Rule 66 - Quo Warranto (Full Text)
Rule 66 - Quo Warranto (Full Text)
Rule 66 - Quo Warranto (Full Text)
In G. R. No. 161824 It is sufficiently clear that the petition brought up in G. R. No. 161824
was aptly elevated to, and could well be taken cognizance of by, this
In seeking the disqualification of the candidacy of FPJ and to have the Court. A contrary view could be a gross denial to our people of their
COMELEC deny due course to or cancel FPJ’s certificate of candidacy fundamental right to be fully informed, and to make a proper choice,
for alleged misrepresentation of a material fact (i.e., that FPJ was a on who could or should be elected to occupy the highest government
natural-born citizen) before the COMELEC, petitioner Fornier invoked post in the land.
Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code –
In G. R. No. 161434 and G. R. No. 161634
"Section 78. Petition to deny due course to or cancel a
certificate of candidacy. --- A verified petition seeking to Petitioners Tecson, et al., in G. R. No. 161434, and Velez, in G. R. No.
deny due course or to cancel a certificate of candidacy may 161634, invoke the provisions of Article VII, Section 4, paragraph 7, of
be filed by any person exclusively on the ground that any the 1987 Constitution in assailing the jurisdiction of the COMELEC
material representation contained therein as required under when it took cognizance of SPA No. 04-003 and in urging the Supreme
Section 74 hereof is false" – Court to instead take on the petitions they directly instituted before it.
The Constitutional provision cited reads:
in consonance with the general powers of COMELEC expressed in
Section 52 of the Omnibus Election Code - "The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be the sole judge
of all contests relating to the election, returns, and
"Section 52. Powers and functions of the Commission on qualifications of the President or Vice-President, and may
Elections. In addition to the powers and functions conferred promulgate its rules for the purpose."
upon it by the Constitution, the Commission shall have
exclusive charge of the enforcement and administration of The provision is an innovation of the 1987 Constitution. The omission
all laws relative to the conduct of elections for the purpose in the 1935 and the 1973 Constitution to designate any tribunal to be
of ensuring free, orderly and honest elections" - the sole judge of presidential and vice-presidential contests, has
constrained this Court to declare, in Lopez vs. Roxas,4 as "not (being)
and in relation to Article 69 of the Omnibus Election Code justiciable" controversies or disputes involving contests on the
which would authorize "any interested party" to file a elections, returns and qualifications of the President or Vice-President.
The constitutional lapse prompted Congress, on 21 June 1957, to
enact Republic Act No. 1793, "An Act Constituting an Independent
Prov Rem Rule 66 (QW) Fulltext Page 2 of 25
Presidential Electoral Tribunal to Try, Hear and Decide Protests Accordingly, G. R. No. 161434, entitled "Maria Jeanette C. Tecson, et
Contesting the Election of the President-Elect and the Vice-President- al., vs. Commission on Elections et al.," and G. R. No. 161634, entitled
Elect of the Philippines and Providing for the Manner of Hearing the "Zoilo Antonio Velez vs. Ronald Allan Kelley Poe a.k.a. Fernando Poe,
Same." Republic Act 1793 designated the Chief Justice and the Jr." would have to be dismissed for want of jurisdiction.
Associate Justices of the Supreme Court to be the members of the
tribunal. Although the subsequent adoption of the parliamentary form The Citizenship Issue
of government under the 1973 Constitution might have implicitly
affected Republic Act No. 1793, the statutory set-up, nonetheless,
Now, to the basic issue; it should be helpful to first give a brief
would now be deemed revived under the present Section 4, paragraph
historical background on the concept of citizenship.
7, of the 1987 Constitution.
The rules categorically speak of the jurisdiction of the tribunal over There was no such term as "Philippine citizens" during the Spanish
contests relating to the election, returns and qualifications of the regime but "subjects of Spain" or "Spanish subjects."13 In church
"President" or "Vice-President", of the Philippines, and not of records, the natives were called 'indios', denoting a low regard for the
"candidates" for President or Vice-President. A quo warranto inhabitants of the archipelago. Spanish laws on citizenship became
proceeding is generally defined as being an action against a person highly codified during the 19th century but their sheer number made
who usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or exercises a public it difficult to point to one comprehensive law. Not all of these
office.5 In such context, the election contest can only contemplate a citizenship laws of Spain however, were made to apply to the
post-election scenario. In Rule 14, only a registered candidate who Philippine Islands except for those explicitly extended by Royal
would have received either the second or third highest number of Decrees.14
votes could file an election protest. This rule again presupposes a
post-election scenario.
Spanish laws on citizenship were traced back to the Novisima
Recopilacion, promulgated in Spain on 16 July 1805 but as to whether
It is fair to conclude that the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, defined the law was extended to the Philippines remained to be the subject of
by Section 4, paragraph 7, of the 1987 Constitution, would not include differing views among experts;15 however, three royal decrees were
cases directly brought before it, questioning the qualifications of a undisputably made applicable to Spaniards in the Philippines - the
candidate for the presidency or vice-presidency before the elections Order de la Regencia of 14 August 1841,16 the Royal Decree of 23
are held. August 1868 specifically defining the political status of children born
in the Philippine Islands,17 and finally, the Ley Extranjera de Ultramar
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of 04 July 1870, which was expressly made applicable to the Upon the ratification of the treaty, and pending legislation by the
Philippines by the Royal Decree of 13 July 1870.18 United States Congress on the subject, the native inhabitants of the
Philippines ceased to be Spanish subjects. Although they did not
The Spanish Constitution of 1876 was never extended to the Philippine become American citizens, they, however, also ceased to be "aliens"
Islands because of the express mandate of its Article 89, according to under American laws and were thus issued passports describing them
which the provisions of the Ultramar among which this country was to be citizens of the Philippines entitled to the protection of the United
included, would be governed by special laws.19 States.
It was only the Civil Code of Spain, made effective in this jurisdiction The term "citizens of the Philippine Islands" appeared for the first time
on 18 December 1889, which came out with the first categorical in the Philippine Bill of 1902, also commonly referred to as the
enumeration of who were Spanish citizens. - Philippine Organic Act of 1902, the first comprehensive legislation of
the Congress of the United States on the Philippines -
"(a) Persons born in Spanish territory,
".... that all inhabitants of the Philippine Islands continuing
to reside therein, who were Spanish subjects on the 11th day
"(b) Children of a Spanish father or mother, even if they were
of April, 1891, and then resided in said Islands, and their
born outside of Spain,
children born subsequent thereto, shall be deemed and held
to be citizens of the Philippine Islands and as such entitled
"(c) Foreigners who have obtained naturalization papers, to the protection of the United States, except such as shall
have elected to preserve their allegiance to the Crown of
"(d) Those who, without such papers, may have become Spain in accordance with the provisions of the treaty of
domiciled inhabitants of any town of the Monarchy."20 peace between the United States and Spain, signed at Paris,
December tenth eighteen hundred and ninety eight."23
The year 1898 was another turning point in Philippine history. Already
in the state of decline as a superpower, Spain was forced to so cede Under the organic act, a "citizen of the Philippines" was one who was
her sole colony in the East to an upcoming world power, the United an inhabitant of the Philippines, and a Spanish subject on the 11th day
States. An accepted principle of international law dictated that a of April 1899. The term "inhabitant" was taken to include 1) a native-
change in sovereignty, while resulting in an abrogation of all political born inhabitant, 2) an inhabitant who was a native of Peninsular Spain,
laws then in force, would have no effect on civil laws, which would and 3) an inhabitant who obtained Spanish papers on or before 11
remain virtually intact. April 1899.24
The Treaty of Paris was entered into on 10 December 1898 between Controversy arose on to the status of children born in the Philippines
Spain and the United States.21 Under Article IX of the treaty, the civil from 11 April 1899 to 01 July 1902, during which period no citizenship
rights and political status of the native inhabitants of the territories law was extant in the Philippines. Weight was given to the view,
ceded to the United States would be determined by its Congress - articulated in jurisprudential writing at the time, that the common law
principle of jus soli, otherwise also known as the principle of
"Spanish subjects, natives of the Peninsula, residing in the territoriality, operative in the United States and England, governed
territory over which Spain by the present treaty relinquishes those born in the Philippine Archipelago within that period.25 More
or cedes her sovereignty may remain in such territory or may about this later.
remove therefrom, retaining in either event all their rights of
property, including the right to sell or dispose of such In 23 March 1912, the Congress of the United States made the
property or of its proceeds; and they shall also have the right following amendment to the Philippine Bill of 1902 -
to carry on their industry, commerce, and professions, being
subject in respect thereof to such laws as are applicable to "Provided, That the Philippine Legislature is hereby
foreigners. In case they remain in the territory they may authorized to provide by law for the acquisition of Philippine
preserve their allegiance to the Crown of Spain by making, citizenship by those natives of the Philippine Islands who do
before a court of record, within a year from the date of the not come within the foregoing provisions, the natives of
exchange of ratifications of this treaty, a declaration of their other insular possession of the United States, and such other
decision to preserve such allegiance; in default of which persons residing in the Philippine Islands who would
declaration they shall be held to have renounced it and to become citizens of the United States, under the laws of the
have adopted the nationality of the territory in which they United States, if residing therein."26
"(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippine Islands at the Section I, Article IV, 1987 Constitution now provides:
time of the adoption of this Constitution
"The following are citizens of the Philippines:
"(2) Those born in the Philippines Islands of foreign parents
who, before the adoption of this Constitution, had been "(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the
elected to public office in the Philippine Islands. time of the adoption of this Constitution.
"(3) Those whose fathers are citizens of the Philippines. "(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of
the Philippines.
"(4) Those whose mothers are citizens of the Philippines and
upon reaching the age of majority, elect Philippine "(3) Those born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino
citizenship. mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon
reaching the age of majority; and
"(5) Those who are naturalized in accordance with law."
"(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance with
Subsection (4), Article III, of the 1935 Constitution, taken together with law."
existing civil law provisions at the time, which provided that women
would automatically lose their Filipino citizenship and acquire that of The Case Of FPJ
their foreign husbands, resulted in discriminatory situations that
effectively incapacitated the women from transmitting their Filipino
Section 2, Article VII, of the 1987 Constitution expresses:
Prov Rem Rule 66 (QW) Fulltext Page 5 of 25
"No person may be elected President unless he is a natural- 5. At the time of his death on 11 September 1954, Lorenzo
born citizen of the Philippines, a registered voter, able to Poe was 84 years old.
read and write, at least forty years of age on the day of the
election, and a resident of the Philippines for at least ten Would the above facts be sufficient or insufficient to establish the fact
years immediately preceding such election." that FPJ is a natural-born Filipino citizen? The marriage certificate of
Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley, the birth certificate of FPJ, and the death
The term "natural-born citizens," is defined to include "those who are certificate of Lorenzo Pou are documents of public record in the
citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to perform any custody of a public officer. The documents have been submitted in
act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship."27 evidence by both contending parties during the proceedings before
The date, month and year of birth of FPJ appeared to be 20 August
1939 during the regime of the 1935 Constitution. Through its history, The birth certificate of FPJ was marked Exhibit "A" for petitioner and
four modes of acquiring citizenship - naturalization, jus soli, res Exhibit "3" for respondent. The marriage certificate of Allan F. Poe to
judicata and jus sanguinis28 – had been in vogue. Only two, i.e., jus soli Bessie Kelley was submitted as Exhibit "21" for respondent. The death
and jus sanguinis, could qualify a person to being a "natural-born" certificate of Lorenzo Pou was submitted by respondent as his Exhibit
citizen of the Philippines. Jus soli, per Roa vs. Collector of "5." While the last two documents were submitted in evidence for
Customs29 (1912), did not last long. With the adoption of the 1935 respondent, the admissibility thereof, particularly in reference to the
Constitution and the reversal of Roa in Tan Chong vs. Secretary of facts which they purported to show, i.e., the marriage certificate in
Labor30 (1947), jus sanguinis or blood relationship would now become relation to the date of marriage of Allan F. Poe to Bessie Kelley and
the primary basis of citizenship by birth. the death certificate relative to the death of Lorenzo Pou on 11
September 1954 in San Carlos, Pangasinan, were all admitted by
Documentary evidence adduced by petitioner would tend to indicate petitioner, who had utilized those material statements in his
that the earliest established direct ascendant of FPJ was his paternal argument. All three documents were certified true copies of the
grandfather Lorenzo Pou, married to Marta Reyes, the father of Allan originals.
F. Poe. While the record of birth of Lorenzo Pou had not been
presented in evidence, his death certificate, however, identified him to Section 3, Rule 130, Rules of Court states that -
be a Filipino, a resident of San Carlos, Pangasinan, and 84 years old at
the time of his death on 11 September 1954. The certificate of birth of "Original document must be produced; exceptions. - When
the father of FPJ, Allan F. Poe, showed that he was born on 17 May the subject of inquiry is the contents of a document, no
1915 to an Español father, Lorenzo Pou, and a mestiza Español mother, evidence shall be admissible other than the original
Marta Reyes. Introduced by petitioner was an "uncertified" copy of a document itself, except in the following cases:
supposed certificate of the alleged marriage of Allan F. Poe and Paulita
Gomez on 05 July 1936. The marriage certificate of Allan F. Poe and
"x x x xxx xxx
Bessie Kelley reflected the date of their marriage to be on 16
September 1940. In the same certificate, Allan F. Poe was stated to be
twenty-five years old, unmarried, and a Filipino citizen, and Bessie "(d) When the original is a public record in the custody of a
Kelley to be twenty-two years old, unmarried, and an American citizen. public office or is recorded in a public office."
The birth certificate of FPJ, would disclose that he was born on 20
August 1939 to Allan F. Poe, a Filipino, twenty-four years old, married Being public documents, the death certificate of Lorenzo Pou, the
to Bessie Kelly, an American citizen, twenty-one years old and married. marriage certificate of Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelly, and the birth
certificate of FPJ, constitute prima facie proof of their contents. Section
Considering the reservations made by the parties on the veracity of 44, Rule 130, of the Rules of Court provides:
some of the entries on the birth certificate of respondent and the
marriage certificate of his parents, the only conclusions that could be "Entries in official records. Entries in official records made in
drawn with some degree of certainty from the documents would be the performance of his duty by a public officer of the
that - Philippines, or by a person in the performance of a duty
specially enjoined by law, are prima facie evidence of the
1. The parents of FPJ were Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley; facts therein stated."
2. FPJ was born to them on 20 August 1939; The trustworthiness of public documents and the value given to the
entries made therein could be grounded on 1) the sense of official
duty in the preparation of the statement made, 2) the penalty which
3. Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley were married to each other
is usually affixed to a breach of that duty, 3) the routine and
on 16 September, 1940;
disinterested origin of most such statements, and 4) the publicity of
record which makes more likely the prior exposure of such errors as
4. The father of Allan F. Poe was Lorenzo Poe; and might have occurred.31
"Civil Law is that branch of law which has for its double
"(1) The open and continuous possession of the status of a
purpose the organization of the family and the regulation of
legitimate child; or
property. It has thus [been] defined as the mass of precepts
which determine and regulate the relations of assistance,
"(2) Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court and authority and obedience among members of a family, and
special laws. those which exist among members of a society for the
protection of private interests."37
"Art. 173. The action to claim legitimacy may be brought by
the child during his or her lifetime and shall be transmitted In Yañez de Barnuevo vs. Fuster,38 the Court has held:
to the heirs should the child die during minority or in a state
of insanity. In these cases, the heirs shall have a period of
"In accordance with Article 9 of the Civil Code of Spain, x x x
five years within which to institute the action.
the laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the status,
condition and legal capacity of persons, govern Spaniards
"The action already commenced by the child shall survive although they reside in a foreign country; that, in
notwithstanding the death of either or both of the parties. consequence, 'all questions of a civil nature, such as those
dealing with the validity or nullity of the matrimonial bond,
"x x x xxx x x x. the domicile of the husband and wife, their support, as
between them, the separation of their properties, the rules
"Art. 175. Illegitimate children may establish their governing property, marital authority, division of conjugal
illegitimate filiation in the same way and on the same, property, the classification of their property, legal causes for
evidence as legitimate children. divorce, the extent of the latter, the authority to decree it,
and, in general, the civil effects of marriage and divorce
upon the persons and properties of the spouses, are
"The action must be brought within the same period
questions that are governed exclusively by the national law
specified in Article 173, except when the action is based on
of the husband and wife."
the second paragraph of Article 172, in which case the action
may be brought during the lifetime of the alleged parent."
The relevance of "citizenship" or "nationality" to Civil Law is best
exemplified in Article 15 of the Civil Code, stating that -
The provisions of the Family Code are retroactively applied; Article 256
of the code reads:
"Laws relating to family rights and duties, or to the status,
condition and legal capacity of persons are binding upon
"Art. 256. This Code shall have retroactive effect insofar as it
citizens of the Philippines, even though living abroad" -
does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in
accordance with the Civil Code or other laws."
that explains the need to incorporate in the code a reiteration of the
Constitutional provisions on citizenship. Similarly, citizenship is
Thus, in Vda. de Sy-Quia vs. Court of Appeals,36 the Court has ruled:
significant in civil relationships found in different parts of the Civil
Code,39 such as on successional rights and family relations.40 In
"We hold that whether Jose was a voluntarily recognized adoption, for instance, an adopted child would be considered the child
natural child should be decided under Article 278 of the Civil of his adoptive parents and accorded the same rights as their
Code of the Philippines. Article 2260 of that Code provides legitimate child but such legal fiction extended only to define his
that 'the voluntary recognition of a natural child shall take rights under civil law41 and not his political status.
place according to this Code, even if the child was born
before the effectivity of this body of laws' or before August
Civil law provisions point to an obvious bias against illegitimacy. This
30, 1950. Hence, Article 278 may be given retroactive effect."
discriminatory attitude may be traced to the Spanish family and
property laws, which, while defining proprietary and successional
It should be apparent that the growing trend to liberalize the rights of members of the family, provided distinctions in the rights of
acknowledgment or recognition of illegitimate children is an attempt legitimate and illegitimate children. In the monarchial set-up of old
to break away from the traditional idea of keeping well apart Spain, the distribution and inheritance of titles and wealth were strictly
Prov Rem Rule 66 (QW) Fulltext Page 8 of 25
according to bloodlines and the concern to keep these bloodlines "3. Fernando and Bessie Poe had a son by the name of
uncontaminated by foreign blood was paramount. Ronald Allan Poe, more popularly known in the Philippines
as `Fernando Poe, Jr.,’ or `FPJ’.
These distinctions between legitimacy and illegitimacy were codified
in the Spanish Civil Code, and the invidious discrimination survived "4. Ronald Allan Poe `FPJ’ was born on August 20, 1939 at St.
when the Spanish Civil Code became the primary source of our own Luke's Hospital, Magdalena Street, Manila.
Civil Code. Such distinction, however, remains and should remain only
in the sphere of civil law and not unduly impede or impinge on the "x x x xxx xxx
domain of political law.
"7. Fernando Poe Sr., and my sister Bessie, met and became
The proof of filiation or paternity for purposes of determining his engaged while they were students at the University of the
citizenship status should thus be deemed independent from and not Philippines in 1936. I was also introduced to Fernando Poe,
inextricably tied up with that prescribed for civil law purposes. The Civil Sr., by my sister that same year.
Code or Family Code provisions on proof of filiation or paternity,
although good law, do not have preclusive effects on matters alien to
"8. Fernando Poe, Sr., and my sister Bessie had their first child
personal and family relations. The ordinary rules on evidence could
in 1938.
well and should govern. For instance, the matter about pedigree is not
necessarily precluded from being applicable by the Civil Code or
Family Code provisions. "9. Fernando Poe, Sr., my sister Bessie and their first three
children, Elizabeth, Ronald, Allan and Fernando II, and myself
lived together with our mother at our family's house on
Section 39, Rule 130, of the Rules of Court provides -
Dakota St. (now Jorge Bocobo St.), Malate until the liberation
of Manila in 1945, except for some months between 1943-
"Act or Declaration about pedigree. The act or declaration of 1944.
a person deceased, or unable to testify, in respect to the
pedigree of another person related to him by birth or
"10. Fernando Poe, Sr., and my sister, Bessie, were blessed
marriage, may be received in evidence where it occurred
with four (4) more children after Ronald Allan Poe.
before the controversy, and the relationship between the
two persons is shown by evidence other than such act or
declaration. The word `pedigree’ includes relationship, "x x x xxx xxx
family genealogy, birth, marriage, death, the dates when and
the places where these facts occurred, and the names of the "18. I am executing this Declaration to attest to the fact that
relatives. It embraces also facts of family history intimately my nephew, Ronald Allan Poe is a natural born Filipino, and
connected with pedigree." that he is the legitimate child of Fernando Poe, Sr.
For the above rule to apply, it would be necessary that (a) the declarant "Done in City of Stockton, California, U.S.A., this 12th day of
is already dead or unable to testify, (b) the pedigree of a person must January 2004.
be at issue, (c) the declarant must be a relative of the person whose
pedigree is in question, (d) declaration must be made before the Ruby Kelley Mangahas Declarant DNA Testing
controversy has occurred, and (e) the relationship between the
declarant and the person whose pedigree is in question must be
In case proof of filiation or paternity would be unlikely to satisfactorily
shown by evidence other than such act or declaration.
establish or would be difficult to obtain, DNA testing, which examines
genetic codes obtained from body cells of the illegitimate child and
Thus, the duly notarized declaration made by Ruby Kelley Mangahas, any physical residue of the long dead parent could be resorted to. A
sister of Bessie Kelley Poe submitted as Exhibit 20 before the positive match would clear up filiation or paternity. In Tijing vs. Court
COMELEC, might be accepted to prove the acts of Allan F. Poe, of Appeals,42 this Court has acknowledged the strong weight of DNA
recognizing his own paternal relationship with FPJ, i.e, living together testing -
with Bessie Kelley and his children (including respondent FPJ) in one
house, and as one family -
"Parentage will still be resolved using conventional methods unless we
adopt the modern and scientific ways available. Fortunately, we have
"I, Ruby Kelley Mangahas, of legal age and sound mind, now the facility and expertise in using DNA test for identification and
presently residing in Stockton, California, U.S.A., after being parentage testing. The University of the Philippines Natural Science
sworn in accordance with law do hereby declare that: Research Institute (UP-NSRI) DNA Analysis Laboratory has now the
capability to conduct DNA typing using short tandem repeat (STR)
"1. I am the sister of the late Bessie Kelley Poe. analysis. The analysis is based on the fact that the DNA of a
child/person has two (2) copies, one copy from the mother and the
"2. Bessie Kelley Poe was the wife of Fernando Poe, Sr. other from the father. The DNA from the mother, the alleged father
and the child are analyzed to establish parentage. Of course, being a
novel scientific technique, the use of DNA test as evidence is still open
Prov Rem Rule 66 (QW) Fulltext Page 9 of 25
to challenge. Eventually, as the appropriate case comes, courts should mother who still needed to be naturalized. There is nothing
not hesitate to rule on the admissibility of DNA evidence. For it was there about invidious jus sanguinis.
said, that courts should apply the results of science when competently
obtained in aid of situations presented, since to reject said result is to "Finally, Paa vs. Chan.46 This is a more complicated case. The
deny progress." case was about the citizenship of Quintin Chan who was the
son of Leoncio Chan. Quintin Chan claimed that his father,
Petitioner’s Argument For Jurisprudential Conclusiveness Leoncio, was the illegitimate son of a Chinese father and a
Filipino mother. Quintin therefore argued that he got his
Petitioner would have it that even if Allan F. Poe were a Filipino citizen, citizenship from Leoncio, his father. But the Supreme Court
he could not have transmitted his citizenship to respondent FPJ, the said that there was no valid proof that Leoncio was in fact
latter being an illegitimate child. According to petitioner, prior to his the son of a Filipina mother. The Court therefore concluded
marriage to Bessie Kelley, Allan F. Poe, on July 5, 1936, contracted that Leoncio was not Filipino. If Leoncio was not Filipino,
marriage with a certain Paulita Gomez, making his subsequent neither was his son Quintin. Quintin therefore was not only
marriage to Bessie Kelley bigamous and respondent FPJ an illegitimate not a natural-born Filipino but was not even a Filipino.
child. The veracity of the supposed certificate of marriage between
Allan F. Poe and Paulita Gomez could be most doubtful at best. But "The Court should have stopped there. But instead it
the documentary evidence introduced by no less than respondent followed with an obiter dictum. The Court said obiter that
himself, consisting of a birth certificate of respondent and a marriage even if Leoncio, Quintin's father, were Filipino, Quintin would
certificate of his parents showed that FPJ was born on 20 August 1939 not be Filipino because Quintin was illegitimate. This
to a Filipino father and an American mother who were married to each statement about Quintin, based on a contrary to fact
other a year later, or on 16 September 1940. Birth to unmarried assumption, was absolutely unnecessary for the case. x x x It
parents would make FPJ an illegitimate child. Petitioner contended was obiter dictum, pure and simple, simply repeating the
that as an illegitimate child, FPJ so followed the citizenship of his obiter dictum in Morano vs. Vivo.
mother, Bessie Kelley, an American citizen, basing his stand on the
ruling of this Court in Morano vs. Vivo,43 citing Chiongbian vs. de "x x x xxx xxx
Leo44 and Serra vs. Republic.45
"Aside from the fact that such a pronouncement would have
On the above score, the disquisition made by amicus curiae Joaquin no textual foundation in the Constitution, it would also
G. Bernas, SJ, is most convincing; he states - violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution not
once but twice. First, it would make an illegitimate
"We must analyze these cases and ask what the lis mota was distinction between a legitimate child and an illegitimate
in each of them. If the pronouncement of the Court on jus child, and second, it would make an illegitimate distinction
sanguinis was on the lis mota, the pronouncement would be between the illegitimate child of a Filipino father and the
a decision constituting doctrine under the rule of stare illegitimate child of a Filipino mother.
decisis. But if the pronouncement was irrelevant to the lis
mota, the pronouncement would not be a decision but a "The doctrine on constitutionally allowable distinctions was
mere obiter dictum which did not establish doctrine. I established long ago by People vs. Cayat.47 I would grant
therefore invite the Court to look closely into these cases. that the distinction between legitimate children and
illegitimate children rests on real differences. x x x But real
"First, Morano vs. Vivo. The case was not about an differences alone do not justify invidious distinction. Real
illegitimate child of a Filipino father. It was about a stepson differences may justify distinction for one purpose but not
of a Filipino, a stepson who was the child of a Chinese for another purpose.
mother and a Chinese father. The issue was whether the
stepson followed the naturalization of the stepfather. "x x x What is the relevance of legitimacy or illegitimacy to
Nothing about jus sanguinis there. The stepson did not have elective public service? What possible state interest can
the blood of the naturalized stepfather. there be for disqualifying an illegitimate child from
becoming a public officer. It was not the fault of the child
"Second, Chiongbian vs. de Leon. This case was not about that his parents had illicit liaison. Why deprive the child of
the illegitimate son of a Filipino father. It was about a the fullness of political rights for no fault of his own? To
legitimate son of a father who had become Filipino by disqualify an illegitimate child from holding an important
election to public office before the 1935 Constitution public office is to punish him for the indiscretion of his
pursuant to Article IV, Section 1(2) of the 1935 Constitution. parents. There is neither justice nor rationality in that. And if
No one was illegitimate here. there is neither justice nor rationality in the distinction, then
the distinction transgresses the equal protection clause and
"Third, Serra vs. Republic. The case was not about the must be reprobated."
illegitimate son of a Filipino father. Serra was an illegitimate
child of a Chinese father and a Filipino mother. The issue was The other amici curiae, Mr. Justice Vicente Mendoza (a former member
whether one who was already a Filipino because of his of this Court), Professor Ruben Balane and Dean Martin Magallona, at
Prov Rem Rule 66 (QW) Fulltext Page 10 of 25
bottom, have expressed similar views. The thesis of petitioner, 1954, in the absence of any other evidence, could have well
unfortunately hinging solely on pure obiter dicta, should indeed fail. been his place of residence before death, such that Lorenzo
Pou would have benefited from the "en masse Filipinization"
Where jurisprudence regarded an illegitimate child as taking after the that the Philippine Bill had effected in 1902. That citizenship
citizenship of its mother, it did so for the benefit the child. It was to (of Lorenzo Pou), if acquired, would thereby extend to his
ensure a Filipino nationality for the illegitimate child of an alien father son, Allan F. Poe, father of respondent FPJ. The 1935
in line with the assumption that the mother had custody, would Constitution, during which regime respondent FPJ has seen
exercise parental authority and had the duty to support her first light, confers citizenship to all persons whose fathers are
illegitimate child. It was to help the child, not to prejudice or Filipino citizens regardless of whether such children are
discriminate against him. legitimate or illegitimate.
The fact of the matter – perhaps the most significant consideration – (4) But while the totality of the evidence may not establish
is that the 1935 Constitution, the fundamental law prevailing on the conclusively that respondent FPJ is a natural-born citizen of
day, month and year of birth of respondent FPJ, can never be more the Philippines, the evidence on hand still would
explicit than it is. Providing neither conditions nor distinctions, the preponderate in his favor enough to hold that he cannot be
Constitution states that among the citizens of the Philippines are held guilty of having made a material misrepresentation in
"those whose fathers are citizens of the Philippines." There utterly is his certificate of candidacy in violation of Section 78, in
no cogent justification to prescribe conditions or distinctions where relation to Section 74, of the Omnibus Election Code.
there clearly are none provided. Petitioner has utterly failed to substantiate his case before
the Court, notwithstanding the ample opportunity given to
the parties to present their position and evidence, and to
In Sum –
prove whether or not there has been material
misrepresentation, which, as so ruled in Romualdez-Marcos
(1) The Court, in the exercise of its power of judicial review, vs. COMELEC,48 must not only be material, but also
possesses jurisdiction over the petition in G. R. No. 161824, deliberate and willful.
filed under Rule 64, in relation to Rule 65, of the Revised
Rules of Civil Procedure. G.R. No. 161824 assails the
resolution of the COMELEC for alleged grave abuse of
discretion in dismissing, for lack of merit, the petition in SPA
No. 04-003 which has prayed for the disqualification of 1. G. R. No. 161434, entitled "Maria Jeanette C. Tecson and
respondent FPJ from running for the position of President in Felix B. Desiderio, Jr., Petitioners, versus Commission on
the 10th May 2004 national elections on the contention that Elections, Ronald Allan Kelley Poe (a.k.a. "Fernando Poe, Jr.,)
FPJ has committed material representation in his certificate and Victorino X. Fornier, Respondents," and G. R. No.
of candidacy by representing himself to be a natural-born 161634, entitled "Zoilo Antonio Velez, Petitioner, versus
citizen of the Philippines. Ronald Allan Kelley Poe, a.k.a. Fernando Poe, Jr.,
Respondent," for want of jurisdiction.
(2) The Court must dismiss, for lack of jurisdiction and
prematurity, the petitions in G. R. No. 161434 and No. 2. G. R. No. 161824, entitled "Victorino X. Fornier, Petitioner,
161634 both having been directly elevated to this Court in versus Hon. Commission on Elections and Ronald Allan
the latter’s capacity as the only tribunal to resolve a Kelley Poe, also known as Fernando Poe, Jr.," for failure to
presidential and vice-presidential election contest under the show grave abuse of discretion on the part of respondent
Constitution. Evidently, the primary jurisdiction of the Court Commission on Elections in dismissing the petition in SPA
can directly be invoked only after, not before, the elections No. 04-003.
are held.
No Costs.
(3) In ascertaining, in G.R. No. 161824, whether grave abuse
of discretion has been committed by the COMELEC, it is SO ORDERED.
necessary to take on the matter of whether or not
respondent FPJ is a natural-born citizen, which, in turn, #3 G.R. No. 162272 April 7, 2009
depended on whether or not the father of respondent, Allan
F. Poe, would have himself been a Filipino citizen and, in the
affirmative, whether or not the alleged illegitimacy of
respondent prevents him from taking after the Filipino
citizenship of his putative father. Any conclusion on the
Filipino citizenship of Lorenzo Pou could only be drawn from
the presumption that having died in 1954 at 84 years old,
Lorenzo would have been born sometime in the year 1870, DECISION
when the Philippines was under Spanish rule, and that San
Carlos, Pangasinan, his place of residence upon his death in TINGA, J.:
Prov Rem Rule 66 (QW) Fulltext Page 11 of 25
Does the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) have unable to enjoy the benefits being offered by a publicly listed
jurisdiction over complaints seeking the cancellation of certificates of company."10 He thus prayed for the cancellation of all the Provisional
public convenience (CPCs) and other licenses it had issued to the Authorities or CPCs of PBS and CBS on account of the alleged violation
holders of duly-issued legislative franchises on the ground that the of the conditions set therein, as well as in its legislative franchises.11
franchisees had violated the terms of their franchises? The Court, in
resolving that question, takes the opportunity to elaborate on the On 1 August 2000, the NTC issued a consolidated decision dismissing
dynamic behind the regulation of broadcast media in the Philippines, both complaints.12 While the NTC posited that it had full jurisdiction
particularly the interrelationship between the twin franchise and to revoke or cancel a Provisional Authority or CPC for violations or
licensing requirements. infractions of the terms and conditions embodied therein,13 it held
that the complaints actually constituted collateral attacks on the
I. legislative franchises of PBS and CBS since the sole issue for
determination was whether the franchisees had violated the mandate
Respondents Consolidated Broadcasting System, Inc. (CBS) and to democratize ownership in their respective legislative franchises. The
People’s Broadcasting Service, Inc. (PBS) were incorporated in 1961 NTC ruled that it was not competent to render a ruling on that issue,
and 1965, respectively. Both are involved in the operation of radio the same being more properly the subject of an action for quo
broadcasting services in the Philippines, they being the grantees of warranto to be commenced by the Solicitor General in the name of
legislative franchises by virtue of two laws, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7477 the Republic of the Philippines, pursuant to Rule 66 of the Rules of
and R.A. No. 7582. R.A. No. 7477, enacted on 5 May 1992, granted PBS Court.14
a legislative franchise to construct, install, maintain and operate radio
and television stations within the Philippines for a period of 25 years. After the NTC had denied Divinagracia’s motion for
R.A. No. 7582, enacted on 27 May 1992, extended CBS’s previous reconsideration,15 he filed a petition for review under Rule 43 of the
legislative franchise1 to operate radio stations for another 25 years. Rules of Court with the Court of Appeals.16 On 18 February 2004, the
The CBS and PBS radio networks are two of the three networks that Court of Appeals rendered a decision17upholding the NTC. The
comprise the well-known "Bombo Radyo Philippines."2 appellate court agreed with the earlier conclusion that the complaints
were indeed a collateral attack on the legislative franchises of CBS and
Section 9 of R.A. No. 7477 and Section 3 of R.A. No. 7582 contain a PBS and that a quo warranto action was the proper mode to thresh
common provision predicated on the "constitutional mandate to out the issues raised in the complaints.
democratize ownership of public utilities."3 The common provision
states: Hence this petition, which submits as the principal issue, whether the
NTC, with its retinue of regulatory powers, is powerless to cancel
SEC. 9. Democratization of ownership.― In compliance with the Provisional Authorities and Certificates of Public Convenience it issued
constitutional mandate to democratize ownership of public utilities, to legislative franchise-holders. That central issue devolves into
the herein grantee shall make public offering through the stock several narrower arguments, some of which hinge on the authority of
exchanges of at least thirty percent (30%) of its common stocks within the NTC to cancel the very Provisional Authorities and CPCs which it
a period of three (3) years from the date of effectivity of this Act: is empowered to issue, as distinguished from the legislative franchise
Provided, That no single person or entity shall be allowed to own more itself, the cancellation of which Divinagracia points out was not the
than five percent (5%) of the stock offerings.4 relief he had sought from the NTC. Questions are raised as to whether
the complaints did actually constitute a collateral attack on the
legislative franchises.
It further appears that following the enactment of these franchise laws,
the NTC issued four (4) Provisional Authorities to PBS and six (6)
Provisional Authorities to CBS, allowing them to install, operate and Yet this case ultimately rests to a large degree on fundamentals.
maintain various AM and FM broadcast stations in various locations Divinagracia’s case rotates on the singular thesis that the NTC has the
throughout the nation.5 These Provisional Authorities were issued power to cancel Provisional Authorities and CPCs, or in effect, the
between 1993 to 1998, or after the enactment of R.A. No. 7477 and power to cancel the licenses that allow broadcast stations to operate.
R.A. No. 7582. The NTC, in its assailed Decision, expressly admits that it has such
power even as it refrained from exercising the same.18 The Court has
yet to engage in a deep inquiry into the question of whether the NTC
Petitioner Santiago C. Divinagracia6 filed two complaints both dated 1
has the power to cancel the operating licenses of entities to whom
March 1999 with the NTC, respectively lodged against PBS 7 and
Congress has issued franchises to operate broadcast stations,
CBS.8 He alleged that he was "the actual and beneficial owner of
especially on account of an alleged violation of the terms of their
Twelve percent (12%) of the shares of stock" of PBS and CBS
franchises. This is the opportune time to examine the issue.
separately,9 and that despite the provisions in R.A. No. 7477 and R.A.
No. 7582 mandating the public offering of at least 30% of the common
stocks of PBS and CBS, both entities had failed to make such offering. II.
Thus, Divinagracia commonly argued in his complaints that the failure
on the part of PBS and CBS "to comply with the mandate of their To fully understand the scope and dimensions of the regulatory realm
legislative franchise is a misuse of the franchise conferred upon it by of the NTC, it is essential to review the legal background of the
law and it continues to exercise its franchise in contravention of the regulation process. As operative fact, any person or enterprise which
law to the detriment of the general public and of complainant who are wishes to operate a broadcast radio or television station in the
A few years later, President Marcos promulgated Executive Order k. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed by law.
(E.O.) No. 546, establishing among others the National
Telecommunications Commission. Section 15 thereof enumerates the
These enactments were considered when in 2003 the Court
various functions of the NTC.
definitively resolved that the operation of a radio or television station
does require a congressional franchise. In Associated Communications
Section 15. Functions of the Commission.― The Commission shall & Wireless Services v. NTC,35 the Court took note of the confusion
exercise the following functions: then within the broadcast industry as to whether the franchise
requirement first ordained in the 1931 Radio Control Act remained
a. Issue Certificate of Public Convenience for the operation extant given the enactment of P.D. No. 576-A in 1974 and E.O. No. 546
of communications utilities and services, radio in 1979. Notably, neither law had specifically required legislative
communications systems, wire or wireless telephone or franchises for the operation of broadcast stations. Nonetheless, the
telegraph systems, radio and television broadcasting system Court noted that Section 1 of P.D. No. 576-A had expressly referred to
and other similar public utilities; the franchise requirement in stating that "[n]o radio station or
television channel may obtain a franchise unless it has sufficient
b. Establish, prescribe and regulate areas of operation of capital on the basis of equity for its operation for at least one year…
particular operators of public service communications; and ."36 Section 6 of that law made a similar reference to the franchise
determine and prescribe charges or rates pertinent to the requirement.37 From those references, the Court concluded that the
operation of such public utility facilities and services except franchise requirement under the Radio Control Act was not repealed
in cases where charges or rates are established by by P.D. No. 576-A.38
international bodies or associations of which the Philippines
is a participating member or by bodies recognized by the Turning to E.O. No. 546, the Court arrived at a similar conclusion,
Philippine Government as the proper arbiter of such charges despite a Department of Justice Opinion stating that the 1979
or rates; enactment had dispensed with the congressional franchise
An important proviso is stipulated in the legislative franchises, Now, we shall tackle jointly whether a law or policy allowing the NTC
particularly under Section 5 of R.A. No. 7477 and Section 3 of R.A. No. to cancel CPCs or licenses is to be narrowly tailored to achieve that
7582, in relation to Section 11 of R.A. No. 3902. requisite compelling State goal or interest, and whether such a law or
policy is the least restrictive means for achieving that interest. We
Section 5. Right of Government. ― A special right is hereby reserved addressed earlier the difficulty of envisioning the compelling State
to the President of the Philippines, in times of rebellion, public peril, interest in granting the NTC such authority. But let us assume for
calamity, emergency, disaster or disturbance of peace and order, to argument’s sake, that relieving the injury complained off by petitioner
temporarily take over and operate the stations of the grantee, – the failure of private respondents to open up ownership through the
temporarily suspend the operation of any stations in the interest of initial public offering mandated by law – is a compelling enough State
public safety, security and public welfare, or authorize the temporary interest to allow the NTC to extend consequences by canceling the
use and operation thereof by any agency of the Government, upon licenses or CPCs of the erring franchisee.
due compensation to the grantee, for the use of said stations during
the period when they shall be so operated. There is in fact a more appropriate, more narrowly-tailored and least
restrictive remedy that is afforded by the law. Such remedy is that
Still, the Court sees all benefit and no detriment in striking this blow The provincial governor shall receive and investigate
in favor of free expression and of the press. While the ability of the complaints against municipal officers for neglect of duty,
State to broadly regulate broadcast media is ultimately dictated by oppression, corruption, or other form of maladministration
physics, regulation with a light touch evokes a democracy mature in office. for minor delinquency he may reprimand the
enough to withstand competing viewpoints and tastes. Perhaps offender; and if a more severe punishment seems to be
unwittingly, the position advocated by petitioner curdles a most vital desirable, he shall submit written charges touching the
sector of the press – broadcast media – within the heavy hand of the matter to the provincial board, and he may in such case
State. The argument is not warranted by law, and it betrays the suspend the officer (not being the municipal treasurer)
constitutional expectations on this Court to assert lines not drawn and pending action by the board, if in his opinion the charge be
connect the dots around throats that are free to speak. one affecting the official integrity of the officer in question.
Where suspension is thus effected, the written charges
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. No pronouncement as against the officer shall be filed with the board within ten
to costs. days.
The suspension of an officer pending his trial for In speaking of the statute and the purpose of this particular
misconduct, so as to tie his hands for the time being, seems provision the Supreme Court of the State said: "The duty of
to be universally accepted as fair, and often necessary. . . . suspension was imposed upon the Governor from the
Notice and hearing are not prerequisite to suspension unless highest motives of public policy to prevent the danger to the
required by statute and therefore suspension without such public interests which might arise from leaving such great
notice does not deprive the officer of property without due powers and responsibilities in the hands of men legally
process of law. Nor is a suspension wanting in due process disqualified. To leave them in full charge of their office until
of law or a denial of the equal protection of the laws because the next biennial session of the legislature, or pending
the evidence against the officer is not produced and he is litigation which might be continued for year, would destroy
not given an opportunity to confront his accusers and cross- the very object of the law. As the Governor was, therefore,
examine the witnesses.lawph! by the very and spirit of the law, required to act and act
promptly, necessarily upon his own findings of fact, we are
The case to support the first sentence in the above enunciation of the compelled to hold that such official action was, under the
rule is State vs. Megaarden (85 Minn., 41), which in turn is predicated circumstances, due process of law. Even if it were proper, the
on State vs. Peterson ([1892], 50 Minn., 239). In a discussion of the Governor would have no power to direct an issue like a
subject more general than specific, it was said: chancellor."
The safety of the state, which is the highest law, imperatively The highest court of the State has held that this statue was
requires the suspension, pending his trial, of a public officer, not a violation of the constitution of the State; that the
— especially a custodian of public funds, — charged with hearing before the Governor was sufficient; that the office
malfeasance or nonfeasance in office. Suspension does not was substantially an administrative one, although the
remove the officer, but merely prevents him, for the time commission was designed by a statute subsequent to that
being, from performing the functions of his office; and from which created it, a court of record; that the officer taking
the very necessities of the case must precede a trial or office under the statute was bound to take it on the terms
hearing. Such temporary suspension without previous provided for therein; that he was lawfully suspended from
hearing is fully in accordance with the analogies of the law. office; and that he was not entitled to a trial by jury upon the
It is a constitutional principle that no person shall be hearing of this case in the trial court. As a result the court
deprived of his liberty or property except by due process of held that the defendant had not been deprived of his
law, which includes notice and a hearing, yet it was never property without due process of law, nor had he been
claimed that in criminal procedure a person could not be denied the equal protection of the laws.
arrested and deprived of his liberty until a trial could
reasonably be had, or that in civil actions ex parte and xxx xxx xxx
temporary injunctions might not be issued and retained in
proper case, until a trial could be had, and the rights of the We are of opinion the plaintiff in error was not deprived of
parties determined. We have no doubt, therefore, of the any right guaranteed to him by the Federal Constitution, by
authority of the legislature to vest the governor with power reason of the proceedings before the Governor under the
to temporarily suspend a county treasurer pending the statute above mentioned, and resulting in his suspension
investigation of the charges against him, of official from office.
The procedure was in accordance with the constitution and
The case cited by the editors of Ruling Case Law as authority for their laws of the State. It was taken under a valid statute creating
second sentence is that of Griner vs. Thomas ([1907], 101 Texas, 36; 16 a state office in a constitutional manner, as the state court
Ann. Cas., 944). The holding of the court here was that it is within the has held. What kind and how much of a hearing the officer
power of the legislature to authorize the temporary suspension of a should have before suspension by the Governor was a
public officer during the pendency of valid proceedings to remove matter for the state legislature to determine, having regard
such officer and as an incident to such proceedings, notwithstanding to the constitution of the State. (There can also be cited as
the fact that the constitution has given power to remove such officer supporting authority State ex rel. Wendling vs. Board of
only for cause and after a hearing. Notice and hearing are not Police and Fire Commissioners [1915], 159 Wis., 295;
preprequisites to the suspension of a public officer under a statute Sumpter vs. State {1906], 81 Ark., 60; Gray vs. McLendon
which does not provide for such notice and hearing. [1901], 134 Ga., 224; State vs. Police Commissioners, 16 Mo.
App., 947; Preston vs. City of Chicago [1910], 246 III., 26; and
The third case cited by Ruling Case Law comes from the United States People vs. Draper [1910], 124 N.Y.S., 758, where it was held
Supreme Court. (Wilson vs. North Carolina [1897], 169 U.S, 586.) An that the legislature has the right to authorize an officer to
examination of the decision, however, shows that while it tends to
An action for quo warranto under Rule 66 of the Rules of Court may
be filed against one who usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or
exercises a public office.11 It may be brought by the Republic of the
Philippines or by the person claiming to be entitled to such office.12 In
this case, it was Del Castillo who filed the action, claiming that he was
entitled as a matter of right to reassume the position of GHQ Chief
Accountant after his preventive suspension ended on March 11, 2007.
He argues that, assuming his reassignment to the PAF Accounting
Center was valid, the same could not exceed one year. Since his detail
at the PAF took effect under SO 91 on April 1, 2006, it could last not
later than March 31, 2007. By then, Moro should have allowed him to
return to his previous posting as GHQ Chief Accountant.
But, the Lapid case has already been superseded by In the Matter to
Declare in Contempt of Court Hon. Simeon A. Datumanong, Secretary
of DPWH.14 The Court held in Datumanong that Section 7, Rule III of
Administrative Order 7, as amended by Administrative Order
17,15 clearly provides that an appeal shall not stop a decision of the
Ombudsman from being executory. The Court later reiterated this
ruling in Office of the Ombudsman v. Court of Appeals.16
Prov Rem Rule 66 (QW) Fulltext Page 25 of 25