The Use of Offender Profiling Evidence in Criminal Cases
The Use of Offender Profiling Evidence in Criminal Cases
The Use of Offender Profiling Evidence in Criminal Cases
Recommended Citation
Ebisike, Norbert, "The Use of Offender Profiling Evidence in Criminal Cases" (2007). Theses and Dissertations. Paper 23.
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11/02-/0 7
Dean Emeritus and Professor Peter Keane
Professor Dr. Christian Okeke
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Dr. Sompong Sucharitkul
Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................6
Introduction ........................................................................... 8
3.1 The general rules and principles governing the admissibility of scientific
evidence in general ... ................. , ....................... , ..................... ...... 100
3.2 The Frye Test Standard ... ..................................................... .... 102
3.3 Federal Rules ofEvidence ... ..................................................... 124
3.4 The Daubert Decision .............................................................. 138
3.5 General Electric Co ................................................................. 151
3.6 Kumho Tire Co ....................................................................... 156
l 2
great honor and pleasure of having them as my advisers. I would like to thank them for
Professor Peter Keane, for the first class level of supervision that I have received. His
prompt responses to my work and detailed suggestions and advice made it possible for
me to produce this comprehensive, and interesting work, as well as being able to finish
dissertation. I will forever be grateful to him for his excellent suggestions, advice and
Furthermore, I would like to thank the committee members for their open door policy, for
sharing their knowledge and for showing me the 'light'. They always made out the time
I would also like to thank my parents for their continued belief that education is a good
investment that opens many doors. May I also use this opportunity to express my
My sincere gratitude goes to all the staff of Golden Gate University Center for Advanced
International Legal Studies for their excellent support and encouragement. I would like to
thank Jonathan Chu, Administrative Director and John Pluebell, the Assistant Director of
the graduate programs, for their encouragement and for helping me with the
administrative side of things. My special thanks also go to Melissa Beuoy, at the Golden
Gate University Law Library, for her excellent and speedy assistance. She made sure that
Finally, I would like to thank many people who assisted me in one way or the other
throughout this research. Many thanks to the offender profiling experts who assisted me
Research Methodology
interviews with Crime Scene Analysts and Offender Profilers. This method provided first
The standard legal research method of case analysis has also been used. This involved
extensive case analysis. Cases that involved offender profiling have been analyzed. This
~ ......................---------
This dissertation examined the use of offender profiling evidence in criminal cases. The
meaning, history, approaches and legal admissibility of offender profiling have been
discussed. The introduction of offender profiling into the courtroom has been
examined the central problems with offender profiling evidence, and answered such
give expert profiling evidence? Is offender profiling too prejudicial than probative? Is
reliable as to be admissible? This dissertation has noted that in United States, there are
three conflicting rules governing the admissibility of expert evidence. After a critical
examination of the three rules, the adoption of one rule has been suggested. The Frye test
standard combined with the Federal Rules of Evidence 702 provides the best
admissibility standard.
Many people are confused as to the appropriate discipline of offender profiling. This
dissertation has therefore, presented a step by step analysis of the history and
cuts across many disciplines. At the moment, it is best described as an art with the
potential of becoming a science. This dissertation concludes that offender profiling is not
~ .................. --------~
dissertation also concludes that there is an uneasy relationship, lack of unity and absence
of sharing information amongst the different segments involved with offender profiling,
and that this problem has limited the potential of offender profiling. Hence, some courts
are not convinced as to the reliability and validity of this technique. Several
In spite of the ever-increasing media interest in the use of offender profiling in criminal
trials, this technique is still not well understood by a lot of people, including judges,
lawyers and jurors. Some people see offender profiling as some sort of mystic and others
simply see it as a fiction. It is the aim of this dissertation to demystify offender profiling
and try to raise the general level of knowledge and understanding of this crime
investigation technique. This dissertation has two hypotheses. The first is that offender
profiling is not widely accepted in courts because its reliability and the scientific basis
has not been established and second, that there are inconsistencies surrounding the
governing its admissibility in various jurisdictions. The central thesis of this dissertation
is that offender profiling is not sufficiently reliable as to be admissible (in proving the
probative value and that there is an uneasy relationship, lack of unity, cooperation and
limited the potential of offender profiling. There is the problem with the existence of
three rules governing the admissibility of expert evidence in United States. This has led
derivatives. There has been a lot of conflicting court decisions on this technique.
This dissertation examined the central problems of offender profiling evidence. Two
information from the crime scene, witnesses, victim statements, autopsy reports,
offender's physical descriptions, race, age, criminal records and so on. The question then
as proof of guilt or innocence? Offender Profiling does not point to specific offenders. It
does not determine whether a given defendant committed a specific act. This question
arises because in several cases the reliability and accuracy of offender profiling has been
at issue. Second, is offender profiling more prejudicial than probative? Offender profiling
is too prejudicial to the accused. Offender profiling only provides an indication of the
type of person likely to have committed a type of crime. It does not point to a specific
individual. This question arises because in several cases examined, courts have been
In chapter one, we have discussed the meaning and nature of offender profiling. The
goals of offender profiling have also been discussed. Offender profiling is an innovative
this technique, the history and development have been discussed in this chapter.
Offender Profiling is mainly used by the police to narrow down suspects list in cases
where no physical evidence were left at the crime scene. In recent times however, this
technique has been introduced into the courtroom as evidence and there has been a lot of
controversy surrounding it. Hence, there had been conflicting court decisions on its status
as admissible evidence. In several cases, the reliability, validity and scientific basis of this
technique had been at issue. Chapter two therefore, introduced us to the principles and
practice of offender profiling. The different approaches to profiling have been discussed,
In chapter three, the general rules and principles governing the admissibility of scientific
evidence are discussed. The Frye Test Standard, The Federal Rules of Evidence, The
Daubert Decision and the Kumho Tire Co. decision have been critically examined. As we
mentioned earlier on, there are a lot inconsistencies surrounding the admission of
offender profiling in criminal cases. One reason has been identified and it relates to the
fact that there are three main rules governing the admissibility of scientific evidence. The
three rules are as follows. The Frye Test Standard, The Federal Rules of Evidence and
The Daubert Decision. Each state in United States has adopted one of these
rules/standards. Some states are using Frye, some have adopted the Daubert criteria
while others have adopted Frye plus their own Rules of Evidence. It should be noted that
the Daubert criteria is the main rule at the federal courts. This leads us to the question - Is
it possible to adopt one particular rule? This is a question that has also been examined.
This dissertation is also aimed at providing a critical analysis of the use of offender
profiling in criminal cases. Hence, in chapter four, we discussed the central problems of
offender profiling evidence. Cases that involved offender profiling have been critically
examined. The different areas of challenging offender profiling have also been discussed.
One of the aims of this research is to provide a comparative analysis of the use of
the admissibility of offender profiling in England and Canada. We have also examined
offender profiling and have suggested areas where further research is needed. This
dissertation argues that offender profiling is a specialized area of knowledge, but at the
This dissertation differs from other previous published studies in many ways. First, this
of offender profiling. The nature, theory, practice and the legal aspects of offender
profiling have been presented in one study. This dissertation goes further with the theory
that offender profiling can be used in developing crime prevention measures. There has
none of the previous published studies examined the uneasy relationship among the
different segments/approaches to offender profiling which has limited the potential of this
Offender profiling has been defined in many ways by various scholars based on their
and criminological profiling. In this dissertation however, the term 'offender profiling'
will be used.
1 David Canter, Series Preface, in D. Canter, and L. Alison, (eds) Profiling in Policy and Practice, VII
As Canter has noted, 'offender profiling' is a tenn coined by the FBI in the 1970's to
describe their criminal investigative analysis work. 2 He maintained that "when FBI
agents first began this work they invented a new tenn to grace their actions: offender
profiling. By doing so they created the impression of a package, a system that was sitting
waiting to be employed, rather than the mixture of craft, experience and intellectual
"leaves psychological traces, tell-tale patterns of behaviour that indicate the sort of
person he is. Gleaned from the crime scene and reports from witnesses, these traces are
more ambigious and subtle than those examined by the biologist or physicist. They
cannot be taken into a laboratory and dissected under the microscope. They are more like
shadows, which undoubtedly are connected to the criminal who cast them, but they
flicker and change, and it may not always be obvious where they come from. Yet, if they
can be fixed and interpreted, criminal shadows can indicate where investigators should
Canter and Heritage also maintained that "a criminal leaves evidence of his personality
through his actions in relation to a crime. Any person's behaviour exhibits characteristics
2D .
aVId Canter, Criminal Shadows: Inside the mind a/the serial killer, 12 (1994).
3 Id.
4 Id.
unique to that person, as well as patterns and consistencies which are typical of the sub-
Ainsworth defined offender profiling as "the process of using all the available
information about a crime, a crime scene, and a victim, in order to compose a profile of
the (as yet) unknown perpetrator,,6. For Davies, "offender profiling (more technically
behaviour is used both to infer motivation for an offence and to produce a description of
investigative agencies with specific information as to the type of individual who may
have committed a certain crime,,8. Turvey, writing from a behavioral evidence analysis
point of view, defined offender profiling as "the process of inferring the personality
5 David Canter and Rupert Heritage, "A Muiltivariate Model of Sexual Offence Behaviour: Developments
in Offender Profiling", Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, (1990).
8Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigations: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques, 4th
edition, 46 (1996).
Brent Turvey, Criminal Profiling: Introduction to Behavioral Evidence Analysis, 1 (2002).
an offender's behaviour, used both to infer motivation for an offence and to produce a
gathered from the crime scene, witnesses, victims, autopsy reports and information about
an offender's behavior is used to draw up a profile of the sort of person likely to commit
traces were left at the crime scene. Offender profiling does not point to a specific
offender. It is based on the probability that someone with certain characteristics is likely
There are two operating words in offender profiling: modus operandi (method of
operation) and behavior. The modus operandi could lead to clues about the offender.
There is the idea that an offender is likely to commit a particular type of crime in a
particular or similar pattern. Thus offender profiling is based on the premise that the
modus operandi may lead to clues about the perpetrator and that the crime scene
characteristics may point to the personality of the perpetrator. Behavior helps to predict
the personality type or the motives for the crime. Therefore, the single most important
thing that a pro filer looks for at a scene of crime is anything that may point to the
The rationale behind this approach is that behavior reflects personality, and by examining
behavior the investigator may be able to determine what type of person is responsible for
the offense. II When profiling, the profiler notes the physical description, individual traits,
any odd behaviour and remarks or records of anything that the offender said or did during
the attack. Also to be noted are information about the steps the offender used to avoid
being detected, method of killing, or the way he approaches his victims, as well as notes
about the offender's gender, age group, race, occupation and criminal records. 12
Offender Profiling is mainly used when the offender did not leave any physical trace at
the crime scene. It is used to narrow down the suspects list. As Douglas and Olshaker
have pointed out, "criminal profiling is used mostly by behavioral scientists and the
police to narrow down an investigation to those who posses certain behavioral and
personality features that are revealed by the way a crime was committed,,13. Continuing,
Douglas and Olshaker also maintained that "the primary goal is to aid local police in
limiting and refining their suspect list so that they can direct their resources where they
John. E. Douglas., Ressler, R.K., Burgess, AW., and Hartman, c.R., Criminal Profilingfrom Crime
Scene Analysis .Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 403 (1986).
Norbert Ebisike, An Appraisal ofForensic Science Evidence in Criminal Proceedings, 44 (2001).
John. Douglas, J., and Olshaker, M., Mindhunte: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit, (1999).
"Another key use of a profile, is when necessary, to go proactive, which means letting the
public become a partner in crime solving. The unknown suspect may have displayed
some sort of odd behaviour to those close to him that will indicate his involvement with
the crime. Getting the public, and hopefully those people to be aware of what they have
generally based on the premise that an accurate analysis and interpretation of the crime
scene and other locations related to the crime can indicate the type of person who
committed the crime".IS Hence, "because certain personality types exhibit similar
behavioral patterns (in other words, behavior that becomes routine), knowledge and an
Jackson and Bekerian maintained that "a profile is based on the premise that the proper
interpretation of crime scene evidence can indicate the personality type of the
individual(s) who committed the offence. It is assumed that certain personality types
exhibit similar behavioral patterns and that knowledge of these patterns can assist in the
15 Steven A. Egger, Psychological Profiling: Past, Present, and Future, Journal of Contemporary Criminal
Justice, vol. 15, No.3, August 1999,243 (1999).
17 Janet L. Jackson, and Bekerian D. A. (eds), Offender Profiling: Theory, Research and Practice, 3 (1997).
Holmes and Holmes have outlined three major goals of profiling as follows. 18
offender. In fact, "a profile should contain basic and sound information concerning the
social and psychological core variables of the offender's personality, including the
offender's race, age, employment status and type, religion, marital status, and level of
allowing police to narrow its range, which in tum will have a direct effect upon the
This involves the evaluation of any items found at the suspect's home, such as souvenirs
taken from the crime scenes, pictures, videos, books, magazines or other items that might
point to the background and motives for the crimes, as well as link the suspect to the
crime. Holmes and Holmes noted the case of Jerry Brudos a sadistic serial killer in the
United States who had such a fetish about his victims' high heeled shoes. He took their
18 Ronald. M. Holmes., and Stephen T. Holmes., Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool, 3 (1996).
Id, at 4.
(3) Suggestions and strategies for interviewing suspected offenders when they are
Another primary goal of profiling is to suggest the most effective interviewing strategy to
be used once the offender has been arrested. As there are different types of offenders, one
interviewing/interrogation strategy may not be suitable for all the different types,
especially when dealing with rapists. As Holmes and Homes have pointed out, "not all
people react to questions in the same fashion. For one type of offender, one strategy may
be effective, but it is a mistake to assume that all those who commit similar crimes will
respond to the same interviewing strategy. For example, not all serial murderers kill for
the same reasons, and not all respond to the same type of interviewing strategy. Violent
personal offenders also vary in their motives as well as their responses to interrogation,,21.
It has been observed that offender profiling is usually taken up late in an investigation.
impossible because there were no samples left at the scene of crime?2 There are
serious/major crimes, offender profiling should be used at the onset, along with the other
techniques. It should not be left till later in the investigation when we have come to
realize that no physical trace has been left at the crime scene, bearing in mind the issue of
'staged crime scenes'. Important details might be lost later in the investigation and as we
know, crime scenes can be tampered with, by both weather conditions and human
21 Id, at 5,
~ ........................ ----~
'Crime scene staging' occurs when the offender alters the crime scene in order to conceal
the original intent. For instance, the offender may stage signs of burglary in order to
opposed to a disorganized offender. Hence, any evidence of staging at the crime scene
may point to an organized offender. In fact, an offender stages a crime scene in order to
"mislead the authorities and/or redirect the investigation. Staging is a conscious criminal
1. The most common type of staging occurs when the perpetrator changes elements
of the scene to make the death appear to be a suicide or accident in order to cover
up a murder.
2. The second most common type of staging is when the perpetrator attempts to
3. Arson represents another type of staging. The offender purposely torches the
crime scene to destroy evidence or make the death appear to be the result of an
accidental fire.
23Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques, 4th
edition, 22 (2006).
24 Id, at 23.
Modus Operandi or Method of Operation (MO)
An offender's method of operation includes such things as the type of victim chosen,
location of attack, time of attack, type of weapon used, as well as the method of gaining
entry. The method of operation is very important in linking cases, but needs to be
It should be noted that the method of operation can change. In fact, as an offender
commits more crime, he/she learns new ways that will help avoid detection. Hence, the
method of operation can change. For instance, an offender who normally strangles the
victims with bare hands may change and start strangling the victims with stockings or
start suffocating the victims with pillows. Similarly, an offender may change from
attacking at night to attacking during the day time, or the offender may change from
choosing females to males, young victims to older victims, blacks to whites, or blondes to
Douglas and Munn maintained that "the offender's actions during the perpetration of a
crime form the MO. The offender develops and uses an MO over time because it works,
but it also continually evolves. The modus operandi is very dynamic and malleable.
During his criminal career, an offender usually modifies the MO as he gains experience.
The burglar refines his breaking and entering techniques to lower his risk of apprehension
and to increase his profit. Experience and confidence will reshape an offender's MO.
Incarceration usually impacts on the future MO of an offender, especially the career
criminal. He refines the MO as he learns from the mistakes that led to his arrest,,25.
Furthermore, "the victim's response can also significantly influence the evolution of an
MO. If the rapist has problems controlling a victim, he will modify his MO to
accommodate resistance. He may bring duct tape or other ligatures, he may use a
weapon, or he may blitz-attack the victim and immediately incapacitate her. If such
measures are ineffective, he may resort to greater violence or kill the victim. Thus, MO
will evolve to meet the demands of the crime,,26. In fact, Turvey maintained that an
offender's MO "most often serves (or fails to serve) one or more of three purposes:
protects the offender's identity, ensures the successful completion of the crime and
It should be noted that modus operandi is different from the 'signature aspects', or the
'motives' of a crime. Holmes and Holmes maintained that "the signature of a perpetrator
is the unique manner in which he or she commits crimes. A signature may be the manner
in which the person kills, certain words a rapist uses with victims, a particular manner in
25 John. E. Douglas, Munn, C. M., "Modus Operandi and Signature Aspects of Violent Crime, in Douglas,
et ai, Crime Classification Manual, 260 (2006).
26 Id.
Brent Turvey, Criminal Profiling: An Introduction to Behavioral Evidence Analysis, 151 (1999).
which a perpetrator leaves something at crime scenes, or some other indicator,,28. Geberth
also maintained that "the signature aspect of a violent crime is a unique and integral part
which are the mental and emotional processes underlying human behavior and its
motivations,,29. In fact, "when an offender displays behavior within the crime scene and
revealing his signature. These significant personality identifiers occur when an offender
repeatedly engages in a specific order of sexual activity, uses a specific type of binding,
injures and/or inflicts similar types of injuries, displays the body for shock value, tortures
and mutilates his victim, and engages in some form of ritualistic behavior".3o Geberth
also noted that "one of the common signatures is that of the psychopathic sexual sadist,
The signature aspects of a crime, which can also be called the 'mark' of the perpetrator, is
an element in an offender's behavior which in most cases may always be present, and
recognizable at the scene of crime, but it can change. It is the overriding psychological
need of an offender. It is what drives a killer to engage in an attack and the particular
method of carrying out that attack. Signature aspects of a crime reveal the deep emotional
needs that have to happen in order for the offender to fulfill his or her fantasy. Put
simply, the signature aspect of a crime refers to the specific thing(s) that an offender tend
Holmes and Holmes, supra note 18, at 42.
29 Vernon J. Geberth, "The Signature Aspect in Criminal Investigations", Law and Order Magazine, 43 (11)
November 1995.
Geberth, supra note 23, at 824.
31 Id.
to do at the crime scene. It could be cutting off a specific part of the victim's body and
taking it as a souvenir, cutting the victims throats, or putting the victims inside the bathe
tub after killing them, and so on. Hence, signature can be described as the 'mark' of a
killer, which may distinguish one killer from another. It should be noted however that
there are various things that can affect signature. Therefore, signatures are not a
conclusive or a reliable indicator that a particular offender carried out a particular attack.
Offenders learn from other offenders, from television crime series, from their experience,
develop new fantasies and they also read/learn from books on crime investigations and
forensic science, and so their signature may change. Geberth will probably support this
view, and he wrote: "the 'signature' component may also change to some degree.
However, the change usually involves a progression of violence and sexual mutilation,
which is consistent with the paraphilia sexual sadism seen in lust murders,,32. The point
Motives of a Crime
The motive of a crime refers to the reason why the offender committed the crime. Motive
deals with the primary reason why a particular crime was committed. It is one of the
identifying elements at a crime scene. An offender can have different motives for
Id, at 822.
different crimes. Turvey observed that "an offender's motives are evidenced by signature
Linkage Analysis
Linkage analysis refers to the method whereby behavioral patterns, wound patterns,
crime scene characteristics, victimology and other aspects of two or more crimes
committed at different crime scenes are examined in an attempt to ascertain whether the
crimes were committed by one offender. Linkage analysis has faced a lot of criticism.
Professor Risinger and Loop, for instance, argued that linkage analysis "appears to have
been developed, not as an investigatory aid, but primarily as a means of obtaining either
the admission of other crimes evidence which might not otherwise be admitted, or a
means to convince the jury that the other crimes evidence was more meaningful than they
otherwise might believe, or both. In sum, it was not a way to identify unknown
perpetrators, but a tool to help build a case against defendants already believed to be
guilty". 34
Turvey, supra note 27, at 153.
34M' h
IC ael D, Risinger and Jeffrey L. Loop, "Three Card Monte, Monty Hall, Modus Operandi and
"Offender Profiling": Some Lessons of Modem Cognitive Science for the Law of Evidence", 24 Cardozo
Law Review, 193,254, (November 2002).
Types of Crime Suitable for Profiling
It has been recognized that not all types of crime are suitable for profiling. In fact, there is
3. violent crimes.
4. attacks on strangers.
5. contact crimes - crimes where the offender engaged in long conversations and
Serial murders, serial rapes, sexual homicides, ritual crimes, arson, and hostage taking
have been seen to be very suitable for profiling. Research by Holmes and Holmes have
shown that the types of crimes most suitable for profiling include sadistic torture in
sexual assaults, evisceration, postmortem slashing and cutting, motiveless fire setting,
lust and mutilation murder, rape, satanic and ritualistic crime and pedophilia.,,35 It has
also been noted that "cases involving mere destruction of property, assault, or murder
during the commission of a robbery are generally unsuitable for profiling, since the
personality of the criminal is not generally revealed in such crime scenes. Likewise drug
induced crimes lend themselves poorly to profiling because the true personality of the
Holmes and Holmes, supra note 18, at 2.
McCann, J. T., Criminal Personality Profiling in the Investigation o/Violent Crime: Recent Advances
and Future Directions, Behavioral Sciences and the Law, vol. 10,476 (1992).
'Contact crimes' are suitable for profiling. In fact, "these 'contact crimes' are believed to
be the ones in which aspects of an offender's underlying personality and motivations are
most likely to be revealed by the way in which an offence or series of offences has been
carried out".37 Schurman-Kauflin noted that "serial killers are the most frustrating and
disturbing of all violent predators, but they are the most profilable. Why? When they kill,
they are filling complex psychological needs. Sometimes, they may steal when they kill,
but from my experience of studying serial predators for twenty years and interviewing
over twenty five of them, their motivations are in their heads, not their wallets. Because
they kill for psychological reasons, many times, they leave a lot of clues for profilers".38
Geberth also maintained that "practically speaking, in any crime in which available
investigator with information that narrows down the leads. The behavioral characteristics
of the perpetrator as evidenced in the crime scene - not the offense per se - determine the
37 A'
msworth, supra note 6, at 9.
Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, Vulture: Profiling Sadistic Serial Killers, 10 (2005).
Geberth, supra note 23, at 774.
History and Development of Offender Profiling
Offender Profiling goes as far back as 1876 when the Italian Criminologist, Physician and
psychiatrist, Cesaro Lombroso (Nov. 6, 1835 - Oct. 19, 1909), published his work
"L'Uomo Delinquente" (The Criminal Man), in which he argued that there are certain
comparing information about similar offenders like race, age, sex, physical
characteristics, education and geographic location, that. the origins and motivations of
basing his ideas on Darwin's theory of evolution, maintained that there are six types of
criminals, the born criminal, the insane criminal, the criminal by passion, the habitual
Lombroso had the idea that there is a born criminal and argued that criminality is
inherited and could be identified by physical defects. For him, criminals have certain
atavism, he measured the heads of living and executed criminals against the skulls of
apes and prehistoric humans and came up with the idea that criminals were victims of
• Deviation in head size and shape from type common to race and region from
• Eye defects and peculiarities.
• Ears of unusual size, or occasionally very small, or standing out from the head as
• Peculiarities of the palate, such as are found in some reptiles, and cleft palate.
• Abnormal dentition.
• Anomalies of the hair, marked by characteristics of the hair of the opposite sex.
• Defects of the thorax, such as too many or too few ribs, or supernumerary nipples.
Lombroso maintained that the insane criminals were the type of criminals who suffered
from mental illnesses and also had some physical deformities. The habitual criminals
according to Lombroso are those who commit crimes as a result of poor socialization.
The occasional criminals commit crimes to protect family honor and as self-defence. The
criminaloids are those who commit crimes when the opportunities anse In their
said was common among swindlers, are also characterized by early baldness and
grayness, insensitivity to pain and that a large number of them abuse alcohol.
Lombroso believed that the study of individuals should involve the utilization of
data. He was against capital punishment and argued in favor of rehabilitation. He also
contended that there should be humane treatment for criminals because their criminality
is inherited.
Lombroso's views were undoubtedly criticized. The greatest criticism came from Charles
Goring an Englishman, who carried out a study of 3,000 English convicts and compared
them with groups of university students, hospital patients and British solders. Using
characteristics of the groups and observed that "in fact, both with regard to measurements
and the presence of physical anomalies in criminals, our statistics present a startling
conformity with similar statistics of the law-abiding classes. Our inevitable conclusion
Goring also noted that "all English criminals, with the exception of those technically
convicted of fraud, are markedly differentiated from the general population in stature and
by an average degree of strength and of constitutional soundness considerably above the
average of other criminals and of the law-abiding community: finally, thieves and
burglars (who constitute, it must be borne in mind, 90 percent of all criminals) and also
incendiaries, as well as being inferior in stature and weight, are also, relatively to other
criminals and the populations at large, puny in their general bodily habit". Goring also
observed some differences between criminals and non criminals in terms of sexual
profligacy, alcoholism, and epilepsy, and he concluded that "the one vital mental
Goring's views also met severe criticisms. Hagan argued that "while Goring refuted
Lombroso's notion of physical differences, his own methodology was critically flawed.
Eschewing the then-available Simon-Binet tests of mental ability, he used his own
impressions in order to operationalize the mental ability of his subjects. The nail in the
coffin of Goring's theory was the advent of wide-scale mental testing of US military
nearly one-third of the draftees would have been so classified; the standards for such tests
were modified as a result. Other studies comparing mental age found no difference in
performance by prisoners and the draft army, and one even found that the former
Similarly, Sutherland and Cressey argued that Goring's study did not include women.
That Goring saw crime as a male disposition. They also argued that Goring "considered
Frank E. Hagan, Introduction to Criminology, 3rd edition, 143 (1994).
only few environmental factors, as opposed to many that exist", and finally that Goring
It should be noted at this point that two of Lombroso's students - Enrico Ferri (1856 -
1929) and Raffaelo Garofalo (1852 - 1934), later took a different approach to the
caused the individual "to lose the better qualities which he had acquired by secular
evolution, and has led him back to the same degree of inferiority whence he had slowly
risen. This retrogressive selection is due to the mating of weakest and most unfit, of those
who have become brutalized by alcohol or abased by extreme misery against which
apathy has prevented them from struggling. Thus are formed demoralized and outcast
Following the criticisms of his work and after further research, Lombroso later revised
his work and admitted that social, economic and environmental factors also played
attempts to find a scientific basis to the idea of predicting crimes and criminals.
Following the work of Goring, Earnest Hooton, an American anthropologist, in 1939,
carried out a study of 13,873 male criminals in 10 states and compared it with a civilian
group of 3,023 and found out that "criminals are organically inferior. Crime is the
resultant of the impact of environment upon low grade human organisms. To eliminate
crime, the physically, mentally, and morally unfit must be exterminated or segregated
criminals than among civilians. These characteristics include thin lips, straight hair, thin
beards and body hair, thick head hair, long thin necks, sloping shoulders, low and sloping
foreheads, compressed jaw angles, blue-gray and mixed eyes, protruding and small ears,
tattooing, and nasal bridges and tips varying to both extremes of breath and narrowness. 44
Hooton also believed that criminals were inferior to non criminals, and that inferiority
inferiority. Furthermore, Hooton claimed that murderers and robbers tend to be tall and
thin; burglars and thieves tend to be undersized and that short and heavily built men tend
Hooton's arguments were seen as fundamentally flawed. VoId, for instance, argued that
Hooton "ignored the fact that more than half of his prisoners had served previous terms
and a very large proportion of these previous sentences had been for crimes different
Earnest A. Hooton, The American Criminal: An Anthropological Study, vo1.l, 309 (1939).
Earnest A. Hooton, Crime and Man, 301 (1939).
from the offense of the current tenn.,,45 Johnson also contended that "in using prisoners
to represent criminals, Hooton ignored the effects of the differential selection of prisoners
from the total body of offenders that the system of criminal justice makes according to
factors extraneous to criminal behavior. Hooton's control group was too small and
included firemen and militiamen who had been accepted for these occupations after
and nonoffenders,,46.
Dr. Hans Gross, an Austrian judge and criminologist also made very important
contributions towards the attempts to explain criminality and the prediction of criminals.
In fact, he is widely regarded as the first person to write about offender profiling per se.
Magistrates, Police Officers, and Lawyers", in which he maintained that criminals can be
better understood by studying their crimes. Gross argued that "in nearly every case the
thief has left the most important trace of his passage, namely the manner in which he has
committed the theft. Every thief has in fact a characteristic style or modus operandi
which he rarely departs from, and which he is incapable of completely getting rid of; at
times this distinctive feature is so visible and so striking that even the novice can spot it
without difficulty; but on the one hand the novice does not know how to group,
George B. Void, Theoretical Criminology, 62 (1958).
Elmer H. Johnson, Crime, Correction, and Society, 211 (1974).
differentiate or utilize what he has observed, and on the other hand the particular
Gross also maintained that by examining the character and beliefs of an offender that we
can know more about the offender's criminal actions, and he wrote:
In 1888 there were several murder cases in the Whitechapel area of East London,
England. In fact, between August 31 st and November 9th 1888, five female prostitutes
were murdered, and the police had no clues as to the identity of the killer. On August 31,
1888 Mary Ann Nichols was found brutally murdered. This was followed by the
September 30, 1888 was the discovery of the double murder of Elizabeth Stride and
Catherine Eddowes. On November 9, 1888 another murder occurred and this time Mary
Jane Kelly was brutally murdered. At this point Dr. Thomas Bond, a police surgeon was
asked to perform an autopsy on Mary Jane Kelly. The killer after strangling the women,
will cut their throat and then remove some of their internal organs. This prompted the
Hans Gross, Criminal Investigation, 478 (1924).
Hans Gross, Criminal Psychology, 55 (1934).
police to think that the killer may be somebody with anatomical or surgical knowledge
Hence, Dr Bond was also instructed to give an opinion on this issue. After the autopsy on
Mary Jane Kelly, Dr. Bond also studied the medical reports of the other victims as well as
the police reports, and he decided to do a crime scene reconstruction to see if he could
find any behavioral patterns that could lead investigators to the possible killer. He
believed that the mutilations of the five victims suggested that one person was
responsible for the five murders. Above all, all the five murders shared similar
characteristics. All the victims were left in open places, where their bodies were found
soon after they were killed, all the victims were women and prostitutes, all the victims
were viciously mutilated and internal organs removed from their body.
Dr. Bond produced a report/profile which he sent to the head of the Criminal
The murderer must have been a man of great physical strength and
of great coolness and daring. There is no evidence that he had an
accomplice. He must in my opinion be a man subject to periodical
attacks of Homicidal and Erotic mania. The character of the
mutilations indicate that the man may be in a condition sexually, that
may be called Satyriasis. It is of course possible that the Homicidal
impulse may have developed from a revengeful or brooding
condition of the mind, or that religious mania may have been the
original disease but I do not think either hypothesis is likely. The
murderer in external appearance is quite likely to be quiet
inoffensive looking man probably middle-aged and neatly and
respectably dressed. I think he must be in the habit of wearing a
cloak or overcoat or he could hardly have escaped notice in the
streets if the blood on his hands and clothes were visible.
Assuming the murderer to be such a person as I have just described,
he would be solitary and eccentric in his habits, also he is most likely
to be a man without regular occupation, but with some small income
or pension. He is possibly living among respectable persons who
have some knowledge of his character and habits and who may have
grounds for suspicion that he isn't quite right in his mind at times.
Such persons would probably be unwilling to communicate
suspicions to the police for fear of trouble or notoriety, whereas if
there were prospects of reward it might overcome their scruples.
It should be noted that the unknown killer was referred to as the "Leather Apron" killer,
but in a letter he sent to the police he called himself "Jack the Ripper". As at today, the
identity of this killer is still a mystery. Hence, the five murders still remain unsolved.
However, his efforts constitute another major contribution towards the history and
In 1943 the US Office of Strategic Services (OSS) asked Dr. Walter C. Langer, a
psychiatrist based in New York to produce a psychological profile of Adolf Hitler. This
was for military intelligence purpose, and not for criminal investigation. The OSS was
the ann of the US Anny responsible for gathering intelligence. 50 The OSS wanted a
personality profile of Hitler so that they will know the best interrogative
strategy/technique to be used if he was captured. Dr. Langer studied and analyzed the
speeches made by Hitler, studied Hitler's book - Mein Kampf, and interviewed those
Who knew Hitler and he came up with a psychodynamic personality profile. Dr. Langer
stated that he was asked by the OSS to provide "a realistic appraisal of the Gennan
Donald Rumbelow, The Complete Jack the Ripper, 138 (1975).
The CIA took over this intelligence in 1945 when the ass was disbanded.
situation. If Hitler is runnmg the show, what kind of person is he? What are his
ambitions? We want to know about his psychological makeup - the things that make him
tick. In addition, we ought to know what he might do if things begin to go against him."Sl
• Hitler might seek refuge in a neutral country - unlikely, as it would cast doubt on
• Hitler might get killed in battle - a possibility, as he might desire to cast himself
as a fearless leader, and his death might have the adverse effect of binding the
speculated over.
borderline schizophrenic, and if faced with defeat, it was likely his psychological
• German military might revolt and seize him - an unlikely event because of the
unique position he enjoyed in the eyes of the German people, but he might be
Walter C. Langer, The Mind of Adolf Hitler: The Secret Wartime Report, 19 (1972).
• Hitler might fall into Allied hands - the most unlikely eventuality as this would be
• Hitler might commit suicide - the most conceivable conclusion due to his
inordinate fear of death, which he had already envisaged, stating "Yes, in the hour
Dr. Langer's profile was seen to be correct, as Hitler committed suicide in a bunker when
he found out that the Allies were winning. Langer's work and contribution has been well
Commenting also on the work of Dr. Langer, Norris maintained that "although Langer
details each circumstance and its likelihood of occurrence, perusal of the document
indicates the tenuos nature of the profile in general. Although there is some level of
Id, at 10.
Holmes and Holmes, supra note 18, at 19.
assertions, gleaned primarily from his writings and speeches. Nevertheless, Langer was to
pave the way for others to analyze unknown individuals based on their observable
. ,,54
behaVlOr .
which he argued that physique or body type is related to certain temperaments. During an
eight year period, Sheldon tested his theory on delinquent boys and normal college
students and found out that there is a link between the mesomorphic body type and crime,
which explained why some juveniles are delinquent. His three body types are as follows.
(1) Endomorphs: These are individuals who he said are soft, round/fat physiques, and
(2) Mesomorphs: This people are muscular, hard, with heavy chest and heavy bones.
(3) Ectomorphs: These are people who are thin/lean, fragile, with droopy shoulders
(1) Viscerotonia - the individuals with this type of temperament tend to be relaxed,
(2) Somatotonia - this type of temperament is associated with individuals who are
54 Gareth Norris, "Criminal Profiling: A Continuing History" in Wayne Petherick (ed) Serial Crime:
Theoretical and Practical Issues in Behavioral Profiling, 3 (2006).
(3) Cerebrotonia - individuals with this type of temperament are tight in posture,
200 delinquent boys (aged 15 - 21) in a rehabilitation center, he found out that delinquent
As we have seen, Sheldon made a great contribution towards the attempts to predict
criminals and criminal behavior. In fact, his study was later supported by Sheldon and
Eleanor Gluecks. In 1956, the Gluecks, using Sheldon's somatotype system, studied 500
boys in Boston public schools, Massachusetts, and they also found out that mesomorphic
boys have higher delinquency level/potential than the other body types.
The studies by Sheldon and the Gluecks were undoubtedly criticized. Indeed, "the studies
have been criticized for inadequate sampling and their misuse of control groups. Ideally,
the offenders studied should represent all criminals, and the subjects in the control groups
should represent all noncriminals. Thereby, differences found between the two samples
In 1955, Ernst Kretschmer (1888 - 1964), a German Criminologist, came up with a body
types theory in which he argued that there is a high degree of correlation between body
types, personality types and criminal potential. Kretschmer studied 260 insane people in
Swabia (a southwestern German town), and in his work "Physique and Character", he
contended that there are four body types and that each is linked to a person's personality,
character and criminal potential. His four body types are as follows.
(1) Leptosome or Asthenic: Tall and thin, and mainly involved in fraud and thievery. He
(2) Athletic: Very muscular, flat stomachs, and usually involved in violent crimes.
(3) Pyknic: Short, fat, broad faces, and usually involved in fraud, deception and
sometimes violent crimes, and that manic depressives fall into this category.
(4) Dysplastic or Mixed: These are individuals who fit into more than one body type and
they are generally involved in some violent crimes and indecency. Generally, these
individuals are very emotional, lack self control and mostly involved in sexual offenses
Viewed as extremely dubious because he never disclosed his research, his inferences and
Johnson, supra note 45 at 211.
descriptions were always incredibly vague, and no specific comparisons were performed
with non-criminals populations. In short, he would not submit his findings for any form
of peer review, and his approach was clearly non-scientific. As a result, many argued
that his theories regarding his findings were nothing more than unfounded inference and
Dr. James Brussel, an American Psychiatrist, is arguably the father of modem offender
profiling. In 1956, Dr. Brussel who was in private practice and was also the Assistant
Commissioner of Mental Hygiene for the state of New York was approached by police
investigators to help them with the investigation of series of bomb explosions in New
York City. It should also be noted that Dr. Brussel was the Chief of Neuropsychiatry in
the US Millitary (at Fort Dix) prior to going into private practice. Later he was the head
In 1956, Brussel compiled a psychological profile which led to the identification and
arrest of George Metesky (known as the New York Mad Bomber) who caused thirty-two
explosions in New York City between 1940 and 1956. Using crime scene information,
Brussel was able to make psychodynamic inferences. He studied the crime scene photos
and the letters that the bomber wrote and he produced a profile of the likely offender.
Turvey, supra note 27, at 4.
In his psychological profile, Dr. Brussel urged the investigators to "look for a heavy man.
Middle-aged. Foreign born. Roman Catholic. Single. Lives with a brother or sister".57 He
also stated that "when you find him, chances are he'll be wearing a double-breasted suit.
Buttoned".58 In general, Brussel's profile also asked the police to look for:
Consolidated Edison, and most interesting of all, when the police went to arrest him at his
house, they asked him to get changed and he came out dressed in a double-breasted suit,
just like Brussel predicted. Metesky confessed to having committed the crimes.
Dr. Brussel was also asked by the police to help them in the case of the "Boston
Strangler". In Boston, Massachusetts, between June 1962 and January 1964, thirteen
sexually motivated murders occurred and the police had no suspects. In what became
known as the 'Boston Strangler' case, Dr. Brussel was asked to produce a psychological
profile of the likely offender. Initially, the investigators believed that the murders were
James A. Brussel, Casebook of a Crime Psychiatrist, IX (1968).
Id, at 47.
committed by two killers. This was based on the fact that the victims were of two age
groupS - young women and older women. Dr Brussel believed that only one person was
responsible for the thirteen murders, and he produced a profile. Albert DeSalvo was
arrested in November 1964 in connection with another rape and murder known as the
"Green Man Sex Crimes". He fitted the profile drawn up by Brussel. He was detained
and he later confessed to his psychiatrist that he was the 'Boston Strangler'. While in
person, awaiting trial for the other murders, DeSalvo was stabbed to death by a fellow
inmate. Hence, he was not tried for the 'Boston Strangler's murders. Therefore, the
knowledge/experience, personal intuition and police and medical records to come up with
the profiles. Such approach is therefore subjective and should be used with caution. In
fact, Brussel admitted that he made mistakes in some of his cases, and he wrote: "The
only thing that I have done to get my name in the papers has been to apply some common
psychiatric principles in reverse, using my own private blend of science, intuition, and
hope. With this approach, I've been able to help the police solve some bizarre criminal
cases and I've been summoned as an expert witness in some famous criminal trials".6o
Furthermore, Brussel maintained that, "I haven't chosen the cases to show what a clever
fellow I am. I made mistakes in some of them, as I will admit. I analyzed facts incorrectly
or incompletely, I made deductions I had no right to make. Some of the cases earned me
Id, at 3.
accolades, but others did not. In one of them, the police and courts didn't even listen to
me. In another, the major questions were not answered and the persons will never be
Following the work of Dr. Brussel, the FBI in the 1970's started to expand on offender
profiling and they established the Behavioral Science Unit at the FBI training academy in
Quantico, Virginia in 1974, with the aim of studying serial rape and homicide cases.
Howard Teten and Pat Mullany were the first instructors at this unit. However, in 1975,
Robert Ressler, Dick Ault and John Douglas joined and expanded the unit. It should be
noted that in 1983 Pierce Brooks founded the FBI's VICAP (computer reporting system)
and the unit was made up of Anna Boudea, Ken Handtland, David Icove and Jim
Howlett. In 1984, the NCA VC (National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crimes) was
created. This unit was charged with the responsibility of identifying and tracking serial
During the 1970's there were several murder cases that the FBI were unable to solve.
They became increasingly frustrated with the fact that physical evidence even when
present at the scene of crime could not provide clues as to the sort of person they should
be looking for. The FBI needed a technique that would help them focus on the most
likely offenders rather than focusing on a large number of suspects. The FBI conducted
indepth interviews with thirty six convicted serial killers and found that their crimes were
all almost sexually motivated. Their main aim of carrying out the interviews was to
Following the interviews, the FBI then came up with the idea of organized and
Ainsworth further argued that "such characteristics are in sharp contrast to the
disorganized murderer who is more likely to live alone and quite near the scene of the
attack. He would be socially and sexually inept, of low intelligence and to have had some
quite severe form of mental illness. He was also likely to have suffered physical and
sexual abuse as a child. In the case of these disorganized offenders, the offence would
The first case in which the FBI used offender profiling occurred in June 1973 when a
seven year old girl, Susan Jaegar went missing while on a camping holiday with her
parents. She was abducted from her tent while her parents were sleeping. For a year, the
Montana Police could not find the missing girl. Then in January 1974, police discovered
62 Th'IS has been discussed in more details in chapter 2 under the CSAlFBI approach to offender profiling,
63 A'
lllsworth, supra note 6, at 101.
64 Id,
the charred body of an eighteen year old girl in the woodland near the camp where Susan
Jaegar was abducted. Police suspected that one killer was responsible for both murders
and they decided to call in the FBI to assist them with the investigation. The FBI drew up
a profile of the likely killer, which among other things stated that :-
(2) A loner.
Their profile fitted David Meirhofer who was already on the FBI suspects list. He was
physical evidence linking him to the murders. As part of their investigation, the FBI kept
caller telephoned and said that he has abducted Susan, her mother was able to record his
voice. It was identified as that of Meirhofer. A search of his home revealed the gruesome
body parts, kept as 'souvenirs'. He later admitted to both murders as well as two others of
It should be noted that the FBI in the 1970's carried out another interview with 41
convicted serial rapists and they came up with four types of rapists - power reassurance,
Canter, supra note 2, at 14.
murderers and rapists eventually led to the development of the Crime Classification
Manual (Ressler, Douglas, Burgess and Burgess). This is a classification system for the
types of crimes in which the behaviour of the perpetrator plays an important role.
In Britain, on the other hand, Paul Britton, a British criminal psychologist was
approached by the police in 1984 to assist them with the case of a 33 year old woman -
Caroline Osborne, from Leicesterhire, England. Caroline's body was found with seven
stab wounds and her hands and feet were bound with string. There were no signs of
robbery or sexual assault. It should be noted that a piece of paper containing a drawing of
a pentagram in a circle was found at the crime scene. This image is usually linked to
black magic or satanism. In order to draw up a profile of the likely killer, Britton studied
the crime scene photographs and autopsy reports and he predicted that the killer was :-
(6) Probably lives near the area where the body was found.
Jackson and Bekerian, supra note 17, at 5.
Another murder occurred fourteen months later in the area, with similar patterns and
Britton was called in again to assist with the investigation. Britton said that even though
there were a few differences in the two murders that they were committed by the same
person. Following Britton's profile, Paul Kenneth Bostock was arrested. Britton
suggested to the police the interviewing strategies to be used and Bostock later confessed
to the two murders. In June 1986 he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Leicester
Crown Court. Britton believed that there were sexual motives for the murders and he
wrote: "Caroline Osborne's murder was an expression of a corrupt lust. The bindings,
control and choice of victim suggested a killer whose sexual desire had become mixed
with anger and the need to dominate. He would have rehearsed the scene in his mind
Paul Britton was also involved in the controversial case of Rachel Nickell, a twenty year
old model who was murdered on July 15, 1992 on Wimbledon Common, London, while
walking her dog with her two year old son. Following the initial investigation, police had
a suspect Colin Stagg, but he was released because there was no physical evidence to
charge him. The police, on the advice of Paul Britton decided to organize a sting
relationship with the suspect. The aim of the operation was to link their suspect to the
crime. Lizzie James started to exchange letters with Colin Stagg and swapped sexual
fantasies. Britton's idea was to see if the suspect would implicate himself. Hence, through
letters, meetings and telephone calls over seven month undercover operation, Lizzie
Paul Britton, The Jigsaw Man, 49 (1997).
James encouraged Colin Stagg to develop his fantasies that matched the profile
characteristics drawn up by Paul Britton. It should be noted that Colin's replies to the
letters written to him by Lizzie James led to him being charged with the murder of Rachel
Nickell. In one of their meetings, Lizzie told Colin that she enjoyed hurting people and
always "wants blood, buckets of it". She also described to Colin how in her teenage years
she was involved in satanism and had murdered a mother and her baby. She told Colin
that she was looking for a meaningful and long lasting relationship with a man with
similar experience and desires. In order to impress Lizzie and carryon with their
relationship, Colin told her that he murdered a woman in New Forest. Police records and
investigations showed that there was no such murder and that Colin lied to impress
Lizzie. Britton at this point advised Lizzie to go back to Colin and tell him that she does
not believe the New Forest story and that "if only you had done the Wimbledon Common
murder; if only you had killed her, it would be all right". Colin told her that he was not
involved in that murder, yet because he fitted some of the characteristics in the profile
During the trial the defense argued that the undercover police operation was unfair and
psychologist representing the accused, argued that Britton's profile was mere speculation
and based only on his own personal intuition. It was also argued that the offender
profiling used is an unreliable technique that had not achieved general acceptance as a
On September 14, 1994, Mr. Justice OgnaU acquitted Colin Stagg of the murder. The
judge was very critical of the seven month undercover police operation and the role of
Paul Britton in the case. The judge ruled that the whole operation was unfair, a breach of
a defendant's right not to incriminate himself and was "misconceived", and he said: "I
am afraid this behaviour betrays not merely an excess of zeal, but a blatant attempt to
incriminate a suspect by positive and deceptive conduct of the grossest kind. Any
legitimate steps taken by the police and the prosecuting authorities to bring perpetrators
to justice are to be applauded, but the emphasis must be on the word legitimate. A careful
appraisal of the material demonstrates a skilful and sustained enterprise to manipulate the
It should be noted that because of his role in this case, Paul Britton faced charges of
Committee of the society met on October 29 and 30, 2002 and dismissed the charges. The
committee maintained that due to the delays which occurred during the process of the
case, that it believed that Mr. Britton would not receive a fair hearing. The committee
stated that "the disciplinary process was originally subject to four years delay, due to the
likelihood of private civil proceedings, then latterly it was delayed by the need to gather
extensive evidence and agree a date when all parties would be available. All of this has
had a bearing on whether Mr. Britton could receive a fair hearing after so long".
Canter and Alison were also very critical of the work of Britton. They described Britton's
Britton uses an additional device to help convince the
audience of his profiling expertise - he presents points as
separate though they are clearly related. For example in
stating that an individual is sexually immature also implies
he has few if any previous girlfriends. However, Britton is
able to give the impression that these are two separate points
merely by separating them by another point in a list of
characteristics. It is perhaps more surprising, that nowhere in
Britton's account are there any references to psychological
principles or any indication of a process by which he has
come to his conclusions. Thus despite an advert for Britton's
book that boasts, 'if you did it he'll get you' we are no
clearer by the end ofthe book of how 'he will get you. 68
Paul Britton as we have seen has assisted the police in several cases in Britain, but David
Canter is undoubtedly the father of offender profiling in Britain. Between 1982 and 1986
series of rapes and murders occurred in London and the Home Counties and the police
were not making any progress in apprehending the offenders. Hence, the police sought
Liverpool. In July 1985, three violent rape attacks occurred and the police launched
'Operation Hart'. In August 1985 John Duffy was arrested and charged with violent
offences but was released on bail. Immediately after Duffy was released, a nineteen year
old girl, Alison Day, was dragged from an East London train and taken to a garage where
she was raped and killed. Another girl, fifteen year old Maartje Tamboezer was also
raped and killed on her way to the shops in West Horley, three months later. Her body
was set on fire. However, semen traces were found. Another attack occurred on May 18,
1986 when Mrs. Anne Lock was abducted on her way to work.
David Canter., and Lawrence Alison, "Profiling in Policy and Practice", in D. Canter., and A. Lawrence,
(eds) Profiling in Policy and Practice, 8 (1999).
Having found semen traces on one of the bodies, the investigations intensified. John
Duffy was re-arrested, interviewed, but he refused to give blood sample. Duffy was again
released on bail and he later bribed one of his friends to "mug" him. He reported to the
police that he has been mugged and voluntarily checked himself into a psychiatric
hospital claiming that he is suffering from trauma and amnesia as a result of the mugging.
John Duffy attacked and raped another girl, a fourteen year old girl. The girl survived the
attack. She was blindfolded during the attack but a caught a glimpse of Duffy when his
mask fell off. She later identified Duffy as her attacker at the identification parade.
The profile compiled by Professor Canter matched Duffy'S characteristics and he was
placed under surveillance. 69 A few weeks later, he was arrested at his mother's house
where physical evidence was gathered. It should be noted that his blood sample matched
the semen traces found on Maartje Tamboezer's body. Some fibres found on Duffy's
clothing also matched those found on one of the victims. Strings found at Duffy's house
also matched the strings used to bind the victims. Thus, there was enough evidence to
charge Duffy with the murders and rapes. Mr. Justice Farquarson on February 26, 1988
profiling has also been discussed. In the next chapter, we discuss the different approaches
Canter, supra note 2, at 52 - 57.
There are three main approaches to offender profiling - Diagnostic Evaluation or Clinical
approach, Criminal Investigative Analysis or the FBI approach, and the Investigative
7°R'lchard J, Badcock, "Developmental and clinical Issues in Relation to Offending in the Individual", in
Janet L. Jackson, and Debra A. Bekerian, Offender Profiling: Theory, Research and Practice, 40 (1997),
Diagnostic Evaluation or Clinical Approach is the oldest approach to offender profiling.
evaluation approach looks at offenders from a mental illness point of view and tries to
examine crimes and crime scenes from that perspective. Based on their clinical practice
psychological disorders, these practitioners try to predict the type of offenders who are
likely to be responsible for certain types of criminal behavior. Hence, the diagnostic
The Diagnostic Evaluation approach is based on the premise that "psychiatrists may be
able to offer insights into some of the more bizarre forms of clinical activity, or at least
those which do not fit into the more normal pattern of criminal behavior. In some cases
the police may be baffled by a particularly unusual crime and might be struggling to
interpret the significance of some aspects of the incident. In such cases a psychiatrist or
clinical psychologist may, from their knowledge of many forms of mental illness, be able
to offer an explanation for behaviour which appears, on first encounter, to make little
sense. Whilst the media may talk of a 'senseless' killing, the clinician may at least be able
to offer an explanation of the killing from the offender's perspective"n. Under the
71 A'
Insworth, supra note 6, at 123.
rd, at 141.
the probable psychopathology and/or personality type likely to have committed the crime.
There is general agreement that some forms of mental illness may predispose certain
individuals to commit certain crimes. This is why psychiatrists and clinical psychologists
playa very important role in offender profiling. Their knowledge of mental disorder, for
instance, helps them to be in a better position to produce a profile of the individuals likely
"the mental disorders most commonly associated with offending are the psychoses,
Diagnostic evaluation approach was very useful and in fact seen to be accurate in the
"New York Mad Bomber" case in 1956, when Dr. James Brussel produced a
psychological profile of the bomber using this approach. 75 This approach was also used
by Dr. Thomas Bond in profiling Jack the Ripper. Similarly, this was also the approach
used to produce a psychological profile of US President Woodrow Wilson (this was not
.Paul Wilson, Robyn Lincoln, and Richard Kocsis, "Validity, Utility and Ethics of Profiling for Serial
VIOlent and Sexual Offenders", Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, Vol.4, No. 1,3 (April 1997).
Badcock, supra note 70, at 26.
SUpra at 44.
In spite of the above noted successes of diagnostic evaluation, it is not without criticism.
The scientific basis of this approach is still in question. This is an approach that relies
psychiatrists and psychologists who do not have any law enforcement background. Egger
argued that diagnostic evaluations are done by psychiatrists and psychologists who "have
sees the main problem with this approach as being its individualistic nature, arguing that
utility and process, and the category of profiling now in the ascendancy is that of crime
scene analysis,,77. Ainsworth also argued that "rather than studying a large number of
cases and drawing inferences from those, this approach is more likely to involve multiple
observations of single cases,,78. Ainsworth further contended that "such an approach has
some advantages but may also suffer from some disadvantages when compared to
approaches which involve the study of large numbers of cases. For example, the single
case study allows for a very detailed consideration of all the aspects of one incident and
may thus produce information which a less considered examination might reveal.
Egger, supra note 15, at 250.
77 W'I1 son, Lincoln, and Kocsis, supra note 73, at 4.
78 Ai
nsworth, supra note 6, at 141.
However, information derived from such a single case may be so specific to that incident
In the final analysis, it should be noted that all other approaches to offender profiling
originated from diagnostic evaluation, and as we have seen it has proved very useful in
several cases. The most important thing about this approach is that it offers a better and
more authoritative insight into the motivations underlying an offender's criminal action.
Id .
Jackson and Bekerian, supra note 17, at 4.
The FBI defined Criminal Investigative Analysis as "a process of reviewing crimes from
both a behavioral and investigative perspective. It involves reviewing and assessing the
facts of a criminal act, interpreting offender behavior, and interaction with the victim, as
exhibited during the commission of the crime, or as displayed in the crime scene".81 This
approach is based on crime scene analysis and involves an examination of the method of
operation and other behavioral patterns that can be deduced from the crime scene
characteristics. Having found that the diagnostic evaluation approach proved very helpful
in apprehending unknown serial killers, and having been influenced by the work of Dr.
James Brussel, the FBI introduced criminal investigative analysis. It should be noted that
Sciences Unit) of the FBI based in Quantico, Virginia. This approach is undoubtedly the
most popular approach. In fact, this approach is fast becoming synonymous with the term
'offender profiling' itself. This does not mean that this is the most reliable approach. This
situation exists because those in law enforcement field see offender profiling as their own
exclusive club, and have virtually succeeded in showcasing themselves as the one and
only group of people who are better placed to produce the best and most accurate
profiles. Are they correct? You will found out for yourself after reading this study.
However, there is no gainsaying the fact that the FBI has given immense popularity to
this crime investigation technique. In line with Kocsis, "this popularization in itself is a
these efforts it is debatable to what extent, if at all, the practice of profiling would have
!llip; (assessed January 16,2007).
evolved beyond the classical circumstance of DE,,82. This technique is undoubtedly the
offshoot of diagnostic evaluation and it was after the work and contributions of Dr. James
Brussel that the FBI began to embrace and develop this technique.
In the 1970's the FBI were frustrated with the fact that physical evidence even when it
was present at a crime scene did not provide clues to the sort of individuals that they
should be looking for. With this in mind, they used data from serious sexual assault and
murder cases and tried to see if they could identify the behavioral characteristics of these
sort of offenders. They also carried out in-depth interviews with 36 convicted serial
killers. As Ainsworth has pointed out, "a careful recording and analysis of the crimes
which these offenders had committed built up a database. Based on this information, the
FBI advocated that important information could be gleaned by: (1) a careful examination
of the various aspects of the crime scene, (2) a study of the nature of the attacks
themselves, (3) careful consideration of the medical examiners report, (4) the
Under this approach, an offender is classified according to whether the crime scene
of the likely offenders. The FBI maintained that the organized and disorganized offenders
have different demographic and behavioral characteristics. According to the FBI, the
82 R'
lchard N, Kocsis, Criminal Profiling: Principles and Practice, XIII (2006),
83 A'
IUsworth, supra note 6, at 16,
• Shows signs of some sort of planning.
Ressler et al maintained that organized offenders tend to:
* Have a high birth order (often being the firstborn son in a family).
* Their father's work history is generally stable.
* Parental discipline is perceived as inconsistent.
* Have mobility (his car is in good condition).
* Likely to choose a stranger as the victim.
* This type of offender is intelligent and possibly an underachiever.
* Socially skilled.
* Sexually competent.
* Likely to be living with a partner.
* Likely to be depressed and experiencing a great deal of anger around the time of
* Likely to follow news report about the attack and likely to leave the area after the
On the other hand, the FBI maintained that the crime scene of a disorganized offender
Robert K. Ressler., Ann W. Burgess., and John E. Douglas, Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives, 121
• Shows evidence of little or no planning.
• Shows that the offender carried out the attack when in a frightened or confused
state of mind.
• The offender chooses any weapon that he or she can find at the scene and is likely
• There is little or no attempt made by this type of offender to conceal any clues at
the scene.
It has also been noted that the disorganized offender is:
Id, at 130.
This classification into organized and disorganized offenders helps to determine at the
outset whether a series of attacks are likely to be the work of one person or more
The FBI also classified crime scenes into the organized crime scene, disorganized crime
scene, mixed crime scene and the atypical crime scene. The organized crime scene as we
have seen shows elements of planning and premeditation, as well as attempts to conceal
any physical traces. The disorganized crime scene shows a high level of disorganized and
disoriented behavior; appears to be unplanned and random, and no attempts are made to
conceal any physical traces. The mixed crime scene refers to a crime scene that shows the
characteristics of both the organized and the disorganized. Davies noted that "this could
indicate the presence of two offenders in the crime, or it could indicate that one offender
had planned the crime and then abandoned the plan due to unforeseen circumstances, or it
could indicate that an offender had staged the outcome (made it look like something
else),,86. The atypical crime scene is one where no classification can be made because of
lack of available information. This is usually the case where they crime scene was located
The FBI has done considerable specific analysis of offenders who rape. They classified
rapists into two - selfish and unselfish rapists. 87 As Ainsworth has pointed out "the
Joseph A. Davies, "Criminal Personality Profiling and Crime Scene Assessment": A Contemporary
Investigative Tool to Assist Law Enforcement Public Safety", Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice,
Vol. 15, No.3, 296 (August 1999).
RObert R. Hazelwood, "Analyzing the Rape and Profiling the Offender", in Robert R. Hazelwood., and
A Multidisciplinary Approach, 3rd edition,
Ann W. Burgess, (eds), Practical Aspects of Rape Investigation:
134 (2001).
distinction refers to the extent to which the rapist showed any consideration towards the
victim during the act,,88. According to the FBI, the selfish rapist tends to be:
• Shows self-confidence.
• Lack of self-confidence.
• Does not appear to be violent in the attack. Tends to use minimal level of force.
• Likes to involve the victim in the sexual act, tries to establish some sort of
• Likely to tell the victim to perform certain sexual acts on him. For instance he
may ask the victim to kiss him, fondle him and so on.
This classification is useful because it is believed that verbal utterances by the offender
during the attack will reveal a lot of infonnation about him or her. Above all, this
Following the usefulness of the above classification, the FBI made further classification
This type of rapist sees rape as a way of showing his masculinity and sexual adequacy,
and shows the signs of an unselfish rapist. This type of rapist sees rape as a way of
removing any doubts about their sexual inadequacy. In fact, "the sexual act goes some
way to reassuring the perpetrator about his insecurity. However, the effect may be short
lived, and the offender might strike again within a few days or weeks, and probably in the
same district. It is not uncommon for such a perpetrator to take an item of clothing or
other possession from his victims as a bizarre 'trophy'. He may also keep careful records
of his conquests. As the primary motivation is the removal of feelings of inadequacy, this
It has also been noted that this type of rapist usually attacks in late evenings or early
mornings when the victim is likely to be alone or with small children, and that this type
Hazelwood, supra note 87, at 14l.
90 A.
tnsworth, supra note 6, at 105.
of rapist also chooses a victim about his own age and his own race. 91 It is also believed
that this type of rapist likes to think that the victim is 'enjoying' the rape and is most
likely to ask the victim to undress on hislher own. They appear to be concerned about the
welfare of the victim and tend to feel some sort of remorse, and likely to apologize to the
victim. Holmes and Holmes maintained that this type of rapist is likely to be single, lives
with one or both parents, non-athletic, quiet, passive, social loner, with limited education,
often employed in a menial job, likes to visit adult bookstores, likely to be a transvestite,
attack in his own neighborhood, and most likely to have been raised by an aggressive,
Furthermore, "for this rapist, the sex act validates his position of importance. He
perceives himself as a loser, and by controlling another human being he hopes to make
himself believe that he is important, if only temporarily. For this reason, he uses only
enough force to control his victim,,93. Holmes and Holmes have suggested that when
interviewing this type of rapist that the interviewer should adopt the strategy of appealing
to the rapist's "sense of masculinity", arguing that "the interviewer might indicate to him
that the woman who was raped in the case under investigation has not suffered "undue"
trauma, and that the police realize the rapist had no desire to harm his victim; such a
statement could set the stage for a "sympathetic" relationship that might result in the
Holmes and Holmes, supra note 18, at 20.
Id, at 121.
rapiSt's sharing information, not only about the rape currently under investigation, but
The power assertive rapist sees rape as an expression of his masculinity and superiority.
This rapist has no doubts or fears about his sexual adequacy and falls under the selfish
category. Therefore, they tend to use force during the attack. "This type of rapist may
well tear his victim's clothing and discard it. He may also carry out repeated sexual
assaults rather than just one, thus adding to his assailant's feelings of virility and
dominance. If the man has driven the victim to the location of the rape, he may well leave
her there without her clothing, and as a result the victim will be unable to report the
assault swiftly,,95.
This type of rapist is normally athletic and does not see anything wrong with rape. For
them, raping of women is 'normal'. Date rapes fall into this category and they are
normally problematic in prosecuting. It has been observed that this type of rapist is likely
to have been raised in a single parent family, lived in foster homes, suffered physical
abuse as a child, a high school dropout, has domestic problems, unhappy marriages, likes
Id, at 122.
95 A'
lllsworth, supra note 6, at 106.
Holmes and Holmes, supra note 18, at 126.
Holmes and Holmes have suggested that:
As the name suggests, this type of rapist tend to rape as a result of his anger and distaste
of women. This rapist is extremely angry, violent and basically hates women. They
derive sexual excitement by hurting women and see women as the source of their
troubles, and so seeks revenge. As such "this type of rapist appears to commit his assaults
as a way of expressing his own rage and hostility. He appears to possess a great deal of
anger and animosity towards women in general and uses the act of rape as a way of
expressing or releasing this anger. He also appears to derive pleasure from degrading his
victims. The style of the rape will be particularly selfish and the perpetrator will use
Id, at 128.
98 A'
IUsworth, supra note 6, at 106.
Generally speaking, this type of rapist likes to perform degrading sexual acts on the
victims, the attack tends to be unplanned, the victim is likely to be someone who closely
matches the woman the rapist sees as the source of his troubles. The rapist is likely to be
married, have many affairs, and is likely to choose a victim of his own age. This type of
rapist tends to come from a broken home, and is likely to have been physically abused as
a child. Holmes and Holmes maintained that "some 80% have been reared by a single
female parent or other single female caregiver,,99. They suggested that the interviewer
This type of rapist sees rape as a source of pleasure. The idea of torturing the victims
provides this rapist with sexual excitement, and he likes to inflict pain on the victims.
There is general agreement that this is the most dangerous of all rapists. The attack tends
to be planned, violent and could result in murder. This rapist is likely to have a 'rape kit',
which he takes to the location of the attacks. Furthermore, this type of rapist falls under
the selfish category and likes to see the victims suffer; likes to instill fear in the victims
and most likely to choose the type of victim that will fulfill his inner fantasies/desires.
This rapist will continue to rape until he is caught. This rapist is likely to come from a
single - parent family, with divorced parents, lived in foster homes, age range 30 - 39,
physically abused as a child, raised in a sexually deviant home, married, with some
college education, employed in white collar jobs, likely to be a middle class family man,
Holmes and Holmes, supra note 18, at 123.
has compulsive personality, ritualistic, likely to stalk and eventually kill victims.
Holmes and Holmes noted that there is no interviewing strategy that is effective with this
. 101
type 0 f rapIst.
noW move on to discussing how a typical criminal profile is produced. Douglas et al have
clearly outlined the various stages involved in the criminal profile generating process thus
_ profiling inputs, decision process models stage, crime scene assessment, criminal
(1) Profiling Inputs: This involves collecting all available information about the
information about the victim is noted. It should also be noted at this stage whether
the crime scene is indoors or outdoors. "In homicide cases, the required
crime scene, encompassing factors indigenous to that area to the time of the
incident such as weather conditions and the political and social environment,,103.
Id, at 129.
Id, at 131.
102Th'IS discussion draws from the work of Douglas, Ressler, Burgess and Hartman, "Criminal Profiling
from Crime Scene Analysis", Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Vol. 4, No.4, 401 - 421 (1986).
Id, at 406.
(2) Decision Process Models: At this stage, the profiler organizes "the input into
meaningful questions and patterns"IO\ (for example, what type of murder - serial,
mass or spree murder?). What is the primary intent? The location, pattern and acts
that took place before and after the offense will also be noted at this stage. At this
stage, attempt will also be made to ascertain the length of time taken to carry out
the attack.
(3) Crime Scene Assessment: This is arguably the most crucial stage and care should
be taken to note whether the crime scene is staged or not. The profiler at this stage
tries to reconstruct the behavior of the offender and the victim. The aim here is to
try to ascertain what kind of weapon was used and the type of injuries. Here the
profiler also tries to classify the crime scene and the likely offender. Does the
(4) Criminal Profile: At this stage, the profiler formulates an initial description of
the most likely suspects. The actual criminal profile is now created and the best
profile usually contains such information as the likely age, race, height, gender,
marital status, job type, education, location, criminal record, military background,
(5) Investigation: At this stage a written report will be presented to the investigators
and they will concentrate on the suspects matching the profile. Any new
information about the crime or other connected crimes will also be put together.
chosen. The criminal profile is then evaluated to see how it matches the suspect.
The FBI approach has proved to be very useful in many cases. As Ainsworth has pointed
out this approach constitutes "the first systematic attempt to classify serial and serious
made it somewhat easier to assess whether a series of crimes which appeared similar in
many respects was likely to have been committed by the same person. If the police were
investigating the abduction and murder of two young girls in the same area, the fact that
one appeared to be the work of a disorganized murderer, and the other the work of an
organized murderer may prove to be helpful. But, more importantly, the ability to assess
whether a series of crimes was likely to be the result of a single perpetrator would be
helpful in allowing the police to pool all the evidence accumulated on each single case in
order to build up a better picture of the offender" 06.
The FBI approach has however, been criticized. It has been argued that their approach is
not scientific, that the data sample was insufficient, that their approach is subjective and
the fact that the FBI declines to share information about their methods, so that other
105 A'
lllsworth, supra note 6, at 101.
106 rd,
scholars can test their hypothesis. In the words of Ainsworth, "one immediate problem
with this approach was the fact that the classification arose mainly from interviews with
just 36 American, convicted, serial murderers. It was not clear whether the findings
applied only to serial murderers, who are after all a type of offender which is still
statistically extremely rare, even in the USA. The fact that all the interviewees were
convicted murderers also raises the question as to whether more successful murderers
(i.e. those who have not been caught) might have provided different information. It is
also not clear whether any information obtained from this American sample is directly
applicable to offenders in different countries,,107. Ainsworth also maintained that "to base
questionable" 108. He further argued that the FBI approach lacks clarity, and that "the lack
of clarity is not helped by the fact that the FBI is reluctant to allow social scientists to test
their hypotheses in a systematic and objective way. The situation is confused further
when former FBI employees who have written memoirs of their exploits appear to
contradict each other. (see for example Douglas and Olshaker, 1995 and Ressler and
Shachtman, 1992),,109.
Canter and Alison were also very critical of the FBI approach and they maintained that "a
careful examination of the content of their profiles shows a severe lack in accounts of any
Id, at 102.
Id, at 110.
reference to any commonly accepted psychological principles - pathological or
. 1,,110
Wilson et a1 also argued that "first it is believed that this approach has no real theoretical
basis. It simply reduces human behavior to a few observable parameters which lead to
characteristics of the unknown offender. Second, the various descriptors used in the
classification manual are not weighted or given any order of priority. The typologies
include an extensive range of crime scene indicators and their associated heuristic
inferences, but the formulation of profiles is sti111eft to the subjective interpretation of the
On a similar vein, Muller contended that this approach "relies heavily on the experience
and intuition of the profi1er, both of which are difficult to empirically test. One of the
main problems with a scientific analysis of CSA is that its proponents have never felt the
of violent fantasies - even if the murderer does not report any
violent fantasies - then how is one to falsify the hypothesis that
murderers have violent fantasies?
The major problem with the FBI approach relates to the fact that there is no method of
and needs to be used with caution. It should be noted however, that their classification of
crime scenes and offenders has been very useful in crime investigations.
Id, at 249.
Investigative Psychology approach was developed by Professor David Canter, currently a
professor of psychology at the University of Liverpool. This approach started in 1985 when
Professor Canter said that he was invited by Detective Chief Superintendent Thelma Wagstaff
and Detective Chief Inspector John Grieve to Scotland Yard office to discuss the possibility of
using psychology to assist in police investigations. Canter admitted that at the beginning he had
behavior. However, after more contact with the police detectives, and police investigations,
Canter said that he "felt a start had to be made somewhere to see whether even elementary
psychological principles could be used to help a major police investigation". 1 IS In 1986, Canter
wrote a letter to Detective Chief Superintendent Thelma Wagstaff regarding a series of rapes he
had read about in the local newspaper. In response to the letter, he was invited to Hendon Police
College where an incident room was set up in connection with the rapes (named the Hart
inquiry). Canter stated that it was at this meeting that he was formally asked by Detective Chief
Superintendent Vince McFadden, the head of Surrey CID, to "use whatever skills I might have
as a psychologist to contribute directly to a major inquiry into rape and murder" 116. Canter noted
that this was in effect the beginning of his "personal journey to see if a criminal's actions in a
Canter maintained that a criminal leaves not only physical traces at a scene of crime, but also
Psychological traces, and that by examining these psychological traces, investigators can have an
Canter, supra note 2, at 29.
Id, at 33.
idea as to the sort of person likely to commit a particular crime. I IS Following the footsteps of the
FBI and drawing from their work, Canter maintained that "the only way open to me to discover
what profiling could be, and how it might relate to the psychological theories and methods that I
knew, was by working alongside an ongoing investigation, trying out ideas as they occurred to
me. This is not the best way to become involved in any area of research, coming up with possible
results without the time or resources to test them thoroughly, but it was the only way forward". I 19
Professor Canter came up with what he called a five-factor model of offender behavior. He based
his work on the five aspects of the interaction between the victim and the offender. According to
Canter, the five aspects of interaction are interpersonal coherence, significance of time and place,
Interpersonal Coherence:
Canter argued that an offender's criminal activity makes sense to them within their own personal
psychology. This involves analyzing an offender's criminal actions to see if it is related to the
way he/she deals with other people in non-criminal situations. It is believed that an offender's
actions at a crime scene mirror his or her actions in non-criminal day to day activities. As such,
"the psychologist should be able to determine something about the offender from the victim and
the way the offender interacted with the victim (where this can be determined, such as with
118 Id.
Id, at 35.
rape)".120 "For instance, the offender will select victims that are consistent with the important
Canter believed that an offender will likely choose to attack at a location that has some sort of
significance to him or her. There is the idea that offenders tend to commit murder and rape in
familiar locations, where they feel in control and comfortable. "Therefore, if all of the crimes are
committed in a certain geographic location, there is a high chance that the offender lives or
works around the area".122 Furthermore, an examination of the place and time of an attack "may
characteristics of the criminal allows researchers to determine whether the nature of the crime
and the way it is committed can lead to a classification of criminal characteristics. This may lead
to common characteristics of a subgroup of offender and provide some guidance for the direction
of the investigation. The development of a person's criminal behavior may allow the police to
backtrack the probable career of the unidentified offender and narrow the possibilities".123 "A
rudimentary example of this would be the perpetrator who offends while traveling along a major
road or highway - this may indicate that travel is a part of the offender's job, such as a courier or
Muller, supra note 112, at 241.
121 Id.
Id, at 242.
Egger, supra note 15, at 247.
trUck driver. Conversely, crime scenes that are proximal may indicate a lack of access to
" 124
tranSport .
Criminal Characteristics:
Here attempt is made to classify offenders, the crimes, and the crime scenes. There are various
ways of classifying offenders and crimes scenes. For instance, the FBI's classification into
organized and disorganized offenders, power reassurance rapists, power assertive rapists, anger
. d . . 125
retaliatory rapIsts an anger excItement rapIsts.
Criminal Career:
It is believed that many offenders do not change their crime patterns. Therefore, attempts should
be made to determine if the likely offender is a career criminal. This involves looking at the
Forensic Awareness:
Canter also maintained that if a crime scene reveals that the offender took conscious steps to
conceal physical evidence, that such offender is likely to have had previous contact with the
police and knows about crime scene investigation techniques. Therefore, this sort of offender is
likely to have a criminal record, and so investigators are able to narrow their search to suspects
Wayne Petherick, "What's in a Name? Comparing Applied Profiling Methodologies", 5 Journal of Law
and Social Challenges, 181 (Summer 2003).
Supra at 47.
Drawing ideas from environmental psychology, Professor David Canter also came up with what
be called the "Circle Theory of Environmental Range" 126. He maintained that there is some sort
of relationship between criminal activity range and the home base of serial offenders. Canter
argued that serial offenders tend to attack and operate in locations where they feel in control and
comfortable. The circle theory emphasizes the study of offenses to find out the offender's home
base. It involves the prediction of an offender's residential area by examining the spatial
In his circle theory, Professor Canter came up with two models - The Marauder and the
Commuter. The marauder is the serial offender who commits crime within his home base, while
the commuter travels a distance from his home to commit crime. For Canter, there is a causal
relationship between the marauder and his home base as opposed to the commuter model where
In order to test the circle theory, Godwin and Canter in 1997 carried out a study in the United
States involving 54 male US serial killers. 127 These 54 serial killers were only those who were
convicted of at least 10 murders on different dates and at different locations. Godwin and Canter
gathered data from various police departments in the US and also studied 540 victims. Their
126 .
David Canter, and Larkin P, "The Environmental Range of Serial Rapists", Journal of Environmental
Psychology, 13,63 - 69, (1993).
Maurice Godwin., and David Canter, "Encounter and Death: The Spatial Behavior of US Serial Killers",
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategy and Management', Vol. 20, No. 1,24 - 38 (1997).
(1) The home operates as a focus for the activities of serial killers in apprehending their victims
and leaving their bodies. The focus is hypothesized as being the most likely center of gravity
of their actions.
(2) There will be differences in the distances traveled to apprehend victims and to leave their
bodies. It is proposed that the dumping of the body carries most evidential implications and
buffering processes.
(3) The distances serial killers travel to dump the victims' bodies are likely to change
systematically over time while the victims' points of fatal encounter locations are not. The
counter-intuitive possibility that this change relates to an increasing incorporation of all his
killing activities into his domestic area will also be tested. 128
Their study showed the home as a focus of serial murder, which implies that serial killers
are most likely to apprehend nearly all their victims near their home (serial killer's
home).129 Their study also "indicates that the offenders, on average, tended to make
initial contact with their victims closer to home than the locations in which they
eventually place the bodies"13o. This study further showed that "as the number of murders
increases, killers generally cover a narrower area in which to leave the bodies of their
victims, until the ninth and tenth offenses where the offender may be disposing of bodies
quite close to his home. This pattern contrasts markedly with the locations at which the
Id, at 27.
Id, at 3l.
initial contact is made with the victim. All ten of the murders in the sequences studied
here tended to be close to the home base of the offender, typically less than a couple of
miles from his residence" 131. In a nutshell, Godwin and Canter concluded that as the
series of offenses progresses, the sites where the serial offender dumps the bodies of
victims get closer to the offender's home, and that this could be as a result of the serial
offender trying to reduce the risks associated with transporting the body, and could also
Obviously, this study by Godwin and Canter is very useful for investigators in making
decisions as to the first areas to search for suspects. This however, has to be approached
with extreme caution. In fact, Godwin and Canter even drew attention to this issue and
they called for more research to explore this process, arguing that "the systematic
changing of locations and distances relative to the home base may be a deliberate ploy to
distract police attention from the killer's home base" \32. Above all, no investigator can
really be sure of the number of victims and the locations in any serial killing case.
Godwin and Canter suggested that "investigative efforts should go into interviewing
people within the neighborhood from which victims go missing in order to pinpoint
precisely the address or location where the victim may have been last seen.,,133
Id, at 35.
Id, at 36.
13 3
It should be noted at this point that Investigative Psychology approach uses a statistical
analysis method called Multi-dimensional Scaling (MDS). There are different types of
MDS and IP uses the type called Smallest Space Analysis. "In very simplistic terms
multiple variables simultaneously" 134. For a more detailed discussion of the MDS, please
see the work of Palermo and Kocsis.
Investigative psychology approach seems to have advantage over the other approaches
and has been well received by many scholars. Muller, for instance, maintained that
G. B. Palenno and R. N. Kocsis, Offender Profiling: An Introduction to the Sociopsychological Analysis
of Violent Crime, 158 (2005).
Id, at 157 - 177.
rd, at 158.
"unlike CSA, IP was designed from the beginning with science in mind but this does not
mean that it is a science in itself. Canter and his colleagues have attempted to use
is empirically sound and open to peer review. IP has a great deal of potential to become a
science, but it still has a long way to go before it will be recognized as a discipline in
itself' 137. Muller further noted that IP has the advantage that it falls under the established
science of psychology or criminology, arguing that "as such, most of the theories that
have been formulated as part of IP are constructed in such a way that can be easily
falsified,,]38. This is in fact where IP appears to be of more value and stronger than the
other approaches. One can safely say therefore, that if any approach is capable of
On a similar vem, Ainsworth maintained that "while Canter's work shares some
commonalities with that developed by the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit, he has tried to
place his approach within an accepted psychological framework. Canter believes that as a
branch of applied psychology, his work goes beyond what is traditionally thought of as
offender profiling. Canter's early work tried to understand the type of crime in which any
one individual might be likely to become involved, and he also considered the way in
which such a crime might be carried out. Most importantly, Canter tried to establish
whether the way in which an offender's behaviour while committing a crime mirrored
their behaviour in everyday life. Canter suggested for example, that in their choice of
Muller, supra note 112, at 251.
138 Id.
victims, offenders will only select people who, even within non-offending behaviour, are
important to them. Canter supports this viewpoint by reference to the fact that the vast
majority of serial killers target victims within their own ethnic groUp.,,139
The Investigative Psychology approach has undoubtedly been criticized. Egger argued
that IP practitioners lack police/law enforcement experience and also that IP does not
make use of interview data of a wide range of offenders. Egger further argued that this
Petherick was also critical of IP's model of offender behavior. He noted that "there is
little available to tell the practitioner how to apply this model to an actual investigation.
The original study that was done to develop the model was retrospective, that is, used
solved cases where both the location of the offender's home and crimes were known.
This must bring the practical application of this model into question, as it it would be
practically impossible to know whether you were dealing with a marauder or a commuter
with an unknown offender. The distances defined by the criminal range and home range
are also problematic, as there is no clear relationship between the size or location of the
139 ·
A msworth, supra note 6, at 118.
Egger, supra note 15, at 252.
141 Wayne Petherick, "Criminal Profiling: How it got started and How it is used",!criminal-mind/profiling/profiling2/4.html. (last accessed February 10, 2007).
Similarly, Ainsworth contended that "if one takes Canter's Circle Theory we can see
some of the difficulties which can be encountered. His theory relies on one being able to
draw a circle around all of an offender's crimes. Given some of the arguments presented
... , we must question how feasible this is. Not all crimes will be reported or recorded, and
even those may be recorded inaccurately. Furthermore, in the real world of police
investigation it will not be particularly easy to establish whether a series of crimes has
been committed by the same individual" 142. The statistical analysis adopted by IP can
Wilson et al were also highly critical of investigative psychology. They argued that:
Muller did not agree with this criticism by Wilson et al. For Muller "this is probably a
criminal investigation potentially has great value. Canter has shown that the application
of psychological principles and methodologies can, for example, help identify where the
142 A'
lllsworth, supra note 6, at 132.
143 W'II son, Lincoln and Kocsis, supra note 73, at 6.
offender might live and what his job might be (e.g., Godwin and Canter, 1997). It is very
easy for those in academia to remain aloof and remote from the real world, yet this is an
earlier on, if any approach to offender profiling has the potential of being generally
accepted as scientific, then it is the IP approach. As we can see from the above
The mam difference between the FBI approach and the investigative psychology
approach is that the FBI approach is mainly drawn from crime scene analysis while
theories/principles .
Muller, supra note 112, at 252.
145 A'
lllsworth, supra note 6, at 123.
In the final analysis, one can safely say that even though Canter's investigative
psychological principles, and the use of statistical analysis), it still does not provide a
way of using the profiles to point to specific offenders. Nevertheless, Canter has made
and is still continuing to make very important contributions to the understanding of the
theory and practice of offender profiling. The main strength of investigative psychology
approach lies in the attempts to predict the location of serial offenders, by analyzing the
Geographic Profiling
Geographic profiling was developed in 1995 by D. Kim Rossmo, a former police officer
with the Vancouver City Police Department. Rossmo sees geographic profiling as "a
crime,,146. He maintained that "this methodology was designed to help alleviate the
problem of information overload that usually accompanies such cases", arguing that "by
knowing the most probable area of offender residence, police agencies can more
effectively utilize their limited resources, and a variety of investigative strategies have
now been developed to maximize the utility of this process for unsolved cases".147
D. Kim Rossmo, "Geographic Profiling",in Janet L. Jackson, and Debra A. Bekerian, (eds) Offender
Profiling: Theory, Research and Practice, 174 (1997).
Drawing ideas from environmental psychology and investigative psychology, geographic
profiling "focuses on the probable spatial behaviour of the offender within the context of
the locations of, and the spatial relationships between the various crime sites.,,)48
attempt to predict the likely residence of the offender. This computerized program is
known as Criminal Geographic Targeting (CGT). Rossmo believed that "by examining
the spatial information associated with a series of crime sites, the CGT model produces a
which at any point represents the likelihood of offender residence or workplace. The
jeopardy surface is then superimposed on a street of the area of the crimes; such maps are
Geographic profiling approach has been criticized on many grounds. Many scholars have
argued that Geographic profiling is not an approach on its own. Palermo and Kocsis, for
instance, argued that "one pertinent issue to consider is the likely efficacy of geographic
Id, at 161.
Id at 162.
Id, at 161.
profiling in contributing beyond what can be ascertained by common knowledge,,15l.
approach than an approach on its own. Palermo and Kocsis further maintained that
information that may assist in the detection and apprehension of an offender". 152
Petherick contended that Rossmo "claimed that his profiling method requires a
psychological profile before a geographic profile can be produced, yet he has been noted
result of ignoring important behavioral and case context and not utilizing fully drawn
profiles is that geographic profiling does not, and cannot, differentiate between two or
Similarly, McGrath argued that "difficulties would include cases with a small number of
known linked crimes and cases where linked crime scenes have not been identified or
even discovered,,155. "Also, the underlying theories are mostly drawn from databases
related to burglaries and other crimes that may not translate well to the serial murderer or
151 .
Palenno and KOCSIS, supra note 134, at 240.
Id, at 242.
153 .
Pethenck, supra note 124, at 183.
Id .
155 Michael G. McGrath, "Criminal Profiling: Is there a Role for the Forensic Psychiatrist?", Journal of
American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, Vol. 28, No.3, 319 (2000).
rapist, and these theories relate to overall crime patterns, not individual crimes or crime
series. Research on the connection between spatial coordinates and offender and victim
adjunct to criminal profiling and not as a profiling process in and of itself ,1 56.
Geographic profiling is clearly a useful aid to crime investigation, but whether it qualifies
as an approach on its own is a different matter. It does appear however, that geographic
Behavioral Evidence Analysis also known as the deductive method of criminal profiling
following his interview with Jerome Brudos, an American serial killer, Turvey noted that
police case files differed from Brudo's own accounts, and therefore concluded that it is
totally wrong to accept the premises on which the earlier profiling approaches based their
profiles, and he came up with his new approach. Behavioral evidence analysis is
primarily based on the availability of physical evidence. Turvey was very critical of the
assumptions and inferences made by the other approaches (i.e. diagnostic evaluation, FBI
approach and investigative psychology), and therefore argued that "a full forensic
analysis must be perfonned on all available physical evidence before this type of
' can b
pro fil1 mg ' ,,157 .
opposed to an inductive one. For him, "a deductive criminal profile is a set of offender
characteristics that are reasoned from the convergence of physical and behavioral-
evidence patterns within a crime or a series of related crimes. Pertinent physical evidence
suggestive of behavior, victimology, and crime scene characteristics are included in the
characteristics" 158. On the other hand, Turvey sees an inductive criminal profile as "any 'I
method that describes, or bases its inferences on the characteristics of a typical offender I'"
Turvey maintained that the infonnation used to argue a deductive criminal profile
Turvey, supra note 27, at 29.
Id, at 28.
Turvey, supra note 9, at 686.
Turvey, supra note 27, at 28.
(1) Forensic and Behavioral Evidence (Equivocal Forensic Analysis)
This involves the examination of any physical evidence that was gathered. It also
(2) Victimology
This involves a detailed examination of background information about the victim. Here,
the profiler should look at the victim's occupation, drug and alcohol use, hobbies, family,
friends, and criminal records. It is believed that by studying the victim characteristics,
that investigators and pro filers may have an idea as to the motives of the crime. Similarly,
the risk assessment level of the victim should also be carried out. It is generally accepted
that prostitutes, for instance, carry a very high risk assessment level.
Here the profiler examines the crime scene to try and establish such things as the time of
attack, type of weapons used, method of gaining entry, type of location, and other crime
scene features. Anything that the offender said or did during the attack should also be
noted. The profiler should also try to ascertain whether the crime scene is staged. 161 Then
Turvey further argued that deductive criminal profiling has two phases - investigative
phase and the trial phase. "The investigative phase of criminal profiling generally
Id, at 29.
involves behavioral analysis of the patterns of unknown offenders for known crimes,,162,
while the trial phase "involves behavioral evidence analysis of known crimes for which
the preparation for both hearings and trials (criminal, penalty, and/or appeal phases of the
This approach has undoubtedly been criticized. Kocsis maintained that "there are
empirical research. Instead, what BEA offers in some respects is a fusion of previous
criminological literature on various forms of violent crime, the forensic sciences and
whereby crimes may be interpreted for the purpose of profiling by adopting deductive
how the human mind functions and cognitively processes information in a heterogeneous
There is still debate as to whether BEA can be properly seen as an approach on its own.
The point however, remains that BEA still cannot point to a special offender being
Id, at 35.
Id, at 36.
Kocsis, supra note 82, at xiv.
responsible for a certain crime, and also has not established any scientific basis. Turvey
even admitted this and he wrote: "any discipline that involves interpreting the multi-
straight face. However, it does demonstrate that the deductive method of profiling can be
psychologist. Based on his clinical knowledge and research literature, Kocsis maintained
that profiling has its foundation in forensic psychology. "As a consequence, this
Turvey, supra note 27, at 32.
Kocsis, supra note 82, at xvi.
personality dynamics and human psychopathologies,,167. Kocsis claimed that he became
fully involved in offender profiling when he was approached by the Australian Police to
Crime action profiling, in the words of Kocsis "is used to describe and signify this
process relating to the consideration of crime actions and the prediction, or profiling, of
offender characteristics from those actions" 168 . Basically, crime action profiling tries to
In analyzing patterns of crime behaviors, CAP uses the multi-dimensional scaling (MDS)
method of statistical analysis. MDS is made up of various types and CAP uses the type
called SYSTAT. This approach also uses cluster analysis, conical correlation and
Crime action profiling is the newest 'approach' to offender profiling and as such not a lot
of reviews and research has been carried out. Nevertheless, CAP has contributed to the
Id, at xv.
Id, at xvi.
Palermo and Kocsis, supra 134, at 183.
Id, at 220.
All the different approaches to offender profiling have their strengths and weaknesses,
and it is only when they come together as a team that offender profiling will muster a
scientific basis, gain general recognition in the various disciplines, and easily pass the
evaluation approach lies in its ability to provide better explanations on the motivations
underlying certain criminal actions. The FBI approach shows much strength in its various
disorganized offenders and their classification of crime scenes and rapists have proved to
psychological theories, and using statistical analysis, in trying to predict the residential
Chapter Three
The admissibility of any form of scientific evidence has always been problematic, full of
courtroom can sway a case one way or the other. In fact, Peterson et al noted that "about
one quarter of the citizens who had served on juries which were presented with scientific
evidence believed that had such evidence been absent, they would have changed their
verdicts - from guilty to not guilty.,,172 The courts are fully aware of this and therefore,
special rules have been adopted by many courts when deciding whether to admit or
exclude any scientific evidence. New scientific techniques and fields of knowledge
David L. Faigman., David H. Kaye., Michael 1. Saks., and Joseph Sanders, Science in the Law:
Standards, Statistics and Research Issues, 2 (2002).
Joseph L. Peterson., John P. Ryan., Pauline 1. Houlden, and Steven Mihajlovic, "The Use and Effects of
Forensic Science in the Adjudication of Felony Cases", 32 J. FORENSIC SCI. 1730, 1748 (1987).
emerge and the court must be satisfied, not only that the witness is qualified, but whether
such evidence should be given. 173 In fact, "admitting unreliable, unproven data can be as
prejudicial as excluding sound evidence that is merely unfamiliar to the courts and
problematic given the rapid developments in scientific knowledge and the possible
appearance to those not educated in the area that scientific results are infallible. To keep
pace with such a progressive area, the courts must be dynamic in their approach and
Many scholars have put forward the justifications for these special rules and admissibility
hurdles that have to be overcome before presenting any scientific evidence. Friedland et
aI, for instance, have given four justifications for these special hurdles as follows: (1) an
"aura of infallibility" surrounded the evidence so that a jury was unlikely independently
to evaluate, or to be skeptical of, its worth; (2) scientific evidence relies on such arcane
information that it will be very difficult for jurors to evaluate its worth, even if they are
not "overawed" by any view of science as infallible; therefore, jurors just won't try, it
being easier simply to take the expert's word; (3) the evidence is so unfamiliar to the
courts that judges will have difficulty guiding juries on how fairly to evaluate it; and (4)
the evidence "invades the province of the jury in a particularly powerful way, such as lie-
detector test results determining for the jury who speaks "truth" and who does not".175
174 Lisa Gonzalez, "The Admissibility of Scientific Evidence: The History and Demise of Frye v. United
States", 48 U. Miami L. Rev. 371 (November 1992).
175 Steven I. Friedland., Paul Bergman., and Andrew E. Taslitz, Evidence Law and Practice, 274 (2000).
Frye v. United States
In United States, the decision in Frye v. United States 176 (also known as the General
Acceptance Rule) was the main rule that governed the admissibility of scientific evidence
for seventy years (1923 - 1993). Frye is a 1923 decision by the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia, in a case that involved the admissibility of opinion
In this case, the defendant, James Alphonzo Frye was convicted of the murder of Dr.
Robert W. Brown, in the second degree. During the trial, the defendant sought to
introduce testimony based on systolic blood pressure deception test. This is the early
form of the polygraph lie-detector test. The systolic blood pressure deception test is based
on the theory that "truth is spontaneous, and comes without conscious effort, while the
pressure. The rise thus produced is easily detected and distinguished from the rise
produced by mere fear of the examination itself. In the former instance, the pressure rises
higher than in the latter, and is more pronounced as the examination proceeds, while in
the latter case, if the subject is telling the truth, the pressure registers highest at the
It should be noted that before the trial, the defendant was subjected to this test and it
showed that he was telling the truth when he denied that he committed the murder. He
Frye v. United States, 293 F. 1013, 1014 (D.C. Cir. 1923).
therefore, prayed the court to accept the testimony of Dr. William Moulton Martson (the
inventor of the test), which supported his plea of innocence. The government counsel
raised an objection which was sustained. The defense counsel further offered to have Dr.
Martson conduct a new test in the presence of the jury, the government counsel again
raised an objection, which was also sustained. The trial court excluded the testimony. The
In their brief, counsel for the defendant, Richard V. Mattingly and Foster Wood, stated
In its ruling, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's decision to exclude the
testimony and held that "the systolic blood pressure deception has not yet gained such
would justify the courts in admitting expert testimony deduced from the discovery,
178 Id,
development, and experiments thus far made.,,179 Fundamentally, the court stated that
scientific evidence is admissible if is generally accepted that the methods and principles
underlying it had achieved widespread acceptance in the relevant discipline. Justice Van
The Court in Frye did not cite any authority in formulating the new rule. This decision
raised several questions. What exactly was the "thing" that must be sufficiently
established? What is the "relevant scientific community"? Who defines it? How do
judges determine "general acceptance"? Does Frye require that general acceptance within
The Frye test became the main rule governing the admissibility of scientific evidence but
courts and scholars battled with answers to the above questions. Starrs maintained that
"the Frye court does not inform us in what way the expert testimony proffered in the trial
court was defective. Surely it was unacceptable for lack of general acceptance. But what
Id .
181 Melissa M. Home, "Novel Scientific Evidence: Does Frye require that General Acceptance within the
Scientific Community be Established by Disinterested Scientists?", 65 U. Det. L. Rev. 147 (Fall 1987).
precisely was not generally accepted? Was it the validity of the principle that deception is
reflected in discernible changes in the blood pressure of the prevaricator? Or was it,
rather, the validity of the systolic blood pressure test (the sphygmomanometer) to detect
Identifying what relevant community a technique falls also proved very problematic, and
courts battled to arrive at an acceptable way. The identification of the discipline to which
the "thing" falls is a very determinative factor in any trial involving scientific evidence.
Thus, "if the relevant scientific field requirement is construed broadly, the Frye test acts
include engineers, linguists, and psychologists, as well as those who use voice
relevant scientific field, the less likely the party will be able to utilize the novel scientific
On a similar vein, Moenssens noted that "some courts have determined the proper field
without difficulty, but other courts have had difficulty with this step of the analysis.
182 James E. Starrs, "A Still-Life Watercolor: Frye v. United States", Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 27,
No.3, 686 (July 1982).
Cornet v. State, 450 NE. 2d 498 (Ind. 1983).
184 Thaddeus Murphy, "The Admissibility of Scientific Evidence in Illinois", 21 Loy. U. Chi. L. J. 935, 943
(Spring 1990).
Occasionally, new techniques compound the problem by combining elements of several
disciplines, with no discipline claiming the novel process as its own. An imaginative
expert who develops a new technique may be considered radical by his conservative
peers, who may reject the technique regardless of its validity. Alternatively, a discipline
may accept a new technique simply because the technique promotes the overall
objectives of the discipline. The discipline might accept the new technique, therefore,
where there were arguments as to which field the technique should be generally accepted.
As we mentioned earlier, the Court of Appeals in Frye did not cite any authority or give
any explanations/justifications for formulating the general acceptance rule. Other courts
however, have defended the decision and offered some justifications. In fact, three major
court rulings have justified Frye and stated the advantages of the rule.
First, in United States v. Addison,187 the Court stated that the Frye test ensures that there
exist a minimal reserve of experts who can examine the validity of any scientific
evidence. The case involved two defendants - Roland Addison and Henry Raymond, who
185 Andre A. Moenssens, "Admissibility of Scientific Evidence - An Alternative to the Frye Rule", 25 Wm.
& Mary L. Rev. 545, 548 (Summer 1984).
Id, at 549.
United States v. Addison, 498 F. 2d 741 (D.C eir. 1974).
were both convicted by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
They were both convicted of assault with intent to kill while armed, and assault on a
member of the police force with a dangerous weapon. Henry Raymond was additionally
During the trial, the government counsel proffered evidence of voice print analysis
(spectrographic identification) that proved that the defendant, Raymond made the
telephone call to which a police officer, Sergeant Wilkins was responding when he was
shot. Lieutenant Ernest Nash, a voice technician at the Michigan State Police
Department, gave expert testimony that the voice print analysis showed that Raymond
made the call that led the police officer to the scene where he was shot. It should be noted
that Raymond raised an objection to the order requiring him to submit his voice sample
for analysis. He argued that the order violated his Fourth Amendment right to privacy. He
also contended that he was deprived of effective assistance of counsel because his
counsel was denied adequate time to consider the new scientific technique and the
In its ruling, the Court of Appeals held that the District Court erred in admitting the voice
print analysis evidence. The Court also ruled, however, that the jury's judgment was not
substantially swayed by the error and therefore affirmed the conviction. The Court held
police officer was responding when shot was not sufficiently accepted by scientific
community as a whole to form a basis for jury's determination of guilt or innocence, and
was inadmissible, but erroneous admission of testimony based on spectrogram did not
fatally infect jury's verdict and did not require reversal, in light of overwhelming
evidence of guilt.,,188
Circuit Judge, McGowan, stated that the decision in Frye v. United States was "the
of scientific measurements are to be resolved.,,189 The Court defended Frye and stated
In People v. Kelly, 191 another case that involved voice print analysis, the Supreme Court
of California also justified the decision in Frye, stating that the Frye test ensures
uniformity of judicial decisions. The case involved Robert Emmett Kelly who was
convicted of extortion by the Superior Court, Orange County, California. The extortion
arose from several anonymous and threatening telephone calls that the defendant made to
188 Id.
Id, at 743.
Id, at 744.
People v. Kelly, 17 Cal. 3d 24, 549 P. 2d 1240 (1976).
Terry Waskin. The police, with Waskin's consent, tape-recorded two of the telephone
calls. A police informant later identified the defendant as the person whose voice was on
the tapes. The defendant's voice examplar and the two tape recorded calls were sent to
Lieutenant Ernest Nash, the voice print analysis technician at Michigan State Police
Department for analysis. Lt. Nash concluded that the voices on the tapes were that of the
defendant, and he was allowed to testify. The trial court ruled that voice print analysis has
achieved sufficient scientific acceptance and therefore the expert's testimony was
The defendant argued that (1) Lieutenant Nash, the VOIce print expert, failed to
sufficiently establish that the technique has achieved general acceptance in the scientific
community; (2) that Lt. Nash was not qualified as an expert, and, (3) that the procedure
was not carried out in a fair and impartial manner. In its ruling, the Supreme Court of
California stated that voice print analysis had not achieved general scientific acceptance
as a reliable technique and that the trial court erred in admitting the testimony. The Court
therefore, reversed the judgment of conviction. The Court held that the "testimony by
police officer who was head of voice identification unit for a state police force and who
had extensive experience with voice print analysis was insufficient to establish that the
voice print was generally regarded as reliable in the scientific community; and that error
In . . 0 f th
admISSIOn '
e testImony was not h arm Iess. ,,192
192 Id.
The Supreme Court of California, in reversing the judgment also stated that, "we have
expressly adopted the foregoing Frye test and California courts, when faced with a novel
method of proof, have required a preliminary showing of general acceptance of the new
technique in the relevant scientific community. . .. we are satisfied that there is ample
The Court re-stated the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia's
decision in United States v. Addison and added that:
Hence, "for all the foregoing reasons, we are persuaded by the wisdom of, and reaffirm
our allegiance to, the Frye decision and the "general acceptance" rule which that case
mandates." 196
The third major case where a court justified the decision in Frye was in Reed v. State, 197
where the Court of Appeals of Maryland stated that Frye ensures judicial economy, by
rd, at 1244.
194 United States v. Addison, 498 F.2d 741 (D.C. Cir. 1974).
People v. Kelly, 17 Cal. 3d 24, 549 P. 2d 1244, 1245 (J 976).
Id, at 1245.
Reed v. State, 283 Md. 374, 393 A. 2d 364 (1978).
avoiding the time-consuming examination and cross-examination of witnesses. In this
case, the defendant James Reed was convicted of rape, unnatural and perverted sex acts,
robbery, verbal threats, and unlawful use of telephone, by the Circuit Court, Montgomery
County in Maryland. The facts of the case are that in September 1974, a woman was
raped outside her home in Montgomery County, Maryland. She reported the rape to the
police. The following day, she received a telephone call from a man saying that he was
the person who raped her. She immediately called the police, and it was decided that her
telephone calls should be tape-recorded in case the assailant called again. As the police
predicted, the assailant called several times within three days. During one of the
telephone calls, the assailant told the woman that he would like to have sexual intercourse
with her again, but the woman said no, and offered to pay the assailant $1,000 dollars so
that he can leave her alone. The assailant called again to accept the offer and instructed
her to go and leave the money inside one of the lockers in the locker room of the
Greyhound Bus Station in the District of Columbia. By this time, the police put the locker
room under surveillance and when the assailant came to collect the money, he was
DUring the trial, the defendant was ordered to submit a voice examplar, which was then
sent to the voice identification unit at Michigan State Police Department for analysis. The
defendant's voice examplar was compared to those recorded on the tapes, but the results
were deemed inconclusive. The defendant was ordered to submit another voice examplar
and the second voice print analysis showed that there is a match. The voice print expert
Was allowed to testify in court identifying Reed as the person who made the calls. The
jury could not reach a decision after two and half days of deliberation, and a mistrial was
declared. However, there was a retrial in March 1976 and Reed was convicted. The
defendant appealed, arguing that the voice print analysis should not have been admitted
because the technique is not generally accepted by the scientific community as being
sufficiently reliable; and also that the second request for his voice examplar is a violation
The Court of Appeals of Maryland reversed the judgment of conviction and remanded
present time, such technique has not reached the required standard of acceptance in the
scientific community.,,198 The Court went on to justify the Frye test and stated that:
The Frye test standard has been adopted by many states. It should be noted however, that
Frye has faced a lot of criticisms. First, Frye has been criticized because it did not "cite
198 Id.
Id .
any policy justification for the general acceptance standard: the court merely mandated
"Another asserted weakness of the Frye approach concerns the difficulty of ascertaining
when a scientific proposition has been generally accepted. The test does not specify what
unanimity, and anything less than full consensus in science can quickly resemble
substantial disagreement. In fact, the most rigorous fields with the healthiest scientific
discourse might fail the Frye test with the greatest frequency. In light of the skeptical
Edward 1. Imwinkelried, "The Importance of Daubert in Frye Jurisdictions", 42 Crim. Law Bulletin 5
(March - April 2006).
201 F .
algman, Kaye., Saks. and Sanders, supra note 171, at 8.
be so readily manipulated, the test by itself grovides courts
with little protection against shoddy science. 02
Faigman et al further argued that "under the Frye variant, because the courts have to rely
on the standards set within each field, they find themselves accepting more readily the
offerings of less rigorous fields and less readily the offerings of more rigorous fields.
Fields that set higher thresholds will place a smaller proportion of their knowledge over
Frye has also been criticized as being conservative. Frye appeared to exclude relevant
and reliable expert evidence until it has been generally accepted by the relevant scientific
community. Maletskos and Spielman argued that "a literal reading of Frye v. United
States would require that the courts always await the passing of a 'cultural lag' during
which period the new method will have had sufficient time to diffuse through scientific
discipline and create a requisite body of scientific opinion needed for acceptability. ,,204
Faigman et al also argued that Frye "imposes a protracted waiting period that valid
scientific evidence and techniques must endure before gaining legal acceptance.,,205 They
argued that "this criticism highlights the fact that all significant scientific findings gestate
before they are accepted by the general scientific community: During this time period
202 Id , at 9 .
Id, at lO.
204 Constantine J. Maletskos., and Stephen J. Spielman, Introduction of New Scientific Methods in Court,
Law Enforcement Science and Technology, 957, 958 (S.A. Yefsky. Ed. 1967).
205 F .
algman, Kaye, Saks and Sanders, supra note 171, at 8.
courts and the parties before them are deprived of this work. Moreover, many critics also
note the "nature" of the scientific enterprise which sometimes responds negatively to
revolutionary findings, because they might threaten entrenched "paradigms" and thus
entrenched scientists. Proponents of this view observe that the opinions of a scientist
heralded today as brilliant, but dismissed in his day as misguided or worse, would be
excluded under a general acceptance test. Galileo, for example, or Einstein early in his
career, would not have been allowed to testify because of the radical nature of his
views. ,,206
207 Paul C. Giannelli, "The Admissibility of Novel Scientific Evidence: Frye v. United States, a Half-
Century Later", 80 Colum. L. Rev.1197, 1205 (1980).
A case in point is Coppolino v. State,208 where the Court of Appeals of Florida rejected
the Frye test and was critical of the general acceptance rule. The defendant, Dr Carl
Coppolino, an anesthesiologist, was charged with the murder of his wife Carmela
Coppolino by poisoning. From the beginning, there was evidence showing that
about three months before the murder of his wife. During the trial, both the defense and
prosecution offered medical and scientific witnesses regarding the cause of death. The
expert witnesses for the State included Dr. Helpem (a pathologist), Dr. Umberger (a
toxicologist), Dr. La Du, and Dr. Cleveland. In his testimony, Dr. Helpem said that his
autopsy on the victim showed that she was in good health at the time of death. He also
said that even though the autopsy was inconclusive as to the cause of death, that he found
a needle injection tract in the left buttock of the deceased. He therefore, called Dr.
At the time of the trial, there were no known medical or scientific methods for detecting
the substance (succinic acid) in body tissues, but Dr. Umberger used various procedures
and was able for the first time in medical history to detect succinic acid in the body
were new. As a result of his tests Dr. Umberger reached
the conclusion, so testified, that Carmela Co~polino
received a toxic dose of succinylcholine chloride. 2 9
It should be noted that when Dr. Helpem was recalled, he testified that based on the
autopsy and on Dr. Umberger's findings that he concluded that the victim died from an
quantity of succinylcholine chloride at the needle injection tract on the victim's left
buttocks, and therefore, was of the opinion that the victim died as a result of the
succinylcholine chloride. Dr. Cleveland also testified that based on the negative findings
in Dr. Helpem's autopsy report and the positive findings of Dr. Umberger, he was of the
It should also be noted that the State called Marjorie Farber to testify. She was Dr. Carl
Coppolino's lover between 1962 and 1964 during which time the defendant was married
to the victim. She testified that the defendant made certain incriminating statements
regarding the death of his wife during the time they had an affair. The defense raised an
objection but it was denied, and the testimony was admitted. The defendant called several
demonstrate the presence of succinylcholine chloride or its component parts in the body".
The defendant was however, convicted and he appealed. The defendant argued among
(1) The scientific tests performed by Dr. Umberger were unreliable and scientifically
rd, at 69.
(2) The trial court committed reversible error by instructing the jury on second and
(3) The trial judge erred by admitting into evidence the testimony given by Marjorie
In its ruling, the Court of Appeals of Florida, Second District, affirmed the trial court's
judgment and held that the defendant had failed to show that the trial judge abused his
discretion. It was also held that the trial court's instruction of the jury on the second and
third degree murder and manslaughter was not an error because under the authority of
Fla. Stat. Ch. 919.14, the jury was permitted to find defendant guilty of the degree
charged or lesser degree. The Court however, held that the trial court erred by admitting
the testimony given by Marjorie Farber. The Court stated that "we believe that the
testimony in question was irrelevant to the proper issues of the case, that its sole effect
was to attack the character of the accused and that the trial court erred by admitting it into
evidence. However, the fact that an error was committed in admitting testimony does not
automatically result in reversal, there must be a showing that such error was harmfully
prejudiced. ,,21 0
evidence inadmissible. Society need not tolerate
homicide until there develops a body of medical
literature about some particular lethal agent. The
expert witnesses were examined and cross-examined
at great length and the jury could either believe or
doubt the prosecution's testimony as it chose. 211
The Frye test has also been criticized for leading to inconsistencies. Moenssens argued
that "the Frye rule has different meanings for forensic scientists, prosecutors, defense
attorneys, and judges. To forensic scientists and prosecutors, the Frye rule is an obstacle
that often excludes evidence based on novel scientific techniques. Although the Frye rule
also prevents the defendants' novel scientific evidence from reaching the jury, defense
attorneys and the few forensic scientists who work with the defense bar see the rule as an
ineffective barrier to unreliable prosecution evidence. The meaning of the Frye rule to
judges is less clear. Many judges do not perceive the rule as a significant issue.,,212
Another criticism leveled against the Frye test is its inflexibility, confusion of issues, and
superfluity.213 McCormick argued that "procedures that operate within the framework of
general relevancy and expert testimony rules offer a more meaningful and effective
alternative. The values sought to be protected by Frye can be preserved without the cost
of its disadvantages. Factors that directly address the merit of new scientific
developments can be identified and delineated. They incorporate concepts that judges
understand and routinely use. At the same time, the rules allow necessary flexibility by
Id, at 75.
Moenssens, supra note 185, at 545.
Mark McCormick, "Scientific Evidence: Defining a New Approach to Admissibility", 67 Iowa L. Rev.
879,915 (1981-1982).
turning the decision on the characteristics of the evidence as well as the characteristics of
the particular case. The relevant factors sharpen and define precise issues that should
It has also been argued that by focusing particularly on general acceptance, Frye obscures
other critical problems in the use of a particular technique. 215 Giannelli gave the
admissibility of neutron activation analysis (NAA) as an example, arguing that "under the
Frye courts have concentrated primarily on the general acceptance of NAA" and that
"this approach tends to conceal the most critical aspects of NAA - whether, as
interpreted, the results of the test are relevant to the issues in dispute.,,216
Following the criticisms of the Frye test, some scholars have suggested alternative rules
for admitting scientific evidence. Professor McCormick for instance, argued that the
215 G'
Iannelli, supra note 207, at 1226.
216 Id.
requirement of "general acceptance" not elsewhere
imposed, they might have arrived at some practical way
of utilizing a technique of investigation which has proved
so fertile as a means of ascertaining truth. 217
relevant to the facts of the case and if an expert testifies to its validity. Many scholars and
courts were very critical of this suggestion. In fact, the Court of Appeals of Maryland in
Reed v. State addressed this suggestion from Professor McCormick. The Court stated
that judges and jurors are not equipped to assess the reliability of scientific techniques
scientific thought? Is it to be general acceptance by science? Or is it to be substantial
acceptance which gives a reliable degree of credibility?,,22o Many scholars are not in
that substantial acceptance is not any less amorphous or difficult to define as general
The establishment of a "Science Court" has also been suggested by Dr. Arthur
to screen any new scientific technique before it is introduced into the courtroom?22 The
reasons for creating a science court are the "need for accurate information to serve as a
basis for deciding basic policy questions,,223 and the need for an institution that will "limit
to the power exercised by scientists.,,224 The science court will also "eliminate the
as well as helping to ensure that "discredited claims should be identified, especially when
220 James R. Richardson, Modem Scientific Evidence: Civil and Criminal, 2nd ed, 24 (1974).
Murphy, supra note 184, at 967.
222 Arthur Kantrowitz, "Controlling Technology Democratically", 63 AM. SCI. 505 (1975).
223 James A. Martin, "The Proposed "Science Court", 75 Mich. L. Rev. 1058,1059 (1977).
226 Id.
Professor Giannelli maintained that the advantages of such a panel of experts and
tribunals are that the screening will be done by a group of scientists, that their evaluations
However, the creation of a science court has been described as time consuming and
inconclusive. Justice Bazelon supports the goals of a science court but finds some of
the court's features worrying. He maintained that a science court will be time consuming,
arguing that "a lengthy adversary proceeding, limited solely to factual issues, might well
exaggerate the importance of those issues, and might tend to diminish the importance of
the underlying value choices. A factual decision by a Science Court, surrounded by all
the mystique of both science and the law, might well have enormous, and unwarranted,
political impact.,,229 "Moreover, it is not entirely clear to me that all disputes among
either could or should be "resolved." Experts usually disagree not so much about the
objectively verifiable facts, but about the inferences that can be drawn from those facts.
And they disagree precisely because it is impossible to say with certainty which of those
. c 230
mlerences are "correct."
Justice David L. Bazelon, "Coping with Technology Through the Legal Process", 62 Cornell Law
Review, 817, 827 (June 1977).
229 Id.
In the final analysis, it should be noted that none of these suggested alternatives to Frye
was adopted. It seems that the Frye test has come to stay. In fact, Frye remained the main
rule governing the admissibility of scientific evidence even after the enactment of the
Federal Rules of Evidence in 1975. As at today Frye is still the main admissibility rule in
many states. It is also noteworthy to point out that Frye has been adopted by arguably all
the highly litigious states like California, New York and Florida. 231
The Federal Rules of Evidence goes as far back as 1961 when Chief Justice Earl Warren
out how feasible and desirable a uniform code of evidence will be for federal courts. In
1962, the Special Committee recommended the adoption of federal rules of evidence.
Chief Justice Earl Warren therefore, appointed an Advisory Committee in 1965 to draft
the rules of evidence. In 1969, the first draft was published. A revised draft was also
published in 1971. In 1972, the United States Supreme Court promulgated the Federal
231 For full details of all the states and the rules they have adopted, please see; David E. Berstein., and
Jeffrey D. Jackson, "The Daubert Trilogy in the States", 44 Jurimetrics 351 (2004).351 - 366., Joseph R.
Meaney, "From Frye to Daubert: Is a Pattern Unfolding?", 35 Jurimetrics J. 191 (1995) 191- 199., Heather
G. Hamilton, "The Movement from Frye to Daubert: Where do the States Stand?", 38 Jurimetrics 201
(1998) 201 - 213.
authority granting the Supreme Court the power to
prescribe rules governing the practice and procedure of
federal courts, provided that such Rules did not "abridge,
enlarge, or modify any substantive right". Critics closely
scrutinized several of the Rules promulgated by the
Supreme Court in an effort to determine whether the Court
had exceeded its authority under the Enabling Act by
prescribing rules that were outside the scope of "practice
and procedure". The debate over whether the Supreme
Court had exceeded its power became moot, however,
when Congress intervened in the process with legislation
stipulating that the Federal Rules of Evidence would not
take effect until they were expressly approved by Congress.
While Congress thereafter revised the Supreme Court's
version of the Rules in specific, isolated provisions, it did
not reconstruct the design of the Rules. Its modifications
were limited to the revision of the specific text of discreet
provisions of the Federal Rules of Evidence, and the vast
majority of the Supreme Court's version of the Federal
Rules of Evidence, as well as the integrity of the structure
of the Rules, were left intact by Congress when the rules
became effective on January 1975 ?32
Congressional hearings took place between 1973 and 1974. The House of
Representatives completed their hearings in February 1974 and the Senate in November
1974. It was then sent to President Gerald Ford who signed the Rules into law on January
Rule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence governs the admissibility of expert testimony.
Glen Weissenberger, "The Supreme Court and the Interpretation of the Federal Rules of Evidence", 53
Ohio St. L. J. 1307,1319 (1992).
by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education may
testify thereto in the form of an opinion or otherwise?33
Rules 401, 402, 403, 703, 704 and 705 also affect the admissibility of expert scientific
testimony. It is therefore, very important to cite them at length.
having any tendency to make the existence of any fact that is of consequence to the
determination of the action more probable or less probable than it would be without the
evidence. ,,235
the United States, by Act of Congress, by these rules, or by other rules prescribed by the
Supreme Court pursuant to statutory authority. Evidence which is not relevant is not
234 These Rules are also very important to our subsequent discussions.
235 .
Fed. R. EVld. 401
Fed. R. Evid. 402
misleading the jury, or by consideration of undue delay, waste of time, needless
accused and admitted under Rule 404 (a)(2), evidence of the same trait of
(b) Other crimes, wrongs, or acts. Evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts is not
absence of mistake or accident, provided that upon request by the accused, the
prosecution in a criminal case shall provide reasonable notice in advance of trial,
or during trial if the court excuses pretrial notice on good cause shown, of the
Rule 703. Bases of Opinion Testimony by Experts. "The facts or data in the particular
case upon which an expert bases an opinion or inference may be those perceived by or
made known to the expert at or before the hearing. If of a type reasonably relied upon by
experts in the particular field in forming opinions or inferences, upon the subject, the
facts or data need not be admissible in evidence in order for the opinion or inference to be
admitted. Facts or data that are otherwise inadmissible shall not be disclosed to the jury
by the proponent of the opinion or inference unless the court determines that their
probative value in assisting the jury to evaluate the expert's opinion substantially
Rule 704. Opinion on Ultimate Issue. (a) "Except as provided in subdivision (b),
(c) No expert witness testifying with respect to the mental state or condition of a
defendant did or did not have the mental state or condition constituting an element
238 Fe.
d R. Evi d. 703.
of the crime charged or of a defense thereto. Such ultimate issues are matters for
Rule 705. Disclosure of Facts or Data Underlying Expert Opinion. "The expert may
testify in terms of opinion or inference and give reasons therefor without first testifying to
the underlying facts or data, unless the court requires otherwise. The expert may in any
The adoption of the Federal Rules of Evidence in 1975 raised one key question - did the
Federal Rules supersede the Frye test? This question was not addressed either in the
Advisory Committee Notes, the Congressional Hearing Committee Reports or during the
Congressional hearings. Trial courts were left to decide for themselves. Many courts
continued with Frye, some adopted the new Federal Rules, and some combined the two
In United States v. Smith,241 for instance, the court continued with the Frye test while at
the same time recognized the authority of the Federal Rules of Evidence. Delivering the
opinion of the Court of Appeals, Circuit Judge, Kanne said: "although the validity of the
judge-made rule in Frye has been criticized by some courts and commentators for
240 .
Fed. R. EVld. 705
numerous reasons, this circuit has continued to affirm (and to apply) the Frye
standar d .
In United States v. Downing,243 the court rejected Frye and adopted the new Federal
Rules of Evidence. The Third Circuit Court stated that Frye was inconsistent with the
Federal Rules of Evidence based upon the Rules' broad scope of relevance. In this case,
the Court of Appeals, through Circuit Judge Becker, held that, "the balance of this section
scientific expertise, generally, and to an analysis of the test announced in Frye v. United
States, 293 Fed. 1013 (D.C. Cir. 1923), as a way of dealing with those test problems. We
conclude that the status of the Frye test under Rule 702 is somewhat uncertain, but reject
that test for reasons of policy. In section 1Y, we set forth an alternative standard for
evaluating novel scientific evidence that we believe comports with the language and
In sum, the Frye test suffers from serious flaws. The test has
proved to be too malleable to provide the method for orderly
and uniform decision-making envisioned by some of its
proponents. Moreover, in its pristine form the general
acceptance standard reflects a conservative approach to the
admissibility of scientific evidence that is at odds with the
spirit, if not the precise language, of the Federal Rules of
243 United States v, Downing, 753 F. 2d 1224, 1224 (3d Cir, 1985),
Evidence. For these reasons, we conclude that "general
acceptance in the particular field to which [a scientific
technique] belong," should be rejected as an independent
controlling standard of admissibility. Accordingly, we hold
that a particular degree of acceptance of a scientific
technique within the scientific community is neither a
necessary nor a sufficient condition for admissibility; it is,
however, one factor that a district court normally should
consider in deciding whether to admit evidence based upon
the technique.
In State v. Kersting,247 it was held that "scientific evidence which is not generally
accepted may nevertheless be admitted if there is credible evidence on which the trial
judge can rely in making the initial determination that the technique is reasonably
reliable." The case involved Dennis Dean Kersting who was convicted of murder by the
Circuit Court, Multnomah County, Oregon, and he appealed. At the trial, the State
presented an expert who testified that certain hairs obtained from the defendant were
indistinguishable from or similar to hairs found on the victim. The defendant argued that
At the Court of Appeals, the defendant argued that the scientific techniques used by the
State's expert were not generally accepted in the scientific community as being
reasonably reliable, therefore, the trial court erred by admitting the expert's testimony.
In its ruling, the Court of Appeals of Oregon stated that "where judicial notice may not be
taken properly because relatively new scientific techniques are involved, some
Id, at 1237.
State v. Kersting, 50 Or. App. 461, 623 P. 2d 1095 (1981).
foundation required is that there be credible evidence on which the trial judge may make
the initial determination that the technique is reasonably reliable and, if so, the evidence
may be admitted and the weight to be given it is for the jury, who may consider evidence
as to its reliability.,,248 The Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's decision and
granted review.
The case reached the Supreme Court of Oregon, En Banc, which affirmed the Court of
Appeals' decision. Delivering the judgment, Chief Justice Denecke, stated that "we
granted review solely to consider one contention made by the defendant. That contention
was that the Court of Appeals erred in adopting the "reliability" test for the admission of
scientific testimony rather than the standard that scientific testimony must be based upon
methods generally accepted in the scientific community. Upon review of the record we
both the Frye test and Federal Rules of Evidence were combined. The case involved
deceased), and Steven Roy Christophersen, who sued Allied-Signal Corporation, alleging
that Albert Christophersen's death was as a result of exposure to fumes that contained
particles of nickel and cadmium, which caused the small-cell cancer that led to his death
in 1986. Albert Christophersen worked for fourteen consecutive years prior to his death,
248 Id.
Id, at 1145.
for the corporation at their plant based in Waco, Texas, where nickel and cadmium
During the trial, the plaintiffs proffered expert testimony that exposure to cadmium and
nickel fumes caused Albert's death. The defendants argued that the plaintiffs' expert
testimony did not meet the Frye test, because the expert did not follow the generally
accepted methods in reaching his conclusion, and that the basis for the expert's opinion
was insufficiently reliable. The United States District Court for the Western District of
Texas excluded the expert testimony. The Court stated that the plaintiffs' expert
testimony did not meet the Frye criteria and granted summary judgment in favor of the
defendants. There was an appeal. The issue centered on the appropriate criteria for
The United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit affirmed the trial court's summary
judgment. The Court of Appeals in its ruling combined the Frye test and the Federal
"The Federal Rules of Evidence, combined with Frye v. United States, 293 F. 1013 (D.C
Cir. 1993), provide a framework for trial judges struggling with proffered expert
testimony. The signals are not neatly cabined categories, and we disentangle them only to
(1) whether the witness is qualified to express an expert opinion, Fed. R. Evid. 702.
(2) whether the facts upon which the expert relies are the same type as are relied upon
(3) whether in reaching his conclusion the expert used a well-founded methodology,
Frye; and
(4) assuming the expert's testimony has passed Rules 702 and 703, and the Frye test,
whether under Fed. R. Evid. 403 the testimony's potential for unfair prejudice
These four signals or inquiries introduce no new concepts to our jurisprudence. They are
only guideposts drawn from the Federal Rules of Evidence and our cases. We list these
inquiries, but in doing so we do not intend that they be applied mechanically. At the same
time, they often will naturally lend themselves to sequential application. The reality is
that trials are too varied for fixed mold; we construct none today.,,251
The Federal Rules of Evidence was criticized. As we stated earlier on, the Rule did not
mention the Frye general acceptance criteria. It did not state whether expert evidence
The Federal Rules of Evidence is also too loose, too liberal and less stringent than Frye.
Rule 702, for instance states that an expert can be qualified by knowledge, skill,
experience, training or education. This in effect means that almost anybody can qualify as
an expert witness.
Many scholars were also concerned about the appropriate interpretation of the Federal
Id, at 1110.
for instance, argued that The Federal Rules of Evidence is not a statute. He maintained
Professor Weissenberger further argued that "contrary to the typical statutory enactment,
which the subjective intent of the drafters is predominately traceable to the judicial
branch. In the case of most of the Federal Rules of Evidence, Congress's role was
primarily to review and ratify the intent of a coordinate branch of government in its
design of rules intended to operate internally within that branch. Only in isolated
instances, did Congress actually modify the version of the Rules submitted to it by the
Supreme Court.,,253 He contended that the "principle of legislative supremacy does not
comport with the unique and extraordinary process which produced the Federal Rules of
252 W .
elssenberger, supra note 232, at 1307.
Id, at 1309.
Evidence",254 arguing that the Rules "were never intended to operate as a statute which
would have plain meaning. Rather than being designed as specific mandates, the Federal
Rules of Evidence were consciously drawn with a recognition that the federal judiciary
possess substantial inherent discretion in interpreting, expanding upon, and applying the
"should not be interpreted as a typical statute, but should rather be subject to a unique set
of hermeneutics that reflects the Rules' identity as a codification of the common law.,,256
"Ultimately, however, treating the Federal Rules of Evidence as a stature will result in
courts abdicating their time-honored role in crafting the law of evidence. If courts treat
the Federal Rules of Evidence as a stature, they will defer to the legislative branch as the
arbiter of evidentiary policy when confronted with the inevitable indeterminacy of the
254 Id.
256Glen Weissenberger, "The Elusive Identity of the Federal Rules of Evidence", 40 Wm. & Mary L. Rev.
1613 (May 1999).
257 Glen Weissenberger, "Evidence Myopia: The Failure to see the Federal Rules of Evidence as a
Codification of the Common Law", 40 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1539,1554 (May 1999).
On the other hand, Professor Imwinkelried argued that the Federal Rules of Evidence is a
constructIOn. 258 ImWl'nk eIne
. d mamtame
. . d that:
This argument amongst scholars as to the proper interpretation of the Federal Rules of
Evidence and whether the Federal Rules of Evidence superseded the Frye test continued
until the United States Supreme Court addressed the issue in Daubert v. Merrell Dow
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 26o In Daubert,261 the Supreme Court stated that the Federal Rules
258Edward J. Imwinkelried, "Whether the Federal Rules of Evidence should be Conceived as a Perpetual
Index Code: Blindness is Worse than Myopia.", 40 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1595, 1596 (1999).
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 u.s. 579 S. Ct. 2786 (1993).
261 . ,F.
1l1;ra at 138.
of Evidence is a statute. Delivering the opinion of the Court, Justice Blackmun said: "we
interpret the legislatively enacted Federal Rules of Evidence as we would any statute.,,262
The Supreme Court also stated that the Frye test was superseded by the Federal Rules of
It should be noted that on April 17, 2000, United States Chief Justice, William H.
Rehnquist, wrote to the speaker of the United States House of Representatives proposing
an amendment of Rule 702. Thus, on December 1, 2000, Rule 702 was amended and
Following the criticisms of Frye and the confusion on whether the Federal Rules of
Evidence replaced Frye, The United States Supreme Court in Daubert v. Merrell Dow
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 Us. 579 S. Ct. 2794 (J 993).
Id, at 2793.
264 The three additional requirements are noted in italics. Fed. R. Evid. 702.
Pharmaceuticals,265 overturned the Frye test and stated that it had been superseded by the
Federal Rules of Evidence. The facts of the case are that the petitioners, two minor
children (Jason Daubert, Eric Schuller were born with severe birth defects) and their
parents sued Merrell Dow Pharmaceutials Company, alleging that the birth defects were
caused by the mothers' use of Bendictin, an anti-nausea drug marketed by the company.
At the trial, the respondents offered expert testimony to prove that the use of Bendictin
during pregnancy does not cause birth defects in humans. They called Dr. Steven H.
Lamm, a physician and epidemiologist who testified that "he had reviewed all literature
on Bendictin and human birth defects, more than thirty published studies involving over
130,000 patients, and that none of them found any link between Bendictin and
malformations in fetuses.,,266 Dr Lamm therefore, concluded that based on these, that the
mothers's use of Bendictin during the first trimester of the pregnancy did not cause the
birth defects.
The petitioners on the other hand, called eight experts who testified and concluded that
Bendictin can cause birth defects. Their experts included Dr. Shanna Helen Swan and Dr.
Stuart A. Newman. The experts drew their conclusions from (1) "in vitro" (test tube),
and "in vivo" (live) animal studies that found a link between Bendictin and
found similarities between the chemical structure of Bendictin and that of other
SUbstances that cause birth defects, (3) they carried out a "reanalysis" of previously
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 u.s. 579, 113 S. Ct. 2786 (1993).
Id, at 279l.
published epidemiological (human statistical) studies, which also found a link between
The United States District Court for the Southern District of California, in their ruling,
granted company's motion for summary judgment. The District Court stated that
The Court held that the testimony given by the petitioners' expert witnesses did not meet
the applicable "general acceptance" standard for the admission of expert testimony. It
was also held that expert opinion not based on epidemiological (human statistical) studies
is not admissible to establish causation. 268 "Thus, the animal-cell studies, live animal
studies, and chemical-structure analyses on which petitioners had relied could not raise
published studies that had found no causal link between the drug and birth defects, were
ruled to be inadmissible because they had not been published or subjected to peer
review.,,269 The District Court therefore, granted company's motion for summary
267 .
Daubert v. Merrell Dow PharmaceutIcals, 727 F. Supp. 570, 572, (S.D. Cal. 1989).
Id, at 575.
The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed the District Court's
decision and stated that "expert opinion based on a scientific technique is inadmissible
community. ,,270 The Court of Appeals also stated that expert opinion based on a
technique' .,,271
The Court of Appeals rejected the "reanalysis" of the epidemiological studies presented
by the petitioners' experts and stated that "reanalysis is generally accepted by the
the field.,,272 In affirming the District Court's decision, the Court of Appeals further
stated that the reanalyses was "unpublished, not subjected to the normal peer review
process and generated solely for use in litigation,,,273 and that the petitioners' experts
provided insufficient foundation to prove that Bendictin caused the birth defects.
The case reached the United States Supreme Court. Michael H. Gottesman, counsel for
the petitioners, argued that Frye's "general acceptance" criteria has been superseded by
the Federal Rules of Evidence. The Supreme Court in its ruling, agreed with the
petitioners and stated that the Federal Rules of Evidence, not Frye provide the standard
270 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, 951 F. 2d 1128, 1129 (9 th Cir. 1991)
272 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, 951 F. 2d 1128, 1131 (9 th Or. 1991)
rd, at 1131.
for admitting expert scientific testimony in a federal tria1. The Supreme Court stated
that Frye's "general acceptance" test was superseded by the adoption of the Federal
Rules of Evidence. 275 It was held that "nothing in the Rules as a whole or in the text and
drafting history of Rule 702, which specifically governs expert testimony, gives any
scientific evidence. Moreover, such a rigid standard would be at odds with the Rules'
liberal thrust and their general approach of relaxing the traditional barriers to "opinion
testimony. ,,276
274 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 Us. 579, 113 S. Ct. 2792 (1993).
Justice Blackmun stated that trial judges have the function to act as "gatekeepers" and
determine whether the testimony being presented is reliable and scientifically valid. On
the issue of whether the Federal Rules of Evidence is a statute, the Supreme Court stated
that, "we interpret the legislatively enacted Federal Rules of Evidence as we would any
statute. Rule 402 provides the baseline: "All relevant evidence is admissible, except as
otherwise provided by the Constitution of the United States, by Act of Congress, by these
rules, or by other rules prescribed by the Supreme Court pursuant to statutory authority.
The Supreme Court went on to say that "given the Rules' permissive backdrop and their
inclusion of a specific rule on expert testimony that does not mention "general
acceptance", the assertion that the Rules somehow assimilated Frye is unconvincing.
Frye made "general acceptance" the exclusive test for admitting expert scientific
testimony. That austere standard, absent from, and incompatible with, the Federal Rules
The United States Supreme Court vacated the Court of Appeals decision and remanded
the case for further proceedings.
Id, at 2799.
The Supreme Court's decision in Daubert has been criticized extensively. The opinion in
Daubert created difficult burdens for trial judges, the opinion is still ambiguous, it did not
address crucial questions, and did not provide specific guidelines to trial courts. Above
all, it did not state whether the Daubert criteria also applied to nonscientific evidence.
Under Daubert, trial judges became "gatekeepers" who have to decide what is a reliable
or an unreliable scientific technique. As Justice Feldman has pointed out "judges are
trained lawyers and only rarely trained scientists, which explains their failure to provide
coherent guidelines on how to accomplish this task. ,,281 In fact, "the dilemma for the trial
judge is how to separate the accurate, reliable testimony that aids the fact-finding process
from the so-called "junk science" that contorts the fact-finding process. But whether
Daubert does much to help is another challenge for the trial bench and bar.,,282 Justice
Feldman further argued that "the impact of the Court's newly elaborated standard is
that the Frye test was superseded by the Federal Rules of Evidence, and thereby
outwardly relaxed the standard for admission of scientific evidence. However, the fact
that the four Daubert criteria are substantially similar to the factors commonly employed
by those courts that applied Frye suggests that the practical impact of Daubert could be
minimal and confusing. Indeed, one critic has predicted that the Daubert standard will
suffer the same problems that critics directed at Frye.,,283 Justice Feldman therefore
concluded that:
Justice Martin L. C. Feldman, "May I Have the Next Dance, Mrs. Frye?", 69 Tul. L. Rev. 793 (February
282 Id.
At best, Daubert offers an awkward analytical model.
The Court failed to provide trial judges with a well-
defined standard for separating unreliable scientific
evidence from reliable scientific evidence. Perhaps none
exists. Daubert specifically ruled out the general
acceptance standard as a precondition of admissibility,
but offered only "general observations" in return. The
Court failed to clarify whether Daubert expands or
contrasts the role of the trial judge in considering the
admissibility of scientific evidence. After all, we all
already knew that we are the "gatekeepers". Moreover,
the Court sent conflicting signals to trial courts by
abandoning Frye's general acceptance test, only to
resurrect it as one consideration under the new
standard. 284
On a similar vein, Professor Milich maintained that Daubert "requires nonscientist trial
judges to evaluate science in a way that may exceed their scientific abilities" and also that
"it is too vague on the degree of reliability that the trial judges are supposed to be looking
for. ,,285
Professor Jonakait was also highly critical of the Daubert decision which he also
assumptions. 286 "The opinion commands trial courts to determine whether something is
accidentology, clinical ecology, or forensic science. This can be done only if there are
general standards and methods applicable to all fields of science that distinguish genuine
Id, at 806.
285 Paul S. Milich, "Controversial Science in the Courtroom: Daubert and the Law's Hubris", 43 Emory L.
J. 913,917 (1994).
Randolph N. Jonakait, "The Meaning of Daubert and What that Means for Forensic Science", 15
Cardozo L. Rev. 2103 (April 1994).
science from pseudoscience. Furthennore, the court's command can only be followed if
trial courts can understand those standards and use them to identify real science. These
premises, however, were not stated. It would have been better if they had been to help
insure that trial courts would begin their analyses at the proper starting point.,,287
Professor Jonakait further argued that Daubert failed to address crucial questions; "for
example, what if the error rate is unknown? Does it matter if it is ascertainable, but no
one has bothered to ascertain it? What does it mean for the reliability of a scientific
technique if its error rate is not knowable? If the error rate is known, does it matter? If the
error rate is less than fifty percent does it satisfy a preponderance of the evidence notion
of reliability? Or does the error rate have to be small enough to confonn to "scientific"
notions of confidence? Is there a connection between error rates and the statistical tests
that nonnally require scientists to reach a ninety-five percent confidence level?,,288 These
questions and many more were left unanswered by the Supreme Court in Daubert.
Professor Jonakait cautioned that courts should not reach a conclusion on a scientific
method or technique simply because it has been peer reviewed or published, arguing that
"peer review is hardly a perfect system - it is often less than demanding because
does not necessarily follow from the fact of publication. Too much scientific literature is
Polentz also maintained that Daubert is ambiguous and full of confusing contradictions.
He argued that the "Daubert decision did not resolve how to correlate the Federal Rules
of Evidence with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Nor did Daubert ameliorate the
conflict between the Frye test and the Federal Rules of Evidence. In addition, Daubert's
ambiguity created new splits among the lower courts because of the potential for multiple
It has also been argued that "the Supreme Court provided only abstract, general guidance
about how the lower courts should handle admissibility of scientific evidence under the
Federal Rules of Evidence. The Court did not apply the general guidelines it outlined to
the facts of the case. Instead, it chose to remand the case to the Ninth Circuit for a
determination of whether the testimony was grounded on a reliable foundation and was
relevant. ,,292
Moenssens was also very critical of the Daubert decision. He argued that Daubert
"rather than protecting the fact finding process from contamination by unreliable expert
290 Id.
Michael C. Polentz, "Post-Daubert Confusion with Expert Testimony", 36 Santa Clara L. Rev. 1187,
1202 (1996).
292 Nancy S. Farrell, "Congressional Action to Amend Federal Rule of Evidence 702: A Mischievous
Attempt to Codify Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 13 J. Contemp. Health L. & Pol'y 523,
534 (Spring 1997).
opinion, may have actually increased the likelihood of such contamination, especially in
criminal cases.,,293 Moenssens contended that "the Supreme Court in Daubert did not see
fit to create distinctions between proof in criminal versus civil cases, as far as reliability
is concerned, even though literature and case law frequently cautioned that in criminal
cases, where a person's freedom is at stake, courts ought to be more reluctant to admit
evidence based on new, as yet unproven, techniques when such evidence is being offered
by the prosecution. ,,294 He suggested extra judicial caution, and the reasons for extra
judicial caution include the following - most witnesses are not truly scientists but are
technicians, pro-prosecution bias may impair scientific impartiality, experts tend to testify
beyond their expertise, experts prevaricate on their credentials, there are doubts as to the
proficiency of crime laboratories, human errors which can result in reaching wrong
conc IUSIOns, among oth er reasons. 295
Some states rejected Daubert and continued with Frye. In People v. Leahy,296 for instance
the Supreme Court of California rejected Daubert stating that Kell/ /Frye remained the
standard for the admissibility of new scientific evidence. The case involved William
Michael Leahy who was convicted by the Municipal Court, West Orange County Judicial
District, of driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with blood alcohol level in
excess of 0.08 percent. On the day he was arrested, the police officer gave the defendant
293 Andre A. Moenssens, "Novel Scientific Evidence in Criminal Cases: Some Words of Caution", 84 J.
Crim. L. & Criminology 1, 4 (Spring 1993).
Id, at 5-20.
296 P
eople v. Leahy, 8 Ca1.4' h 587, 882 P.2d 321 (1994).
supra at 108.
some field sobriety tests, including the HGN (horizontal gaze nystagmus) test. "An
inability of the eyes to maintain visual fixation as they turned from side to side (in other
trial, the court admitted the HGN test without a Kelly/Frye hearing. The defendant was
convicted and he appealed, arguing that the HGN test should not have been admitted
At the Court of Appeals, the issue centered on whether HGN tests are admissible without
a Kelly/Frye hearing. In their ruling, the Court of Appeals reversed the trial court's
judgment of conviction because the court failed to apply the Kelly/Frye standard. The
Supreme Court of California granted review to decide whether the Kelly/Frye standard
should be modified in view of the United States Supreme Court decision in Daubert.
Delivering the opmIOn of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Lucas stated that "the
Kelly/Frye formulation (or now more accurately, the Kelly formulation) should remain a
in this state. We further conclude, consistent with the Court of Appeal's conclusion
herein, that the HGN test is a "new scientific technique" within the scope of Kelly, and
that the trial court improperly admitted police testimony regarding that technique without
first requiring compliance with Kelly".299 Chief Justice Lucas also stated that "Daubert
298 h
People v. Leahy, 8 Cal.4 1 587, 592, 882 P.2d 321 (J 994).
rd, at 591.
affords no compelling reason for abandoning Kelly in favor of the more "flexible"
In sum, Kelly sets forth the various reasons why the more
"conservative" Frye approach to determining the reliability
of expert testimony regarding scientific techniques represents
an appropriate one. Daubert, which avoided the issue of
Frye's "merits", presents no justification for reconsidering
that aspect of our holding in Kelly. Thus, we conclude that
the Kelly formulation survived Daubert in this state, and that
none of the above described authorities critical of that
formulation persuades us to reconsider or modify it at this
time. 30 )
Therefore, "our Kelly doctrine survived Daubert and continues to represent the standard
therefrom may be admitted in court.,,302 Chief Justice Lucas also stated that "general
acceptance" under Kelly means a consensus drawn from a typical cross-section of the
Id, at 594.
Id, at 604.
303 Id.
General Electric Co. v. Joiner
It should be noted that in General Electric v. JOiner,304 the United States Supreme Court
restated the function of the trial judge to determine when to admit or exclude scientific
evidence. It was held that the abuse-of-discretion is the proper standard for appellate
review regarding trial court decisions on the admissibility of evidence. Robert Joiner, an
electrician and his wife, sued General Electric and Westinghouse Electric, where Joiner
worked, alleging that his lung cancer was "promoted" by his exposure to polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs) and their derivatives - "furans" and "dioxins". PCBs are hazardous
Joiner called expert witnesses (Dr. Arnold Schecter and Dr. Daniel Teitelbaum), who
testified that PCBs, furans and dioxins can "promote" lung cancer and therefore,
concluded that Joiner's lung cancer was likely to have been caused by his exposure to
PCBs at his workplace. The experts based their conclusions on the following.
(1) studies that showed that an infant mice developed cancer after being injected with
(2) an epidemiological study that involved workers who were exposed to PCBs at an
Italian electrical plant. The study by Bertazzi, Riboldi, Pesatori, Radice and
Zocchetti (1987), found that lung cancer deaths among the ex-workers at the
Italian plant were higher than expected. It should be noted however, that these
304 General Electric Co. v. Joiner, 522 u.s. 136, 118 S. Ct. 512 (1997).
authors were unwilling to state that PCBs had caused the lung cancer in the ex-
production plant in Sauget, Illinios. The authors of the study (J. Zack and D.
Musch, 1979), also found that lung cancer deaths among the ex-employees were
higher than expected. The authors noted however, that their finding was not
statistically significant and so could not suggest a link between the increase in
company, who were exposed to mineral oil. The authors of the study -
increase in lung cancer in the workers, but the study did not mention PCBs.
significant increase in lung cancer among the workers, but the workers were
Based on the above studies, Joiner's expert witness, Dr Schecter testified that it is "more
likely than not that Mr. Joiner's lung cancer was causally linked to cigarette smoking and
PCB exposure.,,30S Dr. Teitelbaum also testified that Joiner's lung cancer was caused by
Id, at 518.
or contributed to a significant degree by his exposure to the substances at the plant where
he worked.
The petitioners on the other hand argued that the experts' conclusions were mere
In its ruling, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
excluded the experts' testimony and stated that the animal studies that the experts relied
on, did not support his contention that the PCBs promoted his small cell cancer. 306 The
District Court stated that the study involving infant mice that was injected with highly
concentrated and massive doses of PCBs was different from the case of Robert Joiner,
who is an adult human, and who was only exposed to PCBs on a small scale. The Court
also rejected the four epidemiological studies presented by Joiner's experts. It was held
that the studies did not provide a sufficient basis for an expert's opinion, since the authors
of the studies were unwilling to suggest a link between increases in lung cancer and
exposure to PCBs. The Court stated that the third epidemiological study that involved
workers who were exposed to mineral oil was not relevant to the case. Similarly, the
District Court also rejected the fourth study that involved workers exposed to many
carcinogens, plus PCBs. The study was not specific to PCBs. The Court therefore,
granted summary judgment to the petitioners and stated that "there was no genuine issue
as to whether he had been exposed to furans and dioxins, and his experts' testimony had
General Electric Co. v. Joiner, 864 F. Supp. 1310 (N.D. Ga. 1994).
failed to show that there was a link between exposure to PCBs and small-cell lung cancer
and was therefore inadmissible because it did not rise above "subjective belief or
There was an appeal. The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals 308 reversed the judgment
and ruled that the District Court erred in excluding the testimony of the respondent's
expert witnesses. The Court of Appeals held that "because the Federal Rules of Evidence
The case reached the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court granted certiorari
to determine "what standard an appellate court should apply in reviewing a trial court's
decision to admit or exclude expert testimony under Daubert.,,3l0 The Supreme Court
reversed the judgment of the Court of Appeals. Delivering the judgment, Chief Justice
Rehnquist, said: "we hold that abuse of discretion is the appropriate standard. We apply
this standard and conclude that the District Court in this case did not abuse its discretion
when it excluded certain proffered expert testimony.,,3ll Chief Justice Rehnquist further
said that "we hold that the Court of Appeals erred in its review of the exclusion of
Id, at 1326.
failed to give the trial court the deference that is the hallmark of abuse-of-discretion
. ,,312
Id, at 146.
314 Id.
The Supreme Court therefore, reversed the judgment of the Court of Appeals and
remanded the case for "proceedings consistent with this opinion.,,315 The Supreme
Court's decision in this case has been criticized. Professor Giannelli, for instance, argued
that the decision "seems to support the theme of liberal admissibility.,,316 "The Court
ruled that the proper standard for reviewing a trial court's admissibility decision under
principal alternative standard: de novo review. This standard suggests that admissibility
decisions would not be second guessed on appeal - i.e., giving the trial court more
leeway in admitting evidence. In contrast, a de novo review standard would have given
As we mentioned earlier on in this chapter, the Daubert decision was criticized on several
issues. There was the unresolved issue of whether the Daubert criteria also applied to non
scientific testimony. Thus, on March 23, 1999, the United States Supreme Court in the
case of Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael,318 stated that the function of trial judges to act as
315 General Electric Co. v. Joiner, 522 u.s. 136, 147 (1997
316 Paul C. Giannelli, "Daubert Revisited", 41 No.3 Crim. Law Bulletin 5, (June 2005).
Id .
318 Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 526 u.s. 137, 119 S. Ct. 1167 (1999).
"gatekeepers", reqUITIng an inquiry into both the relevance and reliability of expert
testimony, "applies not only to "scientific" testimony, but to all expert testimony.,,319
On July 6, 1993, Patrick Carmichael was driving his minivan when the right rear tire on
the van blew out and the van overturned. One passenger died while others sustained
serious injuries. Carmichael and the others sued the tire manufacturer and distributor
(collectively called Kumho Tire Co.), for the death and the injuries. They claimed that the
tire failed because it was defective. They called a tire failure analyst, Dennis Carlson, Jr.,
who testified that he had examined the failed tire, and was of the opinion that a defect in
the tire's manufacture or the design caused the tire to blowout. He said that his analysis
of the failed tire showed that the tread of the tire separated from the steel-belted carcass,
which means that the separation was caused by either a defect or from overdeflection,
which is a type of tire abuse. Carlson based his conclusions on (1) a visual and tactile
inspection of the failed tire, and (2) on his own theory that "in the absence of at least two
of four specific, physical symptoms indicating tire abuse, the tire failure of the sort that
occurred here was caused by a defect. ,,320 According to Carlson, "these symptoms include
(a) tread wear on the tire's shoulder that is greater than the tread wear along the tire's
center, (b) signs of a "bead groove", where the beads have been pushed too hard against
the bead seat on the inside of the tire's rim, (c) sidewalls of the tire with physical signs of
deterioration, such as discoloration, and/or (d) marks on the tire's rim flange.,,321
319 Id , at 138 .
During his testimony, Carlson noted that (1) the failed tire was made in 1988 and was
installed before Carmichael bought the van in March 1993, (2) the Carmichaels had
driven the van approximately 7,000 additional miles in the two months that he owned the
van, and (3) that the tire tread had at least two punctures that had been repaired
inadequatel y. 322
Counsel for Kumho Tire Co., argued that the expert's testimony should be excluded
because the methodology used by the expert in reaching his conclusion was unreliable.
Kumho Tire Co. also argued that the methodology did not satisfy the Federal Rule of
Evidence 702 which requires expert testimony to be both relevant and reliable. They also
argued that the methodology did not satisfy the Daubert criteria.
The United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama,323 excluded the
expert's testimony and granted summary judgment for defendants. In excluding the
testimony, the District Court stated that the Federal Rule of Evidence 702 "imposes a
special obligation upon a trial judge to ensure that scientific testimony is not only
relevant but reliable. The District Court also recognized the fact that Daubert required
trial judges to act as "gatekeepers" and should consider four factors when deciding
whether to admit or exclude expert testimony. In the Court's view, Carlson's testimony
did not satisfy Daubert's four factors - testability, peer review and publication, error rate
Id, at 143.
Carmichael v. Samyang Tire, Inc., 923 F. Supp. 144 (SDAla. 1997).
The plaintiffs then filed a motion for reconsideration, stating that the Daubert factors
should be applied flexibly. The District Court granted their motion for reconsideration
and agreed that "Daubert should be applied flexibly, that its four factors were simply
illustrative, and that other factors could argue in favor of admissibility.,,324 The District
Court however, affirmed its earlier decision, stating that it "found insufficient indications
The Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed the judgment and remanded. The
Court of Appeals held that the District Court erred as a matter of law in applying the
Daubert standard. Following a de novo review of the District Court's decision to apply
the Daubert criteria, the Court of Appeals stated that Daubert only applied to "scientific"
testimony, and that Carlson's testimony was not scientific and therefore falls outside the
The case reached the United States Supreme Court, which granted certiorari and reversed
the Court of Appeals decision. The issue centered on whether the Daubert factors also
applied to nonscientific expert testimony. The Supreme Court held that the District
Court's decision to exclude Carlson's testimony was within its discretion and was lawful.
The Supreme Court also noted that there was no reference to any articles or papers that
325 Carmichael v. Samyang Tire, Inc., 923 F. Supp. 144 (SDAla. 1997).
The Daubert "gatekeeping" obligation applies not only to
"scientific" testimony, but to all expert testimony. Rule 702
does not distinguish between "scientific" knowledge and
"technical" or "other specialized" knowledge, but makes
clear that any such knowledge might become the subject of
expert testimony. It is the Rule's word "knowledge", not
the words (like "scientific") that modify that word, that
establishes a standard of evidentiary reliability. Daubert
referred only to "scientific" knowledge because that was
the nature of the expertise there at issue. Neither is the
evidentiary rationale underlying Daubert's "gatekeeping"
determination limited to "scientific" knowledge. Rules 702
and 703 grant all expert witnesses, not just "scientific"
ones, testimonial latitude unavailable to other witnesses on
the assumption that the expert's opinion will have a reliable
basis in the knowledge and experience of his discipline.
Finally, it would prove difficult, if not impossible, for
judges to administer evidentiary rules under which a
"gatekeeping" obligation depended upon a distinction
between "scientific" knowledge and "technical" or "other
specialized" knowledge, since there is no clear line
dividing the one from the others and no convincing need to
make such distinctions. 327
The Supreme Court further stated that a trial judge may consider one or more of the
Daubert factors when deciding whether to admit or exclude expert testimony. The
Supreme Court therefore, held that "the Court of Appeals erred insofar as it ruled those
factors out in such cases. In determining whether particular expert testimony is reliable,
the trial court should consider the specific Daubert factors where they are reasonable
measures of reliability.,,328
328 rd.
Justice Breyer, delivering the opinion of the Supreme Court, also stated that "a court of
decision to admit or exclude expert testimony.,,329 Justice Breyer further stated that:
In a nutshell, the Supreme Court recognized the fact that not all the Daubert factors
applied to all fonns of expert testimony; and that the Daubert factors did not constitute
mandates but are flexible guidelines, and that trial judges must look at other factors
The Supreme Court's decision in this case has faced some criticisms. Professor
Weissenberger, for instance, argued that "a closer examination of the reasoning m
Kumho, however, reveals limits to the applicability of the more specific holdings m
Daubert to non-scientific expert testimony. The court declined to limit the trial court's
depending upon one's adversarial posture), list of factors set forth in Daubert, and the
329 Id.
Id, at 151.
court also stated that an application of those factors was not necessary in every case.
After Kumho, it is clear that factors other than those listed in Daubert may be considered
by trial courts in determining the reliability of proffered testimony, and certain Daubert
In summary, this chapter has revealed the confusion, controversy and inconsistencies
surrounding the admissibility of expert testimony. We have discussed the three main
rules guiding the admissibility of expert testimony, bringing out their various strengths
and weaknesses. The Frye test emphasizes general acceptance of a technique in the
relevant discipline. The Federal Rule of Evidence 702 emphasizes relevance and
reliability of a technique. The Rule also stresses that a method or technique can be
scientific, technical or other specialized field of knowledge. Rule 702 further stresses that
if a method or technique can assist judges and jurors, then an expert qualified by
Daubert emphasizes relevance, reliability, and validity. Daubert stresses that trial judges
have the function to act as "gatekeepers." Above all, Daubert also emphasizes that there
are four factors that trial judges should be looking at when deciding to admit or exclude
expert testimony (testability, peer review, error rate and general acceptance). In essence,
this chapter has revealed the problems resulting from the adoption of the three rules. In
the next chapter, we discuss the admissibility of offender profiling and the impact these
three rules have on the trial outcome of cases involving offender profiling.
331 Glen Weissenberger, Weissenberger's Federal Evidence: 2006 Courtroom Manual, 227 (2005).
Chapter Four
suspicion and assumptions. It does not point to a specific offender as being responsible
for a specific offense. Offender profiling only generalizes. As such it is not a method
sufficiently reliable to prove the guilt or innocence of an accused. There are no questions
question marks and problems are when it is being introduced into the courtroom as
evidence. The reliability and validity of offender profiling cannot be ascertained at the
The nature of offender profiling does not lend this technique to any form of reliable
testing. There is the problem of replicating a crime scene. No one can state with certainty
that one offender will commit all crimes in the same manner or exhibit the same
from experiences, media, from victim responses, and then may change their method of
operation. They may also develop new fantasies; hence the signature aspects of their
332 R'ISlnger
'd an Loop, supra note 34 , at 25 3 ,
The current position in United States courts is that offender profiling and its derivatives
have been admitted in many cases and also have been excluded in many others. There has
been a lot of inconsistencies. Hence, in this chapter, the central problems of offender
profiling evidence are discussed. In some of the cases where offender profiling or its
derivatives were admitted, it is surprising that the reliability of this technique was never
questioned. Some of the courts appeared to have been taken in by the credentials of the
profilers at the expense of assessing the reliability and validity of this technique. The fact
that a technique is useful in crime investigation does not render it a reliable tool for
There are many problems with the introduction of offender profiling in the courtroom.
Rule 404 deals with character evidence and provides the guideline. Rule 405 and 406 also
Rule 404. Character Evidence Not Admissible to Prove Conduct; Exceptions; Other
is not admissible for the purpose of proving action in conformity therewith on a particular
occasion, except:
accused and admitted under Rule 404(a)(2), evidence of the same trait of character of
(2) Character of alleged victim. - In a criminal case, and subject to the limitations
imposed by Rule 412, evidence of a pertinent trait of character of the alleged victim
prosecution in a homicide case to rebut evidence that the alleged victim was the first
reputation or by testimony in the form of an opinion. On cross-examination,
that the conduct of the person or organization on a particular occasion was in conformity
In general terms, offender profiling deals with the character traits of individuals. As such
character evidence largely depends on two things. First, for it to be admissible the
defendant must first put his character at issue. If the prosecution offers character evidence
before the defendant, it will be ruled inadmissible. Second, whether it will be ruled
simply to assist the fact-finders? It is generally permissible where it is being used to show
Cleary et al maintained that "when the plaintiff or the government offers evidence that
the defendant fits an incriminating profile, it may be excluded under the rule that
the rule should not bar admission in all such cases. After all, the rule rests on the premise
that the marginal probative value of character evidence generally is low while the
potential for distribution, time-consumption and prejudice is high. If it were shown that
the profile was both valid and revealing - that it distinguishes between offenders and
non-offenders with great accuracy - then the balance might favor admissibility. It is far
from clear, however, that any existing profile is this powerful. ,,336
Thus, "when the profile evidence is used defensively (to show good character, to restore
under an exception to the rule against character evidence. Admissibility then should tum
on the extent to which the expert testimony would assist the jury viewed in the light of
the usual counterweights. The qualifications of the expert, the reliability and validity of
using the profile, and the need for the evidence thus affect the admissibility and of course
Edward W. Cleary., Kenneth S. Brown., George E. Dix., Ernest Gellhom., D.H. Kaye., Robert
Meisenholder, E.F. Roberts., and John W. Strong, McCormick on Evidence, 3rd Edition, 635 (1984).
Id, at 636.
charged with murder and grand theft of a motor vehicle, and was convicted by the
Common Pleas Court, County of Lorain, Ohio. Richard Haynes claimed that on October
20, 1986, he went to Douglas Fauver's horne to fill out a job application form and was
offered some drinks and some pills (speed). He claimed that at 11.30 pm he woke up
from sleep and found out that he was still at Fauver's horne and that Fauver was sitting
across from him, stark naked. 339 Fauver then told him that he had sexual intercourse with
him and wanted to know if he enjoyed it. 340 Haynes said that he then went to the
bathroom to clean up. Then Fauver carne at him with a small knife and they engaged in a
fight. Haynes also stated that he stabbed Fauver twice in the chest and once in the back,
after Fauver had cut his (Haynes) wrist. Haynes claimed that he then waited for two hours
for the police to arrive, but they did not. He said that he thought the neighbors had called
the police when they heard the noise during the fight. Haynes later used a stolen car to get
away and was arrested in Arizona for another crime. It should be noted that Fauver died
in his horne and his body was discovered the next day.
At the trial, the State called Robert Walter, a psychologist and criminal pro filer, to testify
in support of the State's argument that the murder was anger-retaliatory and "not a
The State believed and argued that the timing of the events, along with other factors,
implied that Fauver's murder was anger-retaliatory.342 Walter testified that there is what
339 Id.
340 Id, at 1.
341 Id, at 2.
he called homophobic murder and anger-retaliatory murder and that each type has
distinctive patterns. He stated that his analysis of the crime scene characteristics and
the opinion that the murder was not committed as a result of panic. Haynes claimed that
he acted in self-defense and that the State "set up the theory of homophobic murder as a
strawman argument and then set out to attack it.,,343 The expert's testimony was however,
Haynes was convicted and sentenced to a term of fifteen years to life for the murder and a
consecutive term of two years for the theft. He appealed his conviction. The defendant
argued that Walter's theory was not generally accepted and was not scientifically reliable
and should not have been admitted. The defense also argued that the prejudicial effect of
the expert testimony far outweighed its probative value. Furthermore, the defendant
argued that "the State has overlooked the principle that unless scientific evidence and/or
theory can be considered reliable, it cannot be of assistance to the trier of fact. ,,344
The Court of Appeals of Ohio, Ninth District., Lorain County, ruled that the "admission
of Walter's testimony conflicts with several evidentiary rules,,345 and therefore its
admission was error. The Court did not see offender profiling as being reliable and stated
that "although this testimony may indicate that profiles may be a reliable investigative
343 rd.
rd, at 3.
rd, at 2.
tool, there is little indication in the record that they can be said to be reliable for the
purposes for which they were used by the state in the instant case.,,346
On the issue of whether the criminal profiling testimony assisted the trier of fact, the
evidence also requires that the expert's testimony assist the trier of fact to understand the
evidence or determine a fact in issue. If the subject of the testimony is within the
understanding of the jury, it is inadmissible. It appears that the main point made by expert
testimony in the instant case was well within the understanding of the average juror, as
Delivering the judgment, Justice Cacioppo, stated that the expert testimony was more
Id, at 3.
Id, at 4.
348 Id.
Furthermore, the Court of Appeals held that the testimony relating to "timing and panic
embraced the ultimate issue of intent to be decided by the jury. ,,349 It was also held that
the expert's testimony confused the issues and/or misled the jury, by setting up the
Interestingly, the Court of Appeals also held that the admission of the expert testimony
violated Evid. R. 404(A)(l), regarding character evidence. Justice Cacioppo stated that
"in the instant case, Walter testified that the appellant's version of the killing and his
testified at great length and in great detail as to the traits and characteristics of such a type
of murderer, and found that the appellant's actions and motivations matched that
profile.,,351 Hence, "the possibility of stereotyping also brings up the possibility that
The Court of Appeals further stated that since the defendant did not testify, he did not
put his character in issue. 353 The Court also stated that "Walter's testimony on anger-
retaliatory profile was laden with references to personality and character traits of the
350 Id.
Id, at 5.
352 Id.
353 Id.
accused that matched the profile of a deliberate killer. The testimony therefore, can be
The Court also held that the expert testimony was inadmissible based on the hearsay rule.
The Court of Appeals therefore concluded that "there exists a reasonable possibility that
the admission of Walter's expert testimony contributed to the appellant's conviction, and
therefore the error was not harmless beyond a reasonable.,,356 Haynes's conviction was
inadmissible. It was seen to be impermissible character evidence. The court stated that
such testimony which stereotypes the defendant violates the Federal Rule of Evidence
404(A)(1).358 The defendant, Dennis Roquemore was convicted of two counts of rape
354 Id.
355 Id ,at 6 .
Id, at 7.
3~ .
State v. Roquemore, 85 OhIO App.3d 448, 620 NE.2d 110 (1993)
Id, at 115.
and one count of involuntary manslaughter by the Franklin County Court of Common
Pleas, Ohio. The defendant knew the victim (Yvonne Mathis) for ten years and they lived
together for one year in 1990. Roquemore claimed that on September 1, 1990, they both
went to a friend's house where they drank and socialized with other people and that on
their way back to their home, Mathis was angry because of certain jokes at the friend's
house. Roquemore claimed that later on he 'wrestled' with Mathis and they had 'rough'
sexual intercourse, and that afterwards he noticed that Mathis was unconscious. He also
claimed that "he attempted to revive her and then carried her into the bathroom and
placed her in the bathtub to run water over her. He began to panic and left the house.,,359
Roquemore further claimed that he then went to an ex-girlfriend's house but there was no
answer. He therefore, telephoned her and told her what happened and she called the
police. Roquemore said that the police went to the wrong house and he went to Alum
Creek Reservoir to kill himself but he could not, and then he went back to the house and
At the trial, the State argued that Roquemore raped Mathis and that Mathis died as a
result of rape trauma. The State therefore, called a criminal profiler, Richard Walter, who
testified that his review of the crime scene, the crime scene photographs, police reports
and pathological reports showed that rape occurred. The main reason that the State called
the profiler was to give testimony on the crime scene assessment which will bolster their
argument that the defendant raped the victim and that the victim died as a result of heart
stoppage from the rape trauma. Walter testified that the crime scene showed patterns of
Id, at 112.
violent rape behavior. In his testimony, Walter stated that the crime scene fell into
patterns of known violent behavior that he had studied in the past. 360 It should be noted
that during cross-examination, Walter was asked if he was going to give an opinion on
The defense argued that the expert's testimony should be excluded. The defendant
acknowledged that they had rough sex that night and that they have had rough sex in the
past, and that he did not rape Mathis. The State argued that Walter'$ testimony should be
admitted because he was testifying about the patterns of violent behavior that occurred,
and not to the conduct of the defendant. The State further presented the medical
examiner, who testified that Mathis's death was "related to the rectal and vaginal trauma
that she had suffered and subsequent, due to pain, emotional disability from this
abnormality, that she had sudden cardiac stoppage on the basis of a neurogenic response
to the trauma that she suffered and this caused her heart to stop beating and she
subsequently expired because it did not start beating again.,,362 The medical examiner
further stated that "if the nerve response had not occurred, the injuries received by the
The expert's testimony was admitted. The defendant was convicted and he appealed.
Among other issues, the defendant argued that the trial court erred by admitting the
360 Id.
Id, at 113.
Id, at 112.
363 Id.
profile testimony. He argued that the testimony was inadmissible because it violated
Evid. R. 402, 403, and 703. Hence, he was denied due process of law. The defendant
also argued that the profile testimony was irrelevant and unfairly prejudicial.
In its ruling, the Court of Appeals of Ohio, Tenth District, held that even though the
expert's testimony was relevant, it ought to have been excluded because it violated other
evidence rules. Delivering the opinion of the Court, Justice Whiteside said: "the witness's
testimony appears to be relevant, since it indicates a pattern of violence and makes the
determination that a rape occurred more probable than without the evidence. However,
even though the evidence may be relevant, it must be excluded, since it conflicts with
other evidence rules which provide that it must be excluded. For example, excludable
Justice Whiteside went on to say that Federal Rule of Evidence 702 "establishes the
requirement that expert testimony is admissible only if it will assist the trier of fact. This
means that the expert testimony must have both a sufficient basis and a sufficient factual
foundation in the record that can reasonably be relied upon.,,365 Justice Whiteside
therefore, ruled that "although the witness stated that the assessment is probability based,
he does not keep files on all the cases he reviews (only approximately twenty-five percent
of them), nor does he keep statistics about them. He stated that he used statistics from
Id, at 1l3.
365 Id.
other sources, including the FBI, but there is no indication as to how he reaches his
conc1uSlOns. ,,366
Hence, the Court of Appeals held that "in this case, there is a distinct possibility of
stereotyping the defendant. The witness testified only concerning the "typical" crime
scene pattern and the "typical" violence associated with such a crime scene. The witness
did not interview or evaluate the defendant or "profile" a specific person. He profiles for
a type of person who would do a particular crime that has been assessed as a member of
that group. This stereotyping of the defendant has several problems. First, the
stereotyping can prejudice the jury.,,367 The Court therefore, ruled that assuming aguendo
that the testimony satisfied the relevancy requirement it must still be excluded if its
prejudicial effect substantially outweighed its probative value. 368 The Court concluded
that "these generalities and typical facts rather than specific facts tend to place the
The Court of Appeals held that the profile testimony, which stereotypes the defendant
violated Evid. R. 404 (a)(l) on character evidence. The Court of Appeals restated the fact
that, "this rule does not allow the prosecution to procure testimony about character traits
of the defendant unless the defendant first put his character in issue in the case. In this
case, the witness discussed anger, revenge, hostility and difficulty in relationships with
Id, at 114.
368 Id.
women, all in relation to the motivational structure on which he classified this case. This
type of character evidence is inadmissible at least unless the defendant has first put his
Justice Whiteside further stated that the profile testimony has to be excluded as it is in
conflict with Evid. R. 703, which provides that "the facts or data in the particular case
upon which an expert bases an opinion or inference may be those perceived by him or
It was also held that "since the witness purported to base his opinion on his own "studies"
rather than upon an accepted scientific basis, the opinion testimony is not admissible.,,373
In the Court's view: "without the witness's testimony, the evidence admitted is far short
Id, at 116.
371 Id.
372 Id.
373 rd.
rape did or did not occur that evening, but it is for the jury to decide which version of the
events to believe. The weight given to and the credibility of the witness are questions for
the trier of fact to determine .... There exists a reasonable possibility, actual probability,
prejudicing him. This prejudice affected a substantial right and the error is not harmless.
Since admission of the opinion evidence was prejudicial error, defendant's first
The Court of Appeals therefore, reversed the trial court's judgment and remanded the
Offender profile evidence was also ruled to be impermissible character evidence in State
FBI agent, was ruled inadmissible. The experts offered expert opinion that the defendant
did not fit the profile of a sex offender. Kelly Parkinson was charged and convicted of
sexual abuse of a child under the age of sixteen. On March 28, 1992, Parkinson's niece,
E.F. (13 years) and her brother, B.F. (12 years), visited Parkinson and spent the night at
his house. The two children and their cousin slept in one of the bedrooms; E.F. slept in
the bed, while her brother and her cousin slept on the floor. It was reported that Parkinson
went into the bedroom where the three children were sleeping three times that night and
each time he sexually abused E.F. E.F. said that first, she woke up and found Parkinson
375 .
State v. Parkznson, 128 Idaho 29, 909 P2d 647(1996).
rubbing her buttocks. About two hours later, Parkinson came back and was "rubbing
her breast and pulling at her nightgown.,,377 That Parkinson came back around 6.30 am
and again came to the bed and began rubbing her buttocks. E.F said that her brother B.F.
was awaken and was stirring at what was happening and Parkinson then left the bedroom.
E.F. then started crying and told her brother what happened that night. On March 31,
1992, they told their mother what happened and she called the police.
At the trial, Parkinson called two expert witnesses, Dr. Marcel Chappuis (a psychologist)
and Mr. Peter M. Welch (a former FBI agent). The defendant sought to introduce the
experts to testify that he did not fit the psychological profile of a sex offender, and
The trial judge denied the motion to introduce the testimony by the two experts. The trial
court stated that; (1) the profile evidence was offered to bolster Parkinson's credibility
and was thus impermissible because veracity is not a "fact in issue" subject to expert
opinion; (2) the evidence at issue would not assist the trier of fact to understand the
evidence; and (3) the expert opinion evidence would constitute a direct comment on the
guilt or innocence of Parkinson and replace, rather than aid, the jury's function.,,378 The
trial court also stated that an adequate foundation had not been made for the admission of
the testimony.379
Id, at 32.
317 Id.
378 Id.
Id, at 33.
Parkinson was convicted by the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District, Madison
County, Idaho. He appealed. Among many issues, the defendant argued that the trial
court erred by excluding the testimony by Dr. Chappuis and Mr. Welch. In its ruling, the
Court of Appeals of Idaho stated that there was no error in the exclusion of the testimony
by the two expert witnesses. Delivering the opinion of the Court, Justice Lansing stated
that "it was not error for a trial court to exclude from evidence testimony dealing with a
scientific theory for which an adequate foundation has not been laid.,,38o The Court of
Appeals held that there was no showing of the reliability of Dr. Chappuis' assessment
technique sufficient to meet standards for admission of the testimony under Rule 702. 381
"Dr Chappuis did not: describe the personality or psychological characteristics that made
up the profile; describe the methodology by which the profile was derived; state whether
or how the technique had been tested; describe the profile's level of accuracy in
distinguishing between offenders and non-offenders; or state whether the profile and the
380 Id.
Id, at 35.
382 Id.
how the resulting profile had been tested for accuracy or
identify the technique's error rate. Although Mr. Welch
testified that the profile is widely used in the law
enforcement community, it is not apparent whether that use
is primarily for devising profiles of perpetrators of unsolved
crimes or for the purpose for which it was offered in the
present case - to determine whether an accused identified by
the alleged victim did in fact commit the crime. In short, Mr.
Welch's testimony did not provide information from which it
could reasonably be ascertained that the profile technique
was trustworthy, that it was based upon valid scientific
principles, or that it could properly be applied in the manner
advocated by Parkinson. Therefore, the trial court did not
abuse its discretion by excluding Mr. Welch's testimony.383
character evidence. Allen Wayne Penson was charged with burglary and two counts of
arson, for entering and setting fire to the Walker County Rescue Building and a vehicle.
The prosecution stated that a person carrying a sandy-colored bag and fitting the
description of the defendant was seen loitering near the building before the fire outbreak.
When the police went to search Penson's house, which was about 500 feet from the scene
of the arson, they found a sheet of notebook paper (which belonged to one of the
members of the rescue building). This member identified the sheet and stated that it must
have been taken by Penson at the time of the arson. A sandy-colored bag was also found
at Penson's house. Penson also had cuts and scratches on his arm.
383 Id.
Penson v. State, 222 Ga. App.253, 474 s.E.2d. 104 (Ga. 1996).
At the trial, the State introduced a State fire investigator, Ken Palmer, who testified as an
expert on arson. Palmer based his testimony on an FBI serial arsonist profile, titled
"Record on Essential Findings of the Study of Serial Arsonists.,,385 "Palmer testified that
serial arsonists share certain common characteristics including the following: white males
criminal activity, medical or mental problems, poor employment records, alcohol and
drug abuse, and dysfunctional family backgrounds. According to the profile, serial
arsonists are mainly walkers who set fires within two miles of their home and act on the
The defense raised an objection to this testimony. The defendant argued that the
prejudicial effect of the testimony far outweighed its probative value. The defendant also
contended that the testimony should be excluded because he was not charged as a serial
arsonist and that the profile was not used during the investigation. The motion to exclude
Palmer's testimony was denied. The trial judge however, instructed the State not to apply
the profile to the defendant, and that the expert should not give an opinion that the
Penson called two witnesses. Daphne Young, who testified that Penson was at her
birthday party on the night of the arson. Jeffrey Cameron also testified that Penson was at
his house after the party and was there when they heard the fire alarm.
Id, at 106.
At the Walker Superior Court, Georgia, Penson was convicted of burglary and two counts
of arson and he appealed. The defendant argued that the trial judge erred by admitting the
FBI serial arsonist profile. The Court of Appeals of Georgia ruled that the trial court erred
by admitting the serial arsonist profile. In the opinion delivered by Justice Harold R.
Banke, it was held that the profile evidence was impermissible character evidence. Citing
Justice Banke further stated that "the trial court's directive to the State that it not apply
the serial arsonist profile to Penson was meaningless given the State's extensive
exploration of Penson's personal history and personality traits and the State's transparent
efforts to subtly correlate this information to the serial arsonist profile. Even before the
State's expert testified, the prosecutor acknowledged that certain seemingly irrelevant
exhibits would later become relevant in light of the profile. The admission of the serial
arsonist profile was plainly error, and Penson's conviction must be reversed unless it was
highly probable that the error did not contribute to the verdict.,,389
Sanders v. State, 251 Ga. 70, 76 (3),303 SE.2d 13 (1983)
Penson v. State, 222 Ga. App.253, 474 SE.2d 104, 106 (Ga. 1996).
389 Id.
The Court of Appeals reversed the judgment and remanded for a new trial. Justice Banke
stated that they were "unable to conclude that it is highly probable that the profile
One thing about this case is that the prosecution did not have overwhelming evidence to
prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus, the decision to reverse the trial court's
Finally, it should be noted that many states have statutes that provides additional
guidelines on the use of character evidence in cases involving sexual offenses. For
(a) Except as provided in this section and in sections 1102 and 1103, evidence of a
(b) Nothing in this section prohibits the admission of evidence that a person
committed a crime, civil wrong, or other act when relevant to prove some fact
unlawful sexual act or attempted unlawful sexual act did not reasonably and in
Id, at 107.
good faith believe that the victim consented) other than his or her disposition to
(c) Nothing in this section affects the admissibility of evidence offered to support or
Profilers come from different backgrounds, different academic areas, with varying
judge who decides who is qualified to give evidence. In United States, the Federal Rule
of Evidence 702 provides the guideline for the trial judges. Rule 702 states that:
The problems with this Rule have been discussed in the previous chapter. The main
problem being the fact that the rule is too loose that almost everybody can qualify as an
CAL. EVID. CODE s 1101 (West. Supp. 1992).
expert, either by knowledge, skill, expenence, training, or education. There is no
acceptable professional body for profilers. This is as a result of the uneasy relationship
amongst profilers. Each segment thinks that offender profiling is their exclusive club.
Hence, it has been difficult for the different segments to come together as one and move
the field forward. Hence, the difficulty with establishing a professional body that will be
There are two issues to be borne in mind when discussing the question of who is qualified
to give expert profiling testimony. The first is the fact that offender profiling is a multi-
disciplinary practice that cuts across many disciplines. The second is the fact that the
Federal Rule of Evidence 702 has created a huge dilemma for trial judges. As trial
judges have been given the ultimate responsibility to decide who is qualified as an expert
unqualified expert to give testimony will/may result in a reversal, plus other dangers
associated with that. Therefore, it is important to get it right from the onset.
Brunson v. State 393 is one of the cases that highlight the problem with admitting expert
testimony by an unqualified expert. This case also highlights the need to assist trial
judges in this regard. Furthennore, this case clearly reveals and supports my argument
that the Federal Rule of Evidence 702 is too loose, too liberal. In this case, the defendant,
Larry Darnell Brunson was charged with two counts of first-degree murder of his wife
(Gloria Brunson) and her lover (Frankie Shaw) in 1999. The State presented several
Brunson v. State, 349 Ark. 300, 79 S W3d 304 (2002)
witnesses - Gloria's children, law enforcement officers, Gloria's friends and co-workers.
The State also presented Barbara Ann Neiss, who was qualified by the trial court as an
expert on predictability that a batterer would become a murderer. 394 During her
testimony, Neiss stated that she is an expert on profiling batterers and can determine
when they are likely to tum into murderers. She testified that there are ten risk
factors/characteristics of these sorts of individuals. "She stated that she had taken the ten
risk factors from the work of a police officer, Anne O'Dell, who surveyed 70,000 cases
and assembled what she thought were ten warning signs that a domestic-violence
offender would commit murder.,,395 The article by Ms. O'Dell was entitled "Assessing
Whether Batterers Will Kill." Ms. Neiss used a three page summary of this article
prepared by an attorney, Barbara Hart, and obtained from an internet, in used it in her
testimony.396 Ms. Neiss testified that if more than three of the factors are met, then there
is an "incredible duty" to warn a woman of the threat to her safety.397 According to Neiss,
(3) Depression.
395 Brunson v. State, 349 Ark. 300, 307, 79 S. W3d 304 (2002).
Id .
397 Id.
(7) Rage against the battered woman.
(5) Worked for one year with the Arkansas Commission on Child Abuse, Rape and
Domestic Violence.
(6) Almost three years employment as an Executive Director for Advocates for
Battered Women.
(7) Ten years voluntary work with the Battered Women's Shelter.
(8) Worked at a Mediation Center for battered women and their husbands.
(10) That she had testified once in a circuit court, several times in a chancery court in
Neiss testified that her analysis showed that the defendant met eight of these ten risk
factors. The defendant raised an objection to the admission of this testimony, arguing
that (1) Ms. Neiss was not qualified to render an opinion that he has the
characteristics of batterers who may eventually kill, (2) that the testimony embraced
the ultimate issue, and (3) that the testimony was unduly prejudicial.
In his ruling, Justice Berlin C. Jones, for the Circuit Court, Jefferson County,
Arkansas, qualified Ms. Neiss as an expert, and stated that "she was qualified under
Ark.R.Evid. 702, because she possessed specialized knowledge that would assist the
jury in understanding the evidence in this case.,,400 Neiss's testimony was admitted.
The defendant was convicted for the murders and sentenced to two terms of life
The case reached the Supreme Court of Arkansas, where the defendant argued that
the trial court abused its discretion by admitting Neiss's testimony as an expert. That
the testimony placed him within the characteristics ofbatterers who kill, and therefore
it was unduly prejudicial. The defendant also argued that the testimony fell into the
ultimate issue.
Delivering the opinion of the Supreme Court of Arkansas, Justice Robert L. Brown,
agreed with the defendant that Neiss was not qualified to render an expert opinion on
the predictability that a batterer will become a murderer. Justice Brown said:
400 Id.
The State responds that Ms. Neiss's testimony was
helpful to the jury and thus, it qualifies as expert
testimony. Yet, in doing so the State only addresses one
facet of Rule 702 and never squarely addresses the other
facet of whether Ms. Neiss was qualified by knowledge,
skill, experience, training, or education to give an
opinion that was helpful to the jury. The problem we see
with the State's argument is that testimony may be
helpful to a jury but still may be properly excluded if that
testimony is offered by a person who is not qualified to
render the opinion. The trial court, in its ruling, appears
to have similarly conflated the issue of a person's
qualifications and the "helpfulness of the testimony".401
The Supreme Court, citing its prior decision in Dillion v. State,402 reiterated the fact
that "while a proffered expert's experience might have been beyond that of persons
who had no experience at all in the general area to which he would testify, it was not
error to refuse to qualify him as an expert when his knowledge was below the
402 Dillion v. State, 317 Ark. 384, 394, 877 S. W 2d. 915, 920 (1994).
Brunson v. State, 349 Ark. 300, 310, 79 S. W 3d 304 (2002).
psychiatric background to render such a diagnosis. The
trial court abused its discretion in qualifying her to so
The Supreme Court further ruled that Neiss's testimony violated Rule 403 of the
Arkansas Rules of Evidence because its prejudicial effect far outweighed its probative
Justice Brown stated that "we believe that her testimony both mandated a conclusion
and was unduly prejudicial. After a description of each one of the ten risk factors
Mrs. Neiss borrowed from the article by Ms. O'Dell, the prosecutor elicited an
opinion from her regarding whether she thought that Brunson met the factors in this
case. For eight of the ten factors, Ms. Neiss answered affirmatively.,,406 "It is true that
the prosecutor did not ask Ms. Neiss specifically whether Brunson killed the victims.
since the State's only proof in this case was circumstantial and its theory centered
around Brunson's history of domestic abuse and his motive to kill an unfaithful wife
and her lover. Ms. Neiss's testimony, in effect, was clear indication to the jury that
404 Id.
Id, at 312.
Id .
In reversing the judgment and conviction, the Supreme Court of Arkansas concluded
that "the profiling of batterers likely to become killers and then placing Brunson
within that category was unduly prejudicial to his case and, thus violated Rule
The above case has highlighted the problem that arises when profilers testify beyond
their expertise. This is because offender profiling is not well understood by many
people including judges. This is compounded by the fact that many criminal profilers
have what Professor Risinger and Loop described as "intimidating credentials from
the F.B.I.,,409 Judges and Jurors seem to be seduced by impressive qualifications. The
Professor Risinger and Loop have suggested that a pro filer with intimidating
credentials should "not be allowed to reveal his "pro filer credentials" to the jury
beyond saying that he had worked for many years for the FBI (or other organization)
as a specialist in the investigation of sexually driven crimes like rape and sexual
homicide, and that in the course of his career, both through research and through
involvement in actual cases, he or she had seen the details of many cases.,,410 Risinger
and Loop also maintained that "such a witness would only testify in regard to
Id, at 315.
characteristics which In his expenence were truly rare In the type of crime
submitted that trial judges should first examine closely the purpose why the expert is
being called. From there the judge will have better idea as to whether such expert is
qualified in the area, assuming the testimony is relevant, and will assist the trier of
operandi, then a profiler with law enforcement background will be the best qualified
person in this area. If expert testimony is needed to show elements of motives and
background will be better placed to testify in cases where there were physical traces
and inferences can be drawn from them. However, as we suggested in chapter two, a
profiling team made up of the different segments provides the best alternative. In fact
this was the case in the early days when DNA profiling was being introduced into the
It is submitted that in all cases where offender profiling testimony is involved, the
trial judge should give a jury directive. The trial judge should inform the jury about
411 Id.
the level of reliability and validity of offender profiling. This will assist them in
then an individual is placed within that category. This invariably leads judges and
jurors into reaching a certain conclusion. Hence, the prejudicial effect usually
Indeed as Professor Ormerod has pointed out, "profile evidence generates great
prejudice for the accused who possesses the stated characteristics, yet it is
insufficiently probative to point to the accused as being the guilty man rather than
someone who has the characteristics of the perpetrator.,,412 Professor Ormerod further
argued that:
412 David C. Ormerod, "The Evidential Implications of Psychological Profiling", Crim. L. Rev. 873 (1996).
more sinister danger: that the evidence of such traits
leads the police to "round up the usual suspects". If the
profiler relies on a statistic that, say, paedophiles who
murder are usually Caucasian and aged between 45 and
55, there is a risk that the police will only direct their
enquiries towards such people, therefore leading to
proportionally higher conviction rates of people who fit
the bill. This in tum feeds back into and distorts the
statistical data from which we began. 413
It has also been argued that "evidence of discreditable traits of the offender will be
transposed in the minds of the jury to the accused. We know that previous
the minds of the jury sinister prejudices.,,414 In fact "the most important of these
prejudice' .,,415 Professor Ormerod concluded that the prejudicial effect of profile
evidence will in almost all cases substantially outweigh its limited probative value. 416
Courts are divided on this issue. While many courts have ruled that offender profiling
is too prejudicial and therefore inadmissible, many others believe that even if it is
prejudicial, that the prejudicial effect does not far outweigh its probative value. It is
submitted that the prejudicial effect of offender profiling far outweighs its probative
414David C. Ormerod., and Jim Sturman, "Working with the Courts: Advice for Expert Witnesses," in
Alison, L, (eds), The Forensic Psychologist's Casebook: Psychological Profiling and Criminal
Investigation, 185 (2005).
Ormerod, supra note 412, at 877.
In State v. Roquemore,417 offender profiling testimony was ruled to be too prejudicial
to the accused. The Court of Appeals of Ohio stated that profile evidence is based on
generalities and typical facts, and that these generalities and typical facts tend to place
the defendant into a stereotype. 418 It was held that this stereotyping causes the jury to
be prejudiced. 419 Hence, jurors "could decide the facts based on typical, and not the
actual, facts.,,42o
Similarly, in Brunson v. State,421 the Supreme Court of Arkansas, ruled that "allowing
before jury, and constituted prejudicial error.,,422 The Supreme Court of Arkansas
further stated that "even assuming that profile testimony is in some degree relevant to
the issues at trial, the danger of unfair prejudice to the accused has generally been
In People v. Robbie,424 the Court of Appeal, First District, Division 3, California, also
held that rapist profile testimony resulted in unfair prejudice. Walter Vincent Robbie
supra at 172.
419 State v. Roquemore, 85 Ohio App. 3d 448, 620 N.E.2d Jl 0, Jl5 (1993).
420 Id.
supra at 186.
Brunson v. State, 349 Ark. 300, 79 S. W3d 304 (2002).
Id, at 314.
424 P eople v. RobbIe,
. 92 Cal.App.4 th 1075 (2002).
was charged with and convicted by the Superior Court, Contra Costa County,
California, of kidnapping Jane Doe, for sexual purposes, oral copulation and
At the trial, the defendant called witnesses who testified that he is an honest and non-
violent man. The defendant also called Jane's ex-boyfriend and Jane's three
classmates who testified that Jane was untruthful. Two other witnesses also testified
that Jane used drugs. On the other hand, the prosecution called Sharon Pagaling, a
special agent with the violent crime profiling unit, in the California Department of
Justice, to testify that the defendant's conduct was consistent with a certain type of
rapist (the type alleged in this case). The defense raised an objection to the admission
of this testimony. The defense argued that the testimony must be "limited to general
misconceptions about sex offenders, and that an expert cannot render an opinion as to
whether a defendant committed the charged crimes.,,426 Pagaling informed the court
that her testimony was "to disabuse the jury of common misconceptions about
The trial judge ruled that the testimony was admissible. It is noteworthy to point out
that during her testimony, Pagaling acknowledged the fact that the behaviors and
conduct that she stated were typical of rape cases, may also be found in non-rape
425 Id.
427 Id.
cases. Robbie was convicted and sentenced to an indeterminate term of fifteen years
The Court of Appeals ruled that Pagaling's testimony was profile evidence and that
The Court of Appeals further stated that "profile evidence is unfairly relied upon to
affirmatively prove a defendant's guilt based on his match with the profile. The jury
characteristics, he committed a crime. ,,429 The Court ruled that the trial court erred by
rd, at 1085.
admitting the expert testimony. That profile evidence was inadmissible. It was held
that the erroneous admission of this testimony was not harmless. Therefore, the Court
of Appeals reversed the judgment of conviction and remanded for a new trial. In
reversing the judgment, the Court of Appeals stated that "given the highly prejudicial
nature of the expert's testimony and the prosecutor's argument, we must conclude
there is a reasonable probability that the jury would have reached a result more
In the above cases, profile evidence was inadmissible because of its unfair prejudice.
However, in several cases, some courts have admitted such evidence even though it
was clear that the prejudicial effect far outweighed the probative value. For instance,
in United States v. Webb,431 expert testimony on modus operandi was admitted and
ruled not prejudicial. The United States District Court for the Central District of
an informant's tip off, the Los Angeles Law enforcement officers, on October 17,
1995 arrested the defendant. When the officers searched the defendant's car, they
found a loaded gun wrapped in a shirt and concealed in the car's engine
compartment. 432 Webb claimed that he did not know that the gun was there.
The State presented a police expert at the trial, who testified on modus operandi,
"regarding the reasons people typically hide guns in the engine compartment of
cars.,,433 The expert testified that people typically conceal guns in the engme
compartment of a car so that they have ready access to them, but police would not
easily find them and also to disclaim knowledge of the gun when the police find it.
The defendant objected to this testimony, arguing that it was improper and unduly
prejudicial and was also inadmissible based on the Evid.R. 704(b), which prohibits an
expert's opinion on the ultimate issue. The trial judge permitted the testimony and
stated that the police expert witness used the word "people" instead of the word
"criminals", hence it was not prejudicial. Furthermore, the trial judge ruled that the
expert did not give an opinion on whether the defendant knew that a gun was in his
car. Therefore, he ruled that the testimony was admissible. Webb was convicted and
he appealed.
At the United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, Webb contended that the trial
court erred by admitting the expert testimony. The defendant also argued that the
testimony ought to have been excluded because it was similar to a drug courier profile
evidence and also was an opinion on the ultimate issue. 434 The defendant also argued
that the trial court ought to have applied the Daubert criteria, which would have ruled
The Court of Appeals, through Justice Trott, ruled that the testimony on modus
operandi "was relevant to and probative of Webb's knowledge of the gun's presence.
433 Id.
434 Id.
Moreover, the testimony explained evidence about the gun's whereabouts that easily
could have been beyond the knowledge of an average jurOr.,,435 Justice Trott further
stated that:
On the defendant's contention that the testimony was similar to a drug courier profile
evidence, the Court of Appeals ruled that "none of the expert testimony in this case
was admitted to demonstrate that Webb was guilty because he fit the characteristics
of a certain drug-courier profile. Instead, the expert testimony was properly admitted
to assist the jury in understanding the reasons why a person would conceal a weapon
in the engine compartment of a car.,,437 Justice Trott also stated that the testimony did
not violate Evid.R. 704(b) which prohibits expert opinion on the ultimate issue.
The Court of Appeals further ruled that the district court did not abuse its discretion
by not applying the Daubert criteria in this case. It was held that "because the expert
435 Id.
437 Id.
testimony in this case constitutes specialized knowledge of law enforcement, not
scientific knowledge, the Daubert standards for admission simply do not apply.,,438
The Court of Appeals concluded that the trial court did not abuse its discretion by
admitting the testimony on modus operandi and therefore, affirmed the judgment of
conviction. It should be noted that this case took place before the United States
Supreme Court decision in Kumho Tire Co. in 1999, where it was held that the
In Simmons v. State,439 offender profile testimony by a crime scene analyst was also
ruled not prejudicial. In this case, Clarence Leland Simmons was convicted of
intentional murder and capital murder by the Circuit Court, Jefferson County,
Alabama. On January 3, 1996 the nude body of a sixty-five year old woman (M.A.)
security guard, Alma Underwood, was instructed by the victim's daughter to check on
her because she had not heard from her and was worried. When the police arrived,
they discovered that M.A. had been stabbed to death and disemboweled. Police
investigation revealed that the last person seen with the victim was the defendant and
A piece of human tissue found on Simmon's pants was analyzed and the DNA from
the tissue matched M.A. 's blood sample.,,441 Several items were also collected from
the defendant's home. The autopsy was carried out by Dr. Robert Brissie.
Dr. Brissie also testified that "most of M.A's internal organs had been removed from
her body. Her left lung was separated into two pieces; her spleen and liver had been
At the trial, the State called several witnesses. First, Jack Neely testified that he met
the defendant and the victim the day before her murder at the South Place Pool Hall,
where he had an argument with the defendant and that the defendant threatened to cut
him into pieces. Loretta Chambers, a bartender at the Pool Hall, also testified that she
witnessed the confrontation and that Simmons was with the victim on that day
443 Id.
(January 2, 1996). Betty Harper also testified that she saw Simmons and M.A. getting
into the elevator at M.A's apartment on January 2, 1996. Jerry Trousdale and Alma
Underwood who were the maintenance person and security guard at the apartment
building respectively, also testified that they saw Simmons enter the apartment with
M.A. the day before her murder and that Simmons was the last person seen with M.A.
In order to bolster their claim that the defendant should be convicted of capital
offense of murder committed during sexual assault, the prosecution decided to call
FBI agent Thomas Neer, who testified that the crime scene analysis showed that the
murder was sexually motivated. Neer was qualified by the trial court as an expert on
crime scene analysis and victimology. Neer testified that his analysis of the crime
scene and the autopsy report showed that the "offense was sexually motivated and
that the person who committed the offense did so for sexual gratification.,,444 The
defendant raised an objection to the admission of this testimony but it was denied.
Simmons was convicted of intentional murder and capital murder and sentenced to
death by electrocution. He appealed. Among other claims, the defendant argued that
the admission of Neer's testimony by the trial court was error. The defendant argued
that Neer's testimony was a novel scientific evidence and therefore, failed to meet
Frye criteria, which required such testimony to have gained general acceptance in the
rd, at 1150.
relevant scientific community.445 The defendant also contended that the testimony
In its ruling, the Court of Appeals of Alabama disagreed with the appellant.
Justice Fry further stated that Rule 702, Ala.R.Evid., was the proper standard for
subject witnesses to cross-examination and to attack
the basis and methods used in developing the opinion.
specialized field in the late 1970s and that the research has been published within the
field and subjected to peer review. Neer established the general acceptance of
victimology when he testified that numerous law enforcement agencies relied upon
detailed the theories supporting crime scene analysis and victimology, the way the
theories are applied by others with the same "specialized knowledge," and the way
the specialized knowledge was applied in this particular case. He further explained
the method in which he conducted his investigation and the factors considered in
reaching his determination. We recognize that through interviews, case studies, and
offense. Thus, based on the record before us, adequate evidence was presented to
rd, at 1154.
rd, at 1155.
The Court of Appeals further held that "the jury in this case was presented with a
horrifying, mutilated condition. The method and motivation for killing an elderly
female presented serious questions for the jury to resolve. Whether the offender
received sexual gratification while committing the offense was a critical issue of the
case, and Neer's testimony was probative on that issue. Inferences had to be drawn
from the physical evidence presented at the crime scene. Neer offered observations of
the crime scene and the elderly female victim that would assist the jury in evaluating
the circumstances surrounding the murder and the reasons for the method employed
by the offender. "A homicide and its crime scene, after all, are not matters likely to be
within the knowledge of an average trier of fact" (United States v. deSoto, 885 F.2d
In a nutshell, the Court of Appeals ruled that the expert testimony assisted the jury
and so its admission by the trial court was not error. The Court also ruled that the
testimony was more probative than prejudicial, and did not violate the ultimate rule
issue. The Court of Appeals stated that "in this case, Neer frankly conceded the
limitations of his testimony. He unequivocally testified that he was not saying that
Simmons committed the murder, only that in his opinion the physical evidence from
the crime scene and from M.A.' s body indicated that the offense itself was sexually
motivated. Neer did not reach a "diagnosis" of sexual abuse and certainly did not
identify the offender; thus, we do not perceive Neer's testimony as testimony on the
Justice Fry concluded that even if the admission of the expert testimony was error, it
would still be ruled as harmless error. 451 The Court of Appeals affirmed the death
sentence on the capital murder charge, but "remanded with directions as to sentencing
for count 111; and reversed as to conviction and sentence imposed pursuant to count
11. ,,452
This case clearly demonstrates my argument that the outcome of any trial involving
standard applied by the trial court. In this case, the Court of Appeals stated that Rule
702 Ala. R.Evid., was the appropriate standard and applied it in this case. On the
other hand, the defendant/appellant contended that the Frye test standard, which
presumably would have excluded the testimony, was the proper standard that ought to
have been applied. In this case, the reliability of the testimony seems to have been
loosely interpreted by both the trial court and the Court of Appeals. The Courts
placed more emphasis on relevance and assistance to the trier of fact, without much
enquiry into whether the basis of such testimony was generally accepted by the
relevant community. The trial court particularly believed that crime scene analysis
451 Id.
452 Id.
and victimology were reliable because "numerous law enforcement agencies relied
This is a dangerous basis to guage the reliability of any technique. The trial court
simply took the expert's words ipse dixit and seemed to have been seduced by Neer's
State v. Sorabella 454 contrasts with the above case. In Sorabella, the court recognized
the fact that profile evidence is prejudicial, but believed that the prejudicial effect can
be minimized by limiting the scope of the testimony. In January 2000, the New
in an attempt to stop the increased violations of the state's child pornography laws via
the internet. Detective James Wardwell was one of the detectives assigned to the
operation, and on January 4, 2000, he logged onto the America Online (AOL) chat
room and posed as a thirteen year old girl, under the screen name "Danutta333. 455 He
received an instant message from a man with a screen name - "JoSkotr.,,456 They
started to exchange instant messages during which "JoeSkotr" asked the thirteen year
old girl to meet up with him for sexual relations, telling the girl how she should dress
and what he wanted her to do to him and vice versa. He told the girl that he lived in
Massachusetts but will come to Connecticut to meet her at a donut shop. "JoeSkotr"
sent pornographic materials to the girl within this time. On March 8, 2000, they
agreed to meet up at a donut shop, but "JoeSkotr" went to the wrong shop. He
arranged another meeting on March 14, 2000 at a shopping mall. On arrival at the
"JoeSkotr" was identified as John Sorabella, and he was charged with (1) two counts
of attempt to commit sexual assault in the second degree, (2) two counts of attempt to
commit risk of injury to a child by sexual contact, (3) three counts of attempt to
commit risk of injury to a child, (4) one count of attempt to entice a minor to engage
in sexual activity, (5) one count of importing child pornography, and (6) one count of
. 457
ob scemty.
At the trial, the State called Kenneth Lanning, a former FBI agent, who testified that
the defendant possessed the psychological and behavioral characteristics of child sex
offenders. In his testimony, Lanning stated that Sorabella falls under the category of
sex offenders called "preferential offenders". Lanning testified that there are what he
referred to, as the "customs and habits" of preferential sex offenders and situational
sex offenders.
rd, at 212.
testified further that preferential sex offenders are
individuals who have specific sexual preferences for
certain activities or victims and whose behavior is
normally need-driven or fantasy-driven. Preferential
sex offenders typically collect pornography, erotica and
mementos relating to their sexual interest or preference
and spend a great deal of time and money in fulfilling
their sexual needs or fantasies. With respect to
preferential sex offenders with an interest in children,
they may use child pornography to rationalize
abhorrent behavior, fuel and reinforce their sexual
arousal or lower a potential victim's inhibitions by
conveying the message that other children are doing it.
Preferential sex offenders typically will engage in a
prolonged and elaborate grooming or seduction process
that is designed to exploit and manipulate vulnerable
children. Preferential sex offenders may lessen the
grooming time by targeting a child who is sexually
experienced. 459
The defendant filed a motion in limine to exclude the testimony, but it was denied.
The defense counsel argued that the State failed to demonstrate the admissibility of
evidence is being presented. The defense also argued that the testimony should not be
admitted because of its prejudicial effect. Denying the motion, the trial court stated
that Lanning's testimony was not scientific, and so Porter does not apply. However,
the court instructed the expert to limit his testimony only to 'customs and habits' of
preferential sex offenders. That the expert should not state his opinion on the
460 State v. Porter, 241 Conn. 57,698 A.2d 739 (1997). Cert.denied, 523 US1058, 118 SCt. 1384, 140
L.Ed. 2d 645 (1998).
defendant's state of mind or whether he fits the characteristics of the preferential sex
offenders. 461
The trial court admitted the testimony and stated that its probative value outweighed
its prejudicial effect. The trial court also stated that the testimony was relevant to "the
defendant's intent in engaging in the behavior, his belief as to the age of Danuta333
and whether his conduct was corroborative of his purpose as at least the start of a line
The defendant was convicted by the jury on all counts and was sentenced to ten years
imprisonment, execution suspended after five years, and fifteen years probation. 463
The defendant appealed and the case reached the Supreme Court of Connecticut.
Among other issues, the defendant argued that the trial court abused its discretion by
not subjecting Agent Lanning's testimony to a Porter hearing. The defendant also
argued that the prejudicial effect of the testimony far outweighed its probative value.
The Supreme Court of Connecticut affirmed the lower court's judgment and stated
that the expert testimony was not scientific. Therefore, a Porter hearing was not
State v. Sorabella, 277 Conn. 155,212,891 A.2d 897 (2006).
462 Id.
light of the nature of the charges and Lanning's
experience and expertise in matters relating to the
victimization of children. The court also carefully
evaluated the potential prejudicial effect of the testimony
and reasonably concluded that its probative value
outweighed any such effect. Moreover, the court guarded
against the possibility of undue prejudice by limiting the
scope of Lanning's testimony to 'customs and habits' of
preferential sex offenders in general and by prohibiting
Lanning from expressing any opinion either about the
defendant's mental state or about whether the defendant
fit the profile of a preferential sex offender. We
conclude, therefore, that the trial court did not abuse its
discretion in concluding that the probative value of
Lannin~s' testimony outweighed any prejudicial
First, what is ultimate issue rule? The Ultimate Issue Rule is a rule which prohibits an
expert, lay or expert, from giving an opinion on an issue of law or fact which is for
the court to decide. Hence, "ultimate issues in criminal trials may be defined as the
ultimate, sometimes called material facts which must be proved by the prosecution
offence and those facts, if any, which must be proved by the defendant in order to
avoid guilt for that offence. ,,465 All witnesses are barred from testifying on the
ultimate issue to be decided by the court, which is the issue of guilt or innocence.
Testifying on the ultimate issue is seen as usurping the function of the trier of fact, an
The ultimate issue rule has faced a lot of criticism. McCormick was very critical of
the ultimate issue rule. He maintained that "this general rule is unduly restrictive, is
pregnant with close questions of application, and often unfairly obstructs the party's
presentation of his case.,,466 McCormick further argued that "even the courts which
profess adherence to the rule fail to apply it with consistency. All such courts, for
example, disregard the supposed rule, usually without explanation as to why it should
not be applied, when value, sanity, handwriting and identity are in issue.,,467
Wigmore also maintained that the phrase "usurping the function of the jury" is "a
Id .
John H. Wigmore, Evidence in Trials at Common Law, volume 7, revised by James H. Chadbourn, s
1920,18 (1978).
"Furthermore, the rule if carried out strictly and invariably would exclude the most
necessary testimony. When all is said, it remains simply one of those impracticable
Friedland et al argued that the ultimate issue rule "often made it unreasonably
difficult for advocates to present their cases, forcing the witnesses into verbal
that the "the rule is superfluous and that cases which have recently excluded evidence
on the grounds of the rule can be supported on other grounds.,,471 Keane also argued
that "the objection of undue influence makes no allowance for cases in which the
tribunal of facts is a professional judge rather than a jury, overlooks the frequency of
conflicts in expert testimony and is largely incompatible with the very justification for
admitting expert evidence, that the drawing of inferences from the facts in question
calls for an expertise which the tribunal of facts does not possess. ,,472
Following the criticisms, the ultimate Issue rule has been abolished in many
States, the Federal Rule of Evidence 704 provides the guideline on the ultimate issue.
469 Id.
471 J. D. Jackson, "The Ultimate Issue Rule: One Rule Too Many," Crim. L.R. 75 (1984).
Rule 704. Opinion on Ultimate Issue
(b) No expert witness testifying with respect to the mental state or condition of a
defendant did or did not have the mental state or condition constituting an element of
the crime charged or of a defense thereto. Such ultimate issues are matters for the trier
Courts have been inconsistent with their decisions on the ultimate issue when it
comes to offender profiling evidence. In some cases, offender profile evidence has
been ruled inadmissible based on the ultimate issue, while in many others, it has been
In State v. Armstrong,474 the Court of Appeals of Louisiana, Fourth Circuit, ruled that
Armstrong was charged with aggravated rape of his eight year old cousin. On the day
of the rape, the girl was sleeping in her mother's house, when the defendant (who
also lived there), raped her. The victim told her twelve year old sister about the rape
but they did not tell their mother. It was reported that two days later, the girl
complained of stomach cramps and was taken to Dr. Gregory Molden's clinic. The
medical tests showed that the girl had gonorrhea. Dr. Molden therefore, contacted the
child protection bureau of New Orleans Police Department. Interviews with the
victim and her sister revealed the rape and Armstrong was arrested.
During police interrogation, Armstrong admitted having sexual intercourse with the
eight year old girl, but claimed that the girl initiated it. He also claimed that he
once had gonorrhea, but thought that it had been cured. At trial, he called three
witnesses who attested to his credibility. He also called a clinical psychologist who
testified that his "psychological dynamics would not support the view of him being a
The prosecution objected to the admission of this testimony. In its ruling, the
Criminal District Court, Parish of Orleans, excluded the testimony. Justice George v.
Perez stated that "the testimony of Armstrong's expert would have been an
labor. 478 He appealed his conviction and contended that (1) the trial court erred by
excluding the testimony by the clinical psychologist which showed that he did not
477 Id.
have the 'psychological dynamics' of child sex offenders; (2) that the trial court also
The Court of Appeals of Louisiana, Fourth Circuit, ruled that the exclusion of expert
testimony by the clinical psychologist was not error. The Court of Appeals stated that
under the Louisiana Code of Evidence Art.704, regarding opinion on ultimate issue,
that "an expert shall not express an opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the
accused.,,479 Delivering the judgment, Justice Ward said: "In this case, where the
expert would give an opinion as to the innocence of Armstrong, the trial court did not
abuse that discretion. As a matter of fact, that testimony was not admissible.,,48o The
Court of Appeals therefore, affirmed the trial court's judgment and sentence.
Other cases where profile testimony was ruled inadmissible based on the ultimate
supra at 167.
Similarly, in State v. Parkinson,483 the Court of Appeals of Idaho ruled that the
admission of expert testimony on sex offender profiles was an opinion on the ultimate
issue. The Court of Appeals upheld a trial court's ruling that "the expert opinion
The Supreme Court of Arkansas in Brunson v. State 485 also ruled that expert
opinion on the ultimate issue. In this case, The Supreme Court of Arkansas held that
the "profile testimony both mandated a conclusion and was unduly prejudicial.,,486
It should be noted however, that in United States v. Webb,487 the United States Court
of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, ruled that expert testimony on modus operandi, regarding
the reasons why people conceal weapons in the engine compartment of cars was not
impermissible opinion on the ultimate issue. In this case, the United States Court of
Appeals said:
supra at 178.
484 State v. Parkinson, 1281daho 29, 32, 909 P.2d 647, 650 (1996).
supra at 186.
on the ultimate issue of whether a defendant had the
particular mental state at issue.
In Simmons v. State,489 expert testimony by an FBI agent that the crime scene
characteristics indicated that the murder was sexually motivated and so the offender
received sexual gratification from the acts was ruled not a violation of the ultimate
issue rule. The court said: "in this case, Neer frankly conceded the limitations of his
testimony. He unequivocally testified that he was not saying that Simmons committed
the murder, only that in his opinion the physical evidence from the crime scene and
from M.A. 's body indicated that the offense itself was sexually motivated. Neer did
not reach a "diagnosis" of sexual abuse and certainly did not identify the offender;
In the final analysis, it does appear that ultimate issue is in-built in all forms of
offender profile evidence. By that we mean that no matter how or which form or
shape offender profile is being presented, there is the over-lapping tendency to touch
on the ultimate issue. Offender profile testimony and its derivatives are generally
geared towards one thing - pointing to the accused as being either guilty or innocent.
should be noted however, that with appropriate jury instruction by the trial judge, this
problem can at least be minimized. The trial judge should in all cases, limit the scope
of the testimony and remind the witnesses of their role to testify and not to decide the
case. We are in support of the ultimate issue rule, at least in cases involving offender
profiling, as without it witnesses will go beyond their function to assist with their
testimony, and extend their role into that of final arbiters. The result will then be a
involves gathering information from various sources - from the crime scene,
race, criminal records, and so on. The question then is - how reliable is information
indication or proof of guilt or innocence? Offender profiling does not point to specific
Offender profiling only predicts, it suggests, but it cannot prove. We should also bear
in mind the problem posed by crime scene 'staging', which could lead to profiling
being based on inaccurate crime scene analysis. Fundamentally, offender profiling is
very useful in narrowing down the suspects during crime investigation, but it has not
reached the level of reliability necessary for courtroom use. The modus operandi of
offenders may assist judges and jurors in understanding the behavioral patterns in
some cases, but that alone is not a sufficient basis to warrant its admission in court,
Godwin maintained that, "Nine out often profiles are vapid. They play at blind man's
bluff, groping in all directions in the hope of touching a sleeve. Occasionally they do,
but not firmly enough to seize it, for the behaviourists producing them must
necessarily deal in generalities and types. But policemen can't arrest a type. They
require hard data: names, dates, none of which the psychiatrists [or others involved in
Alison et al noted that "there remains no evidence that the scientific community has
offender. Therefore, it would probably not be surprising to learn that police officers
remain relatively unaware of the benefits and limitations of profiling and of the ways
491 Godwin, 1., Murder USA: The Ways We Kill Each Other, 276 (1978).
in which they should or should not be utilized. It is incumbent upon the profi1er to
Professor Risinger and Loop maintained that "while still a valuable investigatory tool
perhaps, the existing data does not indicate that process of offender profiling results
often from unverified base of material by a body of individuals with diverse levels of
They concluded that "psychologists face the struggle of demonstrating the reliability
Snook et a1 carried out a narrative review of 130 articles on criminal profiling and
meta-analytic reviews and concluded that criminal profiling "appears at this juncture
492 Alison, L., West, A, and Goodwill A, "The Academic and the Practitioner Pragmatists' Views of
Offender Profiling", 10 Psychol. Pub. Pol'y & L. 78 (2004).
495 Id.
496Brent Snook., Joseph, Eastwood., Paul Gendreau., Claire Goggin., and Richard M. Cullen, "Taking
Stock of Criminal Profiling: A Narrative and Meta-Analysis", Criminal Justice and Behavior, vol. 34, No.
4,437,448 (2007).
technique until such time as empirical and reproducible studies are conducted on the
abilities of large groups of active profilers to predict, with more precision and greater
As we stated in chapter three, the rules guiding the admissibility of expert testimony
in United States, emphasize the reliability of any expert evidence. Yet, in many cases
involving offender profiling the reliability of the technique was not questioned, as in
State v. Pennell. 498 However, some courts agree that offender profiling is unreliable
In State v. Cavallo 499 for instance, the Supreme Court of New Jersey stated that the
technique is not generally accepted as being reliable. In this case, two defendants,
Michael Cavallo and David R. Murro were convicted of rape, abduction and private
lewdness. On June 16, 1977 the two defendants met the victim (S.T.) at the Pittstown
bar in Hunterdon, New Jersey. The victim who was two months pregnant at the time
of the alleged rape, claimed that the defendants abducted her from the bar and took
her to an empty field where she was raped. The defendants on the other hand, claimed
that they had consensual sexual encounter with S.T. The two sides gave conflicting
versions of events that took place that night. There were no eye witnesses.
At the trial, Cavallo sought to introduce testimony from a psychiatrist, Dr. Kuris
which will show that he does not have the psychological traits of a rapist. 500 The
defense informed the court that Dr. Kuris was being proffered to testify as to "Mr.
Cavallo's character which is that he knows right from wrong, that he is a well-
meaning individual, he would not willfully do a wrong, he recognizes the force and
will also testify to the fact the physical or the characteristics exhibited by rapists in
his experience as a psychiatrist are these people are aggressive, violent people and
The prosecution argued that the testimony should be excluded because it was
irrelevant and not reliable. The prosecution contended that the expert character
evidence was irrelevant "since regardless of whether Cavallo has the characteristics
of a "rapist", he may indeed have committed rape on this particular occasion.,,502 The
Hunterdon County Superior Court ruled that the testimony was inadmissible. The
defendants were convicted. Cavallo was sentenced to three to five years for
abduction, one to two years for lewdness and ten to twenty years for rape. Murro was
sentenced to three to seven years for abduction, two to three years for lewdness and
twelve to twenty years for rape. 503 Their request for a new trial was denied. The case
SOlId, at 51l.
The appellate division agreed with the trial court's decision to exclude the expert
testimony. It was held that the expert character testimony was inadmissible under
Rule 47, which governs the admissibility of character evidence. so4 The appellate
division stated that "the rule could not contemplate testimony of the kind proffered in
this case"sos, and that the admission of such testimony "could divert the attention of
the jury from factual guilt or innocence to the defendant's propensities."so6 The
appellate division affirmed the convictions but remanded the trial for re-sentencing,
as the court deemed the sentences excessive. The defendants each later received ten to
fifteen years for rape and lesser sentences on the abduction and private lewdness
The case reached the Supreme Court of New Jersey where the defendants argued that
the exclusion of the expert character evidence was error. In their ruling, the Supreme
Court stated that the evidence by Dr. Kuris was not generally accepted as being
reliable. Delivering the judgment, Justice Pashrnan stated that the "defendants have
thus failed to persuade us that the proffered evidence has been accepted as reliable by
other jurisdictions, or for other purposes in the New Jersey legal system. Defendants
therefore have not met their burden under Rule 56 of showing that Dr. Kuris'
505 Id.
Id, at 514.
Id, at 526.
Supreme Court noted that "even if psychiatric testimony of this nature were found to
foundation for Dr. Kuris' testimony - only two meetings with Cavallo - is sufficient
The Supreme Court of New Jersey affirmed the appellate division's judgment and
concluded that the "defendants have not met their burden of showing that the
common to rapists. They also have not demonstrated that psychiatrists possess any
ruled inadmissible. The defendant, Terry Lowe was charged with two counts of
aggravated murder of Phyllis Mullet and Murray Griffin. On July 5, 1986, Phyllis
Mullet was at her home in Belle Center, Ohio, when she was stabbed to death,
multiple times, with her throat cut. 511 Murray Griffin, a Belle Center Marshall was at
the scene, attending to the victim, when the perpetrator shot him and he also died at
the scene. When the trial began, the State filed a notice of intention to call FBI agents
who will testify on crime scene characteristics, which will assist in the identification
508 Id.
510 State v. Lowe, 75 Ohio App.3d 404,599 NE.2d 783 (Ohio. 1991).
511 Id.
of Lowe as the person who committed the murders. The State informed the court that
the FBI agents will testify regarding the psychological profile of the offender. That
FBI Agent John Douglas will testify on criminal investigative analysis and death
threat analysis. That Agent Douglas will testify regarding the offender's motivation
for the murder of Mullet, as well as the motivation behind a certain document that
Lowe had written. S12 It was reported that this document contained a list of women and
the names of their immediate family members and that the document contained sexual
In his testimony, Agent Douglas stated that based on his review of the crime scene
photographs, autopsy reports, police reports and the document written by Lowe, that
he was of the opinion that the murder of Phyllis Mullet was sexually motivated. He
testified that his opinion was based on (1) "the fact Mullet's hands and feet were
bound with ligatures that had been brought to the scene by the perpetrator of the
crime," the "presence of the ligatures indicated preplanning on the part of the
murders. Sl4 Agent Douglas further stated that the document written by Lowe was
sexually motivated and represented the perpetrator's plan or mission for power. SIS It
the fact that his testimony on the motivations could not be "stated to a reasonable
scientific certainty.,,516
The defendant presented Dr. Solomon Ful ero , a psychologist, to rebut Douglas's
testimony. In his testimony, Dr. Fulero also acknowledged the fact that "opinions
testimony. ,,517
In its ruling, the trial court granted the defendant's motion to suppress Agent
Douglas' testimony. The State appealed, after certification of its inability to proceed
to trial without the suppressed testimony. The State argued that the trial court erred in
The Court of Appeals of Ohio, Third District, reiterated the fact that a trial judge has
the discretion to decide whether any evidence is relevant and will assist the trier of
fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue. The Court of Appeals
the trial court's finding that the opinion testimony of
Douglas is not reliable evidence.
The Court of Appeals therefore, affirmed the trial court's decision to suppress Agent
court's decision to exclude expert testimony on crime scene analysis. In excluding the
testimony, the trial court stated that it was not "convinced that this type of analysis
has been subject to adequate objective testing, or that it is based upon longstanding,
was charged with two counts of first-degree premeditated murder of his wife, Sandi
Stevens and his mother-in-law Myrtle Wilson. He was also charged with one count of
aggravated robbery. On December 22, 1997 the defendant called the police and when
the police arrived at his mobile home in Nashville, Tennessee, they found the
defendant, his friend Corey Milliken and the bodies of the victims. It was reported
that Mrs. Stevens' nude body was "left in a "displayed" position, which is, lying on
her back with her legs spread apart.,,52J Pornographic magazines and Sandi's own
nude photographs were also found around her body.522 Wilson's nightgown was
pulled above her waist. The police found no sign of a forced entry into the apartment.
The police suspected that the house showed signs of "staging" and so Stevens and
Milliken were the immediate suspects. While the police were questioning Milliken,
they noticed blood stains on his shirt, under his nails and gouge marks on his wrist
and cheek. 523 Milliken confessed that Stevens had hired him to kill his wife and make
it look like a robbery. The medical examination revealed that Sandi Stevens died as a
result of ligature strangulation. That she also had a tear in her vagina. The medical
examination showed that Wilson died as a result of stab wounds and manual
At the trial, the State presented several witnesses, including Shawn Austin Milliken,
the junior brother of Corey Milliken, who testified that in 1997 Stevens offered him
and his brother $2,500 each to kill his wife. He testified that he later decided not to go
on with the plan and so Corey accepted $5,000 to carry out the murder on his own.
The State also presented evidence of Steven's conviction in 1997 for second degree
522 Id.
murder. During the trial, Stevens claimed that Corey Milliken killed Sandi and Myrtle
during his sexual assault on them. He argued that he did not hire Corey to kill the two
women. The defense decided to call Mr. Gregg McCrary, a former FBI Agent and an
expert on crime scene analysis. McCrary was called to testify that "Milliken
mother and step-father the night before the crimes."S24 "Mr. McCrary testified that the
an attempt to further humiliate or degrade" the victim, which goes to the motive of a
sex crime." He defined a sex crime as primarily a crime of violence in which the
perpetrator uses sex to punish, humiliate, and degrade the victim."s2s McCrary
testified outside the jury. He stated that from his analysis of the crime scene photos,
the crime scene video tapes, the autopsy report and Sandi Steven's diary, he was of
the opinion that the crime scene indicated characteristics of a "disorganized sexual
homicide."s26 As such, that the murders were sexually motivated. In his testimony,
homicide crime scene" and a "contract murder crime scene."S27 McCrary said:
527 I d.
weapon of opportunity that the offender uses, and by
that, I mean a weapon that is contained at the scene,
uses it and then, it's not uncommon for the offender to
leave that weapon either at or near-near the scene. 528
McCrary further testified that "criminals usually commit disorganized violent crimes
Such an event invokes a lot of anger in the offender, and that anger - transferred onto
the victim - triggers this violent behavior.,,529 He also stated that his crime scene
analysis indicated that more than one person committed the murders and that the
In its ruling, the trial court qualified McCrary as an expert on crime scene staging and
he was allowed to testify that the murders could be the work of more than one person.
528 Id.
The court however, ruled that McCrary's testimony would not be admitted on the
issue of the motives for the murders. The trial court stated that "while the expert and
many of the other FBI profilers are a tremendous asset as an investigative tool in law
enforcement, the expert's testimony regarding the motivation of the suspect could not
comply with the Tennessee Rule of Evidence 702 in terms of substantially assisting
The trial court also stated that it was not "convinced that this type of analysis has
reliable, scientific principles.,,532 Justice Steve Dozier, delivering the judgment, also
stated that the testimony could not satisfy the McDaniet test of scientific reliability.
It should be noted that Stevens also called other witnesses, including family members,
co-workers, and neighbors, who testified that he was a good father, a good and
Stevens was found guilty by the Criminal Court, Davidson County, Tennessee, and
sentenced to death for the murders and also sentenced to life without parole on the
531 Id.
532 Id.
533 McDaniel v. CSX Transportation, Inc., 955 S.W. 2d 257,264-65 (Tenn. 1997); which held that the
aggravated robbery charge. Corey Milliken pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and
The Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's judgment of conviction and the
sentence. The case automatically went to the Supreme Court of Tennessee, as it was a
death sentence for first degree murder. 535 Among other issues, the Supreme Court
addressed the issue of whether the trial court erred by limiting McCrary's testimony.
The Supreme Court agreed with both the trial court and the Court of Appeals
decisions and held that McDaniel applied to both scientific and non scientific
On the issue of the reliability of the expert's testimony, the Supreme Court stated:
conclusions. ,,536
Delivering the judgment ofthe Supreme Court, Justice Barker further stated that:
State v. Stevens, 78 S. W3d 817, 833 (Tenn. 2002).
subjective judgment to draw conclusions as to the type of
individual who committed this crime based on the physical
evidence found at the crime scene. Although we do not doubt
the usefulness of behavioral analysis to assist law enforcement
officials in their criminal investigations, we cannot allow an
individual's guilt or innocence to be determined by such
"opinion evidence connected to existing data only by the ipse
dixit" of the expert. Essentially, the jury is encouraged to
conclude that because this crime scene has been identified by
an expert to exhibit certain patterns or telltale clues consistent
with previous sexual homicides triggered by "precipitating
stressors", then it is more likely that this crime was similarly
motivated. 537
The Supreme Court concluded that the defendant's arguments lacked merit and
therefore affirmed the death sentence. The Court stated that the exclusion of the
In State v. Fortin,539 linkage analysis, signature analysis and results of the FBI's
ViCAP program were ruled inadmissible. Linkage analysis was also seen as an
opinion on the ultimate issue. Steven Fortin was charged with capital murder, having
killed the victim in the course of a gruesome sexual assault. The victim, Melissa
Padilla, aged twenty five, was found sexually assaulted, robbed and strangled to death
Padilla's body was naked from the waist down. She was
wearing a shirt, but no bra. Bags of food, a partially eaten
sandwich, a store receipt, an earring, debris including
cigarette butts, and a bloody one-dollar bill were found
scattered near the body. Padilla's shorts, with her underwear
still inside them, were found on a nearby shrub.
On April 3, 1995, a Maine State Trooper, Vicki Gardner, aged thirty four, was also
sexually assaulted, beaten and strangled to unconsciousness. She survived. She was
540 State v. Fortin, 318 NJSuper. 577, 724 A.2d 818 (1999).
541 State v. Fortin, 162 NJ 517, 510, 745 A.2d 509 (2000).
off duty on that day but was traveling in a marked police vehicle, when she saw a car
parked on the shoulder of Highway 95 in the state of Maine. State Trooper Gardner
stopped to check what was wrong. The defendant, Steven Fortin was inside the car.
The defendant had a learner's permit issued in New Jersey. Trooper Gardner noticed
that Fortin was under the influence of alcohol and gave him some sobriety tests. The
tests showed that Fortin was under the influence of alcohol and Gardner placed him
under arrest. She called her office and requested for an officer to come to assist her. It
was reported that while she was waiting for back-up to arrive, she was attacked by
Fortin. She was beaten, sexually assaulted and strangled into unconsciousness. It
was reported that Fortin "then placed Gardner in the passenger's seat of the police
vehicle, and drove the police vehicle down the highway. Gardner regained
consciousness and partially jumped, and was partially pushed by defendant, from the
vehicle".543 Fortin lost control of the vehicle. He fled but was later arrested at a
542 State v. Fortin, 318 NJ.Super. 577, 588, 724 A.2d 818 (1999).
At the trial for this case in the State of Maine, Fortin pleaded guilty to seven counts of
assault, unlawful sexual contact, and criminal operation of motor vehicle under the
The New Jersey police were not making any progress in the investigation into
Padilla's death, until April 1995 when they were informed by the State of Maine
Police Department that Steven Fortin had been arrested and charged in Maine for the
sexual assault of Vicki Gardner. The Maine police contacted the New Jersey police to
know if Fortin had any prior convictions, since his leamer's permit showed that he
lived in New Jersey. After analyzing the two cases, Lieutenant Lawrence Nagle who
was involved with the investigation into Padilla's murder, felt that Fortin might have
committed the two sexual assauits. He found several similarities between the two
crimes. Further investigations also revealed that Fortin was indeed at the area where
Padilla was killed on the day of the murder. This was confirmed by Dawn Archer,
At trial, the State therefore filed a motion to admit evidence from the Maine incidence
to the present case in New Jersey, on the issue of identity. The State also informed the
court of their intention to call a former FBI Agent Roy Hazelwood to testify as to the
ritualistic and signature aspects of the crimes which will bolster their claim that the
two crimes were committed by the same person. The defense objected to both
Agent Roy Hazelwood was called as an expert on modus operandi and ritualistic
behavior. "He is a former FBI agent, has over thirty-two years experience as a law
the Analysis of Violent Crime, and has consulted on more than 7,000 crimes of
serial rape, other types of sexual assault, and various other criminal or deviant sexual
and on the admissibility of the expert testimony. The Superior Court, Law Division,
Middlesex County, New Jersey, ruled that the evidence that Fortin sexually assaulted
a police officer in Maine was admissible as other-crime evidence. The court also
ruled that Agent Hazelwood was qualified as an expert on ritualistic and signature
aspects of crime and so his testimony was permitted. The trial court in granting the
motion to introduce the other-crimes evidence, added that the defendant's guilty plea
in the State of Maine should be excluded during the State's case-in-chief. 548
In his testimony, Agent Hazelwood stated that he used "linkage analysis" and
reviewed the two crimes and that the modus operandi of the crimes showed fifteen
similarities. That he was therefore, of the opinion that the two crimes were committed
1. High-risk crimes;
8. Adjacent to or on well-traveled highway;
11. Blunt-force injuries inflicted with fists, with nose of victims broken;
13. Lower garments totally removed, with panties found inside the shorts or pants of
the victims;
Agent Hazelwood also testified that the two crimes "were anger-motivated, and that the
1. Bites to the lower chin;
It should be noted that the defense on the other hand, stated that there were sixteen
differences between the two crimes. "There are differences in the age, race, weight and
height of the victims. There is a significant difference in the status of each victim.
Trooper Gardner is a professional police officer and a potentially dangerous target for
someone to perpetrate a crime against, particularly when the defendant knew, prior to the
assault, that his identity was made known to the state police dispatcher by Trooper
Gardner. There are also differences in the type of assault. Trooper Gardner was anally
and vaginally assaulted, while Padilla was assaulted anally, but not vaginally".SSl
Apart from Hazelwood, the State also called other witnesses. Lieutenant Lawrence Nagle
of the New Jersey Police Department, one of the investigating officers also testified.
"Nagle described the injuries to Padilla, stating she had trauma to the head, was beat
about the face, was manually strangled, her pants were ripped down, there was rectal
tearing and there were marks on her left breast area and on the left side of her chin that
appeared to be bite marks".552 Dr. Marvin Schuster, who performed the autopsy, testified
that the victim died as a result of "asphyxiation; assault and strangulation".553 Two police
officers from the Maine State Police also testified as to the events that happened in the
sexual assault of Vicki Gardner, and the type of injuries that she sustained. Dr. Lowell J.
Levine, a forensic odontologist also testified. He stated that his review and comparison of
the autopsy reports, the bite marks on both victims, dental casts and Fortin's bite-mark
samples, showed that the bite marks found on both victims came from the defendant's
teeth. Dr. Levine concluded that "based upon the comparison revealing similarities
among the bite marks, it is my opinion that the bite marks on both women could have
It should also be noted that DNA samples recovered from Padilla's body, a cigarette butt
found at the crime scene, fingernail clippings, a dollar bill with blood stain, and blood
samples from the victim and the defendant were analyzed. Some of the results were
inconclusive and some could not exclude the defendant as being the source of the
DNA. 555 The court ruled that the other-crime evidence and Hazelwood's testimony were
1. The State should not be allowed to introduce inflammatory and severely
prejudicial evidence of allegedly similar crime under the provisions of the NJ.R.E
2. The admission of evidence regarding the incident in the state of Maine would be
contrary to the established case law because the State failed to meet its burden to
prove the two crimes were sufficiently identical and because the prejudicial value
3. The proffered testimony of Robert Hazelwood does not meet the standard of
admissibility for expert testimony as set forth by the New Jersey Supreme Court
and the trial court's ruling was therefore erroneous.
In its ruling, the Superior Court, Appellate Division, affirmed the trial judge's decision
that the other-crime evidence can be admitted on the issue of identity. Delivering the
opinion of the appellate division, Justice Fall stated that "given our standard of review,
we are satisfied the trial judge's decision was not "so wide off the mark that manifest
denial of justice resulted," or that his ruling constitutes an abuse of discretion .... The
judge carefully applied the four prong test outlined in Codjield in determining whether
the proffered other-crime evidence was admissible".557 Justice Fall further stated that
"the potential for prejudice by admission of the other-crime evidence in this crime is
great. Therefore, while we are in accord with the judge's ruling in permitting its
admission, at trial the judge must "sanitize" the other-crime evidence by confining its
admissibility to those facts reasonably necessary for the probative purpose of "identity".
To an extent, the judge ruling inadmissible defendant's guilty plea in Maine, goes to this
The appellate division however, ruled that Hazelwood's testimony using linkage analysis
is not sufficiently reliable to be admissible as expert evidence. 559 Justice Fall said:
It should also be pointed out that Hazelwood in his testimony stated that modus operandi
and ritualistic behavior analysis was accepted by the law enforcement community. On
that issue, Justice Fall stated that "we have no doubt that these methods are valid and
have great value in performing the very difficult task of criminal investigation. We are
not persuaded, however, that these techniques are sufficiently reliable for an expert in
those fields to testify that the same person who committed one crime committed the other
560 Id.
under the analysis of the facts and circumstances presented in this case".561 Justice Fall
The Appellate Division therefore, held that "we are simply not convinced that the State
has satisfied its burden to establish that "the field testified to is at a state of art such that
an expert's testimony could be sufficiently reliable".563 The Appellate Division also saw
the testimony as an opinion on the ultimate issue. "Further, given the conclusive nature of
given to the jury to avoid the prohibition against an expert expressing his opinion in such
a way as to emphasize that the expert believes the defendant is guilty of the crime
564 Id.
"In summary, we affirm the decision permitting the introduction of other-crime evidence,
after it is properly sanitized, and reverse the order permitting Hazelwood to give expert
testimony that the same person who committed the Maine crime also committed the New
The case reached the Supreme Court of New Jersey, on appeal and cross-appeal. On one
hand, the defendant sought a review of the appellate division's ruling that the other-crime
evidence was admissible. The State on the other hand, prayed the Court to review the
appellate division's ruling that Hazelwood's testimony was inadmissible. In its ruling, the
Supreme Court of New Jersey held that "for the reasons stated in its opinion, we agree
with the judgment of the Appellate Division that the proposed expert testimony of
that the same perpetrator committed the Maine and New Jersey crimes".566 Delivering the
opinion of the Supreme Court, Justice O'Hern added that linkage analysis is similar to the
"meet the standards for the admission of testimony that relates to scientific knowledge.
Although Hazelwood possess sufficient expertise in his field and his intended testimony
is beyond the ken of the average juror, the field of linkage analysis is not at a "state of the
art" such that his testimony could be sufficiently reliable".567 Justice O'Hern went on to
say that "as the Appellate Division noted however, the authorities and literature authored
565 Id.
566 State v. Fortin, 162 NJ 517, 525, 745 A.2d 509 (2000).
by Hazelwood and others do not demonstrate that linkage analysis has attained such a
Summing up Hazelwood's linkage analysis, Justice O'Hern stated that if "stripped of its
scientific mantra, the testimony is nothing more than a description of the physical
circumstances present".570 Justice O'Hern ruled that Hazelwood would have to prove the
reliability of linkage analysis by producing a reliable database from which it was based.
The Supreme Court affirmed the Appellate Division's judgment and remanded the matter
to the Law Division for further proceedings. At the Superior Court, Law Division,
Middlesex County, Fortin was convicted of capital murder, aggravated sexual assault,
first-degree robbery, and felony murder. He was sentenced to death and he appealed.
The State filed a motion for clarification of certain aspects of the judgment. 571 The
1. trial court improperly limited voir dire by rejecting inquiry concerning evidence
569 rd.
2. State's expert should not have been permitted to testify on violent sexual crimes
without producing a reliable database of violent sexual assault cases that he had
approximately eight months after murder were relevant and admissible at penalty
phase; and
5. aggravating factors are elements of capital murder and thus, must be submitted to
a grand jury and returned in an indictment; overruling State v. Martini, 131 N.J.
The Supreme Court of New Jersey reversed the judgment of conviction and remanded for
a new trial.
At the retrial,573 the State presented several witnesses at the pretrial hearing. Dr. Geetha
Natarajan (the medical examiner who carried out the autopsy on Padilla), testified that in
more than twenty-five years that she had conducted autopsies that she could not
remember any other case in which the autopsy revealed bite marks on the chin of the
other victims. 574 Dr. Lawrence Ricci (an expert in emergency medicine and pediatrics)
572 Id.
573 State v. Fortin, 189 NJ. 579; 917 A.2d 746; (2007).
also "testified that both Padilla and Gardner suffered traumatic anal injuries, but could
not say that those injuries were any more distinctive than similar injuries inflicted on
other sexual assault victims".575 Dr. Lowell Levine (an odontologist) also testified that in
more than thirty years that he had been in the field that "he had never seen the
combination of bite marks on the chin, the left nipple, and the left breast that appeared on
both Gardner's and Padilla's bodies".576 He said that he compared the bite marks on the
two victims with Fortin's dental casts/impressions and was of the opinion that there was a
high degree of probability that the bite mark on Padilla's left breast was caused by the
defendant's teeth. 577The State also called Mark Safarik (FBI Supervisory Agent), who
testified that the results of a search of the FBI's ViCAP database showed a match
between the Gardner and Padilla assaults as signature-crime. Hence, he was of the
opinion that Fortin committed both crimes. It should be noted that the State decided not
to call Agent Hazelwood to testify again. They called Mark Safarik instead.
575 Id.
576 Id.
577 Id.
characteristics in the commission of the offense. Through such
a computer search focusing on specific crime criteria, one law
enforcement agency can contact and cooperate with another
agency working on a "similar case with similar
characteristics." According to Agent Safarik, the "Vi CAP
system is looking for ... solved or unsolved homicides, or
attempted homicides, missing persons cases, kidnappings,
where there is a strong possibility of foul play, or unidentified
dead bodies, where the manner of death is suspected to be
homicide. 578
On the other hand, the defense offered two expert witnesses. First, Dr. Norman D.
Sperber (the Chief Forensic Dentist in the San Diego Medical Examiner' s Office), stated
that there are doubts as to whether the marks on Padilla's breast and chin were indeed
578 Id.
579 Id, at 590.
bite marks. 58o Dr. Sperber further stated that "even assuming the injuries to the breast and
chin were bite marks, that they were not caused by defendant's teeth".581 It should be
noted that Dr. Sperber testified in the original trial and all parties agreed that the
The defense also presented Dr. Grover Godwin, as an expert in statistical evaluation of
crime scenes. Dr. Godwin stated that the reliability of the ViCAP database was
The motion judge ruled that only the evidence on the bite marks which suggested
uniqueness, would be allowed. That the other injuries would not be allowed because they
were common to sexual crimes, and that these other injuries would be unduly prejudicial
581 Id.
582 Id.
Vi CAP forms do not contain a box for bite marks to the
The State filed a motion appealing the motion judge's decision, but it was denied by the
Appellate Division. The State therefore, filed an interlocutory appeal at the Supreme
Court of New Jersey. The State argued that there were three errors in the motion judge's
expert testimony explaining the uniqueness of the bite marks in the Padilla and
Gardner cases;
2. The motion judge would not admit evidence of the injuries sustained by Gardner
other than the bite marks, thereby denying the jury the necessary context in which
3. The motion judge would not allow the Vi CAP database to be used to show that a
computer search revealed only three cases with the pattern of bite marks to the
breast and chin - the Padilla and Gardner cases, and a Washington State case.
In their ruling, the Supreme Court of New Jersey said: "We did not consider in Fortin 1
to establish that the Padilla murder was the distinctive handiwork of defendant. We now
hold that the comparative analysis necessary to determine whether the Padilla murder and
Gardner sexual assault are signature crimes is outside of the ordinary experience and
Delivering the opinion of the Supreme Court, Justice Albin stated that the motion judge
did not err by conditioning the signature-crime evidence on the presentation of expert
testimony.586 Justice Albin further stated that the motion judge did not abuse her
discretion by asking the State to provide the defense with the database of cases from
which Dr. Levine and Dr. Natarajan based their opinion. Additionally, Justice Albin
stated that "our evidentiary rules provide trial courts with the authority to require pretrial
disclosure of "the underlying facts or data" that supports an expert's opinion".587 Justice .111 ••
Albin also stated that "significantly, although the State presented Agent Safarik to
explain the functions of ViCAP, neither he nor any other expert witness vouched that a
ViCAP crime match, such as the one in this case, constituted reliable signature-crime
585 Id.
probative value is not outweighed by its prejudicial effect. ...
Therefore, we will allow the State to present the bitemark
evidence within the general narrative of the sexual assault on
Trooper Gardner. 589
It was held that "placing the bite-mark evidence in context will permit the jury to better
fulfill its truth-seeking function. That approach benefits defendant as much as the State.
Sanitizing the Gardner assault would keep from the jury the many differences between
the two crimes that might lead it to reject the signature-crime evidence".59o Therefore,
Justice Albin stated that allowing all the material details from the Gardner assault was
The Supreme Court of New Jersey affirmed the motion judge's ruling with modifications.
Justice Albin stated that "the State must be permitted to present the bite-mark evidence in
context and therefore material details of the Gardner sexual assault cannot be censored.
explaining the limited use of "other-crimes" evidence under NJ.R.E. 404(b). Finally,
because the State's experts have not relied on the Vi CAP database to form their opinions,
Justice Albin acknowledged the fact that Vi CAP is a very useful tool of crime
investigation but stated that "ultimately, in conducting a fair trial, courts must ensure that
only reliable evidence is submitted to our juries consistent with our evidentiary rules. As
presented, Vi CAP does not meet the standards for admissibility of evidence".592
The Supreme Court of New Jersey therefore, remanded the case for further proceedings.
As we can see from this case, offender profiling evidence, no matter which label it has
been dressed up in, still need to be based upon reliable facts or data. In this case, we have
seen the terms linkage analysis, ritualistic behavior, signature-crime analysis, and Vi CAP
program all being used to show one thing - that bite marks on two victims came from one
individual. This case clearly supports my argument that some profilers have the tendency
profiling and its derivatives or its other labels should not be admitted as evidence until its
foundation can be properly and objectively ascertained. The foundations must be proved
At this point, it should be noted that a few studies have been carried out on the
accuracy of profilers. In 1990, for instance, Pinnizzotto and Finkel carried out a study
in United States. 593 The study was made up of five groups - (1) four pro filers from
the FBI, (expert/teachers) (2) six police detectives who had been trained by the FBI
profilers, (3) six experienced police homicide and sex detectives, with no training in
rd, at 606.
Anthony 1. Pinizzotto., and Norman J. Finkel, "Criminal Profiling: An Outcome and Process Study",
Law and Human Behavior, vol. 14, No.3, (1990), 215 - 233.
Pinizzotto and Finkel were "naive to both criminal profiling and criminal
The five groups were given two real and solved cases - one sex offense case and one
homicide case. Pinizzotto and Finkel noted that this study was based on the rationale
that, "given the growing use of the personality profile and the fact that this growing
use is largely supported by testimonials and accuracy figures that were not obtained
through controlled studies, this research was undertaken to provide more precise
answers to both outcome and process questions."s9s The materials given to the
participants for this study, in the homicide case, included crime scene reports, crime II .
scene photographs, autopsy and toxicology reports, as well as the victim report. S96 For
the sexual offense case, the participants also received victim statement, police reports ii,
and victim reports. S97
This study, even though it was based on a very small sample, generated interesting
and controversial results. First, the study found out that "for both the homicide and
the sex offense cases, the profiles written by the professional profilers were indeed
richer than the nonprofiler groups of detectives, psychologists, and students."s98 The
result also showed that "an analysis of the specific questions for each case shows that
594 Id,at219.
597 Id.
pro filers achieved higher group scores for the sex offense case in questions dealing
with the age of the offender, the education of the offender, age, and condition of the
Interestingly, the results also showed that "the profilers did not achieve higher scores
than subjects in the other groups in these same categories for the homicide case.,,600
In the homicide case, "profilers, however, do not appear to process this material in a
In the lineup rankings, the study also showed that "in the sex offense case, the
expert/teachers were accurate in picking out the offender 100% of the time, and the
profilers were accurate 83% of the time. As for the other groups, accuracy is lower, i,
Based on the results of this study, Pinizzotto and Finkel concluded that; "Concerning
the outcome issue, professional pro filers are more accurate (i.e., more correct
answers, higher-accuracy scores, more correct lineup identifications) for the sex
offense case than nonprofilers, but these accuracy differences disipate when we look
at the homicide case. There were, however, significant outcome differences between
pro filer and nonprofiler groups for the homicide case in all the analyses of the written
It should be noted that the authors did acknowledge certain limitations of this study.
On the small sample, the authors noted that they "were unable to locate sufficient
numbers of expert/teachers who were both actively engaged in profiling and willing
to cooperate in this study.,,604 This goes a long way in highlighting my argument that
there is a need for closer cooperation among the different segments involved in
offender profiling. It is noteworthy to point out that Pinizzotto after this study, joined
the FBI.
Finally, Pinizzotto and Finkel also noted that "while the overall outcome superiority
of the profilers is most likely indicative of greater expertise, it must be kept in mind
Psychologists and students may see this task as an interesting exercise, whereas
profilers, and detectives, perhaps, see it as the "blood and guts" of their professions,
and therefore generate lengthier profiles and spend more time on the task.,,605
604 I d,at218.
This study undoubtedly has been criticized. Kocsis et al argued that "only 15 items of
offender information were processed by Pinizzotto and Finkel, and there was no
Risinger and Loop were also highly critical of this study. They maintained that
"Pinizzotto and Finkel reanalyzed the results giving half credit for some of the
inaccurate multiple choice answers based on the judgment of the "expert" profiler
subgroup that some wrong answers were less wrong than others; however, they never
set out the results of that reanalysis, simply asserting that for both cases the only
compared to the student group. ,,607 Risinger and Loop further argued that the authors
only set out the number of accurate predictions without adding the number of
inaccurate predictions. 608 As such Risinger and Loop concluded that "the profilers got
one-third of the questions wrong even in the rape case, and two-thirds wrong in the
It should be noted also that in 1995, FBI profilers came up with what they called the
606Richard N. Kocsis., Harvey 1. Irwin., Andrew F. Hayes., and Ronald Nunn, "Expertise in Psychological
Profiling: A Comparative Assessment", Journal ofInterpersonal Violence, vol. 15, No.3, 314 (2000).
607See footnote 320, in Michael D. Rissinger., and Jeffrey L. Loop, "Three Card Monte, Monty Hall,
Modus Operandi and "Offender Profiling": Some Lessons of Modem Cognitive Science for the Law of
Evidence", 24 Cardozo L. Rev. 193,320 (Nov. 2002).
See footnote 322, in Michael D. Risinger., and Jeffrey L. Loop, "Three Card Monte, Monty Hall,
Modus Operandi and "Offender Profiling": Some Lessons of Modem Cognitive Science for the Law of
Evidence", 24 Cardozo L. Rev. 193,320 (Nov. 2002).
the main attributes for successful profilers are knowledge of the criminal mind,
In 2000, Kocsis et al replicated the study by Pinizzotto and Finkel. This study
(1) Five profilers. These profilers were those who had gIVen some form of
(5) Twenty Australian psychics. These are those psychics who believed that their
paranormal abilities could be useful in constructing an offender profile.
Kocsis et al chose these groups because they are believed to possess the key attributes
outlined by Hazelwood et al. Thus, the psychologists were chosen for appreciation of
criminal mind, police officers for their investigative experience, university students for
objectivity and logical reasoning and psychics for intuition. Kocsis et al stated that this
study was aimed at investigating the "skills underlying the effective performance of
610 Hazelwood, R.R., Ressler, R.K, Duppue, R.L., and Douglas, J.e., "Criminal Investigative Analysis: An
Overview", in R.R. Hazelwood and A.W. Burgess, (eds) Practical Aspects of Rape Investigation: A
Multidiciplinary Approach, 2 ed. (1995).
611 Kocsis, Irwin, Hayes, and Nunn, supra note 606, at 316.
criminal psychological profiling.,,612 In order to achieve this, the study groups were
presented with a solved murder case. In this study, the performance of the groups were
In the five-part survey inventory, the groups were given detailed information about this
solved murder case. They were presented with several materials including the crime
scene report, crime scene photographs, photos of the victim's body, a forensic biologist's
report, a forensic entomologist's report, a ballistics report, autopsy reports, and basic
background information of the victim. 613 In this study, the participants were asked "'<I
questions about the physical characteristics, cognitive processes, offense behaviors and
The results of the study showed that the "five groups did differ in their total accuracy but
only marginally.,,615 In order to specifically answer the question of whether profilers were
more accurate than nonprofilers, Kocsis et al decided to collapse the psychologists, police
officers, students and psychics into one group (nonprofiliers) and then compared their
performance with that of the profilers. The result showed that "on every measure of
accuracy, the profilers answered more questions correctly than the nonprofilers.
6I3 Id ,at317.
614 I d,at319.
Furthennore, this difference was statistically significant on the total accuracy
The results of this study also showed that "in spite of their training, knowledge, and
experience, profilers did no better than anyone else in the correct identification of
features of the offender or offense.,,617 It should be noted however, that "the profilers did
descriptively outperfonn all other groups on the two omnibus measures of accuracy and
on two of the submeasures (cognitive processes and social status and behavior). On the
other two submeasures, the profilers were the second most accurate group with the
difference between them and the most accurate group (psychologists) negligible and
The results also showed that "in comparison to the police and perhaps the psychics, the
The study's findings therefore might be taken to suggest that specifically psychological
knowledge is more pertinent to successful profiling than are investigative experience and
In any event, the study does encourage the view that
an educated insight into human behavior could play
an important role in the process of psychological
profiling. At the same time, it must be stressed that
the psychologists' performance did not differ
significantly from that of the student group, so it
remains uncertain whether the psychologists'
advantage over some other groups was predominately
in regard to specific knowledge of the behavioral
science or to a broader capacity for objective and
logical analysis. 62o
The result also showed that the police officers did not perform well in the profiling task.
Kocsis et al therefore, disagreed with the earlier work by the FBI profilers which stated
that investigative experience is a key attribute of successful profilers. The study also
showed that "the accuracy of the psychics was not high and indeed, unlike all other
groups used in the project, these participants showed no insight into the nature of the
offender beyond what reasonably could be gleaned from the prevailing social stereotype
police investigations, this study certainly does not serve to encourage reliance on
Kocsis et al noted the problem with the small sample of profilers in their study (only
five), which they correctly noted "not only impeded the chances of statistical significance
but also raised substantial doubts about this groups' representativeness of profilers as a
620 Id.
621 Id.
whole.,,622 It should be noted that Kocsis et al invited more than forty pro filers in several
This study has been criticized extensively. It has been argued that the data was a mere
Kocsis et al carried out other studies in their effort to provide an empirical foundation for
the key skills and abilities necessary for successful profiling. In 2002, Kocsis et al carried
out another study involving senior detectives, homicide detectives, trainee detectives,
police recruits and university students. This study also involved details of a solved
murder case. The results of the study showed that the university students performed better
than other groups on all the submeasures except on cognitive processes and offense
behaviors. 624 The result also showed that groups with post-secondary education ",I
that based on this study, investigative experience is not a key attribute of effective
In 2003, Kocsis carried out another study involving nine groups - profilers,
623 Richard N. Kocsis., Harvey J. Irwin., Andrew F. Hayes., and Ronald Nunn, "Expertise in Psychological
Profiling: A Comparative Assessment", Journal oflnterpersonal Violence, vol. 15, No.3, (2000), at 326,
citing an anonymous referee.
624Kocsis R.N., Hayes, A.F., and Irwin H. J. , "Investigative Experience and Accuracy in Psychological
Profiling of a Violent Crime." Journal oflnterpersonal Violence, 17 (2002) 811 - 823.
police recruits, non-police specialists and psychics. 625 In this study, the profilers scored
logical reasoning ability and appreciation of criminal mind are the key attributes.
In 2004, and using arson cases, Kocsis carried out another study involving detectives
(specialists in arson), arson investigators from the fire service, professional profilers, and
undergraduate university students. 626 There was a control group of community college
students. The results of the study showed that profilers were more accurate than
detectives, followed by undergraduate students, arson investigators, the control group and
police detectives. Based on the results of this study, Kocsis again concluded that logical
Many scholars have criticized the studies by Kocsis. Bennell et aI, for instance, argued
that Kocsis did not provide an operational definition of logical reasoning/critical thinking
and also failed to "assess whether or not the skills that are supposedly being examined are
In this chapter, we have examined the central admissibility problems with offender
profiling testimony in United States. We have noted the different areas of attacking
Richard N. Kocsis, "Criminal Psychological Profiling: Validities and Abilities', International Journal of
Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 47 (2003) 126 - 144.
Richard N. Kocsis, "Psychological Profiling of Serial Arson Offenses: An Assessment of Skills and
Accuracy', Criminal Justice and Behavior, 31 (1004) 341 - 361.
627 Craig Bennel!., Shevaun Corey., Alyssa Taylor., and John Ecker, "What Skills are required for Effective
Offender Profiling? An Examination of the Relationship between Critical Thinking Ability and Profile
Accuracy", Paper presented at the 35th annual conference of the Society for Police and Criminal
Psychology, Washington/Chevy Chase Maryland, October 26,2006.
offender profiling evidence and answered such questions as:- is offender profiling
admissible? It has also been noted that in some cases, offender profiling is an improper
subject for expert testimony. This chapter has also highlighted the impact of the three
rules of admissibility on offender profiling. The Federal Rule of Evidence being loose
and too liberal has created problems for trial judges in making decisions on offender
profiling cases. Under the Rule, almost anybody can qualify as an expert, and can give
a stringent application of Frye, it has to be shown that offender profiling has achieved
requires offender profiling evidence to satisfy the four factors, especially the requirement
that the technique must be based on a reliable data or foundation. In the next chapter, we
Chapter Five
The prevIOUS chapter has shown that United States courts are inconsistent in their
decisions on cases involving offender profiling. In England on the other hand, offender
account for this, but first we examine the rules governing the admissibility of expert
testimony in England. In general terms, the English law of evidence provides that all
such as the hearsay rule, opinion on character evidence rule, as well as conduct on other
occasions rule.
In England, the main rule governing the admission of expert evidence was arguably laid
down in the case of Folkes v. Chadd, 628 where it was held that:
that fact alone make his opmlOn on matters of human
nature and behaviour within the limits of normality any
more helpful than that of the jurors themselves; but there is
a danger that they may think it does. 629
In this case, the issue was whether the embankment erected by the plaintiff for the
the harbour, by stopping the back water. The embankment was erected in 1758 and the
harbour started to choke/fill up soon after that. The case was tried three times before it
reached the Court of Appeal. First, at the last Lent Assizes for the County of Norfolk, Mr.
Milne, an engineer was called by the plaintiffs, and he testified that in his opinion that the
embankment was not the cause of the decay. The plaintiffs also proffered evidence that
1'.1: 11
showed that "other harbours on the same coast, similarly situated, where there were no
embankments, had begun to fill up and to be choked about the same time as Wells
Harbour.,,63o At the trial presided over by Mr. Justice Ashurst, the jury ruled in the
defendant's favor.
At the Court of Chancery, the plaintiffs called another expert, Mr. John Smeaton, a civil
engineer. He stated that in his opinion the bank did not cause the choking and filling up
of the harbor. He also stated that removing the embankment would not solve the problem.
An objection was raised. It was argued that "the inquiring into the site of other harbour
was introducing a multiplicity of facts which the parties were not prepared to meet.,,631
629 Id.
630 Id.
"It was also objected that the evidence of Mr. Smeaton was a matter of opinion, which
could be no foundation for the verdict of the jury, which was to be built entirely on facts,
and not on opinions.,,632 The testimony was admitted. The Court of Chancery ruled in the
plaintiffs' favor and the defendants asked for a new trial. At the lower court, Chief Justice
Gould rejected Smeaton's evidence and stated that the evidence was mere opinion, based
On appeal, Lord Mansfield permitted the evidence and stated that "this is a matter of
opinion, the whole case is a question of opinion, from facts agreed upon".633 Delivering
the judgment, Lord Mansfield noted that; "On the first trial, the evidence of Mr. Milne,
who has constructed harbours, and observed the effects of different causes operating
upon them, was received; and it never entered into the head of any man at the Bar that it
was improper; nor did the Chief Baron, who tried the cause, think so. On the motion for
II ~ , I
the new trial, the receiving Mr. Milne's evidence was not objected to as improper; but it
was moved for on the ground of that evidence being a surprise; and the ground was
material, for, in matters of science, the reasonings of men of science can only be
632 Id.
633 Id.
634 Id.
course of tides and of winds, and the shifting of sands. His
opinion, deduced from all these facts, is, that, mathematically
speaking, the bank may contribute to the mischief, but not
sensibly. Mr. Smeaton understands the construction of
harbours, the causes of their destruction, and how remedied.
In matters of science no other witnesses can be called. An
instance frequently occurs in actions for unskillfully
navigating ships. The question then depends on the evidence
of those who understand such matters; and when such
questions come before me, I always send for some of the
brethren of the Trinity House. I cannot believe that where the
question is, whether a defect arises from a natural or an
artificial cause, the opinions of men of science are not to be
received. Hand-writing is proved every day by opinion; and
for false evidence on such questions a man may be indicted
for perjury. Many nice questions may arise as to forgery, and
as to the impressions of seals; whether the impression was
made from the seal itself, or from an impression wax. In such
cases I cannot say that the opinion of seal-makers is not to be 'I
The above decision in Folkes v. Chadd, was later supported by Justice Lawton in R v.
Turner.636 This decision in Turner, also known as the Turner Rule, established the
boundaries as to the admissibility of expert evidence in England. Under the Turner rule,
expert evidence is inadmissible unless it provides the courts with such information that is
outside the common experience and knowledge of the judge or jury. Turner also states
that expert evidence must be based upon facts which can themselves be proved by
admissible evidence.
635 Id.
R v. Turner, (1975) Q.B. 834 (CA).
In Turner, the defendant, Terence Stuart Turner, was charged with the murder of his
girlfriend, Wendy Butterfield, by hitting her with a hammer fifteen times. The defendant
claimed that he was provoked by the victim's statement that while he was in prison that
she had slept with two other men and that the child she was expecting was not his. After
killing her, the defendant called the police, admitted the killing and his defence was
provocation. 637
At the trial, the defendant sought to call a psychiatrist, Dr. Smith, who would give
evidence that he was not "suffering from a mental illness, that he was not violent by
nature but that his personality was such that he could have been provoked in the
circumstances and that he was likely to be telling the truth,,638. The defense stated that the 1:1',111
psychiatrist's opinion would be based on information from the defendant, his medical
records, his family and friends. That the psychiatric evidence will help establish lack of
intent, help establish that Turner was likely to be easily provoked and to show that Turner
was likely to have told the truth in his statements. 639 In the psychiatric report, Dr. Smith
stated that "from all accounts his personality has always been that of a placid, rather quiet
and passive person who is quite sensitive to the feelings of other people. He was always
regarded by his family and friends as an even-tempered person who is not in any way
aggressive. In general until the night of the crime he seems to have displayed remarkably
639 rd.
The Crown (prosecution) objected to the admission of this evidence. The Crown argued
that the psychiatric evidence should not be admitted. Mr. Calcutt, the prosecution counsel
argued that the evidence should be excluded because, first, the defendant had not put his
character in issue, and second that the report did not mention the fact that the defendant
was convicted in November 1971 for unlawful possession of an offensive weapon and
was also convicted in May 1972 of assault with intent to rob. 641 The Crown argued that
allowing the psychiatric evidence would "put the defendant before the jury as having a
character and disposition which in the light of his previous record of violence he had not
, .'
At Bristol Crown Court, Justice Bridge ruled that the psychiatric evidence was irrelevant "
and inadmissible. Justice Bridge also stated that the evidence was inadmissible hearsay
appealed, arguing that the judge erred by excluding the psychiatric evidence. He also
contended that it was error for the trial judge to rule that provocation was not a matter for
The Court of Appeal agreed with the trial judge that the psychiatric evidence was hearsay
character evidence and therefore inadmissible. Lord Justice Lawton, delivering the
judgment, stated that "it is not for this court to instruct psychiatrists how to draft their
reports, but those who call psychiatrists as witnesses should remember that the facts upon
641 Id.
which they base their opinions must be proved by admissible evidence. This elementary
On the issue of whether the psychiatric evidence was relevant to the facts of the case, the ',1'
Court of Appeal disagreed with the trial judge's ruling that it was irrelevant. Lord Justice
The Court of Appeal stated that the foundation of these rules was laid down in Folkes v.
Chadd. It was held "that, since the question whether the defendant was suffering from a
mental illness as defined by the Mental Health Act 1958 was not in issue, the psychiatric
evidence that the defendant was not suffering from a mental illness although admissible,
was irrelevant and had been rightly excluded,,646. Lord Justice Lawton said:
We all know that both men and women who are deeply in
love can, and sometimes do, have outbursts of blind rage
when discovering unexpected wantonness on the part of their
loved ones: the wife taken in adultery is the classical example
of the application of the defence of "provocation"; and when
death or serious injury results, profound grief usually
follows. Jurors do not need psychiatrists to tell them how
ordinary folk who are not suffering from any mental illness
are likely to react to the stresses and strains of life. It follows
that the proposed evidence was not admissible to establish
that the defendant was likely to have been provoked. The
same reasoning applies to its suggested admissibility on the
issue of credibility. The jury had to decide what reliance they
could put upon the defendant's evidence. He had to be
judged as someone who was not mentally disordered. This is
what juries are empanelled to do. The law assumes they can
perform their duties properly. The jury in this case did not
need, and should not have been offered, the evidence of a
psychiatrist to help decide whether the defendant's evidence
was truthful. 647
The Court of Appeal dismissed the case and concluded that "we are firmly of the opinion
that psychiatry has not yet become a satisfactory substitute for the common sense of
In England, a technique, method or field of knowledge does not have to be generally
reliable, before it can be admitted. This was established in R v. Robb,649 where it was held
that general acceptance was not a condition for the admissibility of expert testimony. In
this case, a phonetics lecturer was allowed by the trial court to give expert opinion on
voice identification. The expert was qualified by training and experience but in his
analysis he used a method which was not generally accepted by the majority of the
experts in the field unless it was supplemented by another form of acoustic analysis based
admission of this evidence. The trial judge however, admitted the evidence. The
The Court of Appeal, through Lord Justice Bingham stated that the trial judge did not err
in admitting the evidence and upheld the judgment. It was also held that expert evidence
R v. Robb, (1991) 93 Cr. App. R. 161.
It should also be noted that in R v. Stockwell,651 it was held that "one should not set one's
Having examined the main rules guiding the admission of expert testimony in England,
to United States, offender profiling has not been admitted by any court in England. The
first case where the prosecution sought to introduce offender profiling evidence was in R
v. Stagg,653 where the trial judge refused to admit the evidence. In Stagg, Justice Ognall
stated that there was "no authority in any common law jurisdiction to the effect that such
evidence has ever been treated as properly admissible in proof of identity,,654. The trial
judge was highly critical of the manner in which the evidence was gathered. Justice
Ognall also stated that "it was doubtful that psychological profile evidence is sufficiently
evidence. And that such a novel technique must satisfy tests such as those in Frye v. US
(1923) and Daubert v. Merrell Dow (1993)". Justice Ognall further stated that he "would
construct or seek to supplement their cases on this kind of basis,,655. Following the
rejection of the evidence, the case collapsed. There was no full trial. There has been no
attempt since then by any party to introduce such evidence in the English courtroom. This
655 Id.
leads us to the question - How will English courts receive offender profiling evidence in
Lord Taylor, the Lord Chief Justice of England is not in support of the admission of
Forensic Science on November 1, 1994, Lord Taylor echoed the problems with the
proliferation of experts in court and was critical of the introduction of offender profiling
evidence in courtS. 656 Lord Taylor called on experts to maintain integrity and clarity, and
he said:
656Rt. Hon. Lord Taylor of Gosforth, "The Lund Lecture", Medicine, Science and the Law, Vol. 35, No.1,
January 1995, at 3.
657 Id.
Professor Ormerod maintained that if offender profiling evidence is introduced in English
courts in future, that the two hurdles of the law of evide;nce have to be overcome -
relevance and admissibility,658 He argued that the profile must render the facts more
probable or less probable before it is legally relevant. He also noted that "English courts
prosecution and defence evidence,,659, Professor Ormerod contended that a typical profile
contains much information and that not all of the information will be relevant to any
given case,660
It has also been argued that in England, profile evidence will be excluded as being
argued that ''unless a profiler can show that psychology can support with sufficient
strength a claim that he can reliably and consistently identify behavioural traits from
scenes of crime and related information the evidence would lack a reliable foundation,
and the English courts would rule it inadmissible,,662, Professor Ormerod concluded that
"the prosecutor seeking to rely on a profile (if such a thing exists) or even part of a profile
659 Id.
66° Id.
will have to navigate his way through practically all the most difficult rules of
Professor Ormerod further argued that English courts will exclude offender profiling
evidence because of its extreme prejudice. He contended that "the prejudice contained in
a profile will in almost all cases exceed the limited probative value of such an
opinion,,665. Ormerod contended that offender profiling evidence will not be accorded
much weight by the trier of fact because of its unreliability. Hence, "in any future trial in
663 David Ormerod, "Criminal Profiling: Trial by Judge and Jury, not Criminal Psychologist", in D. Canter
(ed) Profiling in Policy and Practice, 242 (1999)
which is sought to adduce psychological profile evidence, these problems of reliability
In fact, there are three main areas where offender profiling evidence is likely to be ruled
throughout this research, offender profiling is a technique without any adequate, reliable
or objective foundation at the moment. As such, English courts will likely rule it
inadmissible based on the Turner rule which requires that expert evidence must be based
evidence is introduced again in an English court, the trial judge is also likely to draw on
United states court decisions that have rejected the evidence. English courts will likely
adopt the decision in State v. Cavallo,667 where the Supreme Court of New Jersey held
that "until the scientific reliability of this type of evidence is established, it is not
The extreme prejudicial effect of offender profiling evidence is also another area where it
Sturman have pointed out "the prejudicial effect includes risks that the jurors could:
assign a disproportionate weight to the evidence of the characteristic; deny the accused
668 State v. Cavallo, 88 N.J. 508, 529, 443 A.2d 1020 (1982).
the benefit of doubt and convict on less than the full standard of proof; and the police
Above all, where the manner and methods of offender profiling were questionable, a trial
judge will apply Section 78 of PACE (Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1984), and
exclude the evidence. This is one rule that may be applied to exclude offender profiling
evidence in any future trial in English courts. Under Section 78 of PACE, a judge is
allowed to exclude evidence "if it appears to the court that, having regard to all the
circumstances in which the evidence was obtained, the admission of the evidence would
, I
have such an adverse effect on the fairness of the proceedings that the court ought not to I,
admit it":
excluded merely on the hearsay rule. There are many exceptions to the rule. In fact, in R
v. Abadom,670 it was held that once the primary facts on which an opinion is based have
been proved by admissible evidence, the expert is entitled to draw on the work of others
as part of arriving at his own conclusions. This was also supported in English Exporters
(London) v. Eldonwall Limited. 671 Professor U glow also maintained that "where the
primary information consists mainly or entirely of hearsay, the judge would be justified
in warning the jury about the flimsiness of any foundation for that opinion". 672
671 English Exporters (London) v. Eldonwall Limited, [1973} Ch. 415, Chancery Division.
Uglow, supra note 173, at 623.
In the final analysis, one can safely say that in England, there are more rules and reasons
supporting the exclusion of offender profiling evidence than are rules or reasons for its
admission. Offender profiling deals with character traits, is too prejudicial than probative,
not based on any reliable or objective data at the moment and Section 78 of PACE gives
judges the wide discretion to exclude such evidence that is unfair to an accused.
Canada is a close neighbor of United States. It is not surprising therefore, that some
forms of offender profiling have been admitted in Canadian courtrooms. There is general
"most courts have adopted some version of a reliability test, while a minority apply the
general acceptance test".673 Arguably, the main rule governing the admissibility of expert
evidence in Canada today was laid down in R v. Mohan,674 where the Supreme Court of
Canada laid down four factors that should be examined when faced with a decision to
admit or exclude expert evidence. Prior to Mohan, two court rulings provided some
673David E. Bernstein, "Junk Science in the United States and the Commonwealth", 21 Yale 1. Int'} L. 123,
140 (Winter 1996).
674 R v. Mohan, 89 C. C. C 3d 402 (1994); 114 D.L.R (4th) 419; 1994 D.L.R LEXIS 1297.
guidelines to trial judges. The first is R v. Beland, 675 a case that involved the admissibility
of polygraph. In this case, the defendant offered polygraph evidence but the prosecution
argued that it should be excluded because it has not reached an acceptable standard of
reliability. Delivering the judgment, Justice McIntyre stated that "even the finding of a
Delivering the opinion, Justice Wilson stated that expert evidence is admissible if it was
beyond the common experience and knowledge of jurors. Concurring, Justice Sopinka
said that expert opinion should be based on forms of enquiry and practice accepted within
In Mohan, the defendant, Dr. Chikmaglur Mohan, a pediatrician was charged with four
counts of sexual assault of four of his patients. The patients, all females, were aged
between thirteen and sixteen at the time of the assaults. The assaults took place at the
defendant's medical office. 679 "The alleged assaults consisted of fondling of the girls'
breasts and digital penetration and stimulation of their vaginal areas, accompanied by
intrusive questioning of them as to their sexual activities. All of the complainants testified
R v. Mohan, 114 DLR (4 Ih) 419; 1994 DLR LEXIS 1297.
that the respondent did not wear gloves while examining them internally. The respondent,
At the trial, the defence sought to introduce a psychiatrist, Dr. Hill, "who would testify
that the perpetrator of the offences alleged to have been committed would be part of a
limited and unusual group of individuals and that the respondent did not fall within that
narrow class because he did not possess the characteristics belonging to that group,,681.
Dr. Hill stated that he had interviewed and treated three doctors who were accused of
sexual assault of their patients. He also stated that based on a psychological profile, the
likely offender in the first three sexual assaults was likely to be a pedophile, and that the
perpetrator of the fourth sexual assault was likely to be a sexual psychopath. 682
In the voir dire, Dr. Hill, the expert, began his testimony by
explaining that there are three general personality groups that
have unusual personality traits in terms of their psychological
profile perspective. The first group encompasses the
psychosexual who suffers from major mental illnesses (e.g.,
schizophrenia) and engages in inappropriate sexual behaviour
occasionally. The second and largest group contains the sexual
deviation types. This group of individuals shows distinct
abnormalities in terms of the choice of individuals with whom
they report excitement and with whom they would like to
engage in some type of sexual activity. The third group is that
of the sexual psychopaths. These individuals have a callous
disregard for people around them, including a disregard for the
consequences of their sexual behaviour towards other
individuals. Another group would include pedophiles who gain
sexual excitement from young adolescents, probably pubertal
or post-pubertal. 683
681 Id.
682 R v. Mohan, 89 C. C. C 3d 402 (J 994); 114 DL.R (4th) 419, 423; 1994 DLR LEXIS 1297.
683 Id.
Dr. Hill stated that pedophiles and sexual psychopaths constitute an unusual and limited
class of individuals. Dr. Hill stated that he was of the opinion that Mohan does not
possess the characteristics of pedophiles or sexual psychopaths and so would not have
sexually assaulted the four victims. The trial judge, Justice Bernstein, ruled that the
testimony was inadmissible. Justice Bernstein stated that the testimony was unnecessary
and that the jury could decide for themselves. Justice Bernstein said:
Justice Bernstein concluded that "if the evidence was received as proposed, it would
general reputation, and does not fall within the proper sphere of expert evidence". Mohan
was convicted and sentenced to nine months imprisonment on each count, concurrently
The defendant appealed and the Crown also appealed arguing that the sentence was too
light. At the Ontario Court of Appeal,686 Finlayson J.A. ruled that the trial judge erred by
excluding the testimony by Dr. Hill. Justice Finyalson stated that the testimony was
Justice Finyalson also stated that the trial judge's conclusion was based on a
misapprehension of the evidence. Justice Finyalson further stated that in his view, the
expert did not base his opinion only on the three cases with three doctors, but based his
opinion on all of his experience. 688 The Court of Appeal therefore, reversed the judgment
The case reached the Supreme Court of Canada, where Justice Sopinka stated that "on the
basis of the principles relating to exceptions to the character evidence rule and under the
principles governing the admissibility of expert evidence, the limitations on the use of
this type of evidence require that the evidence in this case be excluded,,689. The Supreme
Court of Canada held that the admission of expert evidence depends on the application of
687 R v. Mohan, 89 C.C.C 3d 402 (1994);114 D.L.R (4th) 419, 426; 1994 D.L.R LEXIS 1297.
the following criteria - (a) relevance; (b) necessity in assisting the trier of fact; (c) the
absence of any exclusionary rule; and (d) a properly qualified expert. 690
Justice Sopinka further stated that "in summary, therefore, it appears from the foregoing
that expert evidence which advances a novel scientific theory or technique is subjected to
special scrutiny to determine whether it meets a basic threshold of reliability and whether
it is essential in the sense that the trier of fact will be unable to come to a satisfactory
conclusion without the assistance of the expert. The closer the evidence approaches an
690 Id.
691 Id.
Addressing the issue of expert evidence as to disposition, Justice Sopinka stated that in
his opinion,
(c) the evidence falls within the proper sphere of expert evidence.
693 Id.
One of purposes for which psychiatric evidence may be admitted is to prove identity
when that is an issue in the case, since psychical as well as physical characteristics may
"Psychiatric evidence with respect to the personality traits or disposition of the accused,
or another, if it meets the three conditions of admissibility above set out, is also
committed the offence".695 Justice Sopinka further stated that "where the crime under
consideration does not have features which indicate that the perpetrator was a member of
an abnormal group, psychiatric evidence that the accused has a normal mental make-up
but does not have a disposition for violence or dishonesty or other relevant traits
circumstances postulated is not relevant on the issue of identity to exclude the accused as
the perpetrator any more than the possession of violent or dishonest tendencies by the
accused or a third person would be admissible to identify the accused or the third person
The Supreme Court of Canada therefore reversed the judgment of the Court of Appeal
695 Id.
696 Id.
In R v. Ranger,697the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that the trial judge erred by admitting
expert testimony on crime scene staging, where the expert went into 'criminal profiling'.
On August 16, 1995, two sisters Marsha (19) and Tamara Ottey (16) were stabbed to
death in their home in Scarborough. The defendant, Rohan Ranger and his cousin Adrian
Kinkead were charged with the murders. The defendants were tried and convicted
separately. Marsha was the Ranger's girlfriend but she ended the relationship because the
defendant was very possessive and abusive. The Crown claimed that Ranger refused to
accept that the relationship was over and that Ranger killed Marsha after he heard that
Marsha was moving to United States to start college. The prosecution claimed that
Ranger killed Marsha because "ifhe could not have her, nobody else can,,698.
The defendant claimed that he was not in the house at the time of the murders and that
Kinkead committed the murders. Police investigation showed that the house was
ransacked but only three items belonging to Marsha were taken. The three items were a
gold necklace given to Marsha by the defendant, a videotape of Marsha playing soccer
and Marsha's electronic organizer. 699 The Crown therefore, decided to call a crime scene
reconstruction expert and criminal profiling expert, who testified that the crime scene was
staged and made to look like a burglary. The expert, Detective Inspector Kathryn Lines
(Manager of the Behavioral Sciences Section of the Ontario Provincial Police) testified
that the crime scene was staged by "someone who had an association or relationship with
697 R v. Ranger, 178 c.c.c. (3d) 375; 2003 c.c.c. LEXIS 265.
698 Id, at 378.
699 Id.
the victim, M., and who had a particular interest in M. 's possessions".7oo Detective
Inspector Lines stated that she based her opinion on the crime scene photographs, crime
At the trial, several witnesses testified for the Crown. Kinkead also testified for the
Crown. The Crown also introduced evidence of the defendant's trip to Jamaica in January
1996, where he overstayed and was arrested. The defense argued that the evidence should
be excluded because it was prejudicial. Five witnesses also testified that they saw a man
fitting the description of the defendant near the victims' home around 7.30 am on the day
of the murder and the day before the murders. The defendant on the other hand,
introduced a security video tape showing that he was at a shopping mall at 8.08am on the
day of the murder. It should be noted that the time of death of the victims was given as
7.30am. The prosecution contended that the defendant created a false alibi by going to the
shopping mall so that he can be captured on the security video camera. 701
The defense argued that the expert testimony by Detective Inspector Lines should not be
admitted. They argued that the jury did not need expert assistance to determine whether
the crime scene was staged or not. That the expert evidence by Detective Lines was not
required since the crime scene photographs and videotapes had already been provided to
700 Id.
The trial judge ruled that the expert evidence was admissible and he said: "I am satisfied
that opinion evidence is needed in this case in the sense that it will likely provide
information that is outside the experience and knowledge of the jury. The factual issue of
whether a break and entry is authentic or staged is not likely to be a subject within the
common knowledge of the jurors. This, of course, is subject to the Crown qualifying the
proposed expert as an expert in this particular area".702 Detective Inspector Lines was
qualified by the court as an expert on crime scene staging and her testimony was
The defendants were convicted. Ranger was convicted of first degree murder for the
death of Marsha and convicted of manslaughter for the death of Tamara. He appealed,
arguing that he received an unfair trial. He contended that the trial judge erred by
admitting the unscientific expert evidence by Detective Inspector Lines; that the trial
judge erred by admitting evidence of his arrest in Jamaica; and that the trial judge's
instructions to the jury were insufficient. The defendant also argued that the expert
evidence did not meet the reliability or necessity criteria as required by the Supreme
At the Court of Appeal, Charron J .A, ruled that the trial judge erred and that there were
five errors. Delivering the opinion of the Court, Justice Charron said: "". Detective
Inspector Lines's testimony was not confined to the opinion that the crime scene was
staged. Notwithstanding the Crown's assurance that he would not elicit evidence relating
the motivation of the perpetrator for staging the scene and a description of the most likely
Justice Charron restated the fact that the Mohan requirements must be satisfied and she
said; "The party seeking to introduce expert opinion evidence must meet four criteria:
relevance, necessity, the absence of any other exclusionary rule, and a properly qualified
expert. Even where these requirements are met, the evidence may be rejected if its
prejudicial effect on the conduct of the trial outweighs its probative value. The first two
criteria and the assessment of whether the probative value outweighs the prejudicial
effect also include an inquiry into the reliability of the proposed evidence". 704
Justice Charron also stated that the Mohan criteria applies on a case by case basis. Justice
Charron further stated that "Detective Inspector Lines' testimony, from the outset, went
far beyond the scope of properly admissible evidence and, eventually, profiling that, in
my view, was clearly inadmissible". Furthermore, "the manner in which the crime scene
evidence was packaged for the jury in this case exemplifies the usual dangers associated
demonstrated at trial. To the contrary, it would appear from
her limited testimony about the available verification of
opinions in her field of work that her opinions amounted to
no more than educated guesses. As such, her criminal
profiling evidence was inadmissible. The criminal profiling
evidence also approached the ultimate issue in this case and,
hence, was highly prejudicial. The prejudice was further
heightened by the limits placed on defence counsel's cross-
examination and by the prominence that the trial judge gave
to Detective Inspector Lines' evidence in his charge. 706
Charron J.A, also ruled that the evidence about the defendant's trip and arrest in Jamaica
was of no probative value and was very prejudicial. The Court of Appeal concluded that
In R v. Clark, 707 the Court of Appeal for Ontario ruled that expert evidence on crime
scene staging was admissible even though it went into criminal profiling. This is quite in
contrast with its prior decision in Ranger discussed above. On December 26, 1995, the
bodies of William Tweed and his wife Phyllis were found in their home in Thornhill,
Ontario. They have been stabbed to death. Police investigators suspected that the
perpetrator had staged the crime scene to show forced entry and burglary. The defendant,
Clark, was the main suspect. Investigations showed that a few weeks before the murders
that Clark had stolen the victims' credit card and used it to buy an engagement ring for
his girlfriend. 708 It should be noted that the defendant lived with his grandmother near the
Tweeds and that his grandmother was very close to the Tweeds. The defendant also visits
707 R v. Clark, 69 OR. (3d) 321; 2004 Onto Rep. LEXIS 25.
the Tweeds regularly as he helps them out with some odd jobs. They were so close that
the Tweeds gave his grandmother a duplicate key to their house to keep in case of
emergency. 709
It should be pointed out that blood stains found on the defendant's pants matched Mr.
Tweed's DNA. Furthermore, while he was in custody, the defendant confided in his cell
mate (an undercover police officer), Sergent Matthews, that he stabbed the Tweeds and
that he could not understand how the police were still able to detect blood on his pants
The defendant admitted stealing the credit card but denied the murders. He stated that
another man, Marcel Whyte committed the murders. 711 At the trial, the Crown called a
crime scene reconstruction expert to testify. Detective Inspector Kathryn Lines stated that
the crime scene examination revealed elements of crime scene staging and that one
individual was responsible for the murders. She stated that she based her opinion on the
crime scene photographs, crime scene videotapes, personal visit to the house, police
reports and autopsy reports. Detective Inspector Lines testified that the crime scene had
been staged to look like a burglary, and that the killer was "someone who had some
knowledge or relationship with the victims and some knowledge of the layout of their
apartment".712 She also stated that it was a blitz-attack and that the victims were sleeping
at the time they were killed. In his ruling, Justice Peter Howden admitted the evidence.
Among other claims, the defendant argued that the expert testimony by Detective
Inspector Lines should not have been admitted because it was unnecessary, unreliable
and too prejudicial than probative. The defendant also argued that much of the testimony
Delivering the opinion of the Court of Appeal, Justice Moldaver ruled that the trial judge
did not err in admitting the expert evidence. Justive Moldaver however, stated that a
small amount of the evidence was impermissible criminal profiling evidence, but the
small amount could not have affected the outcome. The Court of Appeal held that:
that the crime scene was staged was properly admitted, as was her
evidence as to how the crime was committed. She was qualified to
express an opinion about staging and her evidence fell outside the
knowledge and experience of the average juror. Her opinion was
reliable in the sense that it was anchored in the evidence and not
the product of guesswork or speCUlation, and the evidence of
staging was not so complex or technical that the jury was likel~ to
be overwhelmed by it and give it more weight than it deserved. 13
Justice Moldaver went on to say that the expert evidence was not an opinion on the
ultimate issue. Justice Moldver stated that there was overwhelming evidence against the
defendant that the some amount of criminal profiling could not have affected the
outcome. 714
In dismissing the appeal, Justice Moldaver stated that the crime scene reconstruction
evidence was properly admitted even though it contained some amount of criminal
profiling evidence. This is quite in contrast with the Court's earlier ruling in Ranger on
the admissibility of criminal profiling evidence. This case also supports our call for extra
Offender profiling is still in its infancy but it has been used in criminal investigations in a
few countries, including Australia, Finland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Russia and South
714 Id.
Africa. This does not mean that it has been admitted in the courtroom. In Australia,
offender profiling per se has not been admitted in any court. There has been no major
court decision banning the reception of offender profiling evidence in courts. Under the
issue and not excluded by other evidence rules, such as the expertise rule, the common
knowledge rule, the factual basis rule and the ultimate issue rule. Generally speaking, and
as Petherick et al have pointed out, "the rules of expert evidence in Australia allow for
profiling as expert testimony, even if only in a limited fashion, perhaps in some lower
levels of the criminal justice system. As profiling receives more attention through
practical application and academic literature, it stands to reason that it will receive a
courts. Courts see offender profiling and its derivatives as an aid to crime investigation,
approach has been adopted, and is done by the Offender Profiling Unit of the National
As we mentioned earlier, offender profiling technique is still in its infancy, hence the
technique is not used in many countries, especially the developing countries. For
instance, in countries like Nigeria, the technique has not been used in crime investigation.
715 Wayne Petherick, David Field, Andrew Lowe and Elizabeth Fry, "Criminal Profiling as Expert
Evidence", in Wayne Petherick (ed), Serial Crime: Theoretical and Practical Issues in Behavioral Profiling,
94 (2006).
As such, the evidential implications of such evidence has not arisen. However, it is
important to examine how the courts will receive such evidence if offered in future trials.
Offender profiling deals with the character traits of an individual. In Nigeria, it is likely
to be seen by the courts as permissible character evidence. In Nigeria, "the general rule is
that the fact an accused has committed some other offences or other misconduct on other
proceedings. The rationale behind this rule is that the accused person's guilt has to be
only go to prejudice the mind of a court. Section 69(1) of the Nigerian Evidence Act,716
provides that the fact that an accused person is of bad character is irrelevant in
subsequent proceedings, but this general rule is subject to some exceptions".717 The
exceptions are contained in Section 69(2) of the Evidence Act, which states that:
(a) when the bad character of the accused person is a fact in issue;
(b) when the accused person has given evidence of his good character;
It is noteworthy to point out that Nigeria is a former colony of Britain, hence the Nigerian
legal system is based on the English common law tradition. In fact, the Nigerian rules of
expert evidence is virtually the same as that of England. Thus, a witness must be
qualified as an expert and the opinion must be outside the experience and knowledge of
the judge or jury.718 In Nigeria, the general principle is that the facts upon which an
expert based his opinion must be provided. This is where offender profiling evidence will
Nigerian Supreme Court will likely draw from the position of English courts on the
admissibility of offender profiling. They are also likely to state that such evidence should
not be admitted until its reliability can be established. Thus, in Dickson Arisa v. The
State,719 the Supreme Court of Nigerian ruled that opinion evidence by an expert on
mental disease/natural mental infinity had no evidential weight because the expert failed
to provide the basis for his opinion. Justice Agbaje stated that the law required that for
expert evidence to be admitted, the facts upon which the opinion was based must be
provided. Nigerian courts may not accord much weight to expert evidence where the
factual basis was not produced. 72o Furthermore, "where there are two conflicting expert
opinions, the court will rely on that of the expert who shows the data on which he based
his opinion".721 It should also be noted that in Nigeria, a technique, method or field of
knowledge does not have to be scientific before it can be admitted. In a nut shell, the
main area where offender profiling evidence is likely to be excluded in Nigeria, in future,
is the lack of reliable data upon which the technique is based. The prejudicial effect of
offender profiling will probably be another strong area for exclusion of offender profiling
718 There is a legal provision for a jury in Nigerian, but jurors are not used. The trier of fact is the judge and
whether expert opinion will assist him is not an issue to be contested by the parties.
721 Id.
In this chapter, we have examined the state of offender profiling in various jurisdictions.
In all jurisdictions examined in this work, the trial judge has enormous latitude to decide
who is qualified to give expert evidence and when such evidence is needed. Similarly, no
jurisdiction examined in this study requires an expert to have gained the expertise in a
certain way. An expert can be qualified by education, skill, training, or knowledge. All
offender did not leave any physical traces at the scene of crime. It aims to predict the
likely characteristics of the unknown offender by looking at behavioral patterns and other
non physical clues. Profiling in general was not originally intended to be used for crime
investigation or for courtroom purpose. Offender profiling began from the early attempts
next stage of using it to profile heads of states (for intelligence purposes only and not for
psychological profiles because they felt it could assist the police to find unknown killers.
Following this stage, the FBI discovered that psychological profiles were indeed very
helpful in their pursuit of unknown serial killers, and they devoted much attention into it
and came up with their crime scene analysis approach. Today offender profiling has
become one of the most controversial, useful, but worrying technique of crime
investigation. It is submitted that we should now move on to the next stage of using
This dissertation concludes that there is an uneasy relationship among the different
offender profiling have a parochial view. Each segment sees offender profiling as their
own monopoly, their exclusive club. As a result, the potential of offender profiling has
been limited. Therefore the sharing of knowledge and experience is suggested. We need
an integrated approach, whereby all the segments can come together as a team. This will
also ensure that we move on to the next level of using offender profiles in producing
enforcement agents all have a role to play, not only in crime investigations, but also in
coming up with crime prevention measures and programs. These professionals have
knowledge of the kind of individuals likely to commit certain types of crime, knowledge
of the location a particular crime is likely to happen, and knowledge about the type of
together as a team and pulling resources together, the future of offender profiling looks
very exciting and will prove to be an invaluable technique of crime investigation and
crime prevention. As we have seen, offender profiling has not yet reached the level to be
called a hard science at the moment, but in time it will be. It has been pointed out
elsewhere that "if a technique cannot be proved, then it is not science,,722. Offender
The current lack of unity, cooperation, and absence of sharing information among the
different segments further creates a legal dilemma - how much can one convince the
courts as to the reliability and validity of offender profiling? Until all the different
segments come together as a team, the search for the scientific basis and for general
acceptance of this technique will continue to be a mirage. A way forward in the United
States, for instance, will be the establishment of a professional body for offender pro filers
where all the different professionals can come together and become members. The well-
established professional bodies can playa big role in this issue by organizing well
publicized interdisciplinary conferences, where all the different segments should be
encouraged to attend and present papers. Such professional bodies, as the American
Psychological Association, the Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the Society for Police
and Criminal Psychology are best suited for this function. There is no gainsaying the fact
however, that offender profiling at the moment is a 'specialized field of knowledge,' that
is very useful in crime investigation. At the moment, there has been the tendency for the
different segments to publish their work in their own preferred/particular journals. This is
This research study has shown that at the moment, all the different approaches base their
on their clinical practice experience. Suffice it to say therefore, that none of these
proving the guilt or innocence of a defendant. We have also seen that offender profiling
at best should be described as a multi-disciplinary practice that calls for knowledge and
This study supports the idea put forward by Professor David Ormerod that for offender
team' rather than by individual profilers. We believe that courts are reluctant to accept
The three main rules governing the admissibility of expert testimony in United States
have their various strengths and weaknesses. Arguably, the Frye test offers ease of
scientific evidence, thereby ensuring less burden on trial judges. The Federal Rule of
Evidence 702 is too loose and too liberal. Almost anything can be admitted as expert
anybody can qualify as an expert under the Federal Rule of Evidence 702, either by way
problematic in application, and is arguably not favored by many trial judges. Daubert has
Our examination of the three rules has shown the confusion and inconsistencies resulting
from the adoption of these three rules of admissibility. This leads to one obvious question
- is it possible to adopt one particular rule? The Frye test, the Federal Rules of Evidence
and Daubert are not constitutional constructions. As such they are not binding on the
states. The United States operates a federal system of government. Hence, the states have
always enjoyed the freedom to choose the rule they prefer. Above all, the United States
Supreme Court has not given any reason why states should adopt one particular rule.
It is hereby submitted that Frye, combined with the Federal Rules of Evidence, offers the
most appropriate standard for the admissibility of expert testimony. This is not new and
its success has been noted in Christophersen v. Allied -Signal Corp.,723 It is submitted
that the United States Supreme Court should revisit the issue and give the lower courts
and the states reasons justifying the need for the adoption of one rule. Then we can have
some sort of uniformity in judicial decisions. Then the lower courts will not face the risk
of having their decision reversed, simply because their state has adopted a rule different
One of the main issues surrounding the admissibility of expert testimony has been on
general acceptance. Many states are in favor of the Frye test. Interestingly, many trial
judges generally accept and prefer the Frye test. Several research studies have supported
this argument. 724 Dahir et aI, for instance, carried out a study of 325 state trial judges
(from the 50 states and the District of Columbia) and found out that there is "a strong
tendency for judges to continue to rely on more traditional standards such as general
acceptance and qualifications of the expert when assessing psychological syndrome and
profile evidence.,,725 Their study also suggests that "judges do understand some of the
less technical guidelines (i.e., general acceptance and peer review and publication) but
not the more technical ones (i.e., falsifiability and error rate), and that they prefer general
724 See generally, Veronica B. Dahir., James T. Richardson., Gerald P. Ginsburg., Sophia I. Gatowski.,
Shirley A. Dobbin, and Mara L. Merlino, "Judicial Application of Daubert to Psychological Syndrome and
Profile Evidence", 11 Psycho!. Pub. Pol'y & L. 62, 74 (March 2005).
725 Veronica B. Dahir., James T. Richardson., Gerald P. Ginsburg., Sophia I. Gatowski., Shirley A. Dobbin,
and Mara L. Merlino, "Judicial Application of Daubert to Psychological Syndrome and Profile Evidence",
11 Psycho!. Pub. Pol'y & L. 62, 73 (March 2005).
J 307
are relying on criteria and habits of analysis familiar to them (mainly Frye v. United
States's [l923) general acceptance standard, relevance, and qualifications and credibility
of the expert) even as they struggle with new ideas foisted on them from above.,,727 It
makes sense therefore, to adopt a standard which is generally accepted by trial judges as
being the appropriate standard, bearing in mind that these trial judges are the
'gatekeepers. '
moment it can best be described as an art with the potential of becoming a science. When
sufficiently reliable by the general profiling community, not just the law enforcement
that see offender profiling or its derivatives as reliable techniques for courtroom
purposes. Until the different segments come together as a team, offender profiling should
This research has noted that many of the experts who give testimony on offender
profiling have the tendency to flaunt their qualifications in front of the courts. The result
credentials". This also results in many of these experts testifying beyond their expertise.
J 308
1 What is happening today is that many of the pro filers who are supposed to be criminal
investigators have now assumed the role of criminal prosecutors. They tend to forget that
their role is to testify and not to decide cases. It is therefore, submitted that there should
be extra judicial control when dealing with expert testimony on offender profiling. In all
cases involving offender profiling, the trial judge should inform the jury at the onset that
offender profiling evidence does not identify a specific offender; that it is not
identification evidence; and that its reliability cannot be objectively ascertained at the
moment. The trial judge should limit the testimony to patterns of behavior and crime
scene characteristics, which in some cases may assist the trier of fact in understanding the
circumstances of a case. It is worrying that in some cases, profile testimony has even
been admitted by trial courts, when it was clearly irrelevant to the case, as in United
States v. Baldwin. 728 There should be a jury instruction in all cases involving offender
profiling and its derivatives. The trial judge should inform the jury about the level of
reliability and validity of this technique. This will help them to determine the weight (if
The above problem has been compounded by the Federal Rule of Evidence 702 which as
we have found out in this study is too liberal. Almost anybody can qualify as an expert
have seen falls under a specialized field of knowledge, but Rule 702 has created problems
for trial judges when deciding who is qualified to give expert offender profiling
j 309
1 This research has also noted that offender profiling testimony is more effective when it is
being proffered by the defendant to show innocence, than when it is being offered by the
prosecution to show that the defendant is likely to have committed the crime. This
argument merits further research though. Offender profiling is also effective when there
are co-defendants and it is being offered to show that one defendant is less likely to have
committed the crime. With offender profiling evidence, it is easier to prove innocence
Offender profiling per se, is supposedly inadmissible in many jurisdictions, including the
United States and Canada. However, when it is labeled differently and dressed up in
other terms, courts have admitted it. Perhaps this is because many people including
judges do not understand what offender profiling is and the different forms or shapes of
offender profiling. Or is it that some criminal pro filers are playing on the intelligence of
judges, lawyers and jurors? It is suggested that more research is needed in this area. If an
expert witness says that he or she is going to testify on 'offender profiling', it will not be
allowed, but if the same expert says he or she is going to testify on the same thing under a
different label, then it will be allowed. Two of the cases in Canada at least have clearly
highlighted this issue. There are other cases where an expert has been allowed to testify
for instance, on crime scene staging, and then had gone beyond that area and eventually
touched on the ultimate issue. It seems therefore, that in many cases, whether any form of
offender profiling will be admitted depends on the label the expert is using, not on the
analysis has been allowed in some cases. In Canada on the other hand, expert testimony
on motivational analysis is supposedly not allowed, but when it is dressed up as
fooling who?
After a critical examination of issues and several cases we conclude that offender
profiling is too prejudicial than probative. The findings of this research also supports my
claim that there is an uneasy relationship among the different segments involved with
offender profiling. As a result, the potential of this technique has been limited. There are
doubts as to the reliability and validity of this technique. It is submitted that offender
profiling should not be used in the courtroom until its reliability can be properly and
objectively ascertained. The guessing game of offender profiling should not be played in
the courtroom. Offender profiling and its derivatives should not be admitted until their
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