Building Analysis Guidance

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Building Analysis Guidance

4.1 Analysis Procedures
For seismic design, ASCE 7 permits three types of analysis orthogonal directions are applied simultaneously. However,
procedures to determine structural displacements and design when a building has torsional irregularity, out-of-plane offset
forces in structural elements: the Equivalent Lateral Force irregularity, or nonparallel system irregularity as defined
(ELF) analysis procedure, the Modal Response Spectrum in ASCE 7 Table 12.3-1, a three-dimensional model must
(MRS) analysis procedure, and the Seismic Response be used in the analysis according to ASCE 7 §12.7.3. With
History (SRH) analysis procedure. A brief overview of these torsional irregularity, either the MRS or SRH procedure must
procedures is given in the NEHRP Technical Brief Seismic be used. In such analysis, the in-plane stiffness characteristics
Design of Cast-in-Place Concrete Special Structural Walls of the floor and roof diaphragms and the dynamics of the
and Coupling Beams (NIST 2012). For the design of masonry diaphragms have to be accounted for. Diaphragms can be
buildings, ELF is most common. However, according to modeled by either shell elements or line elements using a grid
ASCE 7 §12.6, ELF is not permitted for structures exceeding or truss representation. However, concrete diaphragms can
two stories and having horizontal or vertical irregularities of often be considered rigid in plane.
certain types, including torsional, stiffness, and soft-story
irregularities. For such structures, either MRS or SRH are Masonry structural walls should also be designed for out-of-
permitted to be used. With the ELF and SRH procedures, plane loads, which can in fact dictate the amount of vertical
either linear or nonlinear structural analysis is permitted. reinforcement for walls with significant story heights as
Most masonry structures are stiff and have a limited number discussed in Section 5. The out-of-plane seismic force to be
of stories, making the application of linear or nonlinear SRH used in the design is given in ASCE 7 §12.11.1, while the
of limited value. design and analysis procedure is prescribed in TMS 402
§9.3.5. Because masonry walls are slender for out-of-plane
Even though linear elastic analysis is most commonly used bending, the P-Δ effect is important. TMS 402 provides two
in design, plastic limit analysis, which explicitly accounts for methods to account for this: a second-order analysis, which
the plastic mechanism of a reinforced masonry wall system, is requires iteration, or a moment magnifier. To be consistent
preferred for certain wall configurations to arrive at a design with the equations provided in TMS 402, the out-of-plane
that is rational and does not result in unexpected failure modes. seismic force should be idealized as a uniformly distributed
Plastic limit analysis is especially suited for coupled walls or load.
perforated walls that have shear-critical components. It can
often be performed with hand calculations. Nevertheless, if 4.2 Modeling Considerations and
a structure is very complex or highly indeterminate, the final Structural Idealization
design should be checked with nonlinear analysis using a
computer model. The behavior of a box-shaped reinforced masonry wall
structure can be most directly modeled with shell elements
For structures without horizontal irregularities, two- (Lepage and Sanchez 2012). The main advantage of shell
dimensional models are normally sufficient, and the lateral elements is that they account for both shear and flexural
load-resisting systems in the two orthogonal directions can deformations of wall segments and can also model the
be considered independently. Nevertheless, the designer may response of a wall segment to simultaneous in-plane and out-
encounter the case of a special reinforced masonry wall that of-plane loads. Linear and nonlinear shells elements that are
forms part of two intersecting lateral load-resisting systems available in commercial programs to model the behavior of
and is subjected to axial load because of seismic forces acting reinforced concrete shear walls can also be used for reinforced
along either principal plan axis equal to or greater than 20 masonry.
percent of the axial design strength of the wall. In that case, the
most critical combined effect of seismic forces in any direction The use of linear shell elements is relatively straightforward.
should be considered, as specified in ASCE 7 §12.5. This can A sufficiently fine mesh should be used to capture the shear
be the situation for flanged walls in a tall building where the and flexural behavior of an elastic wall. The designer should
axial load demand because of seismic forces is significant. be aware that linear models usually overestimate the stiffness
For this situation, ASCE 7 §12.5.3 provides two alternatives of cracked wall elements.
for analysis. The first is to perform two-dimensional analysis
for each of the two orthogonal directions independently Nonlinear shell models are not generally appropriate for
and determine the most critical combination of 100 percent design. If used at all, they should be used with caution because
of the forces for one direction and 30 percent of the forces they have many numerical analysis and material parameters
for the other. The second is to perform three-dimensional whose meanings may not be apparent to users unfamiliar
response history analysis in which ground motions in the two with nonlinear analysis. Furthermore, most nonlinear shell

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
elements cannot capture the shear behavior of wall segments the wall segments has been determined, the rigid zones can
dominated by diagonal tension and may overpredict their then be appropriately designed and detailed to resist the
strength and ductility. Results of nonlinear analyses can also forces corresponding to the capacities of those adjacent wall
be highly sensitive to the size of elements in the mesh: too segments.
coarse a mesh could overpredict the capacity of a wall; a very
fine mesh could result in an overly brittle post-peak flexural Frame models discussed here can be used for either linear or
behavior. Nonlinear models are best suited to applications nonlinear analysis. Examples of frame models representing
where they can be calibrated and validated by experimental different reinforced masonry wall configurations are shown
data. in Figures 4-1 and 4-2. Although the development of an
appropriate frame model is relatively straightforward for
In most situations, two-dimensional frame models are more cantilever-wall and coupled-wall systems, as shown in Figure
than adequate for the analysis of masonry wall systems. 4-1, it may be less so for a perforated wall, especially one with
Frame elements can incorporate both flexural and shear an irregular arrangement of openings (see Figure 4-2(b), for
deformations. Masonry wall systems often have large panel example). For a perforated wall, the designer must identify the
zones connecting vertical and horizontal wall segments. vertical and horizontal wall segments (dark gray areas bounded
Although these zones are not completely rigid and may even by openings in Figure 4-2) for which critical moments and
have cracks, they can be treated as rigid in a frame model. shear forces are to be determined. Then, the designer must
This increases the degree of rotational restraint at the ends of consider the remaining regions as rigid panel zones.
the affected wall segments and therefore decreases the shear-
span-to-depth ratio Mu /(Vu dv) in each segment. Because of Different possible idealizations must be considered so that
the requirement for capacity design for shear, this normally the most critical condition can be identified for the frame
results in higher required shear capacities and in that sense is model. For the wall shown in Figure 4-2(a), for example, two
conservative for design. possible modeling alternatives exist, as illustrated by the two
parts of the figure. One is consistent with the assumption of
To develop an appropriate frame model, the structural designer a crack propagating from the lower left-hand corner of the
needs to determine the probable locations of critical moments lower right window and separating the middle wall segment
and shear forces and model the vertical and horizontal wall from the panel underneath the window. The other assumes
segments containing these regions with suitable beam- that the panel underneath the window remains intact. The first
column elements. Once those critical design actions have assumption results in more flexure-dominated behavior in
been calculated and the corresponding reinforcement for the middle segment, and the second introduces a more shear-

Rigid link Rigid zone

Beam-column Beam-column
element elements

(a) Cantilever wall (weak slab coupling) (b) Coupled walls (slab and beam coupling)

Figure 4-1. Frame models of cantilever and coupled walls.

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Rigid zone
Beam-column element

(a) Regular arrangement of openings

(b) Irregular arrangement of openings

Figure 4-2. Frame models of perforated walls.

critical condition. However, it is likely that the actual wall moduli of clay and concrete masonry are prescribed by TMS
behavior is somewhere in-between because the horizontal 402 §4.2.2. For reinforced masonry, the models are required
reinforcement beneath the window opening may prevent a to incorporate the effects of cracking.
complete separation of the panel by a crack.
The effects of cracking are commonly addressed by using an
For simple wall systems, a frame model can be analyzed by effective moment of inertia, Ie , in place of the gross moment
hand, although a computer analysis is usually cost-effective. of inertia, Ig . Although TMS 402 does not provide guidance
For computer solutions, it is better to describe rigid zones for this, ACI 318-11 §8.8.2 recommends that the effective
by using kinematic constraints (i.e., slaving the degrees of moment of inertia for reinforced concrete walls be taken as
freedom) rather than by using very large stiffness values, 50 percent of the gross moment of inertia in general, which
which may lead to inaccurate numerical results. has been commonly assumed in practice for masonry walls,
or as 70 percent of the gross moment of inertia for uncracked
4.3 Elastic Analysis and Member Stiffness walls and 35 percent of the gross moment of inertia for
cracked walls. However, the effective moment of inertia of
Even with the SD method, linearly elastic structural models a wall depends on many factors, such as the axial force level
are most often used for the determination of design forces and on the wall, the quantity of vertical reinforcement, the shear-
moments for reinforced masonry wall systems. Furthermore, span-to-depth ratio Mu /(Vu dv), and the slip of vertical bars in
to check the story drift limit according to ASCE 7 §12.12.1, the foundation slab. Data from the wall tests of Shing et al.
deflections are first calculated with linear elastic analysis, (1989), Sherman (2011), and Ahmadi (2012) suggest that the
and the results are multiplied by an amplification factor, Cd , effective moment of inertia Ie for reinforced masonry walls
to account for the structural nonlinearity. For this purpose, with rectangular cross sections can be taken to be 15 percent
good estimates of the elastic stiffness properties of wall of Ig . This value provides a good match with experimental
elements in the structural model are important. To this end, results for fully grouted walls with shear-span-to-depth ratios
shear as well as flexural deformations should be considered, ranging from 0.5 to 4.5, different levels of axial loads, and
although shear deformations are generally unimportant for different vertical steel quantities, when the effective shear
wall segments with shear-span-to-depth ratio Mu /(Vu dv) stiffness recommended below is used. For T-shaped flanged
greater than 2. Values of the elastic moduli and the shear walls, limited data (He and Priestley 1992) have shown that

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Ie can be 40 percent of Ig when the flange is in tension. The hand or by computer (depending on the level of complexity).
effective moment of inertia is smaller when the flange is in For a cantilever wall system as shown in Figure 4-1(a), the
compression. However, the moment capacity of the section lateral seismic forces resisted by each wall can be assumed to
with the flange in compression is also less, and the decrease be proportional to the lateral in-plane wall stiffness. However,
in flexural stiffness can reasonably be ignored when the if the diaphragms are flexible, the share of the seismic forces
moment capacity for that loading direction is relatively small. should be proportional to the tributary floor and roof areas
For I-shaped walls, Ie may also be assumed to be 40 percent for each wall. For the analysis of perforated walls, such as
of Ig as there is always a flange in tension during flexure. The those shown in Figure 4-2, computer models may be more
behavior of flanged walls is discussed further in the following convenient.
section. The recommendations of ACI for the stiffness of
uncracked walls are not generally appropriate for masonry 4.4 Effective Widths of Wall Flanges and
walls, and it is considered conservative to use the moment of Coupling Slabs
inertia of the gross section, Ig , for uncracked walls.
When a flanged wall is subjected to flexure and shear, in-plane
The elastic shear stiffness of an uncracked wall segment can vertical stresses in the flange diminish as the distance from
be calculated using the shear modulus of masonry and the the web increases, an effect commonly known as “shear lag.”
effective shear area for the cross section using the principles The portion of the flange farther away from the web is thus
of structural mechanics. However, the actual shear stiffness of less effective in resisting flexure. To account for this, one can
a wall segment is often much lower than the theoretical value define an effective flange width over which the normal stress
because of flexural and diagonal shear cracks, which may is assumed to be uniform. The effective flange width depends
occur at a moderate lateral load. Experimental data (Shing et on many factors, such as the shear-span-to-depth ratio of the
al. 1989) show that the secant shear stiffness of a reinforced wall, the thickness of the flange, and the presence or absence
masonry cantilever wall, with an aspect ratio of one, loaded of cracks in the flange. The effective width increases with the
to a point at which major diagonal cracks develop, can be as shear-span-to-depth ratio. The effective width changes when
low as 20 percent of the theoretical value, and that of a wall the inelastic deformation of the wall increases, and it also
loaded to 50 percent of its shear capacity can be about 50 depends on whether the flange is in tension or compression.
percent of the theoretical value. Based on this observation, The shear-lag effects are less significant when the flange is
the effective elastic shear stiffness of a reinforced masonry in tension because of cracking. Both the stiffness and the
wall can be taken as 35 percent of the theoretical value, which strength of a T-section wall are expected to be higher when
appears to be consistent with other wall test data as discussed the flange is in tension than when it is in compression.
in the above paragraph. For partially grouted walls, one may
assume the cross-sectional area resisting shear to be the total According to TMS 402 §, the flange width that
cross-sectional area of the face shells of the masonry units is effective on each side of the web should be taken as 6
plus the area of the grouted cells. times the nominal flange thickness when the flange is in
compression and 0.75 times the floor-to-floor wall height
Under seismic actions, the beams or lintels in a masonry wall when the flange is in tension, but should not exceed the
system deform in shear and flexure. It is difficult to structurally actual width of the flange. This is a conservative estimate for
decouple a lintel from the vertical walls effectively, even determining the flexural strength of a flanged wall, and the
with the use of control joints or a hinged design, because actual contribution of the flange could be higher. However,
of diagonal strut actions that can develop in deep coupling when the flange is in compression, the flexural strength is
elements. Hence, coupling elements should generally be insensitive to the assumed effective width because it results
designed to be structurally integrated with the walls, and in only a small shift of the neutral axis of bending. Hence, in
their stiffness should be considered in analysis. In the absence analysis, this distinction is not important and one can assume
of conclusive data, the effective moment of inertia and the that the effective flange width on each side of the web is
effective shear stiffness of a reinforced masonry beam can be 0.75 times the wall height. However, to protect flanged walls
calculated with the same assumptions as those recommended from shear failures and from severe toe crushing in the web,
for walls, even though the lack of axial forces in beams may which may happen in a T-section wall, increasing the above-
lower the effective stiffness. For a masonry beam connected recommended effective flange width by a factor of 1.5 when
to a concrete slab with dowels, the composite action of the doing shear capacity design and ductility checks is prudent.
two needs to be considered and Ie can be assumed to be 40
percent of Ig . The effective width of the slab is discussed in In coupled reinforced masonry walls, the coupling elements
the following section. can be concrete slabs alone or concrete slabs plus reinforced
masonry lintels, which are often connected by dowels. In
Once the stiffness of each wall segment has been determined, either case, it is not necessarily true that the entire tributary
the resulting frame-element model can be analyzed, either by width of the slab is fully engaged in the coupling action. A

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
study by Seible et al. (1991) concludes that for the slab alone, For capacity design checks to avoid brittle shear behavior in
the effective width of the slab that contributes to the coupling walls, the effective slab widths recommended above should
moment on either side of the wall can be taken to be equal be increased by a factor of 1.5.
to the width of the door opening, which in their case was 40
inches. Slabs considered in that study were side-by-side, 6 4.5 Plastic Limit Analysis
inches thick, 40 inches wide, precast hollow-core planks with
cast-in-place concrete topping 2 inches thick. The planks ran Plastic limit analysis is more suitable than elastic analysis
parallel to the walls. In the first of two test specimens in that for some configurations of masonry walls. It is also an
study, the small concrete element between the planks above essential tool for the Limit Design method in Appendix C
the door opening had four longitudinal bars but no transverse of the TMS 402. For limit analysis, one needs to identify the
reinforcement; in the second test specimen, the small concrete plastic mechanism that is developed by the wall system when
element had a large amount of transverse reinforcement it reaches the plastic limit state. A fundamental assumption
and was attached to a reinforced masonry lintel that was for such analysis is that the plastic hinges identified are
not structurally connected to the walls. The first specimen able to sustain inelastic deformations associated with the
experienced a brittle shear failure in the coupling slab, which mechanism without strength degradation, thus allowing the
led to a sudden drop in the lateral resistance of the wall redistribution of resisting actions. Hence, for walls whose
system. The second specimen, in contrast, showed ductile design actions are determined using plastic limit analysis,
coupling behavior. No data are available for slabs spanning either the masonry elements must be detailed for the inelastic
openings wider than 40 inches. deformation capacities consistent with the anticipated inelastic
deformations, or the wall system must be designed so that the
Based on the above information, when the walls are coupled inelastic deformation demand on each masonry element is
by slabs alone, the effective bending width of the slab on either less than or equal to the corresponding inelastic deformation
side of the wall can be assumed to be 40 inches but not greater capacity. The designer must make sure that such conditions
than the width of the precast plank next to the wall regardless are met. Following the Limit Design requirements stipulated
of the width of the opening, provided that a ductile coupling in Appendix C of TMS 402, as discussed in Sections 3 and
behavior can be expected for the slab. Otherwise, coupling 5 of this Guide, is one way to meet these conditions. In this
effects should be ignored. A 40-inch effective width can section, two examples of plastic limit analysis are presented,
also be assumed for cast-in-place reinforced concrete slabs. one for coupled walls and the other for perforated walls.
Because there are no data on the effective width of a slab
with planks perpendicular to the walls, the coupling effects For coupled walls, which have plastic hinges developed in
of such slabs should be ignored because tension cannot be the coupling elements, elastic analysis may overestimate the
transmitted across the planks. coupling effects and underestimate the moment demands on
the walls. Therefore, plastic limit analysis is the preferred
When the concrete slab is connected to a reinforced masonry method to determine design forces for coupled-wall systems.
lintel with dowels, the result is a composite T-section or It can also result in a more efficient design process by
L-section. For reinforced concrete T-beams, ACI 318 specifies directly accounting for load redistribution because of the
that the effective width of overhanging flange on either side coupling actions. The first step in limit analysis is to identify
of a web should not be taken greater than 8 times the slab a kinematically admissible plastic mechanism (that is, a
thickness or 1/2 of the clear distance to the next web with mechanism that maintains displacement continuity among
the total effective flange width not to exceed 1/4 of the wall segments) with the locations of plastic hinges consistent
span length of the beam. For the test shown in Figure 3-8, with that mechanism identified. The internal distribution of
the effective width of the slabs above the door openings on design actions for each wall segment can then be determined
each side of the wall was estimated to be far beyond the door by equilibrium.
openings, which were 40 inches wide. In view of this, when
a concrete slab is connected to a reinforced masonry lintel Consider, for example, the wall system shown in Figure
with dowels, it is recommended that the effective slab width 4-1(b), for which the plastic mechanism shown in Figure 4-3
on each side of the wall be taken as at least 6 times the slab can be identified. If the floor slabs and lintels (if applicable)
thickness. Nevertheless, if the composite coupling beam is not have already been designed for gravity loads, the plastic
as strong as the walls, then the effect of the lintel should be b
moment capacities, Mp i , and the corresponding shear forces,
ignored because it cannot develop the ductility required of a b
VM , in each coupling element can be calculated. Then,
coupling beam as discussed in Section 3. When precast planks considering the equilibrium of axial forces for each wall, one
are perpendicular to the walls, only the reinforced concrete w
can determine the tension force, T , or compression force, C ,

topping should be considered effective in developing tension. introduced at the base of each wall by the coupling elements.

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers

Figure 4-3. Plastic mechanism of a coupled-wall system.

The total overturning moment demand depends on the design design for shear can be completed. For coupled-wall systems
seismic forces, determined according to ASCE 7, and must that are not symmetrical, loadings in both in-plane directions
be equaled or exceeded by the overturning moment capacity should be considered, and the more critical direction should
associated with the mechanism. The designer has several be considered for design.
options to distribute the plastic moment resistance between
the walls to achieve this objective. If the designer chooses to The application of plastic limit analysis to perforated
use equal percentages of vertical (longitudinal) reinforcement wall systems is illustrated by the wall with the overlaid
for each wall and if the axial forces from overturning are frame model shown on the left in Figure 4-2(a). Its plastic
neglected, the moment capacity of each wall is more or less mechanism is shown in Figure 4-4. In this case, the total
proportional to the square of its plan length. If, in contrast, lateral load resistance is governed by the plastic-hinge
the designer chooses to have the flexural strength of each wall capacities of the three piers (vertical wall segments), which
be proportional to its flexural stiffness, the moment capacity can be either flexure-dominated or shear-dominated. The
of each wall is more or less proportional to the cube of its plan distribution of lateral resistance among the three piers is a
length. For these or other options, the designer can determine design decision. If the designer chooses to have the lateral
the required moment capacities for each wall. In this step, the load resisted by each pier in proportion to its lateral stiffness
axial forces caused by lateral seismic forces may be ignored. (elastic behavior), then the right pier will resist most of the
The reason is that the decrease of moment capacity of one lateral load because of its smaller height. Because this pier
wall, caused by a reduction in axial compression, is offset by is also the most vulnerable to diagonal shear failure, this
the increase of moment capacity of the other wall, caused by design decision may result in the failure of the right pier in
an increase in axial compression. shear and in the formation of an undesirable story mechanism
involving the remaining piers. To guard against this behavior,
Once that initial design has been completed, the designer the flexural capacities of each pier should be adjusted so that
should check the overturning moment capacity, including the the left and middle piers resist as much of the lateral forces
effects of axial forces from seismic overturning. Once the as possible. As before, those flexural capacities are initially
moment capacity of each wall is verified, its lateral seismic calculated without the consideration of axial loads caused by
forces can be determined by equilibrium, and a capacity overturning moment and then checked with them included.

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
Plastic Pier 1 Pier 2 Pier 3

Figure 4-4. Plastic mechanism of a perforated wall (element axial forces are not shown for clarity).

As before, for unsymmetrical configurations, loadings in distribution of shear resistances among wall segments that is
both in-plane directions should be considered, and the more consistent with the axial forces in those wall segments at the
critical direction should be considered for design. formation of a mechanism.

After the quantity of vertical reinforcement in each pier has For detailed nonlinear analysis, beam-column elements with
been determined, the designer has to determine the effects a plastic hinging capability should be used. Beam models
of the axial forces introduced by overturning on the load and with fiber sections, which account for the axial load-moment
deformation capacities of each pier. This evaluation can be interaction, can be used for such analysis and for determining
done by hand calculations or a detailed nonlinear analysis, the rotation capacity of a plastic hinge. However, these models
depending on the complexity of the wall system. This check do not account for shear-dominated behavior. Hence, if a pier
is recommended because the additional axial forces can have is expected to be shear-critical, then its moment capacity
a significant influence on the shear capacity of a pier. In fact, should be specified in the model so that the maximum shear
Limit Design requires that these axial forces be considered force developed does not exceed the maximum recommended
in determining the deformation capacity of plastic hinges but above. A shear-dominated pier is brittle and cannot sustain
not for strength checks. Limit Design further requires that the the same deformation as a flexure-dominated pier, and as a
maximum shear developed in shear-dominated wall segments consequence, a large portion of its shear resistance could be
be no greater than one-half of the shear strength determined in lost before the flexural capacities of the other piers have been
accordance with TMS 402 § It is recommended here, reached. Hence, one should be conservative in estimating the
however, that the contribution of masonry to shear capacity contribution of shear-dominated piers to a line of resistance
be ignored for shear-dominated wall segments subjected to in plastic analysis.
tension. An iterative process may be required to arrive at a

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
5. Design Guidance
Design guidance in this section is based on Chapter 9, is not distributed uniformly among wall segments. If the
Strength Design of Masonry, of TMS 402 and all applicable seismic demand is distributed according to the elastic
chapters of TMS 602, Specifications for Masonry Structures stiffness of wall segments, design actions depend on the
and the companion commentaries. Following that, Appendix dimensions of each segment, and these actions can vary
C, Limit Design Method, and Chapter 8, Allowable Stress widely from segment to segment. If a plastic distribution
Design of Masonry, are briefly addressed. among wall segments is assumed (Limit Design), the
designer has more control, but design actions can still
5.1 Load and Resistance Factors vary considerably from segment to segment.

ASCE 7 Chapter 12 defines the factored load combinations 4. The ASCE 7 §2.3 requirement that multiple load
applicable to reinforced masonry shear wall design. The combinations be considered may result in flexural
strength reduction factors, φ, are specified in Chapter 9 of overstrength in wall segments for certain load
TMS 402. combinations when the flexural reinforcement in the wall
segments is governed by a different load. This flexural
5.2 Considerations for Preliminary overstrength can result in increased shear demand for
wall segments in shear capacity design checks.
Estimates of Design Base Shear
5. The seismic response of slender multi-story buildings may
Design of masonry walls requires that trial configurations of be influenced by the participation of perpendicular wall
masonry shear walls in plan and elevation be proposed and elements with respect to the line of seismic action, which
that their lateral resistance be compared with their seismic may or may not be part of the SFRS. This participation
base shear demand. This process is continued iteratively until may increase the flexural capacity and thus the base shear
a satisfactory wall configuration is achieved. demand on walls in the line of seismic action.
Although the computation of seismic base shear demand
is precisely described in ASCE 7 Chapter 12 and the 5.3 Lateral Load Distribution and
computation of base lateral resistance is precisely described Lateral Stiffness
in Chapter 8 (ASD), Chapter 9 (SD), and Appendix C (Limit
Design) of TMS 402, particular aspects of those documents The seismic base shear demand must be distributed among
can influence the choices that a structural designer can make the seismic load-resisting elements of a building structure
in the above iterative process. according to their stiffnesses (using Chapter 7 of TMS 402) or
according to their strengths (using Appendix C of TMS 402
Base shear demand is increased by several mandatory or by other means). Although a structure may be designed
amplification factors: so that seismic resistance is provided by shear walls, seismic
resistance may also be provided by columns and piers
1. The redundancy factor, ρ. An increase in base shear (vertical wall segments).
demand because of a non-redundant wall layout can be
avoided by meeting the conditions of ASCE 7 § For structures assigned to SDC C and higher, TMS 402
§ requires a SFRS in which at least 80 percent of
2. Inherent and accidental torsion can increase seismic base the stiffness of each line of resistance in each story must be
shear demand by a factor varying from 1.2 to 1.5. This provided by seismic force-resisting walls. When a response
can be minimized by avoiding plan eccentricities between modification factor, R, not greater than 1.5 is used, TMS 402
the center of mass and the center of rigidity at each level, permits the inclusion of columns and piers in the SFRS.
and by increasing torsional stiffness. This is done by
arranging planar walls symmetrically in plan (assuming a 5.4 General Approach to Strength Design
uniform distribution of mass in plan), far from the center of Shear Walls
of rigidity, or by locating walls that form closed tubes in
plan concentrically with the center of rigidity. Once design forces for each wall segment have been
determined, the sequence of design of vertical (longitudinal)
3. When the seismic base shear demand is resisted by multiple and horizontal (transverse) reinforcement for each segment is
parallel walls having different configurations of openings as follows. See Figure 1-1.
and wall segments, the seismic shear demand at each level

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
1. Design the wall segment for the axial load and out-of- 5.4.2 Design for Shrinkage, Permanent Moisture
plane wind and seismic loads. Expansion, and Thermal Movements
Over time, concrete masonry undergoes long-term drying
2. Design for shrinkage, permanent moisture expansion,
shrinkage, and clay masonry undergoes long-term permanent
and thermal movements.
moisture expansion. All masonry undergoes reversible
3. Check prescriptive reinforcement requirements for thermal deformations caused by temperature changes. If
special walls. these deformations are not accommodated by shrinkage
(control) joints in concrete masonry, or by expansion joints
4. Design the wall segment for the axial and in-plane in clay masonry, they produce stresses in the masonry. When
seismic loads. tensile stresses caused by a combination of restrained thermal
5. Check cracking moment (optional). deformations and moisture-related deformations, exceed
the tensile strength of the masonry, it cracks. Although this
6. Check shear capacity. cracking is not structurally important in reinforced masonry,
it can be unsightly. To control the locations and widths of
7. Check sliding shear capacity (optional).
cracks, the design of walls must incorporate combinations
8. Check maximum reinforcement limits. of vertically oriented movement joints and horizontal
9. Check wall behavior mode.
10. If necessary, check repercussions of shear-dominated These vertically oriented movement joints define the vertical
behavior on other components. boundaries of vertically oriented wall segments. Depending on
how they are detailed, control joints may define the structural
5.4.1 Design for Out-of-Plane Forces configurations and aspect ratios of wall segments, and may
Most reinforced masonry walls must resist a combination of dictate the transverse (usually horizontal) reinforcement
lateral forces (both in-plane and out-of-plane) and axial forces. requirements of special walls. For this reason, design for
In many cases, the out-of-plane forces control the design. For thermal and moisture-related movements (and the consequent
example, the reinforcement required for out-of-plane wind location of movement joints) must precede the design for in-
or seismic forces on exterior walls 16 to 20 feet tall often plane forces. NCMA (2010) and BIA (2014) give guidance on
meets or exceeds the minimum prescriptive requirements for the use of movement joints and reinforcement to control crack
a special shear wall. For this reason, it is generally advisable locations and widths. Horizontal reinforcement can consist
to perform the out-of-plane design first and then check the either of deformed reinforcement placed in grouted bond
resulting vertical reinforcement for the in-plane loads. beams or of ladder-type joint reinforcement placed in bed
joints. The latter is preferable for partially grouted masonry
There is also interplay between out-of-plane and in-plane because of the cost associated with installing closely spaced
designs. It is possible that the reinforcement required for the bond beams. The vertical spacing of bond beams effectively
out-of-plane load may drive an otherwise flexure-dominated limits grout pour height, and the use of joint reinforcement
wall into a shear-dominated failure mode. allows more economical pour heights.

Wall reinforcement is designed to resist out-of-plane forces 5.4.3 Check Prescriptive Reinforcement
as required by TMS 402 §9.3.5, for the combination of Requirements for Special Walls
factored design axial load, Pu , and the factored out-of-plane Reinforcement must meet the prescriptive requirements
design moment, Mu,0 , which is magnified for out-of-plane P-Δ of TMS 402 § for special reinforced masonry shear
effects. For out-of-plane loading, walls typically have ratios walls and the applicable sections of TMS 402 §7.4, SDC
of Mu /(Vu dv) far in excess of unity and are flexure-dominated. requirements. The requirements for special walls are
Because their out-of-plane ductility demand is low, the illustrated graphically for one possible wall configuration in
maximum permissible reinforcement percentage as governed Figure 5-1.
by the out-of-plane demand is calculated using an a factor of
1.5 in accordance with TMS 402 § The intent of the prescriptive requirements is to ensure a
reasonable amount of ductility. Regardless of prescriptive
Out-of-plane deflection limits under unfactored service loads detailing requirements, however, available ductility may be
are stipulated in TMS 402 § These limits are intended limited by the wall configuration and the consequent aspect
to ensure elastic behavior under out-of-plane loads so that the ratios of critical wall segments.
wall can be anticipated to return to its original planar shape
and plumbness after the out-of-plane lateral load is removed.

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
1 bar min. at diaphragm, continuous through control joint Roof diaphragm level beyond
1 bar min. within 16 inches of top of parapet

Control joint

Vertical bars spaced

at lesser of 48 inches,
1/3 of wall height, or
1/3 of wall length

Horizontal bars spaced

at lesser of 48 inches,
1/3 of wall height, or
1/3 of wall length

1 bar min. within 8

inches of control joints

1 bar min. within 8 inches of corners and wall ends Bars around opening

Figure 5-1. Conceptual representation of minimum reinforcement requirements for reinforced masonry special walls.




Axial Load (kips)







0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Moment (k-ft)

Figure 5-2. An example moment-axial load interaction curve for a concrete masonry shear wall.

5.4.4 Check In-Plane Flexural Capacity in the reinforcement used to control crack widths. The next step is
Presence of Axial Loads to design the wall for in-plane forces as required by TMS 402
At this point in the design process, the structural designer §9.3.6 for the combination of factored design axial load, Pu ,
knows the geometry of the wall segments, has calculated and the factored design moment, Mu . This is typically done
the required load combinations, and has preliminary by developing a moment-axial load interaction diagram, as
layouts of vertical (longitudinal) and horizontal (transverse) illustrated in Figure 5-2, to compare the design in-plane
reinforcement for each segment, including any joint flexural capacity of each segment with its factored strength

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
demands for the various load combinations that are plotted is being considered for inclusion in TMS 402 to calculate
as points on the diagram. Finally, the designer must adjust sliding shear capacity. For sliding shear checks, the designer
flexural (vertical) reinforcement as necessary. must determine the shear-friction strength that is needed to
prevent the sliding of a wall along its base. For this purpose,
In contrast to design for out-of-plane forces, no moment a φ factor of 0.80, the same as that for shear, can be used.
magnifier is used; instead, by TMS 402 §, the nominal The sliding shear strength need not exceed the shear demand
axial capacity is not permitted to exceed a value that depends that corresponds to 1.25 times the nominal flexural strength
on the laterally unsupported length and the weak-axis radius of the wall or the nominal shear strength of the wall. For
of gyration of the wall cross section. low-rise structures with long walls, there is often significant
overstrength in flexure and in shear, and the ultimate limit
5.4.5 Check Cracking Moment state is most likely base sliding. For this situation, it may be
Although it is not a requirement of TMS 402, some designers prudent to use a base shear demand calculated with an R factor
prefer that walls have sufficient vertical reinforcement that of 1 if base sliding is to be prevented in the design earthquake.
their nominal in-plane moment capacity (or their in-plane
yield moment) exceeds their in-plane cracking moment.
In this case, the cracking moment is calculated using the Shear-Friction Strength
modulus of rupture specified in TMS 402 §, and the
reinforcement is adjusted accordingly. Shear friction is a limit state not addressed in TMS
402 but is under consideration. According to the
5.4.6 Check Shear Capacity and Sliding Shear current proposal, the nominal shear-friction strength,
Capacity Vnf, at the sliding-critical interface of a wall can be
The shear capacity of the wall is checked in accordance calculated using the following formula:
with TMS 402 §, which sums separate contributions
to shear resistance from masonry and from reinforcement. Vnf = m (g f As f y + Pu) > 0
Shear capacity is reduced for partial grouting. Nominal shear
capacity is capped at a limiting upper value, beyond which in which Pu is the factored axial load, which is
additional shear reinforcement is considered ineffective in negative when a wall is in tension, As is the total area
increasing the shear capacity of the wall. of vertical steel crossing the shear plane, and f y is the
nominal yield strength of the vertical steel. Unless
Shear reinforcement can consist of deformed reinforcement in case-specific data are available, the coefficient of
grouted bond beams or wire reinforcement in bed joints. Shear friction m can be taken as 0.65. The reduction factor
reinforcement in bond beams is required to be developed in g f is to be calculated as follows:
accordance with TMS 402 § Requirements on wire
joint reinforcement used as shear reinforcement are noted in g f =1-2 c
TMS 402 § and are discussed further in Section 7 of
this Guide. For Mu /(Vu dv)> 1.0, c is the ratio of the area of vertical
reinforcement in compression to the total area of
Special masonry walls are also required to satisfy the shear vertical reinforcement, As , crossing the shear plane
capacity design requirements of TMS 402 § calculated at the nominal moment capacity of the
When designing special reinforced masonry shear walls to wall under axial load Pu . For Mu /(Vu dv) < 0.5, c is
resist in-plane forces in accordance with TMS 402 §9.3, the to be 0. The value of c can be linearly interpolated
design shear strength, φVn , is required to exceed the shear between 0 and the ratio of the compression steel
corresponding to the development of 1.25 times the nominal as defined above for Mu /(Vu dv) between 0.5 and 1.0.
flexural strength, Mn , of the element, except that the nominal
shear strength, Vn , need not exceed 2.5 times required shear For walls with uniformly distributed ver tical
strength, Vu . reinforcement and M u /(Vu d v ) > 1.0, the following
equation can be used to estimate the value of c :
Sliding shear capacity is not addressed by current TMS 402
provisions dealing with concrete masonry or clay masonry. c=
Although designers sometimes rely on ACI 318 or FEMA 306 d v < 1.0
(FEMA 1999) to estimate sliding shear capacity, experimental in which c is the distance of the neutral axis from the
evidence suggests that those references may be unconservative extreme compression fiber calculated at the nominal
for walls with shear-span-to-depth ratios greater than unity moment capacity of the section.
(Murcia-Delso and Shing 2012; Morrison and Bennett 2013).
The sidebar on shear-friction strength shows a method that

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
This will be at the discretion of the designer. When shear
keys are used at the wall base, sliding shear resistance can be Design of Shear-dominated Walls
significantly increased well beyond that calculated with the
method provided in the sidebar. It is the implicit intent of ASCE 7 and TMS 402 that
special walls be flexure-dominated, with behavior
5.4.7 Check Maximum Reinforcement Limits that justifies the response modification factor R=5
The designer must now confirm that the percentages of vertical assigned to them. However, as discussed in Section
(longitudinal) reinforcement do not exceed the maximum 3, walls designed in accordance with the provisions
permissible percentages given by TMS 402 §, using of these codes may still be shear-dominated. There
the factor α = 4 for special reinforced masonry shear walls is little direct guidance in TMS 402 to address this
loaded in-plane, and the factor α = 1.5 for walls loaded out-of- situation, which raises concerns that require the
plane. The commentary to this code section has many helpful engineering judgment of the designer. The first is the
equations for different wall characteristics (full versus partial possibility of brittle shear failure in elements of the
grouting, concentrated versus distributed reinforcement, and gravity load-bearing system, albeit at lateral loads
in-plane versus out-of-plane loading). that may be much higher than the code-required
design loads. This Guide does not address the
Alternatively, the boundary element provisions of TMS complexity or repercussions of this possibility, nor
402 may also be used. Even if boundary elements are not does it advocate one approach or another to address
incorporated in the final design, the alternative triggers it, because too many scenarios are possible.
of those provisions potentially allow an increase in the
reinforcement beyond ρmax as long as certain requirements Another implication of shear-dominated behavior
in TMS 402 § are met. Maximum reinforcement in wall elements is the understanding that such
requirements may also be circumvented for selected lines elements may behave nearly elastically, attracting
of resistance by invoking the Limit Design procedure in forces much higher than those calculated using
Appendix C. a response modification factor R=5. This has
implications for both the wall element itself and for
5.4.8 Check Wall Behavior Mode other elements of the seismic load path that will
At this point in the design process, the designer should have correspondingly increased demand. Such
establish whether the special wall is flexure-dominated (the elements may include diaphragms, diaphragm
implicit code intent for special walls) or shear-dominated. chords, connections of diaphragms to shear walls,
When a wall is shear-dominated, it may be possible to and collectors.
achieve flexure-dominated behavior through adjustment of
reinforcement or wall geometry. Several design options are One approach available to the designer would be
available: to design all elements of the seismic lateral load-
resisting system associated with shear-dominated
1. Increase the shear reinforcement if possible. Above walls using a response modification factor less than
the cap on Vn , however, further increases in horizontal the code value for special reinforced masonry walls
(transverse) reinforcement are not permitted to be (for example, R =1.5).
considered as increasing the shear capacity of the wall.
2. Reduce the vertical (longitudinal) reinforcement to
the minimum required to meet both factored moment
demand and the prescriptive minimum reinforcement
5.5 Limit Design Method
3. Increase shear strength by fully grouting the wall. The Limit Design method is new to the 2013 edition of TMS
402 and set forth in Appendix C of that document. It is
4. Increase the thickness of the wall to increase its shear intended for use on specific, problematic lines of resistance
strength or adjust the wall’s height and/or plan length within structural systems designed in accordance with the
to increase its aspect ratio, although architectural SD provisions of Chapter 9. “Problematic lines of resistance”
considerations may constrain adjustments to the basic are usually perforated walls with shear-dominated elements
wall geometry. or coupled walls that appear to have overloaded coupling
beams or undesirable distribution of forces between elements
If none of these options is successful, the designer must accept resulting in challenging local reinforcement requirements.
the prospect of shear-dominated behavior and may consider The process follows these basic steps:
reanalyzing the structure with a lower response modification
factor (see sidebar).

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
1. Perform an ASCE 7-compliant seismic analysis of the 7. Ensure that the mechanism strength, reduced by a
building per Section 4 of this Guide. Elastic analysis is strength reduction factor, φ =0.8, is greater than the base
generally suitable. From this analysis, determine the shear demand on the line of resistance as determined by
following: the ASCE 7 analysis method.

(a) structural element forces 8. Ensure that hinge rotation capacities are in excess
of rotation demand associated with the design drift
(b) inelastic displacement of the roof at each line of (determined in 1(b) above) imposed on the governing
resistance. In general, it is satisfactory to estimate mechanism. Note that shear-dominated elements must
these values by first performing an elastic analysis be checked against more stringent deformation limits as
using cracked section stiffness based on 50 percent of specified in Appendix C.
gross cross-section properties or the recommendations
in Section 4.3 of this Guide and then amplifying the 9. Design non-yielding components (including connection
resulting displacements with the appropriate Cd factor regions) in the line of resistance to ensure that they remain
given in ASCE 7. elastic.

2. Design lines of resistance using conventional SD 5.6 Allowable Stress Design

procedures as described previously in this section.
Thus far in this Guide, discussion of the design of
3. Where problematic lines of resistance are identified, reinforced masonry has focused entirely on modern SD
invoke the alternative Limit Design method in Appendix methods. However, the ASD provisions of TMS 402
C for those lines of resistance only. Chapter 8 and IBC §2107 are still widely used, owing to
their simplicity and their applicability to a wide variety of
4. Begin with an assumed amount and distribution of masonry configurations and loading conditions. In many
reinforcement, preferably one associated with the circumstances, they provide engineers a design alternative
minimum flexural reinforcement required by TMS 402. to the more prescriptively constraining ductility provisions
of SD, while producing generally comparable structural
5. Determine the governing yield mechanism for these capacity.
lines of resistance when subjected to the loading patterns
associated with the maximum base shear from the ASCE 7 In practice, ASD entails comparing calculated stresses
analysis. There may be multiple kinematically admissible produced by, unfactored loads in accordance with ASCE 7
mechanisms, but the mechanism with the lowest-energy load combinations, to allowable stresses. As a result of
or resistance governs. Use the nominal capacity Mn of this approach, the designer evaluates the structure under
each masonry element as its hinge capacity. service level loading, and corresponding conditions of
stress, that more closely align with those encountered
6. Determine whether any elements are shear-dominated: in service than the factored loads associated with SD,
arguably providing better insights into the performance
(a) Determine the nominal shear strength of each element, of the structure when subjected to routine loading. On the
Vn , according to TMS 402 § other hand, this design approach provides little information
regarding the ultimate strength and deformation capacity of
(b) If the shear strength of an element is less than twice the constituent components. ASD is a useful design method
that required to develop the moment capacity, Mn, that has produced innumerable, well-performing masonry
of the element, consider the element to be shear- designs and can continue to do so. However, because of the
dominated for purposes of the Limit Design method. absence of some of the specific ductility constraints of the
SD method, the designer is encouraged to use engineering
(c) Where shear-dominated elements exist, if possible, judgment to decide whether elements designed by ASD, and
reduce the hinge capacity Mn or increase the shear particularly elements with larger percentages of longitudinal
strength until the shear strength of the element is more reinforcement than permitted by SD, have sufficient inelastic
than double that required to develop Mn of the element. deformation capacity.

(d) Where shear-dominated elements cannot be avoided,

limit the plastic hinge strength to the moment associated
with one-half of the nominal shear strength, Vn .

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
6. Additional Design Requirements
Additional design requirements for masonry are covered interaction of the grout with the surrounding units can be
at length in the references to this Guide, particularly in the complex, but for the purposes of design, it is generally assumed
Masonry Designers’ Guide (TMS 2013c). Some of these that the units and grout behave together homogeneously with
requirements are highlighted below. the properties of the assembly. Grout must generally meet
the requirements of ASTM C476 (ASTM 2010), either by
6.1 Quality Assurance proportion or by compressive strength). Grout meeting the
proportion requirements can be assumed to have a compressive
The provisions of TMS 402 are based on a presumption of strength of at least 2,000 psi. If f m’ exceeds 2000 psi, the
good-quality construction. Therefore, Chapter 3 of TMS 402 compressive strength of the grout must equal or exceed f m’ ,
(design requirements) mandates the existence of a quality the specified compressive strength of masonry.
assurance program meeting specific requirements, and it
references TMS 602. Article 1.6 of TMS 602 (construction 6.2.3 Specified Masonry Compressive Strength
requirements) mandates a quality assurance program whose The primary design parameter for masonry is f m’ , the specified
specific requirements are identical to those of TMS 402. In compressive strength of masonry. This parameter is normally
this way, the combination of TMS 402 and TMS 602 mandates not critical for design because the flexural capacity of tension-
an identical quality assurance framework for the designer and controlled sections is insensitive to f m’ , and the shear capacity
the contractor. of masonry is proportional to the square root of f m’ . As a
consequence, it is normally not cost-effective to specify higher
The quality assurance programs linked in TMS 402 and TMS values of f m’ than are customary for local construction. One
602 are tied to the Risk Category as defined in ASCE 7 or to exception to this is wall segments whose design is limited by
the legally adopted building code. maximum permissible percentages of vertical (longitudinal)
reinforcement. Those maximum limits can be significantly
6.2 Masonry Materials increased by increasing f m’ . Additionally, if compliance with
the specified f m’ is verified by prism testing rather than by the
The selection of masonry units, mortar, grout, and unit strength method, higher values of f m’ can often be justified
reinforcement by a designer must comply with the ASTM with the same benefits.
International (ASTM) specifications referenced by TMS 602.
Within those bounds, materials that are locally available and 6.2.4 Reinforcement
consistent with local construction practice are generally the TMS 402 § requires that the specified yield strength of
most economical. deformed reinforcement not exceed 60,000 psi, and §
prohibits the use of deformed reinforcement whose yield
6.2.1 Mortar strength exceeds 1.3 times the specified yield strength. The
The designer is generally advised to use the lowest strength intent of these provisions is to require reinforcement with a
mortar that satisfies the job requirements (Type S or N mortar). significant yield plateau and to ensure that the probable flexural
Higher-strength mortar (Type M) can be difficult to work capacity (and consequent shear demand) in masonry elements
with. For fully grouted assemblies, mortar strength has little does not exceed the 1.25Mn used in calculations for capacity
influence on the compressive strength of masonry. For partially design for shear.
grouted assemblies, mortar strength can have a greater effect.
6.3 Diaphragms
There are two permitted methods for varying compliance
with the specified compressive strength of masonry. The Diaphragm design is addressed in ASCE 7 §12.10, and further
unit strength method is based on ungrouted assemblies, and guidance is provided in the NEHRP Seismic Design Technical
it correlates moderately to mortar strength. The prism test Briefs on Cast-in-Place Concrete Diaphragms, Chords,
method, ASTM C1314 Prism Test Method (ASTM 2012), and Collectors (NIST 2010) and Composite Steel Deck and
more accurately accounts for the strength of the grout as well Concrete-filled Diaphragms (NIST 2011). In the particular
as the mortar. context of masonry design, the designer should note that when
shear-dominated masonry walls attract forces larger than those
6.2.2 Grout consistent with a response modification factor, R, equal to 5,
In a reinforced masonry assembly, grout bonds deformed diaphragms and their connections must resist those larger
reinforcement to masonry, protects that reinforcement from forces as well.
corrosion, and increases the masonry cross section. The

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
7. Detailing and Constructability Issues
Construction practices for masonry vary regionally in the
United States, and the designer should be familiar with
local practices to ensure that planned details can be built

7.1 Selecting Masonry Units

Hollow concrete and hollow clay masonry units are available in

a variety of shapes. For special walls, particularly those that are
fully grouted with high percentages of vertical reinforcement,
two special shapes of hollow masonry units can improve
constructability. Both are more widely available on the west
coast of the United States than elsewhere.
Figure 7-2. Grout flow is facilitated in a fully grouted wall with
Single or double open-end units can be placed around open-end masonry units.
vertical reinforcement that is already in place, which can be
advantageous in reducing the number of lap splices. 7.2 Details of Reinforcement

Knock-out blocks have precut webs that can easily be removed As discussed previously, uniformly distributed vertical
with a hammer to allow placement of horizontal bars in the reinforcement is usually preferable to over ver tical
resulting trough. They also allow horizontal flow of grout reinforcement concentrated at wall ends. TMS 402 §
between adjacent cells. encourages these detailing practices through limitations
on the maximum diameters of reinforcing bars and on the
Figure 7-1 shows single open-end blocks that are also knock- percentages of reinforcement that can occupy a cell or a course
out blocks. Double open-end units are shown in use in Figure of hollow-unit construction lap splices and on the maximum
7-2. A vibrator in one cell can effectively consolidate grout bar dimension relative to the grout space.
in adjacent cells. Furthermore, the gap that normally occurs
between adjacent end webs at head joints is solidly filled with Shear reinforcement in special walls must be anchored around
grout, creating an uninterrupted shear plane. end vertical bars with a standard hook in a horizontal plane as
per TMS 402 §, as shown in Figure 7-3.

Half unit Typical unit End unit

Figure 7-1. Special open-end shapes of hollow masonry units.

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
can participate effectively as shear reinforcement, provided that
it meets requirements for minimum cross-sectional area. This
finding is reflected in the 2013 edition of TMS 402 §
The specified yield strength of the joint reinforcement used as
shear reinforcement is typically 70,000 psi but it is limited to a
maximum of 85,000 psi in accordance with TMS 402 §

7.4 Grouting

Reinforced masonry designed according to TMS 402 and

constructed according to TMS 602 requires the proper
specification, placement, consolidation, and reconsolidation of
grout. Grout should be placed with a slump of 8 to 11 inches
to ensure that it completely fills the spaces to be grouted. It
should be consolidated to eliminate voids and reconsolidated
Figure 7-3. Anchorage of horizontal bars around vertical bars with to compensate for the loss of volume because of absorption of
a standard hook in a horizontal plane. water by the surrounding masonry (Figure 7-4).

7.3 Joint Reinforcement

Joint reinforcement is often used in areas other than the
Western United States as shear reinforcement for controlling
the distribution and width of shrinkage cracks and also for
attaching clay masonry veneer. Joint reinforcement is made of
cold-drawn steel wires electrically welded together. It may be
annealed but usually is not. It is normally galvanized and is also
available in stainless steel. It is available in ladder configuration
(with perpendicular cross wires) and truss configuration
(continuous diagonal cross wires) conforming to ASTM A951
(ASTM 2014). The ladder configuration is preferable because
the perpendicular cross wires offer less obstruction to grout and
vibrators. This is particularly important for high-lift grouting.
Figure 7-4. Consolidation of grout using a vibrator.
Because of concerns about ductility (Shing and Noland
1992), earlier editions of TMS 402 prohibited the use of joint Design choices that can improve the grouting process include
reinforcement to resist design shears while permitting its grouting admixtures, self-consolidating grout, using open-end
use to meet prescriptive requirements. More recent research and knock-out units, and reducing the number of bar splices
(Baenziger and Porter 2010) has shown that joint reinforcement or mechanical couplers.

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
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diaphragms, chords, and collectors: A guide for in-plane loading, master’s thesis, Department of Civil
practicing engineers, NIST GCR 10-917-4, NEHRP and Environmental Engineering, Washington State
Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 3, produced by the University, Pullman, WA.
NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, a partnership of the
Applied Technology Council and the Consortium of Shing, P. B., Noland, J. L., Klamerus, E., and Spaeh, H.
Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, (1989). “Inelastic behavior of concrete masonry shear
for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, walls,” Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 115,
Gaithersburg, MD. No. 9, pp. 2204-2225.

NIST (2011). Seismic design of composite steel deck and Shing, P. B., and Noland, J. L. (1992). Shear behavior
concrete-filled diaphragms: A guide for practicing of concrete masonry walls with horizontal joint
engineers, NIST GCR 11-917-10, NEHRP Seismic reinforcement, research report, University of Colorado,
Design Technical Brief No. 5, produced by the NEHRP Boulder, CO.
Consultants Joint Venture, a partnership of the
Applied Technology Council and the Consortium of Shing, P. B., Carter, E. W., and Noland, J. L. (1993).
Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, “Influence of confining steel on flexural response of
for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, reinforced masonry shear walls,” The Masonry Society
Gaithersburg, MD. Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 72-85.

NIST (2012). Seismic design of cast-in-place concrete TMS (2013a). Building code requirements for masonry
special structural walls and coupling beams: A guide for structures (TMS 402/ACI 530/ASCE 5), The Masonry
practicing engineers, NIST GCR 11-917-11REV-1, Society, Longmont, CO.
NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 6,
produced by the NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, a TMS (2013b). Specifications for masonry structures
partnership of the Applied Technology Council and the (TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6), The Masonry Society,
Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Longmont, CO.
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Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. TMS (2013c). Masonry designers’ guide MDG-7, The
Masonry Society, Longmont, CO.

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
9. Notations and Abbreviations
Ag gross cross-sectional area of a member, in2 Pu factored axial load, lb

An net cross-sectional area of a member, in2 R response modification coefficient

As area of nonprestressed longitudinal tension T axial tension force induced in a wall by the action
reinforcement, in2 of coupling elements, lb

c distance from the fiber of maximum compressive V shear force in a wall element, lb
strain to the neutral axis, inches
Vflexure shear corresponding to the flexural capacity of
Cd deflection amplification factor as given in ASCE 7 wall element, lb
C axial compression force induced in a wall by the Vlim limiting base shear strength, lb
action of coupling elements, lb
VM shear corresponding to the plastic moment
d distance from extreme compression fiber to capacity of coupling element, lb
centroid of tension reinforcement, inches
Vn nominal shear strength, lb
dv actual depth of member in direction of shear
considered, inches Vnf nominal shear-friction strength, lb

Em modulus of elasticity of masonry in compression, Vnm nominal shear strength, provided by masonry, lb
Vns nominal shear strength provided by shear
Es modulus of elasticity of steel, psi reinforcement, lb

f m’ specified compressive strength of masonry, psi Vshear shear corresponding to the shear capacity of wall
element, lb
fy specified yield strength of steel reinforcement, psi
Vu factored shear force, lb
Ie, effective moment of inertia, in4
Vi shear corresponding to the plastic moment
Ig, moment of inertia of gross cross-sectional area of capacity of wall element i, lb
a member, in4
α tensile strain factor used in the calculation of the
M maximum moment in a wall element, in-lb maximum permissible area of flexural tensile
Mn nominal moment strength, in-lb
ρ redundancy factor defined in ASCE 7
Mu factored moment, in-lb
ρh horizontal reinforcement ratio
Mu,0 factored out-of-plane moment, in-lb
ρv vertical reinforcement ratio
Mp i plastic moment capacity of coupling element at
level i, in-lb ρmax maximum flexural tension reinforcement
Mp i plastic moment capacity of wall element i,
in-lb ρreq’d reinforcement ratio required by analysis

Mu /(Vu d v) shear-span-to-depth ratio for SD µ coefficient of friction

M/(Vd v) shear-span-to-depth ratio for ASD µΔ displacement ductility

P axial load, lb µφ curvature ductility

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
φ strength reduction factor

D displacement, inches

gf reduction factor used in shear-friction calculation

c ratio of the area of vertical reinforcement

in compression to the total area of vertical
reinforcement crossing the shear plane, used in
shear-friction calculation

ACI American Concrete Institute

ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers

ASD allowable stress design

ASTM ASTM International, previously known as the
American Society for Testing and Materials

ATC Applied Technology Council

BSSC Building Seismic Safety Council

CUREE Consortium of Universities for Research in
Earthquake Engineering

FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency

IBC International Building Code

MSJC The Masonry Standards Joint Committee

NCMA National Concrete Masonry Association

NEHRP National Earthquake Hazards Reduction

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

SD strength design

SEI Structural Engineering Institute of the

American Society of Civil Engineers

SFRS seismic force-resisting system

TCCMAR Technical Coordinating Committee for

Masonry Research

TMS The Masonry Society

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers
10. Credits

Cover photo Image courtesy of P. Benson Shing Figure 7-1 Images courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 1-1 Image courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley Figure 7-2 Image courtesy of P. Benson Shing

Figure 2-1 Image courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley Figure 7-3 Image courtesy of P. Benson Shing

Figure 2-2 Images courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley Figure 7-4 Image courtesy of P. Benson Shing

Figure 2-3 Images courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 2-4 Image courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 2-5 Image courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 2-6 Image courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 2-7 Image courtesy of Jeff Lawrence

Figure 2-8 Image courtesy of Jeff Lawrence

Figure 3-1 Images courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 3-2 Images courtesy of P. Benson Shing

Figure 3-3 Images courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 3-4 Images courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 3-5 Image courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 3-6 Image courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 3-7 Images courtesy of Willis B. Cyrier

Figure 3-8 Image courtesy of P. Benson Shing

Figure 4-1 Images courtesy of P. Benson Shing

Figure 4-2 Images courtesy of P. Benson Shing

Figure 4-3 Images courtesy of P. Benson Shing

Figure 4-4 Images courtesy of P. Benson Shing

Figure 5-1 Image courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Figure 5-2 Image courtesy of Gregory R. Kingsley

Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers

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