Saturated Core Fault Current Limiter

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Mansoura University

Faculty of Engineering
Electrical Engineering Dept



A thesis submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering

in partial fulfillment for the requirements of the
Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering

Eng. Rasha Elbadwy Elshahat Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Mansoura University
Supervised by
Prof. Mahmoud Saber Kandil Assoc.Prof. Eid Abdelbaki Gouda
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Mansoura University Mansoura University


I would like to praise Allah for his favor and ask him
to increase his grace and generosity.

I would like to thank my advisor Prof. Dr. Mahmoud

Saber Kandil for having the determination to keep
me focused on my thesis. And Assoc.Prof. Eid
Abdelbaki’s assistance, encouragement and
support have been instrumental during my MS
program at Mansoura University.

The author sincerely thanks the help of Mr

Mohamed kabsha, Eng. Aiatt Esmaeil and Eng Azza

Finally, I would like to thank my parents, my lovely

son Hisham, my sisters and brothers for continued
support, consideration and their persistent faith in
me. Without their help, I would have not been able
to overcome the obstacles and move forward.


Distributed Generations (DGs) which are sustainable energies, must be

used in any country in the world. Egypt follow the United Nations aims to
stop burning fossil fuels that pollute the atmosphere of the universe and
should use, always, Solar, PV, Wind and Biomass Energies.

Utilities therefore faced with an increased fault current levels beyond the
rated values of the installed equipment. To limit this new fault current
levels, expensive current limiting equipment’s is investigated by several
researchers, and various fault current limiting techniques have been
developed. In modern power systems, Fault Current Limiters (FCL) are
used to provide protection against high fault currents during currents faults
and thereby, help serve an uninterrupted supply of electricity to the
consumers. In smart-grid trend, superconducting fault current limiter
(SFCL) is one of the leading candidates for commercial fault current
limiting devices and most promising device found increasing in power
systems. Here, a special attention has been focused to how FCL improves
the network reliability by decreasing short circuit levels and then improve
the failure rate of devices. The Saturated iron-Core Superconducting Fault
Current Limiter (SCSFCL) has gained a lot of attention on SFCLs various
technologies. This is due to its ability to provide very low impedance during
normal operation and a high impedance during fault condition. This
behavior is achieved by utilizing the change in magnetic state of the
SCSFCL iron cores between saturation and unsaturation states. SCSFCL
composites mainly of DC coil, AC coils, and iron cores. Which are the main
components to determine the device performance. Besides, they have great

impact on scale, size, weight, and manufacture cost of the device, which are
essential factors influencing the utility’s acceptance for the device.

In this thesis, SCSFCL model is implemented in PASCAD environment for

grid connected power system protection. A comprehensive and up-to-date
literature review of FCL technologies is presented. Then the working
principle and electrical properties of the SCSFCL are discussed. Simulation
results based on 11 kV voltage level Egyptian network real power
distribution system is efficiently presented in PSCAD environment as a test
system. Theoretical model and simulation measurements have been carried
out and parameters of the proposed model are derived from the results of
simulations. Also, details of methods and results will be presented and
discussed. To validate the effectiveness of the device in the grid according to
three scenarios. The first scenario is before inserting DG in to the reference
system, the second scenario is after inserting DG, and the last scenario is
after adding DG &SFCL in the test system. A comparison is also made
regarding the effect of a three-phase to ground fault at different four
positions according to the same three scenarios.

List of contents
Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
Table list vii
Figures list viii
List of symbols x


1-1 Introduction 2
1-2 Distributed generation 4
1-3 Air core reactors 5
1-4 High impedance transformer 6
1-5 Equipment uprating 7
1-6 Network reconfiguration (bus-bars splitting) 7
1-7 Fault current limiter 8


2-1 Introduction 10
2-1-1 Ideal FCL characteristics 11
2-1-2 FCL main types 11
2-2 Superconductor Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) characteristics 12
2-2-1 Superconductor characteristics 13
2-2-2 Superconductor quench phenomena 14
2-3 Superconductor Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) types 14
2-3-1 Resistive SFCL 14
2-3-2 Shielded-Core SFCL 16
2-3-3 Hybrid SFCL 17
2-3-4 Saturated Cores Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SCSFCL) 17
2-4 Non-superconducting fault current limiter technologies 19
2-4-1 Current-limiting Fuses 19
2-4-2 Solid-State FCL (SSFCL) 20

2-5 A Brief comparison between FCL technologies 21
2-5-1 Comparison between FCL techniques 21
2-5-2 Comparison between FCL applications 22

Chapter 3. Saturated Cores Superconducting Fault Current Limiter

3-1 Introduction 25
3-2 SCSFCL working principle and characteristics 25
3-2-1 SCSFCL working principle 25
3-2-2 SCSFCL normal steady-state conditions 27
3-2-3 SCSFCL short-circuit conditions 27
3-2-4 SCSFCL recovery conditions 28
3-2-5 SCSFCL general characteristics 28
3-2-6 SCSFCL general equation: 29
3-3 SCSFCL design problems: 30
3-4 SCSFCL typical applications 31
3-4-1 Innopower typical applications: 31
3-4-2 Grid ON company typical applications: 34


4-1 Introduction 36
4-2 PSCAD/ EMTDC v4.5.0 36
4-3 Proposed PSCAD model 36
4-3-1 Major circuital components 36
4-3-2 Model operation sequence 37
4-3-3 Automatic fault detection technique 38
4-3-4 Proposed SCSFCL model 38
4-4 Test system overview 40
4-5 Adaptation of the proposed SCSFCL inductance. 42
4-6 Performance verification of the used model (L=0.0023H) 45

4-6-1 rms phase current (Mag_B) 45
4-6-2 the resistance (R) 46
4-6-3 fault detection period (FAULT_DETECT) 46
4-6-4 the instantaneous phase current through the resistance (I_R_A) 47
4-6-5 the Thyristor's operation (Thyristor FP1) 47


5-1 introduction 49
5-2-1 three phase to ground fault: 49
5-2-2 single phase to ground fault at phase A: 49
5-2-3 L to G fault at B: 50
5-2-4 L (A)-L (B) - G fault 51
5-2-5 phase to phase to ground fault with changing SCSFCL location: 52
5-2-6 phase to phase to ground fault (A and C): 53
5-3 FAULT POSITION (2) & (abc-g) fault 54
5-4 FAULT POSITION (3) & (abc-g) fault 56
5-5 FAULT POSITION (4) & (abc-g) fault 58


Summary and Conclusions of thesis 61
Future Work 64

Appendix (A) single line diagram of the test bed system 65
Appendix (B) part of proposed PSCAD/EMTDC model 65
Appendix (C) MATLAB simulation of the test system 66
Appendix (D) PSCAD/EMTDC simulation of the MODEL 66
Appendix (E) PSCAD/EMTDC simulation of the test system 67



Table 2-1 Comparison of FCL Technologies 22

Table 3-1 summery of SCSFCLs indices in possible applications 32
Table 4-1 main line data of test system 41

Figures list
Fig 1-1 Conventional techniques of Fault Current Mitigation 5
Fig 2-1 Usage of Fault Current Limiters according to its location 10
Fig 2-2 superconductor characteristics 13
Fig 2-3 resistive SCFL 15
Fig 2-4 Shielded-Core SFCL principal 16
Fig 2-5 SSFCL Circuit Breaker 20
Fig 3-1 configuration of single phase SCSFCL 25
Fig 3-2 operating zones of SCSFCL 26
Fig 3-3 (B/i_ac) relation @ Bsat=2.2T& Imax=30KA 30
Fig 3-4 Examples for possible applications of SCSFCLs 32
Fig 3-5 practical HV- SCSFCL 32
Fig 3-6 SCSFCL medium-size prototype 33
Fig 3-7 SCSFCL one phase 500 kV 33
Fig 4-1 SCSFCL model circuit diagram 37
Fig 4-2 SCSFCL PSCAD proposed model 39
Fig 4-3 single line diagram of Tanta city distribution system with DG and . . 40
Fig 4-4 1st PSCAD/EMTDC section of the test system (fault at F1) 42
Fig 4-5 CB1&CB2 currents (no DG, with DG, with DG and SCSFCL/0.23H, with 44
……….DG and SCSFCL/0.023H, with DG and SCSFCL/0.0023H, with DG and
Fig 4-6 internal SCSFCL model component performance (Mag_B) 45
Fig 4-7 internal SCSFCL model component performance (R) 46
Fig 4-8 internal SCSFCL model component performance (FAULT_DETECT) 46
Fig 4-9 internal SCSFCL model component performance (I_R_A) 47
Fig 4-10 internal SCSFCL model component performance (Thyristor FP1) 47
Fig 5-1 current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios, 50
……….single phase fault (A)

Fig 5-2 current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios, 51
……….single phase fault (B)
Fig 5-3 current wave shapes (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios in 52
……….two phases (A and B) fault
Fig 5-4 the instantaneous phase (A) current through the model’s resistance 53
Fig 5-5 the instantaneous model line current through the phase (A) 53
Fig 5-6 current wave shapes (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios in 54
……….two phase (A and C) fault
Fig 5-7 2nd PSCAD/EMTDC section of the test system (fault at F2) 55
Fig 5-8 current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios in 55
Fig 5-9 3rd PSCAD/EMTDC section of the test system (fault at F3) 55
Fig 5-10 single phase current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with 57
………...DG+SCSFCL) scenarios in F3
Fig 5-11 4th PSCAD/EMTDC section of the test system (fault at F4) 58
Fig 5-12 current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios 59
……… F4

List of symbols

A The cross-sectional area of the iron core

B flux density
CB Circuit Breaker
DC Direct Current
DG Distributed Generation
E total generated voltage
EHV Extra High Voltage
EPRS Existing Protection Relay Scheme
F Fault location
FCC fault-current controller
FCL Fault Current Limiter
H magnetic field intensity
HTS High Temperature Superconducting
HV High Voltage
HVDC High-Voltage Direct-Current transmission
I instantaneous current
Id DC bias current
Irms Roat main square value current
Jc critical current density
J Current Density
l the mean magnetic path length
L reactor
LTS Low Temperature Superconductors

MV Medium Voltage
R Linear variable resistance
RER Renewable Energy Recourse
Sac the cross-sectional areas of the section housing the AC coil
Sdc the cross-sectional areas of the section housing the DC coil
Syoke the cross-sectional areas of the section housing the yoke
SCSFCL Saturated Cores Superconducting FCL
SSFCL Solid-state FCL
SSFCL-CB SSFCL Circuit Breaker
SFCL Superconductor Fault Current Limiter
T Temperature
TH thyristor
TRV transient recovery voltage
VSC Voltage-Source Converters
wc the number of turns of the AC winding on each core
wd the number of turns of the DC winding on each core
µr relative permeability

Thesis Summary ( ) Library General Administration Library

Faculty Engineering Department Electrical Engineering General No.

name Eng. Rasha Elbadwy Elshahat Degree Master of Engineering



Nowadays usage of Distributed Generations (DGs) in distribution networks has been so important and cannot be
ignored in networks. As DGs are added into the grid, a larger fault currents resulting which may cause the existing
circuit breakers to become under-rated then components of the electrical system may be damaged during fault
conditions and cascading grid problems.
However one of the main solutions to solve that problem is to use Fault Current Limiters (FCLs) which have the
potential to limit fault currents and then to increase system stability.
Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) is a device used in transmission and distribution system to reduce
the effect grid disturbances. In smart-grid, SFCL would be one of the important devices used for the protection of
the grids. However, in most of the cases, there is very little information on how the FCL modeling is actually done.
It is important to create a general implementation methodology and algorithm for developing a FCL model .
The work in this thesis can be summarized as follows:-
• A comprehensive and recent literature review of the major kinds of fault current limiters that have been
simulated, lab tested and even installed in the field. The Saturated Core SFCL (SCSFCL) seems to provide
the necessary solution to the fault current problem in AC and DC-fault currents in High Voltage DC
(HVDC) systems using Voltage-Source Converters (VSC). So SCFCL concepts have been reviewed based
on the working principle of that the SCSFCL inductance is almost 0 in the saturated region yet rises sharply
to a large value in the narrow non-saturated region.
• Behavioral fault current limiter model in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment is proposed. This includes
algorithmic implementations of FCL fault detection, activation, operation and timing.
• A total of six case studies using the developed SCSFCL model were performed for 3-phase and L-G faults at
different locations of the grid. To validate the effectiveness of the device in the grid, analysis without SFCL,
is also performed.
General results on the distribution system with and without an FCL were discussed. It was shown that the use of FCL in
general can help in mitigating currents.

The SCFCL seems to provide the necessary solution to the fault current problem and thus allows adding generation
resources to distribution networks and connecting network segments in parallel.

This model is particularly useful when engineers are planning to evaluate new FCL technology in a particular
distribution system worked as expected and produced satisfactory results.

It was observed that presence of only one FCL in series with DG improve the network reliability.

Subject Titles: Saturated Core Fault Current Limiter, PSCAD simulation, FCL modeling, Typical Egyptian Distribution

General Administration Library-Mansoura University-60 gomhoria Street-Mansoura-Egypt-Box:35516



The objective of this thesis is to create a flexible SCSFCL model for PSCAD®.
PSCAD is a graphical user interface based power system software that allows
for detailed modeling of transmission, distribution systems, machines etc. and
is widely used in the industry.

Also, the objective of this thesis is to address the application of SCSFCL at the
distribution system.

A case study of practical system in Egypt is presented with the proposal of

SCFCL installation.

It is the author’s hope that this work will be beneficial to power engineers
when considering installing a SCSFCL in their particular systems. The impacts
will be evaluated by means of short circuit analysis for various insertion points
of fault into a real distribution system. Furthermore, the proposed model
aimed at quantifying the SCSFCL impact on currents.

Measuring evaluation indices in the following scenarios of the proposed


• the reference test power system “CB current(no DG )”

• Inserting DG in the test system simulation. “CB current(with DG )”

• Inserting the SCSFCL in series with the DG in the test system. “CB
current(SFCL )”

• Comparing 4 different SCSFCL inductance magnitudes and then selecting
the SCSFCL best parameters according to the measurable fault current

• Check the components’ performance of the adapted SCSFCL.

• Check the effects of SCSFCL insertion in series with the DG in the test
system in different 3 fault types in different 4 fault locations.

So, the work in this thesis makes two major contributions. Firstly, development
a SCSFCL model for the computer aided design software called PSCAD® that can
be used for another network studies by adapting its parameters and check its
performance during (faulty /un faulty )operation.

Secondly, detailed study for the application of the proposed FCL model for six
different fault conditions in typical distribution utility in Tanta-Egypt.

Structure of the thesis

The subsequent content is structured as follows:


Discussing the great concern of Faults in power system studies and the intense
worldwide effort to withstand the DG effect of growing threat of the short-
circuit currents, Then details the main fault current mitigation strategies as the
passive strategy and the active strategy.

The traditional mitigation method such as bus and grid splitting, high
impedance transformers and current limiting reactors to maintain the
acceptable values of fault currents. Will be discussed in details to clear why
they are more power energy intensive and so reduces the system efficiency
and stability. So, this drawback can be avoided by using active or controlled
mitigating devices. Such as fault current limiter devices

Chapter 2, Fault current limiters

An Overview, reviews the role of FCL, applications and the need for it. A
comprehensive table summarizes some of the different categories and the
most promising types of FCL, explaining the method of operation along with
references. A brief summary of the current status of the FCL technology and
potential concerns have also been addressed.

The self-triggered FCL devices use the material’s physical properties for
activation such as superconductors which was used to limit fault currents since
the discovery of superconductor materials will be cleared. Also, the Fault
Current Limiter’s types which do not depend on superconductors for the job of
current limitation, such as fuses and solid-state FCL will be summarized

Chapter 3.Saturated Cores Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SCSFCL)

The Saturated Cores Superconducting FCL (SCSFCL) will be discussed in details

because it is a practical device was proven its advantages in many actual
applications all over the world.

This device has significant attention from both electricity utilities and
researchers because it has a major advantages like providing instantaneous
fault current mitigation and instantaneous recovery state.


practical approach to a computer aided model using industry standard
PSCAD/EMTDC4.5.0 software. Outlining the operation principle, fault detection
and activation algorithms.

Chapter 5, Simulation system results, case studies are conducted on the test
distribution system to check for SCSFCL performance and assess its overall
impact on the test system currents.

Chapter 6, Conclusions and Future Work, summarizes the work done, along
with some of the major contributions that this thesis makes in the field of fault
current limiters. A brief recommendation of prospective future direction is also


1-1 Introduction
Distribution systems are vital parts of the electrical power system studies. The
majority of the distribution systems all over the world operate in a radial
topology, which is a single power source feeds loads. This topology is very
simple and their protection schemes are well understood. But due to the
continuous growth of economic and development, the society should meet the
rising power demand of the modern life. So, installed capacities of generation
systems are increasing continuously, which result in gradually increase in
number of independent power resources called Distributed Generation (DG).
Besides that DG may be a one of the main solutions to decrease level of CO2 in
the air and its related pollution.
But DGs presence in the structure of distribution network is not without
problems because the distribution grid structure is made more interconnected
and then current flowing in the two directions [1]. A more connected power
system means a stiff source with very high fault current capacity, which causes
difficult network’s operation and control that reduces reliability of a network [2].
Also, the grid sometimes operates near to its limits and then, with DG integrated
with the grid, the fault current levels will overshoot the limits on several
equipment like bus-bars, circuit breakers (CBs), and transformers which have to
be replaced or at least upgraded. Otherwise, there is will be a growing in the
frequency of fault occurrence and fault severity due to fault levels increasing
In general, Faults in electrical power grids are uncontrollable events that happen
due to two main reasons [4]: 1– Faults due to old age elements failures.
2–Faults due to grid external factors such as
system overloading, winter lightning, or digging through power cables.
Faults have a great concern in power system studies ,due to it cause very high
electrical currents which cause extra thermal stresses, electrical stresses and
mechanical stresses on distribution power system equipment [4].
While fault duration, re-closer have to be closed to limit the fault risk of
exceeding mechanical stress. Also, normally closed CB have to be opened with
switchgear. Noticing that there is a severe risks on personnel if switchgear
opening action fails during switching action [4].

So, a high fault level is undesirable only if the fault level is larger than the
installed equipment’s rating, which leads the protective devices to work wrongly
and causes a transient faults to be changed into a permanent faults. This problem
impacts especially the circuit breakers because their interruption capacities are
Then existed equipments in the interconnected system need to be protected
against the short circuit currents and, in the same time, maintain an acceptable
reliability level of the system [5].
Engineers all over the world have developed many detect fault currents schemes
to activate isolation devices like CBs that interrupt the over-current amounts
with a sufficiently rapid time before over-current amounts damage any part of
the power grid. While these detect fault currents’ schemes are effective, the
levels of fault current increase gradually and exceed the interruption capabilities
of the existing power system devices. This situation requires a fault level
management against dangers of the occurred fault [6] .
There are two main fault current mitigation strategies, passive strategy and
active strategy. Traditionally, the utilities have been using bus and grid splitting,
high impedance transformers and current limiting reactors to maintain the
acceptable values of fault currents. But the traditional mitigating devices remain
in operation even during normal grid conditions, so they are a passive devices
that have a fixed impedance on the grid, and therefore they are more power
energy intensive and so reduces the system efficiency and stability [5].
This drawback can be avoided by using active or controlled mitigating devices.
The active fault current mitigating devices offer low impedance during normal
operating conditions and during fault conditions it rapidly transit to high
impedance state. So they have minimal losses because they are transparent to the
system in normal conditions but they operate during fault only [6].
To decide an optimal effective mean of fault level management technique to be
used for a specific power grid, a detailed study of some quantify parameters for
the various options may be completed to compare the different solutions each to
others from the financial and the operational perspectives, on the existing power
grids. Also the energy loss and its cost has to be discussed in the detailed study
for making a practical decision. However, This obtained conclusion could then
determine the suitable fault current management method in that specific utility ,
but this obtained conclusion may not applicable for other grids [6].

While conventional fault current limiting techniques are assumed as passive
techniques which are generally introduce additional costs on power system
quality, operational complexity, stability, security of supply and reliability [4].
But it still applicable to be used in some cases, so they will be discussed in the
following section of the chapter beside discuss the concepts of DG and modern
fault current limiting techniques called Fault Current Limiter (FCL).
1-2 Distributed generation
The maximum fault current tends to increase in a system for many reasons
including the distributed generation sources which are added to an already
existed system to accommodate with the power demand of load growth [7].
DG sources may be a mini turbines, wind farms, solar panels, or fuel cells up to
50MW [8] , and its major customers’ applications are:
• Allowing customers to generate their own electricity continuously with
all load operation periods,
• Improving system power reliability and quality by using DG to back up
the main grid source,
• Reducing the amount of electricity purchased from the main grid during
peak price periods, by generating a portion of electricity on site.
• Selling excess generation back onto the main grid when DG own loads
are low, and
• Meeting all power needs of the customer’s residential demand.
So, Egypt government welcomed the Japan's cooperation agency assistance in
development of the renewable energy field for increasing the Egyptian
renewable energy production to 20% of the total Egyptian power production by
2022 [9] & [10].
However, various studies have demonstrated that integration of DG in to existed
distribution networks may create problems [11]which may lead to frequent
power outages and then a customer dissatisfaction as a side-effect [12]. So,
different utility protection aspects have to be carefully studied such as internal
faults of the generation sources; fault currents supplied by the DGs; anti-
islanding [13] [14] [15], and DG effects on already existing devices. Therefore
all of these aspects are need to be carefully addressed when connecting DG to
distribution networks.

Also, distribution systems are designed to have low impedances between
generation and loads. So, this low interconnection impedance cause a high fault
levels up to 20 times of system normal current. So, it is important for both good
planning and operation of a distribution network to be reanalyzed after inserting
the DG , due to the change in the system nominal rated current and fault current
Meanwhile smart grid is an important direction for future power grid
development because its good characteristics of energy saving, efficiency,
security and reliability. Also, in High Voltage DC (HVDC) section of the smart
grid, when a fault happens at the DC side in HVDC with Voltage-Source
Converters (VSC), then the current will surge within few milliseconds due to the
DC-link capacitor discharge then AC main source feeds large currents into the
DC side. So the power electronics may be damaged [17].
Therefore, the intense worldwide effort takes place to withstand the DG effect of
growing threat of the short-circuit currents, so that replacing existing power grid
infrastructure can be avoided or postponed. Thus, fault current limiting is an
important indication to maintain the power transfer to be smoothly and
continuously. Over the years, there has been important researches to develop a
several fault limiting technologies which divided to traditionally fault limiting
options shown in figure 1-1 will be discussed below in this chapter. And modern
fault limiter options will be discussed in chapter (2).

Fig 1-1 Conventional techniques of fault current mitigation [18]
1-3 Air core reactors
Air core reactors is a passive device was used in traditional grids for limiting
fault currents to such a level less than the rated circuit breaker interruption
The air core reactors applications should consider its impact on other system
equipment, such as its impact on CBs transient recovery voltage (TRV) [19]&
Its interruption capacity will be rated according to substation current calculation,
but rating in specific substation is preferred to be standard because it may reduce
substation operation and maintenance costs [6] .
Its mean features can be summarized in the following advantages of [3]:
• Its technique, installed, and field tested has been well known for many

• It has a relative low cost and low maintenance compared with any of
the other fault current limiting options.
• It has a small physical footprint.
However, it have many disadvantages like [16],
• It is bulky to handle and replacement.
• It is continuously connected in the system and therefore consumes
considerable electrical power.
• It produces a voltage drop in steady state equals that of a transformer
tap changer (which regulate the voltage on the MV bus-bars) [6] .
• It causes lagging power factor.
• It has fixed impedance, and therefore assumed as a continuous load
during unfaulty situations.

1-4 High Impedance Transformer (HIT)

While standard transformers has an impedance around 10 %, however HITs are
specified by 20% [21]impedance as a fault level management device. It is a
passive mitigation device has the same theory of operation of the air core
reactor, therefore it shares many of air core reactor’s advantages and
But the high impedance transformer losses are technically not considerably high
in case of the Medium Voltage (MV) bus-bar, because the transformer energy
loss depends on the current transfers through it, and MV current is almost low
Although the high impedance transformers are considered as a costly option,
device price via long term contracts will not higher than 6.4% of the standard
transformers’ price, so HIT can be assumed as a low cost fault current limiting
Therefore the high impedance transformer is an ideal option when new
installations is a main future plane and there is no additional spaces in the
electrical yard, but then substation has to consider the device additional costs for
spare holding.

But its main disadvantage is introducing a power voltage drop and much
increased steady-state power losses [4].
1-5 Equipment uprating
In the event of a rapid expansion in the grid and related rapid increasing in fault
current levels at the substation buses. That fault current levels increase has a
direct impact on the grid equipment like circuit breakers. Since, that fault
currents observed at the buses exceeds the rated interruption capacity of circuit
breakers so these under rated circuit breakers will have to be replaced with
another uprated devices. Also, the all bus-bar related devices have to be re-
evaluated in order to assure that if the new high short circuit forces can be
So, there are need for costly equipment upgrades or replacements.
In fact high fault current levels may be acceptable only when system equipment
is approximately rated that new levels. But actually, many of the old substations
was designed that a CB have to be replaced when fault current level has been
exceeded or it is near the end of its service life.
Equipment uprating option is a high cost and time consuming option due to
replacing all of the under rated devices with others that comply with the new
current level specifications, however equipment uprating will eliminates the
need for another fault level management methods.
So, this option is not a practical choice in many cases [6].
But in some cases, when substation components will be re-designed to be
strengthened due to any technical reasons, then the equipment uprating option is
the optimum option because it has no increased maintenance or increased cost of
the steady state losses.
1-6 Network reconfiguration (bus-bars splitting)
The last option of traditional fault current limiting management is splitting bus-
bar. This option will reduce the fault levels and has a negligible cost. But
splitting bus-bar leads to many problems in grid operation such as low power
quality and undesirable low network reliability.
So it is not the optimum fault current limiting management in many grids [6].
1-7 Fault Current Limiter (FCL)

Due to continuous load growth in modern grids, Renewable Energy Resource
(RER) are installed within the power network. So, fault currents may be exceed
the existing circuit breakers interrupting ratings and then many CBs are
Many traditional aspects was discussed before to solve this problem, but all
these aspects have performances that may not practical in many cases , so it
have to achieve a modern device to be compatible with the modern grids and its
modern specifications.
Such modern fault current limiting management is FCL devices which can be
used to reduce the amplitude of fault currents to protect solid state components
in modern grids and also to speed up both fault detection and fault interruption.
Then FCL make the fault event in grid has less disturbance [22].
FCL is a viable modern alternative for fault level management that uses modern
technologies to rapidly limit electrical surges that may occur on networks.
Besides that in modern grid, when short circuit connection happens at a presence
of DG, the coordination between fuse and re-closer is mismatched and so
decreases the network reliability. FCL is used also to solve this problem and
generally to improve the reliability of the modern distribution networks [2].
Nowadays many different types of fault current limiters were installed on power
grids all over the world, but three major FCLs types have been developed and
commercially used which are Solid-State FCL, Superconducting FCL, and
Electromagnetic FCL.
FCL different types will be discussed in details in the next chapter.

Chapter 2.

2-1 Introduction
Although network interconnectivity improves power delivery reliability and
meet the demands of increasing customer needs growth, but it also increases
fault levels in the network as discussed in the previous chapter.
Damage from short circuit currents is a constant threat to any electric power
system because it threatens the integrity of its generators, bus-bars, transformers,
switchgears, and distribution lines. So in the modern systems it have to control
the fault current level by a modern device.
One such modern solution is FCL which is a modern device has to control the
new fault currents to a secure levels, which the already existed protection
devices can operate safely with no extra cost or technical problems on the grid
Also, FCL omits the network protection equipment’s need for to be realigned to
mitigate the fault currents created by DGs. This results in increasing the lifetime
of system equipment.
The role of the FCL is to limit the fault current levels to a more manageable
levels without a significant impact on the distribution system.
FCL may be located in several locations at the grid as implemented in figure 2-1
such as at transformer feed, generator feed, bus coupling, and at sensitive loads

Figure 2-1 Usage of Fault Current Limiters according to its location [18]
The different FCL types will be assigned to the most applications in a grid such
as: i) FCL installed at DG source which replace a circuit breaker with the
advantage of maintaining system protection coordination correctly; ii) Fault
Current Limiter may installed at distribution substations to mitigate the over
current free of harmonic disturbance; iii) FCLs also have to be installed in
transmission system which reduce fault current levels to that levels before install
DG [22].
In brief, the presence of FCL device helps the power system to reduce inrush
currents [24], improve grid power quality and power reliability [2].
Nowadays many different types of fault current limiters installed on power grids
all over the world, but there are three FCL types actually are developed and
commercially used which are solid-state FCL, superconducting FCL [25], and
electromagnetic FCL. Some of FCL different types will be discussed below
after listing the Ideal FCL characteristics
2-1-1 Ideal FCL characteristics
An ideal FCL should meet the following operational requirements [3] [26]
• During steady state, it has low impedance causes zero voltage drop and
little power loss across the FCL itself,

• During fault state, it has a fast-working within the first fault cycle (i.e.
20ms for 50Hz) and it can reduce the fault current to a desirable
percentage in the next few cycles,
• After fault clearing, the automatic recovery of the FCL device to the pre-
fault state happen without intervention of man work or external control
• It capable of repeat mitigated operations for multiple faults in a short
period of time,
• Has no impacts on voltage or angle stability in the utility,
• Has the ability to work up to the distribution voltage level classes,
• Has no impact on the normal operation of relays and circuit breakers,
• Maintenance free, small-size, and lightweight device,
• Has no danger for personnel usage, and
• Low bad impacts on the environment.
2-1-2 FCL main types
The FCL devices was divided in to different categories which have different
particular characteristics. In general, FCL is assumed as an active device which
its operation can be self-triggered or need another externally triggering device.
The FCL which was built using semiconductor switching devices is assumed to
be an externally trigger device and the FCL which was built using
superconducting materials is assumed to be a self- trigger device [5]
The self-triggered FCL devices use the material’s physical properties for
activation such as superconductors which was used to limit fault currents since
the discovery of superconductor materials.
The superconductor limiting behavior depends on its non-linear performance
when temperature, magnetic field, current density (T, B, and J respectively)
vary. Changing value of only one parameter cause a superconductor material to
transit between the zero resistance state (called superconducting state), and the
high impedance state [7].
There are Fault Current Limiter’s types do not depend on superconductors for
the job of current limitation, such as fuses and solid-state FCL.

Practical tests on fault current limiters (FCLs) for AC systems 1000 V and
above is described in details in [28] .
2-2 Superconductor Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) characteristics
Superconducting FCL limits the prospective short-circuit currents to lower
levels. So, it improves grid stability and reliability by reducing the fault current
levels. Superconductor materials lose their electrical resistance below certain
critical values of temperature, magnetic field, and current density. SFCL can be
classified into two main types [5]:
1- Quench SFCL type [29]& [30] which offers a low impedance in the
normal operation but under fault conditions the device superconductor
material transits to a high impedance and quench the fault current.
Shielded core SFCL and Resistive SFCL are examples of SFCLs quench
2- Non-quench SFCL type which the device superconductor material is
always in the superconducting state to offer a very low impedance. The
fault is quenched by the iron core magnetic saturation state changes
caused by the AC fault current. Saturated Core SFCL is an example of
SFCL non-quench type.
SFCL is commonly recommended for its fast response and low power loss
during normal operation depending on the superconductor material’s
performances. SFCLs use superconductor materials either to limit the fault level
directly or to supply a DC current which saturate the device iron core [7]. Over
the years, there has been substantial researches and developments in SFCL
several fault limiting technologies such as resistive type, shielded core type,
transformer type.
2-2-1 Superconductor characteristics
While many SFCL designs are commercially being evaluated, the High
Temperature Superconductor (HTS) was discovered in 1986, improved the
economic usage of superconductors in FCLs. So in recent years, with the
advancement in the fields of material science, the concept of HTS has been
make its way to the forefront of SFCL technologies owing to their instantaneous
and automatic reaction to faults, fast recovery and high reliability.
This is because of HTS ability to operate at 70K (º -203C) with liquid nitrogen
instead of Low Temperature Superconductors (LTS) which operates around 4K
with liquid helium. This improvement have the advantage of about 20 times less

costly in terms of both initial capital cost, operating and maintenance costs at
refrigeration systems [7].
SFCL will be one of the important devices used for protection of the
transmission and distribution grid because it reduces the effect of grid
disturbances .SFCL has the ideal FCL’s characteristics, such as a low impedance
to current flow in normal operation and quickly increased impedance when fault
short circuit occurs [31]. Also, SFCL performs two important functions during
faults, first one is it limits the fault current and the second is that quickly
recovering its impedance to its normal value after fault is removed [16].
Figure 2-2 shows the (T), (B)
and (J) characteristics of a
superconductor material. It
can be seen that the
superconductor material can
operate in one of the three
states, 1, 2 or 3. The
innermost surface-1 concerns
with the zero resistance-
(superconducting) state. The
surface beyond surface-2 is
the normal conducting state
and the (transition) high
resistance state is a particular
Fig 2-2 superconductor characteristics [16] state between surface-1 and
So, when the current density exceeds the critical current density (Jc), the
superconductor quickly reaches a very high resistance value, and then the fault
current is limited to a lower values [16].
2-2-2 Superconductor quench phenomena
In faulty situations the current increases and then heat generated due to that high
current cannot be locally removed, so it cause a section of the superconductor to
become highly resistance and generates more and more heat. Then heat transfer
all over the superconductor, so temperature increases on other adjacent sections
also. Then, the combined high fault current and high generated temperature can
cause these region to become extra ohmic value (region-2 state) and also
generate heat.

That process is commonly called “quench” which describe the physical
transition into the highly resistive state along the superconductor material, the
quench process when initiated has a rapid action with uncontrolled procedure
Though the quench process is uncontrolled once initiated, the superconductor
material’s temperature rising and the extent of the normal region in the
superconductor materials can be predicted to determine the critical values of T,
J, and B of each material.
The quench process is used in the SFCL design. There are many different
theories for using this phenomenon to control the fault currents. But, there are
only a few prototypes and practical designs. However, these designs still have
many disadvantages such as device weight, reliability, behavior, cost, or
recovery conditions after fault limitation [7].
2-3 Superconductor Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) types
There are many available concepts of SFCL in terms of impedance
characteristics. Each type of SFCL has many of merits and demerits.
The SFCL cost depends mainly on SFCL rated continuous current, amount of
fault current to be reduced, and system rated voltage [5].
In the following sections, many SFCL categories such as Resistive SFCL type;
Rectifier SFCL type; Magnetic-Shielded core SFCL type; Saturated Core SFCL
type [17] [31] will be discussed.

2-3-1 Resistive SFCL

In the resistive SFCL, the superconductor is directly connected in series to the
line which has to be protected, while in the inductive SFCL concept the
superconductor is magnetically coupled into the line [16].
Resistive SFCL is a device that ‘engages’ only when a fault is introduced to the
power system. That device operates by allowing load current to pass through
superconductor wire as the superconductor is the main current carrying
conductor. Superconductor wire has to be cooled to below its critical
temperature ’zero resistance state’, therefore no steady state power loss to
network [6].

The fault current density of superconductor in the resistive type SFCLs should
exceed the critical current density Jc of the superconductor material.
The main advantage of the resistive SFCL is the automatically fault quenching
and therefore a trigger mechanism is not essential [32]. But in the other hand the
superconductor will burn out if it fails to quench.
As in figure 2-3, the resistive SFCL consists of a superconductor material 𝑅𝑆𝐶
and shunt elements Rshunt and Lshunt. Under normal conditions, superconductor
𝑅𝑆𝐶 offers almost zero resistance path to flow the nominal normal current.
Resistance of 𝑅𝑆𝐶 increases during fault situations according to the high fault
current and related high temperature so it causes 𝑅𝑆𝐶 to act as an open switch,
then shunt elements commutate the fault current. Shunt elements are selected to
limit the high voltage across the superconductor material of 𝑅𝑆𝐶 during fault
state [5].
During fault, the current
increases above the
superconductor material critical
current density value which
causes the superconductor wire
to quench the high fault current
by increasing the superconductor
resistance exponentially. So,
superconductor introduces a
Fig 2-3 Resistive SFCL
huge resistance into the system
within the first cycle, thereby
resistive SFCL instantaneously reducing the fault current [6].
These exponentially increase in the superconductor resistance produces a
voltage across it. So, the superconductor resistance acts as a switch with
milliseconds response and the fault current is limited [7].
The recovery in resistive SFCL delays because the quench process results extra
heat has to be removed externally by cryogenic cooling system [33]from the
superconducting wire.
Also, this extra heat causes a momentary temperature rise in the wire itself [34],
which causes a loss of superconductivity state until the cooling system restore
the superconductor temperature under its critical temperature again. This
temperature restoring time, known as the superconductor material recovery time,
is very important for electric power grid in the case of multiple fault events

happened in small time interval, so it is an important comparative characteristic
between the device types and detailed designs [7].
So, resistive SFCL can be modeled as a fast switch operates in a few
milliseconds to limit the fault current in less than one cycle.
The resistive SFCL should be installed in series with a breaker (The CB
interrupts the residual fault current and then the superconducting element will
have a fast recovery) because if the resistive SFCL replaces the existing breaker,
then the steady state flexibility would be reduced [6].
The operating costs of the resistive SFCL were determined using calculation of
energy losses. While the main energy required for the resistive SFCL is for its
cooling system during steady state and it is independent of the load current [6].
When the resistive SFCL insertion in South African power grid was compared to
other traditional fault current mitigation techniques, it founded that the high
capital cost of the resistive SFCL is a main disadvantage while its reduced
operating cost over a 25 year service life is the main resistive SFCL advantage.
So it is not the optimum alternative for fault level management in South African
power grid. Whatever this conclusion may not be globally applicable [6].
in micro grid connection points with DG, although resistive SFCLs can
successfully have a high current limitation level up to 80%, but SFCLs are
devices of passive trigger which have not enough fast fault detection for some
faults occurs in the transmission of a smart grid [22].

2-3-2 Shielded-Core SFCL

The Shielded-Core SFCL
resembles as a transformer with
its secondary AC coil shunted
with an HTS element (see
Figure 2-4). So, it makes a
mutual magnetic field coupling
between the AC coils of the
load line and with the HTS
Fig 2-4 Shielded-Core SFCL principal [7] element [35].

During fault duration, the increased fault current on the secondary side causes
the HTS element to quench, resulting in increased voltage across L1 coil which
opposes the fault current direction.
A major benefit of the shielded-core SFCL type over the resistive SFCL type is
the non-uniform hot spots along the superconductor material ,which can be
avoided by some detailed equations for the AC coil turn’s ratio to re-cool the
superconductor after the limiting action.
But its major drawback is because it has nearly 400% the size and the weight of
the resistive SFCL [7].
2-3-3 Hybrid SFCL
A hybrid SFCL is composite of a fast-acting switch connected in series with a
resistive SFCL.
This switch job is to quickly isolate the superconductor material after most of
the fault current transition to the resistive SFCL shunt elements. Then the fast-
acting switch allow the superconductor wire to begin its recovery cycle while
the resistive SFCLs shunt element limiting the fault current.
So allows the recovery time to be faster than that of a resistive SFCL only [7].
The switch can be opened during the quench process either using an
electromechanical linkage, or by using a control system.

2-3-4 Saturated Cores Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SCSFCL)

While shielded core SFCL and resistive SFCL depends on the superconductors
quench to achieve the increased impedance during fault conditions, the saturated
core SFCL has the advantage of non-quench.
SCSFCL has many other benefits like high reliability, negligible losses during
un-faulted state, instantaneous response to faults, rapid recovery and high
voltage withstanding so it has become popular in recent years [36].
SCSFCL basically is a variable impedance reactor connected in series with the
grid. Under normal grid steady state operation, its impedance is low and the
device is practically transparent to the grid. However, when a fault occurs,
SCSFCL impedance extremely increases and preventing the short currents from
rising to the full level of the system.
SCSFCL mainly consists of an AC coil wound on iron core and connected in
series with the grid, presents low impedance to the grid when the current is
within its nominal ranges.

But during a fault event, the rising current in the AC coil generates an AC
magnetic field, which opposes the DC bias field. It drives the core out of its
saturation state, leading to increase the permeability of the core section under
the AC coil and hence increase the impedance then the fault current will be
SCSFCL also was used in the High-Voltage Direct-Current transmission
(HVDC) based on (VSC) systems of the smart grid to limit the DC short-circuit
fault current, caused by the huge discharge current of the DC-link capacitor, to a
relatively low level [17].
It is important to ensure that the SCSFCL behavior meets the specific
requirements of various operation environments, and in the same time, it should
have a small size and low cost. SCSFCL size and cost are determined by the size
of iron cores, number of AC coil windings, and number of DC coil windings.
The correlations of that three factors are investigated in [1] and [31].
Some papers analyze the responses of a SCSFCL for variations of different
parameters, namely, the fault resistance, DC bias current, number of AC coil
turns and number of DC coil turns. Further analysis is also done to study the
SCSFCL’s responses for different B-H characteristics of core materials using a
mathematical model by a theoretical analysis method which is verified by
experiments [1] [36] but it is not our main concern in this thesis.
Practical prototypes of SCSFCL were manufactured and installed in distribution
and transmission power grids since 1980.The SCSFCL is the most developed
inductive SFCL and has been put into use in several EHV AC systems [17].
The saturated core SFCL utilizes the large difference permeability of magnetic
materials. High permeability materials allows a low impedance during normal
operation and a very high impedance during fault current events [37]. The
SCSFCL perform current limiting action depending on its ability to change the
iron core material magnetic state between saturation and unsaturation regions.
So, SCSFCL can achieve the instantaneous reaction and return to normal
operation immediately after isolating the fault [17].
So SCSFCL gaining more popularity than the other fault current limiting
technologies in both transmission and distribution sectors [12]. But also it has
many drawbacks as:
1-The induced high voltage on the DC coil during faults due to the transformer
coupling forces will decreases the device efficiency and increases both cost and
design complexity.

2-The two heavy iron cores per phase which are necessary for limiting the full
fault cycle cause the SCSFCL to have large dimensions, large mass, and high
cost .
3-The very expensive of using a cryogenic technology in SCSFCL in high-
voltage grids.
Most of recent designs still suffer from one or more of the previous drawbacks
and ways to overcome these drawbacks are still searched for.
Economically in smart grid applications, it cannot replace all under rated CBs.
But only one SCSFCL is needed to be located at the interconnecting bus of
transmission and distribution grids, also it keeps all already existed breakers
within their interrupting ratings.
Actually, in 2009, one SCSFCL device was located at small distribution network
in California, USA and, during a lightning-induced fault in 2010, that SCSFCL
successfully limited the resulted fault current as expected [22].

2-4 Non-Superconducting Fault Current Limiter Technologies

The non-superconducting technologies FCLs are independent on superconductor
materials to perform the current limiting action. But it depends on power
electronic components which includes current limiting fuses and solid-state FCL

2-4-1 Current-Limiting Fuses

Current-limiting fuses are commonly used for fault current mitigation in

medium-voltage grids. Fuses limits the current by generating enough induced
voltage across a gap after melting an element inside the fuse then a high-
impedance path is provided for arcing and allow a low fault current flows after
the melting action [7].
One of the commercially available fuses is the commutation fuse which
interrupts the extra fault current by utilizing an explosive charge.
Another current-limiting fuse type is the standalone HV fuse which is one of the
commercially available fuses and carry the current directly through a melting
element inside the fuse.

The main benefit of using fuse technology is that it can be assumed as an
inexpensive option compared with the other large capital cost fault current
limiters discussed throughout this chapter.
But the main disadvantage of this device is it provides only one fault limiting
situation then fuse will be damaged ,and replace a damaged fuse requires time of
replacement with related interruption long time [7].

2-4-2 Solid-State FCL (SSFCL) (Figure 2-5)

The SSFCL’s limiting action is based on the (on status /off status) change of
semiconductor several devices and active controlled power electronics. The
active controlled power electronics device’s characteristics simulate a circuit
breaker behavior because it switches the fault current into a limiting branch [7].
SSFCL have three main modes under fault conditions i) the off-state mode when
SSFCL acts as a rapid CB; ii) the phase control mode when SSFCL limits the
fault current flow; and iii) the reclosing mode when SSFCL ends its current
limiting action [22].
The SSFCL sometimes can be assumed as a Fault Current Controller (FCC)
because it is dynamically controlled through a power electronics.

There are some advantages of solid-state technologies such as it offers

additional fault current control signals and have small geometries which not
available with other FCL technologies.
While its disadvantages are the low reliability of switching electronics to sense
fault level disturbances which may cause responds according to errors in fault
sensing. Also, the continuous distortion in current waveforms due to switching
electronics [7].

SSFCL Circuit Breaker (SSFCL-CB) is one topology of the solid-state FCL

which cleared in the following figure, which is a device consists of a diodes and
a commutating thyristors. Thyristors in this circuit are switched off during fault
situations [7].

Fig 2-5 SSFCL Circuit Breaker [7]

In smart grid, SSFCL have many useful applications like [22]:

1- Where it installed at the connection node between the micro grid and the
transmission network, then SSFCL will limit fault currents transfer between
micro grid and the transmission network. So, that SSFCL should have high
current limiting capacity.
2-SSFCL acts as a super rapid CB because it can quickly cut off the fault current
provided by DGs and island the faulted micro grid. Otherwise the presence of
DG fault current might disturb the Existing Protection Relay Scheme (EPRS) in
a meshed structure transmission network [22].
3-SSFCL also when works in its phase control mode, then it allow a fixed
limited fault level of current to flow and open downstream protective devices
subsequently. This situation happens when power sources in a micro grid are off
4- SSFCL has the option to receive external signals by the communication
feature of the smart grid, which helps the operator to know the whole smart grid
status then operator can decide whether SSFCL should re- close its micro grid to
the main smart grid or not.
5- In case of a fault may exist in transmission network, SSFCLs may be installed
at Renewable Energy Resources (RER) terminals to maintain the correct
protection coordination. This is because the communication system after
detecting a fault, it sends out trigger signals to SSFCLs and off-grid DGs
6- SSFCL device can replaces the large-capacity CB or re-closer and take the
communication network advantage of the smart grid and then offer an intelligent
protection at this locations. This is because of fast RERs reclosing with SSFCL

fast action which improves the system transient stability and maintains a fast
power availability after fault clearance [22].
2-5 A brief comparison between FCL technologies

In this section a comparison between FCL technologies will be cleared, and

divided in two aspects which are the FCL techniques comparison and the FCL
applications comparison.

2-5-1 Comparison between FCL Techniques

Table 2-1 is a brief comparison between the different FCL technologies which
was discussed before. The main bases of this comparison are the steady state
losses, the used triggering technique, the recovery time required after fault
clearing, the distortion due to harmonics, cooling system required, activation
time required before start limiting action, and current limiting rate. Device
footprint is also included in this comparison because the FCL size and weight
are a major concern to utilities.

Table 2-1 comparison of FCL technologies [7] [22]

Type Resistive Hybrid SCSFCL Shielded-Core SSFCL Fuses
performance SFCL SFCL SFCL
Steady state HTS HTS core and HTS Similar amount as Negligible
Losses Material material cooling conductors material cooling that of resistive
Triggering Passive May be Passive Passive Passive Active Passive
or Active
Recovery necessary Much faster than Immediate Faster than Immediate Never ,One
HTS Re- resistive SFCL resistive use only
Size and small more than 400% of Much more Similar to resistive smallest
Weight Resistive SFCL Resistive Resistive SFCL SFCL one
Harmonics first fault Mainly first fault all fault first fault cycle all cycles None
cycle cycle cycles
Cooling? Need Need Need Need Controllable No Need
Activation < ¼ cycle Faster than Immediate Immediate µs level Immediate
Time Resistive
Current < 80% < 80% 30 % – < 80% Can be Controlled 100%
limiting rate 45%

2-5-2 Comparison between FCL applications

There are some important notices have to be addressed when comparing the
applications of the different FCL types in smart grid which can be listed as [22]:
1- RER new installed at smart grid may cause the fault level to exceed the
existing circuit breakers’ capacity, so many CBs may be underrated even at
normal operation conditions due to changes in load. Economically, it
cannot replace all the under rated circuit breakers on the smart grid.
But one SCSFCL only is needed to be located at the interconnecting bus
will keep all already existed CBs within their capacities.
2- FCLs located at distribution grid have to allow a flow of an acceptable
limited fault current to trip the system protective devices during the fault
event. So, resistive SFCL and SCSFCL are used successfully for large
substations. While SSFCLs are not recommended at this site for large-
capacity substations, because SSFCL device must operates under the mode
of phase control which produce high current harmonics that disturb the
sequence of over-current relays.
3- When there is a new hundreds of MWs RER integrated into a smart grid,
Resistive SFCL and SCSFCL are the successfully techniques of FCL at this
situation, because they are commercially fabricated to high-voltage ranges
and internally triggered by heat or current increasing. Also, they have the
advantage of the devices’ low steady state power loss and low steady state
impedance so, it have negligible effect on transmission network load ability
or on transmission network stability.
But in the other hand, using of Resistive SFCL and SCSFCL devices, some
parts of the grid have to be redesigned and reprogrammed because the FCL
effective impedance must be taken into consideration [22].
4- While the main application of SSFCL in smart grid is to receive an external
trigger signals then operator can monitor the smart grid as a whole and take
important accurate decisions.

Chapter 3.
Fault Current
3-1 Introduction

In the residual chapters of this thesis, the Saturated Cores Superconducting FCL
(SCSFCL) will be discussed in details because it is a practical device proven its
advantages in many actual applications all over the world.
This device has significant attention from both electricity utilities and
researchers because it has a major advantages like providing instantaneous fault
current mitigation and instantaneous recovery state [38].
SCSFCL is a device placed in series with a DG utilizes the permeability change
of the iron cores between saturated and unsaturated states. The cores
permeability changing provides a low steady state impedance and extra fault
transient impedance at current limiting conditions [39].

3-2 SCSFCL Working Principle and Characteristics

• The SCSFCL concept was suggested firstly by B. P. Raju group in early

1980’s [26].
• The schematic configuration of one phase SCSFCL closed core type is
clearly showed in Figure 3-1, which consists of two symmetrical
magnetic iron
cores, two
symmetrical AC
coils, and one
superconductor dc
bias coil for each

3-2-1 SCSFCL Working


• The
superconducting coil is used because of its low operating power loss and
its little induced voltage during normal operation, which makes the
windings are more compact [7].

Fig 3-1 configuration of single phase SCSFCL [36]
• The AC windings are made of copper conductors and wrapped around the
cores to form an inductance in series with the AC grid line to carry load
current. The number of ampere turns of one AC coil is equal to the other
one but wounded in opposite direction to one another [1]. Two AC cores
and coils are necessary to limit the both negative and positive half fault
current cycles [38].
• The DC current supply is adjusted such that both cores are driven into
deep saturation region.
• The direction of ampere-turn of DC coil is the same as the direction of
one AC coil and opposite to the other coil, which means that always one
core flux opposes the DC flux and the other core flux support the DC flux
• The two cores are labelled as core-1 and core-2, respectively, and the
number of turns of the AC winding and DC winding on each core is Nc
and Nd, respectively.
The cross-sectional area of the iron core is A, and the mean magnetic path
length is l while I d is the DC bias current. Then, we can obtain the
following equations [36].
Nd I d + Nc i= H2 l (1)
Nd I d - Nc i = H1 l (2)

B=µH=µ˳µr H,
Where B in (wb/m2) & H
in (A.T/m) & μ is the
permeability of the iron
core [17].
• Figure 3-2 shows
the operating zones
at B-H curve of an
iron-core of
curve is composed

of un-saturation zone, where B changes quickly with the change of H, and
a saturation zone, where B changes only slightly with the change of H
• Designers stated that, Sac< Sdc <Sy, which are the cross section areas of
AC, DC and yoke iron beams, respectively. So the DC magnetic effect in
AC iron beam is strong, while the AC magnetic effect in DC iron beam is
weak [1].
3-2-2 SCSFCL normal steady-state conditions

Under normal steady-state conditions, a DC superconductor is used to

FCL [36] drive the iron cores into the deep saturation region (normal condition).
Positive AC flux shifts the core operation further into the saturation
region due to the magnetic field of one AC coil that in the same direction
of the existing DC bias, while the other AC coil has an opposite effect on
the DC bias but iron core still works in the saturation region [40].
In this case, the two iron cores behave like a standard air core reactor
which has a relative permeability (µr) equal one. So, the magnetic
permeability (μ) of the both cores is approximately equal to permeability
of air and so, SCSFCL behaves as if there were no iron-core resulting in a
very low SCSFCL effective impedance.
While the normal AC current is too small to affect the saturated status of
the cores.
Also, because the AC fluxes opposing each other, then voltage drops on
the AC windings are low [17] [26].
3-2-3 SCSFCL short-circuit conditions
When short-circuit fault occurs, the greatly increased fault current of the
power system causes increased AC coils’ current which increases the AC
ampere-turns to become a big magnitude comparable with the DC bias.
So, the operating points at the B-H curve is transitioned through high
slope regions, which are the regions of high core inductance [40].
• Therefore, for one half cycle, the core where its AC flux opposes
the DC flux will decrease the effective flux and then saturated
status of this iron core will be ended. So it results in a higher core
relative permeability and related inductive reactance becomes very
large and the short-circuit current is mitigated for this one half
cycle. While the other core reaches a further saturated state as its
AC flux adds to the DC biasing flux [36].
Similarly, the situation reverses in the next half-cycle.
• In general, the generated voltage across an AC series coils always
depends on the flux changing with time. The high fault current
through SCSFCL causes a very large change of the flux, then the
total generated voltage (E) across the series coils is the sum of both
voltages which are generated across each coil, resulting in a high
(E) value.
• This high generated voltage also is able to slow the fault current
evolution and then able to reduce the level of fault current [40].
• The device current limitation reactance can be compared to that of a
transformer’s reactance when its secondary current is kept constant
• During action of limitation, the core dynamic action is moving
instantaneously in and out of the saturation region, so iron cores
produce harmonics in the current waveform. However, under
normal operation, the voltage and current waveforms are unaffected
by the saturated core SFCL harmonics [7].Which clearly appears in
our current wave form simulations in the case study.

3-2-4 SCSFCL recovery conditions

• After fault clearance, the system current return again to its steady state
level, so SCSFCL device return into saturation region again.
• Because SCSFCL operation depends only on the change of the cores
permeability, does not depends on the superconductor material quench, so
the detection time for a fault and recovering time are much faster than that
of other FCLs types which employing quench superconductors such as
resistive FCL and Shielded-Core FCL [12].
• The minimum SCSFCL impedance or the SCSFCL steady state insertion
impedance is the SCSFCL impedance during unfaulty operation when the
ferromagnetic cores is saturated [12].

• The maximum SCSFCL impedance is the SCSFCL impedance during the
fault insertion, which means that when one SCSFCL core is unsaturated
• Unlike resistive SFCLs, which require cooling time between succession
limiting actions to cool the superconducting components, the saturated
core approach can manage several limiting actions in short time because
the superconductor does not quench [7].
3-2-5 SCSFCL general characteristics
From the above discussion, it is observed that the SCSFCL general
characteristics are as follow [36],
1) Because the magnitude of the system maximum fault current
decreases with the increase of the system fault resistance, so the
inclusion of the SCSFCL in to a grid decreases the system fault
current magnitude considerably because SCSFCL increases the
system fault resistance.
2) During normal operation, the more increased DC current the more
saturates cores, then the corresponding voltage drop of
ferromagnetic cores will be decreased.
But during fault conditions, fault current causes a high opposing
AC flux of one core to un-saturate this core completely, then the
voltage across the SCSFCL increases. Also, the voltage across its
DC coil increases according to transformer action [36].
3) The SCSFCL AC steady state currents increases according to the
DC coil turns’ increase, but this increase will be negligible if DC
biasing current adjusted to be high enough to saturate the two cores.
4) The AC SCSFCL steady state current does not affect with B-H
cores’ characteristics, while AC SCSFCL fault current affects with
B-H cores’ characteristics considerably.
5) B-H curve at its steepest slope indicates a high relative permeability
cores, which offers the highest mitigation levels, and so this high
relative permeability develops a high voltage across the SCSFCL
device during fault [36].
3-2-6 SCSFCL general equation:

SCSFCL general equation depends on the physical features described above. An
inverse tangent function may approximate the B-H characteristics.
The magnetic field linkage by one AC coil in the core is obtained by the
following equation [40]:

Where is the instantaneous AC line current, Imax is the maximum steady state
line current which maintains the cores fully saturated, at which point the average
magnetic field is Bsat. While K is a constant determines the line currents’ range
where the cores’ magnetic state are actively changing from saturated to
unsaturated behavior. The K value is depending on the device dimensions, core
relative permeability, µr, and number of the AC turns. The equation is scaled
B = Bdc_bias
and = 0.
• The
(B) and
( )
Can be
Fig 3-3 (B/i_ac) relation @ Bsat=2.2T& Imax=30KA [40] obtaine
d for different values of K, and is shown in Figure 3-3.
3-3 SCSFCL Design problems:
While SCSFCL device has significant attention from both electricity utilities and
researchers because it has a major advantages, but it still suffers from some
design problems such as:
• The magnetization states of the two iron-cores are not identical, so flux
produced by the AC coils in the two iron-cores is not completely
cancelled during steady state operation.
• Designers stated that the ratio of the SCSFCL DC turns to its AC turns is
10 or greater. Therefore fault condition causes AC magnetic flux to be
changed largely in a very small times, then it causes a very large induced
voltage in the DC winding, that very large induced voltage may damages
the DC magnetization circuit [12].
But damage of the DC magnetization circuit can be avoided if the DC
circuit is switched to open when a short-circuit fault takes place [26].
• The SCSFCL device is generally expensive due to its large size and heavy
• The good behavior device need a sufficiently low impedance during
steady state power transmission, which needs a powerful DC bias coil to
enable the section of an iron-core housing the AC coil gets saturated.
• The SCSFCL uses an insulation level which permits the maximum
voltage required for SCSFCL operation, but without a breakdown of its
DC windings, which determine the suitable cryogenic system used [12].
• A significant amount of power is absorbed by the SCSFCL itself. This
power absorption generates heat that is controlled by a cooling apparatus.
• The height and width of iron core window is determined by insulation
distances and the ratio of cross sectional area of AC iron beams, yoke and
DC iron beams [31].
• Voltage drop of the SCSFCL itself in normal state should to be no more
than 1.5% at the rated operational current [31].
3-4 SCSFCL typical applications
Simulation results in [31] proved that the current limiting impedance is
proportion to the number of AC coil turns. Also, the impedance has least value
when the diameter of AC iron beam increasing, and the impedance reduces with
the DC current.
While, it cannot replace the under rated circuit breakers all over a smart grid.
One SCSFCL only is located at the interconnecting bus between the
transmission and distribution networks will keeps all already existed CBs within
their interrupting ratings. Actually, in 2009, a SCSFCL device was located at
small distribution network in California, USA and, during a lightning-induced
fault in 2010, the SCSFCL device limited the fault current as expected [22].

Many companies around world are manufacturing FCL devices, so the typical
commercial applications of SCSFCL of two companies will be discussed here.
3-4-1 Innopower typical applications:

By Innopower superconductor cable company limited, China, two SCSFCLs at

35 kV/90 MVA and 220 kV/300 MVA have been manufactured and put in live
grid operation in 2008 and 2012 respectively [1].
Figure 3-4 explains the possible applications of an SCSFCL which is generally
one of the following cases which will be also summarized in table 3-1 [26]:
a) At the secondary side of a transformer in a single source distribution
b) At the intersection of two HV transmission networks;
c) At a branch of a multisource distribution network ;and
d) At a complex EHV transmission network.

Fig 3-4 Examples for possible applications of SCSFCLs [26].

Table 3-1 summery of SCSFCLs indices in possible applications

Case current limiting impedance fault current reduction rate
(a) 0.5-2.0Ω > 30%
(b) 2.0-5.0 Ω > 20% at the bus for a single

(c) 4.0-8.0 Ω > 20% for the interconnected network
(d) 5.0-20 Ω >5% at the bus for a single installation

While Figure 3-5 shows the

practical configuration of the
coils and the iron-core of a
SCSFCL for HV applications.
The iron-core having differential
cross-sectional areas according
to the well-known design rule of
Fig 3-5 practical HV- SCSFCL [26]
Sdc Syoke> Sac, where the Sdc, Syoke, and Sac are the cross-sectional areas
of the section housing the DC coil, the yoke, and the section housing the AC coil
respectively. The ratio of Sdc: Syoke: Sac is 1.5:1.5:1 for the iron-core used.

• a 35 kV /90MVA SCSFCL with dry-type electrical insulation and a 220

kV/300MVA SCSFCL with oil electrical insulation were manufactured
and installed for live-grid operation at Puji substation, Kunming, China in
2008 and at Shigezhuang substation, Tianjin, China in 2012 respectively

The SCSFCL DC coil is made of Bi-2223 HTS tapes (4.2 mm width, 2.1 mm
thickness, Ic is in the range of 120-180A, 77 K, self-field). The AC coils are
constructed with copper wires.
• Figure 3-6 describes
the medium-size
prototype of SCSFCL,

Fig 3-6 SCSFCL medium-size prototype
Fig 3-7 SCSFCL one phase 500 kV
number of dc coil is 400, and dc current is 120 A. The cross section area
of AC beam is 706 cm2, the cross-section ratio Sdc Syoke: Sac is 2:1.8:1,
the height of iron core window is 0.5 m, the width of iron core window is
0.37 m and length of magnetic path l is 3.48 m [1].

• Figure 3-6 is the prototype of one phase 500 kV SCSFCL. There are two
performance requirements of the prototype from the power grid. First
65KA short circuit current should be limited to 35kA, which means the
current limiting impedance must be no less than 4.5Ω when ac current is
35kA. Second, voltage drop of the prototype in normal state should be no
more than 1.5% at the rated operational current 2.5 kA, which means the
steady state impedance should be no more than 1.73 Ω.

• Considering the engineering practice, the iron core window is fixed with
1985 mm height and 1465 mm width, which means the magnetic path
length of SCSFCL becomes longer with diameter of AC iron beam
increasing [1].
3-4-2 Grid ON company typical applications:
The SCSFCL utilizes copper AC coils wound onto iron core to present very low
impedance during normal current operation. After fault clearing, the FCL
immediately (<1ms) returns to its low impedance again in normal condition and
so the SCSFCL ready to protect the grid against any faults [41].
A) As SCSFCL was located after a transformer, it offers a reduced fault
levels in substation and accommodates switchgear ratings.
In this location, it can install one or more FCLs depending on the required
fault current reduction.
In this location, the FCL can be included in the transformer protection
zone, with no additional protection devices.
Also The FCL is used to improve load balancing between different rated
power feeder transformers. So, FCL enables increasing the capacity on
existing grids [41].

B) FCL may be connected in a bus-tie location and offers the advantages

of grid interconnectivity, flexible arrangements and increased power

Also in this location, one or more FCLs may be installed, depending on
the bus topology and fault current reduction required, with small changes
on settings of existing protection devices.
It can parallel the FCL with the existing bus-tie circuit breaker, with no
additional protection devices [41].

Chapter 4

4-1 Introduction
The SCSFCL behavior has been characterized through experimental and
mathematical simulations. Both these techniques are accurate but fail to
demonstrate the SCSFCL behavior in the actual electrical grids, due to the iron
cores complex nonlinear magnetic characteristics. So, there is an increasing
demand for developing a flexible accurate model of the SCSFCL that can be
easily inserted into transient network analyzers to demonstrate the SCSFCL
effects on the other equipment of the network [38].

This chapter presents the development of a flexible SCSFCL model, which

accurately describes the nonlinear magnetic properties of the iron cores. The
proposed model is tested in simulation package to assure that its behavior is
most close to the theoretical working principle and characteristics, which was
discussed in the previous chapter.

In this chapter, all simulations were carried out using PSCAD software. Firstly,
a PSCAD model for a SCSFCL will be proposed in details. Notice that the
developed SCSFCL model will be discussed here is a behavioral model, which
aims to simulate the operation of a real SCSFCL.
After discussing the obtained results, it can be concluded that the proposed
SCSFCL model behaves very closely to its theory of operation . So, the FCL
model can limit current effectively.
4-2 PSCAD/ EMTDC version 4.5.0
To study the effects of SCSFCL model, author choose the simulation method,
because building a prototype then test it physically is a high time consuming and
cost. While, simulation method is a quick and easy way to model SCSFCL and
test its effects on a distribution system.
PSCAD/ EMTDC version 4.5.0 (available at faculty of engineering, Mansoura
University) is chosen as the used systems software. Because it enables us for
simulating the instantaneous responses of test system [15].
4-3 Proposed PSCAD Model
4-3-1 Major circuital components
The SCSFCL can be modeled as an inductor wounds with superconductor
HTS wire combines with two thyristors and one variable resistor as shown in
Fig 4.1.

Fig 4-1 SCSFCL model circuit diagram
The model’s components are as follows [3]:-
a) The inductor (L) is wounded with a High Temperature Superconductor
(HTS) wire which has to be cooled by a cryogenic system. Faulted
situations insert over current that causes the HTS impedance to be
increased sharply in microseconds to provide the current limiting feature.
The inductor was chosen in these model because the current cannot
change instantaneously in it.
The inductor magnitude will be adapted to catch the optimum
performance of the SCSFCL model.
b) The phase controlled AC thyristor switch (TH) [42]
Practically, harmonics will be injected into a SCSFCL circuit due to three
mean reasons:
1) SCSFCL iron core,
2) SCSFCL Switching components, and
3) Any SCSFCL non-linearity components.

Thyristors are inserted in the model to model the SCSFCL real device
harmonic component.
If we use any other power system components except thyristors, it may
have adverse effect in the proposed model due to harmonics effect.
Thyristor switch off only every half cycle, after a zero current, so it have
to use two thyristors.
c) Linear variable resistance (R)
(R) Models the HTS resistance sharp increasing from zero to 100000Ω
during fault.

4-3-2 Model operation sequence [3]

The model operation sequence is described in figure 4.1
a) At grid normal state, THs are switched off and R is close to 0Ω, so all of
the line current flows through the resistance R then flows through the
inductor L.
HTS wire has no significant impedance and its voltage drop is very low.
b) During faulted states only, THs are fired on, in a reverse sequence one to
other, so they act as a source of harmonic injections.
While resistance R is sharply increased and can be considered as an open
circuit. Then all of the fault current is commutated through TH and L
c) When the fault cleared, R is ramped down to 0Ω again, and THs both will
be switched off, so SCSFCL obtains its normal state again.
4-3-3 Automatic Fault Detection Technique [3]
Automatic fault detection means there is no any external trigger devices for
activation SCSFCL model to start limiting action. So SCSFCL model detects
line currents only to predict a fault situation as the actual SCSFCL device.
In fact, after power system achieves a steady state current (normal current), a
fault occurs externally of SCSFCL device. Then, the magnitude of the line
current changes instantaneously and achieves a new steady state value (i.e. fault
But many faults come and go instantaneously for many reasons, such as a tree in
windy weather touching the power line, an animal or bird locates between two
lines, or an in-rush current due to machine starting.
So, SCSFCL goal is triggering only during a fault. Then, it may be has to insert
a delay time of 2 cycles at least before triggering a SCSFCL model. A similar
delay time can be used before switching off the SCSFCL then ramps SCSFCL
impedance down.
There are two methods to detect faults:
• Monitor the magnitude of line (Irms). But the FCL might be falsely
triggered for many reasons like inrush currents.
• The other alternative is to check the rate of current change (di/ dt).

4-3-4 the Proposed SCSFCL Model

After studding the SCSFCL operation carefully and SCSFCL model which was
proposed in [2], author success in this thesis to propose a new SCSFCL model in
PSCAD/EMTDC environment which its complete PSCAD/ EMTDC version
4.5.0 logic can be founded in figure 4.2.

Fig 4-2 SCSFCL PSCAD proposed model
In the proposed model, the impedance of the SCSFCL increases sharply during
fault periods. The impedance ramp rate can be adjustable.
4-4 Test system overview

Figure 4.3 represents the configuration of Tanta city distribution system with
DG and SCSFCL [8] , which was used in this thesis for all simulation studies.
The studied distribution system consists of 15 buses. Bus 1 is 66/11 transformer.
F1, F2, F3, and F4 are the expected fault locations while CB1 and CB2 are two
circuit breakers.

Fig 4-3 single line diagram of Tanta city distribution system with DG and

Table 4.1 presents the system line data while the reference base system shown in
appendix A, It is found that the best DG location is at bus 7 [8].
• Because most new sources used are wind turbine and solar panel and its
exact output value cannot be determined, so it has to treat such sources
output [2]. Here DG simulation as an ideal source asymmetrical at load
angle 30º and rms phase to phase voltage is 10.27 kV at 50 Hz and DG
series parameters are 0.08829 Ω & 15.92 mH [8].
• As in many researches, the optimal location of SFCL is at the integration
point of two generating sources. It is the point of combination of the DG
with the power grid for both distribution and customer grid [16].
• Simulations were performed for three different faults – three-phase to
ground, single-line to ground and double-line to ground.

Table 4-1 main line data of test system [8]
bus line length km Line parameters
from to R Ω/km X Ω/km
2 1 2 0.078 0.163 0.0892
3 2 3 0.85 0.266 0.0949
4 3 4 0.22 0.569 0.1062
5 4 5 0.05 0.569 0.1062
6 4 6 0.33 0.569 0.1062
7 6 7 0.2 0.569 0.1062
8 7 8 0.04 0.569 0.1062
9 7 9 0.65 0.266 0.0949
10 9 10 0.15 0.569 0.1062
11 10 11 0.1 1.113 0.1172
12 6 12 0.44 0.569 0.1062
13 12 13 0.15 0.266 0.0949
14 13 14 0.45 0.266 0.0949
15 14 15 0.2 0.266 0.0949

The total simulation time is 3 seconds and the fault will be inserted for 50 cycles
from sec 1 to sec 2.
Six case studies are considered cases as follow sequence:
1) Check current waveforms in the distribution system with and without
an SCSFCL cases, then check efficiency of the SCSFCL to regains the
fault current levels in the distribution system to that levels before
inserting the DG in the grid, which is the theoretical SCSFCL
2) A comparative study between “no DG, with DG and (with DG and
SCSFCL)” fault cases.

• The bolted three phase-to-ground faults are not the only faults used in all
thesis simulations, despite it are the highest value and the worst case
scenario for any distribution system fault current. But in this thesis it was
simulated different fault types and locations to assure that the SCSFCL

mitigates the fault current during any type of fault at any point in the

• While The PSCAD simulation of the test system shown in appendix B,

but because it may be unclear it will be divide into 4 detailed figures (4-4,
4-9, 4-12 &4-14), each figure details the components of a section of the
4-5 Adaptation of the proposed SCSFCL inductance.
The main objective of a SCSFCL is to mitigate the fault current changes due to
DG insertion in to the grid.
Building on this base, insert a bolted L-L-L-G fault at position F1 as shown in
figure 4.4 which is a detailed PSCAD/EMTDC simulation for fault (1) location.

Fig 4-4 1st PSCAD/EMTDC section of the test system (fault at F1)

The plot of the CBs current's waveforms is shown in figure 4-5. It is describe the
all-time current in the following scenarios, test system with no DG, test system
with DG, test system with the presence of the DG in series with the proposed
three-phase SCSFCL model respectively.

The ideal SCSFCL model simulates the faulted current levels of the "no DG"
case, and in the same time, simulates the normal current levels after inserting
the DG, referred as "with DG " case. So the last scenario which is to insert the
DG in series with the SCSFCL was repeated for variable values of inductance L
as shown in figure 4.5.
Observing that change the value of (L) should have corresponding change in the
comparator factor in Appendix (B) which is a part of the proposed SCSFCL

Fig 4-5 CB1&CB2 currents (no DG, with DG, with DG and
SCSFCL/0.23H, with DG and SCSFCL/0.023H, with DG and
SCSFCL/0.0023H, with DG and SCSFCL/0.00023H)
As described earlier during a limiting action, the dynamic action of the core
moving instantaneously in and out of saturation produces harmonics in the
current waveform however, under normal operation, the current waveforms are
unaffected by the saturated core SFCL [7].
Depending on this discussion and as shown by the previous curves in figure 4.5,
it founded that the accebtable wave current shape is in scenario ‘SCSFCL with
DG&SCSFCL/0.0023H’ which optimize the following :
1- its normal current waveshape nearly same as the normal current
waveshape of 'with DG' scenario,
2- its fault current waveshape nearly same as the fault current waveshape
of no DG' scenario, and
3- has a minimum harmonic available.
But it may have to check the performance of that FCL by carry out various
4-6 Performance verification of the used model (L=0.0023H)
For checking the performance of the internal components of the proposed
SCSFCL model it may simulate ‘SCSFCL with DG&SCSFCL/0.0023H’
scenario again but concentrate on the rms phase current (Mag_B), the resistance
(R), fault detection period (FAULT_DETECT), instantaneous phase current
through the resistance (I_R_A), and the Thyristor's operation (Thyristor FP1)
which shown in figure 4-6 in all of the simulation time.

Discussing the obtained figures as follow.
4-6-1 rms Phase Current (Mag_B)
For checking the rms phase current in the proposed SCSFCL it can choose phase
B as an example. From the figure 4-6 it can obtain that:
1- During normal operation, before sec 1 and after sec 2, the current does
not change except at the start time.
2- During fault operation, between sec 1 and 2, the current rises suddenly
to nearly 800% of the normal current, so it can determine value of (2
KA) as indication of faulted situation.
3- After fault, after sec 2, the current return again to the normal current
value but after nearly 0.1 sec. which called the delay time.

Fig 4-6 internal SCSFCL model component performance (Mag_B)

4-6-2 the resistance (R)
To check the performance of the resistance (R) in the proposed SCSFCL, it can
be considered that R referred to a single phase resistance which is symmetric for
the three phase. From the figure 4-7 it can obtain that:
1- During normal operation, before sec 1 and after sec 2, resistance R
constant and equals 0.01Ω (the start value) except at the start time.
2- During fault operation, between sec 1 and 2, resistance R rises
suddenly to 200000Ω and ramps from 100000Ω to 200000Ω.
3- After fault, after sec of 2, the resistance R ramps down again to 0.01Ω
after nearly 0.1 sec., after sure that fault was cleared.

Fig 4-7 internal SCSFCL model component performance (R)
4-6-3 fault detection period (FAULT_DETECT)
To check fault detection period (FAULT_DETECT) in the proposed SCSFCL,
from the above figure 4-6 it can obtain that:
1- During normal operation, before sec 1 and after sec 2, there's no fault
detection, magnitude of detection equals zero.
2- During fault operation, between sec 1 and 2, fault is detected correctly.
3- After fault, after sec of 2, after nearly 0.1 sec., there's no fault detection,
magnitude of detection equals zero, after sure that fault was cleared.

Fig 4-8 internal SCSFCL model component performance

4-6-4 the instantaneous phase current through the resistance (I_R_A)
For checking the instantaneous phase current through the resistance (I_R_A) in
the proposed SCSFCL model it can choose phase A as an example. From the
above figure 4-6 it can obtain that:
1- During normal operation, before sec 1 and after sec 2, the current is the
normal current magnitude of nearly 1000A, as same as in normal current
of rms phase (B) current. So this behavior assures that all the line current
goes through the resistance R which is the theoretical SCSFCL behavior.

2- During fault operation, between sec 1 and 2, the current equals zero. It
means that the resistance R acts as an open circuit during a fault which is
the theoretical SCSFCL behavior.
3- After fault, after sec 2, the current return again to go through resistance R
in the normal current value but after nearly 0.1 sec. which called the delay

Fig 4-9 internal SCSFCL model component performance (I_R_A)

4-6-5 the Thyristor's operation (Thyristor FP1)
For checking the Thyristor's operation (Thyristor FP1) in the proposed SCSFCL
it can choose phase FP1 as an example. From the above figure 4-6 it can obtain
1- During normal operation, before sec 1 and after sec 2, Thyristor is off
2- During fault operation, between sec 1 and 2, Thyristor is ON then OFF in
continuous sequence. This means that Thyristor 1 is ON when Thyristor 2
is OFF and vice versa in a continuous sequence during fault duration only,
which is the theoretical SCSFCL behavior.
3- After fault, after sec of 2 and a nearly 0.1 sec., Thyristor is OFF operation

Fig 4-10 internal SCSFCL model component performance (Thyristor


Chapter 5

5-1 introduction
The FCL device which located in series with a DG improves failure rate of
protective devices. Generally, failure rate of protective devices is depending on
different parameters, one of this parameters is the short circuit current passed
through it. Because short circuit current is decreased at presence of FCL then
failure rate is decreased, resulting in more reliability of the network [2].
The following sections present the results of the FCL insertion in series with a
DG in a typical distribution system. The goal of these simulations is to show the
effectiveness of the SCSFCL in limiting the fault currents in different fault types
and locations. all fault types, namely single-, 2- and 3-phase symmetrical faults
will be discussed in details, also four fault locations F1, F2, F3 and F4 are
sequentially inserted into the system. In every case, a comparative simulation
study between “no DG, with DG and (with DG and SCSFCL)” fault scenarios
was obtained and discussed.
All simulation results worked out in different scenarios prove that the SCSFCL
works well despite the fault locations and fault types according to:
1- The SCSFCL affects the faulted phases only.
2- SCSFCL design may not be affected when change its location in the
distribution system.


The PSCAD/EMTDC simulation was previously showed in figure 4-4

5-2-1 three phase to ground fault:

It was previously cleared in section 4-5

5-2-2 single phase to ground fault at phase A:

As it is clear from figure 5-1, the fault was successfully limited by the device.
The fault current is limited by about 50% through circuit breakers 1 and 2.

Fig 5-1 current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios,
single phase fault (A)
5-2-3 L to G fault at B:

As it is clear from the figure 5-2 .Similarly to the previous case in section (5-2-
2), phase B current only is very high value.

Fig 5-2 current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios,
single phase fault (B)

5-2-4 L (A)-L (B) - G fault

Last PSCAD simulation at F1 was phases A & B fault. Figure 5.3 shown that
the fault currents at A & B is almost the same high value.

Fig 5-3 current wave shapes (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios in
two phases (A and B) fault
5-2-5 phase to phase to ground fault with changing SCSFCL location:

It is very clear that CB2 should be replaced because it will have at least 5KA
short circuit current which its 5th rated fault current before adding DG. So, fault
currents may damage some equipment in both bus (6) and bus (7).
So we suggest that to change the SCSFCL location to be sited before CB2 and
then simulate again the previous fault case L-L-G at A & B at F1.
From the following figure 5-4, it is founded that the instantaneous phase (A)
current (I_R_A) which go through the resistance (R) has similar shape as that
previously was obtained and discussed in section (4-6-4).
Also, the instantaneous phase (A) current through the SCSFCL has a similar
values and wave shape as it was obtained by figure 5-3 'with DG+SCSFCL)
So, it can prove that when changing the location of the SCSFCL in the
distribution system, there is no change on its performance and so, no change
required in its parameters.

Fig 5-4 the instantaneous phase (A) current through the model’s resistance

Fig 5-5 the instantaneous model line current through the phase (A)

From the above figures, we can obtain that SCSFCL design may not be affected
when change its location in the distribution system.

5-2-6 phase to phase to ground fault (A and C):

Another phase to phase to ground fault simulation was obtained, but with
change the faulted phases shown in figure 5-6. This simulation verified that the
proposed SCSFCL always mitigates the fault current only in the faulted phases.

Fig 5-6 current wave shapes (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios in
two phase (A and C) fault

5-3 FAULT POSITION (2) & (abc-g) fault
The previous section 5-2 assures that the SCSFCL successfully mitigates the
fault current in all fault types (single phase, two phases and three phases to
ground faults).
Building on this base, in this section it has to assure that the SCSFCL
successfully mitigates the fault currents in all fault locations in the distribution
So, Insert a bolted three phase-to-ground fault at position F2 as shown in figure
5.7 which is a detailed PSCAD/EMTDC simulation for fault location(2).

Fig 5-7 2nd PSCAD/EMTDC section of the test system (fault at F2)
From the simulation results in figure 5-8 observe that SCSFCL does not affect
the steady state current, because it has a low steady state impedance.

Fig 5-8 current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL) scenarios
in F2
Also it does not affect the faulty current because the DG insertion in the grid has
no effect on the fault currents.
5-4 FAULT POSITION (3) & (abc-g) fault
In this section continue to assure that the SCSFCL is successfully mitigating the
fault current in all fault locations in the distribution system.
So, Insert a bolted three phase-to-ground fault at position F3 as shown in figure
5.9 which is a detailed PSCAD/EMTDC simulation for fault location(3).
Fig 5-9 3rd PSCAD/EMTDC section of the test system (fault at F3)

The results of the simulation will be shown in figure 5-10. From this figure it
can obtain that, if fault was inserted at location (3), then the two circuit breakers
(CB1, and CB2) in the test system will observe the same amount of currents. So
the SCSFCL mitigates the fault currents of CB1, and CB2 in the same range
(from 8.75kA to 6.25 kA).
Also, harmonics will be observed during the fault only.

Fig 5-10 single phase current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with
DG+SCSFCL) scenarios in F3

5-5FAULT POSITION (4) & (abc-g) fault
In this section the last simulation to assure that the SCSFCL is successfully
mitigates the fault current in all fault locations in the distribution system.
So, Insert a bolted three phase-to-ground fault at position F4 as shown in figure
5.11 which is a detailed PSCAD/EMTDC simulation for fault location(4).

Fig 5-11 4th PSCAD/EMTDC section of the test system (fault at F4)

From simulation results which shown in figure 5-12, The SCSFCL limited the
fault current through CB2 from 30 kA to 10kA with 33% reduction rate , while
the three-phase fault current in CB1 does not mitigated at all because this fault
current through CB1 does not change by inserting DG in the test system.

Fig 5-12 current wave shapes in (no DG, with DG, with DG+SCSFCL)
scenarios in F4

Chapter 6.

This chapter provides an executive summary of the work presented in this thesis.
Possible future work is also discussed briefly.

Summary and Conclusions of thesis

Due to continuous load growth in modern grids, Renewable Energy Resource

(RER) are installed within the power network. So, fault currents may be exceed
the existing circuit breakers interrupting ratings and then many CBs are
Many traditional aspects was discussed to solve this problem, but all these
aspects have performances that may not practical in many cases , so it have to
achieve a modern device to be compatible with the modern grids and its modern
Such modern fault current limiting management is FCL devices which can be
used to reduce the amplitude of fault currents to protect solid state components
in modern grids and also to speed up both fault detection and fault interruption.
Then FCL make the fault event in grid has less disturbance [15].
Besides that in modern grid, when short circuit connection happens at a presence
of DG, the coordination between fuse and re-closer is mismatched and so
decreases the network reliability. FCL is used also to solve this problem and
generally to improve the reliability of the modern distribution networks [2] [43].
The FCL devices was divided in to different categories which have different
particular characteristics. In general, FCL is assumed as an active device which
its operation can be self-triggered or need another externally triggering device.
Nowadays many different types of fault current limiters were installed on power
grids all over the world,
The FCL which was built using semiconductor switching devices is assumed to
be an externally trigger device and the FCL which was built using
superconducting materials is assumed to be a self- trigger device [5]

The self-triggered FCL devices use the material’s physical properties for
activation such as superconductors which was used to limit fault currents since
the discovery of superconductor materials.
• The resistive SFCL should be installed in series with a breaker (The CB
interrupts the residual fault current and then the superconducting element
will have a fast recovery) because if the resistive SFCL replaces the
existing breaker, then the steady state flexibility would be reduced [6].
• When the resistive SFCL insertion in South African power grid was
compared to other traditional fault current mitigation techniques, it
founded that the high capital cost of the resistive SFCL is a main
disadvantage while its reduced operating cost over a 25 year service life is
the main resistive SFCL advantage. So it is not the optimum alternative
for fault level management in South African power grid. Whatever this
conclusion may not be globally applicable [6].
• The non-superconducting technologies FCLs are independent on
superconductor materials to perform the current limiting action. But it
depends on power electronic components which includes current limiting
fuses and solid-state FCL devices.
• Unlike resistive SFCLs, which require cooling time between succession
limiting actions to cool the superconducting components, the saturated
core approach can manage several limiting actions in short time because
the superconductor does not quench [7].
While, it cannot replace the under rated circuit breakers all over a smart grid.
One SCSFCL only is located at the interconnecting bus between the
transmission and distribution networks will keeps all already existed CBs within
their interrupting ratings.
Actually, in 2009, a SCSFCL device was located at small distribution network in
California, USA and, during a lightning-induced fault in 2010, the SCSFCL
device limited the fault current as expected [15].
Many companies around world are manufacturing FCL devices,
The SCSFCL utilizes copper AC coils wound onto iron core to present very low
impedance during normal current operation. After fault clearing, the FCL
immediately (<1ms) returns to its low impedance again in normal condition and
so the SCSFCL ready to protect the grid against any faults [41].

• As SCSFCL was located after a transformer, it offers a reduced fault
levels in substation and accommodates switchgear ratings.
In this location, it can install one or more FCLs depending on the required
fault current reduction.
In this location, the FCL can be included in the transformer protection
zone, with no additional protection devices.
Also the FCL is used to improve load balancing between different rated
power feeder transformers. So, FCL enables increasing the capacity on
existing grids [41].

• FCL may be connected in a bus-tie location and offers the advantages

of grid interconnectivity, flexible arrangements and increased power
Also in this location, one or more FCLs may be installed, depending on
the bus topology and fault current reduction required, with small changes
on settings of existing protection devices.
It can parallel the FCL with the existing bus-tie circuit breaker, with no
additional protection devices [41].
This thesis introduced an efficient solution of the problem of increasing the fault
current short circuit levels in the electrical grid due to their extensions by using a
proposed SCSFCL. The proposed SCSFCL was modeled and simulated in
PSCAD environment.
An 11 KV west delta Egyptian distribution system Tanta region was modeled as
a typical network with the proposed simulated model. The studied distribution
system consists of 15 buses. Bus 1 is 66/11 transformer. F1, F2, F3, and F4 are
the expected fault locations while CB1 and CB2 are two circuit breakers.
The variation of FCL inductance was analyzed to find the proposed value.
Six different cases are simulated and discussed to test the system. The proposed
FCL was capable to mitigate the faults current level to be nearby their values
without DG.
The model parameters were adapted by the author to restore the fault current
levels to their values before the integration of the DG. It founded that the
acceptable wave current shape is in scenario ‘with DG&SCSFCL/0.0023H’ after
checking the performance of that FCL by carrying out various simulations.
Six case studies are considered cases as follow sequence:
1) Check current waveforms in the distribution system with and without an
SCSFCL cases, then check efficiency of the SCSFCL to regains the fault current

levels in the distribution system to that levels before inserting the DG in the
grid, which is the theoretical SCSFCL behavior.
2) A comparative study between “no DG, with DG and (with DG and
SCSFCL)” fault cases.

• The bolted three phase-to-ground faults are not the only faults used in all
thesis simulations, despite it is the highest value and the worst case scenario for
any distribution system fault current. But in this thesis it was simulated different
fault types and locations to assure that the SCSFCL mitigates the fault current
during any type of fault at any point in the system, such as:
• If fault was inserted at location (3), then the two circuit breakers (CB1,
and CB2) in the test system will observe the same amount of currents. So
the SCSFCL mitigates the fault currents of CB1, and CB2 in the same
range (from 8.75kA to 6.25 kA).
Also, harmonics will be observed during the fault only.
• if fault was inserted at location (4)The SCSFCL limited the fault current
through CB2 from 30 kA to 10kA with 33% reduction rate , while the
three-phase fault current in CB1 does not mitigated at all because this
fault current through CB1 does not change by inserting DG in the test
The obtained results ensure that the model is easily used in other distribution
systems. The results show also that the model performances can meet utility’s
needs in mitigating fault current at all types of fault and different fault positions.
SCSFCL does not affect the steady state currents, because it has a low steady
state impedance

Future Work
In modern grid, when short circuit connection happens at a presence of DG, the
coordination between fuse and re-closer is mismatched and so decreases the

network reliability. FCL is used to solve this problem and generally to improve
the reliability of the modern distribution networks
The future work is for designing SCSFCLs prototype on ways of reducing the
initial capital cost to be viable for power utilities consideration in fault level
Then to investigate the SCSFCL prototype operation in the actual protection
Appendix (A) single line diagram of the test bed system [8]

Appendix (B) part of proposed PSCAD/EMTDC model

L (H) Corresponding
0.23 0.04
0.023 0.4
0.0023 1
0.00023 2

Appendix (C) MATLAB simulation of the test system [8]

Appendix (D) PSCAD/EMTDC simulation of the MODEL

Appendix (E) PSCAD/EMTDC simulation of the test

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‫اهداف البحث‬
‫‪ -1‬يقترح البحث نموذج لمحدد تيار الخطأ من النوع ذو القلب المشبع‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬تم عمل النموذج باستخدام برنامج ‪PSCAD‬‬
‫‪ -3‬النموذج المقترح يتم اختبار خصائص مكوناته الداخلية ووجدت متطابقة‬
‫مع النظريات العلمية لطريقة عمله‪.‬‬
‫‪-4‬النموذج المقترح يمكن استخدامه فى اى نظام كهربى بمعرفة قيمة اقل‬
‫تيار خطأ ثالثى االوجه للنظام ‪.‬‬
‫‪-5‬تم تطبيق هذا النموذج فى جزء من شبكة طنطا للجهد المتوسط‪11kV -‬‬
‫‪-6‬النموذج المقترح تم استخدامه فى معرفة تطبيقات محددات تيار الخطأ‬
‫فى شبكات توزيع مثل‪:‬‬
‫وضع محدد تيار واحد من النوع ذو القلب المشبع بالتوالى مع‬ ‫‪)a‬‬
‫وحدة توليد موزعة فى نظام توزيع كهربى صغير يقوم بتحديد تيار‬
‫الخطأ فى النظام بنسبة ال تقل عن ‪ %30‬من تيار الخطأ العالى الذى‬
‫تسببت فيه اضافة وحدة التوليد الموزعة ‪.‬‬
‫وبالتالى ال توجد ضرورة لتغيير جميع اجهزة الحماية الكهربية‬ ‫‪)b‬‬
‫الموجودة بالنظام لتناسب مستويات تيار الخطأ بعد اضافة وحدة التوليد‬
‫‪ )c‬مع التأكد ان محدد التيار من النوع ذو القلب المشبع ال يوجد له تأثير‬
‫سلبى ملحوظ فى التيارات الكهربية بالنظام فى حالة عدم وجود خطأ‪.‬‬

‫تطبيقات محددات تيار الخطأ فى‬
‫شبكات توزيع عملية‬
‫كجزء من متطلبات الحصول على درجة الماجستير‬
‫فى الهندسة الكهربية‬
‫رسالة مقدمة من‬
‫المهندسة ‪ /‬رشا البدوى الشحات‬
‫بكالوريوس هندسة كهربية‪-‬كلية الهندسة –جامعة المنصورة‬
‫لجنة االشراف‬
‫أ‪.‬م‪.‬د ‪/‬عيد عبد الباقى جودة‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪/‬محمود صابر قنديل‬
‫استاذ مساعد بقسم الهندسة الكهربية‬ ‫استاذ متفرغ بقسم الهندسة الكهربية‬
‫كلية الهندسة –جامعة المنصورة‬ ‫كلية الهندسة –جامعة المنصورة‬

‫االدارة العامة للمكتبة‬ ‫) بالمكتبة‬ ‫ملخص الرسالة (‬
‫رقم‪:‬‬ ‫الهندسة الكهربية‬ ‫قسم‬ ‫الهندسة‬ ‫الكلية‬
‫التاريخ‪:‬‬ ‫ماجستير الهندسة‬ ‫الدرجة‬ ‫رشا البدوى‬ ‫االسم‬
‫العلمية‬ ‫الشحات‬
‫تطبيقات محددات تيار الخطأ فى شبكات توزيع عملية‬ ‫اسم الرسالة‬
‫نتيجة للزيادة المستمرة فى اضافة االحمال الكهربية و التوسع المتوقع فى محطات التوليد(مثل التوليد‬
‫الكهربى الموزع‪ ) DG‬مما يؤدى بالفعل لزيادة مستويات تيار الخطأ عن المقننات التى تم ضبطها عليه‬
‫من قبل ‪ .‬و حاليا يوجد عدد من الحلول التقليدية المستخدمة لحل هذة المشكلة مثل استبدال المعدات‬
‫الموجودة باخرى ذات مقننات اعلى او تركيب ملفات حثية على التوالى او استبدال المحوالت‪ .‬هذا البحث‬
‫يقدم حال متطورا لهذة المشكلة باستخدام محددات التيار فائقة التوصيل ذات القلب المشبع‪ .‬واعتمد الباحث‬
‫فى نمذجة هذا النظام على برنامج ‪، PSCAD‬حيث تمت نمذجة حقيقية لنظام كهربى حقيقى ممثال فى جزء‬
‫من الشبكة المصرية بطنطا ذو جهد ‪. 11KV‬وتم تركيب نموذج محدد التيار المقترح على التوالى مع‬
‫توليد كهربى موزع ‪ DG‬تمت اضافته للشبكة وعمل اخطاء مختلفة على النظام ذات انواع خطأ واماكن‬
‫خطأ مختلفة الختبار النموذج المقترح‪ .‬و اثبتت النتائج مدى كفاءة نموذج محدد التيار ذو القلب المشبع فى‬
‫اخماد تيار الخطأ الناتج عن اضافة توليد كهربى فى جميع االحوال ‪,‬النه تم بنائه ليناسب اى حالة اخطاء‬
‫محتملة فى الدائرة‪ .‬ايضا هذا النموذج تم بنائه على اساس امكانية ضبط عناصره بسهولة لتناسب اى نظام‬
‫كهربى اخر يتم بنائه باستخدام برنامج ‪PSCAD‬بعد معرفة اقل تيار خطأ ثالثى االوجه معرض له‪.‬‬

‫عناوين الموضوع‬
‫‪Saturated Core Fault Current Limiter, PSCAD simulation, FCL modeling,‬‬
‫‪Typical Egyptian Distribution System‬‬
‫مكتبة االدارة العامة ‪ :‬المنصورة – ‪ 60‬شارع الجمهورية –المنصورة‪-‬مصر‬
‫ص ‪ .‬ب ‪35516 :‬‬
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‫محتويات الرسالة‬

‫تقع الرسالة فى ستة فصول كالتالى‪:‬‬

‫الفصل االول يستعرض هذا الفصل المعلومات االساسية عن مشكلة الطلب‬
‫المستمر على الطاقة الكهربية وزيادة االحمال الكهربية المطلوب تغذيتها يوما بعد‬
‫يوم ‪.‬والحل المتمثل فى استخدام المولدات الموزعة وما يستتبعه ذلك من مشكلة‬
‫زيادة تيار الخطأ ‪.‬والطرق المتاحة لمواجهة هذة المشكلة مركزا على الطرق‬
‫التقليدية‪.‬مع توضيح المميزات والعيوب لكل طريقة وااالستخدامات العملية لكل‬

‫الفصل الثانى يقدم هذا الفصل شرحا تفصيليا للطرق الحديثة لمواجهة مشكلة‬
‫زيادة تيار الخطأ والتى من اهمها استخدام المواد ذات التوصيلية الفائقة‪ .‬كما يقدم‬
‫ايضا ملخصا مناسبا عن طرق اخماد التيار المختلفة باستخدام المواد ذات‬
‫التوصيلية المختلفة والفرق بينها ‪ .‬مع توضيح المميزات والعيوب لكل طريقة‬
‫وااالستخدامات العملية لكل منها‪.‬‬

‫الفصل الثالث يرتكز هذا الفصل على توضيح كل ما يتعلق بمحددات التيار فائقة‬
‫التوصيل ذات القلب المشبع من حيث نظرية العمل الفيزيائية والمكونات االساسية‬
‫و طريقة عمل كل منها‪ .‬مع توضيح المميزات و المشاكل التصميمية لهذا المحدد‬
‫‪ .‬و االستخدامات العملية له ‪.‬‬

‫الفصل الرابع فى هذا الفصل تم بناء النموذج على اساس امكانية ضبط عناصره‬
‫ليناسب اى حاالت اخطاء محتملة‪.‬حيث تم شرح تفصيلى لمكونات النموذج ودور‬
‫كل منها فى محاكاة سلوك محدد التيار الحقيقى الواقعى ‪ .‬وفى نهاية الفصل تم‬
‫عمل اختبار للمكونات الداخلية للنموذج حيث اثبتت النتائج ان النموذج يسلك نفس‬
‫سلوك النظريات العلمية لعمل محدد التيار الحقيقى الواقعى‪.‬‬

‫الفصل الخامس فى هذا الفصل تمت نمذجة حقيقية لنظام كهربى حقيقى ممثال‬
‫فى جزء من الشبكة المصرية بطنطا ذو جهد ‪. 11KV‬وتم تركيب محدد التيار‬
‫المقترح واضافة توليد كهربى موزع وعمل اخطاء مختلفة على النظام ذات انواع‬

‫واماكن مختلفة الختبار النموذج المقترح حيث اثبتت النتائج مدى كفاءته حيث تم‬
‫بنائه على اساس امكانية ضبط عناصره ليناسب اى حاالت اخطاء محتملة‪.‬‬

‫الفصل السادس (االستنتاجات و االقتراحات المستقبلية )‬


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