the exural stiffness of 422.6.9.12 Where transfer of moment is considered, the
each shearhead arm and that of the surrounding composite sum of factored shear stresses due to vertical load acting
cracked slab section of width (C2 + d) shall be at least on the critical section given in Section 422.6.9.8 and the
0.15. shear stresses resulting from factored moment transferred
by eccentricity of shear about the centroid of the critical
422.6.9.6 For each arm of the shearhead, Mn shall section closest to' the column given "in Section
satisfy: 422.6.4.l(a) shall not exceed 0. 33¢/1,/E.
422.7.1 General
where ¢ corresponds to tension-controlled members, n is
the number of shearhead arms, and B, is the minimum 422.7.1.1 This section shall apply to members if
length of each shearhead arm required to satisfy Sections ruz ¢T,n, where ¢ is given in Section 421 and
422.6.9.8 and 422.6.9.10. threshold torsion, Tm, is given in Section 422.7.4. If
Tn < ¢T,n, it shall be permitted to neglect torsional
422.6.9.7 Nominal exural strength contributed to each effects.
slab column strip by a shearhead, Mn, shall satisfy:
422.7.1.2 Nominal torsional strength shall be calculated
V c in accordance with Section 422.7.6.
M, 3 4%1i (ii, _ (422.6.9?)
422.7.l.3 For calculation of T”, and T,,., A shall be in
where ¢ corresponds to tension-controlled members. accordance with Section 4l9.2.4.
However, M, shall not exceed the least of (a) through (c):
422.7.2 Limiting Material Strengths
a.- 30 percent of Mn in each slab column strip;
422.7.2.1 The value of used to calculate Ttn and T,,.
shall not exceed 8.3 MPa.
CHAPTER 4 -- §ii‘Li£Zltii’&l Conisreie 4-i5’i
422.7.2.2 The values of fy and fy, for longitudinal and 422.7.5 Cracking Torsion l
transv_erse torsional reinforcement shall not exceed the
limits in Section 420.2.2.4. 422.7.5.l Cracking torsion, T,, shall be calculated in
accordance with Table 422.7.5.l for solid and hollow
422.7.3 Factored Design Torsion cross sections, where Nn is positive for compression and
negative for tension.
422.7.3.1 If Tn 2 ¢T,, and Tn is required to maintain
equilibrium, the member shall be designed to resist Tn. Table 422.7.5.l Cracking Torsion
Tn 2 ¢T,, and a reduction of Tn in a member can occur Non-prestressed , 4%,,
due to redistribution of internal forces after torsional member 0'33/1 ‘/E ./M"Ucs "3 L; (a)
cracking, Tn to ¢T,,, where the cracking torsion, T,,, is Prestressed , Age fps
calculated in accordance with Section 422.7.5. member 0'33/1 \!7:(p1:p I + 0.331 (b)
422.7.3.3 If Tn is redistributed in accordance with member /lip Nil.
. , 0.331 ’ — 1 + ii
Section 422.7.3.2, the factored moments and shears used subjected to axial l/E (pap 0.33.4,/1 ,/E (C)
for design of the adjoining members shall be in force
equilibrium with the reduced torsion.
422.7.6 Torsional Strength
422.7.4 Threshold Torsipn
422.7.6.l For non-prestressed and prestressed members,
422.7.4.1 Threshold torsion, Ttn, shall be calculated in Tn shall be the lesser of (a) and (b):
accordance with Table 422.7.4.l(a) for solid cross
sections and Table 422.7.4.l(b) for hollow cross sections,
where Nn is positive for compression and negative for a. Tn = w,,,9 (422.7.6.la)
Table 422.7.4.l(a)
2A A
Threshold Torsion for Solid Cross Sections b. 1' =icot0 (422.7.6.1b)
n Pit
Type of member Ttn
where A, shall be determined by analysis, 0 shall not be
Non-prestressed , cp taken less than 30 degrees nor greater than 60 degrees, A ,
member 00831 l/Z ./_\I-I>
33NG Ԥ_} (a) is the area of one leg of a closed stirrup resisting torsion,
Prestressed 0083),‘/)7, L51, 1+ fps (b) A,1 is the area of longitudinal torsional reinforcement, and
member ' ‘ its 033,1,/F pn is the perimeter of the centerline of the outermost
Non-prestressed closed stirrup.
member 0 083/1 ,/F (A cv 1+ Nu
subjected to axial ' C Pap 0 33A A f ' (C) 422.7.6.l.1 In Eq. 422.7.6.la and 422.7.6.lb, it shall be
N permitted to take A, equal to 0.85A,n.
0.0831 ,/E — (a) with A,,1",, < 0.4(/1,,1",, + A,f,);
member /—\ 'U Pae Li}
Prestressed -4; ) fiat- b. 37.5 degrees for prestressed members with A,,,f,, Z
0.083}t ’ -— 1 + -ii b
member ‘/7; <p,, 333,1 ,/'7 ( ) 0. 4(/1,,f,,, + A,f,,).
Non-prestressed 2
member Ag > Nu 422.7.7 Cross-Sectional Limits
. _ 0.0831 ,‘ — 1+
subjected to axial ‘/T (11,, 0,334 /1 (C)
422.7.7.1 Cross-sectional dimensions shall be selected
such that (a) or (b) is satis ed:
Netioiiel Structural Corie or’ the Philippines Volume l, 7th Edition, Ellie
422.8.2 Required Strength 422.9.1.4 Surface preparation of the shear plane assumed
for design shall be speci ed in the construction
422.8.2.1 Factored compressive force transferred documents.
through bearing shall be calculated in accordance with the
factored load combinations de ned in Section 405 and 422.9.2 Required Strength
analysis procedures de ned in Section 406.
422.9.2.l Factored forces across the assumed shear plane
422.8.3 Design Strength shall be calculated in accordance with the factored load
combinations de ned in Section 405 and analysis
422.8.3.1 Design bearing strength shall satisfy: procedures de ned in Section 406.
-—- --~ —
CHAPTER 4 - Structural Concrete 4-153
¢V,, 2 V, (422.9.3.1)
for each applicable factored load combination. 422.9.4.4 The value of Vn across the assumed shear
plane shall not exceed the limits in Table 422.9.4.4.
422.9.4 Nominal Shear Strength Where concretes of different strengths are cast against
each other, the lesser value of f, shall be used in Table
422.9.4.1 Value of Vn across the assumed shear plane 422.9.4.4.
shall be calculated in accordance with Section 422.9.4.2 Table 422.9.4.4
or 422.9.4.3. Vn shall not exceed the value calculated in Maximum Vn Across the Assumed Shear Plane
accordance with Section 422.9.4.4.
Condition , Maximum Vn .
422.9.4.2 If shear-friction reinforcement is perpendicular Normal weight l
to the shear plane, nominal shear strength across the concrete placed 0-2fe'As (=1)
assumed shear plane shall be calculated by: monolithically or
Least of
placed against
hardened concrete (a),
(b), and
(3.3 + 0.08f, )A, (b)
Vn = ;1Anffy (422.9.4.2)
roughened to a full (°) 4
where An; is the area of reinforcement crossing the amplitude of 11A, (c)
assumed shear plane to resist shear and it is the approximately 6 mm. l
coef cient of friction in accordance with Table 422.9.4.2. Lesser 02 IA d)
Other cases of(d) G
ft C (
and (E), 5.5/l, (e)
Table 422.9.4.2 Coef cients of Frictionl“
422.9.4.5 Permanent net compression across the shear
Contact surface condition Coef flent of
friction it plane shall be permitted to be added to Avffy, the force
Concrete placed monolithically 1.41 _ (a) in the shear-friction reinforcement, to calculate required
Concrete placed against Anf.
hardened concrete intentionally 1 on (b)
roughened to a full amplitude of ' 422.9.4.6 Area‘ of reinforcement required to resist a net
approximately 6 mm. factored tension across an assumed shear plane shall be
Concrete placed against added to the area of reinforcement required for shear
hardened concrete not 0.6/1 (c) friction crossing the assumed shear plane.
intentionally roughened
Concrete placed against as- 422.9.5 Detailing for Shear-friction Reinforcement
rolled structural steel that is
clean, free of paint, and with 422.9.5.1 Reinforcement crossing the shear plane to
shear transferred across the 0.7/1 (d) satisfy Section 422.9.4 shall be anchored to develop fy on
contact surface by headed studs both sides of the shear plane.
or by welded deformed bars or
{'1}. = 1.0 for normal-weight concrete; 1 = 0.75 for all lightweight
concrete. Otherwise, A is calculated based on volumetric proportions
of lightweight and normal-weight aggregate as given in Section
4l9.2.4.l, but shall not exceed 0.85.
M 7 7 t? i
A,, > 0.04(f,/f,)(b,a) (423.2.9) where [?,, in accordance with Table 423.4.3, accounts for
the effect of cracking and crack-control reinforcement on
the effective compressive strength of the concrete.
i 7'...‘
Table 423.4.3 Strut Coef cient B, a2tO the axis of the strut, or in one direction at an angle
011 to the axis of the strut. Where the reinforcement is
Strut geometry and Reinforcement placed in only one direction, a1 shall be at least 40
location crossing a [ls degrees.
strut \
Struts with uniform l 423.6 Strut Reinforcement Detailing
cross-sectional area NA 1.0 (a)
along length . 423.6.1 Compression reinforcement in struts shall be
Struts located in a region ‘ Satisfying O 75 i b) parallel to the axis of the strut and enclosed along the
of a member where the Section 423.5 ' ( length of the strut by closed ties in accordance with
width of the compressed Section 423.63 or by spirals in accordance with Section
concrete at mid-length 423.6.4.
of the strut can spread
0.60/1 (C)
laterally (bottle-shaped Sectlon 423 '5 423.6.2 Compression reinforcement in struts shall be
stmts) i 1 anchored to develop f} at the face of the nodal zone,
Struts located in tension where f; is calculated in accordance with Section
members or the tension NA 0.40 (<1) 423.4.l.
zones of members
All other cases A NA 0.60/1 ‘ (e) 423.6.3 Closed ties enclosing compression
reinforcement in struts shall satisfy Section 425.7.2 and
423.4.4 If con ning reinforcement is provided along this section.
the length of a strut and its effect is documented by tests
and analyses, it shall be pennitted to use an increased 423.6.3.1 Spacing of closed ties, s, along the length of
value of fce when calculating Fm. _ the strut shall not exceed the smallest of (a) through (c):
423.5 Reinforcement Crossing Bottle-Shaped Struts a. Smallest dimension of cross section of stnit;
423.5.l For bottle-shaped struts designed using b. 48db of bar or wire used for closed tie
[Is = 0.75, reinforcement to resist transverse tension reinforcement;
resulting from spreading of the compressive force in the
strut shall cross the strut axis. It shall be permitted to c. 16db of compression reinforcement.
determine the transverse tension by assuming that the
compressive force in a bottle-shaped strut spreads at a 423.6.3.2 The rst closed tie shall be located not more
slope of 2 parallel to l perpendicular to the axis of the than 0. 5s from the face of the nodal zone at each end of a
strut. strut.
423.5.2 Reinforcement required in Section 423.5.l 423.6.3.3 Closed ties shall be arranged such that every
shall be developed beyond the extents of the strut in corner and altemate longitudinal bar shall have lateral
accordance with Section 425.4. support provided by crossties or the corner of a tie with an
included angle of not more than 135 degrees and no
423.5.3 Distributed reinforcement calculated in longitudinal bar shall be farther than 150 mm clear on
accordance with Eq. 423.5.3 and crossing the strut axis each side along the tie from such a laterally supported bar.
shall be deemed to satisfy Section 423.5.l, if
f} S4OMPa. 423.6.4 Spirals enclosing compression reinforcement
in struts shall satisfy Section 425.7.3.
Asi .
b—sm a-1 >_ 0. 003 (423.53)
ssi 423.7 Strength of Ties
where Asi is the total area of distributed reinforcement at 423.7.1 Tie reinforcement shall be non-prestressed or
spacing st in the i-th direction of reinforcement crossing a prestressed.
strut at an angle ai to the axis of a strut, and bs is the
width of the strut. 423.7.2 The nominal tensile strength of a tie, Fm, shall
be calculated by:
423.5.3.1 Distributed reinforcement required in Section
423.5.3 shall be placed orthogonally at angles 0:1 and Fm = A,,); + A,,,(f,e + Afp) (423.7.2)
4-1 56 CHAPTER 4 ~- Structural Concrete
} _---___
"‘ F“-i. '1‘ —\ , . -L>:I%
U I 1*» "I3 1'7 IU _ ~ bit or.tu|a!
»- Loncrete
F <1~l1Qf
424.1.1 This section shall apply to member design for 424.2.3 Calculation of Immediate De ections
minimum serviceability, including (a) through (d):
424.2.3.1 Immediate de ections shall be calculated
a. Section 424.2 De ections due to service-level gravity using methods or formulas for elastic de ections,
loads; considering effects of cracking and reinforcement on
member stiffness.
b. Section 424.3 Distribution of exural reinforcement
in one-way slabs and beams to control cracking; 424.2.3.2 Effect of variation of cross-sectional
properties, such as haunches, shall be considered when
c. Section 424.4 Shrinkage and temperature calculating de ections.
424.2.3.3 De ections in two-way slab systems shall be
d. Section 424.5 Permissible stresses in prestressed calculated taking into account size and shape of the panel,
exural members. conditions of support, and nature of restraints at the panel
424.2 Deflections Due to Service-Level Gravity
Loads 424.2.3.4 Modulus of elasticity, EC, shall be permitted to
be calculated in accordance with Section 4l9.2.2.
424.2.1 Members subjected to exure shall be
designed with adequate stiffness to limit de ections or
L___ l
<'l%<i QHAFTER it ~~ Structural Concrete
Table 424.2.4.l.3
- f1 Time-Dependent Factor for Sustained Loads
- M” = E (424.2.3.5b)
Sustained load duration, Timedependent factor g
424.2.3.6 For continuous one-way slabs and beams, Ie months
3 1.0
shall be permitted to be taken as the average of values
obtained from Eq. 424.2.3.5a for the critical positive and 6 l.2
negative moment sections. l2 l.4
60 or more | 2.0
424.2.3.7 For prismatic one-way slabs and beams, Ie
shall be permitted to be taken as the value obtained from 424.2.4.2 Prestressed Members
Eq. 424.2.3.5a at mid-span for simple and continuous
spans, and at the support for cantilevers. 424. Additional time-dependent de ection of
prestressed concrete members shall be calculated
424.2.3.8 For prestressed Class U slabs and beams as considering stresses in concrete and reinforcement under
de ned in Section 424.5.2, it shall be permitted to sustained load, and the effects of creep and shrinkage of
calculate de ections based on lg. concrete and relaxation of prestressed reinforcement.
424.2.3.9 For prestressed Class T and Class C slabs and 424.2.5 Calculation of De ections of Composite
beams as de ned in Section 424.5.2, de ection Concrete Construction
calculations shall be based on a cracked transformed
section analysis. It shall be permitted to base de ection 424.2.5.1 If composite concrete exural members are
calculations on a bilinear moment-de ection relationship shored during construction so that, after removal of
or Ie in accordance with Eq. 424.2.3.5a, where Mm. is temporary supports, the dead load is resisted by the full
calculated as as: composite section, it shall be permitted to consider the
composite member equivalent to a monolithically cast
member for calculation of de ections.
Mu = 0M_fi'"’)'§ (424.2.3.9)
yr 424.2.5.2 If composite concrete exural members are
not shored during construction, the magnitude and
duration of load before and after composite action
424.2.4 Calculation of Time-Dependent De ections becomes effective shall be considered in calculating time-
dependent de ections. ,
424.2.4.1 Non-Prestressed Members
424.2.5.3 De ections resulting from differential
424. Unless obtained from a more comprehensive shrinkage of precast and cast-in-place components, and of
analysis, additional time-dependent de ection resulting axial creep effects in prestressed members, shall be
from creep and shrinkage of exural members shall be considered.
calculated as the product of the immediate de ection
caused by sustained load and the factor /IA. 424.3 Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement in
One-Way Slabs and Beams
= _i -E 424.
A“ 1 + 50p’ ( ) 424.3.1 Bonded reinforcement shall be distributed to
control exural cracking in tension zones of non-
prestressed and Class C prestressed slabs and beams
424. In Eq. 424.2.4.l.l, p’ shall be calculated at reinforced for exure in one direction only.
mid-span for simple and continuous spans, and at the
support for cantilevers. 424.3.2 Spacing of bonded reinforcement closest to the
tension face shall not exceed the limits in Table 424.3.2,
424.2.4.l.3 In Eq. 424.2.4.l.l, values of the time where cc is the least distance from surface of defonned or
dependent factor for sustained loads, E, shall be in prestressed reinforcement to the tension face. Calculated
accordance with Table 424.2.4.l.3. stress in deformed reinforcement, fS, and calculated
change in stress in bonded prestressed reinforcement,
Afps, shall be in accordance with Sections 424.3.2.l and
424.3.2.2, respectively.
deformed bars
or wires and Lesser
(g)(g:)_..5..] A 424.4.3.1 Deformed reinforcement to resist shrinkage
and temperature stresses shall conform to Table
420.2.2.4(a) and shall be in accordance with Sections
bonded of: 424.4.3.2 through 424.4.3.5.
prestressed (5) [380
reinforcement \6 Afps 424.4.3.2 The ratio of deformed shrinkage and
temperature reinforcement area to gross concrete area
424.3.2.1 Stress f, in deformed reinforcement closest to shall satisfy the limits in Table 424.4.3.2.
the tension face at service loads shall be calculated based
on the unfactored moment, or it shall be permitted to take Table 424.4.3.2
fs as (2/3)fy- Minimum Ratios of Deformed Shrinkage and
Temperature Reinforcement Area to Gross Concrete
424.3.2.2 Change in stress Afp, in bonded prestressed ' Area
reinforcement at service loads shall be equal to the
calculated stress based on a cracked section analysis Reinforcement fy, Minimumfeinfordement
type MPa ratio l
minus the decompression stress fdc. It shall be permitted
to take fdc equal to the effective stress in the prestressed Deformed bars <420 0.0020
reinforcement fse. The value of Afp, shall not exceed 0.0018 >< 4-20
Deformed bars Greater L
250 MPa. If Afps does not exceed 140 MPa, the spacing
or welded wire 2 420 f_ f
limits in Table 424.3.2 need not be satis ed. reinforcement 0 ' ()_()()14
424.3.4 If anges of T-beams are in tension, part of the 424.4.3.4 At all sections where required, deformed
bonded exural tension reinforcement shall be distributed reinforcement used to resist shrinkage and temperature
over an effective ange width as de ned in accordance stresses shall develop fy in tension. F
with Section 406.3.2, but not wider than £’,,/ 10. If the U
effective ange width exceeds 3,, / 10, additional bonded
longitudinal reinforcement shall be provided in the outer
portions of the ange.
? ~
— L M
CHAPTER 4 Structural Concrete 4/I51
Table 425.2.4
Minimum Center-to-Center Spacing of Pretensioned
Strands at Ends of Members
7 — r — ___._, __ __J
4462 CHAPTER 4 <~ Structural Concrete
425.2.4 For pretensioned strands at ends of a member, 425.3.4 Seismic hooks used to anchor stirrups, ties,
minimum ce_nter-to-center spacing s shall be the greater of hoops, and crossties shall be in accordance with (a) and
die value in‘ Table 425.2.4, and [(4/3)a,,gg + ab]. (b)I ‘
425.2.5 For pretensioned wire at ends of a member, a. Minimum bend of 90 degrees for circular hoops and
minimum center-to-center spacing s shall be the greater of 135 degrees for all other hoops;
5a,, and [(4/3)a,,gg + ab].
b. Hook shall engage longitudinal reinforcement and the
425.3 Standard Hooks, Seismic Hooks, Crossties, extension shall project into the interior of the stirrup
and Minimum Inside Bend Diameters or hoop.
425.3.1 Standard hooks for the development of 425.3.5 Crossties shall be in accordance with (a)
deformed bars in tension shall conform to Table 425.3.1. through (e):
425.3.2 Minimum inside bend diameters for bars used a. Crosstie shall be continuous between ends;
as transverse reinforcement and standard hooks for bars
used to anchor stirrups, ties, hoops, and spirals shall b. There shall be a seismic hook at one end;
conform to Table 425.3.2. Standard hooks shall enclose
longitudinal reinforcement. c. There shall be a standard hook at other end with
minimum bend of 90 degrees;
4253.3 Minimum inside bend diameters for welded
wire reinforcement used as stirrups or ties shall not be less d. Hooks shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars;
than 4-db for deformed wire larger than D6 and Zdb for
all other wires. Bends with inside diameter of less than e. 90-degree hooks oftwo successive crossties engaging
8d,, shall not be less than 4d,, from nearest welded the same longitudinal bars shall be alternated end for
intersection. end, unless crossties satisfy Section 4l8.6.4.3 or
Table 425.3.1
Standard Hook Geometry for Development of Deformed Bars in Tension
I . . . . . h . [1] '
Type (ilfos lndard Bar size bg/:lngi:l:nl:t:_si:fn Stralgt, t e gllslon Type of standard hook
' 81! '
CHAPTER 4 —— Structural Concrete 4-163
Table 425.3.2
_ Minimum Inside Bend Diameters and Standard Hook Geometry for Stirrups, Ties, and Hoops
10 mm ¢ through
16 mm ¢ 4d” fI
‘\ 135-degree
Greater of do ‘._ bend
135-degree hook i Diameter ‘ t --
6d,, and 75 mm
20 mm ¢ through
25 mm ¢ 6d”
l0 mm ¢ through -
4d,, 4’ 180-degree
180-degree hook 16 mm ¢ G I63t €l'0 f dP bend
6d,, and 65 mm Dlamelw
20 mm ¢ through
25 mm 42
['1 A standard hook for stirrups, ties, and hoops includes the speci c inside bend d iameter and straight extension length. It shall be permitted to use a longer
straight extension at the end ofa hook. A longer extension shall not be considered to increase the anchorage capacity of the hook.
425.4.l.3 Development lengths do not require a strength 425.4.2.2 For deformed bars or deformed wires, id shall
reduction factor ¢. be calculated in accordance with Table 425.4.2.2.
4464 CHAPTER 4 ~~ Structural Concrete
Table 425.4.2.2
Development Length for Deformed Bars and Deformed Wires in Tension
CHAPTER 4 —< 5lfLIcttttal Concrete 4-165
M dhis the nominal diameter ofthe hookcd bar. 425.4.4.3 Modi cation factor We in Section 425.4.4.2(a)
shall be 1.2 for epoxy-coated or zinc and epoxy dual-
coated bars and 1.0 for uncoated or zinc-coated
425.4.3.3 For bars being developed by a standard hook (galvanized) bars.
at discontinuous ends of members with both side cover
and top (or bottom) cover over hook less than 65mm, (a) 425.4.5 Development of Mechanically Anchored
through (c) shall be satis ed: Deformed Bars in Tension
a. The hook shall be enclosed along 8,1,, within ties or 425.4.5.1 Any mechanical attachment or device capable
stirrupsperpendicular to 0,“, at s S 3d|,; of developing fy of deformed bars shall be permitted,
provided it is approved by the building of cial in
b. The rst tie or stirrup shall enclose the bent portion accordance with Section 401.10. Development of
of the hook within 2d,, ofthe outside ofthe bend ; deformed bars shall be permitted to consist of a
combination of mechanical anchorage plus additional
c. ‘Pr shall be taken as 1.0 in calculating 8,1,, in embedment length of the deformed bars between the
accordance with Section 425.4.3.l(a). critical section and the mechanical attachment or device.
g 7
4-166 CHAPTER 4 —~ Structural Concrete
a. Length calculated in accordance with Section 425.4.7.2 Pd shall be the greater of (a) and (b):
a. spacing of cross wires +50 mm;
b. 200 mm.
fy Ab . .
b. 3.3 Z/_—]%_’— —s— , wheresisthe spacing between
425.4.6.2 For welded deformed wire reinforcement, (‘,1 C
shall be calculated from Section 425.4.2.2 or 425.4.2.3, the wires to be developed, and A is given in Table
times welded deformed wire reinforcement factor ‘PW 425.4.2.4.
from Section 425.4.6.3 or 425.4.6.4. For epoxy-coated
welded deformed wire reinforcement meeting Section 425.4.8 Development of Pretensioned Seven-Wire
425.4.6.3, it shall be permitted to use We = 1.0 in Strands in Tension
Section 425.4.2.2 or 425.4.2.3.
425.4.8.1 Development length 8,1 of pretensioned
425.4.6.3 For welded deformed wire reinforcement with seven-wire strands in tension shall be in accordance with
at least one cross wire within 8,, that is at least 50 mm. (a) and (b):
from the critical section, ‘PW shall be the greater of (a)
and (b), and need not exceed 1.0:
a. ed = ab + a,, (425.4.8.l)
r» re) 425.4.8.2
in the pre-compressed tensile zone, Ed calculated by
Eq. 425.4.8.l shall be doubled.
425.4.9.2 Bdcshall be the greater of (a) and (b), b. At other locations where anchorage or development
multiplied by the modi cation factors of Section for fy is required;
c. Where bars are required to be continuous;
a. ?~ 11,,
/1,/Ti d. For headed and mechanically anchored deformed
b. o.04sf,111,a,, e. In seismic-force-resisting systems in structures
assigned to Seismic zone 4.
425.4.9.3 For the calculation of fdb, modification factors
425.5 Splices
shall be in accordance with Table 425.4.9.3, except ‘I’,
shall be permitted to be taken as 1.0.
425.5.1 General
Table 425.4.9.3
425.5.1.1 Lap splices shall not be permitted for bars
Modi cation Factors for Deformed Bars
larger than 36 mm ¢, except as provided in Section
and Wires in Compression
Modi cation
Condition Value of 425.5.l.2 For contact lap splices, minimum clear spacing
i factor factor
Lightweight concrete 0.75 between the contact lap splice and adjacent splices or bars
. . K . ln accordance shall be in accordance with the requirements for
Lightweight Lightweight concrete, iffb, with Section
1 IS speci ed 419 2 4 3 individual bars in Section 425.2.l.
Normal-weight concrete l.0 .
425.5.1.3 For non-contact splices in exural members,
Reinforcement enclosed
(1), (2), (3) OP (4)1
the transverse center-to-center spacing of spliced bars it i
l. a spiral shall not exceed the lesser of one- fth the required lap
2. a circular continuously wound splice length and 150 mm.
tie with db 2 6 mm in. and
con ning pitch 3 100 mm
0.75 425.5.1.4 Reduction of development length in i
reinforcelnent 3. 6 mm ¢ bar or MDl30 wire
(pr ties in accordance with Section accordance with Section 425.4.l0.l is not permitted in
425.7.2 spaced S 100 mm on calculating lap splice lengths.
4. hoops in accordance with
Section 425.7.4 spaced S I00
425.5.1.5 Laplsplices of bundled bars shall be in
mm on center accordance with Section 425.6.l.7.
A Other _‘_ 1.0
425.5.2 Lap Splice Lengths of Deformed Bars and
425.4.10 Reduction of Development Length for Deformed Wires in Tension
Excess Reinforcement
425.5.2.1 Tension lap splice length is, for deformed
425.4.10.l Reduction of development lengths de ned bars and deformed wires in tension shall be in accordance
in Sections 425.4.2.l(a), 425.4.3.l(a), 425.4.6.l(a), with Table 425.5.2.l, where Ed shall be in accordance
425.4.7. 1(a), and 425.4.9.l(a) shall be permitted by use of with Section 425.4.2.l(a).
the ratio (Asprovided/As,required)> except where
prohibited by Section 425.4.l0.2. The modi ed
development lengths shall not be less than the respective
minimums specified in Sections 425.4.2.l(b),
425.4.3.l(b), 425.4.3.l(c), 425.4.6.l(b), 425.4.7.l(b), and
7 —— ~— ¢ —
4~ 168 CHAPTER 4 » Structural Concrete
Table 425.5.2.l
Lap Splice Lengths of Deformed Bars and Deformed Wires in Tension
425.5.2.2 If bars of different size are lap spliced in where s is the spacing of cross wires and Pd is calculated
tension, £’,, shall be the greater of 8,1 of the larger bar in accordance with Section 425.4.7.2(b).
PM ofthe smaller bar. 425.5.4.2 If Aslbrbbided/Asyrequired 2 2. 0 over the
length of the splice, £5, measured between outermost
425.5.3 Lap splice lengths of welded deformed wire cross wires of each reinforcement sheet shall be permitted
reinforcement in tension to be the greater of (a) and (b).
a. Overlap between outermost cross wires of each 425.5.5 Lap Splice Lengths of Deformed Bars in
reinforcement sheet shall be at least 50 mm; Compression
b. Wires in the direction of the development length shall 425.5.5.1 Compression lap splice length 0“ of 36
all be deformed MD200 or smaller in accordance mm (I) or smaller deformed bars in compression shall be
with Section 425.52. calculated in accordance with (a) or (b):
425.5.3.l.2 If Section 425.5.3.l(b) is not satis ed, ls, a. For fy £ 4-20 MPa: 8,6 is the greater of 0. 071fydb
shall be calculated in accordance with Section 425.5.4. and 300 mm;
425. If the welded deformed wire reinforcement b. For fy > 420 MPa: {'56 is the greater of
is zinc-coated (galvanized), 3“ shall be calculated in (o.13fy - 24)a,, and 300 mm.
accordance with Section 425.5.4.
For fQ < 21 MPa, the length of lap shall be increased by
42S.5.4 Lap Splice Lengths of Welded Plain Wire one-third.
Reinforcement in Tension
425.5.5.2 Compression lap splices shall not be used
425.5.4.1 Tension lap splice length Es, of welded plain
for bars larger than 36 mm ¢, except as permitted in
wire reinforcement in tension between outermost cross
Section 425.5.5.3.
wires of each reinforcement sheet shall be at least the
greatest of (a) through (c):
425.5.5.3 Compression lap splices of 40 mm ¢ or 58
mm (I) bars to 36 mm ¢ or smaller bars shall be permitted
a. s + 50 mm;
and shall be in accordance with Section 425.5.5.4.
[SC of smaller bar calculated in accordance with Section 425.6.1.4 Individual bars within a bundle terminated
425.5,5.l as appropriate. within the span of exural members shall terminate at
different points with at least,40db stagger.
425.5.6 End-Bearing Splices of Deformed Bars in
Compression 425.6.1.5 Development length for individual bars
within a bundle, in tension or compression, shall be that
425.5.6.1 For bars required for compression only, of the individual bar, increased 20 percent for a three-bar
transmission of compressive stress by end bearing of bundle, and 33 percent for a four-bar bundle.
square-cut ends held in concentric contact by a suitable
device shall be permitted. 425.6.1.6 A unit of bundled bars shall be treated as a
single bar with an area equivalent to that of the bundle
425.5.6.2 End-bearing splices shall be permitted only and a centroid coinciding with that of the bundle. The
in members containing closed stirrups, ties, spirals, or diameter of the equivalent bar shall be used for db in (a)
hoops. through (e):
425.5.6.3 Bar ends shall terminate in at surfaces a. Spacing limitations based on db; l
within 1.5 degrees ofa right angle to the axis of the bars
and shall be tted within 3 degrees of full bearing after b. Cover requirements based on db;
c. Spacing and cover values in Section 425.4.2.2;
425.5.7 Mechanical and Welded Splices of
Deformed Bars in Tension or Compression d. Con nement term in Section 425.4.2.3;
425.5.7.1 A mechanical or welded splice shall develop e. We factor in Section 425.4.2.4.
in tension or compression, as required, at least 1. 25)‘), of
the bar. 425.6.1.7 Lap splices of bars in a bundle shall be
based on the lap splice length required for individual bars
425.5.7.2 Welding of reinforcing bars shall conform to within the bundle, increased in accordance with Section
Section 426.6.4. 425.6.l.5. Individual bar splices within a bundle shall not
overlap. Entire bundles shall not be lap spliced.
425.5.7.3 Mechanical or welded splices need not be
staggered except as required by Section 425.5.7.4. 425.6.2 Post-tensioning Ducts
425.5.7.4 Splices in tension tie members shall be made 425.6.2.1 Bundling of post-tensioning ducts shall be
with a mechanical or welded splice in accordance with permitted if shown that concrete can be satisfactorily
Section 425.5.7.1. Splices in adjacent bars shall be placed and if provision is made to prevent the prestressing
staggered at least 750 mm. steel, when tensioned, from breaking through the duct.
425.6.1.1 Groups of parallel reinforcing bars bundled 425.7.1.1 Stirrups shall extend as close to the
in contact to act as a unit shall be limited to four in any compression and tension surfaces of the member as cover
one bundle. requirements and proximity of other reinforcement
permits and shall be anchored at both ends. Where used as
425.6.1.2 Bundled bars shall be enclosed within shear reinforcement, stirrups shall extend a distance d
transverse reinforcement. Bundled bars in compression from extreme compression ber.
members shall be enclosed by transverse reinforcement at
least 12 mm (I) in size. 425.7.1.2 Between anchored ends, each bend in the
continuous portion of a single or multiple U-stirrup and
425.6.1.3 Bars larger than a 36 mm ¢ shall not be each bend in a closed stirrup shall enclose a longitudinal
bundled in beams. bar or strand.
4-‘ITO CHAPTER 4 —~ Structural Concrete
425.7.l.3 Anchorage of deformed bar and wire shall b. In accordance with Section 425.7.l.3(a) or (b) or
bgin accordance with (a), (b), or (c): Section 425.7.l.4, where the concrete surrounding
the anchorage is restrained against spalling by a
a. For I6 mm ¢ bar and MD200 wire, and smaller, and ange or slab or similar member.
for 20 mm (I) through 25 mm ¢ bars with fyt 3 280
MPa, a standard hook around longitudinal 425.7.l.6.1 Stirrups used for torsion or integrity
reinforcement; reinforcement shall be permitted to be made up of two
pieces of reinforcement: a single-U stirrup anchored
according to Section 425.7.l.6(a) closed by a crosstie
b. For 20 mm cf) through 25 mm ¢ bars with fy, > 280
where the 90-degree hook of the crosstie shall be
MPa, a standard hook around a longitudinal bar plus
restrained against spalling by a ange or slab or similar
an embedment between mid-height of the member
and the outside end of the hook equal to or greater
than 0.17a,,f,,/(,1,/fg), with /1 as given in Table 425.7.l.7 Except where used for torsion or integrity
42s.4.3.2; reinforcement, closed stirrups are permitted to be made
using pairs of U-stirrups spliced to form a closed unit
c. In joist construction, for I2 mm¢ bar and MDl30 where lap lengths are at least 1.3£’d. In members with a
wire and smaller, a standard hook. total depth of at least 450 mm, such splices with Abfyb 3
40 kN per leg shall be considered adequate if stirrup legs
425.7.1.4 Anchorage of each leg of welded plain wire extend the full available depth of member.
reinforcement forming a single U-stirrup shall be in
accordance with (a) or (b): 425.7.2 Ties
a.' Two longitudinal wires spaced at a 50 mm spacing 425.7.2.l Ties shall consist of a closed loop of deformed
along the member at the top of the U; bar or deformed wire with spacing in accordance with (a)
and (b):
b. One longitudinal wire located not more than d/4
from the compression face and a second wire closer a. Clear spacing of at least (4/3)dagg;
to the compression face and spaced not less than 50
mm from the rst wire. The second wire shall be
b. Center-to-center spacing shall not exceed the least of
permitted to be located on the stirrup leg beyond a
16db of longitudinal bar, 48db of tie bar, and
bend, or on a bend with an inside diameter of bend of
smallest dimension of member.
at least 8db.
425.7.2.2 Diameter of tie bar or wire shall be at least (a)
425.7.1.5 Anchorage of each end of a single leg stirrup
or (b):
of welded wire reinforcement shall be with two
longitudinal wires at a minimum spacing of 50 mm with
a. l0 mm ¢ enclosing 32 mm ¢ or smaller longitudinal
(a) and (b):
a. Inner wire at least the greater of d/4 or 50 mm from
b. l2 mm¢ enclosing 36 mm qb or larger longitudinal
<1/Z; bars or bundled longitudinal bars.
b. Outer longitudinal wire at tension face shall not be
425. As an altemative to deformed bars,
farther from the face than the portion of primary
deformed wire or welded wire reinforcement of
exural reinforcement closest to the face.
equivalent area to that required in Section 425.7.2.l shall
be permitted subject to the requirements of Table
425.7.l.6 Stirrups used for torsion or integrity 420.2.2.4a.
reinforcement shall be closed stirrups perpendicular to the
axis of the member. Where welded wire reinforcement is
425.7.2.3 Rectilinear ties shall be arranged to satisfy (a)
used, transverse wires shall be perpendicular to the axis of
and (b):
the member. Such stirrups shall be anchored by (a) or (b):
a. Every comer and alternate longitudinal bar shall have
a. Ends shall terminate with 135-degree standard hooks
lateral support provided by the corner of a tie with an
around a longitudinal bar;
included angle of not more than I35 degrees;
CHAPTER 4 ~~ Structural Concrete 4--171
b. No unsupported bar shall be farther than I50 mm where the value of fyt shall not be taken greater than 700
clear on each side along the tie from a laterally MPa.
supported bar.
425.7.3.4 Spirals shall be anchored by l-I/2 extra turns
425. Anchorage of rectilinear ties shall be of spiral bar or wire at each end.
provided by standard hooks that conform to Section
425.3.2 and engage a longitudinal bar. A tie shall not be 425.7.3.5 Spirals are permitted to be spliced by (a) or
made up of interlocking headed deformed bars.
425.7.2.4 Circular ties shall be permitted where a. Mechanical or welded splices in accordance with
longitudinal bars are located around the perimeter of a Section 425.5.7;
b. Lap splices in accordance with Section 425.7.3.6 for
425.7.2.4.l Anchorage of individual circular ties shall fyb not exceeding 420 MPa.
be in accordance with (a) through (c):
425.7.3.6 Spiral lap splices shall be at least the greater of
a. Ends shall overlap by at least I50 mm; 300 mm and the lap length in Table 425.7.3.6.
_ --__Ji
4i_ _
425.8 Post-Tensioning Anchorages and Couplers 425.9.2.1 Factored prestressing force at the anchorage
device shall exceed the least of (a) through (c), where 1.2
is the load factor from Section 405.3.l2:
425.8.1 Anchorages and couplers for tendons shall
develop at least 95 percent of fbn when tested in an
unbonded condition, without exceeding anticipated set. a- 1. 2(o. 94f,,,)A,,,;
425.8.4 Couplers shall be placed at locations approved a. Mono strand or single l6 mm or smaller diameter bar
by the licensed design professional and enclosed in anchorage devices shall meet the bearing resistance
housings long enough to permit necessary movements. and local zone requirements of ACI 423.7;
425.9 Anchorage Zones for Post-Tensioned Tendons b. Basic multi-strand anchorage devices shall meet the
bearing resistance requirements of AASHTO LRFD
425.9.1 General Bridge Design Specifications, Article 5.10.912.
except that the load [actors shall be in accordance
425.9.l.1 Anchorage regions of post-tensioned tendons with Section 4'Ei5.3.l2 and 112 shall be in accordaiice
shall consist of two zones, (a) and (b): with Section 421 .2.l;
a. The local zone shall be assumed to be a rectangular c. Special anchorage devices shall satisfy the tests
prism (or equivalent rectangular prism for circular or required in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
oval anchorages) of concrete immediately Speci cations. Article S.lt].9.7.3. and tlcscribcd in
surrounding the anchorage device and any con ning AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Speci cations,
reinforcement; Article
b. The general zone includes the local zone and shall be 425.9.3.2 Where special anchorage devices are used,
assumed to be the portion of the member through supplementary skin rcinforccmciit shall be provided in
which the concentrated prestressing force is addition to the con ning reinforcement speci ed for the
transferred to the concrete and distributed more anchorage device.
uniformly across the section.
425. Supplementary skin reinforcement shall be
425.9.1.2 The local zone shall be designed in accordance similar in con guration and at least equivalent in
with Section 425.9.3. volumetric ratio to any supplementary skin reinforcement
used in the qualifying acceptance tests of the anchorage
425.9.1.3 The general zone shall be designed in device.
accordance with Section 425.9.4.
425.9.4 General Zone
425.9.l.4 Compressive strength of concrete required at
time of post-tensioning shall be speci ed as required by 425.9.4.1 The extent of the general zone is equal to the
Section 426.10 largest dimension of the cross section. In the case of slabs
with anchorages or groups of anchorages spaced along the
slab edge, the depth of the general zone shall be taken as 425. Three-dimensional effects shall be
the spacing ofthe tendons. considered in design and analyzed by (a) or (b):
425.9.4.2 For anchorage devices located away from a. Three-dimensional analysis procedures;
the end of a member, the general zone shall include the
disturbed regions ahead of and behind the anchorage b. Approximated by considering the summation of
devices. effects for two orthogonal planes.
425. Methods (a) through (c) shall be permitted 425.9.4.4.l Tensile strength of concrete shall be
for design of general zones: neglected in calculations of reinforcement requirements.
a. Strut-and-tie models in accordance with Section 423; 425. Reinforcement shall be provided in the
general zone to resist bursting, spalling, and longitudinal
b. Linear stress analysis, including nite element edge tension forces induced by anchorage devices, as
analysis or equivalent; applicable. Effects of abrupt changes in section and
stressing sequence shall be considered.
c. Simpli ed equations in AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Speci cations, Article, except where 425. For anchorage devices located away from the
restricted by Section 425. end of the member, bonded reinforcement shall be
provided to transfer at least 0.35P,,u into the concrete
The design of general zones by other methods shall be section behind the anchor. Such reinforcement shall be
permitted, provided that the speci c procedures used for placed symmetrically around the anchorage device and
design result in prediction of strength in substantial shall be fully developed both behind and ahead of the
agreement with results of comprehensive tests. anchorage device.
425. Simpli ed equations as permitted by Section 425. If tendons are curved in the general zone,
425. shall not be used where (a), (b), (c), (d), bonded reinforcement shall be provided to resist radial
(6), (f), Or (g) Occufi and splitting forces, except for monostrand tendons in
slabs or where analysis shows reinforcement is not
a. Member cross sections are non-rectangular; required.
b. Discontinuities in or near the general zone cause 425. Reinforcement with a nominal tensile
deviations in the force ow path; strength equal to 2 percent of the factored prestressing
force shall be provided in orthogonal directions parallel to
c. Minimum edge distance is less than 1.5 times the the loaded face of the anchorage zone to limit spalling,
anchorage device lateral dimension in that direction; except for monostrand tendons in slabs or where analysis
shows reinforcement is not required.
d. Multiple anchorage devices are used in other than
one closely spaced group; 425. For monostrand anchorage devices for l2
mm. or smaller diameter strands in normal-weight
e. Centroid of the tendons is located outside the kern; concrete slabs, reinforcement satisfying (a) and (b) shall
be provided in the general zone, unless a detailed analysis
f. Angle of inclination of the tendon in the general zone in accordance with Section 425.9.4.3 shows that this
is less than -5 degrees from the centerline of axis of reinforcement is not required:
the member, where the angle is negative if the anchor
force points away from the centroid of the section; a. Two horizontal bars at least 12 mm ¢ in size shall be
provided parallel to the slab edge. They shall be
g. Angle of inclination of the tendon in the general zone permitted to be in contact with the front face of the
is greater than +20 degrees from the centerline of axis anchorage device and shall be within a distance of
of the member, where the angle is positive if the ahead of each device. Those bars shall extend at least
anchor force points towards the centroid of the 150 mm. either side of the outer edges of each
section. device;
L‘ II-'
4474 CHAPTER 4 — Structural Concrete
CHAPTER 4 \~ Structural Concrete 4» I75
c. Inspection requirements that the licensed design All cementitious materials speci ed in Table
professional shall specify in the construction 426.4.l.l.l(a) and the combinations of these
documents, if applicable. materials shall be included in calculating the w/cm
of the concrete mixture.
426.2 Design Criteria
426.4.1.2 Aggregates
426.2.l Design Information: _
426. Compliance Requirements:
a. Name and year of issue of the Code, general building
code, and any supplements governing design. a. Aggregates shall conform to (1) or (2):
c. Design work delegated to the contractor including 2. Lightweight aggregate: ASTM C33OM.
applicable design criteria.
Aggregates -not conforming to ASTM C33M or
426.3 Member Information ASTM C33OM are permitted if they have been
shown by test or actual service to produce concrete of
426.3.1 Design Information: adequate strength and durability and are approved by
the building of cial.
a. Member size, location, and related tolerances.
426.4.1.3 Water
426.4 Concrete Materials and Mixture
Requirements 426. Compliance Requirements:
426.4.l.1 Cementitious Materials Mixing water, including that portion of mixing water
contributed in the form of free moisture on
426.4.l.1.l Compliance Requirements: aggregates, shall not contain deleterious amounts of
chloride ion when used for prestressed concrete, for
a. Cementitious materials shall conform to the concrete that will contain aluminum embedments, or
speci cations in Table 426.4.l.1.l (a); for concrete cast against stay-in-place galvanized
steel forms.
j, I
-4 1/t5 CHAPTER 4 ~~ Structural Concrete
2. Have a length-to-diameter ratio of at least 50 and 10. Requirement for submittal of the volumetric
not exceeding 100. fractions of aggregate in lightweight concrete
mixtures for the veri cation of A value if used in
426.4.2 Concrete Mixture Requirements design;
426.4.2.1 Design Information: ll. If used for shear resistance in accordance with
Section 409.6.3.l, requirements for steel ber
Requirements (1) through (ll) for each concrete reinforced concrete.
mixture, based on assigned exposure classes or
design of members: b. At the option of the licensed design professional,
exposure classes based on the severity of the
l. Minimum speci ed compressive strength of anticipated exposure of members;
concrete, ft;
c. The required compressive strength at designated
2. Test age for demonstrating compliance with fQ if stages of construction for each part of the structure
different from 28 days; designed by the licensed design professional.
Table 426.4.2.2(c)
Requirements for Establishing Suitability of Combinations of
Cementitious Materials~Exposed to Water-Soluble Sulfate
c. For concrete exposed to sulfate, alternative I. Can be placed readily without segregation into
combinations of cementitious materials to those forms and around reinforcement under
speci ed in Section 426.4.2.l(a)(7) are permitted anticipated placement conditions;
if tests for sulfate resistance satisfy the criteria in
Table 426.4.2.2(c). 2. Meets requirements for assigned exposure class
in accordance with either Section 426.4.2.l(a) or
d. Steel ber-reinforced concrete used for shear 426.4.2.l(b);
resistance shall satisfy (1) and (2):
3. Conforms to strength test requirements for
l. Conform to ASTM C1 1 16M; standard-cured specimens.
i7 E _ _
The concrete materials used to develop the concrete d. Ready-mixed and site-mixed concrete shall be
mixture proportions shall correspond to those to be batched, mixed, and delivered in accordance with
used in the proposed Work; ASTM C94M or ASTM C685M.
If different concrete mixtures are to be used for 426.5.2 Concrete Placement and Consolidation
different portions of proposed Work, each mixture
shall comply with the concrete mixture requirements 426.5.2.1 Compliance Requirements:
stated in the construction documents.
a. Debris and ice shall be removed from spaces to be
426.4.4 Documentation of Concrete Mixture occupied by concrete before placement;
b. Standing water shall be removed from place of
426.4.4.1 Compliance Requirements: deposit before concrete is placed unless a tremie is to
be used or unless otherwise permitted by both the
Documentation of concrete mixture characteristics licensed design professional and the building of cial;
shall be submitted for review by the licensed design
professional before the mixture is used and before e. Masonry ller units that will be in contact with
making changes to mixtures already in use. Evidence concrete shall be pre-wetted prior to placing concrete;
of the ability of the proposed mixture to comply with
the concrete mixture requirements in the construction d. Equipment used to convey concrete from the mixer to
documents shall be included in the documentation. the location of nal placement shall have capabilities
The evidence shall be based on eld test records or to achieve the placement requirements;
laboratoiy trial batches. Field test records shall
represent conditions similar to those anticipated e. Concrete shall not be pumped through pipe made of
during the proposed Work; aluminum or aluminum alloys;
If eld or laboratory test data are not available, and f. Concrete shall be placed in accordance with (l)
fQ 3 35 MPa, concrete proportions shall be based on through (5):
other experience or infonnation, if approved by the
licensed design professional. If f} > 35 MPa, test l. At a rate to provide an adequate supply of
data documenting the characteristics of the proposed concrete at the location of placement;
mixtures are required;
2. At a rate so concrete at all times has suf cient
If data become available during construction that workability such that it can be consolidated by
consistently exceed the strength-test acceptance the intended methods;
criteria for standard-cured specimens, it shall be
permitted to modify mixture to reduce the average 3. Without segregation or loss of materials;
strength. Submit evidence acceptable to the licensed
design proliassional to demonstrate that the modi ed 4. Without interruptions suf cient to permit loss of
mixture will comply with the concrete mixture workability between successive placements that
requirements in the construction documents. would result in cold joints;
426.5 Concrete Production and Construction 5. Deposited as near to its nal location as
practicable to avoid segregation due to
426.5.1 Concrete Production rehandling or owing.
426.5.1.1 Compliance Requirements: g. Concrete that has been contaminated or has lost its
initial workability to the extent that it can no longer
Cementitious materials and aggregates shall be stored be consolidated by the intended methods shall not be
to prevent deterioration or contamination; used;
Material that has deteriorated or has been h. Retempering concrete in accordance with the limits
contaminated shall not be used in concrete; of ASTM C94M shall be permitted unless otherwise
restricted by the licensed design professional;
Equipment for mixing and transporting concrete shall
conform to ASTM C94M or ASTM C685M;
CHAPTER 4 ~- Strttclural Concrete 44179
After starting, concreting shall be carried on as a at the same time and from the same samples as
continuous operation until the completion of a panel standard-cured cylinders;
or section, as de ned by its boundaries or
predeterminedjoints; 2. Field-cured cylinders shall be qumd in
accordance with the eld curing procedure of
Concrete shall be consolidated by suitable means ASTM C3lM and tested in accordance with
during placement and shall be worked around ASTM C39M.
reinforcement and embedments and into corners of
forms; e. Procedures for protecting and curing concrete shall
be considered adequate if(l) or (2) are satis ed:
Top surfaces of vertically formed li s shall be
generally level. l. Average strength of eld-cured cylinders at test
age designated for determination of fg is equal
426.5.3 Curing Concrete to or at least 85 percent of that of companion
standard-cured cylinders;
426.5.3.1 Design Information:
2. Average strength of eld-cured cylinders at test
If supplementary tests of eld-cured specimens are age exceeds fg by more than 3.5 MPa.
required to verify adequacy of curing and protection,
the number and size of test specimens and the 426.5.4 Concreting in Cold Weather
frequency of these supplementary tests.
426.5.4.1 Design Information:
426.5.3.2 Compliance Requirements:
426.5.4.1 (a) Temperature limits for concrete as
Concrete, other than high-early-strength, shall be delivered in cold weather. i
maintained at a temperature of at least 10°C and in a
moist condition for at least the rst 7 days after 426.5.4.2 Compliance Requirements:
placement, except if accelerated curing is used;
a. Adequate equipment shall be provided for heating
High-early-strength concrete shall be maintained at a concrete materials and protecting concrete during I
temperature of at least 10°C and in a moist condition freezing or near-freezing weather;
for at least the rst 3 days after placement, except if |
accelerated curing is used; b. Frozen materials or materials containing ice shall not I
be used;
Accelerated curing to accelerate strength gain and
reduce time of curing is permitted using high c. Forms, llers, and ground with which concrete is to
pressure steam, steam at atmospheric pressure, heat come in contact shall be free from frost and ice;
and moisture, or other process acceptable to the
licensed design professional. If accelerated curing is d. Concrete materials and production methods shall be
used, (1) and (2) shall apply: selected so that the concrete temperature at delivery
complies with the speci ed temperature limits.
1. Compressive strength at the load stage
considered shall be at least the strength required 426.5.5 Concreting in Hot Weather
at that load stage.
426.5.5.1 Design Information:
2. Accelerated curing shall not impair the durability
of the concrete. 426.5.5.1 (a) Temperature limits for concrete as t
If required by the building of cial or licensed design
delivered in hot weather. l
professional, results of tests of cylinders made and l
cured in accordance with (1) and (2) shall be
426.5.5.2 Compliance Requirements: n
provided in addition to results of standard-cured a. Concrete materials and production methods shall be
cylinder strength tests: selected so that the concrete temperature at delivery
complies with the speci ed temperature limits;
l. At least two 150 by 300 mm or at least three 100
by 200 mm eld-cured cylinders shall be molded
4-180 CHAPTER/t ~ Structural Concrete
Handling, placing, protection, and curing procedures e. Immediately before new concrete is placed,
shall limit concrete temperatures or water construction joints shall be pre-wetted and standing
evaporation that could reduce strength, serviceability, water removed.
and durability of the member or structure.
426.5.7 Construction of Concrete Members
426 5.6 Construction, Contraction, and Isolation
Joints 426.5.7.l Design Information:
Surface preparation, including intentional roughening c. Details for construction of sloped or stepped footings
of hardened concrete surfaces where concrete is to be designed to act as a unit;
placed against previously hardened concrete;
d. Locations where slab and column concrete
Locations where shear is transferred between as- placements are required to be integrated during
rolled steel and concrete using headed studs or placement in accordance with Section 415.3;
welded reinforcing bars requiring steel to be clean
and free of paint; e. Locations where steel ber-reinforced concrete is
required for shear resistance in accordance with
Surface preparation including intentional roughening Section 409.6.3.l.
if composite topping slabs are to be cast in place on a
precast oor or roof intended to act structurally with 426.5.7.2 Compliance Requirements:
the precast members.
a. Beams, girders, or slabs supported by columns or
426 5.6.2 Compliance Requirements: walls shall not be cast until concrete in the vertical
support members is no longer plastic;
Joint locations or joint details not shown or that differ
from those indicated in construction documents shall b. Beams, girders, haunches, drop panels, shear caps,
be submitted for review by the licensed design and capitals shall be placed monolithically as part of
professional; a slab system, unless otherwise shown in construction
Except for prestressed concrete, construction joints in
oor and roof systems shall be located within the c. At locations where slab and column concrete
middle third of spans of slabs, beams, and girders placements are required to be integrated during
unless otherwise approved by the licensed design placement, column concrete shall extend full slab
professional; depth at least 0.60 m into oor slab from face of
column and be integrated with oor concrete;
Construction joints in girders shall be offset a
distance of at least two times the width of intersecting d. Saw-cutting in slabs-on-ground identi ed in the
beams, measured from the face of the intersecting construction documents as structural diaphragms or
beam, unless otherwise approved by the licensed part of the seismic-force-resisting system shall not be
design professional; permitted unless speci cally indicated or approved
by the licensed design professional.
Surface of concrete construction joints shall be
intentionally roughened if speci ed. Otherwise,
construction joints shall be cleaned and laitance
removed before new concrete is placed;
1 .
F” l
CHAPTER 4 Structural Concrete 4-‘tilt
426.6 Reinforcement Materials and Construction 426.6.2 Placement
426.6.2.1 Design Information.
426.6.l General
a. Tolerances on location of reinforcement taking into
426.6.l.1 Design Information consideration tolerances on d and speci ed concrete
cover in accordance with Table 426.6.2.l(a);
a. ASTM designation and grade of reinforcement; Table 426.6.2.l(a)
Tolerances on d and Speci ed Cover
b. Type, size, location requirements, detailing, and
embedment length of reinforcement; Tolerance .
d, Tolerance on specified
OI] (1, [||
mm. concrete cover, mm.
c. Concrete cover to reinforcement; mm.
' -10
d. Location and length oflap splices; <200 :l:l0 Smaller of l <1)
_ — — * speci ed cover
e. Type and location of mechanical splices; -12
S ll f
>200 in ma er O — * speci ed cover
f. Type and location of end-bearing splices;
1'] Tolerance for cover to formed sof ls is ~ 6 mm.
g. Type and location of welded splices and other
required welding of reinforcing bars; b. Tolerance for longitudinal location of bends and ends
of reinforcement in accordance with Table
h. ASTM designation for protective coatings of non- 426.6.2.l(b). The tolerance for speci ed concrete
prestressed reinforcement; ' cover in Table 426.6.2.l(a) shall also apply at
discontinuous ends of members.
i. Corrosion protection for exposed reinforcement
intended to be bonded with extensions on future Table 426.6.2.1(b)
Work. Tolerances for Longitudinal Location of Bends
and Ends of Reinforcement
426.6.l.2 Compliance Requirements
. . Tolerances
a. Mill test reports for reinforcement shall be submitted; Location of bends or reinforcement ends mm ’ J4___4
Other locations l i50
satisfactory, provided a hand-wire-brushed
representative test specimen of the reinforcement 426.6.2.2 Compliance Requirements
complies with the applicable ASTM speci cation for
the minimum dimensions (including height of a. Reinforcement, including bundled bars, shall be it
deformations) and weight per unit length; placed within required tolerances and supported to
prevent displacement beyond required tolerances
c. Prestressing reinforcement shall be free of mill scale, during concrete placement;
pitting, and excessive rust. A light coating of rust
shall be permitted; b. Spiral units shall be continuous bar or wire placed
with even spacing and without distortion beyond the
d. At the time concrete is placed, reinforcement to be tolerances for the speci ed dimensions;
bonded shall be clean of mud, oil, or other deleterious
coatings that decrease bond. c. Splices of reinforcement shall be made only as
permitted in the construction documents, or as
authorized by the licensed design professional;
L*4 5
d. For longitudinal column bars forming an endbearing
splice, the bearing of square cut ends shall be held in
concentric contact;
e. Bar ends shall terminate in at surfaces within 1.5 e. For post-installed anchors, parameters associated
-' degrees of a right angle to the axis of the bars and with the strength used for design, including anchor
shall be tted within 3 degrees of full bearing after category, concrete strength, and aggregate type;
f. For adhesive anchors, parameters associated with the
426.6.3 Bending characteristic bond stress used for design in
accordance with Section 417.4.5 including minimum
426.6.3.l Compliance Requirements age of concrete, concrete temperature range, moisture
condition of concrete at time of installation, type of
a. Reinforcement shall be bent cold prior to placement, lightweight concrete if applicable, and requirements
unless otherwise permitted by the licensed design for hole drilling and preparation;
g. Quali cation requirements for installers of anchors in
b. Field bending of reinforcement partially embedded in accordance with Section 417.8. 1;
concrete shall not be permitted, except as shown in
the construction documents or permitted by the h. Adhesive anchors installed in a horizontal or
licensed design professional; upwardly inclined orientation, if they support
sustained tension loads;
c. Offset bars shall be bent before placement in the
forms. i. Required certi cations for installers of adhesive
anchors that are installed in a horizontal or upwardly
426.6.4 Welding inclined orientation to support sustained tension loads
in accordance with Sections 417.8.2.2 and 4l7.8.2.3;
426.6.4.1 Compliance Requirements.
j. For adhesive anchors, proof loading where required
a. Welding of all non-prestressed bars shall confonn to in accordance with Section 4l7.8.2.l;
the requirements of AWS D1.4M. ASTM
speci cations for bar reinforcement, except for k. Corrosion protection for exposed anchors intended
ASTM A706M, shall be supplemented to require a for attachment with future Work.
mill test report of material properties that
demonstrate conformance to the requirements in 426.7.2 Compliance Requirements
a. Post-installed anchors shall be installed in accordance
b. Welding of crossing bars shall not be used for with the Manufacturer’s Printed Installation
assembly of reinforcement unless permitted by the Instructions (MPII).
licensed design professional.
426.8 Embedments
426.7 Anchoring to Concrete
426.8.1 Design Information:
426.7.1 Design Information
a. Type, size, details, and location of embedments
a. Requirements for assessment and quali cation of designed by the licensed design professional;
anchors for the applicable conditions of use in
accordance with Section 417. 1 .3; b. Reinforcement required to be placed perpendicular to
pipe embedments;
b. Type, size, location requirements, effective
embedment depth, and installation requirements for c. Speci ed concrete cover for pipe embedments with
anchors; their ttings;
c. Minimum edge distance of anchors in accordance d. Corrosion protection for exposed embedments
with Section 417.7; intended to be connected with future Work.
submitted for review by the licensed design strength, and stability until permanent connections
pipfessional; are completed;
b. Aluminum embedments shall be coated or covered to e. If approved by the licensed design professional, items
prevent aluminum-concrete reaction and electrolytic embedded while the concrete is in a plastic state shall
action between aluminum and steel; satisfy (1) through (4):
c. Pipes and ttings not shown in the construction 1. Embedded items shall protrude from the precast
documents shall be designed to resist effects of the concrete members or remain exposed for
material, pressure, and temperature to which they will inspection;
be subjected;
2. Embedded items are not required to be hooked or
d. No liquid, gas, or vapor, except water not exceeding tied to reinforcement within the concrete;
32 °C or 0.35 MPa pressure, shall be placed in the
pipes until the concrete has attained its speci ed 3. Embedded items shall be maintained in the
426.9 Additional Requirements for Precast a. Magnitude and location of prestressing forces;
b. Stressing sequence of tendons;
426.9.l Design Information:
c. Type, size, details, and location of post-tensioning
a. Dimensional tolerances for precast members and anchorages for systems selected by the licensed
interfacing members; design professional;
b. Details of lifting devices, embedments, and related d. Tolerances for placement of tendons and post-
reinforcement required to resist temporary loads from tensioning ducts in accordance with Table
handling, storage, transportation, and erection, if 426.6.2.l(a);
designed by the licensed design professional.
e. Materials and details of corrosion protection for
426.9.2 Compliance Requirements: unbonded tendons, external tendons, couplers, end
ttings, post-tensioning anchorages, and anchorage
a. Members shall be marked to indicate location and regions;
orientation in the structure and date of manufacture;
f. Requirements for ducts for bonded tendons; l
b. Identi cation marks on members shall correspond to
erection drawings; g. Requirements for grouting of bonded tendons,
including maximum water-soluble chloride ion (Cli)
c. Design and details of lifting devices, embedments, content requirements in Section 419.4. 1.
and related reinforcement required to resist
temporary loads from handling, storage, 426.l0.2 Compliance Requirements:
transportation, and erection shall be provided if not l
designed by the licensed design professional; a. Type, size, details, and location of post-tensioning l
anchorage systems not shown in the construction
d. During erection, precast members and structures shall documents shall be submitted to the licensed design
be supported and braced to ensure proper alignment, professional for review; l
National Structural Code of the Philippines Volume l, 7th Edition, 2015
¥_ }
Tendons and post-tensioning ducts shall be placed exception to these strength requirements is provided
in Section 426.lO.2(k);
within required tolerances and supported to prevent
displacement beyond required tolerances during
concrete placement; k. Lower concrete compressive strength than required
by Section 426.l0.2(j) shall be permitted if(l) or (2)
Couplers shall be placed in areas approved by the is satis ed:
licensed design professional and enclosed in housings
long enough to permit necessary movements; 1. Oversized anchorage devices are used to
compensate for a lower concrete compressive
Burning or welding operations in the vicinity of strength;
prestressing reinforcement shall be performed in such
a manner that prestressing reinforcement is not 2. Prestressing reinforcement is stressed to no more
subject to welding sparks, ground currents, or than 50 percent of the nal prestressing force.
temperatures that degrade the properties of the
reinforcement; 426.11 Formwork
Prestressing force and friction losses shall be veri ed 426.1l.1 Design of Formwork
by (1) and (2):
426.l1.1.1 Design Information:
l. Measured elongation of prestressed
reinforcement compared with elongation a. Requirement for the contractor to design, fabricate,
calculated using the modulus of elasticity install, and remove forrnwork;
determined from tests or as reported by the
manufacturer; b. Location of composite members requiring shoring;
2. Jacking force measured using calibrated c. Requirements for removal of shoring of composite
equipment such as a hydraulic pressure gauge, members.
load cell, or dynamometer.
426.11.l.2 Compliance Requirements:
The cause of any difference in force determination
between (1) and (2) of Section 426.l0.2(e) that a. Design of formwork shall consider (1) through (5):
exceeds 5 percent for pretensioned construction or 7
percent for post-tensioiietl construction shall be 1. Method of concrete placement;
ascertained and corrected. unless otherwise approved
by the licensed design professional; 2. Rate of concrete placement;
Loss of prestress force due to unreplaced broken 3. Construction loads, including vertical,
prestressed reinforcement shall not exceed 2 percent; horizontal, and impact;
If the transfer of force from the anchorages of the 4. Avoidance of damage to previously constructed
pretensioning bed to the concrete is accomplished by members;
ame cutting prestressed reinforcement, the cutting
locations and cutting sequence shall be selected to 5. For post-tensioned members, allowance for
avoid undesired temporary stresses in pretensioned movement of the member during application of
members; the prestressing force without damage to the
Long lengths of exposed pretensioned strand shall be
cut near the member to minimize shock to the b. Fonnwork fabrication and installation shall result in a
concrete; nal structure that conforms to shapes, lines, and
dimensions of the members as required by the
Prestressing reinforcement in post-tensioned construction documents;
construction shall not be stressed until the concrete
compressive strength is at least 17 MPa for single- c. Formwork shall be suf ciently tight to inhibit
strand or bar tendons, 28 MPa for multi-strand leakage of paste or mortar;
tendons, or a higher strength, if required. An
iii _
CHAPTER 4 -- Structural Concrete 4-185
d. Formwork shall be braced or tied together to strength to support such additional loads and
maintain position and shape. without impairing serviceability.
d. Suf cient strength shall be demonstrated by e. All reports of acceptance tests shall be provided to
structural analysis considering anticipated loads, the licensed design professional, contractor, concrete
strength of formwork, and an estimate of in-place producer, and, if requested, to the owner and the
concrete strength; building of cial.
h. Formwork supports for post-tensioned members shall 3. At least once for each 460 m2 of surface area for
not be removed until suf cient post-tensioning has slabs or walls.
been applied to enable post-tensioned members to
support their dead load and anticipated construction b. On a given project, if total volume of concrete is such
loads: that frequency of testing would provide fewer than
ve strength tests for a given concrete mixture,
i. No construction loads exceeding the strength test specimens shall be made from at least
combination of superimposed dead load plus live ve randomly selected batches or from each batch if
load including reduction shall be placed on any fewer than ve batches are used;
unshored portion of the structure under
construction, unless analysis indicates adequate
T _
CHAF‘TliR ‘fl ~ Structural Coamrole 4M 187
The residual strength obtained from exural
testing in accordance with ASTM Cl609M at :1
mid-span de ection of 1/150 of the span length
c. The date and time of mixing, quantity, proportions of
materials used, approximate placcmcnl location in the
structure, and results of tests for fresh and hardened
is at least the greater of(i) and (ii): concrete properties for all concrete mixtures used in
the Work;
i. 75 percent of the measured rst-peak
strength obtained from a exural test and; d. Concrete temperatures and protection given to
concrete during placement and curing when the
ii. 75 percent of the strength corresponding ambient temperature falls below 5 °C or rises above
to 0.62,/E. 35°C.
426.13.2.2 Inspection reports shall document (a) c. Construction and removal of forms and reshoring;
through (e)
d. Sequence of erection and connection of precast
a. General progress of the Work; members; ____
4'1 88 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
Installation of adhesive anchors where continuous 427.l.l Provisions of this section shall apply to the
inspection is not required in accordance with Section strength evaluation of existing structures by analytical
417.8.2.4 or as a condition of the assessment in means or by load testing.
accordance with ACI 355.4M.
427.2 General
427.3.l.3 If required, an estimated equivalent fl, shall 427.4.1.4 A precast member to be made composite with
be based on analysis of results of cylinder tests from the cast-in-place concrete shall be permitted to be tested in
original construction or tests of cores removed from the exure as a precast member alone in accordance with (a)
part ofthe structure where strength is in question. and (b):
427.3.1.4 The method for obtaining and testing cores a. Test loads shall be applied only when calculations
shall be in accordance with ASTM C42M. indicate the isolated precast member will not fail by
compression or buckling;
427.3.1.5 The properties of reinforcement are permitted
to be based on tensile tests of representative samples of b. The test load, when applied to the precast member
the material in the structure. alone, shall induce the same total force in the tensile
reinforcement as would be produced by loading the
427.3.2 Strength Reduction Factors composite member with the test load in accordance
with Section 427.4.2.
427.3.2.1 If dimensions, size and location of
reinforcement, and material properties are determined in 427.4.2 Test Load Arrangement and Load Factors
accordance with Section 427.3.1, it is pennitted to I.
increase ¢ from the design values elsewhere in this Code, 427.4.2.1 Test load arrangements shall be selected to
however (I) shall not exceed the limits in Table 427.3.2.l. maximize the deflection, load effects, and stresses in the
critical regions ofthe members being evaluated.
Table 427.3.2.1
Maximum Permissible Strength Reduction Factors 427.4.2.2 The total test load, Tt, including dead load
already in place shall be at least the greatest of (a), (b),
Maximum and (c):
Strength I Classification mnsverse Permissible
Flexure, Tension All Cases
Axial. or Controlled 1.0 a. T, = 1.150 + 1. 51. + 0.4-(L,.0r R) (427.4.2.2a)
Compression Spirals* 0.9
b°‘h __ Controlled Other 0.8
Shear, b. T, = 1.150 + 0. 9L + 1. 5(L,.or R) (427.4.2.2b) ‘1___
Torsion, 0.8
or both
Bearing 0.8 c. , T, = 1.30 (427.4.2.2c)
* Spirals shall satisfy Sections 4lO.7.6.3, 420.2.2, and 425.7,}.
427.4.l General 427.4.2.4 The load factor on the live load L in Section
427.4.2.2(b) shall be permitted to be reduced to 0.45
427.4.l.1 Load tests shall be conducted in a manner that except for parking structures, areas occupied as places of
provides for safety of life and the structure during the test. public assembly, or areas where L is greater than 4.8
427.4.1.2 Safety measures shall not interfere with the
load test or affect the results. 427.4.3 Test Load Application
427.4.1.3 The portion of the structure subject to the test 427.4.3.1 Total test load, T, , shall be applied in at least
load shall be at least 56 days old. If the owner of the
four approximately equal increments.
structure, the contractor, the licensed design professional,
and all other involved parties agree, it shall be permitted
427.4.3.2 Uniform T, shall be applied in a manner that
to perform the load test at an earlier age.
ensures uniform distribution of the load transmitted to the
structure or portion of the structure being tested. Arching
of the test load shall be avoided.
427.4.3.3 After the nal load increment is applied, T, 427.4.5.6 If Section 427.4.5.5 is not satis ed, it shall be
shall remain on the structure for at least 24 hours unless permitted to repeat the load test provided that the second
signs of distress, as noted in Section 427.4.5, are load test begins no earlier than 72 hours after removal of
observed. externally applied loads from the rst load test.
427.4.3.4 After all response measurements are recorded, 427.4.5.7 Portions of the structure tested in the second
the test load shall be removed as soon as practical. load test shall be considered acceptable if:
a. A15 g (427.4.5.5a)
b. Arg % (427.4.5.5b)
A class of shell structure formed by joining at, thin slabs 428.2.3 Equilibrium checks of internal resistances and l
along their edges to create a three-dimensional spatial external loads shall be made to ensure consistency of l
structure. results.
Ribs or edge beams that serve to strengthen, stiffen, or 428.2.6 In prestressed shells, the analysis shall also 1
support the shell; usually, auxiliary members act jointly consider behavior under loads induced during
with the shell. prestressing, at cracking load, and at factored load. Where
tendons are draped within a shell, design shall take into l
428.1.7 Elastic Analysis account force components on the shell resulting from the
tendon pro le not lying in one plane.
An analysis of deformations and internal forces based on l
equilibrium, compatibility of strains, and assumed elastic 428.2.7 The thickness of a shell and its reinforcement l
behavior, and representing to a suitable approximation the shall be proportioned for the required strength and
three-dimensional action of the shell together with its serviceability, using either the strength design method of
auxiliary members. Section 422.1.3 or the design method of Section 424.
4' 192 CHAPTER fl » Striictural C()llt3tHl€?
Equal to the"lliiiigc width. as speci ed iii Section 4092.4. Prestressed cast-in-place concrete shells shall have
acts with the atisiliary nienther. in such portions of the speci ed cover for reinforcement, ducts, and end ttings
shell. the reiiiliirceiiieiit [IIC1'|]DlllllCl.ilill' to the auixiliziry at least that given in Table 428.4.2.
member shall he at least equal to that i'et|tii|'ci;l For the
ange ofa T-heaiii by Section 4tll).2.4.4. Table 428.4.2
Speci ed Concrete Cover for Cast-in Place
428.2.l0 Strength design of shell slabs for membrane Prestressed Concrete Shells
and bending forces shall be based on the distribution of
stresses and strains as determined from either elastic or an
inelastic analysis. iT Speci ed
Concrete .
Reinforcement Cover,
exposure mm ‘
" Ti
428.2.11 In a region where membrane cracking is
Exposed to Prestressing tendons and
predicted, the nominal compressive strength parallel to
we ather or in prestressing reinforcement; 25 25
the cracks shall be taken as O. 4f contact with the mm ¢ bar, MW200 01' MD
ground l
[_ 200 wire, and smaller
_ ‘
428.3 Design Strength _ 28 mm (P bar and larger l dl,
Not exposad to l Prestressing tendons and 20
428.3.l Speci ed compressive strength of concrete Weather or in I [LH!$lfESSlllg reinforcement i
at 28 days shall not be less than 21 MPa. Contact with the i 20 mm (I) bar and larger l db
ground 16 mm ¢ bar, MW200 or C 10
428.3.2 Speci ed yield strength of non-prestressed MD200 wire, and smaller i p
reinforcement fy shall not exceed 420 MPa.
428.4.3 Precast Non-Prestressed or Prestressed
428.4 Speci ed Cover for Thin Shells Unless a greater Concrete Manufactured Under Plant
concrete cover is reqtiirecl hy the General Btiilcling Code Conditions
|'oi' re protection. specilietl concrete cover shall he ll‘l
aecordriiice with Section - through 428.43. For Precast iion»pi'cstressctl concrete manufactured under
shells subjected to corrosive enviroiinients, 428.44 shall plant coiitlitions shells shall have speci ed cover for
apply. rei ii foieeinent, ducts, and end ttings at least that given in
Table 428.43.
428.4.1 Cast-in-place Non-Prestressed Concrete
Table 428.4.3
Non-prestressed cast-in-place concrete shells shall have Speci ed Concrete Cover for Precast Non-Prestressed
speci ed cover for reinforcement shall be at least that or Prestressed Concrete Shells Manufactured Under
given in Table 428.4.l. Plant Conditions
20 mm ¢ through 36 mm ¢ l
bars. Tendons and
Concrete .
Reinforcement Speci ed
exposure Cover, mm prestressing reinforcement 40
Exposed to
i _l
l weather or in larger than 16 mm ¢
contact with the t tlirougli
77 40 mm ¢
Exposed to 20 mm ¢ or larger 50
weather or in l ‘ ground l 16 mm ¢ bar, MW200 or
contact with the l 16 mm ¢, MW200 or MD200 wire, and smaller; 32
ground MD200 wire, and 40 Tendons and strands 16
1 smaller t l l mm (11 and smaller ‘
‘ Not exposed t°
l 20 mm (I) or larger 20 Not exposed to Prestressing tendons and
weather or in l p piestressiiig reinforcement i
weather or in F l
contact with the 16 mm (I), MW200 or l
contact with the 20 mm ¢ bar and larger ‘ 16
ground MD200 wire, and 12
l i smaller L
ground 16 mm ¢ bar, MW200 or 10
MD200 wire, and smaller
- +-----I
CHAF‘TifR 4 ~ .‘I%l:iir.:tiiial C()lltll(3l€ 4- ltlll
428.4.4 Speci ed Concrete Cover Requirements for Grade 420 reinforcement or 0.0020 for Grade 280
Corrosive Environments reinforcement.
428.4.4.l In corrosive environment or other severe 428.5.4 Reinforcement for shear and bending moments
exposure conditions, the speci ed concrete cover shall be about axes in the plane ofthe shell slab shall be calculated
increased as deemed necessary and speci ed by the in accordance with Sections 406, 407 and 408.
licensed design professional. The applicable requirements
for concrete based on exposure categories in Section 428.5.5 The area of shell tension reinforcement shall
4l9.3.l.l shall be satis ed, or other protection shall be be limited so that the reinforcement will yield before
provided. either crushing of concrete in compression or shell
buckling can take place.
428.4.4.2 For prestressed concrete members classi ed as
Class T or C in Section 424.4.2.1 and exposed to 428.5.6 In regions of high tension, membrane
corrosive environments or other severe exposure reinforcement shall, if practical, be placed in the general
categories such as those de ned in Section 4l9.3.l.l, the directions of the principal tensile membrane forces.
speci ed concrete cover shall be at least 1.5 times the Where this is not practical, it shall be permitted to place
cover for prestressed reinforcement required by Section membrane reinforcement in two or more component
405.1.2 for cast-in-place prestressed concrete members directions.
and Section 405.l.3 for precast concrete members.
428.5.7 If the direction of reinforcement varies more
428.4.4.3 The increase cover requirement of Section than 10 degrees from the direction of principal tensile
428.4.4.2 need not be satis ed if the precompressed membrane force, the amount of reinforcement shall be
tensile zone is not in tension under sustained loads. reviewed in relation to cracking at service loads.
428.4.5 Concrete Surface Exposed to Earth or 428.5.8 If the magnitude of the principal tensile
Weather membrane stress within the shell varies greatly over the
area of the shell surface, reinforcement resisting the total
428.4.5.1 If concrete surface is exposed to earth or tension shall be permitted to be concentrated in the
weather, concrete cover provisions shall be in accordance regions of largest tensile stress where it can be shown that
with Section 420.6.l. this provides a safe basis for design. The ratio of shell
reinforcement in any portion of the tensile zone shall be at
428.5 Shell Reinforcement least 0.0035 based on the overall thickness of the shell.
428.5.1 Shell reinforcement shall be provided to resist 428.5.9 Reinforcement required to resist shell bending
tensile stresses from internal membrane forces, to resist moments shall be proportioned with due regard to the
tension from bending and twisting moments, to limit simultaneous action of membrane axial forces at the same
shrinkage and temperature cracking and as reinforcement location. Where shell reinforcement is required in only
at shell boundaries, load attachments and shell openings. one face to resist bending moments, equal amounts shall
be placed near both surfaces of the shell even though a
428.5.2 Tensile reinforcement shall be provided in two reversal of bending moments is not indicated by the
or more directions and shall be proportioned such that its analysis.
resistance in any direction equals or exceeds the
component of internal forces in that direction. 428.5.l0 Shell reinforcement in any direction shall not
be spaced farther apart than 450 mm, nor farther apart
Alternatively, reinforcement for the membrane forces in than ve times the shell thickness. Where the principal
the slab shall be calculated as the reinforcement required membrane tensile stress on the gross concrete area due to
to resist axial tensile forces plus the tensile force due to factored loads exceeds 0.33¢}t\/E reinforcement shall
shear- friction required to transfer shear across any cross not be spaced farther apart than three times the shell
section of the membrane. The assumed coef cient of thickness and 450 mm.
friction, fl, shall not exceed that speci ed in Section
422.9.4.2. 428.5.1l Shell reinforcement at the junction of the shell
and supporting members or edge members shall be
428.5.3 The minimum area of shell reinforcement at anchored in or extended through such members in
any section as measured in two orthogonal directions shall accordance with the requirements of Section 425, except
be at least 0.0018 times the gross area of the section for that the minimum development length shall be 1. 2£’d but
not less than 450 mm.
7' - -- .
lllfttt f.)l>l%"\P l ER 4 Siiut;iui'al (1oiioi'ett':
428.6.2 Contract documents shall specify the 429.2.4 Flexural members shall meet requirements for
tolerances for the shape of the shell. If construction results de ection control in Section 424.2.l, and requirements of
in deviations from the shape greater than the speci ed Sections 408.7.2, 409.23, 409.6.1, and 409.9 of this
tolerances, an analysis of the effect of the deviations shall Code.
be made and any required remedial actions shall be taken
to ensure safe behavior. 429.3 General
resists no tension.
429.4.2 Tensile stress in reinforcement fsshall not I
exceed the following: l
429.6.4 It shall be permitted to take the modular ratio,
n = Es/E,,as the nearest whole number (but not less than
1. Grade 280 reinforcement ........................ .. 140 MPa l
6). Except in calculations for de ections, value of nfor
lightweight concrete shall be assumed to be the same as
2. Grade 420 reinforcement or greater and welded wire for normal weight concrete of the same strength.
fabric (plain or deformed) ...................... .. 170 MPa
429.6.5 In doubly reinforced exural members, an
3. For exural reinforcement, (1)10 mm or less, in one- effective modular ratio of ZES/EC shall be used to
way slabs of not more than 4 m span but not greater transform compression reinforcement for stress ii
than 200 MPa ......................................... ..0. 50 fy computations. Compressive stress in such reinforcement
shall not exceed permissible tensile stress.
429.5 Development and Splices of Reinforcement
429.7 Compression Members With or Without
429.5.I Development and splices of reinforcement I
shall be as required in Section 425 of this chapter. l
429.7.1 Combined exure and axial load capacity of
429.5.2 In satisfying requirements of Section compression members shall be taken as 40 percent of that '1
409., Mn shall be taken as computed moment computed in accordance with provisions in Section 422 of
capacity assuming all positive moment tension this Chapter.
reinforcement at the section to be stressed to the
permissible tensile stress fs, and Vu shall be taken as 429.7.2 Slendemess effects shall be included
unfactored shear force at the section. according to requirements of Table 406.6.3.l.l(b),
Sections 406.6.4.4.l through 406.4.4.2, 406.6.4.5.l. In
Eqs. 406.6.4.4.l, 406.6.4.5.l and 406. the term Pu
shall be replaced by 2.5 times the design axial load, and l‘
the factor 0.75 shall be taken equal to 1.0.
' For more detailed calculation of the shear stress carried by concrete 17¢ 427.7.3 Walls shall be designed in accordance with
and shear values for lightweight aggregate concrete, see Section 429.8.4.
** Designed in accordance with Section 406.4 of this code. Section 411 of this Chapter with exure and axial load
iWhen the supporting surface is wider on all sides than the loaded area, capacities taken as 40 percent of that computed using
permissible bearing stress on the loaded area shall be permitted to be Section 411. In Eq. 41, qb shall be taken equal to F.
multiplied by JA2/A1 but not more than 2. When the supporting 1.0.
surface is sloped or stepped, AZ shall be permitted to be taken as the
area of the lower base of the largest frustum of a right pyramid or cone 429.8 Shear and Torsion
contained wholly within the support and having for its upper base the
loaded area, and having side slopes of 1 vertical-to 2 horizontal.
429.8.1 Design shear stress vshall be computed by
National Structural Code oi‘ the Philippiries \/oiunie l, 7th Edition, 2015
r Ct~iAP’I'l"?.tt 4 ~ Striictiitnl (,1-i'iiirnele
429.841 Foi' nicnibers snhjcet to shear and tlcxtire 42‘J.8.4.’1-' In determining shear stress carried by concrete
only, shear stress carried by concrete tr, shall not exceed "vs, whenever applicable. effects of axial tension due to
e-reep and shrinkage in restrained nicnibers shall be
0.09m unless a iiioi'e detailed calculation is made in included and it shall he perinittcd to include effects of
accordance with Section 429.8.4.4. inclined tlexurai coinpression in viniable-deptli inenibers.
429.8.4.2 For members subject to axial compression, 429.8.5 Shear Stress Carried by Shear
shear stress carried by concrete 12¢, shall not exceed Reinforcement
0. O9,/T; unless a more detailed calculation is made in
accordance with Section 429.8.4.5. 429.8.5.1 Types of Shear Reinforcement
429.8.4.3 For members subject to signi cant axial Shear reinforcement shall consist of one of the following:
tension, shear reinforcement shall be designed to carry
total shear, unless a more detailed calculation is made 1. Stirrups perpendicular to axis of member;
2. Welded wire fabric with wires located perpendicular
v, = 0. o9(1 + 0. 6 iv/Ag),/E (429.8.4.3) to axis of member making an angle of 45 degrees or
more with longitudinal tension reinforcement;
Where N is negative for tension. Quantity N /Ag shall be 3. Longitudinal reinforcement with bent portion
expressed in MPa. making an angle of 30 degrees or more with
longitudinal tension reinforcement;
429.8.4.4 For members subject to shear and exure
only, it shall be permitted to compute vc by 4. Combinations of stirrups and bent longitudinal
11, = 0. oas,/E + 9pw Vd/M (429.8.4.4)
5. Spirals.
but shall not exceed 0.14,/'E. Quantity Vd/ M shall not
be taken greater than 1.0, where M is design moment 429.8.5.2 Design yield strength of shear reinforcement
occurring simultaneously with V at section considered. shall not exceed 420 MPa.
0 ‘
i1'r'lAl1’ liiilh 1i~- Siiuotiiml i"_1onr‘.i eta 4- iii?
429.8.5.4 Spacing Limits for Shear Reinforcement 429. When shear reinforcement perpendicular to l
axis ofmember is used:
429.8.5.4.l Spacing of shear reinforcement placed
perpendicular to axis of member shall not exceed d/2, A,, = (v—vC)bw s/fy (429.
nor 600 mm.
429. When inclined stirrups are used as shear
429. inclined stirrups and bent longitudinal reinforcement:
reinforcement shall be so spaced that every 45-degree
line, extending toward the reaction from mid-depth of iv —- v,§)b,,.s
member (d/2) to longitudinal tension reinforcement, A = a 429.
" f,,(sin tr + cos tr) ( )
shall be crossed by at least one line of shear
429. When shear reinforcement consists of a
single bar or a single group of parallel bars, all bent up at
429. When (v—vc) exceeds gm, maximum the same distance from the support:
spacing given in Sections 429.8.5.4.l and 429.
shall be reduced by one-half.
A,, = (U — v
429.8.5.5 Minimum Shear Reinforcement
where (17— vs) shall not exceed
429.8.5.5.l A minimum area of shear reinforcement
shall be provided in all reinforced concrete exural
members where design shear stress 17 is greater than one- 429. When shear reinforcement consists of a
half the permissible shear stress vc carried by concrete, series of parallel bent-up bars or groups of parallel bent-
except: a up bars at different distances from the support, required
area shall be computed by Eq. 429.
1. Slabs and footings;
429. Only the center three-quarters of the inclined
2. Concrete joist construction de ned by Section 408.8 portion of any longitudinal bent bar shall be considered
of this section; effective for shear reinforcement.
3. Beam with total depth not greater than 250 mm, 2.5
i times thickness of ange, or one-half the width of 429. When more than one type of shear
web, whichever is greatest. reinforcement is used to reinforce the same portion of a
l member, required area shall be computed as the sum of
the various types separately. In such computations, vc
429. Minimum shear reinforcement requirements
of Section 429.8.5.5.l shall be permitted to be waived if
shall be included only once.
shown by test that required ultimate exural and shear
strength can be developed when shear reinforcement is 429. Value of (v— vc) shall not exceed
429.8.6 Shear-Friction
429. Where shear reinforcement is required by
Section 429.8.5.5.l or by analysis, minimum area of shear Where it is appropriate to consider shear transfer across a
reinforcement shall be computed by: given plane, such as an existing or potential crack, an
interface between dissimilar materials, or an interface
A,, = bw s/3f}, (429. between two concretes cast at different times, shear-
friction provisions of Section 422.9 of this Chapter shall
where bw and s are in mm. be permitted to be applied, with limiting maximum stress
for shear taken as 55 percent of that given in Section l
429.8.5.6 Design of Shear Reinforcement 422.9.4.4. Permissible stress in shear-friction
reinforcement shall be that given in Section 429.42.
429. Where design shear stress 12 exceeds shear
stress carried by concrete vc, shear reinforcement shall be 429.8.7 Special Provisions for Slabs and Footings
provided in accordance with Sections 429. through
429. 429.8.7.l Shear capacity of slabs and footings in the
vicinity of concentrated loads or reactions is govemed by
the more severe of two conditions:
L >
I7H_k_‘4 4iI_:-
it V38 1'.‘/l'~lAll‘*l’ER /ls Slriiotural Concrete
v = V/(bod) (429.s.7.2)
1 2
U6 =——
1 —— ’ <42 9 .8.7. 3)
but vc shall not exceed ,l)"[. L. is the ratio of long
side to short
. side
. of concentrated
_ _ load or .reaction area.
When lightweight aggregate concrete is used. tie
tnodifteations of Section 429.8.4.6 shall apply.
As an aid to users ofthe NSCP Vol. 1, 7 Edition and AC1 Building Code, information on size, areas, and weights of various
steel reinforcement is presented
t l
4-200 CHAPTER 4 ~ Structural Concrete
I W31 D31 0.628 0.310 1.054 0.930 0.620 l 0.470 1 0.37 0.31
11.9111‘! 0.600 tI.4 511 11.3011
1 W3[l D30 0.618 ti-..'i1)t1 1.020
0.341] 0.560 1 11.420’ 0.33 0.2 80
\\"2ti D28 0.597 0.1311 0.952
W2 6 D26 11.575 0.260 0.884 . L 1. _ _o.isrl 0.520 0.391) 0.3 11.261
1 W24 D24 0.553 0.240 0.816 1 1.440 1 0.960 0.720 0.480 . 0.360 1 0.28 0.24
0.660 0.440 0.330 1 0.26 0.22
1 W22 D22 0.529 0.220 0.748
0.600 0.400 I 0.300 0.240 0.20
W20 D20 0.505 0.200 0.680
l W18 D18 0.479 0.180 0.612 0.540 0.360 0.270 1 0.216 0.18
W12 D12 0.301 0.120 0.408 1 1131211 l 0.41111 1 11.360 0.240 1 0.130 0.144 0.12
0.374 0.660 0.440 0.330 0.220 0.16 0.11
‘ W11 D11 0.374 0.110
l 0.15 7 l 0.126 0.10
Wl0.5 1 0.366 0.105 0.357 l 0.630 1 0.420 1 0.315 0.210
0.340 0.600 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.150 0.10
W10 D10 0.357 0.100
0.323 0.570 l 0.380 0.285 0.190 0.142 0.114 0.095
W9.5 0.348 0.095 l